#without waking up to 99+ notes every morning
loxare · 2 years
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Op... 6,999… I hope ur day is blessed
7 notes · View notes
lalal-99 · 7 months
of the big city {h.j.} | track 2
©March 2023, February 2024 by lalal-99
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Han Jisung x afab!reader | trope: slice of life, coming of age | word count: 6.9k
Synopsis: The one where uni starts and you meet some interesting people.
Check Chapter Overview for complete list of warnings
Note: The next chapters are gonna be much shorter, I promise. The overwork is going smoothly so far, I have the next chapter ready and will probably post beginning of next week. I also wrote two whole new chapters this week which I'm very proud of. I really hope I can finish this story this time around :)
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“Baby? Do you have some paper for me?”
With an annoyed eye roll you ripped a page from your new notebook, smoothing over the edges of the torn binder. You pushed the single page over towards him with reluctance.
“You forgot your notebook on the first day already?”
And to think notebooks and pens were the main reason you had gone to the store yesterday.
“Don’t blame me. You know I’m not a morning person. And you didn’t want to wake me up with sex, so...” The smugness in his voice made you wonder if he actually thought he had won this discussion. You raised your eyebrows at him, hinting at the thinness the metaphorical ice on which he was walking.
You usually didn’t get annoyed that easy. If you had, your relationship sure as hell wouldn’t have lasted this long. The reason: Jisung and his lack of understanding social cues. To take the hint and not bother you any further when you were already frustrated, all it took was a look.
Although he wasn’t the reason for your irritation today. Or at least not the sole one.
It was the first day of university, so naturally, you were a little on edge. Whatever happened from this day on would decide over the paths your life took in the future. It was a step you had waited so long to take but dreaded all the same. Jisung, as your loving boyfriend, should have known how much this meant to you.
Sometimes, you speculated if he did it on purpose. Rile you up when you were anxious to give you something to put your focus on instead. His intentions might have been sweet, but this wasn’t taking any tension off your shoulders. Jisung forgetting his notebook and blaming you for it, even as a joke, could have likely been the last straw.
“Baby?” As you looked back at him, you noticed his cute pout. It was almost cute enough to make you forget what you had been so annoyed about a minute earlier. “Do you also have a spare pen? And some highlighters would be nice, too.”
Shaking your head at Jisung, you let out a snort. So he hadn’t forgotten just his notebook, but his pen and highlighter too? Got it. Very unwillingly, you handed him the items. You thankfully always had a spear set in case of emergency. Or, in this case, your boyfriend’s scatterbrain you had been dealing with for many years already.
“You have got to be kidding me.” He blew you a playful kiss, thanking you for your service. “Don’t let this become a habit. I’m not piggybacking you through university as I did in High School. Understood?”
As much as you loved him, Jisung had his fair share of annoyances. Like his living-in-the-moment type of attitude. A contrast to your thoroughly organised persona, you usually appreciated your differences. Without his Yin, your Yang wouldn’t shine as bright and vice versa.
That still didn’t change that you wouldn’t be his personal secretary this time around.
Jisung was old enough to care for himself and not rely on his girlfriend for every one of his needs. Whether it was some paper and pens, your skillfully crafted cue cards, or an all-nighter before one of his final exams. How ever you had talked him into studying for that one anyways.
“I love you, too.”
If he only weren’t so damn cute.
Out of pure principle you ignored his comment with an unintentional snicker. You continued your draft outline on your first notebook page—your attempt of getting a head start on future lecture notes—thus almost missing the voice chatting up Jisung.
“I’m taking you won’t be sleeping in the dorm a lot, will you?”
The depth of the second voice made you look up from your notebook. As the light shone into the room from behind the boy, it almost blinded you. Once your eyes got used to the brightness, you could finally make out a lean figure. He set a reusable coffee cup on the desk next to Jisung before sliding onto the wooden chair.
The boy was clad in comfortable attire, loose hanging jeans paired with a simple t-shirt. His long, blonde hair messily framed his face, a green beanie rounding off his skater-boy look. Something told you he had more to himself than what his cover showed. The several silver rings on his fingers could have been the reason for your suspicion. Or it was how he carried himself—a perfect line leading from his soles to the tip of his head. In exact contradiction to your boyfriend’s slouching posture.
“Morning to you too, sunshine.” The smirk in Jisung’s tone indicated his playfulness and a sense of closeness. “Why do you care? You’re not in love with me, are you?”
“No,” the boy scoffed, his bag placed neatly under the table. “I just wondered if I can stop waiting up for you or if I will have to identify your corpse at some point.”
Looking past Jisung, the boy noticed your presence, sending you a heart-warming smile. The freckles all over his nose and cheeks juxtaposed the darkness of his voice and over-all looks. Something about his aura relaxed you, his company drenching his atmosphere in happiness.
“Hi, I’m Felix!”
“I’m Y/N. I’m Jisung’s-”
“Girlfriend. Yeah, I know. He talks about you a lot.”
Jisung leaned in closer to you, though he kept his voice at the same volume, “Be careful, baby. He’s very much in love with me already. I might leave you for him.”
“You can have him.” You leaned past your boyfriend, directly addressing Felix. “But make sure to always have a spare pen and paper. And also a spare pair of pants.” The scene from earlier this morning came back to mind, a teasing look creeping onto your face. “He might say he can care for himself, but he will wear your leggings and pink baby-girl crop top when there’s no alternative.”
“Good to know,” Felix replied with a deep chuckle, amused by the picture you had painted. He ran his hands through his blonde hair, showing off his ears and all the piercings. Okay, so, definitely not a skater-boy-type.
“You might be joking now.” Jisung threw a know-all look in your direction. “But you won’t be laughing when I wear your fishnets to your grandpa’s next birthday.”
“Don’t you dare put on my fishnets! They were expensive.”
“That’s alright. We’re about the same size, so he can wear mine.” Felix’s words came unexpected and not even Jisung couldn’t conceal his amusement.
“Great, there’s two of you now. Is it too late to drop out?”
In all the years you had known him, Jisung rarely ever made friends this easy. Not even a week on campus, and he had gotten close enough to Felix to joke in his usual manner. How they had even gotten this close when Jisung had spent most of the day at your place was a mystery to you. Still, the little time they had spent together was enough to have discovered a mutual hobby—catching Pokémon. As they argued over who had found the rarest creature, you picked up your previous task. Though that didn’t stop your joy in finding that Jisung had made a friend. And a nice one at that.
You felt guilty for even thinking it, but Jisung had never been particularly good at making friends. Not before meeting you and not afterwards either.
Most of all, you blamed the lack of a ‘do not say’-filter in his conversational skills. His openness posed an obstacle to making new acquaintances—or at least it had many times before. After years of getting side-eyed or complained about, he had stopped talking to new people all together. Like he already expected the sole attempt to make connection to backfire. The few relationships he had formed despite his shyness had been pure luck. And your very own relationship only existed due to your perseverance.
That Jisung had already befriended Felix, at least as much as possible in three days, put you in a bright mood. One of your biggest fears about moving was your boyfriend rooming with someone he didn’t get along with. With someone as talkative and easily compatible as Felix, Jisung would likely not be clinging to you as much. Which wouldn’t have been the worst scenario, but still.
With every passing minute the lecture hall filled more. When something sharp scratched your shin, your head finally snapped towards one of the new-comers. A blonde girl had sat down next to you, and you found the culprit when you noticed her pink heels.
“Oh my God. Did I hit you? I’m so sorry.” Her hand came to her mouth in shock as she apologised a couple of times. You rubbed over the sensitive skin which was already bruising from when you had hit that crate of boxes yesterday. Talk about unfortunate accidents. You pushed the urge to groan at the pain down, forcing a smile onto your face instead. “It’s those dang heels. I knew I should have worn the sneakers today.”
“It’s fine. Surprised me, that’s all.” Embarrassment reached over her cheeks to her ears, a frown painting her face. “No worries.”
For a few seconds she hesitated but finally accepted your willingness to let it go. Out of the corner of your eye, you followed her as she unloaded the contents of her purse. She pulled out a torn notepad and a vintage-leather pencil case, which must have seen better days. She reached back into her designer bag, face distraught as her search came up empty.
She tried grabbing the attention of two boys on her right side, tied deep into their conversation. When she eventually realised she had no other option, her gaze tiptoed towards you. “Sorry to bother you again.” Teeth nibbling at her lip, she forced herself to get over her embarrassing mistake seconds earlier. “Do you have a pen I can borrow?”
Even if your shin had hurt worse, you would have still helped her out. With a genuine smile, you nodded, searching your pencil case and then your bag.
“I wanted to grab one before leaving my room, but I noticed a stain on my shirt and needed to change it. So, I forgot about the pen,” the girl recounted her morning ventures. “I’m so sorry for bothering you.”
“You’re not bothering me,” you assured her. Your smile turned to an apologetic scowl once you realised you couldn’t help her out after all. “I’m sorry. I always carry at least one extra pen, but scatterbrain next to me left his head in bed this morning.”
“You talking ‘bout me?”
Jisung, who you hadn’t expected to react to the mention of his unflattering nickname, turned to you.
“Hey, Felix,” you called the boy two seats from yours, ignoring your boyfriend. “Do you happen to have a spare pen?”
“Sure. I always carry an extra one in case.”
“Interesting. So, some people do use their heads before leaving the house.” It was a reproachful remark addressed to Jisung and his forgetfulness, and he caught the meaning.
“Some people do use their heads before leaving the house,” he scrunched his nose, teasing you by mimicking your voice and repeating your previous words as you snickered. Your perfect boyfriend, everyone.
Felix handed the pen from his jacket past you, the girl accepting it with a thankful smile.
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“I usually go by Felix. But lifesaver is good, too.”
The girl giggled, before introducing herself, “I’m Yuqi. I live in the student housing off campus. You know, the ones next to that coffee shop with the green doors. It’s open 24/7. Genius marketing move, right?” Biting her lip after that info dump, you noticed her nose doing a little scrunch. “Sorry. I talk a lot.”
“I haven’t noticed,” Jisung joked, your elbow gracing his rib at his sarcasm. You wondered if there would ever come a day you didn’t have to act as his personalised filter.
“Don’t listen to the idiot next to me,” you declared, “I find it charming.”
“Me, too,” Felix agreed, and Yuqi relaxed. It told you that she usually didn’t get that reaction when spraying words like a waterfall.
“I live in the same building.”
Excitement took over her features. “What? No way! Which room?”
Yuqi shrieked, her hand touching your arm, “I’m B12! That makes us floormates.”
“I guess it does.” Yuqi was the first person you met who lived in the same building that wasn’t your roommate or her girlfriend. “I’m Y/N. And this,” you thumbed back at your boyfriend, “this is Jisung.”
“Hi,” he greeted her with an awkward wave.
“Nice to meet you all.”
With that, Yuqi picked up her purse, pulling out an old folder. Well, it appeared to be rather new, but the edges were already torn, some of the plastic cover coming off the corners. The latter especially gave you an ick, and you forcefully pushed down the urge to smooth over them. You could handle some chaos, even if this was a lot.
Good thing, Yuqi spoke up again, giving something different to concentrate on.
“What’s your major?”
“I’m doing Business Admin.�� Before you could return the question, Yuqi already reacted, hand touching your biceps in excitement.
“No freakin’ way! I’m in Marketing.” The delight in her voice was addictive as you couldn’t help a grin pulling on your lips. “See, I even wore the perfect outfit for our first lecture later today.”
Yuqi leaned back, giving you a better look at her clothing.
She was in a pair of white jeans, a rosé-coloured blouse adorning the upper half of her lean figure. A single, thin gold necklace decorated her neckline, fitting the two golden earrings. The one thing that stood out in that well-rounded outfit was her other earrings. About a dozen of them decorated both ears from the dainty top to the slim bottom. To round the fit off, she wore a pair of light-pink high heels. The very same that had already made acquaintance with your shin.
“Pretty, right?”
“Very girlboss,” you agreed in earnest. Your own clothes contrasted her colourful optics, made up of mostly black items.
“I’m so glad I’m not the only girl in the classes.” There was a hint of playful disgust in her statement, making you chuckle. “All the other people I met who are in Business were boys. Not that boys are bad or anything. I love boys. But they can be—a lot.”
“I get it. I lived with three boys back home. Well, technically, my dad is a man,” you air-quoted, “but where’s the difference, right?” Yuqi chuckled. “It’s nice to have a girl around every once in a while.”
Yuqi reached for her coffee cup as her gaze wandered to the grey haired middle-aged man who entered the room. He walked up to the desk at the end of the hall, his briefcase landing on the table with a loud thud.
With that, you straightened up, pen in hand and ready to take notes the second your prof opened his mouth.
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05:23 PM: Hey, are you studying in the dorm tonight?—Y/N 05:25 PM: No. The place is all yours :)—Hwasa 05:25 PM: Is lover boy coming over again ;)—Hwasa 05:26 PM: He’s hanging out with his roommate tonight... Bonding. I’m thinking about inviting a friend over. I met her at orientation earlier this week—Y/N 05:27 PM: Sounds fun—Hwasa 05:27 PM: Anything special planned?—Hwasa 05:27 PM: Not yet. Maybe eat something and a movie? Explore the city?—Y/N 05:28 PM: You wanna explore this bar Joey’s? I’m meeting some friends there later. Happy Hour starts at 8—Hwasa 05:29 PM: You sure? I wouldn’t want to intrude—Y/N 05:29 PM: I told you I’d be taking you out one of these days—Hwasa 05:30 PM: Texting you the address right now!—Hwasa
Stepping through the dark wooden doors, a wall of warmth hit you like a thick blanket.
It had gotten colder the past few days, fall beginning to hit the city. You took off your scarf, looking around the place in search of the familiar, pretty face.
This place seemed to be the city’s hotspot, every table packed to full capacity. Red velveteen clad the round tables right by the entrance, the seating options becoming wider once you reached the back. Couches fanned out in random patterns all over the dark oak floor. The furniture’s vintage finish further accented the brown parquet.
You felt like you had stepped straight into a movie scene.
The wave of a dainty hand over the crowd’s heads caught your attention as you spotted your roommate in the back. You grabbed Yuqi by the hem of her sleeve, dragging her behind you as you made your way to the group of girls with a smile.
“Hello,” you greeted the table once you had gotten close enough for them to see you.
Hwasa hugged you in bliss, almost tipping over the drink in front of her, “Hi! I’m so glad you could make it.” As she noticed Yuqi, she pulled her in for another warm embrace, “Nice to meet you! I’m Hwasa.”
“Yuqi,” your friend replied, joy written on her face at the enthusiastic welcome.
Knowing Hwasa and her usual calm persona, you knew she must have already taken full advantage of Happy Hour.
“Nice to meet you.” You introduced yourself to the two unfamiliar faces, sending Wheein a quick nod as she met it with a smile.
The two girls with your roommate and her girlfriend couldn’t have been much older than them. The first had straight black hair reaching the bottom of her back, at least from what you could tell. The other sported a short grey bob. It highlighted her sharp jaw in what you could only describe as a tomboy-ish look. Like Wheein and Hwasa, they were beautiful and made you somewhat self-conscious. You shouldn’t have come here unprepared, or put on mascara, at least.
First to introduce herself was the black-haired girl, her smile almost blinding you. “Hi, I’m Solar.”
An extraordinary name for an extraordinary beautiful person. Fitting. In your mind, there was no doubt she made people of any gender fall in love with her the moment she stepped into a room. Her calm, almost carefree aura was truly something else.
