#ww fails btw
atlas-dr0wned · 1 year
vash trying to fit 3 donuts in his mouth, meryl looking concerned (she’s holding the rest of the donuts), milly cheering him on and wolfwood trying 4 just to one up vash
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haruchuiyo · 10 months
ok since it’s my bday imma list down stuff my blorbos would gift me 😼
#ok so nanami gets me books!#either from my tbr#or books I’ve randomly mentioned to him or he gets me books he thinks I’d enjoy reading he’s so perfect#then he makes me my fav dinner#he made it with only a apron on btw 😍 jokes he’d never but if I asked politely…then maybe 🫣#satoru gives me loads of sweet cakes#+ he gets to eat them as well so ww for both of us#he gets me ice cream filled mochi’s specifically oreo flavors#then cheesecakes because they’re just so delicious#I havé à feeling he’d try to make something himself but probably fails#so he hides it in the fridge (I end up seeing it and he pouts and feels embarrassed by such a ugly cake but it’s delicious!!!)#ran would definitely take me to some extremely fancy expensive restaurant because we don’t go out to such restaurants all the time#then he gives me a fake flower because idk how to take care of real ones + some jewelry 😍#denji would craft me something + he’d give me loads of hugs and pecks and say ‘that’s your gift from me’ like ok Dennis whatever you say#(I loved it actually)#then we have my mr british simon ghost riley#me and him at home alone having fun 😍#the fun being playing board games because we two don’t celebrate milestones so huge just intimate 🩷#it’s the same with jingyuan except he gives me credits for some reason#+ he tries to take a day off from work to spend time with me :( isn’t he so perfect ugh he sends me bouquets of REAL flowers with a card#attached to it telling me happy bday then some instructions on how to take care of it (it is much needed)#and blade gives me his time as a gift so we do fun stuff at xianxhou as disrcreetly as possible because he’s a wanted man ofc or idk#then we have yuuta he takes me to a empty classroom and we make out and that’s my gift#thé gift being seeing his cheeks flushed#hair messy and breathless 🩷#ok I’m done talking 😍 happy bday to me 🩷#kei talking!
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 1 month
Hiya! How's your day been?
Mine's been cool!
I have a bit of an expansion on the drunk ask. If that's okay, of course.
Nanema will get fondly exasperated with HW & giggle a bit at his drooly face & snoring if he conks out in the middle of... "consummating," but will ultimately not mind.
Will also gently tease him about it as she helps him nurse his hangover in the morning. (BTW, each of the Dorfs & Demise gets the same concoction as WW from their lady (including Karina) in the morning as it's supposed to be a good hangover aid. Though, Karina is more strict, yet longsuffering about it than the Nemmas are with the Dorfs.)
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^HW Ganondorf towards his wife, when drunk.
HW is just a man who loves battle and his wife. At this point, its not even about Hyrule. He loves the adrenaline rush. He drinks like a viking, and then he sees wife and just wants to smooch.
If he passes out while drunk while makin' love to his wife, he will be SHAMED. This man will pale at the fact that he fucked up the one thing he loves doing as much as he loves to fight.
He will rectify it as soon as he's able to.
Wife is lured back to bed, and shone a PROPER good time... at least 3-4 hours of it, to make up for his folly. When done, wife is covered in bites, hickeys, and bruises, well loves and worshiped.
Demise won't appreciate being lectured and will snap and snarl, but deep down, REALLY DEEP DOWN, he appreciates the assistance. He's just too big of an ego to actually show or say it. Dick.
Bonus: How would the Ganondorfs (Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, and Tears of the Kingdom) & Demise react, while drunk, to seeing their wife? Like they are sloshed, fully intoxicated, and suddenly their wife comes in, checking on them. Who would be cuddly? attempt to seduce wife? overly praise wife? kiss wife senseless? Who would fail to recognize wife and immediately try to flirt with her?
Here’s how each of the Ganondorfs and Demise might react to seeing their wife while completely sloshed:
Wind Waker Ganondorf:
Reaction: Overly Praising and Affectionate Wind Waker Ganondorf, with his more contemplative and weary personality, would likely become very sentimental while drunk. Upon seeing his wife, he’d get misty-eyed and start praising her endlessly. He’d go on and on about how incredible she is, how she’s the best thing that ever happened to him, and how he doesn’t deserve her. He’d be surprisingly tender, pulling her into a warm embrace, resting his head on her shoulder, and just soaking in her presence. If she humored him, he might even start singing a slurred, off-key ballad about her virtues.
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf:
Reaction: Fails to Recognize and Flirts Ocarina of Time Ganondorf, being the most prideful and ruthless, would be hilariously caught off guard by his wife’s presence when drunk. He wouldn’t recognize her at first, instead thinking she’s some enchanting stranger who’s just wandered into his domain. He’d immediately start flirting with her, using his most seductive voice and trying to impress her with exaggerated tales of his conquests. When she plays along, it would only encourage him further, leading to an awkward but endearing moment when he finally realizes who she is. He’d probably be embarrassed for a split second before laughing it off and sweeping her into a kiss.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf:
Reaction: Tries to Seduce Twilight Princess Ganondorf, already the most brooding and intense, would become even more so when drunk. Upon seeing his wife, his usual stoicism would melt away, replaced by a smoldering intensity. He’d immediately try to seduce her, using a deep, husky voice to murmur suggestive words in her ear. He’d pull her close, his hands wandering, and wouldn’t take no for an answer, at least until she playfully swats him away. Even then, he’d probably just grin and redouble his efforts, convinced that she’s as eager as he is.
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf:
Reaction: Kiss Wife Senseless Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf, with his more aggressive and commanding personality, would channel all that energy into passionate displays of affection when drunk. Upon seeing his wife, he’d waste no time, striding over to her with purpose and immediately capturing her lips in a searing, possessive kiss. He wouldn’t stop at one either—he’d keep kissing her senseless, pulling her flush against him and refusing to let go. Between kisses, he’d mutter about how much he loves her, how she belongs to him, and how he’ll never let her go.
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf:
Reaction: Cuddly and Vulnerable Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf, normally so intimidating and focused, would become surprisingly vulnerable and cuddly when drunk. Upon seeing his wife, he’d soften instantly, his usual stern expression melting into something almost boyish. He’d pull her into his lap, wrapping his massive arms around her and resting his head on top of hers. He wouldn’t say much, just hold her close, nuzzling into her and letting out contented sighs. If she tried to move, he’d grumble and tighten his hold, not wanting to let her go.
