#why did this turn into a rant about my hair? oops
aachria · 5 months
I forgot I can just post random shit on here without it being an ask.
Behold: a visual representation of me, just done doing random shit to my hair because I was bored and searching a quote trying to remember what it’s from, and the Microsoft AI spitting out this bullshit at me.
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Like. Like why. Why did it do that. I was running on so little sleep. It was like 2 in the morning. This was Sunday night. Why did this happen. Microsoft Edge why are you built like this.
Anyway “You are both tinder and torchbearer” goes hard as FUCK and will be sticking with me for a very long time.
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creepswrites · 1 month
DIRT ROADS | Lester x Reader
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rereading some of my old writing renewed my love for writing this scruffy man <3 this is also slightly self indulgent oops
SUMMARY: The coat he wore was rough and the necklace he wore dug slightly into your skin. But he felt warm and alive and you felt his laugh more then you actually heard it. It felt strangely magical and the mere thought of that baffled you. What about this situation was remotely magical?
The sound of the sputtering of your car engine made you groan, your forehead bumping against the steering wheel in quite frustration. Overhead, raindrops pattered harshly against the top of your car like small marbles and you heard the way your wheels dug into the muddy roads. This was not the place you wanted to get stuck in.
"I told you we'd get stuck out here!" Your friend Sadie huffed in exasperation, throwing her hands up in defeat. "If we had just turned back and asked for directions," She trailed off, shooting a pointed glare at the two guys in the backseat, "We wouldn't be in this mess!"
Robbie - Sadie's long-term boyfriend, though you weren't exactly sure why, seeing as they argued more often then not - just scoffed at his girlfriend's frustrations. "Look, let's just get out of the car and fuckin' push, alright?"
"Can't," You sighed as you lifted your head up. "The front wheels are trapped in the mud. Pushin' will just get us more stuck."
"Well what the fuck else are we supposed to do?" Robbie shouted before swinging the door open and stomping out into the pouring rain, uncaring of how his hair and clothes quickly became soaked.
When he did, his friend who sat beside him - Leon, you think was his name - quickly shuffled out to join him. Leon was nicer than Robbie but was a bit of a pushover. This camping trip the four of you planned was mostly Sadie's attempts to pair you up with Leon despite both of your resistances on the matter.
"Honestly," Sadie sighed, "That guy just can't take no for an answer."
You hummed, disinterested in her latest "Robbie Rant" as you'd taken to calling them. "I still think this whole camping thing is a bad idea. Even if we'll be in a cabin." You weren't exactly enthusiastic at the idea of listening to Sadie argue with her boyfriend for a long weekend while you sat awkwardly next to Leon.
"Don't be such a downer," Sadie said as she poked your cheek with a pointy, baby blue nail. "The rain'll pass, babe. It always does."
When you heard the sound of your car door open, a blast of cold air hitting your body, you turned your head and were met with a worried look on Robbie's face. "Hey, uh, there's... some dude over here." He gestured with a thumb, arms crossed over his chest to try and protect himself from the chilled rain. "He's, uh, offerin' to tow us to the nearest town."
You perked your head up. "Oh! Sure, okay, yeah." Frankly you were just relieved the four of you weren't going to have to camp out in the car or, god forbid, walk through the rain and dark foresty area in hopes of finding civilization.
"Yeah, I wouldn't get too excited." Robbie mumbled as you poked your head out to look behind your car. "Dude's kinda weird."
A scrawny looking man stood slumped against a silver truck chatting to Leon, seemingly unbothered by the rain. When he caught your eye, he tilted his green cap in greeting and gave you a wide gap toothed smile as he made his way towards you. Outwardly, you didn't see anything wrong with him. Maybe a little scruffy but nothing outwardly strange. "Hey there," He said with such a heavy southern drawl it made your eyes feel droopy, "Saw y'all got stuck. I might be able 't tow ya back to town. It ain't far, but you folks'll probably wanna ride with me. 'Case stuff gets too bumpy."
You considered his offer for a moment. The idea of shelter was too tempting to ignore, however... "That's awfully kind of you," You said slowly, watching his smile soften into something more genuine, "What's the catch?"
"Ain't no catch, honest." He said as he slid his hands into the back pockets of his jeans. Robbie gave him a weird look but you ignored it, keeping your focus on the stranger. "Jus' happened to be in the neighborhood on my way back home. Saw y'all broke down 'n figured I'd lend a hand."
Your shoulders dropped slightly. As in most situations, you had to trust your gut. And your gut said that you could trust him. So you held out your hand to shake his, introducing yourself. "How close is this town?"
"Jus' a few miles back down this road here 'n a few left turns." The stranger offered a hand to help you out of your car and you flinched at the sight of thick mud below you. "'m Lester, by the way. Lester Sinclair." He said, noticing your apprehension at the dirt. "Ain't one for mud?" He gave a light laugh.
"Not if I can help it," You sighed. It wouldn't normally bother you but you hadn't worn shoes you could afford to get dirty. The storm had caught you all by surprise.
Before you could step out, Lester gave you a nudge. "Here, put'cher arms 'round me."
You flushed and stared at him with wide, confused eyes. He just gave you a grin as he hooked your knees in the crook of his elbow. "I- You don't have to- I can-" You stammered out nervously. Sure, you didn't really want to get your shoes dirty, but Lester didn't have to carry you!
"Up we go!" Lester said with a dramatic flair, causing you to shriek in terror as you were lifted out up of your seat. You clung to him tight to avoid falling into the mud and he gave you a little spin, making you bury your face into his shoulder as you begged him not to drop you.
The coat he wore was rough and the necklace he wore dug slightly into your skin. But he felt warm and alive and you felt his laugh more then you actually heard it. It felt strangely magical and the mere thought of that baffled you. What about this situation was remotely magical?
"Hey, put 'em the fuck down!" Robbie said. You'd honestly forgot he was there for a moment. But he stepped towards you two like he intended to yank you from the other man's arms like a toddler wanting its toy back.
Lester shot him a look before glancing down at you, as though silently asking if Robbie was bothering you. Like Lester himself wasn't the stranger in the situation. "Alrighty then. Why don't you grab the girl so we can get on outta here?" He said before carrying you back towards his truck without looking back.
When you saw the truck, you understood why Robbie and Leon looked so anxious about going inside. You could see what looked to be small animal bones dangling like strings of beads woven together with feathers and rough strings. They all looked very homemade but pretty in their own way. At least to you they were.
What really caught your attention was the deer skull sitting on the dashboard as the pride of place. "You hunt?" You asked Lester as he walked around to the passenger side door.
He noticed you eyeing the deer skull and shrugged. "That depends."
"Well I gotta impress you, don't I? Ain't every day I get to carry some pretty thing to my truck. Can't letcha think 'm a bad guy if I do hunt." He said casually before gesturing to the door handle. "Can you grab that?"
You opened the door and let him set you on the seat, his words not quite registering as you focused on the skull, fingers grazing it but not quite touching. "I think it's cool," You said with a quiet awe. "I like taxidermy, so bones don't put me off."
Lester seemed surprised by that. You could hear the sounds of Robbie and Sadie arguing again - likely because he wasn't offering to carry her like Lester had done for you - but you hardly cared with him looking at you like that. Like he was swooning.
"So y'ain't gonna be bothered by the roadkill I got in the back?" He asked, leaning against the car door as you admired the bones hung around the interior.
"Nope. Not even a little. Do you make these yourself?" You asked, fingers dancing lightly down a particularly pretty string of feathers and bones.
Lester swallowed and nodded, a little breathless when he spoke. "Yeah. Yeah. Make 'em myself, yeah." He sounded a little nervous, trying to hide his excitement at your genuine interest. "I'm, uh, I'm gonna get yer car set up for towin' 'n whatnot. You alright if I borrow your boyfriend?"
"I don't have a boyfriend." You shrugged before focusing back on him. "Much less Robbie. He's kind of a douchebag."
"You don't have a boyfriend?" Lester looked genuinely shocked.
You laughed a little. "You sound like my parents." Your tone was light, teasing, and a sharp contrast to the sudden hurricane that was Sadie climbing into the backseat of the truck, arguing loudly with Robbie. As suspected, he had not want to carry her and she had to walk.
You and Lester shared an exhausted look before he stepped away to get the cables to tow your car. Meanwhile, you tucked into the front seat, admiring every knickknack and oddity you could see. It felt almost cozy. Lester likely spent a lot of time in here to warrant such a comfortable, familiar space. He'd mentioned roadkill in the back of the truck so you figured he drove around for long hours picking it up.
He was utterly fascinating. You'd never met anyone like him.
"Dude, this guy is a freak," Sadie whisper-yelled to be heard over the rain as she slammed her door. You left the your own door open to enjoy the cool air a bit longer after being stuck in a stuffy car for the past four hours. "His car's full of dead things!" She hissed at you.
"Doesn't bother me." You said absently, far too focused on the skull again. It was in beautiful condition, clearly well taken care of. If Lester did really hunt, you hoped it was humane. But you reassured yourself that he didn't seem like someone who hated animals.
Sadie scoffed as she slumped in the backseat. The anger from her argument with Robbie was starting to leak into your conversation with her and it pissed you off. But you held your tongue, knowing better than to push her. "Yeah, I'm sure you don't mind your new weirdo boyfriend and his freaky shit." She laughed with a mocking tone. "Must be nice to meet some random fucking guy on the side of the road and he's soooo perfect and thoughtful and carries you to his car. Definitely matches your freak."
You ignored her.
It didn't take long for the guys to finish attaching your car to the truck and everyone piled in the truck, Lester closing his door with a dramatic flair and giving you a smile. "Alrighty, lets head on back. Town's just a couple minutes away." He said, making sure to take wide turns to avoid scratching up the car too much.
"Is there a hotel in town there?" Sadie asked, fidgeting with a strand of her wet hair.
"Yeah, should be. The inn ain't get much business this far out here so there oughta be rooms." Lester said, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "Where ya folks headed?"
When the three in the back said nothing, you spoke up after an awkward beat of silence. Just because your friends didn't like the dead things didn't mean Lester was a bad guy. "Headin' towards Arkansas. We've got a little cabin there that we want to stay at for a few days."
"Special occasion?" Lester asked curiously.
"Just a double date weekend." Sadie chimed in, smirking a bit in Leon and Robbie's direction. "We've been meaning to take a break together.
You flinched at the implication you were dating Leon. Lester seemed to notice that and gave you a reassuring smile. "Sounds fun." He said aloud, though you could see the way his hands gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. "Robbie, was it?"
"How long've you been dating 'em?" He tilted his head towards you, smiling at Robbie in the rearview mirror. "Hope I didn't give ya the wrong impression when I carried 'em over. I know you got defensive 'bout it 'n all."
The backseat erupted into absolute chaos. You turned to level Lester with an unimpressed look and the man had the audacity to give you an innocent little smile.
Jerk. You snorted, rolled your eyes, and turned your head to look out the window, watching the raindrops fall on the slightly fogged glass and the brush of the forest passing by in blurs of murky greens and browns.
Ambrose wasn't far, true to Lester's word. The town was small, only a few dozen houses and no major chain stores, much to Sadie's disappointment. Just little mom and pop type places. Lester towed your car to the nearby gas station outside the auto shop and you became suddenly aware of how empty the town felt. No one was outside but you didn't think it was because of the rain.
Your friends got out of the truck, eager to get away from the bones and the smell of rot, but you stayed in with Lester for a minute. "Where is everyone?"
"Hm?" Lester asked, looking innocently curious. "Whaddya mean?"
When he didn't say anything else, you just sighed. "Nevermind," you mumbled as you reached for the door.
"Wait." He said, his voice low. You turned to look at him and he seemed... guilty? He chewed nervously on his bottom lip before making a gesture to the glove box. "Open it."
So you did. Laying atop some piles of paper was a simple, silver pocketknife. "What the-?"
"In case." Lester said, pulling it out and handing it to you expectantly.
"In case of what?" You frowned as alarm bells began to ring in your head. "What do you mean?
Lester's eyes darted quickly over your shoulder before he looked back at you. You didn't get the chance to look over your shoulder when he reached up, cupping your face with one hand to keep your eyes on him. "I ain't- I ain't s'pposed to do this. Y'can't tell anyone."
"Tell anyone what?" Your fear must have been obvious at this point, seeing as Lester flinched.
"Look," he sighed, taking your hand and squeezing it in his own. "I can't- I wanna tell ya, believe me. But I ain't s'pposed to 'n it kills me." He looked genuinely sorry for whatever it was he was doing, which only scared you more. "But if ya take it, you'll be-"
A loud knock on the window made you scream, scooting away from the door with a look of terror, not even care that you practically slammed into Lester's chest as you threw yourself across the center console. Staring at you from the window was a man dressed in a mechanic jumpsuit with a baseball cap on. He opened the door without prompting and gave you a smile that made you feel greasy just looking at him. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." The stranger said with a warm tone. "'m name's Bo. I work at the autoshop here."
You introduced yourself cautiously, glancing out the windshield and noticing the way Sadie practically swooned over Bo while Robbie and Leon looked ready to punch the daylights out of this guy.
You didn't trust him. Not one bit.
"Pretty sure that's my brother you're sittin' on." Bo said with another acidic smile.
"Oh." You said, still pressed against Lester's side with no real interest in moving. The pocketknife was still clenched tightly in your fist and you still didn't feel safe.
Lester just laughed. "Aw, it ain't no problem Bo. We were chattin' 'bout their car actually. Might need ya to check it out, just in case."
Bo hazarded a glance at your car. "Yeah, alright, I'll take a look. Wanna come with me?" He asked, offering you his hand.
Everything in your body screamed at you to stay away from this guy.
"Actually Bo," Lester spoke up, your saving grace, "I was plannin' on chattin' 'bout taxidermy with 'em. If ya don't mind."
Bo did, in fact, seem to mind. His perfect facade seemed to flicker, an annoyed look passing his over his face as quick as it came. "Lester, ain't it a better idea for them to be here with their car?"
"I trust you!" You nearly yelled, grabbing your car keys and stuffing them into Bo's extended hand. "You seem like you know what you're doing! Any questions and you can ask Robbie, he's better with cars than me anyways."
You felt Lester relax when Bo just sighed loudly. "Alright, if you insist," He clutched the keys in his fist and the look he gave you made chills run down your spine. "Enjoy your date, lil' bro."
"Thanks man!" Lester said as Bo slammed the door shut, rattling the whole car. "You alright?" He asked softly once his older brother had stormed off in the direction of your friends.
You scooted back slightly to give him some space, sliding back into your actual seat. "I know he's your brother but... he's so..."
He laughed. "Aggressive? Yeah, he can be. Ain't his fault but it does make bringin' people here tricky." Lester said before gesturing out the window towards your friends, watching Sadie hang off Bo's every word. "Seems to work on your friends jus' fine."
"Not me." You hummed, watching the four of them go inside the auto shop. "I usually have a good read on people. And he's, uh, not good."
"Is that so?" Lester said softly. "Well, y'sure as hell got a good radar then. Figured him out real quick."
You gave Lester a glance, noting the somber look on his face. "What do you mean by it being safer to bring the knife?"
The man chewed on his bottom lip, seeming to mull his options over in his head. "I can't tell ya," He said slowly, "Because then I'd have to kill ya." When you laughed nervously, he just gave you a serious look. "'m serious. I ain't s'pposed to tell strangers what's goin' on."
Cold dread seemed to drench you instantly. "What?" You whispered in horror.
"I can tell ya if you promise not to do anythin' though." He soothed, taking your hand in his. He kept glancing over your shoulder as though expecting Bo to reappear at any moment. "If ya wanna know, you can't get involved."
"Just tell me!" You pleaded, the pocketknife still tight in your fist.
Lester sighed, letting go of your hand and staring out the window, letting the muffled sounds of rain pass through you two as though trying to literally clean the air. When he looked up at you, his eyes once again darting over your shoulder. He let out a soft gasp of surprise and fumbled to turn his car back on, letting it spur to life as you turned to look.
Robbie stumbled out of the auto shop, covered in blood and screaming. He was beelining for you, his screams drowned out by the car engine and the storm. You went to unlock the door but you watched the locks engage. Robbie yanked on the door handle frantically, screaming something about Bo having killed Leon.
But you didn't even have time to react as Lester threw the car in reverse and took off, leaving you horrified and confused. You rounded on him immediately. "We need to help!"
"I can't get involved!" Lester said, looking as panicky as you. "I- I ain't a fan of what they do either but I-" He stammered, torn between focusing on the road and trying to placate you.
"Did Bo kill Leon?!" You gasped in horror.
Lester gave you a helpless look. "I- Maybe? I- I dunno, he's killed a lotta people at this point." He squinted, trying to navigate the rain that began to streak across the windshield with how fast he was driving, obscuring a lot of the vision outside. "He 'n Vinny've been doin' this for ages now!"
"Doing- Doing what?!" You felt frantic, yanking on the car door with no real luck. What would you even do if it opened? Where could you go?
"Killin' people!" Lester said, slamming his hands on the steering wheel in frustration. "They've been killin' people and I don't get involved. 'n if you value your life, you shouldn't either."
He slammed hard on the breaks just before the front of the car slammed into a tree. The two of you let out a shared sigh and slumped over.
"'m sorry sweetpea." Lester said quietly, leaning against his steering wheel as exhaustion seemed to set in. "Was followin' y'all. 's how I found ya. Was gonna ship ya off to Bo 'n Vince but you were so..." He lifted his head to look at you with soft, glassy eyes. "'m so sorry."
You trembled, still breathing heavy. "Are you going to hurt me?"
"No." Lester's answer was immediate. "I ain't a killer. Not like my brothers are." He looked like he wanted to reach for you again, remorse clear on his face. "'m really sorry. Honest. I-"
"Are my friends going to die?" You asked, your voice warbling slightly. "Did- Did you just drive away from my dying friends?" He turned his head to look at you and gave you a slow nod. You let out a quiet gasp, scooting away from him until your back was up against the door. "Let me out! I need to go help them!"
Lester shook his head helplessly. "I can't. Bo's already seen ya 'n if you go after him, he'll kill ya too."
"Then why give me a knife?!"
"I just-" Lester sighed. "I just didn't want you to go down easy. Ain't no one ever escape my brothers. They're brutal 'n dedicated. I... I didn't want you to get hurt."
A lapse of silence passed between you two, the only sound coming from the rain. Lester buried his face back into his arms while you tried to come to terms with what you'd learnt. Lester's brothers abducted and killed people. And Lester had just served your friends up to Bo on a silver platter, but not you.
You had a knife, still clenched in your fist, and you could probably get the jump on Lester if you had to. You could steal his car and go rescue them or, at the very least, escape.
But you didn't want to hurt Lester...
"Why didn't you let me go with them?" You finally asked with a resigned sigh.
Lester looked up with tired, sad eyes. "Didn't want em to have ya. 'Cus you're a good, kind person 'n you trusted me. Felt like I was betraying ya. So I saw an openin' and I took it."
You nodded slowly. "So what now?"
"Well, ya got a few choices actually." Lester said as he straightened up. "You could go back. Try your luck against my brothers, try 'n save your friends. Or," He said with a shy glance your way, "You could come with me."
"Where would we go?"
Lester motioned out the windshield. "I got a lil' house in the woods nearby. We could hold down till the storm passes." Big brown eyes focused on you as he nervously wrung his hands. "I'd, uh, have to introduce you to my brothers in the morning. But I'd protect ya. Let 'em know you're with me now."
You felt your face heat up and you hated yourself for it. Your friends were being killed and the guy who led them to their deaths was making you blush like a schoolchild with a crush. You couldn't help it though. Lester was sweet, in the short time you'd met him. He didn't want to see you hurt and did what he could to protect you.
"With you?" You teased him with a wet chuckle. And your smile grew when you saw the way the tips of Lester's ears burned with how hard he blushed.
He gave you a shy nod. "Y-yeah. If you're with me, then- then they won't bother ya. Not killable anymore." You reached over and took his hands gently, uncaring of the dirt and roughness there. "You couldn't leave though."
A sigh left your lips. "I either stay or die?"
Lester looked close to tears when he nodded. "'m really sorry, sweetpea, I really am. Should'a never gone after ya." He freed one of his hands to cup your face gently, his touch soft despite the roughness of his hands and the guilt in his eyes.
You two sat there for awhile before you nodded, swallowing back a sob of your own. "Okay," You sighed, "Okay, I'll go with you."
He gave you a look of utter relief, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'll keep ya safe, sweetpea. I promise."
When you pulled him in for a hug, your face buried in his shoulder, you let your shoulders relax. And you let yourself believe him.
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princessbrunette · 8 months
You know how he rants a lot? Imagine him ranting 10x more when he’s high😨 - 🤙🏼
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
you’re sprawled on couch, so naturally jj takes the floor — his back against it, arms resting on his knees as he stares ahead. the room is smoky, john b sure to complain about the the two of you stinking out the chateau with jj’s dealers special brand of weed you were trying, and jj is on his third ramble of the evening— your slow and hazy brain trying to follow along, watching the back of his messy blonde head of hair bob with expression.
“and like… talkin’ to people man, like actually having a real, heart to heart conversation with people was like woah, that’s like — that’s what life’s about dude. sorry,” he clears his throat, briefly twisting his body to hold up an apologetic hand. “dudette. anyways, i remember like bein’ at the beach, and i saw this dude who was just covered in bandaids, and i was like dude what the hell. like no judgment n’all but why are you covered in bandaids did you get attacked by a single piece of printer paper or some shit? and he was like oh dude, i pennyboard. and i was like pennyboard? dude i haven’t heard of those since i was like thirteen. they lowkey fell off. i actually had a blue one with pink wheels and—”
“jayj what are you talking about?” you lift your head from the headrest with a giggle, watching him swivel round off guard, blinking at you with bright pink scleras.
“wha’— i was… wait.” a grin spreads on his face and you swear its in slow motion, because half way through you start to smile ever bigger too, until the two of you are laughing. he turns around completely so he’s on his knees beside the couch, presses his palms into the couch cushion and lifts himself to hover over you. “y’know what? totally doesn’t matter. what matters is…” he drops a long kiss to your lips and it feels like heaven under the influence. “you, and that very pretty mouth.”
“you’re bonkers, jayj.” you hum, content.
“chh—yeah, bonkers for you girl.” he scoffs before accidentally tumbling on top of you. “oop, my bad.”
