#why u all avoiding talent like dis
everydayarsonist · 11 months
EverydayArsonist’s Pikmin Headcanons: Part II: The Characters
Olimar Headcanons:
•Cis Male
•Demisexual Biromantic
•39 in Pikmin 1 & 2, 40 in Pikmin 3, and 43 in Pikmin 4 (in this AU)….
•Has worked for Hocotate Freight since he was 24
•Space Pirates fear him
•He sees Louie more like a nephew figure than a son, but still deeply cares about him.
•He thinks that The President is irredeemable and lazy.
•Alph looks up to him, and Olimar can tell that he’s a natural-born leader.
•His respect for Charlie starts off relatively low, but does slowly grow.
•Wishes he could help Brittany overcome her problems, but thinks the task it better suited to someone who knows her better.
Louie Headcanons:
•Cis Male
•19 in Pikmin 2, 20 in Pikmin 3, and 23 in Pikmin 4
•Regrets the Golden Pikpik Carrots Incident , the Titan Dweevil Incident, and the Ancient Sidehound Incident.
•One quarter Koppaite on his Dad’s side.
•Eating habits are actually completely separate and a result of his grandmother’s unintelligent parenting practice, but he does often lose weight when not eating food high in Vitamin U (it’s just called vitamin u in this au okay?)
•His mom died when he was 7 months old.
•His deadbeat dad who lives on Koppai now sends him a yearly message about the life insurance that he is technically owed
•Louie has never paid him back, and his father threatens legal action but never follows through.
•Wishes Olimar was his dad, but often acts more like a brother around him.
•Wants The President to either give him a raise, quit, or drop dead. These feelings either exist simultaneously with eachother or on their own depending on the situation.
•Confides in Alph, claiming him to be trustworthy. Doesn’t know why.
•Thinks Charlie would be a great guest on his cooking show (that doesn’t exist)
•Originally has a fierce rivalry with Brittany, but after overcoming it, they become The Duo Ever.
President Headcanons:
•Cis Man
•45 in Pikmin 1 and 2, 47 in Pikmin 3, and 50 in Pikmin 4
•From Pikmin 1 to Pikmin 3, his legal name is “The President of Hocotate Freight”.
•Had to go back to get the ship instead of Olimar after Pikmin 3 and decided to never go there again to avoid losing more money on ships and/or employees.
•Just let the company go bankrupt again and left after Pikmin 3
•Changed his legal name to Erik
•Went back to PNF-404 on vacation (by complete accident) during Pikmin 4
•Respects Olimar ever since Pikmin 2
•Fears Louie ever since Pikmin 2.
•Doesn’t know the Koppaites.
Alph Headcanons:
•AMAB He/They user.
•18 in Pikmin 3 (Koppai’s government is ruthless), and 21 in Pikmin 4.
•Has an intense rivalry with Yorke.
•He’s idolized Charlie for a long time, and respected Brittany for her research.
•They sees Olimar as a fatherly figure in his life, much like how he sees his grandfather and unsurprisingly, his father.
•His relationship with Louie is complicated, as Louie mostly opens up to Alph about his problems, explaining how he feels that Alph is trustworthy. Alph does his best to be the trustworthy friend Louie sees him as.
•Ever since meeting Charlie, they’ve seen him less as a heroic idol and more as That Friend.
•Tries to get Brittany to stop being so angry all the time and fails miserably. Eventually becomes pretty close with her.
Charlie Headcanons:
•Cis Male
•34 in Pikmin 3, 37 in Pikmin 4.
•Was drafted into the Koppai-Ooji war at 27, but didn’t actually fight, instead dodging the draft by setting up a treasure-hunting business with Don Bergman, his then-partner. When the war ended three years later, he began to search for treasure across the galaxy. Eventually, he and Don Bergman go their separate ways for reasons Charlie doesn’t disclose.
•Thinks Olimar is a better leader than he ever will be (and he’s right)
•Doesn’t like Louie.
•Thinks Alph is more talented than he gives himself credit for.
•Likes Brittany, but is pretty sure she’s into women. And she’s kind of a jerk anyways.
Brittany Headcanons:
•Cis Woman
•Lesbian Egg in Pikmin 3, Fully out in Pikmin 4.
•22 in Pikmin 3, 25 in Pikmin 4.
•She has had a long history with her research. One of the few Koppaite researchers determined to grow plants on Koppai, she stared her research back in highschool with a team of her friends. Over time, they started growing further apart as they tried to create better soil, better fertilizer, and larger plants. Slowly, Brittany became absorbed in her work to the point where she began pushing everyone around her away, becoming increasingly irritable and selfish, trapped in her determination to solve the food crisis.
•Thinks everyone idolizes Olimar too much.
•Starts off despising Louie, until he finally gets her to open up, and they become The Duo Ever.
•Wants Alph to be more confident, but can’t reach out to him.
•Goes from hating Charlie to just being annoyed by him.
Anyways those are all the major characters I’ll probably rant more about minor ones later bye
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shadowcatzone · 1 year
okay. okay. okay.
Headcanon; considering the "renheng former incarnation adopted a vidyadhara child" okay. So there's the thing about little sister bailu. I know.
But now we have a complete separate child who lived with the old men (tm) for a while.
We're calling her Lian henceforth [bc i read the name (Yeon) in a manhwa and liked it and] to avoid confusion (if there should be any) you may refer to the child however you want though.
So Lian spends many of her days in the smithy with Yingxing bc let's be honest, the Preceptors don't like, well, the entire situation. Specially the child. So to avoid traumatising the poor kid Dan Feng is like "please take her with u i promise she'll behave." Like they aren't fucking married and Yingxing answers "alright lets try that".
She spends her days at home when there are no Preceptors planned for the day. (Like you can actually plan for the fuckers) if they do show up since they're unannounced, dan feng can throw them out or refuse them entry.
Now little Lian gets to watch her dad be a smith and her father be boring. But she's somehow getting Dan Fengs temperament and an uncanny interest for fire. Neat. "You can't say that to me, my father is Imbibitor Lunae so i'm objectively better than you" "that would work maybe on anyone but me Lian i'm literally married to him" she's working on it she's getting there someday. But she's learning a few things from Dan Feng. She learns how to play the audience. When to argue and when to pretend to be deeply hurt, bawling her eyes out on the spot. And When Dan Feng picks her up so her head's on his shoulder, showing her tongue to whoever dared do whatever she took offense for.
Years later and. Yingxing died, so did Dan Feng [sort of], Jing Yuan promised to take her in but people have not been nice to her. Bc when she introduces herself as the daughter of Imbibitor Lunae, or of Yingxing, you know. And one day someone's like "Hey would you like to try smithing? I've heard your dad was really good at it." In an attempt to humiliate her, (read: you'll never be as good as your dad) but for some reason. Something just clicks and she remembers watching her father work. At first, she's just trying to imitate, but she has an actual knack for it. Neat.
Like some hidden talent just breaks out, she's already better than some of the trainees, and they're all like "but how are you so good at it? There's no way!" And she just goes "i am my fathers daughter after all. Did you expect any less?"
(She's been training specifically for this day, it's not the first time, but she's not telling anyone that)
Somehow she ends up with a contract to work as a smith and Jing Yuan reads the contract a few times and he's unsure how she managed that, just a while ago, NOBODY wanted to hire her, so he just goes "Congratulations. ...your dad would be proud, ...i think..." and somewhere out god knows where, Blade suddenly gets a strange sense of competition? But also pride?? Why????
Meanwhile Dan Heng hits his head on a lamp or something.
Tldr: Yingxing+Dan Feng and their child becomes a blacksmith against all odds?
I'm done rambling
Edit: i've changed the name, from Yeon, to Lian
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Interestingly enough, I did not discover Tumblr when, while chasing after my decades long crush, she made a clever, quick, u turn, and cut back, sprinted through previously unmapped social media content....the "previous unmapping" causing me to hopelessly lose her as I attempted to follow, look for clues concerning her whereabouts, WHILE IGNORING THE RACY CONTENT certain to slow me down hopelessly. Or....not so much. A few hours later, I was plodding slowly through the blog #Theanalintruder and hopelessly behind my beloved....although I was pretty sure I saw her in some pictures the previous night.....this makes a ton of sense, but is nowhere near correct.
I was able to ignore the first few emails. They detailed the antics of a group of heroin addicts in arizona (yep. Guilty as charged. There were 6 of us detailed in this particular bit of true/fiction, all OBVIOUSLY based on real people (interesting note: except for me, every other person the author turned into a character has either sobered up: 3, or died, 2 since 2014, when these stories were set. We ranged in age from early 20s to mid 30s. The emails kept coming. After a few, I began to see that, yes, in fact, the author was writing about our little H Coven and was, quite likely, one of us. I could not tell who, though. It was quite well written, and he or she gave no hint as to who she (another revelation...it, for sure, was not a dude...not even a gay dude) favored. She was remarkably neutral in her narration. ...until the 5th or 6th installment of the untitled tales of young junkies. The character that mirrored me often kept "lulls" in certain episodes from being too boring when he and a-ahem-STILL unnamed friend would get into arguments, which turned to insult matches, but, thankfully, whoever wrote this either was not privy to where these "disagreements" or "debates" tended to end up in reality, or just wanted to keep those areas of the blog from revealing what incredible assholes both of us were...almost certainly the 2nd option. No doubt, in fact. No portion of the blog that I ever read came close to revealing just how mean and intentionally hurtful to one another we both became. It's too long of a story to even summarize here, but I will say that though we both bore plenty of fault, I have to claim a bit more. First of all, I was the oldest junkie in the group (I think. Yeah...pretty sure) she was one of the youngest, 12 years my junior. There were plenty of altercations I coukd have ended...or prevented from exploding, as they did. Some times, I wanted a serious screaming match because I had plenty of mean shit to say to her and felt she deserved to have her feelings hurt. As I said. I was awful.. The strange (but not all that bad, truthfully...it was pretty well written) blog actually seemed to intentionally avoid sides in anything and focused content on shit I was pretty certain never happened, and other shit that did, but much earlier or later, than it claimed. Whenever half a dozen junkies plus add-ons have to struggle for money to pay life expenses, plus an extra $100 EASILY for heroin and other drugs, but none are employed....and learn to interact with one another, convince their out of state families of their sobriety etc etc etc there is gonna be plenty of material for anyone who wants to log it in a blog or journal (why anyone would choose that particular subject in front of all others is anither question, but...anywaaayy....moving right along...while the blogger displayed some talent, the first few installments were fairly bland and boring. I remember thinking that I would tell ghostbligger to focus on the more interesting shit (which I knew was present) and, to my absolute horror, she did exactly that in part 6.
Backing up a bit......beginning in about 2012, I developed an interest in a beautiful young woman I met at 12 step meetings (wait a minute!!!! Every whining ass mutual will shout via IM, I thought you were the guy who was beholden to the chick you barely knew for two and a half decades cuz blah, blah, a real connection and yabidah yabidah you will always love her!!! You're playing your tonsils, kid." Okay. Fist off...I had some minor flings and crushes during the 20 period I'm question. The vast majority of them (like every single one almost) occured between 2011 and 2016. During this stretch I was convinced, for reasons of my own, that under no circumstances would the long envisioned coupling with her ever happen, and I felt a tinge of desperation to replace her....I thought this would be tantamount to supplanting her in my thought hierarchy with someone else. Which, at the time, I very much needed to do. That should have been the first clue that I needed to consider this goal a bit more carefully and perhaps lend a great deal of respect to a source I did not feel like giving any at the time....my feelings for her. So, anyway...I initially met this girl when she was classified by me as a target of sorts. I was into her.
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husberttee · 7 years
y’all not stanning VAV are doing it wrong
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formenis · 3 years
i absolutely adored your HC on how it would be to have BB as a lover omg 💖could i request, how he acts when he is interested in someone and wanting to pursue a relationship with his crush? i love this creepy and intense boi so much🥰
Wah thank you so much! 😭😭
It's nice to hear you liked it~ I decided that this RQ will be a HC too (I hope you don't mind)
pairing: BB x gn!reader
|| warning: all kind of warnings with him, really ||
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This scenario could start in two ways:
1. IF Y/N WAS A VICTIM: he thought he found the perfect victim for his plan. Y/N met all criteria, even their lifespan was reaching its end. One day he was going to kill them but, suddenly, something changed: the lifespan itself. Y/N's numbers changed and B froze in place.
«May I help you?» Y/N asked innocently, they didn't know they avoided a painful death. For once in his life, B didn't know what to do with them.
2. IF Y/N WAS A DETECTIVE: Naomi Misora introduced them to Rue Ryuzaki.
«We always work together. They are very talented, Ryuzaki» Naomi explained during their first encounter.
Ryuzaki B wasn't impressed, at first, since his goal wasn't Y/N but Naomi herself. His idea about Y/N changed quickly when he noticed that they were looking right above his hair...much like he always did with the others.
1. In the first case, B excused himself because «I mistook you for somebody else» and Y/N would left without saying other words. B, however, stood in the middle of the footpath for a while following them with his eyes. He wanted to register everything about their figure: height, weight, hair color, skin color, clothes, way of walking.
«How did you extend your lifespan...Y/N?»
2. Naomi and Y/N were analysing Believe Bridesmaid's bedroom, the crime scene of those Wara Ningyo Murders. The two detectives were observing the bed while Ryuzaki B stood out of the way.
"Why did you look above my head...Y/N?" he asked to himself while chewing his thumb. "Do you...have them too?"
«I wonder how he died...» Naomi asked while looking at the photo of the victim.
«Asphyxiation» Y/N replied suddenly, their eyes were glued to the photos.
Naomi turned towards them in disbelief. «How did you know?»
Y/N's face became red and, in that moment, Ryuzaki B was listening to them in pure interest and curiosity.
«I just...looked at the the fracture of the U-shaped hyoid bone at the base of the tongue, here» and Y/N pointed to a specific photo Ryuzaki B couldn't see from his spot.
«Yeah you're right» confirmed Misora. Ryuzaki B was becoming eager and eager to know more about them.
1. B uncovered quickly where Y/N lived, their job, their friends, their family. In other words: everything. His investigations, however, didn't solve the most important mystery: why Y/N's lifespan didn't end? Was it because...B stopped?
He tried to kill them other times but it was vain: Y/N always avoided all his attempts.
«Excuse me, are you M. Y/N L/N?» a direct approach was B's last chance to solve that case.
They turned, the H/C hair flew due to the movement. «Yes?»
«I'm Rue Ryuzaki, I'm investigating about the Wara Ningyo Murders»
Y/N seemed scared hearing that name. «Ah! I heard about them. What do you need, sir?»
̷T̷h̷e ̷w̷a̷y ̷t̷h̷e̷y ̷s̷a̷i̷d ̷"̷s̷i̷r̷"̷. ̷I̷t ̷d̷r̷o̷v̷e ̷h̷i̷m ̷c̷r̷a̷z̷y̷.
«I have few questions for you» that was the perfect excuse for him to start talking to them.
2. More days passed and more pissed off Ryuzaki B became. There must be a way to understand if Y/N had the Eyes or not.
«I can't go there and ask them directly...they would be suspicious especially if I'm wrong. And since Naomi Misora works for L...I can't afford mistakes»
As if someone from above the sky heard him, during a rainy summer night at Los Angeles all his doubts disappeared.
«Suicide from burning to death...such an horrible way to die» Y/N said once Ryuzaki B and them met in the middle of the pavement. The rain made their surroundings shining, everything around them was sparkling...except Ryuzaki B's eyes.
«Really? I disagree...each death has a meaning in this case» Ryuzaki B hid his hands in his usual faded and large jeans, the back was curved inward and he was looking at Y/N with a strange glare.
«So it's your...vision of the things, Ryuzaki»
He laughed. But it was a weird laugh, as if it wasn't from that world.
̷H̷E ̷W̷A̷S ̷R̷I̷G̷H̷T̷.
«Exactly» Ryuzaki B replied in the middle of his laugh. «It may sound sudden but...Y/N, do you want to date me?»
1. The detective thing allowed Ryuzaki to know better Y/N. They seemed interested in his "work" and wanted to be informed about all developments of the case.
«What's the most difficult case you ever solved, Ryuzaki?»
«Let me think...» B caressed his lips with the thumb pretending to think. «Once a killer made the "locked-room" trick: here a crime scene has no indication as to how the intruder could have entered or left»
«No way!» Y/N looked at him in awe. «And you solved it?»
«Of course I did, Y/N»
From that moment Y/N and B became very close. He had the impression that his "almost victim" felt safe with him. B could tell by the way they moved closer to him in public or by the fact that Y/N always relaxed their muscles when they were together.
When B wasn't busy with Naomi Misora and the wara ningyo murders, he tried to spend as much time as possible with Y/N. When he was with them he could almost forget his plan to surpass L. And how Y/N extended their lifespan...he didn't care anymore.
He started to smile, to laugh genuinely, to like things he never imagine he would like. Was it...what people called "love"?
He came in the States alone, he had no family behind...and there, in Los Angeles, he found someone much more important than L.
If only his plan wasn't already set...
2. «What can you see?»
«The cause of death...and you?»
«Real name and date of death»
It was like Y/N and Ryuzaki B were made for each other. The things the first couldn't see, for the second one they were pretty clear (and vice versa). The two of them felt that something was growing between them.
«Am I going to die soon?» Y/N asked him.
«Do you really want to know?»
«Actually...» the other detective took back what they said before. «Not really»
There was this sort of chemistry between Ryuzaki B and Y/N like two pieces of the same puzzle. Y/N loved everything about Ryuzaki B and he, very slowly, started to love too.
At first Ryuzaki B saw Y/N as a way to defeat (and kill) Naomi Misora but soon the female detective was left behind.
He would fight for Y/N. He would ̷k̷i̷l̷l for Y/N. Ryuzaki B would do everything for them and he had the feeling that it was mutual.
The Wammy's boy would organise as many dates as possible. At the park, at the museum, at the art gallery. Ryuzaki B wanted to enjoy Y/N's company when he could.
If only his plan wasn't already set...
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Okay so these are my top picks from the PG update! (PG is the best ff I’ve ever read btw you’re soooo talented it’s crazy!)
Yoongi… kinda feeling him actually, he obviously cares for OC and had the balls to warn Jungkook away from her knowing what he is. That’s hot
Yoongis roommate has to be a vampire, he washed his hands and after coming into contact with the rose thorn and when oc said ur roommate won’t be drinking it what’s the problem, yoongis word choice I feel is super important and foreshadowing: “not directly, no” - maybe he and his roommate have a similar relationship to jk and oc? Blood donating I mean! That’s why he couldn’t drink it
Okay LORD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL - Jungkook saying he’s not jealous while displaying classic jealous boyfriend behaviour is exquisite, he’s down baaaad for her. He seemed to soften when oc confirmed nothing had happened between her and Yoongi. Come on JK you’re so messy and obvious rn
The first quote I wanna point out: “you’d only turn if you died with my blood in your system, and you’re even more of a fool than I thought if you haven’t realised by now I would never let that happen” UMMMM OKAAAY
“The unfathomable desire to have you… makes me feel human again.” OKAY OK OK WE SEEING THE REAL JUNGKOOK HERE NOW MY GUY DOES NOT WANT TO BE A VAMPIRE. MY CHEST HURTS
“If I had a soul it would already be yours” OH THE WAY THAT HIIIIIT!! I’ve never come across a dialogue so poignant in fanfic before. It’s so memorable and profound and holds a thousand potential meanings and yeah I’ll be thinking about that line forever, kudos author truly what a spectacular piece of literature there
OKAY AND ANOTHER NOTE I REALLY REALLY LIKED! When jk told oc to get out and she was like “you don’t get to kiss me like that and pretend it never happened” STORMING OVER TO HIM, yesssss girrrrrrl!!! The TENSION from that line alone. Especially when it was never finished bc Jungkook kissed her again to shut her the hell up
Honestly I can feeeeel their emotions, your description is so well written like I completely understand and know how they yearn for each other so badly but of course they’re both hesitant for their own reasons
So I’ve been stalking your blog and nobody else has mentioned this. HE. ALMOST. BIT. HER. LIKE!!!???!!!?! JUNGKOOK. ALMOST. BIT. OC!!! And he “doesn’t bite / feed directly from humans / the vein” LIKE ?!?! THATS HUUUUUUGE
In case this wasn’t clear enough I really fucking loved this update, thank you for sharing your talent with us I can’t believe this is a free fanfiction! Its written better than every book I’ve ever read, I MEAN that too I’m a book nerd and nothing even comes close to the slow burn / intensity and overall seductive theme of PG!
