#why couldn't they make the villains hot
omgeto · 1 year
Did Mahito send the sewer question
I thought he lives in the sewer. he lives in the sewer right? I actually tune out everytime he comes on my screen icl.
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the-modern-typewriter · 10 months
I love love all your writing and jealous villains / possessive villains always make me kick my feet!! Can I request a hero that’s been under appreciated by the city and getting hurt / almost killed by civilians they were meant to protect? And the villain finds the aftermath? ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
"My god." The voice was strained. Familiar. Them.
It really wasn't the hero's day, was it? They released a slow, pained breath, pushing themselves gingerly off the grimy, rain-puddled street. "Enjoy the show?"
"What show? You could have taken them. You should have taken them."
The hero grunted. They straightened. They wobbled.
The villain appeared out of the shadows, at their side, in an instant. It took the hero a moment to realise that the villain had placed a steadying hand on their arm.
The villain's face was harsher in the streetlight; all firelit edges, beautifully demonic, orange pinpricks glinting almost red in their furious eyes. Rain spat down, soaking into the villain's hair and clothes. They didn't seem to care.
The hero did a double-take. The flippant comment they'd been about to make died in their mouth.
"How much did you see?" the hero asked.
The villain's jaw clenched. "I just got here."
It was an unexpected confession. On closer inspection, the rapid rise an fall of the villain's chest suggested they'd been running.
"Huh," the hero said.
The villain's gaze raked over them, taking in every bruise and scrape and bit of blood. "You didn't fight back. Why didn't you fight back? You could have pulverised them. Made them fear ever hurting someone again. That's what you do if I attacked you."
The hero shrugged, awkwardly. They eased their arm free of the villain's grip.
"That's not an answer," the villain snapped.
"I would have killed them. Normal people can't deal with my powers."
"So better to let them nearly kill you?"
The hero shrugged again. Everything ached; they weren't especially in the mood for hearing about how wrongly they'd handled getting the flying spit kicked out of them, they weren't in the mood to explain how the villain was different. Even at war, it was easier with them.
"You're in uniform," the villain said. "They knew who they attacked."
"Oh." The hero hadn't realised. The truth of it struck them like a low blow and their shoulders slumped, as if it wasn't already far too late to brace and curl into a foetal position to guard the heart of them. "Right. Yeah. Well, bold move on their part!"
They tried for chipper. They failed completely.
The whole time, they'd been so preoccupied, they'd thought the strangers had no idea. A wave of stupidity, prickling with humiliation, washed over them. Their eyes felt hot.
The hero swore under their threat.
"I'm going to kill them." Possessiveness threaded low and heated through the villain's voice.
"I don't need you to do that."
"I know. It will be my absolute pleasure." The villain grabbed the hero's arm again as the took a step and stumbled. "They shouldn't-"
The hero could feel themselves beginning to shake, a myriad emotions welling up inside them, threatening to explode, as they listened to the villain's insistence that really no one else should be allowed to touch what was theirs.
"I said, I don't fucking need you to do that."
The villain went quiet. Still.
The hero closed their eyes again, already regretting their sharpness. A treacherous tear rolled down their cheek. Christ. That was all they needed, wasn't it? Cherry, meet the top of the garbage pile. They swiped furiously at their face and didn't say sorry. They couldn't say sorry. They'd never stop, they were sure of it.
"What do you need?" the villain asked.
The hero glanced up at them, startled.
It wasn't that the possessiveness was gone from the villain's face, only that the burning of it had finally cleared enough for the hero to see what lay beneath it.
The care, the sincerity, in the villain's question felt like a knockout blow. They didn't know what to do with it. They had no armour for it, no shield.
"What do you need?" the villain asked again, softer, when the hero said nothing. Their other hand rose, cupping the hero's cheek. "You want me to get you home? Your leg's screwed. You can't walk."
"I can walk." The hero looked down at their leg. They could...well, it wouldn't be fun walking. They eyed the villain. "Seriously?"
"Well, I'd prefer to hunt the bastards down and kill them, but I also do an incredible taxi service, yeah."
"Thank you."
The villain looked almost as uncomfortable as the hero felt. They shrugged. Their jaw worked, eyes narrowing when they caught sight of the hero's injuries again. The hero could feel the villain's fingers flexing against their skin with barely leashed violence - and, yet. It was leashed.
The villain dropped their hand.
"My car is this way. Can you - can I - I can help you get there. If I'm allowed."
"You're asking permission to touch me?"
The villain glared at them.
Despite everything, the hero managed a weak smile back. "Yeah," they said. "You're allowed."
The villain nodded, wrapping an arm around the hero, before pulling them up into an unexpected bridal carry. They were strong. All lean muscle and warmth against the hero's frozen body.
"I'm going to get blood on you," the hero said.
"Because nobody has ever bled on me before ever."
The hero huffed.
They let the villain walk them out of the alleyway, brain still sluggishly working its way through all of the implications of the villain's sudden appearance.
They'd come running when - what? When they learned the hero was in trouble? When they learned that the hero wasn't fighting back to the full extent they were capable of?
Thoughts were hard and the villain's car was warm, the heating soon on full blast.
Thank you. It welled in their throat again. The hero choked on it.
They didn't think they'd ever been as well looked after as they were that week.
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kcwriter-blog · 2 months
I've been thinking about how we the players know so little about Solas compared to what the writers and developers know about him and how that affects the way he is written.
I mean we know he is an ancient elf. We know he was powerful enough and skilled enough to create the Veil. We know he and Mythal were friends. He doesn't seem to have liked Andruil and Falon'Din much. Skyhold belonged to him. He removed vallislin. He tried to free slaves. He had kind of an underground railroad thing going. He seems to have had a lot of money secreted away. He painted even back in Arlathan. A lot of statues seem to have been made of him. People in the Vir Dirthara knew he created the Veil but were surprised that he would do something like that. He seems to have always had an affinity for the Fade and spirits. He enjoyed whatever version of the Game nobles in Arlathan played. He was cocky and hot blooded, always spoiling for a fight. He is capable of love and friendship.
I think that's all and it really isn't much. Everything else anyone says about him is pure speculation. It makes meta fun but its easy to get too caught up in our own ideas.
We speculate about him based on things we learn from his personal quests and what we see in Trespasser but we don't know anything for sure. Was he a slave? Was he a spirit called out of the Fade by Mythal and given a body? Did he manifest a body like Cole? Was he just a normal elf born in a small village to the north? Was he a noble and privileged or did he work his way up? Did he join the fight against the Titans? Was he a genius who theorized that the waking world and Fade could be separated? Did he use untried magic because his back was against the wall and he couldn't think of any other way to save the world? Was he a friend of the Evanuris so they trusted him enough to fall into his trap? Was he one of them?
So many questions. The writers have tried to portray him sympathetically. They want us to empathize with him. And I have to ask myself why? He is one of the antagonists. Wouldn't it be easier to portray him as not having any redeeming qualities? And yet, he is basically described as the hero who lived long enough to become the villain.
I know his detractors believe he is a genocidal, racist maniac but that doesn’t track with everything we learn about him as high approval or romanced Inquisitors. It certainly isn’t born out by his statement that he is doing his best to minimize the damage.
He truly believes what he is doing is best for the world and is willing to break it and remake it. What does he know? But more importantly, what do the writers know? Fen' Harel has existed since Origins. Devs have always planned for him to make an appearance. That means the valleslin has always been a mark of slavery even if the Dalish didn't know. The Creators have always been horrible, slave owners even if the Dalish don't remember. Which means Solas has always been the rebel fighting for what he believes is right.
Why do the writers see him not so much as the villain (although Epler uses that word constantly - he is usually the only one though) as they do a somewhat noble person who keeps making mistakes? Why is he portrayed as just a sad man who can't see past his regret and guilt. What was he like? What changed him? What did he know about the Veil before he put it up?
I get that a lot of people don't like the idea of being tied to him in Veilguard but maybe the writers did that so we have no choice but to get to know him - the good and the bad. Maybe we finally get to know Solas the way the writers and developers know him. I'm looking forward to that.
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pendarling · 2 months
New Bed
Sidekick's eyes were drawn to the way Hero's room was left a mess. Their bed in particular, centered fashionably.
"You got a new bed?" Sidekick looked at the room across the hall.
Hero shuffled through the papers in front of them on the kitchen table. "Oh, yeah… I forgot to tell you…" Hero trailed off and awkwardly cleared his throat, "Anyway--"
"It's weird cause didn't you just get the last bed three days ago?"
Hero fixed their hair, "I uhh… didn't like it." They mumbled and pushed the conversation back again. "So, about the institution, do we know anything about it?"
"Hm?" Sidekick turned in their seat and looked at them, "Oh, right, right. What we are looking at is actually a branch that operates separately from the institution itself, although it does still recieve benefits."
Hero's mind wandered off as Sidekick kicked back into gear, finding themselves lost in their mind.
The bed was supposed to last longer than that, but when Villain… their face began to burn at the thought. They always told Villain to be careful not to make noise. Villain had an entirely different thought process in regards to being discreet about their nightly visits; it was driving them insane, yet at the same time, their heart couldn't settle down at all. They hoped the next time they'd indulge in their activities, Villain would take this as an example.
Sidekick seemed to have believed their lie and let it go this time, but a second time would definitely stir up some suspicions.
"Right around this time is shift change, probably our only chance I suppose." Sidekick turned to them, "Wow, you look really feverish right now. Are you sure you're up for this?" They tilted their head.
Hero waved at their face, trying to get rid of the blush powdered across their cheeks, "Yeah! yeah, I'm alright, just a little hot in here, that's all. So about the shift change, we should do that!"
"Intercept them during shift change?"
"Okay," Sidekick cleaned up the papers scattered all over and piled them together. "I'm going to take these with me. We will get our mission done tomorrow."
Hero shook their hand as they made for the door and watched Sidekick take their leave.
It was a close one, they almost had asked too many questions for them to answer.
Hero sauntered back into their room after getting ready for bed; they lightly pressed down on the mattress, almost too afraid that the bedframe might collapse and give way underneath them again.
They tentatively sat on the edge, smoothing the wrinkles of the brand-new sheets. Villain insisted that their bed was too small anyway, but it wasn't like Hero bought it with the intention of inviting someone into it, too. So it was only a little overwhelming to see something so nice in their room.
A soft knock interrupted their thoughts; Hero turned around and caught sight of a shadow at their window. It was Villain, as expected; they didn't think they could stay away for too long.
Hero pulled up the window and let them walk inside, "How's my favourite person doing?"
"Villain!" Hero harshly whispered and shut the window's curtains, "You know you can't keep coming back here, what if someone sees us."
"All the better," They straightened their windbreaker, "I like having an audience."
"That's not what I meant. Sidekick's already suspicious at why I have another bed, and I don't think I'm able to come up with anymore excuses if you break it again."
"Hey, it was your fault, too." Villain chuckled and grasped at their hips, "Harder, harder!~" They mocked, "I was just doing as you asked, my love." They pecked at their forehead.
Hero blushed and covered their face, "Oh my God."
Villain laughed at their embarrassment and made their way to the bed, "At least it's nice," Their hands beckoned them over. Hero sat beside them as Villain tested its durability, "See, we don't need to be so cautious anymore." Their hands came up to trail against Hero's jawline and up into their hair.
"Thanks for the bed." They leaned in and kissed Villain. "I really appreciate it."
Villain's arm slithered around their waist, pulling them closer for another kiss. They smiled into it as they held onto their lips for a little longer until Hero pulled away, "Are you trying to stop me from waking up tomorrow morning?"
"Just a little more." They whispered closely into their mouth, just barely teasing around the curves of their lips with their tongue.
"You can't stay here," They softly spoke, yet their lips stayed glued onto each other.
Villain hummed with agreement, partially lost in the intimacy. A few seconds went by before they pulled apart again. "Alright. I'm leaving now." Villain sighed as they stood up and glanced back at Hero, who followed them to the window. "Enjoy your new bed while it lasts." They called as they exited the building.
Hero nodded, "I will, goodnight, Villain."
"Goodnight, dear."
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer, @yuki-0710, @silky-worm, @theforeverdyingperson, @rainbow-nesquix, @m4iloblu3, @prophecies-bestowed-upon-ye,
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mossdogs · 3 months
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my takes on the clones (+ scudworth and mr b) in the future :)
yapping under the cut
joan works as a director on her experimental arthouse films, which she shows at festivals. even though they aren't very successful, they managed to attract a few niche audiences. when she isn't working on her movies, she makes ends meet at hot topic. in senior year of high school, she and confucius decided to try things again, and both got married a few decades later (oh and also, she got her psylly legs cured!)
abe got a degree in history and works as a high school history teacher. he tried to get into law school in an attempt to live up to his clonefather but dropped out as soon as he realized that it wasn't for him. he gained a lot more confidence that his teen self, and even fixed his posture (would you look at that!)
jfk was at his peak when he played college football, managing to get into a few amateur yet prestigious leagues. now he works as a coach to younger (and sometimes irritatingly inexperienced) teams. he moved with abe to big city usa after they got married.
cleo began working as a model taking advantage of the fact that she's a clone of queen cleopatra (although people don't think it's literal). she went through a few plastic surgeries because she couldn't bear the thought of aging, even if they aren't that noticeable (still). she goes as far as dyeing her hair at least twice a week (grey hairs are for ugly old people, which she isn't!) and follows the same skincare routine she did as a teen, hence why she looks like she hasn't aged that much.
gandhi got thawed out approximately 30 years after the others did when one of the janitors accidentally broke the thermostat of the meat locker. if adapting to the 2020's was hard for the clones then 2053 is no easy task either. what happens after he gets out? i have no idea
harriet was an actress in a few plays for a while and even got to stage twister: the game: the musical at a local theatre, which recieved mixed reviews but got people talking for a while nonetheless. she lost touch with pretty much everybody else except for joan and frida: the three still hang out whenever they can.
confucius pretty much had his whole life sorted out after graduation: he was going to enjoy his foster parents' fortune and not go to college. however, his plans quickly went south when jernice and archibald were tragically mauled by a bear while attempting to hunt it, leaving their inheritance to confucius' foster sister. he works as a computer technician and sometimes helps his wife with her films. he occasionally phones jfk to chat for a bit, since the two remained pretty close.
frida went to art school and works as a painter, doing commissions and selling her art. she had a band on her youth with her college friends, where she was the lead singer and guitarist. after she and cleo moved out from exclamation, they adopted two cats and a xoloitzcuintle dog named señor xólotl, who is like a child to them
topher and the bleacher creatures became incredibly popular after cloney island was destroyed, given that villain village was a success. they received offers to perform in movies, series and attend interviews: people were fascinated by them. their fame was quickly cut short when a brand new, much better texas themed park was build where cloney island once was a few years later, stealing all the attention from them. topher now works as a janitor in clone high. when he isn't removing gum from under tables or unclogging toilet pipes, he spends time on his computer accompanied by his four therapy possums. he still hangs out with the bleacher creatures and they all make the lives of the most insufferable students miserable, just to lighten up his work a bit. some students who were littering reported snakes coming out of their lockers and biting them, and they never knew why.
scudworth and mr b live in a retirement home. the only one who visits them is joan, who sometimes phones or visits them whenever she's in town. because of this, scudworth has developed some resignation towards the others, which he spills out to mr b on an almost daily basis. despite this, deep down he misses them a lot and wishes he could see them.
the first pic's quality is dogshit on mobile for some reason so here's some closeups:
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mysicklove · 1 year
you ask for a thirst?, I shall deliver. this is something I've thought about but I don't know if it's good enough for a fic.. pro-hero!kirishima, who has a worker (like an assistant, fem!reader) who whenever he does something well (idk defeats a powerful villain, or something along the lines) rewards him by fucking him.
No this is such a good idea. I swear that makes so much sense with his character. I was going to make this a drabble but one thing led to another…
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Paring: Sub! Top! Pro-Hero Kirishima x Dom! Bottom! Female! Assistant reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Oral (fem receiving), vaginal penetration, multiple orgasms, teasing lol
A/N: This low-key isn't hot, its more fun and cute. I feel like hot-very serious sex is not Kirishimas thing, but also idk what im talking about. I also head cannon him to have a VERY high stamina so lololol
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In the beginning, you would make small positive regards on well he did in battle. As his personal assistant, it wasn't unheard of to praise your boss. But then you slowly became more confident when you noticed how positively he reacted. You switched to running your fingers down his biceps and fluttering your lashes at him, while you called him “big” and “strong.” This was the first time you saw him get hard. You kept it to yourself.
You realized he had a crush on you not long later. Watched him come racing to your desk to tell you about his missions. Watched him squirm and falter whenever you got too close to him. And finally watched his crumble under you when you first sucked him off.
But you have never fucked. He was desperate for it at this point and you hung it over his head. It was adorable watching him slowly get pent-up and frustrated. But he never complained.
