#wip: ship in a bottle
s11ep13 · 2 years
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ermmm HOLY FUCKING BINGLE!! :3 @fayoftheforest
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fayoftheforest · 2 years
a little update on ship in a bottle!
hello hello!! I just thought I'd pop a quick post up here to let you folks know that I have added some of the fan art to the fic! you can now find @wolfiecakes, @fruitloopzed and @praxieservers' fantastic captain stans at the end of the epilogue, and tobs' cover art at the beginning of the fic. please go support their art posted here on tumblr as well, which you can find here, here, here and here! great big love to all <3
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angrybatart · 5 months
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Got some terrible news on Friday, and needed to draw something that made me happy to straighten my thoughts. Started this last night, but am not really happy with it. So I'm going to work on it off and on until it looks right to me. I'll post the full picture when I do.
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wizard-beast · 2 months
i built the dwarf!!! i chose to build her as my final project for this art college sunmer program i went to, and it was so much fun!!
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wip pics and image ids under the cut!
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[image id: two sets of several images, the first set being photographs of various angles depicting a homemade replica of the spaceship Red Dwarf, from the TV show Red Dwarf. The ship is painted red, and made out of different pieces of scrap material, such as nuts, hinges, metal bottlecaps, and other small pieces of wood, metal, and plastic. The ship also features modelled asteroids fixed to the underside, made of air dry clay and then painted to look like rocks.
The second set of images depicts the making process of the spaceship. The first image being the base ship, made out of cardboard, straws, hot glue, and paper mâche, it sits on a messy worktable. The second image shows the same base spray-painted black, with a few metal parts attached, it sits on the same worktable as the first image. In the Third image, the ship sits in a pale persons lap, in a different room than the first two, the lighting is dimmer and there is more scrap material glued on. The fourth and fifth images show the ship with all of the parts attached, yet unpainted. It sits, propped up on a bottle of Diet Coke, where both sides of the ship are visible, and you can see all of the parts that make up the outer layer of the ship.
end id.]
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kiss-me-cill-me · 8 months
Gravity Wins
Pairing: Robert Capa x Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: The walls around here are too thin, and Capa can't seem to mind his own business.
Warnings: Smut, changes to several minor aspects of canon, alcohol/drinking (not related to the smut), mentions of vibrators, sexual frustration, masturbation (f), slight voyeurism, teasing, biting, quiet sex, and my obvious fixation on Capa's arms
A/N: In the words of Jayne Cobb... I'll be in my bunk. This was the winner of my "Bad Summary WIPs" poll. I had originally intended for "Gravity Wins" to be a working title that I would change later, but uh, it did win, so I'm keeping it lol. Happy Capa Month! 🥰
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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Life aboard Icarus II had its charms. The views were unlike anything else; the oxygen garden was truly breathtaking; and the ship itself was pleasantly quaint, in a close-knit kind of way. Most of the time, at least. Sometimes, that same pleasant quaintness had a habit of dissolving into claustrophobia; the tight quarters and lack of privacy suddenly surrounding you on all sides. 
That’s why it was important to find small moments of joy where you could, to pass the time. And that’s why you were currently in the canteen, with Cassie and Corazon squeezed in on either side of you, passing around a bottle of contraband vodka. 
It was cheap stuff; strawberry flavored. Not necessarily what you would have picked to drink, but beggars couldn’t be choosers and Cassie - god love her - had always had terrible taste in booze. Still, it got the job done. And getting to spend a night gossiping and getting a little tipsy every once in a while was just enough to break up the daily routine and keep the three of you from going mad.
Only three months into the mission, and your one bottle was already two-thirds empty. It was going to be a long flight.
“Y’know what I miss?” Cassie sighed, shoulders loose as she passed the bottle over to you. “Pizza.”
You took a swig - the cheap, artificial taste of fruit mixing terribly with the burn of alcohol - and passed the bottle on. Corazon slouched forward on the table.
“Don’t talk about food, Cassie. Please,” she whined. 
It wasn’t as if you were starving, but the bare-bones, monotonous rotation of meals you all ate while onboard the ship left a lot to be desired. You could feel your mouth watering just at the thought of something besides the same old efficient, nutritionally-dense meals you’d been eating for weeks now.
“I miss ice cream,” you jumped in.
Corazon groaned and took a sip of the vodka, rubbing her head.
“Enough already,” she begged.
“Fine then, Cora - what do you miss?” asked Cassie, reaching across your little circle to take the bottle back. She tipped it against her lips, taking a quick sip.
“My vibrator,” answered the biologist.
You and Cassie burst into laughter; high-pitched giggles bouncing off the walls of the cramped space. 
“I’m serious,” laughed Cora, nudging your shoulder.
“Oh, I believe you - I miss mine, too,” Cassie admitted. 
You hummed in agreement. It was a long journey, and until you’d stepped foot on the ship, you really hadn’t anticipated all the small comforts of home you would miss. If getting off could be considered a comfort.
“Here’s the real question though,” said Cassie, pointing the bottle at each of you in turn. “Would you fuck any of the guys?”
“On the ship?” you asked.
“You see any other guys around?” Cassie laughed. 
You joined her, feeling the hot flush of alcohol rise on your cheeks.
“What about Mace?” Cora offered.
“Too angry.” Cassie scrunched her nose.
“Sure, he’s hot-headed - but with guys, sometimes that means he’s a good fuck.”
Another round of laughter echoed after Corazon’s remark.
“Harvey?” you suggested, narrowing your eyes. Watching to see if either of the other women’s faces betrayed a genuine reaction.
“Kind of stuck-up,” Cora commented.
The group agreed, and lapsed into silence. The bottle made another round, and you felt yourself starting to tip past the point of a slight buzz.
“How ‘bout Capa?” Cassie asked.
“Maybe if he wasn’t such a dick,” Cora scoffed.
You snorted, then scrambled to control your expression.
“I think he’s kinda hot,” Cassie ventured.
A chorus of oooohs made their way around the table; Cassie waving them off.
“But I wouldn’t sleep with him,” she insisted. “Seems like the kind of guy to make himself come and then roll over.”
Corazon laughed sharply and then turned to face you.
“What about you, huh?” she asked, voice lowering. “Would you let Capa teach you all about physics and where he can stick ‘em?”
Before you had a chance to tease Cora about being so buzzed that she couldn’t even come up with a half-sensical sex joke about physics, the party was broken up by the arrival of a fourth person. Speak of the devil himself.
Capa glanced over at the three of you as he walked in, pausing to quietly open a cupboard and pull something out. Cora ignored him. Cassie took a swig of the vodka. And you quickly averted your eyes, looking down at your lap as your face burned.
“What are you all giggling about?” Capa droned.
“Nothing,” Cora snapped, a little harsher than was necessary.
Capa’s eyes narrowed, landing on the vodka. There was a moment of rigid silence.
“You know there’d be trouble if the captain found out about that,” he commented.
It wasn’t exactly a threat, but it wasn’t exactly a harmless observation either. Cassie stood up and slouched over to him, pressing the bottle against his chest. You were watching out of the corner of your eye, still too embarrassed to meet anyone’s gaze.
“But you wouldn’t tell on us - right, Capa?” Cassie asked sweetly. 
She was a little too drunk for her own good, and you felt a quick bolt of tension in your stomach. Capa gave each of you a questioning look, impossible to tell what he was thinking as he backed off and walked out the way he’d come in.
“Just keep it down in here,” he muttered.
Once he was out of earshot, Cassie sat down, and the three of you shared a shy laugh of relief. Corazon instantly broke the tension.
“See? What’d I say? He’s a dick.”
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The next morning, you woke up groggier than you should have. After Capa’s interruption, the vodka bottle was quickly put away, hidden in Cassie’s bunk for another night. You hadn’t really had too much to drink, but the minor shame of getting caught mixed with the shitty vodka was enough to make you feel thrown off.
You shuffled out of bed, slipping into a pair of sandals after pulling on your pants. You shrugged into a shirt and ran a tired hand over your face.
On your way to the bathroom, Harvey stopped you. You only had the energy to listen to about half of what he was saying, still feeling grumpy and with a sour taste in your mouth. He was talking to you about some report; asking why it hadn’t been submitted in triplicate. You clenched your jaw, really not having the patience to deal with him right now.
You promised Harvey you’d re-file your report, and walked away before he could rope you into any more conversation. Cora’s assessment of him was accurate, you thought. Stuck-up.
As you walked, your thoughts wandered back to how the night had ended. Or, more accurately, to what had happened just before you’d been interrupted by the very topic of your conversation. Capa. You had been about to open your mouth to answer Cora’s question about him… or, not answer. You had actually been planning to make a joke and shift the attention away from yourself, specifically so that you wouldn’t have to give a straight yes or no. Because, of course, you didn’t want either of the other girls to know-
“Hey, wait up!” 
A voice behind you caused you to jump. You turned to see Cassie, already catching up behind you, oddly chipper considering that she’d been the one drinking more of the vodka than anybody last night.
“Hey, Cas.”
She fell into step beside you, easily keeping up with your sluggish pace. You tried to straighten up and match her energy, but it was hard to when all you wanted to do was crawl back in bed.
“Harvey just stopped me in the hallway,” Cassie told you. “Said something about getting you to file a report? I just wanted to warn you; he seemed pissed.”
Great - now Harvey was sending your friends after you.
“Yeah, we already talked about it,” you muttered. 
“You okay?” Cassie asked. “You look miserable.”
You felt miserable. And not just because of last night. For the past few weeks, you’d felt off. Moody. Unfocused. You'd been trying to push through it, but you felt yourself losing ground, and you were frustrated. 
It was partly to be expected - at least according to Searle, the ship’s de facto therapist, who you had talked to about your problems a few days ago. Space travel was taxing on the body, and sometimes doubly so on the mind. You felt cooped up, and getting mildly drunk with Cassie and Corazon only provided a temporary distraction.
