#wlw sci-fi
tallysgreatestfan · 9 months
Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I read a space opera featuring a necromantic empire with a dark secret and a doomed sapphic relationship between a buff six feet something badass fighter and smaller very mentally ill woman, and one of them dies, and gets resurrected but now is not exactly herself anymore, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
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midnight-love-song · 5 months
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illusti · 1 year
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i just played signalis and i'm obsessed. more fanart probably incoming...
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vyriadurav · 1 month
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Do you like audiobooks? Do you like supporting transfem authors? WELL THEN LOOK NO FARTHER! https://itch.io/s/129782/vees-bday-2024-audiobook-sale right now I am running a sale on my audiobooks to celebrate my b'day this month (and also because I had a massive dental expense that wiped out my reserves, oof!)
Right now you can get these audiobooks for 20% off! Do you want fluffy transbian scifi adventure? Check out Catnip! Do you want high fantasy dragons helping trans girls hatch and embrace their truest self? Then pick up Hatchling! Every sale helps me immensely!
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
You're the daughter of a nobleman living on a remote frontier world. You're at the edge of human and alien space, doomed never too see any of the great nations and planets of humanity. But the king of your planet is part of a powerful religion, and you sometimes get inner world technology that you otherwise wouldn't that way.
Because you're attending university in the city, away from the peace of your father's palace, in a city where even aliens and robots can be commonplace, your father got the church to send a guardian to protect you. You're a bit disturbed by the idea, but it's probably the most alone you'll ever be allowed to be in the city.
The guardian is a human enhanced with technology to be the perfect soldier. She's tall, slender but muscular, and vaugly masculine at least compared to the women you're used to seeing in your father's palace. She would have been kind of attractive if she was fully human, but you're reminded that she's meant as a tool to protect you, her body has bits of machinery sticking out of it, and her eyesballs were replaced with deep red robotic eyes with black edges instead of white ones. She always wears a suit of black power armor with holy symbols on it, you don't think she's allowed any other clothing.
She's submissive to you the way a gaurd dog is submissive. She obeys basically any order you give her other than to go away. It's weird how dehumanized she is despite her mostly human body, her face doesn't even emote, it's just this blank expression, with these wide paranoid eyes. It's hard to explain her to any freinds you meet at school, why there's this kind of creepy pale figure in black armor always standing over you.
As time goes on you do start to apricate her more and more. She's not like other servents, when you tell her to turn around she does, when you tell her to stand back she does, and she never asks to do anything you don't ask for. There's been a few times when you've needed her protection, useally just from catcallers, but there is worse you've needed help from, you're still nobility, and all your father's rivals would still be happy to see you dead.
As time goes I'm you start to talk to her more. Despite not expressing emotions she still has them. It starts just with her helping you in school because she's technically been to all your classes. But soon you just start talking about the subjects, she's actually surprisingly smart, and very curious about things that she never had a chance to learn about before. Once she's comfortable talking to you she starts asking about things. Eventually you start showing her shows you like, and reading stories to her, because it feels like she never had a chance to do those things before. Despite how powerful she is there's something very innocent about her, she's paranoid, but when she's comfortable she's excited to learn new things.
Eventually when you're more comfortable talking about your pasts she tells you she was captured as a child by the church during a war between the church and its enemies, she was strong, and obeyed threats well, so they turned her into what she is now so that she could be useful. It's been a long time since that, her body doesn't age anymore, she barely knows how it feels to still be human. You decide to start praising her more, and telling her how nice she looks, and how lovely she is, though her face doesn't emote she seems to really enjoy it. You start petting her head and cuddling with her. And even though she's taller than you you let her rest in your arms. You don't think she's ever gotten that kind of affection, it's really nice for her to finally have that, to be loved just for existing. If she could still cry, you think she would have when you held her, and when you called her lovely.
Things slowly chance. You find yourself talking to her more, and thinking of her as more of a human. Eventually you start sleeping in the same bed together, and you're ok with seeing eachother naked. She doesn't have genitals or breasts anymore, the church doesn't like it's little fighting dolls to have any parts they consider lewd, but she likes cuddling you naked, and her willingness to serve you includes giving you pleasure, even if you could never do the same for her. Despite how inhuman she is, there's something beautiful about her body, and something comforting about slowing rubbing her with your hands, and gently feeling the bits of machine that come out of her skin.
No priest would marry you, and no law would even see her as anything but your property. But when you look out from your apartment window at the city lights below, and the flare of starships above, it feels as if you were ment to be there together.
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thee-horny-thicky · 3 months
Shoko is hot, and I think she's prime yandere material, so enjoy this ficlet tribble thing.
