#why did no one ever go actually we nearly did kill him but other ppl stopped me
lullabyshark · 6 months
gender in the mars house
this isnt very long & is mostly haphazard and off the cuff but i had to put down some of my thoughts as a nonbinary person on the way gender is portrayed in this book. spoilers obviously
i know as a long-time fan of miss pulley to not take the things she puts in her work at face value. obviously, i think thats true for basically anything not written for children, and even many things that are written for children. something else has to be going on, right? i found myself constantly thinking "whats the catch?"
it feels strange for the love interest to say literal terf rhetoric and imply that bioessentialism is part of the world building. because on one hand this is the love interest, a person that comes across as a charming, awkward nerd in the majority of the text, and theyre saying something completely hideous. not necessarily what they personally believe, but a truth about why things are the way they are on mars.
and because then i look at all these people who were assigned they/them at birth and wonder if any of them ever feel gender euphoria. if you are gender neutral because society says so and you were genetically modified, is there any joy in it? is there any real freedom in it? what about binary trans people? what about people like myself who use neopronouns? is this just neo-cisgenderism? this society is much less widespread gender equality and more of a rigid absence of diversity. otherwise wouldnt we see more genders instead of less?
most of the time everything is very normal. i know so many people who use they/them that it feels very comfortable and homey to see it used so much. but sometimes it feels off. its definitely a cis persons imagining of gender neutrality. because when you create a world where the reason these people are "nonbinary" is bioessentialism and not because they genuinely feel that way, it feels like the gender neutrality is... bad? wrong? misguided?
it makes me feel crazy. on mars gender is no more bc men historically have power over women and kill their wives? women are the victims of biology so now everyone is assigned they/them at birth? it leaves a very odd taste in my mouth. gale only ever addresses it once after this, admitting that actually abolishing gender didnt stop anyone getting killed, it was changing marriage law that did. so where does that leave us
i love a morally gray pulley love interest--if mori was real i would forgive him for all the murders then bat my eyelashes and say anything you want beautiful LMAO. but i think that mystery, when we're dealing with something like systematic oppression, thats a very different thing. i was waiting the whole book for them to say that it was a lie and gender was abolished for a different reason, or that they only said that for the optics.
i wonder what other trans & nb ppl think about it. is there something im not getting? do you like this mono-gender mars? do you think im completely off the mark? if anyone actually reads this i genuinely want to know 😭
natasha i love your work queen but theres a lot in this book that fails to convey what i think you were trying to convey. obv this is just one issue, there are plenty of others that i dont feel nearly as equipped to discuss, in this and her other books. and while i will always enjoy her prose and try to go in w good faith, certainly no one is infallible.
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liauditore · 1 year
Hi, I love your art and ive been really enjoying reading all your rambling about characters. Do you have any thoughts about pearl? I dont think she gets talked about nearly enough.
Also, shipping bingo for pearl and cleo?
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anon i have so many thoughts about pearl u have no idea
ok uhhhh first off HI UR TOO SWEET???? 😭😭😭😭😭 i never thought so many of you would actually read my unhinged rambles let alone enjoy them LMAO plus my art ok sometimes too ig
i feel like ppl actually give pearl a decent chunk of attention (i would say she gets way more than cleo does) but no amount is too much of pearl for me tbh i always want more so
pearls like uh. the most ever. babygirl. i think scarlet pearl was a bit of a turning point for her but i think she was always.. a little bit messed up. we talk about martyn essentially turning himself into ren's sword in 3L and i think LL pearl and scott have a somewhat similar dynamic, just less in your face about it. <-- thinking about her killing joel for scott multiple times, her essentially donating all her lives to him, etc.
she's a very lonely character i feel like. so the people who she does end up close to she will go insane for, literally being ready for give up her life for them.
if u want me to get hot take-y about it i think that read is why i've never been a big fan of her getting characterized as the crazy ex-girlfriend in fics and such. i always took scott calling her that as his version of events (and slandering her to get the rest of the server on his side), pearl i feel has such a pure devotion and need for love that i cant see her ever really considering romance.
soz im a misogynist on this one 😔😔
like every other divorce quartet dynamic i go crazy about it but i don't really "see" anything between these two i guess.
they've always felt kind of detached from eachother to me. like they just can't fundamentally understand one another. pearl is naive but capable of feats way beyond regular people. cleo is all too familiar with the world and endlessly haunted by their own insecurities.
the whole mean girl energy directed at pearl during DL def didn't help their relationship. i like to think that LimL cleo did feel kinda bad about how she treated her? a lot of what cleo does in DL i feel was kind of influenced by scott's behaviour -- i don't think she even really hates pearl (they might even pity her) but she's not gonna be extending a hand out anytime soon either.
but yeah even in another universe where either of them knows how to be normal about their emotions i don't see the possibility for anything more. an apology and return to normal is as good as it's gonna get imo. they're just not close enough.
i also kinda feel that.. idk it's just kind of obligatory? like ppl are clawing and desperate and starving to get some toxic yuri and Trust Me i understand. but idk uh. the ship has to find me yknow. not the other way around. 🙏
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swanqueensalad · 3 years
Without triggering anyone I wanna ask two things:
1) Was Cora ever physically abbussive towards Regina?
2) I know many ppl's head canon is that Leopold raped Regina again and again as his bride, but is that your headcanon too?
ok again TRIGGER WARNING for abuse & SA (and brief mention of suicide) for anyone reading/scrolling!
i'm going to just explain my personal interpretation of the show and these subjects, bc i find regina so interesting and heartbreaking. and i actually do think part of what makes regina so fascinating as a character is her relationship within the cycle of abuse and how yes, she was incredibly hurt and manipulated all her life, but she eventually managed to break free of it all and work to be better for her own child.
buckle up because i have a lot of feelings and this is probably going to be LONG
so, my thoughts on exactly what happened and why regina is as fucked up as she is:
so yeah, cora was a horrific parent. it's canon that she abused regina both emotionally and physically for practically all her life.
in practically her very first scene, we see cora using magic to hurt her eighteen year old daughter - to violently restrain her/drop her to the ground when she 'misbehaves' which pretty clearly says this is a woman who uses power and fear as a control tactic, and is not afraid of physically hurting regina.
and if this is what she was doing when regina is almost an adult, i think it's safe to assume she's been doing it since she was very young - regina's response 'please don't, i'll be good' is the conditioned response of a much younger child. everything about the way regina was written, her relationship with cora, and the way lana and the directors chose to play it screams abuse victim. she is hypervigilant - she jumps when people come close or make sudden noises. when she's choked with magic she immediately knows not to struggle or fight back. as a young girl, she is terrified of doing things wrong.
(also, when we get the flashback to actual 10 year old regina, cora says she can't help her because 'it needs to be someone who's magic has never hurt her')
while i think most of the time cora relied on magic to physically punish regina - knowing how much regina particularly hated it/was afraid of it - i think she was definitely not above slapping her for more minor infractions
beyond just physical abuse, cora was clearly emotionally distant and got regina to a place of being pretty touch-starved and desperate for affection. (lana and barbara play this so masterfully as well) we see her being constantly, nastily critical of everything her daughter does.
i think it's also implied in the regina rising book that cora was controlling/restrictive of regina's food to ensure she stayed thin/attractive which is just a whole other can of worms
as for leopold. please bear with me while i RANT:
nothing will ever make me more mad than the fact this man was never held accountable in the narrative for his role in regina's story and how absolutely fucking awful he was.
first of all, even before he meets regina, he is dodgy af. he supposedly genuinely loves cora, but throws her out immediately when he discovers her pregnancy without even asking her if it's true/discussing it. also, even in that flashback the man is visibly much older than cora and even more so than eva, who he actually does marry (although i do believe they came to truly love each other). so yeah he has a habit of Not Listening to women and not looking at women his own age
and then we get to regina. the eighteen year old daughter of his ex fiancee (younger even than the unborn child who cora carried when she was engaged to him)
yes i think he raped her. because powerful old men do not marry pretty eighteen year olds for the company. (also, if it was just so snow would have a mother figure, well, she already had her maid joanna. and if snow really wanted regina around that badly, leopold could have just brought her to court as a lady in waiting, a fitting role for a noblewoman, and more appropriate seeing as regina was only about eight years older than snow)
regina is visibly distressed by the proposal. she is panicked. she looks to her father to help. cora accepts the proposal for her. and leopold does not care. i think this tells u all u need to know about his views on consent
(also it all gets ickier when you remember leopold was attracted to cora, and regina is considered to look like cora did when she was younger)
leopold clearly had zero interest in regina as a person. he used her for arm candy for events, to make snow happy, and to keep his bed warm. (later, he invades her privacy so much regina counts on him reading her diary as a thoughtless and integral part of a plan, and locks her up for receiving a present from another man) and yet he is never treated as a villain or ever held accountable (besides regina killing him - good for her - but even then it's framed more as a way to villainise her for tricking sidney) and it makes me FURIOUS
i sometimes see the take that leopold might have stopped raping her towards the latter years of their marriage, but i disagree - i think maybe it did get fewer and farther between, but regina was still his wife who he only saw as serving a few purposes, and the way he is so possessive of her in 1x011 makes no sense otherwise, seeing as he was so uninterested in her in every other way
i do think a lot of regina's rage and vendetta against snow is because of this abuse too.
hear me out: in s1 especially, both snow and regina refer to snow as 'ruining her life'. because regina blamed her for everything that happened to her. not only did snow cause daniel's murder, it was her desire for regina as a mother that prompted leopold to marry her.
and this marriage was hell. and i think people don't realise how long it lasted either - snow went from a child to at least her late teens before regina killed leopold. regina was a traumatised young girl, grieving the love of her life, with no friends, no allies, nobody except the literal dark one who was grooming her for his own gain. (no wonder she clung to the brief sense of freedom and control his lessons offered. no wonder she nearly killed herself.)
and while regina suffered, she was forced to play with snow white every day, who was so spoiled, so loved, so happy, and had no idea of the life she had unwittingly trapped regina in.
so yeah, it's all pretty dark.
and it's for all these reasons i think ouat ended up shying away from many more regina backstory episodes centring on the time she was married/pre-evil queen years, because they were on abc after all, and i don't think they were really equipped to deal with the horrendousness of the story they'd created
but lana most certainly did her work becaue i think all of this nuance does show in her portrayal
and it all just makes regina's ending - the good queen, in her own name, safe and strong and loved, part of a true family, her bond with snow healed - so much more of a relief.
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cinebration · 4 years
Give Me Peace (Geralt of Rivia x Reader) [Request]
I always had a vision of the witcher where reader is a siren (alternative, land walking type that can still enthrall ppl with her beauty) and her and Geralt always bump into each other over the years. Ppl are always hunting her since sirens are worth a lot of money so he decides to help her. Geralt refuses to admit his feelings are real for her until he figures out that witchers are immune to siren songs. Basically, lots of angst but a fluffy ending! — Requested by anon
I know this was supposed to have a fluffy ending, but it turned into something else, and I couldn’t bear to change it.
Tagged: @bichibibi​
Warnings: death
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Gif Source: august-walker
Over the span of five decades, you and Geralt crossed paths more times than he had ever crossed anyone’s, Jaskier and Yennefer included. The hand of destiny seemed to be at work, nudging you both into each other’s path every ten years or so.
It started first by the ocean. You had spent much time there in that first decade, drawn to the sea and your marine cousins, the sirens of the water. You were a siren of the land, beautiful beyond measure but lacking the enchanting voice of your sea cousins. You did not call men to their deaths as they did. Instead, your beauty drove men to madness.
Perhaps you were the more dangerous breed.
For the first few years, your beauty kept you safe, as no man who laid eyes on you and met your gaze was safe from your spell. You could topple kingdoms if you so felt with that kind of power.
But there came men and women who coveted the prize of a slain siren, especially one poisoning the minds and hearts of their very best.
Thus came your first encounter with the witcher, Geralt. Hired by the townsfolk, he sought you out on the shores of the sea, where you sat on the rocks in low tide and gazed out over the choppy waters. Careful to avoid your gaze, he drew near, armed not with his sword but with his wits, ready to be enthralled.
Hearing his step on the sand, you glanced at him and paused, stricken by his rugged beauty. Never had you seen a man whose looks could entice you as you enticed others. Though he averted his eyes, you saw their vivid yellow irises glinting in the setting sun.
“Witcher,” you called, “have you come for me?”
He grunted.
“You would kill me for something I have no power over?”
“You’re driving the town mad.”
“They are driven mad by their own desire. I can’t hide myself.”
“They don’t see it that way.”
“How do you see it?”
He cleared his throat, glanced over his shoulder to see if any of the townsfolk had followed him.
Slipping down off the rock, you approached him. He took a step back, shifting into a defensive stance. You ceased, bare feet digging into the cooling sand.
“If I paid you more than they did to protect me, would you?”
The muscle in his jaw flexed. “Only if you leave.”
With a sigh, you looked back over the ocean. You would miss it, but forests and mountains were your home; to them you would return.
The following decade, Geralt heard news of a beautiful woman bewitching men near Brokilon. At first he thought she belonged to the druids that populated the dangerous forest, but as he heard report after report of men driven to madness, raving of beauty and unearthly eyes, he knew the woman to be a siren.
He knew it had to be you.
The villagers sent him forth to kill you. Traveling through the forest on the outskirts of Brokilon, careful not to trespass, he found a small hut near the road, partially obscured by the trees but by no means invisible.
Through a half-shuttered window, he glimpsed you brushing your hair. In the light from the fire burning within the hearth, he glimpsed the faint lines of sealed gills. He had heard that land sirens had come from the sea centuries before, but nothing had offered so much proof as the vestigial, malformed organs on your neck.
“Witcher,” you called, seeing him through the window, “have you come for me?”
He grunted.
“You would kill me for something I have no power over?”
“The villagers don’t see it that way.”
“What am I to do? I can’t hide myself.”
“You could do a better job.”
“Come into my home, witcher, and warm yourself.”
Shaking his head, he unsheathed his sword.
“If I pay you double what the villagers are paying, will you spare me again?”
He considered for a long moment. You stared at his face, but he refused to meet your gaze. Out of his peripherals, he saw something of your beauty. It was stellar, he would agree, but it stirred nothing more within him than he expected when seeing a beautiful woman.
It almost made him want to meet your enchanting gaze.
Discipline and strength won out, but not entirely.
“Yes,” he answered. “Just leave.”
Sighing, you put out the fire and gathered your things, amounting to nothing more than a small sack over one shoulder.
“Witcher,” you called, “I have been attacked twice now.”
He nearly met your eyes, so sharply did he turn back to you.
“Men shot arrows through my window, tried to set fire to my home.”
“You are a monster to them.”
“So are you, but you are allowed some peace.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Few men think they can kill you. Every man thinks they can kill me. There is peace in the former.”
Shouldering your sack, you struck off down the road, fixing your gaze on the mountains.
Geralt watched you go until even his enhanced vision no longer saw your figure, your words echoing in his mind.
