#wow haven't done this in awhile
daz4i · 10 months
listening to a song with really good drum work will have me believing a better world is possible
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caeunot · 7 months
Hi!! can you write a Johnnie x fem reader fluff? 🙏🏼
johnnie guilbert x reader fluff♡
valentines day with johnnie
➷ you didn't have a boyfriend, you haven't had one in 3 years and it doesn't bother you one bit. it was only when your close friend johnnie said it was a little sad that you were spending valentines day completely alone and only working. his words affected you more than you hoped, you had automatically assumed that this was the norm and having someone shatter that bubble was quite jarring.
"well then sir what should I do, valentines day is tomorrow and literally everyone I know is busy" you say sipping your already cold coffee, you didn't want to get up and warm it up though, in case of the subject changing.
"I think you should spent it with me! not in a weird way but in a platonic way, as you can see I also have no plans", "woah woah I never said I had no plans, just that my plans were not very valentines day themed" he laughed, "so is that a yes? can I pick you up after work?"
"it's a yes you weirdo"
you purposefully dressed better and put on more makeup than usual that morning, you knew johnnie would pick you up at your work instead of at your house so you wouldn't have time to get ready. you also packed in a skimpy black dress just for emergency! (you never know what might happen okay??)
and just as you assumed, there was johnnie waiting outside your work at exactly 4:20 pm, how he knew the exact time you would walk out still is a complete mystery. he was wearing a suit with a flower in his hand and did a little twirl when you walked up to him, "I clean up well huh" you smile, "yeah, for an emo guy"
"I'm not the one still in work clothes" you roll your eyes, "okay give me a minute and I'll change". you run back inside and change your outfit in the public bathroom, as you walk out you find yourself being stared at by your co-workers, and eventually johnnie as you stepped outside.
"wow, you look amazing" you twirl just as he did earlier, "okay show off get in the car". you jump in next to him in the back seat of the uber, as you do you notice his tie was done completely wrong. you scoot into the middle seat and start fixing his tie without a warning, making him turn his face away but you could see the blush on his ears, as you finish his tie you gently fix his already neat hair with your hands, "perfect!" you mutter when you finish, looking at him directly in the eyes.
"I only did it wrong because I never wear suits okay" he says shyly, "I believe you" you say leaning back into the car seat. "so where are you taking me? especially in that outfit" he laughs, "it's a surprise! you will have to wait". you stick out your tongue and look out the window to try make out where your going.
quite a few minutes later the car pulled over in the middle of what feels like an abandoned road, around you is mainly just land and mountains. "why did we stop?" you say as johnnie gets out the car. "hey answer me!" you say turning around and looking at him through the boot as he grabs bags. "come out the car then" he says with a grin before closing the boot.
you sigh and exit out the car and almost immediately it drives away leaving you and johnnie in the middle of nowhere, he throws a bag over his shoulder and starts walking further down the road. "you coming?" he says as he turned around to see you still standing. you just sigh and follow him.
you jog a bit to catch up, "johnnie no offence but so far this date is crap", he looks over to you "it's not that much further" he says. you two continued walking for awhile untill he stopped and took you by your shoulders, "okay, wait! close your eyes!", "okay" you giggle doing as he says. he takes you by your hands and leads you forward and almost a minute later he tells you to stand still and you hear some shuffling sounds as if he's taking things out his bag.
"okay open your eyes!" you look around and see that you are high up on the mountain and enough to see all the lights from the buildings below, the orange sun was spreading throughout the sky and you couldn't help but ghasp from the view alone, you look over to johnnie and see his proud face. you also saw he had put down a picnic blanket and a lot of takeaway food.
"holy shit!! how did you know this existed?", he sits down on the blanket and waited for you to sit down to respond, "everywhere I've lived I've made it my mission to find little hidden places, if I'm honest I don't think we are even allowed to be here". "even better" you say laying down to get a better view of the clouds.
he lies down next to you leaning his face on his hand looking down at you, "thank you for letting me take you here" he says with a look you have never seen on him. "you must like me a lot to take me to your secret spot hm? or is this where you take all your girls." you said with a lewd grin.
he fixes a strand of your hair, "your the first person I've taken here". "and why am I the one to get that privilege" you say sitting up. "is that even a question y/n, no one compares to you".
you feel yourself blush, "sorry that was weird" he says shaking his head. "no no it's not, it was perfect, this is perfect.. you are perfect" you say leaning into his face but stopping before you were in touching distance. "y/n" he whimpers as he looked up into your eyes.
the air between you so thick and intense, you wanted nothing more than to have his soft lips move against yours. but sadly he breaks it away and clears his throat, "anyways I brought food! it's getting cold we should eat!"
reluctantly you did as he said and you two ate and drank in a comfortable silence, after you finish you get up the uber comes back just as it starts getting too dark. "thank you for tonight, I loved it" you said as you put your seatbelt on. "I'm so glad" he says giving a weak smile.
the silence lasted a while longer till you decided to break it, "wait I don't want to go home yet", he looks at you confused. "can we stop at the park? I want to watch the stars". he bites his lip contemplating. "okay yeah sure!" he says and directs the uber to the closest park.
once you get there he takes the bags and lays out the blanket again, you sit down feel goosebumps appear down your arm. "I'm an idiot I didn't bring a jacket" he immediately takes off his lepard jacket he had changed into earlier, he then put it on your shoulders without even asking, "you sure?" you ask, he just nods.
you lie down and take in the serenity, the stars were very clear that night and you could identify some of them, but you decided not to be cliche and list them to Johnnie. speaking about Johnnie, you couldn't help but notice how good he smells with him lying so close to you.
you turn and face him, "johnnie", you just say. he turns towards you, "yes y/n?". you take in a deep breath, "I don't want to look at the stars anymore", " what? why?" he says concerned.
"I'd much rather look at you" you say biting your lip, immediately embarrassed because of his cheesey you are.
he sits up and immediately leans in grabbing your face and kisses you passionately. you let out a small moan from surprise as he climbs on top you and grinds gently ontop of your dress, since it it so small just by that movement it starts riding up your body exposing your panties.
"mmfff not here Johnnie" you say moving back, he looks at you on his all fours like a lost desperate puppy. "fine" he says and dramatically lying back down onto the blanket. you crawl up next to him and tuck your head under his arm and wrap your leg around his. "is this okay?" you ask after you got comfortable.
he just kisses your forehead and let's out a small "mhm"
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artsymeeshee · 1 month
It isn't much of an ask, as more of a thank you.
Your heavier toned sea grunk comic with Stan discussing his thoughts of suicide has always held a place in my heart.
I started into the fandom around January 2022, and was pretty introverted getting into it. At that time, I was around 13 years into my undiagnosed depression, and failed one attempt to end it in that span. My introverted nature and being so warped kept me from wanting to engage with others from the fandom. I figured I was an outsider with more issues than what could be handled, and no one would be there for me(and I wouldn't blame them).
I didn't think that around July 2022, people would begin reaching out to me, understanding me, and accepting me. I found kindred spirits and my family. And in September, my best friend found me. She is the Ford to my Stan. She has stuck by me and loved me when I have been unlovable and it wasn't required. And we bonded over our favorite guys of course. She got me into Tumblr, and this was one of the first comics that I saw, and it made me bawl. It felt like talking to my best friend face to face, even 500 miles apart.
Then, shifting into December 17, 2023, I tried again to go, standing in the freezing night on the edge of the local bridge, seeing the dark, and waiting to embrace it. And everything that I loved flooded me in that darkness: My best friend, all my friends I had made, my family, and this comic. Stan felt that way, but he held on, because he got Ford back. It was part of why I stepped down, and just sat for awhile, and took the time to finally get help. Those feelings are now distant and rare when I reached out for proper help.
Even now, I'm struggling, but not wanting to be in that place again. Just feeling like I'm inadequate as a spouse, but we are both working through it. It has been difficult the last few weeks, and this comic emerges again today, and flooded me all over again with the reminder that Stan chose to live, even if it was hell for a long time, and I can do it too.
So, if you haven't fallen asleep on me yet, I just wanted to thank you for making this comic. And for all of them. It resonates with me deeply, and frequently more than you'll ever know, and at points, has kept me here.
Thank you 👉👈
🥺🥺 Oh wow. I don't know what to really say but thank you for opening up and telling your story. I know it can be really hard to open up like that. It makes me happy to hear that things have gotten a lot better, even if it's not 100%.
That comic was a spur of the moment kind of thing because I was originally going to make just a vent post of myself but then something about wanting to get out particular thoughts I've had through Stan seemed like a better approach. Perhaps this could come as a bit of surprise to some but as much art of Ford I've done, Stan is actually the favorite of the two.
I kind of thought that comic was going to be my last at the time. My mind spiraled pretty bad during that time last year and figured that it wasn't worth trying to say how I've been and just leave because I genuinely believed I was better off no longer being part of the Fandom. I still think I do on some days but seeing messages like these or even small encouraging ones is enough to think I am still worthy enough to stay.
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pinejayy · 1 year
╰┈➤ Them catching you do the WAP dance|| Demon Slayer
including: upper moons. plus muzan and the hantengu clones
summary: @mammonpartenrincrime asked for reader gets caught doing the WAP dance
a/n: sorry for the long wait, but thank you for being so patient with me uwu. I really appreciate it.
warnings: some nsfw, not really. curse words.
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He couldn't believe his eye, he was in utter shocked and quite disappointed in you. Kokushibo walked in on you and you were on the floor doing some kind of provocative dance. "What in the world are you doing?" He told you, making your head snap towards his direction, and your face immediately turned red from embarrassment.
"Where did you learn that? Who taught you that?" He asked you shaking his head, looking down at you. Currently you were on the floor and as he looked at you frowning you stood up quick to your feet. "Oh. Um I just saw it somewhere...' You say, looking down. And he frowned and took a step closer to you, placing a finger on your chin forcing you to look him in the eyes. "Where?"
"Uh.. Um Well." You began to stutter and as you look at him you sigh, you knew you couldn't lie to him. "FINE! DOUMATAUGHTME!" You say quickly. He stood there, even though you spoke fast he understood you clearly.
"Hmm, Interesting." Taking a step away from you, and he grabbed a fist full of your hair. "I'm going to have a little talk with Douma, now as for you. If you want to be dancing around like a whore, then I might as well treat you like one."
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He couldn't help but smile as he walked into your room, and that you were on the floor moving in a sexual way. Douma couldn't help but lick his lips as he watched your ass bonce. As he stood there you still haven't noticed him and once you were done he clapped his hands quite loudly. "Wow, just wonderful Darling." He giggled out, making you gasp out and you stood up looking down in shame.
Walking closer to you, he placed a finger under your chin so you could see his colorful eyes. "Don't be shy. I thought it was great. Hm maybe you should dance for me." He winked, leaning in and placing a kiss on your cheek.
And you stood there with your face redder than blood. "Um. You really did like it?" Asking shyly and he just nodded. Pinching your cheek in playful manner. "Of course you did, But I will say something." He told you and backed away from you.
"That I could obviously do the dance better." And before you could answer him, he was already showing off. As you stood there, you watched him do that dance you were just doing and you had to admit that he definitely knows how to move his body so well. Yet you couldn't help but feel a bit turned on as you watched him dance, and once he was done he looked at you, smiling. "Why don't we create our own dance moves~"
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He walked into your room as he wanted to ask you a question, and the second he stepped into your room he watched you doing some kind of sexy dance? And his cheeks began turning red, he didn't know what to say or do, so he just stood there blushing and after awhile he coughed awkwardly making your head snap at his direction. Yelping in surprise. "Ahh why didn't you knock!"
Akaza looked down at you and he was quite, so he just held out his arm for you. You took it and he helped you up. You guys stood there awkwardly until he spoke up. "So uh? Um what was that?" He asked, you sigh. "It's a dance I found out about, I just liked it.." You say, looking down in shame. "I'm so sorry." Your voice began to crack up, making him frown.
"Hey, don't stress yourself out. I'm sorry for not knocking." He said, hugging you tightly. "It's okay.." You mumble out, snuggling against his chest.
"I wanna ask for selfish request." He began saying, as you looked at him. "Can I see the fully dance." He asked shyly, making you pull away from the hug, you just nodded. And with that he sat on your bed, and you did your little dance for him. As Akaza sat there watching your body move he couldn't help but feel his cock grow under his pants.
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The poor Demon was gasping as he walked in on you doing some kind of dance. His cries snapped you out of your thoughts, and now your attention was fully on him. "What are you doing? Where did you learn that from?!" He cried out, as curled up into a ball on the floor. You quickly made your way to him and patted his back. "Hey shh, it's okay." You began saying in s soft voice, trying your best to calm him down.
But before you could say anything else he got up and ran out of the room and he was quick to close the door behind him. Standing up as quickly as you could, you walked towards the door. Opening it and frowning to yourself. "Hey I'm sorry Honey..." You say and without looking where you were going yo ran into something. Looking up, you saw the Clones...
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Hantengu Clones
"Ah so you wanna be a little slut now? Why were you dancing like this?" Sekido growled at you, pushing you into the room. The others followed him in the room and they closed the door. You were confused, why would Hantengu split himself off.
"Um I just saw it and thought it was neat." You say, backing away from them and all four of them began walking towards you until your back was against the wall. Karaku smirked and he was the one to pin you against the wall. Giving you a single kiss on your cheek. "Hm, such a dirty little human..”
