#would you believe me if i said this is only a portion of the screenshots i took. there's like. A Lot going on here am I'm loving it
red-moon-at-night · 11 months
Hey this MV sure has a LOT of split second graphics huh
A very short MV but maybe, just maybe, I'll forgive the milgram team with the love letter to graphic design (you know, because that's mikoto's job) and sheer volume of semi-decipherable and semi-indecipherable text/iconography/colour choices...
Do with the following images what you will:
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justagirlluckyme · 2 months
My thoughts on the Melanie Martinez and Timothy Heller situation as a fan since 2016/2017
When I first become a fan of Melanie Martinez I was around 8-9 years old and incredibly impressionable. I was too young to understand the gravity of the situation and when I saw people like Crow (formally known as Piper Sweeney) defending Melanie I immediately believed it. Looking back, his arguments were incredibly flawed and his main point was “I’m a victim as well and I didn’t react that way to my trauma so Timothy must be lying.” As well as a fake instagram story where Timothy allegedly admitted to lying due to her mental health issues. There’s so much more to the Crow, Melanie, and Timothy situation but that’s for another discussion.
Another common argument I’ve seen is that Timothy must be lying since she doesn’t fit the perfect victim role. She lacks vulnerability, believability, and respectability. The reason many people believe this is because of many racist and fascist posts she’s made below 👇
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Got screenshot from TikTok
Naturally, people find it hard to respect or believe someone like this. But, you can be an awful person and a victim of abuse. Obviously, I will never defend Timothy for these posts as they go against every belief I hold as a human being (hopefully everyone’s beliefs), but someone being flawed and not fitting your perfect blameless victim mentality doesn’t mean you can’t be abused. Again, I don’t like or would ever associate with her but she’s still able to be a victim.
When the allegations were first introduced in 2017 I believe, this was Melanie’s response:
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The biggest portion people take out of this is “she never said no to what we chose to do together.” The phrasing of this was very very icky to me. It almost felt like a confession because “not saying no” is clearly not consent. Then again, the part where she says “what we chose to do together” part made it seem as if it was a mutual agreement. But, the phrasing was poor so it’s hard to say. Later, Melanie released the song Piggyback on SoundCloud and to me it was in poor taste. She only released it on SoundCloud because “she didn’t want to profit off of 🍇 allegations.” But it felt very unnecessary. Essentially, it felt like a diss track.
Many people say, “why are we brining this to TikTok and not settling this in a court case?” According to the Washington post, “Just 5.7 percent of incidents end in arrest, 0.7 percent result in a felony conviction and 0.6 percent result in incarceration” Now, imagine those odds against a millionaire celebrity with seemingly no proof other than each others words. There’s not much incentive to want to settle things legally. Though I agree, it may have been better to settle things privately but I understand her wanting to be believed.
Another thing I’ve seen against Timothy is she got the dates of the sleepover wrong when asked about it. Regardless of the dates, both Melanie and Timothy agreed the encounter occurred so it really doesn’t seem important when it happened.
“Why would Timothy stay friends with Melanie after it happened and dress up as her?” Everyone responds to trauma differently. It’s not uncommon to stay in relationships with abusers and if you’ve ever listened to other victims stories, it’s actually quite common. Of course, not everyone is going to react the same way and it feels unfair to say “well if I was in that situation I would never do that!” But the truth is, you don’t know. I’ve never been abused in that way so I have no idea how I would react. Everyone responds differently.
I’ve seen many people say “I hope these allegations aren’t true because I’m seeing her live soon!” Or “I’ve spent so much money on merch this better not be true!” And to that I say, this isn’t about you. This isn’t about you or me or anyone else other than Melanie and Timothy. Yes, I’ve bought Mel merch in the past but I feel the money I’ve potentially wasted is not relevant right now. Yes, this is very disappointing as Melanie’s music and art has essentially raised me, but there’s a much bigger problem than things like that.
There’s so much misinformation being spread by both parties defenders it’s hard to say which proof is true or not. At this point, I’m just waiting for Melanie’s response to all this. As of right now, only Melanie and Timothy truly know what happened that night. Unless some new proof comes out, it’s likely we’ll never know the truth. Everything I stated above is just my thoughts on it all. I feel the need to reiterate this, in no way do I endorse or support timothy for all the horrid things she’s said and done! This is a very sticky situation. She has a poor character and if the 🍇 allegations are true, Melanie does as well. All I know is I’d rather believe a potential victim rather than a potential 🍇ist.
If you are an active Melanie supporter and defender I want you to ask yourself this: if Melanie wasn’t famous, you never listened to her music, never bought her merch, never attended a concert of hers, would you be defending her? Don’t let your belief bias cloud your judgement. If she was an average person with these allegations EVERYONE would be on Timothy’s side. “But I know Mel and her music shows her morals, she would never!” You don’t know her at all. You have no relationship with her and if you truly believe you do it’s parasocial.
This is just my 2 cents on the situation. I tried to be as mature and respectful as possible.
I apologize if there’s any typos. I’m writing this at 2 am as I had many opinions I wanted to share as a long time Mel fan. As of right now, I probably won’t stream her music. People say “seperate the art from the artist” but I find that difficult when my streams directly go to her pockets.
If you read this, thank you! If you have any thoughts to share or points I missed feel free to comment. I will be heading to bed now, goodnight :)
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 9 months
there is no such thing as talking about chapter 4 too much....go crazy
I knew I could count on you Mashi
Just... as a treat... I want to submit further evidence for my Kokichi essay in proof that The Killing Game Busters was never meant to succeed. Screenshots from episode 46 of ShortOneGaming's v3 playthrough:
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(class trial, chapter 4)
This was shortly after Kokichi revealed that Gonta was the culprit. The goal of the Killing Game Busters was to get Gonta to win so that everyone else would be mercy killed. THIS is not the actions of a person wholeheartedly going along with that plan. He is aggressively insisting that they have to look into Gonta as a suspect (which he will only continue to pull Shuichi through for the rest of the trial). That is the polar opposite of what is necessary for the Killing Game Busters to succeed. If he wanted that plan to succeed, he could have carefully used Kaito's outburst to turn the blame back onto himself.
I mean, I guess you could say that Kokichi here is specifically just trying to piss Kaito off, which is founded. The way he says "WE want to live" "stop getting in OUR way" places Kaito as an outsider. This works especially well to chip away at Kaito and Shuichi's relationship because, again, this is not long after Shuichi first said they needed to consider Gonta as a suspect, "siding" him with Kokichi in Kaito's eyes.
...But, I think there are other ways Kokichi could have done exactly that. There WERE other ways he did that. None of it would require sabotaging a very delicate plan the way he had been already for a good portion of the trial.
Also, there was another thing I noticed near the end of the trial. Every time they confirm something that Gonta did in their murder plot against Miu, Kokichi takes ownership of the idea.
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(class trial, chapter 4) (This is about Gonta rappelling down the wall using the toilet paper)
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(class trial, chapter 4)
Now, this could be true. In fact, I believe Kokichi did come up with the vast majority of the plan. But, it is kind of weird that he just keeps pointing out his involvement like this. It feels to me like that every time Gonta gets incriminated, Kokichi needs to pull the attention back to himself. Yes, Gonta physically carried out Miu's murder, and that's horrible, but don't forget! I, Kokichi, planned it all! I made him do it! Look at me! Hate me!
It's just another way Kokichi worked to antagonize himself in the eyes of everyone else. He couldn't let people focus on the reveal of the true culprit for too long if it meant distracting them from villainizing him.
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clowsvillesuckz · 1 year
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Newest Lego Set – The Enchanting Table!
Replicate the famous enchanting table area from hit server Area Unknown SMP! This set contains 3 Mini figs - Aimsey, Guqqie and Michela!
[Ramblings abt this below!!!]
OKAAY HOLLYYYY SHIT. So. I started working on this march 30th after I made a lego themed thing for my work! I made a lego version of our work like character person lmfao and i was like hm... this is super cool i kind of want to do my own project with this! So i thought ooo I can make either area unknown or maybe like soul swap! so I was watching michela and was like hai would you reckon AU or SS would be cooler in lego and she said probably area unknown and so then i set off designing the characters! I started with Guqqie’s first and did the jacket. I made it while watching the lego batman movie because its a baller movie... BUT ANYWAY YAS! So i started with the jacket. Because this was the first time I was doing this and really didn’t know how to go about recreating the lego look in terms of lines and stuff so i used 2 of the mecabricks like lego designs and mushed them together annd then from then on i kind of got a feel for everything and was able to design my own more effiencetly! Once i finished guqqie i moved on to to michela’s! and holy shit hers was a bit of a nightmare LMFAO. so i started with the hat because there was no actual bucket hat i used a top hat and then edited it to get the right shape before adding on the axolotl bits! the rest of the design was quite simple and then i went to the hair. GOD. okay so i used 2 mixed together and her bit at the front is actually a pony tail that i re-sculpted and meshed and it made me want to end it all a bit... I was going to add her jacket but i just didn’t know how and also valued my sanity a bit so i decided to Not do it. Before moving on to aimsey’s i actually did the build portion! and MY FUCKING GOD. okay so basically i couldn’t find flats for the minecraft textures that were HD enough so i decided to pixel by pixel recreate every single one! Every. Single One. All of the blocks are 16x16 i believe and i hand colour dropped everyone from shitty screenshots i found of the blocks. Mapping them in blender would seem easy! its just a bunch of cubes and rectangular prisms... but no No it was not. trying to lego ify it was even worse. so like i found a youtube vide that showed how to use geometry nodes to create the lego effect but it just didnt have the effect i wanted so i went ahead and did it by hand... and then i had to fucking RE MAP every block because it fucked it up... i only wanted to slightly end it all... and then finally i went back to aimseys design! you cant really tell but the arm cast is actually seperate to the arm! i duplicated the piece, scaled it up slightly removed a bunch of the bits and then used the solidify modifier and then mapped the bandage on it! I sculpted the horns form 2 circles and then just kind of deleted random bits for the broken one lmfao! once all that was done i rendered them all adding them illustrator where i designed the box and then brought THAT into blender to get renders of the box! I then added all 3 minifigs, the build And the box into 1 blender project to create a cool epic scene to show off the complete set! and thats how i did this! 
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Andddd we're getting into the end game of season one with War Mantle.
GREGOR MY DARLING <3 Having a terrible time of it. I'm still desperate to know what fills in the portions between the whole 'getting exploded' and this. Anyone like EXPLAINING HOW TECH LIVED WOULD TAKE TOO MUCH TIME - they could always do a Gregor and JUST NOT EXPLAIN SHIT.
Omega trying to copy Hunter's knife tricks is so cuteeeee
NO MONEY MEANS NO FOOD Tech has been trying to convince them of this all season.
Also Wrecker in this scene is why i can't see the batch dynamic without Tech working like imagine Hunter and Echo at odds about what to do and Wrecker is just like You Both Have Points :) Things would simply not get done quickly.
"Ensure every viable clone is mobilized" I am SO SAD ABOUT ALL THE LITTLE TUBIES? AND THE LITTLE CADETS... I am VERY CONCERNED about those babies.
Hunter is the most hesitant bitch in the world. We're banking a lot on a clone we don't even know. The way this man would bundle his squad into a bindle and carry them off into a cave forever.
More Mysterious Tracking Skill. Smell a stick, get a full picture of what happened.
OKAY SO AS I'VE SAID BEFORE, I WATCHED TBB COMPLETELY BLIND, NO IDEA ABOUT TCW OR THEIR ARC IN THAT. WHICH EXPLAINS THAT HUNTER HAS ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSITIVITY. So let me tell you. When he goes from sniffing the ground to being like THERE'S SOMETHING HERE. INSIDE THAT MOUNTAIN. All I could do was go 'okay whatever you say!' but I had no idea how he would have made that determination. Magic mountain vision.
"We do not know for certain if CC-5576 is even in there... or if he is still alive." the way Tech has this line and then Echo saying that if there's even a CHANCE they have to try to get him out... if Echo doesn't go searching for Tech I'm calling bullshit. If there is even a chance, Echo will take it.
God the confusion over only 50 clone troopers and 1000 'TK troopers.' Just genuinely unaware that the clones are being replaced, and it's such a foreign idea that they don't even consider it.
"That's CAPTAIN traitor" is one of my favorite lines in the show
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Perfect screenshot, no notes
Love the exchange between Tech and Gregor. Yes he was captured, AFTER he made it out!
Gonky sounds like he's worried about Omega I know all he can do is waddle and gonk but I will apply anthropomorphization as necessary.