In the third decade, Geralt came upon you by chance. He passed a hunting party made of hardscrabble men practically frothing at the mouth with anticipation. They rained arrows down into the ravine from their position on the mountain face, arrows with fire burning at the ends. Geralt would have walked on if one of them had not cried, “Burn, enchantress!”
Geralt paused to look down into the ravine. A small shack leaned against the wall, situated by a thin stream. You stood in stark relief among the basalt, knocking away the arrows with a poor shield. One arrow caught in your thatch roof, caught fire.
Geralt hauled the nearest archer off his feet, slamming him against the cliff face. The other men spun, glimpsed his white hair and murderous glare. They fled, screaming obscenities in your direction.
“Witcher,” you called, “have you come for me?”
He didn’t answer, unsure how to.
Running into the burning shack, you stumbled out with your bag and watched the rest of your ramshackle home burn. By the time it had been reduced to a pile of ash and cinders, Geralt had made his way down into the ravine. He avoided your gaze but stared at the curve of your neck.
“They grow bolder every year,” you informed him. “See?” Slipping off the shoulder of your tunic, you presented a livid scar not many months old. “They will be the death of me—and I have not driven any of them mad.”
“Sirens have gone up in price.”
“I have no money to pay you, witcher, to spare me.”
He grunted. “I wasn’t hired to kill you. This time.”
“Until next time, then.”
You obliged, dropping your gaze slightly so he could look on your face. Wary, he only glimpsed it before averting his eyes.
“They’ll keep coming,” he said.
“What…will you do?”
“Nothing. We all die at the hands of men.”
Geralt felt something strange constrict his chest. “You can go to the Edge of the World.”
“The elves have no love for my kind. We are as dangerous to them as we are to humans. But thank you for the advice.”
Geralt watched you follow the river through the ravine and wondered why he wanted to tell you to stay.
The fourth decade, he was hired yet again—by you. You tracked him for miles, following instructions given to you by a man in the town. No one had been bewitched therein, for you had bound your eyes with cloth, preventing them from being enthralled.
Only as you navigated the unused road did you remove the cloth. After a day of unceasing travel by foot, you approached Geralt’s campsite. Roach whinnied as you drew near, but she did not rear or cry out in alarm. Geralt sprang to his feet.
Having blinded yourself again with the cloth, you stood at the edge of his campsite.
“Witcher,” you called, “I have come for you.”
“I am being pursued.”
“A group of armed men. They seek me out especially, not solely because I am a siren, but because I am the siren.”
Looking on your face, he saw weariness and fear lining your features. The tops of your eyebrows were drawn together, indicative of your distress.
“I have no coin,” you told him.
“You have to pay me.”
“I feared as much.” Pulling tight your threadbare coat, you asked, “May I at least share your fire? I have a penny to pay you for some food.”
Geralt hesitated. As much as he wished to help, felt compelled to—a feeling that worried him—he couldn’t help but wonder if it was a trap. A slip of his guard would be all you needed for you to enthrall him and make him do as you wished.
“I will wear the blindfold,” you assured him. “You won’t be afflicted.”
Grunting reluctantly, he tossed you a hank of meat from the spit roasting over the fire. You ate ravenously with less grace than he expected. Only then did he notice how frail you seemed beneath your coat, how few plentiful days you had seen since he last crossed your path.
A surge of feeling coursed through him, one he identified with an urge to protect. Protection wasn’t strictly in his purview, as he was more of an offensive weapon than a defensive one. Yet the urge remained as he watched you warm yourself in front of the fire, eerie with the blindfold covering nearly half your face.
“Have you found your peace?” you asked in the quiet.
“A pity. But neither have I.”
“You don’t actually expect to find peace.”
You smiled thinly. “Surely I do. In death.”
Geralt nodded.
“There is a madness in driving men mad,” you said. “I can find no solace among people, and so, living alone in the most terrible of ways—among others—I know what it feels like to be driven mad.”
Geralt watched you as you spoke. The firelight flickered shadows across your beautiful face.
“Few sirens know it themselves. They live free in their youth, reveling in their power. Few make it beyond that. But those that do begin to run, and that marks their end.” You shook your head. “None of us choose this.”
Geralt tried to quell the emotions rising within him. He hadn’t chosen his path either, his life. Destiny had worked hard to bring him here, with all of life’s misery and suffering multiplied tenfold for his status as a witcher. If only the rumors of the elixirs and Grasses were true, that they could make him an emotionless monster.
Instead, he silently suffered beside a land siren who knew suffering intimately.
You disappeared by morning. The band of men pursuing you crossed paths with Geralt a few hours later. Choice words and a rough scuffle sent them back home.
In the fifth decade, Geralt felt drawn to the sea. There was no work there by the ocean, but he drifted there anyway, away from the turmoil of the interior. Two miles away from a fishing port, the beach was unblemished, free of humans.
Only you were there, seated upon a rock at low tide, overlooking the serene waters.
“Witcher,” you called, “have you come for me?”
“I have.”
Geralt mounted the rock beside you, sat down on the rough and slimy surface. You stared out at the horizon, knees held against your chest.
He dutifully avoided your gaze.
“Witcher,” you said, “you shouldn’t fear me.”
He grunted.
“I do not affect your kind.”
Frowning, he glanced up, found himself staring directly into your eyes. They were gorgeous, truly enthralling—but though his heart rate spiked at being exposed to your naked gaze, he felt no different than he had upon arriving at the beach: pained and joyous. He couldn’t believe it.
“See? You are unaffected.”
“I…why didn’t you tell me?”
“What good would it have done? You needed something to fear to still consider me a monster.”
He cleared his throat. “You’re not a monster.”
“Neither are you.”
He wanted to say otherwise, but you were staring at him again. Fighting the feelings in his chest, he reached up and brushed away the hair from your eyes, curling the strands around your ear. The faint gills on your neck revealed themselves.
Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against yours. You kissed him back gently. You tasted salty, much to his surprise.
When he pulled back, he discovered it was because of the tears streaming down your face. He brushed them away, but you shook your head, holding his hand.
“Give me peace,” you whispered, “and return me to the sea. I was never meant for the land.”
Geralt avoided the ocean for five decades after, but the salty taste of your kiss never left him.
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mikiruma · 2 years
actually wtf is going on in the replies of the breaking bad post we reblogged earlier???? do people think breaking bad is a show about our good buddy walter white who was thrust into an unfair situation and was rewarded for killing people????? sorry to drop spoilers for a show that ended 9 years ago but
heres just a short list of things i can remember he did off the top of my head
rejected payment for his treatment out of pride/resentment for the old friend offering (who was a BILLIONAIRE)
got into meth without really any prompting (yes he was desperate but you could argue he could have done literally anything else in his position instead of stew quietly and fuck around in the desert)
kills/severely injures 2 people the second time cooking ever
(throughout the show) manipulating/gaslighting his wife, his lab partner, anyone he thinks he has an inkling of power over
when his meth empire as he knows it crumbles he starts working with actual white supremacists
one of which shoots/kills a child in front of him, which he defends
literally nearly every scene of him and jesse interacting
indirectly caused the universe's "9/11 two" (by watching/letting the daughter of the air traffic controller who took responsibility die) (the daughter happening to be jesse's gf at the time)
at a school assembly addressing this he essentially told the student body & faculty (many of which were directly affected by the tragedy ie property damage via plane/body parts or severe emotional trauma from witnessing) to "get over it"
poison's jesse's new gf's son to manipulate jesse into killing their boss, who they don't like admittedly but jesse isn't an overzealous idiot
literally every scene where he tells skyler "you dont know WHAT ive done for this family... to protect us..." literally nobody asked you to start cooking meth and terrorizing people
ok on god this show is designed to make you sympathize with him early on bc hes sad and desperate and trying to be a strong brave man but he gets so gradually unlikeable and is continuously punished and doesnt understand WHY bc he was BADASS and BUSINESS IS BOOMING and honestly i cant give you a specific point when i personally stopped rooting for walt bc i've been rewatching slowly and just always knew he was a shithead but i WILL say it is extremely apparent when, in the beginning, he cries abt how he does it to secure a future for his family & keep them out of medical debt and even originally has a set dollar amount goal! but in early s5 he calls $5mil 'pennies' and even before then its extremely obvious it hasnt been about the family for a long ass time, hes no longer interested in securing a future, hes trying to flex his wealth (NOT EVEN BOTHERING WITH MONEY LAUNDERING UNTIL S4?????) and "prove" how much of a hero he can be to his family who never asked him to do any of this.
this show is awesome bc you get to watch a guys joker arc set in over the course of a year or so and he sucks SO BAD. it literally shows how the nightmare medical industry drives people to desperate measures. it shows toxic masculinity and the problems with the nuclear family mindset/image and a wonderfully awful demonstration of how pride can rot you. seeing ppl say they wont watch the show because it touches on those themes at all, being completely dismissive of how theyre examined or what the point in all of it is, is really fucking weird. i dont mean to sound like a married middle-class white man in a mid-life crisis who thinks he's walter white and would kin him if i knew what that meant (and was simultaneously too cool for comic books so i cant relate to the joker at all) but this show is fucking cool and i have just witnessed the other side of the fanbase revival, which is 'people who have never seen it who think they know what its about posting their opinions online and it hurts my little autistic brain'
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent Mafia Scenarios
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Cai Xukun
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Cai Xukun, a name that is well-known whether you go to the same school with him or not. He was notorious for not only being the heartrob of the school, the best basketball player the school had ever had, a hard-working student and a caring person.
Even so, there was a rumour going around that he was part of a gang. Now, this wasn't your typical school gang or a motorcycle gang but more so a mafia group. Not only that, the rumours has it that he is even a leader of one of the mafia's group.
But despite his reputation, Kun was never one to play with people's feelings. So he would always decline people's confessions as nicely as he could. Truth be told that it was mainly because there was already someone that caught his attention since the first day he came to the school (*cough*you*cough*).
Of course, because of his reputations and all, he didn't really want to make his crush that obvious, especially when he was in a mafia group. Though, his group were more so dealing with the actual scums rather than causing trouble for the authority (which is why the authority would let his group go).
But that would soon change during one of his important matches. Not only was he against his school's biggest rival but also his mafia's rival. If he won the game, it'd be killing two birds with one stone.
Unfortunately, when the match was going fairly well for Kun's side, his rival's side had their own set of tricks. Apparently, some of his rival's group were scattered around the school, finding one specific person, you.
While you did try to put up a fight and all, you were outnumbered and the opposing rival managed to get ahold of you. Once the game was over and Kun's team had won, they had to shake hands with the opposing team which of course, Kun did as well. However, when he got to his mafia's rival, he received a disturbing information.
"It was a good game but looks like you guys could still use some practice" Kun snickered, shaking hands with his rival
"I wouldn't be too cocky if I were you, August" his rival challenged, making Kun tensed up upon hearing his work name
"Don't test me, especially in school. I suggest you leave quietly unless you're starting to pick a fight" Kun barked
"Heh, well, let's see how tough you can get when you're with (y/n)" his rival mentioned, makin Kun gripped on his rival's hand even more
"What do you know about (y/n)?!" Kun growled
"Why don't you come by dinner tonight? I'll send you the location" his rival smirked, taking his hand back and leaving the school along with his team
Kun instantly contacted his own members, asking them to track your phone since he tried calling and texting you but you didn't reply him at all (which is actually very rare unless you told him you had something to do).
At the same time Kun received an unknown message, his members found your phone's location which was completely different to the location in the message.
Kun then split his group to two, with him going to the location he got from the message whilst the others go to the location where they tracked the phone down.
It wasn't that much of a surprised that you weren't at the location Kun went. But that didn't stop Kun from going brutal with the rival gang. After he was done there, he went over to where you actually were on his motorcycle.
Arriving at the scene, Kun wasted no time and just knocked the rival gang even when he was still on his motorcycle. When Kun did get down from his motorcycle, he kept going until he finally reached you and pulled you into a hug.
"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" Kun asked, concern can be heard from his cracked yet soft voice
"I, I'm alright, Kun. I just got a slight bruise but nothing too serious" you admitted, holding onto Kun's hands that were almost 2x your hand size
"If you ever come near her ever again, I'll show no mercy next time. Now scram" Kun hissed, making the boys run away from the scene
"I'm fine, Kun. Don't scare them like that" you stuttered
"Let's go, let's put some ice pack onto that bruise, hmm? Then we can continue watching that drama you were watching. Let's go boys" Kun mentioned, pulling you to his motorcycle
Chen Linong
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Honestly, Nongnong is just too soft to be part of the mafia. Which is also why he is perfect to be the spy in the mafia XD alright, onto the scenario
So, I imagine that you were one of the bad girls in school. Not bad as in you caused trouble but more so you look like a baddie when you're actually nice to the ppl close to you. One of which was Nongnong.
When Nongnong first came to the school, he looked so cute and soft that you swore that you wouldn't let anybody bully him nor hurt him at all. You even helped him get used to the school.
Time passed by and you and Nongnong were quite close with each other that even went on a few study dates here and there; which Nongnong of course would take you home like the gentlemen he was.
But one study date made you change your mind how you saw Nongnong. All this time you would always feel the need to be the one to protecc precious Nongnong, but this time, it was the other way around.
The both of you stayed a bit longer than expected at the study cafe you guys always come for when you were doing school stuff. But of course both of you have told your parents and Nongnong even told your parents he'll still bring you home safely.
As the cafe was closing, you and Nongnong finally head back home when suddenly a gang of motorcycles came by and stopped right in front of you. Nongnong tried his best to tell them off but for no apparent reason they just burst up and went to charge towards you and Nongnong.
You've experienced fighting before which is why you were still standing, unfeared of what this gang could do. But as you were about to fight back, Nongnong quickly stood in front of you and beat all the people in the gang; scaring them off and even threatening them that if he ever sees them again or even hears about them when he's around, he won't go easy.
"Are you ok (Y/N)? Are you hurt anywhere?" Nongnong asked, his voice turning into his normal soft voice
"I, you, what? Who are you and what have you done to my sunshine soft precious Nong?!" you exclaimed, pointing at Nongnong and at the slight mess he made
"Ahaha, I'm also super Nongnong!! Remember? But for reals (y/n), are you alright?" Nongnong asked in concern, holding your hands in his
"I'm fine. You didn't have to protect me though. You know I can fight" you mumbled
"I know. But you shouldn't have to fight when I'm around. I'll take care of you even when I'm sick. As long as you're fine then I'll be fine. Come, let's go home" Nongnong softly whispered, pulling his signature smile as he pulled you away from the scene and head back home
Fan Chengcheng
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Kay, first of, boy looks like he ready to throw a fit or something XD also, crazy to believe that he was just 18 here. Kay" scenario
For this I imagine that Chengcheng had to attend a wedding of a family member (let's say it's his cousin) and his parents expect him to bring someone or they'll make him mingle around with the people at the wedding.
Because he much prefer to bring someone he knew, he immediately called you to come join him; telling you that he'll find hair, makeup and stylist for you so all you had to do was just join him. Though you're not much of a social person, Chengcheng got you by telling you that there'll be your favourite foods.
