#winter u weirdo
aosvrse · 4 months
green for farts and boogers yum
oh ok
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deadlittledogs · 4 months
I knew you were a weeb (when it was degen, not “cool” like it is now)
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OH YEAH, I GOT BULLIED RELENTLESSLY FOR IT LOL. I was pretty autistic about it though, so….. I was maybe slightly asking for it lel.
I admit, it’s still a little confusing for me that normies all like anime now, even though I don’t really like it anymore. Anime was better when it was like this slightly niche autistic interest that only really cringy ‘outcast’ teen girls liked….. it had such a bizarre lil community of gross girls. Nothing will ever beat making eye contact with some bucktoothed shawty in a hetalia shirt from across the room and instantly knowing you’re both fucking insane in the same way. I WANT THAT BACK, EVEN IF NOW AS AN ADULT I THINK MOST ANIME IS RETARDED AND UNWATCHABLE LMAO.
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w1nterk1tty · 1 year
also unfriendly reminder for pride month that transphobes/transmisogynists can completely fuck off and are not welcome here at all in the slightest because i am a lover of ALL women.
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python333 · 9 months
need a ride? — python333
— — — —
synopsis ur walking home from school and theres a weirdo following you, luckily the 141 are there and they help u out!! :3
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & gn!reader.
characters cap. price, soap (for like 2 seconds, so sorry soap enjoyers), ghost, gaz.
word count 2.4k
warnings a creepy old man following [reader], [reader] intended to be in high school, 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of y/n [your name].
note i have like 5 drafts and all of them are requests from people so im so sorry i havent been working on those!! i pinky prom once i get the motivation to write them--which probably sounds weird since i wrote this but trust me when i had to force myself to write this lmao--i will be posting them :3 i hope u all enjoy this fic, its all fluff and emotional hurt/comfort + protective-ish 141!!
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You really wish you had listened to that first warning light. 
For a whole two days, your car had been in an auto repair shop, because you decided to ignore four whole warnings signs that something was seriously wrong with your car. Suspension and alignment issues, they’d told you yesterday, The wheels need to be realigned, the damaged suspension components need to be replaced, and the whole thing would take a day or two.
Fast forward to now, it’s 3:30 in the afternoon and you’ve been walking from school to your house for about ten minutes. The sun is close to being fully set—one of the worst parts of winter—and there’s been a guy following you for about five minutes now. 
He showed up once you’d exited the school premises and since then had been very determined to follow you home. You obviously did not want this to happen. But it didn’t matter if you walked faster, because he would only match your pace. If you tried to run, you assume, he’d just run after you, and seeing as he had far longer legs than you—you were pretty fucked if you decided to run. 
You would try to call an Uber, but your phone had been dead since fifth period. And you would try and catch a bus or something, but there were no bus stops near where you live, and even if there were, you weren’t carrying any cash or any cards on you. 
So, again, you’re pretty fucked. 
You look back at the man again, and turn your head right back around to look ahead of yourself once you see him looking right back at you, closer than you remember him being. Is he walking faster? Do I have to walk faster? 
You let out a shaky breath and keep walking, speeding up your walk just a bit and widening your strides, trying to think of what you should do. You didn’t want to just lead him to your house, that was just stupid. But you couldn’t just not go home—where else would you go? 
You continue to walk, speeding up a bit when you start to hear the man behind you speed up, and you try to control your panicked breathing. What are you supposed to do? You mentally curse yourself out for not carrying any self defense on your person, and continue your walking. 
Then suddenly, as if they were sent by God himself, you see four men come into view—one with a mohawk, one wearing some sort of skull mask-balaclava, one with sunglasses on even when the sun is almost set, and one with a boonie hat on—all walking together, all engaged in a casual conversation. 
You wonder for a moment if you should try and get closer to them to see if the guy would leave you alone. You hear the guy behind you speed up as you think and you take a deep breath before walking significantly faster to get closer to the men ahead of you. 
Am I really gonna trust a group that has a guy wearing a fucking skull mask in it? You hear the man behind you speed up as well and you speed up in retaliation, trying to think more about what to do, Do I just walk near them or do I straight up pretend I know them?
You think that the second option would be more likely to ward the weirdo following you away, but how would you even go about it? Do you just walk near them, or actually talk to them and join in on their conversation? 
You look behind you again and see the man significantly closer to you.
Deciding to take the risk, you rush up to them, swallowing down your panic when you hear the man behind you’s footsteps speed up to try and match your own speed. 
“Hey, guys!” All four of the guys turn around to look at you, their expressions all varying looks of confusion as you continue to talk, “Crazy seeing you guys here, it— it’s been so long.” 
You try to get as close to them as possible while not touching them and end up standing right by who you assume is the oldest. You try to subtly gesture to the man who was just following you, and the man you’re standing next to seems even more confused for a moment. 
“Uh, I don—” One of his friends cuts him off with a swat to the arm and when he turns his head to look at them in confusion, they nod over at the man whose just now catching up with you, and his mouth shapes into an ‘o’ before he looks back at you with a bit more understanding in his eyes. 
“Right, yeah, it has been really long,” He corrects himself, the other two of his friends catching on and stepping closer to you, almost creating a shield around you. He looks you over for a moment, before asking, “You just get out of school?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I did,” You nod, grateful that they caught on, hoping your gratitude is somewhat apparent, “About ten minutes ago.”