“And I’m Byul.” She was just as pretty, though in a less traditional sense. A boyish charm surrounded her, though her blazer hinted at a seriousness to her person. She looked—important.
You introduced yourself and Yuqi, pulling out the two remaining chairs. They must have fought off several people to reserve these. “Are you students, too?”
“We used to be,” Solar explained as she emptied her tulip-coloured drink.
The girls seemed to have stocked up on various drinks; more glasses than people were at the table. If the drinks were half as good as they looked, you’d be in for a long night.
“We graduated last year,” the black-haired beauty continued, bumping shoulders with Hwasa. “I used to be Hwasa’s roommate, actually.”
“I didn’t even notice!” Hwasa giggled, thus proving your assumption about the amount of alcohol consumed before your arrival. “She’s my ex, and you’re my next.”
You chuckled in amusement, reaching for the menu at the edge of the table. The faux leather was soft beneath your fingertips as you skimmed over the Happy Hour options. When your eyes landed on your favourite drink, a smile spread on your lips as you handed the menu over to Yuqi.
“They have Long Island Ice Tea in three different flavours?” Yuqi exclaimed, the scenic buzz of this place rubbing off on her. Not that she wasn’t this emotional about almost anything. “Would it be very immature to try them all tonight?”
“Not at all. I am browsing through the new offers myself. We can get drunk together.”
Not a fair fight. Hwasa had already gotten a head start.
You called over the waiter by raising your hand, and he headed for your table not a minute later. He raised an unintentional eyebrow at the consumption level—One Mojito, three Long Island Ice Teas and another Piña Colada and Gin Tonic. Even so, the boy sent you a smile, spinning around and wandering back to the bar.
Once he was gone, Hwasa swiftly emptied her previous drink. All it took was one strong sip through her straw, and the Tonic and ice was gone. The coldness reached her brain soon after, prompting her eyes to grow wider—like those of a comic-book figure.
“Babe, you should slow down,” Wheein suggested with a chuckle. But her girlfriend waved her off.
“I’m fine. Also, I don’t have any courses tomorrow, so I have the whole day to sleep off that hangover I’ll be having.”
“Great. I’ll remind you when you’re hugging the toilet seat later.”
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Mhm.” Wheein didn’t seem uber-convinced Hwasa would keep her promise but let it go anyways.
As the girls went back to their previous conversation, you tried your best to follow them.
You understood that Solar was passed over for a big promotion at her job and that she was convinced, her boss was sleeping with her opponent.
“What do you do for work?” Yuqi’s question took the words right out of your mouth.
“I am an assistant buyer at a small fashion label,” Solar explained, making you look at Hwasa in surprise.
“Don’t you also study fashion?” Taking a sip from her already empty glass, she nodded in silence. You frowned when you noticed her uncomfortable look at Wheein following your words. There must have been some form of backstory, and the last thing you wanted was to make things awkward. Instead you attempted correcting your mistake. “I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?”
Passing a few glances around the table, Byul finally spoke up. “Our cutie Hwasa here used to study Chemistry full-time. She developed a small crush on Solar in her second year, so, she changed majors to spend more time with her.”
It took a moment to dawn on you why Wheein and Hwasa had reacted the way they did.
“Yes, but I hadn’t met my love then.” Hwasa bobbed her girlfriend’s nose, pouting to cheer her up. After a few seconds, Wheein couldn’t stop her frown from turning into a giggle. They were just the cutest.
“You’re a little drunk, aren’t you?”
“Drunk of love!”
“I stand corrected. You’re absolutely hammered.”
Playfully nudging her girlfriend, Wheein relaxed, emptying her own drink. Non-alcoholic, from what you had gathered.
“Anyways, since Solar is into boys only—”
“Men,” Solar interrupted her friend with a sigh. “I stopped dating boys a long time ago. They never know where to put things.”
“Sorry, since Solar is into men only,” Byul corrected, her eyes meeting yours again, “that didn’t work out. Now Hwasa is stuck with fashion. She met Wheein not too long after.”
“That’s right!”
The enthusiasm in her reaction made Hwasa finally tip over her glass. The melted ice cubes went all over the table, the cool liquid running down the sides. Some of it landed on your jeans, so while Hwasa apologised profusely, you called over the waiter a second time in five minutes.
A moment later, the young man rushed over with your drinks, handing you a towel to dry yourself. It didn’t go by you that his gaze focused on you for a few extra beats, but you ignored it. Your returned the now moist towel with kindness and he left with a light blush.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice that.” Solar’s caught your attention by the touch of her hand as she nodded towards the waiter.
“Notice what?”
“That the waiter was flirting with you,” she explained, looking around the table. “You noticed too, didn’t you?”
Byul agreed, “Sure did.”
“You’re not one of those girls who are, like, super slow on cues, right?” You chuckled at her question, shaking your head.
“No, I noticed, too.”
The confusion on the beauty’s face made you chuckle a little. “So what, then? He’s cute. Get his number.”
“Nah, I’m good.” You waived her off, taking a sip from your fresh drink. The rum burned down your throat, the lime juice and sugar adding a bittersweet taste to it. “Also, I don’t think my boyfriend would be particularly happy with me asking other men for their number.”
If everyone’s focus hadn’t been on you already, it sure was now.
“You have a boyfriend?”
“Very much so, yes.”
Solar seemed surprised by the information.
“Is it serious? I mean, you obviously shouldn’t cheat on him. But you are at university. If you don’t explore and get to know yourself now, when will you get another chance?”
You took another sip to ease the discomfort from being the center of attention. Not exactly where you usually were. “We’ve been together for five years. I’d say that’s pretty serious.” That did the trick, her mouth now agape in shock. She leaned in closer to you, cradling her chin in her palm.
“Five years? So, you’re High School Sweet Hearts?”
“Middle School, actually.”
“Is he any hot?” Yuqi interrupted, also leaning in further. How your relationship had become the talk of the whole table had gone right by you.
“What do you mean? You met him at orientation. He sat right next to me.”
“No way! That’s your boyfriend?” You hummed, agreeing. “But you called him dumbass like 5 times in one hour.”
“I did, but it’s more a term of endearment. I call Jisung dumbass; he calls me stupid. It’s a whole thing.”
As soon as you had cleared that up, Solar was back at it, hitting you with question after question.
“Wait, but like, for real. You’ve never been with anyone else since Middle School?”
You shook your head, correcting her statement. “I’ve never been with anyone else ever.”
Usually, you never talked about yourself and your relationship this much. You were rather private in that sense, though, you also understood their curiosity. It wasn’t every day that you met someone who had been with the same person since they were 14. You understood the length of your relationship was uncommon for someone your age.
“So, he’s your first boyfriend?”
“So, you never kissed anyone else? Had sex with anyone else?” Byul further interrogated, now also fully invested in your love life. That you had only met the girls maybe 20 minutes ago seemed irrelevant. Not like you hadn’t seen that question coming sooner or later.
You agreed with a nod. “I never wanted anyone else.”
“How do you even maintain a relationship for that long?” Yuqi budded in again, her focus different from the older women’s. “My longest relationship lasted 4 months, and then I got tired of him.” For some reason, her statement made so much sense to you. Yuqi definitely needed constant excitement to fill her heart. “What’s your secret.”
You thought about it before answering shortly, “Shared trauma, maybe?” When no one laughed at your words, you backtracked. Your honesty might have been too much for them after all. “That was a joke. Obviously. We have a lot in common and went through similar stuff in life.”
It became quiet for a few seconds, though you sensed that Solar was holding back. Whatever she might have had dancing on the tip of her tongue, she took her sweet time wording it in her pretty head.
“Please, don’t take this the wrong way.” Always a great way to start a sentence. “If the shoe fits, tie that bitch up. But you’re in college now. This is your time to explore your interests—your options. No one comes out of college the way they go in. It’s a life-changing experience.”
“So, I should cheat on my boyfriend, is what you’re saying?” You started getting a little defensive now that your love life appeared to be under attack. All the attention got uncomfortable as much as you understood where it was coming from.
“That’s not what I was saying at all.” Some of the tension fell from your shoulders. “I’m saying people change. So, don’t be surprised if your boyfriend and you don’t work out.” Still not the direction you wanted this conversation to go. But Solar continued anyway. “Take Byul, for example.”
Solar leaned back, her hand coming to her friend’s shoulder.
“Byul started college, wanting to become a lawyer.” Byul nodded, agreeing. Her blazer somehow made more sense now. “She finished her degree and opened her own music production studio not two months later. And Hwasa—” With that, Solar went on to your roommate, who threw her a playful wink. “The first year of college, she cycled between so many partners, we were certain, she’d end up pregnant or with an STD. And look at her now.”
From how lovingly Hwasa was gazing at Wheein, there was no doubt in your mind that she had happily moved on from those days.
“And when Wheein started college,” Solar continued her list, “she was straight as a ruler. Do you see what I’m saying?”
“I do.”
And it was the truth. You understood that most people used college to find their path in life. The women around you were the best example for it. All four of them had found their place in the world, who they wanted to be, through university. You didn’t doubt that whatever had happened to them was necessary for them to grow into the women they were today.
At the same time, you knew your life better than anyone else at this table. You remembered every little thing you had gone through together, with Jisung. You understood how his mind worked. What he struggled with and how to get him through it emotionally—you had witnessed most of it with your own eyes.
And there was nothing one-sided about it either. There was no doubt in your mind that the same went for Jisung. He knew you like the palm of his hand—and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’m still very sure we are not gonna break up.”
“I hope you don’t.” Yuqi finally came to your rescue, cutting the tensive atmosphere. “He’s adorable.”
Thankfully, Solar accepted it as the end of story. She sat back as Yuqi diverted the conversation from you to Byul, asking her about her work at the studio. You calmed down as the centre of attention drew from you and towards the ins and outs of the music industry. When Hwasa playfully bumped her shoulder into yours, you looked up at her. A teasing wink showcased her support and affection. And probably her drunkenness.
“Sorry about her. Solar can be very straightforward, but she has a good soul. She’s a realist, and very openly so.”
“It’s alright,” you told her, taking your glass and a huge sip of your Mojito. “I know most relationships at our age don’t last. But we’re solid as a rock. It’d need a tsunami to separate us.”
You hoped the rest of the night would go a little less awkward than this. Though, as the alcohol ultimately entered your system, you soon forgot about the whole conversation.
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“I’m gonna be sick.”
A second later Hwasa bent over the nearest bush.
“What happened?”
“She got sick,” you explained the situation as you used your hair tie to fixate Hwasa’s long locks behind her neck. “You good?”
Hwasa wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and nodded as she stumbled towards the housing entrance. Wheein supported her other side, the two of you exchanging concerned looks.
“Is she gonna be alright?”
“I think so. It usually takes a glass of water and an aspirin, and she’ll be back to her old self.” You didn’t doubt Wheein knew how her girlfriend usually handled alcohol. “I’m gonna take her to my room to make sure. It’s closer to the bathroom, and I don’t have a roommate she could disturb.”
“You have a single room?” Yuqi questioned in surprise. Her enthusiasm after midnight was still higher than yours had been all evening. “Man, I should become dorm supervisor next year.”
“It has its perks.”
Yuqi took over once you had reached your room, holding up Hwasa so they could lead her to her girlfriend’s room.
“Good night. Call me if you need help,” you told Wheein, who nodded thankfully.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” After Yuqi had bidden her goodbye, you turned to your door, entering the four-digit code to unlock it.
Once inside, you rid yourself of your shoes, turning the lights on as you set your bag down by your dresser.
A groan came from your bed, making you jump and stumble back against the wooden cupboard. Your blanket moved at the disturbance, a bulge the size of a grown person appearing underneath it. It took a mop of familiar brown hair to calm you as you realise that not an intruder had overtaken your bed.
“Dang it! Jisung, you creep! You almost gave me a heart attack.”
Noticing the tired haze in his eyes, you strolled over to him. You slid next to his torso as your hand reached for his chubby cheek, grazing his skin. It woke him up, your action met with a sigh and his head leaning comfortably against your palm.
Under the blanket, you noticed his shirt, which didn’t even begin to cover his bulging biceps. It took you a moment to recognise why it didn’t fit him like his other clothes usually did.
“Are you wearing my crop top again?” Amusement laced your tone.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You almost didn’t understand him, his vague mumbling blurrier than typical. He must have been asleep for a while.
“What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to hang out with Felix tonight.” You took out your earrings, neatly placing them on the small nightstand by your bed. “What happened to bonding with your roomie?”
“We hung out for four hours,” he explained with a yawn. “Then I came over because I missed you.”
Running your hand down the side of his face, he grabbed it as soon as he could reach it. He brought it to his lips to give your skin a quick peck.
“Now, come to bed, so we can sleep.”
“I need to get changed and brush my teeth first.”
“I can help you get out of your clothes. And I don’t care if your breath stinks.”
“I care.” You got off your bed to rush through your evening routine so you could fall into your love’s arms already. Yet, your intentions were rudely interrupted. “What the heck!”
Before you could take a step, Jisung’s arm snapped out from beneath your blanket, pulling you back. You couldn’t react fast enough as he dragged you into a lying position next to him, still fully clothed.
“See? I don’t care.”
“What about the light?”
Lifting his head off your pillow, he grabbed the tissue box from your nightstand and tossed it at the light switch. You didn’t know when he had suddenly learned to aim, but it hit smack-bang in the middle, shutting off all the light in your room.
“I gotta admit, that was impressive.”
“Now, let’s get you out of those clothes.”
You giggled as he effortlessly opened the button and zipper of your pants and dragged them down your legs. He tossed them towards the end of the bed, to be dealt with tomorrow. Next was your top, which he swiftly brought over your head, throwing it to join the rest of your clothes.
“If you only cleaned as quick as you undress me.”
“Everybody has their own forté.” You snickered at his words, closing the gap between you. “I could also be way quicker than that. We haven’t had sex in a week. Right now, your clothes are my nemesis.”
The heat of his body caught you in a warm hug, “A week already, huh?”
“8 days and 7 hours, to be exact. But who’s counting?” His arm came around you, scooting you closer so your back pressed flat against his chest.
“You wanna reset that clock?”
“Nah,” he brushed your suggestion off. “I’m way too tired to have sex right now.”
“Tomorrow then?”
“About that.” His hot breath fanned over your neck. “I know it’s date night, but there’s this party I was invited to. I thought we could go to that instead.”
“A party?” It was the first week of university. How had your introverted boyfriend already been invited to a party? You should have probably seen the answer coming. “Whose?”
“I think you know.”
Of course, you knew. How could you not when his parties had been legendary even back in the day? Though, until now, you had suppressed his present at this campus all together. His being the one who shalln’t be named.
You thought about Jisung’s suggestion for a second.
Sure, a party would intervene with your bi-weekly date night. And, on top of that, it was organised by someone, you didn’t know how to approach after everything that had gone down. But this was university, after all. And, as Solar had said before: University is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So, why the heck shouldn’t you go to a party?
“So? What do you say?”
“Fine.” Jisung’s previously unbothered expression turned into a smile as he grazed his lips to your neck. “Just... Don’t tell your sister we’re going. I’m not sure she would appreciate us hanging out with her ex.”
“Lying to my sister? Who are you, and what did you do to my girlfriend?” A yawn hit your ear, your face scrunching at the unwanted ASMR session. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
As Jisung slipped into a deep slumber, your mind raced through the events of your day. It usually did at the end of the day, your mind too tired to do anything productive but too awake to rest. The silence around you allowed you to remember an earlier text message you never got to answer.
