#with very little interaction between them
dunmeshistash · 16 hours
You know I studied Japanese for like a couple of months over 7(?) years ago so while I can understand it a bit I'm awful at reading and don't have a big vocabulary.
That being said I've been attempting to translate/re-translate some of the extras cause I wanna know whats actually being said. So basically I write it down on google, get a feel for what it's saying from the machine translation/read the romaji and if I don't recognize the words I do a google search to maybe figure out what it means in context (doing my best here).
All of this to say I wanted to re-translate this little interaction between Fleki and Lycion, cause of his expression here.
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Idk why but "You in there, boss?" sounded strange to me? I rewrote it on google (it has a writing recognition thingy I use to draw the kanji I dont know) and it gave me this
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Which makes even less sense! I wondered if maybe I wrote the kanji/hiragana wrong tried to translate each by itself and it didnt help, googled what "Yatteru" meant and only got "doing it" so I finally googled the whole thing in japanese 大将やってる?
First result looked promising, looks like one of those things explaining expressions/slang? (Very familiar with those)
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I copied the part that had the expression I wanted and dropped it on google translate
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She's doing that thing where you walking into a ramen stall and hold the flags to the side, I love them so much 😭
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Anyway this super convoluted explanation is how I try to get an accurate translation while not actually knowing the language 👍 (Don't do it like me, actually study kids)
I don't know how I would have translated while keeping that meaning, that's why I try my best to check how things are said in the original language (and why I usually watch subbed, I can kinda understand spoken anime japanese a lil bit so I get more contexts along with the subs)
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tobiasdrake · 12 hours
Fun Fact: Even in space, ACAB.
Let's talk about Jaco: The Galactic Patrolman, a somewhat more obscure manga compared to Dragon Ball that Akira Toriyama wrote in its setting.
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For the most part, this is a short and fairly simple story. It's primarily a character drama, with the developing relationship between Jaco and the scientist Omori as its central focus.
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The manga is surprisingly vague about its connections to Dragon Ball for nearly all of its length, until its final chapter. Jaco is here on Earth to thwart some vague threat sent to the planet from a world of hostile aliens. It's only at the end of the manga that we learn he's talking about Goku.
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Galactic Patrol detected an Attack Ball leaving Planet Vegeta and making its way to Earth, so they sent Jaco to... assess the situation and then make a decision about whether or not to do anything.
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In his defense, the Saiyans are the most powerful race in the universe. I can understand why he doesn't want to fuck with a full-grown Saiyan warrior. Nobody wants to fuck with a full-grown Saiyan warrior. The most that the finest police force in the universe can do against Saiyans is to try and nip them in the bud when they're babies.
It's interesting that Galactic Patrol doesn't have Scouter technology. I wonder if that proprietary? Frieza might have a patent.
But at the same time, I don't want to be too sympathetic to Jaco because. Well. He sucks.
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Galactic Patrol sucks. That's kind of the bit. Jaco is a self-absorbed little shit, utterly devoid of empathy or compassion for the people he polices. He's stranded on Earth right now because he wasn't watching the road while driving.
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Jaco's a prick, but what little we learn about Galactic Patrol as a whole doesn't make them sound much better.
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This one time Jaco accidentally pressed the Extinction Bomb when he wasn't supposed to and wiped out a planet. Hoo boy, was his boss mad! Gave him a real talking to before giving him another Extinction Bomb and putting him back on patrol.
Universe isn't going to police itself, y'know. Someone's gotta be out there very occasionally trying to stop those real estate genocides.
For his part, Jaco's in it for the aesthetic. He likes the image of being a cop, and he spends his time practicing looking cool for when he presumably dispenses justice upon the criminal element.
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But his interactions with the common people are filled with condescension and menace.
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Like I said, this is the bit. Jaco is a self-important thug with a badge, with the initial conflict stemming as much from trying to keep him from doing something awful to the community under his jurisdiction as from trying to solve his problem.
Ostensibly here to protect Earth from the impending arrival of a Saiyan threat, he is as much a threat to this community as the invader he's here to assess. Without Omori there to guide him, he'd be killing people left and right.
He fits in pretty well with the cast of Dragon Ball, many of whom at least begin their tenure with a degree of amorality to them. Omori himself is a bitter misanthrope ironically thrust into the position of having to convince Jaco not to kill people.
And then there's the manga's biggest Dragon Ball connection: The introduction of Tights.
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Any reader who's been picking up on the Dragon Ball-ness of this universe will know immediately where Tights came from. Her name pun gives the game away. Just like how the final chapter clarifies Jaco's target as the young Goku, we get to see the familiar faces of Tights's family as well.
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Bulma basically solves the entire plot singlehandedly.
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Even as a little kid, the universe's greatest heretic remains unparalleled in the field of game-breaking super-intelligence. Bulma OP do not nerf.
Again, this speaks to how little of the manga is actually about the plot. If this were a story-driven manga, having a character from another manga show up in the final issue and solve the plot in the span of two pages would be pretty disappointing. But since the plot is just an excuse to make these characters interact with one another, it doesn't really matter.
We aren't here for the story; We're here for the relationship between Jaco, Omori, and Tights. With that in mind, Baby Bulma waddling up and going "I fixed the spaceship; Are you stupid or something?" is hysterical.
For her part, Tights lives up to her family legacy of being super-brilliant.
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She graduated from college at 16. She's a genius like the rest of the family. What she's not is interested in science and technology. Possibly as a justification for why we've never heard of her before, Tights goes against the mold for her family.
She honestly seems like something of a free spirit. She lives in East City when we meet her, famously the city that Nappa wiped off the map, while Capsule Corp and Bulma's family are out in West City. Rather than a scientist, she works as a body double for a famous pop idol.
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As a publicity stunt, they're going to launch an idol into space. Tights's job is to impersonate the idol so she can die in the inevitable disaster instead. She is bizarrely chill with being paid a huge sum of money to get stupidly killed. Much like Bulma, Tights has a terrible sense of self-preservation and is willing to take on incredible risk for the sake of achieving a personal goal.
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Tights is the best character in the manga. An aspiring sci-fi novelist who agreed to probably die in space for the sake of the experience. This family gives zero fucks.
And then there's Omori himself.
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Despite its title, Omori is basically the main character of this manga. He's the one whose life situation is most heavily scrutinized. This is his status quo that Jaco and Tights enter. Similarly, Omori is the character who undergoes personal transformation as his experiences with Jaco and Tights help him find hope in connections with other people again.
The three characters click really well together. So well, in fact, that Dragon Ball would end up recycling the setup of Super Alien/Crotchety Old Man/Spunky Young Woman for one of the best dynamics they ever wrote.
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This is not a copy/paste; Cheelai, Leemo, and Broly are all distinctly separate characters. but you can still feel the barebones aesthetic of Tights, Omori, and Jaco in their dynamic.
So. Yeah. Overall, for what it is, it's a cute little short story about a group of characters just living lives in the world of Dragon Ball. It's the kind of thing that the franchise needs more of, and still does to this day: An opportunity to flesh out the universe a little but also just to let us live in it through the eyes of someone else.
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sprout-fics · 2 days
sprout do you have any thoughts about poly ghostgaz dynamic with reader?
Oh this is very interesting. There is not nearly enough GhostGaz content, and I think this is an interesting challenge for a character study.
Gaz and Ghost in a poly dynamic, from what I've seen, is usually only done with the inclusion of the third team member (primarily Soap) which makes sense. We see that Price and Ghost know each other prior to the assembly of the 141, and Ghost and Soap are partnered for an entire campaign in MWII. The two of them together get very minimal interaction, so most of what I'm theorizing here is up to interpretation.
GhostGaz x Reader Poly Dynamics
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(Gif credit @yumethefrostypanda)
(This is all headcanon and my personal take on things, feel free to disagree elsewhere)
MDNI, GN Reader, Mostly SFW, Poly dynamics, Character study
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Ghost and Gaz have two diamterically opposed communication styles. Ghost is shown to be dry and blunt, communicating only what is necessary aside from a dose of humor with those he trusts. He is inherently distrustful of even his allies, as we see in the MWII alone mission, where he considers the possibility that even Price, Laswell, and Gaz are in on whatever betrayal has occurred. I imagine this changes the longer he works with the team, but suffice to say his communication with Gaz begins very minimal and closed off.
Gaz, on the other hand, is seen to be open, friendly, and sharing his thoughts with those around him (Piccadilly cutscene, and again when faced with Graves' survival) I see Gaz as someone who values communication above all else in a relationship. He trusts those around him, and when he doesn't it is very clearly evident (refusing to shake Graves' hand in a MWIII cutscene) So Ghost's closed off nature and lack of communication tends to be a large turnoff for him.
The solution to that, of course, is to incorporate a third into this dynamic to offer a buffer of sorts and facilitate this bridge. This would have to be someone who can navigate the push and pulls of a relationship between the two of them, able to discern when to push and when to give space to both of them.
That's not to say it wouldn't work. Only that Gaz and Ghost have different needs. Gaz is a giver, he needs to please his partner in order to be happy with himself. He tends to ask for little in return, which can be detrimental sometimes as you need to look for the signs of when he's offering too much. Gaz tends to offer even more when he's feeling insecure and desperate as a way of reassuring himself he feels wanted and needed.
It's not dissimilar to Ghost, who sometimes refuses to talk about his needs altogether. When Ghost feels insecure he self-isolates, broods, and doesn't communicate effectively. Other times he will demand more than what you can offer in a way that's greedy and possessive on the surface, but speaks of a desperation on the inside. Knowing the signs from both of them is crucial to making any dynamic between these two work.
At the same time, these traits of theirs actually balance themselves out. Gaz is a giver, and Ghost sometimes asks more than you can give by yourself. Together the both of you know how to handle Simon into something mildly resembling softness, allowing the worn edges of him to become less cutting, less sharp. Ghost isn't one to be coddled, but simple acts from the both of you that speak louder than words tend to reassure him he's safe, comfortable, and that he can trust you both. Give him tea, sit with him in comfortable silence as he cleans his weapons, gently offer him skin to skin contact if he needs it. You'll watch his shoulders slump, his head dip a little as he eases.
With Gaz, Simon knows how to cut through any of the doubts the sergeant may be having. It sometimes takes a firm word to snap Gaz out of any bad thoughts he may be having. Even then, it's crucial to give him an outlet in which to provide for you as a way of soothing himself. Sex plays an important role in this, with Ghost sometimes directing Gaz as he sees fit, conducive to your pleasure. This means lazily stroking his cock as Gaz eats you out, splaying a large, gloved palm over the back of Kyle's head and pushing him further into your hole. It works just as well for Simon, who sees this type of intimacy as a way for him to establish himself in his own role- a giver in a different sense.
There's still hurdles to making this dynamic work. Gaz will sometimes push Ghost to communicate before he's ready, and Ghost will sometimes be rougher with both you and Gaz than he intends. Gaz will get in his head about things sometimes in a way you can't reach, and Ghost will pull him out of it. Knowing both of them, what they need, when, how, and knowing how they express that is what makes this work.
Gaz learns to be more confident in himself and this dynamic, and Ghost learns to be better at opening up when he needs to. You're the glue that keeps them together, that allows all of you to feel open and comfortable with each other.
...You're going to need a bigger mattress though.
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canonizzyhours · 22 hours
I'm a professional screenwriter. I know nobody reading this has any reason to believe that, and I work pretty hard to keep my fandom activity separate from my professional identity, so I'm not going to offer any proof that would doxx me here, believe me or don't. But it's true and I don't just mean I'm trying to get hired as a screenwriter, I mean I am pretty well established in the industry and I've worked on some stuff big enough you've probably heard of it. I've also been active in OFMD fandom for about two years now, since nearly the beginning.
