#would b pretty attached to making sure others CAN have final resting places
this is a half formed thought but like
danny sorta taking up residency near/in random cemeteries, like he just pops in every so often and takes care of ghosts n stuff there. and maybe if someone comes around to try to descecrate something or do bad shit in the cemetery, he or maybe one of his allies haunts the fuck outta the bad people n stuff
and maybe the cemetery hes in, is the one where jason todd was supposedly buried and he notices one day that there is an empty grave where there shouldnt be. so he starts tracking jasons body down bc hes worried jason was taken by grave robbers or smth and wont stand for the living disrespecting the dead, ESPECIALLY a kid?? and maybe it hits close to home for danny that its a kid his age that died and the body is missing
and he tracks jason down after a while but only to find out that hes with the League or maybe its been empty for a long time and he finds red hood and is REALLY confused because thats a reanimated dead guy many years past his death date
im thinking of this with like, immortal, unable to age or die danny, but i could totally see it as a king danny thing or even grown up danny just trying to catch a damn break but being constantly hounded by ghosts and stuff for help
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bertinworms · 2 months
I Wish You Would
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Pairings: Tangerine x gn!civilian!drunk!reader
Tags/Warnings: cursing/language, alcohol alcohol consumption, drunk character, mention of gambling/betting, bar atmosphere, kissing/make out, mentions of fire arms/weapons
Word Count: 5.3K
Summary: You are drunk. Not “black out and forget the entire night “ drunk, but white girl at the club with her friends drunk. One of your bestest friends is getting married soon and tonight you and the rest of your eccentric friend group are club/bar hopping to celebrate the engagement! Your friend group told you to think about it like the bachelorette party before the bachelorette party. Whatever that means… The group isn’t a big group, only about seven people, but the seven people all come from various backgrounds. Three of your friends come from pretty well off families and happened to be in university for law school. One of your friends works for some huge tech company with something to do with security. One of them comes from a line of surgeons and happens to be in residency for surgery. Your best friend and bride-to-be comes from an extremely wealthy and famous family, you aren’t really sure what for, but you know it has to do with tycoons and business and yada yada. And then there was you. You were in university too, at the same establishment as the rest of the group, but you didn’t come from lines of money. You were in school for education. 
Various backgrounds or not, your bestie for the restie wants to go absolutely ballistic and celebrate her girlfriend finally popping the question, so of course your study buddy group just has to go out! With the intentions of bar and club hopping, you all end up at an arcade? Or a bowling alley? You aren’t really sure, but the place has heaps of alcohol, arcade games, a place to bowl, mini golf, and also some cute patrons….
You honestly could not believe that you had agreed to this. You had been friends with your group for almost five years and you had always said you would do anything for them, but you never thought it meant being out since about 7:00 PM celebrating Ava May’s proposal. When you had gotten the notification that afternoon with an image attached, you were hoping that her partner, Jordan, had finally popped the question and you were right. And of course the groupchat had blown up.
“Girls, Gays, & Daddies $$$”
Leoni: SHUT THE FUCK UP DID THEY REALLY PROPISE THIS TIME!!>>??!>!? Mateo: here comes leon with the typos 🙄 BUT OMG CONGRATS AVA!!!!!!! Camilia: HOOOOOOLYYYYY SHIT!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! THEY HAD THE FUCKING BALLSSSSS You: OMG YESS!!!!! WHEN’S THE WEDDING!!?? Elijah boo: FORGET the wedding!!!!! bitch, when are we CELEBRATING!!!!!! Naomi: omg can we PLEASE go out tonight!!!!???  Wrenster: omg ava congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it took them long enough!!!!!! Ava Bear: omg y’all already KNOW we’re going out tonight!!!!!! b @ my house 5pm SHARP troops 🫡
Of course five o’clock came, and everyone in the group chat was at Ava’s house. You all got to congratulate Jordan and Ava on the engagement, and say hello to both their family’s, but quickly carried Ava away to party the night away. That was of course after all seven of you pregamed getting ready.
The group was a close knit one. You all were giggling and laughing and dancing around each other while getting ready, raiding Ava’s closet and her accessories and checking yourselves in the mirrors. Everyone had gone for outfits that made them stand out, but complemented their features. You had ended up in some brightly colored crop top that Ava had shoved into your hands, your sneakers, and some designer jeans that Mateo had said would have your ass looking like you did 500 squats a day. You had laughed and rolled your eyes at that. You were pretty sure Mateo just wanted you to feel sexy. 
The rest of the group had picked similar outfits. Some exposing skin, other’s exposing less skin but featuring skin-tight clothing pieces. Some had added accessories to their hair, their neck, their wrists and more. With six other bodies dancing around, you honestly hadn’t gotten a great look at everyone’s outfits – but you figured it didn’t matter anyway because by the end of the night most of those outfits would probably look a lot different from how they looked currently. And once everyone was ready, you all headed towards Ava’s car where a driver was waiting. And you all climbed in and pregamed some more.
Half of the group tended to be “partiers”not crazy party goers, but they liked to spend time when they could out having a good time. That didn’t really happen to be up your alley. You were a little more introverted than your friend group, especially since you didn’t necessarily have the same funds your friends did. The group loved paying your way through parties though and always made sure you were included, but the combination of feeling bad and not loving the party scene meant you didn’t go out with them as much as they probably would’ve liked you to. But this night was different. Everyone in the group had already sternly told you that tonight you and Ava were not spending a dime on anything. Mateo telling you that tonight that they were celebrating Ava’s engagement and also the rare occasion of you going all out tonight with them. 
You didn’t disagree.
And that’s how you and your friend group ended up at some club? Arcade? Bowling alley? Bar? You weren’t sure what to call it, but the place seemed to have it all.. There was a bar with many-a-drinks, bowling alley lanes, an arcade, neon minigolf, laser tag, and televisions everywhere, each featuring a different sporting event which you assumed was for people betting on games. 
It was loud, and dark, but also brightly lit all at the same time. You were cold, but kept comfortable with the warmth of your friend group buzzing around you. You were very out of your element. You would’ve been slightly uncomfortable if you hadn’t already had about seven? No, you think eight? You weren’t sure, but you and the rest of the group had a fair amount of alcohol in you. 
Right then, everything seemed a little fuzzy. You had glanced at your phone and thought you had read some time around 11:00 PM, but with Rihanna blasting over the speakers in the building, it was a little hard to concentrate. 
The group was currently at a bar-like table. Mateo, Elijah, Ava, and Naomi were currently on their fourth round of bowling with Ava still somehow in the lead. Leon, Wren and Camilia had snuck away from the group either to get more drinks or maybe to play mini golf, you really couldn’t remember. 
Your glossed over gaze was disturbed by Mateo standing up and stretching as long as he could, his arms reaching up a little revealing a bit of his stomach. 
“Okay, I am going back to the bar to get another drink, anyone else coming?” He said, eyes bouncing around the faces at the table. Nobody responded as they all seemed to be involved with something else at the time, so you stood up quickly.
“Mmmmmmm, I’ll come with Matty!” You smiled and trailed after him as he led the way to the bar.
“You know there’s some cuties here, you should try and chat one up.” He says, side eyeing you as you both arrive at the bar to look over what you want.
You roll your eyes and playfully push his shoulder. “That would be a grand idea except I’m drunker than a skunk currently and we’re here to celebrate Ava, not find me a date.” 
Mateo rolls his eyes as he orders both of your drinks and collects them. 
“Okay, yeah we are celebrating Ava, but you know good and damn well if I told that girl you saw a hot guy looking your way that she would jump on the idea of you making a move tonight.” Mateo chuckles as he finishes his sentence and starts walking you both back to the table, curving through the different people.
“I know, but tonight I’m just hanging out with you guys. I’m honestly shocked that nobody has attracted any spare wild men to the table with how loud and obnoxious we’re being tonight.” You laugh, a tiny hiccup slipping out of your mouth.
As you and Mateo round the corner to your table, Mateo sees the group before you and busts out into laughter. “Oh my dear, have you truly jinxed yourself tonight.” He walks the few steps to the table, puts the two drinks down. “Hellooooo boys!”
When Mateo steps aside, you're greeted by the eyes of two men who look like they don't belong here. They both are extremely attractive, but both appear to be in suits. Like suit suits. Like they could be working at the bank. You recognize the two as workers for Ava’s father. Bodyguards. Or honestly the word babysitters fit the situation too. ‘Babysitters with bullets,’ you think to yourself as you look down at one of the men’s waists, catching a glimpse of a not-so-hidden weapon.
Your thought is cut off by that said man speaking and your eyes trail from his waist to his face. He holds eye contact with you before speaking. “Sorry to crash this here lil shindig, but you lot should be wrapping all this,” he twirls a finger around in the air, referencing the group, “up pretty soon. It’s getting late.” 
Once he finishes his sentence, it’s now his turn to look at you. You watch his eyes look up and down, scanning what felt like every inch of your body, before he looks back to Ava as she begins to speak.
“Oh my god! Look, I know Daddy sent you two to “look after me”’ Ava uses huge air quotes, “but I’m old enough to make sure I don’t get fucking dragged off drunk off my fucking ass. We’re just celebrating, just chillax, yeah?” Ava lets out a giggle as she clearly slurs her words and then playfully slaps the shoulder of the man that hadn’t spoken yet. 
“Come on Tangerine, just let them be, yeah? They’re not doing any harm and they're all in one spot.” The man says, putting a hand on Tangerine’s shoulder, giving it a little squeeze and shake. If you remember right, you’re pretty sure he goes by Lemon. Or that’s what you’ve heard Ava’s father call him.
“Yeah Tangerine! Just let us chilllllll” Naomi drags out the last word as she tries to put a hand on his chest. He takes a step back away from her, his face slightly puckering up as it seems like he stifles a face of annoyance.
 You sit down next to Ava, across from where the open seat in front of Tangerine is.
“Look. Ava’s father gave clear instructions to make sure she doesn’t make any fucked decisions tonight. And seeing as sh–” Tangerine’s speech is cut off once more, this time surprisingly by Elijah.
“Look man, if your concern is making sure Ava isn’t dead in a ditch, why don’t you two just pull a seat up at the table. It isn’t like we’re going anywhere else tonight, just fucking sit and relax. Have a drink!” Elijah almost barks this out before returning to the game of bowling. He’s currently in second place, behind Ava and you know he’s dying to beat her. 
Lemon gives a nod before sitting down at the bar, grabbing Ava’s half finished beer and taking a swig. Tangerine on the other hand reluctantly takes a seat in front of you. You watch his demeanor once he’s sat. It seems like he’s avoiding your gaze, and you’re not sure why. You watch his face as he observes the people around you. You can’t tell if he’s just surveying the place or if he’s just uncomfortable. His body language looks stiff and his hands are clasped on the table in front of him.
“You have pretty eyes…” The sentence slips out of your mouth as you stare at him, rubbing your own eye as you feel yourself getting a little tired. You were hoping to break the silence. “Also pretty arms.” You let out a little giggle as you prop your head on your hand, continuing to stare at the pretty man sitting across from you.
You talking seems to bring him back to the group at hand. Or at least brings his attention to you. He gives you a weird look, seeming to calculate what to say. “And you seem pretty drunk, love.” He reaches across the table, grabbing your drink and taking a sip from it before returning it to you. “And that’s a pretty strong drink you got.”
You give yet another giggle, reaching for your drink and taking a sip. You were drunk all right, but you needed more liquid courage if you were going to be in the presence of this man. Your brain had fallen quiet and your friends seemed to not be coming to your rescue in this one. 
You recall a comment from Mateo earlier in the night about ‘letting you do your thing if you ever came across a hot ass man tonight.’ 
You had been around Tangerine and Lemon before. From what you could recall, they weren’t truly employed by Ava’s father. You’re pretty sure it was more like a freelance thing? They weren’t always around Ava and her family, but they were hired common enough for you to know exactly who they are and remember Tangerine. 
The first time you had ever met the two, the group was at a soccer game in the city. You were in Ava’s family’s suite at the game having a blast. You remember spotting Tangerine and asking Ava just who the tall man was exactly. After that, any time Tangerine and Lemon were hired to babysit Ava, you always basically gawked at the man. After Tangerine and Lemon left for the room, your friend group, especially Ava liked to tease you. Ava and Mateo knew you had a thing for Tangerine. Ava liked to get her father to hire the two as much as possible, especially if you were present. It meant you saw him often. It meant you thought about him often. You thought his curls were pretty and you could imagine what it would feel like to run your fingers through his beautiful hair. You could recall the accent he had. You thought the tattoos he had were attractive, or maybe it was just because they were on his arms. And god did he have pretty arms. 
You’re once again brought out of daydreaming, this time by Naomi sitting down by Tangerine and placing a hand on the back of his shoulder, and one hand on his chest. You don’t listen to what she’s saying, but by the look on their face, you know she’s flirting. And hard. You hear her let out a giggle as she makes some sort of comment about the man before you swap from sipping your drink to straight up downing it. 
You slam the cup down on the table and shoot up. “I’m off to get another drink..” You twirl around, maybe a little too fast, and begin heading for the bar.
You know the announcement of your departure was a little stern. You don’t know why, but it almost got on your nerves that Naomi was making a pass at the man. You let the jealousy stay for a second before rationalizing the thought. 
‘I’m not actually jealous. It’s late and I’m drunk, it isn’t that big of a deal, I’m just being silly.’ You think to yourself as you arrive at the bar, propping both elbows up onto the ledge and waiting for a bartender to notice you. You wipe your face hoping to clear your mind. 
While waiting your eyes slowly are drawn to one of the television hung above the bar – some wrestling match was going on. You notice the other people at the bar, their eyes glued to the screen. ‘I don’t understand why they are so invested.’ You think to yourself as you turn your attention back to in front of you, looking at the drink choices before noticing a man standing to your right. You turn your head and are happily met by the pretty blue eyes of a curly headed man.
You grin.
“Tangeriiinnnneeeeee” You draw out his name. You aren’t quite sure if it is on purpose or if you’re just drunk, but it didn’t matter as you watched the man’s lips twist into a smirk itself.
“Interested in the match, are we?” He asks, nodding back to the television.
“Mmmmmm, not quite. I’m not much of a sports fan.” You give a glance at the match before turning your attention back to him, noticing his shirt. He usually had it buttoned up all the way, as professional as you can get. But tonight, you notice at least two, maybe three buttons that seem to be open. You can see a tattoo peeking out from under his shirt. You take a deep breath before your eyes return to his. He had watched you check him out yet again.
You clear your throat before asking, “Are you a fan?”
He doesn’t break eye contact. “I am tonight.” 
A noise escapes your throat, almost a hum. He still hadn’t broken eye contact. Maybe it was just you, but it seemed like it had gotten hard to breathe. You felt like you hadn’t taken a breath in ages. “And why’s that?” You ask, still looking at him and still maintaining eye contact. 
In the moment you felt like the only thing in the room was him. 
“Got money on the small guy. Everyone likes an underdog story, yeah?” The smirk returns to his face.
You nod your head in agreement. Once again, your brain has gone blank. The sudden movement of his lips catches your attention as your eyes quickly dart down to his lips, and quickly dart back up to his eyes. He had watched that happen too.
As your eyes meet, your body forces you to take a deep breath. You notice he does the same. Maybe his breath had also been caught in his throat. You realize the sound of the world around you also comes back to you. 
You’re brought back to the real world completely as a bartender greets you and Tangerine, asking what you two will have. But before you can answer for yourself, Tangerine speaks for you.
“Water for this one, and whisky for me.” He says before telling the bartender exactly what he wants. As soon as the bartender turns to go grab the materials, you turn back to Tangerine.
“I can’t order for myself now?” You jokingly ask, your voice getting a little higher in disbelief as you raise both your eyebrows in fake disbelief.
He looks at you and gives a scoff. “You can, but I don’t know if you should be at this particular time darling.” He gives you a sly smile, one probably meant to comfort you. 
And you lose your breath again and you avert your eyes. You thought you had gotten confident, but you weren’t expecting him to call you that. You clear your throat. And start to mess with a laminated menu on the bar.
“So why exactly are you here tonight? You know this isn’t the first stop we’ve made, right?” You ask, trying to change the subject. Or at least to get him talking.
“We’ve been hanging back most of the night. Nothin’ suspicious has happened, but a few o’ you idiots are getting a little too far gone. Ava’s father sent us specifically to watch her. The rest of the group is just an added bonus. Don’t wanna make any rich parents mad, do we?” He asks the last part rhetorically. 
This time he’s the one looking away. He takes a drink while looking off. You can’t read the expression on his face, but it isn’t quite neutral. He looks like something is on his mind. 
“You don’t seem all that excited to be babysitting a bunch of adults. Why do you even take the jobs offered by Ava’s family? I assume there’s other things you could be doing.” After speaking you realize your tone seemed a little snippy. You hadn’t meant for it to come out rudely, but it did just a tad. You really were on a roll tonight. 
You didn’t want to necessarily influence the man to stop taking the jobs, but you were curious. You could tell by what he was wearing that he had money. In previous interactions, you had drawn the same conclusion. You weren’t extremely up to date with the latest fashion trends when it came to wealth, but you did know that the watch on his wrist looked very similar to one that Elijah had. And you knew it wasn’t cheap. Plus the extensive wardrobe the man seemed to have also led you to believe he was pretty well off for himself.
He half turns his head back to you, side eyeing you with a scrunched eyebrow.
 “A little touchy on the subject are we?” He asks you before setting his drink down. He rubs his chin before turning his face to yours.
 “Ava’s father pays well. The jobs easy, quick and usually clean. Easy money.” He pauses and you watch his eyes move down to your lips and back up to your eyes and then down to the drink back in his hand. “It's an added bonus that sometimes you idiots can be entertaining.” 
“Well. I’ll agree that they – we – can be quite entertaining. I can imagine it can be a little obnoxious at times.” A few times come to mind.
Like this year's New Years Eve party held at Ava’s. Camilia had drunk way too much champagne and had eaten quite a few shrimps. She was in the midst of a nasty break up with a pretty popular actor and had seen the reports of him attending a party that night with his co-star. A smile comes to your face as you remember the look of absolute horror on Tangerine’s face when Camilia had thrown up on him. You remember Lemon’s gasp.
Or the one time you, Ava, and Leon had somehow ran into one of Leon’s father’s old clients who had recently gotten out of prison. You three had been out shopping at the beach when the man confronted the group. Calmly at first, but very quickly drew a gun and began yelling at you three. Tangerine and Lemon had resolved the situation as quickly as the man had appeared.
Or one of the most recent events. For Ava’s birthday, she had thrown a huge, fancy party out of the country. Some place in Ireland, with almost a Bridgerton theme. Somehow you and Tangerine ended up in a room on the outskirts of a castle while the party was booming in the distance. You remember how close he had gotten to you. How close his face had gotten to yours. How he had stared at your lips for what felt like ages as you spoke. You remember the silence that happened after you had finished speaking, and the way his eyes darted quickly back to your eyes to just as quickly return to your lips. You also remember the way he had drawn away from you as Jordan had busted into the room looking for Ava. You weren’t one hundred percent sure, but you were pretty confident that if she hadn’t done so, Tangerine would have kissed you.
“I wouldn’t say ‘obnoxious’. Not all of you at least.” Tangerine says. He seems to have a distant look in his eyes. You wonder if the memory of you two alone in Ireland had come to mind. You hope it had. 
Eventually you and Tangerine began reminiscing on some of the funnier moments that had happened while him and Lemon had been present. 
You two had moved from the bar to a small table in a corner. Tangerine was still able to see the rest of your group, most importantly Ava. Even then, it wouldn’t have mattered anyways as Ava had convinced Lemon to join the current round of bowling. The group didn’t seem like they were going anywhere and neither did Lemon. 
The place was still as loud as ever, but in the corner it was a little easier to hear each other. The neon lights that were reflecting off of most everything in the building was giving Tangerine a glow. The lights were giving his hair a darker complexion than normal, while highlighting his blue eyes. If you weren’t sitting so close to him, you wouldn’t have noticed the details. But fortunately for you, you were. 
You were close enough to him to smell his cologne. He smelled almost like citrus. Or maybe like sandalwood? Or maybe like the inside of a linen closet? You weren’t exactly sure of the scent profile, but he smelled good. He smelled familiar. 
“Do you remember Ireland? That birthday party was insane! I don’t know how you two kept up with Ava that week, it felt like every ten seconds we were going somewhere new!” You let out a small laugh remembering just how crazy it had been. 
Tangerine rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. “You honestly think I would forget? I felt like I needed a leash on that girl. I wish she would have stayed around me or Lemon like you had during the trip.” His eyes light up a little as he scans your face. 
You hadn’t realized you had been so obvious on that trip. Most of the friend group had paired off in Ireland and you remember hoping to talk more to Tangerine on the trip. You hadn’t made it your priority of course, but during down times or sightseeing activities you had hoped to hear his thoughts.
The air got thin once more. You realized that you both were leaning in towards each other. You were sitting in your chair sideways. Your right elbow propped on the table, with your hand propping your head up turned towards Tangerine, your back turned to the group’s table. Tangerine was turned towards you, almost leaning into your space with his right arm draped over the back of your chair, his hand hung in the open air between the back of your chair and your side. His left arm draped into his lap. Your legs sandwiched in between his. 
You hadn’t realized just how physically close you too were. Talking with him and drinking water seemed to have sober you up some. Realizing how close you were to him also helped to sober you up in the moment. Your eyes trailed to his lip as you went to speak.
“Well, I’d never pass up the chance to be around you all day.” You say, a little softly as you had grown even more distracted by each and every centimeter of his face. You think about how soft his skin would feel in your hands. 
You readjust yourself, trying to redirect your thoughts. You sit up a little straighter and let your hand that had been previously holding up your head fall into your lap. It unintentionally brushes Tangerine’s knee and you watch it slightly move, almost shocked by the touch. Sitting up like you were now meant that your face was even closer to his. You really hadn’t realized how much you two were leaning into each other. 
You're staring at Tangerine’s lips when your eyes rush back to his as he places a hand right above your knee. You watch as he begins to lean in, his eyes on your lips. Before you can even process that his hand is practically on your thigh. He stops an inch away from you, his eyes moving up to meet your glance. His eyes meet yours for only a second before they move back down to your lips, and once again back to your eyes. You could feel him let a breath out, nearly a scoff.
“You’re extremely drunk.” He says dryly. and goes to pull away from you.
“I was dead sober in Ireland.” You quickly remark before retaking the distance he had put between the two of you. You plant a quick kiss on his lips. 
“I haven’t forgotten about Ireland either.” You say softly as you move one of his curls behind his ear that had fallen when you kissed him a little too forcefully, the fear of missing another chance had brought some adrenaline into your system. Your hand makes its way to the back of his head as you begin to play with his hair. “I’ve been hoping you would be around more after that trip. Especially after the party.”
The hand Tangerine had set previously on your knee quickly moves to your face as he gently goes to hold your chin before lifting it up. This time h initiates the kiss. He’s more gentle than you were. 
You grin into the kiss, only slightly thinking about how contrasting the situation was. The harsh man kisses gently, yet you, a more soft person kissed him like you were a thirteen year old kissing their crush at the school dance, afraid to be seen.
His hand moves from your chin to hold your head as he pulls you in more. Once he’s pulled you in as close as he can, his hand trails to your waist where it rests. Both of your hands quickly move back to his head where you pull him in closer.
His mustache tickles you, but you don’t care. All you could think about was how his head felt in your hands. How you wanted to be closer to him. How his hand was pulling your waist in. How his lips felt against yours. How you felt like you were breathing for the first time this entire night. 
Your breath hitches as you feel his fingers dig into your waist. You feel yourself becoming warm as your attention is drawn to the fact that his skin is touching yours. Both of Tangerine’s hands are now holding on to your waist, pulling you in even more if it’s possible. One of his hands begins to trail up your back. It feels like he’s trying to find a better way to pull you closer to him, but at this point if you two got any closer you would be in his lap. 
You accidentally let out what you think is supposed to be a gasp as one of his hands runs back down your spine, returning to your waist once more. This doesn’t faze Tangerine as he takes the short break from your lips to move both his hands now to either side of your head as he pulls you back into the kiss, not without a short and breathy ‘shit’ that escapes his mouth. 
You aren’t sure who initiates the harsher kiss, but you didn’t care. As Tangerine bites your lower lip, you let out a breath and you grab onto the neckline of his unbuttoned shirt. Tangerine plants one last hard kiss onto your lips he pulls away, and leans into your ear before.
“I’d slow your breathing down, we’re about to have a visitor, yeah?” He plants a kiss on your cheek and pulls his head back to look at you before wiping your lips to get rid of some spit that had been left from when you two had separated. “Gotta make sure you look good too, dear.” 
He takes a deep breath in, clears his throat and seats back against his chair, while running both of his hands over his head in an attempt to put his hair back in place after you had tussled it. He then leans back in his chair, giving a smile at the unwelcome visitor.
You wipe your hands over your face, and then over your own hair in an attempt to self soothe. You take a deep breath yourself as you try to slow your breathing and your heart rate. You wipe your hands down the thighs of your jeans before turning to meet whoever was coming towards you.
“Hey, you guys ready to go? Lemon is rounding up the rest of the group now. Ava and Elijah finally got bored with bowling.” Naomi says before finishing the drink she had in hand.
“Right. We’ll be over shortly.” Tangerine says, raising his eyebrows at Naomi and turning his attention back to you. You give her a smile and a nod to acknowledge her. As she goes to walk back to the table, you turn yourself back towards Tangerine.
“Glad we weren’t interrupted before this happened. Hope it was worth the wait.” Tangerine says giving you a sly smile.
You let out a half hearted laugh. If you thought nothing was in your brain beforehand, it was even more empty now. All you could think of now was when you would be alone with him again. 
“How long did you say you and Lemon were staying this time around?” You manage to get out, looking up at him. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, but you also wanted to do this again. 
Tangerine chuckles as he fixes his shirt from where you had grabbed it as he goes to answer, “I’m in the city for a couple of days. Off work too.” He tucks a curl behind his ear. “You have something in mind that could keep me busy?”
You nod your head as you give out a short laugh. “Ask me out to a proper dinner and I think we could figure something out."
A/N: hey home slices, so here's this. i recently rewatched the movie, and am about to read the book and thought i would write something. who knows if i'll write more, but it was fun lol if you liked this, check out my master list! --> HERE
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
INFODUMP AU continued
(Star Wars AU #22)
Possible Continuations from INFODUMP. I headcanon that exchange taking place about a year before episode II and episode IV
A) Anakin Force Shenanigans
Anakin walks up: “master- who’s this guy?
“You can SEE him/me?”
