#thank you for this ask cas!!! you really know how to make me think
Would you write Adam x reader... 👉👈🥺
Something Sweet (Adam x Reader)
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Word count: 2407
CW: alcohol briefly mentioned. Overall, nothing too bad! No smut, lightly suggestive towards the end but that’s it.
Summary: mostly flirting, small talk, teasing, and kissing at one of Heavens party’s.
“So, anyway, then we fucked, and it was awesome. What'd you do this weekend?” Adam asked, eating another rib. We were at a party in Heaven, and he’d come over to make small talk. Had no idea why, considering there were other, far more interesting people to talk to than me.
“Oh, you know, the usual. Nothing special,” I said casually. I was still trying to figure out how I got in this situation. “My life’s not as interesting as yours.”
He took a swig of his drink. It was something alcoholic, for sure. Probably an angel's choice.
"Yeah, I bet."
He leaned against the counter with a satisfied smirk on his face.
I was dressed in something that made me feel elegant, with a look that I hoped left an impression. The atmosphere demanded it. I had done my makeup to cover blemishes, adding eyeliner and lipstick for a polished finish. This was a party in Heaven, after all. I wanted to leave a mark. I made myself look the part as I sat, listening to Adam talk. Being polite.
For some reason, Adam's eyes kept wandering to my chest. I tried not to think too much about it, but after a minute, he spoke again.
"So...that outfit is pretty hot," he said bluntly, not even hiding the stare.
“Thank you, I find it to be quite lovely,” I said with a smile. It accentuated my features. “I find it matches the rest of the look perfectly.”
"Mm yeah, it fits perfectly on you. It just enhances...everything," he said as he looked around the room a bit and then glanced at me again. His eyes ran over me before he cleared his throat.
"So, uh, do you have a date for tonight or something?" he asked with yet another smirk. "Don't tell me you came here alone."
“I did come alone,” I said, raising an eyebrow slightly. “Is that a problem? I came for a good time, you know. I think it’d be hard to do that if I had to keep track of my friends all night.”
He raised an eyebrow at that and took a sip of his beverage again. He looked a little surprised or maybe even offended.
"Hmm. That's quite bold of you," he replied. He then smirked again and let out a small laugh. "So does this mean you're...single?"
“Yes,” I said with a nod.
He raised an eyebrow before leaning forward closer to me. His voice was a little lower, more flirty now.
"So...you're telling me that you're single and beautiful and you came here alone?" he said as he raised an eyebrow and let out a soft chuckle. "You know you're flirting with disaster, right? Because there's no way you're gonna stay alone for the whole night..."
“Didn’t plan to,” I said, taking a sip of my drink.
He leaned back and smirked. "Mm, I see," he said as he sipped his drink again.
"So, who's it gonna be, huh? You gonna go for one of the guys here? Or..." He paused, his brow rising. "Or you got someone else already picked?"
His grin grew a little bigger.
“Lute is pretty damn cute, but she’d probably punch me. She doesn’t seem like the sociable type,” I said, gesturing to where she stood in a corner, across the room, glaring at anyone who came near her. “Cas is pretty, but I don’t think she’s interested. Molly is adorable but she’s dating Vincent, so that’s a no-go. Jamie looks nice tonight, but I see he’s already flirting with Rose, per usual. Plenty of cute people, but I’m not particularly interested in any of them.”
"Well damn, you really thought this through, didn't you?" he said with a small chuckle. "You even took all the options here into consideration."
He took another sip of his drink, staring down at the glass and then back up at me with a smile. "So if none of these guys are your type, what kind of person are you into?"
A small smirk appeared on his lips as he waited for an answer.
“I don’t really have a type,” I said with a shrug. “Just a generally decent person is fine. We’ll see where it goes from there, whether it works out or not.”
He chuckled a little and nodded. "Fair enough," he said as he leaned back against the counter again. "Just a generally decent person. I like that answer. It's straightforward and easy to understand. So basically, you're not into assholes."
“More or less, yeah,” I said with a nod.
"Good to know. And...since when is a girl like you single?" He raised an eyebrow.
“Since I want to be,” I said, looking away, a light smile on my face. “Since when is a guy like you single?”
He let out a small chuckle and then took in this information for a few seconds. "Wait, wait...sorry, I'm just making sure I'm hearing you correctly here...so you’re single, not picky about who you’d date...but you also wear dresses and makeup to a party and look really pretty. You know that's...well...confusing, right?"
“I can’t help it if people aren’t interested,” I said with a smile. “Besides, I dress how I like. I don’t care if it’s feminine or masculine, if I like it I’ll wear it.”
"Right, that's fine," he laughed a little bit. His eyes ran over me again. His tone grew a little more teasing. "But you know what I mean when I say it's confusing, right? Like, you say you don't dress up for anyone and then you show up to this party looking absolutely gorgeous...and I wouldn't be surprised if you had guys all over you by the end of the night."
“I think they see you and immediately back off,” I said, gesturing to the severe lack of people around me.
He laughed a little. "Yeah, maybe."
He took another sip of his drink and then let out a sigh and looked around the room. "To be completely honest with you, though..."
His gaze met mine again and he let out an amused chuckle. "If I were a guy here tonight, I wouldn't even bother talking to any other girls here. I'd be too busy looking at you."
“Is that why you’ve been going on and on with stories of all the people you’ve fucked?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Trying to keep me locked in conversation and away from the others?”
He let out a loud chuckle. "I won't lie, you're not entirely wrong," he said, raising an eyebrow. "But I'm just...trying to have a nice and flirty conversation, see where it goes."
His smile grew wider as he raised his eyebrows flirtatiously. "And hey, I must be pretty decent at it because you're still talking to me. You could've run off to one of the cute guys and flirted back with them by now, but instead, you're still right here.
“You’re a cute guy, too, you know,” I said with a smile.
He leaned forward again, his grin growing a little bigger. His eyes were fixed on me. "You think so? You honestly think I'm cute?"
“And endearing,” I said with a nod. Especially right now. The way he leaned in and his eagerness for me to confirm it? Adorable.
His grin grew to a full smile after hearing my words. "You think I'm endearing?" He let out a small chuckle and then took another sip of his drink. His gaze stayed on me the entire time.
"And here I thought I was just being a cocky douchebag."
“I mean, sort of. That’s kinda part of who you are,” I said with a small laugh. “I just like you despite it. You’re cool, you know that?”
His eyebrows raised slightly at my words. "You like me, huh?" He said, his grin growing even wider.
"So you think I'm cute, endearing, cool...anything else?" He chuckled a little. "Because if I was in charge of the dictionary, I would've put your description as the definition of flirting."
“Oh, these are just compliments,” I said with a grin. “I’ve not gotten around to any actual flirting. Gotta warn you, though; I’m a bit of a tease.”
"Tease?" He laughed. He smirked and let out another chuckle as he leaned back against the counter again.
"Okay, now you've got my curiosity. Show me how much of a tease you can be."
“I’m not sure this is a good place,” I said, gesturing around us. I leaned in a little. “Perhaps if we went somewhere a bit less crowded, I may not have to worry about ruining your reputation…”
He raised an eyebrow again and his smirk grew wider. "Is that so?" he said, his playful voice getting even more teasing.
He took another sip of his drink, letting out a satisfied laugh. "You know, being a little flirty is one thing...but now I'm starting to believe you're trying to seduce me."
“*Seduce* you? Now, why would I do that? I’d say you’re just about impossible to tempt,” I said slyly. I took his glass from his hand and drank from it, my hand lingering on his for a moment before I pulled away. I leaned against the wall, now holding his drink, a playful smile on my face.
He raised an eyebrow as he watched me take his drink. He watched the way I leaned in against the wall, a light smirk gracing my lips. He watched my hand linger on his for just a few seconds longer than it needed to. His grin grew a little bigger and he let out an amused chuckle.
"I see I wasn’t wrong about one thing. You’re a tease for sure," he said with a playful voice. His eyes wandered over me for another second before he spoke again. "So...what now?"
“I’m thinking of trying something new,” I said, casually. I gestured to his drink, which I was still holding. “This isn’t quite as satisfying as I thought it would be.”
His grin grew bigger and his gaze moved back up to look at me. I was still leaning up against the wall, the way I was standing so casually yet confidently made his attraction to me grow even more.
"Oh yeah?" he said with a smirk. He watched me carefully as he tilted his head to the side. "And just what is this 'something new' you're thinking about trying?"
“I don’t know,” I said, resting a hand on his waist and pulling him close. My gaze lingered on his lips before I looked back up at him again, keeping my playful attitude. “I think I’m looking to taste something sweeter.”
His breath hitched as my hand gripped his waist. His gaze ran over my lips, which now stood out even more thanks to their glossy color. He let out a shaky breath and a small chuckle, trying to hide away how much I was making him shiver. My playful attitude was hard to resist and he had to try his best to keep himself from grinning too much at it.
"And just where do you plan on tasting this sweeter thing?" he asked as he moved his body a little closer to me, almost as if he was leaning in for...a certain something.
“Maybe now…” I said, my lips brushing against his for a moment before I pulled away. “…or maybe later. Somewhere a little more private?”
He swore under his breath, his breath once again hitching in his throat. Even just the brief touch from my lips made his heart skip a beat. He stared at me as I pulled away, a sly grin on his lips.
His gaze ran over me once again, his eyes lingering on my hips for a moment longer, before finally making their way back up to my face. He swallowed hard and nodded, his eyes staring straight into mine.
"Later, huh? Lead me to this...private spot."
I led Adam through the crowd, my hand still resting on his waist as we navigated past groups of angels and other partygoers. We slipped out of the main hall and into a quieter hallway, the noise of the party fading into the background. The atmosphere here was different, more intimate, with soft lighting casting a warm glow on the marble walls.
We walked a bit further until I found an alcove, partially hidden by heavy velvet curtains. I glanced back at Adam, his expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation, and pulled him inside. The small space was cozy, with a low table and plush seating that invited closeness.
I let go of his waist and turned to face him, leaning casually against the wall. "This is more like it," I said with a smile. "Now we don't have to worry about any unwanted interruptions."
Adam stepped closer, his eyes never leaving mine. "Much better," he agreed, his voice low and almost a whisper. "So, where were we?"
I took a moment to appreciate the proximity, the way his presence seemed to fill the small space. "I believe we were talking about trying something new," I said, my tone playful. "And you were about to show me just how good you are at flirting."
He chuckled softly, stepping even closer until there was barely any space between us. "Oh, I think you're the one who's been doing most of the flirting," he said, his gaze dropping briefly to my lips before meeting my eyes again. "But I'm more than willing to see where this goes."
I reached up, brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, my fingers lingering for just a moment longer than necessary. "So, Adam," I said, my voice dropping to a whisper, "are you going to kiss me, or are we going to keep talking all night?"
His eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in, his lips brushing against mine with a feather-light touch before he pulled back slightly, his breath warm against my skin. "I think talking can wait," he murmured, his voice thick with anticipation.
I closed the distance between us, capturing his lips in a slow, lingering kiss. His hands found their way to my waist, pulling me closer as the kiss deepened. There was an electric charge in the air, a mixture of excitement and desire that made my heart race.
When we finally pulled apart, both of us were breathing a little heavier, the space between us charged with unspoken possibilities. "Not bad," I said, my voice teasing. "But I thought you said you were good at this."
He laughed softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, I'm just getting started," he said, his hands sliding up my sides. "Trust me, there's plenty more where that came from."
I smiled, leaning in for another kiss. "Good," I whispered against his lips. "Because I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon."
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pastelwitchling · 2 days
Hello, I love your stories so much! Would you be willing to do one where Michael realizes that when Alex called the incident of 2x06 hell he actually meant it and that he really didn't enjoy it? Thank you!
Disclaimer: very anti-M*ria DeL*ca
tw: mentions of r*pe
Michael started to notice it about two weeks after coming back from their honeymoon.
Alex had come to meet him at the junkyard, and Michael had made a teasing remark about sneaking into the airstream for some of their old fun. He’d meant it as a joke, but Alex had flinched and taken a step back, as though afraid Michael would drag him inside. Michael had been about to ask if he was okay, but just then Dallas had come back and asked if they wanted to step inside for a cup of tea and some lunch. Michael had waited to see that same reaction, but Alex only smiled, relieved, and happily accepted.
Michael had thought he’d just imagined that scared look on his face, but then it came again the next night when he’d suggested getting a drink at the Wild Pony. Alex had nodded and agreed to go, everything seemed fine, until Michael had mentioned that Maria had these cocktail shrimps she wanted them to try.
Alex froze. “Er, Maria’s going to be there tonight?”
“Yeah?” Michael said while adjusting his collar, “So, do you want to grab dinner first, or –”
“Actually,” he cut him off, “I’ve been having a lot of stomach pain lately, so I – I think I should pass on the drinks tonight.”
Michael frowned, coming up to him and putting a hand on his belly, his other hand on his brow. “What, you’re sick?”
“No no,” he shook his head, covering Michael’s hand on his stomach with his own, “nothing like that, it must just be an acid thing. Y-You should go, have fun.”
Michael’s shoulders fell. “Well, I don’t want to go if you’re not going. Hey, why don’t we just stay in and I can make us some dinner instead? Something good for your stomach.”
He didn’t realize how nervous Alex’s smile looked until it softened. He’d been worried that Alex was uneasy about Michael being near Maria, but they’d talked about that, hadn’t they? Michael knew how much Alex hated it when he and Maria were alone or too close, and after everything that had happened, he wanted to ease his fears. But Alex had even told Michael to go by himself, so what else was going on?
Finally, that Sunday morning, Michael knew he had to say something. He and Alex liked to have breakfast together on Sundays since it was the one day they were both free from work, and they usually talked about anything and everything during that time. Even though it was their laziest morning, meant to establish some peace after a busy week, nothing was ever off-limits. Mostly because each of them knew they had the other to lean against and take comfort from if anything got too heavy.
That was why, when Michael asked, “What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you?” he did it with a bite of pancake in his mouth.
Alex smiled, amused, and wiped a dollop of maple syrup from the corner of his lips before bringing it up to his mouth to suck clean. “You already know,” he said vaguely. “What about you?”
Michael took a second to focus after that display, and cleared his throat. “Caulfield,” he said without hesitation. Then, to keep himself from thinking about it too much, he pointed his fork at Alex, eyes narrowed. “And that’s not fair, you have to actually tell me yours.”
“I did tell you mine,” he chuckled, though it sounded quieter to Michael’s ears. “I told you when it happened.”
Michael’s brows furrowed, thinking hard, even as Alex was clearly trying to move past the conversation.
“More whipped cream?” he offered.
“When was this?” Michael asked, undeterred. “You told me when it happened, was I there?”
“Yeah, you were there,” Alex said with a hint of his old smile, but the way his voice turned quieter and quieter was starting to get alarming. Michael sat up straighter, waiting expectantly. Alex sighed. “That night in the trailer? With . . . Maria? I told you it was a circle of hell.”
“Yeah, but,” Michael rolled his eyes, “seriously though.”
Alex raised a brow, the amusement in his eyes dimmed. “Seriously though.”
“No,” he smiled, even as his brows furrowed, “no, that . . . you were joking. You were . . . you were joking then, right? I mean, you wanted to be there –”
“Well, maybe I didn’t feel like I was allowed to not be there,” he said with an edge that Michael had not expected, but which had his heart plummeting into his stomach anyway.
“You . . . what?”
“Nothing,” he said, already grabbing plates and turning away. “Nothing, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey,” Michael grabbed him around his waist, hauling him back in. “Don’t apologize to me. There’s nothing off-limits, remember? I just . . .” his mind was racing and dread was coiling in his stomach and he felt sick. “Alex . . . did you stay that night . . . because you thought you had to?”
Alex looked away, exhaustion etched into his features. This had clearly been weighing on him for years. Years, Michael thought with horror.
“I’d just been stabbed,” he said. “She was my only ride there. You were already looking for any excuse to avoid me. I . . . I trusted her. I thought she would take me back, and then I thought you would just . . .” he shook his head, blushing, “I don’t know, protect me from it or something, but none of that happened and I was just stuck there. And I thought that if I said no anyway, that if I left and tried to walk back, you would never look at me again.” His smile was small, but there was nothing humorous or amused about it. “Hell was every time she touched me. Every time she touched you. Hell was waking up the next morning and trying to convince myself that my best friend hadn’t raped me.”
His smile falling, he stepped out of Michael’s hold and returned to the sink. Michael sat there, in shock, staring at Alex’s back as he continued to wash dishes like he hadn’t just told Michael that he’d felt sexually assaulted, that Michael had been part of it, that Michael had allowed it.
He remembered that night well, thought of it often, of all the things he would’ve done differently. But he always imagined taking Alex in his arms, confessing that he was all he wanted, that Maria should leave because the only person he wanted to see touching Alex was him. He remembered his jealousy, his desire to possess Alex, his need to make him feel as good as possible so that his eyes never wandered to anyone else, even after he left. He’d wanted to make him feel good enough that Alex wouldn’t mind waiting for him.
