#why is noone singing these?!
hibiskuit · 4 months
Okay, so the tangled series obviously has its flaws but NOTHING makes me more mad than the fact that nobody is singing these incantations?? When we learned there are more incantations I thought we would get some cool variations on the flower theme but NO, they all just... speak.
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blkwag · 1 year
what the hell is this
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Hahaha...goodnight? 😅
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kjhmyg · 3 months
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader trope: sunshine oc x grumpy jk au: florist!oc x tattoo artist!jk wc: 1k
a drabble request from anon for sunshine protector jk. honestly was doubting the capability of writing jk as a grump but anon, i hope i did it justice and i hope you like it! <3
the tiny bells attached to the entrance chimes as you enter the shop, the smell of fresh flowers greeting you so kindly in the morning. the hour leading up to opening is one of your favourite parts of the day. your flowers are your babies; you sing to them, you change their water, place them gently back into their little spaces, assemble new bouquets to put up for sale, then choose which ones go up front on the daily display.
upstairs, you hear the clinking and clanking of your neighbours. the tattoo parlour above starts a little later than your flower shop, usually seeing their first customer around noon. an unlikely combination, one which leaves most of their clients confused as they step inside, till you point out the steps to the right of your shop which leads up to the parlour. 
but you don’t complain. it brings a nice mix to your client pool. besides, your other favourite part of the day is getting to see your favourite tattoo artist. 
you turn on your heel, snapping out of your thoughts. putting on your best service voice, you were ready to greet a customer, only to find the next best thing. “oh,” your face softens, “good morning jungkook.” 
“morning.” he leans against your counter and nods to the spread of flowers laid out on the long table behind you. “are those flowers that interesting? didn’t even hear me come through the doors, did you?”
“sorry,” you smile brightly, and he can’t help but to mirror it. “i was looking through this customer’s request. it’s a little odd.” 
“because see,” you bring the request ticket over from the table and lean over the counter so he can see it, “these flowers don’t go well together at all. and i know, i know, it’s a custom order. but as a florist, i should be able to tell them if i think it’s not a good combination right? i mean the colours are all over the place. look, you can’t have too many bold colours together, it’ll take away the beauty from each flower. plus it'll look so messy. but at the same time it’s their choice and they are paying for it so i don’t know.” 
jungkook looks at you with a blank expression. his arms are crossed on the counter, and his freshly washed hair rests nicely on his shoulders, curved at the ends. 
“what?” you ask him, shrugging like you didn’t just spit out an entire rant contemplating someone’s custom order.
“is it really that deep?” 
you give him an exasperated look. of course he wouldn’t get it.
he raises a brow, then smirks at your silence. you’re never quiet. not for long anyways. for a moment he wonders if he's hurt your feelings. he tends to do that sometimes. “i’m sure you’ll figure it out. besides, bold colours can look good together.” 
“but not always.” you drum your fingers on the counter, pursing your lips in thought. 
jungkook keeps staring. till your eyes flutter back to him, and you lock eyes for far too long and your heart starts racing. he blinks away first. dropping his bag and leaving his helmet on your counter, he walks across your shop and takes a look around before plucking out four flowers. two yellow flowers and two black ones. 
“hey!” you protest, “those are expensive!” 
jungkook ignores your nagging. he places them on the counter top and pairs them up, one yellow daisy with one black hellebore. then he starts intertwining their stems, creating a tiny knot at the bottom for each pair. the yellow and black flowers sit nicely next to the other. “see? they look good together, don’t they?” 
he reaches over and places one of them into the front pocket of your apron. the other, he slides across the counter in front of you. 
“or maybe not,” he shrugs, “you’re the florist here.” 
“execution could be better,” you giggle, admiring the flowers in your palm, “but it’s cute. maybe you should rethink your career. come and work with me instead!” 
jungkook lingers just to watch the way your eyes twinkle as you twirl the flowers between your fingers. all he did was tie two flowers together, yet you act like a kid with a new toy. and when you look up at him again and give him the widest grin, he decides it’s time to go (else he’d spend the entire day down here). 
he starts collecting his belongings, swinging his bag over his shoulder and grabbing his headgear. “oh,” he says, remembering, “this is for you.” 
he’d placed the cup carrier aside earlier while talking to you. jungkook checks the order plastered on the side of the cup before placing it in front of you. 
“wait but,” you start, “i don’t drink cof⎼”
“it’s earl grey.” 
your smile drops momentarily out of surprise. you had mentioned a while ago how you couldn’t stand the taste of coffee. 
“later, flower girl.” jungkook makes a turn for the steps. 
after the first few steps, he pauses when he feels something tugging on his arm. he turns to find you standing there, with the flower he’d made earlier in your hand. getting on your tiptoes, you tuck his hair back and gently place the daisy and hellbore combination behind his ear. 
“aw, you look pretty!” his brows furrow and you know he’s probably going to remove it as soon as he makes it up the steps but you don’t care. you wrap around him briefly before letting go. “thank you.” 
before he can say anything else, the bell chimes and you welcome your first customer of the day. jungkook walks up the steps with a roll of his eyes, listening to how excited you get as you go through your collection of flowers. how you could be so chirpy at this hour, he’ll never understand.
upstairs, he drops his stuff in his corner and brings suga his cup of coffee while sipping on his own. the older friend, sanitising his tools for the day, stops mid-clean. “what the hell is that?”
he refers to the flower behind jungkook’s ear. “oh. nothing.” 
“ah…” suga smiles, accepting his drink. “you and flower girl have been getting along well.” 
“she’s nice to talk to.” jungkook says, not thinking much of it. suga scoffs, knowing his friend too well. 
jungkook walks back to his corner, removing the flowers. his hand hovers over the trash can, flowers in his palm. he looks at it again, then smiles. instead, he places them on his desk, right next to the pressed flower coaster you had given him months back. he chuckles, looking at the contrast of these items to the rest of his workspace. 
sighing, he starts his day, with a flower blooming in his heart.
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cherriesformatt · 3 months
the affair || matt sturniolo
summary: you sneak around behind his brothers back
warnings: suggestive
word count: 1,1k
a/n: Thank you for almost 300 followers and 300 notes under last post! Some of my favorite writers on here liked it and I was freaking out. Hope you like this one ily
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"So you think he is acting different? Is that what you are saying?" I asked Nick while putting jar or peanut butter in the shopping cart.
We were grocery shopping for our movie night. Nick was one of my really good friends here in LA. I was a content creator as well. l mainly made music on TikTok, mostly singing and playing covers on the guitar.
"Yes... He is weirdly happy and not that tough as always...like man fine if he is getting laid but why the fuck he is so secret about it? Like we literally know that there is someone " He said and threw more stuff. Cookies and chocolate.
"I don't know Nick...Did you ask him?" I said looking at the labels of products.
I did not want to look him in the eye. If he only knew.
"No.. Chris only made one stupid joke about it and he got mad so we are not asking anymore" He answered.
We spent like an hour in Target before I drove us back to his house.
It was kinda late. Already past 10 pm, so we quickly took turns with a shower and settle to watch movies in his bed. We started Twilight because I made him. And because I knew by the time we start the second movie he is going to be asleep.
So when that happened, I left the tv on because I knew that's how he liked to sleep. I sneaked out of his room and went down the stairs.
I knocked on Matt's doors and within two seconds he opened it.
"Finally..." He said and pulled me into the room.
He closed the doors gently and smiled looking at me.
"Hi..." He said and gently pulled my chin to connect our lips.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I did not see him for two days due to his busy schedule.
He slipped his cold hands under my hoodie giving me a goosebump allover my body.
Did I ever planned to sneak behind Nicks back to hook up with his brother? No. It just happened. From the beginning me and Matt had a special connection. We could talk for hours even if both of us were not the biggest talkers in the world. We were similar but yet completely different.
"I missed you too" I said quietly after he pulled back to take a deep breath.
He sat on his bed and made me seat on his lap. I straddle him and smiled.
"Your brothers knows that you are getting some..." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.
"Believe me, I know..." He said and rubbed my cheek.
"I wonder why? Am I making you less mean?" I pushed on his chest so he was under me completely.
"Honestly I do not want to talk about my brothers right now" He said and turned us so now I was under him.
He started to kiss my neck and I moved my head a little to give him more access. I sight a little. I missed his touch so much. It was on my mind for a whole day.
This is going to be a long night...
"Stay with me.... It's like 4 in the morning anyways...He is not going to know..." He said after he helped me to clean up in the bathroom and waited for me to pee.
"I don't know Matt... I was usually back to his bed" I said and yawned.
I hugged him and close my eyes. I was so tired.
"You literally sleeping while standing" He kissed my head and hugged me back.
"To be honest I can't really stand..." I blushed and he laughed a little.
"You sleeping in my bed kid... thats it" He said and picked me up and took me to his bed.
"I am not sleeping naked tho..."I said and he just helped me to put one of his t-shirt on and my pajama pants back on.
I instantly did fall asleep in his arms.
I woke up with pure panic. Because clock on the nightstand said 11 am. That means Nick is up for sure. And that means there is no way to sneak out without him knowing.
"Matt..." I started to wiggled from his arms.
"Mhm?" He moved away and stretched.
"It's almost noon... they are probably up already" I said and covered my face with my hands.
"Baby... thats okay.. it's going for long enough. I wanna finally take you out and spent time together without pretending that you are my bro and that I'm having a fucking secret affair with some random girl that I am not telling my brothers about. Because you are far from that. I do understand that you are friends with Nick and it's like bros code or whatever you think it is. But I think is time..." He looked at me.
Like chilled out weren't you asleep 3 seconds ago? It is too early for this.
"I know..." I breathed out heavily.
"So? Let's go.. if they are up they are probably in the kitchen." He got up and pulled a shirt on because he was sleeping only in his pj pants.
I also got up and pulled my hoodie on and fixed my hair.
"Oh... good morning... so I am waking up, right? Looking next to me...my best friend? Gone. I though... maybe something happened...I texted her phone... still on my nightstand by the way. I looked through the window, her car is still here. So I came down stairs... Chris was already here. I asked him... Did you see y/n by any chance? Chris said no.. but unfortunately he wanted some water at 3 am.. he didn't see her just heard her... FUCKING MY OTHER BROTHER" Nick was looking at us from the kitchen table.
"Do not be dramatic Nick..."Matt started.
"Oh I am not being dramatic I lost 50 bucks to him. Because we had a bet if you tell us first or we will find out this way..." He pointed at us.
"So you knew?" I asked looking at him.
"Of course I knew... I always know. Free pass only this one time both of you. No more secrets. Like what the fuck? I am happy you're happy and I wouldn't be mad" He said.
"Im sorry... I love you" I came up to him and gave him a hug. He only patted my back.
"Alright, alright you should only be sorry for Chris. He is traumatized" He laughed.
Matt laughed as well but I felt embarrassed.
"I am kidding, you are fine" He said.
"Also I must say... I always knew you guys will end up together" He said and I smiled at Matt.
"No more secret affair..." Matt laughed.
"No more" I said.
"So should we go out for breakfast?" Nick asked.
"Yes, please, I am starving..." I said.
"Too many burned calories, huh?" Nick asked.
"Oh my god now it will never end.... let's go back to the secret affair actually" I covered my face with my hands.
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That means that for a work to be eligible for copyright in the USA, it must satisfy three criteria:
1. It must be creative. Copyright does not apply to non-creative works (say, a phone book listing everyone in a town in alphabetical order), even if the work required a lot of labor. Copyright does not protect effort, it protects creativity. You can spend your whole life making a phone book and get no copyright, but the haiku you toss off in ten seconds while drunk gets copyright’s full protection. 2. It must be tangible. Copyright only applies to creative works that are “fixed in a tangible medium.” A dance isn’t copyrightable, but a video of someone dancing is, as is a written description of the dance in choreographers’ notation. A singer can’t copyright the act of singing, but they can copyright the recording of the song. 3. It must be of human authorship. Only humans are eligible for copyright. A beehive’s combs may be beautiful, but they can’t be copyrighted. An elephant’s paintings may be creative, but they can’t be copyrighted. A monkey’s selfie may be iconic, but it can’t be copyrighted.
The works an algorithm generates —be they still images, audio recordings, text, or videos — cannot be copyrighted.
For creative workers, this is huge. Our bosses, like all bosses, relish the thought of firing us all and making us homeless. You will never love anything as much as your boss hates paying you. That’s why the most rampant form of theft in America is wage theft. Just the thought of firing workers and replacing them with chatbots is enough to invoke dangerous, persistent priapism in the boardrooms of corporate America.
- Everything Made By an AI Is In the Public Domain: The US Copyright Office offers creative workers a powerful labor protective
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THIS IS THE LAST DAY FOR MY KICKSTARTER for the audiobook for "The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation," a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and make a new, good internet to succeed the old, good internet. It's a DRM-free book, which means Audible won't carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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Going to Burning Man? Catch me on Tuesday at 2:40pm on the Center Camp Stage for a talk about enshittification and how to reverse it; on Wednesday at noon, I'm hosting Dr Patrick Ball at Liminal Labs (6:15/F) for a talk on using statistics to prove high-level culpability in the recruitment of child soldiers.
On September 6 at 7pm, I'll be hosting Naomi Klein at the LA Public Library for the launch of Doppelganger.
On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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lets-get-saucy · 5 months
Shake It For Me – Leah Williamson x Reader
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Summary – You take the arsenal girls to a country bar for team bonding night. While watching you dance, Leah finally works up her courage to admit her feelings for you.
Warnings - none just fluff
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It was your turn to plan team bonding night for the arsenal girls. You had been a part of the team for a while now, but this was your first time being in charge of team bonding. You knew a few of the girls were country music fans, which led you to the idea of country line dancing. It could be a fun way for everyone to let loose, have a few drinks, dance around.
After googling a few bars around London, you found one that was hosting a country night. Some of the girls joked about going all out, buying cowgirl boots and hats. Leah, in particular was always listening to country music and the both of you had shared a few song recommendations in the past. You knew she had been to a few country artists’ concerts but never anything like this.
