#whole fic wouldnt have happened
spamgyu · 5 months
how was the update???
the way i hate miscommunication, but it's such an amazing plot tool LOL.
all i'm gonna say is that seungcheol and oc are fuckkkkeedddd in this version of backburner 😂😂😂😂
No bc if that happened to me OR my friends in real life i would have been booked for murder or aggravated assault like JUST TALK??? BRO UR 26!!!! TALK!!!
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Anyways in this version of backburner ending i give cheol and oc 3 months before they break up and oc is crying in mingyu's arms ..... just needed her to learn her damn lesson first.... stupid girl
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
So confused where fandom/fic writers got this interpretation that Miles does stupid shit that doesn’t make sense or barely works out in the end or puts his friends in unnecessary danger all the time. Like in both movies the others simply underestimate him and don’t understand what Miles is doing cause he thinks like Miles, not like your everyday Spiderman. He uses his Venom Strike to throw Kingpin in the ITSV movie and literally saves Gwen and Peter because they went into battle less than ready. Then had the entire plan to lure the Spiders in ATSV, yet I keep seeing him written like he doesn’t think or gets his friends in trouble even when he understands the danger. Most of the time his different thinking has helped or led people to fix personal issues.
The first movie alone pretty much sets in stone that the exact opposite of what he wants is others to get hurt by his actions, inactions or the actions of others and trying to live up to that belief and the expectations it carries. Across the Spider-verse hammers it home with how he constantly tries to save people because that’s what he should do, rather than listen to some theory that is clearly not absolute at best and outright wrong at worst. Every fic has him being the one to cause issues and not fix them when his planning and actions literally helped save Gayatri and her father.  (c’mon we know the glitching was the spot)
Yeah, I get making him stubborn or strong willed cause he doesn’t listen all the time but usually it’s for a good and valid reason, if he listened every time he was told not to, guess how many of our beloved characters would be dead?
#cause all the times he acts rash are because hes being lied to misled or not treated like he is gonna have to be spiderman and is spiderman#first gwen with the entirety of spider society and why he couldn't come then talked over by Miguel and blamed for what he couldn't possibly#control not to mention the shoddy nature of miguels entire theory#cause if it was true 1610b earth 42 and mayday wouldnt have happened or would collaspe casue miles was never supposed to be spiderman#so many things would be going wrong if it was true#miles is pretty level headed most of the time and quick he outsmarted the guy who made the trans dimension tech for crying outloaud#he simply doesnt tell his exact plan he does it and its up to others to figure it out cause why would he narrate his plan to them#he litteraly tells miguel he just doesnt know what miles is doing in response to miguel thinking hes just running blindly even Peter & Gwen#are suprised cause the whole point of miles story is others thinking they know it and underestimating him#him being dumb and rash and naive in fics just isnt a good source of conflict especially if its post ATSV and BTSV#he is constantly stating he doesnt need to prove himself as spiderman to anyone but himself soemthing he realizes in ITSVs climax#he already knows he spiderman and be damned if hes gonna try to prove it to someone who wanted his dad to die like yall treat him like he#learned nothing Miguel made more issues by not listening to Miles about the spot like he wants to wait for him to get stronger so Miles dad#will die think about that and say Miles is rash and doesn;t think again he isnt inexperienced or naive anymore save that for Pavitr who jinx#himself and has only been spiderman for 6 goddamn months#miles morales#across the spiderverse#atsv#spiderverse#atsv spoilers#spiderman#mini rant over im actually going to sleep now
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mishapen-dear · 2 months
genuine question but is there any fandom where a character is well written by the majority. im thinking about fandom culture and the spread of frustration when people dont write characters well but. honestly in all the fandoms ive been in there's only like, a Select number of authors who i trust to write Well, let alone write Well AND In Character. character analysis and writing and getting inside characters' heads are all separate skills (all of which are trained by roleplaying fyi can CONFIRM playing pretend with your friends is good for you). there's been more than once where I've disagreed with an interpretation that others agreed with, and then I turned out wrong. or i turned out right. like it doesnt matter WHO is right it just matters that differences in character analysis exist, so even if you DO write well AND write in character, your in character is still going to be someone else's out of character