The canyon really freaks me out because seeing it up close makes me worried I've drastically underestimated audiences' empathy gap around characters of color and tendency to sympathize with and excuse the actions of white characters. I've always tried to be conscious about that sort of thing in my work but now that I'm seeing the whole process up close it's so much worse than I always thought.
I think a lot about what I would have done during season 1 of OFMD, if I were in the writers' room and I'd wanted to make sure it would be clear to the audience that Izzy was Ed's abuser and wasn't acting out of secretly sympathetic motives and we're supposed to be genuinely horrified by his actions. I'm in writers' rooms workshopping issues like this all the time. I know the kinds of suggestions I'd make.
Like, if we were worried that the audience would think Izzy's hostility toward Stede was about class instead of homophobia, I might have suggested we make sure Izzy's dialogue never has any reference to Stede's class at all, and that we might do a subplot in one episode where Izzy is equally hostile toward Lucius, since Lucius clearly isn't rich but is extremely gay. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make sure the audience understood that Izzy is bossing the crew around and screaming at everyone to work harder because he's a petty little bully on a power trip and not because the work actually needs to get done, I might have suggested a scene where Izzy deliberately makes a mess on purpose just so he can order the crew to clean it up. But that already happened, and it didn't help.
If I wanted to make it clear that Izzy has always been awful toward everyone around him -- especially his colleagues of color -- since long before the show started, I might have suggested we repeatedly emphasize throughout the season that while Fang is willing to work with him, he doesn't like or respect Izzy and this is because Izzy has always treated Fang very badly. Have him pull on Fang's beard for no reason and have Fang explicitly say he hates that but knows it wouldn't help to complain. Have Fang tell strangers jokes about times Izzy humiliated himself in public. Have a scene where everybody unanimously VOTES TO MURDER IZZY and someone explicitly stops to ask Fang if he's cool with this and Fang explicitly says yes this is absolutely fine with me and then he actively participates in the murder plan while smiling. But all of that happened and I still see the canyon insisting that Izzy was a much nicer person before the events of s2 when he wasn't under so much stress and has always been liked and respected by the PoC around him, including specifically Fang!
If I were worried that the audience might take seriously the idea that Izzy is motivated by "loyalty to your captain" -- well, honestly I don't think it ever would have occurred to me to worry about that, since he says that in a scene where he's in the middle betraying his captain and I'd probably assume people are capable of picking that up and understanding that when someone says they're abusing you for your own good you should not believe them. But if someone else insisted we address the concern, suggestions I'd make would include: make sure some of the first interactions we see between Ed and Izzy involve Izzy complaining about how he doesn't want to do the job Ed just gave him, then half-assing the mission and lying to Ed's face about it. Show Izzy deliberately undermining Ed to the crew by telling them he's half-insane, then insist to Ed that he's the only one keeping the crew loyal when they're worried about his judgment. But they did that stuff and we still have people thinking Izzy's central motivation throughout season 1 is selfless devotion to Ed.
The show did every single thing I would have suggested, and none of it worked. So what does it say about all the stuff I've already worked on, whenever I've written a scene where a white guy was being a dick to characters of color? Have I just been embarrassingly naive this whole time? Have I undermined my own work by not getting this?
You can't control audience reactions, I know that, that's part of what's great about art, you have to let go and accept that people will interpret things in ways you never intended, I get it. But if it's THIS impossible to choose words that will create the kind of feelings you meant to, what's the point? Is it even possible to write about the kind of abusive relationship Ed and Izzy have, where the white guy thinks he's entitled to control a brown man's life "for his own good" and that the brown guy is obligated to be grateful and reciprocate his "love" and not have a huge group of people creating elaborate justifications for the white guy? What else could they have done? What else can I do, when I'm writing about characters of color? I'm seriously asking. If anybody reading this has advice I want to hear it. What could I do?
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gloomwitchwrites · 1 day
1k challenge request- what is Ghost like on vacation? NSFW always preferred lol
Ghostie on vacation? Vacation?!? Yes, please. Funny enough, Ghost is currently on vacation in Ink & Needle, and that boy is being naughty in that AU. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Thanks for sending this in! I hope you enjoy it (and the steamy bits).
Most of these are gn!reader with one or two exceptions!
Word Count: 729
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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Do y’all remember the bit of banter between Soap, Ghost, and Laswell in MW3? And Ghost replies “why not both?” when it comes to whether they prefer the beach or snow. To me, that means Ghost is down for anything. He’ll take a road trip or a week-long stay in Bali. Man just loves a good vacation.
On that note, when Ghost and Soap were being a bit cheeky about the “tan lines around the eyes,” he insinuates he wears the mask, but I don’t believe that. When Simon isn’t in the field, he’s not going to wear his mask, especially on vacation. He’d stick out like a sore thumb.
If Simon is taking a vacation with his S/O, he’s really down for anything. It can be simple and romantic. It could be camping. Hell, you could drag him to Disneyworld and he’d probably still enjoy himself.
However, he’s very much controlling when it comes to traveling. He’s the Dad in this scenario. He packs in advance, he wakes up way too early to go to the airport, he checks to make sure the plane is actually at the gate, he keeps the schedule, and Simon isn’t necessarily going to just “go with the flow” in the moment. Simon is the one holding the passports and tickets. God help you if you try to seize them from him.
No mask. Period. And no work. Simon isn’t taking phone calls, emails, or anything else. Price can deal with any shenanigans on his own.
Terrible about putting on sunscreen. You’re always making sure he’s protecting his skin.
Most of the spending money is spent on feeding Simon. Dude is a brick wall and he’s always eating. And when he’s not eating something, he’s buying you whatever you want.
If the vacation requires driving, Simon prefers taking his own vehicle or renting one. He doesn’t skimp here. Simon will select a reputable rental car company and select something roomy.
Holds you accountable on everything, but is also incredibly indulgent. You might complain that something is expensive and you won’t get it, and Simon will say good on you for sticking to your guns, but he’ll also just fucking buy it anyway because he can’t help seeing you smile.
Vacations (or rather holidays) are Simon’s one opportunity to forget everything. He can spend time with you completely uninterrupted. No life shit. No work shit. Just you and him.
Enjoys the outdoors but is also down for exploring cities, walking through museums, and trying new things. Simon is open to exploring a culture he’s never interacted with before, especially if he’s doing it with you.
Likes to travel and go on vacation during off-seasons. Simon isn’t a fan of crowds and it’s not from an anxiety standpoint. That military training is hard to dislodge, and he’s often overly aware of potential threats in a crowd.
Has a terrible sweet tooth. Simon will eat more desserts than actual food if you’re not watching him.
Loves long road trips because he enjoys all the lazy blow jobs you give him while in the car. Sometimes he has to pull over and just have his way with you.
Basically, you and Simon are fucking regardless of where you are.
Going on a destination vacation to a beachy oasis? Simon is fucking you in the cabana, in the hotel room, in the private pool, under a waterfall. Sometimes it might be lazy and slow, and sometimes he’s just chasing his own end and needs to be inside you.
Camping? That tent is seeing some action. You’re little spoon. Simon is big spoon. And he probably has his cock buried deep inside you, rocking his hips lazily while is hand is playing with other parts of you.
But he’s smart not to fuck out in the wilderness. Bug bites are the fucking worse.
In the cabin in the Pacific Northwest? He’s fucking you by the fire while it rains outside.
Simon’s intimacy and romantic side really flourishes during this time. Because there are no outside distractions, he’s able to put his entire focus on you. Along with the sex, Simon is simply an attentive partner. While he’s here to enjoy himself, he is also highly aware of your needs.
Hates when the two of you have to go back to the real world. Would rather disappear with you forever.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
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@enarien @xxkay15xx @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666
@lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67
@contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg
@webmvie @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe
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042502 · 16 hours
ᰔ ˚. ࣪ ⊹ christopher or carrington.
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𐙚 ˚. ࣪ ⊹ . . . pairing : chris sturniolo x fem!reader.
𐙚 ˚. ࣪ ⊹ . . . summary : They link you to Carrington for interacting with him on stream and later a video is leaked where you appear with Chris, your relationship with Chris was private. Carrington intervenes and this makes Chris insecure.
𐙚 ˚. ࣪ ⊹ . . . content : established couple, private relationship, jealous Chris! Carrigton! Streamer! Reader.
𐙚 ˚. ࣪ ⊹ . . . notes : My first language is not English. I spent about three weeks receiving this because I didn't really like it, Now it's much better than the main idea. I hope you enjoy it. I leave you the masterlist below.
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“New romance! Y/n you are dating Christopher Sturniolo!” You slide your finger across the screen. “Christopher Sturniolo and Y/n confirm their relationship” you slide your finger again. “Y/n and…” again. “The streamer and the YouTuber…” again. “Carrington…” you turn off your cell phone to throw it away from you.
Chris looks at you from his desk and you look away from his, he lets out a loud sigh and leaves his position to go to you on the bed.
“Don't worry, this is just a moment, it will pass and everyone will forget this” he holds your hand in his, caressing it gently.
“It is not something that is easily forgotten… it is a controversy, you know very well how everyone gets when it is a controversy” You press your face into his chest and Chris wraps his arms around you, giving you warmth.
“Have you spoken to Carrington?” Without moving from your position you answer no.
“No, not yet” Chris lets go of you and you step back to look at him.
“I'm sorry for the way you found out everything.” 
A video had been leaked of a meeting between friends where in the background you see yourself talking animatedly with your boyfriend and suddenly he approaches you hugging you.
The video was filtered by mistake, soon your social networks and Chris's exploded, even those of his brothers. You and Chris decided that nothing would be removed since it was everywhere. Although they still haven't clarified anything. 
You haven't been streaming since, Chris has recorded the videos and hasn't answered any questions about it.
Today you are in Chris's room trying to resolve this situation. You had been in a relationship with Chris for four months now and on your part you had distanced yourself from Carrignton quite a bit. Right now on TikTok there are thousands of chimenteros commenting on the situation. 
Speculating about the connection you have with both of them and so on, some say that you cheated on Carrington with Christopher, Others simply say that you are not dating either of them and are only friends with both of them, others that you are dating Carrignton and that the leaked video is taken out of context. 
The truth is, you've flirted with Carrington and he's flirted with you, but you never progressed beyond that. There have been a lot of comments on Instagram posts and sometimes he would write in the chat of your stream, but they never came out officially. 
One day you just got to know Chris better and the chemistry between the two of them flowed naturally, they started dating and it was all very private, they felt very comfortable that way. Of course you had gradually stopped flirting with Carrington and distanced yourself from him quite a bit.
They hadn't gone beyond a few kisses at some parties they both went to and that's it. You never clarified your relationship with Carrignton, you assume it's because Chris suddenly appeared and everything changed.
“I should have talked to him before… do you think he took it the wrong way?” You ask Chris and he thinks for a moment before answering.
“They were kind of a thing, no labels, still I guess he would be a little upset.” 
After a few weeks you talked to Carrington, things were fine. He wasn't upset, although he acknowledged that he had feelings for you and felt bad for not moving forward when he had the chance.
Regarding your relationship with Chris, they decided not to give statements. That this would be better, only you two should know the truth.
You were on a stream when you read Carrington's messages in the chat, many of your subscribers were excited to see him there again and so were you.
“Hey! Hey! Carrington!” You greet him with a wide smile.
The broadcast takes its normal course, talking about various topics and new video games that you might play. Then you read Carrington's message again asking them to do a collaboration soon.
“Of course, write to me to confirm” you were happy to still be able to maintain your friendship with him. 
What you didn't expect was for Chris to not be so happy about it.
“So you'll do a broadcast with Carrington?” He had a neutral expression and his arms were crossed over his chest.
