#woman enterpreneur
femmefatalevibe · 1 year
I am currently taking a course to start copywriting/editing as a side gig to my main career. I have the basic writing and grammar skills required, so I am taking the course to familiarize myself with the job itself. That being said, do you have suggestions for how I might market those skills after completing this course to obtain some jobs? I have helped friends and family edit documents forever but I have no paid experience. My coworker suggested Upwork, which I might try, but I am still seeking outside suggestions.
Hi love! I would say to create a portfolio of your work/clips from any projects relevant to your industry from school, helping family/friends, or self-created mockups that are similar to the types of work/projects you want to do for clients. I think it's best to take a global/local approach here.
Online, I would market your services on Upwork/optimize your LinkedIn profile to potential copywriting clients in your niche/industry. Creating a website (even a blog if you have the time/energy) also legitimizes your presence. On a local level, I would pitch your local businesses (like coffee shops, hair salons, restaurants, etc. – depending on your niche, definitely do some research to see if they're hiring) to do some initial projects like social media copywriting or website copywriting for them to get your foot in the door (lower rates tend to be part of the game in the initial stages).
Also, I recommend pitching yourself to publications to do some freelance commerce writing in your niche to gain some free (and also paid even if the rates are low) press coverage for yourself. Friends and family/professional network referrals also are a goldmine if you have any available to work with.
Hope this helps xx
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tigonadvisory · 2 years
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ecoplanetstore · 2 years
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Looking to break into the spa and wellness world? Unleash your inner aroma-therapist with free consultation from us! Get in touch today for an aromatic adventure. Buy online professional wellness and beauty products those are ready to use from www.ecplanetstore.com #experience #beauty #wellness #research #aromatherapy #skincare #wholesalecosmetics #spaprofessional #therapist #essentialoil #woman #enterpreneur #ideas (at Ecoplanetstore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnqURTcJiqa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
I have always thought that Meghan's pre- arriage "everyone loves classy" PR was as much aimed towards Harry as it was the public.
She presented herself as the ultimate fun loving, carefree, intelligent, smart, enterpreneur, business woman world traveler career woman millionaire who was also a domestic goddess, spiritual, go getter. These are words that Harry has used to describe her, at some point or other.
I believe a lot of what Harry initially got told about her, through her, was based off of her IG page, Tig blogs, small scale media presence. It must have been pretty easy for her to leave a story and present a certain personality based on pictures, cutsie videos and glam photoshoots. It's basically what she did on a more public scale with her PR as well.
But also, since Harry was pretty dumb, desperate for a partner he could show off to the world and his family, and they were pretty much in a long distance, he would have bought whatever she sold to him. His cosseted up bringing ensured he lacked the street smarts to call someone, especially such a confident outgoing woman out on her bullshit. What she presented to him was his version of "normal" everyday life, but it was also the right amount of adventurous, fun, glam, celebrity lifestyle which he could finally embrace.
Back in the UK, noone treated him a special of a celebrity. His family, his cousins, his friends were all low-key. But he had started believing his own PR and thought of himself as somewhat of a hunk, sought after bachelor celebrity. His friends would have laughed in his face if he started acting like he enjoyed the red carpet and Hollywood parties. But here, with her, he could enjoy that because it was her thing. She was seemingly accommodating him in her super celeb highflyer lifestyle.
He was being conned and he didn't know it.
Which is why it was such a shock to him Everytime she started collapsing on the floor in hysterics because he thought he broke her. So he had to play the hero and fix it for her. So this whole time, and till date maybe, he's been thinking he made all these decisions as a last resort, because he had no choice, but he was being backed into a corner so expertly that he saw no other option that to do what he did in the way did.
He thought that sudden, cataclysmic changes in her personality- from the art loving accomplished fun loving millionaire a complished actress supermodel best effortless classy royal to bitter, resentful hyper scared underconfident depressed person - was his doing. But actually, it was just Meghan finally being what she always was, and peeling back her own layers slowly and methodically so as not to scare him away.
What's hilarious is that while she was conning him, he was also being insidious and hiding his true self from her. She was too blinded by her hubris to see that. And she got hoodwinked too.
She never factored in Harry's special kind of sociopathy and darkness. Which is the biggest reason she (they are) is now failing.
But that's for another Ted talk, I guess, so I'll stop now and save that for later.
So I am going to break this down by paragraph.