“Cabin fever?” Cassie guessed.
“Something like that,” you agreed.
Cassie sighed. “Cora was right. We all really need to get laid.”
You hissed her name, spinning around to check that no one was behind you eavesdropping. The last thing you needed was a repeat of last night.
“Relax - I’m not saying I’ll fuck you, so don’t get all excited,” Cassie joked. “But she is right. It gets to you, after a while.”
It certainly did, and you could attest to that fact. Last night it had seemed almost funny; giggling with your friends over missing your vibrators. But the truth was, three long months into your journey, you were already starting to go stir crazy from a life of near-celibacy.
“Maybe you just need to blow off some steam.” Cassie prodded, not letting up.
“Cas, no offense, but can we not discuss my sex life until I've been awake for at least twenty minutes?”
“What sex life?” Cassie laughed, a little too loudly, and you hurried to shush her again. “I'll shut up,” she promised, continuing on, “but all I'm saying is you look like you could use it.”
With one more conspiratorial giggle, she left, walking ahead of you down the bright hallway. You groaned inwardly, knowing she was right but also that there was nothing you could do about it. 
You went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on your face.
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The day seemed to drag on worse than it ever had. You tried to remind yourself to be grateful; that you were lucky enough to have been selected as a member of the small crew in the first place, and that your mission was important to the fate of mankind. But it all felt so trivial when you couldn't focus on anything other than the building feeling of dissatisfaction that ached between your legs.
Talking about Capa last night really hadn't helped things. He was all you could think about as you tried in vain to get your work done. Twice, you caught yourself making mistakes in your calculations as your mind started to drift elsewhere.
What gave him the right to walk around in those tank tops, showing off his perfect arms and chiseled shoulders - that's what you wanted to know. And why did he even have such sexy arms to begin with? He was a physicist, for god's sake. He sat in his lab all day doing nothing that should have given him such infuriatingly noticeable forearm definition. 
Capa had a habit of putting his hands on his hips or in his pockets while he talked, and of running his fingers over his lips when he was thinking. Somehow, everything he did seemed to make a couple of thin veins poke just below his skin, as if to tease you into thinking what he'd look like holding you up against a wall. These were all little things you had noticed - found it impossible not to, actually - and they drove you crazy. Being cooped up was one thing, but being cooped up with Robert Capa was a whole other problem.
Cora was right, though. He was unapproachable at best and actively self-isolating at worst. Capa was the pariah of the crew, and whether or not he intended to be, acting that way made him come across as kind of rude. But to you, that only added to the appeal. The idea of getting with a guy who was so aloof made your fantasies run wild.
That night, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You slipped into your small room, dimmed the lights to thirty percent power, and shrugged out of your shirt and pants. 
This was nothing you hadn't done before; it wasn't exactly groundbreaking stuff to masturbate when you were horny. For weeks now, though, it hadn’t really been enough to scratch the itch that seemed to grab hold of you whenever you were around Capa. But it dulled the ache, and for now that was the best you could hope for.
Your bed was more of a bunk, recessed partially into the wall. You laid down on the springy mattress and sighed as your fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your underwear. You were still in your panties and bra, feeling self conscious about stripping all the way down even though you were alone in your room. 
It felt like everybody was living right on top of each other, although luckily your dorm was at the very end of a row, so you only had a neighbor on one side. Unfortunately, that one neighbor just so happened to be Capa. 
Knowing that he was so physically close only added to your frustration as your fingers swept over your clit. But still, it wasn’t like you had a choice about Capa being in the room next to you, and you certainly didn't have anywhere else to do this. Your fingers trailed lower, over your core, and you gasped.
You were already wet. Of course you were; after doing nothing but daydreaming about Capa for practically the entire day, how could you not be? You pictured his face from last night; how he had briefly looked at each one of you as you’d sat around the table with your two friends. The rush that it sent through your veins was electric. Your cheeks felt hot as you imagined him, his eyes holding slight disappointment while he looked at you. 
You weren't sure why that turned you on, but it did. You wanted him to look at you with that soft little frown; his blue eyes piercing through you as if they could see every dirty fantasy that played out behind your own eyelids. 
You sped up, using your fingers to collect some of the wetness that eagerly pooled between your legs, and then bringing them back up to rub at your clit. Slow circles at first, and then desperate with more pressure. Your mattress squeaked, and you hissed, bringing the hand that wasn't touching yourself down to grab at the cotton sheets.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, careful to stay as quiet as you could.
The only sound in the room aside from your moans was the wet noise that greeted you as you stuck two fingers into yourself, not bothering to warm up with just one. You needed this. You needed more, but this was the best you were getting. You curled your fingers, arching your back and daring to let a whisper of his name cross your lips.
A few seconds later, you were stopped by a knock at your door.
You barely had time to pull your fingers out, scrambling to sit up and cover yourself with a blanket as your door slid open. There were no locks, which usually wasn't a problem, except of course at times like this when it really reminded you that you had absolutely no privacy.
You were expecting Cassie - she had a habit of barging in, instead of waiting for you to answer her knock. But instead, you were greeted again by the very face you had been picturing only seconds ago.
Your voice felt strangely small in the cramped space. Capa stepped through the door, letting it hiss closed behind him. His face was expressionless, except for the barest hint of that pout that drove you so crazy.
He didn’t answer right away, but took a step closer and leaned up against the wall that separated his room from yours. Then, his lips curled into a smile.
“You really don’t realize how thin these walls are, do you?”
The implication of his words crept up on you, until finally your face was frozen in a look of sheer horror. 
“How much did you hear?” you asked, voice just barely above a whisper.
“Enough.” Capa shifted his weight, pushing himself off of the wall to stand up. “Enough to figure out the answer to that question Corazon asked you last night.”
“You heard that, too?” you groaned.
Capa walked over and sat down on the edge of your bed. Not touching you yet or getting too close, but hovering just out of reach in a way that made your skin tingle and your heart do flips. You had no clue if he was torturing you or inviting you to make the next move.
“D’you always think about me when you touch yourself?” Capa asked, bringing the volume of his voice down to match yours.
He sounded so sexy like that. He must have known what he was doing to you; his eyes were practically glowing with mirth and his lips were still curled into that smile. You shifted uncomfortably.
“I’d… rather not answer that,” you choked out.
Capa’s eyes darkened. No answer was as much of an affirmation as admitting it.
“You should have just asked for my help,” Capa teased. “You obviously need something. And it’s not like I’m twiddling my thumbs over there. Cumming into my own hand got old weeks ago.”
Your whole face burned hot with embarrassment at what he was admitting. And yet, at the same time, you shivered. The blanket you’d haphazardly thrown over yourself only covered your waist, and your bare shoulders were suddenly prickled with goosebumps. 
Finally, Capa reached out and put a warm hand on your shoulder, then dragged it down the side of your arm, taking your bra strap with it.
“Want me to touch you?” he asked.
His voice was low, and you could feel yourself getting pulled down with it. You knew that it would be stupid to do this; sleeping with Capa could only open a Pandora’s box. If it was good, you wouldn’t be able to get off on your own fingers for the rest of your time on the ship. If it was bad, you still had years to spend cramped up together. Your room right next to his in the already-tight quarters. It wasn’t as if you’d be able to avoid him after an awkward hook-up.
Suddenly, though, you realized that you were thinking way too much.
“Yes,” you whispered. 
Capa’s hand trailed farther down your arm; grabbed your wrist. You bit your cheek, wary of making any more noises after his earlier comment. All the crew’s quarters were laid out close together; if you were too loud, the whole ship would hear.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you,” Capa hummed, bringing you close as he leaned in, his lips practically brushing against yours. That seemed like a good enough place to start as any.
“K-kiss me - please,” you whimpered.
Capa’s lips found yours, and the rush that surged through you was almost overwhelming. It had been months since you’d kissed anyone, and the press of his slightly chapped lips against yours was doing more to you than it should have. 
Your mouth opened, and his tongue instantly pushed in. He was moving slow, but with a hunger that sent your mind racing with thoughts of what he could do to you if you asked. You felt Capa’s breath against your face; heard the low moan that vibrated through both of you as it came from the depths of his chest.
“What else?” Capa urged, pulling away. “We both know that’s not all you want.”
You could hardly think straight, much less put together a sentence. Instead, you guided his hand to your chest, and felt as his fingers squeezed. As he did, he leaned back in for another kiss.
You had put Capa’s hand over your bra, but he quickly slipped it under the fabric to rake over your bare skin. His fingers pressed into you, kneading at delicate flesh. You moaned, opening your mouth against his kiss again, and he bit hungrily at your lips.
“So soft,” he murmured, flicking a thumb over your nipple. “But that’s not where you really want me to touch…”
His voice was airy, even as he gripped at you with an intensity that almost hurt. He lowered his rough hand from your breast, and pushed past the blanket still draped over your legs. Teasing at the hem of your panties for only a second, he deepened the kiss as his fingers pushed lower and lower. Finally, he reached the wetness that was still pooling between your legs.
“You’re fucking soaked,” he groaned. You felt your cheeks heat up again. “You really want it that badly?”
“Fuck, Capa,” you whined.
“Want me to touch you like this?” he teased, voice still husky as he pressed one finger into you.
He had barely pushed in the pad of his fingertip, and you were already sinking into the mattress, unable to hold yourself up. Capa added a second finger, then repositioned himself, squeezing into the too-small bed with you to hover over your frame as his fingers roamed deeper. 
“Yes - just like that,” you begged. “Don't stop.”
Capa curled his fingers inside you, and you opened your mouth in a silent gasp. Your eyes had squeezed shut, and when you opened them again, you saw him looking pleased with himself, gazing down at you as you lost your mind over his touch.
“Bet you've thought about me doing this,” he whispered. “Isn't that right?”
“Yes-” Your voice hitched. “Yes- ah- thought about- cumming on your fingers.”