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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phoxphenex · 2 years
i meant non text jealous jisung oops🫢love ur work
more jealous jisung
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you and chenle don’t really get along, which is surprising considering the fact that not only are you dating his best friend but before that, the three of you were practically inseparable.
“bro, they’re so… ugh!” chenle leaned back harshly against his chair, throwing his arms over his chest as he glared at you from across the table. you sat with your eyes narrowed, imagining daggers shooting from your gaze.
jisung had his hands up between the two of you, lips parted as he tried to come up with some form of resolution. “o-okay! how about, um, y/n and chenle day together?”
“what?!” both you and chenle sat up in unison, huffing at each other in disgust for speaking at the same time.
“ye-yeah! you two need to get along again, and i’m tired of being the middleman. think of it like… uh… therapy!”
jisung’s tone wasn’t pitiful, but you still felt guilty.
with a long, drawn-out sigh, you begrudgingly twisted your head until your eyes fell on jisung’s best friend. “fine. for you, ji? i’ll hang out with you. i guess.”
chenle let out a breath as well but straightened in his chair and looked at you. “for ji.”
“a-and when you—“ you cut yourself off with a loud, over-the-top laugh, clutching your stomach as you held onto chenle to keep yourself upright. he was in the same position as you were, hanging off your shoulder as he laughed and laughed.
to say chenle-y/n day went well would be an understatement. after arguing over what to get for lunch, ranting about your newly discovered shared love for reality tv, and saving a cat from a tree, you’d say the day was a success.
jisung was leaning against a wall, playing on his phone, until hearing your boisterous laughter and turning to face the two of you. he raised a hand to wave, but faltered when he saw yours and chenle’s arms around each other.
you noticed his wavering smile and flashed a bright smile. “jisung! why did you never tell me how awesome this freak is?!”
“uh, i-i don—“
“yeah! sorry, y/n’s my best friend now. what’s a jisung? jisung who?”
“w-well, that’s—“
“oh my god, you should have seen that kitten, ji! we were literally superheroes.”
jisung ran a nervous hand through his hair and swallowed the urge to pull you away from each other. i mean, he was the one who wanted the two of you to get along, right? why was seeing his partner and his best friend together so... icky?
“that’s, um... i’ve gotta—oh look! mark is calling.” you didn’t hear his phone ring at all, but jisung still pressed his phone to his ear and rushed out of the room. 
huffing a sigh, you detached yourself from chenle and ran after your boyfriend. by the time you caught up to him, he was mumbling something about ghosts into his phone.
“ji,” you called, reaching out to grab the sleeve of his hoodie. “what’s wrong? you don’t seem like yourself.”
he smiled at your words, but it didn’t look very genuine. you gave his arm a gentle squeeze, and jisung’s shoulders sagged, his smile melting. “okay, i didn’t like that. like, at all.”
“like what?”
“you. and chenle, i don’t know… being all close and friendly like that just… rubbed me wrong.”
you raised a brow. “i mean, aren’t you the one who wanted us to get along?”
“i did! in my head… watching it was icky.” he cringed and you bit your lips together to stop from laughing. “icky?”
“yeah! my partner and my best friend? together? no thank you, go back to plotting each other’s demise, please.”
you bursted, loud laughter spilling from your lips at the look of absolute disgust on your boyfriend’s face. “wow, okay. next time just say you’re jealous~”
“wh-i’m not jealous!”
“alright. whatever you say,”
“y/n, i’m not!”
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“Tell me, where did you sleep last night?” (Colin Robinson x werewolf!reader)
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Word count: 1,142
Age restriction: 16+ (vulgar language)
Tags: Fluff, crack, teasing, implied romance.
Synopsis: Your work doesn’t let you go home early on a full moon, so now you have to rush away from the office building to transform. Unfortunately one very nosy colleague won’t leave you alone.
Author’s note: Cringe culture needs to die. Let’s enjoy werewolves and balding men.
You tapped your fingers on the table. At first it was rhythmic, almost like a military drum, but with time it just started to sound unsteady, matching the beat of your own heart. Anxiety filled you up so strongly, that only the tips of your fingers were loose enough to move. The rest of the body was tense and getting tenser, as you watched the sky gradually darken and a faint silhouette of the moon appear.
“Only five minutes…” you mumbled to yourself. “Only five minutes…”
“Five minutes ‘till what?” Someone popped their head into your cubicle. You didn’t have to look, to know who exactly it was.
“The end of my shift, Colin.”
Your insides churned violently, as you noticed new dark brown hairs pop out on your hands. So thick and dense, it looked nothing like human hair and you knew it, so you haphazardly tried to cover them with the sleeves of your office shirt. It was getting late. Too late for your liking.
“Oh, right. It sucks to be you, huh? Working, because you have no more sick days to slack off.” He chuckled. “Well, I could keep you company until the end of your shift. You know what they say, good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter, am I right? That’s a quote by Izaak Walton. Oh, by the way, interesting fact about Izaak Walton! Did you know that his wife and seven kids died almost at the same time? Yeah, can’t imagine being that poor fella. Probably way worse, than sitting in this office.” You felt your eyelids start to get heavy as Colin kept on ranting about stuff you literally couldn’t care less about, but the good person in you didn’t allow the pleasure of shutting him up. “… Why are you wearing sweatpants by the way? Wee-ooh! Wee-ooh! Dress code violation detected!” He laughed to himself.
You barely even listened to whatever Colin was saying at this point. The hair on your hands started to become more noticeable and you felt the same happening all over your body. You stood up, ignoring the fact, that your shift wasn’t over as well as your very annoying colleague and hurried towards the elevator, leaving behind your belongings. There was no time to think of this.
“I gotta go.”
“Go where?” Colin wondered, as you stomped onwards.
This was incredibly frustrating for him. He heated being ignored, because that was the only way to counter his powers. Now it was more of a challenge, than a need to actually drain you. It was a matter of honour, that Robinson had very little of, but still wanted to protect, so he followed you into the elevator.
“Oops, wrong floor! Didn’t mean that.” He smiled, as he pressed several wrong buttons.
You felt your face flush with annoyance and his eyes briefly flashed bright electric blue. The matter was too urgent for his dumb tricks, so you left the elevator at the next floor and started running down the stairs, because you felt your body slowly starting to expand with muscles and fur. Of course, Colin persisted as well. Turns out, it is way more fun to insensibly break you down and watch you slowly loose your cool.
You ran out onto the street and shouted into the alleyway. Robinson looked at you, scrunched on the pavement. Tossing and turning, as if you were possessed by something ungodly.
“Hey there, friendo… You’re good?” He walked a bit closer.
“Get the fuck away from me, you imbecile!” You cried, before completely turning into a Northwestern wolf, being ready to attack at any moment.
You howled and shook, making it seem like your whole body was in intense pain, trying to retain your human consciousness and stop yourself from tearing Colin to literal shreds. He saw how you aggressively turned your head from side to side and whinged. Usually, he’s not too keen on helping random humans, but this instance felt like a symbiotic relationship.
“Woah… Okay, that was not on my 2024 bingo card.” He chuckled. “Uhm… Did you know, that there is a very rare condition called hypertrichosis - which causes sufferers to grow hair all over their body, including their faces! It's also called werewolf syndrome for obvious reasons.”
His eyes flashed blue again and you felt yourself getting tired. It became a bit easier to suppress that primal urge to attack.
“You know, your kind might have an Ancient Greek origin. There's a very gory myth that Zeus turned King Lycaon into a wolfman as punishment for eating human flesh. In fact, this is where the fancy term for a werewolf comes from - Lycanthrope. From King Lycaon!” Once again, the alley was slightly illuminated by a bright blue light.
You laid down on the pavement, feeling less and less feral. Your consciousness was more present than ever before in this state.
Colin slowly walked over to you and crouched down. “Not looking very good, are you?” He poked you lightly and smiled. You were a bit too tired to react. “So that’s why you’re wearing those ugly sweatpants. Well, it’s nice to know that I’m not the only supernatural creature in the office. You’ve probably guessed what I am by now, right?”
You looked up at his face then nodded slightly. To be honest, you weren’t sure what exactly he was, you just knew that something wasn’t human in any way shape or form.
“Say it… Out loud.” He pronounced dramatically, with strobe lights reflecting in his glasses. “Oh wait, you literally can’t, I forgot. Shit. Anyway, I’m a vampire. An energy vampire to be precise, so it means I’m a day walker. I feast on your life energy by either boring you or annoying you. As you can see, I’m a professional at both.” He grinned with joy.
That definitely made sense for you. And it definitely made sense why he would choose your office as the hunting ground. He crawled even closer to you and started gently petting your fur in steady motion.
“Aw, this feels nice. It’s like petting a dog.” He started to brush you against the grain and his eyes flashed blue again at your irritation. “You know, this is calming. I could get used to doing this once a month.” You looked up at him once again, amazed. He returned your gaze with a shrug. “If you need it I mean, because seeing you fight your own self is kind of pathetic.” He chuckled.
You leaned your head a bit more into his touch and he continued to pet you the proper way. The night was spent in that cold alleyway with Colin slowly putting you to sleep with random babbling. Ironically, one of the most infuriating people you know created one of your most comforting memories.
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sofiiel · 2 years
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There & Back Again | Ch. 20
Time of Your Life
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Myrtle awoke to find her head resting on something far firmer than her pillow, her eyes fluttered open, and took in the arms latched around her. "So much for a little while." Eddie said groggily.  Myrtle quickly rolled away, "sorry!" she gasped. Eddie watched her from where he lay, "don't be." he said simply, reaching out Eddie hooked his index finger around her pinky.
Myrtle looked down at her hands. She rolled one over to show her palm, letting Eddie draw aimlessly across her skin; the two continued to sit in silence.
"I should probably go before everyone wakes up." Eddie sighed, slowly sitting up. Myrtle covered her mouth to quiet a giggle as she noticed his terrible case of bedhead. Myrtle leaned towards him and smoothed out his hair as best she could. "Not looking like that, it's daylight. People will see you." she laughed.
Eddie smiled softly content in accepting the small moment. 
"There" Myrtle announce once she was done, Eddie shook his head before flinging it back and forth as he had any time before during a show. "What are you doing!" Myrtle gasped as quietly as she could. Peering through the wild mop of brown tangles, Eddie glanced up at her. With his head held low, Eddie flashed her an impish smile, "oops, looks like you'll need to fix it again." he said.
Myrtle pushed him lightly, "nope, you'll have to leave just like that." Myrtle said, to which Eddie pouted. "That's not fair, Eddie." Myrtle murmured, narrowing her eyes. "What's not fair?" He asked, making his lip tremble, Myrtle winced as she tried to ignore the sad puppy look in his eyes, turning her head away from him.
However, Eddie moved back into her field of view, getting down on the floor he leaned against the bed to stay within her sight. "Stop it, you brought it on yourself." Myrtle shot. Eddie smiled briefly, "so did you." he said quickly, falling into his pout again. 
Myrtle groaned in defeat, "fine," she said. Eddie climbed back onto the bed and held his head down towards her with a grin, feeling like putty as her hands fussed with his hair. He kept his gaze in her eyes, and Myrtle couldn't dare to look away. Eddie felt his heart fluttering, sucked into her pupils and under the spell of her touch.
A knock came to Myrtle's door. "Shit, shit, shit, shit." Eddie whispered, sliding off the bed like an eel out of the water and rolling under the bed. Myrtle sat stunned for a moment at the scene, choking back a laugh.
"My parents don't usually knock." Myrtle thought, getting off the bed, she quickly kicked Eddie's bag under it as the door opened. 
Standing there was her brother. "Pat?" Myrtle questioned as he glared at her. "You were at Chrissy's house again? I thought I told you to stay out of my life." He raged. "That's what you're here so early for?" Myrtle exhaled. "I was just teaching her some Ballet. That's all," she added.
"Jason says, Chrissy's excited about her new friend, says she's trying to help you out with fashion advice?" Patrick said eyes squinting. "I mean.... I can't help, my new friend happens to be your friend's girlfriend." Myrtle murmured. "Yes you can, you ignore her." Patrick hissed. "You stay away from her." Patrick ranted.
Eddie lay on his stomach under the bed, fists clenched as tight as his jaw, reminding himself to stay hidden. 
Myrtle bit her lip, "alright, if it matters that much to you. I'll tell her... I'll find a reason as to why we can't hang out anymore." Myrtle sighed. Patrick scowled down at Myrtle, "why do people have to get mad at you for you to listen." he growled, leaving the room with a slam of the door.
Myrtle looked at the door and covered her face with her hands. She wanted to scream in frustration, but managed to calm herself, turning around to face the bed. "It's ok to come out now." she said weakly.
Eddie pulled himself from under the bed, bag in tow. "Does he always talk to you like that?" Eddie asked, pointing to the door. Myrtle said nothing, and Eddie glared, "where the fuck does he get off telling you who to be friends with?" He asked, eyes on fire as he raged as quietly as he could. But still, he found his voice steadily rising.
"He wouldn't have a single one himself if he wasn't kissing Jason up the ass crack and spit shinning his shoes with what's left of his pride." Eddie went on. "Teenage hick town wastoid tras-" Myrtle rushed forward and held a finger to Eddie's lips, silencing him. 
He released a slow huff of hot air and nodded. "Sorry." he muttered, fully realizing he had gotten fairly loud.
Myrtle smiled faintly, "I appreciate it." she said. Eddie looked back at the door, fingers uncurling from his fists. He looked down at Myrtle, shaking his head. "You don't have to take that." He murmured firmly, "You shouldn't take that shit." Eddie said, speaking as if words might shatter her.
"He's just upset." Myrtle reasoned. "He didn't deserve your excuses either," Eddie grumbled, taking his bag he headed for the window, tossing the ladder over himself. Myrtle leaned on the window as she watched Eddie climb down. Looking up at her one last time, he sighed, "If he ever pulls some shit like that again, and I'm so much as in earshot." Eddie shook his head, "I'll tell him just where he can stick it." Eddie warned.
"See you later, Eddie." Myrtle called, unsure of what else to say. "Yeah, take care of yourself." Eddie sighed, hopping down the rest of the way, allowing Myrtle to pull the ladder back in.
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From that morning on, the days passed quickly. The quiet and lack of tasks from her father had Myrtle unsettled. Not that she would ask for it, her mind and body were thankful for the break. However, with him rarely returning home until the small hours of the morning and then gone as soon as the day broke, Myrtle started to worry.
No word on the mutant dogs, no word from the cops. An uncanny calm seemed to be looming over Hawkins, as if silently waiting for its moment to sound off. 
Myrtle sighed, inward jitters refused to let her stand still. She stood in the shade, waiting patiently by the Palace arcade, with Amy at her side. "Relax," Amy said with a tiny smile. "You need this, and by the time you get back. I bet we have lots more answers who whatever Hawkins seems to want to hide." Amy reasoned.
Myrtle looked down at her, "I never would have thought you're so level-headed." Myrtle said. Amy smirked, "I know it's pretty scary, huh?" She laughed. Myrtle pulled her car keys out of her pocket and held them out to Amy. "Only drive it if you absolutely need to, otherwise. I parked it near the station.  Should you ever need a place to hide." Myrtle said. 
Amy took the keys, "bet, thanks." she said.
Looking up, Amy nodded towards a Van that pulled up to the sidewalk. "They're here for you." she said. Myrtle exhaled and tried to shake her remaining nerves. An overwhelming mixture of excitement, anticipation, uncertainty, and doubt. 
"Will you tell Chrissy I'm sorry for not calling to tell her. That I said nevermind?" Myrtle asked. Amy gave a nod before smirking. "Who do you think told me what to do when you had me advise you on what to wear?" Amy laughed.
Myrtle looked down at Amy surprised, "the girl knows about troublesome family and your whinny little shit of a brother." Amy hummed, giving Myrtle a light push forward, seeing Eddie hop out the back of the Van. "He's waiting on you." she whispered.
Myrtle nodded and started walking to the Van, "you ready?" Eddie asked her, grinning wide as he took her backpack. "That's seriously all you've got?" Jeff asked, having hopped out to help. "Um yeah, it's just two days?" Myrtle questioned. 
Jeff held out his arm and brought her into a stiff hug, "best girl ever." he said before returning to the van. "You bring her back in one piece, Rughead, or I'll hunt you down like one of those damn dogs." Amy called out.
Eddie rolled his eyes, "later. Much. Weird girl." Eddie called back dryly, Myrtle waved goodbye to Amy and climbed in the van, Eddie behind her.
"You're gonna love the show, Myrtle." Scott said with a pleased grin from the backseat.  "The seats are super close too." Gareth said, abandoning the passenger seat, while Eddie lead Myrtle by the hand to the front. "Really?" Myrtle asked taking the seat, "yeah we aren't right up to the stage, but it's in the standing area." Jeff said, clearly excited about it as well.
Eddie started the van up and pulled away, Myrtle waving one last time to Amy.
"Yeah, you'll have to be careful though, stay close, wandering into the center can be hectic." Scott said. "Why?" asked Myrtle. "That's uh…where the circle is." Eddie explained. "Circle?" she asked again.
"It's for moshing, it's where fans go dancing," Gareth said.
Myrtle's eyes sparkled, "I like to dance, what's so bad about it?" she asked. "They do so very roughly." Jeff muttered. "Trust me, for your first concert, if a mosh circle forms you stay close to me and stay off to the sides alright." Eddie warned.
"People sometimes get hurt, it's usually not on purpose, it's just very…contact orient, thrashing about to the music, the harder the music goes the harder the fans do." said Gareth. 
"Oh" Myrtle exhaled. "Then there's always some guy who snuck booze in, got pissy drunk, get mad that someone bumped him a little too hard, and starts swinging," Eddie said.
"Punching?" Myrtle asked wide-eyed. "It's rare that he doesn't get escorted out or have the crowd push him out instantly." He added. "You'll be ok, just stick with me, or find the guys. There are ways to get out of the pit if you need to in a hurry." Eddie reassured.
Myrtle gave a nod, "don't worry, I'll be as close as a shadow the whole time." she said.
Reaching past them and up to the stereo, Jeff turned the music up, til it shook the van. "WHOO!" he called out, "road trip baby!" called Gareth. Myrtle laughed at the boy's excitement. "Pittsburgh, here we come!" she called out. "That's the spirit, lady Tinúviel." Scott chuckled.
Before long, Myrtle could see a signpost up ahead, and the words painted onto its brown surface made her heart beat faster. "Wait, wait, slow down." Myrtle murmured to Eddie quietly, almost drowned out but the three rowdy boys in the back seats.
Eddie pulled the Van to a crawl and turned to Myrtle, "what's wrong?" He asked, Myrtle kept her gaze on the sign and Eddie followed her eyes.  "Leaving Hawkins." it read. Eddie smiled, "I knew it." he hummed, leaning in her direction. "You're scared."
"I-I'm not...I just." Myrtle sighed heavily, "if I cross that invisible line up there, It'll be the farthest away from my family. From this place, that I've ever been." Myrtle murmured.
"What's this? Cold feet?" Gareth chimed, turning his attention to the two. Scott laughed and rested a hand on Myrtle's shoulder, "Come on guys, be easy on her, it's a big step." Eddie said.
"Of course it is, very dangerous business, isn't it?" Jeff hinted. Scott gave Myrtle's shoulder a pat, "You'll step out unto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to." Scott said. Myrtle gave a sheepish smile, "You told them?" Myrtle said, looking at Eddie.
"It's not every day you find a girl who's into nerd shit openly around here, of course, he did." Jeff chuckled.  "The greatest adventure is what lies ahead!" Scott sang, Eddie chuckled quietly, "today and tomorrow are yet to be said" Gareth jumped in "the chances the changes are all yours to make!" Jeff belted dramatically, causing Myrtle to laugh. 
"The mold of your life is in your hands to break." Eddie sang, sweeping his hand out towards the Hawkins sign. The Van lingered on the brake, inches away from the crossing.
Myrtle shook her head, "alright, fine, go." She laughed. Eddie smirked, pleased with himself and his boys. "Great job guys!" Eddie called back to them. "Onward!" Jeff called out, "we ride!" Gareth hollered as Eddie lay his foot heavily on the grass tearing up the road. 
Myrtle desperately griped her seat, "wait, not so fast! Eddie!" her cries echoed into the dark early morning with the laughter of the boys.
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Myrtle stirred, she wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep, "Good, I was bored as sin." Eddie said, eyes glued to the road ahead. Myrtle sat up in the seat and rubbed her eyes. "I haven't slept that good in years." Myrtle yawned, stretching out her arms, her arm going out the window to feel the breeze as the van moved up the open road.
"Actually...that's a lie." she murmured, recalling how peaceful the night in Eddie's arms had felt. 
Eddie glanced at her, "you just needed to get away. Some room to breathe." He said, eyes stuck to the horizon. "Breathe the fresh air, my friend. No more lung-crushing pressure, Because out here nobody knows you, nobody knows how much you can take, or how much they can take from you. No expectations, no requirements." Eddie lulled as he glanced at her briefly. "Outside that hellhole, you're unknown for now, you can be anything and anyone you want to be." He said.
Myrtle watched him as if entranced. "I'm the girl who rolls with the leader of the band." she said with a smirk. Eddie laughed, "That you can be." He said, "I'll be happy to have you as my little dancer." He chuckled. Myrtle smiled and turned to look at the sky, bright blue with thick white clouds cruising by. 
She exhaled and rested her elbow out the window, "I'd love to just go and chase the skyline wherever it leads me someday. Walk, ride, sail, fly it wouldn't matter just following it in whichever direction calls me." Myrtle confessed quietly.
"New people, cities, places, sounds. Collecting memories." Eddie said, "Touring is the perfect way to see it all." He said to her. "That's why I hope Corroded Coffin can really go places," Eddie said.
"You guys have a real passion for your music, It shows in the way you play." Myrtle said, "all of you just get lost somewhere when you play, but you're lost together. I've not seen or heard a band so in tune with each other. Your instruments are like extra appendages, you play them like your vocal cords. They speak for you." Myrtle went on.
"You're gonna make me blush at this rate," Eddie said in a bashful laugh. Relaxing against the steering wheel. "But it's true, and you're still in high school. Can you imagine, in two or so more years, where you'll be?" Myrtle asked. "I know you don't hear yourselves the way the audience does. I wish you could." she said with a smile.
Eddie made a small noise as he held a fist to his mouth, hiding his face in his hair, "well, shit." He hummed before laughing. Myrtle looked at him, her eyes crinkling into a smile, "oh my god are you blushing?" she asked. "Shut up, alright, I told you didn't I?" Eddie said, his voice flustered.
