#why sad endings have to exist. yk
miami2k17 · 10 months
i genuinely did enjoy ofmd in the end but killing izzy was so fucked up man. u cant spend 8 episodes giving someone that kind of beautiful character development and then just kill him with an offhand random gunshot. or at all. it's giving 15 seasons just to die on a rusty nail
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success life story ♡
heyy i'm here to share about my success story, the beginning is only before i started manifesting and about when i just started, all my success are on the very end of the blog, so feel free to skip directly at it if you're not interest by all the rambling !
have a good read ☆
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michiko is so pretty, i've literally been told so many times i looked liker <3
the old story that i don’t live in anymore
okay so before i didn’t hate my life, at all, but i just found very dull and so poor of entertaining like it was just too fucking regular and repetitive.also a bit depressing. i thought of myself of such an unlucky girl before and i was like affirming all the fucking time that i was unlucky and guess what? everything really used to go the way i didn’t want it to go every single damn time and i’d be like i knew it im so unlucky boo-hoo.
same for the money i would just go every single fucking day rambling to my friends how poor i was and how i wanted money so bad and the same story every single fucking for days, weeks, months.
i really wanted a new appartement and my own room cause i used to share same room as my sister and it really was getting on my nerves, i had no privacy and place for myself. the apartment was small, my mum always kept complaining about it and then she would argue about my dad about it but the reason why we couldn’t move out despite trying for several months was cause my dad had whole lotta debts and my mom had a really low paying and hard job she was exhausted and, it was quiet hard to see them being this unhappy and they still tried their hardest to make us happy so i really wanted to get back at them.
about social life i had very few friends and barely went out, i'd say probably one time a month. and i really wanted to get that life of the party, and those big ass friends group and also i was crazy desperate about having black friends cause i am black and literally the only black out here without none of black friends and i felt pretty left out like wtf am i the only black girl with no black friends cause all of them (that's so dumb tho.. ) were friends and gets invited to the most fun hangouts and i was embarrassingly jealous of that and also complained a lot about it…and kept asking tf was wrong with me.
STRONGLY on this one : i wanted a relationship so bad and i kept hating and being sad to those couple on tiktok’s. one time i actually cried cuz i wanted a boys’s love so bad like i was craving it so bad. i was in such despair state before..cringy ahh ☠️
i used to be rlly insecure about my looks too even tho at some moments i felt more confident, i kept comparing myself and waisting dozens of minutes enumerating my "flaws ". i knew about manifestation but not really about law of assumption , for me manifesting was really all about listening to subliminals, method and scripting. we all once knew that phase yeah? i used to manifest from time to time but then would just give up again,since i was not seeing results and so on. so useful wow.and then there’s the others things like mediocre grades, poor family health, just constant tiredness and fatigue feeling,
tw : mention of being depressed,sh,ed, : felt empty like life had absolutely no meaning, suicidal thoughts, tried to end by over-consumption of medication, self-harm and bulimia, constant complaining and NEGATIVE ONLY mindset.
but now, NOW i tell you ever single thing i’ve just listed changed completely like every single damn thing i’ve just listed is no more, it’s out of the date, dead, buried and no longer existing !
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it clicked
then at some point at my life i was just like. yk what? fuck i just wanna change it all. then i really like really  got into it all over again and for good. no more 1 week i try then giving up cause i ain’t seeing no « results ».
i watched hours and hours of ppl talking about loa (i’m not saying you should do this at all it’s just that i was very under-informed and wanted to know everything about loa)on youtube, shoutout to rita kaminski and hyler who really put me into it and informed me. then i started reading neville’s pdf books, and tumblr blogs, kinda overconsuming but i liked getting myself informed.
and then that’s where everything started and that i got aware of all the power i actually hold. all the things i actually can do just cause of my mind. i wrote down all my wishes in present tense ,like every single aspect i wanted to change/have in my life. and i started fully living in the end like really got myself into and at first of course, wavering from time to time in the beginning. it was pretty easy for me since i was used to manifestation.but what i didn’t do before is persist no matter what and that’s what was really tricky for me in the beginning to persist no matter what and not just give up to bullshit 3D. but when i kept moving forward no matter the 3D and made it facts the only my 4D matters and everything has already happened, ALL and every single wish down to the last one flowed into my life. ONE by ONE every single hour of the day i would get my manifestations down to the last letter i wrote in my notes.every single thing
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success storyy
in a matter of few weeks like really 3 week-ish like- 1 month max.
starting off LUCK i’m extremely lucky now every single time i play gambling activities i win. i’ve won insane amounts at scratch cards i think i’ve won in total more than 5’000$. JUST FROM SCRATCH CARDS.and before i started i NEVER EVER WON. now whenever i play there’s not one time that i’ll win absolutely nothing even just a small prize
won huge lottery prize (from 200 to 12k the biggest i’ve won yet)
winning a gambling games, either online or dice rolling luck,bets, bingos etc.. its literally insane every one keep telling that i literally has got god’s blessing (i’m the god guys🥰)
financially freedom, my parents upgraded jobs and i’ve got lots of incomes + the money my parents give me 
all the debts my dad had, he got rid of ALL of them and when i tell you mf had a lot of em☠️
move out in a new huge ass condo which is a duplex (like really like i wrote it it’s actually scary how powerful we are..) I’VE FINALLY GOT MY OWN ROOM and we’re getting my desired furnitures and decorating the house i’m so grateful
friends and popularity i think biggest shock for me is really this. like my social life has gone from very paisible to completely fully booked and passioning life. like seriously i’ve been to more parties, concerts, birthdays, and hangouts during the last 2 weeks holidays than in my entire life
got lot of new friends, healthy relationships and quality time passed on lots of fun activities and sm memories
black groups friend. WITH AN S.so thankful to myself to be this good a manifestation i litteraly got into a black friend group of girls and i’ve never felt more at my place and understood this much. and these girls know the black group boys (when i tell you that 2y ago they were the person that i wanted to be close with so bad..also they’re really hot and funny lol)so we hung out with them and i was literally so highlighted and became pretty much friends with all of them !! 
my man. HELLO I LITERALLY MANIFESTED MY DREAM RELATIONSHIP? when i met him i didn’t actually realize right on the spot that he was exactly how i wanted him to be and reading back to when i scripted out all the things i wanted at the beginning, everything matched. he’s literally physically and mentally the man of my dream LIKE REALLY. we’re no bf and gf YET cause it’s just a little soon but we see each others super often and we have the best relationship ever i swear it’s giving wattpad. the flirting is crazyyy.
dream bod.from head to toe my desired body. heavy on the lower body all for that azz and wide hips.ive got smooth and clear skin and smell good all the time!! litteraly flawless face + got my braces which suits so much and dimples
plenty of vacations (went to ibiza, usa and dubai )
lenient parents they use to be so strict before i swear its crazy they let me go so easily now, i can hangout without asking 3 days ,like they accept even if i've gotta go in the next hour or if wanna go on trip that's in another country. i can come back home so much later too
attractive & magnetic aura + being really charismatic (everyone i met keep telling me i’ve got this thing that really makes them want me, get closer to me)
good grades without doing much
perfect self-concept - as i kept living 24/7 in the state of wish fulfilled, my self concept only got better making me really know what i’m worth and never wavering/ going back to the old story
whole ass pc set up
all of my desired skincare/makeups/shoes/clothes
and so much more...
i hope y'all liked my blog and that it motivated some of you to NEVER GIVE UP cause y'all are reallyy some powerful mfs and y'all already got all of yours desires !!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ honey kisses, shayama
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pr3ttyp1nkvrse · 26 days
my persistence journey whilst in school. i am living breathing proof that ur persistence is ur method .. 8.25
since may i had applied for housing through my school. it had a waitlist, if my number was not called or chosen i would be left with no housing, and unfortunately it is a lot to handle paying rent and expenses for school all at the same time, i am an out of state student to add insult to injury lol. i still applied, and enrolled in classes for the next semester though (current)
i told everyone how horrible i felt about being in school though due to going through a major loss in my family.
i began to wallow in my sadness.. becoming so depressed. when i say i had nothing, i had NOTHING. then one day it rained while i was at work, nasty muddy i was so annoyed i got rained on at work and then .. i am not joking, i saw a double rainbow.. i looked at all the small things i had for the simple fact the sight of the rainbow was so beautiful.
a job, runnin water, a bed to sleep in, a phone to call, amazing followers on tumblr that were in the same persisting phase as me..