Capa smirked and brought his lips to your ear.
“You're not gonna cum on my fingers.”
He pulled them out of you, and you groaned at the loss. You felt his stubble scrape your cheek as he got up off of you, and you watched, half in a trance, as he took off his boxers. You hadn't even noticed until now, but he was just in his underwear and a t-shirt. He pulled the shirt off, too, and then went about removing the last of your clothes. 
You suddenly had the urge to cover yourself; like you now had too much on display even though Capa had already been watching your face twist in pleasure while he was knuckle-deep in you. You brought your arms up to cover your chest, but Capa gently brushed them away.
“Don't be shy; it's nothing I haven't already imagined,” he winked.
Again, the implications had you almost slack-jawed. You had no idea if it was true or if he was just teasing you, but you really didn't care.
“Let me show you what I've thought about,” Capa went on.
He took your hand and brought it to his hard cock, wrapping your fingers around it. He sighed a little as you touched him, softly, and the sound sent another shiver down your spine.
“C’mon - wanna feel you,” Capa said, his eyes half-hooded. “Use your hand. Squeeze me.”
Your heart fluttered as you followed his instructions; tightening your grip on his shaft until he was groaning above you. You gave him a few tentative pumps.
“So good,” Capa groaned.
The dull ache had returned between your legs; you were still missing the touch of his fingers. Even though you were happy to touch him as well, you needed the friction. You started to squirm, rubbing your legs together.
“Impatient,” Capa laughed. “Don't worry - m’not gonna tease you too much longer.”
His mouth dipped to your neck, pressing a kiss along your collarbone. Your hand flexed, and Capa groaned deeply again. The sound was enough to send you reeling; you thought you might come from his voice alone if he didn't hurry up.
“Stop teasing,” you begged. Breathless, and fully aware of just how desperate you sounded.
“I guess we've both waited long enough, huh?” Capa chuckled.
Your hand relaxed, and Capa’s came up to guide himself, hovering right at the space where you wanted him, but not pushing in just yet.
“Be quiet now,” Capa reminded you, and he kissed you as he started to press in. “Wouldn’t want anybody to hear you.”
You would have cried out, not caring who heard you or how loud you were, had Capa's lips not been pressed roughly against yours, swallowing your muffled moan as he bottomed out. He pulled back to watch you, panting like a dog beneath him, and smirked again.
“Fuck, this is so much better than my hand,” he said, breathing a little heavy himself. “M’not gonna last long.”
The idea sent your head spinning all over again, and your legs squeezed his hips a little tighter. The thought of Capa, coming too quick as he buried himself inside you, turned you on so much that you moaned out loud, and Capa quickly slapped a hand over your mouth. His palm was rougher than you'd imagined it.
“Told you to be quiet,” he warned.
When he started to move, you were grateful for the hand covering your lips, because without it you certainly would have woken the whole crew. As it was, Capa had to press his palm a little harder to muffle the moans that escaped. You were shameless; couldn't think about anything but the way his cock was stretching you out and spearing into you. It was more than enough to make you forget where you were.
“Not that I don't normally love hearing you get off,” Capa whispered, “but if you keep doing that, we're gonna get caught.”
Had he heard you the other times you'd touched yourself? You thought of him, silently palming his cock in the next room over, listening to your soft moans and breathy sighs as you tried - and failed - to stay quiet. 
Capa, unlike you, still had control of his voice; never letting it rise above a whisper. You wished you could hear him - how you were really making him feel. You bet he would make the prettiest noises if he'd let himself.
“Gonna be good?” Capa asked as he sped up.
You nodded, and he removed his hand. Instantly, the way his cock hit a spot deep inside of you made you hiss with pleasure, teeth clenched as you fought to stay quiet. 
“Fuck, Capa - driving me crazy,” you breathed.
“I know,” he agreed. “Feels good, doesn't it?”
“If you can stay quiet, then you can cum on my cock.”
The way it felt like he was giving you permission sent another wave of heat through your whole body. You wanted to come for him. The feeling that had been steadily building now felt like it was nearly about to flow out of you; you could so easily let yourself fall over into oblivion.
“Can’t stay quiet,” you whined. “God, you feel so- ah!”
You gasped as Capa’s cock twitched inside of you, his hips continuing to swirl against yours. He was almost there, too; you could feel it. And the realization only pushed you closer.
“Shit,” Capa swore.
He was clearly at odds with himself, over whether to cover your mouth again so that the two of you wouldn’t get caught, or give in and let you scream for him. His hips faltered, and you moaned again. He was running out of time to make a decision.
“Bite down on my shoulder,” he said, finally. “Fuck - I’m gonna come.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. You had thought very often about what it would be like to sink your teeth into his skin. Seeing even an inch of it peeking out from behind the collar of his shirt or on display in one of those fucking tank tops was enough to drive you crazy. You bit down, just in time as you finally let yourself give in to the building pressure.
As you bit him, Capa swore again, and scrambled to pull out of you, as best he could with your bodies still pressed together. He was coming, white ropes painting your stomach as you came down from your own high. 
You wished you had gotten to squeeze him more. The idea of him emptying into you as you milked his cock was almost too good to imagine. As your senses returned, you realized that Capa was speaking to you.
“So… Did you enjoy me teaching you about physics?” He was panting, but there was still light in his voice as he teased you, echoing Cora’s words from last night.
“Stooop,” you protested.
“If you didn’t, we don’t have to do this again,” Capa teased.
“Noo,” you mewled, voice still weak from your orgasm. “Can’t go back to fucking my fingers now…”
“Yeah,” Capa agreed, bringing his lips down for another rough kiss. “Me neither.”
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The next night, Cassie proposed taking out the vodka again, and the three of you met in the canteen, as usual. Prepared for another late night of gossiping.
“You seem brighter today,” Cassie noticed, facing you.
“Yeah,” you replied. “I’m feeling a little better.”
You left it at that. You weren’t sure how long you and Capa could keep your new arrangement a secret, but you also weren’t rushing to tell the girls. The bottle of vodka made its first round, and the three of you started to speculate about which member of your small crew was most likely using up all the hot water. You’d all been taking freezing cold showers for weeks.
Only a few minutes passed before Capa came sauntering into the room again. Just like last time, he glanced at your group before reaching up to get something out of a cabinet.
“You three never learn, do you?” he commented.
You felt your cheeks start to heat up again. His eyes focused on you, briefly, and then moved on to something else. Cassie puffed up, straightening in her seat as she faced him.
“Go away, Capa,” she huffed. “This is a private conversation.”
Capa came over to lean on the table, glaring down at your small group.
“Oh yeah, I’m so interested in your riveting conversations about how I get off and roll over.”
Cassie’s face turned red. Corazon glared at him. And you felt your soul fully exit your body.
“You were eavesdropping on us?” Cassie shrieked.
“No - you just weren’t being quiet,” Capa corrected.
“The walls here are too damn thin,” Cora muttered.
Capa had a small smile as he straightened up and walked off, pausing just before he exited the room. He turned around, staring blankly at Cassie as he spoke.
“I’m not upset or anything,” he said. “And besides, your friend over there knows it’s not true, so…”
He left, taking with him all the air in the room. Cassie and Cora stared at each other, eyes wide in disbelief, and then pointed their gaze at you.
“You fucked Capa?!” Cassie shouted.
“Cassie, hush,” Cora snapped. She leaned in. “But seriously, we need all the details. Spill.”
You buried your face in your hands, trying in vain to hide your embarrassment. Your two friends badgered you relentlessly, begging for the whole story behind how it happened.
Somewhere else in the ship, Capa smirked.
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totothewolff · 2 months
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Chemtrails Over the Yacht Club Collection
[🗯+18][👩‍❤️‍👨 Toto x reader(fem service staff)][💘 Romance][🥵Smut][🎀 Age-gap][❤️‍🔥Daddy Kink][🛳Yacht Culture][✍️WIP]
Summary: The number of sleepless nights you spend thinking about what you would say to his face, to that gorgeous, gorgeous face, if he ever dared to cross your path again. And now here he is, that fucker! Did he get amnesia or something?! Why is he acting so calm? As if Toto didn't leave you the way he did? The fact he still looks at you that way after all the years, and that he is aging like a fine wine, looking even better with those couple of years added to his age, still fit, still charming, still intimidating, still him, it doesn't help you remain angry at him for abandoning the ship.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist >
3 - Not all who wander are lost
Your life after Toto and college has gotten much better. You like your current job. It's not the highest salary, but it's enough to enjoy yourself, buy cute clothes, and invest in revamping the apartment you once shared with your aunt.
It's nothing glamorous, though. It's just some cosmetic repairs and better decor, but you couldn't imagine affording it before.
Humidity is such a bitch in Monaco. There's more hidden inside those walls than you expected when you started restoring them.
Your phone buzzes in the front pocket of your washed-down tiny shorts, which you wear with an old oversized T-shirt. A proper attire for working with paint!
A text from an unknown number arrived.
"Are you in town?" it reads.
You dismiss it and continue your Bob The Builder activities.
"I'm near your place," comes a following text.
"Hi, wrong number! No idea who you are."
"This is Y/N's number, right?"
"Yes... but who is it?"
Now, you need help. All your friends and family are in your contacts, but a photo loads in the chat before you can text back.
It's a picture of one of Toto's hands. His long finger appears in the photo as he is about to press the bell button on your unit building.
It takes you a minute to grasp the reality of what the fuck is going on.
Okay, this is indeed happening.
This is not one of your fever dreams.
Don't panic! Don't panic!
Fuck. It's been a while.
Fuck! Fuck!
For the past four years, you have successfully avoided the thought of him.
You even feared it back in the day, knowing quite well what the mementos of Toto did for your body.
You did your best to get clean from him, casting Toto away from your heart and body till there was left no trace of him in you at all.
And now this?! Shit.