Reaction: Confused but Infatuated Demise, with his fiery and intense nature, would be an amusing mix of confusion and infatuation when drunk. He wouldn’t recognize his wife immediately, his mind too clouded by alcohol, but he’d still be drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He’d stare at her for a long moment, trying to figure out who she is, before deciding she must be someone extraordinary to have caught his attention. He’d approach her with a mixture of awe and desire, trying to impress her with his power and charisma, only to be pleasantly shocked when he realizes it’s his wife. His initial confusion would turn into giddy delight, and he’d shower her with clumsy, affectionate gestures, like draping his arm around her shoulders and nuzzling into her hair.
Each version of Ganondorf and Demise brings out a different facet of their personalities when drunk, but all share a common theme of being utterly captivated by their wife, whether through affectionate praise, intense passion, or playful flirtation.
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flownwrong · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday (in advance, i'm actually thinking ahead for once)! I'm all about the crossovers this week: how do you think Sam and Dean's Disco Elysium stats work? They've obviously got a lot of points put in everywhere, what with all the hero stuff, but what do you think are their signature skills? Do they have any unique ones? Thoughts, thoughts <3
happy happy ww, z! thanks for the awesome question <3 (your previous one is still not forgotten btw!)
oh jeez! i can immediately see dean generally tending towards psych/phys, obv, and sam more confident with intellect/motorics (like lol e.g. i think it's more or less canon dean is a somewhat better shot, but that boy does Not know what composure even is, let alone savoir faire)
i do think they're fun custom builds though — sam is defoooo high up on volition scale, to the point it's my closest contender for signature, and suggestion—a deadly, borderline sociopathic combo, when you remember all that composure and rhetoric waiting in the wings. but with that much volition—he has a final say in what he is, always and ever, as demonstrated in swan song, the entirety of s9, the list is endless.
and no one can beat his endurance+pain threshold combo. we saw many try. it's just easier to hit him in a thinner spot (electrochemistry seems to be one. not much care over it, but also not much control. the rubys and lady tonis of the world see it plain as day. it won't make him open up to you, but it will work as a carrot for choice goals.)
dean, i imagine, lives life immersed in a conversation between half-light (isn't it fun to think of moc > demon dean pipeline as his natural half-light predisposition steadily getting maxed-out to the point it cancels out his psyche sensitivity?) and drama (which, in his case more of a genuine mutability + desire for connection and participation than a performative weapon. comes with the ability to see through it in others (ruby anyone?) and i'd go with it for signature.)
i believe all of this is modified by his high empathy turned endless feeling of responsibility, leaving half-light in more of a fear of abandonment+pessimism line of thought position than a deranged aggro position.
i'd also bet he's not bad on shivers (all those long drives in the impala, talking gently to the road!) and very much an esprit de corps guy when it comes to hunting teamwork, while sam is the resident encyclopedia king, not opposed to flexing the authority either.
all of this is just the usual framework where sam is immutable and dean is relatively easy to mold, but not easy to fundamentally change, whatever he might think about his own liabilities and failings, of course.
and a little of those unique skills, as a treat; i know DE fandom loves inventing those, which makes all the sense, we don't all live in harry's head, so.
i'd give dean the one called family business, haha. that would be john's voice in his head when it comes to all that hero responsibility paid for by own desires (it would have a field day with WIAWSNB dean or the pre-s6 family guy dean), hunting community (e.g. the whole bobby deal), taking in companions and friends to that end, occasionally finding himself in a mentor position later on. mostly unpleasant. always loses checks against anything sam-related.
sam, i'd go with boy king, lol. his natural ability to pick up and use supernatural skills that, when maxed out enough to mess with his volition, gave us the beauty of s4, let lucifer get hold of him to the degree he did in s7, and in later years made him suitable for trials and rowena's trust and occasional spellwork, but, from his point of view, is just kind of a nuisance, and a dangerous one at that. imagine what fun it would be to listen in on this tempting voice always suggesting he go back and flex those powers, it would be so easy to just—yeah.
(you said unique skills not cool skills!! unique fuckups are just more fun)
anyways. that's that. thanks again it was so much fun to think about!
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faroreswinds · 1 year
I have a lot to say about the Totk story, and how it fails, but there was one particular thing I felt the need to note that only occurred to me while I sat in my warm tub, contemplating my sad existence in this world.
It occurred to me that Zelda, a person from the future with knowledge of said future, does not try to attempt to find the hero or the master sword of Rauru’s era.
And while that might seem like a minor thing, I don’t think it is.
In Zelda lore, we have a few other instances where a hero does not show up, but it is not for a lack of trying. In the case of LttP, for instance, the people sought the Master Sword, a powerful weapon said to be the bane of evil, in order to defeat Ganon and his spreading evil. But they could not find the Master Sword, no matter how hard they looked. And eventually, they ran out of time, and had to turn to the Knights of Hyrule and the Sages to complete the job. This ended up with the near total genocide of the Knights, and Ganon only being sealed away into the Dark World as a temporary measure. 
As for the Wind Waker, the people did basically nothing, because they had anticipated the Hero of Time to travel through time to their rescue. They relied on a hero who had rescued them before and therefore, through their negligence, failed to seek a hero of their era until it was far too late. By then, their only recourse was to pray to the gods to be saved from Ganondorf’s evil. Even after all of that, the King of Hyrule still sought the Hero of Time. It was only until he met WW Link that he realized that he could not rely on an ancient hero who was never going to show up. 
But what about the Imprisoning War in Totk? 
Zelda joins the ancient sages (who have no names or faces btw, I have no idea why they even bothered) and King Rauru in order to attempt to stop Ganondorf. But his power was too great, so Rauru sacrificed himself in a last ditch effort to seal Ganondorf for thousands of years, so that Link could defeat him in the far future.
At first, I didn’t really have any issue with this general set up. But as I thought about the other two No-Hero eras, I realized that Zelda really failed Rauru and his era. 
Zelda’s time is not one of complete ignorance. They have history and legends, recorded for thousands of years. It was common knowledge that the Princess sealed the darkness, and the Hero took up the Master Sword in an epic battle against evil. It was so known, in fact, that that was their entire plan against the Calamity. Find the Hero, awaken Zelda’s powers, and then defeat evil. 
And yet, when Zelda is forced into the past, it apparently does not occur to her to find the Hero of that era? If she remembered that the Master Sword could hurt Ganondorf, then surely she might think of seeking it in Rauru’s era? 
