#why would Samus kill them
bynumite · 8 months
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This is my little baby girl. I just got her today. What should I name her?
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aureatchi · 3 months
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— what it’s like to stargaze with them. (& more)
a/n. sadly, i have yet to see the aurora borealis and in general, seldom get to see the stars. (light pollution my no.1 enemy !!) but a girl can dream :) (& distract herself from the latest bsd chapters..)
info. fem!reader. fluff. soft everyone lol. some of them are nerds & ramble abt stars. :) + a little poetic. mentions of greek mythology. kissing. buildup to actual topic. profanities in chuuya’s & he may or may not use sskk to help. bsd manga/ability spoilers in fyodor’s.
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DAZAI : so in this instance, i’d be perseus, and you’d be andromeda. — he listens to everything you have to say.
Your palm in his, the brunette’s pretty fingers wrapped around yours. He softly massaged your hand as you began telling him, your starstruck lover a story under the show of constellations. It had formed into a little routine since the first time you stargazed with him as a date.
“There was this princess,” you started. “Princess Andromeda. She was a very beautiful woma-”
“You’re more beautiful, though,” Dazai interrupted. You didn’t even get in two complete sentences without his commentary. You sat a bit awestruck while he delivered a kiss to your hand.
“Continue, bella,” big brown eyes teased you.
You hastily recovered. “…She was beautiful. And her mother—Queen Cassiopeia—who was very prideful, decided to brag to Poseidon, the Greek god of the seas, that she was prettier than his daughters.”
“I mean, that’s understandable. I brag about you all the time! Why shouldn’t the pretty girl be shown off?”
“Shut up,” you chuckled, reminiscing over the times the detective had shown you off. Whenever you decided to visit the Armed Detective Agency’s office with Dazai, Kunikida would never hear the end of it. When you two went out to eat, he would flatter your name away. “This gorgeous girl would like to order…” “May I please get a table for the angelic lady and I?”
He never failed to fluster you.
“Anyway, Poseidon got angry and decided to send a sea monster to destroy their kingdom. The only way the monster could be pacified was if it could devour Andromeda.”
“A damsel in distress,” Dazai nodded and then dramatically pretended like he was the helpless princess on the ocean. He completely pulled over the blanket the two of you were sharing, using it as a cape—“Someone save me! I’m going to be eaten by a sea monster!”
“‘Samu! I’m cold!”
“Ah, sorry. Perhaps you are the princess, and you need saving from this icy night!” He rewrapped the blanket over your shoulder.
“Stop interrupting me; I’m trying to tell you something!” It was nowhere near icy, but your lover proved his dramaticism even further when a tuft of brown hair grazed your shoulder. He had rested his head on you.
“Oka-ay—sorry, continue!”
“Meanwhile, Perseus—I told you last time, the man who killed Medusa—found Andromeda while flying over with his horse, Pegasus. He immediately fell in love with her, so he slayed the sea monster and rescued her from the rock she was chained to.”
“What a hero,” Dazai said. “So they lived happily ever after?”
“Not yet. Perseus asked Andromeda’s father for permission to marry her but discovered she was already set to marry someone else. And the man she was engaged to got angry that Perseus wanted to marry her.”
“Of course,” he sighed, which puzzled you a bit, but you’d return to his comment later. “I’m rooting for Perseus, though.”
“Well, good for you because the two fought, and Perseus won by showing the other guy Medusa’s head.”
Dazai chuckled. “Nice move! He turned his enemy into his trophy. Imagine if we did that to all our enemies!”
“I think then we’d have a whole army of statues,” you laughed. “But now, he and Andromeda married, and they were able to live happily ever after.
“The gods placed them in the sky so their story would be remembered eternally.” Finished with your recount, you gazed up at the stars.
“The North Star,” you pointed, and when you saw the brunette’s bronze eyes squint, trying to see what you were talking about, you moved closer until you were halfway on his lap.
You took his palm in yours and guided it to a single star.
“That one. All the characters’ constellations I mentioned in the story revolve around that star. Perseus with his sword, Andromeda flying on Pegasus...”
“Huh? That’s the North Star? Isn’t it supposed to be the brightest in the sky or something?” It didn’t stand out from the rest as much as he thought.
You giggled. “That’s a myth, ‘samu. It’s funny you didn’t know that.”
He shrugged. “I never really had time to appreciate and learn about something so peaceful like nature until now.” He turned to you.
“Until you.”
You weren’t sure how, but it was almost as if the moonlight had carved out his pretty face. Ethereal, you had called the moon, and it reflected in your lover’s features. His eyes took in the charm of the millions of lights in the night and synthesized the feeling to bring it back to you.
“If I were one of the gods, I would’ve created a whole galaxy reflecting your soul.”
In the midst of terror and chaos, the detective’s eyes revolved around humans and their violence rather than around the sun and the planets. Eyes and soul—how else could he focus on anything else when that’s all life showed him?
“Because I see the constellations in you—Andromeda, Pegasus, Carina, Orion…” it had been a few months, and throughout you had shown and told him all the stories behind the stars in the sky.
“And now I can stop to smell the flowers, love. I can watch the Ursa Minor, even if I still find it hard to sleep.” You were the bridge to his bronze gaze and iron marrow—you showed him that you were human, but that a heart could really exist without violence or malice.
I see a reason why the nebulas are placed as they are, even if stories are just stories. I see a reason I’m here. With you.
He sealed the thought with a kiss to your lips, under the celestial moon and the heavens’ watch.
You always wondered why Dazai paid such close attention whenever you started rambling—initially, you didn’t think he’d care that much about tales of space. But you understood him a bit better now, his complex heart. You held onto him a bit tighter to him as you kissed him back.
“Oh yeah. What did you mean when you said ‘of course,’ when I started talking about Perseus having to fight over another guy for Andromeda?”
And Dazai was his lighthearted self once again.
“We’re definitely Andromeda and Perseus in another universe,” Dazai winked. “You’ve always deserved to be treated like a princess! I would totally save you from a sea monster. And I’d be an equestrian if I could too—even better, a flying one!”
“C’mon, bella, you see me at those horse-racing events all the time! Anyway, most important of all, I had to fight for you. Such a tough world when every other man is also at your feet.” He crossed his arms. “Having Medusa’s head would’ve made things so much easier! I really would’ve had a whole army of stone statues if I did.”
“No, you really didn’t need it at all,” you replied, laughing at Dazai, who was now pouting.
“Osamu the demigod: slayer of monsters or not, I only have eyes for you.” You kissed him on the cheek.
“Unlike Andromeda, I wouldn’t let two men fight over me and marry the one who wins.
“I would just choose you right away.”
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CHUUYA : babydoll, you’re worth more than all those stars combined. — he only gives you the best.
“Ah, that’s unfortunate. Thank you for informing me, though,” you said before hanging up the phone.
You didn’t sue them on the line, albeit irritated. Tonight, you were supposed to have a date with Chuuya at one of the fancy restaurants he somehow discovered more of in the city when you thought you finally visited them all, but your reservations were cancelled last minute.
“Hey, princess,” the handsome ginger said when you phoned him next. You could sense a smile through his words on the other end.
“What’s up?”
“Weird-ass restaurant cancelled our plans,” you said. “Not even a refund.”
Chuuya quickly picked up on the disappointment in your voice, and he knew it wasn’t because he didn’t get his money back. Money was nothing—he was a Port Mafia executive. Stacks of bills piled into his hands every day, and he quietly flexed on it through his collection of wine in the cellar, his clothes, and gifts to you.
What he wasn’t wealthy in was time. It had been almost a month since Chuuya had any free time—the boss had been overworking him amidst never-ending Yokohama mayhem. His large penthouse actually proved to be a disadvantage when you were the only one staying in it. It was too empty; it was too quiet for a home, there was an awkward gap in the bed you slept in.
“It’s okay, baby,” came Chuuya’s voice reassuringly. “Don’t worry ‘bout some shitty-ass restaurant.
“Meet me home at the rooftop at the time we originally planned.”
“…Alright,” you replied, unsure of what he was going to do, but you were grateful anyway that you’d get to spend time with him.
“And get ready too, like we originally planned,” he added, and this time, you could imagine the smugness in his smile. “See ya soon.”
The bell chimed as the elevator approached the top of Chuuya’s apartment, signaling that you reached the rooftop.
“Chuu?” you called out as the doors opened. He was nowhere to be found—instead a pathway of candles and a trail of rose petals leading to the other side.
Your heels clicked on the ground as you slowly followed the course. It was dark towards the back of the rooftop, but the front overlooked the entire city of Yokohama.
Another quiet flex.
“Hey, beautiful.” You noticed him before the lively city behind him, before the romantic scene he had set up—the path of petals expanded into scattering around the table Chuuya was sitting at. He was dressed up too—looking as attractive as ever.
“The Nakahara Restaurant,” you hummed, taking a seat in front of him. “Not bad.”
Chuuya smirked. “Not bad? We get Michelin stars, baby. Trust me.”
You giggled. “I don’t know about that, Chuu. You’ll have to prove it to me.” It was like you had turned the tables on him. Usually, he only deemed a restaurant good if you were pleased with the food.
“Alright.” Now, you were going to rate his. You could tell he was going to enjoy this.
“You hungry?”
You nodded.
With a snap of Chuuya’s fingers, you immediately heard footsteps scurrying toward the two of you.
Two young men, one with raven hair until silver tips and the other with an entirely silver head—you realized they were waiters from who knows where—approached you with a dish.
“Appetizers by Executive Nakahara,” the first one said.
“Wait—did you cook everything too?”
“Duuh, you take this for a fraud or something?” Chuuya failed to hide the pride on his face.
The appetizer, entrée, and dessert proved delicious, and you were forced to eat your previous words.
He was talented in just about everything.
Chuuya kicked the two ‘waiters’ out of his house after dessert was served, leaving the two of you finally alone. The candlelight amid the dark sky enveloped your figures in an intimate glow.
“I would’ve been fine with even just takeout,” you laughed after taking a sip out of your wine glass.
He smiled. “As if. It’s a special night, doll, we finally have time to see each other again.”
“Exactly! Seeing you is what matters most,” you said.
“Anyway, thank you, Chuu. I appreciate this so much. And I guess you’re right—you earn a Michelin Star from me.”
Chuuya looked towards the city below you and back. “Didn’t doubt it one bit. But that’s not the only stars we’re getting tonight.”
You looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t get shocked.”
Your lover snapped again—you picked up a slight difference in it this time compared to the previous times he signaled—and suddenly, Yokohama went dark.
You didn’t know how, but the city’s electricity had completely cut off at the mafia executive’s command.
“You’re not looking the right way.”
You had been staring at the pitch-black buildings below in fazed awe, but it seemed to have switched places with the skies as now, small scattered lights began to fade in when you looked up, your eyes adjusting to the dark.
“Chuu!” You stood up in excitement. “We can see stars! In Yokohama!”
The ginger chuckled before pulling out a folded comforter from under the table. “Here, it’s better this way. Now this is what the wine was really for.”
Chuuya had fixed the comforter on the rooftop and pulled out a few pillows so that you were able to lie down and watch above more comfortably.
“I did this a lot when I stayed in Paris for a bit,” he said, explaining how he got the idea. “But the lights stayed on 24/7 there, too, so I had to use a telescope.”
You looked at him thoughtfully. “We could’ve done that too. You really startled everyone just for this.”
As if on cue, you suddenly heard someone shout in the distance, going “Hey! Who the hell turned off all the lights?!” You and Chuuya both snorted.
“Just for you,” he corrected. “I think this is better anyway. They can handle one night without power. And I made sure the hospitals and other important establishments stayed untouched.”
It was crazy how much power the man had. “Not entirely evil then,” you said.
“Yeah, plus I was also really aiming at that restaurant that tried ruining our plans,” Chuuya smirked.
You looked back at the stars and then Chuuya again, who hadn’t taken his cerulean eyes off your face.
You lay together to gaze at the stars. But instead of those, he was looking at you.
You couldn’t stop the flurry of coyness you got. He looked absolutely stunning under the heavens—it was almost unfair. It would be if you weren’t the one who got to see him in such a state. He looked mesmerized—mesmerized with you?
“Hey, you’re going to miss it if you keep staring at me,” you said.
“I’m seeing you and those galaxies for the first time in a while,” Chuuya replied. “I think I’d rather watch you.”
He kissed you while you were still smiling, causing him to grin, too. You felt light and safe around him and the blankets, and he felt the same. All aggression and stress ceased from his head, healed by you and the moonlight.
“Y’can name stars after people too, right?” he asked when you pulled back. “I swear, I’m going to make the next scientist who discovers one name it after you. It’d be way better than those random shitty names they give nowadays.”
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FYODOR : i have the cosmos mapped out, likewise your soul. — you alone, he adores.
There was not a word said as you got into the passenger seat of the car that Fyodor was driving. He had left a note earlier that day—Zolotse, you’re coming with me on a mission tonight. Prepare what you need and bring the sleeping bags, and you had done so with little hesitation.
The sun had already gone down, but you were used to this. Initially, you had thought his job the opposite of himself—the demon was called to bizarre places sporadically and had to adapt to their settings in a short amount of time. You only realized after being with him for a while that he planned these things beforehand, and he planned them long ago.
The job was made for him—his little game of fate and chess.
