#which works out because I'm bad at flirty dialogue
unseelie-grimalkin · 2 years
I'm going for gold, lads, lasses, and other gendered classes!
Do you like visual novels? Do you like stories about the fey? Do you like your entertainment as EDUTAINMENT?
The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) is a lore-rich and choice-driven romantic visual novel inspired by Irish mythology. Play as an Irish tenant farmer from the mid-19th century, whose path becomes inexplicably entwined with fairy affairs after getting robbed by the roadside and lured into the mythic and war-torn world of Tír na nÓg: A once unified land, now divided into the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Will you escape with your stolen belongings? Or does fate have something else in mind?
6 wonderful romantic/PLATONIC options (each love interest can be pursued entirely platonically)
a visual novel whose philosophy is less on anxiety-inducing, arbitrary choices to get a good or bad ending, but instead focuses on if you, the player, are interacting with a character in a healthy or unhealthy manner, leading to player freedom and choice
intelligent and reflective writing that is reflected within character moments and dialogue
and MORE! (so much more!)
Here is the bio link, which has links for the indie developers' social media accounts (Tumblr, Twitter, Discord Server) along with the link to their official website, which has a deep dive into every main NPC and the philosophy of the game. The demo is out now and free on both Steam and Itch.io
(As an official statement: I am in no way employed or affiliated with Moirai Myths and I was not approached in any way to make this post. This is me being a feral fan on main, blazing this post)
They’re doing voice acting reveals this month, along with an early bird special to see blushing/flirty emotes!
WE HAVE REACHED FULL FUNDING WITH THE GAME! Which is excellent, because it means that my little hyperfixation is gonna be made!
It would be very nice if we could reach some of the stretch goals (which go into depth here: x). Not only are they fun (MC customization, a switch port, expanded voice-over work, more sprites, mini-games, side stories), but I think they'd spark a lot of serotonin for folks playing (myself included).
If this post has interested you at all, please, please, please check out the Kickstarter above! Thank you!
Since this is still getting notes beyond my wildest dreams:
Hello! It's been a while! The Kickstarter ended a bit ago (I did not update this post when it did end, due to being ecstatic to how much the project managed to get: 130% funding!), but development is ongoing and strong! The first two routes are in development right now. Please keep tuned at @moiraimyths for official development updates!
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lemotmo · 2 months
Question and answer. Their fight is clinging to life right now.
Q. I just don't understand how you could have liked Tommy so much after episode 4 and still refuse to admit that the reason you don't like him now is because you don't like Lou. Tommy changed after episode 4 because their relationship changed. It got more serious as the season went on and we saw Buck change and grow as that relationship grew. He even took back his name as a result of his relationship with Tommy. The show has shown Tommy to be supportive, encouraging, protective and funny. Just because we didn't see specific scenes showing all of those things doesn't mean that the show isn't implying they don't exist. Oliver and Lou don't have the same comfort level of Oliver and Ryan no one cares. Who cares if Oliver doesn't like him? I don't. It's his job to show up and act professional.
A. Okay I'm going to answer your question, but I'm going to get very real with you very quickly. I am not the place for any of your reclaiming his name bullshit. That is not what he did. That is not at all what the Evan thing is about. You know that, and I'm not going to humor your ridiculous attempt to claim otherwise. As for the rest of your ask, where exactly was it shown that their relationship was serious? What episode was that? And did you really say just because the show didn't show us specific scenes of Tommy being the perfect boyfriend doesn't mean they're not implying those qualities are there? What scenes implied those qualities? I'm going to go through this in a very simple way because you seem to be struggling with everything.
My opinion of Tommy changed because the show wanted it to change. We now basically have confirmation that episodes 7 through 10 were rewrites, and the scripts were rewritten, hastily, during the winter break. Tim has all but confirmed that at this point. Their filming schedule also confirms this. They were filming the next episode the week the current episode was airing. Which means the new scripts were written AFTER episodes 4 and 5 aired. Meaning Tim and the writers knew you all liked Tommy. They had that knowledge going into the rewrites. They didn't give him a scene where Buck talks to him about his feelings regarding the name Evan, the audience knows how Buck feels about that name. The show would have absolutely given the audience that scene. The show didn't give him a scene where he comforts Buck during the whole Bobby ordeal. Tommy had one scene in the finale it could have easily been at the hospital. In fact it would have been easier if it had been at the hospital. Instead they went out of their way to work in a deliberately awkward scene. The show didn't write anything for him that was comforting, encouraging, protective or funny. What the show wrote for him was:
"They had Henley's in the 80's"
"Enjoy it while it lasts"
" I certainly hope so" (when Buck asked him if he thought he had daddy issues) and even Tim has long since stopped trying to pass this off as flirty.
I didn't invent that dialogue. It didn't come from a cameo video or a headcanon. The show gave him that dialogue. That dialogue is his canon character. Nothing about any of that is charming as Buck's boyfriend. I have said repeatedly that they're not writing him as a BAD guy. They're writing him as a bad FIT for Buck. And that's okay! You can still like him! You can headcanon the relationship as something else entirely, that's your prerogative, but the show's writing is very clear. I'm following the writing. As for Lou, I am an adult. This would not be the first show I've watched where I didn't like a particular actor/actress. I find Lou gross. I don't deny or pretend otherwise. But I can separate Tommy from him for the sake of the show. That's called compartmentalizing. That's what adults can do. None of this is difficult for me because I'm following the show's lead. You all are the ones killing yourselves trying to force a narrative that doesn't exist. I will also take this time to point out something that was a first this season. This was the first season in the history of the series where Buck had no storyline. Buck had one episode of plot the entire season and it was episode 4. The entire rest of the season for Buck was spent in Eddie's storyline. Not scenes with Tommy. Not scenes building up that serious relationship you speak of. His entire character purpose this season was spent in the Eddie storyline. You cannot build up an outside relationship when you're doubling down on the Buddie aspect. And the show spent the entire season doubling down on that pairing. For better or worse, whether you like it or not, every single partner Buck or Eddie have will be compared to their relationship with each other. And the show puts zero effort into any of their other relationships. Anna was clearly supposed to be Eddie's realization relationship but when Kristen scrapped that she ended up just being awkward as hell. Marisol didn't even have a last name. The only thing we were ever told about Natalia was her fascination with death. Tommy has been no different. The show gave the bare minimum required to indicate that he doesn't fit Buck. His entire dialogue , minimal as it was, this season was dedicated to highlighting that. And that has always been the problem. The show isn't interested in building any relationship for Buck or Eddie outside of each other. And if they were going to do it this was the season to do it. Brand new network, new expectations and a fresh start. And instead they doubled down on them. And in fact made more effort to highlight and showcase their connection. I didn't get that from a cameo or headcanon either. The actual canon scenes told us that. They didn't give Buck a storyline this season so his scenes could be used entirely for Eddie. He wasn't used off screen with Tommy he was used on screen with Eddie. It was a deliberate choice.
As for Oliver, you all are the ones who keep bringing up that Oliver and Lou don't appear to be close. If you didn't care you wouldn't keep bringing it up. They're not required to be close. And we have no actual proof that they outright dislike one another. What we know is they're clearly not comfortable with one another. And there could be many reasons for that. I doubt, given what we know of Oliver, and what we learned about Lou this year, that they have much of anything in common. It's hard to bond when you have nothing in common to bond over. There is also no way anyone involved with the show, outside of Lou, didn't have a problem with what the cameo videos created. They were a completely avoidable mess. A mess that Lou openly encouraged until he could no longer financially benefit from interacting with those people. And Oliver is a professional. He has never shown anything other than completely respectable, professional behavior. But please don't interpret that as him not having a say because he very much does. But I doubt he spends any amount of time worrying about what your opinion of him is. Unlike some he doesn't have to pay for validation.
All right, I have another OP truth bomb for you guys. Thanks once again to the kind Nonny who sends these to me.
I won't add anything to this one, because I think all that needs to be said is explained so beautifully in this post.
So enjoy!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting these anon OP updates instead of reblogging. Don't get mad at me. There is a reason for it and it's all done with consent from the OP. You can find out more about that here.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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bringbacktim · 9 months
sebastian vettel x reader where y/n comforts him after his difficult time in ferrari. fluff to smut maybe hehe x
Red to green
Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted , I got carried away with the dialogue as I usually do , it does have a sexual ending but not quite smut as I just wanted to get this out
Not edited or proofread
Warnings: mentions of sex and sexual things , sad seb ig , probably incorrect use of German words , a crap ton of dialogue
Wc:738 words
You're replacing Checo at force India and I had to find out through the f1 Instagram page" Y/n asked storming into the room where her husband sebastian was
"It's Aston Martin now , but yes I am" he said not daring to move out of his chair as she seemed calmer than she should be and he was scared she was going to try and hurt him if he got up
" Still doesn't answer the question of why you didn't tell me you're own wife" she said crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at him waiting for his answer
" I didn't want to tell you Schatz because of how bad my ferrari season went , if I told you everything would've went bad" he explained hoping for sympathy
" I thought I was your good luck charm though?" She fake pouted and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she sat sideways on his lap
"Don't give me that face , you know what I meant leibling" he laughed
" It's just like when you start dating someone so you don't tell anyone cause once you do they start to not like you anymore , I get it seb. I just wish someone atleast told me so I could've stopped buying ferrari merch"
"You look so good in red though" he teased as he traced up and down her arm ( I literally don't know how you describe it )
"Flattery will get you very far with me mr.vettel" she tried not to cringe as she said that but with of them both laughed
"You can go back to being mad with me how" he told her as he gave her a flirty push
"Well daniil isn't there anymore so you don't have to fight him , but bottas is and he did basically cost you the championship lead , but I'm sure you'll do great" y/n said holding his face and kissing his cheek
"Such kind words , you forgot when me and Lewis had contact in Belgium 2018 and I dropped to the back of the grid" he said looking sad at remembering the memory
"Didn't want to bring that one up since lewis is becoming a bit more of a madman when it comes to having contact with people"
As sebastian sat looking like a kicked puppy Y/n couldn't help but feel bad I mean she did bring up some of the bad things that had happened while seb was in ferrari but she was trying to uplift him in a joking manner , which clearly hadn't worked.
He assured her he was fine but even stevie wonder could see he was anything but .
Y/n tried to mention some highlights in his career like his red bull prime, but seb would just hit back with two other mistakes that happened whilst he was in ferrari as if everything bad that happened was his fault
"You know not everything is always your fault right? You tried your best in ferrari but it wasn't the right fit for you and that's okay"
"But ferrari is one of the best teams in the world and I was terrible, Charles even outnumbered me in Japan" her husband answered head in his hands
"Thats not the end of the world , you even said yourself that charles has a gift and Japan is only one race so why does it matter. Plus I wasn't there to give you any of my good luck"
"So it was your fault I did so bad?" He questioned half a grin showing
"I guess so yes all the bad things we're all my fault" she said with a michevous twinkle in her eye hoping they were on the same page
"Oh yeah ? Guess we're going to have to do something about that then aren't we" oh they were definitely on the same page , same sentence even
"What're you going to do ? Punish me for being so bad or something?" Y/n said stading up and walking slowly backwards towards the stairs that lead to their room
"Don't start something you can't finish" he warned stalking after her
"We both know I can make you finish, just depends where you want to" she giggled as she increased the speed she was walking at as he was hot on her heels
He only ever mentioned his sad ferrari memories after that if he wanted to either annoy his wife or get some
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay next in the daily chat series is this one featuring Leviathan!