Pulling your arm out of your boyfriend’s iron hold on your body, you reached for your phone on the nightstand.
Your dad had sent you a voice message about three hours earlier when you had still been at the bar. You pushed the play button and brought the phone to your ear to not disturb Jisung’s beauty sleep. By all means, he needed it. Or so he said.
“Hi, honey. It’s dad. I hope you had a lovely day and aren’t studying too hard already.” You smiled at his words, knowing it was one of his biggest hopes for you to get some time to yourself. “Remember what I told you when you left? Live a little!” A pause as he was seemingly picking up something from the ground. “I just wanted to ask when you were coming home Friday. I’m planning brunch with you two and Jia, so if you could be here by noon, that’d be great.”
Friday was the day after tomorrow. You hadn’t forgotten you’d be going back home for the weekend, but you sure hoped the party tomorrow wouldn’t keep you up all night. If you had to be home by noon, you’d have to leave campus by ten. And after a party, like you expected this one to be, you prayed you and a certain someone wouldn’t be too hungover.
“Anyways, sleep tight, and have a lovely night. We miss you!”
A second voice appeared in the background, not too far from your father’s, and your heart skipped a happy beat. The words were harder to make out as he was munching on an apple, cereal, or something else crunchy.
Still, there wouldn’t come a day you wouldn’t understand his babbling.
“Come home soon, please! Mhpf—I miss you, mommy.”
With a loving smile plastered on your face, you replied with a heart emoji. After such a perfect goodnight-messaged, you’d be sleeping like a stone tonight.
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ltrainpr · 2 years
How I lost 20 pounds in my 40's
I get asked a lot how I lost 20+ pounds. I'm still in the process of losing 10 more pounds for a total of 30 pounds (or 13% of my body weight).
I very much like the phrase find out what the cost is, and then pay it. Please understand that my perspective is from a man in their 40's that swims 4 times a week for 45 minutes each time. I burn around 700+ calories per swim. I also do an optional pushup, pullup, situp, and squat routine (without weights) once a week. If you workout less per week, this method will help you either way. You just have to adjust the math to account for your net calorie burn.
The point is that for me, the change was mainly my diet. I'm a very pragmatic person. So for me losing weight is hard yet simple. It's basically another way of budgeting. To lose a pound per week you need to burn 3500 calories per week. I'm 6'2" in height and weigh 210 pounds to date. To maintain my weight I need to eat around 3000 calories per day when I workout, or 2300 calories when I don't workout. That means my net calorie intake per day needs to be negative 500 calories. In other words, my 2500 calories when I workout or 1800 calories when I don't workout.
When you factor in drinking wine and eating with friends on the weekends you have to add another 1000 calories per day (I'm including the alcohol calories). I found it very difficult to eat less than 1800 calories per day, so my solution is to add a fasting day or broccoli monday (see more info below) as an alternative to fasting. The point is to account/burn that extra 1-2k additional calories you consumed on the weekend.
Here is the cost:
I lost around 14 pounds (or 6.1% of my body weight) by meal prepping twice a week. I researched and selected about 10 meals of around 500 calories that I could prep within 45 minutes. I make about around 5 meals during each meal prepping session. i.e. Breakfast burritos, chicken/black rice/broccoli, salmon/black rice/broccoli, and fish tacos.
For breakfast, I prep a half a cup overnight oats or muesli. I warm these up with blueberries in the microwave or have them cold with a half a cup of greek yogurt.
For healthy snacking, I'll have popcorn (i.e. Himalayan Pink Salt Lesser Evil Popcorn), lara bars, nuts (cashews/almonds), or a couple of pieces of healthy bread slices (i.e. Dave's Killer Bread) with almond butter.
I also have a 35 calorie green juice from Clean Juice nearly every morning.
To lose the rest of the weight (the other 16 pounds or 6.9% of the weight) I'm relying on what I call Broccoli Mondays. This is an alternative to a 24 hour fast, due to wanting to workout that day. I eat as much steamed broccoli with lemon as I want until 5pm. This is 12 hours from the time I wake up. At 5pm I'll eat a full 1000 calorie meal (equivalent 2 two of my prepped meals).
Important to note, that the first month of doing the meal prepping I was hungry all the time. This is why healthy snacking is critical. After a month, the continuous hunger went away. I've always loved to eat, so eating less was a struggle at the beginning. My advice is to go all in for a month and watch the results. After a month decide if you want to continue. I'm 99% confident this will work for nearly everyone.
Once I reach a morning weight of 200 pounds. Morning weight is weighing yourself first thing in the morning when you wake up and haven't had anything to eat or drink yet.
Further Context of Why I decided to lose the weight:
I went to a consult with a surgeon concerning my umbilical hernia on July 27, 2022. Surgeon stated my hernia was small at the moment and could wait for probably another 5+ years before it would have to be removed. But, that I was obese at 6'2" and 230 pounds. He was concerned that mesh used to repair the hernia would tear at my current weight. He advised I lose 30 pounds, but that the mesh should hold at a weight of around 215 pounds.
I've never been called obese in my whole life, so this news came as a shock. I've always been somewhat on the thin side. I swim 4-5 times a week and I'm 44 years old as of this post.
After my murderous thoughts, I explained to my doctor that I hadn't been 200 pounds since sophomore year of college. Getting back to 200 pounds seemed improbable. Now I know it's not only possible, but probable.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Cute quirks that each member of the bad batch has? 🥺 pls
Cute Quirks you say? Oh sure, I think we'll find a good few.
The Bad Batch - Quirks HC's
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Let's have a look.
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He smells the room whenever he sees you in it. He's hiding it pretty well though, so you really have to look closely to catch him.
Hunter smells your pillow every morning when you got up and are using the refresher. Crosshair ratted him out to you, but so far you never caught Hunter actually doing that.
He can't help but pull up your blanket when you kicked it off of you in your sleep, sometimes he wakes up, more or less subconscious just to check on your blanket. He's checking on his brothers blankets too and of course Omega's.
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He has to smell everything before he eats or tries it.
He pokes people with his scomp link arm when he get's impatient with them and wants their attention for some reason. You're an exception though.
He gives you petnames, since day one, almost everyday he calls you something else. It's always something very sweet and soft.
Tends to check on everyones weapons on a daily basis, no matter if there is any need to or not.
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Throws food at you if he wants your attention.
Loves to sing in the shower, very loud. Whenever you hear his voice echoe through the ship, loud and way off any note or tune, you can be sure he's showering.
He loves to nudge people and no one hates it as much as Tech does, cause he is the target most of the time. It's pretty often that Tech's shoulder is sore because of that. it's an affectionate and lively habit, but he keeps underestimating his own strength. He's super careful with you though.
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His infamous finger. He tends to point and hold up his indexfinger when ever he is making a point in a conversation. It somtimes is almost cartoonish, but he's not aware of that.
He counts everything, always, you rarely notice it but he does, ALL THE TIME, tiles, crumbs, tools, people, patterns, he even counted your hairs one night he slept next to you in your bunk. You didn't notice. "186.234" "What?" "Nothing"
He checks your vitals at least twice a day.... "Just to be safe, Mesh'la"
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Well one of wich everyone knows- his toothpicks, he never leaves without them, he has a specific brand too and he doesn't share them, at all.
He pats your hair when you sleep and he will act like he is sleeping if you wake up from it.
Whenever he wakes up at night, he secretly checks if everyone is okay.
Has a cuddle/snuggle blanket, the others know it but no one mocks him for it, it's connected to a cadethood/childhood trauma and his brothers are considerate about it.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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kamino-blues · 3 years
Peaceful Mornings With the Bad Batch
Rating: Pg and sfw!!
Warnings: Super fluffy!! Kissing and just overall soft!Bad Batch
Note: Honestly imagining how the different Bad Batch members would interact with their s/o in the morning after waking up made me feel so warm and fuzzy 💕At the time of posting this I have not seen the new episode, but I have a feeling that it is potentially going to be angsty! So here is something to hopefully comfort you <3
Wrecker absolutely loves to sleep in, usually sleeping past when he’s supposed to get up
So when you wake up, you are engulfed in warmth, his arms holding you tightly to his body
It takes a lot to wake him normally, but a few kisses against his neck will cause him to slowly open his eyes
He is incredibly soft spoken (by Wrecker standards) when he first wakes up, burying his face in your hair with a small “g’morning”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, moving your arms to trace shapes on his back as your eyes close
Both of you never want to leave the comfort of your bed, but sadly being on the run means early mornings
Wrecker wouldn’t get up first, content in holding you, so you would slowly have to pull away (with a lot of light complaining by Wrecker)
You would help pull him up to sitting position, before he would grab you and pull you into his lap, catching you in a lazy kiss
It would take a lot to actually start getting ready, you again having to pull away to stand up
After you both got ready for the day, you two would spend a moment before going out to the rest of the crew
He would pull you into a hug, mumbling a small ‘I love you’ (and you of course returning it)
You both never knew what the day would bring, so having this time to be in each others presence grounded both of you
Echo was used to waking up early from his time in the 501st, so you would usually feel shifting in yours and Echos shared bed way before you would usually get up
With your eyes half open, you would reach over to where Echo should be, realizing that he got out of bed. You would usually let out a small whine at this, slowly sitting up
More then once you have sleepily made eye contact with a shirtless Echo, in the process of changing the top of his blacks to get ready for the day
He would always be flustered when he realized you were awake, but could never resist you when you made grabby hands at him. All you wanted was for him to come back to bed
After a few moments Echo would make his way back to bed, laying down next to you
You would automatically hold onto him, laying your head on his bare chest as you got comfortable
You mumbled a small 'I love you', which he quickly returned, pressing a small kiss to the top of your head
Echo would run his hand through your hair, slowly luring you back into a comfortable sleep
He would be there when you have to wake up, him lightly shaking your shoulder to lure you to consciousness
At first you would grumble, but as you move your head you make eye contact with Echo
His eyes are so light, looking at you with the most loving gaze you have ever seen
You couldn’t help but push yourself up on the mattress, sitting up so that you could press a kiss to his lips
He would melt into it, wrapping his arms around your neck
You wish it could last forever, but sadly you both had to get ready for the day ahead
So begrudgingly you both pulled away, getting up to start the day (not before stealing a few small kisses as you both got ready)
It was rare for Tech to go to bed and stay in bed, preferring to work on projects instead of sleeping
So often in the early morning you would feel the bed dip, arms pulling you close as you shift in bed
You usually ended up mumbling something incoherent, causing Tech to let out a soft laugh before giving you a kiss to the forehead
This was followed by him telling you to go back to bed, which you would follow almost instantly
As soon as morning hits, you feel shifting in your arms, trying to get out of your grasp without waking you
You would just tighten your arms at this, letting out a small noise as your eyes open
Tech would ask you kindly to let him get up, but you would distract him by moving your hand up to his face. You would trace the side of his face where his glasses normally rested
You would quietly tell him how cute he looked without his glasses, causing him to instantly flush
Catch him stuttering, still not very good at responding to your compliments
Silence him with a kiss, honestly he would be grateful for it since it gave him something to focus on
Tech would be the one to pull away, standing up while offering you a hand to pull you up
You would take it, and as soon as you were standing you would pull him into a hug, grabbing onto the back of his blacks
You both would exchange ‘I love you's’ before starting to get ready for the day
Tech would finish before you, sitting on the bed with his datapad while he waited for you
When you were done, you would crawl onto the bed behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso while leaning your chin on his right shoulder
No words would be spoken, you both staying there until Tech was ready to go or until you were called to the cockpit of the Marauder
Hunter was very regimented, so he slept around the same time every night and woke up at the same time every morning
That was until you came along. Now he was used to staying up a little later to spend time with you, but he would still wake up relatively early
He would always wake up first, waking you up with small kisses here and there
Hunter loved it when you stretched against him, your arms wrapping around him and your legs intertwining with his
You would bury your face in his shoulder while mumbling a small 'morning' to him
He was content with laying there with you, his eyes closing as he basked in your presence
Sadly as he was seen as the leader of Clone Force 99, he would have to be on time to start doing his duties
So he would sit up, pulling you with him. If you wanted Hunter to, he would carry you to the refresher so that you could be near him longer
Hunter let you use the refresher first, mostly because he wanted you to help him with his hair
It calmed him when you ran your fingers through his hair, his eyes closing as he leaned into your touch
After you were done, you would help him tie his headband, him pulling you into a kiss once you were done
You two would stay there for a few moments, not wanting to pull away
Hunter would pull you into a keldabe kiss, where you both would whisper ‘I love you’s’ to each other. Then it was time to start the day <3
It wasn’t often that you would feel Crosshair's arms around you, pulling your back against his chest
When you first started dating Crosshair, he was barely one to pull you into cuddles, but it started to slowly happen as you got much MUCH farther into your relationship
Crosshair is able to fall asleep very easily, but any movement usually wakes him. Thats was one of the reasons that it took so long for him to share a bed with you
So when you started to wake up with arms wrapped around you and Crosshair's chin on your head, you were the happiest in the world
As you woke up this morning, shifting slightly in his arms, you felt his grip tighten around you
He usually will tiredly mutter something along the lines of “good morning doll”, causing you to smile
At this point you would turn in his arms, laying your head against your pillow as you stared at Cross’s face
He would jokingly raise an eyebrow, no words being said before he pulled you against him. Lightly placing your forehead against his, you would stay in that position for a while, both of you comfortable in the silence
As much as Crosshair would never admit it to anyone else, he honestly loved to hold you. It brought a smile to his face
Seeing him smile was the highlight of your day, you couldn’t help but kiss him
You two would stay there much longer then you probably should, but you both didn’t give a damn
Crosshair would be the one to pull away after a while though, helping you up so that you both could get ready
Before you both left, he would pull you into one more kiss, before walking out of the room with his hand on your lower back
I'm thinking about doing a tag list! If you want to be tagged on my writing posts please let me know! 💖Thank you for reading!!
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atswshi · 3 years
some hc on some of my fav haikyuu characters ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ;
warnings: timeskip hq!! spoilers
it doesn't let me ads bokuto's tags:-(
yachi is the type of girlfriend that would make the prettiest birthday gifts. she's so good at crafting stuff and remembers everything u like<3
sugawara will do anything when he wants cuddles and attention, from sighing really loudly to bite you or any kind of thing to make u look at him and give him what he wants.
timeskip!bokuto doesn't live with you, but he spends anytime he has at your place. at some point, he went: “we need a bigger bed” and after your confused “what?” your 6’3 big baby answers quickly, “we don't have place for a dog here!”,,, baby you aren't even living together.
timeskip!akaashi is pretty regular at cooking, and the first time you sent him a bento he almost cried because how good your food was (it even had a “have a great day!” note on it!).
daichi used to watch brooklyn 99 in highschool with you, now that he's a cop you make references or tell him “so in a scale from scully to jake, how was work?”. sometimes he says terry just to flex his muscles a little (he likes seeing u flustered).
sleeping with iwaizumi is perfect, he is always warm, doesn't move much, never steals the blanket (just some times), and loves to hold you. he just makes you feel so safe:-((( he is one of the best huggers istg.
kita is perfect when it comes to you being/feeling sick; he won't let you lift a finger, he'll cook for you, clean for you, everything you want. he just wants to spoil you a ~little~ bit.
timeskip!kuroo works a lot from monday to friday, so he'll literally turn off his phone every saturday morning just so he can sleep with you without anything disturbing. the kind of guy that wakes up just to watch you sleep, hold you even closer and thanks god that he's the one that has your heart.