He drove for around four hours straight. In that time, you had put on your favorite music, and talked with him about the usual—your latest philosophical obsession, anything interesting about his latest endeavors—you hadn’t realized you had gotten so far away from civilization.
Fyodor must’ve become nocturnal from all the time he’d spent in the dark, because it was pitch-black in all directions when he finally parked the car and you stepped out.
And only then you finally asked him. “Fedya, where are we?”
He didn’t respond, instead going to the back of the car and opening the trunk, handing you your sleeping bag and a flashlight.
You flipped the switch on, trying to scan the surroundings for any hint of where this journey took you.
“Darling, you’re quite naïve,” Fyodor said as you looked down at rocks and twigs below your shoes. “I’m concerned about how easily you agreed to let someone drive you hours out into the wilderness.”
“I’d do it only for you,” you replied, giggling. “I trust you.” Alas, he had answered your question, though you still didn’t know what he was here for.
“Follow me. We have a bit of hiking to do.”
A secret hideout? Meeting spot? Something valuable hidden here? Your mind came up with countless reasons why your lover’s current mission took place on a mountain and how he could even navigate without a map. The entire thing was strange—you hadn’t even seen him take any valuables of some kind besides a tent and his own sleeping bag.
The walk-up was a bit tedious. Thankfully, you wore the right shoes and had eaten well beforehand, but you still didn’t expect you would be partaking in exercise so late at night. It was also hard to see, the flashlights scarcely making a difference.
You came across a very steep hill; it was almost like you had to climb rather than hike up.
“Apologies for the inconvenience,” you heard Fyodor from above as he went first to ensure each step was safe. “It’ll be worth it later.”
“Ah-” You hardly had time to ponder his statement when you misstepped on a loose twig, causing you to slip. However, a hand reached to tightly grab you before you slid down.
“Careful, milaya.”
Fyodor kept your hand clasped in his throughout the rest of the trek. You finally reached a large clearing by the edge of a cliff—devoid of trees and hard bedrock.
“We’re here.”
He began setting up the tent while you looked around. There was nothing at all out of the ordinary—nothing suspicious for the demon to use. Were you really here just to camp?
“The goal: your eyes to adjust.”
Fyodor had finished and had been looking at you for some time—smiling, at the way your brows furrowed and how you were still lost with this entire night.
“What-?” you asked as he walked over to take your sleeping bag. You followed him as he set it right next to his.
“Sit next to me, lyubov,” he said, guiding you down. “I’ll tell you the secret to getting directions up here.”
He tilted his head up, and for the first time, you noticed an entire galaxy before you.
Drenched under the vastness of the dark skies and lights of the stars, Fyodor began to speak.
“We’ve used star navigation for thousands of years,” he said. “Fifty-eight stars and thirty-eight constellations that we’re able to use, but you only need to locate the Ursa Major to find north and Orion to find west.”
You nodded. Perhaps this is what he had come here to do—find directions to something that no GPS or technology recorded. He had probably taken you along just because he thought you’d admire the view and how you did. Fyodor was right—the walk-up was worth this view.
It was like you were in a trance. You had seen stars, but nothing like this before. The entire Milky Way galaxy was visible to your eyes, countless little suns that seemed barely out of your grasp, even though they were millions of miles away.
“Fedya, how many of them do you recognize by name?”
“By now, I have them all memorized because I’ve found it helpful. If an apocalypse surged the earth, they would still be there. If the world ended, they would still be there. The cosmos remain untouched by us—they watch humanity dance from afar. The nomads knew this the best—when we traveled, we relied on nothing but nature.”
You wondered how many body transfers it took for him to retain them all. There were so many little lights in the sky, it seemed near impossible to be able to gather even half in a mind’s jar. You guessed tens of years at the least, and even with that time, you knew only he could do it.
“You commend them too, don’t you?” you spoke, taking a risk in guessing his views.
“Elaborate for me.” You made eye contact with him, and amethyst eyes fawned over by the night almost enticed you even more than the entire view of the universe afore you.
“You appreciate them, and everything else that lays on the earth after the sun sets because they hold no flaw. They aren’t blemished by the foolishness of people.
“You can be at peace with them because they are perfect, unlike us.”
“You’re right. The perfect mankind would be as pure as the sun and the stars—untainted by something as unnatural as abilities. That’s how I see it, but why group yourself in such faults?”
“Hm?” was the only sound you were able to get out, when he grazed his fingers along your face, cupping your cheek.
“Printsessa, you are perfect.” He spoke smoothly, rich accent making his words sound like a lullaby.
“Your soul dances with the kosmos. Something so divine—you are the harmony of something as beautiful as what we see tonight.
“You are the only one who matches the heavens; my love, you surpass the heavens.”
He captured your lips in a kiss, and you only registered then that it was you two alone. It felt like you two were the only ones in the world with the witnesses to your love being the ends of the horizons, and that the universe who put on a show in the sky instead turned to watch you.
“Fedya…what was the mission?” you asked softly as you cuddled with him, your hands reaching for his silky hair as you lay on his chest.
You felt his smile. “You’re still so naïve, darling; you didn’t have to think so much. The mission was to bring you here. It’s been a while since we’ve gone out, has it not?”
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SIGMA : i’ve never seen it before! (the aurora borealis) — he learns what love is through you.
“Sigma, baby, let’s go!”
The man had a slightly puzzled face as he let you eagerly lead him outside, past your home’s backyard—into the hills beyond. Other than the Sky Casino, it was your favorite spot, especially when you wanted some peace away from the rest of humanity and its industry.
Your lover was utterly confused why you made sure he did not fall asleep this evening. He always went to bed far earlier than you and rose while you were still lost in dream—perhaps snoring—but tonight you insisted.
And Sigma followed, even though he was at the verge of passing out from exhaustion—managing a casino was hard. He let you take his hand and direct him, even without a clue of where you were going.
Maybe that was what love was—blindly following another.
“I have a surprise.” You slightly turned your head back to look at him, and he swore he would remember this scene forever. His hand still clasped around yours, the warm glow of the back porch’s bistro lights cast upon your face, and your sweet smile—though it was dark outside, he felt that your smile lit up his world more than all the stars combined in the night sky.
The cosmos were a new thing for him. You had introduced watching the stars to him, in this special place beyond your backyard.
Immediately after his first time learning what the Big Dipper was, and that the little lights in the sky were actually much farther than they seemed, he called for a viewing deck to be created for the Sky Casino.
That way, even on nights away from you and home, he could still gaze at the same stars, and for you as well if you wanted to visit.
“Are we stargazing?” Sigma asked as you ran up one of the hills with him. He held a chuckle to himself. You didn’t bother to change out of your pajamas. You were so cute.
“It’s a little different this time,” you giggled, setting down a blanket for the two of you to sit. Before, you would bring foldable chairs, but you realized that they made it a bit difficult for you to cling onto Sigma when you wanted to cuddle with him.
“We should start to see it in just a few minutes,” you said, looking up.
The stars were there as usual. Sigma had never thought that something as pretty as your heart could exist in something physical, but that was how he saw those small lights in the sky.
If only you knew that whenever you decided to talk about how beautiful the skies were at night, he wanted to say they were literally just a reflection of you.
As soon as the clock on your watch hit the next hour, you immediately grabbed Sigma’s arm in enthusiasm.
Now he was really starting to wonder what got you so jumpy.
“Hey! Do you see it?!”
Sigma caught himself so distracted by you that he was watching your face instead of where your eyes were looking at.
He blushed when you looked at him, but thankfully you remained oblivious to his embarrassment.
“The green light! Do you see it?”
Sigma looked up, and he saw what looked like sliver of green contrast the dusky sky.
“That’s natural,” you began to explain. “It works through the earth’s magnetic field colliding with the atmosphere.
“Watch how it dances.”
A show started to unfold before the two of you. Sigma watched as the small touch of light became even brighter, transforming into a ribbon. He watched as the ribbon began to travel across the sky, overtaking the darkness. He watched in awe as it was joined by another green stream, traversing the horizons together.
“Wow,” you both said in awe.
“It’s called the aurora borealis,” you spoke.
“You can see it regularly if you travel way up north, but it’s a rare event here.
“I wanted to experience it with you.”
Sigma turned to look back at you, butterflies in his tummy and a surge of warmth overflowing his heart when he met your face—cheeks glowing from the reflection of the chasma and your eyes full of adoration.
“With me?” Sigma asked.
“Of course,” you replied, pulling him up. “Look Sigma—a new color joined.”
He glanced up, seeing that a new hue had appeared, aligning itself with the green. A pinkish light had mixed itself in, creating a swirl of paints on the sky’s pallete.
It really seemed like the lights were dancing. And Sigma thought to himself—like me and her.
You seemed to have the same idea because you had taken his hands in yours and started to whirl him around. It was messy—a bit chaotic, but he let himself be dragged along for a bit until he got dizzy, because maybe love was blindly following someone.
Eventually, Sigma started laughing, and couldn’t be thrown around any longer. “Calm down, love!” He took control of the dance, guiding your steps so that it turned into a more organized waltz.
He became captivated when he twirled you around—even though you were in your pajamas, you couldn’t look any less beautiful. He had danced with you in ballrooms, in gardens, but this unrehearsed night was the most enchanting of all.
You two danced until your feet started to hurt and Sigma’s exhaustion finally got the best of him. Now, you lay together, watching the rest of the night’s act play out.
“Whenever I look at the nebulas, I only think of you now, you know,” you confessed. “Because even if you’re up there, and I’m down on earth, we’re still looking at the same stars together.”
“I think the same,” Sigma replied. “It’s like we’re always connected in some way.”
You nodded with a smile, but you realized Sigma wasn’t finished yet.
“Actually, it’s more than that. I can only think of you when I see those things because all beauty leads back to you. I see your kindness in the sun and your energy in these colorful lights. I see your perseverance in the moon and most importantly, how many hearts you’ve made shine in the stars.
“And whatever ends up the brightest at night is mine, because you’ve warmed my heart the most.”
Your own heart was beating fast, by how your lover had spoken so tenderly to you and by the way he had rolled over towards you so that he was so close now—his lips just shy of yours.
“Sigma,” you whispered, and then you pulled him into a kiss.
It was then he finally understood: love wasn’t about blindly following another, he followed you because you were a blessing of trust, carrying the stars of devotion on your hands.
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i heard if you rb, u’ll be able to watch the stars w/ ur fav tn !! reblogs are cherished; they are what support me the most. <3
this fic wouldn’t have ever seen the light, weren’t for @cheriiyaya (hi); thank u bby for encouraging me start to finish. <3 a lil prompt inspo for dazai & fyodor from her. ^_^
p.s. did i imply a past!love triangle in dazai’s scenario? yes. was i referring to the fyozai ‘til death we do art love triangle? maybe..! actually, for some rzn, i included many things here that foreshadow other fics coming soon. stay tuned :)
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© AUREATCHI 2024. no reposts or translations. do not steal. support banner by cafekitsune.
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anonymousbardd · 7 months
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Character Headcanons
꒰ ☕ ꒱ ┊: How You Met
↳ Various x FemReader
- The following characters are: Gun Park, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo, Jake Kim, and Gongseob Ji.
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ʚɞ ┊: Gun Park
↳ Gun isn't typically a lady's man, he prefers to get stronger and earn more money than ever, he'd do anything just for money, that's why he agreed to join forces in the first place.
Though when chairman Choi suggested marrying the young daughter of the alliance company, he wasn't exactly too thrilled.
When he first met (F/n), they didn't exactly get along, both had different views of the world and both had different priorities.
(F/n)'s priority was to give and to help, while Gun's were to kill just to get.
After some time, both alliances tried to set multiple dates for the two, though they weren't of consent, (F/n) and Gun were civil and handled it maturely.
Eventually, they grew quite fond of eachother, though they don't admit it.
(F/n) would constantly look out for Gun, she would treat his wounds and scold him for smoking and what not, Gun on the other hand brushed her off.
After all, their engagement were just of convenience, there was no point in trying to get attached.
Although, the changes in Gun was slightly noticeable, when confronted about it, he denies all accusations and gets frustrated.
So what if he doesn't smoke as often as he used to? Everybody knows that smoking is a bad habit.
So what if he starts to take care of himself? He needs to do so in order to fight better.
So what if he bought himself a small keychain that reminded him of his Fiancé? It was just a reminder of the contract he has to respect.
And so what if he found himself thinking about the young woman every night before he goes to bed? Though their soon to be marriage is only of convenience, it doesn't mean that he should treat her less.
After all, (F/n) is his wife to be.
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ʚɞ ┊: Goo Kim
↳ Much like Gun, he prefers money over women, he also has a bit of a habit of spending a shit tone when he's upset, he doesn't care, he's got more money than he could count.
In a spectacular day, he found himself roaming around in an anime convention, he only had one goal, and that is to get as much Katanas he could.
He looked around and enjoyed himself, taking pictures with a few cosplayers, getting a bit of keychains and what not.
The moment he laid eyes on a man cosplaying one of his favourite characters, he immediately went by to say hi, the man was handsome looking, pale skin, sharp eyes and tall.
He was surprised to learn that it was actually a woman.
Goo couldn't believe his eyes that a woman is able to pull such a masculine cosplay, when the cosplayer asked him about the huge Katana haul, he excitedly explained that it was one of his favourite weapons.