So you couldn't help but tease him just a tad.
He races out of his desk when he got the call from Pinky. On his way out he sees you, sitting at your desk sucking on a lollipop. He forces himself to tear his gaze away from your lips, that oh just recently was around him, so that he could continue walking.
You on the other hand, rest your head on your hand and grin up at him, before taking the lollipop out of your mouth. “Make sure to be a good boy and catch that villain, maybe you’ll get a nice reward when you come back,” You call and he froze mid-step to turn back to you.
His face turns red and he brings his hands up to play with his face gear in embarrassment. “What type of reward? Do you mean…Do you really…Wait–Stop it! I have to go! I’ll come back, I promise, please wait for me, I’ll be good!” And with that he quickly runs away from you leaving you with a small smirk, loving the way you make the pro hero flustered.
The villain was hard to catch. Simply for one, his quirk was strong, and two, Eijiro could not stay focused. Your voice and that goddamn lollipop could not leave his head and the idea of reward? It was too much for him.
So, when Dynamite grabs the villain, Eijiro manages to scamper away and sprint back to his office. He ignored the raised eyebrow from Pinky, who is confused due to the fact that he always stays around just to make sure nothing happens. They failed to understand that he has somewhere to be!
He rushes over to his office and sees you sitting on his desk, legs crossed, and playing with his Red Riot nameplate. He tries to calm his rapid breaths from the run, so he doesn’t look too desperate, but it fails, and you smirk at him.
He gulps. He is your boss, why the hell is he getting so flustered around you?
“Cmere Mr. Red Riot,” You purr and he jumps. He loves it when you call him that. The two of you have been working together for a while, and he assured you to call him Kirishima, but now at this very moment, he regrets asking you that. Because why the hell does his hero name sound so sexy when it falls from your lips?
He quickly shuts and locks the door before following your command. He stands in front of you and has to look down to make eye contact with you. He towers over you in this position. “Can I have, uh, have my reward now? The villain…He is in jail.” You begin to run your fingers over his bare chest, slightly glistening with sweat. He shudders.
“Was my strong pro-hero doing a good job protecting the city?” You purr as you trace a circle around one of his nipples.
He nods his head rapidly but winces when you pinch the nub lightly. “Y-Yeah! I was good like you said!”
You smile warmly and he looks away with a small blush. “That's great. Good job. What would you like as a reward? I can schedule you a couple of days off from work–I mean you definitely deserve a vacation”
His eyes snap back toward yours in confusion. He leans forward and rests his head on your shoulder. “Don't tease me. You know what I want,” He whines and you grin.
“I can't read minds. You gotta tell me, Red.” Another nickname he adores so much. Probably even more than Red Riot, due to the fact you used it when you gave him head last time.
“Wanna fuck you.” You giggle lightly at the comment and he blushes even more. Then, he mumbles out, “Please?”
You lean forward and begin to press light kisses on his torso and he sighs. “Take off your clothes, love. Is the door locked?” You murmur and he nods his head. “Good boy.” He looks away with a wobbly smile. Then, he begins to undress.
Now, he stands in front of you, completely bare, contrasting your fully clothed self. He can't bear to look at you, he's too embarrassed. His fists clench at his side, waiting for your command.
You slip off your small cardigan and then shimmy your mini skirt off. He watches eagerly, trying his best to not get too hard. Then, you begin to fake struggle with your buttons and look up at him with a pout. “Do you, um, need help Y/N?”
You smile at him. “Would you?” He gulps but nods. He takes a step closer to you and with shaky fingers he begins to take off your shirt, button by button. He holds his hands on your waist as he stares at your now bare breasts. You weren't wearing a bra. He was hard.
You grab his chin and press your lips to his. He moans into it and kisses you back with such intensity, you have to slightly lean back. You fall backward on his desk and he leans over you, elbows leaning next to your head. You feel his cock brush against your panties and gasp.
He begins to kiss your neck and moves down your body. “Been waiting for this. For so long,” He murmurs against your skin, looking up at you with doe eyes.
“Yeah? Ever since I gave you that blowjob?” He licks your stomach and smiles.
“Ever since the first day you complimented me.”
“So desperate,” You tease and he huffs, gently nipping at the skin beneath him.
“But I didn't say anything! Didnt, want to make you uncomfortable!”
“I know. You're so cute.” He blushes again and falters. It's one of those compliments he can't help but blush at. His whole life he tried to be manly and somehow he is reduced to being “cute” to you. It made him feel strange, but good. “Want you to eat me out, can you do that for me, Red?”
He was buzzing with excitement. He has been waiting patiently for you to allow him to return the favor. “Y-Yeah! Thank you.” You laugh lightly at his politeness.
He tears himself from the desk and kneels in front of your clothed pussy. He grabs the lacey underwear and pulls it down, exposing you completely. He stares at it, admiring it with blown pupils. He doesn't know where to start. His throbbing cock was distracting him. “Taking your sweet time down there aren't ya? Need any help?”
He grips your hips and pulls you forward onto his mouth. You gasp. His arms wrap around the back of your thighs and he traps you in his hold. He laps and suckles like a starved man.
Your head falls back against the desk and you arch your back slightly. One of your hands falls on his red hair and grips it. “Doing so well for me. Making me f-feel so good.” His moans come out muffled.
He begins to hump the air and his eyes begin to water with his lack of air. Drool and other juices begin to drip down his chin and his red eyes don't leave yours. He feels a sense of pride when he watches you come undone. It makes me feel like he is needed.
He unbelievably was messy. The noises that came from below were lewd and if anyone pressed their ear against the door, they would definitely know exactly what was happening. Eijiros flushed and wet face didn't help your case.
“Fuck! Going to cum. Dont, stop!” You moan as your body begins to contract. Eijiro nods against you and whines softly when you tug his hair. He grabs your hips and pressed them even closer to his face and your mouth goes open in a silent moan, and you tremble against him.
When you come down Eijiro doesn't seem to get the hint. In fact, with the added juices he seems to lap at your cunt even harder. “Enough Kirishima.”
He pulls away immediately at the command with a dazed look. Unknown liquids drip from his face and his eyes furrow. “Red,” He reminds and you roll your eyes with a smile, before bracing yourself on your elbows.
“Yeah, yeah. Red. Now tell me Red, do you want me to suck you off or do you want to fuck me?” He sits on his knees and thinks for a minute. You grab a tissue from his desk and lean forward to wipe his drenched mouth. He smiles wide, showing his pointy teeth and you laugh.
“Fuck me.” He sighs dreamily and you hold back a laugh. “I mean you. Fuck you. Not fuck you as in “Fuck you!” like I want to fu–”
“Okay yeah, I got it. Cmere.” He nods his head, ears burning red, and leans back over you. He kisses you again and you can taste yourself. He thrusts his tongue into your mouth with a moan. You feel his throbbing cock on your thigh, so you pull away and glance down.
It's huge. Red and throbbing. Drops of pre drip from it and onto your thigh. When you turn your gaze back to the man in front of you, you hold back a coo. You swear he is giving you puppy dog eyes. “Well? Put it in.”
“I can? For real now?” If he was a puppy, his tail would be wagging frantically. But he wasn't and you were getting impatient.
“Yeah, if you put it in before I dry up.”
“Sorry! Just excited!” You laugh as he lines up his cock, his face bright red. With one quick, but hard thrust, he is in and the two of you moan. His mouth grazes against yours and he looks at you with lidded eyes when he slowly begins to start moving his hips. Your legs wrap around his hips and he sighs.
“Mhmmm feels good,” he mumbles. You nod your head and his hips begin to go quicker and stronger. He pulls himself away from you to stand fully up. He grabs your hips and continues to ram his cock into you. “Been thinking about this forever,” He whines and your smile, and squeeze your eyes shut when he hits that spot.
“Yeah?” You say, knowing he already told you this earlier. It was cute though.
“Yeah! I-I kept thinking about it today. Oh god! Got distracted earlier.” He groans and presses a kiss to your leg. You grip the edge of the desk as your body continues to move up and down on the desk from the force of his thrusts.
You try to stay composed, but it's a lot harder now. “Aw, Pro-Hero couldn't stop thinking about fucking his assistant? You're so lewd, Red Riot. What would the fans think?” He whines and his blush flares at your teasing tone. He loves it. Loves how condescending and pitying you sound, it makes him feel dumb.
He flips you over and your eyes widen as your chest now touches the cool desk. He brings your hips back so that they fall over the edge of the desk and then pushes his body on top of yours, chest to your back. His much larger frame covers you completely as he rests his elbows on the table next to your head so he doesn't crush you. “Can't help it!” He finishes, acting like he didn't just switch positions so rapidly.
Lewd smacks and grunts fill the air and the two of you pant. Eijiro hasn't stopped talking, constantly chanting out praises and whines. His rough pace never slowed down and you have already came. His stamina was unbelievable, you barely could keep up with him.
“Oh no. No no no. I'm going to cum–Not yet! It can't end yet!” Even in your exhausted state, you laugh and then whine.
“S-So dramatic. We can go again love. A-And when you get back from your missions!” The last part comes out shaky and your eyes slightly roll back.
Either from your words or his upcoming orgasm, he was going even faster. “Will you reward me every time? Please, please, please! I'll continue being good, I promise!” He flips you over and you are looking back into his eyes. Desperation leaks from his face, for whatever reason afraid of you saying no.
You shakily reach a handout cup on his cheek, and he leans into your palm immediately. Sweat and lose tears fall from his face and onto yours. “Of course. Now, be good and cum for me, Red.”
He nods his head rapidly and whines into your neck. “I'm cumming. Thank you! Thank you! Oh fuck.” His hips stutter and he cums in you with one last high-pitched moan.
The hero half collapses on you, now only one arm to brace himself up. You pet his head affectionately.
He turns to you, eyes half-lidded and grinning with an after-sex glow. “Round two?”
There is a knock at the door and the two of you freeze. “Mr. Red Riot, you have a meeting in five minutes. Oh and if you see Ms. L/N, please let me know!”
He looks at you with those puppy dog eyes again. “Do I have to go?” He whispers into your neck and you laugh, before pushing his sweaty body off of you.
“Go, you horny bastard.”
“Will I get another reward if I do?” He grins and you pinch the bridge of your nose. He doesn't leave until you agree.
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bro-atz · 1 year
absence makes the heart break
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in which: san broke your heart when he suddenly left you, and just when you've finally moved on, he reappears in your life in a way you couldn't even fathom in your wildest dreams
pair: san/afab!reader (ft. wooyoung/afab!reader)
word count: 8k
content: a lot of angst, fluff, a lot of smut, break up sex, one last time sex, romantic sex, taboo sex, sofa/couch sex x2???, raw sex x3??? (remember to wrap up irl pls), heart break, opportunistic infidelity, love triangle???, completely consensual!
author's note: tbh i'm definitely evil for writing this, but i'm in my villain era so let's break some hearts hehe... i og just wanted this to be a "the one that got away" trope, and then my fingers just took me on a wildly different journey, so here we are... don't kill me pls and thx ily xoxo thank you choy @chokchokk for the idea hehe
tag list: @k-hotchoisan apply for the permanent taglist here!
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You and San had been dating for two years— the two of you met right after graduating from college and clicked almost immediately. After one year of dating, he moved into your place, and after two years, things changed suddenly.
You got home from work one day to see all of San’s suitcases by the door. You looked around and saw that pretty much all of his personal belongings were no longer in their spots. You stared at the place in shock— what the fuck was going on? There weren’t any problems in your relationship that you could think of, and San didn’t show any signs that he was unhappy in the relationship. The two of you even talked about having a kid for crying out loud.
“San?” you called out into the apartment. “What’s going on?”
There was no response. You walked around the apartment and looked for him, only to find him in the bedroom. He turned to look at you, and you immediately saw his red, teary eyes. He had been crying.
“Y/N, you’re home early,” he said softly.
“San, what the hell is going on? Why are all of your things by the door?” you asked, your own voice starting to waver.
“I don’t think I can do this anymore… I think we should break up.”
“W-what? San, I don’t understand—”
“I wrote it all in the letter…” San stated as he pointed to the letter on the bed. “I didn’t think you’d come home so soon. I was hoping to slip out while you were at work.”
“I have to go home for a while. I don’t know how long, and there’s a lot of things I have to work through, so I don’t feel right being in a relationship where I can’t give you the attention you deserve. I’m sorry, Y/N…”
“Sannie, I can help you! That’s what relationships are all about—”
“No, you can’t. You have a life here, Y/N. I can’t just expect you to drop everything just to be with me… Even if we try long distance, I know that you can be there for me, but I won’t be able to be there for you. You deserve to be with someone who can reciprocate, and that person is just not me right now.”
San walked past you and out of the bedroom, but you caught his arm before he could go any further. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks as his back faced you.
“San,” you cried. “Don’t do this… Please… I love you so much. Don’t break up with me.”
You hugged San from behind. At first, he was motionless, but he eventually turned in your arms and hugged you back. He hugged you tightly and dropped his head, his lips by your ear. You heard his voice crack slightly as he whispered, “I love you, too, Y/N. I love you so, so, so much…”
“We don’t have to break up,” you mumbled into his chest. You leaned back and looked into his eyes as you said, “Let me be there for you. We’ll go through it together, and I promise I’ll be there for you even if you can’t be there for me. We can make it work! I’ll just come visit you in your hometown every other weekend.”
“But that’s not fair to you, Y/N… You’d be putting in so much effort, and I wouldn’t be able to do that at all. Then, you’d grow to resent me for not putting more effort into our relationship. I’d rather break up with you now because I can’t stand the idea of you breaking up with me because you hate me.”
“I won’t hate you, San. I love you. I will always love you… We don’t know how the future will turn out! I’d rather stay together and be hopeful.”
“Y/N, I have to go, and I don’t know how long I’ll have to be gone for…” He pulled himself out of your embrace. He cupped your cheeks and wiped the tears staining your cheeks. “This is how it has to be.”
You place your hands over his and hold onto him. When he moved his hands away from your face, you immediately held onto his shoulders and pulled him, your lips meeting his. Your hand rested on the back of his neck and on his shoulder as you kissed him passionately, tears still rolling down your cheeks. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into him. The two of you kissed and held onto each other desperately as you re-entered the bedroom.
San sat on the bed while you straddled him. You ran your fingers through his hair and clutched his roots as you felt his tongue dive further into your mouth. His fingers slipped under your blouse and held onto your waist, his cold fingers sending goosebumps down your spine. When his nails brushed past the small of your back to move to your bra and unhook it, you moved closer to him, a muffled moan leaving your lungs. San released your lips, a thin string of saliva connecting your tongues. The string broke when San moved his head down, his nose brushing against your jaw as he targeted the skin on your neck. You leaned your head backwards as breathy moans escaped your body.
You gripped the collar of San’s sweater and pulled upwards, indicating to San that you wanted him to start stripping. He moved away from you slightly to do so, messing up his hair and revealing a white tank top, which he promptly removed to reveal his defined chest and broad shoulders. Even with his messy hair covering his eyes, you could still see the sorrow in them. His lips were slightly parted as he looked up at you, practically begging you to kiss him; and when you brought your lips to his, he kissed you passionately and desperately, which you loved but at the same time did not want him to do so because it meant that he really was going to leave.
San helped you out of your blouse and pulled your bra off almost immediately so his hands could cup your breasts. He planted his lips on one of your breasts and sucked hard, making you hold onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin as his teeth nibbled on your nipple. You gasped loudly when his fingers tugged on your other nipple.
While San got busy with your breasts, turning you on to the max, you unconsciously gyrated your hips on his lap. Your panties were getting incredibly wet, and San was getting harder by the second, making you grind on him even more. San moaned lightly when you pushed your waist against his, his hands moving from your breasts to your ass. He sucked your other breast while slipping his fingers past the waistband of your pants then sliding your pants downwards.
Wordlessly, the two of you removed your pants when you stood up for a brief moment. The second the two of you were completely naked, you straddled him once more, his dick pressing against your clit and stomach. Neither of you said a single word as you held his dick delicately in your hands, adjusting the both of you before sitting down, his cock filling you up. San’s hands held onto your ass as you began to move, his hands assisting you. You moved slowly at first, allowing you to lock lips with the man you loved.
Whimpers, moans, and groans echoed in the room the more you bounced on San’s dick. At some point, he leaned backwards, his back pressing against the bed. Your chest pressed against his as you continued to fuck him, his hips bucking upwards to thrust his penis further and harder into you. You gasped and bit back cries as you felt him rub against your g-spot repeatedly, bringing you to orgasm. Shortly after, you heard San grunt loudly as he slammed your waist against his, his cock trembling inside you as he came. He remained inside you as the two of you rested and caught your breath.