SCORCH. This is my first time rewatching since playing Republic Commando and my intense affection is mixed with 'baby this isn't you someone help him'
Gregor getting shot in the chest and surviving like yeah doesn't this tell you something about perhaps not going into battle in a FUCKING TANK TOP I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE REBELS KILLED HIM LIKE THAT
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No show that made Hunter take this fall without a single scratch on him is going to kill Tech with a fall into the clouds unless they truly TRULY somehow ran out of ways to kill someone. Hunter bounced down that like he was in a pinball machine.
"Glad we're not going that way!" one of you is
The fact that they don't even think of using Gonky until Omega plugs him in like that's how utterly detached they are from what Gonky is actually SUPPOSED TO BE DOING. He is a friend they just love him!
When Gonky got fried I was actually super worried for him the first time.
Hunter telling them to leave without him and bringing in "That's an order" while Omega BEGS TO GO BACK. GODDDDD MY HEART.
The way she does exactly this when Tech falls in Plan 99
Lama Su's uncertain doom is done so well
I was hoping for the whole squad (because I'm agonizingly lonely) but you'll do
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opinated-user · 9 months
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i have several problems with what this anon just said. 1. unless my memory is actually glitching out, Courtney never had a fundraiser for a laptop. if i'm wrong then please, someone correct me. when searching on Courtney's blog, this is the only mention of a laptop that he does.
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"but Courtney could have deleted it". sure, he could. i still need to see the screenshot of that ever happening. what i do remember of Courtney and a laptop was her talking about how P insisted on giving her some money in order to get a new one, and how as soon Courtney told her off P hold that money over him while comparing him to one of his abusers. that i do remember very clearly. that was all between P and Courtney, nobody was involved. (...is this P.... no, no, no, she couldn't be trying to now turn the tables on Courtney... using money... her favorite thing to hold against people who wronged her... but surely that can't be) considering that P is a sex pest that violated the consent of Courtney and then made his testimony inaccesible for the public, essentially destroying any good momentum that the allegations had in a wider scale, purely out of spite and greed... i'm not about to feel bad about P not getting her money back. she made plenty using Courtney already anyway. "Courtney said she didn't have any receipts." that's a bold faced lie. he never said anything of the sort. futhermore, if he doesn't have the receipt for when he bought the food for Batman, are you seriously going to compare that to LO scamming her audience out of money for MO's immigration fees? let's say that he does show one receipt of money bough for the cat. how are you going to be able to prove that the money from the kofi was used for that? you actually can't, unless you want Courtney to document the whole process from taking the money from kofi directly into physical money and then giving it to the cashier and you'll have to forgive me, all of that for cat food is just too much for me. i buy food every day to feed my loved one, i don't keep every single receipt either. if Courtney bought the food and forgot about it, i can't believe that someone in good faith would hold that against him as a sign that he is scamming people. who are you even trying to defend here? the cat is okay. the cat is being fed and taken care of anyway. we have seen the pictures to prove that already. even if Courtney used that portion of that money to buy, i don't know, a gum, a soda, a sock, how did that hurt Batman, the target of those donation? unless you want to tell me that Courtney is just pretending to care about that cat at all and he maliciously used him just to get some extra money... then you'll need some stronger evidence for that. "she subsequently deleted all the evidence"... evidence of what? of one anon lying about donating to her anonymously and he saying he never received a cent through anonymous donations? that was the whole interaction, i have the screenshot and the reblogued post. everyone can see it just scrolling a little bit!
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of that anon saying "i want that money to be donated to a charity organization", with no way of anyone confirming that it could be true? Courtney also pointed that with a system like that, literally anyone could be asking of her anything, even amounts of money she never had in the first place. more so... Courtney is currently in the service to say goodbye to her surrogate mother. right now, as i'm typing this, she not only has to deal with her own pain of dealing with a very recent loss, she also has to deal with the pain of the rest of her surrogate family. he loss just a week ago someone that meant the world for him and you... are mad because they didn't show you a receipt for cat food. maybe, and i'm just throwing an idea here, Courtney has other things on his mind right now to be handling any of this. perhaps, i don't know, he prefered to delete that to not even deal with the stress of even "anons" (who the more i read, the more sounds to me like the same person) very obviously using this situation to try to distract people from LO scamming 2000+ USD out of her audience.
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because that anon was lying. Courtney never received any anonymous donations, everything was always attached to a name. i wouldn't just be giving out money out in the word of someone i have no idea who they are, so i won't blame Courtney either for not doing that. "either way it's a 100$ desk. i can afford that easily without a fundraiser". then why lie about that desk being the one you hosted that fundraiser on, LO, even though the fundraising happened two days before that desk was shipped to you? why did you made up something like that in the first place?
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theauburngunner · 6 months
You got a problem because I’m minding my own business and moved on, you want bullshit to start so you can blame me to your puny friends and act like you are just this innocent person that did nothing wrong. Lmao, how cute. stay pressed. You're traumatized?! Cut your bullshit. Lmao, both of you do not deserve the tears you cry for what I did. AFTER what you both did to me.
Fuck being the bigger person, enough being a bigger person. I pray for the both of you to get shitted on so hard, you can not breathe and beg every day for mercy while you are on your knees til the day you die. Maybe one day get your frontal lobe matured enough to know what you did to me, or maybe not. But oh well. It is what it is. G was the reason of starting this bullshit just because she can’t take fucking brutal honesty, I’ve done enough beating around the bush and being gentle with my words. That is not me, when I speak my mind, I speak the truth. Idgaf if it hurts, the truth hurts, not everyone can beat around the bush all the time, I did and it was exhausting (mentally and emotionally)with the same bullshit I had to spew for almost 2 years, attention whore couldn’t get it in her fucking brain. BUT when H says the exact same shit, NOW you’re listening? After everything you did? You didn’t listen to me throughout the two year friendship, but that one moment of her saying it “nicer”..now you want to believe, listen and change? That’s just a big ‘WTF?!’ Moment! Like wtf bro.
Oh and let’s forget the fact you kept “joking” you’d take H from me, IF a fall out were to happen, nice “joke” bro. Literally. Ha ha. Good job on taking H away, hope your attention whore ass is happy for ruining something great, bitch. Hope your attention whore ass is grateful to have a kiss ass next to you like a dog. Just because she said it “better” than I. K bro. Cool. Whatever. It is what it is.
Think whatever you want. You think I got the nerve to be ‘acting like nothing happened t’ both of you don’t know what the fuck I had to do to move on after finding out what you both did to me. So continue thinking I am ‘acting like nothing happened’ the only people that know what I went through after what you both did to me, are friends I won’t name. (Grateful for those friends that are people I can actually call a friend and stayed with me through hell and back)
You disrespected me, took advantage of me, didn’t speak to me and instead went to other friends to start something we could’ve maturely talked about, but when I took it upon my hands by posting my pov with screenshots and asking for help (because the two people I thought were ‘mature for their age’ would actually talk and not start hell and give a weak ass excuse about entail health’, you got the nerve to be hurt and crying and making me the villain for actually showing my anger for the shit you pulled? Talk about toxic friends..smh. Matter of fact! A friend that both of you know and I know too, told me to not message any of you and just straight up block and I didn’t wanted to but I did. But that’s just a fact I’ll slide on here.
When I posted your screenshots on here, my side of the story, because I wanted advice. Suddenly, you are “hurt”, you are “traumatized”, you are “not forgiving me”…but when I was lost, being silent, letting all of you manipulate and use me, I wasn’t “hurting” you, “traumatizing” you. What the fuck type of logic is that? Make it make sense bro. If I am so "biased" and "missed out on big portions of the story" then please enlighten me, without being a manipulative gas lighter. Take my "apology" how ever you like, If you think my apology is not enough, okay. idc. In that moment when I sent it, it was genuine..now? Of course I take back that apology, what the fuck am I suppose to apologize for? you want to "talk" to me now? After months of letting your friends harass me and my other friends? really? Then you want to go ahead and say "I have no responsibility for their actions, i told them not to" Why the fuck would you tell them in the first place< was it anyone's business? No, you started the hell, you told everyone and played a victim manipulator, then want to point the fingers at me, like a brat that did not have it her way and needed people to do your mess. I am so happy I do not have to do your shitty dirty work for you anymore. I can't wait until the others wake up and see how much of a low life bitch you are, that does nothing but act like the world revolves around you..I will just observe in silence. Trust me your day will come, that isn't a threat, it is promise.
Fuck your mental health! Mental health has nothing to do with the shitty personality and evil heart you have! Because if mental health would’ve been the case, I could’ve also made an excuse of mental healths that I have. Fuck your fake ass apology, fuck your fake ass excuse, fuck the memories, fuck actually thinking you two were two people I actually was calling a friend and fuck meeting you two.
Idgaf how you portray me, I said my truth, I’m showing my raw emotions, idgaf. Because at the end of the day, I was honest. idgaf if I am a ball of anger, or being mean, idgaf. This is how I feel about you, after what the fuck you both pulled on me, you deserved more than just me showing my anger in words. What? you expected me to be "nice" and "kind" and "gentle" and not be mad after the both of you betrayed me, used me, and disrespected me? nah fam, fuck outta here with that bullshit, delulu ass shit. the group was better off without the both of you in it.
Fuck friendships, fuck it, I’m staying by myself. Fuck this generation. Lol, fuck everything. Too many times, same shit. fuck it
why should I even delete all of this? Because you are embarrassed of your mistakes? Good. You should be. I know you always stalk my shit and do not have the balls to talk, I know you do. I get notifications almost all the time bro. This will stay on here, can't do shit about it.
Bite the curb in 4k
0 notes
mindynichole · 2 years
Let's talk about this little peak of a script Emily posted on IG this week because I think it could be one of the biggest clue we've gotten yet!
So I've been studying this for much longer than is probably healthy after seeing a recent post where @twdmusicboxmystery responds to a message @tinytipsydancer sent her.
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It is a picture of a script that EK posted for a short time to her IG Story a couple of days ago. The Story was gone by the time I went looking for it. Luckily, @tinytipsydancer - also sent a screenshot of it to @twdmusicboxmystery.
This is the original post from @twdmusicboxmystery if you want to check it out.
Now needless to say, I got a lot to say about it. I think this could be huge. ;0
Quick Disclaimer: We do not know if this is a TWD script or not. Anything that seems similar could just be a coincidence. It's entirely possible.
Or...it could be one of the biggest pieces of circumstantial evidence regarding Beth's Greene's survival we've seen yet. Especially since we have yet to hear any announcements regarding other projects Emily might be working on.
Just saying...
Regardless, here are the conclusions I've came to regarding the script in general:
I believe the first line is setting the scene by describing a person that her character is about to have some sort of interaction with. I also get the feeling that this is someone she doesn't know and so her character is making basic observations about them. I think it could be saying something like "So and so is with a lady in her early/late 20's/30's/40's, hearing impaired, a... and blah, blah, blah."
2. The second line is definitely referencing Tupperware food containers so whoever it is will either be holding these containers or putting something in these containers or these containers are around them. My best guess is something like "and they are holding a couple of Tupperware containers and a..."
3. The third line is one of the most interesting for me because it's clearly reads "signs as she speaks; Emily..." So I think we can make an educated guess that whoever this hearing impaired person is - they or someone else with them - are signing as they speak or there is another woman in the scene who is speaking and someone else is signing in translation for the hearing impaired person.
As far as the "speaks; Emily" portion I believe it is the transition to directing how Emily is supposed to act regarding her character's reaction to this encounter. So I think the entire line could be something along the lines of "So-and-so signs as she speaks; Emily smiles watching the interaction" or something like ""So-and-so signs as she speaks; Emily only picks up on a couple of words since she doesn't really know sign language."
If this were a TWD scrip, I would say this line is referring to maybe Kelly or someone else included in the scene who knows sign language and they are either speaking to Beth and signing to include Connie or translating the conversation between Beth and this person or interpreting for Connie as another female in the room is speaking to them. However, I do want to point out that it would be unusual for them to specifically name the actual actor in a final draft of a TWD script - as opposed to the character name, which of course in this case would be Beth. But this just might be a earlier draft where the writer slips up and types Emily (and EK most certainly would not have posted it if it had said "...speaks; Beth") because they were perhaps simply thinking about how Emily would be acting this out in their head. In non-formal interviews and on panels it is actually quite common to hear the writers (especially Angela Kane but sometimes even Scott Gimple) referring to characters as "the actor's real name" or "the actor's real name's character" instead of just the plain ole' character's name. For example, you will often hear Angela say something along the lines of "I really liked it when Norman shoots his crossbow at so and so" or "I liked the time Norman's character was dealing with this particular issue" as opposed to Daryl. They do this with everyone so I think it's pretty safe to assume that they probably think about each particular actor's ability to express the scene as they are writing. And it is also common knowledge that TWD scripts have several drafts until they get to the final as can be demonstrated by this picture of an actual script listing the dates of 5 such drafts on the cover page:
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Also, this could be a very secret script that most don't have access too (if they were trying to hide a Beth reresection for example) and that's why it's a little different. Perhaps, they are hesitate to refer to Beth at all and simply just wrote Emily instead. We just have no way of really knowing.