He hadn’t given a second to think how Alex had felt having no other option. Now that he thought through that night, half of it filled with regret that there had been anyone else with them, he couldn’t remember one instance when he’d offered to drive Alex home, to take him to the hospital, even to loan him his phone to call anyone else.
Alex had been trapped there, and Michael had helped attack him.
A tear rolled down his cheek, and when Alex turned back around to grab the empty cups, he stilled. Quickly setting the glass down, he came back to Michael and cupped his jaw. “Why are you crying?” he breathed. “Michael, it’s okay, it was years ago, I – I’ve forgiven her –”
“Did she know?” he demanded. “Did she know what I meant to you? How it felt when a woman touched you?”
Alex swallowed. “Guerin –”
“Did she know?”
His husband glanced down, and Michael got his answer. “We’d talked about it earlier that day. She said she used to have a crush on me –”
“So she forced herself on you, and used me to keep you there,” Michael breathed, his hands vibrating. Then he realized that it was the entire house that was vibrating.
“Michael,” Alex wrapped his arms around his shoulders to steady himself, looking around, “you’re making the ground shake, stop it, you’ll bring the whole house down!”
“I’m gonna bring her damn bar down,” Michael growled. “I’m gonna make her sorry she ever put a finger on you, and then I’m gonna spend the rest of my life begging for your forgiveness –”
“Stop stop stop,” Alex hugged him tight, slipping a hand into his hair and tugging hard enough on the roots to yank Michael out of his angry haze. “Please calm down. For me, Michael, for me.”
It was Alex’s plea, his voice, his hands on Michael, his heart hammering against Michael’s chest. Distantly, he felt the earth still beneath him, but he couldn’t keep himself from shaking. He hugged Alex’s waist slowly, staring through the window over his shoulder, unseeing.
“You’re never going to talk to her again,” he said in a hollow, low voice.
Alex hesitated. “Michael –”
“She talked about that night afterwards like it was funny,” he whispered. “She doesn’t even think she did anything wrong. You’re never talking to that bitch again.”
Alex said nothing a moment, but he seemed to sense that Michael wasn’t going to allow any other response because he just nodded.
“She’s never going to touch you,” he went on. “She’s never going to say your name, and if she even looks in your direction, I’ll destroy the Wild Pony and set it on fire.”
“Michael,” he gasped.
“She raped you, Alex, and she knew she was doing it!” he snapped, squeezing Alex to him. “You’re never going near her again. Tell me you’re never going near her again.”
Alex sighed against his shoulder. “Okay, my pretty cowboy. I’ll do whatever you want. Just please calm down.”
Michael didn’t calm down. He couldn’t, not until he was holding Alex in a bruising grip, undoubtedly making it impossible for him to breathe, but he couldn’t get himself to let go. The way Alex had looked at him that night, it came back to him now. Not just with longing and yearning, mirroring his own feelings, but something else that he was now recognizing as fear. He’d been waiting for Michael to save him.
Michael swore then he would never fail Alex again.
“I’m so sorry, Alex.”
Alex melted against him. He’d had years to get over this, but Michael could feel the way the last of his resentment about it dissipated the longer he held him. He wished more than anything that he’d really listened to Alex then, when he’d told Michael how he felt and expected the man he loved to care. So much could’ve been different.
“Thanks, Michael,” Alex murmured against his neck, “but you’re all mine now. I don’t care about anything else.”
This was very cathartic for me. Villains are villains, folks, whether they're played by women or not :)
Happy Malex Monday ❤️
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aimbutmiss · 2 months
Yk, I was thinking. Buggy knew Whitebeard fairly well right? The Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard pirates crossed paths many, many times on their respective voyages. Enough that Newgate had his and Shanks's faces memorized and Buggy to know damn well that picking a fight with Ace would bring down Whitebeard's wrath. But those two crews partied as much as they fought together.
So what's Buggy going to say when Gabriel asks him about what Whitebeard was really like? Bc Crocodile sure doesn't have anything nice to say, and he rarely has anything to say at all about his past.
Well, to answer that question I have to talk about Buggy's thoughts on Whitebeard first, and I have a lot to say.
Firstly, Buggy most certainly respected the man. Whitebeard was able to clash with Roger on equal grounds, and their fights ended in draws. He was perhaps the only man who could be considered Roger's equal. That alone is enough to make anyone respect Whitebeard, but Buggy actually saw the fights. He knew Roger personally, therefore he has the best idea of how much respect Whitebeard actually deserves.
The man was a beast, and Buggy knows this from first hand experience.
But unlike Crocodile, that personal experience he had never hurt him. Buggy has no personal grudge against the man, if anything he kind of liked him (despite how terrifying he was). Whitebeard was good with kids in his own way back in the day. Not in the gentle, caring way but more like a fun, a bit crazy uncle. He always entertained Shanks and Buggy in the parties after their fights, and was one of the few adults who never questioned Roger's decision to have kids in the crew.
Well, either way, Buggy hadn't thought about the man in years and didn't really care— until Marineford. I genuinely believe Buggy's fear at seeing Whitebeard was because he thought the man wouldn't recognise him. Because if he did realise who he was, he wouldn't hurt him. Buggy was certain of that.
And he was right. Whitebeard recognised him, and didn't try to fight. If anything, he helped Buggy. And I believe 100% that it was intentional. Whitebeard's a clever man, and he knew how Buggy was as a child. One look at Buggy's scared face and the hoard of men behind him screaming for a fight was enough for him to assess the situation.
So, Buggy was throwing around empty promises about killing him to impress this group of escapees and it escalated. Right.
So, of course, after realising this, Whitebeard offered a truce— a team up. Because he knew Buggy didn't actually want to fight him. Not that he could anyway... But even if he did somehow have the power to do so, the kid wouldn't want to hurt him. He had no reason to do so. If anything, as one of the few people who remembered Roger as a man and not the King of Pirates, Buggy kind of valued Whitebeard's existence. It made him feel less alone, less like Roger's legacy could die out. That's why despite his lack of interest in the man, or the war, he was sad when he died. Another great man from the good old days, gone forever. Another part of the childhood he valued so much, wiped off the face of the earth in a second.
So, what would Buggy tell Gabe when he asks him about Whitebeard? Just the truth.
"He was a pirate."
Like his daddies, he was a pirate. And above all, he was a man. He could be kind, he could be terrifying. He did good things, but he also did bad things. He made mistakes. He pillaged and fought and killed, because that's what a pirate does. But he had a family he loved and protected to the end of the world.
Like Crocodile. Like Mihawk.
Gabriel loves his dads, but Buggy doesn't shy away from telling him that those two don't act the same way to everyone. They've done every bad thing under the sky that a pirate can do, some of which they have regrets over. They've ruined people's lives in their own way, they've fought and they've killed. Because they're pirates. Because they're men.
Just like Whitebeard.
Humanising Whitebeard doesn't wipe the trauma away of course, but it helps. It's the first step in a journey of healing for a little kid who didn't ask for any of this.
And if anyone can forgive a man they've never met, who happens to be already dead, it's a strong kid like Gabriel.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 4 months
Finally getting help (pt 2)
This one actually is edited thanks to @basementqueercock! Thank you friend!
part 1 | Masterpost
Vlad had been making a stink at the Gala about the Wayne brats taking his godson from him without his permission when the music suddenly cut out. Bruce Wayne himself stalked towards Vlad with an expression that was honestly a little intimidating, even if Vlad obviously wasn’t scared of such an empty headed pretty boy even if he was one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. He was Plasmius! He could take a rich pretty boy is he had to!
“Ah! Mr. Wayne, thank goodness! Your children have taken my Godson off somewhere! I’m sure it’s just a harmless prank but he’s a bit fragile and unpredictable so I really think that it would be best if-“
“Is he fragile and unpredictable because he’s pregnant and you knew?” Bruce asked low and dangerous. Silence spread out around them, even though there’s no way they could have heard they saw the look on Brucie’s face. He rarely got angry but when he did it was serious, when he did it usually meant someone had hurt a kid.
Vlad blanched for a moment, Danny had been so tight lipped about it, so unwilling to tell even those he trusted how did These people know?! “What? What on earth are you talking about? Of course he’s not pregnant, I mean he’s a boy!” Vlad huffed and Bruce’s jaw tightened even more somehow.
“He’s not leaving with you. Get out.” He said low and menacing, then raised his voice. “Sorry to cut the party short everyone but something has come up, a situation that really needs my attention so I’m going to have to put an end to the party early.”
“What do you mean!? He’s MY God son! MY heir! You can’t just keep him from me!” Vlad said, he knew that his eyes were starting to glow a little red but he couldn’t help it. “He’s MINE! Return him to me or you will regret it I swear!”
“See him out.” Bruce said dismissively to a handful of guards who had approached at the start of the commotion A lot of the socialites were already starting to see themselves out, now was not the time to argue, or even stick around when it looked like this might get physical.
“I will be back! I will be back with lawyers and police and the brat’s parents,” Vlad vowed but couldn’t risk fighting the guards any more than a usual old man would on the way out with so many eyes on him. Well he just needed to find a place alone. Then he could transform and come back, possess Bruce Wayne and make him do something heinous in public to ruin him for this.. this- this INDIGNITY!
Bruce was having a hard time keeping his Batman expressions off his face as he saw that everyone was out of his house and he knew his children were having the same trouble. Dick looked like he was ready to bash someone’s head in and Steph wasn’t that much better. Damian was standing by the door, seeing everyone out with frosty politeness that no one would mistake as genuine. Bruce felt just a little bad, it wasn’t anyone’s fault what they had found tonight. No one else knew about the clearly abused teen they were currently harbouring, but none of the family could help it either. Bruce would send all the guests gift baskets once they could announce what was going on.
Alfred was on the phone with Bruce’s lawyers, sending them the mildly distorted audio from Danny’s earlier conversation with Cas and Dick, and the footage from Vlad Master’s outburst. That had the same sort of distortion over it too which was odd, he’d have to look into it. Cas had already informed him she thought Danny was a meta of some sort, maybe it was connected to that? Or maybe they were aliens? Though Danny being trans was currently the most plausible explanation for his pregnancy. They’d find out more later. What mattered was the footage of both of those would be enough for Bruce to get emergency custody while the family was investigated. 
Tim was with Danny in the room Alfred had fixed for him, helping him settle in and lending him some clothes. Tim was the closest to Danny’s age and also one of the calmer ones right now so he was in charge of trying to make Danny feel safe and comfortable while the family took up battle stations to deal with the legal and logistical elements of this.
Bruce made sure everyone was out, the perimeter was secure, and Oracle was at her computer watching the security feed for anything suspicious including the pattern of distortion Vlad and Danny seemed to emit. He wasn’t sure how paranoid he should be about all this, but he’d seen the way Vlad’s eyes sparked red when he was angry and Batman was sure he was a lot more dangerous then he first seemed. And not just in the way that he was apparently willing to impregnate a boy young enough to be his son.
Finally he couldn’t avoid going to check on Danny anymore. Not that he was Really avoiding it, just that he knew this was going to be an exhausting and difficult conversation and he needed to brace himself for it. With every step towards Danny’s new room he felt the weight gather on his shoulders of what this child must have been through.
He knocked, and let himself in. Immediately clocking the way Danny tensed at the sight of him. Of course a rich older man would set off his alarm bells. Bruce gave the softest smile he could and went to pull out the desk chair across from the bed Danny was sitting on, well out of arms reach so he wouldn’t seem like a threat as he sat down. He glanced at Tim who nodded and went and sat on the bed next to Danny. Solidarity, willing to stand up against Bruce if Danny needed it, safety.
“Hello Danny, it’s nice to meet you. My children told me a bit about.. your situation,” Bruce said with a small grimace. “Would you mind if I ask you some questions? I promise I won’t judge you whatever you say, and I promise I am on your side. No matter what I will try to keep you safe okay? Just tell me the truth, it’ll help me do what needs to be done.”
“Alright Mr. Wayne,” Danny said, though he was still wary.
“Thank you, please call me Bruce. So first, what’s your full name?” he asked deciding to start super easy.
“Daniel James Fenton,” Danny replied softly.
“Your parents names?”
“Doctors Madeline and Jack Fenton,” Huh the fact that he called his parents doctor like it was part of their name seemed to be significant though Bruce wasn’t sure exactly what it meant.
“How old are you?”
“I’m 16,” He said. A little older than he looked but still no where near old enough to have the weight of the world on his shoulders like he did.
“And you’re pregnant?” Bruce asked as gently as he could, Danny nodded. “And you’re sure?”
“Yes,” Danny said softly and Bruce nodded, licking his lips a little.
“Did you take a test then?” He asked and Danny grimaced making a so so motion.
“It’s not… that simple,” He said softly.
“Can you explain it to me please?” Bruce asked softly.
Danny took a deep breath and licked his lips, hesitating, opening his mouth to stat, hesitating again and biting his lip. Bruce stayed quiet as he watched the conflict on Danny’s face. “You work with the justice league right?” Danny asked suddenly which seemed like a bit of a non sequitur to Bruce but he needed. “A bunch of the members aren’t human right?” Ah, Bruce nodded again. “And you’re okay with that?”
“Of course I am Danny,” Bruce promised, soft and reassuring. “People don’t have to be human or from earth to be people. Whatever is going on with you you’re still a person, and a kid, and deserve to be protected.”
“Okay,” Danny said as he scrutinized Bruce’s body language for any sign that he was lying. “Okay. I’ve never been able to trust any adults with this shit but I can’t keep doing this on my own so okay. I’m not human, not fully anyway, not anymore. These are..” He touched his stomach. “Like if you did an ultrasound you wouldn’t see embryos more like… Hang on Here.”
Bruce blinked as Danny suddenly, reached Inside himself, and before he could panic Danny had pulled out a perfectly round object that filled his palm. It shimmered with light from within, cold and sparkling with stars. “Our kind is more energy and light then anything else. This is Us, the mind, heart, everything we are is stored in our core the rest is formed around that. I mean for most of my kind, I’m still half human.” Danny said before replacing the orb inside him. “I have two other little cores inside me right now, feeding on my energy to develop properly, you could see them on an Xray. I don’t know how long they’ll take honestly.” He sighed caressing his stomach again.
 “But I can feel them inside me, I can feel their worry when I’m scared, and their joy when I’m happy, and their love. They’re my babies.” He said with the softest most paternal smile on his lips. The bags under his eyes were awful, he was clearly exhausted and stressed, but his expression told Bruce Danny thought it was all going to be worth it for his children. It brought a lump to his throat he had to clear before he could speak again.
“Okay, do you have access to healthcare appropriate for your.. species?” He asked and Danny nodded. Though he was tight lipped still.
“There are protections for non-human species in America you know,” Tim said.
Bruce and Tim exchanged a confused look as Danny barked a laugh. “Not for MY kind, we were specifically excluded,” He said with a wry curl to his lips. “The shadow or echo left behind when a proper human dies, not sentient or sapient they say. Malicious and dangerous they say. To be captured or exterminated on sight. They would take me, experiment on me, probably put my babies in jars or something.”
Oh, oh fuck, he was shaking, eyes blank and glassy like he was heading towards a panic attack. “Danny! Danny look at me,” Bruce said as he leaned forward and Danny’s gaze flicked up to his face. “I don’t know who ‘they’ are but I promise I will do everything in my power to make sure they don’t get you. You’re clearly not what they say, and anyone who would hurt a child is not the good guy in this story.”
“Who are they?” Tim asked with an expression that promised swift and vicious retribution.
Danny took another deep breath. “The GIW, the Ghost Investigation Ward. They’re a government agency, they’ve been hunting in my hometown for a while. Early on we tried to call the Justice Legue, but I think they were jamming the lines or something,” Danny said looking down and biting his lip.
Fuck this poor kid really couldn’t catch a break! Bruce was sure that the ‘ghosts’ these idiots were hunting weren’t really anything of the sort, but he would look into this and see what he could find. Tim was clearly itching to as well bad he wasn’t willing to leave Danny alone with Bruce, good lad.
“And what about your parents? Do you think you could be safely returned to their home?” Bruce asked, as much as he wanted to keep Danny reunification was supposed to be the goal of fostering.
“No!” Danny nearly yelped sitting up straight. “No! They work for the GIW! They design most of their weapons. If they ever found I’d been contaminated- I don’t want to think the worst of them but even if they still recognized me as their son the babies-“ He cut off, wrapping both his arms around his stomach and curling in on himself.
“Okay, we’ll call child protective services, my lawyer, and the Justice League. We’ll get to the bottom of this,” Bruce promised Danny. “And you can stay here as long as you need to. Is there any other family you would want to go to?” Bruce asked, just to be sure, but he wasn’t surprised when Danny shook his head and grabbed a pillow to hug.
“And I know Oracle and Red Robin will be itching to find out more about this ‘government agency’,” Tim said. “I want to go tell them Danny, if Bruce and I go will you be okay on your own or do you want me to ask Cas to come stay with you?”
“Cas please? If she’s not busy?” Danny asked uncertainly and Tim nodded. Bruce was getting up before Danny spoke up again. “I have a sister, Jazz. She knows about me not being fully human, but not about the babies. She’s a good person, and she’s almost an adult. I don’t know, I just need you to know she’s good, and I don’t want to mess things up for her,” Danny said worriedly.