Obi-Wan urgently cry/yelling at Anakin to either wear a condom with Padme or at least take her to a healer if you’re worried about her pregnancy (seriously healer BEFORE evil sith wtf)
(its been a number of years for Ben so he’s pretty much puzzled out the ‘doing this for padme’ bit)
just before obi-wan fades out anakin panics because ben hasn’t told him how he gets together with padme
yanks him into this timeline and now Old Ben has to deal with Obi-Wan and Anakin freaking out over all the info he just vomited at them AND everything else
B) Brush Off
Obi-Wan practices some good old fashioned repression to mostly convince himself it was all a weird dream
yoda always says in motion, the future is anyway
he mostly puts it out of his head until a year later when Anakin VERY obliquely references having dreams of his mother
“...what kind of dreams, exactly?”
end-up rescuing Shmi shortly after her capture, Obi-Wan’s there to make sure Anakin doesn’t go off the deep end
Council is a little disapproving of their side mission because now Anakin is even more attached/devoted Obi-Wan 
Obi-Wan is a LITTLE freaked out but Shmi being in danger isn’t exactly a hard prediction to make considering they left her on Tatooine but...
almost immediately after they get specially requested to protect Senator Amidala.
things proceed like canon and when Dex says the dart is from Kamino, Obi-Wan has a little panic attack attack
the whole trip to Kamino he’s just thinking pleasenoclonearmy  pleasenoclonearmy  pleasenoawFUCK THAT’S A CLONE ARMY
good news here is when he’s bullshitting his way through the meeting/ inspection he very confidently brings up removing the control chips
at first there’s some hemming and hawing ‘oh you mean the inhibitor chips, are you sure you want them removed we’ve already installed them’
“I DEMAND they be removed- I- can i speak to your manger? Do I need to take my business elsewhere??”
Nala Se is very reluctant, “I was ensured by certain high level parties that the chips were intended to be an important safeguard...”
*Obi-Wan sweating, but all-in at this point* “Well, uh, Master Dooku and Chancellor Palpatine themselves told me they were concerned about the chips being abused by the wrong parties, and sent me to supervise, so,”
“Oh, I didn’t realize you were read-in on the project architecture to that extent, well here are our options-”
Obi-Wan still chases to Jango to Genosis because he’s got a mission and ‘this might as well happen’
Still gets captured in that stupid rotating energy field by Dooku 
“What if I told you the senate was now controlled by a dark lord of the sith?”
“...I would say that I would be very interested in any holo-recordings or legal documents you might have to that effect”
“would very much like some sort of proof to bring before a court of law, yeah.”
The rescue attempt actually goes well this time! Anakin is well rested and practically glowing after his week-long all-expense paid vacation at Varykino
They all manage to escape and intercept reinforcement mid-flight
The council is pleased Obi-Wan is safe and not surprised to find Anakin there, but it doesn’t really change their mission as the senate has ordered them to take out the federation army before they can attack...
“The Senate ordered it?”
“Yes, much has happened, while gone you were. Were given to the chancellor, emergency powers. Drafted a military, he has. Generals, the Jedi have been made. Uneasy we are, but serve the senate, we do.”
“Oh kark, the Chancellor ordered it? We DEFINITELY can not invade.” Obi-Wan's starting to have another panic attack, not sure how to get out of the sith trap
Anakin’s a little offended. “Obi-Wan! The Chancellor is a good man; the Jedi must do this, for the good of -”
C) He tries, ok? (inspired by @ourhitofsucrose )
Very similar to B except for the full year between the ‘vision’ and aotc, Obi-Wan is desperately trying to follow the future’s warnings but failing hysterically
kamino and genosis have both erased from the archives and it doesn’t occur to him to ask dex so he doesn’t even have a direction to go on
tries to find some proof about Palpatine but he is a sneaky bastard
tries to separate palpatine from anakin but he’s like I’M AN ADULT NOW YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO
tentatively brings up Dooku falling ‘in a vision’ to the council because that is something they can check up on- Yoda gets really offended
‘garbage planet on the outer rim’ is not a lot to go on
when he tries to get help searching because he knows that the sith who killed Qui-Gon is still alive and planning to kill his ex-girlfriend even Anakin is like... ‘ok buddy, i think you might be under too much stress, maybe we should visit the healers...”
best he can do for Shmi is leaving her an emergency beacon
A+ success in relationship repair with Anakin tho! through the application of a very awkward hug and a mumbled “you know I love you, right?”
Anakin drags him to the healers immediately, and after a drug test and an overnight stay finally responds by bursting into tears and ugly crying on Obi-Wan’s robes because “YOU’RE A FATHER TO ME BUT I THOUGHT YOU HAATED ME”
Obi-Wan is uncomfortably patting him on the back “Of course I don’t hate you! You’re my padawan! Why would you think that?”
Then when Shmi activates her emergency comm the same night Anakin has his first nightmare about his Mom and they fly to her rescue he’s even more OBI-WAN 5EVER  than canon or scenario B because
“You...checked in on my mom?? Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry Anakin, I knew the council wouldn’t approve...”
hugs Anakin again since that is the only piece of advice he can follow from his future self and he just thinks ‘well its a long shot but hopefully this is enough to prevent any lava planet incidents’
it is 
Seriously in this version of events Anakin actively RESISTS being knighted because he was already obsessed with Obi-Wan in canon and now with hugs + verbal affection + protecting Mom proactively he is ALL IN FOR OBI NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN
low-key ruins palpatine’s plans by itself because now when he tries to drive a wedge between them with his bullshit ‘your master doesn’t truly trust you’ Anakin gets huffy and responds with a space powerpoint presentation
i mean other stuff is going to go down once we get to the armies but already the stage is set for him to go running to Obi-Wan the minute he has a nightmare about Padme dying and him responding “J. Force Christ, lets just... go to a healer, fuck’s sake Anakin I hope it doesn’t need to be said but do NOT turn to the darkside over this”
canon would definitely diverge before that point but its also very funny to me to imagine RotS playing out more or less the same but when he gets to Palpatine’s big offer he just goes ‘sorry dad told me no’
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Best friend’s ex | Benny Weir x reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Um if you don’t mind can you write for mbav? Something along the lines of the reader and Ethan try a fake relationship thing cause Ethan asked her to? Like to get to Sarah/ or get her attention. And everyone is shocked cause they thought Benny and the reader would date instead cause all 3 of them are childhood friends”
Genre:Fluff mostly but I guess a little angst torwards the end
Warnings: some arguing and also it’s LONG, don’t say I didn’t warn you
A/N: This has a little Ethan x reader too but over all it’s Benny with a guest apperence from jelous!Benny torwards the end (or at least that’s what I was going for)
“Wait, you’re dating?! Like for real dating?!”
 You clinged tighter to Ethan’s arm “Yeah, we are” but you weren’t. You didn’t want to lie to your friends and it was honestly making you kinda uncomfy but you were doing it for E.
“Ok so how long has this been going on for?” asked Benny. You and your entire friend group were gathered around his locker and you decided to break the news to them about your and Ethan’s “relationship”, which was all bullcrap. He had asked you a couple nights before to pretend. He was hoping it would get him closer to Sarah.
“Um, no more than a month” E said, trying to sound as confident as possible and doing a fairly good job at it. Of course you saw right through him but everyone else seemed to buy his act.
“Well that’s...interesting news” Sarah laughed awkwardly
“You think so? Why?”
The group went silent for a moment
“Well, just cause” Sarah started, nervousness laced into her tone “I mean I would have guessed that Benny and Y/N were going to get together eventually.” Rory and Erika just nodded in agreement while Benny tried to suppress a nervous laughter.
“I mean, come on guys” he said “ I’ve known Y/N for just as long as Ethan.” 
“Yeah, but you two just always seemed, I don’t know, closer?”
“Well” Ethan interrupted “ seems like you were wrong on that one.”
Suddenly aware of how rude she sounded, Sarah babbled some lame excuse and left quickly, face red from embarrassment. Rory and Erika left as well, each in their own direction, but not before congratulating the couple once more. Benny was the only one left.
“You good Benny?” E asked
“Yeah, I guess it’s just interesting seeing you like this”
“I hope you’re not mad or anything I mean we…” you were quickly cut off by Benny
“No, no, absolutely, not! I’m really happy for you guys! My two best friends are in love, that’s really cool!” A pink tint made its way onto your cheeks hearing Benny say “in love”, even though you knew it wasn’t true. E smiled at you and hid his face in your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your hips, swaying you two back and forth for a moment
“Alright, well I gotta go. Chem starts in a few” you told your boys and headed to class, not before hugging both of them and leaving Ethan with a quick peck on the cheek
As soon as you got to class however, you texted your “boyfriend”
“Think that went pretty well”
“I think so too. Everyone seemed to buy it!”
“I know!” you said and the conversation ended like that. 
You switched your attention back to your teacher, who was discussing your next assignment but even though your eyes were on her, your mind was replaying Sarah’s comment on repeat. You and Benny, huh? You couldn’t say you disliked the idea or that you’ve never thought about it. You’ve always felt different when hanging out with him compared to all your other friends.You felt more free and comfortable. You couldn’t stop the smile on your face from the fuzzy feeling you got just thinking about Bens and you together.
“So how long are we gonna be doing this for?” you texted Ethan. Now that you thought about it, you could never date Benny after this. The sudden realisation made your stomach twist in knots. He would never even go on a date with you if he thought you to be Ethan’s ex! Bro code or whatever but you couldn’t blame them!
“I don’t know for sure, I don’t see why it should last more than a couple months.”
“Ok” you didn’t mind helping E. He was a great guy and one day, some amazing girl is gonna see that and be all over him, even if it’s not Sarah! And he’s going to fall in love and have a beautiful wife and a happy family and this thing you are doing right now is just gonna be a silly high school memory to look back at. You tried not to overthink everything like you usually do and go with the flow, have fun.
It was surprisingly easy to do. Holding hands and occasional cheek kisses didn’t mean much and you never had a “proper kiss”, telling everyone you were simply not fans of PDA. It didn’t feel much like you were a couple, just closer friends. Touchier.
About 4 months down the line, you and Ethan go on your last “date”, which really just meant pizza night at Morgan’s.
“Thanks for all this Y/N, I know you didn’t have to and it might have been awkward at times but it means a lot that you went with it all this time” Ethan says sincerely while pouring you a glass of soda
“Don’t be silly E! You are one of my best friends. I would do anything for you.”
“Yeah but, now you and Benny won’t be…” he didn’t finish his sentence, as if he wasn’t sure if bringing this up was even a good idea or if it was gonna make you mad. You told E about your crush on your best friend not long after your first day as a “couple”. You couldn’t lie to him and quite honestly, you needed someone to vent to. The more you thought about Benny, the more it hurt and while you weren’t mad at Ethan for bringing it up now (you knew he had the best of intentions), it was putting you off
“Let’s not talk about that tonight” you said softly
“Right, yes, of course! Sorry” you giggle and reached out for your glass of soda, raising it up
“A toast!” you declared dramatically, making E laugh “To our breakup!” Ethan raised his own glass and clicked it with yours 
“To our breakup!” he said before you both took a sip of your drinks
You laid down on the couch, getting ready to watch Scare Finder. Your head was resting on one of Ms. Morgan’s decorative pillows and you placed your feet on E’s lap. He rolled his eyes at you and you giggled
“I love you!”
“I love you too babe” he joked before laying down next to you and wrapping you in a hug. The couch was a bit too small for the both of you to lay down side by side and you felt the left side of your body  hanging off the edge but E’s arms were around your waist, holding you and you felt safe
“Can we..” Ethan whispered nervously “can we keep cuddling during shows even if we aren’t boyfriend- girlfriend anymore?” 
“Yes of course” you giggled
“Good, cause this is really comfortable” he whispered in your neck
“I know, I love it too”
 Your breakup was a much bigger deal than you anticipated.Your friends seemed not only shocked, but heartbroken too. You didn’t tell them anything about why you ended your relationship, saying it was too early and you didn’t feel like talking about it but that you were still close friends and nothing was going to change
Things went back to normal afterwards, except now you were single and so was Benny and you couldn't help the invisible pull, dragging you closer and closer to him. Everyone of his silly jokes made you crack up and you couldn’t even be mad at him when his failed spells ended up in a big mess that you and the friend group needed to solve. You hadn’t realised how much you missed him until you broke up with E. Whether or not that relationship was real, it felt like a real reason to stay away from Benny. It felt like you were taken because everyone else belived you to be. You couldn’t make a move on him because everyone knew you to have a boyfriend but now you didn’t and you couldn’t help yourself from looking at B in a different light.
You were over at his house, helping him pack some herbs he had to organise for his grandma, as punishment for wasting all her old ones on some spell. You were stuffing dried leaves in tiny jars, while Benny was busying himself attaching little tags to them, with the name of each plant.
“Thanks again for coming to help me, you didn’t have to”
“Anytime Bens, you know I’m always here for you” you looked at him and smiled sweetly. He looked into your eyes and said
“I know, Thank you” you nodded and switched your focus back on the plants, hoping he wouldn’t notice the blush on your face. Lucky for you, he started telling a story that happened in his geography class and things slowly fell into their usual, casual place, at least up until you had to leave.
You placed the last little jar in its respective spot on the shelf
“I think this is it, right?” Benny asked
“It should be”
“Perfect, I’m in dire need of a snack. You want chips? I have some upstairs”
“No, it’s late, I should head home”
“Um, ok yeah. No problem” but none of you moved after that, you just looked at one other for a little bit, until the awkwardness got too much and you took your backpack and headed to the door
“Thanks again” Benny said right when you reached the door
“No problem” and then time froze again. You got lost in his pretty eyes and barely noticed his chest rising and falling faster with every second that passed until, you both found yourselves in each other's arms, kissing deeply and desperately, as if you’ve waited all your life for this. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling at loose strands, his hands running up and down your back, bringing you as close to him as possible. All your senses were intoxicated with him and finally, the little pit in your chest disappeared. Your lips fit together like puzzle pieces but than, all of a sudden, Benny pushed you away aggressively
“No, I can’t do that!” his back turned to you, but you saw the red in his face and his hands went to his head, massaging the back of his neck just like you had been doing
“No, no, you are Ethan’s ex and we can’t do that! I can’t do that!”
“B, listen to me!” you tried to step towards him but at your slightest movement, he jumped back, finally turning to face you
“Y/N, that was a mistake and I’m sorry! We shouldn’t have done that! It was a mistake” your eyes stung from the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks
“Don’t say that…” you could barely hear your own voice and were genuinely surprised when B replied
“Of course it was! As much as I wanted to do it and as right as it may have felt, it’s barely been a few weeks since your last relationship with MY BEST FRIEND and your best friend too and we can’t, I CAN’T do this to him! You, you guys dated and…”
“But we didn’t!” you said
“Of course you did, are you out of your mind?” Benny looked at you, teary eyed and desperate “I saw you, we saw you! Holding hands and cheek kisses! He had his arm around your back every moment of every goddamn school day and every time I wished it was me! He had all of you and he could hold you during movie nights and spend all his free time with you and kiss you and run his hands through your hair and everytime he did it I imagined that I was in his spot, hoping you would look at me with the same love and admiration that you looked with at him but now it’s too late! It doesn’t matter that he didn’t cherish you better while he had you because I still can not take you! I can’t do that to him!”
“Benny it wasn’t real!”
“What does that even mean Y/N?” he was yelling now, but you knew he wasn’t angry, just hurt. You saw the tears in his eyes and how hard he tried to stop them from running down his face.
“We weren’t ever dating! We just pretended!” the madness in his eyes turned to a question, an invitation for you to continue “It was all a show Bens. He wanted to impress Sarah. He asked me to fake a relationship with him.”
Benny leaned over the table, resting his body on his arms. He seemed to be thinking for a while, until he said “That’s a stupid idea”
You laughed “I thought so too when he told me” Benny seemed to think some more before saying
“Such an Ethan idea to have” which only made you laugh more
“So it was never real?” he asks you finally
“No! It was just an act” but even now, Benny couldn’t say anything. He was looking at his hands nervously. You took a deep breath and said the one thing you could think of
“He knows if that’s what you are wondering” the boy looked at you with questioning eyes again “Ethan I mean”
“Ethan knows what?”
“That I like you” Benny straightened and looked at you with soft eyes once more, you felt your cheeks heat up and turned to walk away but Benny quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him, holding you in a tight hug. 
“So, does that mean I can kiss you again?” a small smile tugged at your lips
“Please do”
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jkstompers · 3 years
just to study | jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
summary: your seat partner asks if you’re free after class, just to study.
genre: fluff, college!au, established friendship, flirtationship, mutual pining, they go to a ‘frat’ party together, also yugyeom! a sweetheart<3 we love him.
warnings: mature!!, mentions of alcohol + alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, strong language, SEXUAL TENSION, mentions of dick sucking??, hints of a wet dream on oc’s end, very strong urges to kiss each other but no kisses today </3, that’s pretty much it!
word count: 7.4k (i...kinda went overboard)
authors’ note: hello!! this is a pt. 2 to sleepyhead! it’s based a few weeks after so yeah <3 also the pacing is kind of weird but… i don’t really know how being drunk is so............(>人<) i’m sorry about that! one scene was inspired by this post haha it was just so cute to think about i had to do it. ALSO i literally haven’t taken anatomy since high school so i just used random terms from quizlet T_T pls excuse that as well! but otherwise, enjoy!!!!!!!!! (っ^_^)っ
(if u see any typos...ignore them pls T_T)
side note: imagine jk looking like this when he goes to the party lmao classic fboy look with the camo bomber and his piercings ugh <3
banner pic creds here ! <3
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you made it to class on time today, woke to your alarm and even had enough time to eat breakfast before you came. in a particularly good mood, you made your way up the stairs to the row jungkook was sitting in, hoping that the seat next to him was empty (you didn’t have to hope, jungkook always saved the seat next to him for you, no matter what.)
“good morning, ___!” jungkook’s voice greets you the same as always as soon as you appear next to him. he moves his bag out of the way for you to sit down.
he looks especially cute today. his long floppy hair framing his face, his sweet smile beaming up to you. you wonder how dumb you looked drooling over him for a minute before you replied, “hi jungkook, how are you?” with the same smile on your face that you show him every time he sees you. it never changes, but it never fails to make jungkook’s heart skip a beat.
“i’m doing okay, you?” he answers while you pull out your laptop.
you didn’t have a chance to reply before your professor starts talking. informing the class about the test that’s planned at the end of the month, finals in two months, and then dropping the bomb that there’s a quiz tomorrow about the things you’ve learned in the past week. a slight panic takes over you, although you didn’t know why, you understood what he was teaching and you were retaining all of the information well. but when the professor pulls up all the information on the screen to review it all, all of the words and pictures overwhelm you.
to make things worse, jungkook is to your left, not paying attention to a word your professor is saying. instead, playing some game where he has to click his touchpad an obnoxious amount of times. your attention is split between jungkook’s erratic tapping and the notes that the professor projects onto the screen, even though his computer barely made any noise, his incessant movement was distracting you.
“jungkook, you’re taking notes and playing a game?” your voice comes out as a rushed whisper. there’s a snort that comes from him before he nods. you couldn’t be mad at him. “there’s a quiz on all of this tomorrow, you know?”
“i know,” he continues to tap and click, the motion growing incredibly annoying. you didn’t know why you couldn’t have just tried to block it out, but he was just so close to you and admittedly, you looked at his hands, a lot. the way that his fingers tapped against his keyboard and his veins that accentuate his already beautiful hands, it was free art you could look at, how could you not? at this point, you’re contemplating holding his hand to make him stop tapping.
you were in the middle of typing when he finally stops, leaning back and stretching his arms up into the air. you let out a sigh of relief, until he starts again. apparently he reached the next level on his game, tapping even faster, if that was even fucking possible.
quietly, you groan. turning your attention solely on him. you place your hand on top of his, the tapping ceasing almost immediately. “please, jungkook, you’re distracting me.”
he looks at your hand before he looks at you, his chocolate doe eyes wide to the action. he gulps, “sorry.”
you remove your hand, focusing back to the presentation. jungkook feels the heat from his cheeks travel to his hand. the feeling of your hand on his wasn’t something he was expecting to experience today, but he wants nothing more than for you to do it again. he exits the game tab and changes his focus to the lecture.
or moreso, you focusing on the lecture.
you look so cute. your cheek pressed up against your fist. he stares at the way that your forehead creases in concentration. he taps on your arm that’s resting on the table, “hey, you look like you’re stressed out.”
you turn your head slightly to look over to him. “that’s because i am,” you send him a quick smile before you go back to looking at the projection.
he furrows his eyebrows, “why? you’re smart, there’s no need to worry about what you get on this.” you were an a+ student, never anything less than that. jungkook knows that you ace every test that you take, so he doesn’t quite understand why you’re so stressed.
“because jungkook,” you groan. you expected a lot from yourself, sure b’s were okay, but a’s and a+’s were what you wanted and what you thought would make you feel satisfied. there was no way you could explain this without sounding like an overachiever. so you just sigh, “i’m just not really prepared.”
jungkook thinks of the perfect way to spend more time with you, snapping his fingers before suggesting, “we should study together after class, studies show that studying with someone else will give you an a+, guaranteed.” the confidence in his voice makes you smile, and helps you ease up a little bit.
you raise an eyebrow, a laugh creeping up from your lungs. “source for that statistic, sir?”
he taps his right temple, the gesture making you snort. “no but seriously, i’ll help you out,” he assures. his laptop turns towards you to show you all the notes he took, different words highlighted and colored differently.
you act like you think about it, staying quiet for a minute or so. but you know the answer was yes no matter what. “just to study?” you tease. jungkook raises his eyebrows in surprise, an amused smile on his face, “just kidding, we can go to mine? i owe you for the ride you gave me like two weeks ago.” you tap your fingers against your laptop nervously, your teeth taking in your bottom lip as you ask. you haven’t had a guy over to your apartment, not since you’ve moved in. there’s a certain anxiousness that comes with the suggestion.
jungkook nods, “sounds good.”
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“okay, again.” you brush your hair behind your ears, preparing yourself once more for another pass of the flashcards. the two of you have been at it with these cards for the past hour or so, you were determined to get these right no matter how long it took. jungkook knew you were gonna get it down, you only had three more cards, these ones specifically stumping you.
“aponeuroses,” he looks at the card and then to you.
“connective tissue that forms a broad sheet which attach muscle to bone or muscle to other muscles,” you speak confidently. jungkook nods, moving onto the next card of the set of three.
“endomysium,” he reads the card. you hesitate on this one for a second, he plays with the corner of the card until you snap your fingers.
“that’s the connective tissue surrounding the… the— uh, oh! muscle fiber?” your brain works extra hard. jungkook rewards you with another nod, flipping to the last card.
“dense connective tissue,” you begin, pausing to think of the rest of the answer. you start biting your thumb nail, knowing there’s more to it but it’s not coming to your brain quick enough.
jungkook just stares, watching your facial expressions as you search for the answer in your brain. this could be the worst crush he’s ever had, he thinks you’re cute when you’re just sitting there, thinking. he doesn’t remember ever liking someone this much, most of the time his crushes went away after a few weeks or so. but it’s almost been an entire year since he’s started crushing on you, and it still hasn’t stopped. you still manage to find a way to make his thoughts surround you.
“separates and holds individual tissues? it’s the one that extends into the tendons, right?” you perk up after a minute or so. your brain finally coming up with the answer. you blame jungkook’s presence for slowing you down. maybe you shouldn’t have accepted this offer to study together, because how could you focus when jeon jungkook is sitting right in front of you?
“you’re amazing,” he praises, setting the flashcards down onto the table. you blush at the compliment, jungkook takes notice, but he doesn’t mind, he thinks pink is pretty on you. he’s never wanted to kiss your cheeks as much as he did now, and trust, he’s thought about it many, many times. “all done?” he asks after staring at you for the longest time.
you nod, “just gonna highlight these terms to review them later so i can get it down 100%.”
jungkook watches as you diligently reread your notes and highlight them. an apple on the table taking his attention away for a second when he realizes he hasn’t eaten at all today. he takes a bite, the loud crunch noise seemingly startling the both of you. it makes you turn your head and raise an eyebrow towards him.
“sorry,” he chews, “hungry.”
your stare lingers a little longer than you wanted it to. his cheeks are full of apple, you can’t help but laugh a little. “there’s still the sticker on it,” you point out.
he turns the apple around to see the blue sticker. peeling it off, he holds it on his fingertip, an idea sprouting in his mind to see that sweet smile of yours again. so he places the sticker on your cheek, your gaze moving from your screen to him and then to the fruit sticker now stuck onto your cheek. “get it? ‘cause you’re sweet like this apple is,” he smiles.
oh my god. you blush embarrassingly, your entire face flushed pink as you hide your cheeks behind your hands. he laughs at your reaction. jungkook was feeling bold today, so he moves forward, gently taking your hands away from your face to see the cute pink tint he caused. he sits back, admiring your pretty face.
you feel yourself burning hotter and hotter the longer he stares, looking everywhere but his face, too scared to make eye contact. you look back to your computer screen, “um— there’s pasta in the fridge— if you’re hungry, i made it last night.” you offer, but he declines politely, telling you that he has to leave pretty soon because his friends are expecting him to join them today.
begrudgingly, you watch as jungkook packs his things up. he thinks about how content he felt hanging out with you today, and how he wanted to do it again, as soon as possible. a thought pops into his head before he opens the door to leave. he turns on his heel.
you weren’t expecting the sudden turn, accidentally bumping into his chest. “oof! sorry.”
“it’s alright,” he laughs, helping you steady yourself by holding your shoulders. “i just wanted to ask— uh, my friends are throwing a party tomorrow night, do you— do you wanna come?” his words come out jumbled, jungkook never fails to trip on his words whenever he’s near you.
tomorrow night...it’s a friday tomorrow, the quiz is tomorrow, why the fuck not? a stress reliever from all the studying you’ve done. “sure,” you answer after a minute or so of deliberation. you look up at him with a smile, suddenly realizing how close the two of you are.
your eyes flicker between his eyes and his lips, the close proximity makes you hold your breath. “great! i can pick you up? be your DD?” he quirks his head, a smile that matches yours on his face.
you nod, “yeah, i’d like that.” with that, jungkook takes a step back, widening the space between you both as his right hand goes to hold the strap of his bag.
“okay, i’ll text you the details.” before he turns around, turning the knob of your front door and letting himself out. before the door closes, he sends you a wave, one which you reflect as he pulls the door closed. you move up and lock the door, your forehead resting against the cold metal slab.
you wonder if this crush will ever advance into something more. neither of you really push the agenda, most of the time just cutely flirting with each other and only talking to each other during class. maybe this party will be a chance to further the bond the two of you have. you could only wish that you could drop this nervous shield that pops up everytime you’re around him, but jungkook is just so cool. the campus heartthrob, everyone wants to be him or be with him.
for the rest of the day, jungkook seems to occupy your mind, as he always does. when you get to sleep, the fantasies of jungkook’s lips on yours drift you into a deep sleep, one that eventually leads to a dream that has you rubbing your thighs together. his hands were all over your body, his cologne that you were so familiar with tormenting your nose, it all felt too real. so when you woke up to the sound of your alarm, sweat beaded at your hairline. you took deep breaths, cementing the fact that he isn’t here, and he certainly isn’t doing those things with you right now.
it was not helping that you dreamt of him sexually on the day of your quiz, the one that you were immensely stressing over. now, you’re gonna have to walk into class, act normal around jungkook even though your brain produced pornographic images of him, (it’s not the first time, but it’s the first time you’ve had to face him right after it happened) and ace this quiz.
you tried almost everything you could to have cleared your brain of your dream sequence. taking a shower, eating breakfast, studying once more, etc. but when you’re walking into the lecture hall, flashes of the dream and the sound of his imagined moan echo in your mind.
you walk up the stairs with your eyes down, not sure if you could make eye contact with jungkook without turning red. “hey, ___, good morning!” the familiar voice greets you.