That moment lasted only seconds before San turned you over so that your back was pressed against the bed. He moved your legs upwards so that your calves rested on his shoulders, his dick still deep inside you. He moved slowly and gently at first, and he was still sitting upright. You held your arms out for him, and he lowered himself, your hands immediately moving to hold the back of his neck so you could get yet another taste of his sweet lips. He moved to his elbows while you wrapped your legs around his waist, allowing him to move faster and harder.
San kept up a slower tempo at first, but he slammed his waist into yours repeatedly, your ass stinging a little because of the impact. The pain immediately subsided the more you kissed him, though, until you felt a tear slip out of your eye. San lips left yours as he moved upwards slightly, the two of you gazing at each other. San’s eyes were also misty from what you saw. More tears slipped out of your eyes the longer you stared at San’s face. He wiped the tears from your eyes, but that didn’t stop you from crying, which made him start crying, too. You felt one of his tears land on your cheek, but before any more could fall, he moved back and sped up his thrusts exponentially, quickly bringing you to orgasm, but you were only able to squirt properly after San came again and pulled out, both your arousal fluid and San’s cum leaking out of your pussy.
With a light exhale, San laid down on the bed next to you. He laid his arm out so you could use his arm as a pillow, his other hand cupping your face and wiping tears from your cheek.
“Angel,” San whispered, making you cry all over again because that was the first time all day he had called you by his nickname for you. “Angel, please don’t cry.”
“How can I not cry when you’re going to leave me?” you whispered while crying. “You’re the love of my life, Sannie. I don’t want to break up. Let’s stay together… You do what you need to do, but still be my love, please…”
“Please, San. Please.”
San let out a sad exhale. He sat up and said, “Let’s get cleaned up first, okay?”
You nodded slowly and sat up with his assistance. The two of you went to the bathroom and took a shower together, but while usually you two would indulge in shower sex, you couldn’t bring yourself to even look him in the eye. He scrubbed you and himself down as you stood somewhat motionless. Neither of you said a word.
After toweling off and tossing the soiled sheets into the hamper, you and San got into bed. You held onto him tightly in fear that he was going to leave if you didn’t. He pet your hair and left soft kisses all over your face, but you didn’t respond to that because you knew that was him trying to say goodbye. You moved your head down and pressed it against his chest, not allowing him to kiss your face at that point. He settled for pressing his lips lightly against the top of your head before burying his nose in your hair.
“Angel, how about this,” he said quietly. “I won’t leave until the morning, okay?”
You didn’t want him to leave at all. You remained quiet as you thought about his proposition.
“I’ll stay here tonight and sleep with you, then I’ll leave in the morning.”
If he was going to leave in the morning, maybe you could wake up before him and keep him from leaving by hiding his things or just latching onto him and not letting go.
“Okay,” you accepted. “I love you so much, my San.”
San kissed the top of your head once more before resting his chin on your head and hugging you closer. “I love you, too, my angel… My Y/N.”
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You woke up to an extremely cold bed. You immediately sat up and looked around. San was not in the bedroom. You leapt out of bed and ran to the front door to see that all of his suitcases were no longer there.
“San?” you called out into the empty apartment. “San?!”
No response. You ran through the apartment searching for him, but there wasn’t a single trace of him anywhere. You fell to your knees and bawled. San really did leave.
Little did you know, San was standing in front of the apartment still. If you had just opened the front door, you would have been able to catch him, but you didn’t know that. San pressed his head against the door as he heard you wailing his name, tears falling rapidly from his eyes, and he continued to cry the whole way back to his hometown.
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The following days, weeks, months, you texted San everyday— good morning texts, good night texts, happy holiday, happy birthday, and many, many, many “I love you”s and “I miss you”s; and no matter how much you texted him, you never got a single reply from him. You tried for a year. You even tried to find his hometown so you could get him back by going in person, but you didn’t know where or how to find his hometown. His friends were no help, too. He ghosted them as well. He ghosted everyone.
You wanted to wait for San. You knew that he would come back to you at some point and that you would be able to live your happily ever after with him. But, you didn’t know how long he was going to take. You didn’t know if he ever would show up again.
The thought of growing old and dying alone scared you. You didn’t want to be alone. You wanted someone to love you and be there for you— and that’s when you finally understood what San was saying. You were so lonely without him, and if the two of you were still dating, he still wouldn’t be able to be there for you when you needed him to. So, after one year of waiting for him, you gave up. You couldn’t wait for him any longer; you couldn’t be alone any longer.
You distracted yourself to the best of your ability. You spent more time at work, working well into the night despite the fact that you really didn’t need to. You hung out with your friends often, but you couldn’t keep that up for long because your friends were in their own relationships, and their romantic relationships were more important (and you didn’t blame them because you were the same when you were dating San).
One weekend morning, you went on a walk. Your mind was blank— you spent the entire night before just crying about San and looking at old pictures of the two of you, his favorite movie playing in the background. So, in the morning, you were a zombie. You woke up to see that it was still dark out, but the sun was starting to come up. Your body moved before your mind could process, and you were outside waiting for the sunrise.
You were walking along the sidewalk on a bridge, and you stopped right in the middle of the bridge to look at the horizon. There were a few runners and cyclists and elders out to enjoy the air before the day truly started, and they continued to pass you as you waited for the sun.
A man out on a jog ran past you, only to stop dead in his tracks. He looked over his shoulder and saw you. The sky was bathed in shades of orange and pink, and you looked so beautiful among it. The wind was in your hair, your lips were slightly parted, and you were just staring out at the scenery in front of you while the man stared at the scenery before him.
When you ran your fingers through your hair to brush it back, he saw your eyes. Your eyes were red and puffy, and they were still filled with sadness. You were leaning a little too far over the railing, which also scared the shit out of him. He walked towards you and leaned onto the railing himself, startling you slightly, which made you take a step away from the railing.
“Hi,” he said with a beautiful smile.
He turned his head and looked at the rising sun. He continued to look into the distance as he spoke.
“The sunrise is gorgeous, isn’t it?”
“Yeah… It is…”
“Did you know sunrises and sunsets are brighter after a rainstorm?”
He looked at you, and you shook your head in response— you didn’t know that. He turned his head back to the sky and looked at the universe with a smile. You stared at his side profile. He was handsome, and he looked so beautiful and radiant in the colors of the sunrise. It was as if the sun rose just for him.
“Rainstorms clear up the sky, so the colors are more vibrant because of the clear sky. Sometimes, it needs to rain so the colors can pop and be more lovely,” he explained. Then, he broke into a wide grin and looked at you again, his eyes turning into crescents. “Nature works in beautiful ways. It’s amazing.”
You were speechless. You stood and stared at the man and took in all of his beauty. Nature did work in beautiful ways because it created the sparkling, lovely person in front of you. His smile got softer as he turned to face you. He held his hand out and introduced himself.
“I’m Jung Wooyoung.”
You took his hand.
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You fell for Wooyoung. You fell hard. Every single moment with him was bright and happy, and you completely forgot about your heartbreak as you spent more and more time with him. You would go on cute dates like in the park or at the movie theatre— and the two of you would go movie hopping until you got kicked out— or to get ice cream or to an amusement park, but he would also take you to ultra fancy restaurants and rooftop bars and speakeasies. He was such a man of duality, having the cutest and most fun personality while also being a successful president of a company, but you loved it. You loved him.
One year flew by. In that one year, Wooyoung asked you to move in with him, and you did. Living with him was chaotic, but you expected that at the least because Wooyoung was chaotic and unpredictable, but always in a good way. You didn’t know how he was going to surprise you or make you laugh next.
On the second year anniversary of the first time the two of you met, you woke up to Wooyoung shaking you at five in the morning.
“Wooyoung, honey, I love you, but it is too early in the morning for this shit,” you grumbled as you turned in bed and pulled the blanket over your head.
“Please, pumpkin? Sweetie? Cutie? Baby? Lovely?” Wooyoung showered you with all the cute nicknames he had for you as he knelt by the side of the bed and kissed your face all over.
“Ugh, fine,” you complained, but you had the biggest smile on your face. “One of these days, your cute act is not going to work on me.”
“Well, today is not that day. So get up! Get dressed! Let’s go!”
“Get dressed?! At five in the morning?!” you were in complete disbelief.
“Believe me, you’ll be glad you did.”
Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you looked at what Wooyoung was wearing. He was wearing the button-up you loved most on him along with the tie and tie clip you got him for his birthday. So, you wore clothes to match his… At five in the fucking morning.
He held your hand as the two of you walked through the city, the streetlights illuminating your path. It was still very dark outside. The two of you walked all the way to a bridge— the bridge where you first met. Your heart raced. And once you saw his friend standing in the middle of the bridge with a camera, you immediately got a sense of what Wooyoung was going to do.
Right at the middle of the bridge as the sun started to rise, Wooyoung got down on one knee. He held your hand. He told you how much he loved you and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life showering you with that love because you were everything to him. You cried. He took out the wedding ring, and you said yes. He kissed you, the sky red, orange, and pink. The pictures of the two of you before the sunrise turned out beautiful and vibrant. Nature really did work in beautiful ways.
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You sat on the couch in the living room reading through one of the bridal magazines your friend lent to you. After Wooyoung proposed, he said he wanted to get married sooner rather than later, so you decided to get married on the day you first kissed, which was four months after the first time you met.
“Hi, baby,” Wooyoung greeted you with a kiss when he got home from work.
“Welcome home, honey,” you said in response, Wooyoung’s lips immediately pulling into a wide grin.
“God, I love when you say that. It makes me feel like we’re already married,” he giggled.
Wooyoung set his bag down in the kitchen before immediately joining you on the couch. He hugged your waist and nuzzled his nose into the nook of your neck before his eyes shifted to see the magazine.
“You’d look beautiful in that dress, and that dress, and that one, and that,” Wooyoung said as he flipped through the pages. “Honestly, Y/N, you’re already so beautiful normally. The dress would just be a complete knockout for me. Don’t wear one.”
“What, you want me to marry you naked?” you teased him.
Wooyoung’s face went red— he was definitely imagining it. “No, because I don’t want anyone else looking at you naked. Only me.”
You giggled and kissed his cheek lightly, but that wasn’t enough for your fiancé. He kissed your lips. A passionate kiss. One that made your fingers and toes tingle. His fingers got tangled in your hair as he gripped your roots tightly, his kisses getting more intense with every passing second. He took the magazine out of your hands and tossed it behind him somewhere, your hands free to hold onto his shirt so you could work on the buttons. His shirt fell to the ground, then yours, and your pants and underwear flew off your bodies in record time.
Wooyoung had you pinned to the black leather couch. His lips trailed along your exposed skin, leaving light pink marks in their wake. You sighed pleasurably when Wooyoung kissed your neck, his hands kneading your breasts simultaneously. You felt his knee press between your legs and rub subtly, stimulating your clit. Tiny gasps and moans escaped you the more he played with your body.
While you enjoyed his foreplay, you wanted more from him. Your arms wrapped around his body and pulled him closer, silently telling him to fuck you. There was a slight smirk on Wooyoung’s face as he positioned himself and slowly entered you, making you gasp loudly.
“Shit, you’re so tight, baby…” Wooyoung sharply inhaled as he pushed himself all the way in.
Wooyoung moved slowly at first, the friction between his cock and your cunt making electricity zap through your nerves. He kept moving at that steady pace of his, but his waist hit yours powerfully every time, and you loved it.
“Mmm, f-feels good,” you barely managed to say before biting your lower lip and narrowing your eyes slightly.
“Fuck, baby… You can’t make that kind of sexy face and expect me to stay calm,” Wooyoung grunted.
“T-then go wild, honey. Fuck me… H-harder!”
His hands held onto your waist firmly as his tempo sped up. You clung onto his veiny arms as you head went back, the pleasure insurmountable. You watched his jaw clench the harder he slapped his hips into yours, your entire body lurching every time he thrust into you. You felt yourself nearly your orgasm as he sped up and slowed down almost randomly, your body unable to keep up with the change in pace.
“I’m gonna cum!” you cried.
Wooyoung immediately pulled out and rushed his middle two fingers into you, his fingers curling and running against your G-spot rapidly, bringing you to orgasm intensely and loudly as you screamed his name.
Mere seconds after the high of your orgasm faded, Wooyoung carefully entered you again, and after about two thrusts, he fucked you fast. His hold on your thighs got firmer, and you could hear his breathing get rougher and faster.
“Baby,” Wooyoung said breathlessly. “Can I cum inside?”
“Fill me up, honey,” you pulled him down by his shoulders. You bit his earlobe gently before whispering, “Give me every last drop of you.”
That did it for him. With one final slam, Wooyoung moaned loudly as he released his entire load inside you, his cock twitching as his seed kept filling you. When he pulled out, his cum leaked out of you, and Wooyoung loved to see it.
Seconds later, Wooyoung cleaned you and the couch up before wrapping a throw blankets around the two of you. You sat in his lap and held onto his shoulder while combing your fingers through the hair on the back of his head. Meanwhile, he traced patterns along your waist and stomach as he told you, “This, this, this… All this. All for me. No one else gets to see it. Only me.”
He leaned into you and trailed his fingertips from the top of your forehead, down your nose, and to your lips.
“And these are exclusively mine. Forever.”
“I’m all yours forever, honey,” you agreed.
Wooyoung cupped your face and kissed you tenderly. You could feel him smile against your lips, making you smile in the process. He moved away slightly and gazed lovingly at you while whispering, “God, I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Wooyoung.”
With a final kiss, Wooyoung got off the couch and pulled on his boxers, roaming the apartment in just his boxers. You watched his butt from the couch and bit your lower lip while imagining taking a bite of his ass.
“Hey, eyes up here,” Wooyoung snapped his fingers and gestured to his eyes.
“Sorry,” you said while not really meaning it. “You have a fine ass, babe.”
“I know that,” he replied while smacking his ass.
You laughed and turned away, your eyes landing on the bridal magazine on the ground. You picked it up and opened it back up to the page you left off on. Wooyoung messed around in the kitchen and began to cook dinner while wearing only boxers.
“Honey, if you’re going to cook like that, you might as well just wear an apron and ditch the boxers,” you teased.
“Buy me a “kiss the chef” apron, and maybe I’ll do it.”
You snickered and returned to your magazine as Wooyoung continued to cook.
“By the way, my friends told me that my best man is going to “kidnap me” for the bachelor party. Just wanted to let you know in case he leaves a ransom note for you.”
“Sounds fun,” you laughed. “Oh, wait… Who is your best man, anyway? You never told me.”
“My best friend from college. San.”
You immediately clutched the magazine hard, the pages getting crumpled in your tight grip, and your heart dropped. You must’ve heard him wrong, or maybe someone else shares the same name because, surely, it’s not… San… Like your former lover San…
“I, um… I’ve never met him?”
“Well, we lost contact right after we graduated, then he went to his hometown because he had to take care of some stuff at home, so he’s been there for a while now… Three years, maybe? But, yeah, we made a pact in college to be each other’s’ best man, so he’s my best man for our wedding.”
You nearly tore the magazine in half. The San Wooyoung was talking about was, in fact, the man who was once the love of your life.
“That’s nice… That he kept his promise…” you said slowly, unsure of what to say because your mind was reeling, and not going to lie, you were getting kind of dizzy. “Well, have fun. I mean, when he kidnaps you… For the party— Um, what day is that, again?”
“Next Thursday.”
“Got it…” you nodded; at least you knew when to not be at home.
Wooyoung hummed cheerily in the kitchen as he continued to obliviously make dinner while you sat on the couch, your heart racing, and your mind spinning just remembering the man you loved deeply, the man that got up and left, the man that broke your heart.
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You did a good job of avoiding Wooyoung and his groomsmen until the day of the wedding. Wooyoung didn’t expect a thing because your friends would whisk you away in the name of some wedding mishap, but they couldn’t do that for you at the actual wedding itself. You just had to figure out a way to avoid making eye contact with him and avoid being left alone with him.
You stood on the bridal raiser and smoothed out your dress before turning and checking the back of your dress to the best of your ability. You were all alone in the dressing room by that point because your bridesmaids and mother ran out— they were putting the finishing touches on all the small little details (which you didn’t really care about but they cared a whole lot so you gave them your blessing to go do what they needed to do).
Hanging on the mirror in front of you was your veil. You totally forgot about your veil. You picked it up and attempted to put it in your hair by yourself without messing up your hair. You nearly ruined your hair entirely when the door to the room opened and closed suddenly.
“Hey, Woo, I’ve got the rings and—”
You turned to see your fiancé’s best man. The two of you froze. You locked eyes and stared at each other, your heart sinking.
“No way…” you whispered to yourself.
Your fingers went numb, and you dropped the veil. You continued to stare at him as San smiled at you. His smile was still gorgeous, and he still had those beautiful dimples that you loved so fucking much. Your heart clenched as you observed him act as if everything was okay.