“Nobody picked you up this time?” The older man asks, tilting his head to the side a bit. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the man who’d been following you getting closer, but you force yourself to ignore him. 
“Yeah, no, everyone was kind of busy, so I have to walk home,” You respond, shoving your hands into the pocket of your hoodie to hide their shakiness as the other man stopped to stare at you two’s conversation. 
“Aw, well that sucks,” The other man frowns, before offering, “I was just heading back to my car, I could drive you back to your house? It’s on the way to the hotel we’re staying at, anyway.” 
You hesitate, trying to see if the man who’d been following you was still there, and much to your disappointment, he was. It was like he was just waiting for you to make a decision. 
Not knowing if you had any other choice, you nod affirmatively, “Yeah, sure. If that’s okay.” 
The older man gives you a small smile and pats your shoulder, “Of course it’s okay. I don’t want you just walking out here by yourself.”  
You almost sobbed in relief when you heard the creep that was following you scoff and finally walk back to wherever he came from after hearing that you accepted their offer of a ride. The older man takes his hand off of your shoulder and looks over, noticing the man has left as well, then looks back at you with a more concerned expression on his face. 
“Sorry, I almost gave you away at the beginning there,” He sincerely apologizes. 
“It’s fine, he probably didn’t even notice,” You put on a small smile and take a deep breath before adding on, “Thank you for that. I didn’t think he was ever gonna go away.” 
“Yeah, no problem,” The older man smiles at you, and tacks on, “I was serious about the ride, by the way. If you’re comfortable with that, of course.” 
You pause for a moment at that and think about if you trust them enough to have him drive you to your house and know your address and everything. 
“It’s my car, by the way,” The guy with the sunglasses butts in, “I’m the one paying for it. No clue why he said it was his.” 
“Because it was easier than saying it was yours,” The other guy sighs. 
“Actually—” The one with a mohawk interrupts, before immediately being cut off by the other two with a simple ‘shut up’. He rolls his eyes, and does indeed shut up. 
The one with a skull mask must notice your slight confusion, because he comments, “We’re renting a car for this week. Gaz is paying for it.” 
“Don’t call me Gaz in public,” Gaz grumbles, “That’s weird. Just call me Kyle.” 
“That sounds weirder,” The one with the skull mask argues, before the one with the almost-bucket hat sighs exasperatedly, the sound enough to make the two others shut up. 
“Uh…” All their attention is back on you as you talk, making you resist the urge to shrink back in on yourself, “I mean, if you guys are totally okay with it, then I’d be… okay with getting a ride home.” 
“Great!” Gaz smiles at you before dropping the smile and turning to the one with the skull mask, “You’re getting an Uber or something. I’m not driving you after that.” 
“Wh—” The one in the skull mask, despite you only being able to see his eyes, looks baffled, “I didn’t do anything, fuckin’ kick out Soap or something!” 
“Me? Why me?” The one with the mohawk—Soap, you assume—squawks, watching as Gaz actually thinks about it before nodding. 
“Good point. Soap, call an Uber so…” Gaz pauses before turning to you, “What’s your name, love?” 
You give him your name and he nods before turning back to Soap, “So that [y/n] can take your spot in the car.” 
“I—” Soap begins to argue, before sighing and rolling his eyes, reaching into his back pocket for his phone, “Fine. Whatever. Fuck all of ye.” 
“Sorrows, sorrows, prayers,” Gaz says dryly before turning back to you, “The car’s just another block up.” 
“Got it,” You nod, “So I should just follow you guys then, or…?”
“Yeah,” Gaz confirms, “Stay a little closer in case that guy decides to come back, or if anyone else tries to follow you, alright, love?” 
You nod again and take another step closer to the man with the skull mask and follow everyone else as they continue walking down to their car. They’re silent for the rest of the walk back, the man in the skull mask and the one with the almost-dad-going-fishing-hat keeping an eye out for any creeps while Gaz leads the way to the car. 
Once you’ve all reached the car, Gaz unlocks it and the man in the skull mask and the one in the almost-bass-pro-shops-hat immediately get into the back seats, letting you have shotgun. You mentally thank them for it and wordlessly get into the passenger’s seat, happy that it’s not too dirty in the car, closing the car door once you’re in. 
You buckle yourself in immediately and look right out the front window whilst Gaz gets in. This definitely won’t end up in me being kidnapped, You tell yourself, Totally not. This is the best idea I’ve ever had. Getting in a car with someone who goes by Gaz, someone who wears a mask from Spirit Halloween, and someone’s dad who somehow ended up here. Fucking perfect idea. I should do this more often.
Gaz gets in and buckles himself in, putting the car key into the ignition and twisting it, starting up the engine. You continue to stare out the window wordlessly as Gaz pulls out of the parking lot he’d been in and gets onto the road. 
“Could you give me the directions to get to your place?” He asks you once he’s stopped at a red light right outside of the parking lot. Silently, you nod. 
“Yeah, just, uh, keep going straight then take a left on Monroe,” You instruct him quietly. He nods and presses on the gas once the light turns green, continuing straight like you’d said. 
“You alright?” The bearded man in the back pipes up, making you twist your head back to look at him. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You assure him, half-lying, “Just a little tired and creeped out.” 
“Reasonable,” He hums, before adding on, “I’m John, by the way, and this is Simon.” 