Time skip to the day of the wedding
You arrived at the Fan's house and was greeted by Chengcheng's sister, Fan Bingbing. Because you've been to his house several of times, truth is, his parents and Bingbing were thrilled to hear that Chengcheng invited you to join.
Bingbing then directed you to one of the rooms that was filled with different clothes and she even helped you picked out an outfit then brought you to another room where there were people ready to do your hair and makeup.
After nearly 2 hours of getting ready, you were finally done and Bingbing was helping you zip your dress when Chengcheng came in already in his dashing suit. Bingbing then gave a smirk, leaving you with Cheng.
"Wow, you look amazing? You're probably gonna outshine the bride. Here, lemme help" Chengcheng exclaimed, helping zip your dress up then looking at you in the mirror
"Speak for yourself. That glasses really suits your look. Not to mention the slick back hair with a slight green/blue tone?! Damn, Cheng" you replied as the both of you looked in the mirror
"C'mon, I want one mirror selfie then we can go to the actual event" Chengcheng requested as he took his phone out and taking a mirror selfie with you
After several more pictures, Chengcheng's parents finally called you both and the both of you went downstairs; where Chengcheng's parents and sister were waiting.
After around 30-40 minutes of being on the road, you all arrived at the venue, took some pictures and were redirected to where you would be seated.
"I have to go for a bit. My parents made me go see my cousin then his bride. You just stay here, alright? I'll have someone send some appetisers or any snacks" Chengcheng whispered to you
"Sure thing. Go go, then we can play whilst we wait. Justin is waiting for me right now" you mentioned
"Better be just one game. I'll be back. Don't start the next game without me, tell Justin that I'll take his food next practice if he leaves me out" Chengcheng pointed out, walking away
"Oi!! Watch your step!!" you scolded then went back to playing
Chengcheng's POV
"Why do I have to meet her?" I complained
"Because it's to welcome her into the family" my parents replied
"Ah yes, welcome someone we almost never met into the family" I cursed
"Fan Chengcheng, behave. I heard she's quite lovely" my mom scolded
"Fine. But it better not be long" I scoffed as the security opened the door and I went into my cousin's bride room
"Fan Chengcheng!! I'm so happy you could come to my wedding!!" my cousin's bride exclaimed
"Yea yea. Hold it. You....Jia Xiaoli (random name). You're my cousin's bride?! What trick you got now?!" I threatened standing right in front of her
"No tricks, Cheng. I promise!!" Xiaoli smiled
"Cut the act Xiaoli, you bribed me into dating you and if it wasn't for (y/n), my family would be in jeprodize" I barked at her
"Ahhh right, (y/n). I haven't seen her in a while. How is she?" Xiaoli asked
"She's not your concern. Stay out of my sight and (y/n)'s. And if you ever hurt my family, I'll show you no mercy" I scoffed, banging on the door and returning to where I left (y/n)
Unfortunately, when I arrived back, (y/n) was no where to be seen. I scowered the whole venue yet she wasn't there. I then rushed out to the bathroom, hoping that maybe she was there. I even tried texting her but after 30 minutes and no answer from her at all, I got anxious; like something is wrong here.
I then went out of the venue and contacted Justin if he was talking with (y/n) since they were playing games together. Thankfully, I got somewhat of a lead. Justin mentioned that he's actually on a "call" with (y/n) but he muted his microphone because he heard some other people was on the other line with her. Justin also mentioned that he's trying to track down (y/n) and after a few minutes, Justin sent me her location.
Not caring that the event was starting, I rushed to find (y/n) which turns out, her phone was at one of the hotel rooms of the venue. I then listened to the room first and when I heard (y/n)'s voice, I wasted no time and barged in, dodging all the attacks of the men within the room, knocking them all out one by one and took my jacket off, wrapping it around (y/n).
"Are you ok? Did they hurt you? What did they do?" I asked, pulling (y/n) into a hug
"Nothing, thankfully. They made me go with them and when I felt something was off, I called Justin but put the volume at the lowest, hoping he'll know my situation" (y/n) explained
"It's alright, I'm here. I've also asked Justin to come. C'mon let's get outta here" I mentioned, holding (y/n)'s hand
"Justin? Is he invited? What are you gonna do?" (Y/n) asked
"He'll be invited soon. We got a wedding to crash" I snickered, taking (y/n) away from the scene
Justin Huang
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Tbh, I don't think this pose will really fit into the scenario but I will try. Okie, onto the scenario for Justin!!
For Justin, I imagine that you guys were living together along with Chengcheng, Yanjun and Kun for a film shoot and one night, you and Justin were heading out to buy dinner since the geges were basically passed out.
As the both of you were on your way, Justin noticed some sketchy people stalking the both of you. Justin made sure to keep an eye of them but didn't realise that there were a whole lot more of them that blocked your path and while you did put up quite a fight, you were eventually taken and was out of Justin's sight.
When Justin realised you were gone, he didn't waste any time in calling his geges and immediately went to find where they took you. Justin was definitely certain that they were part of the opposing gang that's always trying to get on ninepercent's nerve.
After a bit of running and even getting his geges help, Justin finally found the hideout and instantly barged in. However, the condition he found you in was not a pretty sight.
⚠️ Trigger Warning!! ⚠️
Not only were you bounded to a chair but it seemed that you were being beaten up, there were visible new purpleish bruises on your legs and cheek, not to mention some part of your clothes were ripped, your hair was messed up and even blood was dripping from your mouth, hands and thighs.
At that moment, something in Justin just flipped. As if he turned off his humanity switch (except for you). No-one was going to block his way to you. If they did, he wouldn't care whether they're a guy or girl, he'll put them down.
One after the other, Justin would break their arms/legs, the sound of their suffering even urged Justin to go even further; to the point where Justin didn't care whether he broke their bones, pulled their muscles or so on.
Once all of them were down on the ground, Justin finally managed to get to you. He crouched down to your height and wrapped his jacket over your shivering body and asked if it was alright to carry you which u only gave him a slight nod; and at the same time his geges arrived at the scene.
"It's alright (y/n). I got you, we're gonna go home now, kay?" Justin cooed you as he carried you in his arms
"Justin?! (Y/N)?! Are you guys alright?!" Kun asked as Yanjun and Chengcheng were prepared to shoot anyone
"Sorry to ask this but please take care of them. Oh and make sure they're still alive. I have unfinished business with them. I'm taking (y/n) back first" Justin requested, walking out of the scene
Lin Yanjun
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Tbh, I'm not a fan of this jacket on Jun XD but his gaze bruh, his gaze!!! 🔥🔥 okie, scenario!!
For this scenario, I imagine that you were in Yanjun's hometown in Taiwan and apparently Yanjun's 10th year high school reunion was coming up and decided to bring you along since he only planned on staying for a bit then take you out elsewhere (also to keep all those girls in line before they lashed out on him)
After getting ready and all, you and Yanjun excused yourselves from Yanjun's parents and went out to the bar where the reunion was held. Ofc, when Yanjun entered, so many of his ex girl classmates were thrilled, until he showed up with you, hand in hand.
Yanjun just nodded and waved at his ex classmates before introducing you then he pulled you to the near corner of the table since he knew that you were somewhat socially awkward.
After having a little drink and snacks, it was now almost 9pm and Yanjun wanted to treat you out to the night market before going home. He asked if you wanted to go now which you gave him a slight nod. He told you that he'll go to the restroom for a bit before you leave.
After his restroom business, one of his ex classmates (a girl) went up to him and talked for a bit. At first it seemed like a simple catch up until she started to clustered the space and asked some personal questions about you. Yanjun was quick to know the situation he was in and immediately took control and straight up turned his ex classmate down, making his way to where he left you.
However, he noticed that some of the guys were trying to flirt with you and it seemed that they were getting a bit touchy that you seemed to be quite uncomfortable. Yanjun knew that coming to the reunion was a bad idea. Not only the majority that came were the school bullies but they were also part of a gang which 9% has been paying a close attention to.
Even so, Yanjun know that you could handle yourself and when your gaze met with Yanjun's, you immediately tried to excuse yourself but then one of the guys gripped your wrist which in return you slapped their hand away and even shoved them back down. Just when you managed to get free of these crazy people, another guy managed to grabbed you and pulled you down but at the same time, a dart flew and hit the the person's hand. Everyone then looked to see Yanjun's killer looks.
As everyone was distracted, you pulled yourself up at the same time Yanjun came and stood in front of you, holding your hand softly. Stroking your knuckles, he asked if they did anything else which you shook your head and told him that they just tried to flirt whilst the girls were already somewhat drunk. Yanjun gave you a slight apologetic smile before going back to his cold gaze towards his ex-classmates.
"Can't you tell when a woman is clearly not interested and taken? The next time you do that to my woman or any sort of girls, it won't be a dart flying and the target surely won't be your hand" Yanjun warned, rubbing your knuckles softly before starting to leave
"You think you're all that huh Yanjun?! Just because you made a name for yourself now, you can do as you please, huh?!" one of the guys challenged
"Heh, I'd watch my mouth if I were you. Wouldn't want people to know about your 'illegal business' or the fact that you've been out with 10 different women this past week, now would you?" Yanjun challenged back, slightly smirking as the guy's face suddenly turned pale
"Thought so. C'mon (y/n), let's get outta here. The night market doesn't close until 11pm" Yanjun whispered, giving you a genuine smile as you went out together hand in hand like how you came in together
Zhu Zhengting
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Mama Ting!! That gaze!! I surrender!! I won't play games till late at night!!! Kay", scenario time!!
Ok, for mama Ting, I feel that he's dating with a normal office worker (aka you), you guys met through mutual friends and for some reason, Zhengting feels at ease whenever he's with you (like, not awkward at all, unlike with most girls).
Zhengting was just waiting at your apartment and cooking up some dinner for the both of you since you told him that you might be coming back late due to an important meeting with your boss.
Once he heard the door unlocked, Zhengting welcomed you with his soft smile and sparkling eyes that was full of love (also open arms) which you gave him a tired smile but immediately hugged him when you've put your things down.
"How was work? What meeting was it? Oh, tell me over dinner. I made your favourites!!" Zhengting mentioned, guiding you to the dining area where he has prepared dinner
"Thank you, Ting. It was a confusing meeting honestly. Like, my boss suddenly asked about my relationship with you" you explained as you started to eat the dinner
"Really? Does your boss know me? Like know know or was he just trying to hit on you?!" Zhengting questioned, his tone getting serious
"Not sure. He was trying to offer me another job which paid quite a lot but it has something to do with my relationship. Like, when I told him that I was in a relationship, he gave this weird look like he wasn't satisfied and just dismissed me. Saying that he'll think about it" you elaborated
"Hmmm. Whatever you do, don't take the job unless he gives you the full details, alright? And if you're worried about money because your current job isn't paying you well, don't fret, I'm here!!" Zhengting exclaimed
"I don't want to leach off of you Ting but yea, I'm not gonna take that job. I'm planning to find a job elsewhere and resign once I reached my one year mark" you explained
"Good!! Now finish up then shower so we can go watch some dramas" Zhengting cheered
It's been roughly a week or so since you told Zhengting about the offer and Zhengting was currently at the bar along with Kun because they had to spy on some men coming to the bar; something about opening a brothel or an illegal business of some sort.
When the people were already there, both Zhengting and Kun split up to get some information out of the men. Nothing in particular really caught the two's attention up until one of the men brought up a file containing your information.
"I'm telling you, she's the best looking one in my company. Not to mention, whenever she wears skinny jeans, it just fits her body so well. Anyone would die to take her and our business will blow up" one of the men mentioned, pointing at a picture of your face
"But you mentioned that she's taken. Are you sure you can get her to join?" the other men asked
"She needs the money. Plus, I can always cut her pay and tell her that this job suits her better" the men mentioned, laughing
But oh boi, they picked on the wrong girl. Because the minute Zhengting heard the conversation and was sure that it was your picture that they used, he immediately gave the guy a good punch in the face, knocking him down and holding a gun up right at his temple.
"I take it you like using helpless woman for your illegal money? Not only that, using them then abusing them before you discard them. How annoying. I'll give you a few minutes to confess everything before I blow up your brainless head" Zhengting barked, his gun was right by the man's temple
"So you're her so-called boyfriend, huh? I'll just kill you here and..." the man scoffed but his scoffed turned into a scream as Zhengting shot the man's leg
"I was wondering who was my girlfriend's boss as he was so daring to ask about her relationship but was unsatisfied when he realised she was taken. Well, this is still consider verbal harrasement, right Kun?" Zhengting snickered
"Sure thing. Since we got some evidence here, pretty sure he'll get fired the second we inform this to the authority. Also, he'll probably lose all his wealth" Kun replied
"Wa-wait a minute?! Kun?! As in the Cai Xukun?! Leader of 9%?! Does that mean...you...you're..." the man stuttered
"Zhengting. Zhu. Zheng. Ting. The so-called boyfriend of the woman you're trying to hire into an illegal business. Oh well, save your breath for the court" Zhengting replied, a smirk plastering his face as the man's face turned very pale
Wang Ziyi
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For this specific picture of Ziyi, I imagine it being a bit similar to mama Ting's one. Where you were just a normal worker, not an idol/actress/artist or even a daughter of a famous company owner. You were just you; which, to Ziyi, you were everything.
Now, unlike the in mama Ting's one, you weren't offered a new job at a new location that was completely different to the one you were currently in. However, the boss of your company did pay a close attention to you. He would often try to flirt with you, send you flowers or even directly asked you out; which of course you declined them all.
This happened even before you met Ziyi. But unfortunately, it still happened even after you've been dating Ziyi. However, it wasn't as bad as when you weren't dating Ziyi. You dunno whether its because he finally started giving up or because he knew you were dating someone since you never really told him you were actually dating someone.
But while your boss may not know that you were dating someone, you did tell Ziyi about how your boss has been flirting with you and all. But we all know how patient Ziyi is. Not only was he patient in hearing your complaints and all but he was also patient with your so-called "boss". Well, that is until he ran into your "boss" at the gym.
You and Ziyi have been going to the gym quite regularly (let's all pretend it aint covid) and normally Ziyi would treat you lunch (which is how he got you to go to the gym with him). So, Ziyi would normally go and do some weight training whilst you just went to do some cardio (like on the treadmill or bicycle).
It was going like normal until you were about to do a bit of weights yourself (like that pull-up weight thing) and as you were going to do your thing, your boss suddenly came up to you and you guessed it, tried to flirt with you.
You tried to tell him off nicely but the same time scanned the room to find Ziyi who was apparently at the boxing area. It took a good 5 minutes or so but Ziyi finally saw you and understood your situation.
He was about to tell the guy off nicely until he saw the guy closing in the space between the both of you near a wall. And lets just say, Ziyi was finally at the peak of his patience and just snapped at the dude.
He pulled the dude back and twisted his arm till you can hear a crack. Ziyi then told your "boss" off and even threatened him because apparently throughout this whole time, Ziyi was doing a lil "background check" on your so-called "boss".
