#why can’t I be normal lmaoo
symbiotic-slime · 5 months
biting things is so good why aren’t there more things to bite
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gio-cosmo · 6 months
I frequently let people join my world in genshin and take whatever resources they need but my phone is sooo ridiculously glitchy that sometimes it causes my game to crash, but usually if I join back quickly enough it just picks up where it left off and doesn’t kick the other player out. But I let this one person in and they asked to get scarabs so I was like yeah ofc and the literal second they left to get them my game started bugging out and completely disconnected me and kicked them out. And now I feel bad bc I straight up was like “yeah ofc take whatever you need!!” And then they IMMEDIATELY GOT KICKED OUT LMFAOO 😭 random genshin player who needed scarabs if ur seeing this it was an accident I promise 🙏🙏 I did not kick you out on purpose pls forgive me 🙏🙏
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fisherpiers · 1 year
wanna rip things up with my teeth
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borathae · 2 months
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"Your boyfriend always manages to lift your mood, even on your period."
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: slice of Life!AU, established relationship!AU, Fluff
Warnings: OC is on her period rip to her ✊🏻😔, she has cramps but yoongi boongie is there to rescue her, he is the bestest and sweetest and cutest boyfie ever <3
Wordcount: 806
a/n: a drabble by me that is actual drabble length? 😱 yeah i can't believe it either lmaoo. also, i'm still on my period and i miss yoongi so that's why this was born. enjoy besties, i miss him so much 🖤
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Yoongi knows that you aren’t feeling well today. He has a sense for it. When you are having a bad day, Yoongi gets a heavy lump in his stomach. Not because of fear that you would snap at him, but because he can sense your unease. And when he senses it, he has to do everything in his power to at least lessen it a little bit. 
You are locked up in one of the windowless sitting rooms because the summer sun can’t enter and therefore heat up the room. 
Yoongi knocks, listening for your very grumbly “come in” before entering. 
You are on the sofa in nothing but shorts, not bothering to cover your naked chest when he enters.
“Are you that hot?” he asks, brushing his eyes over your chest briefly.
You nod your head and groan. 
“I hate having my period in summer. It feels like actual torture.” 
“I hear you, princess”, Yoongi says, hurrying to you to sit next to you. 
“I already feel like I’m boiling on normal period days, but summer period days feel like literal hell. If I could peel off my skin to cool off, I would.” 
“This sucks a lot, my love.”
“Yeah and I sweat like a waterfall. I don’t know if my soaked pants are sweat or my pad leaking. Do you even know how nasty I smell?” 
“No, you don’t. You smell good.”
“Thanks but also urgh. I have a cramp to make it even worse. And I want to eat six tons of sugar, I’m going insane.”
Yoongi hums in acknowledgement and lifts his hand to hover it over your stomach.
“Can I?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Yoongi places his hand down as flat as possible, giving your cramping stomach warmth this way. He rubs the smallest circles, applying the perfect amount of pressure. 
“Wow, so warm”, you sigh happily, shivering from the touch.
“Does this help?”
“Yes, so much”, you gush, sounding a lot happier than before. You even speak in a softer voice. 
“Then I’ll do that for a while.”
“Yes, thankies. Wow Boongie, you have the perfect hands. They’re like warm water bottles but better.”
He smiles at you. He doesn’t mind when you complain and therefore use a harsher voice, but he has to admit that he prefers your happy voice. You get a sort of soft-spokeness about it and only really use it when he pampers you just right. It makes Yoongi feel really soft and cozy as well because the atmosphere, you and he create in these moments, is always very calming. Maybe that is why he loves pampering you so much. Or maybe he loves it because he loves to see you happy. 
You huff out air.
“Sorry for ranting.”
“Don’t apologise, princess. That’s what I’m here for. That and tummy rubs”, he says, giving your stomach a little rub.
You giggle. Yoongi soaks up the sound until it is burned into his memories. 
“I love your tummy rubs so much”, you say and shift a little, “I think they’re working too well though. I literally just felt it come out of me.”
“Wonderful”, Yoongi says, pulling a face of comradery disgust.
“I think I need to go change.”
“Alright. Do you still have enough? I can pop down to the store if you need more.”
You stop in the doorway, “really?” 
“Of course, princess.”
“And you…could get snacks too?”
“Anything you need.” 
“Even everything sweet ever?”
“Of course.”
You lower your eyes shyly, “then maybe I need more. The strongest ones and the ones for sleep. The really thick ones.”
Yoongi gets up, closing the distance to you.
“Understood”, he pecks your cheek, rubbing your tummy one last time, “text me if you think of anything else.”
“I will. Thank you so much, Boongie.”
“Anytime, love.”
Yoongi manages to go as far as one step out of the room before you pull him back by his hand. He turns with a fond and curious look in his pretty eyes.
“Yes, princess?”
You lean in for a kiss to his lips, eliciting a purr from him. He smiles, rubbing your lower back.
“That was nice”, he whispers.
“It’s a kiss full of love.”
“Mhm.” He pecks you. “I love you too, my princess.”
You step back, “okay, you can leave now. Sorry for keeping you.”
“Don’t apologise. You can always keep me if that’s how you do it”, he flirts, giving you a playful little grin before he turns to really leave.  
And while Yoongi leaves to fulfill your wishes, you waddle to the toilet to change. Seriously, if you didn’t have such an amazing boyfriend by your side, this period would suck. With him, it only sucks when he isn’t here. Once he is back from the store, you will give him the biggest smooch ever.
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ironunderstands · 2 months
Ngl I despise stupid ass tweets like this
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There is a time and a place for talking about sexualization, but like you cannot be serious.
It’s shorts. She’s wearing shorts. I know part of the reason why her thighs are exposed is because people like to look at thighs, but oh my god. For 5 seconds, 5 goddamn seconds can the people in this fandom not treat women’s bodies like they are some inherent sin? ITS SHORTS.
Based off this tweet you would assume she was dressed like THIS or something (although this one has SOME armor LMAOO)
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But not just by hoyo standards, but by normal people standards, Feixiao is wearing a regular outfit, especially considering the climate she lives in is probably fairly warm, and she’s not a normal human being, so all that extra armor wouldn’t be doing much for her anyways.
Hell, this is a universe where shit like the antimatter legion exists, and I’m sorry, but a few pieces of metal really aren’t going to do much against the stuff that Feixiao might be facing, and considering how restricting armor can be, a pilot such as herself would prefer lighter clothing. Honestly if we want to have a discussion about practicality or realism, the flowy/longer parts of the outfit should be the ones under fire, but that’s not the complaints here.
And I get where this person is coming from.
I understand wanting to see an armored lady, especially considering her male counterpart seems to possess that, but this is not the way to approach it at all.
But calling it misogyny? AND SOFT PORN?? SHORTS??
Like do you hear yourself? You sound like a puritan right now? Honestly I’d prefer Feixiao having her thighs out over hearing someone talk about them like they only exist for gooners to gawk at.
Moreover, considering the absolute nightmare that was the copy-past female Luofu designs, I’d say that hers is a breath of fresh air
Also, if you supposedly can’t take a woman seriously because her legs are exposed.. get help dude. Please.
I don’t even think it’s ridiculous to believe that her design is sexualized, especially with the garter, but like, why like this?
Oh, and Jingyuan’s design is sexualized as well, it’s just not through exposed skin. He has a whole ass corset and thigh garter and he’s imposing and has a deep voice and glowy ass eyes and long hair and he stares at the camera in his splashart like That and you get where I am going with this because HES MEANT TO HE HOT TOO. He just has a different kind of appeal
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For fucks sake his lightcone literally has him lounging in a chair legs spread eyeing a bird sleepily as the light hits him like that and his face looks like that wand you expect me to believe this game isn’t trying to present him as attractive? For fucks sake he practically has an adoptive son. This is the dilf older man fucker final boss and yet a woman with shorts is what sends you spiraling?
Don’t act like you didn’t see the TikTok comments of people wishing they were his bird when he got released. Or the master stroke jokes? Or everyone and their mothers (literally according to Cyyu) drooling over his EN voice? “I AM the reinforcements?”
If you want to talk about non-sexualized generals and pull up a picture of Jingyuan I will (and currently am) laugh in your face because to be honest more revealing clothing would make him less horny because the uniform is part of the appeal.
I rest my case
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loveydovey-leviathan · 3 months
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streamer! leviathan x gn! reader
summary: levi starts a stream right after you put lipstick on
cw: one mention of being eaten, he’s obsessed w/ you what can i say, ooc levi, also im 90% sure this should be tagged yandere lol
🍉 from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸. this account stands with Palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and/or support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. | credit 🍉
The embodiment of envy itself sits pretty on his gaming chair, looking up at you and following your movements in a daze. He doesn’t think he has the capacity to do anything right now, let alone start his weekly stream. His entire face is flushed with the cutest pink hue because of all the blood rushing to his face at your affections and every languid kiss you give turns him more and more into the demonification of jelly, but he thinks being eaten by you would be the best way to die. He’d be connected to you in a way no one else would, always with you forever and ever–
He yelps in the most embarrassing way possible and he immediately wants to crawl down to the Underground Tombs so he would never have to see anyone again, but then you laugh and he realises he wouldn’t be able to see or hear or touch you if he did that. The thought of it makes his very skin melt, or maybe his face just hasn’t calmed down yet.
Your smile is teasing, predatory even. Like you know something he doesn’t and you’re going to enjoy every moment of his ignorance. 
“You have a stream to start, don’t you?”
He nods, and your smile grows wider. You give him one last kiss– it’s longer than the others but shorter than he’d like, and he whines when your fingers lightly scratch his nape in the way you know makes him go insane for more of you. It’s over before he has the chance to beg and he sends a longing look your way as you make yourself comfortable in the spot you’ve claimed as yours in his room. Just out of sight from his camera but close enough that he doesn’t have to move much to see you’re still there when he gets nervous.
He takes a few breaths to try and calm himself down and get his head in the game, but thoughts of you linger nonetheless, like a part of you had permanently embedded yourself into his very being. Levi figures this condition is the best he can get before he’s really late, so he starts the stream as he is.
He doesn’t notice anything different at first, but he’s too focused on making it look like everything is normal and that he isn’t still obsessing over you to notice what his chat is saying. He plays through the game he’s chosen as usual for a good while, becoming invested in the gameplay before he finally has a chance to rest in-game. It’s only now that he realises he hasn’t looked at the live chat since he started, and what he sees makes him want to pass out.
@/sweeti3s: you need to check the mirror before you start your stream my guy 😭
@/crystal-empire: do you think he did this on purpose?
@/loneeerrrr: way to make me feel single 😥😥
Levi immediately ducks under the desk in a frenzy and pulls out his rarely-used camera app, and what he sees can’t possibly be him. His entire face is covered in lipstick marks– from his cheeks to his nose to his eyes– but it’s especially bad on his lips. It’s smeared like crazy and it’s glaringly obvious to anyone who looks at him that he just had a make-out session. 