“Yes, I'm excited to do it. I have a lot of good ideas that we can do together, tell me what you think” you sit next to Chris and your fingers move quickly on your cell phone in search of the ideas you had to show your boyfriend.
Chris just helped you, but he wasn't very happy with the collaboration. He saw you very happy and didn't want to ruin that.
On the day of the broadcast, Chris logged in and saw you sitting next to Carrington, both of you looking good and happy. They were building Legos on the broadcast, that was the idea Chris told him that sounded interesting. 
“Hey because you already have that almost finished” Carrington points to your practically finished piece.
“You're too slow a loser,” you mock. 
During the broadcast they talk about different topics and sometimes tell some anecdotes that happened together.
“Do you remember Tara's party?” Carrington asks you, as he joins two pieces together.
“Yes, what with that?” You read the instructions carefully as you speak.
“You should tell them what happened that day” you look up at your companion and frown.
"What are you taking about?" 
“Wow! It hurts me that you will forget it” Carrington puts his hand to his chest, feigning pain. “That's a good story, y/n had drunk too much that day” he starts to tell and you laugh.
“If my parents see this broadcast and find out that I got dirty before I was 21, they will beat me,” you joke.
“Come on, you're 20, it's not the end of the world if you drink before you're 21. The joke is that you were so drunk that she was more affectionate than usual” when you hear those words you freeze.
"Yes, I guess so. Hey, how are you doing with the lego?” You try to divert the topic of conversation.
“Wait I want to tell this, she just jumped on me and kissed me. "It was very crazy, I didn't expect him to do something like that." 
"Shut up!" You scream.
The transmission tried to take a quick turn, although everything was already uncomfortable, you finished the transmission and you were very upset.
"Why did you say that?" You ask Carrington.
“It's just a funny story, there's nothing wrong with it.” Carrington had a wide smile as if what he was doing wasn't a bad thing.
“No, you know I'm with Chris and he watches my streams” Carrington interrupts you.
"That? Didn't you tell him that you kissed me that night? Wait, you and him were already dating at that time? Wow! I didn’t expect that from you” his words only made you more upset.
“I want you to leave now, go” 
Carrington left your house, but before he left he told you that you better talk to Chris if you didn't want your relationship with him to end. 
You knew they would argue, because you brought it up. You call him on the phone and ask him if he saw the broadcast, Chris tells you that he did and you ask him to come see you so you can talk.
Chris accepts and goes to see you, when he entered he had a neutral expression. He hasn't said a single word, he just walked in and sat down. 
“Chris, I'm sorry…” 
“I'm upset, I asked you many times if something had happened between you and him and you denied it to me. "I asked you if you liked it and you said no." 
"I do not like him!" You say and Chris clicks his tongue.
“Then why did you kiss him when you were with me? Things happen to you with him” Chris's voice was hard, he was very serious and his lips moved violently accompanying his words. 
“He says I did it, but I honestly don't remember doing it… it's a stupid excuse but I seriously don't remember it.” Your eyes were teary, since you've been dating Chris you've never had arguments like this.
You never heard Chris yell at you, even Chris had never seen you shed tears like this. 
“Why did you agree to collaborate with him?” Chris asks you now in a lower tone, but you could still feel the anger in every word.
“Because I thought we were friends and that we could just sit down and talk.” There was silence in the room. “Chris, I swear I have no other intentions with Carrignton, I don't even want to be his friend anymore. "I love you very much and I don't want to lose what we have." 
“I love you too, but it's hard for me to know that.” 
“I'm sorry, I don't remember what I did that day.” 
Chris stands up, stays in front of you for a few seconds, but walks forward, still passing you to leave your house. 
You don't know exactly how things are with Chris now, he's just gone and you haven't seen each other since that day. They haven't even texted each other, you could send him one but you know he won't respond so you're waiting for him to… but something tells you he won't either.
They're not finished, or that's what you think.
However, you had to continue with the transmissions. The chat was still asking about Carrington and so you decided to talk.
“I'm going to talk about this only once and we won't talk about it again, I'm no longer friends with Carrington, I'm not interested in being one, I don't want to talk to him again, absolutely nothing. I thought we were friends, but we're not. What he did was hurt me and I don't want people like that in my life right now.” The chat was confused, I didn't quite understand the point why you were distancing yourself from him again.
Later you receive a call from a close friend, who surprises you by saying that she has something to tell you about Carrington.
“I just found out about all this about Carrington, Enzo just told me that he saw how Carrington kissed you that night. He took advantage of the fact that she was very drunk to do it, because he knew you wouldn't push him away and you still pushed him away screaming at him that you were dating Chris.” Your heart beats fast with the words you just heard. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you this, but Enzo just told me. I'm upset with him for hiding it, you know if he knew I wouldn't let him.  
You thank him and grab your things to go see Chris and tell him everything. When you get home you look for him desperately.
“Chris?!” You walk into the room and he was in his headphones while using his laptop. When he sees your body standing in front of his door, he lowers his headphones and mutters something you don't understand. “We have to talk…” he doesn't utter any words. "Please."
Chris pushes his computer away and you both sit on the bed, Chris's eyes scanning you carefully. He had not seen you for many days and inside he was dying to hug you, to take your hand in his.
“I spoke with Leila, she told me that she spent that night with Carrington. She went with her boyfriend Enzo and he saw Carrignton and me that night, he says that Carrington was the one who kissed me and that I pushed him away to yell at him that I was with you” 
Chris hasn't said anything at all since you arrived, your eyes fluttering as you look at him, you start to feel them burning from holding back tears. On the other hand, Chris is motionless. 
“Chris?” You murmur, trying to gain courage, but your voice breaks.
“I believe you,” he finally speaks and your tears run down your cheeks. “I believe you because Enzo has written to me and told me… I was waiting for him to come here” 
"Because?" you ask and wipe your tears with the sleeve of your sweatshirt.
“Why did I want to kiss you?” He holds your face in his hands and joined his lips with yours. “I'm sorry, you reacted very badly… I just wanted to break that idiot's nose.” 
“Shhh” you silence him and kiss him again and then hug him tightly. "I love you" 
"I love you too" 
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𐙚 ˚. ࣪ ⊹ . . . notes : Thanks for reading I hope you like it, if you want to be part of the taglist leave me a comment below. Remember to like and share with your friends!
𐙚 ˚. ࣪ ⊹ . . . taglist : @luverboychris @l34n @sturncakez @imwetforyourmom @hotreaderliin @tillies33ssss @sturnioloxlver @jnkvivi @stvrniolowh0re @adirtylittleheart @melonjollyranche @sssoniaswiftt @ecliphttlunar @jetaimevous @khxna @kiliaisinnnthehouseee @luvr4miya @xoxotaylynn @chr1sgirl4life
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whiskygoldwings · 19 hours
Anecdotes of a Guard Life: The Picture
Inspired by this delightful comic by @ippsy! It's so dang cute!
It’s a celebration day on Coruscant, and that means Fox and fully half of the Coruscant Guard are currently standing guard or patrolling the highest levels of the city.
Fox is not entirely sure what the celebration’s about; possibly a rock? From what he’s heard. Which is extremely confusing to him. He’s heard various peoples in various different languages talking about the stone and how it’s amazing just the tip remains?
Fox is never going to understand nat-borns.
It’s a long, boring day for the troopers. Lots of standing around, or walking back and forth, while getting asked inane questions that anyone could find out for themselves with a few quick taps on their datapad. Thorn, the bizarre creature that they are, loves it. Loves the interaction and cheerful conversations and atmosphere of it all. Normally, Thorn would quite happily take on overseeing these events, but the Chancellor had made it very clear that he wanted to show off the full might of the Coruscant Guard, along with it’s Marshal Commander.
So here Fox is. Standing around. Thanking Prime for the concealment of his helmet so he could roll his eyes every time a nat-born official asked, yet again, “Do you really all look the same?”
Fox is swiftly running out of tolerance for this.
Thankfully, Thorn’s got a knack for realising when Fox is contemplating whether murdering a few nat-borns will get him life in prison or decommissioning, and is already approaching to take over in the “ticket-only” section. They briefly pass updates between them, then Thorn’s waving him off with a flick of his wrist that indicates the grin hidden behind his bucket.
Fox frankly, doesn’t care. Thorn can be amused by him all they want. Fox is going to find himself somewhere isolated to look busy and get a break from rich nat-borns wanting to say they talked with the Marshal Commander.
He does check in with various groups of his troopers on the way through. They’re mainly walking in pairs, never alone, and occasionally in slightly larger groups depending where they’re positioned or what they’re doing. They’re all fairly bored, but relieved to be in the city and surrounded by happy civilians, rather than in the stodgy Senate or on edge in the Coruscant Correctional Facility.
There’s two more troopers on the way to the hiding spot he’d scouted out earlier, and he goes to talk with them before he makes his final escape.
The conversation goes on a little longer than he expected. This pair consists of Captain Riser, and the new shiny to his squad, who’s barely eight years old and makes Fox want to lock him in the centre of the Guard barracks and never let him out. Fox hasn’t had much chance to actually interact with him yet (has perhaps been avoiding the hero worship a bit), but it’s easier when there’s helmets separating them.
They’re discussing the shiny taking on some solo upper levels patrols when there’s a high-pitched, sing-song “hi!” nearby.
For a moment he doesn’t react, assuming it’s not directed at them. But the shiny turns and cocks his head slightly. When he doesn’t turn back, Fox glances over to see what’s caught his attention.
There’s a cadet, tiny and orange, with a gap-toothed smile and a yellow bow matching their dress. The tiny Twi’lek cadet is staring cheerfully at him, holding out a sheet of flimsi in his direction.
“I drew this for you” the cadet sings, grin spreading impossibly wider as Fox reaches out slowly, not entirely sure what’s going on.
Taking the flimsi very delicately between his fingers, he raises it up to take a proper look at it, as the Twi’lek cadet puts both hands behind their back and looks bashfully at the floor.
It’s a picture of him. Poorly rendered, with scribbles for the Coruscant icons on his pauldrons, a frankly ridiculously orange sun with strange lines emanating out of it over his shoulder, and with the lower angles of his helmet distorted into what he assumes is meant to be a smile.
He… Kind of wants to cry.
It’s beautiful. Something kind and happy and wonderful that’s been made for, and gifted to, him.
He looks up from the picture to the cadet, who’s gazing back at him with huge, wide eyes in a hopeful expression, and can’t help but ask “for me?” in a strangely strangled voice he doesn’t quite recognise as his own.
The cadet nods, lekku bouncing happily as they do.
Fox clears his throat, finding himself looking back down at the picture. His chest feels warm and fuzzy, and he wants nothing more than to pin the picture to the inside of his chest armour and wear it close to his heart.
“Thank you,” he says, voice soft and small. The Twi’lek cadet smiles up at him one more time, then turns and darts off, back to where a group of cadets are scribbling enthusiastically away under the watchful eyes of their parents. One in particular, a Twi’lek with orange skin and yellow patterning gives him a grin and a wave, before catching the little cadet who gifted him the picture as they jump into the older Twi’lek’s arms.
Fox watches them twirl and laugh for a moment, before turning back to the picture in his hands. When he gets back to the barracks, he’s going to give it pride of place on the wall next to his bunk. Maybe he’ll see if he can scavenge up one of those frames nat-born’s sometimes use…
There’s a low cough next to him, and he jolts, whirling round and putting his hands on his hips, keeping the picture clasped carefully in one.
He can’t see Riser’s face, but the angle of his helmet gives away the grin and raised eyebrow Fox knows Riser’s wearing under there. He doesn’t acknowledge it, simply carrying on blithely with the earlier conversation as if nothing happened, ignoring the amusement he can feel drifting off the two troopers in front of him.
Later, he forgives Riser entirely. The man had returned from the day’s duties and found him in his bunk, devoid of helmet, and had quietly handed Fox a slightly scratched wooden frame.