"Aw" Myrtle sang, "stop it." Eddie playfully grumbled. Myrtle reached out and lightly swept his hair out of the way, and behind it, she spotted the rosiness of his cheeks. "oh, you are!" she gasped.
"Shut up, you'll wake the others." Eddie said quietly. "Too late, I wanna see!" Jeff called, peeking around the driver's seat. "You look like a strawberry, man." Gareth yawned. "Nobody asked you, man!" Eddie nearly shouted, the blush only getting worse. Myrtle giggled quietly, slipping slowly into a laughing fit as she held her stomach. "Oh god, she's gonna turn blue soon," Scott called.
"Seriously, Myrtle, air take it in!" Jeff called out. Myrtle waved her hand as if to say she couldn't as her laughter continued. Eddie looked at her quickly with a playful leer. With his eyes back on the road, he leaned over as far as he could and planted a kiss on Myrtle's cheek.
With a gasp, her laughter twisted into a series of coughs, "oh my god." she gasped. Eddie back in his seat held a victorious smirk. "That serves you right." He said. Myrtle glared at him as her face started to flush as if to compete with the blush lingering on Eddie's own face.
"Nice" Gareth said sharing a high-five with Eddie.
Myrtle continued to leer at Eddie, "you enjoy it, I-I've got a secret weapon for payback, and you won't know when it's coming." Myrtle stammered. "Oooh payback you hear that Eddie?" Jeff teased. "I did," Eddie said leaning towards Myrtle whispering "and I'm quaking in my boots." making her blush harder. "Be that way." she shot, crossing her arms and turning to face the window.
Eddie chuckled, "alright, alright, we'll lighten up." he said.
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"Alright guys, hurry it up, we got don't have long before the concert." Eddie called, shepherding the group into a convent store.  "Stocking up on munchies!" Gareth called, rushing to the snack aisle. Myrtle stood behind Eddie quietly clutching her backpack to her chest. "I need to change," she said, eying the bathrooms cautiously.
"Well now is your chance," Eddie said, holding his arm out towards the bathrooms. "Um..." Myrtle murmured, "is it ok? I mean....this place looks a little...suspect." she whispered, to which Eddie laughed. Grabbing her shoulders, he pushed her over to the bathrooms playfully. "Nothing can happen to you here, alright. There's four of us on guard. The bathroom might be kinda nasty, but that's it." He said.
Myrtle glanced over her shoulder at him, "for real, if someone bothers you, just call. You're fine here." Eddie reasoned. Myrtle gave a nod and went inside.
Only one of the two stalls was in working order, Myrtle quickly seized the stall, hanging her backpack from a hook inside the door, and pulled out a fresh shirt.
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Myrtle looked at the shirt she'd picked up from the printing press the day before. "I hope it's ok, I'm not exactly an expert on Band shirts...." Myrtle thought while slipping it on. She then pulled on a leather vest Amy had pinched. And zipped it up to hide her shirt. "I hope this surprises them." Myrtle thought, taking hold of her backpack and walking out of the stall.
The bathroom lights flickered and Myrtle's heart dropped. "No not here too" She thought biting her lip. The light flickered off and Myrtle stood in the darkness, clutching her bag. "This isn't happening." she whispered, shutting her eyes tightly. "Please." she hummed. Opening her eyes and looking around, strange particles floated around her, and vines slithered slowly across the ground. "Shit." Myrtle whimpered, backing away from the door as the vines reached from under it.
Myrtle backed up until her back bumped into something strange, it moved along her back like worms but stood solid as a wall. Holding her breath, Myrtle turned slowly to face it, eyes locking with a haunting milky blue gaze. Dead or alive, she couldn't tell what he was, but his gaze kept her frozen, her throat tightening as if being strangled.
The thing's large, spindly hand reached out and lightly held the side of Myrtle's face. "She will lead you back." He said. "T-that voice." Myrtle stammered. "You aren't the boy, but..." Myrtle cried out in pain as her head felt as if it would implode as if being filled with air like a balloon.
A sharp shock flew up Eddie's spine as he turned to the Bathrooms, "Myrtle?" he questioned, a faint scream lingering in his ears. Looking around, it seemed as though no one else had heard. Walking with careful steps towards the bathroom, Eddie knocked lightly, "you ok in there?" He asked.
With no reply, Eddie knocked again, "Myrtle come on you in there?" He asked, but silence lingered. Eddie looked up at the door and then back at the others before entering. "Jesus, McKinney!" he exhaled, rushing to Myrtle, who was kneeling on the floor clutching her head, her body trembling faintly. 
At his touch, Myrtle's eyes flew open, filled with tears as she looked up into Eddie's face. "Eddie?" she questioned. Eddie nodded and opened his arms as she fell into them, gripping at his shirt as she hid her face in his shoulder. "Y-yeah, I'm here...what happened?" Eddie asked quietly. "I don't know, it- it happened again." Myrtle choked, "my head..." she whispered. Eddie grimaced as an odd tingling sensation seemed to radiate from Myrtle's body. 
Rather than pull away, Eddie held her tighter, "it's ok. you're probably just overwhelmed by everything right now." He reasoned. Myrtle shook her head, She wanted to tell him of the things she saw, of the flickering lights and how the world around her turned into some infected thing. Of the walking corpse. "He'll think I've lost it." she thought to herself. 
Eddie knelt there with her, quietly stroking her hair until Myrtle settled down.
"You know..." she mustered, trying her best to be convincing, "You're probably right. I-I'm sorry for being such a basketcase." Myrtle apologized in a quiet murmur. "Don't be, it's that cesspool household of yours that did it." Eddie spat, helping Myrtle to her feet.  With his thumb, he wiped away the tear under her eye and smiled down at her. "It'll be nothing but a bad memory once we get you to the show, alright. Just hold on." He said. Myrtle smiled and nodded, letting him lead her out of the bathroom as she stole one last glance behind her, expecting the thing to return.
"Hey, what happened?" Jeff asked, looking between Eddie and Myrtle with concern. "Ah, nothing," Eddie spoke carefully. "Let's just pay for the stuff and go, or will be late." Eddie said, the boys let it go but shared glances with each other following the two of them.
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"Aren't you hot with that jacket zipped up that far?" Scott asked Myrtle as they waded up the long line into the concert venue. "Nope" Myrtle hummed, rocking back and forth on her heels, hands on vest collar. 
Gareth looked between his friends, "anyone else think that 'nope' was kinda ornery?" He asked chuckling. "Kind of? Totally." Eddie laughed, but he was happy it seemed as though she'd shaken what had happened to her. "Whatever it was..." He thought.
Myrtle let Eddie handle her ticket as they entered in, her hand lightly holding his sleeve as he led the pack down halls and stairs to the floor behind the security escort. He and the boys seemed very hyped, and Myrtle held a large smile as she watched them talk animatedly among each other.
The floor was crowded in the dark room, "stay close," said Eddie speaking into Myrtle's ear, she gave a nod and looked around curiously around her, her eyes eventually wandering off to see the stage. They were close, but there was still a good number of people in front of them.
Lost in the new sights and sounds around her, Myrtle was taken by surprise as the room fell even darker and the stage lights flashed on, smoke covered the stage and the amps sang before the guitars did. Around her, the boys roared loudly with cheers, as did the rest of the room.  The band welcomed the audience and thanked the city of Pittsburgh before starting to play.
It didn't take long for the crowd to lose it, singing along and moving about. Myrtle giggled as Eddie and Gareth sang the song at each other while hopping around near where Scott and Jeff air-guitared. Myrtle swayed to the music and found herself watching them more than the stage. 
Eddie stole a look at her and smiled, "like this." He said, kneeling in a wide stance, he flung his head back and forth. His hair whipped forward and back along with the music. Myrtle shook her head, "I can't, you look cool, I'll look silly." she called over the music.
Eddie flipped his hair back and grinned at her, "oh come on," he said, Jeff came up next to Myrtle and he and Eddie headbanged together. Soon all the boys were doing it. "Come on Myrtle! You have to!" Scott called. Myrtle shook her head no again, and Eddie sighed. "Fine, then do as I do." He called out and began to jump up and down to the music, his arms and legs doing whatever came naturally as he bopped his head to the beat. "Not that bad, right?" He asked.
Myrtle hesitantly did the same, "there you go!" Gareth cheered for her. "ok, this isn't too bad." she confessed.
But for all her protesting by the time the third song came around,  Myrtle stood at Eddie's side shaking her head about, "Yeaaah! go!" Jeff cheered. Eddie laughed from next to her, once more playing his guitar out of air and singing. The group suddenly felt the crowd pushing towards them. "Oh... Eddie! Eddie!" Scott called, Eddie stopped his thrashing about and looked around, he pulled Myrtle to him as the crowd became slightly aggressive. 
"We aren't near the middle, are we?" Gareth asked, watching as a mosh circle was starting to form. "I think...we're far enough away." Eddie said. "Just keep a patch clear for her." He added. The boys made sure to circle around Myrtle.  She watched them keep up well with the crowd and felt safe between them.
All was well until, "wait...wait, where'd they go?" Myrtle asked herself, she had felt that she'd been slowly pushed about, but she'd never noticed she'd been pushed away. She could see a slight clearing in the middle of the floor and tried her best to keep out of the way of the wildly flailing and jumping fans. 
Her eyes grew wide as one man had a slightly busted lip. "Ouch, that's unfortunate." Myrtle thought. "Watch the elbow man!" Eddie called, slipping between Myrtle and another fan, blocking their elbow with his hand. "Sorry!" they called. "All good." Eddie replied.
Turning to Myrtle, he gave her a smile, "how'd you manage to end up here?" he asked her. "Hell if I know." she said with a shrug. "Don't worry, let's hitch you a ride to safer ground." He said. Myrtle blinked, "h-hitch a ride?" she asked. Eddie turned to a group next to him, "hey it's her first concert, mind helping us out?" He asked them loudly, pointing his finger upwards. 
"Yeah man," one of the group called happily. "Whoa!" Myrtle yelped as she found herself hoisted into the air, She blushed madly as she could feel hands holding her high, "strange hands on my ass! Because that's what I want to relive!" Her mind screamed. Turning her head, she saw the crowd push Eddie into the air as well. He laughed at the expression on Myrtle's face. 
"Relax, they've got you!" He called as the two of them started moving across a sea of hands, "i-it's like being stuck in an ocean!" Myrtle called wide-eyed. "That's why it's called crowd-surfing!" Eddie shouted. "Relax, together they're strong, you won't sink. Enjoy it!" He added. Once myrtle relax, a large grin came to her face. "This is kind of fun!" she giggled watching Eddie air guitaring one more gliding across the hands of the audience, and Myrtle joined him.
Being lowered back to the ground at the back of the circle, Eddie held out his hands to help Myrtle down to her feet. Back on solid ground, Myrtle brushed the hair out of her face, peering up at him with an amazed smile. "That was a little amazing!" she called to him.  Eddie took her hand and the two started to hop around to the music again.
It didn't take long for the boys to find them again, once Myrtle was surrounded once more she looked between them and unzipped her vest, releasing the shirt. At first, neither of the boys took notice. "Wait, wait.....what does that say?!" Gareth nearly shrieked. "No fucking way!" Scott shouted.
Jeff and Eddie turned to see what the commotion was about. "Holy shit. Where did you get that?" Jeff asked wide-eyed. Myrtle smiled with pride, "I had it made." she said with pride. Eddie threw his arm around her and leaned his forehead against the side of her head. "Looks like we got a number one fan now, gentlemen!" Eddie cheered. 
"I can have more made for -" Myrtle's words turned into a yell of surprise, Eddie swept her up, and with the help of Jeff and Gareth Myrtle found herself sitting up on Eddie's shoulders. "Oh, too high!" she screamed. Eddie held tight to her legs, "I got you." He laughed. "This girl is fucking amazing!" Eddie shouted to the sky, Myrtle blushed. "Sh-shut up!" she warned. "It's not supposed to backfire!" she shouted down at him. "what, this was supposed to be payback?" He snickered with a smirk.
"You just put me on cloud nine, what kind of revenge is that?" he asked, swaying with the music as he bopped Myrtle around on his shoulders happily. Myrtle sighed in defeat but smiled to herself, "I can see the stage better up here." she said. "Eat your heart out up there." Eddie said, watching his friends dance about as well as the band perform on stage.
Myrtle threw her hands into the air and started to move, throwing metal signs she'd seen the boys use. Looking up at her, Eddie shook his head, a content smile on his face. "This isn't actually happening." he thought to himself. "I'll wake up sleep at home, surely." he thought.
Myrtle looked down at him and stuck her tongue out, "am I doing it right?" she teased. Eddie chuckled, "not even close, but it's perfect." he said.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
ix. sound of a love song | Joby Taylor x fem!Reader
Joby Taylor x fem!Reader
Word Count | 3,335
Summary | Joby begins to realize that he may have signed up for more than he bargained for during a long drive.
Author's Note | fun fact, kind of based reader's mom off of my own mother and grandmother sO oops I'm sorry, I just love them sm. I also picture reader's mom having a slight Minnesotan accent. Idk why, but I won't be offended if you don't picture it lol. also apologize in advance for the chapter being kind of short? idk, next one is gonna be a monster though so stay strong, my siblings in Christ.
Warnings | mostly just pure fluff and pining, nothing else I can think of!
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The pillow between you and Joby stayed in place the whole night. He had stayed passed out the first few hours just fine, mostly because he was drunk. When he woke up sweating, he couldn't fall back asleep. So he just turned and stared at your back, covered by the thick comforter. He'd let you steal the blanket from around him at some point. No matter how cold he got, he kept his distance. With that mountain of a pillow between you, he couldn’t stop thinking about how close he was.
He couldn't stop thinking about you. How delicate this entire mess was. If one thing shifted out of place, it would all be over. And you wouldn't forgive him again. More likely, he wouldn't forgive himself. He hadn't valued foresight and regret much until Ellen. And now that he was even slightly acquainted with those concepts again, you just kept reintroducing them to him. There was so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to do.
But you rolled around on your side of the bed and your eyelids fluttered open. You squinted at the sun streaming through the window. And Joby Taylor was next to you, his own eyes closed. His greasy, dark hair had gotten all mussed up in his sleep. You reached forward and pushed the bits that had fallen over his face behind his ear. It scared you a little how natural the action was. Almost involuntary.
Pulling your hand back you spoke quietly, "Joby, if we're gonna go, we should probably get up." He didn't budge. So you shook his shoulder. He peeked at you through one eyelid and heard you snort.
"C'mon, you dork. We've got to stop by my apartment and pick up a few things before we can leave town." You sat up, putting your shoes back on and retreating into the bathroom. Your pounding head reminded you of how intimate the previous night had actually gotten. How close you had been to throwing everything away.
You didn't love Will, not quite. But you couldn't rebound with Joby. If he was really a friend, the idea of using him like that should have disgusted you. So you forced yourself to grimace at the idea. Forced yourself to say that you would never go down that route with him. You splashed some cold water on your face, hoping that would drown out any other urge that might have remained dormant. He’s just a friend. You’re just the pretty girl he likes to toy with. It’s the simplest thing you have ever had and you’re not going to complicate it with drunken rants about how you feel.
When you left the bathroom, Joby sat on the side of the bed, rubbing his eyes.
"Ready to go?" Your voice was kind and controlled. As if you'd faced none of the consequences of the wine. Joby sure was paying for it with how queasy he felt.
He stared at you through red eyes, "You gonna let me shower? Get dressed, maybe?"
"You can do that at my place. Just grab whatever you're gonna wear and let's get our asses in gear." You strode across the worn carpet, standing at the door and getting ready to open it, "I’ll get the car warmed up." You couldn’t stay in that room knowing how easy it would be to just move the pillow aside.
Joby did exactly what you said, powerless with you being so assertive. He couldn't help but wonder if he was in over his head as he gathered some new clothes for the day ahead. He wondered if you'd gotten even a hint of what he really wanted from last night. If you did, you sure as hell weren't showing it. And if you weren't showing it, that meant you probably didn't want it in the first place. He sighed, exiting his motel room and facing the bright sun.
Angel was exhilarated seeing Joby again. She ran to him immediately, pinning him to a wall of your apartment just so she could sniff every inch of him. With all the shit he did on a daily basis, he bet he smelled like the most interesting person in the world. You chuckled at the sight, not bothering to discourage her this time.
Joby felt a little more confident pushing her down and said, "I know, I missed you too." Strangely, he really did. He'd been looking forward to seeing the dog, greying hairs surrounding her little grin as she panted.
"I'm gonna get some things together and call my mom. Why don't you go shower and get dressed." You said to him, "Then I can paint those nails of yours!" You sounded way too happy for the chance and were glad that he couldn’t see your smile. Joby groaned, trying to hide how smitten he was, and trudged off to your bathroom. At least he'd get to use your soap again.
As soon as the bathroom door closed, you dialed your mom. You visited somewhat often. But again, you didn't bring people around. None of your other friends would get them. Their ability to quantify people into digestible little caricatures would win through. And you’d done a good job keeping all of those things separate; protected them from the cruel lens of a critical artist. Maybe that’s why Joby had wedged his way in so effectively. With him, it was always world shattering waves of highs and lows that he let pass over him. He was messy. Erratic. Normal.
"Hey, hon. What's got you up so early?" Your mother's voice was pleasant with a smooth lilt, almost like a song.
You started out slow, "Um, it's been a while since I've seen you guys. So I figured I'd drive over today."
Shuffling came from the speaker as if she was sorting papers absentmindedly, "That sounds nice. The kids have been asking when you'd come over next."
"Here's the thing. I have a friend. And he asked if he could come with me." You ended the sentence carefully.
Your mother's tone seemed to perk up, "Oh, are you talking about that boyfriend of yours? I was wondering when we'd get to meet him."
You winced. There wouldn’t be any chance that you’d explain that situation to her. "No, it's a different guy. His name is Joby. We're just friends."
Her excitement subsided only a little, "Well, the more the merrier. I can grill up a big salmon for us. I can run to the farmer's market in town."
You stifled a laugh, knowing that your mother would come up with any excuse to go to the farmers market regardless of if you were bringing a guest, "That sounds great, Mom. We'll be there in a few hours."
When your mom hung up, you sighed in exasperation. You loved your family, truly you did. But Joby had no idea what was getting ready to hit him. And you crossed your fingers that it wouldn’t be too much. Once you'd packed up all that you'd need for the overnight trip, you knocked on the bathroom door.
"Are you decent in there?" You heard a bump come from inside as if Joby had knocked into something and you covered your mouth to hold back any ridicule.
"God fucking damnit. Shit- Just wait a second." A little while later, Joby opened the door.
"You okay in there?" Of course you wouldn't let him escape with his dignity.
Joby rolled his eyes, "I was looking under your sink for a washcloth. And I hit my head."
"Oh, shit, sorry." You giggled, the apology coming out hollow.
He had a hand over the crown of his head and recoiled from the pain that rang against his skull, "It's fine. I've inflicted more than enough head trauma on myself in my life, what's a little more?"
You scoffed at his dramatic tone and pushed beside him, entering your bathroom and going through one of the drawers beneath the cream colored tiled counter. The drawer was full of about a dozen colors of nail polish and various nail tools that you occasionally used.
"What color do you want?"
"Black, preferably."
You plucked the bottle of black out when you got an idea. You quickly pulled out the white and yellow polishes along with a small dotting tool. Closing the drawer with your hip and hopping up to sit on the counter, you urged Joby to stand between your legs.
You twisted the cap from off the black bottle and clutched his hand. "Do you wanna know the name of the color?" You lowered your voice, making Joby ever aware of the private nature of the exchange. Only you could make him feel like he was engaging in an illicit affair just by having him stand there.
"It's not just black?" He licked his lips as his gaze darted around. The tension was threatening to make itself known through his jittering hands but you managed to keep him still without so much as a word acknowledging it.
"It's called Black to Black."
Joby snorted. His nails were short and stubby. He chewed on them quite often out of a nervous habit and tended to cover the jagged line with his messy black polish. But he watched you move the small brush with such a quick precision. Your eyes were focused, brows narrowed as you painted.
As soon as you finished the first hand, you set it down, saying, "Be careful, don't smudge it." Joby nodded and gave you the other hand. A minute later his other hand was painted perfectly. 
When you let go of that hand, Joby began to shuffle back so you could hop down. But you wrapped your legs around his, your heels pressed into the back of his knees, locking him in place. Joby's breath hitched in his chest and he looked down at you with wide eyes, almost trying to warn you about how close this was. For once, he couldn’t read you. Couldn’t tell if there was a brazen intent behind the action. Or if you were simply that loose with him now. You felt secure with him, yes, but which in direction it leaned towards was lost on him.
"Be patient. I'm not done yet." You said quietly. You opened up the white and yellow polish and dipped the dotting tool into the white bottle, pulling it out when a little bit of the bright polish covered the tip. You grabbed his first hand again and took ahold of his thumb, adding little dots to the nail.
When you finished, you chastised him, "Don't look at it yet. I'm almost finished." Joby felt you grasp his other hand and he shifted his eyes on the mirror behind you. He stared at himself, suddenly feeling undeniably fortunate that he was there, no matter how much the circumstances jumbled him up inside. You hummed as you finished up the job, your movements swift but deliberate. And still, he kept his stare fixed on the mirror. Because he was sure if he looked at you again, he'd kiss you. He'd push your back flush against the bathroom mirror and could practically hear the gasp you'd let out at the sudden contact. Your heels would dig even deeper into his legs, leaving light bruises if he was lucky enough. If he had the guts to, he'd have you arching into him in seconds and he’d get to feel every curve and seam to the fabric of your being.
"Alrighty, you can look now." He held his hands up and studied them. You'd painted little daisies on each of his thumbnails. His cheeks flushed a little when he spotted them and you finally looked at him sweetly, none the wiser to his lustful visions.
"What? I thought it was cute." You tipped your head, looking at him almost sheepishly.
Joby breathed deeply, "They are. They're really nice." His voice almost broke halfway through but he managed to keep it together.
You beamed, delighted at his reaction. Finally, with two quick pats to his thigh, you released him from where you'd been making him stay, "You're free to go." Joby stumbled from the bathroom, somehow feeling more out of it than when he'd first entered.
Your car was far nicer than his. It was shitty and old, no doubt, but completely rid of any trash that practically characterized his own car. And it smelled like you; smelled like you used some sort of perfume as an air freshener. He took it upon himself to explore the giant CD holder you kept in your glove box. Your collection was vast and he didn’t recognize too many of the albums you had. But one disc in particular caught his eye.