Oh and that kiss… That’s the best kissing scene I’ve ever read, periodt. So beautifully written and captured all her emotions, and the DIALOGUE leading up to the kiss??? Shiiiiiit it was so so so intense and good y’all
Thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece with us! I’m 100% going to binge read the whole of your masterlist now as I’m pretty new here, I’ve only fully read PG and HER (and the change of pace is? UNNERVING, you can legitimately write anything!!!)
Author, you forever have my love and respect. Thank you for sharing such wonderful work with us and giving us great fanfics to escape with, i sincerely hope you get published one day ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Ooooh my goodness your first two points already… wow. I can’t confirm or deny anything to avoid spoilers of course but wow! Your brain is doing overtime and i LOVE your thoughts!! Interesting!! I’m glad at least one of u is a fan of neighbour Yoongi here hehe, everybody else seems to be sus of his behaviour!
Oh wow the way you’ve picked up on these quotes and analysed them I’m so beyond flattered right now :( thank you :( ahhhh!!! I love writing PG jk dialogue bc he’s obviously much older than oc and speaks like he’s from a different era sometimes and it’s very fun to play around with, it means so much that you think his lines are poignant :( thank u :(
Ooooof we love oc for doing that actually!!! The way she was like oh hell no we aren’t done here and Jungkook just… sigh… I’m so weak for this couple u have no idea. Thank u for picking up on that detail!
Oh my god I’m actually a little emotional rn, thank you for being so kind and taking the time to read the update and then analyse it and send me this message I’m just… so flattered right now! Thank you so much!!! 🥹😭 I hope you enjoy reading through my other works!!! Thank you for being here (naming u flame heart anon from now ok) and thank you again for being so genuinely sweet with your review/analysis of the PG update, you’re amazing and I appreciate u so much!!! 😭😭 sending lots of love to u!!!! 💜💜💜💜
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How To Train Your Dragon Saga
In the beginning, I was never really interested in watching the movie and never even bothered to watch the trailer, since we thought it was one of those cliche failure movies (and Dreamworks hasn't really had a very good track record of good animated movies at the time), but after being bombarded with tons of Toothcup fanfics and fanarts and after very high recommendations by my friend Jello13 from dA, I finally got down to watching the movie. Boy, was I glad I took my friend's recommendation to watch this movie, and the subsequent sequels after that, because after 3, 4 friggin' times, I still fucking LOVE this movie!!!
Here's my findings of the saga:
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Apparently this movie was based on a children's novel written by Cressida Cowell which focuses on the 2nd book in a 10-volume book franchise. There are certain deviations between the real Hiccup and Toothless and the storyline as a whole, but after reading the summary of the original story, I think I like the movie version better. In fact even the writer said so in her blog that she likes the deviation as the movie captured the core essence of her story and it was amazing to see her story to be interpreted this way.
The storyline and the pacing is very good, and the sarcastic humour and slight optimism of Hiccup despite people thinking he's anything BUT a Viking is very intriguing. I love his catchphrases like "I'm way too muscular for their tastes. They wouldn't know what to do with all...this" and "Thank you for summing that up" and his famous line "You just gestured to ALL of me!" is just some of the LOL-worthy lines the talented Jay Baruchel who voices Hiccup does.
I was totally shocked to find out that Gerard Butler plays the role of Stoick, Hiccup's old man! I have never expect him, who is known for his brawniness and action-packed persona, made famous in the movie 300, would actually play a voice-over for a cartoon character. After finding out, spotting his voice and hearing the familiarity was much, much easier.
And of course, the creme de la creme of the entire movie: TOOTHLESS!! He is just so, so, so, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uber cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~!!!!! When I read about him in fanfics and caught glimpses of him through fanarts, I was thinking, "Hey, this dragon is quite cute." Now amplify that feeling by a gajillion times more. That's how I feel about Toothless. He started off a little vicious with his snake-like slit for eyes, trying to act strong and tough like the dragon he was, but the moment he let his guard down a little, he got these pair of big doe eyes that is just so MOE and SQUEE-worthy. And of course I finally learn how he got his namesake: with retractable teeth that he can materialize at will
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My most favourite scene of the entire movie would be this scene where Toothless finally was at peace with Hiccup and allowed him to touch him. The way Toothless tried to copy his drawing, and then growled whenever Hiccup stepped on his drawing, then Hiccup moved to avoid the lines in tune with the music until finally they were so close they were allowed to touch was just so AWW-worthy. And the music score was perfect too, especially the title of that score: Forbidden Friendship. Isn't that just sweet?
The part where Hiccup and Toothless slowly develop that bond while trying to get Toothless back on his flight feet again was also very interesting as they slowly worked together and forget each other's differences to reach a common goal, while at the same time trying to learn about each other, and Hiccup using that knowledge to good use (the eel and the scratching of the neck part was really epic), making him the life of the team, much to his crush, Astrid's chagrin.
I also love the part where Hiccup tries to convince everyone during the final exam of killing a dragon that dragons are not what they think they are, and tried to pacify the Monstrous Nightmare only to be interrupted by Stoick and having Toothless coming to the rescue (damsel in distress much, Hiccup? XD) and revealed their relationship. It felt really sad and my heart just broke when Hiccup shouted Toothless for him not to kill Stoick and Toothless looked at him with his doe eyes, then Hiccup tries in vain to stop everyone from hurting Toothless, and that argument which led to his disowning, and earning back his role as a son by proving his worth and Toothless' reputation, though a cost of his leg. I was wondering where would be the scene where he looses his leg, since I read that he had a prosthetic in fanfics, but turns out it happened in the near end of the movie, and literally mirrored Toothless' missing left tail fin.
Ending is a bit cliche where he gets the girl, he is lauded as a war hero and gained the respect of everyone including his father, the dragons made peace with humans and all that, but still it was a very heartwarming cliche scene. One that leaves a smile on your face and a sigh of contentment in your heart.
Speaking of Astrid, not really sure it's because of that yaoi in me, but I never really saw Astrid as a suitable pairing for Hiccup. I know, I'm not usually one for bestiality, but seriously, can't you just FEEL the love between Hiccup and Toothless to the point where you can consider them as lovers? Toothcup (Toothless/Hiccup) pairings are in the rage right now since the movie has been uber popularize, and you cannot deny that sort of relationship exist, right?
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This one, personally I feel, is almost as par as the first one. Not better, not worse, but more or less par. Hiccup and Astrid are still together, but the Toothcup shipper in me just don't feel like they match somehow. Moreso, suddenly out of the blue, Snotlout and Fishlegs were heads over heels with Ruffnut, which I ABSOLUTELY have NO CHEMISTRY feel whatsoever! Even after I've watched their TV series that led to the second movie, I STILL don't get the vibe or the chemistry between those three people. It's like "Wait, what?" moment.
Although that moment when Ruffnut was just totally thirsty for Eret was absolutely hilarious though. I couldn't help laughing and cringing at the same time.
When the moment Hiccup's mom Valka showed up, I was not expecting her to be so... skinny. Stoick said that he made helmets out of Hiccup's mom's breast plate, and it seemed pretty big, but looking at her, she didn't look like someone who was close to being a big bosom woman, but what is continuity anyways? LOL Though Hiccup definitely has inherited her knack for dragons. Guess it's in the blood after all.
I teared up a little when Stoick died, and I felt so bad that their bromance was threatened by this, but thankfully Hiccup still loves Toothless and is willing to forgive him and try to bring him back to his side. Goes to show how deep their bond is, and Toothless ended up becoming the Alpha Dragon was one of the most epic moments in the whole movie.
It also kinda interesting that Hiccup has somehow became pretty hot in this movie. Was pretty surprised at how he transformed from the awkward tiny little runt of a boy to a strapping man LOL
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Plot feels similar to the 2nd one, but the ending was so so SO bittersweet. A fitting ending, but sweet yet painful for me to watch.
My heart broke at the scene wen Hiccup was complaining about Toothless being in love n said "Am I not enough?" and I was like internally screaming "YES! U ARE ENOUGH!! U TWO ARE ENOUGH!! FUCK THAT LIGHT FURY!!"
Throughout the courtship scene btwn Toothless and the Light Fury i was like internally screaming "NO, SHE'S A TRAP! SHE'S A FUCKING TRAP! HICCUP, WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS?! I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THIS! I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS!!"
I cried like a fucking baby, especially at the end of the movie. It was like I knew it was happening, that they were gonna break up, but I was in denial, then when Toothless hugged Hiccup goodbye, I lost it, waterworks all over. In fact, waterworks all the way to the end at their final reunion ugly-cried like a fucking baby.
It did ended perfectly; perfectly bittersweet and perfectly heartbreaking and I was like "This is it. It's official. It's over. My Toothcup ship has fucking sank!!"
Fuck you, DreamWorks, you have killed my bromance!! Gahh!! I hate and love this movie at the same time!
Overall rating:
HTTYD: 9/10
HTTYD2: 7.5/10
HTTYD: 9/10
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Big Smile (Request)
Tom Hiddleston x Teen!Co-star!Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Request Description: maybe some Tom Hiddleston who is close to reader cause hes like her mentor and shes a very happy person, goofy and silly as well but nothing can make her cry. Like, it's genuinely hard to make her cry so maybe him seeing her cry for the first time? and it's pretty bad? maybe its cause she goes to a normal high school along with a catch up high school (basically a school where u go to if youre SERIOUSLY behind) and the pressure is way too much for her to handle and her emotions exploded? ty!!
Warnings: depression, anxiety about school, stress
(A/N): im very excited to be going on vacation!! dont worry ill still update, im just going to another city nothing too big (of course with the ‘rona still out here). I wrote like half of this on my phone btw so if anything looks weird that’s why
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“Why would you say it like that?” you laughed loudly, falling back on your bed. Tom giggled too, watching as you got into a laughing fit.
“I’m just demonstrating that you can say each line differently!” he defended, but your laughter didn’t falter. Tom smiled and shook his head, waiting for you to be done. “Can you hurry that up, we have a couple more lines to go through,” he joked.
You held your stomach and shook your head. Finally, the laughter died down and you tried desperately not to start it again, as Tom continued helping you with the script. You forced your mouth into a frown, but that only reinforced your need to laugh. 
Tom looked and saw your expression and sighed, making you laugh again. 
“This is impossible,” he muttered, but he was smiling. He thought you were so incredibly sweet and bright, although lacking a little seriousness. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” you finally stopped laughing AGAIN, “we’re done. Those were all the lines I had questions about.”
“You sure?” 
“Yeah,” you said and both of you stood up. Tom grabbed his jacket and his bag from the counter of your hotel room. He smiled at you and hugged you as a farewell. 
“See you on set tomorrow,” and then he was out of your room. You smiled softly thinking about how much fun you two had, but the sweet moment was over far too fast. 
You had school. You’d never been a top student or anything, but before this whole movie-thing you’d been able to keep up. A couple of weeks ago you started Catch-Up-High-School, which you’d been required to start, since you grades had all dropped. 
And since then you’d felt awful. You felt so stupid and useless. And on top of that, you were stressed. With both regular high school teachings and catch up school, you seemed to spend every waking moment working, either on the movie or on school, and you’d only sleep once you were done. Which could take a while. 
It was getting to you. You were phenomenal at hiding it, truthfully. Because your personality was too bright and blinding for anyone to see anything behind it. 
You weren’t one to cry, but you felt it behind your eyes, constantly. All day, when you remembered your school situation, it started coming. You never cried, not when watching movies or reading books, you didn’t even really cry when you were sad. The stress was simply getting to you. 
You pulled out both your math books, both regular high school and catch up high school, which you had neatly tucked away when Tom came, and started doing your assignments for the day. 
Your head hurt, as you did it, and it was so hard for you to understand. You wished you could ask Tom for help, but you couldn’t tell him. It was simply too embarrassing. ‘Hey Tom, I’m too stupid for regular school, please help?’ What would he even think of you?
You hadn’t even done your assignments for long, when you started crying. You were just writing the answer to a question, when a tear slid down your face. You wiped it away as quick as it came and continued. 
But so did your tears. You cried silently as you worked, ignoring them, eventually not even wiping them away. You were just trying to get through it, chewing through your lip. 
Just as you failed to figure an assignment out, your pencil broke on the paper, and you threw it away from your, putting your head in your hands. Then you sobbed, and you weren’t trying to ignore it, you were doing it. You were sitting there, and all of your focus was on the seemingly never ending stream of tears from your eyes. 
God, what kind of person are you if you can’t even do your catch up school work? You felt so unbelievably heavy, heart wrenching and tingling. 
Meanwhile Tom had hauled down a cab, making it about a third of the way to his meeting, when he realized he’d left his phone at your place. He sighed and asked the driver to drive back to your hotel, knowing he’d need it.
Tom drove back there, and then stepped out of the cab, telling the driver to wait for him. He entered and pulled out his keycard. Your room had had two keycards and you’d given him your second one, which had made his heart melt. 
He walked down the corridor, reading the room numbers, and then reached your door. He grabbed the handle and scanned the keycard, effectively cracking open the door.
And there you were. Tom blinked rapidly, refusing to believe that that was you, so immersed in your own crying that you hadn’t heard him come in. That couldn’t be you, not the smiling, laughing, happy Y/n he knew. You were sitting there so dark and alone, hugging your legs and wailing. 
You never cried. Never. It had gotten to the point where him and his coworkers had discussed it, whether you were some robot or something. But you were crying. You were alone. 
His voice made you flinch and you didn’t have to look at him, to know you’d exposed yourself. You, although knowing it was useless, wiped your tears, before raising your head.
Tom was heartbroken. He’d never thought about how he’d actually feel once he finally did see you cry. But it was such a gut wrenching image, something he could feel in both his stomach and heart and throat.
“What’s going on?” He asked. You shook your head. He simply stepped inside and saw your regular high school math book, immediately knowing you were probably stressed. “Do you need help with your homework?”
You laughed bitterly, another tear sliding down your cheek. Tom walked to you, sitting down next to you, so he could wipe away the tear.
“What’s wrong? Come on, talk to me.. What happened?” He searches your eyes.
“I’m just stressed, Tom, it’s stupid,” you avoided his gaze. Tom knew it wasn’t stupid. If it was you wouldn’t be balling your eyes out.
“So, let me help you with it,” He heard how his voice was shaking.
“Tom, no.”
Silence. Tom pulled away from you. He was simply shocked. You weren’t you. He closed his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, voice breaking, as you started crying again. When you yelled at Tom, you felt your heart withering. What a horrible feeling.
“I’m sorry for yelling. It’s just- I feel so useless. All the time. I’m failing school! I mean, for God’s sake, I have mandatory catch-up-school. Do you know how embarrassing that is? God, how can I be so stupid?”
Tom finally understood why you were crying. Why you were so stressed, why you were crying like that.
It was tough.
“You’re not stupid, Y/n,” you immediately shook your head at his attempt to console you, “You’re not! I’m serious. You’re smarts come from your understanding of people, and your talents in acting and everything you love. Not from your schoolwork. Your grades are not your worth. You’re the smartest kid I’ve ever met! I mean it.”
Your crying turned to sniffles and you finally nodded. You agreed. You hadn’t felt so sure of yourself in a long time. A small smile found your lips.
“Thank you, Tom, I-I really needed that.”
“Oh, of course, N/n,” he mumbled and pulled you into a hug, burying your head in his chest. You wrapped your arms around him.
“Now my offer still stands. Do you want my help doing the homework?” This time you nodded, and the two of you spent the rest of the day doing all of your homework.
When you were finished, you apologised profusely, but Tom just smiled and said he’d do it any day. Every day onward while you were working on that movie, he’d ask you after shooting if you needed any help, and always insisted it was his pleasure. With Tom around, you never had to feel useless again.
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octalove · 4 years
IV: The Dinner
(Batgirl/Red Hood)
Brief note; per demand, this little trilogy will now be an ongoing series🥺thank u all for the support! i was not expecting it at all. ur comments make my day!! i hope u enjoy this chapter bearing in mind that i wasn’t intending on a full length fic, so i hope u can put up with any missteps in the plot or writing. i’m making it up as i go. kiss kiss
Description: Reader makes an ally, and attends a tense dinner. part one, two, and three.
A mild blue dawn was just beginning to flit through the blinds, and I sighed heavily, stretching a little, and running a hand across my face. My skin was cold to the touch. Rolling over stiffly, I glanced at the clock on my nightstand.
Nineteen minutes before my alarm. I was too cold to go back to sleep, I knew, as much as Alfred had requested I try and get more of it. Pulling myself up, the sheets slipped off my bare shoulders and folded onto themselves. Once in a blue moon, I would forego making it up again, usually accompanied by an excuse. Today, I didn’t have one. I put my feet on the floor, mind buzzing.
I was done tossing and turning, and decided to get up and shower. Afterward, I threw on my uniform, and got to work on my face. A little bronzy eyeshadow, some mascara and lip balm. I could’ve turned my face into a work of art, but I was tired from my sleepless night and doing much else seemed like a strain.
There was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” I was expecting Bruce or Alfred, but I caught Tim’s reflection in my vanity mirror.
“Hey.” He said.
“Good morning.” I replied tensely. He sat on my bed. Okay. Weird. Tim was a year younger than me- but always ordained himself something of an older brother. His brainpower made learned helplessness and easy state to slip into when he was around- always fixing my PS4, or recovering lost files from my laptop. When we first met, I used to use those things as a crutch to interact with him, as neither of us were particularly forthcoming. These days, we were as close as any pair of siblings.
“What’s up?” I asked, tucking away my mascara wand.
“Oh, I just thought I’d… check up on you. Before school started.”
I was the only one of the Waynes attending Gotham Academy at the moment. Damian was still at Gotham Prep, but by the time he would attend next year, I’d be graduated. I wondered if Tim ever missed it. He garnered his fair share of attention; mostly because of his attractive status and predisposition of agreeability. Before he dropped out, I used the be the subject of mediation for every eligible teenage girl that wanted to get to know my brother- no, the other one. With the soft hair. The chem tutor.
I laughed a little. “Do I seem like I need it?” Tim shrugged. I got up and plopped on the duvet beside him. My window was open a crack, filling the room with a chilly breeze and the scent of moisture and petrichor.
“Did Bruce make you get up for this?” I tried again, keeping my playful tone. He sighed and shook his head.
