#wi-fi tracking gives
dongfuck · 1 year
wi-fi - l.dh
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pairing: neighbour!haechan x fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
warnings: masturbation, swearing, teasing, flirting, oral (m), fingering, cunnilingus, nipple play, LOTS of make out, kitchen sex, rimming, cum play, slight ass play, anal, slight riding
wc: 5.0k
note: NOT PROOFREAD!! this was rushed i’m sorry 😭😭 also, did you catch my perfume and cardan reference?
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“Ugh! What is wrong with the wifi?!” You grunted in displeasure as jumped out of bed unwillingly and marched toward your living room to check on the router. Kneeling by the small white table you’d set up for it, you scanned the object thoroughly before noticing the small red blinking lights that were supposed to be green. “So what am I supposed to do?” You asked yourself. It wasn’t the first time this’s occurred. In fact, there were multiple days where you spent relying on your 2G data because the stupid wifi wouldn’t work. Sighing, you leaned your body slightly to the front and turn off the plug for ten seconds before switching it on again. You waited and waited for what seemed like weeks until finally the led lights on the router were back to normal, green.
Releasing a sound of what you’d call relief, you plopped yourself onto the sofa next to it and continued playing games on your phone. That was, until the wifi was down again. The sound you let out when you saw the loading screen on your phone was almost animalistic, somewhat satanic even. But you decided you weren’t having any of this bullshit anymore so what you did was open the settings app, clicked on ‘Wi-Fi’, before looking for available internet connections. Though to your dismay, all of them needed a password. Groaning, you glanced at the list of connections and recognised them to be your neighbours’s. Some you knew quite well and some not so. Deciding to try your luck, you clicked on a connection labeled, ‘ichaez’ before typing in all you know about her for the password.
Chaewon had been your neighbour ever since you first moved in here and you’re proud to say that you know her quite well. So you were disappointed when all your passwords attempts to ‘borrow’ her wifi led you nowhere. Clicking your tongue, you scrolled lower and saw Mark’s internet connection with the label ‘mark me in your heart’. You almost gagged at the label but your annoyance toward your own wifi overpowered that. You tried everything. Everything. Or at least, everything you know about him, but still didn’t manage to get though. Third time’s the charm, you thought as you scrolled even lower until something finally catches your attention. It was the internet connection of the neighbour to your left. You guys barely talked, but when you do, he seems almost charming. Seductive, even. And don’t get me wrong, I mean it in the best way possible.
He was kind, but also entrancing. He’d throw you flirty smiles or winks or waves whenever you two would pass each other on your way out. You’d catch yourself having to stop dead in your tracks for half a second before returning the same gesture and walking off. Shaking your head rid of the thought of him, you shakily clicked on his connection labeled, ‘ldhs’ before typing in the few things you know about him. It took you multiple tries and you were almost at the brink of giving up until your final attempt turned out to be correct. It was the brand of his perfume. Dyptique Orphéon. You knew this because there was this one time where the two of you were having a conversation at one of the monthly resident meetings and his perfume at that moment was so strong it felt intoxicating. And the one thing that you noticed about this was the way it triggered something unpleasant in you. That’s a story for another time though.
“Yes!” You squealed when you finally managed to crack the password. “I hope he doesn’t notice.” He probably won’t. But if he does, he wouldn’t mind… Right?
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It’s been nearly a week now since you’ve started using Donghyuck’s wifi connection and so far, everything’s going smoothly. Donghyuck hasn’t realised and you haven’t got a problem with the internet connection yet. Don’t get me wrong, you only use his when yours was acting up, which is almost all the time but we don’t talk about that. You just got home from work and you’re now walking up to the elevator as you looked through your phone. You’d received an email from your boss about the presentation you’re working on and you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off the screen.
As you pressed the button to your floor half-heartedly, you didn’t notice the man that entered the elevator with you. Typing away on your phone, you heard a voice suddenly speak. “Y/n, right?” At the sound of your name, your gaze slowly lifted and made contact with the guy from across you. He was wearing a dark blue suit with his blazer slung across his forearm. You noticed the way his matching tie was loose, almost as if he had thrown a fit earlier. “Donghyuck?” You called back, with the same questioning tone. “It is you,” He smiled. “I haven’t seen you around in a while. How are things going?” The way he spoke sounded utterly genuine and kind that you couldn’t help but slowly melt into his gaze. With your own smile, you replied, “I mean, pretty fine I guess. Nothing’s changed that much.” You shrugged before your eyes drifted to the screen atop the automatic doors which displayed the floor you were currently in. Right now, you’re on level seven and you live on level fourteen so there’s still quite a long way to go.
“What floor are you again?”
With teasingly narrowed eyes, he looked at you oddly. “I live right next to you.” Donghyuck said. “Oh, right! That’s right…” You laughed awkwardly. Silence once again filled the space between you and you couldn’t help but wish the elevator would just go slightly faster. “Do you uh… Perhaps, wanna come over? To my place? Like later today? For dinner? Around eight maybe,” He gave you a hopeful look and you swore that you could feel the blood pumping in your veins. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s asking you over, instead, you think it’s the first time you might actually say yes. “I’ll come knocking on your door at a quarter past eight.” You smiled and almost as if on cue, the elevator dings and you’re heading straight to your door.
Sparing him one last glance, you watched as he further loosened his tie and unbuttoned a few of the top buttons of his white button-up before unlocking the door to his apartment, not forgetting to throw you a teasing smile on his way in. Once the door was fully shut, you let out a loud exhale of a breath you didn’t realise you were holding before entering your own home. Placing your laptop bag on one of the couches, you plopped yourself next to it before letting your mind wander. It was Donghyuck again. Only this time, he's topless. He was looking at you with hungry eyes as he carefully made his way to you. You could see yourself being frightened by the mere size of him compared to yourself. Unconsciously, your fingers started to tug at your panties before the feeling of pure bliss took over your body.
As the vision of Hyuck began becoming even more real as seconds go by, you find your fingers pleasuring yourself even further. Your movements were rapid and sloppy but it did help get you high enough that you feel like your floating. Suddenly, as if there wasn't any other time, your fingers immediately stilled as you looked back at your actions. There was no way in hell you just masturbated to the thought of your (sexy) neighbour. And to think that you almost orgasmed too. You shook your head instinctively before making your way to your bedroom and shutting the door behind you loudly. Glancing at the digital clock on your vanity, you figured that you should at least take a nap before getting ready for Donghyuck's place. Your beige-coloured coat was thrown onto the chair to your desk before you were lounging yourself onto your bed. "I should probably set an alarm." And so you did just that. The alarm on your phone was set to seven in the evening and with that you drifted off to sleep.
You weren't sure how it happened but it was definitely not seven when you woke up. The shock that entered your body when you woke up at exactly eight can't even be explained. Instantly, you rushed out of bed as you stripped your clothes off one by one on your way to the bathroom. You wouldn't want to appear at his place smelling like an overused dumpster. The only thing on your mind as you were showering were how in the hell were you supposed to be there in time? I mean, of course it is a half second walk to his place but there was no way your going to get ready in fifteen minutes. The soap that was smeared around your body probably wasn't even spread evenly but that was the least of your worries. The shower took you about ten minutes at minimum before you were drying your hair with a towel. You had no time for the dryer today. Looking through your clothes took longer that you'd hoped but you finally ended up wearing a simple white tee with a pair of shorts. You contemplated on going for a more formal attire and casual one but you chose comfortability over beauty. Besides, you're just having dinner at his place right?
The time that was displayed on the clock was a quarter to nine but you refused to look at it. Grabbing your phone from the nightstand, you checked yourself in the mirror one last time before letting out a breath and heading out the door. Though, the second you opened the door, you were face to face with the one and only Lee Donghyuck who had his right hand in the air, ready to knock on your door. Your gaze drifted to his choice of clothing for this evening and to your surprise, he was wearing the exact same thing you were, just with knee-length shorts. It seems that the realisation dawned upon the both of you at the same time when you suddenly broke into fit of laughter. "What are you doing here?" You questioned as you locked the door behind you and Donghyuck took a step back. "I got worried I guess... You weren't replying to my texts so I came over to check... Y'know, just in case.”
You couldn't help the smile that fought its way to your lips when you noticed his gaze looking everywhere but you. Deciding to change the topic, you said, "Dinner's still on?" to which he replied with a beaming, "Of course!". Exchanging genuine and shy smiles with each other, you nudged him on the shoulder playfully before walking towards his front door that was agape. "You do know its's dangerous leaving your front door wide open like this?" A left brow of yours was raised as you leaned against the frame. He seemed to be avoiding your statement when he answered with something totally irrelevant. "Do invite yourself in," Another smile. It's definitely one of the most charming smiles you've ever received. Doing exactly as he said, you walked in with awe visible on your face as you looked around his welcoming and tidy apartment. "Well aren't you neat?" You joked. "It's Donghyuck, what do you expect?" He walked past you to the dining table before filling your plates with dinner.
Taking a seat with your back to the door, you had to swallow a lump of saliva at the sight of the dish. "You made this?" You threw a glance at Donghyuck who was sitting by you. "Yeah. It's my mum's recipe. She taught me recently. Give it try." He gestured toward your plate and you gladly shoved a forkful of spaghetti into your awaiting mouth. It was as if the flavours were bursting into tiny fireworks in your mouth as you took your time savouring the taste of his cooking. "I'll have to tell you, you're an amazing cook." You nodded affirmatively as confirmation. "Dang, it's that good?" At that, you rolled your eyes teasingly and urged for him to try it himself. As he did, you watched as he had his eyes shut and head thrown back dramatically in ecstasy. You knew it was just him being his usual hubris self (not that you knew much about him) but you couldn't help but want to see more. Even more so when a soft moan left his pretty lips that you caught yourself biting on your own when you heard it.
As you were stuck in your own delusional mind, Donghyuck seemed to have caught up to your thoughts when he finished his dramatics. "There seems to be a whole lot on your mind now." He tilted his head with a teasing smirk playing on his lips. Snapping out of your trance, you looked at him with a puzzled look on your face. "What?" Your voice was small and confused. He looked like he was about to say something when you continued, "Why don't we just eat?" You stuffed your mouth full of food to avoid him from saying anything else, "Shit, this is amazing!" You nodded subconsciously. When you noticed his gaze was still on you, you swallowed your food whole before looking at him with hopeful eyes. "Please... Eat with me?" Suddenly, his amused laugh filled the room and you found yourself smiling silently as you watched him filling his mouth just like you did.
Dinner was finally over and your now sitting on his extremely comfortable nude-coloured sofa, chatting. "You can use my wifi if you'd like. I can enter the password for you." It was at that moment that you felt panic rush over you. You couldn't just tell him that you already have it and you've been using it for over a month now because you found out that his password was the name of of his favourite perfume. You just can't. But you told him anyway. 'Cause you're an idiot that is bad at lying. "Oh it's fine, I already have it." You laughed awkwardly before realisation dawned upon you. "Wait... What?" Donghyuck had this perplexed expression on his face and you almost felt guilty. Keyword, almost. You bit your lip gently and nodded slowly before looking toward the ground. ''Hold on... So you mean to tell me, that you know the password to my wifi? And I'm guessing you've been using it ever since?" His eyes were sharp, degrading even and all you wanted at that moment was for the ground to swallow you whole.
"Huh. So that's why my internet bills has been increasing a lot these days. How often do you even use the internet?" Standing up abruptly, you walked closer to him and stood slightly further from between his legs that were spread excessively wide. You noticed his eyebrows raising slightly as you took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. It's just that my wifi has been acting up lately and it just so happens that I figured out your passwo-" He cut you off with a question of his own. "How would you know my password? Unless you've been smelling me, I'm you wouldn't've cracked it. Out of sudden you think you felt a wave of confidence crashing over you because your next words came out unconsciously. "Maybe I have been smelling you." Right then, he slowly got up from his seat before you were both eyeing each other up and down.
The mere size of him has you catching your breath but you knew better than to show any reaction. The both of you were so close to each other that you could smell his perfume with every inhale. And you’re not overreacting. His hand that was once by his side was now carefully making its way to you waist. “Have you now?” The way the words glided his tongue ever so smoothly makes you wanna take him right then and there but this is someone that you’ve barely talked to. And you don’t even know his favourite colour. The hand that began caressing your waist eventually started to tug you closer to him. “Hyuck…” You managed to let out a whisper at the feeling. “Hyuck?” A playful smile danced on his lips. Lifting your gaze you stared deeply into his eyes before tilting your head to the left slightly. “Is there a problem?” He scoffed at that. Probably out of amusement. “No, not at all. Call me whatever you want.”
“DongDongie?” You batted your eyelashes at him, feigning innocence. “Okay, maybe not that.” He was gripping your waist with both his hands now and you could feel him coming even closer than he already was. If that was even possible. That was it. You are not gonna sit still and look pretty. You’re coming for this guy. And just like that, your lips were all over him. Coating his cheeks, jawline, and neck with your kisses. The only feature missing was his lips. Those pink, fluffy lips. “Kiss me,” Donghyuck said between breaths. “And why should I?” You asked with a soft voice. “Please…” He rested his forehead to yours as your hips finally met. You could feel him through his confines and you swore you let out a tiny moan at the friction. So tiny that he could barely hear it. Without saying another word, you immediately attached your lips to his before moving in perfect synchronisation with each other.
Just as he was about to slide a tongue in, you pulled away. “Why..?” Donghyuck’s hands released your waist before it was cupping your cheeks gently. Softy caressing his forearm, you responded. “I just don’t feel like—”
“No,” He placed a wet kiss to your jaw before pulling back and continuing, “Kiss me again. Kiss me until I’m sick of it.” You couldn’t form words to respond to that so you simply ran your hand through his hair before connecting your lips once again. Donghyuck let out a groan few seconds after and the warmth it left on your lips has you wanting more. With your free hand, you reached down lower to his crotch as you once again ruffled through his hair. His hard-on felt almost like stone when you first palmed it. And at that moment, you wonder how hard he’d gotten and that if it really was because of you. You felt him spin you around before lowering you onto the couch slowly with your lips still attached.
Hurriedly, you released yourself from him and frantically pulled his white tee off his body, leaving him in his shorts. “What’s the rush? I’m not going anywhere.” Donghyuck laughed lowly. You didn’t answer him though. Instead, you placed butterfly kisses along his abdomen leading up to his happy trail. When you were right above the waistband of his shorts, you looked up at him with teasing eyes as you slowly pulled it down. “Fuck… You’re adorable.” Donghyuck caressed the top of your head lovingly before thrusting his hips into your hold desperately. “Please… Take these off too.” He gestured to his black boxers that seemed to be two sizes smaller. Giving him a small peck at the tip through his confines, you gently removed his boxers and left them pooled around his ankles.