I have always thought that Meghan's pre- arriage "everyone loves classy" PR was as much aimed towards Harry as it was the public.
She presented herself as the ultimate fun loving, carefree, intelligent, smart, entrepreneur, business woman world traveler career woman millionaire who was also a domestic goddess, spiritual, go getter. These are words that Harry has used to describe her, at some point or other.
Her “everyone loves classy” PR was 100% aimed at Harry. She had to market herself to him as a future Duchess/Princess but also a loving and caring wife. I also believe she was aiming this directly at the UK public and his family, but mostly the UK public. Her PR knew that if she didn’t have the backing of the UK public there is no way that the family would get behind their relationship. Also, she was marketing herself as the opposite of Catherine. Right around this time there were a ton of anti-Kate articles being published. About how she was too shy, not a hard worker, had a nanny, she didn’t know how to dress or photograph well, she wasn’t a kind and loving DIL to Charles, she was TOO involved with her family, she didn’t like horses, she had nothing in common with William – though Meghan had LOTS in common with William, she wasn’t well-educated, she wasn’t posh enough, she only had a degree in Art History, she never had a real job, she waited around for William to propose,…you get the idea. From November 2016 onwards we were saturated with articles about how Meghan was much better Duchess/Princess of Wales material.
I believe a lot of what Harry initially got told about her, through her, was based off of her IG page, Tig blogs, small scale media presence. It must have been pretty easy for her to leave a story and present a certain personality based on pictures, cutsie videos and glam photoshoots. It's basically what she did on a more public scale with her PR as well.
I will never forget the “cutsie” video of her eating the raspberries off her fingers. Also, it was in Bower’s book I believe that Meghan selected certain photos off of her IG for her friend to use to show Harry. She definitely was trying to get him hooked on her “sexiness” and then reel him in with her “carefree, loving, humanitarian” persona. We also know that they communicated thru IG often so from June 2016 onwards we can say for sure that her IG account and Tig blog were totally geared towards Harry and getting his attention and keeping it.
But also, since Harry was pretty dumb, desperate for a partner he could show off to the world and his family, and they were pretty much in a long distance, he would have bought whatever she sold to him. His cosseted up bringing ensured he lacked the street smarts to call someone, especially such a confident outgoing woman out on her bullshit. What she presented to him was his version of "normal" everyday life, but it was also the right amount of adventurous, fun, glam, celebrity lifestyle which he could finally embrace.
Exactly. Even though Harry now claims he hated the attention we all know he secretly loved being in the spotlight. His bitterness of George being born and then William taking on more of a Crown Prince role leaving Harry obsolete has been made clear through all of his interviews and his book. Harry wanted to be the center of attention so when he saw the “red carpet appearances” and fashion shoots of Meghan he thought he was finally getting someone who could make him more popular and more celebrity-like. Also, think of how easy it is to reinvent yourself when you aren’t faced with people from your past interfering in your relationship or you having to actually be around the person day to day. Meghan was totally able to tell Harry whatever she wanted because by this point, anyone who could truly tell him exactly who she was had been kicked out of her life long before.
Back in the UK, no one treated him a special of a celebrity. His family, his cousins, his friends were all low-key. But he had started believing his own PR and thought of himself as somewhat of a hunk, sought after bachelor celebrity. His friends would have laughed in his face if he started acting like he enjoyed the red carpet and Hollywood parties. But here, with her, he could enjoy that because it was her thing. She was seemingly accommodating him in her super celeb highflyer lifestyle.
He was being conned and he didn't know it.
Harry 100% believed his own hype. He totally bought into the “Hero Harry” PR campaign that ELF put out there…I mean we see it even now that Harry thinks he deserves special treatment because he served in the military. Well so did my brother who actually put his life on the line more than once and he doesn’t even use his military discount. What is hysterical is that his impression she was some sort of Hollywood superstar makes it clear he has no real knowledge of the workings of the world. He kept saying how impressed his family was by the amazing woman who was so accomplished and famous but 99.95% of the world had zero idea of who she was. What I find extremely telling is that he grew up with a certain set of people, women who had been raised in noble families and none of them wanted anything to do with him…it took a very long distance relationship with a hustler to tie him down.
