#why am i doing this. who's even paying attention? should i move my shit from fallout at a certain point?
part of me wants to try using the polls since i have them to see if any of my followers actually are interested in my writing and to see if anyone is secretly begging me to write a new chapter or some shit but also I know if I get little to no responses I'll feel really sad and unmotivated so uh
i dunno
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Hello! How are you? Hope you're doing good. I was wondering if I could request a Poly!Pastics x reader where the reader is a HUGE people pleaser and R does everything for everyone and it got so bad to where R stayed awake for three weeks straight to have time to make everyone happy. The girls have enough and force force their girlfriend to sleep and not stress over other people?
Sorry if it's too much or top specific.
Whats One More?||
|| Poly!plastics x fem!reader
(i myself am poly!)
|| Warnings: swearing, super long, Reader's absolutely exhausted, Regina being Regina, comfort (i dont think there's too many, if i missed something lmk)
|| Summary: Reader keeps helping out everyone to the point where it begins to effect her sleep schedule. Ms. Norbury notices and brings it to the attention of the plastics, who comfort Reader and get Reader to sleep.
Requests open!
Started: April 20th
Finished: April 21st
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To say you were a people pleaser would be an understatement. You weren't sure if there was a better word to describe it, maybe... doormat? You couldn't say no to save your life. It was a genuine problem that often spiralled beyond your control. Well, you could control it. If you just said no. But that was mean. You hated the thought of anyone hating you, so you worked overtime to make sure that never happened.
Today was no different.
"Hey, Y/N! Wait up!" Shane Omen yelled your name from across the hall as you stood at your locker, making you internally groan. You didn't like Shane but you never showed it. You forced out a smile as you looked at him.
"What's up, Shane?" You asked, keeping your tone your signature calm one. As opposed to the internal screaming that was going on in your head. Why couldn't he just leave you alone? You had been having an amazing day before he showed up.
"Mind doing my homework for me? I'm just so busy this week that I have no time for it. Oh, and my buddies too. I'll pay ya." He smirked at you, clearly trying to use whatever charm he could muster. This wasn't the first time it's happened. His friend had walked up next to him, holding a large stack of papers up to his chest which you could only assume was the entirety of Shane's friend groups overdo homework.
You held back a sigh.
"Yeah. When do you need it done by?" You asked. Reluctantly. You hated the thought of doing all that extra work, but then again you hated the thought of someone hating you more than you hated the idea of doing the homework. So you'd do it. On top of your own you already had to do, plus you had promised Karen you'd help her out with hers.
"This Friday." He replied, gesturing for his friend to give you the work. Which he did. He practically shoved it into you.
The sudden weight added to your binders almost made you stumble, this Friday? It was fucking Wednesday. That gave you two nights. Shit, you'd have to pull all nighters in order to get this done, your own work, AND help Karen. Maybe Karen should come first, since she was her girlfriend. Restart.
Karen, your own work, and Shane's shit. That's the order you gathered in your head. You could help Karen out tonight, get your own work done after and get it all done in one session so you could focus the rest of the day tomorrow on Shane's stuff. Yeah, that could work.
"Yeah... I got it. You don't have to pay." You smiled at him, he gave your shoulder a playful nudge. Sure, the money for your time would be nice. But you hated the thought of taking someone's money. Even if it was Shane Omen's.
"You're amazing, Y/N!" Shane and his buddy walked off, high fiving each other and clasping their hands together with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and readjusted the papers and your binder with your knee. Sighing at the sight of the stack you now held.
Finale bell went, showing the end of the day. Which you were grateful for.
You moved the papers and binders to one side so you could hold it with a single arm comfortably. Then opened your locker with your now free hand, holding your knee up to keep the papers from slipping. Grimacing slightly at your awkward option as you pulled your bag from your locker, stumbling back as the bag came out. Though your balance was caught by Gretchen, who gave you a soft smile and held you as you gathered your footing. Slinging the bag on your shoulder then holding the papers with both arms again.
"Thanks, baby." You smiled at your girlfriend, Karen quickly came up behind her and smiled at you.
"Y/N!" She gave you a quick hug, you kissed Karen's cheek since your hands were too full to hug her back.
Gretchen looked at all the stuff in your arms and raised an eyebrow," What's all that?"
"Shane's stuff. He needed some extra help." You explain briefly, not giving too many details. Gretchen narrowed her eyes at that. You were helping Shane? Shane Omen? Why?
She was going to ask more, when Karen suddenly frowned and interrupted.
"You're still helping me tonight, right?"
"No yeah, yeah of course! Come over to mine when Regina drops us off, okay?" You assure her, feeling a little bad for making her think you wouldn't be able to help her too. Even if it was an accident. As for Regina dropping you off, she pretty much always takes you to and from school along with Karen & Gretchen.
Karen smiles gratefully at you and pulls you in for a kiss, you happily kiss her back and Gretchen takes a photo of the two of you.
"That's so cute! It's going on our shared insta." Gretchen says with a little squeal, opening insta on her phone and going to the shared account you all have access to. She posts the photo with the caption: look at these cuties 🥺💕
You break the kiss and smile at Gretchen, your group text then goes off with a text from Regina.
|| Regina: where the hell are all of you?? I'll leave you here if you dont hurry your asses.
There's a pause before another text comes in.
You laughed when you read that one, Gretchen giggled too and you glanced at Karen with an innocent grin.
"She must've seen the photo." You say with a laugh, the girls nod their heads in agreement and the three of you head to Regina's jeep. You didn't want to keep her waiting longer than you already have.
At the jeep, Karen and Gretchen got in the back while you took your usual seat in the front next to Regina. Who was already looking at you expectantly.
"Just a sec," You tell her, attempting to stuff your binders and additional papers into your bag so they didn't blow away when Regina drove. Considering her jeep had no doors, something you found awfully inconvenient.
Regina groans and rolls her eyes," Ugh. Why do you have so much extra papers anyway?"
"Helping Shane." You reply, part of you had wanted to lie because you knew Regina wouldn't like the answer. But if she found out about the lie (and she always does) that would've made things way worse.
Regina looked offended," What? Seriously? Why the fuck?"
"He asked and I couldn't say no.." You admit in a mumble, making Regina narrow her eyes at you.
"You gotta work on that. Seriously, Y/N." Regina says, you finally get everything to fit in your bag before you looked at her with a frown.
"You know, Regina's right Y/N." Gretchen pipes up, leaning forward and resting her arm on Regina's back seat as she looks at you with a concerned gaze." You take on way too much from other people."
"But they'll get mad if I say no." You respond, turning your gaze to Gretchen for a moment.
"So? Fuck them, let them get mad." Regina shrugged and grabbed your chin, making you look at her before kissing you roughly. Your eyes widened at the suddenness of it but you melted into the kiss. She broke it off and wiped your bottom lip with her thumb, smirking at you," You owed me a kiss."
You blushed deeply and she laughed at your reaction, shaking her head and starting up her car.
"You're too easy. But fuck, Y/N. You gotta stop letting people walk all over you. You're not a fucking doormat." Regina's words may have been harsh, but they were the truth. You did need to stop letting people walk all over you.
But maybe not today. It was now Monday. You had managed to get everything done for Friday, much to your own sacrifice. You haven't slept a wink since Tuesday night before everything happened. And you were starting to feel it. Sure you could have slept on the weekend, but your girls dragged you around to house parties both Saturday night and Sunday night. You stayed sober to keep an eye on them and be the designated driver and you probably could have slept when you got them home, but you wanted to make sure nothing happened throughout the night. So you've been awake for almost a week straight. It was hell.
Today you had Chess Club, an extra curricular club you had chosen. You managed to get your girlfriends to agree to let you do it, Gretchen had put up a bit of an argument but when she saw how good you were at the game she let it slide.
You sat in your usual spot at the library, a chess board in front of you as played off against your best friend; Flow Scotts (short for Florence). You guys had met when you joined Chess Club, having been paired together day one. The two of you were a pretty even match and would face off against each other frequently, which built the friendship between the two of you.
You studied the board as you rubbed one of your eyes, plotting your next move while trying to stay awake. She already had you in check with her bishop, so you moved your own bishop to block hers. With the Queen defending the bishop it was a solid move, if she decided to take your piece blocking your King you could safely take hers with your Queen. sorry to the non-chess nerds who aren't going to really understand my rambles here.
Flow made a huff sound and you laughed, smiling at her when someone comes to sit next to your table. You didn't recognize him, so you assumed he must've been new to the Club as he watched your game with an interest only Chess Club members seemed to have in their eyes.
Flow blinks and looks up from the board, getting distracted from whatever strategy she had been forming in her head." Can we help you?"
"Oh! Hi! Um, Mr. Rapp told me I could come join you guys here. And like observe and maybe play winner. I'm James." He introduces himself, you and Flow glanced at each other and you shrugged.
"Alright. This is Flow, I'm-" He stops you with a smile.
"Y/N. I know, everyone knows. You're dating the plastics." James says, you sighed. You hated when people called them that. They were so much more than 'the plastics' behind closed doors.
"Right." You nodded your head.
"Also, I'm still sort of new to Chess and Mr. Rapp said that one of you could help me out with like extra chess lessons after school?" James continued on, you glanced at Flow.
"I have soccer practice after soccer today." Flow looks back at you. Flow didn't play soccer, she clearly just didn't want to tutor him.
"Yeah, okay. I'll do it. Meet here five minutes after the bell." You tell James, who gives you a grateful smile.
You had a test you had wanted to study for after school and a project you had wanted to use the school lab computers for, but now you were stuck tutoring James. You figured you could just pull another all nighter to get the work done. What's one more?
Well, one more turned into many more. It's been a total of three weeks since you last had a decent, solid sleep and it was really affecting your grades. People just kept asking things of you and you couldn't tell them no. It was bad.
Ms. Norbury was the first to notice your grades dropping, as your grades in math were pretty solid. They weren't mathletes worthy but they weren't completely low either. You averaged a 75%, which had now dropped down to 68% with your lack of sleep and focus in class.
You were currently in math, which was your fourth period. Trying desperately to pay attention and not fall asleep. Though at one point you droop so low your head hits the table, startling you into a more upright position as people stared at you in confusion. Ms. Norbury narrowed her eyes, sleeping in class wasn't like you. She was sure something was wrong.
"Okay, everybody take 5." She says, people get up and head out while she walks over to you.
"Y/N? Everything alright?"
"Just tired." You tell her in a mumble, you weren't a mumbler.
"Honey, when was the last time you slept?" She asked, crouching down in front of your desk to get a better look at you. She frowned as she saw the dark circles and the very evident exhaustion.
You simply shrugged, to you her voice felt far and distant so you had to put all your remaining energy into hearing her. You couldn't remember the last time you had a good sleep. You knew it had been a while ago, though. All your days just felt as though they had blended together.
That concerned Ms. Norbury further, she debated if she should just send you home at this rate. After all it was just fourth period and she was sure you'd have people in other classes who could get the work you missed.
"Come on, Y/N. How about we call one of your parents and have them come get you?" She said softly, knowing a good sleep at home would be what you needed.
When you heard that you shook your head, you knew your parents wouldn't come get you. Even if you had been throwing up they'd tell you to tough it out.
"They wouldn't.." You say in a mumble, Ms. Norbury frowns at that and tries to think of a plan B. She knew the various cliques and which students hung out with who, so she knew you were close with the plastics. The question was which one would be come get you? Little did she know any one of them would do it in a heartbeat.
She sighed quietly to herself and stood up," Alright, just wait here." She tells you before heading to the class phone and giving someone a call. You weren't sure who.
About five minutes pass before Gretchen comes running into the room, when she saw you she paused and looked at Ms. Norbury. They seemed to have some silent conversation, no. Their mouths were moving. You just couldn't focus enough to hear what they were saying.
You slumped back in your seat and your eyes started to close, exhaustion catching up to you when you felt hands on your shoulders and looked to see Gretchen watching you with worry all over her face.
Gretchen had known that something was wrong. She knew it from the start, but every time she tried to talk about it with you you would just say 'tired' and nothing else so she gave up pressing you on it. She knew she should have tried harder to get the information out of you.
Even Regina had tried too at one point, she noticed when you weren't fully present in a conversation she was having with you. You just kept replying with 'mhm' 'uh huh' and so she tested it by saying 'I dont know what to wear to school tomorrow, think I should go topless?' you replied with a simple 'yepper' and that basically confirmed for her that you weren't listening. So, when she asked what was wrong after getting your attention, you just replied 'tired' to her too. She didn't think to press further.
"Y/N, are you listening?" Gretchen asked, a frown on her lips after she had snapped her fingers to get your attention. You blinked and looked at her.
"Huh?" You didn't realize she had been trying to talk with you.
"I'm taking you to Regina's, Ms. George will come get us." Ms. George was your backup. If one of you needed to go home for whatever reason or just wanted to skip and relax, she always said that she would come get you girls," I texted the groupchat and told them what was going on. They're on their way over, just hang tight. Okay?"
You nodded and not too long after all three were standing before you, Ms. Norbury was back at her desk. Letting you girls have your space.
"You look exhausted." Karen points out. Leave it to Karen to point out the obvious.
Regina narrows her eyes at her and sighs before looking back at you, resting her hand to your cheek and rubbing it gently with her thumb. You lean in a little closer to her touch," Why haven't you been sleeping?"
"Busy." You reply, unable to gather enough energy to say more. The three exchanged looks.
"Busy with what?" Regina replied, she knew you had your Chess Club, tutoring Karen, and your own work on top of that but she didn't think that was enough to get you this tired.
"Helping people." You explain, talking simply again. She groaned at that. That's what caused this?
"Baby, I thought I told you to say no?" Regina takes her hand off you, you feel the warmth leave and you almost slump forward on your desk. You'd been using her hand as support. Her hands rest on her hips as Gretchen catches you and keeps you up, giving your forehead a soft kiss.
"Mean." You respond.
"Excuse me?" Regina looked offended, thinking you had called her mean. You shook your head and desperately looked at Gretchen to translate.
Gretchen tensed, racking her brain to think of what you meant," Did you mean saying 'no' was mean?"
You nodded.
"That's not mean. You can always say no, that's what Gretchen says to me all the time." Karen pipes up, Gretchen gives her a soft look and nods in agreement.
"Y/N/N, you're allowed to have boundaries." Gretchen tells you," is it really worth it if it's doing this to you?"
You were going to respond but there was a knock at the door, you glanced at it and saw Flow there.
"Hey, Y/N. I would've texted but I was walking by here anyway, you coming to Chess tonight?" She asked.
Regina scoffed and folded her arms," Absolutely not. Fuck off."
"Regina, language!" Ms. Norbury narrowed her eyes at the blonde who rolled her own.
Flow tensed at Regina's harshness and looked at you. Gretchen scrambles a response.
"What Regina meant is that Y/N is just super tired, she's going home to rest tonight. Right, baby?" Gretchen looked at you. Expecting you to agree.
Regina looked at you with a look that was basically commanding you to tell Flow 'no'. You hated it.
"Resting tonight..." You grumbled, continuing to speak in simple terms.
Flow's gaze shifted to concern but she nodded her head," okay.. let me know how you're doing later, alright?" She left after that.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Regina kept her gaze on you.
"Awful." You shook your head, disagreeing with her which makes her scoff.
Soon enough, Ms. George comes and picks all three of you up. Bringing you to their place. You were brought to Regina's bed by your girlfriends, who all snuggled up with you in bed. Gretchen on your right, Karen on the left and Regina on top. You easily fell asleep once Regina started giving your neck soft, soothing kisses. Your girls stayed close to you.
You slept for a solid 24 hours and some.
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ggidolsmuts · 1 year
Sin, Hormones, and the Starlet’s Boyfriend - Le Sserafim Yunjin, Somi
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A/N: Apologies for the shit gif, I can’t figure out how to do this properly.
Yunjin exits from the bathroom, sighing. It's shark week for her soon, she can already feel the telltale signs. Her usually exuberant nature has slightly floundered and flagged, becoming more quiet, and noticing things that were not quite going her way. The other members recognize it too, and thankfully they are accommodating to her, not being nearly as loud around her today.
"Hey girl!" Not Somi though, Somi has one setting and that setting is taped on "full power".
"Hey Somi!" Yunjin smiles and waves in return. "How are you doing?"
"Doing good, doing good, thanks for doing the challenge for me!"
"Of course, same here!"
"You know, maybe we should do a collab sometime, I love the songs you wrote!" Somi gushes.
"You do? Really?"
"Of course!"
"Yeah... I mean yeah of course, we should totally collab!"
"Great, you should come by!"
"Sure, how about tomorrow?" Yunjin doesn't even pay attention to what she just said until it's too late. Why tomorrow? Her inner introvert curses herself.
"Ooh that sounds good, drop by my home studio, we can work on it before we put it in front of a producer, bring your guitar okay?"
"Ah yeah, that sounds great, see you then!"
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Yunjin shows up the next day at Somi's place.
"Hey, come in, come in!"
"Whoa, nice place!"
"Thanks thanks, come, do you want some water?"
"Sure that works."
"Great, anyways, so I was thinking..." Somi talks animatedly, and Yunjin responds in kind—maybe this collab could really work! Before she knows it they've moved to Somi's room, playing around on her sound setup as Yunjin plays a few chords.
"Hey babe, dinner's ready— oh!" The two of them turn around to the unknown voice. "Hello?"
"Oh hey oppa, this is Yunjin."
"Yes, from Le Sserafim right? Nice to meet you."
"Ah yes, nice to meet you!" Yunjin quickly stands up to greet him. "And you are...?"
"Oh, just an oppa I know." Somi says casually, before putting a finger to her lips. Yunjin gets the gist immediately, and mouths "Boyfriend?" to Somi. But he answers for her.
"Yes I am her boyfriend."
"Yah we had plausible deniability!"
"Oh come on, she's not stupid. Ah yes, I am just the oppa who calls you 'babe'. Anyways dinner's ready, come out to eat."
"D-Dinner?" Yunjin checks her phone—time flew by a lot faster than she thought! "It's getting late, thanks for having me over Somi!"
"You should stay for dinner!"
"No no, I don't want to impose on you and your boyfriend."
"No it's fine, we like having company, we made more than enough, right oppa?" Somi shoots a look at him.
"I umm, I will, I guess?"
Somi drags Yunjin to the dinner table, where there are two prepared plates of delicious pasta waiting.
"Oh, he's already made it for you two, I really should—"
"No no, sit." Somi firmly pushes Yunjin into a chair. "He can make more."
"Yep, you two go ahead, I'll just be a sec."
"What does he do? I don't think I recognize him." Yunjin asks, noting his tightly fitted shirt.
"Yeah, he's not a celebrity, just an office worker at a chaebol, you know the type." In her opinion he could certainly pass for a celebrity—good looking and fit, where did Somi even find someone like that? And where's hers? Slowly Yunjin teases out the details of how Somi met him, and she envies Somi's luck.
"Hey Yunjin," he calls out to her. "Do you like penne or fettucine?" He holds out two bags of pasta for her to choose.
"Uhh, penne's good."