The second they were off him, his hard cock immediately sprang out and managed hit the tip of your nose. You were surprised to say the least. You always knew he would be big but you didn’t expect him to be this big. There were a couple of his veins visible to you and you couldn’t fight the urge to give them a strong lick. A sigh could be heard from him as his head lolled back in bliss. But before you could enclose his dick with your mouth, he pulled your head back by your hair and looked at you with dark eyes. “It’s really not fair that you’re still fully clothed.” Donghyuck raised his brows suggestively. “Fine.” You answered simply. Taking a step further from you, Hyuck watched as you threw your shirt across the room and unbuttoned your shorts. “Happy?” He pretended to ponder a little before shaking his head side to side. “Not quite. You’re still clothed.” Gesturing to your bra and underwear, he smirked at you subtly as you flipped him off.
Complying, you unclipped your bra and removed your underwear before sitting back on the couch with your legs closed. You could feel the confidence draining out of you now that you’re completely naked in front of him. “That’s more like it.” Just as he said that his lips come crashing back onto yours, this time more aggressive and rough. His left hand that was once by your head was now stuffed between your legs, prying them open in a blink of an eye. The small gasp you let out when his fingers began rubbing your pussy up and down wasn’t loud enough to be heard throughout the apartment, but it was definitely loud enough to leave Donghyuck wanting more. Pulling away from your lips, he suckled on your right nipple as his digits teased your gaping hole. He was on his knees by now. The sight of his tongue flicking your nipple and his fingers playing with your clit has you almost reaching your high. But it was still so far away.
Finally after what seemed like hours of him just teasing you, he finally entered his fingers inside you in a smooth motion. The both of you moaned in sync at the feeling of your warmth engulfing him. Hyuck let his fingers sit there for a moment as he licked a striped down your pussy from your boobs before giving your clit a harsh suck. “Fuck! Hyuck!” Your hands found their way between his hair and you were now tugging and pulling at it roughly. It’s should’ve pained him but it seems to you that he’s enjoying it more than you were. His tongue moved in languid motions as his fingers finally found themselves to be working at a steady pace. Looking up from your heat, he watched you rolls your eyes to the back of your skull with your chest heaving up and down and your hand tugging him closer.
Your orgasm was reaching its peak and you couldn��t even register anything at the moment as your mind was filled with blurry visions and cloudy thoughts. “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck…” You chanted. “You close?” He said with a whispery voice and the vibration and warmth it left was the last thing you needed to once and for all let your high come crashing over you. A loud moan left your lips as you came in his mouth and on his fingers, hard. Once you’ve calmed down a little, you looked at Hyuck who was now towering over you with his fingers in his mouth, before saying, “I think I’m gonna cry.” It was starting to overwhelm you. With Donghyuck licking your release off his fingers and the sight of his increasingly hardening dick, you felt like crying.
He laughed again. Almost at you instead of because of you but you weren’t at your right mind at the moment to even think much of it. “Aww don’t cry, sweetie. Not until I tell you too.” His words had a different meaning to them but his expression was like sunshine. His beaming smile made you carve your own smile back before you threw your head back tiredly and sighed. You thought it was over. That you were just gonna bid your goodbyes and go home. But no. For him, you’re just getting started. It surprised you when you suddenly felt him lift you from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. “Hyuck? What are you—”
“I’ve always wanted to do this in here.” Said Donghyuck airily before he bent you over the kitchen island. His fingers drawing little circles on your back. “You look so pretty like this. With no way to escape from me.” His digits found your hole again before collecting your cum on his fingers and smearing them around your rim. The risk of him entering you there has your knees shaking from the thrill. “You like that? You want me there?” His face was right next to yours now and you just wanted to give him a big fat smooch but the only thing stopping you were his movements. “Answer me.” He tipped his fingers deeper inside you just before it reached where you wanted him to. “Yes, please… Please fuck me there.” Gripping the kitchen island harder, you jutted your hips out even more towards him just to feel his hard cock between your ass. You weren’t sure what you heard him mutter under his breath but it sounded a lot like, “Shit…”
He started to slowly move himself between the crook of your ass. His dick peaking out of the gap with each thrust. Donghyuck’s groans filled your ears as his movements began speeding up. Leaving small kisses to the top of your head, he nuzzled his face on your shoulder with small ragged breaths. “I need to fuck you.” He said in your ear, and before you got the chance to answer, he was already lubing up both his length and your rim. The stretch when he entered you was extremely painful and he wasn’t even halfway through yet. “Hyuck!” You laid yourself flat against the cold marble surface. as he slowly bottomed out inside you. You could see yourself almost passing out but his voice snapped you back to reality. “Can I move?” He asked softly with a rub to your ass. “Slowly.” You told him.
Doing just that, Donghyuck carefully pulled himself almost all the way out before thrusting. This went for a few seconds before the two of you couldn’t take it anymore and he was pounding into you ruthlessly. “Shit! Hyuck—” Your legs trembled and your hands were searching frantically for anything to grab on which ended up tugging on his locks once again. “Fuck baby— S-So tight…” His words were slurred but you heard him just fine. A few more thrusts and you were already approaching your orgasm. You figured Hyuck noticed this when he told you, “Just a little more, pretty.” with a dreamy tone. Nodding mindlessly against the kitchen island, you let your eyes close lightly as Hyuck continued pounding sloppily into you. You knew he was close so you wanted to wait for him. To release together.
“So close, so close…” He chanted from behind you and your eyes instantly flicked open when you felt extremely close to cumming. The kitchen that once smelled like vanilla and cake was now filled with the smell of sex and lewd sounds. “Cum with me, baby.” Said Donghyuck followed by strings of moans and groans. One last thrust was all it took for the both of your orgasms to come crashing down on you, leaving you breathless and tired. He emptied himself inside of you before pulling out and leaning against the kitchen island next to you. Your ass stung but the pain was washed away when you could the warm liquid trickling down your legs. Noticing this, Hyuck walked back to where he was before and kneeled between your legs to take a better look at his cum dripping from your lower hole.
It felt extremely long before he was collecting the liquid with tongue all the way up to your stinging rim and giving it a loving peck. Flipping you over, he gave you a long kiss on the lips, making you taste him between his lips. Moaning into the kiss, you unconsciously grabbed his dick and gave it a few teasing pumps before rubbing it between your folds. You had no clue as to why you were doing this but you just wanted to feel him inside you again. To feel him fill you up nicely just like before. The kiss didn’t stop there. Instead, it was even more heated than before. His tongue was reaching places in your mouth that you didn’t know were possible. Finally entering him inside you, you whined against his lips at the sensation. He filled you to the brim and so perfectly too.
Moving yourself up and down, you fucked yourself on him slowly and using your cum as lubrication. Having had enough, he lifted his thigh until you were sat on it before placing his hands on your hips and moving you himself. “You’re so big, Hyuck…” You pulled away from the kiss and let your head drop to his shoulder. His hold on you was painful and hard but you a whore for the pain. This time, your orgasm seemed to approach even more quickly and you figure that his is arriving too. “You’re gonna fucking empty my balls if we keep doing this.” He joked amusedly. “Wouldn’t that be a sight?—” And then it hit the two of you at the same time, mixing your cum together and leaving it dripping from where you’re connected.
Giving you a small peck on the lips, he attached his forehead to yours before the both of you laughed in sync. “Well someone’s gotta clean this mess, don’t you think?”
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1K notes · View notes
You kinda got me addicted to Kyung Jun (smut). Are you okay with doing another one? Or maybe just his love languages?
Kyung Jun x Fem!Reader (Black & Korean )
Genre : Smut ⚠️
Warning : pussy eating , rough sex , fingering , cussing
Small summary: You had a fight with your boyfriend Kyung Jun before coming to the school trip once you arrived at the location you quickly got off the bus grabbing your things before Kyung Jun could as you speed walk towards the building not really caring to hook to the internet since you had a small tape player that had music installed as you head to your room .. not realizing that your boyfriend was watching you with a pissed and annoyed expression
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Sighing as you stare out the window music blasting through your headphones ignoring the others around you , feeling a small tap on your shoulder turning your head slowly taking your headphones off your head pausing your music in the process as you look at your best friend Lily (not a actual character) who looked at you before glancing behind both your seats raising a brow a bit confused before looking at the last row of seats in the back of the bus
There sat Kyung Jun and both of his minions.. he was staring right at you eyes never leaving your seated figure sighing as your lift your hand giving him the finger rolling your eyes before turning back around looking at your best friend who gave you a ‘what the fuck y/n’ face before quickly glancing at the trio only to turn back around with a terrified expression
“I really think your fucked when we get there” Lily whispers enough for just you to hear turning to her as your raise your brow
“Why..”reader replies a bit confused to why Lily looked terrified quickly glancing at Kyung Jun before turning around just as fast as Lily… He didn’t look happy at all he looked like he would tear your head off in any moment and it didn’t help that you and Kyung had a huge fight before coming on the school trip quickly placing your headphones back on your head playing your music as you try to look ahead and ignore Kyung Jun eyes as they stared daggers into your skull
After a few more minutes , the bus had finally arrived in front of the school quickly standing to your feet carefully stepping over Lily as you speed walk out of the bus being the first person off the bus as your classmates walks off the bus one by one grabbing your book bag and duffel bag before running towards the school once you made it in side the school you speed walk past the sign informing students with the Wi-Fi info and such not really caring as you head straight for your room stopping at your door quickly looking down the hall before opening your door and heading inside
Once you were inside your room you released a breath that you didn’t know you were holding turning to face the room as you took a mental note on the basic room decor , shrugging your shoulder as you walk further into the room forgetting to lock the rooms door not thinking anyone noticed you run off besides Lily who would be sharing a room with you , placing your bags on the side of the bed on your side of the room (right side) sighing as you decided to put on your sleeping shorts and half top
After you were changed in your sleeping clothes placing your bag with your other clothes in the small closet along with your dirty clothes in a bag your had for your dirty ones , closing the closet as you turn towards the room decided to lay on your bed and read the (your favorite ) manga you had bought along with you incase you ever got bored gabbing the manga as you turn to head for your bed only to be stopped in your tracks.. your door was open but it wasn’t Lily , there stood a pissed off Kyung Jun taking a step back as you watch him close the door behind him before slowly turning the lock eyes never leaving you
“What are you doing” Reader says as you become kind of nervous not knowing what he was up to
“Oh nothing I can’t check up on my girlfriend now” Kyung Jun says I’m a calm voice only you knew he wasn’t calm his aura was far from being calm your eyes watching as he takes a step towards you causing you to take a step back
“I don’t need you to check up on me , fuck off Jun” reader says rolling your eyes as the nervousness left your body completely your arms now crossed over your shoulders as you became a bit annoyed
“Jun, that’s not what you call me” Kyung Jun says taking the last few steps towards you causing you to step back until your back was against the wall your brows furrowed as you give him a fuck you look
“Fuck you get out I want to read go find your dumb friends” Reader says annoyance still lingering in her voice
Letting out a dark chuckle before Kyung Jun picks you up in his arms not caring that you told him to put you down turning as he walks towards your bed throwing your small body on the bed causing your eyes to go wide watching as kyung removes his jacket letting it fall to the floor his shirt soon following after his jacket once his shirt was off he slowly removed his pants throwing them next to his shirt and jacket leaving him only in his boxers his dark eyes looking down at you
“W-what are you doing” Reader says slightly nervous as Kyung grabs your ankles pulling you so you were on your back before climbing on top of you grabbing at your shirt as he pulls it over your head you hated it that he was able to make your panties soaked without even having to touch you , you admit that sometimes you liked when he got upset if it needed with him fucking your brains out you didn’t mind once he had your shirt off before quickly unhooking your bra sliding it off your arms throwing both your shirt and bra somewhere on the floor not really caring to much
Completely ignoring you before attacking your lips with his own his hands moving down your exposed breast his hand giving your breast a tight squeeze causing you to moan into the kiss causing him to smirk pulling away from the kiss as he leaves wet kiss down your neck making sure to leave a few marks before slowly moves down to your breast kissing the valley between your breast slowly moving to your breast that wasn’t getting enough attention giving your nipple a lick making you shiver before attaching his mouth to your nipple sucking and biting at your nipple causing you to let out loud moans
Pulling away from your nipple once it harden before moving to your other breast giving your nipple the same treatment his hands slowly moving down your stomach as they travel to your school skirt before pulling it up laying it a bit on your stomach as he rubs small circles against your soaked panties groaning as he feels how wet he got you quickly moving your panties to the side causing you to spread your legs a bit giving him access to touch you as you became more needy by the minute moaning as you feel his cold hand come in contact with your exposed pussy
Slowly moving his fingers past your soaked fluids before rubbing small but fast circles against your clit causing your body to jerk a bit from the sudden contact moaning as your eyes now lock with Kyung Jun hating how he looked at your with his stupid smirk slowly licking his lips watching as he slowly travels down to your dripping pussy leaving trails of kiss before giving your pussy a gently kiss grabbing one of your legs with his free hand pushing it towards your chest once his face was level to your dripping hole giving your soaked pussy a long lock catching your fluid on his tongue groaning before removing his fingers from your clit slowly inserting them inside your tight hole as he cuts and locks at your clit
“K-Kyung J-J-Jun ..” Reader moans out back arching off the mattress hands now gripping at the sheets slowly letting go of the sheets as one of your hands moves to grip at Kyung Jun’a hair as he groans causing vibrations to run through your body as you squeeze at your breast with your other hand not caring if anyone heard you , your mind only focused on how Kyung Jun eyes never let yours toes curling as you notice his eyes darken with lust feeling your walls tighten as a knot forms in your stomach
“Fuck your so pretty like this..” Kyun Jun says as he removes his mouth for a second his face covered in your slick as you feel the knot tighten in your stomach eyes rolled to the back of your head kyung smirks before reattaching his mouth to your Kyung pussy giving your clit long lick as your feel the knot in your stomach snap before feeling your juices cover Kyung removing his fingers align with his mouth before licking your juices from his fingers along with your slick that covered his mouth before climbing on top of you quickly removing his shirt as his lips attack your in a deep kiss
You were so focused on the kiss you didn’t see as he pulled his shorts and boxers down in a quick motion fight his harden 9inch cock a few strokes with his palm before lining his top up to your entrance before pushing his whole length inside your tight hole causing you to gasp in the kiss as he pulls away from the kiss smirking down at your not giving you time to adjust before he started to pound into you at a fast pace
Back arching off the bed as his coke moves in and out of your soaked pussy at a fast pace ignoring as you begged him to slow down he was pissed that you were acting like a brat so he wasn’t going to be nice to you he didn’t care that your cunt was sensitive grabbing your hands as he held them above your head by the wrist with a strong hold his other hand grabbing at your waist holding you still before picking up his past his cock moving deeper inside your tighten walls growing as he feel you tighten around his cock he loves the way you tightened around him your warm walks mad refusing to let him go as they pull him deeper inside your cunt his coke head kissing at your cervix
“F-Fuck..” Kyung Jun groans out as the bed begins to shake your eyes now in the back of your head as your kind couldn’t keep up with the violent attacks Kyung was giving your pussy your hands trying anything your could to brake them free only to result him Kyung tightens his hold on your wrist as his strokes became more violent your body shaking from the amount of pleasure Kyung was giving you , toes curling as your moans become caught in your throat
“F-Fuck that’s hot..” Kyung Jun groans out his eyes staring down at your stomach his cock soon twitching as you feel a knot form in your the pit of your stomach your walls tighten by the seconds Kyung strokes becoming more sloppy as his groans become more louder than they were before , back arching as you feel the knot snap in the your stomach your juices soo covering the sheets beneath you moaning as Kyung picks up his sloppy strokes before soon pulling out stroking his cock a few times before shooting his load on your lower stomach that he left visible
“Turn over..” Kyung says as he continues to stroke his still harden cock
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kafus · 11 months
how to transfer your old pokemon to pokemon home before it's too late!!!
the wi-fi services for the nintendo 3DS and WiiU are shutting down in early april 2024, and while it specifically lists pokemon bank and poke transporter as being available post-shutdown, there is no guarantee of how long that may be for. there will likely come a time when these services shut down, and it could be in the relatively near future.
it is also pretty much impossible now to transfer pokemon to the switch's Home service with alternative methods such as PKHeX (popular pokemon save editor for the uninformed) due to the implementation of server-side Home IDs tracking pokemon at all times - the details of that aren't super important for this post, but point is, whenever bank shuts down, unless nintendo makes an offline way to transfer to home, it will be impossible to move pokemon from the old gens to the new, even with alternative/hack-y methods.
i write this guide with the intention of making this process easier for people since transferring pokemon has changed so much over the past two decades that it's a bit of a mess, and in a timely manner to give people time to finish the process. i'll be organizing by generation so feel free to skip to any part of the guide you need. (keep in mind that transferring is permanent, your pokemon cannot go back afterwards!!)