4. The 4th line stating "They hug" is also very interesting because everything up to this point has suggested the setting to be a first time introduction between a hearing impaired person and Emily's character. So who exactly is she hugging? To me, this might indicate that there might be another person in the scene with whom her character is very familiar with. Perhaps, she is simply greeting this other person she does already know with a hug? I say this because it's not unusual to wonder why would she be hugging someone she doesn't know and has just laid eyes on? They only way it makes sense for Emily's character to hug a strange person otherwise would be in a scenario where the stranger and her had a previous interaction in which they were forced to complete some sort of challenge together. Like I could see Beth hug a stranger if that person helped defend her from something pretty severe or if they had just ran across each other and decided to team up in order to conquer some dangerous obstacle and was celebrating the victory upon reaching safety. But then what would be the need for the observations stated in the previous lines since the character surely would have made these very basic observations (approximate age, hearing-impaired, etc.) about the person already?
Here are some things I want to point out if this were actually a TWD script:
5. It almost would have to be from the final back half of the OG simply because it screams Connie as the main focus of this scene and there's no indication Lauren Ridloff will be continuing on in any of the spinoffs. Lauren's absence from these spinoffs is highly suspected by almost everyone within the greater fandom because of the recent announcement of her being named as a cast member for the new Fox TV series Accused. The new show is presently filming at this very moment. Accused was a straight-to-order American series and as such the entire season was already bought - as opposed to just the rights and a single pilot - making it highly unlikely that she is also filming either Isle of the Dead (also currently filming at the moment) or could possibly film The Daryl Spin-off in Europe - which preproduction is pretty much complete and will start officially filming in the next week or two. There are also plans to make another Eternals movie in the near future. Also it has been observed by many that Ridloff made it really seem that she was finished with TWD at the ComicCon22 panel but of course, that doesn't mean anything.
The reason I say it would probably be Connie is because Emily's character in this script immediately seems to realize the person is hearing impaired. Of course, Kelly also suffers from this same kind of condition but it's much less obvious. Kelly can speak and hear well enough still to translate what others are saying for Connie. They haven't shown her using sign language for herself or anyone besides Connie communicating with her in it yet - other than perhaps in battle as a way of stealth.
6. Another thing that sticks out to me is this might not be the first time that the potential mysterious familiar person whom Emily's character hugs has been around her. To me, if that were the case, there would have been a much more dramatic wording to capture that reaction than just a couple mysterious lines involving Beth observing a hearing impaired person and the simple statement: "They hug." So if this were a TWD script involving someone who thought Beth was dead (Daryl, Maggie, Carol), this is most likely a scene after a much larger reunion has already happened and she's first meeting Connie for whatever reason. Unless, it's something like Connie (and whoever is translating for her) is with some unknown character who currently has previous ties to Beth. For example, perhaps an unknown person Beth met wherever she has been while gone away from the others. Or perhaps the character with Connie is someone else from our group that Beth has already met but does not know is tied to her family. For example, like if Beth met Magna somewhere in a scene before this (completely hypothetical just using Magna as an example of someone who has no clue about Beth but is also tied to her family) and manages to develop some type of relationship with her and this particular scene includes Magna who is now accompanied by Connie (and let's say Kelly) whom Beth is just now meeting. In this case none of these women might not know yet about their common connection to Daryl, Maggie, and Carol.
7. This would definitely not be any type of flashback scene. This observation is almost a no-brainer since it clearly includes either Connie or another hearing-impaired character she has yet to meet - and I don't see them introducing such a character in the last eight episodes of the show. Clearly, Beth has never been shown to interact with a hearing-impaired person before. Therefore, Beth would either have to be alive or someone is hallucinating this interaction between these two characters.
8. Even a hallucination seems off because of this script seems to be told from Beth's POV instead of the POV of the person hallucinating.
And just a final personal head cannon I have about the hand written "You're Pretty Good!" written in the outside margin.
9. This very well could have been written on the script by Lauren Ridloff as as a way of expressing praise to Emily after working with her in the scene. But of course, it literally could also be anything else written by anyone.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Let’s Talk: PERMISSION TO DANCE on Stage - Seoul (211024)
by Admin 1
The concert ended just a few hours ago and I’m still trying to catch my breath and reach a point where I can admit that that really just happened. Bangtan are brilliant on stage, they really are, but out of all their online concerts across this COVID era, so to speak, this one truly was the winner. It wasn’t perfect, even if only solely because Tae injured his calf and therefore couldn’t participate during the choreographies, and yet still it was absolutely phenomenal. The setlist was outstanding, packed to the brim with new remixes/arrangements of older songs, new songs, and moments that both invite you to jump around until you’re a sweaty mess but also to pull out your tissues and have a good cry, like during Blue & Grey or Young Forever followed by Spring Day during the encore.
As much as I would love to basically summarize everything, show all the looks and things I noticed, I’ll admit I feel like I just left my body for a little while and I wouldn’t be able to recount all of it. And also tumblr wouldn’t entertain all that either. So, instead, I’ll mention some of my favorite moments, things I noticed, and give you lots of namjin as well as vmin because, for their standards, we got so much it’s hard to believe it all really happened.
Sounds good? Sounds good. Let’s go!
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ON  Fire Dope DNA 
Blue & Grey Black Swan Blood Sweat & Tears Fake Love 
Life Goes On Boy With Luv Dynamite Butter 
Airplane pt.2 Silver Spoon Dis-ease Telepathy Stay So What I Need U Save Me IDOL 
Young Forever Spring Day Permission to Dance
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Taehyung. Just. Taehyung. Sure, he might not have been able to perform the way he wanted, was supposed to sit in his armchair for a good portion of the concert, and yet he managed to give us all the looks, and specifically the look. As in, the ON fake tattoo which this time didn’t just cover a patch on his neck, no, no, it went easily from his navel all the way up his neck until just below his left ear. And he kept it for the entire concert, even at the end mentioned how he first thought about dying his hair, but instead chose to do the ON fake tattoo. 
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During the first portion of the concert you could see how sad and frustrated he was with the fact that he couldn’t dance with the members, that he couldn’t perform properly, but once we got to Life Goes On he slowly really got into it and from there onward his mood seemed to improve greatly and in the last third of the concert he even left behind his armchair as much as possible to be with the members, to have fun with them, and it was cute to see how they really tried to make Tae feel included even as he sat away from them.
In his ending ment Tae noted that now he knows how JK felt back in 2018 when he injured his foot and also had to sit during the Europe part of the LY tour. Like Jimin said to him, I also hope he won’t get sick or injured anymore and that he’ll be A-okay again by the time they get to LA and finally, finally, perform in front of ARMY.
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I don’t know what exactly Seokjin was trying to achieve here, but I am all for it.
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Some cute moments between the members. JK mint hair with a brown undercut, so basically mint choco. And Hobi black hair. And Yoongi gray hair. 
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Blue & Grey / Black Swan / Blood, Sweat & Tears / FAKE LOVE. I don’t have a screenshot for Blue & Grey but the stage design for Blue & Grey was so interesting with the members all facing a mirror in form of a LED screen and singing at it, as though they’re facing their own blue and grey feelings and self. During Jimin’s and Tae’s part we saw the screen Jimin reach out to our right where, since there was a gap, I assume Tae would normally stand so they likely reach out toward each other which, considering this was originally Tae’s song has me feeling many types of ways. Sitting in his chair you could see Tae get emotional, maybe even a bit teary eyed during this song which was truly heartbreaking.
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Then we had Black Swan which, honestly, everything about it was absolutely marvelous starting with the intro with the dancers imitating swan wings with their fluffy white sleeves and showing off each member one after the other, and then the performance itself. Wow.
The stylists? Yeah, they definitely chose violence. A lot fo it. Tae, Jimin, JK and Jin in those body chains, Jimin and JK without shirts on and JKs jacket being so short it really left only a very little up to the imagination, and then also Yoongi in a skirt. All of it--Iconic.
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And vmin? Not only did Tae get up from his chair to meet Jimin for their moment in the FAKE LOVE choreography, but also Jimin looked like he just wanted to hug Tae which, all things considered, makes a lot of sense. But, like this wasn’t enough...
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...Jimin not only seemed to put his hand on Tae’s butt during the final pose, but they also managed to place their hands in such a way that their pointer fingers were “holding on” to each other which reminds me of the Hong Kong concerts during the LY tour and between day one and four they managed to finally hold hands on Tae’s back during that pose.
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But, speaking of final pose, one after the other the members walked away until just Seokjin was left behind and it looked just so good. So dramatic. Perfect.
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We also had this cute moment where first Namjoon and Seokjin together tried to brush a stray piece of feather off of JKs nose, and then Seokjin tried to get the fluff out of Namjoon’s hair while saying that he has handsome(ness) on his face. When Namjoon told him he’d like to hear from him that he’s handsome back during Let’s BTS, Seokjin seems to have remembered that and has told/reminded him of it repeatedly since then. Very delightful.
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Namjin. I have no idea what has gotten into them but I am so very here for all of it. They interacted so much throughout the concert, it was so nice and fun to see since it isn’t always the case. When JK and Seokjin stayed on the bus (?) like stage piece for Stay, Namjoon acted like a Seokjin fanboy while Yoongi, Jimin and Tae played JK fanboys, jumping and trying to touch each others hands. And that namjin moment when Namjoon walked over to Seokjin who sat down on Tae’s armchair, crouched down next to it and proceeded to touch his calf, thigh and arm? I have no idea what that was but yes. Or when he “showed off” Seokjin (upper right corner screenshot). Oh, and their Airplane Part 2 moment, a delight and super funny every time.
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JK’s words before So What. He is so cool for this one. Because honestly him and Tae have just been having a rough time with negative rumor and hate, so him saying that during this concert? Amazing, go JK!
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Vmin. We got just...so much vmin? It was very delightful and cute and made me really happy. While JK did the intro for Dynamite, Jimin actually went over to Tae, stood in front of him for a few seconds while looking at him and then touched his leg before going back to the other members. Jimin also went over to Tae during Bow With Luv to dance next to him cutely. They also interacted just a lot in the last third or fourth of the concert. Honestly as vminnies and namjinists we had a feast this time around, love that for us.
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For the sake of fairness I should mention that when Jimin and Tea reached out to each other in the lower right hand corner picture and the one next to it, JK stood about two meters off to the left from Jimin and also raised his hand toward Tae so it was more of like a maknae line moment but I couldn’t find a picture of JK in that moment.
And then this cute something during Life Goes On where they touched their fingers. Adorable. It was also from this point onward, more or less, that Tae started to really get into it, loosen up and finally have fun.
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VCR. One of the members (it might’ve been JK but I’m not too sure anymore): Some of Tae’s ideas were used for the VCRs, and they’re (the VCRs) the best one’s ever.
The VCR in question:
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No, but seriously, the VCRs were so fun, like an expanded version of the teaser we got some days ago with Namjoon, Tae and JK around the pool table playing with pigments before being interrupted; Seokjin, Yoongi, Hobi and Jimin having a party in their hotel room and being interrupted (twice) by some strangers for being too loud; and then OT7 in a general store just having a party all together and, again, some stranger joining them before they moved outside where even more people joined them.
Also, the intro VCR of them in an interrogating room and in front of that wall that shows your height while you get your mugshot taken? Tae opening his mouth and picking off a paperclip from his tongue and then using it to free them of their handcuffs? Illegal I tell you.
Namjoon. Just. Namjoon.
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Hobi. This look, the short black hair, are just fantastic on him (though part of me will be missing the white hair because that was a moment). His stage presence and confidence are just unparalleled and I could watch him all day, every day.
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Seokjin with a ribbon. Worth mentioning separately because I will never move on from it.