"Great, coming right up." He turns away from her, and she watches him roll up his sleeves—the simple act sends a sinful thrill through Yunjin's body. Fuck, no office worker looks like that. She turns back to find Somi typing away at her phone, and Yunjin gets on her phone, not really looking at it, just trying to distract herself from thoughts of him. He's good looking, he cooks, he has a stable job, his forearms are muscular, like he could really finger—
I wish for what's for—
Yunjin shakes her head vigorously. Stop! she tells herself. He's Somi's boyfriend!
"Why the fuck does he have to be so hot?"
"Sorry?" Yunjin's blood goes cold as she hears him right next to her, a plate of pasta in his hands. Oh god did she just say her thoughts out loud?
"Ah? Umm I, umm, just the weather I mean, it's been so hot the past few days."
"Oh yeah, tell me about it, I still have to dress up for work too, ugh. Here you go." He puts the plate in front of her, and it smells delicious. Damn it, not only does he cook, he cooks well!
"T-Thanks." Yunjin quickly digs into the pasta, her face flushed. She almost jumps out of the chair when she feels a foot tap her knee under the table. Somi has been sitting across from her the whole time, and now she's looking quizzically at Yunjin. Suddenly she feels the weight of guilt, of even thinking about Somi's boyfriend like that, what does she even say to Somi?
"I, I have to use the washroom! Be right back!" Yunjin yelps before quickly dashing for the toilet. A dread fills her as Somi gets up too.
"Sure, let me show you where it is." Somi grabs Yunjin by the elbow, steering her down the hallway and into her bedroom instead of the bathroom. "What was that?" she asks, and Yunjin knows there's no getting out of it.
"I'm so sorry Somi, I didn't mean it, it just came out!" Yunjin presses her hands together, begging for forgiveness. "I would never do a thing!"
"You think he's hot?" Yunjin turns red but stays silent, but Somi doesn’t let it slide. "Answer me."
"I... yes. I'm sorry Somi!"
"Why are you sorry? Hah I mean I think he's hot too, it's part of the package, and his package is—" Somi shakes her head. "Anyways, what's going on, where's this coming from?"
"Sorry, it's just one of those times, you know—"
"You are hormonal and you're horny." Yunjin's shocked at how simply Somi puts it, but she can't bring herself to deny it. "You're not seeing anyone?" Yunjin shakes her head. "Tch, of course not, you're in a new girl group."
"I'm so sorry, I'll leave right away after dinner, or if you want I can leave right now, I'll make something up."
"No, stay. Do you want to fuck him?"
"No Somi he's your boyfriend, I can't—"
"Not can't, do you want to? If you don't say no I'm treating that as a yes."
Yunjin opens her mouth, but no sounds come out other than some weird croak. Somi smirks, suppressing a laugh.
"That's settled then, stay after dinner, tell your members you'll be late home tonight. I'll make it happen." Yunjin lets herself get shown to the bathroom, and she sighs as she looks herself in the mirror. Is she really going to fuck Somi's boyfriend? That's not like her!
But you didn't say no. The little voice in her head tells her, and her abdomen is already getting warm. Somi was talking about his package, how big is it, and maybe his arms are muscular from carrying her around— Yunjin shakes her head to clear her fantasies, but no, it's too late, she's already getting wet. Yunjin groans and tries to focus on other thoughts—she sees two toothbrushes on the counter, guess he really does live here too, do they fuck in her bedroom, maybe in this bathroom too?
Oh my god! Yunjin shouts internally before splashing water on her face. She needed to cooldown, to just go out there and eat her fucking pasta.
And pray she doesn't soak through her panties.
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"Everything okay? You and Somi were gone for a long time." You ask as Yunjin returns from the bathroom, face slightly red and... wet? "You have some water on your face."
"Oh you know oppa, girl talk," Somi quips.
"Yeah, just tired, had to wake myself up." Yunjin corroborates. You offer to make her coffee, but she declines. You shrug and continue finishing your dinner. You can't help but wonder what went on as Somi tries to engage Yunjin in small talk, but her friend is strangely reticent.
"Thanks for the delicious dinner oppa, we'll be working in my room okay?" Somi pecks you on the cheek before pulling Yunjin from her seat.
"T-Thank you!" Yunjin bows deeply.
"Sure not at all, no need to be so polite." You chuckle and smile, but Yunjin only blushes deeper. You try to catch Somi's gaze, wanting to ask if Yunjin's okay, but your girlfriend ignores you, dragging her back to the room instead.
"S-Somi, are you really okay with this?"
"Yeah it's not a huge deal, better for me too, there are times when I can't keep up with him."
"What do you— Oh." Yunjin realizes what she means, and her desires that she managed to keep in check for the rest of dinner begin leaking out as she squirms.
"He's very... passionate, for lack of a better word. He comes back from work, and the first thing he does is jump me, do you know how many recordings I've had to delete because he just scoops me up and I can't even turn off the mic?"
"Oh, umm no..." No, Yunjin didn't know, but now she wishes Somi kept those recordings. "S-Sounds troublesome."
"Speaking of troublesome, the clean up, oh my god, he just explodes in you— Oops, sorry, I shouldn't tease you should I? Poor you, you must be so on edge." Somi stops, seeing Yunjin rubbing her thighs together.
"You don't have condoms, do you?"
"I think we do, but..." Somi checks her usual drawer. "Ah sorry, we must have used the last few over the weekend. Don't worry, he's good at pulling out, just tell him."
"O-Okay, that's fine." Yunjin answers quietly. The last few? Just how much sex do they have? And am I really doing this? She can still pull out— Yunjin shakes her head again, bad choice of words.
"I'll go talk to him then okay? Just give us a couple of minutes." Yunjin nods silently, not trusting herself to speak as Somi exits the room. Should she just get up and leave, just make up some excuse? She can just take care of herself back in the dorms.
I wish for what's— It's not forbidden if Somi allows it right? Right? Right?
Yunjin stays seated, silently pulling off her socks. Even that friction makes her wetter.
"Hey oppa, let me take over the dishes." You feel Somi's hands wrap around you from behind, and you dry your own hands on the towel before grabbing her own.
"Oh? You're going to do the dishes for once?"
"What do you mean for once! I always do the dishes!"
"Yes, when I have like one plate left you take over."
"Tsch fine, no, I was thinking you could do something else for me." Somi presses herself more tightly into your back, making sure you feel her generous chest properly. Her hand drifts from your waist to your slacks, undoing the button.
"Yah, isn't Yunjin still here? It's one thing to have the relationship found out, it's another to just be openly doing this while she's here!" you hiss as Somi snakes a hand into your boxers, stroking you slowly to stiffness. Despite your words you reach behind and easily find Somi's ass, squeezing her through her shorts.
"Mmm yes, squeeze it, it's gonna feel so good for Yunjin too." You squeeze Somi firmly before stopping.
"I think my new friend in the room needs some help with guys."
"I'm sure she can find someone, she's an idol."
"Oh I meant now, like within 5 minutes. She looks like she could use a good fuck, she's been on edge since she saw you." You resume squeezing Somi's ass from behind as you process her words and pretend to "clean" the last plate.
"I see, and you want me to do the honors?"
"Well, it's clear to me she wants you to do the honors, and I could do with a break tonight."
"You say that like you're not going to come watch, and then join in."
Unbeknownst to you and Somi, Yunjin has quietly opened the door, just to see what's going on. She sees Somi hugging you from behind, but with the faucet running she can't hear you and Somi talk. What she can tell is the content of your conversation, her eyes widening as your hand drifts to Somi's ass, firmly groping her.
"Fuck..." she breathes quietly. When was the last time she was grabbed like that, when has she ever been grabbed like that? Any second thoughts about leaving are dashed—she can't pretend to leave now, otherwise it would be "catching" them in the act and make things even more awkward. Her gaze is glued to his hand, finally letting go of Somi before turning off the running water, and hurriedly Yunjin sneaks back to the room. She hears some whispers, and then a small laugh, and then footsteps.
"Hey..." Yunjin stands up and greets you quietly. You spot her socks strewn on the floor.
"So... Somi wants me to do whatever you want."
"I..." She's distracted by you already unbuttoning your shirt, getting flustered. You leave your shirt open and place her hands on it—it is for Yunjin to take off. Her hands tremble in yours, but she doesn't shy away, pulling it down your shoulders and off your arms. Her eyes trail down your body, and they widen as they land on your taut slacks. Yunjin bites her lower lip, and then licks her bitemark.
"Would you like me to treat you like Somi?" Your words jolt Yunjin out of her trance. I wish for what's forbidden...
I am so going to hell.
Yunjin nods, and you immediately pull her in tightly. She lets out something between a whimper and moan as you grab her firm butt—now she's being treated like Somi!
"Oh shit, oh..." she gasps as pleasure floods her body, every knead of your hand seeming to turn her on even more. You leave measured nips on her neck—light enough to not leave a mark, firm enough to not be ignored. Yunjin turns to face you, and she lets you suck on her lower lip, tugging it before letting go and hungrily pressing your lips on hers instead. Yunjin jumps when her hands land on your skin, as if she forgot she had her own hands. She makes up for lost time, hungrily roaming your back and arms, feeling your muscles.
"Y-You do this with Somi?" she gasps as you bring her down to the bed.
"Oh I do a lot more with Somi." Yunjin exhales delightfully when she feels your hand slip under her top, brushing and admiring her abs, abs that she was proud of. But pride goes before the fall, and Yunjin let's out a soft mewl as your hand falls past her abs, teasing her and landing on a creamy thigh. Yunjin is toned and tight in all the right places, and you give her the most sinful of massages, pressing into her thighs, a firm thumb making it's way up her leg.
"M-More." Yunjin's surprised with herself—somehow she hasn't covered her thighs in slick yet with how hot she's feeling right now. At your nudging she takes off her top, and you kiss the slight dip in her petite chest, making her suck a breath in—fuck she needs this! Her hips push off the bed willingly as you slip a hand beneath her shorts. You play with Yunjin over her panties, letting her soak them. She whines and groans before eventually grabbing your arm. Just feeling your muscles makes her want it, and Yunjin begins to speak her desires.
"Finger me." She has no time to react or prepare herself, and a loud cry is the result. Yunjin immediately feels stuffed—that can't be just your finger! Her head spins as you wiggle and curl the finger inside her, her walls resisting your efforts to open her up. One more finger is added, and Yunjin's mouth drops open, much like you are opening her up below.
Fuck! Her thoughts shout as you begin moving, and Yunjin can almost feel your fingerprints in her, pressing against her tense muscles, massaging her from the inside. Her own fingers are nowhere near as thick, and you have two in her! You make sure you are a knuckledragger inside her, curling and pumping her slowly, multiple points of pleasure firing off in her brain as you twist and scissor and push. You turn Yunjin into a mouth-breathing knuckledragger—she's drooling onto the bed, her knuckles grinding on the sheets as she twists and grabs what she can.
"N-No more!" She begs when you touch her entrance with a third finger.
"You can do it." Her pupils are dilated, and her breathing hastens as you slowly push in. Yunjin's mind seems so far away from herself as the pressure inside her compresses her senses, slowing her thoughts down, shrinking the area of her body she needs to feel.
No it's too much, so big, so— "So fucking good!" Yunjin squeals her own disagreement with herself loudly. It is not too much, it is fucking perfect the way your three fingers fuck her—three sparks go down her spine with every push of your hand. She grabs your forearm, feeling the muscles flex as you start pumping them inside her over and over. Her legs spread even more lewdly for you, urging you to get deeper with every moan.
"D-Deeper, more! Please more!" I need this, I'm so close! You can hear Yunjin's thoughts from her pussy, each clench and squelch a prayer for you to make her cum. She moans and throws her head back when you add a fourth finger—not inside her, but on her clit.
"Fuuuuuuuuuck~" Somi's cheeks are red as she listens to Yunjin cry out from her bedroom. There's no doubt you're making her cum, and her hands drift down her body as she remembers what you like to do to her. She wonders if Yunjin can handle it.
"Fuck me! Fuck! Mmm... Oh yes!" Yunjin hushed moans fill the room as she buries her face in the covers, trying not to be embarrassingly loud—she's back to her exuberant self, voicing her pleasure freely. She jerks when you find her g-spot, pressing on it with each finger in sequence. It becomes too much, she's burning white hot, her vision going dark. 
"S-Stop, stop! Enough." All of the non-pleasurable sensations rush back at once when your fingers withdraw—stickiness between her legs, sweat on her hair, her legs suddenly sore from being taut for too long—all berating her.
Why the fuck did you tell him to stop?! Yunjin ignores her body's complaints, focusing on a deeper hunger. You already know what she wants as she kicks off her shorts and underwear, and you begin undoing your slacks, your eyes devouring Yunjin just like she's undressing you with her gaze.
"I want you to fuck me like Somi."
"The intimate way or the rough way?" You laugh at her confused expression, like you have truly stumped her.
"There's more than one way?"
"What did you have in mind?"
"I assumed you would just, you know, pound her into the bed, rail her from behind, pull on her hair—" Yunjin pauses when she realizes she's just telling you everything she imagines you and Somi do.
"Well, that's the rough way, I guess."
"What's the intimate way then?"
"Slower, I definitely don't pull her hair, more kisses, a longer session." Fuck yes! Yunjin's hormones rage through her—that's exactly what she wants right now.
"Let's go with that then."
"Sure." You toss off your slacks, and a thrill goes through Yunjin's body as she sees the much more defined outline of your shaft. She lets you roll her over, so that she's prone on the bed, and suddenly the room is dark.
"Mmph!" You're kissing her needily, and her entire body is hot again. She quickly realizes why—you've thrown the covers over both of them, like a couple enjoying a playful night together. She trembles, your hands running down her bare shoulders sending goosebumps up her neck. You leave her for a moment to remove your boxers, and already Yunjin misses your touch. She freezes when you're on top of her, when she realizes your shaft is rubbing at her pussy lips. She's secretly glad you put three fingers in her—there's no way she can take you otherwise! She also remembers something important.
"W-Wait, I'm not safe today. If you cum in me, I might get pregnant."
"You will," you mutter in her ear, and you swear your cock got slicker from rubbing against her pussy. Yunjin looks at you steadily, and you hold her gaze, waiting for her to tell you what she wants. Her expression wavers, your slight movements against her grinding away her common sense, and all she does is turn away from you, burying her face in the pillow. That's all you need from Yunjin.
"Ah..." you groan as you sink into unfamiliar territory, and it is mirrored by a loud muffled moan from Yunjin. She definitely feels a large part of why Somi likes you. "Fuck Yunjin, so tight." She once again can only manage a muffled whine. As she's adjusting around you Yunjin is thrown off by your soft laugh, and even that mere vibration sends sparks through her.
"Let's make sure we're equally naked hmm?" Yunjin turns red as she realizes what you mean—throughout all of this, she still had her bra on! You expertly unhook her bra and pull it off her.
"S-Sorry, I know it's not as big as Somi..." she mumbles, gasping as you reach around to fondle her.
"Don't be sorry, I'll let you in on a secret." Yunjin looks at you quizzically. Does he not like Somi's tits? Does he prefer mine? Even if they're smaller? Really? Really?! Unknowingly you dash Yunjin's hopes, but you don't think she minds.
"Guys won't care when they're balls deep in you." You thrust down sharply, burying yourself fully in Yunjin's prone body. You tighten your grip on Yunjin's chest, pulling her up towards you a little as you press your chest down on her back. You groan and grunt into her neck, reveling in her tight wetness, feeling Yunjin clench and gasp around you as your tip touches her cervix. 
"Fucking hell Yunjin, I'm right."
"W-What?" she says dreamily, suffocating under the pressure of your body on top of and inside her.
"If I cum in you, you will get pregnant." You whisper in her ear, driving the point home with another deep thrust into her creamy wetness. Yunjin was well aware, and now you know it too—she's ovulating and horny, her hips subtly pushing against you. Pinned and squirming beneath you, Yunjin has never been in a more vulnerable state, her idol career in a precarious position.
Yet she says nothing, choosing to shut you up with a needy kiss, her hand squeezing your hand on her breast, urging you to keep going. You do as she wants.
"Oh fuck!"
Somi sneaks into the room, finding no one immediately. But the moving lump under the covers is not fooling anyone, that and the muffled moans and grunts coming from it. She takes a seat opposite the bed, watching the two pairs of feet do the four feet tango. Just watching those feet is enough to get Somi to slide off her shorts—the smaller pair stay taut together, toes curling and uncurling as they lightly bounce on the bed. The larger pair of feet around them are more spread, pressed into the bed for leverage. Her fingers drift down between her legs, her lazy strokes mimicking the curl of Yunjin's toes—Somi wasn't looking to get herself off just yet.
"More, right there!" At Yunjin's prompting your legs clamp around her slender legs, lifting her feet under yours. Your hips slam against her toned butt, the light smacking sounds of flesh on flesh filling the covers. The smell of sweaty sex snuffs out all of Yunjin's coherent thoughts, your cock driving down on her g-spot sending wild signals through her body. The talkative and loud idol is reduced to a keening and groaning mess.
"Oh fuck..." Yunjin rasps before falling, dropping her head into the pillow before crying out loudly, each wave of pleasure forcing a wail from her. Her entire body is taut beneath you, small tits and toned cheeks shaking and quivering as she clenches around your cock. For a few brief moments Yunjin blanks out, her mind painted over with orgasmic bliss. And then it is over quickly, and she sags into the bed, her breathing labored and hoarse, like she's danced the hardest choreo in her life.
Things would get harder still, and Yunjin finds herself rolled on her side, a leg lifted as you press against her sweaty back. She shuts her eyes at the sudden brightness, blinded by you throwing the covers off—it was getting just a little too hot. You spot Somi at the foot of the bed, and she just does a shooing motion at you, mouthing "Keep going!" while the other hand does small slow circles between her legs. You raise Yunjin's leg just a little higher to give Somi a better view.
"Mmh! Shit! Fuck! Oh my god!" Yunjin's mouth spews foul curses as you literally fuck her sideways, plunging into her slick tightness and going deep on every thrust. You cup a breast, lightly pinching a nipple, and Yunjin croons to the sky. "Yes yes yes!"
I'm going to cum again, he's making me cum again already! Yunjin reels from the pleasure, her own hand drifting to her clit, just a little bit more, just one more touch...
"Nngh!" You grunt, pushing deep into Yunjin and holding yourself there. You throb like mad inside her, but Yunjin's ascent to climax is brought to an abrupt halt.
"D-Did you cum?" she asks confusedly. No, I was so close!
"Very close," you grit your teeth and try to ignore her clenching around you. "Last chance." Yunjin realizes what you mean—you could still pull out, cum on her thighs, or she could offer her face for you, or her mouth. As she looks down her body she finally sees Somi, but she's too aroused to be embarrassed about being watched. Rather, her thoughts go back to what Somi said earlier.
"Speaking of troublesome, oh my god he just explodes in you."
I wish for what's forbidden.
Yunjin hurries to grab your arm, feeling you begin to pull away from her.
"No don't. C-cum in me, do it in me, I want all of it." Her breath catches as a third leg rubs against her calf, teasing her.
"You heard her babe, go ahead and cum, let her feel what you make me feel." Somi's up on the bed beside you, and judging by how her breasts and stiff tips press delightfully against your back, she's naked as well. The angel and the devil—Who’s who? You wonder—are each in an ear, both urging you to sin, urging you to lead Yunjin into sin. 