"It's not nice to pick on a lady who's clearly taken. Especially when you, yourself is also taken" Ziyi scoffed, pushing the guy further back
"Aghhh, l-let go off, m-me. This isn't even a fair fight" the guy stuttered as Ziyi pushed the guy who eventually fell downwards
"I suggest you leave and not hit on anyone. Unless, of course, you'd like me to tell your wife about it" Ziyi threatened, taking his phone out and showing the guy some pics of his affair
"I, I'll get lost. Just don't show this to my wife or anyone" the guy babbled, rushing to leave the scene
"C'mon (y/n), let's go get lunch at your favourite" Ziyi mentioned, grabbing your hand and giving you his signature (yet sweet) smile Xiaogui
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For Xiaogui, I imagine that he was the owner of a well renowned bar in Shanghai. It's been a tough week for you and when you told Xiaogui all about it, he felt sorry that he flew all the way to where you work, telling you that he'll stay over the weekend so the two of you can have a chill weekend together.
But, on the way back to your place, Xiaogui got a call from the bar about someone looking for him. He asked you for permission which you know that it was his bar and so you told him that it's alright. He gave your hand a light squeeze before speeding up to the bar.
Upon reaching the bar, he directed you to a secret door which led to his private office. He told you to just stay there whilst he takes care of the things at the bar.
However, not long after Xiaogui left, you suddenly had a bad feeling, as if you were being watched or something. You weren't dumb and you knew that Xiaogui hid his gun in his office (I mean, the dude taught you how to do self-defense and how to use a gun). You went over his desk trying to find the gun but the secone you held it, you felt a gun being pointed at the back of your head.
"You know, what ghost around, comes around" a deep voice mentioned, the gun being pressed by your head
"Now be a good girl and put the gun down" the man stated as you slowly put the gun down but only to make him lower his guard so you quickly upperhand him by taking his gun
As you manage to upperhand the attacker, he started to attack you which was not good. Sure, Xiaogui taught you a thing or two but when you're faced with it in real-life, that's a different story. You tried to keep your composure and threw his gun far away so it'll just be a hand to hand combat but you were still at a disadvantage.
You were already being cornered and as you took the nearest object as a weapon/shield, the attacker told you that you were no match for him. But as he was just a hand reach away, the door slammed opened and a bullet was shot right at the attacker's chest, close to his heart. You divert your gaze only to meet with Xiaogui's gaze.
"Touch her one more time and I'll make sure you live a living hell before I actually send you to hell, myself" Xiaogui stated, a signature grin was plastered on his face when he saw the attacker fell on the floor You Zhangjing
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If Imma be honest, this was another hard scenario but here goes nothing.
So, for Zhangjing's scenario, I imagined that you, Zhangjing, Yanjun and Nongnong had to attend this special dinner that the opposite gang was going since they had some deals to handle.
You knew that it was quite a risk by going but they needed someone to come with them so it wouldn't seem too obvious that they were planning on handling the opposite gang. Plus, you get free food so that was a major plus.
Which is how you ended up in a little black dress with your arms linked with Zhangjing and Nongnong as Yanjun was in front of you, all four of you making your way to the ballroom hall of the hotel the dinner was being held.
Yanjun, being Yanjun and the third person in charge in 9% reminded everyone of their jobs. Also reminded you to stay near by them and let any one of them know when you wanted to go somewhere like the bathroom or some sort.
After rediscussing the plan, Yanjun was the first to excuse himself because he was the hitman of the group. Nongnong also left to mingle around and get some information. Which meant, it was you and Zhangjing.
Of course, it was no surprised that the two of you immediately headed to where the food is. The both of you were enjoying the food and occasionally talk with the other guests at the dinner until Yanjun called Zhangjing to request some hacking which Zhangjing proceed in doing.
But in the midst of hacking, you had the urge to go to the bathroom and told Zhangjing that I was gonna go which he told me to quickly go and come right back to his side which you agreed.
After finishing with your bathroom business, you went out to try and find where Zhangjing was but got a bit lost and this dude was trying to get on my nerve even after you declined him so many times. I mean, one Yanjun is more than enough.
But when this guy was persistent, you decided to fight back which he clearly didn't like at all. You knew lots of fighting skills and self-defence stuff by being with 9% for a long time. Heck, you were their most trusted person other than each other.
As you were about to end this little disturbance, the guy was knocked out cold and you saw You Zhangjing out of the 3 men you came with. His gaze could rival Yanjun (emphasis on could XD)
"Can't we just have one night of dinner in peace? Haish. C'mon (y/n), let's go back and enjoy our dinner" Zhangjing stated, extending his hand out as you went to grab it
"You know I had it under control" you stated, pouting
"I know. But I wanted it over with, plus the deal is done and we can go order in with everyone" Zhangjing exclaimed as the both of you skidded through the hall
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
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gunmetal-ring · 3 years
Stream of consciousness 11x13
Oh Elijah's still around I was wondering if he'd get the oceanside treatment. Cool little cinematography. Sidenote has Elijah's ever spoken before?
Are Lydia and Elijah sharing A Moment? Oooooooooo!
More horses....? K. Sure
Why the fuck would they go and help anyone right now? I'm w Maggie. They gott deal w their own shit first
So wait Lydia DOES want to leave I guess? Hmm. Was Maggie about to leave without saying goodbye to hershel jr?! Wtf?! Also he has not gotten nearly enough screentime. Which is something I never thought I'd say about one of the ten thousand new characters lol
Aww Maggie sharing ❤️ also she calls it "The Fall" interesting
Stormtrooper walkers interesting
So wait when did Aaron go to commonwealth? I thought he was back at hilltop or Alexandria?
Ha Gabe is a deep agent of Alexandria. "Fuck capitalism and god loves u"
"Werent too keen on immigrants when we came in" Yeah I bet! Would have been nice to see!
I find it funny that they're looking at the apartment complex thru the forest and they're like "Yeah no seems hostile" but it's like. You can barely see the top of the building. You can't see anyone inside. How on earth do you know.
Where's Gabe's hat? I like his hat!
"Peacekeepers" like in the hunger games... how appropriate
50,000 people damn. Oo they've been watching them too!! Cell phones?! What?! I hope it's just photos bc that would be literally unbelievable
I totally see where angry guy is coming from tbh like... the way to go about this is to leave little commonwealth pamphlets and say "here's a meeting point if you're interested"
What THE FUCK TOBY goddammit hope you fuckin die
Lance you're telling me you guys don't have snipers? I don't buy it. Oo I love his whole scared-of-his-boss thing. It's cowardly in a way I find rly fun. Aw he's got a soft side. Yknow I actually rly like Lance. Not as like a person obv he's a bad guy but he's actually intriguing and a good character. More compelling than a lot of these ppl.
Yknow what I actually bet they did find the caravan like that. Oh shit OK Gabe is rly growing on me like he is officially a badass and a better priest OH FUCK I guess Billy was a stormtrooper.
Oh oh OK now I get it I didn't even recognize the kid lol. AARON NO OMG also where's Gabe? Hopefully they reunite. OK I officially am invested in their storyline.
Jfc these flashbacks r annoying. Altho I do kind of get their AHHHHHHHHH NEGAN narrative use but still. Ugh God ANOTHER character? Pls tell me she's not gonna have any screentime past this episode pls. OK wait so Gabe isn't the badass. Well that's still OK. Interesting that negan is helping I bet Gabe and Aaron are gonna vouch for him. But like how did he get hooked up w the now-dead guy?
OK I had to go back and rewatch the flashback. HINT THIS IS PARTLY WHY I HATE FLASHBACKS BC IT MAKES THE TIMELINE V CONFUSING FOR ME! it's unclear to me how/when this kid got here? Like after they arrived at the apartment complex and before they came in? Was he tasked with getting the horses? I'd love if someone could clear this up for me bc i can't figure out at what point in the arrival to the apartment complex this kid got waylaid by negan.
I'd like to know how negan and this woman met and trusted each other and why they're there but not enough to see it. Tbh I'm fine with him just explaining it in 2 sentences. Wait maybe did the kid somehow escape the complex or something during the attack? Idk what's going on ugh
Why aren't they just storming the complex and killing everyone? They can just find their supplies when they search? I guess this is a lazy way to make sure team family doesn't get found and killed before they get the weapons or something idk. I find it kind of funny that negan is so affected by the pseudo defenestration bc I'm like 99% sure he did the exact same thing w the saviors lol. And even if he didn't he did some pretty fucked up shit without any issue. Altho I guess 6 years gives him a bit of perspective or something. How does she know it better? Was she one of them? Negan was one of them too I guess? But how did THEY escape before the attack? Ugh so annoying.
All in all. Pretty good episode! I liked it! I do wish that it all could have been contained in 1 episode but tbh idk how that could have happened. I feel like none of the flashbacks were necessary like we knew the scouters were gonna be evil. That wasn't a good plot twist. Negan was a good plot twist but again it made the timeline v confusing for me.
I also think it's funny that Alexandria and hilltop and everyone is like "oh what do you know! There's actually another community like 2 hours away that we never knew about in the past 10 years!" But whatever plot holes don't rly matter to Kang. Which usually doesn't actually bother me bc I'm fine suspending disbelief in a zombie show.
Def one of the best episodes this season so far. Tbh not saying much BUT I rly did like it regardless of how shitty the season has been so far lol. Like it's a good episode in and of itself.
Hoping that the apartment complex joins hilltop and just become extras in the background besides negan. I'm assuming they do, and that Maggie's like I'm gonna kill negan and Aaron and Gabe are like you better not bc he's a helper now and there's gonna be even more drawn out repetitive stupid boring tension between him and Maggie. Maybe he'll choose to go to commonwealth to get away from her idk. That would be nice. Still hoping he sacrifices himself for hershel jr by the end of the season as the resolution to his redemption arc
Also thinking about it: magna, yumiko, and yumikos brother that I still can't remember his name have served their purpose. I'm fine if they're just like featured in the inevitable battle as like "remember these 2? Yeah they're still here slitting throats and whatnot" but past that I'm good to just never see them again. Magna found peace w her family and is pissed to be on the bottom rung of society once again. Yumiko is reunited w her brother that we never knew about and apparently they were v close and it was rly hard to be apart for the last 10 years or something idk. Whatever. Brother has saved zeke. They're all finished w their storylines. Sad to see more wlw go but that's tptb fault for Burying The Gays and not making anyone else of the 90 characters wlw in the meantime.
Tldr: good episode. Hoping new characters are contained solely within this mini plot. Didn't mind the lack of caryl at all. Tbh I'm more annoyed when Daryl is featured in an episode and Carol isn't, even if it's not caryl-y lol.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se03. ep 6.(Part 1)
The main female protagonist who, has been the “mother /psychiatrist/ fixer/curse-breaker” for 57 eps & 2 seasons, has finally had her own “I’m a real person with my own issues” ep !!!! YESS! So happy!!! also, so underwhelmed. Tohru has been painted to be this utterly selfless & altruistic character for long, that when she’s finally a balanced character it’s presented in half an episode? Don’t get me wrong, I like the ep, but there’s also the same feeling of bullet train that I felt in momiji’s ep! ugh!! I hated that feeling! Go away~ oh well.. I’ll quickly state what I didn’t like, before jumping into what I liked, in order to end with a happier note~
What I didn’t like:
Tohru’s monologue after leaving shigure & Isuzu felt more like a background exposition more than a true character’s thoughts. The reason is that It is quickly narrated with quick flashbacks from the past with intentional pieces missing from the flashback. Pieces like” how did Kyoko hurt tohru? She said to kyo, in se02, ep “ I feel like I’ve only caused her sadness” &  tohru’s flashbacks in se02 of her mother leaving/ closing a door. All these things not included in tohru’s 1st ever personal monologue made it seem like quick fill in for the audience more than tohru’s main struggle. Compare it to Yuki’s 3 ep monologue in se02, filled with all his own background info, hence, we as audience sit back & just feel. With tohru a little brain work is needed of putting things together in the puzzle is needed because NOTHING abt her trauma has ever been explained to us prior to her monologue . Also, compare this kyo. A character who ONLY have 2 eps dedicated to him in 57 eps, yet even without monologues & with hidden secrets for climax purposes, his emotions are clear cuz his background was explained early in se01, ep24 & se02, ep9. Compared to them both, her monologue felt a bit lacking.
What’s up with the following scene? Her crying & kyo comforting her mid-street. He saw her crying, asked what’s wrong & she couldn’t say & he gave her a comforting advice. All good. Kyo always give the most needed advice for tohru to be herself & feel comforted. Se01, “complain more, be selfish” Se02, somen table scene & asking her abt her future plans & the hiro incident. Kyo has tried to guess whats wrong first. Here he saw her cry in the middle of the street & just gave her an advice? couldn’t he at least guess wrongly if it is her granpa? school? anything? This scene is AMAZING but it feels off a little.
Kyo’s “ now I remember” EXCUSE ME?????? se01, ep14, valentine ep, he got a nightmare, then when shigure talked to him, we saw a quick flashback that we didn’t now what it is but now it IS kyoko. se02, the entirety of ep9 & the “ I won’t forgive you” & the flashback of young him with kyoko talking abt tohru. se02, ep 22 his fight with yuki & the clear face of kyoko telling him abt something regarding the hat. His entire shutdown of tohru IS abt kyoko NOT abt him being a monster cuz tohru accepted monster kyo in se01 ep 24! so.. REMEMBER WHAT????? the accident?? I feel like being hit with a rock. I mean, it makes sense that kyo will get PTSD after seeing the hat, cuz he remembers the bloody accident vividly. But it is the dialogue that IS weird. “ I remember” ?? it makes no sense? unless it is another hidden secret & will be revealed later. If so, then forget this point.
Kagura (more on her below). Now, let’s talk abt what I liked!
-Grief (the most difficult theme to express in literature): Excellent writing!
Grief is one of the most diverse human emotions. ppl who grief a loved one either erase everything abt them in order to cope with the pain of loss & live on, or drastically engrave everything, not want any memory to slip away, or hold the deceased on a pedestal, or hate them irrationally in order to forget abt them, some deny that the loved one is gone, others talk to them daily, some act & live normally for years & suddenly it hits them that this loved person is truly gone & they breakdown. Others, direct their disbelief of losing a precious one into the envy that other bad ppl are still living, why my precious one is dead?. Thats why, it is a difficulty emotion to understand by others. Ppl watching you will always think that comforting you is enough & that the longer you take, the more impatient they are with you. Tell me, watching tohru this ep, didn’t you feel that:
Come on. tohru, you can love your mom & kyo! who says only ONE person can be your precious?
Umm, why she cries for her mom NOW? 2 years after her death? Is she over it already?
Tohru~~ your mom aint going no where cuz you loved a guy? she’s in your heart, girl. Ugh!