Rauru’s era seems to be one of ignorance. They do not seem to know about the Master Sword, or the concept of the Hero. So I don’t blame them for not looking for a Hero or the Master Sword. But Zelda DOES know. And yet, she never brings up the possibility of a hero of that time? Like, imagine if they looked for the MS and the Hero but failed to find both, and THEN resorted to their war? 
I am sure you could make all sorts of arguments as to why Zelda never bothers to mention the hero. Perhaps she didn’t know the Master Sword already existed in Rauru’s era. Perhaps she made all the connections too late. These are all technically valid, but do not excuse the writing of her character, which makes her seem kinda slow and pretty stupid.
She never makes the connection that Ganondorf is Calamity Ganon. She never considers that her actions in the past MIGHT change her future, perhaps even in drastic ways (she just decided she wanted to help the past, unsure if this would even affect her future). She and Sonia made a pretty foolish plan to confront Phantom Zelda, and then Zelda made no attempt to use her powers to rewind time to save Sonia. Zelda also never makes an attempt to use her sealing powers either, and while you can argue she lost her sealing powers at the end of BotW, this is also never brought up in Totk so it feels like a conversation is missing. 
It feels like at every turn, Zelda makes the worst decisions left and right, with her only decent decision in being to restore the Master Sword in a sacrificial mental suicide. But even that is full of oddities. 
How did she know that turning into a dragon would allow her Light powers to pour into the Master Sword? She is explicitly told that her Secret Stone amplifies her Time powers. As far as she knows, turning into a dragon will not enhance her Light powers in any way. 
Furthermore, how did she know that clutching the Master Sword during the transformation would allow it to be embedded in her body in such a way that Link could access it later? 
She took a HUGE gamble based on two facts: That the MS gains power as it absorbed sacred power, of which she possesses, and that eating a stone will make one a dragon forever. 
That’s it, that is all she knows. She knows nothing else, and yet jumped into this huge risk. As far as she knows, she could have dropped the MS during the transformation, and then her sacrifice would have been for naught. 
And it’s not like this is a knowledge Zelda. TP Zelda, for instance, is not a character who is fully explored, so any knowledge she possesses is fully believable. I don’t know what TP Zelda knows, so if she knows about the MS, then yeah, I believe that.
But BotW Zelda is explored more, and we know what she knows. And she does NOT know all the details about the dragonification process. She only knows eating a secret stone makes you a dragon. She got so unbelievably lucky in her guess that it borderlines insanity. 
This world and this Zelda was not designed for this story, and it shows in a big way. 
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taigaihardluckart · 10 months
There you have my story of aww. I can promise you that the written version will keep some pace but I can't say the same about the comic verse. Idk if I'll be able to keep up drawing this comic since I've never done it before and I tend to start things without finishing them because they need to be perfect. TwT either way I think it's more than enough editing since I've been doing that for now 7 years. Yes. I know I could have made myself a community by now instead of trying to perfect everything, but that's just how it is. At least I learned how to draw at least a little bit, but now It's really time to finally get something out so I present to you the cover and the first page.
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Made my own hashtag noone did yet so you can find all related there as well. #@ww
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I know it's kind of pathetic. But for me this is a big accomplishment. I don't expect I drop something like this a few times and magically gain people interested. But hey. If this doesn't lead anywhere. It'll be ok.
(btw I used base for the big pic because my anatomy abilities are questionable and I need it to look good otherwise I'll fall back into the loop of hiding things out of imperfections)
(BTW I POSTED THIS WRONG first AND second time😭😭.
Now it's fixed but can you believe that?? My first page. And I FORGET THAT SHE'S TIED UP??? I didn't even start and I'm already failing lol) (and then I fixed it only to realise I forgot to put back the text omggg I feel so stupid rn🤣🤣)
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dilfiesz · 1 year
i got luocha in 77 pulls but since i had ~100 left i tried to go for his light cone
after hitting pity, i failed and got the preservation light cone, and i dont really use any preservation characters 😭
i'll be hitting the guarantee in 20 pulls so i'm grinding for jades, if u dont mind, could u wish me luck pls
(i'm sorry for complaining like this ww, i really like ur layouts & icons btw!! i feel like the headers always match the colors of the icon which i like!)
thank u for liking my edits my love!!! good luck pulling for his lightcone!!! I'm not getting it since i prefer getting more charas and i hoped to lose my 50/50 but smh i got him to E2 and finally lost to gepard which i didn't want MWOSKKE but it's fine i take it as a win since he's cute
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miniorill · 2 years
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as soon as i got the picto box i took this pic :)
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thecanadianowl · 4 years
Yeah...so WW84 wasn't good. At all. I went into this with moderate expectations and was still disappointed.
From scenes that ran on for way too long (I.e the opening, which btw who lets a little girl compete in what seems to be an adult race course.), lazy CG (seriously that cheetah design could have been so much better. I wont say its Cats 2019 bad as its slightly above it), to inconsisties both in the film (like the fact that there needs to be physical contact or close proximity for the crystal to work to all of the sudden being able to broadcast all over the world where even non english speakers can understand) and it's own continuity (wasn't it stated in BvS that Diana walked away from man's world a century ago?).
There is also the issue that has been brought up by other posts about how Steve's conciousness essentially possesses some random dude and proceeds to sleep with Diana without as if we are supposed to gloss by it. And the fact that Steve isn't cautious at all during the action sequences given that it isnt his body so you think he'd be careful.
I know that Steve is a pilot but I'm pretty sure there is a huge difference between piloting a WW 1 plane and a modern jet.
The villain honestly should have just been Max. You would think in the trailer it was Barbara/Cheetah, but she was essentially Electro from Amazing Spiderman 2. Where she could have been cut and the movie would have been better tbh. Why doesn't Max just wish for his company to be successful? Why does he wish to be the crystal? You would think that the crystal would have a fail safe against something like this given the number of civilizations it destroyed and is still preserved. Also how the fuck are strong winds able to stop Diana when we see her taking punches and headbutts from Doomsday and Superman?
Why have this movie set in the 80's exactly? The movie goes out of it's way in terms of aesthetic and look to remind us that it set in the 80's but in terms of plot/storyline, there was nothing mentioned or I can remember where it needed to be era specific.
The first one (despite its clunky 3rd act) had enough intrigue, drama and fun moments to keep me excited. But this, wow did it drag out for too long and alot of the scenes could have been cut. Honestly I would rank this movie around the same level as Aquaman, where it makes the mistake that because it's more light hearted and "fun" to cover the fact that its story is underwhelming.