You find Yunjin's neck, taking a harsh suck on her flawless skin—your bite of the forbidden fruit. Your hands go to her hips, and now you're pulling back on her, getting as deep as you can in her. You adjust your angle on every thrust, trying to find the perfect connection, you find it on the fourth try; that, or the pleasure simply becomes too great. Your tip presses against her cervix, and Yunjin seems to arch back a little, opening herself more, and the slight grip on your tip electrifies you.
I'm a—
The first explosion mess makes Yunjin gasp, the sudden warmth filling her womb. The second explosion mess makes her choke on her breath, the thickness and volume of your potent load overwhelming. The third explosion mess triggers her orgasm, as her body reacts primitively to the sensation, wanting to milk you for everything, to contain every fragment of the explosion inside her. Somi helps both of you out, a finger on Yunjin's clit and a hand on your balls, making sure you pour of it into her. She delights when her job is done correctly, a stream of cum leaking out of the connection and onto her thigh. Each rutting thrust from you makes a little more leak out, but you're still sending more into her.
Your grip weakens eventually, and you have to drop Yunjin's leg. But there's no hiding the mess between her legs—Yunjin's been properly mated. You let her roll on her back, and your load is a slow moving flood out of her. She covers her eyes with an arm, a mess and finally in de-stress.
"You okay?" Somi asks.
"Yeah, that was amazing, just... Just give me a moment." Yunjin's ferally satisfied lizard brain ponders what just happened; She just asked Somi to let you fuck her, then she had you cum in her, and she definitely needs a morning after pill now, but she doesn't regret anything at all—it was exactly what she needed.
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After all that, Yunjin still blushes when she uncovers her eyes again—Somi's cleaning your cock with her mouth.
"I knew you would want to join in." You quip, running your hand through Somi's hair.
"Hurry up and get hard again."
"Bend over and I will be."
"Typical." Somi fires you a glare, but she does as you say, getting on all fours next to Yunjin. "Was he good?"
"Yeah, it was great. Thanks. Do you want me to—" Yunjin makes to get up, as if to give you two privacy, but Somi stops her.
"No it's fine, besides, I already saw you two, only fair that you get to watch."
"Yeah, I can show you the rough way Yunjin," you offer with a smirk, punctuating it with a sharp thrust into Somi.
"Ah! Fucking give it to me oppa!" Yunjin's entranced by Somi's expression, her white teeth gleaming in a near-maniacal smile even as her brow furrows slightly on every thrust. You did not start off gentle with Somi at all, and if you were getting all the way deep with Yunjin, surely you're smashing into Somi right now? Part of her shudders at the thought of how that would feel; the other part of her gets aroused again. 
She's inches from Somi's face, watching the blonde's mouth drop open, moaning freely at your rough treatment. Somi's face slackens, then her eyes shut tight, her tense body not hiding the jiggle of her breasts as you continue to thump into her. In one instant Somi's eyes snap open, and Yunjin's gazing straight into her hazelnut eyes. In the next instant Somi grabs Yunjin and kisses her.
"Nnnghmmmmm!" Somi screams into Yunjin's mouth, her tongue thrashing inside Yunjin as you drive her to a pent-up orgasm. Yunjin feels the rawness of Somi's orgasm, and she leans into the kiss, a hand on her jaw, and soon she's lost in a makeout session, their teeth slightly knocking as you keep the pacing up, pumping Somi through her orgasm. Fresh from her climax Somi is extra into it, and she drifts her own fingers down Yunjin, plunging unhesitatingly into her creamy core.
"Mmm!" Yunjin squeals in surprise, and Somi stops to look at her, biting a lip to stifle her moan a little. Yunjin blushes and nods, and soon her nails are digging into the sheets, curling like Somi's long fingers are doing inside her.
"You can grab her, you know." You put a hand on Somi's scalp and tug, opening her throat to let out loud hearty cries. Yunjin whines when Somi cums again, the busty blonde's fingers quivering and jerking inside of her own pussy. She's a little envious as she watches Somi's tits bounce and jiggle, and without thinking Yunjin reaches out for one globe, squeezing it and marveling at the softness.
"Oh fuck, yes Yunjin, squeeze me!" Somi's lips find Yunjin again, and soon they are moaning against each other. Each thrust you put into Somi shoves her fingers deeper into Yunjin, who in return gropes Somi even harder, her fingers digging into Somi's soft flesh instead of the sheets.
"Fuck, he's so deep!" Somi groans, and Yunjin nods and kisses her again. She knows exactly what Somi means, having just felt that minutes ago, and she lets Somi whine and whimper into her. That is, until you pull on Somi's hair again.
"I can't hear you babe."
"You're too deep fuck! Are you trying to knock me up too? Ah! We only have one morning after pill left, are you going to— Fuck! Decide who's going to take it?" You lean over and grab Somi's other breast, squeezing it alongside Yunjin. It makes Somi whine even louder.
"Depends, which of you is going to cum first?"
Yunjin let's out a surprised moan as Somi starts moving her fingers actively, as if determined to make Yunjin peak first. But she recovers quickly and begins playing with Somi's nipples, pinching and twisting them to produce harsh gasps. You inevitably speed up as you near your own peak, and the ending is a real photo finish.
"Nooooo! Hnnngh!" Somi grunts, peaking when Yunjin scratches a nail across her clit, and the sudden increase in pressure pulls you over the line. Your load bursts from your tip and splatters inside Somi, and the sight of you bent over your girlfriend, growling and no doubt filling her just like you had filled her earlier sends Yunjin over the top, throwing her head back and trapping Somi's hand between her legs, contracting around the fingers mindlessly rubbing on her g-spot. The three of you collapse in a heap, and you quickly roll to the side, catching your breath after two vigorous rounds with the two beauties.
Yunjin finds herself face-to-face with a flushed and satisfied Somi, and tentatively she slips a finger into her friend, feeling how tight and creamy she is, filled with your load.
"Don't... My cum..." Somi sighs, and Yunjin pulls her fingers out just as Somi does the same from her. Their fingers are both coated in your cream, and their thoughts are on the same possessive post-coital wavelength.
My cum now. A soft sigh escapes both of them as they finger themselves, cleaning their digits with their slick. Of course, their juices don't clean it off fully, so when they proceed to finger each other again, trying to get more of your cum from one another, your seed just mixes inside them. They continue swapping cum from pussy to pussy, a collab of the filthiest kind, until the erotic haze of sex and sin finally dissipates, and you're left with two blushing idols. It's a miracle that you don't get a third wind, but you truly had nothing left to give.
"Wow, I... I can't believe I did that." Yunjin voices her thoughts out loud.
"Did it feel good?"
"Yeah, but—"
"That's all that matters then, sometimes you need to cut loose from being an idol, and take care of yourself. You're welcome to use the shower if you want."
"Right, thanks." Yunjin quickly shuffles off to the shower, leaving you to cuddle Somi in bed.
"So you did join us hmm?" You peck Somi on the nose, and she giggles and kisses your chin.
"I'm surprised you didn't get hard again, I don't know what that was at the end but fuck it was hot."
"It was, but I'm all tapped out."
"Yunjin drained you that much huh?"
"Don't get jealous on me now, you wanted me to fuck her. Something about you taking a break for tonight, hmm?" You appease Somi by grabbing her some tissue to help clean herself.
"Fine, you get off easy this time."
Yunjin gets out of the bathroom fully dressed, hair tousled and lightly made up. A pang of envy goes through her as she sees you two cuddling together—maybe she too could have that one day, but not right now.
"Thanks for letting me use your shower."
"Of course. Oh wait one sec." Somi jumps out from the covers, thankfully covered in your oversized shirt, and quickly ducks into the bathroom. She comes back with a pill for Yunjin. "Here, you should take it."
"Y-You said there was only one, won't you get... pregnant?"
"It was a joke,” Somi presents her own identical pill to Yunjin. She leans in to whisper. “It makes him go a little harder, he thinks I don't know it, but he gets off on that super hard."
"Oh... okay, thanks then." Yunjin blushes at Somi discussing your kink so freely. The two of them walk out of the bedroom arm in arm, and Somi gets each of them a glass of water before downing the pills.
"There, like nothing ever happened." Somi fires Yunjin a glance, her intention clear—this never happened.
"Right, yes." Yunjin pauses as she walks to the door. "What about the collab?"
"Well, we've already worked together on oppa, I guess we can work on a song too." Somi jokes crudely, but her smile is kind. "I'll let you know?"
"Sure, thanks Somi!"
Back at the dorm Yunjin dodges many questions, most of all why did she need to shower at Somi's place, but she manages to explain it away as a bad kimchi stew spill. As Yunjin sinks back into her bed though she can't help but think of what just happened. How she already wants it again.
I need what's forbidden... I am so fucked.
She turns her head into her pillow and moans.
A/N: Welp, that was a smut alright. I will say, surprisingly Le Sserafim’s song lyrics lend a lot to inspiring fics, I guess that’s a good thing? I tried to do a play on their title name for the title of this fic, but eh, not my best effort there. Anyways, I really like the song, especially when they had that first verse in their MMA show, that Hydra performance is sick. Thanks for reading!
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Workplace Gossip
Jim Hopper x fem!younger!reader (reader is 25!) 
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: age gap relationship (legal ofc!!), jim being insecure in that, innuendos, billy flirting with the reader, mentions of his daughter and her cancer
Author’s Note: hello again!!! if you recognize this one, you probably red Hugs way back when. this is the revamped version as an attempt to return to the stranger things roots before i hit the old billy and steve ones!! lemme know what you guys think <;3
The original request; by anon, Hi! Loved your Hopper imagine! Can you do another one with him with the reader and him having a bit of an age gap? I don’t own these characters. They belong to the author/director 
(not my gif)
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You were rushing. You could feel the cold nipping at your sides, freezing the mobility in your hands but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You breathed through your mouth as you walked down the sidewalk. If you started to run you could get to your job interview in five minutes. You looked down at your wrist watch and cursed under your breath. Running in heels wasn’t your best idea but showing up late wasn’t exactly the best way to start a job. 
When you looked back up it was too late. You ran directly into a large man, causing an intake of breath from yourself and ‘shit’ from him.
“I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. You caught sight of the badge on his chest and the hat on his head. Police. 
You couldn’t be detained for not paying attention, that was ridiculous. Right? 
“Where are you going so fast at 7 in the morning?” he asked, annoyance in his voice. 
“I have a job interview.” You bit your tongue. At the station. There was an opening for a secretary job. “I’m sorry again, I’m already running late.” He let you move aside and rush down the street, now running in heels that were too tall for you. He mumbled something about being morning people and kept walking. 
“I am so sorry, I got off on the bus at the wrong stop. I’m still figuring out Hawkins, I just moved here last week,” you explained, out of breath, perspiration beating down your forehead. So much for the business casual blouse you had sweat through. 
“It’s no worries honey,” a woman at the front said with a dismissive look. “You were the only one coming. As long as you’re not a criminal, you’re a shoo in.” You let out a breath of relief. 
“I’m not a criminal,” you promised. You handed her your resume, sitting down at the desk across from her. “I’m just out of college, 25. I’ve had jobs before during school but I’m looking for something more long term since moving here,” you explained. 
“Why did you move here?” she questioned. It sounded more like curiosity than an interview question. 
“It’s a small town, I’ve always wanted to live in a small town. Also, I wanted some independence. I’ve only ever really lived in dorms and such.” You fixed your hair eagerly. 
“You picked quite the place.” 
“So I’ve heard.”
“People who land in Hawkins never leave it. I should know, I was born and raised,” she muttered. She was shuffling through some papers like this wasn't a big deal to her. You cleared your throat.
“I’ve always just wanted to be part of a community,” you explained. “I like the small town community. I want to get to know the people. Grow my communication skills,” you suggested, even though it was only half true. You liked that no one ever left Hawkins. It left plenty of jobs for people like yourself, fresh out of college. 
The front door opened. You both turned and you saw a face you recognized. He was holding a small box of half a dozen donuts.
“Meet your new secretary Chief,” Flo said, standing up from her desk. “She gets started tomorrow.” She grabbed the box out of his hands, walking through the doorway to where all the officers desks were. You stood up as well, trying to put on a smile. He looked down at you, sizing you up it seemed. 
“You weren’t too late.” 
“No sir.” 
“Don’t bother with the sir crap,” he said, a gentleness to his voice. A casualness you admired. “Jim. Or Hopper.” 
“Jim Hopper.” 
“Yeah.” You extended a hand. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. It’s a pleasure to work with you,” you said, brightly smiling now. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around town,” he said, starting to walk through the doorway. You followed him, unsure if you were supposed to but also unsure how you could continue the conversation otherwise. 
“I just moved here last week.”
“Picked a hell of a place,” he grumbled. You laughed gently. 
“I’ve heard.” He started to pour himself a cup of coffee. He gestured the pot to you but you shook your head. You were still high on adrenaline from rushing here. “How is crime here?”
“Riveting,” he deadpanned. “You’ll do fine.” His voice was so soothing. You nodded, believing him deeply. 
He smiled slyly, leaning against the table. He took a sip of his black coffee. You looked at him through your lashes, knowing you were going to get into trouble with this one. If he looked at you like that everyday you would never want to leave Hawkins at all. 
“I promise.” 
Technically speaking, Flo never intended on counting down the days until Chief Hopper asked you out but then on day seven she realized she was. She watched as you came into the room and he adjusted himself in his seat, his eyes floated towards you with a gentle care, and your smile widened. You were good at the logistics. You were good at the job. That made everything else easier. 
You got the paperwork done that you needed to and sometimes, you got the paperwork he needed done as well. Powell suggested putting up a countdown to make it more obvious but everyone shut up about it. 
“Don’t you think she should go with someone closer to her age?” Callahan asked, leaning back in his chair. Flo gave him a hard look as she walked through the room. You and Jim were in his office, powering through paperwork. 
“Who, like you?” Powell questioned. 
“She’s cute!” he argued back. Powell, actually doing work, rolled his eyes. 
“Her frontal lobe is fully developed,” Flo argued. “She can make her own decisions. I, for one, would like to see the Chief happy since Diane.” 
“Only ancient people remember Diane.” Callahan was trying to balance a pencil on his nose. It fell. He made it look like he hadn’t been doing it to start with. “You think she likes him?”
“I think she loves him.”
“It’s been literally a week. She could not love anyone, let alone Jim Hopper, in that time.” 
“What about Jim Hopper?” You turned the corner, holding a small stack of papers. 
“He needs to do his own work. You’re babying the old man,” Callahan said, pointing his pencil at you. 
“He’s not that old,” you suggested.
“She’s right,” Hopper responded. “Watch your mouth Phil.” Callahan put his hands up in defeat and turned back to his desk. You put the things onto your desk to be finalized. You were coming to enjoy the steady, familiar pace of this new life. “I’m grabbing lunch.” He grabbed the keys to the cruiser. He paused, momentarily. No one else would’ve been able to catch it. You were watching him for his words, accepting them before they even came. “You comin?” he asked. You tried to hide the flush on your face as you glanced upwards, like you were attempting to make sure your schedule was full. 
“Only if you’re paying.” 
“Student debt that much of a bitch?” You grabbed your coat and put it on. 
“I just like guys to pay on dates.” You walked past him, trying to suppress a smile. His eyes went wide as they floated to those around him. 
“You two take the day,” Flo said, pleasantly, like she had orchestrated this whole thing. 
“Literally go, Chief. Before I do,” Powell said. He had a small smile on his face too. He nodded, grabbing the door knob. 
“I’m gone.” -
By week three it was like you had only known this life. It was like it had been pre-made for you. Your body fit the mold of a life that had been waiting patiently for your arrival. Work, dates, drive-ins, socializing. Apparently Hopper knew everybody in this town and with a little work, you got him to introduce you to people. 
Never as the girlfriend. 
Just as the new secretary. 
You both tried to allow that to happen quietly. People would get used to seeing you two together eventually. There was no need to rush anything that didn’t have an exact label yet. You were just two people who happened to know each other. Intimately. 
You were eating french fries across from him at work, flipping through some papers. He narrowed his eyes at you. You tried to act like you didn’t notice. He wanted to tell you something. You glanced up at him, chewing slowly. 
“Yes Jim?”
“I have a daughter,” he said. 
“El. Yeah, I know.” You hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting her yet but you had heard lots about her. He was silent for a moment. 
“Sara. Her name was Sara,” he said, not meeting your eyes. “She died of cancer when she was 7. Everyone here knows.” He cleared his throat, sucking in air. “I thought it was unfair, if you didn’t know.” You knew he got divorced, Flo had told you that much. But you had no idea he had a daughter before El. 
“Oh,” you whispered. You racked your brain in an attempt to figure out how to salvage this situation. How did he want you to react? How should you react? “I’m sorry.” It felt inappropriate to be looking at paperwork so you put it down. “Thank you for telling me.” He nodded once, picking it up from you and then stealing one of your fries. 
“I have pictures of her at the house. I wanted you to know before you meet El.”
Eleven was wary but got used to you quickly. She liked that you acted a lot like Steve in some ways, even though you were eight years older than him. She liked that Max liked you. She liked that Mike liked you. 
She liked that Jim liked you. 
By week ten the cabin had become your second home. You laid on the couch while El watched a show. Jim had to work late tonight and you weren’t needed so you were always open to hanging out with her when you could. 
The light television buzzing was comforting. You flipped through a magazine, feeling the night begin to cause your eyes to droop. El was happily eating some eggos, whipped cream to top it off. You suggested throwing some chocolate chips on top of it too. 
“How’re you and Mike?” you asked, looking at the couple on TV. She had a dreamy look in her eyes. After hearing bits and pieces about how Jim came to have her, you were happy to see it. She deserved an easy life. 
“Good,” she said, shrugging. “How are you and Hopper?” You smiled a bit.
“We’re good.” 
“Good.” She pointed a finger at you. “The door stays open three inches.”
“El!” you teased, hitting her with the magazine. She erupted into giggles, whipped cream covering her smile. “You don’t even listen to that rule. There are like three rooms in this place!”
“More than one!” she argued, shrugging. You rolled your eyes. Headlights lit up the room. You had some of the blinds open but the sun had long set. It caused both you and El to wince. 
“You’re glad he’s home little lady,” you said, pointing the rolled up magazine at her. You both laughed as you got off the couch. You peaked out the window, out of habit, and saw a car you didn’t recognize. You squinted, unable to see more than the outline in the dark. A man got out of the car, shutting the door behind him. 
He walked in front of his headlights. You could see the outline of a mullet. He knocked on the door. Hopper, ever prepared, always left a baseball bat beside the door. You grabbed it nonchalantly, leaving it out of the eyesight of your guest. 
El had turned around. Hopper wouldn’t have knocked. 
Leaning against the door was the infamous Billy Hargrove. You had heard enough about him to be able to recognize him, not to mention you had seen him once or twice with Max. Jim’s words came back to you. 
“He has more parking tickets than the rest of the town combined.” 
“You’re being dramatic Jim.”
“Never get in that boy's car.”
“You jealous Jim?” 