Compared to yuki who was abused by his parents & kyo whose mom commit suicide in front of him, tohru’s trauma is meh~
Feeling this way abt tohru is exactly how many feel abt ppl struggling with grief. You are NOT a bad person if you felt this way. It means that thankfully you weren’t struck by grief to tohru’s extent or that your grief went about differently than tohru. Grief is a crippling feeling. It is valid, strong, overwhelming, paralyzing & above all very unique to the person themselves. Tohru feeling that her mom is slipping away from her memory is so realistic & utterly heartbreaking. Grief hurts & moving on from grief hurts more!!!! The more you go on & live your life, the more you feel like you betray your loved one.
Tohru’s entire existence is for her mother & so her mother LIVES inside her:
Finishing high school cuz it’s her mother’s request.
Getting a job to sustain herself cuz she has no one to support her financially.
Giving her mom’s wisdom & teachings abt life to others.
imitating her dad’s speaking style to prevent her mom from “leaving”.
Being the perfect girl in order to portray that her mom, who is a gangster & is hinted by the ugly relatives to be unfaithful to her husband due to tohru not taking after her dad, actually raised a respectful girl!
Talking to a dead cold lifeless picture as if it is a living human being & going into panic attacks when she looses such pictures.
Suppressing all her true “ ugly, negative” emotions & only giving the fake smiles & positive attitude.
She fears that ppl will leave her if she isn’t “comforting, happy”, hence, the whole facade of “ i’m okay, I’m okay”.
Immersing her self in ppl’s issues so she won’t face her own feelings of utter loneliness, fear of the future, & being left behind when everybody moves on with their lives.
Thinking that having selfish desires contradicts the “ hopeful, kind” girl images, hence, the fear to actually wants sth for herself. Everything HAS TO BE for the sake of the others.
Tohru is deeply traumatized & her complex, unhealthy but extremely realistic attachment to her mom must be broken. Tohru must learn to LET GO.
-Kagura’s character’s assassination. aka (violence heals y’all!)
The show wanted to express the emotion that kagura is still in love with kyo, but is learning to let go & accepting kyo/tohru love. I love that. Her speech with kazuma abt not being able to face tohru cuz her face will show her emotions is so relatable & it hit ME personally. Loved that. Then, she learns that tohru truly loves kyo & should confess to him not talk to Isuzu & I get that, it make sense that she lashes on thru & teach her the value of being open abt your feelings & dont loose him. all cool & understandable. BUT:
How dare you slap tohru like that? you don’t know what she’s going through? tohru is wearing funeral clothes for God’s sake! she just visited her dead mom, you insensitive woman! How dare you assume that all tohru is struggling with is love love, romance romance yay~ confess, kiss, be happy?
Tohru & kyo’s issues are deeper than typical, normal, shallow shojo love. It is related to child trauma & abuse. To their own individual identity & self-image! Their romantic love is meant to guide them towards better choices for the future, not magically heal everything. Their mutual love is NOT the answer to their issues.
How dare you slap someone to make them go back to their senses? this is such an anime move! ugh!~ it cheapens the emotional weight of character’s emotions.
“ I’m not apologizing to tohru. We communicate thro fists” excuse me?  you arent even communicating with kyo thro fists! he sees you & run! the only time he thanked you for, was when you didn’t “ communicate thro fists” & played with him as a child! Not only make her hit tohru but not apologize??
No one told her off? are you foreal?? Isuzu pouting lips is no match for Isuzu powerful emotions when she’s embarrassed, & kazuma! where you at? Happy at the “ open confrontation”? Why do you kill kagura’s character like that?
Side Notes:
I hate how this went by in half an ep like they did with machi!! tohru is THE main character for God’s sake! But it looks like the show is not so fond of the true tohru who wants stuff & screams & talks to herself, alas she isn’t the angelic, innocent girl that is saturating the heck out of all shojo amines. Oh well~ perhaps tohru’s issues will be visited again in the finale?
Kyo gets PTSD reaction in front of tohru. great. Now what’s next? I won’t ever forgive the anime if next ep, kyo & tohru are all normal or worse the episodic theme prevents the continuation & jumps elsewhere. Nearly all the eps that didn’t end with a happy note, started the next ep somewhere & totally forgot the cliff hanger. such as, Isuzu’s ep in se02, it ended with tohru’s nightmare & next ep started yuki’s issues with tohru all smiley & bright. Another example, the Cinderella play ended with kyo/tohru torn symbolism where each is awkward with the other, next ep machi !!!!!! & kyo/ tohru all normal in kazuma’s house. But this time, it will be an epic mistake to do the same. Kyo going full traumatic in front of tohru to the point of her screaming is not sth you skip & start over erasing. Don’t disappoint me show! you can’t screw that, can you?
I love the symbolism of kyoko disappearing from the picture & the crack of her framed pic at the end with it still continued in he ED. Good job.
They are building for a hug clashing scene between kyo & tohtu. it must hurt. It is designed to hurt. I wanted it to hurt. It is not abt romance. It is abt mental & emotional trauma. I’m excited. But I’m scared. After today’s ep, I can confidently say I don’t trust the director. I’m an anime-only, but tohru’s part in the story is the least touched upon, the quickest to get over with & has the wackiest animation. They just don’t know how to depict an emotional tohru~ sigh~
Tohru is written to be a unique protagonist in the sea of innocent, selfless & always happy shojo heroine & opposed to the badass, physically strong female protag in shonen. She is the most realistic, but so much of her potential is wasted so far~~
“ saving the sohma’s. breaking the curse for others is a lie, in reality I wanted to do it for kyo” This line is supposed to be liberating for tohru cuz for once she is putting herself FIRST! It is not abt kyo. It is abt herself! it is cuz SHE wants him. See the difference? See how this line gives tohru the biggest character development!! but still sth is missing. I duno..
I have lots to say abt tohru, kyo, shigure, the grandpa, kyoko, Isuzu & even kazuma! I’ll do that in part 2.
I still liked the ep tho. It is solid. I”ll like it MORE if they continued from here & didn’t cut it cold.
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amethystroselily · 3 years
(This was originally written on Twitter and that’s why it’s so bad. (Now with unnecessary censoring!!!) I don’t go on tumblr enough to know the general consensus on Geto here. This might only apply to Twitter. I don’t know)
I don’t know why everyone on Twitter thinks none of Geto’s actions were his fault or even immoral. He was a deeply flawed person who made terrible decisions and that’s what makes him such a good character.
EVERYONE at jujutsu high was in similar traumatic situations as him, he’s the only one who decided to lead a r*cist m*rder c*lt. And while I understand why he did it, it definitely wasn’t a GOOD or honorable decision.
And his daughters. He loved them, but he also literally raised them in a c*lt. I’ve heard ppl say he wouldn’t have cared if they didn’t end up following his ideology, but, like, he did attack an institution full of ppl he was once very close with for that reason, so while I Don’t think he would have killed them or anything, I do think he would have been p*ssed. So I think he tried very hard to instill his ideology into them. We know he was doing that to other people, bc y’know, c*lt leader, so why wouldn’t he be willing to teach that to his kids? Even ppl who are usually against forcing their beliefs on people, instill their beliefs In their kids. So why wouldn’t a guy who thinks he’s SO right that he thinks EVERYONE should follow his beliefs also instill those beliefs in people he raised? He would have thought it right and moral thing to do, and that’s the problem. I think ppl tend to think he’s a “good person” bc he can explain his thought process in a way most people can empathize with, but that doesn’t mean he’s a good person it just means he’s a good character.
Him being right isn’t about whether his emotions were valid or not, it’s about how he handled those feelings and whether he helped more than he hurt. And he definitely did more of the latter. While he did tend to rationalize things as a way to help humanity, he was more driven by anger, bitterness, and self righteousness than his desire to help people. I think that’s why he never actually accomplished anything. He seemed fixated on revenge and ki/ling people, and a lot of his plans were about kil/ling non-sorcerers, rather than saving sorcerers from them. I think he let his hatred get in the way of his original goal of saving people. I don’t even think it was about saving sorcerers by the end there. He was completely willing to kil/l sorcerers just so he could kil/l non-sorcerers, and I think that takes away a lot of the validity of the reasoning he pretends he has. By then he’d spent a decade in his little echo chamber of hate, so at that point maybe even he would acknowledge it was no longer about saving people.
Also can we talk about how stupid his plan in vol 0 was? It’s kind of unrelated, but he is not the genius some of you think he is. (Affectionate, this time) The man was running on pure self-righteousness at that point (probably the result of only surrounding himself with ppl Who worship him for the last ten years) Maybe Kenjaku’s kind of blurring ppl’s perception of Geto? He does seem to be using Geto’s cursed technique much more efficiently than Geto was. But that’s probably bc he’s ancient and knows a lot of information Geto didn’t.
Anyway, back to my original point, his ideology was blatantly flawed, he’s just charismatic and really good at deflecting, so it seems like it makes more sense than it does. Bc it does make sense to him, and ppl like him, they want to agree with him bc he’s charming, and likable, And Tragic tm, so they do (both his cu/lt and readers) , but like, his ideas are pretty flawed (and borderline eug/enics-y?) and the narrative doesn’t want you to agree with him, it just wants you to understand why he’s the way he is. I guess Gege did really well at writing a cu/lt leader at least. Bc I swear some of you genuinely agree with him.
Like how happy did he think everyone was going to be when the vast majority of the population was de-ad??? Including a bunch of their loved ones? What was he going to when someone had a baby who was a non-sorcerer? Ki1l it? What was he going to do if ppl revolted bc he murd/ered all their loved ones? Kil1 them too? There’s only going to be like ten people left on the planet. I refuse to believe this b1tch thought that through.
I actually think KENJAKU’S plan may actually be more ethical. At least their end goal isn’t literally to k1ll people, and allows far more people to survive than Geto’s. Ppl dy/ing just happens to be part of the process rather than the actual goal. And oh my god, that’s such a LOW bar. Kenjaku may actually be helping ppl more than Geto, which isn’t much, but like I said low bar. He’s just less motivated by emotion and doesn’t have a tragic backstory (YET) so he comes of as more ~EVIL~. But it’s actually hilarious that people see Kenjaku as so much worse than Geto when they’re about on the same level. Kenjaku is considerably less outspokenly m*rderous and Geto is a better friend, so it evens out I guess? I would say it’s bc Kenjaku’s trying to ki1l the mcs and Geto wasn’t, but that’s not even true. Geto literally tried to kil1 all of the second years, and Kenjaku couldn’t care less about whether anyone lives or di*s, he’s just just trying to “evolve” ppl. He took Tsumiki h*stage But as far as he knows or cares she could win the culling game, Geto would have literally kil1ed her for being a non-sorcerer. (He attacked a elementary school, he wouldn’t care that she’s a kid, don’t lie to yourself)
And, yes, a lot of Geto’s traits could make him a good person, but those same traits are the ones that make him such a bad person. (Passion, charisma, even empathy at times, bc he empathizes so much with select ppl that when non-sorcerers (who he no longer deems ppl) hurt them He feels wronged and lashes out at the things he deems not worthy of sympathy)
Anyway it’s ok to acknowledge his flaws, or even feel neutral on him, he doesn’t have to be perfect for you to like him. (This isn’t a Kenjaku defense post, btw, it’s just funny that that’s true) I’ve seen way too many posts claiming the only bad thing Geto’s ever done is hurting Maki, and like, that’s nearly objectively false. And like half of them were completely unironic. A sympathetic villain isn’t the same thing as a hero.
This isn’t even Geto hate, I LIKE him, but the widespread perception of him being completely justified just feels so wrong. Why do so many people feel SO protective of him? Is his c-ult leader charisma just that effective?
I actually think pretending none of his flaws exist takes away SO much from his character. It strips away his agency and turns him into this tragic can-do-no-wrong figure that he just isn’t. He’s someone who couldn’t handle their own tr*uma and decided to take it out on the world. The way he decided to handle that is no one’s fault but his own.
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
um not to start anything “zuko had everything handed to him by the end of the show even though it took him until nearly the very end to realize he’s wrong: a country, a crown, his girlfriend that HE left behind, the love of his uncle that zuko spent most of the show yelling at and being a dick to, and that’s why he just doesn’t deserve ANYWAY I’M JOKING but this is how y’all be talking about aang” who even talks about aang this why????
It sounds to me like some Aang stans grossly misunderstand criticisms surrounding the writing of Aang’s arc in book 3, in particular during the finale.
This is actually a pattern I’ve noticed with distressing frequency, particularly of late: any criticism of Aang at all--of his actions, the narrative scaffolding surrounding them (never having to apologize for kissing Katara without her consent, for example), or of the failings in the way his narrative was handled (in book 3 especially)--is written off as hate and derided by stans who I can only assume believe that the writing of his character arc was perfect and he never did anything wrong that deserves fair criticism ever in his life.
To this, I can only state my firm disagreement.
The thing is, they don’t really have any counter arguments to refute the points that actually get made (which isn’t to say there aren’t bad faith criticisms of his character just like everyone else, but unlike most of the cast, ppl seem far more inclined to act like there are no valid criticisms of his character or his writing), which is likely why they just write it all off as unfounded hatred of their precious bean fave and ignore it accordingly. But that doesn’t, like, make the issues with his writing, or with book 3 as a whole, go away, and the fact that they refuse to engage with good faith criticism (and, in fact, often refuse to engage with criticism at all by pretending there’s no foundation for any of it--I’ve actually seen people try to justify Aang’s actions in, for example, Bato of the Water Tribe by insisting that Sokka and Katara were actually worse and that Aang lying to them shouldn’t be held against him because they were Mean About It which.... yeah I could go off for days about that alone) says more about their lack of actual engagement with the text of the show than it does about the people who are criticizing his character.
The things that we say were handed to Aang--the deus ex lionturtle (which gave him energybending), the Rock of Destiny (aka the thing that gave him back the Avatar State without having to even attempt to do the work to unblock his chakras again himself), and Katara, presented to him as the prize he’d won at the very end of the show--are things that he did not do the work to actually earn.
Which will probably get some peoples’ backs up, so let me rephrase--the narrative did not put in the work to show how he actually earned these things, preferring to waste time with pointless filler in the front half of the season and then only bring up problems and then solve them within the four episode finale because they left no more room for these very plot critical points earlier in the show. Take Aang’s unwillingness to kill Ozai, for example--this is something that absolutely should have come up far earlier in the season (prior to the invasion at least), and the fact that it didn’t says two things: one, that because the writers knew Aang wasn’t actually going to face Ozai during the eclipse, they didn’t think it mattered to follow through on what Aang planned to do if the invasion had been successful; and two, his sudden clinging to his people’s pacifism seems directly at odds with where the entire narrative of the show had been headed to that point. Why is he suddenly insisting he’s the consummate pacifist when we’ve seen evidence in the show of not only Aang reacting in violence and vengeance (towards the sandbenders, and that wasp he killed), but also evidence that Air Nomads were not the sort of pacifists who would roll over and just let someone commit genocide (the fire nation corpses surrounding Monk Gyatso, clear evidence [which Aang never seems to so much as consider at any point during the series, despite the fact that it could have been a point of much-needed growth and maturation, or at least examining his own people’s beliefs and realizing that, at twelve, he had a flawed and incomplete understanding of his own culture] that even Aang’s mentor was willing to kill in order to protect his home and his people)? Why, if he’s so damn pacifistic, did he never seem to consider with guilt any of the lives he took while in the Avatar state and fused with the Ocean Spirit?