The two talked for a bit and took a picture together, the cosplayer left Goo a small custom keychain and headed off.
A few days later, Goo found himself saving a young woman who was dresses up as a video game character from a group of perverts.
He was surprised when the cosplayer recognised him, and he was even more surprised when he found out that it was the same cosplayer he met a few days ago.
The cosplayer wanted to thank Goo so she ended up showing him her collections of swords, katanas and other weapons, Goo was over the moon and kept on drooling over the displays.
The cosplayer was kind enough to give Goo two weapons.
Goo never forget about it and has those two weapons displayed in his home, he also kept in contact with the cosplayer and goes out for coffee whenever he's free.
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ʚɞ ┊: Samuel Seo
↳ It was a long night, Samuel's original plan was to drink the night away, he wasn't at all expecting to meet a talented woman.
He met (F/n) at a bar, she was singing a song, she was a stage performer.
After her performance, she tumbled upon Samuel, they noticed each other's presence but didn't speak.
What lead to them was the bartender, both of them had ordered the same drink and when the bartender placed down the fixated alcohol, Samuel and (F/n) reached out to grab it.
(F/n) was first to apologize, she claimed that she didn't know it was his, Samuel was already a bit tipsy by that point and thought about having a bit of fun.
The two of them ended up sharing the drink, they ordered a couple more as they continued to speak to each other.
It was the typical "fuck I fell in love in a one night stand".
Now Samuel bothers (F/n) in any chance he could.
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ʚɞ ┊: Jake Kim
↳ Sinu tried to set up his dear Jake and his dear sister in law, Jake was of course not ideally please with the idea.
Although, he did end up agreeing due to Sinu's persistent PESTERING.
They ended up talking in a café, it went smoothly, it was a slow burn trope for the two, it took them a year and a half to actually admit they had feelings for eachother. — (Speaking from soon to be experience hehe).
Sinu was proud of himself being the source of the newly blossomed relationship.
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ʚɞ ┊: Gongseob Ji
↳ (F/n) was unfortunate enough to found herself in a club with Gongseob Ji, she was only there because of her friends, Gongseob was there to pickup girls.
And sadly, (F/n) was the one he took interest in the most.
Once he found out that the two of them went to the same highschool, he began to attend school just to see her everyday.
Gongseob didn't really want anything else other than a sweet relief, but as he continued to appear any place (F/n) was, his friends started to tease him.
That's when he slowly questioned his feelings, and that's when he found out he actually liked her.
He wasn't discreet about it, he told her as soon as he found out.
It took a while but he was able to take her out to dinner after saving her from a group of delinquents.
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
Smash or Pass
Fandom: Danny Phantom and Batfam Prompt: https://www.tumblr.com/help-i-need-a-cool-username/719653067055906816/ashboy-3-please-tag-me-whenever-you-post-it?source=share Characters: Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jason, Batfam Words: 1908 Summary: Danny refuses to sleep and gets stopped by a reporter. Not fully knowng what she aks when questioning him about Red Hood Danny answers with a simple Smash. Now if only his crush Jason Todd would pick up on the social cues.
“So what’s the game tonight?” Danny asked, looking at the screen of the video camera to see Tucker and Sam staring back at him.
“Are you sure Danny. Isn’t it like ten over there?” Sam asked, worry clearly on her face.
“It’s not a good night for sleep Sam. Please. You two both have the day off, right?” Danny asked.
“Yeah we do dude. So I was thinking Smash or pass?” Tucker threw the idea out there.
“Oh that’s a good one. What should we do it on?” Danny asked.
“Super smash bros? It has Smash in the name?” Tucker suggested.
“Then we should totally do Pokémon!” Sam had an evil smirk.
“Oh you are both so on!” Danny quickly agreed as Tucker quickly found a full list online of the Super Smash bro fighters, sharing his screen and making sure to record, if anything for future black mail reasons.
“Alright first up Mario,” Tucker announced, both his friends knowing that he would rather be the impartial party and narrator while they have their fun.
“Pass.” Danny and Sam voiced.
“Donkey Kong.”
“Pass,” Danny quickly said.
“Smash!” Sam was quick to say as the two looked at each other.
“You want to smash a giant monkey?” Danny questioned.
“First off he’s a gorilla, second you can’t tell me that he doesn’t fuck,” she quirked her eyebrow at him.
“Fair enough,” Danny yielded holding up his drink to take a sip in her honor.
“Dude that’s water,” Tucker rolled his eyes.
“Don’t’ remind me. Who’s next!”
“Smash” Tucker rolled his eyes at his two friends.
“Sometimes you two are so predictable. Samus.”
“Pass,” Sam waved her off.
“Smash. Let her fuck me up, in or out of that suit!”
“Dark Samus?”
“Same,” they both agreed, to keep their answers from last time.
“Smash!” Sam yelled out, Danny thinking about it before he to agreed.
“Why am I friends with you two? Kirby?”
“Pass,” Sam said as Danny thought abot it. “Yeah pass. I feel like Kirby is to innocent. And dude who else would you be friends with. Hit me with the next one!”
“Fox and Falco.”
“Pass on Fox smash on Falco,” Sam decided. “Pass on both,” Danny shook his head.
“How could you smash one but not the other? Their the same thing?” Danny asked.
“First off their not. I feel like Falco is more bad ass. Second, I don’t want to hear that argument when we get to pokemon.”
“Fair enough.” Danny agreed.
“Speaking of Pokemon I’m skipping them in this list since that’s our next list,” Tucker skipped the image of pikachu. They both passed on Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and jigglypuff.
“I would so smash princess peach, daisy, and Rosalina. Line them up!” Danny cheered.
“Really Peach? I would only smash Rosalina. She at least had a story line,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“Smash the fucking hell out of me!” Danny cheered.
“Okay I know I’m a monster fucker, but are you sure you’re not one?” Sam asked him.
“I have never actually thought about it,” Danny shrugged. “But you still didn’t answer the question?”
“Of course, I’d smash Bowser. Pass on Wario, Waluigi, and Dr. Mario,” Sam rolled her eyes, a smile on her lips.
“Yeah, I can agree with that statement,” Danny shook his head in understanding. “We are passing on the ice climbers?” Danny asked.
“Of course!” Danny agreed. “and you know I’m smashing Sheik and Zelda!”
“Smash Sheik pass on Zelda.”
“You are aware that their the same person right?” Tucker asked her.
“I’m very aware. Sheik could kill me and Zelda is a broing princess. I know what I want in a partner.”
“point taken,” Tucker stopped his fight as he ended up pushing next multip times. Danny and Sam both agreed to pass on the fire emblem charctrers along with young link while Smashing Ganon.
“Mr. Game and Watch.”
“Pass,” Sam said quickly.
“I’d smash. I feel like he could give me a fun time. You saw how he handles that hammer. If I’m lucky he’d use it to pound me,” Danny smiled, making both of his friends laugh.
“You know Danny I agree with that statement and that’s why I’d smash meta knight.”
“To much armor for me,” Danny said, making Tucker snort.
They passed on the Pit’s, kept their same opinion on Samus and landed on Snake.
“Extra Smash!” Danny and Sam agreed.
They kept playing, ending pretty quickly with mostly passes. Danny wanting to smash Bayonets,, Ridley, and King Roll. Sam was agreeing with that list adding Isabella, claiming that she must have some evil dark side to her. This led the group to the pokemon list.
“Do we want to start with Gen 1? Or just go into chaos?” Tucker asked, knowing his friends answers as he got up the list for Gen 9.
“I’m being honest if it’s got three evolutions, I’m most likely not going to smash the first evolution. The second and third are still up for grabs,” Danny set down his rules.
“I can agree with that. So we passing on Sprigatto, Quaxly, and Fuecoco,” Tucker mumbled to himself, making sure to skip thoses options.
“I’m Smashing Floragato, Meowscarda and crocalor from the starters,” Danny stated.
“Chicken,” Sam snorted. “I’ll take your grass started and your fire second evolution and raise you a Quaxwell.”
“I feel like it’s only going to drown into madness from here,” Tucker groaned, knowing it’s not even midnight where Danny is yet and there are nine generations of pokemon.
“How can you not Smash Spidops!” Danny asked frantically.
“Are you kidding? All it does is shot webs. If I wanted to fuck something that shots webs I would fuck spiderman,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“You. . .bring out an excellent point, but I’m not changing my answer!”
“Smashing Arbolliva!” Sam slammed her hand on the desk.
‘Damn girl! I am right here! If you don’t want me then just say it,” Tucker teased her as Danny laughed.
“Smash. Samsh. Smash Ceruledge,” Danny was cheering, Sam cheering with him.
“You know it makes sense that the two of you dated in. highschool, but I can clearly tell why you two were never going to work,” Tucker observed.
“And why is that?” Danny asked, quirking his eyebrow.
“You have to similar of taste.”
“No way in hell you’re actually fucking Grafaiai. Sam do you just have a thing for monkeys or something? “Danny asked.
“I’m not the one who’s ready to throw a party for Toedscruel. I thought we agreed no judging?” She glared.
“Oh know we are judging. I think I’m the one who’s judging the worst,” Tucker laughed.
“That doesn’t count. You only have eyes for Sam. I can’t even recombed a person looks hot and fuckable to you without you saying Sam’s better,” Danny groaned.
“Yep and it’s nice to see that my girlfriend does not have the same standards for me,” Tucker was looking towards her, a playful smile on his lips. He knows she loves him and that he’s not being serious.
“Ah shit guys! I gotta go and get ready for class!” Danny said after hours of playing the smash or pass game. They did eventually make it through all of the Pokémon, but now it was 7 am and Danny had to run to get to campus and stop at his favorite coffee shop.
“Make sure you stay awake dude. If you need to skip class I can write you a doctor’s note,” Tucker said.
“I’ll be fine. I just really don’t want to sleep right now. I should be better by tonight,” Danny said bye to his friends, changing into a different shirt, making sure to grab his jacket, wallet, and keys before leaving his small apartment.
Danny loved living in Gotham, but sometimes the hustle and bustle of the city can be chaotic and stressful, especially on the days when Danny could possibly be late for class, sleep deprived, yet to have his coffee and some report is stopping him to ask him question.
“Opinion of Red Hood?” was the only thing Danny heard the reported ask.
“Smash,” was all Danny could think of as he quickly walked into the coffee shop to get his black coffee with 12 extra expresso shots. Did is taste good? No. Did it wake him up? Absolutely.
Danny didn’t realize the absolute chaos he had caused till he was back home from his classes, Sam and Tucker spamming him with memes of what he did.
Seeing no other option but to go along with it. He found the original clip that tucker sent him a link to, tunrs out the news station put it up on twitter, and re retweeted it with just two words. “I’m right.”
Meanwhile on the other side of Gotham Dick is dying of laughter as he discovered the most hilarious news clip on the planet and proceeded to send it to every single person in his contacts and to every group chat that he’s in, just in case he didn’t have someone’s contact number saved.
He even found the clip being retweeted by the same guy who claims that he’s still right with someone else tagging it #plsdon’tkillhimmr.redhoodsir.
He was making fun of Jason for it especially because turns out his brother knows the guy in real life.
“Grayson what does he even mean when he says smash?” Damain asked as Tim and Dick were making fun of Jason at the cave.
“I have to agree with Damain. The video makes know sense,” Bruce agreed.
“I’m not explaning this,” Tim quickly grabbed his coffee and walked out of the batcave.
“No it!” Jason declared running upstairs, face fully red, Dick not far behind him.
“Why is it always me,” Duke groaned as Bruce wayne lifted a questioning eye brow up at him.
“Please don’t make me explain it,” Duke begged, but sadly when Bruce Wayne wants to know something he will know something.
“Keep making fun of me for this and I will no longer show up to family dinner,” Jason glared at his older brother.
“Aww. You know you can’t avoid Alfred forever,” Dick teased.
“Shit you’re right,” Jason groaned, knowing he was going to have to put up with his brother’s teasing no matter what.
Before anyone knew it Wednesday was upon them, which meant that Danny and Jason finished their only shared class and walked out together to get lunch.
“So did you see your famous news clip?” Jason asked, not able to look Danny in the eye.
“Yeah. I swear this I say the craziest shit when I’m sleep deprived. I stand by what I said though,” Danny got up from the table to grab his order.
“You’re not worried about Red Hood finding out or anything?” Jason asked, seeing a chaotic look within Danny’s eyes.
“Jason, I want nothing more than for Red Hood to come and find me. Hopefully then I’ll get my wish,” Danny smirked up at him, hoping his friend would catch on to the signs.
“Well one can always hope,” Jason gave an awkward laugh as Danny sighed.
Jason may be a bat, but Danny has a feeling that he’s as hopeless as he is when it comes to picking up on romantic cues. At this rate, it’s going to take a miracle to get Jason to realize that yes Danny has feelings for him.
@help-i-need-a-cool-username @spookytragedyshark @weirdfishy @meira-3919 @akikkobara @yjfk@shorterthanadverage@mistyaltair @seraphinedemort@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit@thatonegaybitch68@fuck-you-too-world@stargirl1331@blackrabbitt3t@staresatyoufromaccrosstheroom@f-theworld
I think that was everyone that wanted to be tagged. I personally feel like this could you a second chapter. If I ever do decide to do that then I would definitely add more Jason moments than just having him in here at the last moment.