"But CC," you may be saying, "didn't you already post a daily chat story with Levi?"
Yes, I did a while ago. But then I deleted it. So if you saw that and were confused, I'm sorry! The problem is Levi lol. No, but seriously, I didn't like how that story turned out, so I decided to delete it and try again with a different chat. I find I sometimes have trouble writing Levi's character and honestly I think it's because his anxiety really hits close to home?? I mean, in the game, it's really not that bad. He just gets nervous sometimes when MC gets romantic and out in crowds of normies lol. But I've been dealing with anxiety (social anxiety specifically) for my entire life, so I tend to overthink it when I write a character with a similar affliction. I think I write the character's anxiety more like my own, which makes it feel too OOC to me. BUT I think I did okay this time, so here it is, attempt number two!
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: none!
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LEVIATHAN: Where did I go wrong? For Memory Kiss 2. Ugh, I got the bad ending.
MC: Want to replay it together?
LEVIATHAN: Sure! I just need Suzu-chan's happy ending… … and Shiro-chan's true ending. When you come, bring some drinks. Thanks!
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It had all been going just fine. You had brought a few cans of devil crush super spicy mango juice to Levi's room. He had already started up the game Memory Kiss 2, prepared to play through it with you.
You just hadn't anticipated how awkward playing a dating sim together had the potential to be. Now you were sitting next to Levi on the floor of his room, blushing to your roots as the character on the screen swooned at one of your suggested dialogue options. You were both surprised that this option had worked.
Moments ago, Levi had expressed his doubt about it. "That line's just too flirty!" he said. "Suzu-chan will probably be offended that you're being so bold!"
"No way," you disagreed. "It's a great line."
"Why do you think that?" Levi asked.
"It would work on me," you said.
Levi had spluttered at you, unable to respond properly to this revelation. Despite his anxiety at what you just said, he managed to choose the dialogue option in question.
You both watch in stunned silence as Suzu-chan reacted with a multitude of little hearts.
You were embarrassed now because you actually thought Levi was right. It was an overly flirty option. But sometimes it was nice to hear something bold, something that left no room for uncertainty, something that indicated the person you were talking to wasn't just slightly interested, but actually wanted you.
The fact that this video game character seemed to agree with that assessment was pretty embarrassing.
"Y-you were right," Levi managed to say.
You cleared your throat and tried to brush it off. "Of course I was right," you said.
Levi put down his controller. He wouldn't look at you. "B-but you're nothing like Suzu-chan," he said. "And you said…"
"I know what I said," you interrupted, mostly because you didn't think you could stand it if he repeated what you had said. "Suzu-chan is a video game character, Levi. She has a programmed personality. Real people are more complicated. And I… well, I…"
Levi turned to you suddenly, grabbing both of your hands and squeezing them. He still couldn't quite look you in the eye. "Do you want me to start staying stuff like that? This sort of… Asmo-like stuff?!"
You laughed. "I don't know if I could take you seriously if you tried doing that."
Levi drooped a little. "Yeah, it would be more funny than anything, huh?"
"I just want you to be yourself, Levi," you said, watching him smile and blush at this comment.
You let go of his hands and picked up the controller. You had a feeling about what was coming next in the game, so you pressed through some of the remaining dialogue until a new set of options came up.
You selected one of the options, letting the game highlight it without actually choosing it yet. You put the controller back in Levi's hands.
"I want this from you far more than any flirty line," you said softly into his ear, leaning in close to him.
Levi froze at first, his eyes on the screen. You had highlighted the option that said only kiss me.
But then he seemed to gather up his confidence. He hit the button on the controller, choosing to kiss the character, who reacted with a sweet little kiss sound. But Levi wasn't looking at the screen anymore. The controller was abandoned on the floor as his arms circled around your waist, pulling you close.
You could tell that he was still nervous - a slight shake in his touch, the light blush on his cheeks, the way he kept his eyes closed - but he still leaned in to press his lips to yours.
Levi always started off timid, but with a little encouragement, he lost himself enough to let go of that anxiety. So you kissed him back, putting your arms around him and clutching onto his shirt as you pulled him closer to you.
Sure enough, this was all Levi needed. His response was to become needy, arms tightening around you, his movements more desperate, even a gentle nip at your bottom lip.
You pulled away just enough to whisper in his ear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to distract you like this. What about the game?"
Levi made a low noise in his throat, half groan, half growl. "MC, for once I don't care about the game. Right now, real life is way better."
You laughed because this actually meant a lot coming from Levi. You kissed him again and he was ready for you, both of you losing yourselves in each other while Suzu-chan displayed on the screen, forgotten.
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others in this series:
Mammon | Barbatos | Solomon | Lucifer | Simeon
Asmodeus | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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buttercupjosh · 10 months
The Journey of Loving You
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(Gif credit to @mattymartin)
Word count: 4,376
Genres: strangers to lovers, fluff
Warnings: none
A/N: I've had pieces of details of this fic in mind for a few months and I had a difficult time figuring out who to write it with so I ended up choosing to give Josty another fic. It is not intended to be a sequel to star-crossed (which you still read and check out and if you want this to be a sequel to that, you can interpret it that way). It did take me awhile to get this fic done because I decided to write other stories before completing this one. This story is based off of the songs “Not a Bad Thing” and “Mirrors”, both by Justin Timberlake and the title is something I came up with. It did take me awhile to get this fic done because I decided to write other stories before completing this one. I also have a bunch of other songs linked throughout the story and I highly recommend listening to them when you come across them during reading. It’s not set at a specific moment in time (It's taking place in a fictional future but you could also say that it's set in the future and this season. However, the season is still ongoing at the moment and anything can happen or change so don't hold me to what occurs in the fic and if things do change (ex. Tyson goes to another team), I'm not going to update this fic to reflect that). It’s written with a female reader in mind because I’m a female of color but the reader doesn’t specifically have to be a POC or a woman and there’s little dialogue. As always, I’m open to any and all feedback, comments or questions; just put them in my inbox or dm me. Thank you so much in advance for reading, I appreciate it😌
(P.S. I have other stories (linked here) that I have written for other players as well if you want to check it out)
“I want it all with you and if I'm coming on too strong, it's 'cause I've waited far too long for someone just like you” -“Share Your Address” by Ben Platt
In your role as the social media manager for the Buffalo Bills, you got to interact and meet with many different types of people. You would have never imagined that something as simple as doing your job would lead you to meet the love of your life. During the Bills season, some of the Buffalo Sabres players had come by to watch a game and you were responsible for capturing their experience at the game. Through mutual connections in the industry, you knew the social media manager for the Sabres but you only watched hockey occasionally. Before the game started, the guys were given a tour of Highmark Stadium and you were trailing around as the guys made their way around your workplace. Throughout their time there, you had noticed that a particular curly-haired hockey forward named Tyson Jost kept being close to you; as one of the few single guys left on the team, his teammates were shifting around and nudging him to talk to you. Tyson walked at a much slower pace to keep up with you instead of with the guys. He asked you a lot of questions and it was a bit odd to you that Tyson was more interested in paying attention to you than the football stadium tour was occurring. Tyson seemed curious about you, which you thought was cute, but you couldn’t quite be as flirty with him on the clock. The tour was only for an hour and concluded at the sidelines before the game officially started. You still had a lot of work to do since it was gameday so before going back to your office to review the content you acquired and what the team photographers captured, you discreetly exchanged numbers with Tyson to talk to him later on. During half-time, you checked your phone quickly and saw a text from Tyson that read “Thanks for answering all of my questions back there, I appreciate it. Can I ask you some more over coffee sometime?”. You were slightly taken aback by him asking you out so soon but you weren’t going to let that opportunity slip away so you agreed to go out with Tyson. 
On your first official date, Tyson forgot to bring flowers because he was nervous. You didn’t mind that he forgot and understood his nervousness. Over drinks and pastries from Five Points Bakery, Tyson asked you a lot of questions because he was so enamored by you and you got to ask him a lot of questions in return: you even made each other laugh a few times. The conversation flowed so easily and effortlessly from topic to topic. As you chatted, for some reason, it felt like you had known each other for so much longer. The time that you spent together went by so fast that you ended up closing the bakery. Neither you nor Tyson wanted the date to be over so you ended up strolling around the leaf-riddled streets of Buffalo, making a stop for some additional fun at Lock and Key Escape Room and popping into Mythos for a last-minute dinner date. After dinner concluded, you mutually agreed to call it a night. You learned a lot about each other in the hours that you spent together that day. By the time the date officially ended, all Tyson had wanted was to see you again the following day and whatever days he could after that; you felt the same way. He walked you to your car and before going your separate ways, you shared a long goodbye embrace; a kiss would be saved for the next date. Speaking of which, on your next date, Tyson brought you flowers for the first time, and for the rest of your relationship, he would never forget to get them for you ever again. 
With the both of you working in sports, your schedule was never really consistent but despite that, you and Tyson still kept in constant contact and made time for each other whenever you could. You would go to some of Tyson’s games and some team events and Tyson would always hype you up on Bills gamedays. You even surprised Tyson once at an away game; the Bills had a bye week so you flew out to Boston to cheer him on. Whenever your schedules aligned in Buffalo, you and Tyson would go out on different dates around the city and suburbs; these dates were always guaranteed to be an enjoyable time and all of those dates eventually turned into a deeply committed romantic relationship. 
Being loved by Tyson and loving him was like your dreams coming true; your relationship worked well because you admired each other so much and neither of you could imagine being with anyone else. You were both used to people making promises to you and turning around and breaking them, used to giving your heart to others and they just cut you and leave you bleeding all over the place. However, this relationship was different and all you had to do was try; this time, trying paid off well because being together made those realities not true anymore. The relationship you shared was determined to heal you both from those who had hurt you in the past and you both felt safe with each other. You were worth the challenge of mending together a broken and tender heart for Tyson; his heart was ignited for you and he would do everything in his power to continue to pursue you and you only. Your relationship also had no moments of wasted time or any broken promises and you were always honest to each other. You both had waited so long through dating around and heartbreak for the right person to come along into each other’s lives but the wait was worth it because you ended up together. Falling in love wasn’t a bad thing at all; as expected, it was scary to give your heart to someone else but like a rollercoaster, it was also thrilling and exciting and you got to fall into the arms of someone amazing. Of course, things weren’t always sunny and there were some setbacks and struggles while you were dating. You and Tyson did disagree and argue sometimes but you could compromise when needed; you also had to balance your relationship with the demands of your job and Tyson constantly being either home or away but being with him was worth those challenges. Like anything in life, there would be a moment that would test how strong your relationship is.————————————————————One Saturday afternoon, you and Tyson decided to get ice cream after Tyson was healthy scratched from that afternoon’s game. Unfortunately, the person who served the ice cream used the same scooper that was used to scoop ice cream with nuts in it and you had an allergic reaction. Thankfully, you had an EpiPen in your bag and used it to help you. Your symptoms began to slowly subside but the instructions mentioned that you should visit the ER if used so Tyson took you. The ER doctor put you on an IV and decided to keep you overnight for observation. Tyson begged the doctor to let him stay in the room with you and they surprisingly agreed, even though you weren’t married and common law marriages weren’t a thing in New York. You were so grateful that Tyson stayed with you instead of leaving to go sleep in his comfy bed and just picking you up whenever you were discharged, not having to deal with the nurses and doctors coming in and out of the room throughout the night, interrupting whatever rest he got in that uncomfortable hospital chair. You were awake and observant for a while but you eventually drifted off to sleep. Tyson was tired but he couldn’t bring himself to sleep because he was so worried about you. As he saw you lying in the hospital bed, Tyson thought to himself that you should never have to go through any sort of health crisis alone. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to be there all the time but he would be there for you as much as he could. This whole experience opened up Tyson’s eyes to realizing that he wanted to share your address and move in together and also to be your emergency contact. 