there's this sort of. vibe. that to play in the sandbox you Need to be able to make a castle, and if you can't make a castle then you shouldn't bother, and it completely dismisses the idea that youre in that sandbox to PLAY in the first place. there's this Weight of disappointing someone if you can't build something that they like, but that forgets that you aren't there to build them a castle. like, be KIND. if you disagree with someone then please make an effort to do so kindly. i dont give a shit about fandom discourse but there is a reason kids get removed from sandboxes if they keep throwing sand in people's eyes. but if they don't like your misshapen sand pile, then youre not obligated to change it. even if you yourself end up hating that same sand pile later- youre not building a legacy. youre playing. and sometimes the result of that play is out of character drivel. theres a reason there are so many authors and so few who i like to consistently read and thats because everyone is Fucking Around in their hobby space. hash tag brag or whatever but i can build castles. ive built several that im v proud of. ive also dug holes in the sand for fun and then tripped on them when trying to get up. I often dug a hole and then got up and fucking- whoops, its a castle now, and i didn't realize i'd made something to be proud of until after the fact. the whole time while creating shit i was Convinced it was bullshit that didn't make sense. and then other times i was Convinced it was bullshit and then i was Right and i can look back and go. huh. ew. but it doesn't matter what the end result was, because i had fun playing in the sandbox
this wasn't meant to turn into a ramble but i have Feelings about bad art and art that's badly perceived and how public perception can screw with your head and how making art youre proud of is fucking. it's so difficult!!! it's hard!! it's really fun, which is why i try to make it, but i promise you it is Okay to not tryhard creativity. even if you CAN, it's okay not to do it all the time. or ever, even. fuck around find out have fun etc
#NOT a discourse post i am musing out loud#there's discourse goign around the dash rn or i wouldnt mention it#but the past few weeks ive seen a lot of “DONT fucking mischaracterize my guy my fuckign god”#which is one of the most frustrating pet peeve there is#but i think a lot too about little baby me#fresh on her writing journey#and how discouraged i would be if someone pointed out the mistakes id made#i made a Lot of fuckups#and i also think about this one fic where one of the characters was INCREDIBLY out of character#me today would not be able to stomach reading it#but baby me was so ENCHANTED#and it introduced to me the concept that you dont always know the reason someone does something#and it made me read even more#and because of that i eventually found Expert Skill level fics#which introduced me to MANY little tricks and fidgets ive tried to implement#there were so so many reviews on that fic that called it shit or complained about the bad characterization#but a decade later i still think about it#there were several very corny mine/craft horror fics i read#which back in the day would be called cringe#and those were what inspired me to write my first horror fic and now im Enchanted by the whole genre#theres a lot of stuff i dont like to read but i like that other people are enjoying themselves#i dont know how to be succinct i hope my point is coming across well#this ties into my thing where fiction is for you first others later#here are my credentials: bb/h fan since before the elections (hi i was the guy who noticed his lack of armour post elections)#and a cross-fandom comment trend of people going 'woa i can see this happening in canon'#im not talking out my ass i genuinely think its more important to have fun than to write accurate characterization#which. is a more 'duh' and clarifying thing than everything else ive written#but ah well c'est la vie#also also just realized this could be interpreted like that- NOT an attack on people who complain about mischaracterization either lmao#i do that too w friends. this is to reassure people who put pressure on themselves to create things Well all the time
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real and canon reunion moments not clickbait
(theyre brothers dont be weird or else)
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13 was here
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Love that for this short Pac story I'm writing, I went in with the intention of doing a character analysis of Pac and then delving into Tazercraft's whole deal, but I'm only ~3,500 words in and now I have that drafted AND the entire first half written — which wound up being entirely about Pac and Isa, somehow. 💀
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weebsinstash · 3 months
Now don't get me wrong, I like how... calm and unbothered Alastor is, or at least tries to pass himself off as being
but like.... we know he's a drinker.... and we know certain details about him having an alcoholic abusive father who was cruel to his mother which heavily influenced his whole Dexter serial killer morality bs... and I can't help but think of a fic idea where Reader and Alastor are together and, suddenly without warning you break up with him BECAUSE YOU CHEATED ON HIM. you're like, legitimately heartbroken and missing him but you broke up for a good reason and, time passes and you dont see or hear from him, you're basically just going on with your life, and, MEANWHILE HE'S JUST SLOWLY DEVOLVING IN A PATHETIC LITTLE MEOW MEOW