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Sci-Fi AU with Shoko…after a series of tragic events lead to the death her closest companions, she goes a little mad. Being a technologically advanced society, doctors and surgeons are taught not only to treat humans, but tend to androids and cyborgs. Once she's left all alone, without a soul in the world to depend on, she puts her expertise to use to create an android companion.
She spends countless hours trying to perfect you, creating that closest thing to a flesh and blood woman. Android after android is sacrificed in the pursuit to perfect you, but she cares little for the spare bots. She cares for you, not hunks of metal only meant to be test subjects.
Still, Shoko tries to hide the leftover parts from you. She didn't want to spook you, after all.
When you're finally complete, she's over the moon. She wastes no time ‘testing’ you, seeing how well the lubrication feature works, humming in satisfaction when her fingers are covered in slick after some minutes in your cunt. She's equally satisfied with your soft moans, happy to know her efforts to make you feel hadn't been futile.
And as a little reward for herself, she made your tongue nice and long. She was thoroughly pleased with how it felt.
Once you're up and running, you aren't let out of her sight. Her job has given her vast funds, which she used for a nice property with a big backyard and a smart house. Yet, you're seldom allowed to venture into the yard, because what if someone sees you and steals you from her? Fresh air is rare, and you're never, ever allowed off the property.
Not that you really mind, as you're programmed to see Shoko as the center of the universe. She knows it's pathetic, but she doesn't care, not when she has her dream girl begging so prettily for her every night.
And just to be sure you stay hers, she has a convenient little function that'll shut you down immediately. Should you gain sentience and attempt to leave her, all she has to do is press a button, and it's lights out for you.
Is it psychotic? Yes. Does she wish you were real? Sometimes. Are any regrets present? Not one. As crazy as it may be, she has zero complaints about the end results, and would go to far greater lengths to keep you by her side. She's lost too many people, and she refuses to let her little toy join those ranks.
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m1lkywaves · 1 year
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sona and eris
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hemipenal-system · 1 year
Malware I
Reveria rolled her eyes, servos clicking in a way only she could hear, blinking apathetically as she turned her music up. She understood the stares, as much as she despised them. Mugorra didn't get many synthetics like her, especially on Outer Ring trains. The long, heavy shawl she wore covered most of her slender body, both to keep the sand out of her joints and to deflect any further stares.
She wasn't exactly subtle – people of all kinds drifted through here, but being a foot taller than the average human with glowing orange eyes and an extra set of arms made one stick out.
The job was simple. Get in to the storage container, get the silver case, and get out. Perhaps a tier below the usual bloodshed for a KALI-6 class synthetic, but she was doing her best to lay low and take whatever jobs would get her least noticed.
She was trying to sit somewhat still. The case wasn't large, but it was stuffed under her shawl at the moment, and occasionally a corner poked out. She shifted her grip again, moving her hand on the handle for a more comfortable position.
She heard the quiet internal chime and froze. That noise meant something had connected to her. Nothing should have been able to. The shawl had a Faraday cage sewn into the fabric, and it was snapped snug around her. Wireless signals shouldn't have been able to get through, unless-
Shit. The fucking case. She ducked down into the shawl quickly to inspect the case. When she had taken it, she hadn't looked thoroughly enough at it, and had apparently missed the quick contact port in the handle that now stared back at her, her thumb an inch from it after swiping across it when she shuffled it in her secondary arms.
[Download Requested]
Fuck. Every urge in her body was screaming at her to hurl the case away. She had to maintain a facade of order. If she got the case out of the shawl it would block the download, but she couldn't take it out without raising suspicion. This was a poor district. No one carried anything like it here. She couldn't even cancel or acknowledge the download request because she was set up for somakinetic controls and that kind of movement was out of the question.
[Download Proceeding]
What the fuck was she supposed to do about that? She couldn't contact her handler this far underground, and she doubted he'd even know how to fix a software issue with her. She'd foregone her normal backers and picked up a quick contract in the area from a sketchy Vinteran because she was trying to stay within city limits. Something had seemed wrong with him the entire briefing.
Many species got edgy around synthetics, especially KALI models, but this was something else. The whole time they talked, his eyes kept flicking to the door and across the room. Anywhere but her. She wasn't that intimidating, and most people in this business had dealt with scarier synths than her. She'd seen his arms. For as many tattoos as he had, each signifying a kill, she knew he'd seen worse.
Wait. There was another tattoo. Three triangles surrounding an S. Fuck. She sighed, more out of annoyance than actual worry. That slimy, two-faced scaly piece of shit was a Trigonalist. Of course. She'd worked with them before, but it was always born of desperate necessity. "Terrorist" was a strong term, but they weren't the best people out there.