To say that Tyson was in love with you was a bit of an understatement; he was so smitten about you and everyone around him could pick up on that immediately. Tyson would see things that would remind him of you and his heart would swell with so much joy and the light in his eyes shined differently whenever he talked about you. Tyson truly and deeply loved you so much that he couldn’t lose you. His heart would beat so fast whenever you were around or if someone mentioned you and you were the one that he adored. To him, it felt like days would go wasted without you in them. He wanted a house with kids running around that shared both of your traits, to travel across the world, and grow old, all with you. In that moment, Tyson privately vowed to himself that he was going to marry you one day.
Months down the line, after waiting for your lease to be up and for the hockey season to be over, you and Tyson rented a house together. Living together meant that you got to see each other a little bit more frequently, which you both liked. You settled into a comfortable routine with Tyson and had mild complaints about your cute roommate; sharing a space wasn’t so bad. Tyson got to cook for you, serenade you on his ukulele, and slow dance in the kitchen with you as often as he could. You got to taste all of Tyson’s recipes, annoy him with your purposefully bad singing, and wake up next to him on the rare days you were off together. You and Tyson even began hosting a monthly trivia night at your home with your friends and some of Tyson’s teammates. Moving in together also meant that you were around to help Tyson whenever he was injured and always there to comfort him after a disappointing healthy scratch or game loss as well.
Combining your lives together meant that your families would mix at some point. Tyson’s mother, Laura, visited frequently and came down for the Sabres’ Moms’ Trip and stayed for a week afterward so you got to know her more and she got to know the person her son was so lovestruck about. You also got to meet his sister, Kacey, when his mother returned for Christmas and also brought Grandpa Jost along. You had a good relationship with Tyson’s family; they adored you and liked you with him. In regards to your family, your parents only came to Buffalo once in a while and you would go back to your hometown for holidays but your parents talked Tyson through video calls and knew how much he meant to you.
While you were still dating, your parents ended up contributing to a significant memory for Tyson and you weren’t even there. When the Dads and Mentors Trip came around, for some reason, Grandpa Jost couldn’t be there for his grandson so your dad flew out to Buffalo to accompany Tyson on the trip. This was going to be your father’s first time meeting Tyson in person and it was intimidating at first but that intimidation faded away as your dad and Tyson got to know each other. Tyson was so thankful that your dad took the time to be there for him. Before returning to Buffalo, Tyson had asked your father for your hand in marriage and your dad agreed to let his little ray of sunshine shine their light into someone else’s life. If there was anyone else in the world that he would walk his precious child down the aisle to, your father was glad that Tyson would be the guy on the other side.————————————————————After getting your father’s approval, calling your mom to get her blessing, and telling both of your family and friends about it, it was time for Tyson to propose. Tyson arranged a fun scavenger hunt for you around Buffalo during the NFL off-season and at the end of the NHL regular season. This scavenger hunt was bittersweet because Tyson was going to be a free agent that upcoming off-season and there was no full guarantee he would return to play for the Sabres so you both prepared for the likely possibility that you would have to move away for Tyson to play with a different team. It was going to be hard to leave behind the place that you both called home and also your job but you would follow Tyson wherever he would go. Thankfully, you still had some time left to hang out with your friends and former co-workers before leaving for the off-season.
The scavenger hunt started with an index card on the fridge that read: “Good morning, my love. Look for the next clue inside our home on a masterpiece hanging above.” Tyson had gone golfing with his teammates for what could be the last time so these little notes were the only communication you had with him that day and you read all of the clue cards in his voice. You found the next note that read on top of a painting you made: “Remember when we went to that art class and you painted the most beautiful sunset? Go to the visitor’s desk at Buffalo AKG Art Museum to find out the rest.” 
You headed to the Buffalo AKG Art Museum and the guide at the visitor’s desk handed you an envelope with a prepaid admission ticket inside; there was also a sticky note inside that read “Your reflection is a work of art. Go to the mirrors exhibit and see how your beauty captured my heart.” The heat rushed to your face as you read Tyson’s note; he wasn’t there but he still made your heart skip a beat through his words. You headed straight to the mirrors exhibit and took a bunch of cute photos while you were there. After the mirrors exhibit, you continued to look around the art museum and ran into Danielle Okoposo, Kyle Okoposo’s wife, while you were there. She mentioned that she was visiting the art museum because her kids were taking an art class there and told you to stay with her until the class was over because one of her kids had the next clue for you. You didn’t wait long for the kids to come out and all of the Okoposo children showed off to their mother and you what they had created in class. Livia, the youngest Okoposo daughter, gave you a personalized drawing of you and Tyson with a lot of hearts on it. Written in Livia’s youthful handwriting, the back of the drawing read: “As you can see, we are surrounded by lots of love, and no matter what happens, that will always be true. Head to Five Points Bakery for a snack pickup and your next clue.” You departed from Danielle and the Okposo children and headed to the spot where you and Tyson had your first date.
The bakery wasn’t as busy when you went to pick up your order; although Tyson had already placed the order for you, you still picked up a sweet treat for your sweetie as a reward for all of the things he’d done with this scavenger hunt. Your next clue card was inside the bag with your order that stated: “After my snack has had their snack, don’t be perplexed by my request for you to ask your parents for where to go next.” You followed Tyson’s instructions and your mom texted you: “Summer is approaching and we can’t wait to see you soon so go to the Botanical Garden where the flowers bloom.”
The Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens was a special place to you and Tyson; it’s where you celebrated your first year of dating with a cute couples photoshoot and also had membership to the space. Your favorite part of the Botanical Gardens was the koi fish pond so of course, you would find your next clue taped to the back of the bench near where the pond was. “I know you’ve been out for hours but I have you running around for a reason. Now, go home, there’s something fun that we need to do before we go to Canada for the off-season.”, the clue card read.
You went back home; all of the nostalgia from visiting some of your favorite spots around Buffalo made you feel both happy and sad at the same time. Even though the scavenger hunt was a final trip for you to go to the places you enjoyed in Buffalo, you wished deep down that Tyson would have been there to experience them with you for one last time. Tyson still wasn’t back yet and his location indicated that he was at a restaurant near the golf course; you tried to call and text him throughout the day to check on him but he didn’t answer at all. You walked into your bedroom and saw a note on the closet door that read “You’re going to want to dress your best for this next part (as the kids say, make sure your look serves) and when you’re done, meet me at Tifft Nature Preserve.” The last part of the note confused you because the nature preserve would be closed by now but you showered, got ready, and went there anyway. 
Inside the Tifft Nature Preserve Education Center was a trail of lights that led you to a projector with a Kahoot game, ready to be played. Tyson, looking handsome in a crisp polo and jeans, was surrounded by blankets and snacks. You hadn’t seen or heard much from him the whole day so it was nice to see the face of the man that you loved.
“Tyson, you did not ask me to dress up and drag me all this way to play trivia when we could do it at home or go to trivia night at the bar.”, you stated.
“This might be our last time playing our monthly trivia game in Buffalo so why not go all out?” Tyson responded.
Trivia was amusing as expected and you won the game so you asked Tyson what your prize was; your prize was Tyson was going to sing you a quick song on his ukulele. The notes sounded familiar to you and then you recognized what your lover was serenading you to.
“Cause I don't wanna lose you now, I'm lookin' right at the other half of me. The vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold. Show me how to fight for now and I'll tell you, baby, it was easy, comin' back here to you. Once I figured it out, you were right here all along. It's like you're my mirror, my mirror staring back at me. I couldn't get any bigger with anyone else beside of me. And now it's clear as this promise that we're making two reflections into one.” Tyson sang during the chorus of Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. The lyrics were right for describing your relationship with Tyson; you were separate individuals but your relationship intertwined you together and also allowed you to change for the better as people. Music was something that was important to both of you and Tyson had sung to you several times before, including love songs, so this wasn’t much of a surprise to you. After he concluded singing, Tyson handed you over one final clue card that simply read “Will you marry me?”.
Tears of joy began to fill your eyes and Tyson was down on one knee, holding out your dream ring. The sun was going to set soon so the golden hour sunset hue coming through the windows was a nice natural touch to the proposal. You had thought Tyson was going to propose on your planned trip to Banff that summer so this was definitely a huge surprise. You were both speechless because there just weren't enough words to describe the feeling of love that was flowing between the two of you at that moment. After over a year of dating, you were moving on to the next step of getting married and like the lyrics of the song said, merging your two reflections into one. After your engagement/farewell dinner with some of the Sabers players and their families, you and Tyson returned home and had an impromptu dance party in the living room with your new fiance to “Let’s Get Married” by Bleachers, “Slow Dance” by Saint Motel, and “Just The Two of Us” by Grover Washington Jr. featuring Bill Withers. Your time in Buffalo was coming to an end but it ended in the best way.————————————————————Just as you both suspected, the Sabres did not choose to offer Tyson a contract so he ended up signing on a short-term NHL contract elsewhere as a free agent and you moved away from Buffalo. Tyson was used to moving away and starting over more than you were but you both knew that home would always be wherever you were with those that you loved. The move and the wedding planning did add some additional stress to both of you but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle. You both adjusted well to your new life in your new home city; you had good relationships with the other WAGs and their families and continued your career as a social media manager for a local sports team. Tyson meshed great with his teammates, got more ice time and his play improved. You and Tyson rented a house again and added a dog named Maverick to your little family.
The wedding planning time went by in such an exciting and enjoyable blur and before you both knew it, it was time to marry the love of your life. You and Tyson decided on a destination wedding at a Four Seasons Resort in Florida. Both of your families helped out with the wedding in the many different ways that they could and were delighted to unite together on behalf of your love. It was also nice that all of your friends and some of Tyson’s former teammates were there for your special day as well.
The details of your wedding day were so beautiful and perfect; your something new was a diamond necklace given to you by the Jost family, your something borrowed and something blue was a blue bracelet from your mom that she wore on her wedding day to your dad. You floated down the aisle with your father by your side to meet with your soon-to-be husband, waiting for you in his black tux. Tyson saw you, walking towards him, and he got a little emotional. Tyson’s parents’ relationship didn’t work out and he was terrified to face a similar doom in his life but being with you restored his faith in relationships and marriage. Seeing Tyson cry made you tear up too but everyone knew that those were happy tears. Even though there was an audience of other people in the room, it felt like you and Tyson were the only ones there. Your vows to each other were like the most poetic song lyrics and were sealed with a sweet kiss. You had dreamed of your wedding day for a while, unsure who would be the one to greet you at the altar but finally, you knew.
Your first dance as a married couple was to the Mariah Carey and Luther Vandross cover of Endless Love (originally performed by Diana Ross featuring Lionel Richie), which was considered one of the greatest duets of all time. Like the vocals in the song, you and Tyson debuting as a married couple to a duet made sense because you were complementary to each other and brought out each other’s strengths. The rest of your wedding was spectacular. You danced the night away to a variety of tracks from a carefully curated playlist, enjoyed delicious food, took plenty of photos, laughed, and happily cried a few more times too. You also both mixed and mingled with your guests and were swept into all different directions around the venue.