Which is why it was such a shock to him every time she started collapsing on the floor in hysterics because he thought he broke her. So he had to play the hero and fix it for her. So this whole time, and till date maybe, he's been thinking he made all these decisions as a last resort, because he had no choice, but he was being backed into a corner so expertly that he saw no other option that to do what he did in the way did.
Meghan totally fed into Harry’s white knight complex. We know that Harry felt he could have done something to save his mother and Meghan feasted on that like a vulture. I do think that a lot of what he has done has been of his own violation though. Meghan might have nurtured the idea but I for a while have felt that Harry has always wanted to really bash his family and the press and he now has his opening.
He thought that sudden, cataclysmic changes in her personality- from the art loving accomplished fun loving millionaire accomplished actress supermodel best effortless classy royal to bitter, resentful hyper scared underconfident depressed person - was his doing. But actually, it was just Meghan finally being what she always was, and peeling back her own layers slowly and methodically so as not to scare him away.
You know when you get into a relationship and you always try to portray the best version of yourself and then slowly reveal your flaws? Like, maybe you aren’t the best housekeeper or you can’t cook to save your life…well Meghan portrayed herself as a victim and Diana 2.0. The thing is though, Diana was VERY prone to emotional outbursts and crying tirades so this is something familiar to Harry. It probably triggered him even more than her being completely in control of her emotions because Harry had witnessed his mother more than once sobbing on the floor during his childhood so Meghan sobbing on the floor triggered his white knight complex. What I think caught Harry by surprise, at first, was Meghan’s bullying tactics. That is one aspect of her personality she had a hard time suppressing. She was rude to anyone she saw as beneath her and at first he probably had issues with that but then she convinced him it was because she was bi-racial or that people were jealous of her.
What's hilarious is that while she was conning him, he was also being insidious and hiding his true self from her. She was too blinded by her hubris to see that. And she got hoodwinked too.
So I don’t know if you watched the Netflix series but it is SO clear that Meghan has him completely hoodwinked. By her saying in the series that she had no idea she had to curtsy to The Queen (Yeah okay sure) that she knew nothing of the Royals. Or when she was full on caught out lying during her lawsuit she blamed HER LYING and getting CAUGHT on William! And Harry bought it!
She never factored in Harry's special kind of sociopathy and darkness. Which is the biggest reason she (they are) is now failing.
She also never factored in him crashing and burning in popularity. Meghan truly thought that the heir to the throne should be determined by popularity and not birthright. So when they couldn’t convince the BRF to hand the keys to the castle over to Meghan and Harry she was pissed. I think she also counted on his popularity making her more important that Catherine in the hierarchy. The based all of their goals and ambitions on Harry’s popularity and not once did they take into account that the BRF would stick to the script. Once Harry started being told “No” for once in his life they started imploding and I think that is when Harry started to turn…up till that point he had been busy covering for her but now that he was going to be left out in the cold is when I think she truly got an idea of just what type of NARC he is.
But that's for another Ted talk, I guess, so I'll stop now and save that for later.
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the-empress-7 · 4 months
Look at it this way ... Now that she is a "real" Nigerian princess she can officially start her email scams. Her letter-writinh inner child would love that.
Sample this -
Dear Serena
I write to you as a woman, a mother, an entrepreneur, an LA native, a black.woman and most importantly, as a real Nigerian Princess. Harry's mums last will and testament said that I would truly inherit all her tiaras, her diamonds, her dresses and her shoes. But evil the British press and Katie have made it so that my poor dear pa, who is Harry's pa and is also the king, is now asking for a deposit of 300million as a guarantee for the British parliament. Now you know, dear, I totally have that money. But you see I had toclose my bank account when I fled the evil racist UK. So do a fellow enterpreneur a tiny favour and wire that to me. And I will just screenshot that account balat and send it to Pa. And then I will totally, immediately, in a new york minute, wire it back to you.