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Mosaic Broken Hearts
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Summary: More secrets spill out the more your relationship with Bucky grows
Word Count: 4.4k
And away, and away we go!
Bright flashes of light, explosions, blood spattered everywhere, pain, indescribable pain. You screamed for it to stop.
“Hey,” a voice was calling out, a hand nudging at you. “Hey! Y/N! C’mon!”
You screamed louder as your eyes snapped open, scrambling to get out of bed, and promptly face planting on the floor in the process. “You have exactly five seconds to explain who the hell you are, and what the fuck you’re doing in my room before I kill you. One!” You made your voice as threatening impossible, as you pushed yourself up into a sitting position. Where the fuck was a prosthetic when you needed it? Could you kill this guy from the floor? Well… It’d be messy, but you sure as hell would try.
With your mind racing, it took a minute to register that your intruder was laughing. Why the fuck were they laughing?
“It’s me! It’s Bucky. You had a nightmare.”
Different flashes went through your head. Screaming in the lab for a knife. Bucky offering to carry you to your room. You asking him to stay. “Oh…”
“C’mon,” he said softly as he appeared in front of you. One of his arms went around your back, the other hooking under your left knee as he picked you up and set you back in bed. “Do you wanna talk about it, or just leave it?”
“I- Gimme a minute,” you told him, taking a series of long, slow deep breaths as the adrenaline pounding through your veins slowed. “Fuck… You’re just seeing every ounce of vulnerability I have, aren’t you?”
“Could have just as easily been me having the nightmare.”
“Only you wouldn’t have face-planted out of bed in the process. Or at least you would have been able to get up by yourself if you had,” you replied bitterly.
“Can you not play that tough guy role who has it all together all the time?”
“I dunno, let’s ask my pride.”
“I’m not going to judge you, if that’s what you’re worried about. Or think less of you, or whatever else your head is telling you I’m gonna do. You can’t scare me off, Y/N. The only thing you’re fighting here is your own pride.”
“Yes, I’m well aw-” you started, then sighed. “Thank you. I’m, uh… not used to this. So I’m probably gonna be bad at it for a while. But thank you. For staying and stuff. Now… if you wanna go ahead and be the vulnerable one for a bit, that would be fantastic.”
Bucky chuckled, his arm snaking across your shoulders to hold you loosely at his side. “I’m sure it’ll happen eventually. I’m pretty broken myself. And rumor has it you have a soft spot for broken things.”
“Aw, he pays attention, how sweet,” you teased, squishing his cheeks in your hand.
He chuckled again, and you admired the throaty sound of it. “So, the nightmare?”
You let out a sigh. “It’s always the same one. Two car accidents. Two explosions. Lots of blood. Lots of screaming. Which is ridiculous to me because one of the car accidents I wasn’t even there for. It was my parents, and I was just told about it. But I still dream about it like I was there.”
Bucky stiffened, and you assumed it was in sympathy to having nightmares about memories that weren’t your own. “And then the other accident is yours and Tony’s?”
You nodded. “Yep. My family should just stay away from cars. We don’t exactly have the best track record with them.”
“How old were you when it happened?”
“When what happened? My parents, or my leg getting blown off?”
“Both? If you feel comfortable. It’s fine if you want me to shut up.”
“No, it’s fine. I was… Let’s see… I was 11 when my parents died. And I was 28 when I lost my leg.”
“You said after your parents died you went straight into the Army. How could you do that if you were 11?”
“Okay, so I left out some steps. My parents died. I finished school. Went to Westpoint, became an officer, then got shipped overseas. All the while Tony did whatever the hell it is Tony does.”
“And you were 28 when you had your accident, which means…”
“That I’m 36, yeah. Still younger than you, even though all that time spent frozen and whatever magic in that serum slows the aging process makes you look about 32.”
“I was going to say it means we were the same age when we had our incidents. But thanks for reminding me that I’m technically 99.”
You snorted. “God, my boyfriend’s old.”
“Shit… Jumped to conclusions… Fuck, sorry.”
“No, don’t be. I, uh, it’s fine. It’s more than fine.”
“Yes. I happen to like you quite a bit, Y/N. In case I haven’t made that obvious.”
“Good. Cuz I happen to like you quite a bit as well.”
Waking up in the morning with Bucky’s arm thrown around you was nice in a way you didn’t expect. While your friendship with him up until this point had already made you feel better than you had in longer than you could remember, the dating part was already adding to that feeling, even though it’d only been a handful of hours since you made the change from friends to boyfriends, most of which had been spent sleeping through the night. Bucky made you feel seen in a way you weren’t used to, and while it scared you, it also thrilled you. And it was more than just being able to see you. He understood you. He understood your pain. And it didn’t scare him. It was a relief to not feel so fucking alone, or have to put up a front.
Your problem now was not wanting to wake him up. He looked so peaceful, the long locks of brown hair acting as a curtain in front of his face. You knew if those fluttering eyelids flashed open, you’d find the most stunning pair of blue eyes, which was quite the statement considering you’ve known Steve for five years. Was it an unspoken requirement that you had to be god-level hot to be a super soldier? Or did the serum do that? Either way, it was grossly unfair.
You were awake, and your stomach was growling, and now you were in a predicament. One, despite your hunger, you didn’t want to leave your bed. There was a hot man in it with his arm flung around you. Two, getting out of bed when your prosthetic limb was still in the lab wasn’t going to be an easy task, unless you woke up said hot man sleeping in your bed. Which you didn’t want to do, because A.) he looked so peaceful and B.) you knew how hard peaceful sleep was to come by, so you didn’t want to be the one to ruin it for him. But god damn, you needed food. And to get to the lab to build a new leg.
It was fine. You could do this. You could get across the room to your closet where you had a pair of crutches without waking Bucky in the process. You were the king of stealth.
Through some small miracle, you managed to make it out of your room without waking Bucky, leaving behind a small note as to where he could find you.
As you made your way to the giant kitchen area, you remembered why you usually either hid in the lab until you made a new leg, or used an office chair to scoot about the place. These crutches were a pain in the ass, beads of sweat forming on your face by the time you got to the kitchen, where you came face to face with what could possibly be your worst fucking nightmare: the full team of half awake Avengers staring at you in shock.
“Morning,” you greeted, making it the rest of the way to a countertop, and leaning on it.
Mumbles of “hey”s and “morning”s chorused back at you, with the exception of Tony who went “Kid, get a chair. With wheels.”
Peter looked up from his bowl of cereal. “Got it, Mr. Stark,” he replied before dashing off.
“Tony, that’s not really necessary,” you started. “I’m just gonna grab something and head to the lab.”
“Don’t play the stubborn hero act. It’s annoying,” was all he replied with as Peter reappeared with an office chair. “Thanks, kid. Sit, Y/N. Toast?”
“Thanks, Peter,” you smiled gratefully, easing into the chair, leaving the crutches leaning against the counter. “And yeah, toast or whatever’s fine, Tony. Thank you.”
“So cordial, are you sure you’re a Stark?” Steve teased.
“Ha-ha,” you deadpanned, scooting your way over to the table.
“Your leg okay?” he followed up with genuine concern.
“Which one?” you asked sardonically.
“Yep, definitely a Stark.”
“So hanging around the Manchurian Candidate helping you embrace amputee life finally?” Tony asked, setting a plate of toast before you.
“Actually it was an explosion that made me embrace amputee life. You were there, remember?”
“My brother, the comedian,” he said with an eye roll. “You know what I meant.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I mean I guess. It’s still not something I’m gonna go around mentioning for the hell of it. Kinda like how you don’t go around mentioning certain things.”
“Mentioning your business isn’t my business, Y/N, it’s yours.”
“I appreciate the discretion.”
“I’m sorry,” a man spoke up. “Is anyone else lost, or just me?”
“Scott, this is,” Tony started, but thought better of it. “Fuck it, it’s your business, you tell it.”
“Y/N Stark. Tony’s younger brother. Ex-military. Not an Avenger, I just live here,” you rattled off the basics. “Oh, and my right leg below the knee is fake thanks to yours truly,” you pointed at Tony. “Well, right now it’s non existent because I had to stab the prosthetic I did have. Different story, different time.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Tony interjected as people stared at him with their mouths open in shock. “I did not blow off your leg. Stark weapons did.”
“Same difference. And it wasn’t meant maliciously. Just a fact. Anyway, I’m pretty easy to find if you need me because I’m usually in the lab. Speaking of, do you need me today, Tony?”
“No, we’re fine.”
“Cool. Cuz I gotta make a new leg.”
“Aw,” Bucky’s voice pouted from behind you, “and I was starting to like carrying you around.” He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. “You could’ve woken me up,” he murmured.
“Um… what is this?” Tony asked, waving a finger between you and Bucky.
“None of your concern,” you replied bluntly.
“Bullshit it’s not. Hanging out with him is one thing, Y/N. But whatever that is, shut it down, and shut it down now.”
“I’m going to say this as respectfully as possible 1.) because we’re family and 2.) because I don’t want my morning to become more of a spectacle than it already has been. But you don’t get a say in how I live my life. You had your chance to be involved after Mom and Dad died, and you ran away from that chance. And I try really hard not to hold a grudge against you for that. And I appreciate everything you’ve done for me since our accident. But I’m a grown ass man, Tony. Who I chose to involve myself with is none of your concern.”
“Oh, so you’re fine with your new boyfriend being a mass murderer?”
You laughed. You laughed so hard you doubled over in your chair, your sides aching and tears forming in your eyes. “That’s the best fuckin’ joke I’ve ever heard!” you kept howling with laughter. “Mass murderer boyfriend, do you hear this shit? Cuz the rest of us in this room are so innocent, right? Cuz our hands aren’t covered in the blood of someone else? Oh, God! Yeah, you’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that, Tony.” You snorted. “Mass murderer. Yep. That’s a good one.”
Your brother’s eyes flashed darkly. “So, you’re aware that part of his mass murder history includes our parents? Or did Sergeant Barnes conveniently leave that out?”
You stopped laughing as you glanced upwards at Bucky. His hands were gripped tightly on the back of your chair, the knuckles on his right hand white from the force of the grip. His body was rigid, eyes screwed shut. “What?” you croaked out in a barely audible whisper.
“Yeah. The reason you got robbed of a childhood with Mom?” Tony clicked his tongue, pointing at Bucky. “Right there.”
You continued to look up at Bucky who stayed in his frozen state. “Tell me he’s lying,” you pleaded quietly. When Bucky still didn’t move, you shoved a hand into his chest. “Tell me he’s lying, Bucky!”
Slowly Bucky opened his eyes, his face, his gorgeous face, a painting of pain and sorrow. “I’m sorry…”
You hated this. You hated Tony for blowing up your life a second time. You hated Bucky for not telling you this himself. And you hated yourself for daring to believe that for once you could be happy. But you’d be damned if you’d let them see you break. You took a slow breath, sealing yourself off, the walls building around you. “I have work to do,” you said, starting to push away in your chair, but Bucky’s grip still held you in place.
“Y/N,” he said in a cracked voice. “Y/N, please.”
“You have exactly five seconds to let go of my chair, Sergeant Barnes, before I break your hands. One,”
“Please, let me explain.”
“Three. I swear I’ll break those hands. Metal or not.”
“Love, please don’t do this…”
“Four,” you continued to count, feeling your voice start to shake at the way he called you “love.”
He let go, and you pushed yourself quickly out of the room, not daring to look back.
In the lab, you tried to distract your brain, but it still raced. There were so many swirling parts, and you were so angry that you couldn’t pinpoint what was actually making you angry.
Footsteps and a throat clearing had you snapping up your head, body tense, not ready to face either Bucky or Tony. So when you saw it was Steve, your defenses fell. “Hey, Steve,” you greeted half-heartedly.
“Hey. How you feeling?” he asked, testing the waters as he slowly made his way to you.
“I’m not gonna bite your head off if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Don’t think I could blame you if you did. What happened back there was… intense. Tony was out of line.”
“When isn’t Tony out of line?”
“Fair point. But hey, I’m here if you want someone to scream at. Someone to help answer any of the thousand of questions running through your head.”
“I don’t want to scream at anyone. Kill Tony, maybe. But I’m kinda used to that feeling. I just… Fuck, I dunno, Steve. I don’t know what to be mad at, or about. I just know that I’m mad. Hurt. I’m hurt.”
“So start at the beginning. Work through it.”
“It’s true, right? What Tony said about Bucky?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“How long did everyone know?”
“It came out when we brought Bucky in. So a few months now. Obviously Bucky knew longer.”
“Obviously,” you snorted, then sighed. “Well, that explains Tony’s feelings towards Bucky.”
“But it’s still not an excuse for how it came out. There was a way to handle that situation and that wasn’t it. So if you want to be angry with Tony for that, you’re well within your right.”
“Oh, I’m livid. Like don’t trust myself alone in a room with him, livid. And I hate the position it puts me in. Being mad at him for telling me the truth. Sounding like an ungrateful, spoiled brat.”
“You can appreciate what Tony’s done for you while hating the circumstances that led to it. It doesn’t have to be black and white.”
“I deal in absolutes, Steve. It’s what makes the most sense to me. Facts. Fact: my parents died. Fact: Bucky caused their accident. Fact: their death shaped the way I lived my life, and the way Tony lived his. Fact: Tony’s actions ruined my life, not once, but twice now.”
“And where does that leave you with Bucky?”
You sighed. “That’s where things get convoluted. Fact: he was brainwashed as the Winter Soldier. So I can’t hold that against him. And I don’t. Me knowing Bucky caused their accident doesn’t make them less dead. So as stupid as it seems, I’m not mad about that. I’m mad he didn’t tell me himself. But even then? Part of me can still understand why he didn’t. I mean, there were things about my past I kept from him. And at what point do you drop a bomb like that?”
“So where does all of that leave you?”
“I don’t know. That’s the problem. Part of me wants to clock Tony for running his mouth. Part of me is screaming that this is exactly why I don’t let people in. And part of me is still stupidly head over heels in love with Bucky, even though I feel like my trust in him got betrayed.”
“In love with him? Does Bucky know?”
You shook your head. “We barely started dating. And I mean barely. Like it happened last night barely.”
“And now it’s already potentially over.”
“Well. And you can do whatever you want with this advice. But, it sounds like the real issue is with Tony, not Bucky. So try not to confuse the two.”
“But how do I trust him, Steve? I laid everything out on the line, and he couldn’t do the same for me.”
“Sounds like you trust him just fine if you’re able to do all that. So is your real hurt, with Bucky at least, in the fact that you feel he doesn’t trust you back? I mean, and correct me if I’m wrong, but this is just my observations. You don’t let that vulnerable side of you show often, if ever. I mean, everyone back there expected you to rip Tony’s head from his shoulders and you barely raised your voice. You have a very tight control on your feelings. You have a very tight control on what you let others around you in on. So if you allowed yourself to be vulnerable to Bucky, I can understand how that powershift makes you feel out of control. I can see how any indication of him not trusting you back is a huge act of betrayal in your mind. It’s like you loaded the gun, and handed it to him yourself.”
“Have I ever told you how much you scare me with how observant you are?”
Steve chuckled. “I knew Bucky a long time before he was the Winter Soldier. He’s not gonna be the guy to let you down. But me telling you that, and you believing it are two totally different things.”