“Bruce isn’t the only one who’s noticed you lately.” He said, with contrasting seriousness that made my smile fall.
“What’s there to notice? Seriously.” I questioned.
He sighed again and twisted his lip. I knew what that meant. He was about to list everything different I’d been doing for the past three weeks, either alphabetically or by severity. “You look tired. You get home and go straight to your room. You keep fidgeting during briefings. You look distracted. You’re avoiding Damian- which, I get it- but like, more than usual. Dick said you haven’t texted him all week. You usually have something to say about your day at dinner, but-“
“Okay. I get it.”
A brief moment passed, where I watched him pull a looser string from the duvet.
“I know you went somewhere. On the 21st, when we were patrolling in Otisburg. You went somewhere for forty-two minutes.”
I blinked. “Oh.”
“I’m not accusing you of anything-“ He added quickly, looking at me. “Really, I have know idea why you left. I’m sure it was nothing, I just… you’ve been acting weird ever since. Where did you go?”
I swallowed, and my intestines felt like lead. Really, I was relieved. Here I was, in my room I’d decorated with Wayne money, with my brother who evidently cared enough about me to notice my typical word count at dinner, asking me what was wrong. And a lot was wrong.
So, I smoothed my plaid skirt and told him about the night of the 21st- and only that. From Red Hood, to Hoffman, to the warehouse. Every vivid detail I could remember. I decided to leave out my little truancy adventure, along with meeting him in the alley. Lifting up his mask. Having his exposed skin close enough to touch. His gunpowder smell. By the end, Tim was frowning. The following silence could’ve crushed a coke can.
“Shit.” He muttered.
“Yeah.” I echoed. “Shit.”
He didn’t asked why I didn’t tell Bruce. Or Anyone. He didn’t ask why it was so important to me to do this by myself. All he did was take in the information and start putting it together.
“Jesus- you could’ve died. But all that Hoffman stuff. Why you?”
“Exactly!” I breathed.
Another knock on the door, and Alfred’s voice carried through, telling me it was time to go. I got up. Tim nodded and followed suit, no doubt carrying my every last recounting in his piggy-bank memory.
“Please don’t tell Bruce.” I said, some amount of fear slipping into my voice. “I know it was a stupid thing to do and it was stupid not to tell anyone. But he’ll never trust me again.” Tim hesitated at the door.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
I climbed into the backseat of the car, and stared at the cityscape running past the windows. The anxiety had lifted. One of my growing number of secrets revealed. In its wake, the sudden absence left a sense of clarity. I remembered why I had kept it to begin with.
Dick was gifted. The first. The talented boy who could fly. Babs and Tim were brilliant; genius far beyond the confines of academia. Damian was skilled. Trained from birth, the blood son. It nestled here him neatly, right where he belonged. What was I? I wasn’t born with athletic ability beyond my years, or genius intellect. Without that information- without my secrets- I had nothing else to give.
Thursday night was dinner. The whole family. It was Bruce’s excuse to drag Dick out of his apartment in Blüdhaven, and for Alfred to exercise a new recipe, since everyone was on a strict lean-means and superfoods regimen every other waking day. Babs attended occasionally, when work didn’t keep her busy, and Tim was only allowed to pass if he promised to rest instead.
I met his eyes as everyone was rounded into the dining room by Alfred like a herd of sheep; he gave me some imperceptible knowing look that promised to keep my secret.
We sat down and sipped water from crystal glasses as the table was set with food, muttering amongst ourselves about our days. Dick was given a coffee with the wrong name (‘Nick’), Babs met up with her friend from high school (Olivia something or other), and Damian completed a group project with some incompetent classmates (they all were- even the professors). Vigilante talk wasn’t forbidden, but generally skirted around so as to offer a small reprieve of normalcy during the week.
There was an exception to this unspoken rule when there was a particularly exciting case on the table. Unfortunately for me and my anxiety, the case of the Red Hood was a very exciting one.
“Any new breaks with Red Hood?” Dick asked through miso soup. Bruce sighed.
“He made some movements in Robbinsville. Gone before we could get there. He’s got his men on a tight leash- we couldn’t get any of them to talk.”
“Course not. There’s rumors flying all over the department. One of the Ioveanu family branches payed out a huge security detail for their private mansion.”
“He hasn’t hunted anyone in their home, has he?” I asked. I pictured him standing in front of me- maskless, in my academy uniform.
“No, it’s not his MO.” Barbara answered.
“Not yet. It’s only been six months, and he’s progressing rapidly.” Bruce diagnosed grimly.
“Are you scared he’s gonna join us for dinner?” Dick joked, throwing a wink my way.
“Haha.” I muttered. Actually, I hadn’t slept because of the very idea.
“If you’re nervous, you could always stay home next patrol.” Damian suggested pointedly. To him, existing in the realm of crimefighting was a competition, and he was always looking for others to drop out of the race. I resisted the urge to fling a pea at him.
“I’m not nervous.” I said coolly.
“You’ve been practically trembling since we fought his pathetic lackeys.”
“Damian.” Bruce warned, from the head of the table. I flipped the smallest Wayne the middle finger. He resigned, but I swore I saw amusement on his lips.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Red Hood is very skilled and very prolific. It’s a daunting case.” Bruce continued.
“Thanks, but I’m okay. Really.” I said, trying not to sound annoyed, and feeling like a spotlight was over my head, operated by the ghost of Hoffman. I almost laughed as I pictured it.
“That’s good to hear. We’ve been concerned.” Alfred added.
“Wow. I’m the star of the show around here.” I remarked dryly.
“We can’t help it, Miss Independent.” Dick said teasingly. “You’re just a good mystery.”
“Reminds me of Talia.” Tim said casually. The silverware stopped clanging.
It was a shameless subject change. Damian’s mother was an inflammatory topic for all parties. Bruce’s moral contempt didn’t reach the likes of Talia Al Ghul and Selena Kyle, immoral though they were. Beauty makes anything charming- and when paired with an impeccable taste in dress, even murder and thievery can be minimized into something of a quirk. Bruce thought so, anyway.
As for Damian, he had grappled with his dismissal from Talia’s side for what was now a majority of his life, and still possessed this deep-rooted, inextinguishable attachment to his mother. It was the hollow soreness any young boy would have in his position. Tim called him mama’s boy until he finally displayed a frightening amount of disdain for the title and actually begged him to stop. Tim agreed to, and I agreed to pretend I never heard a thing.
Dick disagreed with both of those sentiments and viewed Talia as someone who wasn’t worth the trouble. His dismissal embarrassed Bruce and offended Damian, so I knew the dinner table had been sufficiently turned into a powder keg. Tim and I shared a look as I expressed silent gratefulness, and he resigned to inspecting a dumpling, while I picked around my haka noodles.
The rest of dinner was quiet. Somehow, somewhere in the silence all had been decidedly forgiven. First by Babs who asked me to pass the pepper. Then by Dick who said the vegetables were good. Thank you, Alfred. Damian still looked pissed, and Bruce kept stealing glances at the clock.
I texted Tim under the table.
Thanks for taking one for the team.
The reply: You owe me one. I think Damian’s gonna poison my food.
We both glanced at the youngest, who was darkly mesmerized by what appeared to be Tim’s soup bowl.
He quickly added, Wait, actually tho? And we both fought laughter like two kids in the back of the class. It felt good to have an ally. Even if he still didn’t know the whole truth.
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!!!!! learned from my mistakes and typed this out in a separate document. first i have to say im feeling a very deep connection with citron as of late bc i was giving myself a pep talk abt like physics and i told myself "face up and man the music!" and was like "...is that wrong. theres that song called man against the music isnt there... yeah it must be right" and. well i realized later. i also think the phrase "dont cry because it happened, smile because its over" is very good. also I’m halfway thru creating a very eclectic list of like. a Pokémon team for each a3 character which is… something. kinda knew it would happen to me. might take a while for me to finish it tho now that I’m halfway bc I’m suddenly having a crisis like “wait shit I’m only confident on my understanding and characterizing of like 4 characters am I good enough” so… it’s slow going lol. anyways. i finished that damn physics thing I was giving myself a pep talk about and so am treating myself to autumn/winter. happens that watching these events is also like. the only thing which reminds me to actually like. log into a3 lol. i am so bad at gacha games. probably a good thing in the long run. ok starting from the top!
hisoka going "zzz" as his reaction made me immediately go... oh dear, please dont fall asleep in the bath and guess what happened. yeah. good thing homare was there lol. speaking of i fucking adore homare and his poetry. id buy his collection. i also wish there was a collection like if there was a master list of every poem he says in like. at the very least main story. if not i will literally do it myself. i love homare so much im like him in that back when i had to play dodgeball id always be like kufufufu they cant hit me if im friendless enough that no one pays attention to me but like in my case it actually worked out. on the subject of the pillow fight tho, hisoka's crazy strong pillow fight throw... one more mark on the list for suspicious, maybe assassin occupation. this event made me realize how much i missed winter like. i saw the stranger pretty recently (which has caused the effect of be being like "taichi!! thats my boy!!" in my head everytime he shows up lol but anyways i havent gotten to a winter play yet so im VERY hype. especially bc this seems like it stars hisoka and homare??? like oh!! oh!!!! also detective fiction... im swooning. i also just enjoy the hisoka homare dynamic a whole fucking lot i think its nice how homare was like "yeah im ride or die for this funky lil amnesiac, why wouldnt you be?" and its just like. nice. feel like hes always reaching out to hisoka which is like. man homare is so nice.
back to chronology. ofc sakyo goes cheap for the hot springs lol. on brand as ever. was very hype for the azuma sakyo dynamic bc all i remember is like azuma trashing everyone including sakyo at some game or the other in one of the winter chapters and it was very good. or was this a clip in like a stage play? either way it was delightful. at first i misinterpreted taichi going "…" after azuma and sakyo said theyd never been on a field trip bc like. taichi being quiet or noncommunicative... after going thru autumn troupe act 1 it makes me fear for my life a little lol. anyways im glad he was just like planning fun times. speaking of taichi tho we got a tasuku taichi pair for etudes!!!! im not spoiling myself for later events but i hope to GOD tasuku and taichi do like a lead co lead in SOMETHING or at least like some mixed troupe event i want them to talk!!!
also dunno if this is an intentional pun but i enjoy that its called high spirits at the hot spring bc like oh theyre having fun but also bc like. "spirits" is used to refer to a certain type of alcohol i think? which is cool. dunno if its intentional but i liked that. anyways the talent show. taichis moving rendition of single ladies... ok i know it said single fellas but like. we know. wonder if that line was a different song in japanese? its not too old at ALL tho imo. anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment... flashback to when banri slaps juza live on stage instead of doing a stage slap lol. my reaction to azuma essentially went:
azuma: I can offer to bare my soul, and a little more ;)
izumi: what do u mean by that???
me: hey tasuku and omi were shirtless what's ur problem with azuma
anyways i reread and from what i understand they were maybe only flexing and doing a gun show? which like. no wonder it didnt last too long then lol. also explains why they didnt have shirtless sprites i suppose lmao. i am SO curious abt what azuma ended up doing tho that fade to black is so mysterious! did he tap dance? did he pole dance? the world will never know...
oh also im not like super familiar with azuma yet but my read on his personality is definitely like "I am so touch starved All The Time but I will be chill. :) :) this is fine :)" like he just seems to rly like being around people! just like basking in presence whether or not hes rly talking that much.
i enjoyed that juza mentioned pillow fighting with his lil brother... thats nice! i think a lot of this event was just focused on ppl having fun over the drama lol bc it got wrapped up sooo quick. i liked the bit where sakyos worried that izumi was out late searching for him tho it was so sweet. table tennis match was very fun although id argue calling hisoka and juza the two quietest tho lol like... banri exists so juza isnt quiet. just like inevitably. finally, the event cg!!! azumas hair tied up... so nice! thats how I tie my hair up sometimes tho it doesnt look nearly as nice lol. taichi rambling abt his first love for so long tho... lol. ill be honest i have to reread autumn bc i was not aware of this whole situation until it came up in the stranger and i like inferred from there. the end of this event was nice! it was cute. i dont rly have much thoughts on it but im so hype for the winter play
Hello:!!! so good to see you again, freshly learning from your mistakes then :3c
the connection with Citron is a BLAST to read about. I am glad that Citron is there, on your mind, supporting you at every turns of language. It's beautiful.
AND OH THE POKEMON LIST!!! thrilled to hear about it being a wip ongoing! take your time ofc and i hope you'll feel more confident as you go for your characters interpretation! i believe in you!
lmao i'm glad the events help you remember to play a3, i'm sure that by the time you'll be done with the events you will have unlocked so much of act 2 you won't have to worry too much about it. Anyway i'm glad you treat yourself to good things :3c
of course Hisoka fell asleep in the bath. tbh this event was a lot of "Hisoka almost dies in a spring house multiple times if it wasn't for his troupesmates". Between sleeping in the bath and almost swallowing the table tenis ball... where would we be without Winter, and especially Homare, taking care fo him.
I'm SO GLAD you like Homare that much! he's so so good! i'm sure there must be a masterlist somewhere, or well. can be done anytime i guess?? but yeah Homare is fantastic and LDJFDLKFJDF the evil plan to avoid dodgeball from both of you.. this is incredible DLKJFDLKF. But yeah alas he's loved by his own so he gets hit smh.
And yeah Hisoka is just acting sus huh.
BUT YEAH... YEAH... WINTER... BELOVED.... I feel regular and normal feelings for Winter as you know, s o .
(i'm so delighted that you feel that way about Taichi though, as he deserves!! what a good boy!!!)
But yeah Winter play next!!!!! i love the winter plays so much i hope you'll like it as well!! aND YEAH HISOKA AND HOMARE AS A DUO... for a DETECTIVE story?? so good.
I'm sO GLAD you like their dynamic! yeah i adore it too. Homare was so quick to leap into taking care of Hisoka? Like i mean he immediatly called him sleeping beauty when they first met, and immediately decided to be his roommates to watch over him, and then he did everything to take care of him and it's just so sweet. Homare has such a big heart he's so gentle with Hisoka. Homey and comfortable, whenever Hisoka admits it or not ahah.
ahah wouldn't be Sakyo if he didn't need to stay cheap. BUT YEAH the Sakyo/Azuma dynamic is pretty good. oh the event you talk about i think is in some of his very first backstage storyes (that you can read if you have them since they're at this point of the chronology). There's one where they play a mafia game and Sakyo is warry of Azuma because "people like him are those you need to worry about the most" and Azuma is just ":) you wound me :) i would never :)" and then Azuma wins the game and starts to mess with everyone. It was so fun. and yeah i see which clip you mean for the stage play!! it's so so fun they have such a neat dynamic and i loved to see it in this event as well.
and omg worrying about Taichi while he was just there preparing a fun time! this child really would have worried us all back then huh
but AHH YEAH TASUKU TAICHI.... It's such a neat dynamic! ofc i won't say anything but man i love the potential of their stories, as the two ex Godza boys. To see them bond and be comfortable with each other always make me so soft.
OH NICE CATCH FOR THE PUN! i think it must be the reason for it tbh, i love it! thanks for pointing it out!
The talent show was really fun yeah ahah! I wonder what it is in Japanese too but at least the localization was hella fun!
"anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment." THEY'RE SO SILLY I love them so much
AND LMAO YOUR REACTION AT AZUMA I LOVE IT. YEah i think Tasuku and Omi are just flexing (which is Still. SO FUNNY. Just there saying "our talents is.. our muscles...") meanwhile Azuma is like "my talent is that i'm crazy hot :)"
your read on Azuma's personality feels pretty spot on to me ahah omg. Staying with what you know about him, the fact that with his job and all, he seems like he's starving for connection while also terrified to make himself emotionally vulnerable. He loves staying with people, listening to them, caring for them, and he's touch starved as hell (i mean it's his job) but he doesn't seem to really know how to be on the receiving hand of affection. there's a flair talk, i can't remember where, with Omi at some point, where Azuma compliments him, and Omi is just "mhm.. but you know i think that it's more about you" and ends up complimenting Azuma in depth and it let Azuma dumbfounded because he didn't expect Omi to trick him at his own game, while Omi just genuinely don't get why Azuma is reacting that way. He gives he gives he gives, and he's genuinely happy with that, but he seems to have difficulties to take, or to demand for something, while also starving for it. I have so many emotions for Azuma.
Any mentions of Juza's little bro are the best things. I love this type of mention TwT
And yeah it was such a laid back event. Honestly deserved after the crying fest that was The Stranger imo. It's good to relax once in a while and it was nice to have them have fun. There was the bitterness of both Azuma and Sakyo's past that was always a bit looming but everyone was working so hard for them to enjoy themselves that the joy just overtake any sadness i loved it.
Sakyo worrying about Izumi is always adorable TwT
And yeah the Table Tennis match was so fun and chaotic LMAO. I love the dynamic between Juza and Hisoka. Just two usually quiet boys who like sweets. Except that yeah like you say, as long as Banri is around, Juza cannot be 100% quiet. Rip.
THE CG WAS SO PRETTY i loved seeing it. And omg you can share your hairtips with Azuma how nice :D Azuma manages to make everything look beautiful smh....
Oh yeah Taichi and his first love! if i recall he mentions it quickly at the begining, that Yuki reminds him of his first love, and he says that again at some point - then the fake Portrait he does he mentions his first love again. And since then it's been a reccuring topic so yeh :3c
but yeah! this event was really sweet and laid back, not much to say about it, but it was nice to have it at all!
Hope you'll like the winter play :3c
Take care and thank you again for your thoughts <33 i love reading them!! bless you!!
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
I'm not sure if you've already answered this but could u talk about everyone's first experiences with magic?
No I haven’t and I can’t claim I have thought about it long enough to have rock hard hc, but it’s a fun prompt anon, so here we go:
Aside from being protected from the flames of the house burning around her as a baby, Bloom’s first conscious brush with magic was actually using her innate aspect. She has always been a sensitive kid and everybody assumed it was just some form of hyperempathy when she talked about other people’s feelings with high accuracy. But when she categorised people into colours depending on their auras, she meant it. Then as sensitive weird kids be, Bloom was picked on a lot in late primary and middle school and that’s when her temper started to show. Bloom got angry easily and it only riled up the other children more to get her to show a reaction. Before that it was mostly tears, but one memorable occasion Bloom’s control over temperature manifested with her burst of anger and she made everyone and herself develop a sudden high fever. She fainted from it unfortunately and spent the next two years transfixed by all sources of fire and flames eventually circling back on her obsession with fairies and all things magic. The older she got the less she paid attention to the colourful auras until they completely faded from her everyday sight and only cropped up when she herself felt her emotion in a disarray. As Bloom got older, other magic effects started to crop up with higher frequency, like her “magically” avoiding injuries or recovering from them super fast, or never getting burned on hot pots as the Dragonflame started to feel cramped unused in her body. When Stella was being threatened by the goblins and the ogre, Bloom’s fight or flight instincts automatically allowed the Dragonflame an outlet. (She then of course followed Stella down a rabbit hole of an adventure and got a place in Alfea due to her new friend’s quick thinking and forgery)
With two proficient magic users as parents Stella was practically hounded over as adults in her life anxiously waited for her to show signs of magic. She went through magic prep courses trying her hardest to please everyone who was so important to her. She wanted to be magic so bad, always afraid of that infinitesimal chance that she didn’t get all the right genes from her parents. At age seven she was kind of a late bloomer for fully magic children to yet show any sign of magic sensitivity, and she spent another short holiday with her mother’s family up north. it was Stella’s favourite pastime to wander as close to the edge of the estate as she dared to alone in the constant twilight of the Solarian pole. Her favourite spot was a little cropping of shrubs populated by lighting bugs that always flocked to her when she came by. The loved collecting the shiny rocks as well that lit up at her touch and create her own little sun filled garden in the back where no one would bother her for hours. In retrospect Stella can tell exactly why she hasn’t come forward with all of these light related oddities, wanting to keep her island of peace to herself, but back then baby Stella really just didn’t clock that this could be related to her magic aspect. Her grandma eventually noticed and eased her into the thought that yes, she was definitely magic. After that the expectations were laid on even thicker instead of getting easier to bear as Stella got instructions at school and from both of her parents after school. Luna was very helpful with first developing Stella’s magic, so Stella actually started off with a stronger focus on her moon based powers. Radius with his control over bright skies was not very useful and Stella soon started feeling guilty over that and took up sun focused spells and fey magic explicitly to please her father. Radius would have loved her no matter what, but Stella’s insecurities were early risers and she felt the need to please others, so she was more than happy to follow his footsteps and enrol off planet in Alfea, his alma mater.