The day of the team bonding night rolled around filling you with nerves. You weren’t sure why you were nervous. Even if not all of the girls loved country music, you knew that this would be a fun experience, with no shortness of laughter. But still you were nervous wanting to make a good impression and potentially get picked to plan bonding night again. You were also nervous to spend the evening with Leah. You had become close friends shortly after you joined Arsenal. However, the more time you spent with the other girl, the you realized your feelings towards her went beyond friendship. Not wanting to make things weird or ruin your friendship, you never acted any differently around Leah but that didn’t stop the growing crush you had on her.
The team had training that morning, just an easy session that was over by noon. In the changing room everyone was talking about tonight, asking what each other were going to wear, who was going to have the best dance moves.
“mate, obviously I’m the best dancer on the team” you heard Katie say across the room.
You shook your head, a smile taking over your face. It eased your nerves a bit to hear the girls excited for tonight.
“Hey,” Leah said taking you out of your thoughts, “want to come over to mine to get ready for tonight?”
You wanted to, the idea of getting ready with Leah making you heart flutter.
“I would love to Lee, but Less and I are getting ready together.”
Alessia had offered to get ready together a few days prior and you had agreed, thinking it could be fun.
“Guess I’ll see you there then” Leah gave you a soft smile, patting your shoulder as she walked away.
Her fingers felt like the left indents where she had touched you causing a blush to spread on your cheeks.
“Yeah, see you there” you manage to squeak out.
Grabbing your bag you headed over to Alessia. When you got over to where she was standing she arched an eyebrow looking at your face questionably.
“Who’s got you all red?”
“I’m not red” you huff out, rolling your eyes.
“sure you aren’t” she laughed, “are you ready to go?”
You nod, following her out of the changing room to the parking lot.
The drive to Alessia’s apartment was quick, both of you singing along to country songs as she drove. Singing and giggling continued once you were both in the apartment, getting things together for your night out. You had packed a simple outfit, a black top with jean shorts and cowgirl boots to wear. Alessia laid a similar outfit out, wanting to be comfortable yet stylish. You were both in Alessia’s bathroom, makeup spread around messily, as music played. She offered to do your makeup claiming she was practically a makeup artist. After reluctantly agreeing, you were now sat on her bathroom counter, Alessia applying makeup to your face.
“I’m excited for tonight” Less said, applying blush to your cheeks.
“Mhm, its all half the girls have been talking about all week.” She said switching to bronzer now, “Leah brought it up every chance she got.”
“Leah’s excited?” you ask, cheeks now even redder underneath the blush.
“You know how she is about country music.” Alessia laughed, seemingly unaware at your blush.
“Well, I hope she has fun tonight”
Alessia sorts through her makeup deciding what to add to your face next. You never wore a lot of makeup unless it was for an event. You already had to talk Alessia out of doing a full face of makeup, but you trusted her.
“I heard Leah has a crush on you,” you almost choke on what Alessia said.
“What?” you said, your face now on fire.
“Yeah, Kyra told me that Caitlin found out from Katie, that Beth told her, that Wally said that Leah was crushing on you.” Alessia rambled.
You just stare at Alessia at a loss of words. It takes her a few moments to notice your silence.
“oh my god, you’re as red as a tomato” she laughs, “Wait! You like her too!”
You roll your eyes unable to look at her, “she’s my best friend Less, it’s not like that.”
“This is perfect,” She says jumping up and down with delight, “tonight, you can tell her your feelings!”
“I can’t do that!”
“Of course you can, if what the others said is true then you both like each other” she smiles at you, her hands resting on your shoulders. “plus you’re always around each other, we’ve all been waiting for you both to tell us.”
“Theres never been anything to tell,” you shrug. “What if what the others said isn’t true and she only likes me as a friend?”
“Guess we’ll just have to find out tonight” Alessia smirks at you.
When Alessia and you arrived at the bar you spotted a few of your teammates gathered at a table in the back. Making your way over to them you couldn’t help but look for Leah. Now your nerves were less about if the team would have fun tonight and more about what Alessia was planning. You had spent the rest of the time getting ready practically begging her to leave you and Leah alone, but the other girl wasn’t having it. when you get to the table you notice they all have on cowboy hats and boots, all dressed for the occasion.
“well, well, well, if it isn’t the party planner herself” Katie said, as you approach the table.
“Looks like y’all started the party without us” you said, seeing that all the girls each had a drink of some sort.
The group laughed as Alessia and you found seats at the table.
Looking around at the girls Alessia asked, “where’s Leah?”
“Probably making sure she looks perfect for lover girl,” Beth said, causing your face to turn red for the millionth time tonight.
“Are you all in on this?” you groaned burying you face in your hands.
“Lessie made a group chat,” Katie said smirking at you.
“Really Less?” you asked.
The girl just shrugged before offering to get you a drink. As soon as she walked away you turned to the other girls.
“Lets just leave the two alone” Kim said, always the mom of the group, “they’ll figure it out eventually.”
“Thank you Kim” you smile, “wait, no, there’s nothing going on between Leah and me”
“But that’s no fun” Beth pouts.
“Okay, new rule of the night, no one tries to interfere”
“Interfere with what?” you hear Leah ask.
“dancing” you lie hoping she buys it.
The blonde giggles at your response, sliding into the seat next to you. She has on a cowboy hat and boots too, but you cant help the
“as if, you’re all going down” Kyra tells her.  
“it’s not a competition” Katie says dragging Caitlin away to the dance floor, a few people already dancing.
“It’s always a competition with you McCabe” Beth says following the pair, dragging Viv with her.
A few of the girls follow behind joining in on the dancing. Alessia finally comes back with your drink, she had also gotten one for Leah, setting them on the table she sits next to Leah.
“Ready to show off your moves tonight?” Alessia ask.
“Ready to trip over your own feet Less?” Leah ask back.
She giggle at Leahs response, tracing your eyes over her face.
“Whatever, I’m going to dance” Alessia says standing up, “you two have fun” she winks at you before heading to the other Arsenal girls on the dance floor.
Now it was only Leah and you left at the table. Fiddling with your hands you look around unsure of what to say to Leah without being awkward.
Picking up your drink you take a sip of the beer Alessia had brought you. Even though you planned the night, it was going to take a bit of liquid courage to get you on the dance floor.
Leah mirrors your movements taking a sip of her own drink, “who do you think is the first to trip?”
As soon as Leah ask, you both notice Alessia turning the wrong way bumping into Kyra. Laughing, you look at Leah, “I think we all knew Less was going to be the first.”
“Should we join them?” You ask,
Finishing her drink Leah stands up, “lets show them all up.”
She offers you her hand and you take it, ignoring the way your stomach flips.
Leah’s pov
Leah’s feelings had been building for a while. She didn’t know when it happened but she was in love with you. She may have accidentally told Lia about her feelings towards you last week over drinks but fear held her back from ever telling you.
Tonight though she couldn’t take her eyes off of you. Maybe it was the way your jean shorts hugged your ass just right, or how free you looked as you danced. Maybe it was the smiled that took over your face as you laughed with the other girls. Leah just couldn’t stop watching you.
After a few songs Leah made her way back to the table with Beth, in need of another drink. Even though Beth was talking, Leah didn’t hear a thing. Country Girl by Luke Bryan had just come on and Leah was captivated by you.
“Mate your drooling” Beth said with a laugh.
“Am not,” Leah said crossing her arms, her brows drawing together.
“Just tell her how you feel,” Beth said.
“And why would I do that?”
“Because she likes you too”
“How do you know that?” Leah questions her friend.
“she told Alessia and Alessia told us” Beth said like she was stating a fact.
Rolling her eyes Leah looks back at you almost choking on her drink. You were currently shaking it, and Leah was taking it all in.
“Ill be back” Leah tells Beth, leaving her at the table making her way over to you.
Your pov
You feel a presence come up behind you as you dance. Turning around you see that its Leah. She starts dancing with you, causing you to smile. You dance together, definitely too close than just friends, your arms rest on Leahs shoulders and hers resting on your lower back. The song is pretty suggestive as you and Leah dance on each other. Laughing, Leah spins you around before pulling you back in.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Leah whispers in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Thanks… you do too” you respond, suddenly feeling shy.
After the song ends, your still standing in Leah’s arms when a slower country song comes on.
“Dance with me?” Leah ask.
You nod unable to find words. The nerves from early are back and your stomach is doing flips again. Swaying to the music Leah pulls you closer.
She brushes a stand of your hair behind your ear, “I lied earlier.”
“What did you lie about?” You ask, looking up slightly at Leah.
“You don’t look beautiful just tonight,” she says softly, “You look beautiful every day, I can’t take my eyes off you.”
“Leah,” you whisper.
She stops dancing taking a step back, “sorry, that was too much, I’m just going to go get another drink”
“Wait, Leah” grabbing her arm, you stop her.
“No I’m sorry just forget I said that” she says moving away from you towards the table.
Following after her you grab her wrist this time.
“Leah, I like you” you blurt out unable to stop yourself.
“I would hope so, we are friends” she gives you a sad smile.
“No, I said that wrong” you say looking into her eyes, “Im in love with you”
Leah looks at you flustered.
“Shit, I’m sorry, if you don’t feel the same way forget I said anything” You say repeating what Leah had just tried to tell you, wanting to run away and hide.
“You love me?” She ask, stepping closer to you.
“Just forget it” you huff looking away, now embarrassed.
“Hey, look at me” Leah says tilting your chin up so that you’re forced to look at her. “I love you too.”
You cant help the smile that appears, “you do?”
“Yeah, I think I’ve been in love with you for a while now” she says gently stroking your face, “I’ve just been too scared to say anything.”
“can I kiss you?” you find yourself asking.
Leah nods pulling you somehow closer to her. Your lips find hers, soft at first. Her hands find your hair, yours resting on her waist. The kiss deeps and you smile into it unable to help yourself.
“I love you” you say resting your forehead on Leah’s.
“I love you too,” she says.
You both jolt as your teammates applaud, startling you both. You blush as someone whistles.
“Finally” Katie says patting Leah on the back, the blonde rolling her eyes still smiling at you.
“I knew you could do it” Alessia says with a wink towards you.
Turning your attention back to Leah you smile, “I guess it took us both long enough.”
Leah presses another kiss to your lips, “Better late than never.”
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Lupe Vélez (Cuban Love Song, The Girl from Mexico, Naná)—iconic Mexican glamor, known for her dramatic romances and hot temper. she could do unspeakable things <3 to me <3
Greta Garbo (Camille, Anna Karenina, Queen Christina)—Enigmatic and alluring and made me bisexual. The perfect example of the eroticism in silent films that literally transcends text. Could literally not change anything about her expression but you knew by looking at her eyes what she was thinking. She’s so gorgeous.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Lupe Vélez:
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(joint propaganda for del Río and Vélez) When I asked my 58-year-old coworker who I have been keeping updated on the vintage men tournament if there was anyone she wanted me to submit on her behalf, almost immediately she said Dolores del Río, soon followed by her assigned rival by studios (due to being the first major Mexican actresses in Hollywood) Lupe Vélez - which del Río did not play into and Vélez did. We love queens who know what they're about. No drama vs drama for the sake of publicity. These ladies are fantastic, my coworker has excellent taste.
A beautiful girl with a beautiful singing voice. She also loved small dogs.
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A cold-ass Swedish WLW Sphinx. Had plans to murder Hitler that she never got around to. "She will remain always a child of vikings, moved about by a snowy dream."
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First of all, she's on the money; that's how much of a treasure she is. She's beautiful in such a distinct way you need very few lines to draw her. (Drawing by Einar Nerman) She managed to be mesmerizing in both silent and sound films. She kissed a woman in Queen Christina (and probably several more in real life). She was super dry and really funny in Ninotchka. She got the hell out of Hollywood and stayed out, living for almost 50 years after her retirement.
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Garbo is one of the many reasons why I'm gay. If you haven't seen Queen Christina please do, She is so gender in that film. Also her accent makes it sound like she's always talking in cursive and it's so hypnotic (or at least I think so).
She's a gay introvert, like all of us here on Tumblr.
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Probabaly a lesbian, absolutely a mood when she retired
Mysterious and aloof, charismatic and enigmatic, with beautiful androgynous characteristics, Garbo is undoubtedly the most eccentric and unique Hollywood vintage star. Her aversion to fame and stardom makes her even more desirable to the audience, and her insane chemistry with the camera, an actress one of a kind! Her particularity and her oddity is what discerns her strongly from her hollywood co workers at the time, noone was like her and would never be like her. I think, to the utmost extent, that she deserves the title of the hottest vintage star, even though that would be an understatement of what she is!
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SO gorgeous, her thick Swedish accent makes will turn your brain into pudding
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irisintheafterglow · 8 months
hii iris!! being one of my fav writers, i was wondering if it would be okay to please request you write something halloween related between Satoru and reader while they're in a lowkey relationship and instructors at jujutsu tech? maybe he drags reader and the students on some night of shenanigans? up to u, i just love how u write and i feel you'd kill this hehe
thank u so much! have an awesome day!
life's no fun without a good scare
summary: you have the brilliant idea of playing hide and seek in a corn maze against the most powerful sorcerer in the world. should be fun, right?
wc: 2.6k
cw/tags: fluff and crack and crack and fluff, established relationship, swearing (a lot of it, you'll see why lol), mentions of eating, angst if you squint, co-parenting megumi AND his friends!!
note: AAAA hi!! thank you so much for the love omg :')) i hope you like this, i definitely enjoyed writing it even though i did get a tad carried away lol. GOD this was so fun to write, thank you for suggesting it
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3 thank you for your support!!
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“I’m going to eat so much candy, I’ll throw up.”
“What’re those tubs over there?”