The picture fits it near perfectly, and Fox stares at it hanging on his wall, until he falls asleep with a smile on his face.
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Hi! Can you do one of what the wind breaker guys are like on the PDA with a girlfriend who is very affectionate and that includes sugishita and taiga? Thanks🫶
We need more interactions between them please. They are so extra, they could be besties
Kyotaro Sugishita, Taiga Tsugeura x Affectionate! reader
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Kyotaro Sugishita
He was a little uncomfortable with PDA. It was strange for him and he had the hardest time getting used to your soft touches. But he slowly adjusted to it. He wouldn't necessarily initiate it but he would let you hold his hand, sometimes even hug you back when you embraced him.
The only times he would be the first to instigate the contact was while he saw you nervous and scared. He knew that affection was your go-to, especially when you were anxious, so he would grab your hand and hold it tightly without a second thought.
Kyotaro seemed indifferent whenever you touched him but inside he was a panicked and flustered mess. You could rarely see him blush with his indifferent face.
As an affectionate person you liked PDA, and weren't afraid to show it, but you were skeptical because you weren't sure if he was 100% okay with it.
So once you heard older women talking about how it was unethical and awful, you doubted yourself. You could understand them if you really did something bad, but you were just standing with him, playing with his fingers, as the both of you waited for the bus. The doubt made you let go of his hand as you became nervous.
Kyotaro, however, as soon as he felt you letting go of him, became irritated. He huffed loudly glaring at the women. "Come here." He said looking at you and pulling you back to his side grabbing your hand and entangling your fingers together. "Huh?" You asked a little confused but also content that he didn't actually concern himself with the comments. "I don't mind it, so don't listen to them." He voiced, his thumb caressing the back of your hand while he continued glaring at the people who spoke up.
You felt better knowing that your touchiness didn't matter to Kyotaro. If someone said something like that again, he'd glare at them pulling you closer to him. He didn't care what they thought, or said, he just cared that you were happy.
Taiga Tsugerura
He wouldn't mind your touch at all. His muscles, his body, everything was for you, just as much as it was for him, that's what he would tell you.
He initiated the contact immediately when you were near him and didn't do it first. The feeling of your warm skin and body against him was pleasant and relaxing. He liked flexing in front of you while you were gushing over him and your hands moved all over his arms, it made his ego big and he felt very satisfied after the exhausting training he did.
Taiga loved to have you helping him with his workouts. He even searched through the Internet looking for couple exercises, especially the ones that let you be as close as you could. And so, you would be his frequent partner during workout routines. Doing pushups with you lying on top of him, crouches to kiss you, squats with you on his back. He would always make sure you're comfortable and enjoying yourself.
It didn't matter if you were in a public gym or exercising privately. "Oh God!" Someone once called when he saw you working out together. "Cut down on the PDA" He continued joyfully and then others joined. "You don't need to show off." "No need to remind us we're single." The voices mixed and soon laughter filled the gym. You also joined giggling to yourself and looked at the amused smile on Taiga's face.
People at the gym had enough of your lovey-dovey sessions, but it was their problem, not yours. Maybe he would tone down the touchiness, but just a little, when in the gym, in front of others, because he didn't want the two of you kicked out.
Tags: @misticbullet
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aaakikoo · 2 days
random low effort Attack On Titan headcanons
-> I’m back from the long ass break lol, I’ll try to most more regularly <3
-> nothing is 18+ so everyone can interact, some of these could be a lil icky n they could give ur favs an ick but some r rlly sweet too <3
-> this a guy ver ill do a girl ver soon!
-> girl ver
listens to rap but fails to rap as fast as the rapper so it turns into him mumbling.😭
has a collection of funk pops
doesn’t have a mid, or bad but TERRIBLE spice tolerance.
thinks that his loud motorcycle is hot
his breath smells like onion sometimes
surprisingly doesn’t sweat alot
his fav colour is sage green and black
tries to act manly infront of mikasa but ends up looking stupid
argues with armin but when he proves him wrong he says “that’s exactly what I said!” 💀
doenst use sunscreen
tries to make food for armin and mikasa but fail so the trio end up making food together instead
lends armin his clothes
drinks jet black coffee every morning
his breath always smells like mint
has a collection of polo shirts
get sad/offended when he sees those tiktoks of ppl saying that blue eyes are scary.
listens to true crime on the daily
is very very organized like WAYYYY too organized, on his desk his pens, papers, clips etc are all sorted out in different containers, his clothes are washed and ironed perfectly in his closet with each drawer, his bathrooms smells so expensive all the time.
wears those shorts with longer black shorts underneath
has little/to no hair on his body expect his face
has a pet parrot
is allergic to dogs
this man has a collection of colognes but only used 3 of them.
also has a tie collection
unlike eren he only knows how to cook the basics, coffee, salads, pancakes, cereal, eggs and bacon, pasta & noodles.
he isn’t super organized but like to have control, I feel like he’d have an obsession with vacuuming especially the living room.
watched BEN 10 as a kid
Fav colour purple
smokes cigs, but only sometimes.
calls his car “his lady”
loves to paint/draw
he’d be one of those guys who wear shorts and a tank and no socks around the house (nun wrong w that)
hairy legs but no hair on his arms n chest??? 😭
asks to borrow ur Netflix
spam comments under his partners posts
loves frank ocean
surprisingly I feel like Connie would know how to bake and very responsible when it comes to that.
still has the hand writing of a 7 year old
has a collection of tote bags
has a silver piercing in his left ear
loves chunky belts and chunky silver rings
a huge fan of ariana grande
doesn’t like sea food
loves to watch reality tv and get involved in drama
a nice gym bro
doesn’t smoke but drinks on occasions like he really takes his chance
has fully loaded biceps
has 3 suits. Black, grey and navy and rotates between them.
has seen every show/movie on Netflix
black coffee everyday as well
loves to collect exotic types of tea
has a skincare routine of face wash, moisturizer and sunscreen
uses a bonnet when he sleeps
doesn’t eat meat
listens to rain ASMR when he can’t sleep
always has a bottle of water with him everywhere
his showers r 30 mins long
only wears suit pants
has a wallet with a pic of Hange in it
his fav cake is cheesecake but only eats it if the biscuit ratio is bigger than the cream cheese
loves red tulips
reads the news paper and listens to the radio everyday for 15 mins
eats only eggs and bacon with orange juice for breakfast
has a huge collection of suit shirts that he wears everyday
carries a small comb around
has a pen in his chest pocket
when he sees a good looking man he always admires them out loud
has 2 colognes that he rlly likes and wears
really good at cooking
tries to say Gen z slangs
a huge MJ fan
loves Sherlock Holmes
a hairy man
loves dogs
only uses sunscreen on his face
has a little bit of a sweet tooth
uses Vaseline all the time, he has a tub at his place, a tub in his office and a stick with him all the time
lactose intolerant
loves to rewatch his childhood shows/movies
loves salty things, actually he eats quite literally anything
scared of animals
has a fear of heights (??)
actually really great with kids
always rushes to the other side of the car to open the door for his lady
sucks ass at cooking
he is really strong but doesn’t have very good stamina
loves to play video games
very good at literature, wants to be an author (modern AU)
nut allergy
has long fingers
very shy and doesn’t really have an opinion on anything
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There's something I don't understand in Julian's route SPOILER ALERT
When Julian was force fed a plague beetle and got locked in the dungeon to find a cure. Why did he have asra's magic book with him? He doesn't belive in magic and he didn't get visions of the hanged man until he was almost dying. How did he know asra's book had information about the visions he saw before he even got them? I might have misunderstood the whole thing but if not I really would like to read ur opinion of this!
Hi friend! Here's my main guess, and a disclaimer XD
When it comes to the Arcana timeline and lore, truthfully, there's so many inconsistencies and revisions that it's not exactly the kind of plot I'd try to hold any water with. That's without the added complication of six different routes with two endings each, giving us 12 different canons for one story, and a main character written so vaguely that they could be almost any reader. Personally, I find it charming, but for people who like a watertight plot and intricate world building, it can get (understandably!) very frustrating.
To answer your question though, Julian having a magic book in his office starts to make a little more sense in the context of two key parts of his character journey: 1, the Julian we meet in the prologue is also missing memories, and 2, Julian's prejudice against magic doesn't go as far as claiming it isn't real, rather, he belittles it in an attempt to be less afraid of it.
Julian doesn't yet remember the events leading up to the masquerade when the magic book is found in his office - which means he also doesn't necessarily remember the extent to which he was involved with Asra and their search to bring MC back. The book itself, with the mark of magic on it, is implied to have information on it about Patron deals. Asra would have used to it come up with their plan to bring MC back, which means Julian likely wouldn't have been able to take it until Asra was done with it.
This also means that Julian would have been around Asra for some time at that point (long enough to form the close friendship between them and Nadia) and would have seen enough of Asra's magic research to know that it was real, powerful, and effective - and maybe an approach to curing the plague that he'd been avoiding. With source of the plague being Lucio's deals with the Devil (and others), Julian already had many of the puzzle pieces he needed to solve it and both the intelligence and drive to push through.
While the early-route Julian without his memories wouldn't go near magic and would call it silly, late-route Julian with his memories would absolutely borrow a magic book if he had reason to believe it held answers about the plague. Personally, I think that if he'd had the time to do so, Julian would have figured it out eventually on his own without contracting the plague and the near-death experience that let him interact with the Hanged Man. Being infected and confined accelerated the process by removing any other priorities he would've had and opening him to receiving help from a Patron.
The question it leaves me asking, though, is why Lucio felt the need to forcefully infect and imprison his top doctor when he already had everything in place to get a new body. Is it a testament to how cruel and twisted he could get pre-ghost form? Or was it at someone else's request, much like Aisha and Salim's imprisonment seventeen years earlier?
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alpaca-clouds · 14 hours
Astarion, his siblings and his "victims"
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I wrote a blog about how I really do not get those folks, who do honestly in their heart believe that Ascending Astarion is the "good" ending. And frankly, the comments that AA fans left underneath really make me just shake my head.
One of the people understanding my point also put a really good comment underneath:
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Because I really get the feeling that the AA fans do not even consider the siblings and the "victims" of Cazador as actual characters within the story.
And yes, sure. From a writing perspective they are not big characters. I mean, the siblings do have very little in terms of background. Some have a bit more (mostly Leon and Darylia), the others a bit less, and then there is Yousen, about whom we know nothing but the name. And out of the other 7000 we obviously only really do know Sebastian in any regard. Which from a writing perspective is absolutely fair, because the focus definitely is on Astarion. Yet, the interactions you do have with the siblings - and with Sebastians - are meant for the player to understand that this is about empathy.
It is very likely that pretty much all of the siblings got abused just as much as Astarion - or at the very least lived in the same fear of abuse as Astarion. They are all the victims, even though it is fairly likely that they also abused each other. That is just something that abusers use in their advantage: Trying to get their victims to abuse each other. BUT that does not stop them from being victims.
And yes, it is absolutely heavily implied that some of Astarion's "Victims" also have raped him (same with the other siblings). Because as he was ruled by the order of Cazador to bring him victims he had not even a lot of chance to fight back. But we know that is not true for all of those 7000 souls. Some of which will just be purely innocents, who got seduced or kidnapped, and who have at times been made to suffer endless hunger in that dungeon for at times 100 and 200 years!
This means that to ascend Astarion, what you do is to kill a lot of innocent victims of abuse. More than that, you are with it condoning the abuse their abuser had put them through - because you are quite literally enacting the plan this abuser has come up with.
I feel this is a big thing that is also missed with the Vellioth memories. While Vellioth obviously would have prefered to live and go on abusing Cazador for years and years to come - he is also proud for Cazador to defeat him and then continue the circle of abuse. Because in Vellioth's minds he has "taught him well".