Towards the end of your wedding and before you walked out to say goodbye to all of your guests, Tyson pulled you away for a surprise private dance as newlyweds. You and Tyson would get plenty of time alone together on your honeymoon in Greece but the private dance without the pressure of any other eyes on you was much appreciated. You swayed back and forth with your husband to “All My Life” by K-Ci and Jojo, “You’re Still The One” by Shania Twain, and “This I Promise You” by *NSYNC, and sang along to all of them together. Just like the lyrics in the songs had said, “All my life, I’ve been waiting for someone like you” (“All My Life” by K-Ci and Jojo), “we’re still together, still going strong” (“You’re Still The One” by Shania Twain), and “and with this vow, forever has now begun” (This I Promise You” by *NSYNC), all that you had been waiting for, for so long was right in front of you and it was true that your forever love was just getting started. In a whisper, you asked to play a song and chose “Because You Loved Me” by Celine Dion as the final song for your private dance. The song served as a thank you to each other by summing up the journey of your relationship so far and how your love helped you both grow as people. Getting married allowed you to write a new chapter in your love story. You made it this far as a couple and there was so much to look forward to in your future together.
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amerricanartwork · 7 months
Y’know, I have a funny story with the ship between Innocence and Pebbles.
@eggobuggo , my sister, was playing The Sims and made the iterators in her own humanised forms, including her version of Innocence and Wind, along with Moon, Pebbles, NSH and Suns, all with their own personalities and stuff. She set up a generic apartment, put the gang in, and just had fun making them do silly shenanigans together, while I sit and watched her play.
In particular, we headcanon NSH, Pebbles and Innocence as Gen 3s, the newer modes, and so she made them into teenagers, which, with a DLC, have a whole new host of features that are not in the base game. This includes getting crushes (which weirdly enough, young adults and adults cannot get).
But anyway, one day, later into the game (the gang basically all were in the high end of the friendship scale with each other), the notif board popped up that Innocence had gotten a crush on Pebbles. Unfortunately for her, NSH and Pebs were already being all flirty with each other (Ragequit is where it’s at for us), making Pebble basically keep her in the friendzone. Ngl, my heart went out to her :,) Especially so, because they were all sharing a room. (space was tight)
After that, I began thinking about it in context of it in-universe, and ngl, I came to quite liking it as a ship, especially since I see Innocence to be less… asshole-ish (?), I guess, than what the general fandom makes her out to be (I mean it’s understandable, we only see her to leak the pic of Pebbles condition and that’s it.). To me and Eggo, she’s much nicer unless you really piss her off, which then, her more cynical and gossipy side of her comes out. She was actually more of on the friends side with Pebble before the shit went down.
At the time, I thought “dang, it’s a shame I won’t be seeing anything of it since she’s so obscure.”. This was a couple months before I began seeing art of them on the main tag.
Soooo… I guess I’m somewhat of an og Milkshake (as is the fandom name) shipper???
Just, seeing you and others make art about them is almost surreal in a way, since the only reason I really considered them as a ship was cuz of a random event in a life sim game lol.
Also @eggobuggo, I hope you don’t mind me sharing the story. :)
Wow, that seems like quite the story! And I do agree, after witnessing something like that in a totally different game it must be pretty surreal to see the ship gaining popularity in the actual RW fandom now too! It's nice to get another seal of approval from an original Milkshake shipper!
For me, it's also a bit strange because it's something I've considered for a really long time as a lingering "oh, wouldn't it be cool if I could make this work?" idea. The obscurity and lack of content for UI to draw inspiration from, both canon and fanon, definitely added to these feelings and the difficulty of imagining a working portrayal of the ship, hence I've only recently felt confident enough about the relationship and UI as a character to act on it. So after Pura coined the ship name and made a lot more art of it, then other artists started expressing approval and even drawing it themselves, it almost feels like I'm watching the ship enter the mainstream (Tumblr) fandom consciousness in real time, which is honestly pretty cool, especially since it feels like I had a hand in it with that initial ask! And even if I wasn't the very first to consider it, I'll definitely continue supporting this ship!
For some other thoughts though, I totally agree on Innocence not being mean in reality, though for me she's not mean or gossipy at all and more so has a kind-of opposite major flaw that tends to cause bad things unintentionally. As much as I can understand interpreting the character as a genuinely mean person, I thought it'd be interesting to imagine that her leaking the rot simply caused others to perceive her as mean, not that she's that way in reality. After all, I don't think we ever see direct dialogue from Innocence in canon, and the only evidence I can find of her being mean is Wind's speculation on her motivations. I also took inspiration from @shkika's Innocence, but I just wanted to see if I could take those ideas further to create my own unique interpretation.
Also, it's actually pretty coincidental you're telling me this too, because in regards to what I've come up for my Milkshake portrayal, Innocence having an unrequited crush on Pebbles for a really long time is actually really important for both plot and character arc reasons! I've been developing my own take on the classic worm-off-the-string iterator AU idea with @hail-strom for like the past week or so and the ship as of now plays a decent role in that, but the unrequited crush acts as subtle, yet major context for Innocence's actions throughout, which in turn slowly influence Pebbles especially as he starts to reciprocate those feelings (much to his alarm)!
Anyway, thanks for sharing that with me, and thanks for giving me a chance to ramble about this ship more! I'm honestly so happy to see it growing, and all support counts!
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callmearcturus · 1 year
I find the idea of Benji having like 20 exgirlfriends, boyfriends, and personfriends; while Ethan has dated like 3 people in his entire life, to be hilarious, and now I'm going to integrate it into my headcanons for both of them.
I MEAN I tend to think that before the Prague Job, Ethan was an ethical slut, and it's implied he's having a threesome with Jack and Sarah. (I mean, I literally do not know how else to interpret that line, I have put on my Straight Person Goggles and that line does not make sense unless they are all three dating.) He's flirty and openly teases people.
Then the Prague Job goes fuckways, and Ethan's entire demeanor feels like a very sharp object that neither he nor anyone else knows how to handle. He def fucked Max in the back of that car (I feel like this is even implied by her later dialogue). But its not friendly and fun anymore, it's sharp and dangerous and almost his barricade Ethan is using for his own protection.
AND THEN THERE IS CLAIRE. Claire is trying her best to manipulate the shit out of Ethan, to keep his attention on her and her 'mourning' of Jim rather than the fact Jim is alive and both of them are toying with Ethan.
That extended sequence where Ethan and Jim are talking about "what happened in Prague" intercut with Ethan figuring out what actually happened in Prague-- there's a moment when Ethan pegs Claire as having killed some of the team, but he changes his mind and casts Jim in the role instead because... he doesn't want Claire to be part of this.
TAKE ALL THAT and marry it to the fact that Claire keeps initiating touch with Ethan, tries to get him to comfort her-- that scene with her sleeping on the floor and taking his hand to kiss it is tremendously fucked up.
(I once listened to a podcast that mentioned claire was kind of ethan's love interest and like WOW no. nope. that's not what's happening even a little.)
oh my god i'm rambling but WHAT I AM SAYING is that Ethan has immense trauma that is fueled by sexual manipulation and it honestly feels like it. Twink Ethan as an ethical slut had fun and didn't have to worry about this shit and was all about fair play. Then he has a brief stint as a bad boy that goes badly because robert towne can't write a movie. Then the next we see him he's GETTING MARRIED and leaving the game.
This post is already too long so lets continue. MI3 is fascinating because it's the one I hate the most but Julia and Ethan are tremendous, and the work put into humanizing him is amazing. He's enjoying playing as a doting husband (and 'playing' is inaccurate, he's not lying) and it actively trying to carve himself out of the IMF while multiple people (INCLUDING HIS BEST FRIEND LUTHER) undermine him.
But he still tries, and he leaves, and he's out.
And it all goes to shit. Which is this tremendous tragedy of Ethan Hunt frankly. He put in the work and-- you know the phrase "he's got skin in the game"? Well Ethan had a lot of skin in the game and he let it flay him on his way out just for a chance to actually be out.
GP Ethan is a wildly changed man, but in a way that honestly makes perfect sense to me. The trajectory of his character by design or by accident is an easily tracked arc. (I think McQuarrie gets me on this, or I get him, either or.)
After GP, there is simultaneously an emotional honesty to Ethan... but there's a physical distance. He's older, he's wiser, he's tired, and he's not dragging Benji or Ilsa into a pharmacy closet to have sex. That's not him anymore. But also, there is more raw emotion to everything he does. He feels like he's always on the back foot.
(He comes across as incredibly asexual to me honestly.)
Compared Twink Ethan flirting his way through MI1 to Fallout Ethan getting kissed by the White Widow and having ZERO reaction.
/clutches Ethan to my chest. i love this tired old man.
MEANWHILE: Benji is hot and has a hot bossy streak and has amazing fashion sense. He can get it, he just can't keep it because when Ethan has a job, so does Benji, sooooo yep. lmao.
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disdaidal · 8 months
college au!!!! 🫶🏻
🙊 Omg. Okay, so this is yet another Zakkura/Clack AU that i'm having in the works right now (I swear I'm not obsessed, but these boys are so good and these ideas just keep popping in my head out of nowhere). 🙈 I kind of really love this AU, and I've already written pieces of dialogue there and there, which I really need to connect somehow, at some point.
But anyway—
Again, I'm gonna do a little ramble about the story under the cut and then post a snippet of the story as well. If you're curious, feel free to check it out. And if not, then feel free to skip this altogether. :)
My (not so ) little ramble about the story:
I have this idea where Zack is a popular guy, a captain of the football team. But he's not popular in a mean, bullying kind of way—he's more like a super social puppy that makes friends with everyone and always helps and protects those in need. He's tall, strong, and athletic, and has a pretty girlfriend called Aerith (who's really not his girlfriend 'cause she's totally gay, but anyway). He's not very bright or intelligent, but he's confident, charming, flirty, and naturally very good-looking, so that kind of makes up for it.
And then in comes Cloud, the new kid in town, who's this scholarship/transfer student (I actually don't know how that even works, but that's not important lol). And unlike Zack, Cloud's smart, good at most subjects, athletic, and also really pretty, which Zack can't ignore, of course. He seems perfect, right? Except Cloud's a total nightmare personality-wise. He's antisocial, aloof, and a bit of a bitch. He hates most people and just wants to be left the fuck alone.
Because Zack's confident, wears his heart on a sleeve at all times, and also has like one brain cell— soon there's this tall, super social, endlessly energetic chatterbox with a massive puppy dog energy following around this short, quiet, awkward, grumpy cat with a resting bitch face, high walls and trust issues, guarded emotions and a storm cloud looming over his head... surely nothing can go wrong there, right?
And because Zack's kind of obtuse and doesn't really care about studying, while studying is all Cloud really does in his spare time because it's not like he's all warm and fuzzy inside and has made lots of friends (aside from his childhood friend, Tifa, who's also very gay and now she also kind of has a crush on Zack's 'girlfriend' Aerith, which complicates things just a little)—Zack fails chem. And Zack finds himself in trouble because if he doesn't pass, it's *bad*. So he obviously needs help with that and knows someone (Cloud) who's good at chem. :-D And then somehow, he manages to persuade Cloud to tutor him in chem and well.
And since they have to get along—it's tough because Cloud's still kind of a bitch, and Zack still only has that one brain cell that he doesn't like to strain too much—they start gradually developing feelings for each other. Well, okay, Zack's been all heart eyes motherfucker since day one, and he's terrible at hiding it, so it's not like anything's changed, but Cloud's been reserved, aloof, and kind of mean to Zack, and now he's slowly starting to get used to Zack being all puppy-like around him, and also starting to find it kind of endearing, and that's how he realizes he's in trouble. Oops.