But your body reacts on its own and instinctively for you, hitting the entrance button fast.
A buzzing sound on the front door allows Toto to access your building.
What the fuck?! That was a fast reflex.
Toto's footsteps on the stairs and the soft knocks on your door follow.
You walk so quickly to get the door, more than you feel proud to admit, already feeling the self-love leaving your body by your actions.
The view that greets you feels like something out of a stupid rom-com movie. Argh! He is why you despise those films and distrust men, romance, and relationships.
Toto looks gorgeous as fuck! With that stupid beautiful face and those ridiculous bambi eyes he is putting on, holding those silly flowers, and wearing that tailored suit, accentuating his best features.
He is aging like a fine wine and looks even better with those couple of years added to his age. Still fit, still charming, still intimidating, still him.
He is holding a massive bouquet for you. In his other hand, he carries a paper bag with a bottle of wine and other items inside.
"This one is for you." The sound of his deep voice reaching your ears brings back many memories, more than you can handle.
To your lack of response, he moves to place the flowers in your hands, watching you frozen before him, and then reaches closer to kiss your cheek as a greeting, way close to your lips.
The warm touch you feel in the corner of your mouth takes you out of the trance and back to reality.
This is happening, he is here. It's not one of those frantic dreams you used to have, ala Bella Swan.
"And this is for your aunt," he adds as he walks past you and enters your place.
He goes straight to leave the bag on the brand-new trendy table you recently bought. That table is pulled in a corner away, safe from the chaos and the paint.
Toto is already walking around your apartment as if he had the right to it, checking out what's happening.
"It's a good thing you haven't changed your phone number! That's a nice wall color," he tells you with a big smile, his beautiful teeth showing.
Did he get amnesia?! Why is he acting so calm, as if he didn't leave you like he did and in pieces?
"Us regulars can go with just one phone number our entire lives, you know?" There's a hint of anger hidden in your first words to him. It's been a while, yet it feels like yesterday.
Oh, the number of nights you spend fighting to sleep in your bed, thinking about what you would say to his face if he ever dared to cross your path again, to that gorgeous, gorgeous face.
And here he is, the fucker! What a nerve.
You move peacefully to place the flowers in a vase, which is contrary to how you feel inside. Still, you frown but hold your feelings. You bite your tongue not to lose it.
Silence reigns for a moment.
"Are you planning on moving out?" Toto asks, his voice lingering with worry and nervousness. He points with his finger to the revamping.
"No, I'm just making it my own since now it's just me here."
His eyebrows go up immediately. "Is your aunt..?" He doesn't get to finish his question as you instantly reply, interrupting him.
"She moved in with her longtime boyfriend. It took her a while to finally decide to move out, and she kept returning to the apartment most of the nights, knowing I didn't cope well with those changes. She feared I could go back into a bad place... once again."
"The one you sent me to. Thanks for all the mess you caused me!" it's what you feel like screaming at Toto, but you don't. You are grasping at composure with your nails.
Toto stares at you solemnly, sensing the mood shifting. "Frankly, it's going better than I hoped for. I'm surprised you are not screaming at me or slapping me so far," he expresses with a smirk, arms on his hips, flexing those biteable, toned arms.
Your eyes finally move from the water stream coming from the tap to face him. Hurt is visible in them. "It's been years, Toto. You chose to move on without me, and so I did."
He clears his throat before slowly walking closer to you, closing the gap between you, and stepping over the splatted plastic covering the brand-new wooden floors on his way to you. It's the only sound heard in the apartment.
You feel a nervousness in the base of your stomach as his towering body approaches.
"Answer me this question," he looks at you so intensely. You lean on the kitchenette counter, his body almost trapping yours against it. "Do you regret me?" he whispers, his body nearly touching yours.
You take a minute to answer.
"I do regret..." you answer, each word gaining momentum. You pause to look up straight into Toto's eyes. The man looked so hopeless for a second. "...not taking that juicy tip you offered me." You let out with a smile, feeling victorious.
You lil' shit.
If he wants to play some game this time, it will be with your rules.
As the bottle of wine reaches its end and the coat of paint on the wall is almost complete, he taunts you with the fresh brush he's holding, getting you an ivory splat of paint on your forearm with a cheeky smile.
You playfully toss yours on his way, staining his nose. You two start making a mess, throwing paint at each other.
"Hey! Don't fuck up my clothes! Is this a cheap excuse to make me take off my shirt?" he teases you.
"Oh, no, none of that! I love myself nowadays!" you snap back, laughing.
"Fuck you," Toto pushes you to the side.
"Let's grab dinner somewhere. I'm getting high with this smell!" Toto invites you.
And you accept.
Being around him feels so good. Indulging yourself with him is fixating and delicious, like a fantastic drug. You have his full attention, and you can make him laugh and smile like that and make him look at you with those eyes.
The moment he reaches your cheek over the table and caresses it with his hand and thumb, provoking you to close your eyes and seek more of his touch immediately, wanting the contact of his warm skin with yours desperately, makes you feel like a trained pet coming back to his master, and it breaks something inside you.
God, you used to be desperate for him, craving anything he gave you. No matter if it were crumbs, you would settle for anything to have him. Gosh, you were so young and dumb.
By the moment you get the question, Toto silently asks you with his eyes, as he drops you back at your place later that night after spending a great time together downtown.
After you two, you don't want to throw around the word "date," but yeah, basically, you just had one. You feel decisive enough to say no, even if, in reality, you were scared of what Toto provoked you only by a simple touch.
Oh, and to think there was a time when the simple idea of Toto taking you someplace fancy, out of that fucking Yacht Club, in public, opening doors for you, pulling your chair, looking at you with sparkling eyes across the table, and sharing soft touches here and there, was something you only could dream of and used to beg for it to happen back in the day.
As you take off his jacket, the one he gave you to keep you warm in the nightly breeze, both of you stand by the entrance door of your building. His eyes speak volumes to you, almost in a plea to let him inside, into your life once more, into your bed and your core.
You feel his nose tenderly brushing yours, the warmth of his mouth brushing your lips, his muscular arm stretching next to your face as he leans in on you.
"Good night, Toto. It was great seeing you," you say almost in a whisper, getting on your tiptoes and kissing him on the cheek before entering your place without looking back.
Every once in a while, texts from Toto start to arrive.
As the days go by, your chat remains active, not daily, but every week.
Here and there, you two have a casual call to share, you know, life or when important things happen.
Maybe once a month, you find yourself Facetiming with him when you feel you miss or need him, even if you hate to admit it.
The number of instant likes he gives you on Instagram every time you post something —the only social media account you, and he have— constantly reminds you that Toto is there, looking over you.
It doesn't matter if you appear in those photos hanging out with random dudes or kissing your new Portuguese boyfriend. Toto still leaves you a like, maybe just to let you know he saw it or that he is still there for you and that none of it matters.
He always knows all about your new relationships anyway.
How can the two of you talk about each other's love lives? Well, it's mostly about your love life. Toto only has flings, and sometimes, he doesn't even remember the girls' names.
But still, none of you can even dare to mention your past one, the one you two shared, which needs to be studied.
Almost two years later, Toto randomly shows up in person at your place again and at a terrible time.
You are still dealing with your painful breakup with now the French boyfriend, which Toto knows as "The One," and you are all frail.
You believe Toto showed up to be a supportive friend since, by accident and while entirely drunk, you confessed to him on a call you made him in the middle of the night. That same night, right after Manu ended things with you and you sought comfort in a bottle and Toto's voice, revealing to him how you felt Manu was the one, that this one truly hurt, not as much as when he left you, but close enough.
But you had no idea how to fix things since Manu asked you to get rid of "this weird dynamic" before the two could move further. "To leave the other relationship you have! Which sometimes feels like the real one!" Manu confronted you, raising his voice, angry and jealous, referring to "him", to Toto.
You and Toto are having the most friendly chit-chat, chilling around in your finally-completed, rebuilt place. When he lets you know, he will be staying in Monaco for weeks.
"I'll be staying at the Yacht Club," he says and looks amused at your reaction to his words.
"Shocker!" you answer, pulling a faux stunned face, making him chuckle.
"Well, not so. That place has outstanding customer service! 5 out of 5." His eyebrows go up and down several times, teasing you and hinting about your past whereabouts. "Well, still..."
"Oh, so you are fucking the girl in turn?" escapes your lips, without much thought, interrupting him.
Yes, you are still bitter after all these years, even if you like to pretend you aren't. Four? Five years have passed?
"I didn't mean that," he clears his throat before answering. "You cut me halfway through the sentence, well, still... it's not the same without you. That's what I was going to say."
"Oh, please, don't mind me if you are doing so! It's none of my business. Just, if you have another fiance you want to leave, please inform the girl she's an excuse beforehand." You start vomiting words coming from deep within you, out of nowhere.
Shit, you have been so emotional lately, and his presence is not helping.
It gets quiet and awkward so fast.
"You weren't an excuse. You were the reason," Toto confesses, getting visibly irritated too.
"Weren't you already running away from her? That's why you arrived there in the first place! Before you put it inside me, isn't it? And to what?! To immediately leave me? That makes total sense. How romantic!"
"It wasn't the right time for what you asked me for. You were too young, and we just had met to move together that fast. I wasn't ready for that then, to take you fully as my responsibility. It was for the better. I don't regret my actions." He sounds dead honest.
"I wasn't?! Then?!"
You roll your eyes at him, and you're done with the conversation. You change the subject. You don't feel like going to war right now.
The following day, at dawn, Toto is already there at your place, all joyful, with iPad in hand, as if you hadn't discussed heavy subjects last night.
He always looks too comfortable in your place, claiming the armchair for himself as usual.
Some minutes later, another couple of knocks come on the door. Toto quickly gets up, stretching those long muscular legs as if he knew who was on the other side.
He slides in his socks like a kid on the now freshly cleaned wooden floor and avoids stepping on the Roomba currently doing its work on his way to the door.