“So what do I do, Steve?”
“You gotta figure that out for yourself. But talking might be a good place to start.”
“Thanks. Seriously. This helped me a lot.”
“Anytime, Y/N.”
Your next visitor was Tony. “So…” he started, peering over your shoulder at the leg you were halfway finished with. “Break up with him yet?”
“So… find a new way to blow up my life yet?” you fired back.
His jaw clenched. “Blew up your life by telling you the truth?”
“Blew up my life by fucking ruining everything, actually. I was happy, Tony. Actually fucking happy. And you let me have that for all of what? 30 seconds?”
“So you’d rather your happiness be fake? Be a lie then?”
“It wasn’t fake, that’s the thing! Look, I get that you hate him. I get that you and Steve were at odds with each other because of Bucky. And I get that hearing the news that he’s the reason for our parents’ death doesn’t make you exactly keen on being his friend, or having him around here. But, God, Tony! There were a million different ways you, or Bucky could have clued me in on things. And of course, you went with the one that would hurt him the most, not even hesitating long enough to think about how it would hurt me in the process. I knew you were a spiteful bastard, but this is a new low, even for you. Whatever happened to ‘it’s not my business to tell’?”
“That’s why I’m here to apologize.”
“That was an apology?”
“It would be if you let me get there.”
“Well, go on then.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I let my issues with Dad get in the way of me being there for you after they died. Not that at the age I was in any way ready or capable of taking on the responsibility of looking after a kid. And I’m sorry that it led you down a path of eventually getting caught in the crossfire of my mistakes with the company. And I’m sorry for how I handled the news of you and Barnes and the subsequent fallout.”
“Wow,” was all you could come up with to say. Tony wasn’t exactly the apologetic or remorseful type. He was the “throw money at the situation in hopes it went away” type, a classic Howard Stark trait Tony had been unfortunate enough to inherit, alongside the arrogance. And yet, here he was, apologizing to you for everything. And all you could say was, “Wow.”
“Yeah, great talk. If you connect those two wires, you should be good,” he said, nodding his chin at your leg.
You looked at it, “Oh. Thanks.”
“I mean it,” you said as he started to walk out. “The apology? Thanks.”
“Yeah, if we could not mention it, that’d be great.”
You let out a small laugh. “Works for me.”
Your final visitor was Bucky. “Been wondering when you’d show,” you said, as you walked around the lab, testing the newest prosthetic.
“Yeah, I, uh… would’ve been by sooner but I got caught up in a few things.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, I might have gone off on Tony after you left. And then Steve might have banned me from seeing you until I calmed down. And by the time I did that, he had already talked to you, and Tony was in here. So I talked to Steve. And… yeah.”
“You mean I missed out on another fight between you and Tony? Damn.”
“Heh, yeah… And look, I’m not here to act like an apology is going to magically make this all okay-”
“Good,” you cut him off. 
He sighed. “But I am sorry.”
“I don’t want your apology. I don’t need it.”
“Then… Could you yell at me, or something? This eerily calm thing is really freaking me out. Yell at me, Y/N. Tell me you hate me. Tell me I’m the reason you’re broken. Something. Anything.”
You paused in your small laps around the lab, looking at him in confusion. “Why would I do that? I’m not the starry-eyed prince who cries when his knight in shining armor isn’t real.”
“I- What?”
You winced at your words. “Bad analogy. I meant that I’m not the type who’s going to cry and scream every time my feelings get hurt. So if you’re waiting for that to happen, it’s not going to.”
“Y/N, please… I don’t know what to do here. I want to make this right. Tell me how.”
“There’s nothing to make right. I’m not mad at you, Bucky.”
“You’re not?”
“No! You were fucking mind-controlled for half of a god damn century. And Howard wasn’t exactly winning Dad of the Year Awards. Fuck, I can’t even find it in myself to be mad that you didn’t tell me. I’m hurt, Bucky, but I’m not mad.”
“I didn’t want to hurt you, that’s the thing. And I know. I know I had so many chances to tell you, and I didn’t. But how do you tell someone that without hurting them?”
“God damn it!” you snapped, your temper flashing before you could reel it back in. “That’s not why I’m hurt, Bucky. I’m hurt that I trust you, and you feel that you can’t trust me back. I’ve trusted you with parts of me I don't let anyone even get near. Hell, I’ve known the original crew of Avengers for five years, and today’s the first time they figured out I’m an amputee. That’s how hard it is for me to let my walls down. And I let you break them like they were nothing. And as great as it is to feel chosen for once, I cannot fuckin’ stand that it’s one-sided. Trust me back, Bucky. Let me choose you back!”
He took a step towards you. “Love, I-”
There it was again. “Love.” God, did he know what he was doing to you when he called you that? “Can’t do it? Think you’re too broken, and you’re gonna scare me off?” you asked.
“No, that’s not what I was going to say.”
“Then what were you going to say?”
“I...don’t know actually.” He took a few more steps until he was mere inches from you.
“Well, you know where to find me when you figure it out.”
You turned to leave, but his hand wrapped around your wrist, twisting you back around the strength and suddenness of the movement causing a splintering sound in your newest prosthetic while you collided into his chest, both of your eyes wide. “Shit!” Bucky swore. “Okay, that was not supposed to happen.”
“Bucky…” you growled, both in agitation that your new leg was already broken, and in slight desperation of if he didn’t hold you steady soon, you were going to face-plant into the floor.
Thankfully, he understood the hint, and more. His arms snaked around you, holding you upright while his head tilted down, his lips crushing into yours. “Please choose me back?” he whispered desperately against your mouth.
“Not choosing you back was never an option, Bucky,” you assured, your arms wrapping around his neck and deepening the kiss.
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@cxddlyash​ @stanofalotofthings​ @philthepegacorn​ @youngblood199456​ @binxiboo​ @creator-appreciator​ @felixtok​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​ @jessalyn-jpeg​ @lilyoflower​ @mychemicalimagines​  @milea​ @partiesandblurrypolaroids​ @summerdaughter​
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Hello, may I request for Albedo hcs for an s/o who is inattentive? For example, the reader has difficulty reading long sentences or paying attention for a short time span, and ends up zoning out a lot? (If you're comfortable with this request of course, since it comes from me having inattentive adhd, or if you aren't too busy...) (But other than that please take care of yourself (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)) Thank you ( ╹▽╹ )
Somehow these requests are pulling out my Psychology teachings ahahha- this is honestly such a nice prompt cuz I miss my college roomie, I love her so much and she has adhd. I might be projecting but I'll be using her techniques in this too! This was so cute and fun to work on awwwwwwwwww thank you anon!
The Curious Case of S/O
Albedo with a Reader that has a hard time focusing
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I saw someone hc Albedo as an autistic character and I actually agree with it, so some of that aspect will seep in to this answer eheh-
When it comes to things Albedo is passionate about, he keeps himself grounded and focused on it for an unhealthy period
So when Albedo found out about your curious case, safe to say he was intrigued too, and sometimes frustrated
You’re all over the place and it kind of irks him when you can’t stay put and just- keep moving to different stuff?
But Albedo knew this before you got together and he took it upon himself to make sure you’re taken care of whenever such episodes happen, he’s your lover and a genius, he can and will find a way
Reading: Albedo loves reading literature and will offer to read out the text for you if you get frustrated enough over it. He may not have all the time in the world, but if it’s important that you understand this text he will make sure you do so
His voice is really nice and calming, but sometimes- you get so lost in them that you ended up just focusing on his voice instead of uhhh paying attention to what he was saying
big sigh
If that approach doesn’t work then he’s got another trick up his sleeves!
Doodles, sketches, all that cute artistic stuff!
There’s a chance you already do this but he’s gonna make this 95% more effective!
When taking notes for big texts, he’s gonna draw little doodles to the side so you can get a good grasp of what it means just by looking over it.
If the text is especially long, he’ll give it a quick once over, and then rewrite it just to highlight the most important parts you need to remember
He’ll take it up a notch and use different colored pens to write over it so you would know what you need to read without going through the whole chapter
If he wills it, Albedo would find himself incorporating such techniques on his notes as well and he’ll just chuckle at his antics (smiling every time he remembers you through his lil notes)
Being inattentive also makes it so you forget or not take note of important stuff
Chief Alchemist also has a good remedy for this!
Given, this was established after numerous trials and errors of finding the best route
F I N G E R  R I N G  B A N D S
This boyo had this genius enlightenment of an idea one day and prepared the necessary materials
Ngl you actually thought he was gonna propose when he offered that golden ring, you were about to cry
until you see him bring out ten more rings, multi-colored
w h a t
And so he explains as he grasps your non-dominant hand:
“Your thumb represents the early morning, from when you wake up after the sun.
Your index finger signifies the period of 12PM, the moments the busy-ness starts, never forget to eat lunch always, darling.
Your middle finger is the longest and busiest hour, the middle of the afternoon where the sun is high up in the sky. You’ll find yourself running around a lot during this period, and I won’t always be there to remind you.
Your ring finger,” he pauses to give it a gentle kiss, “someday. But anyways, this is the period when the darkness starts to devour the sky in place of the sun. You should be cleaning up and finishing all other tasks at this period.
And finally your pinky finger, almost at the dead hours of the night, god knows what you’ll be doing at this time when you should be ready for rest. I don’t want to see a lot or any rings here, for you should be in my arms by this time.”
After that heart-warming, proposal-like dialogue, he’ll offer the rings and explain as best he can
The red ring represents deadlines; blue stands for commissions; white is for meet-ups; pink is for self-care or routines
He holds up the gold rings with a soft smile, placing one in each finger as he explains, “This one stands for me. Make sure that on every finger I am there, to remind you that I wish to know how you are, to accompany me so that I can remind you that I love you every day of the year.”
If you’re still alive after this, good for you
OTherwise I’m dead, this man is so cheesy and hnghhh-
After all that, Albedo wakes up with you and helps you organize your rings for the day <3
It looks nice and glamorous on your hand, and even if you get distracted by it, you’ll find yourself being reminded of what you need to do
Genuis boyo
But that’s not even 100% of his power
nononono he has another solution and this was something he picked up after spending time with you
His pretty t e a l eyes (just look at that damn banner)
You seem to stop everything when he focuses his eyes on you, eye contact, like you’re grounded or crystallized
Somehow when you see eye-to-eye it gives him enough time to remind you that you’re focusing on the wrong thing, go back to your notes
It’s just- so pretty :((
Works 99% of the time!
The rare 1% it doesn’t work tho, you get this very rare moment: before you can even move away from your task, finding yourself not caring about it again, he’ll just wrap his arms around you from behind. They’re comfortably tight, grounding your feet to the floor as he whines against your hair, scolding you and telling you to finish your stuff first
You couldn’t say no to a cute whiney Albedo
You can’t
//brings out knife// You better not-
Bonus: Albedo likes to focus on the important things, but he’s easily intrigued by curious things too
And with your tendency to lose focus and notice other things, this becomes a chaotic series of events
You’re both silently sitting in his laboratory, him sketching a diagram of his current research
You look up from the papers you were reading as you lose focus and the movement would easily catch Albedo’s attention, ready to move his lips to call you back-
“Oh, is that Crystalfly changing colors out there?”
You’re both rushing to the window where you saw the phenomenon
And then you’re both running out to investigate further <3
All of Mond watches you two’s antics and finds you just to be the cutest couple in existence. Albedo has two Klee’s to take care of, is what it would look like sometimes.
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PS. This is not an Albedo Blog
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mqgriett · 4 years
Crosshair- It Won’t Stop
Prompt: “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?” and “I didn’t know where else to go” requested by @bluehumanknightzine !! Thank you so much for the requested
Pairings: Crosshair x Fem!Reader
Warnings: blood and being shot
Summary: Crosshair will never pass up on an opportunity to teach a shiny a lesson, so when someone insults Echo he has to take charge. It doesn’t always go as planned.
Notes: this is based off of @sorry-but-no-sorry ‘s art!! Please go check them out!!
79’s was basically deserted, mainly because it was pushing 0300 in the morning, but Crosshair couldn’t sleep. Not after what had happened earlier that night. 
Typically the callus sniper wasn’t easily pissed off. Odd looks and judgemental whispers from regs was something he was used to by now. He developed thick skin, learned to just enjoy a night of drinking with his brothers and let loose a little. He was used to the rude remarks, Echo wasn’t. 
None of the regs recognized him anymore, his robotic legs and the bolts screwed into his head along with his pale skin made him difficult to recognize. The normal clones would never intentionally bully the lost 501st member, but they would happily bully a bad batch member. 
Crosshair scanned the room for the 312th trooper, knowing he would still be here. Worst thing was, the trooper was a shiny, and he had only identified his battalion by association. 
Sure enough, he was still in the back booth, lips practically swallowing a young twi’lek dancer. He rolled his eyes, strutting over to the pair in the back. 
The shiny seemed to feel Cross’s icy presence, taking a break from his makeout with the dancer to move out of the booth. 
“Back so soon?” asked the trooper, crossing his small arms and jutting his chin out. 
The sniper of Clone Force 99 didn’t waste any time with small talk, he withdrew his fist and landed a punch to the jaw of the shinty. It was so strong that it even knocked the reg back, the only thing that was preventing him from falling to the ground was catching himself on the table. 
The clone rubbed his jaw, eyebrows arching to form a cold smirk on his face. “Lose a touch of common sense in your test tube? Eh, defect?” he grumbled. 
Crosshair didn’t reply and calmly pulled a toothpick from his pocket, sticking it in his mouth and allowing it to methodically roll from side to side. He prepared to charge, but what he didn’t expect was for the shiny to pick up his blaster and shoot him in the side of the stomach where his armor didn’t cover. 
Cross stumbled backwards, hand already gripping the underside of his stomach. 
The trooper had no clue what he had done, he had reacted out of pure instinct and hadn’t calculated the consequences when he fired. He froze momentarily, proceeding to toss the blaster to the side and sprint out of 79’s. 
Crosshair still couldn’t believe what had happened. Even as he started down at the crimson liquid beginning to stain his blacks, he refused that he had been shot. 
He couldn’t go back to the Marauder, he wouldn’t make it back alive. 
There was only one other person on Coruscant he knew he could get to before bleeding out. 
At first you thought it was a dream, when you heard the knock at your door. You rolled onto your opposite side, flipping the silk pillow to have the cold side press against your face. 
Another knock made its way to your bedroom. 
If there’s a third then I’ll get up,
Five seconds pass, and the third knock sounds weaker than the first two. 
Swinging your legs off the side of the bed, you reach for your housecoat and move a few pieces of hair out of your face. “Coming!” you shouted, voice a little groggy.
As you enter the living room, you catch a glance at the clock and see how late it is. 
The small droid in your room beeps in attention, it’s different colored panels lighting up. “It’s alright R4, I’ll see who it is.” 
R4 chirps in response, rolling to the kitchen and out of view. 
You opened the doors to your room, the cold chill of the hallway hitting your bare legs. Squinting, you could hardly make out the figure in front of you. “Crosshair?” You yawned, wrapping your robe around your torso. 
His words sounded difficult to push out, “I’m sorry.” He sucks in a sharp breath between his teeth, something falling and hitting your foot. 
“For waking me up?” you responded tiredly, reaching down to pick up whatever he dropped. 
As your hand touched the fallen toothpick, you found that something was dripping from his armor. At first you perceived it to be nothing but sweat; however, the putrid smell that met your nose told you otherwise. 