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Ending ments. Now here is the moment where we pull out those tissues we had on hand for Blue & Grey and use them again when we ponder upon what JK, Namjoon and Seokjin have said. JK, the one who’s always told and promised us that he’ll be our forever singer, that he will sing and dance until his body will break apart, who loves singing so dearly, stood there and told us how he’s been feeling that fire within him, the embers, faltering. Namjoon talking about how he’s reaching his limits, or being pushed to them, that he’s as though losing himself. And Seokjin talking about how he’s turning thirty and he wishes so much to have concerts, so many of them, while he still can though he already feels the aches here and there, his body moving toward an age and a point in time where he simply physically won’t be able to keep up anymore, won’t be able to have the stamina and health to hold a concert of their intensity and length.
Hearing that, it’s both scary but also shows their trust toward us. But really the scary part is the one I’m sure many of us can’t help but focus on, the fact that, while we knew these last one and a half, no, two years have been hard on them, only getting worse as time went by, I don’t think we all realized just how hard it truly has been for them. They’ve always drawn so much energy, motivation and inspiration from being able to hold concerts, to see and hear their audience, and despite being who they are and the giant, basically legendary act that they are at this point, it seems like they don’t quite realize that. That they don’t feel it. Seeing the numbers, the achievements, the posts on sns, that’s one thing, an almost surreal one, but actually seeing stadiums full of people, that’s something completely different.
I’m so happy, grateful and relieved that they will finally be able to go to LA next month and see ARMY, finally perform in a filled stadium again, and hopefully feel our love again the way they’ve been dreaming of it for so many months now. Truly, after these ments, and after this concert itself, I’m finding myself feeling just so full of love, respect and admiration for them again. The fact that they’ve chosen to basically make it much harder for themselves by having just OT7 songs, no solo stages, and therefore always being on stage with only VCR breaks in between, it’s kind of crazy, like their stamina is indescribable, and I’m so proud of them. Just a little more, we’re almost there!
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Post concert selcas.
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Oh, and at the very end we also found out that we will be able to watch the final LA concert via livestream!
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Lastly, thank you to the wonderful @thebtssoulmateline​ for sharing their namjin and B&G screenshots with me. :)
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choerrypuffs · 3 years
hi as someone who's read both jensrose and your work i just wanted to drop this here.
the similarities between jensrose and your fic are very vague. most of the dialogues you highlighted are very cliche ones and are used quite often in fiction.
i dont actually see much of a similarity between your works. and the fact that hers is set hp and yours in pj makes it all the more different.
i genuinely dont see the similarity
hello, i am going to do my best to be civil about this, but at this point, i find my patience growing thin. here is the link to the archived version of jenrose's fic, of kisses and golden snitches. i know you said you read it, but please read it again because i'm not sure we read the same fic. once you’ve done that, i will walk you through the screenshots i’ve posted and explain them, since they are apparently not clear enough. 
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let’s start with the beginning. jeno and y/n started hating each other since they were 11-12 years old. they are now currently 17-20s and remain enemies/bitter rivals. sure, enemies to lovers is a common trope, so i will give you that. a coincidence.
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this is, by far, the most damning evidence for me. they’re stuck in a tight space together, one of them has a hand over the other’s mouth, and they’re hiding from someone. being stuck in a tight space isn’t a super original concept, but it’s the way that it’s exactly the same as mine down to the details. again, it could just be another coincidence. actually, let’s say it is just a coincidence for the hell of it. let’s see how many “coincidences” continue to pile up.
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one of them does something stupid, the other chastises them and tells them they could’ve died and they respond with “but i didn’t.” the only difference from hers and mine is the stakes. hp!jeno was injured in a quidditch(?) game. i’m sorry i am not familiar with harry potter, but it is some sort of game. pjo!y/n fought a sea monster and also had to fight a mind-controlled pjo!jeno. the whole point of the scenes is the “i almost lost you” angst. i don’t particularly think that a light-hearted hp fic would need that, especially since all they do is bicker and mess around in ira’s fic while my fic has jeno and y/n literally risking their lives for each other. again, it could be another convenient coincidence. but i’m having a hard time believing that in addition to the eerily similar enemies to lovers background and the stuck in a tight space scene.
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the sexual tension dialogue is a very common e2l trope. okay, let’s chalk that up to another coincidence. the next highlighted paragraph, the one that starts with “It feels normal” is basically just the shortened version of what i wrote. The “we’ve spent so much time hating each other that we’ve basically grown accustomed to it without realizing our own budding feelings” revelation. another coincidence?
now then, it’s time for an english lesson. as someone who recently received her bachelor’s degree in english and have written dozens and dozens of academic papers/short essays/forum posts (and have been plagiarized there too), i am all too familiar with mosaic plagiarism. what is mosaic plagiarism?
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sound familiar? mosaic plagiarism is one of the most common types of plagiarism, due to the fact that it is one of the hardest to definitively detect. someone takes bits and portions of another work, paraphrases them, and inserts them throughout their own work - hence the term “mosaic.”
jensrose has both committed direct and mosaic plagiarism, with cat’s not clickbait reaction and my demigods series, respectively.
and to your point of saying that because it is a harry potter au and not a percy jackson one, that makes it all the more different. actually, anon, if you read mine and cat’s previous claims of plagiarism, you’ll see that ira has consistently switched elements of her fics to avoid detection (of course i cannot confirm this statement but i’m making an extremely educated guess), whether it be from nct to enhypen. or, in this case, from percy jackson to harry potter.
and let’s take her harry potter fic out of the equation completely. it doesn’t change the fact that she still plagiarized both my haechan and jaemin demigods fic (re: previous claims of plagiarism).
and for the record, it’s not like i’m hoping and wanting ira to plagiarize from me. when i was provided the archived version of her renjun hp fic, i acknowledged that her fic was not plagiarism even though her summary was nearly identical to mine. but “of kisses and golden snitches” definitely is.
anon, i hope you learned something today and kindly leave your ignorance out of my inbox. thanks.
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stubbornjerk · 3 years
Why people keep telling you to block them if you support Pholo (Penumbra Edition)
Or: why jitterbug-juno really deactivated
I love when people categorize this as fandom wank. Really makes you feel like you’re putting the onus on either side of the conversation.
I’m making this post not because I want to stir up spoiled milk, but because I want it out there that this wasn’t a purity culture war.
The TL;DR version of this is that fans of color tried to tell Rab (prev. jitterbug-juno) not to post her Omegaverse (or A/B/O) fic. And instead of taking the L, she posted it on Ao3 and deactivated.
But, if you want context, well, buckle in. CW for mentions of racism and transphobia.
What did jitterbug-juno do?
Before I get into this I do want it out there that I will not be linking Rab’s fic, but I will show you this screenshot of the summary of it.
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[ID: It is a screenshot of a fic, “As You Are” by Pholo.
Summary: Peter can hide his scent glands behind cologne; makeup; concealer pads. He can quash his heats with suppressants. He can divert the urge to nest and fawn.
But he can’t feign another gender’s subvocals. He lacks the anatomical capacity. Mag taught him to distract from his silence with fast, flashy words. For longer heists he relies on social convention. Traumatic mutism is uncommon, but remarked upon by enough war vets and soap operas to be widely recognized. Peter’s marks assume he’s been harmed long before they assume he’s a closeted omega. It would take quite the backwater brute to ask why he doesn’t murmur or chuff or growl.
On the 'Blanche there are the usual furtive glances. Juno makes clear to Peter that should he ever want “to talk about what happened,” he’ll be there to listen. The gesture annoys Peter more than comforts him.
‘Nothing happened,’ he wants to scream. ‘There’s nothing to talk about!’
There are 14 comments, 85 kudos, and 11 bookmarks /end]
You decide what you’re doing with that information, but honestly, I’d rather you don’t give it anymore engagement than it deserves.
There was a period earlier this June (yes, even though it’s only the 10th, at time of writing) when Rab was posting snippets of the aforementioned fic on her blog and tagging it appropriately, putting it in the attention of pretty much the entire Penumbra fandom.
What’s Omegaverse or a/b/o and why is everyone so against Rab for it
If you know what Omegaverse is, I don’t have to tell you why it’s controversial. If you don’t know what Omegaverse is, well, Fanlore said it best:
a kink trope wherein some or all people have defined biological roles based on a hierarchical system, with the terms originating from animal behaviour research. There may be werewolf, knotting, or other animalistic elements involved, or the characters may be otherwise purely human.
The term is generally written with slashes (a/b/o). Many fans, particularly ones from Australia and New Zealand, are uncomfortable seeing the term without slashes because it is also an Australian slur for aboriginal people.
I won’t get into the history or the heaps and tons of other discourses (mostly about fictional male pregnancy, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, etc.)  that go on within that. We’re here specifically on Rab v. Penumbra fans of color and we’re staying there.
Anyone who’s been in Penumbra enough to realize that everyone draws the Junoverse characters in a certain way knows that a) Juno is black, b) Nureyev is Asian, and c) as a fan you have to be aware of what you’re subjecting or saying about either of them because of the political repercussions that come with it.
And despite that, Rab proceeded to write Peter Nureyev, a gender nonconforming gay Asian male character that is widely headcanon’d as trans, into a fic using a kink trope that relies heavily on animal behavior.
Unlike most people new to fandom, Rab is aware of what Omegaverse is and is very much white. She is (and if she isn’t, should be) aware of the racist undertones that writing him in would get.
I couldn’t get a screenshot of what snippets Rab was sending out into the ether, seeing as a majority of my friends would rather not have seen any at all (I have all of the usual tags blocked so I wouldn’t have seen it either way), but needless to say, Rab got attention for it. Both positive and negative.
Anne (@hopeless-eccentric) even posted a satirical fic, in the odds that Rab was just writing this thing to be “the first” to write Omegaverse fic in the Penumbra tags.
But, I’m assuming more than one fan of color came into Rab’s inbox and messaged her about it, but someone I know (who would like to remain anonymous) was gracious enough to take a screenshot before he sent his in and let me use it for this post:
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[ID: A message to jitterbug-juno about to be sent by a sender whose name is censored with a black bar. His messages says:
“as someone who is a person of color i think the nature of the fic you are writing right now is extremely racist and attributing animal characteristics to lgbt people of color is not at all appropriate, especially when you are someone who is white. i have to ask you to not publish this fic and to reflect as to why you would want to write this in the first place, these tropes are extremely harmful and”
There are 33 characters left to write into the message. /end]
I can’t speak for whoever else sent asks about the fic she was writing. If anyone was actually not-so-gentle with her, well, minorities don’t really owe it to you to be gentle about what they can tell is bigotry-tinged behavior.
But, the message was clear: this is different from your garden variety, lily white straight male character m/m kink fantasy. This is an actual queer Asian character that a lot of queer Asian people feel attached do. Do not post the fic.
What happened next: the beginning of the end
The next morning, I woke up to most of my friends being frustrated by this post on Rab’s account:
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[ID: Dated 5 June, a post by jitterbug-juno:
“Gonna leave the fandom for a while. Wishing you all well.”
The tags say the following: not sure if i’ll be back, thank you so much to everybody who’s read my fics, and who’s sent asks or engaged with my art or any of that, you’re amazing and I’m sending love /end]
That... was not what fans of color wanted, but it was definitely an action they took. Some celebrated, as they were very much wary of Rab for having caused much of the same category of drama in fandoms like Voltron: Legendary Defenders and Warrior Cats. This also meant that she was probably not going to post the fic either.
Some, myself included, were relatively pissed, as they’d wanted even just the measly bit of accountability. An apology or an acknowledgement of having been called out in private and that they’ll take time to consider why. But instead we got Rab leaving in the face of fans of color telling her not to post her Omegaverse fic.
Well. The next day...
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[ID: Dated 6 June. A post by jitterbug-juno titled, “Well... that was short-lived”
“I gave the situation a lot of thought yesterday. The reaction to my omegaverse previews made me figure I should leave the fandom. It seemed like the safest option.
But you know what?
I don’t want to leave. The fic discusses the tropes of omegaverse and I spoke to several POC on Twitter, and I’m going to post it with plenty of tags so people can avoid it if they wish. I’m not going to be chased out of this space.
Thank you to everyone who sent messages yesterday. I shouldn’t have made that post about leaving. It was really reactionary. I’m okay and I appreciate your support so much.
(bolded on the post) To those who are angry and uncomfortable with me: Please block me. If you’re going to talk about this fic on Tumblr and Twitter– and this may sound odd– PLEASE NAME ME as Jitterbug-juno or Pholo. Don’t vague me. That way people who don’t want to see this discourse can add my name to their block lists.“ /end]
That certainly was short-lived, she wasn’t kidding.
This got a lot of outrage. Again, the fic is up on Ao3 and she has not taken it down. A lot of POC were pissed and I didn’t see a single fan of color actively support what she was doing, at least, not in my friend group. Everyone started making those posts to block them if you liked the fic or Rab’s content in general, in accordance to what Rab wanted.