He had rolled his eyes then but you could see what he was talking about now. There wasn’t a scratch on the car but there was a bruise on his face. 
“Hello. You are not who I was expecting to open the door.” El was hidden behind the couch, blocking his gaze from her. “Where’s the Chief?”
“Working,” you said, too meak for your liking. “Can I help you Billy?” He chewed on the toothpick between his teeth. He had a charming smile. You imagined lots of girls were the victims of that smile.
“I’m looking for my sister, Maxine. She around?” 
“Nope,” you said quickly. “I haven’t seen Max since this afternoon. She was at the arcade with El and everyone.” 
“You play taxi driver too?” he questioned, playing a bleeding heart. 
“When Jim can’t.” His eyes went wide but you suspected it was fake. 
“Wait, you aren’t El’s cousin from out of town or something? You’re sleeping with Hopper?” You flushed, immediately unable to stammer out a reasoning that benefited the situation. You hadn’t actually had an interaction like this. 
“Max isn’t here Billy,” you finally offered. 
He took the toothpick out of his mouth. 
“Well you know where I live if you ever want a good time,” he suggested. He tossed it aside. Littering. How attractive. He was starting to back away when you heard the sound of another car approaching. At the sight of someone else Jim stepped on the gas, pulling in at breakneck speed. He knew that car, even by the outline. “I never caught your name.”
“Y/N,” you said. 
“Thanks for the help Y/N.” He winked at you as he turned around. Jim hopped out of the car, shutting it aggressively. 
“What are you doing here Hargrove?” 
“Just looking for Max,” he said, hands in the air. “Your girl was mighty helpful.” Billy got into his car before anyone could punch him and backed out, rivaling Jim’s breakneck speed. 
“That fucking kid,” he grumbled as he walked in. You put your hand on his back, following him in. You kicked the front door shut behind you. “What’d he want?” 
“He just asked if Max was here.” You made the executive decision not to go further into that. “I said she wasn’t.” He took off his jacket. There was an aggression there you weren’t used to. He walked to the kitchen to get some food and probably a beer. 
“Thanks for watching her.”
“I can watch myself,” El said, looking up at him. There was a slight tinge in her voice that made you think she was telling the truth. 
“I know you can. But it makes me feel better if she’s here too.” 
“I don’t mind.” You followed him to the kitchen. He offered you a beer but you declined. “How was the rest of your day?”
“Good. Better now,” he muttered, kissing you on the forehead. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him. He embraced you, eyes lingering on the door. 
You didn’t think it ever really affected him. The age difference seemed like something you were used to from day one. But you knew Billy had affected him. The Hargrove boy was everything a young girl could want. He was bad as in bad boy. 
He didn’t say anything about it the rest of the night. 
You didn’t see Billy again for a couple more weeks. He became nothing more than a mindless thought in the back of your mind. You weren’t even that pre concerned with him the next day, though you could tell Jim seemed to be. You wanted to bring it up but felt like bringing it up would only make it worse. You waited until El was at Max’s, deciding that doing it alone would be the best route. 
He strayed near the phone in case El needed him.
“Callahan said he would finish that,” Jim was saying.
“When has he finished anything? Since I have moved here I have seen him get out of the chair two times. Maybe three!” You were eating pizza, the boxes strewn across the coffee table. The TV was on but neither of you were watching it. You laid on his back, rested comfortable between his legs. 
“That’s why we hired a new secretary.”
“I’m not an officer?” He laughed again. You turned around to him, giggling. “Could you imagine me with a gun? Jim, give me your gun, let’s see how that goes.” Your laughter melded, his arm resting around your chest.
“Absolutely not.”
“Exactly. Exactly.” 
You rested back down, snuggling into your spot. 
“Flo said she’d figure it out so you could have a day off without being called in. But I’m sure Harrington will lose a fight or something and we’ll both be called in.”
“Damn job.”
“Damn job is right!” You grabbed his hands, messing with his knuckles. “Let’s turn on the radio.”
“Oh God.” You stood up. 
“I’m done with my pizza, I wanna dance.”
“No you don’t.” 
“Yes I do. Try to keep up old man.” It just slipped out but you regretted saying it immediately. He didn’t show an outward reaction at first but he stood, eyebrows raised. 
“I seem to be able to keep up with you pretty well.” You tried to ignore the sly smile on his face. 
“Damn straight. Dance with me Hop.”
You offered your hand to him as you fumbled around the radio. He walked past you, turning it on. You scrambled away to turn off the TV when there was a knock on the door.
Both of you turned, surprised, caught off guard. 
“You expecting someone?” you asked.
“No. You?” 
“No sir.” 
You approached the door because you were closer. He stepped in front of you, opening it up. Max was on the other side, laughing bubbling from her lips. El was standing there too. 
“How did you get here?” he asked immediately. You saw Billy’s car before you saw Billy. You put your hand on Jim’s chest, pushing him back as gently as you could. It was like he could only see Billy at that moment, eyes red. 
“You’re back Y/N,” Billy called, leaning against his car door. He rested his hand on the top of the vehicle. 
“What the hell?” Hopper roared. He walked past the girls. 
“Inside. Quickly,” you hissed to them. They listened wordlessly. 
“You think it’s okay to drive my daughter around in that car? If I looked up the license of that car I would see so many tickets I could wallpaper my house!” 
“You haven’t taken me up on my offer,” he said, directly to you. “Shame.”
Billy wasn’t helping his case. Not in the slightest. 
“Hargrove get in your fucking car and go the fuck home,” you snarled. Billy watched your face and then finally paid Hopper a thought. 
“Offer stands.” He got in his car before Hopper could beat the shit out of him. Part of you wanted to see it. When his car was gone there was a heavy silence. 
“Fucking Hargrove,” he grumbled. You were both still standing out in the cold. You shivered. “Fucking Hargrove. He could’ve killed her.” He looked back at you. You were still watching where his car was. “Hey.” Your eyes snapped to him.
“Yeah. Fuck him.”
“What’s that?” 
“What’s what?” 
“The look on your face.”
“I don’t have a look.” His face fell a bit. He put a hand over his mouth, rubbing his beard in annoyance. 
“Do you like-”
“No.” You nipped that in the bud. This was the conversation you had been dying to have. 
“He’s closer to you-”
“No,” you said again. “Don’t say it. Don’t even dignify that thought with the words.” His face eased. “I love you.” 
His eyes went wide again. The words hung in the air like they were being let out to dry. You felt confident in them. Even your nerves wouldn’t let you take back such a true statement. 
“I don’t care about all of that. I never have.” He looked like he was searching for something. You opened your mouth to tell him he didn’t have to say it back but he was already speaking. 
“I love you too,” he breathed. The words came easy once he had said them. 
“Good,” he repeated back to you. You walked up to him, throwing your arms around him. He hugged you tightly. 
“Plus,” you muttered, “he’s not my type.” He chuckled into your hair. He wanted to kiss you. He never wanted to stop kissing you. He found, for a moment, a wordless moment, he had wished Billy would’ve taken El and Max back so he could have the house just for the two of you. He swept the thought away as quickly as it had come. But having you in his arms was too intoxicating. 
“I wanna listen to the radio,” you whispered. The laughter from him came louder now. 
“Alright. Alright c’mon.” You repressed claps. He had his hand on the small of your back as he led you back inside. 
“She said she loves him. I can feel it in the air,” Callahan muttered. He was chewing on a donut. His eyes were small. He was concentrating. 
“Entirely possible they fucked in the car,” Powell countered. 
“Calvin!” Flo exclaimed.
“That could be what you’re feeling. All I’m saying!”
“He said it back,” Callahan mused, his voice far away. 
“Now you’re stretching,” Powell promised. “Chief in love? Not in this lifetime.”
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sarahwriterx · 10 days
☆꧁ⓑⒺẸ’s WƗѕ𝒽꧂☆
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The roof caved in. I held up my hat and looked at the walls were breaking, one of them destroyed totally and I could see many lighten lines in the sky, they were passing fast. Of course, stars can’t move with this speed. It was because our castle, our “wish” castle, was falling down to the unknown destiny.
“Siffrin!!!” Loop called me from above a window. They looked more terrified than ever.
“Let her to be there! We have to go out of here!” they were trying to held my hand.
I grinned, didn't pay attention to them and still stuck to girl’s body. Castle was fall even more faster but before it’s crash to the Earth, I was totally unconscious.
Let me see… what is your wish?
It may be seeming rude, cause it’s a personal request. Buuut you have to tell me! All of my buddies and I can make your wish comes true!!
I mean…
We could.
 I blinked. Soft wind bellowed in my face, I could feel wet grass under me, and the sky above me was full of stars.
“He’s awake!” Loop cried of happiness.
“Holy cow.”
I sat. I could see many trees and cutted backed bushes around us. May be we hided at some type of park or something. Cardamon’s hammer was on his shoulder.
“Now speak up… who did this SHIT?” He looked at us angrily.
“Him!!!” Deckard and Howell pointed each other with fear.
“They did this.” I pointed to Loop.
Loop frizzed of fear. Cardamon took a deep breath, came to me with heavy steps, crushed all of the grass and bugs under his feet and bended on me.
“I know YOU did this, dumb!”
“So what? Do you wanna make me a Regret?” I looked at his eyes.
“BECAUSE OF YOU, our castle fallen, and BECAUSE OF YOU all of these dumbass lost their magic!!!” Cardamon shouted.
  “I was just trying to turn off that robot!” I talked carelessly.
Cardamon slapped in his own face: “AHHH!! When you are eating shit and make us into trouble I should kill myself for the others!!!”
“Thank you, thank you, don’t mention it, I am too embarrassed~” I grinned.
“Find a person who have a simple wish. If we’ll make it comes true, maybe we can take back our powers. Now separate away!” Cardamon yelled.
“How about... that crazy inventor?” Loop asked.
Cardamon grumbled: “He’s not around. Cause here is just a park, full of children, he can’t guess that we- “
I warped up his speak:” make a children's wish comes true is so much easier than adults. So he can guess that we are here!”
“Any BETTER idea?” Cardamon controlled himself, he wanted to break my head with his hammer badly.
“I’ll check around, you and others can hide somewhere. And then we meet each other here, on morning!” I said.
Cardamon looked at me with suspicious but he hadn’t any idea, so took Loop and the others with himself. And me? I started to searching the park as I said, there was weird, it seemed I was in a maze made by cut backed bushes. Sometimes I was reaching to the dead end but I didn’t lose my cool. Why I should had stress? It was beautiful night. Even I could have a good sleep in here.
“I heard something!!!”
I was hide quickly.
“Yeah… I saw his shadow too.. It was HIM!!!”
“W-What do you mean?? It impossible!!!”
“Yeah dude, But the shadow has a long hat!”
“B-But… Snufkin were passed away a long time ago…”
I smirked, moved slowly among the bushes.
“I heard somethingggg!!!”
“A-And I saw the shadow again!!! NOOOO!!!”
“HOoOoOoO…~” I whispered.
They were silent both.
“If you don’t go home… I’ll coming for you…”
“And EAT you at once!!!” I jumped in front of them.
They were two old-moomins who might be park guards, they screamed and ran for their life. I laughed. Too easy!
I didn’t see any guards further, all of them abandoned their duty and ran away. I thought here were a security park but with seeing public property, I found out I was wrong. Now it seemed Cardamon does his best and here was safe at the start. Better to came back to them...
“ Stupid creatures! That wasn’t a ghost at all, He’s just a poor thieve who has a big brain in his head!!!”
“B-But.. He was scary… We should arrest thieves and campers… Not the ghosts!!”
“I repeat it to you once again, He’s not a ghost!!! He’s just a-“
“I’m a thieve who is a ghost… HoOoOoO…~ I’m going to eat you up…” I whispered with a scary voice.
The guards were scared, screamed and ran away. I laughed. May be their boss smarter than them but it doesn’t matter.
I stood. I knew her.
“I heard screams. what happened?”
“ Ha? No… it was about my stupid guards… They are afraid of their own shadow. Go inside! It’s cold outside.”
“Can we talk a little?”
“Bee... your father said- “
“Just a little! It doesn’t hurt anyone. My father doesn’t worry about me… it has another reason.”
I watched them. Space took Bee’s shoulder, as they walked. Her brown long hair were bellowing with the cold wind. She couldn’t walk easily.
I followed them but a damn branch made me to fall on the floor.
“Aha!!! I KNEW it was one of that damn star guys!!” Space pointed at me.
“Space!! Let him go!!!” Bee held his arm.
I ran quickly. But it looked like Space found out this star guy that he got is the damned Siffrin, so he pushed Bee away and followed me so fast, and finally in another dead end he could trapped me.
This story continues..
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bengiyo · 11 months
I am curious for your perspective on the way the OF creators are interacting with fans and have even admitted to editing the show based on fan reactions. It strikes me as an unusual level of interaction and capitulation, though of course TV is a live medium that is nearly always responsive to reactions to some extent. My preference is for a lot less of this kind of thing, but I know you have experience with direct interaction with media creators and have found it enhances your experience sometimes. What do you make of how these dynamics are showing up in OF and the effect it’s having on the show?
TV and Critic Background
So, I am actually the worst person to talk to if you think the creators should be quiet about their work, because I really enjoy talking to directors, producers, actors, cinematographers, and especially editors about their work. I often go to film festivals just to talk to the creators about their processes.
I've also been in the TV space a really long time, and I am used to this kind of behavior. I don't think a lot of folks who are in BL are used to being in the process of TV itself, and I think a lot of people have let the Netflix binge model inform the way they view TV. TV is not like movies. When you get a movie, you are seeing the end product of filming, editing, test screenings, re-edits, etc. TV is usually only an episode or two ahead of the viewers.
It's extremely normal for a show to respond to feedback when characters test well. The 100 did this with Jasper. He was supposed to die in the pilot when that spear entered his chest, but he tested well with audiences so they revived him.
Fun Fact: This is why Kiseki: Dear to Me didn't just move their release schedule up when episode 8 was leaked early. They probably weren't finished assembling episode 9.
I followed Sense8 through its entire development process all the way from rumors and then J. Michael Stracynski's posts about it, to the things Lana and Lily said about it, to the commentary from the cast.
I have a special hatred for Rick Behrman over Star Trek.
I absolutely hate Russel T. Davies because of Cucumber.
I bailed on Supernatural because of the way the writers condescended to us at comicon after killing Kevin.
I know some fans are upset about the idea that scenes they wanted to see got cut, but I was there for Noah Galvin opening his fucking mouth to talk shit about other actors at ABC who were playing beloved gay characters and that subsequently getting The Real O'Neals canceled. The show had a very short second season and I feel forever salty about that.
What does this mean for Jojo and Ninew and Den?
I actually think Jojo, Den, and Ninew are fine. I don't think they usually poopoo on valid reads from what I've seen, and mostly they're having fun with the fans, too. I just don't think people are used to the creators being so honest about how feedback affects the editing process.
I think this is the first time we've had a big show in a while where the creator was fairly active on socials about the show. Aof and Au are usually pretty quiet when their shows are airing, and only give small tidbits while they show is airing. Jojo is silly and likes to play with fans. Den is feisty and has a gay agenda to pursue.
Truly, I don't think Jojo and friends are that bad about anything with this show, because they're mostly just laughing and stating things that are obvious to people who pay attention to how the sausage is made.
That being said, the biggest struggle OF is having is shipping. The FK girlies are so loud and their heavy breathing has likely influenced the way Jojo and friends decided to write Ray. The FB girlies are so into them that it's made Jojo and them dial back some of their Top content because the audience hates him so much. Only Boston and Nick feel like they've made it through the shipping gamut intact because Neo and Mark aren't bringing a bunch of preexisting shippers to the table.
Coming off of episode 10, you can see this plainly with the nasty4nasty dynamic with Boston and Nick. The emotional core of their dynamic feels true, even down to the way their moments in the store mirror their first interactions again. Boston came in for service about his phone and intentionally showed Nick something on it.
I don't think Jojo has ever had to work with multiple acting pairs that were big branded pairs prior to this, and this is only his second time really dealing with that. With Never Let Me Go, Pond and Phuwin weren't that big yet, and he wasn't threatening their ship with anything complicated. OF is challenging for people who just watch BL as fap material and have to deal with their faves not being easy people to parse.
As usual, we go back to that post that goes around all the time, thought I think the OP deleted it:
"Never ever be normal about fictional characters but please GOD be normal about the people who play them, I am begging you" -tumblr user mantorokk-writes
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little-moonbeam-666 · 2 years
Dragons And Butterflies And Dragonflies... Oh My!
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Soooo 9k words later and I’ve produced an Aegon Targaryen smut.... holy shit! Warnings: SMUT, fingering, oral (fem receiving), loss of virginity, Aegon being vulnerable as fuck (yes that’s a whole ass warning), Aegon also radiating SWITCH energy
ALSO: Tell me if I should do a continuation of this? Or like just a small spinoff of this? Ideas?
High Valyrian Translations:
Ñuhon - mine
ñuha jorrāelagon - My love
gevie riña - beautiful girl
Ao sagon sīr gevie skori ao limagon syt nyke - You’re so beautiful when you cry for me.
Being Helaena’s lady in waiting had its perks. Not only had Helaena become one of your best friends over the years, but so had her brother, Aemond. The only one you hadn’t gotten close to was their older sibling, Prince Aegon. He practically acted as if you didn’t exist. 
“Why don’t you just talk to him instead of staring at him from across the table?” Aemond whispered, leaning close to your ear. You quickly took a sip of your wine to calm yourself. He had a point but you could never bring yourself to speak to him.
“Because he makes me nervous. I can’t talk properly around him.” you whispered back, moving the food around on your plate, never actually eating anything.
“Why would my drunken whore of a brother make you nervous? If you show him any bit of interest, I’m sure he’d bed you without a second thought.”
You sighed heavily, becoming irritated with your best friend.
“I don’t want to be just another notch on his bedpost… if there’s even room for another notch. I care about him, Aemond.” you said bitterly, gulping down the rest of your wine.
“You just need to make him see you, Y/N.”
“And how the fuck am I supposed to do that? Please enlighten me, my prince.” you said sarcastically.
He smirked, taking a sip of wine before speaking again.
“I have an idea, but you won’t like it.” he warned.
At this point you didn’t care if you’d like it or not. You wanted Aegon to notice you.
“Tell me.”
“I’ll pretend to like you. He always wants what he can’t have. If we pretend to have feelings for each other, he’ll at least see you. Then once you have his attention, you can confess your feelings to him.” he said simply, as if it was going to be the easiest task.
You sighed and pursed your lips, hating the idea of pretending to have romantic feelings towards your friend, but you were willing to do it if Prince Aegon noticed you.
“Fine. We start now.” you whispered, smirking at him and letting out a loud giggle before grabbing Aemond's hand and lacing your fingers with his. You could see the initial shock on his face before he played along, gripping your hand tight and giving you a smile. Your laugh must have been heard by the eldest prince because when your eyes glanced around you saw a confused look on Aegon's face, his gaze focused on yours and Aemond's interlocked fingers.
Throughout the rest of dinner, you and Aemond made small talk, your hand never leaving his and your false giggles and smiles just fueled the fire. Aemond put on the best show he could, leaning close to you to whisper in your ear. To the others it looked like it was shared secrets between lovers, but in reality it was just Aemond pointing out the fact that Aegon’s eyes hadn’t left the two of you the entire time.