So, then they both end up at this one house party. Zack goes there with Aerith because they both love parties and his 'girlfriend' needs protecting from all these nasty, horny jocks, and Cloud goes there because his (very gay) girlfriend Tifa knows Aerith is there, too, and she doesn't want to go alone. And Cloud is, like, so not a people person (as if that wasn't clear enough already); he finds himself a quiet room that still isn't occupied by horny couples and rolls himself a joint.
And then Zack finds him and joins him because it's not like Cloud has anything better to do than entertain this stupidly hot jock who he also has to tutor for a moment and who he totally hasn't any feelings for, and well...
Here's the snippet from my story:
A moment later, they’re both sitting on a bed, really close to each other. Both high and fuzzy, their shoulders almost touching. They talk about past, fun stuff and giggle stupidly at just about anything.
Zack leans back on his elbows and tips his head, baring his throat—the world keeps spinning in his eyes, and for a moment, he thinks he sees stars. Cloud can’t take his eyes off him. The pretty blonde bites his lip—he yearns and he desires.
Zack’s so fucking gorgeous. Cloud knows it's the weed talking in his head, but he's not blind. Zack's all tan, tall, lean muscle, big arms and broad shoulders. His long, jet-black mullet is always spiky and looks silky and smooth, and Zack always smells so good whenever he sits next to Cloud. It drives him insane.
Zack's Adam’s apple bobs a little as he swallows, and his strong neck looks so soft and inviting. Cloud knows the weed is still talking in his head, messing with his brain, but he wants to put his mouth on Zack's throat. Like a feral animal. He wants to kiss it and suck it and bite it. Cloud's almost itching to find out what kind of pretty noises he could pull out of Zack if he did.
Cloud wants to mark Zack. Like he owns him. Leave pretty little bruises all across his neck and admire his handiwork afterward. Bathe in the knowledge and satisfaction that it's all his doing and that Zack will have to bear his mark at least for a few more days.
Zack’s hair is sweaty, spiky, and slightly tousled. There's that one stubborn, long strand that sticks to his face like glue. Cloud wants to touch it and brush it away.
Then Zack opens his eyes and looks at Cloud. Even when Cloud’s so fucking high that he literally sees double—two pretty, dumb jocks in front of him instead of one, as if one isn't already enough—he can still distinguish Zack’s turquoise eyes. They’re so clear and piercing and very pretty, just like the rest of him. His dark eyelashes are also very long, Cloud notices, making his pretty ocean eyes look even more stunning, if possible.
This moment between them is practically magical because, for a minute or two, none of them seem to find any words to say. They just stare wordlessly at each other, high and dazed—no thoughts, brain empty.
Until Zack decides to open his big, dumb mouth. Sounding even dumber than he usually is, totally not high or slurring or anything as he asks Cloud:
“Why are you staring at me?”
And just like that, it kills the magic of the moment.
Cloud can't help it. He snorts ugly. Laughs at it, too.
"You're staring at me, too."
Zack frowns. Scrunches his nose. He's so adorable Cloud wants to punch him. “Umm, yeah, ‘cause you’re like... so very pretty. If you were a girl, I’d almost want to kiss you now. Kind of. Is that weird?"
If Cloud were any more sober now, his face would instantly burn up and turn crimson all the way up to his ears. Zack is making a bold statement—saying he wants to kiss Cloud—and all Cloud wants to do is grab Zack by those dumb little ears, pull him into a kiss, and lick into his mouth like he's starving for it. Like he won't regret it tomorrow, which he certainly will.
But Zack also said he would kiss him if he were a pretty girl. It doesn't make Cloud feel any better, but strangely, he doesn't really care.
He's growing incredibly hot in his clothes—again, Cloud knows the weed is part to blame—and the fact that Zack is so stupidly attractive, stupidly high, and also just really fucking stupid in general, which kind of turns him on even more, doesn’t help.
He grabs more weed and starts quietly rolling another joint. His long, thin fingers keep shaking, and he still sees double, and he can barely focus on what he's doing, but somehow, in some way, Cloud still manages to put together a half-decent joint, at least.
“Want another?” he asks Zack, slurring. His head buzzes pleasantly, and he hopes the answer is yes.
Zack seems to ponder the question for a few seconds, but then he already nods eagerly like a puppy wagging his tail, as fast as he can, in their current state. “Sure.” Which pleases Cloud immensely.
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So I was scrolling through tiktok and got THE video of the trailer, immediately started playing which is surprising from me because I normally only procrastinate for everything, even for things I like. But yesterday was a good day it seems.
I started the game and after the short intro selected "the unnamed" backstory I think it's called?? I don't really remember but it was the one where you ran away from your cult village or whatever. For two reasons.
A. I didn't want to have exclusively witty one liners as my dialogue. (The criminal backstory)
B. I'm already playing the arcana (the mage backstory)
Of course I'll play the demo with each one of them later but rn I'm doing various play throughs with variations of what I feel like my own choices would be.
Now for how I like it overall, IT'S SO GOOOOODD!!! I loved everyone just from the trailer alone, everyone except vere, I just really hate his archetype. Let's say me and red haired otome guys have a long time beef, ancestral beef if you will (I'm looking at you castiel...). I just don't like the playboy who is also really mean for no reason and only flirts by making a fool out of you. Anyways, enough about someone I don't really like.
First KURAS, he's soooo my type 🤭 long hair, dark skin, calm and collected! Soo cute, I like his dialogue and interactions in the demo, I haven't unlocked his red option so I feel like he was a little too distant for my liking but I know that'll probably change with the full game (I assume he has one, I mean I got ais' and leander's without even trying).
Now Ais, tbh I tried to stay loyal to kuras but Ais is so hot, cool and kinda flirty... I WAS GIGGLING SO LOUD AND PUNCHING MY PILLOWS, I'm not always for bad boys bc it isn't really done right most of the time (in my opinion) but Ais is really something else.
And lastly Leander, he's hot and sweet, I don't really have much to say about him, I can tell he's the easiest route, at least for me. He's the type of character I can get the good ending of with my eyes closed. I mean we might as well be kissing him by the end of the demo. I still like him tho. I'm just more normal about him than I am about Kuras and Ais. And I can already see him being a fan favorite, so I better like him because all those fanarts are about to infest my feed.
As for mhin and vere. They're not really that interesting to me, I'd say my top would be like this
Kuras and Ais (yes, I just decided I like them both the same)
Ok now the fan girling is over. Time for SERIOUS BUSINESS!
Art Quality? 9.5/10 soo pretty, the street and city sheets could use a bit more work though. It's kind of underwhelming at the beginning when you see the city and it doesn't really stand out. But maybe it's just me.
Dialogue quality? 9/10 it doesn't feel repetitive, it's immersive and even when there's some corny lines here and there, I'd say it's vere's fault for being a devious bad boy archetype. Because that dialogue is only present with him 🧍‍♀️
And that's it. Even with the wall of text I just wrote I've only played once three routes with the cult(?) Backstory. I will probably write more text walls as I get deeper into the fandom and game.
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zalrb · 1 year
Red White and Royal Blue Review
I'm sorry but as the president's son, wouldn't you know not to get drunk at an official engagement like this?
Is that cake about to get ruined because it feels like the cake is about to get ruined. I didn't see the trailer.
2. Yes, it was ruined. I feel like I should be drunk for this.
3. I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MY REPUTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. I was like what’s going on with Uma Thurman but I realize she’s trying to do an accent. I do not think it’s working.
5. This ... looks weird to me
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It almost looks like photoshop, idk.
6. I’ve only been watching this for ten minutes but .. why can’t I remember his name, whatever president son dude, I think he’s the weakest link. The dialogue isn’t as snappy as it thinks it is although I did chuckle at the “you’ll act like the sun shines out of his ass and you have a vitamin D deficiency” but Zahra sells the quick “snappy” wit with more ease than he does. He isn’t comfortable with it.
7. Equerry dude is hotter than both of them.
8. Alex. His name is Alex.
9. Honestly, out of the two of them, Alex is acting like the bigger jackass.
10. Yeah, Alex kinda irritates me.
11. He flirts better with Miguel. Those eyes?
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like I know we’re not at the flirty part with Henry yet but I can already tell we’re not going to get the same energy.
12. I don’t think you understand the laugh that came out of my mouth when I saw this
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because it’s basically like they each got their own Black Best Friend and I know this is supposed to be like DIVERSITY.
13. “Omg people would kill to come to my NYE party” so far, this is a pretty basic party, sir.
14. So Henry is supposed to be uptight and posh and Alex is supposed to be more carefree, the drunk partier dude, but the thing is, the actor doesn’t come across carefree, he feels like he’s trying to be carefree so he actually makes me feel more uptight than Henry because I’m like, you’re not letting loose but you’re supposed to be the loose one.
16. LMAOOOOOOOOO. Honestly, I don’t know if them choosing Get Low as the song they’re supposed to see each other across the dance floor and look at each other longingly is brilliant or terrible.
17. Aww Henry wanted a NYE kiss. Sad face.
18. Henry, I just feel like you could do better than Alex?
20. Well at least they’re not Malec when they kiss.
21. He’s reminiscent of a a young Al Pacino -- I’m actually thinking of Al Pacino in Scarface but they did darken his skin for Scarface, which is you know.
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22. “He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football” this line is wasted on these two. Jesus, give it to people with chemistry.
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he deserves a better scene partner.
24. I can’t believe I’m not even an hour in.
25. Alex, do some work!
26. Oh, this banter is terrible. People are comparing this to Merthur?
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27. Wait, but I want to know which other famous boys he’s shagged.
28. This is probably the most I’ve cared about them so far
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29. And he's blinking rapidly to show he's nervous but it should be in the body language, Alex is kind of just standing there. It should be nervous and exciting and intimate and thrilling, it's just ... kind of happening. Like the dude who plays Henry, his back must be TIRED from carrying all of this.
30. Ah yes,
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it's giving
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but way less intimate.
31. OK. So. I was going to add a screenshot but I was afraid tumblr would block it if I did so when they're making love, Alex -- who I almost called whatshiface -- says "I can't believe how wrong I was about you" and here's my thing with dialogue during sex scenes and I feel really bad for comparing these two movies because no one deserves this but it reminds me of when anons were like please watch some clips of the um, what's that movie series based on Harry Styles fanfiction -- After -- WE ARE GOING TO PAUSE TO BRING ATTENTION TO THE PROCESS I WENT THROUGH TO GET THE NAME OF THESE FUCKING MOVIES:
I typed in movie based on harry styles fanfiction and then Google was like Anne Hathaway and I was like what no, there's another movie based on One Direction fanfiction?? HOW MANY ARE THERE? then I was like wasn't Jughead in the movie? but then I forgot his real name so I had to be like Riverdale cast and it was like Cole Sprouse and I was like RIGHT! then looked up his fucking filmography and it wasn't there and I was like I swear I saw a clip with him in it and then I was like RIGHT, he is a twin so then I Googled his brother's name then I got Dylan Sprouse and then I looked up HIS filmography and got the name of the movie JUST FOR THIS BRIEF MENTION IN THIS STUPID POST and I was like, but anons can't search the masterlist??????????
anyway there's that scene where they're having sex in her office or something and like in the middle of them having sex he's like "SAY I'M THE ONLY ONE" or something and it just made me laugh because his voice is unaltered, he just delivered the line like they were having a regular conversation and that's what happens here, Alex just says this line and it takes me out of the moment because I'm like you're not being breathy or moaning or something as you talk, you're just talking like normal? THEN DON'T SPEAK.