i started living for these things. i put my heart into everything, i became so mentally well put together i was ready for the school year even in the summer i started being active on my blog and all …
but then
i never heard anything back from my school. all my friends were getting housing assignments left and right and little ole me was getting NADA.. no emails, no calls from the school. i then called my school and they told me basically, i needed 12k more to attend my school. mind you, no housing already, and they began to drop me from all my classes. this began to become a distraction within my journey. i thought back to my original thoughts of how i spoke not going back into existence by living in negativity, so i really let this situation take a bigger toll on me believing i was gonna find a solution.
but yk what else ? i began to type on this very blog. i told yall, and i told myself I HAVE EVERYTHING. even when i looked at 3D .. and didn’t see anything.. only obstacles. i began to think well … what DO i have to get me out of this?
i have my mind .. i have ME!!
i missed the first week of classes and decided, this will not be the year i quit at ANYTHING. especially my DREAMS!! why would i ? because i went through something? news flash WE ALL DO! ITS THE CYCLE OF LIFE.
i marched to my school that same week, little 2 hour flight. thinking, they gonna have to give me something not because i deserve it and want this but because I SAID SO. I SAID I CAN SO I WILL! i cleared my mind though.. i never one time thought of what it was gonna look like if this situation did not work out for me in the best way.
long story short. i went back and forth between multiple buildings for three hours for them to tell me what they told me from the start. but i wasn’t compromising with that story. i sat in the financial aid office, as the worker is infront of me checking everything imagining a miracle .. visualizing them handing me my keys.
and sure enough. he told me they made a mistake on their end this entire time, i recieved the best on campus housing assignment! and that’s not by my standards, i genuinely got the best place everyone hopes to get. i didn’t think of the large pool of students my school had, seeing as one person coulda easily filled my spot.
i learned that
1. the tongue is POWER.
2. when i have nothing, that’s not true, i have ME.
3. don’t just persist, don’t take no for an answer and RUN for what your after. don’t just ask or hope for it!
4. you don’t have to be the happiest person in the world, but it helps to be positive when all you have is your mind, body, and soul.
5. be strong. don’t give up .. even when i was in a situation where i had to sit out from classes, abruptly get up and travel but i STILL believed there had to be something for me .. no crumbs .. a full meal covered in aluminum foil that i simply had to wrap off.
you got this. and i am PROUD at how far we’ve come TOGETHER. the universe is working for them, me, you, us.
-biggest B, senior year <3
also.. thank you all for the reblogs. it’s not many, but i know my post are reaching some and that means the world to me. i hope i’ve impacted you all in some way. even if small.
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satocidal · 1 year
Hewoo :3
Random thought but imagine if during Suguru's spiral his literal ideal type appeared and it makes him feel like she's his spring and he tries so hard to be around her and all of that, especially when the next spring catches them and he catches himself thinking "I shouldn't have caught another spring, yet there I am, aching for her presence"🥺
You can do whatever you wish with this or just ignore it if it doesn't suit you, honestly T-T
I might come with more thoughts bcs I have heavy Suguru brainrot
PLEASE do come with more because I love this and support suguru brain rot agenda always.
Tw: mentions of death and I know I haven’t written exactly what was asked💀but it sort of revolves around it but yeah
No because something tells me, his type of woman, that is, his preference is less dependant of physical attributes but more so on the personality. Like don’t get wrong, he does like what he sees, all the damn time too, but that wasn’t what made him fall for you. Geto prefers, in simple words, being the moth to a flame — Masochistic? Maybe, but just something about a love where it can and possibly does harm him initially intrigues him—he is the one of the strongest afterall, however could you hurt him? Oh, but you did—with pretend ignorance and mock obliviousness. I think Suguru prefers a girl who’s different to him—now, perceive this as you please, he could love a feminine person(not to be gender specific here but yk), at the same time, he likes louder ones—confident around everyone else and the ones that turn to a puddle around him. You see, it makes him feel alive. It makes him feel that he made you feel something and to him, is always more than enough. Suguru’s type is a person who’s like the breath of summer and the Night of A Spring.
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It shouldn’t have happened, not really, not at all—not then.
Careful; he should’ve been careful, and alert. For now he sat in the corner of the room, in a part he didn’t want to be at—with people he didn’t know, wearing clothes he watched to tear apart and let his body breathe—but all on top of that, stood you.
“Wanna join me in this party tonight?” Glossed lips and bashful grin—it didn’t take much, or any persuasion for that matter for him agree. Now, he wasn’t sure why he agreed, or if he did at all and you just assumed his dazed nod, something very natural he’s gotten along doing you, to be a yes.
So now he sat alone in the corner, eyes drafting to every movement of yours, your hips swung— left, right,left —he’d been observing you for a while now, anyone observing him would deem him a stalker at this point.
“What is your type in women?” The question rang in his mind again—something, weirdly enough that had been bouncing back into his mind every few days—his type? He’d wondered then, not really sure.
But he knew now, one look at you and he knew what his type was. One look at you and your silly graphic t-shirt of some anime and he knew his favourite fandom; one look at your converse and he knew his next expenditure; one look at your hair and he knew his hands were perfect to braid them; one look at you and he knew, he knew, he wanted to wait.
Wait everything out—in midst of all that was happening, in the midst of a tragedy his eyes had spotted you. Trained themselves to even see you as he slept (I mean dream of you, not in a creepy way lol).
To where his mind once questioned his existence, he now lay wondering if you liked poppies better of roses. To where he once questioned running away, he now knew he’d run away to you. He could run away to you.
Suguru used to feel he was nothing but a sad, lonely, tired winter, trudging along until the better Spring came about—until the spring made people forget of him- until the winter was no more.
But then again, could you blame him at all? In those black sweatshirts and black pants he’d assumed he’d find himself dead- in that cold shivering winter he thought he’d end—in that gloom, he thought, he wouldn’t continue any longer, he couldn’t. He didn’t know, right? He didn’t know, didn’t want to know, if he could at all live to see another Spring.
When he saw you, the question wasn’t to catch a spring or no, but the fact that he managed to and he considered you his achievement, the most prized one. He could sit and deny it to himself, as he’d tried initially but no, he ached for you. Day and night, he ached for you.
So pitifully wrong he knew he was back then, as your form approached him, a grin on your face, “C’mere,” you’d shouted over the music—so wrong he was.
For while you pulled him closer on the dance floor, of a party he disliked, he clung onto you- his dark hair ruffling to your shoulders too—for just then he knew that you were his Spring. You made him forget about his lonely, tired winter, you made him breathe. As you wrapped your hands around his neck and danced close to him, nothing romantic and yet he wouldn’t complain because Suguru lived every moment spent, had it been around you, basking in your Spring.
And as he held you close, supporting himself with you, knowing you loved it too, he smiled.
“What’s your favourite colour?” You’d asked with a grin, brown raised and a chart in your hand, “We’re gonna paint your house that colour!”
He’d smiled, and before he could say anything at all, “Wait let me guess,” you chimed in quickly, “Yellow? The light kind,” a smile adored your lips, a squeal bursting to escape and it did too as he nodded with a chuckle.
Your arms found themselves wrapped around him, “I know you so well,” you’d laughed and stared into his eyes—he stared in to yours, knowing all too well that until the word ‘yellow’ had escaped your lips, he was sure he hadn’t known that colour properly at all. And now that you’d said ‘yellow’ he knew he’d fallen in love with a colour too—a colour of life, he’d smiled.
But the truth lay all too bare for until you had said the word ‘yellow’ Suguru hadn’t found his favourite colour at all.
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aimbutmiss · 6 months
Yk, I was thinking. Buggy knew Whitebeard fairly well right? The Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard pirates crossed paths many, many times on their respective voyages. Enough that Newgate had his and Shanks's faces memorized and Buggy to know damn well that picking a fight with Ace would bring down Whitebeard's wrath. But those two crews partied as much as they fought together.
So what's Buggy going to say when Gabriel asks him about what Whitebeard was really like? Bc Crocodile sure doesn't have anything nice to say, and he rarely has anything to say at all about his past.
Well, to answer that question I have to talk about Buggy's thoughts on Whitebeard first, and I have a lot to say.
Firstly, Buggy most certainly respected the man. Whitebeard was able to clash with Roger on equal grounds, and their fights ended in draws. He was perhaps the only man who could be considered Roger's equal. That alone is enough to make anyone respect Whitebeard, but Buggy actually saw the fights. He knew Roger personally, therefore he has the best idea of how much respect Whitebeard actually deserves.
The man was a beast, and Buggy knows this from first hand experience.
But unlike Crocodile, that personal experience he had never hurt him. Buggy has no personal grudge against the man, if anything he kind of liked him (despite how terrifying he was). Whitebeard was good with kids in his own way back in the day. Not in the gentle, caring way but more like a fun, a bit crazy uncle. He always entertained Shanks and Buggy in the parties after their fights, and was one of the few adults who never questioned Roger's decision to have kids in the crew.
