#x men tiktok
sky-is-the-limit · 8 months
Both my lips smiling rn.
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choiliner · 6 months
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just-null-cult · 6 months
Thinking….. thinking of yandere noritoshi
me too....
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Noritoshi is suspicious of you at the worst of times. The same faint crease on his brow always appears when he's trying to hide being bothered by something.
This time? Because you've been focusing on your phone rather than him for a little bit too long...... He trusts you, of course he does! its just, he doesn't trust others. What if you end up talking with somebody for too long and they try whisking you away?
Obviously it's most likely nothing and you're enjoying your time doing who knows what on the phone that he's not allowed to check because you told him he couldn't no matter how many times he asked. Noritoshi still stares at your phone intensely when its sitting somewhere, itching to take a quick peek.. it'll be harmless, you don't even have to know!
Yet, his mind wanders to the possibility of getting caught. He'd rather spear arrows through his palm than be gazed at with disapproval by you. Its only natural to have privacy, he tells himself. So, begrudgingly, Noritoshi obeys and watches you on the stupid little phone.
The phone that contains a lot of mindless entertainment and important files. The same phone that holds a lot of personal information you keep to yourself. The same damn phone he's been itching to get his hands on ever since you began smiling at the device.
Why aren't you showing him what's so funny? Oh, right, because he could care less. All he cares about is that your attention is off of him and onto something else that could easily lead you to interact with someone else. It becomes too much and he acts emotionally, tilting the phone down and confronting you. It's not an accusation, just a question. Tell him he's wrong, he's almost begging you to tell him he's wrong. He just wants your attention again, so forgive him if he acts irrational. He'll make up for it, he promises.
Though, if you're alright with Noritoshi looking through your phone, his looming shadow over your shoulder will be a common occurrence every time you turn on your device. He might as well stop using his own with how much he likes holding onto yours. It's just to help you carry your things, of course. He's so gentlemanly isn't he? Go on, praise him!
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starliteonearth · 2 months
I genuinely believe that if The Ghoul/Cooper wasn't a father and didn't have a family, a lot more of the fandom would be falling over Ghoulcy. Because then it would just be a morally grey immortal with a human, and those pairings are fairly common and accepted. From gods and elves and vampires, it's been done before and people eat it up. Even the age gap becomes negligible to people who might usually make a big deal about it because they understand that though the immortal is hundreds/thousands of years old, the human they're with is an adult (usually). But because The Ghoul is a dad, it colors their view of his relationships with people. They presume that the only way he'll interact with Lucy is in the fatherly sense and so they default the relationship to be parental. Anything else beyond the parameters of familial is deemed immoral and wrong. So what normally would've been an equally-competing alternative ship to Vaultknight, has turned into a scorned "morally bad" ship that's even allegedly ruining the fandom to some people.
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thattripleabattery · 3 months
Scott (not knowing Logan’s like 200): so old man, how was the Great Depression
Logan (tired): it was fine
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manwrre · 4 months
billy: nice onesie, does it come in men’s?
steve, without looking up: oh i think you come in men enough for all of us
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Eddie posts a Tiktok where he says, “Here is a reenactment of a real conversation I once heard Dustin and Steve have.”
Eddie as Dustin: Steve, what do you know about the X-Men?
Eddie as Steve: ex-men?? I think they’re just called women.
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lyon-amore · 14 days
Jake would agree with Eric that MC should not be in the woods, he would agree that either she stays in the car or she doesn't go to the woods, neither of them would put MC in danger.
I imagine Jake warning Eric saying "Don't get MC into trouble, she's very impulsive when it comes to helping someone"
Or Eric calling Jake to go get her and her being angry because she wants to help and not leave the forest
I think part of it bothers me too because they can't see it as Eric and MC having a nice friendship and Jake having to live being jealous of any man who gets close to her for the rest of his life, how toxic that would be, I couldn't stand it.
I want to think that Jake's insecurities disappeared as his relationship with MC progressed, that even though he knows he can't give her a normal relationship, if she has accepted him like this, he will accept her decision, unless he sees that she is in danger, Jake will agree that MC wants to be with him.
I will never be able to see Jake jealous for no reason, because he can't stand to see any man near her, he is jealous of them because he would like to give her that life but he can't.