“They’re for waterboarding Itadori,” Megumi deadpans without hesitation, clearly misrepresenting the apple bobbing game just ahead. You state his name warningly, like he was six years old again, and he mutters a half-hearted apology under his breath. “Maybe we switch out the victim for our esteemed teacher, instead.” You cover a snort with an unsuccessful cough. Even though you’d practically raised him, his jabs at Satoru never lost their humor. 
“Your suggestion will be taken into careful consideration,” you say, “though it will become more of a possibility if he continues to run on Satoru-time.” Nobara hums in agreement, kicking a stray piece of hay with her toe while you continue to progress through the general admission line to the pumpkin patch. Your fashionably-late boyfriend had sent you a very cryptic text at noon, instructing you to “pack up the kids and take them to the following address.” When you replied with a chain of question marks, he sent an infuriatingly unserious GIF that had you pinching the bridge of your nose.
“What time did he tell you?”
“5:00.” You check your phone preemptively, already anticipating the followup question. 
“And what time is it now?”
“5:20,” you sigh, sliding your card across the shelf of the ticket booth and receiving four orange wristbands in return. After slipping them onto the wrists of your three unofficial children, Itadori and Nobara immediately disappear into the crowd; Megumi, however, stays plastered to your shoulder and makes his distaste for the bustling festival known. You scan nearby groups of people for a tall idiot with white hair with no luck. If Satoru still showed up, he would have to pay for admission himself. “Let’s grab a table and find me a bottle of soju–”
“Barely twenty minutes and you’re already drinking? Since when did Shoko replace my lovely partner?” Satoru’s sing-song voice calls out from behind you, like he’d been standing with you the entire time. Despite your attempts to remain irritated at him, you can’t resist when he turns you around, lacing his fingers with yours and pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek. “Hi, gorgeous. What took you so long?”
“I assumed you were running late, like you always do,” you argue futilely, the world melting away when you catch his eyes over the rims of his sunglasses. “Is this not too overwhelming for you? Having so many energy signatures in one place?”
“I’ll be fine,” he assures you with a confident wave of his hand. “After all, I have your energy to ground me.” Your legs start to feel a bit gelatinous when you hear a very obvious throat clearing itself and suddenly remember that Megumi is still standing there. “Shouldn’t you be on the playground or something, my dear student?”
“Shouldn’t you be on the playground or something, my questionable teacher?” You burst out laughing and your boyfriend’s jaw drops in indignance, gearing up to say something just as childish. On instinct, you cover his mouth with your hand, recoiling in disgust when his tongue darts out to lick your palm. “Gross. I’m gonna find my friends.” 
“Don’t do anything dumb!” The boy waves his hand dismissively and you roll your eyes. In a different universe where he actually was the child of you and Satoru, he had his father’s sass gene. 
“He’s used to this by now, isn’t he?” Satoru chuckles and it reverberates against your body, making your head spin in lovesick circles.
“I’d imagine so, seeing as we did raise him like this,” you answer, letting him start to guide you toward whatever stand interests him first, his arm draped over your shoulders. “Do you think Yuuji and Nobara have figured it out?”
“If Megs hasn’t told them, then definitely not,” he states with utmost certainty, looking over one of the games with all the concentration of a hunting tiger. In the middle of the stall was a large pool of water, and swirling around in it were small, colorful bowls in the shape of blooming flowers. The goal, you guessed, was to land a small ball in a certain color and get a corresponding prize from the lineup hanging overhead. It was truly an enticing array of stuffed animals, too, from wolves and monkeys to dinosaurs and little princess dolls. “Which one do you want?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” 
“Choose a prize and I’ll get it for you, guaranteed.” 
“Guaranteed? You do know these are designed to scam you, right?”
“And I am designed to do whatever you want, so take your pick.” After a moment of consideration, you point to a stuffie of a black cat wearing a pumpkin costume. “Cute choice.”
“It reminds me of Megs.” He laughs and pulls his arm back, stretching his neck from side to side and handing a few dollars to the game attendant. It was all for show and completely unnecessary, and he knew that; he also knew that his over-the-top shenanigans always made you laugh after a stressful week. Whether you knew it or not, he’d noticed you were increasingly overwhelmed by all the work from the previous days, specifically regarding training his students while he was off on an assignment. Along with completing your own missions, you were supervising the three first years and guiding them through boring paperwork, which he knew made you feel like shit. It’s why he suggested you go to the festival in the first place, to get your mind off of work and spend time with you. And, he’d be damned if he didn’t get you that fuzzy little cat on his first try. 
“Watch the master at work, sweetheart,” is the last thing he says before carefully tossing the first of three balls toward the only purple bowl in the pool. He’s the tiniest bit off, though, and he curses under his breath as it ricochets against the edge and into the water. “That was a practice shot.”
“Sure, baby, sure,” you giggle, stifling your amusement into a fist. His tongue peeks out the side of his mouth in absentminded focus and you’re sure he’s found the perfect arc when the voice of one of his students cheers from behind you. 
“You’ve got this!” Despite their well wishes, Yuuji and Nobara accidentally timed their cheers at the precise moment his fingers let go of the ball, messing up his aim even worse than the first time. They deflate in embarrassment and Megumi’s face turns red from trying not to laugh. The usual deadly aura radiating off of him increases tenfold and it makes you shiver despite the warm autumn air. “T-Third time’s the charm, sir!”
“Fucking hell, why do I even bother–”
“Satoru, that’s cheating,” you whisper, sensing him imbuing the tiniest amount of Cursed Energy into the last ball to easily manipulate its trajectory. “I can just buy the thing online; you don’t need to be doing all of this.”
“I can buy you anything online, but I also want to prove that I’m better than everyone else,” he mutters much too seriously than the situation required. “Plus, once I win that damn cat, it’ll have a nice story to go behind it.” 
“Your ego truly knows no bounds.”
“You know you love it.”
A minute later, you’re walking away from the game with the fuzzy cat in your arms and Satoru’s arrogant smirk by your side. The rest of the night is spent watching him drag his students into various inflatable obstacle courses and tumbling down the slide after they push him over the edge. In spite of all the excitement, you have to drag them to a picnic table to sit and eat; even then, the three students challenge their teacher to a funnel cake eating contest. To no one’s surprise, Yuuji wins by a landslide. 
Satoru pays for everything, of course. When someone wanders over to a game booth, he pays for their game every single time and continues to pay until they win a prize. By the end of the night, all five of you have at least one prize in your possession and Satoru’s bank account is barely affected. 
Before the fair closes, you propose a game of hide and seek in the gigantic corn maze. You and the three students would get a five minute head start, and then Satoru would enter and race to find you before you reached the other side. The first years’ eyes shine with excitement when you tell them they can use techniques as long as they don’t make a mess. You consider throwing a veil over the entire thing, just to make sure Megumi’s dogs don’t start any rumors of hellhounds in the area. 
“If the kids can use theirs, then you’re not allowed to use your technique,” Satoru concludes and you make a noise of indignation while you gameplan by the entrance of the maze. “Don’t start with me; that’s totally fair!”
“I don’t understand how that’s fair in any way,” you argue up at his ridiculously confident smirk. You wanted to slap him and make out with him at the same time, none of which would have been appropriate in present company. 
“You make portals, sweetheart. If we’re making the maze a no-fly zone and I run into one of your doorways, I’m gonna be in there for the rest of time.”
“I’ll just make simple doors!” 
“The last time you said that, I was stuck on a mountain for three hours,” he reminds you and you huff in defeat, completely forgetting the three pairs of eyes watching this entire conversation. Sweetheart? Since when did he call anyone sweetheart? Nobara and Yuuji knew that you both were friends from high school, but the bickering seemed suspiciously akin to that of an old married couple. They glance at their spiky haired friend for confirmation of their theories, but he avoids their gaze and continues munching on pumpkin spice popcorn. “Alright, five minutes on the clock. Don’t let me catch you,” he smiles wickedly and you all but shove the three students into the maze. 
In a blink, Megumi summons his dogs and sends them to look for the exit. As you sprint down straightaways, Nobara intermittently sticks a few nails into the walls, essentially creating security sensors that will trigger if Satoru passes by it. It also helps establish what paths you’ve already explored and where you need to go next. In what feels like seconds, five minutes is gone and your heart drops as you see a black veil descend over the maze. The atmosphere of the maze feels electric, like wind before a storm, and you nervously laugh and urge the students to move faster. 
“So, are we ever going to talk about you and Gojo?” 
“That’s what you’re focused on right now?” You shoot back in amusement and Nobara shrugs, sending another nail into the corn with a strike of her hammer. “I don’t think this is the proper place to have this conversation!”
“So, are you two actually dating? Megumi won’t say anything, but he’s a terrible liar when we ask if he knows something!”
“I think the latter shooting ominous strikes of lightning into the air is a more pressing issue!”
“Lightning strikes which, I’ll add, are increasingly getting closer!” Yuuji’s voice rises to a panicked yelp and you curse in disbelief as your group slams into another dead end, giggling from sheer fear and swatting the students to find another way. All the while, blasts of pure Cursed Energy fly upward like fireworks, illuminating the field in terrifying shades of blue and red. “Any status on the nails?”
“He just passed the third one closest to us,” Nobara reports, face slowly losing color as the most powerful sorcerer in the world hunts you down. “You can’t send Nue to stall him?”
“You think a bird is going to stop Gojo Satoru?” 
“Well, your damn dogs haven’t come back yet and we’re running out of options–” The back-and-forth is cut short by a faint howl coming from the back right corner of the maze, just a few hundred yards away. One of the dogs appears from the floor, hooking a sharp right turn that has you four stumbling to catch up to it. The howls continue, as do the strikes of lightning, while you follow the dog to what you assume is the exit. “The nails haven’t picked up his energy signature in a while,” Nobara informs you in slight relief while the howling grows closer with every step. Yuuji’s mouth breaks into a victorious grin, but you and Megumi aren’t convinced. 
“Does that mean we lost him? Or did he get lost?” 
“Something doesn’t feel right,” you mutter low enough for only Megumi to hear and he nods in agreement. “I don’t feel him anywhere.” 
“That cracking behind us is just the corn, right?” Yuuji’s voice becomes uncertain and the static in the air only becomes more palpable. You’re so close to the exit and you can tell he’s getting nearer, but something in your gut tells you that you can beat him. But, Nobara’s realization makes your blood run cold. 
“Wait, I don’t sense any of my nails anymore–” 
“Found you.”
Your throats rip a collectively brutal screech as Satoru’s voice seems to come from directly behind you, and you glance backward to only see a pair of knife-sharp blue eyes staring through the black corridor of the maze. Colorful curses of fear babble from the mouths of the students and you slam your feet even harder into the ground as you sprint for the exit. The bright lights of the pumpkin sign were in sight; you just had to make it a little farther. 
“Elephant, elephant, elephant!” Yuuji’s suggestion comes out as incoherent yelps and he tries to fire off black flashes to no avail. Megumi looks at him like he’d grown four new limbs. 
“Summon the fucking elephant, Fushiguro!” A nail rockets away behind you only to be immediately sent back, embedding itself in the husk by your feet. 
“I hate to break it to you, but the elephant isn’t going to do anything when–”
“When I’m already right behind you,” he whispers directly into your ear and you scream as his footsteps line up with yours and his arms snake under your legs, lifting you off the ground like you weighed no more than a cotton ball. He disappears with you into darkness, firing off a single precise attack that cuts the lights of the entire exit so that the path is pitch black. Somehow, you end up outside of the maze while the three students continue to panic inside and he gently sets you on your feet. His menacing aura disappears in a blink and he nuzzles his nose into your neck, his arms holding you close by your waist. “I found you,” he says with a smile. 
“You did. I know you always do, eventually.”
“Mhmm. Did you have fun?”
“Honestly, that was the most terrifying experience of my entire existence,” you laugh, threading your fingers into his hair and tugging him even closer. He chuckles warmly, ironically just as quiet as the fearful bickering of your students in the maze. You barely feel any sweat on his forehead against your shoulder and you can’t even imagine how messy you looked after running for your life. “I look like shit, don’t I?”
“You’ve never looked prettier,” he murmurs, pulling away briefly to press a kiss to your cheek. “We should probably go grab the kids.” You hum absentmindedly, vaguely making out the voices of Megumi and Yuuji trying to figure out which way to go. 
“Stay here a little longer. Let them think you’ve taken me away to your scary vampire lair, or something.”
“As you wish, sweetheart. I'll be your scary vampire anytime.”
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monzabee · 1 year
eight words when i think about us – lh44 (+18)
Summary: The one where Coachella has both you and Lewis high on each other. 
Pairing: lewis hamilton x reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: smut!, spanking, oral (m receiving), slight choking, unprotected sex (better wear that latex if you don’t want that i’m late text), slight manhandling?, minors dni!!
Author’s Note: hi, hey, hello!! taking a small break from writing requests, this was VERY fun to write. i don’t listen to drake, but this song and lewis??? i had to do something with it, and the fits from coachella were just too good to ignore. i hope you guys enjoy reading this one! good morning, noon or night wherever you are, xoxobee
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
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It all starts with a look shared between the two of you, it always has. Not at all an innocent one in its nature, no, it’s a look shared between the two of you which is filled with fire and unresolved feelings. You knew it from the first time you saw his eyes that the situation, whatever it might be, would end in your heart being broken; unfortunately, you’ve never been good at exactly practicing what you preach. You don’t know how the two of you end up dancing next to each other in your crowded group, or how he positions himself right behind you which gives him a great opportunity to wrap his arms around your waist to pull you towards him. Although the two of you are in a EDM set, all your ears can focus on is the dirty words he huskily whispers in your ear over the loud music. 
“Let me take you back to the hotel,” he murmurs into your ear, his voice is hoarse because of all the yelling he’s been doing in his attempt to sing along to the songs. 
“No, Lewis,” you whine, hands quickly moving to rest on his on your hips. “We said the last time we’d stop for good.” 
“We did so the time before that as well,” he is quick to remind you, “and the time before that, remember that one time in Barcelona? You loved doing it against the window, darling.” 