“morning,” you reply, dryly. taking the seat next to him and silently taking your laptop out, waiting for the professor to start the quiz. jungkook seemed a bit taken aback by your cold answer, but he took into account that you’re probably just super nervous and stressed out because of the quiz, so he doesn’t take it too personally. instead, just sitting back in his chair and waiting patiently to take the quiz as well.
at this point, you were psyching yourself out, swearing that you already forgot all of the terms. if you were quizzed on the parts of male anatomy, specifically jungkook’s, then maybe you could ace it, but the terms that you were working oh so hard to memorize yesterday slip from your mind. when the professor tells you to separate and start the quiz, you start to bite your thumb nail again.
jungkook takes a look over at you, noticing the bad habit of yours. he gently takes a hold of your arm, pulling your thumb away from your teeth. the action causing you to make eye contact with him and his big doe eyes that hold so much love and light. you find yourself a bit speechless then, too many thoughts running around in your mind.
he whispers, “you’ll do great, okay?” the statement soothing your nerves. his voice somehow makes your body relax, even though you thought you would freak out if you made any sort of contact with him.
“you— you too, good luck,” you mutter. a half smile on your face. you were grateful that jungkook broke you out of your trance, his words of encouragement suddenly placing you in the testing state of mind. the images from last night's dream seem to put themselves away for now.
the next twenty minutes are complete silence. everyone focused on the questions before them. of course, you zoomed through the quiz, prepared for the trick questions and the harder ones that come up. jungkook finishes after you. it wasn’t a surprise, jungkook didn’t even have to try, you swear you’ve never seen him stress out before. nobody was perfect, you believed that, but jeon jungkook was the closest to it.
“okay, class! the quiz will be graded by tonight hopefully, you’re free to leave,” your professor alerts the class. jungkook waits patiently until you’re standing, following you down the stairs and out the door.
you decide to speak first, since you greeted him with such a dry response this morning. it wasn’t his fault that you dreamed of him on top of you, so why were you punishing him for it? “how’d you think you did?” you asked, turning to look at him.
he shrugs, “good i guess, i think i fucked up on one or two questions.”
“was it the striation part? i think i messed up on that one too.”
he shakes his head, “you know you aced that, don’t lie.”
you stay silent, the two of you walking to the campus parking lot. neither of you engage in conversation as you usually do. the images of last night’s dream slipping into your consciousness once again. you try to shake your head, to rid yourself of the thoughts. nothing else to distract you from them because jungkook was oddly silent the entire walk. you fear that he can actually read your mind and see all of your thoughts. if he could, he doesn’t mention it. not saying one word to you until he walks you to your car, greeting you with a ‘see you next class!’ before leaving to go to his car. not even mentioning the party to you, you start to wonder if he regrets inviting you. up until you heard your phone ring when you parked in the lot of your apartment complex.
[10:24 am] jungkook: hey! forgot to remind u about the party 😫
[10:24 am] jungkook: ur still down to come, right?
[10:28 am] you: hi! yeah :)
[10:28 am] you: is there a dress code or smth? haha
[10:29 am] jungkook: not that i know of 😂
[10:30 am] jungkook: u can wear anything u want
[10:30 am] jungkook: ur cute whatever u wear
[10:31 am] you: oh stop it jeon ur making me blush
[10:32 am] you: but tell me :( should i wear something casual? pants? a dress?
[10:34 am] jungkook: 😂
[10:34 am] jungkook: it’s kind of like a frat party��
[10:35 am] jungkook: so anything is okay
[10:37 am] you: ah okay
[10:37 am] you: i’ll surprise u then ;)
[10:40 am] jungkook: alright :)
[10:41 am] jungkook: i’ll come by around 9 to pick u up? sound good?
[10:42 am] you: yeah! gives me enough time to nap and get ready lol
[10:44 am] jungkook: great :) see u then cutie
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you wake up from your nap around one, you had more than enough time for you to get ready for a party. so you decide to clean your apartment first, little chores to waste time before you get yourself dolled up. when you finished, it was around seven thirty. you washed your face, brushed your teeth, all that good stuff before sliding on a simple black bodycon that you got last summer. styling your hair and spraying on your favorite perfume before looking at yourself in the mirror. this wasn’t too much, right? lots of people wear stuff like this to frat parties, so you didn’t find it too fancy. the notification sound from your phone goes off, you move to check and see if it was who you were expecting.
[8:54 pm] jungkook: i’m here :)
[8:54 pm] you: ahh gimme a sec i need to pee haha
[8:55 pm] jungkook: take ur time cutie
[8:56 pm] jungkook: i’m right in front
jungkook only really had to wait about five minutes. the visual of you walking out of your apartment doors, looking the way you did, was breathtaking. his jaw drops, mouth slightly agape as he watches you walk up to his car through the passenger window. you are so gorgeous. it’s probably the first time jungkook’s seen you in clothes that really compliment your figure, most of the time you show up to class in hoodies and sweaters. so greedily, he takes in the way the dress hugs your curves deliciously. he shakes the thoughts from his head to get out of the car and open the door for you.
“what a gentleman,” you tease, getting into the car.
he joins you soon after, “you look...gorgeous.” jungkook doesn’t seem so shy now, his eyes taking in your beautiful self.
“thank you,” you blush under his stare. “is it too much?”
“no! no— not at all, all eyes will be on you tonight.” he smiles, turning the car on. now you were able to gawk over him. a simple outfit, all black with a black and white camo bomber. his side profile is perfect, his long hair draping over his face so gracefully and his piercings somehow sparkling in the dark of the car.
he doesn’t drive too far, somewhere in the suburbs where the big houses are. a huge iron gate in the front, seemingly too fancy for a frat party setting. jungkook rolls his window down to greet someone waiting in front of the gate with a couple of other guys.
“jeon! you’re late dude,” one of the guys gives him a handshake through the window.
“sorry man, i’m here now though,” jungkook laughs. the guy giving him the greenlight and opening the gate for him, jungkook parks inside on their stone driveway, decorated with a fountain and a beautiful garden.
“your friend lives here?” you inquire, impressed by the look of the place.
he nods, “fancy right? his parents are ceo’s.” makes sense, and it would also make sense as to why they were throwing a frat party here, rich sons always seem to stir up trouble whenever they’re bored.
he steps out of the car to open the door for you, always a gentleman. he takes your hand and helps you out, the two of you walking to the huge open double doors. as soon as you walk in, the smell of alcohol hits your nose, you try your best not to cringe. the blare of the speakers is the second thing you notice, along with the shouting of jungkook’s friends greeting him. “who’s this?” one of them asks, referring to you.
jungkook seems to hesitate at first, not really knowing how to introduce you. he settles by saying, “this is ___!” not attaching any ‘friend’, ‘classmate’, or anything to the introduction. his friend holds his hand out to shake yours.
you take it with a smile on your face, “i’m yugyeom, it’s nice to meet you!” a smile that reflects yours is on his face, it made you feel welcome. you were never really the type to go to parties, your time is spent working and/or going to school, but this interaction helps you ease up a little more.
“hello, yugyeom!” you reply, shouting over the music.
“do you wanna take a shot?” he asks. pointing to the enormous kitchen where they’re housing all the alcohol, you look to jungkook first who’s paying more attention to his phone rather than the conversation you were just having.
you shrug, “why not?”
yugyeom leads the two of you to the kitchen, jungkook following behind you blindly. he looks up from his phone, done with whatever business he was dealing with to ask, “where are we going?”
“taking a shot,” you answer, pointing to yugyeom who’s already pouring three shots.
“dude, i’m not drinking, don’t pour three.” jungkook tries to stop him before he fills up the third shot glass but his arm knocks yugyeom’s in the process, the bottle spilling the clear liquid into the third shot glass.
“i’ll take two,” you suggest, feeling a bit wild and down to venture out of your comfort zone.
yugyeom smiles at this, “i like her, jeon.” he hands you the two shot glasses full of vodka, jungkook stands next to you and watches as you down the first shot. your face cringing as soon as the alcohol touches your tongue.
“you didn’t even give her a chaser,” jungkook notices, scolding yugyeom who's already downed his shot and is sucking on a lime. “here, suck,” holding a slice of lime up to your lips. his choice of words disorienting you, especially since he was holding the lime up to your mouth instead of just handing it to you. your eyes flicker between the lime and his face, but nevertheless, you suck. sinking your teeth into the sour fruit. jungkook’s eyes zeroed in on how your lips wrap around the slice, slightly grazing his fingers. it’s not long before you’re making a cute scrunched up face from the sourness. “good,” he praises. you don’t deny the slight burn your lower belly felt when he said that to you. you swear he was making sex eyes to you, but you couldn’t tell. he broke eye contact with you soon after, throwing the fruit into the trash below the table that the alcohol was perched on.
yugyeom hands you another lime for your second shot, this time no jungkook to hold the fruit for you. the second shot burning down your throat with the lime chasing after, both yugyeom and jungkook cheer, congratulating you for being a trooper (even though two shots were their warmups).
the next hour or so, jungkook brings you around. he introduces you to his friends and making conversation with them. one certain group, you didn’t really enjoy. a group of five girls, clearly swarming jungkook as soon as he turned around from talking to another one of his friends. the girls ask how he’s been doing, all of the basic conversation starters. when jungkook tries to introduce you, they all turn to you and give you a little head nod before turning their attention back to jungkook. he stands there, conversing with them longer than he had with any of his other friends, and you found yourself getting, hm, jealous.
so you search around the room crowded room, looking for some way out. your eyes spot yugyeom in the backyard through the huge sliding doors, sitting on one of those lawn chairs with the one next to him empty. you decide to leave the group you were currently getting pushed out of and join yugyeom. he notices you when you step onto the grass, trying your best not to sink into the dirt with your heels. “you doing alright? where’s jungkookie?” he asks, sitting up.
you plop down onto the lawn chair next to him. “he’s in there,” you point to the house, “with five girls.”
the last bit of the sentence makes him laugh, a cackle where he holds his stomach because he was laughing so hard. “do you want a shot?” he offers after he recovers from his fit, pulling a tequila bottle out from nowhere.
but you agree, “two, please.” he fills the two shot glasses, but not completely like he did with the vodka earlier. there were no limes, or any type of chaser for you to take around, so you take the two shots like ripping off a band-aid, quick.
“you’re a funny girl,” yugyeom compliments when you’ve downed the shots.
“thanks?” you cough, the feeling of the alcohol still burning your nose and throat, “what did i say that was funny?”
“i think it’s because i’m tipsy, but that joke you made about jungkook being with five girls was hilarious.” he slaps his knee, almost making himself laugh up a storm again, but you weren’t laughing.
you raised an eyebrow, speaking with a serious tone. “it wasn’t a joke, he’s in there with five girls.”
yugyeom tries to collect himself, sitting properly on the lawn chair when he asks you to clarify, “you mean he’s fucking them? or he’s talking to them?”
you’re silent for a second before replying, why did you say it like he was in there fucking them? maybe it’s because he might as well be, so engrossed in whatever the hell they were saying to even notice that you were gone. “just talking to them,” you reply.
“that’s what i thought, jungkook isn’t like that anymore,” yugyeom nods his head, pouring another shot out for you.
“anymore?” you ask. he hands you the shot, you hesitate this time, starting to feel the effects of the first four shots you took. he doesn’t push you to take it. he just leans back onto the lawn chair as he sighs.
“you could say he’s retired,” he shrugs.
the term makes you laugh, “...a retired fuckboy?” you sit back into the lawn chair as well, looking up to the night sky. the shot glass forgotten on the table next to you. your body feels like it’s floating.
“yeah, he hasn’t really been doing stuff like that recently,” yugyeom spills. you stay quiet after he feeds you this information. yugyeom offhandedly telling you that you shouldn’t be jealous makes you feel guilty. why were you even jealous? jungkook was technically still just a friend to you. just because the two of you flirt every now and then doesn’t mean you’re together. of course he would be surrounded by girls, just look at him!
“there you are! i was looking all over for you,” jungkook interrupts your inner monologue. his voice comes from across the lawn, you look up to see him walking over to you and yugyeom.
“hi, jungkookie,” you smile up at him. the alcohol having more of an effect on you the longer you let it sit in your stomach.
he almost freezes up at the nickname, looking over to yugyeom and asking, “did you tell her to call me that?”
yugyeom holds his hands up in innocence, “i didn’t tell her to do anything, she’s like five or six shots deep though.”
you take the shot that was forgotten on the table and down it. “six,” you clarify.
“alright, slow down, iron liver,” jungkook jokes. yugyeom stands from the lawn chair, receiving jungkook’s telepathic signals to get the fuck up to he could talk and hang out with you.
“play beer pong with me later, ___! i’m gonna go look for eunwoo,” yugyeom points to you, giving you a thumbs up before leaving the backyard and moving into the house.
“feeling okay? think you might throw up soon?” jungkook asks, replacing yugyeom in the chair next to you.
“feel like i’m surfing, you know? like wavy,” you answer. the feeling was hard to explain, you weren’t dizzy but at the same time your brain was telling you to stop moving, even though you were completely still.
“ah, you’re getting there,” jungkook snorts. you didn’t have much willpower to answer, so the two of you sit there in a comfortable silence before a group of people coming towards, all greeting jungkook and you. they offer you a red cup, despite your current predicament. leaning against the chair and your droopy eyes, telling them that you’ve taken too many shots. a lightweight at her peak.
jungkook tries to deny it for you, but with a smile, you accept the cup. it was filled with the fancy mixed alcohol juice they had. “thank you,” you place the cup onto the table, “i’ll drink it.... later..” your words begin to draw themselves out. jungkook somehow finding a way to make the entire group leave, making it just the two of you again.
“give it to me, you’re starting to slur your words.” his hand is open, laying on the table and waiting for you to surrender the cup.
your eyes flicker from the red cup, to his face, then to his hand. a smirk on your face when you hold the cup up to your lips, tilting it back and drinking the cursed juice. you weren’t able to down it all, it was too much, you drank maybe ⅔ of it. you cough, taking in a deep breath as you try to steady yourself.
you weren’t sure if it was because you were drunk, but the way that his face looks in the moonlight was so pretty. so you just had to tell him. leaning forward, you speak, almost a whisper, “you’re so handsome.” you drag your finger across the expanse of jungkook’s hand. “did you know i have no gag reflex?” you smile, not your typical sweet smile that he’s used to, but a devilish grin.
jungkook’s eyes widen, his cheeks flushing immediately at your remark. “alright, you drank way too much.” he takes the red cup from your hands, dumping it out onto the grass in front of you both.
“hey, i wasn’t done,” you pout, but jungkook didn’t give you much time to mourn your spilled drink before he was holding your arm, lifting you from the lawn chair you were sitting on. “where are we going?” you ask, trailing behind him with your hand in his.
“gonna get you some water and something to eat,” he answers. the two of you move through the house, jungkook pushes through groups of people and makes sure you’re safe behind him.
“i have to pee.” you tip toe to tell him your emergency in his ear. he stops at the stairs, knowing a bathroom where no one else goes. his friend specifically telling him to use that bathroom when they have parties because the other ones get way too gross.
he brings you up the stairs to the guest bedroom, opening the door to reveal one of the biggest rooms you’ve seen. “the bathroom is there,” jungkook points to the door on the left. you nod, your wobbly legs making their way to the toilet.
jungkook sits on the bed patiently, waiting for you to finish. he hears the flush and the sound of the sink running, the door opens and you’re coming out of the bathroom, pulling your dress down. “are we gonna have sex?” you utter, slurring the end of your sentence. your alcohol poisoned mind taking over your ability to speak.
his eyes widen at the question. “no! no— oh my god, this is just the room with the cleanest bathroom, we’re not—“
you’re next to him now, “you don’t want to?” you pout. glassy eyes looking into his.
“no! i mean, yes, i want to but— fuck, just— just not now, yeah?” jungkook stumbles over his words, his face blushing a blood red. your pretty face peering up at him makes him even more flustered, his hands start to sweat.
“okay,” you nodded. your drunken brain deciding to stop the interrogation of jungkook’s desire for you. to which jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, taking your hand and bringing you out of the room, down the stairs, and out into the driveway. he brings you to his car, opening the passenger door for you. “wait, are we leaving already? yugyeomie wants me to play beer pong with him,” you complain, wiggling your hand from his grasp.
goosebumps appear on your arm when you make it outside of the house. jungkook notices when he turns around to look at you. without a second thought, he takes his jacket off and places it over your shoulders. the newfound warmth shielding you from the cold night. he didn’t mind the breeze, especially since he was still recovering from the stunt you pulled in the guest room.
“we can come back later if you want, let’s just go grab something to eat first so you won’t regret this tomorrow morning.” his explanation is pretty solid according to your drunken brain, so you oblige, moving to sit in his passenger seat.
he joins you in the driver’s seat not long after. “can we get mcdonald’s?” you ask as soon as he sits down.
a smile appears on his face as he starts the car, “sure.”
the drive made you feel a little dizzy, it makes you laugh. “you okay?” jungkook asks, but you nod your head. he’s so sweet, always asking if you’re okay, making sure you weren’t feeling too awful, etc. it only makes sense that you were falling head over heels for him.
“totally fine,” you look over to him with a smile on your face. he’s so fucking pretty, his side profile is something you could rave about for days. as he’s pulling into the mcdonald’s drive through, he’s talking into the intercom, ordering the two of you something to eat when you’re suddenly mumbling, “mcflurry, kookie, oreo mcflurry.”
he looks back to you, an amused smile on his face, “oreo mcflurry?” he repeats. you nod, “okay, anything for you.”
he reiterates the request into the intercom and the server gives him the greenlight. he drives forward and waits until the next car moves up, in the time being, he looks to you. your head laying up against the door and your eyes slowly blinking, warning him that you might fall asleep. so he reaches into his backseat, his arm looking for the water bottles that he usually keeps in his car.
“hey,” he taps your arm gently, “drink some of this first.” he hands you the water bottle, you blink slowly, trying to figure out what he was handing you. once you realize it was a water bottle, you take it, opening it and gulping some of the water down. jungkook is grabbing the food when you’re screwing the cap back on. he parks somewhere in the parking lot and tells you to start eating.
you grab your mcflurry first, the feeling of the cold ice cream on your tongue soothing your dizzy brain. “yum,” you think out loud.
jungkook laughs, taking out his hamburger while he takes out your chicken nuggets. “make sure to eat some of this, yeah? don’t want you throwing up and hating me.”
the thought makes you smile. jungkook was taking such great care of you. sure, he let you down the alcohol like it was nothing, but you never opposed to it, always taking the shot because you wanted to. now jungkook is here, taking care of you, because he wanted to. you knew that if it were anybody else, they probably would have left you at the party, letting you fend for yourself. the sudden warmth in your chest makes you want to tell jungkook everything.
with his jacket wrapped around you instead of him, you can see the bulge of his arm muscles peek out from the short sleeved shirt he was wearing. even drunk, your brain seems to travel back to the images from your dream. “you know, i had a dream about you, a reeaaaallllllyyyyy dirty dream, jeon jungkook.” you blurt out the confession before your thoughts catch up with you, the alcohol still very much blocking off the common sense part of your brain.
he tries his best not to overreact, but you had a dream about him? a dirty dream at that? it awakens something in jungkook, but he pushes it down, ignoring the feeling as he asks, “you did? what was it about?” he curious as to what you meant and what your dream entailed, but he didn’t want to push too far. especially since you were drunk and most likely just spilling everything because your brain doesn’t have the willpower to hold it back.
you stick your hand into the bag to steal some fries, stuffing them in your mouth. “oh, you don’t wanna know,” you chew.
jungkook quirks a brow, “well, was i good at least?” he jokes.
you scrunch your nose, nodding nevertheless. “too good, couldn’t even focus during the quiz because of it.”
jungkook is silent for a second. the conversation making him hot even though he wasn’t wearing his jacket anymore. so he clears his throat, trying to change the subject in a subtle manner. “is that why you were so mean to me this morning?” he pouts, connecting the dots.
you laugh at the question, “sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear.”
with that, the rest of the time is spent eating. jungkook makes sure that you ate enough and drank enough water, the empty water bottle in his cupholder as proof. “do you want me to take you home now?” he asks, the two of you finished eating and now a silence takes over the car.
“are you going back?” you ask, fiddling with your fingers. he thinks you’ve started to sober up, or maybe have gotten to the point where you just want to sleep.
he shakes his head to your question, “honestly, i’m kind of tired, but if you want to go back, we can go.”
“no, i’m okay,” you decline the offer. jungkook laughs, starting the car again and driving back to your apartment complex.
you take this time to try to get yourself together. you know you’ll regret confessing to jungkook that you had a wet dream about him in the morning. but in the moment, it felt right to confess, (to your drunken brain of course). you tilt your head back, pushing your head against the headrest, and suddenly, you’re reminded of the stars jungkook has on his ceiling. you were silent as you admired the lights, jungkook takes a look at you when he’s stopped at a red light.
so cute, he thinks, staring up at his ceiling like it’s the real night sky. when he pulls up to your apartment complex, he wishes the night could be longer, that he could spend more time with you. he parks the car in the front, exactly where he picked you up. you’re looking to him now, your hands in your lap and your heart seemingly beating three times as fast as it usually does. it wasn’t the alcohol.
“did you have fun tonight?” he asks. his voice never fails to make you melt.
you nod, “i did.”
“i’m glad,” he smiles. there’s a small silence before he speaks once more, “also, y’know, you don’t have to stress yourself out so much, i know you might have expectations for yourself and stuff, but you should give yourself a break from time to time.”
the alcohol’s effects fading slowly from your brain when you start to realize that the entire reason jungkook invited you out was to help you destress. it makes you fall even harder, he was so thoughtful. even though a party wasn’t your scene, he invited you to give you a glimpse into how he has fun and hoped that it would help you loosen up a bit. you were grateful for the mental break he provided you.
you didn’t reply, purely because you were thinking about how much you want to kiss him right now, but it wouldn’t be right. when he speaks up again, there’s a nervous lilt in his voice, scared that he’s overstepped. “if you need anyone to help you— i don’t know, let loose? you can— you can always call me.” he scratches the back of his neck.
but you try your best to reassure him, smiling at the offer. “i will, thank you for tonight, jungkook, i really enjoyed it, despite being a lightweight.”
he laughs, staring at the way your face cutely scrunches when you giggle. he too, is fighting the urge to kiss you, because right now isn’t a good time. he wants to do it right. he doesn’t want to fuck it up with you. so instead, he hops out of the car and moves to open the door for you. helping you out of the car and walking you to your door, your hand in his.
“i’ll see you in class?” you turn to face him, squeezing his hand.
he nods, “yeah.” his signature bunny smile coming out to greet you a goodnight. “text me before you sleep?” he requests. you give him a thumbs up before he’s letting go of your hand and you’re sticking the key into your door, it’s then that you realize that you’re still wearing his jacket.
“oh!” you exclaim, taking the jacket off and handing it to him. but he holds his hand out to stop you.
“keep it, you can give it to me the next time we hang out, or something,” he suggests. you try to hide the growing smile behind a nod.
you hold onto his jacket, “goodnight, jungkook.”
he sticks his hands in his pockets, sending you another grin, “goodnight, ___.”
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jungkook drives home, his empty apartment welcoming him. he plops down onto his bed, not even bothering to change out of the clothes he was in because he was that tired. the events of today running through his mind.
he hopes you don’t think he was doing anything with those five girls. he saw you walk away when you did, he tried his best to escape the conversation, but they kept pulling him back. he gave up after ten tries of trying to get away, standing there for a good fifteen minutes listening to them babble about how much they missed him. jungkook had never rolled his eyes so many times in a conversation.
the talk the two of you had after was another thing taking over his mind. your dirty flirting and your dream you mentioned in the car had his imagination running all over the place. he didn’t want to push you when you explained, but he was very curious as to what he did in your dream, and how good it was for you to have it run through your mind all day.
his phone rings next to him. he turns and opens it, a smile on his face when he reads your message.
[12:32 am] you: hi jungkookieeeeeeeee
[12:33 am] you: im sleeping noww
[12:33 am] jungkook: alright cutie
[12:33 am] jungkook: goodnight! again 😂
[12:34 am] you: goodnight <3
he turns his phone off after that. looking up to his ceiling with a dumb smile on his face. his mind thinking of you and only you.
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marlena-immortale · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet (Thomas)
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
A puddle. Thomas would be a puddle after sex. All fucked out and not able to form a complete sentence. He’d just wanna cuddle up to you and stay in your arms forever. You’d have to reassure him that you'll be right back when you go get a cloth to clean him up. And he’d be on top of you, so fucking clingy, the rest of the night. 
b = body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part of his own body is his hands. He is so proud to be able to make you feel good with his long slender fingers. And he knows you have a thing for them so he makes sure to play with them and move them around when he catches you staring. You can’t blame him either because they are just so beautiful and you want them all over you all the time. His favorite body part of yours is your hips. His favorite thing is to grip on to them while you bounce up and down on his cock. Not guiding you or moving you, just letting you fuck yourself on him while using his hands on your hips as his only tether to reality while you fuck his brains out. 
c = cum (anything to do with cum basically… i’m a disgusting person)
He would spill sooo much cum when you finally let him let go of all his pent up release. There would be thick white ropes dripping all over his chest and stomach after you jerk him off. 
d = dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This boy’s got plenty of dirty secrets, that he’s a little bit ashamed of, that he’ll slowly reveal, knowing that you’d never judge him for anything he’s into or wants to try. One thing that took him a while to let himself indulge in with you is his desire to be totally at your mercy and completely submit to you. He wants to be tied up, blindfolded, and told he’s your pretty little bitch. But once he does tell you, it’s become his second nature to get on his knees and bow his head everytime you give him a certain look. 
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He doesn’t have very much experience but don't worry, he gets off on you teaching him. You’d have to show how to properly make someone feel good and guide his tentative hands where you want them and tell him exactly what you want him to do and call him a good boy when he does it right. 
f = favourite position (this goes without saying.)
He loves it when you’re on top riding him, setting the pace and pinning him down to the bed. He likes to feel your weight on top of him, grounding him. Or, if he’s the one getting fucked, he likes you pounding into you in missionary so he can stare at your pretty face while he lays back and takes all the pleasure you’re willing to give him. 
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Most of the time, he’s too far gone to be cheeky but when you’re just getting started teasing or if you both are wanting something more vanilla for the night, he can be very cute and goofy, always messing around and making little jokes every once in a while. 
h = hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s got cute little blond curls all over that you just can’t help but run your fingers through any chance you get. 
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Thomas is very intimate but still very submissive. He loves to have you closely pressed against him at all times to feel your love for him in your breaths against his skin and little kisses left on his face and neck and warm skin pressed against him. 