“Of course Danny, thanks for letting me know,” Bruce said with a smile already making plans to get her out as well. “We’ll let you know as soon as there are developments.” He promised before both he and Tim ducked out. They split up, Tim going to find Cas and ask her to go back to Danny before they reconvened in the bat cave, they had a lot of research to do.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 1 month
Angelic Interference
TFW & Winchester little sister!reader
Requested by @s0urw00lf
Synopsis: Sam and Dean don’t want you dating a hunter, so you try to get the angel on your side.
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“Hey Sammy?”
Sam looked up when he heard your voice calling for him. You were standing in the doorway to the library, leaning against the frame and trying to look innocent and pleading. Sam recognized the look instantly; you wanted something.
“What is it, squirt?”
You shuffled further into the room, and he noticed you glancing around the room subtly—you were making sure Dean wasn’t there, Sam was sure of it.
“I was wondering if I could go out with a friend tonight?”
“And I assume this friend is a boy?” Sam phrased it like a question, but you both knew it wasn’t.
“He happens to be.” You shrugged innocently.
“And who is this boy?” Sam wondered.
“That’s the good part,” you said, but Sam could tell from your tone that he wouldn’t think this was “the good part.” “You already kinda know him.”
Sam frowned.
“I know him? So, he’s a hunter then.” It wasn’t like he had any teenage non-hunting acquaintances.
“Well, his dad is.” You cringed—you could tell already that this wasn’t going well. “And he’s been on a couple of hunts too, I guess.”
“So, he’s a hunter,” Sam repeated.
“Who’s a hunter?” Dean asked as he entered the room.
“No one,” you said quickly, but not quick enough.
“Y/N’s new boyfriend,” Sam said at the exact same time.
“Boyfriend?” Dean was instantly stiff as a board, and you nearly groaned.
“Thanks a lot, Sam,” you huffed quietly, before turning to Dean. “He’s not my boyfriend. It’s just one date.”
“Oh, so it’s a date now,” Sam said, and you were really starting to want to hit him. “Before you said he was a friend.”
“He is a friend!” You argued. “He just…he just asked me out today, it’s the first time, ok?”
“No,” Dean said. “Not ok. You’re not old enough to date, and if you were it wouldn’t be a hunter. It’s too dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” You scoffed.
“We kept you as far away from hunting as we could for a reason,” Dean continued before you could argue. “We don’t want you near it, you know that.”
“Getting involved with a hunter is a bad idea,” Sam added.
“You’re being ridiculous!” You yelled. “I live with hunters! Can’t get much more involved than that!”
“Apparently you can,” Dean grumbled.
“It’s just not the best idea.” Sam was trying to soothe the situation, his voice much gentler than either you or Dean.
“We’ll see about that,” you huffed, closing your eyes.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked.
“Getting an objective opinion, now shush,” you said. “Cas! Cas, we need you!”
A flutter of wings announced the arrival of your angel friend.
“Is something wrong?” Cas asked, worried but calming down quickly when he saw no immediate danger.
“Sam and Dean are being completely crazy,” you said, but unfortunately Cas couldn’t hear you because Dean was saying at the same time—
“Could you please get her to listen to reason.” And Sam was saying—
“I think we need a mediator here.”
“Whoa, whoa.” Cas held up his hands, overwhelmed. “One at a time. Y/N, you’re the one who called me. What’s wrong?”
Dean looked like he was going to protest not being allowed to speak first, but Sam stopped him.
“A friend asked me out on a date, but they won’t let me go.” You glared accusingly at Sam and Dean, until Cas cleared his throat to get your attention.
“Ok. Sam and Dean, why don’t you want her to go?”
“Because he’s a hunter,” Dean said forcefully. “It’s just going to put her in more danger.”
“I already live with—“ you started, but Cas held up a hand and you shut up.
“I think I understand,” Cas sighed. “Y/N, you are already friends with this boy, correct?” Cas asked, and you nodded. “So I don’t see how going on a date with him wouldn’t put you in any more danger.”
Dean opened his mouth to protest, but Sam stopped him.
“She’s still too young,” Sam said.
“That of course is your decision.” Cas shrugged. “But I’m almost certain that the two of you were dating before you were her age.” When Sam and Dean looked at each other to consider Cas’s words, Cas himself glanced at you and winked. You grinned back at him, but dropped the grin immediately when Dean’s eyes turned back to you.
“One date,” he announced grumpily. “But he’s gotta come here first so we can meet him.”
Dean struggled to keep up his grumpy face when you squealed and went in for a hug.
“Ok, ok,” he huffed, hugging you back and refusing to let you see the way his lips were twitching. “But if I don’t like him, he goes.”
“Deal!” You grinned, pulling away. “You’ll love him, I promise! Thanks guys, thanks Cas!” And with that, you ran off to get ready.
“She’s gonna be the death of me,” Dean said, shaking his head. “I just know it.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
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meowwnon · 3 months
the c in NRC stands for cat
synopsis: in which heartslabyul deals with a cat loving no-magic having ramshackle prefect. (headcanons) gn!yuu
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when he saw you clinging to the raccoon-cat-thing at the entrance ceremony, he did not know how to react.
normal people would panic. normal people would avoid a fire-breathing monster-cat-whatever that was spewing absolute nonsense.
apparently not you, though. although, one could say you already aren’t normal, considering the lack of magic. it wasn’t just not that much potential, you were basically in the negatives.
anyways, cats.
he got a peek under your ceremonial robes, and you were wearing..
a pajama shirt with a cat print on it. it looked horrendous.
riddle himself grew up with.. well, a cat. beastperson. so he probably would only have a surface level of appreciation for their greatness.
6/10 for cat lovers, i guess. he wouldn’t really mind, but he’d think it a tad strange. lower points because it took him a while to finally start letting grim into areas of festivity. 
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this guy has siblings. like, siblings siblings. he’s used to being around people with strange interests (his brother tried to feed him a live insect once. not fun).
so, i’m sure he appreciates that your interests are on the much safer side of the wide, wide spectrum. 
except when the two of you hang out while he’s baking and suddenly ace and deuce are complaining about cat hair in their tarts.
please do not bring your cats in the kitchen, thank you very much.
he’d feed your cat(s)! very sweet guy.
8/10 for cat lovers! good ascend from riddles, except two points taken from him because one, the Cat™ isn’t allowed in the kitchen and two, he just seems like a dog person to me.
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please do not turn the great grim into a marketable plushie.
just kidding, he wouldn’t do that.
or would he?
i think he’d be a good cat co-parent! just like trey, i think he’d feed your cat when you can’t, he’d catsit while you’re in class.. etc, etc.
mostly because the posts he makes of your cat blow up, but also because he likes your cat!
the level fluctuates depending if this cat is grim or not. please do not ask me why.
8/10 for cat lovers! not bad, not bad at all! except, now there’s merch of grim- and while he’s proud of himself (this is only to be expected for the great grim! according to him), you just wish you got some of the revenue.
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just, no.
i think he’d look at a cat litter and go, “what’s that?”. maybe he’d even try to sniff it.
gives off grew up with a dog vibes, i don’t know why.
he goes like “EUGH” when he finds cat hair in the food you made for him.
you felt kinda bad, but he ate it anyways while complaining. you were pretty conflicted.
he’d be.. i don’t know. unremarkable. not that good, though.
5/10 for the cat lovers. no comment. this gremlin, i swear.
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he LITERALLY isn’t any better than ace.
maybe he used to feed some of the stray cats on the way home from school when he was in elementary, but that’s probably the extent of his experience.
will also complain about cat hair. politely.
“uhm.. i think grims hair is in my soup?” kind of polite. except he’s grimacing and staring at grim like the cat just insulted his mother and all his ancestors.
he will also sniff your cat litter. and grim will laugh in the heartslabyul first year duo’s faces.
thanks, grim.
5/10 for the cat lovers.. again. he’s really just the same. he’d probably be nicer than ace, but the latter just has more experience with pets. probably. hopefully.
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special guest, IDIA SHROUD!
do i even need to say anything?
you two have matching cat print pajamas. ortho would cry tears of joy if he could.
you bring your cats to ignihyde and you all hang out. <3
you, idia, and your 23 cats. it really is the life.
he paid you in genesis crystals for permission to pat one of your cats on the head.
you two have a cat lovers gc where you just send cat pictures and talk about your cats, very fun.
10/10 for cat lovers!  first ever 10/10, and it’s from idia shroud? riddle is seething. great cat parent! though, he’s a bit attached. it’s okay, though, he buys your cats toys.
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weeknd-ogoc · 8 months
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SUMMARY: in which lando is nervous to see how carlos will react when he sees him with you. (inspired by landon barker's song, friends with your ex) FACE CLAIM: kylie jenner CONTAINS: flashbacks of reader dating carlos, jealous!lando, jealous!carlos, unprotected sex, a fight, emotional cheating! AUTHOR'S NOTE: i've been working on this all night so i hope you guys love it!
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it was three years ago when lando norris had met you during the start of your relationship with carlos sainz — he was at the time his teammate for mclaren. the both of you had gotten along really well and he often found himself hanging out with you whenever your boyfriend wasn't around.
carlos found nothing wrong with it since he knew the two of you were close in age and he trusted the both of you.
"i brought you some chicken nuggets and french fries." you had told him as you left the box of food on lando's lap. "what is that stench?"
"thank you, you really saved me." he smiled as he munched on a french fry. "your boyfriend brought over some sushi for the group and the smell was god awful."
"oh c'mon it wasn't even bad." carlos said before placing a soft kiss on your forehead. "amor, i'm glad you're here!"
as you and carlos continued being painfully adorable, lando found himself looking away and quietly continued eating the food your brought him.
at the time he didn't even realize he had started catching feelings for you but as the two of you got closer he understood that that's what is was.
"i was busy y/n!" lando overheard carlos yelling at you. "so what? you're just going to invite him whenever i can't make it to one of our stupid dates?"
"it was our anniversary date and you decided to skip on it to play golf with your friends!"
he awkwardly sat on the couch listening to your conversation going on upstairs. you had called him upset the night before because carlos decided to cancel on your anniversary date last minute so being the nice friend he was, he brought you pizza and some flowers.
maybe it wasn't the greatest idea.
so that same night after having a mini pillow fight and throwing popcorn at each other around your apartment, the both of you sat down watching some scary movie that you had picked out.
he had let out a loud boo which made you jump right into his lap. "what the hell!" you yelled before smacking his arm.
he wrapped an arm around you as he was laughing and used his other arm to try to protect himself from your hits. "i'm sorry! i thought it would be funny..."
when the laughs dialed down, he wrapped his arm around your waist more comfortably and you rested your head onto his shoulder.
yeah he definitely had it bad for you.
"you ever think about leaving him?" he quietly asked.
"don't do this lan i ca-"
"just tell me that you feel this connection too and it's not just m-"
your phone began ringing and the both of you realized the position you guys were in, he cleared his throat as you got up from his lap and sat back down next to him.
missed call from carlos.
"i can't make you wait till i decide to leave him, it's not fair to you..."
he gently grabbed your hand and shook his head. "i know we're going to be together eventually and i'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes."
once the movie finished the both of you had fallen asleep in your living room, he slept on the floor while you slept on the couch and the next morning carlos saw you guys sleeping soundly.
"you've got to be fucking kidding me..." carlos mumbled as he took his shoes off.
if it had been a few days ago he would've been fine with it but since everyone on social media knew it was your anniversary and the both of you had been spending it with other people, there were many opinions on that.
most of them talking about how maybe you had been seeing lando behind carlos's back since you guys were always together, there were others who defended you and said maybe carlos was the reason behind it all.
carlos was starting to see your friendship differently now — lando was always around, the both of you always goofing off, making inside jokes he could never understand...
"i'm sorry lando but you should leave..." you gently told him as you walked down the steps.
he nodded as he grabbed his sweater from the couch and followed you to the door. "you'll be alright?"
"yeah i'll be fine."
as he faced you, he saw carlos looking down at the both of you from the top of the stairs. "just call me if anything alright?" which you nodded to.
he didn't hear from you for a few days after that but he knew you were alright since you had been posting on your story, carlos and you had gone on a trip to spain to visit his family.
after returning he heard the news that carlos was signing a deal to join ferrari the following year which led lando to go visit carlos's house and tell him his side of the story.
"i'm sorry i misinterpreted your friendship with y/n but me joining ferarri has nothing to do with you..." carlos told him. "i just would appreciate if the both of you had some space, we're in a shaky place right now and i'm hoping i could propose to her soon..."
this moment was the moment he realized that he needed to put some space between the two of you so you could make your mind up.
"she's one a of a kind and i don't want to let her go."
neither did he.
"she is..." lando mumbled out before sipping on his water.
a few days after that conversation you had called and texted him a few times but he never answered so you eventually gave up. it took everything in him to not show up to your house and declare his love for you but for carlos's wishes he began to distance himself from you.
the following year, carlos and you were finally back on track until there were rumors going around that carlos was seeing an ex girlfriend again.
"we just met for a coffee and that was it!"
you really didn't know if you should believe him since this was the girl he was with for years before you. before dating he had told you that he planned on proposing to her but it just didn't work out.
"i'm going to my place tonight, i'll see you tomorrow for your race..."
but you didn't really go back to your apartment, instead you went to a club with some of your friends and later found yourself hanging out with lando since he was there also.
"oh my god, i missed you!" you smiled at him as he threw a chip over at your way.
and god did he miss hanging around you too.
so for the next few weeks the two of you slowly began hanging out again and carlos was fine with it since he was currently busy with the ferrari group.
lando's feelings for you had slowly started creeping back in. he didn’t know what it was, but all the memories with you had been stuck in his head and he couldn't get you out.
you were like a dream in his head.
"oh carlos is so killing you when he finds out..." daniel joked as he put on his helmet.
lando's eyes were on you but then looked at daniel. "what are you talking about?"
"it's so obvious you're in love with her..."
months later, carlos went to lando asking him for space between the two because things were shaky in the relationship again. "i'm starting to think you're the root of the problem..." carlos joked but lando knew deep down he probably wasn't joking.
it was the truth.
"dude i think you should just tell her..." his best friend max began ranting on about it.
he groaned before sinking deeper into the couch. "then i'd just betray carlos's trust and i don't want to do that!"
before they could carry on with the conversation the pair heard a knock on the door and max opened the door since lando was too busy sulking. "oh dude it's for you..."
and there you were standing with tears on your face so unfortunately the whole distance thing didn’t last very long for the both of you. 
“woah, hey what happened?” lando asked you as he brought you inside and max made his way into his room.
“carlos asked me to move in with him but.."
"that's great right? shouldn't that be a good thing?" he helped wipe off a tear slipping out of your eye.
"i told him i didn't think we were ready for that yet and he got upset and asked for space but i just needed to know if you still had any type of..."
he knew it was coming, now he needed to figure out how to respond.
"feelings for me before i make a final decision."
you didn't know when it happened but your feelings for lando had returned again.
"of course i do b-"
he wasn’t sure what made you do what you did next but before he knew it, your lips were on his — the faint taste of your cherry chapstick gave him the urge to deepen the kiss but he snapped back into reality.
the both of you shouldn’t have been doing this. 
"i can't do this to carlos, you're the love of his life and he's one of my closest frie-"
as you began getting up from your seat, lando's eyes landed on max who was waving his hands around from the corner of the room. "this is your chance!" he whispered.
oh fuck it.
he pulled you in by the waist and kissed you, backing away slowly he grabbed your cheek. “leave him for good” he whispered “and be with me.”
you nodded before kissing him again and lando let himself fall into the couch with you straddling him, not breaking the kiss.
"my boy is so getting it on!" max mumbled as he took that kiss as a queue to run back into his room.
and little lando norris did indeed get it on.
the two of you panted, trying to recover from your orgasms and lando scanned the room as he saw the clothes the both of you had on thrown around the floor and looked right back at you.
it was a peaceful silence for a while until he finally spoke. “so whose dick is better, his or mine?”
the next year the both of you took it slow before officially getting into a relationship but lando had already found himself so fucking in love with you, like ridiculously so.
"c'mon love, just sleepover this week again." he complained before wrapping his arm around you and dragged you back into bed. "i'll die if you leave me."
you let out a giggle before kissing his cheek. "fine i will stay, can't have you dying on me."
you had officially broken up with carlos after the whole thing with lando.
"it's for the best..." carlos had agreed with you.
what you didn't know was that he actually had prepared a speech and bought a big, shiny ring because he knew you deserved a ring like that — so he had hoped he could change your mind about your decision in the future but you never did.
he confided in lando about the situation and it made him feel guiltier than ever. he also didn't know if he should have told you about the ring but at the end of his conversation with max, he decided against it.
since the both of you were busy and in different states most of the time, the both of you facetimed whenever you could and if you weren't busy he'd fly you out to wherever he was or he'd fly out to you.
"a club with the guys? are you sure?" you questioned him. "won't carlos be there?"