You feel your breath hitch when he presses his lips to the column of your neck, his kiss is as familiar to you as the morning sun. Your voice comes out needier than you expect, “Lewis, please.” You seem to beg him, even though you remind yourself to be stronger and keep your ground when it comes to him. “We said we’d stop,” you remind him. 
“Please, baby, I’ve missed you.” His lips continue their journey across your skin which is breaking your resolve with every passing moment. “Haven’t you missed me, Y/N?”
His whisper against your ear, combined with his voice and his breath on your skin makes you shiver against his hold, making him smirk as he nudges your jaw with his nose and presses kisses against your skin there. “I did, I missed you so much.” You confess, letting one of your hands stroke his jaw. “But we can’t–”
“If you want me to stop, then just tell me to stop.” He grumbles, his kisses becoming more aggressive as he lightly begins to suck and nip at your skin. His lips turn up in a smirk when you let out a silent moan, which he can tell by the movement of your throat rather than the sound because of the loud music in the premise. 
“Lewis.” You let out his name in a breath, which causes him to let out an acknowledging hum, but he doesn’t stop the ministrations of his lips. “P-please.” 
His voice is filled with mockery when he teases you after sucking a particular spot on the base of your neck. “Please, what, darling?”
There is a pout on your lips as you push him off of you slowly, turning towards him with a defiant look in your eyes. “What’s the point? You’ll just end up running away again, Lewis.”
“Don’t be like this,” Lewis warns, “You know why I had to leave, so stop acting like a brat.” 
The challenging look in your eyes makes him stand his ground instead of reaching for you, which is what he normally would have done. “What will you do, spank me?” You snap, rolling your eyes when he says your name in a warning tone.
“You know it wouldn’t be a sufficient enough punishment, you would enjoy it too much.” The condescending tone of his words making you roll your eyes. “Where are you going?” He calls out to you when you start walking away from him, and thus the group. 
“I’m going back to the hotel.” You answer him, shooting him a pointed look over your shoulder. “Alone.” 
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You don’t end up going back to the hotel, alone, after all. Lewis insists that you cannot take an Uber back on your own, no matter how much you remind him that you are more than capable of doing so. He doesn’t bother arguing with you, but instead waits for your Uber with you – and consequently shocking you when he gets into the car after making sure you’re inside safely. He doesn’t say a word the entire ride, even when you ask him why he’s coming with you. Instead, he keeps a firm hand on your thigh, which is exposed because of your skirt riding up. He’s even quiet when you are in the elevator, going up to your room, and you can’t help but sneak a look at his face; all serious without any hint of playfulness. 
So that’s how you end up bent over the arm of the couch in your hotel room, the way Lewis letting his hand come down on your ass every once in a while making you let out whines which get louder as he continues. “Look at you, darling, you’re such a sight for sore eyes.” He caresses your reddened skin, his hands lingering around the waistband of your thong – which he takes off promptly and lets out a loud groan at the sight which beholds him. “Fuck, Y/N, this is really doing it for you, isn’t it? You like being spanked?”
Your voice comes off muffled because of the way hide your face in the pillow you’re hugging at his words. “You know I do.” 
“Such a bad girl.” Lewis tsks, delivering a few more hits to your already sore skin. “I was going to eat your pretty pussy out the way I know you like, darling, but you just had to go and say things that weren’t even true.” He lets his hand massage your skin to relieve some of the stinging feeling lingering there.
“I’m sorry,” You mumble through your whines, trying to appear as genuine as possible, but both Lewis and you know that you only acted that way because you were trying to get a rise out of him – which clearly worked.
“Oh, baby, you’re sorry?” He coos, pressing kisses to your reddened skin while he keeps on speaking. “Why would you say something like that in the first place, hm?” He nip at your skin, sucking a certain spot, until he’s satisfied enough that it will leave a mark, before speaking again. “You didn’t want to make me mad on purpose by saying no, did you?”
You pause as you contemplate what to say, your throat suddenly feeling very dry, you gulp down a snappy answer. "I-I’m–” You stammer, moaning when he bites down on your skin. “I did. I wanted you to fuck me.” 
Lewis smiles at your honesty, knowing he’s got you where he wanted. His hands roam around the skin of your back, and eventually, he lets one of his hands to slide down to the junction of your thighs to press his thumb against your opening. “You like it when I’m rough with you, darling? You like being fucked, when I’m not soft with you?”
You nod your head the best you can while your face is buried against the pillow you have underneath you, but you’re reminded to speak out loud when Lewis uses his free hand to deliver another, albeit lighter, slap on your bum. “I like it when you fuck me hard.” 
“Is that so?” He muses, stopping his actions to take a look at his handiwork. He lets out a hum which shows that he is satisfied with it, then he straightens up, pulling you up with him and making you wince when he makes you lean against the arm of the couch and consequently making your bare skin come in contact with the fabric. “Maybe I shouldn’t fuck you at all tonight, you’ve been very rude to me.” You shake your head, hands scrambling with anxiety to take his shirt off as you look at him with a pout on your lips. He watches you with an amused smile while also assisting you in your goal. “What are you doing?” He asks when you start pulling him towards the couch to make him sit down. 
“You took something off me, it’s only fair.” You shrug, sinking down on your knees between his parted legs. “Is it okay if I suck you off? To apologise?” You busy yourself with undoing his pants, and his confirmation puts a sweet smile on your face. “Thank you.” 
He watches your hurried movements, lifting his hips up to help you get his trousers and underwear off, but he stops you by gently grabbing your chin and making you look at him. “Slow down, darling.” He smiles when you let out a frustrated whine, your lower lip pushing out to make you pout. “We have all night.” He leans forward to get you out of your top which leaves you with your bra and your skirt on, a look from Lewis has you scrambling to take the former article off. You watch him lean back against the couch, radiating nothing but power. Instead of saying anything you nod and move to wrap your fingers around his cock, but he stops you as he catches your wrist and spits on your palm without breaking his eye contact with you. 
He lets out a hiss when you finally do wrap your hand around his cock and use your thumb to spread the precum which has accumulated on his tip. You let your hand move up and down a few times before taking the tip into your mouth and lightly sucking on it. You gradually take more of him as you open your mouth to accommodate his size, using your hands where your mouth is not able to reach. A sense of pride washes over you when you feel him getting under your touch and he shows his appreciation by sliding his fingers through your hair. You hear a low groan that comes between his lips when you start bobbing your head up and down, which makes you tighten your lips around him. You don’t cut off your eye contact with him for the sole purpose of making him lose control, Lewis always makes a point of telling you how much he loves having your eyes on him at all times – it is a side effect of his job, you think, always in front of the camera, always being watched by the world. But you on your knees on him with his cock between your lips, looking him with huge eyes? It doesn’t take too long for him to take over all the control you held; he starts moving your head on his cock by the fingers he has tangled in your hair. Not that you mind, you’re more than happy to let him move you however he likes. 
He eventually takes himself out of your mouth, before you make him cum, making you whine because of the loss of contact as a result, but there is a grin playing on his lips as he pulls you to his lap, his hand quick to go under your skirt. You let out a gasp when you feel his finger sliding through your slit, he only laughs at your reaction. “Did sucking my dick made you wet, darling?” 
You nod your head with urgency, needing him to do something about the sweet ache you feel between your thighs. “Yes, Lewis.” You try to move your hips closer to his fingers to get some kind of friction, but left unsatisfied when he pulls them away with the tilt of one of his eyebrows. 
He sucks on his finger as you watch him with parted lips, which makes him smirks as he shrugs. “You got to have a taste, it’s only fair.” He taps your thigh twice as he instructs, “Hang on to me with one of your hands, and lift your skirt with the other.” 
You look at him with widened eyes, rising on your knees when you feel him pinch the skin on your ass. “You’re not going to fuck me?”
He smiles wickedly at your whining tone, lining himself with your entrance as he replies to your question in a nonchalant manner. “No, love, you’re going to fuck me.” Your breath hitches at the emphasis which only makes him smirk wider as he uses his hand on your hip to lower you onto his cock. 
Your lips part in a silent scream as you feel the burn of the stretch he provides as he draws you closer to his hips. “Oh my god, Lewis.” 
“Are you okay?” He asks, worried eyes meeting yours as he stills his hands. 
“Yes, just- Give me a second,” you swallow down a breath, using your hand on his shoulder as leverage to push yourself down on him on your own pace. You head is thrown back and your eyes are closed once your hips come to a halt. The stretch being full to the brim after months apart is delicious, you decide. 
Lewis’ hand squeezes your hip as he lets a loud groan as he bows his head. “Tell me what’s wrong, darling.” 
A loud moan comes from you once you feel Lewis taking one of your hardened nipples between his lips and starts to suck, his forehead is flushed against your clavicle and you let go of your skirt to push him against in chest. “It’s just- it’s been a while,” you breath out; your hips start moving once the overwhelming feeling slowly fades away and leaves its place to pleasure. 
He lets go of your nipple, “Start off slow, we have all night,” he reminds you and moves on to your other nipple, sucking and tugging against the puckered skin.
You let out a noncommittal hum, choosing to focus on the movement of your hips at the moment instead of his instructions. You gradually lift your hips higher, and let them drop harder, causing his tip to be burrowed deeper and deeper inside you. “It feels so good,” you praise him, “so deep.”
“Yeah?” Lewis asks breathlessly. “Look at me, pretty girl.” You force yourself to roll your head sideways, the tilt of your head allowing you to look into his eyes as the movement of your hips become sharper as you get used to the feeling of him within you. You realise just how much his eyes have changed over the course of few minutes when you lock gazes with him, his are a darker shade of brown and filled with lust. Both of you let out a hiss when you start rolling your hips against his and the friction on your clit sends shivers down your spine. You almost roll your head back again, but Lewis is quick as he grips your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, forcing you to keep your eyes on him. 
Your legs tighten around his on almost an instinct and you place your hands on his chest to keep holding your balance. “Lewis.” You voice comes out more as a moan, your hips getting faster as you try to chase the high. You unintentionally bit down on your lip, causing him to use his thumb to pry your lip free and slides his thumb in your mouth. 
You groan around his digit as you close your lips around it and start sucking on it as you did with his cock a few moments ago. He watches you with pure fascination. “Good girl, Y/N, such a good girl for me.” 
You ignore the burning feeling emanating from your inner thighs, pushing yourself to roll and move your hips up and down in a faster rhythm. You moan loudly as you feel a similar burn starting to form as your stomach coils. You incline your head to take a look at where the two of you are connected, watching him disappear between your folds, and Lewis follows your line of vision which causes him to moan as well. “So deep, Lewis, it feels so good,” you whimper, your hands automatically move to grasp the chains hanging around his bare chest when he makes you look back at him by gently grabbing you by your neck. 
“Move faster,” he orders you, drawing you closer to himself as he simultaneously rises up to meet you in the middle and rests his forehead against yours. 
You attempt to move even faster despite the burn in your thighs becoming more and more apparent. You nails rake down his chest as your breathing becomes erratic. “I-I can’t– Lewis!” 
He causes you to scream out his name as he delivers a slap down on your ass as he announces, “You can.”
“Please,” you gasp, somehow it becomes tangled with a broken moan, “please, help me.” 
“You want me to help, baby?” He asks in a strangled voice, the hand he has around your throat slightly tightening to add to all the sensations you are feeling at that moment. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” 
Although his voice is as sweet as it can be given the circumstances, he grasps both sides of your hips in a bruising grip as he lifts you off; just enough to keep his tip inside you still. You scream his name over and over again as he slams you down on his cock, and repeats the action until it leaves you as a sobbing mess. You try to keep your eyes open as tears of pleasure start falling out, not wanting to risk Lewis stopping because you’re not following his instructions. “I’m going to cum.” You manage to get out in a voice thick with pleasure.
“It’s okay,” he assures you, “I’ve got you; you can let go.” He keeps moving you on his cock before deciding to change your roles, holding you up while he fucks into you. You buck your hips down on his as best as you can, your vision blurring as your orgasm washes over you. 
The moans and squeals leaving your lips only makes him move faster with conviction. While he guides you through your release, your body moulding against his as your legs start shaking, you feel his hips starting to stutter their movements. You cup his cheek as your breathy whisper hits his lips, “I want you to cum in me,” you shush him when he’s about object, “please, Lewis, just this once.” He lets out a groan mixed with a moan when he hears the desperation in your voice, his hands grip you tighter as he finally comes with a hiss leaving between his lips. 
You let yourself fall against his chest, both of you heaving as you try to catch your breaths and come off your highs. Lewis’ arms wrap around your waist as he lets out a chuckle, “We’re definitely doing that again.”
The corners of your lips lift up in a grin against the side of his neck, your head nestled against his shoulder. “Does this mean I should be snappy with you more often?” 
“I’ll answer that question after a bath, darling.” You see him smile from the corner of your eye. “And breakfast, possibly a round after breakfast.” 
“Good,” you mumble sleepily, pressing a kiss against the column of his throat. “Stay, and please just get me out of this damn skirt.”