(by the way it would mean a lot to me if you weren't overwhelmingly negative of pokemon in the tags/reblogs. i get that pokemon transferring being an online service sucks but reading that stuff in my notifications constantly is really tiring </3 make ur own post to talk about that)
to walk you through, i'll be transferring this random shiny spinda i hatched in emerald version all the way up to pokemon home. her name is Moss :]
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below the cut since this is long as fuck sorry LOL
GEN 1/2 -> 3 (aka RBY/GSC -> RSE/FRLG)
this is impossible! as for the Virtual Console releases of the gen 1/2 games on 3DS, more on that later in the gen 5 -> 6/7 section.
GEN 3 -> 4 (aka RSE/FRLG -> DPPT/HGSS)
what you need:
a copy of RSE or FRLG
a copy of DPPT or HGSS in the same language as the RSE/FRLG copy that has beaten the champion and has access to post-game areas, preferably HGSS because it lets you transfer unlimited times as opposed to DPPT's once-per-24-hours limit (unless you happen to have korean DPPT/HGSS, which is not language locked in terms of transferring)
either an original DS or a DS lite, the old ones with the GBA slot at the bottom
the steps:
#1. you can only transfer 6 pokemon at a time, so get whatever 6 pokemon you want to transfer up together in gen 3. if you're intending to transfer less than 6 pokemon, you'll need to catch some extras since you have to transfer the full 6 every time (i usually just catch a bunch of extra mons on the first route, which is what i've done here with the poochyenas/wurmples)
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#2. put the gen 3 game into the GBA slot of the DS, and the gen 4 game into the DS slot. both games should appear on the home menu after turning on the DS.
#3. load the DS game and spam A past the title screen. before loading your save, scroll down. you should see a "MIGRATE FROM (GAME NAME HERE)" option. if you don't, either the GBA game isn't reading properly, or you have not visited Pal Park in your gen 4 game of choice. in HGSS, the Pal Park is located in Fuchsia City, and in DPPT, the Pal Park is located at the end of Route 221 below Sandgem Town.
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#4. select the aforementioned migration option and pick the pokemon you want to transfer.
#5. navigate to the Pal Park and complete the Catching Show, where you re-catch your transferred pokemon in the wild. this does not overwrite what pokeballs they were originally caught in! you will need to bring a pokemon with Surf if you have any Pokemon that spawn in the water areas. you can check what location the pokemon you transferred will be in on bulbapedia.
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#6. say yes to storing the caught pokemon in your PC boxes and they'll be there!
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important things to note:
pokemon with HM moves will be blocked from transfer, so make sure to use the Move Deleter to remove HM moves from any pokemon you're transferring in gen 3 before trying to transfer. in RSE, the Move Deleter is in Lilycove City, and in FRLG they are in Fuchsia City.
gen 3 -> 4 is the only step in the transfer process where held items transfer up as well, meaning that if you attach a valuable item such as a rare candy, master ball, or TM to a transferred pokemon, you can take it off that pokemon and put it in your bag in the gen 4 game.
an aside about colosseum/XD gale of darkness on gamecube:
you can transfer pokemon from colo/XD as well! unfortunately you'll need to have beaten colo/XD, and then you will also need to beat the gen 3 game... in FRLG, you even have to complete the postgame ruby/sapphire quest on the sevii islands to unlock trading with the gamecube games. once you do all that though, you can navigate to the pokemon center basement in Phenac City to trade with your gen 3 GBA title. to do this, you'll need a gamecube or wii with gamecube compatibility, a GBA (or GBA SP), and a GCN -> GBA link cable to connect the two consoles.
GEN 4 -> 5 (aka DPPT/HGSS -> BW/BW2)
what you need:
a copy of DPPT/HGSS
a copy of BW or BW2 in the same language as DPPT/HGSS copy that has beaten the champion (or N in the original BW) and has access to post-game areas.
two DS consoles of any kind (3DS is also fine!)
the steps:
#1. get the pokemon you want to transfer together in your gen 4 game's PC boxes. you can only transfer 6 pokemon at a time. if you have less than 6, catch some extra pokemon, since you need to transfer the full 6 every time. save it and turn off the DS with the gen 4 game.
#2. turn on your gen 5 game and navigate to the Poke Transfer Lab. personally i just fly to Black City/White Forest and head west.
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#3. talk to the NPC in the lab to start the transfer process. you will be prompted to turn on your other DS again and open DS Download Play with your gen 4 game inserted. do that and download the Poke Transfer app that comes up.
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#4. select the 6 Pokemon you want to transfer when prompted.
#5. play the transfer minigame! just drag the... bow? (lol) on the bottom screen to aim your pokeballs. there's technically a time limit, but it's very generous, and your final score doesn't matter.
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#6. say yes to transferring the pokemon once you're done and they'll be placed in your PC boxes!
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important things to note:
pokemon with HM moves will be blocked from transfer, so make sure to use the Move Deleter to remove HM moves from any pokemon you're transferring in gen 4 before trying to transfer. in DPPT they're in Canalave City, and in HGSS they're in Blackthorn City.
the level the pokemon was obtained at and the date it was obtained is changed upon transfer to gen 5 - it will have the met date of your DS clock and the met level of the level it was at the time of transfer. if you'd like to preserve a pokemon's met date, make sure to change the DS clock to the proper date.
GEN 5 -> 6/7 (aka BW/BW2 -> 3DS TITLES/BANK)
what you need:
a copy of BW/BW2
a copy of any 3DS pokemon game (XY/ORAS/SUMO/USUM)
a 3DS (or 2DS, i'll just be referring to them all as 3DSes here) with the poke transporter and pokemon bank apps installed. these were free apps that were once downloadable from the 3DS eShop, but the 3DS eShop is no longer available, so if you don't already have them installed you will need to explore alternate methods, AKA hacking your 3DS and injecting them in. that's outside the scope of this guide but you can find more information here on 3ds.hacks.guide. (do not attempt to follow any 3DS hacking guide not on this website, they could be outdated and harm your 3DS!)
a nintendo network ID that your 3DS is logged into (also outside the scope of this guide but if you don't already have one, it will prompt you during the process to make one)
internet connection
the steps:
#1. poke transporter defaults to trying to transfer every pokemon located in Box 1 of your PC, so go into your gen 5 game and put every pokemon you want to transfer into Box 1, and take anything you don't want to transfer out. if you want to transfer more pokemon than you can fit in one box, you'll have to transfer multiple times.
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#2. open poke transporter with your gen 5 game inserted into the 3DS' cartridge slot. after pressing A through some menus and selecting the gen 5 game when prompted, it should ask if you want to transfer the pokemon in Box 1, with a preview of the pokemon inside. confirm and let it do its thing. after poke transporter is finished, the pokemon you transferred will be in the special Transport Box in bank.
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#3. make sure you either have a 3DS pokemon title downloaded onto your 3DS, or swap out your gen 5 cart for one, it doesn't matter which.
#4. close out of poke transporter and navigate to pokemon bank. at the time of writing this guide, bank is still online and is free for everyone without a subscription - the main menu has an infinite "free trial" period number.
#5. select "use pokemon bank" and pick a 3DS game to connect with when prompted. it doesn't matter which one, but if you're looking to see your pokemon in a gen 6/7 game right now, pick the one you want to move it into. viewing a pokemon in a gen 6/7 game isn't required to move to home later, though!
#6. the Transport Box is located one box to the left of Box 1 - navigate to it and drag your pokemon out into a normal bank box. now you can move them to any gen 6/7 pokemon game you want, or home later!
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important things to note:
even though bank connects with both gen 6 and gen 7 games, once you place a pokemon into a gen 7 game (SUMO/USUM), you cannot transfer that pokemon back to a gen 6 game (XY/ORAS), so be careful!
an aside about the VC releases of RBY/GSC:
poke transporter can also be used to transfer pokemon out of the VC releases of RBY/GSC. these pokemon are changed pretty heavily, converting all their old gen data into pokemon's modern data structure. you can find more information about all the changes/conversions made on bulbapedia. these pokemon are considered gen 7 pokemon afterwards, and cannot be moved into XY/ORAS. pokemon with held items also cannot be transferred from VC titles and will fail to transfer.
if you want to transfer pokemon from cartridge RBY/GSC and have a save dumping device, it is possible to inject the cartridge's save file into the VC versions with Checkpoint on a hacked 3DS and then transfer that way. for GSC specifically, you'll need to edit your save slightly to make it compatible with VC GSC's save format. i personally made a converter for that here that you're free to use in-browser.
GEN 6/7 -> GEN 8+ (aka BANK -> HOME)
what you need:
a 3DS (or 2DS, i'll just be referring to them all as 3DSes here) with the pokemon bank app installed. this was a free app that was once downloadable from the 3DS eShop, but the 3DS eShop is no longer available, so if you don't already have it installed you will need to explore alternate methods, AKA hacking your 3DS and injecting it in. that's outside the scope of this guide but you can find more information here on 3ds.hacks.guide. (do not attempt to follow any 3DS hacking guide not on this website, they could be outdated and harm your 3DS!)
a nintendo network ID that your 3DS is logged into (also outside the scope of this guide but if you don't already have one, it will prompt you during the process to make one)
a switch with Pokemon Home installed, which can be downloaded for free from the switch's eShop. a nintendo switch online subscription is not required.
unfortunately, you WILL need a subscription to home's premium plan to do bank -> home transfers.
internet connection
the steps:
#1. open pokemon bank and make sure all the pokemon you want to transfer are in their own boxes, and any you don't want to transfer are not in the same boxes as the to-be-transferred pokemon.
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#2. go back to the bank home menu and select the "move pokemon to pokemon home" option. when you get the notice about the transfer being one-way, you'll need to scroll down to hit "Begin".
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#3. you will be prompted to select what boxes of pokemon you'd like to transfer, so pick all the applicable ones.
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#4. you will then be prompted to put in the moving key from home, so turn on your switch, open pokemon home, and select the icon that looks like a 3DS on the main menu. when prompted, choose "Ready!" to get the moving key.
#5. input the moving key on the 3DS, submit it, and wait for both apps to do their thing. once bank goes back to its title screen, you can turn off the 3DS.
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#6. home will go back to its title screen as well, and depending on how many pokemon you moved, you may have to wait a few minutes to get back into the app. once it's done, the next time you open home, it'll prompt you to choose how to organize your transferred pokemon into home. pick whatever you see fit.
#7. congratulations, your pokemon are safe in home!!
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important things to note:
unlike all pokemon games before the switch, pokemon can actually go backwards in generation on switch, so don't worry about transferring a pokemon into scarlet/violet locking you out of moving it to sword/shield, for example. (the exception to this is LGPE - nothing can be moved into LGPE and once a pokemon is moved out of LGPE, it can't go back.)
pokemon home actually has decent hack checks, so be careful when transferring hacked/glitched/otherwise illegitimate pokemon around.
pokemon from a gen 3/4 game will have their met location set to "Poke Shifter" - this is an alternative translation of the japanese name for the Poke Transporter.
pokemon on switch can only transfer into games that contain that pokemon in its dex, so not everything transferred can go into scarlet/violet, for example.
and that's it!!
there's a lot of other quirks to the pokemon transferring process at pretty much all steps, so if you run into an unusual issue or have specific questions about how pokemon data is changed in minute ways across the franchise, i would encourage you to do your own research, all of this stuff is pretty heavily documented by the fanbase. this is just meant to be a guide for casual users, and a quick reference.
this guide of course does not cover options for transferring in alternative ways, but it's worth mentioning that if you have a hacked 3DS and the ability to back up save files at any point from gens 3 -> 5, you can use PKHeX to transfer pokemon into the 3DS titles, then move them to bank and transfer to home normally from there. that's outside the scope of this guide and i'd also encourage you to do your own research for that.
happy transferring!
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
Secluded Paradise
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Pairing: Dark Steve Rogers x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: Your boyfriend is tired of your technology addiction so he takes matters into his own hands.
WARNINGS: Imprisonment; Toxic Relationship.
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
“And I was thinking we should go to the country house for the weekend, it could be like a getaway from the city. No phones or wi-fi, just us. What do you think, honey?” Steve asks, his blue eyes squinting at your figure, who continues completely focused on the phone. 
“Honey?” he repeats himself, his voice only demonstrating a small hint of anger as he reaches to tap on your arm a bit, successfully grabbing your attention.
You look at him, confusion blinding your eyes which only makes Steve even more annoyed at you. 
“Yeah, sure, sure. Whatever you want, babe.” you hurriedly agree, returning your attention back to your phone. Steve clenches his hand and takes a deep breath as he tries to keep his anger away. 
It’s hard to live in this new modern century where everyone has technology addiction. He usually tries his best to be patient when you’re glued to the device or when you ask him to take millions of pictures of yourself, just so that in the end you only choose one to post on your social media.
It’s complicated though, he’s a patient man but even Captain America has his own limits to the point that it’s reaching its end. 