"i heard he wasn't going to be able to make it but i mean they know we're good friends so it shouldn't be weird or anything." lando helped you slip on your dress and observed it. "you don't think the dress is too short? i mean you look really hot bu-"
"nope i think it's perfect."
later on that night lando had a little too much to drink after seeing carlos practically on you the entire time — turns out he was able to make it only because charles had told him you were coming along so he wasn't able to hang around you much.
"i think they're going to get back together..." charles told the group as he took a sip out of his cup. "carlos said they've been texting or something like that."
"texting?" lando asked as he looked back at you laughing at whatever it was that carlos had told you.
daniel knew what was going on with the both of you — he had walked in on lando taking a rather intresting photo of his downstairs area in a public bathroom and after chasing him around he finally admitted to who it was going to.
"carlos is so go-"
"he's so going to kill me, i know!" he groaned as he snatched back his phone from him.
so as he continued watching lando taking yet another shot and go over to the booth where carlos and you were, he began to get nervous for him.
he plopped himself right next to you "hey lovebirds! what are you guys talking about?"
you gave him a look and noticed he reeked of alcohol.
"about this trip i took her on for our first anniversary...."
lando lightly elbowed you and smiled. "oh wow must've been nice, you know i took her to se-"
now it was your turn to elbow him and just in time daniel had made it to the table. "come get a drink with me carlos, max is paying!" he was able to drag him away and you stayed behind with lando.
"what is wrong with you?" you asked him "you know he would've ki-"
he rolled his eyes before standing up and dragging you into the men's restroom. "i thought it was me you wanted to be with, why is charles saying you and carlos are talking again?"
"i do la-"
"so why are you letting him practically eye fuck you...." he scanned over your dress and groaned again. "it's that damn dress."
your dress made you look too good.
aside from carlos being with you the entire time, it had the guys staring at you every now and then.
you just looked so pretty to him — in your pretty dress, your pretty face isn’t helping the very visible print that was going on in his dress pants.
you rolled your eyes knowing what it was going to take for him to stop sulking like a child. you saw how his lust filled eyes were on you so it didn't take long before he started kissing you roughly, hands roaming over your body before he flipped your dress up and pushed your thong to the side.
"fuck you look so pretty like this..." he mumbled before sinking two fingers into your wet folds. "you're mine, you know that right?"
you nodded to his question and let your head fall onto his shoulder. "l-lan i need you..."
"stop!" lando instantly pulled your dress back down and the both of you heard a bathroom stall open, it was charles looking white as a ghost. "before this could go any further i need to get out of here."
he cleared his throat as he quickly washed his hands.
"carlos can’t kno-"
he nodded "i know, i won’t say anything..." as he opened the door he looked back to lando. “you know he’s going to kill you right?”
lando rolled his eyes and helped charles close the door.
you slapped his arm after he tried kissing you again. “really lan?”
he rubbed his arm. “ow, how was i supposed to know he was in here…”
after a few more minutes of bickering back and fourth — lando locked the door and was finally able to do what he wanted with you since before you guys had left the hotel room.
as he was blowing your back out he kept whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
“god i’d love to do this with you everyday…”
“i promise i‘m going to give you the world.”
“you would like that wouldn’t you?”
you gripped onto the tiled sink and the most you could respond was with uh huhs and mmhms.
it had been an amazing year with lando already but the both of you had still kept it a secret.
during the singapore race carlos had helped lando get podium and it made him feel a bit guilty for not telling carlos the truth yet. carlos still considered him to be one of his bestest friends but once he finds out about your relationship, he was for sure going to kill him when he sees him with you.
you guys hadn't gone public yet, you were finally ready to do so and after getting p2 in japan he had decided he was finally ready also.
"i just want you to come with me to texas..." lando told you over the phone. "i've gone on the podium three times already and i just would really like to see you there for me for the next one."
you smiled and rolled your eyes playfully. “just say that you miss me…”
the both of you hated being away from each other for too long. lando could say he definitely hated it more than you — if you didn’t have a modeling career, he definitely would’ve loved for you to travel with him.
“alright fine i miss you, now will you please come back here.”
besides missing you there was something else he missed also, something nobody else could give him but you. the whole phone sex, pictures and sexting was just not cutting it for him.
so finally after you had agreed and flew over to his place in monaco, he wasted no time in receiving what he missed.
“missed you so much…” he mumbled with his right hand around your throat giving it a slight squeeze and placed a very wet kiss onto your lips.
during media day, you had happily decided to go with lando. there were some people that gave you looks and others were happy about you guys being together.
"well looks like there's going to be a lot of drama today." pierre whispered to his girlfriend after they both smiled at you guys from a distance.
she playfully slapped his arm "oh hush, they look so cute together!"
lando held your hand the entire time and walked over to where oscar was sitting. "took you guys long enough..." he smiled looking at the both of you guys. "i was getting real sick of hearing him talk about you all the time."
lando rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around you. "yeah, yeah, shut it."
while oscar and lando were doing an interview, you sat on a nearby chair and scrolled through your phone when you saw someone sitting next to you.
"has he seen you yet?" you heard.
"not yet..." you answered and looked at charles who held up a bag of chips towards to you.
you took one out of the bag and the both of you sat quietly. you had hoped carlos would be supportive and it wouldn't be a big thing but you knew how your ex boyfriend was so it made you nervous.
charles knew it was most definitely going to be a big fight because carlos still loved you — you could see the hearts in his eyes when he talked about you, he had hoped that you would make your way back to him.
after the interview lando and you decided to just walk around before someone else wanted an interview, lando was hoping you guys wouldn't bump into carlos anywhere.
for awhile you guys didn't but the luck was bound to run out at some time.
"i need to use the restroom, i'll be back." you had told him before planting a small kiss on his lips.
he smiled as he saw you walking to the restroom but it was soon washed away when he turned and saw carlos walking towards him.
"oh boy..." charles mumbled seeing the both of them from faraway before tapping oscar and running towards them.
"look mate, hold o-" lando started but before even finishing his sentence carlos had already swung on him.
lando clenched his jaw and backed up from him.
in a way he believed he did deserve that.
"how long lando?"
"awhile bu-"
before carlos could swing again oscar and charles held him back. the shouting had drawn the attention of others, including the photographers.
"i considered you one of my closest friends!" carlos yelled as the pair had finally let him go. "how could you do this to me?"
they both continued yelling at each other and lando was starting to lose his patience with him.
you had came out of the bathroom and saw everyone looking at the same thing, carlos tackling lando onto the floor while throwing a punch.
as you walked over there lando had managed to flip carlos over and punched him. "are you both being serious right now!"
from a distance the rest of the drivers were watching you yelling at the both of them from a distance.
alex handed george his fifty dollars. "i told you it was going to happen at some point."
"well he started it first..."
the pair continued bickering and carlos shoved lando again before looking at you. "i'm assuming he did not tell you that i was planning to propose to you and tha-"
lando rolled his eyes. "shut up carlos."
carlos pointed over to lando. "you shut up..." he looked back at you again. "that's why you went through with whatever bullshit story he gave you just to be with him."
lando tried grabbing your hand but you pushed his hand away. "why didnt you tell me about?"
"would it have made a difference if i did?" he looked at you as you stayed silent. "you had already left him and you were already with me when he told me..."
carlos chuckled before nodding. "that long huh?"
charles tried stepping in once he saw carlos's hand make a fist but he pushed him back and swung at lando.
lando was able to dodge it again and just before he could throw a hit, andrea and frederic came over before pulling the boys to the side. "what's going on here?"
while they talked to the boys, you had decided to walk back to the car. after a minute lando noticed you walking away from the distance and decided to run after you.
he pulled you to the side and saw you had tear streaming down your face. "love where are you going? let me grab my stuff and we can go home."
you shook your head. "i'm going back to my home a-"
"you're flying back to cali?"
you nodded. "lando that was really embarrassing for me! we aren't little kids anymore, there was no need to be fighti-"
"well he hit me first an-"
you gave him a look and he quickly stopped talking. "i'll call you when i land alright?"
he shook his head before grabbing your hand. "but where does that leave us?"
you shrugged as you moved your hand away from him and wiped one of your tears. "i don't know lan..."
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f1 & f2 masterlist!
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thank you guys for reading, my requests are open!
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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chrisili · 7 months
My apologies
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Pairing: Edmund Pevensie x fem!reader
Summary: You and Edmund have to explore the underground together, alone and you punch him in his face. Accidentally.
Warnings: Make out session
Genre: fluff, rom-com
Word count: 2,3k
A.N.: So extremely obsessed with Narnia currently sooo here you go. This is in the time of Prince Caspian just for the plot but I imagine Edmund a little older here.
“Cas, wait! Woah,” while you were, almost casing, after your brother you tripped on a rock. You two were currently in the woods walking to your base where all the other humans, animals, dwarfs, centaurs and what not, were stationed. Caspian turns around to look at you almost tripping on a stone, let’s say he didn’t exactly try to be decent.
“Sister, if you keep this up the King is never gonna want you.” He said laughing while holding you to steady yourself. You look at him half blank, half annoyed. “Yes I am sure out of all the possible situations in the world, tripping in the woods would be THE reason for King Edmund to not be interested in me.” You slap his arm as he tries to help you and you resume your path. “Anyways, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You and the High King Peter assigned me and Edmund to go deeper into the base to explore, to see if we find something useful, right? So, naturally, my question is, why the hell would you do that to me?”
Caspian pulls an arm around your shoulder while he walks with you, “why dear sister, here I thought I was doing you a favor? You obviously like the King and he obviously likes you back so why not spend some time with each other, together eh?”
You nod your head and squint your eyebrows sarcastically. “You know, that is a great idea! How about you send me to uncles castle and we can die there, together eh?”
Caspian looks at you suprised. “I don’t understand?” You roll your eyes, “clearly.”
“Brother tell me, have you maybe noticed how I act around the King?” Y/N asked while they were now on the big meadow in front of their base. As narrator, I have to agree with Y/N. With the handsome dark haired King around her, her head gets all blurry and it is hard for her to think. Although she really likes him she starts being more sarcastic than she already is when she sees his big brown eyes. With Caspian not taking your nervousness seriously and High King Peter actually adoring the thought of his little brother and Y/N, there was nothing to be done.
So you and King Edmund were now in the underground, exploring, dying (Just kidding, only you were, out of nervousness). Edmund was holing up his flashlight to look around, while you were holding a regular torch. You guys didn’t actually talk a lot because your brother was right, the King liked you back so naturally he was pretty nervous too.
“King Ed-” congratulations, you started chocking on your own saliva not even having spoken two words! You cough a little so your voice would come back. “I apologize, King Edmund. I was just wondering why your thing is a lot brighter than mine.” Edmund looked at you and chuckles, which warmed your heart and made your cheeks slightly pink, not that it mattered because it was too dark anyways.
“It’s a flashlight. It has batteries in it, it’s actually hard to explain.” He said scratching his neck. You just nod and kick yourself mentally for even bringing it up. As you two walk further you come across a kind of door frame. There was the frame but no door and in the room behind it was heavy blue lighting, shining though the ceiling, which was of course the moon. You both walked in and not even a minute later a heavy metal door was falling in to the frame. Both your heads turn immediately and you run up to the door.
“No, no, no, no. No please open, please don’t noo…..” you whine while hitting and punching the door to get out. As you realize that the door doesn’t actually open you drop your head with closed eyes.
“I didn’t realize it is such a burden for you to be alone with me.” Edmund said in a sarcastic voice while he just continued walking into the room, which was by the way massive. Not really a room, more like a cave. You turn your head to Edmund and then you started walking after him. “Your Highness I apologize deeply, again. It is not a burden being with you. It is just…” He turns around to look at you, you both standing pretty close to each other while he looks you deep in the eyes. You look back into his and you start giggling covering your mouth. Edmund lifted an eyebrow at you but before he could respond you heard a loud sound coming from the cave.
Both of you slowly walk into the direction where you heard the sound coming from. “I think you should go and look.” You say standing on your tip toes to get a better look from afar.
“Me?” Edmund says also looking into the dark in front of him.
“I think it would be better if you went.” Edmund said.
“Funny, because I don’t agree with your opinion in the slightest.”
He turns to you with an intimitating look. “Your Highness.” You add.
Edmund breathes out heavily and starts walking up ahead. The further he goes the more he disappeared until nothing was left but darkness again. You started to kind of freak out in your head, because what’s being worse than being alone with Edmund in a cave is being alone with dead Edmund in a cave.
“Your Highness? Your Majesty? King Edmund?” You yell into the dark not getting an answer back. It would be an understatement saying that you were shitting your pants at this point. But you completely lost it when something tabbed your shoulder, your screamed as loud as you could throwing a punch at Edmund. Yes your read that right, the thing tabbing your shoulder was Edmund who was actually excited to prank you a little bit but now he was just holding his eye while tumbling back. “OW!” He yelled painfully while kind of falling and sitting on the ground. You run up to him and kneel beside him.
“I am so sorry my lord! I didn't see you! I thought it was something that wants to murder me, I was looking out for you and you didn’t come back, I got so scared without you so, oh please my King forgive me. I didn’t mean to really!” You keep rambling about how you are sorry while pulling a beautiful lace handkerchief out of your small satchel. You put some water onto it, also from your satchel and you start to lightly tab it on to the kings, now blue, eye. He hisses at first and moved away because of his reflexes but lets it happen right after. His eyes are closed while sitting there with you, you try to cool his eyes while no one was talking. You were deeply ashamed having punched the love of your life, I mean the king. (obviously)
“First you can’t bare being in one room with me alone and now you punch me in the face, you must really hate me.” He laughs a little still eyes closed. You take his hand with both of your hands, your words desperate. “Oh no, no your Highness. Quite the opposite really! I, in fact like you so much that I am strongly ashamed of myself. I’ve never been so ashamed in my life my lord, I mean it. Around you my head gets dizzy and I don’t know what to do or how to speak, what to say or how to act. I didn’t want to be in a room with you because I was afraid I was going to mess this up, which I obviously did. I don’t expect you to forgive me for I have done such a terrible thing.”
Silence. Deafening silence. Edmund opened his left eye (the good one) and looks up to you. (You kneeling and him sitting you were above him)
“You always hit people in the face you ‘like so much’?” He asks mockingly and you look blankly at him with your eyes building up some tears. When he sees your tears his face changes, he sits up and cups your face with his warm hands. He removes your tears with his thumbs repeatedly because you just wouldn’t stop crying.
“Y/N now I have to apologize. I was insensitive, I shouldn’t have mocked you about your feelings. Please stop crying, I can hardly see your beautiful eyes.”
Your heart stopped beating and you died on the spot, at least that’s what it felt like. “My what?” You said almost whispering, having stopped crying immediately and just looking blankly into Edmunds face. He smiled a little while holding your face softly.
“Your beautiful eyes, I always love looking at them. Just like the rest of you actually… I really like looking at you. Does that sound awkward? It does, doesn’t it?” He says dropping his arms while staring at the very interesting stone floor.
“Your Highness, I like looking at you a lot too.” You say smiling and he looks up at you again. He really wanted to keep staring into your eyes but for some unknown reason his eyes started to look at your lips instead. He took your face into his hands again to pull you closer and just before your lips were touching, he looked at you again, asking permission. You smiled and closed the distance between you.
Both of your eyes were closed, I mean his anyways because you hit him but still. You put one of your hands on his shoulder while moving the other one to cup his hand that is still cupping your face. It was just a peck but when he was about to pull away, you pulled him back in. This time moving your lips against his. Edmund was smiling widely into the passionate kiss while moving one hand down your neck. Without realizing it you climb onto his lab and kiss him faster now, both of your breathing sped up and you could hardly keep your hands to yourself. He actually bit your lip and you moaned a little into his mouth, that’s when you pulled away.
You looked at each other breathing fast, hair messy and unable to speak. Edmund tho was the first to say something. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have. I went too far.” You shook your head. “No that is not it. It’s just I mean, it’s not really romantic here.” You say laughing a little and he starts laughing with you. Both of you helped each other up, having hearts in all three of your eyes.
Edmund told you then that when he went into the dark he actually came back through the dark, meaning it was kind of a loop.
“Are you saying we are trapped in here forever?!” You exclaim looking shocked.
“I don’t know, it seems to be some sort of magic, we could climb the wall but I don’t know if we fit through the holes.” He says looking up at the ceiling.
“Your Highness, no offense but even if I wanted to I couldn’t climb these walls, any walls for that matter.”
“Edmund.” He says not looking away from the ceiling.
“Excuse me?” You ask back.
“It’s Edmund, not ‘your Highness’.”
“How about, my love?” You ask chuckling and he looks at you blankly.
“Or not, it was just a thou-” you couldn’t finish your sentence because Edmunds lips pecked yours smiling. “I would like that very much, my queen.” He says kissing your cheek.
You couldn’t say anything because another voice appeared. “Edmund? Y/N? Are you in there?” You hear King Peter yelling from the other side of the metal door. Edmund rushed over to the door and yelled back. “Yes Peter, we are in here! Do you think you can open the door from outside?” Not having even finished, the door went up and on the other side were Peter and Caspian smiling.
“You idiot! You planned all of this didn’t you!” You yelled at your brother, storming to him and hitting his arm. He tries to shield himself with his hands while he was laughing. “So what it worked, didn’t it?”