Perseus (@mraudiodrama) noticed/pointed out that Rab deleted the part where she said she spoke to several POC about releasing her fic, as well as the part where she said she refused to be chased out of the fandom. This was an incredibly pointed detail to edit out, according to some.
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[ID: A screenshot of jitterbug-juno's last post taken 11:00PM. Much of it is the same except the following bolded words are removed: "The fic discusses the tropes of omegaverse and I spoke to several POC on Twitter, and I’m going to post it with plenty of tags so people can avoid it if they wish. I’m not going to be chased out of this space." /end]
That same day, Rab deleted her blog. I actually caught this one on tape, believe it or not.
[ID: A screen recording taken at 12:01 PM of someone scrolling down jitterbug-juno's account. The posts and asks about Omegaverse and her post about leaving and coming back are conspicuously absent. /end]
Initially, I thought she deleted all mentions of it. I wanted to see firsthand if the rumors about her deleting portions of it were true. If she added things where she was saying that she wanted to write it because she was autistic and wanted Nureyev to be autistic too, regardless of the numerous QPOC telling her not to do it.
Instead, it turned out, she deleted her blog.
And now, we're here. The fic is still up. Her blog is down. Rab's public Twitter account @nataclinn is quiet about this. Her @cushfuddled Twitter account is on private after her run-in with the Warrior Cats fandom, according to a friend. And her Tumblr @cushfuddled account has nothing but memes.
Again, I didn't make this post to stir up drama. I wasn't even obsessively making this post as a call-out because she isn't in the fandom anymore. I just want it out there that this isn't a purity culture thing that got out of hand in a fandom as niche as Penumbra. This was a case of someone being called out and failing to acknowledge it before running away. And I want all that out of the way before I say:
If you are on Rab's side of this debacle, I, a queer person of color, want nothing to do with you either.
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sepublic · 4 years
Season 2 Teaser for The Owl House?
           So for those of you who haven’t caught up; A few days ago, Dana released an exclusive photo of herself on Instagram, with a cryptically-blurred reflection in her window that was all too conveniently-placed;
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           Now, this COULD just be some game she’s playing, but like; Reverse-image searches have yielded nothing, and it hurts no one to speculate! Thanks to @50shades-of-blue, who had the common sense to remember to flip the reflection, we have something more akin to THIS;
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           This image bears a decent resemblance to a sequence from the show’s intro, in terms of structuring; We have characters divided and separated by golden bars. This points to Dana’s image being a shot from a new intro for Season 2, either one for an entire season, or a single episode. I say this, because looking at the subject matter… On the very left, we see something vaguely blue, and similar in resemblance to a bile sac;
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           This could actually be the Titan’s heart, image below for reference;
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           Not only that, but as Blue’s helpful tracing points out, the other two figures in the ‘slots’ bear a resemblance to Owl Mask and Kikimora, the latter having the fingers of her hand-hair splayed out, and the former appearing to take off their mask.
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           What little we see of Owl Mask bears a decent-enough resemblance to the Season 2 character that Dana teased, further cementing a connection between the two. Not only that, but we get a glimpse of five (possibly six) colorful symbols above the three character slots, each likely pertaining to the Coven Heads, as shown by Blue’s earlier tracing.
           In particular, you can tell the blue symbol has the same distinctive, U-shaped horns of the Healing Head; And the green symbol bears enough resemblance to the Plant Head, with their dark-green bangs covering most of their lighter-green face. Combined with symbols that seem similar to the Construction, Beastkeeping, and Oracle Heads, the exact layout we’ve seen so far coincidentally seems to match the banner layout seen in The First Day;
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           You have from left to right; The Construction, Plant, Beastkeeping, Bard, and Healing Heads! Now, if you look to the very right of the image, there also seems to be a sixth symbol, a bit lower than the others, with what appears to be a purple coloration; This is likely the Oracle Head, especially since it matches with the aforementioned placement of the banners. Now, exact positioning beside, we also know that there are three more symbols obscured, the ones for the Abominations, Potions, and Illusion Heads. If we go by the pattern established by the rest of the image, with the Heads at either end of the display being placed lower than the rest, and the rest being shown in an up-down pattern… Then it seems we more or less have the vast majority of this mysterious screenshot, with some of it blacked out!
           As others such as @preciseprose​ have suggested, there’s a good chance that this is a screen transition, hence why only a specific corner and portion is obscured; Because if this shot parallels the one seen in the Season 1 intro with Willow, Gus, and Amity, which burns away in the middle to reveal King… Then it makes sense that a similar transition would happen with this show, perhaps obscuring from the outside-in this time as a contrast.
           Now, what’s interesting is that this style of shot, once reserved for protagonists and friends/peers of Luz, is now being designated towards lesser-known antagonists associated with the Emperor’s Coven. While this could just be how the Season 2 intro works, with Gus, Willow, and Amity appearing later or earlier, likely closer to Luz; It does make me and others wonder if we’ll get a dedicated intro to the Emperor’s Coven with Belos, front-and-center! I’ve talked at enormous length in the past of Luz and Belos being parallels… And it’d match other Disney TVA shows, such as Gravity Falls, Ducktales, or Amphibia, who had villainous takeovers for their shows’ intros as well!
           This could of course allude to an episode with a heavy focus on the members of the Coven System, specifically Belos and his aides Owl Mask and Kikimora, as well as the Head witches of the Covens he appointed and presumably trusts. This is of course all fascinating and has me even MORE intrigued, but also; The placement of the Titan’s heart alongside Owl Mask and Kikimora suggests its treatment as its own character as well… Which, if it’s a giant heart, it presumably represents and operates as a stand-in for the Titan, perhaps the conduit with which Belos even speaks to it (and vice-versa?) through! AKA the Heart represents the Titan, it IS the Titan, which then suggests that this Emperor’s Coven triumvirate consists of the Titan, Owl Mask, and Kikimora…
           But that’s not the only consideration! I’ve talked before about character parallels in this show… We have Luz and Amity, Eda and Lilith, Owlbert and Lilith’s palisman. I’ve speculated on King and Kikimora being parallels, and even Hooty and Belos… But that always made me wonder; What about Willow and Gus? Do THEY have parallels, associated with the Coven System and its Emperor? And for a while I entertained Warden Wrath and Owl Mask, but lo and behold; I may be right, at least about one of those two, and also in general about parallels! Because if we compare the placements… We have the Titan and Willow, Owl Mask and Gus, and Amity and Kikimora!
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           Owl Mask being a parallel to Gus is interesting, because they’re operating as a spy for Belos; And presumably, Illusionists would be great at stealth. I wouldn’t be surprised if Owl Mask used Illusions, albeit to disguise and mask their own presence; A parallel and contrast to Gus, who uses Illusions to create and draw attention and spectacle! Not only that, but it makes me wonder if Owl Mask is also a child prodigy like Gus, if they have issues with being overlooked, and as a contrast to Gus, they’ve embraced this instead of fighting against it…? And Owl Mask is sent to spy on Luz the human, perhaps a parallel to Gus’ own fascination with humans…?
           Then we’ve got Willow and the Titan’s heart. Now, this one interests me… And it makes me think about how Willow is presented with a raw, innate strength, and an uncanny ability to cast magic without summoning a circle nor glyph. I’ve talked before about Willow and Belos having parallels, as they both have distinct shots with their eyes glow green; Could this parallel stem more from a connection to the Titan, than anything else? Then as @aguigenae suggested, instead of Luz (or JUST Luz) being able to speak to the Titan… What if it was Willow? It’d re-contextualize her ability to draw onto raw, magical potential through pure emotions… And similarly, a lot of her spells draw power from the Isles itself in the form of plants, and we know the Isles as synonymous with the Titan!
           With how Belos seems to draw power and spells from the Isles, albeit with fleshy and stone formations… Perhaps Willow serves as a parallel and foil, creating constructs from the Isles as well, but in the form of plantlife! Her being able to speak to plants might provide a medium to contact the Isles they’re rooted in… And as I said before, Willow has shown an unusual ability with magic not unlike how Belos can cast magic, but through his unique form of spheres and orbs. If Willow is associated with the Titan’s heart, perhaps she could speak to it in a way that Belos can’t- Perhaps they BOTH can speak, and this will lead to a conflict with Belos, who seeks to preserve this ‘privilege’? Keep in mind that it’s Willow who openly defies Belos the most by rallying an entire crowd against him- If she’s the face of the revolution, her being able to speak to the Titan could create further parallels and odds between the two!
           Not only that, but… Talking again of Willow and the Titan’s Heart, if the two are parallels; What does this say about the Titan itself? Perhaps like Willow, it’s a being with raw magical power, easily terrifying, and with a connection to nature (as it IS nature in its case). If these characters are dark parallels, then what if the Titan was like Inner Willow, wrathful and fully exploring its dangerous power, having felt harmed and hurt, twisted…
           But what if it was also a Willow who never learned to stand up for herself? A powerful, dangerous witch… But with no true self-esteem, no believe in themselves? What if the Titan was like a Dark Willow, and this self-doubt was what allowed Belos to manipulate it? I’ve speculated before that perhaps Belos has managed to sway and influence the Titan into seeing his way as the right way to handle magic… If it was a dark parallel to Willow, perhaps the Titan is hopeless, thinking there’s nothing it can do to oppose Belos, feeling like it’s smarter than him, as a toxic friend with control; Think Anne and Sasha from Amphibia!
           We might even get a scene paralleling Willow and Amity’s first appearance, with how Amity condescendingly mocks Willow, albeit with potential, if misguided, good intentions. Perhaps Belos is like this- He’s cruel and manipulative of the Titan, but he also genuinely believes in what he’s doing, that this IS the best for the Isles, and that this is how the Titan should have its magic be utilized and taught. But, in absence of Amity, we see Willow’s true feelings of resentment and anger that have bottled up… So what if the Titan was like that with Belos, except dialed up? What if the Titan hates Belos or wants to see him defeated, but isn’t entirely sure if he’s wrong, either…
           So to get into blind speculation, what if- What if the Titan has tried to create a new champion? By going behind Belos’ back and communicating with a new, younger witch, perhaps one that reminds it of Belos before he turned corrupt… What if the Titan is contacting Luz and/or Willow? Hoping to find someone else who will actually speak for them, not just talk over as Belos possibly is doing? Maybe the Titan is trying to foster a new witch, an alternative champion to depose Belos or take over; Or have Belos and Luz/Willow compete, to prove to the Titan who has the best philosophy to magic through their own respective victories?
           And if Belos were to find out… Well, I imagine he might do something drastic to the Titan. He has control and access to its heart- Could he torture it in retaliation, perhaps causing quakes across the Isles that echo the Titan’s throes of agony? Would Belos do something drastic to prevent the Titan from helping Luz/Willow, adversely affecting the Boiling Isles in the process? Similarly, if Belos is a toxic friend to the Titan, perhaps there’s symbolism to his castle built around the Titan’s heart… Kudos to @fermented-writers-block​ for some of these ideas;
          Perhaps it could be interpreted as Belos having an iron grip over its heart, or the Titan building up walls around its heart –thanks to Belos’ encouragement- and letting in only Belos…? Alas, Belos is the one who convinces the Titan to hide itself away and let only him in, because only HE cares, only he knows best… And yet, he’s the one who helped build those walls that the Titan hides within. Ultimately, his castle MUST fall- Especially if it’s being used to exploit and manipulate the Titan’s heart in other, literal ways as well…
          Finally, let’s talk Amity and Kikimora sharing placements. There is of course the obvious implication of romantic feelings, but also… What if, instead, there was this idea of Belos being like Luz to Amity, for Kiki? For Amity, Luz was an outsider who came out of nowhere and changed her life for the better, helped her stand up for herself- What if Belos was that to Kikimora? What if he was an outsider, a human even (before he changed and decayed) that changed Kikimora’s life forever after he appeared from nowhere… The two starting to a prickly start, before truly caring for each other? As Belos encouraged Kikimora to stand up for herself, eventually culminating in her own life improving(?) as Kiki is now second only to him, the Emperor of the Boiling Isles! It might explain why he seems to trust her so much- The two genuinely care for each other and Kikimora feels like she owes everything to him…
           And, to incorporate my own analysis/speculation of Amity; Perhaps Kikimora has placed all of her sense of self-worth into Belos, about how she can help him, because only HE ever made her feel like something! What if as a toxic parallel to Luz and Amity, Kikimora has lowkey become dependent upon Belos- Who, while kind to Kikimora… Kiki still has placed all of her self-esteem not in herself, but in Belos’ approval of her. And while Belos DOES approve and provide support, it’s still dangerously dependent and shows that Kikimora can’t really stand for herself, that she needs someone else as a litmus test to judge her worth as a person.