"It would be nice if you were to perform this dance for us, right Aizetsu?" Urogi spoke up, nugging Aizetsu in the arm. And he just nodded and looked down. "Yeah, that would be nice." He said shyly.
"Then that does it, you're going to dance for us." Sekdio said, and with that Karaku lets you go giving you your space. The Clones walked over to the bed and they sat down, waiting for you to start. Standing there, as your face was red. As you began dancing the four hungry demons looked at your body movements and they got excited. And let's say all five of you did a special kind of dancing.
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The Demon was in his art studio, as he was working on his vases so Lord Muzan could sell them. As he was working he didn't hear anything from you, and you didn't even bother to check up on him which was odd because you were always bothering him, so he decided to check up on you. As you were in your room dancing to this new song you found out about, you didn't feel the eyes on you. Gyokko teleported into your room, since you had a vase in there and he was shocked when he saw you dancing.
As he watched you dance, he couldn't help but blush to himself. He hid himself in his face, as if he was shy watching you. He was usually a loud mouth but this time he didn't know what to say or do, as you finished you still didn't notice him.
"Hyo Hyo. My, what beautiful dance moves." He said, finally emerging from his vase. As you look at him, your cheeks turn red. Standing up and you walked towards him, and you could tell his cheeks were red as well, he was trying to hide the fact that he was embarrassed and also excited.
Smirking, and you leaned in towards him. "Aw no rude comment? You seem kinda shy Gyokko." You say, teasing him. And he laughed nervously. "Uh I gotta go work, bye!" He said, and teleported back to his art room, leaving you there alone. Gyokko grabbed a new vase and began painting your body movement's into the vase. "Ah, you always truly inspire me darling." He said to himself.
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He looked at you, he was shocked in what he walked in on. You were dancing on the floor, he’s never seen someone dance that way and he was quite disgusted but seeing you do it made him feel weird and awkward. As he stood there, he turned his head to the side and coughed loudly so he could get your attention. Hearing him made you snap from your own thoughts, as you sat on the floor you turn red from embarrassment and look down. You began to fidget with your nails “Uh I’m sorry you had to see that.”
Gyutaro just nodded and shook his head. “Uh where did you learn how to dance like that?” He asked awkwardly, and he began to scratch his neck. “Uh I learned from seeing it around and I just wanted to try it out..” As he stood there awkwardly he looked at you and sighed. “Hmm I see…but why do such a dance like that..”
“I don’t know, I’m sorry.” You say, looking down and he wrapped his arms around you. Hugging you tightly, which was odd for him because he hardly liked physical affection. “Could you please not do that again. It’s not that I don’t like it but I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable with my feelings.”
Returning the hug you nodded “Of course. I’m sorry honey.” You say softly, looking at him and leaning to kiss his cheek. “And besides I prefer you pure and innocent.” He said, leaning and giving you a gentle kiss.
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The Demon King stood there in your door way, he wanted to speak with you about important business but he didn’t expect you to be dancing so exotic. It made him physically upset. How dare you dance like that and not show him, as he stood there watching you. He was tapping his foot against the floor and he had his arms crossed over his chest. “What do you think you’re doing?” He hissed out, snapping you out of your thoughts. Quick to your feet, you stood up and bowed your head down. “Oh my! Lord Muzan I’m truly sorry.” You began to plea out. “I’m deeply sorry, I didn’t expect you to come and visit me.”
Muzan walked towards you, his footsteps loud against the floor board. As you look down, you began to shiver and when he was in front of you he huffed out. “Look at me.” Your eyes quickly snapping to his face, and he seemed to have a devilish smirk spread across his face. “Now are you going to answer me darling? Or am I going to force the answer out. Where did you learn how to move your body like that?” He asked in a low husky voice, making you shiver.
“Douma…he taught me.” You say looking at him. “Of course that imbecile taught you. But I’m not upset because of that, I’m upset that you didn’t show me. I am quite interested in seeing these moves of yours.” He began saying, he leaned and placed a gentle kiss on your neck, feeling his fangs on your soft delicate skin. “Why don’t you be a Doll and show me. Show your Lord your beautiful eye catching dance moves.”
You just nodded and he smirked, backing away and he grabbed a seat and sat down. Crossing his legs and watched you. “Well hurry up.” Hissing at you, you whimper and you began to dance for him and he watched you. His eyes filled with lust, and once you were done he uncrossed his legs and patted his thigh. “Come here, I think I want some other kind of dance now.”
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the-moon-and-stars · 3 months
you are amazing !! love your writing , could you maybe make a amane oneshot where he takes you stargazing and he then cuddles you? btw u are awsome stay hydrated and have a lovely day ! :)
A/N: Wow, it's been awhile since I've done one of these, and this is a really old request, but I miss writing and I miss you guys. <3 Took my time on this one, and I haven't written anything tbhk related in a good minute, so bare with me. Warnings: Nothing but pure fluff
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Amane’s hand grabbed yours as he pulled you towards him, his eyes illuminating under the moonlit gaze peeking from the window as you both stood still by the stairwell, the shadows from the dark corner peeking behind his back seemed only to define his features more.
An amused laugh bubbled in your throat as your eyebrow raised, “Amane, you know it’s well after school hours, what are you doing?” Your eyes glanced down to your hand interlaced with his, you felt the gentle squeeze tatter against your skin, throughout your whole body, your eyes finding his again. “I can’t spend extra time with my girlfriend?”
You scoffed, Amane always tried to smooth talk his way out of things, especially when mischief was born from it. “We need to go home.” 
Amane let out a sigh of defeat, for a moment you thought you’d convince him, but this is Amane we’re talking about. “We will, after this.” He proceeded to drag you up the steps, the abrupt movement making you almost trip, and you held onto the railing for stability. Your shouts of protest went to vain as he pushed the door open that led to the roof.
The soft breeze gently cupped your face as your eyes wandered to the scene in front of you. There was a blanket set down with constellations scattered across the dark blue fabric. His telescope was set next to the blanket, inviting you to peek through into a starlit fantasy that rested in the night sky.
You walked forward, your hand gently losing its grip from Amane’s as you moved closer to the blanket, you couldn’t help but smile. You knelt down, your knees hitting the cotton below as your hands ran through the fluffy sewn blanket. 
“You did this.. For me?” You turned to the boy who was only standing a few inches away, a smile laid on his features, due to the moonlight you could even see the canthal lines at the corners of his eyes, he never looked happier. His eyes appeared to match the constellations that laid on the sheet you were kneeling on now. He walked closer to you as you scooted over to give room for him to sit with you.
Sitting beside you, you noticed how nervous he was, a faint blush stained his cheeks and his hands stilled on his knees, but you could see his thumb lightly tapping the fabric of the jeans. 
“I did.” Amane’s head turned to face yours, his hand finding yours, a touch that was made so many times yet this felt more intimate. It burned into your skin as his hand clasped yours, guiding you closer to the telescope in front of you. The metal was cold against your skin as you brought your eye to the smaller hole of the telescope, allowing you to get a closer glimpse of the stars above.
Amane’s hands reached and turned the telescope to the right while you were looking through, his other hand rested on your shoulder. “You see that?” 
You hummed in response, looking at the star that seemed to shine brighter than the rest, like a mini sun, and coincidentally, that’s exactly what it was. “They call that one Sirius, it’s actually one of the brightest stars up there, and the closest to Earth.”
A small smile was placed on your lips as you listened to him explaining the star to you. You could hear the passion in his voice as he said these facts so easily, like they were engraved in his memory, saying them was as easy as breathing, not one stutter. The star shone, and you monovered your hands so you were able to zoom in on the bright light, noticing just how similar yet so different it was to the others that surrounded it. “It’s beautiful…”
You heard small movements behind you, the blanket becoming a bit disarray from the shuffling. You felt hands placed on your hips as Amane slowly pulled you away from the telescope. “Hey, I wasn’t done-”
Your sentence was cut short when you felt his head rest itself on your shoulder, his hair tickling your skin, making you more self aware of the feeling of his body pressed against yours. His hands and arms wrapped around your lower stomach as he pressed you further into him. Your arms popped with goosebumps and an uncontrollable smile fought its way on your face.
“I wanted to show you this, to show you how beautiful the stars are,” Amane mumbled, the feeling of his lips lightly pressing against your skin as he spoke brought heat up from your neck to your cheeks. “And how it’s not enough to ever take my eyes off you.” 
Your smile broadened as your hand moved down and rested on top of his, the padding of your thumb gently caressing his knuckles. You looked up at the night sky, your lashes fluttering and your gaze dazed with pure bliss. “Nothing could ever pull my eyes from you either.”
Amane held you tighter in response, indulging himself in your smell, how sweet it was and your touch, the softness of your skin that brought an eerie calm to him. How your voice sounded and the small breaths you took in a serene moment such as this one.
He had you in his hands, he was able to reach you and admire you up close the way he wanted to, unlike the moon that’ll always be a beauty from afar. The difference between you and the stars in Amane’s eyes was that you were simply ineffable, the sky couldn’t come close.
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hyunfilms · 1 year
blue side of the sky (lmh) | eight.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 5.5k
—chapter warnings: cussing/mature language, mentions of alcohol consumption (not by oc), very platonic slow-dancing with jisung, we hear jisung's feelings about the accident 🥺, a bit more descriptive details of the accident, more minho x oc interactions yay!!, flashback - kisses/probably err on the side of making out lol
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"Shit, I need to be at Yeong-Su's in the next five minutes or else my parents are gonna kill me." Jisung huffs as he struggles to get his tie done. You put your eyelash curler down to help him because you can't watch him struggle any longer. You step in front of him and take over, neatly securing his tie around his neck before looking up at him with a small smile. "Thank you." He lets out a breath of relief before looking at himself in the mirror once more. 
"You're welcome. You should go."
"You're gonna be okay?"
"I will."
"What are you trying to say?" Chan yells from their room, making the two of you laugh.
"You look beautiful, cielo."
"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself, pachi." He smiles.
"See you guys down there." He calls out before rushing out of the room to meet the groom and the groomsmen. You finish curling your lashes, adding some light falsies to spruce up your look. You didn't add much makeup since you were going for a more natural look, but you were satisfied with how it turned out in the end.
You weren't entirely sure in the beginning, you hadn't done this in a very long time. It feels nice.
When you finally give your hair one last fix and spray a bit of perfume, you step into Chan and Seungmin's room, seeing them fix their suits a few times while looking in the mirror. Chan's eyes dart from the mirror to you, then back to the mirror before he's doing a double take.
"Wow, you look amazing Y/N." He turns to look at you. "And you were saying you weren't sure about the dress?"
"I just haven't dressed up like this in awhile, you know?" You shrug. "San said it was nice." Your hands brush down the fabric of the dress while Seungmin and Chan chuckle.
"San was right." Chan nods. "Though, I hope he knows we won't make it easy for him to weasel his way into your heart." Chan focuses on tightening his tie once more.
"Seriously, Y/N. You look stunning." Seungmin adds. "Ready to go?"
"Mhm. Ready when you two are."
"Alright, let me just throw on my watch and I'll be good." Chan says, snatching his Rolex off of the nightstand and securing it around his wrist. The three of you head straight towards the garden area, your eyes light up at all the wedding decorations. The venue was decorated beautifully with its sage, taupe and champagne flowers and tones.
You're pulled out of your daze when you hear a familiar voice greeting Seungmin and Chan, Chan glancing over at you once you've met the eyes of said familiar voice.
"Y/N, hey." Minho says, slowly eyeing you up and down. "W-wow, you look amazing." You look at him with a small smile as you also peep his outfit— a  crisp button up with a black tie, sleeves rolled up mid-way with nicely pleated grey slacks. It's simple, but it works well for him. His long, brown hair slightly drapes over his eyes, a silver watch sitting prettily on his wrist.
"Hey Minho. Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." You chuckle just as Chan gently tugs at the gift bag in your hand.
"I'll go place this down at the gift table for you, alright? Gotta put my gift down too." You give him a small nod before returning your attention to Seungmin and Minho. They're chatting amongst themselves, and you find yourself shuffling closer to Seungmin as the crowd grows.
"You okay?" Minho suddenly asks. "Did you take your medicine?" Seungmin subtly bites onto his bottom lip while he watches your eyes shift upwards at Minho. Suddenly, Minho feels a little embarrassed for outwardly showing his worry for you. He knows this isn't the time, he knows he needs to step back. "Sorry, I—"
"It's okay." You give him a reassuring nod. "I did this morning. I appreciate the reminder, though." Minho simply nods in acknowledgement before Seungmin butts in.
"We should find our seats." He says, watching the rest of the guests settle into their seats. Seungmin's hand settles on the small of your back, gently pressing you towards the way to your seats. At this point, Chan re-joins the group and follows along, greeting some of Jisung's family members on the way over. Seungmin takes the seat near the aisle, followed by you, Chan and Minho. Just as Chan settles into the seat, Minho meets your eyes and his facial expression softens. The corner of his lips tug upwards into a tiny smile that you almost miss, and he doesn't necessarily peel his eyes off of you even as the pianist starts to play the entrance song.
You feel that look settle in the pit of your stomach.