The next week continued on just the same. You and Aemond spent every waking moment together, making sure you were always in the line of sight of his brother. And with every day that passed, the more pissed off Aegon looked. You couldn’t help but notice the way he stared longingly at you every time you laughed at something Aemond had said or the way he glared at Aemond with pure hatred every time he touched you.
It was day nine of making Aegon jealous when the plan finally began to pay off. You were walking one of the main corridors alone, prepared to go back to your chambers to get ready for supper. You didn’t hear the footsteps behind you and almost screamed when your shoulder was grabbed to stop you. When you whipped around to see who it was, your heart almost stopped.
“Aegon,” you breathed out “My prince, is something the matter?” you asked, praying your words didn’t crack as you spoke. You could tell he looked a bit flustered.
“Lady Y/N, may I ask you something?” he questioned, fidgeting a bit, unable to keep still.
“Why of course, my prince.”
“Why do you like my brother?” he asked. You could see the disappointment in his eyes when he spoke to you. You froze at the question, not sure how to answer. 
“I… I’m not quite sure I understand.” you muttered, feigning confusion.
“You like my brother, do you not?” he continued.
“Of course I do, he’s my friend.” you admitted. And you weren’t lying. Aemond was your friend and always had been.
“Your actions as of late make it seem like the two of you are a bit more than friends.” he grumbled. “What’s going on between the two of you?”
“Nothing.” you answered.
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N. I confronted Aemond about what was going on and he told me to come ask you myself.”
Of course Aemond sent him straight to you. It was now or never.
“I’m not lying, my prince. Prince Aemond and I are just friends. He was only helping me get the attention of someone I have very strong feelings for.”
“And who might this lord be? I highly doubt that he’s worthy of your time. You’re far too pretty for any of the lords here in Kings Landing.” he scoffed, trying to seem unfazed. But you saw right through him. You could practically feel the jealousy radiating off of him. And he thought you were pretty… you had to fight to keep the smile off your face. You opened your mouth to speak but were cut off by Aemond rounding the corner.
“Ah, there you are, Lady Y/N. Come now, it’s time for supper. We wouldn’t want to be late.” he said, quickly linking his arm with yours before glancing at his brother. “You too. Wouldn’t want mother to scold us all for being late.”
Aemond pulled you away before you could even say anything, leaving Aegon standing in the corridor alone. You waited until you were out of earshot to speak again.
“What are you doing? I was about to tell him!” you huffed. He laughed as he continued to drag you through the long corridors.
“Just trust me, Y/N. This is just to make him sweat a little and ensure that he truly wants you.”
You arrived at dinner, about to take your usual spot on the left on Aemond but he quickly stopped you, moving you to his right. You gave him a suspicious look but sat down anyway, assuming that Aegon would now be sat to your right. And of course, as expected, when Aegon arrived he took his usual seat that was next to you.
You glanced over at him as he sat down only to find his gaze already on you. You gave him a shy smile before looking away, causing you to not see the faint smile he gave in return. But Aemond saw and he wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to tease his brother… or you.
“Dear brother, what are you smiling at?” Aemond asked, giving Aegon a knowing smirk.
“I was smiling at Lady Y/N, brother.” he said matter of factly.  “I’m just pleased that for once she’s close enough for me to have a conversation with her. You seem to have been stealing all of her time as of late. It has proven difficult to find her without you at her side.”
“I apologize. If it’s Lady Y/N’s time that you want, all you need to do is ask. I’m sure she’d love to spend some time with you. Isn’t that right, Y/N?” he said, giving you a knowing smirk. In that moment you wanted to slap that smirk right off Aemond’s face, but you gave him a smile anyway.
“Yes, of course.” you said, turning your attention towards the eldest prince with a blush on your face. “I’d love to spend time with you, if that’s what you wish, my prince.”
Aegon smiled before forming a smirk and leaning closer to you so only you could hear him.
“I’d very much like to see you later tonight.” 
You could feel heat rising to your face and your heart began hammering in your chest. You composed yourself as best you could before smiling and nodding your head shyly. Aegon’s gaze directed towards Aemond, a wicked and almost triumphant smirk on his face as he sat back in his chair while dinner was beginning to be served.
The rest of dinner you felt tense. Aemond could see it and kept trying to make small talk with you and giving you and Aegon knowing glances. You could tell he was proud of himself for his plan had worked. And then there was Aegon, who kept finding any excuse to touch you. Whether it be his hand on your shoulder while he talked to you or his knee nudging gently against yours, he found a way to make it happen. You couldn’t contain the butterflies you felt at every touch. You’d even noticed he’d paced his drinking during dinner, only having two goblets of wine instead of his usual five or six.
When dinner was finally finished and the table was being cleared, Aegon pulled you aside. You must have looked a little panicked because you could see Aemond trying not to laugh out of the corner of your eye before he turned to speak to Helaena. Aegon’s voice pulled your attention back to him.
“I meant what I said earlier, Y/N. I’d like to see you later tonight. Meet me in my chambers after everyone’s asleep. I’ll send my guards away, so just knock.”
“Ok, yeah. I can do that.” you said quietly, giving him a smile. He grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed your knuckles before locking his eyes on yours.
“I look forward to seeing you later.”
You watched silently as he walked out, only being brought back out of your daze by Helaena and Aemond approaching you.
“It’s so nice to see you and Aegon finally speaking, Y/N.” Helaena said, a grin on her face. She’s known about your feelings towards her older brother for a couple years now and has always silently encouraged you from the sidelines to approach him, but never pushing you. “What did he say?”
“He, um… he wants me to meet him in his chambers later tonight after everyone’s gone to bed.” you whispered, only loud enough for Helaena and Aemond to hear you. Helaena grinned, obviously excited for you, and Aemond tried to contain his laughter at how nervous you seemed.
“Should we expect a babe in your belly by the end of the night?” Aemond chuckled, enjoying how red your face became at his comment.
“Aemond!” Helaena scolded, making her brother look only half sorry about his comment. Tormenting you was one of his favorite past times and he knew you really didn’t mind the comment.
“No! We’re just spending some time together, that’s all.” you said.
“Dragons and butterflies will soar together.” Helaena mumbled under her breath, zoning out for a moment before her eyes locked back on you, a smile on her face as if she didn’t just say something totally off the wall. You and Aemond were used to her ramblings by now and chose to ignore it like you almost always did.
“Y/N, Aegon isn’t known for just ‘spending time’ with anyone… especially a beautiful woman like yourself. He has motives behind this, and I hate to admit it, but I don’t know what they are. I know you care for him deeply but I don’t want to see you get hurt. It’d be such a nuisance to have to kill him for hurting you. Be careful when you go to see him tonight. Please.” Aemond said, his tone switching to a more serious one. You grabbed Aemond’s hands in yours in an attempt to soothe his worries.
“I’ll be careful. I promise.” you assured him before bidding both him and Helaena goodnight, giving each of them a hug and kiss on the cheek before you left.
Your mind was racing the entire way back to your private chambers, wondering if you should change into your nightclothes or stay in your dress. What would you and Aegon even talk about? You’d hardly spoken to him at all… especially whilst alone with him. You mentally prepared yourself for the worst, hoping he didn’t want to just bed you and then toss you aside like one of his whores. You were still a maiden after all. If you laid with him, it would be out of love… at least on your end. You weren’t sure you could handle being discarded when he was done with you. It would truly break your heart. And if that happened you didn’t want to see what would happen to Aegon when Aemond found out about it.
You opted to change into a thin, floor length nightdress, throwing a thick blue and gold velvet robe on top to maintain your modesty around the prince. Standing in front of your small vanity mirror, you unpinned your hair, letting it fall in precise waves down your shoulders. You proceeded to take off your jewelry, just to procrastinate just a little bit longer. You held the jewelry in your hands, thinking about all the things that may occur tonight. By the time you were done doing a handful of menial tasks, it had been close to an hour. Surely everyone should be in their respective chambers by now, getting ready for bed.
Quietly, you snuck out of your chambers, your bare feet padding gently against the cold stone floor. You made your way down several corridors and up a flight of stairs before making a sharp left turn down a long hall. You knew exactly where the eldest prince's room was. It was at the exact opposite end of the extremely long corridor from Helaena’s chambers. You were sure to make no noise as you continued to walk until you stood in front of the large wooden door. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you raised your hand and knocked twice. Your knocks were so gentle you weren’t sure the prince would have even heard them. But alas the door opened, revealing Aegon in a loose tunic and equally loose fitting trousers.
“Lady Y/N, come in.” he said, ushering you inside and peeking his head out the door to make sure that nobody had seen you before shutting the door and barring it shut. You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. But Aegon spoke before you could think of anything. “I wasn’t sure if you were gonna come. I know most women don’t necessarily trust me enough to be alone with me. And I’m sure my brother warned you to be cautious around me…. But I’m glad you came.”
You could hear the sadness and a bit of disappointment in his voice as he spoke, sounding so unsure of himself. You weren’t used to hearing him use that tone, as he normally oozes confidence and cockiness.
“I’m glad I came too, my prince.” you said quietly.
“Please call me Aegon. No need for formalities while we’re alone.” he said, looking in your direction.
“Alright, Aegon.” you said, unable to keep the smile off your face. He smiled back, a genuine smile that radiated warmth and happiness. Those were other emotions you never saw the prince display. It made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“Do you, um, do you know why I wanted to see you?” he asked, taking a tentative step towards you. You stayed in place, keeping your eyes locked on his.
“No, Aegon, I don’t.” you admitted, nervousness washing over you as he stepped even closer. Before he could close the gap between the two of you, he stepped around you and moved to sit on the sofa next to the fireplace.
“Come sit, Y/N.” he said, gesturing to the spot next to him.
You did as he asked and slowly walked over before sitting down next to him, closer than you intended, your knee brushing against his. He smirked and the two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before you spoke up.
“Aegon, I’m not sure why you wanted to see me, but I will say I’m not interested in just jumping into bed with you just for you to forget about me in the morning. That’s not who I am.” you rushed, wanting to get the words out before you became too shy to say them. Aegon seemed to freeze, his eyes going wide in shock at your little outburst. You watched him for a few seconds watching his expression change, the hurt clear on his face.
“Is that what you think of me, Y/N? You think all I wanted from you was a quick fuck?” he grumbled, looking at you. He honestly looked like he was about to cry.
“No, Aegon, I just… I know…” you started, stumbling a bit over your words, not sure what you really wanted to say.
“I know I have a reputation, Y/N. And I know that Aemond probably told you that’s all I’d want from you… but he’s wrong. I just want to get to know you better.” he said, seeming genuine.
“Because I like you. Is that not enough?” he asked, clearly beginning to feel wounded.
“You like me? Aegon, I’ve been serving your family for years and you’ve never once talked to me until now. You didn’t want anything to do with me until you thought that Aemond was interested in me.” you said. You didn’t mean to sound rude, but it was true. There was a long pause and deafening silence.
“You came here right after your twelfth name day to be my sister's lady in waiting. Helaena absolutely adores you, loves you even. She calls you her butterfly… whatever that means.” he said, causing shock to cross your face. Helaena only called you that in private. She gave you the nickname the first week you’d come to the Red Keep and has called you that ever since. “Then there’s my mother and father who always tell us that you should’ve been born a princess and say whoever you marry will be the luckiest man in the seven kingdoms. And Aemond, who attached himself to you when he lost his eye and claimed Vaghar. You helped nurse him back to health and never left his side. And you were terrified when he finally forced you to take your first ride on Vaghar with him. He didn’t know you were afraid of heights. Then a bouquet of wildflowers showed up in your room the next day to help ease the fear that Aemond had accidentally made you feel. Then on your sixteenth name day you received a gift, a black onyx and emerald necklace straight from Dorne. Then on your seventeenth name day you received the matching earrings… and last year, on your eighteenth, the matching bracelet. Three of the most expensive pieces of jewelry in the entirety of Kings Landing. You wear them more often than not. You were wearing them tonight at dinner. But you never knew who they were from… or the flowers… you could never figure it out. It took everything in me not to tell you.”
His tone was hushed, barely a whisper by the time he’d finished talking and there were silent tears yet to be shed shining in his eyes. Your eyes began to tear up at the realization that you were never invisible to Aegon after all. He’d always seen you… he’d always cared for you. 
“Aegon…” you whispered, not knowing what to say. Words couldn’t begin to express how you were feeling, so you did the next best thing. You leaned forward and pressed your lips against his. You felt him slowly leaning into the kiss before he abruptly pulled away, looking almost angry.
“Don’t toy with me, Y/N.” he said through gritted teeth, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“What? Aegon, I’m not toying with you.” you said softly, reaching for his hand. He pulled it away before you could grab it.
“I don’t want your pity just because I laid my heart out on a silver platter for you. You said it yourself, Aemond was only helping you get the attention of someone else.”
“Are you really that daft, my prince? I was trying to get your attention… not some random lords. Just you. It’s always been you, Aegon.” you admitted, moving your hand up to caress the side of his face and giving him a soft smile.
He immediately leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut at the contact. You’d never seen him look so calm… so at peace. His hand came up to cover yours, holding it captive against his cheek.
“You mean it?” he asked, his eyes still closed and his hand still covering yours.
Again, you didn’t answer. You only leaned forward and kissed him once more, slowly, showing him that you truly meant it. He kissed you back, his lips moved slowly against yours, your hot breath mixing with his as the seconds went by, slowly turning into minutes. The only noises in the room were the crackling fire, the wet smacking of lips, and the soft gasps you both let out. Reluctantly, Aegon pulled away, breathing heavily.
“Aegon, what’s wrong?” you asked, not sure why he stopped.
“You should probably go back to bed, Y/N. It’s getting late.” he said, his eyes locked on yours. His words were telling you to go, but the look he was giving you was begging you to stay.
“Can’t I just stay here with you?” you asked hopefully.
“I don’t want you to think that you have to stay or that you have to do anything with me tonight. If you were caught here in the morning it could tarnish your reputation… your virtue would come into question. I care about you so deeply that it hurts, Y/N. You make me want to be a better person, my love.”
There it was. My love. The words you had always wanted him to call you. But what he didn’t know is that you wanted to stay, to do unholy things with him. You wanted to give yourself to him fully and let him take your maidenhead. Fuck your virtue and fuck what anyone else thought come morning. You wanted to be his.
“Aegon, I want this. I want you. But you need to know that I won’t tolerate sharing you with the women from the silk streets. And I won’t stay if you’re drunk all the time. If I give myself to you, I need you to be mine in return.” you said firmly, laying your terms out on the table. 
“You have me. I’m yours, Y/N. You’ll never catch me wandering the silk streets ever again. And I’ll stop drinking so much. I swear it to you. You have my word. As long as I have you, I have everything I need.” he said, taking your hands in his and rubbing his thumbs soothingly over the tops of your knuckles. You leaned forward until your lips were barely brushing his, causing his eyes to flutter slightly.
“Then let me stay here with you. Take me to bed, Aegon.” you whispered seductively, your lips grazing his as you spoke. 
He pressed his lips firmly against yours as he scooped you up in his arms and walked you both over to his bed. He only stopped kissing you to lay you down, admiring the way your hair fanned across the pillows. When Aegon stood straight again and looked down at you, he could have sworn he’d died and gone to heaven. You looked like an absolute goddess laying in his bed.
“My gods, you’re so fucking pretty.” he mumbled in disbelief, more to himself than to you. 
You quickly sat up and smiled at him before he could join you. He watched you carefully as you moved your hands to the front clasp on your robe, unsnapping it and letting your robe fall loose around your body. You slowly slid your arms out of the heavy fabric and revealed the extremely thin, practically see through nightdress that you were wearing.
“Care to help me with the rest, my love?” you asked, teasingly pushing your breasts out so your nipples strained against the fabric.
He quickly joined you on the bed, sitting on his knees in front of you. He tugged your robe from beneath you and tossed it to the floor before his hands came to shakily rest on your knees, bunching the fabric tightly in his unsteady fingers. He was nervous, that much was obvious. You let one of your hands move to cover one of his, squeezing it reassuringly.
“Y/N, I-I know what I’ve done in the past… and the things that have been said about me. I don’t want to do a-anything that would ever hurt you or make you afraid of me. I couldn’t bear it. The love I have for you is indescribable. I just want things to be different with you.” He admitted, his voice shaking along with his hands as he spoke.
“Aegon, I trust you completely. And I love you too. So much.” you said, causing him to smile. “Now if you would be so kind as to help me remove my nightgown, that would be lovely.”
“Anything for you, sweet girl.” he purred, letting his hands push the fabric up your legs until the tops of your thighs were exposed. You lifted your butt to help him remove your nightgown. And then it was being lifted over your head, exposing you fully to Aegon for the first time. You laid back, tossing your hands carelessly above your head and stretching out so he could see all of you.
“I think you’re extremely overdressed, my prince.” you teased lightly, hoping you were coming off as confident.
“Oh, is that so?” he asked cockily, a smirk on his face as he pulled his tunic up over his head and tossed it to the floor.
“Uh huh.” you hummed, letting your eyes rake over the newly exposed skin. His hands went to gently untie the strings holding up his trousers, but kept his hands still as he found your eyes focused on his crotch where there was a prominent bulge.
“See something you want, sweetheart?”
“Maybe.” you said, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment from being caught. He let go of the fabric, letting his trousers drop down his legs and leaving him as naked as you. You fought to keep your eyes on his face as he crawled over you until his face reached yours.
“Just kiss me, my love. We can go as slow as you want, I promise.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss you once more. 
You eagerly kissed him back and let your arms move to drape themselves around his neck, your lips sliding wetly against his. You couldn’t contain the moan that escaped you when you felt his tongue prodding at your lips, begging for entrance. You shyly opened your mouth, granting him access, moaning louder when his tongue finally came in contact with yours. You could feel him smiling against your lips while his tongue swirled seductively around yours. He pulled away from your mouth, moving his lips down to your neck and sucking hard.
“Aegon!” you squealed, arching your body closer to his.
“Yes, love?” he murmured against the sensitive column of your neck.
“Please…” you whimpered. You knew you probably sounded pathetic, but you didn’t care. “I need you to touch me.”
“Touch you where, my sweet?” he asked, letting his tongue soothingly lick over the purple mark he’d left on your neck.
You let one of your hands come down to grab his wrist and guide his hand from its place beside your head, down your shoulder until his palm rested over your breast. He gave a tentative squeeze, watching as your eyes fluttered shut and the slightest whimper left your lips. His hand continued to gently massage the flesh, enjoying how your whimpers turned into moans as he let his thumb drag repeatedly over your hardened nipple.
“Oh fuck!”
“Such a filthy mouth on my baby girl. And your tits are even better than I imagined.” he groaned, bringing his free hand to your other breast and teasing your other nipple. You couldn’t help but push into his touch, making him smile. “All these years I've fantasized about you and how perfect you’d be, how you’d sound, how perfectly every part of your body would feel beneath my fingers, but not even my imagination could come close to this. This… fuck, this is heaven.”
“Aegon, my love, please.” you whimpered, begging him, although you weren’t sure for what. All you knew was you needed more.