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letshaikyuu · 2 months
A day off for the captains
wishes to sleep in on his days off, even though he keeps waking up at his usual early time. does his workouts in the morning, his post-workout routine, and all that jazz. he tends to stay inside during his days off because he needs peace and quiet to gain back his energy, but he also goes grocery shopping when he has free time. in the store, he charms the lil’ old ladies with his huge smile and just as big arms as he helps them with their bags and reaching high shelves (even though he is one of the shorter captains on this list cough cough). gets himself a guilty pleasure treat and goes back to his house. prepares a hot cup of coffee and sits down to read a book. he alternates between reading motivational books or thrillers. if you are also free, he loves to go out and take you out for lunch, a walk, or grab some coffee. he doesn’t have much free time, so he cherishes the time he spends with you.
he loves sleeping in but always wakes up before noon. he needs his beauty sleep. the first thing he does is go to a nearby coffee shop to up his caffeine intake and buy a nice, flaky, sweet pastry. sometimes he sits down and eats there, sometimes he goes back home and enjoys his sweet time alone. it’s on these days when oikawa’s screen time rapidly increases because he always has something on his phone open and running. a podcast is always being played as he’s doing a workout, washing the dishes, or preparing an easy lunch. he also has a few youtubers he frequently watches. he also has you on video call all the time whenever you’re free and he loves to talk your ear off about his day – definitely compliments the pastry he has eaten. if you two can’t meet for the day, he has the biggest pout on his face and says he misses you all day long – is the type to buy and send you food with one of those apps, and then you two call while having lunch together.
he is the type to lay in bed for hours before he gets up. his tiktok fyp is filled with those funny animals compilations, those singing cats and Reddit stories. he listens to the craziest of stories as he makes breakfast and sits down at the table with a cold brew in hand. takes his sweet time eating breakfast and scrolling through his phone. makes sure to text you once he’s fully awake and will tease you if you’re in class/at work and he’s the one with a day off. his preferred time to work out is in the evening, so he has lots of free time to spend. idk why i think he’s the one to meal prep for the upcoming few days, but he does just that. has to have a TV series marathon – he is a Pretty Little Liars watcher – fight me. once his workout is over, takes a bath and has a whole ass spa day in that bathroom because he takes good care of his body in every way possible. loves the feeling of laying down on clean sheets with his skin all clean and moisturized.
can literally sleep the whole day. a day off equals a cheat day to him most of the time. he sleeps in and loves to order the foods he loves most. it’s usually a phone call or text from you that wakes him up in the morning (his morning voice tho *-*). once he’s actually out of bed, he makes the biggest cup of coffee he can, turns on the telly, and listens to some news he finds on the first channels. closes his eyes 100x times while he’s on his couch and dozes on and off. the caffeine would then kick in and then he has the need to go on a run. his mind: the more he runs, the more food he can eat later on. he does exactly that when he gets back home and is literally jumping in excitement when his food arrives. he puts the ice cream he ordered in the freezer for later (to eat when he’s crying over a rom-com) and scarfs down the food. takes a well-deserved afternoon nap and then ends the night with a crying session, the ice cream soothing his sensitive heart.
157 notes · View notes
7surugi · 2 months
daybreak | haitani ran x f!reader
[content] sfw, literally just comfort :], mentions of character deaths, nudity (taking a bath together), soft! ran, mostly ran-centric
[word count] 5.4k
[note] this was originally meant to just be a soft midnight beach scene but then i went a little overboard. this is my first time writing a reader insert, and i am quite happy with how this piece turned out !! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) <33 (after editing, i realized that i mentioned rindō a lot,,, i just miss him, sorry.)
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The summer heat comes like it always does, waking up with sweat sticking to your skin, the humidity cuts your throat dry. Summer in Japan is not kind to you this year. You don’t have air conditioning hooked up in your studio, your old fan isn’t enough to keep you cooled down and you ran out of your favourite popsicles two days ago. It’s nearly impossible to focus on your studies when suffering from such heat.
Luckily, there is a family-owned café that is only a seven-minute walk from your place. You almost find yourself here every day out of habit, just finding comfort in the place. And you find yourself there now, three hours before noon, sitting near the entrance with textbooks sprawled out, drinking an iced coffee to wake your body.
The door opens, the shimmering of the wind chime sings gently, you glance up from your textbook, a random curiosity to see what type of person has entered the café.
You’re rather surprised, you don’t think you have ever seen someone so attractive before. He’s tall, you take note as he passes by you, walking towards the counter. A faint scent of lavender and bergamot follows him. You stare a little too long, lingering on the stranger, it’s not often when you see young people here during the early mornings.
It is not long when he notices and turns around to return your gaze, sending you a lazy smirk which makes you flush in embarrassment from getting caught. You turn your focus back to your textbook, reminding yourself that you have to study, you have more important things to focus on instead of a pretty stranger.
When he asks if he can sit with you, despite the place being empty, and even now, you don’t know why you ended up saying yes to him.
You meet Ran Haitani and he never once leaves your mind, with long braided hair and deep lavender eyes that you find yourself getting lost in, you don’t think you’ve seen someone with such a pretty eye colour before.
Ran often finds himself here, at a small family-owned café, sitting in front of you. He can’t count how many times he has seen you on both hands (he can, it’s a little less than ten, he remembers). He convinces himself that he comes here because he likes the way they make mont blancs, and partially to come and see you. He thinks you know of this, too.
You say you come here to study, he doesn’t understand why you would study in a place like this instead of home. But the more he comes here, the more he finds himself to actually like it. It is a little small compared to other cafés he is used to, but the moment he leaves, the wind chime tinkling as the door closes, a part of him wants to return, missing the scent.
And so, he returns, and every time he enters the café, lies you.
(He assumes this must be the reason you return too, it’s almost magical — and he snorts at his own choice of words.)
“You don’t talk much, do ya? It was like that last time.”
“I’m trying to study, Haitani.”
“Haitani? It’s Ran to you.”
“It’s Haitani when you annoy me,” you retort, brows furrowed as you shift your focus back to your textbooks. “Told you I need to study for the entrance exam… I can’t afford to fail it.”
Ran knows you can’t, but he also knows there’s always next year, and you probably wouldn’t appreciate hearing it from someone like him, but he believes that school isn’t everything.
Perhaps you’re desperate, he learned that after barely finishing high school (that you barely attended due to practice and tournaments), you didn’t take the university entrance exam, too busy focusing on your figure skating career. You say that things weren’t going how you thought it would — nothing more than that — your eyes are dull, a familiar sadness that flashes by.
“Don’t you have things to do? I know you’re rather… busy,” you are cautious as you say this, sending him a knowing look.
Ran smiles, deciding to divert the topic. He knows you know what he does, how recklessly he lives his life, and he has never once hid it from you, but he doesn’t want you to know any details. “I am busy, but not right now. Aren’t you happy seeing me? ‘m a bit hurt…”
“I like spending time with you, Ran. I really do, but not when I’m studying,” his smile drops into a thin line, hearing that almost hurts. And he realizes that maybe he really is distracting you during an important time in your life (but you also have a few months until the entrance exam, so believes you could give him a little bit more of your time, being too diligent isn’t a good thing — he reminds himself that it’s desperation that you’re chasing). “Maybe we can meet somewhere else when I’m not busy…”
His ears perk up at the comment, lips forming into a smirk as he fiddles with his fork, playing with half eaten mont blanc. “Oh, yeah? When are you free, sweetheart?”
Ran usually just sits and hangs out with you here, showing up unannounced, and over time you seem to be expecting him. Your pretty eyes lighting up as you smile so sweetly at him when he enters the café. Eventually, you begin to let him walk you home, always mentioning he doesn’t have to, but he insists, even if your apartment is only around five minutes away. One time he took you out for ramen, another time when you brought him home to eat instant ramen and make homemade dango together with your leftover rice flour and silken tofu.
The aquarium would be nice, he thinks you would like it. Or maybe a nice restaurant because he would like to show you his favourite spots he goes to with Rindō. Anywhere, really.
“I’m free on Saturday,” you softly say, not meeting his gaze as you pretend to write something down in your notebook.
“Alright, I’ll pick you up.”
Eyes trained on you, you still don’t glance at him, only slightly nodding as a small smile graces your face. He smiles, too.
He wishes you would look up. He wants to fully see your face, shy with blushed cheeks. He wants to see you.
It’s a feeling of normalcy; a luxury that Ran has almost forgotten until now. He feels like someone normal and regular, Ran is anything but normal. Sitting here, drinking sickening sweet tea and eating his favourite mont blanc as he watches you do your own thing. Ran is anything but normal, he doesn’t want to be normal, but with you, he guesses it’s alright.
If anything, he has gotten used to it.
On their shared computer (one that is kept in Rindō’s room), Ran finds himself glued to the screen, watching low quality videos of you figure skating. Ran doesn’t know much about sports that aren’t martial arts — often finding any sport unrelated to fighting rather boring. But something about this, or rather you, has his full attention, invoking an unknown (unfamiliar) feeling. He doesn’t have the words to explain it.
He moves the mouse, clicking onto a new video. It starts like all the ones before, introducing you, and then the piano slowly begins. So divine, captivating, he holds his breath as you glide across the ice so naturally, twirling close to the edge. He watches in deep admiration, he remembers attending Rindō’s jiu-jitsu tournaments when they were children, always cheering his brother on from the crowds, he wishes he could have cheered for you too.
On the empty ice rink, the lights are shining for you and only you.
It’s enchanting.
Another video is a younger you with tears welled up in your eyes, relief and frustration at the silver medal that hangs around your neck. It all glistens as the light shines down on you, twinkling against the medal.
And like everything in the world, money rules over all. Ruling over with an iron fist. It shines so vividly, it’s almost blinding. From silver to bronze to nothing. He can sense your anger, the unfair bitterness that wells up inside of you, the tears you desperately hold back, yet you force yourself to smile. So prettily, he almost falls for it, it almost eases his own anger at your injustice.
Always smiling, the smile of an angel.
Saturday’s date never comes. Kakuchō calls him up saying there’s a sudden emergency meeting. Details are still a blur, pieces are missing, but South wants everyone at Rokuhara Tandai’s hideout before evening hits.
He called you two hours ago, telling you that something important came up and that he would like to take you out another time. You being you, always so sweet and understanding towards him says it’s okay. The disappointment you try to hide in your voice is evident, and his heart feels heavy. He tells you he is sorry and you tell him it’s okay because sometimes things happen unexpectedly.
Rindō barges into his room, his uniform is half on, asking him to do his hair. He feels his brother’s stare, rather intense, and Ran grows annoyed by the minute.
“What’s your problem? Don’t wanna go today? I think South and Kakuchō would get pissed if we bailed.”
“I know, I know. South would come for our asses.”
“Then what is it? You’ve been frowning all day and I know it wasn’t me. I was mostly in my room.”
“It’s just the shitty weather,” he replies with a heavy sigh.
Rindō makes a face, looking at him quite dumbly. “It’s sunny out?”
Ran just looks at him and sighs again. Louder. Rindō wouldn’t understand his woes.
(He can’t tell Rindō about you just yet. You’re his little secret, a safe place for him, his paradise — though, he is sure Rindō knows something is up. Rindō knows his heart well enough.)
“So are you gonna do my hair or not?”
“Obviously, I am. C’mere. Can’t have my baby brother looking like a mess.”
He breaks out into a grin the moment Rindō gets annoyed and hits him on the arm — not hard enough to leave a bruise, but hard enough for Ran to loudly groan at the impact and attempt to swing back at him (he swears he misses on purpose). His previous annoyance vanishes as he play fights with his brother.
There is a downpour that night, raining crimson red.
Grey skies, clusters of clouds forming together, and the humidity sticks to his pale skin. The storm has long passed, sweeping violence, lulling it back to the sea. Rindō is out today, meeting a few friends, probably causing trouble, or kissing pretty girls. Ran doesn’t know, barely registering his brother’s words earlier due to being half-asleep.
Technically they’re supposed to be laying low after the battle between Rokuhara Tandai versus Brahman verus Kantō Manji Gang; ‘the Battle of Three Deities’, is what people call it, and Ran likes the name very much. However, instead of laying around at home as he often finds himself doing, he finds himself on the other side of Roppongi, knocking on the door to your cheap studio.
He doesn’t understand why he drags himself here, he’s still exhausted from everything and he wants nothing more than to just sleep, to forget everything.
It’s less than a minute when you open the door, your eyes slightly widen at his unannounced arrival.
You look as if you had just woken up, a mess, and Ran finds you beautiful. There’s something so mesmerizing in raw beauty, something he finds so beautiful in you. His gaze softens once he sees your heavy eyes, brimmed-red, and he feels a sudden urge to hold you. To keep you close.
“What’s wrong?”
“Hey, you alright?”
The two of you smile, bursting out laughing for a few seconds at speaking the same words at the same time. You take a small breath, shaking your head, saying, “you go first, Ran. I asked first.”
“Hm? I believe I did. Ladies first.”
He notices that you say his name a lot more these days, rolling off of your tongue so sweetly, so naturally, it almost doesn’t feel like his name.
Ran, Ran, Ran.
He loves the way you say it despite hearing his name being said a thousand times before.
Your hand wraps around his wrist, tugging him inside. He closes the door behind you both, eyes never leaving you; watching as he follows right behind you, trained on your messy hair and back.
“An acquaintance of mine died the other day,” he casually blurts out. Acquaintance is probably not the right word — friends is definitely the wrong one. South was an interestingly strong guy; beating the shit out of S-62 generation, resulting in them falling in line behind him, the only one capable of handling their brutality — or at least that’s what they said to him. He is someone Ran spent a lot of time with, someone he didn’t particularly like or dislike. He can’t put his finger around it.
You pause, turning around the moment the words spill from his lips. “Oh, Ran… I’m sorry. Are you alright?” You ask, genuine worry across your face, eyebrows furrowed as you attempt to search in his eyes. “No, sorry, that was such a stupid question…”
“No, no. It’s not stupid.” He is quick to hush, appreciating your concern, but he doesn’t want to worry you. He didn’t come here for that. “‘m alright. Trust me. I just felt the need to come and see you.”
“I’m here for you. I am so sorry about your friend… why don’t you go and sit down? I’ll make you that tea you like. I can’t make it like the café does, but…”
After Izana passed away, Ran felt something inside him shatter, despite not being super close to the boy — or rather, the boy not allowing any of them to get close. A wall of steel surrounding him and his lonely heart. He really admired him, he thinks he always will. Ran felt lost. Mutō who randomly disappeared the moment he was released from juvie, only for his remains to be found near the Tokyo bay area, and now South who had also been killed… Ran doesn’t know how he’s supposed to feel. He feels nothing and maybe that’s what scares him.
And if something were to happen to him, especially Rindō—
No, no, no. He shouldn’t think that way.
He steps closer to you, lifting his other hand to brush a strand of hair from your face. You lean forward into his touch. “It’s alright. I already had somethin’ to drink before I got here,” he tells you. “Now how ‘bout you tell me what’s wrong with you? You look terrible, sweetheart.”