She was equally under observation, only because she is mixed (human-elven) and it was unclear which type her magic would manifest as. Maylin herself a magic using elf would have loved to teach her daughter all she knew, but there was of course always room for her to chose a human stream, should she take after her human father more. That Musa was magic sensitive was a well known fact ever since she was a baby and was able to produce... quite a cry. Maylin was lovingly warned that her daughter was likely to be a musical type along with a gift of full sound-blocking earbuds. At age six Musa could remember the melodies of over 300 pieces of music of ranging complexity, regularly got birds to sing for her and had impeccable hearing - all in all she showed signs of having a promising future as a magic user. For her to be gifted with skills in music that brought Maylin and HaoBai together was a blessing from the Heavens. Then Maylin died and Musa and her father’s world shattered with her. Grief can have complicated effects on one’s magic, and Musa age 9, appeared with dried up magic meridians like she was a l 90 year old. It took a lot of family counselling and well timed teenage rebellion for her to pick up music and with that magic again. And it was hard work, let her tell you that. Both letting magic inot her and developing a feeling for it and doing it all while hiding from her father, afraid he’d want to ban her music and snap instruments again (it happened once, and HaoBai isn’t proud of how much the pain of loss had consimed him at that moment). At fifteen she finally had enough and decided to go head first for it, insisting her half-orphan “recompensation fund” to be used as tuition at Alfea College for fairies, despite never having received any magic prep education. Through brute force, luck and insane talent Musa aced all entrance examinations and made it despite it all.
As childbirth on Zenith is, it was completely up in the air whether Techna would be magic or not.  All the early childhood signs Techna showed for their aspect were at first more or less mis-categorised as autism (which they absolutely have, but them going through technical books detailing the technological systems of ancient civilisations daily wasn’t just that). The first one suspecting they have magic was actually Techna’s elder sister, Electra. Electra five years older than Techna was very into the idea of a baby sister and loved smushing and cuddling Techna, which Techan absolutely hated and kept giving Electra static shocks out of nowhere. Once Electra understood where static came from and identified that there was absolutely nothing charged around Techna when they did that, she became suspicions. The whole family found out when during dinner, Techna announced in the calmest voice possible that they have heard the car talk and it told Techna exactly what was wrong with it setting an end to their parents tense discussion about the car having issues. The car was sent for repairs, confirming what Techna had  said and Techna was taken for a magic sensitivity test having that confirmed. (Baby Techna like: oh yeah I could always hear machines they just usually don’t have anything worthwhile to say). She wasn’t quite five at this point. Magic isn’t as widely practiced on Zenith and it took Techna’s ranerts a while to find a magic prep school for them to attend after school, which ended up being outside the borders of Transjordan actually. The daily drive was very long and exhausting both for teen Techna and the parent of the day who had to drive them, so they started talking about sending Techna to a boarding school once they were old enough. Techha was left to do their own research and they realised they had quite many options, even with just narrowing it down to fey magic that were closer to home than Magics, but they all advertised themselves as “girls’ colleges” and even pre-gender realisation that just irked Techan for an inexplicable reason. They much preferred going to a coed school, so Alfea ended up as their first choice on the application form.
In Layla’s case, detecting her magic sensitivity was incredibly difficult, seeing as she grew up practically constantly submerged in water playing with her cousins by the shore. Androsi people naturally have a large lung capacity and are able to dive long. That Layla dried super fast afterwards and never got salt rashes was also brushed under the rug ascribed to good royal hygiene and skin care. When she started being schooled in the castle Layla was colossally bored. She received basic magic training just because, no one actually expected her to be magic since they believed she didn’t show any sensitivity for it, and kind of for shits and giggles Layla took it and ran with it. Layla discovered privately in tidal caves just what a mistake that was able to make the water be kind to her and mold and move just so she could always get out unharmed. She surprised everyone at age eleven when during a banquet the visiting princeling was annoying her just so much, she used her water magic to turn his strictly pomaded hair into a bird’s nest, overshooting and drenching the next three dignitaries around him as well. The party stopped. At first Layla though she was going to get into so much trouble, caught under the strict eyes of her father, but as it turns out, he was overjoyed. Layla was put on a fast track for learning magic and surprised people once again choosing fey magic and being able to transform at the tender age of 13. She was never sent to Alfea, but received the offer from Faragonda after the Darkar incident thinking Layla could easily make it to Enchantix (which she did, this girl is talented).
Both of Flora’s parents are untrained magic users, so her being somewhat sensitive at least was also expected. Flora loved sitting to the side watching her father run the potion shop when she wasn’t chasing all her other parental figures and watching what they were doing with curious eyes. She loved it when her aunti Nimali gave her bumps and scrapes a little kiss so she started doing that to all sorts of things including her father’s ingredient plants. He was indulging her harmless kid fantasy, knowing full well that most of his magic plants responded to emotions like they had a soul and was more than surprised when he found these plants not only healed but sprouting wildly whenever Flora gave them a small “get well smooch”. The village talked it all over and Flora was given over to the local magic users to train with and shadow what they were doing. Her interest in potion making however prevailed and by the time she emerged from Nature’s Teaching Path having singlehandedly ran the little children’s colony it was very clear that Flora would need to receive proper training from a proper institution. She was just too good at magic for her family to fail her not being able to offer her more knowledge. Flora wanted magic with frankly for her startling greed and ambition, but she hated the idea of moving away. She could have just gone to Woodland College like most other magic users, but even there the entrance exam examiner was suggesting the school was too small for her. (And Flora kind of felt that - she overthought the whole exam because it was just so simple, she just had to touch the plant, and will the box to float. Her aspect of plant growth might not have given her complete control over the environment, but she was still a lot better than her peers.) The teacher spoke to the Council about the potential of sending Flora off planet and now that had her attention and full investment in doing everything the Council demanded to get her a visa to study in Magics.
Out of the six Layla and Techna were able to transform already before they came to Alfea, Flora and Stella had unstable first attempts (Stella during her own first year that is, not her re-run), while Bloom and Musa were the only ones who fully had to learn it from scratch during their first year.
Stella and Layla pay their tuition from royal funds, Flora is Lynphean Council sponsored and Bloom after the first year paid from Callisto’s royal fund (oops) is on a Magics scholarship for minority cultures as a surviving Dominian. Techna benefits from Transjordan’s education scheme which gives students a basic income, their parents supplement the small remainder, while Musa is 100% self sponsored from aforementioned widower’s trust fund they got after Maylin’s passing.
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fmdjoosungarchive · 3 years
restructuring task 1
+5 tracker points
1. assuming your muse has changed in some way, be it internally or as a result of a change of the external factors around them, how is your muse different? these can be as small as an opinion on a song they hadn’t released previously or as big as a major change in their background.
wc: 365
idk if i’ve said this on dash yet, but i’m treating new famed more or less like an au. in sung’s au, the defining change is that he was let go from gold star when he had his injury as a trainee. it was always my headcanon that they truly were close to cutting him loose anyway, so this is just the other side of that. he had his injury, got plastic surgery to try to appease them into keeping him, and they still let him go. when he went home his parents said alright u tried that now join the fam business n sung freaked bc he realized he doesnt want that for himself so he went to do smth he also hated, and joined the military. while there he still worked on his dance and vocals whenever he had a moment to do so, so that when he was discharged and started auditioning again, he wasn’t so rusty
he is a year younger in this world, just bc of quantum’s age range, not for any other reason. makes him a little less of a cradle robber in his relationship lol which, another change is that daisuke wouldn’t have been his first kiss, just first everything else
quantum is very different from old element and new element, but it’s very in line with what i liked about quicksilver (& has models from that) and he’s a leader! this is an idea ive toyed with a lot over the last three years tbh. at first i didn’t think sung suited a leader position, but he came to show me he’s just a different kind of leader. i liken him to jinki often in this regard. rather than lassoing members in, he supports them being however they are, and takes an intimate/emotional path to gaining their trust and leading them. and while he wasn’t suited for the full business life, what he learned from his father’s teachings helps him in dealing with the company as the group’s representative there (& he loves a good powerpoint presentation)
other timeline stuff for big events in his life are likely to shift but i’m not sure on specifics yet
2. what does your muse think of their company and their group?
wc: 260
as the child of a businessman, he’s never under the illusion that as a company entity, their first priority is their wellbeing. he knows that they are products, and that they’re treated as such. it’s a bit heavier with dimensions than gold star, since gold star makes a more active effort to pretend they care. however, once having accepted that, sung thinks himself and dimensions work well together. he does feel that for a company, they allow himself and his members to be a part of the creative process, as says their motto. he feels much more encouraged to write songs and choreograph under dimensions than he did under gold star, where it felt like he was constantly on his knees begging for the company to take him seriously
as for quantum, sung really loves what they’re about. he’s not a big fan of all (or most) of their songs, though he’s more loving towards a song written by another member even if it’s the same sound he dislikes, but he absolutely loves being focused on performance and concepts. his creative mind works very much on the basis of story and emotion that comes with it, and he feels like quantum’s concepts sometimes to often lean into his tastes. he’s always been a dancer first and foremost (god am i so glad to have his main dancer title back i MISSED u) so focusing on performance is v much up his alley, and his preferred style of dance is through storytelling. he feels the heart of dance is in that
3. is your muse on their first contract or their second? if they’ve renewed, what were their feelings around that at the time and what were their hopes for their second contract? if they haven’t renewed, what are their current thoughts on the end of their eventual first contract?
wc: 281
quantum’s on their first contract still, up for renewal in 2024. at the current moment, he would like to re-sign. however, unlike my others, his re-signing depends more heavily on the other members. if they were unhappy and wanted to leave, sung would want to follow suit, not because he can’t make his own decisions, but because if the reason the members want to leave is because of the company, not quantum, he’d want to try to help quantum continue to live. if that means all of the members leaving in order to rebrand under another company, so be it. he’d like to avoid lineup changes however he can, and ideally would like to be an idol for as long as possible
he himself feels alright about his treatment. he feels creatively stimulated, and appreciated for talents further than his face. if he were to try to negotiate different terms at their contract renewal, part of it would likely be wanting to give members a higher share of profits, especially on releases they’re creatively involved in. sung personally has no use for excessive money, but not all of his members have his background, and he feels more than just the money, it’s what’s fair. he’d also prefer to allow for more creative freedom. as a 7/8 year group by then, he’d think they should be allowed to take the reigns more heavily. and on his personal side of things, he would want dimensions to be more mindful of his schedule. sung enjoys working, but he’s only one person, who doesn’t want to be overworked. these are all just his current thoughts, though, and will probably change before contract renewal comes up
4. what are your muse’s goals and motivations?
wc: 294
his motivations to be ‘successful’ and/or achieve his goals are his family, namely being someone his nephew and niece can be proud of, and someone his parents can feel was worth letting go of. he feels closer to the latter than he did in old famed. his members motivate him to be a good leader, his desire to grow as a creator motivates him to write and choreograph
specific goals could be bigger like his desire for more public recognition. while quantum has a lot more recognition both in korea and abroad than element or quicksilver, sung wants the best for his group. he’d be happy if they stayed where they are with their loyal fandom, but he still aims for more
sung also wants to get better at standing up for himself. he’s best at standing up for others, because he can slap on a bit of bravado in order to help them out, but when it comes to himself, especially with his parents, he’s pretty awful at it
he’d also like to create more for quantum, and others. i/he have a goal for him to write a whole album for someone, so if anyone reads this far and could want sung writing for their muse, hit me up!
he’d like to get married and have children one day. that’s always been a dream of his, and while he knows his career doesn’t allow for that soon, it’s still on his docket
he wants to spend more time with his family, especially his nephew and niece. they’re so new to the world and learning everything, and sung wants to be a part of that. he doesnt want his part in their early lives to be ‘i don’t really remember seeing him back then’
5. what is one conflict, internal or external, that your muse is currently dealing with, has recently dealt with, or will need to deal with in the future?
wc: 291
at some point, this bitch is gonna have to admit he’s a homiesexual. in his previous version, it was a lot easier for him to ‘i pretend i do not see it’ when it came to that. sung’s very ignorant when it comes to the queer community in korea, so he’s not even really aware of terms beyond gay, maybe trans. but, terms aside, he always thought he was someone who liked women, and daisuke and a couple of others were just outliers. they were the Special ones outside of his jurisdiction that were just too good for him to not notice. aka he believed he was bi. and now, he still does, but i have less faith he’ll be able to hold that up until he dies like i did before, because he’s actually dated at least one woman before in this world. considering the plot has yet to be picked up, i don’t know the specifics, but i do think it’s harder to run away from when the way he treated a relationship with a woman and a relationship with a man were lightyears away from one another. it’s still possible for him to run away from the truth of the situation, but it’s also very possible that one day, his thoughts on it will shake, and everything will click into place (messily,, probably the messiest clicking ever) it would be a difficult thing for him to come to terms with, though i think it’s better for him in the longterm to truly know who he is, and why he acts the way he does, why he feels the way he does about women vs men. it’s also nice just to not live a lie, even if only privately
6. if your muse has established career claims, what are their thoughts on their career so far? if they do not, how do they feel about not having individual activities yet? what would they like to do in the future, if anything? if they don’t have ambitions for individual activities, explain why.
wc: 523
sung has a pretty filled history of individual activities. most are points claims with a focus on modelling, his radio, and music, though he’s dipped into pretty much ever facet of idoldom, some with more success than others. his ecp expenditures flesh that out a little more, and add a bit more realism, and/or make sense of the group changes. he had a one year modelling contract with the north face, and while official claims aren’t possible, i was inspired by a couple of things rowoon did with them. there was more of a push on an eco-friendly side of things, and there was a bit of dancing. playing into his group position with dancing i feel is fitting, but the eco friendly part i also feel could round out his image more as a good, kind boy who also can be sexy, whereas before, his earlier modelling claims focused a lot more on the sexy aspect, because it fit element and his trajectory there better. here, it makes him more dual sided from the beginning. north face is also just a nice, strong brand that i think is fitting for a pretty boi. i set it a bit after a year out from debut because i feel like that’s the most realistic, especially for a group like quantum that grew audience with each comeback
part of that first year being focusing only on the group ties into his creative claims as well! his first creative claim was with the bside love, lalala on the eternity ep. the nicest part of creative claims being unattached to positions is that all of sung’s claims are the songs in the discography most Him. so love lalala is very jazzy and smooth, and would have served as his first introduction to songwriting, as well as what made him interested in songwriting. then he was a choreographer on error, which is heavily story based, and about the members being a unit, and making beautiful pictures together. i hope to snag intro long journey and outro long journey from the beginning and end of the ateez sector, because they’re beautiful compositions that fit sung’s style, but also having him on both makes him feel like he’s a part of the concept’s creation in an intimate way, which fits with dms. then there’s aurora, which sung partially composed and partially choreographed. the choreography has contemporary flair to it, and the song is a flowing sound that matches that. then there’s partial production on sunrise, which i just love the robotic ass experimental production there, and comp for with u, which i believe ties back into sung’s rediscovering his love of piano. choreo for valkyrie is most similar to error in it’s pretty pictures way, and also has a bit of complex footwork, especially as its point dance, which is also p sung to want to include. and finally, some comp on stand by, which is like a mix of the appeal of aurora and with u methinks? listening to all of his written songs together i feel like really makes a picture of sung’s songwriting so i love that
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story, Chapter 5, daily life (Part 4)
Note of the author: I had a stroke writing this and you will have a stroke reading this. Sincerely: me.
Chapter 5: An oath to one’s lost humanity - Daily life
"It hurts."
"It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts."
"It... It hurts..."
"It hurts... It hurts so much..."
Day 20 since the beginning of the game.
8:00 AM.
The morning announcement rang as usual. Shuichi slowly woke up.
Tomorrow could be the end of humanity itself or the end of the killing game. There weren't any other fates awaiting for them.
Hopefully, they would manage to get through the exisal hangar and destroy them.
Kaito's idea may be completely crazy, but that type of madness is what they need right now.
The others were probably waiting for him, so he got dressed up and immediately left to go to the dining hall.
He didn't encounter anyone on his way, though.
Once he entered, he noticed Kirumi was already there with Miu.
"Hello there." Kirumi greeted him.
Shuichi took a seat next to her. "Have you two slept well?"
Miu scoffed. "I slept like someone who's fate is decided tomorrow. But thank you for asking."
It's not like they could have anything else on their minds.
The three started eating in silence.
Kaito and Kokichi came in soon after.
Of course, Rantaro and Ryoma were still in their own labs.
Once they were done, Kirumi left to get Rantaro since Ryoma wouldn't leave his lab until tomorrow.
The medic didn't seem to get better. His empty eyes held the same heaviness for the past three days. The only thing that changed was how good he was at composing himself in front of them- an ability that seemed to worsen over the days, but that no one commented due to how he would potentially react.
"So? Did Ryoma finish the weapons?" Kaito asked.
"He said he'll be done by the end of the morning. After we eat lunch, I'll get the weapons and you guys will be able to enter the hangar." he replied.
After lunch... It was fine. They would have enough time. And besides, he could prepare himself mentally for this operation.
"Hold on, you're not coming?" Miu asked.
He shook his head. "Nah. There are still things I need to do. Besides I don't think all of us going will be useful. Can I leave this to you guys?"
"Don't worry, we'll take care of these, no sweat!" Miu gave him a thumbs-up.
Rantaro had a point. There were only five exisals. Six of them going would be a waste of time.
"What do we do in the meantime?" Kokichi glanced at the others.
"Well, we can still train, right?" Miu suggested. "It can be useful for later!"
"While on the subject of training..." Kirumi mildly raised a hand. "It has come to my attention that someone here might need more than just training."
Shuichi felt her eyes on him.
"I will take Shuichi with me for this morning if none of you are against the idea."
He swallowed.
The others didn't comply, to his dismay. He glanced at Kaito whose eyes simply said: "Good luck."
Training with Kirumi was probably going to be the most painful experience yet.
The group separated, Rantaro still going to do... 'His own business' as he puts it in his lab and the rest of them left to do their own training.
He followed Kirumi to Tenko's lab. He didn't even want to know what she was going to do to him.
Unless... She had ulterior motives?