Simon, the dude wearing the Spirit Halloween mask, perks up at the sound of his name, but otherwise doesn’t say anything. 
“Good to know,” You respond, wondering if you should say anything else before awkwardly turning back in your seat to continue staring out the window, watching as Gaz takes a left. 
“Take the next right, then just continue straight and then take a right on Balboa,” You tell him. He nods and takes the next right just as you told him to. 
It’s probably safe to assume they aren’t kidnapping you, You think, your breathing finally back to normal now that you know you’re probably not in any danger. 
“So what’s with the name ‘Gaz’?” You ask Gaz without thinking, tired of the silence in the car. Based on the way Gaz groans and John huffs out a laugh, you assume it’s somewhat of a long story. 
“It’s kind of a long story?” Bingo. “But in short, I just don’t talk too much, and someone decided to make a big deal out of that.” 
“I never made it a big deal!” John insists, all while Simon looks at him like he knows he’s lying, “It’s just a nickname!” 
You listen in on their bickering, grateful to finally have some noise in the car, and huff out a small, amused laugh at their antics. 
Soon enough, Gaz is turning right on Balboa, and he drives right into your neighborhood. 
“It’s the house right up there,” You point to it, and he looks at the house you pointed at and speeds up a bit to reach it faster. 
Once he’s at the house he thinks you pointed at, he asks, “This one, right?” and pulls into the driveway when you nod in confirmation. 
He parks the car in your driveway and turns off the engine, immediately unlocking the car and turning to you. 
“Well, I hope you have a good rest of your day,” He says politely, offering you a smile. 
“Thank you, you too,” You smile back, feeling a little bad for being so eager to get out of the car. Then again, you really just want to get inside of your house where it’s safe, so you quickly unbuckle your seatbelt and open the car door. 
You carefully get out and close it behind you, fishing your keys out from your back pocket, walking up to the front door of your house and unlocking it, only hearing Gaz’s car pulling out of your driveway after you’ve successfully opened your front door. 
You yawn as you walk in, and close the door behind you, toeing off your shoes and leaving them by the front door.
You think, in the back of your head, about how weird it is that you didn’t get kidnapped despite that being the perfect opportunity for them to do so—but you don’t think about it too hard. You’re just grateful to have gotten home safe.
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cozycollectivee · 1 year
warmth in winter
also my first fic :thumbs up: but not first time writing
maaaaybe ill put this on ao3 (its painfully obvious ive been on there..)
enjoy ur old guy cuddles u absolute nerd
It's a cold night.
It's gonna be like this for a couple months.
The mercenary shuddered in his small room. You could walk from one side to another in just 6 steps, which made just enough space for his bed, desk, and closet. Hank's room branched off their medics- Doc's room, to avoid problems once he woke up from being stitched back together.
Like violent outbreaks.
To keep the others safe.
But damn it's cold in here.
Hank's body doesn't make the heat it used to months ago, after repeatedly dying and being revived. His body got colder and colder every time he came back, but the warm weather made up for it- which made winter absolute hell ironically enough. His room didn't have a heater, and he didn't own one to plug into the wall, neither did anyone else. Since they have their lovely heat-generating bodies.
What time was it? The mercenary glanced at the clock across from his bed.
2:34 AM
These blankets weren't doing much to help him warm up. No matter how many layers of fabric he had to cover him, Hank would never be able to warm up.
…on his own, that is.
Hank's brows furrowed in deep thought. Would it be weird? They've only been together for what- two weeks? Relationships weren't his greatest subject, so he wasn't sure what to think. He let out a huff of annoyance, being confused felt horrible. He flicked the blankets off him, and made his way to the door.
He poked his head out, the soft red glow from his goggles slightly illuminating his face. Stepping out of his own, he scanned Doc's room, still unsure of what he was doing. The floor was cold under his paw pads, silently making his way to his partner's bed. Hank had no plan, no idea what he would do. Should he climb in bed with his medic? Should he wake him up first?
He studied Doc's face, he looked… peaceful. Unbothered. Soft. Warm. Hank's hand twitched, he felt a sudden need to have the smaller man in his arms, to hold his face, to be close to him. His heart stopped when the medic shifted in his sleep.
Is he waking up? Why is he waking up? Did I stare at him too hard? Arrghh-
"The hell are you doing?"
Hank blinked, looking back at his partner's- now awake- face. Oops.
Doc looked up at the shadow hovering over his bed, its bright red eyes gleaming at him.
Thats his boyfriend, staring at him in his sleep. Like the weirdo Hank is.
Just a month ago this would've made his fur stand on end and freak him out, but now all he wanted to do was go back to bed.
Hank started to panic, was Doc upset? Maybe he should just go back to his room, but that would be awkward… but not really? What part of him wasn't strange? It was pathetic really, a whole mercenary, unable to tell his lover he couldn't sleep because of the cold. Doc was looking at him like he was waiting for something? Oh, right… um.
"Im cold"
Stupid. Why did I say that. What is wrong with you.
"…You're cold?.."
He probably thinks im being weird, I should just go back-
"You can sleep with me if you want, it's okay"
Doc gestured for Hank to climb in bed, gently pulling his hand. The medic smiled sleepily, making room as Hank settled down beside him. He wasn't kidding, Hank's skin was cold to the touch.
"Poor thing, why didnt you tell me?" His voice rough from waking up, Doc shifted to face his body towards his partner, who glared back at him.