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He is constantly jacking off whenever he gets any alone time. Unless of course you punish him by not letting him touch himself because he's a good boy and he knows how to follow your commands even when he doesn’t want to. He knows that his domme knows best. 
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
Obviously he loves your d/s dynamic as well as bondage and pegging. But, something else he really enjoys is a little bit of pain. And not just as punishment, he likes the pain especially during sex. It drives him wild when you bite down hard on his neck or thighs, sometimes even drawing a little blood, or when you scratch your nails hard down his back, or when you fuck into him just a little too hard to overwhelm him a bit. 
l = location (favourite places to do the do)
He’d be down to fuck just about anywhere and any time you want. He loves to be pushed into the nearest lockable room. Or, maybe even a little mild public play with you softly running your fingertips along the exposed skin of his thighs or his chest or his palm and sensitive inner wrist. Or with you planting wet kisses on his neck while he shudders in your embrace, secretly hoping someone sees. 
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything you do. Seeing you lick a drop of ice cream that fell onto your hand; he’s instantly hard. You bend over to pick something up and a little more of your skin is showing
or reach up and your shirt rides up; he’s instantly hard. You innocently brush past him while walking, he’s instantly hard. This boy is obsessed with you and his body definitely makes that clear for you even if he tries to hide it. 
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t like to take charge but you don’t seem to have a problem with that. You love to have him under your control. 
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Always such a good boy, he’ll stay down there for as long as you like him to. And, he absolutely thrives off of being crushed between your thighs and you sitting on his face, grinding yourself on his pretty mouth and nose and using him just to reach your own orgasm. 
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fuck him hard and fast till his mind is turned to mush and he’ll be happy. In those rare times when he’s on top, bouncing up and down on your strap, he’ll be completely pliable in your hands guiding his hips on top of yours while his head rests on your chest letting out moans and whimpers and incoherent words that sound vaguely like your name.  
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Again, he’d be down ot fuck anywhere and any time and you know exactly how to make him cum so quickly. He’d be so blushy and subby afterwards too, all flustered and warm when someone tries to talk to him. He’d need you by his side the rest of the outing, clinging onto you all smiley and happy while everyone else gives you knowing looks. 
r = risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s definitely game to experiment whenever you want to try something new and puts all his trust in you no matter what. Not to mention, Thomas is such an exhibitionist and doing things in public is his favorite risk to take. 
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Poor baby can never last very long when he has a pretty woman touching him. He’ll be ready to burst so quickly once you get your hands on him. 
t = toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
His favorite toy is of course your strap and the many ...ahem… attachments you have just for him. You prefer the big pink one that takes plenty of prep to fit inside him. He also loves your more painful toys too, as much as he begs and pleads for you to stop, he knows he has a safeword to use if he ever wants to and he secretly loves the punishment anyway. 
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
He would never last if he tried to tease you. You, on the other hand, love to tease him. Seeing him get all desperate and whiny is absolute heaven. You’d give him soft little touches and kisses all over his body except where he wants them most. He’d be so desperate you’d have to pin his hands down so he doesn’t touch himself in the meantime. 
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Thomas is so fucking loud. Such a whiny little bitch. You’d have to make sure to stuff or cover his mouth when you’re in a place where you could get caught. When you’re in private though, he would nuzzle his face in your neck and his little whimpers would reverberate through you. 
w = wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Thomas loves when you check in on him during a scene. He knows it’s just to make sure he’s still ok, but it just feels so intimate and sweet to him. You always take a second and lean down to brush the hair out of his face and wipe his stray tears away and place little kisses on his cheeks and nose and ask how he’s feeling or if he wants to continue. It always brings a smile to his face, even in the middle of a punishment. 
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
His cock is quite large. Very long but not super thick. It would feel so good inside you and would look so pretty all red and leaky, dripping all over his stomach. It would get all twitchy at the slightest touch or the feel of your breath over it. 
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is so high. This boy’s gotta get off every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Whenever you’re not fucking him, he’s getting himself off. He’s ready to go at just about any moment. 
z = zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Aw, poor boy is so tired afterwards. After his last orgasm of the night, he’s already half asleep and by the time you’re done cleaning him up, he’s snoring sweetly in your arms.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
could you do "you think that waiter could make you cum the way i do" with bakugo katsuki?
“you think that waiter could make you cum the way i do”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw:  aged up, fluff, domesticity at the end, talks about pregnancy, nsfw (Minors DNI, nipple play, jaw grabbing, fingering, kissing, biting and marking, breeding kink, unprotected car sex, degradation, praise, daddy kink, exhibitionism, spit kink), use of the word mommy in a pregnancy way.
word count: 2,000+
a/n: ria writing for once i know it’s a shock, but here you go some nsfw bakugo
summary: in which after having a dinner date with bakugo, his irritation at how the waiter seems just a bit too close to you, he can’t help but take you right back to his car, ready to show you who’s really in charge
1k event masterlist
�� back to my hero academia masterlist
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Ten fucking minutes, ten fucking minutes and the waiter still stayed by your table, he couldn’t help but glare, couldn’t help but look the man up and down in disgust at his girl. But worst of all, you were entertaining it, with your hushed tones and the way your breasts almost spilt out of your teensy dress Bakugo had chucked at you to wear. It was for him though, not for some stupid waiter, it was supposed to be all his but now here he was watching as you stared at the man laughing at another one of his pathetic jokes.
“A fan, that’s so sweet, I’m sure Bakugo won’t mind us talking for a bit longer, right Katsuki.” He saw that smirk, saw the way you toyed with the bow that rested against your chest to make both of the men stared there. 
Bakugo leant back on his chair, taking a long swing of his drink. His shirt partially unbuttoned as the suit jacket fitted each inch of his muscle clad body, you expected a reaction of anger. But instead he nodded letting you have your fun, “I can’t stop you.” 
It was a grimace but the way you just coyly acted stupid as if you didn’t see the malice in his tone, he continued to lean back, legs spread as he stared at his drink. “You really are gorgeous in real life; the articles were true.”
Bakugo saw you giggle, heard you smack the waiter's arm as you laughed at the comment, that was the final straw for him, the final act that had made him finally decide to end this game, “don’t want an autograph from the number one hero.”
He looked up at the man, arms up against the table as the man finally stared at the man, “I...I...of course I’d loved one.” The waiter felt shell shocked, he knew you and Bakugo were out on a date but the way Bakugo spoke with fury under his calm tone made him shiver. 
The waiter passed the paper and pen, Bakugo taking it as he seemed to be writing some long message, finally signing his name as he handed it back. “Come closer” Bakugo crossed his arms as you stared confused at how the waiter came down to Bakugo, Bakugo whispering in his ear.
The waiter’s face became paler at the sight of what he was hearing, “she’s even more attractive with my cum stuffed inside of her, something you’ll never get to experience, now fuck off be...before i kill you.”
You saw the discarded paper which seemed to only have Bakugo’s name on it but the way the waiter stood frozen in front of your table. Unable to move after hearing Bakugo’s threat, Bakugo eyed you up and down, “come on.”
“Where are we going?”
He doesn’t answer, instead taking your stuff in his hand and putting his hand out, the waiter got out of his gaze watching how you gave him an apologetic look knowing Bakugo probably threatened him. “Get up.”
You take his hand, his grip tightening as he drags you out of the restaurant, cold wind attacking your skin as he pushes you towards his car. Instead of taking you into the front seat, you find yourself in the back, the car being in an empty parking spot as he stared at you with lust. 
“All fun and games isn’t it sweetheart, think you could really show off what’s mine to that pathetic waiter.” His hands began roaming your body as he had let your back lean against the back, his arms surrounding you as he kept you firmly in place. He was almost glad there was enough room in his car to fuck his pretty girl senseless. “Think that waiter could make you cum the  way I do.” It wasn’t a question but the way you tried to answer made Bakugo even more needy to show you who was in charge.
“I…” You tried to speak but his fingers moving to your hardened nipples made you mewl at his touch. 
His fiery eyes looked down at you, wanting and needing to have you all, “try again sweetheart,” his voice seemed calmer, but you knew what was to come. You knew that your next actions were detrimental in how the next half an hour would go. 
“I’m so...sorry daddy.”
“See that wasn’t hard, open up.” His hand moved to grip your jaw forcing it open as you heard him gather his spit up before shooting it right down your throat, his hand firm on your jaw, watching how his spit mixed with your own saliva. It was a beautiful sight as he stuck his finger right on top of your tongue, “you’re going to do as you're told, going to be a good little slut and swallow every piece of me.”
You knew what his words meant, knew what was going to occur, swallowing not only him but yourself in this process. “I...I’ll be good daddy.”
He nodded as his let go of your jaw watching you swallow him all before his mouth attached to your own. It was fast paced, spit and saliva mixing as you could feel him sloppily kiss down your mouth, your jaw and right down to your next where he started making marks. His hands moved to your dress, sliding the straps down as your breasts laid for his hand to grab and grope at. Flicking his fingers between your nipples he felt your body arch as he continued to bite at your neck. 
“So fucking gorgeous, baby girl.” He whispered as his mouth went to your nipples, his tongue swirling around the sensitive nerve as his hands moved to take your underwear to your ankles. You were exposed as his suit jacket had been chucked to the front, you were almost glad that the street was empty but the feeling of being caught sent a thrill through you. 
“Kat...daddy fuck please I...I want m...more.” Your mewls and whines as your nipples were soaked in his saliva made him groan feeling his hardened cock between your legs.
“Want daddy’s cock, want to be stuffed full of my baby’s.” His words went right through you as he unbuttoned his shirt and slipped his trousers off. His eyes watched your form underneath him, so delicate, filled with purity that he had spent countless nights ruining, tainting his precious girl.
You mumbled an answer but all he could hear was a want, a need for you to be fucked dumb by him, “I want your b…babies” You whispered as you felt his cock glide against your folds, the way his hands rested by your side and that malicious look of wanting to fuck his pretty girl being evident.
“I’ll make you a mommy don’t worry.” He whispered loudly as his cock gilded back and forth before you felt him run his hand down your body to your clit. Just as his cock went inside of your cunt his finger began to rub at the bundle of nerves, watching how your body craved more arching into his body.
His mouth went against your own once more, leaving sloppy drool filled kisses, he didn’t know what had gotten into him. To fuck you in such a public place, but he wasn’t regretting it at all, his slow thrusts became harder and deeper as his other hand kept him upright on top, his mouth moving to leave more marks as his fingers moved through your slick. “My good slut.” He groaned watching you moan out “daddy” continuously.
“You want me to be a daddy, gonna give me a baby, come on, you can do it.” His voice felt heavy as he worked his body around you, mouth latching onto your skin or nipples, fingers playing against your clit and rubbing at it to send you into overdrive. But the way his cock fit right into your cunt as if it was made for you, as if you both were two connecting pieces.
You had almost forgotten what had caused for this as you moaned out a “fuck.” But then you heard your cause, even if Bakugo wanted to put a baby in you, his harder thrusts and way he seemed to get deeper and deeper inside of your pretty little cunt. The cause of this had been jealousy and how you had acted in front of him.
“Don’t think I forgot what happened baby, I’m gonna get you pregnant, gonna make you permanently mine, no man is ever gonna look at you without seeing me, okay?” You nodded but his hand moved away from your slick filled clit and right up to your lips. “Try again.”
His fingers moved across your lips watching how slick coated it as you gave him the reply he wanted, “yes da..daddy, I wan…want to make you a daddy.”
He liked the way you spoke, liked how you agreed to be his little breeding partner. He always knew he wanted a family with you but the fast pace of this all, the way his thrusts seemed to get deeper in you with a climax being near he couldn’t help but love you. “Good girl.” He moved strands of hairs away from your face, kissing your forehead as he continued to slide back and forth inside of his pretty girl.
“Pretty baby.” He whispered as he felt you continue to mould into him, your fingers scratching into his back, your mouth against his neck making your own marks on his skin. He couldn’t help but feel love as he watched you move your hips with his thrusts.
You could feel the coil inside of your stomach needing a release as he moaned into your ear, “you want…fuck…want to cum.”
“Yes d…daddy.” You mewled back feeling his pace go quicker, each thrust sending you into overdrive.
“Cum for me.” He whispered as you felt the white gush right out of you, his cock being large enough to keep it right inside of you, Bakugo used it to gain more quicker thrusts. Using your cunt and the cum to his advantage as he felt his own coil snap and cum gush right out of him as well, he saw the way your cunt was stuffed.
The way cum was trying to leak out, he took his cock out watching the cum spill from your cunt as he looked up at your sweaty dishevelled face. He couldn’t help but imagine a future and family with you, bringing the cum into his hands you felt his fingers begin to stuff it right back into you. Looking down between your legs he looked up, as cum covered his fingers.
“Gotta make you have my baby.” He muttered as you watched him move between your legs, knee between and fingers ready to go right into your mouth, “such a slut.”
You didn’t care for his comments instead loving how his arms wrapped around you as you leant against the passenger side door. The way he rested his head against your stomach, hand in his hair as you leaked off him cum. He couldn’t help but love being in between your arms even if it was in his car naked.
“You really want me to get pregnant?” You finally questioned, he looked up into your eyes, a soft gaze before turning to face away.
“I want to have a family with you idiot, of course I want you pregnant.” He rolled his eyes as you scowled at him. “If you end up pregnant I’ll support whatever decision you make.”
“I want a family with you…” You paused watching him, he seemed eager for an answer but turned to face away to act like his normal annoyed self, “…now.”
He turned to face you, a smirk as he leant in to kiss you, he seemed happy trying to hide it with his normal demeanour, and it wasn’t like you were kids. You could have these conversations and the both of you knew that you were going to have your forever together.
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hongism · 3 years
reciprocated - j.wy (ft. c.san) 18+
↦ pairing: san x fem!reader x wooyoung ↦ genre: pwp, smut, 18+, non idol au, friends with benefits au ↦ wc: 4.0k ↦ pt 2 to belated | ↦ warnings: explicit smut, unprotected sex, oral sex: f and m, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum eating, masturbation, creampie
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When you and San sent Wooyoung the less than appropriate for viewing video, you had half-expected an immediate response of an extended keyboard smash or just a series of emojis conveying his both panic and excitement to be receiving such a thing. What you got in reality was radio silence on his part, and that seems to have caught San off-guard as well because he can’t seem to figure out why Wooyoung wouldn’t respond. Granted, it’s only been around a week since you sent the damn thing, but Wooyoung is notorious for responding within a fraction of a second, so the mystery becomes why hasn’t Wooyoung responded or reacted. He texts you and San regularly, either through the group chat you have with the two men or just one on one, but he does not under any circumstances mention the email attachment you sent from San’s computer. Even when San directly asked him over text if he received his birthday gift, Wooyoung just neglected to respond entirely.
San could not be more unbothered by the fact that Wooyoung won’t respond. You on the other hand can’t help but feel like he has seen the video and was so disgusted and grossed out by it that he’s just counting down the days to end your friendship. It’s a constant and bubbling anxiety in your gut, and it’s one that heightens when Friday evening rolls around and Wooyoung comes by your apartment with San to watch a movie.
The latter arrives before Wooyoung does, pushing into the apartment like he owns in and immediately making himself comfortable beside you on the couch. Your nervous exterior must be evident to him because his cheerful attitude morphs into one of concern the second he sits down.
“What’s that expression for?”
“Do you think he’s… I don’t know, weirded out?”
“By the video?” You nod hastily, and San twists to look at the ceiling. “No way. He’s probably too shy to say anything. Full guarantee he’s been using it as jerk off material every day this week.”
“Are you sure? Wouldn’t he have said something by now? I think it’s—”
“I think you’re overthinking,” San states. An idle hand comes to rest on your thigh, skin bared by the shorts you’re wearing, and he mindlessly traces faint patterns there. “I have an idea. One that I’ll only do if you’re okay with it.”
“What are you planning?” You narrow your gaze on San. The words are a bit suspicious, but San has never given you a reason not to trust him before, and you’re certain he wouldn’t do anything without your explicit permission and comfort.
“He’s too shy to talk about it, no?”
“I don’t know, San. That’s part of my concern,” you huff out in response.
“And I know him better than you do. Trust me when I say that he is merely too shy to say anything about the video.”
“So, the plan is…?”
“San!” The man all but cackles at your startled reaction and retracts his hand from your leg to clutch at his chest.
“I’m being completely serious.”
“You can’t be.” San deadpans, eyes searching yours with razor-sharp focus. “San.”
“Do you want to see how he really feels about it?”
“Of course I do but… I’m – I, well, I’m just shy about it!”
“And do you trust me to guide you through it and stop when you want to stop?” San leans towards you, and you find yourself moving with him, breaths intermingling as you get closer to each other.
“Yes, I always do, San.” He laughs under his breath once before letting his forehead fall against yours.
“And how do you feel about sex with Wooyoung?”
“I’m… I would like that a lot, I think. You aren’t gonna get jealous if Wooyoung fucks me, are you?”
“I can’t promise not to, but at the end of the day, I know—”
The thought is cut short thanks to the door popping open once more, and this time when you look up at it, it’s Wooyoung who steps through with his head tucked to his chest. You sink your teeth into your lower lip without thinking, letting San nudge you further down to the middle of the couch so he can better settle against your body. Wooyoung doesn’t even look up as he comes closer, phone in hand and screen flashing a bright light that keeps him preoccupied. That does absolutely nothing to ease your worries though, and his obvious avoidance of you and San’s forms causes an extra surge of panic to rush through you. San again detects your nerves and darts a hand out to clasp around your thigh just at the top of your knee, fingers massaging the bare skin there gently while Wooyoung positions himself on the other end of the couch. He doesn’t put a ton of distance between the two of you, which is a small reassurance, but he still won’t look up at you.
“Hey, Woo, did you–oof!” You send an elbow straight into San’s ribcage before he can finish the question. San squeezes hard at your leg and sends you a sharp and pointed glare. You return it with one of equal heat to no avail because San continues speaking, hand keeping you firmly in place. “Did you get my gift? For your birthday?”
Choi San is far too bold for your liking, you’ve decided that much.
“B-Birthday?” Wooyoung stutters. He glances up from his phone with cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his gaze flicks between you and San for a few seconds. The silence drags. You can hardly breathe thanks to the lump in your throat. Wooyoung stares. San waits. And you are ready to burst. Then —
“For fuck’s sake, Wooyoung, do we need to reenact it on the couch for you?”
And in that moment, you truly do think you have died because there is no way in a million years that San really just said those words out loud. You jerk to bury your face against his shoulder – not helping your case since Wooyoung has most definitely seen the video and is most definitely thinking about the things you and San were doing in said video and any act of intimacy or closeness between the two of you is a dumpster fire just waiting to happen.
“No! No, no, no, no, no,” Wooyoung rambles so quickly that the words sound foreign against your ears. “You don’t – I wouldn’t – that’s too much to ask, I would never—”
“Well, you were obviously thinking about it!” San argues, not missing a beat in his remarks, and you really want nothing more than to completely disappear from existence entirely. “That boner isn’t exactly discreet!”
Whatever sound leaves your lips is nothing short of inhumane, most likely something close to a pig squealing, and San secures an arm around your waist when you throw yourself further against him. He releases a loud laugh that rings in your ear, squeezing you as tight as he can without hurting you.
“I’m sure we can work something out. You heard the way Y/N was screaming your name, didn’t you?” You’re thankful that Wooyoung can’t see your face because you are positive that your wide eyes make you look like a deer caught in headlights and he might take that as a sign of hesitance, when in reality you are already imagining Wooyoung fucking you raw while you’re bent over San’s lap. Instead, San stands up from the couch, keeping his hands on yours while he moves, and you blink up at him with the same wide eyes.
“I – I didn’t w-want to assume that she – I thought it was just… just because you were – yeah,” Wooyoung stammers. His voice grows more quiet with each passing word, and you can envision the way his chin drops to his chest as it normally does when he’s flustered.
“Didn’t want to assume that she wanted you just as badly as you want her?” San inquires, head tilting to the side as he asks the question. “Was the sight of her begging for your cock while my cum was dripping off her face not enough for you?” You need to make a mental note to beat the shit out of him after this, but you also don’t want to admit that the burning humiliation is actually causing your gut to twist with arousal. Your thighs press tightly together against the couch – a movement that doesn’t escape San’s notice. “She’s practically drooling from the thought already. Shouldn’t you give her something to do with that mouth?”
The words have their intended effect on you; they’re words San has spoken to you in less than appropriate situations time and time again, but now they seem even more filthy because Wooyoung is right there. Your lower lip trembles as a whimper slips out, and you hear Wooyoung inhale a sharp and painful breath of air.
“I won’t interrupt, don’t worry,” San murmurs, letting a finger trace over your chin. “I’ll just keep her fully occupied, yeah? How does that sound, sweetheart?”
“G-Good,” you hastily answer through a gasp.
“Mhm, then you can be good and sit still for him while I eat you out?”
“S-San.” The single word is spoken breathlessly, and you’re shocked that it even comes out with sound, to be honest. San just smirks in response, watching and waiting for you to indicate that you don’t want to do this. So when you provide a small nod of confirmation, he nudges you off the couch and onto the floor. Your knees hit the carpet painfully, but you take it in stride as best you can and move to a more comfortable position. Wooyoung remains in a state of shock, not budging one bit from his spot on the farthest cushion, and San has to lean over your kneeling form to catch hold of Wooyoung’s collar and yank him forward.
“Are you gonna make her do all the work?” He hums, pressing into Wooyoung’s personal space so much so that Wooyoung has to lean away from him.
“N-No, I’m – I’m just still a bit shocked.” He isn’t too shocked to finally sit on the center cushion and press his legs around your body, feet planted firmly on either side of your thighs. Now you can clearly see the growing erection tucked behind his jeans along with the hazy flush on his cheeks and neck that looks oh so pretty from this angle.
San moves away from the couch no doubt to make room for himself between your folds. It leaves you with the task of helping Wooyoung out of his pants, but without San’s endless confidence, you both fumble awkwardly around each other for too long before bonking heads when Wooyoung tries to tug his pants down for you. Ironically enough, the contact is all you needed to dispel the awkward energy between you two, and you share in a small laugh with hands still fumbling over each other.
“Do you… is he right?” Wooyoung asks once your hands hook around his underwear. You hesitate there, blinking up at the man in wonder for a few moments.
“Yeah, he – um, he didn’t really need to convince me to do the video,” you mumble back before embarrassment gets the better of you. “I was just worried that you wouldn’t see me like that.”
“Oh no, I definitely do! Not to, uh, sound too enthusiastic but yeah. I do.” You can only manage a tight-lipped grin in Wooyoung’s direction before taking hold of his underwear and yanking it down past his knees. A startled groan leaves him as cold air touches his stiff member, cock springing out to slap against the fabric of his shirt. The shirt doesn’t remain on for long as it is though, seeing as Wooyoung leans back and strips himself of the material without second thought. San makes a timely appearance behind you in that moment, hands running up your sides to tug your shirt off as he settles on the floor. You let him move your body into whatever position he wants while you keep your gaze firmly set on Wooyoung.
Wooyoung doesn’t maintain eye contact, however; he keeps his gaze firmly set on your body, trailing over the mounds of your breasts and the freshly exposed skin that’s left there now. His tongue pokes out to dart over his lips, and the hunger of lust gives him a newfound sense of confidence that has him leaning towards you. You sit up to meet him halfway — lips smash together in a clash of saliva and tongue, teeth clattering as they bump together. San works on pulling your pants away as well, leaving you full bare before both men, but he doesn’t give you time to be embarrassed or shy about the lack of clothes. He weasels his way between your legs and comes face to face with your now exposed cunt. A few strands of arousal are already present there just from the sight of Wooyoung’s hardened cock, which San laps up like a starved man.
The tiniest kitten lick has you whimpering, San’s hands latching around your hips and pulling you down to his chin. You brace yourself on Wooyoung’s muscled thighs. The skin is soft under your fingers, but the harsh touch has his muscles trembling and tensing under you. You dip closer to his crotch, eyes not leaving his for a second. He can only groan under his breath as you drag the flat of your tongue up his length. His cock is heavy against your tongue, a bit of saltiness lingering there thanks to the precum leaking from his tip, but you take it in stride and gulp the taste down as best you can. With a startled gasp, Wooyoung twitches in your mouth, and his hips buck up off the couch to thrust further into your wet heat.
“S-Shit,” Wooyoung mutters. He tries to still his hips to no avail because the more you move your tongue along his dick, the more he struggles to keep from jerking and writhing under your touch.
“She’s good, isn’t she?” San hums from between your legs. “Such a good little cock slut.” The words carry over your clit, sending rapid vibrations through you, and now it’s your turn to thrash from pleasure. You moan around Wooyoung’s length and squeeze his base a little tighter. Even though the ministrations from San are nothing short of amazing, you refuse to be outdone, especially when this is about Wooyoung and not you. Thus you choke back your moans and drop your mouth lower on Wooyoung’s dick, hollowing your cheeks as you bob along him.
He’s not exactly the largest – in girth or in length – but he’s most definitely a bit longer than San, as well as a tad slimmer. His cock has a slight curve to it, one that causes him to hit the back of your throat sooner than you expect, and it’s a struggle not to gag around him. Your throat does constrict a bit, but that only draws a moan from Wooyoung’s lips. He reaches up to cover the sound, clasping his fingers hard around his mouth, and you resist the urge to giggle at his flushed cheeks and embarrassment. Instead, you pull the flat of your tongue over him and explore the underside of his cock like that. You spend an ample amount of time just tracing each ridge and vein on him before pulling up to suck gently at his head. Wooyoung is especially sensitive there; he jerks and writhes the instant you start paying attention to the skin there, thighs quaking from the stimulation.
“A-Ah, wait, w-wait, I — fuck!” Wooyoung doesn’t get to finish his thought, and he reaches down to close his hand over yours, squeezing hard at the base of his cock until his member is flushed a deep red. The action catches you off-guard at first, but he doesn’t let you stay confused for long before he explains his reasoning. “D-Don’t wanna cum yet.”
“You won’t last long in me like this,” you counter through a smirk. Wooyoung’s cheeks bear a thin sheen of sweat now, which only enhances the blush across them.
“I c-can’t get it back up that quickly. If I’m gonna cum, then I want it to be in you.”
“Gosh, you’re such a smooth-talker,” you tease as you push your legs into a standing position. San doesn’t question it, merely slipping out from under you to move to another part of the room. You don’t bother to look back at him; Wooyoung holds all of your attention in the palm of his hand now. Confident hands fall onto Wooyoung’s shoulders, and you lower yourself onto his lap. A coy smirk plays at your lips, one that Wooyoung watches with rapt focus as you press his leaking erection flat against his stomach between your sweaty and naked bodies. “Makes me want you to fuck me, Wooyoungie.” You can’t keep from pushing your lips into a slight pout, hand snaking down to take hold of Wooyoung’s member again, and you jerk him with languid and deliberate strokes.
“Fu-uck, is she – is she always like this?”
“More often than not,” San chuckles from his new position off to the side, legs spread wide as he runs a hand over his own erection. “Just wait until you actually get your cock in her. Didn’t she sound so desperate and needy in the video?”