He sits under his table as he struggles to figure out what to do– brain going a mile a minute but still getting nowhere. But then he feels you staring and he looks up to see you sitting right next to him with your head lowered to not hit yourself against the desk.
His mind struggles to register anything but you. You’re with him and you’re so close he can smell the very essence of you. He’s envious of the very clothes on your back, of your lungs and your ribs and your intestines because why doesn’t he get to be that close to you?
“I turned off your stream.”
Your voice tunes out everything for him, but he musters up a “thank you…” in response.
You look empathetic when you apologise. “I’m sorry, was that too much for you?”
It was too much but not enough at the same time. He wishes you hadn’t pulled this stunt but he’s ecstatic that you did. He wishes you kissed him on stream, he hopes you leave a mark every time he goes out but he also wants to keep this side of you to himself. Why should anyone else get to see the affection you’ve given him? It’s his and his alone but the other part sees this as you claiming him as yours, and it’s a title he wants everyone to know.
“Levi, you okay?”
“Will you kiss me?” he blurts out.
It doesn’t matter how many times he asks, but you always respond with a smile too soft for someone like him. It melts every barrier he could ever put up and he welcomes everything you do to him with open arms, but all he feels is lips so perfectly moulded to fit against his own that he knows you’re the only one he’ll ever want so carnally.
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checkertrains · 3 months
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Luci and Adam redesign/my version! 🍎🎸
Here’s the brief explanation n a bit of lore for why i designed them like this! (Warning, it’s basically just me rambling LMAOO)
Lucifer 🍎:
I let him kept the whole angelic aesthetic cause even if he’s a fallen Angel his features didn’t seem to get distorted or turn “demonic” (from what I’ve read anyways), so by that logic he can still be God most beautiful Angel, and it fit too cause Demons are usually more attractive or good looking to lure in people, deceiving people with their good look. He’s also kinda stuck in the past so usually he’ll appear in his heavenly robe or any old school outfits that he deems old enough
Lucifer in my version is more similar to his pilot personality, he’s more king like in this sense! And of course he’s pretty prideful, and is in denial about having Fallen, he still present himself as if he’s a pure Angel and hates having to interact with Sinners, he’s more lenient with hellborns as they are his rightful subjects after all. But yeah, anyone that isn’t him is often meet with nonchalant or cold attitude, he also doesn’t really care about Charlie whole Hotel, he doesn’t support it nor does he hate it. Cause it have nothing to do with him, he does think it’s a little silly and speak to Charlie like she’s still a child essentially. (He still like ducks in my ver heheheh)
Adam 🎸:
I wanted him to have something nature related in his outfit so I gave him some leaf lol, and his fit is changed so that it resembles a priest outfit more than a simple dress, the halo on his neck and hands restricts his powers, like a power dampener (I based them off of Sun Wu Kong headband!), the seraphim uses it to control how he acts, they can also communicate with him through them, commanding him without using too much energy, Words of god kinda thing. These halo can weaken him A LOT like at some point it can even stop him from using powers entirely, it doesn’t hurt him physically. The halo on his head make it so that anyone who look at him will only see a blur, or blurry version of his face
His helmet has three faces, when he’s wearing it he can see from either sides or all of them, it help him counter attacks, his exorcist uniform is just like his normal outfit, just with more gold, the horns on his head emit holy light, stopping any demons n Sinners from looking at him unless they want to lose their sight, he can also use it to gather up energy to shoot out a massive beam that can erase anything in it path. His wings are based on duck wings but more durable, water and blood can’t stick to it which is fantastic for clean up!
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havocskies · 8 months
bro pls pls pls pls 🙏 do an NSFW alphabet with hobie ill do anything?!!!
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i am losing my self respect day by day.
anyway im also sorry for not posting ive been flirting w this dude for the past few days he is so cute but that will not stop me from writing for yg xoxo
╭──╯ . . . . . ༶•┈┈୨♡୧┈┈•༶ . . . . . ╰──╮
- hobie is an absolute GOD at aftercare n i wholeheartedly believe this. especially when he knows he can be a bit much at times, there’s never a time where he skips out on aftercare. i think he would like to just relax, cuddle, and talk for a bit after he cleans you up thoroughly. then probably get a little treat, but he always likes to make sure you actually had fun as well. he’d put all of his attention on you way before he started worrying about himself, you’re always his priority
- i think hobie doesn’t have a MAJOR preference for anything but he seems like a thigh kinda guy. doesn’t matter the gender or size, he’s a thigh enthusiast. not always in a nasty way, he also just thinks they’re comfortable and whatnot. wear anything that shows your thighs and he is all for it 🙌
- im sure hobie keeps up w his health and cares for it, so i don’t think he’d taste horrible. he’s considerate guys 😭 idk if he’d really have a preference for where he cums either. probably asks beforehand or just knows what you prefer but if you’ll let him he’ll switch it up for funsies
- hobie doesn’t really keep secrets much, and i don’t think he’d be doing anything vile enough to really have to keep secrets anyway 😭 he’s just a normal dude imo but thoughts wise ?? he’s definitely imagined some things he’s too scared to talk abt im sure (take that how u will)
- im sorry ik yg see him as like a sex god manwhore but i cant see it 😞 he’s spiderman he’s a nerd and he’s goofy, like yes he’s hot but he definitely fumbles without knowing the opportunity was even there LMAOO but regardless i think his body count is VERY low if not even zero. that doesn’t mean he’s ignorant, though. he’s figured out enough to know what he’s doing and what to do, he’s considerate and never wants his partner to be left out of thought
- i can’t really see him having a favorite position i think he would’ve had little to no opinions but the moment yg find one you specifically like a lot he LOVES it. loves anything that makes you react the most, he’s such a pleaser yg cannot convince me of anything different
- yg write him to be all serious n i dont like it 🙁 he’s hobie he’s gonna crack a few jokes, especially if he’s nervous or he sees you’re nervous and he wants you to relax. probably jokes about how he’ll try his best not to send you to the hospital or wtv (he is not that confident)
- hobie probably isn’t always clean shaven so he believes you don’t have to be either. still he’d at least be trimmed just to make things easier and whatnot. just his preference, whatever you do w yours he could not care less. other than that i think if sony was allowed he’d have a happy trail but unfortunately sony are pussies (im kidding)
- i think hobie would prefer intimacy over anything else. he’d see sex as less of a pleasure thing and more of something to be shared when you’re extremely close. i don’t think sex w him would ever be meaningless, he’s always trying to show how much he loves you
- hobie’s probably just an average dude. doesn’t do it too much bc like ?? why would he when he has you. ofc, if you’re not up to it yea he’ll go somewhere or just deal with it, you’re never obligated in his eyes. i just think he’d prefer you over anything else
- he’s gotta be a little freaky. like i say a lot (im sorry) he does joke abt biting, so he probably has some small kinks but i doubt anything serious. maybe at the most a very minor corruption kink, but its only about introducing you to things if you’re entirely willing. something about knowing he’s the one introducing you to it makes him wanna do it more
- hobie doesn’t strike me as a very public kinda guy. like maybe on occasion, but it’d have to be somewhere he’s pretty sure yg won’t get caught. i do think he’d prefer in your or his own home though, makes it more intimate and less stressful. he would however joke about fucking near someone yg don’t like out of spite
- you’d probably have to be actively trying to get him going, sex is never really the first thing on his mind. ofc it can very well happen unintentionally. i think gestures, positions, anything that shows off something ALONG WITH the clear intent will make him realize. maybe. i still wholeheartedly believe he’s pretty oblivious most of the time, he can be wanting it but he won’t realize you’re trying to make him want it. he’s a little dumb bear with him. he also just doesn’t associate revealing clothing with you wanting sex, so you’ll have to find other ways to get him to realize you want him. anyway i think mostly anything that shows off your thighs will get his mind wandering. anything that shows off their shape or just shows them off in general
N = NO
- in no way ever will you get this dude to do cnc (consensual nonconsensual) he gets sometimes its a trauma response but yg also have to remember he’d have to be getting off by pretending to assault you and i just can’t see it. he couldn’t do it, he’d rather try and help you with that trauma in other ways
- happy to give always 🙌 he sees it as no different than you giving. even so, i don’t think he’d ever ask you for head. he’d see it more as a bonus, not something that’s expected in a relationship. if you’re never comfortable giving or even receiving head he will not be losing sleep whatsoever
- probably likes to switch it up. while i do think most of the stuff he said in his intro were jokes (runway model, inconsistency, labels, etc) i do think he does like to switch things up. he doesn’t like being limited to one thing, he likes to explore a bit and keep you on your toes xoxo
- hobie doesn’t strike me as someone who cares much for quickies. he’d much rather take his time, show he actually loves you. if both of yg are REALLY struggling then yg are going home, end of story. if you were to suggest a quickie he’d be unsure but he’d be willing to try at least
- hobie’s big risk taker im sure, but sex is a lot different than everything else. it’s a lot deeper and meaningful, so he doesn’t want to risk upsetting you or causing problems. idk if he’d even wanna risk being caught bc that’s just an inconvenience to everyone else 🙁🙁 only if it’s inconveniencing someone neither of you like i suppose
- pretty good stamina. not crazy or anything, but he can definitely go for a while. i think he finishes fairly average time but he can go multiple rounds, yk ?? like i said not a sex god guys
- im sure hobie isn’t against toys at all ☠️ kinda goes back to what i said w introducing you to things. he’ll definitely try anything (as long as it’s humane 😭) and really doesn’t have much shame. take that part how u will.
- hobie definitely likes to tease, no doubt. not all the time ofc but he can be an asshole just for jokes. if you’re genuinely upset he’ll stop. plus i think edging and overstimulating would count as something that deserves to have a conversation over first, not everyone’s completely into that and he knows full well
- i don’t think he’d be loud. not a whimperer probably but definitely a groan kinda guy. he has no shame breathing and groaning in your ear if he’s really goin (with you ofc he is)
- switch. i think by default he’s more dom leaning but if you take that position he won’t complain, he thinks it’s hot as hell. would probably let you do almost anything to him 😇
- he’s pretty tall guys, it’s not small that’s for sure. i think honestly he’d be around 6-8, anything above is just scary in my full opinion so that’s not what he has ummm. i do think he’d be pretty normal girth. and, ofc, if he is pierced he would’ve done it himself. a stranger handling and piercing your dick is not for the weak im sure
- probably a pretty normal/average drive. he didn’t think much about sex before you so going without it isn’t a problem for him at all. i don’t think he’d be like horny 24/7 around you, most of the time he’s just happy to be around you
Z = Zzz
- like i said w aftercare hobie prefers to stay up with you and spend time. even if it’s late at night he will try his absolute best, he’s not sleeping until he’s sure you’re comfortable and completely cleaned up. unless you like emptied his balls or destroyed him or something, then aftercare is on you i guess 🤕
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jeonscatalyst · 20 days
Mind you this is some 9k+ followers acct
I actually don't wish to be like a Tkkrs even on my worst enemy cause the guarantee of you ever turning to a normal human is 0 % there.