"Oh shit, it's starting already." Chan harshly whispers over to you and Seungmin. The three of you stand as the pianist plays the song loudly, the bridesmaids accompanied by the groomsmen. Jisung walks down the aisle with a smug smirk on his face that makes Chan, Minho and Seungmin quietly laugh to themselves. Shortly following behind is another couple, then another— until the entire group passes and lines up at the altar. Once they've settled in their positions alongside of Yeong-Su, Yuna begins to make her way down the aisle looking beautiful as ever in her wedding dress.
You watch the way Yuna and Yeong-Su look at each other so lovingly in the eyes as they go through their vows, the tears still flowing down their cheeks— causing everyone in attendance to break into their own tears and sniffles. You wonder what it's like to be completely enamored by someone, to love someone so deeply and with everything in you; 
What is love?
Were you ever in love at some point? True, genuine love? 
Your eyes wander to the ocean just behind the venue, before they fall onto Minho again. But, when you turn, you find that he's looking at you already and his expression is unreadable. He is always unreadable, but it's the feeling you get that confuses you the most.
"Kiss!" Seungmin yells just as the crowd begins to yell along, making you chuckle. Minho is no longer looking at you, and he's snapped himself back to current times— back to reality.
The wedding passes quickly, with the reception following shortly behind. It's a short distance of a walk, the huge tent with champagne-colored drapes right around the corner of the hotel. The view of the sunset and ocean is clearer in this area, with the breeze a bit stronger [though it hits the drapes and decorations beautifully]. 
"Cielo." Jisung comes from behind, causing you to turn over your shoulder to look at him. "Are you still doing okay?"
"Mhm." You nod. "I was just about to to grab a drink."
"I can do it—"
"It's fine, pachi. I got it." You give him a toothless smile as you step forward to the self-serve area for the drinks; all the fruit-flavored, non-alcoholic drinks lined up in cute beverage dispensers with gold detailing. You help yourself to some of the strawberry mango concoction that's almost gone, waiting for every drip to fall into your cup.
"I'm nervous." Jisung whines a bit, watching as you wait for your cup to fill.
"Why are you nervous? You're going to be fine, Ji."
"I haven't sang in front of my family in such a long time."
"And I'm sure you'll do great. They'll love you. Besides, you'll have Seungmin with you." You finally bring your cup up to your lips while you turn to Jisung.
"You don't think my singing voice is icky, right?"
"Jisung, please." You chuckle and shake your head. "Your voice is lovely. Your family will love it." You give his arm a gentle squeeze. "Promise." He lets out a deep breath before he nods.
"You're right." He walks alongside of you as you walk back to the table, Chan helping himself to the salad and bread that was just served. The three of you engage in small talk over some food, while Minho decides to sip on his drink near the open bar area. He watches the way you laugh and smile, his gut wishing he was the reason why—
"Please tell me you're just taking way too long to decide which drink you'll go for after you finish that." Seungmin comes to his side, making Minho damn near choke on the cocktail he's sipping.
"Excuse you."
"Creep." Seungmin gives him a look and Minho glares at him.
"I was just people-watching."
"Like that makes it any better."
"Would you mind your own business, Kim Seungmin? Don't you have a song to sing soon?"
"Soon, not right now." Seungmin sips on his cocktail before digging his other hand into his pocket. "So, staring at Y/N?"
"I wasn't staring at her." Minho looks at him, but all Seungmin does is cock a brow up. "I mean I was, but like, I was just making sure she was okay.. from a distance. It wasn't too long ago when I brought her to urgent care."
"Was that hard?"
"To say that you care."
"She's still my bestfriend at the end of the day." Minho blurts out the first excuse that comes to mind even though he has no right to play that card.
"Alright then." Seungmin shrugs, half-understanding why Minho was acting the way he was, half-not-understanding why he couldn't just say what was on his mind. "Whatever you say, my guy. I'm gonna head back to our friends." He heads for the table with Minho following shortly after.
The remainder of the program goes by beautifully, with Jisung, the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen giving their thoughtful and sweet speeches. You've cried once or twice, especially when Yuna shares a dance with her father, and Yeong-Su gives his own speech to everyone before catering to his now-wife. There are special surprise performances from family, one being Jisung and Seungmin's performance— singing to Alto Moon's 'Mars.'
As soon as the dance portion of the night begins, Chan whisks you away to the dance floor, twirling you around before the both of you start to dance along to the song. Shortly, Seungmin joins along after he's found his way towards you two, then Jisung, Yuna and Yeong-Su. Minho joins the circle, laughing and enjoying himself across from you. Nonetheless, it's a good time and you find yourself having tons of fun with Jisung's family and your friends. You almost don't want the weekend to come to an end because you'll be looking to relive the entire thing all over again.
It's the first time you've felt alive in awhile.
"Hey." Jisung slips into the empty seat next to Seungmin while you two sit down for a break. "Please, help. I need a break from them." He points at his family. "They're killing me with the pictures." He tries to duck by Seungmin's figure to avoid people calling him over.
"Sucks to be you." You laugh at Seungmin's remark. "Jisung is over here!" Seungmin calls out, making Jisung punch him on the bicep.
"You asshole." He moves away from his seat to keep dodging his family, putting his hand out for you to grab when the songs begin to slow down. "Perfect timing! Let's go dance, cielo." Jisung brings you out onto the floor for a slow dance. You wrap your arms around his neck and he holds you around the waist, the both of you swaying to the slow beat of the song.
"Are you having a good time? Feeling okay?"
"I am. Thank you for bringing me along."
"Of course, I knew you'd enjoy it." He chuckles a bit.
"No, really. Thank you." You pull back to look at him. "You know, for always looking out for me and being there for me? For being patient? I know it might not be easy after everything that's happened. Or, I might not be the easiest to take care of, but you make life a lot smoother."
"Cielo, you're my bestfriend. I'll do anything for you." He lets out a breath. "When the accident happened, I was scared." Even if he won't get into too many details right now, it's the first time Jisung is really speaking up about the accident. "I couldn't help but blame myself because I felt like I could've done better. I spent nights trying to figure out where I could have prevented this from happening, where I lacked in keeping you safe. Why I didn't do certain things—"
"Jisung, that wasn't your fault."
"Still." He looks at you. "Maybe I should've prevented you from leaving that night. I should have made you stay knowing the storm was at its peak." You can't even remember the night of the accident, but your uncle had briefly mentioned leaving Jisung's. Why you were there, you weren't sure. Why you left, you aren't sure. But you hopped in an Uber, the driver losing control of the car when a drunk driver in the opposite lane swerved— causing the car to flip when you were only 5 minutes away from home.
It makes you sick to even think about it. That's one thing you don't want ever to relive, or have memories of.
"There are things you can't protect me from, pachi." You say softly while looking up at him. "Just as me with you."
"I just should've done better, Y/N. I could have." He clears his throat. "You were almost taken away from me. I'll never let another opportunity slip past me again." He looks at you as if it's the last time he's looking at you. But before the moment carries on, he pulls you in, hugging you tightly and warmly. He keeps you close, because that's what he feels like he needs to do from this moment on.
"I'm here, pachi." You softly say as you part from him. All he can do is look at you and nod, giving you some space as the next song begins to play. 
"I know." At this point, Jisung's mom comes from behind him and sweetly asks for a dance from her son. You hand him off, smiling at them right before you turn on your heel to head to the bathroom. Luckily, it isn't too far into the hotel. You can't wait to relieve yourself and freshen up a bit, giving yourself a bit of a break before heading back out to be surrounded by people and loud music.
Once you feel like you've given yourself a good enough breather, you leave the bathroom and turn the corner—
"Woah." Minho says, his hands immediately coming to your elbows. "Oh jeez, I'm so sorry Y/N." He says when he realizes it's you he almost ran into. 
"You're alright." You chuckle. "I shouldn't have turned the corner so quickly." He puts on a small smile.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just needed a little bathroom break and a quick breather." You look past his shoulder to get a glimpse of the party. "Is Jisung still with his mom?" He shakes his head.
"No, but his auntie."
"Of course. I saw you and Chan with the aunties earlier."
"Gotta save them a dance or two, you know?" You giggle.
"How sweet." Pause. Silence. Minho observes every inch of your face, body— the scar on your cheek from the accident, and the one near your hairline. You're beautiful, and he doesn't even care if he's staring.
All that liquid courage, especially.
"You really do look amazing tonight."
"Thank you, Minho." You fiddle with your fingers. "I should let you get back to.. you know.." He lets out a small breathy laugh just as you see Jisung hurrying into your point of view.
"Please. Help." You read Jisung's lips and furrow your brows, causing Minho to turn over his shoulder and look at him.
"He always needs saving." Minho rolls his eyes, making you laugh at his statement.
"Are you gonna head back to the table after?" He nods.
"Yeah. But for now, I think you should get to Jisungie before he cries."
"Right. I'll see you later." You chuckle as you walk past him and meet Jisung, who is hiding from his aunties [again] even in plain sight. 
Minho is left alone to ponder on his thoughts, and he can't stand this.
Actually, he can't stand himself. Cause god, he was preparing to accept the worst. To lose you, to not have you around. To have something taken away from him so suddenly.
Then, that wasn't the case. But that's not the issue at all, no. He's happy and he can't stop thanking the higher power for giving you another chance at life. He doesn't know what he'd do without you, you were always important to him. Always will be.
Still, you are what he loves the most.
But he can't stand himself because he's here, acting like everything is fine. He was heartbroken when you didn't remember who he was, had no recollection of the memories you two shared— he fell deeper in this dark hole with Kat even though he didn't intend to. She just filled this void that he had, and it's fucked up of him to lean on the girl that messed up everything you two had in the first place. He couldn't help himself. But, what breaks his heart the most now is that you don't know, and you may or may not ever know. He couldn't dare to see you crying or hurt. Even though Minho really wants to be honest, he really wants to tell you.
You two have so much to talk about.
He looks at you as you hit the dance floor with the group and he's just not sure when or how to do this— how to even act around you because you're the girl he's always loved. You're the girl he imagined spending his entire life with. But you're also the same girl he hurt so, so deeply.
He's the one who brought you all this love, along with all this hurt, and he'll never forgive himself for it. 
He wishes it wasn't so difficult because when he looks at you, he wishes he could love you time and time again— like the world was due to end any minute now.
That's way too selfish of him, though. He's already been selfish once, and he won't dare to be that selfish again. He'll try not to.
Not if it hurts you.
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Jisung joins Yeong-su and the groomsmen for a little after party at a nearby bar, while Chan and Seungmin busy themselves with rounds of Mario Party in the room. You decide that you want to walk and experience more of the ocean, listening to the waves crash against the sand under the cool weather.
"I'm going to walk around the hotel."
"Wait, do you want one of us to come?" Chan's eyes are fixated on the screen in front of him as he furiously presses the button on the controller.
"No, it's okay. I just wanted to take a quick walk and sit by the water for a minute. I'll come back." You stand at their doorway and give them a small smile.
"You su— ah, fuck off dude!" Seungmin yells. "Are you sure, Y/N?" He repeats to finish off his previous thought.
"More than sure." You give them one last wave before heading out the door. After the wedding, you quickly took a shower and threw on some cotton shorts, a baby tee and a loose zip-up to protect you from the colder breeze at this time of night. You zip it up halfway, tugging on the zipper as you step into the elevator and head down to the first floor. It's still pretty lively, with guests at the restaurant and bar. Just as you send a text to your uncle to let him know you're okay, you do a double-take when you catch a familiar face sitting in the same exact dining area where you and Seungmin sat yesterday.
You don't say much, but you're quick to find out that you don't need to. As if his instinct told him to turn right at the moment, he does. He catches your eyes as he's about to take another sip, a subtle smile forming at the corner of his lips when you shyly wave. He sets the glass down and lets the waiter know he's finished, acknowledging him once more before making his way over to you. He smiles a bit, but you can tell he's nervous [partially tipsy, too].
"I didn't think I'd run into you out here." Minho says, making you chuckle as he continues to walk alongside of you.
"I wanted to walk around and sit by the water for a bit."
"Not tired?" You shrug.
"I am, but I wanted to get a better view of the ocean before leaving." You look up at him. "I could ask you the same."
"I figured I'd explore around too."
"See." You giggle.
"What's Chan and Seungmin doing?"
"Playing Mario Party." He chuckles.
"Of course." It's silent for a bit before the two of you head down the steps and finally hit the sand. "They didn't wanna join?"
"I mean they asked, but I told them they didn't need to. Don't wanna interrupt their session."
"They'll live." You laugh a bit and nod.
"It's alright." Minho catches you take in a deep breath before exhaling, biting onto your bottom lip as you slowly take steps forward, closing in to the water. It falls silent between you two, but it's a comfortable silence. You take in the view, while Minho observes you.
"So pretty." His head tilts to the side because yes, you are.
"Yeah, it is."
"I think I want to draw or paint this when I get back home." You quickly snap a photo.
"You should." You look at him and give him another small, toothless smile before sitting on the sand. Minho stands for a bit before he finally sits next to you— legs propped up while his hands rest on his knees. "How's all of that going?"
"I don't know. Better? Finally feeling some kind of inspiration to get back into art." You smile out towards the water. "I haven't done much yet. But either way, it's refreshing."
"That's good. How are the pottery classes?"
"Fun." You shrug. "Keeps me busy." You tuck your knees to your chest and look at him again. "I think I wanna work at the florist shop near Sunday Morning." 
"Really? That'll be fun, too." Minho chuckles a bit. "You sure you're ready?" You nod.