His radio show comes on and he's SLURRING and people are aghast. Alastor is usually such a classy gentleman, so careful with his image??? Meanwhile he's in his radio station with several glasses of whiskey and staring at a wall lined with your photos while he's broadcasting, "ohhhh hEeeEy LiSteNers!! How-how are you all doing this.... 😡LOVELY😤 evening. Isnt..... isn't it... so nice to... spend time with loved ones when you need them? 🥴 WELL I WOULDNT KNOW HA HAH HA" *cue 30 straight uninterrupted seconds of unhinged laughing from a man clearly having an emotional crisis* "so on tonightsssshow I was-i wasszzz hoping to-to discussss-"
Like imagine tuning into his show after avoiding it because it broke your heart and it turns from him like, having an actual topic and planned structure of his show, to then, one day you overhear a broadcast and he's just occasionally slurring, saying really really vague shit about how "real men are supposed to be strong enough to protect and hold onto those they hold dear" and you can occasionally hear the THUNK of his whiskey glass hitting the table meaning he's already drunk but still drinking WHILE broadcasting and, oh honey you already sound so wasted you don't need more--
You guys don't understand. I want this man having a very PUBLIC very MESSY mental breakdown because he was CRAZY IN LOVE WITH YOU and you sat him down and told him you love him deeply but you need sex and you've cheated on him REPEATEDLY and EVEN THEN he was HARDCORE COPING, "w well as long as you promise it won't happen again-" "I cant and i won't. I love you but i cant repress this part of myself" LIKE YOU DECIMATE THIS MAN. Alastor's just beside himself because like, not without valid feelings but you're basically dumping him to fuck strangers. Like. I just. What if he literally had a ring box or was starting to realize he's demisexual on the ace spectrum and was starting to have Those Feelings for you and you're just. Breaking up with him, and all he hears is "sorry but having these disgusting men I don't even know hunch over on me grunting like disgusting animals and defiling me who is definitely way too good for them is way better than being with you my respectful funny classy charming totally-not-husband"
I want you to be walking down the streets of Hell and Vox suddenly comes on their equivalent of a jumbotron and he's visibly beside himself with excitement, "BREAKING NEWS, THE RADIO DEMON IS PISS DRUNK IN THE GUTTER LIKE A FUCKING LOSER, MORE NEWS ON THE SCENE" and it just snap cuts to him facedown in the street somewhere. Have you ever seen Intervention. You can have grown ass adults with successful careers and loving communities and when they find something that breaks them you'll be seeing shit like, children finding their mothers literally passed out in the yard because they were too drunk to get into the house or even WALK properly. So. You just. See him in this legitimately pathetic absolutely humiliating state and you can't help but feel that that's YOUR fault, meanwhile Vox is living his best fucking life, GOD FORBID VOX SEES YOU STANDING THERE CRYING ON THE SIDEWALK, he's then broadcasting your crying face all over Hell, "Hey Alastor even your EX is CRYING AT HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE, GUESS THAT'S WHY THEY LEFT YOU HUH" and like. The live feed of Alastor shows him just, struggling to even lift his head to look up to, wherever, and see your image there, looking absolutely devastated, looking at him with pity and heartbreak. oh, his sweet beloved, looking so distressed because you see him so weak...
Vox is just living it up mocking both of you but he's made several enormous mistakes by putting you on the air, especially looking like THAT, especially with Alastor in this mental state, and ESPECIALLY to mock you when you're already looking so broken. The feed cuts. All the TVs read "LOST SIGNAL" and nothing comes back on the news for the rest of the night. Less than a week later, the radios are on again, and Alastor sounds... completely back to normal? Chipper, even? And at first you're happy to hear he's all good and well, but, there's something about some of the things he's saying that are making you a little.... nervous?
"You know folks, it took me an EMBARRASSINGLY long while to realize that, a true traditional man puts the needs of others above himself, and especially the needs of his special somebody! One can't truly care for one's loved one properly if you're too boggled down with, FEELING SORRY for yourself right? How else are you going to... defend what's yours if you just lie down and take it?"
"So while I was off the air, good listeners, I was doing quite a bit of, spring cleaning, let's call it! Yes, I was... unfortunately very busy, having to wrangle up quite a few.... disgusting, insignificant, dirty, thieving PERVERTS!!!! ....but now that that's all good and done with, I'd certainly like to think these streets are a little more... respectable!"