You know why I would never take these people seriously? They don’t even believe the things they say. They have spent years calling us jokers, laughing at us for believing in what we believe in and thinking we are gullible and stupid for letting the “company narrative” cloud our judgement of reality but look at the things they do. Why on earth would anyone feel the need to intentionally manipulate sub titles just to make it seem like Jk didn’t want to be there unless they are mighty insecure? I swear I wouldn’t feel the need to do any of these unless I am seriously worried that Jk might have been there because he actually wanted to be and I need to convince myself and my minions that he didn’t want to so we can feel better.
The funniest thing is, taekookers will have a much easier time if they just accepted that Jimin and Jungkook are friends who love each other. Because even if you really believe taekook is real why do you need to try to hard to invalidate the friendship of Jungkook and one of the members he’s known for over a decade? Friends can travel and do shows together can’t they? We know that Jungkook has been on multiple private trips with his friends outside of BTS, they’ve been around each other so much in chapter so why can’t they continue believing in their ship and just regard Jimin as one of Jk’s other friends? Unless they can’t do this because there is a part of them that sees exactly what we see and that frightens them. I have recieved asks from people sending me what some of the taekook blogs on here are saying and it is beyond ridiculous.
Imagine claiming that Jk was on his phone alot because Tae wasn’t in this episode like we didn’t all watch Tae spend 3/4 of his time in episode 4 and 5 on his phone when Jk was seated right next to him. So by their logic Tae has another lover who kept distracting him right? Plus Jk was actually on his phone in the episodes in Jeju too but it wasn’t as noticeable because there were two other people we could pay attention to while he was a bit distracted on his phone but when have taekookers ever cared for logic?
Imagine them also saying that Jk looked like he didn’t want to be there with Jimin in Sapporo Lmaoo. I think these people are forgetting that the trip in NY was the only one Jimin himself suggested. The trips to Jeju and Sapporo were BOTH Jimin and Jungkook’s ideas and from the look of things Jungkook might have been the one who suggested they go to Sapporo together, I mean he said this….
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They also seem to forget that Jungkook is the one who spoke about wanting to do this till they are 50 and from the look of things he wasn’t joking because after NY, they went on to shoot in 2 other locations and might have done more if they had more time. Untop of that Jk basically spent this entire episode saying this….
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I know they have never been good at listening to Jk but isn’t it common sense to know that if someone really doesn’t enjoy doing something they wouldn’t wanna do it again? Plus this whole travel show wasn’t an idea that came from the company (because I jusy know they would throw in the contract bullshit) this whole thing was only possible because Jimin and Jungkook wanted it to be. Jimin pitched the idea to the company with Jungkook’s approval and they made it happen so if Jungkook didn’t want it in the first place, even the NY trip wouldn’t have happened and that’s a fact.
They can go on crying about how Jk didn’t wanna be there even though we know he was the one who wanted to go back, or talk about how Jimin and Jungkook have no chemistry (we all saw the great chemistry taekook had in the jeju episodes with Tae being more interested in his phone and bed than anything else while Jungkook kept talking and interacting with Jimin mostly) but at the end of the day, when they look at this picture they know Jk was happy af to be there and only wanted to go back with the same person he was there with in 2017……
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So let the haters cry. Let them gaslight themselves the way Jungkook was trying to gaslight himself about not liking the spicy braised chicken in Jeju lol. Let them continue convincing themselves that Jk had an awful time and only did it because he was contractually bound to while they have to wake up seeing this big smiles on his face while he is having a kdrama moment in the snow with his Jiminie hyung😌
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PS: Notice how Jungkook said he normally doesn’t like walking? But we know that the longest walk he has had in his life was in Japan with Jimin where they even had to walk slowly because Jimin’s feet hurt and here he is in Sapporo again walking with Jimin because he doesn’t mind walking in the snow with his Jiminie hyung🥰
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hannahlovesluca · 10 months
Hi!!Can i ask for LUXIEM(or just ike) hcs with an s/o who's just insanely good at suika or puyo puyo even though they just played the game once or twice?:D
i had to write this ASAP i love writing ab reader playing games LMAOO
Luxiem + S/O who’s good at Suika
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• he’s mediocre at suika, so normally he wouldnt join any tostus while the other is playing (i hardly see him join totsus in general so-)
• however if its YOU whos hosting any kind of tostu or just anything, HES JOINING INBA HEARTBEAT
• yk how he is with ike? all simp-y and always looking for a way to spend time with him? yeah he does that to you too
• anyway, when he sees you get 3000+ points your FIRST TIME PLAYING
• his face: 😧
• he probably doesn’t believe that its your first time LMAOO - you probably have to prove it to him off stream somehow
• if you’re his kouhai: “y/n, i’m your elder you can’t be embarrassing me like this…”
• if you’re his senpai: “…you know what they say; the elder, the wiser.”
• “oh god, please don’t bounce up…” “PLEASE BOUNCE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD” - guess which one is vox
• anyway, afterwards, he’ll probably force you to watch him play fnaf afterwards so he has sone sort of pride in being able to out-do you somehow
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• the mf sings to try and distract you to get you to mess up
• change. my. mind.
• “country rooooaaaaadssss, take me hooooooooome, to the plaaaaaceeee i BEEEELOOOOOOONGGGGG”
• getting 3000 first time hes just like ?????
• probably has that one face with the wide eyes and mouth wide open (like that one clip of sonny during the game show off collab w/ noctyx)
• and if you’re like him and start spewing nonsense to focus better, he’ll be laughing so hard
• “hey, chat, do you think anal hurts that bad?”
• “what???”
• if you have his fugi on your head whilst streaming he’ll probably pretend to punch it now and then just to get a reaction out of you
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• mf is okay at suika but not like terribly amazing
• that being said hes rooting for you and will probably be so amazed at you repeatedly getting over 3000
• if there ever is a point where you’re malding he’ll either - A: Mald with you - B: Laugh his fucking ass off
• definitely literally says “lmao” if you fail
• will bring up the most random things to talk about!!!
• “y/n have you seen that food theory video where he tried to cook his steak in the dryer??”
• “luca wtf are you talking about?”
• if you recently had an off collab he’ll also be telling embarrassing stories about you
• “[insert fan name] did you guys know that Y/N eats their oatmeal dry?? like no water.”
• anyways all around, hes amazed and he probably sends you a sweet discord message after stream
• “you’re so good at suika!!! :D”
• FOLLOW UP MESSAGE: “ew that was cringe ignore that”
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• he just sucks at suika so hes just like: :0
• “y/n??? this isn’t like…pre-recorded?”
• im running out of ideas for them uhhh
• when you get over 3000 your first try hes genuinely so amazed
• say he has a zatsu the next day, if someone superchats him about the totsu the night before he’ll go on a rant about how jealous he is that you’re so good at Suika
• “yeah, Y/N is like Shu and Mari with Tetris, they need to teach me their ways.”
• “an akasupa! ‘honest opinions on Y/N?’ Good question!”
• and then never elaborates
• uhhhhhh
• will most likely start bringing up either super philosophical topics to talk about or it’ll end up just being about miku
• “yeah- so ike sucks at this game HAHAH-“ *ike joins* “SAY IT TO MY FACE”
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• as soon as you sent the message you were doing a totsu he reacted to the message with that pepe side eye emote they have in the NIJI discord
• probably doesn’t join first, he waits for others
• claude: “y/n how do you feel about patriotism?” shu: “frick the patriarchy” y/n: “????”
• but, if the other leaves and its just you two, since hes pretty good at the game as well, he’ll probably help you with where to drop it
• and again, like luca, will probably bring up random topics
• and ligma jokes
• lots and lots of ligma jokes
• will also send messages in the discord server like:
• Shu Yamino: “y/n is too good someone plz trash talk them”
• Shu Yamino: “oh frick y/n’s good”
• Shu Yamino 👟☯️: y’all cant compare what the flip is this
notice how luca and ike’s are the longest
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blue-thief · 7 months
Do you think kiis would just speak English to each other to communicate or at least try to learn each other’s first language
( I know Isagi’s English in canon isn’t the best and we don’t even know if Kaiser speaks and understands English but I’m guessing he probably does)
They can’t rely on those earbuds forever
oohhh good question!
once the NEL league is over, they'll be separated for a while, so neither of them will be really focused on trying to learn each other's languages (besides, at this point in time, they'll still hate each other lol).
during that time, isagi would probably have time to properly develop his english.
meanwhile, kaiser probably does know english, or at least enough to carry a basic conversation. idk if it's explicitly required if you want to be a pro athlete, but it is expected you know english. if kaiser knew from a young age he wanted to be a pro, he probably would have taken up learning english early on.
the reason why isagi's english currently sucks is because english education in japan sucks ass 💀 i heard it focuses mostly on pure memorization rather than learning the actual structure and rules of the language. the itoshi brothers probably had to get private tutors to become as fluent as they currently are lmao
even if kaiser didn't learn english as a kid (because honestly i even question if he went to school at all 😭😭), going from german to english is wayy easier than going from japanese to english.
anyway that was a long-ass way of saying "they would speak to each other in english at first". cuz yeah i agree, i doubt the mikage corporation would let the NEL players hold onto the translators once bltv ends.
i DO think they would eventually try to learn each other's languages though. i wrote a bunch of headcanons of how that would look like a while back, but i can't find it anymore bc tumblr's search function fucking sucks 😭😭
on one hand, they could start learning each other's languages after they start dating to show appreciation for each other's cultures and to impress each other's families....
OR it's because they wanted to learn how to insult them in the most personal way possible BEFORE they got together.
imagine they're just having a normal bickering session in english when all of a sudden isagi pulls out the most eloquent, earth-shattering insult he can muster in perfect german. kaiser would be fucking flabbergasted and he'd pull out duolingo later that night just so he can return the favour
a few months down the line, everyone watches in horror and amazement as this japanese guy screams at a german in perfect german while the other bites back in perfect japanese.
they'd get so used to arguing and insulting each other in the other's native language that once they DO start dating, it's just normal for isagi to speak to kaiser in german and for kaiser to speak to isagi in japanese lmaoo
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ryusuisloveinterest · 8 months
hallo!! may I please request hcs with stanley snyder being your commander? like, you're in the military and in his unit and he's quite fond of you and develops and crush on you that you later reciprocate, and he like, tells Xeno abt it lmaoo thank you!! love your writing!!
hello anon! I’m not sure if you’re the anon that normally requests so you’re now officially 💙 anon lol. There was so many things I wrote that it might as well be a scenario in hc format if that makes any sense at all. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
Stanley Snyder’s crush on his subordinate 💓
I think the first thing that would’ve drawn him to you is how you’re not afraid to speak your mind
While all of his other subordinates just mindlessly follow orders, you need to know why and don’t have a problem saying no
“On our next mission we’re going to have to take over a town until there is a peace treaty.”
“Because the enemy has to know we are serious about our demands.”
“Then what’ll happen if they still don’t agree. I’m not going to kill innocents commander!”
“No one is killing innocents. We’ll discuss it more when the time comes.”