“Geez, thank you for pointing it out, Haitani. Not everyone can look nice everyday.” Your words make him smile, he knows he looks good everyday. Your gaze turns down, not wanting to meet his eyes as your expression drops. Your lips twitch, forcing yourself to slightly smile. “I… I just don’t know what I’m doing,” voice barely above a whisper, barely found, so Ran loosens his wrist from your grip to grab your hand, holding it tightly within his.
Your breathing is slow and jagged, almost as if you are holding back the oxygen you desperately need. Ran feels as if he can feel your heavy heart and how irregularly it beats.
He squeezes your hand a little tighter and you wince.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to squeeze you so hard…” he rubs circles against the back of your hand with his thumb over and over again. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Huh? Now? Where are we going?”
“Yes, right now.”
You protest, turning your head away from him, “I’m not even dressed and you didn’t—”
He softly sighs, raising both hands to cup your face. He gently squishes your cheeks together, your pretty lips forming a pout and you frown at the action. Ran smiles, saying, “you look pretty. You always do. Let’s go, okay?”
“… Okay.”
“I said okay, Ran.”
The two of you board the evening train and go to a deserted beach hours away from the city. Just the two of you.
The road ahead is too dark, foggy and you cannot see anything, even yourself. It’s a scary thing to be alone. The waves are awfully calm, lulling you in with a terrifying silent noise. It’s the call of the void and you’re afraid to drown. You think it might rain, or so you thought it would earlier, yet it never came.
Maybe the rain will come once more tonight.
“I watched it, those videos of you.” Ran’s voice breaks you from your train of thoughts, you take in his words, his comforting presence, and swallow down your bleak thoughts.
You tilt your head in confusion at his vague words, “huh?”
“The videos posted of you skating. I think I saw most of ‘em.”
“Oh… well, what did you think of them?”
You feel rather embarrassed about it, you don’t know why though, millions of people have seen you ice skating before. You can’t bring yourself to watch them anymore. This bitterness only continues to bottle up inside of you. As fresh as these wounds may be, you wish they would hurry and fade, you don’t ever want to remember it. Not yet, at least.
Ran lowly hums, it mixes in with the gentle evening breeze. “Wish they were higher quality. You looked like a little snow fairy dancing around. The way you skate is so pretty.”
You huff a laugh, biting your lip, snow fairy, Ran always says such weird things. However, your chest feels warm at those words, heart fluttering, you wonder if Ran really does see you as something so pure. So divine.
“But I noticed at a point you stopped looking so happy, almost like you were just forcing yourself. You looked as if you were just waiting for the pain to pass.” Ran’s comment pierces your heart and aches. You don’t like how Ran always sees through you, his gaze is so intense, too observing, and you have to force yourself to not look away.
“I really loved it,” you confess. Figure skating was all you’ve ever known. “I really, really loved it,” you repeat, not to Ran, but to yourself.
“I know. I could tell.” He says it through sleepy hooded eyes, his signature lazy smile.
Ran’s words are so simple, yet you always feel so seen by him. It sort of scares you, being known completely by another. You think Ran is someone who would accept you no matter what. You wonder why.
(You do not understand your own question, because ever since you first met him and now, you accept Ran no matter what. You always will.)
The sun has long set, passing by with a blink of an eye during the train ride here, the sky grows darker and darker.
“Were you close to him?” You find yourself asking. “The person who passed away,” you add on for clarification.
“Not really,” immediately replies Ran.
“Oh… are you sad?”
“No, not really.”
“Oh, okay. That’s good.”
You don’t press more on the matter. Ran will only be vague when it comes to those things, despite your worries. There are sides of him he doesn’t want you to see, the ones that tie to him and his borderline cruelty. You can understand this about him and his silent wish to keep you away from his world.
There’s a constant buzzing, Ran takes out his phone, flipping it open as he squinting at the small screen. “Hm? Hold on, it’s Rin… gimme a second,” he says, fiddling with his keypad as he types a reply (or two from how long it seems to take him).
“He said he’s gettin’ lazy so he is gonna crash at a friend’s place tonight,” Ran says, always reporting what his brother does to you. Something you find so endearing, because you never met Rindō, but you feel like you have known him your entire life. You think Ran is so sweet, Rindō must be an angel from how Ran’s eyes soften when he mentions his name (even when the stories he tells are embarrassing ones that Rindō doesn’t know about, teasing his brother, yet his eyes speak so fondly. Light falls back into lavender when he laughs about an old memory that only they know, and now you).
You don’t know Rindō yet. You only know he loves bourbon, working out and partying with his friends, DJing, and that he has a huge collection of CDs that Ran thinks you would really like. Rindō is Ran’s precious little brother, he loves him very much, and you think you like him too. You hope you can meet him one day. You really do.
“You’ll be lonely tonight, Ran,” you tease.
“I won’t. I have you.”
You want to believe Ran is teasing you back, it sounds like it, but you know Ran isn’t teasing you despite the light tone. The look in his eye is so sincere and warm, a shiver runs over you when you realize you can read him so clearly, his usual unreadable self is nowhere in sight at this very moment.
“You so wish you did…”
Ran’s smile lets you know that he knows that’s not true. It makes your face heat up and you shyly avoid his gaze, immediately turning away. You know this only makes his smile turn into an amused smirk.
(He has you, he really does. You already placed the key to your fragile heart in the palm of his cold hands.)
As night falls, it is a quarter till midnight when Ran takes you to a ryokan after the two of you dined at a local restaurant (it’s quite fortunate that there are still rooms available, Ran pays for one room for the both of you to share). The two of you don’t go home tonight, Ran thinks you expected it because you show no sign of shock or resistance when entering the traditional inn. It’s been a while since he’s last been to an onsen; the first and only time being with Rindō and a few members of S-62, back when most of them were first released from juvenile detention. It’s been a long time since then, the air is rather nostalgic.
One of the inns’ attendants leads the two of you to your room, a little far from the entrance. The room is simple, one you would expect to see in a traditional inn, it’s cozy, reminding him of the countryside he had visited once so long ago; a fleeting memory. Ran is rather exhausted, wanting nothing more than to lay down your futons together and sleep the night away.
It’s unfortunate that sea salt sticks to his skin, grains of sand he feels in his hair. He desperately needs to bathe, to relax, and so do you.
One of the private onsens is unbooked – a medium one outdoors – Ran suggests it, anticipating your answer, and despite his own hopes, he’s surprised when you agree to it, only if Ran promises not to look, and of course, he promises.
Entering has his heart racing, you two quietly wash yourself, making random small talk to avoid the awkward tension.
You remind him many times not to peek, he promises to you again and again that he won’t, but he did accidentally catch a glimpse of you wrapped in a white towel and that leaves very little to the imagination.
A million thoughts flood his mind, his self-consciousness trying to rack for anything to help him, to stop his mind from going down the gutter. Seeing you like this, so close within his vacancy, is driving him insane. Nobody can blame him for feeling this way, he’s a healthy young man, a simple man, and the prettiest girl he’s ever seen is naked beside him. It’d be more insane if he wasn’t going crazy.
Though, he has always been good at self-control. And he won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. He enters the water first, sighing in relief.
Embarrassing memories of Rindō flood his mind. A younger and cuter Rindō, all shit faced and wobbly from trying his first shot of alcohol. A memory of Tenjiku’s ramen eating competition that ended with Mocchi throwing up on Shion’s brand new shoes. A memory of him and Rindō arguing over everything and nothing on a staircase that led to both of them falling down, sustaining injuries and one with a sprained wrist — a moment of silent agreement between them in telling others it was from a batshit crazy fight from a group of random delinquents that stepped into Roppongi.
The memory of it all makes him scrunch up his face in sheer embarrassment at his younger self. How embarrassing… he wishes he didn’t recall it.
Water splashing, the sound of you entering the bath causes him to open his eyes, instantly frowning at the distance between the both of you.
“Why are you sitting so far away?”
“Why would I sit closer?” You sink deeper into the water, holding onto the towel around your body tighter, mumbling something about being naked underneath your breath.
Ran rolls his eyes. “I think you are too far away from me,” he replies before asking, “may I come closer then?”
His eyes stay on you, your cheeks are flushed due to the heated water and this situation. You shyly look at him through your lashes, nodding. He breaks out smiling once you agree, standing up to move closer to you, taking a keen note on how your eyes flicker up and down, trailing along the ink on his body before you turn your head towards the opposite direction. How cute, he thinks, amused by your actions, your expressions enticing something in him.
“There,” he hums in satisfaction before teasing, “now you can take a better look at my tattoos, hm?”
“What? I saw you looking and I don’t blame you one bit. I am quite proud of my tattoos and my body.”
“I think you are imagining things…”
“And I think you are in denial, sweetheart.”
You scoff at him, rolling your eyes as you lean back against the rock to relax. Ran does the same, closing his eyes as peace slowly begins to wash over him, all of his worries disappearing, melting into the water.
“Thank you.”
He tilts his head, opening his eyes to look at you. “Hmm? For what?”
“For everything,” you simply say. “You have the heart of an angel, Ran.”
Ran slowly blinks, ignoring his racing heartbeats that clog his throat. “Are you stupid?” Slightly shocked by his own bluntness, not meaning for those words to escape his thoughts.
You giggle, turning your gaze down to the water, watching as it slightly ripples through small movements. “I probably am… considering I find Roppongi’s top delinquent such a sweet guy.”
You are definitely a strange one, he’s thought this since your second meeting. Ran knows he is not someone sweet — he is someone rather cruel and selfish, only caring about himself and a few selective people. He rules with blood stained hands and he knows you should know that too. He is a little worried that someone will take advantage of your pure heart if he isn’t around.
“Maybe it’s ‘cause ‘m only sweet to you.”
He expects you to look away from him, but you don’t. You smile at him, your eyes glimmering against the starry night sky; shimmering with something he has never once seen before. In his mind, there’s a click, wishing to capture you in this moment forever.
“Yeah, maybe…” He thinks you look so pretty right now (well, he always does). You look so lovely in this light. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
Your words catch him off-guard once again, leaving his heart is racing and he hopes his cheeks aren’t as red as he knows his ears are. You have this strange effect on him, leaving him with many mixed emotions that he has never felt before.
There are many things Ran wishes to say, things he knows he won’t say, and things he can’t say.
You’re rather adorable, thinking of forever with him. Voicing your silly little thoughts and Ran finds it all incredibly sweet, this wishful thinking.
Another thing is that there is no such thing as forever; no matter how deeply you wish for it, your little hands aren’t enough to hold something so big — Ran learned this the hard way. Always striving for something more, barely holding onto the things that he already had. The only thing remaining is Rindō, always Rindō, and Roppongi that sits perfectly in both of their hands.
Maybe he could hold you too.
Forever sounds nice. Living in daydreams with you for all time.
“Me too,” he ends up saying, indulging you. (He hopes you mean it and in his heart, he knows you do.)
Ran doesn’t like to think so hard on things, especially life, since it will do nothing good. But he does believe humans can only live for something; they need something to keep moving forward, just like how he does. He doesn’t want you to become someone so empty — aimlessly wandering to feel something again. Ran is surrounded by life and death, dull and lifeless eyes, and broken dreams crushed beneath the sea of pessimism. He has seen this many times, in the eyes of everyone he has ever known. Ran doesn’t want you to end up the same way. He has too much on his back already, but if you can stand on your own he could stand beside you.
Overwhelmed by everything this world gives to you, you feel so small and alone, as if the sun may never rise again. You cry. So silently and the relief and heart ache Ran feels for you is so intense. Seeing you cry doesn’t feel good, neither does knowing you keep trying to hold back your tears.
He instantly moves a little closer, wrapping a heavy arm around your shoulders, taking in the scent of the inn’s shampoo, faintly sweet of lavender and vanilla, matching the one he had also used. Your scents mix into one. He leans his head on yours, eyes flickering from you to the distant waning moon.
Only the sound of your quiet sniffles, the gentle waves and the occasional owl calling out can be heard tonight.
“I’m scared, Ran,” you mumble, voice muffled by your arm as you hide your face.
Ran would never voice those concerns out loud, unlike you, you’re brave in a different way he has never seen before. Being so open and vulnerable in this moment, he is almost envious. Showing weakness has never done him any good, the moments he has, it’s always been used against him.
“I know,” replies Ran, his arm moving down to your waist as he pulls you closer and you are almost sitting on his lap. You’re settled a little awkwardly on his legs, the towel around your body shifts, falling down at the sudden moment, creating a ripple in the water. Your legs are fully pressed against his, he can fully see and make out your body, the droplets of water that drips down your shoulder and chest. You are completely bare in front of him and Ran can see everything. Strangely, it does not feel sexual, it feels more intimate and pure than anything he has ever known. Ran wishes to be closer. “And you’ll be okay. I know you will be. Have a little more faith in yourself, baby.”
With one hand, he cups your cheek, lifting your head to gently wipe away your tears. They attempt to fall against your cold cheeks, Ran catches them, the stars and himself are captured within them and your eyes.
Beneath the sea of stars, the world sleeps ever so quietly; Ran kisses you so softly and you kiss him back.
Dawn that you are so desperately wishing for is nowhere in sight, not yet, it will come around soon. He kisses you again and again and again.
(Ran shows you that you are not alone.)
Ran knows that he will introduce you to Rindō one day. Soon. And he knows Rindō will love you. His girl. His lovely angel.
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mnnuni · 13 days
Not just sex
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Jay Halstead x Reader
Summary: Jay and reader live the evolution of their relationship Warnings: smut Words: 2491 Author's note: I actually don't know if i like the ending and I think there may be some typos, sorry
"I swear to you, the chief's face at that" (Y/N) was practically crying while she told the story "Otis was covered in flour from head to toe, we never understood how it happen"
"Because he's an idiot sweetheart" Hermann said while passing her table and handing her the beer she ordered; she pointed at him "very true, but still"
Jay loved seeing her laughing so much.