While yes, Cazador wants to ascend himself, at least if Astarion ascends all the planning for the ritual, and all the "lessons" he has taught were not for nothing. Astarion will continue Cazador's legacy. He will simply become the next Cazador, until inevitably one of his own spawn will rise up against him and so on and so forth.
If Astarion ascends, Cazador lives on through Astarion. Because in that case Astarion does all the things Cazador would've wanted to happen.
Of course we as players are biased for Astarion, because not only is he the one vampire spawn we know, but we really get to know him really good. Not the very least given the fact that Astarion also is literally the companion with the most playtime for his companion quest. But just for a thought experiment imagine that by sheer luck one of the other spawn also has gotten loose from Cazador and was doing a quest with some of their own companions, while Tav/Durge, Astarion and other companions were doing theirs. And now imagine that other spawn - no matter who of the other six it might have been - went in wanting to sacrifice everyone else, including Astarion, to ascend themselves.
I can guarantee you, that each of them could have made as much of an argument for it, as Astarion.
Would you still think that would be a good thing?
By all means, argue about the fact of how good the relationship between Ascended Astarion and your own Tav/Durge might be. How it is totally not an abusive relationship despite the non-consensual choking...
But that does not change the fact that the ascension itself is a bad thing that is going to continue Cazador's plan and Cazador's legacy.
And no, there is simply no world in which killing 7000 people, of whom all have been abused before, while at least several thousand of them are innocent, is "the good thing".
... Also, I just want more fandom content about the vampire siblings, because I just think they are neat.
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pommpuriinn · 2 days
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪. 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉’𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒, 𝑒𝓈𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜 4
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๋࣭⭑ pairing ๋࣭⭑- idol!yeonjun x superstar!oc x idol!jungkook
๋࣭⭑ synopsis ๋࣭⭑- a love triangle between Hollywood’s sweetheart, Korea’s golden maknae, and Gen Z’s IT boy. Estrella is a very busy woman never had time dating with all her photoshoots, movie offers, recording sessions, dance practices, and public appearances. As she’s doing a little world tour promotions for her latest mini album ‘You & Me’, and let’s just say that stop last a little longer and it becomes a little too interesting.
๋࣭⭑ a/n ๋࣭⭑- jk enters the chat (∩˃o˂∩)
outfit | makeup | hair | nails
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Today is hybe day which Estrella was pretty excited about, and it’s definitely not to see a boy that she’s been looking at all his videos since last night. No, never that. Megan did give her a little talk in the car about the dating life between idols which shocked Estrella with how extreme the fandom could get over their idol dating. Did it shock Estrella? Yes, but did it scare Estrella? No.
“So who’s taking me on this tour?” Estrella and her team got out of the car, and the fans that were waiting instantly started cheering. Estrella waves and smiles while Megan started explaining, “BTS’s Jungkook is your tour guide along with his translator.” Estrella nods at Megan while continuing her fanservice before making it through the entrance doors. The team was met with workers and security already signing them in and giving each one badges to enter further into the building. “Woah, their security goes crazy.” Daya says while looking at her visitor badge. “They even have face recognition to enter!” Sana was in awe, “we should get this back home.” Sana adds while passing through the mini gate.
Just around the corner Estrella spots Jungkook with his translator talking. Again Estrella was shocked with how handsome these idols are, and once her eyes land on his tattoo sleeve it was over for her. Of course she hid her attraction and kept it professional. “Hello~” Estrella gives them a little bow which they immediately reciprocated back. “Hello, I-I’m Jungkook.” He stutters. Estrella giggles at his natural cuteness plus how cute his voice is when speaking English. “Your English is so cute.” Estrella compliments. Jungkook quickly shakes his head ‘no’ while laughing feeling flustered. After the cute interaction the translator introduces herself as, Jiwon.
As they starts their tour, Estrella completely forgot that there will be a camera following them as they are filming this whole thing. “Oh, hi~” Estrella waves at the camera, making Jungkook chuckle. “She’s better with the camera than me.” Jungkook points out. “I am?” Estrella sends Jungkook a teasing smile. Jungkook gasps, “you know Korean?” The group laughs. “A little bit, I been studying.” Estrella flips one her braids back acting cocky. Jungkook already ready to risk it all for Estrella. I mean who can blame him she’s a beautiful talent woman.
Jiwon showed Estrella the cafeteria, the mini cafe, and all the lounge rooms. “Megan we need the mini cafe back home.” Estrella jokingly whines, causing small laughs from the staff. Megan shakes for head ‘no’ and tells her to focus making the staff laugh harder at the two’s relationship. “Do you want something?” Jungkook offers looking down at Estrella. “Really?” Estrella’s doe eyes unleashed. Jungkook’s heart beats faster. Jungkook hums and nods back at Estrella, he couldn’t trust his words afraid of stuttering. Jungkook takes everyone to cafe the building has and waits for Estrella to make her decision. “I want…matcha!” Estrella points at the matcha latte. Jungkook couldn’t help but snicker at her puppy like behavior. Before ordering Jungkook asks if any of the staff want anything including Estrella’s team. Which surprised them and asks if he was sure, and he confidently says ’yes so he ended up ordering Estrella, Daya, and Sana’s drinks.
Just as he was finish Estrella hugs his arm, “thank you~” Jungkook learns sooner than later that Estrella is a very touchy person, but he doesn’t mind at all. It’s refreshing actually since Korean people are more reserved than where she’s from. Even Jiwon was a bit shock at Estrella hugging Jungkook’s arm, but she quickly brushes it off. The group moves along with the tour, “so we are going to show you the practice rooms where our artists spend most of their time here. We actually might run into some of them.” Jiwon explains. As they move closer the music from room 1 was getting louder. “Let’s see who’s in this room.” Jiwon knocks before entering. Estrella sees five girls dancing, but quickly they stop and start bowing towards them. “Oh my god, it’s Estrella!” One of the members gasp covering her mouth.
“This is Le Sserafim one of our girl groups here.” Jiwon introduces Estrella. “Hi, I’m Estrella nice to meet you.” Estrella waves. “I’m Yunjin and I’m such a big fan.” Yunjin smiles brightly, trying to hold in her excitement. “You are? Thank you!” Estrella comes up to her to hug her which Yunjin starts freaking out. The Le Sserafim members laugh at Yunjin’s reaction. “This is the best day ever.” Yunjin fans her face. “Maybe you guys should show her your performance?” Jiwon suggests, the group immediately got into position. Estrella went back and stood next to Jungkook while sipping on her matcha latte. As they were performing ‘Antifragile’ Estrella whispers over to Jungkook, “you should show me your performance too.” Jungkook glances at Estrella who was watching Le Sserafim. “I’m recording for my solo album.” He answers, but he still wants to see her even after this so he had to shoot his shot. “Why don’t you come back over to my studio?” Jungkook is now fully looking at Estrella waiting for an answer, but also admiring her side profile. “Ok,” she shrugs. Estrella makes sure no one is watching them and fully paying attention to Le Sserafim. She gets closer to Jungkook, “but let’s be alone.”
‘Who knew the Korean language could sound much sweeter coming from Estrella’s mouth’ Jungkook thinks while getting dizzy off of Estrella’s flirting. Whoever was teaching her Korean Jungkook wanted to thank them personally because they are doing wonders. Estrella giggles at how Jungkook hasn’t responded, and how his ears have turned pink after her response. She knew she got him.
Estrella thank Le Sserafim for performing for her, they even took a few photos before the group leaving their practice room. “Actually if we move further down another group is practicing.” Jiwon led the group to another practice room. “This group is Jungkook’s junior group called Tomorrow x Together, and they are currently practicing for their tour that is coming up this week.” Hearing the familiar name Estrella knew exactly who’s on the other side of the door.
‘Yeonjun~’ Estrella sighs dreamily in her head. Jiwon again knocks before entering, and there was Yeonjun center dancing away with sweat dripping down. The second their eyes meet Yeonjun almost trips on his own feet. Estrella gives Yeonjun a shy small wave along with sending him a smile anyone would fall for. All the tiredness left his body and continued to give 100% for the rest of the song. Jungkook didn’t miss this interaction especially the switch from flirty to shy. ‘There’s someone else on her mind too’ Jungkook noted.
Soon after the group was done practicing they introduced themselves. The whole group grew shy around Estrella their staff even asked “what’s with the change of attitude?” Just a few minutes ago they were goofing around yelling, and now they’re hiding their ears while standing straight being quiet. “They’re cute~” Estrella wanted to tease them more, and the second she said that they broke character and started hiding their cheeks while looking away from her. The whole room erupts in laughter from the obviously shy boys.
After the room calms down Jiwon asked the members to introduce themselves which they gladly did. “Hello I’m Estrella.” Estrella waves at them also wanting to introduce herself. “Woah, they’re all so tall.” Estrella is amazed by their height compared to how tall she is. The members grew even more shy with her compliments instantly thanking her. “Estrella-ssi should stand next to you guys to see how far she can reach.” Jiwon suggests. “Oh, ok.” Estrella left Jungkook’s side he almost wanted to grab her hand to hold her back, but he knows he couldn’t. Which hurts even more.
In comparison Estrella is 5’5 so imagine her next to a 6’ foot man, and she has little heels on which don’t give her much. “Oh my god.” She covers her mouth, as she looks up at Soobin who was also surprise by their height difference. “Let’s compare hand sizes!” Yeonjun immediately cuts into their little moment. “Your hands are tiny~” he teases her, earning him a little push from Estrella.
Why was Jungkook feeling a bit insecure/jealous with 6’ foot men surrounding Estrella and touching her. He has to shake those thoughts out of his head remembering that he was going to have Estrella to himself during their studio session. He just has to be patient for now.
“Um, before you leave we wanted to ask you if you will like to come to our opening concert?” Kai cutely asks. “Really?!” Estrella looks at Megan almost like a little kid asking for permission. “Just send the info and we’ll see.” Megan nods. Estrella returns to her professional self and thanks txt for the invite along with saying her ‘byes’, as the groups moves on to different areas of the building again. Jungkook was happy to have Estrella’s attention back on him, he even started questioning himself about how fast he basically caught feelings for Estrella. Even though they just met each other. 
⭒˚‧ ︵‿⭒ཐིཋྀ ཐིཋྀ⭒‿︵ ‧˚⭒
The tour finally came to an end and it was time to officially say ‘goodbye’. “I had lots of fun today along with meeting Jungkook,” she hugs his arm again making him start beaming. “And Jiwon who was a great translator and teacher.” Estrella hugs Jiwon fully. “I also want to thank Hybe for having me, thank you~” she waves at the camera before they shut it off. Estrella once again says thanks for everyone before facing Jungkook. “Here,” Estrella hands Jungkook a little napkin with black ink on it. “It’s my number. Text me.” She smirks and walks away to her team, leaving him flustered mess.
Even though Estrella was trying to be sneaky about it someone was watching from afar. “I guess I have competition.” Yeonjun snickers.
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whatitsdecending · 2 days
Chokehold: Pt. VIII
Vessel x Reader x Noah Sebastian
Word Count: 5.1k
A New Year’s Eve party makes an extremely tense situation even worse as old faces are shown and old wounds are reopened.
Content warning: smut, angst, drinking, toxicity
New Year's Eve rolled around and so did the start of you getting back into work mode. Starting the week of the New Year, you went back on tour with Bad Omens and were going to be for a month as they toured Europe; first as a supporting act for Bring Me The Horizon and then their own headlining tour continuing the Concrete Forever tour. You were excited to get back on the road especially around Europe, you missed the crew and the band themselves. Well, you didn't really know if you fully missed one of them, maybe more so felt an extreme distance between the two of you.