Then of course you carried out the mission perfectly 
You’ve never once let him down 
From then on he thought you were the hottest person to ever exist
He tried to talk to you about personal things time to time but he found it hard because he has a hard time sharing things with people in the first place 
“So…do you smoke?”
“No commander, I value my lungs.”
The only exception to this is Xeno
Xeno and Stanley love talking to each other no matter what about, but they get even more excited when their friend talks about the thing they love
Every time Xeno hears Stanley mention your name he smiles to himself for his friend’s happiness 
“Found them changing an old man’s battery for his car today.” Stanley tells Xeno as he lights his cigarette. “When I asked them about it they told me they wanted to learn so they can teach their little sister.”
Xeno chuckles as he finishes mixing his concoction. “Maybe they can help you when you need to change your oil again. God knows you nearly flooded the Earth again with the amount of oil that spilt everywhere.”
Stanley never really asked you out, but it was clear that that’s what he was trying to do 
There was a military ball being held and Stanley was supposed to get an award and give a speech
He wasn’t nervous, after all he’s gotten plenty of awards. But the minute he saw you in your dress/suit, everything that was in his head instantly left
“Good evening (y/n). If I may say, you look absolutely stunning in your dress/suit.” 
You chuckle. “Thank you commander. And if it’s not out of my place I must tell you that you look very handsome in that suit. But of course you seem to look handsome in anything you wear,” you tell him as you place a hand on where his medal will be. “Congratulations on your award.”
With that you try to walk off. Notice the try😉
He instantly grabs your arm. “Dance with me.”
You raise an amused eyebrow. 
“It’s an order soldier.”
And with that the whole night the two of you were together. He introduced you to Xeno despite him basically knowing who you are. You dance with him, drink with him, talk laugh and everything else!
He almost forgot he got an award and has to make a speech lol
After the ball he insists he should walk you to your room 
When you get there, you both tell each other how much fun you had tonight.
Blame it on the alcohol or Stanley just being so sick and tired of wanting to be with you that he just kisses you
To his surprise you kiss back
You two kinda sorta make out in your bedroom for a hot minute but you push him off 🫢
“G-goodnight commander, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
When tomorrow comes and he starts assigning chores for his subordinates to do when I he can’t find your name of the list
He checked it again and again and again and again and you get the idea
He asks someone about it and they tell him you’re leaving the regiment 
He’s so shocked and mad he just storms to your quarters
Your sister that you’ve mentioned before is standing with a box in her hand as you tape another
“This is who you’ve settled for (y/n)?” Your sister asked you.
You chuckle and send her out to give you and Stanley some privacy
Stanley, arms crossed, waits there with a pout on his face
“I’ve found a job as a personal body guard for a new big singer. The pay is good but I won’t be working under you anymore so-“
“Is this about last night? Look I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or overstepped your boundary. I just couldn’t contain my feelings for you! But please you don’t have to le-“
“Will you let me finish commander? I’m leaving so I can pursue a relationship with you without all the other subordinates talking shit!”
His face is blank, but then he tried to hide the dumb smiling that’s just trying to form on his face 
He coughs. “Very well. I’m glad you want this as much as me.”
You stick your empty gun at his throat 
“Don’t make me regret it.” You tell him
Man he’s so in love with you 
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nishayuro · 8 months
I have an ask! Supervillain Sukuna + UA Student Child!
It’s hard to be a hero in an evil household……and keep your dear old dad’s “career” as secret.
Supervillain! Sukuna with UA Student! Reader who is his child
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A/N: Thank you so much for this request! This is an interesting prompt! I really love MHA x JJK crossover series LMAOO Also I’m so sorry for not answering this sooner, I was really conflicted with how I wanted this to go lmao
Genre: Angst-ish
GN!Reader (Your hero name is Cleave)
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Since you were small, you’ve always dreamt of becoming a hero. You found out about it from seeing heroes such as All Might on TV.
You had a strong quirk, so your chances of becoming a hero is strong
What’s stopping you, you ask? Well…
Your father, Ryomen Sukuna, is a well known supervillain in Japan… Although no one really knows what he looks like nor his real name. 
He goes by the name “king of curses” and has never shown his face
Ironic, isn’t it? It’s not your fault that you don’t know that your beloved dad is one of Japan’s most wanted. He never told you and you never found out, all you know is that he is a normal father with a normal job.
And with a dream of being a hero, asking your dad to let you go to UA highschool
At first he refused, you don’t know why, he only said for your safety
But then he allowed you because he thought it would benefit him.
When you got into UA, Sukuna congratulated you!
After the USJ attack happened, when your father found out, he was pissed. 
He might be a villain, but you are still his child and no one dares hurt his child
Let's just say the League of Villains was greeted by your father’s wrath for a while.  
You began to suspect your dad after a few encounters with villains, memories of when you were a child and he’d have to leave late at night and the conversations he’s been having on the phone have started making sense. 
You decided to do a little digging, and to your luck, your hero work had a meeting about an important mission, and got like, a good chunk of Japan’s heroes in a conference along with their student interns. 
It turns out they have information on the “King of curses”, and a debriefing was in order for the next move.
The hero in front started with a recap about the villains involved, and finally, they revealed that they got a photo of the king of curses.
They flashed a slightly blurred, yet still recognizable photo…
To your horror, a side profile photo of you dad was on the screen, you can’t mistake it. You’ve known this man all your life to know him even if it was just his back. 
You stared at the photo in horror. Is your father… really the king of curses? One of Japan’s most wanted villains who has escaped even All Might himself? You thought about all the stories you’ve told your dad about U.A. About the teachers, your friends, the staff. To think that he could potentially use them against your peers. You spaced out during the meeting, inner turmoil eating at you. 
“Cleave, you alright?” You were pulled out of your trance by Edgeshot, the hero you were interning with. “Oh, yeah, sorry. It was just too much information I got mentally blocked.” You lied. “We’ll definitely have to work on your concentration then” He commented. 
The briefing lasted another hour, with the heroes planning what action to take. They also revealed that they were aware of one of the King of curses’ hideouts, which they found by spying on him. They decided for an ambush next week. You knew your father will be on a “business trip” next week, so the dates check out. You knew, you knew information. You knew some things and a few from whenever you’d overhear your dad in calls. Suddenly all his gibberish made sense in context. 
And yet even when you knew, you still kept quiet. Feigning ignorance, unable to provide the team with crucial evidence that could help this whole mission ten fold. 
You’re conflicted, your moral values are in shambles. And as the meeting ended, and you were dismissed to go home, with the promise of no information getting out. You arrived home, where your father greeted you. Asking about your day.
‘Family… or the citizen’s safety…?’ you thought, eyes cast downwards, unable to look your dad in the eyes. However, you’ve already made your choice on the way home. 
“It was okay, just did some patrolling and handled a few robberies. Nothing special today” 
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ironunderstands · 3 months
I decided to take notes while I played through 2.3… so here they are
First Scene
-stellaron sealed when we were asleep apparently 
-was Sunday the one to tailor everyone’s dreams?
-dreamscape itself exists???
-march’s memories are weird as normal, tentacle tried to reach into her brain but found SOMETHING???
-we were asleep when this all happened and we woke up and immediately asked if it was a dream so something is already up oh boy 
Second Scene 
-firefly and silverwolf yay 
-firefly is still on the wanted list, as Firefly this time 
-it was a missing part of her life she got back 
-Silverwolf helps her out with not being able to move freely, giving her a way out of dreaming ig??? Helps her navigate through unbothered ?
-idk the mechanics of it if you can’t tell
-Miss Samuel as a fake name lmao 
-firefly’s script isn’t over yet (third death I assume?)
-“didn’t bring you back to hear an answer like that,” did SW think she already experienced the third death? On her second death was SW the one to revive her, as it seemed like she did that on her own in 2.2?
-yeah she hasn’t done 3rd death yet, and I assume the “unforgettable reward,” is *sighs* time with the Trailblazer 
-“How will I know if I don’t try?” Hmmm this confuses me 
-SW says she’s already made up her mind 
-ooh Kafka asks for some gifts LMAOO, fashionable as always
-to Oti mall I guess, isn’t that one of the people who expressed disappointment in Sunday?
-BLADE ADVICE? telling her to not get tempted, tempted by what?
-oat cakes for SW or Kafka or Blade? Aww Stellaron Hunter family bonding 
-oh is she trying to defy the script?
-adding new footnotes to her destiny, hmm
Third Scene
-were are on the Radiant Felddpar ship 
-Family is there but “Big Boss” isn’t, I assume that’s Jade
-there’s music notes in the air? Robin?
-Topaz points out how weird this choice of location is
-ship belongs to Alfalfa Family
-npc we are talking to also thinks it should have been held in a more secretive area (Moment of Morning Dew)
-not serious enough atmosphere 
-something’s up definitely 
-Topaz thinks conference is just a prelude- whatever Family organizer wanted to assess the IPC’s stance beforehand
-she thinks they either have their own ambitions and want a preliminary agreement, or want to make the IPC back off, we shall see ig
-Big Boss is a her (definitely Jade), Topaz complimented, saying others must be cautious of her 
-tells subordinate Thomas to just tell the rest of her employees to stay focused on the task ahead 
-yeah it’s Jade, act shocked, also she’d get mad if he called her that 😭😭
-walking around time 
-there is music all around the ship 
-not very important but there are paper birds here too
-none of the important figures have arrived to the meeting room yet, so let’s look around 
This is just from looking around:
-why are there dream pools on the ship? I thought we were already in the dream?
-the torment eagle things are here too 
-and nightingale paintings
-Sparkles bombs, delightful 
-why is there a room on the ship that looks like Mishas room in the dream 
-it seems like the Family is already aware of the bombs and is looking for them based on the dialogue of the NPCs
-there’s a lost kid on the ship?
-so many doors are closed off
-absurdist clock fun 
-the quest is titled “All About Eve” like Eve from the Bible? Is that referring to Jade?
-exhibit that hasn’t been delivered yet
-Robin has instructed them to prepare some things but it seems like the Family isn’t ready yet?
Ok I’m gonna talk to the workers now
-ok talked to the one by Sparkles bombs and Sparkle started talking 
-Numby can hear her I think, I don’t think Topaz did
-yeah Topaz doesn’t know they are bombs that Sparkle hands out, apparently she was disguised as man- maybe Sampo?, uh no all the Buttons are in one place 
-somehow nobody pressed a button, I don’t believe that, the NPC also says that all guests are terrified of death, but like, how did nobody press it?
-yep we are in the dream bc she wants to feed Numby and questions the food quality in a dream
-Numby does not like Oat Cake Rolls
-Topaz will give them a better meal in reality
-so why is there a dreamscape pool in the dream 
-asks more about Radiant Feldspar, which is also owned by Oti Alfalfa, just like the store Firefly wanted to go to
-built an Amber Era ago, it sails across all 12 hours- so they are connected you just have to cross them I guess? Or like does it slip through dimensions 
-Topaz recognizes Old Oti, however what’s weird is that despite how she points out how well decorated it is, there seems to be a lot of stuff missing + Robin thing from earlier
-only prestigious guests are invited, so how did that Pepeshi get lost?