Joby's tastes hadn't changed much from the music he'd listened to back when he was younger. The Cure was timeless in his eyes. It reminded him of when he'd fool around with girls in the back of his own car. The music was one of his moves then. He'd say something sly about how he hoped to be as big as them one day and the girl would say something about how she hoped he'd remember her when he got famous. Keeping that music around made him feel younger. If only those lines from the first song on the album he chose didn't make him want to curl up and die.
Oh, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me
Your tongue's like poison
So swollen it fills up my mouth
Peeking over at you slightly, he expected you to take some sort of hint. With how unflinching you had been that whole morning, he was confused if sometime in the middle of the night he told you exactly how he felt and just forgot about it. Because you were acting like you were infatuated with him. You were acting like he was yours. And it scared him knowing deep down that you wouldn’t have to do much to make that true. But that would never happen. You were just distracting yourself; playing with him.
Just, just love me, love me, love me
You nail me to the floor
And push my guts all inside out
As the song played on, he thought back to how he shut his eyes as soon as you began to wake up that morning. How he became paralyzed, feeling your gentle touch brushing the hair behind his ear. How, just like the night before, he wanted to kiss you. It was starting to get annoying, these visions. They were strange blips in time where if he had more courage, he’d clear the divide and never look back. The self restraint he was exercising, especially when you were this tender with him, was sure to give him a stroke sooner or later.
Joby wished all of it would go away, every snippet of unencumbered carnality plaguing him. If he had any sense, he would tell you to just quit fucking with him. But he took it. He took the torture; the daisies marking his thumbnails, the bounce of your head as you followed the beat, every little glance you made at him with those innocent eyes, and the growing patches of trees that passed by his window as the drive continued on. You took an increasingly winding path and the foliage got thicker. When you finally parked at the edge of a dirt road opening, he was pulled out of his mindless trance.
"Why are we stopping?" He asked faintly, blinking hard and readjusting in his seat to get a better look at his surroundings.
You took the keys out of the ignition and answered brightly, "We're here."
"In the middle of nowhere?"
"We're not in the middle of nowhere," You assured him, "My family's house is up that road a little bit. It's a bit narrow and there won't be room to park. So we'll just walk."
Joby got out of the car, slamming the door behind him and almost slipping on the muddy road. It was warmer and sunnier here, any snow that may have fallen already had melted and mixed with the dirt to make a sludge that caked the bottom of his boots. 
You huffed, hoping for the best as you and Joby trudged up the dirt road. It twisted to the left, disappearing behind some bushes but eventually led to a two story house that hid itself well among all the tall pine trees.
The sights, smells, and sounds of nature had flooded Joby's senses almost entirely, so even that little sign of life nestled up in the hill put him at ease. The home looked old, the eggshell blue wood exterior was a little splintered, facing a few decades of seasonal weather. Next to the one car garage were dark wood steps leading up to the front door.
"Jesus, this place is fucking great." Joby breathed.
Having lived there your entire life jaded you a bit to the charms of the environment. So you giggled, aware that Joby was most likely used to being surrounded by imposing buildings, city lights, and massive overpasses stretching across busy freeways.
You explained, "It belonged to my grandparents in the seventies. When my parents got married they couldn't afford to move somewhere else so they just stayed here."
"You grew up here?"
You nodded. Joby couldn't imagine why a person would want to leave a place like this, all tucked away and peaceful. On the flip side, he could see why this isolation could make a person like you restless; could see even then how you were fidgeting as you both ascended the steps and waited for an answer to come when you pressed the doorbell.
The door creaked as it swung open, revealing an older woman who looked a little like you, with silver hairs highlighting the loose ponytail that she'd pulled her hair into. Sweat covered her brow and she wiped it away with a garden glove clad hand before finally speaking.
"Oh my goodness, I cannot believe what I am seeing. You must be...Joby." She spoke, his name sounding foreign coming from her. Joby tried to hide behind you. With him being so tall, the attempt was fruitless. So he raised his hand to wave awkwardly and quickly put on a polite smile.
Your mother just scoffed, "Oh, honey, I'm a hugger, come here." You stepped aside, allowing your mother to step onto the porch and wrap her sturdy arms around his torso. The woman was far shorter than him, far shorter than even you. You simply folded your arms around your chest, leaning against the doorframe and snickering as Joby was pleading to you with his eyes. You send him a look as if to say hey, you wanted this.
Joby sighed and shifted a little, realizing you wouldn't save him. Fuck it. He brought his hands up to pat your mother's back and fully embraced her small build.
Your mother chuckled and pulled back from the embrace, keeping her worn, tanned hands clutched around the leather jacket that covered his forearms so she could get a good look at his face.
"What a handsome young man you are!" She exclaimed after a few seconds. Joby couldn't control the embarrassed heat that engulfed his face, rendering him speechless.
She let go of him, seemingly satisfied with her assessment and said, "Make sure you wipe the dirt off of your shoes before you come inside. I don't want to have to wipe up mud from my floors." Your mother disappeared back into the house, leaving the door open.
Joby looked like a deer in headlights, waiting to follow your lead.
You swiped your tongue over your teeth, smirking at him, "I thought you were good with moms, huh?" Joby nudged your shoulder to urge you further ahead as he wiped the bottom of his boots on the weathered welcome mat below him.
Taglist | @lokis-army-77 @angelicbruhl @pierres-new-spectacles @trelaney @babiezo @diveintothedanoverse @hollyisaberry @oddjacque
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Competition - Bakugou Katsuki - Victorious Inspired
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff(ish), Crack, Jealous Bakugou, tatted Bakugou Cuz we love a lil spice
Summary: You were doing homework online with your friends when a needy Bakugou wanted your attention and was pouty when he didn’t get it. After Mina slipped up and said something stupid, Bakugou assumed horrible things and went over only to find out something so very comical.
You were in your second year of college and the work was killing you. Thankfully, this time around, your assignment was the slightest bit easier, as it was a group project. You, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina were currently working on the project through the computer while being on video chat. The night was still young and you still had plenty to do.
“Okay, after I type in this paragraph, what should the next section be abou-“ You were cut off by the sound of a little French bulldog barking and scampering your way. The cute little black dog jumped onto your lap and made itself comfortable, causing you to look down and smile at it before petting it’s ears.
“Awww, look at the little puppy!” Mina said.
“He’s cute, right? I’m watching him for my neighbor while he’s at his football game.” You explained.
“You live next to a football player?!” The pink girl exclaimed.
“I do,” you said with a smile.
“Figures. I live next to an old man who likes to throw lemons at me!” She ranted. The group all laughed at her before continuing the job.
You all worked and finished about 4 pages of the assignment. While in the midst of the 5th page, your boyfriend requested to join your video chat. “Oop, hold on. Suki’s asking to join.”
You added your junior high school sweetheart to the call and was met with a frustrated pout. “Hi babe!” You squealed.
The group all tried to say their greetings to their friend but he spoke before they could. “Where have you been?”
“What? At home.” You said.
“I’ve been calling you, texting you, and basically blowing up your phone, and you haven’t been answering for hours!” He whined. His friends got a small kick out of seeing their tough friend be a softie for his girlfriend and remained quiet to enjoy the show.
“Sorry. I’ve been doing homework and-“
“What is that? Why do you have that animal on you?” He interrupted and asked as he slanted his eyes towards the small canine.
“It’s my neighbor’s dog,” you said with a pitched voice as you cradled the pup closer, almost like you were defending it’s honor.
“Her neighbor, the football player.” Mina mentioned with a sly voice. You shut your eyes and released a slow sigh as you knew what was coming.
“Football player?!” Bakugou shouted.
“Why? Why would you say that?” You said to Mina with a disappointed tone. She was one of his friends, she knew what the reaction would’ve been.
“Sorry,” she genuinely said.
“Why are you doing favors for some football player and what is he doing for you?” Bakugou seethed.
“There’s nothing going on, he’s just-“
“I’m coming over there.” He blatantly said.
“No- no. You don’t need to-“ without letting you finish, Bakugou signed off and went to get ready for his leave. You sighed at your jealous boyfriend and threw shady eyes towards Mina.
Some time had passed and your group had finished the 7th page. Almost done! Thank god for this being a small little assignment. Unfortunately, your boyfriend’s little fuss put you all behind schedule a little and it didn’t help that he finally made his arrival to add a little more drama to the show.
A bang was heard at your door. “Open up Y/N!”
“Uhh, I think you’re getting robbed Y/N.” Kaminari said.
“Nah, it’s just Suki.” You said to the blonde through the screen. You then turned to your front door to speak to your boyfriend who was on the other side. “You’re being ridiculous!”
Bang! Bang! Bang! “I need to talk to you!” He said.
“Sorry, door’s locked!” You replied. Unfortunately, the door busted open and you sighed in frustration. “And now it���s not.”
“He has a key?” Kirishima asked.
“No, he has a foot.” You said and then turned to your boyfriend with a sarcastic but also genuine smile. “Hi baby.”
And now here stood your angry boyfriend, Bakugou Katsuki. He was dressed in his combat boots, a pair of black jeans and a white tee. He held a dark green bomber jacket in his hands that he wore due to the slightly cold weather out in the night. With the jacket off, his fully tatted arms were exposed along with the few tattoos that adorned his neck. He had his silver chain on along with a few rings and his cross piercing on his left ear and a few other random ones on his right. To anyone else, your boyfriend looked like a ruffian especially with his motorcycle that was surely parked out front. He definitely was an attractive man. Girls wanted him, guys wanted to be him, and you felt so blessed to have him and have him want you and only you.
He looked like the typical bad boy who was mean as fuck and also happened to be good at everything he did. In reality, he was just your Suki who was a softie that can be a little tempered at times. Like right now.
“What is going on?!” He asked in frustration.
“You just kicked my door open!” You said as you pointed to the evidence.
“Put the dog down and tell me about this football asswipe who lives next door!” He demanded.
“No! I will not put the dog down!” You said, cradling the sweet baby even closer.
“Oh you’re not?!” He said in a threatening tone but you knew your boyfriend would never do any real harm.
“No! If you want to meet the football player then you can wait to talk to him when he gets back.” You said.
“Then I’ll wait for him!” He said, taking a seat a little bit behind you from your setup on the couch’s ottoman.
“Fine!” You said, turning back to your friends. After a second, you realized something and turned back to face him. “No kiss?”
He only stuck his tongue out at you to which you pouted in anger and did the same before turning around. However, you smiled once you felt him come up from behind you and place a peck on your cheek before going back to his spot on the couch.
“Awwww,” your group of friends cooed to which you and Bakugou both smiled and rolled your eyes.
Some more time passed and eventually, Mina and Kirishima both grew too tired (thanks to that college schedule) and signed off for the night. Surprisingly, Kaminari was the one who stayed up with you to continue to do the work and was more than happy to help.
“Guess it’s just you and me.” You said to the electric blonde.
“And me.” Your boyfriend said with sass in the background of your screen.
You and Kaminari continued to work until you got to the 15th and final page. Like what was previously said, very easy, very simple, very short. All you had to do was finish this last page and you’d be done! Unfortunately, the universe had different plans and an expected knock was heard at your door.
“Ouu, is that the football player?” Kaminari cooed and teased knowing Bakugou would hear.
“Yeah,” you laughed. “Come in!” You kindly called.
“Yeah, COME IN!” Your boyfriend rudely said, setting himself up to sit a little straighter and look a little meaner.
To his surprise, in came a young boy who was dressed in his school representative hoodie and a pair of sweats. “Hi Y/N!”
“Hi Ryu!” You said to the young boy who took a seat next to you. “Katsuki, this is my next door neighbor, Ryu. Ryu, this is my boyfriend, Katsuki.”
“Nice to meet you mister!” The boy said with excitement as he looked towards your “scary” boyfriend in the back.
“Hello Ryu.” Your boyfriend said in a defeated tone that he hid with a smile and wave towards the little boy. You smirked at your boyfriend as you recognized his tone. The tone he usually had when you proved him wrong. Ryu being the sweet boy he is also waved towards your friend at the camera to be polite.
“What’s up little man,” Kaminari said as a greeting. Ryu turned to you to pick up his little frenchie.
“Thanks for taking care of Natsu!” He said sweetly.
“Anytime kiddo!” You said, giving him the dog. Ryu pet his pup for a second before looking back at Bakugou and whispering to you. Luckily, it was loud enough for Bakugou to hear.
“Your boyfriend looks really cool!” He whispered excitedly.
“I know!” You whisper-yelled back with a smile. Kaminari let out a little laugh while Bakugou had a sad face. He felt guilty for wanting to come here to beat the shit out of a football player, only for that football player to be a cool lil kid who thought he was pretty cool too.
“Well thanks again! Bye now!” Ryu said before getting up and leaving with his dog. You waved at them until the door shut, you crossed your legs and smiled as Katsuki got up with a sigh and took Ryu’s seat next to you.
“Wow Bakugou, looks like you got some competition!” Kaminari teased. Bakugou only sighed and rubbed his temples with one hand before feeling you push on his shoulder.
“You gonna say you’re sorry~” you teasingly asked.
“You didn’t tell me he was 9!” He argued.
“You didn’t give me a chance!” You laughed out. Bakugou flopped onto his back as he began bantering with you. You both went back and forth and Kaminari chuckled to himself before signing off to let the cute couple have their time in privacy.
Bakugou remained on his back until you poked his face and he grabbed you before flipping the both of you over so that you were under him. He flopped down onto your body, getting comfortable on your chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You giggled and ran your fingers through his hair in a successful attempt to soothe him.
“Just wanted some attention from my baby.” He muffled out with a small blush. You smiled and looked towards your screen.
“Well Kaminari signed off, Natsu’s gone, and it’s just you and me. You now have my undivided attention, Suki.” You said. Bakugou sighed in content before going up to place a kiss on your lips.
“Good.” He said before tucking his head into the crevasse of your neck. You held him close while he played the small spoon and you both cuddled up nicely. If it was attention he wanted, it was attention he’d get.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan
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cuquitalocita · 3 years
...oops |rowaelin month- day 5|
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rowaelin masterlist
an: i had a dream about this and i kind of hate the ending buttt enjoy! :)
word count: 3,988
“You did what?” 
It wouldn’t take a genius to note that twenty one year- old Princess Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was fuming. And it would have been to no one’s surprise if the princess herself brought the very palace down in flames herself in a matter of moments. 
The Queen of Terrasen sighed and with a small shake of her head, daintily placed her teacup on the table in front of her. With her hands crossed in her lap, she turned her blue gaze to her daughter’s twin one, this one holding a fire many would cower from despite the girl’s young age. But it seemed that Evalin Ashryver feared no one but the gods, and she faced her daughter’s seeth head-on. 
“An arranged marriage? I wasn’t aware I was a doll who’s life you can just play with. Is this top okay or would you like to change me into a new pretty dress?”
Evalin merely rolled her eyes at her only daughter, allowing her to rant and fume as she pleased for what seemed like hours before the princess finally collapsed into the chair beside her, blue in the face and a vein popping out of her forehead. 
“Fireheart,” she began again, this time gentler. “You have to understand, your father and I are simply doing what we believe is best for the country. For our people.”
“By selling me away? I’m not a child anymore mother, and I can make my own decisions just fine.” The anger had vanished, now replaced by a look of utter despair in the princess’ eyes as she gazed at her mother, an attempt to delay what she knew was inevitable.
“We know that Aelin, of course we do, and we would never do anything to purposefully hurt you. Terrasen is… is struggling right now, my love. You may be our only hope.” 
The look in her mother’s eyes settled something in her chest and she realized there would be no fighting this- although she most certainly would try. Her parents were set on an arranged marriage for the Princess of Terrasen. 
And as she stormed through the door of her chambers, Aelin’s thoughts settled on one in particular.
The Prince of Doranelle better be handsome.
The Wild Princess of Terrasen, they called her.
Well- Aelin thought as she gunned the Corvette through the streets of the capital- if they wanted a wild princess, a wild princess is what they would get. 
She remembered a time where her mother had rolled her eyes when her daughter had told her she wanted a Corvette for her sixteenth birthday. She didn’t even have a license, and she would never be driving herself, so what good would it do?
Aelin smirked. Apparently they were perfect for fits of rage. 
She vaguely remembered a few lessons Brullo had given her when she had managed to bribe the grumpy body guard with cookies enough for him to teach her how to drive- unbeknownst to her mother, of course. Aelin bet that Evalin Ashryver would just about have a heart attack if she knew her daughter could drive.
Aelin swerved into the left lane without her turn signal, earning an angry honk and a few unkind words from the car behind her.
Well- sort of knew how to drive. 
Oops, she thought. From then on, she turned her speed down just a bit. 
As Aelin careened through the streets of Terrasen, she realized that as a princess, she truly had been deprived of her own country. Sure, she had been escorted through the streets during the annual parade, and her father used to take her to Malakai’s for her favorite cake every once in a while, but the streets she drove through now were unknown to her. 
She passed jogging college kids and mothers with strollers and toddlers, couples holding hands and homeless people that scattered some of the streets. The sight made her heart clench and her knuckles turn white on the steering wheel. 
Aelin was so focused on the people around her, she forgot to look forward as she drove through a glaring red light. Luckily there were barely any other cars around her, and the only indication that she had done something wrong came from a distinctly aggravated male voice screaming, “What the fu-”
Aelin slammed her foot down on the breaks as her gaze came into contact with a man in front of her- she was going full speed towards him as she tried crossing the cross walk. The car came to a screeching halt directly in front of him, but the momentum proved to be too much as the Corvette did in fact make contact with him.
She thought time slowed down as the man went shooting to the ground with a groan of pain. 
Yes, she had just hit a man with her car.
But her mother was going to absolute assassinate her. 
Another loud groan from outside the window had Aelin shoving the car into park and flying out to the man in front of her, heart in her throat. 
As she took in the man, she wondered what the odds were of hitting a person with your car and having them be one of the most attractive people you’ve ever seen. Pretty low, Aelin would think, but like everything else in her life, statistics did not seem to be on her side.
The man was clearly young, maybe a few years older than her, and even though he wore a thick winter jacket to protect him from the Terrasen winter, he was clearly built like a greek god. With silver hair almost matching the snow around him and tan skin that signaled to Aelin he clearly wasn’t from around here, the man could have been on the front page of any popular magazine. 
Aelin kneeled down beside the man who was thankfully still conscious, face scrunched up in pain and clear anger. It made him look older, she thought as she finally looked at his eyes. They were a stunning green. She wanted to hit herself with her car. Of course they were. 
“A-are you okay?” She helped him up, placing a hand on his lower back and pushing him up until he sat forward enough until he could support himself.
The man glared at her, teeth clenched in pain as his gaze burned into her own.
“Are you crazy?” he growled, his voice even deeper than Aelin thought it would have been. “Am I okay? You just hit me with your fucking car!” 
Aelin jerked her hand away from him, suddenly defensive. “Look, I am so sorry. I- I wasn’t looking where I was driving and-”
The man scoffed. “Obviously.” 
Aelin saw red. 
“Well what the fuck were you doing on a crosswalk two seconds before the light turned red? You had plenty of time to move out of the way and you’re blaming me because you couldn’t look around?” 
It was moments like these where Aelin realized why Elide’s fiancee liked to call her ‘fire breathing bitch queen.’ Sure, she could acknowledge it. She had just hit the guy with her car, and Aelin had foung a way to blame him. 
“Maybe if you had been less careless about crashing Daddy’s car you would have been a bit more careful and we wouldn’t be here right now, Princess.” 
Aelin almost slapped him, if not for the derogatory way her title slipped through his tongue. And that was when she realized that he had no idea who she was. The man in front of her didn’t look like an idiot. He wouldn’t be insulting her if he knew who she was. And Aelin realized she didn’t want him to know. Not as the words that spilled through her lips could ruin her entire legacy.
“Watch it.” The words were low and dangerous, and something flashed in the man’s eyes that signaled to her than he had caught the anger lacing her tone. “You don’t know shit about me.”
“I don’t think I need to. Nor do I care enough to want to.”
“Well you’re clearly fine, if you can spew ridiculous insults out of your head at the drop of a dime,” Aelin deadpanned. “So, can we wrap this up?” 
“Gladly.” He made to get up, placing his weight on his arm as he pushed himself upward, cutting off with a loud gasp of pain before sinking back to the ground, his green eyes alight with agony. The sight made a pang shoot through Aelin’s chest and she grabbed his arm to steady him before his momentum his head careening toward the ground. 
“Shit, we need to take you to the hospital.” She rose, already on her way back to the car.
“No way am I going anywhere with you.” 
“That’s fine.” Aelin’s smile was purely saccharine. “You can stay here if you’d like. It’s supposed to drop to -10 in a few hours when the sun goes down but you look pretty toasty to me. Of course, your fingers will fall off before the ambulance gets here, so it’s really give or take.”
The man growled and rubbed a large hand through his hair.
“So what do you say, Superman?” Aelin gestured to the car behind her. “What’s the worst that can happen? I already hit you with my car today.” 
If the tone of his voice was any indication, the man was in enough pain to barely put up a fight.
“Fine. But get into another accident and I’m calling the police.”
Aelin almost laughed. Little did he know that she owned the police.
It was only during the awkwardly silent drive to the hospital that Aelin realized the workers at the hospital would recognize her, and then the man beside her would. The thought put a sour taste in Aelin’s mouth. She liked fighting with this man- liked the fact that he treated her with the same amount of respect he would anyone who hit him with their car. Even if he was an infuriating prick of a man. 
“Alright,” she pulled the car into park. “Here we are.” The man grunted in acknowledgment.
Surprisingly enough, the ER was close to empty on the Thursday evening and Aelin was grateful that it meant fewer people would recognize her. Who knew how the paparazzi would react if they saw their crown princess in the ER with an unknown man. 
As if her ‘issues’ weren’t plastered in the tabloids enough already. 
Aelin hadn’t realized how tall the man was until he was standing solidly behind her at the check-in desk. He was close enough that she could feel him at her back and she swore her shoulder had bumped below his own. Gods, he was strong.
She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, and turned to the man at the desk. 
“Hi um, I’m here to check in a patient.” If the way the man swallowed was any indication, said patient was glaring daggers from beside her. He turned to the monitor in front of him and began typing something into the computer.
“And, what’s the reason for your visit today?”
Aelin cleared her throat. “Just- just a checkup. He had a bit of a fall, we just wanted to make sure everything is okay.” She felt what must have been a scoff from behind her but ignored it. The man nodded without looking at her or stopping his typing.