“How did you use magic?” Edmund asked his brother.
“What are you talking about?” Peter said confused.
“The cave, it brought me back when I tried to walk further.” Peter started to laugh, “no offense brother but I think you might have lost your orientation in there blaming it on some magic." Edmund just scoffed and turned to his left.
“Oh god, Edmund what happened to your eye!” Peter asked worried wanting to touch Edmunds eye softly but Edmund slapped Peters hand away. “Y/N punched me.” On command, Caspian hit your arm hard. “OW! What was that for!?” You exclaimed while holding your arm. “How dare you punch the king of Narnia! You should apologize!” Caspian answers with a joking angry face. “Oh I’ll apologize all right!” So you and your brother actually started hitting each other or something.
Edmund then took you by your shoulders, away from Caspian walking with your hand in his. He took you out so you both stood under the moonlight, kissing each other softly.
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kaleldobrev · 8 months
What Are We?
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Dean and you do a lot of couple things together but yet…you’re not a couple, and you often wonder why.
Original Prompt: Requested by anonymous | Hey! How are ya? I don’t know if you write for chubby reader but if you’re comfortable with that then could you write something about dean and reader being in a situationship and the reader thinks he doesn’t wanna date her cause of how she looks and he confesses that he actually likes her? You can change it however you want. Thank you so much!
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Cursing (2x), Angst, Fluff, Talks of body "issues"
Authors Note: Thanks for the request anon friend! Of course I’ll write it. I don’t discriminate and neither would Dean 👌🏻 | As a girlie who has a slight muffin top myself, I loved this prompt <3 | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Situationship (noun): a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established.
This was the type of relationship that you've had with Dean for the past several months. At first, it was something that you were okay with because you thought that maybe it would eventually turn into something more. As you felt that if he liked you enough to sleep with you, make out with you, and basically do everything a "normal" couple does, then why wouldn't he eventually want to make things official with you down the road? But it's been months, and there's been remotely no talks about making things exclusive, and you were really starting to wonder why.
Exclusivity was a word that you wouldn't use to describe Dean, but it was something that you wanted with him, wanted with him because he was the one person that you could genuinely see yourself being with. But at this point, based on the current situation that the two of you were in, you were afraid that he didn't actually want to be with you, that he was just using you until he had found someone better...found someone that was his usual toothpick thin type that he tended to go for, which wasn't your body type.
When it came to your body type, it was something that you had a love/hate relationship with. You weren't the thinnest girl in the world, but you still liked the way you looked, as you believed the muffin top you had was just something more to love. And at this point in your situationship, you didn't think Dean minded either, as he would always trail kisses along your stomach, telling you how beautiful you were, and how perfect you were. Complimenting how much he loved your thick thighs as he gripped them. But at the same time, that talk seemed to never leave the comforts of the Bunker; and if it did, it stayed strictly around your mutual friends. The hand holding and kisses would cease as soon as the two of you would leave the Bunker, and you couldn't help but think that he was embarrassed to be seen with you, be seen as someone that he was romantic with.
That's why you were confused, confused about what was actually going on between the two of you. He would constantly tell you how beautiful you were and hold your hand, and do those types of things in front of Sam, Jack, Cas, Jodi, Donna, but would never do these things in public. You were good enough to sleep with, but yet you weren't good enough to be considered his girlfriend?
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You walked down the hall, a few books in hand as you made your way to the War Room. But you were stopped when you heard Dean call your name from his bedroom as you walked past. You turned around quickly, and went back to stand in his doorway. “What’s up Dean?” You asked.
“You didn’t say hi to me when you walked past,” he stated, flipping to the next page in his book.
To be honest, you did see him, and normally, you would have said hi to him, maybe chatted for a little bit until you eventually made your way into the War Room. But today, because of what was on your mind, you didn't really want to speak to him until you were sure about how you were going to handle this situationship between the two of you. “Oh, sorry,” you apologized.
“You okay Sweetheart? You seem distracted today,” he stated closing his book.
“I’m always like this,” you said. He got up from his bed and started making his way toward you.
“No, you’re not actually. Your voice is different, and your body language tells me other wise,” he said. “So, what’s up?”
“Very Sherlock of you,” you said. “I’m fine honestly.”
He looked at you with slight disbelief. “Y/N, we've been friends long enough for me to tell when you're lying." There it was. Friends. He used the word friends. You weren't sure if you should be relieved or disappointed.
“Yeah…friends,” you repeated the word.
“Are we not…friends?” He seemed hurt by your usage of the word, which caused you even more confusion.
“Honestly, I don’t know what we are,” you admitted, and you didn't expect those words of yours to come out like that.
He cocked a brow. “What do you mean? Did I do something?” As long as Dean could recall, he hadn't done anything to have hurt you as of late. He tried to recollect everything that he had done or said to you over the last couple of days, and he was honestly coming up with nothing; but there must of be something, as you would have never said something like that to him if there wasn't at least something wrong.
“No, no, you did nothing wrong I’m just…” you sighed. “I’m confused that’s all.”
“What are you confused about?” He asked.
“Do you mind if I came in and we closed the door?” You asked, and he nodded. He felt himself get nervous just as much as you were starting to feel the same. Holding your books in your hand you walked inside and Dean shut the door behind you. Setting your books on his table the two of you sat on the edge of his bed. You had no idea where to start, as you thought you'd have more time to figure out this conversation in your head. “I’m confused about what we are.”
“What do you mean?” He seemed genuinely concerned.
"What this is between us. You say that we're friends, but we have sex, make out, more often than not sleep in the same bed together, do everything normal couples do but yet...you say that we're friends."
"If you don't want us doing any of that anymore that's...fine," he said, but Dean wasn't remotely fine with stopping what was going on between the two of you, because he loved being able to just crawl into your bed at night and just kiss you and hold you in his arms.
You sighed in frustration, as he seemed to completely ignore the point you were trying to make. "That's not what I'm saying Dean. What I'm saying is, well, I'm more like asking really." You took a deep breath, and you felt your heart start to race, slightly afraid to ask what you were about to ask. "If I'm good enough to sleep with and do couple things with, why am I not good enough to be your girlfriend?"
Dean honestly didn't know what to say to you. Well, he did, but he knew that it was a poor excuse of an answer, an answer that he knew that you weren't going to believe even though it was true. All he wanted was to be with you, exclusively be with you (which he essentially already was). But he was afraid, afraid that the second the two of you mutually agreed to be together and only together, that you'd eventually realize pretty quickly how disappointing of a person that he was, that the novelty of him would somehow wear off. "It's cause I'm not thin right?" You asked.
Your question caught him off guard, honestly annoyed that you would say that was the reason he didn't want to be exclusive with you. He honestly didn't understand why you had thought that was the reason, as he thought that he had made it pretty clear how beautiful he thinks you are inside and out. But, apparently he hasn't been doing a good of job as he thought he had been. "What? Y/N, that's not the reason," he stated, his voice slightly annoyed.
"Then what is the reason Dean? I mean, that's honestly the only reason I can think of. Well, that or...you're embarrassed by me," you said, your voice getting lower.
“I’m not embarrassed by you Y/N, you know that,” he said.
"If you're not embarrassed by me, then why won't you hold my hand in public?" You asked. "Because, it's just weird to me you know? I mean, you have no issue telling me how beautiful I am in front of Donna, Sam, Jack. You have no problem kissing me in front of Claire or Cas. But the second we aren't around any of those people, the second we are outside of the Bunker, you want nothing to do with that with me anymore." Your voice was about to break, as all you wanted to do was just not have this conversation anymore; you just wanted to crawl into bed under the covers.
Dean knew you had a point, and he could fully admit to everything that you had just said. He did only hold your hand, or kiss you, or tell you how beautiful you were when they were in the presence of friends or family, but it was because he could be vulnerable in front of them; he wasn't afraid to be vulnerable in front of them, but he was afraid to be vulnerable in front of people he didn't know, afraid that they were somehow going to use the love he had for you against him, and it was something he didn't want to risk. "I'm sorry," he began finally, and you raised a brow at his response. "I'm not embarrassed by you Y/N, not at all. And the reason I'm not with you, with you isn't because I don't think you're skinny enough," he hated saying those words. "Honestly, it fucking breaks my heart that you think that's the reason because I think I do a pretty good job at telling you how beautiful you are," he said, taking your hand. "And it's not just bedroom talk. I honestly think you're so fucking beautiful."
"Even with my muffin top?" You asked, slight amusement in your voice, but you were still serious in your question.
"It's just more of you for me to love," he said.
"When you mean love..." you trailed off. "See, now I'm more confused."
He sighed. "I know what I'm about to say is something that you're not going to believe, but it's the truth," he took a deep breath before he continued. "Not only do I think you're too good for me, but I'm afraid that someone will use what we have together against me somehow, against us somehow. And...I can't...I can't risk that." I love you too much, he wanted to say.
"So, you're telling me the reason you don't hold my hand in public is because you're afraid some demon or something will see that and then use it against us?" You asked, clarifying. "Dean." You wanted to not believe him, but you did, and you hated that this was the reason. You hated that because he was so afraid of losing you, losing what the two of you have, that he didn't want to even hold your hand outside of the Bunker walls.
"I know you don't believe me Sweetheart," he said, his voice sounding slightly sad.
"I do Dean I just..." you sighed. "You know I can take care of myself right? How many times have you seen me take on two, three, four creatures at time and only had a single scratch?" You took his other hand. "Dean, I genuinely want to be with you if you want to be with me. I know you're afraid that you're going to lose me but, newsflash, I'm afraid of losing you too. That's...that's just what life is Dean. It's just more of a reason to go for it, because...we might not always be here."
Dean knew you were right, you were always right. And to your point, it was something that he hated, but he couldn't help but find himself agreeing with. He would rather have a little bit of time with you than nothing at all, because at least he would have some memories of the good times you had together, instead of the constant, "What if's?"
"Dean, I love you," you said. "You're the only person I want to be with okay?" You leaned in, and so did he, mere inches away from each other's lips.
"Love you too Sweetheart," he replied back. He leaned in fully now, meeting his lips to yours.
"Does this mean we're together? Like you'll actually hold my hand in public or is that still off the table?" You whispered.
Dean grinned. "I'll grab your ass in public if you want me to," he winked, and you felt yourself slightly blush at his comment.
The two of you knew that the newfound relationship wasn't going to be easy, but it was something that the two of you were willing to fight for.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378 @mrsjenniferwinchester @syrma-sensei @k-slla @justletmereadfanfic @deans-daydream If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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eideticmemory · 1 year
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While directing a new film, Matthew becomes infatuated with you, the lead actress, and he’s having a hard time not making it obvious.
Word Count: 4k.
Warning/Includes: Age gap, pining, smut.
The best thing to do is be casual. Calm, collected, cool. You’re not doing anything wrong. In fact, you’re not really doing anything at all. It’s all in the walk - slow, steady strides - you don’t want to look too eager. Keep your head up high, only glance down for a moment at a time, keep your hands busy.
Play the part.
As your knuckles lightly rasp on the trailer door, you look around, fanning yourself with the stack of paper in your hand. When you turn back around, Matthew is opening the door and this grand, bright smile stretches across his entire face the moment he sees you.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hey,” you grin, tilting your head. “Wanted to go over something in the script with you. Do you have a second?”
Only taking a beief moment to look around the barren lot, Matthews eyes fall back on you, and there’s a certain spark in them as he says, “Of course. Of course, come in.”
“Thanks,” you tell him as you step inside.
And then the door is locked and the script is on the floor and you’re straddling his lap, your mouth open so he can stick his tongue inside of it. Your fingers tangle themselves in his curls, your nails scratching his scalp. He makes this soft purring noise, but his hold on your waist is tight, his nails digging through the fabric of your shirt and into your skin. With a roll of your hips, he’s left gasping for air and his hands begin to wander, trailing from your waist to your thigh. His fingertips creep towards the apex of your hips and you tighten them around his waist. It’s at this point that you grab onto his wrists and you’re well aware that he doesn’t have to let you pin them behind his head, he could easily stop you. If he wanted to. He doesn’t. He wants to do absolutely whatever you want.
Matthew’s head rolls back and you take the opportunity to plant gentle kisses on his neck. He wonders if you know how much friction you’re creating between your bodies, but then he feels your nails sink into the skin on his wrist, the vibration of a quiet moan against his neck, and he knows the answer. He has the impulse to touch you, but he’s weak underneath your body and he goes limp as your tongue traces his jaw.
“God, you’re killing me,” he mumbles.
You giggle, the sound echoing in his ear before you kiss his cheek, “So dramatic.”
“I’ll do anything,” he begs, and his breath catches in his throat, your nose nuzzled against his.
“Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Anything.”
Looking into his eyes, you slowly release your grip on his wrists and place your hands on his face, “Just kiss me,” you whisper. His arms wrap back around your waist and he does. He just kisses you.
By the end, when you’ve hopped off of his lap and begun applying your lipgloss, he’s watching you in a daze. His eyes scan over you from head to toe and it raises goosebumps on your skin.
“[y/n],” he calls.
“Mm-hmm?” you hum, checking your reflection.
“You know, I’m kinda in love with you, right?”
You burst into laughter and roll your eyes, “L. O. L.”
“Why is that funny?”
“You’re hilarious.”
“I’m so dead serious. We-we could do stuff.”
“Stuff? What kinda stuff?”
“Like,” he shrugs. “Maybe a little dating, a little marriage, some kids…something like that, I don’t know.”
“Mmm, but how would that look?” you ask, tilting your head at him.
“What do you mean?”
“It would look like I submitted my cooch as an audition tape and I didn’t. I dont want people to think this was a hand out. I earned it, right?”
“Of course,” he rises to his feet and steps towards you, “Of course. I would never-never wanna take away from that, I just-“
“And it’s the whole thing of it all, you know that. You’re the director, I’m the lead actress, plus you’re like, a senior citizen.”
He cackles, “That’s never bothered you before.”
“And I’m focused on this movie.”
“Oh, me too. Definitely, me too. Of course, me too…..you just, um…make it a little bit…harder.”
“Hm, I see that,” you smirk, glancing down at his crotch.
He laughs, his arms reaching out for you, his face nearing yours, and you put your hand to his chest. Push him away, “Chill. I just reapplied my lipgloss.”
He rolls his eyes as you pick up the script from the floor and flash him a smile. “Okay,” you huff. “Back to work,” then you plant a kiss on your fingertips and mush your hand into Matthew’s cheek.
He tries to pull you in, but you slide your wrist out of his grasp and you’re gone.
Your costar - Sam - he’s cute. Okay, Sam is very cute. Sam is cute in a way that you thought they didn’t make men anymore. He’s pretty, but he doesn’t know it. He takes everyone else’s word for it. He’s kind, respectful, talks to you like a human being. There’s a spark between you two that is, truly, the core of creating a solid movie. It makes all the kissing and the touching much easier. Sam is a good guy. If your type were age appropriate, Sam would definitely be your type. You would totally fuck Sam.
But Matthew’s your type, if you’re being honest. You want to fuck Matthew. You want to fuck Matthew very, very much and that’s going to make this sex scene a lot harder. But for the sake of professionalism, you bite the inside of your cheek, ground yourself in the moment. Matthew makes eye contact with you from behind the camera and he gives you a quick wink. It gets your engine started, just enough so that when he calls “Action!” you close your eyes and think of him.
This is the longest three and a half minutes of Matthew’s life. It’s not suspicious that he’s watching you so closely, but the way he’s pinching the skin on his wrist is certainly not helping.
Fake sex with Sam is fun and you will certainly feel different about him afterwards. He moves against you in a certain way and you have to keep this euphoric look on your face for every camera angle and your brain is like well, alright then, maybe Sammy Boy is an option.
Then, Matthew yells. “Cut!”
And your body comes to a complete halt, your breathing returns to normal. You catch a glimpse of Matthew and your brain goes: Oh, yes. Him.
“You okay?” Sam asks you, keeping you at arms length.
“Yes,” you nod, giving him a genuine smile. “Yes. Are you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he nods. He holds out his hand and you both laugh as he gives you a firm handshake.
Cast and crew agree it was perfect straight shot and Matthew just approves with a thumbs up. You wonder if he’ll comment more but when he doesn’t, you just shrug it off, put on a robe, put your arm around Sam and walk off set with him.
When everyone starts to leave for the day, you walk past Matthew’s trailer and he pokes his head out the door, “Nice performance today, [y/n],” he waves.
You turn to him and laugh, “Thanks? Perv.”
“Why do you hurt me this way?”
“I’m going home. See you tomorrow,” you wave.
And as you walk away, he says, “I’ll be counting down the minutes,” and you have to keep going like you didn’t hear it.
It’s another 2 months before the movie is finished filming and the wrap party is that Friday. Matthew has been trying his best to keep some distance from you, but he finds himself texting you to find out if he’ll see you tonight. He’s tired of looking at you through a lense. It’s done, it’s over, it’s in post production. You don’t have to let his tongue in your mouth, but he hopes maybe he can hold your hand. Give you a hug.