-Ship had been sailing since it was built but was halted due to the recent reverberation 
-reverberation aka whatever the fuck just happened in 2.2
-Family attendant repeats that everything has been resolved and the Charmony Festival had to be temporarily postponed 
-so it’s gonna happen on the ship now, and will also resume the ships voyage, so I guess that’s why Robin ordered some things and everything is a bit out of place
-However, why are they gathering Sparkles Bombs onto the celebration + meeting ship? Why not anywhere else?
-Talent Motivation Department mention 
-ppl still coming after Topaz for Jarilo I will kill them <3
-poor girl can’t get a break, JADE IS HERE
-Numby does not trust or like Jade at all
-Topaz is fucking star struck on her knees dying down bad gay gay gay 
-Jade commends her for the Jarilo project, saying the Express’s favor is far more valuable than the planet itself 
-Jade says Topaz can tell her anything, then holds out her Cornerstone as if Topaz would talk to it???
-“you can always tell me anything, remember?” Ah so they are close, and Topaz seems to trust her and vice versa, however I (and Numby) do not trust Jade so there is something sinister going on 
Alright cutscene yapping over
-Jade says to drop the title, that they are equals
-Topaz calls her a senior, but I think she just means in rank
-Jade wants Topaz to be at her best- upcoming negotiations leave no room for error
-true purpose of conference: Oti testing limits of 2 stonehearts before offical negotiations can commence, works in their favor bc it will cause future negotiations to go smoother if they can reach an agreement (this is obvious benefit)
-hidden benefit: demonstrates the Family isn’t all that united bc he’s meeting w them first on his own territory + taking control of Charmony Festival too
-they aren’t entirely influenced by the Harmony so their personal desires shine through, influential figures haven’t suppressed their own 
-with the Dreammaster gone, the Family has begun to fall apart slowly, seems like after 2.2 Oti took over 
-Jade taught her to Listen, test and strike, Jade teases her that she changed the order on Jarilo- Topaz’s personal experience  caused this (her seeing her past/trauma in Belabog)
-meeting time!
-meeting esteemed “supporting actor” hmm
-goal is to create an opportunity for IPC to enter Penacony- Aventurine made a small hole for them to enter, and they are going to tear it wide open
Some more looking around 
-the bombs/buttons are gone 😨 and so is that guard 
-was there a projector in that room (with the dream pool) before?
-diff family attendant at that spot before
Ok back to plot time
-oh this is the place where the divergent universe takes place (I started it a bit yesterday lol, oops), seems like that’s what the Genius Society will get a hold of at the end of this?
-Oti is a Pepeshi, and I really like his character model, he seems welcoming?
Looking around time again 
-the mechanism they use for the Divergent Universe is already there- did Ratio and Screwllum meet with Oti beforehand? Is that how he figured out Dormancy?
-some more locked doors
-Whales outside the window.. (Childe flashbacks)
-let’s talk to Jade before we see Oti
-oh we can’t it just makes us walk beside her
Conversation time
-Oti is hospitable, asks them to forgive him for the wait
-Oti is such a businessman that the Strategic Investment Department makes it a requirement to read his biography
-she’s trying to flatter him but I think Jade is also warning him that she and the rest of the department know everything about him and who he is 
-Topaz doesn’t seem to notice that though and praises him for single handedly building Penacony economy 
-Oti noticed Jade’s tactics I think
-he gets straight to the point- future of Penacony
-Oti questions wtf Aventurine was doing and why 😭, almost getting killed and for what?
-oh he figured them out LMAOO, yup that was for an opportunity 
-haha Jade says “fuck he figured us out” nicely
-she puts the pressure back on him, asking Oti how he would respond 
-he first admires her composure at being called out
-“Oti won’t sit idly by when faced with a greedy wolf,” is he referring to the IPC, Aventurine or both?
-offscreen negotiation
-seems he said something that offended Topaz and Jade, Jade says she’s all ears
-Oti says he requested this meeting to dissuade the SID from trying to lay a finger on Penacony
-asks them to back off before they lose face in the future 
-Topaz points out their fuck ups- Aventurine almost getting murdered and the Charmony Festival fuck up, that there are plenty of real issues plaguing the area
-Oti says they need to be more creative in the land of dreams 
-“My actions will help Penacony take a significant step forward by “self-listing” and going public!” What does that mean 
-Jade asks if he’s gonna bypass the IPC and go public on a universal scale (still don’t know what that means)
-rather than letting the IPC take hold, he’s gonna open the sweet dream to everyone in the universe- which is worded REALLY sinister if you ask me- is he gonna try and make everyone in it dream?
-he redirects and says that from today, anyone can become a shareholder in the Land of Dreams, and that’s the Path of Harmony he chooses
-Oti was aware of the Oaks family’s entanglement with the Order, calls them blockheads who prevented this from happening sooner
-Oti is thankful that the “reverberation” (Sunday and Order’s downfall) has allowed for the obstacle between him and his reforms to be eliminated
-publicize their finances so the universe still has faith in them + the Family remains confident in its future
-neither Jade nor Topaz seem happy about this, seems like they don’t feel as if they are on equal footing
-Jade asks Oti if he’s being waiting for Penacony to regain the spotlight, so if the IPC does anything, their actions will be scrutinized by trillions of people 
-asks them to consider their next moves carefully 
-Jade suggests they conclude the first half of their conference, and that they will respond on the behalf of the IPC later
-he just tells them to take their time (Oti is confident he is in control)
Scene 4- Trailblazer POV
-seems that meeting has concluded as Dan Heng asks if the Alfalfa Family had a meeting with the IPC
-Aventurine told them that to “return the favor”
-I wonder what happened in the meantime to get us here
-Welt points out that Penacony hasn’t changed much since the prison era, suggests that Penacony would rather invite the IPC to the table- on the surface to cooperate- but in reality to secure their own survival 
-which is why the Astral Express are now mediators, and Dan Heng doesn’t know who to stand behind
-Welt doesn’t trust the followers of the Harmony to be as innocent as they presume they are
-if either the Family or the IPC were to take control of Penacony, the efforts of the previous nameless to free it from that illusory hedonism would go to waste
-we were in a deep sleep apparently (uh oh)
-one of the dialogue options says that TB felt like they were in a really long dream 
-another asks where Himeko is
-Welt says their adventure in Penacony is reaching its conclusion
-After Ena’s dream shattered, Montour System’s branch of the Family took control of the situation, most members of the Oak Family fell unconscious? But their lives weren’t in danger 
-Gopher Wood, the previous Dreamaster was confirmed to be the mastermind behind everything, however we know that Sunday killed him. But didn’t he kill him in the dream? So how did gopher wood die in reality? Or did like, the power of the Order that Sunday must have used on him cause that, or did he step outside the dream to face Gopher, then go back in?
-Sunday will face a trial: the Family won’t disclose any further details 
-public perceived incident as an attack by evil forces targeting the Charmony festival, believing the Family had failed to safeguard the sweet dream which eroded their credibility significantly
-at least it has the least impact? Even if it’s far from what really went down 
-she says they will get over it
-“you don’t know who’s awake and who’s pretending to be asleep”- another ominous line 
-gives them a toast 
-trailblazer asks why she’s there again, Siobhan is just confused 
-asks when they will leave Penacony
-Welt says they will stay a bit longer, just not too long 
-she says this farewell is missing something 
-“maybe a special drink to honor those who are not here” oh yeah Gallagher is gone GONE
-To the Nameless resting in peace… and to Gallagher, oh he’s so gone
Walking around time again 
-everyone but Himeko is here 
Ok taking this many notes is exhausting and is lowkey killing my enjoyment 😭 so I’ll just leave the REALLY important stuff from now on 
-The Family claims the Oak Family used the stellaron to help sink everyone into Ena’s dream 
-others had their own delusional dreams 
-DH says the hidden dangers of the Order have always been within the Harmony, an issue that has persisted in the Family from the very beginning 
-more awareness makes this complicated 
-March has a button now too, says she was told the buttons will explode Penacony if pressed 
-himeko’s been up to something lately she will tell us at the festival
-Siobhan gives us another drink, saying it will “bring back the flavors of Penacony” which makes me believe it will help us get back here somehow 
-Welt is sure it will leave a lasting impression, hmmm
-she says if we happen to find Gallagher, to let him have a sip 
Scene 5: Jade POV
-Oti is tricky but there is still hope
-Jade asked Topaz to make a phone call offscreen, presumably to the express who agreed
-talking in code
-Jade asks Topaz if she thinks Penacony is worth it
-Topaz says yes
-Jade questions if this project is too bland for her
-Topaz says she would be here if it weren’t for Aventurine
-Jade pointed out she entrusted him with a cornerstone, which is as precious as life itself to finish this gamble 
-however Topaz points at out that Jade’s stone couldn’t have made it in without either of their cornerstones: and that the Jade stone allows Jade to see all desires that flow through the dreams to gain a bargaining chip in the negotiations: this must be the “harvest” Jade was referring to in 2.1, seems like this is her Cornerstone’s ability 
-Perhaps that’s why she held it up earlier? To allow Topaz to vent her feelings into the Jade stone?