I am a Nigerian princess, and my people can vouch for my 48% authenticity. And if you have any doubts at all whatsoever, I can send Harry to come stay at your house till I recieve all the tiaras from Pa. And you can send Alexis over to me, just to watch over your money. *Wink wink* 😉
Your ever loving, always
Princess, Duchess, Supermodel, Humanitarian, mOm
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urlocallesbiab · 1 year
ok the initial post for brotzly fake couple's therapy au has already gotten way too long, so i take this as a sign i should start posting things separately and establish a new navigation tag
so, either way, a lil background on the characters
todd: exactly the same shit as canon, just imagine that instead of the seer-of-universal-truths syndrome there's some regular non-magical neurological disease running in the brotzman family.
farah: mostly similar to canon, just a bit toned down. she's not exactly an one-woman army, but she is freakishly physically fit, combat-ready, and proficient with common types of firearms — significantly more than you would expect any random person to be; she had always wanted to become a part of the police force like her brothers and father, but never passed the screenings due to debilitating anxiety, ocd and autism (never tried to join the fbi or the military tho; both her skills and her family expectations aren't That high).
her father had gotten terminally sick when she was a teen, and that significantly cut their income and added to their spendings, usa healthcare system be damned; old family friend, successful enterpreneur patrick spring, had stepped in to support them both financially and morally. farah ended up being halfway raised by him, always hanging out at his house and playing with lydia; out of all her family, save for her father, farah was the closest to patrick.
some time before the main timeline events, maybe half a year or a year ago, farah, patrick and lydia were having a nice family outing — up until patrick had been shot to death in broad daylight. his history of rising to success hadn’t been exactly pretty, you see, and the organized crime eventually took what was due. farah still blames herself for letting that happen despite her training and her worrying habit of never leaving the house without her gun; but if you asked her, really asked her how would she go about preventing that, she wouldn't be able to give you a good answer — it's just that one second he was alive, and the next he was not.
lydia, as both the key witness and the fortune's inheritor, had been taken into the witness protection program; farah hasn't heard from her since. she misses her like crazy, possible even more than patrick. therapy was meant to help her cope with the ruinous ptsd from those events, and she's been slowly, slowly making progress. that day she was having an especially Bad One — after which she and dirk got shit-faced — was soon after her father's death.
dirk: he grew up in the foster care system, and as a pre-teen was adopted by a kind and soft-bellied, if a little strict, ex-military man on a good pension, scott riggins. dirk had always been a bright kid, fascinated by complex mathematics (oh, the patterns! the beauty chaos and order! the language of the universe!) and some strains of physics (especially quantum studies; it all started with an article on shrodinger's cat and went downhill from there), quickly picking up on underlying logic within numbers (way quicker than his little undiagnosed autistic brain picked up on most social cues); teachers always promised him a bright future, even with the chronic lack of resources. scott had made sure dirk would get access to the best education possible, be taught by best tutors available, enroll into the best school imaginable; he gave dirk everything, and all the boy had to do is put in some effort. and he tried, oh god did he try; but he didn't do it hard enough. the new schoolwork load was multiple times bigger and harder than the worst he had ever experienced before, and he would often grow exhausted, distracted, unfocused and loose-minded (the adhd never got diagnosed either). some days a new and curious configuration would catch his attention and he would crack down on it with fervor, but some days he would just sit there and chew on the same three problems for hours on end to no avail. on those bright days scott saw his potential, his true and exciting and wonderful potential, and wanted the kid to live up to it; on the brain-foggy days, when he failed to do so, scott grew dissappointed. and whenever he felt disappointed, dirk felt it tenfolds on his skin. scott wasn't violent, godforbid, he's not a monster — just a little strict: it's just that he frowned, and tutted, and shook his head, and told dirk off, and didn't kiss him, and said things that dirk deserved to hear no matter how it felt, and took his books away (if there was anything the kid loved as much as math, it was thrilling detective stories, and sci-fi, ans fantasy, preferably all at once, read in one sitting) so that he wouldn't get distracted, and sometimes wouldn't call dirk down for dinner until he was done with the homework.
it hurt terribly to have the only person who'd ever cared about dirk, who had chosen him out of everyone else, who had chosen him and stuck by him, the only person in the world who loved him, be upset with dirk. for the longest time, dirk was convinced that he simply was lazy, and awful, and ungrateful, and hopeless, and the worst person to ever live, with how he let his father down time after time. but over the years, his self-hatred got so large he couldn't carry it anymore, and it spilled onto the mental image of scott, just so that he could breathe again; over the years, he grew bitter and disillusioned. as a young adult, he still couldn't tell if scott's demands and ambitions were fueled by simple materialistic hopes of fame and monetary grants, or a vain desire for glory, or some weird roundabout way of achieving personal fulfillment, but he knew for sure: scott riggins wanted himself a pet boy genius, not a son.