He lets in his hot, busty redhead assistant.
She enters your kitchen holding two massive fancy paper food bags. Toto made her get you breakfast from your favorite dinner in town. He still remembers which one is and your order.
As you finish setting the table, his assistant prepares him his coffee, grabbing things from your drawers.
Yeah, girl, go ahead! Feel free!
Halfway through your Croque Madame, you remember you need to install a higher bookshelf, so you ask Toto for his help.
"I don't do any of that, but my people will handle it. Please leave it to me, anything you need." He offers you a big smile. "You know that, right?" he looks straight at you, placing his fork down on the table for a second. Anything you need, you just ask, a quick text or a call," he leans forward on the table. "And I will get it done."
Your face shifts to an expression he wasn't expecting and a prominent frown forms on your eyebrows. "Oh! Now you do that, huh?! Good to know!" you let out, angry.
Fuck, here it comes.
He stares at you, serious. Everything goes silent.
"It's not like I had asked you for something before!" you laugh off, resentful. "Not a single "I'm sorry" has come out of your lips, yet"
"Kid, I won't ask for your forgiveness since I don't regret what I did. I told you that before." he sounds solemn now, his smile fading.
"Don't call me kid," you answer, rage building up.
Okay, you sense those repressed feelings pouring out of you.
"Then stop behaving like one." He sounds so calm, but his voice is more in-depth than usual. His beautiful dark eyes dispatch you a glare.
Oh, he is mad but not as furious as you are.
"Would you mind?!" you let out loud, losing it at the noises coming from the kitchen amidst your fight. You turn your head to the hot girl still doing shit for Toto at the counter.
Okay, that was rude of you, but you are pissed off.
She looks at you, perplexed, before nodding and exiting the place to give you two some privacy.
"I don't have to take shit in my own house," you warn Toto, returning your attention to him.
"You are the one who allowed me in. You let me spend all the time I want here and be by your side whenever I feel like it. Oh, please don't tell me it didn't cross your mind all things that could happen by doing so?"
"Oh, right, then save me the fights. Why don't you go back to stay gone? How about that?! Why don't you leave, better? I mean, you have done it before."
"Y/N," he sighs your name, exasperated, his hand going through his hair, a tic he has.
"No, seriously, 'cause I did fine without you! Or do you need to fuck me first to disappear then?"
HOLY FUCK! Are you going to take things that far? Phew.
Toto looks visibly hurt at your words, but he only slightly nods. He is still sitting in the chair across the table from you, arms tightly crossed, his tight shirt showing his muscles.
Then Toto starts shaking his head in an "I'm about to lose my cool" way.
Yet you dare to push for more. You want to let it all out of your system. You have been holding, eating, and carrying these feelings for years!
You go on: "Let me ask you the same question then, you showed up here, don't tell me you weren't expecting this," you point with your finger referring to this exchange, "to happen at some point after you used me relentlessly for your enjoyment and pleasure, and then left me out of the blue, not caring about my feelings, why don't you use that energy better to..." tears are menacing to slide down your eyes, you lose it and he looks like he does too.
Toto looks at you with such dangerous intensity that he gets on his feet and drops his hands on the table forcefully before leaning in his tall body and overpowering you.
You immediately shut up, witnessing his reaction.
His body language screams at you, "Abort, abort, danger."
"Go on," a threatening sound comes from his trembling lips. It's both a command and a whisper. His long nose is almost touching yours. You can feel his anger and the extremely tense static in the air. "What were you about to say?"
"...To fuck another idiot who is willing to keep your bed warm, like I was." you let out against his mouth.
"You know quite well there's no other like you," he says without hesitation. He looks angry in capital letters.
Toto starts walking your way, rounding the table. He looks menacing.
You feel intimidated for a brief second before adding the killer punch, "Were you just looking where put your dick in?"
"That's enough!" In a quick move and with a firm grip, he pulls you up from the chair, wrapping your legs around his waist, and smashes his body and yours against the wall, pressing himself on you, no inch of space, trapping you between his warm body and the cold wall.
He starts whispering to your ear and neck, "I keep coming to your place because I can't bear to be in my villa without looking at the bed and desiring you wrapped around me, to be buried deep inside you, to have you moaning and begging me for more, don't you think that every corner of that place reminds me of you loving me" his hand slide from your calf to your tight. At the same time, he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck to your lips.
"I fucked your twin the night you didn't let me come in. You have no idea what number of girls I have called your name. They all look like you," he confesses to you between a ravenous kiss as you run your hands on his hair and undo his shirt.
You feel the adrenaline rush coursing through your veins as your eyes lock and memories flood you until you finally articulate, "I missed you."
The corner of Toto's mouth twitches upwards into a small smile, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "I missed you too, kid," he replies, a hint of huskiness in his tone that is too much for you to bear.
His eyes scan you from head to toe, drinking you in like a thirsty man, and you suddenly feel naked under his gaze.
You take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his cologne. He still wears the one you picked for him, the one you liked, the one that was for you. His eyes meet yours again, and you mirror back that same hunger.
The years apart melt away like a morning fog, with it, the anger, pain, and regret.
His lips brush over the curve of your neck, and Toto starts pressing in circles his erection against your thighs and core. You let out a gasp, the pleasure so intense that you break away from him.
"We shouldn't," you mumble, struggling for air. Toto's hand reaches up to cup your cheek, and you feel his smile against your lips.
"Yes, we shouldn't," he echoes your words, but his fingers are already tracing your lower lip, as addictive as always.
"But we will," you say as your fingernails dig into his now naked back, and you pull him closer by the waist, your legs still wrapped around him, and he captures your lips in a more urgent, passionate kiss as his dick get pressed hard against your core.
With each piece of clothing sliding from your bodies, the more urgent you two become. As if you two were magnetically drawn to each other, you stumble towards the bed, unable to separate a second.
He carries you there while kissing you, stumbling and throwing stuff to the floor by accident in the desperate pursuit to merge your bodies.
"You have no idea the number of times I have jerked off to your boudoir photos; I need new ones," Toto mumbles as his intense gaze looks into your soul, stirring sensations that you had long tried to bury, memories that you had attempted to obliterate.
His thumb finds its way to your lips, gently pressing against the softness, leaving an imprint of his skin on yours before his mouth reaches your breasts, taking a rigid nipple within his lips, teasing it with his teeth and tongue until you cry out.
When he releases it, Toto turns his attention to the other breast, showering it with the same love and desire.
His hard-on is pressed into you, eager and persistent, a hot, demanding presence between your thighs. You let out a moan as you wrap your legs tighter around his waist, pulling him closer. With every lap of his tongue over your sensitive flesh, you feel your hips bucking against him.
You want him to fill the void he'd left behind inside you. The throbbing of your pussy lets him know just how much it craves him.
Toto pauses for a moment as he takes in the sight of your sweat-slicked body, your heaving chest straining with every shallow breath. He reaches down and wraps his fingers around his cock, positioning himself at your entrance.
You feel the head of his dick rubbing along your swollen, aching lips, the warmth of his skin so intense.
Toto leans back, his brow furrows with concentration, and with a crude growl, he pushes himself hard inside you.
You let out a guttural moan as he fills you balls deep, your bodies connecting in the most delicious of ways. After a second, his hips start to move in earnest, pounding into you with focused intensity.
There is no time for tenderness or affection, just two bodies engaging in an animalistic rhythm fueled by pent-up lust and long-denied desires.
Your nails cling to his sweat-dampened muscular shoulders, desperate for something to hold onto as he smashes your pussy so hard.
"Fuck, you have no idea how much I missed your tightness, this pussy," he grunts, withdrawing slowly before slamming back into you with bruising force.
The bed squeaks and creaks beneath you, and your intense pleasure movements shake the bed frame as well.
You can feel every inch of him, the veins snaking down the length of him, the hot, heavy weight of him inside you. "Daddy, more!" you cry out. He groans and flexes his hips again, grinding deeper.
The sound of your heavy breathing fills the room as he starts to piston in and out of you in a steady rhythm.
You hear the slaps of skin on skin as he thrusts you harder, as well as the growls of pleasure and the filthy, dirty talking that comes out from both your mouths.
It feels as glorious as you remembered it, this relentless pounding leading you to a fantastic climax.
"Oh Daddy, oh Daddy, oh Daddy," you moan eagerly, hips colliding with his.
Toto is really here, plunging you deep and hard all those years without him. Your hands grip the sheets, and you arch your back as his thickness claims you entirely.
"Fuck yeah," Toto's voice is almost unrecognizable between your gasps and moans. "That's it, kid, take it all."
The scent of sweat and sex clings heavily in the air as you feel like your body might shatter with each push into you.
His fingers dig into your hips as he pulls you to another position again, and you claw and scratch at the sheets beneath, searching for something to ground you as he fucks you so hard.
"Don't stop. Don't ever stop," you moan desperately, your teeth grit as Toto gives it to you relentlessly.
"I'm so close, fuck!"
You are his, completely and utterly his, after all these years. It's inexplicably raw and shows in how you two devour each other at that moment.
"Oh," Toto moans loudly. His cheeks are all red, and his eyes are becoming watery.
Loud and extended growls from both of you start coming out as you reach your peaks.
Within a second, you feel yourself releasing with such force, unable to hold yourself a minute more.
"Unf, kid, you are so gorgeous," Toto moans out as he enjoys the view of you, his eyes filled with lust as he watches you climax in front of him.
He is barely able to thrust you three times more before pulling himself out, quickly and between groans, while you stroke his cock, feeling him release over you, his warm cum dripping in your skin and his big dick throbbing on your belly.
When Toto wakes up after taking a much needed post-angry sex nap and doesn't feel your body resting on top of his, he instantly knows what it means.
"Until you are willing to say I'm sorry, don't forget to close the door on your way out."