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jesswritesthat · 2 months
Hi!!! I just read your poly Iwaoi (and will slowly make my way through the rest of the writing hehe) and was wondering if you could write poly SakuAtsu???
If not I will take absolutely anything for Semi Semi or Tendo <333
Thank you if you end up writing this <3
Oh my gosh yes! I definitely want to write more for Semi and Tendō, but first I have what you requested.
Hope you enjoy!
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Being in a Poly-relationship with Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi would include:
• Atsumu will wind Sakusa up constantly, the amount of sponges Miya has taken to his face is surprisingly high - especially when he feigns biting something or smearing dirt somewhere.
• Sakusa gets his own back however, when you come to one of their training sessions and hold your palms up for a high-10 he will hesitate but give you one with a smile. Atsumu will do the same and Kiyoomi will look at his hands with disgust and walk away.
“Wha— but you gave (N/n) a high-10!”
“I love them.”
“Excuse me?!”
• There is always something interesting going on, Atsumu will come home with a random story, Sakusa adding a tale of horror to the mix, and you’ll tell them about your day. Communication is so good, even if it took more time, Kiyoomi feels comfortable opening up to you both now.
• You each take turns in cooking when you can or sometimes you’d do it together. Sakusa cleans as he goes and leaves the kitchen area spotless - then there’s Atsumu who manages something.
“This is really nice Atsumu, thank you!”
“Yeah, give our regards to Osamu will you?” Sakusa comments, always blunt.
“Hey?! I cooked this, what made ya think it was ‘Samus huh?” Unfortunately you know he’s lying but you chose to ignore it momentarily…
“Because at this rate, I know his cooking better than I do yours.” Sakusa highlighted with a cocky smirk, yourself following up.
“Plus uh, the delivery wasn’t exactly discrete…”
• Jealousy? Atsumu certainly shows it more and is by either if your sides demanding space if you or Sakusa look uncomfortable. If it’s you, while Atsumu is intervening, Kiyoomi sneaks you away and poor Miya turns around to emptiness after expecting praise. It’s so cute.
Sakusa on the other hand sort of unnerves others with his silent glare and disgusted presence alone. Yourself and Atsumu find it amusing in all honesty.
• Everyone always jokes about how you and Sakusa manage to put up with Atsumu and your partners’ responses kill you every time.
“It’d be more trouble to get rid of him.”
“Why? Do you want him?”
• Atsumu gets overwhelmed with emotion whenever either you or Kiyoomi doing anything remotely romantic/kind for him. Like you’ll buy him flowers or team up to make fatty tuna and he has tears in his eyes making up a lie about hayfever.
• Sakusa expresses his love very much by acts of service, the place is usually spotless and if you mention anything you need it’s there the next day. Atsumu however is very vocal about his love for you both, saying mushy stuff all the time if you catch him in one of those moods. However it’s really nice to spend quality time together.
• You are also victim of whatever diets they are assigned during volleyball season, and they always get a bit pouty if you eat something they can’t in front of them. Atsumu is more susceptible to teasing than Sakusa, he sticks to his diet without complaint.
• If you ever watch a series together due to varying tastes, Atsumu has a habit of commenting throughout the film - Kiyoomi humming along as the two of you engage in deep conversation about some nonsensical scene.
• Involved in such chaos is also the mini completions yourself and Atsumu have that involve getting Sakusa flustered. Pick up lines. Yes you’ll agree with Kiyoomi that it’s stupid, but it is fun.
“Oh oh Omi-Omi, are ya a hitter? Because I can set ya up~” Atsumu started, leaning to the left of Sakusa while he cleaned his trainers.
“Kiyoomi, if I serve you my heart will you receive it?” You slid to the right of the ravenette.
“Yes (Y/n) but why are you—“
“Are yer a volleyball? Because I’d hit that~” Atsumu smirked with a wink, yourself following up.
“Oh you play volleyball? Let me grab my kneepads so I can slide into your DMs gorgeous~”
Immediately Kiyoomi became flustered and covered his face.
“Yes I win! Take that Atsumu!”
“Nah that was a fluke!”
“Oh you’re definitely a setter, we both know you’re good with your hands~” Came your lowered voice, both men flustering now.
“I— shit (Y/n)— yeah, you win…”
• If you feel upset or saddened, these two are a dynamic duo - Atsumu has instantly enveloped you in his arms with either soothing words or threats to the world, meanwhile Sakusa has equipped himself with blankets and snacks to cheer you up. Even their cute bickering over you makes you smile and you can’t help but hug them both.
• Sick? Oh Sakusa never gets sick but if you or Miya come down with a cold, he is ON IT. You’re scolded for you idiocy and told to stay away from him but he is the most attentive doctor whilst you two are confined to a bed. Medication? Check. Home remedy? Covered. Healthy food? Duh.
Atsumu is needy but more grateful for your cuddles and kisses during this ‘tough time’. You and Kiyoomi are rolling your eyes at his dramatics.
• Sakusa particularly finds comfort in cleaning day, it’s one regularly reserved for a deep clean and because you see how content Sakusa is, you join in. Well Atsumu takes convincing but that’s easily done with food or kisses.
• As proud members of the MSBY Black Jackal volleyball team, it means you get VIP tickets to every one of their games. (Atsumu and Kiyoomi secretly compete for who gets to give them to you but shhh).
• They also get a bit competitive about whose number you’ll wear for each game, as naturally you have merch for both of them but mainly MSBY in general. They basically died when you wore Hinatas number one time.
“Look I’m just going to wear my MSBY jersey, with my name on it.”
“But (N/n)—“
“No, I like it. It’s the first one you both got me so it’s important.” You’d kept it all this time, the pair blushing slightly with Kiyoomi replying to you.
“That’s fair, we appreciate the support regardless of what you wear.”
“Well I mean…”
• They have a tradition where they both come to the railing to greet / hug you after their games and they’ve done so with their team. Atsumu practically fell over it once but you caught him and he played it off - Kiyoomi still rips him for it.
• They’re both extremely aporecitive of your support with their volleyball careers, especially considering they’re off travelling for matches. They bring back souvenirs or snacks, with Atsumus’ being more random whilst Kiyoomis’ gifts are more thoughtful. At least with the Olympics you were able to come with them for part of the trip and they were determined to show you everything.
• Overall, it’s wholesome chaos - you have your disagreements but manage to make up and compromise (some with more persuasion than others) but you each love each other too much to care.
[ Masterlist ]
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pizzaronipasta · 4 months
It deeply confuses and saddens me that people so readily dismiss older video games as being lesser. Several of my favorite games of all time are among the oldest in their genres, and frequently get unfairly written off as "dated." It's a shame really, because these titles are diamonds in the rough, and ought to be recognized as the absolute gems they are.
A perfect case study for this topic is Metroid, released for the Famicom Disc System in 1986, and for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1987.
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This game is immaculate. It features some of the best design I've ever seen. Its atmosphere, aesthetics, narrative, gameplay, and controls are all on point. Its worst flaw is its buggy programming. And yet, a lot of people seem to hate it. They respect it as the precursor to its widely acclaimed sequels, especially Super Metroid, but not a lot of people appreciate it for its own merits. Why is this? I suspect there are three main reasons.
The first reason is that it doesn't directly tell you much. Most people nowadays play it on an emulator, and don't think to consult the manual, which would have come with a new physical copy and clarified some points of confusion. The manual even has a partial map of Brinstar, the game's first area, and suggests making your own maps as you play.
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Even so, the manual doesn't tell you everything. The game conveys most of what it needs to through gameplay. Its opening moments demonstrate this expertly.
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When you start a new game, Samus appears facing the camera. There is nothing visibly stopping you from going left or right, and nothing to indicate which way the game wants you to go. If you're used to games like Super Mario Bros., you might assume you have to go right.
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If you do, you'll come to an impasse. The only way forward is too narrow for you to fit through. So the only way you can go is left.
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Doubling back, you'll find you can go left from where you started, and come across the morphing ball. When you grab it, you'll seemingly be trapped. The place you jumped down from is too high to jump back up to, and the only other visible path is a narrow passage like you saw earlier. Obviously, you need to use the morphing ball to escape. The game has taught you this without a word.
You'll probably remember the impasse from before. Since you were given the tool to solve a similar situation, you'll naturally think to try it there as well. Thus, the game has taught you the core elements of the search-action genre, or as it eventually came to be known, the metroidvania: as you explore, you will reach obstacles; further exploration will reward you with the means of clearing those obstacles; and remembering where you encountered obstacles will reward you with swift progress.
But Metroid is not done teaching. Once you resume progressing to the right, you'll reach the bottom of a tall vertical shaft.
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When I say this thing is tall, I mean it. The same pattern of platforms is repeated around a dozen times before you reach anything of note, and the whole thing is crawling with simple enemies. Up until this point, a player will probably have fought nearly every enemy they could; after all, defeating them removes them as obstacles, and rewards you with health pickups, which you'll need since Samus starts with only 30 out of 99 units of health. But here, attempting to kill every zoomer (yes, that's what the spiky things are called) will make your climb either extremely slow and tedious or extremely costly in terms of health. Unless a player is unreasonably persistent, they are likely to get bored or frustrated and begin evading the enemies instead. The fact that you can't damage the rippers, the only other type of enemy in this room, further helps to signal that the player needs to pick their battles. And so, yet another critical lesson is wordlessly taught: that you don't generally need to go out of your way to kill enemies, and that avoiding combat can save you time and resources.
Metroid continues teaching the player like this from start to finish. With patience, caution, and observance, you'll learn the game's ins and outs without even realizing it. The problem is that many players don't play with this approach, because of...
The second reason I think people dislike the game: preconceived notions of what old games are like.
NES games have a reputation for being unfairly difficult. The usual explanations for this are that they were still being designed like arcade games, which were meant to get as many quarters out of players as possible, and that they also used difficulty to artificially bloat play time, creating the illusion of better value for people buying them. There is some truth to both of these, but the phenomenon is largely overstated. Nevertheless, this reputation precedes games from that era.
As such, when players today approach a game like Metroid, they aren't expecting an actual well-designed game. They're expecting a brutal experience full of cheap bullshit and cryptic nonsense. When they get to that vertical shaft, they don't consider that they might be doing something wrong, they just assume that it's supposed to be tedious and frustrating. And so they never learn the game's lessons. When they find themselves turned around in the sprawling nonlinear level design, they're predisposed to getting overwhelmed and giving up, at which point they consult...
The third reason I think people dislike the game: walkthroughs.
The way people perceive old games, as described above, has led to the proliferation of walkthroughs. Now, there's nothing wrong with referencing a guide when you're stuck, or when you're trying to track down things you missed, or in other such situations. However, following one to the letter for the entirety of your playthrough ruins games like Metroid. When you have a handy set of step-by-step instructions on how to win, you have no incentive to engage with the game. You have no reason to even try learning level layouts or remembering what's where. Metroid ceases to be a game, and instead becomes a checklist.
It gets worse, though. When you always know precisely where to go next, the time you were expected to spend exploring and getting better at the game gets completely cut out. You don't have time to master the combat. You don't have the opportunity to get a feel for where secrets are most likely to be hidden. As your progress increases, your skill does not. Therefore, following a walkthrough like this leaves you sorely unprepared for the challenges in store for you. And so games like Metroid end up feeling like brutal experiences full of cheap bullshit and cryptic nonsense. A self-fulfilling prophecy.
In conclusion, please give older games a fair chance. Engage with them as earnestly as you would with modern games, and never rule out the possibility that you might be doing something wrong. And above all else, keep your walkthrough usage to a minimum.
There's a whole world of fantastic new experiences waiting for you. Enjoy.
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masuchu · 9 months
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what happens when the bsd men’s gf gets zoomies? ‧₊˚
genre. fluff !! kinda silly ngl . perhaps ooc but idk
characters. dazai, chuuya & fyodor
love, masu. this has been rotting in my drafts for sooooo long!! i polished it off and i love it now!! it’s a very stupid idea, but who even cares
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(大哉) 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 ‧₊˚
Zoomies are contagious for this man. When you start sprinting around your shared apartment for absolutely no apparent reason, he questions nothing and joins you.
As much as he finds it amusing to sit back and watch you run around like a toddler, he feels the childish longing to join you bubbling up inside him.
When you crash into things? He crashes into them too! You’ll clean later, for now, he’s perfectly content to copy your strange antics.
However, he can only last so long running around like a lunatic. He will be worn out by the end of your spree!
“Bella, how are you still going? I feel like I’m going to die…”
You halted your movements and peered down amused at your heaving boyfriend, strewn out clumsily on your sofa.
“Aw, can’t keep up Samu’?” You teasingly muttered against your lover’s lips, much too close to escape without being gripped firmly and ambushed with kisses.
“Haha! Leave me alone!” You giggled at the ticklish feeling of his lips teasing all around your face.
“So long as you stay here with me and stop giving yourself whiplash~”
You giggled again. “For you.”
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(中也) 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 ‧₊˚
Oh my god, not a day goes by where you don’t severely decrease the concentration of braincells in this man’s head.
When suddenly begin to dart around his million dollar apartment with seemingly zero spacial nor social awareness, you actually stun him.
Jaw dropped, eyes switching from wide to squinted every few seconds, completely and utterly speechless.