          Finally, we know Amity is the least talented compared to Willow and Gus; Given how we have the literal Titan and Owl Mask, compared to Kikimora, who caves into Luz’s threats… It’s possible Kikimora is the least powerful amongst the Titan and Owl Mask, but has made up for it with raw determination and skill? After all, she presumably cast the magical cage that all of Luz’s efforts wouldn’t have been able to defeat. Perhaps like Amity, Kikimora had to work hard to prove herself, to earn respect; And like Amity in Episode 3, Kikimora feels a desperate need to hold onto that sense of accomplishment and superiority, and can and WILL retaliate viciously when it’s threatened. To Kikimora, she’s dedicated everything into making up for her own shortcomings, just like Amity- So she despises cheaters, or at least people who undermine that work.
           (I know what some may be thinking- Isn’t Kikimora a King parallel? Well, these parallels work in multiple ways… Amity parallels Luz, but then so too does Belos, presumably. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amity was both a parallel to Luz AND Kikimora, then.)
           And, that’s my general thoughts, analysis, and speculation, all based from this reflection we’ve seen! It’s possible Dana is trolling us, by accident or otherwise, with a videogame screenshot… But hey- It doesn’t hurt anyone if we’re wrong, I say! It’s all in good fun… Besides, if it WAS a teaser from Season 2, and we didn’t give our shot, then we’d all feel like idiots! We may as well take our chance and analyze, because- Just in case…!
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Ep 21
Note: I will be critical of Jiang Cheng in these posts. If you can’t handle that, please feel free to scroll on.
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I really like this hug. I mean, if you've been reading these from the beginning, you know how much I love wangxian, but I'm really glad that Wei Ying's first actual hug after returning from the Burial Mounds is with Jiang Yanli. I'm not counting the hug with Jiang Cheng, because Wei Ying didn't hug him back. That hug was thrust upon him and he did not reciprocate. This reunion is very sweet, and tear-filled, and if I hadn't been up since 3 am, I might be feeling enough to shed a tear, myself. That being said, it's hilarious how they keep showing Jiang Cheng in the middle, looking awkward as he tries to balance joy and sadness. I get what the director had in mind, but it just looks weird lol.
But this part is also super sad, because Wei Ying again makes a promise he can't keep: that the three of them will be together forever. Now, I realize that if you hadn't read the novel or weren't familiar with the story, you should already know from the first two episodes that things do not turn out well for the three of them. However, if you're like me and have the memory of a goldfish, you probably didn't realize who everyone was in the first two episodes and even if you did, you've already forgotten long ago that Jiang Cheng was pissy and angry around Wei Wuxian and that Wei Wuxian's inner monologue reveals to us that JIang Yanli is dead. All that being said, his line about staying together forever hits a lot differently when you're very aware of how the story turns out, because Jiang Yanli dies, Jiang Cheng grows to hate Wei Wuxian more and more every day, and Wei Wuxian, of course, defects to save the Wens from slaughter. I think "let's stay together forever" is something you say and mean, but something that you know can't ever truly be. I think Jiang Yanli is old and wise enough to know that she will eventually marry and leave Lotus Pier, even though she will resist it for a while. The rest is uncertain, but I think at this point, Wei Wuxian really does believe and want to stay with the Yunmeng siblings and to stay at Jiang Cheng's side as he leads the Yunmeng Jiang Sect.
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I will never not be heartbroken by this scene--even knowing how everything turns out--by how Lan Wangji looks at Wei Wuxian, how if things had been different in Yiling, he would have gone into that room and greeted him, how Wei Wuxian would have smiled at him and beckoned him inside, how they would have sat and Wei Wuxian would have talked Lan Wangji's ear off, like old friends. It's just so upsetting to me, and I can't ever shake that feeling in the pit of my stomach. I know what happens, but these two episodes, until they reconcile, really get to me. It's a horrible feeling when you want to help someone, but they don't see it as helping, and they only get upset with you. I deal with that on an almost daily basis, and I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. I really identify with Lan Wangji here, and I think that's why I get such a visceral reaction to seeing him like this.
I don't know if I've said this, but Lan Wangji is my favorite character in CQL and in every adaptation of this story. He is kind of my perfect character--he checks off all the boxes: one-sided love, pining, standing by the main character no matter what, practically abandoning his own family for the person he loves. I love that he has an almost child-like innocence, but he's still very wise; he's smart; he's strong; he has a strict moral code and he sticks to it without fail, even if it means going against his friends and family; he's a loner, but he loves deeply. When I first started watching the donghua and reading the novel, I liked Wei Wuxian the best, and he's still my second favorite character, but Lan Wangji has stolen my heart.
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Of course, Wei Wuxian goes to this awkward dinner party, after spending three months around ghosts (and then killing a shit-ton of Wen soldiers), and all he can think about is that empty seat behind him, the one where Lan Wangji should be sitting. It's interesting how the Yunmeng siblings each react: Jiang Yanli starts to become concerned and commits it to memory. She's probably wondering why Lan Wangji isn't there, and then seeing how Wei Wuxian wistfully stares at the empty seat, she finds it even more unsettling. Jiang Cheng just seems embarrassed by Wei Wuxian here and his motivation is to get Wei Wuxian back on track so he doesn't make fools of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect in front of the other leaders. He obviously knows what happened between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, and I don't think he's bothered by it at all. He doesn't seem to care whether they're friends or not, and I'd say that even at this point, he'd prefer if Lan Wangji stayed out of Wei Wuxian's life altogether. He knows how close they were, and I think he also knows that Wei Wuxian would choose Lan Wangji over him if given that ultimatum. With Lan Wangji out of the picture, Jiang Cheng gets to maintain more control over Wei Wuxian than he otherwise would. Even later on at Lotus Pier, he wants Wei Wuxian around, helping him, being his right-hand man. He doesn't want him wandering around the city or galavanting off with other cultivators. Granted Wei Wuxian was drinking at the time, but I don't think that invalidates my point that Jiang Cheng wants Wei Wuxian to stay in line and stay at his side where he can control him. You know, because he sees the relationship (as Wei Wuxian suggested) as the same as their two fathers: where Wei Wuxian is in a subservient role to Jiang Cheng. Mind you, that's different from seeing him as a brother, and I think, while there's some of that mixed into his other feelings, it's a very small portion.
No screenshot, but the following scene, after Wei Wuxian leaves the dinner party, Jiang Cheng follows him out. And even here, he asks what's wrong--asks if he's upset because of Lan Wangji--but then scoffs at how that could really be what's bothering him. He says something like, "Why did you come here just to be disliked by him?" I think while he gets that they have a close bond, he doesn't really understand the depth of the relationship. He's jealous of Lan Wangji, but doesn't fully understand why. Ultimately, I think Jiang Cheng, because of his parents and the way he was raised, really doesn't understand what it's like to have a good relationship with anyone. And this ignorance isn't his fault--he's a product of his parents and surroundings, and no one, including himself, has ever tried to fix this. So, without being able to really understand how relationships work, he scoffs at how Wei Wuxian could still be upset over what happened with Lan Wangji. Jiang Cheng essentially gave Wei Wuxian what he wanted in that moment, which was unconditional support to carry out his revenge, and yet Wei Wuxian is hung up on Lan Wangji not being supportive there, and in fact being in opposition to him. Jiang Cheng doesn't even really have friends, so he thinks Wei Wuxian should just get over Lan Wangji and move on with his life, but it's not that simple. Lan Wangji isn't just an acquaintance, he's not just someone that Wei Wuxian partnered up with to fight a battle or carry out a mission--he's a soulmate, a kindred spirit (if you want to go down a less romantic route).
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I rarely can say anything bad about Jiang Yanli (except how she's almost always making soup), and here's another example: Chenqing. She's so far the only one who supports Wei Wuxian having a first class spiritual tool. She immediately shows interest in the flute, even encourages him to give it a name. Lan Wangji immediately sees the flute as something bad, while she's completely supportive. And this is really what Wei Wuxian needs right now, and I love her for being there. She's also about the only person he will genuinely smile around. He gives everyone else forced or fake smiles, but not Yanli. At this moment, I think he only wants to be with her, and I can't really blame him when everyone else is either opposing him or just wanting something out of him. She really is coming from a place of sympathy and comfort that's different from how the others are handling things. Lan Wangji wants to help, yes, but he tries to force it.
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Imagine being in this room, listening to Jin Zixun (I'm not even sure if that's his name lol) trash talk Wei Wuxian, wanting to say something in his defense, but being unable to, not just because it's not your place to do so, but also because you're not even sure if you can defend him anymore. I think Jiang Cheng is struggling with the same. He stands up to Jin Zixun, finally getting him to shut up by saying that it's a domestic affair for the Jiang Clan and none of his fucking business, but Jiang Cheng also struggles to find excuses for Wei Wuxian. And that would certainly be difficult, because Wei Wuxian is somewhat like a stranger now. He's similar, but he's not the same Wei Wuxian that Jiang Cheng grew up with. He's really a shadow of his former self. But Lan Wangji has the added bonus of not being able to speak on his behalf because he's not even in the same clan--who is he to defend Wei Wuxian? He can't even stand with the others at the table (can't or won't, I'm not sure), so he certainly can't speak to Wei Wuxian's honor in front of all the other leaders. I'm sure the conversation back in Yiling is still running through his mind: this is a Jiang Clan affair--and to have that repeated again to someone else. That very much puts Lan Wangji in the "other" position. He's not in Wei Wuxian's clan, therefore, it's none of his business. He should care about him. He shouldn't try to protect him. He shouldn't try to guide him. But the problem is he still cares deeply about Wei Wuxian, and he wants to help him and protect him and guide him.
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These scenes are always hard to watch for me (thank god for the special edition cut). It's really hard to watch the clans doing to the Wens what the Wens have done to the other clans. As if war wasn't already terrible enough, you also have what happens to the prisoners of war. In this case, Wen Qing's sect are all healers and have little to do with the war that the rest of the Wen Clan was waging on the other cultivation clans. However, they are still treated as enemies and imprisoned. It's difficult to watch the other clans, who you want to root for, making the same mistakes and transgressions as the Wens, who we are supposed to look at as the proper enemies in the story.
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As we've seen a few times in this episode already, Wei Wuxian is having trouble controlling all the negative energy that's surging through him and the Yin iron, and on some of those occasions, he's touched his old wound. As he does this here, everyone looks at him, but he just looks at Lan Wangji. This is the person he cares most about in this room, the person whose heart his closest to his. I have nothing profound to say--I just like it.
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And of course Lan Wangji looks right back at him. He knows Wei Wuxian best, even better than his own "brother", Jiang Cheng. He knows what happened in Xuanwu Cave, he saw the effect the sword had on him. I feel like each time they exchange glances, they are both crying out to each other, but Wei Wuxian is too stubborn to ask for help and Lan Wangji doesn't want to force the issue and strain their relationship further.
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The way Lan Wangji hesitates here before saying, "I don't know," kills me. To him, it's just further proof of how Wei Wuxian is getting farther and farther from him, how the chasm between them just keeps growing. He's upset here. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to force Wei Wuxian to do anything--that's against his clan rules, but more importantly, against his own ethics--yet he doesn't want to stand by and do nothing while his friend destroys himself. I think we see Lan Wangji as a character who always knows what to do, someone who always knows the right path, but here we see how that's not true at all. This is a man who is very smart, very clever, but who is also unsure of himself. He's struggling with what's right and wrong. And he consults his brother here, hoping to get a clear answer, so that he'll know what to do next, but he gets nothing of the sort.
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It would have been easier for Lan Wangji if his brother has simply said, "Wei Wuxian is wrong and an enemy," but of course he's more wise than that. Nothing is black and whit, and humans cannot be judged for what's on the surface. You have to look deep inside a person, know their intentions, and then you can judge if they are doing what's right or wrong. The problem is Lan Wangji doesn't know Wei Wuxian's intentions. Months ago, he know Wei Wuxian wanted to defend the weak, protect people who couldn't protect themselves, and live by such a just moral code. But now Wei Wuxian seems like a stranger, has murdered many, many people, and has taken cruel revenge upon Wen Chao and Wang Lingjao.
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What I've noticed in this episode is that Wei Wuxian will look at Lan Wangji, but he always averts his eyes fairly quickly. It's as if he's afraid if they make eye contact for too long, he'll be letting Lan Wangji in, which he does not want to do under any circumstances. Letting Lan Wangji in means admitting what's going on as well as opening up Lan Wangji to danger. Wei Wuxian does not want anyone else getting hurt or dying because of him, so it's better to reject everyone and focus on his own clan.