Steve isn’t blind to the way that you seem to rejoice with all the attention you receive online. With Natasha’s extensive help, he actually managed to learn some rudimentar basics of navigating the online world, going as far as to creating a secret account.
All of this just to keep track of you - a man needs to keep tabs on his woman, of course. 
Yet something that worsened his mood was noticing how many pictures you had displayed there, with an abundance of male comments where most of them used very vulgar language. 
Something you clearly had no problem with. If anything, it seemed like you thoroughly enjoyed the attention, rewarding those unknown men with even more pictures of you wearing scandalous outfits. 
Plus, having a decent conversation with you was getting harder and harder as your attention was uniquely on your phone at all times. You had no time to even make small conversation, much less discuss future life plans.
Snapping out of his thoughts, he signals the waiter to bring the check and quickly pays, helping you to stand up and dress your jacket. 
“I’m gonna start planning for our vacations. You’re going to love them.” he says, grabbing your free hand. You don’t offer any response, the fingers of your free hand rapidly tapping on the screen. Steve swallows his annoyance once again as he makes up his mind. 
He’s not going to tolerate it much more. 
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“Steve! Oh my god!” 
Steve is leaning against the kitchen counter, merely watching as you struggle with your phone. You’re trying to go up on the couch of the living room, elevating your phone in hopes of catching a wi-fi signal. 
Steve’s lips curl at that sight, it’s nice to see you so desperate, so needy for something. 
“Darling, I told you we don’t have any internet here.” he patiently reminds you as if you’re a child. Your hand drops as you gasp in horror, looking back at him.
“But…but…I need it, Steve.” you whine, a pout starting to form on your glossy lips. It makes Steve’s dick feel alive, he likes it when you beg. But right now, he has to be stern about this. 
“No, you don’t. A few days without that annoying device won’t kill you.” he places his hands at his hips, his tone getting sterner. 
“Enough, goddamnit!” 
You immediately shut up, frightened by Steve’s shout. The hand holding your phone slowly falls down and you look at Steve, shocked. His face turns almost remorseful for a moment, but then that expression disappears and he returns to his normal self again.
“Now, let me show you around. You’re going to love the house, the master bedroom is really huge and has one of those big television screens, the garden is just…” Steve rambles like he didn’t just snap at you. 
He offers you a wide smile, motioning towards the stairs with one of his huge hands, but you remain glued to your spot, hand strongly clutching the phone as if your life depends on it. Ironic since it doesn’t even have a signal.
“I think I wanna go home.” you declare with a shaken voice. Steve’s smile disappears and an impatient expression takes over. 
“Nonsense. We just got here, honey.” Steve rubs his face, as if he’s tired. His voice starting to have an annoyed accent, making his irritation more obvious. You don’t like that. 
“I want to go back.” you repeat, stepping out of the couch and starting to head towards the main door. 
As soon as your hand reaches for the handle, a muscled arm bars the door. You turn your head towards Steve, his brows united in an irritated frown. 
“Why do you always have to be a fucking brat?” he raises his voice and you immediately take a step back. He’s never spoken to you in this way. 
“Oh now is when you decide to get scared? Not when those creeps comment on your slutty pictures online. Maybe that’s what you like, huh?” He darkly chuckles, seeing you scared. 
You keep your silence, your heart throbbing in your ears. The door is so close but you know that with Steve around, you’ll never actually get to leave. This new Steve is starting to scare you. 
But you can’t go against him, you have no idea what he’ll do yet one thing is clear: he’s much stronger than you are. 
As the silence uncomfortably grows, Steve lets out a sigh and removes his hand. You don’t dare to move, knowing that he won’t let you leave. 
“Listen, I just want to spend some quality time with my girlfriend. Is that too much to ask?” he says, his voice sounding honest and apologetic. Like he’s the old Steve. 
You look at him and that's when it strikes you. You can’t leave without the car.
Steve is the one that drove all the way here and you did notice the house being located in a secluded area, no stores and no other houses around.
It took almost one hour by car to get here, no way you’d be able to find your way back without the car. Whose keys are with Steve. 
You stiffly nod and Steve immediately takes your hand with a strong hold. 
“Let’s go on with the house tour then. You’re going to love it, honey.” 
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Silence and darkness rules over the entire house. No city sounds that usually disturb the night. You don’t like it, it’s too peaceful for your taste.
It’s boringly calm, but Steve probably loves it hence he fell asleep so fast. You can’t hear a single sound coming from his room, meaning that he’s most certainly asleep. 
It’s time, then. 
You rise from the bed and silently tiptoe towards the living room, not even bothering to grab your bag or to dress in warmer clothes. You’re eager to get out of this horrible place already and once you reach the city, you’ll just break-up with Steve and move on with your life. 
You saw Steve placing both the house and the car keys inside a bowl on the counter, next to the door after dinner. It’s perfect, when you think about it.
You can lock Steve inside and take the car. Not that a weak lock would do much against Steve’s inhuman strength but the idea grows into you, it doesn’t hurt to lock a door.
Finally reaching the living room, you almost run towards the counter. You immediately dip your hand into the bowl, only for your fingers to grab air. Your eyes widen in horror and when you look, it's empty. 
A cough is heard from behind you and your heart drops to your feet. 
No, no. 
This cannot be happening, not when you were so close to freedom. You squint your eyes tight for a moment, trying to muster up some courage before you finally turn around.
Steve is leaning against a wall, a slightly annoyed but mostly arrogant expression on his face.
A growing smirk curls his lips, amused to see you try to get away when in reality you'd never be able to do so. You were too busy with your phone to realize that the house had an eletric fence, one that required a code to open. Silly you.
“Looks like you’re stuck here with me, babe” 
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diamondsnowflakes · 11 months
I wanna be your favourite pretty boy!
"Hey Tim," he shouted over his shoulder.
"Yeah?" Tim shouted back.
"Is your Wi-Fi set up yet?"
"Yeah, you wanna do your usual guessing attempts before I give you the password?"
Kon grinned. "Yeah. You good with that?"
"Go ahead!"
Kon fist pumped then grabbed his phone out of his back pocket. He'd been trying to guess the password to Tim's Wi-Fi every time he moved for the past five years, enough that it'd become a tradition for him. Of course, it never worked. Tim preferred to have a bunch of numbers and symbols around, and even then, the main body of it would be akin to 'RedViper' or something equally cryptic.
Still, Kon switched to his settings and clicked on the 'Gold-smithGuitar' network, lowering himself to kneel beside the router.
AO3 Link
"Remind me why you needed a new apartment again?" Kon called out to his best friend as he followed him up into the hall of the fifth-floor apartment, faux-staggering with the last cardboard box (marked 'books') balanced on one hip.
"Technically, this isn't my apartment; it's Arnold Gold's --" 
Kon rolled his eyes and shifted the cardboard box to his other hip as Tim disappeared through a white door at the end of the hall.
"-- And there's a weapons trafficking ring that's taken up a base across from here. I needed an excuse to be watching at all hours of the day." 
"We're in Bludhaven. Couldn't your older brother do this?" 
"Actually, this is to help Dick. I owe him a favour or two."
"I'm guessing this is worth two."
A thud echoed from somewhere in the room as Tim stuck his head around the door, flashing a sheepish grin. "Pretty much." His eyes flicked down to the box. "Can you put that box in the living room?"
Kon shrugged. "Sure." 
"Brilliant," Tim smiled, then disappeared again, only leaving time to call back, "Thank you!" over his shoulder. 
Kon sighed and rolled his eyes, then turned into the doorway next to him that led into a spacious combination dining room and living room. 
It was very fancy for a living room in Kon's mind, but that was how he felt in most of Tim's home bases. He was scared to put the box down near any furniture or walls lest he scratch anything. Even the carpet was so new and thick that his feet were leaving behind tracks in the fibres. It didn't help that Tim had a knack for buying the most uncomfortable, fancy-looking sofas in the world; this time, it was a reddish-brown leather-looking sofa that Kon knew he would slip off when they next hung out. 
Strangely enough, Tim had also bought a dining set to fill the dining room section this time. Kon thought it looked like stained and polished ash. Pa would say it was a waste of good wood with how little Tim would use it. 
Kon was inclined to agree, but he wasn't about to tell Tim that as he bent down to place the box near the TV. As he straightened up, he caught a little black box in the corner of his eye.
"Hey Tim," he shouted over his shoulder.
"Yeah?" Tim shouted back. 
"Is your Wi-Fi set up yet?" 
"Yeah, you wanna do your usual guessing attempts before I give you the password?" 
Kon grinned. "Yeah. You good with that?" 
"Go ahead!"
Kon fist pumped then grabbed his phone out of his back pocket. He'd been trying to guess the password to Tim's Wi-Fi every time he moved for the past five years, enough that it'd become a tradition for him. Of course, it never worked. Tim preferred to have a bunch of numbers and symbols around, and even then, the main body of it would be akin to 'RedViper' or something equally cryptic. 
Still, Kon switched to his settings and clicked on the 'Gold-smithGuitar' network, lowering himself to kneel beside the router. First, he tried 'Cassie2'; Cassie for the name and two because she was the second Wondergirl. No cigar. The screen shivered. Then he typed in 'Bart2' -- because he was the second Kid Flash. No cigar again. Then he poised to run over to the kitchen as he tried his favourite password, 'Kon1'. He was ready to laugh it off, but as he pressed 'Join', he froze. It went through. All three bars lit up on his phone, and Kon's heart went quiet. 
"Hey Tim," he called. His heart felt like it had restarted with a skip, and his face warmed up. He didn't dare tear his eyes from the screen lest it disappear.
"Yeah?" This time, he sounded closer, meaning Tim had probably stuck his head around the living room door.
"Rob, did you mean to put my name as your Wi-Fi password?" Tim's heartbeat doubled in rate, and Kon tore his eyes away from his screen to glance over his shoulder. 
Tim was leaning into the living room, using his right hand to cling to the doorframe barely. It was precarious but quickly forgotten when Kon saw his expression. His face was the same red as his suit on a good day, his eyes wide and averted with his lips pursed. 
Tim eventually squared his jaw, and Kon heard him take a measured breath before he nodded and said, "Yes, but I can explain."
Kon raised an eyebrow. Tim's heart hadn't slowed down in his ear. "Can you?" 
"Uh, yeah," Tim stuttered. "It's my automatic password. Like, what I use before I have something more secure."
Fuck, was all Kon could think as his heart ramped up, forcing his eyes closed with the force of the feelings hitting him. He'd been trying to put this password in all this time, and the only reason he didn't get it in one was because he was a fraction late. It shouldn't have been so attractive. Nor should it have been so cute that he was the automatic password. 
Kon took a steadying breath in and out before opening his eyes and responding, "So, what I'm hearing here is that I'm your automatic password?" 
Tim pulled himself up from hanging on the door frame so he could walk into the main living room and shrugged. "Well, yeah, it's comfort for me when I'm first moving into a new place," he laughed awkwardly. "You know how I move often, of my own free will or otherwise."
Kon smiled shakily. He couldn't look Tim in the eye. A rush of warmth in his gut was melting him at the idea of being comforting, but that didn't stop his whole body from feeling like it was buzzing. 
"Umm, yeah, I understand that," Kon stuttered. His tongue felt enormous. "You move around a lot, and I can see why familiarity would help."
He gathered the courage to look back at Tim, who was staring back at him unblinking. The oxygen felt sucked from the room as their eyes caught each other. Kon could hear Tim's heartbeat as it rocketed in his chest, but his breath caught with every in and out, catching his lips in a part. 
"And I mean, you're comforting for me too, y'know?" 
Tim slowly nodded and began moving towards Kon. 
Kon's eyes followed Tim. He licked his lips and gulped. Tim was laser-focused on him, and when he focused on his heartbeat, it had returned to its standard steadiness. 
Kon wasn't sure he could sweat, but if he could, he would. He was almost thankful for his skin tone as it disguised at least some of his inevitable blush, but he knew Tim still saw it as his eyes flicked down and his lips flashed the cutest little smirk. 
Tim tipped his head to one side. "Was that you… picking up what I'm putting down?" 
He'd gotten close enough that Kon could hear Tim's lungs as he regulated his breathing without trying.
Kon quirked an eyebrow. "I don't know, am I?" 
"Well," Tim looked away and pretended to think, pursing his lips. "If you were, then maybe we could kiss? But if I'm being too presumptuous and you weren't, then maybe I should—" 
He began to step away, but Kon shot out a hand and grabbed his jacket, pulling him back so they were even closer. 
"I'm picking it up." 
Tim’s smirk widened. "Then I guess we should kiss." 
Kon felt, more than saw, the grin split across Tim's face as he leaned in to kiss him. 
It was a fairytale. Tim's lips were soft and warm against Kon's, tasting of strawberry bubblegum and Zesti cola from the drive to the complex. There were no fireworks, but there might as well have been with how his heartbeat was echoing in Kon's ears, and his hands were cool where he'd grabbed Kon's forearms to stay upright when he'd been pulled forward. 
When he realised he was still holding Tim's lapels, Kon couldn't help pulling him even closer. He then slipped his hands down to his hips, leaving Tim to rest his arms over his shoulders. If Kon's mouth hadn't been busy, he might've laughed at how Tim was almost certainly pressing up on his tiptoes.
It felt like an age before they parted, leaving Tim gasping as he came off tiptoes and rested his forehead against Kon's shoulder.
"I wish humans didn't need oxygen. It's unfair that you Kryptonians can kiss forever."
Kon smiled, resting his hands on his (partner? boyfriend?) Tim's back. On the one hand, he wasn't out of breath at all. On the other, "Half-Kryptonian. I still need to breathe, dude."
Tim lifted his head and shot him a Robin-glare. "You aren't even out of breath, dude. Also, don't dude me when we just kissed."
"Definitely not." 
Tim grimaced lightheartedly as he stepped back. "Where are you even getting these?" 
Kon pulled Tim closer again. "What about Rob?"
He could feel Tim relax in his arms as he said, "Yeah, that'll work, clone boy."
A thought hit Kon a while later as he sat cross-legged on a countertop, watching Tim put away the freshly bought crockery.
"Wait, Tim, what are we gonna do about the whole mission thing?" 
Tim jumped from kneeling on the opposite counter to slot some grey mugs into a cupboard. "Who said Arnold Gold couldn't have a boyfriend? He's my alias." 
Kon tipped his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "Won't Nightwing have a problem with that?"
"Nope!" Tim turned around, showing a devious grin. "Dick doesn't care who I date unless they hurt me."
Kon narrowed his eyes as Tim grabbed a pile of tea towels from the box beside him. "You sure about that?" 
"Oh yeah," Tim hummed. He thumbed through the tea towels as he walked past Kon to the kitchen door. "Besides, he isn't even the one you have to worry about." 
"Wait, what?"
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cutekittenlady · 4 months
Trains, Planes, and Autobots
Summary Fic Part 7
[Previous] [Next]
Everyone is gathered outside the Maltos residence just as the sun is starting to go down.