Once inside, Kirumi closed the door.
Shuichi turned to her.
"Now that we are alone, we can finally talk in peace."
He let out a sigh of relief.
"We are not going to be able to talk to Ryoma until the time limit. That's going to be very problematic."
Should he talk about how he found Rantaro yesterday? At the same time, this looked like a really personal matter, but Kirumi was the only one he could talk to about the situation.
"We're going to have to proceed differently. Forcing him wouldn't help, I know that, but when I went to get him, he was asleep on his desk. And I mean 'collapsed' asleep." she explained.
"Huh? What was he even doing in his lab?"
She narrowed her eyes. "Beats me. There were different products on the table. Different types of painkillers, from weak to very strong ones."
He hummed. "Were all the bottles opened?"
"I did not make a thorough inspection, but overall most of them were opened at some point, I think."
Shuichi thought back at what could possibly have happened in the lab. And more importantly, the syringe he managed to get a glimpse of. Did it have anything to do with it?
After a moment of silence, Kirumi sighed, rubbing her eyes. "This guy really is giving me a headache."
He couldn't disagree. At least with Kokichi, they knew what was wrong and now know how to avoid problems when it comes to his trauma, but they didn't even know what was up with Rantaro since he refused to talk to anyone other than presumably Ryoma. And the latter didn't talk to anyone else either.
"So... What do we do?" he asked.
She thought for a moment. "... You have Kiyo's notebook, correct?"
His eyes widened. Of course!
"Y-Yes, hold on..."
He rummaged through his pocket and took out the small, dark blue notebook of the now-deceased therapist.
"Kiyo trusted you with this notebook. Not me. It's for you to make a decision whether you tell me what it says about Rantaro or not."
She was right... He did judge Kirumi trustworthy enough, but he still hid things from her.
"... I think I'll judge after I read it."
She closed her eyes. "Understood."
The mercenary looked back at him. "For now we should keep a very close eye on him. Even more than ever."
"Do you think we should go to his lab?"
She slightly shook her head. "I will go alone. For efficiency purposes."
"Wait!" he exclaimed. "What will we tell the others?"
After a short silence, she made a quick movement under her skirt and took out her monopad, before putting it on the ground.
"You will stay here to read the notebook while I try to check on him. I will not be gone for long, but if the others do end up getting here before I come back, just tell them I had to get something in my room."
He nodded. "U-Understood."
But before she left, he muttered some words.
"... I didn't know you would care so much about him."
She stopped in her tracks.
There was a moment of silence. Had he said anything wrong?
"If that is how you see it. I simply feel like we should make sure he doesn't end up hurting himself."
The mercenary closed the door behind her.
... Kirumi was also a mystery, in some way. While Rantaro helped from the light, she was helping from the shadows.
Even if she hadn't gained the trust of everyone -even sometimes hated for her talent-, she was the only one aside from him to see through Rantaro's decomposing cover and willing to investigate.
His eyes stayed fixated on the door for a while.
Perhaps he should start reading the therapist's notes.
How was that thing even organized?
There were several bookmarks of different colors. Some were folded, some were not.
He opened the first page.
Angie Yonaga - Ultimate craftswoman
Upon a quick glance, he realized everyone was listed in alphabetical order. As for the bookmarks, he tried to see why some were folded, but he quickly put two and two together when he realized only eight of them were not folded.
To read them all would be useless at this point. He turned the pages when he stumbled upon Kirumi's.
What had the therapist deduced about her? Perhaps it could have answers to some of his questions.
He shook his head. The mercenary had left to check on the medic, and his role was to read about him.
Perhaps he still could try to look after reading his part.
He turned the pages to find the green, unfolded bookmark.
Rantaro Amami - Ultimate war medic
He took a deep breath and started reading.
Day 1 report.
Like for everyone else, I am using this notebook to keep track of everyone's behavior, and possibly help them adapt to this environment.
I did not have time to talk much to Rantaro, but he is of the people who stood out the most to me. He seems to already want to take the lead- in a good way. I can sense he has the instinct to do so. He says he is a war medic, I wonder if he was the chief of a crew or if it's just in him to lead people in dangerous situations. Both are plausible, but I shall study him more to see what enabled this behavior.
I do wonder if he has any sort of trauma linked to war, though.
Shuichi almost forgot there was a time Rantaro was the true 'leader' of the group. It felt like an eternity since then. So many things happened from the moment they were captured to now. Half of them have died already and there was a possibility the rest of them would die tomorrow, killing off the last glimmer of hope for humanity.
But the last sentence of the paragraph made him wince. It reminded him of how innocent he seemed back then- before almost killing him.
If Kiyo had a feeling on the first day, then surely he would have gotten more info about it over the days.
Day 6 report.
Rantaro is once again taking the lead by making us watch all of our motive videos to gain our memories back. I thought he was going to get us not to watch the videos, but I was proven wrong. He is more of a strategist than I thought. I do wonder if he has any other tricks up his sleeves to face Monokuma or not. He seems to already know someone is going to kill.
This afternoon only confirmed it to me. He seemed extremely forgiving of Miu's murder attempt, although I could also see a hint of uncertainty. Which is normal when you almost died. I hope he manages to play his cards well.
I cannot help but wonder if this side of him is genuine care for her or 'white manipulation' if you could call it that way. He doesn't seem to have any ill intentions, but if Miu learned she was being manipulated (even for a good cause), she would react very badly, I'm certain of it.
For now, I will stay silent, as I do not know his intentions completely, and to throw accusations would destroy the work he has started.
But if Rantaro is indeed able to manipulate people into acting according to his plans, I can't help but worry about what he could possibly do in the future.
I do hope he will not have to do this again, even though that is necessary, to an extent.
"White manipulation...?" Shuichi muttered.
He did notice how well Rantaro could act. Now he wonders if back then he had only done this to make her side with them.
He does feel bad though, to know that there was a possibility Rantaro was only taking advantage of Miu's feelings for him, completely disregarding the love and respect she had for him.
Shuichi really did hope there was at least a glimpse of sincerity in his words.
But right now, manipulating them? He indeed wanted everyone to act according to his plan to stop Monokuma, but now he wasn't so sure if there were any other intentions behind it or not. Rantaro never attempted murder... if he didn't count 'that' time. He saw it for himself: He was the most useful in the trials, always pointing out details on either the autopsy and major clues to continue.
Right now he was alone in his lab -with possibly Kirumi-, Ryoma was in his own lab and the others were training. But... that was necessary if they wanted to stand a chance against Monokuma.
... Perhaps he should continue reading.
Day 8 report.
Both Kaede and Maki are dead, but the trial let me see strange facets of some of them. Especially Rantaro.
He looks so dedicated to his job, I don't think I've ever seen such loyalty before. As Tsumugi was pushing him over and over again in the hope of getting info out of him, he felt insulted at the theory he would betray us. The emotion he put through his speech- that was genuine. A genuine pride and honor tied to his title as the ultimate war medic. He even insisted he would rather die than betray us.
While I am rather glad someone seemed genuine in his words of never committing treason, it stills makes me feel... Uneasy. I did feel chills hearing that last sentence.
“And I would rather die than to betray this loyalty I swore to myself.”
Those are definitely not the words of a normal person. I can tell he has gone through a lot as a soldier, but then again he never seemed to show any explicit signs of trauma.
I feel like I can trust him. He seems reliable enough as well as a very intelligent person who was a great help during those two trials. And while I do hope we are not going to get a third trial, I am pretty sure he would be just as useful if that happens.
While some of his methods are a bit unorthodox, they do end up being efficient in the end. To entrust Ryoma with his lab key so he wouldn't be able to be pinned for a crime was a smart move. I do hope no one gets the wrong idea with him, though.
As for hiding Miu's murder attempt... He managed to be extremely rational and not let his emotions take the better of him. He could have told everyone about it but preferred to gain her trust instead. Although as I said a few days ago, I do not know for sure if this is about genuine care or manipulation.
Miu did try to kill for her son but backed down because she was unable to actually do it. I think Rantaro sensed her will to fight and is trying to turn it against Monokuma. That's what we are all supposed to do but are too afraid to act because of the consequences. He is trying to redirect us to the path he judges right.
Overall I do not see him as our enemy, but rather as one of the people I trust the most, for now. I hope I will not get proven wrong over time.
'Unorthodox methods' was an understatement.
Shuichi was ready to tell the others about what Miu did, but Rantaro had immediately decided not to. Any normal person would lock her and make sure she couldn't harm anyone else, but he decided to give her a chance, and he was right to do so. That was a huge gamble that paid off in the end.
And to enable their will to fight, not against each other but against Monokuma... That was what he called white manipulation.
He thought about the time he and Kaito had gone to his lab during the third investigation. When they learned Rantaro had kept the lethal aspect of his products a secret. It was like he had managed to plan everything in advance extremely quickly.
Shuichi supposed it's his own talent that granted him this sense of organization.
But Kiyo explicitly said he never showed any worrying signs... Which didn't help in the slightest.
Day 10 report.
Rantaro has volunteered to take care of the ones touched by the despair disease. It is a noble gesture, and a part of me knew that was going to be the case.
Right now there are no more 'leaders' since he will not be with us to limit the risks of contamination. He even asked Himiko not to stay here too much. And while I cannot talk to him face to face, his words still feel genuine.
As a war medic, he should know better than us about this type of situation, so in the meantime, I shall help those who have trouble coping with the killing game.
He looks trained enough to do his job and I trust him for this. For now, I should focus on those I can talk to.
Nothing much to learn here...
Kiyo doesn't seem to doubt Rantaro, but he does not give any sort of information that would help him.
Day 12 report.
Rantaro started giving me mixed feelings. I feel like half of what he says is genuine, and the other half feels... Not exactly wrong, but forced. Like he is forcing himself to act in certain ways. To do certain actions.
Himiko, Keebo and Angie died today. I'm still having a hard time processing it all. But right now I am focusing on things I noticed in Rantaro's attitude.
When most of the group separated to investigate, I stayed with both Ryoma and Rantaro to guard the corpse. Right after everyone left, Rantaro probably became the most expressive I've ever seen him. He was truly mad at Himiko's death, and that was genuine. A feeling of guilt I also sensed after the others' death, but Himiko was the one to stand out the most, and I am sure it is because of her cause of death.
When he found out later the most important parts of Angie's plan were made thanks to his lab, plus the fact she tried to pin the crime on him must have accentuated his guilt. He was trying to hide it so he could solve the trial, but it was there.
The rage against Monokuma when he declared Angie had the bloodlust disease is completely genuine as well, I do not doubt it for one second.
However, when he grabbed Monodam to make him face Himiko's mangled body, he was clearly forcing himself. Was he trying to prove a point to the robots? To encourage us to fight? Or is it something else entirely? I could tell he knew that was not a good idea and that he had the emotional capacity not to snap. He did it with rationality and I cannot tell why he took such risks.
I want to believe in him, but this is starting to worry me. I should try to keep an eye on him.
He is.. pretending? But for what?
What would he even prove to Monokuma by threatening his cub? The bears had much more power than him at the time. Taking risks without any reason behind it was not like Rantaro at all. Was Kiyo wrong?
At least it's more than he ever learned. But still, he knew Rantaro was hiding things, but to fake irrationality... Why? He knew showing signs of weakness could cause the others to lose hope, so why do it on purpose when everything he has done up until now is trying to get them to fight Monokuma?
Or was it like the second theory- to encourage them to fight?
Shuichi had no idea what the medic was thinking, although that was not new.
He should read more.
Day 14 report.
Once again Rantaro took the lead for the 4th motive.
It's not that I mind, but we will have to stay separate for the most part, and Rantaro seems to want to stay with Ryoma for the time being. The two seem close, now that I think about it. And both often give their inputs in the trials, although Ryoma is a bit more silent. I suppose their experiences as soldiers must have made them closer than with anyone else. I do hope I am not wrong by making this assumption.
Although there is something that worries me. Ever since Himiko died, Rantaro seems more on edge. My guess is that since her death was more brutal than the executions themselves added to the fact that he was drugged the time this crime was committed, he must think he could have done better and even save her had he been less 'careless'. I do not know if he knows that it is not his fault, unfortunately. I can only hope. If someone had asked me a few days ago, I would have said with no hesitation that he knew that. But now I'm not so sure anymore.
He may have faked his reaction back in the shrine of judgment, but if more actions end up feeling genuine, I might have to step in.
Himiko's death had shocked everyone, not just Kokichi. Even though the boy was the most mournful, they all deeply missed the astronomer.
Her death changed them all in some way. Miu became way more motherly, Kiyo acted on his own because he judged he was the one to blame for this, Kokichi was torn apart because his disease was the reason she died, and now Shuichi learns that Rantaro was actually feeling the exact same guilt as everyone else.
But finally, he was getting a glimpse of what was wrong- something related to his past on the battlefield and the guilt he is holding.
Surely Kiyo would have...
... He didn't have time to get any more information, did he?
This note was written one day before his plan to stop the supposed mastermind. He didn't have time to write more.
However, there was one last note, hastily scribbled on the last page. It looked like Kiyo was in a rush when writing it.
This is the final note I shall write. Everything has gone wrong, and Shuichi, since you are probably the one reading this, I am sorry for lying to you all. I am sorry for betraying you and I shouldn't have made this disastrous plan in the first place, but I need to write this.
It's not that I'm distrusting Rantaro, but something is deeply wrong. Something I don't have an explanation for, and of course I cannot ask him because I have to pretend to investigate with you all.
But the way he was standing, the heaviness in his eyes, the way he reacted to Tsumugi's death, this intense guilt in his expression... It's not something I've ever seen before from him. He always had a comforting smile and a genuine will to help. But now it's different. It's like he completely shut down, only leaving an empty shell deprived of reason.
But that doesn't make any kind of sense. He didn't show even a single sign of trauma up until very recently. Not a single time. I've noticed his actions started feeling off during the motive and brushed it off because I was focusing on the mastermind, but there was a hint of hesitation, of uncertainty that was never present in him. But now that Tsumugi is dead, he has been showing those signs of trauma -whether it is indeed PTSD or something worse- more than ever.
I fail to see the meaning of this, but that may be because I didn't have time to talk to him at all. He might have just completely snapped all at once. It's very rare to be able to swallow all the pain that well, but if we keep in mind his early life, that actually might not be that much of a stretch.
Anyway, I know this is going to be hard considering he is not the type to let himself crumble -besides the eventual faking-, but I need you guys to keep an eye on him and possibly help him with this. He is the one who will need it the most.
I will not be here to help you and I don't have the time to write methods on how to deal with PTSD, and I do not know how to deal with war trauma of all things. Added to the fact I didn't get to witness it much, all I can say is good luck. I know you can help with patience and perseverance.
I have faith in you all.
A note before the trial. The last thoughts of the therapist about them. But...
What did this even mean?
Somehow he could understand the 'shut down' part due to what he witnessed these last few days... But he could not even apprehend anything else on this note.
"He showed subtle signs and then... broke d-
The door opened, startling him. He instinctively closed the notebook, letting out a high-pitched noise. "Ah!-"
Kirumi stared at him for a moment. "... I'm back."
"I-I can see that."
She approached him. "So? Anything new?"
Shuichi looked back at the notebook for a moment. "He... never mentions any sort of trauma. Only that it seemed... sudden."
The mercenary raised an eyebrow. "Sudden...?"
"He said he only showed very subtle signs of trauma but never mentioned anything else about it. Only that he seemed to have snapped when Tsumugi died."
She pondered for a moment. "... Which does not help us apprehend the situation at all."
"He only mentioned PTSD or 'maybe worse', but he never got to talk to Rantaro about it."
"Rantaro stayed with the ill ones during the third motive, and we had to stay separated during the fourth motive. So I can understand that part."
Shuichi stared at the notebook for a moment. "Was the mastermind... trying to do that?"
She looked back at him, frowning. "What do you mean?"
"Trying to separate Rantaro from Kiyo- the therapist. Rantaro is one of the smartest ones here... Were they trying to make sure those two couldn't talk?"
She narrowed her eyes. "I am starting to think this is a possibility."
"They have managed to manipulate Kiyo, I wouldn't be surprised if they took Rantaro's trauma at their advantage. To exploit the weaknesses of the ones causing them the most trouble."
He winced at the thought. "Which means we'll have to keep an eye on him at all times... If he lets us."
"Which I doubt he will. You should know Rantaro by now as well as I do."
He could only agree.
"Wait, how did it go? Did you... talk to him?"
She went silent for a moment. "I did confront him, yes."
He felt his heart skip a beat. "S-So...?"
"He refuses to say anything. I did try to ask him to join us in our training and at least be with someone, but he snapped at me saying he already trains alone, and has the medicine to prepare. I couldn't get a single thing out of him."
There was a long silence.
"Should we... train anyway?"
"Sure. What I do is more of an aiming exercise than something physical. A technical exercise, if you will."
At least he wouldn't get exhausted this time.
Kirumi first gave him a simple exercise with the target and the darts from Kokichi's lab, which at first didn't sound too bad. That is, until they changed the difficulty from 'peaceful' to 'throwing knives at a moving target.' At least his aim at the end of the training was decent.
Finally, Kokichi went to get them for lunch.
After that, Rantaro would get the weapons and they would finally make their way to the exisal hangar.
Hopefully, his plan would work.
They reunited, but lunch was pretty silent as they didn't have much to say.
After eating, they stood up.
"So? What about those weapons?" Kaito asked.
"I will go to Ryoma's lab. You guys can still train in the meantime if you want." the medic replied.
Did that mean it was going to take longer than expected?
Either way, Rantaro was already on his way.
"So... What do we do now?" Kokichi looked at the others.
"I guess we're back on preparing ourselves." Kaito shrugged. "Not like we have much to do."
"Then how about we go to the warehouse? There are still the dumbells here!" Miu suggested. "And you will have to train your strength one day or another!" she pointed at Kokichi.
They made their way here. But as soon as Miu started going through the boxes, the lights suddenly turned off.
They stood there for a moment. The sun still shone through the windows, but the additional lights were gone.
"Weird... Aren't they always turned on?" Kaito raised an eyebrow.
"That is strange. None of us pressed a switch or anything similar." Kirumi noted.
"I'm guessing the power went out..." Shuichi noted. "But it never happened in the academy, did it?"
Kaito shook his head. "Nope. Not even once."
"Well, I guess there's a first time for everything." Miu shrugged. "Should we go outside instead?"
They didn't have many solutions. It was still too dark to do proper training.
The group made their way outside. Since Rantaro would soon come with the weapons, they decided to do simple exercises outside.
Shuichi was still anxious about this. Sure, he knew a way to open the hangar, but would the weapons work? Surely, Monokuma would try to do something, right?
Who knows.
Around fifteen minutes, later, Kaito broke the silence. "What's taking him so long? I know Ryoma's lab is on the fifth floor but still."
"Agreed..." Shuichi muttered.
"Should we go and see what happened? Maybe the blackout did something." Miu suggested.
"No need for it. He's right here." Kirumi said, head turned towards the main door where Rantaro just appeared.
He had a backpack that Shuichi assumed to be full.
He approached the group, put the bag on the ground, and opened it.
"Those are the weapons we used for the tunnels and new ones. There are now grenades in there that are powerful enough to do heavy damage, so be careful keeping a safe distance when activating them. You guys should be able to disable the exisals with that." Rantaro explained.
Grenades powerful enough to destroy exisals?