“Okay,” he finally said after a few moments of silence. He handed a clipboard to Aelin holding a few pieces of obvious paperwork. “Fill this out and give it back to me when you’re done. It’s a slow day so you should be able to meet with the doctor in just a second.” Aelin nodded, thanking the man and making her way to the empty seats across the desk, dragging her silver-haired friend with her until he collapsed into the seat beside her with a huff. 
She ignored him in favor of flicking through the paperwork as casually as she could, attempting to not draw attention to the fact that she clearly knew none of the personal information about the man beside her.
Aelin leaned close to him and almost rolled her eyes when he leaned significantly away.
“Hey,” she whispered. She watched as he rolled his eyes.
“What’s your name?” he leveled her with a confused look and she held up the paperwork. But really, what kind of an idiot hit someone with their car and didn’t ask for their name. Aelin was such an idiot. Such an-
“My name. It’s Rowan.” She raised a brow,
“Whitethorn.” Rowan Whitethorn. The name sent a pang of familiarity through her and Aelin struggled to ruffle through her mind to find where she had heard it before. 
“What do you do for work?” The question was out of her mouth before she could berate herself for how stupid it was. His eyebrows shot up to the top of his head.
“Is that on the form?” his voice was defensive but Aelin shrugged nonetheless and Rowan sighed before running a hand through his hair. “Let’s say I’m involved with politics.” 
Aelin grimaced. Maybe that was why her mind had blocked out his name. Anyone involved with any kind of politics was automatically dislikeable in Aelin’s eyes. She had been around enough politicians to recognize their slimy exterior. 
Rowan clearly noticed her face and scowled at her. “Well not all of us have a choice in our future just because we’re young and irresponsible.” Like you, was what he didn’t have to say. Aelin wanted to kick him. If only he knew. Instead, she rolled her eyes and looked back at the sheet in front of her.
“Date of birth?”
“December 8, 1995.” Aelin almost dropped her pencil but instead turned to Rowan, surprised to find him already looking at her.
“Seriously? You’re twenty- five?”
“What’s your point?”
“All of the high and mighty, ‘I’m your elder’ attitude and you’re only four years older than me.” She shook her head and turned back to the form, ignoring the glare she could feel burning into her skull and trying her best not to think about how good Rowan smelled from beside her. She never would have thought that the scent of pine could be so intoxicating. 
“Place of birth?”
“Doranelle.” Aelin wondered if he knew anything of the infamous prince she was to marry. She really should have done some more research before storming out of the palace. 
“6’ 4”.” 
“Any allergies?”
“Blondes.” Aelin ignored that one. 
“Any family history of fatal medical issues?”
“Type and reason for pain?” 
“An irritation in my head from the woman beside me.” 
Aelin threw her pen at him and watched as he winced before looking at her with wide annoyed eyes. But she frankly didn’t give a fuck anymore. She could have let him freeze to death outside and here he was complaining about her.
“You know, this whole thing would be a lot easier if you weren’t such a prick.”
“Actually this whole thing would be a lot easier if you hadn’t-”
Rowan was cut off by the clearing of a throat in front of them, signaling someone had come through the door. The two had been too preoccupied with one another to even notice the doctor standing in front of them. 
She’s beautiful, with cinnamon skin and curly hair, and she wears an amused smile on her face as she looks between the two. Aelin and Rowan automatically calm themselves into an acceptable demeanor and Aelin stands to shake hands with the doctor in front of them, handing her the unfinished paperwork.
“Alright, Mr… Whitethorn. I’m Doctor Towers and I’ll be helping you out here today. Why don’t you come back here with me and we can check you out.” Rowan stood up to follow her out of the room before Doctor Towers turned back to look at Aelin. “You can come too, Mrs. Whitethorn. We’ll probably need you to clear a few things up.”
Aelin hated the blush that sprang to her cheeks at the implication that she could be married to Rowan, and she almost laughed. As if she could ever marry someone like him. Their protests are cut off by the creaking of the door and neither Aelin nor Rowan bothers to correct the doctor as she leads them to a section of the hospital filled with open hospital beds and shitty curtains for ‘privacy.’
Pulling one shut, Doctor Towers gestures for Rowan to sit on the bed. Once he does, she leans back on her heels and pulls out her own clipboard. 
“Okay, what seems to be the problem today?”
They’re silent for a moment, both looking at each other with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Eventually, Aelin clears her throat. 
“Um, we had a bit of an accident-”
“I would hardly call it an ‘accident.’ She-”
“He decided to walk through a crosswalk during a green light and-”
“You hit me with your car!” 
It seemed the entire hospital went silent for a moment before sound resumed once more and Aelin allowed her head to fall into her hands.
“It wasn’t like that. I-”
“You slammed straight into me!”
“I barely knicked you!” 
Doctor Towers had been watching the sparring match between the two with wide eyes, clearly still hung up on the fact that he had been hit by a car and was still alive. It took a moment before she shook her head and scribbled a few things down on her piece of paper. 
“I hate to ask this,” she cleared her throat. “Was this- um, a crime of passion?”
Aelin and Rowan stared at her blankly before turning to each other, both confused. She tried again.
“I mean- when a wife hits her husband with a car-” Realizing what she was implying, Aelin and Rowan were quick with their rebuttals. 
“She’s not-”
“I’m not his wife!”
“Most definitely not-”
“As if I’d ever marry this prick-”
“I would rather hit myself with a car than voluntarily pledge myself to her.” 
Aelin rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her defensively. “Now that’s a little dramatic.” 
“Well, you did hit me with a car.” If Aelin didn’t know any better, she would say that it almost looked like amusement twisted his lips. 
“You’re never gonna get over that, are you?” 
“Not likely.” 
Doctor Towers cleared her throat from beside them, causing the two to snap their gazes back to her. Whatever they found there had them shut their mouths like scolded children.
“So…” she arched a brow. “It was an accident?”
Rowan nodded while Aelin muttered, “Unfortunately.” 
Doctor Towers ignored the comment in favor of looking at Aelin closely. She watched in despair as it clicked in her head who exactly was standing in front of her and Aelin found herself holding her breath. But surprisingly enough, the doctor said nothing, simply turning to Rowan with a knowing look.
“So Mr. Whitethorn, what hurts?”
“Besides everything?” Rowan grimaced as he circled his shoulder. “Mostly my shoulder. I don’t know if I pulled it today specifically, but it’s been bothering me for a while. I think today just aggravated it.” 
“It could be a stress fracture,” she mused. “Has anything happened recently in your life that could have caused your anxiety and stress levels to shoot up? It could be anything really from, an increase in work to a big change or big news…”
Rowan let out what Aelin assumed was some sort of laugh. She ignored the shiver it sent down her spine.
“You could say that.” 
Doctor Towers didn’t press for more information, merely nodded and wrote something down before looking at Rowan again.
“The only solution I can really offer you right now is to ice it as often as you can for about eight to ten weeks, and it should heal on its own. No cast necessary.”
“Really?” Aelin exclaimed, unable to hold back the relief in her voice. Maybe her mother wouldn’t kill her after all. “That’s great.” 
“It is,” Doctor Towers gazed at her through a knowing smile and narrowed eyes. “Just try not to hit people with your car anymore Pr-, ma’am.” Aelin almost laughed at the comment, even more at the mistake she had almost made, but instead nodded with a small smile.
“I’ll see what I can do.” 
Turning to Rowan, Aelin found him already watching her, a strange look on his face as he gazed between the two women. He opened his mouth to speak when the door to the ER burst open, and the Queen herself strutted through.
Aelin thought that if a look could set a flame, she would be ashes by now. 
She felt herself pale as her mother walked toward her on near-silent footsteps, leaving citizens bowing in her wake. But the Queen only had eyes for her daughter. Very angry eyes. 
“Aelin Ashryver Galathynius,” she hissed, and Aelin tried not to cringe. “You are in so much trouble young lady.” Aelin opened her mouth to defend herself. “Sneaking out, close to Yulemas in fact, when crime rates are highest, stealing a car-”
“It’s not stealing if it’s mine-” Her mouth snapped shut at the look her mother gave her. 
“You’ll come to learn Aelin, that as future queen of this country, you have a status to uphold. You have an image- a reputation, one that should not include sneaking out of the palace unsupervised and ending up in the ER.” 
She felt the words like a stab to the heart. Aelin knew the last thing her mother wanted to do was hurt her, especially with her words. But Aelin felt the truth of them to the bottom of her toes, and she was swept into a tidal wave of disappointment in herself. No wonder her parents wanted to marry her off. Of course she couldn’t lead a country on her own.
“Mother, I’m sorry I snuck out. I was just so upset with you. And do you think I meant to end up in the ER? I hit him with my car for Gods sake! I couldn’t just-”
“You’re the princess?” 
The surprisingly choked voice came from Rowan, and the two pairs of Ashryver eyes snapped to him in a millisecond. Rowan was looking at Aelin like he had never seen her before, and she frowned at him in confusion. Maybe he hadn’t met a princess before, but this was hardly how she thought he would react. It was as if he was going to be sick.
From beside her, Evalin let out a strangled laugh and Aelin gazed at her mother incredulously. From beside her, Aelin’s mother burst into peals of laughter. 
“Well, this is quite the situation, isn’t it?” she laughed. It was a moment before she composed herself and turned to Rowan.  “Rowan Whitethorn. I suppose introductions aren’t necessary.” 
Rowan was bowing, green eyes hard as they met Aelin’s and stayed there, even as he addressed her mother. “Your majesty. Allow me to express my gratitude for welcoming me into your country.” 
“Oh, that won’t be necessary,” Evalin insisted, still smiling as if she couldn’t believe what was happening. “You’re practically family, after all.” 
And that was when it hit her.
Let’s just say I’m involved with politics.
Recent stressful news.
His name. 
Rowan’s eyes were on hers as the realization struck that Aelin not only fell into the statistics of people who hit attractive strangers with their car but also happened to hit members of royalty.
No- Aelin thought as she gaped at her betrothed- she most definitely did not fall in favor of most statistics. But they had fallen with her on one account.
The Prince of Doranelle was handsome. 
this prompt was: “i accidentally hit you with my car”
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wunderlustwriter · 3 years
Mahe Man (My Moon)
The Hogwarts Express -> 2
a/n: i know, i know; i like writing stories where y/n transfers from illvermorny to hogwarts too much but can you blame me??? also, au where the lycanthropes are more like twilight werewolves but the personality dynamics are like venom and eddie
cw: sarcasm, future mature themes, mostly just suggestive jokes for now, really bad use of present/past tense, and all of the warnings that would normally come with the harry potter series (violence, gore, etc)
oops my finger slipped… middle eastern!reader x ?????
hey look, another glimpse and OP's ancestry, i'll be using the phonetic spelling of Persian (Farsi) words. it’s mostly mom/mother (maman/madar), terms of endearment, and cussing
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“‘Oh don’t worry Y/N, it'll be fun moving to England Y/N’ ‘It’ll be worth it Y/N, you’ll make so many new memories’ ‘Your friends in The States won’t forget about you, Y/N’ ‘I know it’s scary Y/N but we need to support this new job right now’” You mumble to yourself, mocking your moms while packing the last bag before heading to the train station for ‘Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry’
“Can you believe them Loki? Making us move to England during our last year of school? The audacity, am I right?” you complain to the long-eared owl who is glaring back at you from the top of his cage disapprovingly. With a sigh and roll of the eyes you keep talking “No, I don’t really feel that way. I think Maman is going to help out a lot of people, I just don’t get why we moved, she was already an auror back home… Anyways, I’m just ranting no need to get all defensive buddy.” you pat the owl on the head and scratch in between his eyes before finally zipping your last bag shut and casting a shrinking spell so everything fits in your tote bag.
Loki hops in his cage as you lace your converse and head downstairs to your parents, ready to leave for the train station.
“Ohhhh my baby girl. I cant believe you’re finally a senior. How did you grow up so fast?” Your mom says, walking down the hallway to cup your cheeks with her hands as she gives you a sad smile.
“Rita, Rita, it’s okay. We’re still gonna see Y/N over her breaks. Why don’t you save your big tears for the train station, huh?” your maadar, Aleah, says after hearing her wife’s bittersweet voice. Turning to you once the mini crisis is evaded with a small smile on her face “Now, Mahe Man, did you remember everything? Your parchment, your robes, your journals, everything you need for the full moon?”
Nodding after everything she says you wrap your favorite bomber jacket around your shoulders before picking up Loki’s cage again and walking towards the door. “Yessss ma’ammm. I’m ready to go, really. So let’s see if we can figure out where this stupid platform is.”
Not wanting to risk anything, the four of you (including the owl) take a no-maj car to the train station before walking around, looking for platform 9 3/4.
“Okay, so there’s 9… and there’s 10… but- oh.” Right as you’re about to question where to find the train you see someone with a cart full of boxes walk right through a wall as if there’s a doorway. Thinking that it was just your imagination, you do a double take as someone else does the exact same thing and you notice what looks like a wand sticking out of their back pocket. “Oh okay cool, so I guess we’re just supposed to phase through this wall that’s literally three fourths the ways away from platform 9? British people I swear.” Glancing over at your parents Loki hoots in agreement and you sigh.
“Oh come on now Y/N. This’ll be fun! Instead of waiting for the wizarding bus to stop outside the house every summer you get to mix with the no-maj’s before school and-“ Right as she’s about to continue an average height woman with wispy brown hair and kind eyes approaches your family.
She looks to be a little older than your moms and has a very nurturing tone. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear. Are you lot looking for the train to Hogwarts?” with slightly wide eyes you glance to your parents then back at the woman, nodding your head you’re about to open your mouth to speak when she continues. “Oh goody! My name’s Euphemia Potter and I can show you how to enter platform nine and three quarters if you’d like. It’s always a little tricky for first timers. Dumbledore, our headmaster, asked a few of us to be on the lookout for a new transfer student. I’m assuming you’re Y/N?.”
“Oh, um yeah. Y/N Y/L/N, and okay, well that’s nice thank you ma’am. I’m-“ Again, as you’re about to speak, someone comes over to interrupt. This time, however, it’s a tall boy about your age with messy brown hair and a toned frame. He steadily approaches Mrs. Potter, followed behind by a similar figure.
“Mum, what are you doing over here? Dad and I were looking for you. We should get going, the train’s going to board in-“ it was then that Euphemia’s son notices the three women. The man cockily rests an elbow on his mother’s shoulder when the two of you make eye contact and speaks “How dare I be so rude, especially in the presence of such lovely ladies as your self. I’m James, it’s a pleasure to meet you”
Right as James literally bows down and tips an imaginary hat at you, the figure following him approaches. “Oi, James, what’re you doing bent over like- oh.”
The new boy shoves James off to the side and bends over to pick up your free hand and bring it up to his lips for a light peck. “Don’t bother with him love, my names Sirius, but you can call me whatever you want.”
Internally cringing, you slowly free your hand and wipe it on the back of your jeans before turning to Mrs. Potter, prepared to just ignore the last two incidents when she grabs both boys by their ears and tugs them away from you, towards their abandoned carts.
“Don’t mind them. Follow me dear!” she shouts over the two boys’ yelps of ‘ouch, mum, stopit’ and ‘im sorry, i’m sorry’ and ‘mum, not in public’ and ‘i’ll behave I promise’, not letting go until the six of you reach Mr. Potter and the carts.
Chuckling, your parents wrap their arms around your shoulders, Aleah taking Loki’s cage out of your hands to give you a break.
“See,” Rita speaks after pressing a kiss to your forehead ”You’re already making new friends and succumbing boys to your will! You’re gonna love it here Y/N.”
Rolling your eyes you catch up to Euphemia with a slight chuckle and watch as Mr. Potter just casually walks through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. “Okay Y/N, you and Sirius can go next, then me and James will go with- I’m sorry I never caught your names.”
“Oh, I’m Aleah, and this is my wife, Rita. We’re Y/N’s moms.” You look around, pleased to see that everyone’s face is left reaction-less and Euphemia continues. “Lovely. Y/N and Sirius, you’ll be next, then Rita and James, and I’ll walk in with you, Aleah
Everyone nods and you move to the front towards Sirius, your owl Loki by your side again.
“I can take your luggage” he offers and looks around expectantly, “Um… Where is all of your luggage..?“
Confused, you plainly state “I shrunk it all down to fit in my bag before we left. I just have to carry Loki’s cage. Don’t you guys do that in England?”
“Nah, we have to lug around clunky trolleys loded with trunks and-Yes Mrs. Potter!” Euphemia’s voice could be heard over the nearby chatter telling the two of you to hurry up.
Before you can even say anything Sirius grabs your hand and leads you to walk directly through the wall, giving you the chills once you reach to the other side.
When your family is reunited the hogwarts train toots its horn and the two boys are waiting while you say goodbye. “Alright guys, I love you. I’ll see you in a few months. And I know, I know, I’ll write you letters once a week and send you lots of pictures.” Giving both of your parents a hug and kiss on the cheek you smile over your shoulder and wave goodbye, unable to hear Rita’s soft cries over Loki’s hoots. “Okay buddy, I have to put you over here with the rest of the owls and someone will take you guys to the owlery when we get to the school, but you can come visit me any time. Just please, don’t manage too much mischief, okay buddy?.” Loki ruffles his feathers at you, as if trying to say ‘Who? Me? Never.’ before you give him a treat from your bag and hand him to the worker.
When you turn around again, James already started climbing into the train and Sirius is right behind you “Alright Doll, you’re stuck with me. Mr. Pretty Boy Potter over there is head boy and has to have a meeting for the first half of the train ride. But don’t worry, I’m sure Peter is hiding here somewhere and holding us a cabin.”
“Whatever you say Steely Dan” Sirius stops in the middle of walking up the train steps, causing you to run directly into his back “Jesus Christ-“
He turns around, looking equally amused and confused “What did you just call me?”
“Steely Dan. You know, the mellow rock band?” shaking his head he keeps walking and you follow. “Deacon Blues? Do It Again?” Sirius just keeps shaking his head at you and you shrug “Well anyways, you look like one of their members.”
Before he can think of a smug reply to that, a smaller and almost squirrelly looking boy pops out of one of the cabins and calls to Sirius “Pads! There you are, come on, come on. We’re in here.
Sirius walks into the small room where some of his friends from previous years sat. Peter, who you were just very briefly introduced to, ran out to use the restroom while two ladies your age were trading snacks and throwing crumpled up wrappers at eachother, not noticing anyone new walked in until Sirius spoke.
“Mary, Marlene meet….” It was at this moment that Sirius realized the two of you were never formerly introduced and he hadn’t caught your name from Mrs. Potter.
Looking from Sirius to the two girls who were now facing you, you stick out a hand and finish the introduction. “Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
The two smile at you and shake your hand before Marlene moves closer and practically drags you down to sit next to her. “American, wow! What’re you doing on this side of the Atlantic?”
Before you can even speak, Mary pushes Marlene against the seat to see you better and practically bursts with curiosity “American? Do they even have wizarding schools in America? Why are you coming to Hogwarts?”
“Well Mary, if you hadn’t interrupted her maybe she could tell us.”
Laughing and smiling at the two girls, you glance at Peter who just walked back in and nod before saying “Yes, I went to Illvermorny for the past six years. We just moved to England because one of my moms was hired to help out on an investigation, I’m not sure what it’s about though.”
“Is your mum an auror?” Peter squeaks out, sitting across from you and right next to Sirius.
Nodding, you take a sip out of the water bottle you drew from your bag and put it back only to find everyone gaping at you. “What…?”
“Y/N, do you know how bloody rare Aurors are? There’s hasn’t been a new one appointed in almost three years!”
“And they need to have mastered nearly every subject in school and be seriously skilled with a wand!” Peter says, interrupting Sirius.
“I mean yeah, I guess. But there are tons of aurors in America.”
“Well sure, but you lot have more land to cover than we do. And to be brought over here to work for the Ministry?”
“Yeah, they must really be desperate.” Mary mumbles under her breath while Marlene talks.
“Oh don’t mind her, she’s just jealous that Sirius has a new girlfriend. She’ll come around eventually. But either way, your mum has to be a total badass.”
“Yeah, I guess she is…” Contemplating for a second, you make eye contact with Sirius and in the most girly voice you could muster, squeak out “And Siri-kins, why’d you take me to a cabin with one of your former lovers, you bad bad boy you. You’ll pay for this later.” you mockingly say, pointing a finger at the man whose eyes are wide and face is flushed.
“Wh-what are you talking about Y/N. We’re not-“
“Oh Siri-kins, don’t start telling lies now. You know how mistress feels about naughty boys.” By this point everyone’s jaws in the cabin were on the floor as they looked between the two of you with shock and horror.
“Uh. Wh- no. Uh- um,“ Sirius kept stammering out, his eyes becoming wider and the only white thing on his blood red face.
“Kitty got your tongue Siri-kins?” You joke and when Sirius just looks at you, pale as a ghost with his mouth stuck open you aren’t able to hold it in any more and burst out laughing.
“I’m just kidding, we only met what?“ glancing down at your watch and looking back up at everyone “thirty minutes ago? We’re not dating. Right Siri-kins” you say with a smirk and a wink, causing the man to close his mouth and furrow his brows together, taking a moment to collect himself before continuing. “Um, r-right”
As Sirius stays still, frozen in place, the three other people in the compartment burst with laughter “Oh Y/N, I hope you get sorted into Gryffindor with us. No one has ever been able to shut up Padfoot like that” Marlene coughs out, wiping a tear away from her face and patting you on the back.
Clearing his throat and shaking his head, Sirius joins back in, trying to change the subject. “Yeah, how will that work? Are you going to be sorted with the first years today at dinner?”
“I got a letter from Dumbledore about that, apparently someone’s going to show me around the grounds of the school when we arrive, then I’m supposed to meet with Madam Pomfrey and make it back to dinner in time to be sorted with everyone else.”
You could tell that Mary was about to ask why you needed to meet with the matron healer of the school when there was a knock at the door and a kind lady with greying hair walks by asking if anyone wants to buy sweets.
Everyone stands and moves toward the door, pulling out gold coins from their pocket. “Oh, that reminds me” Taking a twenty dollar bill out of your bag you mumble a quick incantation to produce 2 galleons, 11 sickles, and 12 knuts.
You join everyone as Marlene walks away with her treats in hand. “Do they have chocolate frogs in the States?” She asks, tearing open the wrapper and showing one to you.