He smirked down at you, loving how your eyes were blown wide with lust and your breathing had become erratic. Without another word he maneuvered himself until his face was level with your breasts, only glancing up at you to give you a wicked smirk and holding eye contact with you as he let his lips wrap around one of the sensitive buds and suckled gently.
The moans slipped from your lips unwillingly, unable to hold them back. The pleasure Aegon was giving you was too intense to focus on anything else. The suction of his lips over your nipple mixed with his hot tongue flicking over the sensitive bud made your head spin, your eyes struggling to stay open while he toyed with you. Your fingers tangled in his platinum hair, holding him to your chest as he moved to the other breast and sucked even harder.
“What do you want, angel? You can have anything you want.” he said, pulling his head away from your chest to look into your eyes.
“I… I don’t know. Aegon, I just want you.” you whined, trying to pull him closer but he held his ground, not moving an inch. He kept his eyes locked on yours as he slowly moved his hand down your body until his fingers were gently rubbing through the curls between your legs. He watched you gasp at the contact and chuckled before moving to lay on his side next to you, never taking his fingers from your pussy.
“Is this what you need, Y/N?” he asked, letting his middle finger delve between your folds to rub circles over your clit.
“Mmm yes!” you whined, bucking your hips gently against his hand.
“Easy, sweetheart. We don’t want to rush this. I want to take my time with you.” he cooed, continuing to slide his fingers through your folds, dipping lower and lower with every stroke until he was circling your now dripping hole. “Oh, baby girl, you’re so fucking wet. Is all this for me?”
“Mhmm, just for you. Only you. It’s always been for you.” you said, feeling lost in the pleasure. He took his time slowly coating his fingers in your slick and teasing you before finally caving and slowly pressing his long middle finger inside you, enjoying the way you gasped at the intrusion.
“Fuck, you’re so tight. Gonna feel so fucking good around my cock.” he groaned, slowly fucking you with his finger.
You whimpered, trying to catch your breath as he slowly fingered you open. His eyes never left your face, watching your expressions and admiring how cute you looked when your eyes rolled back and your eyebrows scrunched together in pleasure. It wasn’t long before he had added another finger to help stretch you out and your moans were obscenely loud.
“Aegon! Baby, please! Please, I want you… need you… fuck, I need you! My love! Please!” you begged, feeling yourself gushing over his fingers. He slowly pulled the digits out of your weeping cunt and brought them up to his mouth, eagerly sucking your juices from them. 
“Mmm you taste so good, my love. Can I… uh…” he started, seeming to get a bit embarrassed by whatever he wanted to ask you, his previous confidence dissipating and a rosy tint rising to his cheeks.
“Can you what?”  you asked breathlessly. You reached over to brush his hair from his face, giving him a soft smile. “You can ask me anything, my love.”
“I want to, uh, use… my mouth… to give you pleasure.” he stuttered out, his eyes not quite meeting yours. The thought of Aegon’s tongue licking through your folds had you subconsciously rubbing your thighs together.
“Mhmm.”  you mumbled while nodding your head. “Yeah. You can do whatever you want.”
Aegon grinned and quickly moved to situate himself at the end of his bed, placing his hands on your currently closed knees. He looked at you expectantly and you slowly opened your legs, letting Aegon push them open as far as he wanted. You could feel yourself clenching around nothing as the cool air hit your throbbing clit.
 “You have the prettiest little cunt, my love.” he praised, moving to lie down on his belly between your spread legs. Your breathing became heavier with anticipation. “Are you ok?”
“Mhmm. I’m perfect.” you assured, grinning down at him.
Without breaking eye contact, he slowly leaned forward and licked slowly through your folds, the tip of his tongue prodding at your clit. You immediately let your head fall back against the pillows and let out a breathy moan. Your fingers fisted in the sheets beneath you, trying to ground yourself. He noticed and let his hands grab yours, guiding them to his hair, encouraging you to tangle your fingers in the platinum strands. You did, pulling his mouth closer to your cunt and grinding against him. Then he wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding your hips still as he moved his tongue faster.
You could feel the heat building, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body as Aegon lapped greedily at your slit, occasionally sucking on your clit and making you squeal. His moans were muffled, the vibrations making your legs shake. He pulled back and smirked at you.
“Oh, baby girl, you can’t cum yet. I’m not done with you.” he said.
“And what else do you plan on doing to me, my prince?” you asked teasingly, still out of breath.
“I’ll do anything you want me to do.” he cooed, sincerity shining in his eyes as he leaned his head on the inside of your thigh, staring up at you. He looked fucking angelic. You don’t think you’d ever seen such a beautiful sight such as Aegon laying between your naked thighs with your slick coating his lips and chin and staring at you with pure adoration. 
“Aegon, I want you to take me.” you whispered. He sat up, looking slightly concerned.
“Y/N, are you sure?”
“I’ve wanted you for so long. I don’t want to give myself to anyone else.”
“My love, you’re still a maiden. It’s gonna hurt.” he warned, giving you the opportunity to back out. He moved to lay back down beside you and you moved to face him as his hand skimmed gently up and down your side, enjoying the feeling of your soft skin beneath his fingertips. “I don’t mind waiting for you. However long you need, I’ll wait.”
“There’s no need for me to wait, Aegon. I’ve thought about this for years. I’m ready and I want it to be you.” you explained, hoping to convince him that you wanted this.
“You’re absolutely sure?” he questioned, trying his hardest to give you an escape.
You slowly moved your hand between the two of you, letting your hand find his hard cock and wrapping your fingers around him. He groaned at the sudden contact, loving how warm your hand felt. You slowly began moving your hand, stroking him lazily. His eyes shut, focusing on the euphoric feeling. Leaning forward, you pressed your lips against his for a second before pulling back, seeing his eyes still shut while you continued to stroke him.
“Aegon, I’m yours. Now claim me.”
He quickly removed your hand from his cock, grabbing both of your wrists and bringing them up around his neck as he pushed you onto your back and nestled himself between your legs, nudging them further apart with his knees. You couldn’t contain the whimpers as he leaned down, pressing hot open mouthed kisses against your neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin between kisses.
“Ñuhon.” he growled against your skin. You recognized the High Valyrian immediately. Mine. 
“Yours.” you moaned back, letting him know you heard him. He pulled back, looking at you in wonder. You guessed he was unaware that you could understand High Valyrian.
Without looking away from your face he rocked his hips gently against yours, letting his length glide along your slit, coating himself in your arousal. You moved with him, your eyes fluttering in pleasure as the tip of his cock rubbed deliciously against your clit.
“My love, are you ready?” he asked, angling his hips so his tip was lined up with your entrance. You let your eyes open and locked your gaze on his.
“Take me, ñuha jorrāelagon. I’m yours, so claim me.” you whispered back, arching your hips in encouragement for him to finally take you.
Not another word was said as his wide eyes stared into yours and he slowly pushed forward, sliding as gently as he could into your wet heat. You whimpered at the stretch, feeling a stinging sensation as he pushed past your maidenhead and claiming you as his own. He continued to sink into your cunt until his hips were flush against yours. You scrunched your eyes shut tight as you tried to breath through the pain.
“Breathe, gevie riña. The hard part’s over.” he cooed, letting his hand come up to stroke the backs of his fingers over your cheek to soothe you. “You’re mine now.”
“Aegon, move!” you whined, arching your hips. He gently pulled out before pushing back in, effectively knocking the wind out of you.
“Like this, baby? Is that what you want?”
“Mmmm yes, my love. Just fuck me!” you moaned, locking your fingers behind his neck and pulling his lips down to yours.
He instantly kissed you back, slowly licking into your mouth before sucking on your bottom lip and gently pulling on it with his teeth. You whined into his mouth as he started moving his hips, feeling his length sliding against your silky walls. You could feel your wetness seeping out of you with every thrust of his hips, sliding down your ass to stain the sheets beneath you.
Aegon’s kisses suddenly stopped and he pulled back to look at you. You were about to ask why, but you were cut off by a sharp, hard thrust of his hips snapping against yours.
“That’s it, my love. Keep moaning for me!” he grunted, picking up the pace and slamming into you. Your moaning was obscenely echoing off the stone walls and you were sure the entirety of the Red Keep could hear you by now. You wondered briefly how Aemond and Helaena hadn’t heard you yet since their rooms weren’t too far away.
“Oh fuck! You feel so good inside me! Need this forever! Forever, my love!”
“You’re gonna be mine forever, my little love. Don’t you worry about that. I’m gonna make you my wife… my queen… I can’t wait to marry you and get you nice and pregnant! Might even get you pregnant tonight, baby.” he huffed out as he continued to fuck you into the mattress. You couldn’t even begin to think about the words he’d said. You were too fucked out to truly listen to them.
“More.. need more, Aegon!” you moaned, desperate for more but not knowing what to ask for.
“Do you trust me, love?” he asked, slowing down his pace until he was barely moving. You could only nod before he smiled at you, grabbing the backs of your knees and pushing them towards your chest before moving again. Your eyes immediately started to roll in the back of your head and you squealed, the new angle making him hit something inside you that had you seeing stars. You were so blissed out that you couldn’t even speak. “Look at you taking my cock so perfectly. That’s my good girl. My perfect girl.”
You forced yourself to hold your eyes open and glanced down at where Aegon’s cock was disappearing into your wet cunt. You moaned at the sight and felt yourself clench around his cock. Aegon could feel you clench and then he noticed your gaze focused on where the two of you were joined and smirked to himself. Who would’ve thought his innocent girl would get turned on by the sight of his hard cock splitting you open?
He carefully placed your legs on his shoulders before lowering himself so he was face to face with you again. Your hands immediately found their way behind his neck, holding on to him for dear life. The pleasure was almost too much to take, so much so that your eyes began to water. You hadn’t even realized you had started fully crying until Aegon was gently kissing away your tears, many words of praise spilling from his lips.
“So good for me” “Taking me so well.” “So tight and so perfect just for me.” “Ao sagon sīr gevie skori ao limagon syt nyke.” “Mine.”
“Aegon, please!” you begged, feeling your legs beginning to shake as heat began to consume your entire body.
“You’re so close, baby. I can feel it! Cum for me, ñuha jorrāelagon!” he moaned against your neck, letting one of his hands come between your bodies to rub at your aching clit that was throbbing for release while he continued to rut into you.
The coil seemed to wind tighter and tighter over what felt like forever but in reality was only a few seconds before finally snapping, a scream leaving your throat and scorching heat spreading through your body as your velvet walls clamped down on Aegon's cock as he bit roughly into the side of your neck. The wet squelching sounds got louder, as did your moans and whimpers, and you felt hot liquid dripping down your ass onto the bed, leaving it uncomfortably wet.
Aegon’s breath was hot on your neck as you slowly came down from your high, beginning to feel overstimulated as Aegon chased his own release. Your broken whimpers were cut short as Aegon’s hips stuttered, cumming inside you and letting out a whine of your name followed by the three words you’d never tire of hearing.
“I love you.” he panted into your ear, trying desperately to catch his breath.
“I love you.” you whispered back, pulling his face to yours so you could kiss his lips.
He gently removed your legs from his shoulders, making sure to keep his cock buried inside. The two of you stayed like that for a few more minutes, saying nothing and sharing gentle kisses. Once Aegon’s cock had softened completely, he slowly pulled out of you and carefully rolled to the side. Looking down, he could see a slight smear of red on his cock and also on your thighs. He grinned to himself, loving that he was your first and silently vowing to be your last. And with that thought he gently gathered you in his arms, pulling you close and kissing the top of your head. You didn’t know how long you laid there in his embrace, but you knew the hour was late and Helaena would come looking for you in the morning. Not only Helaena, but most likely Aemond as well.
“Aegon, my love.” you said, getting his attention.
“Y/N, my darling.” he said back, nuzzling his nose into your hair. You could feel him smiling against your scalp.
“It’s late…” you started. Before you could say anything, he cut you off.
“And you’re going to stay here. Now sleep, baby.”
“But Helaena and Aemond-” you quickly said, but once again were cut off.
“They can come find you here in the morning. They were both aware of your feelings towards me, were they not?” he questioned. You simply nodded your head. Aemond and Helaena had both known for years of your feelings towards Aegon. “Then they shall know exactly where to find you. Now get some rest, my love. We’ll take a hot bath together in the morning before going down to breakfast where I plan to tell my mother I intend to marry you. I’m sure she’ll be delighted.”
“You intend to marry me?” you gasped, almost not believing the words he was saying. He pulled back slightly only to give you an incredulous look.
“Of course I do. I love you and you love me. I’m not letting you go. Now stop asking silly questions and go to sleep.” he chuckled, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You closed your eyes and tried to sleep, but sleep never came. You couldn’t help the twitching and rolling around, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. Apparently your restlessness was keeping Aegon just as awake as you were.
“Baby, it’s been an hour and you’re still awake. Did I not fuck you hard enough?” he joked, letting his fingers graze lightly over your hip.
“I don’t know.” you started, clearly frustrated at your lack of sleep. But then you got an idea, giggling as you voiced it. “Maybe you should fuck me to sleep.”
You heard Aegon chuckle as he pulled you back against him, your back flush against his chest. He was breathing heavily in your ear as he gently lifted your one leg and lined up with your entrance, still sticky with both of your previous releases. In one slow thrust he sheathed his half hard cock inside you. You could feel his length growing in you, slowly stretching your sore, abused pussy. You couldn’t help but whimper.
“Oh, I’ll fuck you to sleep. Nice and slow until you cum. Then we can fall asleep just like this, keep my cock inside you all night long.” he murmured into your ear, pressing chaste kisses there as he slowly began to rock his hips.
The next morning came faster than you would have liked, the sunlight shining in your face waking you up from your few hours of sleep. You smiled remembering the night before, feeling Aegon’s arm draped over your middle and holding you tight, his cock still inside you like he promised. You slowly removed yourself from his hold, hissing slightly as he slipped from your core.
“Where are you going, love?” he mumbled against the pillows, not bothering to open his eyes yet.
“I believe you promised me a hot bath before breakfast.” you said, stretching as you stood up.
“You’re right… I did.” he said, slowly daring to open his eyes.
Your bath had gone smoothly, none of the servants had seen you. You had managed to stay out of sight as they brought the hot water in. Aegon gently massaged your shoulders and back while he helped wash you. And of course he couldn’t help but massage your breasts a bit. You in return helped him, massaging the soap into his hair and washing his body. By the time you were done, you felt refreshed. You could still feel the soreness between your legs but it was slowly dissipating.
The two of you had managed to slip out of his room after putting your nightclothes back on and snuck into your room so you could change. You put on a velvet green dress of Aegon’s choice and quickly pinned your hair half up, leaving half down to attempt to cover the insane amount of lovebites he’d left on you the night before. You put your favorite jewelry on, that you now knew had been gifted to you by Aegon over the years, and readied yourself to face his family.
You clutched onto Aegon’s hand tightly as you made your way through the corridors, the nerves settling in the pit of your stomach. You had no idea how this conversation was going to go. But of course Aegon didn’t seem even the slightest bit worried. The guards at the door gave you two a confused look, but hurriedly opened the large doors, allowing you and Aegon to enter. 
“There you are! I looked everywhere for you this morning!” Helaena chirped, smiling brightly as she saw you.
“Clearly you didn’t check everywhere.” Aegon said, pulling out your chair for you. He’d seated you right between himself and Aemond once again while Helaena was directly across from you.
“Goodmorning, your grace.” you said politely to Aegon’s mother before sitting down, completely ignoring Helaena and Aegon.
“Goodmorning, Y/N.” she said, giving you a smile.
“Oh, where did you find her, Aegon?” she asked her brother innocently, clearly not catching on. You heard Aemond chuckle next to you and you shot him a glare.
“In my bed.” Aegon said simply, beginning to eat the food that was placed in front of him. You immediately hid your face in your hands, not wanting to see the queen's reaction to her son's statement.
“So was I right, Y/N? Should we expect a tiny babe anytime soon?” Aemond laughed. You quickly kicked him under the table, only making him laugh harder. Before you could answer, Aegon answered for you.
“I guess we’ll know in a month or so.” he said, taking another bite of whatever was on his plate.
“Oh, is Y/N having a baby?! How lovely for my little butterfly! Are you the father, Aegon? The baby will be half dragon and half butterfly… a little dragonfly!” Helaena announced excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat.
“Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Queen Alicent spoke, directing the question at you and her children. Aegon leaned over and whispered in your ear.
“I guess now’s a good time, right?”
Then he stood up, turning slightly to face his mother.
“Mother, I intend on marrying Lady Y/N. I am in love with her and she with me. She has been extremely loyal to our family, especially Helaena and Aemond. You and father have always spoken so highly of her saying she should be a princess. Let me give her that title. Let me have her.” he begged. You grabbed his hand, seeing a bit of raw emotion showing on his face as he spoke. He squeezed your hand gently, silently thanking you for the support. “And as for the possible babe growing in her womb… I see no reason why we should not be married within the month, should you agree.”
Queen Alicent sighed heavily and rubbed her temples, it clearly being too early to deal with her children's bullshit. But alas, she smiled and it was directed at you.
“Y/N, do you truly love Aegon?”
“Yes, your grace. I’ve loved him for years.” you answered.
“Well… we shall make arrangements and the two of you will be married within the month.” she agreed. “Y/N, try to keep him in line, please.”
“I will, your grace. I swear it.” you promised.
Aegon sat back down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and leaning in close.
“All you have to do is show me your tits and I’ll be at your mercy, darling wife.”
“Aegon!” you and the queen both hollered in unison, making Aemond, Helaena, and Aegon laugh. Aegon gently gripped your chin, making you look at him.
“I love you.” he said, inching closer to your face.
“I love you, too.” you replied, closing the distance and pressing your lips gently against his before pulling back slightly. “And our possible little dragonfly.”
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maxemilianverstappen · 4 months
lestappen -fell first/fell harder?
Max has always wanted to connect.
His desire to talk and share with Charles isn't something new. It must have been like that since their childhood. He wanted to be friends or at least good acquaintances with Charles since their karting days. It is so clear that he has always wanted someone that raced like him as his friend not just as his rival.
I think he is better at distancing himself from what happens on the track compared to Charles. If you don't bad mouth him or if you don't pull stupid shit, he doesn't pay it back and seems more prone to just put it behind as "it is what it is". A bit like old school racers like Kimi. He just shrugs it off unless you make a huge spectacle out of it.
Charles is different. He holds grudges. He never forgets about what goes down. I sincerely think that if he hasn't had this effective pr training he currently has, he would have been the one everyone would be calling "mad" now instead of Max. There is an angry little gremlin inside of him, but he is containing it too well. That's why he had been very aloof about his relationship with people who he sees as a rival/threat to him.