That was definitely not what he had in mind, but... Perhaps they could change their plans, if Kaito accepts giving up on his dream to pilot the exisals.
"So you are still not coming with us?" Kirumi asked.
The medic thought for a moment.
"... Perhaps it should be better if I go with you guys indeed."
Rantaro didn't say anything as he distributed the weapons to everyone. The grenades looked very small compared to the damage they are supposed to do. They were about the size of a tennis ball, with Ryoma's sigil printed on them. They were a bit heavier than what Shuichi expected an item of this size to be, but it wasn't too bothering.
"Shuichi, I really do hope your method will work." Kaito said.
"Even if it doesn't, I'm pretty sure these will be enough to destroy the door." Rantaro eyed him.
He did hope this would work indeed. Not that he disliked the bombs, but it still worried him.
They made their way to the exisal hangar.
Shuichi noticed the lights were still on, which meant the blackout hadn't touched the hangar.
"That's weird... I thought the blackout happened in the entire academy." he noted.
"Yeah, that's right! Is it because it only touched the main building or something?" Miu added.
"Strange. Rantaro, did you also get it on the fifth floor?" Kirumi asked.
"I did experience it. Fortunately, there were emergency lights in Ryoma's lab. He said he'll work a way to create a sustainable light source in case this ends up being a long term problem."
Shuichi wondered if all the labs had those. Probably, but he would have to check sometime.
This made him worry about the state of the academy. Perhaps throwing bombs around and using hacking guns could do serious damage, and without electricity and thus heating, refrigerators, and many other essential elements in the academy. they were better off dead.
At last, they reached the shutter.
"So? Will you finally tell us your technique?" Kaito asked again.
Shuichi nervously approached the pad where he had to type the password.
"... Kokichi, could you come here for a second?"
"Um... Sure..."
The smaller boy placed himself next to him. "What... do you want me to do?"
"Nothing. Let me just..." He placed a hand on the keys, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes.
He could sense the others silently wondering what he was up to.
"... Actually no. Miu, can you come here too, please?"
She raised an eyebrow. "O...kay? What's the big deal?"
"I want you to press keys at random until I say stop."
They all looked at him with dumbfounded eyes -except Rantaro, who somehow already knew what the plan was-.
"What the fuck?! That's your plan?" Miu exclaimed.
"There's one in a trillion of a trillion chance she'll get it right! Did you seriously think this would work?!" Kaito added.
"No, it can work."
Everyone turned to Rantaro.
"There is a chance it can work. Right Kokichi?"
The smaller boy jumped. "Y-Yes... I think she can do it."
"If karma is fully on her side, then I think she can get this one in a billion chances."
Her eyes widened and turned to the violinist. "You planned to use karma for this??"
He nodded. "That's why I'm asking you to type the code. You out of all of us are the most likely to succeed."
The street artist felt the gazes of her friends on her.
"I... I'll try."
She placed her hands on the pad. "So... I just type random numbers?"
"Yes, don't think while you type. And stop the exact moment I tell you to."
She paused in front of the pad. Shuichi closed his eyes to focus.
Miu closed hers as well and started typing, the beeping echoing through the room.
The intervals between the noises were short, but keeping track of them wasn't much of a problem.
beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep-
Miu instinctively took her hands off. "Is it good?"
Shuichi swallowed. "I think we can press enter."
He was very nervous. He really hoped this would work.
A loading logo appeared on the pad, everyone staring at the machine with anxiousness.
Password correct!
Shuichi's eyes widened. "It... worked?"
Miu laughed and started ruffling his hair. "It worked! Shuichi, you're a genius!"
"I-I guess? Thank you?"
"And thanks for the karma, Kokichi! We couldn't have done it without you!"
He weakly smiled. "T-Thanks, Miu."
Kaito cracked his knuckles. "Alright! Now that this thing's open we can get in!"
"We shouldn't let our guard down. We don't know if Monokuma is ready to stop us or not." Kirumi advised.
"Agreed." Rantaro added.
They proceeded with caution as the door opened for them.
They slowly entered the hangar, checking every side to see if the bear was here to stop them.
... But nobody came.
"So." Rantaro approached the first exisal with his hacking gun, pointing it at the machine. "If the gun works, the exisal opens."
Kokichi looked unsure. "And... What if it doesn't?"
The medic shot a quick glance at him.
"... Then we're blowing this place up."
Shuichi felt his heart skip a beat. When he had requested weapons to Ryoma... This isn't what he had in mind in the slightest.
"H-Hold on! Ain't that a tad too dangerous?" Kaito exclaimed.
"Well, do you have any other plans?"
The biker went silent. "N-No..."
"If they don't open with the guns, we have no choice but to destroy them."
He took the grenade to look at it. "Ryoma made these specifically to destroy them. He is the ultimate weapons maker, I'm pretty sure those bombs are more than enough."
Shuichi was still worried. If Ryoma's bombs were as powerful as he just said, weren't there risks they would hurt or even kill themselves?
He could only hope the guns would work.
Rantaro pointed the gun at the blue exisal and shot it five times.
But it didn't move.
"Perhaps we should check if we can open it." Kirumi suggested.
She approached the engine and tried to move it...
... Without success.
"S-So the guns don't work?" Miu asked, already knowing what's coming.
"Nope. That means the system to open them isn't electric, but mechanical. We can't do anything with the guns." Rantaro noted.
Kirumi crossed her arms. "I had inspected them several times the day we discovered the hangar. They don't have an opening mechanism that can be used by hand."
"Then... We have to destroy the exisals?" Shuichi looked at the two.
"... We don't have a choice."
He didn't expect Miu to say that.
"We have a way to put an end to this, so let's blow these up!"
"Are you sure about this?" Kaito turned to her.
She nodded. "If you want to, you can wait for us outside. Just give your bomb and we'll take care of it!"
Since Kaito couldn't run, to escape the explosion would be hard. Perhaps he should indeed distance himself so he wouldn't have to risk his life.
The biker gave his bomb to Miu and left.
"See you soon, good luck!" He waved at Miu, who waved back. "Gotcha!"
Everyone had their bombs in hand.
"You pull the grip, throw next to the exisals and run away as fast as you can. Ryoma told me we have ten seconds to run before they explode. Which should give us enough time to distance ourselves from the explosion. Got it?"
Shuichi nodded.
He held firmly the grenade.
Hand on the trigger, hoping this would go well.
He was about to pull the grip, but-
A familiar robotic voice was heard from behind them.
A voice they all hated.
They all turned around to see Monokuma had made his apparition.
"My, my! That was quite the elaborated plan! I'm sad you guys don't put that much effort into killing! To use Kokichi's karma to open the door, then grenades to destroy the exisals? I didn't think you would go that far!"
... Well. Shit.
Of course, Monokuma would barge in at some point. It was about time he did something to annoy them.
"However, that would be very unfortunate for me if you guys end up destroying my precious exisals!"
Rantaro glared at him. "You just had to ruin our plans, didn't you? I was surprised you didn't show up sooner."
"I wouldn't call it 'ruining your plans'. You see, I call it 'Killing game management'!"
Kirumi rolled her eyes. "So? Stop beating around the bush and tell us what you're planning to do."
He groaned. "Impatient, aren't we? Let me at least make things enjoyable for our audience!"
Kaito looked at him with a deadpanned expression. "Stop fucking around, you stupid dramatic theater kid. No one is watching and no one cares."
"Fine! Fine! I simply added an additional rule for our lovely stay at the academy! Make sure to keep it in mind!~"
Shuichi took out his monopad that just vibrated and turned it on to see the new rule.
#17: Any person damaging the headmaster's personal property (Exisals, kids) will be faced with punishment.
"Oh, come on!" Miu yelled. "Couldn't you tell us sooner?!"
"Puhuhu! Why would I? It was fascinating to watch all of you prepare this meticulous plan, and to almost destroy my precious exisals! By the way..."
The bear took out a set of keys he span around his paw. Four keys, each marked with a color- blue, red, pink, and yellow.
"Those exisals can only be opened by my precious cubs! I would never -ever- give you guys the keys!"
If the cubs had the keys and Monokuma took them back after their deaths, then only Monodam had his key left.
Although that didn't mean he would help them.
"Now, shoo! You wouldn't want to be executed for such an idiotic mistake!"
Shuichi was mad. But he had to restrain himself. He glanced at the others.
They didn't have a choice but to leave, no matter how much they wanted to complete their plan.
The group slowly walked out, disappointed by the outcome of this mission.
They had to go back to the original plan, to fight the exisals once the time limit comes.
Miu explained to Kaito what happened back there, the latter also mad at Monokuma.
"So... What do we do now?" Kokichi asked.
"We'll stick to what we planned to do. You guys continue your training, I'll bring back the bombs to Ryoma."
Shuichi didn't expect anything else.
He thought about the notebook. Should he make an excuse to read more of it? Perhaps he could try to understand better what Kiyo was trying to say, and he was also curious about Kirumi.
But at the same time, he had to train with the others. They wouldn't be able to survive if he doesn't get fit before the next day.
Rantaro left to go to the main building.
Kirumi was keeping an eye on him. She obviously didn't like the idea of leaving him alone.
And neither did Shuichi
"K-Kirumi? You did aiming exercises with Shuichi, right?" Kokichi turned to the mercenary.
"Yes, I did. I am guessing you would like to train with me?"
He nodded. "I know I don't have any kind of brute force, but... I still should try to get better at aiming, right?"
She hummed. "It would be preferable, yes."
Miu put her hands on her hips. "We may have failed now, but we're not giving up! C'mon, Shuichi! I heard from Kaito you weren't exactly the strongest~"
"R-Right..." he faked a smile.
Kaito wrapped an arm around his neck. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not!"
He could throw the plan to keep an eye on Rantaro in the trashcan, then.
But they were right on one thing: They needed to train.
They headed to the main building, but noticed the blackout was still happening.
"When will Monokuma bring the lights back? Sheesh, he could at least do that instead of giving us stupid rules." Miu groaned.
"Do we still train here or...?" Kaito crossed his arms.
She hummed. "I guess we can take the dumbells outside. That's gonna be our first exercise!"
... He was going to be the one transporting them, wasn't he?
The trio got to the warehouse, thankfully still illuminated a bit by the sunlight.
"Hey Shuichi! Take those dumbells outside, would ya?" the street artist grinned.
I knew it.
They ended up encouraging him as he transported the heavy box outside. The encouragements didn't do much, but it was still nice to have them by his side.
The three trained for a while. Shuichi was getting better, to the others' pleasure.
Good thing those two were good at motivating.
"I'm... I'm exhausted..."
Kaito laughed. "Alright, alright. We can take a break."
Shuichi laid on the grass and looked up to the sky- or rather the fake sky.
It may be nothing but a screen simulating the day/night cycle, but that was also the symbol of all the efforts the Gofer project scientists had put to ensure their survival.
They could not fail this fight. Not now.
There was a long silence.
"Do you think we're going to make it?" he asked.
Ryoma could make weapons, yes, but would that be enough against Monokuma?
Did he have any other trick up his sleeve?
What would... What would the one behind it all do?
"I have hope in us."
As expected, Miu was the one to talk.
"I said it before and I say it again. We can't consider defeat as an option. Whatever is in front of us we will fight it."
"I promised to Kaz that I would live, that I would be one of the salvagers of humanity, and I'm keeping my promise."
"And I want you guys by my side too."
But no matter how many encouragements Miu would give, his worry would never die down.
However, seeing her so determined about this helped a little anyway.
After a long pause, they decided to continue the training, this time he and Miu cheering for Kaito who was trying to run with dumbells. He did end up falling more than once, though.
But every single time he got back up. Sometimes needing help, but overall being more than able to help for the next day.
Perhaps those training sessions did more good than he thought, both physically and mentally.
Some long hours later, they could see the sunset in the distance as they all sat on the ground.
"This... This may be the last time we ever see the sun setting. If we can even call it that way." Kaito broke the silence.
Miu groaned. "What did I say earlier?! We are going to fight! And we are going to win!"
"I know! I know! But still!"
Miu turned to the source of this beautiful golden light. "... But I get what you mean."
The screens reflected almost perfectly the colors they used to watch on summer nights, back before the killing game.
When everything was normal.
"Oh, you guys are here!"
A voice came from behind- Kokichi.
"Hey there! Have you guys trained well?"
Kirumi, who was accompanying Kokichi, approached the group as well. "We are fine."
The two turned to the sunset as well. A calm and peaceful scene.
A wave of nostalgia hit him. Of summers spent with friends, dancing around the beach with their families watching them.
Moments he wanted so much to live again, but couldn't.
"I see things are going well on your side."
Shuichi almost jumped at the voice.
Rantaro had joined them as well, to his surprise.
"I'm glad you guys are still up to this very last battle." he said with a weak smile- a weak smile still not hiding the emptiness in his tired eyes.
"Anytime, sweetie! We're ready to fight!" Miu gave him a thumbs-up.
Shuichi couldn't help but smile as well. "I've been getting stronger thanks to you all. I think... I think we can do this."
"T-That's right! We've been training and I'm sure that with Ryoma's weapons we can end this!" Kokichi exclaimed- although his voice was still lower than most of theirs.
"Then I believe we can survive this fight." Kirumi crossed her arms, her voice low, but confident. "I believe tomorrow this killing game will end."
It was rare hearing such words from her, but they truly felt sincere.
"Then how about we take a break?" Kaito suggested, standing up. "We've been training all day, how about we relax a little?"
Rantaro sighed. "As much as I hate it, I have to agree. Perhaps we should indeed end for today."
Shuichi smiled. Finally, the medic admitted taking a break was necessary.
The group stared off into space.
The sky may be nothing but a pale copy of reality, but those rays of sunlight still warmed their hearts.
They were here. Six of the seven survivors of humanity. And if they were chosen as ultimates to save it, then they were going to fight until their very last breath.
Their journey was coming to an end.
A long and painful journey of what felt like endless suffering.
Tomorrow would mark an end to this game, and they would finally live in peace.
But right now, they just enjoyed the silence. The comforting artificial light from the dome.
Though the wind was not present, Shuichi could almost feel a light breeze on his face.
A calm before the storm, and hopefully then, calmer than they ever have been.
Shuichi turned back to the group. "How about we relax for an hour and then we get to dinner?"
"Sounds good to me! I need a shower." Miu stood up as well.
They all agreed, heading back to the dorms.
Shuichi started walking but noticed Rantaro was staring at the building- or the void, most likely.
"Are you okay, Rantaro?"
He turned back to the violinist. "Huh? Sorry, I'm coming."
Once in his room, Shuichi let out a sigh. He really needed a shower as well.
After that, he looked at his monopad. 45 minutes left before going to the dining hall. Perhaps he could finally read a part of Kiyo's notebook.
He sat on his bed and opened it to Kirumi's page.
The violinist may be worried about Rantaro, but he was curious about her as well.
Kirumi Tojo - Ultimate maid (?) mercenary
Shuichi forgot for a moment she was known as the ultimate maid for a while. But if he did note a question mark, did that mean he was doubting her even before the reveal? That wasn't that surprising actually.
Day 1 report.
Like for everyone else, I am using this notebook to keep track of everyone's behavior, and possibly help them adapt to this environment.
I do not know this person well, I will admit. However, I am pretty sure she was lying about her talent, at least partially. She may be in a maid outfit, but I have a feeling she is hiding things. I do not wish to point things out so soon. After all, cooperation is the key to survival in a killing game. One simple thing could lead to a disaster.
Who knows what would happen if I exposed her as a liar so soon. Besides, I lack concrete evidence to do so. I should keep an eye on her to see if I can get any information out of her behavior.
Even on day 1? Shuichi didn't know what he expected, but certainly not that soon.
Good thing he didn't expose her back then, though. He doesn't even know how he would have reacted.
He did learn it during a trial, which was why he had to brush it off rather quickly to solve the current mystery, but had she been exposed at any other moment he would have probably panicked a lot more.
At least Kiyo knew what consequences it would have had.
Day 5 report.
Kirumi is definitely not the ultimate maid.
I have heard from Tsumugi's group that Kirumi wished to stay in her lab for a moment before any of us could even enter. She may have gotten out of her lab afterward, but I have my doubts.
I did end up talking to her, though, in her lab of all places. The lab did look like it belonged to a maid, but something is amiss, I can feel it. And I am pretty sure she knows I know. She looks like she is carefully choosing her words every time she talks to me.
In her lab, our conversation was rather interesting, although I do not doubt for one second that she was lying through her teeth about certain things, mostly her daily life. I have a few theories about what she could be, although my main theory is that she is indeed a criminal, and not the 'robber' type. I would not be surprised if she revealed to have killed people in the past. How many? That I do not know, but she surely did.
I do understand why she stays silent about it, though. Even I, the first day, realized anything can make us crumble. I do not know if we will ever know one day, but knowing Monokuma, he would surely find a way to rat her out.
Although there is one thing that reassures me, is that she does not seem like the serial killer type. If she really took pleasure in killing, she would have done so during the first blood perk motive.
So I am guessing she is a retired mercenary or assassin. I do not know what could have made her stop her career, perhaps I should talk to her once her talent is fully out.
Even back then he knew about her being a mercenary, or at least an assassin.
He was really glad he didn't tell anyone. But was it the reason why Kirumi got Maki's motive video instead of hers? Monokuma did blame it on his cubs, but there is a possibility this was on purpose.
After all, how else would she get her talent out in the day? Just seeing her lying about her talent must have given him the will to expose her himself with the second motive.
He was glad Kiyo acted carefully back then.
Back then...
He preferred not to think about the fourth trial again.
Day 8 report.
So she is indeed the ultimate mercenary, just as I thought.
A strategical woman who does not wish to take unnecessary risks. She looked unhappy to have her talent exposed by Keebo and Ryoma, which is more than understandable. However, they did not specify if she was retired or not, which worries me a little. But since she is a mercenary and not an assassin, I think she does not wish to kill someone unless there is a reward behind it- most likely money.
Although I fail to understand why she didn't kill anyone during the first blood perk if she knew how to kill. Actually, now that I think about it, it might be because she realized the same thing as me- the fact that Monokuma may or may not have been lying about letting us go scot-free. And since Kirumi is intelligent as well, that is the most plausible possibility. A distrustful and independent nature has its perks.
I will try to talk to her about it during the next few days, but I will have to balance her with a few others, such as Kokichi, Rantaro, and Tsumugi.
Kirumi had mentioned retiring if she could, which meant she was indeed still active before the game.
And she did tell him about the reason why she didn't try to kill anyone for the first blood perk. And as Kiyo said, it was because she realized Monokuma may have been lying.
A strategical woman indeed.
But Kiyo also seemed to have realized that Monokuma may have been lying as well, but perhaps he feared the direct consequences of exposing him.
It's not like he could ask him now.
Day 9 report.
Kirumi is indeed an interesting person. Now that her talent is out I got to experience her real self. She is still helping with tasks, this time with Miu by her side, that I am glad didn't isolate herself from the group after the incident.
Miu aside, Kirumi seems to have mixed feelings about her own job. That if she had any other opportunity, she would retire, but that circumstances didn't allow her to do so. I did ask her how it was affecting her- to kill people for a living. However, the moment I even tried to talk about the subject, she glared at me and immediately closed herself off. It isn't anything surprising, really. To bring yourself to describe your killing career must be very hard. But in that case, she just doesn't want to, I think.