“Hi, Y/N. It’s been a while.”
You remained silent.
“You look nice… Very beautiful.”
“Um, thank you…”
San walked towards you slowly. You desperately wanted to move away, but you were frozen in place. He stood right before you and picked up the fallen veil before offering you his hand to help you off the bridal raiser— he seemed to realize that you were stuck up there. You hesitantly placed your hand in his and carefully stepped down from the raiser, only to forget that you were wearing heels. Your heel immediately tipped to the side as you got down, making you fall right into his arms.
San caught you securely and wrapped his arms around you while you tried to get your footing again, the veil falling to the ground once again. Despite the fact that you regained your balance and tried to move away from him, the man still hugged you tightly.
“San,” you choked out, his name foreign on your tongue. “San, let go…”
“Can we please just… let’s stay here a little longer…”
You let out a tiny, sad sigh. You felt awkward with his arms just around you and you standing still, so you (made a huge mistake and) hugged him back lightly at first. You didn’t realize how familiar his hugs would feel after three years of not seeing him and you found yourself sinking into his embrace. You missed his broad shoulders, the way he would press his head gently against yours, the way his fingers would press gently into the small of your back, and the way he smelled. God, he always smelled so wonderful, and that smell brought you back to three years ago when he made you the happiest person alive, bringing tears to your eyes. You did your best to suppress the tears, though, because your goddamn bridal makeup— you couldn’t ruin that.
Your shoulders trembled as you choked back your sobs, and San noticed that. He loosened his arms around you and leaned away slightly to see your face and notice the tears in the corners of your eyes. He cradled your face as he frowned slightly, his trembling thumbs dabbing the tears— he also knew not to mess up your makeup.
“Y/N, don’t cry,” he whispered.
“San…” your voice wavered.
He pressed his lips together, his own eyes starting to water. “Angel, don’t cry,” he said hoarsely.
You thought that him calling you by that nickname would make you upset, but it made your heart flutter. You blinked several times hoping to clear the tears without them rolling down your face as you looked up at San’s face. However, his affectionate gaze brought tears back to your eyes.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N… You haven’t changed a bit…”
Your lower lip quivered, and you were about to start crying, but San didn’t want to let that happen. He dried your tears and kissed you immediately. It was a light kiss at first, but you missed him so much, and he with you. You held onto his arms tightly as you kissed him back, unable to get enough of him. And when he moved his hands from your face to around you, you moved your hands to his shoulders and just wanted him to whisk you away right then and there.
The entire world faded. In that moment it was just you and your lost lover. Just him holding you brought you back to your younger self when you and San were in love and happy. You fit so snuggly in his warm embrace as if you were two puzzle pieces meant to be pressed together— you felt so right with him.
Slowly, the kisses got more intense, more frantic. He let go of you to pull his suit jacket off, but he made sure to leave his lips with you. When his hands returned to your waist, you untied his bowtie and began unbuttoning his shirt. By the time San reached for the zipper on your dress, you were nearly done with the buttons, and just as your dress strap fell off your shoulder, someone knocked on the door, completely startling the two of you.
“Baby?” Wooyoung asked, happiness exuding from his voice. “Your mom wants to know if you need help with the veil!”
“N-no! I got it!”
“Okay, see you soon! I love you!”
You were completely pulled out of your daydream with San and came crashing down into the real world, your heart shattering into a million pieces. You pushed San away lightly and put the dress strap back on without making eye contact with him. You turned away from him and walked towards the mirror where your veil laid on the ground. You had to get ready for your wedding.
“San, we can’t be doing this,” you told him without turning around. “It’s too late. I’m getting married, and I’m getting married to your best friend for crying out loud! And I—”
“I know, Y/N, but… I need you to know that I never stopped loving you.”
“San, you lost your chance. I’m in love with Wooyoung, now.”
“Yeah… I made a mistake,” San said— you heard the hurt in his voice. “Leaving you was the biggest mistake I ever made.”
You turned to look at him, your eyes burning as they filled to the brim with tears. “Then why did you do it, San?”
With a heavy exhale, San ran his fingers through his hair and took a seat on one of the couches in the room. He rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together as he stared at the ground.
“For the past three years, all I did was take care of my family. My friends would text me, but I never had the time or energy to respond. I was completely alone… And I knew that if I was still with you, we definitely wouldn’t have lasted because of how inaccessible I was.”
As he talked, you approached him and sat next to him. You, too, looked down at the ground as he continued.
“I never stopped thinking about you. I always wanted to text you back when you texted me saying you missed me, but I was scared… I didn’t want to give either of us false hope. And then, you stopped texting me, so I knew you moved on, and I didn’t want to ruin whatever happiness you had.”
You gingerly placed your hand on his, gripping his hand as you listened to and understood his justification.
“When Wooyoung sent the engagement photos, I was shocked,” he let out a little laugh. “I realized I never told him about you when we were together, and I never got to talk to him about his relationship with you because I distanced myself from everything. I actually told him that I couldn’t be his best man, so he actually hunted me down and wore me down, using our college days against me.”
San moved his hands away from yours and covered his face to let out a shuddering sigh.
“I love you so much, Y/N… I can’t believe I let you go,” he said, nearly sobbing.
Your heart clenched. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him, hoping that he would stop crying because seeing him cry was too much for you to handle. San hugged you back and sniffled while whispering into your ear, “I’m sorry, Y/N… I wish I never had to leave you… I love you.”
You moved away from him and cupped his face— it was your turn to dry his tears. You smiled sadly at him as you said, “I never stopped loving you, too, San. I’m sorry things turned out this way… I just hope that someday you’ll find someone who can do for you what Wooyoung did for me.”
Innocently, you leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, but San turned his head right at that moment, and your lips briefly reconnected with his. You gazed into his eyes and held your breath— no matter what you said, and no matter how much you loved Wooyoung, you still had deep feelings for San. So, when he kissed your lips lightly again, and then again, and again, you let him. Your Superego begged you to stop, but the Id and your libido had more control over you. When San dropped his head and trailed kisses down your neck, you gasped, your head tilting back in response.
“W-wait, San,” you whispered and moved away slightly. “We can’t do this.”
“Just give me one last time, angel.”
“But—” San cut you off by kissing you, and you immediately caved.
You clung to him and continued to let him kiss your lips until they were raw. Both straps of your dress completely slipped off your shoulder and exposed your bare breasts. San, his lips leaving yours, stood up and helped you out of your wedding dress before delicately draping it over a chair and then doing the same with his dress shirt. He then locked the door and turned most of the lights off before rejoining you and pinning you down on the sofa, the two of you kicking off your shoes before you continued.
You wrapped your arms around him and ran your fingers through his hair on the back of his head. His tongue slipped into your mouth and danced along with your tongue, he pressed his chest against yours, and he held onto your waist and thigh, bringing your thigh up to wrap around his waist. Your pants started getting louder in between the kisses, and you were breathing heavily when San released your lips to remove his pants and underwear.
It had been so long that you forgot San’s size. You couldn’t help but look at him in fear as his stiff, red, throbbing dick rested on your stomach. Meanwhile, he looked at you anxiously.
“I don’t have a condom…” he whispered.
“That’s okay… Cum inside, though. It’ll make it easier to clean up.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Sannie. I’m on the pill.”
You said his nickname without giving it a second thought, and hearing yourself say it made your heart hurt all over again, but before you could cry about it, San left you with a mind-blowing kiss. He gently rubbed the tip of his cock up and down your folds slowly, making you wetter so that when he entered you, it wouldn’t be so painful. Yet, he still took you by surprise when he thrust into you, and you did your best to not moan or gasp loudly.
“Does it hurt?” he asked you quietly.
“No,” you breathed out.
“Will you be okay if I start moving?”
You nodded. Hands holding your waist, San moved slowly at first, and every time his hips would slap against yours, you’d let out a little whimper, your heart longing for San despite the fact that he was right there. The closer his upper body got to you, the faster his thrusts got. You bit your finger to keep from crying out loud as the pleasure rapidly increased. San, however, did not want you to bite your finger. He didn’t want you to get hurt. So, he kissed you continuously even with the two of you shifting on the couch with every thrust.
San caressed your hair. You wrapped your arms and legs around his body. You held onto him tightly as his cock rubbed against your G-spot continuously. His kisses were less of a continuous string the closer the two of you got to your climax. His breathing in between each kiss was getting shallower. He was biting back his own groans, the two of you just letting out smaller, sharper breaths as he thrusted into you hard. His waist slammed into yours hard as the two of you came at the same time. San bit his lower lip to suppress his pleasureful groan while you opted to bite the inside of your cheek.
The two of you panted heavily as the high of your orgasms wore off. You both remained stationary as you brought your eyes to meet his. You knew the regret and the guilt would set in later, but in that moment, you just wanted to be with San for as long as humanly possible. You desperately wanted to be able to cuddle with him and whisper sweet nothings to each other as you drifted into a comfortable sleep. But, that could only happen in the past. That could’ve only happen years ago before San left you.
San pulled out slowly and immediately grabbed the tissue box so he could clean you up. You sat up and caressed San’s cheek, willing him to look at you once again. You kissed him softly for a brief, beautiful moment, until you had to return to reality.
“I love you, San.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
He kissed the top of your head gently. Then, you had to tear yourself away from him. You both got dressed quickly. You took one more fleeting glance at him before you turned away from him, the two of you silently acknowledging the situation. You sat in front of the vanity and looked down at your lap as San carefully made his way out of the room. The door closed gently behind you, and a tear slipped out of your eye.
Wooyoung knocked on the door again to check in on you, and you asked him to send your maid of honor and mother. When they saw the disheveled state you were in, they bombarded you with questions, and you lied for every answer like saying you cried reading over your vow to Wooyoung, or that your hair was messed up because the veil refused to work with you. You felt incredibly guilty doing so, but it was truly the best option considering that you were to get married to the man that you love now in the next couple of hours. Luckily, the makeup artist and hair stylist were able to fix you up quickly and get you ready to walk down the aisle.
You were able to go through the rest of the wedding normally, the only thing— the only person— on your mind being Wooyoung. He was completely head over heels when he saw you walk down the aisle in your wedding gown. He vowed to keep you happy and laughing and to make sure you always felt loved, and you cried. Maybe it was because of the vow, maybe because of the guilt, or maybe a mix of the two; but regardless, Wooyoung dried the tears from your face with the beautiful smile that you fell for, the first smile of his you ever saw, on his face.
When Wooyoung was allowed to kiss the bride, and the two of you shared your first kiss as a married couple, you didn’t have to look at San to know that he was smiling and clapping for the two of you with complete sadness in his eyes. You didn’t need to look at him to know that he was hurting because, truth be told, you were hurting a little as well.
You forgot about the speeches at the reception until your father stood up and started talking, and sorrow paralyzed your body. After your father, your maid of honor spoke, and then the best man. You could barely keep your eyes on San as he stood up to speak.
“Wooyoung and I made a pact that we would be each other’s’ best men back when we were in college, but the thing is, I never thought I’d have to hold up my end of the deal.”
Everyone at the wedding party laughed, and you had to force one, especially when San turned to face the bride and groom with a beautiful smile on his face, his dimples as clear as day.
“But, seeing him here today with Y/N and… Seeing how in love the two of them are… I know that this relationship was meant to be, and I know that you’ll always keep her happy and smiling, Wooyoung.”
Your heart twisted into a knot. You covered your mouth as tears threatened to spill out of your eyes. Wooyoung, noticing your tears, held your free hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as he smiled softly at you.
“I know I don’t have to say this, but Wooyoung, cherish Y/N. She is the best thing that has ever happened to you. Give her all of the love in the world because she deserves that and so much more, and Y/N…” San cleared his throat, the smile barely holding up. He made complete eye contact with you as he said, “Wooyoung is the luckiest guy in the world to find someone who loves him so much… I’m happy that you two found each other… And I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.”
He turned away from you and held his champagne flute in the air.
San took his seat, and he couldn’t help but look at you from the corner of his eye. Wooyoung had his arm over your shoulder and he was whispering happily to you, the tears on your face disappearing as Wooyoung made you smile and laugh. Wooyoung kissed your cheek and hugged you closer, and San had to look away, his heart breaking, his heart broken.
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this-is-chaos-magick · 3 months
Sorry for rambling but I can't just thinking about this and I need people to listen to me I see Wanda smut fics all the time but I can't find post about analyzing and appreciating her character ( I see other fandoms do it with their fav characters I want one with Wanda too) Everything about Wanda's character is making me so freaking sad like i hate that half of her fans only care about her powers and that she's hot... she's more than that..I know it's fiction and it's not that serious but she makes me insane
She has every reason to be angry and be a Villain. because she didn't ask to suffer she didn't ask to be powerful and when she try to do something good and she did, the government put her in the raft everyone acts like she throws the bomb on the building on purpose when it's the only way to save Captain America and everyone around them. People blamed her for her own suffering and blamed her for a tragedy she didn't even cause, She can never come home because the house where all of her happy memories is made doesn't exist. She tried do everything to prove to everyone that she is good and it's not enough. The girl who only wanted people to accept her, the girl who only wanted to be love, the girl who wanted to be good, wasn't good enough
Her and Pietro is trapped under the rubbles of her own house for 2 days, no cause I can't imagine what that must be like? They know their parents are dead. They don't know if they are going to survive. They don't know if someone is going to come rescue them. And when they got rescued. They probably did not have given the chance to grieve their parents. Her parents body are probably unrecognizable and were buried in a mass grave, They are force to grow up too quickly and they have no choice but to accept it.
The reason she ends up so checked out of reality is probably that horrible things keep happening to her, and she has no choice but to go "ok" and move on from that. The moment she first appeared, the way she behave and act it's obvious she have aggression issues and emotional maturity. She used to go to rallies and protests because the government of her country sucks, (shown in aou) and she grew up with her brother, who probably tried to do everything to stop both of them from starving to death. She joined Hydra because she thought she'd be doing something that would help her and her brother, she didn't join them because she agreed with them. ( It's literally implied that hydra is pretending to be shield and is recruiting volunteers)
She did not throw that bomb on that building on purpose; she's trying to save Steve and the people around her. She literally saved a lot of people's lives there, but people keep focusing on her mistake.
Wanda had done so many good things because she was good despite every reason not to. If she is "evil" from the beginning she would have not side with the avengers and just run away after learning Ultron's real plan
She would have not tried so hard to stop the bombs in Lagos if she did not care about other people's life. she save Natasha's and okoye's life, She did everything she could to stop thanos, she did everything the team ordered her to do.
She doesn't want to kill vision because she's afraid of being alone. Westview happened because she couldn't take it anymore. If She is evil she would have not the of people of that town go
"Why didn't she go to therapy?"
Girl, I don't think therapists in the "M*rvel" can help her. You know how people there react to her. If she goes to a therapist, it will probably make her worse. She wants Vision back because he's the only one who understands and truly loves her, and he treats her better than most people there.
She wants her sons back because they make her feel normal and human.They probably reminds her of her life when she is young before everything went horrible. And I don't want to her that "ThEy ArE nOt rEaL" bullshit, They are real to her, she gave birth them. She feels them kicking in her stomach, she touch them she cooks for them, change their diapers, made memories with them, they are not just objects or toys to her, they are her children, she gave life to them, they have souls, they just don't have a physical body
No cause Wanda is happy in Edinburg with vision, those are probably the times where she feels real happiness and thanos ruined everything.
If thanos didn't come, Wanda and vision will be have a real marriage and probably have adopted real children.
Wanda only want people to accept her, she only wanted to be treated like a human being, she doesn't care about being powerful. All of the crimes she committed happened because ever since she's a little she suffered, and I don't care if there are other people who suffers than her, people process trauma differently.
the way Wanda is influenced with something dark and evil and all of she ever wanted is to hug her sons again, she did not want to rule the entire universe she didn't want anything all she ever wanted is to be with her family
Wanda realize she have the power to do everything she wants (darkhold influ.)
that she has a will and that she can make her self happy and I love her for trying.b and I do think she makes stupid and horrible decisions, but so do I, and that's okay;
She's been a hero, a victim, and a villain. because the writers and the shitty universe she's in, don't know what to make of her they accidentally created a character with so many potential and they don't know what to do next and they just killed her off because they think she's not as important like the rest, and majority of her fans just cares about her powers, they only care that she can "solo" people hated Wanda's character because of that. People won't look deeper into her character because the people that claimed to love her also weaponized her. She is doomed by the narrative, ruined by her some of her "fans" and we might not see her again because the universe she's in sucks.
rahhh I am losing it over a fictional woman who has been dead for (?)2 years :(
sorry again for yapping to much I just love this woman so much, my English is not that great sorry if some words are use incorrectly and I am half asleep while typing this so sorry for typos... goodnight
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angels-fantasy · 5 months
Congratulations on your followers milestone! Can I ask for the prompt "first fight" with Dabi?