Wooyoung’s hands find your hips and grip the skin there so tightly that you can feel it bruising under his touch, but the slight sparks of pain it leaves you with are nothing short of delightful. It’s enough to cause you to let out a small whimper and clench your hand down hard on Wooyoung’s cock. That is all the incentive he needs to pull you up over his member. You guide him to your entrance without hesitation, moving as he does to meet his lips in a messy kiss. He pushes into you a bit then and exhales a small groan into your mouth that you eat up without hesitation.
“More,” you mumble against him and shove his hands out of the way. You push your hips body down as far as you can, taking his cock all the way into your tight heat. Wooyoung breaks the kiss to let out a choked gasp. He throws his head back, exposing the pretty tanned column of his neck, and you dive in without thought. Your teeth drag over the skin there with the intention to nip and bite at it, but Wooyoung runs a hair through your hair, gripping the base of your neck tight to tug you back and look you in the eye.
“Tell me how you want me to fuck you,” he all but growls, eliciting a sharp wave of arousal in your gut.
“Hard and fast like you fucking mean it,” you hiss. You grip his chin hard in your hand and pinch his cheeks together to plant a sloppy kiss on his lips.
Wooyoung takes your words in stride, securing your legs around him quickly before flipping you onto your back. A huff of air passes through your lips from the impact of hitting the couch cushions so hard, but Wooyoung doesn’t even give you a chance to catch your breath before he is pistoning his cock in and out of your cunt without any semblance of restraint or rhythm.
“Holy s-shit,” you exhale, biting back a moan just before it falls out. All you can do is secure your hands on the cushions beneath you as Wooyoung fucks you in a fit of passion and intensity. San must be enjoying the sight of you two based on the groans that slip out of his mouth, loud noises that accentuate your own and the lewd sounds coming from between your bodies. “Fuck me so good, Wooyoung, god, you feel so good in me. Want you to cum in me too, baby. Fill me up nicely, y-yeah?” It’s a miracle that you get any words out, let alone that many without endless stutters and gasps, but the effort it takes is more than worth it when you see the look in Wooyoung’s eyes. He doesn’t respond verbally; although he doesn’t particularly need to because his dick does all the talking for him in the way he fucks you deeper than before, searching for that treasured sweet spot of yours. It only takes a few thrusts for him to find it, and when he brushes over the sensitive area, you can’t contain your noises any longer.
You fling out a desperate hand in San’s direction, searching for some sort of contact from the man, but Wooyoung snatches up the limb instead. He tangles his fingers with yours as he fucks you, and it provides a delightful amount of intimacy that you were craving even when he pins that same hand behind your head to thrust into your tight walls at a different angle.
“You gonna cum, Y/N?” Wooyoung growls against the shell of your ear. He catches your lobe between his teeth, nipping at the skin in a way that has your back arching off the couch and into his body. It nearly tips you over the edge, but you hold on a little bit longer with sheer willpower to cum alongside him. “You’re so tight I can barely move.”
“Wooyoung,” you whine, writhing a bit under him as his thrusts slow down a bit. He shuts you up then and there with his lips and kisses you until you’re positively breathless.
“Cum for me, angel.” His gaze flits up to where San is sitting with cock in hand, eyes glinting dangerously for a moment. His lips touch the shell of your ear and fill it with soft pants that have you shivering. “And call out Sannie’s name for him since he’s being so good over there all on his own.”
It only takes one glance over to where San is perched for you to cum, the mere sight of him jerking his length with sweat on his brow and eyes firmly fixated on your body, and a hasty cry of his name tumbles from your lips. It must be enough to send him over the edge too because you hear him call out your name a moment later, then Wooyoung joins the two of you in sweet ecstasy, hips stuttering in their rhythm as warm cum fills your cunt. You’re so spent you can barely move or think straight in the blessed aftermath of your orgasm, but Wooyoung gets up rather quickly. He climbs off your body and steps over to where San is seated still. In the blink of an eye, he drops to his knees in front of the man – his best friend at that – and his mouth is on San’s softening cock, lapping up the evidence of his orgasm and the cum that splattered over his stomach. A giggle leaves Wooyoung’s lips as he pulls up again and swipes a finger over his mouth to collect any excess cum.
“That was fun,” he says with a smile. A straight row of glistening teeth sink into his lower lip. “And something we should do again sometime.”
“I doubt you’ll have to do much to convince us,” San mutters, eyes darting over to find yours. “Right, Y/N?”
“Sign me up.”
a/n: im sorry this took so lONG oidjfosij this was really hard to write for some reason so i hope it’s still good but yeet yes hello ;-;
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pennylanefics · 3 years
Soft Alphabet v. 2 - Isaac Lahey
a/n: i’ve had this done for so long but have been lazy to transfer it over 🤣
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A - Attention (how much attention they give you/when they do/what they do)
if you’re alone, you’re his main focus. he just loves you so much that when you spend time together, he wants to spend time with you. sure, he can come over and do homework and sit in silence together, but he can do that at home, or scott’s. he won’t ask for much, watching a film would be just fine as long as he can just have you in his arms. if you are dealing with supernatural stuff, though, he tends to focus more on that, if it’s not at home. if you’re doing research together for the pack at your place or scott’s, he can’t help but kiss you every few minutes just to let you know that he’s thinking of you and is happy to be with you.
B - Baby (do they want a family/how are they as a father)
isaac definitely wants a family in the future. he didn’t want to end up like his dad, and he wanted to make sure his life was better than the way it was before he met you. he only ever wanted two kids, and that’s what happened. you gave birth to a boy, and then a girl. he is such an amazing father, and with his werewolf abilities, is able to take their pain when they get hurt or aren’t feeling well. he wonders if they’re going to be wolves as well, and is more than prepared to teach them everything they need to know.
C - Certain (when did they realize they wanted to be with you)
when he realizes you are his anchor. he struggled to find his anchor for the longest time, but as soon as you came around, he noticed he was able to calm down easier and control himself quicker than before. he just figured it was something in the back of his mind, he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. until one day, when he flipped out on derek, did he realize. derek shouted at him to focus on you: what you smell like, what your touch feels like, the feeling he gets when you’re with him. it instantly turns him back to human and derek just smiles. that night, he asked you to be his girlfriend.
D - Doubt (what happens when you or him doubt your relationship/being together)
you both doubt it at different times. after a couple months of dating, isaac was dealing with being a werewolf, school, a relationship, and just his mental health. he is beyond tired of juggling everything and asked for you to take a small break. since he was important to you and you cared for him, you agreed to it. later on, when you get back together after a few weeks, he starts focusing more on the pack and supernatural world, resulting in you feeling neglected. he was of course upset with this and it resulted in a long night of talking your problems out so you wouldn’t break up again.
E - Emergency (how do they react to you being hurt/in danger, vice versa)
he panics terribly. if something happens to you or involves you, he is not okay. one time, while fighting ethan and aiden, you got caught in between him and aiden, which resulted in you getting clawed and thrown against the wall. scott took over handling aiden so isaac could get you. he takes you to the hospital and as you are taken in for surgery, he doesn’t stop pacing. he’s biting his nails, tugging at his hair, refusing to sit down. when you’re out and awake, he is in your room within seconds, crying into your hands and whispering how much he loves you and how he was so scared you were gone. he also takes your pain away too much for his own good.
F - Family (introducing each other to your families)
you were quick to introduce isaac to your family. he was more than happy to meet them and allow them to see that he’s not like what the town says. he got along with your parents very well, and your little sister had taken a liking to him, specifically. after dinner, your mother invited him to stay for the family movie night. he of course was glad to, and during the film, your sister fell asleep against his left side, you cuddled up to his right. in that moment, he feels at home for the first time in a long time, and he can’t wait to spend more time with them.
G - Grief (comforting one another in rough times)
being in a supernatural hotspot, you were bound to see death and sadness within the pack. when allison was killed, you and isaac took it the hardest next to scott. you and allison had been friends since she moved to beacon hills high. you two had a couple classes together and grew very close. when she started dating scott, she ended up introducing you to isaac. so it was her to thank that you were with the one you love. that night, the three of you talked and stayed up all night in scott’s living room, talking about memories, what you loved about her, what you’ll miss. isaac held you in his arms the entire time, his head resting on yours. his grip tightened every time you sobbed out, wanting to take your pain away more than anything.
H - Hold (holding each other/holding others/holding pets)
with how much trauma isaac has endured, holding him in your arms to calm him down from nightmares or just general flashbacks was normal. and it’s not something you minded one bit, but it did break your heart. you could feel every shake of his body, every cry, every whimper, the tears pooling on your skin or shirt. it was a horrible sight to witness, but you stayed strong for him and rubbed his back, underneath his shirt. your touch against his skin was calming, and his fingers were always attached to you while holding him, no matter what.
I - Insomnia (what you/they do when either of you can’t sleep)
when he can’t sleep, he tries to keep it from you. he doesn’t like waking you up, bothering you, as he puts it, to talk with him and ease his mind, so he tries some ways to calm down that you told him to do so. he tries reading, that doesn’t help. he tries writing his thoughts down, but that just makes things worse. he attempts to watch tv or listen to music, but still, nothing. finally, after going through everything, he wakes you up, apologizing and cuddling you close to him. he feels awful, but you let him know that it’s okay to wake you up if he’s having trouble sleeping and just needs someone to talk to.
J - Jewelry (gifts they give you, fancy or not)
he gets you certain gifts for anniversaries. like for your sixth month, he got you a big bouquet of flowers and took you out for a nice dinner. on your year anniversary, he got you a beautiful necklace. one on occasion he got you a simple ring, not for anything more than to show his love for you. he usually doesn’t know what kind of gifts to get you, so he doesn’t get you anything at all.
K - Kryptonite (their weaknesses)
isaac’s weakness is definitely your touch. it’s also his anchor. so when he’s raging on a full moon and close to losing control, you are always there to grab his face and make him look at you, instantly calming him. it’s something you do when he’s also close to wolfing out anytime. one touch to his cheek and his eyes are back to normal and his fangs are retracting back into his gums. it’s also a way to get him in the mood. if you’re feeling worked up, all you have to do is cup his chin to give him a kiss, maybe run your finger across his cheek, and he is putty in your hands.
L - Lingerie (their reactions to seeing you in fancy lingerie)
isaac is stunned silent. he didn’t know how to react, so he just stood there, staring, heavily breathing. as you stepped forward, he gulps nervously and you tenderly place his hands on your waist. he feels the lace against your skin, the color of the lingerie complimenting your skin tone perfectly. he couldn’t stop staring every second, and when you tried kissing him, he pulled away to finally compliment you, awkwardly giggling and pulling you back in for a sweet kiss.
M - Marriage (what a wedding is like with them/what married life is like)
i feel like getting married to isaac would just make him ten times softer. like dating is great, but marriage is a forever commitment, technically speaking. that means he has to ‘up’ his game to keep you, as he sees it. he’s much more loving and cuddly, so happy that you two made it to this point. every night before bed, he pulls you close to him and just gives you kisses all over your face and neck. after you two settle, he expresses how happy he is that you’re married and promises to make you happy for the rest of your life. the sincerity and love in his voice makes you cry every single time.
N - Nervous (were they nervous for any first times in your relationship: first meeting, first kiss, first time)
everything, basically. he’s nervous to kiss you, nervous to have sex, nervous to spend the night with you for the first time. he’s never felt this way about someone so he didn’t know what was right or wrong when it came to some things. he had to ask scott and derek, though the latter wasn’t much help, about how to go about these things. what should he do if he wants to kiss you? what should be the proper way to ask you to spend the night with him? all of these things, he was supposed to have learned from his dad, but he was happy that scott was willing to help.
O - Overreact (how often do you/they overreact and how bad does it get)
you sometimes overreact to him dealing with the supernatural world. obviously, you don’t know everything and oftentimes, you do your own research. so when you go to isaac and tell him he needs to be careful or to not mess with a certain creature, he tells you it’s fine. you’ll go on a big rant about how you hate that he is so careless with this stuff and he doesn’t really care about his own safety or even yours, but he is quick to silence you with a kiss. he assures you he knows what he’s doing, as scott and derek are pretty well trained with the supernatural and wouldn’t approach or attack something that they don’t have the power for.
P - Past (how does their/your past affect your relationship)
isaac’s past definitely makes some things hard in the beginning of your relationship. he has trust issues, problems with being in closed spaces, being spoken to in a different tone than usual, things you wouldn’t think are a problem. but when he flips out because you dragged him into a closet to steal a few minutes of a makeout session, you feel horrible. later that night, he cries in your arms and tells you everything about his past, things with his dad, how he was treated, and it made you be more careful with your words and actions around him.
Q - Quarrel (fighting with each other)
fighting with isaac is never a good time. he picks at the littlest of things in the beginning of your relationship, which is also when he’s still trying to come to terms with the fact that he’s a wolf. things like you not being able to hang out because of homework, hanging out with scott instead of him, making comments about the supernatural world. usually, they don’t last that long because you tell him he’s being ridiculous, when he is. when fights get more serious later on, though, you can spend days not talking to one another.
R - Romance (how your relationship has progressed over time)
at first, your relationship progresses slowly. he’s never been in a real relationship so everything is new to him. he’s scared of making the wrong move or saying the wrong thing, so he’s wary of taking things too far right off the bat. but when you get more and more comfortable with one another, things take off, and you fall in love very quickly. isaac is a great boyfriend, so it was easy to progress your relationship when the time came and feel at ease with each other.
S - Sorry (what happens after fights)
you let him calm down after fights. he’s usually close to wolfing out most times, so when you see his eyes begin to glow, you walk away, telling him to anchor himself and come back when he’s ready to talk things out as a human. it doesn’t take long before he’s trudging to wherever you are in the house/apartment and crying uncontrollably in your arms, whimpering that he’s sorry and he doesn’t want to lose you over a stupid fight. sometimes fights can last days. well, the silent treatment from both of you. but either you, him, or someone in the pack forces you to reconcile and resolve things.
T - Tender (how sweet they can be in different moments)
isaac has never had a loving family, so when you showed him what love is, he wanted to reciprocate. he is tender all the damn time. cuddling? he’s rubbing your back or shoulder soothingly, pressing kisses to your forehead and whispering how much he cares for you. the only time he’s not really affectionate is in public. he loves you and all, but he’s not one for much pda. holding hands, yeah, kissing, not really. unless he’s jealous and trying to prove a point.
U - Upset (what you do that upsets them/vice versa and how they react to it)
when you talk shit about certain pack members. you understand that they are practically his family, but some of them, in the beginning, didn’t treat him so well, including derek. sure, you didn’t know everything that went on behind the scenes, but you knew general things. at times, derek was taking advantage of isaac and his trauma, which is what you spoke out about. this led to a small fight with isaac defending his pack.
V - Violence (what you do when they turn to violence)
isaac can’t help but turn to violence, due to his werewolf nature. sometimes, you’re okay with it, knowing that he has to fight against other supernatural creatures and use his werewolf abilities. but when it comes to just randomly getting into fights because he was jealous or angry at one of the pack members just because, you anchor him to get him to stop. you don’t like seeing or hearing that he fought with someone. you know he’s used to using violence as a response to anger, but you don’t like seeing him so angry.
W - Wait (how long they wait to make a move or do something)
after allison introduced the two of you, he didn’t make a move for a while. you became friends first, and he got advice from scott, derek, boyd, and even stiles on how to make a move. he wanted to make it right, he wanted to make sure it was a memorable experience for both of you and an important moment. when he finally asks you out on a date, or to be his girlfriend, he explains why he waited so long. you admit that he could have asked you to be his girlfriend in a janitor’s closet and you would’ve been happy.
X - X-Rated (are they dirty in inappropriate times)
he usually prefers to keep dirty things for the bedroom. as mentioned, he’s not one for pda, so if you’re at a pack meeting, or at school, or even shopping, he doesn’t like whispering dirty things in your ear or being inappropriate. you’ve done it a couple times, but he voiced his opinion on it, so you stopped right away. he also is slightly embarrassed about the idea of sex, not having much experience, so it wasn’t something he wanted everyone to know.
Y - Year (what you do to celebrate one-year celebrations)
he takes you to paris, which is the main reason you end up moving there together after allison’s death. he surprised you with tickets the night before, and you spent the early hours of the morning packing excitedly and talking about what you wanted to do there. he got you two a very special, nice hotel room, equipped with a hot tub in the bathroom and everything. it was a very romantic week and it was nice to just take time away from the supernatural and focus on each other.
Z - Zzz (what it’s like to sleep with them, just sleep)
isaac is a cuddler. like he has to hold you in his arms otherwise he can’t sleep. you don’t mind one bit. you love cuddling close to him, nuzzling your face in his neck or sweater. there are times where he sleeps shirtless and you love it because you get to be really close to him, his warm skin keeping you cozy and comfortable. before he nods off, whether you’re awake or not, he always has to press a kiss to your forehead or cheek, whichever is easiest for him to reach; most times it’s your forehead. it’s such a sweet and intimate gesture that he started early on and continued to do for the rest of your relationship.
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arc852 · 3 years
An Unlikely Duo Ch. 1
Summary: Tommy is an orphaned borrower forced to move from the house he grew up in.  
 Wilbur is a foster kid inbetween homes. 
 What happens when they meet?
Warnings: Fear and panic
Word Count: 2936
Read on AO3!
 Don’t let the human see you, don’t let the human see you.
 Don’t get caught, don’t get caught. 
 Even at eleven years old, Tommy knew the rules well and just how important they were. His parents hadn’t left him with much when they disappeared several months ago, but they had been smart enough to teach him the rules and the very basics of borrowing.
 Tommy thought he was doing pretty well for himself, all things considered.
 He had managed to travel to the next building over from where he had been with his parents. He hadn’t wanted to leave but the humans of the house had recently gotten a cat and Tommy’s head rang with warnings from his parents. Cats and most other animals were dangerous. It was better for Tommy to leave then try and stay. 
 And so he did. Thankfully it hadn’t taken him long, a day at most to get past the yard and into the next lot. This house was bigger than the rest he had seen and he hadn’t understood why until he noticed the tens of kids running around the place.
 Tommy felt a shiver run through his spine when he saw all the humans running about. He definitely couldn’t stay here. Too much of a chance for him to get caught.
 He needed to move again, unfortunately, but he needed to gather more supplies first. So he went through the vent system, peeking into each room and trying to find one that didn’t have any humans in it. Though the task was proving difficult.
 Finally, he stumbled upon a room that had no human in sight. Tommy grinned and maneuvered through the tunnels in the wall to come out underneath the one bed in the room. He gripped his bag tight, looking around the floor. Despite no humans around, his parents always told him to be on high alert, just in case.
 With the coast clear, Tommy emerged from underneath the bed and looked up at the desk that was in the room. He couldn’t see the contents on it from the floor, but he needed a new paperclip for his hook and that was usually the place they were kept, so that was his best bet. He just needed to find a way up there.
 He noticed the sheet of the bed hanging down towards the floor from the bed. He could go up that way and then get onto the nightstand right by the bed. From there, he could go across the windowsill to the desk. Perfect. Tommy started putting his plan to action, tugging on the sheet to make sure it was secure before climbing up and onto the bed.
 Tommy had never been on a human bed before and it took him a moment to gain his footing on the uneven surface but he eventually evened out and made his way to the nightstand. He stepped back and took a running start, landing somewhat gracefully onto the wooden surface. He was about to hoist himself up on the windowsill when the door to the room clicked. Tommy froze, mind going into a panic as he watched as the door opened, revealing a human boy not too much older than Tommy. Tommy glanced around for a second before diving behind the alarm clock, making himself appear smaller than he already was as he curled up behind it.
 Tommy heard the door shut behind the human and then muffled footsteps before the human all but flopped onto the bed right beside his hiding spot. Part of Tommy wanted to take a peek at the human, but the part of his brain that sounded a lot like his parents told him to stay still. He was going to listen to the latter, he really was, but then a series of sounds took place. Tommy couldn’t quite place them but it almost sounded like something was being shifted about and taken out of something.
 And then music started playing.
 Tommy’s eyes widened. He hadn’t heard much music in his short life. It was dangerous to be loud within the walls of a home and the humans he used to live with weren’t big on playing their music out loud. The only thing he can think of hearing regularly, was the soft voice of his mother singing him to sleep every night.
 This music was different but still nice. There were some parts where it wasn’t so nice but overall, the music was good. Like, actually really good. Tommy wanted to see what was making the music and so, with his curiosity winning out, the borrower peeked out from behind the alarm clock, eyes widening at the...thing the human was holding.
 No, not just holding. Using. The human appeared to be plucking and strumming strings that were attached to the thing. It was strange looking but it made one of the most beautiful sounds Tommy had ever heard.
 Tommy hadn’t even realized he leaned out as far as he had until large brown eyes met his smaller, blue ones.
 The music stopped suddenly and dread started to fill Tommy’s entire being. No, no, no, no. He had broken the one rule his parents had left with him. Don’t let the human see you, don’t get caught. Well, it was a little too late for that now.
 “Whoa…” The quiet exclamation rang loudly in Tommy’s ears and it was just what he needed to snap out of it. He stood and turned to run. Maybe if he could make it to the desk like he had originally planned, there would be some cord or something for him to climb down with.
 Unfortunately for the borrower, he never even made it off the nightstand. 
 “Wait!” The human yelled. The loud noise caused Tommy to falter and he turned his head to look back at the human. A giant hand filled his vision and before Tommy could even react, the hand wrapped around his small frame, stopping him in his tracks and effectively trapping him.
 Tommy gasped at the uncomfortable warmth that surrounded him, at the pressure being applied to his body. It wasn’t enough to hurt but Tommy knew that could change in a second and that thought had his heart pounding.
 Tommy tried struggling within the grip but the fingers didn’t budge, not even to allow his arms free. Instead, he was lifted and brought up to the human’s face. The human’s eyes were full of curiosity and wonder as the two met eyes once more. Tommy couldn’t help but shake at the feeling of being studied. Like he wasn’t a person but simply an interesting trinket the human found.
 “Look at you,” The human spoke, grinning. “You’re so small!” 
 A small whimper escaped Tommy involuntarily and he turned his head away from the giant face. His heart beat so fast that Tommy would be surprised if the human couldn’t feel it. Was this it then? Were all the stories true and this human was going to be the end of him? Tommy could do nothing but wait.
 Wilbur’s smile turned to a frown as he noticed the fear overtaking the small being. He hadn’t meant to scare it. Him? Wilbur wasn’t even sure if the being was sapient yet but from the way he was reacting, Wilbur had a pretty good guess.
 “Hey, it’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” Wilbur said, keeping his voice low and hopefully soothing. He saw the small being glance up at him, still shaking like a leaf and with an added touch of disbelief to his already fearful face. Wilbur studied the tiny creature’s features, realizing just how human the thing looked. “What are you?”
 He didn’t get an answer but he did notice the tiny creature starting to hyperventilate from his panic. Worry entered Wilbur’s mind, he didn’t want the little thing to pass out on him. “Seriously, you’re okay. Here, how about I do this?” Wilbur set the little guy down on the bed, hoping that would calm him down. But as soon as Wilbur took his hands away the little guy started running right for the edge. Wilbur’s eyes widened. “Whoa! Wait!”
 Wilbur reached back out and easily grabbed the tiny creature again. This time, however, he was met with more than just a fearful look.
 “Let me go!” The tiny creature screamed, much louder than you would expect of such a small creature. Wilbur froze, eyebrows raised in surprise that the tiny being could actually speak. Though thinking more on it, it made sense with how human the little guy looked. Wilbur’s shocked expression soon turned into slight annoyance.
 “I just did and you tried to run! I already said I wasn’t going to hurt you.” Wilbur responded. He had repeated himself at least three times now, why couldn’t the little guy understand that?
 “And you expect me to believe that, b****! No! Let me go!” The tiny thing continued to yell and frankly, Wilbur was impressed by the sudden courage the little guy seemed to have gained. For someone terrified of being hurt, he had no trouble calling his supposed captor a b****.
 Wilbur’s frown deepened. He really didn’t want to let the little creature go, especially now that he realized he could speak, but he also felt bad for how much he was scaring the little guy. Despite the yelling, Wilbur could feel the little guy shaking in his hand. His heartbeat faster than it should be.
 Wilbur bit his lip, coming up with a compromise that would at least let Wilbur learn something. “Okay, okay, I’ll let you go if you answer three questions. Deal?”
 The little guy paused, thinking it over. He then glared. “How do I know you’ll actually let me go?”
 That was a fair question, Wilbur supposed. He shrugged. “You don’t but it’s better than nothing, right?” Wilbur felt bad but he also wasn’t lying. He would uphold the deal.
 The shaking turned to smaller but still noticeable trembles as the little guy let out a shaky sigh. “...Fine. But I get to pass on questions I don’t want to answer.”
 Wilbur frowned at that. If he allowed that, he would never get any of his questions answered. “You can pass three times.” Wilbur tried compromising.
 “...Fine.” The little guy agreed and Wilbur smiled.
 “Awesome! Okay, so what are you?” Wilbur jumped in immediately. The tiny creature glared at him.
 Wilbur felt the little guy tense up in his hand, as if waiting for him to be angry about passing on a question. Wilbur was annoyed, sure, but a deal was a deal and he had a right to not answer it.
 “Fine. Then how about…” Wilbur thought for a moment. “What were you doing in my room?”
 Silence stretched out between them and for a moment, Wilbur thought the little guy would pass on this question too. But then he hesitantly opened his mouth. “I...I needed a paperclip and figured I might be able to find one in here.”
 A paperclip? Wilbur was careful not to say his question out loud, not wanting to waste his second one. Still though, he had to wonder why the little guy needed a paperclip. He thought about it for a little longer. “Do you...do you take things from people often?”
 He watched as the tiny face flushed a slight red. “Only things humans like you won’t miss! Otherwise...n-nevermind.” The little guy looked down. “Yeah, I suppose.”
 That was interesting. So these little guys were scavengers? He probably took food as well and used things like paper clips to make things for themselves. And he didn’t consider himself human. Interesting.
 Wilbur bit his lip when he realized he only had one question left. The little guy seemed to realize this too as he suddenly became impatient, itching to finally get away. “Well? What’s your last question?”
 Wilbur frowned. “Hold your horses child, I’m thinking.”
 He felt the tiny being tense against his hand again. “Wha-I am not a child!”
 Wilbur raised an eyebrow. “You literally are.”
 He was being glared at now and Wilbur couldn’t help but find the little guy’s anger adorable. “So are you!”
 Wilbur waved him off with his free hand. “Eh, details.” He was, in fact, a child but he had a good feeling he was older than the tiny guy by at least a couple of years. As the tiny guy continued to fume, Wilbur thought about what his last question should be. He had to make it count and something that the little guy would hopefully answer.
 “What’s your name?” Was what Wilbur decided on and the shock on the little guy’s face was almost comical. He clearly hadn’t been expecting that kind of question and now Wilbur felt kind of bad for waiting so long to ask.
 “My name? Really? That’s the final question you’re going with?” The little guy asked and Wilbur hummed, nodding. “Oh. Um...it’s...it’s Tommy.” The little guy, Tommy, spoke his name softly before glaring up at Wilbur. “Now let me go. You asked all your questions.”