"To end the broadcast tonight, a final word to all my fellow men out there. If you happen to discover that, for whatever reason, your beloved has run off with another? It was because you deserved it for being WEAK. You allowed another man to just, COME IN and... DESECRATE what is precious to you? Disgraceful. Pathetic. Ill-mannered. You cannot call yourself a worthy partner if you simply allow your beloved to waltz themselves into the mouth of danger, can you? So, a little piece of advice from your humble host here tonight: Take back what is yours. Take them back, do not let them go, and do not let anyone EVER soil your love ever again. ........Also hey! Don't forget that the annual Cannibal District Cook-Out is this coming weekend so be sure to--"
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
hey cas! hope youre well!
i saw you wanted microfic prompts so how about a jegulus fic where regulus has just turned up at the potters' despite telling james he wouldnt run away? preferably fluffy rather than angsty though haha
no pressure though! ❤
I LOVE this!
"James...I can't. You know I can't."
The words rang through James's brain constantly, distracting him from every action he tried to complete. He wasn't just worried. He was terrified. To know that Regulus was at that horrible place, with those evil people?
He hadn't slept in days.
He didn't talk about it much. He knew Sirius was worried, too, but he didn't bring it up because he didn't want to make his best friend even more anxious. But really, he was one wrong step away from a complete breakdown.
He settled into bed that night knowing he wouldn't sleep. He tried, really, but he just couldn't close his eyes without picturing Regulus cowering on the ground, Walburga or Orion pointing their wand and screaming at him. If he thought about it too much, the tears came, and he just lay there, crying and cursing, frustrated that he couldn't do anything to protect the vulnerable piece of his heart that currently resided outside of his body.
So he was decidedly awake at 2am when there was a noise outside. A knock at the door.
His heart skipped a beat as he rose, tip-toeing down the stairs to the front door, peering into the peephole to see.
"Reg!" he exclaimed, far too loud for this time of night.
Opening the door, he didn't hesitate to pull the shorter boy in his arms, suppressing a sob of relief as he did so. "What happened? Are you?" he asked as he released his boyfriend and held him at and arm's length, trying to get a better look at him.
"I'm okay," Regulus murmured, looking pale and nervous. "I just...I realized that...I want..." he took a breath and steeled himself. "I want to be here. With you. If you'll still have me." He stared into James's eyes almost defiantly as he said it, like he was daring James to reject him, to let him down like so many others had.
"Love...I've been waiting for you this whole time," James murmured, pulling Regulus into his arms again. "I'm never letting you leave."
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xhanelia · 4 months
thank you for writing my request! I practically inhaled every word of it. I hope your stuffy nose gets better soon. If it isn't too much, could I please request gekko and sova with a fellow agent that likes to bring them gifts every time they come back from a mission? Thank you!
(also can I please be sova lover anon?)
Hello again darling! Im so happy that you liked it! And ofc you can be the sova lover anon. Just write down your name at the end of the request so that i know its you.
I have never write gekko or read any fic about him so if its bad im so sorry. :(
<<<Reader is gn and an agent from the protocole. >>>
Sova and Gekko with a gift-giving reader
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You regret the choice you made afew days ago. Going through a mountain mission in winter. Being with Sova is heartwarming enough but your body isnt warming up. At least you can get hypothermia happily.
You wanted to bring a gift with you like you always did. Reminding you of that core memories about the missions and a little cheer that youre still alive after all that.
But on top of a snowy mountain? Yeah you gotta search if you do not end up meeting elsa herself.
As the thoughts went through your mind, you got scared by something hitting the operator you were holding. It was this close you ended up firing an accidant shot and reveal your position.
"Hey, what happened?" Sova turned to you. You look at what might have hit your face and opeartor from the sky.
It was an owl. A small one too. It was trying to get up from the snow it got stuck on but it doesnt seem to be working. You picked it up with your two hands. Unsure about how to hold an owl, you tried to keep it as steady as possible. The little animal was squeling and trying to break free.
Sova kneel to your level and hold one of its wings and open it a bit. The owl shout out more. "It must have got hurt. Lets build up the tent here." The russian man said while standing up.
Sova managed to patch the little bird up with the help of yours. The owl wasnt squeling anymore and seemed to be more friendly to both of you.
"You wanna give it a name?" You said to Sova while the bird ran around the tent. "You found it first. Whats your suggestion?" He said. You thought a bit about it but it wasnt too long for you to come up with the perfect name.
"Sasha!" The man named 'Sasha' looked at you with curiosity on his face. "What?" You laughed at the confusion. "No, i meant the owls name. Lets name it Sasha, since Sova means owl too." (Anybody who read headcannons i wrote, this is how you found the owl, darlings.)