32. But what does Alex do? Is he in school? Is he ... what does he do? I know he wrote a memo that nobody read and will probably end up being a huge meaningful contribution down the line but he's talking about wishing he could help more and I'm like what's your job? Like you can still help people in whatever job you're doing, like are YOU going to hospitals and talking to dying children? Like what's happening here?
33. And he's going on and on about making his dad proud and being someone who can do something but you're the guy who got drunk at a wedding and made a 75,000 pound cake fall. I...
34. Ah he's a law student. Volunteer at a free law clinic then, jesus christ.
35. OK their together texts are infinitely worse. "I CAN'T HAVE SMUT FILLING MY INBOX".
36. I mean, Miguel is a journalist, Alex, I...
37. So I'm guessing Miguel will break the Alex/Henry story. Because duh.
39. "Dad, what is this music? It's so not the vibe" I'm sorry but I find Alex insufferable.
40. Oh so Henry DOES read nonwhite authors, jfc.
41. Ohhhhhhh whatshisface, Alex, is having the IT ALL MAKES SENSE moment, which MUST happen when the love interest is singing, HENRY IS HIS FOREVER BOO. And then of course, princes can't be gay so even though Henry feels the same way, I'm sure he'll be all I TOLD YOU NOT TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME.
42. This movie seems like there'll be a rain kiss in it.
43. "Yeah, he's tougher than he looks." You guys were drinking tequila shots, doing karaoke and playing volleyball, not chopping wood for your only source of heat during winter in the Appalachians. Relax.
44. "You can understand my life a little more" which is cool but what about HIS life, Alex? I don't know I just find him extremely self-centered.
46. Aww, he's in the pool with his hand over his heart. I needed a better couple for this.
47. And here we go with the downturn before the uptick.
48. He's trying so hard to be melancholy and this is what we get?
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A furrowed brow?
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I mean are you? What is this, Stefan about Caroline? Please be serious.
50. Well, there's rain. But they're not kissing.
51. "I flew across an ocean" which would be more impressive if you weren't the president's son, Alex.
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You didn't actually storm the castle, though. Who are you now, Damon?
53. This should be way more frenzied than it is. He should be yelling, out of his mind, and Henry should be doing exactly what he's doing now.
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Well that's because he's amazingly self-centred.
55. ON. HIS. BACK.
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56. Stephen Fry being in this is kind of perfect though. I just wish the movie was better.
57. OK well that's over.
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which-star · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Silk 2023 #4, especially in regards to Saya and Max? I am keeping this vague in case you haven’t read it yet.
I just read it! I didn't pick up this issue because I wasn't feeling the cover, and, boy, has this gone in a direction I wasn't expecting it to. Kim's Silk runs so far have been largely hindered by the fact that they're minis. She needed more time to flesh out the themes she wanted to tackle in Age of the Witch and similarly I think she needs more time for Nightmare Boulevard. But with what we got -- since Marvel isn't going to give any non-iconic/not-a-safe-bet character an ongoing at this point -- I think there were some interesting ideas floating around!
[Spoilers for Silk 2023 up to #4]
To quote myself like two months ago in a discord chat, Goo's intro to Saya was very fun and flirty but we still saw that hard streak under her: blowing up Kasha, leaving Silk behind, etc. I said back then that if Kim could establish a motive that made sense, we had a potentially more interesting villain. And that happened, didn't it?!
Saya's motive makes sense, and I think it's very compelling with the two pages we got! A last-ditch effort to please your dad who you thought was dead the whole time? Okay, so we're working with very normal family dynamics, I see. I think this is such an intriguing twist to what happens to Saya after the 2021 run, and I do think that Kim consistently has solid ideas that can flesh out characters really well from what I have read of her (Silk and Tiger Division - note that I say ideas only (relevant later)). But having that cause for Saya's obsession would've landed better without Max's dialogue. The switch from Saya working to please her father to Max sort of threw the vibe off for me, because his dialogue was so on the nose. I would've rather wallowed in Albert's feelings at being left behind, which was far more interesting and compelling to me.
Casting both siblings as parallels I really liked fundementally if not the execution! Considering (if I remember correctly) that Max is the older brother I was not expecting that at all. It's a good utilization of the 2021 run where Max was nowhere to be seen in Silvermane's account of Saya's childhood, since that hammers home how irrelevant he feels (not even mentioned in the flashback about his sister!). I wish we saw him actually be a big brother more, trying and failing to guide Saya and the culture differences from being brought up in different countries. I wish this run was longer so we could see Saya's breaking point in real-time along with the Moon sibs' dynamic being shaken up more.
Kim suffers from being limited to 5 issues, but I don't think the thought truly hit me till issue #4. Seeing Saya's motivation and Max's info-dumping really really opened up my eyes to what could've been and left me wanting more than we got. So far I've been enjoying with the dream sequences and Albert playing a bigger role, but this issue sorta threw everything off-kilter because it felt lazy, everything is just stated, and we're left the fill in the holes ourselves -- except there's too many holes and all I have is a bucket. The ideas are there, the thoughts are there, but not enacted upon whether it's because of lack of space (only 5 issues) or just on the nose writing.
Cindy is also not a character made for a mini, she's literally built on internal struggles and needs time to THINK pls and ty xoxo. God, everything would be golden if 2021 was a transitional 5 issue run and the stuff we got after that were all 12+ issue runs diving deep into Cindy's journalist investigations of the witch, thoughts on identity, and then Saya breaking under pressure and the dreamscapes. Because I really like all the runs' plots and attempted themes!! I'm more frustrated at what could've been, so sorry this ask turned into a critique/complaint-fest!! I think Emily Kim has a lot of good ideas, and I don't want to condemn her as a bad writer if it's management fucking her over. Plus, it's so early in her career and she's improved a lot already compared to last year's run, it's just that Marvel keeps doing minis and it's killing the fun of comics. Even seasoned comic writers are struggling with the minis, I've heard, so I'm inclined to believe it's corporate fault. I just wish she had the space or time (or something?) to make those thoughts truly great and not just ideas floating around untethered.
Side note: Cindy and her theme of trying to lowkey save all her villains is something I deeply enjoy and I hope it continues for the final issue and everything that comes after!
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Well, I was going to write something totally different, but then this happened instead. My latest addition to @drawlight‘s advent calendar takes full advantage of the fact that I can’t write flirtatious dialogue to save my life.
(Note, I’ve now skipped 4 days. Not sure how I’m going to make them back up, but I do intend to try.)
19 - Wish (1,569 words)
“Do you ever wish for anything?” Aziraphale asked abruptly, just as he started in on his third order of crepes.
“Ah, how do you mean?” The question caught Crowley off-guard. Many things this evening had caught him off-guard. Finding Aziraphale locked up in the Bastille; the looks the angel had shot him, over and over, during his rescue attempt; and even now, the way Aziraphale’s habitual facade of innocence kept slipping, dropping just enough to reveal something not innocent in the least.
“Come now, Crowley. This is your primary employment. Temptations. Wishes.” He raised a bite of crepe to his lips and raised his eyebrows. “Desires.”
It suddenly occurred to Crowley – in a panic-induced firing of neurons – that Aziraphale might be attempting to flirt with him.
This was frightening in several ways.
First, it wasn’t how they did things. Their entire unspoken agreement – even deeper than the Arrangement – was that everything was treated in a strictly business way. Business mixed with pleasure, of course: a shared bottle of wine, a dinner of the latest luxury food, a trip to the theater where they could talk in private. But still, professional, distant, amicable at best.
Second, any changes in their attitudes towards each other was dangerous. Bound to be noticed. Bound to cause trouble. Exactly the kind of trouble Aziraphale was always warning him about.
Third, and most important, Aziraphale appeared to be very bad at flirting.
“I suppose,” Crowley started slowly, “I wish you would learn to be a little more careful and stop taking foolish risks.” He hoped the angel would catch his meaning.
“That’s not what I had in mind.” Aziraphale lowered the fork, and his other hand rose from his lap and came to rest on the table, barely an inch from Crowley’s. It wasn’t a very big table, but there was no chance that was a coincidence. “I mean, is there something that you…that you have longed for?”
“Like crepes. Not really, I don’t eat much.” He was babbling at this point. His fingers twitched away, but there wasn’t anywhere to move his hand, not without being obvious.
And, despite how unbelievably bad this situation was…he didn’t want to be obvious. Didn’t want Aziraphale to feel rejected. Didn’t want to pull away from the warmth of that hand.
“Apart from food, then.” Aziraphale finally took the bite, and just for a moment seemed to forget all about his dining companion as a look of sheer bliss ran across his face. Crowley’s stomach dropped away. Three orders of crepes and he still wasn’t prepared for that expression, for the unrestrained joy, for the sudden desire to reach out, to see if he could put that smile on Aziraphale’s face himself –
Oh, that bastard angel. He was doing it on purpose!
Crowley cleared his throat. “I don’t know. I wish I wasn’t in the middle of this Revolution. I wish Head Office would stop giving me credit for the absolute worst of humanity. I wish I could be sure they wouldn’t show up and check in on me at any moment.” How much more blatant could he be?
“I suppose,” Aziraphale smiled. “I suppose I also wish I could be assured a little privacy. I wonder sometimes, what I might do if there were no chance anyone would find out.” His finger stretched out, brushing against Crowley’s. The gesture was far too deliberate, and Aziraphale was looking straight at him. “What things might I wish to do then?”
Crowley couldn’t take it anymore. This was beyond embarrassing. This was a disaster to surpass anything he’d ever seen.
Worse, it was actually working. His hand burned to grab Aziraphale’s drag him into a corner, and find out just how stupid the two of them could be. The chances of anyone checking in on them in this city, in this creperie, at this exact moment were almost infinitesimally small. Crowley ready for it, Aziraphale had apparently forgotten every concept of caution, they were both intelligent beings of the world. Why shouldn’t they risk it?
Why shouldn’t they risk eternal torment at the hands of their respective sides for a few minutes of pleasure?
That was better than a bucket of cold water on Crowley’s brain. Aziraphale might believe his side was forgiving, that he was risking little more than a strongly-worded letter, but Crowley knew from first-hand experience how the Archangels treated their enemies. And he doubted an angel who consorted with a demon would be treated any better.
“Aziraphale,” he said, drawing his hands back, folding them in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“I…” He flushed, suddenly looking very uncertain. Very hurt. “I just meant… That is, I didn’t mean… I was just making conversation.”
“Do you think I don’t know a Temptation when I see one?” Aziraphale flinched at that, jerking his own hand back as if he’d been struck. “Especially one so… flagrant? It’s humiliating.”
“Oh. I. Oh.” He deflated, shrinking into himself, melting away before Crowley’s eyes. “I thought… I thought you wanted…”
“No, Aziraphale. This…this,” he waved his hand vaguely to indicate everything the angel had done and suggested, “isn’t what I want. It’s not my secret desire, not my wish, not some hidden fantasy I’ve had locked in my brain.” He knew he was laying it on too thick, but if there was a chance, even a chance someone had seen this… “I don’t know what you were hoping to get from me, or why you thought it would work, but it needs to stop. Now.”
Crowley had thought he knew every expression Aziraphale was capable of – from the bliss of trying a new food to the wretched misery of confessing he’d given away his sword. But nothing, nothing could have prepared him for the look of heartbreak he saw now.