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Honey, I'd walk away too. It's hard to tell if Lan Wangji is about to cry or about to punch Wei Wuxian in the mouth--either one would have been excellent, but I'm leaning towards the latter. Lan Wangji had to answer Jiang Yanli. She met him by chance, but it was she who initiated the conversation. Of course, angst rules being what they are, we had to have a misunderstanding a la Wei Wuxian walking into the conversation midway and making the asinine assumption that Lan Wangji was just breaking his confidence by telling her EVERYTHING. Of course, anyone who knows Lan Wangji knows he'd never do such a thing. But when Wei Wuxian's shijie comes to him, voicing her concern and asking about him, he has no choice but to empathize with her and tell her what he knows.
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I really like this little exchange. Reliving the fight on the rooftop, before they were acquainted, before they were friends--before Lan Wangji fell for him. This time when he attacks, it's not about malice, it's not about breaking the rules and bringing liquor into the Cloud Recesses--it's a man, looking at the one he loves, scared out of his mind, worried that that man is going to destroy his mind and body, using a taboo cultivation method. This fight is a love letter, as far as I'm concerned. It's an act of desperation.
Also I fucking love that around four or five people have asked Wei Wuxian where Suibian is, and each time he makes up a lie: he forgot it, he isn't in the mood, he didn't bother to bring it. But when Lan Wangji asks him, he doesn't respond. He doesn't lie, he doesn't laugh it off--whatever he does, Lan Wangji will know that he's lying, and Wei Wuxian knows that.
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | Or just check out the #CQL Rewatch hashtag
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Thoughts on the new RWBY anime? I have hope so long as they keep MKEK far away from it.
So I know this is a new ask and I have a bunch of old ones that need answers to but the topic is very relevant right now and I don’t want to take too long to answer so uh yea. (apologies in advance if this is all over the place I had a lot of thought dumping)
Anyways I’m honestly very mixed on the subject. A lot of my concerns though are coming from pure speculation and very limited information from the website.
As for the things we do know for sure, the animation in the trailer looks really good and I’m very excited for that! The music also sounds really good and I’m hoping soonish we get a translation for it into English because I really want to know what the lyrics are since apparently Ruby’s VA helped write the lyrics and she said she put a lot of emotion into the lyrics so I really am curious. Either way the instrumentals sound awesome! It looks like at least some portion of this will just be a reanimation of at least the first parts of volume 1 which I am personally excited for as it would be great to see the early volume’s reanimated to look much better. 
While I am very intrigued by that last moment with the two Weiss’s....I have some concerns. This goes into pure speculation territory and worst case scenario so that stuff will be under the cut. But long story short, the animation looks good and I did enjoy those early volumes so at least in that respect that will be very nice to see. But based on what little info we have, I have a few concerns. 
Unfortunately we just don’t know a lot about this new show, given that final surprise scene with what appears to be two Weiss’s this seems to be like it is going to dive into AU territory. While on the one hand it could be pretty epic and could have the chance to fix a lot of the issues I have with canon....I have some fears that a lot of the major events will still happen as they did in canon and I am not sure I can handle my boy James being done dirty again you know? The biggest red flags I have that could make this the case where in the showcase last night the main RWBY writers say that they have been “working closely” with the team on the project which has me wondering, how much control are they keeping over the writers and what they do? Does CRWBY have veto power on decisions they make? They said they’re giving the team some wiggle room to “make it their own” but again we just do not know what that means. I want to believe the team has more say and will be able to do what they want and explore what seems to be an AU for the show, but the website also has me worried. 
So below I have a screenshot for the schools and what the website says about them. 
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Now upon first reading I thought Atlas had the most negative description for the school but upon rereading it, the tone seems to be more neutral but given the number of typos and strange use of tenses on other pages, I realize I can’t really judge this page too much because a lot of this could come down unfortunately to translation choices not conveying information correctly. But It is hard to ignore how positive Beacon is being held up as being the light for Remnant. Why don’t the other kingdoms schools get to be a sign of safety or protection for their Kingdoms? Why is Beacon the only school really given a positive light while the other schools feel at best very neutral? To me that raises some red flags but again this could come down to translation or a bias towards the school the mains are from and not something that will actually mean anything in the long run I will admit that. 
The biggest fear I have currently is that Dictator Weiss, (whose image is on the website)
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Will be treated as this whole super awesome girl power moment while fans still bend over backwards to screech about how vile and evil James is while simping for Weiss. I also just have a general worry given the other image for the project showing Weiss surrounded by a robot army and how she gets their you know? Will she hostily take over Atlas from he still super duper evil James and be a “good” dictator? Is it something else? I don’t know enough yet to say so all I can do is speculate based on what I do know and be kind of worried still, because it sounds like CRWBY is pretty involved in this show and I have a bad feeling James won’t be allowed to be anything but evil and that worse they will make him just evil from the start rather then letting him even be a morally gray character in the start. 
Honestly if it was just the website descriptions for the schools on the website I wouldn’t be so worried about what they plan on doing with Atlas but it’s the images of Weiss and the name Ice Queendome that have me kind of on edge about this whole thing. The animation looks good though but I am still deciding if I am going to wait to watch until more episodes come out and we have an idea of what the show will be like or if I’ll risk it and stay ontop of it. 
I guess what happens could be heavily influenced by how much MKEK has control over the project and the info we have currently doesn’t really give us a great idea. They seem to be working closely with the team on this project but are also giving them “wiggle room” but we just don’t really know what that means and I have a feeling we just won’t know until the show starts airing. Currently the things I am praying for is: James lives and doesn’t turn evil, Penny lives, and Pyrrha lives. All we can do though for now is wait and see. 
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surlifen · 4 years
i dont waste energy hating closed species And You Can Too!
alright you asked for it
Claim 1: “Closed species limit creativity in the art community by locking off certain concepts.”
No, they don’t. If you believe that, then you also must believe that copyrighting in general-- or just generally the fact that making a design exactly like someone else’s is viewed as kind of wack-- are stifling creativity. Why? It’s easy to accidentally make a concept that is similar to someone else’s, because there are literally just not that many Things That Exist. There will ALWAYS be repeats. Generally, if a design coincidentally looks like another, there will be a mixture of backlash from people who believe it was an intentional ripoff, and total acceptance from people who understand that it was an accident. Ultimately, the correct way to live is to understand that 1) these coincidences can happen and should not be punished, but 2) intentionally ripping off someone else’s work is wrong. It isn’t black and white, you must process 2 or more concepts at once.
Species owners understand this. I have never seen a species owner come after someone for accidentally making something similar or inspired. This is a myth. Species owners are busy as fuck, generally Normal People, and simply do not have the time or energy or desire to moderate things outside their community. Please talk to literally any of them for more than two minutes and you will discover this. Every species owner I have met is friendly and kind and I’ll go into detail on exactly how bullshit this stereotype of them chasing people down for similarities is later.
So, given that some randos will get upset and harass people over harmless inspiration/coincidence but most will not in ALL cases of accidental over-similarity: this is NOT a species-specific problem and happens just as often--if not MORE often, because of how much people fucking despise closed species-- with non-closed-species characters.
Secondly, species owners do not create a closed species with the goal of closing off a concept from use. They do it to create a community they can manage and share a concept they have created. 
Take the world of Nephfei, created by the artist Queijac. The closed species of Nephfei are called Spinxyn, and they are very much sphinxes. They are not a brand-new concept Jac is claiming to have come up with, they are intentional and very direct references to sphinxes. What sets them apart is their species LORE, WORLD, and COMMUNITY.
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[image ID: a screenshot of the Spinxyn species guide on deviantart, created by queijac. Text reads “IMPORTANT NOTE: Spinxyn are a species OF sphinx. Yes, they are sphinx, and yes of course anyone can make sphinx characters and designs using similar appearances! I claim no ownership over design aspects! Spinxyn as a CS community, however, which offers social art related activities, world building, themed events, etc., to use the characters in, simply relates to my own PERSONAL WORK and how i want to enrich peoples experiences with it! Please understand this, thank you!!!”]
This species is not closed so that Jac can copyright the idea of a sphinx. It is closed so that Jac has some control over the world and lore they have created. Were anyone able to create a Spinxyn without an approval process, not only would the community become too large to manage too quickly, but all sorts of Spinxyn with aspects that don’t fit the lore would pop up. 
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[Image ID: screenshot of a message from Queijac in the nephfei official public Discord server. Text reads: “theres just a total disconnect that 99% of ppl making closed species are making. a Group...... its about.... the community....... and building the community around One concept that someone makes and puts rules in place for so that they can actually. U kno. MANAGE THINGS... and make a cohesive group experience....... the reason CS have so much popularity is because they come with a community, not because theyre 100% unique never before seen or heard of concepts”]
Jac explicitly acknowledges that sphinxes do not belong to them and even says that borrowing some spinxyn-specific appearance details is okay!!! The ONLY thing off-limits here is a WORLD, COMMUNITY, and LORE.
Except it isn’t. Because Nephfei also hosts not one, not two, but THREE open species of intelligent beings, plus NINE official species of non-intelligent animals, so that anyone can participate.
Claim 2: Species owners harass and police people who make similar concepts.
I touched on this already re:species owners are busy as fuck & Jac openly encouraging people to make sphinx characters and even borrow spinxyn-specific traits, but this note from ground-lion/seel, the creator of Chimereons, really does it for me.
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[Image ID: a DeviantArt note from ground-lion to me. Text reads “hello, thank you for showing me this! we don't actively do anything to police offbrands, since it causes more trouble than i think it's worth. i like to avoid drama wherever possible, and it seems like most people who participate in offbrands are just looking to press people's buttons so we can't/won't do anything to these people, i think it is best to just try and ignore it and move on.”]
Here you have the owner of one of the arguably most shit on and hated species saying outright “we don’t bother doing anything about intentional ripoffs”. For context, this WAS 100% intentional, I had noted ground-lion about a user I saw posting adoptables that were LABELED “offbrand chimereons” (so if anyone was hArAsSiNg PeOpLe oVeR SiMiLaR cOnCePtS here, it was me, calling attention to intentional and stated copying). 
Sidenote: I think it’s shitty to intentionally steal a concept. Ground-lion has also said there is no issue with making anthropomorphic chameleon characters, just that chimereons were inspired by a set of traits, a word, lore, a desire to create a community, and their own personal stylization of anthro chameleons. It’s fine to take inspiration from how someone else stylizes an animal, but the degree to which people do it-- just outright copying every aspect of Seel’s work-- rubs me the wrong way. Not enough to say anything because that is only my personal opinion and because I do not have time for that shit.
The Dainty mod team + owner (Pajuxi-Adopts) also have a section stating that to make a design no longer a Dainty, all that’s needed are the following changes: 
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[image ID: screenshot of Dainty species ToS. Text reads “ Visual edits must be made for discontinuation, here is our standard discontinuation options: - remove the stockings completely and give them fur like an actual satyr - keep the stockings and give them human legs - make them an anthro - keep the stockings but they MUST start at least a quarter to halfway up the bottom portion of the deer leg with a clear divide between the stocking and leg with fur poking out underneath - you are free to suggest your own edits as well! “]
This may be speaking specifically about discontinuing a former Dainty due to the context we found it in, but this means that a design is not considered a dainty if, for example, its stockings show fur underneath and are not part of the body. That’s it. That’s all they ask. Pajuxi is not saying “this is my closed species of SATYRS WITH SOCKS and if you DARE make a satyr with socks i will COME FOR YOU!!!”, they clearly state that satyrs with socks are an acceptable Not A Dainty. I personally think the lore behind the stockings being physically part of the body and all the specific rules they entail is interesting and original and I do not think it’s such a wild ask to say “hey, please respect this and if you see it, don’t rip it off on purpose. You can take inspiration in all these valid ways but I want to have some control over the concept I came up with”.
Claim 3: Species owners are rich elitists making small artists suffer.
Species owners are small, independent artists. Artists being hated the instant they get even moderate success (that’s still usually BARELY A LIVING WAGE) is its own huge discussion and internalized issues + capitalist brainwashing you all have to deal with on your own damn time, but I want to emphasize that someone making a living or even comfortable wage from their art is Good, Actually, and is something we should all be happy to see and want to see more of. 