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themightyaliendwarf · 4 years
I’m pissed
I’m honestly terrified of what’s happening in my country right now. The shear amount of violence, hate and lack of education makes me really scared about the well-being of my fellow Polish people. But let’s start from the beginning: 1. “You are either with us or against us!” - Even ancient people knew that it’s easier to rule if your citizen separate themselves into groups that despise each other. That’s what currently happens in Poland (and USA, and most likely in different parts of the world). You are either with the ruling party or against it. Nazi or communist. Pro birth or pro choice. Catholic or heretic. There is no in-between. Or at least, that’s what the government wants. The worst part is that the succeed  2. The government failed to stop the pandemic. People are standing in queues to get a vaccine and you know what? They won’t get it because there are none! You want to get tested? Well, good luck, you have to wait at least a month! Oh, you need to go to the hospital? That’s to bad because we don’t have beds. 3. You know what they did to hide the state of medical care? On the night of 27.01.2021 the abortion ban was published. Now you can’t abort a fetus that most likely will be born dead. Or at the very least, the baby will be suffering due to a serious disease. TO HIDE THEIR FALIURE THEY ARE MAKING WOMEN TO BECOME WALKING COFFINS! I’m sorry, there is no better way to describe it. I can’t stress it enough, nobody is making you to have an abortion. It’s about the CHOICE. But the government knows better, so be stupid people, we will tell you what to think.  4. You know what that means? Incoming protests. Sure, let’s make people walk the streets during an actual pandemic! How detached you have to be to do it? Or rather, how inhumane?  5. If you are an LGBTQA+ (like myself), just stop. What, you expect to have rights? To stay at home? To be respected? Oh, no, no, no... you see, we are a Catholic country. We love everyone as long as they they are /normal/. Do I even need to say how disgusting that is?  6. Btw. if you are not Catholic, that’s too bad. You will have to attend church classes until middle school and memories catholic doctrine. What? You are not catholic (like myself)? That’s too bad. By the way, I hope you don’t mind if we give your tax money to church organisations and specifically that one priest who has his own radio and television station? You see, he tells people to vote for one and only political party, so we owe him a couple of milion.  7. AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT HISTORY! Yeah, let’s hate Germans, Russians, British and French (because WW II)! Let’s hate Jewish people because nobody remembers that Polish people also suffered during the war (I wish I was joking). Why build future if we can keep talking about XVII and XX century?  I’m sorry for this rant. I don’t normally want to write things like that, but I reached my breaking point today. Anyway, please, be kind to each other. Be skeptics and don’t just believe what others tell you. Find reliable sources of information. Don’t let your culture, religion or gut-feeling cloud your judgment. We are all people and we deserve to live without anyone telling us that there is something wrong with us
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funkyjunkyfangz · 3 years
14, 15, 45, 60 :)
14- go-to recommendations
definitely depends on who's asking. i try to tell them either gorillaz or will wood though. gorillaz always had a diverse discography and surely there's at least SOMETHING that the person asking would enjoy, i like that about gorillaz. and will wood? well, every time i show will wood to someone, they like it. never fails. not only that, but there isn't a "bad" song from ww (in my opinion) so it's REALLY hard to screw that up.
15- what songs give you most nostalgia
fnaf songs. and i know i'm not the only one here. i used to love the songs, specifically TLT (still listening to what TLT is currently doing, it's more original and amazing) and NateWantsToBattle's stuff. That takes me back to being younger and discovering new media, etc.
45- 5 songs you can't stand
ohh yes, i love to hate things.
5. can anything from the paul brothers count? you know like "it's every day bro" and stuff?? can i count all that as one?? k? ok
4. purify- metallica. i'm a metallica fan and all but you can't even listen to that one ironically.
3. mask- dream. i think that the song has actually gotten less attention than the video, don't you think? sure the video sucks, but the song should get some attention. there's literally nothing special about it, and the lyrics are abhorrent.
2. that one DARE remix that lasts 12 minutes and drags on and on and on and on and o
1. birdfucker- lemon demon. yes i'm a lemon demon fan. yes i have songs i hate by him. and i think that i am justified to hate it.
(btw: i mean NO offense to people who enjoy these songs, you are free to listen to whatever you want and if you like these then i am completely fine with it ur valid)
60- how has music affected you as a person
somehow, certainly. i'm a guitar player. i have a melodica. i sing sometimes. my entire personality is based on the interests i have, and most of that is music. surely i have been influenced by it somehow. my friends often call me "music man" because i'm typically the most dedicated to it in the group. if you asked any of them, they'd say i could go on forever about what i like and dislike about a song. it's true. what i said earlier is just a watered down version of it all, you know? i wanna keep music as a big part of my life. i'm not the same without it.
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sunflower-petals · 4 years
So I’ve been putting off updating my game cause I use soooo many mods & the way everyone’s talking, this thing broke everything. But today, origin would not let me do anything without updating. I repaired my game, opened a tester save (highly recommend having one of those), and omg what a mess! The first two things I get are “the game failed to load” message, which was a lie; it loaded fine. Then, I got an LE & better exceptions came through telling me it was social activities by LittleMsSam. Cool, fine. Then I tried out the window deal. I’m not impressed? Then I got WW errors nonstop until I closed the game.
I 100% expected the mod errors, you know? But forcing me to update & the failure to load error is what I’m thoroughly confused about. All for windows? I have auto update off btw. All for a pack I’m not even gonna buy. 😔
Sorry I’m just ranting; it’s really not a big deal. I usually just wait to update until all mods are updated.
Have you guys had problems since the update? I’ve seen a lot of people say their game is basically unplayable. 😕
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praphit · 5 years
Shazam: It's good to be dysfunctional.
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First I'd like to say that "Shazam!" has been my catch phrase for as long as I can remember. I think that was actually my first word as a baby. It's a perfect word to use when you're excited about something that someone has said, but you don't really want to commit to anything. Like I said, I say it all of the time, but that doesn't mean I'm coming to that party, or going on that date, or agreeing to bust you out of jail. I love this word! I've got to look into getting some money due to DC stealing my catch phrase, but in the meantime, let's talk about SHAZAM! - the movie.