She doesn't show any signs of trauma, though I could be wrong. Since she is a strategist, she must know that showing weakness could cost her a lot. For now, I will try to focus on other people, since she seems very reluctant to talk about her feelings.
Although she did talk about preferring to end her targets' lives as painlessly and quickly as possible. That making people suffer and torturing them was not part of her job. On that point, I can respect her. She knows killing is wrong, and I can sense a respect for the dead coming from her. A necessity not to kill those who aren't involved with her job.
At least she is more reasonable than I first thought when I heard about her talent as a mercenary.
To respect the dead... That was exactly what she talked about a few days ago when she reproached them that they didn't respect those who died and their wishes. Kaito had taken it the wrong way, but this was what she really meant.
When they talked later, Shuichi learned that she wouldn't kill if she didn't have to and that she mostly did so to survive, putting her life before her targets'. It was a selfish mindset, but... Could he blame her?
Killing was horrible, and it is an unforgivable crime. He knew that more than anyone.
But as Kiyo said, at least she hated making people suffer.
He was really glad she was on their side.
Day 13 report.
Himiko's death was a shock for everyone. There is no questioning that. But Kirumi's stone-cold facade finally crumbled enough for me to see some specks of humanity in her.
Although she does have experience in killing, her reaction upon seeing Himiko's corpse was almost just as normal as ours. Pure horror. I didn't expect Himiko to be tortured in such a way either. I wanted to vomit.
But to see her shocked about her death proved me right on a point. She does respect the dead a lot. I do not know how exactly she achieved this mentality, but I presume this is because of her job. To watch people suffer weighs a lot on someone's mind, so making things quickly would limit the damage on her psyche.
Deep down she does feel the same horror as us to this madness.
And her last interaction with Angie only intensified this feeling. When she grabbed Kokichi to torment him, Kirumi was the only one who had the nerve to step in and slap her away, denying whatever similarities the two could have, and I suspect this mentality is the 'why'.
Two killers, yet drastically different ideologies, although I do not think I can consider Angie's bloodlust disease as an ideology.
I should try to get through her again if I have the chance.
There is nothing else in the notebook about her.
Kiyo had stopped writing about the others to focus on his plan. Each time he remembered that, his heart stung. Tsumugi's death, the trial, everything coming after... That was a horrible memory in his mind.
Upon reading Kiyo's statements, Shuichi had an answer to one of the questions he didn't dare to ask Kirumi.
How could she live with so much blood on her hands?
Being a mercenary must be an extremely hard job, especially if you hate killing. So this... this mentality helped her bear through this.
He did wonder if she sometimes wished for her targets to be happy in the afterlife.
... He preferred not to think about it too much.
Shuichi checked his monopad. It was almost time to leave.
After putting his shoes back on, he left the room.
Kaito and Kokichi were already there waiting.
"Oh, are you two waiting for the rest of us?"
The biker smiled. "Yup! We might as well go together, don't you think?"
He nodded. "Yeah... We still have to wait for the others, though."
Time passed, and Miu, Kirumi, and Rantaro left their rooms soon after. They all had noticeably taken a shower, for obvious reasons.
The group went to the dining hall to prepare what could be their last dinner.
They noticed the blackout was finally over, and they could at last cook in peace.
Miu had asked everyone to help- and they did. Shuichi wished Ryoma was there with them, though.
The dinner was nice, although Shuichi could see a hint of nervousness in the entire group.
The last dinner before the end of the killing game, whether they win or lose the fight.
"Alrighty then! We're gonna sleep and tomorrow is the big day! So sleep tight everyone!" Miu announced.
Rantaro chuckled. "I still have some things to do in my lab so go on without me."
How much of it was a lie?
The street artist narrowed her eyes for a moment. "Just don't stay up late. Got it?"
"I know, I know. Don't worry about me, okay?"
She slightly blushed at the remark. "A-Anyway! C'mon guys!"
Shuichi saw Kirumi shooting one last glance at the medic before following the others.
He couldn't do anything but go back to the dorms.
He laid on his bed, wide awake.
He couldn't sleep knowing Rantaro was up to who-knows-what at this point.
Carefully, the violinist opened the door, making sure no one would witness him, and stepped out of the dorms.
He quickly made his way to the main building.
Checking his monopad, he saw Rantaro's icon right in front of Ryoma's lab on the fifth floor, and Ryoma's icon in the lab.
... Were they talking?
Shuichi felt bad, but he didn't have a choice.
He walked through the corridors, but on the stairs leading to the fifth floor, he heard some noise.
Or rather, tapping, coming from both behind the door and from the hallway.
taap, tap tap tap tap, tap. taap tap tap tap, taap taap taap, taap taap, taap tap tap tap, tap tap tap. tap taap taap, tap, tap taap tap, tap. tap tap taap, tap tap tap, tap, tap taap tap tap, tap, tap tap tap, tap tap tap, tap tap taap taap tap tap.
This was from behind the door. And it oddly sounded like...
... Morse code.
A rhythmic tapping of fingers on the door. Quick, but understandable if you are experienced, he supposed.
tap taap taap tap, tap taap tap, tap, taap, taap, taap tap taap taap. taap taap, tap tap taap, taap tap taap tap, tap tap tap tap. taap tap tap tap, tap tap taap, taap. tap tap. tap tap tap tap, tap taap, tap tap tap taap, tap. tap taap, taap tap. tap tap, taap tap tap, tap, tap taap.
This one was from the hallway.
He hadn't mastered morse code at all, he couldn't understand a single thing.
But what if...
Shuichi quietly went down the stairs. If he grabbed a pen and paper, he could try to note the conversation.
If only he could go to Kiyo's lab where he knew were stored many notebooks.
But perhaps Kaede's lab had enough of them as well.
He ran there, grabbed a pen and a notebook, and sprinted back up.
He took out a piece of paper and focused.
taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap tap taap. tap tap tap, tap tap taap, tap taap tap, tap. taap, tap tap tap tap, tap tap, tap tap tap. tap taap taap, tap tap, tap taap tap tap, tap taap tap tap.  tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap taap tap, taap tap taap, tap tap taap taap tap tap.
It was a bit hard to follow the rhythm, but he could do it. He had to thank his good hearing for that.
tap taap, taap tap tap tap, tap tap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap tap tap, tap tap taap, taap, tap, tap taap tap tap, taap tap taap taap.
Supposing Rantaro was the one talking here, what is he even saying?
tap tap.  taap, tap taap tap, tap tap taap, tap tap tap, taap.  taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap tap taap.  taap tap tap tap, tap tap taap, taap.  taap, tap tap tap tap, tap tap, tap tap tap.  tap tap, tap tap tap. tap tap, taap tap, tap tap tap, tap taap, taap tap, tap. tap tap. tap tap tap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap tap. taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap tap taap.  taap tap taap, taap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap. taap, tap tap tap tap, tap taap, taap.
taap taap taap, tap tap tap tap. tap tap. taap tap taap, taap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap. taap tap tap, taap taap taap, taap tap, taap. tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap taap tap, tap taap tap, taap tap taap taap.
A pause.
taap tap tap tap, tap tap taap, taap.  tap tap, tap tap taap tap.  taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap tap taap.  taap tap tap, taap taap taap. taap tap tap tap, tap, tap taap tap tap, tap tap, tap, tap tap tap taap, tap. tap taap taap, tap. taap tap taap tap, tap taap, taap tap.  tap tap tap, tap taap, tap tap tap taap, tap.  tap, tap tap tap taap, tap, tap taap tap, taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, taap tap, tap...
... taap, tap tap tap tap, tap, taap tap.  tap tap.  tap taap taap, tap tap, tap taap tap tap, tap taap tap tap.  tap tap taap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap tap tap, tap taap tap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap. taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap tap taap.
tap tap tap, tap taap, tap tap tap taap, tap.
tap tap taap taap tap tap.
tap tap. tap tap tap tap, tap taap, tap tap tap taap, tap. tap tap taap tap, tap taap, tap tap, tap taap tap tap, tap, taap tap tap. taap taap, taap tap taap taap. taap taap, tap tap, tap tap tap, tap tap tap, tap tap, taap taap taap, taap tap. tap taap taap, tap taap, tap tap tap. tap tap tap, tap tap, taap taap, tap taap taap tap, tap taap tap tap, taap tap taap taap. taaptaaptaaptaaptaptaptaptaptaaptaptaptaptaaptaptaptaptaptaptaaptaptaptaaptaptaaptaptaaptaaptaaptaaptaaptaaptaptaptaptaaptaaptaptaaptaptaptaptap
Shuichi couldn't even take notes anymore. This was way too fast. He wondered how Ryoma could even understand anything.
Shuichi jumped at the brutal slam on the door, echoing through the large, empty corridors.
There was a long silence.
taap tap taap tap, tap taap, tap taap tap tap, taap taap. taap tap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap, taap tap. tap tap taap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap tap. tap taap. tap tap tap, tap, taap tap taap tap.
taap tap tap tap, tap taap tap, tap, tap taap, taap, tap tap tap tap, tap.
Shuichi could hear Rantaro's heavy breathing from the stairs.
What the hell happened?
He doesn't know how much time he spent waiting for an answer before the tapping came back from behind the door.
taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap tap taap. taap taap tap, taap taap taap, taap taap taap, taap tap tap, tap tap taap taap tap tap.
tap tap, taap taap. tap tap taap tap, tap tap, taap tap, tap.
taap tap taap taap, taap taap taap, tap tap taap. tap tap tap, tap tap taap, tap taap tap, tap. tap taap, tap tap tap. tap tap tap tap, tap, tap taap tap tap, tap taap tap tap. tap taap, tap taap tap, tap. taap tap, taap taap taap, taap.
taap tap, taap taap taap, taap. taap, tap tap tap tap, tap taap, taap. tap tap, taap. taap taap, tap taap, taap, taap, tap, tap taap tap, tap tap tap. tap taap tap, tap tap, taap taap tap, tap tap tap tap, taap. taap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap.
A long pause.
taap, taap taap taap, taap taap, taap taap taap, tap taap tap, tap taap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap. tap tap, taap, tap tap tap. taap taap taap, tap tap tap taap, tap, tap taap tap.
tap tap. taap tap taap, taap tap, taap taap taap, tap taap taap.
tap taap taap taap, tap tap taap, tap tap tap, taap. tap tap tap, taap, tap taap, taap tap taap taap. tap tap tap, tap taap, tap tap taap tap, tap.
tap tap. tap taap taap, tap tap, tap taap tap tap, tap taap tap tap.
Shuichi felt bad eavesdropping like this.
Perhaps he should leave. This felt so wrong.
He looked away for a moment and left.
He had heard enough.
And he had no right to interfere. If Ryoma was already taking care of the matter, then he had no choice but to leave it to him.
After closing the door of his room, he looked at the notes he had taken.
They looked like a mess. But hopefully, he would manage to translate it.
He put the paper and the morse code guide on the desk and started writing.
After what felt like an eternity, he had the full dialogue -if he didn't count whatever Rantaro was rambling about for a moment.
- You sure this will work? - Absolutely - I trust you but this is insane I hope you know that - Oh I know don't worry - But if you do believe we can save everyone... then I will follow you - Save ... - ? - I have failed my mission was simply ????? ... - Calm down for a sec. Breathe. You good? - I'm fine - You sure as hell are not - Not that it matters right now ... - Tomorrow it's over - I know - Just stay safe - I will
That's all he got.
But at least he got to learn one thing...
... It's that his auditor was indeed Ryoma.
Why, though? They could talk face to face. They have no reason to complicate things for each other. So why the morse code?
He didn't get it at all.
The second thing he learned from this conversation is that Rantaro was not getting any better.
But what could he even do?
Tomorrow was the final day. If they all survive the battle, they would finally be able to rest. And both Ryoma and Rantaro knew that.
Just one more day.
Shuichi laid on his bed, closing his eyes, a lot of things lingering on his mind.
Tomorrow they would fight.
They would end this.
Once and for all.
13 notes · View notes
queenharumiura · 3 years
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((Oh Kiki, I see what you did, you beautiful bean))
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
[x] - Answered here ; As a bonus, i’ll answer A and R in regards to the Inuyasha fandom bc we’re both in it. He is coming into a friendly relation with Margaret (OC) which is great. IDK what he’d be with Elena, but realistically, I think it would maybe be a friendship of sorts? I think that covers that. I don’t have any ships that are official in threads. However, I do think our Kikyo and Sesshomaru would eventually get down to being a ship.
In fandom, I support Inuyasha/Kagome and Sango/Miroku as it’s canon. In regards to what I like, I do like Sesshomaru/Kagome and Sesshomaru/Kikyo (GET FUCKING REKTED INUYASHA! Don’t be mistaken, I love Inuyasha but I am biased). Sesshomaru and Kagura would be an interesting dynamic to explore more on. I think I’ve seen people state Sesshomaru already loved Kagura when she died and I just-- don’t feel the vibe tbh. I personally think he would’ve needed more time to come to terms with such an emotion. I think it was interest, respect, and familiarity at best at that time. Anyways, I think their dynamic would be very fun as a ship. I’ve seen Sesshomaru and Sango as well and i’m like LE KEK, SURE WHY NOT? Me casually making my muses a ship magnet in fandom? Yes. In RPC? LOL SHIP? Can I eat that? 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Oof- Okay... uh... I’ll avoid the fandoms i muse for to try to make this more original. 
Trash of the Count’s Family
Cale- I am biased, I love the main character, obviously. I just really like Cale. He has some sassy thoughts in his head and I LIVE for that. Additionally, I just find him to be fascinating as a character. I can’t really go into it because it goes into severe spoiler territory, but basically, the way he was integrated into the world he was isekai’ed into is so fascinating to me, especially when you realize there is more to this isekai than we, the readers, are initially led to believe. In regards to emotions, he’s more stagnant than I’m used to in a lot of characters I like, but I don’t hate it? Rather, it fits him well. He’s an ‘unlucky’ dude and I laugh at his misfortune. When you consider angst material—Ohhhh CHEF KISS.
Alberu- BIG BROTHER CROWN PRINCE ALBERU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him so much. AHHHHHH He’s such a fun character to me. This sly Prince. He really does care a lot about Cale and it makes me cry. He takes his role as a Prince seriously and puts so much care into the common-folk and he doesn’t discriminate against those of the dark species (Necromancers, dark elves, vampires, etc) which is almost unheard of especially since the most prominent religions are those of the Light. He has a reason for it which I won’t spoil. AHHHH I love him. //sob
Raon Miru- BABY DRAGON!!!!!!! The cutest lil thing who I love to pieces. He was introduced as an abused baby and it hurts me to think about. He hates humans but he sticks around Cale because he’s the human that saved him from being tortured daily. He slowly becomes acclimated to being around humans and grows to trust some. He still hates humans but the ones he’s close to aren’t ‘humans’. They are ‘his people’. I cry. This all-mighty dragon is amazing and can do everything. Bow before his might. I love him. Fite me.
Legend of the Sun Knight
(Lesus) Judgement Knight- Okay, he’s not the main character, but--!!! He’s great. Even though he’s supposed to be at odds with the Sun Knight as they embody different philosophies, they are actually the best of friends in secret. He deals with a lot of Grisia’s (Sun Knight) BULLSHIT, getting him out of trouble. His dynamic with Grisia is just hilarious to me. He’s a calm and collective type. Very serious, not very talkative. He’s the head of the ‘cold-faction’ and his role is to punish sinners in grotesque ways so many fear him but HE’S. A. GOOD. BOI!!!!!!! He just—is so dedicated to his role but mostly Grisia, his best-friend-who-is-not-his-friend. I’M CRY.
(Grisia) Sun Knight- The actual main character of the series. He’s so… HE’S AN INSUFFERABLE LIL TWAT—BUT I LOVE HIM. So sassy and just a lil shit in general. He’s very clever and he’s also what you could consider a genius. I love competency, mmm. He’s HELLA petty. To put it simply, he’s the Sun Knight, who is like the head of the Sun Church. You could say he’s the leader of an entire religion, who worship the God of Light. (If you ever see me type OMGOL, it’s bc I’m typing Oh My God of Light. Fax) There are select knights who are spokespeople for the church and he’s the head of them. All such knights are considered to be ‘brothers’ and he’s very protective of them all. Princess? King? Liche? The world? He don’t give any flying fucks. You touch his knights and he’ll get revenge. BET. I love that level of savagery.
(Neo) Sun Knight- I must say, he doesn’t show up much, but he is just //chef kiss. The special knights I mentioned earlier are roles that get passed down to a new generation. There are 12 in total, and the Sun Knight is the topmost knight. Neo Sun is said to be the best knight in HISTORY aside from the original. His sword skills are legendary and he raised Grisia, the… uh… ‘weakest’ Sun Knight in history. He’s the weakest in sword skill and horse riding skill, but Grisia is the strongest when it comes to magic proficiency. Just Neo’s name can send Grisia into a panic. He is somewhat of a Father for Grisia. A scary one, but one that Grisia cares deeply for. The sacrifices that Neo has made for Grisia is just //sob. He and Lesus both have done so much for Grisia behind the scenes and I’m just--- //cries harder.
The King’s Avatar
Ye Xiu- He is the main character of this novel and ughhh I love him so much. He too, IS A LIL SHIT!!!! He is so insufferable sometimes to his opponents and I LOVE IT. He’s very smart and skilled in what he does. He’s a professional gamer and I don’t understand a thing about games but I only need to know that he’s wicked good lol. He’s very dedicated to Glory, the game that he was a professional gamer for. He kinda… got ousted out by the team he FOUNDED. He says that he’ll get back into the professional association and take another championship. The novel centers around him and you watch as he sets out to complete a specific goal in mind in honor of a certain someone.
Huang Shaotian- A talkative dumbass. I love him. He is such PUPPY ENERGY. He bothers Ye Xiu a lot with his highkey energy. He’s extremely talented and he is known for his trash talking. He talks ridiculously fast and he’s just so--- insufferable in another way lol. I love him for it. He doesn’t always think before he talks and it gets him into trouble. Even though they are on opposing teams, he is quite fond of Ye Xiu and after finding out Ye Xiu suddenly retired (ie he was forced out of his team), he was very concerned for him. He even travelled to come talk to him and do him a favor. He was like: Old Ye, if you ever need anything, just ask! I’ll help! THIS. GOOD. BOI!!!!!!!!!! He’s really just a big idiot sometimes. “Hey, Shaotian, where are you?” “Oh, I’m xxxxxx.” “Oh? That’s where a boss spawns. I’ll be there.” Who just—he legit just gave intel to Ye Xiu about a boss monster spawn to an enemy guild. He is just too honest and ready to answer to Ye Xiu. You can tell he really respects Ye Xiu despite what trash talk he spouts. Ye Xiu IS the God of Glory, after all.
Han Wenqing- IN COMING YE XIU’S OLD RIVAL FOR YEARS!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH They just--- I’M CRY. They have such history with each other, constantly butting head with each other in game/tournaments. They don’t have a dynamic where they look at each other and just cuss each other out or what have you. They genuinely respect each other and wouldn’t mind hanging out with each other in private. They are both captains of their own respective teams and the fans of their teams are mortal enemies lol. Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu are both older players and you really get to see the struggles older players face in the tough gaming industry. He’s a responsible captain and he is so respectable. He’s so great. I love him too. The dynamic he has with Ye Xiu is--- //crying
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sageukfilms · 5 years
historical context pt 2: on yi bang won’s brothers (and sisters), seon-ho and his father, women’s rights in joseon vs goryeo
a bit more focus on yi bang won’s family this time, since he’s always fascinated me as a real historical figure. he did a lot of good, but he committed a lot of terrible things in order to achieve the good and he’s always been a pretty polarizing figure to Korean historians. (the majority of them like him because he’s the father of Kim Sejong aka the King who invented the Hangul/Korean alphabet while the others are like ‘damn why this dude so murderous’)
yi seong-gye had six sons from his first wife and two sons from his second wife, but why are only like three of them mentioned in the drama?