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Scars and All
Dabi/Touya x Reader
Details/Warnings: lowkey toxic relationship, arguing, kinda angsty LMAO i'm sorry i cant help but make dabi angsty. hurt/comfort i think, angst to fluff? dabi is trying, okay? also dabi is called touya in this fic!
Word Count: 957
hello thank you sm for your ask and the congratulations :) i hope you like this, i really like dabi bc 1) hes hot lol and 2) hes such a well written character. also i'm going to start writing in all lowercase bc its what im used to and upper case drives me crazy!!
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loneliness was something that consumed you constantly. it was a scary feeling sometimes, especially because of the things it could drive someone to do.
you wished you didn't feel like this, but you couldn't help it.
before getting into a relationship with touya, you knew of the lifestyle he lived and how much of his time it took up. at first you thought you could handle it, but over time you soon realized that wasn't true. hours of him being gone quickly turned into days, sometimes even weeks and it was driving you crazy. you really wanted to try and continue to sit compliantly and let him do what he wished to do, but you were at your wits end.
sometimes you wondered why you even continued to put up with him, especially when you knew deep down that he'd probably choose to continue committing villainous acts over your relationship.
but you knew the answer to that-it was because you loved him, and sometimes love can make you do crazy things.
so now here you were; sitting on the old couch in your living room. the edges of the fabric having frayed ends and burn marks here and there from the moments touya let his temper get the best of him.
you can't remember how long you've been sitting there anxiously, waiting for your boyfriend to get home, but you felt your heart beat faster when you heard the front door being unlocked.
you wiped your sweaty palms on your pants and took a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself to confront touya, who sighed as he walked through the door and his heavy boots thudding along with each step.
he walked over to you and threw himself down on the couch, placing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into him. moments like this made it hard to stay mad.
he placed a kiss on your temple, "hey. you miss me?"
you fiddled with your fingers as you leaned further into his chest, "of course i did. i'm glad you're home."
he tilted his head down to look at you, "then how come you don't sound happy, huh?" he asked, squeezing your shoulder as he did so.
you frowned, knowing he'd caught onto your bad mood already. he was way too perceptive sometimes.
"i am happy touya, i promise." you insisted, "it's just..."
"it's just what?"
you sat up from your position and faced him, but it was hard to look him in the eyes. "i just wanted to talk to you about something that's been bothering me."
he looked at you for a moment, expressionless, making you even more nervous until he said, "alright, what is it?"
you took a deep breath.
"you're never home touya, and i miss you." you frowned, "i worry about you and when you're gone for so long i get lonely. i miss spending time with you."
he groaned, "babe, do you not understand why i'm gone? or do i need to tell you, is that it?" he asked.
you regretted this now.
"no, i know why but it's just-"
"if you know why, then why do you fucking ask me?!" he yelled, making you shrink into yourself. you two had bickered over things before and there were even times when you needed space from each other, but touya had never yelled at you like this.
you could feel your eyes prick with tears and the lump in your throat grow, "touya don't yell at me!" you cried.
"i'm yelling at you so you get this through your god damn head!" he snapped, "i can't be here, sitting on my ass like you every fucking day. i have shit i need to do to make my plans happen!"
you gasped at his words. did he really think that's all you did?
"you know damn well i don't just stay at home on my ass, touya! i work too!" you said, tapping his chest with your finger as you pointed it at him.
"i buy the groceries! i make the food! i wash your blood stained clothes! i do everything i can, but you don't know because you're never here!" you yelled, taking a deep breath after so you could continue speaking.
you sighed heavily and spoke softly, your energy gone from yelling. "you're never here touya..." you sniffed, letting the tears run down your cheeks. you brought your hands up to your eyes to wipe them away, "i love you, so i miss you. i just wish you were home more so i don't have to spend my nights all alone."
touya was breathing heavily, but sitting silently as he processed your words. he was perceptive, sure, but he wasn't really good with emotions and dealing with people when they were upset.
feeling guilty, he wrapped his arms around your crying figure and hugged you tightly to his chest. he brought a hand up to your head and stroked it gently, shushing your cries. you stayed like that until your crying had become sniffles with occasional hiccups.
"i'm sorry," he said softly, "i'm sorry i'm always gone. i fucking suck at this, i don't know how to be here for you... but i'm going to do better now, for you, okay? i love you too. i don't say that enough."
you brought your hands away from your face and wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning your head against his beating heart and closing your eyes.
"as long as you try, touya. i know you're not perfect, and that's okay with me. i love you the way you are."
"scars and all?" he asked jokingly, making you giggle.
"scars and all."
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authors note
love ya!
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r1leyswrld · 5 months
my heartbreak high season two thoughts (spoilers)
* why is spider actually kinda hot
* him speaking french is oh my god so subtly attractive
* his home life makes everything a lot more clearer
* and i love him learning what it takes to try and be a good person, trying to do it for missy and then trying to do it for himself
* his whole life he never had a father figure (you can be a good man/person without one) and instead had to deal with never living up to his mom's expectations. so he became everything she thought he was bc nothing else worked and he couldn't please her regardless of what he did. it honestly makes sense that when he first realizes he wants to change he does things to prove himself to missy instead of being good bc he wants to, shows how he doesn't know how to do it and it really makes sense
* once again this show handles every thing beautifully
* darren and cash's relationship omg
* the back story behind darude and cash omg
* cash and darren going through trials and tribulations
* loved the dusty cameos
* that man is still hot
* i love the fact that him and Darren are actually kinda friends?
* the way he gives advice to cash was so nice and the fact the advice was actually really fucking good
* cash then going "you might want to buy a new lock i kinda broke yours" OMG
* missy and spider are my new favorites
* i liked the idea of ant and harper but there really wasn't much development with them
* the whole thing was them actually being friends and ant actually being friends with a girl without sex and with not a lot of attention on them it seemed like that's exactly what it was
* harper's haircut this season OMG i love it
* it suits her so much
* malaki's letter being burned in the fire hurt so much
* the back story for cash's name OMG
* cash's nan and Darren doing words with friends
* the scene between cash finding out that his nan has a boyfriend
* the whole rowan bird psycho story line was so fucking well written and at no point did it feel like a riverdale-esque thing
* i love malakai's journey of self discovery with his sexuality and how close him and missy are
* malakai is still hot but omg hello missy
* we saw so much more of missy this season and i fucking loved it
* regardless of what you have to say about spider bc he was and is a shit person, the relationship between them is really cute built on understanding and being in tune with each other's needs also if any one can put him in his place it's her
* the whole set up of not having one clear villain the whole season or knowing who they are was so fucking good and added to the mystery
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itsaship-literally · 5 days
It’s A Ship - Literally Revisited
As many of my long-time followers and friends know…
THIS BLOG supports the POTENTIAL FUTURE of Beetlejuice and Lydia.
In the past, I have written posts about WHY we ship Beej and Lyds, specifically here on this blog, when there are so many controversies. It needed to be cleared up many times because, with every new piece of media, there comes opposition, which is totally understandable if you are not used to supernatural or horror-themed romance tropes.
I am here to help break it down for all the new fans sitting back and trying to figure out the ship's where, what, why and whens.
Here we go!
Movie verse:
Many of us were young when we met Beetlejuice and Lydia for the first time. Some latched on to and related to a young Winona Ryder. It was a vibe, and while we are well aware that in real-life terms, a teen is not ready to be involved with a 600+ ghost (cuz that’s an option 🤣), we couldn't help but find the allure in the Living Meets Death dichotomy. As you will undoubtedly see, this is a running theme in the fandom.
We had countless reunion fics featuring an older Lydia (sometimes by years, sometimes by months) reconnecting with her villain/antagonist. Many were dark fic, some light and fluffy and some off the wall chaotic, while some crossed over into the MoToon verse (yes that is a thing)
So here we are, more than 30 years later, and our pair reunited legitimately on the big screen. It was beautiful and, without giving away any spoilers since this new piece of media is still fresh, it gives us more to play with because, let’s face it, he is not done haunting her.
With this movie universe, there is still potential for this ship to thrive. (And that’s not just because Winona and Michael are down. I still am in shock over their revelations)
Toon Verse:
Yet another oldie that many grew up on. This one is a hotbed for both friend-shipping and Relation-shipping.
Here, we have a long-term bond that can be wholesome, platonic, romantic, complicated, or, on occasion, dark and twisted.
Stories have ranged from childhood crushes to outright possessiveness. The fanart from cute fluff to… well… rule 34.
Lydia is young in this cartoon. We are aware of that and in any cartoon fandom, aging up is par for the course. It is expected (and preferred by many) that any stories of romance happen in circumstances outside of the toon cannon.
Age issues aside, we cannot deny that BJ adores her. The man has an entire shrine in his head, idolizing this twisted, weird girl that, once again, many older fans related to. He would do anything for her and has proved it many times. The chaotic dead man with no shits to give will give up freedom and wealth and go against his nature to make her happy.
How can we not find the potential for a future of these two goofballs?
Musical Verse:
This universe combined the goofiness of Toon with the antagonism of the movie—a nice combo that I and those we call MusicalBabes enjoy.
Regardless of what the cast believes or feels about the shipping subject, they are working with a pair of unseen, attention-starved, chaotic nut jobs—a compliment, not disparagement.
Beetlejuice and Lydia need each other. They were miserable before they met and would have continued to be so had they not entangled themselves in the other’s existence.
Living and the dead, once again, need each other to balance their lonliness.
Does musical verse have ship potential? Hell, yes, it does. (Also, this is the only piece of media where the wedding actually went through)
Just a few Common Tropes In This Ship: (there are so many more than this)
Mayfly/December Romance (also see: May/December and Age Gap)
Reincarnation Romance
Death and the Maiden (also see: Monster and the Maiden)
Beast and Beauty
Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
Boy meets Ghoul
Why the name Beetlebabes?
Read: Beetlebabes: A History
To find more ship related content use: Beetlejuice x Lydia, Betelyds (alt. Beetlyds), Beej and Lyds, Beetle and Babes, Beetz and Deetz (or more simply Beetz) are the original ship names. BeetleBabes, MovieBabes, ToonBabes and MusicalBabes are all relatively new.
This blog often uses Beetlebabes but it’s not a hard fast rule that it will be on every post.
The goal of Its A Ship - Literally...
I created this blog many years ago (around 2016) to collect all the goodness in the fandom. Memes, art, fics, fan theories. I picked up the ship names and used them as tags. Gathered as much as I could from Tumblr posts, in all universes, and tried so hard to stay neutral amidst the internal fandom drama. (give or take a few misteps, iykyk)
The only goal I have here is to collect and share and boost all universes. Movie, Toon and Musical, including the mini verses of MoToon and Graveyard Revue if I can find it.
I do this for fun, to destress and play internet magpie with shiny beetle stuff while I stuff everything into the queue.
Lots of love to you guys. And as always, please show love to your fan creators. Credit them and boost the signals. These creators do so much hard work.
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Previous Posts Like This: Because It Needs to Be Said Yet Again (2017) | One More Time (2019)
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chiyuuchu · 2 months
II. She ate my heart, that girl is a monster <3 (2nd August 2024)
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Prompt! Darkness twists into light as some villains can be redeemed after all.
first part here!
Izuku Midoriya sat at his desk, his textbooks open in front of him, but his mind was far from his studies. The image of Y/N, the mysterious but somewhat enchanting villain from the League of Villains, filled his thoughts. Her presence lingered in his mind, a constant reminder of his secret infatuation. It was something he couldn't share with anyone, a forbidden love that gnawed at his conscience.
During their encounters, the chemistry between them was undeniable. Despite being on opposite sides, there was a connection that he couldn't ignore. The way she moved, the intensity in her eyes, the banter they exchanged during battles—it all captivated him. He knew he was playing with fire, but he couldn't help himself.
Izuku sighed, leaning back in his chair.
A knock on the door snapped him out of his reverie. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero walked in, looking eager to chat.
"Hey, Midoriya," Kirishima greeted, plopping down on the bed. "We were just talking and wanted to ask you something."
Izuku forced a smile. "Sure, what's up?"
Kaminari grinned. "So, when are you gonna ask Uraraka out? It's obvious she likes you, and you two would make a cute couple."
Izuku's smile faltered. "I... I don't like Uraraka like that. Why does everyone keep assuming I do?"
After all, he got flustered around her, stammered and blushed whenever she was near. But that was just his natural nervousness, nothing more. Uraraka was a great friend, but his heart belonged to someone else, someone he could never openly admit to loving.
Sero shrugged. "Well, you get nervous around her, but then again, you get nervous around everyone. So, do you like anyone?"
Izuku felt his stomach knot. He gulped, trying to keep his expression neutral. "I... I don't think I should talk about that."
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, noticing the guilty look in Izuku's eyes. "Hey, man, if it's that serious, we won't force it out of you."
"Yeah," Kaminari added. "We just want you to be happy, dude."
Izuku nodded, grateful for their understanding. Once they left, he was alone with his thoughts again. The guilt washed over him like a tidal wave. How could he be in love with someone who was supposed to be his enemy? The girl who filled his heart with longing was also the one who stood on the opposite side of the battlefield.
He buried his face in his hands, trying to suppress the conflicting emotions swirling inside him. It was a guilty pleasure, loving Y/N, and it tore him apart. The shame of his feelings weighed heavily on him, and he knew he had to keep this secret buried deep within. Admitting his love for a villain was something he could never do, no matter how much it hurt.
Izuku closed his eyes, the image of Y/N's smile etched in his mind. The guilt and longing intertwined, creating a storm of emotions that he struggled to contain. He was in love with a monster, and it was tearing him apart from the inside out.
“I definitely need to cleanse myself.” He mutters to himself.
Izuku Midoriya walked back to his room, towel draped over his shoulders, still drying his damp hair. The hot shower had done little to wash away the turmoil in his mind. His thoughts were still a tangled mess of emotions and guilt over his forbidden love for Y/N.
As he opened the door to his room, he froze. There, casually lounging on his bed, was Y/N herself. She looked completely at ease, her mischievous smile sending his heart into a frenzy. Izuku's eyes widened, and he let out an involuntary scream.
"Y/N! What are you doing here?" he whispered urgently, trying to keep his voice down.
She just smirked, looking unbothered. "Missed me, hero?"
Before he could respond, he heard footsteps approaching. Panic surged through him. If anyone saw Y/N here, especially someone from his class, it would be a disaster. The door creaked open, and Uraraka stepped in, concern etched on her face.
"Deku, are you okay? I heard a scream," she asked, glancing around the room.
Izuku quickly threw himself on the bed, covering Y/N with the bedsheets in a swift motion. He forced a nervous laugh, trying to appear calm. "Oh, uh, Uraraka! I thought I saw a monster in my bed, but it was just my imagination. Silly me."
Uraraka raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced but not pressing further. "Okay, Deku. Just try to get some rest. You’ve been looking really stressed lately."
"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks, Uraraka," Izuku replied, maintaining a shaky smile.
As she left the room and closed the door behind her, Izuku let out a sigh of relief. He turned back to his bed, pulling the sheets down to reveal Y/N, who was now laughing softly.
"You handled that well," she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Izuku glared at her, his face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "You can't just show up like this! What if someone had seen you?"
Y/N shrugged, still smiling. "I like living dangerously. Besides, I wanted to see you."
Izuku’s heart skipped a beat at her words. Despite the danger, despite the wrongness of it all, he couldn't deny the thrill of her presence. She was a villain, but she was also the girl who had captured his heart. And seeing her there, cozy on his bed, made everything else fade away, even if just for a moment.
He sighed, sitting down next to her. "You’re going to get us both in trouble."
Y/N reached out, gently brushing his damp hair away from his face. "Maybe. But isn’t it worth it?"
Izuku looked into her eyes, feeling the weight of his guilty pleasure but also the undeniable pull of his feelings. "Maybe it is," he whispered, more to himself than to her, as he settled next to her, their secret safe for another night.
Izuku and Y/N sat on the bed, the tension between them palpable. The world outside seemed to disappear as they leaned closer, their eyes locked. Izuku's heart pounded in his chest, the proximity of Y/N's face making his breath hitch. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, guilt, excitement, and a longing he couldn’t suppress.
Just as their lips were about to meet, the shrill sound of the intruder alarm blared through the dorm building. The moment shattered, and they both pulled back in surprise.
Y/N sighed, a mix of frustration and resignation in her eyes. "I was really looking forward to spending time with you, hero, but let’s not push this risk right now."
Before Izuku could respond, she was already on her feet. With a swift, graceful movement, she hopped out the window, disappearing into the shadows of the night. Izuku watched her go, his heart still racing, his thoughts a chaotic mess.