You sighed as you worked on your laundry and folded the dry clothes into a pile for what you were packing. For the most part, it was pretty much everything you’d brought from home when you originally came over here. In the time you’ve been here though, you’ve accumulated about twice as many clothes that you had brought with you.
It was still pretty early on in the day and you planned on using this holiday to your advantage: laundry and chores before you really had to go fully into work mode. The only thing you had to do later was attend a party hosted by Oliver Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon with Vessel. It was something they were usually invited to when schedules worked out, and luckily this year they did.
Your outfit was already laid out on the bed and you were very excited to wear it tonight. It was something new and a little out of your comfort zone, but after trying it on in the shop you just knew it’d be perfect for a NYE party. With Vessel being out most of the day doing some errands for the house, you knew the dress would remain a surprise for him and a smile pulled at your lips each time you thought about the kind of reaction he’d have to it.
Since Christmas dinner at IV’s, your mind was still racing around the interaction you had with III. Had something happened between the first time you met and that night? You wondered if he’d learned something about you that threw him off a little, or perhaps he’s just being a protective friend and not wanting to see Vessel hurt again, nevertheless you could not shake the feeling that he doesn’t trust you.
It was eating at you all week and each time you’d gone to send him a text asking if you could meet up and talk, you would get nervous and not send it. You were scared of what he might say or what he might think of the fact that you’re so adamant on knowing what he meant on Christmas. Knowing he would be at the party tonight, you're going to try and talk to him before either of you have anything to drink so the conversation would be true without any infliction.
You decided that cleaning up around the house would be a nice way to get time moving quickly, focusing more on the lived-in areas like the kitchen, library and the living room. Might as well make the house look nice as you went into a new year, right?
As you cleaned the living room, you noticed a picture on the mantle of the fireplace that you hadn’t noticed before; it was of you and Vessel when he took you around London to see all the touristy things you hadn’t really seen before, only a small glimpse as you drove by during your other trips to the city. It was a picture that a woman took of the two of you in front of Big Ben, a big smile on both of your faces as you had been laughing at something the woman said, but Vessel faced you instead as you beamed toward the camera. You didn't even realize she had taken such a lovely candid photo of that moment, and you never realized Vessel had been looking at you in such a way… where it was like you were the only person on that busy street and nothing would ever take that loving gleam from his eyes as he focused on you.
He was as in love with you as you are with him. And yet, you still couldn’t tell him.
It was something that also preoccupied your mind since last week. Not being able to tell Vessel your feelings as he so easily did. He loves you and the least you could do was reciprocate the confession… but that wasn't going to come so easy for you. Saying “I love you” especially to Vessel might be the hardest thing you’ve had to do, and it killed you constantly how hesitant you were.
You hoped the hesitation wasn’t bothering him or else it might legitimately kill you for how guilty that’d make you feel. Fuck… why was it so hard?
The time came for you to start getting ready for the party. Vessel came back an hour ago and was putting away the dishes you used for the takeout he brought home for dinner. You stood in the bathroom as you applied your makeup, going for a bit of a smokier look that you thought would fit well with the dress. As the time got closer to when the party started, you grew more and more excited. It should be fun meeting all these new people that Vessel knew, getting to know the guys in Bring Me The Horizon and their crew before going on tour with them. It’ll be a good night.
You applied the finishing touches to your makeup and stepped back a bit to get a good look at the work. The smoked out eyeliner with the cat eye inner corner brought out the color of your eyes, and the deep red you put on your lips was stunning against your skin. Probably one of the best makeup attempts you’ve ever done if you do say so yourself.
“Darling, are you almost ready?” Vessel called from downstairs as you fastened the buckles on your heels.
“Yes, I just need to put my perfume on and then I’ll be done.” You hurried to where your perfume was as the sound of his footsteps echoed up the stairs.
“Was just thinking about how… wow.” His voice floated into the room and you turned after he’d stopped. His eyes were fixated on you, roaming around every part he could take in. The laced fabric of the dress that really left nothing to the imagination as it hugged every curve of your body and was doing exactly what you knew it would.
You smirked. “Thinking about what?”
He swallowed hard. “You know I don't think Oli would be mad if we showed up late.” He stepped toward you, his hands coming to rest on your hips as he kept his focus on your eyes.
“Now, I don’t think that would work this time around, Ves. He did say on the invite that he doesn’t like those who come late.” You placed your hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat.
A low groan came from his throat as his hands roamed to feel the curve of your ass in the dress. “He could take it up with me, because all I can think about is bending you over the bed and fucking you in this dress.” A blush crept across your skin as you saw the feral look in his eyes.
“Later, Ves. We can ring in the new year in private if you’d like.” You kissed him and slipped out of his hold, noting how hard he was because of you. “All that because of me, pretty boy?” You loved to tease him especially in moments like this.
“Keep doing shit like that and I’m definitely making us late to the party.” He said as he tried to adjust himself in the tight pants that he wore. Now you took the time to soak in his outfit, the tight black dress pants and a button down white shirt that had the first few buttons undone, showing off the necklace you got him for Christmas. You resisted the urge to get down on your knees and help him out, knowing you were just going to do that later anyways.
“Let’s go.” You held out your hand and waited for him to take it before you headed downstairs, seeing a car had pulled up and was waiting for you. He’d ordered an Uber while you were still getting ready and yet wanted to fuck you so badly he’d miss the ride… what a dork.
The drive to Oli’s wasn’t all that bad, you just sat back and relaxed in the car while Vessel kept a firm hand on your thigh, giving it a small squeeze here and there. The snow was beautiful as you drove further out into the country, the rolling hills covered in white that seemed to sparkle under the stars. Oh how you dreamed of living in a place like this.
After an hour you arrived. Cars lined the driveway and even more were down the street for those who were coming in Ubers or Lyfts. It was a much larger party than you anticipated, apparently Oli really knew how to throw one.
As you entered you handed off your jackets and were greeted by Oli himself. “There you are! I’ve been waiting for you to come. How are you, mate?” He enthusiastically said as he engulfed Vessel in a hug.
“Doing well, thanks for asking. This is my girlfriend Y/N, Y/N this is Oli.” Vessel motioned between the two of you as he did his introductions.
“Hi, nice to finally meet you.” You said, sticking your hand out to shake his but he pulled you into a hug instead.
“Ah yes! I’ve heard lots about you love, excited to get back on the road soon?” He beamed down at you and you felt as though you were warming up to him quicker than most.
“I am. I’ve missed touring with everyone, it should be a good time.” You smiled back at Oli, noticing his attention sweep behind you as more people came inside.
“Sorry to dismiss you so soon but I’ve got to be a good host, you all enjoy the party and don’t get too hammered!” He moved off to the people behind you, leaving you to the open house and the party happening. Vessel placed his hand on your lower back and guided you to where everyone had gathered. The music wasn’t quite loud and people were more so mingling than partying. The bar was packed with people getting their drinks started for the night.
You tried your best to spot III in the crowd, especially at the bar since he likes to get his drinks early. But there was no sight of him, either he was elsewhere or coming later. You sighed as you looked at everyone here, no one you knew or even recognized, all in their own little bubbles as the conversations grew louder.
Vessel squeezed your hand to get your attention. “Want to get something at the bar?” You glanced over at the huge crowd still over there and shook your head, he followed your gaze and understood. “Yeah it is a bit crowded, I could still get you something if you’d like?” Without III here yet and more than likely the fact he’ll be arriving pretty late, you said fuck it and asked Vessel to grab you a drink.
You stood in the same spot, every so often saying hi to people who passed by and sharing compliments on outfits you really loved. It became draining just standing and watching the doors to possibly spot III before Vessel came back, so you moved your focus to the room behind you. Basic New Years streamers were scattered across the room, balloons were being held up by a net on the ceiling and were going to be released when the clock struck midnight.
As you took another turn, you noticed a familiar face lighting up the room around him. An excited squeal almost slipped from you at the same time as your stomach fell to the floor. You cautiously made your way over to none other than Nicholas Ruffilo, bassist of Bad Omens and Noah’s best friend. Despite the latter, he was also one of your good friends.
“Nicholas!” You shouted as you made your way to him. He turned and his face lit up with surprise.
“Y/N?” He engulfed you in a long hug. “I didn’t know you would be here.” You pulled away from the hug and admired your friend, he hasn’t changed since the last time you saw him.
“I’m here with someone. How are you, honey? Anything new going on?” You ask, glancing around him to see if any of the other members were around to say hi to.
He smiled. “Not exactly, we’ve just been working on music since October.” He noted the way you looked around, the weariness written across your face. “He’s here, I’m not sure where exactly but I can always let him know you’re here if you want to see him?” Your heart raced at the thought of seeing Noah and you smiled at Nicholas.
Before you could say anything, the strong grip of Vessel’s hand on your hip stopped you. “Here you go, love. Vodka cran with a hint of lime.” He handed you the drink and kissed your cheek, noticing the company you had. “Oh, hey Nicholas. How are you doing?” You stood back and watched as the two conversed, going back and forth about touring and music. You know, the things all musicians tend to talk about when they haven’t seen one another in a while.
“So when did this happen?” Nicholas asked as he motioned between you and Vessel.
You smiled at your friend. “We’ve kinda been a thing since November, but never really made things official till this month.” You caught the slight eyebrow raise that Nicholas did before he smiled.
“That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you guys, you make a lovely couple.” It was genuine and that’s all that mattered to you, at least for now while Vessel was standing with you. Nicholas looked past your shoulder, catching your attention you turned to see who he was looking at. Standing near the stairs in the shadow of a doorway stood Noah, his eyes were focused on you despite Matt standing next to him and talking.
Noah’s POV
Since the moment you saw her standing alone and looking around at the shitty decorations that Oli put up, you knew this night was already fucked. You had no clue why she was here and how she ended up getting an invitation since most of the crew wasn’t here besides Matt. You tried to keep yourself preoccupied with the drink in your hand as Matt talked about whatever came to mind for him, but you could not keep your attention away from her.
The way that black lace dress hugged every single part of her that you’d grown fond of and cherished every second when you were together was debilitating. Her hair was pulled back, showing the angles of her face and making it more beautiful each time the lights cast upon it. She was the most beautiful person in the room and you were unable to keep your eyes off her, especially when she found Nicholas and her face lit up like a star.
You watched them talk, a feeling of relief hitting you as they conversed like there hasn’t been a two month gap since the last time they saw each other. Another thing about Y/N that you loved; no matter how long of a break between a tour, seeing her was the easiest thing because she talked to you like you had just spoken a day ago. And now that you were about to be around her for a month, things were going to be different. Especially because you decided to be a dick and stop calling or texting her. So that was going to make things weird between the two of you.
Before you could move over to say hi, movement caught your attention as you watched Vessel make his way to her with two drinks in his hand. He switched to holding both with one hand so that he could place a hand on her hip. Your lip twitched as you watched her relax into the touch and lean against his chest.
So that’s who you heard in the background when you last spoke to Y/N? Your fist tightened as you watched him kiss her cheek again, his hand remaining on her hip but slowly inching its way to one of your favorite parts of her. You caught Nicholas glance at you from around Y/N’s shoulder, leading her to turn and catching your gaze with her own. Fuck, she’s seen you now.
She didn't do anything until Vessel turned too, noticing you and giving you a friendly wave. The three of them made their way to you and you could tell Y/N was hesitant about it. Matt loudly greeted them and gave her a tight hug, boasting about how he couldn’t wait to fuck shit up in the venues with her again.
You stood by quietly, watching the interaction between everyone. Nicholas stood on your other side now and he put a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry man.” He whispered, pointing to the couple in front of you. She stared at you as Vessel and Matt engaged in some sort of a conversation, her eyes searching yours for some sort of answer from you. It was hard to look into those same eyes that had been something you looked forward to seeing every morning when you woke up on tour. She was one of the only things that kept you going during those long days and some nights that followed. But now? You couldn’t have her because she looked happy, happy to be with someone who probably gave her his all and it was all she needed in comparison to you.