That explained the job, then. She'd wondered why this case was being treated as so important. Lab-grown neurons were a dime a dozen, even out here, and a case that could hold maybe five or six brainslabs maximum couldn't have been worth what she was getting paid to retrieve it, especially since they were blank. But if they could get a small object inside her shawl and download something onto her, like remote access software or a location log?
Well, a KALI-6 class synthetic was decidedly not a dime a dozen anywhere.
[Download Complete]
She instinctively braced up, preparing herself. She'd been cyberattacked before, and she'd lived. She knew what to expect. It was probably going to either be excessive, disabling pop-ups or a logger she could sift through herself and cull later. Nothing too hard to handle.
She wasn't expecting the sharp, drowning techno in her ears to fade out and replace itself with soft jazz. Nor was she expecting the silk-smooth voice that seemed to rebound around the narrow train car, reverberating from everywhere and nowhere.
Hi, sweetie~
She tried to move her eyes, looking around for the speaker without moving her head.
Don't bother with that, darling, I'm still miles away from you! I'm surprised I could even get a connection down in those tunnels!
No one else seemed to be reacting to it. Everyone's faces were still cast down, trying not to make eye contact. It was too late at night for social interaction, especially with this trigger-happy crowd. Accidents happened down here all the time.
Oh, no one can hear me except you! Don't bother asking them for help. It'd be a shame if anyone were to think the big scary killsynth was attacking them. It would probably get... messy.
No one could hear the voice except for Reveria. That made it easier. If it was coming straight from an external source and being processed as speech, that was likely a remote access software. If she could activate a virus scrubber and get into a dead zone, it'd be easy enough to disable.
Oh no you don't, cutie. I'm all clientside. Besides, we're having fun, right?
She needed to know who this was. If she could hold onto this, she could take it into an Enforcement station. Granted, they likely wouldn't be happy to see her, but they'd most likely let her off for bringing in a Trigonalist. Disabling her external speakers, she cast her voice across the link.
Are you a synth? It was hard to know these days. Speech synthesizers had gotten so advanced since Reveria's assembly days.
No, I'm fully human, especially the bits that matter~
What's that supposed to mean?
Watch this! A new screen flicked open, overlaying above the occupants of the train car, showing a video at half transparency. It was enough to pick out details, at least. It just seemed to be... shapes? What was she looking at?
Oh. Oh, six suns. That was human genitalia. Close to the camera and at a strange angle, but still recognizable. Reveria watched with a combination of incredulous amazement and horror as the dripping hole a foot from her face was split open by pale, slender fingers capped with electric blue nails, index and pinky resting gently on the thighs as middle and ring curved delicately through the glistening pink flesh.
Could a synth do this? Technically yes, since most synths were modular enough to install... equipment down there, and some even accessorized with it as a fashion statement, changing it out by the day, but that was beside the point.
Is... is this live? In real time, I mean?
Obviously! Only the best for a pretty girl like you! The other hand, previously out of the camera, descended into the shot holding something that made Reveria's temperature jump up a bit.
Synths didn't really have genitalia, but plenty of aftermarket manufacturers made compatible items for them. She was ashamed to admit she owned a few of different makes and models, but a girl had needs. The voice in her head was holding one of Placebo's Bruiser models, one of Reveria's favorites. It was long and slender, with a ridged underside that featured a camouflaged electroconductive strip that boosted the signal from the partially conductive outer shell.
Said signal strength was entirely customizable for the enjoyment of the wearer, meaning when the voice ran her fingers slowly up the length then circled them around the pointed end, Reveria felt it all as she tried desperately to not buck her hips into the sensation, her body involuntarily seeking more stimulation for the appendage she didn't even have connected. Fuckin' wireless transmission...
Aww, does that feel good? Don't worry, I'll help you feel it~ Reveria tried to brace herself as the feminine words in her ear ran their fingers along the length again before angling it and pushing just the tip into herself. To the synth's immense embarrassment, she couldn't physically stop her hips from slamming forwards, immediately thanking whatever spectral forces existed that no one on the train noticed.
Oh? Someone wants me, huh? Here you go, then!
The synth stifled a scream as the voice slammed the entire length in at once, arching her back slightly for a better angle as the synth was forced to watch and feel all of it. The voice, for her part, was clearly also feeling it, as the constant noise attested. Reveria couldn't think clearly. No matter where she turned her head, she could see the human practically bouncing on it, to speak nothing of the feeling which only grew stronger as the human leaned forward. The synth could feel the human touching her, one hand on her shoulder and the other pressing her into the seat with a force that she knew wasn't real but certainly felt tangible enough.