The alarm continued to blare, reminding him of the reality he was in. He quickly composed himself, adjusting his clothes and running a hand through his hair to make sure he looked presentable. With one last glance at the window, he left his room and hurried to the common area.
The scene in the common room was one of chaos. His classmates were panicking, fumbling with their phones to contact Aizawa, and shouting over each other in confusion and worry.
"Has anyone seen anything?" Kirishima called out, his voice barely audible over the alarm.
"I saw a shadow near the east wing!" Tokoyami shouted, looking around wildly.
"We need to make sure everyone is safe," Iida instructed, trying to maintain order but clearly worried himself.
Amid the commotion, Uraraka noticed Izuku entering the room. She hurried over to him, her expression full of concern. "Deku, are you alright?"
Izuku nodded, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just... wasn’t expecting an intruder at this time of night."
His words were true, but the guilt weighed heavily on him. He was acutely aware of how close he had come to crossing a line that could never be undone. As he joined his classmates in the common room, the reality of his secret and the danger it posed settled over him like a dark cloud.
As the alarm blared on, the doors to the common room burst open, and Aizawa strode in, his expression calm but serious. "Everyone, quiet down!" he commanded, and the room instantly fell silent.
"I've checked the perimeter," Aizawa continued. "There’s no sign of an intruder now. It was either a false alarm or whoever it was managed to get away quickly."
He scanned the room, his gaze sharp. "Has anyone seen anything suspicious?"
The students looked at each other, murmuring nervously. Izuku kept his head down, trying to avoid Aizawa's piercing gaze.
"I saw a shadow near the east wing, but it disappeared before I could get a good look," Tokoyami offered.
Aizawa nodded. "Alright. Keep your guard up and report any unusual activity immediately. For now, try to get some rest. We’ll discuss this further in the morning."
As the students slowly dispersed, still whispering among themselves, Uraraka approached Izuku again. "Are you sure you're okay, Deku? You seemed really shaken up."
Izuku forced another smile, feeling the weight of his secret pressing down on him. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just... really tired."
Uraraka nodded, still looking concerned. "Well, if you need anything, just let me know."
Izuku thanked her and made his way back to his room, the guilt and tension eating away at him. He couldn't stop thinking about Y/N, about how close they had been to something irreversible. As he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, he knew that his feelings for her were dangerous, but he couldn't help being drawn to her.
His heart ached with the knowledge that this forbidden love was consuming him, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep it hidden.
The next morning, Izuku arrived at school with heavy eyes and a mind weighed down by the previous night's events. He shuffled into class, trying to blend into the background and avoid any inquisitive looks. But he knew it wouldn’t be long before someone noticed his distracted demeanor.
As he settled into his seat, Tsuyu Asui leaned over from her desk. "Midoriya, are you alright? You look really stressed. Or is it something else, like guilt?"
Izuku's heart skipped a beat. He knew Tsuyu was perceptive and honest, making her someone he couldn’t easily deceive. "I'm just really stressed these days, Tsuyu. Not getting much sleep," he replied, hoping his voice sounded convincing.
She studied him for a moment, her large eyes blinking thoughtfully. "You should take care of yourself, ribbit. It's important to rest."
"Thanks, Tsuyu. I will," he said, forcing a smile.
As the day dragged on, Izuku found it hard to focus. His thoughts kept drifting back to Y/N and the tension of their secret meetings. When class finally ended, he felt a mix of relief and anticipation.
Izuku decided to go for a jog to clear his mind. As he ran through the park, the rhythmic pounding of his feet on the path helped ease his racing thoughts. He turned a corner and saw her—Y/N—sitting on the grass under the shade of a large tree, completely absorbed in a book. The sight of her made his heart skip a beat.
Nearby, a small flower shop caught his eye. Acting on impulse, he jogged over and purchased a bouquet of vibrant flowers. With the bouquet in hand, he walked over to Y/N, who looked up from her book as he approached.
"Hi, Y/N," he greeted, trying to keep his voice steady.
She smiled warmly, her eyes lighting up. "Hello, hero. What brings you here?"
Izuku sat down beside her, holding out the bouquet. "I saw these and thought of you. I hope you like them."
Y/N took the flowers, her smile growing even wider. "They're beautiful, Izuku. Thank you."
They sat together in comfortable silence for a moment, the flowers resting in Y/N's lap. Izuku felt a sense of peace wash over him, the turmoil in his mind quieting in her presence.
"You seem different today," she said, looking at him with a curious expression. "More at ease."
Izuku nodded, taking a deep breath. "Being here with you helps. Even if it's just for a little while."
Y/N reached out and gently squeezed his hand. "I'm glad, Izuku. You deserve to feel at ease."
As they sat there, the rest of the world seemed to fade away. For a brief moment, Izuku allowed himself to forget the danger, the guilt, and the forbidden nature of their relationship. All that mattered was the girl beside him and the fragile happiness they shared.
Izuku sat with Y/N under the tree, enjoying the rare moment of tranquility. He glanced at the book she was holding and asked, "What are you reading?"
Y/N's smile widened as she held up the book for him to see. "It's a fictional book about butterflies. I find them fascinating."
Izuku raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "I wouldn't have thought you'd be interested in these things."
She giggled softly, her laughter like a soothing melody. "I'm still human after all, Izuku. Everyone has their own interests."
As they continued to talk, Izuku's curiosity got the better of him. "Can I ask you something? Why are you a villain?"
Her expression turned serious, and she sighed. "I didn't have a great upbringing. There was an accident when I was younger, and it changed everything. The League took me in when I had nowhere else to go."
Izuku nodded, understanding the pain behind her words. "I'm sorry to hear that."
She looked at him with genuine curiosity. "What about you? Why are you a hero?"
Izuku took a deep breath, thinking about his answer. "I want to save people. I want to make the world a better place, where no one has to go through what you did."
Y/N's eyes softened, and she reached out to touch his hand. "That's admirable, Izuku."
Feeling a surge of boldness, Izuku flashed her a small smile. "And here I thought I was just doing it to impress a certain butterfly-loving girl."
Y/N's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and she laughed. "Is that so? You might be more charming than I thought."
They continued to chat for a while, sharing stories and laughing together. When it was time for Izuku to head back to the dorms, he felt lighter than he had in days.
As Izuku entered the dorms, he saw Aizawa standing in the common room, arms crossed. Panic surged through him. Did Aizawa know about his secret meetings with Y/N?
Before Izuku could say anything, Aizawa spoke up. "Midoriya, I heard you've been stressed lately. Your friends are worried about you."
Izuku let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Oh, um, yes, Mr Aizawa. I've just been pushing myself a lot."
Aizawa nodded, his expression softening slightly. "You need to lay off the intense training for a while. Consistent exhaustion isn't good for you. Rest more, and take it lightly for now."
Izuku felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Yes, Mr Aizawa. Thank you."
Aizawa placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "Get some rest, Midoriya."
As Aizawa walked away, Izuku headed to his room, feeling a mix of emotions. He knew he had to be careful, but the moments he shared with Y/N were worth the risk. Lying on his bed, he closed his eyes, replaying the day's events in his mind. For the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope.
Class 1-A was on another trip, the atmosphere tense as they remained alert for any potential threats. They had experienced enough encounters with the League of Villains to know better than to let their guard down. However, the attack came swiftly, with villains appearing from the shadows, chaos erupting around them.
Izuku found himself engaged in battle, fending off an aggressive villain. He barely had a moment to catch his breath when he saw Y/N approaching him, her movements fluid and dangerous. He felt a pang of conflict, his heart torn between his duties as a hero and his feelings for her.
Uraraka, seeing the danger, rushed to "save" Izuku. She leaped forward, aiming to intercept Y/N. However, Y/N's eyes glinted with determination. With a swift, precise move, she easily took Uraraka down, disarming her without hesitation. Uraraka fell to the ground, dazed and struggling to get up.
Y/N continued her approach towards Izuku, the chaos of the battle fading into the background. She stopped in front of him, a small, knowing smile playing on her lips. Before he could react, she leaned in and pressed her lips against his, a soft yet passionate kiss that left him breathless.
Izuku's eyes widened in shock, his mind racing. Behind him, Uraraka watched in horror, unable to comprehend what she was seeing.
Y/N pulled back, her smile turning into a smirk as she glanced at Uraraka. "Didn't like what you see?" she taunted, her voice dripping with mockery.
Uraraka's eyes filled with anger and disbelief, but before she could respond, Y/N turned and fled deeper into the battle scene, disappearing into the chaos.
Izuku stood there, his heart pounding, torn between his duty as a hero and the undeniable feelings he had for Y/N. The kiss lingered on his lips, a reminder of the complicated and dangerous path he was on. He knew he had to focus, to help his friends and fight the villains, but a part of him couldn't shake the image of Y/N, her touch, her kiss, and the intensity of their connection.
After the battle ended and the villains had retreated, Class 1-A regrouped, their faces a mix of exhaustion and confusion. They gathered in a secluded area, assessing their injuries and checking on each other. Izuku felt the weight of their gazes, knowing the inevitable questions were coming.
Uraraka was the first to speak, her voice shaky but determined. "Deku, what was that about? Why did that villain... kiss you?"
Izuku's mind raced, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. He knew he couldn't reveal the truth, not without endangering himself and possibly Y/N. Taking a deep breath, he put on a confused expression. "I have no idea," he began, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Maybe it was just a tactic to distract or confuse us. Villains can be unpredictable, and they often use psychological methods to throw us off our game."
The rest of the class exchanged skeptical glances, but they seemed to accept his explanation. Kirishima nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, that makes sense. Villains are known for playing mind games. We can't let it get to us."
Iida adjusted his glasses, his expression serious. "Indeed. We must stay focused and not allow their tactics to disrupt our mission. Midoriya, you handled it well."
Uraraka, though still visibly upset, seemed to relax a bit. "I guess that makes sense. But... be careful, okay? We don't know what their next move might be."
Izuku nodded, feeling a wave of relief. "I will, Uraraka. Thanks."
As the conversation shifted to analyzing the battle and planning their next steps, Izuku couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. He had managed to convince his friends, but the truth weighed heavily on his heart. He glanced at Uraraka, who was talking to Tsuyu, and then at Todoroki, who was silently observing him with a thoughtful expression.
Izuku knew that maintaining this secret was becoming increasingly difficult. He could only hope that his feelings for Y/N wouldn't compromise his role as a hero or endanger his classmates. For now, he had to stay focused and navigate the delicate balance between his heart and his duty.
The following night, Izuku decided to head to the convenience store to grab some snacks. It had been a long day, and he needed something to take his mind off the stress and confusion. As he walked back to the dorms, he took a shortcut through a dimly lit alley, his thoughts wandering.
Suddenly, a figure stepped out from the shadows, blocking his path. It was Dabi, his blue flames flickering ominously in the darkness. "Well, well, if it isn't the little hero," Dabi sneered, his voice dripping with menace. "Out for a midnight snack?"
Izuku's heart raced, adrenaline surging through his veins. He knew he was in trouble. Dabi's flames flared up, and he prepared to attack. But before Dabi could make a move, another figure emerged from the shadows, placing herself between Izuku and the villain.
Y/N stood tall, her presence commanding. "Dabi, back off," she said firmly. "We've talked about this. This hero is mine to handle. You don't see me trying to target yours, do you?"
Dabi scoffed, his flames dimming slightly. "What's your deal, Y/N? We're on the same side."
Y/N's eyes hardened. "We have an agreement. Respect it."
For a moment, Dabi seemed to consider her words. Then, with a frustrated growl, he turned and disappeared into the darkness, his flames extinguishing as he left.
Y/N turned to Izuku, concern etched on her face. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, reaching out to him.
Izuku was still shaken, but he nodded. "Y-Yeah, I think so. What was that all about?"
She smiled, her expression softening. "Dabi and I made an agreement that we wouldn't go after each other's targets. I want to protect you, Izuku."
He looked at her, his heart swelling with gratitude and something more. He took a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper as he leaned in. "Thank you, my hero," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. She hadn't expected such words from him, especially not in this situation. For a moment, the tension between them was palpable, their closeness electrifying.
Izuku pulled back slightly, his eyes locking with hers. "I mean it. You saved me. Thank you."
She smiled, a genuine, warm smile that made his heart skip a beat. "You're welcome, Izuku. But be careful, okay? This world... it's dangerous. And I don't want anything to happen to you."
He nodded, his resolve strengthening. "I will. And... thank you again."
As they stood there, the alley quiet and the night around them peaceful, Izuku couldn't help but feel a deep connection with Y/N. Despite the chaos and danger, there was something undeniably special between them, a bond that transcended their roles as hero and villain. And in that moment, he realized that no matter how complicated things became, he wouldn't have it any other way.
“I have to go now, but I hope you know that you truly inspire me Izuku. I’ll try make it up to you for that.” And that was the last thing she said before jumping back into the shadows.
Two weeks had passed without any sight of Y/N, and Izuku was beginning to worry. The tension was palpable, not just for him, but for everyone in Class 1-A. The mystery of Y/N's absence weighed heavily on his mind.
One rainy evening, Aizawa called a meeting in the common room. The urgency in his voice made everyone immediately on edge. When they gathered, they found Aizawa standing with Y/N, drenched in rain, by his side.
Everyone instantly adopted a fighting stance, their instincts kicking in. "What’s she doing here?" Kaminari asked, his voice filled with suspicion.
Aizawa raised a hand to calm them. "Everyone, calm down. Y/N is here because she's been secretly sending information to the school about leads on the League of Villains."
There was a collective gasp, and the tension in the room shifted from hostility to confusion.
"She's been providing us with intel for months," Aizawa continued. "The school discovered that her involvement with the League was based on blackmail. They threatened her family."
"But why is she here now?" Uraraka asked, her brow furrowed in concern.
Aizawa sighed, the weariness evident in his eyes. "Y/N has abandoned the League. She spent the last two weeks fleeing to ensure her family's safety by relocating them to another country where the League can't reach them."
"So, what now?" Kirishima asked, his fists still clenched.
Aizawa glanced at Y/N before answering. "To protect her, she’ll be on house arrest here, in the 1-A dorms. It’s the safest place for her, and you all can keep an eye on her."
The room fell silent as everyone processed this information. It was a lot to take in, and the emotions ranged from relief to cautious acceptance.
Izuku’s heart ached seeing Y/N drenched and exhausted. Despite everything, he felt an overwhelming sense of protectiveness. He stepped forward, breaking the silence. "She’s one of us now," he said firmly, looking around at his classmates. "And we protect our own."
Y/N’s eyes met his, a grateful smile playing on her lips despite her fatigue. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Slowly, the tension began to dissipate. The class members exchanged glances, their initial suspicion giving way to understanding.
"We’ll keep her safe," Todoroki said, stepping forward with his usual calm demeanor.
"Yeah, we'll make sure nothing happens to her," Kirishima added, his resolve clear.
Aizawa nodded, his expression softening slightly. "Good. She’ll need all of you. And remember, the League of Villains is still out there. Stay vigilant."
As the meeting dispersed, Y/N was escorted to her new room. Izuku lingered behind, watching as she was led away. He couldn’t shake the feeling that, despite the danger, having her here was right.
Later that night, as the rain continued to pour outside, Izuku found himself standing outside Y/N’s door. He knocked softly, and when she opened it, he saw the vulnerability in her eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle.
Y/N nodded, though her eyes were tired. "I will be. Thank you, Izuku. For everything."
He smiled, a mixture of relief and determination in his expression. "We’re here for you, Y/N. Always."
As he turned to leave, she called out to him. "Izuku, I’m sorry for everything. For putting you all at risk."
He looked back at her, his eyes filled with understanding. "You did what you had to do. And now, you’re one of us. We’ll face this together."
With that, he left her to rest, feeling a sense of hope amidst the chaos. They had a long road ahead, but they would face it as a team, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.
That night, the atmosphere in the common room was tense. The students of Class 1-A were keeping a wary eye on Y/N, who was nestled comfortably on the couch, absorbed in her book. Whispers and cautious glances were exchanged as they discussed their feelings about having a former villain living among them.
Izuku, who had been vocal about giving Y/N a chance, argued, “We need to at least get acquainted with her. Aizawa told us she’s not a threat anymore and she’s helped us with information.”
But the unease remained. “She’s attacked us more than once,” Kirishima said, his tone filled with concern. “How can we just trust her like that?”
Mina, growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress, finally stood up. “Alright, no one else seems to have the guts to do it, so I will. I’ll talk to her.”
With that, Mina approached Y/N with a determined stride. Y/N looked up from her book, her expression serene as Mina came closer.
“Hey girl! What are you reading?” Mina asked with a friendly smile, trying to break the ice.
Y/N glanced up, her eyes meeting Mina’s. “It’s a book about butterflies. It’s a bit of an escape for me.”