-Topaz actually staked her Topaz’s stone for Jade’s sake, not Aventurine’s
-Jade is greatful Aven is alive, saying it’s the best outcome, Topaz immediately says they have strayed off topic
-Jade says she will go alone, instructs Topaz to meet “honored guest”- likely the Nameless
-Jade spots Robin
-turns out we were actually in the previously locked off rooms in the back of where we met Oti, he’s still there, and he’s wearing glasses? Was he before? We can’t talk to him tho 
-ah this also unlocked some more doors- it’s where the ship is captained, but the captains room is locked 
-Robin is preparing for Charmony Festival
-Jade lies saying she’s on her way to meet Oti really she’s just here for info before meeting him 
-Robins never met him, she says Alfalfa is respectable when it comes to business, but not necessarily in other respects
-Jade asks where Robin thinks Penacony is heading, Robin is hopeful, thinks Harmony needs new direction 
-“no permanent allies or everlasting enemies,”
-2nd half of negotiations- no Topaz this time
-Jade is gonna be meaner bc Topaz isn’t here you go manipulative queen 
-says Oti is not the only merchant who has seen the changes in the cosmic market over the past ten Amber Eras
-Jade declares that Penacony has no way of sidestepping the IPC and going public, that they can’t stop the IPC, the IPC will tear down and rebuild as they see fit
-tells Oti that if he doesn’t want to be a laughingstock and have everyone after him, he better drop his “pie-in-the-sky-plan” perhaps he was planning on using Sparkles bombs to take out the IPC ambassadors now that the protection of not being able to die in the dream is no longer there- or at least he has control over it
-Jade reminds him IPC controls more than half the news in the universe 
-says trillions of customers will receive a, “The Family’s protection for Penacony has expired. Any mishaps in the Dreamscape could result in permanent brain death,” message from the IPC if Penacony decides to go public
-threatens to make his entire currency worthless with how many contingencies the IPC has, Jade is confident she can pull it off, even from Pier Point
-she promises that the IPC won’t jeopardize the interests of the Family heads under Oti’s leadership if he gives up the plan to go public 
-they (IPC) want allies in Asdana, Jade says they can assist Penacony with financing, will acquire 30% equity shares from the Family, and in exchange will also help rebuild Penacony 
-Oti thinks it’s too much, and worried about the future 
-Jade happily says there are no guarentees- this is based on mutual respect- but the board of directors will consider the interests of the Family heads to some extent
-she points out this would be beneficial for the Family, and for him, if they both take a step back, also points out this will attract more customers like he wanted 
-as the head of the Alfalfa family, Oti accepts, seeing no reason to refuse, but as THEIR (Xipe’s) chosen one, he still needs one final answer (hmmm this is an interesting detail)
-talks about the rise of Xipe and fall of Ena, he asks why the IPC seeks to collaborate with the Family (Harmony) rather than the Order, who is far closer in ideals (Preservation)
-Jade says it’s about credit, saying that through the Preservation, the IPC can perpetually ensure credits value, meaning they have no need for the Order, as they have made their own, with Qilpoths “credit” being the heart of everything
-Oti understands this will eventually lead to the IPC taking control over everything 
-“this universe doesn’t need two types of Order” (Preservation and the Order)
-Oti says he’s convinced 
-code words from before come back in (shit I should have written them down, it was poison something, sweet dew, and apple something, sweet dew shows up this time per Topaz’s invite)
-unsurprisingly, it’s one of the Nameless: Himeko
-Astral Express will be shareholders? Perhaps this is so they can guarantee the future the Nameless wanted like Welt mentioned
-IPC gets 30%, gives 5% to the express to “honor the sacrifices and contributions made by the former Nameless to the Land of the Dreams,” which is A) true B) the real honor is the express now having a foot in the door to prevent Penacony from being like it was before
-Himeko is a member for the board of directors- what board? One in the IPC, or for Penacony, the Family?
-crew agreed to assist in reconstruction of Penacony, and commit to bringing the dreams of Penacony to other worlds 
-However, they really wish for the Harmony to not be distorted again, that tragedy must never occur again
-negotiations end, we (as Jade) will go to meet up w Topaz again 
-Jade believes the family heads will soon realize the situation, and that Oti’s agreement didn’t just represent their agreement, but the followers of the Harmony in general (this last part is only implied though)
-Topaz says she will handle the arrangements for formal negotiations 
-Jade allows her to- gives Topaz a sense of control OOOH THE MANIPULATIONNNNN
-Topaz is shocked bc big responsibility, but Jade interrupts
-she says that Aventurine initiated this case and Topaz was his project partner, but since he overplayed his hand (taking on a case he couldn’t handle on his own?) Jade got pushed to the forefront 
-OOH MORE MANIPULATION, Jade says she came here to help Topaz sort out the toughest issues, saying “I trust you’ll be able to wrap things up quite nicely, little Jelena,”
-Topaz’s objections immediately get pushed aside bc of Jades words, and asks Jade to give Diamond her assurance
-Jade tells her to not worry, Diamond has always trusted them, and Jade will put in a good word for her, and Topaz will get her position (P45) back in no time
-Jade claims her business is done so she’s gonna indulge in her own little hobby (I’m scared)
-which is opening a Bonajade Exchange branch on this ship, whatever that is, Jade believes the guests on this ship had or a wealth of valuable treasures tho 
-it’s a pawnshop, and Jade says she will leave, saying she’ll “see you around Topaz”
-Topaz has one more question, Jade gladly lets her ask, she asks about the dose of “bitter poison”, wondering how Jade got it (I’m guessing her Cornerstone), it wasn’t her cornerstone, a “lady concerned with the future of the Harmony” told her (maybe this is Robin? But it seems like that was their first meeting? Hmm) 
-Jade says she agreed to help her with something later (which makes me think this was Sparkle now haha), and that they can deal with it after they leave Penacony
-“that’s what ‘investment’ is all about”- the seeds of opportunity have already been soon and Jade simply gives them a little bit of nourishment for them to take root, afterwards all they (her and Topaz) need to do is wait patiently 
-like right now, and Jade’s final “guest” boarded the ship
I’m insane about this actually yall. TOPAZ CENTRIC STORY??? WHAT IF I DIED. Also I love the way Jade was written in this, they made her as manipulative as I wanted her to be, so yeah I love her THEY COMMITED TO THE BIT I PRAYED FOR TIMES LIKE THIS
Scene 6: Firefly POV
-she boards (rather sneaks onto) the ship, so I assume she’s Jade’s final guest 
-oh she’s heading to the pawnshop that grants wishes (it’s definitely Jade’s), perhaps to get those gifts she wanted earlier, or defy her destiny like she wanted to earlier?
-hey those closed off areas are unlocked W
-she spots TB, Robin is also there 
-there’s a nice banquet table for people in that room, we got a shot of it earlier during Topaz, Jade and Oti’s meeting, idk what line of dialogue it was for tho 
-Firefly overhears Robin saying that she will, “present a gift to the Astral Express on behalf of The Family as a token of gratitude for the Nameless’ contributions to Penacony”, asking for the staff to help her w the arrangements
-Firefly then asks how to get to the pawnshop, yup it’s Jade’s spot, she gets the directions 
-Silverwolf was gonna meet w the Genius Society? Why? Also apparently she mentioned Jade’s stuff earlier, I don’t remember that though, maybe I forgot to write it down
-we can look for the TB so I’m going to 
-TB is being a dumbass as ever and Firefly is amused 
-she wants to talk to us but Firefly wants to meet Jade first 
-we can’t go over there even if we want to
-Jade made her exchange in the dream pool room for some reason 
-asks Jade to call her Samuel
-Firefly says she wants to give up living, and that she’s willing to give up everything she has
-even Jade is gagged
-Firefly is like yup! Everything!
-Jade says she should turn around bc she’s not familiar with the term, “pawn” aka she’s betting quite literally EVERYTHING
-Jade says she doesn’t have anything of equal value to offer her
-Firefly is upset, says this shop must just be a marketing gimmick 
-Jade says she will help Firefly understand what she means, telling her to go and talk to the other customers, when she understands what “pawn” really means
-we see the TB being stupid again, this time w Dan Heng tagging along
-again she plans on catching up w them later
-first person she meets, Stacy, finally won a gamble w the blessing of Lady Bonajade
-there also seems to be way more guests on the ship 
-second person she meets, a Pepeshi named Dell, gets his crush named Dorothy to go out with him, implied that he wished for her to say yes
-ppl seem to be gossiping about a grey haired person, either Firefly or TB
-yup it’s TB
-someone has been hiding in the Moment of Sol in Penacony under a fake identity, proposing as a professor at Paperfold academy, apparently this intellatron (Walker) found him (idk who him is) with the help of an influential figure 
-ah this is unimportant this was just the wishes of the third person
-Firefly still doesn’t get it, but their wishes did seem to come true
-Jade said it was just to show the exchange was genuine, how she shows how all three of them gave up so much in exchange for their wishes, so yeah, glorified drug dealer, but it is an equal exchange, and Jade only encourages these people’s delusions, giving with the power of her Cornerstone for a hefty price
-uses their endless cycle of desires to get what Jade desires from their whirlpool of horrific decision making 
-Jade knows Firefly’s identity, and she asks Firefly if she’s really willing to give up everything, Firefly isn’t surprised though 
-Entropy Loss Syndrome was thrust upon all of the Iron Calvary in order to keep them fighting for Glamoth, and from falling into the wrong hands 
-Firmament Front is gone so those who know the secret and could cure the disease are nowhere to be found, but Firefly still wishes to continue her existence 
-Firefly asks if the IPC has a remedy 
-Jade just says there might be a silver lining and leaves it at that 
-Firefly realizes that she can’t provide anything of equal value bc nothing she owns has any meaning 
-asks Jade if she’s gonna ask her to restrain the other Stellaron Hunters for her survival 
-that’s not the case though, Jade acknowledges how remarkable close the Stellaron Hunters are, compares them to the Stonehearts, OOOHH LORE DROP
-Jade says like how the Stoneheart follow Diamond, the Stellaron Hunters are, “Traveling on the Path of Finality but struggling against your destiny, attempting to move in the opposite direction?”
-Firefly remains silent
-Jade hopes all of them will visit her pawnshop one day
-Firefly asks if she can see this as an invitation from Diamond to the Stellaron hunters behind the IPC’s back
-Jade says to consider it a person offer, not representing the IPC or SID
-Firefly says she will pass on the offer, but she has a question
-Firefly points out that SW could let the entirety of Pier Point know of this in seconds, so why would Jade ask this 
-Jade says it’s because she believes her and Firefly are the same
-she believes the Stonehearts band together to get what they want, and have been invited by Diamond to join them whilst on their own journeys
-Jade says all stonehearts carry a void (ambition) that can only be filled from the outside 
-so Diamond promised them something, he divided the power of the Emanator of Preservation into ten pieces (for the ten stonehearts) and gave each of us a Cornerstone to fill that void 
-“Mortal flesh is fragile, yet my heart is unyielding like the monolith. For without this resolve, the way of the Preservation would fade into oblivion.”
-Jade says this pledge goes beyond a mere oath, it’s their collateral in exchange for the Stonehearts desires, and their future 
-whatever they gain from it will make the Stonehearts stronger, allowing them to achieve the great cause of the Preservation (what Diamond wants) when the war among the Aeons eventually comes (HUHH WHAT NOWW I MEAN WERE GETTING THEIR GOALS AT LEAST?!!)
-Jade tells Firefly to take her time 
-Firefly says she will, and says it’s shame that the pawnshop won’t give her what she wants, as her last attempt (death?) will end with “hope”
-Walker comes to give her his memories
Scene 7: Trailblazer 
-he points out how the meeting went smoother than expected 
-Charmony festival opening ceremony is starting soon
-Boothill threatening Aven jokingly but not jokingly, Aven brushes it off
-seems like they came to an agreement off screen
-he notices us + typical flattery, Boothill gives a normal greeting 
-Aventurine admits his words are nothing more than flattery and not genuine (at least due to the option I picked) 
-Boothill says to set aside the under the table stuff as to not spoil the mood
-Aven gives congratulations bc he can’t be there personally (he’s a hologram) to witness the crew getting celebrated 
-Aven says his job was just to give the IPC an opening, which he achieved (even if it was a mess
-Aven says he wouldn’t have been able to dig up such dirty information without the help of a “knowledgeable friend” HMMM IS THAT RATIO???