There's no good way to say it - DC has been effing up lately. BUT, I think this has been due to DC trying to be like Marvel. They were doing fine until they started building a "universe". But, I figured it out - Marvel is like that well off, well put together family. They all help cook and clean, they all say their prayers, they recycle, they've got a swear jar that's almost empty... of course they have their problems, but they have enough money to fix them or hide them. DC is the dyfunctional family.
First off, they've got a sitch where they have two dads (Supe & Bats) and a mommy (WW). But, the dads are much more into one another than they are the mommy. Eventually, the two dads ran off (maybe with one another who knows??), and mommy decided she doesn't need anyone else's help, so she's doing her own thing. Uncle Aquaman checks in once in a while when he's sober... and don't get me started on the cousins.
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DC is dyfunctional, but that's ok! I feel like they're starting to believe that that's ok as well. Shazam came on the scene and said, "Come here you lil neglected DC kids, let me tell you my story." He understands them, cuz one of the things you'll learn about Shazam is that he was abandoned as a child and became an orphan. He later on met an old wizard (btw - Djimon Hounsou sighting).
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Now this wizard has a special mission - he kidnaps... they may be too strong... he... transports kids and leads them to his lair, where he puts them through a test of purity. If they fail he kicks them out after telling them they aint's shit. But, if they pass, they get the opportunity to grab his staff and receive his power. How about those options?? The odd thing about this test (well, ONE odd thing) is the test is a matter of temptation to grab an orb from seven demons (named after the seven deadly sins). Now, it's not as if these demons are appearing as ... Idk, the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders
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(then we've got some challenge)
- no, they look more like this -
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Yeah... any child who fails this test deserves whatever is coming to them. And this pic doesn't even do the movie demons justice.
Anyway, Shazam passed (kinda - it was more like the Wiz ran out of time)! (at age 14) - and fortunately nothing creepy happened to him; instead now whenever he says the name "SHAZAM!" he pretty much becomes Superman meets Rayden from Mortal Kombat.
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This movie is all about this boy (Billy Batson) randomly becoming a super powered MAN, and trying to figure out his powers, what a hero should be, and picking a cool name. There's also some "real talk" stuff going on with the topic of foster parents/kids and a mom that abandoned him when he was a small child (not Wonder Woman... I don't think). But, the movie stays on the comedy path for the most part. I laughed a lot in this movie. Like I said, Shazam is mainly here for laughs and fun. He's like "You've got enough of doom and gloom from the rest of the DC universe".
This film is more on the family friendly side... although the super villain IS possessed by those seven demons I mentioned earlier, so if you think about that (the names of these demons), it's slightly darker than you might think, but the movie doesn't focus on that too much. There is a strip club in here as well. WE (the audience) don't see anything, but the kids do a few times - it's used as a device to crack some jokes at the club's expense. I guess if you happen to be a stripper you may take offense. It's called "The Booty Trap". and I'm sure the ladies who work there are lovely:)
I don't have too may issues with this movie, honestly (though I'm not a stripper). I will say that it's a lil long; just a lil. And Shazam (though Zachary Levi does a great job!) is kinda one note. BUT, he's 14! What 14 year has any depth? Not like Batman, who instead of going to therapy when his parents were killed, decided to spend his life beating the holy snot out of people every night. That makes one complex. Or Wonder Woman living on Woman on Woman Island (don't make that face - it was an island of only women - either they were all abstinent or... you know.) Plus, that golden lasso... imagine the truths she has heard, especially when coming to our world -
WW - "Golden Lasso, do your work! Make them tell me the truth!"
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"Wonder Woman, I cheated on my wife!"
"Wonder Woman, your ass is too fat for that costume!"
 "Wonder Woman, I killed them all! And then ate them... and I'll do it again... delicious."
"Wonder Woman, I hate brown people and women!"
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She'd be like "Mr. Trump, I haven't even lassoed you yet."
Point being, that's a lot to absorb  - a lot of complexity. Shazam doesn't have that (yet). But, for the most part, that's a good thing. It's a refreshing break from all the dark stuff.
I guess one could complain about body image stuff. When he says "Shazam" he turns into a muscle freak. Later in the film, there are more kids-to-super-powered-adults who fight. The men all turn super-muscled, and the ladies... fit, but... idk. It'd be funny if a girl shouted the words and turned into one with a body like Chyna (RIP)
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, and a boy did so and turned into one with the body of Danny Devito:)
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I don't particularly care, I'm just sayin... again the point is to sit back and have fun with this movie. And it def accomplishes that.
Grade: A
Another thing, this movie doesn't care about Batman and Superman running off. They're like screw'em! We don't need them. And after watching this film and seeing what's down the pike for DC, maybe they're right.
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rogers-senpai · 7 years
The Analysis of the Progression of Jonerys and Why the Truth Won’t Break Them PART TWO
Even just before their first scene together, we are hinted at how crucial to the story it is. Everyone who knows what the book series is called didn’t miss the “I’ve brought ice and fire together.”
So their first meeting was tense. Both were stubborn, both didn’t trust each other. They had wrong ideas of each other, like I said earlier. The first scene ended with a small progress. He recognizes she isn’t as bad as he thought, learns the shit she’s been through, is clearly intrigued but still doesn’t trust her. She finds out that he has a similar story as leader, even though she doesn’t know to what extent and she is intrigued with what Davos said about him taking a knife in the heart for his people.
Their second encounter is more fruitful. Jon has talked to Tyrion who told him that Dany was chosen to lead, that she could have come to Westeros years ago, but chose to stay in Essos to help. Dany has talked to Tyrion as well, who advised allowing Jon to mime the dragonglass. They meet and another part of their past is revealed to one another. Their lost brothers. Obviously they both had drastically different relationship with their siblings, which also shows us again how they parallel, while still contrasting each other. Dany notices a similiarity between Rhaegar and Jon - both of them not liking to kill people. And that’s what pushes her to make a decision. He has just said, he hasn’t changed his mind, but she still lets him mime the dragonglass, promising to provide anyhting else he needs to do it. And that’s when their theme plays for the first time. What makes this theme different from other pairings’ themes is that it is built with some notes of both of their respective themes, their houses’ themes, their past relationship themes plus something new entirely, something of their own, like no other couple before them. It makes us realize - this is different, this was what was coming the entire time.The analysis of the theme isn’t mine, you can watch it in the original video here. First we hear Dany’s past love theme (”Love in The Eyes”), which is hard to recognize cause they changed it to cello to erase the Dothraki-like sound. He thanks her, clearly shocked. Why wouldn’t he be? Think about it. She gains nothing by giving him the glass. He just said he is still not going to bend the knee. She doesn’t know him, doesn’t trust him, doesn’t believe what he says. But she gives him what ne needed anyway. Would Cersei ever give something  anyone who wasn’t her ally? No. But Dany does. And when she calls him “Jon Snow”, his theme with Ygritte (”You Know Nothing”) plays, showing us his perspective, which just again proves the Undercover crap to be false, cause his perspective is in their theme, his past love theme, like come on.