"Are you making fun of me?"
"No, i'm not making fun of you," So defensive. Doc tried to stifle his giggles, burying his face into a pillow. He looked back up to Hank, putting a hand on his masked face. Cold, so cold.
"Were you too shy to ask?" The medic asked slyly, smiling even wider once Hank furrowed his brows again.
"No, I wasnt shy. I just… thought it would be weird."
Now Doc was raising his eyebrows, "you thought it would be weird to sleep with me, the guy who so happens to be your boyfriend." Hank blinked, and pushed his face into Doc's hand. Warmth.
"I dunno. Stop making me feel weird." Feeling sheepish, Hank's face heated a little. I guess it wouldn't have been that strange for me to ask to sleep with him. The taller man sighed, and pressed his body into Doc's. Warm, so damn warm.
"Yeah, this is what you've been missing out on." Doc rubbed his thumb over where Hank's cheek would be, he felt a little bad for him. Hank's room wasn't the warmest, but he didn't realize his body stopped warming up as much as it should. Should've invited him to sleep with me.
"Do you feel better?"
Hank nodded, wrapping an arm around Doc's back, pressing them so close together it felt like he'd never be cold again. He let the medic pull his mask down, the light touches of his fingers made Hank's heart flutter. Doc set a hand on his jaw, letting his heat seep into the cold metal, and pulled him closer for a kiss. The feeling of Doc's lips against his own made the warmth in Hank's chest grow, he pressed deeper, savoring the taste of his lover.
Once they pulled their faces away to breathe, Hank buried his face into Doc's neck, his fur soft against his scarred face.
"I love you."
Gentle hands stroked the back of Hanks neck, and wrapped around his back. "I love you too," replied Doc's voice. There was another sound, a trill. The medic was purring, low and a little rough, as if he hasn't done that in a long time. For once, Hank felt comfortable, warm, happy, and safe. He finally drifted off into a deep sleep, the best he's had in months.
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friend-crow · 2 years
how do u go about feeding crows? i want to befriend the local ones
There are different approaches, but many involve in-shell, unsalted peanuts. Personally I'm afraid of pissing off the neighbors so I mostly feed them while I'm walking my dog around the neighborhood, so they don't constantly gather at my house. They do know where I live, though, and will sometimes follow me home or wait outside. Once they left me a fish spine, and they might be responsible for the half-gnawed, rotting apple that's currently at the top of my steps.
See a crow, throw a peanut, though maybe not directly at the crow until they know you a bit. The crows are smart, and will catch on pretty quick, but they'll probably be wary of you at first. Try to aim for it to land on cement, as the sound seems to help them zero in on the peanuts. Once they know you this becomes less necessary as they'll be expecting it.
Some crows are just bolder than others, and once they're used to you they'll come right over to you (generally not within reach -- they are wild). Others will never be comfortable with that, and will wait until you've walked a little ways away to collect the peanuts.
Some things to be aware of:
crows gather in larger groups during winter, and you may end up with 50 or so following you, which can be a bit intimidating
a few times I've had overly bold crows swoop at my head when they felt I wasn't giving them enough peanuts -- I've had good luck training them out of this by yelling "no!" and withholding peanuts until they cut it out
crows spread out and become more territorial in spring, so if you do the walk-n-feed method like I do, you may inadvertently start fights when one crow strays too far into other crows' territory -- this can be alarming but is typically resolved when the encroaching crow flies away
people will start sending you crow content (often four or five people will send you the same thing) once they know you're one of those crow feeding weirdos, which is a good sign
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pinup-pigeon · 11 months
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One day I’ll learn how to do backgrounds 😭
This one took far longer than I was anticipating because 1) there are three figures to draw and 2) the sports illustrated cover I was inspired by was photoshopped to all hell and I spent hours trying to make their weirdo proportions look normal 😂
This is the pièce de résistance of the Captain America Swimsuit edition series! I’ve got plenty more ideas for pinups coming up and I may even do some more beachy pinups this summer. Looking forward to some fall/winter ideas coming up tho.
Also! You can now get these designs as stickers and prints through my Redbubble shop! You can find this design here: https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/Beach-Bums-by-Pinup-Pigeon/148282600.EJUG5?asc=u
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aceofstars0 · 29 days
ACE ACE ACE u asked me about my crush i think its only fair i ask u about urs /lh /nf
Okkkk SOOOO *twiddles hair twiddles hair*
He's been in my orchestra for technically like 4 years but since our orchestra is literally under 20 people this year we all got suuuper close this year
(key people:)
Me (me, cellist)
Dolphin (crush, violist, he/him)
E (bestie, violist she/her)
S (acquaintance, bassist, she/her)
J (friend, trumpet player, twin 1/2, he/him)
C (friend, flute player, twin 2/2, he/him)
So at our winter concert (all black, funeral attire you know the ordeal) S comments to me saying that he looks good and I'm like. Yeah. Yeah, he does....
For like the month after that I kinda only admired from afar cuz I started to notice more things I liked about his appearance (he has long hair and thick eyebrows, those were the first things I noticed) but he didnt seem interested in me (he has another friend in the class) so I kept my distance. I actually thought he had something against me, something about me being a weirdo during class (orchestra is when I let out my true personality)(if that was the case then he's a hypocrite) but me and E were talking about doing a duet together and then we were like hey. What if we made it a quartet instead. And Dolphin asked if one of the other cellists was in it and I was like no it's me and he still joined. And like- I kinda have trust issues where I think that literally everyone I'm friends with hates me unless they also have that fear so to see him actually join was like. Ok. Maybe he doesn't hate me with a burning passion.