"wait wait wait" Adam was chuckling too, "if it was just flour, why did you hear a- how did you said it?"
"a BOOM" she moved her hands to simulate an explosion. She knew he was only asking her to make fun of her, but she laughed at that too.
They were all hanging out at Molly's, as per usual; everyone talking with everyone, about everything, bit (Y/N) could only think of how amazingly blue were Jay's eyes in front of her;
At some point during the evening, (Y/N) send Capp to the smiling blondie across the bar -Lord knew he needed to get laid and that woman was willing on doing it-
Just half an hour later Adam and Kim disappeared too, and they left (Y/N) and Jay alone. The tension was palpable.
They didn't last long like that, swirling their beers through their fingers, looking at each other... (Y/N) hoped noone could notice the true intentions under their eyes, Jay thought they were so obvious with their glances that everyone knew about them and were only waiting for them to confirm anything. Either way, when they got to that point of the night, neither could care less of anything other than each other.
(Y/N) got up to announce she was going to head home but Jay caught her arm, he brought her near him pretending to hug her goodbye to whisper "I'll take you home" and lightly bite her ear; he did it so naturally that noone noticed, but the goosebumps (Y/N) got from just that...
She tried to contain herself, to walk normally through the bar and act like she wasn't going to scream Jay's name in a few minutes but Jay took her hand the moment they stepped out of the bar.
It was so natural.
Too natural. (Y/N) left it and began to walk to the cars, Jay scoffed but was smiling at her.
When they got in Jay's car the air shifted in an awkwardness that didn't belong to them; (Y/N) had a feeling Jay wanted to kiss her and couldn't comprehend why he wasn't doing it. Jay really really wanted to kiss her, but maybe rushing things wasn't a good idea: he didn't want "just sex" with her, and she had to understand it.
Jay leaned over and turned the radio on, "oh my God I love this song" (Y/N) beamed and started to sing. She was so fucking beautiful like this: comfortable and happy in Jay's presence. He loved it. At the chorus of the second song, Jay finally put his hand on her thigh. He could practically feel the internal battle that (Y/N) was fighting between giving in or pretend his touch didn't affect her so much. Jay loved this too.
"I have to say, I really want to stay the night tonight"
It was a simple sentence, but from the way he put it (Y/N) knew it was more than that. He didn't say "I want sex and you're the only one who wants it with me" -which (Y/N) swore multiple times that wasn't true and that there was a very long line of women anywhere he was- no, he wanted to let her know that she made him hard with just a look and he couldn't even think to rest his hands from her but was more than happy to just sleep in the same bed if that's what she wanted.
Don't get her wrong, (Y/N) wanted to jump his bones off, but tease him like this was so fun... So she pretended he didn't say anything and kept signing until they got to her apartment.
She kept her act going smiling at him and kissing his cheek as a thank you for getting her home, she got out of the car and started walking to her flat.
It got him the time that (Y/N) arrived to her door to show up, while she was searching for the keys she felt his hands on her waist. "Took you long enough" she looked up at him and finally looked him in the eyes again. Jay didn't let her say anything else, slamming his lips to hers and devouring her on her porch. When she felt his tongue pushing at her lips she couldn't control herself anymore and opened her mouth to let him do whatever he liked. In their little bubble of hands and mouths they forgot where they were and only returned to reality when (Y/N)'s keys fell from her hands and made a noise. The pair got away from eachother, Jay got the keys and opened the door but it was (Y/N) that pushed him inside and blocked him at the door to kiss him again.
Jay pushed her away with his hands on her waist, (Y/N) was ready to have sex on her couch but he had other plans. He lifted her shirt and turned her around, flashing her back to his chest and while he kissed her neck gently and unbuttoned her jeans he guided her to her bedroom.
When (Y/N) turned to look at him, Jay was shirtless too and was pushing her to the bed to make her sit.
He was so handsome.
He left her in her underwear and was gently pushing her legs apart now, he got on his knees and started kissing and biting her thighs. (Y/N)'s breath stopped in her throat when Jay got to her panties, grabbed them with his teeth and proceeded to take them away with his mouth.
He had a wonderful mouth.
"So wet for me". He knew it was only for him, but liked the reminder. (Y/N) settled on her elbows to look at him better but when he finally licked a stripe she closed her eyes and put a hand in his hair. Jay kept licking her up and down until he heard a whimper and knew it was the moment to start sucking on her clit and massaging her lips with his fingers;
"Jay" she breathed out, he was looking at her through his lashes and she clenched at his look. He entered her with both fingers and (Y/N) moaned again; Jay was fucking smirking on her her pussy. When she tightened her grasp on his hair Jay became a hungry man and devoured her all, "please don't stop".
Oh he would never...
(Y/N) was a mess of moans and screams and Jay wanted so desperately to cume with her, but she was the priority now.
"I-I'm" she couldn't resist anymore, "I know baby" a suck "let it all go" a pump of his fingers "cum for me baby" a last lick. And then it all went away because (Y/N) was a panting wreck and Jay was eating her orgasm out until she calmed down.
When she slumped on her back on the mattress Jay slowed down and started to clean her, slowly, gently and kissing every part of her now red pussy.
After he was done he got up, took off his jeans and boxer and lay down with her. He didn't expect to do anything else, he just wanted to be near her and feel her. (Y/N) turned to him and smiled, she got closer and whispered a content "hi", Jay chuckled at her "hi baby".
Looking at him in all his naked glory, after an orgasm, made her want more, (Y/N) bit her lip and got even closer "I want you". Jay thought she was even hotter when she spoke her desire out loud, but he also knew that her pussy's lips were swollen "you sure?", she travelled her hand from his chest to his dick. (Y/N) squeezed his tip making him hiss, "positive".
Jay smiled and turned to her nightstand to pick a condom while (Y/N) kissed his back and caressed his shoulders. When he got back he already opened the package but she stopped him, "what- something wrong?" she shook her head "I want to do it". She already got the envelope in her hands and Jay's eyebrows never shot up so fast, "if-if you're okay with it", Jay seemed to come back to earth "I-I-I- of course!" she smiled "you're so fucking hot" he confessed kissing her again. While they kissed (Y/N) picked the condom and slowly unraveled it on Jay, he moaned in her mouth and swore he never experienced something hotter.
They lay back on the bed and Jay started to grind on her, "don't tease" she hissed and he smiled.
He loved to tease her.
Jay entered at a slow pace, he wanted to feel every inch of her stretch to his dick. (Y/N) wanted to scream from the first instant he started to move, but she put her hand on her mouth to muffle her noises. Jay didn't agree. He put her hands on top of her head and purred in her ears at the sign "I want to hear you while I fuck you". She would definitely moan now.
Jay on top was so good: he kissed her neck and mumbled dirty things in her ears. And he had so much control of his thrusts, he could almost hit her g spot.
But (Y/N) wanted to be in charge too. It was her on top now and she loved how one of Jay's hands was on her hip and the other on her breast, flicking and squeezing her nipple from time to time. When she was on top they both were a mess of moans and grunts because she was able to grind her clit too and Jay loved the sight of her tits so near his face when she jumped up and down. This time (Y/N) swore Jay didn't moan, he said "I love you". She stopped for a second.
Nahh it couldn't be.
"Jay I-" her movements were becoming sloppy, Jay put both his hands on her hips to steady her "I know baby, I know". She couldn't keep it anymore, so Jay pushed her back on the bed and started to thrusts into her so hard they were both screaming. When Jay came he didn't stop until (Y/N) closed her eyes and finally let go.
After some moments he gently pulled out of her and let her breathe. He threw away the condom and got his boxers again; (Y/N) was happily watching him go around in her room to find her "sleeping t-shirt" from the bed. He sat on the bed again and put it on her, kissing every part of her during the process.
"You okay?"
He always asked her after. She always said "more than okay" and then she stretched her arms to him to make him hug her and sleep with her. He didn't need the grabby hands, he would have done it anyway, but Jay loved seeing her so cozy around him.
Jay Halstead slept so well that night and had a wonderful breakfast with (Y/N) the following morning that he didn't realise what he did up until he heard Adam whisper "I love you" to Kim before she left for a few hours the precinct.
"Oh shit"
Yeah he screwed up big time.
"What?", Adam was already laughing at his face, Antonio was rather concerned instead "what'd you do Halstead?" "I told (Y/N) I love her". He didn't realise what he'd done now either, he was too in shock. Nobody knew about them and he just confessed his love to everyone.
"You did what?" , Antonio's concern shifted to confusion; that seemed to shake Jay to reality "Um-", then they started with the questions "(Y/N) as in (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? The firefighter?" "How long have you two been seeing eachother?" "I knew there was something when-"
He never thanked God enough for the call from Voight, "Sarge?" "I need you at the 51, Boden already knows what I need, go talk to him", yeah and that's why he didn't thank him.
Adam burst out laughing at Jay's petrified face, "is there a problem, Halstead?" "No Sarge".
He got up and started going like he was doing the walk of shame.
Now Antonio's expression was one of pure amusement.
When he finally arrived at the firestatione, everyone was there. Perfect, he thought, he was gonna embarass himself in front of a platoon of firefighters whithout them even understanding why. He tried to act as cool as possible, asking Severide to see their chief and everything was going smoothly. That was untill he passed Boden's door and saw (Y/N) sat on the couch in the chief's office.
"Ah Detective, I know why you're here", Boden started the search for some documents and Jay could only look at (Y/N); she nodded and saluted him with a short "detective" and a smirk.
Jay wanted to be swallowed by the abyss of the Earth.
Boden handed him two folders and thanked him for the help his unit was giving him to... something- he didn't really listen to anything other than his thoughts.
"Can I talk to you?" he asled (Y/N) when he was sure Boden had finished. She was rather confused but agreed nonetheless; (Y/N) led him to the lockers to be sure of have some privacy. She sat on a bench and he sat next to her, (Y/N) couldn't understand why Jay wasn't looking her in the eyes...
She took his hand to shake him from the visible spiral he was getting himself into and made him look at her.
Three seconds had passed, only three seconds and Jay exploded just because he finally looked at her "I love you"
(Y/N) felt the world stopping, the floor under her feet collapsing and the sky opening.
"I'm sorry, I imagined saying it in other circumstances but just before coming down here I realized I actually told you yesterday- which is even more terrible, I am so sorry, telling such a thing while you're on top of me is so... but it slipped and now that i saw you I couldn't wait anymore because I-I feel like I ruined everything"
(Y/N) couldn't decide if she was going to cry or laugh at his face.
"You love me?"
Jay wanted to crawl on the floor and never see the light again, but then he saw her tearing eyes and little smile of amusement and breathed a sigh of relief; "yes, (Y/N). I love you so much"
Yeah now she was crying for real.
She jumped at his neck and kissed him with an emotion he though he never felt.
"I love you Jay Halsted".
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
what about cod men with reader who BLASTS music like ayesha erotica, nikki minaj and etc randomly while chilling or has headphones and does that while on field
Ohhhh I think they would probably be all so confused or worried if it happened in the middle of a mission lol, here my thoughts to that scenario:
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When Ghost heard you playing Nasty from Ayesha for the first time on the middle of interrogating someone they captured and kept alive on their mission, he was very irritated. Soap tried to get the new, right information out of the soldier meanwhile you two and Gaz stood in the darker corner, staring at the horrified man as you quietly sang the lines of the song playing over your headset.
,,Damn I'm sorry I blew you off, I was doing lunch with Microsoft. I'm sucking off a C.E.O, if he's not a millionaire then I've got to go~"
,,What the hell?! Y/n quit that singing! What even is that?", Ghost looked disgusted at you, questioning why he was even befriended with you in first place but quick to remember that you're actually his favorite person on earth, except for when you were listening to sich filth. In the middle of a mission. He quickly became used to it though, just told you once in a while to keep it down or put the music off if the operation was in need of your attention. He didn't enjoy the music as it was, the text too vulgar and flithy for his liking, but he couldn't deny that the melodies of some of your songs were quite catchy sometimes. Of course he grew even more annoyed when you and Gaz would play songs together on base and Soap would jump in on it with his ugly singing.
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He didn't knew you were listening to that kind of music. He sometimes heard you playing some songs as loud as you could in your room, but he never understood a thing of what was sang and your door was always locked, as if to keep people out from seeing you dance some kind of risky dance to this music. Oh boy, if he knew.
Emo Boy was suddenly playing. It scared the shit out if Soap, Kyle and yourself even though it was your ringtone.
,,Oh shit! Sorry guys, Mama's calling. Don't wait for me with the movie!", you were smiling at them and quickly picking up and talking to your mum over the phone.
,,Was that-", ,,Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica?", ,,Oh. My. God. I heard that right?!!?", ,,Yeah...I didn't know Y/n would listen to that type of music Soap!", ,,Me neither Gaz...it's a catchy song though", ,,Oh it really is. Probably why he chose it?", ,,Yeah...you think he's also into other songs of that genre?", ,,Maybe. Are you?", ,,Oh hell nuh. Not me, no no".
Gaz raises a brow at that and smirks. Then they both start laughing. ,,Oh you are so listening to this kind of music man!", ,,Pah, and if I am? You knew the song by name and artist by just a few seconds of melody playing!", ,,Ah yeah you got me there mate heh"
,,Alright guys, I'm back! Let's start this movie night shall we?", you grinned and sat next to Kyle again, who just smiled at you and nodded, reaching for the remote control. ,,Tell me, is that the music you alway listen and dance to in your room?", ,,Uhm yeah, whx Kyle?", ,,...Wanna show me one of those dances someday?", he grinned suggestively and you just giggled at that.
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Oh this man showed you this tyoe of music, actually. He was playing some song from Doja Cat on the radio of the car from his so nicely called "Hype or Horn Me Up" playlist. You were confused at first. The words used in the songs were...interesting. And Soap was dancing and tapping to it like he was in some dance off. It was amusing and fun. Of course his taste in music wore off on you and so it surprised noone on the team when you were running past them on the field, gun in hand while looking as if you had the time of your life, the could hear for a short time the music blasting through your headphones as you went to go for the next kills.