Then they meet after Jon has been miming for some time, they probably only had short encounters in between. It can be considered that Dany has beel speaking about him with Missander - the look they share tells me so. And Jon is fidgeting his hands, clearly nervous, like Jon would be around a woman he is attracted to, don’t you think? Dany shows she trusts him more when she goes with him without her guards, which is understandable, since he spent his time miming, doing his work, not creeping around or anything sketchy. The cave scene was full of sexual tension. The lightning, the silence only interrupted by their breaths, how close they were to each other. I think we don’t talk enough how beautiful this scene was. Here we have these two strong characters, stopping for a moment, admiring some ancient work of art. Jon sees that Dany can see how extraordinary that is - that they are standing in a place where thousands of years ago, some now extinct (?) race made some mysterious paintings. They also touch for the first time. He didn’t have to take her arm, he could’ve just said “follow me”. While I love all of their scenes, I think the shot of them standing together in the corner, watching the paintings with the beautiful lighting, so small compared to the wonders of these  symbols is my favourite one. And then Dany is shown evidence of WW being real. Jon gives his speech about fighting together, and when Dany moves closer, their theme plays once again. It starts with DrogoxDany theme again, as it’s Dany who’s offering to fight for the North, on a condition he bends the knee of course, which is  absolutely reasonable for a monarch to make when asked to abandon her mission she’s been waiting to start her entire life to go fight your enemy which she doesn’t fully believe in just yet. In fact, it was generous. It is when she makes that condition known that the Stark theme plays, cause Jon remembers his duty to his house. And then we go to JonxYgritte theme part when Dany throws his exact words back at him, showing him how similiar their views are. Then they walk out arm in arm (that shot screamed equals and power couple btw), their relationship changed a bit, they’re more familiar now. And then Jon sees Dany lose her temper a bit, when they find out about the fail of Tyrion’s plan. And strangely enough, she turns to him for advice. Not all the people who surround her since Essos, but him. And he does give her the best advice he can. He questions her, he’s the one to convince her not to attact KL. Would Daario ever do that? No, he would encourage it, making her go the wrong path. Some people think Dany is going dark, and while I disagree, her chapters in ADWD do make her seem like she is on the edge. And while we don’t know how her journey with Essos will end in the books, we know she will come to Westeros, to Jon, who will show her to the light again, if she ever loses it, which I doubt. Also here we hear the theme again, first DrogoxDany bit, then JonxYgritte’s and then finally them combined.
Later Jon talks to Davos, says he thinks Daenerys has a good heart, and we are told that Davos has noticed him staring at this good heart. Then Missandei tells him that Dany set her free, that people follow her not because of her name, but because they believe in her, because they chose her, which we can see Jon is affected by.
In episode 5 we see them together when Dany returns from the Reach. The script suggests strongly he was waiting for her. He watches her fly over him with awe. And then Drogon comes at him. And what does Jon do? Pet him. He’s scared as hell obviously. But he does it anyway, which shocks and attracts Daenerys. She has heard people call her children monsters, them fearing them and then she sees Jon pet one of them. I can only imagine what she felt in that moment. The talk that follows shows us a completely amazed Jon staring at the Mother of Dragons, when he heard how much they meant to her. They aren’t weapons for her, but her children. Must have been a shocker to hear that from someone he has heard to had conquered an entire continent with those dragons. Also their theme plays again, this time only DrogoxDany part and the dragons’ theme - “Mother of Dragons”. Then we see Jon uncertain about her using them in battle. But he had burnt men with fire of his own, during the wildling attack, so the argument of him not wanting people to have this kind of death doesn’t work. She reminds him that he has killed many people for purpose as well, and says something he agrees with: “Sometimes strength is terrible.” Which also is an argument against EvilDany since if she were truly dark, she wouldn’t consider her actions terrible. Also we have the similiarity of them both wanting to help the people brought up. They walk very close to each other when Dany stops and asks him about the knife to the heart thing. Jon just smiles and doesn’t answer. But when asked directly if it was just a figure a speech, he can’t lie. But her guards coming save him. Daenerys reunites with Jorah and Jon was clearly a little jealous. The look he gave her when she was looking at Jorah? His face when she hugged him, which was the first time he’s seen her so intimate with anyone, let alone a man. Boy was clearly troubled.
Their next scene is much more formal at the beginning. He says he has to go home and proposes that she help him again, but Cersei is a huge problem. So Tyrion finds a solution (or so he thought). When Jorah offers to go North, Dany is visibly a little concerned. In a hilarious alpha move, Jon offers to go as well, but as a leader so petty. And Dany is devastated. Which hit me pretty hard when I first watched it. We have seen Jon staring and amazed by her, showing us he is growing something in his heart. We have seen her intrigued by him. But nothing screamed falling in love with him to me before. And then I realized. Of course she wasn’t shown gazing at him like some high school girl. It’s Daenerys Targaryen. She can keep her feelings on a leash. She has been through too much to let a man stop her from getting that throne. While Jon is not as experienced. He can not act on it, focus on his mission. But hide it? No way. But that scene is a breaking point for her, I think. It isn’t the ultimate love yet, but something is there, and now she can lose it. But Jon gives another speech, proving to be her equal again. And while Jorah goes to serve his queen, Jon goes as a King, which reminds me of what Nathalie once said. “I think an advice Khaleesi would give is don’t date a man who is intimidated by your power.”
The goodbye scene was when we hear their theme once again, this time a bit sadder, since he is leaving. This time it starts with the Jorah part of her theme with Drogo - the non-love theme, since we see Jorah looking at him, then kissing her hands and letting go. During their talk, the original notes of their theme plays with a bit of the Jorah part again, since Jorah looks back at her, seeing she’s not looking back at him, which just adds to the sad feel.
When Jon is out there on a suicide mission, Tyrion has a talk with Dany, in which he said the line which made the entire fandom gasp. Tyrion is the most observant person in the show I think, the smartest and we trust his judgement so the fact that he is the one to confirm that Jon is in love with Dany is huge. Dany brushes it off seemingly, but you can see was like “Omg, you think so?”. And then she gives a lame excuse and changes the topic. Smooth.