- mostly because they don’t have any major relevance to the plot, tbh. yi bang won IS arguably yi seong-gye’s most talented/qualified son in a lot of ways. he really was the only son who passed the civil examination in that entire family.
Eldest Son Yi Bang-U
- yi seong-gye mentions him in the drama when discussing who should be named crown prince and dismisses him bc he’s an alcoholic. which was true, yi bang-won’s oldest brother WAS an alcoholic, but he only became so after Yi Seong-Gye seized the throne. he was so distraught by the rebellion that he literally retreated to the mountains and retired. imagine serving your dad and your country and then seeing him betray the very country you both spilled blood for your whole life?? he was granted a princely title, but otherwise stayed away from politics and the military until his death
Second Son Yi Bang-Gwa
- this is the dude who is currently king that appears in episode 14. the one who’s in the throne room while bang-won and bang-gan yell at each other lol.  basically he was just put on the throne bc he’s the second son (and the eldest was like don’t even contact me about this shit) and later in history he renounces the throne so yi bang-won can take it. he also had NO legitimate sons from his first wife (though he had many from his concubines, but they were all illegitimate and couldn’t become princes). meaning he was the safest choice to be bang-won’s puppet ruler. all in all he was supremely lucky in that he got to live in peace and avoid getting murdered by anyone
Third Son Yi Bang-Ui
- while he was on yi bang-won’s side during the first coup, he’s never mentioned in dramas/television because apparently he’s not all that interesting. he’s been described as someone who had a loving relationship with ALL of his brothers, which imo COULD have been interesting to see but what do i know
Fourth Son Yi Bang-Gan aka the One That’s Weirdly Comedic and Also Murderous and Has Like that Weird Sword Boner For Hwi
- bang-gan did in fact try to murder bang-won and seize the throne, but he was urged on to do so by a historical figure called park po who was bitter that all his efforts during the first coup were not recognized by bang-won. the most hilarious thing is that bang-gan is like “damn this is a great idea, im gonna do it” and sets an official date for murdering, and NEVER TELLS park po the day he’s gonna murder bang-won so park po is just hanging around in ignorance until bang-won arrests him and then has him executed
- bang-gan actually tells his father yi seong-gye and his second bother yi bang-gwa of his intentions and they BOTH tell him that he’s stupid as fck. at this point, the historical yi seong-gye is SICK of the fighting between his sons and tells bang-gan to stop (unlike in the drama when he purposefully eggs him on). 
- bang-gan obvs doesn’t stop though, but his attempts are foiled bc bang-won knew of his coup beforehand. bang-gan is not executed and is instead sent away in exile. the fault of the coup instead lands on park po who again has no idea what’s occurring until he’s arrested. (damn it would suck to be park po, though inb4 seon-ho becomes the park po of this sageuk)
The Ill-fated Crown Prince Yi Bang-Seok and his brother Yi Bang-Beon
- in history, Yi Bang-Won forces his father to remove Bang-seok from the crown prince position during the coup, which Yi Seong-Gye IMMEDIATELY does in order to save bang-seok’s life (bang-seok is still alive at this point in time). unfortunately, bang-won then murders bang-seok anyway. (fulfilling the queen’s prediction that no matter what he would have murdered her sons)
- there are two versions of the crown prince’s death: the first is what we saw in ep 12 when he was assassinated right after stepping out in the palace. (this is the official record. his final recorded words are “my brother promised to spare my life, do not worry.”). there’s another version that yi bang-won went into the palace and threw his brother into a well to kill him. which is... not recorded, but yi bang-won’s side framed everything in the records to make him and his people look good. (because they were the winners!!! winners in history get to frame themselves however they want)
- so what about yi bang-beon? aka the queen’s other son that never gets mentioned? he gets murdered too of course!!! though bang-won is content with just exiling him, his brother bang-gan murders bang-beon (of course in the show, we see bang-won approving of the assassination). (Bang-beon also suffers from the unfortunate position of having a.) envied his younger brother for being crown prince and therefore did NOT alert him or his father about the upcoming coup and b.) trying to maintain a neutral position that ultimately got him killed
- btw, yi seong-gye was absolutely in the palace during the Strife. He never left to go to a Temple. he was dragged from his throne and forced to abdicate during the coup after stripping Bang-seok of his position as Crown Prince in order to save him.
The Sixth Brother
 - died at a relatively early age, sadly.
- yes, Yi Seong-Gye had daughters!!! Two from his first wife and one from his second and two more from his concubines (yah he had concubines). sadly, nothing else is known about them. Queen Sindeok’s daughter aka Bang-seok and Bang-beon’s younger sister outlived both of her older brothers, and died maybe nine years later. (somewhat comforting, but ultimately sad.)
- Bang-won’s sisters lived a little longer, but ultimately they had little historical relevance (or they did and the records refused to record them bc they were just Women). mostly, they were just married off to build political alliances
more on seon-ho
- there’s a scene in ep 5 where bang-won makes fun of seon-ho’s bastard status and compares him to Sambong and i just want to say that imo this is very realistic of bang-won. Sambong is an incredibly important and vital figure in history -- he served as yi seong-gye’s aide and was actually the mastermind behind ALL of yi bang-won’s social/political reforms. unfortunately, yi bang-won murdered him because.... uh.... he wanted to carry out those reforms HIMSELF, essentially. (no one else gets to do it but ME!!) he disliked sambong strongly, and there were rumors that sambong was descended from bastards/had slave blood in his family, so Bang-won sneering at Seon-ho for essentially having the same background would be legit. the line where he mentions that “in his country, bastards will never gain status” is so sad... and also true, even though he introduced the new Slave Law (that law was immediately repealed later)
- in other words, illegitimate children from nobleman + slaves were still eventually barred from taking the government exam and owning property in joseon. seon-ho’s fate would have more or less remained the same.
Seon-ho’s father Nam Jeon
- is a fictional figure, but his status as Yi Seong-Gye’s aide in the show cooouullld place him as the stand-in for the actual Nam Eun who was one of Yi Seong-Gye’s trusted aides and who was also killed by Yi Bang-Won
- the difference here is that Yi Bang-Won regrets murdering Nam Eun after and gives government positions to Nam Eun’s friends as like a way of apology lmfao
women’s rights in goryeo vs joseon
- just wanted to talk about this because hee-jae is such a kickass figure, but the long and short of it is that women lose all the rights (what little they had) in joseon vs in goryeo. they’re forbidden to step outside their homes after marriage, are NOT allowed to mingle with the other sex, they lose their rights as land-owners and property-inheritors, and Confucianism gains a huge foothold in a country that already treats women as second-class citizens. they weren’t allowed to re-marry if widowed, and were encouraged to kill themselves if they were assaulted or harassed so like....... life continues to suck for bastard children and ladies
fun fact for that (1) Legitimate Child that Yi Bang-Won Allowed to Live
- in my last post I mentioned that Yi Bang-Won killed the children of the “traitors” who conspired to prevent his coup except for Sambong’s eldest son, who was demoted (name: Jung Jin). Fortunately, this son managed to rise through the ranks of the government again and became the Minister of Justice under Yi Bang-Won’s reign. 
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idkmybffpotter · 4 years
HP Fic Rec List
Yooooooooo. Ive finally gotten started on making a fic rec list (Im so bad at remembering to save the fics I love).
Here is the start of it! Warning: Most of these fics are epic length, 250k+words. Enjoy!!!
Ps. Please feel free to DM me to talk about any of these! Id love to hear your thoughts!
***Life Cycle Series by WIndseeker2305. https://archiveofourown.org/series/21657
1,402,781 words. #Creatures #Soulmates  #Mpreg, #Abandoned in 3rd book
After a summer of torture with the Dursleys, Harry falls into a self induced magical coma. Draco-who holds a hidden torch for him-jumps in to help. There they meet and decide many things that could very well change the Wizarding World forever.
 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Literally my fav story ive ever read everrrr.
***Turn by Saras_Girl https://archiveofourown.org/works/879852/chapters/1692695
306,708 words #Alternate Reality
 ***Leo Inter Serpentes by Aeternum https://archiveofourown.org/series/53590
746,048 words #Complete Series Rewrite #Slytherin Harry
Just one conversation between two eleven year old boys goes slightly differently, and the world changes. Just how much will be different with Harry being sorted into Slytherin, and how much will stay the same?
 ***Saving Connor Series by Lightning on The Wave https://www.fanfiction.net/u/895946/Lightning-on-the-Wave
3,069,375 words
Harry's twin Connor is the Boy Who Lived, and Harry is devoted to protecting him by making himself look ordinary. But certain people won't let Harry stay in the shadows...
 ***Survival is a Talent by ShanaStoryteller https://archiveofourown.org/works/12006417/chapters/27167826
338,714+words #WIP #soulmates #POC
In the middle of their second year, Draco and Harry discover they're soulmates and do their best to keep it a secret from everyone. Their best isn't perfect.
 ***Freedom To Be by Quicksilvermaid https://archiveofourown.org/works/16052705/chapters/37477826
169, 550words #COMPLETE #BDSM
Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived.12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends.Only nothing feels perfect.Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
 ***Brother to Basilisks by Lomonaaeren https://archiveofourown.org/works/2435531/chapters/5393471
595,688+ words AU of PoA. Harry wakes in the night to a voice calling him from somewhere in the castle—and when he follows it, everything changes
 ***Reparations by Saras_Girl https://archiveofourown.org/works/879599/chapters/1692075
87,376 words #Healer Harry
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
 ***Secrets by Vorabiza https://archiveofourown.org/works/8184311/chapters/18751001
395,365 words Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer after sixth year becomes filled with activity and many secrets. As his summer progresses, Harry generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side.
 ***Being a Veelas Mate by Chereche https://archiveofourown.org/works/7524595/chapters/17103607
399,867words Draco comes into his veela nature early when his mate's life is in danger. Will their unique bond be enough to finally bring peace to the wizarding world?
 ***All Life is Your to Miss by Saras_Girl https://archiveofourown.org/works/825875/chapters/1568057
114,741words #Professor Harry
Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
  ***Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 https://archiveofourown.org/works/473335/chapters/819506
302,209 words Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness
***A Second Chance by Breanie https://archiveofourown.org/works/16237082/chapters/37957664
1,714,567 words #WIP
What if Sirius didn't spent twelve years in prison, but was given a trial after four years? Follow the story of Sirius Black as he learns what it means to be a father/brother/guardian to his young godson & the story of Harry Potter, a young boy with a loving home who learns about the Marauders from the two men who should have raised him. M for later. Eventual Hinny.
***Couldn’t Get Better They Say by JadePresley https://archiveofourown.org/works/14119629/chapters/32535660
78,611 words #NoMagic #TextingFic
A boy texts the wrong number late one night. Another boy replies. Chaos ensues. Or, The one where James is too caught up in his career to be the person he wants to be, Teddy drinks too much to avoid his past, Albus wears terrible hats, Lily is a badass, and Gavin is the star of the show.
 ***Chances by TheProdigyPenguin https://archiveofourown.org/works/21166652/chapters/50379941
78,761words #COMPLETE
Teddy has lived in France with his grandmother for his entire life, living unaware of his past or the significance of his parent's lives, cut short at the end of the war. He lives blissfully ignorant of the life he was meant to have in England, until his grandmother dies shortly after his twenty-seventh birthday, and the discovery of letters written by an estranged godfather he never knew he had leads him back to his families home, searching for answers but in the end finding more than he'd ever expected or hoped.
***Its Tea Time by Ellizablue https://archiveofourown.org/series/538465
872,002+ #WIP #Trilogy
***Blood by Lord of Chaos https://archiveofourown.org/works/3089927/chapters/6696266
466,835words Harry's sent reeling when he learns that Professor Snape is his bio dad, and if that were all he had to deal with, he'd probably be all right, but he's got werewolves, escaped convicts, a stubborn Dark Lord, and his own inner demons to deal with. Starts third year. Rating mostly for violence. Story deals with mental health, bigotry and child abuse. 
 ***Digging for bones by paganaidd https://archiveofourown.org/works/598019/chapters/1078847
203,178 words
Rather than allowing Harry to stay at Diagon Alley after he blew up Aunt Marge, the Ministry sends Harry back to the Dursleys. Harry returns to school after a terrible summer, to find that he's not the only one with this kind of secret. A student has been killed by his family. New screening measures are put into place by the Ministry: Every student must be given a medical exam and interview to look for child abuse. With Dumbledore facing an inquiry, Snape is entrusted with the task of making sure EVERYONE receives one.
 ***Broken Mind Series by SensiblyTainted https://archiveofourown.org/works/8873683/chapters/20344381
864,245 words #Mental Health Issues #Multiple Personaity Disorder #Abuse
Harry Potter watched his mother die when he was fifteen months old, a piece of Voldemort's soul invaded his own, Vernon abused him, Petunia tore him to shreds with her hateful words, and Lockhart molested him throughout Second-year. After all that trauma, is it any wonder Harry created multiple personalities to deal with it all? In Harry's third year, Severus Snape decides to do something about it. He gives Harry therapy in secret, and this opens Harry up to a friendship with Neville Longbottom, another victim of Lockhart's perversions, and Draco Malfoy who can understand Harry's Slytherin alter better than anyone else.
 ***A Year Like None Other by aspeninthesunlight https://archiveofourown.org/works/742072/chapters/1382061
789,589 words
A letter from home? A letter from family? Well, Harry Potter knows he has neither, but all the same, it starts with a letter from Surrey. Whatever the Durleys have to say, it can't be anything good, so Harry's determined to ignore it. But then, his evil schoolmate rival spots the letter and his slimy excuse for a teacher intercepts it and forces him to read it. And that sends Harry down a path he'd never have walked on his own.
***Gift of Kindness by Hippocrates460 https://archiveofourown.org/works/14656377/chapters/33859731
105,872words #COMPLETE #soulmates #courting rituals
When Harry arrives at Hogwarts, everything is overwhelming. Luckily he makes some friends, Hagrid who took him to Diagon Alley, Ron who he met on the train, and Severus, who explains why they have to pretend to hate each other. This story spans 7 years, during which Severus and Harry get to know each other and find understanding.
***Descent into Darkness by Athey https://www.wattpad.com/story/179650625-harry-potter-and-the-descent-into-darkness
It's Harry's 4th year at Hogwarts and his name has just come out of the Goblet of Fire. Everyone has abandoned him and he feels utterly alone. Through an accident Harry and the piece of Voldemort's soul that resides inside him begin to interact and Harry slowly begins to change. He becomes stronger and more aware, and slowly grows aware of a more sinister course of events that has perpetuated his entire life.
***Sweater weather by lumosinlove
74,493words+ #WIP #NoMagicAU Remus works for the Gryffindor Lions as a physical trainer, and has been half in love with Sirius Black, the Lions' heartthrob captain, for a while now, but he never expected Sirius to return the feelings. Read if you like cute nicknames, slow burn, and pining. Yep. That's it.
***Soltnse by lumosinlove https://archiveofourown.org/works/17186087/chapters/40408559
61,997 words #COMPLETE #NoMagicAU Sirius, a young Russian billionaire hires Remus, who is working part time as a call boy to make ends meet. Things happen, feelings occur
***Text Talk by merlywhirls https://archiveofourown.org/works/1651109/chapters/3501239
141,250 words #NoMagicAU
Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number.
 ***Casting Moonshadows by moonsign https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3378356/1/Casting-Moonshadows
393,500 words #WIP #ANGST
Lonely and outcast by his classmates, Remus wishes on a moonshadow for a friend who understands him. To his amazement his wish is not only answered once, but three times by his former enemies, the Marauders.
 ***Of Leaves and Stars by irrationalmoony, lady amina https://archiveofourown.org/works/6535114/chapters/14950924
266,476words #Texting Fic #WIP
Almost a year out of Hogwarts, Lily finally manages to convince Sirius and James to get more acquainted with muggle technology and buy phones. Sirius, of course, texts the wrong number.
 ***To See The Human Soul Take Wing by Maeglin Yedi 227,394 words
#Werewolf Harry #Friendly Vampires This is actually the 3rd
book in the series, but it can be read as a standalone.
Harry's final year at Hogwarts is filled with secrets, old enemies and new threats. Unable to share his current life with his friends, Harry has to put his faith in the unlikeliest of allies to find a way to defeat Voldemort while his love for Sirius and Remus is repeatedly put to the test.
***Debt of Time by Shayalonnie
715,940 words #COMPLETE #Time Travel
When Hermione finds a way to bring Sirius back from the veil, her actions change the rest of the war. Little does she know her spell restoring him to life provokes magic she doesn't understand and sets her on a path that ends with a Time-Turner.
  Severus Snape/OMC
*** Of A Linear Circle by flamethrower
1,428,885words #WIP #Long Series #Time Travel
In September of 1971, Severus Snape finds a forgotten portrait of the Slytherin family in a dark corner of the Slytherin Common Room. At the time, he has no idea that talking portrait will affect the rest of his life.
***There Be Dragons Harry by Scioneeris
919,721words #WIP #Creature Inheritance
Harem!Fic Harry inherits a creature "thing" from both sides of his parents and somehow that leads to weird sleeping habits, conversations with Theodore Nott and finding himself caught up in a world of Dragons, elemental powers and new creatures he's never heard of before. Dragons? Mates? Very AU. Contains all kinds of slash.
 ***Ignite by Slide (JustSlide)
191,497 words
A mysterious illness leaving a handful of uninfected. A school in quarantine, isolated from the outside world. Danger on all sides, striking seemingly at random. And, at the heart of it all, Scorpius Malfoy, the only man to believe this is a part of a wider, dangerous plot
  ***Raindrops on Roses by backinyourbox
301,383 words
Beginning immediately after the Epilogue, this story follows Scorpius, Rose and Albus through their Hogwarts years and beyond. Childish fears and desires soon turn to more serious dilemmas as some members of the Ravenclaw trio are forced to grow up too soon. Albus wants to be remembered for being something other than Harry Potter's son. Scorpius knows his father expects him to follow in his footsteps, but how long can he keep his friends, his music and his OWL in Muggle Studies a secret? And Rose has yet to decide what she wants...
  Harry Potter/George Weasley Looking Beyond by Shini_amaryllis
674,719 #COMPLETE #FEM!Harry
The first thing everyone noticed about Hope Potter was that she may have had her mother's face, but she had her father's penchant for causing trouble or somehow finding it. It only made sense that she would fall for a prankster, and it only made sense that danger was attracted to her very scent. Somehow, she was going to prove she was more than just the Girl-Who-Lived
  Harry Potter/Avengers Crossover
324570 #Loki is Harrys Dad #Just Read it I promise its great
In the several millennia he had existed Loki Odinson, Norse God of Mischief and Lies, had been many things, he had been a liar, a warrior, and a trickster, just to name a few, but never before, in his thousands of years of existence had he been a loving father, but all it took was a single glance at the perfect little creature before him and he knew, he was gone.
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