He laughed at the excitement of yours. It was a bit emberrasing to him, naming something before him. But he liked the idea you have. "Alright, lets name it Sasha."
As the mission completed, you get ready to take the double Sashas to the HQ. (you know that Brim wouldnt allow one of them inside but hey, Skye can have a whole zoo, whats wrong with just an injured baby owl?) Then you find a feather that fell from the little guy you guys temporarily adopted. Now this was something to worth keeping.
As you arrive at the HQ, you give the feather to Sova. "There wasnt anything worth to be a gift on top of a mountain but the most remarkable one was 'Sasha'. And we both know Brim will find it out soon and make us release it so, here. I want you to have it." You said to the man that is walking near you.
He take the feather and smiled at it. "Thank you. I will keep this with me." Your way of thinking made his heart warm up.
But before you release the owl, Sova managed to collect two more feathers and made them fit on the end of a handmade arrow. The arrow is hang to his wall and always will be there. He misses his little owl but the memory core with you always be there.
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The mission was to a local neighborhood of Italy. The place went up to the sky like Ascent did because of the radianite. You and your team was there to collect info and save citizens who may still be up there.
When you were walking down the streets, you saw a little brown bear with a cute bow like hair clip on its ear laying on the ground. It probably belonged to a little girl that needed to leave her home and accidently dropped it.
You felt sad for the cute fella and to the girl. You picked it up in your hands and give it a little dust off. This was the perfect gift. And the little bear reminded you of someone...
The mission canceled as soon as the whole team heard the explosion coming from the other side of the street. Chyper came running while trying to put out the fire thats on his cape. At least he was able to gather some information.
The helicopter landed on top of the HQ. Everyone got out and went to their ways. But ofcourse, there was always someone who will greet you. This time, it was wingman.
The cute yellow creature said something that was unknown to you. You giggled at it and fist bumped its little hand.
"Im alright, little man. Dont need to worry." Wingman yippie'd to you in its way. Jumping a little while its hands on the air.
Then, you hear some running footsteps coming closer. When it turns the corner, you realize its Gekko.
"What happened?! Are you okay? I heard that there was an explosion!" You shook your hands as a no while laughing at his worry.
"No, no im fine." You said then looked at the little fella thats down on your feet, looking at you curiously. The sight of wingman reminded you of the little bear you found.
"Yeah! I have something to give you!" You went quickly inside of the helicopter and grab the bear. Taking the bow-clip from its ear.
You slowly aproached to him while hiding the bear behind you. He raised a brow while tilting his head. "And whats that?" The green haired man asked.
"Ta-daa!" You show him the bear thats inside your hands. His eyes widen at the sight. Slowly taking the plushie from your hands. "For me?" You nod your head. His smile widen, showing his teeth.
"Its so cute. Where did you found this?" He asked. "It reminded me of wingman so i just picked it up." You said.
Lowering yourself to the wingman, you placed the little bow on its ear. "And that is for you!" You said. The wingman cheered while trying to hug you. You laughed at its effort and picked it up from the ground. Hugging him while the little yellow hands hug your face.
Gekko laughed at both of you. "Wingman thanks you. And i do too." He says. His friends really act how he feels like around someone. And the way that they are always here to greet you whenever you came back from a mission makes your day. You feel special to him. And you really are. Its no hard to tell when his little emotions are all over the place but mostly around you.
He takes a good care of the bear. Its on the top shelf of his bookshelf. And when it comes to wingman, it wears the bow when theres an event when everyone gotta dress up. The bow is like its dress. Its something special to the yellow creature.
Its not me saying but the others wants gifts too now. They wanna be like wingman!
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onginlove · 9 months
spiderteens headcanons!!! how the spider teens are dating you
I personally want to say I’m so sorry for not posti bc the “once a week” like I said. I’ve honestly been procrastinating and dealing with school work and homework everyday so pls cut me some slack. I promise I’ll try to post more 😭😭 (format is gonna be real ugly bc this is rushed and I got nothin prepared 😭)
miles would constantly crack jokes and try to get you to laugh. just seems like the typa person he is.
miles have over 100+ pages in his sketchbook dedicated to you. literally, that’s all he draws now.
miles def took you on a swing around brooklyn as a date and for fun. you hate heights but you love being with him 🤭🤭
miles would constantly check up on you. whether it’s through text or physically, he’s just tryna make sure his s/o is ok 🫶🏿😞
pavitr def takes you to the fanciest restaurants even if it’s just to get some lunch. he wants to make sure you 10/10 love your food.
every now and then, pavitr invites you over to have some chai with his maya auntie (i think that’s what he says 😭😭). his auntie def love u frfr
pavitr just looks at you without you realizing until you turn his way and he quickly looks somewhere else. like he could be staring at you for 10 minutes until you notice him.