And no, by the way, I’m not saying he’s to blame for the deaths Koizilla caused, but I am saying that it doesn’t make sense that he feels no remorse over all of that blood. Particularly since we see that he considers actions taken while in the Avatar State to be his own--he feels guilty when he goes into the AS and scares his friends, and he very specifically removes himself from the AS to avoid killing Ozai, which tells me that he does consider the AS’ actions to be his own. And if all life is sacred to him to the point where he won’t even eat meat (although Air Nomad vegetarianism makes no sense, but that’s another rant entirely) why doesn’t he so much as mourn for the lives lost during the attack?
These are all questions which the narrative itself never considered, and it’s frustrating because many of them are questions which should have been asked--and answered, or at least attempted--in the course of the final act of Aang’s character arc. He had a great set up going into the third book, with Monk Gyatso’s teachings filling in some of the blanks in Aang’s (again, flawed and incomplete--I challenge anyone to try telling me that if they were completely removed from their culture at age twelve, and it was subsequently wiped completely from the face of the earth, that they’d have anything close to a deep and nuanced understanding of it; twelve-year-olds don’t have a deep and nuanced understanding of anything, nevermind an entire culture and worldview, which is why Aang kept parroting soundbytes from the monks without actually understanding them) understanding of Air Nomad beliefs, but this thread was completely dropped in favor of... I’m still not sure, honestly.
Was Aang running away from his problems and effectively lying to his friends (does he ever actually come clean about being completely unable to access the Avatar State of his own volition?) more important than going back to the Guru, or at least his teachings, and coming to understand his own culture? Where was his arc of regaining the Avatar State because he worked for it, because he tried to re-open his chakras and, for example, came to understand what letting go of his attachment to Katara really means? (That’s actually one of the most frustrating bits, because a) he gets to have his possessive and unhealthy attachment to Katara and get the Avatar State back, despite paying lipservice to letting her go at the end of book 2; and b) he never seems to get what ‘attachment’ the Guru was actually referring to--letting go of Katara doesn’t mean he had to stop caring about or even loving her, but it does mean he was supposed to give up his selfish and possessive attachment to her, which means no nodding when some actor in a play calls fake!Katara ‘the Avatar’s girl’ and no assuming they were supposed to be in a romantic relationship despite never actually asking about her feelings and no kissing her without her consent just because he wanted her to feel the same way about him and didn’t care whether or not she actually did [otherwise he would have asked, and he never once even tried].)
Instead, rather than having a season-long arc of re-navigating his chakras, opening them, and regaining the Avatar State under his own power, he gets thrown against a well-placed rock which does all the work for him at the very last second. Energybending, which wasn’t even thought of as a possibility earlier in the season, rather than being a concept he comes to discover on his own as he navigates his chakras for a second time and comes to understand the how the energy flows between each one, is likewise just given to him by a third party, with no work necessary on his part. And as for Katara, well, I’ve ranted at length about that in the past, but their last one-on-one interaction before the epilogue is when Aang kisses her without her consent, and she gets pissed off about it and storms off. There is nothing to bridge the gap between that and make-out city, nothing at any point indicating Katara’s feelings (because, as far as Kataang was concerned, her feelings never mattered) and how they were changing, no apology from Aang for violating her boundaries, no understanding of what he did wrong and why it was wrong. Nothing. Not a single conversation.
That is why we say that Katara was handed to him like a trophy. Because she was. Kataang was endgame not because it made any sense for Katara, but because Aang was the hero, and he saved the day, and he deserved to get his forever girl on top of it. There was never any real attempt to broach Katara’s feelings on the matter--she’s never shown reflecting on their pre-invasion kiss (in fact, by all appearances she completely forgot it even happened), and she is never once asked what her feelings are, not by Aang or the narrative--because, at the end of the day, they didn’t matter. Aang was getting the girl he wanted, and that was that.
We say that Aang was handed these things without working for them because the entire narrative of book three seemed particularly engineered to making sure he didn’t have to. Zuko, meanwhile, had to work for everything he achieved--the gaang’s trust, Katara’s in particular, his crown and his kingdom. (No, he didn’t particularly work to get Mai back, but that’s a whole other discussion, and he would’ve been much better off if she never showed up again after TBR.) He didn’t get to take any shortcuts. Aang’s arc is all shortcuts, at least in book 3, and that’s when they attempted to show how he got from point a to point b at all.
Anyway, the situations couldn’t possibly be any more different, and idk who said that but whomever it is clearly does not understand where the criticisms about Aang and his hamstringed book 3 arc are coming from.
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letthefrogsbe · 3 years
remember when I was gonna write that parkner fic?
cool so I've decided I'm gonna, but because I cannot write for SHIT and I hate my writing every time I see it, ill just share my outline of what I have so far. its not coherent. sorry. 
Section one: aunt may dies. It’ll be like “it's been 3 months. 3 months since May was shot. 2 months and 3 weeks since she died.”
Something like that idc. Basically this section will base around peter living tony, because he’s not doing well, and he is only 17- which is not actually old enough to be on your own after something like this. Setting is established, with cameos from dr strange (who tony is dating and lives with (yeah bite me, this is my fanfiction i can make it what i want.) it will be made obvious that this takes place after endgame, which also means that tony is Not going to die. I’m not that mean lmao. The avengers are like largely together, there was not as much death in this as there was in endgame. Whatever. Everyone is very nice to peter because they know that for him its either this or him becoming a ward of the state so like.
Section two: harley gets kicked out. His mom finds out that he’s gay (from gossip sources idk) and kicks harley out. Im not going to write them having a big fight like in the moment, but harley will recount what happened somewhat to tony in this section, and then more to peter later in the story. Gay ppl trauma dump, we know this. Okay anywaysss so harley calls tony literally sobbing and like freezing fucking cold. IM SORRY IM BEING SO MEAN TO THEM I PROMISE THEY'LL GET A HAPPY ENDING. Okay. harley explains how his mom kicked him out. Tony asks why, harley says something like “she didn’t agree with my lifestyle choices” like bitterly. Tony is a good person in this (i know, im really taking some character liberties) and he’s in the mood for collecting strays apparently, so he has happy send over the quinjet. He can’t make it himself bc hes in fucking japan or something for the next few weeks,, but. Yeah! Tony also calls peter, who is presumably in bed and feeling depressed. “Hey pete. How ya feeling? Any better?’ ‘Not really, tony. Sorry.’ ‘you don’t have to be sorry-’ ‘damn tony you sound like my therapist.’ “sorry pete, but i do have something to tell you- you know harley?’ ‘only from what you’ve told me about him, but yea. He was the tennessee garage kid, right?’ ‘i mean. Yes. so- he’s gonna come stay with me for a while too- it might not be permanent but it will probably be a bit. He’s about your age, and he just has no where to go (just like u). He’s not going to stay in your room or anything, but with bruce and thor here, he will be in your apartment area.’ ‘okay tony.. Will i have to talk to him a bunch?’ ‘not if you don’t want to- i already warned him about you, so it should be okay. I wouldn’t worry so much pete- you guys are so similar in a lot of ways that i wanted to introduce you two long before he called me.’ ‘okay tony, i trust you. Thank you again for letting me stay with you :)’ (yeah that kind of got away from me)
Section 3: build up. this is a shorter section. Harley and peter are gonna meet in section 4. This section is harley’s jet ride (with an intuitive happy) and harley’s nerves about how he really isn’t worth this (i mean hes pretty intimidated tony sent a private jet just for him) and happy like reassures him. Hes still insecure though. Peter is also nervous bc what if harley doesn’t like him? What if he doesn’t like harley?? Tony did say they would get along, but peter hasn’t really been himself recently, so who knows? Yeah lots of that. I do want to emphasize though- peter is not completely unhealthily coping. Like he has a therapist and he has been reaching out to ned and mj, but its still an open wound for him. Obviously. He still has a sense of humor though, but its to cover these deep insecurities. Like the first month or so that he was with tony, he was reallllyyyy trying to not get close to him bc he sort of thinks he kills everyone around him. Like logically he knows this isn’t true, but he does really think the that non superheroes that he surrounds himself with are very at risk if they know about his spider-man-ness. The only people who know now are ned and mj (may knew too).
Section 4: the meeting of harley and peter. Keep in mind peter has been living in this apartment/area of stark tower for about 3 months now. He actually moved in while may was in the hospital because he couldn’t stand to be alone in the apartment when he knew why may wasn’t there. And um. Yeah. so peter is like comfortable in this space, basically. Also- the reason theyre in the same apartment is because stark tower was not really created with the idea of housing broken orphans in mind, so it only has a certain amount of residential space. Thor and bruce are currently staying there together (although no one really knows if theyre together, or if theyre just best bros who went through some extreme trauma together and are now inseparable. Hmmm wonder if thats gonna come up later) and theyre using one apartment, and happy lives there with his own apartment, and tony and stephen are currently sharing the penthouse, even though thats not public knowledge. Really only the people close to tony know that he’s dating stephen. So. this leaves just the one other 2 bedroom apartment for peter and harley. It has one bathroom, and the bedrooms are connected by a door but theyre pretty big so like. Theres a kitchen, a living room with a fancy ass tv, and a really pretty view (with a balcony bc <333). May died in march, peter got leave from the school in april, and it is now the middle of june btw. Tony is now peter’s official guardian (he was before may died anyways) and now has sole guardianship over him which he has fully accepted, even though peter and him both know that there are going to be times where he has to go out of town bc he does own a company after all. Times like right now. Harley is pretty nervous that tony isn’t going to be there to greet him and that he is going to have to like introduce himself to peter and everything. Cmon, theres no reason to feel like that, he’s the one intruding after all, he should at least be able to handle himself. (<--- harley’s thoughts). Yeah so theyre insecure super cool. A n y w a y s so peter was stressing about harley as he arrived, and so when harley walked in they were both complete bundles of nerves. Harley walks up but knocks. Peter actually jumps (bc spidey sense okay whatever) and goes to get the door. Oh my god these awkward teenagers i hate them so much (i love them). Peter kinda looks like shit, sorry king. He was a little bit crying earlier, then tony called and he switched into stressed out ball-of-anxiety mode. Distractions are good, its okay. Peter opens the door for harley and they like introduce each other all awkward (again sorry) and peter shows harley where he is staying. Harley doesnt really have muchhhh bc he was kicked out and all. He just has a suitcase full of clothes, his favorite blanket, his favorite stuffed animal (yeah whatever bc ofc he does) and his phone/charger. He sets all his stuff down at once. He thanks peter for letting him stay in his apartment and also said sorry. First thing peter noticed was harley’s accent. Stfu. peter asks why harley’s here- ok. Harleys had a long ass day. Too fucking long. He- he breaks down. He tells peter a lot. About how his mom found out that he was gay, and how she told him never to come back. Yikes. Anyways, this is establishing the beginning of their relationship as friends. Peter is there for him even though he doesn’t know him at all. Peter sees some of himself in harley in this moment, even though he’s not talking about himself yet. Eventually harley does ask about peter, and they really just get to know each other really quick. They have these deep scarring individual traumas, and neither has nearly recovered, but they find comfort in just knowing that theyre not alone in their suffering. At least for now. At least in this moment.
Section 5: the next day. Peter and harley spent that whole night talking about what they were going through. Peter said good night at around 5 am (there were no adults around they can do what they want to) and they both got good sleeps. In peter’s case, one of the first solid nights he’s had in a while. Harley was kept up a little longer after peter left, however, because he just couldn’t shut off his mind. It was really cathartic for him to just lay everything out there and for someone to just accept him. Peter told him he was bi, but he was.. Lucky. He had accepting people in his life. May was accepting. God, harley couldn’t fathom having lost everyone in his life, everyone he ever cared about, and still having the heart to sit and talk with the dumbass anxious gay kid who can’t go home anymore. His problems felt so small compared to peter’s, and all he could do was admire peter’s resilience and how he was seemingly able to bounce back from anything. God, peter was something. He couldn’t wait to get to know him more. With that thought circling in his head, he finally went to sleep at oh shit 6:30 am. Peter woke up around 1. Harley at 2. When harley woke up, peter was watching tv and eating cereal on the couch and he just sat down next to him. No words, just sleepy children being sleepy. They stayed like this for like an hour when someone knocked on their door. Enter stephen strange!!!!!!!!!!! Get excited people. Hes just coming in to check on them bc tony told him to, and he didn’t get the chance last night bc he was _busy_. K so now he’s here and hes awkward and he just wants to make sure these boys r okay bc theyve both been through too much recently, and it would be just the cherry on top if they didn’t get along. Him and harley had never actually met before so he like introduced himself and all that. Offered like if they needed anything he was there, and its only gonna be a few days until tony gets back (did i say a week earlier? Im retconning that bc i cannot find it in my writing so it is now retconned). Peter and harley just have to sort of explain to dr strange that theyre getting along gREAT and there is no need for concern….. And peter was even thinking about showing harley around the city a bit that night (something he had not yet told harley, but wanted to make it seem like he was doing well and not acting too depressed in front of Dr. Strange) so dr strange is like yeah !!!!!! do that, that sounds super fun petey !!!!!! and so now they have evening plans
ok ps I wrote this like 2 weeks ago and completely forgot I posted something on Tumblr about this fic idea, and so this is literally just how I talk to myself. was not gonna ever post this but then I decided to because I'm bored. there are more sections but I'm not gonna post them rn because this post is really fucking long already!!!!
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Friends to Lovers with Tony Stark
Tony Stark x reader
a/n: i make bad decisions and then write immediately after, hope this didn’t absolutely suck
prompt: anonymous: “Headcanons going from best friends to lovers with Tony Stark”
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meeting one another way back in the day, children on wildly weathly businessmen
actually forced to play together while your parents were in business meetings
you ended up resenting each other
mostly because every time you had to see each other, it got boring really fast
and your parents shit talked his parents constantly so you accepted that it should just be that way
YEARS later you and him reconnected when you attended MIT
“son of a bitch, what are the odds? tony goddamn stark”
“the odds aren’t in our favor, i guess”
not only were the two of you in assigned seats for the semester, you were also lab partners
but then you realized that you two were feuding for no reason and you actually enjoyed each others company
in this setting, your friendship thrived
“dude, i cant believe that we spent our entire childhood despising each other”
“yeah, y/n, you really missed out. i’m a motherfucking pleasure”
“oh, shut up, tony!”
pulling all nighters because the two of you get distracted by each others presence often
“y/n, try and catch the popcorn in your mouth. say ‘aaaahh’”
“oh, shit. wait, okay. ahhhhh” *throws popcorn and hits your eye* “wait, one more time!”
some wild nights on the town, occasionally stumbling back to your dorms after a few too many drinks
sometimes tony goes out on his own and calls you when he can’t make it home
“hh-ey se—” *burps* “sexy. could you maybeee, i dunno, i need some. some help getting home”
“same place as last time?”