“Well. I…” Oh, Satan, he wasn’t even trying to cover it up with a fake smile. “I should…”
Before Crowley could move, Aziraphale was on his feet, all but running out of the restaurant.
If there was one thing Aziraphale was good at, it was stopping himself from crying. He had centuries, millennia, an eternity of practice at keeping the tears at bay, no matter what he felt, no matter what tragedy he was forced to witness. After all, if it was all part of the Great, Ineffable Plan, why should he mourn a moment’s pain?
But this…this wasn’t part of the Plan. This was just his heart, torn out, tossed aside. But he didn’t need it. He didn’t need any of it. He was an –
He walked faster.
“Ang – Aziraphale, stop!”
He would have run if he could, but it didn’t matter – he was no match for those long legs, and in a moment he felt Crowley’s hand on his arm.
“Leave me be.” He tried to shrug it off. “You’ve made your point.”
“I really don’t think I have,” Crowley growled, low and dangerous. He pulled Aziraphale back towards him, grabbing his lapels, shoving him back against the nearest wall, standing so close their noses nearly brushed. “You want to know what I wish for? What I want?”
“Crowley, stop, I was just –”
“Oh, I’ll tell you.” He leaned in even closer, until his hot breath burned against the shell of Aziraphale’s ear, as he hissed: “I want you.”
He couldn’t even respond, couldn’t make a sound around the lump in his throat.
“But I don’t want some bloody snog in a Paris alleyway. I want to spend eternity with you. My deepest desire is to hear your voice and your laugh every day. My fantasy is to wake up next to you, spend every minute at your side, and fall asleep to the sound of your heartbeat. And when I wish, I wish for us to stay safe, to keep going, until we can find a way to make that happen.”
“Crowley,” Aziraphale tried to whisper, but his breath was harsh. There were tears running down his face. “That’s…you know that’s impossible…”
“I don’t care. I am not going to give up, not ever. I will not trade that for a few minutes of pleasure. And I won’t risk you. Not for anything. So don’t be stupid.”
He couldn’t trust himself to speak. He reached out, put his hands on Crowley’s waist, pulled him closer, so that just for a second, he felt the full weight of his adversary, his rescuer, his friend pressed against him.
Then he shoved the demon away with all his strength. “Oh, I think we understand each other now,” Aziraphale said, trying to sound cold and authoritative, as an angel should. “I think I understand exactly what it is you want.”
Crowley smiled, and if it was supposed to look cruel or wicked, Aziraphale saw right through that to the sadness it masked. “So you see, your wiles were never going to work on me. Best stick to what you’re good at, Angel.”
“You’ll regret saying that, I think.” Aziraphale wiped the tears from his face. “I look forward to our next encounter.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
They held each other’s gaze for another moment, then walked away in opposite directions.
Aziaphale already regretted his actions today, the things his foolish desire had led him to do. But he pushed the memory aside, making room for a new, glorious vision that Crowley had planted in his heart.
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mcl-alloveragain · 2 years
Everything I Love about Armin's Alternate life so far
1. It's realistic??? I mean, let's face it. It was so like Armin to behave like that and focus more on a preparing the big suprise and forget about everything else? He just gets hyped so fast and we have already seen that in a spin off, for example? And Candy always was overreacting instead of talking with boys first (e.g. Priya's arrival). And Armin was, in fact, most immature of them all, and I just knew their problem would be in communication.
I feel like humour was one of the best thing so far, i had such a good time playing this episode akalsoxowjajja
3. Just Armin. Like, the first time I played the episode i was so hyped i was too happy to see him and read him to focus. My mind went like "ARMIN ARMIN ARMIN BARK BARK BARK BARK" and i cried too much and laughed all the time and i had to replay it so to process all the data (lololol)
Because the break up from his perspective was just as bad and hurtful, leaving him confused about what have happened and after he worked so hard just so he could suprise her (and he worked even in GARDEN!!?!?! like, OUTSIDE!!!?!!). Yet he behaved way better than Candy, he was quite polite and he really just saw her and instead of getting just as mad as her, he wanted to take his chance to make things better between her, just like Alexy has planned.
I loved when he tried to start a polite conversation (Candy could never. And they both were hurt so it really makes him seem more mature than her WHICH IS JUST AS NEW AS HIS SUDDEN LOVE FOR SHOPPING).
I also felt like he interrupted Rosalya just because he noticed Candy was uncomfortable, because he did it only after looking at her and i honestly loved this moment way too much than i should have.
His teasing seemed more flirty than mean. I think he actually hoped they would start being friendly and forget about the fight, maybe he even planned to ask her out when she'll calm down and stop attacking him? Especially in a mall (I know, i know, the bus scene, but as much as i enjoyed it, i think it was actually more teasing less flirting, at least because of the way he ended it :<). But when Candy goes to get some food and he plays with her hair and whispers to her and proves that he know her by not only remembering her regular order but literally talking about it in so many details, like, he wanted to show her that he cared SO MUCH 🥺🥺🥺🥺 my poor baby 🥺 also the fact that he actually followed her even tho he didn't have to stick with her, he wanted to talk to her, spend time with her, he was desperate to be with her and you cannot change my mind about that.
He offered her his help at the computer store and talked about how great time they had together while gaming in the past and i'm sure he thought it's finally his chance to shine and be a good (boy)friend and wkksjsjdjdjjd he imagine him getting so tired when she starts to yell at him again, no wonder that he lost his patience after all.
And even when he did lost his patience it was actually just him saying how much he cared AND WHEN SHE TOLD HIM THAT NOW HER WHOLE LIFE IS WITHOUT HIM???? I'm so sure i heard the sound of his heart breaking into tiny pieces. When he finally realised that he doesn't, in fact, have a chance to try again with her, she doesn't want to try again. And that's when he finally left, because his hopes were buried.
And when no one really understood why Armin haven't told her about the Disneyland after the breakup or even now when they met again and why he forbade Alexy to talk about it, i might have an idea. I mean, i could be wrong, but i think he just didn't want her to feel guilty about the situation?? Like, in his mind his idea with the suprise was great so he thought that as soon as she will acknowledge it she would be devastated about how she has treated him? I don't say it was his firsty thought, because at first he was probably just angry and confused, but when they met again, now that he's healed, he just didn't want her to feel bad. Idk, it's actually a great wonder to me too, but that's my closest guess. Also, he didn't say it out loud but i think he actually realises HOW MUCH stupid this idea was and what he did wrong because he was so nervous when she confronted him about it? I feel like the emotions and the way she really blamed him for everything while it wasn't entirely his fault and just how mean she was made him not confessing it to her. I mean, he did said it might have been stupid, but he didn't actually apologized or state that it was, not just might have been, u know? If only Candy could behave herself and take a few deep breaths (and maybe realised she wasn't oerfect either) before talking to him, i bet things would have went differently😫
And then the KISS 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
The way he stiffened at first, but then just relaxed and kissed her back like it was the most natural thing to do, like those last three years have never existed, like they weren't just yelling at each other a second ago??? HOW HE WRAPPED HIS HANDS AROUND HER AND PUT HER EVEN CLOSER?!?!!? IF THAT WASN'T HIM SCREAMING HOW MUCH HE MISSED HER, I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE DID?!?!
Also, i love the illustration, how their outfits just match and how they still look angry while kissing, like THE TENSION AGGGRHHH i love images like this, it's officially one of my fav illustration in the whole game (not as nice as Campus Life Nathaniel 16 tho, haha)
And i have so mant thoughts about Armin, but i think i will just shut up for now and let my emotions fall down a bit hahhaa
4. Outfits for AL Armin are the best ones in AL. I love every single one of them, the outfit we buy with real money included. They're totally my style, they're well made, they're just perfect
5. Rosalya and Alexy's redemption after LL. No more comments about it, i'm just glad they're making them, well, them, at least in all of the ALs, cause i refuse to believie they weren't kidnapped and replaced by their fake versions in LL
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(now when i look at this illustration i also notice that Armin looks more upset than angry??? Or am i imagining things?)
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hoxooster · 2 years
So what are your ships? Ever since you talked about aro/ace!Clover i've been really curios.
Well, I never thought that I'd be asked this question point-blank, but here we are.
Like I've said before, most of the ships I have are memes from the old days--the Golden Age--of this fandom. (Yes, that ask is still in my askbox and I still keep forgetting to answer it. I am so fuckin' bad at this. XD)
My main one, most obviously, is Wolfhox. But the reason why I ship them comes with a huge asterisk. I did not start as a Wolf x Hoxton stan, but actually a Dallas x Hoxton one. See, I first started playing PD:TH completely solo, 'cause I had just gone through the worst experience of my life because of another person, and I couldn't play L4D2 anymore without it causing me pain. Now, no matter which of the games I play, the Dallas bot is always super gay for me, and it didn't take me long to start maining Hoxton (I started as a Chains main). So, I shipped the two of them together until-- *Awkwardly does a drumroll on my desk.* I met Wolfee. Now, I was fucked up after the Bad Times, so I was weird for the first few months of our friendship. (This is putting it VERY mildly, but I don't feel comfortable with going into the particulars. References to this time is all you'll get from me.) But, that brass motherfucker just wasn't fazed and continually chose to hangout with me. So, over time, he got me to notice Wolf more and to really enjoy how he and Hoxton gel together. My best friend got me to ship those two idiots.
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My best friend. Wolfee. Of all fuckin' people.
The secondary one is Ballas, Ballast, Dain, or Bain x Dallas. I was never really hardcore into this one all that much, hence why I don't call it MasterGuide or NaviMind or whatever the hell else people call it now. That's also because I haven't cared about the Lore since before Golden Grin came out. Pretty much all I know is that Shit Got Weird and that there's multiple endings (this isn't true, I DO know more than this, but I'm a sarcastic ass). I was asked to do a writing prompt some years ago that I never finished, then Tumbles deleted the ask randomly one day, so I haven't felt the need to touch it again. But the basic premise was very much smexy times. Dallas was taunting Bain by being lewd on the security cam footage, until Bain finally got Dallas to agree to meet him in-person. They then meet up at a motel and have blindfolded sex, 'cause this was back when the Crew didn't know what Bain looked like. Maybe I'll finish it, maybe I won't. I mean, I recently posted that short 'uh oh, Wolfy is mad that his boyfriend is in jail' fic that I wrote back in 2014, so...
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And, of course, my one-sided, Jacket is infatuated with either an aromantic or asexual Clover ship. When Clover was first revealed, it was actually really popular to headcanon her as being asexual for awhile there. I don't remember why, but it was a Thing here for some time and it has stuck with me ever since. That being said, I lean more toward her being aromantic, 'cause I understand that a lot better, being aromantic myself, and her dialogue is very pointedly sexual and flirty. Like, it sounds like a joke that she's continually forcing, which I also understand 'cause I do the same thing. (It gets me in trouble a lot.) Anyway, for a rehash of my headcanon: Jacket in PD2 is a copycat of the in-universe videogame character of Jacket. He's delusional and tries to equate his world to that of HLM's, so he becomes infatuated with Clover and conflates her with The Girlfriend. He confesses to her in an unintentionally insulting way ('YoU re-mInd me of HOOK-er.') and he has to apologize and explain what he means. She tells him that she literally can't return his affections, and he accepts this and is totally fine with it. They never get together and their relationship stays as platonic coworkers, but he remains affectionate towards her and goes out of his way to defend her if they work on heists together. It's respectful and real--'cause even though he's delusional, he's still copying a character that was canonically respectful to a woman, so he wouldn't 'go off the script' from that, in my estimation.