“R4 turn the lights on.” You said sternly, within milliseconds you could fully see him standing in front of you. 
“Shit.” You mumbled, finally seeing the huge gash in his stomach. 
His entire face was pale and he was obviously nauseous, yet he still refused to let you help him onto the couch. He stumbled his way to the sofa, collapsing once he got there. Every movement that Cross produced was followed by a muffled groan or wince.
You crouched down next to him, starting at ripping all of his armor off while calling out to your droid, “R4, get me the emergency bag.” 
Your hands tore the soiled fabric away from his torso, leaving him with nothing but a sad excuse of a shirt and his pants. “Dank Farrik, Cross.” You said out of pure frustration, seeing just how bad the wound was. 
His head lulled to the side, a small stream of tears falling down the side of his face as his eyes closed. 
“Crosshair, no.” You reached up and pinched his chin, jerking his head to face you. It woke him up, “hey, look at me. Focus on me alright? I need you to tell me what happened.” You were no medic, but every senator was required to know basic medical skills. 
“79’s,” he began as R4 handed you a bottle of alcohol, Cross winced as you poured it onto the gash and shifted uncomfortably, “shiny made-“ he groaned loudly, “- shiny made fun of echo.” His brother’s name was clouded by his shaky breathing as you poured more alcohol. 
“What’d he say?” 
You placed a clean rag on top of his wound, cleaning around it as he tried to continue, “Went back and he shot me.” He ignored your previous question, not wanting to say it out loud. 
“This is going to hurt, but you need to stay still.” You commanded, the threaded needle lingering over the exposed and seared skin. 
Without looking up, you heard him speak again, “what’s happening?” 
“You’re bleeding out.” You sighed, “I need to give you stitches.” 
“No, this,” he wiped his face with his bare hand, examining the clear liquid dripping down his palm. 
“You’re crying, you got shot.” 
He shook his head and tried to sit up, “no, what is happening? This isn’t possible.” He wiped his face again, over and over. “It won’t stop,” he sobbed, “why won’t it stop?” 
You wanted to console him, but you had to get this gash closed. You stuck the needle through his skin, and it was almost like he didn’t feel it due to how preoccupied he was with the fact that he was crying. 
Cutting the thread with your teeth, you handed the needle back to R4 and placed a strip of bacta over his wound. “R4 comm Tech. Tell him to come down here immed-“
“No!” Cross jumped, “he can’t see me like this.” 
You placed your hand on his knee, “he’s seen you hurt thousands of times.” 
He pointed to his face, “Like this.”
His eyes and cheeks were stained red from crying. Blood was dried in his hair and it stained all of his body. You knew how embarrassed he felt because he understood how helpless and weak he looked in the moment.  
You calmed your tone, not wanting him to jump again and possibly burst the stitches, “R4, comm Tech that Crosshair drunkenly stumbled to my quarters in the senate building and is now sleeping on my couch.” 
Beeping in approval, your small Astro droid excused himself to your room to fulfill his duties. 
Your hands would most definitely be tinted red tomorrow morning, rather this morning, at your meeting with Bail Organa. 
Wiping your forehead, you stood back up to inspect the damage that had been done. 
Your white couch was now a lovely red tie-dye, as was your white nightgown. 
Crosshair refused to look at you, “I didn’t know where else to go.” 
“I’m glad you came here.” You ran your hand up and down his thigh, just as a gentle touch to remind him that you were still there. 
“I need a shower.” he mumbled. That was his way of asking you to help him get cleaned up. 
Carefully, you helped him to the refresher. Your back was turned to him as you drew a bath, wanting to give him as much privacy as possible as he undressed. You poured a small amount of salts in the water, to help rid his body of any bacteria that had already begun to settle in his wound. He rejected your offer to help him into the bathtub, his ego not allowing him to accept. 
You sat behind the marble tub, just so you could see the back of him. Placing your hand on his forehead, you gently pulled his head back and poured water over hair. His dusty green eyes fluttered shut each time you did this, his shoulders finally relaxing. 
Once his hair was rid of blood, you moved onto his face. You wetened a clean cloth, and benevolently wiped it under his eyes and neck. He sighed heavily, “he called him a deficient defect.” His jaw clenched under your grip. 
You froze momentarily, feeling your own anger bubble up at the thought of Echo having to hear that. Echo had always been tough, but you knew that that probably hurt him. If it didn’t, Cross wouldn’t have gone back at 0300 to teach the shiny a lesson. 
After wiping the final strip of blood off of him, you turned your head and helped Crosshair up. He wrapped a towel around his waist, flinching as it touched the wound. Luckily the medicated bandage on top of it kept it numb, making it easier for him to do things on his own. 
It wasn’t unusual for the bad batch to randomly stop by whenever they were on Coruscant. When General Kenobi would ask for their aide in a mission they often needed to wait a few nights for approval from the council. This usually led to all five of them sleeping in your bed with you. In the morning Hunter and Tech were frequently found on the floor though. 
You set a fresh set of black pajamas on the edge of your bed for Crosshair, leaving him in your as you went to choose a new nightgown from your closet. You chose the same sleepwear you had on now, just in black and not covered in blood. 
It felt immaculate to shower, and with enough scrubbing all of the blood successfully left your hands. 
Crosshair had already situated himself on your bed, flicking through the holodramas you had recorded. You wrung the excess water from your hair, tossing the dirty nightgown into the trash can and doing the same with the towel once you were finished. 
Once you were comfortable, Crosshair turned his head towards you while his eyes were still fixated on the holo. “What’s the one you, Tech, and Wrecker watch?” 
You raised an eyebrow, “I thought you said it was annoying.” 
He didn’t answer, facing his head back towards the colorful projection. 
“Ails of Alderaan.” you smiled, pointing to the title he was about to skip. 
Despite his lack of core strength in the moment, he still managed to pull the blanket underneath you to get you closer to him. He gently pressed his head on your shoulder, gingerly touching at your fingers before intertwining them with his own. “Don’t tell the boys, please.” 
Crosshair wouldn’t care if you told them he was shot, he was referring to the fact that he cried earlier. 
You moved your head to the side and kissed his temple, “I won’t.”
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krysphycookiez · 4 years
ateez | you as the female maknae
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synopsis: you’re the youngest and only female member in ateez, let’s see how you get along with the boys
genre: fluff, platonic, imagines
pairing: ateez x maknae!reader
a/n: sooo uhhh yeah this is my first fanfic post on tumblr, i never really see these types of genres for in any ateez fanfic so i thought i’d try it out. i hope y’all enjoy it!
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tbh i think seonghwa be a bit distant at first, since he really didn’t know how to interact with you, not to mention the slight age gap
but then as you two started to spend more time together you gradually started getting closer
now the two of you have the cutest parent/child like relationship ever
take his babying tendencies with the other members and multiply it by 10
he always tries to take care of you in small ways like giving you water after dance practice or making sure you don’t overexert yourself
a bit overprotective but for the most part he just let’s you do whatever
also nags you a lot
whether it’s to do your homework or to eat something
he’s very worried about you all the time because of rude fans and netizens
but at the end of the day he knows you can handle yourself
even then you still depend on him sometimes
seonghwa also probably scolds the other members if they go too far with pranks/teasing
his bias towards you is very obvious
but he still sees you as a smol child that has to be protected at all costs
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hongjoong is basically seonghwa’s behavior around you but 10x worse (not in a bad way tho lmao)
he definitely nags you a lot more because he’s a stressed leader
but that’s just how he shows he cares for you
definitely favors you a lot more than the boys when they are being annoying
he also makes sure you’re okay and in perfect health all the time
usually lets you help develop new tracks when you’re in the mood to help
sometimes even gives you some producing and recording tips, while also letting you listen to his most recent tracks
if you’re a foreigner that speaks english he probably tries his best to make you comfortable by speaking english to you
and both of you make a great translator duo too
even if you aren’t a foreigner but you still speak english you both probably have english conversations anyways
there’s of course those times where he scared you to death cause he’s upset
but he really doesn’t mean to scare you and apologizes afterwards
also overprotective like seonghwa, he just doesn’t want anyone hurting his precious baby
you just basically accepted that hongjoong and seonghwa adopted you
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this bitch is either very soft around you or very annoying around you
depending on his mood, yunho will either baby you like you’re a toddler or tease you like there’s no tomorrow
especially because of your height too, he’s basically a tree compared to you
on vacation days he probably spends his time with you by either cooking or watching movies together
he really sees you as his little sister and he enjoys the feeling
if you’re one of the main dancers you and him probably do a lot of choreography covers together
especially bts covers
he usually teases you about certain idols you admire, jokingly saying you have a crush on them
this sometimes goes too far that even hongjoong gets involved
but at the end of the day it’s all just fun and games
whenever you’re feeling down he’s one of the members that comforts you because he can sense when you’re in a gloomy mood
he just wants you to feel happy and safe cause of the harsh idol life all of you go through
he’s also one of those friends that never lets you forget about embarrassing shit you’ve done too
but he will always be your sweet little teddy bear
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like seonghwa, yeosang probably was a little shy around around you at first, probably cause you were a girl
but now he’s a ruthless and shameless little shit around you
he teases you all. the. time. there’s never a moment where he doesn’t take the opportunity to tease you
he’s the reason why you developed your sneaky and savage side in the first place
LOTS of insult battles, and it’s usually a 50/50 win too
though there’s always those petty fights about who won too and the other members just watch the chaos unfold
probably takes you out to eat chicken with him too, cause he still cares for you
and also the type to say “no one but me is allowed to call you stupid names and tease you”
speaking of stupid names, he barely refers you to your actual name off screen, he always has dumb nicknames for you
and vice versa too, you also can get pretty creative with names
but he’s also one of the members to automatically know when somethings wrong with you, like yunho he’s emotional support for you
also encourages you to push harder as well (ofc not TOO far), because he wants you to be the best version of yourself
no one can hurt you in any way or that person will get a piece of yeosang’s mind
even though he’s an annoying brat around you all the time, he still deeply cares and cherishes you cause he really does love you like his sister
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he loves you so much! san thinks you’re so adorable and he just loves you so much
probably praises you for every little thing you do too. the others sometimes get tired of his antics sometimes but you find them cute
you steal his attention from wooyoung and that sometimes causes petty rivalries, but it’s all just fun and games
he’s also another member to know when something’s up with you, cause you guys were even close during trainee days
initiated a lot of skinship with you, and he likes to play with your hair too and vice versa
also a lot of aegyo between the two of you, you two are just so soft for each other it’s irresistible
san is also the type of friend to wake you up at like- 3 in the morning to play games with him or watch a movie
speaking of games, you guys also play a lot of games together
most of the time san wins though
if you speak english, he probably asks for tips and lessons on english, and you’re partly the reason why he has a smooth accent and decent vocabulary
you also probably tease him a bit, especially about his dance audition to KQ, which always results in a smack
platonic kisses on the cheek and head too off screen, there might have been a few cases where you two might have actually kissed on the lips
but probably because you lost a bet
he’s your little cheerleading puppy and you two are just such cuties together
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crackhead duo, enough said
you and mingi always say and start the weirdest shit all the time, you both team up to prank the other members
mainly with seonghwa and hongjoong cause their reactions are funny. though you never dare to lay a finger on jongho
you two once started a running gag about calling seonghwa oppa (you call them hyung) and that joke lasted for a week
he also watches a lot of memes with you, and both of you have the craziest laughs ever
sometimes the other members are concerned for your mental health
if you aren’t a rapper, you probably try to imitate his rapping. it always looks very silly and he just cracks up at the sight
you two also cause a lot of chaos when it’s just you and the others without the 98 liners
also you two aren’t allowed to cook together anymore
one day when you it was just you and the 99 liners, mingi threw some flour at you while baking and it caused a whole ass war
hongjoong spent an hour wiping frosting off of the wall, and you guys got a huge scolding from seonghwa. still worth it though
you probably steals his hoodies cause they are so warm. he either doesn’t mind or gets whiny about it
probably has pasted sticky notes all over your room before in random spots, and you did the same to him too
you two are the equivalent to chaotic twin siblings and it’s just adorable
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two words; sneaky bitch
wooyoung can and will annoy you to death with his stupid antics, and vice versa too
you two probably didn’t get along at first in trainee days but now you guys are the closest you can get
he’s very affectionate around you that even SAN sometimes gets jealous, san of all people! you have to be very special to make him jealous
also those petty rivalries between you and him over san never really last that long, it’s just stupid bickering
probably tags along with you and mingi to prank the other members
LOTS of flirting and stupid pickup lines
he usually wins them because you can’t beat that man’s charm, but sometimes he makes a comment a little too inappropriate that results in a scolding
both of you also do a lot of stupid dances together, and the other members just watch you guys wonder what the hell you two inhaled
if there’s a rumor/false scandal surrounding you, he will comfort you the most and protect you at all costs, even going as far to glare and call out someone who insulted you
also initiates a lot of skinship with you, though not as much as san, you just always smell good so he can’t help himself
you two also cause a lot of chaos at fansigns, whether it’s fighting over a snack or smacking each other with toys
sometimes people think you guys are childhood friends, and who can blame them? you two are so close it’s immaculate
and maybe a few dating rumors surrounded you before, but at the end of the day you guys are just really good friends
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jongho is the only member who doesn’t baby you, since you guys are pretty close in age
he doesn’t really show it cause he doesn’t like showing affection on screen, but he always looks out for you
no one dares to mess with you when jongho is around cause they know they are gonna get their shit rocked
mingi and wooyoung learned that the hard way
he’s very caring for you and although he doesn’t show it by hugging or in any other physical gestures, he shows it through words
he actually was really shy to talk to you at first cause he thought you were really pretty, so you guys talked through notes
eventually he came out of his shell and now he talks to you like one of his close friends
if you’re one of the main vocalists, you and him probably sing a lot together, even when he’s breaking apples
has probably taken you to a few puppy cafes before so you could frolic with all of the adorable dogs
he just really wants the best for you, even if this isn’t super visible on screen
you also jump on his back a lot to make him carry you cause he’s a strong boi
he also just picks you up randomly and throws you over his shoulder just for your reaction
and it’s a lot of screaming fyi
overall, he brings out the more calming and quiet side in you, but it’s nothing bad, because both of you know that you care for each other
a/n: so that’s it for the first fanfic post! i’m sorry if it isn’t that good it’s been a while since it’s been a while since i wrote a fanfic, so this is a fresh new start for me!
i might move some of my wattpad stories here on tumblr, but see will see ;) requests are still open! so drop some requests if you liked this one
this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎
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stellawella97 · 4 years
Atelephobia: The Fear of Never Being Good Enough (Shane/Gender Neutral Farmer) - Chapter 1/3
Just posted 1/3 of my first Stardew Valley fanfic!
Read it below or over @ AO3
Shane has got 99 problems but never did he think the entire world losing its colour would be one of them.
It started off as just any other normal day in Shane’s life.
The chickens clucked noisily outside, the cows joining in their song occasionally with their loud chorus of moo’s. None of these sounds woke Shane up in the slightest - he heard them every day and he’d grown so accustomed to the noise, he figured he’d still be able to continue sleeping even if his bedroom floor caved in beneath his bed.
The slightly battered alarm clock sitting on Shane’s bedside table began its shrill ringing at 6:30am sharp. Shane tended to run by a strict ‘5 more minutes’ rule when it came to waking up in the morning however. Refusing to open his eyes till he absolutely had to, Shane managed to turn off the alarm clock by swatting aimlessly with his hand till it met with cold metal and the ringing stopped.