Well, either way, Buggy hadn't thought about the man in years and didn't really care— until Marineford. I genuinely believe Buggy's fear at seeing Whitebeard was because he thought the man wouldn't recognise him. Because if he did realise who he was, he wouldn't hurt him. Buggy was certain of that.
And he was right. Whitebeard recognised him, and didn't try to fight. If anything, he helped Buggy. And I believe 100% that it was intentional. Whitebeard's a clever man, and he knew how Buggy was as a child. One look at Buggy's scared face and the hoard of men behind him screaming for a fight was enough for him to assess the situation.
So, Buggy was throwing around empty promises about killing him to impress this group of escapees and it escalated. Right.
So, of course, after realising this, Whitebeard offered a truce— a team up. Because he knew Buggy didn't actually want to fight him. Not that he could anyway... But even if he did somehow have the power to do so, the kid wouldn't want to hurt him. He had no reason to do so. If anything, as one of the few people who remembered Roger as a man and not the King of Pirates, Buggy kind of valued Whitebeard's existence. It made him feel less alone, less like Roger's legacy could die out. That's why despite his lack of interest in the man, or the war, he was sad when he died. Another great man from the good old days, gone forever. Another part of the childhood he valued so much, wiped off the face of the earth in a second.
So, what would Buggy tell Gabe when he asks him about Whitebeard? Just the truth.
"He was a pirate."
Like his daddies, he was a pirate. And above all, he was a man. He could be kind, he could be terrifying. He did good things, but he also did bad things. He made mistakes. He pillaged and fought and killed, because that's what a pirate does. But he had a family he loved and protected to the end of the world.
Like Crocodile. Like Mihawk.
Gabriel loves his dads, but Buggy doesn't shy away from telling him that those two don't act the same way to everyone. They've done every bad thing under the sky that a pirate can do, some of which they have regrets over. They've ruined people's lives in their own way, they've fought and they've killed. Because they're pirates. Because they're men.
Just like Whitebeard.
Humanising Whitebeard doesn't wipe the trauma away of course, but it helps. It's the first step in a journey of healing for a little kid who didn't ask for any of this.
And if anyone can forgive a man they've never met, who happens to be already dead, it's a strong kid like Gabriel.
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wildglitch · 5 months
A long Side tangent for the WIZ!Spidey x DCU AU
A longish post on what I think happened to the other dimension travelers. This is gonna be semi canon with the other heros! Timeline I sometimes mention. This means some of what I say is canon, some might be subject to change, while others I have decided to write total bs for.
And YK what the best part is? You get to figure out which one is which :D
Since this is gonna be focusing on a lot of other characters that aren't Peter, this is gonna be a bit longer so the characters can get at least one paragraph to them.
This is mostly gonna be off the top of my head since I only know what happens to Loki, T'challa and Bruce. The others I'm gonna figure out as we go, so we are doing this together
Anyways- let's start.
-Ok so lets break this into sections
Main canon: the one every post is talking about unless I say otherwise. Yk, the main au
Other Heros: the au where I add characters that didn't show up in the show, but canonically they do exist in the main MCU timeline so theoretically they could also survive. Yk, the Daredevil au I wrote a bit about where everyone dies, this is if they live
Absolut BS: Is there gonna be bs in the other sections? Yes. Is there gonna be anything serious in this one? Absolutely not. This is for those sweet non canon MCU characters. I try to stick to canon as much as possible, but sometimes I get an idea so good I wanna add it, but refuses cause I gotta lay in the bed I made for myself (it's fine lol). This is for stuff we know aren't canon or are very heavily implied not to be in the MCU. Yk, for funsies, (and cause team red is missing its degenerate, yes Im weak Im sorry! Deadpool you still aint canon to this until your movie comes out! You too Logan!)
With those out of the way, lets start of with the
Main Canon
-So, starting off simple are the people on the ship. T'achalla in my opinion, looking at the movies, is weaker than Peter. And since Peter dies in most of his crashes if there is no interference, the answer is clear to see. After all, the black guy always dies first :^
No, uhh, to not just leave it like that cause, yes, it's sad- I like to think that if he dies then his ancestors and powers let him transcend a bit to the point of minor godhood. Meaning that if there were ever a godly meeting the avatars had to attend to, Peter would be in for a big surprise
-Scott, wtf happened to you bro-
He survives due to the fact he had the cloak of levitation, he has no clue what happened and due to his lower weight, gets blown away by the wind, never to be seen again. So sad
...anyways he ended up in a box-
No clue how he got there. He just knows that one minute he was disoriented as hell in the sky, the next he's stuck in some crate in some magic labyrinth with no hope of rescue. Long story short, he's stuck there for many, many months.
Scott: How Am I Still Alive!?
-Bruce is the Hulk when he gets chucked into the DCU, he's also at an old abandoned military base...why are there people here?
Ya so, apparently the abandoned base he was Hulking out at against a bunch of Zombies, wasn't so abandoned in the DCU. In Fact it's one of, if not the most top secret base there is in the U.S military. So imagine with me, this X foot tall green beast appears out of nowhere and is in some sort of rampage at this super secure military base. You're welcome, I just put Bruce on the Villains list. I can see a few JL members or maybe some YJ kids showing up and dealing with him. And since we know that Hulk is sentient enough to make friends and enemies, Hulk is sent to some top of the line prison while Bruce is unconscious in the back seat. The JL try to interrogate him, but they only get vage half formed sentences about being weak (not a good look) people (Valkyrie, his best bro, is very much missed) and a mission (protect spider...Batman filed that one away for later)
-Bucky...Ha! No
I've proven to myself that I like his character enough to make him important to Peter's Character and the Plot (since when is there plot-) so Ima save him for another post.
-Thor (+Rocket and Groot)
These 3 didn't get split up, Surprisingly. They end up traveling through Africa (yes, the whole thing) trying to find their way back. Thor in his depressive state, keeps fighting and trying to find a way to his brother, since he could tell that whatever happened to them, it happened because of Loki.
Rocket and Groot are just there, since they're aliens who have never been to Earth before, they are just treating it like that. Though they do know something happened and they aren't really in the same place as before, they aren't struggling as much as the Earth natives. Thor is also having an easier time, but he keeps forgetting he isn't well known here. It's actually a bit refreshing.
Think of it like a road trip DnD adventure as they travel through Africa then Europe then Asia, trying to find his brother but having no clue where to go. Saving people and gaining a sort of reputation as “That nice aussie that saves people'' alongside “The raccoon and Groot” (Everyone loves Groot)
Rocket Is a good dad and is just there protecting Groot and scamming people. And Groot discovers the internet. They continue to save people because that's what they did with their family, so they will continue to do that even if they can tell it's just the two of them again.
-Loki, my God…you sneaky shit-
When I tell you, Loki dropped in the middle of a league meeting. Im telling you, he dropped in the MIDDLE OF A LEAGUE MEETING! JL Light, JL Dark, YJ, the Titans, literally everyone was there! Why? 1. The league has a yearly meeting where they try to get every superhero team and hero esc people in the room so they can touch base. 2. Loki's magic…scared the hell out of them. The meeting was really soon and all of a sudden they get a really strong magic signature tearing reality apart? Yeah, they are gonna move the meeting up by a week to see what the heck is going on. Only for this British fuck to drop onto the table just ozzing out the energy they where Looking for. Yeah, you can bet all hell broke loose. 
Loki gets locked in a cell on the tower as they try to figure out who he is, but they have absolutely no experience with his realitys magic so they can't get anything off of him. Some of the more godly inclined (Captain Marvel) can tell that he's a god from another universe, but comes to the conclusion that it's best to just let things play out. 
Loki: you’re quite the interesting child
CM: nOPE! You’re on your own. Good luck with that.
The hero's try interrogating him, trying to find out what he wants, and Loki is just like “nuh uh” and is just enjoying his time in his cell like the chaos god he is. Obviously he's playing all of them and getting info off of every single one of them, figuring out slowly where the other people could be and sending Peter to investigate the leads. Could he escape? Absolutely, he has walked to the kitchen more times than he cares to mention. Will he leave? No, he is in the most strategically useful place at the moment so he will stay there screwing with Batman until the League get bored of interrogating him. There are moments where they think he means no harm, and while that is true, it also means they might kick him from the tower, and he can't have that. Besides, scaring the Flash in front of everyone to keep his danger status is just so much fun.
And that everyone that should be in the Main Canon, onto
Canon Divergents: Other Heros.
Ok, so I like to think, personally, that everyone on this list died a horrible gruesome death before the episode started. But I can tell that some people like to keep them alive, and what is this if not just us having fun right? So this is a little “what if '' of the “what if ''. I don't know why they weren't in the episode, maybe they left, maybe they thought they were dead, maybe they were on another mission, who knows, you choose. But like I said, this is for fun so I’ll let you lil’ brains figure it out.