when the time came to attend college, dirk picked cambridge over harward, mostly because he would take any excuse to get an ocean away from scott. and he passed the exams — with flying colors! he was, after all, exceptionally smart. the teachers were delighted to have him; three months later he got booted because he missed half the classes and didn’t do any homework: drunk on the newfound freedom, stressed out by a trans-atlantic move, and lacking the only accountability system (however flawed) he'd ever had. he didn't tell scott, of course — he wasn't ready to go back home, he would do anything to avoid going there. so he took the college-student-allowance his foster father kept sending him, none the wiser, and set out backpacking across britain and then the rest of europe. soon it turned out that travelling cross-country is slightly more costly than living at the dorms, and there were only so many plausible excuses he could use to cajole more money out of scott, and coming clean about his strategical-omissal-of-crucial-information-that-wasn't-tecnhically-outright-lying was out of the question, so dirk had to cut some costs: skip a meal here, sleep on a train station bench there, get chased out by foreign policemen once or twice, a few times of staying overnight at some shady moldy place with some shady people whose language he didn't speak too well — nothing any other travelling young person hasn't seen, truly. he was coping alright. eventually scott caught wind anyway, and dirk, not that dirty and scrawny, had been forcibly dragged home. from there it's been a steep decline in the relationship: more harsh demands and more desperate pleading, more affection followed by more coldness, threats and promises from scott, and a few failed attempts at coninued education, a few move-outs followed by a few move-back-ins, plus a few ultimately abandoned career choices from dirk, who never seemed to grow out of whatever it was that was wrong with him, even as a decade slowly passed and gave way to another one.
when todd meets dirk for the first time and asks the inevitable "so what do you do for a living?", dirk introduces himself as a writer, which, combined with his rather frivolous spending habits and impressive disposable income, leads todd to assume that dirk must be some literary genius, top-nyt-bestseller, author-of-future-classics madly successful type of guy — but in reality, he sits on his arse and writes experimental-storytelling-style sci-fi/fantasy/whodunnit fusions that no agency interested in commercial success wants to look at, he's been published only once by a tiny indie house that paid him jack shit and a penny in royalties, and half his money still comes from scott. that financial dependence is the main reason dirk's in the us at the moment — he's been pulled from his latest bout of doing volunteer work for a queer nonprofit in eastern europe by the threat of cutting his whole goddamn allowance off. as a compromise, he returned to the country but not to the city, claiming that he needed fresh scenery to inspire his creativity and maybe actually write a profitable book for once; really, he just hadn't been mentally ready yet to be in the same town as scott so soon. so, settle, washington it is, why the hell not.
by the way, "dirk gently" is his pen name — legally, he's still dirk riggins. also, in the skype calls he's sometimes talked into having, dirk still calls him "father", but behind his back it's been "scott" for almost two decades now: at some point growing up he felt the need to put some mental space between himself and that man in order to stay sane.
after his fateful Big Talk with todd, where dirk admitted the less pleasant parts of his childhood and youth in most detail he had ever did in his whole life, todd convinces him to start looking for a better job to support himself, change his legal name, and someday cut riggins off for good. also get some therapy, for fuck's sake, god.
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polikszena · 2 years
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Gossip Girl Appreciation Week 2023 - Day 6: AU Day, Part 3: Lily and Rufus football soccer AU
“I’m Lilian van der Woodsen. I’m the new coach.” “There must be a misunderstanding. The new coach is William van der Woodsen.” “He was my husband.” “Oh my God! Is he dead?” “He is to me. We’re divorced.”
A small-town, minor league football team has a chance to get the attention of some professional clubs, but after an unfortunate accident of the current coach, the team needs a new one as soon as possible. Due to a misunderstanding, they hire the unemployed PE teacher, Lily van der Woodsen, a woman to coach a men’s soccer team. The media presents this as a bold and modern move, a step towards equality, but truth to be told, not everybody is happy for this turn of events. Especially not Rufus Humphrey, the assistant coach, who thinks that he should have been hired for the job. Could he and Lily work together and do what is best for the team?
This AU is based on an ongoing Hungarian TV series called Gólkirályság (could be translated as Goal Kingdom) in which a village’s soccer team hires a female coach to help the team getting promoted to the Hungarian premier league. Of course, it’s a misunderstanding, but the club owners don’t really have another choice and nor does she, being an unemployed PE teacher with anger management issues. In the series we can see how she can find her way in this village and with the team, and also the trials and tribulations of the club owner, the village’s mayor and the team’s main sponsor: an enterpreneur with a chicken farm. 