So we decided on these two songs and like a week after we formed it, our teacher was out. So me, E, and dolphin spent the class together girlfailing at the new songs but I had so much fun. It was my first time actually hanging out with him and ever since then we've been hanging out a lot more (with E, C, J, and Akira)
That's all I'm gonna rant about for now but believe me THERES MORE. this bitch has LAYERS.
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waterfishlol0 · 8 months
wntv hcs meooww
hii wntv hcs im sobored and umm im not sleeping
kevin !!
i hc with black hair and it used to be super long and he was super proud of it b4 strex made him cut it off cus they thought it would get in the way of his work (its ok now kevin grew his hair out again in the dow)
he goes crazyyyy whenever he sees smiley face stickers or whatever he starts going HOORAY! and "oo so joyus.."
he is such a weirdo he prolly sucked on his finger for an hour after he got a cut
kevin either dresses like its winter or like he just got back from a rave and is wearing the last amount of clothing without being naked
he likes fishnets
he has soo many centipede tattoos and after a while they started to move on their own and do centipede things soo silly
he has piercings, like a lottt of them. most of them he let lauren and daniel do at strex when they had their scheduled sleepovers
kevin is also NOT white please...
idc what the public says she is bisexual
she prolly kissed kevin or daniel at least once cus she thought it would be kinda funny as a prank but they ended up going "huh?" and werent even mad
she is bffs with daniel they do everything together they have days where they go shopping at the mall
she likes funky patterned shirts and pants and chunky earrings
her lipstick is actually just blood
shes a hair nerd and has a 10 step hair routine
she wakes up like "yawnnn such a lovely day to be alive" and then acts like a mom that was forced to get out of bed cus her kid peed the bed and she needs to change the sheets
lauren has eyes kind of
she gets her lashes done and her nails done sometimes if she feels nice
she is a little bit french
her heels are suppperr pointy so she likes to step on ppls toes with them
daniel hooray!!
he is like those dbh robots so he has like fake skin and hair but u can see a bit of robot on him
he dresses a bit like someone who just found the whole gothic scene going on in the 80s or whatever which goes against strex dress code but they cant do much cus hes a robot
i like to think he used to be human at some point
daniel also had a like new wave goth phase idk what it is called when he was a human and it carried on to his robot self
he lets kevin and lauren dress him up and do his makeup like he is a doll lol
he lays on top of kevin during the scheduled sleepovers
daniel likes cheesy romcoms
he cries a bit during the super sweet romantic scenes
"i wish that was me" "stfu get over it that will never happen oml"
he has blonde curly-ish hair
he meows on occasion, it got programmed into his system after trying to take a pic of khoshekh, no one rlly knows how
he has freckles cus strex wanted to make him more inclusive so their employees didnt get scared off by some picture perfect dude robot guy
he can open up his back and the reason as to why it wasnt his chest is cus it would be inconvenient
he is 100 percent a southern goth dont even argue with me
the trad goth look with huge clunky cowboy boots
charles used to work as a grave digger in pine cliff cus it payed well since everyone died and became a ghost
when he wasn't doing that he was working as a bartender near the outer edge of town
he has a bit of a southern accent from cactus park
he had a bunch of old cactus park shirts and saved them all for donny when he found out he was having a kid
charles was the pregnant one he is sooo transgender
he never got any surgeries cus he did not care about having tits
and a vag was more convinent (totallyyy not projecting)
he got his uterus removeda after donny tho so no siblings for donny ig
he was a smoker at some point
he hatess wine so much
charles is hispanic in some way cus yk carlos charles ykkk
he likes to braid kevins hair in fancy ways and then started to give kevin and donovan matching hairstyles every morning
he has a home depot 12ft skeleton in his classroom
and lewis the pumpkin from target
he loves halloween even tho most ppl of the dow have never even heard of it
he eventually moved in with kevin or vice versa and has his own room and office despite also sharing one with kevin
charles just likes to sleep alone some nights or needs a place to chill out by himself
charles is also def somewhat a ghost
she loves 80's fashion
the silly earrings and neon colors
she also made kevin do karaoke nights with her
shes kevins niece i think
her parents kicked her out and so kevin let her work at the station to earn money
they aren't biologically related but vanessa sees kevin as the cool uncle
she died and came back as a ghost and kevin isnt hallucinating and some people can see her and she actually still does stuff
she loves depeche mode and got kevin into it (totally not cus i just saw depeche mode live the other day nuh uh uh uh uh) (i did it was fire)
she likes to ride in shopping carts
vanessa also loves skunks even tho she never saw one irl
she sees them online and forces kevin to look at the cute pictures
she has a hugeee cd and vinyl collection its crazy
she has a whole room stacked to the brim with them
kevin regularly goes out to get her more
he also bought her her first record player
it had sunflower patterns
strex destroyed it but she was able to keep the remains and use them to get a new record player with some of the original sunflower pattern
ok thats all i just did desert bluffs ill prolly do night vale tmrrw even tho i like db more..
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salah-with-sadie · 8 months
Can Muslims Trick or Treat
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As-Salam-u-Alaikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh ("Peace be unto uou and so may the mercy of Allah and his Blessings")!