So, those are all my serious ones.
Dallas x Money - this is because of Bruce. I dunno if he's still on this site, 'cause he had a bad habit of deleting his Tumblrs and making new ones back in the day, so I lost track of him. Since I dunno where to find him to ask for permission, I'm just gonna put up the links to his original art posts, rather than repost them here: [X] and [X].
Chains x Coffee - this was from an AU idea that me an' a former friend of mine had, where Chains, after retiring from heisting, opened up a coffee store chain called "Reality Check". In the AU, his store becomes popular enough that it actually serves as legit competitor to Starbucks, hence why it becomes a chain of stores. However, because of how that friendship soured and broke, I am no longer fond of this 'ship', but I still think about it from time to time.
The Dentist x The Diamond -
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Jimmy x Coke / Scarface x Yayo -
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And, of course, other minor ones, like Bodhi and his love for the ocean, Bonnie x Alcohol, Sangres x Tequila x Hawaiian Shirts, Dragan x Exercising / Dragan x Meat Sandwich, et cetera et cetera. Y'all get the idea.
I would give a rundown on how I think that the Crew interact in-general, especially in regards to friendships and dislikes and so on, but this post is already waaaaaay too long.
But, yeah. Those're my ships. Cheers.
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goldlightsaber · 3 years
No Country for Old Men
No Country for Old Men doesn't really need my praise, given that it won the Academy Award for Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor and several other awards. But I'm here to give it anyway! It is truly a work of art. Over a decade old and it has stood the test of time as a gripping thriller. Warning: this review is a bit all over the place, but I covered the bits I liked best!
The Big Bad
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Javier Bardem. Where do I begin with him? I could watch this man clean up gunshot wounds in a cheap motel room for hours. It was so fascinating to see him work -- even if a lot of that work was brutal, cold-blooded, psychopathic murder. Watching him was like watching a true crime documentary. He felt real and chilled me to the core.
I commend the script for all its cleverness, but especially the intentionality behind Anton Chigurh's dialogue. I have never seen more unusual, rhythmic dialogue. What stuck in my head was his relentless way of asking questions. "Where does he work?" he asks the trailer park management lady. She tells him she can't tell him. Again, he asks, "Where does he work?" She tells him again, more firmly, that she can't reveal the information. In the same monotone, he asks for a third time, "Where does he work?" He puts on no charm. He does not bribe or threaten. He asks questions straight. He disguises himself as --but does not claim to be-- something he's not. He pretends to be a cop; a man stranded on the road; a hotel guess. People believe what he only appears to be. They make something of him, something recognizable, so that they know how to interact with him. Except slowly, through dialogue, he reveals to them his true, sadistic nature. And no one wants to believe it. Often the people he speaks with are dumbfounded, stammering out "Sir?" and "I don't understand." It doesn't dawn on them until its too late that he is someone they should run from. It's ironic, really. The goodwill and trust of other people is his bread and butter -- it's what allows him to extract information without force (at least at first) and to obtain all the resources he needs. There's a Southern hospitality theme that runs throughout. Many of the Texans he runs into offer him help -- little do they know that, with Anton Chigurh, it will likely cost them their lives. Everyone is a means to an end unless they are the end -- the person he means to kill.
Don't even get me started on his weapon of choice. It looks like he's carrying around an oxygen tank. It even gives him a misleading look of frailty -- like he might be using it to survive despite it not being attached to his person. If he was carrying around a gun, people might run in the other direction. But, seeing a captive bolt stunner, people are often just confused (I had to look up what it was called) -- and that's part of his genius too.
Yet he's tone deaf. He is easily irritated by small talk, seeming not to understand its point (award for most extreme introvert like, ever?). He nearly killed a gas station worker seemingly because of the small talk. A hint at his disturbed, unusual mind. As I mentioned earlier, he always cuts to the chase -- no fluff. He will get what he needs now, or else. Unless you're lucky and the coin toss flips in your favor. Or there are too many witnesses nearby. But rest assured -- there is no escaping this man. As Woody Harrelson's character, Wills, asks Llewelyn: "You've seen him, and you're not dead?"
Subverting Expectations
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With a crime movie, you hope the good guy lives and the cops catch the killers, or that at least one of the two things happen. Nope! Not that simple with a Coen brothers film. Llewelyn is a law-breaking and a "street smart" guy but has a golden heart. He's empathetic (like when the "agua" man hung over his conscience) and only shoots people when he needs to -- Anton Chigurh is his foil, in that sense. Even though his resourcefulness and quick thinking gets him out of trouble for the majority of the film, he is suddenly killed by the Mexican cartel. We don't see it happen, we only see the drug dealers fleeing the scene and the aftermath. It comes minutes after a flirty motel patron tells Llewelyn that, whatever is coming, Llewelyn will never see it coming. And he doesn't. And neither does the audience, for that matter. With Llewelyn seemingly gearing up to fight Chigurh, I expected the two of them to have a showdown over the money. Llewelyn's death was sudden and abrupt. He didn't go out with guns blazing. He didn't get to showcase his strength. For all the times he has healed from injuries, Llewelyn--likable, honorable--still dies.
The sheriff retires -- he doesn't manage to track down Chigurh or anyone else for that matter. To him, Chigurh is a "ghost." The sheriff, at the end of the movie, describes himself as "ummatched," and that is underwhelming too. You fully expect -- or I did, based on previous crime thriller movies-- for some sort of justice to be served, for someone to be caught and locked away, but Chigurh is alive and free at the end of the movie and so are all the anonymous players of the drug cartels working these deals. There was no justice. Not for Llewelyn, not for his wife, not for all the collateral damage.
A Brilliant Script
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Speaking of Llewelyn's wife! I loved her last show of defiance in the face of Chigurh. She was shocked but not surprised. Surely, his appearance scared her, but she knew death was coming for her -- and she didn't give Chigurh the liberty of making her death her responsibility. He was fully accountable -- and she made that clear. Was it a foolish choice? I don't know. It did leave me thinking for a while -- what would I do in the situation? The coin toss is the greatest mercy Chigurh is capable of bestowing on anyone. He is a Harvey Dent without a grudge. She chooses not to participate in the game and he kills her. I asked myself: were I in that situation, would I have chosen not to play? There were two options: she plays and has a 50% chance of living. She doesn't play, and she will, for certain, die. She chooses the latter. Is that bravery? I think so. It's certainly strength of character. She is principled in a wholly other way than Chigurh. I feel that I would have wanted to "call it" -- give myself a chance at living. But even that phrasing is misleading. No matter the "choice," Chigurh is the real judge, jury and executioner. And he chooses to kill. Always.
When he exits Carla Jean's house, I found myself wondering what had happened. In the first few seconds of the scene, it isn't yet clear whether he killed her. What follows is one of the more brilliant, subtle moments of the film: Chigurh checks the bottoms of his shoes. We know from an earlier scene that he takes care to keep them clean from the carnage of his crimes, and so, we also know he was checking to see if Carla Jean's blood had spilt on them. He murdered her.
The Ending
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I have not yet uncovered the symbolic significance of the car crash, but I can try to take a guess. The car crash brutally injures Chigurh, breaking his arm and God knows what else. It is a random accident, not someone intentionally trying to kill him. Two boys who were riding their bikes behind him approaching Chigurh, who is sitting on the sidewalk, seriously injured. The boys offer him help only out of goodwill. But then he offers them money for one of their shirts, which they initially reject until he insists they take it. Is the symbolism in that? Of yet-uncorrupted youth starkly contrasted with his total evil? In offering them a large sum of money, is he corrupting them to think of life transactionally? As he walks away, the boys argue about splitting the money and he is no longer their concern -- greed is on their mind but only because he brought up money in the first place. (I feel like I cheated on this one because I read somewhere how the movie is about the rising forces of evil in the world that are hard to defeat -- hence the sheriff is unable to defeat them). Will this start them down the path of chasing money and power? Who knows. Maybe.
Overall: a movie I couldn't look away from except to run to the bathroom. I could watch hours of Javier Bardem in this role just sitting. Or eating. But preferably treating his own wounds.
Watch if: you're a fan of Ozark (TV show); or Fargo (movie or TV show).
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Hello! I'm back again with another match-up request! Can I plz have a DC match-up? With added gifs , wedding dress, and Dialogue?
My personality: my friends say I'm feral and a subtle chaotic person, i have ADD which means I can be a bit absent minded and have mood swings, I filter my anxiety and depression through humor and I tend to make jokes at the worst times because I want people to not worry so much, im very imaginative I live in my mind as much as I live in reality, I tend to be blunt/forward and its not to be mean I just lack a filter besides that I find it hard to be mean and stand up for myself, im also quite easy going.
Appearance: i have blonde/red hair (I dye my hair different colors often), I have pale skin and hazel eyes and im a bit curvy and im 5'4
Hobbies: I hate dancing i rather sing along to the music, I love listening to music I think its the best form of expression, I sketch often, im awful at cooking but I can bake well, I do tarot and I meditate to help with my anxiety disorder, im also a theater kid so I enjoy acting.
aesthetic: im known to have a hipster type of aesthetic im very laid back and adore 60s and 70s music
how my friends describe me: im known as a gremlin in my friend group, im very spontaneous and a bit aloof and they enjoy my strange humor.
turn ons/likes in a partner: humor, respect, neck kisses, cuddling, they let me take care of them, compassion, flirty moments, them laughing at my bad jokes, doesn't mind im a bit obsessive
turn offs/dislikes in a partner: distant, selfishness, dishonesty, never listens, close mindedness
Life goals;take things in stride and be happy
Dream date: I want to just go somewhere new spontaneously it can be anywhere i especially love night time adventures
Extra: im pansexual but I lean toward males more, im very open minded so im not opposed to polyamorous relationships as long as its close-knit, I tend to be a bit obsessive, I love animals I have a pet hedgehog and I'd love a bunny, im not energetic but that doesn't mean I don't like energetic people, im not always all there emotionally due to my depression, ADD and anxiety disorder, Im not always best with words so I buy gifts when someone is sad. Im a libra and scorpio (born on the cusp) and im an infp.
My theme song rn: bleed magic by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME and Toes by glass animals
Hello for this DC matchup I ship you with:
Barry Allen a.k.a the flash ⚡
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- he was attracted to your personality from when you joined the justice league. You had pshycic super powers making you telepathic and telekinetic.
- you could sense when things are wrong wearing a black mask and suit you normally could move things with your mind. However due to the mood swings it can affect the power causing choas.
- you met the flash through the justice league as you two were often flirty and giddy. You often made sly remarks to his power.
- you both teased each other about how your styles were so 1960s. Since that's when superheroes were on the begginning to rise.
- when it's night you two have a secret affair not letting the team know so when he makes love to you secretly it'll be in a locked bedroom. Whether it's just hugging or kissing. Since you enjoy neck kisses he would give them to you
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- when you first kiss it was after a mission to where you two were sitting on top of a building in your work attire.
Barry: dang y/n we did it never thought we would make it out
Y/n: yeah at least I was useful with my powers
Barry: your useful even without your powers *hugs you from behind*
Y/n: oh is that so~ *smirks at him
Barry: yeah *slowly kisses*
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- you would both be very close at times as well often complementing each others personality.
- he would take you on dates when the justice league aren't busy.
- he proposed in a restaurant and the two of you agreed to keep it on the down low.
- the two of you married in a chapel with the justice league joining. Your style is hippy and his is a tuxedo.
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- your child would be a super telekinetic fast person. They would be able to run and use their powers.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta 💫
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