He reads on the sticky note you left for him on the door.
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Sarcasm's DPxDC rec list
{I have no else to blame but myself for how long this could have been. I don't discriminate between ships in the fandom. If I'm curious, I'll read it, but I do have a particular love for Hardcover if you haven't somehow guessed. }
Main Masterlist Regent Series Mundane Macabre
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[Hardcover/Anger Management ship]
I’m Picking You Up by Clouds
Unfortunately, the Bad Guys Are Human by aggiepuff (With sequel, "Welcome to the Neighborhood" in the same series)
Premeditation by Chromatographic (With its WIP sequel, "The Mercy of the Fallen")
The Wonderous Beauty of the Statuesque Scarlet by Elizabehta_Beilschmidt Unwanted Farewells by TheStarfishAlien (Not sure if this should be in this category or in general)
When All Other Lights Go Out by suzukiblu
Slap-A-Soulmate by Bewitched_Forest
Blood On the Crown by SkylarkSky (WIP)
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[Demon Twins/Damian and Danny are Twins] Phantom Assassin by Kanereader765 (WIP) (An incredible view on an assassin trained Phantom who escaped the league)
Cain and Abel Wept by Katlover98 The Fenton Twins by AceFace98 (Twist on the usual demon twin formula) Twin Stars by CrescentCyan
The Bat Trap by Threee (One of the best works I have ever had the pleasure of reading in this fandom. Still reread it every now and then because I love it so much.)
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[General Recs]
Ghosts In Gotham by Sivan5733 (Technically two out of the 5 works contain Hardcover content, the fifth work is the longest and its a great series.)
Robin's Egg by Calix (WIP) (Hilarious)
TWINcognito mode by nerdpoe (Double the unasked for gremlin.)
let the mourners come by PorcelanaRota (RIP twitter)
I’m King Boo by TourettesDog
Ghostly Delivery by WeirdNCrazy
The Misadventures of Cosplay Man by Shynnohwen
Midnight Blues and Late Night Tunes by halfagone
Hatred at First Sight by Sagoberattare
If I had a nickel… by bongo_balderdash
Somebody’s Gonna Love You by DisillusionedDanny
Danny Fenton, Hero Helper Extraordinaire by aryelee
You Look Like You’ve Seen A Ghost by ShootingFromAfar
You’re Gonna Be Sooo Haunted by ReverseNecromancer (WIP)
Death In the Hometown by Bad_Wolf_CDS (WIP)
Who Hurt My Baby? By OneDayITooWillChallengeGod (WIP)
Raising Phantom by Imp_y (WIP)
Blood Sons by Katlover98
Bask In Our Cosmic Insignificance by DisillusionedDanny
A King’s Prerogative by SugarPhantom
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[Dead Tired]
Still Into You by DisillusionedDanny
The Rebirth of Tim Drake by Bewitched_Forest (WIP)
Family Introductions by Half-dead Ham
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[Dead Silent]
Full Time Hero, Full Time Disaster by halfagone
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[Dead On Main]
Lightning In A Bottle by DisillusionedDanny (WIP)
Like Betta Fish Do by PaperPuffin (WIP)
Empty Graves by Binaberries (WIP)
I Killed The Who? By Petite_Phthora (WIP)
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siffrins-therapist · 8 months
Reblog if your name isn't Alfred F Jones.
🃏thekinglovesplayingwithmyballs follow
🐺a-squared-omegaverse follow
As if he couldn't just lie, if he even is on this hellsite.
He wouldn't cuz heroes don't lie.
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A hero would lie to protect his secret identity ;)
🎻sayakamikideservedbetter follow
🗿givemegumgumdumdum follow
NO NOTES???????????????
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🦪clamoutjamout follow
so i got like really hella drunk last night and out of what must have been a mix of desperation and hubris, I sent an email to Mr. Romano, askiNG FOR AN INTERVIEW OVER ZOOM TO ASK QUESTIONS FOR RESEARCH FOR MY HISTORICAL EROTICA WIP AND HE SAID YES???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🍖hannibalservedmemyownballs follow
Doesn't he like never talk to historians and w/e? Holy shit what kind of magical persuasive powers did your drinks give you and can you send me some?
🦖little-arms-big-hugs follow
I wouldn't say *never*. He's given interviews before, he just has a really low tolerance for disrespect compared to his brother. But with his temper I wouldn't be surprised if his gov asked him to not accept as many interviews anymore.
🍖hannibalservedmemyownballs follow
True, true. I still want to borrow some of OP's persuasion magical drinks.
🦪clamoutjamout follow
my mom sent me a bottle of that liquor mr Latvia made and i didnt look at the proof before drinking like half the bottle (mixed with pop).
also... I finally pulled up my big girl panties and read what I wrote to mr. romano...............
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... im going to kms.
🦖little-arms-big-hugs follow
Forget persuasion powers, I want whatever healing magic you have that drinking half of MR. LATVIA'S balsam didn't kill you!
🦪clamoutjamout follow
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#we're almost there folx! #RIP OP #nation person mention #alcohol mention
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🌄cabininthewoodscore follow
🤠redbreadrebellion follow
Yeah, Ch*rchill pushed hard for those two to get together, it's no secret. What about it? It doesn't mean they actually got together turn off your shipping brain.
Sure and America definitely didn't talk about it in an interview
🌄cabininthewoodscore follow
😭😭😭😭😭 The link just goes to a 404 page NNNNOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYY
#usuk ship real is the only conspiracy theory i'll believe
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🐸enby-froggy follow
did anyone else see h/bomber/guy's new video??? PLEASE someone put that man in witness protection or something before K*rkland gets him
🍝spaghetti-breaker follow
wasn't he originally supposed to talk about that one bbc pirate show?
🐸enby-froggy follow
spaghetti-breaker He was but he ended up going off-track after he found some reddit post that led him down a rabbit hole of research. tl;dr: K*irkland yo-hoe-hoeing isn't just a meme
🦐butisbugsshrimp follow
I'm more worried about dickland's teaboo white knights getting him tbh
🍯kidsishrunkthehoney follow
Lmao looks like he saw it!
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#wait a min i gotta search something #THE VIDEO IS ALMOST 3 HOURS WTF #now i gotta watch
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🪃callmyanxietyboomerang follow
dylan's collab with mr canada was just them trying to out-do each other with all the gay jokes sjflsfjsifhsifjsij someone make one of those 10 hour videos with just the cuts of that please? 🙏🏼
🪃callmyanxietyboomerang follow
#canada nation person #vintage baker man #someone send me the video i refuse to download tiktok
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🎲dev1ld1c3 follow
If we try hard enough, do you guys think we can convince Mr. Denmark to do a girl month donation goal?
🛸area51searchandrescue follow
Tbh I'm surprised he doesn't have a subscription goal like that already
🔦berwaldsfleshlight follow
There's a rumour he's trying to convince Jones and Beilschmidt to do it with him first before he makes the goal official
#pretty sure those two dont need convincing
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cha-melodius · 7 months
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Thanks for the tags @indestructibleheart, @kiwiana-writes, and @hgejfmw-hgejhsf, and also thank you to everyone who tagged me in Sunday games and the last line thing, which I'm not going to try to dig up here. I'm sure you're wondering what I'm working on now that False Dichotomy is posting; sadly (for those who tagged me lol), I haven't been writing RWRB lately not exactly anyway. My plan is to bang out some fandom fest prompts, my delinquent MTH fic, then ??? (probably start working on my big bang fic tbh).
ANYWAY. This is what's up next.
They’ve had easier jobs, that’s for damned sure. Protecting an entire train of stagecoaches was always going to be a strain on his crew, especially through this territory. They’re good, but they’re not that good. Mobius should have insisted that the client cough up the money to bring on another couple of folks, but they’d been reluctant and Mobius hadn’t wanted to risk the job going to someone else. And really, against most bandits, they’d probably have been fine. They weren’t up against most bandits, though. Mobius flips a blood-streaked silver dollar at the barkeep and collects a bottle of whiskey and four glasses in return without a single word exchanged. His crew is damn-near legendary in these parts; people vacate ‘their’ table when they enter the saloon, tip their hats when they pass on the road, and generally treat them with the kind of wary respect they’ve worked hard to cultivate. Mobius’ crew may be nominally ‘good’ guys, but a hard world makes hard people, especially ones who are hired to protect what passes for civilization out west.
A pile of no pressure tags @rmd-writes, @cricketnationrise, @indomitable-love, @dumbpeachjuice, @myheartalivewrites, @leaves-of-laurelin, @anchoredarchangel, @nicijones, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @justabigoldnerd, @firenati0n, @14carrotghoul, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @ships-to-sail, @sherryvalli, @inexplicablymine, @iboatedhere, @tintagel-or-cockleshells, @orchidscript, @three-drink-amy, @ninzied, @mirilyawrites, @dewdropreader, @dreamycloud, @ikeepwatchinghelicopters
And some art wip tags too, perhaps? @wolfpup026, @natendo-art, @bighandsforabigheart, @seanchaidh7
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January Monthly Roundup
Three’s a Crowd (But I’m Here if You Are) by JUBE514 (Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake/Conner Kent) 20k, Identity Reveal, Fluff      Bernard pops the top off his water bottle, a roll of his wrist at the perfect angle and it comes right off, and pops the faucet in Tim’s very nice kitchen to cold. Tim presses a kiss to the back of Bernard’s neck before Tim moves to the fridge to get his own water.      Bernard used to not drink as much water, but Tim drinks enough water for three people a day so Bernard naturally has followed- and now Bernard has no acne so he’s sort of mad about it actually. “The main character has two hands.” Bernard chimes easy and teasing. “Polygamy is the awnser here babe.”      Tim peaks over the door of the fridge. “Oh? Is this you telling me something?” —      Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd, and Kon-El have two hands each. They use them to hold onto each other.