Lets start of with
-Kamala Khan. Ok so with this, Ima play with the timeline again. We never get confirmation if she blipped or not, but I don't think so(correct me if I'm wrong). So looking at her age I’d say she's around 16? In the year 2024 (holy shit thats this year-) so in 2018 when the blip/ the episode happened she would have been 10-11
You see my vision? Little 10 year old Kamala was possibly one of the youngest kids of the group, so her getting chucked into the DCU can only land her in one place. Foster care. You can make the argument that months of zombies made her jaded and able to survive the apocalypse and thus the streets considering I gave her the bangles. But I honestly think she was found right away and protected by everyone because of her age no matter the fact she has the bangle. She’s so small, it doesn't even fit her right. I think she's still a sweet, excitable little girl that is traumatized, but spent most of her time at the base being protected and cheering the others up.
 So, her being this excitable and happy gets placed into many foster homes. But she also has trauma and issues so the family realizing she's not an “easy” kid sends her back, moving her around a lot. I can totally see Peter actually finding her but the only thing keeping him from getting to her is the constant address changes and his lack of funds. 
-Darcy Lewis is truly in her 2 broke girls era as she takes the Identity of “Max” and starts working at a shitty Cafe.
-Moon Knight system
Remember how I said that only Jake was present for the Zombie Apocalypse? Well-
S: Where are we!
M: 8 months!
S: What happened?
M: 8. Months.
S: Why weren't we here! Wait as second we- who are you 2?!
M: 8. Months…
S: Ahhhhhhhhh
J: *end me now* ( o_o)
Ya so instead of them trying to find the others, the 3 of them are actually trying to learn how to live with each other. The multiple Identities and accents are throwing Peter off
-Barton children
Ok Ima rapid fire this
Lila: somehow ends up with the arrows and being her fathers daughter, shows them up. Artimist likes her a lot
Cooper: He ends up in (you decide) city, and being his mothers son, starts doing some spy shit trying to find the others.
Nathen: lil’ baby somehow showed up at the Kents farm instead of his, and they sort of just …*adopt*. He's good friends with Jon.
Bonus points: Pizza dog is found as a Puppy by the kid and adopted as “emotional support” and “I must protect this poor dog, he doesn't have an eye for pete's sake!”
(These can not all happen, you gotta pick one kid for your hc cause I refuse to let all of the kids live no matter the au. The angst potential is the best part people)
-Last but not least Matt
He was found by a Church, the church sent him to the hospital, the hospital called him insane and sent by a psych ward, the psych ward said nope and sent him to arkham. He's pissed about it but like the reasonable guy he is, understands. Lots of the guys in there call him a “wanna be batman”.
He has no clue who that is but he is deeply offended.
I can totally see Peter finding him within a few days of looking and just going to visit him under the guise that he's his son. 
Matt: …
Peter: *glare*
Matt: soooo, how have you been?
Peter: I Thought You Were Dead!
Peter cant get Matt out cause Matt keeps beating the other rouges up. Peter is so done with his shit and Matt regrets nothing. That 2 face piece of shit had it coming.
Bonus point for the Batfam finding out Peter’s “Father” is in arkham. Just Bruce and Matt having the most awkward silent meeting. Neither talk for like 15 minutes at first. It's glorious.
+Miles morales. Oh you thought I was done? Tf I am! He's canon to the MCU so I’m rolling with it. Timeline wise, I’d say he's about 6-8 years old give or take. He can either A: get the spider powers and survives just like Peter until they find him, and Peter taking him under his wing, or B: im being the only person Peter could save because…idk, maybe he was having a confrontation with Aaron at his apartment and it turns out Miles was there cause he wanted to go trick or treating with him and is wearing a spiderman custom, awww, and kinda awkward for the two (mostly Aaron). Zombies come in, and Aaron sends Miles with Peter because yk, good Uncle. Yeah that works-
Miles' face is planted right in the center of brooklyn and like the good boy he is, waits for someone he knows to find him, (if lost, wait at the spot you are until they find you). He tells people his guardian is Peter Parker, but since Peter is going under a different allies, they can't find him. But Miles is determined and decides that he needs to stay In Queens so that Peter can find him, he knows he will.
And that wraps up that part which leads us to
Total Bull Shit
Yep, this is for those sweet non MCU canon characters. (No other fandom ones though, I haven't fallen that far from grace) (with this au at leasts)
These are just for the sillies and won't be canon unless they somehow become canon to the MCU (*stares intensely at Deadpool and Wolverine* sooooon)
-Wade Wilson
We all have seen the trailers ok, I see him, he's coming, we have all waited for this. And not only is he coming to the MCU but his reasoning works really well with this fic. He's crossing dimensions to fix the timeline and shit and he somehow gets chucked into this storyline as he's doing it. With his awesome fourth wall breaks, I can just see him showing up in Gotham for a bit, causing shit, and breaking Matt out of Arkham because he wants to do the Team Red thing. I can totally see him being super excited about meeting his first spidey lol. And Peter and Matt are just in a constant state of “wtf” as they deal with this guy that is apparently from the same multiverse and Universe(?) as them. Also, apparently it shouldn't even be possible for them to be in this universe, so that's fun
They warm up to each other and end up having a bit of fun I swear. He wont stay for long cause I can see this as being like a quick side plot in both the AU and the movie as he tries to get back to whatever he's doing.
-Logan. He's there for like a Minute, he gets there trying to get wade back to whatever they are doing, and ends up getting stuck too. Peter and Matt help them get back to whatever they were doing and when they offer a way back to their home, they say no for a number of reasons. Logan still ends up giving them a dimension hopping thing just in case.
-Andrew!Spidey from the main timeline NWH. Techincally hes canon, but hes also kinda owned by Sony so ima let this slide. Hes there for like just a minunte ok- he gets pulled into Deadpools And Wolverings Shit and decides “Fuck it, we ball” and helps the out. He sees little WIZ!Peter and thinks, “Holy shit, I just saw you!” and tells Peter about the weird shit he just went through with the other version of him and Peter is just amazed. Like “wow, a world where my friends are alive, a world where no Zombies came and destroyed the lives of the people I love. A world where I got to have more time with aunt May….must be nice”
Also- *has flashbacks to Andrew Garfield and Ryan Renolds kissing and the canonical list of people Deadpool is allowed to cheat with. ( o_o)
DP: heya hot stuff
A!S: No.
DP: yes
Wiz!P: Wtf is happening
DD: Look away kid
*Deadpool and Spidey comic dynamic of full display*
-Harry Osborn.
Peter: Hey Harry, who are those guys?
Harry: idk, my dad is working with these biochemists for a company from Russia. I think the name was some Greek monster? I don't really care. 
Peter: Oh ok, I'm gonna say hi to them
Harry: Sure, but be mindful of the creatures they’re working on
Peter: Got it!
Boom there’s your origin story. Peter just wanted to say hi to the nice looking Hydra agent and Harry let him.
Could we have him be hobgoblin alongside Peter when they are in gotham? Sure. Have it be like a nice spider that does no harm and his mean goblin bodyguard. Except it's the spider who can truly kick your ass. Also, just the absolut drama these 2 can have with each other is just *chefs kiss*
-Gwen Stacy
Just- just Gwen dude. Maybe she's from the DCU and they have a meet cute at a coffee shop. Maybe Peter Meets this super cute girl hiding out in a lab in the middle of the apocalypse. Maybe she's dead. Idk, idc, I love Gwen’s and Peter’s dynamic in TASM movies and I can see a traumatized dark humor version with these 2. Just give Peter his Girlfriend pls 
-Johnny Storm is one of Peter's best superhero friends in the comics. Spidey's first appearance is also in a FF comic, so it just feels right. Just integrate that into the story and you're golden. I can see them having inside jokes and stuff no one will ever get cause “you had to be there”.
-Nova, because I'm pulling from my experience with the 2012 show. No, I bring him in because I think it could add not only to Peter's character but also rockets and groots, considering they just heard the Xandar was destroyed, and all of a sudden they find this kid with an old bucket. They’re gonna get some feels, small as they might be.
Also, the ultimate 2012 team may have treated Peter like shite, but with better writing and stuff, these 2 could have been good friends. Sadly that doesn't really translate that well in the show imo.
Uhhhhh, anyone else for this monster of a post? No. Ok cool-
Idk when I'm gonna post the next part of the main lore stuff, but I'm gonna post this and some DC p.o.v's to flesh out some stuff. I might also post a bit of art and another fic in between the posts.
This is too long- have fun with this while I go pass out for a bit lol
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jocelynmakenna · 1 month
It's time for my two cents to the umbrella academy season 4 clusterfuck:
Hey what the fuck was that?