For reverts, Halloween can be a confusing time. Halloween was a time of jack-o-lanterns, costumes, and so. much. candy. However, as a revert, the celebration of Halloween raises questions and concerns due to its origins and some of the practices associated with it. In this blog post, we’ll explore the relationship between Halloween and Islam, discussing its historical roots, potential conflicts with Islamic beliefs, and possible alternatives for Muslims to consider.
History of Halloween
Celtic Roots
Halloween dates back to the Celtic festival called Samhain. It was a festival to celebrate the harvest, the end of summer, the coming of winter, and the blurring of boundaries between the living and the dead. Samhain was characterized by the belief that the barrier between the living and the dead was permeable, allowing spirits to roam freely on Earth. Samhain traditions included dressing up in costumes, bond fires, and divination. Over time, Halloween evolved and incorporated elements from various cultures, with heavy influence from Christian traditions.
Christian Influence
Pope Gregory III played a role in the Christianization of the festival. He designated November 1st as All Saints' Day, a day to honor all saints and martyrs. The evening before, which is called All Hallows' Eve, linguistically turned into “Halloween.” Back in the day, All Hallows’ Eve did not have any religious or cultural significance; it was All Saints’ Day and the proceeding All Souls’ Day that were the true celebration. The Syncretism of All Hallows’ Eve and Samhain gradually transformed into the Halloween we know today.
For practicing Muslims, the activities associated with Halloween presents conflicts with Islamic beliefs. Islam discourages the worship of anything other than Allah. Given the pagan history of Halloween, Muslims run the risk of participating in pagan religious rituals. Halloween’s historical association with pagan rituals contradicts the monotheistic principles of Islam. Bottom line, Muslims must avoid participating in anything that is associated with polytheistic religions.
So where does that leave the traditions of Halloween? Can we wear costumes? Unfortunately not. Because of the costumes’ deep roots in the practices of Samhain, a Muslim cannot dress in costumes without risking committing shirk (idolatry). Can we trick-or-treat? (Without a costume on? Weirdo…..) Many scholars say that Trick-or-Treating door-to-door is similar to begging, which is impermissible in Islam unless necessary.
Alternatives for Muslims
While some Muslims choose to distance themselves from Halloween altogether, others may seek alternatives that align more closely with their religious beliefs. One option is to focus on the positive aspects of the holiday, such as community engagement and spreading kindness.
As a community, Muslims can organize events like fall festivals or harvest-themed gatherings that promote unity and gratitude without compromising their faith. Try to organize a family night at the Masjid on October 31st.
Individually, Muslims can participate in more Fall-based activities. Go to a pumpkin or sunflower patch, take a nature walk to observe the changing leaves and appreciate Allah’s creation, or bake a pie!
Overall, emphasizing the teachings of Islam regarding the importance of helping others and being charitable can provide opportunities for Muslims to engage in meaningful activities during this time of year.
The celebration of Halloween raises important considerations for Muslims due to its historical roots and practices. While some Muslims may choose to avoid participating in Halloween, others may find alternative ways to engage in positive community activities during this time. Ultimately, each individual must make their own informed decision based on their understanding of Islamic teachings and their personal convictions. It is essential for Muslims to reflect on their faith and strive to find a balance between cultural traditions and religious observance.
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faggerardway · 2 years
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looks at u with my autistic eyes
( image descriptions below! please reblog :] )
ID 1: A traditional sketch of ARGbur, shown from the chest up. He’s wearing a winter coat, a beanie, and cracked glasses. He’s holding a flashlight in front of him and glancing behind him.
ID 2: A much simpler doodle of ARGbur and ARGinnit. They’re standing side by side, looking at each other. Tommy looks manic, while Wilbur looks exhausted. The drawing is captioned, “theyre weird. theyre weirdos. they dont fit in and they dont WANNA fit in.” End of image descriptions.
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blueofthesea · 3 months
The way i love u
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Main Character
Sungchan Riize as Leo Kairos
Winter Aespa as Tracy Rainy Karamoy
Tracy's Friend
Karina Aespa as Kalista Sinclair
Giselle Aespa as Gianna Parker
Ningning Aespa as Nalani Huang
As time goes by there will be additional characters
All fiction!
if your curious about anything ask me here: https://curiouscat.live/oceannestories
.   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ . ⋆ * . .   ݁ ˖ ࣪ .
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Raindrops wet the road, the rainy season in November now feels colder than before, and it also feels too quiet to walk in. After school, I sat at the bus stop near my school, while waiting for the bus to come, the song "cherry flavoured" by the neighbourhood was playing to accompany the loneliness that hit me. After 20 minutes of waiting, the bus finally arrived. I got on the bus and chose an empty seat. but suddenly there was a boy who had just gotten off the bus, slightly wet and breathing heavily, it looked like he was running to catch the bus.
"Hey! This chair is empty, can I sit here?"
Asked the boy who had been staring at me and waiting for my answer, I just gave a small nod while smiling. I turned my head slightly to glance at him, he was also listening to music on his earphone.I looked back at the window, not to see the view on the street but to see his reflection at the window. One word comes to my mind when I look at him, peaceful. Honestly, I was very nervous to see his face, of course I know him well because we are at the same school, a boy named "Leo Kairos" who is often called "Kai", a man who is famous for his drum skills, even now he is already a member band at my school.