Matthew’s not sure when you’ll arrive at the party until you’re there. You already have a beer in your hand and you’re grinning as you walk up to him. He takes you in this real tight side hug and you rest your head on his shoulder.
“You look nice,” he whispers in your ear.
“So do you,” you tell you. “I like this suit.”
He lets out a long sigh, “Thank you,” he chuckles. “Thank you, I thought you might.”
You hold his gaze for a moment and then seperate your bodies before you absolutely lose your mind.
You mix and mingle. You take pictures. A lot of pictures. You knock back a few drinks and by the time people have started clearing out, you’re cackling with Sam and other cast members out on the patio.
Matthew comes by to say goodnight to everyone and you all wave to him with a loud, collective “Bye!”
He goes around giving handshakes and hugs and when he gets to you, he leans down and wrap his arm around you. Your face nuzzles into his neck and he rubs your back softly. When he releases you, you can still smell him.
“Bye, [y/n],” he smiles and you can tell he wants to touch your face. But he doesn’t.
He leaves and you can still smell his minutes later. You take a deep breath, tell everyone you’re going to the bathroom, get up, and once you’re sure no one can see you, you run.
You catch Matthew as he’s hoping in his car and you call out his name. His heart stops and he turns to you, jaw dropped just slightly. “Hi, gorgeous.”
You chuckle under your breath, “Hi.”
Your face feels hot and tense, like you’re trying to keep yourself from grinning too much. “Can I have a ride?” you ask.
He not only drives you home, but he lets you control the music. He regrets the decision immediately.
“Don’t be such a grandpa!” you scold him.
“I’m-I’m not! I just don’t understand why it’s so…loud? And angry! Oh, my god…”
“I do sound like a grandpa.”
“Yeah,” you laugh, throwing your head back. “But I’m into it.”
He blushes, bites down on his lip, “What’d you think of Link’s speech? Too sappy, right?”
“It wasn’t until he cried.”
Matthew laughs, “Yeah, he’s a softie, but this movie is his baby.”
“Yours too, kinda.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can’t believe filming is already over.”
“Gonna miss me?”
“Fuck, [y/n]…come on, I miss you all the time. I’m kinda in love with you, remember?”
You roll your eyes, shake your head, “Over here. On the left.”
He turns into your parking deck and you unbuckle your seatbelt. You reach over his body, your knees tucked in the seat as you type in your passcode. Matthew’s eyes are wide and his hands are limp on the steering wheel. His eyes linger on your waist and your thighs. The gate opens and you plop back down in your seat and he drives off like nothing happened. He parks in a corner near the elevator and you look over at him, “Thank you.”
“Of course. Anytime. Anything-Anything you need.”
You smile at him.
“Y’know,” he says. “You can call me. You can text me and we can see each other, outside of press stuff and stuff. If you ever just-just wanna talk. I’m here, I’m here for that, for anything.”
You nod your head at him, slowly, your eyes scanning him up and down, lingering on his shaky hands. You lean over and unbuckle his seat belt. Confused he lets it slide off of his body and he follows your lead as you grab his opposite wrist and pull it towards you. You lean back in your seat and pull your dress over your thighs. You pull back your lace underwear and stick Matthew’s hand in it.
“Oh.” he says.
You arch your back, just slightly, his fingertips grazing your clit.
“What-what do I do?” Matthew asks.
You shrug, look up at him with dreary eyes, “Whatever feels right, I guess.”
And he moves his body closer to you, lowers his hand in your panties and rubs your clit. Soft, slow circles that make your eyes flutter shut. You spread your legs as far as they’ll go and he dips a finger inside of you, swims around in the flood. You grip onto the edge of your seat and Matthew touches the tip of his nose to yours. As he catches you in a kiss, his fingers slide into you and you can feel every inch. They curl in towards your belly and you whine against his lips, grinding your hips against his palm.
Matthew’s thumb pops into your mouth, his forehead pressed against yours, his wrist moving to match the rhythm of your hips. Choking on your moans, you widen your mouth, letting him slide two fingers towards the back of your throat. You can feel him watching you, but with every movement of his fingers, you’re nearing the brink and you can barely function.
He pinches your face between his fingers, covering your cheeks in your own saliva. Your groans echo around the small space, breaking up into choppy cries as Matthew increases his force, pushing his fingers as deep as they’ll go. You grip onto both of his wrists and whimper through gritted teeth, your thighs tightening around his hand.
“Fuck,” you gasp. “Oh, fuck!”
With his hand around your throat, Matthew makes you come so hard that you’re entire body spasms, your hips riding it out on his hand until you go completely weak.
“Oh, look at you,” he whispers, his voice soft and dreamy as he pushes your hair back, touches your face. He pulls his fingers out of you and sucks on them, moaning at the taste of you. You grab onto his arm and dazedly begin to nibble on his forearm. At certain points near his elbow, you sink your teeth in really deep, taking a moment to feel his skin in your mouth. The pain makes him gasp underneath his breath, but he doesn’t mind. He likes the view. You take three of his fingers in your mouth and moan as they hit the back of your throat.
Matthew hooks on by your bottom teeth, leans in and tells you, “If you want me, I’m right here…I’m right here…”
And you fix your panties, fix your dress, gives him one last kiss on the knuckles. “Thanks for the ride.”
He nods, “Anything for you. Anything.”
When the movie premiere, everyone is anxious. Everyone. No one is exempt. There are, however, those that handle it better than others. You, being those, and Matthew, being others. When he sees you, standing there in your pretty dress, looking like an angel, he rushes over to you and takes you into a hug.
“Oh,” you whisper, chuckling, “Oh, Matthew.”
“I’m about to piss myself.”
“Please don’t.”
“How are you not freaking out right now?” he asks, holding you under his arm as he looks at you.
“Someone’s gotta stay calm so you can freak out.”
“Did it hurt?”
“Oh don’t do this-“ you roll your eyes.
“When you fell from heaven?”
“I need to walk the carpet, you do, too. C’mon.” And you hold his hand.
He can’t believe it, you hold his hand!
There’s all sorts of mixing and matching that goes into the photos. You take a lot with Sam, a handful with the rest of the cast and only a few with Matthew and the rest of the crew. The energy is high and light. The interviews are positive and everyone is smiling.
You sit, you hope, you pray that this is the tone for the rest of the night.
And then the movie ends with a standing ovation.
And the energy gets even higher. You are a star. People clamor around you and Sam like royalty and you guys humbly accept it all. You ride back to the hotel with Sam and a few others, a bottle of champagne and music blasting through the speakers.
“[y/n]!” Sam calls as you part ways. “More drinks in the lobby?”
“For sure! I’m going to change into more celebrity casual, I’ll be right there!”
He laughs and waves as you head up the elevator.
You step into your hotel room and drop the key on the kitchenette counter. You stand in the center, just underneath the big, bright chandelier. And you dance. You jump. Your cheer. You nearly fall to yours knees and then there’s a knock on the door.
You skip over and open it to find Matthew, a big smile on his face and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. You don’t even think about it, you just jump into his arms and the two of your erupt into joyous laughter. He carries you into your room, lets the door shut behind you and places your flowers down.
“The times. The post!” he exclaims. “Everyone is talking about you.”
“Shut up,” you shake your head, your hands pressed to his chest.
“No, you shut up!” he embraces you, laughing as he says, “They like you! They really, really like you!” He looks down at you, your eyes laced with happy tears, and he pushes your hair back. “I…” he whispers. “Really, really like you.”
You smile at him, reach up and run your hands through his curls. You nuzzle your body into his and your eyelids get heavy as you breathe him in. You lift yourself up on the tip of your toes and give him a kiss. Then another kiss. Then another. And you drive yourself into him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pushing your tongue into his mouth. You back him up against a wall and he gasps, “[y/n]-mm…oh, god…” he hands wanders around your body, gripping onto your ass. “What are you doing?”
You moan, throw your head back, “Just-fuck-take this dress off of me,” you order, holding his face in your hands as you peck at his lips.
“Okay, okay, okay,” he whispers. “Slower…” he tells you. His fingers push the spaghetti straps off of your shoulders and he gives you a nice, long kiss, “Slower, slower…”
You let him steadily roll the straps down your arms, feel the curves of your body as he pushes the dress past your hips. Leaving you in just your bra and panties, he takes you in his arms and loses his breath between your mouths.
He sweeps you up in his arms and your legs wrap around his torso. He drops you onto the bed and you chuckle as you bounce in the air. He leans over and you help him take his jacket off, throw it onto the floor. As he gives you a sloppy kiss, you unbutton his shirt, feels around his chest. He unhooks your bra and pulls it off, his tongue wet all over your jaw and collar and chest.
Matthews lips wrap around your nipple and your head rolls back, your hands tangled in his hair. He leaves a slimy trail down your stomach and looks up at you as he slides your panties down your legs.
“Oh, my god…” he whispers. He looks down at you, touching you all over, flat, warm, open palms on your breasts and ribs. “You’re so beautiful. So, so beautiful,” and he falls to his knees. He holds your legs open and starts to eat you off. Soft, slow, with a strong hold on your thighs. He buries his face between your legs and laps at you like he’s dehydrated.
You purr, pull at his hair, arch your back as you grind against his face. The noises you make come out jumbled and strained and Matthew can’t get enough. He hums against you, speeding up his tongue to bring you to the edge. You squeal and you squirm, but Matthew keeps you locked in place. You grip onto his arms, digging your nails into the flesh. You mutter soft, stuttering profanities, your throat raw from all the noise.
When you come, Matthew is moaning, loving the way your hold tightens around his face and your hands tug at his hair. As he returns to kiss you, you push his shirt off of his body and undo his pants. With his pants and boxers kicked off, he just falls straight into you and it’s like the whole earth shakes. You cry out, wrapping your arms around him. He breathes shakily into your ear, his hands getting under your thighs, pushing your knees to your chest.
The bed rocks back and forth as he pounds you, his eyes trained on you, your moans loud enough to shatter glass. You are absolutely everything he ever imagined you to be and more. So, so much more. You wrap around his dick in just the right way and his head falls back, his mouth falls open and his says your name on this broken, breathy loop. “[y/n], [y/n], oh, fuck, [y/n], baby.”
He watches you rub your clit in fast, hard circles, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He moves into you harder, faster, leaning in so he can hear your moans in his ear. You grip onto his shoulder and then his hair and then his throat and he peers into your eyes. He’s trying to hold on, to savor the moment, to keep you here. Just like this. But your thumb runs over his cheekbone and he breaks down and his face softens and he dissipates into these weak whimpers.
“Y-you going to come, baby?” he asks you, feeling your thighs twitch and tighten against his body.
“Y-yes,” you moan. “Fuck, yes.”
He kisses you, grunting against your lips as he uses his body to carve you out like marble, folding you in half, thrusting himself as deep as he can because he can tell how much you love it.
“C’mon, [y/n], come for me,” he groans in your ear. “Please, please, please, please.”
Your fingers work tirelessly on your clit and with one good move inside of you, you crumble. You pull Matthew close, spread your legs and let him fuck you through it. He’s talking to you, he’s telling you that you’re amazing, that you’re incredible, beautiful, sexy and you’re screaming too loud to hear any of it.
He had been waiting for you to let himself go and he stares at you the entire time he comes. You moan as you feel it splatter all over your stomach, your chest. You chuckle, wiping some off with your finger and popping the digit into your mouth, “Oh, fuck.”
Matthew laughs and crashes on top of you, holding your face as he kisses you. “Come on,” he orders, hopping up.
“I’m taking you on a date.”
“Right now?” you prop yourself up. “You don’t think we’re going in the wrong order here?”
“Oh, duh, right,” he says and suddenly he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder. “We’ve gotta shower first.”
And as you laugh on the way to the bathroom, Matthew squeezes you real tight. Real, real tight, thinking:
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Co-Stars pt.15
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: Y/n is invited of cooking with Flo and gets a little drunk.
Warning: Kinda cringe (I'm sorry)/ alcohol/ Swearing/ use of Y/n/
Word count: 790 words
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Florence Pugh invited her on her cooking show. She was excited to go with her, she loved to cook, and she was friends with Flo. She brought Callum with her, and Callum brought Austin. When she arrived, she hugged Florence and took the apron that she gave her. It was a white one with pomegranate all over it. ‘’I’m so excited!’’ she squeals. Y/n chuckles and kiss Callum before Florence goes live.
‘’It’s cooking with Flo, bitches!’’ she puts the knife in the cutting board. ‘’And Y/n is here!’’ Flo exclaims, hugging her again. ‘’Hey everyone! How’s everyone doing?’’ they look in the chat for the answers and then, they look at each other before laughing for no reason. ‘’Guys, today we’re going to do chicken Cajun alfredo, or whatever the order is. But for the drink, I made Y/n’s favorite, a rum n’ coke!’’ she gives her the glass and they tap their glass together before starting to pace around the kitchen to get the ingredients. ‘’By the way, if you hear people talking behind, it’s my husband and my husband’s husband’’ Y/n laughs. Austin, Callum and Florence burst out laughing, Y/n is proud of her joke, as she joins the group laughing.
‘’So now the chicken is seasoned – ‘’ Y/n impulsive thought took control as she slapped the chicken, like she would slap someone’s ass. ‘’- Mate, what the fuck’’ Florence’s smoker laugh took over her laugh, which made Y/n laugh even more. ‘’How many drinks did they have?’’ Austin asked, chuckling. ‘’I don’t know’’ Callum laughed. Y/n was out of breath from laughing so much. ‘’Okay, where were we?’’ she laughed again. Florence took a sip of her drink before looking at her friend. ‘’We have to cook the chicken’’ she explained. ‘’Oh, we should put music!’’ Y/n suggested. Florence nodded before she hit shuffle on her playlist, the first song that came to their ear was Vente Pa’ Ca by Ricky Martin ft Maluma. ‘’I love that song!’’ Y/n exclaimed as she took Florence hands to dance. ‘’The chicken is going to burn, love’’ Callum warned. As Y/n lip synced, Florence quickly took care of the piece of meat.
The pasta was almost done, so was the chicken, Florence and Y/n had about 3 drinks, Austin and Callum’s cheeks were hurting from laughing so much; Y/n was unhinged. Every thought that went through her head, she shared it. ‘’I think I would’ve been burned alive if I lived in Salem when the trial happened, because I have great tits and an opinion.’’ She said, touching the side of her tits, laughing. ‘’I’m hot, they want to make me hotter’’ she giggled. Florence face palmed as she stirred the pastas. ‘’I think you had enough to drink’’ Callum laughed. Y/n nods in agreeing with him. ‘’We’re going to take a little bit of pasta water before dumping it. That’s the secret, pasta water!’’ Y/n exclaims as she takes a scoop of the pasta water. ‘’Someone in the chat said that Callum and Austin are the parents and we’re the children’’ Florence laughs.
‘’Ok! It’s done! Look at how pretty it is!’’ Y/n says as she shows the plate to the camera. ‘’Austin, Callum, come and taste!’’ Florence says. The boys come behind the girls, Callum puts his hands on Y/n’s waist, making her giggle. ‘’That smells amazing!’’ Austin comments. ‘’Yeah, it does!’’ Callum adds. As they take a bite of the food, Y/n and Florence looks at each other. ‘’It’s so fucking good!’’ Y/n exclaims. Florence nods and chuckles. ‘’Babe, you need to come on the show more often’’ Florence says. ‘’I’ll gladly come back’’ Y/n smiles. Austin and Callum take a bite at the food and smile. ‘’That is Gordon Ramsey level’’ Austin exclaims. ‘’It’s really good, oh my! I love it’’ he smiles.
‘’Okay guys, so that was cooking with Flo and Y/n, bitches! See you next time!’’ Florence says as she stops her live. ‘’That was really fun! Thank you so much for the invite’’ Y/n hugs Flo. ‘’You’re welcome here any time. Maybe with less drinks’’ She laughs. Callum agrees as he puts his arm around Y/n’s waist. ‘’Ouh! Next time we can cook shrimp tacos!’’ Y/n proposed. Florence nods as she says goodbye to Austin.
The aftermath of the video on the internet is good. People are saying that Drunk Y/n is unhinged, the fact that Y/n called Austin her husband’s husband is funny, Florence needs to invite Y/n again, Callum’s love contact is physical touch and many more stuff. Y/n was a little bit embarrassed about things she said, but overall she had a really great time, and she wanted to do it again…
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decayedgloria · 10 months
a bouquet for your troubles
ft. Freminet
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Freminet collects a trove of treasures every time he dives, but Romaritime flowers are new.
Tags: Freminet x gn!reader, fluff, no spoilers
Word Count: 777 words (yes like actually), not proofread
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“You know what’s really amazing?” Your soft voice echoed through the empty shop, making Freminet turn his head towards you, uttering a soft ‘Hm?’
“Romaritime flowers. Y’know, I never see them but the pictures always look so pretty.” Stocking the last items of the shelf, you carefully hop down the makeshift stool you were using to reach the top shelf, placing a hand on your hip and admiring your work. “Whew, that should be the last of it on my end. Do you still need help, Freminet?”