What the fuck were you doing?? This man loves you with every fibre of his being, every inch of his soul— however, sometimes you really do make him question if you were, well, okay.
When he gets over his initial shock, he shakes his head and pretends it never happened. He may chuckle and call you something along the lines of ‘damn weirdo’, but he really does love you and your oddness!
Your heavy breaths are all that can be heard throughout the room, hands on your hips in attempt to allow more oxygen into your lungs.
“Ah! I’m so tired, what are you drink— Why are you looking at me like that?”
You finally take notice of your boyfriend’s humorously perplexed stare, and shake your head at his expression.
“What on earth was that?!”
“What was what?”
Chuuya blink twice and lets his head fall back, allowing a mix of a groan and a laugh to escape his lips.
“Forget about it.”
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(费奥多尔) 𝐅𝐘𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑 ‧₊˚
Fyodor tends to allow you to do your thing in these situations.
He understands you aren’t looking for attention, your nerves are just going haywire. So long as you don’t break anything or kill anyone (anyone important, at least), he is perfectly content with carrying on with his work and leaving you to your devices.
That is, until you do break something.
The torment you put this man through is humorous, considering his occupation and life goals. He prays he may live one day without something happening.
“What, exactly, am I looking at?”
You look down at the shattered vase on the floor, and let out a shaky laugh. A laugh that was more of a ‘shit! I am in trouble’ rather than a ‘this is very funny’.
“Urm. Well, I sort of crashed into the table. And then, it kind of, very much fell off and shattered.”
A moment that was much too long for you liking passed by painfully. You shuffled from foot to foot, and placed you gaze anywhere but your lovers face. It was not in Fyodor’s nature to feel empathy, but he didn’t care about the vase. And he supposed it would be a hassle to deal with you in an apologetic and guilty state…
“It is fine, I didn’t care for it much. Though, please refrain from destroying any more of my ceramics when you continue… doing whatever you were doing.”
“I will try. And it’s called ‘zoomies’!”
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2024 © masuchu , do not repost, reword, plagiarise, take inspiration, translate or share my work anywhere!
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Dazai Osamu x reader
💌 Reading into the palms of isekai bullshit: 
Chapter 1  💌  
Summary:   You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. You clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again but when you opened your eyes and saw Dazai O-FUCKING-samu getting choked by Kunikida you honestly hoped it was a dream.
Notes: Another isekai so I can play around with BSD like dolls.
💌 Word count: 3,312 💌  You Are Here | Next Chapter =>
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"Nooooooo!” you screamed, throwing your phone down. Today was the day the new Bungo Stray Dogs chapter was supposed to be posted. It was but you weren’t happy about it. You finished reading it in record speed since they left both of your favorite characters in a pretty heavy cliffhanger only to shift the perspective to someone else. It wasn’t a bad chapter, you just didn’t like the idea that you’d now have to wait another month. You sighed falling back on to your bed. The waiting was nothing new but your brain wanted more. More adventures, more side stories, heck at this point you might as well reread the damn thing. You’ve been scrolling through tumblr reading as many plot analysis and character breakdowns to the point where you feel like you know everyone like the back of your hand. Everyone feels so real to you like you’ve known them all your life, almost like in another life you were all friends or maybe you were a part of the agency. You laughed to yourself as you picked your phone back up. The rain outside would be nice ambient noise to start the manga over once again. 
You were no stranger to isekai bullshit. It’s not like you had a problem with it. The genre took over the anime scene for years now but you try to stay away from thinking about how you would handle the situation. The last time you thought about inserting yourself into your favorite show you wrote a 100k word xReader fic for your favorite characters and you didn’t want to spend all your time consumed by the brainrot again. Never again, you promised yourself that was the last time you’d let the devil on your shoulder win. The soft pitter patter of the rain brought you back from your thoughts as you clicked on chapter 1 to start the adventure over again. 
“Dazai I swear if this was one of your planed double suicides I’m going to kill you!” a voice rang out. You could still feel the cold sensations of floating in water. What were you doing a moment ago and why did those voices sound familiar to you? The last thing you remember was starting over your beloved manga from chapter 1. You didn’t leave the house and none of your friends had keys to get in. Why were there people in your bedroom and why do you feel cold and wet? 
“I assure you if it was, me and this lovely lady would already be dead but unfortunately Atsushi here ruined that miracle for me.”
You choked, it finally hit you. You did, in fact, recognize those voices “D-Dazai?” When your vision came too you were in Atsushi’s lap as Kunikida was shaking his partner. This couldn’t be real. No this had to be a dream. Dammit you could see it now, once you woke up you were going to write another Stray Dogs isekai. You internally groaned. What have you done?
“Ah so sleeping beauty’s awake!” Dazai tapped the blonde’s wrist to get his attention. “Kunikida as a gentleman you should ask her if she’s alright and stop strangling me.” 
Reluctantly the blonde did as he was told and let go, gracefully kneeling in front of you “Are you alright my colleague said you were floating in the river?” his eyes were full of concern. It made a warm feeling bloom throughout your body. Honestly you could get used to this. Wait, did he just say you were floating in the river?
You looked dazed, glancing around to see the familiar riverbank that Atsushi starts at during the very beginning of Bungo Stray Dogs. You looked at your hands. You were still wearing the same clothes you had before you remember falling asleep, admittedly they were much soggier than you remember but you had no memory of how you ended up in the river. Just from the small scene in front of you this was how episode 1 started. If you played along maybe you’d eventually wake up. You’ve had lucid dreams before, it wasn’t too far fetched but the ache in your heart didn’t want you to wake up. Finally you looked up at Kunikida who was patiently waiting for your answer but before you could respond your stomach growled. How embarrassing, now it really was like how the episode played out.
Dazai keeled over laughing “I guess introductions can wait till we get something to eat, how about that?” He offered you a hand over his partner's shoulder to help you up. You snapped out of your haze staring at it a moment before you grabbed his hand and said “I think that’s for the best.” 
What have you gotten yourself into?
At dinner Atsushi spent no time at all stuffing his face as Kunikida and Dazai bantered back and forth. Dialogue you remembered from when you watched the show originally. You forgot how furious Kunikida was over the whole ordeal and you felt bad knowing what Atsushi was going to say next. He really needed a hug and you know what you can finally do that with your circumstances but maybe not right now.
“I came to Yokohama straight from the orphanage. I’ve had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep since. I thought I’d starve to death.”
“You came from an orphanage?” Dazai questioned. He was sitting across from you casually and despite being hungry you noticed that he didn’t order anything to eat. You had ordered one out of solidarity. You’ve always wanted to try tea on rice but never bothered trying to find a place that makes it in your area. Atsushi was already on his twelfth bowl or so as he continued the conversation. 
“I was yes but they kicked me out.”
“Sounds like a real philanthropic organization.” Dazai turned his attention from Atsushi to you “How about you? Remember anything now?” He rested his head on the back of his hands. You wanted to hold them.
You nodded looking down at your hands. That’s when you got an idea. “I think my name is (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Still trying to work out how I got in the river but,” you paused raising your hands to your face slightly. Your mom had read tons of books about palm reading. Maybe this could be your chance to use what little knowledge you remember to your advantage. “I don’t know this might sound silly but do you mind if I see your hands?”
Dazai tilted his head to the side before he offered you his palms “What brought this on?” You pretended to inspect the lines ghosting over them with your fingers tracing some of them lightly. “When I looked at my hands I had this voice in my head that told me that I could read palms. Mine were kind of fuzzy so I wanted to see if I could read someone else’s” You pretend to see flashbacks, blinking and tensing up for added effect. He played along, chuckling to himself “Well what do you see?”
You forced a careful expression on your face slowly sparing him a glance “A lot you’d rather I not say out loud.” You move to hold his hands in yours giving him a loving squeeze and smile “Odasaku would be proud of you though.” The look he gave you was sharp, his lips in a tight line hearing the name. Before either of you could really finish the exchange Kunikida piped up.
“Dazai we’re not a couple of do good-ers going around helping hard luck cases. We’ve got a job to do.” Kunikida nudged the other with his book. He clearly didn't believe in your charade. You could fix that “Actually I have a feeling I might be able to help with your case if you let me see your hands too.” He gave you a wary look as you made grabby hands at him “Please I swear I’ll explain once I see everyone’s hands.” Dazai gave him a cautious expression but Kunikida gave in. Probably to get it over with so he could go back to work. This time you didn’t try to trace patterns on his palm like you did to Dazai. “Wow, I’ve never seen someone so traumatized by the color blue before.” as he made a choked noise, you turned to Atsushi. “Okay your turn.”
“Do I have too?” 
“Yes, otherwise I’ll be missing a piece of the puzzle and Kunikida and Dazai might think I'm a threat." Atsushi slowly presented them to you. "You see, they're with the Armed Detective Agency and currently they're looking for a white tiger. You know the one that's been "chasing" you." You said "chasing" in air quotes letting go of his hands to do the gesture making sure to give a nod to Dazai about the tiger thing.
In Atsushi’s panic he knocked over his chair and a couple of bowls as he tried to crawl away. You watched the scene play out as Kunikida pinned him to the floor and the interrogation started. You sat patiently as Atsushi was then asked if he was free to be bait. Dazai hadn't taken his eyes off of you letting Kunikida handle Atsushi. Maybe you did go too heavy handed into this.
“Forget it no way!”
You tried to ignore Dazai's gaze and laughed at Atsushi’s outburst trying to lighten the mood. “I don’t know Atsushi. If it’s after you I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to get it off your back for good. What if I tagged along? Strength in numbers right?” He stood up and defended himself “That doesn’t make it better! I’m not doing this okay. I know what you’re thinking, you’re planning to use me as bait-”
“There’s a reward you know.”
From there Atsushi’s fate was sealed and you all made your way over to the warehouse. You waited around for hours, everyone keeping to themselves. You spent the time trying to plan out how you'd explain yourself to Dazai. You could still feel his cautious gaze on you despite him reading his book. You’ve always wanted his attention but not like this. You especially didn't want to be on his shit list. As soon as Atsushi opened his mouth you sighed in relief.
 Finally, it's showtime.
 It’s not like you’d actually be of any help, you just needed to make sure you didn’t die or get in the way. “Guess that’s my cue to leave, I’ll go find Kunikida and the others.” Dazai only smirked and continued to monologue to Atsushi who would not remember the speech later. You casually strode out of the warehouse seeing the others already surrounding the building, hearing the ruckus inside. You didn’t speak, only waved them in as you made your way back to Dazai seeing that the dust had already settled and Atsushi was already on the ground. After everyone else got to take a jab at him the brunette finally spoke.
“I’ve already made my decision. We’re going to make them one of us.” Dazai’s stare made you freeze up. It makes sense to you, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Not that you were his enemy but you've already proven you don't have an ability. Your little trick worked on him so you weren't gifted and that probably was the worse part. He doesn't know what your intentions are nor what the extent of your talents were and he couldn’t nullify you even if he tried. He was probably evaluating your level of threat to him, the agency or both.
His eyes were staring into your soul. It was so alluring but you couldn't help the fear that was settling in knowing what he was capable of. Well part of it was fear and part of it was intrigue. Why did he have to also be so damn attractive. Your face felt hot but you couldn't look away. You dug your grave now you'd have to lay in it. The whole way back to the dormitory he was guiding you from the small of your back. In any other circumstance the presence of his hand on such a place would have you swooning because that is peak protective boyfriend behavior but instead it was almost threatening like he was trying to make sure you couldn’t run away. However another part of your brain, the demented part, was screaming louder than any of the other voices in your head because it finally hit you that holy shit they were here. This all felt so real and you were playing with fire. 
You made sure to keep up with what was happening, keeping your emotions in check enough to make sure your face or your body language didn’t give anything away. You and Atsushi were given some spare clothes and a cell phone. They only had one room available right now since the other one was being used as storage. They would have it cleared in a day or two. Atsushi tried to give the available one to you but Dazai stepped in and assured him that he'd personally see to it that you were taken care of. Kunikida was actually surprised that Dazai was willing to put in some level of work settling the accommodations. Little does he know what the brunette had in mind. It sent shivers down your spine for all the wrong reasons. When everything was settled Dazai opened the door to his apartment gesturing for you to go inside.
Once you stepped in you took off the shoes the agency just gave you. You had almost forgotten that when you woke up at the river, just like Atsushi, you didn't have any shoes on. No one questioned your strange attire either but you guess after everything they’ve seen it wasn’t the weirdest thing they’ve experienced in their lifetimes. Standing at the doorway to the small room you were waiting for Dazai to direct you where to set your new things down. His futon was still spread out on the floor and the table near its side still had the slight mess of empty bottles and cans. Once you heard the sound of the door’s lock you swallowed hard unintentionally snapping you back to the gravity of the situation. You were alone in a room with ex demon prodigy, Osamu Dazai. 
"You can put that over in the corner." His voice rang in your ear. He was looming over you. He didn't even make a sound crossing the room; he just appeared behind you in a second. You did as you were told, trying to calm down your increasing heart rate. You knelt down to set it on the floor but as you stood back up you staggered back against the wall with Dazai towering over you again.