I glanced at him again, our eyes accidentally met. I feel like right now I want to bury my stupid self and why am I still glancing at his face. His lips are lifted upwards in a beautiful smile, which I can finally see more closely.
"What grade are you in? I've never seen you at school."
"We're in the same year, maybe it's just because we have different majors that's why you never see me. I'm a Social Science student, whereas you're a Science student, right? I often see you."
“I also rarely leave my class when it’s time to break, hahaha. Oh yeah, my name is Kairos, Kai  for short. What's your name?"
I quickly shook his hand and said, "I'm Tracy, Tracy Rainy Karamoy."
It's so stupid, why did I introduce myself with my full name? Oh, I'm so embarrassed I want to bury myself a second time.
"Hi, Tracy. Your name is great, do you have Japanese ancestry? because your face looks like a Japanese person"
"Hahahah, yeah, I have Japanese-European ancestry from my grandfather, but I've lived here for a long time so don't worry, I'm already a native."
“Wow, very interesting. By the way, do you often take the bus?"
"Hah? No, this is my first time taking a bus, more precisely taking a bus alone. Usually, I like to be picked up by my sister, but she can't, she also asked her boyfriend to pick me up, but I quickly rejected her offer. I think I want to try something that can make me to be more independent. Oh yeah, just for your information. I invited my friends to take a bus with me, but they couldn't make it, it's a bit sad but it's okay. Then I'm also not that close to my classmates, because I'm closer to two girls in senior year and one girl from freshman year. If you know, Kalista and Gianna are from Grade 12 science, they are my friends and if you know a freshman named Nala, they are also my friends."
I'm so stupid, why am I like this when I'm awkward instead of keeping quiet instead of talking a lot, I am the weirdo one. Besides, why is he listening while smiling?
“Sorry, I only know Kalista because Kalista is dating my friend, Teno."
"Ohhhh yeah, many people also know Kalista, especially since she going out with Teno, Kalista's friends have become more numerous. Oh anyway, what about you do you often take the bus?"
“Yes, I often take the bus, it's more strategic. Save money and save energy. In my opinion, riding a motorbike home from school is more tiring. Apart from that, I also had an annoying experience when riding a motorbike to school, at that time I was tired from riding a motorbike so I planned to leave my motorbike and pick it up tomorrow, but the next day when I wanted to go home on the motorbike that I had left all day on the school parking lot, even the motorbike tire was flat. The motorbike is indeed really bad, I hate it."
“Hahahah, it's got a flat or someone is just trying to deflate your motorbike tire. Then how do you get the motorbike home?"
"I don't know, I think it's time to deflate. I brought the motorbike and asked my father for help. Since that incident, I don't want to ride a motorbike to school anymore."
Throughout the bus ride to my house, I laughed a lot at the jokes he gave, I thought he was a quiet kid, but it turned out his kid was quite talkative and surprising, a lot of our jokes came in and suited each other, it felt like a dream to be able to chat with Kai.
Leo Kairos, the man I have admired since 10th grade, finally realized my existence. I feel like I want to scream and show it off to everyone.
to be continued...
11 March 2024
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finalskies · 1 year
Heir’s favorite posts of 2022
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It’s that time of year again: the end. So I get to talk about my favorite things I posted. It’s funny, I feel like I really didn’t draw that much more than last year, and I certainly didn’t get any better. If anything, I’ve probably regressed. But even then, in these past few months I’ve probably felt more joy about drawing than I have in a long time. In a way, it feels like I’ve removed all my expectations for myself and I just... I just get to draw whatever I want, and it doesn’t matter if it looks sucky to me. “Face didn’t come out right? That’s fine, it still looks cute. It doesn’t look as good as it used to? No worries, you’ve done it before and you’ll do it once more. And even if you don’t, you can still have fun with it and make people happy.”
Maybe I’m just finally done with being mean to myself about my drawings. Maybe I just wanna draw cute/silly stuff for my friends. Because, as I’ve said before, you don’t have to be great and powerful to make something that makes a great and powerful difference in someone’s day. Anyway...
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Ol’ Reliable Applejack. This is one of the first drawings I made with my new tablet, and the first one that made me think “Okay... I can still do this.” Even before my bestest most favorite tablet broke, I hadn’t been feeling the whole “drawing” thing in awhile. As simple as this looks, it felt like a real turning point.
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Internet Fuzz Queens. As a very young child, I had this idea in my head that all my favorite cartoon characters lived in a community together and they would hang out and stuff. This is was an extremely self-indulgent comic that required specific knowledge of four different fandoms, and I want to do more like it. I love my blorbos and I want to see them hang out together.
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Angel Byrd. My OC turned space kangaroo in my Scum and Villainy campaign. I’m glad I got to give her a little more pizzazz. I forgot to mention it in the original post, but the reason her dress has a tummy window is because she’s planning on smuggling museum artifacts in her pouch lol. We’re actually doing the second part of the heist tomorrow, wish us luck!