“wait, so your saying you got 10?” *turns to pavitr*
*pavitr turns away*
”how long were you staring at me for?”
“to the point where i really needed to blink”
gwen, like i said in my other spiderteen fic, makes songs dedicated to you fr. she even plays the song with the whole band crew bc they know how important it is to gwen.
gwen thought that you and her dad wouldnt get along but you guys click like white rice and ketchup (hey, it’s a good combo. try it sometime.)
gwen loves when you show up to her dance practice. your always there for her moral support 🤭
hobie is def v protective over you. he tries to make sure nothing happens to you EVER🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
you and hobie would constantly join riots, protests, marches, other stuff like that (BUT NOTHING ABOUT HOMOPHOBIA BC HE SUPPORTS)
you always sat in the front row to hobie’s show (lil ref from spiderman 3 🤭🤭) he would constantly glance at you to make sure ur alright. he even put you onstage once
hobie wants to make sure ur confident in urself so he would constantly give u some affirmations (self projecting). he constantly tells you how much he loves ur body and stuff like that 😜😜🫶🏿🫶🏿
thanks so much for reading and tysm for almost 300 followers!
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meowdy-all · 2 months
I have an idea for a fic!! I have to say i am a huge sucker for divine intervention where the cast of a show gets shown either memories or moments from a characters life, or shown the show itself.
I ALSO have to say that i am currently obsessed with Lucifer (and by extension radioapple). I really think it would be awesome if the hotel got a package delivered. And in it was a show based around Lucifers fall, and his banning from heaven. The war he fought with heaven and tge only reason he lost was because his father got involved. Showing lucifer is the second most powerful being in all of creation, tied with his brother Michael. Lucifer was GODS favorite child, he literally made the stars. Detailing his injuries Because of the fall, yk some prime lucifer angst. Showing his attempt to redeem sinners, that he was forced to stop because heaven got involved, and him having to make the deal for exterminations to save his people. And it also shows how lilith wanted a kid, and lucifer going through giving birth to Charlie, and then detailing how liliths treatment of him changed because of it (a BIG sucker for lilith treated Luci like trash) and her making it so lucifer CANT spend time with his daughter. And charlie doesn't know her mom was actively preventing lucifer from being active and involved in her life. And then it goes into lilith taking charlie away from him, and lucifers PTSD from heaven and his fall, and his depression. How all he wabted was his family. Angels are social creatures, and im fairly sure isolation for who know how many years isnt healthy for anyone. The whole hotel being horrified bec this silly man who is so awkward is EXTREMELY powerful and they tend to forget that. And charlie seeing heaven isnt all its cracked up to be, and they can be CRUEL, and he mother isnt a good person either. Of course all of this wouldnt be without some background radioapple old married couple bickering. And at least one scene would be something dramtic happening in hell, and it cutting to alastor (still alive) and hes in the middle of killing someone and he feels a deep unrest in his soul and he just goes (what was that)
Just... loving radio apple with a heap of lucifer angst and a side of bamf luci.
Im not going to lie to you this was largely inspired by Jeremy Jordan singing where is the justice on tiktok and i could not get Lucifer pleading his case infront of his brothers and sisters out of my head. And when they refuse to listen the war starts. Just... *chefs kiss*
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any (dad) shane headcannons?
Shane SDV Dad Headcannons
A/n: Totally! Sorry this took a few days, finals season is really kicking my ass lol
My requests are open to practically any fandom and trope/type of fic, so dont be afraid to ask!!
As always, these are just my opinions. Feel free to leave any of your thoughts in the comments!
Warnings: General spoilers of Shane's heart events, alcohol and addiction (let me know if i missed any!)
I think that Shane would be very hesitant to become a father. After losing himself once he finished high school, he just never really saw himself in the position to have a child
Shane would be internally freaking out if he found out that a one night stand or hookup got pregnant. He really wouldnt think that he was ready or that it would be a good idea for him to raise the child.
Although he may voice his opinions about wether he wanted to keep it or not, he would never force the other parent to do something against their will.
In a committed relationship, however, I think that Shane would be significantly more open to the idea of children. Dont get me wrong, he would still be super anxious about it but definitely in less of a panicked state.