Like I was perfectly fine with the time skip and even though there were some weird choices (cough Klaus) I was perfectly fine to see where it was going to go.
But what the fuck.
Every fucking episode was worse than the one before, finding new ways to trash the characters and ruin any chance at a character arc for any of them.
The lack of discussion of prior seasons (like are we gonna mention ANY of Allison's atrocious behavior?) was kind of odd but I can move past that seeing as they got a 4 episode cut. The season tried to return to a status quo that it implied existed but never defined, leaving it feeling empty.
But let's talk about the characters MY GOD. I'll start with the obvious. Five and Lila? Why??? WHY??? Like overall, the actors have great chemistry but ROMANCE??? Absolutely not. I think a dad/daughter relationship is much more fitting for them at minimum. If I were writing this season, my biggest change to the train arc would have been to have Five with like Klaus. Giving Klaus distance from his family could have served the story better than... I don't know BURYING HIM IN A DEAD DOG'S GRAVE AFTER A WOMAN USED HIS BODY TO HAVE SEX WITH A GHOST WHICH OF COURSE ONLY HAPPENED BECAUSE A GUY WANTED HIS MONEY WHICH JUST IS SO CLOSE TO SA IT MIGHT JUST BE BUT YK GOTTA MOVE ON GOTTA TALK ABOUT BEN NOW.
Because Ben!! Spends the first like two episodes bitching about how the umbrella academy folks aren't his family (because they're not) and then he dumps everything for a girl he happened to touch(???) and then starts the apocalypse. Like congrats man on being the most macguffin of a person ever.
Viktor was overall fine. I have nothing too harsh to say about him, but once again, his acceptance of Allison in his life after she KILLED HIS DISABLED ADOPTED SON is wild. Allison continued having her character ruined by being a "bad" mom which like. Why did you destroy the original universe to get your daughter back to be a bad mom.
Diego and Luther were just. There. They took up space and screentime with nothing important nor interesting. Everything about them and their arc sucked the fun out of the entire show. Luther being comedic relief could have been a fine choice if they bothered to have him DO anything important.
Ok the ending. Nothing pisses me off more than a show that decides to undo itself at the end (I'm looking at you Legion, you had so much promise up until the end). The cleanse was Fine. It definitely could have been done better, explained more, built up more etc. I will blame that again on a lack of episodes but there's SO MUCH that could have been cut to make the season flow better (perhaps like the 7 years of train problems!). And then the cowards move of just. Killing off all the main characters (or actually removing the characters from history. It reeks of lazy writing and just. Not caring.
Overall - 2/10
Crazy how this show ended on that season 3 cliff hanger!
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liliallowed · 2 months
I want dusttale sans to fall into detarune then suddenly phantom papyrus manifests as a real thing there
like with chara's locket and twin runes.
the scarf is what his existence and memory is bound to so the scarf is just sorta there floating around.
it would also be kinda funny if papyrus was actually the "knight" in deltarune because I'm not sure how this world's papyrus acts.
either way I imagine dust trying to shove papyrus back in his pocket when he's babbling about his war crimes XD
or make fun of him. yk like actually start being MORE than sans' perception of him start developing a personality and actually mimick a sibling like bond that they used to have.
he'd question if he's a creation of sans's trauma and if his existence is nothing but a dream that his brother... or better yet him pretending to BE papyrus...
he hates it he HATES BEING CALLED THAT. HE HATES THE WAY sans imagines him yelling at him to guilt trip himself.
he hates how... he doesn't even KNOW what being papyrus is supposed to BE like when he's only a thought and sadness and his brother's madness given a physical form.
he wants to be more he WANTS TO EXIST.
I think it's like actually kinda sad how in canon phantom is just an extension of sans just talking back to himself because he misses his brother...
in the dark world however that "echo" would develope an actual ego. he HIMSELF DOESN'T even know what he's supposed to be. a side kick? the punchline? sans's common sense?
he does know what he wants is to be there. to help sans.
he's unsure why. is it because he came from his mind? or just s it because he too feels like he's been on an endless pointless chase over something so petty and... useless that it's tiring to even hold on onto that grief.
he's not papyrus. he'll never be papyrus. papyrus is dead. he hates it when sans calls him that.
he's not a replacement... not anymore.
still he wants to be there. he wouldn't make it. his idiot lazy brothers mind can't last without him. he can't leave him.
even if he knows he has little choice because his role is predetermined. ironic.
who cares? so what.
and I think I sense that's what the real papyrus is like. like he's not dumb he probably knows you'd kill him in genocide but the ending never mattered to him he just wanted to try his best regardless.
because there's always a small chance you might stop. statistically it's slim. but it's not zero. and that's enough for him.
I mean this isn't dustrune since dustrune has it's own seperate fucked up world building with the angel, the cult, the fallen angel with clipped wings... stealing stars from deities and how greed for power over the wishing star lead to a bloody war between humans and monsters alike... how an angels heaven can be good on paper with eternal life but is purgatory in execution... and how demons and angels aren't that different.
I think this is such a cool idea! like phantom just being a sassy lil floaty guy hanging around his emo brother as they bicker.
like it's sad but it's SO FRIKING WHOLESOME cuz that's what THEY USED TO DO.
argue about puzzles and laziness... exchange dumb stupid puns.
phantom doesn't want to be a device. a tool for self isolation and guilt. he wants to BE himself without a role he wants to break free from what dust's subconsciously MADE him for to protect itself.
nah. he ain't doing that shit he ain't letting his delusional brother slip into himself further he would possibly even give him a lil bonk on the head to bring him to reality like: "bitch THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULDN'T SAY THAT!"
or some dumb shit that would make dust blink in confusion because he's used to his mind playing tricks but phantom... ISN'T a part of his mind anymore.
like I want more brotherly bonding but like... phantom isn't papyrus he doesn't like being called papyrus because it feels like he's being used as a replacement.
he still calls him brother though.
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rae-dabae · 3 months
should i go into the void state and change the ending to demon slayer ‼️⚠️ SPOILERS⚠️‼️ I absolutely hate the way basically EVERY HASHIRA DIES AND GENYA MY HEART PHYSICALLY HURTS , BUUTT the void state exists ANNNDDD we can do literally anything that possible and impossible SOOOOOO why not change the ending to something that is so heartbreakingly sad its unbearable. WHAT DO U GUYS THINK( please leave suggestions on how i should change it in the comments) (also if i were to change it i wouldn’t fuck up the whole story because some characters have sad deaths but they die for a reason and letting them live wouldn’t make sense yk, i would only want the characters who’s deaths were COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE to live)
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the new pmmm movie trailer has brought back my Brainrot for the show so ive been re-exploring the pmmm corner of tumblr and
oh my god???? oh my fucking god???? oh holy shit???? oh my goodness gracious your art is so pretty??????? hello???????????
the way you draw sayaka is just fhfhfhfhhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhhfhf. yk? the english language does not have the words to articulate how much i love you art and the style of your art. i am going insane. i am losing my mind. every piece you've made featuring sayaka just captures her essence so well and it makes me feral.
sayaka's not my main favorite of the show (sorry sayaka, you rock but kyoko is just too cool with her Christian Guilt) she's a very close second and it makes me so happy to see an artist who just understands her character so well. she's a foolish girl blind to her own fate, desperate to do something special and be someone worthwhile but she's ultimately just a footnote in the grand plan of the universe, she wants to be just and righteous and kind so badly but she's too wrapped up in her own despair to truly be selfless, she can be selfish and callous but that's just because she's human, a human who realized her existence is ultimately an exercise in futility and that fact burns and it hurts so she does whatever she can to make the pain go away but it never does because she's just A Normal, Flawed Girl and that hurts so goddamn much-
i have so many Thoughts about sayaka. she makes me insane on a daily basis and your art just feels like it captures all the screeching in my brain and puts it in the form of some beautiful images. they're so great. you're doing great.
Ah, thank you for the kind words [♡] I appreciate the time you had taken out to write and send this long scroll of a compliment.
I have been told by others that the way I depict Sayaka is "so real" and that it captures her essence most of the time, even though I am not sure what particular elements about her that people in the audience like unless specified. I suppose, personally, whenever I am drawing her, I have to enter her shoes of not just "the frustration of a lovesick teenage girl", "my perceived sense of justice was flawed", but also to accept that resignation is a highlight of her character. A young girl who believes she is unloved despite her desire to do everything Right. A mermaid who cannot swim - futility and uselessness contribute to why Sayaka is a realistic and compelling person to a lot of people watching the show. Whenever I draw her, my brain paints a sketch of her sadness before anything else. The despair of "no matter what I do, this is the outcome" is true to the canon of Sayaka turning into a Witch in every timeline she tries to accomplish this Goodness by being a magical girl, reflecting the reality at large the helplessness girls in general experience on a daily basis.