Furthermore, no one is being taken advantage of. CS characters are a luxury item. You do not NEED one. If you absolutely will die without a sock deer, make one where the sock isn’t part of their body. If you will die without a chimereon, make an anthro chameleon and use your own ideas. If you will die without a sphinx character, I’m overjoyed to inform you that fucking nobody ever asked you not to make one. CS involvement is voluntary. If you don’t like them, don’t participate in them, but keep in mind that someone saying “hey, please don’t blatantly copy this design concept I spent time creating” is The Same Thing as someone asking you not to copy their individual character designs. You could live without stealing character designs. You can live without making something exactly like an existing CS. 
Claim 4: CS put concepts behind a paywall and make them inaccessible.
Again, these are a luxury item. Most closed species MYO slots cost $10-$45. That is not a ridiculous amount to aspire to. Closed species owners WANT people to participate in their species, so there are a ton of ways.
- Chimereons hold First-Time Owner flatsale slot raffles every single month to ensure people who are new to the community have a greater chance of nabbing a slot than existing participants - Dainties have an art prompt every month, which rewards every participant regardless of skill level one prompt point (the art can be visual or written). Six prompt points can be used to buy an MYO slot for free. If you desperately need a dainty and are flat broke, you can get a free one by writing 150 words a month for six months or doing one drawing each month. Skill level doesn’t matter, ALL participants get a point if they follow the rules. - I joined a raffle for a free pre-made Spinxyn. I did not win the raffle. Jac randomly decided to give out 7 MYO slots too, one of which I won. I entered a raffle that DID NOT HAVE MYO SLOTS AS A PRIZE and got one for free anyway. CS owners want people to participate, I promise. - Dainties just had a 24-hour turn-in event (that they warned about a month in advance so folks could prepare designs), meaning every single person who submits a design in that 24hr time frame gets a slot. Normally slot sales are limited in number and sell out in seconds. - Jac sporadically draws quicker, messier Spinxyn designs which always cost $5 and raffle-flatsales them on Discord. $5 is not a gatekeepy price. - Tomoyokis recently had a free-for-all event where everyone could claim either a free common slot or a $10 uncommon slot. These are just specific examples I remember of easier or free ways to get CS. Non-specifically:
- art = reward systems are common, so again, just writing or drawing enough can equal a free MYO slot or entry into a raffle for a pre-made design - many many species that are relatively new have FREE turn-in events or giveaways to build a community - free FTO slot raffles - paid but discounted FTO slot raffles - random free design giveaways - trading art for a CS character or MYO slot (I’ve gotten a dainty and two dainty MYO slots this way, and I realize not everyone’s art gets accepted, which is why this is a whole list of ways that don’t require artistic skill whatsoever)
So getting your hands on one isn’t the worst thing in the world. You might need a little luck (as in, you have a completely fair chance that is equal to everyone else’s) or a little dedication (6 months of wanting one, or having to have a design ready within a limited time for a free turn-in event).
Also, there’s a reason CS prices cannot change much: this causes issues with the value of all existing CS characters. Dainties will ALWAYS be $35. The MYO slot price will NEVER increase. If it did, all previous dainties would be worth less, or would have to have their worth increased, which is logistics hell. Inflation doesn’t affect CS the same way it does everything else.
Claim 5: ok but legally nothing is stopping me from making one lmaoo
That is true. It’s also true that there’s not really any effective laws in place to protect artists when they say “Hey, please don’t quote retweet my art on Twitter” or “Hey, please don’t repost my art even with credit”. Sometimes, we just respect artists and do what they ask because we are Nice Fucking People, but apparently, species owners are a whole different thing, evil, and do not deserve the same basic respect.
Talk to a CS owner. They’re reasonable and kind people. There’s an exception to every rule, of course, but what I’ve found overwhelmingly is that they’re literally just people like you and I who were excited to make something cool and share it with people. The emphasis is HUGELY on community. I used to dislike the idea of CS too, but since participating in them and talking a ton with the owners (who are super down-to-earth and active in their servers-- Jac helped me with a confusing horse video game and gave me a Free Horse in there), I’ve realized that the caricature of CS owners as greedy and bitchy, laying claim to basic concepts like A Cat With Wings, is just bullshit. The stereotype that CS community members are an angry mob who will roast you over a fire if you draw a chameleon on two legs is bullshit. The idea that CS are impossible to get, are for the bourgeoisie, and cost thousands of dollars is bullshit (I bet you’re thinking about scarfoxes right now. Hot take: I think it’s great that an artist is selling their intellectual property for that much. I think we all should be able to. I think if someone chooses to spend that much on a design they think would make them happy, that is literally not a fucking problem, and since it was their choice and their money no one is being taken advantage of unfairly. Let people buy the shit they want to buy, I promise you will fucking survive).
I like CS, I think they are neat, I wish people would give the owners a break. They are just independent artists like me. They get lied about and stereotyped over this stupid drama bullshit and they’re so tired and saddened when the subject comes up. They literally do not police anyone-- they don’t have the time or the desire, and it wouldn’t work anyway.
I won’t post CS content here anymore. But I like participating voluntarily in these communities. I don’t understand why that’s something YOU get to have a problem with.
Stay out of my inbox. Thanks.
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witchvspatriarchy · 5 years
Goo Hara's story is one of the most tragic and rough in kpop history. And in light of the recent events, I'd like to share it.
It's pretty possible that most of you (ppl who weren't around for 2nd generation prime) dont know Goo Hara or her legendary group KARA. The group was among the top three girl groups nation wise, and number one in Japan.
But when KARA debuted it wasn't very popular, so when one member left, the company saw the opportunity to revamp the group and they added two new members. One of those was Goo Hara. She was introduced as main dancer and visual.
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Hara's integration helped the group. Her innocent beauty in contrast to an effortless sex appeal caused men and women, children and adults, to fall in love with the idol, and this new fandom catapulted the group. Even though before debut she already had many fans, she already had antis too. A big portion of the original fandom rejected the integration of Hara. So from day one Hara had a strong individual fandom, but the group's fandom hated her.
Hara became the it girl of the moment, getting all the commercial contracts - this generated animosity from the fandom that questioned why she was the only one who was given the opportunities and why she did not participate in the commercial activities of the group. This did not weigh much on Hara at first, since she was somewhat accustomed to hate for no reason - in high school she was the victim of such extreme bullying that she had to change schools several times. She had the general public in her palms, so a portion of the fandom hating her was manageable.
But the love and support from the general public didn't last long, as netizens searched the internet to find something to destroy her and succeeded. They found Hara's teenage blog from before she was and idol, and in it they found photos of her in a hostel on her 17th birthday with her boyfriend at the time. They published them saying that Hara had had a romantic stay at the hostel and therefore she had sex while being a minor. And although the company denied it and Hara's friends said it had been a group trip, the netizens sought witnesses to support their accusations and thus began the gossip that Hara was promiscuous. This accusations gained notoriety when her relationship with Junhyun of B2ST became public. And so netizens invented her love affairs with many idols.
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The situation reached a climax in Radio Star, when the MC asked KARA what topic they didn't want to talk about, to which Hara replied "dating." The three MCs started joking with Hara's promiscuity in a rather heavy way. And although it is well known that this type of image is harmful to an idol (mostly female idols) the MCs continued with the jokes. Hara tried to laugh it off but it was a comment from Kyuhyun that made her crack, being the gossip expert on the show, he said "if I said what I know, her career would be over." It was then that Hara threw him a bottle of juice playfully and then broke into tears. Hara was accused of being violent, unprofessional and disrespectful by netizens. And when one of the MCs came out in her defense and apologized for what they had done, the netizens said that "Hara's tantrums had forced him to apologize" and they hated her more.
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Shortly after this, KARA disintegrated. But despite everything, Hara made a fortune as a commercial model. And there is nothing that netizens hate more than a successful, independent and wealthy woman. Especially if she achieves so despite public hate. And even more, if this successful, independent and wealthy woman is best friends with another successful, independent and wealthy woman (Sulli) that netizens also tried to destroy. And so, Goo Hara moved on with her life, even though the hate never stopped.
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On September 4, 2018, Goo Hara (who is 1.64 and is so thin that she has been accused of being anorexic) was accused of beating her boyfriend. For the following week there were no signs of Hara, while the boyfriend appeared in the media several times a day giving interviews about it, and saying that she had gone crazy when he tried to end the relationship. He said he wasn't going to go public at first but when he got home he realized she had "disfigured" him and his face "is a big part of how he makes a living" (he's a hairdresser) so he decided to let everyone know the type of person she is. At some point the guy gave an interview in a hospital gown and connected to serum, despite having given interviews without these things several days before, and the hospital records shows he only had scratches. But despite being suspicious, the netizens did not need more, and cited what happened on radio star, her promiscuity and her friendship with Sulli as evidence of her violence and imbalance, and demanded jail time for Hara.
Time after that, Hara finally appeared on the media, which she had not done because she had been hospitalized due to the beating that the boyfriend (the alleged victim) gave her. Attack that damaged her internal organs to the degree of causing severe bleeding. Incidentally, there was damage to her intimate organs, so a rape is suspected, although it was never confirmed as such. And although Hara presented evidence and a witness, the netizens did not believe her, they said that she paid the witness and that, because she was promiscuous, her word had no worth. It was then that Dispatch revealed that the boyfriend had offered them the premise of the matter, then screenshots of the guy blackmailing Hara with an intimate video that he filmed against her will came to light. Just then the netizens decided to listen to her. The witness (Hara's roomie) came out to give her version of the facts: the guy had entered without permission with the access code and had woken Hara by kicking the bed. The witness and the messages proved that Hara had broke up with him and he wanted to blackmail her with the intimate video and threatened to end her career, Hara tried to take the video, and the guy beat her up. After that, he destroyed averything and anything he could find at the apartment, while Hara begged him not to publish the video. In the week that Hara was hospitalized the guy sent her threats and fragments of the video as blackmail.
For a while Hara had the empathy of the netizens, but the case was never resolved judicially, and the public eventually forgot what happened and attacked Hara again. This year Hara uploaded a photo to her social media for the first time, thanking the support she received in those difficult moments. And the netizens accused her of attention seeking, they said that if she was really hurt she shouldn't be on social media after what happened, and accused her of being unaware of the damage she caused her ex - who could no longer show his face in public. Soon she went to Japan to fulfill previous contracts and they accused her of fleeing, of indifference and said that what had happened hadn't been so serious if she was already working and she had made a big drama for nothing. Meanwhile the ex is active in social media and opened a new beauty salon, which was very successful. And as if that were not enough, the ex-boyfriend, Junghyun (B2ST) ended up entangled in the Seungri/Rising Sun scandal. And although it has been said that he was not an active participant beyond commenting on the videos that JJY sent, the netizens insisted that there were videos and intimate photos of Hara in the infamous chats.
After this, Hara uploaded a picture and netizens accused her of getting plastic surgery. Hara said that she had eyelid surgery for medical reasons and asked people to stop attacking her, but the netizens ignored and attacked her for the surgery.
May 25th 2019, Hara was found unconscious in her apartment. It was said it had been a suicide attempt. This incident, unlike others in the world of kpop, did not have a wave of positive and empathetic comments wishing her recovery, but the comments were insults, offenses and ridicule towards Hara. They even reproached her for her lack of success in committing suicide, accused her of faking it, said that the news were false to get attention and attacked her more than ever.
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Soon after that Hara los her best friend.
This news were devastating but they were not a surprise, at least to me. I made a post about Sulli's passing asking people to support Hara, because I knew that she would be next. She had already tried. And she got hate for not succeeding.
A lot of the kpop fandom now wasn't around for most of the second generation mess. We had idols poisoned, attacked, and destroyed by netizens. There still are many idols victims of slave contracts and abuse but back then you saw the proof of those things regularly. With idols passing out and stuff.
Korea, specifically its treatment of celebrities is crap. Its inhuman. As international fans we should spread love for idols. And ask the companies to care for them, we should watch for their best interests as humans. What Hyuna and Edawn are doing, going on variety shows and doing photoshoots together as a couple is huge. What Mamamoo has been doing is huge. What Holland is doing is huge. Please support the idols who are actively fighting to change Koreas celebrity culture. ITS IMPORTANT.
And its important to know the stories of idols like Hara, Hangeng, T-ARA... because this idols were victims and where given nothing but hate. Hate that ended their careers or in Hara and Sulli's case, their lives. Hate kills. Haters kill. Not allowing people to live a plenty life, kills. Not allowing people to make mistakes, kills. I hope you read Hara's story and pay attention to female idols with a bad reputation, they're vulnerable in so many ways. And I hope that, in the future, when an idol survives a suicide attempt y'all wont ignore it like you did Hara.
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