The girls, sensing Mina’s lead, began to gravitate towards Y/N. Their initial wariness started to wane as they joined in the conversation, each taking turns to ask questions and share their thoughts.
As they chatted about various topics, Y/N’s gentle demeanor and openness helped ease the tension. The discussion soon became more relaxed and engaging. The guys, initially hesitant, eventually joined the group, drawn by the easing atmosphere and the genuine curiosity about Y/N.
Eventually, the conversation turned to more personal matters. “Is your family really going to be okay?” Kaminari asked, concern evident in their voice.
Y/N looked up, her eyes softening. “Thank you for asking. They’re safe now, far away from the League’s reach. I appreciate your concern. It means a lot to me.”
The sincerity in her voice and the warmth of her smile seemed to ease the remaining doubts. The class started to see her not just as a former villain but as a person who had been through a lot and was now trying to find a place where she could feel safe.
Mina gave a reassuring smile and nodded to her friends. “See? She’s just like us, trying to do what’s right.”
Izuku, watching the scene unfold, felt a surge of relief. It was a small but significant step toward understanding and acceptance. As Y/N continued to talk and share her story, it became clear that while trust would take time, the walls between them were starting to come down.
As the night wore on, the students of Class 1-A began to see Y/N in a new light. What had started as a cautious observation had evolved into tentative camaraderie, and with each passing moment, the possibility of forging new bonds seemed a little more real.
The atmosphere in the common room had relaxed considerably. As the initial apprehension faded, the students of Class 1-A, led by Mina, started to engage Y/N in light-hearted conversation. The initial formalities had given way to genuine curiosity.
“So,” Jirou began, leaning casually against the back of the couch where Y/N was seated, “what do villains do when they’re not out being evil?”
Y/N looked up from her book, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. “Well, we do have down time, just like everyone else. Some of us read, train, or work on personal projects. It’s not all about plotting world domination, you know.”
The girls exchanged amused glances. “What kinds of things do you like to do?” Uraraka asked, her curiosity piqued.
Y/N thought for a moment before replying, “I enjoy reading, as you can see. I also like gardening when I have the chance. It’s surprisingly therapeutic.”
“Gardening?” Momo asked, her interest clearly sparked. “That’s unexpected for a villain.”
Y/N nodded. “It’s a peaceful activity. It helps me clear my mind. Plus, it’s nice to see something grow and flourish.”
Kirishima, who had joined the conversation, grinned. “So, do villains have hobbies that are just as surprising as gardening?”
Y/N nodded. “Absolutely. Some of us have very mundane hobbies. It’s a way to balance out the more intense aspects of our lives. We all need something to keep us grounded.”
The conversation continued, with the girls asking more about Y/N’s interests and daily life. “What about when you were with the League?” Mina asked. “Did you have any other hobbies?”
Y/N smiled. “I did. I used to bake a lot, actually. It’s funny, but baking was a way for me to unwind. I used to make treats for everyone.”
The girls were visibly intrigued. “Baking? That’s really sweet!” Uraraka said with a warm smile.
Y/N nodded, her cheeks tinged with a light blush. “It was something I enjoyed, and it was a nice way to connect with others, even if the circumstances weren’t ideal.”
As the conversation flowed, the girls found themselves more at ease with Y/N. Her openness about her hobbies and interests made her seem more relatable and less like a villain. They laughed and shared stories, finding common ground despite their different backgrounds.
In that moment, the boundaries between them began to blur. Y/N was no longer just the former villain who had joined their dorms under unusual circumstances. She was someone with her own passions, fears, and dreams, and the students of Class 1-A were starting to see her as a person rather than just an enemy.
The next morning in the dorms, the usual calm routine was abruptly shattered. An intruder alarm blared through the building, causing students to scramble. Panic spread as Class 1-A members rushed to the common room, where the commotion had started.
Bakugou and some of the others were already there, confronting two unwelcome visitors. Dabi and Toga stood defiantly in the middle of the room, their presence creating an atmosphere of tense hostility. “Where’s Y/N?” Dabi demanded, his voice dripping with menace. “We know she’s here. Where are you hiding her?”
The students, caught off guard, were at a loss. “Y/N isn’t here!” Uraraka shouted, trying to reason with them. “She’s not part of this!”
Despite their protests, the villains were unrelenting. Some students scrambled to contact Aizawa and the other heroes while others tried to hold off the intruders. The room was filled with a cacophony of alarmed voices and frantic movement.
Amid the chaos, the fight broke out. Dabi and Toga began attacking the students, and Izuku was barely able to dodge Dabi’s flames. The situation seemed dire until, from the corner of the room, shadows began to twist and coil.
Y/N emerged from the darkness with a fierce determination in her eyes. “Enough!” she commanded, her voice cutting through the chaos. Shadows wrapped around Dabi and Toga, binding them tightly.
“Y/N?” Izuku’s eyes widened in disbelief.
Dabi and Toga struggled against their restraints, with Toga’s face lighting up upon seeing Y/N. “Y/N! You’re here!” she exclaimed, a strange mixture of joy and confusion in her voice. “When are you coming back to us?”
Y/N’s expression hardened. “I’m not coming back,” she said coldly. “I’ve severed ties with the League. If you don’t turn back now, things will get worse.”
Dabi sneered, “So you’ve become a traitor then?” He glared at her with contempt. “Is that why you’re protecting these heroes?”
“Call me what you want,” Y/N replied, her voice laced with venom. “But I won’t let you harm them. Leave now, or face the consequences.”
With that, the battle resumed with renewed intensity. The room was a flurry of activity as Y/N fought fiercely against her former allies. Bakugou, fueled by his determination to protect his friends, charged in with explosive force, throwing himself into the fray. His attacks were relentless as he assisted Y/N. “Why the hell are you guys just watching? Help her!” he roared at his classmates.
The combined efforts of Class 1-A proved effective. With teamwork and perseverance, they managed to subdue Dabi and Toga, binding them securely to chairs. The heroes and Aizawa arrived just in time to take over the situation.
Aizawa surveyed the scene with a mixture of relief and approval. “Good job, everyone,” he said, his gaze resting on Y/N. “I’m impressed by how you handled the situation. You’ve proven yourself.”
Y/N nodded, her expression softening slightly. “Thank you. I’m just doing what I can to make up for my past.”
The students watched in awe as the heroes took over, dealing with the captured villains. The immediate threat was neutralized, and the dorms would be safe once more.
“Hey Y/n. I know we didn’t exactly have the best.. uhhh.. journey with you back then. But we are all ready to accept you with opened arms and help you in your new journey of redemption.” Momo speaks out hesitantly with a reassuring smile.
“Yeah! Plus you totally saved us there and you’re really skilled with your quirk! We think you’d make a great hero!” Hagakure squealed enthusiastically.
“Well.. I personally did doubt you at first, but now I’m convinced that you’d make a great addition to our class.” Kirishima shyly admits with a hand rubbing the back of his head.
“And I’d love to bake with you sometime!” Uraraka smiled warmly.
“Yeah yeah.. What they said.” Bakugou scoffed but everyone was pretty sure he was trying to say he agrees.
Aizawa watched beside Y/n with a smile tucked underneath his scarf.
“Thank you everyone. You’ve accepted me with open arms and I won’t let you down.” Y/n smiled tiredly. Her eyes darted over to Aoyama, his trembling figure looked at her with guilty eyes. She just nods at him as he huffs in relief.
Aizawa then puts a hand to her shoulder.
“Kid. You did great. I’ll speak to you tomorrow again.” Aizawa says and takes his leave.
“Sooooooo— Now that is over with. Y/n, join us for a girls night!” Mina chirps, immediately pulling y/n. The girls follow behind and head to one of their rooms.
“Let’s bake cookies too!” Uraraka’s voice exclaims as they hurried away.
“Let’s talk about boys!” Hagakure’s descending voice squeaked.
“I have a great playlist for tonight!” Jirou adds while already heading down the hallway.
“Hey can we join too???” Kaminari yells from afar and tries to catch up. “Come on! Let’s join them!” Kirishima says while dragging Bakugou and Sero.
“I too would like to participate. Let’s go Midoriya, Todoroki.” Iida follows.
The rest of the students end up following after, even Tokoyami surprisingly wanted to have shadow talk with the girl.
Izuku smiles widely. He was content and relaxed. “Midoriya are you coming?” Todoroki asks the boy beside him. “Yeah, let’s go.” he replies. His heart no longer carries the weight of the world.
Later that night, Izuku found himself alone in his room, his thoughts swirling around the day’s events. He felt a deep sense of pride and admiration for Y/N, who had risked so much to protect them. As he sat on his bed, the door creaked open, and Y/N stepped in, her presence both calming and comforting.
She smiled softly as she approached him. “I wanted to check in on you,” she said, her voice gentle. The exhaustion from the day seemed to have melted away, replaced by a serene calm.
Izuku's heart swelled as he looked at her. “You were incredible today,” he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “I’m so proud of you. You’re truly my hero.”
Y/N’s eyes brightened at his words, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Thank you, Izuku. It means a lot to hear that.”
As the room fell into a comfortable silence, Izuku took a step closer, his gaze never leaving hers. He reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “You’re amazing,” he repeated, his voice soft.
Y/N’s heart raced, the proximity making the moment feel even more intimate. She leaned in, and Izuku followed suit, their faces drawing closer. Just as their lips were about to meet, the soft, warm sensation of their kiss enveloped them, and the world outside seemed to fade away.
The kiss was tender and filled with unspoken words, a culmination of their feelings for each other. When they finally pulled away, both were smiling, their foreheads resting gently against each other.
Izuku held her close, his hand resting on the small of her back. “I never thought I’d feel this way,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “But I’m glad it’s with you.”
Y/N smiled, her eyes filled with warmth. “Me too,” she said softly.
They stayed in each other’s arms, content and at peace, knowing that they had each other to lean on in the days to come.
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the-modern-typewriter · 4 months
Could you write a snippet about a sunshine civilian x terrifying villain?? The civilian doesn’t like “change” the villain but the villain does have a soft spot for them
"Would you like me to get involved?" the villain asked.
The civilian paused, halfway in the middle of doing the dishes. They started again smoothly enough - mind racing through their options.
Involved in what? Oh so innocent. An insult to them both.
How did you find out? Obvious. The villain made it their business to be aware of everything going in their general sphere.
Of course I don't want that. Of course I do.
"You're asking?" the civilian said, finally. "I didn't think your possessive streak would allow you to sit out on my battles."
"You enjoy your independence. I prefer not to upset you further."
The villain stalked across the room, taking a dish from the civilian's hand and beginning the work of drying it. It still caught the civilian off guard; to see them do such mundane things. A dark conqueror did not exchange his throne for a pair of sunny yellow marigolds.
Except, with them.
The civilian exhaled a slow breath.
"There's a limit, of course." The villain's voice was too casual. "If they'd laid hands on you..."
"I don't think any of your followers would be that stupid."
The villain didn't say anything to that, simply taking the next plate. The civilian didn't say anything either for the next few dishes, because dishes were annoying but easy and the villain's world was fascinating but hard.
"I can fight my own battles," the civilian said. "It's not a big deal."
"I know you can. And that's not the point."
The civilian huffed, finally daring a glance at their lover. The villain's gaze was an inferno. Dangerous. Teeming with violence. A carefully controlled fury. The civilian couldn't possibly look away from it.
The villain reached to turn off the hot water tap without breaking eye contact, head tilting a fraction. They raised an eyebrow.
"If you got involved," the civilian said. "They'd never dare so much as insinuate shit about me again. They'd be so polite."
"They'd get on their knees whenever you walked into a room." The villain's voice dropped instantly away from casual to velvet. "They'd ask permission before so much as looking at you. Would you like that?"
"No." Yes. Sometimes.
There was no judgment on the villain's face.
"It's not an impulse I want to indulge," the civilian amended.
"Mm, pity. I'd like seeing everyone on their knees for you. They'd grovel. Beg me for mercy and then beg you, when they realised I was not the one in a position to grant them forgiveness for their sins."
The civilian shivered.
The villain smiled. Their eyes lit up.
"Don't tempt me." The civilian elbowed them, gently, splashing soap suds everywhere. Then they pressed a kiss to the villain's shoulder. Their mouth only felt a little dry. "It would be terrible for my ego. I'd be insufferable. The power would go straight to my head."
The villain laughed and the civilian could finally look away, grinning ruefully to themselves as they shook their head. They turned the water back on and then did some more of the dishes, chest feeling a little lighter than before despite themselves.
"Thank you," the civilian said. "For asking."
"Do you know how you want to deal with the situation?"
"Honestly, I was just going to ignore it. I can handle people making snide comments."
"Boundary setting and discipline is important."
"This is why everyone is scared of you."
"This is also why no one would dare try and bait me in a conversation."
The civilian scrunched up their nose in acknowledgement of the point, glancing at the villain again. "Well, I don't want to sic you on them. As funny as their expressions would be, I'd feel really bad about it in the morning. And I don't want -" The civilian stopped.
"You don't want them to think you'll coming running to my coattails whenever the other kids on the playground are mean to you?"
"...not how I would have said it, but yeah," the civilian muttered, cheeks flushed.
The villain immediately leaned down to press a kiss to the warmed skin, seeming utterly unable to help themselves. The civilian could feel the villain's grin against their skin.
The villain would be delighted if the civilian did that, at least in part. It was the closest they could get to playing the protector, the anti hero.
"For what it's worth," the villain said, against their ear. "I don't care what they think about you."
"Lions rarely care about the inner workings of ants, it's true."
It was the villain's turn to huff. They switched the water off again, wrapping an arm around the civilian and bodily moving them away from the sink. Their lips dipped to kiss the civilian's neck. "Not an ant."
"Obviously, I'm the cutest ant around. No one's disputing that."
"You're my favourite thing," the villain said. They found the civilian's mouth and kissed that too, before straightening. When they looked down the inferno was still there (always there) but back down to its normal level of simmering. "My absolute darling."
"Yeah, yeah."
"So if you change your mind about your enemies screaming, sobbing for your absolution..."
The civilian rolled their eyes, and felt a smile tugging their lips even if they probably should have been horrified. They leaned in to kiss the villain in turn.
"I know who to call."
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kingkatsuki · 8 months
Chubby!reader who goes to one of those hero dinners with Bakugo. He picked out a matching dress with fhe help if his mother, think you look gorgeous and thanks to the dress you were 20 minutes late because you couldn't help bending you over the sofa before you left. But then, someone makes a comment as you pick up the canapés and all hellll breaks loose.
"Should you be eating that?"
And you stop. You're used to this, he was a fit and muscled pro-hero, you were just you. And even though he loved your soft body, the lush thighs and the way your body felt in his hands, he hated shit like this.
"Huh? The hell did you just say?"
Shellz this has been in my ask box for far too long, but oh my god Bakugou would lose his utter shit.
There would be news articles and tweet after tweet about how Dynamight kicked another Pro-Heroes ass at the gala— literally post after post of people unsurprised that the number two hero got into another fight. Saying that he should be cancelled and that a villainous Pro-Hero like him shouldn’t even have a career or a platform to begin with.
And his PR team are losing their shit, frantically trying to draft up a scripted apology for him to read out on the Hero Channel live the next day— trying to give him a bullshit statement about how he’s just been stressed lately. And Bakugou is like “I ain’t readin’ this shit, asshole deserves to be in hospital after what he said.”
And you feel so guilty that even though it’s not your fault, he still got himself into this because of you. So you decide to set the record straight, and you tweet your side out to your small following so people can understand why Dynamight acted that way.
And the outpouring of love and support from the Internet is insane, anything from people happy that Dynamight is celebrating body positivity to calling him a chubby chaser😂😭 and people calling the other Pro a fucking idiot because it’s obvious how hot you are?
But of course you already know that, because Bakugou had your ankles above your shoulders immediately after the gala to show you just how much he loves your perfect body.
“Better not fuckin’ change because of one shitty comment, sweetheart. You’re perfect.”
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pendarling · 2 days
Curly & Dark
Hero lightly brushed their fingers against the tight curls and looked at their reflection.
"Oh, didn't you know? Villain likes looser and longer hair so..."
They were in shambles, and they hated to admit it. They didn't like their enemy, no, only offended that anyone could assume that at all. Especially their friend; why did they say that? Nothing was wrong with their curls, at least nothing they could think of. Who cares if Villain likes lighter skin and eyes?
That had nothing to do with them, and who told their friend what Villain preferred? They could be lying. Villain always lied.
Not to them, of course, or at least Hero hoped so. Villain was very careful with their words when they whispered sweet poems in their ear when they got too close for comfort in their hand-to-hand combats. Villain's eyes didn't lie when they stared longingly back at Hero; their body gave away their feelings. Hero knew it all too well and was confident that Villain couldn't care less about their dumb curls or their skin.
It didn't matter. It shouldn't matter. It's a stupid claim, but it still hurts.