The title comes from the word “gólkirály” (the king of goals) which is a title for the player who scored the most goals in the season. It’s similar to the Golden Boot in the Major League Soccer. I wanted to get a better translation, but in the end I decided to keep “Goal Kingdom” as the series is focusing more on the club owners’ life than the team itself. And as I was watching the latest episode, I had the idea of this AU.
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whosaiththewords · 8 months
The Rise of Smoking House Culture
Since the passing of Avatar Korra, numerous cultural and economical changes have taken root in the Fire Nation. Dozens of formerly subjugated states have gained independence; the Posthumous Edicts of Izumi the Kind have revolutionized the arts and diplomacy; the tea house has fallen out of favour, and the smoking house risen in its place. Why is that last development so often overlooked - and how did it happen?
Anchi Airport
Our first clue presents itself in one of the birthplaces of the electrical revolution: Anchi Airport. Situated on the northeastern isles, Anchi was not initially a favourable port. The notoriously dangerous reefs off its coast sank many an earth kingdom ship in the 170s AG, and the surrounding mountainous enclaves were long considered preferable for trade despite their lacking road infrastructure.
Then, of course, came the air plane. Fast enough to deliver fresh goods from the Earth Kingdom (and, to a lesser extent, Republic City), the plane transformed the flat region of Anchi into an economic hub for food, tea, and volatile electrical components, and the populace took notice - restaurants and tea houses sprang up around the air ports formerly used by airships and nomads. Initially, these served as the seed for smoking halls as we know them today, in spite of the much different appearance! People gathered; people ate good food, drank good tea; people smoked the already popular "Daima Hay", a precursor of the many cultivars known today as smokeleaf or simply anchi. This is where the story might have ended, with restaurants and tea houses frequented by the occasional smoker. Might have - had it not been for the Hu-De Monopolies Incident.
Hu-De Export
Hu-De was once a town. There is no sugarcoating it, though it is regrettable: barely anyone today even recognises the name, let alone its importance in the tea trade. The place is dead, for all intents and purposes. Formerly it was a great grower and reseller of white and green teas, though, and for reasons that need not concern the reader of this piece, it tried to capitalize on this position by forcing the world's entire trade in tea and related goods through its own handful of companies, and this plan would become known as the Hu-De Monopolies Incident.
Needless to say, the plan failed - connoisseur readers will recognize the region of Silver Hills as the chiefest producer of white tea. Still, the incident left impressions. Tea was, in the eyes of those with a growing nationalistic sentiment, an Earth Kingdom export forced upon the firebenders by coin-greedy merchants. Especially those concerned with trade themselves, as in Anchi many were, saw tea as an insidious personal attack. While that is, of course, complete nonsense, tea houses began to lose customers, with many only staying in business by operating at a loss.
Some pivoted to readeries. A few became restaurants. Crucially, however, some enterpreneuring individuals recognized the opportunity at their hands: buying up large quantities of Daima Hay, they rebuilt their tea houses as smoking spots for the politically minded woman, calling her to theorise, chart infrastructure plans (a precursor of the artistic supplies found today!), and socialise in the new "smoking house" - rebranding to avoid associations with tea. The sudden increase in mass buyups of material also forced growers of Daima Hay to identify their goods in more detail, putting a hefty markup on species thought to increase willpower and architectural genius, and leaving strains that merely increased appetite and joy to the specialist grower. This is how the tea house, at least in Anchi, became obsolete in favour of the smoking house. But how come the smokery doesn't look anything like a tea house?
Temple Support
The answer to the question of smoking house decoration grows, as it were, from several roots. One of the more obvious reasons lies in the Warring Avatars Period. The smoking hall became a place for small communities to plot their protections against the wars between the Avatars, then a place of gathering for comfort in community, then a place of comfort more generally. The tall, hard chairs were supplanted by soft seating bags imported from the New Northern Air Temple. The air nomads' influence did not stop there, however - their traders and diplomats worked with locals, causing a more general exchange of ideas. The incense hall used by the nomads inspired the use of soft chimes (or on occasion, quiet music) and the use of incense; ventilation procedures and infrastructure were copied almost directly from the structures built into temple rocks, making for the unobtrusive but numerous tubes leading into the ceiling and walls; even the snacks so synonymous with smokeries only became predominantly fatty and vegetarian due to Southern Temple cuisine, as with the tall, refreshing fruit drinks.