"You want to tell me who you really are?" He smiled carefree as if he wasn't using his height to corner you. You took a breath relaxing against the wall. His hands were behind his back yet you felt trapped. "I don't work for anyone if that's what you're getting at. I didn't lie about who I was earlier but I didn't need you to show me your hands. Technically I already saw it when you offered to help me up, that is, your past with the port mafia. I genuinely didn't know that was something I could do. That's why I asked to see your palms a second time, it didn’t sit right with me. That's why I asked for you to willingly give me your hands. I'm sorry I brought up oda but it was either him or the hot redhead you call hat rack." You gave him a knowing look that you made the right choice of who to name drop.
He grimaced when you called Chuuya hot. It seemed mentioning him caused him to lose all hostility in his demeanor. Interesting. He must believe you then. "So what do you know?" Dazai seemed to relax enough to sit on the futon. You followed after him since the tension dispersed. "Well since this bit," you moved to grab his hand to point out the part of his palm "is covered in bandages. I only know generally how you met Mori to the present day. I don’t know everything, just little blips here and there that were significant. I didn't look at Kunikida for that long but the Azure king popped up and I knew Atsushi was the tiger all along. Although it wasn't my place to get involved the way I did. Again I apologize." You caressed his hand with your thumb. He was watching you like a hawk. You were looking down thinking if there was anything else you should mention. Hopefully this was enough.
He hummed taking it in for a second before he pulled your arm while pushing your shoulder back, pinning you underneath him. "Are you scared of me? Knowing what I've done." He smirked playfully but his eyes were serious. If he wanted to play games you knew how to combat him. Or at least you think this would be an adequate counter to whatever he was doing now. You smiled "Quite the opposite. I trust you with every fiber of my being." Your words caused his eyes to dilate and his body to tense before he situated himself to further hover over your shorter frame. "Really now, even like this?" His expression dripped with lust as he dipped to whisper in your ear "I could have my way with you if I wanted." An empty threat clearly.
"You definitely could but you won't." You said it so matter of factly he shifted to look at you again. You used your freehand to caress his cheek giving him a soft smile "You have my unconditional trust. The position we're in changes nothing, ya womanizer." The source material never went into detail about Dazai’s past relationships. Only that he’s made women cry and that Chuuya knew of every single last one of them but he’s done his fair share of over the top flirting throughout the series. You just had to steel your nerves and out bluff the conman.
"Does it now?" He hummed giving you a mischievous grin as his hand delicately released its grip on yours sliding down to your wrist. His fingers pressing into your skin trying to find your pulse. Your eyes widened as you realized what he was doing. Your demeanor broke as you squirm underneath him. It was too late, you could see the pleased expression grace his features "Someone should be a little more honest with themselves." He leaned in making your noses touch. You could feel his hot breath on your lips before he pulled away. "Buuuuut you're right, I won't." He abruptly broke the trance you were in sitting up releasing his hold on you making you feel breathless. Your heart was still racing. Curse this attractive waste of bandages. 
"You can take the room! I'll be off to-" He started off cheerily but you reached out to grab his arm. "Nope. As gentlemanly as you are, you can't fool me. Don't flatter yourself. Yes, I find you attractive but I'm not that desperate. Just stay, we’re both adults." You pretended to gasp covering your mouth "Or are you running away because you're all hot and bothered?" You gave him a smirk waiting to see how he’d react. Two could play at this game. He frowned slightly at your challenge. You knew his signature move was running away from every uncomfortable moment he’s caused but if he backed down from your challenge now you'd win and Dazai doesn’t like to lose. So you shared the futon and you slept with Osamu Dazai.
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raisunomii · 4 months
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 favorite characters from Haikyuu? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
I haven't! You're actually my first ask so this is super fun!! My top five would prob be 1. Oikawa Tooru 2. Atsumu Miya 3. Akaashi Keiji 4. Iwaizumi Hajime 5. Kageyama Tobio (but honorable mention Suga because he's a darlin' but I can't say he clears top 5)
I really really love cocky characters? casually arrogant characters really do it for me but also I find that all of the HQ boys have something they deserve to take pride in! pride is also such a big concept in HQ because 1. Japanese culture 2. athlete culture and I love to see characters that fully embrace it. Also I'm a sucker for pretty boys. Iwa's there because I had a massive crush on him in my sophomore year of HS.
My five moments are definitely more mundane than any insane on-court action. I love to see characters interact more than ANYTHING.
"this is going to be one extravagant family quarrel." Oikawa acknowledging that even though the monster generation has grown up and grown apart, they are still childhood friends and the best teammates/enemies on the court that the others have... you can tear found family out of my cold dead hands! ESPECIALLY when it's oikawa tooru.
"we messed around too much, tsumu." "you're right, samu." i love the miya twins and i have an adoration for their attitude towards volleyball, which is "ill drop it if it isn't fun" because I feel like we get a lot of characters in the series who are battling to remind themselves that volleyball IS fun and that they DO love volleyball (showcased in brazil arc). But the miya twins purely do it because of the novelty. this moment also is them acknowledging that they let down their senpais by not winning them nationals for their last year. despite being the favorites to win, Inarizaki lost to a small, underfunded school... social commentary.
"thank you for hitting exactly how i expected you would every time." okay THIS moment really showed how good tsukishima is at blocking, despite him being one of the more passive blockers in the series. tsukishima's attitude towards blocking develops a lot throughout the series especially when we see him challenge date tech and shiratorizawa. i love that he's almost completely disregarded kill-blocking near the end of the series (SWEETENED by the knowledge that he goes pro, my darling boy) in favor of his own playing style. this scene definitely shows his development, especially when going against a blocker like sunarin. :)
"if you ever get boring, i'll drop you." Firstly, it's nice to see that kenma keeps his near-psychopathic attitude even after he's grown up (my redditor king) but also- I LOVE kenhina whether it's platonic or slash. Kenhina is one of the pairings which I FIND has the most chemistry, so to see them carry on being not only besties but also have a sponsor/beneficiary relationship is awesome. (I also secretly relate it to a prince/his champion relationship in my mind but shhh).
"power curry is a service ace!" This is so domestic. seeing the characters make fun of each other for their cringey moments as celebrities... it's so good. they really are each other's family and i will cherish every moment which we're reminded of it.
Anyways thank you so so much for your ask!! i had so much fun answering it :>
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luminyxoxo · 3 months
The ruffle collar of his shirt is beginning to irritate him. With a huff, Miya Atsumu raises a gloved hand to tug at it, though his attempt is thwarted by his twin brother batting his fingers away.
“Behave.” Osamu tuts, shooting him a warning look.
“Brother, yer truly vexin’ tonight.” Atsumu snaps, opting to cross his arms across his chest in lieu of another attempt.
He will bear with the itch, so long as Osamu keeps his love for violence to himself.
Predictably, Osamu’s face morphs to one of unimpressed.
“Would it kill ya to be on yer best behavior? It is not always we get invited to the capital for a debutante. A special one, at that.”
Atsumu resists the urge to roll his eyes, only so that his brother doesn’t hit him again.
“Ya know what they say of us, ‘Samu. ‘Though we govern the town at the edge of the kingdom, we are mere country folks in their eyes. Should we not align ourselves with our reputation?”
Osamu looks up to the obnoxiously decorated high ceiling in utter defeat.
“The least ya can do is pretend to act like yer status, Baron Miya Atsumu. Do not tarnish the name of our family more than you already did.” Osamu shoots him another warning glance.
Atsumu knows a battle lost when his brother brings in the family name. His shoulders sag.
“Very well. I shall behave lest mama hears of this and have me clean the coop again. If I have to entertain the ton tonight, I shall do it with grace.” Atsumu turns his nose with a sniffle.
“Grace.” Osamu deadpans. “As if ya even have a smidge of it.”
Whatever argument Atsumu has to parry his brother’s insults vanish as the ton stirs with unrestrained excitement. His great height gives him the advantage of peering over the people’s heads, and overhearing snippets of conversations that has him scrunching his nose.
“Now, what excites them to the point of misconduct?” He whispers conspiratorially to Osamu.
His brother succumbs to the misbehavior of rolling his eyes. “as if yer the perfect example of conduct, dearest brother.”
“What?! I have been behavin’-“ Atsumu snaps his mouth shut.
“Do not distract me, ‘Samu. As yer baron, i order ya to strain yer ears and listen to their gossip.”
“The audacity.” Osamu grumbles, but obliges regardless.
Atsumu can barely hear from the jumbled noises but Osamu furrows his eyebrows in deep concentration.
The furrow smoothens out in genuine surprise as his gaze flickers to Atsumu’s curious face.
“It appears that I’ve found out why we were adamantly invited to this debutante.” Osamu whispers.
“Oh, why?” Atsumu can’t fight the almost predatory smile from crawling up his lips.
“The future duke has returned from his studies abroad.” Osamu says, with a knowing look on his face.
Atsumu blinks. “Duke—“
He whips his head around, searching for a glimpse of the scrawny teen he’d seen a handful of times growing up.
There is no sign of him.
“Impossible.” Atsumu scowls, glaring at his brother. “Yer just pullin’ my leg!”
“I do not kid of something untrue.” Osamu defensively says.
Atsumu stares at him. “Are ya, or are ya not the same man who told me he was down with a fever last week just to skip out on a chore?”
Osamu pauses, and relents, “at least, in those that truly matters.”
“Dear brother, yer priorities are truly impressive.”
Osamu smirks, “Thank ya.”
“That was not flattery.”
Osamu looks over his shoulder, and the minuscule shift of his eyes is what makes Atsumu turn.
Instantly, his gaze falls onto a man walking down the grand stair case. Atsumu narrows his eyes, finding familiarity in the new face that he cannot seem to place.
The man is tall, possibly even taller than him. Although his clothes are as dull as starless nights, there is no hiding the regal beauty of the man’s looks. He walks pin straight, with confidence that can be misinterpreted as arrogance. His lips are pressed into a thin, almost anxious line and his coal eyes are staring at nothing ahead of him.
Atsumu recognizes such look of nerves from the mirror within the first few months of his own debut to society.
When his eyes linger on the two spots above the man’s right eyebrow, the familiarity falls into place.
Atsumu gasps as he whirls to Osamu with a look of disbelief.
“Is that not the future Duke, Sakusa Kiyoomi?” He hisses.
Osamu hums appreciatively as he remains staring at Sakusa walking through the crowd which seems to part for him.
“Ya used to despise him, I recalled.”
Atsumu scowls. “He was insufferable!”
Osamu chuckles, reluctantly looking away from the future duke. “And now he’s insufferably handsome.”
Atsumu will not admit to such observation, not even in the name of his family!
“Behave, or I tell ya on ma!”
Osamu laughs.
“As if Ma would ever believe ya, ‘Tsumu.”
Atsumu can only seethe in silent fury, refusing to admit that Osamu is likely in the right as well.
They fail to notice Sakusa approaching them, until the people around them fall into hushed silence.
Osamu is the first to notice.
“My Lord Duke Sakusa.” Osamu bows lightly, prompting Atsumu to turn around.
Albeit reluctant, Atsumu bows, uttering the same greeting under his breath. He hopes his distaste does not show.
Sakusa glances between them, before his gaze settles on Atsumu.
“Lord Miya Atsumu.” Sakusa greets Atsumu. Then, he does the same for Osamu, correctly placing their names to their persons without struggling.
They have not seen each other in years, yet Sakusa has done what most have failed to do; recognize the twins respectively.
Like the traitor he is, Osamu excuses himself and runs off to the banquet. Atsumu almost calls him back but Sakusa’s gaze pins him to his place.
It appears as if the future duke is searching something in his face, and Atsumu can only return the same favor.
Sakusa has grown.
“Ya weren’t this tall when I last saw ya.” Atsumu blurts in the strangely tensed silence.
A corner of Sakusa’s lips curls upwards. “Nor were you this short.”
Atsumu frowns. “Ya are still as rude as ever.”
Instead of taking offense, Sakusa shakes his head lightheartedly.
“You’re as unfiltered as ever.”
“Are ya goin’ to parrot my every sentence?” Atsumu asks, irritated.
Sakusa chuckles, holds out his hand. “Unless you graciously accept my offer of a dance?”
Atsumu narrows his eyes suspiciously.
“We can catch up to all the years we’ve missed.”
Atsumu reluctantly takes it. “As if I am interested to know.”
Sakusa glances at their hands. “Yet, you are taking my hand, are you not?”
Atsumu stares at him. “Yer really are insufferable.”
Even so, he does not protest as Sakusa leads him to the dance floor.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
🎂 Happy Birthday Manager!🎂
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Team Japan x GN! manager (they/them pronoun)
Warnings: angst to fluff, Team Japan are really super volleyball idiots in this one
A/N: it’s my birthday and this is my gift to all of you 🥰
I don’t think I have to say it
But honestly Yn, what a godsend you truly are 😍
The world is truly blessed to have you in it
Without you, well, we wouldn’t have a Team Japan
Why you ask?
It’s simple really, because they literally would have all killed each other 😃
Tell me I’m wrong because you know I’m not
The sheer chaos that encompasses Team Japan is astronomical
Whether it be Kageyama fighting with Hinata
Suna and Sakusa ganging up on Atsumu
Yaku and Komori iterally instigating it all
Be honest, we all know how much they LOVE the drama 😏
The whole team would fold without our sweet precious YN
Unfortunately, being the manager of such a chaotic team can mean your accomplishments go unappreciated
Let’s be real, the people that work behind the scenes often go unnoticed
It sucks tremendously and it’s often a thankless job
Sure the team appreciates you but sometimes it feels like you are often the pillar under the foundation
The invisible support of you will
Without you, our boys would literally collapse
And sometimes we need to remind them of that 🥰
That’s where I come in 🙃 because nobody does karma and reminding quite like ya girl
You see, like most people, you were really looking forward to your birthday!