Because if Jake doesn't let you have male friends, it's better to cut it off the relationship with him immediately
Because even he accepted the friendship between Phil and MC even though he doesn't like Phil for indirectly calling his sister a 'slut'
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dazaistabletop · 1 year
I can't with this New York Times article
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lavenderfieldsforvr · 1 month
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they get to be friends now
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redz0nez9 · 2 months
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Vamp Nick for the win 😩😩
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iwaoiness · 1 month
Oikawa sees the Miya's doing that damn trend twin, where've you been and, of course, he has to do it too. Not having a twin, he settles for the closest thing, which turns out to be Iwaizumi, whom Tooru manages to convince with a simple I didn't know I'll marry a coward. Later, while Hajime regrets for having fallen so easily into the game, he also manages to convince Suna (come on, Rin-chan, I know you too want to see Tsumu-chan's face when we get over his likes!) and Sakusa (we're going to screw Tsumu-chan, you're on?) to help them with the recording and editing.
It takes them eight tries in the main gymnasium of the Japanese volleyball team (Kuroo, after mentally calculating the publicity gains from the video, manages to clear the place out of the players and promises Iwaizumi to keep a close eye on them while filming). On the first attempt, Oikawa trips over the untied shoelace of his sneakers as he steps out from behind the poster and almost falls to the ground were it not for Iwaizumi acting fast and catching him while Suna snorts in amusement and Sakusa complains because who the hell ties his shoes with a simple knot, are you nine years old?
On the second try, a nervous Hyakuzawa interrupts the recording looking for Iwa-san because Hoshiumi-san challenged Hinata to find out who had the smaller head and the two somehow managed to get their head into one of the holes in the net, but now neither can get their head out and Kuroo-san tried to help, but somehow ended up getting his head stuck too.
On the third, fourth and fifth attempts, Oikawa and Iwaizumi interrupt the recording in different takes because they get the giggles.
On the sixth try, it's Sakusa's fault because he sneezes so hard that Oikawa squeals and jumps out of fright just as Suna records it in close-up (if he has saved that clip and secretly sent it to Hajime to add to his compilation video of thirty reasons and one more why I am marry Oikawa Tooru that he wants to prepare for their wedding, well, Tooru doesn't have to know about it).
On the seventh attempt, Iwaizumi forgets his lines and has to go over his part two more times with Sakusa.
On the eighth and final try, the recording is interrupted because Atsumu keeps calling Suna to mess up the video (by the fourth call, Rintaro sends him a picture of himself pulling out his middle finger and then blocks him).
But finally, after more than half an hour of suffering, several extra minutes of editing by Suna and Kiyoomi, the TikTok with the caption "when you finally meet your best friend since ever, future husband and the starting setter of the Argentina men's volleyball team Oikawa Tooru (30) on the all star match" is done.
It starts with Oikawa stepping out from behind the poster (this time without stumbling), singing twin, where've you been? Then, there's a quick jolt as a transition to show Iwaizumi walking towards the camera gesturing with his hands while singing nobody knows me like you do it. Another transition shows Oikawa dramatically rubbing his back against the net during the line nobody gon' love me quite like you. The camera switches back to Iwaizumi, who closes his eyes, raises his face upwards and holds his hand to his chest at can't even deny it; and back to Oikawa who slaps his left wrist with the index finger of his right hand (making a good show of his engagement ring) as he sings every time I try it.
In the final fragment, during the line one look in my eyes, they appear back to back. Then, they turn around, pointing the other and end by singing you know I'm lying, lying to each other.
The video is posted on the official JVA account and, in less than 72 hours, gets 100k more likes than the Miya's video. This brings Sakusa satisfaction and Suna amusement at Atsumu's absolute indignation. Kageyama comments on the video, asking if they can finally use the gym for training, and Osamu reposts it from the official Onigiri Miya account as well Matsukawa from the funeral home account.
oh to be an artist to stop this torture called describing dances
u can find me on my ao3 🌻
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danafoss · 2 months
he gives me fucking butterflies
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sopiao · 11 months
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König with civilian!wife! reader that naps on your lap when he wakes up from a nightmare, idk i saw this on a tiktok and found it very cute (n_n)
König usually is very restless and often stays up. And you’d stay up with him, regardless if your tired or not. You’d rub his back, scratch his head. But what works the most is softly patting him to sleep. It helps if theres soft, classical or piano instrumental music lowly playing in the back.