 He was still scared that Wilbur wouldn’t let him go, if the slight tremble in his words was anything to go by. Wilbur sighed but set Tommy back down on the nightstand. Tommy actually seemed a bit shocked that he was put down at all. “Alright, a deals a deal.” He motioned with his hand that Tommy could go but as Tommy tried to move, Wilbur suddenly stood up. “Oh wait!” The sudden movement and loud noise made Tommy yelp in fear and cower at the sight. 
 Wilbur winced. “Sorry but hold on!” He walked over to his desk and rummaged through his drawers, making a noise of victory as he found what he was looking for. He turned back towards the nightstand and set down the paperclip near where Tommy was standing. The hand coming as close as it did made Tommy back away but when he noticed what was placed down, his eyes widened.
 “You said you came in the room for a paperclip, so…” Wilbur shrugged. “Yeah. Anyway, you can go now. It was nice meeting you.” He paused. “Oh! I’m Wilbur by the way. But yeah, I...I guess I’ll leave now. Give you time to...go wherever.” Wilbur backed up to his door, keeping his eyes on Tommy for as long as he could. He really didn’t want the little guy to leave but he was also a man of his word. Besides, he felt bad for scaring him so much. “Bye.” He said simply before exiting his room, making sure he closed the door behind him.
 Wilbur stood in the hallway for a long moment, thinking about everything that had just happened before finally heading downstairs to get something to eat. Ten minutes should be enough time for Tommy to leave, right?
 Tommy was left up on the dresser, the human gone and the paperclip that had gotten him into this mess in the first place sitting only a few inches away from him. The human, Wilbur, he had...he had actually let Tommy go. And not only that but he had given him what he had needed. Hesitantly, Tommy walked over and picked up the paperclip, looking it over.
 ...Tommy had to leave. Now. Before Wilbur changed his mind and came back to capture Tommy again. He shivered at the phantom feeling of fingers wrapped around his body. He had felt so helpless in Wilbur’s grip. His entire life had literally been in Wilbur’s hands and Tommy hated it. 
 Humans had too much power for their own good.
 Tommy did his best to shake off the feeling and shoved the paperclip into his bag. He then quickly took the path he had used to get up on the nightstand in the first place to get back down. Jumping over to the bed and using the overspilling blankets to climb down to the carpet below. He ran underneath the bed and back into the safety of the walls.
 As soon as he was safe, Tommy found himself sliding down against the wall and to the floor, bringing his knees up to his chest and trying to take deep breaths.
 He had been so utterly terrified. He thought for sure he was a goner as soon as his eyes met the human’s. Thought he was a goner when that giant hand wrapped around Tommy’s body like it was nothing, effectively trapping him with no way out. He never wanted to go through something like that again.
 He had wanted to get a few more supplies from the house but after what just happened, he didn’t want to go out into the open again. Not in this house. He had enough to get to the next house over and then he could borrow some more. He just hoped the next place had less humans in it.
 He’d get some rest and leave first thing in the morning. And he could leave this all behind him, forget it ever happened.
 ...He hoped he didn’t have any nightmares tonight.
 Not feeling up to moving, Tommy decided to stay where he was and pulled out a thin blanket from his bag. He wrapped himself up as best as he could before placing his bag down to use as a pillow. He laid there, trying to ignore the faint sounds of footsteps and voices of beings much bigger than himself.
 Eventually, the noises died down and Tommy finally succumbed to sleep.
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zend-pixie · 3 years
Who took the nuke?
So, Tubbo’s nuclear warhead was stolen recently. That’s bad, very bad - especially since Tubbo confirmed that it can be manually set off, without the need of dual keycards.
And though it may seem like the answer is clear, it isn’t??? There’s a couple possible people here. And I wanna talk about those possibilities today.
1) Ranboo - The Obvious Answer
So for starters, we have the answer everyone’s expecting - Ranboo, in his enderwalk state, stealing the nuke. This seems really plausible - further proved by the fact that the doors were canonically locked the entire time. Who else would be able to seamlessly teleport in and out? Who can only teleport in a certain state, and not their awake one?
So, our scenario here looks like this: Ranboo got into his enderwalk state, teleported past the security (the doors and Mr Buttons??), took the nuke, teleported out, most likely hid it somewhere, and woke up again. But, this is the scenario everyone is expecting - and the Dream SMP has a habit of bending our expectations quite a lot. I mean, how fun is a series when you know the answer to every mystery?
Although, on the other hand, we all expected Wilbur to be Pogtopia’s traitor - which is why we immediately ruled him out. And guess who ended up being the traitor, in the end?
2) Ghostbur/Revivebur - The Fun Answer
Now, our second probability is Wilbur. The reason I put a slash there for Ghostbur is because - well, you know all those theories that Wilbur is already back, but disguised as/in the body of Ghostbur? Yeah. So either that, or Dream already brought Wilbur back and he respawned outside the prison.
This is the answer people are expecting as well, but this one isn’t definite - it depends entirely on the fact whether or not Wilbur is still dead, and if not, if he’s outside the prison. If the answer is “no” to any of these, our man is immediately ruled out.
We know how much Wilbur likes his explosions at this point - and the prospect of the nuke being a “dead man’s switch”, as Tubbo referred to it, might be that much more convincing to him sadly. Whether or not Wilbur will actually end up working with Dream, if he goes out again, it will be with a big bang once more - literal or not. And on a meta note, with the 1.17 update coming along... the server getting obliterated for good sounds all to likely for us to be comfortable here.
3) Tommy - The Angsty Answer
Listen - I know Tommy may seem like the last person who would willingly blow something up after all the explosion trauma, but hear me out.
Now, there’s two options here:
A) Tommy’s secretly working with Wilbur.
B) Tommy is doing this in secret to have a definite last-resort of taking down Dream and Wilbur.
For Theory A - there’s been many speculations going around that Tommy is hiding something from us. And they don’t stem from empty paranoia, per say - Tommy really has been acting suspicious ever since he left the Afterlife.
He acts scared of Wilbur, despite not seeming too frightened in the Afterlife with him (from the small glimpse we got, at least)? His building skills have improved all of a sudden (I’m choosing to make that canon, hush)? Not to mention, he has access to a nuke keycard.
Now, I know he got that card by accident in a non-canon bit with Jack but.. why is it still in his enderchest, then? Tommy has since long proved that that place is reserved mainly for important attachments or other lore-heavy things - he even moved his 23 diamond blocks to a completely different location recently. He has no reason to keep it in his enderchest rather than his regular chest, unless he needed it.
So here’s our scenario - Tommy died, spent some time with Wilbur in the Afterlife. But rather than just “playing solitaire for months”, they planned something out (I mean come on, you can’t tell me that Wilbur spent 9 years in the Afterlife and seems like some kind of entity rather than a human being, knowing exactly when the universe ends, and Tommy spent multiple months there and is completely the same). Tommy, knowing Dream’s manipulation tactics by heart at this point (ouch.), used a little reverse psychology on him - begging not to have Wilbur come back is like a sign-up sheet to Dream doing the exact opposite like the petty bitch he is. Tommy is doing something in secret with Wilbur here - most likely against Dream, but we don’t know if it’s for or against the rest of the server as well. This can either be disproved or further proved by the fact that Tommy acts afraid of Wilbur around other people as well. What makes this theory exciting is that cc!Tommy pretty much never kept something in the dark from us about his character. We always knew what was happening with Tommy, we always knew what he felt. But it seems as though ever since we weren’t let in on the secret that is what truly happened in the Afterlife, we’ve been kept in the dark a bit more. And it’s so interesting because we’re not used to it. And the less you expect, the scarier it becomes.
Now, there’s also Theory B here - that Tommy wasn’t lying to anyone about what he felt, and genuinely wants to take down Dream and (possibly) Wilbur. That he stole the nuke in secret, as a last-resort - without telling either of his friends, knowing they’d worry.
This one is more angsty out of the two - the first implies a possible crime boys villain duo, and the second - a broken child, ready to sacrifice himself once again for the safety of his friends.
Theory B can proved a couple ways as well - mainly by disproving Theory A. We could always say that the glimpse of the Afterlife that we got didn’t seem angsty because it was only that - a glimpse. We don’t know the full extent of what they talked about. According to Glatt, Tommy (VoidInnit or GhostInnit) seemed speechlessly terrified all the time for a while - only being able to stammer out that Dream murdered him. That’s enough proof that we don’t have all the information here, either.
Another thing is that Tommy could’ve simply not been lying. He seemed genuinely afraid of taking damage and Wilbur coming back. Now, you could say that he’s just good at acting but... well. We don’t know if c!Tommy has the same skillset as cc!Tommy, here.
Though, like I said - this possibility has sad implications. Tommy taking the nuke in secret means that he might be planning to use it on Dream and/or WIlbur - and as Tubbo said, the only way to do that without a keycard is manual detonation. Which means Tommy would have to go down with them. It would explain why he wouldn’t want to tell either Tubbo or Ranboo - they care about him and seemed pretty protective after he came back. They’d obviously disapprove of the idea immediately - perhaps even making extra sure Tommy had zero access to the nukes, just in case.
We know how, sadly, suicidal Tommy got in the series. We know how he’d be willing to use his own life as a bargaining chip if it only meant that the people he cares about are safe. I know he got severely thanatophobic after his final death but.. we don’t know if it still counts for self-sacrifices.
And the idea of Tommy going down with his enemies, despite everything, just so his friends can still live their lives happily and without fear... it’s a sad end, but I feel as though it’s fitting.
Although.. Tommy does have a nuke keycard as I said... And we don’t know how many lives he has now - it may be more than one, like how Jack got all 3 back. Maybe he’ll be fine. Perhaps we’ll get dramatically jebaited, see Tubbo and Ranboo cry out in anguish, only for Tommy to come out of the corner with a “hey guys what’d I miss why are you crying”
I’d love to hear your theories, too! If you have anyone who might be likely here to take the nuke as well, tell me why! I’d die to know what you guys think :D
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butterbeerblurbs · 3 years
flowing into your heart (f.w.)
 💌 : being friends with the golden trio meant you had front-row tickets to hagrid’s shenanigans. one of it being putting you and fred weasley on a boat because he’d like to add “matchmaker” onto his resume.
📝 word count: 3,800 words / fred weasley x reader / 🌸 fluff fluff fluff
💬: this is a part of @ch0colatefr0gs​​​ 500 writing challenge! congrats again on 500, love! 🥳✨
⛵️prompt: “you and ___ are cute, i’ll put you in a boat.” / “you’ll put us in a what?” - captain holt to jake and amy, brooklyn 99 
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sneaking out of the castle during the times you weren’t supposed to be... out of said castle, was no out of the ordinary thing when it came to being with the golden trio. sometimes, you became a part of the equation whenever you chimed in your thoughts. (albeit when they don’t ask for it)
today was no different when they said they’d be going down to hagrid’s. something along the lines of testing out a... small thing he has been working on. it piqued your interest and when the trio said they’d be heading out to hagrid’s cottage at half past eight and offered you to tag along, you did.
so that’s how all of you ended up following hagrid’s lead, deeper into the woods. the giant says nothing the whole way, only making you feel anxious at where he was leading all of you.
barely knowing where you were as it’s getting pretty dark, you can only make up the sight of a small boat coming into view as all of you stood by a lake. you squint your eyes at the sight, and no one’s asking questions yet? you had no idea what the little... experiment was all about anyway. you ought to be the first one to say something, but hagrid beats you to it.
“welp! here we are!” hagrid chuckles, and it seems like there was more than just the five of you when it seems like a certain pair of twins were here as well.
“hello there, children,” george snickers, “out of bed?” fred snorts.
“h-hey, how’d you guys get here?” ron hisses, and you could tell that he’s probably glaring at his brothers.
“think we’d join in on the fun, right georgie?” one of the two elbows the other.
“right you are, freddie,” the second from the first elbows back.
as the voices die out to the silence, past the dark, you gaze to fred’s direction to see he’s already looking at you. swallowing the lump in your throat, you quickly look away, up to the sky. you hate how your brain can’t process what hagrid is saying because of how nervous you feel. your heart is hammering in your chest at the sight of fred, and you hate how the boy doesn’t even know. it’s not until hagrid mentions your name that you find yourself coming back to reality instead of having your head in the clouds.
“well... i reckon y/n and mr. weasley look cute together, so i’ll put two of you in a boat!”
“m-me?!” ron squeaks, only for hagrid to snort, “not you, laddie!” he turns to the pair of ginger heads who glance at one another. hagrid effortlessly grabs ahold of fred and places him in the boat. then, he reaches for you to do the same and upon being placed in the boat, there’s a split moment you thought you’d fall into the abyss but fred’s hands are already by your sides, gently holding you down to take a seat.
your heart is about to fly out of your ribcage and you’re certain if this place was well-lit, might as well call yourself a cherry tomato at how hot your face feels at fred’s kind gesture.
“you alright?” he asks softly, trying to get comfortable on the wooden seat and you nod, trying to relax opposite him, “y-yeah, ‘m okay,”
you can’t even digest what hagrid is saying at the proximity between you and fred. usually there’s a large table between the pair of you or at least an arm’s length away when walking with friends but now? in a small boat that barely fits three people, here is two, mushed together, legs tangled. before you can try to comprehend the spell hagrid was casting, all you can feel is a small tingle of sparks tingling your body before your eyes force themselves shut at the sudden gush of wind greeting you.
it sends shivers down your spine before the boat accelerates with a ferocious speed that nearly sends you off the damned thing. luckily (or maybe the opposite...) there’s a pair of arms steadying you down, as if its’ keeping you grounded.
you realise you’re making incomprehensible sounds, as if you’re speaking in tongues that you ignore the soft chuckle coming from the boy next to you.
when you manage to catch your breath, the boat slows down and it’s like you can hear a pin drop. your eyes peel open and it’s almost pitch black, except the small glow of the night sky painted above you. your brows furrow when you feel your hands not in the position they were in before the boat took off... nor is your body. your eyes trail off to your hands to see they’re... wrapped around fred weasley’s torso and his, tucked around your waist. your cheek, pressed to his chest and gosh, he smells like cinnamon and-gasping, you pull away from him, yet he does it nonchalantly as if he’s unbothered, a smirk on his face.
“you know, i don’t mind it at all,” he winks, and you scoff a laugh at him, nudging him playfully (as if he could go very far), “oh sod off, weasley,”
there’s a moment of uncertainty and silence that falls over the pair of you. unsure if it was confusion or... nervousness or... both, you look around only to realize you have no idea where you were. it’s almost like... the only thing that’s lighted is the lamp attached to the boat and what seems to look like some stars scattered above. and... fred, right in front of you, who is currently looking right at you and nowhere else.
come to think of it, he doesn’t really look as surprised as you are.
“so... um... nice view, huh?” he tries to break the silence that bestows unknowingly, and he can’t help but grin at your response.
“freddie,” (because you’re calling him like that)
“it’s pitch black and we can’t see anything,” your arm extends to point at the vast space of nothing. absolutely nothing.
“i mean i can see you,” he’s blunt, but then again, fred weasley has always been honest and direct with his words. however, when you catch the meaning of his words that... you’re the view he’s talking about, you can’t help but feel the butterflies roaming freely from within. yet, you shut them down whenever they tried to escape, muttering a quick, “ha ha, hilarious,”
you exhale deeply and roll your eyes, flicking the material of your robe lining your wrists. you’re still looking around to see if anything else was going to happen, because if this was part of hagrid’s little experiment, it’s not very impressive if it means he’s just going to cast a spell on a boat to speed across the wide sea of nothing.
fred doesn’t let you ponder too far, bringing you back to the topic you tried to brush off.
“i don’t think i was being funny, y/n,” he hasn’t looked away from you since, resting against his side of the boat and cocking a brow up to you when you finally do the same against your side of the boat, trying to make do with whatever space there is here.
“oh, really? then what?” you fold your arms, raising your brow,
“i mean, i think you look like an angel,” he shrugs, “just without the wings,”
“so like a normal, average person?” you sneer, using one of your foot to nudge against his. he rolls his eyes and shakes his head, gazing down to your legs closely pressed together because... this is a pretty small boat. “you’re impossible, you know that?”
“what?” you feign innocence, blinking at him, “it’s not like you’re flirting with me,”
at your remark, that’s the first time it’s rendered fred speechless. his mouth hangs open, eyes widening before they scrunch in confusion as he stares at you incredulously.
“good golly, y/n. for someone as smart as hermoine, you are a bit daft sometimes, aren’t you?”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you huff, puffing your chest out as you lean closer to him without realising. he takes this opportunity to mirror your actions, leaning a bit too much for your comfort that he takes up the rest of your vision. it makes you gasp at how close he is again all of a sudden, making your head spin as he smiles at you this near, it’s as if you can count how many lashes he has despite it being this dark.
“well, now i’m going to ask, are you interested in me?” he tilts his head a little, teasing.
“y-you?” breathless is what you are, a little scared.
“yes, me,” he confirms, with a nod, “fred weasley,”
said boy doesn’t know which confuses him more: your statement, or the way you lean away from him once more, trying to create a bigger distance between the pair of you.
“i... well...” you debated being honest, but figured... if there’s a moment you had to be, now would be the perfect time to be nothing but honest when there’s literally only you and fred here. maybe, just maybe, whatever happens here, will stay here.
“i had to question myself multiple times if i was - if i’m being honest,” you were sure you were being soft, not trusting your voice to be an octave louder because you could feel your insides shaking. the thought of it alone scared you, but saying it out loud in front of the boy who has been keeping you up for countless of nights made it feel like there was a tsunami wrecking up inside.
it wasn’t that you didn’t like fred. godric, you do. if anything, you liked him so much you wondered it almost every other day if your feelings were... still there. and they were. every time he came up to you just to say good morning, or how you can hear him asking where you were when you were just a step behind from the rest, or the way he insisted to walk you to class because you had too many books for a pretty girl to carry (you had two). it made your heart feel full whenever he seemed to care about your presence but... you’d be lying if you said he only cared about you.
fred and george were no strangers to anyone (at least, the vast majority). being in the quidditch team, the ultimate duo of pranksters, of course their names were well-known at hogwarts. with that, it came to being friends with a lot of people as well. with that, it was also noticing how there were a swarm of girls interested in them. with that... (the last ‘with that’, promise), you couldn’t help but feel dejected whenever it’s also possible fred’s just a kind soul who is nice to everyone. you’ve seen it and heard it many, many times.
“y-you... had to question multiple times if you fancied me?”
him repeating your own confession back to yourself, made your anger boil from within. not at him but at yourself. no matter how hard you’re trying, you can’t seem to hold it back and-“of course i had to!” your voice echoes and it repeats a couple of times into fred’s ears. he's taken back by your sudden outburst, looking like a puppy that took a step too far and you almost hate yourself for raising your voice. your eyes avoid his as you look down to your fiddling thumbs, still flicking one and the other to relieve your nerves.
“o-of course i had to...” you mumbled softly, refusing to look at him and fred... fred doesn’t like that one bit.
“why?” he asks, the same volume you spoke and it seems like the boat has slowed down. you didn’t know if it was actually slowing down or if... your head is making you see things.
“because what if i get hurt from liking you too much? what if... you were as nice to me as everyone else and i’d spiral down this - this sick joke of being infatuated with you and all this while you had eyes for someone else?” you look up to him and this time, fred feels a knot tighten in his gut. the way you genuinely look... upset, and that these are your sincere thoughts, made him want to extinguish every single one of them but-”what if i’m in over my head that someone like you would like someone like me? o-or what if i misread the signs and-” your eyes flutter shut, feeling prickles against the back of your eyes as hot tears start to form.
you inhaled sharply and refuse to speak, knowing your voice will give out at the first sign of it cracking. a tear manages to escape, before you use your sleeves to wipe them away.
“y/n,” fred’s voice is as clear as day, the only thing vibrating against your eardrums in the tranquil.
“y-you don’t have to say anything, really,” you refuse to listen, shaking your head, ”it’s fine, this is pathetic and we can pretend this never-”
“y/n!” similar to your outburst, the sound of fred’s voice raising up in volume makes you flinch. your eyes shoot up to him but they don’t stay on him very long before you quickly look away, unable to look him in the eyes if he rejects you and-“i’m mad for you,”-there’s only so much your heart can... can...
your face morphs into one of confusion, changing from afraid to... puzzled.
fred licks his lips and tries to shift closer, testing the waters to see if you would move and you don’t. so when you don’t, he carefully makes you face him properly so he can look at you, a toothy grin appearing on his face as he brings the color return to your face.
“i’m way in over my head for you, love. so much i think it’s driving everyone bloody bonkers that i haven’t confessed up until now,” he gives you shoulders a squeeze before letting you go, seeing that you still need time to digest before he can try to show his affections for you. when he sees that you’re still very much in denial, he clears his throat to continue.
“do i think i go around asking people where you are all the time just because i didn’t fancy you? or how i constantly try to sit across from you because i really do think your smile is gorgeous?” he watches as you take the information in and it seems like the nuts and bolts were being placed in the right places when there’s a blush on your cheeks. he feels like he should stop, but when you’ve had your moment to say what you had to say, well, fred thinks he should have his moment to say what he wants to, too.
“do you think i’d go to honeydukes to get you pumpkin pasties, in the middle of a snowstorm just to cheer you up if i didn’t fancy you?”
“that really cheered me up, freddie,” you admit quietly, and fred refuses to give in, not now - no matter how hard you were making it for him by looking that adorable.
“merlin, y/n, i even got hagrid to put us here together so i’d have a chance to...” fred’s voice trails off quietly, “to...”
“t-to what?”
as if it’s on cue, there’s a small spark between the pair of you that rises from beneath the boat, flying up into the air at least two heads above and it combusts quietly. the words string out together as y/n, i think you’re an angel sent from above. could i, fred weasley, have the honors of going out with you?
it wasn’t particularly big or grand, but it was as if it was meant to be small enough for this intimate moment between the pair of you. after the words disappear, small tiny hearts start to fall down, as if in slow motion and you follow the hearts back into fred’s eyes. it finally sinks in that… the boy you had so desperately hoped to see you in the same light, is lighting up fireworks to show you just that.
“i-if this is some sort of sick joke, i’m going to kick you somewhere where it really hurts, fred weasley,”
he can only smirk, inching closer to you and locking you in place with his knees casing you in, “figured i’d be safe then,”
“you...” you had no idea how you were still sane, blinking a couple of times profusely to make sure this wasn’t a dream, “...really like me?” 
he knows you’re somewhat convinced. you just need... a little push to believe him completely.
“could i have the permission to show you, y/n?” he carefully uses a hand to tuck your hair behind your ear and gazes into your eyes.
“please do,” your voice comes out in a soft breath and it’s not long before your vision starts to blur, shifting the focus to just fred being in your line of sight.
fred shifts closer than he already is and reaches out with one arm to steady himself by your waist, the other gently cupping your cheek. he adores the way you gaze into his eyes as he brings his lips down onto yours, eyes flutters shut upon contact. he feels your body tensing at the initial touch of his lips, but soon you melt against him as he kisses you with such delicacy it’s making your heart swell. you can smell the hint of firecracker embers and a whiff of cinnamon on him. you didn’t know where this newfound source of confidence came from but your hands, gingerly crawl up his sides and wrap themselves around his neck that it earns you a soft sound of approval from him.
he can feel your smile against his lips, mimicking a smile you can feel on yours before teeth starts to break the kiss at how wide the both of you are grinning. you rest your forehead against his, breathless, and when fred opens his eyes before you to see yours still closed, at peace, his heart is for certain (as if he needed it to be).
he was so in love with you, he couldn’t see a day without you in it. and right now, where fred was the only thing you could see… you could finally see it.
“you’re so pretty,” he murmurs, his thumb gently caressing across your blushing cheek. it makes the side of your eyes crinkle as you open your eyes a little, a wide smile still apparent. “i feel pretty, freddie,”
“guess you’ll be feeling pretty all the time then,” he smirks, raising a brow, “i won’t let you have a chance to forget, i’m quite the charmer, you know?” he’s doing that thing with his eyebrows again, eliciting a laugh from you as you gently let your fingers run through his hair (and fred resists the urge to ask you to do it again, feeling his heart somersault at the innocent gesture).
“i mean, as long as you’re not shouting it down the halls or getting expelled for it, you’re more than welcomed,”
“...eh, no promises on the latter,” he shrugs, tsk-ing right after.
“freddie!” your hand hits his back gently.
“‘m only joking!” he laughs with you, shaking his head. he then lifts his chin up with a brow cocked, “or am i?”
fred has always found a way to make you smile, even in moments you never thought he’d be able to. today, at the sound of his confession and your feelings out in the open for each other, sealed with your lips together, it was another day of fred weasley making you smile so hard, your cheeks are hurting. it fills your heart with a feeling no one else could. 
surely, yes, surely, whatever happened here is going to stay here, for your memory only. however... the scenarios you imagined yourself doing with fred inside or out of the castle, were going to be a reality. not just a vision you see in your dreams. most certainly not when… he’s holding onto your hand tight, pressing kisses onto the back of it and smiling at you like you’re the only thing that matters to him.
whatever hagrid’s experiment was, albeit it’s a facade, you give him an outstanding.
((”hagrid, please! ’m begging you! just this once!” fred huffs, tailing the giant around.
“just this once, this boy says. reckon a week or two later he’d come back asking for the same thing!” the gatekeeper refuses to acknowledge fred following him back to his cottage. (yep, fred had been walking and begging all the way from the castle)
“c’mon, hagrid!”
fred only bumps against his back when hagrid stops walking. the ginger haired boy huffs and dusts his robe, shaking his head dejectedly. he turns around and begins his way back, mumbling to himself, “f-fine... i’ll figure something out then... i guess confessing to y/n on a hot air balloon would be the next shot,”
“hold your horses!” fred’s shoulders stiffen at the bellowing of hagrid’s voice. he turns around carefully to have hagrid storming up to him with curious eyes.
“did you say y/n, freddie boy?”
“...yeah...?” he’s beyond confused, but he can’t deny the excitement from within when hagrid looks sold upon the mention of your name.
with a devilish smirk, hagrid instantly agrees, “alrightie lad! i’ll do it!”
fred doesn’t try his luck to question why, only grateful that hagrid is on his side to help.
hagrid doesn’t disclose to fred why he’s interested all of a sudden, but let’s just say, this friendly giant has been a bearer to your secrets for a while now, and when hagrid sees this opportunity in front of his eyes... c’mon, you can’t expect him to pass on it.))
(((”d’you see anything?” hagrid asks, giving harry - who was resting on hagrid’s shoulders - a nudge,
“darn it, no. it’s too dark to see anything,” the boy in round-glasses huffs, shaking his head.
“maybe you guys should actually give them some space. you know, the whole point of them being so far only where it’s just the two of them?” hermoine chastises, refusing to join the boys with their nosy antics of figuring out what was going on between you and fred.
“ah, but then where would all the fun be?” george chimes, finding a way to climb onto a tree just to see if he could get a peep.)))