Jon talks to Tormund, who says what we were almost all thinking. Him not bending the knee is following Mance’s mistakes. His talk with Jorah, aside being another baby foreshadow, shows that while Jon might have wanted to make an alpha move, he is not petty enough to let this jealousy cloud his judgement of Jorah as a person, which is so Jon Snow.
When he senses the trouble, who does he think of? Daenerys. Yes, it might have been because she has dragons, but when you think about it, how big do you think he thought the chances of her helping, let alone bringing her children were? But he knows that if she won’t save them, no one will.
And what’s even more important, she does help She takes all of her dragons and flies to save them, save him.
Jon is sure they’re all going to die. He came to terms with it. And then she comes. Her and her dragons’ theme plays, and the whole the smart majority of the fandom is cheering. Jon sees a big part of the army of the dead being burnt and has hope in defeating them once again.While Jorah, someone we knew is in love with Dany, is looking at the ground, at the fire destroying the wights, Jon is the only one looking up, watching her as she watches him back.  He pushes Tormund out of the way to look at her being a badass warrior queen, I think that’s the moment he realized how deep in love with her he was. He is the first to run to her. She wants him to climb on, her face when he turns away is heartbreaking. But he hears a wight nearby so in Jon fashion, he protects those getting on the dragon, waiting till he can climb on himself. And then Viserion is hit. Dany is shocked and heartbroken, no matter what the antis say, she’s devastated. And Jon goes into an angry mode. Which is obvious. He feels like it’s his fault that she lost her child. He might be the only one to have noticed how much they truly mean to her, he was the one to ask her for help. And now a woman he loves is hurting because of this. When he sees the NK pull another javelin out, he does not want her to lose another child, doesn’t want her to suffer any more. So he screams “GO! LEAVE!” which broke my heart. Dany waits for a long moment though. When he is tackled into the lake, she flinches and it’s only when she sees the NK preparing to take Drogon down, that she leaves. When in the air, she looks back. She has just lost a child and someone she only recently realized she is in love with. Lost a child and a lover again.
I like to think that the thought of Dany was part of the reason he found strength to get out of this lake. It was beyond the wall he decided he wasn’t going to fight his feelings anymore, I think. So he might have been thinking “I can’t die without trying, without her knowing.” What he feels for Dany is stronger than whatever he felt for Ygritte, so while he left Ygritte for good, he comes back to Daenerys.
When she sees him return, after waiting and hoping for god knows how long, she is punched with how powerful her feelings are once again. He came back, even though the chances of him surviving seemed ridiculously small. And then she sees his scars with their own part of their theme playing, for the first time with no other theme, which speaks volumes. Something she was intrigued by - the whole talk of him taking a knife for his people - was actually true. The scars look fatal, but there he is breathing. His scar-filled chest is a sign of what he is willing to give for his people- his life.
Dany’s relieved face is the first thing he sees after waking up. This scene was so intimate and special. While them in the cave was my favourite shot visually, this scene is my favourite one story-wise. They have just returned from a death situation together. She has just lost a child. They have just realized their feelings. Now what? Seeing Dany so soft was nice, after her being all tough for forever. Jon did that. And Jon is soft as well, (he took her hand) which he hasn’t been with anyone expect his family since Ygritte. In this scene Jon finds out about Dany being barren, which makes him realize part of why her dragons mean so much to her. It is also interesting how she tells him something so personal, something that if he told anyone, would be another reason for people not to follow her - she can’t produce heirs, so she dies = another war for the throne, whatever plan Tyrion might think of. But she tells him, because she trusts him, because she knows he won’t tell anyone, she doesn’t even ask him to keep it a secret - she knows he will. And then she promises to help him defeat the NK - we know how much that means to Jon, after he spent so much time trying to get people to fight, to even believe him. He thanks her and calls her Dany. While we talk a lot about how cute that was, we don’t talk enough of how much that meant. She was introduced to him as Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt and The Breaker of Chains, but slowly, as he met her, he saw past all that, he saw the young girl underneath, he saw Dany. No one else did. And then he bends the knee. The theme plays, again, with no other theme part. Neither of them is thinking of their past lovers anymore. They have found what they were meant to since day one.
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What this all means? WoD prelude issues
Abuse will be mentioned
Disclaimer: I don’t want VtM to become a nest for gamer-gaters asshats, so let it be clear that I stand for feminism, positive representation and progressiveness. And further than that, I stand for meaningful, well written media. This is both beyond offensive, and badly written (and badly coded!).
Alright, now that you may (or may not) have read my spoiler free review of the WoD: Prelude vampire game (we eat blood all our friends are dead), this is the second part of this review. The one that really stirs shit, tackles what this all means, and talks about the problems surrounding the two authors. Good brew incoming!
There are a few issues that need mentioning; Zak’s reputation of being a dick (to say the least), white wolf saying they don’t give a shit, and one trans character in the game.
First, I must say I said what I needed to about Sarah (the second author of the Vampire gale) in a few reblogged discussions I had with her about it; you can read that here. She claims the “problematic trans character” is a reference to someone else, but as the anon in that ask pointed out, the name given to the character totally references someone else (and it’s not like Avery is a common first name, so the “coincidence” excuse is weak, to say the least). It’s probably a little bit of both tbh. White wolf stands behind their choice btw.
This is my random, worthless opinion on the trans character’s subject: I don’t think the trans community deserves to be treated like this, and I’m not going to police whether trans people can talk about their dicks (or lack thereof) or not. Sarah likes her characters bold and unapologetic, which is perfectly “none of my fucking business”, I just find that it gives too much of an excuse for people to actually ask trans people about their dicks (or not) which is a definite no-no when it comes to, you know, basic manners. Why encourage that? Most trans people do not want to talk about it to random strangers they’ve just met, so why have that be the main representation of trans people in the media? Sex workers who brag about their dicks and who are serial killers? I find it tasteless at best, dangerous (again, “hey, if this is what trans people are, i totally can ask about their dicks!” kind of shits) at worst. Not that sex workers who talk about their dicks are wrong in anyway, of course. Note that I have no problem with a character being trans, being a serial killer, or being a loud unapologetic bitch. I have a problem with what it may lead to, and how respectful of/to the community the character is. And it’s simply not written with the respect and the love the trans community deserves. The fact that Sarah herself is trans doesn’t make her a good candidate to write well-made (trans or not) characters. I’m all for more diversity in authors (cuz it’s still a bunch of white old dudes out there), but they still need to be good writers (or at least more decent than the shit that’s being published nowadays). Writer is a job. And this is were Zak and Sarah failed; they just didn’t work with basic decency, respect and research of the characters, and what they are, what they represent and what they mean to the community. The fact that White Wolf Publishing used the “but we have a X friend!” excuse only makes it more profoundly wrong. And you guys can’t even blame that on Europeanism (racism takes very different forms here than in the US, certain things are more blurred, and ethnicity is overall understood differently), even in France we consider the use of a token minority person to excuse controversial stuff to be just plain wrong (and god knows France can be very weird about the treatment of minorities). 