“No, definelty not. Are they actually made of - woah!” As you were speaking the frog jumps off the side of the box, heading towards the floor when you reach out and catch it, handing the chocolate back to Marlene.
“Nice reflexes, you could be a seeker with that. Although I’m not sure you know what that is… and no, it’s not actually made of frogs”
“Hey, I know that word!” you laugh out, moving closer to the cart to see what other sweets there were to choose from “I was a keeper at my old school.”
“You play quidditch?“ Mary and Peter say at the same time, looking at you in amazement while Sirius says “You’re a keeper?”
While they all begin talking about quidditch, you walk up to the snack cart and smile at the witch working it “Good morning miss.”
“Good morning! You’re new, I haven’t seen you around here before. What’ll you have? There’s Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Jelly Slugs, Liquorice wands, Pumpkin Pasties, and Iced Pumpkin Juice.”
You buy pumpkin juice and pasties, along with four chocolate frogs for later, saying that “they’re good for migraines”
“Oh that reminds me, Marge! Will you swing back around at the end so Remus can grab some chocolates?” Sirius says
“Of course! See you then.”
Closing the door as Marge the trolly witch moves onto the next compartments, you come to sit back with the rest of the group, juice and pastie in hand.
“So what’re the houses like here and how were you sorted? At Ilvermorny we stood in the middle of a marble room and waited for one of the creatures to claim us. If the Wampus wanted you then it’s statue would roar but the Pukwudgie would raise an arrow into the air if it wanted you instead. When I went up there the Horned Serpent’s gem glowed and the Thunderbird beat its wings, so I had to choose between those two.”
“Wait, you choose your own house in America?” Marlene asks you, obviously shocked and intrigued.
“Only if multiple houses say they want you. But that only happens maybe once a year.” You respond, waiting for someone to answer your question when Peter raises his hand.
Looking around at everyone you tilt your head to the side and smile at Peter. “You know you don’t need to raise your hand, right? You can just talk to me buddy.”
“Uh, right.” Blood rushes to his cheeks and Sirius ruffles his hair as Peter continues. “Well what do each of the houses mean? Do they represent anything?”
“Each house represents a different part of your existence. Wampus, the body, it likes warriors and fighters. Pukwudgie likes healers and represents the heart. The Horned Serpent represents the mind and favors scholars. Lastly, Thunderbird, my house, is the soul and calls out to adventures. But all of the houses intermingle and work together everyday.”
The five of you continue to compare houses at Hogwarts and Illvermorny for near an hour. Eventually the conversation moves to different courses and what the teachers are like.
“Wait, so your history of magic teacher is a ghost? That must be so cool? He was probably there for everything he’s talking about.”
“I wish…” Mary, who definitely warmed up to you, mumbles.
“Yeah. Binns is about as interesting as a doorknob. Not the most engaging conversationalist.” Sirius chimes in, playing with a lighter from his pocket while he lays with his back against the seat of the chair and his feet in the air against the wall.
The five of you keep on talking for a few more hours, mostly about any difference between the wizards of Europe and America. When you’re four hours into the eight hour trip the compartment door opens and two teens stumble in, literally.
As the red head looks over her shoulder to glare at James, she trips and you bolt from your chair to catch her before she hits the ground. “Woah there, are you okay?” You say after pulling her to stand back up, your hands still on her waist, steadying her in place.
Blushing as the two of you make eye contact, she just nods and stammers out a “Oh y-yeah. I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to trip like that.”
“Oh don’t worry, you can fall for me any time you want, Miss Head Girl” you say with a cheeky smirk and wink after glancing down at her badge.
Taking a step back and letting go of her waist, you stick a hand out a smile at her “Y/N. And I’m not Sirius’s girlfriend.”
It takes a second but she finally comes out of her trance and shakes hands with you “Lily. And same.”
“Come on guys you’re making me stand in the middle of the hallway. Scoot innnnn.” James whines from behind Lily, quickly moving inside of the compartment when you take your seat and Lily sits next to Peter.
“So you’re the American James was telling me about? Did you actually go to Illvermorny? Or is that just a myth.”
“Oh come off-it Lils. We already went over this. Illvermorny is real, Y/N went there for 6 years, she’s here because one of her moms was hired for a new job, and she is immune to my charms. Now onto more pressing matters. Do you have the stuff??”
Sighing and rolling her eyes, Lily pulls out three magazines from her bag. On the cover of each is a barely clad girl on top of a muscle car, motorcycle, or other girl and Sirius dramatically kisses her cheek in gratitude.
“Have I told you how ravishing you look today? You’re truly my favorite ginger.” Holding the magazines close to his heart, Lily rolls her eyes at the man besides her and says “Sirius, you’re starting to sound like James.”
Taking a moment to consider this, Sirius eventually nods and hands the girl three chocolate frogs “You’re right mate. Here you go. Pleasure doing business with ya.”
Laughing at this, you softly nudge Marlene with your shoulder and ask her where the bathroom is. Following her directions everything goes without a hitch until you try to make your way back to the compartment.
“Okay so I know I walked out to the right, made a left, and the bathrooms were off to the right. But how far did I have to walk before I made the first turn…” you mumble to yourself, standing in the middle of the hallway, before deciding to try one of the doors a few paces behind you. Turning around, you collide with someone’s chest and the both of you stumble back a few steps before you look up at your victim.
“Shit, I’m sorry dude. Are you okay?“ You look up at the man you hit and rub your forehead slightly after hitting his prefect badge. The man looked down on you with his eyebrows raised in annoyance. He has curly black hair cut short to frame his face and looked to be about a year younger than you. He wore haughty green and silver robes and you’d have to be lying if you said he didn’t look a little intimidating.
Brushing off a little dust from his shoulder, he said without a hint of emotion “Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Your words, not mine” you mumble under your breath and tuck a few pieces of hair behind your ear.
“What?“ he says as you cock your head to the side and smile up at him. “Oh nothing. I’m just looking for my cabin. Any chance you’d be able to help me real quick? I’m not from around here, in case you couldn’t tell.”
Contemplating it for a second, he stares at you and nods. “I saw you walking in with my brother. I’ll take you to his cabin.”
“Thanks Ace! I owe you one.” You beam up at the man and follow him as he walks you in the opposite direction you were originally heading.
“What’d you call me?”
“Ace. It’s like a nickname. I mean I can call you buddy or sunshine if you want. But you’re helping me out… sooooo we’re friends now. And friends have nicknames.” you say matter of factly, reflecting his same confused expression.
“Or you can just call me by my name.”
“Well I don’t know your name, Silly Goose.”
“Regulus. Just call me Regulus.”
“Okay Reggie.”
At this, Regulus stops walking, causing you to run into one of his shoulders as he turns around to look at you, eyes full of annoyance and amusement as he speaks “Are all Americans like this?”
“Just the good ones.” You grin and blow on a noise maker which you summoned out of thin air and watch as it unfolds directly in front of Regulus’ face before continuing. “Do all Brits have vainglorious names?”
“Just the good ones.” He replies to you, smirking slightly and taking the noise maker from your face, using it to point at the door directly to your left. “You should be in there.”
Opening the door, you shout over your shoulder as Regulus keeps walking past you. “I saw that smile! I told you we’d be friends Reggie, thanks!”
He holds his hand up and waves it once at you before turning the corner and walking away, rolling his eyes but smiling slightly to himself.
Walking into the cabin, everyone looks at you with their eyebrows raised except for Sirius who has his furrowed.
“Who were you talking to Y/N?” Marlene asks as you close the door and sit next to her.
“Oh that’s my new bff. We go way back to like, five cabins ago. His name is Regulus.” You say with an amused smile and shrug “I got a little lost coming from the bathrooms and he helped me back. Said he was someone’s brother too.” Taking a bite out of an apple you grab from your bag, you glance around at everyone who just stares between you and Sirius. “What..?”
“That was my brother… So he’s doing okay then?”
“I mean yeah. Just a little brooding, but it works for him, am I right?” You raise your eyebrows up and down at Marlene who is trying not to snort out her pumpkin juice, covering up her laugh.
Before anyone can respond, the cabin door slams open and an exhausted, out of breath man with slightly tattered clothing and shaggy hair stumbles in and throws himself down on the bench, draping one long leg over the side of the chair and throwing his head against James’ shoulder.
“Bloody Americans. Dumbledore wants me to escort this new student when we get to Hogwarts but I can’t find them. I’ve searched this train up and back four times in the last two hours for someone I’ve never even seen before. All that I have to go on is that they’re in our year and American. That’s it. Do you know how many Hufflepuffs I’ve tapped on the shoulder, asking if they’re new students, only for them to say we’ve had classes together for the past six years?!?!? I feel like Pads!”
This is interrupted by a short “Hey!” coming from the Sirius in the corner but Remus isn’t phased and continues his spiel.
“I mean bloody hell. I just wanted to find this student before the train arrives at Hogwarts so I don’t have to fight through the crowd looking for them. Why can’t Americans just wear red white and blue all of the time… it would make this a hell of a lot easier.” Finally done with the rant, everyone glances at you while he takes a short breath in. James is about to say something as Remus exhales and relaxes against him but you shake your head and swallow another bite of your apple.
With a stretch you wrap your arms around the back of the seat and speak with a smirk. “Ugh. I know, right? Bloody Americans…. Should’ve kept our tea out of the water, that’s what I always say. I mean, the audacity of those failed colonizers.” Your voice is completely laced with sarcasm and amusement as Marlene snickers next to you and covers her mouth to keep from laughing.
A moment of silence passes as the new guy slowly lifts his head from James’ shoulder and stares at you. “Oh shit.”
Smiling, you tip an imaginary cowboy hat at him and wink “Howdy, colonizer.”
James laughs and nudges his buddy with his shoulder “Remus, mate, this is Y/N. Y/N, Remus. We met earlier today on the platform and she’s been sitting here with us… the entire time.”
Holding out a hand, you smile and nod at the man sitting directly across from you. Shaking hands, you move to lean back in the seat and take a bite of your apple “So,” swallowing, you continue “you’re my fancy tour guide. How fun! If you want I can change into my old school’s robes. You know, keep the red white and blue going so you don’t loose track of me. Ooh! Better yet, I’ll pull out a star spangled banner! You know how we always have one of those on hand. Then, if I ever get lost in the crowd, I’ll just wave it in the sky and you can come find me!”
Blinking at you with a blank look on his face, Remus just turns to James and Peter before saying “Are you sure she’s not related to Sirius.”
Raising an eyebrow and turning to face Sirius, you grin as Marlene and Mary giggle beside you, knowing what you’re about to do “Oh Siri-kins! Be a good boy and tell your little friend we aren’t related.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Sirius turns to look out the window, hiding the slight blush creeping up his cheeks while he mumbles out “We aren’t related. And we’re not dating.”
Once you’re satisfied you smile back at Remus before taking another bite out of your apple. He raises his eyebrows and darts his eyes between you and Sirius before shrugging and dropping his head back against James’ shoulder with closed eyes. “Hi Y/N. I’m Remus. I’ll be your tour guide today. Yada yada yada. Welcome to Hogwarts. I hope you enjoy your time here or whatever… I promise I’ll be better enthused when I actually give you the tour later but for now…” perfectly on cue, Remus let’s out a long yawn and drapes his jacket over his face and torso, apparently taking a nap.
At this, Peter turns to Lily and whispers in her ear “Do they really have all of that… the Americans?”
“No wormtail, she’s just joking….. I think”
Another two hours on the train pass by and nothing meaningful happens. You witness James unabashedly hitting on Lilly while Peter falls asleep on her shoulder. Mary doses off while looking out the window and Marlene tells you the latest gossip in between reading different magazines because “Even though you don’t know anyone yet, Y/N, the more you familiarize yourself with Hogwarts and its people the better. So stay away from Lockheart, even if he is a little cute.” Remus was still laying against James’ shoulder and trying to sleep with a jacket covering his face. You eventually tell Sirius to come sit next to you so you could show him your collection of Sports Illustration magazines, which completely makes up for you picking on him all day.
When there’s just under two hours left in the train ride, Lily gently places Peter’s head on the cushion where Sirius previously sat while James softly shakes Remus awake, asking if he was feeling okay. The three leave the compartment to finish out their duties while Remus mumbles something about having his usual migraine.
A little while later Mary wakes up and you let Sirius pick out one issue to have if he promises not to hit on you for the next month. Once he picks, Marlene and Mary are waiting for you to walk to the bathroom with them and change into the school uniforms.
When the three of you come back changed, Peter is still sleeping but had black marks on his face drawn in the shape of a goatee while Sirius giggles like a schoolgirl.
Scolding him, Mary takes a napkin from her pocket and starts to rub at Peter’s face which only makes the situation worse and wakes him up. Sighing the two boys eventually leave to go get changed as well, leaving you alone with the girls.
Mary seemed to be over her affliction from this morning while you and Marlene probably grew the closest out of everyone in the cabin. You even offered to help unload everyone’s luggage from the overhead rack and before you knew it, it was time to depart from the train.
You follow the four people out of your cabin and wait with them for a carriage until someone taps you on the shoulder.
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koushou · 3 years
hi!! could u do a oneshot for fem!mechanic!reader x childe, zhongli & albedo separately? if u only do one character per request, then i'd prefer childe - also i get the term 'mechanic' is kinda vague so i guess a reader who invents and repairs things could be another way to word it
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pairings : childe, zhongli, albedo x f!mechanic!reader (separate)
{fluff, lots of crack}
warnings : none ! 
wc : 1.3k
a/n : i'm so so sorry this took so long TT it’s been a bit busy recently, anw thank you for requesting!! (the reader here is less of a mechanic, she just invents stuff; i hope u like them!)
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Childe yelps as he steps on the hundredth nail that day in your shared home in Liyue, hopping on one foot in pain as you sheepishly send him an apologetic smile.
“Oops! Looks like I missed one.”
“Baby, you’re killing me - literally.”
You hum, happily returning back to whatever strange invention you had come up with that day, as Childe heaves a sigh and retreats away from the danger zone, aka anywhere within a 5-feet radius around you.
He grimaces, inspecting the minor outline the nail had made on the bottom of his right foot, before your voice rings through the air.
“Childe, come here!”
A few crashes and bangs sound from the other room you occupied, followed by a string of curses.
Yup, you really were going to kill him someday.
He makes his way cautiously to where you were, and he was surprised to see you holding a metal bow-shaped gadget with little parts attached on the sides.
“You mentioned wanting to improve on your archery skills, so this, my newest invention - you should be honored, by the way - is made just for you!”
You smile triumphantly at him, beginning to explain the functions of the gadget, the little parts that can assist him in working on his aim, how you could adjust the grip on the bow to make it more comfortable, and -
Childe couldn’t help the grin spreading across his face, he thought you looked the most beautiful when you talked about your passions and interests. Plus, you took your time and made it just for him?
He engulfs you in a hug, breaking you out of your rant, leaving you confused.
“I love you so much. Thank you for this, honey,” Childe suddenly proclaims.
You giggle, about to say it back when one of the small parts on the metal gadget in your hand falls off, landing right on your boyfriend’s foot.
“Ow--!” He limps with his unwounded foot before tripping again on the same nail he had stepped on earlier.
“Childe!” You rush over to him, bending down to offer him a hand before stepping on the nail yourself and falling right on top of him - also accidentally stepping on his wounded foot along the way.
Ignoring your half-dead boyfriend now on the verge of tears on the ground, you gasp at the sight of the nail.
“Oh, that must be the nail I was missing - that’s why the part fell off!”
Childe sighs again.
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In Mondstadt, you two were known as the smartest couple. 
With Albedo as the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, it was only natural he had a deep understanding in alchemy already. Paired with your unique skill in being able to repair and invent almost anything, experiments with you two were a daily routine.
“Darling, do you mind passing me the warming gadget you made earlier? I’m heading out to gather some ingredients for my next experiment.”
“Of course! Here.”
Being with the most dedicated alchemist of Mondstadt meant traveling quite a lot, especially to Dragonspine.
Of course, Albedo insists you stay home as it could be dangerous, but you argue that you would miss him too much. Plus, you could - quoted from you - “use your inventing abilities to assist him in his experiments.”
It would be a lie if Albedo said your skills haven’t come in handy, especially in situations like these.
“I designed it so that the colder the temperature gets, the more heat this gadget produces! Super helpful, right?”
Albedo chuckles, taking your latest invention from your hands, before smiling at your excited expression.
“Yes, dear. I’m not sure what I’d do without you.”
You giggle, leaning into him, planting a small kiss on his cheek before he sets out on his exploration.
“Ah - just remember to adjust the sensitivity when-“
You gasp suddenly in the middle of your sentence, eyes widening like it always did when you had some brilliant idea for your next creation.
“Wait, dear, what do you mea-“ Albedo starts, but stops as he watches you already busying yourself around the workspace, gathering materials with a wild grin on your face.
He sighs, smiling gently to himself as he decides it was probably nothing important.
He regrets not asking.
Albedo shivers, breathing out in relief as he spots the entrance to the camp.
The gadget had suddenly started producing an excessive amount of heat as he was starting to head back, too hot even in Dragonspine.
After the small gadget had become too hot for the touch, it let out a small explosion before letting out a trail of smoke indicating it was no longer usable.
The small explosion had shocked the blonde alchemist, resulting in him falling in a pile of snow.
Albedo steps into the safe confines of the camp, alerting you of his presence.
“Oh - you’re back Alb-” You pause, examining his appearance.
“Why are you covered in snow, dear?” 
He only sighs, as you narrow your eyes at the broken gadget in his hand. 
“Oh no - did you forget to adjust the sensitivity??” You furrow your eyebrows at the now useless tool, taking it from him and examining it carefully. 
“You didn’t tell me-” He starts to explain, before you interrupt him.
“I just made this, Albedo!” You pout at him, setting the broken object on the table, before huffing and walking towards the alchemist.
Grabbing a nearby towel, you start to clean him of the snow he had fallen in earlier, scolding him to be more careful.
“Go sit down, I’ll make you some hot chocolate. You’re gonna get sick.” You huff again, turning around leaving a very confused Albedo still standing.
He then breaks into a laugh, amused by your very unique way of caring for him. 
“I love you a lot, darling, you know?” He suddenly confesses while making his way to a seat.
“W-wha-” You almost dropped the cup in your hand, flustered. 
“Be quiet and drink your hot chocolate--!”
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Your giggling could be heard as a confused Zhongli held a small controller in his hands, trying to navigate the robot dog on the floor.
“Zhongli - other way--!” 
“Like this?”
The dog crashed into the wall of your home, leaving Zhongli huffing and putting the controller down.
You couldn’t resist a laugh at your pouting boyfriend. “Aww, Zhongli, here I’ll show you!”
You take the controller and explain the buttons and how to move the dog properly, while he watches with a serious expression.
“Here, you try.”
Zhongli furrows his eyebrows, carefully moving the buttons as you instructed. When the dog finally moves in a direction that isn’t crashing into something, you could’ve sworn you saw Zhongli’s eyes light up.
You stifled a giggle at his excited expression, almost resisting the urge to ruffle his hair with how adorable he looked for such a seemingly mature man.
Without thinking, you leaned forward to press a kiss against his unknowing lips, to which Zhongli froze almost dropped the controller at the action.
“Ah-uhm,” The geo archon clears his throat, facing you with a raise of his eyebrows. “What was that for, love?”
You shake your head, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Nothing. You’re just too cute with that thing.” 
Zhongli chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Thank you for making this, darling. It is quite amusing to play with.”
A smile breaks across your face, sitting up to face him. “There’s a cool trick this dog can do, want to see?” 
He nods, curious as you take the controller from his hands.
Hiding a mischievous smile on your lips, you press a button on the bottom of the controller that sends the robotic dog jumping into Zhongli’s lap, startling the tall man.
The dog starts to lick Zhongli’s face - with its mechanical tongue - as he sputters and finally gets the dog to stay in place in his arms.
“Love - this is...the trick?” 
You burst out laughing at the still squirming dog in your shocked boyfriend’s arms, raising the controller again.
“There’s another trick too! Wanna s-”
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“family holiday” (pt. 1) (chilumi fic)
Lumine finally arrives in Snezhnaya and takes Childe’s offer of visiting his home (mansion). 
(some domestic fluff uwu) 
lots of ppl have been asking for more and i love that! tysm for the encouragement and support <3 sorry this took so long to upload, i am trying very hard for all you lovelies ;__; 
also this is being split into two parts bc it is a bit longer than my other fics...but i swear im writing part 2 as fast as i can!! i just wanted to post this now so i wouldn’t keep you lovelies waiting <3
[Fic Masterlist]
“family holiday” (pt 1)
“Lumineeeeee!” Teucer shouted as she walked through the door of Childe’s home. He tackled her into a hug. 
“Well hello to you too, Teucer,” Lumine greeted back. Just as energetic as I remembered… 
“Hey! Paimon’s here too!” Paimon crossed her arms. 
Teucer broke his hug and waved energetically at Paimon. “Hi, Lumine’s toy!”
Paimon’s jaw dropped, ready to go on a rant, but Teucer already turned his attention away. 
“Big brother!” he cheered, tackling Childe into a hug as well. 
“Teucer!” Childe said enthusiastically, picking him up and slinging the little boy over his shoulder before swinging him around. Teucer erupted into gleeful giggles. 
“Big brother? Is that you?” a soft voice called. Coming down the grand stairs was a little girl who looked exactly like Childe and Teucer, her long brown hair tied in a half-up crown braid, her large blue eyes like innocent doe eyes. She looked about eight. Behind her, another sibling came trudging down the stairs, scowling, his hair appearing more ginger than the rest of the family; his face had a splattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks, more prominent than Teucer’s. He was a bit older, around 11. 
Childe set Teucer down, and smiled. “Tonia,” he greeted her, gentler. He got down on one knee, and Tonia ran down the steps—her white dress flowing behind her—and jumped into his open arms. 
“It’s been too long!” she said, her voice muffled by Childe’s shoulder. 
He laughed. “It certainly has, princess.” He looked to the last sibling still standing by the stairs. “Come on, Anthon. Come here.”
Anthon let out an exasperate huff, but still made his way to his older brother, and joined Tonia in their embrace. “We don’t have to make such a big deal out of this,” he grumbled, though his arms tightening around his brother betrayed his attitude. 
“Looks like we’ve been sidelined,” Paimon muttered. 
Lumine tilted her head. “It’s kind of nice to see though…” 
Anthon’s eyes flickered to her. “Who are you?”