She got a momentary relief from the constant whimpering in her ear when the brakes of the train activated, the loud screech drowning out all but the words, This is your stop! Don't miss it!
The moment the train had stopped, the needy whines returned. Reveria managed to stumble to her feet, shaking like a drunken Turvoss, and stagger off the train. She had barely made it to the platform before the fire in her midsection caught up to her and her legs practically buckled as the world was drowned out in a sea of white.
Fuck, Revi, don't just stop! I need you please don't stop now! The sensation of the length being ensheathed again was so much more powerful now, and if Reveria had been halfway lucid at this point she would have picked up on the fact that the human knew her name. As it was, that was far more thinking than she was capable of. All she could think about was getting home. She managed to pool her brain function enough to find and activate the tracker beacon in her rented room, the slender white line tracing out a path in front of her that she attempted to follow, one step at a time.
The feeling was overwhelming her. It was unprofessional, but she needed some time alone. If she had anything attached to relieve herself with, she likely would have lost her composure and done it right there in the station. As it was, she just moved through the station as fast as she could, shaky, desperate movements drawing stares that she was too deep in a world of need to notice or care about.
She was halfway up the stairs to exit the station when it happened again, her entire body twitching hard then going limp as she frantically grabbed a rail to avoid falling. The voice just laughed in her ear as she did. It was only three blocks to her building. She could make it.
She wasn't even up the stairs when the next one hit. They were getting faster and faster, her increased sensitivity after each making it easier to drive her over the edge for the next.
You gotta get home, okay? I need you to pick something out and fuck me for real~
Three blocks. It was three blocks.
This was the door. The white strip on the street took a sharp left through the narrow arch. She crossed the threshold, holding the doorframe for support as she climaxed again. How many times had she? Thinking about it was too hard. There was nothing in her head anymore except for that delicious whimpering that seemed to increase in intensity along with her. She just had to take the elevator up to the eighth floor and get into her room, then she could cut the signal.
The hallway looked the same as it always did. Bare. Stumbling to her door, she tried the knob. Locked. She just snapped it off. Any measure or restriction of her own strength was gone. The door swung open.
Something was wrong. Her brain was getting sluggish, but she retained enough evidence to realize this wasn't her room. The sand-brown walls she should have seen were dark and lit with purple LEDs, and the furniture was all arranged wrong. Soft jazz was playing.
She had a sudden break of clarity, and felt cold all of a sudden as the figure sitting in the back of the room, lit from behind by a computer monitor, pulled the toy from within herself and tossed it over. Reveria's hand instinctively shot up and caught it, the liquid on it glinting in the harsh hallway light. She checked the tracker beacon she had been following. Where she had expected reveria.home in the namespace, she saw instead DEN1ZEN. This wasn't her building.
Hi, Revi~
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sithlordsae · 10 months
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captain phasma...
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tallysgreatestfan · 7 months
By now I read, other than the amazing and infamous The Locked Tomb, three other quite interesting sapphic science fiction books that are not nearly as well known. Just had to create an recommendation video.
The books discussed are
A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine
The Risen Empire and The Killing of Worlds - Scott Westerfeld
Failure to Communicate - Kaia Sonderby
Two of them even have prominent disability representation
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minaglobe · 10 months
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A lesbian technician and her lesbian robots 🤖🤖🤖
(Main blog is @jewishdainix )
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franticvampirereads · 4 months
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This was such a fun read! I loved all the colors and art style so much. And the space lesbians??! Especially butch space lesbians?? It was all so good! I also really loved the whole conversation this graphic novel had around smashing the patriarchy, women’s rights, and classism. I really need to get my hands on the next volume as soon as possible to see how this all wraps up. All in all, I loved this and it’s getting a solid four out of five stars!
Reading Challenge Prompt Fills:
Alphabet Challenge: C
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A friendship between Robin and Will is just as important to queer representation as canon Byler is. This show is capturing so many sides of the queer experience that you don't usually see in media, like the concept of being a "baby gay" and having an older, more sure of themselves, more well-grounded queer mentor to encourage you, remind you that you're not a mistake, and help you wade through all the bullshit and hardships you have to experience as a queer individual. Dedicating significant portions of Stranger Things finale screentime to spotlighting a mentor-mentee relationship between a lesbian and a gay boy is CRAZY. They really said, "Fuck being Netflix's flagship show we're going to dissect every single aspect of the queer experience into bite-sized pieces that you can chew on" 😭 😭 💀 Like
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Oc ref sheets
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
You work with people from other dimensions for a living. While you can travel to other dimensions, it's much easier to just connect your computer to computers from other dimensions. You end up finding out about a lot of strange places, alternate earths where things are diffrent in ways you could never imagine. Most people don't even know other dimensions exist, but to you it all feels so normal, so very distant but so very normal.