It was just around the corner, a few days away in fact and boy were you excited
You hadn’t really planned anything specific because you see, you were kind of hoping for a day of appreciation from your team
Honestly, it’s not much to ask for!
These guys totally go all out for birthdays and we know it
But you just wanted to be appreciated and the best way you could think to do so was to celebrate with the team
As your birthday approached, not much happened
Honestly, you just kind of thought they were being secretive
Honestly, first red flag YN, no way Bokuto or Hinata could be quiet about anything
Oh my sweet YN 🥹 you poor angel
It wasn’t until the day before your birthday that your expectations began to lower
“Hey Sumu whatcha doing tomorrow night?” Suna asked
“Probably nothing, maybe going to Samu’s place. You guys wanna come?” Atsumu answered
The guys all agreed as you went about your chores as manager, all while listening in for clues
“Maybe we should invite YN to come along? I bet they would enjoy it!” Bokuto added as your heart jumped a little
“You really think YN wants to hang around with us after work?” Sakusa asked
“Nah you’re right, we should probably just leave them out of it,” Yaku interjected as you instantly deflated
Fortunately none of the guys had seen your mood shift as you quickly made your way back to your office and shut the door
“Maybe this is all part of their plan?” You thought as you tried to calm the tears
Surely they wouldn’t forget about your birthday, they couldn’t
Spoiler alert 👀 they did
The next morning you got up and ready for work, you were so excited as you seing by your favorite coffee shop for your birthday drink
“Happy Birthday YN!” The barista said as you thanked them and walked to work
You were so excited for today and nothing could interfere with that!
Unfortunately, immediately upon entering the gym, your dreams of a grand birthday were crushed
“YN seriously, you’re late!” Atsumu growled as you looked at him confused
“Like 2 minutes late Sumu give them a break,” Aran said rolling his eyes
“Well us dedicated players have been here for almost an hour already!” Sumu said as he turned around to serve
All the guys were lined up for serving drills, concentrating on their targets
Meanwhile, you just sat there, waiting for a mere “Happy Birthday” that never came
Deflated, you walked to your office, turning on the lights and seeing nothing
No balloons, no flowers, no stupidly printer computer sign that Hinata haphazardly taped together
Absolutely nothing 🥺
Your heart sank as you set your coffee down and pulled out your chair
“How could they all forget?” You mumbled to yourself, trying not to cry as you heard the guys outside
A knock sounded as you quickly jolted, wiping your eyes as you instructed the person to come in
“Hey Yn, good morning!” Iwaizumi said as you smiled softly
Even Iwa forgot your birthday Yn 🥺😩😭
“Can you help me with the stretch routines for the guys? You’re the only one who can get Bokuto, Hoshiumi and Hinata to actually cooperate,” Iwa said chuckling
“Uhh yeah sure I’ll get right on it,” you said grabbing the papers and turning around
“You ok Yn? You seem a little down?” He asked as you cleared your throat
“Yeah all good just tired, I’ll see you later Hajime,” you said as Iwa nodded and left your office
The day dragged on and on
As 3pm approached and you were gathering your stuff, a knock came as the coach entered
“Hey Yn, Happy Birthday!” Coach said as you smiled
“Hey thanks coach! I really appreciate it!” You said smiling as he handed you your gift
“It’s nothing huge but I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you as our manager YN!” He said as you smiled
“Thanks so much coach,” you said smiling as he left your office and you put the gift in your bag
It almost seemed pointless
Your birthday was almost over and not one of your teammates had said anything
You sighed deeply as you turned off your lights and headed home
“Kageyama will you wrap it up!” Iwaizumi shouted as the guys all stood on the side
“Just one more serve,” he said, tossing it up as the serve slammed into the other side
“Usually it’s Hinata and Bokuto we have to drag home,” Hakuba inserted as the team chuckled
“Hey Guys,” Kuroo said, walking in with a huge bouquet of flowers, balloons and a present
“Damn you got a date of something?” Suna joked as Kuroo looked at him questioningly
“Uhh no, I was wondering if Yn had left yet, I wanted to give them my gift before they went home,” Kuroo said
“Gift? For what?” Yaku questioned
Kuroo 👉🏻 🤨 are they really that stupid?
Team Japan 👉🏻 🤡 🤡🤡🤡
“You guys can’t be serious? It’s YN’s Birthday!” Kuroo exclaimed
🎶 it’s the sound of SILENCE 🎶
Literally it registers in their head all at once
Like you can see the ping sound go off
They all look at each other, literally pale as ghosts
“Don’t tell me you guys forgot today was Yn’s birthday!” Kuroo growled as panic ensued
“OH MY GOD WE ARE THE WORST TEAM EVER,” Hinata screams as he collapses on the floor
“Team? Try worst FRIENDS EVER!” Aran shouts
“Fuck I can��t believe we forgot!” Atsumu said slamming his palm against his forhead
“Shit, I wonder if that’s why YN was so sad earlier, dammit! They looked like they were crying!”Iwaizumi spat
“YN WAS CRYING?!?” Bokuto shouted as the rest of the team stood in panic
“We really fucked up this time,” Sakusa said as Suna nodded
“Guys wait, it’s not too late to fix this!” Komori shouted, pulling out his phone
“Pretty sure it’s kind of late Komori, we missed almost all of her birthday,” Ushijima interjected as Komori ignored him and kept typing, putting the phone up to his ear
“Well we need to do some MAJOR damage control,” he says as his phone rings
That night, you went home and treated yourself to your favorite takeout and desert
You got several happy birthday messages and phone calls
But none of that seemed to matter anyone 😞
That fact that your boys, your team, forgot your birthday made all of it seem absolutely worthless
Sighing, you went to bed early, setting your alarm for another day at the gym
“How was your birthday Yn?” The barista asked you the following morning
“It was ok, nothing special,” you sighed and thanked them for your drink
You had to get yourself out of this mood!
You weren’t going to let the fact that the guys forgot about your birthday weight on you?
Right - ☹️
You calmed yourself, opening the door to the arena as you made your way to the gym
The lights were still off, strange given that normally Kageyama, Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto practically slept at the gym
“They probably had a late night at Osamu’s restaurant,” you say, not exactly thrilled to have to deal with tired men
You flipped the lights on, a sudden and loud “SURPRISE” ringing in your ears as you practically dropped your coffee all over the floor
Your eyes looked around, observing the elaborately decorated gym in your favorite colors, balloons and flowers everywhere
“What the hell, what is going on?” You ask, stunned as the guys all smile at you
“YN we are so sorry about forgetting your birthday yesterday,” Iwaizumi said, coming up and hugging you tightly
All is forgive Iwa, a hug is all you need ✋🏻
“We know nothing we can say will make up for us forgetting so we figured that actions speak louder than words, so we did this,” Aran added, hugging you again
YN, two hugs??? From Aran and Iwaizumi?? You better forgive them istg-
“You guys did all this? This must have taken hours!” You said, looking around and observing all the decorations and flower
“It actually took us all night,” Hoshiumi said rubbing the back of his neck
“Osamu is coming soon with the catering and cake! We called him and asked if he could help!” Hinata added
Kuroo approached, handing you a gift of balloons, flowers and an elaborately wrapped present
“I’d like the record to show Yn, that I did, in fact, not forget your birthday but I stayed to help these dumbbells fix their mistake,” Kuroo said as you smiled, tears forming in your eyes as he hugged you
Another hug Yn 😒 honestly just over here collecting hugs from these hot ass men
“YN we are really so sorry for forgetting your birthday! Please don’t be mad at us!” Bokuto say, practically crying as he approached you
“How can I be mad at you guys when you went to all this trouble for me! I’ll admit, I was already upset that you all forget yesterday was my birthday but this totally makes up for it!” You say, happy tears flowing down your cheeks
The visible sigh of relief washed across the men’s face as you began to hug them all one by one
The door opened and Osamu came in
“Hey YN, happy belated birthday! Sorry I would have wished you a happy birthday yesterday but my idiot of a twin forgot so here we are!” He said, smiling and carrying in a large cake
“Hey! It wasn’t just me that forgot!” Atsumu growled
“Yeah but I know somehow it was your fault because it always is,” Osamu sang as the team nodded in agreement
“It’s true,” Suna agreed
“You guys really treat your starting setter like crap ya know that!” Atsumu whined
“They treat me just fine Atsumu, it’s you they treat like crap,” Kageyama chimed in
“No way are you the starting setter Tobio! Not with the pure talent I possess!” Atsumu yelled
“Pure talent to annoy literally everyone,” Sakusa added
Komori sighed as he approached you
“Sorry about this YN. They promised they’d get along,” Komori said
You just smiled and laughed, “we can’t expect miracles Komori.”
“Well let’s get started, we are forgoing practice today to celebrate Yn,” Aran sang as the men all stared
You just rolled your eyes and smiled, “how about we play a practice game instead!”
“That’s our YN, always thinking of the team!” Atsumu said proudly
“-but I get to play the setter position,” you laughed maniacally 😈
“Works for me!” Suna said, grabbing something to eat as the rest of the team agreed
Kageyama and Atsumu rn 👉🏻👁️ 💧👄💧👁️
Please, YN deserves this 💅
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spinningbuster98 · 15 days
🧡, 💚, 💖
I'll let you decide the fandom :P
What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
For Metroid: the idea that Fusion's story is about Samus paying for the consequences of her actions in Metroid 2 with the SA-X serving as a manifestation of her past sins
I get why people look at it this way, as the game's story is kicked off as a result of her extermination of the Metroids...but nowhere does the game even so much as hint at the possibility of Samus viewing her actions in Metroid 2 as evil or a mistake in any capacity. People read WAY too much in that line where she says that the SA-X is herself but heartless, guys she's just saying that it has all of her looks and powers but none of her conscience!
Some might scream for hidden subtext, but I say that Fusion, aka the first game in the series to have an explicit in-depth narrative with a Samus that often narrates her feelings about the current situation, would have outright brought up the topic if it truly was intentional given that it would be kinda important if Samus viewed tgis whole mess as her fault
Moreover I just think that considering Samus as responsible or at fault for the X invasion is unfair: look at her perspective in Metroid 2: she had no way of knowing about the X and, as far as she knew from past experiences, the Metroids truly were heartless creatures that brought death everywhere they went, she only met the Baby at the END of the mission, as far as she knew killing off the creatures to stop the Pirates from getting their hands on them again and spread more senseless bloodshed was the moral thing to do, it's only in hindsight that it looks like a disastrous decision but you can't fully hold someone responsible for the consequences of one's actions if they had no way of knowing what those consequences would be in the first place
What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
(Mega Man) Zero is not an emotionless monolith in the Zero series
...well ok he is in the first 2 games, but in Zero 3 and especially 4 not only does he show actual emition and sense of companionship towards Ciel in particular, but Zero 4 features his absolute finest character moments, showcasing him as a somewhat cynical and self loathing individual, someone who views himself ad nothing more than a weapon of destruction that can bring no good to the world on his own, but one who still lends his strength to those he values as friends so that they can do the good he feels he cannot bring to the world. This characterization is also consistent with the endings of X4 and 5, where he started hating himself for having to kill Iris and was ok with the idea of dying seeing as he started to understand that he had been built for an evil purpose and so long as he lived someone would try to harm the world through him
What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
(Castlevania) Show is poopoo
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sepublic · 2 months
Headcanon that Gandrayda's been employed by the Federation as a spy for a long while; Specifically, to keep tabs on the Space Pirates. She was the one who reported that Mother Brain was responsible for controlling the Metroids, and with her destruction, the Metroids would turn on the Space Pirates, hence why they're used and prioritized a lot less in Prime and Echoes, and have a tendency to turn on their 'owners'.
(As for why we see Metroids feeding on Space Pirates in Zero Mission, it's because Mother Brain is a cruel entity who rules through fear and needs to feed her bioweapons; She doesn't mind disposing of lesser pawns, especially if some of them doubt her authority.)
If Metroid were to have a story adaptation... During the Zero Suit portion of the first game, Samus would find herself cornered at one point by Space Pirates; Only for one of their own to turn on them, shooting them down. Said Space Pirate reveals themselves as the spy the Galactic Federation alluded to, the one who dropped all of this key intel regarding the Space Pirates' Metroid operation.
Gandrayda isn't explicitly identified, not yet; But her wink, the way she calls Samus 'Sammy' and her leitmotif at the end; These hint to that. Plus, maybe she can take the form of an Urtraghus Space Pirate, adding to the implication and to allude to how Gandrayda debuted in Corruption and did take such an appearance there. Maybe the Space Pirates would have a more mixed army pulling from all the species we've seen, or they'd operate separately and in their own sectors, requiring Gandrayda to imitate a Zebesian idk.
The main reason why the Federation didn't notify Samus of Gandrayda is that she wasn't supposed to be on Zebes during the Zero Mission; She was stationed on the Space Pirate Mothership, which was locked in battle with Adam's fleet elsewhere (as shown in the manga). But when Ridley received news of Samus' infiltration of Zebes, he immediately flew the mothership back to that planet; Hence why in-game, he arrives about halfway through. Gandrayda stayed with the Space Pirates she'd infiltrated.