The air benders in turn brought home ideas from the smoking hall: drawing boards and painting materials, now inextricable from the community halls of the Temples, are an export from the smoking hall of Anchi!
Modern Import
In modern times, the vibrant smoking house culture of Anchi hardly recalls the tea houses of yesteryear. With a great variety of leaves to choose from, creative supplies, and unobtrusive food and drink consumed without any ceremony, it is no wonder that the smoking house has started to conquer the entire fire archipelago with its charms. On its way through the islands, it is steadily picking up innovations from the states it passes through. Sweet Kukkuri herbs are gaining popularity for smoke flavouring; off-tempo Biku music suffuses many a house in the west. Where will the smoking house go next, and what wondrous changes may this icon of the Fire Isles undergo? The vibrant styles shall arise from those of its people, and one day, the smoking house may be a reflection of your very heart.
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abiodun-360degree · 2 years
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We sell in Wholesale and Retail Prices. You can start the business of selling Internet MiFi today with as low as 50k and make profit 📈 👍 😉 massively. We Supply you and you resell. This is a cool 😎 business opportunity for Startups and existing Phone 📱 business man or woman. We are in Abuja and we can deliver to you in any part of Nigeria 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 🇳🇬 So let's activate you for business. ▪︎We Supply MiFi with FREE SIM and FREE 30GB data ▪︎We also Supply to you, Hynetflex with FREE SIM and FREE 30GB data ▪︎We supply you Internet broadband. Free Sim, Free data, Free power 🔋 bank ▪︎Plus if you buy from us consistently you stand the chance of getting free Tshirt, free diary, pen and so many other gifts ▪︎Just anything Routers and MiFi. Call 📞+ 📞 📲 🤙 ☎️ or Chat us up. ▪︎We sell Airtime in bulk ▪︎New SIM card in bulk. Not registered yet. You tell your Customers to register it accordingly in line with regulations Kindly place 🙏 your order now and today. Call or WhatsApp 07034773284 #mifi #internetbroadband #simcard #nin #simregistration #data #freedata #mtn #airtel #glo #9mobileng #HyNetflex #ztemifi #hauwei #jiji #ecommerce #konga #jumia #blackfriday #phoneshop @samsung @oppo @goshencomputers.tech @vivo_global #technology #enterpreneur #startupgrowth #newbusiness #capital #socialmediamarketing #showroom https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl3cElqjEzq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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womanindia · 4 years
IT(Information Technology)- The Best Business Opportunity
The arena of technology is expanding with each passing day and giving its impact on every aspect of our lives. Be it travel, food, makeup, or even education; there is no such field in the 21st century, which is not dependent upon technology. In case you are passionate about technology and wish to spread its advantages in other people’s lives, then the latest technology business ideas are certainly going to attract you. Besides big names like Amazon, Facebook, or Google, many medium-sized and new small technology businesses are also making steady steps towards success. With the rapid growth of tech startup ideas 2019, you can be certain of the fact that the IT industry will never go through a recession in the upcoming years. Having the right skills and dedication can make you your own boss. So, all you need to do is to choose the right track based on your interests and you will not come across any shortage of business opportunities in the IT industry. Do you want to explore the best business opportunities in the IT industry? Then let’s take a look at the 9 most profitable future technology business ideas that you can apply to start your business empire.
 1.    Social Media Consultation
The influence of social media platforms in our lives is on the rise. From buying decisions to our political opinion, social media can control it all. Therefore, big and small businesses are putting extra effort to reach their target audience through social media campaigns. If you are skilled enough and aware of the latest social media trends, then opening a social media consultation service can help you earn sufficient bucks. Using your consultation services, you can guide people to use social media for growing their businesses. This is one of those future technology business ideas that does not require a lot of investment but only the appropriate knowledge and awareness will do the job.
2.    Computer Training
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A computer is one of the most technological tools that people want to be skilled in. Learning the computer has become almost necessary these days. Nowadays, people of different ages want to take computer lessons. If you are an entrepreneur and know how to use a computer properly, then you can definitely open your computer training center to help other people become experts in this field. This information technology business opportunity comes with a high chance of profit if you can manage the training center with efficiency.