The blond only lowered his head, almost as if he were thinking, before responding to you quietly. “Uh, no. I’m fine. Is that all you needed me to do?” Rather nervously, he began making his way closer to you, but not too close- if he were a few feet closer, maybe you’d catch the growing blush on his face. Not that it would matter, as you jovially skipped towards anyways.
“That’s all for today. Thank you so much for the help, Freminet. I really appreciate it!” You clasped his hands gently, smiling brightly at him. Freminet thanked the Archons that your eyes were shut in doing so, because it felt as if his face turned into a hot spring at that point. 
“I-It’s no problem…” He stuttered, becoming shy as you beamed at him. He couldn’t help but notice how pretty your face was, especially with how softly the early morning rays hit your face, making you akin to something divine in his eyes. 
“Well, if it doesn’t bother you, will you come and help me with my shop again sometime? I have a feeling it won’t be the last time I’ll have to do this all over again.” Despite your laughter, sheepishness was still present in your voice- and who was Freminet to deny you? Of all he’d met so far, Freminet felt comfortable around you; you were the first not to ask him about his sibling’s magic, but instead his diving. You made him your friend the second you met him, with no ulterior motives at all. 
So was it really a question that he always said yes to you?
A few days later, you operated your shop as usual- humming behind the counter and entertaining customers every so often. Focusing on sweeping the floor, you barely noticed the bell of your shop’s door chime, accompanied by heavy footsteps entering the shop. 
So you were a little startled when Freminet placed a bag on your counter a little too hard, making you jump in surprise. The bashful boy muttered an apology upon seeing your face, violet eyes lowering to the floor in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He shrunk into himself, preparing for you to scold him. But that never came, and instead you only grinned at how adorable he was.
“It’s okay. I suppose I should be more aware of my surroundings.” You chuckled. Taking a closer look at Freminet, you could tell that he just came back from one of his diving expeditions- his gear was still partially on, and you could smell the salty ocean scent coming from the bag. “How was diving today? Find anything new?”
Freminet finally glanced at you, albeit shyly, and opened the bag- revealing beautiful, glowing flowers. The blue and pink hues shined brightly in his hands, which were now extended to you. You gasped, realizing what exactly he had in his hands.
“These… are for you. I’m sorry it took me so long to get them.” He mumbled, almost inaudible as he held the Romaritime flowers in his hands. Excitedly, you took them, examining them with a careful eye and gentle hands. You were so immersed in them that you hadn’t noticed Freminet’s face go beet red from your fingertips brushing against his palm, awkwardly standing there while his heart pounded against his chest.
“Oh my archons, thank you so much! I have the perfect vase for these.” In your enthusiasm, you leaned over the counter and placed a chaste kiss on Freminet’s cheek, causing him to freeze. Though you didn’t pay any mind as you procured a vase from the back of your shop, leaving behind a stunned and overheating Freminet by his lonesome.
It was… foreign. Your lips were extremely soft, and even if it was for a second, the area you kissed still burned with warmth. His thoughts were scrambled as he came to terms with what just happened, and how he felt about it. When he asked Lynette about it later, he came to a similar conclusion:
He’d just have to give you more flowers so you could give him more kisses.
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this was a palate cleanser bc i have the most devious, filthy, sinful smut for wriosthesly and disheartening, depressing, downright atrocious angst for neuvillette coming up hehehehe 😈
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kniveschaudefender · 7 months
hi !! can you do a gideon graves x male!reader who owns a flowershop? (if you dont do male readers thats ok lol, gn!reader is good too)
Better than Any Boquet
(a Gideon Graves x male flowershop owner! reader)
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Gideon had been acting..strange lately. The league noticed, his employees noticed, even he noticed ! But, nobody could seem to pinpoint what exactly it was.
He had been going out more, being a little bit less harsh on certain people, and the biggest thing people noticed was the amount of flowers around now. Of course nobody dared to ask, heavens no ! But still, it was strange. It’s not like he was a big fan of the flowers himself, but for some reason he had so many around.
Eventually, it had started as a routine. Day after day he would do the exact same thing ! Saying he needs to go do something ‘important’ out, taking his leave, and ending up in the local flowershop. But why ? Its not like he was there for the flowers, no. He had a better reasons.
He walks in, his mind somewhere else before hearing something that completely snapped him out of it. A simple, “Good morning, Mr, Graves!”
< Thats > what he was here for.
The nice owner, thats what he was here for! How could we forget? How could he forget such a nice boy, the same boy who helps him every day no matter how many questions he asks or how many times he ends up repeating them. He even remembered his name! Not by the fact that he’s THE Gideon Graves, but by the fact that he comes in every day to his shop !
Will he ever admit its for him? Maybe later. But right now? Certainly not ! He can’t lose such a ‘friendship’ with this lovely boy he’s met ! For now, he simply comes in, looking for him at the desk in the front. Asking things such as “How do I take care of these?” or “What type of flowers would go best with this event ?” . Simple things to hide the fact that he’s only there to see him and to hear him talk.
After about an hour of mindless questions and small talk, he comes home, once again with a boquet of flowers in hand. He couldn’t help it ! He HAD to buy flowers every time he’d go in there, or he’d leave feeling a bit bad. So, there he goes, grabbing another empty vase and putting some water in it, then placing the flowers inside.
He sighed, looking around at all the flowers he now had. How long could he keep this up ? How long could he push his feelings for this boy away and just keep going and buying flowers, never making a move?
It honestly didn’t take long, he was running out of room for flowers and was so head over heels he couldn’t help himself anymore.
Though, for the first time he couldn’t help but feel a bit afraid. Would you like him? I mean yeah, he does have quite the name and ego, not to mention the billions he has in cash, but would you really find him attractive? He guessed he’d just have to find out.”
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He spent about a week thinking about this.
Infact, he spent the whole time trying to distract himself, he had forgotten to go to the flowershop. After the week, he had finally decided to go say something. Thats when he remembered. He spent the whole week away from YOUR presence after being there non-stop for a few months!
Now he was really worried. He probably made you sick thinking something must have happened since he stopped coming for a whole week!
So, off he went! Sprinting down the street to the flowershop, holding on to his glasses for life. His plan? Say everything through a letter. He couldnt get himself to say it to your face, no matter how big of an ego he had.
He comes in, pushing the door open, almost falling over as he catches his breath before looking up. And there you were, making direct eye contact with him as you out new fresh flowers in a certain section.
“Mr. Graves! There you are! I was wondering where you’d been.” You say, giving him that same, sweet smile.
“Please..call me Gideon.” He says, closing the door behind him as he comes in entirely. “I have something..a bit more important for you this time.” “Anything! What do you need, Gideon?” He liked how you had listened without a question.
“I need a boquet of roses, the best ones you’ve got, and I need you to put this letter in there. But, I’d like you to read it first.” He says, handing the note to him. “I need these by 5 p.m today, and I’d like for you to write me a reply on the letter of what you think.”
With that he mutters a “Thank you” and runs out quickly, not even giving you a chance to respond.
You stand there, a bit dumbfounded. But, there was no need to go chase him down and question him. It seemed simple enough. So, you grab the roses, picking the best ones as he’d asked. Then, the letter.
You grab the letter, opening it slowly, then is when you get met with something..suprising.
“Sorry about the leave, I couldn’t be here for this. All these visits were never about the flowers, it was about you. I wanted to get closer, but never knew how. I’ve liked you for all these months, and never knew how to truely say it. You were always too kind, and quite the handsome man too, giving me that smile every day I walked in, no matter how clueless I was about anything. Especially the flowers. But you always listened to me. But, I do love you and everything you do a lot. And I would love to have you by my side. Because to me, you’re better than any boquet.”
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thewulf · 11 months
Don't Go || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Reader is head over heels for Hotch but always assumes he doesn’t feel the same way. It’s around s7 and he gets together with Hotch and she withdraws over time. When Emily says goodbye she tells reader she is always welcome with her in London if she needs to leave, and after another couple months she takes Emily up on the offer.... Read Rest Here
A/N: Love this guy. Thank you for the request. Loved writing this one!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.1k+
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Six Months Prior
“You know, I’m just a phone call away. I’d be happy to hire you as an agent.” You nodded at your best friends words. It didn’t seem possible that you’d ever accept the offer, but you couldn’t deny her either. Not right away at least.
“I’ll think about it Em.” Hugging her tightly you stifled the small cry that wanted to come out. She’d become a best friend to you over the years. The one true person you could trust through and through entirely The one who knew you better than you knew yourself.
She knew all about you crush on Hotch and how you’d never do anything about it. She tried for years after Haley’s death to get you to do something. You never did. He never did. It wasn’t meant to be.
She hugged you back squeezing you tightly into her embrace, “Please do. I’m being serious. Just a phone call away.” Her smile looked sad as she took one last look at you before getting into the security line.
You pulled away nodding at your friend, “Good luck Em. Call me when you land.”
She squeezed your hand once more. A gesture of love you’d grown to care for over the years, “Thanks for driving me. I’ll call you the second the plane lands.” She waved as you walked back to the garage. Man, you sure did hate goodbyes. You knew you’d see her soon but it still hurt.
You watched as she walked off into the airport. It certainly wouldn’t be the last time you’d see her, but it sure did suck you wouldn’t get to see her every day. But it was good for her. A promotion she desired. Maybe you would think of her offer. Maybe, just maybe. You took a mental image of Emily as she waved once more before disappearing.
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Present Day
Maybe you weren’t supposed to hear it. But when you walked by Hotch’s office to drop off some files and Derek was already there you had to listen in. Had to, how could you not? But you’d regretted it the second you heard it, “My girlfriend and I went there this weekend.” His voice, your bosses voice, spoke through the doorway.
You heart sunk but Derek’s apparently soared. He hooted and clapped his bosses shoulder, “You did it? You asked Beth out?”
He nodded. You took a step back making sure you weren’t seen. Clutching the files to your chest you kept listening in, “Yeah. A few weeks ago. It’s been good. Jack seems to really like her.”
Damn. That was it then. Your chance was gone and over. You were the fool though. He’d given you years to make a move. You leaned back on the wall paralyzed. Knock on the door? Walked away? Keep listening to the horror show?
Paralysis won, “I’m happy for you Hotch.”
He hesitated. What did that mean? You took a step backwards before hearing him once more, “Me too. She different. Calm job that she loves. Relaxed all the time.” Everything you weren’t it felt like. Ouch.
Walking back down to your desk you checked the time on your computer. Nine in the morning, which meant that Emily was probably still working. You pulled your phone out of you back pocket sitting down in the office chair. Maybe it was time for a change. Nothing was happening for you here. Hotch was happy with somebody else. Not even the smiles and simple conversations between the two of you enough to satisfy. You’d harbored a stupid little crush that he never seemed to reciprocate. He didn’t hate the attention you gave him, no. He loved it dearly. He didn’t know much he loved it. Not until you began to withdraw from him.
It was the small things at first. Instead of looking at him when he spoke you kept your eyes on the case file or to the person beside you. You decided that smiling at him was no longer an option either. So, when you continued smiling at everybody in the office except for him it started to drive him crazy. Your smile actually dropped when you noticed he walked into the room. You stood up straighter in your chair and sucked in a breath. What in the hell was happening with you?
You were still kind. Still nodded in acknowledgement. Still recognized him as your boss and your boss only. You had to do this, for yourself. Had to break away. Start something new. This life was quickly becoming toxic.
It’d taken you months to find the courage to ask Emily for a transfer. But after you’d heard Hotch gushing about Beth once more it was the last straw for you. You didn’t want to hear about Beth and how fun she was. You didn’t want to hear about any of it. It wasn’t your place to tell him to cool it on her, so you had to do what you needed to do. Transfer to London.
Your knees bounced up and down in the smaller conference room you’d reserved to talk with Emily. You gulped when you heard her pick up from the other side on the line, “Y/N. How are you?” She asked you.
“I’m okay Em.” You let out a silent breath
She paused for a moment, “What’s up?” She knew you. Knew you deeply. Something was bugging you.
Might as well just spit it out, “I thought about your offer. Interpol.”
“Oh?” She sounded genuinely surprised that came out of your mouth. Such a homebody wouldn’t have ever dared to make this kind of decision.
“If you were being serious that is.” You wanted to clarify quickly. Maybe even she didn’t want or need you.
She nodded, but you couldn’t see it, “Of course I was! Absolutely yes. Let me just call Hotch and put the transfer in.”
You let out a breath, “I haven’t told him.”
“Why not?” She asked more as a friend rather than a future boss. How interesting all of that was going to be.
“I don’t know.”
She wouldn’t let you get away with that answer though, you knew that much, “Yes you do.”
You looked around the small conference room seeing all notes scribbled around. Looking ahead you watched as your coworkers walked around smiling and chatting with each other. You saw as Aaron looked around, maybe for you, maybe for somebody else. Your heart clenched when you looked back down at your phone, “He has a new girlfriend Emily. He’s head over heels for her.” You chewed on your already worn-down fingernails waiting for her response. A nasty habit you’d never been able to break in all your years.
“Oh sweetheart.” You heard her sigh from the other end of the phone, “Are you sure about this? Transferring? I don’t want you to feel like you’re running from your problems.” That’s what you’d admired most about Em.
You sat back down at your desk and waited. Waited for God knows how long. He didn’t call you into his office that day. Nor the next. It had been when you had gotten back from a case down in Miami that he asked you to stay behind on the jet for a moment. Nobody thought anything of it, but you knew. You knew exactly why he asked you to stay behind.
“A transfer?” His voice low once Spencer was out of earshot and down the stairs.
You couldn’t bear to look at him, so you just looked straight ahead, “Yeah.” You stated. Plain and simple. What else did you really have to say.
“Why?” He asked walking in front of you. He needed to know. More than ever, he craved to know what in the hell was happening with you. He’d adored you from afar for so long. The loving smile you always wore. The overly optimistic attitude often rubbed off on him. But it was fading. Fading so fast into the night that when Emily called he wasn’t surprised. Just hurt. Hurt that you wouldn’t have told him. And hurt that you wanted to leave him.
“I need a change.” It wasn’t a lie. You did need a change. You couldn’t just pine for your boss who was in love with another woman from afar. No, that was far too embarrassing. And exhausting. You had to go.
His eyes roamed your face for any tell. You were stoic as ever though. Hiding the waves of crashing emotions behind a big ass wall you’d never let come crumbling down. Shields that guarded your mind.
“You can find change here.” He started.
Shaking your head quickly you rebuked him, “I can’t. I’m stagnant. Tired. I can’t do this anymore.” You motioned your hand out to him before grabbing it back in towards your body.
“Can’t do what?” His eyes glazed over in curiosity as he studied you further. Trying to understand the person he thought he knew. Turns out he hadn’t a clue.
Your eyes narrowed. You weren’t actually going to tell him. Might as well keep him tapdancing on his toes, “This. I’m going crazy Hotch. I have to leave. Move on. Start a life.”
“What are you talking about Y/N?” He was either playing stupid or he genuinely hadn’t the faintest idea how you felt about him and that might’ve hurt worse.
You let out a little laugh, smiling because fuck it, might as well lay it all out for him clear as day. Something you never thought you’d have to do for a profiler. Leave it to Aaron Hotchner to act like a man in this situation, “I’ve been working with you for what? Five years now Hotch? I’ve been through a lot with you. You’ve seen me at my worst, and I’ve seen you at your lowest.” You sighed knowing you were just rambling now. Might as well rip the Band-Aid off, “I like you Hotch. Way more than an employee should. More than a friend should. I’ve liked you for so long and I’ve been too much of a coward to move on. So, I’m finally doing something for me. I can’t watch you fall in love Hotch. I just, I can’t. And I’m sorry. I’m weak.” You spilled out.
He shook his head reaching out. You took a step back involuntarily. Your brain reminding you that he had a girlfriend, “You’re not weak Y/N.” He frowned seeing you take a step back. You liked him? Had he never noticed? Had he never thought about it? Had he always seen you as just a friend?
You let out a full-on laugh, “I tell you I like you and that’s your response?”
He looked over your features for what felt like the first time. You were beautiful. Breathtaking even. He never let himself look at his coworkers like that. Things never turned out good when they did. Then you walked him. He knew how stunning you were. Then you were the kindest person he’d met on top of that? He was sure to be a sucker for you. But he blocked those thoughts out fast. He’d just have to enjoy your friendship. That was all. Plus, you were so much younger than him. Had so much more to look towards.
Through the years your smile never faltered. Not when Haley had been killed and he broke down right in front of you. Not when he needed it most. You were there and held him in your arms for hours whispering encouragement to the man. You were always there for him. Always there when he didn’t need you but wanted you to be there. You were always there, in the best way. You’d integrated yourself so seamlessly within his life he couldn’t stand the thought of losing you. That was when he knew he’d fucked up. He’d fucked up with Beth by leading her on for so long. He didn’t want her. He wanted you. Who gave a damn about your age when you wanted him. When you initiated the charge. All bets were off now.
He'd always wanted you but tried to deny it. He hid it away in a locked-up box in the back corner of his brain, “Don’t go Y/N.”
You shook your head tears rushing to the forefront of your eyes, “You can’t do that Hotch. Not now. You have Beth. I have to go.”