"Yeah, think so. I feel ready. San said I should go for it, too." Minho's smile slowly fades. Of course he did. 
"How's that?" He forces himself to ask, though he's afraid of the answer. Selfishly so. Here he goes, already failing with being selfish.
"Which? San?" You ask him, genuinely confused about the question.
"He's becoming a good friend. We hang out, we talk." 
"As long as he's good to you, Y/N." He's not even sure what direction that statement is going, but whatever it is— he truthfully and wholeheartedly means it. If San is what will make you happy, then he will let you be happy.
That's the most important.
"It's good company, that's all." Your arm brushes against his, but you don't react much about it. "Enough about me though, what about you?"
"I'm a boring person."
"Clearly not if we're bestfriends." You chuckle a bit.
"All I do is exist, Y/N. Truthfully. I just work, dance, cook." Minho laughs at how pathetic he's making himself sound right now, but it's true. It's all he does.
"Well, what about Kat?" He shivers a bit. It's weird how her name used to be like venom. Now, it's.. nothing?
"Kat?" He repeats and looks at you. You nod at him so innocently and it hits him how much the accident has changed you. Of course, not your fault. But it goes to show how difficult it's been having to adjust. "We— she— that's not really a thing anymore, I guess?"
"So, you two were dating officially?"
"No. Never. We casually saw each other but that's all." He swallows the lump in his throat.
"I'm sorry, Minho."
"No need." He chuckles. "We were never going to be serious. I just finally learned how to walk away from it. The hard way."
"I hope you really are okay." You rest your chin against your knees. 
"I am. Don't worry about me." It falls silent for a moment before you call for him.
"This is nice. I.. haven't been able to talk to you much, so it's nice to hear your voice more." He smiles before his head drops and he shakes his head.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just get occupied, and I always try to keep myself busy. Plus, I wanted to give you your space for a bit."
"I understand." You sigh. "This must be weird for you."
"No." He shakes his head. "It's not weird or anything. Don't ever think that."
"You feel distant."
"I'm not gonna lie, it's difficult because a lot has changed." He looks at you before tearing his eyes away. "I'm terrible at coping, and I'm terrible at dealing with big changes. All my own personal struggles, that's all."
"I get that."
"But I am sorry you feel that way. I know I should've done better, especially as your bestfriend. I haven't acted like it."
"It's okay, Minho. You don't have to apologize."
"I do. You deserve that from me." He looks at you again and his eyes soften. How he wishes he could pull you close, hold you, reassure you through a kiss on the forehead. 
He feels his heart sink to the pit of his stomach, so he shifts and focuses on the water, listens to the waves crashing against the sand.
Maybe one day, he'll be able to look at you for longer.
"I wish you didn't leave so quickly after you brought me home from the clinic."
"I wanted you to get your rest."
"Jisungie was there. I was looking for you. I wish you stayed." This is what makes it difficult. You looked for him. He feels like it's been forever since that happened.
"I'm sorry." He replies softly. "I'll make it up to you, okay?"
"You can by staying and not hurrying away next time." You feel your heart thumping in your chest, and you're not sure why you feel so shy, so nervous around Minho right now. The root feeling you get with him is unfamiliar, strange— falls into the category of known unknowns. But, one thing is for sure: you crave Minho's company.
"I can do that." You nod before letting out a small yawn into your elbow. "Maybe we should head back so you can sleep?"
"Yeah, I think the exhaustion is finally hitting me." You giggle, watching as Minho stands and dusts himself off. He puts out a hand, letting you grab onto his to help pull you up to do the same. "At least I got to enjoy the ocean." You turn to him as you start to walk back into the hotel. "Thanks for spontaneously joining me."
"Of course."
"Are you on the fourth floor too?" He shakes his head.
"I booked my room a little last minute so I'm on the seventh." He digs his hands into his pockets. "Is Jisungie back?"
"No. He probably won't be back until later."
"Hm." He hums as he presses the elevator button.
"I think we're getting breakfast tomorrow right? Us 5?"
"Mhm. If Jisung is alive." You laugh and step inside.
"True. He'll be a mess later."
"Do you wanna sleep in my room?" You raise a brow at him and he instantly retracts. "Oh no, no— sorry, I meant like, you can sleep in my bed— fuck." He groans. before gathering his thoughts again. "We can switch. So you don't have to deal with him later." You laugh.
"It's alright. If I need help, I'll call you. How about that?"
"Fair enough."
"I'm sure he'll be okay." The elevator dings when it his the fourth floor. "Thanks again for the company. I'll see you tomorrow morning?"
"Yeah." You smile. 
"Goodnight, Minho."
"Goodnight." His eyes are glued onto you even as you turn on your heel and walk down the hallway, the elevator doors closing in front of him.
Now, he feels empty.
He's left with another piece of his heart broken, left with the unbearing sadness and anxiety he feels every time you walk away from him.
How do you continue to love someone who doesn't remember you the way you remember them— who doesn't love you the way you love them?
"Ouch, fuck!" You whine as you almost slip on the dirt, making your way up the stupid fucking hill behind campus. "If I break my ankle or fall, this will be all your fault Lee Minho."
"You're fine! We're almost there, princess." He laughs loudly as he watches you struggle climbing up the somewhat steep hill. Minho holds his hand out for you to grab, giving you some leverage to tackle the dirt path. You squeal a bit when you feel him pull you upwards, letting out a laugh when you finally get your footing together on flat ground.
"All this for the tower." You dust yourself off and look up at the abandoned watch [fire?] tower nestled up in the hills behind campus. "So worth." You turn to look at the town's view ahead.
"Atta girl." Minho smiles and nods towards the tower. "Come, let's go up the stairs and sit up there." He swings the rusted, metal gate open to lead you to the stairs.
"We're not gonna get in trouble, right?"
"Baby, baby, baby." He says in a certain tone. "Are we really asking that question?"
"Well, I don't know!" Minho steps aside to let you climb up the steps first. "Campus security could see us from down there and catch an attitude about us being here at this time!"
"Then we'll just tell them we're not getting any younger. It's a must to explore what's outside of campus before we're thrusted in the real world." You snort as you reach the end, feet stepping onto the platform. It isn't an incredibly huge tower— quite frankly, it's tiny and you're not even sure why the dang thing existed in the first place. But, there's nothing eery to it at all. It's a nice spot to have these moments.
"A prophet. I am dating a prophet."
"Maybe." Minho laughs as he sits on the platform and takes a swig of his water. "Sit with me. Please?" Is all he says when he reaches for your hand and gently pulls you in between his legs. You sit contently, letting Minho lazily wrap his arm around your neck before planting a kiss on your temple.
"It's a perfect night." You look up at the dark, night sky, counting as stars in your immediate view. You feel your body into Minho's as he adjusts his position and holds you closer to him. "Thanks for taking me up here, love."
"Course." He gives you a small smile. "Just don't tell Ji or else he's gonna be pissed. He's been wanting to do the hike up here but I keep telling him I'm too lazy."
"Too lazy, huh?" You chuckle.
"Gotta make princess happy first and foremost." He boops the tip of your nose, making you slightly turn over your shoulder to meet his eyes.
"Hey, babe?"
"Hm?" He hums as he gently pushes the hair away from your face.
"What do you think life would be like for us in a couple of years?"
"Well." He lets out a breath as you lay back on him, the both of you watching the hustle and bustle of the town. "I'd be owning a café. You'll be teaching art, maybe opening your own little boutique for it. We'd probably live together, and I'll start stressing on how to propose to you as time continues to go on—"
"Woah, propose?" You smirk and playfully push him. "Is that so?"
"I thought we were looking at us in the future?"
"Cute. Do you think we're too young to think like that?" Minho shakes his head.
"Maybe." He presses a kiss to the top of your head. "But I'm sure of it. I think that counts for something." You let out a soft, breathy laugh.
"Yeah, you're right." You nod and lay back on him. "I like that. I like future us."
"Good." You scoff before laughing. Minho continues to stare at you, smile slowly fading when his eyes shift from yours, to your lips— back up to your eyes. "So pretty."
"It's nighttime." He shrugs as he leans in slowly.
"And? Can still see you perfectly." He mumbles just as his lips brush against yours— sending tingles down your spine. You subtly bite onto your bottom lip, closing in on the kiss. Minho holds the kiss for a moment before he inches back, coming in for another shortly after. This time, his tongue lightly glides across your bottom lip; his way of asking for permission to take the kiss a little deeper. 
And you let him.
You slightly turn to position yourself better, hand coming up his neck, jaw, cheek, just as he sucks onto your bottom lip and tugs it back. You let out a soft sigh, smiling into the kiss as Minho continues.
"Maybe—we should—" You kiss him. "Head back?" He nods, giving you one last peck on the lips. 
"Yeah." You prepare to stand and dust yourself off when Minho grabs your wrist. "Hey, babe?" You turn to look at him when he gets himself up. "I love you."
"I love you, too." You smile and kiss him on the tip of his nose.
☁︎ END
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♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintificreads @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr
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minnimstar · 3 months
°Seeing Stars°
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pairing: Han Jisung x fem!reader
summary: It's a beautiful summer night, and your boyfriend got off work early. The both of you haven't gotten much time alone together, so, he decides to take you to see the stars.
genre: fluff
warnings: kisses, pet names(babe)
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You and Jisung had been together for awhile. He was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He was thoughtful, kind, loving, and always made sure to make time during his hectic schedule for you.
Jisung has been really busy preparing for the comeback coming up and all. Despite that, he's made sure to have time for just the two of you. He left work early so that he would have enough time to get your favorite snacks, clean up the house, and make dinner before you got home.
Late in the evening, you finally arrived home. You took your shoes off and placed them by the front door, then hung up your coat and purse before setting your keys down on the keyrack. As you walked into the kitchen, you were met with the sight of Jisung making your favorite meal.
Jisung turns around as he hears you walk in, and he smiles softly. "Hey, babe." He whispers as he pulls you into his side and presses a kiss to your temple.
"Hey.." You smile back, and lean up softly to capture Jisung's lips in a kiss. The kiss was soft and gentle, and only lasted for a few seconds before you both pulled away.
"How was your day?" He asks you. "It was good, what about yours?" You say in response.
Jisung smiles, and he kisses your temple again. "It was alright. I missed you though." You lean your head against his shoulder, and sigh softly. "I missed you too.. but, I'm home now..!"
Not long after, dinner finished and you both put some food on your plates before sitting down at the table to eat. Jisung put the leftovers in the fridge before joining you at the table, and you both talk about anything and everything as you eat.
"Hey, do you want to go see the stars when we are done?" Jisung asked as he finishes his plate of food. You giggle, but agree nonetheless. "Sure, I'd love that."
You two finish your food and load up the dishwasher, then turn it on before going to put on your shoes.
The walk was nice, as Jisung leads you to a hill nearby that has a nice view of the sky. The night sky was clear, a perfect view of the stars and full moon.
Jisung lays down his jacket once you both reach the top of the hill, then he sits down before gesturing for you to sit next to him. You do, then he pulls you close as you both lay down and gaze up at the sky.
"Wow.. it's so beautiful." You say, watching the stars in awe. However, Jisung wasn't looking at the stars.. he was looking at you. "Yeah, but not as beautiful as you are." He whispers into your ear. You blush, and look at Jisung, and the both of you make eye contact.
"I don't know how I got so lucky.." Jisung mutters softly. "I love you, Y/N.."
Your breath hitches in your throat, and you smile at him. "I love you too, Jisung.." You both then lean forward, sharing a sweet kiss under the stars.
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It's Been Awhile
Pairing: Jason Todd/Reader
Word Count: 5,500
Rating: Explicit, there is sex, R18
Summary: Reader visits Jason after some time.
Masterlist | Ao3
A/N: Hey guys! It's been awhile, hasn't it. Sorry it's not a Red Who update, but I promise I have not abandoned it yet.
I am extremely rusty, because I haven't been reading nor writing much lately. I have a full time job now, and I'm on my way to paving my career. I still think of you guys a lot, though. So thank you so much for sticking with me till now. To the new followers, you won't see much activity here, but I will return from time to time to post or scroll or check up on things.
I'm so rusty that a 5000 word count felt so long to me. I remember when I was churning like, 12k word count within a week. Lol, I would love to try that out again. Anyway, enough rambling. I hope you all enjoy! This is the most I've written in a while.
You kicked an empty beer can aside and heard its metallic clink against the brick wall as you walked down the narrow alley.
From all the years you spent in alleyways, you got used to the smell and the suspicious puddles. It was dimly lit, the only light source coming from the apartment windows above you. You stopped below the fire escape and jumped, hands grasping the end of the metal ladder to pull it down so you could climb up.
You counted the floors. Four, seven… twelfth. You stopped a floor below your target so you could carefully creep up to the thirteenth. You peeked through your target’s opened window carefully. His apartment was brightly lit and clean. You noticed all the surfaces like the coffee table at the centre of the living room, and the small dining table at the far side of the apartment near the main entrance, were clear of any clutter or stains. The light grey sofa near the window where you were at looked new, with fluffed cushions arranged on the seats along with a beige throw blanket.
Your target had his bare back facing you, standing at the kitchen where he was putting away the dishes in the overhead cabinet. He was shirtless, so you could see the muscles of his back ripple and flex when he reached above his head. You climbed through the window silently and entered his apartment.