Look at how he used to act around Sebastian until he realized he was going to beat him. Then, his attitude went softer and more relaxed. The interesting and strange thing here is that Max is his fated rival even tho they haven'thad a real chance to actually duke it out yet. And even though he hasn't been able to beat him, he went softer and more relaxed and downright fond of him as time went on seemingly all out of his own volition. Willingly... Even as he visibly tried to stay cool, aloof, and keep a distance. In the end, he just caved in. He gave into his own curiosity, his own burning need to understand what made Max fast, what made him smile like that even after he lost, what made him so kindly to him, what made him respect him, elevate him, insist on their equality and talent and brilliance in front of the cameras again and again. What made him seek his eyes out in a crowd as if he needed his validation, as if he even needed validation.... Wouldn't you also go crazy as you tried to solve this puzzle that's Max, who has been following you around as if you have always been best friends, talking to you as if you have always talked about trivial stuff and serious racing stuff alike in the same breath. No matter how much time passes between their each talks, Max just picks the conversation up as if no time passed at all (my beautiful son in spectrum :).
Wouldn't you also feel awkward about the ease with which he just captivates your whole attention and spins your whole world around when you had been obsessing over how the fuck he made that move stick, when the hell you will beat him, what the hell you should have done differently to stop this mother lover or how you finally showed him who is the best one, how you just smashed a spectacular win against him.... He just slots himself beside you and smiles like the sun personified. All sincere and real. God, it would have made me go mad first in frustration and then with love. I don't think anyone could have a chance. And Charles kept his ground and tried to keep the distance and the facade of disinterest admirably (read: frustratingly) long.
I firmly believe that Charles was afraid of getting closer to Max. Image wise, it might have looked bad for him to fraternize with the enemy/rival while he was losing against him. He might have been perceived as the "lesser" one among the two. I think Max sensed this and that was why he firmly insisted that Charles was his equal. In a similar car, they would be even closer. That he never tried to create this myth of "I am special and I am the sole reason that we are winning, that I am a miracle worker, an underdog who still rises despite when the whole world is against me" like some other big names, lol. Max doesn't have a big head. He always acknowledges the teamwork and lets his driving do the talking. He never gloats. He respects hardwork and talent even in his rivals, even in people who always undermined him and tried to dilute his tremendous race craft and talent. Charles slowly came to learn this and when Max destroyed that preconceived little villain boy image in Charles' mind and what the media has been feeding to everyone about Max, he realized he had no reason to stay away. That Max genuinely just wanted to talk as two normal people who shared a common passion do.
So, Max fell first because he has always known they were alike in different ways, he knew Charles like he knew himself. But Charles fell harder because he slowly got fascinated by the way Max destroyed that childhood enemy and showed him a "Max" Charles had never expected Max to be.
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arcanarix · 5 months
Only You. || Toji X AFAB!Reader
cw // dirty talk
you're surprised at how level-headed toji is, in spite of his upbringing and circumstances. in spite of what shit he puts up with or goes through he doesn't appear to let it deter him or prevent him from getting what he wants.
that's how he lands you, anyway. and that's how he lands, for once, a solid job with decent pay instead of continuing to enable that gambling habit of his. funny how meeting the right person can get your life back in order.
you're not sure if you declare yourself his right person. he's had one before you. there's still his first wife, that you may still compete with every now and then with how he speaks of her with so much fondness in his silky voice of his. of course you don't hold it against him; that's just plain nutty. there's always going to be something about his first love, and for fuck's sake, he's got a beautiful child with her too. even if he never sees him anymore, he has shown you pictures, and megumi takes after his father in lots of ways.
of course you have your own messy dating history that's not worth getting into as well. so why the hell are you going to give him hell for his? a part of you does get jealous at the way he talks about her, but now he talks about you that way and that should be enough for you. his first wife's gone to meet god, and you can't be jealous of someone grieving what once was. that's, again, just nutty and unhinged.
but you do wonder--does he talk about you that way to other people? you've been together, for, what, a year or so already, and a part of you wonders how toji really feels. if he's stuck around this long, then yeah, there's something more between you two here.
you can't help but desire some reassurance. that's a valid thing to feel, right?
when night falls it's a still and quiet time between you two. toji likes to take time to meditate and decompress. you're minding your own, occupying yourself with chores that need to be done around the house.
you are getting ansty. being the attention whore you are around him sometimes . . . you decide to play a little game.
you creep up from behind the couch, where he's resting. you're the master of stealth, sort of. his eyes are cloesd, and it looks like he's just reflecting on his day. grinning to yourself, you wrap your arms around his torso, loosely, and lean into bite his ear.
he grunts in response, and also chuckles. "you getting bored?"
"maybe," you say. you nip on his ear again and then move to his neck. he groans your name, and you smirk. "just wondering what you're thinking about too."
"oh yeah?" he replies, his breath hitching as if he's struggling to conceal how you easily get him going. "if you must know, i'm thinking about you and how lucky i am to have you."
your heart skips a beat. "really?"
he nods. "i'm also thinking about what i'm about to do to you if you don't quit that."
"who says i'm quittin'?"
growling your name, toji glowers in a warning. "i'm trying to be sentimental and you want me to fuck you raw, instead?"
"maybe, as long as i'm all of what's on your mind."
"you're all of what consumes my thoughts and my dreams, babydoll."
fuck. that's the reassurance you're looking for; it's like he read your mind!
"alright. take those pants off right now before i do it myself!"
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starneko123 · 1 month
Just a crumb, a very small crumb of content of my oc and Cooper before I release the headcanon on them and the story…hooray!
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Cooper: The plans have changed for tonight so we are moving and you are coming with me.
Josephine: Am I being kidnapped?
Cooper: No of course not.
Josephine: Can I leave?
Cooper: No.
Cooper Adams: You didn't do any of that stuff I know it. Don't worry it's not your fault.
Josephine Truman *after realizing he's The Butcher*: You're right. Its not my fault…IT'S YOUR FAULT!
Josephine Truman *mentions something only The Butcher would know*: You're getting hung up on the wrong details.
Cooper Adams: You are the one who brought it up in the first place.
Josephine Truman: Stop turning everything back on me—stop being such a cunt.
Cooper Adams: What?
Josephine Truman: What? Wassup?
Josephine: My crush isn't picking up on my hints.
Cooper: What hints have you given them?
Josephine: Well I think about them a lot and for some odd reason I even think about talking to them.
Cooper: You're so funny!
Josephine: We have 1492 days until you more than likely end up in a high-security prison. You will break my trust a good three times before that happens, but I forgive you.
Cooper *eye twitching from nervousness*: Um, how sweet.
Cooper: I think I'm falling for you.
Josephine: Then get up.
Cooper: Josephine is playing hard to get. Little does she know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Cooper: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Josephine: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because l've obviously gone crazy.
Josephine: You're not jealous, are you?
Cooper: No!
Josephine: Good, 'cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful.
Cooper: Are you trying to seduce me?
Josephine: Why, are you seducible?
Cooper: I think we should kiss.
Josephine: And I think you should die but we don't always get what we want.
Cooper: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type.
Josephine, who was distracted: I'm sorry-what were you saying?
Cooper: Perfect.
*Josephine is crying after a breakup* Cooper Adams: There there, Josephine.
Josephine, still crying: Thanks, but how did you get into my apartment?
Cooper: Great question.
Cooper: That was so hot, Josephine.
Josephine: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Cooper: I'm so in love with you.
Josephine: Are you ready to commit?
Cooper: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Cooper: You have to apologize to them, Josie.
Josephine: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Josephine: Look, last night was a mistake.
Cooper: A sexy mistake.
Josephine: No, just a regular mistake.
Josephine: Bro-
Cooper: No, no, hold up, rewind. My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro?
Josephine: It's more of a habit if anything and you are being very hormonal.
Cooper: I want to kiss you.
Josephine, not paying attention: What?
Cooper: I said if you die, I won't miss you.
Josephine: So if I was murdered by The Butcher you wouldn't care?
Cooper: You aren't worth the time.
Josephine: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why l have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Cooper: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Josephine: You have little to no morals, Cooper. That's a problem.
Cooper: You catch on fast.
Cooper: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Josephine: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Cooper: That one. I want that one.
Josephine: Let's watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Cooper: Okay.
Josephine: And make out during the scary parts.
Cooper: Th-
Cooper: The scary parts.
Cooper: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Josephine: Valentine's day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Cooper: I wrote you a poem.
Josephine, already crying: You did?
Josephine: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!
Cooper: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Josephine: Stop.
Josephine: Wow, Cooper Adams, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.
Cooper: We literally slept together yesterday.
Josephine: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
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saratinz · 1 year
Freak On a Leash
pairing ➩ Frank Castle x Famous News Anchor!Reader
warnings ➩ cursing, enemies to lovers, smut, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, degradation kink, spanking, pet names (sweetheart, doll, princess, honey, whore)
synopsis ➩ Frank teaches Y/n a lesson.
word count ➩ 1.9k
a/n ➩ (very) loosely based on 'Freak On a Leash' by Korn
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You try to relax, I mean, you should feel comfortable in your own house, but something is off. You already made your security team check the whole area, and they found nothing. Slowly, you make your way to your bedroom, changing into your robe for the night. For the next five minutes, all you do is watch as your ceiling fan makes circles. When you finally close your eyes, you hear a noise. It’s footsteps. You don’t have time to call anyone, so you tiptoe to your safe, grabbing the small gun from its home. Scared for your life, you crawl under your king bed, gripping onto your weapon like a vice. 
You listen intently as the intruder searches nearby rooms, knowing that they would inevitably find the place where you sleep. And as he opens the door, you realize the horror movie like nature of this nightmare you’re living. “Honey, I’m home.” You recognize that voice, but, it couldn’t be. Fuck. “Personally, I would’ve jumped out the window, it’s only a two story fall. I don’t know what you were thinking, hiding in the most obvious room in the house.” To be completely honest, you weren’t really thinking at all. “I’m kinda disappointed, I always thought you were smart. You in here?” He asks, checking the walk-in closet. He’s a vigilante, sob story, and the man who saved your life, yet you had no problem dragging his already dishonored name through the mud. “Fuck, did I just say all this shit to no one." He starts to walk out the door, but you are soon petrified as he drops down to the ground, looking directly at you. “There you are, why don’t you come out?” You try to aim, but he’s already standing up, so you make the risky move of sticking your arm out and shooting up. It seems as though he knew exactly what you were gonna do, as your wrist feels the pressure of his combat boot. You drop your gun in defeat, desperate to get him off of you, and he swiftly kicks it away. As you come out from under your bed, you are very aware of the gun that is pointed in your direction. You move like a turtle, pushing yourself up to stand. Your mind is still shocked that you were right about the man before you.
“Frank, I, I th-thought you were dead.”
“No sweetheart, I’m alive.”
“Don’t you dare call me that.” You demand, as stern as possible.
“Alright… doll.”
“Shut up.”
“Nuh uh, I’m the one with the gun here. You’re supposed to be begging on your knees for me not to shoot you.”
“If you wanted me dead, I’d be six feet underground right now.”
“Alright smart ass, what am I here for then?”
“You’re here to make me pay for the things I’ve said about you on TV.”
“Wow, you’re 2 for 2.”
“My question is, what are you gonna do to me?”
“Well, you said I torture the innocent, but that’s not true is it? Not even you believed it, but you are so money-hungry you don’t care what you have to say. I wanna show you what I do to pathetic liars. I see through your contrived generosity, and I’ve figured out what you truly are.”
“And what’s that Frank? A selfish bitch? A greedy monster?”
“No princess, you’re an attention whore. And that’s why I’m going to give you every bit of mine.”
“What does that even mean?” He starts walking towards you, and doesn’t stop until your back hits the wall. You draw in a sharp breath. 
“I think you know exactly what I mean.”
“You’re gonna have to spell it out for me.” You put on your best brave face.
“Fucking brat.” He harshly grabs your throat, and you refuse to look at him “Are you really gonna make me show you? Because I’m not going to go easy on you.” Apprehensively, you nod. “Is it okay if I kiss you?” He whispers slow and sultry, your eyes immediately darting to his. In record speed, your lips are on his. His tongue invades your mouth. You give up all control, praying that you’ll survive the likes of Frank Castle. His hands wander to your hips, pulling your waist towards him. Your hands wander to his hair, pushing his head towards you. 
He starts to retreat, biting your bottom lip and causing a moan to fall from your lips. “What happens now?”
“Well, if you wanna be a good girl, I’d like to show you how to use that mouth properly.”
“And if I wanna be bad?”
“I’ll spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week.” Knowing that punishment isn’t a viable option considering your job requires you not to groan in pain every time you take a seat, you grab his shoulders and turn him around. You stare directly into his eyes as you undo his belt and pull it from all loops of his black jeans, throwing it across the room. “You’ve clearly done this before.”
“Shut up, Castle.” You are quickly pushed to your knees. You fumble with his button and zipper, and you get excited as you pull his pants and boxers down to his ankles, revealing the largest dick you’ve ever seen in person. Your eyes widen, as if to say ‘How the hell am I supposed to fit all that in my mouth?’. He picks up your concern and is quick to respond.
“We’ll make it fit, princess.” That bit of reassurance and encouragement was all you needed to start licking a stripe from base to tip. He has no reaction. You gather some saliva and spit onto his length, then you use your hand to jerk him off. “Start sucking, sweetheart, you do not want to test my patience.” With that, you take his tip in, bracing yourself with one hand on his thigh, and the other stroking what you can’t reach. Your jaw is already starting to hurt, Great. His hands move to your head, creating a makeshift ponytail and giving him control over the speed. And the one he sets, well, it’s absolutely brutal to say the least. You’re taking almost all of him every thrust, and every single one hits the back of your throat. You’re sobbing, eye makeup is running down your cheeks, making Frank go feral. He loves that he has already ruined you, even though he’s no where near finished with abusing your holes. You tap his thigh repeatedly, communicating to him that you need a break. When he pulls out, you immediately gasp for air. You close your eyes, trying to stop tears from flooding your face. “Get up.” And you do just that, taking his previous threat very seriously. Suddenly, you are dragged to your bed. He pulls his jeans all the way off and maneuvers you so that you are face down across his lap. He pulls the satin fabric of your negligee up your back. “You’re such a slut, not wearing any panties.” SMACK. 
“What the fuck? I did what you asked.” SMACK.
“Yeah, you were giving me best head of my life.” SMACK. 
“Ow, then why are you doing this?” SMACK.
“Because good girls don’t stop until I tell them.” SMACK
He starts to hit you so hard and fast, over and over, that your brain goes blank, apologizing after every blow. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’M SORRY!” You plead, starting to cry again, he comes to a halt.
“It’s okay baby, sorry, I was too rough. Do you want to stop? You did great, I was gonna pull you off soon anyway because I didn’t want to cum until I was inside of you. Don’t feel bad honey, I was just being a meanie.”
“No, don’t stop. And don’t feel bad, the spanking was hot, I promise.”
“Really?” He smirks.
“You wanna feel?” You ask tauntingly, turning around to straddle him. You take his shirt off, then grab his hand and move it to your aching core.
“Fuuuuck, you’re so sexy. I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you on TV. Can’t believe I’m about to fuck Y/n fucking Y/l/n.” He brags, rubbing small circles on your clit.
“That’s the first time you’ve said my actual name.”
“Well don’t get used to it, princess.” He says as he unties and removes your robe to put your naked body on display, hard nipples and all. You roll your eyes, but secretly get even wetter as he uses pet names. That is certainly a weakness of yours. He stands up with your legs wrapped around his waist, then proceeds to turn around and throw you back on the mattress. He looks so hot as he crawls between your legs. The pleasure you feel as he presses his cock against your clit is palpable. “If you want me, you’re going to have to beg.”
“C’mon you can do better than that.”
“Please, Frank.”
“I’m not gonna fuck you until you convince me.”
“Fine. I want your cock inside me, I need it actually. I’ve been such a good girl, I deserve this. So please, fuck me until I can’t walk. Fuck me so hard I forget my own name.” Your vision goes blurry as you feel the stretch of your tight hole. “Fuckkkk.” Your legs wrap around his waist, inviting him to go even deeper. Once he bottoms out, it’s mere seconds before he’s pulling out and slamming back in. The man above you shows no mercy, and your eyes are already rolling to the back of your head. In this room, all one can hear is the cacophony of moans, skin slapping against skin, and the faint buzz of your A/C turning on.
“Fuck you feel amazing. Are you gonna let me use this pussy whenever I want?”
“Yes, Frank, I’m yours.”
“That’s fucking right, I own your body. I’ll do whatever I want, whenever I want.” You feel your stomach burn, a tell-tale sign you are about to orgasm. 
“Please, Frank, can I cum?”
“Of course, sweetheart.” You finally get your release, and because the overstimulation is so much, you latch onto him, forging scratch marks on his back. He leans down to kiss away the pain. Frank makes you feel so good, rutting into you so fast and hard that you can already feel a second orgasm building. “Do you want me to fill you up? Let me breed you like the whore you are?”
“Cum inside me, Frank.” You practically scream. You reach your release before he does, but as soon as he feels you squeeze him, he spurts his warm liquid onto your cervix. 
“Shit, that was amazing.” You admit.
“I was serious about what I said, we’re going to do this again.”
“Good.” He pulls out and rolls beside of you. Surprisingly, he lets you wrap your arms around him and snuggle your head into his chest. You fall asleep quickly, comforted by every muscle in his scarred body. 
When you wake up he’s gone, but he left a note. It reads, “Went to fight some bad guys, but I’ll be back tonight to ruin you again. Love, F.C.” 
Frank Castle is going to be the death of you.
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askstevella · 6 months
Can we keep him? 🐶🐾🥺
She was cooking.
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She raised an eyebrow.
“Mother of our—”
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“Yes, Kendall.” She responded.
“Can I keep Astro? Please.” He asked for the second time that week.
“What did your father say?”
“Uh, he said yes.”
Kendall had a similar look on his face, a puppy dog look that he earned from his father. It was scary how even though Kendall Rogers wasn’t their son biologically (that they know of 👀), he had traits that were similar to his father in more ways than one.
This was one of them.
She and Steve talked the night before about this topic…
….Stella had entered the bedroom after tucking in little Sarah Marianna Rogers in bed and kissing both of their kids goodnight. Steve sat under the covers scrolling through his iPad as he heard Astro in the living room barking softly.
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He knew his wife was on the fence about getting—or in this case, keeping a dog but she let him stay for a while now. But she hasn’t said yes to the whole plan.
Their children were thrilled about the possibility, meanwhile she was still very upset with her brother about what happened. He thought he would try to convince her otherwise. She climbed into bed beside him, flipped on her phone as she smiled at him.
“Heyyyy.” He said with a sweet grin.
“Hi?” She replied.
“We’re alone.”
“Yes we are. No one to bother us.”
“You wanna, you know?”
“Who are you and what have you done to my husband?”
Before she can even say anything about his actions, he snaked an entire arm around her and flipped his wife onto her back as he was on top of her. She giggled and yelped at his quick moves.
“Wh-what are you doing?” She asked mid laugh.
“Showing you that I am still Captain America and you’re my best girl.” He said smiling.
“Lady Strange. What are you getting at, mister Rogers?”
“That our family should grow. I always wanted a big family.”
“Honey we have two kids. Isn’t that enough?”
“Of course. But I mean, how about we officially add that little furry guy to our family.”
“Steven Grant.”
“Estella Elizabeth. You let that dog stay here for a little bit, why not make it official? Kendall named him for god’s sakes honey.”
“But..it’s a lot of money for a dog, you have to pay attention to them and—“
“Our son has proven himself worthy of him. I always wanted a dog too.”