He shook his head taking a step forward to match your backwards one, “You don’t have to go. Please. Let’s just talk. Take a seat.” He wanted to punch himself for being so formal with you like he always had. If he was going to try and break down that mental shield you put up being a stiff board certainly wouldn’t help.
You cocked your head to the side unsure of what you’d heard. You thought this was going to be quick and that was certainly not turning out to be the case here, “Okay.” You thought you’d owed him that. You were close not that long ago. That ended when Beth crept into his life taking hold of the crevices of his mind you’d used to hold so closely. How had he not even noticed? How was he this fucking blind?
He leaned forward once he sat on the couch at the back of the jet next to you, not daring to go back to the seat he was previously sitting in. He needed to be closer to you, “Don’t go.”
“Aaron.” You closed your eyes unsure of what to do. Certainly, unsure of what to say.
He shook his head, “Please. I… I can’t let you go.” His voice wavered as his own watery eyes looked onto yours. Damn. Your heart sped up at the sight feeling things you really shouldn’t have at that admission.
You squeezed your eyes shut, “Why?” You needed to know.
When he didn’t answer you opened your eyes. He was just looking at you. Carmel eyes tracing over every feature on your face. He smiled slightly when your eyes met his. You felt the blazing blush rise across your face as he kept studying you so obviously. The tension in the air grew thicker with every passing second of silence. As if he knew you couldn’t take it anymore he finally answered you, “I’m an idiot. I don’t want her Y/N. I want you. I may not have always known it but now that I do, it’s supposed to be you.”
You shook your head quickly in utter disbelief, “Don’t say that. You have Beth. You have a life here.”
His eyes grew serious as he scooted closer to you. His knees brushed yours as he leaned forward once more, “I need you to hear me right now. I don’t want her. I want you. Just… just let me clean this up.” He pleaded taking one of your hands in his. He knew he was onto something when you didn’t pull away from him.
He cut you off, “Please, just don’t go. Please. Let me fix this.” Every part of him begged you. The most emotion you’d seen since Haley had passed. It sent shivers down your spine as you thought about it. He was being vulnerable with you.
You swallowed unsure of what the fuck to do now. This was certainly not on your short list of items that could possibly have happened to you when you did this. Aaron Hotchner begging you not to go? Impossible. Yet here you were with his hands in yours and pleading eyes.
When you didn’t answer he continued, “Please. Don’t go.” He took your other hand in his. He too had to make a scary confession just like you had moments prior, “I may have been too blind to see it before but sweetheart I… I like you too. And I’ve been missing you. You’ve been here but you haven’t been present. You have been with everybody else but me. I don’t want a life without you in it. So please, please don’t go.” He would ask a million more times if that’s what it took. He’d do anything you asked. Go anywhere you wanted. Be anything you needed really. He always knew it was you. He was just playing by the rules for too long. You’d snapped him right out of that though. He couldn’t actually let you go to London. No way in hell. He’d normally do anything for his employees, but he couldn’t let you go. He’d find you a better job here if that’d what it meant for you to stay.
You gave in. You weren’t thinking right with his big hands covering yours so easily. A steady rub from his palm sent shivers up your arm sending your mind into a frenzy. A moment you were so scared for turned so intimate.
You nodded your head mumbling out a soft, “Okay.” Before being brave and turning your eyes up to his big brown ones.
The relief that washed over him at that was evident. He threw his head back in relief. A big smile crossed his face when he came back to looking at you, “Really?” He asked, not believing it himself.
“Yeah. You have good puppy dog eyes Hotch.”
He shook his head scooting you closer to him, “Call me Aaron, sweetheart.” You heart sped up once your legs tangled with his. Two oblivious idiots soon to be in love trying it for the first time together. Awkwardness and all you soaked it in. His touch. His smell. His presence with you right there on the jet.
“Alright, Aaron.”
He smiled that gorgeous smile you’d grown to love but never saw often enough. Rarely that smile would make its presence and when it did it blew you away. You smiled right back at him as looked you over once more, “Let me drive you home.”
“What about my car?” You asked the most obvious question it felt dumb coming out.
He shrugged, “I’ll pick you up before work tomorrow. No worries.”
You didn’t want to oblige but you really wanted the alone time, “If you’re sure.”
His smile only grew. He stood up and pulled you up right with him, “I’m positive. Now, let’s get you home.” He didn’t drop your hand as he led you down the stairs and over to the parking lot not that far from the air strip. Your smile didn’t falter as he led the way so utterly sure he’d made the right decision, finally.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom
Request Taglist: @mischief-merlyn @mrs-ssa-hotch
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skybluewritings · 6 months
Last Summer Part 2, Felix Catton x Fem!reader
word count: 2K
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She would be staying with the Cattons for a month then return home a couple days before her flight to finish packing and give her tearful goodbyes. She paused the track on her iPod when she saw him pulling up to the station. Felix had insisted on coming himself to collect her despite her insistence that she was happy order a taxi.
The car came to a stop, she picked up the handle of her suitcase and walk down the steps of the station. Felix got out of his car, despite having seen each other only a week ago she couldn’t contain the rush of joy that seeing him brought. Her suitcase was momentarily discarded, she squealed as she flung her arms around his neck. His arms wound around her waist, he laughed as he lifted her a little. The wood and spice smell of his aftershave was intoxicating.
Once he had set her down she unwrapped her arms from his neck, grinning up at him. She glanced down noticing his arms were still around her waist, his palms resting on the small of her back. He also noticed this and immediately pulled away from her.
He cleared his throat. “Sorry about that.”
Heat spread through her stomach. “No it’s uh quite alright.”
Neither spoke for a moment, Felix clapped his hands together. “Right, shall we?”
“Yes, yeah, let’s go!”
She went to pick up her suitcase but he had beat her to it.
“I’ll be taking that.” He told her.
She scoffed. “I think I’m more than capable of carrying a suitcase.”
He shrugged. “Nope don’t care."
“You vex me.” She sighed, opening the car door and dropping into the seat.
“You love me really!” He sang, taking the suitcase and opening the car boot.
He was closer to the truth than he would ever know.
The car sped through the countryside, it was a bright and blazing day. The roof the convertible was down, the wind making her hair dance all around her. The upbeat tempo of music vibrated through the vehicle. She rested her arm against the window ledge, choosing to subtly gaze at Felix through her cat eye sunglasses. It was unfair how good he looked in his ray-ban sunglasses, her eyes traced the sharp curve of his jawline.
“I can feel you staring.” He said.
“I was very much not!” She replied defensively, looking away from and at the rode ahead.
“I’m not blind.” She couldn’t see him but she knew he was smirking.
“You flatter yourself too much.” She teased.
“I don’t think I flatter myself enough.” He replied, she playfully smacked his arm knowing he was joking. It may have seemed like a narcissistic thing to say but when it came down to it there wasn’t much about Felix that was self obsessed. He was not unaware of his own attractiveness but he didn’t carry himself in the way most vain men would.
“So how much further?” She asked.
“Another couple minutes I reckon.”
“Is there anything you haven’t told me that I should know? Like that your family is actually a coven of aristocratic vampires.”
“Just my mum!” He told her, before shaking his head. “No, there isn’t much that you don’t know already. My family can be somewhat traditional but pretty welcoming overall.”
“Will I be presented to your mum in the fashion of a debutante at court?”
He laughed. “Yes then you’ll be forced to dance a waltz with my dad.”
This made her laugh. “Sounds sexy.”
“Thank you for agreeing to come I really do appreciate it.” He told her taking her hand and giving it a warm squeeze.
She squeezed it back. “You’re welcome, I’m always here for you.”
“You too.” He said finally letting go of her hand.
Her pulse was far too fast and so was her spiralling mind. How was she going to manage a month with him?
They finally drove through the gates of Saltburn, as cliche as it sounded her mouth nearly fell open in sheer shock. It was the most elegant home she had ever seen. She knew he came from a lot of money but was still taken aback by the extravagance of it all. The car drive came to a stop inside a large garage full of a variety of old expensive cars.
Felix came round to her side opening the car door for her, in a gesture she thought only happened in old films.
“Thank you.” She told him with a smile.
He smiled back. “My mum would never forgive me if I didn’t.”
“I would have thought someone else parked your car for you?” She pointed out.
“Sometimes I like to do things for myself.” He explained matter of fact.
She supposed that was a fair answer, truthfully, she had no clue how the rules of anything of this worked. This was an extreme version wealth which she had never encountered before.
He opened the boot of the car, and she took out her suitcase pulling it behind her as they left the garage.
They reached the main foyer of the house, it had wide cavernous ceilings with various patterns carved into it. An older man in a suit dipped his head at them politely.
“(Name) this is Duncan the head Butler.”
Head Butler?! She thought. Was she in Pride and Prejudice?
Duncan gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” She replied trying to mimic his formal tone.
“I will have your luggage taken to your room.” Duncan told her.
(Name) waved her hands. “Oh no really it’s okay I can take it.”
Duncan’s face became more pinched. “No please I insist.”
Yeah she was not going to try argue with him.
“Well thank you then.” She said awkwardly.
She looked on helplessly as Duncan commanded another butler to take the suitcase.
Felix clearly sensing her discomfort pat her on the shoulder. “Come on, let’s go to the conservatory my mum will be dying to meet you.”
There were three women in the conservatory, they were all sat on ornate chairs that faced opened glass doors. Two of the women were engrossed in a story the blonde woman was telling them. She stopped speaking when she noticed her friends had stopped paying attention to her and to instead the new arrivals. The blonde woman turned to see what they were staring at, her whole face lit up.
“My goodness darling you do know how to pick them don't you.” The blonde woman (who she had worked out was his mother) said to Felix.
She elegantly stood from her chair and practically sauntered toward them.
“This is my mum, Elspeth.” He told her.
“Lovely to meet y-“ Her words were cut off when Elspeth grabbed both sides of her face tilting it to one side then the other. (Name) winced at having her face manhandled.
“Mum stop that!” Her best friend scolded, gently swatting his Mother’s prying hands away.
Elspeth bought her hands to her chest. “I do apologise it’s just that I’m trying to figure out what it is about your beauty that draws my son in. I think it might be your eyes they’re rather lovely.”
It was a strange compliment, but still a compliment she supposed. “Oh thank you.” She said with a nervous smile. “However I’m pretty sure my physical appearance doesn’t really play a part in my friendship with Felix!”
Elspeth furrowed her brow. “Friendship?” She looked to her son. “Felix I thought she was your girlfriend.”
He sighed. “Mum, I explicitly told you I had a friend coming to stay.”
“But the way you so lovingly spoke about her-“
“Anyway,” Felix said slightly too loud. “I am sure (Name) will want to get settled into her bedroom, we’ll see you for dinner.”
“But really it is wonderful to have you stay dear.” Elspeth told her kindly.
She found herself smiling genuinely. “Thank you.”
Felix led her out the conservatory with the same speed she led him out of the party.
Felix fell back onto the bed in the guest bedroom. He covered his face with both hands groaning into them. “Oh god I’m sorry, that was so embarrassing.”
She perched on the bed next to him. “I-I mean it wasn’t too bad. Your mum seems to at least like me!”
“Yeah I guess.” He removed his hands from his face. “But how could she imply that you and I-as if I am not capable of just having female friends.”
“You seemed to be pretty good friends with a lot of the girls at Oxford.” She snickered, pretending it didn’t hurt to know that.
He rolled his eyes. “How do you know?”
She flopped down next to him and playfully elbowed him. “I mean you weren’t exactly subtle in hiding it everyone kind of knew.”
 “Is that really how you see me?”
She turned to lie on her side. “No of course not-sorry I was only teasing.”
He didn’t look at her, instead picking at the buttons of his shirt. “I don’t like the idea that a bunch of people can just decide something about me, like they know me. I always made it clear I never wanted anything more from the people I was with. I’m not some heartless fuck boy. It makes me feel uncomfortable that some people might have that view of me...”
“Well I don’t.” She said softly. “No one’s perfect but you aren’t a bad guy, people know that even if they see your exploits differently to how you did.”
He now looked at her. “What do you think of me?”
Where should she start? “I think you’re just one of the kindest people I’ve ever met and that well-I can’t believe I’m existing in the same room as you.”
Maybe the last part was too much, but she couldn’t help it if she meant it. His lips parted at her words, he seemed at a momentary loss for words as he stared at her stunned. His full lips looked so inviting parted like that, it wouldn’t have taken her much to lean forward and find out. She chose to sit back up this was becoming too dangerous for her.
She cleared her throat. “Do with that what you will.”
He seemed to snap back to reality gradually sitting up next to her. “I’m sorry it took me a minute, it’s just- no one’s ever really said anything like that to me before.” He swallowed hard.
“Maybe it’s time that someone should.” She admitted.
He gave her a grateful smile that made everything inside her melt away. The moment passed when he stood up from the bed and offered out his hand to her which she gladly took as he pulled her to her feet. “Come on I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
Tag list: @emitaylorsverson
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ineffable-endearments · 7 months
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Hello, everyone!
In light of Neil Gaiman's comment that Amazon is close to officially renewing Good Omens but hasn't done so yet, I think those of us who can should start sending physical postcards to Amazon Studios!
The TL;DR of this post is that you can easily send a postcard from MyPostcard.com for about $3 (USD, I'm sure other currencies can vary). The Web site will print and mail it for you, so you don't have to do any printing or mailing yourself. The postage is included in the $3.
If you don't already have an image or card you want to use, you can just use one of mine above. Some of them are small because of small source images, but the site seems to resize them appropriately for the card. There are bigger versions in a Google Drive folder that you shouldn't have to be logged in to see.
You can send the postcards asking for a third season of Good Omens addressed to Jennifer Salke and Vernon Sanders, co-heads of Amazon Studios, at:
@fuckyeahgoodomens was the first to post this contact information for Amazon, so thank you, Ixi.
If it's something you don't mind, I would very deeply appreciate reblogs on this, since it works better if lots of people see it! No pressure if you don't want to, though.
And if you have Questions, click through below for my reasoning on all this.
Why should we send postcards to Amazon Studios?
We've made lots of noise online about renewal, and we've done a lot of streaming Good Omens. But I haven't seen much discussion of sending physical mail or, specifically, postcards.
Mail takes up space in the real world. It's slightly harder to ignore than email. It's way more attention-grabbing than posts on X or Tumblr or any other social media site. Because postage is required, physical mail can also appear more "committed."
Postcards specifically are great because of their convenience for the recipient. No one has to open them to read them. All it takes is a quick glance to see what we're asking for, and realistically, a quick glance is the best we can ask for in a corporate office. That's why I'm emphasizing postcards over regular letters (although really, anything helps).
Is sending postcards really going to motivate Amazon to make more Good Omens?
Postcard and letter-writing campaigns have helped get shows renewed in the past. Star Trek: The Original Series is a good example of a series that got another season after a letter-writing campaign. This article has more examples.
We don't actually know what's going on in Good Omens's case. Maybe postcards would make a difference; maybe they wouldn't. We can only make our most determined effort at making sure we're heard, and sending mail is part of that.
The cost of sending a postcard is too much for me.
I understand that sending a postcard will not be an option for many of us. This post isn't intended to try to push you into spending money you don't have. If you still want to find a way to participate, you can also send an email to [email protected] with your comments about wanting Good Omens 3. It's not physical mail, but it is still a personal message from a customer.
In fact, people who are sending postcards might want to follow up with an email, too.
Do we have to use your postcard designs?
No! Not necessarily! You can use anything.
As long as the message you write includes how much you want Good Omens 3, your postcard's image doesn't necessarily have to relate. You could send a souvenir postcard that says "Greetings from Los Angeles, CA / Tadfield, England / etc" from your local post office and just write your message on the back.
Technically, even a plain index card should be thick enough to mail as a postcard, at least by USPS standards. Just write your desire for Good Omens 3 on it, put a stamp and Amazon's address on it, and make sure it's at least 90mm x 127mm (3.5in x 5in).
Isn't Amazon Studios going to notice a bunch of postcards being mailed from the same Web site?
I'm sure they will. But the messages will each be unique, and again, they'll know each card represents a person who had to order the card and postage themselves.
Speaking of unique messages, what should I write?
One sentence is enough. Definitely indicate that you want Season 3 of Good Omens. If you want to add more, you could also write a sentence or two about how much you love the series so far.
Above all, be polite and straightforward! Remember that sarcasm and jokes often do not come across well in print, so it may be best to stick with simple statements that can be taken at face value.
What address should the cards go to?
The co-heads of Amazon Studios appear to be Vernon Sanders and Jennifer Salke; you can address them by name, although I'm guessing it will be someone else who does the reading/glancing.
Amazon Studios's address is:
Where did you get these images?
The images for the nightingale postcard and the Crowley postcard are screencaps from directedbypiper.
The Please Do Not Lick the Walls and Fell the Marvelous posters were downloads from the Amazon X-Ray feature.
The Nice and Accurate Prophecies postcard was adapted from cover art I did for A Nice and Interpretive Fanzine. Most of it is my own, although the mottled background is an extremely blurred version of a free stock texture from Pixabay, users chrisfiedler and/or humusak.
The bookshop postcard is a promotional image from Amazon used in a Den of Geek article.
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