-Acheron still fucked him up though, and he admits this would have gone smoother had she not injured him 
-we thank Boothill, he’s like it’s nothing I’m a galaxy ranger it’s part of our duty, he’s happy Galaxy Rangers are making a comeback and asks the TB to pass on his regards to any Hunt followers he meets
-Aventurine also talks about the feud between the Marketing Development Department (Oswaldo) and Strategic Investment Department (Diamond) is fairly well on wok, but he didn’t expect the Galaxy Rangers to get involved
-he thinks things are gonna get spicy 
-I wonder if the IPC knows about this deal between him and Boothill, I doubt it though, and I think Aven might be hiding this from everyone 
-this reminds me that he was deliberately acting like he hadn’t grown around Jade during their conversation in 2.2, which makes me think he’s planning to do something beyond just whatever he is gonna do with Boothill, or at the very least Aven wants to make things easier for himself by acting as if Penacony didnt change him 
-they wish the TB well, Avens hologram disappears 
-he’s standing where the now activated Divergent Universe thing is AAAA
-it’s all over the screen/hj
-OFF THE BAT TSUNDERE - “your performance at Herta’s space station was… adequate, I suppose,” thats high praise coming from you hehehhehe
-“Hm, no wonder the gambler likes you so much.” HUHHH??! Can’t keep AVENS NAME OUT UR DAMN MOUTH FOR MORE THAN 5 SECONDS??? We didn’t even bring him up 
-“This individual is my responsibility during the trip. Hmph, nothing more than an errand from the Office of Academic Affairs,” the who of what now? Not the “hmph” and downplaying 
-tells the Trailblazer to take advantage of the opportunity the Charmony Festival provides 
-TB asks Ratio how he rates Aventurine, Ratio says that the IPC and Guild position them as strategic partners; but Ratio sees himself as a teacher, and like everyone in Ratio’s life, Aventurine as a student, Aven isn’t an ideal student, but not utterly obtuse. He remarks that the void inside of him (which could be referring to either the one mentioned as being filled by the Stonehearts or just Aven’s general lack of a will to live) cannot be filled by talent and knowledge. Ratio hopes he doesn’t turn into a philosophical zombie. Which I like that up, and it’s basically someone who behaves like a person but does not have a conscious experience. What I think Ratio is suggesting is that what Aventurine is missing isn’t talent or knowledge, but genuine connections with other people, goals, desires, a purpose, things that aren’t so material 
-TB teases Ratio, saying they thought he would make them get their act together, Ratio says that saying such a thing means we haven’t grasped the essence of learning, OH MY GOD HE SAYS EXACLTY HOW I BELIEVE HIM TO VIEW KNOWLEDGE SOMEONE SEDATE ME
oh my god, that’s why Aventurine isnt his typical student, to improve Aventurine’s life, he DOESNT need knowledge or talent, so Ratio has to try other methods…
Forgive me for the person I’m about to become I fear 
-we say good by to him 😭😭😭😭
-“I detest noisy gatherings, as they intrude upon my thoughts.. What a waste of time” AUTISM!! BRO IS OVERSTIMULATED LEAAVE GO ELSEWHERE WHY ARE YOU HERE UR CLEARLY HAVING A BAD TIMEEEE
Alright bye Ratio onto the next one
-Topaz eco ship mention??
-ooh we ask her about her Cornerstone and if she can transform herself like Aven
-her ability isn’t as “visual”? So it’s not a transformation 
-LORE DROP; abilities of Ten Stonehearts are all different, some can even read thoughts and grasp desires (Jade), she warns us to be careful 
-Topaz is greatful for the timing in Belabog bc it let her and Bronya be friends 
-Jade convo next!
-I picked Sundays name and she went “not a bad name, just lacking in virtue,”
-she does her deal shtick, I’m gonna ask to revive Akivili 
-poor girl is dumbfounded, but she accepts 😭
-she asks for the tail of an animal and I think she asks for the tail of the cat in the stellaron hunters 😭
-sorry Akivili you aren’t returning 
-his lines aren’t voiced unfortunately 
-he’s talking about the beauty as always, saying we are already walking that path due to our virtue 
-apparently if an admirer of Beauty gets lost in the pursuit of power, they risk descending into “the Omen of Evil” a form that’s neither human nor beast 
-he compares this to Sunday; whose actions argenti believes were no different from the Omen of Evil, and that he lost his way along the path of righteousness 
-he wasn’t there at the final battle because Ena’s dream was too realistic and he couldn’t bid farewell to a fallen friend who had turned into a beast, so Argenti stayed within the dream for a while 
-he blames himself for not passing the trial of Beauty this time, and for hesitating, wishing to become more determined that ever 
-him and Sunday competing for who has more religous trauma LMAOO
Alright I’m done talking let’s wait for the opening now
-Firefly is here!
-we go over how wack the plot has been 
-she asks if we will be leaving again 
-I picked the idk option and Firefly says not to worry bc we are on the path of the Trailblaze
-Elio told Firefly that her journey will tell her how to live on and the rest is up for her to find out, and she will hunt for leads everywhere, including Penacony 
-TB says that no wonder she was investigating the Watchmaker, but even if she didn’t get what she wanted, Firefly says she get a deal from Jade
-we warn her not to make deals w the IPC bc they are shady
-Firefly is like no dw I didn’t do anything stupid or get anyone involved 
-she apologies for lying to us earlier about being from the Iris Family
-I accept it bc I’m not a cunt but I’m glad they allow you to turn her down 
-uh oh bloodhound family is here 
-Firefly is sad and like “I guess we have to say our goodbyes”
-but she’s hopeful bc her “script” hasn’t ended yet- so they will meet again 
-TB is worried but figures she will be fine, we decide to check on her later after we attend the festival 
-we get a message from Firefly, saying she handled everything but she’s sad she won’t get to see Robin perform 
-Ceremony begins and Robin shows up
-March is fangirling
-Robin is eating as always 
-she’s like “yeah this has been crazy but hey we’re doing it now!”
-thanks Oti Alfalfa for his dedication 
-she’s like thank god it’s over
-oh she brings up the Watchmaker
-she gives a tribute to Misha/ Mikhal Char Legwork for laying the foundations of Penacony
-thanks him for allowing the Dreamscape to exist, that Penacony’s success is rooted in the Trailblaze that the Watchmaker brought with him and only by honoring that spirit can harmony be spread 
-everything is back on track, and Penacony’s family give the Nameless a token of appreciation 
-They give the ship to the Astral Express?!!? That’s a fun one, I think Robin pulled some strings for that one to screw over Oti for throwing Sunday under the bus
-she toasts the Harmony, the Trailblaze, the future of Penacony and the universe, and the generous Alfalfa Family Head, Mr. Oti Alfalfa
-Oti is amused by Robins cunning
-she put a bomb in the ship and we got 10 minutes to find it oh boy 
Cutscene over 
-she gave us a map at least 
-this is great it’s bomb hunting time
-because the hounds are stupid and gathered everything spending 48 system hours to press all her buttons 
-it’s hidden among 999 dolls and the challenge is to find where the real one is hidden 
-Robin asks everyone not to panic and that they will prepare for evacuating 
-however the Oak Family has relied on the power of the Order for the guarantee that you can’t die in dreams, but since the Order’s blessings are lost, this bomb might actually kill people 
-everyone agrees to help
-Aventurine isn’t taking it seriously likely because he isn’t actually there, he’s like “Wanna bet who will survive this?” and Ratio’s like “k” bc he’s done w Aven’s shit and higher priorities 
-Black Swan finds 131 fake bombs, area gets evacuated 
-Boothill finds 217 of them with the help of the hounds and Ratio wearing his alabaster head, nobodies found it yet but nobody seems too concerned 
-Argenti finds 145 bombs but again, duds
-IPC found 329, but again, nothing 
-last one is in the cockpit 
-Sparkle rickrolls us
-it’s a bomb 
-they found the remaining dolls but nothing
-Sparkle gives the coordinates of the last, true bomb, and everyone agrees to gather there 
-TB finds Firefly standing by Sparkle’s bomb 
-Sweet Dream no longer has the Order’s protection and if it were to blow up there could be bad consequences 
-she says the design is unique and as if it’s been locked by some mysterious Path force
-nobody knows how to deactivate it 
-Firefly doesn’t think anybody there can fix it
-she says Black Swan might be able to teleport it, but Firefly found a note inside the doll
-a note that’s complete nonsense and says it contains a virus very dangerous to Memetic entities like BS plus a bunch of Bananas for some reason? It’s all very unserious 
-Firefly reminds us that she has three “deaths” in the Land of Dreams
-so this is the third time 
-we’re like nah ur not dying 
-Firefly says she’s not in the dream like normal people, she has a Stellaron Hunters special method (Silver Wolf) that let her to be in here , and it lets Firefly perform feats others can’t 
-as long as she can bear the pain of the memoria pressure, she will be able to dive into the primal Memory Zone and extend a lifeline to the Radiant Feldspar
-she’s gonna try and take it into the depths of the Dreamscape (Primordial Memory Zone) so nobody will get hurt 
-Firefly tells us not to worry and that SAM will allow her to get back safely if she lucky 
-determined to give this story a happy ending 
-Firefly reminds us of Acheron’s words, “The so-called impossible is merely something that has yet to happen..”
-the moment that could disprove the “impossibilities” hasn’t arrived yet
-Firefly has so many choices to make before her “death” in whatever form it takes, and she believes that when the moment arrives for us to make a choice, the answer to our end will already be in our hearts 
-“it is not destiny that shapes us, but we who shape destiny,”
Compare astral express and stellaron hunters like light and shadow and tied together 
-Sparkle detonates the bomb early but it’s actually fireworks 
-she then bops us off the edge of the ship but Firefly catches and saves us
-it’s really cute tbh
-she reaffirms what we said, both that destiny is ours to choose and that the reason why life slumbers is because one day we will wake up
-there’s a little procession of scenes of everyone so far
-highlights being Ratio leaving and Boothill pulling out a gun due to Argentis yapping
-and Aven reminiscing in the place where he found himself again
-we also get a little peak at what Acheron is doing
-she put three flowers on the graves of the Nameless, officially saying by to them 
Cutscene over 
Scene 8; Acheron (although still from TB perspective)
-child wanted to put flowers down for the Nameless? I don’t really understand her first line in this 
-oh the child is Mikhail and the flowers are for the other two Nameless, and when he’s  gone someone placed one for him
-she says “your wishes will always be remembered by someone,” likely talking not just to Mikhail, but the audience
-Now Penacony has finally welcomed the dawn after the long dark night, even if the path ahead won’t be easy 
-“Tiernan, you can now go home”
-the Nameless are also preparing for our next stop
-we say goodbye to the old Nameless, Gallagher and Acheron 
-“in the Land of the Dreams, anything is indeed possible,” - March
-“History may not remember the names of the dead, but the stars will attest to their journeys, the first glimmer of light in the prolonged night often illuminates little, as it is fleeting and the darkness too vast. But because of this, people will remember: As long as something shines in the night sky, then when the first star falls.. countless more will follow, streaking across the horizon.” - Dan Heng, I loved his speech so I had to write it 
-they give a toast to the fallen Nameless
-“A toast to history that no longer remains silent, the passionate and courage’s pursuit, and a voyage that traverses the stars,”- Dan Heng ur COOKING
-we can talk to Acheron, and she calls it a fitting end to our story
-we say bye to Gallagher, who we don’t even know if he was a “living person”, callback to the 13 thing, an “enigmatic” character for sure
-at least our journey and his love for Penacony was real
-we toast him too, and using the drink that Siobhan made for him 
-“to all lies, and the singular truth,”- March 
-she also asks him to not speak in riddles if they ever meet again 
-we say bye to Micah, Welt apologizes for only now speaking to him, Welt asks what the people of Dreamflux Reef do now, many will continue to live there, and “those accustomed to being away will mostly have a hard time getting used to a life of darkness with their eyes closed,” Micah will also watch over the primal Memory Zone as the Order has faded 
-“Penacony’s nights are long, and there are many who are still far from a good nights sleep,”
-they still manage without the Sweet Dream
-toast to the ppl in Dreamflux Reef and their tenacity 
-we finally say goodbye to Mikhail, it started from the moment we met him and it ends by saying goodbye to him
-“just like a clock’s hands that turn round and round, the start and end of each day will always land on twelve o’clock- the advent of time moving forward,” - Himeko, it really is over isn’t it, honestly I wonder now is just what that dream pool and projector were for 
-the entire adventure started bc of Mikhail and it’s ending because of him
-“And then, a new page will be turned.”