Tonia broke from the hug, ducking under Childe’s arms to look at Lumine, while still gripping tightly to his jacket. 
Teucer bounced over to the traveler, and placed his hands proudly on his hips. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Lumine!”
Tonia gasped and skipped over to her, her eyes bright. “Lumine?! Like from the letters?” Teucer nodded enthusiastically. 
Childe stood and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yup, the one and only. This is her first time in Snezhnaya, so everyone be on your best behavior.” He gave Anthon a look, to which Anthon crossed his arms. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Tonia and Anthon,” Lumine said. “Your brothers have told me a lot about you two.”
Tonia smiled shyly and peered at Lumine’s face. “Woooow,” she whispered in wonderment. “You really are just as pretty as he said!” 
Lumine felt a shock to her system. Childe told them I was pretty?
Childe let out a nervous laugh, quickly scooping Tonia off the ground and ruffling her hair. “Very funny, Tonia! Why don’t we decide on dinner plans, hmm?” 
Paimon, after grumbling in the corner about being ignored, perked straight up. “Food?”
“Let’s celebrate brother and Lumine coming home! We should go to the bestest restaurant in the city!” Teucer suggested. 
“You don’t want to eat brother’s cooking?” Tonia asked, a bit of sadness tinged in her voice. 
“I think that’s a great idea, Teucer,” Childe said. He patted Tonia’s head. “How about we eat dinner at the restaurant, then we can come home and I’ll make you your favorite cake?” 
“Yay!” Tonia cheered, jumping from Childe’s arms, and joining Teucer in celebration. 
“Anthon? What would you like to do?” Childe asked. 
He shrugged. “Whatever sounds good to me.” 
“Then it’s settled! Let’s all go get ready then, okay?” Childe said. The children all ran up the stairs, and soon the foyer was quiet once more. The Harbinger let out a heavy sigh. 
“Whew! They’re a handful!” Paimon said. 
Lumine nodded. “How do they even survive while you’re away?”
Childe chuckled. “Year round I have a dedicated staff of servants and maids to look after them and the house.” (Mansion, Lumine thought.) “I gave them the weekend off while I’m back.”
“You can handle all three of them?” Lumine asked. 
“Oh? You don’t think I’m capable?” 
“I just can’t imagine you as a child raising type,” she said, recalling their various battles together. How bloodthirsty he could get. 
“The battlefield is different,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. He glanced at the stairs. “I’ve been raising my siblings since we were little.” 
No parents? She thought of her and Aether. On their own for as long as she could remember, having to explore and learn alone. Except she and Aether were twins; she never had to look after a younger sibling—let alone three. 
“Ready!” Teucer announced, bouncing down the stairs. 
Childe crossed his arms. “Just your hat? Where are your gloves? Coat? Boots?” 
Teucer giggled. “Oops! I forgot!” He raced back up the stairs. 
“And you?” he asked, turning to Lumine. “You don’t look ready either.”
“I was okay on the journey here,” she answered. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He shook his head. “It’s almost dark now. Snezhnayan nights are freezing, even more so during this time.”
“Ahh...well...we didn’t really pack...anything…,” Paimon said sheepishly. 
“Paimon I expected, but you, Lumine?” 
The traveler crossed her arms. “I’ve been a bit busy.” 
He scoffed. “Right, right. Well, we can’t have you freezing to death in the street. I’m sure there’s extra coats around here,” he said, heading up the stairs. “Come with me.”
“Oooo, Lumine, they’re probably super expensive and fluffy! Let’s go!” Paimon said, flying after Childe. Lumine rolled her eyes and followed. 
The three passed by the children’s rooms, all clothes being thrown around and excited chatter, before coming to a large door at the end of the hall. Childe’s room. He opened the door and they entered. 
It was a grand room—octangular in shape with huge windows and a tall ceiling—large, spacious, and empty save for a large bed, standing wardrobe, and side tables. There was a fine film of dusting covering all the surfaces, and the bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in for a long time. The colors were sparse, only grays, whites, blacks, and the occasional red accent. 
Childe opened the doors to the wardrobe, revealing an assortment of heavy winter coats. He pulled one out and held it out for Lumine. “I think this coat is a little older—probably the smallest one I have.” 
She put it on, the sleeves running a bit long to her fingertips, the feathered hood obscuring her face up to her nose. Childe laughed, and she stuck her tongue out at him after pulling the hood down. Despite it being old, she could still pick up a faint scent of Childe: a smell remnant of ocean waves and sandy beaches. Unexpectedly pleasant...
“If that’s too big, she can have one of my coats!” Tonia said from the doorway.  
“That is very nice of you to offer, Tonia,” Childe said. “But I think your coats might be too small.”
“Oh,” she said. “Well, we’re all ready now, brother!”
The family—plus Lumine and Paimon—gathered back in the foyer with everyone bundled in their coats, hats, and gloves. And then they were on the way to the restaurant. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Lumine, look!” Teucer said, pointing at a large pond. “There are so many fishes!”
They were waiting to be seated in the restaurant lobby. A large, grandiose building, with marbled floors, vaulted ceilings, and gold furniture. There was a large pond in the middle—a miniature waterfall flowed into it. 
Too extravagant, Lumine thought. And I thought Liyue was expensive...
“Do you think we could take some fish home to eat?” Paimon asked, peering into the pond. 
Lumine gave her a deadpan expression. “Go ahead. I’ve always wanted to see how Snezhnayans deal out punishment.”
“On second thought, nevermind…”
Tonia pulled on Childe’s jacket. “Can we go to the toy store after this?”
“Toy store! Toy store! Toy store!” Teucer chanted. 
“Yes, yes, of course,” Childe said. The two children cheered. 
“They’re always so loud,” Anthon grumbled from his seat next to Lumine. 
“They’re just excited your brother is back,” Lumine said. “Aren’t you excited also?”
“I guess…” He looked at her. “Why are you here anyways?”
How do I explain that I’m on a quest to find my brother after we were banished from our journeys by an unknown god? “I want to meet all the gods of Teyvat.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, right. That’s impossible.”
“Actually I’ve been quite successful,” she told him. “I’ve already met a few.”
“Really?” His brows were furrowed. “What’re they like?”
Venti: drunk. Zhongli: broke. “They’re...interesting. Very powerful.”
Childe walked over to them. “Is he bothering you?” he asked Lumine. 
“She was just telling me she’s met some of the gods of Teyvat. Is that true?” he asked, scrutinizing. 
“Very much so. She’s quite strong, so don’t get on her bad side.” He gave Anthon a wink. 
“Strong enough to beat you, brother?” 
“Of course,” Lumine said, standing up. “I’ve beat your brother before.” 
“Paimon can confirm that! We kicked his butt!” 
For the first time, Anthon’s eyes seemed to light up. “You did? How?”
Childe chuckled through gritted teeth, disguised as a strained smile. “Now, now, Anthon; you seem like you want me to be beaten.”
Anthon frowned. “No, I didn’t mean that.”
“Sir? Your table is ready,” a waiter said, approaching the family. 
As Childe went to wrangle up the younger kids, Lumine stayed behind and tapped on Anthon’s shoulder. 
“Hey,” she whispered. “Why do you want to beat your brother so bad?”
Anthon shook his head. “You guys have it wrong. I don’t want to beat my brother…” His pale face flushed a bit red. “I just...I want to be stronger than him. So he doesn’t have to work so hard to protect us…” He stopped and watched his siblings sit around the table in the distance. “He shouldn’t be the only one protecting us. I can see it’s really hard work for just him. I want to be strong enough to protect him, Tonia, and Teucer also.”
Lumine’s heart warmed at Anthon’s love for his family. She missed Aether a little more. “I’ll help you.” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I know what it’s like, wanting to protect a sibling.” She then gave him a teasing smile. “Plus, I’ve already beaten your brother, right?” 
“Right!” He had a little smile as well. “And he’s the strongest person I know! Well...I guess that person would be you now, right?”
Tonia came marching up to the two. “Come onnnnn, let’s go eat!” She grabbed both Lumine and Anthon’s hands and dragged them to the table. 
Afterwards, the family enjoyed an exquisite meal, and were all stuffed full of expensive foods and cheerful laughter. (The children were amazed at how much both Lumine and Paimon could scarf down.) 
The children, very quickly after finishing their meal, practically teleported to the toy store. As the children ran through the store, Lumine and Childe took the moment of rest, silently watching over them. (Paimon had retreated back into her world to recover from the feast.)
“I don’t know how you do it,” Lumine said. “I had a hard enough time with just Teucer in Liyue.”
“It’s not easy,” Childe confessed. He looked at his siblings softly. “But when I see them smiling and happy...despite everything bad in the world? I think it’s all worth it.”
How nice… His love for his family definitely matched her love for Aether. Something we have in common. She found herself enjoying this time with Childe, and his family, more enjoyable than any time she had been adventuring. It was almost like...she was...back home…
Soon enough, everyone was lined up, toys all selected and ready for purchase. Teucer tiredly tugged on Lumine’s coat, then silently held his hands up. At first, Lumine blinked, not understanding. 
“Teucer, just ask her to pick you up,” Anthon said. 
“That’s okay,” she said, pulling Teucer up off the ground—now understanding—and placing him on her hip. I think this is how you carry a kid? She didn’t have much experience with kids, save for the few she had met while in Teyvat. And those kids are far from normal... She let out a little sigh of relief when Teucer relaxed, laying his head on her shoulder. 
“Are you tired too, Tonia?” Childe asked. She shook her head, tightening her grip on his hand, clutching a doll in the other. Teucer was hugging a hilichurl stuffed animal, and Anthon held an action figure of a Lawachurl.
Upon reaching the toy seller, the old woman at the counter smiled at Childe and Lumine. “You two have such beautiful children,” she said. 
Lumine almost dropped Teucer. What?! 
“Though I have to say, they do take after their father quite a bit,” she remarked. “A shame, seeing as the mother is so beautiful.” 
Before Lumine could explain, Childe spoke. “Yes, what a shame indeed—I completely agree,” he said while smiling. 
[part two]
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Avengers x teen!reader
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Thin ice.
That’s what Secretary Ross had said to you the last time you spoke. You’re on thin ice, kid.
Why did he choose to threaten you like that? Because you were iffy on the Accords. That was all it took. He was threatening your position as an Avenger, one you had fought so hard to secure. And there were still hurdles you hadn’t quite hopped yet, being the youngest on the team and all. A “kid” to them.
One strike and you were out, they warned you some years ago, but did you listen?
No, that’s why you were standing in an evacuated airport with Steve and the sensible half of the gang. Guard up, morale down...but you suppose that your expectations were the same.
“Y/N, you really need to rethink this one before it’s too late.” Tony had warned you, but you were so goddamned sick of being warned. You knew exactly what you were doing and you were not going to be stopped, it was time for them to stop pretending like you needed constant guidance.
“Do I, Tony?” You crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the pavement, just on the verge of snapping. “Have some faith in me, why don’t you? Who’s got a better track record of thinking things through: me or you?”
“Seriously, kid, you’re putting everything in jeopardy.” He sounded serious, that was new. “If you get stuck on the wrong side of this, it’s no more avenging for you.”
“Is that a threat?” You raised your eyebrows as Steve glanced at you, making sure that you weren’t having second thoughts. Yeah, right.
“That’s a promise.” Tony honestly looked a little scared. He should be. “Do you remember how hard it was to get you on the team? You were a child—still are, might I add! They said you didn’t belong out here, we said you did. I’m beginning to regret that now.”
“You’re saying they’re gonna demote me?” Could he tell you were stalling? Oof, guess you’ll know soon enough.
“Demote you?” Tony repeated back. “I wish that were it, y/n. You’re gonna get canned, blacklisted. They’re gonna make your life a living hell. You really want to give it all up now? You’ve come so far, don’t throw it all away over Steve’s sentiment.” You’d heard enough of that, now it was time to lose your cool.
“This isn’t all about helping Steve,” you told him while raising your fists, ready to cause some chaos, “I’m sick of taking the fall for you.” Tony rolled his eyes and finally called for backup.
“Underoos!” A blur of red flew in front of you and Steve, disarming your counterpart before the kid rambled an introduction that sounded a bit...off.
“Are you kidding me, Tony? You give me shit for being a kid and then recruit a twelve year old?” You groaned and watched the kid’s masked eyes get wide. “Don’t correct me, bugboy, I don’t care.”
“Yeah, well, he’s on my side so I’m cutting him some slack.” Tony justified his reasoning as you waited just a few more seconds for Scott to get into position.
“That’s enough, are we ready yet? This is starting to get boring.” And then all hell broke loose as Steve got free of webs, Scott threw the first punch, and the rest of your teams took off. That was your chance to strike Tony with a bolt of lightning in an attempt to shut down his suit, but he always had contingencies.
“Nice one, y/n, but I installed a surge protector after the last time!” Tony blasted at you with his repulsors set to stun, only missing you by a hair.
“Oh, yeah? You get one for Rhodes, too?” You asked, switching your aim to the War Machine armor and overloading it until it shut down.
“Seriously, Tony? You didn’t think to upgrade mine, too?” Rhodey groaned while rushing to reboot.
“Get over it!” Tony bickered as you ran by, booking it for the Quinjet. “Vision, don’t let y/n get away!” And then the android was flying towards you.
“I can’t let you go any further, y/n.” He informed, blocking your path and giving you a moment to catch your breath. “It’s not too late to change sides. You could help us all stay together. After all, that’s what we all want.” You took a glimpse behind you at all of your feuding loved ones who were beating each other senseless and although you hated to see it, you would not be backing down so easily.
“I’m not risking innocent lives to stay roommates.” You gave him a quick jolt that’d incapacitate him just long enough for you to escape his grasp, but it wasn’t long before the team called upon you for help.
“Y/N, I need backup!” Steve called over the comms.
“On my way, Cap!” You doubled back and met up with the rest of your team, knowing that this battle had only begun. You looked down the line of allies you had and looked across to allies you’d lost, knowing that this day would change your life forever.
“You guys ready?” You sighed, charging up your fists and deciding on a target.
“Ready for what?” Scott asked as the two lines of super-people began to converge. “Oh, that.” You all picked up the pace and you decided to take the fight to the kid since he’d been causing enough trouble.
“Woah! What was that for?!” He yelped when you gave him a little shock and rubbed is arm. “Am I gonna have a heart attack?”
“You’ll be fine,” you scoffed, still ready to strike again if need be, “and it’s just business, kid. Tony should have known better than to get you involved.”
“Well, Mr. Stark made me this really cool suit, so I’m not complaining.” He shrugged before shooting a web from each wrist, but he’d regret it just as quickly as he acted since you accidentally sent two charges back up the web, sending him flying back.
“Oops...” You covered your mouth and watched to make sure he got back up, or maybe you did give him a heart attack. No, he was getting back up. “Are you good?” You called over.
“Yeah, I’m good!” He gave you a thumbs up and crouched over to catch his breath.
“Just walk it off, kid!” You reused some old advice and were suddenly called on by the person who gave it.
“Y/N, it’s now or never!” You swiveled your head to see Steve and Bucky make a break for it and decided that it was time for you to do the same, so you ran straight past the kid and tried to keep up with the two super soldiers. Thankfully, Wanda gave you a boost so you didn’t get left behind. After Natasha let you past, you and just two of your teammates made it out of there. At least some of you did.
You stood your ground against Tony as he lit up his repulsors, trying to get a clear shot of Bucky or Steve.
“Y/N, you haven’t thought this through at all!” Tony argued with you, trying to get you to see it from his poing of view. “I promise you it’s not too late to turn this all around. I’ll tell Ross you were my double agent or something, anything to keep you from getting thrown in the Raft!” You glanced back at Steve, who was buying into Tony’s rant more than you were.
“He’s right, y/n.” Steve lowered his shoulders some. “I can’t drag you down any more, you can’t come back from this.” You gulped, feeling as something were stuck in your throat. You didn’t think that this battle would lead you here.
“After everything I did to help you, you want to leave me with him?” You asked with tears beginning to brim in your eyelids.
“I don’t want to abandon you, that’s the last thing I’d want to do.” Steve explained. “But I know that Tony’s telling the truth, he won’t let them hurt you. If you get caught with us, they’ll know you’re guilty and you might never come back from it. I can’t let you give it all up for us.” You looked back to Tony, who agreed with Steve for once.
“I’ll make it go away. And I won’t hold it against you, okay? You made me proud, even if you were a pain in the ass.” His hand was still aimed towards Bucky, but you’d yet to budge. This was a big decision you’d have to make. Switching sides just for a bailout? And then Tony’s aim switched to the opposite side of you, just before you felt a hand rest on your shoulder.
“You’d be doing me a favor by keeping yourself in Ross’s good graces, how about that?” Steve tried to reason. “I need you to stay safe, you won’t be safe with us.” You bit down on your tongue and took a deep breath, realizing that you’d have to take the easy way out of this one. You lowered your guard and gave everyone in the vicinity a moment of peace of mind.
“You two are both impossible.” You hung your head and relaxed your tense muscles, knowing that this was no longer your fight.
“Glad you finally realize that, no go wait in the Quinjet.” Tony instructed, patiently waiting for you to leave the blast zone before the three of them got to work. It was about to get much more messy than it did at the airport, they’d rather you miss this part. And even if it broke your heart, they had to do what was best for you. Apparently, it was never too late to start.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @blizzardbabe // @agentshortstacc //
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keijislove · 3 years
Dance the Night Away: Peter Parker X Reader
A/N: This ain’t following any particular timeline – let’s just say... idk, after Far from Home, maybe?
WARNING: use of the ‘P’ word (Flash being Flash)
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Peter walked down the hallway amidst the chatter, trying to reach his locker as the crowd grew thicker and thicker, making it impossible for him to even see properly. Which was until a hand seized his wrist and pulled him through, letting go of him as he smashed into the storage compartment with force enough to make his brains rattle.
“Oops, sorry,” you said with a sheepish smile.
Peter had turned to thank whoever it was, but, catching sight of you, he groaned. Not that he didn’t like you – you and Peter had been best friends since you were eight years old. Recently, however, a banner had been put up by the senior girls announcing that prom would be taking place the following Saturday. And with only about five days left, you had taken to pestering Peter into going, hoping that if you’d fling the question unexpectedly, Peter would get scared into answering. You had, however, no luck so far.
“Y/N, I know what you’re going to say,” Peter warningly began, “And I don’t wanna hear it.”
“But I wanna say it,” you said, “And that I shall. Peter, come on! It’s a crucial life experience! I mean, you’re studying all the time these days, and I get it, you have a clear view of your future, and I’m happy for you. But pleeeaaaaaaase, just do it for me? It’s one night, Peter, come on! One night where you have to let go and just have fun! After that, we can go back to making circuit boards together like we used to, but just this once? C’mon, don’t tell me you’re turning me down.”
As you took a deep breath after this whole rant and Peter took one look at your sincere smile, he sighed.
“... Fine,” he mumbled.
Your eyes grew wide. Surely you’d misheard?
“What?” you asked, “Louder, please?”
“Fine!” Peter bellowed loudly so that a dozen heads turned in your direction and people began snickering.
Not caring in the least, you flashed a wide smile before engulfing Peter into a huge hug, speaking, “Thank you so much! It’ll be the best experience of your life, Peter!”
“Yes, that means better than your spiderman stuff,” you whispered in an undertone as Peter said a disbelieving, “Come on!”
Needless to say, you had finally convinced Peter to go to prom. Now came the hard part. Truth was, you had liked Peter since you were both, what, fourteen? Convincing Peter to go to prom was a task for the strong, but asking him to be your date? No way would he feel the same. Peter had never ever hinted, that your relationship could be more. In fact, he felt rather frantic to prove it couldn’t be more – something that convinced you that you did not belong together and that, someday, you would have to get over this silly little crush. Still, seeing Peter go to prom with any girl who made him happy was enough for you.
“Right, now that we’re going,” you said the following morning, when he’d found you standing next to his locker, waiting for him to arrive.
Peter sighed, “Mm hmm?”
“We need dates,” you ignored his disinterest.
“Do you have one?” asked Peter.
“It.... it’s complicated,” you muttered.
Peter crossed his arms, “Listening.”
You shot him a glare before sighing and telling him, “There’s... there’s this boy I like. I was really hoping he would ask me to homecoming back then, and I turned down anybody who asked me just to chase that blind belief. Guess what? He didn’t ask me. And I know he won’t now, but I don’t know... something inside me still hopes he would.”
“So, you’re scared to say yes to anyone in case he asked you but scared to say no to everyone in case he doesn’t ask you?” Peter clarified, causing you to laugh.
“Sounds about right.” you muttered, “But hey, enough about me, what about you? We need a date for you. Do you have anyone in mind?”
“Not really,” Peter shrugged.
“Okay....” you said slowly, “Well, I’ll just list off people you would be happy with as they come to my mind... maybe you can ask one of them.”
“Fire away.”
“Okay... well, there’s Emma Jones from my biology class,” you began, “And she’s really nice.”
“Not my type.”
“Oh,” you frowned, “Okay... Alyssa from P.E?”
“The one who said spiderman sucks? No thanks.”
“Zoe from English?”
“Ava from chemistry lab?”
“... MJ?” you asked in defeat as Peter incredulously looked at you (A/N: sorry MJ, I love you <3).
“Okay, fine,” you snapped, “I’m done helping. Let me know if you find someone?”
Peter gave another nod as the two of you made your way to class.
You were panicking. Two days were all that were left, and so far, you had turned down countless boys including Flash Gordon who had swore and made rude hand gestures at you as a way to handle rejection. You didn’t know what was wrong – why was this impossible hope of Peter asking you still clouding your possibilities of a relationship?
Peter knew nothing of this – yet he annoyed you. If he was too blind to notice that you were madly in love with him, why did the very sight of his face make your brain go empty?
Now with one day left and nobody to ask you, you slumped moodily throughout the day, not talking and sitting silently at lunchtime, stabbing your potatoes pretending that it was your feelings for Peter.
“Okay you’re freaking me out now,” Peter said as the two of you were walking home and you still hadn’t opened your mouth.
“No date – again. God, this is just like homecoming,” you groaned.
Peter looked surprised.
“I thought a lot of guys asked you?”
“They did!” you moaned, “It’s just – that guy, I don’t know why he has this effect on me. It’s like – we weren’t meant to be together or maybe I wasn’t meant to go out with anyone ever.”
“Hey, that’s not true,” said Peter with something new in his expression. Behind the terribly unconvincing ‘concerned best friend’ mask, you saw a flicker of something... smugness? No, you were dreaming. You hadn’t eaten all day – this was probably a side-effect.