“Hello there-” you started, but immediately ducked to avoid the flying mug aimed at you but missing and crashed into pieces behind you. “Wow, rude.”
“Christ,” Jason swore when he realised who you were. “What the fuck? You scared the shit outta me.”
You grinned at him. “Not my fault you’re losing your touch. You really didn’t hear me?”
“I was never able to hear you, you know that,” he scowled and crossed his arms while walking towards you. “Take off your shoes, you’re dragging dirt all over my house.”
“Not until you clean up the glass.”
“Fine,” he rolled his eyes, grabbing a broom to sweep away the shards.
You sat down on his sofa. An awkward silence passed.
“So,” you looked around his apartment. It was familiar because you’ve been there so many times before, but he had obviously done some rearranging and bought new furniture. There were definitely more books on his shelf now. “It’s been a while.”
“Around… six months?”
“Without any messages or phone calls,” he frowned, looking at the floor that was now clean and clear.
“Jason,” you groaned, “You know I couldn’t.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he sighed, putting aside the dustpan. “It’s just- it was hard not knowing whether you were safe or not.”
“You think undercover has been easy for me too?” you demanded.
“I know it hasn’t- look, I don’t want to argue,” he admitted. He sat down on the sofa next to you. You felt the sofa dip at his weight. “I’ve been undercover too. I know how hard it is. I was just worried.”
You looked at him. His thick eyebrows were pulled down in a frown, his icy blue eyes staring at you intensely. He had a bruise that was healing on the upper corner of his left cheekbone, and a fresh new cut on his lower lip.
“You’re my best friend. You’re the only one I’ve known the longest. Not knowing whether you were dead or alive does things to a person,” he stressed.
“Well, I’m here now. Alive. And demanding you get me some liquor,” you winked.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise, but complied. “Since when did you start drinking casually?”
You hesitated. “Since Elisa.”
“I have whiskey, bourbon, gin, tequila and beer,” he listed the contents of his liquor cabinet.
“Gin, soda and lime, please,” you ordered. Jason immediately got to work, making you your cocktail. “Bring the bottle here as well. I might want a top up.”
He raised an eyebrow as he served you and put the bottle of gin down on the coffee table.
“Aww, you even put a little lime wedge. Cute,” you teased and sipped. “Yep, I was right. Did you always used to make your drinks this weak?”
“You never complained before,” he replied, watching you pour a little more gin in your glass. “The drinks in Cuba must be strong.”
You paused, lips still on the rim of the cup. Silence fell again, before you shrugged. “I’ve taken quite a liking to rum.”
You dug through the sling bag pouch you had across your body and took out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Jason protested.
“Uh, I’m lightshing a shigarette,” you answered with the cigarette already on your lips.
“One, no smoking in my house,” he snatched the cigarette from you and threw it on the table, “ Two, did Elisa smoke too?”
“She didn’t and then she did,” you scowled, “How long have you quit?”
“Four months,” he said, “I use these now. It’s helped a lot. I suggest you do the same.”
He took out a bright pink cylindrical metal tube with a straw-like tip from the pocket of his sweatpants and sucked the end. He exhaled a thick cloud of white mist that smelled of-
You burst into laughter.
“What?” he huffed.
“I’m sorry, but right now I’m just imagining bumping into you in a dark alleyway, all big and muscly, with your leather jacket and combat boots, and suddenly you smell like- what’s that, watermelon?”
“Yeah, so what?” he pouted, “I don’t even have the urge to smoke anymore.”
“You’re right, that’s good,” you smiled, “I’m proud of you.”
“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes, “So, what are you doing here? You back for good?”
“Officially, my role in the mission has ended,” you explained, “But I might have to go back from time to time… And…”
“You’re leaving again?” he guessed solemnly.
You pursed his lips and looked at him. “How much do you know about what I was doing?”
“Not much,” he began, “Just that you were undercover in Cuba, leading some sort of coup?”
“Not exactly leading a coup,” you corrected, “I was hired by a private organisation to infiltrate and, uh, get rid of corrupted leaders internally, and replace them with clean people so that the citizens can have a chance at improving the country.”
“So… American intervention to reestablish democracy and change regimes?” Jason smirked, “Like Cuba in the sixties? Bolivia, Ghana, Angola, and my personal favourite, Iraq?”
“It’s not like that,” you defended, “And not American. Not CIA. Not United Nations. Jason, these people are real. They have no other agenda but to give people freedom. We’re made of many countries and nationalities- mostly third world whose countries have been ravished by colonialism and intervention. Think Che Guevara, but bigger. Richer. Way richer. More organized. They’ve been recruiting ex-agents and spies, people who can’t be blackmailed or bribed with money. People who care about change.”
“So that’s what you’ve been doing?” he realised, “Been playing Spy Kids with communists.”
“We’re not calling ourselves that,” you argued, “And we’re not going for the communist revolution. We want to go for a more organic change.”
“Why are you telling me all this?” he sighed in defeat.
“Because… I want you to come with me next,” you positioned your body to fully face him, crossing your legs on the sofa.
“What?” he asked incredulously, “And what, abandon Gotham?”
“Gotham doesn’t need people like you and me, Jay,” you whispered, “It needs Batman, and Nightwing, and Robin, and all of them. Gotham needs hope. People like us don’t belong here.”
“People like us?”
“You know what I mean,” you said sternly, “Our skills are needed and appreciated elsewhere.”
Another moment of silence of you and Jason just glaring at each other. You saw the way Jason’s eyes examined your expression, your body language. He knew you were completely serious about this.
You broke eye contact and took a few sips of your drink, feeling the contradictory refreshment and burn.
“Just think about it. You have time. I’m on a decently long break before going to the next mission,” you leaned back against the cushion and closed your eyes, “Mmm, I want to go to a nice spa. Get some new clothes. Watch movies. Source for some cool gadgets from Bruce. Spend some time with the family.”
“For how long?”
“A couple of months.”
You heard Jason sigh again. That’s how it was with Jason. Just constant sighing.
“Fine, I’ll think about it.”
You opened your eyes and looked at him. “Really?”
He was looking down into his own cocktail. “I don’t think I can go another six months not knowing what the fuck you’re doing, where you are, whether you’re dead or alive. So, yes. I’ll fuckin’ think about it.”
You felt bad. From the moment you told him you were leaving to go undercover, from the moment you went silent, you felt immensely guilty for leaving him. It was your first time without contact with him, and hell, it was difficult for you too. He was your first friend, your first family. Your life would not have been your life without Jason Todd.
“Hey,” you said softly, reaching out to his face to make him look at you. “I missed you.”
He simply stared. He looked like he was struggling to say something, or struggling to stop himself from saying something.
Then, he looked away. “So, how was it?”
“Pretty fucking cool,” you admitted, relaxing back into your usual self. “I felt like I was in a movie. Being undercover without anyone knowing sucks ass, though. Couldn’t be myself. Couldn’t do whatever I wanted to do, say whatever I wanted to say. Fuck, it was so hard. That’s when the drinking started.”
He chuckled. “Liar.”
“Excuse me?” you turned to him.
“Liar,” he stated, “That’s not how the drinking started. Something happened.”
“A lot of things happen when you’re undercover, Jason,” you snapped.
“I’m just saying,” he smirked, “You may have gotten used to lying to everyone around you. But you can’t lie to me.”
You hated how right he was.
“Put on some tunes,” you demanded, “Like I said, I couldn’t be myself. So tonight, I am going to drink and I am going to do whatever I want, and say whatever I want.”
“And as always, I’m the victim,” he groaned.
“Hush, you love it,” you giggled.
Jason stood up, grumbling. “Just take off your damn shoes.”
You complied, kicking off your boots and placed them away against a wall. Jason had always been so neat and tidy, so you respected that whenever you were in his space. He was extremely particular about hygiene as well. You were used to having your shoes off in his house, to him sanitizing his hands whenever he took off his gloves, to him always wiping surfaces with isopropyl alcohol.
He was always so well groomed too, and you never needed to worry about toiletries whenever you stayed at his. Whatever you needed, or hell, didn’t need, he had them. You remembered when you were teens and you were complaining about acne. He taught you all about skincare, haircare. About shaving versus waxing. About scrubbing between your toes and behind your ears when you shower.
And Jason showered every single day, since he was always engaged in physical activities.
And because of that, Jason always smelled so fucking good.
You caught a whiff of the scent you were so familiar with when he sat back down next to you after turning on the speakers and grabbing two bags of chips. He smelled like the cologne he wore, which was a deep pine scent with undertones of chocolate and sage. It mixed well with the refreshing raspberry of his shampoo.
“You met Grayson yet?” he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Mmm?” you mumbled, still lost in his scent. “No. You’re the first.”
“Good,” he grumbled back.
“Didn’t want to make you jealous or anything,” you giggled, poking his cheek.
He swatted away your hand, but a small smile played on his lips. “Dunno what you’re talking about.”
You wanted to retort, but let it go and took another big gulp from your glass. You topped the ice with some more gin and squeezed the lime in. Talking about Jason’s weird competitive streak with Dick would always end up with Jason sulking. You felt a little tipsy already.
“Hmm,” you hummed. And then, you had a brilliant idea. You stood up and you took your tight black t-shirt off, leaving you in your black bra.
“Why are you stripping?” Jason raised his voice.
“It’s summer, and it’s hot,” you shrugged, sitting back down closer to him. He was also shirtless, and you felt the heat radiating off his skin. “And it’s not like you haven’t seen me naked before.”
“It’s different when you’re bleeding from a stab wound and I’m pouring vodka on it,” he retorted.
“Whatever,” you scoffed, “ And you know what? This place was a smoking area before I left. And I told you that tonight, I’m going to be doing whatever I want. So.”
You reached forward to your pack of cigarettes Jason threw on the coffee table, but he grabbed your hand.
“Nuh-uh. No.”
You glanced at his grip on your wrist and back up at him. “You really want to do this, Todd?”
His expression changed to some sort of smug look that he always had when presented with a challenge. “Let’s see whether Cuba made you rusty, then.”
You smirked at him. And then, you swung your other fist towards his face, but he blocked your punch with the palm of his free hand.
You lifted yourself off the couch and used your body weight and momentum to catch him off his balance. It worked, he was on the floor, but he was so strong and it was difficult to free your arms from his grip.
So, you played dirty.
You carefully kneed his groin. Gently. You didn’t want to actually hurt him. Just to discombobulate him.
Jason swore, and his grip on you loosened just a teeny tiny bit. But that was all you needed to release yourself by twisting his arm to an angle that forced him to turn his body face down to the floor.
You continued twisting.
“Ow, ow, ow!” He complained.
“Do you yield?” You breathed.
“Yes! I yield, holy shit,” he whined.
You released him and greeted him with a shit eating grin when he propped himself back up. You had always been the better fighter. Even though Jason was bigger and stronger, you were more lithe, fast, and flexible. You used momentum, anatomical range of motion, and precise techniques in your martial art. That’s why you were always silent and could sneak up on him. That’s why you used to be the stealthy assassin, while Jason favoured loud guns and explosives.
“You know you will lose, yet you always challenge me,” you pointed out, “That’s why I think you’re a brat.”
“Like a spoiled kid?” he said, “Since when?”
“Not in that context,” you rolled your eyes. “Like, in bed.”
“Huh?” Jason sat down and looked up at you with genuine confusion. You joined him on the sofa again. This time, he didn’t stop you from lighting your cigarette. You inhaled. You exhaled.
“You know, like you have the dominant and the submissive,” you started to explain, “A brat is under the submissive category.”
“The hell?” he protested, “I am not submissive.”
“Maybe at first,” you smirked slyly, slowly closing the gap between you and him. “That’s what a brat is. You like to fight. You’re stubborn. You like to say no. But ultimately, you want to betamed.”
To make a point, you crawled towards him and boldly straddled his waist.
“Wh-what- what the fuck are you doing?” Jason sputtered, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
“That’s why you like to fight me, right?” you continued, resting one palm flat on his bare chest, your other on his shoulder while you held your cigarette. “You want me to make you submit.”
You blew smoke onto his face.
“Stop that,” he gripped the side of your arms, “Did Cuba make you flirty too?”
“I always flirt with you.”
“Not like this,” he shook his head. “What, did Elisa have to seduce men? Women?”
“Unfortunately, no,” you pouted, “Elisa had to keep things strictly professional between all her assets.”
The truth was you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
“So, it’s been a while,” he stated.
“It’s been a while,” you agreed. “How about you? Any women? Men?”
“Please,” he scoffed, “Just Grayson being an ass.”
“So, it’s been a while for you, too,” you teased.
“But I’m not a perv like you,” he huffed.
“We can change that,” you leaned in closer, watching the way he had subtly wet his lips, thinking you wouldn’t notice.
“Stop,” he repeated, “You’re drunk.”
“Not drunk enough to make you yield.”
“I don’t want you to do anything you’re going to regret in the morning,” he pressed.
“Why would you think I’m going to regret anything?” You asked.
“Because you’ve never done this before,” he frowned, “This is coming out of nowhere.”
You’ve been pining for him ever since you hit puberty.
“Do you think you’re going to regret it in the morning?”
He looked away from your intense, questioning gaze. “I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
That was the reason you gave yourself for so long. You didn’t want to tell Jason how you felt because you were scared he wouldn’t see you the same anymore. Or that he would feel self-conscious around you. That he would reject you. That because of your selfish feelings, your relationship would be ruined.