Bumblebee complains about the late start, but Alex calms him as he loads the last of the groups equipment into Bee's trunk. He points out that while while Cybertronias may not need to sleep in the same way humans do, Breakdown will inevitably have to stop to re-energize and hunt for Energon eventually.
Thrash points out that on the other hand Alex has to eat and sleep and so they'll be stopping just as much.
However Hashtag cuts in on both of them and tells them that Breakdown won't have the benefit of Hashtags wi-fi abilities. Telling the group that she already knows which highway exit Breakdown, Swindle, and Hardtop have taken due to "Cons not believing in red lights". (Red light cameras took pictures of them). She directs Bee and the others what direction to start in, but warns she'll only be able to track them via that method.
Schloder gives Alex an energon reader and recommends he try and use it to track the three.
Thrash questions how hard its actually going to be to track down a racecar, an armored buggy, and a jeep all driving together.
Dot says it may be harder than he thinks and takes the opportunity to remind Thrash to use the holographic tech he'd been given.
Thrash goes into his alt mode and tries the projection out; producing the illusion of his motorcycle having a human rider. Nightshade acknowledges that it may be difficult for them to remain out of sight, but Optimus tells them to just fly high enough to be out of sight during the day. Their owl like alt modes ability to fly silently and even see at night will be vital in helping Bumblebee stay on top of things as they try and track Breakdown.
Nightshade promises to do their best.
With that the group says their goodbyes, and Bumblebee, Alex, Thrash, and Nightshade all hit the road.
Ratchet quietly asks Optimus if he thinks the Terrans can handle the recon mission to which Optimus proudly tells him that they've handled big things already and have come out on top. Besides the remaining autobots on Earth remain scattered across the globe and mobilizing them together would take time they dont have. He also reveals that he had included the Terrans on their channels. So if the group ends up in trouble they know they can contact them for aid.
Ratchet isn't entirely convinced but opts to accept Optimus' judgement.
Dorothy directs everyone back into the dugout for one final review of things before they (she and the kids) turn in to rest for the night before beginning fresh in the morning.
In the dugout, Schloder stands in front of a white board with various pictures placed on it with magnets. Some of them clearly hand drawn.
He marches back and forth in front of the board with Dottie standing to one side and says that they must review the "subjects of interest thus far."
He starts with Subject #1; Breakdown. A decepticon scout. Known to be one of the components of the combiner Menasor, being the combiners right leg. After the war he became a fugitive along with the rest of Decepticons and, evidently, took to participating in races all over the globe under false identities. Most recently he has accessed the database they brought back from the old GHOST headquarters for "unknown purposes". Was previously thought to suffer from a "paranoid disposition" but seems to have dropped it in recent years.
Twitch irritably says they already know about Breakdown.
Schloder just says they have to start somewhere. And besides it'd be good to keep him in mind as any information they get about him could help with the rest. Adding that Breakdown, as far as he knows, had an affinity for taking on race cars as alt modes.
Megatron elaborates that Breakdown, at one time, was able to produce a vibration that shut down non-sentient machines. Which is where he earned his name. However, he lost the ability after suffering grievous bodily harm during the war.
He pauses and tells them that in spite of his association with the stunticons he tended to be fairly reliable and competent, and Megatron had trusted him with vital positions more than once.
Optimus points out that they're not talking about Breakdowns qualifications at the moment which Megatron just frowns at.
Schloder moves on to Subject #2; Dragstrip. A yellow bot known to take on a dragster, rather than a regular car, as her alt mode. She is dangerously competitive and will do anything, absolutely anything, to squeeze out whatever she perceives as a victory for herself. Her constant attempts to slip into races and cause mayhem resulted in routine energon checks being enforced in drag races all over America. She makes up Menasors right arm.
Megatron dourly says Dragstrip once tried to challenge the Seekers to a race and tried to tear off one of NovaStorms wings to make it "fair".
Subject #3; Dead End. Yet another vehicular bot. He formed Menasors left arm. Is thought to largely be the Stunticons strategic center.
Megatron says he always had trouble finding bots willing to go on patrol with Dead End. His dour nihilism tended to get on the other decepticons nerves. It got so bad that only the other stunticons were willing to go on missions with him.
Noting Dead Ends red alt mode, Optimus asks Jawbreaker if Dead End is the bot he saw Breakdown looking up. It's possibly he may have simply looked up Dead End twice.
Jawbreaker looks at Dead Ends picture and says that hes not. It was someone else.
Subject #4; Wildrider. DO NOT APPROACH ALONE. He is dangerous and known to deliberately cause destruction wherever he goes. Some of the biggest road accidents recorded in the past forty years had Wildrider identified as the central cause. He was Menasors left leg.
Megatron admits he doesnt have much to add. Mostly they just pointed Wildrider in whatever direction the enemy was and hoped for the best.
Subject $5; MotorMaster. The leader of the stunticons. He makes up the central component of Menasor. Was known to use his alt mode, a large truck, to barrel through obstacles to make a path for the other stunticons to move in. Notably he had a tendency to gun for Optimus.
Optimus quietly mutters that he still doesnt understand what MotorMasters problem with him was.
Megatron says that he thinks it was a "truck thing" and asks Optimus not to take it too personally. Though he grows serious when he admits that MotorMasters bullheaded violence caused Megatron to be forced to put him in stasis before he left the decepticons.
Twitch asks why he had to do that.
Megatron explained that when Motormaster learned the Stunticons were being disbanded he became so violent that Megatron had to subdue him. He very nearly killed their CMO in the rampage.
He still has no idea if MotorMaster is still in stasis or not. He hadn't seen him on the battlefield after he'd defected leading him to assume Shockwave and the others had left him there.
Schloder clears his throat and admits he actually kinda sorta might have some news about that?
With everyone looking at him Schloder admits that after Mandroids defeat he found some, ah, abandoned messages from another GHOST facility elsewhere in the country. They had, evidently, found Motormasters stasis pod and had awakened him. They'd managed to keep him imprisoned, but a month or two before the mandroid incident he'd someone managed to escape.
Dorothy quickly asks where all the others are.
Schloder tells her that Wildrider and Dragstrip had been imprisoned too. Keyword had.
"You're telling me that right now there's a group of Decepticon road hogs driving around free who can come together to turn into a giant lunatic?!" Dorothy asks.
Schloder stops. Thinks. And confirms that, yes, that is the case.
Ratchet says that this is dire. If Breakdown was working at Motormasters direction, he may have just gotten a lead on the locations of all the other stunticons. If the group comes back together, Menasor will likely make a return.
Jawbreaker nervously says that that cant be all bad, right? After all the autobots presumably defeated him during the war, right? right?!
Optimus confirms that the autbots did indeed have their own combiner teams that helped to combat forces like Menasor.
Jawbreaker sighs in relief.
BUT, optimus finishes, not only are some of the autobots in question scattered across the globe, but many of the team members were left behind on cybertron when the space bridge was destroyed.
Essentially, if their theory about the stunticons coming back together to form Menasor is correct, there is no one readily available to beat him.
Twitch asks if Menasor is as terrible as all that, but is met with silence. She says that if thats the case then they HAVE to stop it.
Dorothy calms Twitch telling her they don't know for certain that thats what Breakdowns aim was.
Shloder adds that regardless, he'll try to scramble what few former GHOST personnel remain to try and dig through information to try and get the last known locations of all the stunticons, or at bare minimum, a hint as to where they each might be located.
Besides that they still have to discuss where Subject #6; "The red guy" fits into all this. As the last search Breakdown did, and the only one he attempted to do in secret, "the red guy" might just be key to figuring out what they're planning. They don't know what connection "the red guy" might have to Breakdown, what alt mode they might have, or even whether they're an autobot or decepticon. However they lucked out as Jawbreaker got a look at the file and can, therefore, potentially identify the person he saw.
Hashtag hypes Jawbreaker up and talks about how they'll have to organize a lineup of "perps" for him to identify. Jawbreaker is not enthusiastic only managing a small "yay".
Optimus says this might be a much more dire situation than they thought. He asks Schloder to provide information on the stunticons last known locations so that he, Megatron, Dorothy, and Twitch can find them and find out what they know and neutralize them if they have to. Meanwhile Ratchet will remain behind to help hashtag, Mo, and Robbie help Jawbreaker try and identify which bot Breakdown looked up using the collected database they got from the GHOST base.
He also asks that Agent Schloder to stay on hand to help with identification.
With that they've done all they can and have to will wait until dawn to get started.
Out on the road, Bumblebees group travels mostly in silence. The silence is broken by Alex who asks if anyone would be interested in listening to his travel playlist.
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robfinancialtip · 6 months
Join Matthew as he braves the rain to test out two top-notch GPS dog collars: the Halo Collar 3 and the Spot On. After 90 days of thorough testing, Matthew shares his insights and comparisons between the two, covering everything from durability to training features.
Both collars boast IP67 waterproof ratings, ensuring they can withstand even the toughest outdoor conditions. Matthew highlights the Halo Collar's unique ability to connect to the strongest cellular signal available, providing reliable tracking in areas with weak Wi-Fi. Plus, with its protective cover and exceptional training support, including access to the innovative Dog Park feature for personalized assistance, the Halo Collar stands out as a top choice for pet owners seeking peace of mind.
In contrast, the Spot On collar requires selecting a specific carrier, potentially limiting connectivity options in certain areas. However, both collars offer real-time GPS tracking and a range of features to keep your furry friend safe, from boundary setting to whistle recall functions.
Matthew dives deep into battery life, design, and overall durability, providing valuable insights for dog owners considering investing in a GPS-enabled collar. Whether you're camping in the wilderness or simply enjoying a stroll in the neighborhood, these collars offer invaluable security and peace of mind for you and your canine companion.
Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments below, and if you found this review helpful, give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more informative content. Happy adventures with your four-legged friend! 🐾
BONUS Halo Collar 3 is available in 4 vibrant colors: ✅GRAY ✅BLACK ✅ORCHID🆕 ✅SUNBURST🆕
✅ New PrecisionGPS(™) Technology ✅ New Active GPS Antenna ✅ 24-hour Battery Life ✅ Auto-connect to Any Cellular Network Worldwide ✅ New Perfect Fit System ✅ Magnetic Charging Port ✅ New Colors: Orchid and Sunburst
CHAPTERS: 0:00: Testing Waterproof Ratings 1:00: Cellular Connection Differences 2:11: Price and Advantages of Halo Collar 3 2:52: Protective Cover Comparison 3:51: Training Methods Comparison 4:39: Battery Life Importance 5:53: Durability Assessment 6:57: Reasons for Using GPS Collar 8:58: Why Halo Collar?
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karatekels · 9 months
TIGmas Day #4 – Eye of the Storm
Today’s story is for @theinheriteddutchess, and it’s just the right amount of unhinged and delicious… and Christmassy!
TW: Deception, manipulation, coercion, breeding kink, forced pregnancy, dubious consent, lying about birth control, semi-public sex, Terry Silver brooding and tired of waiting around
Eye of the Storm
Terry’s POV:
Attention all passengers. Attention all passengers. At this time, all flights are currently canceled until further notice due to inclement weather. All commercial and private aircraft are currently grounded until conditions improve.
Weather. One of the few things in life that remained out of his control. This blizzard in particular seems to be taunting him with that fact.
LaGuardia is bustling on Christmas Eve, the airport overflowing with clusters of families and travelers trying to make their way to their loved ones. Terry’s just grateful he’s surveying them all from the relative quiet of the elite lounge reserved for those flying in private jets, looking through the tinted windows at the unsuspecting commoners.
Christmas Eve.
He’d intentionally scheduled his year-end meetings in New York for this time of year, wanting to keep himself occupied. With the All Valley tournament won earlier in the month, Terry had taken a step away from the dojo for the remainder of the year; hearing chatter about the holidays always left him feeling agitated. Frustrated.
And now, instead of enjoying the luxuries of private air travel and anticipating a return to the reasonable, warm climate of Los Angeles – he hated the cold – he was stuck surrounded by reminders of his solitude, nursing a passable whiskey.
A family pulls off to the side, right in front of him, mother and father trying to calm their wailing brats, and he feels an uncomfortable pang in his chest.
How could so many undeserving, unworthy, average joes reproduce their mediocrity with ease while he, with an empire that could sustain generations of his legacy, went without?
He had spent the first decade or so of his career living up to the stereotype of the billionaire playboy, having more than his share of fun with anyone and everyone that had struck his fancy. He figured that when it was time for him to settle down, he’d have his pick of worthy candidates, beautiful women of good stock that would kill for the opportunity to bear his name and his children.
But no one had met his standards, and he was now well into the winter of his lifetime. It was too late.
… Or was it?
He may be pushing seventy, but his doctor had assured him he was still able to conceive during his most recent physical. He had plenty of resources to attract and… retain a suitable partner. And it wasn’t like he was settling down in his thirties; he could find someone worthy enough to have and raise his children without tiring of them after decades of time together.
Someone younger, naïve, impressionable… Someone that he could shape into the perfect wife and mother, if they didn’t come that way naturally.
A flustered young woman walks by, her open trenchcoat revealing flaring, child-bearing hips, her eyes sparkling with an anger that indicated great depth of passion.
Someone like you.
He finishes his drink, throwing his coat back on and wrapping his red scarf around his neck, straightening to his full height as he tracks your movement through the airport with his eyes, seeing you find a seat towards the end of the terminal.
It was time to expand his dynasty.
Reader’s POV:
Even at the far end of the terminal the noise is deafening, and you can’t help but scowl at the throng of people standing around as their travel plans are put on hold, the airport full to bursting.
You think you would give anything to be away from this crowd right now.
All you are trying to do is call your mom – God forbid the family cabin have cell reception, let alone Wi-Fi – to let her know you wouldn’t be there for Christmas. At least this afforded you an excuse that she couldn’t hold against you, but you wish that you could be back in your apartment instead of trapped here.
“Excuse me, Miss –” comes a soft voice behind you, a large hand squeezing your shoulder.
“What?!” you snap, spinning around in your seat to glare at the offender. The man removes his hand from you immediately, leaning back to give you space with a slightly wounded look in his blue eyes. Your frustration dissipates and is replaced with guilt.
“I’m sorry for startling you. I just wanted to ask if this was yours?” he explains in his smooth, deep voice, your passport in his hand.
Well, now don’t you feel foolish.
“Oh my God, yes it is!” you exclaim, cheeks flaming with embarrassment at your temper tantrum. “Thank you, Sir,” you continue, reclaiming your passport and tucking it securely into your pocket. “I’m so sorry for being so rude just now, I –”
“There’s no need to apologize,” the man cuts you off, giving you a warm smile. “Airports are stressful even under the best of circumstances.”
“Still, that’s no excuse to take it out on you,” you chide yourself. “I’m just trying to make a call, but it’s too loud in here,” you explain, and the man tilts his head to the side as he stares at your lips, trying to figure out what you’re saying over the din of the bustling airport.