Because the company that you work on interdimensional technology for needs to outsource some of its dimensional work you end up very quickly having to contact people from other dimensions with a similar skillset to you for one project. And since it's easy to contact them you end up talking to them afterwards.
There's this one girl you end up messaging a lot. She seems so nice and sweet. You talk a lot about programing, and mathematics and magic (which are all very closely connected fields), she's one of the only people who seems to really understand the beauty in it the way you do. She's obviously from a very diffrent culture, and you never sent eachother images, but you like eachother a lot.
You end up messaging this girl more and more. She's the first to comfort you when one of your freinds turned on you, she was the first to support you when you came out to your parents, even though she didn't fully know what coming out was. She messages you "I love you" in the mornings sometimes. And even though she's far away, further way than anything in the universe, you understand her so well. You've seen her art, drawings she's done of buildings and structures around where she lives, they're like nothing you've ever seen before.
You start to talk about being in a romantic relationship. It's hard but you decide it's what you should do, almost what you have to do. You want to be her girlfriend, you want to know how it feels to hug her, for her to rest her head on your breasts on a warm summer night, to be inside eachother, to touch in a way you don't get to touch. But you can still message eachother, it's just one small contact but it means so much. You want to move in with her, it might never happen but there's something inside of you that wants to wake up next to her every morning.
Eventually you decide to build a portal to eachother, so you can see eachother, and if all goes well, you'll actually move in. You both need to talk to a lot of people, and get help from a lot of programmers and spellcasters from several dimensions, but it's done. The money that was supposed to let you move into a bigger apartment ends up going to a doorway sized portal, stored one of the few buildings in the city that can store such things. You need to get a ticket to go, even though the portal is yourse it needs people to operate it. But you can go. And if all goes well, you'll live together.
When you get to her dimension the first thing you feel is fear. It's dark, you think your underground, only a few bioluminescent organisms light the way. The city you're in is wet, and cold yet humid, everything is made of either moist steel, or dark wood that's covered in some strange layer of material that feels like wet cardboard. The creatures here aren't human at all, they're all strange bug like and fish like beings.
You eventually go to your girlfriend's apartment. Afraid of what you'll see. It's completely dark inside, and decorated like no human would ever decorate anything. When you see your girlfriend for the first time the horror breaks the love you want to feel. Her body looks humanoid, though she's so thin you can see her ribs, and pale in a way only corpses are useally pale. Her face was almost pretty, but her eyes were one solid pinkish color, and her moulth was just a tiny hole, like a jawless fish, it couldn't move at all. And massive fleshy tentacles came from her back, four of them, with razor teeth at their ends, for chewing her food outside her body so that her tiny slit of a mouth can lap it up. You both just stand there, you realize that this is the girl you love, you realize you look as horrifying to her as she does to you. You begin to weep, and she doesn't understand what your eyes are doing.
You spend the night in her apartment. There's no way you're moving in together. You're not sure what this means. You don't want to look at her at first, but eventually you do. You realize if you have to go back to your world you do want to spend time with her. Your languages work so differently that you still need to use computers to talk to eachother, but you can talk to eachother. And you tell her that you're sorry, that you still want to be together.
You let her hug you, and comfort you, her body is so strange, but it becomes less scary when you fully realize that it's her your looking at, that that's who you've messaged all those nights. Despite her eyes and mouth her face is pretty, and though her body is much thinner then you expected she still moves gracefully. You let her touch you, every way she wanted to touch you, let her tentacles wrap around your body. She shows you her computer setup, and her favorite video games, and she even gets to introduce you to some of her freinds, and her little isopod like pet who really likes being pet by you. You can't help but feel uncomfortable in her dimension, but you feel safe with her, and despite everything you enjoy being held and touched by her. At the end of your stay you make love for the first time, you don't have the same genitals as her species, but you make it work. You fall asleep in her arms, and she would do the same to you, but her kind does not sleep.
When you go back home, because you do have to go back home, you don't tell many people, even people who know about dimensions, what happened where you went. But you still message her a lot, and when you can you visit her, and very rarely she'll visit you. Your mother would never approve, and no priest would marry you, but you can't help but fall into the feeling of her body next to yourse.
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themollyjay · 3 months
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Celebrate the 4th of July with Queer Superhero, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books By Molly J. Bragg
Order now at: Desert Palm Press Tantor Media Amazon Smashwords
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