If you’re trans and knowledgeable of trans representation, please tell me off about this. It’s just my thoughts on the matter as someone who cares deeply about characters.
The other trans character, Morgan, exchanges like, four texts with you. So, this character’s existence gave nothing to my run. I need to replay the thing and see if other choices give us more interaction with this one, and I really have no problem with this one so far.
Now, the “unique aesthetic” that was brought to the game, I could find interesting modern artists on tumblr to draw for this game, and actually have their modern art be readable, as in, “really in accord with the game’s content (a quick sketch needs to be a quick sketch)”. I can also guess that it would come out far cheaper than whatever this guy took (I hear he sells his art pieces in the thousands? people, you’ve got too much money on your hands, give it to me instead).
The writing, however, I’m pretty sure (read absolutely certain) there are very knowledgeable wod fans out there who can decently hold a pen (half of the RPers I exchange with can come up both with a decent story and can write it out in a very.. literary and interesting way, and so without having to sort through the bs ramble that brings nothing, and without the “options” branches that lead to just a game over screen...).
Zak’s reputation of being a harasser and abuser doesn’t seem too far fetched from where I stand, especially since people who complained have said that White Wolf never contacted them back, even if they said they did. I can’t say deffo what he did or didn’t, but I can certainly assure you that the choice of White Wolf knowingly hiring the guy, then defending him, all while knowing all of this shit, and having one of their writers be one of the victims of the abuse, is not an innocent move from WW/Paradox.
We wanted fresh blood, fresh views, fresh takes, and they willingly hire a veteran known for beyond “problematic” behavior. And excusing all this shit because “but he’s an artist!” doesn’t cut it. Not from White Wolf. Not from a Scandinavian company. Not in the world we live in today. Not with the very talented people who are fans of the WoD and who can come up with something so much better, so much smoother, so much more respectful, and without all this negative publicity. This isn’t just some loud mouth rough corners guy (like I can admit I am!! let’s be honest I’m a harsh bitch lol), this is seriously.. wrong. It leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth, and tbh, Werewolf already has a reputation of being a game played by fascists, and LARPs are known hunting grounds for less-than-polite predators, why fucking continue this fucking shit? This isn’t what we want our hobby to be. This isn’t the kind of people I or anyone around me want to be associated with. Art is political in nature, but that doesn’t mean I am willing to accept the company owning the IP I love most hiring fucking extremist assholes. Everyone has a “problematic opinion” on something, honestly, that’s fine, I mean I get my share of anon hate for many of those, but can you guys straightforward tell me I’m a bad person doing evil and spreading evil into the gaming industry? (If I am tell me now so I can quit!)
TBH, I believe they hired Zak because he was a known “controversial figure”. To have free publicity. To pander to the GG community (EDIT: I failed here, I wanted to say “attract extremes”, Zak is not a gamergater at all). To get everyone angry about “the gay agenda”, “modern art” and more. They’ve succeeded. But it’ll blow up in their faces, and I really want us all to show them this is not acceptable.
What to do now? Be heard. Show your displeasing of such choices. Don’t let them have it their way with an IP you care about. They may own the rights, but ultimately, as Brucato (Mage RPG author), the games belong to us, the fans. Write to white wolf, boycott. Do not harass and insult, but tell them exactly what you think.
There are free visual novels out there, and cheaper princess makers who have more interesting outcomes, badges, achievements, easter eggs, all sorts of different endings if you fail/die, and all sorts of different failure paths that still let you play, and replay, and replay, without feeling frustrated, fucked over, and just plain trying to follow some incoherent druggie’s trail of thoughts.
Here’s a few things I recommend playing, to read how good characterization, art and horror can come around, as well as player agency and choices that mean you continue playing despite failures (linking steam, but gog works too for most of them). So here’s a few games you deffo wanna try out instead of these.
Long live the Queen
Actual “Princess Maker” games :)
Cupid (I can’t recommend @cupidvn enough, it’s  great free game, it has a few flaws considering it’s purely fanmade but overall, it’s very interesting and treats the subject with a good amount of respect)
This war of mine
Choice of vampire (free on web, available as a mobile app)
Vlad the Impaler A very awesome replayable story, you pick one of three characters who has one of two specializations mid game depending on your choices. Just. Get Vlad. It’s great.
I’d also mention an Actual Lone Wolf (by Dever!) video game/visual novel/cyoa. 
Heavy Rain (PS3) So many choices, and the game goes on regardless of what happens. The illusion of choice is so well made. Beyond Two Souls also does this fairly well, but the story is more linear 
The Last of Us (the MC is still a 40 something rough guy, but there’s more to it I promise! there’s no “choice” to be had, but the characterization is great)
And finally, I highly recommend watching like, all of Extra Credits videos about game making, characterization, illusion of choice and so on. They did a playlist. And other one about genres that might come in handy.
I’m very close to angrily make the text/choice/agency/multiple paths adventure we all need and deserve, and publish it for free... But I really don’t have the time, nor the funds, nor the skills, nor the legal knowledge to make it. So if someone wants to, know that I have a hot story that’s worth telling to initiate new players to the WoD :)))
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I kinda of agree with the other anon. They literally stayed like 5 minutes in number 10 WW on and off overtime we refreshed the page. They are horrible at trending, the max they can stay at it is 1hour tops and NEVER over 20K. We bring attention to them when we talk about it. It actually looks worse for us when we try to counter trend and fail (like today). BTW the word Lexa will only trend WW if not alone anymore: like #ButSheLovesLexa
Gotcha that’s why I was suggesting on twitter to trend instead something of our own something that belongs to us and that is ALEXANDRIA WOODS like if we trended this no one would know what it is about and then BAM it’s lexa all over the place
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