As soon as Shane found out he was going to be a father, he tried to quit drinking. Although he might not have succeeded the first time he tried to get help, he would not stop trying.
I think that Shane would even go to the extent of setting up a rehab plan with Harvey and have a monthly check in. Even though he literally hate getting judged for his issues, he would do anytning to be the best father he could be.
Once the child was born, Shane got way more involved with life in general. I think that after a while he would even go out of his way to show off his kid.
The proudest father ever. His kid managed to take their first steps? He's got a picture of it hanging on the bedroom wall. They kicked a ball for the first time? He doesn't care that they missed; he immediatly picked them up and started cheering them on.
I think that it would take him maybe a year or so after the child is born to be fully recovered from his addiction. Recovery from such a prominent problem takes a lot of time, so he would really try as hard as possible to stay away from relapsing.
After taking care of Jas for just about her whole life, he learnt a TON of skills that nobody else would really know, especially as a first time parent. He knows every way to change diapers or even just trick the kid into going to bed a little early every once in a while.
I think that on occasion Shane would have almost a happy but sad ish cry about his kid(s) if that makes sense? Like he's so proud of who they've become but he's also do disappointed that it took a child to get him to battle his addictions.
Not every day would be great, however. Shane would probably get overwhelmed very easily during the early stages of his recovery. Some days I do genuinely think that Shane would raise his voice at his kid(s)
If this does ever happen, however, he would immediately regret it when he saw their eyes well up with tears. He would apologize and try to comfort them, if they allowed it
I think that something similar may happen with his partner at this time, as well. He just gets so tired and mentally exhausted when he's in recovery that it's difficult to keep his cool around the people that he loves.
Overall, though, I think that Shane would be a pretty kick-ass parent. He really does care about his kid(s), even if he does struggle to express it every once in a while. He would be very involved in their life once he got sober. Not a single sports game would be missed if he could help it.
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shygirl4991 · 6 months
SMG3 Sussy Notebook
ima tag smg3 sussy notebook spoilers and have the pics of the notebook under read more so you can pick if ya wanna see the notebook! These are highlights and not every page!
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now that we have the pw for club penguin we can all log in and get all the cool skins, honestly i feel if mario just guess the password it wouldnt take him long to get it xD be faster then stealing the notebook and all
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ah yes the start of the worlds longest slowburn its a super funny thought that right out the usb he gets his notebook and goes this bitch here ima make him my life rival
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oh shit shout out to these two that showed up in SMG3 Gauntlet of gloom
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suuuure buddy keep telling yourself that, seems even tho SMG3 marked him as his rival and hated him over what happen in college he still wanted to hang out with 4 and be friends but its not like he cares or anything...baka!
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lmao the censor on what happen in the igloo ah yes nothing but hugging happen there nothing to M rated xD im guessing the real book in universe might have it a bit more detail given the big deal it was for wotfi 2023
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we really dont talk about that hug
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did...did i call it in my fic that this man legit is crazy about beans and hot sauce im dying i guess when your the bad guy with low budget for food you get use to the good classic beans and hot sauce
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oh honey thats not how that works xD this man is smart but also oh so dumb i think he gets that from his avatar that and he is a few years fresh from the usb Update: @alianarepasa let me know its from a mad max episode i manage to miss it was a fun watch and now i understand what this means xD these peeps really went wild without internet poor toad
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pifft im guessing he has masters degree specialized in psychology? other wise idk how he is a psychologist and he seems to be a good one from what we have seen but who knows he could be bullshitting his way through how evil xD
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both our boys are ready to ride forklifts into the sunset someone draw this please xD
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im laughing i guess SMG3 isnt much a fan of boopkins but seems he really enjoys being with the crew he wont say it but im sure he is a happy bean to finally be with the cool kids after years of being jealous.
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he says but give this man eggdog or eggdog memes and he becomes Tari in a second
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hey lads we found the page from SMG4 We Dont Talk About What Happened in the Elevator
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he wants a castle but ended up with a sick lair in a coffee shop i think thats better!
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okay putting my shipping heart away this is so interesting to me like he starts off thinking 4 is a loser and makes him his rival then gets jealous he has these friends and he isnt apart of them. We know SMG3 is lonely and lost as he doesn't know his purpose before becoming lord of the graveyard now being apart of the crew and now knowing who is he, SMG3 is much happier and closer to the crew. But the way he writes this feels like he likes the close contact with 4 and while he doesnt want to admit it could it be he legit does have romantic feelings? idk i feel these past episodes and this part really gets me thinking they have something here to really make smg34 canon naturally and not have the way they act with each other be to different might go more into this later.