“I..Theigo never once thought of telling me first.”
“Stell, you can be mad at your brother all you want but he must’ve done it for him a reason. He loves his nephew.”
“Next thing he knows he buys Mary a bunny…”
“Then we will have our own animal circus. Listen, you may not be on board with this kind of thing but it’s happening sweetheart. Our kids deserve a dog.”
“Damn it.”
….which leads them back to this point. Kendall looked at his mother waiting for an answer in hope it will be a solid yes.
Stella sighed deeply and looked at her son with a smile.
“Okay, fine, you can keep Astronaut Rogers.” She says chuckling.
“You’re serious? I can keep Astro? You’re not joking right?” Kendall asked, wondering if this was a trick.
“No, I’m not. Baby, your father was..right about this. And yes your uncle was an idiot for not telling me first..but I can’t lie, I love how he meets you happy.”
“He does mom. He really does! I promise to take care of him, he can stay in my room during the colder months and—”
“Hold it right there blondie, he will be sleeping in my living room with a bed and blanket. He’s not sleeping outside unless he wants to. And you have to promise me, you won’t get Astro lost in the woods or something.”
“I promise. I totally understand and I would never do that.”
Kendall rushed into his mother’s arm hugging her tightly and repeating soft ‘thank you’ for a moment. She hugged him back and kissed his hair before watching him go off to the front yard to take Astro on a walk.
“He better not pee or shit on my favorite chair, like Rick did!” She yelled from the dishwasher.
“No promises!” He yelled back.
“Take your sister with you!”
She rolled her eyes smiling to herself.
Tags: @rooster-84 @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea and etc
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that1emowitch · 9 months
Villain - Chapter 2: Welcome To Arkham Asylum
The Rogue Gallery finds out Red Hood used to be Robin and now they all want revenge.
TW: Death, Violence, Flashbacks, Blood, and Swearing. lemme know if I missed anything!
Chapter links: Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch.3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch.6
I’m not sure how I ended up in the canteen— one of the guards must’ve dragged me here. I stare blankly at the gooey slop they call ‘lunch’ that’s been splattered on my plate, pushing it around slightly with a fork. I can vaguely hear the chaos around me, but it’s muffled, drowned out by the sound of my own heartbeat.
It’s as if my body’s trying to remind me, You’re alive.
I’m alive.
I’m alive and I’m in Akham with the man who killed me.
And I’m here because my— my Dad put me in here.
“Aargh!” I let out a muted scream, clawing at my head. Dad? I don’t have a fucking Dad! Not Willis, who only kept me around as a punching bag, and definitely not Bruce, who never even wanted me.
“They said you’d gone a little cray-cray, but I didn’t believe it ‘till I saw it,” A squeaky voice speaks up from right beside my ear.
My head snaps up, hands reaching for my gun holsters, when I realise they’re not there anymore. Instead of paying attention to the claustrophobic feeling I’m starting to get, I focus on the little man in front of me.
“Mad Hatter,” I say, trying to give my voice a threatening edge. “You’ve lost your hats.”
He scowls. “Damned guards wouldn’t even let a magician keep his hat. Look, Hood, I just got something to say to ya.”
“Well? Spill.”
“You know how the Joker is in solitary confinement and all, and isn’t allowed to take visitors?” He smiles wickedly, rubbing his hands together. “Well, we old-timers have still got ways to contact him.”
My jaw tightens. “Get to the point, old man.”
He cackles. “He told us a little something last night! And oh what a surprise we were in for!”
He moves to get closer to my face. 
“He told us a little secret about an old nemesis we all had.”
No… I quickly connect the dots, and I don’t like the picture it paints.
“He told us that the big bad Red Hood is that annoying little Robin that thwarted our plans for years!”
Oh— Oh shit— shit shit shit—
“Now, I’d just like to say,” Hatter continues, “I find I’m ready to let go of the past, and instead form a— how do you say it— partnership with the great Red Hood. But the others in here? Bane and Scarecrow and all? You’ll find they’re not quite as forgiving as I am. But I can—”
I slam my fist down right in front of him on the table. “I am not  teaming up with you, Hatter,” I say quietly but firmly.
“Oh?” Hatter steps back skittishly. “Well then, guess you’re on your own then. Have fun with the crowds, everyone wants your autograph ‘round here! Made a ton of enemies in your time, didn’t ya?”
I glance behind him to see a dozen familiar faces scowling in my direction, just waiting to rip me apart. Killer Croc, Mr Freeze, Scarecrow, Bane, Two-Face— Hell, the whole Rogues Gallery is here.
And they all want a pound of my flesh.
I stand up, my hands in a defensive position. The guards don’t look like they’ll help me, they must be used to fights like these happening every day. I can’t run, I’m stuck near corner tables.
I can see Bane running towards me, fists drawn, and Croc follows suit.
They’re going to kill me. There’s too many of them, only one of me, that too with no weapons. I’m gonna die here, in Arkham…
Why should I care? Does it really matter if I die here? A voice whispers in my head. No one cares. When you die they’ll be dancing on your grave. The little boy giving them os much trouble will finally be gone.
That’s when I feel the first punch hit my jaw, followed closely by a second on my stomach. Someone wraps their arms around my throat, cutting off my air supply, and a chair gets smashed in my head. I can hear taunts all around me, getting jumbled up together— Pathetic little Robin— finally get revenge— no more Batman to save you—
I don’t fight back.
I’m not even sure who’s hitting me now, but I sure as hell deserve it.
Don’t I?
Far in the distance, from between the bodies surrounding me, I see Hatter walking away. He turns back to take a look at my pathetic, bloody form, and I see him mouth five words before I pass out from the pain: “Welcome to Arkham Asylum, Hood!”
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k-kizkhalifa · 7 days
s3ep1 --
ALRIGHT MY GUYS. IVE NEVER SEEN THIS SEASON IT'S ALL NEW TO ME. So, lets dig in. And i know, you all could give a shit but Im here, doing this. Making it happen.
Oh he's 21 now! Okay, okay. Good sign. LOL at Misaki yelling at Usami as soon as he wakes up. THis isn't going to go well. Oh Takahiro is coming over!
oh goodness it's a whole music change. damn. usagi needs to recharge, misaki! let him! not misaki still thinking of them as "roommates" there is a baby! daw he is sooooo adorable. lol of course akihiro is terrible with children.
oh no takahiro... making real life words at these two. reality. bro is this season is sad imma scream.
OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW OPENIGN SCENE. Okay. HERE WE GO. oh is that shinobu and myagi? AWE MY BABY NOWAKI AND HIS MAN. oh who is these dude??? new dude??? is this going to be a problem!??!? ! OH Y'ALLL MISAKI MADE A MOVE IN THE OPENING SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having hope!
Sumi still making an appearance I see. Misaki getting so irritated over Usami's jealousy. LOL. awe the "photo op"!
damn this the first episode and misaki really having to think about life right now. holy cow. we've just started, chill. well i see misaki is still playing with his feelings. smh.
well look at them bonding! Todo? His name? UHM NOT THE LOOK BACK. NO. NO. NO. NOOOOOOOO.
I feel like Usagi is NOT about to let Misaki go to this autograph thing. And not Misaki making a comment about the guy he could have been friends with. Usagi, CHIL OUT.
who the fuck is this guy??? Mizuki, okay. A friend? TF. another cousin. oh got intense as fk. DAMN ANOTHER ONE OF THESE PPL DRAGGING MISAKI.
well well misaki... are you getting jealous?! concerned???
Misaki: Usagi will hate it and tell him to leave. *Usagi smiles and says he can stay* WAIT DID USAGI SMILE AND GET ALONG WITH THIS GUY. SOMEONE OTHER THAN ME?!
seems like jealousy bro. oh man misaki, darling, it's okay. i (want to but i am unsure) promise that usagi only loves you.
well here we go. lol misaki trying to work info out of usagi, all chill like. i see through you bro. usagi you better figure out your man is anxious or i'll destroy you!
OK I WILL SAY THIS THOUGH. IT IS NOT FAIR THAT USAGI ASK MISAKI, "ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPRISON ME HERE" because just before this dude showed up he was talking about locking misaki up and never letting him leave. ever. alfjalskjdflasjf USAGI PLEASE YOU TOXIC MAN!
Misaki: I think you should just pay attention to me!
oh him and his rush nature. bro you really get yourself into situations sometimes.
lol usagi bro you srsly are so damn toxic. i hate that i love it.
usagi: get so jealous that all you think about is me. okay? great. i love that. i love you. stay. be mine. i am so happy i could die. im gonna kiss you now. forever and ever you stupid boy.
lol at "several days later" BRO THIS KID IS A LOT. i can't even remember his name. smh. bro gonna cause trouble. i thought it was the other new guy but it seems like this guy. im annoyed. and irriated. ugh.
Why do shows like this GET INTO MY HEAD SO MUCH! aljdfalsjdfalsjf im stressssssssssssssed.
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bibiwrld · 1 year
ON HIS NERVES🩹| Miguel O’Hara
previous: –two.
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“You can put me down Ben.” I insisted.
“Are you sure?” Worry in his voice.
He gently brought me down to my feet.
“Thanks.” I leaned on my stronger foot. I pulled my mask off, feeling the cool air on the cuts on my face. My braids falling half way down my back.
“You sure you’re okay?” Pavitr asked, taking off his mask.
“Yeah, you look like shit, mate.” Hobie added plainly with slightly red eyes.
“What?!” He threw his hands up.
Pavitr hit him in the arm, gaining a small yelp from Hobie.
“You should go to Spider Doctor.” Jess told me. “You’ve got a pretty nasty cut on your shoulder.”
I held onto my shoulder. “I’ll go to Spider Doctor, then I’ll go home for the day. Don’t tell Miguel about the mis—”
“Don’t tell Miguel what?” His voice startled me.
I turned around to meet with him towering over me. “Um..”
“Shit.” Ben muttered.
Miguel’s eyes seemed to be red at the sight of me. “What happened to you?”
Everyone took that as a sign to dip and leave me.
“You know…just wasn’t paying attention.” I chuckled nervously.
“You’re fucking bleeding, Alice.” He moved my hand from my shoulder, scanning my wound. “It’s not that deep.”
He then lifted me up.
“Shut up.”
Everyone was looking at us.
Pavitr’s face displayed complete shock.
Miles and Gwen looked worried.
Hobie gave me a thumbs up.
I hid my face into his chest.
We were in another part of Miguel’s office. I laid awkwardly in a hospital bed.
“Lyla, check the damage.” He stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed.
“On it.” She nodded.
An orange light scanned my entire body, up and down.
“Left shoulder is dislocated and has a laceration, bruising in the middle of her chest, one smaller cut on her forehead and another smaller cut on her right knee.” Lyla listed.
He brushed back some of his stray hairs.“Notify Spider Doctor that he’s needed in the infirmary extension of my office immediately.”
“Yes sir.”
Miguel walked over to my bed, looking me dead in my eyes. “How could you be so careless?”
I looked down, then looked back up at him. “I’m sorry, Miguel.”
“Why are your eyes red like that?” His brows knitted together. “Lyla, why are her eyes red?”
The orange light scanned me again.
“These are the effects of marijuana.”
His nose flared. “You were smoking on the mission?!”
I winced at his loud voice. “It was just a little.”
“It doesn’t fucking matter, Alice! Is that why you’re like this right now?!” He walked away and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Dios mio…did you get it from Hobie? I never liked you hanging around him, he’s a bad influence.”
“It’s not like I was forced.” I glanced at him. “And he’s not a bad influence.”
He whipped his head towards me. “I don’t care. You’re not going on missions with Hobie anymore.”
I shot up, but laid back down due to the pain in my shoulder.
He quickly came to my aid. “Stop moving.” His voice was stern. “And what I said is final.”
“But that’s not fair! I’m not a kid, Miguel!” I shouted at him.
His fist clenched in anger. “You sure are acting like one!”
“Lyla, do something.” I begged the AI.
She gave a sympathetic look. “I’m not programmed to interfere with Miguel’s decisions, unless they are a threat to his life.”
“Fuck.” I muttered. “I won’t smoke on missions anymore, simple.”
“I said it’s final.”
“Look at you! Alice, look at you right now!” I don’t know if it’s because I’m high, but his eyes looked glossy.
“Everyone gets hurt on a mission.” My brows arched.
“But you got hurt!” Miguel’s fangs protracted. “You could’ve died!”
“Why do you even care?!” I matched his anger, looking him right in his eyes. As scared as I was in this moment, I didn’t back down.
He leaned closer to my bed, our faces inches away from each other and his claws digging into the rails of my bed. “Because I—”
“So who’s my lovely patient today?” The door opened to reveal Spider Doctor. “Oh, am I interrupting something?”
Miguel’s fangs and claws retracted. He leaned back and clenched his jaw. “I was just leaving.”
I watched him walk away. He muttered something to Spider Doctor, making him nod.
I looked at them curiously.
Miguel gave me one more glance before leaving the room.
“Hi Alice, let’s get a good look at you and fix you up.” His voice was kind.
I got 72 stitches on my shoulder and I was put into a shoulder sling. My body usually heals in about 8 hours, but Spider Doctor said because of how weak my body is, it’ll take a week for me to fully heal. I had bandages here and there for minor cuts.
The bruise in the middle of my chest was literally purple and hurt so bad— I was given a strong dose of ibuprofen before Spider Doctor popped my shoulder back into place. It was so painful, I passed out, but woke up feeling a little better.
I’m supposed to be going home tonight, I couldn’t wait for that.
Miles came by with clothes from my apartment since my suit was torn to shreds because Spider Doctor cut my suit open.
Jess and Pavitr passed by to check up on me, bringing me dinner and just chatting.
Hobie and Gwen were here with me now.
“The man’s gone mad.” Hobie spun in the small chair beside my bed.
“He’s really pissing me off.” I scowled.
“I mean, I get why he’s upset.” Gwen twisted her lips. “You guys goofed around and it almost cost Alice her life.”
I sighed, mentally agreeing with her.
“But he ain’t got to tell her we can’t do missions together anymore, that’s bullshit.” Hobie argued.
“Yeah you’re right about that. A bit weird.” Gwen trailed off with a hum.
“Sounds like the guy hates me.” He leaned against the rail of my bed.
I twirled my braids.
The door suddenly opened to reveal Miguel.
We all looked at him. Me and Hobie glared.
He glanced at Gwen, me, then Hobie, narrowing his eyes at him.
“I’d like to be alone with her.” He finally said, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
“Get well soon.” Gwen smiled.
“Thanks Gwen.” I smiled.
Hobie groaned then looked at me. “Get better, yeah? I’ll come by your apartment to check on you.”
“No need for that.” Miguel said from the door. “I’ll be taking care of Alice for the week.”
“What?!” All three of us were taken back.
He didn’t repeat himself, only stood there with his stone cold expression.
Hobie and Gwen looked back on me in curiosity and I returned the look. They awkwardly left, looking at Miguel curiously.
“What is your issue?”
“My issue?” He walked over to me. “You’re my issue.”
“The feeling is mutual.” I rolled my eyes. “Just let me continue going on missions with Hobie, please.”
He ran his hands over his face. “Do you like him?”
I rose a brow. “What are you trying to get at?”
He fumbled with his words. “Are you and Hobie…” he cleared his throat. “Do you both have romantic feelings for each other?”
My brows almost flew off my face at how flabbergasted I was. “What the–no! He’s like a brother to me.”
He breathed out. “Okay good, because that type of relationship is forbidden in the workplace.”
“Okay, so can we still do missions together?”
He sat at the end of my bed. “Yes, knock yourself out.”
I smiled brightly. “Thank you, Miggy.”
“De nada, pequeña araña.” He smiled back at me, which was very weird.
“I can go home?”
“You’re coming home with me. I don’t want you jumping through portals in that state.” His dark eyes scanned me.
I batted my lashes at his words. “Miguel O’Hara taking the damsel in distress to his fortress of solitude?” I joked in a funny tone.
He laughed? I’ve never heard him laugh before. “Y eres un pequeña comediante. Puedes hacerlo todo.”
I gave him a puzzled look. “I don’t know what you just said.”
He smiled and stood up. “Don’t worry, all good things.”
“Hmmmm, how do I know you’re not lying?” I rubbed my chin.
He got closer to me. “I would never lie to you.”
I stared up at him, losing myself in his dark brown orbs.
“Let’s get going.” He gently picked me up, not hurting me in the process.
My heart was practically beating out my chest. “Okay.”
Next part: –four.
Tags: @urmotherswhor3
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golbrocklovely · 30 days
Sam and Colby are getting too popular and I only say this bc people are becoming more aware of the “bad” they do instead of the good. Does that make sense? It doesn’t matter if you’ve done good throughout your whole career. Once you get big and so many eyes are on you.. you’re bound to get “cancelled” over something. And every mistake is thrown into a sea of people who have very strong opinions. And let’s be honest sam and Colby don’t always make the best decisions lol but hey how are you going to learn if you don’t make mistakes? lord knows I’d be dragged to hell and back if I suddenly gained an online following 😭😭😭 the amount of stupid shit I’ve done and said is embarrassing lol
i get what you mean, anon.
maybe it's bc i'm older, maybe it's bc cancelling is just not something that ever actually pans out for the party involved, idk, but at this point i'm so over trying to ruin ppl bc of a fuck up they made.
and look, i understand that my opinion is an outlier, especially online, but i also know it can and does come from a place of privilege. my whole belief is that unless the person involved did something morally bankrupt, like murder or SA or just something deeply morally wrong, at most you should just maybe call them out for the bad behavior and pay attention to whether or not they keep acting that way. and if they don't, then continue to stan them. but if they don't learn, then move on and find someone else to be a fan of.
bc like you said, no one is perfect. no one surrounds themselves with perfect ppl. there's a lot of unpacking and realizations that a person goes thru as they grow up. god knows i was uncouth as a child and said some things i shouldn't have. my only benefit is that most of that happened offline and not on. and eventually i knew what was appropriate and what wasn't. and as i got older i learned to be more empathic or that previous ideas i had were just not the best way to live my life. prime example, the amount of deep internalize misogyny i had to unlearn, and still continue to do.
i just feel like, when it comes to snc, a lot of the wrong shit they have done in the past they have apologized for and don't continue to do. so at this point, you either accept that apology and continue to be their fan or you don't. bc for certain ppl that were once fans of snc, it seems as if they expect a yearly apology for things snc have already apologized for - even tho we can all admit they aren't like that anymore/haven't done that since they got called out. so what exactly do you want them to do? continue to be sorry even tho they have grown up? i just don't get what the end goal here is.
does that mean that they don't still occasionally do some dumb shit i don't agree with? they definitely do lol but most of it is more embarrassing than upsetting, if that makes sense.
but again, my thoughts and feelings come from a place of privilege. technically they haven't done anything to me to truly offend who i am as a person. so maybe that's why i can let things go easier than others. but i also think there are some that aren't truly that upset with them, they just want to join on the hate train if and when it comes into the station. or they are actually upset at the wider picture, but it's easier to focus on snc and demand change since they might actually say sorry instead of ignoring.
give grace a chance, and try not to believe everyone is a terrible person. that's my only advice.
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