#word alternative
archival-arrival · 1 year
nullvox, tacevox/tacetvox (latin)
nullvox -> null (nulla) = no, vox = voice. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
tacevox/tacetvox -> tace/tacet = silent, vox = voice. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
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siovox, siofoni, ochifoni/chorisfoni (greek(+latin))
siovox -> sio(siopilos) = silent, vox = voice. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
siofoni -> sio(siopilos) = silent, foni = voice. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
ochifoni/chorisfoni -> ochi = no, foni = voice / choris foni = no voice. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
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ochilogia/chorislogia, pagofoni, pagolexei/pagologia (greek)
ochilogia/chorislogia -> ochi = no, logia = words / choris logia = no words. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
pagofoni -> pago (pagomenos/pagoma) = frozen/freeze, foni = voice / pagomeni foni = frozen voice. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
pagolexei/pagologia -> pago (pagomenos/pagoma) frozen/freeze, logia = words / pagomenes lexeis = frozen words. a word/term for those who fall silent and arent autistic nor have some condition that causes mutism of any range. an alterative for "nonverbal".
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daily-spooky · 6 months
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ur-daily-inspiration · 3 months
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sophiakaile · 20 days
Explore the top alternatives to Microsoft Word that offer powerful features, ease of use, and often come at a fraction of the cost or completely free
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lipikkawrites · 7 months
If life can remove people you never dreamt of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dreamt of having.
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prokopetz · 2 months
One of my favourite bits of linguistic trivia is that in Ancient Greek, the word ἰχώρ (cognate to the modern English "ichor") is attested in extant literature to mean both "the bodily fluid which gods possess instead of blood", and also "gravy", which implies several things about Ancient Greek culinary culture's attitude toward gravy.
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catchymemes · 1 year
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Happy october 3rd!✨
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tragedykery · 2 years
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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spookysalem13 · 17 days
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feeshu09 · 5 months
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pov: you're listening to your shixiong ramble about something called a "poke...mon" (??)
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daily--cats · 2 years
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Daily reminder ♡
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daily-spooky · 8 months
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ps1demodisk · 8 months
Sorry I'm not low empathy autistic in the "mysterious loner boy who secretly cares about his friends and talks in a monotone voice" way and I'm actually just completely indifferent to the suffering of people I don't know personally and help strangers out of a sense of "this is the right thing to do" and not "I feel so bad for this person" or guilt.
I sit and listen to my friends even though I don't really care about hearing about their problems because I know they'll be upset if I don't, and despite the fact I honestly can't genuinely care about the issue itself, I care about the impact it's having on my friends and that's enough to make me want to help them through it.
Did you know that's actually an expression of empathy all of its own?
It will absolutely happen again I literally am not even sorry
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lipikkawrites · 28 days
A lot will go wrong before everything goes right.
Keep moving forward.
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thensson · 9 months
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Thinking of you, even now
Darling, I Left the House, by Joseph Brodsky || Nickie Zimov || Faces in the Crowd, Valeria Luiselli || Garden of Words, Makoto Shinkai || Love, Alex Dimitrov || This is Not a Love Poem, Caitlyn Siehl
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