“yeahh, that’s the place.” *hic* “im gonna throw up”
“i have the bucket in my backseat”
and yeah, he calls you sexy when he’s drunk, you just deal with it
he also forgets his keys a lot so thats a whole other mission for you
being bored as hell on school breaks because you have to go back to your families and hear them complain about one another (and ofc report back and make fun of your dramatic ass parents)
but one day you got a call from tony over winter holiday and you were excited to hear his voice until it seemed a little shaky
“hey? everything alright?”
“not...not really. i’ve got some bad news. really bad news...”
he could barely get his words out after that, but he told you his parents had been in an accident
you immediately left your house and drove hours to go see tony, this was his moment of need
mysteriously not long after that, your parents suffered a similar fate
the two of you took over your companies and had much more reasonable meetings, a wonderful partnership, indeed
but you were still two childish idiots at times
you’d bring each other to parties and shit
“you guys have met y/n, right? my date?”
“yep, this is tony, my date”
ongoing joke
ofc you two have done some shit on dares
i firmly believe tons of ppl have dared you guys to make out and who are y/n l/n and tony stark to turn down a good dare?
“what’s he taste like?”
“those goddamn blueberries he’s always eating”
he always has snacks always
several headlines have been speculation on whether or not you two are dating
tony drives you around tons
wants to “show you a good time”
blasting music while speeding down the road
honestly? sharing hotel rooms just bc you feel safer together
especially after he disappeared for so long
“oh my god, tony, i was worried sick abouy you”
“have you written my obituary yet? i gotta read it before i do anything else. how will i be remembered?”
“shut up and give me a hug, you asshole”
playfully making fun of each other
him showing you his “greatest creation” which was a battle suit (which was actually pretty badass)
“i want one”
“no way, this is my baby. you cant have my baby. unless you wanna have my baby” *wink wink*
ah, pepper likes when you’re around bc you distract tony from her and get him back on his work
and happy likes you because tony’s less paranoid around you
you’re like his second bodyguard but you dont get paid
CANT forget rhodey he cant stand you only bc you remind him of tony
but overall you’re alright
you CANNOT HELP but laugh at tony when he does something unfathomably stupid!!!!
even if hes in immediate danger you sometimes cant stop laughing (but that might just be panic.)
as the avengers came up, you weren’t invited on that “business trip” >:(
instead you got to accompany pepper on some stark/l/n business and ended up seeing tony nearly die on live tv
the second you saw him again, you couldn’t tell if you were happy or furious to see him
“you son of a bitch, stark! you had me so worried that you weren’t gonna make it, i might as well kill you myself! don’t ever do something so stup—”
tony kissed you
but like, for real
not as a joke
it seemed right, so you kissed back
“yeah, i missed you, too. can we go get some dinner and catch up?”
“wait, that was..?”
“long overdue, i know”
wasn’t long before the tabloids got ahold of some more “tony x y/n” content
and the lovely rumor was confirmed at a press conference!
“mr. stark, is it true that you and y/n l/n have an official relationship?”
“hell yeah, it’s true! you heard here first, folks! y/n and i are an item! and i fuckin’ love them!”
you made the cover of 5 different magazines 😌
you supported tony on his adventures but you wanted in
“really, after what happened in new york? well, i guess you saving my life on the battlefield would be kind of hot...sure. we’ll give it a shot”
“nuh-uh, tony. i’m in whether you like it or not!”
“that’s why i love you, you do it all. even when i don’t want you to”
engineering your own tech for yourself and others to help on missions
you did surprisingly well
tony had some issues that needed resolving though...like flirting during fights
“wow, y/n, you look great from this angle” *gets hit by some projectile*
“hah! serves you right!”
seriously, you guys were an iconic couple
and it helped that you guys were already so comfortable with each other, the two of you knew exactly what the other was thinking, it was baffling that you guys didn’t actually have powers
but tony was still tony and he had a problem putting you in danger, he was most comfortable with his arm around you
avengers parties and other dealings kept you busy busy busy
but you always made time for one another
and had tons of fun wherever you could
one might even say you and tony were...endgame (im so sorry)
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @praellee // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs //
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absynthe--minded · 4 years
opinions on the recent russingon meta? tbh i love russingon, i love black fingon headcanons, but i do agree that it's a little weird when fingon gets totally sidelined in fics as just Maedhros' Emotional Growth or the Black Nanny. i mean, russingon really lends itself to hurt/comfort, which is fine, but i think ppl sometimes neglect fingon's arc. thoughts as a russingon writer? (no accusations, love your work, but wanted your perspective on other ppls russingon works)
(Wow this got long, lol.
Full disclosure - I haven’t read the recent Russingon meta, or offered any substantial response to it. Quite a lot of people I know have, but I’ve not had the time and my brain hasn’t been cooperating with me to read large chunks of text over the last couple of days. I have opinions on your ask as I’m seeing it now, and that’s what I’ll be responding to. I’m also not black, though I’m not white either - my ethnic group is one that has troubling stereotypes associated with it of caring for white people/acting as sage dispensers of advice/etc, but I can’t speak to the breadth and depth of the black experience when it comes to being a ‘black nanny’ in fiction, and I’m not going to try to.)
So, Fingon being a cardboard cutout/emotional support animal for Maedhros and Fingon being perceived as black by large portions of the fandom are two things that arose completely independently of one another. Fingon being Maedhros’s support animal is a trope as old as Russingon itself, and possibly is as old as the published Silm itself. I’ve read Russingon fics that were almost as old as I am, Russingon fics published last week, Russingon fics that vilified the Nolofinwëans, and Russingon fics from the turn of the 21st century when the Fëanorians were seen as uncomplicated villains. Fingon being a cardboard cutout is ubiquitous through all of them. It doesn’t matter how old the fic is, it’s basically guaranteed.
The reason for this is that Maedhros is far and away the most popular character in the Silmarillion, and his pain and angst and mental strife and trauma are front and center in many writers’ lists of priorities. If it’s not Fingon propping him up, it’s Maglor, or another brother, or an OC - this is a very common genre of Silm fic and it’s not limited to Russingon.
This is my least favorite Russingon trope and it’s the entire reason I’m writing Blessed Hands and why all my Russingon fics are at least majority-Fingon POV. I can’t fucking stand it, and it completely kills my interest in a story. I’m super picky with my Russingon fics because of this trope, and because of its ubiquity, and I’ve talked about it on my blog many times before. For me to love a Russingon fic, it has to be about how they anchor and support one another, and how their mutual and equal investment in their relationship is the foundation of their lives. This trope’s not nearly as common as it used to be, thank Eru, but it’s still around, and I cannot talk enough about how I Hate It, lol. It’s also old enough and omnipresent enough that the majority of fics feature it, and - interestingly - the majority of fics also feature white Fingon.
Alongside this, Black Fingon arose out of a non-Russingon intracommunity discussion among the artists of the Silm fandom, in about 2013. I saw this play out in real time on my dash, and so while I can’t source posts reliably, I can promise this is as accurate as I can make it.
The paradigm shift came as a result of content creators realizing that several of their number weren’t white, and quite a few people in the fandom weren’t white, and yet 100% of art and fics featured white elves with zero real diversity (and a number of very troubling, somewhat stereotypical older illustrations of Men as the only significant examples of people of color in Middle-Earth). There was concern as to why this was being accepted as the norm when there was ample opportunity for representing both one’s own ethnicity and other people of color (and a lot of concern about unexamined racism in white artists who found themselves unable, for various reasons, to picture heroic elves as anything but fair-skinned) and the general consensus was that we had more consistent information from HoME draft to HoME draft about hair color than skin tone, so why were we all picturing our heroes as white?
Fingon in particular was headcanoned as black due to a discovery by a fan (whose URL escapes me, sadly) who I’m certain was black themself. There’s a passage in The Peoples of Middle-Earth describing Fingon as wearing his hair in plaits braided through with gold, and this fan made the comparison to hairstyles worn by IRL black people. The idea was that he was the most uncomplicatedly brave, heroic, and noble person in the Silm, and look, he could be a man of color! There was also a sort of gentleman’s agreement to refrain from making explicit connections beyond that to real human ethnic groups/cultures/races. The logic behind this was that if the generic Eurofantasy aesthetic was kept, white artists would be encouraged to draw diverse elves without concern for cultural appropriation, as well as steering racists away from caricature and the ability to twist a well-meaning effort into a stereotypical attack.
When these ideas first emerged, there was a lot of resistance. Arguments were made that those of us who advocated for diverse elves and specifically black Fingon were discreetly accusing other artists of being racist, or were acting purposefully holier-than-thou, or just wanted to start drama. There were some people who claimed we’d attack anyone who didn’t agree with us that elves were brown. This was an exhausting mess to deal with and it was a major part of my disillusionment with discussing racism in the Tolkien fandom - the majority of voices were reasonable people but the minority was loud and obnoxious. I bring this up to say that diverse elves were genuinely progressive and forward-looking in 2013, even when it was more or less explicitly stated that they had no real ties to existing human races and they had no change to their characters.
Black Fingon, agreed upon outside the Russingon fandom, and Fingon the cardboard cutout, the most reliably present version of Fingon in Russingon fic, sort of ran into one another. No real change was ever made to Finno’s character upon making him black - this would have been seen at the time as unnecessary because his character was just fine as-is, and the whole point was that he could be exactly as he’d been before and be black or brown, that men of color had the exact same range of emotion and depth of character that he did when he was perceived as white. 
The problem is that there hasn’t been much examination of the idea that Fingon being a black man who exists to prop up a white man is uh. Really racist and kind of fraught.
All I have to say really is that this wasn’t a conscious decision by anyone to be racist - the opposite, actually. As I mentioned above I can’t speak for black people, or for other BIPOC, but my opinion is that it’s an unfortunate and unconscious choice that has nothing to do with Fingon’s race and everything to do with the fact that his character has been seriously neglected for decades now. It opens the door to a lot of really frustrating tropes and plotlines that smack fans of color in the face with how bigoted they are, and it’s something that I’m glad is being discussed, if only because I’ve been trying to push for a reevaluation of Fingon’s personality and general role for a long time now (though of course I’m also glad that this is actually getting acknowledged as a harmful thing real people now are at risk of doing).
My solution? Same as ever - “write Fingon like a real person with interests and desires and goals of his own, and treat his family like they matter, and flesh out the world he lives in. Listen to people of color if you’re white, educate yourself regardless, and learn to avoid harmful tropes.” If that becomes the fandom norm? I’ll be a happy Absynthe.
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
The “Genocidal Edelgard” Shallowtake
I was not going to make a post about this because it’s most likely futile and not going to convince anyone nor do I believe in dinifying the purity police with attention, but maybe it will let some ppl know that they dont have to let themselves be shamed for liking the wrong video game character
Whatever might have been the case in the distant past when Nemesis was around, by the “present day” the Nabateans are not at all some commonly oppressed stereotyped minority - the setting is chock full of characters that fit that bill a lot better like Dedue or Cyril. Characters that are ordinary humans not magic dragons. 
And even that is more founded on general purpose xenophobia than from the specific, relatively new early modernity construct of racism. (the dedue situation probably comes the closest)
Sure, Seteth and Flays have to hide from their old enemy the Agarthans, I see how some might find that relatable etc. but most of the population isn’t aware that they exist at all. They hold high status positions, are worshipped by the local religion and Rhea all but rules the entire continent (and says so herself to Byleth in that speech about how she was just “ruling this wayward country in your stead”, “you” being Sothis) - though that is mostly Rhea’s doing of which Seteth and Flayn are relatively innocent. 
The interviews pretty much confirmed that the Nabateans constituted the local aristocracy and that many humans genuinely saw the Elites as liberators - though there was definitely also an element of ppl going around killing random Nabateans to gain superpowers, not to speak of Nemesis’ very obvious very unambiguous mass murder. Not wanting to be ruled over by foreign powers is understandable, though obviously killing them all down to the last civilian was just flat out evil - its certainly not a simple situation, we can all agtree Nemesis & the Agarthans were evil but there is no clear defined good guy. 
There are historical conflicts you could compare this to, perhaps some conflicts in Africa or the middle eastwhere different groups took turns being the ruling class after the latest war,  but it’s not at all like the modern USA or early modernity colonialism, and forcing every real or, in this case, imagined scenario inherently dependent of fantasy elements, into this one framework from the present or near past isn’t conductive to understanding at all. 
And in the present day, by the time Edelgard is alive, we are talking about three specific people that she has good reason to dislike individually. Not any sort of group at all. 
She calls Rhea a cruel beast because that’s all she’s ever seen Rhea to be. She’s the shadow tyrant who rules her world, who created the crappy world Edelgard grew up in. It’s no different Cubans thiking badly of the castros after suffering through famines - or, no need for such extreme examples really, ppl call their least favorite politicians monsters all the time. 
She’s wrong to assume that Seteth & Flayn are wholly on board with this, but on the other hand, it’s not at all a far-fetched assumption to make: They hold high positions in the church though they ostensimbly just appreared out of nowhere one day. Do you have to be an evil bigot to assume that the brother and right hand man to the tyrannical god-queen is condoning & supporting her actions?
The truth is of course that underneath her pseudo-parental facade Rhea is sort of a scared girl, very lonely, very afraid, and ashamed, in a shallow, childish way, for “breaking the rules” just because they are rules. She says she can’t trust anyone, that she feels lonely & isolated... and while no one can blame her for distrusting humans after the slaughter of her people, but the reason she can’t trust Seteth is that she’s keeping her bad deeds secret from him. He wasn’t there the whole time, he just showed up a few decades earlier. 
She sees herself only as filling out for Sothis and doesn’t quite grasp that she’s in charge, very much a follower personality bent on stasis & regularity. 
Is Edelgard obliged to try & unravel the complex psychology of the tyrant who rules her home to correctly deduce why she would deceive even her own family? By all intents and purposes, Edelgard is the one getting rid of an oppressive government that doesn’t let ordinary humans let a say at all. A government where ppl of others faiths and nationalities are typically oppressed unless they work directly for the church.
It’s like having a disdain for, say, Ivanka Trump. She holds a high position in her father’s administration despite having no obvious qualifications, she appears to be profiting & making bank from her father’s atrocities, she certainly hasn’t done anything to stop him or disavow him the way that, say, her cousin Mary did - if you suffered under Trump’s regime you’d be very justified in assuming that Invanka is probably a bad person.
Flayn only looks young (She might not if we saw her in other clothes). I mean, Kronya could badly impersonate a schoolgirl. At the very least they’ve supported the regime by refusing to question their own side and they show some however benevolent belief that it is their duty to “guide” the people. Leaving her to the Agarthans is certainly questionable, but no more so than doing it with Rhea herself, under the assumption that she’s guilty and that it’s a sacrifice that will prevent larger chaos. The agarthans had their plan long before they created Edelgard as we know her, and she couldn’t stop their plots all on her own. 