You put out the cigarette in your glass.
“When I was Elisa Martinez,” you began slowly, “I couldn’t be myself, obviously. I couldn’t drink my favourite drink, or watch my favourite shows. You know how deep undercover is like, right? The complete erasure of your identity. Your history. I know some people who actually started to believe their cover story, to the point where they forgot who they really were.”
You paused to make sure you wouldn’t regret whatever you were going to say next.
“Elisa Martinez didn’t know Jason Todd. She never grew up with him. She never… fell in love with him…”
You noticed Jason’s eyes widened, and his grip on you tightened ever so slightly.
“And it was horrible, Jason,” you expressed, “I felt so lonely. So one day when I was alone in my apartment in Havana, I told myself that I wouldn’t be one of those people who gets lost in their cover identities. Unsure and confused about who they were. I vowed that when I got back here, I would truly be myself. No more hiding my feelings or my beliefs. No more stopping myself from getting what I wanted. Because I didn’t realise how having your own identity was a privilege that people took for granted.”
His eyes softened, but he still looked unsure of how to respond.
“So no,” you stated firmly, “I won’t regret it in the morning. Even if you don’t feel the same way, and you don’t want anything to do with me after this, I will not regret telling you how I feel. Because six months of struggling with identities was enough.”
Still straddling him, you crossed your arms to make a point.
“Uh,” he cleared his throat. He let go of his grip on you and ran his hand through his hair again. A habit that you noticed he did when he was either stressed or nervous. “Wow. I mean. I didn’t expect that at all.”
“I know it seems like it’s coming out of nowhere, but I’ve felt like this for years,” you confessed.
And that Jason did what you didn’t expect him to do. He reached out to cup your face, and then smiled at you.
You learned that Jason had many types of smiles. The smile that was really more threatening than it was comforting. The smile that meant he had a devious idea in his head. The smile that didn’t reach his eyes, when he was shaking hands with someone he didn’t like. The smile when he found something funny. The smile when he was thinking of the past.
And the smile that he only reserved for you.
It wasn’t just the upturned corner of his lips that made the smile. It was also the softness of his eyes, the relaxing of his brows. And the actual smile was just a brief moment, followed by his gaze into your eyes. He smiled like that at you during the first time you successfully threw a punch. And that time when you won first place at the science fair. Sometimes he would smile like that when you went on about history, and geopolitics, and the latest episode of your favourite show.
“Me too,” he simply said.
And there it was. The last time you felt this happy was when Lady Shiva told you she had nothing left to teach you.
“But you’re wrong about one thing,” Jason broke you out of your bliss.
Suddenly he grabbed your hips tightly and threw you off of him, onto the empty space of the sofa. You gasped in surprise at the sudden movement, and before you knew it, he was on top of you, holding you down. He put his face above yours, lips only inches away that you could feel his hot breath.
“I am not a brat.”
And then he kissed you.
His cut lip grazed yours softly at first before sucking in your bottom lip with force. He broke off the kiss and grinned at you.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
And before he knew it, you had flipped him over, causing him to land on his back onto the floor with a loud thud.
Your knee was at his crotch again, a silent threat for him to stay still.
But you knew what had Jason blushing was your hand around his throat.
“Tsk, tsk, Jay,” you whispered in his ear, making a point to softly brush your lips on his lobe. “Don’t be naughty. You know you can’t take me.”
“I- wha-” he sputtered, and then tried to move.
“Nuh uh,” you warned, putting more pressure on his crotch with your knee, “Stay still.”
He continued to look at you in surprise, or confusion, or wonder. You weren’t sure.
What you were sure about was that you felt his cock begin to harden against you.
You chuckled softly to yourself. The truth was, you made it all up just to antagonize him. You didn’t really think he was a brat at first. In fact, all of your previous fantasies were of him dominating you, choking you, pounding into you while your hands were tied to the bed posts. Now that you knew he was into this, though, you didn’t mind. Not one bit.
“I’m going to get up. But you,” you squeezed his neck a little tighter, “You stay like this and do what I say, okay?”
You felt him gulp under your grip and then he nodded.
You stood up and put your hands on your hips. Looking down at him, you appreciated the view.
His hard chest was going up and down fast as he was panting. You saw a flush grow from his neck to his cheeks. Your gaze went down his abs, to his crotch, where you saw the outline of his hard cock and a small dark spot at the tip.
“Take off your pants for me,” you commanded.
He just stared at you.
You raised an eyebrow. “Do I need to threaten you?”
You gently stepped on his cock with your toes.
“Okay, okay!” he hurriedly slid off his sweatpants, revealing his hard on.
You never saw his cock before. You sort of knew it would be large based on the outlines whenever he wore sweatpants or boxers. But, wow.
He was perfectly long, and perfectly thick, and perfectly uncut. Though, his foreskin was now stretched back, revealing his head that was red and pulsating, desperate to be touched.
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” he grinned, his confidence and smug attitude back.
You sat back down on the couch and crossed your legs, making him confused.
“Well?” you prompted, “Start stroking.”
“What?” he asked, “Down here?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, “Go on.”
He slowly reached for his cock and gave it a squeeze, eliciting a small moan from his lips. You bit your lips at the sound and the sight.
Fuck, he was so hot. You had dreamed of watching him jerk himself off for so long, and now there he was, sprawled on the floor at your feet.
He started to really stroke himself now, his eyes fluttered close and his mouth parted in heavy breaths.
“Fuck,” he gasped.
You saw that his cock was now slick and wet with his precum. You wanted to taste it so bad. You wanted him to shove his cock down your throat and mercilessly fuck your face until you gagged and cried.
Not today. He will have his turn some other time.
“Okay, stop,” you said in a sing-song voice.
“Wh-what? No,” he refused, still fucking his fist.
“Baby,” you stood up, “I said stop.”
He groaned and opened his eyes, his arm stilling around his dick.
You proceeded to take off your jeans, and your bra, causing your breasts to fall. Exposed to him for the first time, Jason was actually smacking his lips.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful. I want to touch you,” he whined and moved to get up.
“No,” you denied, “Stay down there for me.”
You walked over to his head, placed your feet on either side, and then dropped to your knees so you were hovering your pussy right above his lips.
“This is fine too,” he mumbled, hands going straight to your ass, kneading them. Then, he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your arousal.
“Mmm, you smell divine,” he whined.
That did it. You just knew that you were drenched.
He started to mouth you through the fabric, kissing your folds, nibbling on them.
“Please, take them off,” he begged.
You complied, only because you couldn’t stand not being touched. The moment you returned to your position, Jason attacked you with his mouth.
“Fuck!” you gasped.
It was as if he was making out with your pussy. Wet lips on wet lips, he licked you everywhere, from between your folds, to your opening, to your clit. It was like he was starved for you. Hungry for you. All the while, the sound of wetness and his muffled moans filled the room.
“Jason,” you sighed. You felt the familiar warmth spread at the base of your core.
He knew what you wanted. You felt him focus on your clit with his tongue, and then a finger entering you slowly.
You let out a high pitch whine when he started finger fucking you while ravishing your clit at the same time.
A second finger.
He was hitting the right spot, so deep inside you. You had thought about this as well. Whenever you saw his fingers on a trigger, or that time when he was making pizza dough and kneading. You imagined his thick, calloused fingers inside you, fucking you the way he was right now.
He quickened his pace and added more pressure to your clit.
You knew he knew you were close. You could feel it. Your body was tense, and you knew you were tightening around his fingers. You gripped his hair with both your hands, because you just needed to hold onto something.
And then you were coming.
You didn’t know you were screaming until you felt a gush of wetness between your legs, splashing everywhere.
Jason fucking Todd made you squirt.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry,” you apologised. You stood up too quickly and didn’t realise your legs were jelly, so you ended up tripping onto the wet floor next to him.
“That was so hot, don’t be sorry,” he looked at you incredulously. His face was glistening with your juices.
And fuck, was that a sight to behold.
You couldn’t help but grab him by the neck and pull him in for a kiss. You tasted yourself on him.
He crawled on top of you, sucking your lips, pushing his tongue into your mouth. One hand roamed your body while the other propped him up above you. He squeezed your breasts and your nipples, and went down to your waist, between your legs. He gripped your thigh from below and pushed it up so you were spread open.
He hooked your leg on his shoulder.
And without warning, he pushed his cock into your wet, sensitive pussy.
“Fuck!” you screamed as he bottomed inside you.
He filled you up so perfectly, that you never wanted to be empty ever again. He stretched you out so beautifully, that you thought your walls would just be molded into shape specifically for his cock.
“Hnngh,” he groaned, “You feel so fucking good. So fucking tight.”
You felt him thrust deep inside you, reaching all the spots that made you writhe in pleasure. He began pounding you hard, wet slaps made even wetter as you leaked all over his cock.
You weren’t gasping for air. It was so intense that you couldn’t breathe. Your mouth was opened in a silent scream until you actually had to remind yourself to inhale.
There were no words that you could form in that moment. Just absolutely filthy, vulgar sounds that rang through his apartment.
Through teary eyes, you watched him above you.
He was panting, breathing hard. You weren’t sure whether the moisture on his face was from sweat or your juices earlier. His dark hair had fallen down to poke his eyes, his brows pulled down in a frown. His chest had beads of sweat dripping, trickling down to his abs.
He moved his hips with precise and sharp movements. Every thrust into you was accompanied by gasps and whispers of words you couldn’t hear.
“You look so fucking beautiful,” he praised breathily, “I want to watch you come again.”
It wouldn’t take too long.
You were already feeling like you were going to unravel. The heat pooling again, even more intense than your previous orgasm.
Jason increased his pace, and then reached down to your pussy to thumb your clit.
You screamed.
It was like a wave that pulled you down and released you. You felt your body tighten and your walls clench and unclench. You felt hot liquid release from your core, just like waves crashing.
Before you knew it, you felt empty. Jason had pulled out and jerked himself off over you.
He came long and hard in a loud groan. White ribbons of cum shot out of his pulsating cock, reaching all the way to your face.
He collapsed next to you on the floor, huffing and panting.
You felt drowsy all of a sudden, but so fucking relaxed.
“Wow,” you breathed.
“Mmm,” he mumbled, “Can’t move. Can’t think. Shhh.”
You giggled and scooted closer to him, pressing yourself onto his sweaty, sticky skin and rested your head on his chest.
You felt his heartbeat drum against his ribcage.
He rested his arm on your head and played with your hair.
“I can’t believe our first time was on the floor,” he complained.
“I think it describes us perfectly,” you closed your eyes and smiled.
He kissed the top of your head. After a beat, he asked, “Will you tell me what happened in Cuba?”
“One day,” you told him, “I need time to process it as well.”
“Fair enough,” he responded, “So, uh. Are we like, official then?”
“If you want to be.”
“Do you want to be?”
“I do,” you admitted, “I’ve been pining for you for a long time.”
“Me too,” he confessed, “We should have done this sooner.”
“I don’t think so,” you thought, “I think right now is the perfect time. We figured ourselves first, we explored what we wanted to do. We found our reason. Well, I did, at least.”
“So you’re really serious about this then?” he asked, “Fully committed?”
“One hundred percent,” you stated, “I think that we can make real change. Slow change. But change nonetheless.”
“Okay, then,” he sighed.
“Okay, I’m in,” he said, “I can’t promise you that I will stay for the cause. I can’t promise you that I will even believe in it. But I can’t do the silence again. You have no idea how difficult it was for me, these past six months.”
You frowned. You wondered what happened. You will ask another time.
“But I can promise you that you will always have me,” he continued, “I don’t know what this is, and what these missions need you-or us- to do, but you will always have my support.”
You felt deeply moved. “Thank you,” you whispered.
You didn’t have to worry about your identity anymore. About being confused, about being corrupted by the roles you had to play.
Because as long as Jason was there, you were you.
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juicysock · 1 year
Battling Depression
Battling depression isn't about if you can or if you can't. It isn't about waiting for your motivation to sprout back someday. You can do it, your motivation needs to be sowed and tended to and cared for properly.
If you don't have the energy to get up, find it in yourself to move your limbs around while you wake up. It'll take a bit, but it'll physically be easier to peel yourself out of bed.
If you don't have the energy to shower, find it in yourself to wash your face and hands.
If you don't have the energy to do laundry, find it in yourself to just toss in one or two outfits.
If you don't have the energy to clean the room, find it in yourself to pick up little things you know what to do with before you even think about it. Things like trash or trinkets that go on shelves.
If you don't have the energy to take out the trash, find it in yourself to tie off the old bag and set it aside to replace a new one. You can bring it out on your way to work or school the next day.
You'll make progress, slowly, and you won't realize. One day you'll look in the mirror while you're washing your face and go, "I want to wash my hair," so you'll get in the shower. Washing your hair will turn into standing under the warmth of the water because you won't remember how much you missed it. It'll turn into remembering the warmth you can give yourself. You'll wash your hair, and you'll finally have it in you to wash your whole body with it.
You'll be grabbing your one or two outfits and say, "wow, my other clothes haven't been worn in awhile. I can throw in a few more things," and you'll do your first full load of laundry since it got bad.
You'll look at how much cleaner that room is when some of the trash and trinkets are out of the way, and you'll want to know how nice it'll look when it's done. You'll get that room clean, it might take a few days, but you will.