“I just want to make a fucking phone call and I can’t hear anything with all these people!” you snarl, glaring all around you as your temper flares into life once again. The man’s face twitches in response; you suspect he’s biting his tongue to keep from laughing at you.
“I believe I can help you with that,” he offers kindly, somehow managing to speak audibly without raising his voice. “If you’d like, that is.”
“You can get me out of this mob?! I’m all yours!” you take him up on his offer enthusiastically. For a second, you think you see a wicked, pleased smirk on his face, but then you blink and he’s turned to walk away. You hasten after him, having a much more difficult time getting through the crowd; this man seems to have an aura about him that makes people give him a wide berth. At least it made him easy to spot – well, that and the fact that he towers over everyone else.
Now that your temper has been quelled, you take a moment to really look at this man. He was older, probably in his sixties, but looked strong – you doubt your head would even come up to his shoulders. He’s dressed in luxurious, well-tailored clothing that indicated wealth, with a full head of wavy hair that nearly brushed his shoulders. As he stops and turns back to see if you’ve followed, you notice how his hair, a lovely shade of silver, compliments his bright blue eyes.
All in all, he’s a real Silver Fox.
You catch up to him, glancing at the plain black door with a key card reader next to it before looking up at him curiously.
“Where does this lead to?”
“A private lounge,” he replies, not giving anything else away. So, he was proper rich, then. You reflexively back away from the door as if it could tell that you couldn’t afford to enter.
“Oh, I don’t think I’m allowed to –”
“You’ll be with me, you’ll be fine,” he cuts off your concerns, waving them away with a hand. You bite your lip, unconvinced.
“Why are you doing this?” you ask, you brow furrowing in concern. “You don’t know me at all!”
He offers you his hand, his expensive watch dangling from his wrist and catching your eye. “I’m Terry Silver. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he purrs, charisma oozing from every syllable. You find yourself shaking his hand before you’ve even thought about it, enjoying the way it fully envelops your own.
“Y/N L/N,” you reply, suddenly feeling shy; he hasn’t released your hand.
“A lovely name. So, now that we know one another, will you be joining me?” he asks, giving you a lopsided grin that makes him appear younger; it was truly difficult to gauge his age.
You find yourself still hesitating, though you’re not entirely sure why. This man hadn’t given you any reason to question his intentions, and it wasn’t like any harm could befall you in an airport, of all places. He opens the door with a swipe of his card, holding it ajar with a raised eyebrow in your direction.
“Well, I’m going to enjoy the peace and quiet of this wonderful, mostly empty lounge. It was nice talking to you, Y/N,” he says teasingly striding through the doorway without another look back.
“I… Wait!” you hurry after him, barely catching the door before it closes after him. “I’m coming, I’m coming!”
He turns back to you with a beaming smile, clearly pleased by your decision.
“Glad to hear it!” he says, sincerity ringing in his voice as his eyes twinkle at you, walking at a slower pace to match your shorter stride. Suddenly, he bends towards you to whisper in your ear, the gesture sending a surprising thrill through you.
“This will be the only awkward part, my dear. I promise,” murmurs, and you’re momentarily dazed by the scent of his cologne before you realize he has wrapped an arm around your shoulders, hugging you close to his side as he walks past the hostess, flashing her a card before carrying on right past her.
The moment you’re out of her sight, he respectfully releases you, giving you some space. You find yourself more than a little disappointed by the loss of his presence.
“I hope I didn’t overstep, Y/N. It was just the easiest way to get you inside.”
“I…No, I don’t mind,” you stammer, feeling like an idiot. “Thank you.”
Terry leads you to a quiet, secluded booth next to a bar; you can count the other patrons on the fingers of one hand. The headache you felt coming on since your flight was canceled evaporates the moment you take a seat across from him.
“Go ahead and make your call,” he insists, staring pointedly at your phone in your hand.
A server comes over at Terry’s signal, and he orders a whiskey neat, the brand sounding foreign and expensive, then gestures to you with an open palm.
You order a double of your favourite highball, getting the sense that you’ll need the liquid courage to get you through both the phone call and the rest of the evening.
Terry’s POV:
As he nurses his drink and pretends to watch the snow continue to fall through the large window, he reviews the information he has gleaned from eavesdropping on your phonecall:
The rest of your family is off in the middle of nowhere, a landline being the only means of communication with the outside world (and, more importantly, you).
They believe that you’re lying about the canceled flight to try to get out of the holiday. This appears to upset you, though he senses it’s not entirely untrue.
You’re something of a workaholic, a point of pride for you and a sore spot for your loved ones. He thinks he appreciates the dedication.
You’re currently single, if the icy tone you used to spit out the name ‘Derek’ into your phone was any indication.
And you can handle your liquor, he notes as you polish off your drink, scowling as you listen to whoever is on the other line.
You’ll do.
“I’ve apologized a hundred times; I don’t know what more you want from me! I’ll do my best to get there when the weather clears, mom. Thank you, goodbye,” you growl into the phone, hanging up more aggressively than necessary.
“Seasons Greetings from the family?” Terry jokes wryly, and you give him a withering look. You have a pretty, expressive face; he’s looking forward to watching it transform into a mask of ecstasy for him.
“Bah, Humbug,” you grumble with a pout that draws his attention to your full lower lip. Had he lucked out, running into you at the perfect moment, or was he simply finding you more and more desirable because he was planning to knock you up some time within the next few hours?
“Thank you for bringing me here and letting me do this, Mr. Silver,” you say graciously, letting out a heavy sigh and sliding down the booth like you thought you were going somewhere.
“And where do you think you’re going?” he asks with incredulity, and you freeze in place.
“I was going to go pay for my drink and then get out of your hair,” you offer weakly. He’s pleased you’re already looking guilty at the thought of going against his plans for you. Wanting to test you, he points a finger at you before pointing a few feet to your right. Sure enough, you follow his direction, sliding back into the booth obediently. Good girl.
“Firstly, your money is no good here; everything is automatically put on my card,” he counters you smoothly, wanting to set out the expectations for your future relationship right from the outset.
“Then please, allow me to reimburse you at least, Mr. Silver –” you plead, and he decides he likes that tone from you very much.
“Terry,” he corrects you sternly, noting your blush. You like being told what to do. “And no,” he adds petulantly, for good measure.
“I don’t understand. Why are you doing all this?” you ask with frustration, your voice tinged with desperation. The way your big, beautiful eyes are fixed on his, looking to him for answers… he feels his cock twitch against his thigh.
“I saw an opportunity to be a Good Samaritan and I took it,” he replies simply, nodding in recognition as the server replaces your drinks with fresh ones, though his eyes never move away from your face. Sensing that you’re not fully buying into his logic, he decides to take a more sentimental route, with the added bonus at hinting at his plans for you.
“And I don’t have a family I’m trying to get to; the least I could do is help you contact your own.”
Terry watches a wave of sympathy wash over your features, and he feels his hooks sink a bit deeper into you with satisfaction. After a moment, your expression returns to normal, though your eyes appear calculating.
“Nothing’s for free,” you state matter-of-factly, though you don’t hesitate to take a sip of your second drink. He bites back a smile as you make use of one of his favourite expressions. “What’s in it for you?”
“Your company as we wait out the weather, if anything,” he replies innocently, blinking at you as if he was utterly perplexed by what you could be insinuating. He cackles in his head.
“Although, you certainly seem eager to be back in the chaos of the terminal,” he carries on, his voice teasing. “And here I thought I had found a kindred spirit.” He sighs deeply, turning his gaze back to the window. Though he hates the snow, it is currently his greatest ally in his ploy to keep you with him.
“You… you just want someone to talk to?” your words are heavy with unease, and his eyes flit back to you. Someone so young and appealing shouldn’t be so wary, so surprised at receiving attention. You would have all of it.
Provided it was first approved by him, of course.
“Do you know of a better way to pass the time?” he asks politely, noting the way that your throat constricts as you swallow heavily, not meeting his eye as you shake your head. Your desire is evident; now to get you to let your guard down and act on it. The more you thought this was your idea, the easier it would be for him later on if you needed… convincing.
“Where are you meant to be heading to?” he asks, abruptly changing the subject.
“My family is in Washington. We have a cabin on Mt. Baker that we try to get to every Christmas. They’re all there, waiting for me,” you explain, a trace of bitterness to your voice.
“You make it sound like they’re going to pounce on you,” he notes with amusement, looking at you with sympathy even as he imagines being the one to give you that treatment. You sigh, fortunately not having any insight into his thoughts.
“They mean well, and I love them all very much, but they can be a lot. I’m glad I only see them two or three times a year.”
“Loved ones always seem to aggravate us like no one else,” he agrees, his jaw clenching imperceptibly.
“And you?” you attempt to reverse the roles you’re playing, and Terry allows the move. “Where are you heading?”
“Home, to Los Angeles. I was in New York for business,” he answers, purposely keeping his answers vague. Further questions on your part would suggest growing interest, and he wants to hurry the process along.
“Oh, I’ve always wanted to be somewhere warm for Christmas!” you respond with jealousy, sighing dreamily. Ask, and you shall receive.
“It won’t be much of a Christmas, I’m afraid,” he adds, wanting to see your pity. And, no surprise, there it is, your eyes softening as you take him in. He sees your fingers twitch, and suspects you’re fighting the instinct to take his hand comfortingly. He’ll have to break you of that habit, and soon; your instincts are far more aligned to his intentions.
“I’m sorry, you mentioned you weren’t going to visit family.”
“It sounds like you are quite similar to how I was at your age; prioritizing work, only visiting family occasionally… having a bit of a short fuse,” he teases, winking at you, and you blush, scowling at him.
“Well, clearly I’m on the right track, then, if you’re able to get into a place like this,” you respond cheekily. He gives you a piercing look over the rim of his glass, as though taking a contemplative sip. Your eyes seem focused on the way his hand grips his glass; he runs a fingertip along the rim for good measure.
“I don’t know about that,” he replies, going for a somber mood. “I think my one and only regret is not having a family of my own.”
You give him that same look of sympathy again, this time looking as though you might leap at across the table and into his lap to console him. Almost there… he can taste the growing tension between you two on his tongue, like a snake tracking the scent of its prey.
“And yours?” he asks, once again keeping you on your toes by switching your dynamic. “Do you have any regrets yet, Y/N?” he asks, cocking his head in interest. You fidget under his intense gaze, seemingly unable to look away.
“Hmm, maybe. I’ll have to think about it!” you avoid the question, clearly uncomfortable with looking inward. No matter; he’d soon pry you apart and get everything out in the open. “If I go use the bathroom in this place, are they going to fingerprint me or ask for a fancy card?” you ask jokingly, giving him a wink. He lets you change the subject; having a few minutes to himself would be beneficial.
“No, once you make it past the hostess, you can pretty much run amok around here,” he replies, pointing you in the right direction. He follows your retreating form with his eyes, sliding down the booth the moment you round the corner, his hands quickly pulling your coat towards him and retrieving your passport once again from your pocket. You really should pay more attention to keeping track of such important documents.
Tucking the small booklet in the front pouch of his suitcase, he slides out of the booth and over to the bartender.
“Another drink, Mr. Silver?” the man asks, already turning to reach for his preferred bottle.
“No, I want a room. The biggest you’ve got, and for God’s sake, it had better be clean.”
He doesn’t want to have to waste time with all of these formalities once he’s whisking you away to defile you.
“Your card, please,” the man requests, unfazed by Terry’s tone and request. Handing it over, the card is swiped, updating access to one of the private rooms.
“That’ll be Room #8, Mr. Silver; last door on the left down the hall.”
“Thank you, Roger,” he replies smugly. “If my guest and I are nowhere to be found, and our luggage is still at our booth, keep an eye on it for me, would you?”
He finds he doesn’t want to be subtle about this; he wants it to be perfectly clear that he’s going to be taking you – hot, young little thing that you are – to a private “Nap Room,” as they called them, and decidedly not nap. The world should know it. The world would know it, once you were his, your body growing and swelling with his child…
“Yes, Mr. Silver.”
He turns away without another word, feeling confident, and sees you emerging from the bathroom. The instant that you spot him, he can see your cheeks turn pink, your gaze darkening, and he suspects his choice to gain access to the room in advance was a wise one. He slowly stalks over to you, building the anticipation until he can see you nearly vibrating from the tension.
“I figured out my regret,” you inform him rather breathlessly once he comes to a stop in front of you. You don’t even come up to his shoulders…
“Oh? Please, enlighten me,” he purrs, looking down at you biting your lip nervously; he resolves to suck on it until it bruises.
You take a deep breath to gather your nerve before looking up at him, your pupils dilating in your desire. Your small hands reach up, gripping an end of his scarf in each hand and pulling so that he bends down to your level.
“Not being spontaneous and taking what I want,” you hiss in his ear, pulling him by the scarf into the bathroom.
It’s been awhile since he’s been with a younger woman, let alone one with your… tenacity. As you prop yourself up on the bathroom sink to better wrap yourself around him, he is all too happy to let you be in control if it gets him closer to you spreading your legs for him. You pull him down to kiss him again, fingers toying with his hair as you tease his lips with your tongue, letting out a dreamy little sigh that he swallows into his mouth. He slides his hands further up your thighs, coming to squeeze your hips possessively, making you moan.
“Oh Y/N,” he groans, breaking the kiss to rest his forehead against your own, staring unblinkingly into your eyes. “The things I want to do to you…”
“Tell me!” you beg, pulling back to look at him with need. “Please, tell me what you want to do! Tell me everything, Terry.”
A few lush kisses and the prospect of dirty talk and you were willing to hand over the reins to him, just like that? He’ll take what he can get.
He grips the backs of your thighs in his large hands, lifting you up off the sink with ease and carrying you over to the wall, pinning you against it. You roll your hips needily at the rough treatment, and he smirks against the skin of your collarbone as he lavishes every inch of your exposed flesh with kisses.
“I want to own you,” he whispers passionately, knowing you’ll dismiss the truth as just something said in the heat of the moment. “I want to learn every inch of your body and how to make it sing for me.” You’re gasping for breath now, head thrown back like a lioness submitting to the pride male, and he relishes in it, inhaling deeply as he runs his nose up from your throat to your ear.
“More, please!” you cry needily, fisting his curls as you hold his head against you. Greedy little thing, weren’t you? He’ll teach you to be careful what you wish for…
“I want to bring you more pleasure than you can possibly imagine,” he hums in contentment, giving the muscle at the side of your neck a playful nip that has you wantonly grinding against him. “I’ll have you coming so many times you won’t remember your own name, baby girl; I want you begging for mercy.”
“Yes Daddy, please!” you moan, and something primal in him growls in approval. He grips your waist, stepping back to lower you to the ground, pleased when you cling to him needily.