My Evil Twin From Another Universe by FabulaRasa (Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne) 22k An interdimensional anomaly strands another version of Hal in this universe, and two Hal Jordans in one universe is several Hal Jordans too many.
this week in heroblr by UnidentifiedFroggy (multi) 22k, WIP, Social Media, okay im sorry y'all did SUPERBOY just say he's a tumblrina??? #SUPERBOY AS IN KON EL AS IN SUPERMANS CLONE #DIED IN THE CRISIS SUPERBOY #holy shit #superblr #heroblr - a viewpoint into tumblr as it might exist within my own exceedingly self-indulgent form of the dc universe, told through epistolary fashion in batfamily social media fic tradition. features heroes getting cancelled, takes of middling veracity, plenty of queerness both on heroblr and in the hero community, my self-indulgent ships, and something vaguely resembling plot and lore told obliquely through tumblr drama and outsider pov interpretations of superheroes
The Big Boss by Crowlows19 (gen) 4k, POV Outsider The story of Bruce Wayne and his family as told by his insane Wayne Enterprises calendar and the poor assistant that had to manage it all.
Batman for Dummies by Havendance (gen) 38k, No Man’s Land, Helena Bertinelli-centric In the aftermath of the quake that shook Gotham, Helena Bertinelli takes on the mantle of the Bat. (It isn’t like Batman’s using it.) If she’d known the cowl came with a certain moralizing little bird following her around — well, she probably still would’ve done it, but it would’ve been nice to know in advance. (Or: Tim and Helena team up 2: electric boogaloo. Now with more bats!)
Older Sibling Duty by Icestorm238 (gen) 2k, Batfam Names are important. The Bats tend to bypass their real names, however, in favour of increasingly dumb nicknames. The older sibling trio of Dick, Jason, and Cass are the primary instigators of this. After all, it is their duty.
AITAH For Tricking My Brother Into Drugging My Other Brother? by TaxiCabToSlowtown (gen) 1k, Social Media, Am I the Asshole? Okay, look, I know how that sounds, but hear me out. My (M, 19, "Fred") little brother (17, I’ll call him “Percy”) has problems. These problems stem a lot from the fact that his parents abandoned him for long periods of time as a kid and he didn’t have a proper upbringing. I should mention that Percy’s parents then are not the same as our parent(s) now. We’re both adopted, and I’m messed up too, I’ll admit it. Our Father (45, I’ll call him “Arthur”) had sort of turned his house into a home for kids with really traumatic families.
Welcome to the Family by ViiA01 (Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne) 67k, WIP, Batfam Bruce’s children want to meet the man that their father deemed worthy of a smile. So they do, in the only way they know how. By breaking into people's houses and lurking in dark places. Bruce just wants his children to stop stalking Earth’s Green Lantern, if only because they're ruining his plans. And Hal? Well, Hal is convinced that Bruce has concocted a plot to get around his ‘no killing’ rule, by having his children stalk him until his heart gives out from the stress.
A Series of Unfortunately Timed Coming Out's by Queerbutstillhere (multi), 7k, Coming Out The batfamily had this gift.  This wonderful skill. They are such talented, brilliant, capable individuals. But they are absolutely horrendous at wisely timing coming out to their family members. These are their stories . Aka: "I love you all but could we stop coming out to each other during the middle of battles?"
Call to a Lonely Earth by Drag0nst0rm (gen), 7k, Angst, AU-17776 Fusion There are no children left in Gotham. Not until the multiverse spits one out right in front of Batman, at least.
buy the ticket, take the ride by Anonymous (gen), 13k, Vegas Tim had always figured that if he ever woke up in Vegas sans-memory, it would be when he was older than fourteen. But there were some things he couldn’t control, and apparently whatever had happened last night that he didn’t remember was one of them.
Keystone by Kalinjdra (gen), 26k, WIP, HPxDC Harry Potter double-checked his lists before sending off the letter to an unknown cousin. He hoped for maybe some money at least, he didn't expect to get a scary bodyguard brother instead. Jason Todd has never stopped searching for his real parents so when Tim offers solid information in exchange of taking care of some kid, he really doesn't have anything else to do but take it. No one really could have foretold what followed.
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serendipitys-teapot · 2 months
WIP Wednes... Opps.
Well, I didn't get around to this yesterday, but I was super touched to be tagged by @milkywayes and @lilmissnatcat24 thank you, friends!! This is a scene from my current WIP I'm finishing up, which is sadly still nameless...
Garrus sighed as he brought a hand up to rub his eyes in frustration. “That’s not why I’m here. You’re my friend and I’m worried about you.” “Well, you’ve had a funny way of showing it.” Sidonis spat as he crossed his arms, and Garrus stared at him in frustrated consternation. “Then why the hell am I here with a peace offering?” He asked as he waved the bottle, the moonshine sloshing dangerously, and Sidonis seemed to wilt as he looked back at him. “I know, you’re right. Sorry. I don’t know why I’ve been so on edge lately.” He uncrossed his arms, his palms falling open as he gazed down at them in his lap. “I’ve just been… miserable. I’ve been fucking miserable, Garrus. I hate it here. I hate this ship, I hate this life, I hate this reality.” The scorn and vitriol in his subvocals was matched only by the heartbreak, and Garrus’ chest ached for his friend. His hand came up to rub Sidnois’ back in small circles for a few moments. “I had no idea you were struggling this badly. Maybe we can talk to Anderson about getting you some extended shore leave on the Fleet, get you some therapy and help.” He suggested gently and breathed in relief when Sidonis sighed and nodded his head glumly. Guilt ate at Garrus as he took in the other man’s forlorn expression as he continued to stare blankly down at his own hands. “I’m sorry it took me this long to see you were struggling. I should have checked in with you sooner. I’ve been really busy.” “Yeah. I’ve noticed.” Sidonis muttered darkly as he stiffened and looked away. “You haven’t had the time of day for me ever since she joined the crew.” Silence fell between them like a wall of ice, and Garrus drew back. “Let’s leave Shepard out of this.” His words were firm, but Sidonis continued on heedlessly. “No, let’s not. I see the way you look at her. I’m not fucking blind. The whole goddamn ship probably sees how you trail after her like a lovesick puppy. And don’t even get me started on your subvocals whenever you talk about her. It’s sickening.” “Enough.” Garrus sat up, his back stiff as anger and embarrassment began boiling in his core. Sidonis stood abruptly as he turned to sneer down at him. “What the fuck do you even see in her?” He threw his arms out wide as his voice began to rise. “She’s just using you, Garrus! She’s using all of us! I don’t understand how you could let your dick distract you from how obviously suspicious she is!” “Enough, Sidonis!” Garrus snapped, his expression hardening. But to his consternation, the other man ignored him as he continued. “She’s so obviously with Cerberus! It explains everything! She’s sold us all out, and it’s only a matter of time until we’re all dead. It’s going to be the Gabriel all over again!” “Enough!” Garrus slammed the bottle down on the side table before surging to his feet. He stood toe to toe with Sidonis, using every bit of his height advantage to look down at the other man as fury rolled off him. “Don’t you dare talk about her like that.” They glared at each other, both breathing hard as they refused to back down. Finally, Sidonis’ eyes narrowed. “Pathetic. I can’t believe you let a woman reduce you to this.” He hissed, and Garrus’ mandibles twitched as he balled his hands into fists. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. Shepard isn’t a traitor.” “Keep telling yourself that. Right up until you feel the knife slip in between your back plates.” The quiet words seemed to reverberate through the room. Without another word, Sidonis turned and walked through the door, slamming it with a clang behind him. Garrus remained where he was as he willed his heart to stop racing, his pulse thrumming beneath his plates as Sidonis’ words echoed in his ears. Finally, he fell back onto the couch. Slowly, his gaze landed on the bottle, its clear liquid catching the flicker of an old light on the ceiling above. Cursing, he reached for it before tipping it back, praying the burn could quiet the wriggling doubts in his chest.
Let's tag @kalliesa @angry-jager @dwarrowdams @nicolasadrabbles @otemporanerys @misseffect just in case anyone is interested in participating!
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fayoftheforest · 1 year
hi so i am a long time south park fan and also born mentally ill so naturally i was rewatching the post-covid special and something about kyle just sparked the crazy spark in me (i know you know what i'm talking about) and so i checked ao3 if anyone else was weird enough to earnestly read/write south park fanfic and lo and behold i read ship in a bottle and i loved it so much. it was my first sp fic and i just loved kyle's characterization so much. anyways <3333 thx ily byeee
(fic in reference here)
the opening of your ask made me CACKLE 💀💀 long time south park fan, born mentally ill and sparked a crazy spark for pc kyle, very much feel ya there 😩 my origin story was very similar to yours as well, with the whole "hahahaha wouldn't it be soooo weird if people wrote south park fic 🤪 hahaha like wouldn't that be crazy 🤪 haha i'd better check just to make sure 🤪 ha I'll read this fanfiction I bet it's gonna be soooo silly 🤪" turns out that I, in fact, was the silly one 😔 and I have continued to be silly ever since!! I'm very glad to hear that I got to spread my silly bug to you >:D
I am curious though how you managed to find SIAB, and why it was the first one you picked! I found the first fic that I read, South Park Confidential, by literally typing "south park" into the ao3 search bar, and it was one of the first that came up because it had south park in the actual title. I found the next fic I read, "The Scenic Route," by filtering by kudos in the south park fandom, as it pops up near the top! But SIAB doesn't align with any of these methods, and it's not exactly the most canon compliant fic hahaha. In any case, thank you so much for your message! :)
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lynxindisguise · 5 months
very normal fic writer asks pt. 2
Describe your writing style as if it were a bottle of wine.
If your writing process was a spotify playlist, what would it be called?
As a writer, are you an evil dictator, a ship captain, a trauma dumper, a mad scientist, a carefree hedonist, or a vengeful rogue?
Which fic do you secretly root for to get the most hits/kudos, etc.?