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Timekeeper's assistants AU
Alright y'all! This is gonna be my info dump post for the Timekeepers assistant Au- buckle up cause it's gonna be a long one!
Inspired by @queendibz post here
The entire purpose of the assistant squad is to keep all the time lines running smoothly- this can range from stopping a world ending event to making sure things misplaced by natural ghost portals get put back into the right time and place.
So First up on the crew list,
-Dan definitely isn't a homicidal maniac anymore but he's not 100 percent "redeemed" either.
-I mean he's probably still a bit of sadist but he tries not to be?
-The best description I can give is that he's in recovery, basically.
-So, Clockwork knew that Dan would eventually bust out of the thermos just because it wasn't built to hold a ghost of his power level for a prolonged period of time. But beyond that?? He has no idea about anything in regards to Dan. Since Dan's creation was averted, his timeline doesn't exist anymore. He's a paradox that exists outside of time, and unfortunately, that means he's the one entity in the multiverse that exists in Clockwork's blindspot. There's no way for him to know what Dan's going to do next.
-Anyway, Dan eventually breaks out of the thermos fully intending to Fuck Shit Up, And Clockwork makes a point of informing him that if he leaves the clock tower he will cease to exist. (Like Dan, the tower exists outside of time, so he's safe there.)
-Dan is the first member of the assistant squad. Granted, it took a while for him to come around to the idea of helping Clockwork but he got there eventually.
-Dan is an entity that was born out of the rage and grief of two very broken people and he has so much shit he's working through as a result
-One of the first things he had to do was recognize and accept that he's an entity that's completely separate from Vlad and Danny. He might have all their memories and the weight of their mistakes on his shoulders, and on top of that, the atrocities he himself committed because of them. The first step is realizing that he doesn't have to be defined by the people that made him.
-It's a really fucking difficult thing to do tho and he's got a lot of weird emotions in regards to Vlad, Danny and the Fentons as a result. A near constant identity crisis, self loathing, daddy issues, something that could arguably be called an Oedipus complex, (FUCKING THANKS, VLAD)
-Cannot stand the smell of fast food, it makes him nauseous and the sight of Nasty Burger sauce alone is enough to make him vomit Ectoplasm.
-He's just a hot mess all around y'all
-He tries to keep his interactions with the Danny's as minimal as possible at first bc of this. The first time he meets them in person he shape shifts into Danny like he did in TUE and just pretends to be one of them. Some of them have had interactions with their respective Dan's already and would be super wary of him and probably pretty freaked out otherwise.
-Dan is eventually allowed to leave the clocktower for supervised "Field missions" with the aid of a time medallion to keep him from poofing out of existence, but it takes a while for clockwork to build up that level of trust.
-Dan's shapeshifting ability Actually comes into play a bit on a lot of those missions, since he can Mimic Danny it also makes sense that he'd be able to impersonate Vlad in the same way. Granted he's not incredibly comfortable taking on either of their appearances but it does help him hone his shapeshifting ability to the point where he's able to pick and choose features from both Vlad and Danny and sorta make his own human disguise.
-Most of the time he acts as the eye in the sky from the tower, monitoring for timeline anomalies and then notifying the appropriate member of the assistant squad.
-He has a room under the clock tower that he operates from. I kinda like the idea of there being like, catacombs down there? Anyway he's got all kinds of monitors and view screens and he very rarely leaves. It also doubles as his "living space." He doesn't need to sleep but he's got a big mess of a pillow fort that he crashes in regardless bc sometimes you just NEED to be unconscious for a while. The catacombs are also absolutely full of those little blob ghosts that wander around the zone bc They're attracted to the ecto energy the tower gives off. He's really annoyed by them at first but they grow on him after a while and now he just dotes on them.
-There's a specific throw pillow sized one that likes to hang out in Dan's room a lot and he ended up getting a little over attached to the stupid thing. His name is Dorian. Bc he's a gift.
-Dan's appearance has changed slightly. He wears his hair loose now and it's kinda just this big fiery mane when it's not contained. His cape is more of a cloak now, it has a hood and he wears it sorta pinned together at the shoulder so the DP logo is covered.
-Dan's relationship with the rest of the Danny's is kinda weird, and a little strained. He has a hard time being around them for very long because, well, he used to sort of be them? Except not really? He does care about them tho, and the last thing he'd want is for one of them to end up like him.
-His relationship with clockwork definitely starts out pretty familial, after he becomes his assistant, anyway. There's room for that to develop into meddling minutes but I'm not entirely sure if I'm gonna go that route yet.
-The Danny's only ever hear his voice for a while before he finally let's them meet him for real, so they end up calling him Charlie for a while as a joke. Cause Ya know. Charlie's angels. Even after Charlie still ends up being his designated name on missions.
Mer! Danny:
-Was recruited bc a lot of the shit that gets sucked through natural portals ends up in a body of water somewhere and when that happens he's on call to retrieve it.
-Is Actually not at all ghostly! Mer Danny's situation is basically the plot of H2O (just add water), or if you haven't seen that, Aquamarine. And by that I mean he's only a merfolk in water.
-He's an electric eel
-His Jack and Maddie are marine biologists, with a particular interest in marine cryptids
-We're taking sea monsters baby!!!
-Not entirely sure how this Danny ended up half mer yet but I'll figure it out, lmao.
-14 years old
-His nickname/ designation is "Moray"
Crown Prince! Danny:
-Nickname/designation is Prince / Princey
-16 years old
-Not allowed to go anywhere in the zone without the Fright knight bc of some ancient ghost law bullshit, so he has a constant babysitter.
-He's next in line bc he sealed away Pariah, but can't take the throne until he is both, A) at least 18 years and B) Completely deceased
-Vlad is his Regent bc he did have a part in the whole sealing the previous king thing, but he's also not completely dead so his power is super limited there.
-As Prince Danny has the crown of fire in his ghost form, although now the name is kinda ironic seeing as it's completely frozen over. It's blue now and it smokes like dry ice.
-As Regent, Vlad has the ring of rage for "safe keeping"
-Vlad and Danny are pretty much constantly at each other's throats, fright knights probably had to shut down more than a few of Vlad's attempts to usurp the crown from Danny through combat.
-Princey deals with the timeline issues that involve the ghost zones' internal / political affairs, and he's gotten very well versed with dealing with the Observants.
Winged! Danny :
-15 years old
-Mallard duck wings
-His Vlad is a swan
-Comes from a family of waterfowl, Jack is a goose, and Maddie is a white swan. Both he and jazz are ducks bc of their grandparents.
-As Fenton his wings are white, like jazz, and as phantom they turn black with a green iridescent sheen.
-He's trans
-Nickname/ designation is inviso Bill. Bc ducks have bills haha get it-
-Ghostly wail?? Nah son he's gotta killer QUACK
-Absolute besties with Mer!Danny/ Moray, sometimes they go swimming together after a mission.
Clone! Danny:
-Physically he's a 12-year-old, but he's only been alive for a few months.
-Alt universe where Vlad manages to stabilize the perfect clone with his own DNA.
-Dani still exists, and the original danny from his time line also rescued the other problematic clones.
-Doesnt like the fact that he's a clone, and very much wants them all DEAD. Bc them running around is a reminder that he's not the real danny.
-Human half looks the same aside from the widows peak and the mallen streak. His ghost half takes after plasmius. Blue skin, and the Hazmat kept it's original white colors.
-Probably has fangs and a forked tounge.
-Not so much a member of the squad as he is someone that they need to be keeping an eye on.
-Does NOT get along with them.
-Dan enjoys making him uncomfortable.
-Designation is Masters / the brat (not to his face tho)
Family Breakfast AU! Danny:
-The boy is a fucking overpowered todler okay. He's an 8 year old.
-The biological son of his Vlad, was born a Halfa. Jack, Vlad and Maddie got their shit together and are in a healthy poly relationship.
-Got separated from Vlad one time in the zone and inadvertently adopted by the assistant squad and clockwork.
-His Vlad is aware of the squad and just. Dad's the crap out of the Danny's as a result. It makes for some..... interesting interactions.
-I can't think of a nickname so I'm just gonna be lazy and say he gets to be the one Tru Danny bc cute little kind privileges lmao.
Full ghost! Danny:
-15 years old, will always look 14.
-Nickname/designation is Toast
-Died in the portal accident and got fucking FRIED.
-He always smells like somethings burning.
-He's really bright and sorta sparks a bit, you can see his bones glowing through the hazmat.
-He still leave the zone to protect his version of amity, but lives with clockwork full time.
-Basically show Danny, except phantom planet never happened fuck you
-Joined the crew after the events of de stabilized
-Also he's trans fuck butch
-Franken! Danny
-Yall remember that Headless Danny Au? This is my take.
-Is Actually 20 years old, but physically stuck at age 14. Bc he's a walking corpse :)
-Came from a timeline that was directly parallel to Full ghost! Danny. He dies in the portal accident, but jack and Maddie are in the lab when it happens and manage to sort of bring him back using a combination of science and freaky ghost junk.
-So he's basically possessing/ stuck inside of his own dead body. Which, is thankfully not rotting or going into rigor mortis bc Ectoplasm is rather similar to formaldehyde, but he's not the most durable thing and bits and pieces fall off from time to time.
-Like his head. For example.
-He's pretty desensitized to it at this point and if he loses a leg after a ghost fight he doesn't see anything wrong with sitting down on the curb of a main street to stich it back on. His being dead isn't exactly a secret.
-Don't ever ask him to "give you a hand" bc he can and will not hesitate to pop one off and Chuck it at you.
-Said hand and any other body part will continue to function just fine even if it isn't attached to anything, btw.
-Nickname/ designation is Adam. Bc. Ya know. that's the name Frankenstein's monster gave itself.
Post Phantom Planet! Danny:
-A very jaded 22 year old who is driven only by spite and enough caffeine to kill a horse
-Very, very tired of the hero thing.
-Being a global celebrity isn't all it's cracked up to be.
-Decided to follow Vlads lead and fuck off to space for a while. Partially to get away from everyone and also partially bc he kinda feels responsible for the fact that the only other person like him and probably floating DEAD in the void somewhere? And yeah Vlad fucked up all on his own but what if he'd tried harder to get through to him things could have been different-
-Joins the crew after a natural portal opens up in space and decides to help out and use clockworks resources to try and track down his Vlad.
-Nickname/ Designation is Polaris, aka the north star.
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mickeyhenrysgf · 4 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Summary: After coming home from college, your parents decide to throw a party. At the party, Bucky Barnes stumbles upon a game you’re playing with your best friend.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: age gap, (reader is in college) making out, inappropriate touches and sexual acts, dirty language
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“Noo! There’s no boys allowed down here” your best friend slurred, as she waved her alcoholic beverage in the air. You rolled your eyes lightly, carefully putting her cup down to prevent her from spilling the drink all over herself.
“Come on, sweetie. They’re all talking about kids and shit, I’m sick of it” Bucky announced as he sat down across from you.
“Yeah, well, don’t you think that’s a little concerning for you. Shouldn’t you be settling down...” you blurted, the alcohol already in your system giving you some courage.
Bucky raised an eyebrow at you, before taking a swing of his drink.
“And what about you? Huh? Last year in college and still no boyfriend” he challenged, shrugging.
He was good at this game. You hummed and tilted your head in response.
“At least I’m getting laid!”
“Fuck you, Barnes—“
“Is that a promise?” A smirk twitched against his lips and you rolled your eyes.
You first learned about Bucky when you came home for Thanksgiving in your sophomore year of college. Seated at the table, you noticed he wasn’t the same age as your parents. But, he was still a good 10 plus years older than you. Working in the same place as your parents and living almost 3 blocks down, they instantly became friends. Now as a senior, you also considered Bucky as a friend.
Your friend scoffed at the playful banter before hushing the both of you. “Anyways, Y/N, Fuck, Marry, or Kill” she whined, she was definitely drunk but you didn’t care.
Bucky’s elbows rested on his knees as he looked at you.
“Aren’t you a little too old to be playing that? Or is this some college bullshit game?” You blushed lightly, flipping him off. He chuckled softly and shrugged.
Yeah, so what if you had a crush on Bucky Barnes. It was harmless anyways. His kind eyes stayed on yours, waiting for an answer but you focused on your friend.
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead”
“Alright, let’s make this fun!” Your friend clapped as she giggled lightly at Bucky. “Let’s do— Jake from economics, Nick from the swim group, and Bucky!”
“What?” You and Bucky both said in unison, the two of you staring at each other.
“Oh, come on, Y/N— it’s just a game. Bucky doesn’t even care. Right?” She questioned, as she continued to drink. Bucky cleared his throat and shook his head. “See—! plus, we’re all adults here” she added, looking at you.
Bucky was curious. Honestly. The fact that he would have made a move if you weren’t the daughter of his fellow co-worker was telling. You made him laugh, laugh till tears filled his eyes. Made him even feel younger.
You looked over at Bucky, licking your lips in hesitation. You never fully understood the vibe he gave off. He had brought girls to your parent’s house before. Player? Probably. Sometimes when you visited your dad at his job, there would be a new girl in Bucky’s office. But, that was the first & last time you would ever see them.
“Well, I would do... marry- umm... Jake— because well, his family is fucking rich!”
“Good choice!” Your friend sang as Bucky watched you in anticipation.
“And then I would F-Fuck Nick—” you boasted in a very unconvincing way. It was lie obviously.
“Finally, I would kill you Bucky, sorry, you’re just not my type at all” you exaggerated, making a gagging face. That was a lie too.
“Aw! Sorry Bucky! You know Y/N never really had a type for older men” Your friend teased, finishing her drink.
You looked over at Bucky, your face feeling flushed. You prayed it didn’t show. Perhaps, you could blame it on the alcohol. Your palms releasing an unhealthy amount of sweat as well. But Bucky, He was unphased. Better yet, He smirked slightly. Why the fuck was he smirking , you thought to yourself. You wanted to scream at him. God, and now your back was sweating. This is gross, you thought, swallowing thickly.
“Y/N—? Hello?”
Your friend tried to grab your attention as thoughts ran through your head.
“What?” You snapped as you finished cursing out Bucky in your head. Oh, and he laughed at your mistaken aggression. He’s an asshole.
“It’s my turn” your friend said not realizing that you accidentally snapped at her but Bucky had. He noticed everything.
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You started to clean the basement as your friends left one by one. It was almost midnight, and the party was quieting down.
“Missed something” the familiar voice said as he waved a wrapper in the air. You turned around slowly as Bucky stood, leaning against the basement wall. He shot a smile towards you. Of course, he’d be one of the last people still here. After your awkward game of Fuck, Marry, Kill , Bucky had excused himself out of the basement & went back upstairs.
“Oh, thanks. You can just put it in the plastic bag over there” you went back to tidying the items, but you heard Bucky’s footsteps become louder. He began to give you a helping hand in folding the chairs.
“That was quite a show you pulled off...”
“I’m sorry?”
“Y/N, I’m not dumb” he huffed, folding the chair and then stepping closer to you. You looked up and noticed how much taller he was compared to you. You stepped back a bit, tripping on the chair behind you. However, Bucky caught you. His hands firm on your hips.
He chuckled softly... that fucking laugh again.
“B-Bucky—“ You stuttered, looking up at him. His hands brushing over your skin for the first time. Goosebumps shooting across every inch. God, did he always look this handsome up close?
“You’re nervous-“
“I’m not.”
“So, you actually want to fuck Nick...?”
“You don’t even know how he looks!” He caught you off pulling out his phone.
“Oh, but I do—“ he showed you a screenshot from the university’s website. “You can do better than that.” He tsked as he put his phone back in his pocket.
“How did you even find that?”
He caught your lies. But, why? Why did he care? His hands squeezed your hips, running them up your body and then cupped your face. You felt fragile in his embrace. You weren’t scared, but you were nervous.
“Tell me if you want me to stop...” he looked into your eyes waiting for a disapproval. His thumb caressing your cheek before tracing your lips.
Make the first move.
Your hands pressed against his chest before sliding down until it reached his clothed hard on.
He groaned, pulling you against the wall, his slight hard on resting on your thigh, as you looked up at him with innocent eyes.
“Fuck, You know your father is going to kill me, right?” You smashed your lips against his. You couldn’t care less what your parents thought. Right now, you wanted to kiss Bucky. He licked your bottom lip, a way of asking permission as you opened your mouth, the two of you exploring & sucking on each other’s tongues. His hands reached down to your ass and squeezed on it. He patted it lightly, signaling to jump, which you gladly did. Your hands in his hair, Bucky’s hard on grinding against you, and making you wetter by the second. It was embarrassing how turned on the two of you were.
You pulled away slightly to breathe. Your lips already swollen, as Bucky playfully tugged on your bottom lip staring at you. “Tell me, what was the answer you really wanted to say?”
“I’d fuck you...” you admitted as Bucky grinned, leaning in and leaving small hickeys on your neck, causing you to moan lightly. He grabbed your hand and guided it towards his hard on. You blushed heavily, squeezing him which earned a filthy grunt to escape lips.
“You really thought you could keep this little secret to yourself, I would eventually find out—” He whispered in your ear, his hands running up under your shirt to grope your breasts. You whimpered, tugging a handful of his hair. His hands skillfully unhooked your bra before lifting up your shirt and bunching up the fabric till your breasts were on display.
“You’re fucking gorgeous” He licked his lips, before taking off the shirt and bra completely, throwing it on the floor. His mouth quickly attaching on the sensitive bud, as his other hand gave its undivided attention to your other breast. Bucky spared no time in pinching, flicking, and sucking which only made your arousal grow.
“Agh— fuck... Buck—“ his hands slapped over your mouth, his eyes now much darker than before. “As much as I would love to hear those moans, you better keep your pretty mouth shut” he warned as his mouth popped off from your breasts and went to licking a stripe up your neck.
“Or... You can come back to my place... I’ll make that pussy scream... You want that?” Bucky clearly wasn’t thinking straight. Neither were you. The two of you drunk off of each other’s touches without thinking of the consequences. You nodded as your hands started to palm him through his jeans. Bucky groaned, kissing you once again to shield the loud moans coming from the basement.
“Y/N...! Sweetie...! Are you down there?” You heard your mother’s voice and your eyes widened. Your mother was moments from catching you half naked with Bucky.
“Shit, shit, shit.” you began to panic, trying to push yourself off him. Your heart pounding.
“Shhhh.... Relax” his fingers stroked your cheek in the most delicate way possible before letting you down. He passed you back your bra and shirt,  as his hands were trying to move his hard on in a way where it wasn’t too noticeable.
He cleared his throat lightly. “Yeah—! She’s down here with me!”
Your eyes shot back to him still wide as before, as you quickly began to fix your appearance.
“Bucky, is that you?” Your mother questioned, her voice getting closer by the second.
“Sure is! Your daughter and I were just cleaning up the mess down here” your mother eventually coming down to the basement. A smile on her face as she saw the room spotless. Thank god, the room didn’t have the best lighting because your hair was a mess and your lips were swollen.
“She’s such a good girl...” Bucky stated nonchalantly, his arm pulling you in, as his hands rested on your ass. The nickname causing heat to rise in your cheeks. He squeezed your ass and you gasped lightly, quickly covering it with a cough.
“I’ll be right up, I just have to find uh— my phone” you explained, trying to push Bucky’s hand away from behind, but he only continued to knead your ass.
“Alright, honey, thank you Bucky for helping her out. You didn’t have to” she smiled kindly, oblivious to the actions happening behind you and Bucky before she headed upstairs.
You turned on your heel, quickly grabbing your phone. You tried to head towards the stairs but was stopped.
You released a heavy breath, looking up at him. The nonchalant attitude that he presented to your mother was gone. His hands running through his hair. More than likely, a reality check was settling in. He scratched his beard nervously, watching your every movement, waiting for you to speak.
“Don’t worry, Bucky, I’m not going to tell anyone” you promised, waving your phone in the air. “Text me when you get home...” you walked over to him and kissed his cheek. Before he could grab your wrist you pulled away and left Bucky in the middle of your basement to recollect his thoughts.
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Monsters  -  Nine
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Pairing: Dark!Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a man who just wants to do better. But he can’t stop the monster from coming out every now and then. As a last and hopeless attempt at calming The Winter Soldier, SHIELD finds him something they figured would help. An innocent young woman with not a lot going for her. Or, The Winter Soldiers newest victim.
Warnings: Smut (Somnophilia, Daddy Kink, Breeding Kink, Power Kink, Anal), Language, Injuries, Minor Violence, Trigger Warning: Neglect, Childhood Trauma, mentions of mental illnesses
Word Count: 5.5K
A/n: Nat goes on a rant in this part that is very relevant. If y’all have any questions about her rant, ask and I’ll answer based on my own personal knowledge with the subject matter. I hope you all enjoy!
Series Masterlist
You anxiously wait in the pristine office, looking around nervously at everything in the room.
There isn’t a lot, and hardly anything super personal, but it’s something to get your mind off of impending doom.
The door opens and you jump to your feet, staring at the tall man as he walks in.
“Miss (Y/l/n).” He nods. You wring your hands out and gnaw on your bottom lip before speaking, voice small and hoarse.
“H-have you heard from James?” The blond man stops in his tracks. “What do you mean?” You shake your head, sniffling and taking a deep breath.
“H-he hasn’t been home in a few days... I’m worried. The last time he was home the soldier was off the rails... he was really rough... and then he disappeared. I-I know I’m just supposed to be his stress relief but I’ve grown to care for him and if something happened to him I-” Steve places a hand on your shoulder, gently ushering you to sit down. He can’t help but glance to where your skirt rides up as you move.
“It’s okay. I’m sure he’s okay.” Your bottom lip wobbles and Steve’s eyes are drawn to it.
“I-I... what do I do?” He sighs and sits on the edge of his desk, arms crossing over his broad chest.
“First of all, relax. I’ve known Buck my whole life. I’m sure he’s fine. He probably felt bad for hurting you so now he’s trying to figure out how to make amends.” You take a deep breath then nod, clenching your jaw tightly.
“I hope he’s okay.” Steve watches you, proud of how you’ve grown attached to his friend and a little envious of the relationship the two of you have.
“I-I’m sorry for wasting your time, Captain. I was just... I don’t want anything to happen to him is all.” He nods, leaning forward and smiling softly at you.
“Call me Steve. And you haven’t wasted my time.” You smile, eyes darting down to his lips for a moment then back up to his baby blues.
He swallows hard and takes a deep breath.
“C’mon, I’ll take you home.” You hesitate, looking down and shrinking in on yourself.
“What’s wrong?” You shake your head and scoff at yourself. He crouches down in front of you, shouldering his way gently between your legs and for a moment he wonders what it must be like to be between them in a different setting. His eyes find your panties and he licks his lips. The light blue fabric has a small damp spot in the middle and he finds himself fighting the urge to bend you over his desk.
He rests a big hand on your thigh, smoothing over the bare skin for a moment before smiling encouragingly up at you.
“I just... I don’t like being in the house alone. Especially when I don’t know where he is or if he’s safe. I just... it’s scary,” you whimper, closing your eyes tightly.
‘Oh Lord, Buck’s gonna kill me,’ he thinks, knowing that he’s about to take full advantage of your fear.
“You can stay with me until we find him. If you want.” Your eyes snap to his and you nod, fighting a smile.
“Yes, please. If it isn’t too much.” He shakes his head, lips brushing against your thigh for a moment.
“Anything for you, Princess.” The nickname makes you shiver and you can’t help but smile this time. He stands up and takes your hand, pulling you to your feet.
Instead of backing up like you know you should, you stay pressed against him, head back so you can look into his beautiful eyes. His cock twitches in his pants at the innocent look in your eyes and it takes every ounce of self-control he has to step away from you.
The ride to his apartment is filled with tension, and he nearly breaks more times than he’d like to admit.
The final straw, however, is when you’re looking around his bedroom (which he so kindly offered up for you to sleep in) and make yourself comfortable, not giving a rat’s ass that he’s there.
You look over your shoulder at him, making sure he’s still standing in the doorway watching you. And sure enough, he’s there.
With nimble fingers you pull off your top, skirt dropping to the floor a moment later.
“You know,” you begin, climbing onto the bed in just your underwear. “It’s been so lonely since he’s been gone. Could you... stay with me for a while? I’m not used to sleeping on my own.”
He watches you bat your eyelashes at him and mentally curses himself for what he’s about to do. He pulls his shirt off, his jeans following closely after.
“Come here.” It’s not a request, it’s an order, and it sends sparks flying in your belly. You crawl to the edge of the bed and look up at him, holding your breath in anticipation as he steps towards you.
One hand comes up, long fingers gently tracing over your throat before wrapping comfortably around it and giving a light squeeze.
You let out the breath you were holding, eyes falling closed as he leans down and brushes his nose over your neck.
“You miss having a cock in that tight little pussy?” You squeak at his words then nod, whimpering when his other hand trails down your shoulder to your chest.
He pulls back slowly, eyes raking over your figure as if he’s pondering something.
“Lemme help you with that,” he murmurs, crawling onto the bed with you. You move backwards then lie down, heart thumping loudly in your chest as Steve crawls on top of you. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your throat then peppering kisses down down down until he gets to the middle of your bra.
“Gonna let me take this off?” You nod breathlessly, arching your back as he reaches under you. He pulls your bra off easily and his lips are immediately latched around your left nipple. A moan slips past your lips and he grins against your chest, teeth scraping lightly over the sensitive skin.
“S-Steve...” he adores the way you sound. “That’s right, sweetheart. Who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-You, Steve. Only you... please... I need more....” He nods, pushing himself up to his knees and sitting between your legs.
“Such a pretty colour on you, baby. You look so pretty.” You hum, body alight at his praise, and he chuckles.
“Bucky doesn’t take care of you the way he should, does he?” You shake your head, looking up at him through lust-clouded eyes.
“He doesn’t. Can you? Take care of me the way he should, show me how he should treat me.” He nods, chest puffing out a bit at the challenge.
In an instant, he’s ripped your panties clean off of your body and he looks ready to devour you.
“You want me to eat this pretty pussy? Show you how a real man eats pussy? Yeah? Ask daddy nicely.” You absolutely love this.
“Please daddy. Please eat my pussy.” He leans down and attaches his mouth to your dripping centre.
Your back arches off the bed at the contact and you moan loudly, eyes rolling back into your head as he laps at your folds then focuses his tongue on your clit.
He expertly works the little bundle of nerves, flicking and smoothing his tongue over it in a way that has you seeing stars. Your hands find his hair and you tug him closer to your centre, cursing as he slips two long fingers inside of you.
His mouth continues its assault on your clit while his fingers search for the spot that’ll make you see stars. When he finds it you let out a gasp, thighs clenching around his head as the coil in your belly tightens.
He’s unrelenting, tongue and teeth working your clit while his fingers continue pounding against your g-spot, making you see stars. He has you cumming in no time, gushing and creaming all over his handsome face, and he licks up every last drop.
When your legs stop trembling and you seem to have regained your breath, he climbs up your body to lie beside you, watching with pride as you struggle to open your eyes.
His fingers find your lips and you take them into your mouth, sucking the taste of yourself off of him. He grinds his teeth together and before you can comprehend what’s happening, he’s got you flipped onto your stomach, legs forced apart by his knees while he slides a pillow under your hips.