You'll be tying off that trash bag someday, and you'll think how short of a walk it is to get it to the door. You'll finally bring it outside before you replace the bag.
One day, you will look in the mirror again, and you will see a person, I promise, as long as you don't give up.
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b0tster · 2 years
So like not to be rude but like are you rich or something? I'm wowed at the amount of time and money you seem to have to put into your projects and outfits.
are u kidding me LOL im poor as shit. goth and punk are famously self-made and constantly in a state of disrepair. etsy has done its best to try and turn it into a luxury good but that doesnt change the fact that one can still thrift around and make their own stuff on the cheap. studs are 9 cents a pop. come on.
i wont deny that i do make purchases online but its usually for one big central piece that the rest of my stuff compliments (like the tripp skirt). wrapping a couple of belts around my waist doesnt mean im rich lol. i haven't been sporting giant platform boots in awhile cuz my previous pair broke and im too poor to get new ones lmfao
but yes, im entirely funded by commissions and patreon and its just enough to get by, but that does mean that i set my own hours and it directly funds my indie work.
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vinecradle · 1 year
16 OMG - what was once mine, will be yours (✿)
scaramouche x fem!reader
blue is for scaramouche, green for heizou
masterlist | previous | next
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"scara, what's the thing you wanted to find? is it like.. maybe another keychain? an id holder? an acrylic standee? or a phone case of some sort?"
"its a secret. you'll see later when we find it." he smiled smugly, playing around with his necklace as you walked beside him.
feigning a scoff, you then pointed towards a tall building with the words "AKADEMIYA" lighted up brightly. "we're almost there, you've gotta lead the way though. i don't know the directions to the inazuma classes.."
scaramouche nodded and continued walking, "yeah, just keep on following me." putting his hands in his pockets, his thoughts racing miles per hour.
fuck. am i really giving it to her? i cant believe this.
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
"we're here." scaramouche spoke as you admired the entrance to where inazuma class is located.
..this place is so pretty..! "wow... am i allowed to take a picture of the entrance? am i?" you questioned excitedly, taking out a phone from your bag.
he shrugged, "i think it should be fine, it's not like they don't have a video published of a tour of the whole akademiya. feel free to." you smiled and nodded, taking some pictures of the place for yourself and showing him the results once done.
"do you like them? look! i even caught a picture of you here." grinning happily, you handed your phone to him as you watched the corners of his lips lift up. "yeah, they look nice. mind sending me these pictures?"
nodding happily, you sent the pictures to him.
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"we should start looking now. you could start from the front of the class, i'll start from the back." scaramouche said, and began to search for the item.
you then picked up an artificial flower that's in half, showing it to him. "i guess someone in this class got heartbroken or something like that.." sweatdropping, you grabbed a cardboard box nearby and put the flower inside.
i think this'll take awhile to find..
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
"scara, it's been around 20 minutes.. did you find anything? all i found were stuff like school books, hair ties, keychains, and hairclips. what's up with people and keychains?" you questioned as he sighed softly.
"well, keychains are nice and you can bring it everywhere with you without it adding too much weight to your bag. there's one spot left we haven't checked, we should look there."
nodding, you followed him behind and began looking again. your eyes went towards a small cat plushie, grabbing it gently and showing it to the male.
"scara, is this what you were finding?"
his eyes widen slightly and went back to normal in a blink of an eye, walking in front of you. "yeah, it is.. if you look on it's back it has my nickname in cursive."
your eyes sparkled, handing over the plushie to him. "it's really cute.. and it kind of looks like you in some way. maybe it's the color?"
scaramouche gently pushed the plushie towards you again, "take it, i wanted to give it to you. it's something my aunt made for me, but i wanted you to have it now."
your eyes softened as you looked at the plushie and at him, holding the plushie near him again. "wait, i can't take this! it's yours, isn't it? i can't take this.."
the male shook his head and placed his hand on your head, "keep it, really. what was once mine, will be yours. i want you to keep it for yourself." ruffling your hair softly.
"then.. thank you. lots of thank you's. i'll update you every day with a picture of this cat plushie whenever i wake up! i'll take care of it with my whole being."
scaramouche chuckled and walked out of the class, "it's nothing, i think we should go back to our dorms now. it's kind of late, don't want our dorm advisers to scold us now do we?" you smiled and nodded, holding the plushie close to your chest as you closed the door.
and as you both walked away, you saw a flash of burgundy hair from the corner of your eyes. stopping in your tracks, you shrugged the thought away.
in a corner, a certain male put a hand over his mouth. "wasn't that yn.. and she was with scara? oh my god. a new discovery. i'm so glad i followed my intuition to find my hair tie at this hour!"
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• heizou sneak.. i had to
• btw i know the plushie looks big BUT PRETEND ITS SMALLER THAN IT LOOKS
summary :: wanting to go back to your dorm from the library, and accidentally leaving a friend's book there not knowing she has the intention of making you give it to someone she's trying to set you up with, a note inside with your number. without anyone realising, the book is in the hands of someone else, and you then wake up to a message from an unknown number.
author's note :: i think starting from next week i'll go back to my old schedule of updating twice or thrice a week since i go back from school earlier now!! 🫶🏻
taglist, opened (1/3) :: @aeongiies @hrtswinter @zyilas @cofijelli @stuckinadreamland06 @elyionaa @thenightsflower @ohmyfinggod @mikctp @cherrybeomgyu @raideneiari @sakiimeo @xiaosonlybeloved @simp4bakuh03 @kunikuzushiit bolded cannot be tagged!
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rosieblogstuff · 5 months
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
44 😲 in my main AO3 account. 2 others in my older account = 46!
I didn't realize I had that many things!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
All 44 of those works in my main AO3 are MacGyver 2016. One is a crossover with The Rookie. The other two at Star Trek TOS and Star Wars fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Table + Flashlight + IEDs
Mac + (Wilderness + Training + Survival) + Jack
Lost Causes
Lake + Stick + Fever
4 Times the LAPD Didn’t Pull Jack Over + 1 Time They Did 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I often respond to a chapter's comments when I post the next chapter of a longfic. And sometimes I just space on it and respond a year later when I notice I failed to respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely my X-ray + Penny flashfic, Bad Penny. Most of the comments are variations on HOW DARE YOU!!!
There are a couple other flashfics with pretty ambiguous endings, too.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a hard one. Most of my fics have a happy or at least comforty ending. Maybe... uhh.... Electricity + Combustion ? which I literally labeled "whump with a fluffy ending". I also have two Jack Lives fics so that's always a happy situation at the end...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't. A few weird comments but I mostly scratch my head and ignore them. Anybody who hates on my fics will be getting a very long and nasty reply, followed by their comment being deleted.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope, no smutty fanfics here. I did have a romance I posted for another fandom awhile back (and never finished), and I've written fade-to-black stuff in my orig fic novels.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Just one! My Macgyver 2016+The Rookie cops-vs-spies crossover, in which some LAPD officers keep coming across a black GTO involved in shenangains around LA: 4 Times the LAPD Didn’t Pull Jack Over + 1 Time They Did
It's probably the funniest thing I've ever written, and the ending is one of my very favorites. Also possibly the only gen fic ever posted in The Rookie fandom, although I don't look over there much.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Somebody stole all my completed fics from FF.net last year. There was a big Tumblr post about some site full of stolen fics, and sure enough, there mine were. I asked to have them remove, got not reply. I haven't posted anything to FF.net since then.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, but not for a long time. I used to frequently co-write fics in my first fandom.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'm going to go with Washington State Ferry M/V Wenatchee. Who doesn't love a good ferry boat? It's an irconic style, fun if you're walking on, handy if you need to drive on, saves you hours of driving around Puget Sound by land. Also just a very nice-looking ship.
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15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ugh, wow. I have a couple dozen things I kinda like but might never finish. My favorite, and least likely because I've made the least progress on it, is a MacGyver fic about Patti having plotted out her revenge better, and tring to fuck over the team by having listed Jack as her replacement... which of course gives him access to high-level secrets like Oversight's identity. Much drama ensues.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ramping a story up. Characters. Make a story fully story-shaped.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings. 😫
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Hmmm I don't think I've ever needed to. Like most things in writing, I'm not against it in theory, but it can be done well or badly.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Anne McCaffrey's Pern, back in the paper fanzine days. Prior to joining AO3 in like 2019, I had 0 fanfics posted on the internet but a few in zines listed on Ebay. 😂
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is IMPOSSIBLE to answer. I could answer it differently every day for the next couple weeks. Anything I already mentions plus a couple more!
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arikaluvss · 1 year
-(OT7) How bf!Enha met their s/o-
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Parings: Bf!Enha x fem!reader, bf!Enha x afab!reader Genre: fluff, established relationship (???) Warnings: none! just a full fluff
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-> Lee Heeseung !! He met you in a dating app (well I guess you could tell it was an ldr??) You and Heeseung haven't met personally, so after a year 'n a half on the long distance relationship, he wanted to meet up and you agreed since you also wanted to meet him. The day of meeting up you got dressed nicely and went to the airport waiting for him, while you were waiting someone suddenly back hugged you, you turned around immediately and saw Heeseung infront of you smiling ''Hi my love'' You tackled him to a big hug and look up at him since he's taller than you. ''wow..your really here now..You look more handsome in person, love'' you said while touching his face softly because you couldn't believe it, the love of you life is right Infront of you right now. ''I'm here now my love..I will spend every single second of my life beside you, forever''
-> Park Jongseong !! You met Jay in a photoshoot you had for Prada (HEAR ME OUT. I feel like jay would fit in a model au smthg) You we're almost done with you photoshoot but Jay approached you, ''Hi Y/N..I was wondering if I could get your number? I want to be friends with you, you did a great job earlier too!'' you eventually gave your phone number since why not? Then the next day he would text you asking you too meet up and ofc you agreed after that you both would go on multiple ''friend'' dates, you started developing feelings for him, I mean who wouldn't? he's an absolute husband material. After a couple of months of the continues dates, he confessed his feelings and you reciprocate his feelings. You both started Dating after that, I could imagine him taking you out on a fancy restaurant. Would not hesitate to announce his relationship with you on his socials.
-> Sim Jaeyun !! You both met through your brother, Jake was your brother's bestfriend. (I had no ideas left huhu I wrote sun,hoon and jake last) Your brother needed to go travel to another country for business purposes and needed someone to look after you, so he called his bestfriend; Jake, to look after you for a week, Honestly for your case you were happy since you like Jake, He was a big tease and would flirt with you any chance you get since he just loves seeing you flustered (he likes you btw !!) you both go on friendly dates and after that your feelings started growing more and more each day. One day he left a note on the table saying that you to meet him at a restaurant and to dress nicely, after you read it you immediately dressed up and rush to go to the restaurant only to see him at the table with flowers in his hands and he confessed his feelings to you, asking if he can court you, You were surprised but happy. After a few months you finally decide to answer him and make him your boyfriend.
-> Park Sunghoon !! (this one is a bit long than the others!) You both met at the ice rink. (actually this one is quite cliché but idcidc) Sunghoon brought his little sister to the ice rink, while they were ice skating. He needed to buy something so he left his sister there for awhile, but then his little sister was confused were he went or where he is, she looked at the whole area but sunghoon wasn't there, so she started crying then you saw sunghoon's sister crying sitting on the ice and you approached her, ''hi..im Y/N, why are you crying..?'' the little girl explained that she cant find her brother so you helped her find her brother andd after a bit you both found sunghoon waiting in line for something, the little girl ran to him immediately hugging him ''Sorry sis..I forgot to tell you..Thank you for helping her..Ms Y/N'' after that you would see the both of them almost everyday in malls, parks and restaurants, one day when you saw them again in the mall sunghoon approached you and asked for your number, ofc you gave it, the next day he would text you and asking if you would want to go on a ''friend'' date with him, months past by and finally he confessed to you.
-> Kim Sunoo !! You both met through a mutual friend! Your friend, Wonyoung introduced Sunoo to you, in a party. You and Sunoo got along with each other instantly, (+Wonyoung introduced sunoo to you because sunoo had a crush on you since highschool and wanted to talk to you but he was shy so when he knew wonyoung was your bestfriend he begged for her to help him get closer to you) after that day you both would talk more, you both decided to be seatmates, eat together at lunch time in school. Sunoo flirts with you sometimes and you would get shy everytime, He takes you out everyday and always sends small gifts, you were developing feelings for sunoo, every night you would look at you and sunoo's picture together and smiling nonstop. Eventually you confessed to him and you both started dating after!
-> Yang Jungwon !! You met Jungwon in a Cafe where you work at (ORR it could be at the garden!!! I can make a separate one! i just feel like it suits him ykk) Jungwon was popular in your neighborhood because he was handsome and cute, but he studies in an all boys school so girls cant see him much, well as for you, you don't focus on that stuff, you focus more on studies so you don't really know about this ''jungwon'' guy, One day when you we're working, screams were heard from outside, you look up to see a young, handsome and cute guy, you immediately fell in love (love at first sight ?? OKAYY I'm not saying anymore!! I'm actually making this a smau orr!! written, I'll post spoilers soo please look out for it !! &lt;3)
-> Nishimura Ni-ki !! You both met in a gaming cafe !! You two was teammates in a match (you saw his user in his screen soo, he also knows) You and Ni-ki was well known for being the best players in valorant, you actually wanted to talk with him and possibly play with him but you were having second thoughts but now was the perfect time, after that match ended, you nudged ni-ki and told him how amazing he was in playing, and praised him for his skills, Ni-ki also compliments you for your skills and asked if you both can be mutuals, since he wanted to play more with you. You immediately said yes and gave him your number. You and ni-ki would always talk nonstop and playing, After a few months you both started dating.