“Say. That. Again.” His voice is rough as he demands to hear it again, the irony making him internally howl with glee. Your eyes open as you’re set on your feet, and you seem to realize what you’ve just called him with a great deal of embarrassment. He loves it.
“I – I…” you stammer, unable to look him in the eye. His hand comes down without a second thought, spanking you hard, and you squeak, looking up at him reflexively.
“I said say that again,” he repeats, holding your chin up with a finger so that you can’t look away. Your lower lip trembles, and he traces it with his thumb lightly, making you shiver.
“I… I want you, Daddy,” you whimper, trying to shy away from him, but he grips your chin firmly, making you sit in your humiliation.
“Good girl,” he praises, pulling you against him with an arm around your waist, enjoying the way you respond to him.
“We don’t need to do this here,” he tells you, as though he’s just coming up with the idea. “I’ve got a private room.”
“You have a room in an airport just for you?” you ask, incredulous. “Rich people have everything!”
“Not quite,” he corrects you, pointedly looking you up and down before quickly bundling you out of the room and down the hall.
Reader’s POV:
Your head is spinning as Terry guides you into a simple room and leads you to the bed, looking down at you like you were something to eat. You’re nervous, you’re excited, you’re more turned on than you’ve ever been in your life.
You’re not on the pill, having stopped after getting out of your last relationship, but you’re fairly certain that it won’t be an issue for Terry anymore. You find you don’t care, you’re finally giving yourself over to your base instincts. No regrets.
“Come here,” you demand, sitting up on your knees at the end of the mattress. He smirks down at you, slowly closing the distance between you, and you hook your fingers into his belt loops the moment he’s in reach, tugging him to you by his hips.
“You’re a bossy little thing, aren’t you?” he asks teasingly, his large hand stroking your hair.
“Is that a problem?” you ask, batting your eyes up at him as you brazenly run a hand over his erection.
“Not at all,” he replies smoothly, getting on his knees on the carpet in front of you. In one fluid motion, he’s gripped your calves out from under you and yanked them towards him, knocking you on your back with the force of the movement. “Provided those roles can also be reversed.”
You’re rarely this dominant sexually, but this man just has you wanting. You find yourself wanting to try anything and everything with him. There’s just something about the way that he looks at you, like he’s planning on having you forever, that you find incredibly appealing.
“I want you any way I can have you, as long as it’s now,” you confess, your fingers moving to his belt. He slowly stands up and leans over you, his hands to either side of your head.
“Then stand up and strip for me,” he requests, his face so close to yours. “Now.”
He moves off of you, sitting on the edge of the bed expectantly. You get to your feet, coming to stand a few feet in front of him. You slowly bend forward at the hips, placing a hand on his knee as you move to unlace your boots, your face nearly in his lap. That task accomplished, you straighten up, giving him a coy smile before turning in place, presenting your butt to him. You hear him shift on the mattress behind you.
“Help me with my zipper?” you ask innocently, looking back at him over your shoulder. He stands, towering over you, his eyes locked with yours as he slowly pulls your zipper down to the small of your back. You shimmy out of it, grinding your ass back against him teasingly, and he growls, gripping your hips firmly.
“Filthy little tease,” he murmurs against your neck. “Let me show you what that gets you.”
Moving far more quickly than you would have thought him capable of, he’s somehow got you naked and on your back in the middle of the bed, kneeling between your spread legs with a ravenous expression. Divesting himself of his own clothing, giving you the opportunity to ogle him – who had a body like this at his age? – he finally starts touching you, his hands and mouth working you into a frenzy. The way his hands map out your body with featherlight touches stands in stark contrast to the strength you know he’s capable of, and the anticipation of more is driving you wild.
“Please!” you find yourself chanting, your hands exploring as much of him as you can reach. Terry ignores your pleas, tormenting you until you think he’s going to have you coming for him without so much as touching your needy pussy.
“Terry, please!” you beg, trying to hook your legs around his waist, but he pins your knees to the bed in his large hands. “I can’t take it anymore, I need –”
He silences you with a kiss, reaching down to slip one finger into your dripping cunt, then two, curling them in a come hither motion to stroke your g-spot.
“Oh, I know what you need,” he hisses in your ear, his thumb toying with your clit in circles that have you bucking your hips against him. “You need me to fuck you hard, and raw, and deep,” he groans, and your begging becomes fully incoherent at this point as you wordlessly wail for him to just use you already.
“Don’t worry, baby girl. Daddy’s gonna give it to you,” he promises with a wicked smile, nibbling your earlobe as you shudder, feeling filthy. Finally, he enters you, your slick cunt taking him with ease despite his size, and you let out a moan of completion as he bottoms out. Terry hisses as you clench around him, grinding his hips against yours as he sets a punishing pace.
“Oh, fuck!” you whine, your hips trying to meet his. “Yes, please, pump me full!”
Terry growls in approval at your dirty talk, his fingers gripping your waist hard enough to bruise, and your eyes roll back in your head.
“Yeah? You want to milk my cock of every drop with that needy cunt, don’t you?” he goads you, rutting into you like an animal and making you keen, your back arching off the mattress.
“YES!” you cry out, completely losing yourself to the moment.
“I’m gonna give it to you, baby,” he promises, looking down at you with an outright predatory expression, his hair falling in his eyes. “I’m gonna fill you up.”
And you want him to, you realize as you abandon all reason, giving yourself over to lust.
“Come for me, Terry!” you demand, forcing your eyes to stay open so you can watch him come apart for you. And he does, hips stuttering as he shoots his load deep inside you, coming hard with a roar. You both catch your breath, Terry insistent on remaining inside you, holding you down with your legs around his waist; you’re more than happy to oblige.
Attention all passengers. Attention all passengers. Conditions have improved, and crews are currently working to prepare aircraft for flights. Please turn your attention to flight boards for information about your flight. The first flights will begin boarding in thirty minutes.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Terry’s POV:
“Better now than a few minutes ago,” Terry jokes with a wry grin, making you giggle. He gives you an affectionate kiss on the lips before slipping out of you, surreptitiously ensuring that he doesn’t start leaking out of your slick entrance. He’d held you both in an ideal position for conception for as long as he could.
He knows he needs to snap the trap shut on you before you come to your senses, the two of you gathering your clothes and getting dressed. As he helps you into your coat, he’s pleased to see you don’t check the inner pocket for your passport.
“I’ve never been more upset to hear that it’s stopped snowing,” you admit cheekily as you try to fix your hair, your cheeks still flushed. He seizes the opportunity.
“I know exactly how you feel,” he replies, blue eyes blazing as he takes your cheek in hand. You lean into his touch, just as he wants you to. “You should come with me.”
Your eyes fly open in shock, wide as saucers, though he’s encouraged by your lack of an immediate ‘No’.
“What?!” you croak.
“You should come to L.A. with me,” he says, shrugging nonchalantly as if he wasn’t asking for the world. For your world.
“But… but…” you sputter, leaning back as though being able to see more of him would help you determine if he was joking. “My family… we barely know each other!” you babble, and he doesn’t intervene, content to watch you process this on your own.
“I’m not sure I’m done with you, yet,” he purrs when you finally settle down, giving you a searing kiss that makes your eyes lose focus. "It would be no trouble, I assure you."
“What about all of your regret at not spending time with your family?” you ask, and oh, if you only knew…
“An excellent anecdote for why I should make sure I don’t lose you now, and regret it later,” he replies smoothly, internally applauding his own brilliance. “Fate has clearly brought us together, and who am I to deny it?” He tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear, doing his best to look both confident and well-intentioned.
“But… my family…”
“They didn’t seem to believe you were stranded in the airport anyway; how will they ever know you could’ve made it to them and chose not to?” he offers, finding it easy to script excuses for you. “Plus, we both know you’d rather spend time in the sun, letting me spoil you.”
He can practically see the gears in your head turning, and knows he’s almost got you.
“No regrets…” he murmurs in your ear, running his lips along your jawline until you’re vibrating in his hands.
“Terryyy…” you whine breathlessly, and he smiles against your skin. He wonders how many more times he can pump you full before he gets you to his home…
“Say yes, baby girl,” he asks oh-so-nicely. He just has to get you on the plane before you come to your senses. “Say yes and let me take care of you.”
He blinks, face buried in the crook of your neck, honestly a bit surprised at your easy acceptance.
“Okay?” he repeats, pulling back to look into your eyes.
“I could use a vacation, and could do a lot worse,” you return with a smirk, looking him up and down. He’s becoming more and more impressed by his choice of the mother of his children.
“Then come with me, my dear, and let me give you everything.”
You both quickly gather your luggage from the lounge and make your way to the departure gate for private jets, his naturally being among the first to be ready for take-off. You never once check for your passport.
Once the plane reaches cruising altitude, he removes his seatbelt, standing to retrieve a bottle of champagne. You stay put, looking up at him nervously, but your gaze is still heated.
“Are you going to look for my membership card to the mile-high club?” you call after him with a giggle. He returns to his seat with a bottle in an ice bucket, having forgone any glasses.
“You have to be initiated first,” he replies seriously, pulling the bottle out of the bucket and longing to press the chilled glass against your flesh. “And I can’t help but think about how good your body would look dripping with champagne foam.”
Your intake of breath is immediate, and your eyes darken.
“You’re insatiable, Mr. Silver,” you tease, removing your seatbelt and shakily getting to your feet.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” he warns you, though you likely assume it’s just a show of bravado. “Now, let’s get you out of that dress again.”
He’d have you pregnant before you landed.
Perhaps the snow wasn’t so bad after all.
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This was originally inspired by another request given to me while I was stuck in the airport during the summer; I can’t believe I’ve been writing for you all for half a year now! Thanks to everyone for reading!
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sunbentshadows · 1 year
Honestly the age of fake-free technology services is ending. Sites and apps have sold all your data, tracked your every move for a literal decade and a half, and they still don't make enough money to stay afloat. Think about that: Almost every site (tumblr and a few others as notable exceptions here) has spent the past decade scraping every part of your identity to sell it to the highest bidder. Emails. Purchases. Search history. Clicks, website visits, who you have seen, what wi-fi networks you walked by, that you stayed out late last Thursday and what bookstore you stopped by. All to slice you into convenient advertising segments.
And it's still not enough. Your data, those supposedly-secret pieces of your supposedly-private life - that time you bought flowers for your mom, the time you looked up that health thing, hell, even the fucking phone number you used for multi-factor authentication - went up to sale for pennies.
Sent to dubious ad-companies to scrape whatever profit they could.
And it didn't even matter.
There is no online space that doesn't require money. Actual money, not fake ad views-money. Independent forums and Mastodon/Fediverse instances and reddit lookalikes are all put up by people's own money and volunteer time. AO3 and Wikipedia use volunteers and donation drives.
Because it isn't free. It never has been.
If you want something to exist, to continue to exist online, the only way to ensure it will stay is to give it money. Actual money. Exposure and ads just do not work, and have never worked. They sold every bit of your information to try to make it work, spent billions of dollars to bleed the internet dry, and it still hasn't.
Yes, this is a post about tumblr woes. This is also a post about Web 2.0 dying. And also a plea to literally anyone who can afford it:
Pay for sites you use. If you do not, they will not exist. You are on a sinking ship.
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darkmaga-retard · 27 days
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News
With online data at a premium today for the Big Tech oligarchs who want to build their huge AI databases with your information, along with very concerning increases in cyber hacking where anything you share online can be hacked in somebody’s database, one needs to take special care to protect their personal data and privacy.
I have found PC Magazine to be a great resource in giving advice on how to protect your data and privacy. And all of their articles are for free, with no paywall.
In an article recently published by PCMag.com, Neil J. Rubenking reported how anyone with a cell phone passing by your home can pick up your router’s Wifi ID, revealing your location, which can then be stored in Big Tech databases at companies such as Google and Apple.
When any smartphone comes within range of your Wi-Fi router, it reports your details to a giant database that helps fine-tune GPS positioning. Rather not participate? We can help. Your smartphone constantly checks available Wi-Fi nodes, looking to reconnect with any that you’ve used before. You can see it happening, and it’s very convenient (though vulnerable to spoofing and “evil twin” attacks). What you don’t see is that your smartphone also uploads identifying details about your router to giant databases maintained by Apple, Google, and others. These databases benefit you (and everyone else) by fine-tuning your device’s GPS location skills. We’re here to explain why you might not want to participate and show you how to opt out. (Read the full article.)
Of course if you find their instructions on how to configure your router’s Wifi too difficult, you can just turn it off altogether and only connect via an Ethernet cable (which is what I do). That will also reduce EMF radiation pollution in your home.
PCMag.com also just recently published an article about how to use the Internet more anonymously.
Want to mask your online identity and shield your data from those who wish to surveil you? Here are all the steps you should take. Some might say the internet was built on anonymity, paving the way for a place where free speech reigns supreme. But after years of learning about who’s snooping into everything we do online, privacy on the web is hardly a given. It’s not just about government spying; it’s also about how much data big companies such as Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta (Facebook), and Microsoft have collected to serve up targeted ads—not to mention how much of your personal data gets scooped up in all the breaches and hacks. There are good reasons for people to go online without being tracked. For example, anonymity may be the only way for a true whistleblower to reveal corruption, considering how some have been treated. But there’s nothing wrong with wanting to stay anonymous, no matter what you’re doing. This begs the question: Is it even possible to take control of your personal privacy online? Ultimately, the only way to stay truly anonymous online is…not to go online at all. That’s not a real option for most of us, though. So with that in mind, here’s a rundown of what you can do to minimize spying, targeted ads, and ID theft as you explore the online world. (Read the full article.)
Comment on this article at HealthImpactNews.com.
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Can you write Quaritch's reaction to Spider calling him dad? I mean his pov, thoughts, feelings maybe he bragged in front of his friends heh
Spoilers for the two most recent chapters of Days Into Decades
He for sure texted his lil group chat after Spider went into the bathroom. Like, spelling errors/all caps— the works. He's panicking, the system is crashing. Error, error. The gc blew up for the rest of the night as various members threw out their opinions and reactions.
I feel like he's an old man dad, in the sense that he doesn't talk about his feelings/acknowledge uncomfortable situations (at least not easily). That's part of why they were just silent on the car ride Saturday night. Spider was silently freaking out, Quaritch was trying not to make it seem like a big deal. Like, yes, if I don't acknowledge it happened, my son will understand how happy I am that he called me dad. Makes total sense.
He probably spent most of Sunday counting down the hours until he was supposed to pick up Spider. Like, he played it totally cool when he texted Spider that he was on his way, but he was genuinely excited.
And then . . . Well . . . He gets to the McGregor's and nobodies there. He texts and calls and gets no response. He calls Mr. McGregor, who's apparently been at work all day and hasn't seen Spider. He suggests checking with the Sully's, as though Quaritch and Jake will ever be anything but enemies.