You had enough and stormed away, finding a quiet spot in the basement of Oli’s house. There was no one down here and you hoped it remained that way so you could collect your thoughts. You stared down at your hands, seeing the red marks you left from your nails while they dug into your palms. It felt pathetic to react the way that you were, but nothing could’ve prepared you for this.
The sound of music flooded down the stairs as someone entered, and quickly went back to the muffled sound that you escaped down here for. “Spots occupied, I suggest one of the many rooms upstairs.” The sounds of heels coming down the stairs made you sigh. “Not looking to hookup with random chicks tonight-” You stopped as Y/N came down and gave you a small smile.
“Pretty sure I’m not some random ‘chick’.” She says, coming a bit closer to you but still maintaining a good distance. She crossed her arms as she gave you a long look. “Hi Noah.”
“Does your boyfriend know you’re down here?” You question, glaring up at her from where you sat.
She ran her tongue over her teeth as you stared. “He knows I went to go talk to you since you left so abruptly.”
“Yeah and for good reason.” It stayed quiet between the two of you for a while, only the muffled sounds of the party upstairs keeping it from being fully silent. Before she even had the chance to get the words out of her mouth, you cut her off. “Why him Y/N? Why did you run off and choose him?”
She stood there stunned. “What do you mean, Noah? I didn’t fucking ‘run off’ I came here because he wanted me to, and guess what? I wanted to as well, especially after the tour ended and I had no one to talk to.”
“So you flew out all this way because you were lonely?”
She tightened her arms against her stomach. “Yes. You hadn’t talked to me in a while and Vessel was the one to call me everyday and check up on me. In fact, I was flying to London when you finally decided to text me again.” Something stung in your heart as she said that she was already on her way to him when you wanted to speak… and what makes it worse is that she probably was already wrapped around his finger when you were understanding your feelings for her.
“I should’ve never introduced the two of you that day.” You shook your head and wiped the sweat from your palms onto your pants.
She tilted her head. “So you regret that day? You’re mad because you brought me and Vessel together-”
You stood suddenly at the words. “I’m mad because he has you!” The shock spread through her wide eyes as she stared at you. “Fuck Y/N, are you that fucking blind?”
“I don’t know who you think you are for calling me blind, Noah. Last time I checked, we were fucking with no strings attached. All for pure pleasure and a way to let stress out. In no way did I ever see us being together.” Her voice caught at the end and tears flooded her eyes, a look of sorrow filling them as well.
“Yes you did.” You whispered, taking a step towards her and then another. “I know you did, Y/N. It doesn’t take long for you to grow attached to someone and want something so much more from them, that’s probably why you were so quick to run into Vessel’s arms when he offered you somewhere to stay where you wouldn’t be alone.” Your hand rested on her cheek now, watching the tear fall from her eyes and land on your thumb. You moved it so now your fingers held her face up by her chin, her watery eyes gleaming beneath the lights in the basement. Her breaths were heavy as she stared at you, it was hard to keep your composure around her, especially after not being around her for so long. The smell of her perfume was so alluring you couldn’t help it as you leaned down to her neck, rubbing the tip of your nose along her skin where she liked to be kissed most. Your lips made contact with her, feeling the rapid pulse beating through her as a whispered moan escaped her lips.
“Noah-” She tried not to let her head fall back and pressed her hand against your chest. “Noah I can’t. I’m sorry.” She pushed you away, noting the sadness that flashed in her eyes. “I have Vessel and I love him, I’m sorry but we cannot be together.” She loves him.
“No you don’t.” You whisper as she begins to turn away.
“I do. I really do, you cannot tell me otherwise.” She whispers back. “I will see you on Saturday.” As you watched her leave, you felt as though the whole world just came crashing down around you and it was hard to breathe.
She loves him.
Reader’s POV
You rushed back upstairs as the tears threatened to spill down your face. How could Noah pull some shit like that? The audacity he has to try and tell you that you don’t love Vessel when you’ve known for a few weeks that you do.
The music was much louder now as the time neared midnight. People were drunk and dancing around, couples made out in every corner you could see. You needed Vessel and you had to find him now. You eventually found him where he was talking with the band, III eyeing you as you walked up to them.
“Oh there you are, darling. I’ve been looking for you.” He kissed your forehead. You quickly said hello to the guys and they did the same, before you grabbed Vessel’s hand and pulled him away. You dragged him upstairs, heading past the rooms with closed doors knowing they were already occupied. You found an empty room and pulled him inside and slammed the door shut. “You disappear for a little bit and come back insanely horny?”
You smirked at him as the blue lighting in the room took hold of his features. “I did… and I do remember you saying earlier that you wanted to bend me over something and fuck me in this dress?” Your fingers toyed with the buttons of his shirt as you placed a kiss along his jaw.
“Glad you remembered that. But darling you know it’ll be midnight soon, do you not want to celebrate downstairs with everyone?” He brushed a stray hair behind your ear.
You shook your head. “I’d rather spend it alone with you. Whether its us just curled up in bed together or fucking each other’s brains out, I don’t care.” You felt the emotions bubbling up again and immediately forced them down. “I just want to be with you.”
“Both options sound good, but let's start with the second one.” A devious smile tugged on his lips as he placed his hands on the back of your thighs and tapped you twice, indicating you to jump up so he could carry you. Your lips crashed together and his tongue slipped into your mouth, the taste of the alcohol he’d been drinking mixing in with yours. Music from downstairs droned on in the background, the occasional thumps from the beat added to the racing beat of your heart.
Vessel carried you over to the bed and laid you down on it, not breaking the connection between your mouths once. Your fingers pulled at the buttons on his shirt as he worked on his belt, both being flung into a corner of the room. His hands ran up both of your thighs and to the waistband of your pantyhose and underwear beneath your dress, pulling both down with ease and adding them to the pile of clothes.
He kept his hands on your hips to keep you pinned to the bed. You reached for his pants to get them off but he gently swatted you away and broke your kiss. “We’re doing this my way tonight, darling. I want to please you first.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he backed off the bed and got on his knees on the floor in front of you. He leaned forward and pulled you to the edge of the bed, the skirt of your dress riding up as he did so. “Look at you darling, so perfect.”
Vessel grinned up at you before he put his head between your legs and ran his tongue through your folds. Your back arched off the bed at the feeling, his tongue moving in circles over your clit and a finger toying with your entrance. He didn't even hesitate as he pushed two fingers into you, pumping slowly with the pace of his tongue.
“Ves.” You breathed, squirming under his touch. “Go faster, I need you to go faster.” And he obliged. He pumped his fingers faster as his tongue picked up its pace too, flooding your body with pleasure. Your moans echoed through the room as you gripped tightly to the comforter beneath you. He took your mind away from everything. The only thing that you thought about was him and how good he made you feel, and how right it was for you two to be together.
You hit your climax with a scream, the pleasure overwhelming your senses as he kept the pace with his fingers in you. He watched as you came down from that high, breathing hard as you collected yourself. “You ready?” He asked, flipping you so you were on your stomach. The sound of his pants being undone made your ears perk up and you pushed your ass towards him. “Someone is a little desperate tonight, huh? You want my cock in you that badly darling?”
You nodded. “Yes, I need you in me baby.” The plea came out like a whine, earning a chuckle from Vessel as he ran the tip of his cock through your arousal.
“Whatever you need, darling.” He said as he pushed into you, making your head fall forward at the pressure of his cock in you. It always took a bit for you to adjust, especially in the position you were in. He slowly pulled out and thrust back in, repeating the motion until he could do it with ease.
He slipped out of you and instructed you to remove your dress and lay down against the pillows, watching you as you slowly removed the tight dress from your body and rested against the pillows. He settled between your legs and filled you up once more, your moans mixing together in the space. Vessel’s body pressed against yours as he thrusted into you with kisses being left across your skin as you held onto him tightly. He pressed his lips against yours, nothing but passion dripping from the kiss as he fucked you.
This is what this was, pure passion for each other and no longer the lust that had been the ongoing reason for your relationship. This was all it was. Not longing to just get off because you’re attracted to each other… no, this was wanting your bodies to be connected for as long as possible and never wanting to let go of the other. You loved every second of this, it was all you wanted for the rest of your life.
You pulled away from the kiss and looked him in the eyes. “I love you, Ves.” His pupils widened as he took in what you said. “I want you to be mine forever.” He kissed you again, gentle but loving. You could tell he was on the brink of his climax as he thrusted harder into you, kissing every last bit he could before he came in you.
He pulled the comforter over the two of you and took you into his arms, never cutting the connection between the two of you as you laid against his chest. “I love you too, Y/N. You have always been mine since the day we met.” You placed a kiss against his chest where his heart rested when the loud cheers and noise of people shouting “happy new years” from downstairs pulled you back to reality.
“Well. Happy new years, Ves.” You smiled.
“Happy new years, Y/N.” He said and kissed you once more.
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witchofthesouls · 2 days
What’s your thoughts on the Cone head seekers?
I got a lot. But it's expanding on the "Starscream is Vosian royalty" trope in the tf fandom.
The Coneheads are part of the Vosian Elite hierarchy. The tension between Starscream and Thrust is made worse by their family connection as well as their heritage and social customs. They're 'cousins' through their mothers.
Vos is a matrilineal society and places a deep emphasis on full carriages. Vosians believe that the newsparks gain more durability being nurtured within their carrier's frame. Starscream has a higher rank due to his own carrier belonging to a femme who's the sparkling of femme Winglord's clutch, and she managed to bring Starscream to term despite the high-risk medical complications that unfortunately whittled down to only one viable sparklet. (She was a favored daughter and an excellent diplomat for other city-states. With strings, she buried the medical records that another attempt could kill her before the sparklets had a chance to drop down.) A very ill omen among the Vosians as it means an early death or major compatibility issues with others.
Meanwhile, Thrust came from a "proper" clutch from a carrier that can trace her lineage to a Ruling Trine. However, she was sired by those mechs upon a bondmate.
Going back to the Coneheads. It's a high-ranking trine that is the equivalent of head of the royal security forces and major contenders to succeed to the Ruling Trine or court a femme Winglord or settle her heat should she has no claimed trine or lover.
Non-Seekerkin can not understand how they can function with that kind of system that allows the possibility of deception and treachery. But it's their way of checks and balances within their social structure. The push-pull between the Winglord with the Ruling Trine and the constant testing with the outer and inner rings will hone skills and keep instincts sharp as violence is settled in acceptable manners.
Starscream and Thrust have major beef with other as they both differ on how to guide the remaining Vosians... and surviving Seekerkin. Thrust is very much: Vosian first. Decepticon second.
He also thinks of his cousin as a fuckup. He won't deny Starscream's brilliance, but it's crippled by how Starscream allows himself to be corrupted by 'outside' influences rather than keeping to themselves. A weakness, Thrust views, that stems from Starscream's attempts to go against traditions and expectations. Skywarp was an utter hellion of a Wilder barbarian, and Thrust still can't believe that Starscream trined to that when others mechs were willingly to overlook Starscream's ominous signs and standoffish quirks. The addition of a Praxian femme Thundercracker as the war escalated nearly had Starscream and Thrust come to blows. Starscream catapulting his way into Winglord and Decepticon SIC did have them come to blows. Starscream's trine won the right to lead.