“You know what, I’m gonna grab a sandwich at Delmar’s,” you muttered, “I haven’t eaten since morning. Do you want to come?”
“Sorry, I promised May I’d come home,” he sheepishly said, “She wanted me to go get an outfit with her.”
“Oh,” you snickered, “Good luck with that. See you tomorrow!”
“See you.”
And with a heavy heart, you walked away from your only chance of having the person you cared about most as your date to prom.
“Oh god, what was I thinking?” you muttered, staring the reflection of you in a(n) F/C dress with your hair styled <inert preferred style here>.
“This is stupid!” you said to no one in particular, before taking a deep breath and walking to the apartment across from yours and knocking on the door.
The door opened to reveal Peter.
“Oh, good you’re here, this will take just a second, May wants to –” he stopped abruptly, staring at you with eyes round as saucers.
“Um,” you began, he still kept staring.
“Earth to Peter, you still in there?” you snapped your fingers in front of his face as he blinked and turned a delicate shade of red.
“You – you look nice,” he managed to choke out.
“Thanks...?” you said, walking inside and taking a seat on the couch.
“Okay, um, M-may will take us there in her c-car, she’ll be h-here any moment, let’s just w-wait.”
“Pete, you having a stroke or something?” you asked in concern.
“No, I’m fine.” (A/N: he’s not 😉)
As if she had sensed Peter’s need to be rescued, Aunt May came walking into the room. She stopped at the sight of her nephew staring slightly at you, who was examining a coffee mug on the table. Smiling to herself, she cleared her throat.
Both of you jumped in surprise.
“We’re ready to go,” May stated, as the two of you got to your feet, following her to the car.
“This was a mistake, wasn’t it?” you asked, looking at the doors of your school gym which were closed ominously.
“Why?” asked Peter in surprise, “I thought you wanted to go?”
“I do,” you admitted, “But – we don’t have dates, it’ll look so... lame.”
Peter scoffed, “Y/N, do you really need the dimwits that attend this school to justify how many cool points you have?”
“Not exactly,” you said in surprise, feeling slightly better.
“Yeah, come on, let’s just do it. Together, okay?” asked Peter as you nodded.
You both took nervous, deep breaths before pushing the doors open to reveal the commotion inside.
You two were walking across the gym, interestedly examining the decorations ang pulling faces at the couples which were making out, till you bumped into something hard.
“OOF!” you groaned, falling to the floor.
“You okay?” Peter asked hurriedly, pulling you to your feet. As you both turned to look who it was, you were surprised to see Flash standing there with his mouth hanging open.
You groaned as a million heads turned your way and slowly, the laughter broke out, jeers of the obscene names Flash had called you now echoing off the walls.
“Haha, real funny, Flash,” Peter said sarcastically, but once he saw your near-tears expression, he seized your wrist and pulled you out of the gym into the open.
“Come on,” he pacifyingly said, “Don’t cry over him, Y/N! He’s not worth it.”
“This is homecoming all over again,” you groaned, struggling to contain your tears, “School dances were never meant for me. Let’s just – let’s just go home and finish making that model spaceship we were working on.”
“Sounds like a worthwhile night to me,” Peter shrugged, tossing a brave smile your way, “You don’t need prom to be happy, you know. Let’s go.”
And so the two of you walked home, talking amongst yourselves, being the best friends you’d been since eight.
Best friends.
The sound of that word made your blood boil hot. How naïve were you? This was absolutely perfect – a million guys on the planet and you chose to fall for one who would never see you the same way.
As your apartment building came closer, Peter cleared his throat and spoke, “Wait in the living room with May for ten minutes. I have a surprise for you.”
“Seriously?” you asked, taken aback.
“Yeah, why not?”
“What is it?” you asked curiously.
Peter cocked an eyebrow.
“Kinda missing the point of a surprise if I told you what it was.”
“Makes sense,” you agreed, “Okay, but make it quick. I’m dying of curiosity.”
“You’ll live for another ten minutes,” Peter assured you.
Your curiosity was now bubbling to the surface like boiling water threatening to spill. You thought of what Peter could possibly have to surprise you, and you stopped to sit on a couch in the living room next to Peter’s aunt.
After exhausting every possibility (each as unlikely as the next), Peter finally dragged you ti the door of his room.
“... I’ve seen your room before, you know,” you laughed slightly.
“That’s not the surprise,” Peter playfully rolled his eyes, “Okay, close your eyes.”
“Jesus, Peter,” you snorted as his hands placed themselves over your eyes, “You are such a drama queen.”
“Open them... now!”
And you opened your eyes to see that the usual clutter surrounding Peter’s room had been cleared away, leaving some space for god-knows-what in the middle of it.
“Wow, you finally cleaned your room!” you exclaimed, “That is a surprise.”
“That’s still not the surprise!” Peter whined, “C’mere.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you close as your brain clouded with confusion. What the heck was going on?
Peter threw his phone aside as a light waltz began playing through the air. Peter placed one hand on your waist and the other one to grab yours as your confusion cleared away.
“You said you wanted to go to prom,” Peter stated as you two swayed on the spot, moving slightly to the music, “You didn’t say where. Now we’re away from judgy eyes, we can be weird.”
“Seriously, Peter?” you giggled at his dorkiness, “I never knew you were so cute.”
The words had slipped from your mouth before you had time to think them through. You were praying he didn’t hear you, but a hitch in his breath made your heart drop.
“You – you think I’m cute?” Peter asked, blushing furiously.
“Well,” you sighed, there was no backing out of this, “... Yeah, I do.”
You looked down, refusing to meet his eyes.
“And the guy you wanted to get asked by...?” Peter didn’t need to finish his question; he knew you understood.
“Yes,” you whispered, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes once more.
You sucked in a deep breath and looked up, “Look, Peter, I know you don’t feel the same and it’s honestly okay –”
“Shut up,” Peter mumbled, his lips brushing over yours. Your lips brushed together a few times as the both of you melted into the addicting sensation, not aware of the surroundings, not caring in the least. To Peter, all that mattered in that moment, was you.
You two pulled apart after a while, both blushing like crazy with no idea what to do next. It was you who spoke first, shyly.
“I – I think it’s a good thing we’re alone right now. That would be an embarrassing yearbook photo.”
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biisexualemma · 4 years
drunken night. klaus mikaelson
word count: 1698
warnings: none just a bit of swearing
requested: no something i wrote ageees ago
plot: your night is spoiled and klaus comes to the rescue
a/n: something different? let me know if you like or not oop— i have many more. also some kol imagines and bucky / peter p / marvel imagines i could post??? dunno lemme know whatcha think i’m nervous
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“oh, hey klaus," your eyes shifted around the compound when you stumbled across the wrong mikaelson brother. you'd been looking for your best friend, kol, you were supposed to go out drinking tonight. you'd had a particularly lousy week at work, and you were certainly ready to start the weekend off right by getting absolutely drunk out of your mind. and kol was the perfect person to do this with. "is kol around?"
klaus' eyes shifted from the book in his hands to you when you entered the compound. you wore your hair down which you didn't do often, and dressed up just a little more than usual. klaus couldn't keep his eyes off you, you didn't notice as you were preoccupied with kol's whereabouts.
"can't say i've seen him, love," you nodded. pulling your phone out your back pocket you began to dial kol's number when a message popped up. it was from kol.
i'm caught up with something. rain-check?
you huffed when you saw the message. you understood but it was still annoying. you really needed this night out. you just responded with a quick no prob. see you later. before shutting off your phone.
"kol?" klaus raised an eyebrow when he heard your phone ding, followed by your sigh. you nodded.
"he's cancelling on me," you frowned slightly, looking up to see the hybrid was watching you with a smile. you ignored it, he always wore a smirk on his face. he was always amused, or ready to tease you about something, it was in his nature.
"he's always been a bit flaky, that brother of mine," he shrugged, putting his bookmark in between the page he was on and put it down. his full attention was on you now. "what did you have planned?"
you trudged over to where klaus was sitting, and plonked yourself next to him like a child throwing a strop. klaus smirked in amusement. he always had a bit of a soft spot for you, not that he'd ever tell a living soul. but ever since you became friends with kol a couple years ago, klaus had his eye on you. he always made an effort to talk to you when you weren't preoccupied with his brother. he liked the way you smiled when he spoke to you. you were kind and inviting, and funny. but you held your ground, and defended yourself and the people you loved fiercely. he just felt better when you were around.
"we were supposed to go out drinking," you wore a slight pout. you were always oblivious to the way klaus behaved around you. you thought he was handsome, no doubt, and his accent always made you feel a little weak, but he was kol's brother. and he had a reputation, so you never went there. you just figured he was nice to you because he had to be. kol was very protective over you, he wouldn't stand for klaus, or any of his siblings, being rude to you. "and boy do i need a drink."
you rested, ready to up and leave after you spent a moment being angry with kol so you could move on from it. you just needed to get it out your system quickly and then you could go home and mope about it. "you know, i work hard at my job," suddenly you found yourself unloading everything on klaus. "and do i get any recognition? does my hard work pay off?" you couldn't stop now you'd started. klaus was the next best thing to kol, and he wasn't complaining yet so you kept going. "no! you know what i get? a big fat load of nothing.”
"and then i think— you know what— screw them. what do i care? i can spend the night getting drunk, forgetting about my shitty job and my shitty coworkers, and my shitty boss. but what happens?—"
"kol dumps you," klaus intervened.
"kol dumps me!" you repeated. you huffed, sinking back into the seat.
"you really should find better company than my brother, he's always been a bit of a letdown," klaus shrugged, teasing in hopes to ease the tension you were feeling. instead, you slapped his chest, giving him a look that made him think that was the wrong thing to say.
"he's your brother, and my best friend, don't be mean," klaus stifled a laugh and nodded his head. he didn't dare argue with you, you were on a roll. you could easily rip into him and he didn't want to hear it right now. "anyway," your attention moved away from klaus again and you sighed, your shoulders slumping. "point is, i'm sick of people."
he smiled, nodding again. "welcome to my world, love."
you glanced at him for a second. you always liked when he would use that nickname with you, it made you feel a little bit nervous. he was this big, scary hybrid, that so many people feared. but he would sit with you and let you rant about work, tease you and call you love. it was almost comforting. you liked klaus, despite what anyone said. which worried you.
"i should go," your eyebrows furrowed the longer you lingered. "sorry for unloading all that on you," you let out an uncomfortable laugh, realising you'd been sitting hear talking his ear off whilst he was being so polite and taking it all in. you stood up, making your way towards the door. "see you around, klaus."
as you turned to leave through the front gates, you found klaus now standing in front of you. you jolted backwards, caught off guard by his fast movements.
"stay and have a drink with me," klaus proposed. you furrowed your brows again, taken aback.
"i think i should probably go home.”
"come on love, you made it pretty clear what you needed is a stiff drink and some company. and here i am, offering you both," the smirk on his lips was enough to entice anybody. you couldn't resit accepting him.
you were quiet for a moment. klaus shook his head. "i'm not all bad, promise."
"ok, fine."
hours later and you were absolutely rotten drunk. your words slurred, your eyes stung, and you laughed at anything that klaus said at this point. but you were enjoying yourself. klaus turned out to be pretty good company after all. his tolerance was obviously much than yours, so he watched in amusement as you got more and more intoxicated as the night went on. he was just glad you were feeling better.
"i hope you told him where to shove it," klaus responded to your story about this man that had cat called you on your walk to the compound earlier.
you rolled your eyes, wearing a soft smile. "of course i did. i'm not completely helpless," you were lying down on the couch, klaus sat on the chair next to you, watching you stare at the ceiling and occasionally stealing glances at him. he only found himself growing more and more fond of you, the more time he spent with you. you let out a content sigh, your eyes drooping slightly the longer you lay flat on your back staring up at the ceiling. you were growing tired, it was pretty late now. "you're not as mean as people say you are, klaus," you mumbled quietly, your eyes glancing upwards to where he sat watching you with a drink in his hand. "in—in fact, you're perfectly nice," you hiccuped.
"well, if i was this nice to everyone, i wouldn't have much of a reputation, now, would i?" his quirked his eyebrow and sipped his drink. you sat up, turning around so you could face him.
"huh, i guess," you hummed as you thought about it. he was right. but why you? "you know, when we first met, before i knew who you were, i thought you were pretty hot," you chuckled, holding your stomach as it began to feel unsettled. you weren't thinking about anything that was coming out of your mouth at this point.
"before you knew who i was?" he frowned for a split second, you always didn't catch the expression.
"yeah, before i knew you were kol's brother," you shrugged. "kol's like a brother to me and i couldn't go around crushing on my brothers brothers— brothers best friend?— best—best friends brother? yep. that's the one," you smiled, your eyes fluttering. it didn't occur to you that you were admitting this all to klaus.
"crushing?" klaus teased. he knew you were drunk, but he also knew you'd never have the confidence to say any of this to his face sober. so he was revelling in it a bit. "you crushed on me?"
you pointed a finger at him, wearing a smile. "don't make fun of me."
"i'm not," he shook his head, still wearing a soft smirk. "but you do need to get to bed i think, come on," he held out his hand, helping you onto your feet. as you stood up you felt the blood rush your head. klaus clutched onto your arms as you wobbled. "yep. bed time for you, love."
you didn't argue. you allowed klaus to guide you up the stairs, carefully, one step as a time. his arm wrapped around your waist, and you clutched onto both his arms tightly. he guided you to the guest room where you'd spent many drunken nights, after nights like this with kol.
"i got it from here," you turned to face klaus, his hand lingering on your waist as you now stood face to face. you swayed forwards, grabbing his forearm. you wore a soft smile, your face inches apart and you couldn't stop yourself. you leaned closer, pressing your lips to his. his lips moved against you, pushing you backwards until your back hit the doorframe and he pulled away. his hands on your hips and yours just touching his chest. you let out a smile. your faces still pretty close together. "don't tell kol i did that."
klaus mimicked your smile. "i won't tell if you don't."
did klaus like you back?
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Insecure Thicc!Reader
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Pairings: BNHA Boys x reader
Warnings: Some spicy bits, but not too crazy, a little crude, kinda implied fem! in some bits, but you can just skip over those points if ya want
Characters: Bakugou, Kirishima, Dabi
Author’s Note:
Hello! This is the first time I’ve written for Dabi so I hope his turned out ok! As a thicc girl myself, I kinda poured my heart out a bit for this request. I hope you enjoy these little headcanons (I kinda went crazy oop—)!
If you’re feeling insecure, remember that you’re beautiful, no matter what other people say! I’m still on my own journey of self-love, but I hope that this can bring a bit of comfort to anyone who is anywhere on that road.
I know that it says Mirio, but I don't write for him so I contacted the requester and they swapped him out for Dabi.
I love you guys! Hope you like it!
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My mans Bakugou
He can appreciate some nice booty
I'm just going to jump straight to cuddling here because that's what I feel like doing
In public, Bakugou isn't all that affectionate
I am by no means saying he wouldn't gladly flaunt your relationship and yell about how wonderful and attractive his s/o is, but for the most part he likes to keep it between you two
But during down time, when there's nothing to do and all evening to do it, he wants you in his lap
He a stronk boi, you're sitting on his lap whether you like it or not
You are his human teddy bear, and you're going to have a hard time getting him to let you go
He wants to touch you all over and let his hands sink into your soft, plush body
Cheeks? Perfect for kissing and squeezing between his fingers
Your chest? He likes to hold you in his hands and test the weight of your boobs. They're so nice and soft and squeezable
Tummy? Bakugou's all over giving you soft, slow kisses over your skin, sucking a little into his mouth and between his teeth to nibble on
Thighs? He's touching on them constantly. If ever he's feeling possessive over you, his hands are going to fly to your legs and give them a solid squeeze to remind you you're his
Butt? Like I said, he loves it. He likes smacking it at every opportunity. Watching the resulting jiggle is the most satisfying and enticing thing to him
He likes to hold you at night, either his hands firmly clasping those lower cheeks or simply having it pressed into him. As much as he can get, he'll take
Now, if he ever catches you saying something bad about yourself, you're done for
You say it when you're home alone together? He's going to prove to you how beautiful and valuable you are through any methods he can think of
Lecture consisting mostly of him yelling about how much he loves you? Check
Tackling you in an aggressive hug and pinning you to the bed only to point out and gently kiss everything you dislike about yourself, telling you how much he loves it? Check
There's another thing I could mention he'd do, but my mom might read this, so I don't want to get into it, buuutt you can fill it in yourself 👀—
Say something bad out in public? He's going to give you a death glare and pull you aside as soon as he can to tell you to stop
If someone makes a nasty comment about you, they got a big storm comin
Let's just say that, after an extensive apology from the person, you probably won't see them again for weeks
Bakugou knows how to get to people
Katsuki doesn't care about what you look like, as long as you're happy and healthy
He values how you carry yourself and how you treat him. Something as superfluous as appearance isn’t on his mind when choosing and loving a partner
He's a good person to vent to as well. It may not seem like he’s listening sometimes, but he his. His insight is truly outstanding. There's something about him where, when he wants to, he always knows the right thing to say
13/10 loves you just the way you are and knows you're beautiful. Would not hesitate bitch to throw hands to anyone who says otherwise
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Idk if this is me just self projecting onto him or whatever, but high key I think Kirishima could have a thing for thicc people
Nothing against our skinny queens and kings! He'd love you either way
But like, I can 100% see it
So he honestly gets kinda offended when he realizes you're insecure about your body
He understands why you feel this way—he's not blind to the fact that you're a little bigger than some other people
What really gets him is why you put so much pressure on yourself to look a certain way. To him, you're the most beautiful wonderful person in his world. Why would you be so negative towards yourself?
He knows how it feels to be insecure, especially with appearance
If you want to change yourself, he's 100% supportive. Mans is literally the most perfect gym buddy and would love to be by your side on your journey of self improvement
If you're not interested in changing your appearance, whether it be simply just for now or even never, guess what? He's 100% supportive!
I've seen this everywhere, and if you're also a regular in this niche of fanfic, I'm sure you have too, but Kiri is the biggest hype man
New outfit? He's all over telling you how good you look. Flaunt it, babes!
New makeup look? Amazing! Beautiful!
Did something different with your hair? Yesyesyesyesyes
And he's completely genuine in his praise as well. It's not manly to be fake about your thoughts and beliefs, and he knows for a fact that you're beautiful, just the way you are. Confidence goes perfectly with any look!
When it comes to cuddling, he's all over you
He'll respect it if you're uncomfortable being touched in some places, but what he wants most is to be as handsy with you as possible
He just wants to run his hands over every surface of your body. Nothing suggestive about it (unless you're in the mood! 😉), he just wants to feel you
Boob pillow? That's all his. It's like there's one magnet in your chest and another in the side of his head. They're just so soft and plush and squishy?? To die for! Even if your chest is comparatively small, he's still on you. You can't stop him
When his head isn't planted on your chest, it's settled on your belly. He likes the warmth against his cheek and finds every aspect of it cute
Rolls? Adorable! Stretch marks? Beautiful! Hair? Pretty!
11/10 you're getting tummy kithes and little teasing tickles every night you spend together
He loves your thighs. Being a little grabby with them is totally his thing
Yet another place to leave kisses. Maybe even love bites too `O.O`
Great place for him to take little naps. Literally I cannot stress enough how comfortable he finds you, immersed in your scent, cheek comfortably resting on the tops of your legs, your fingers carding through his soft red hair. You are literally Heaven on Earth to him
Insecure about your arms? He loves them. They lead to you, and give him the best cuddles and hugs ever in the whole wide world. He'll kiss them all the way up and down until you admit they're not so bad
That goes for everything though. If he catches you talking bad about yourself or your body, he will tackle you and start kissing you all over until you admit how beautiful you are
He won't hesitate to carry you around or let you sit on his lap. He's a hero (or even just training to be a hero). He's super strong and manly, and besides, what else are those muscles for? Punching bad guys? Nah, he's more interested in holding his favorite person in the world (oop, that's you!)
Doesn't matter how heavy you are (I'm also talking to all yee who are 200lbs+. I see you. He's got you), he can pick you up. Carrying around his s/o is 100% mandatory and you can't say no (well, I mean, you can but like, only if you truly mean it)
Any days you feel down on yourself, he can be a little more serious
He's a great listener and will hear every word you have to say without interrupting, even though a part of him wants to interject any time you may try to call yourself ugly or unattractive
Once you've vented everything out, he'll pull you into his arms and let you settle on his lap. Then he'll give you the hype/pep talk you need
Anything you don't like about yourself, he'll go on a whole rant about how much he loves it. It's not a flaw, it's just a part of who you are. And because it's a part of you, Kirishima is going to love it, no matter how much resentment you may feel towards it
He's a big hugger, so he wants to have you as close to him as he can. It helps him feel like he's making you feel better
Heaven forbid someone tries to give you trouble for how you look
He won't react as explosively as Bakugou, but they still better be praying
Kirishima's going to give them a good long talk about treating others with respect and being manly. He's not leaving until they apologize
All in all, Kirishima will forever love you for who you are. He doesn't care about your body shape or size. As long as you're healthy and happy and being your best self, he's going to be all for you
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So this guy is not having ya insecure BS
He doesn't see any problem with the way you look
He really grows to like your body even more than he expected over the course of the relationship
He likes how much more of you he has to grab and kiss and smack (affectionately)
He's pretty open with PDA
He likes grabbing your ass where everyone can see and giving you a nice squeeze just to let you and everyone else know you're his
He's into making out with you behind the bar, just waiting for someone to walk in on you
Dabi isn't big on being soft in public, but behind closed doors, you'd find him giving softer kisses and lighter touches
Initially isn't big on cuddling but opens up to it more as he finds how soft and huggable you are
You can bet you're sitting on his lap whenever you can, whether it's alone together in your room or even during a meeting; this man has no shame (not that he should be)
When you open up to him about your insecurities, he'll be a little upset
He sees nothing wrong with you at all, so why is your body something to be upset over? If anything, he's more attracted to you like this
He has a bit of a hard time finding himself attractive due to his burns (he's so wrong tho), so in that sense, he can somewhat understand
Decides to make a bit of a pact with you to stop being so insecure about yourselves and making a big deal out of appearances
You both love each other for who you are, and that's what's important
Taglist: @a-happy-otter @basicaegyo @iiminibattlehero @katsugay @nabo39 @pyrofanatic @sendhelpimstupid @sokkasangel​ @xoxopam4
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