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Kaysee Cadet! A character I made for a dnd Humblewood campaign. I really love how this came out. Ultimately I did settle on the orange fur, but maybe I’ll do something with that black fur design at some point. Gawd I’ve grown really attached to this character. They’re autistic, and they’re not native to the setting of the campaign, so “common” isn’t their first language. It’s been really difficult for them to navigate the world, and some people have been quite cruel to her, including her own family. All she wants is love, and they try SO HARD to help people despite everything, and we’re getting to the part in the campaign where the party transitions from “ragtag group of weirdos forced together” to “found family.” But tragedy struck in the last session of the year, and now it’s more of a “darkest hour” moment. And I’m just... I love my blorbos, especially the ones I made up ;_;
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Give Trans Girls Swords. Winter is this lovely artist’s sheep fursona. I’d been wanting to draw them for awhile, she has such an appealing design. This was so fun to draw, I love making things for friends and also giving trans girls swords.
I really want to make my own fursona one of these days...
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 Miss Pie’s Monsters. It was... so nice to see the monster gang again. MPM is absolutely one of those projects that I never stopped thinking about, never lost hope that I could finish it one day, even those it’s been years since its last real update. I’m happy with myself for sticking to the update schedule I promised, even if I was calling it close sometimes lol. I hope people liked seeing them again. And to the people that I know liked seeing them again: first, I love u, I hope I can continue to update it in the coming year. I can’t wait to reveal who the Captain of the guard really is.
Stay fantastic, I hope we all have a better 2023. Or at the very least, make it through it together. <3
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kaneydas · 2 years
if they had more time to flesh out the rest of kaneda’s gang, what do you think they’d be like personality-wise? idek why but i love those guys
THIS ASK HAS MY WHOLE HEART❤️ such a great idea, i love them too.
cw: drug mention, injury mention(?)
If I interpreted this right ur referring to the guys we get to see in the movie for like 0.5 seconds. The funny thing, that most people maybe don’t know about(?), is that they actually have semi-canonical names! I think u can find them by playing the somewhat obscure and kind of shit Akira game that came out in 1988 lol. But I will spare you of having to do that lol
Not including Kai & Yamagata here but if u want sum with them too just ask. Also, I’m just going off of PURELY vibes here hehe so feel free to agree or disagree
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Mitsuru Kuwata
Weirdo. Just gives me weirdo vibes (*loving tone*)
You know that one kid in middle school that freaked out all the other kids by turning his eyelids inside out or by doing other kinds of gross stuff in general? Yeah, that’s Mitsuru.
Youngest child vibes
Gets into fights easily, pretty impulsive as a person in general.
A true instigator at heart LMAO. Likes to say out of pocket shit just to start a heated discussion. I don’t even think he believes half the shit he says, he just likes to piss people off.
As a result, it’s really easy to get into random, weird, and petty arguments with him. Like why tf are ya’ll arguing about whether water is wet or not rn
Green is his fave color.
One time he and Kaneda thought it would be a fantastic idea to try and race each other in the dead of Neo-Tokyo’s winter. In the end, Mitsuru fell of his bike and got the nastiest road rash scar ever on his chest and right arm. He still has the scar to this day, but he thinks it looks fucking sick (and it kind of does tbh).
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Yuji Takeyama
Chronically cranky.
Looks way meaner than he actually is, tho.
Mitsuru is his 4lyfer, but he would never admit it to anyone. They argue like they hate each other almost every day but they’re always together. Yuji is his one living braincell.
He’s the only one with any living braincells in the entire gang actually, which doesn’t say much anyway…
He’s a hater at his core. Laughs his ass of whenever Tetsuo falls off his bike, makes fun of Yamagata when he mispronounces words, and so on.
Asshole, but he can be nice sometimes. Always pays for his friends whenever they want snacks or drinks from the vending machine. I also feel like he remembers everyone’s birthday.
Was blonde at one point before he shaved his hair, but no one dares speak of that era lmaoo
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Eiichi Watanabe
Literally zero thoughts behind this dudes eyes. Just going through life on autopilot atp
Surprisingly sweet and mellow tho, has the whole gentle giant vibe going for him, kind of
Always super relaxed and easy-going, I feel like he’s ideal to have in a stressful situation. But is really lazy and hates doing anything that requires too much effort too, tho
Smokes soooo much. Literally. all the time.
Always laughs at people’s jokes, no matter how bad they are or how awkwardly they’re delivered.
Really strong and is the tallest out of his friends (the gang), so he thinks it’s funny to pick some of them up randomly and put them in air jail
Always keeps forgetting where he put the keys to his motorcycle. Also his wallet, always forgets his fucking wallet. Super forgetful in general.
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murderballadeer · 7 months
Winter stans on this shitty website are surely from the west coast or American south, nobody here is feeling the brunt of an actual Canadian winter. Sorry u have to deal with these insensitive weirdos
exactly like sorry i don’t like it when it’s -40 with windchill 😭 & even if some of them are canadian i’m so far past caring like please just go rb a post you agree with 😭
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Vax has a deep down dislike of the cold, man is southern at his core and no matter how many freezing nights he and vex had he just never got used to it, which introduces: in winter mfl, Vax becomes little spoon. he doesn't mean for it to happen, he just always ends up curled against keyleth chest with his head tucked under her chin cause everything about her is Warm.
vax is a BABY in the cold!!! he is CONSTANTLY ducking his face into the crook of keyleth's neck, and his nose is FREEZING so she yelps every time. she's still out puttering in her garden while winds are whipping around and he's inside like "have fun u fuckin weirdo" curled up in front of the fire with three pairs of socks on. at night he's glommed onto her even though they've got heat from the fire and one of those bedwarmer things.
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