,,I ain't tryna be cool like you hmmhmhmhmm", you sang while aiming to shoot an enemy, the new song coming on another Doja Cat favourite of you and soap. Hitting the target clean in the head you smirked. ,,I'm bitch. I'm a boss. I'm bitch, I'm a boss, I'm a shine like gloss!", ,,Oi yes you are Darlin!", Soap beamed from behind you. Price was just sighing and pinching his nosebridge while Ghost was just standing next to him like an annoyed older sibling.
You guys would play this type of music all around the base, 24/7. All week long. Until Price got so mad he made you do the dishes and gave you one month of cleaning duty. You did in fact not keep it down afterwards and everyone just had to live with it. Some of the younger recruits actually enjoyed it and envied you guys for that, made them feel less stressed and more relaxed.
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Oh boy. Oh. Boy. He nearly died. First time you blasted that music on the car ride to some pub out of town because you guys all got some time off duty? He was thinking about how he could never go to heaven now, or even just into a church. He would perish just standing on the steps of a church. But then he remembered, he wasn't even religious. So that was fine. But then he thought "Why the fuck is this muppet listening to THAT?!!?!?". You currently sat in the driver's seat and danced to S.L.U.T by Bea Miller. Before that a song way worse was playing, Price recalled (it was I Want Your Bite by Cara Cunningham). This one now wasn't too bad. It was quite nice actually. Way more innocent than ghe other one. John was thankful for that, he grew very hot and was all flustered by the other song which made him feel a little uncomfortable.
,,Oh we're nearly there Cap!", ,,Y-Yes. Just...just put the car to a stop yeah?", ,,Whatever you say Captain!", you smiled while the next song came on. ,,Oh my god this one is so good!". Price looked over to you, awaiting something more innocent again like before. He thought wrong.
,,Ride it, slide it, bite, get inside it
Come on, touch my body
I know that you like it, you can't hide it
Come on touch my body
Hotter, bigger, faster, longer, thicker
Come on touch my body!", you sang loud and proud to the lines of Treat Me Like A Slut by Kim Petras. John officially was a tomato now. He loved seeing you having your fun, but this was surely and never will be his kind of music choice.
,,Treat Me Like A Slut, little dirty bitch I love to fuck!", ,,Okayyy I think it's- oh look there's the pub! Get us a good parking lot and then we'll have some fun kid, a'right?", ,,Yes!".
Poor guy always gets all red when he hears some of his boys play such music. And with Soap and you, and occasionally also Kyle, on his team that was a lot of times. But he wouldn't be too mad about it. Just sometimes id you played it too loud or while he was in an important meeting. He did enjoy seeing you all have your fun so he is not too strict with punishments.
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You are playing some pretty filthy, nasty song in your shared house. Ale just came back from grocery shopping, Rudy in tow helping him with the bags. You were wearing just a shirt and boxers while singing to the song, looking through some magazines on the couch and just waiting for Alejandro to be back. He new of your guilty pleasure for those songs, this kind of music. He adored the way you would get all red sometimes when he talked about it to you, but he doesn't judge. He actually listens to songs like this as well. Obviously in spanish. He showed you some in his native language and you enjoyed them, even if you didn't know what was said.
Alejandro would laugh sometimes when you randomly put the music on while you were in a fight. It always made his mood go all the way up hearing and seeing you enjoy this music, especially if you would listen to the spanish ones he had shown you. For him it is no problem. He trusts you with being focused on missions so he allows you to listen to music, sometimes you even listen together over the radio.
The same goes for Rodolfo, but the poor guy would be worried sick if you would start blasting loud music on missions out of nowhere. Give the little guy a warning beforehand so he doesn't shoot you out of shock hehe. He also shows you songs in spanish, some that are not as filthy as yours but have the same kind of energy and he translates them for you.
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Little german/austrian boy listens to filthy music himself. He is the biggest Rammstein fan there is. One of his favourite songs is probably Bück Dich (Bend Over) and Dicke Titten (Big Boobs/Big Tits). He also really enjoys Labyrinth by OOMPH! It's not really filthy with words but the meaning is pretty dirty. It's also a banger like, he was so happy you enjoyed listening to music with him. To that kind of music as well. He really wantes to visit a Rammstein concert with you someday, if you said yes.
He doesn't listen to music on the job though. And because he's your colonel he asked you kindly to not do it either. On the flight to wherever the mission was? Yes of course he will even listen with you to calm his nerves. At the base? Sometimes he even gets Horangi to join you guys, who really hates this kind of music because he heard too much of it in hia home country (he absolutely hates kpop and all the horny people coming with it).
When you showed him some of your favourite artists and they would sing too fast or use words he didn't understand, you would try to translate for him and the most funny german ever. He told you it was fine to try to explain in english but you really wanted to make him happy and maybe even laugh a little when you tried to explain that the person in the song just sang "Ich möchte in deinen Titten ertrinken" (I wanna drown on those tits/boobs of yours). He is so sweet if someone came up and would make fun of you listening to such music, like he would finally use his rank for once and make them regret for ever saying that to you.
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vscabarca · 3 months
birthday cake - pablo gavi
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summary: gavi surprises you with a cake on your birthday
genre: fluff
March second. One of Gavi‘s favorite days of the year.
You, his girlfriend, turned nineteen and the sweet boyfriend he is he wanted to surprise you with a special gift.
Due to his injury Gavi had enough time to stand in his kitchen, wearing an apron full with flour, trying to understand the cake recipe he looked at.
After you were woken up by loads of kisses and a overly excited Gavi wishing you a happy birthday, you had to leave to go to uni. You would’ve rather stayed with him, lazily laying around in his arms and do nothing. To your luck your lessons only went until noon and you could spend the rest of the day with him and your family, celebrating the birthday.
Gavi had never been a great cook, trying nevertheless to put the smile on your face he loved so much.
There were eggshells lying around on the counter, sugar and baking soda were spilled everywhere. It just looked like a three year old had a bake off without his mother.
Gavi hummed along the music playing from his jbl box, then tasted the batter with his fingers, nodding approvingly.
He let the oven heat up, waiting patiently to put the tray inside.
Funnily enough, Gavi couldn’t deny to feel proud of baking this cake, even if he just bought a simple cake mix.
The clock dinged, indicating he could put the cake inside the oven. Just as Gavi put it inside, the door of his house opened and you walked into the kitchen.
Your laughter echoed through his kitchen, making Gavi turn on his heels to face you.
„What are you doing?“
„Why are you already home?“
You both spoke at the same time, giggling at the other person.
You eyed your boyfriend up and down quickly, loving how he looked in his outfit. Flour was not only on his apron but also on his cheek.
„You look like a real chef.“ You exclaimed, walking around the kitchen island to embrace him in a hug.
Gavi grew shy, a blush creeping across his face. His hands found your waist while yours were around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.
„I wanted to surprise you.“ Your boyfriend pouted and signaled over to the cake.
You looked over to the oven, only now realizing Gavi was baking a cake for you. A sigh of realization left your lips and you were the one pouting now. Even the baking tin was heart shaped, making the scenario a whole lot cuter than it already was.
„Baby you did that?“ You asked shocked and turned back around to look in his beautiful brown eyes.
„I tried. The batter didn’t taste too bad.“ Gavi chuckled and pulled you closer to finally kiss your lips.
„That’s so sweet of you, thank you.“ You smiled and traced your thumb over his cheek, getting rid of the remaining flour.
„Oops now you’ve got some flour there too.“ Gavi grinned, doing the same you had just done before.
„Cumpleaños feliz! cumpleaños feliz!”
Voices of your friends, family and your boyfriend filled the living room.
You, with a little tiara on your head, sat in front of the in blue frosting covered cake, smiling even though your cheeks started to hurt.
Your guests stopped singing and you blew out the candles. They then started clapping, taking pictures of you with the cake.
As the cheering settled, you decided to let your guests know who had baked this cake.
„By the way, Gavi over here baked the cake all by himself. He surprised me with it.“
You saw him grow shy, giving you a playful glare. You knew he didn’t really like the attention, but you wanted your relatives to know good Gavi treated you.
He just nodded awkwardly at the comments your parents made, scooting closer to you.
„¡Sois tan dulces! Necesito una foto!“ (You two are so sweet! I need a picture!). Your grandmother swooned, clapping her hands together as she saw you two.
You laughed sweetly, nodding your head. Gavi sat down next to you, pulled you closer by the waist and smiled into the camera your grandmother was holding.
She snapped a picture, then turned the phone over to you so you could take a look.
„Could you send me this?“ His thumb traced over your skin, making you feel a little flustered.
„Of course!“ Your grandmother said and airdropped the foto to Gavi. He immediately looked at it, a small smile forming on his face.
„We should frame it and hang it up at home.“ He spoke, his eyes never leaving the picture.
You liked the idea and agreed with a nod.
Gavi turned his attention from his phone back to you, leaning down to give you a quick, delicate kiss.
„Feliz Cumpleaños amor.“
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salford-blues · 5 months
Dressed to impress
A/n: I am so not ready to go back to Uni. So fics might slow down a bit because this semester might take a toll on me haha.
Pairing: F1 grid x driver!reader Summary: Y/N shows off her little family to the world, in which they're all dressed to impress. Well most of them are <33 Warnings: like a swear word
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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liamlawson30, georgerussell63, landonorris & others liked
My new account for my little companions! Just a fun little account for my many pets.
Left - Thackery (12), Middle - Cosmic Creepers (8), Right - Oogie Boogie (8)
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alex_albon booooooo!! Just trying to copy now 👎
> yourusername i cant just let their cuteness go to waste
>> alex_albon you know what... fairs. Cossie is very cute
User.1 eeeeeee soso cute
User.2 Thackery doesn't look very happy
> yourusername that because Alex didn't bring is favourite treat...
>> alex_albon heeyy i forgot!! Tell him I'm sorry. pleassee
>>> yourusername he said he'll forgive if you bring him some next time!
>>>> alex_albon deal!!
landonorris do NOT let Cosmic Creepers fool you. He may be cute, but he's possessed. I'm telling you
> oscarpiastri dramatic, and for what?
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, logansargeant & others liked
Omg, I've never looked so good...
Left - Kismet (9), Middle - Itchy (3), Right - Knuckles (1)
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User.3 how do you come up with these names???
> yourusername most of them are named after characters!!!
charles_leclerc hahaha... veryyy funny caption
> yourusername knew you'd like it
User.4 how many pets do you have?
> yourusername faaarr too many.
User.5 surely this is animal abuse...
User.6 Why does she have a hedgehog?? I thought they were illegal in some states
> yourusername 1. I rescued him and 2. not everyone lives in the states babes <33 but thanks for the concern
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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mickschumacher, lewishamilton, logansargeant & others liked
Having a fursome time. Managed to snag a pic before Diablo fought the camera. 🐾
Left - Diablo (3), Middle - Meeko (2), Right - Prometheus (5)
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User.6 Diablo looks very cool.
> yourusername Diablo likes to tell people to 'fuck off'... wonder were he got that from
>> yourusername looking at you @liamlawson30 👀👀
>>> liamlawson30 don't know what you're on about 😤
>>>> yourusername sure you don't. Just like you don't remember teaching him to attack people when they're smacking their lips.
>>>>> User.12 that is a very valid reason to attack someone
logansargeant look how sophisticated Meeko looks
> yourusername oh wow, that's a big word coming from you
>> logansargeant i try to be nice and this is what i get in return...
>>> oscarpiastri yh but you're american. it's why you get bullied
roscoelovescoco whens cans I's comes round agains?
> yourusername soon Roscoe!! Prometheus and Itchy miss you
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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frederikvestioffical, georgerussell63, danielricciardo & others liked
We wish you a merry christmas and aaaaa happpyyyy newwwww yeaaarrrr 🎄🎄🎄
Left - Ankyl (6), Middle - Bandersnatch (2), Right - Scorchito (2)
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User.7 why are all these animals so cuuutteeee
User.8 cuteness overload... think I'm gonna die
User.9 Ankyl isn't very christmassy
> yourusername I couldn't find his christmas picture, so I had to put his halloween one up instead
porschef1 hmmm meet and greet when??
*yourusername liked comment*
User.10 do any of them have a favourite person/driver? do any of the hate one of the drivers?
> yourusername yes and yes!! some examples: all of the cats HATE Lando, but Itchy loves him. The cats like Oscar, Alex, Liam, George etc. The ferrets are fond of Fred Vesti and Charles. The bird likes noone... he will attack at any point. ESPECIALLY when you're singing. He's a very naughty boy and we can blame Liam for that.
>> User.11 Liam and Lando catching strays left, right and centre.
maxfewtrell Lando looks like he might cry. Keep talking
> yourusername well I'll send Itchy his way. That'll cheer him up
>> landonorris thanks gonna keep him now
>>> yourusername right... grounded for 3 months.
>>>> landonorris 3 MONTHS???? WHY???
>>>>> yourusername cause the cats told me to
>>>>>> landonorris this is bullying!!
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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mickschumacher, liamlawson30, oscarpiastri & others liked
Meet our newest member Koda 🐻
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User.13 awweee he's so fluffy!!
oscarpiastri I want to be the first one to meet him
> mickschumacher too late...
>> oscarpiastri I SAW THAT
>>> oscarpiastri NNOOOOOO
User.14 wait Mick was the first to meet him? Awweee
> logansargeant NO not 'awweee'. Why was Mick the first one Birdie?? Why not me? Why not Oscar? Do you not love us?
>> yourusername why so dramatic? Can we appreciate Koda's cuteness instead ta
mickschumacher so cute!! Can't wait to meet him 💙💛
> logansargeant you can't sweet talk your way out of this Mick
>> oscarpiastri LIAARRR... count your days Mick
>>> yourusername stop threatening the poor boy or else you can join Lando
>>>> oscarpiastri no please I'll be nice. Promise 🙏
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