Which fic do you fear has become too powerful and must be stopped?
Assign each of your fics (or a selection) a dnd alignment.
What is [insert fic's] sun, moon + rising?
Which of your fics would you sacrifice to the gods to get [insert thing] in return?
Which two fics do you ship, and what is their ship name?
Which two fics do you think would have the most beef with each other?
What would the lovechild of [insert fic] and [insert fic] be like?
Which fic would you trust to do your taxes?
Which fic would betray your friends and frame you for murder?
Which version of [insert character] would you most like to be lost in the woods with?
Which version of [insert character] would you least like to go on a roadtrip with?
Fuck, Marry, Kill your three longest fics.
Delete, Orphan, Rewrite your three shortest fics.
Your body of work is being used against you in court. What crime(s) are you accused of?
Assign each of your fics (or a selection) a liquid.
Style [insert fic] in a cute little outfit.
Cast your mutuals in [insert fic].
Select a mutual to ensare within the narrative of one of your WIPs.
Badly describe the plot of your WIP(s).
Spoil the ending of your WIP (wrong answers only).
There's a contentious debate amongst the scholars analysing your work—what is it?
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 8 months
Six Sentence Sunday
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Greetings, my loves! I'm trying to hop on this train early this week (and it’s officially Sunday where I am), so here I am, post-fic-release, trying to figure out which snippet from which of my *cough* 29 *cough* WIPs that I ought to share with y'all, and I have decided on TWO sets of six sentences from 1) a fic that I definitely started this morning because I am weak and my muse does what she wants (waiting to see if y'all can guess the premise of this one) and 2) my semi-completed, just-needs-to-be-edited 5+1 where Alex/Henry have sex anywhere on the property of the lake house that they want.
Henry is alone. Knees drawn in tight, chin resting atop them. Occasionally, he’ll lift his head to take a long swallow of wine straight from the bottle, not even bothering to transfer it to a glass. Somewhere in his mind is his late grandmother’s voice, chastising him for a lack of decorum. He supposes she’ll never leave him, even in death. Even after he carefully set down his crown for the last time and walked away, clawing and scraping for every inch of space he could carve into the earth between the life he chose and the life assigned to him.
Alex continues to stroke him through it, leaning up and over to clean Henry’s sticky skin with his tongue. Henry comes back into his body slowly as his mind drags farther and farther behind, enveloped in a blanket of plush cotton bliss that makes the world before his eyes appear soft and blurry, as if viewed through the haze of a gauzy curtain. He distantly registers the brush of a finger along his cheek before he realizes that Alex has caught a tear that escaped from the corner of his eye. “You all right?” Alex asks as Henry manages to blink a pair of dark brown eyes and long, unruly curls back into focus before him. “Perfect,” Henry mutters. “Take me to bed, love.”
Throwing out some no-pressure tags into the universe for: @adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @lfg1986-2 @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @ninzied @notspecialbabe @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @songliili @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @thinkingaboutelephants @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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thoughtsfromlayla · 4 months
A Pirate Queen For Me Masterlist
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A one shot that graduated into a series. Captain Fortune, pirate queen of the seven seas. You could never be tied down, no matter who it is that asks, no matter what it is that comes after you. What adventures will you lead aboard your ship?
☠︎︎ ──── ☠︎︎ ──── ☠︎︎ ──── ☠︎︎ ──── ☠︎︎ ──── ☠︎︎
A Pirate's Dream For Me: ~1.3k words
A Pirate's Quest For Me (WIP)
Chapter One - A Mermaids Tear
Chapter Two (18+) - A Bottle of Lightning
Chapter Three (18+) - Ella
Chapter Four - A Dream Crystal
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
OC Confession Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @thecomfywriter (here)!
Rules: Post a scene where one of your character's does a confession to another character from your wip. It doesn't have to be a love confession. Maybe it's a lie. Maybe it's a crime. Maybe it's betrayal. Go buckwild, go crazy!
Let's go with two scenes involving different siblings from my WIPs in different contexts!
Lie Confession
Nahrieh began, voice even and smooth like honey, strangely calm, "Mayhaps...' The Sorcerer paused, fiddling with his necklace, the only sign of his nervousness, "I wasn't being fully truthful when I said your brother had nothing to do with the Rift."
Declan stammered, halting in place, "What?"
The immortal tilted his head, "Did it not seem strange to you? The argument. Your curse. Did it not strike you as strange how you were healed from it days after the Rift began?" He asked, somewhere between a genuine inquiry and a rhetorical question, "How your brother seemed distant - perhaps out of guilt - shortly before his disappearance?"
Declan's heart skips a bit, and he clutches his own arms, nervously trying to keep himself grounded. He gave an awkward scoff, "Keir would never - he... he's a knight!" He says, though his voice sounds unconvincing - it doesn't sound like he is convincing himself with it, as he continued, trying to seem certain, "He would never betray the realm."
Nahrieh chuckled, a deep, quick sound, like the rolling of water and sand on the ocean's floor, "Child, do not underestimate the lengths people will go to for love." He looks away, "I slaughtered an entire civilization to avenge my innocent spawn, fully aware I would be deemed a monster."
After a pause, he turns back to Declan, an unusual sorrow in his eyes "Do you think your brother would not make a deal with an eldritch force to spare your life?"
It was not a question - for they both knew the answer to it. Declan opened his mouth to rebuke, but no words came out. Instead, he growled softly, shaking his head.
The Sorcerer gave him a sad smile, "You know the truth Declan, - you just don't want to admit it. Yet." His voice grew pensive, and he twisted the string of his necklace between his fingers, swinging his legs softly where he was sitting on the edge of the smooth rock, "But now, another question remains - when you find Keir again, will you still be able to look upon his now bloodthirsty, hate-filled eyes like you used to? Knowing his corruption was the price for your life?"
Betrayal Confession
"Jack." Deimos paused, fingers gripping the metal threshold shakily, waiting for the other to respond, "There's... something I need to talk to you about."
Within the cockpit, Jack was organizing his things, namely placing some wrapped up sweet protein bars and a chocolate milk bottle inside a small locker beside his pilot chair. He looked over his shoulder, "Yeah!" Jack smiled, "Of course, what is it?"
Deimos cringed, crossing his arms over his chest and taking a shaky, deep breath, trying to keep himself grounded for what he was about to confess, "So." He began, searching his mind for the words, "This... t-this isn't easy for me to say, but I need to." The alien stammered, resisting the urge to change the subject before he could even start.
When he continued, he tried to keep his voice even, a pragmatic tone that did nothing to hide the panic and guilt underneath, "Your capture by the Junction, the reason why it was so sudden, so easy for them, it... it was because of me. I did it."
Jack frowned, slowly straightening his posture as his face fell into an expression of pure anxiety - it was clear he had already understood what he'd meant but didn't want to believe it, "... What do you mean?"
"I mean I set you guys up!" Deimos blurted out, closing his eyes for a moment. There was a long, painful silence spread out in the space between them, the weight of those words weighing them down as if the ship's artificial gravity had been turned to the maximum.
The young alien noticed as Jack faltered, anxiously grasping the leather seat of the pilot chair beside him, hands beginning to shake. He noticed how his brother looked away from him, face pale, eyes filled with a painful mix of betrayal and rising panic.
Deimos raced to try and soften the blow of those words, hating himself more and more with every passing second, knowing the damage was already done, " Jack, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I made a mistake. And... I took the easy route to f-fix it." He grimaced, nails digging into his own arms, painfully. Deep down, Deimos figured he deserved to feel the pain, seeing the sadness in Jack's eyes, knowing he'd inflicted it.
He sighed, finishing his explanation, "The Junction offered me a deal. I took it. I set you guys up and for that - I'm sorry."
Jack seemed about to pass out, and when he looked back at Deimos, the young alien hated the hurt bubbling behind his brother's kind eyes, as the other spoke, "O-oh. Oh, okay. Um. Why?"
His voice was nothing like the confident, upbeat tone he usually had. It was quiet, and frazzled, flickering like a dying lamp - and right now, Deimos would do anything to take back the deal he'd made.
The alien spoke again, searching for the words to fix this, when there were none, eventually, he settled for simply being honest, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did - I know. I-... I know I was probably weak but - I was... so scared. I wouldn't be able to handle what Eldora would do to me if she captured me again. I can't even stand the thought of going through... all that, again."
Jack still wasn't looking at him, staring vacantly at the floor. With his augmented hearing, Deimos was able to catch the phrase his brother had muttered under his breath, apparently despite himself, "...but what the Director is doing to me, that's okay to you, huh?"
Deimos felt his world crash, wanting to curl up and die at how defeated Jack sounded. He hated how much he knew his brother believed the words he'd just muttered - he hated how much Jack didn't even seem surprised.
He stepped forward, "No! No, it's not!" Deimos almost yelled, desperate to make Jack understand this was all just a mistake. That he never should've left them in the first place, all those years ago. His voice softened, and he reached forward slightly, "You're my brother, I would never want you to get hurt. I-I didn't even think it would get to that -!"
Jack flinched away, stepping back, almost curled in on himself, as he cut the other off before he could finish his sentence, "Well, you should have!" He snapped, and Deimos had never heard such a bitter rage in Jack's voice. It took him off guard, freezing him in place.
The young pilot continued, "Everyone... everyone told me I shouldn't trust you again. When you came back. But I did. I really... really did." As Jack looked back at Deimos, the blue-haired alien wished he hadn't. Something had changed, behind his kind eyes, like a broken mirror, never to be the same again - and Deimos knew he was the only one to blame for it. Jack growled, tilting his head slightly, "Only to find out that all this shitstorm that's happened, all this pain we went through - what he did to me - was because..."
His voice broke, " - Because of you?"
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @the-letterbox-archives, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @finickyfelix
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid,
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Tag List (Supernova Initiative) below the cut ✨
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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