-“To Penacony’s past, present, future… and the child’s unwavering dream unto death,”- Himeko
—“the Trailblaze can illuminate the way, but ultimately, the future of a world belongs to those who live in it,” - Dan Heng, just like Belabog and the Luofu huh 
-March has a strange feeling that she had a few stops ago that’s really strong this time, she talks about how many stories these three Nameless have experienced, and she compares them to the current Nameless and their own adventures, and that they lived the “every day” we do now
-but it’s all in the past, and TB says to her that we should live in the present, but that’s what March can’t get out of her mind
-she’s upset at that the Nameless then didn’t get their happy ending, but the TB now shouldn’t live through them, however since us (especially March) has witnessed their lives, their are special to us now, so she hopes their story gets a good ending when it comes 
-but what if those Nameless and us now aren’t special, and we won’t get a good ending?
-if Mikhail might not have had no regrets, how can we know we won’t? 
-“Then, what is this regret we feel in our hearts right now…?”
-Himeko assured that all of them are searching for the answer to this question, that against the backdrop of a cosmos, our lives are fleeting 
-however, even if the universe doesn’t remember the never ending Trailblaze, but people, and those who travel along the silver rail themselves will
-“As long as we remember, their stories (The Trailblaze) will never end,” OH MY GOD THIS MIRRORS WHAT BS SAID IN THE ONE TRAILER WHERE WE WILL CARRY OUR WISHES TO COUNTLESS STARS AAAA
-Mikhail answered this question himself, dying with a smile on his face even after his complicated life
-its meaning will be interpreted by those who come after us 
-it’s not the answer that’s important, but what we can learn from others answers 
-“This is what Trailblazing is”
-March tells DH to tell a dad joke to lighten the mood
-he won’t 
-it’s never a bad thing to reflect 
-we got a long way ahead of us WHOOO
-so it’s time to tell PomPom what we saw
-then prepare for the next stop
-time to say final goodbye to Acheron
-she asks if we remember our first meeting
-we reminded her of an acquaintance 
-because of the Self-Annihilators curse, what she thought was a familiar meeting was merely an illusion, attributing her feelings of that old friend to us the TB
-however you can ask if it wasn’t an illusion 
-Acheron says it’s improbable we ever met before, and there’s nothing left to retrace but Nihility 
-I can keep pushing 
-she doubles down, said this me and your memory of her aren’t the same person
Red Text oh my god
-“But some things will never change,”
-she just laughs in response 
-oh my god she’s talking about her past companions oh no her Kiana her Bronya noooooo NOOOOOOOOOO
-they didn’t achieve the outcome they wanted, but our sheer stupidity makes it feel like they never even left
-she talks about how things can seem so similar yet so different 
-Acheron has wandered alone, encountering “acquaintances” who’s silhouettes overlap with her past
-she asks us what we think her “Deja vu” means
-im going with “the wish to return to the past”
-she says all of our possible answers are incomplete
-it’s something that’s not external, but something that’s within us, an emotion spanning across time from a certain moment in our past to reach us
-every time we reminisce, we notice both the tiny but unforgettable things we leave behind, and the other things that remain constant throughout 
-that’s the summary of our lives, the proof of our shared path 
-within those small moments, those tiny regrets, we glimpse our own essence, and truly “exist”
-Acheron says to “set forth on your voyage without hesitation, Nameless, on the path of the Trailblaze”
-even if our ending has been predetermined (OOH CALLBACK TO 2.1 and 2.2 AAA) there are countless things humans cannot change 
-but before that, there are still many things we can do
-“And because of this, the “end” will thus reveal a completely different meaning”
-“this is the meaning of ‘journey’” 
-“all those things, beautiful before, are still do now. And I believe… It will still bloom at the end of the Nihility, until we meet again beneath the sun’s rays,” OH MY GOD SHE HAS HER HORNS AND OLD OUTFIT SHES SO BEAUTIFUL 
Back at the Express
-Pom Pom is crying 
-Dan and March bickering 
-Pom-Pom started crying over the adventure, March has never seen them so sad before 
-now they are angry
-we caused so much chaos and threw the time-table off and if we keep acting like this the Express is gonna run out of fuel 
-well not really they are just masking their sadness
-we take a break in the next car while Himeko comforts Pom Pom
-we chat a bit, those three Nameless must have meant a lot to them 
-we don’t know shit about Pom Pom’s past lmao, but their emotions haven’t become dulled by the grind of time, and they still value every journey 
-we might actually run out of fuel bc due to our existence Pom Pom has had to delay the warp jump schedule 
-the express converts every “Trailblaze” into the energy it needs to run, like a perpetual motion machine
-we are using up fuel much faster than expected, and can only pull off two more warp jumps at most
-which means we must consider our next destination carefully 
-the two worlds nearest to us are the oceanic planet of Lushaka and the Agate World Melustanin
-we still need to vote 
-Welts like ‘alright give us the juice’
-she overheard how the express obtains fuel 
-her suggestion could be the lifeline that saves everyone
-“those mired memories of yours”
-if the express needs a special trailblazing expedition to recharge its engine, then they should go to a world that even Akivili never even reached, and the express will never have to worry about energy again
-March is like “is that possible?!!”
-a world many don’t even know exists, hidden away by outside observation, only revealed by the light from the monitor of the Garden of Recollection
-fettered by three Paths, its destiny hanging in the balance 
-“The Eternal Land, Amphoreus”
-she calls Sunday a child
-it seems like he tried to escape and got caught
-he thinks he’s gonna die
-his fate is entirely in Jade’s hands
-he wants the pretenses to be over and to just have time to talk 
-she’s glad he’s still a cunt 
-she came to fulfill Robin’s wishes, to offer a trade if he’s willing to accept 
-she talks about his oath between him and Robin of building a haven where everyone can attain peace 
-she asks if he would be willing to speak to her if there was a chance to fulfill that vow 
-Jade sets him free, tells him to see the world for himself
-Sunday doesn’t want to accept it though 
-however the trade is still up, and Jade is willing the wait for his answer 
-she gives him a word of warning 
-“Life is too short to miss out on golden opportunities”
And it’s over
Wow that was great 
OK! I will definitely not be doing this again because oh my god this made the quest take like 10 hours (most of the time was just typing it tbh 😭) made it far less fun than it could have been, however it also really helped me understand what was going on a lot; and I’ll look back on this if I want to remember the plot in 2.3
Overall I think it’s a really satisfying conclusion for Penacony, and any of the things I thought were weird kinda dissipated because they are minor nitpicks at best, and we did say Penacony would have to figure itself out from here
if you somehow decided to read all of these, I admire your patience lmao, and I hope you enjoyed all of the parts in which I started absolutely losing it
I recommend you don’t do this lmao, it’s more fun to just play through and look at the wiki later imo, maybe take more overarching ones after you have already completed a scene? This was certainly a learning experience at least
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prongsfish · 3 months
we need more bartylus thoughts 🙏
i am a full supporter of the “i want non-angsty bartylus!” movement because i agree but i also am personally mostly invested in doomed ships. like the fact that i even believe they ever recognised their feelings for each other is more than most of my ships HAHA so you’ll all have to excuse me if i usually write them tragically.
my bartylus is encapsulated by a midwest emo song. not like a specific one, just the general vibes of a midwest emo song. that’s what they are to me.
though! i do have some happy-ish bartylus thoughts. i like the idea that barty is fluent in french through coming from a family in politics, it seems like the kind of thing he’d be taught, and i imagine that they often speak in french to each other when they want less people to be able to understand them. like if regulus is particularly upset or stressed, he goes to barty and they speak in french because it just feels safer (and vice versa!!). i feel like they’d both be vulnerable with each other in a way they never could be with anybody else, they’re both struggle a lot with emotions but they’re each others’ safe spaces in that way. they just get each other, they really value solidarity.
a lot of people are scared of them, because they’re both very intimidating people. a lot of people also question how they’re even compatible, but in truth, the way they present to the general public is quite different to how they truly are in private, so a lot of people take them at face value as just “scary loud guy” and “scary quiet guy”. they could care less what people think about them and just keep to themselves, it doesn’t matter either way to them.
i think they were always very close, ever since they met, and some of their other friends would feel kind of left out. like, “why are they so inseparable and i’m just on the outside? what makes it different between them?” but then eventually barty and regulus get together and everyone’s like “ohhhhhhhhhhh. right” HAHA it’s not like they weren’t super close with evan, pandora, and dorcas- more just that barty and reg were always just one degree MORE. that whole group is super codependent and tightly knit, any normal person would think they were all insanely obsessed with each other, but even from their inner perspectives bartylus were extra close.
they’re also very much creatures of habit in my mind. barty is a bit more of a wild card, but there’s still a method to his madness, and there are clear patterns in his behaviour. regulus is full routine. he hates everything he can’t control, and when he CAN control something, he CONTROLSSSS it. barty finds it cute and makes fun of him, sometimes he’ll joke about messing things up for him but he’d never genuinely do that to him because he knows regulus would actually just break down. if you want you can take that as then being autistic, i don’t really write characters as explicitly neurodivergent but it often filters through just because i project my own thought processes onto characters LMAOO
that’s all i’ve got for now i think… i love them so much though thank you for the excuse to ramble about them. they’re constantly on my mind i tell you
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ladysomething · 3 months
And this is why Jean Luc can’t leave town! He goes home for a bit and Max and Charles break into an apartment (I mean they had a key but still), vandalize it, record a confession, and then fuck in public. Someone get Jean Luc back now!
But in all seriousness, an amazing update! I can’t wait for the next chapter and definitely see where Max confessing his motive to Charles wouldn’t have fit in with the rest of this chapter.
Jean Luc is the only normal person in this story I swear to god
this fic would be so funny from his POV lmaoo
"dear diary,
today I got home from visiting my wife and daughter. I missed them very much while I was away, and I wish I back there already.
also, Charles and Max committed several crimes in my absence. I told Max to stop talking so I could have plausible deniability.
Jean Luc xox"
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