3.    Technical Support Provider
As every industry is digitized nowadays, technical issues are common. And those issues need highly expert technicians to resolve. If you’re well aware of the latest technology and its relevant challenges, you can channelize your skills by building a team of experts to work as an established technical support provider. Ranging from the L1 support to L3, your team should be capable of providing every solution to every critical technical issue that small and large industries are facing. This is one of those business ideas for information technology professionals that can make your business trustworthy and wealthy with time.
4.    Selling and Servicing IT equipment
As an entrepreneur, you can invest in the merchandise of information technology tools. The business of selling and servicing IT equipment and machines is thriving across the world with the rapidly increasing demand. You can sell IT gadgets like fax machines, internet routers, computers, servers, and all other machines related to the IT industry. If you start offering maintenance services, then the start-up of yours will succeed automatically. IT company startup ideas are always profitable if you have the necessary information technology training required to run this business.
5.    Telecommunication Company
With enough IT support, telecommunication companies have become the key to gaining success in the informational technology industry. More and more people are opting for Telecommunication due to its flexibility and advancement. A good amount of capital is required for starting this business. This investment will return to the entrepreneur with a huge margin of profit soon after the investment. If you can arrange a huge amount of money for investment, then you should not have second thoughts about opening a telecommunication company. The bulk of your invested money goes into the operating license gaining process. If you are willing to take the big step in your career as an entrepreneur, then starting a telecommunication company is the right thing for you.
6.    Manufacturer of Computer and Mobile Phone Accessories
As an entrepreneur, if you are thinking about starting a business, then another great idea for you would be manufacturing accessories for various parts of mobile and computers. Almost everyone uses mobile phones and the use of computers and laptops in the IT sectors is increasing with the advancement in the business organizations related to the IT industry. With the help of the latest technology business like this, you can grow beyond your expectations. You can design and start selling batteries, chargers, earphones, Bluetooth devices for mobile phones and screens, mouse, keyboards, laptop batteries, webcams for laptops and computers.
7.    Web Designing Services- UI Designing
Web designing services are highly profitable but to run this business successfully, you need to have an excellent knowledge of information technology. UI designing is a part of web designing that works with images, typography, colors, animations, etc. to make the web pages more attractive and presentable to online users. It’s all about visuals. There are numerous websites on the internet and the number of people surfing on the internet is not satisfied with the number of sources available. On the other hand, many business organizations are also going online to increase their business. Therefore, for new website-designing, the need for a website designer who knows technical SEO is increasing. If you have the required knowledge and can design websites to understanding the clients’ approach, then this is your arena to win the game.
8.    UX Designing
While UI Designing is more visuals, UX Designing is all about the experience that users need for the usage of physical or digital products and services. Among the technical startup ideas in India, UX designing is making its own place to lead the technical experiences ahead. It is so because industries want to make their products and systems more interactive for the end-users. This connects the users with the products, services, and the company itself. And besides, your UX designs will make the UI designs practical for both the companies and users which will develop and grow their businesses. Thus, you can really make a lot of money by making UX designing the niche of your business.
9.    Web and Software Development
One of the best tech startup ideas for 2019 is web and software development. User-friendly software and applications for computers and mobiles are a necessity to run any business related to commodities and services. You and your business can make a huge impact by delivering more interactive and competent software. And along with that, web development comes to flourish your business by building IoTs and AI that can make any business more competitive and approachable. People expect more smartness and intelligence from their electronic gadgets and you can fulfill their expectations by developing more practical, flawless, and agile web products and systems.
Believe it or not, technology is changing the face of the world. All the above-mentioned technology-related business ideas can prove to be extremely successful. Some of the business ideas require a little amount of capital and for the others, you need to invest a huge amount of money. No matter which business idea you choose, you can achieve success with the right combination of hard work and skills.
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rarediamondbliss · 2 years
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themtothea · 3 years
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Jayda Cheaves
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If you are a woman entrepreneur and facing loss in business then what should be your mindset as an entrepreneur at that time? Read this post for proper guidance.
Read Here: https://jenncarrasco.com/blog/mindset-of-a-woman-entrepreneur-when-theres-loss-in-the-business/
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creativeedgeways · 3 years
Firstly dream something, then they come true😌💯
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Digital Marketing is most important for any kinds of Business. So Hire of Quality Freelancer. Grow your business online. I will provide service at a low cost.
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