Otherwise, the Federation would've notified Samus of their spy on Zebes; Because they wouldn't want her to accidentally kill such a key asset. Plus they'd explain to Samus that the spy will introduce themselves as Gandrayda, since the Space Pirates don't know about her yet, but may suspect a spy; This is to play it safe so Samus knows she can trust whoever she comes across, because communications with the Federation are cut off on Zebes due to Mother Brain's monitoring and ability to intercept (This required Gandrayda to get off-planet to report intel).
But Gandrayda was supposed to be on the Mothership, which Adam was supposed to destroy after she fled through an escape pod, so none of these instructions were required at the time. So after saving Samus, Gandrayda leaves to maintain her cover, not bothering to elaborate on her exact identity. It's only in a future episode, somewhere between the games and before Corruption, that this Space Pirate spy is elaborated on to be a shapeshifting bounty hunter.
Gandrayda ends up playing a key role in saving the galaxy, acting as a turning point for the Federation's victory, much in the same way Samus herself did; Unlike other hunters like Rundas or Ghor (no offense), Gandrayda and Samus were both responsible for key, specific actions that nobody else could've done. And these actions shifted the tide drastically, changed the playing field definitively.
As a result, Gandrayda considers herself just as much the Hero of Zebes as Samus is to the rest of the galaxy; She can literally be the 'Hero of Zebes' herself by turning into Samus. And this helps drive her one-sided rivalry with Samus, especially since... Gandrayda can't take credit the way Samus does.
Not that Samus tries to; But in the end she's recognizable, she's a unique bounty hunter with iconic armor that anyone can see at a distance. She CAN be stealthy but she's also just as capable at blasting her way through an entire planet. Being well-known helps her career, it creates a bogeyman to terrify the Space Pirates, and a symbol of hope for the galaxy that the Federation can always remember if they're out of all other options.
Gandrayda can't be that; She's best suited as a spy, an infiltrator. Someone people don't notice, someone most of the galaxy, and even the Space Pirates, don't know about; So they can't suspect that someone they know they can trust has actually been impersonated by Gandrayda. She's meant to lurk in the shadows, she doesn't go the big and explosive, glamorous work. But as much as she loathes not being seen, her entire claim to fame is being unrecognized, so what is she without that?
And this feeds into this deep-down inferiority complex and resentment, including towards Samus. Not that she ever externalized it... Until Corruption, when Dark Samus took control and brought out the worst of Gandrayda through Phazon. That was when she actually revealed herself to the Space Pirates, many of whom still feared Gandrayda as secretly fooling their god into believing she was on their side; Not that they'd ever openly doubt Dark Samus' own evaluation of using Gandrayda. And it turned out they had nothing to worry about, alas... But the fear was in a way a form of recognition, validation even, for Gandrayda. She was otherwise a secret even to most of the Federation military, with only the upper echelons knowing of her.
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
I just realized something potentially hilarious in Metroid Prime. Probably not intentional, but it would make a certain amount of sense...
So we know a few things:
1. We know the Space Pirates were the ones to install a lot of the doors between rooms on Tallon IV, given some of the logs about their difficulties with native wildlife getting around them. Presumably not all of them, given that would raise questions about how they never found some of the Artifacts, but any differences between theirs and the Chozo originals are negligable. It's even entirely possible they just copied those door designs from the ruins and spread them around everywhere else on the planet? Idk.
2. The pirates have doors with energy shielding corresponding to all four of the beams Samus uses in the game, despite some of those beams themselves also being stuff the Chozo stored away for Samus to find, and the Pirates never had direct contact with those.
3. Either in response to the fall of Zebes, or during the actual events of the game in response to Samus showing up, they developed the four Beam troopers for her to fight, who make their debut when she gets to the Mines. As people have poked fun at plenty before, the beam troopers boil down to color-coded enemies who still all fire the same yellow bolts. They can only be attacked with the specific beam they correspond to, but there's a distinct gameplay/narrative split where their actual firepower is concerned.
But here's my crack theory - what if it isn't a contradiction at all?
Okay, so here's the scenario. Samus makes landfall on Tallon IV, right around the same time as the Frigate Orpheon crashes from orbit. (Which is itself amusing as a non-event one would think should be more noticeable, but whatever lol) The pirates are shitting their pants, because this is the same woman who took out their Zebes base and associated leaders, and now she's come for them as well.
So the local command goes to Science Team, and tasks them with reverse-engineering Samus's recorded aresenal ASAP, before she reaches the mines and wipes out their operation. They don't have anything to reverse-engineer from, but Command makes it clear saying no isn't an option. Cue the decidedly unsuccessful Morph Ball experiments.
Samus kicks Flaghraa's ass and takes the geothermal station in Magmoor. Command is sweating a little bit now, pushes Science Team to move on to something else. Why not her beams? Best defense is a good offense, after all. Thankfully for a bit Samus seems preoccupied with ping-ponging back and forth between Phendrana Drifts and the Overworld, so they're trying to recreate her beams from grainy security footage from Zebes, but without any actual physical devices to work with, it's just not going anywhere. Best they can come up with is a loose appoximation of her basic Power Beam.
Then Samus sweeps through their labs in Phendrana and takes down the Project Titan they hadn't been able to tame, and it's only a matter of time before she hits the mines, now. Command is breathing down Science Team's necks, demanding those Beam recreations now. They can't deliver, and the recent execution of the Power Dynamo Maintenance guys is hanging over their heads.
So, one bright soul gets the idea, what if they at least make it harder for Samus to kill their soldiers? They can take the technology for the door shielding, which they do know how it works, and integrate it into armor? Everyone wears that, Samus has only one of four ways to do anything to them, and if it's randomized from Pirate to Pirate, they have a shot at fighting back successfully while she's adjusting. So that's what they do.
Unfortunately, Command asked for troopers with her beams, not troopers with selective immunity to her beams, so they still have to pitch this concept as the expected Beam Troopers. They at least use the Power Beam lookalike they'd whipped up, and basically gaslight Command, like "sure they look and fire the same, but they're totally distinct in their effects, see? This target has scorch marks, while this one has electrical burns, it's totally legit!"
And thankfully it works, and the Beam Trooper armor and weaponry gets hastily mass-produced. (For a given value of 'mass' anyway.) The grunts assembling them don't have the context to question why the guns are all the same. Also, since part of the concept's selling point is psychological warfare of Samus seeing them using her weapons, the armor sets all get color-coded appropriately, thus undermining any real chance at confusing her. The problem is exacerbated when Command has the beam troopers group up by type to patrol, instead of one of each per team.
And that's how we end up with the so-called "beam troopers" as the Space Pirate bureucracy and overinflated expectations once again shoots themselves in the foot. And then Samus arrives at the mines and wrecks shop.
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My Headcannons About The Despair Time Cast Playing Super Smash Bros. Together
I randomly got this idea and decided I needed to post about it.
Xander has accidentally broken three controllers. He gets really into the game and forgets how strong he is. MonoTV bans him from the console for a few weeks every time, yet he never learns his lesson. He doesn’t know any of the characters’ names, but he does know he always plays as ‘the really cool sword guy!!’ (Link).
Nico always plays as the animal characters (If you count Pokémon as animals), and sometimes Kirby because they like how cute and gender neutral the character looks.
The cast thought David would play as a cute animal crossing character or something, but no. Ridley. Ridley every single round, and he has to fight the urge to laugh in the loser’s face every time he wins. Unless someone else wants to be Ridley, then he will grumpily gladly choose a different character.
Arei will not hesitate to laugh in your face when she wins. She plays as any cute character, because she thinks it’s hilarious when the buff, sword-carrying dudes lose to tiny, pink fluff balls. She will, without a doubt, resort to foul play if she starts losing and will knock the controller out of her opponent’s hand to win.
J refuses to play as any girly-looking character. It’s always some super buff guy, like Snake. Or at least she always played as a buff guy until she learned Samus was a girl who dressed up in a cool armor suit to beat up aliens, and started playing as her from that point onward. She will also laugh in the loser’s face when she wins.
Ace is pretty good, but only if he plays as a Princess character. Otherwise he sucks. And he’s too prideful to pick a Princess character most of the time, so he almost always sucks. The rest of the class didn’t know this until Arei made fun of him for being terrible at the game and challenged him to a one-on-one round. Princess Peach never looked more ferocious…Until Arei stole Ace’s remote and wouldn’t give it back until she’d killed his character ten times.
Levi doesn’t play most of the time, but when he does, he lets whoever’s closest to him pick his character. It usually doesn’t matter who he’s playing as, because he’ll probably end up accidentally running off the stage repeatedly or get the jump and punch button confused with each other (He doesn’t play video games a lot).
Teruko plays as Bayonetta, for no reason other than Bayonetta being cool and badass. She’ll usually get really close to winning, only for her controller to run out of batteries at the last second, even if they’d charged it five minutes prior. Or worse, the console overheats and completely shuts down (once it caught on fire). So she, like Levi, also usually just watches.
Eden sometimes plays as Ness, who seems small and cute and innocent until suddenly he’s shouting ‘EAT FIRE!!!!’ in your face over and over again and forever trapping you in his eternal flames. But despite her prowess as Ness, Eden usually chooses whatever characters no one else will pick, because she feels like those characters must feel left out and sad that no one plays as them. But she’ll make them feel better!!! Even if it means losing.
Veronika loves to play as the monster characters, especially Ridley, because Ridley is the scariest. She often will narrate her attacks and give extremely gruesome details about how many bones her opponents have broken and how many organs they’ll have to replace after the fight.
Arturo is often forced to play when Veronika does, and he will play as any hot, pretty character. If he loses, it’s not the beautiful, amazing character’s fault, it’s his. He’ll never understand why Veronika likes playing as the ugly monsters.
Rose likes to play as Jigglypuff, because Jigglypuff always makes characters fall asleep without warning, and looks like a fluffy pillow Rose would like to snuggle. She likes to jokingly blame her terrible sleep schedule on an invisible Jigglypuff that follows her around everywhere.
Min claims video games are a distraction from her studies, but eventually the class persuaded her to play. Before she did, however, she did a fair amount of research on which character would be best for her to choose, and eventually settled on Zelda because she read Zelda had a cool teleporting power.
Whit plays as whatever character he can think of the most puns for. For example, if he were to sneeze right before he picks? “Well, I guess this is a sign that I should pick Pik-achoo!! Get it? Because ‘achoo’ is the sound effect for sneezes in comics and stuff?” “Yes, Whit, now please pick your character already.”
Charles always plays as Dr. Mario, because the character has a respectable profession and therefore, must be the most talented. Charles isn’t very good, since he never played video games as a kid, but Whit calling him various doctor-related, punny nicknames makes up for it (Even if he’d never admit that).
Hu is often the supervisor, trying to make sure no one angrily throws a remote across the room or turns off the console when they’re losing (*cough* Arei *cough*). But when she decides to join a round, she plays as an Animal Crossing villager, because they carry butterfly-catching nets, and she really likes butterflies.
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lennyinlordran · 5 months
Why Samus Aran is actually an evil character.
An Anon Obsessed with my pet fish asked if it was gonna write a voltron fluff fic. Sadly, PETA won't make it a pair of prosthetic hands to type said fic with, so they're outta luck.
Of course, I also brought up a "Evil Samus" fic I'm working on; If you were confused by me saying it's not an AU fic, let me explain it like this:
Samus says she protects "Peace" and "Freedom", but what does that mean coming from her? Thing is:
Samus is acting on the Ethics of the Chozo, Not human ethics, And her actions show those ethics to be corrupt.
In Metroid one She's fine. In Prime She Kills the titular Metroid without good reason: The Phazon Crisis hadn't started and it was literally a wild animal that only threatened the space pirate, Who we know are evil. In Prime 2 she Commits genocide against the Ing, Simply Because U-Mos say's they're evil. Now, We can deduce The Luminoth and Chozo were allies during the Chozo's imperial era-- why else would Luminoth weapons be compatible with Samus' suit? In the cases where federation tech is compatible it's because it was reverse engineered from chozo tech. In Metroid 2 she exterminates the Metroids; Ecocide. In Fusion she wipes out the X parasites: Mind you, She could simply take a cloned Metroids from the BSL, Leave them on SR388 and then destroy the BSL: The X can only become a galactic threat if they become space-farers, and that can only happen with the BSL's X.
The consistent through-line in her ethics is Loyalty to the Feds and Allies of the Dead Chozo Empire, A frankly genocidal approach to enemies of those groups, and a lack of desire to avoid violence: you could say she Spares the last metroid, But there's a more complex reason why she did that.
In Other M, Samus is shown to have some degree of precognitive abilities-- Given the existence of "sensemoves"-- so she may have only Spared the baby so it could help her kill Ridley again, before handing off to the Feds because She was too tired to kill it.
"But in Prime 3 she mourns-" they were Allies of the Feds.
"But the Luminoth weren't paying her-" see above.
"But in the comic-" Nintendo Can't write for shit. get over it.
So, Samus not being a guiltless, genocidal madwoman worshiping a dead empire hinges on Other M not being canon.
Given her various war crimes in canon, Writing her as evil in a fic doesn't really function as an AU. Everyone else is actually writing in the "good Samus" AU.
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