You could say that it’s callous, distasteful or a deal breaker - as the death knight is her direct subordinate & she makes a personal appearance in mask, I would argue that she definitely knew & sanctioned the kidnapping - but she’s no more callous towards Flayn than towards anybody else. 
Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re evil, or that they deserve to die.... and Edelgard would agree with me.  She doing all this to prevent death – flipping the lever on the trolley problem so it crushes one person instead of five so to speak. She always gives her enemies the chance to surrender, unwilling allies the chance to leave, and jails enemies whenever leaving them alive wouldn‘t lead to further death… even the ones she has the most personal reason to hate, like the PM.
As servants of the church who have chosed to back her enemies, she’ll certainly kill them if she has to, but not any more than any other enemy. At no point anywhere in the story does she say anything like that they need to die on principle. Nowhere at all. Indeed there is much evidence to the contrary.
The church paints her as being completely against the religion or even wanting to set herself up as a satanic godess cause it‘s good politics & they don‘t get what she‘s doing – to an extent her own credibility & messaging is compromised by her secretive and at times unscrupulous actions, no one said she was perfect. In truth all she wants is to have the church out of politics, you know, what we have in nearly every modern country outside the vatican and saudi arabia.
You can absolutely let Flayn & Seteth go on CF and there is no word, no fuss about it anywhere. No „make sure to kill em all“ which would certainly be there if the narrative wanted to portray Edelgard that way. It requires the mediation of Byleth as someone they would talk to & not immediately assume the worst of, but, they see the church as the embodymet of all that is good & fighting its enemies as their sacred duty so of course it wouldn‘t be possible for just anyone to talk them down. It‘s framed as Flayn letting Byleth go cause they saved her life once, even if we know from behind the screen that she wasn‘t going to survive a fight to the death against the player-controlled faction.
Heck, even when it comes to Rhea, the one most guilty that Edelgard has the most reason to loathe, she‘s ultimately surprisingly gracious. She gives her the option to surrender – and this is not a lie, she discusses this with Byleth in a lecture question, and seriously ponders the possibility. Here Byleth gets a range of options like „stab her in the back“ and „keep the church under imperial control“ but you know which one nets you the support points? „Strip her of her authority so she can‘t interfere in politics“. She wasn‘t gonna mess with the religious folks & their religion at all, just make it so it‘s separate from government. Rhea could even keep being pope, if she could be satisfied without having complete supreme authority (and ripping her precious artifact out of Byleth‘s chest) – even when she puts her down she‘s not 100% without pity, telling her that „Your duty is done“ (the translators mucked this up)
Couldn‘t be any further from „lets kill them all on principle“.
What really annoys me is how ppl go and twist everything Edelgard says out of context to ascribe a motive to her that just isn’t there.
Common examples:
„If you have Flayn or Seteth fight her she‘ll say they need to die because they‘re nabateans“
Actually what she says is this: „You are a child of the godess. You must not have power over the people!“ Not getting to be privileges rulers anymore =/= being opressed. Stay out of politics =/= Diediedie. Also, this is from the VW/SS boss fight, where they have literally come to get her in her own capital.
„Linhard & Leonie don‘t tell her & hubert about Indech, probably cause he expects that she‘ll go & kill him„
What he actually says is: „Lake Teutates is a place that concerns the saints of the Church of Seiros. It may become bothersome should the two of them find out...“
„It may be bothersome“ as in, „we might get in trouble“, for doing the possibly very inadvisable thing of waltzing into what could possibly be an enemy location to satisfy personal curiosity. If it‘s something related to her agenda she might take over and Linny wouldn‘t get to investigate as he pleases – at very most you might construe it as Linny fearing that they‘ll be accused of consorting with the enemy, but „bothersome“ suggest possible annoyance not imminent murder.
The whole scene ends with Linhard telling Byleth to fill her in later. Doesn‘t sound at all like he expects her to go back with a harpoon.
„She said Claude isn‘t fit to be a ruler cause he‘s a foreigner“
What she actually says: „I understand your ideals are not so far removed from my own. But without knowledge of Fodlan‘s history, I cannot entrust its rule to you“
Now without the additional contexts that Claude won‘t get until after the fight, it might easily feel a bit like the former with the raw spots he‘d have from his backstory, but what she means is that he‘s ignorant of the Agarthan threat – which he is. Edelgard is all for making peace with Almyra and sees fostering isolationism & prejudice as one of the many faults of the church.
Once Claude basically kills Edelgard for information, he winds up having to take care of the storm she had been holding back. But to his credit, he DID „finish the job“ and get the info. But he didn‘t have it at that point.
And I don‘t mean any of this in the least bit as a diss of Claude - He is the smartest character, so there would be no plot if he got easy access to the info.  At this point, they both think they can probably do better, and more importantly, both their backstories have made them so that they won‘t let down their guard far enough to cooperate in this scenario.
That‘s also why the outcome in CF is contingent on Byleth‘s choice. - You‘d sort of have to trust that he will also act so as to minimize casualties.
Very disingenious since many players wouldn‘t necessarily trigger these dialogues.
I guess because Adrestia got a vaguely central-european aesthetic (partially; all the countries are hodgepodge mashups and there’s more than enough spanish or ancient roman vibes there) and central europe existed only for those 12 years of tyranny I guess, even though many other places have had similar BS happening, including the US that delights in making craptons of movies about their faraway victory because their governments haven’t added much of value to the planet as of late. -.- 
Faerghus (vaguely french/ russian - not at all places where nothing bad happened ever) has actually annexed some territory from their northern neighbors in the recent past, not to speak of the whole Duscur atrocity - but no one seems to go around laying that at Dimitri’s feet, because it would be nonsensical - he was a child at the time and as an individual he is super against it and champions a policy of reconcilliation if he gets to rule. after all, there wouldn’t be much of a plot if the characters inherited three perfect faultless problem free countries. 
Edelgard, too, is completely against the previous administration under Duke Aegir (which was in charge during the Bridgid war). She deposed him and is plotting to do the same with Arundel once she can politically afford to do so. For all that one can understand why she would chose the other path  (depending on how much she knows about what Edelgard’s doing and why) it makes all the sense in the world for Petra to support her on CF or if not recruited, because again, she got rid of that previous administration. 
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prompt-master · 4 years
Would you be willing to share how you might rewrite Yukizome, Sakakura, and Munakata to make them likable characters (if not ppl Bc there’s a big difference)???
ahhhhhhh this ask got me so stupidly excited that I was like wavin my hands around. I think about how to rewrite their characters OFTEN. very often. I’m gonna go with likeable character over likeable people because I think they work better where they’re actually not that likeable people. 
The one I think about the MOST is Munakata. He was SUCH wasted potential and I partially blame the medium for that (a single season anime is too constrained for future, it needed more time and care to be a proper story). But Munakata is actually so close to being a compelling character but they made some MAJOR mistakes with him. This ended up getting really long and more like a 3 page ADHD ramble essay. SO IM VERY SORRY to anyone who cannot read this but TYTYTY if you did because these ideas make me very happy! Oh it’s only about Munakata btw because of how long it got
The thing about Munakata is that he is designed to be a foil to Naegi. In fact a majority of dr3 future FOCUSES on this foil dynamic. It is Naegi’s hope vs Munakata’s hope. The World’s hope vs The FF’s hope. And more importantly it is True Hope vs Corrupted Hope.
This is a fantastic concept...so why didn’t it work in canon? I think that the biggest most glaring issue with Munakata’s hope is his logic. Munakata is meant to be a logical man, although with corrupted morals that lead him astray. Yet in canon his logic is laughably infallible. For example as a major figure in the FF and someone who wants to spread hope....why would he tell Naegi to kill himself? More importantly why does he continue to try and slaughter Naegi? The issue here isn’t from the fact that he wants him dead but from the fact that he is under the IMPRESSION that this entire game is being broadcast to the world.
Think about this for a second. In Munakata’s eyes he is going to kill the Ultimate Hope, an international symbol of a better life, live on TV. He doesn’t just want to kill the Ultimate Hope..he wants to do it BRUTALLY as a MAJOR FIGURE OF THE FF. IMO this should have happened later on as the game furthers the emotional turmoil in Munakata’s head and he eventually snaps and gives in to the desire to kill Naegi despite the fact that this is live. And then there should be CONSEQUENCES for that. I wanted so badly a realization where Munakata realizes that he is hurting the Ultimate Hope in front of what he believes is the entire world. 
Another issue with Munakata’s logic is saying things such as...implying that the HPA KG was...just a game. I mean...people DIED. it's not hard to see how wrong that logic is. you can't say “this is the real world now” when what Naegi experienced WAS the real world. I think that this could be fixed through a bit of world building. DR3 Future is rather isolated from its world. We don’t really know much about the world and its dynamics. I think it would make perfect sense if the general public viewed the HPA KG as a tv show, they got numb to the sight and even those untouched by despair had a hard time connecting that these are REAL people suffering. With this previously established Munakata expressing that the KG was not real would make a lot more sense and play into his corrupted idea of hope. 
There is also Munakata’s connection to his other friends. Now I’ve talked about this before but the game was clearly designed to BREAK Munakata and Naegi. This way the FF would die, both the FF and World’s hope would be broken, and upon seeing this Mitarai would have no choice but to deploy his own forced hope. So it makes perfect sense that Yukizome’s death would break him (in fact if she hadn’t died in that way, her NG code was designed to be Munakata’s fault). But something about it felt...superficial. Again I think this is the mediums fault but it almost feels as though Munakata just forgets about Yukizome until later. I think they should spend more time establishing his pain and what he has lost and why this pushes him to kill. In his eyes if she can die then nothing else matters. It should be THE breaking point, not the first push. I do like the betrayal he feels towards realizing she had despair but it needed more time to fester. 
And his relationship with Sakakura also felt weak. In all honesty it was hard for me to feel as though they were ever friends. Sakakura is written as though he just follows Munakata like a loyal dog and Munakata just orders him around. Establish their relationship more! Why are they such good friends? Why is Sakakura important to him? And more importantly why did Munakata decide to cruelly gut Sakakura knowing he was about to confess? This is because he believed that Sakaura was despair and that his confession was more manipulation, but they didn’t show this well at ALL. Munakata just comes across as a major a-sshole who does not care. I also personally found it distasteful that when changing his heart Munakata only seemed to cry for Yukizome. I understand that was his love interest but Yukizome at the end of the day killed herself. Sakakura however was an unnecessary betrayal he took into his own hands AS HE HIMSELF KILLED HIM. He should have more guilt over that! Not just in that moment where he runs to Sakakura, but ahead of time as well! Maybe even DURING his rampage they could have shown him having moments of guilt but he is so absorbed in the idea that all despairs have to die that he doesn’t even realize he has become despair in the name of hope.
A BIG weakness on Munakata’s part comes with interacting with other characters. He is a man who should know how to take charge, lead, and doesn't know what to do when things are getting too crazy even though he THINKS he does. Munakata is heavily flawed, OBVIOUSLY flawed, but many of the interactions with him are as tho his rampage isnt a big deal. There should be reasons for this! Why do people trust Munakatas guidance so much? I dont know! All ive seen from him is that hes insane! Maybe even pieces where around others hes a lot nicer so you can understand why they follow him, even though hes ready to gut Naegi alive with a flaming katana. His interactions with others feel like the writers just wanted to see the next big evil thing they could think of, but for Munakata’s character this doesn't make sense because he was appointed a high status in the foundation for a reason. Maybe even have people say they disagree with some of his methods but at the end of the day he gets the job done!
There is another major missed opportunity here and it's why Muanakata wants Naegi dead so badly in the first place. The remnants. Hiding terrorists in the apocalypse is a PERFECTLY valid reason to want someone dead and think they're a bad guy! But I think since Naegis initial arrest was already so hostile and violent we get the sense that the FF is simply just...crazy. 
And let’s think about what Munakata WANTS from Naegi. He does not just want Naegi dead he wants something worse. He wants Naegi to suffer first. He thinks that Naegi doesnt understand his own personal pain. He thinks that because Naegi protected the remnants he must also not care about the suffering the remnants caused. He wants Naegi to feel despair and then die. This is important to his corrupted hope. He thinks the suffering must be shared in order to understand who must die, but he is creating a cycle of pain. Tie this back to the broadcasting issue. He wants Naegi to break for everyone to see. I think..and this is just a concept..I think it would have been a great idea for Munkata to force Naegi to watch the despair video so that he has no choice but to understand. 
AND themes are majorly important to Danganronpa. And I don’t think its a stretch to say that there are parallels between Munakata and Naegi. In fact I would say that there are aspects of the og trio in this new trio. I think it would have been really cool if they showed how our favorite trio could have ended up if they had been corrupted as well. But the parrellels dont stick strongly. I think it would have been cool to show a past where Munakata’s idealism lies more strongly than Naegis. As the student council president there was a time where he himself had to use his words to solve problems. Perhaps he learned that sometimes his words made things worse. Munakata does not have Naegi’s talent of emotional intelligence. He is a man of action over words. So he interprets this as WORDS being the problem rather than understanding he does not have these skills. Especially when the apocalypse breaks out, it becomes all action over words. So he sees Naegi who is all talk as a genuine threat who will let everyone die through his “weak ineffective” idea of hope. 
Another parallel could be drawn from the fact that they both have hope based careers. Their job is too keep things hopeful. Maybe Naegi stays safe doing public broadcasted speeches, while Munakata is on the field weeding out despairs. This would cause Munakata to feel as though Naegi is doing no real work yet getting all the credit for being a savior.
Munakata constantly complains that Naegi does not know true pain. But he and we as an audience have followed Naegi through his entire process of trauma. We know he is in the wrong. But what do we as an audience know about Munakata’s suffering? We are shown almost nothing! There are some implications, but for how intense he is implications are not enough. We need to see his suffering. We should see how he has witnessed death. Yukizomes death is not nearly enough for this because he talks as though he has suffered for years. How can we as an audience understand that when we have never seen it? How can we understand Munakata when he is outright denying Naegi’s trauma that we KNOW existed with no proper justification for his reasoning?
I also believe that Munakata should have died. It actually upsets me a bit that he was PLANNED to die but didn't. He should have died protecting Naegi after all that suffering and relentless brutality he offered him. Munakata again is a man of action over word, and protecting Naegi with his last breath is the perfect way to show how in the end he changed. Especially when all he wanted initially was for Naegi to die. I find that much more satisfying than just…...walking off to who knows where.
So lets recap some changes. Munakata needs a proper display of his past traumas and his relationship with Sakakura and Yukizome. Munakata needs a proper display of his work relationships and the respect he has earned. Munakata needs to fall into corruption at a better pace, and have geniune reasons for his illogical attacks on Naegi. Munakata needs to care more for his friends. Munakata needs to deal with the turmoil of wanting to hurt Naegi while he believes the world is watching. Munakata needs to die for Naegi
This has gotten long...and I still have things to say. There is so much to make Munakata a good character. Future had a lot of potential and is amazing for a rewrite concept. As for Sakakura and Yukizome since this has gotten long feel free to ask for another round of this individually when asks are open again! If you read all of this somehow….TYSM
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