“You ready for daddy to show you how a real man fucks?” You nod desperately, wiggling your hips back a bit. He chuckles and grabs onto them, stilling your movements. The tip of his cock, all hot and wet and perfect, presses against your slit and you can’t help but moan, arching your back a bit more.
“So desperate for me, aren’t you?” You nod, hands gripping the bed sheets tightly as he slides his cock through your drenched folds, gathering your wetness on his length and coating himself in it.
“Your pussy is so nice and small, bet you’re gonna squeeze me so tight, huh? Gonna have this pretty little cunt wrapped around me so damn tight and you’re just gonna take it, aren’t ya? You’re just gonna take the fuckin’ beating my cock’s gonna give you, huh?” You nod again, desperately wanting him to fuck you.
He pulls back, then slides his cock through your folds again, then pulls back, and slides through again. On the third time, and just when you’re about to snap at him to hurry up, he plunges right into you, successfully silencing any thoughts you had.
A smug smile spreads across his face at the way you gasp and choke, his length throbbing inside of your tight heat.
“B-Big,” you whisper, eyes rolling and toes curling at the feeling of him just sitting inside of you. “Y-you’re so big.” Granted, he’s not quite as thick as Bucky, but he’s longer. He hits every perfect spot inside of you while still making you feel like you’ll fall apart if he moves but die if he stays still.
“Look at that...” he whispers, eyes focused on where the two of you are connected. He slowly pulls out, groaning at the way your cunt clings to his cock. He traces the rim where your pussy is stretched and tight around his cock and you can’t help but shiver.
He grins to himself for a moment, pulling out even more until only the tip remains in you, and then he snaps his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt again.
You let out a broken shout of pure ecstasy and he feels himself fill with pride nat the fact that he’s the one getting you to make those sounds.
His hands stay tight on your hips as he pulls back then pushes in, starting up a steady pace and making you feel every inch of his deliciously long cock.
“You my good girl? Huh? You gonna be a good girl for daddy and take every inch of me? Yeah, you’re daddy’s good girl, aren’t you?” You nod dumbly, tears leaking out of your eyes as he fucks you senseless. “I’m daddy's good girl.” He nods then speeds up.
The feeling of his hips slapping into your ass combined with the stretch of his cock in your pussy and his balls brushing your clit has you balancing precariously on the edge, almost ready to fall into your second orgasm.
He leans forward and grabs your hands, pushing them into the mattress with his weight but you absolutely love it. His hips speed up and his lips find your neck, licking and sucking on the tender skin while his cock absolutely abuses your pussy.
“S-Steve! I... can I cum? Please. Please, I’m gonna cum, please!” His teeth find your neck and he bites at your skin, the pain pushing you headfirst into your second fiery orgasm of the night.
“Cum around my cock,” he murmurs, thrusts unrelenting even as you clench around him. He basks in the feeling of you, slowing his thrusts but putting more force behind each one. You’re not sure where your second orgasm ends and third one begins, all you know is that if he keeps this up you’re gonna pass out.
He groans into your neck, muscles trembling as his own climax approaches.
In a matter of moments, he’s spilling his seed deep in you, coating your walls in his cum.
“Gonna fill you up,” he murmurs, pumping his hips while your cunt milks him of everything he has to offer.
“Gonna mark this pussy up so you always know who you really belong to.” You clench around him at his words and he groans, hips slowing before stilling.
He stays on top of you for a moment, just catching his breath, then pulls out and flops onto his back. You’re perfectly content to remain where you are, but he’s having none of that. He grabs you by the hips and pulls you onto his chest, one hand between the two of you to help you sink back down on his cock.
You whimper as his softening cock presses against your tender walls and he can’t help but chuckle.
His hands rub soothing circles on your back and a small part of you wishes that this was the man you were forced to be with.
You squash that thought quickly but cuddle closer to Steve, post-orgasmic bliss taking you to sleep quickly.
You fall asleep on his chest, but he finds himself unable to fall asleep just yet. Not with the way your breasts are pressed to his chest, or the way your cunt clenches and flutters in your sleep.
He spends hours trying to fall asleep, trying to ignore the throbbing in his balls and the way you’re keeping his cock so warm. But he can’t.
Steve Rogers isn’t done with your body just yet.
He carefully rolls the two of you over so that you’re on your back, hovering over you and making sure you’re still asleep. When you show no sign of having regained consciousness, he slowly starts thrusting his cock in and out of you again.
Your body is pliant and lax and he finds himself so entranced by it. He leans back onto his haunches, grabs you by the hips, and hoists you up so that you’re at the perfect level for him to fuck.
He wastes no time in taking what he wants from your body, fucking you hard and fast and borderline brutally, not giving a single fuck if you wake up.
You stay asleep for far longer than he thought you would, what with the way he’s fucking your abused and swollen pussy. The squelching sounds of your soaked cunt is almost enough to drown out your confused groans, but he hears them. Over the pornographic sounds your pussy is making, you’re calling out for Bucky, wondering what’s happening.
And that fact alone only spurs Steve on.
He fucks you even harder, cock hitting every spot inside of you that makes you see stars, and you moan.
“Go back to sleep, Princess. Daddy’s just finishing up here,” he whispers, hands holding your thighs so tightly that he’s definitely leaving bruises.
“m’kay,” you whisper, head cloudy with sleep. He watches the way your eyes fall closed, the way you just succumb to him and allow him to do whatever the hell he wants with your body.
His abs clench and soon enough he’s cumming inside of you again, adding to the white mess inside of your puffy pussy.
He pulls out after a long moment and gets on his stomach between your legs, eyes focused on the way your pussy twitches and gapes, a thin line of white trailing from your pussy to your tighter hole. An idea strikes him and before he knows what’s happening he’s got his middle finger in your pussy, coating it in a mixture of his cum and yours.
Once he deems it wet enough he slowly pushes it into your lower hole, eyes focused on the look of pain that crosses your features. He hums to himself, bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he fucks your ass with his middle finger.
“Bucky never take this hole? Huh? Nah, he just sticks to that cunt of yours. So this pretty little ass is all mine.”
He pulls out of your ass to coat his ring finger in the slick oozing from your cunt, then pushes the two fingers back into your ass.
“Would you look at that? A fuckin’ natural.” He fucks you with his fingers, working your ass open slowly until he can fit all four fingers inside.
“You’re gonna take my cock in your ass, Princess. And you’re gonna like it.”
He positions his cock at your ass and uses his fingers to scoop the cum out of your pussy. He covers his length in it then slowly eases into your ass, face scrunching up at just how tight it is.
“Jesus... Fuck, you’re tight,” he rumbles. Your face is contorted with pain and your eyelids flutter for a moment before slowly opening.
He pulls your legs up over his shoulders and grabs both of your wrists in one hand, pinning them above your head while he slowly rocks in and out of you.
His hips don’t stop, even as you’re on the verge of waking up. He continues fucking your ass because fuck, you’re so tight and so perfect. You whimper at the pain but he continues, hips speeding up as he feels ready to burst again.
You start squirming beneath him and that's what does it. The fact that he has you pinned and you can do absolutely nothing to free yourself. The absolute power he feels over you. He cums hard, shooting his load into your ass and making a mess that matches that in your pussy.
Only when he’s sure he’s been milked of all the cum in his balls does he pull out, and even then he’s not finished his assault on your sleeping body.
Now that he has you, has an outlet, he intends to make full use of it.
“You look tired,” Fury notes, eyeing the super-soldier warily.
“Had a long night,” is Steve’s reply.
The blond man pushes open Bucky’s front door, listening carefully and trying to find any evidence that the man has been home in the past 24 hours.
“Buck?” He calls, walking through the house and pausing every so often to listen for any noise.
He almost doesn’t notice it. It’s so faint and so far away that if he was even the slightest bit more distracted he would’ve missed it.
“Someone’s here,” he whispers, feet pulling him to the basement door. The sound of muffled arguments only gets louder the closer he gets.
Fury follows Steve down the stairs, eyebrows raising as the blond jogs over to the cellar latch.
He pulls it open, the sound of the argument ceasing in an instant.
There’s an audible sigh of relief. “Steve! Nat’s here too. You’ve gotta help us, man.” Steve hurries down the ladder, confusion slapping him in the face as he takes in the scene before him.
Bucky is on the ground clutching at his chest, blood staining his shirt and dribbling from his chin while Natasha is bound and naked beside him, a bar spreading her legs apart.
Steve’s cheeks flush and he quickly glances away from her, tugging his jacket off and covering her body with it while he works to untie her bonds.
When she’s finally free, she wraps herself in his jacket and stumbles away from Bucky, heart racing in her chest.
“What happened?” Steve asks, grabbing her forearms and pulling her into an embrace. She takes deep breaths, trying to compose herself and not lash out before giving a proper explanation.
“He broke her, that’s what happened. He broke her and she finally exploded.” She pushes past him and up the ladder, Fury waiting to help her out of the house.
“What the hell does she mean?” Steve asks his friend, grabbing his arm and hoisting him to his feet.
“She’s gone fuckin’ crazy, man. She kidnapped Nat and she stabbed me! Yeah, I was a little rough with her, but I didn’t think she’d go ape shit!” Steve thinks back to the night he spent with you, trying to piece things together.
You seemed so genuine. And yet you’ve caused so much damage.
“Where is she?” Bucky asks suddenly, his hand pressed tightly to the wound below his ribs.
“She uh... she spent the night at my place. She was still asleep when I left.”
The brunet stares at his friend, different emotions playing through his body. He opens his mouth to speak but a voice that isn’t his comes out, a metal hand reaching up and grabbing Steve by the throat.
The blond grabs his arm, confusion in his eyes as his friend chokes the life out of him.
“Buck!” He rasps, calmly fingers sliding down the metal of his arm. “Buck, stop!”
The brunet shows no sign of even hearing his friend, and Steve quickly finds himself running out of options.
He thrusts his fist out, striking the injury at the brunet’s ribs.
He drops Steve and grabs at his chest, panting hard and shaking his head a few times.
“Fury, get the tactile team here. And have a second team at my house now!”
Steve grabs the brunet, pushing him to the ladder while he’s still disoriented and in pain.
He climbs up the ladder then up the stairs, collapsing on the floor in the kitchen.
“Where is she?” He demands, his voice caught between Bucky and The Soldier.
“We're finding her,” Steve says warily, eyes focused on the man on the ground before him.
“She’s dangerous, Steve, she’s fuckin’ dangerous.”
“So you really didn’t think to do a thorough background check before you went and grabbed her?” Natasha asks, arms crossed over her chest as she glares at the three men before her.
“I had nothing to do with it! Fury and Steve brought me files of different women and told me to pick one so I did,” Bucky defends, raising his hands from where he sits in front of Steve’s desk.
“You’ve got different problems, problems that we’re gonna discuss later,” She hisses, levelling him with a glare that tells him to shut the fuck up.
“We did a background check. Her mother is supposed to have died years ago, her father too,” Steve defends, “the legal documents were hidden deep. It took a while for Stark to find them.” The redhead raises her eyebrows in confusion.
“So what’s the deal then? What secrets needed to be hidden?”
“Her father commit suicide. He was a paranoid schizophrenic, got removed from the family after the neighbours reported him exhibiting... strange behaviour and teaching his daughter... unethical things. He then escaped the psych ward and jumped out of the twelfth-floor window, died on impact,” Steve says, eyes scanning the document on his computer screen.
“Her mother raised her until she was fifteen, then she got admitted to a psychiatric hospital, official diagnosis: Narcissistic Personality Disorder with recurring episodes of intense psychosis that included visual hallucinations.”
“So craziness runs in the family,” Bucky mumbles, wincing when Nat elbows him in the ribs.
“They’re not crazy. You of all people should have some sympathy and empathy when it comes to mental issues and disorders.” His jaw clenches but he otherwise says nothing.
“So what about (Y/n). What’s her... official diagnosis? If she even has one,” Natasha urges.
Steve’s eyes rake over the screen before finding the part where you really come in. “She was removed from her mother’s care after her teachers noticed patterns of neglect. The official diagnosis she was given was Conduct Disorder, but they thought nothing of it considering her upbringing. She bounced around through group homes and foster families until she turned eighteen, which is when she moved to New York and got her own life.”
Natasha is silent for a moment, mulling over Steve’s words.
“Conduct Disorder is the precursor to Antisocial Personality Disorder, isn’t it?” She asks, eyes flashing to the blond. He nods, having read in-depth about that particular disorder.
“What does that mean?” Bucky asks. Steve sighs and pats his friend on the shoulder. “It’s what, back in our day, we’d call a psychopath. Or a sociopath. Those aren’t the politically correct terms anymore, but that’s pretty much what she is.”
Bucky nods thoughtfully, thinking over the words for a moment before speaking. “That explains the stabbing.”
Natasha grabs Bucky by the collar, her eyes full of fiery anger.
“No, James! She’s had this disorder her whole life and yet she has not one smidge of a criminal record! Her disorder isn’t what made her lash out and do that terrible shit! You are! You’re the one who beat her and broke her! You destroyed her, mentally and physically! You don’t get to shove off what you’ve done onto a disorder that she had under control!”
She’s panting, her chest heaving as she finally gives him a piece of her mind.
“You fucking destroyed that girl, James. This is her mind’s way of protecting what little sanity she has left. She isn’t a bad person because of her disorder. If I remember correctly, she was nice, she was liked by people, and she was a functioning member of society. So don’t you dare go and blame your actions on her disorder because I can guarantee that if you hadn’t fucked her up so bad, she wouldn’t have lashed out the way she did!”
The two other men are silent, Steve trying to figure out what Bucky could’ve done that was so bad while Bucky hangs his head in shame.
“I know that what I did was wrong, but I couldn’t... I couldn’t stop myself.”
Nat snorts, “bullshit. I don’t care if it ‘wasn’t you’. You still started treating her badly. Fuck, you agreed to this whole thing in the first place. You caused this, James.”
“What happened?” Steve finally asks.
“What happened is that your war buddy over here decided to see how much torture it takes to break a person. Turns out it’s a lot less than you’d think. Fucker took a video of it and everything.” She turns to Bucky with her arms crossed over her chest. “Show him the video.” He shakes his head, hand instinctively going to his phone.
“Show him the fucking video, James. Show him what you did, why she is the way she is. Do it.” He grinds his teeth together, trying not to lash out at her.
“See? He knows that what he did is too fucked up to even show you.”
“I agree that things haven’t gone the way we thought they would, but that’s a fact we need to accept,” a new voice chimes in from the doorway. Natasha glares at the man as he walks in.
“How could even suggest something like this?” She demands. Fury shrugs, lips pursed for a moment.
“There are certain people in this world... whose roles are expendable. They don’t serve one significant purpose. So I gave her a purpose.” She shakes her head. “You don’t get to decide the importance of people’s lives. That girl was doing just fine, and then you decide to ruin her fucking life.”
“There was no way we could’ve known things would’ve gone this way.” He sounds so unbothered by this and that only pisses Natasha off more.
“No, but there was a chance you could’ve realized that if he needs an outlet so bad, maybe he should be the one we’re focusing on! If the soldier is that uncontrollable, maybe we shouldn’t have him here with us! Maybe we should lock him up somewhere where no one will find him if that’s how dangerous he is.” She points aggressively at Bucky
He’s out of his chair in an instant, chest heaving as he glares at her.
“I care about her! I value her and she’s important to me! To both of us! I’m not fucking happy with what I did to her but we made it work! We were happy! We were functioning perfectly!”
“Then why the hell did you sleep with me?!” Natasha counters, stepping forwards so she’s toe-to-toe with the assassin.
“If you were so fucking happy playing house with your little sex toy, why did you feel the need to start something with me?! Not only were you dishonest and deceitful with me, but you were fucking lying to her too! You lied to us both! You fucking deceived us both! If you cared about either one of us, you would’ve told us both what was happening from the start!” She’s shouting herself hoarse but she doesn’t care. She hopes everyone in the building can hear her.
“It’s not that simple! I couldn’t just confess to you what my coping method was! You’d never understand! And she was just starting to trust me again, to be good for me. I didn’t want to lose that.”
She takes a deep breath and shakes her head, scoffing slightly at the absolute idiocy of the man before her.
“James, you don’t understand. That woman doesn’t trust you. She’s terrified of you. She’s been mistreated her whole life and now you come on the scene and you fuck her up even more. She’s realizing that giving in to your sick fetishes and desires is what makes you give her attention, and she’s gone her whole fucking life without having attention so she’s gonna do everything in her power to keep it.” She takes a deep breath and shakes her head, wrapping her arms around her torso.
“That woman doesn’t love you. She’s afraid of you. Afraid of the monster she knows you are.” She turns around and shoulders past Fury on her way out.
“You guys have fucked up. We’re supposed to be the good guys. The good guys don’t fuck people up the way you have,” she calls over her shoulder before storming off.
The three men are all silent before Steve clears his throat.
“So what are we going to do about her? We can’t exactly have her running around telling everyone what happened.” Fury nods, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I’ll try talking to her, see if we can work something out,” Bucky suddenly says while avoiding the eyes of the men around him. He slips his phone into his breast pocket and makes for the door, stopping when Steve speaks.
“She stabbed you, Buck. Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asks, his hand grabbing Bucky’s shoulder. The brunet nods with a sigh. “She wanted me to pick her over Nat. And maybe that’s what I should do. For the time being anyway. Just until we figure out what to really do with her.” Steve nods, his hand patting his friend on the chest before allowing him to leave.
Bucky walks out without another word.
“I trust that you’ll be able to make the difficult decision, right Captain?” Fury suddenly asks, eyes going pointedly to the phone in Steve’s hand. Steve holds it tighter, clearing his throat after a moment.
“Yes sir.”
“Remember when you sacrificed your life to save the lives of thousands of people?” Steve nods warily, trying to figure out where Fury’s going with this. 
“Sometimes, we need to sacrifice one to save the many,” Steve replies, realizing what Fury is implying.
“Make the right choice, Rogers. That’s all I’m saying. The right choice for everyone.” He leaves the room without another word and Steve sighs, closing the door then plopping down at his desk and unlocking Bucky’s phone.
He scrolls through the camera roll until he finds the video, beyond curious as to what Natasha was talking about.
His eyes are focused on the video, watching the way Bucky uses your body and degrades you. When the camera pans up to your tear-stained face, he groans, blood rushing to his cock.
It’s wrong. It’s so fucking wrong to find something like this so very arousing and so satisfying but he can’t help it. The absolute control Bucky has over you is something Steve yearns for, something he's been wanting for quite a while.
And he makes the decision then and there that maybe Bucky isn’t so much in the wrong after all.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
Giving you two options here (obviously, you should know my mind wanders a lot — or surprise option C where you delete my ask entirely, don’t feel pressured to do this — and before we continue THIS UPDATE WAS THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED PERIOD WE CAN NOW COPY AND PASTE ON THE APP)
Either [both A and B with the praise kink] A with Donnie:
9) Did you miss feeling me around you so much that you’ve resorted to your hand? and 1) What? Does that feel good? (Like, maybe he masturbates? She walks in, and ands up touching herself to... him touching himself? Or something like that? — loll I just realised it’s having sex while safely social distancing)
(And I don’t think it was on the list, but one way or another dyou think that you could potentially somehow add a strap on in there ... somehow — I know, I’m a kinky bítch — like, maybe mommy says “okay, princeling, fun’s over. You know the rules.” or something? — I’m giving you my own prompts now, Jesus 😂)
Or B [the much simpler, quicker, and more “wiggley” option] with either Donnie, Raph or Mikey: 23) Loser has to give the other a lap dance (he gives the lap dance)
.. I’m starting to think I went overboard, and I’m sorry, i just get excited sometimes, you know?
I’m taking a few liberties because honestly it’s about time I write Don getting pegged so I hope it still vibes with what you want.
So yes everybody, Donnie is getting pegged, I’ve finally done it. I can retire and live out my golden years in peace.
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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You liked playing a little game with Donatello.
Often times there was no pattern to how it happened or how it would escalate. The two of you would sit together, talk about everything and nothing, it would slide into more tantalizing talks and then it would be like this.
Sitting opposite one another on swivel chairs. Running off your mouth with things that would make anybody blush.
Messing with Donnie was just too much fun.
You’d watched him snake a hand into his sweats, pulling his already hard member out. He swallowed on the first pumps, hand lazily stroking. You smirked, spreading your legs for him, thankful you’d chosen a short comfortable dress. Donnie’s eyes lingered on the exposed flesh of your thighs, he slid down a bit, long legs spreading for you.
“You ever laugh at how easily little ol’ me gets you like this?” You traced lazy patterns on your thigh, he followed bewitched by your movement. Donnie’s hand stroked his cock, his fist twisting on the upturn, teasing the head. “Be a good boy and answer my question” You crossed your legs, enjoying how his frown at being denied the view.
“Yes, yes I do, love it” He groaned stopping briefly to lick his palm before wrapping it around himself again.
Opting to reward his honesty you slid your own hand into your underwear. “Did you miss feeling me around you so much that you’ve resorted to your hand?” You grinned at Donnie’s whine. He nodded, hand picking up speed as he stroked with more vigor. His eyes watched entrapped as you teased yourself, you sighed contently with the sensation spreading all over you. A trickle of pre-cum gushed from the tip, he spread it, the wet sounds of Donnie fucking his fist faster filling the room.
“You rather make a mess all over you lap, mhm?” You asked, all sultry voice and promising eyes. You stood up, opting to step out of your short dress. It was an ego boost seeing how his eyes raked all over you.
But your question had him wondering.
You walked over to him, leaning down towards his lips. “Do you want me to fuck you?” You ghosted the question across his lips, Donnie choked a moan, with reluctance he seized his movements and squeezed his cock to quell his need. A slight bashfulness spread across his eyes, you caught his gaze going towards the bed but more specifically for something that lay hidden near it.
“Oh? You want me to fuck you like that? Your smile spread before you turned towards the section where his bed was, you looked behind a few things and pulled out a box. Donnie swallowed, excitement flourishing in his stomach.
He watched as you took out a harness of sorts, a bottle of lube and a clear colored dildo.
Oh boy.
Donnie had been in the mood for it for a while now. He often didn’t have the nerve to ask for it as much he wanted it but he was thankful you could read him pretty well. Some nights just required to be taken like this.
“Come here,” You called him over and he did as told, discarding his sweats with a slight kick. You acomadated a few pillows and told him to lay across the bed propped on them. It was a more comfortable angle for this, Donnie was all legs and that was a favorite feature of his but also made things tricky for your smaller stature. He laid himself where you ordered, legs bent and spread for you.
“Now while I finish setting up, be a good boy and get yourself ready for me” You handed him the bottle of lube. Watching him spreading a generous amount over his entrance never seizing to send a spike of heat through you, the way he circled it before gently pushing a digit in. What a display you had as you stepped into the strap on, Donnie finger fucking humself slowly with his eyes fluttering closed. You grabbed the dildo, a modest size so as to not hurt him, and attached it to the metal ring on the strap.
Once everything was secured and it place, pulled tight you in between his legs. Hands on his knees you tutted tapping on his knees. “Now now, if you rather just keep at it with your finger...” Donnie shook his head, slowly retreating the digit and handing you the lube, your raised a brow. “Right, right” Heat flushed his neck as he sat up briefly and squirted a decent amount onto the dildo. Just as you loved watching him get ready, you absolutely loved when he got you ready for this.
He fisted the silicone expertly, making sure it was covered from base to tip. You caught his lips with your own before he laid back down, kissing him sensually.
“Remember the rules?” You asked, your voice much sweeter and less cocky. “Red means stop, yellow slow down and green is go” He nodded shyly, but this excitement was palpable in his eyes as he laid against the propped pillows. You got on your knees at the edge of the bed , hands slidding over his spread thighs, carefully you gripped the dildo and found his hole. Slow and steady you pushed into him, the hiss that left him making you bite your lip.
Doing this was by far one of the most thrilling and power trip induced things ever. Donnie’s responses to it never stopped turning you on. You were half way inside of him, watching his cock twitch in need. Fully sheathed in him you thrusted slowly to get a good rhythm going, each movement making him groan. Your hands rested on his waist, not like you could grip him like he could you, but you kept your hands firmly there pushing him down and keeping him in place. His thighs squeezed against your own, eyes fluttering shut as you moved within him.
“What? Does that feel good?” Your ego was already reaching new heights by now, having Donnie at your mercy, trying to meet you thrust for thrust as you sped up, one of your hands when under his thigh. “Feel so good, please-oh” Donnie’s moans hitched slightly when you changed angles, clearly hitting the spot he wanted so desperately to be hit. You leaned over him, propped up on your hands as you hips moved harder.
Each thrust seemed to be enough to have the leather material rub against your clit. You chewed on your bottom lip, settling on your forearms for easier quicker movements. Donnie raised his hips more, one foot on the ceiling above (good thing that bed of his is a literal cubby) his hands found your back and he dug his nails.
You moaned against his collar, the lip of his plastron cold against your cheek. “God- fuck!” The close proximity of your stomach was causing friction against his aching leaking cock. “Har-der!” He chocked out, his hands slid to your rear and he gripped the flesh. You had to oblige, getting Donnie riled like this, having him gasping out pleas and moaning out his desires.
Sweat covered your body as you moved against him, muscles tense and trembling. By the sounds he was making he was approaching his release, he snuck a hand between your bodies but gripped his forearm and pinned it down. “No no no” You breathed out with a low moan. “You’re cumin without touching yourself or you’re not cumin at all” Donnie whined at your threat, pinned hand in a fist as he moved against you. Those pretty brown eyes of his fluttered open, he always did look beautiful without his glasses and mask.
“Please, mommy” He mouthed at you and god you felt it buzz in your veins. Donnie’s debautched features giving you another surge of stamina.
You leaned back placing his knee on your shoulder, you wrapped your arms around the muscled limb and held onto it as you thrusted fast. Donnie moaned, loud, feeling the dildo hit his sweet spot over and over. “Fu-I’m! Y/n!” You saw his cock twitch, cum shooting in thick spurts across his plastron. The image, sounds and friction enough to make you slip off the edge yourself. You held onto his leg, mouth against his calf you moaned as your orgasm hit.
Your hips slowed, each movement making Donnie shudder. “Wow, that never stops feeling insane” He spoke, chest still heaving. You chuckled equally spent and trying to ease your rapid heart. He lifted his leg off your shoulder and you took the moment to roll the join until several pops were heard. “You know if you like it so much you can just ask me to do it more often” A tired smile on your face, Donnie nodded looking for anything to clean himself up with.
Naturally you decided to give him one last shiver of excitement. Leaning down you licked up the mess on his body, enjoying the little strangled noise he made. Slowly and carefully you pulled out of him and rolled over next to him with a pleased sigh.
“You um... you came, huh?” He asked somewhat teasing, he smiled when you nudged him with your elbow. “Look it just happens, especially with the show you put on” It was his turn to nudge you while shaking his head.
Donnie turned on his side, arm draped over your stomach and face nuzzling your breast. You caressed him, in a bit you could take off the strap on, for now you wanted to cuddle him until sleep became too strong.
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