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© arikaluvss
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ask-bad-end-sunny · 6 months
Hey sunny i drew you. What do you think?
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"...Oh, wow...that's really good..."
"...It's kind of inspiring me to draw...I haven't done that in awhile..."
"...But, I don't know if I really feel like it right now...I've filled up most of my sketchbook here, anyway..."
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I've been on Tumblr now for over 1 year. 🎉 I thought it might be time to (re)introduce myself and how I've been handling this account.
My name is Layla. I'm almost 42 years old. ♑☀️♒🌙♓⬆️ I just started a personal Tumblr that you're welcome to follow if you want to learn more about me. @trauma-tits (Named after my weekly newsletter. I write a few other places on the internet too.)
Animal Crossing New Horizons is the only Animal Crossing game I've played. I love it so much that I can't move on to other video games because I'd rather be playing ACNH. I've only had one island called Praxis, but I hope to start a new one very soon! (In full disclosure, I've been saying that for months and life keeps getting in the way.)
I usually have my finger on the pulse of fresh posts, but you'll never know that because I reblog everything to the queue which hovers around 300 at all times. I use reblogging in real time to indicate when things aren't from the queue as opposed to marking everything that is. On Fridays, I hit "shuffle queue" and sometimes tweak the times and number of posts.
I've been sharing screenshots from my island Praxis with acnh praxis, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, acnh screenshots, acnh life, & animal crossing creations, and the vacation homes I've decorated in Happy Home Paradise with happy home paradise, happy home designer, happy home dlc, acnh happy home paradise, and acnh exterior or acnh interior as relevant.
Other tags I use:
ac [villager name] and acnh [villager name] because I couldn't remember which one I started with so to ensure I can go back and find things I do both on each post that highlights a villager to remain consistent.
If there is more than one villager showcased, I usually try to tag each one individually. However, if I am in a hurry or I don't know all the villagers and don't have time to look them up, I will use the general acnh villagers. I try to also use acnh [species name], especially if the post is solely one species.
Anything regarding dialogue (photo edited or organic) I use acnh dialogue or ac dialogue if it isn't New Horizons.
acnh codes, custom codes, and acnh custom design for the codes. This is not my strong suit, so any custom stuff you see in my screenshots someone else created (unless otherwise specified). I do not usually share the codes in each post since they aren't mine, but if you ask for them, I'll share.
For dream address posts I also use the tag i really need to start dreaming again because I haven't done it in awhile.
acnh inspiration is for anything that I see that makes me go, "Wow, I wish I was playing right now because this has INSPIRED me!" I never use this tag on my own posts, only rbs of others. If I rb your post with that, you should take it as the HIGHEST compliment. 😘
If there is crossover content between AC and other fandoms, I use when worlds collide, and sometimes I even share crossovers where I am not familiar with the other one.
I love it when people like, reblog, comment, and use my ask box. I love talking to strangers (because a stranger is just a friend you haven't made yet) and I love answering questions. I really like the animal crossing community, and I love making new friends. 💞
I'm still trying to figure out when I should be writing my commentary in the body of the reblog and when it should be a tag instead. If there are other tags you think I should be using to get posts on your dash, lmk. Oh, and I also love it when people go down my page and like a bunch of posts, so don't hesitate to pop over to this account anytime you have the urge. 💕
Thanks for reading this novel of a post, and I hope you're having a day! 💟
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ursa9909 · 1 month
Sammy Knows prt3
Mateo picks her up and Brooklynn gives then burners to communicate with her. Her friend also gives her a small box of muscle relaxants in case of emergency if Sammy starts to stroke out if she's being hunted, by dino or man.
Brooklynn gives her a hug, their weeks together passing in the blink of an eye. At least she was able to put some weight back on Brooklynn, though if she has to make another pie within the year she will end up killing someone.
Still Sammy enjoyed her time mostly, it was almost like they were back at the farm, before the allosaurus, before the DPW corruption was confirmed.
How Sammy missed those times.
"Wow" a voice said, startling Sammy, her foot comming out and digging into soft underbelly.
"Oof!" Mateo curled over dry heaving.
Sammy shook herself and helped the man up.
"Sorry, you startled me" and he did. The man may be older than her but he had a way of just dissapearing, no wonder Ronnie recruited him.
"All--good" the man croaked out, "my daughter loves karate"
"It's capoeira" Sammy mutters under her breath and helps the man to the drivers side, she didn't want to chance an episode while driving if she could help it. Though it didn't help that the tips of her fingers were going numb on and off.
It was night when they arrived back to her farm. She had to take care of some things. Setting Mateo up at her place so he could hide away and take care of Bessy and the rest of her critters, burying Carl and informing his family. Or the estranged siblings he still had living.
When all is said and done she leaves for her mission. Sammy doesn't know when or if she'll regroup with the others, but still she hopes that they're all well. That the dinosaurs haven't hurt them beyond a bad scare and that they don't meet any humans, any of the Broker's people especially.
She bites her lip thinking about Yas, knows now that she's doing better but the urge to go out and find her has had her up and pacing more than once at a rest stop.
Sammy has to push a head, has to keep moving or else she'll stay to worried about Yas, about her friends, and about their future; so she starts taking down the targets Brooklynn and Ronnie are sending her. She hasn't directly put a bullet into someone's head yet, but one through the leg is just as effective when there's a loose dino after you. Maybe it would be kinder if she just started doing that instead. It would at least make it so she doesn't have so many screams stuck in her head.
Every once in awhile she meets with Ronnie when the woman is out shopping for groceries and Sammy herself is back on home turf, because who wouldn't converse with a fellow acquittance at a store.
She was heading along the coast, helping to acquire some sea vessels worthy of getting Brooklynn and Ronnie's teams to the last location of the Broker without the DPW noticing; when there was a close call with the raptor lady again, but at least Sammy didn't miss when she went for the woman's thigh.
For all she knew she saved not just herself but the others too, though it had to be wishful thinking given the fact that a good portion of her side now sported a butchered sowing job...hopefully they'll scar over soon.
Sammy thought things were going not to bad given the current predicament.
Speaking of thinking she wasn't liking any of it, she spiraled once or twice as she was overcome with emotions and memories of her time on a long ago past and the islands that refuse to sink away from said memories...it was enough that she decided using a tranq would help.
Sadly it didn't.
Nor did the muscle relaxers. Sammy counted her supplies, she was being shipped off again; this time to the island the rest of the camp fam were on. And from what Brooklynn has said it seem like they've had their fair share of run in with the Broker's goons.
She still wasn't sure if making contact would be good or even if Brooklynn would want it given how bad Sammy could keep a secret.
She groaned and dry swallowed three aspirins. The headaches weren't as common anymore but somehow she could imagine that the sensation was what people with strokes feel if they could process the bloody clots in their brains.
"Good luck" Mateo said. Holding out a hand. At least Sammy didn't kick him when he scared her again, damn that man really needed a bell.
"And to you as well"
A small cry was all she heard before she was on the ground, a louder and deeper call coming soon after.
"Easy girls" she says standing and dusting herself off. "You two behave while I'm gone"
The baby ankylosaurus screeched again before running in circles. Sammy laughed, did so even louder when Mateo jumped back in fright. The egg had hatched thankfully, and well while Sammy had some names to supply that would be Ben's choice ultimately.
"Especially you" Sammy said, patting Bumpy's head. Her giant friend huffed at her but still nuzzled in.
"I'm gonna miss you girl, stay safe"
Bumpy let out a low groan agian before heading to fallow her little copy.
It's another week full of dusty roads and raging seas till she finds and tracks a set of small feet, runners feet, through the mud. A familiar group of screaming filling the air is all it takes before she's running again.
At least her side has healed.
It also looks like contact with the rest of the camp fam will come a lot sooner than she thought it be, Sammy rolls at the last second so a giant foot doesn't crush her. She doesn't see the confused and startled looks directed at her as she vaults over giant tree roots and boulders.
Instead she focused, has a flare out of her pocket in record time, and fires into the mouth of a Tarbosaurus. She downs all the shots at the creature and switches to one of the dart pistols on her hip but thankfully the flares were enough to make the large dino run off, and hopefully the few darts that do hit make it take a nice nap.
Sammy gasps as she catches her breath, the fear slowly leaving her veins with the adrenaline; she turns around looking for anymore dinos and when she doesn't see any more, closes her eyes and focuses on her breathing. And on the spinning in her vision. Great.
"Thanks man" she turns to see Darius helping Ben up. "Things were getting harry" despite the friendliness in his voice, Sammy could see how tense his shoulders were set and they had nothing to do with the dinosaurs. She takes a good look at him and wonders if it was the Broker's agents or the land eating away at his figure more.
"That was so cool" Kenji said, accusation simmering low, kicking at the flares' discarded casings. "Wish we had some gear like that...the best money could buy"
"Kenji" Darius hissed under his breath. Sammy ignored the two as she focused on the lone woman putting pressure on her blood soaked arm sleave.
Sammy's hands immediatly reach out but stop when Yas pulls away, mistrust in her eyes.
"I have a first aid kit, in my vehicle..."Sammy says, it's only then does she realize her voice is modified by her helmet. A perk from her one armed friend.
"Score!" Kenji says, the other boys wooping at the reinvigorated hope.
"Thanks. You have no idea what is going on here" Ben said, taking a step to put himself between her and Yas, as friendly as always but making sure that she wasn't a threat to her girl and Sammy just wanted to pull him into a hug right then and there.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Sammy mutters, but turns forcing herself not to look back as she leads the others to her ride.
There's a low whistle, as she pulls out the aid kit opening it and stepping away so Yas could have the space she needed.
"Reminds me of my ride" Ben says, patting the side of her vehicle, "just like her"
"Uh, Ben, maybe you hit your head because your car was older than actual dinosours and held together by ductape and hot glue"
"Don't be mean Yas" Ben pouts.
Kenji pats him on the back and appraises her vehicle before turning to her.
"You have a lot of nice gear, who do you work for? Because there are some nasty people here and well, you're one of the few with an actual armored car"
Sammy leans against the side, the dark metal already warming her through her clothes. She crosses her arms and shrugs, "I'm making good on my word, a friend needed help and well, I'm a sucker for them"
"That doesn't answer my question. Who are you and who do you work for?"
"Kenji" Ben said lowly, a small strained smile on his face, "don't piss off the person who chased off the dino biting at our butts"
"Looks like you're adding more questions" Sammy chuckles, her eyes slide through the tinted visor at the thankfully not badly cut up arm of Yas.
"And you're evading them" Yas says dryly, still focused on her arm. Sammy could see how tense she is, like a bowstring, or bomb more like, ready to go off.
"Yas" Darius said softly, but the woman shakes off the hand that went to her shoulder.
"Kenji's right, it wouldn't be the first time we've been double crossed and duped"
Sammy purses her lips and is glad her visor can't show them her face.
"Even if it's for good reasons" and there were so many reason as to why she hopped there could be foregiveness at the end of this all.
Yas sighs out through her nose heavily, "I don't know what reality you're living in, but it isn't this one"
Well. Shit. Ain't that the truth now, huh.
"I don't know, my brain is a bit scrambled" technically not a lie, it would be a lot better if she doesn't' do that to much anymore for her sake, "so can't say you're wrong; but hey you got some crazy friends who think they can survive an island with dinos and the Broker, so who's really looking at reality...that said y'all look pretty fine"
It was truly amazing just how unhurt they were given how long they've been out here. Yes, they've had more experience than most, but they weren't just dealing with random dinos anymore. No they were dealing with far worse, put the brains and malice of humans with the weaponry and instincts of dinosaurs and you have a combination that could topple whole countries.
Yas snarls at her, Ben and Kenji hold her back, "we don't have fun toys like you, but we got our legs and our brains and that's quite frankly it. So do we really look fine? Because if we were fine we'd be in a place where dinos weren't trying to kill us, where other humans wouldn't be trying to kill us; so no, I'd say we aren't fine. If we were fine we'd still have a plan, a way to take down the broker--whoever the hell that is--all their goons, and we'd still have our friends like Sam--" She cuts herself off, head turning away.
There's a long second. "You have no idea" her voice breaks and it makes Sammy's heart do the same thing.
Please don't cry, Sammy thinks, she can't stand to see Yas cry.
No higher power seems to listen because she can see the wetness in the woman's eyes.
Brooklynn was going to kill her, if Yas didn't kill her first, or well if Yas didn't kill Brooklynn first before she could kill her. She sighs inwardly, her head was already starting to feel worse.
There's a poorly covered hiccup of tears and emotions as Yas tries to find her voice.
Fuck trying to stay in character, fuck this and the fallout that will surely happen.
"I have some idea" Sammy says, her helmet and visor revealing her face before Yas could get another word in.
It's quiet again, the arms holding Yas back now holding her up and doing little to keep it that way when the boys look just as shaky.
"Howdy, y'all"
A hand reaches out and cups her cheek.
She leans into the palm, eyes never going away from Yas's eyes.
"Hey, Yas"
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