He tried to fall back asleep for those precious extra 5 minutes of peace before he had to leave for his soul-sucking job at JojaMart. However, memories of the night before began to flood back into his mind. Shane had been up in the mountains late at night, drinking again. He faintly remembered seeing the hermit (Linus, was it?) entering his tent, a plastic bag that was stuffed to the brim with what looked like half-eaten food grasped tightly in his hands.
Shane had drunk a couple cans of beer before he decided to enter the mines nearby. It had been dark and full of strange noises neither human nor animal could make but Shane had managed to make it down several floors with a pickaxe he’d found at the mine entrance in his drunken state. As to why he’d chosen to do this, Shane had no idea whatsoever.
He didn’t remember much else except for the sound of a creature speaking in a garbled ancient language, a warm tingling sensation that filled his entire body, and finally the sharp pain that shot through his head as he finally keeled over from the amount of alcohol in his system, smashing his head against the rocky terrain. Oddly enough, his head didn’t hurt at all this morning. Doctor Harvey must’ve patched him up real good this time. Or maybe Marnie had. Who’d even brought him back to the house?
Just as he was beginning to wonder if he was actually found with trousers on this time, Shane heard the sound of the front door slamming shut. Marnie must have gone out to feed the animals. Shane was just about to roll over onto his side to continue his reminiscing when it began to dawn on him that he’d probably been in bed for more than just 5 minutes.
Shane quickly sat up in bed and grabbed the alarm clock. It was now 7:10am! He couldn’t risk Morris docking his pay again this month - he had to get to JojaMart quick. He jumped out of bed and had just put his leg through a pair of jeans when he noticed that it’d turned from blue to gray. When had that happened? He remembered wearing this exact pair of jeans just two days ago and he certainly hadn’t ever bought gray ones before.
It was then that he realized - everything had turned gray from his walls, to the cushion placed in front of the television set, to the alarm clock, and even his own skin.
I’ve finally done it, haven’t I? I died in those fucking mines last night and now, I’m in some kind of Hell?
The thought ran through Shane’s mind as he spun around, inspecting everything in his room for any sign of colour. This was to no avail. Even his favourite pair of boxers was gray with slightly darker gray hearts dotting it. In a moment of pure desperation, Shane decided to pinch himself as hard as he could on his arm in an attempt to find out if he was in fact still alive. He was.
Rubbing the sore patch of skin on his arm, Shane decided that he didn’t have time to waste standing here and waiting to see if the world around him would get its colour back. If he was still alive, he needed to get to work pronto. He quickly pulled on his ratty, old JojaMart jacket that still did its job and ran out of the house, only just remembering to shut his bedroom door behind him because he just didn’t think he could deal with Marnie yelling at him again about the mess of empty beer cans and pizza boxes in there.
Shane ran through town, almost knocking over Abigail who had just left Pierre’s General Store with a flute in her hands. It worried him to no end that even her usually bright purple of her hair (She must dye it, right?) was now a dull gray, but Shane had no time to be stressing about that now. He’d just have to wait till during his break or after work.
Once he’d arrived at JojaMart, Shane immediately went to the employees office to clock in and change into the uniform. He took a moment to glance at his reflection in the mirror and sighed as he noted that the usually bright blue uniform was just as unflattering as always in a gray shade. He walked out onto the shop floor and began stocking the shelves, determined to just get through the day now.
However, he must’ve done something to offend Yoba because Shane’s shift did not go well at all. He’d first managed to trip over his own feet and crashed straight into the display of limited edition shrimp-flavoured Joja Cola that he’d been hard at work stacking up for over an hour. As Shane was stomping angrily back onto the shop floor with a bucket of soapy water and a mop in his hands, he’d then bumped into Pam who’d screamed in rage when she discovered her brand-new jumpsuit was now soaked. Even though he’d apologized profusely to Pam, Shane still had to sit through an hour and a half of Morris’s lectures as well as had his paycheck docked for the day to reimburse Pam for the damages.
Just as he thought his day couldn’t get any worse however, Shane was just about to clock out for his lunch break when Morris asked him to help Sam unload the delivery trucks that had just arrived with a new shipment of powdered butter, gluten pucks and Carbo Cones. This meant he had to endure almost an hour’s worth of listening to Sam go on and on about how awesome some indie band in Grampleton was - which on some days, was fine. Just not today, for Yoba’s sake. Instead of putting up a fuss however (Morris wouldn’t care anyway), Shane simply gritted his teeth and headed out to the back of JojaMart.
It wasn’t till 2pm that Shane finally managed to clock out for his break. He flopped down onto a seat at a small round metal table in the employee’s break room and stared at the silently humming vending machine in the corner of the room. The vending machine sold only JojaMart products, all of them disgusting and overly sweet - Shane had tried each one. At first, he wondered to himself ‘Wasn’t that vending machine blue before?” before it dawned on him for the second time that day that he hadn’t been able to see colours all day. As crazy as it sounded, he’d just been so distracted with work that he hadn’t had time to notice.
Shane leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, biting his lower lip in concentration. How had this happened? Had something happened to him in the mines? Maybe he should pay Doctor Harvey a visit after work, he would know what to do.
“Knock knock!,” a familiar voice suddenly came from the direction of the door. Shane, who had been staring blankly at a spot on the table, looked up to see who had managed to sneak into the break room in surprise but flinched almost immediately, bringing a hand up to shield his eyes from the sudden burst of colour amongst the gray. Once his eyes had adjusted, Shane saw that the voice belonged to the new farmer that had recently moved into the farm out of the town. They were now standing by the door, their hands clasped behind their back.
He must’ve been staring at the farmer for just a moment too long because they’d then asked “Shane? Are you okay? with an eyebrow raised questioningly. Shane cleared his throat and stood up from his chair, moving to stand in front of the vending machine. It was hard to tell what he was looking at when all the cans were the same gray colour, but he pretended to be deciding which drink he was going to buy to buy himself some time. His heart was beating so fast in his chest, Shane began to wonder if he was about to pass out.
Why’s the farmer the only one who’s in colour? Why of all people has it got to be them?!
Just as he thought of something smart to say, Shane heard the sound of the break room door opening again. He spun around to find the farmer already halfway out the door. However, the farmer noticed at the last moment that Shane had finally turned around and was now looking at them. They hesitated for a moment before saying with a shy smile tracing their lips “I’ve gotta go now but...I’ll be stopping by the Stardrop Saloon tomorrow night, I hope I’ll see you there there?”
“I-I’ll see you there!,” Shane blurted out, feeling his cheeks begin to heat up. The farmer flashed him a warm smile before shutting the door behind them. Shane fell back into his seat and buried his face in his hands, mentally screaming at himself for two main reasons. One, he had sounded way too excited at the prospect of seeing the farmer again. Two, had the farmer just subtly invited him on a date? And did he just...agree to it? What was going on today?!
Not once did he stop to wonder why the farmer hadn’t turned gray like everything else, himself included.
Shane managed to breeze through the second half of his shift at JojaMart without any further mishaps, and had made it all the way back home with his head high up in the clouds. He popped a frozen pizza he’d stolen from JojaMart’s freezers into the oven and entered his bedroom, kicking his shoes off at the door.
He was just wondering if people still brought their date flowers in these modern days when he noticed a small slip of paper that was being held in place beneath a small stone that was smooth to the touch. Written on the paper in a barely legible script were the words ‘Lost your ability to see colour, huh? If you want it back, meet me at the mines tonight at 11pm’.
Shane looked around his room and decided to check the windows. They were locked. Whoever had delivered this note must’ve come in from the front door but Marnie who had been home all day would have said something to him if someone had come looking for him. She hadn’t though, so they must have snuck in without her seeing. Now he knew how they got in, there was still one question left unanswered:
Who sent me this note?
Author Notes:
Part 2 will be up sometime later this week so stay tuned for that.
If you'd like my work and would like to support me, please consider donating to my Ko-fi @ https://ko-fi.com/stellawella97 where I am offering custom fanfic commissions for a cup of coffee! It'd really help me out. Thank you <3
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This was made for my wonderful pal @dis-gorl! Here ya go and I hope ya enjoyed it~ 💕💕
Please ignore the typos it's 3am lol
100 Days (Saeyoung x MC)
You quickly got up from bed as soon as you heard your alarm go off. You hated waking up early, mostly because you were not a morning person, but today was special. Today, you celebrated 100 days if being with the love of you life, Saeyoung.
It had been tough road to get where you are now, but thanks to hard effort and of course, love, you managed to make it through all the challenged the world seemed to throw at you.
You immediately put on your cutest clothes, and made your hair in the way he liked it the most. Today, you were going to spoil the heck out of that man~
You quickly went outside and bought some PhD Pepper, both if your favorite candy, your favorite movies and a small bento box -this one you had made yourself, weeks before having practiced over and over how to make the perfect meal, with hearts and smiley faces and everything Saeyoung liked that wasn't trash food. You had to admit that for now being an expert with cooking you did an amazing job.
You immediately got a ride to Saeyoung's home. You slowly made your way to the door, your face blushing a bit and your hand trying to fix a strand of fair away from your face.
You stood in front of the door waiting for it to immediately open like it always did ever since Saeyoung adjusted it to obey your voice too, but this time it didn't seem to move.
You tried looking around, confused, and then tried to open the door once again.
It wouldn't buckle.
That was strange.
You quickly took your phone out, and leaning against the door texted your boyfriend, trying to ask where he was without being too obvious you had come to visit him.
You immediately got a reply back.
"Me and Saeran decided to go in an impromptu brother's trip!~ Look! Saeran caught a big fish!"
Immediately after that came a picture of a selfie Saeyoung took with Saeran in the background (he was indeed holding a big ass fish.) The second one he sent was of him currently getting smacked in the face with said fish while Saeran seemed to scream something at him.
You chuckled at the sight, but immediatly felt your heart tighten as you realized that, Saeyoung wasn't here and most importantly, that he had forgotten about the anniversary.
It wasn't something you had discussed with him before, but all couples in korea knew and did this tradition, so you just assumed Saeyoung would know it too.
As you bit your bottom lip trying not to cry, Saeyoung sent you one last message telling you that you had left something in the house, and that if you wanted to go and get it that the back yard door was open, and only opened for your voice.
You felt confused as to what you could've possibly left inside, and debated wether to go in or not....you were feeling pretty down.
But maybe going to Saeyoung's room and putting his clothes on while sleeping on his bed wrapped in blankets might help. And you could eat his food, as a bit of revenge for forgetting something so important.
You quickly made your way through the backyard and opened the door. The first thing you saw was a small red string, with a small note attached to it.
Ohoho~ Surprise surprise my sweet 606! Wanna play a game?? Of course you do! Now, all you have to do is follow the red string all the way to the house. Once you've collected all the pieces of paper, in the end of your journey you will find a key that will lead you to your secret treasure! Have fun~
You felt your stomach do a flip as you read the note over and over again. He....he had something planned? Oh how fun! You squealed as you followed the piece of red string near the garden, which Saeran had been tending to ever since he arrived. You immediately found the first note with a flower attached to the back, and it said, in small letters in the top: Reasons why I love you.
In Saeyoung's messy handwriting you made out what it said.
1. I love your smile.
You flushed red and tried to hide your face in your hands. You giggled as you put the note in your bag along with the flower carefully, and followed the red string towards a big tree in the yard. It used to be very lonely and depressing, but thanks to Saeran he managed to make the whole place look absolutely wonderful!
You found the second note with your favorite candy attached on the side. It said:
2. I love you be because make my heart smile.
Yoh let out a small chuckle and happily ate the candy while following the red thread. Quickly you found number 3, with a cute plushie of a cat next to it.
3. Because with you I can truly be myself.
You made your way through the garden, each time collecting more and more notes and small items.
4. When we're together you make all my problems disappear.
9. Because you make me feel like I'm the only person in the whole universe~
You made your way inside the house through the backdoor and went into the living room.
14. Because you're always there for me, no matter what
17. Because you are yourself with me.
25. Because you encourage me after I've failed.
29. Because you love me and my family! Even though we're crazy!
34. You always make time for the two of us.
You went inside the living room and found a big teddy bear laying on the couch and smiled, picking up the next note.
37. You take care of me and spoil me~
40. Because you are determined to make this relationship work, and you always give it your best.
46. When you laugh it makes me laugh!
49. Because your arms feel more like home than any house ever did
50. You always keep your promises.
53. You have the ability to comfort me simply by your touch.
56. When things don't go as planned you always roll with it, instead of getting stressed.
59. Because you always swap the wet towels for dry ones when you know I'm showering.
64. You always believe in me and inspire me.
69. Because your are so sexy and I can't believe I get to call you mine. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
You let out a laugh and then gasped as you looked at the kitchen. The table was a lined up with your favorite food and dishes and drinks. You put your part of the food in the table and had to debate wether or not to keep going. The food looked way too delicious...but you had do wait for Saeyoung. With a determined step you kept going down the hall.
71. I love you because you picked me.
75. You are sweeter than any PhD Pepper, or Honey Buddha Chips. I'd chose you over them any time.
78. You have the courage to chase your dreams.
80. You make an effort with my friends and family because you know they matter to me.
81. I love you because you gave me the gift of yourself.
84. Because you make me feel special.
87. You are my best friend in the whole world.
88. I will love you forever.
90. You make all my dreams come true.
You felt your heart melt as you walked down the hall and into the spare rooms, slowly walking up to Saeyoung's room.
91. Because I can't imagine life without you.
92. You don't just tell me you love me, you show me.
93. You never give up on me, even when I'm at my worst.
94. You care about the people around you.
95. You are smokin hot!
96. I love your snuggles.
You were now passing the bathroom, and after that, came Saeyoung's room. You felt your heart start beating faster and faster.
97. You still give me butterflies.
98. Your hand fits perfectly in mine
The only thing you could hear was the quick thumping of your heart.
99. I love that I get to go through life with you....
The last note had a key attached with a red string. You grabbed it and opened the door.
Your eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness of the room, but you saw the curtains were drawn, and that in the roof there were holograms of dancing stars and planets.
There was a small fort in the middle, and you gasped as you saw Saeyoung standing there, a big goofy smile in his face.
You felt your cheeks heat up as he made his way towards you, pulling you into the room. He grabbed your hands and squeezed them, looking deep into your eyes.
"I love you because...." He whispered, and kissed your forehead. "You have taught me...." He kissed your cheek. "The true meaning...." He kissed your nose. "Of love..." And then, he locked your lips against yours in a chaste kiss.
You wrapped your arma around his neck and melted deeper and deeper into the kiss, making Saeyoung sigh in happiness. When the two of you ran out of breath, he quickly held on finger up and dug for something in his pockets.
He took out a small box and opened it's showing a beautiful red ring with small diamonds on the side (looking like stars) and caressed your cheek.
"MC." He said. You nodded.
"I...you've truly made me the happiest man alive. I would've never thought I'd ever be able to have something like this...to have someone i get to call my own...but thanks to you, everything seems possible now. I've found my brother. I'm happier. I have someone I love and cherish. I...I don't exactly know much about this... anniversary, but I read about promise rings and...well...." He quickly took the ring out and gently placed it in your finger, kissing your knuckles. "I promise, from now on, to always be by your side. To love you, no matter what, and to cherish you and adore you and spoil you. I will love you forever, my dear 606."