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this sparks joy thank you for including this and thats it for my ted talk thanks for reading again this is just my highlights i dont want to post the whole notebook here just stuff that gets my mind going!
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1seaweedbrain1 · 23 days
i say this knowing full well i have issues w/ my favorite characters being mischaracterized so know that theres blood leaking out my nose as a type but i stand by it
A lot of the time characters are used as plot devices in fics as opposed to how they would be used in canon, purely so that the fic can happen.
yeah obviously dazai or ranpo would have known better in canon but then we wouldnt get the next 4 characters of the fic and the whole thing wouldnt have hit as hard
ofc bruce isnt actually intentionally shit to his kids just to drive them out in canon (i think anyways, im missing some chunks of it) but then we wouldnt get tim jason solidarity
youre right, aj isnt stupid but if he doesnt run off like a dumbass we dont get clem freaking out and louis helping her.
sometimes you need a character to be ooc for the plot to actually happen, also since fics are written for free the authors owe you nothing. you can always just. not read a fic you dont like. hell you can go complain to your friends about why you didnt like it, we got a channel in my server exclusively for shit talk of troupes and fanon interpretations we dont like (and a few other things but thats whats there most) you dont have to like it but you shouldnt be an ass about not liking it
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Hi hi hi so i just read something you wrote about girl dad! Simon and just oof im whipped for girl dad! Simon and im sorry but man imma go on a ramble about this bc every damn time i think about him being a girl dad i think about like him finding out reader is pregnant and then forced to go out on a long mission that will unfortunately mean he'll miss the birth (he didnt know before that he would miss it like shit happens he has to stay longer than planned bc lets be honest this man wouldnt miss shit if he could help it hed want to be there every step) but anyways hed leave before they found out the gender and the whole time hes away hes picturing a baby boy and like wondering if hell turn out like his dad or just that he doesnt think he could have good shit in his life and like he cant communicate with reader while hes away so he doesnt find out that rhe babys a girl until he gets back and the moment he lays eyes on her everything changes he knows he'll be a good dad he'd do anything for her very much all- american girl by carrie underwood vibes (sorry if you dont vibe with country) but he knows he'll take care of her protect her spoil the shit out of her and you you both are his girls and youre the world for him
Anyways thanks for listening to the ramble :)
Oh my god I love this😭😭😭 totally debating turning this into a blurb.
Dad! Simon does not get enough fics (no amount will ever be enough) and I’m desperate to write as much as I can😭❤️
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puhpandas · 7 months
So anyway what are your thoughts on Michael pressing glamrock Freddy. Cause I think it’s one of my new favorite fic tropes. Haven’t found a whole lot of good ones where Gregory isnt Evan in a robot body or something yet, but I’ve found myself even enjoying those.
I've always liked glammike as a concept but in canon? hell no. at least for me. I think mike and Gregory as a concept in general is awesome and I've seen some really well done but you really do have to get them right.
I think the 'really kind adult making up for the lack of good father figures' character really works for Freddy and Gregory but with Mike it would have to be a different story. I dont think it works as well with him. mike himself is just such a deep character and it would NOT be black and white with him and Gregory. there would have to be a lot in between before they become as close as they would, and on top of that i think it would have to be more of a brother thing than a father thing
talking about mike and Gregory both having inner turmoils to do with eachother about trust. mike would see this kid and want to protect him and be going through a conundrum about how Gregory doesnt need to just be a make up/redo for Evan. mike needs to be aware that he could just be doing this because of his guilt. so he would be learning to get over that and also see Gregory as his own person because it wouldnt just be an insecurity, gregory genuinely would probably be to make up for Evan to Mike at first and he would have to get over that
and Gregory would obviously have never had any parental figures worth a crap and this guy that is being nice to him but with those instincts Gregory has undoubtedly developed he senses that there's something going on underneath with how Mike is treating him. and he would be right. so it would be grappling with his learned behavior plus his instincts that hes learned to trust and is trusting at that moment. I think they would be very rocky at first but it's only after some blow up happens where Mike being honest about a mistake he made with Gregory and its something bad he did? that would be suprising to Gregory and make him trust him more. and mike getting that off his chest and having a heart to heart with Gregory and seeing a kid who isnt Evan 2.0 would help a lot too
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