He does end up calling Jake, since he has his number from Spider's emergency contact file (that he had changed as soon as possible). Jake is pissy about it, because he has to acknowledge Quaritch's existence yet again, but he agrees to check if Spider somehow ended up with one of his kids while he was at Tuk's dance recital that afternoon.
When Jake checks Lo'ak's room and finds it empty, he questions Kiri and Neteyam. Both are slightly panicked, because Lo'ak and Spider weren't even talking the day before and now they've apparently run off together? Not to mention, Lo'ak just got into a fight and was 100% grounded. He should've been in bed, watching movies and sulking as he'd been that morning when Jake and Neytiri left with their youngest.
Eventually, Neytiri and Jake remember the tracker they have in Lo'ak's phone (the kid loses it every other week, they were tired of hunting through the house every few days) and track it to the forest preserve. Jake doesn't even tell Quaritch, just honks across the street as they pull out of the driveway.
All of the adults end up in one of the forest's parking lots, Neytiri staying in the car so she doesn't physically attack Quaritch. Jake and Quaritch are kind of like bitter ex-bestfriends (which they kind of are, tbh) and stand five feet away from each other. ("Don't look at me— " "Don't look at me.")
There are too many paths and the tracker doesn't give anything beyond a general location when it's not hooked up to wi-fi, so they just wait the kids out. Soon enough, Lo'ak and a hoodie-covered Spider emerge from the thicket, skateboards in hand. They stumble over the last of the roots and Quaritch sees the 'oh shit' face both boys make (Spider a few seconds after Lo'ak, given his confinement).
Cue Quaritch's first big time parenting moment. The childcare courses did not cover finding your sixteen-year-old high off his ass in the woods. He takes him home, silently fuming the whole time, and watches him sluggishly make his wake up the steps and into the apartment.
After the anger fades a little bit, he wonders if it's his fault. If Spider got high because he regretted calling him dad the day before. If Quaritch made him feel so uncomfortable that he decided he needed to get high before he saw him.
Eventually, though the anger returns when Spider tries to shout his way out of a punishment. No phone, no skateboard, no Sully's. Were the last two mostly so Quaritch could stop having a heart attack anytime Spider left the house? Absolutely. But, they were also valid punishments.
This pretty much brings us back to the end of the most recent chapter. But, yeah. Basically, he's hyped, then pissed, then kinda sad, then pissed again.
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rrcenic · 10 months
i’m reading a book called lord of the fly fest by goldy moldavsky and it is. literally a lotf au and i love it so much
it’s about a group of teens, a mix of musicians, influencers, and fans, who are stranded on a tropical island after a trending music gathering called fly fest turns out to be a scam
the main character is rafi (ralph), who has a podcast and is currently investigating whether musician river stone killed his girlfriend. she is wandering in the woods when she meets peggy (piggy), a non binary techie who is the only one able to figure out how to access wi-fi (the specs)
rafi has a microphone (the conch) and calls everyone together on the beach. there she meets many other kids, including twins paul and ryan (sam and eric)
then, the dangerously self absorbed influencer crowd shows up (the choir) lead by queer makeup artist and all around asshole jack dewey (jack obvy). he, rafi, and river go explore the island while peggy keeps track of the others.
next, rafi meets sierra madre (simon) a beauty influencer thought of as the prettiest person ever with a strange but sweet personality. she quietly assures rafi it will all be okay because everything will always turn out good and gives rafi a flower crown. sierras a bit looks-focused but is still kind:
it took me a while to figure out who rivers lotf equivalent is, but as soon as rafi saw him brutally gutting a fish in the dead of night i knew he was roger. he acts very roger-y as well.
other cool little details:
-greer (percival). they are greer at the first meeting, smaller than the rest, and always crying about something. she wants her villa, she wants her vegan sandwich, she wants her mom, she’s worried all the time, etc
-instead of painting their faces with blood, jack wannabies cover themselves with his beauty products which i think is silly
-peggy is highly revered and respected for their ability to get wi-fi, but jack and his gang eventually break into their tent and steal their router (stealing the specs)
-sierra does not die like simon, but goes missing, and rafi suspects jack and/or river killed him
-in a nod to jack merridews hunting obsession, jack says “are you saying there are wild hogs on this island? if i wanted to party with wild hogs, i would have gone to my cousin lionel’s seventh birthday party”
-in the first scene with the influencers, one of them passes out, and jack says “probably from secondhand embarrassment”
so. basically.
this book is really cool so far because. its literally lotf. it’s an interesting au as well?? like rafis one of the only people who isn’t a very stuck up influencer. it was written in 2022 so it has commentary on gen z culture, social media pros and cons, the pandemic, and good queer rep. it also stays true to the dangerous nature of children that lotf has, just with less murder lmao.
i really recommend this book to the lotf fandom in general!! i got it at my local library but i’m sure you can find a free audiobook version or get it online.
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deancasbigbang · 1 year
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Title: You will greet yourself arriving
Author: an_ardent_rain
Artist: Corvu
Rating: Mature
Pairings: undefined
Length: 25000
Warnings: discussion and depiction of alcoholism
Tags: Case fic, domesticity, fake relationship, getting together, healing, post-canon, fix-it, alcohol use disorder
Posting Date: October 27, 2023
Summary: When a ghost is causing trouble in a wealthy suburban neighborhood, the Winchester’s are asked to investigate. Their cover: Dean and Cas are a couple just moving in. Dean’s fine with this, despite things being awkward between him and Cas since that big speech as he was dying, confessing his love. And despite all the troubles Cas has had since coming back human. And the struggle to deal with his preferred coping mechanism of heavy drinking now that his liver is no longer divinely inspired. And, oh yeah, there’s the tiny fact that Dean loves him too. Sam is convinced that the case will give the two a chance to talk and fix things, but with their track record of poor communication, Dean’s worried it’ll only make things worse. Some things are worth it, though, and when the case turns out to be nothing but a milk run, there’s no excuse left for them to keep ignoring the tension between them. (Based on the X-Files ep “Arcadia”)
Excerpt: “You can still play your character,” Jack assures him.  “I know you were practicing.” “Practicing.”  Sam’s eyebrows shoot up.  “What the hell does that mean, Dean?” “Watching several episodes of the early 2000s era show Desperate Housewives,” Jack says.  “And a telenovela.  And the Dr. Sexy episode where—” “I’m a professional,” Dean says.  He walks from the foyer into the kitchen off to the right.  He looks over his shoulder at the others and gives them a shit-eating grin.  “I’m always prepared.” Jack and Sam are talking, but Dean ignores them.  He’s not about to stand there and be insulted for his television choices.  He starts opening the cabinets and looking around at what’s been left.  Jody’s friend Marlene isn’t living there, but she left enough for it to be habitable, and apparently her son was living there for awhile.  There’s a few dishes, a toaster, something Dean recognizes from YouTube rabbit holes as a sous vide machine, and an entire corner dedicated to coffee-making.  He whistles.  “Looks like Marlene was a coffee snob,” he says, fiddling with the switch on the electric kettle.   “Well you’re welcome to use anything here, she said,” Sam tells him, coming into the kitchen trailed by Cas and Jack.  “Electricity’s on, so is wi-fi, some streaming services I think, and the HOA dues are paid.” “What’s a fucking HOA?” Dean asks, bending down to look through the cabinets.  This Marlene definitely seems like the kind of well-off to have some Le Creuset.  “Don’t they measure the blades of grass in your lawn and have stupid rules about how you can decorate?” “It’s the homeowners’ association, Dean,” Cas says, sounding snooty as hell about it and staring up at the top of the cabinets like he’s trying to smite them.  There’s a dried piece of vine, probably from a plant that used to be there that no one bothered to clean up, which apparently offends Cas somehow judging by his squinty eyed frown about it. Dean opens his mouth to snark back when Sam interrupts.  He prefaces this interruption with a loud, put-upon sigh, which in Dean’s opinion is just fucking overkill.  “All the rules and regulations are in the stuff Jody forwarded to us, okay?  Solve the case quickly and I doubt you’ll be here long enough for it to matter.” “I’m willing to lick some boots, Sam—” “Dean—” “But those assholes better not say a damn thing about Baby.”  He stands up from his search of the cabinets, his bad knee twinging.  He points at his brother.  “That’s non-negotiable.” “I”m pretty sure the only parking regulation is no street parking,” Sam says. “Street parking?  She’s a damn lady, Sam, I’m not—” “Cas.”  Sam sighs again and folds his arms over his chest.  “Just make sure you know the rules, okay?  And try to keep Dean from doing anything that will cause obvious problems
DCBB 2023 Posting Schedule
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Day Twenty-two: You didnt use my cup did you?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/59131099 by OBlossom Tony turned the corner into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh, no. Please tell me you didn’t...” “Didn’t what?” Peter asked as he smacked his lips in refreshment and placed the cup back on the counter. “Please, Peter. Tell me. You didn’t use my cup, did you?” “Your cup?” Peter looked confused. “Pepper did her whole ‘you need to hydrate thing’ and sent me down to the kitchen? She said she’d leave a glass of juice on the counter for me and that I had to drink it or else she’d shut down my wi-fi.” Hope welled up inside of Tony. Pepper was a stickler for not sharing, especially during cold and flu season. Maybe she’d taken care of it? Maybe the gods were smiling down on them? Maybe it would be okay and—” “Oh! Peter! You beat me here!” Pepper smiled as she glided past them both and grabbed a clean glass from the dish rack by the sink. “Give me a second and I’ll pour you some juice.” Words: 1287, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 18 of Sicktember 2024 Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Additional Tags: Sicktember 2024, Day Twenty-Two, "You didn't use my cup did you?", Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Irondad & Spiderson, Kids Are Gross, kids are also contagious little beasties, (I seen things), TW: Vomiting, Vomiting read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/59131099
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crazymachinefan · 11 days
Splatoon 3 came out shortly after I started my first year of college, and now after two years, it's coming to an end shortly after I start my third. We knew about this before the game even launched, but it still doesn't feel real.
When I played the World Premiere, I knew instantly that I had to get the game. My only Splatoon experience prior was playing 2's singleplayer campaigns and a little multiplayer at a friend's house and a single round of 1 at a different friend's house. Despite my relative lack of experience, I picked it up quickly and it was genuinely some of the most fun I had ever had.
Due to transportation related bottlenecks, I wasn't able to get the game until the day after launch, but once I got it I proceeded to play it every day afterwords for over a year. I kid you not, I didn't miss a single daily catalog bonus or salmon run superbonus for over a year until mid-November '23, and I seldom missed a daily Shel-drone reward (that thing in Alterna where you give it 999 power eggs and you get a thing the next day). The thing that killed this streak was buying Deep Rock Galactic on a whim and playing so much of it I missed a salmon run rotation. Probably for the best, honestly.
I don't think I realized how big of a part of my life the game was until now. The wi-fi at my college is kinda awful, so I did some research and bought a Ethernet adapter for my dock. 7 PM just kinda became Splatoon-o'clock since that's when the day rolls over during the summer here. If I didn't have time then, I would either stay up late or squeeze it in the next day. I fully completed every catalog, several of which I had to grind about 30 levels for in the last week. I have accumulated nearly 700 hours in Splatoon 3 as of the time of writing, which isn't the absurdly high numbers typically associated with high playtime but it is far and away the highest of everything I play that keeps track. The only game I can think could be higher is Minecraft, which I have had for over a decade. I hit every Splatfest, every Big Run, getting gold on a good chunk of the latter and winning exactly two of the former. (Team Frye FTW.) I've got somewhere past 200 snails saved up, since I never really use them ever.
(This is all on one console, for the record, which I got in late 2020 (IIRC) as a birthday gift for myself mainly to play BOTW again. This is also all on the Joy-cons that came with it; somehow remaining drift-free even after possibly a thousand hours of total use.)
The Grand Festival was the best send-off it could have possibly been. So much music, so much to see, some of the best Splatoon there has ever been. I took a ton of photos; I'll have to sort through them at some point. I also took photos of every splatfest in Inkopolis, my only regret there is that I didn't also take them in Splatsville.
o7 Splatoon 3. I don't know what changed, but I will never be the same as I was before.
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 14/05/2024
Feeder Castle 1
Season 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips Volume A
Ripped by Cryptrik
Hey look - Cryptrik's back!! It wasn't all that long ago that they were featured on here with the delightfully danceable A Mambo Moment after all, but it's been a while since I've featured a rip that truly showcases the thing that really sets the guy apart. Indeed, it was mostly a topic brought up in his very first post on here, Halation Generation: moreso than just a fantastic ripper, Cryptrik also has plenty of experience as a DJ, and has leveraged that experience to great effect throughout their time on the channel. While most everyone else was doing melodyswaps and mashups in the channel's first Seasons, Cryptrik was out here feeding us with Feeder Castle 1 - a full-on techno rearrangement of an iconic, yet arguably restrained, Mario Kart theme.
I'm sure many of you can relate if you've grown up nostalgically attached to any Mario Kart (I've certainly not been shy of it in posts like Neon Wi-Fi and Initial Deluxe (I've Just Raced on this Course Before)) - the series' music just has a way of getting absolutely stuck in your ears. Yet a lot of the music from Super Circuit to me has long felt...unrealized - something about that game's particular instrumentation, held back by the restrictions of the GBA, made its tracks unable to flourish as much as their melodies suggest - thus, its Bowser Castle theme has been ingrained into my head from years of playing Mario Kart Wii, yet never been able to truly register as a great song. That was, of course, until I heard Feeder Castle 1 - leveraging a song that I'm convinced almost nobody in the target audience had properly heard of before in order to finally make this theme click into place.
It is of course a completely different vibe from the original GBA Bowser Castle theme, heavy techno likely wasn't what any of the original composers had in mind for giving Bowser Castle its finalized sound. Yet the different sections of Feeder, a techno song made through the combined efforts of Technikore, JTS, Al Storm and Weaver, lend themselves amazingly to the track - because where they differ in instrumentation, they make up for in having a pretty similar tone in sound. Bowser's Castle is meant to sound heavy and imposing to reflect the character itself, and though conveyed in an unorthodox way, that is ABSOLUTELY what Feeder Castle 1 manages to do, althewhile making the track's earworm melody sing all the louder through the bolder instrumentation.
The rip feels like the kind of thing that ONLY Cryptrik could make, leveraging a song that's seemingly on the more obscure end in the scene he's most familiar in the music world to use for such a specific purpose as an old GBA Mario Kart track. The passion behind the rip feels similar to You Give Me Color Power in that sense - yet the degree to which Feeder is modified to borderline just feel like an original rearrangement of the source track, PARTICULARLY in the opening few seconds, gives the rip such a specific character unique to Cryptrik.
Put bluntly - it bumps!! Its a hidden gem the likes of which I'm always fond of stumbling onto in running this blog. If you follow SiIvaGunner, you've likely listened to a Cryptrik rip or three unknowingly in your time on the channel - but I hope posts like this highlight just how distinct of a style his rips tend to have, and puts you on the lookout for them in the future.
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