You let out a happy sigh and immediately wrapped your arms around Saeyoung, then kissed his nose and his forehead and his cheeks, muttering how much you loved him, how happy you were.
*Oh Saeyoung! This is...this is absolutely wonderful! Thank you, I... I love you so much!!!" You kissed him again, making him laugh and then, in one swift movement pick you up and twirl you around and around.
"I love you too! More than anything in the universe!"
That afternoon, after having some fun times in the bedroom and watching a movie (well, tried to, you kept getting distracted since he would kiss you every five seconds) inside the beautiful fort he had made, you had dinner and spent the whole time in each other's company, every once in a while kissing you and hugging you tight.
Thay night you spent it in each other's arms, happily hugging and whispering words of love yo each other.
Now you couldn't wait until you celebrated your 200 day anniversary!
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pinkanonwrites · 4 years
Cuddling with Karasuno Boys! (1st Years)
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This is a long one, so it's gonna go under a read more just to be safe!
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Kageyama Tobio
You two could be dating for years. You could be married with kids. You could be two hobbling and hunched over little old people and Kageyama would still get flustered when you ask him to cuddle. He thinks he's no good at it so he doesn't understand why you always ask him to snuggle you.
Admittedly he isn't actually that good at cuddling. He's always kind of stiff-armed and awkward when you cuddle up to him, and stays that way until he finally dozes off. But once he does, he's so delightfully snuggly. Good luck if you need to use the bathroom int he middle of the night, Kageyama has a vice grips around your middle and will whine if you try and pull away.
He'd love to watch volleyball matches with you on the couch, you dozing off on his shoulder. He's so transfixed in the game that he doesn't notice when he subconsciously starts rubbing your back or playing with your hair.
Doesn't like to leave on his morning jog without letting you know where he's going. Usually he'll give your shoulder a tiny little shake, mumbling that he's going out but he'll be back soon. On nights when he knows you were really exhausted though, he leaves a sticky note on the door. Just so you aren't worried.
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Hinata Shouyou
Human space heater. The warmest, coziest, snuggliest boy you can ever imagine. Marvelous in the winters to cozy up to, an absolute nightmare in the hot summers. He'll kick blankets off the bed in a sweaty and irritated huff, not caring or realizing if you wanted them. (Not that you really need them when he's right there.)
Moves around quite a bit in his sleep, but somehow managed to keep a little bit of contact with you at all times. Sure, he may go to bed in a normal position and wake up upside-down with his head and one leg dangling off the side of the mattress, but hey! At least your pinkies are still linked together.
This guy can fall asleep just about anywhere if he's tired enough, but he's insistent that he always sleeps best when it's next to you. Even a bus or an airplane is more comfortable for him when you're right there by his side.
If he's gotta be up before you he can snap awake right away to get ready, peppering your face with little kisses before he leaves. But if you're getting up before him he's instantly the whiniest, clingiest thing. Surely you can stay just a few more minutes, right? He'll even set the alarm for you! As long as you come back to bed.
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Tsukishima Kei
It'll be a cold, frozen day in Hell before Tsukishima lets you eat anything in bed. Don't you care about the sheets? There will be crumbs! Crumbs! Maybe you can sleep in a bed full of crumbs and grit, but he certainly will not. And he'll loudly and annoyingly flap the blankets out to prove it if he feels anything in them.
The more tired he is, the more pliant he is. If he's not too sleepy maybe he'll put an arm around your shoulders. If he's exhausted he'll lean his head against you, maybe play with your hands a little bit. If he's wiped out? He's curling himself up around you like you're a big stuffed animal, limbs limp and heavy with exhaustion. A tired Kei is a cuddly Kei.
More of a night owl. He can easily stay up til midnight without feeling all too worn-out. If you're tired he'll tease you for being sensitive and not being able to fall asleep, but he'll dim the lights or plug his headphones in so you can finally rest.
Not the best morning person, but not the worst either. Much more content to laze around in bed, but he'll haul himself and you up and out of there are things you need to get done. Will even go so far as to bring a glass of water into the room so he can dip his fingers in and flick cold water into your face to wake you up. He's a man of no mercy.
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
Contrary to his best friend, Yamaguchi is a notorious bed-snacker. Nothing is too complicated for him to not eat in bed. Chips? Cereal? Hell, he'll kick back in bed chowing down on chicken nuggets and soft french fries, ignoring as Tsukki looks on on shock and abject horror. He's really good at not making a mess though!
Movie nights in bed are his favorite! The couch is great and all for movies, but nothing beats stretching out your legs and sharing a big bowl of popcorn together, with the both of you inevitably nodding off mid-movie and slumping into each other's shoulders.
He is a nuzzler. Consciously or subconsciously, awake or asleep, he's got a habit of reaching out for you and pressing his forehead or his cheek against your shoulder, your back, the back of your head. 99% of the time he doesn't even realize he's doing it when he leans in and gently rubs his forehead back and forth against the space between your shoulder blades, taking in the smell of your shampoo or body wash.
The grumpiest morning person, even if you wouldn't expect it. Tadashi wakes up every morning with mussed-up hair and a squinting, irritated scowl. He's barely even able to form sentences until he's had something to eat, communicating with grumbling whines and rumbles as he staggers out of bed and towards the bathroom.
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Yachi Hitoka
Yachi used to be a bit self-conscious of having all those stuffed animals on her bed. She thought you'd think she was childish, or silly. But now the two of you have a little family of stuffed animals that share the bedspace with you, and you always overreact dramatically when one accidentally falls off.
She has a very strict evening skincare routine, and won't come to bed until it's finished regardless of how late it is! Even if she's completely worn out she'll stagger to the bathroom to wash her face and put on her moisturizer. Sometimes you've gotta stand in there with her so she can lean against you instead of falling asleep slumped against the bathroom counter.
Loves when you play with her hair. Doesn't matter how stressful or frustrating the day was, as soon as your fingers are in her hair the stress melts away and she's out like a light.
Y'all need a loud alarm cause she sleeps through them all the time. She's got 3 or 4 set on her phone plus a regular (very loud) alarm clock because otherwise she'd just keep on snoozing. All that anxiety has to come out somewhere and its usually in her sleep that she's able to fully recharge. Of course if she wakes up late, boom! Anxiety right back. It's a vicious cycle.
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#as she’s writing more of this awesome fic i sit here writing elec/proto smut.
My Top Posts in 2021
Elec and Proto have gotten themselves into trouble (gore under the cut
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21 notes • Posted 2021-09-11 04:33:55 GMT
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Twwooo bros chillin in a cockpit 5 feet apart cause they’re not gay
23 notes • Posted 2021-10-21 03:32:03 GMT
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Okay, so an this is an idea I had at like... 3am this morning when I just couldn’t sleep. (yeah, yeah I know more stuff for @megamanrecut be mad at me some other time)
This is Aspen Proto and Elec’s adopted son, whose actually an alien equivalent to an advanced android. As a newborn he had clear hair, skin, and eyes for developmental reasons, so he needs his father to assimilate his coding. But since his mother was a neglectful sort, and his father was mostly presumed dead. So him and Proto kinda just bond and Elec just rolls with it until he too succumbs to the tiny developing android. Aspen is a rather quiet child who only really gets chatty if he’s around family or really needs something in particular. 
so some factoids on this too:
* you know how you can calm a fussy baby by driving them around the block? Well the way to Aspen’s heart in that context, is to literally sit him next to Wily. He loves hearing world domination plots sooo much, it puts him to sleep.
*Proto and Elec actually had to be in close constant vicinity of Aspen for 1 year and 3 months, because his tiny body needed their coding for the development of his tiny system. Everything from viral protection to eye color is determined by the parental coding bond. So in those first year and 3 months, Proto and Elec had to take turns taking care of him. However its a slow process and doesn’t require 24/7 attention so, Aspen would stay with Elec during crazy world domination schemes, otherwise its Proto.
*After that Top would get stuck with babysitting.
* Aspen has met his actual father, but since his father left him. the necessary paternal bond isn’t there, so to Aspen he was no different then a random stranger off the street. So he pitched a fit until Dad or Papa found him, and saved him from this crazy spooky looking guy. 
*For Aspen’s kind sight is the last thing to fully develop, so he’s severely nearsighted until the age of 2. But he knows his family without it. Papa smells like Polo and old bookstores and Dad constantly smells like a hanger. kinda hard to miss it.  And well, Wily and Top look unique enough for Aspen’s teeny developing eyesight and brain not have trouble knowing immediately who he’s looking at.
*Tango and Aspen couldn’t be any closer, even if they wanted too. 
*Yes, Aspen assimilated Proto’s sleeping habits. you could burn the entire world down, place him near a jet, nothing will wake him. except maybe Papa shaking his tiny body which in that case he’ll always have a microfit over. “No I don’t wanna wake up, lemme sleep. No I don’t want snackies! I want sleep!” essentially. 
* when under immense distress Aspen becomes a tiny electrified hot potato, but getting him to that point takes a lot since he has Proto’s Aloof disposition and Risk taking behaviour and Elec’s ability to just straight up not give a single shit. 
*if you hand him something, Aspen will just stare at it. 
35 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 21:56:55 GMT
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40 notes • Posted 2021-04-19 02:03:26 GMT
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41 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 05:23:14 GMT
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liptonrm · 3 years
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Longest Tag: 137 characters
#the books are just so much and to adapt them you really have to glean them down to the bones and work out what's really important to tell
My Top Posts in 2021
In an effort to provide some more enrichment in my enclosure, I've started making my way, recipe by recipe, through a crockpot cookbook and a casserole cookbook. Because why not, a girl's gotta eat after all.
Today's recipe came from the Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook by Beth Hensperger and Julie Kaufmann. I picked it up on a whim years ago and had never cracked it open.
The recipe is for Herbed Barley and Buttermilk Soup. And you know what? It was just as disgusting as it sounds! I mean, look at that curdled white color and weird gloopy consistency!
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For most of the cook time it mostly smelled like onion and vaguely reminded me of waking up on Thanksgiving morning to the scent of my dad making stuffing for the turkey. Which was okay but not the most mouthwatering.
It mostly cooked without the buttermilk, so this morning I stirred in the two cups (TWO CUPS!) the recipe called for, and let it cook a little longer. And, well, you can see the result.
Sometimes things that look bad can taste good. But, friends, when I went in to taste for seasoning, I nearly spit it out. It tasted like onions amd buttermilk and felt like slime in my mouth. I don't think any added herbs are going to save this experience.
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-100/10. Do not recommend. Save yourself and don't even test it out.
Next up: Burrito Lasagna from the Taste of Home Casseroles, Slow Cooker & Soups Cookbook.
6 notes • Posted 2021-04-21 14:28:23 GMT
Happy pride to all of my fellow aces who don't get special days. To the aces who aren't mothers or fathers, who don't have anniversaries for weddings they've never had. I see you. I love you. I am you.
Happy Pride!
6 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 14:06:24 GMT
All right, time for a little WoT spec, based on IMDb casting spoilers and book spoilers. So, lots of spoilers under the cut. You are warned.
This is concerning episode 1x7, The Dark Along the Ways. I did look at the cast for this week’s episode, 1x6, The Flame of Tar Valon, and I think some really interesting things are going to happen that I can’t wait to see.
Spoilers Redacted
17 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 16:11:03 GMT
Thinking about how Logain heard whispers from the male and female Dragons who came before him. About how maybe the corruption can touch the power regardless of the person who wields it. Which puts the Red' Ajah's dogmatism in a new and very interesting light.
The show has opened up a whole new world of gender possibilities; cis, trans, amab, afab. Along with highlighting the immense damage caused by the White Tower's gatekeeping and deep institutional bias. They call themselves the servants of all, but who and/or what is actually being served?
They are, course. Them and their own power.
There is so much to chew over in only these four episodes. I can't wait to see more.
27 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 01:47:02 GMT
I'm trying to fold laundry but SOMEbody had another idea.
548 notes • Posted 2021-10-07 14:28:23 GMT
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snowdice · 4 years
Car Ride (The Horror of Stereotypes Universe)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Remus & Roman Logan/Patton/Remus
Characters: Remus, Roman (Logan and Patton are there by sleeping)
Summary: In the aftermath of The Horror of Stereotypes, Remus and Roman share a quick moment. 
Notes: Soulmate AU, Prejudice, Dystopian, bullet wounds mentioned, implied torture
This was a requested fic for my 7th BINGO.
Logan eventually fell asleep with Patton on top of him leaving Remus alone with his thoughts while driving west as instructed. He reached forward to turn on the radio, making sure to turn the sound down low as to not to wake anyone. He was exhausted and his arm was starting to ache where he’d been shot, but he didn’t mind being the one to drive. Patton and Roman definitely deserved sleep, and Patton deserved to use Logan as a pillow to his heart’s content considering everything the two had gone through in the past few days.
He drove for a little more than an hour before Roman started to stir a bit from his position with his head against the window. Remus saw him sit up slowly and look around himself.
“Does it always have to be honky-tonk music?” Roman asked. He kept his voice down in consideration for the two sleeping in the back.
“Driver’s choice,” Remus sing songed.
“Ugh.” Roman turned around in his seat and carefully grabbed the bag of snack food and drinks near Logan’s legs. “Want something?”
“Water,” Remus said. Roman uncapped it for him and handed it to him while taking a bite of a twinkie. “We’re probably going to have to stop somewhere to piss and get gas soon,” Remus noted, putting his water bottle in the cup holder.
“…Right,” Roman didn’t seem too enthusiastic about that idea, not the Remus blamed him. This car felt safe. The four of them were alone with people they knew they faced no danger from even though Remus had known Logan only a few days and Patton even less. Yet, they couldn’t stay in this car forever. They’d have to face the outside world again, the outside world that had demonstrated that it wanted them all dead in excruciating detail over the past few days. “Hey,” Roman said softly, punching him gently in the arm.
Remus noticed he’d been gripping the steering wheel too hard and lightened up. “Sorry,” he said. “It’s been a long few days.”
“And you’re tired.”
“And that.”
“I could drive a bit,” Roman offered.
Remus glanced over at him. “Ah, Princey, I know you got a wittle nap, but both of us know that’s nowhere near enough beauty sleep for your ugly mug.”
“We have the same face.”
“But I wear it so much sexier.”
Roman shook his head. “No, seriously, I can drive. It was… a rough time, but I was just in gen pop. It wasn’t like…” his eyes drifted towards the back seat.
“It was still…”
“Yeah.” There was silence for a moment, and then Roman leaned slightly to the side to bop his head into Remus’s shoulder. “Thank you for coming to get me, you actual mad man.”
“What? Was I just supposed to leave you there?” Remus asked. “Who would I steal make-up from and torture by reading badly written smut fanfiction to at 2 o’clock in the morning without you?”
Roman laughed, the vibration from it traveling up Remus’s shoulder. “Still. You’re an absolute fool.”
“I got you out, didn’t I?”
“I’ve known him for less then five hours, and I know that Logan came up with 99% of your plan.”
“It’s true, but you don’t have to say it.”
Roman sat up and took another bite of his snack. “Maybe between the two of us, we might get you not to do absolutely stupid hijinks literally every second of every day.”
“Fat chance. I can already tell Patton’s going to be down for my hijinks, and he’s a lot cuter than I am.”
“Not a high bar, but I get your point.”
Remus felt some weight lift off his shoulders that he hadn’t even realized was there. “Yeah, ugly ass, want to go there?”
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