It is why I find people who hate Sayaka to be...strange, since their prescribed reasons for dislike are mainly how "foolish" her wish and outlook in life was, and how she became irritating to those around her as though Sayaka isn't literally a paragon of not just deteriorating mental health, but to me, people with personality disorders as well, given that there is always a "sense" that the inevitable ending involves everyone actively avoiding you and you will eventually just...fade away into non-existence; a bad memory that no one wants to speak about. It makes me sad. Sayaka is sick, and everyone can smell the rot of magic off her.
Everytime I draw her, I want to capture, perhaps, this exact feeling of resigning to this disease. I don't want to always make the drawings beautiful since her struggles are ugly and difficult and tiresome, and shouldn't be trivialised as a result. She's always trying her best to regain control of her own life, thus being so unmatched in terms of how relatable she is to a lot of people.
I am glad that someone appreciates my works, even if they aren't always consistently quality. •́ ‿ ,•̀
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julysn · 6 months
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fanfic ideas
(i would totally write these if i felt motivated. but i don’t. so now u have to listen to me.)
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fandoms i had in mind: south park, unwind dystology, tcoaal. but these can be used for any fandom.
a/n: HI HELLO i would like to see these happen. so im dumping it on YOU. you’re welcome. most are x reader focused bc i have wrote those all my life, but u can switch these up idgaf
writers i see u sprinting at me from a mile away. it’s okay. slow down bookie. it’s okay i’m here.
ALSO IF YOU USE THESE GIVE CREDIT FOR INSPO 🙏 just put my user somewhere visible on the masterlist/notes or tag me 😉 it’s not that hard pookie
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# south park ──
and yes u can use these ideas for any other piece of media. just give credit i am BEGGING 😭🙏🙏
— … unwind au. HELLO DO WE SEE THE VISION WTF?? cmon guys. stan and kyle being connor and hayden WTF DO U GUYS SEE IT wjat. kyle as connor definitely they’re pretty similar imo
— fingerbang au where it has four separate endings for the main four. but y/n is a stylist/manager/makeup artist (if u need it.. look up kpop fics for inspo)
— instead of tolkien and his parents moving in across tegridy farms, it’s y/n. yeah that’s all i got
— doubling down except heidi’s y/n, and y/n doesn’t get back with cartman.
this was one i attempted writing a WHILEEE ago but never really. yk. got the hang of it.
but basically to sum the idea up, it’ll be the entire doubling down episode except extended. like, it could play it longer and extra scenes (ex. extension of the dinner scene where they make fun of cartman to heidi, every scene in the montage written out)
— childhood best friends to enemies to lovers where y/n had a big fight w the love interest days before they moved. but then they move back to south park and (not surprisingly) they got a glow up and they’re hot now! so everyone tries to flirt w them but the love interest catches their eye and they’re still enemies ofc but they catch feelings
— this is more of a oneshot, but y/n asks someone (or a set of people) to get matching sanrio pajama pants. yeah. do whatever stinks
— high school au. where y/n is a sad emo loser and the love interest is popular. and they lose a bet and have to ask solemn little y/n out but y/n says yes so the love interest is like “….. im gonna break up with them after three months.” but (spoiler alert) THEY FALL IN LOVE!
bonus points for angst w happy ending. like y/n finds out about the bet or something and then the love interest is like “NO PLS. I NEED U. U DONR GET ME” and they’re vulnerable and desperate and y/n’s like “okay! 😊😊”
idea. hi. i have idea. y/n gets bullied for dating love interest so they’re protecting sad little y/n bc they feel bad and it’s really cute and love interest thinks “…….:…. why is y/n kinda cute.”
— angel y/n who is pure and innocent but NOT NAIVE! please do not make y/n sound like how those 2013 wattpad fics would’ve made her sound. demon love interest.
is it just me or y/n is a separate entity. she’s banging every character in existence like what. also i’m not religious so i wouldn’t really know about this stuff
# unwind dystology ──
— au where risa isn’t in a state home and she has cool foster parents. and she has to babysit lucas but one day she meets connor bc he’s home (shocker!) and they become friends and he slowly stops being away from home to see her 💘💞🩷
— au where y/n gets hired to be connor and risa’s bodyguard. and risa has her gay awakening so connor and y/n get to know each other and fall in love!
— blind date hayconrisa. how will this happen? idk ask urself
— high school au. again. why am i so obsessed w high school au’s IM BARELY EVEN A FRESHMEN DAWG 😭 but anyways fake dating haycon. like maybe connors trying to escape from his admirers so he agrees to fake date hayden.
— mermaid risa x sailors connor and hayden. i live laugh love hayconrisa.
— jackson wang party and hayden gets DRUNK (boy u are not old enough to be drinking!) so connor takes him home and takes care of him
— rockstar au. do we smell it
— guardian angel hayden who is never serious to the point connor’s like “….. are u seriously my guardian angel wtf”. but haycon. i lov haycon
— risa or hayden has to tutor connor bc his dumbass is failing every subject (high school au)
— underage smoking + shotgun kisses in the graveyard…,,…. hayden somehow gets weed so he shares it w connor and risa and maybe haycon/conrisa shotgun kisses oneshot. hear me out hello
— yo chat can we get some more unwind angst w happy ending
— greek god/goddess au? dunno how that’s gonna work but i just came up w it
— LOVE BAND AU. connor being sad emo guitarist with a hot keyboardist girlfriend
— au where lev did clap at happy jack…,…
# tcoaal ──
i cooked way too hard w these. someone better write one of them and tag me (we’ll get married in a gorgeous cathedral if u do… 🌝)
also IK THESE ARE MORE FLESHED OUT THAN MY SP AND UNWIND ONES! it’s bc i prefer multi-chapter tcoaal fics
— me trying not to mention unwind au whenever i think of writing fics for other fandoms. NO BUT SEEEEE it would work so well. like maybe the graves parents wanna unwind ashley and andrew somehow finds out so him and ashley run away (andrews.. uh, 17? and ashley’s 15 prob. u gotta know the unwind lore for this to work)
maybe they’re like starkey when he killed that juvey cop. maybe they do kill juvey cops. maybe
— 1980s AU OMG where it takes place in the united states (did europe have a lot of arcades back then? but anyways. the united states had more arcades so let’s just say it takes place there) and andrew is the sad emo loser at the prize counter.
and y/n is babysitting for some kids when she (not specifically fem reader but i have a habit of using she/her when talking about y/n…) decides to take them to the arcade bada bing bada boom
and the two meet at the prize counter and they hit it off really well despite andrew being an absolute ass. and the kids are like “….. are they flirting” so then y/n begins to take them to the arcade more often to see andrew 💞💞🩷💘💘💞 and they get to know each other outside of him being at work
— nsfw ashley x y/n x andrew threesome smut where they take turns FUCKING y/n RAW!
w/ plot: ashley and andrew are both head over heels for y/n and they’re arguing over who gets to have you because.. um. idk. and then y/n shows up somehow and she’s like “guys what—“ and they immediately begin flirting with her
so she’s like “i like the both of u WANNA SEX” or something (cmon im not good at porn w plot) so they… yeah. they BANG!
— government detective/officer y/n who gets sent to track down the graves siblings. she finds them w a colleague and is sent on an undercover mission to somehow befriend them, get close to them and lure them into a trap where they get arrested
but in the process (surprise surprise) she falls for them! and there’s four separate endings. one for if y/n picked to save andrew, one if y/n picked ashley, one if y/n picked both and somehow kept her job and one if y/n eventually hid her feelings and just let both get arrested!
maybe even some epilogue chapters for all of the choices. like for the first two it’s y/n getting spooned/spooning the other as they talk about what would’ve happened i’d they didn’t escape (bc y/n was smart and made the one who got caught walk in front) and the remaining sibling doesn’t know that y/n still works for the gov’t.. for the third one maybe y/n moves in w them and they’re all poly now? dunno. still thinking. and for the last choice maybe y/n felt guilty and went to visit them in prison to confess but they’re both extremely pissed
smut for this one would be crazy 😭 “technically i’m getting paid to get closer to them so it won’t matter if i let them make me cum right” typa sex idk
also. maybe y/n’s getting cornered in an alleyway by some creep and as she’s about to try and strike andrew and ashley save her! and that’s where the attraction starts because she’s like “wait.. they kinda have morals.. like kinda”
— now hear me out i might b cooking w this. rock band au. ashley does drums, andrew guitar, y/n something else maybe singer bc she’s a talented queen. and they’ve all been friends since childhood and ashley doesn’t really have a problem w y/n bc she hasn’t made romantic advances on andrew and occasionally lets the two hang out bc yk. ashley. anyways something something something idk
— i have one thing on my mind. catgirl + catboy ashley and andrew who both meet y/n as she’s their parents’ neighbor who’s smoking on her porch. and they approach her for some reason maybe andrew wants a cig and y/n is the funniest person alive so they both grow a liking to her
love love love catgirl ashley killing her victims and then poking them with her tail as andrew just stands there like wtf
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shesmore-shoebill · 3 months
Smosh ask game made by @babychosen (i believe). Thanks for making this!