Hero's breathing quickened as they frowned deeply at themselves through the mirror with fingers caught up in the strands of hair and oh...
Hero thought, 'What a strange appearance. None of my peers look the way I do.' They huffed and walked slowly out of the bathroom, 'That should be a good thing. I stand out.'
It didn't feel good, however. Their head replayed the scene from earlier again.
Hero stood in front of their friend, and their friend smiled at them when they said it, trying to let them know kindly of the situation. They cared and didn't want Hero's heart to be broken when it would be revealed that Villain was just bullying them afterall.
"They have bad intentions; we all know Villain doesn't like curly hair, so it doesn't make sense... you're suit... yeah, that's probably why they said all that. If you wore something else, it would've been different."
Hero's suit now lay on their bed; they've worn it for years and never thought it played a part in their world. Was it too revealing? Inappropriate? Hero liked it; it was created to accommodate Hero's powers. They didn't think of it as anything else, but assuming it was attracting the wrong kind of attention, Hero was willing to wear something new.
They couldn't stop thinking all night after earlier. The next time they saw Villain, they should start ignoring them. Whatever Villain was up to was too cruel. If they hated someone that looked like them, then they should stop interacting completely.
At least that's what they told themselves to do, but still, Hero found themselves taking up another job that would require them to see Villain again.
They sat waiting on the ledge of their usual meeting spot on the roof of a building far from home. Any second now, they'd hear Villain's voice call their name with a ring in it that made their heart skip.
"There you are."
Hero sat up straighter and turned around. "Hi." Hero shyly spoke. It was less confident than they anticipated. Their hands immediately went to touch their hair again; the messy thing always got in the way, and they had taken the time to flat-iron it that morning before showing up. They couldn't remember the last time they straightened their hair; it's been a while, and they accidentally burned their ear with the hot rod in their haste to get it done as quickly as possible as if the curls were a disease.
"You look different," Villain noted, widely smiling as they set their gaze on them.
They swallowed their nervousness and stood up. "Uhm.. yeah, thought I could use a change."
"Looks good."
Hero wanted to ask if it was true. Still, something forced their tongue down even when silence fell into their conversation, where they'd usually idly chat for a good few more minutes before getting into their usual spar.
Villain's hand reached for their belt and pulled out the hilt of their sword. "May I have this dance?" They stepped closer and aimed at them, waiting for a response.
"Try to keep up this time." Hero's hand glowed a shallow colour, just enough to get them riled up.
They fought bravely as usual, each blow heavier than the last, quicker and matching Villain's attacks.
Their smile persisted throughout the entire duration. Hero dodged Villain's sword and slashed at the air with a sharp flick of their wrist. A thin line of energy burst from their hands, and the Villain deflected it with their sword.
Hero took another step back, catching the blade with their hand and twisting it away from their body, unaware that they'd run out of places to move as they felt their back pressed against a wall.
"So quick to lose," Villain smirked as they panted hard from their chest and out. Hero could feel their body buzzing with excitement; although some doubts still lingered, it was all irrelevant at this moment. "Or did you want me to corner you like this?"
"Don't get ahead of yourself." Hero breathed heavily, all too happy for their liking. They could feel the heat on their face, hotter than it was supposed to be after hardly fighting.
When Villain stepped closer, Hero felt their smile falter a bit. An unreasonable fear consumed their head as they repressed the feeling of touching their hair again. "Ever wonder," Villain began, "What it would be like outside the mask?" Their head tilted slightly with that same crooked smile they'd grown so used to.
"No..." Hero whispered, "There's nothing interesting."
Villain laughed lightly, "Not even yourself?" They leaned down closer, their fingers tapping at the hilt of their sword while Hero's sweating palms rubbed the rough brick behind them, memorizing every crevice.
"Not even myself." Their eyes flickered downward, then back up again, "And you?"
"I have lots to offer." They casually answered.
Hero rolled their eyes, "Sure you do."
They heard them huff and mock a shocked expression. "You're questioning me?" Villain placed a hand on their chest. "I have what you could only dream of-- what you couldn't comprehend."
"Like what?" Hero pressed.
The criminal shrugged and crossed their arms, "Nice try, but I'm selective about who I choose to tell."
'Selective.' Hero reiterated in their head and licked their lips; the feeling that tormented them the other night returned. Itching up their throat and successfully stopping Hero from pursuing the conversation any further.
"You're awfully quiet," Villain remarked and moved back from them slowly, their eyes analyzing the way Hero stood almost slumped up against the wall. "Usually, you're so much more hot-headed."
"You like hot-headed?" Hero quickly snapped. It came out more disgruntled than they wanted. Hero didn't know what overcame them; what was supposed to be a good sensation had burned into a simmering hatred for this strange relationship they had. Hero took a deep breath, their brows furrowed as they stared at their shoes and tried to stop themselves before it was too late.
"Relax." Villain's voice cut through their head. "I just wanted you to know that you're acting out of character."
Hero didn't even bother this time and felt their hands grasping at the air before they could understand. Each fist went flying at Villain, aiming to hit as hard as possible.
Villain played defence, avoiding each one of their punches with swift movements and slight turns. "What's the matter, Hero? I think you've gotten--"
"Shut up!" Their first, burning a bright array of white and yellow, shoved into the metal frame of a nearby door; the ground cracked beneath them upon impact, and Villain stumbled as they went behind Hero with that same obnoxious laughter.
Villain's brows raised, impressed as they whistled at the scene, "Careful, that could break your hand."
"I said stop talking to me!" Hero went to hit them again, throwing enough of their energy to tear Villain's sword away from their hands when they went to deflect again.
Hero never got Villain's weapon away from them before. It surprised them how much they could do, and the surprise made them nearly trip if Villain hadn't caught them just in time. Their powers faded slowly as Hero's emotions dropped back down again. Something about being held so closely has thrown them out of focus.
"I said be careful didn't I?" They softly uttered. Hero's heartbeat fell back into its strange rhythm as usual, a different kind of beat that played a romantic song in their head and repeated itself for weeks. It was then that they grew keenly aware where Villain's hand were placed, so neatly on each side of their waist and so gentle with them. Hero's eyes blinked with confusion until they buried their head into Villain's chest.
"Sorry." They muffled the apology, still holding tears back.
"It's okay." Villain's hands grasped at their suit, slightly tugging at its edges.
They shook their head, "No, it's not." Their lips trembled, and a few drops of tears escaped them as their mind muddled in the confusion of being torn between truth and agonizing desperation. They couldn't stop themselves from saying what they hoped they could hide, "Do you like curly?" Hero heard themselves whisper, wishing they had more control over what they said when Villain didn't respond right away.
Villain's fingers paused. "What? Your hair?"
Hero could only nod, too afraid that the next time they spoke, they would start sobbing uncontrollably.
"I like curly." They murmured. "I like curly... and I like dark." Villain moved one hand to their back, rotating up and down. "Is that what's bothering you?"
Hero sniffled, feeling silly more than ever. "It isn't just teasing then." They said, more to themselves than to their enemy. They smiled under them, their knuckles still stung from the last hit, but that was behind Hero now.
They briefly stood in silence until Villain questioned them again. "Who told you I didn't like it?"
Hero cleared their throat. "A friend."
"Friend?" They stretched the word, sounding more startled as Villain worked through a list of names they'd seen Hero with before. "Which one?"
"The one with blond hair." They answered slowly.
"Hero." They called.
They lifted their head, eyes still foggy. "Yeah?"
"Do me a favour," Villain's thumb came to wipe their tear, "and don't listen to them."
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer, @yuki-0710, @silky-worm, @theforeverdyingperson, @rainbow-nesquix, @m4iloblu3,@prophecies-bestowed-upon-ye, @jeahreading, @urmum-11, @eldritchdragonfly, @shakespeare-official-account, @menmakyu, @m4iloblu3,
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actuallysaiyan · 10 days
You're Mine Part 2(Enji Todoroki x Fem!Sidekick!Reader)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, Love quirk/aphrodisiac, dub con, Enji is in love, love confessions, violence, drug mentions word count: 1.9k pairings: Enji Todoroki x Fem!Sidekick!Reader summary: after Enji got hit with the Love quirk and got help fro you, he couldn't even stand looking at you in fear of confessing his love to you. during a drug bust gone wrong, you get hit with the same quirk and now he has to be the one to help you. a/n: Part 2 of this fic! For the lovely @cherryblossombankai, banners by @adornedwithlight and tagging @pixelcafe-network
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After the incident with the Love quirk, Enji gave you some time off to cool down. He hadn’t really been able to look at you properly since that day. He had apologized profusely when the quirk finally wore off, but dammit he felt like an idiot. He even paid for some Plan B just in case you weren’t on birth control, which made the situation even a little more awkward.
And now you are back on patrol. He sends you off with Burnin and Kido. Endeavor is still worried that whatever lingered in his chest after the Love quirk wore off will fully consume him. He’s worried that he’ll look at you and see your smile and it’ll be all over for him. He’ll have to confess his true feelings.
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So you go with Burnin and Kido. You like both of them and have grown close to all the Flaming Sidekickers. They all made you feel so welcome to the agency. You and Burnin are a duo to be reckoned with. You always have the upperhand whenever you can get together and take down a criminal.
“Shit,” Kido sighs as he gets confirmation of a drug bust happening in an apartment complex. “We’re on! Let’s go!”
You three make your way to the apartment complex. One of the criminals is using his quirk to keep some people hostage on a balcony. He then looks at your trio and he begins laughing. You can tell something seems off about the situation but you aren’t quite sure what it is.
“Leave me alone and this will all be over!” The criminal shouts, clearly high on some endurance drug.
After the last drug raid went wrong, the amount of endurance drugs in the city had skyrocketed unfortunately. You were wary of what could happen this time. You were going to be smart about this.
And then as Burnin and Kido are doing their best to calm down the main criminal, another criminal comes out from the alleyway. Your eyes widen when you realize that it’s the same Love quirk user from the last time. You dodge the attack successfully the first time but it’s by the second time you go to use your forcefield quirk that you get hit dead on.
The flash of pink is intense, and then the rush of love and lust hits you so hard. Your eyes feel almost heavy in a way. You do all that you can to keep fighting, trying to hide your affliction. Burning comes over and she manages to get the criminal pushed to the ground. She keeps her foot on him, smirking at you. Then she notices that you’re not doing well.
“Hey, you okay?!” She asks, and you try to nod.
Your thoughts are filled with the way Enji fucked you the last time he was hit by this. Now you understand why he didn’t want you to be close to him. This was so intense. You felt so hot to the touch. You were sweating so much inside your suit.
“Burnin, I…” you try to say but your tongue almost feels heavy in your mouth.
The police are quick to the scene and they take care of the villains. Kido sticks around to give the police the information while Burnin says she’s going to bring you back to the agency building. You need to sit down or something, she thinks to herself.
Once inside the Endeavor Agency, Burnin brings you up to Enji’s office. You’re panicking because she has no idea that you’ve been hit with the same Love quirk as Enji had been just last week. You feel your heart racing as you approach the door to his office.
“Hey boss, the kid got hit with some weird quirk!” Burnin shoves you into his office. “You can take care of her, right?!”
Before you or Enji can say anything, she’s leaving the office. You stand awkwardly at the door, the Love quirk coursing through your veins even more as every second passes. Enji knows immediately what’s going on and he feels terrible that you have to deal with this now.
“Sit down on the couch.” He says, nervously looking over at you.
Your eyes are dark and you keep tugging at your costume. You’re desperate for a little relief. But Enji isn’t sure he should be the one to give it to you. Then again, he’d feel guilty about having you help him just last week and then not helping you out when you need him.
“Enji,” you moan. His cock twitches to life. “I…I’m sorry.”
He finally looks at you again, his cheeks burning. You look like something straight out of a porn movie. Your lips are parted and glossed with a little drool, your back is arched ever so slightly. Your cheeks are pink too, and your hair is disheveled in such a sexy way.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault.”
He gets up from his desk and tentatively approaches you. When he finally sits down next to you, you let out a moan from being just so close to the man you love. He has to look away and pretend he didn’t hear that.
“Talk to me, tell me what I can do for you.” He finally says and then you crawl over to him.
Instead of trying to push him away, you climb onto his lap. Endeavor feels his own arousal growing and he knows it’s wrong. It shouldn’t be this way again. He should be romancing you properly, but god dammit this shit has to happen again. He sighs and then tries to get you to sit next to him instead of on his lap.
“Enji,” you whine again. “Please, need you. I’m so fucking hot.”
A shiver runs down his spine as you say this. His cock is rock hard. There’s no real reason why he shouldn’t help you with this issue. You were so good to help him, and now you were in the very same predicament. He should be jumping on the offer, but he knows it’s wrong to take advantage of this opportunity.
“It’s okay, it’ll be fine. It’ll pass.” He tries to soothe you with words, but it’s just not enough.
You whine once more, “It’s so fucking hot. It hurts.”
Your whines are getting to him for sure. He’s trying to reason with himself. He keeps reminding himself that if he does help you, it wouldn’t be so bad. You helped him and this would just be him returning the favor. But god dammit, he hates this. He wants to romance you properly. He wants you to feel loved, and not feel like some cheap whore.
Climbing onto his lap, you cause the big man to groan. He wants this, yes he fucking does, but he wanted so desperately to take things slow with you. He closes his eyes slowly, taking deep breaths. When he opens them again, you’re right there in his face.
“Kiss me, Enji. Please…”
He doesn’t have the strength to hold back anymore. He pulls you in for a deep kiss, pressing his tongue into your mouth. Warmth pools in your lower tummy as more arousal stains your panties. Endeavor begins to unzip your costume, smirking when he notices you’re not wearing a bra this time.
“I thought you didn’t go commando.”
The words roll around in your mind and you let out a cute little dumbstruck giggle. You try to come up with an excuse but really you just wanted the excuse for him to find you like this. You wanted him to kiss you and unzip your suit to find your breasts exposed.
“What do you need, baby? Tell me,”
You notice the way his words seem almost strained as he talks to you. Your lips part as a moan slips past them, and you desperately begin to grind against him. His cock is straining against his own costume. You look so fucking good and he’s losing his resolve pretty quickly.
“Need you to help me, daddy.”
The minute those words fall from your lips, it’s over for him and for you. He pushes you down on the couch, removing your suit. He pulls off your panties and kneels down in front of you. Endeavor takes greedy inhales of your scent.
“Fuck, don’t worry. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
You whimper when his tongue presses against your folds. You thought about this very moment a thousand and one times. No, a million and one. Your brain can’t even make sense of how good it feels. Already you feel like this is too much and you’re on the verge of cumming all over his face.
“Does that feel good, baby? Is daddy helping?”
You nod frantically, your mind too fuzzy to even really say anything. Your thighs are trembling as his tongue keeps lapping at you. He hums as he grips your hips to pull you even closer. His sharp eyes look even darker now than you’ve ever seen before. You let out a cute moan when he wraps his lips around your clit.
“I’m gonna…”
He pulls away, making you whine from the loss of contact. Then he gets up and goes to the side of the couch. You feel confused until he grabs you with ease and bends you over the arm of the couch. You look back at him and he smiles charmingly.
“Don’t worry. I’m gonna make sure this Love quirk passes.”
You don’t have much time to brace yourself before he’s prodding your wet hole with the tip of his cock. You choke out a moan as the head slips inside. The way he stretches you out has you panting like a bitch in heat.
“That’s my good girl. Daddy’s good girl.”
It’s like he knows exactly what to say to get your motor running. Endeavor starts up at a brutal pace, fucking you so hard. He goes deeper than anyone else, splitting you open on his impressive girth. You’re thankful for the couch to keep you up because you could not trust your legs to keep you up right now.
“Daddy, I’m so fucking close.”
He smirks and slaps your ass, rendering you into an even worse moaning mess. You’re dribbling all over his shaft, making it even more slippery this way. He has no problem pounding into you harder, deeper and faster.
You try to warn him that you’re about to cum, but all that comes out is a mix of moans and whimpers that sound so desperate. Enji grunts when he feels your tight little walls pulsing around him, making him feel the coil in his stomach grow tighter with each thrust. 
“Let go for me, baby!”
With his words, you feel the dam breaking. Stars speckle your vision as you cry out. Warm juices gush from you as your whole body trembles and shakes. You can barely keep up with everything when Enji falls over the edge with you; this time he has the good sense to pull out and cum all over your ass and back.
Suddenly, your mind feels clear. You don’t feel like you’re on edge from the Love quirk anymore. Greedily you take in gulps of oxygen as you finally catch your breath. Enji pulls you to him, turning you around to kiss you deeply.
“I didn’t get to say it the last time…” his cheeks burn at your predicament. “But…I love you.”
You wrap your arms around him and smile, “I love you too, big guy.”
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©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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