Meanwhile, Starscream sneers at his cousin's lack of imagination. He's upset that Thrust's shortsightedness had been nurtured by Vosian sense of superiority... which crippled them with interacting with other city-states and blinded them to their own troubles. And it even follows them to this point in the war. Even now, there's little mixing between Vosian Seekers and the rest of the faction. Unlike Skywarp that relishes his duties as the Left-Wing to a Decepticon SIC and Winglord and the remaining Decepticon Praxians and Polyhexians that have no issues intermingling with the rest of the faction, Starscream sees that they are getting isolated. He's banging his head against so many walls because that's something that needs to be taken care of before they're written off as they further dwindle. Air superiority means little without the proper numbers, and he already is verbally vivisecting any plans that propose to split trines to further air support across divisions. He may be the established Winglord, but he has too many duties to counter the social pull the Coneheads have on the remaining Vosians. Thundercracker keeps them in line, but she can't force them out to interact with the others.
(Their family was hoping that Starscream and Thrust would trine together as they had compatible skillets and opportunities to grow well together. Thrust could handle Starscream's acerbic words and guide him to of the more successful ventures, whereas Starscream had the creative vision to go well with Thrust's excellent social finesse.
However, their personalities and motivations clashed too much as neither of them are willing to back down. They kept hoping as Thrust was still settling with his brothers and classmates but still gravitated to Starscream, even to heckle at him... They eventually gave up after Starscream trined with Skywarp.)
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Happy Mermay, Amaze Shaez! Have a fishy AU!
Techno moves to a small college town while he works on his degree. It is an idealic little town right near the beach with seemingly very kind people.
Technoblade is his normal introvert self, waiting around for an extrovert to adopt him. So he keeps to himself a lot. One of the things he has found that he enjoys is walking along the beach and just letting the breeze blow against him.
A lot of the town seems to go out by the beach. There is a man with a strange green bucket hat who is often fishing from the beach. These same three teenagers always seem to be scream laughing while chasing each other up the beach. She often catches sight of a woman with bright pink hair searching for shells with her bald friend. Its peaceful.
The people sometimes wave, but mostly they ignore him.
Honestly, that can be said of most of the locals.
There is a hard line between the students that attend the college and the locals of the town. Sure, they interact, but the locals never let the students get to close. Never too familiar. Always at arms length.
A bit odd.
A massive storm hits the town. It honestly fucks it up quite a bit, buildings actually collapsing in the storm. So much damage.
Classes are canceled for a few days, so Technoblade does what he enjoys.
He walks the beach.
There are still people on the beach, but they almost seem frantic. They are looking for something. The man with the green hat looks particularly upset, seeming almost close to tears as he whispers with the pink haired woman. Technoblade almost considers asking them what's wrong, but then he remembers he's an introvert and can't cross that social barrier.
So, Technoblade walks on until he gets to a rocky section of tide pools. The pools were also very messed up from the storm, but they seem to be recovering.
He hears a voice.
Technoblade turns, trying to find the voice and then it comes again. A woman's voice. He couldn't tell what she said, but it seemed strained. Technoblade walked closer.
He finds a crack in the rocks, and looks down to see a small enclosed cavern. A brownhaired woman half submerged in seawater inside. She is glaring at him.
Technoblade takes a moment to panic before he immediately starts looking around. He calls out for help, for someone to come give him a hand in rescuing the lady, but everyone is too far away.
Technoblade hesitates on what to do, before he leans down into the hole and reaches out a hand. The lady in the hole looks at it skeptically, but eventually grabs the hand. Technoblade is able to pull her up with a lot of effort, helping her through the crack and onto the shore of tidepools. Its only when she is completely out that he realizes that she has a long, deep purple, tail.
Technoblade just stares at that in shock for a moment. The mermaid snorts a laugh, drawing Technoblade's attention. She says something, her voice musical, but Technoblade doesn't understand.
Then he noticed the MASSIVE cut on her arm. He rushes to get his jacket off and put pressure on the cut. The mermaid looks at his suspiciously as he approaches it, but allows him to try.
Technoblade is readjusting his whole world view internally while Kristin is just looking at him with all the suspicion in the world.
Eventually Technoblade sighs and looks out toward the ocean. Its low tide. It will be a long time before the water gets close to the tide pools. And Technoblade was FAIRLY sure it would be a bad idea if someone saw an actual real life mermaid. So Technoblade asks Kristin if she can make it to the sea herself or if she needs him to carry her. Kristin looks at him confused and he starts adding hand gestures to get his point across.
(Kristin understood what he was saying, she just wasn't expecting him to be kind).
Technoblade is getting desperate trying to figure out the best way to convey to a MERMAID that she needs to either move or be moved. Kristin eventually smiles slightly mischievous, making a move like she needed to be carried.
(She absolutely could have made it to the ocean on her own, she just also thought it would be funny to make Techno carry her.)
Technoblade is very careful about picking her up and carrying her to the ocean. He doesn't want to trip with her in his arms. So he doesn't notice her studying his face with a widening grin.
Technoblade walks until he is a little over knee height in water before he puts her down. He feels things brushing against his legs the whole time which was DISTURBING. It was like the ocean itself was wrapping around his legs.
Before she is in the water, Kristin carefully kisses his cheek. Technoblade nearly drops her in surprise, but then she jumps out of his arms and immediately swims away.
His jacket gets dropped in the water and completely soaked.
He tells no one.
After that, the locals...change around him. The watch him as he walks by. The approach him more and speak to him. They call out to him when he walks on the beach, which startles him.
Eventually, they start to befriend him. He meets Phil and Niki and Jack and Ranboo and Tommy and Tubbo and Puffy and Wilbur and-
So many people.
They start to become his friends.
One night, Phil invites Techno to a party. It was something only locals could go to. Techno almost refuses, not fond of Parties, but Phil convinces him to come along. Its not a traditional party. More like just a family get together, except with the locals. Technoblade is coerced into going.
He regrets it a little when its in some random cave. He has to walk across a sandbank at low tide to get there. Phil leads the way into the cave, flashlight in hand as the make turns in the system. They actually walk DOWN for a bit before turning back up. Technoblade really hopes that Phil knows the way because if Techno was forced to recreate it, he wouldn't be able to find his way out.
But once he gets to their destination, its nice. Niki obviously decorated as there are so many nice streamers and food scattered about. Little lanterns lit up the whole cavern. There was music, but it was soft. Not blaring and hurting everyones ears.
Technoblade has fun. Everyone is kind. His cheeks hurt from smiling.
Eventually, his social battery runs out and he asks Phil to help him leave.
Phil just smiles at him, asking him to wait at least an hour more. There was someone he hadn’t gotten to meet yet. His wife would be there in about an hour.
Techno is curious because Phil always talks about his wife. He agrees to stay longer, even though he was getting tired.
Around half an hour passes and Techno notices something strange. He looms at the path they entered through and it is submerged in water. He feels anxious at this and voices it. Niki assures him that they have a way out. Its just the tide coming in. They were perfectly safe.
Techno feels dread settle in his stomach and he once again asks Phil if they can leave. Phil tries to calm him down, but then there is splashing behind him. Technoblade turns back to the entrance.
And sees the mermaid, smiling brightly at him.
Phil calls her Kristin.
Technoblade is reeling about how Phil is married to a mermaid? What? How could that be? Phil laughs and says that Kristin isn't a mermaid. Not really. She is more of a seagoddess than anything.
Technoblade doesn't see why his choice in words matter.
Phil says is because the rest of those there were mer. It would be confusing if they lumped Kristin in with them.
Technoblade is having a time coming to terms with this when he feels his water against his shoes. He looks down to see less than an inch of water starting to cover the whole cavern floor.
Technoblade starts to panic. He demands to get out. Everyone tries to help calm him down, saying everything is fine. They are just so excited to have him. It won't even hurt to become mer, so there is no need to worry. Technoblade doesn't want to become mer. He's human. He doesn't-
The water pouring in is slow. It takes a while for the tide to come in. And each inch that creeps up Technoblade's leg is causing him to hyperventilate. He is waiting to DROWN.
The mer feel a bit bad for his panic, so they decide it would be better if he didn't have to wait for the whole cave to fill.
Multiple people grab him and push him into the water next to Kristin, his head submerging. Before he can pull himself back to the surface, hands wrap around him. A long tail keeps him in place as he struggles to get back to air.
The water keeps pouring in, Kristin pulling him further into the cavern as it gets deep enough for her to freely swim. The others surround them, now sporting tails and fins and looking at the pair as Technoblade slowly but surely loses consciousness.
When he wakes up, he is still in the cavern but its slightly different. The party supplies have been removed and the only light available is from sporadic glow lichen.
Technoblade is laying on something soft, but his whole body aches and he can't quite move. He tries to move his legs.
He doesn't have legs anymore.
Kristin is there, right beside him, and he can understand her now. She tells him how it will be at least a year before he can switch back to having legs. And it will be at least five years before she feels comfortable leading him out of the labyrinth. But he didn't need to worry, his new family would take care of him.
Have a good one!
Happy Mermay!!! This shows how long I tend to keep the lenn AUs hostage in my inbox LMAO but they're just so tasty I want to read them a bunch of times before sharing them with others hehe
BUT YES, dark sbi mermaids is sooooo tasty and we love some non-consensual body modifications
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krystal-kade · 2 days
You know,the worldbuilding for hazbin and helluva are interesting but at the same time,I feel a bit bored by it. Sorry,it's just it has potential and all of that but hell is just like a nighttown that you can go there and suffered no consequences. And I know helluva is a spinoff to hazbin hotel except it's just destroys the both meanings of it. Especially since hazbin is about redeeming sinners while helluva boss is just don't get mad at me but just soap opera between an elitist with a peasant. I thought helluva boss is gonna be us seeing the IMP doing their missions and encountered many different challenges on navigating a business not seeing a dramatic retelling yaoi festizhization love story of stolas and blitzo. And with hazbin,it's just I wanna see hazbin having different customers and guests and how they interact with the hotel not a literal fight with heaven of all things. What's next? Do I need to get into getting myself info a lore Livestream of Viv telling us? No,I want subtle storytelling not an Italian soap opera,ah man. Ah,now because of this I have to entertain myself with fans making fanmade comics of both helluva and hazbin hotel and I'm not complaining because let's face it,fans does it better than the creator Viv does.
Vivziepop so quickly strays from her original concepts, and it makes both shows difficult to watch. The last Helluva Boss episode that includes I.M.P. going to Earth on a mission to kill someone is episode 5, ‘Unhappy Campers,’ and that was only Millie and Moxxie. The last time the whole team went was episode 4 of season 1! Helluva Boss is now just a show about Viv’s twinks and kinks. I genuinely think I’ve seen enough of Stolas for a lifetime. There’s so much potential with a show like this, and I would have loved to see Helluva Boss explore both Hell and the Human World, but it does neither. There are so many ways this show could be executed to explore the worlds and character dynamics, but we barely even know anything about how these characters interact with each other.
Hazbin Hotel does the same thing. We have the possibility to explore Hell and Heaven, but we don’t. Hazbin Hotel is also supposed to be more about the women characters, but we know very little about Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, or any of the other women; we instead get episodes about Husk, Alastor, Lucifer, Angel, Vox, and Val. Hazbin was supposed to be about new people coming to the hotel to learn about redemption. The only person we actually get is Sir Pentious, who doesn’t even change or learn anything about virtue and redemption. We also kind of get Cherri, but she isn’t even part of the hotel. 8 whole episodes for two official people in the hotel. I’d rather we see people coming to the hotel and learning about redemption for an entire season instead of the drama we see go down with Adam and Heaven.
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss just move WAY too quickly. I think it’s even difficult for fans to write fanfics and comics about these characters because they have nothing to go off of. Almost none of the characters have personalities, and we don’t know how they interact with each other. However, I do think that Viv’s Hell is an interesting world. I just wish it was explored more. We’ve only see a few of the rings, met a few of the sins, and seen very little of Hell at all. I have no hope that Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss will be better shows, the only hope I have is that in 30 years, someone reboots these shows, and actually makes them good.
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