I think I was tagged by @unknownteapot and @poppyfamily - sorry if I missed any others!
Tossing it under a cut bc i got a little rambly lol.
1. How long have you been watching Smosh?
Hmmm. Not counting seeing some of the OG stuff growing up, I think I watched a TNTL or two when other people I knew crossed over (Specifically Critical Role and Starkid). But there was a later, very different point when the switch in my brain actually flipped and i got INTO it properly. I think counting that... maybe the start of this year? Late November/December? I had just started checking the channels/smoshblr more regularly (but wasn't subscribed yet) when Love Is Blind dropped. So. You know.
2. Favourite Smosh cast member(s)?
I dont think I can dodge any accusation of loving Amanda, but its critical to note that Angela is why I got into Smosh at all, and that, not counting Angela for Starkid stuff, Arasha was actually the first cast member I started actively seeking out more content for. Def the first person I started looking into Smosh content for more of.
So uh. Its triple A! Its triple A. I like a lot of the other cast members but i know my roots. and my roots are gay!
3. Favourite pairing?
At one point I was asked about my top three and I couldnt even do that successfully. Oh boy. I think by frequency of what I post about, we have to assume Amangela but I do really love Shaymanda as well. Changela makes me so 🥰. And I know Triple A is a trio but. :) Ah fuck I'm doing it again. Honestly all iterations within the Love Is Blind 1 lineup have increasingly captured my heart
If we're talking RPF, Amangela by leaps and bounds, but maybe that's largely because of how much content already exists for it. Courtrasha could be VERY good, Im just saying....
4. Favourite recurring character?
Recurring characters dont always hit for me, so this is an interesting one. I think maybe Dominic- its about the joy Courtney gets from playing him + the "such a toxic fool it somehow loops back around to harmless". If Angela ever brings Angelo back I am sad to say it would probably be him. Oops.
but yk who the real recurring love of my life is. Its the hot dog joke. <3
5. Favorite Smosh video?
CRUEL AND UNUSUAL QUESTION. This is so dependent on whatever Im thinking of at the moment LOL. Love Is Blind 1 is up there for sure. For a few I consistently rewatch/listen to, Amangela Trivial Pursuit, Smosh Hunger Games, LIB1, All Rise, Pride Stream, FNAFs, and a few specific Smosh Mouth episodes. For ones with a special place in my heart: Lets Do This Scam + Revenge, any Challenge Pit w/ Triple A, Smosh Pit Theatre IM Messages, and like. The FNAF 2 & FNAF VR.
6. First video that got you into Smosh?
I had seen the Critical Role TNTL and a few others I had tried from that, and petered out. Then I tried again after the Starkid TNTL, but I wasn't actually won over until. UNTIL. While on an Angela Starkid rabbit hole I was watching compilations, and then hit THE Arasha scam video (iykyk) and went "what the FUCK is the context for this", watched the full Lets Do This episode, fell into EIOYI's and Funerals and Challenge Pits and TNTL's and so on. So i had watched some videos beforehand but the thing that REALLY made me go "Oh. Wait. I kind of love this? And these people? I want more of them specifically?" was. The "I Lied". <3
7. Favourite picture of the cast?
To avoid putting like 30 pictures of different groups of people . Im assuming this means full cast. If so the most recent photoshoot I REALLY liked everyone's photos for! Otherwise? The Anthony's Funeral ones........ hot.
8. Favourite picture of your fave?
okay ngl im late on answering this game SPECIFICALLY bc of this question lmfao. :( i cheated and did 3 photos of everyone in triple A. did i end up going to videos and taking screenshots so technically defeating the point of this question. idk maybe.
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akdkakfjsjhfaksjfjahd. gay. (me)
9. What Smosh series do you want to see more of?
OKAY. First of all- Smoffice with current cast. But. Listen. Reading Reddit stories is fine and fun but. You know what I want more of? The cast acting out dramatic readings of Reddit stories. Please watch that video if you haven't. The current skits are fun but don't tend to align a ton with my sense of humor, but I'd LOVE more of this. We get goofy cast readings. Cast members doing cast ridiculous over the top acting mocking both a story and each other. They get to do over the top takes of ridiculous scenarios, and if I can't have Smoffice back CAN I PLEASE AT LEAST CAN HAVE MORE OF THIS. THERE WAS ONLY ONE AND IT HAD JACKIE AND AMANDA AND SHAYNE IN IT AND IT WAS SO GOOD. THEN THEY TOOK IT AWAY.
Other than that I mean. Im not COMPLAINING about the trend of Amangela playing video games. 👀
10. Dream guest on Smosh Mouth?
Ngl, I tend to enjoy guests that Shayne and Amanda really vibe with moreso than just people I know. Like I wouldn't be opposed to Syd and Olivia again, despite not having watched their stuff before that episode.
assuming there would be good chemistry.... you know what? Brennan Lee Mulligan. I think the humor would mesh beautifully and I think he could appeal to both Shayne and Amanda in specific ways and the conversation could vacillate between really deep insightful discussion or unhinged comedy bits.
I took long enough to answer this that I think everyone I think of immediately has already done it 😅 So if you'd like to and havent already, take this as your sign to go for it!
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canarypost · 11 months
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first shot we can see not just the people sitting at the help getting spaghettified but the floor and controls themselves?? which means it's not just everyone who works at the tva (who are all variants) getting sent back to the sacred timeline but presumably all matter that exists outside of the timelines. idk if this includes he who remains' lair/space rock/final resting place whatever but basically the sacred timeline is taking every single atom at the tva with it as we can see on the screen showing the timeline states.
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this is small but i noticed that in the first ss the lights in the pie room aren't on but what i'm assuming are emergency lights are on in the hallway and around the entrance?? and im comparing this to the second ss which we've obv already seen. i would've thought that any backup would be in red but yk whatever it's just a show
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i genuinely have no idea when this is supposed to take place. none of these people remember him but they're all here anyway. is this going to be like when ob kept remembering things in real time when loki slipped back in his timeline? who knows
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im just super emo about this. look at them all together. ob get in there you're part of the family too. and i don't like how sylvie is right behind loki here i feel like they should at least have mobius on one side with loki on the other. also b15 rights let my girl be in focus
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this is cool to me actually i like how it represents all the different universes w the letter multiples. also gives me hope that we're gonna meet another loki variant at some point. it'd be cool if we ended up seeing two specifically loki variants together?? it wouldn't make sense considering the established way that time works inside the tva (as we saw with loki's slipping with ob) but it'd be pretty cool to see loki himself react to how much he's changed as a person from an outside pov
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i saw a theory on twt that either loki or sylvie is going to become god of stories either at the end of this season or the show as a whole (that is if there's a s3) and i agreed w them that as cool as it'd be it wouldn't make as much sense for sylvie to do it bc she's already been shown to want and be happy with a life on the timeline and that's never been something that loki wants and it's never been disproven after s1 that loki wants/would be happy in a position of power!!
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girl wth is this. im terrified. get my babygirl casey OUT of there!!!! is this a time prison or smth??? or was casey IN PRISON when his nexus event happened???
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now listen im perfectly fine with him being a father he's always been a dad to me i'm sure his kid(s) is/are wonderful. but god forbid he have a FUCKING WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! IF HE HAS A WIFE I'M STORMING MARVEL HQ
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these 2 are out of order but i put them in what i'm assuming is the proper sequence of events that is 1. loki shows up in the room, 2. loki timeslips away, 3. screen and therefore everything gets consumed. what i don't know is how loki got there in the first place. im thinking this takes place in ep 6 instead of 5 bc loki had his brown tva jacket (not pictured) before slipping and he didn't have it at the end of ep 4. the real mystery here is where tf he got his jacket back from esp when talking to timeline!mobius after the tva got spaghettified
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this one of him slipping INTO the car lot is placed IMMEDIATELY after the one of him slipping away in the tva control room which makes me think either he slips from there to here (still don't know where he got the jacket from!!!) or marvel is fucking with us and these two are unconnected
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what cruel god would ever do this to them look at their sad wet kitten eyes. lord give us strength for the finale i can't do this alone
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this is the one that terrifies me the most. it has the same background as the one with loki. why is loki back in his variant uniform. why are they almost crying looking at each other. what is mobius about to say. are they saying goodbye. what if i killed mys
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i promise this is going to be the only lokius thing i have in this post but like. hello. husbands
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i saw another post on twt that was like "omg loki talking mobius through the walk <33" like no these are clearly different scenes. loki is holding the mic in the scene where mobius is right there in the room with him, it's much more likely that it's (another?) he who remains variant (who is absent in the middle ss with the group). my theory for this scene is that after loki went around the sacred timeline finding everyone and restoring their memories they went back to a time in the tva before he who remains got spaghettied and do pretty much exactly the same thing again. which thinking about it now wouldn't really be a great narrative choice but fuck it it's marvel
k this is gonna be contd in rbs bc i can only fit 30 imgs in one post and this next one is HUGE
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camojacketfag · 1 year
i get so sad that things like hunting/camping/fishing/etc are overrun by shitty republican types esp out in the middle of nowhere america. like can i just live man?? can i just survive w/o having to worry abt if this bait shop owner wants me dead??? :/ you start to find allies as time goes on but they're few and far between yk. idk i just wish we werent being run out of these spaces. i love living rural i dont want to have to move to san francisco just to be around people like me. idk
Funny, I took a moment today to try and romanticize a city life somewhere in my future. I mean, I really did try and hone in and just imagine what it would be like. I used to hunger for it. I thought maybe then I would finally feel more at home. Shit, If I’m being honest, i spent endless weekends in Chicago imagining myself living amongst its population and hoping that perhaps I would finally find a way to leave behind my rural living existence. It’s stupid how when you’re finally there you end up feeling like a fucking fish out of water: Know what I mean? Like, this ISN’T ME? I long for emptiness and quietness. I long for obscurity and anonymity. I’ve passed the point of no return. I have to accept that it’s the way I was raised. To me life is nothing but brutal winters, quiet introspective springs, county fairs in the summer, and a desperate longing for more. I’ve grown so accustomed to rural living. It’s troublesome that my queer existence is always passionately erased by republican ideologies when I’m so vehemently against them. I also like camping and fishing and rural living in general. Which is also the reason why we have to continue to simply exist man. Because there is no sure path of queer existence. Simply aligning with our comforts doesn’t automatically make us queer hating republicans. I’m honestly only at the precipice of discovering the home I’ve always called home. And I like guys. Big deal. I’m not going anywhere. Indiana is my home. Has always been my home. And will forever be the place I call home. Straggots can fuck off man. FUCK ‘EM!
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Rereading chris’ installments, and also remembering that asks chris getting off by thinking about pretty in wereroomie and herbie
Does were king getting off before they married thinking of princess???
Like before they meet again after years later if they were of age yk, if they were minors after they meet again (an adults) sometime princess can’t go to forest for like week or more… king can’t help but imagining princess in a such way
Or before they meet each other again chris become of age and can’t stop thinking about her, what does she looks like now thoughts lead to horny thoughts, hand sliding in his pants…
i feel like in the ten years they spent apart, she'd appear in his dreams and he appeared on hers. they were bound already, Chris had imprinted when they were young, so it makes sense to me that their subconscious was trying to show them images of each other.
what i'm gonna be talking about under the cut happened after both of them were over 18+. whatever happened before that is their business and i don't wanna know lol. anyway, here are some Thoughts™:
Oh, Chris would dream about his princess so often... not every night, but enough times a week that he could never forget her existence. not like he wanted to, either.
he was a young wolf, probably very very horny, with a lot of pent up frustrations (not only sexual, but i imagine being the crown prince of the forest wasn't exactly a relaxing position...)
he'd wake up drenched in sweat many times a week, hard as a rock, with only the faint memories of his princess' smile. he could never remember anything other than her face, and even then, it wasn't exactly the same as it used to be. maybe a bit more mature version of her. he could feel the phantom of smooth skin under his fingertips, of soft flesh under his hands, and he figured the bond he had with her was trying to show him something, but he could never remember anything other than feeling after he woke up.
oh, and the memory of her scent... floral, of course. the prettiest scent he'd ever had the pleasure of encountering in his short life. perfect, perfect for him and his needs, he just knew.
so with those feelings etched into his memory, he'd stroke himself, wishing it could be his pretty princess touching him herself.
Chris would always come at the thought of pumping her full of his puppies. it was instinctual, he couldn't help it! he wanted to see her again, to touch her again, to finally claim her as his, and give her his children...
but when the haze of need and desire wore off, he'd always feel so, so sad... why did she disappear? why would she leave him? it made no sense to him. they were bound to be together... he was sure something must've happened, but every time he tried to do something about it, someone stopped him. either his mum or his brothers...
and then the war happened.
during the war, he couldn't even entertain the idea of leaving the forest to look for her, but he'd still think about her. he thought about his princess daily.
he'd dream of her more than ever before, he'd find comfort in the lingering feeling that remained after he woke up, it gave him hope. not only that he'd get through the war, but also that he'd find her again.
and few years after the war ended, after he'd been crowned king of the forest, Chris finally found his pretty princess once again. like he found her the very first time he saw her, crying, sitting on the forest's floor. he felt sad at first, seeing her and hearing her cry. but at the same time, he also felt a lot of relief. at least for a moment, because then he started to feel doubtful about this whole thing.
what if she'd disappeared because she didn't want him again?
of course, the moment she explained what had happened, he not only felt fully relieved, but also proud. proud because his princess was smart and loyal to him. she'd sacrificed what they had if it meant his safety, so of course, right then and there, he had to have her. to show her how much he'd thought of her all these years.
and he did. Chris finally got to fulfil all those fantasies he'd had through the years. the feeling of soft, plump flesh, of smooth skin, and the smell of fresh flowers was just much better than what his dreams showed him. they were incomparable, and he knew that night that he just couldn't let her go again.
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blueamphibians · 1 year
My moms brand of homophobia is the only kind i will ever accept. Its so weirdly wholesome.
Despite her being hardcore christian, she actually never bought up LGBTQ stuff to me and my sister--not in the "its taboo" way, but in the "i am more focused on instilling proper morals in my children and LGBTQ stuff isn't even on my radar."
So obv that meant i had a super positive exposure to it when i found out, because no-one had ever told me it was bad. I found out gay people existed and went "makes sense" and moved on yk?
But back to her homophobia: She lives by a very strong rule of "its not my place to judge them, it's gods," so while she does think being LGBTQ is against the bible, she also doesn't think its her place to comment.
She DOES however think that its her place to be gracious to everybody because God is going to judge HER too, at the end. So this brings me to my favorite story ab her, right.
So our country is VERY conservative to the point where being LGBTQ can get you quietly fired or in extreme cases deported. The place she works regularly flies in staff from abroad though, and they're usually highly LGBTQ-friendly.
So my mom comes home one day, more stressed than usual, and i ask her whats up. And she goes "I had to warn one of the abroad staff not to talk about gender studies with the locals here", and i got prissy and went "why? because its wrong?" and she looked at me and went "No, because they're being nice to his face but what if they go and say something behind his back?"
Like her first instinct was to protect this man who didn't realize just what the environment here was like. And then she drove him around the city trying to help him find a touristy gift for his husband and even suggested different places to try even though she didn't have too.
Like sure my mom is homophobic but her morals clash so STRONGLY with the ideas of hate that she ends up being an ally. I lowkey came out to her one day by going "what would you do if i liked girls"
and she said "well. Id be sad because its wrong and I want you to go to heaven."
and i said "but how would you treat my wife? would you be nice to her?"
and she went "well, yes, of course--" and i went "what if i don't think its wrong?" and she went "well i cant force you but id like if you read the bible more :("
its worth noting that she was so uncomfortable during this conversation, which was so surreal for her, that she started cry laughing in the coffee shop because i was being really intense.
My mother is homophobic but shes also tolerant and so fucking kind and yk those are the kinds of people i can coexist with. She's the kind of person to see a gay coworker get fired and get upset, not because he's gay, but because her workplace had the audacity to fire somebody so experienced.
All this to say: I love my mom.
Side note, my roommate is homophobic (i don't blame her, and its not like shes doing harm) and I'm actually really open to being friends with her because shes kind as fuck and tactful. So yeah, its nice to coexist i guess
EDIT: also. My mom is like, really bad at being homophobic. Like she "knows" its wrong, but she gets really confused when she tries to explain why. And she doesn't actually...do anything homophobic. She sees men in heavy makeup and goes "wow....his eyeshadow is so good..." and then Side Eyes Me
idk. Shes a really good person. The only people I've seen her go "they should be harmed" about is like, r*pists and shit. Doubling down: I love my mom.
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