But even with all of your help he always feels bad that you stay up just to help him get some sleep. But you insist that you’re not bothered by it and it would stop you from being able to have a peaceful rest if he’s up.
The two you have tried everything, reading before bed, a cup of tea or a glass of hot milk before sleeping, even sleeping pills. Well they work until he wakes up a couple hours later, unable to go back to sleep.
It’s like you have a sixth sense for this, whenever he sits up in the middle of the night or tosses and turns a little more than usual, you automatically wake up to try and soothe him back to sleep.
Tonight he managed to sleep peacefully after being at a family party for hours. It was already 12:46 when you two arrive home. Both drowsy and exhausted when you brush your teeth together in your pajamas. He was already incredibly tired from having to talk and catch up with your side of the family, so once he hit the pillow he was snoozing.
It was a miracle, once in a blue moon event for him to slip into slumber without having a glass of milk, and 40 minutes of you scratching and rubbing his back.
You chuckled, happy that your husband could finally sleep without his insomnia getting in the way. Sliding into your side of the bed, next to him, turning off the lights and pulling the covers over the two of you.
Around 4:24 you stirred awake, startled by the sudden and sharp shift in the bed, you turned around calmly. Feeling around the bed for König, ready to hold him and soothe him back to sleep. When you can’t find him you sit up, seeing your husband sat up, hunched over with his hands in his face.
Worriedly, you get up, sitting next to him while resting a hand on his shoulder. He slightly jumps, not expecting you to be awake, too stuck in his own thoughts to notice you move. He couldn’t hide the tears that streamed his face, staining his cheeks, making them glossy when he turned slightly to face you.
You sigh sadly, usually you know what to do when he just wakes up from his insomnia, but right now you don’t know what happened. König felt bad for waking you, feeling that he’s troubled his wife enough for having to deal with his restless nights. But right now he couldn’t help himself, immediately leaning in to squeeze you into a tight hug.
Decided to stay quite and not ask him what’s wrong when he’s already overwhelmed, you hug him back, one hand rubbing his back while the other ran up and down from his hair to the nape of his neck. Murmuring soft reassurances.
He started to explain and talk in german, probably too upset or overwhelmed to speak in english. Only thing you could translate from his frantic words were ‘mom’, ‘family’, and ‘nightmare’.
After a while he seemed to calm down, he was less manic and frantic, but he was still in tears. You started to feel an aching pain in your lower back from holding up his and your weight.
So you patted his back to signal him for his attention. You sat up so your sitting in a way that your legs are folded under your thighs, patting your lap for him to rest his head on.
The tall Austrian understood, resting his cheek on your soft thighs, wrapping his arms around your hips. Squeezing you like you would slip away if he held you any looser.
You started to play with his hair, massaging his scalp. Feeling his tears stain and fall on your plush thighs than his cheeks, slightly dampening the edge of the boxer shorts you borrowed from him for pajamas.
You started to hum. Partially to try and comfort your spouse, but also to try and occupy yourself. You knew that he was calming down when his tears started to gradually fade away, and his breathing started to slow.
By now it was 6:24. The pale blue sky started to peek through the window curtains, and you could hear some of your early bird neighbors beginning their day.
In a couple hours both of your days would start and you two would have to start on your errands. But it’s fine. You’ll just turn off the alarm and today will just be another lazy Sunday. He needs the rest anyway.
After what felt like 20 minutes, you felt like he had calmed down and fell asleep. Trying to slip out of his grasp, to try and sneak away to the bathroom for a couple seconds. Not wanting to leave him for too long. But whenever you slightly moved away from him he unconsciously pulled you tighter, somehow closer to him.
Sighing, you continued to pet his hair with a soft smile. Not sure if he’s still awake or if he just moved in instinct. Either way you decided not to move, not wanting to wake him or disturb him.
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ffverr · 2 months
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Thinking about the darkholme family on this fated night....
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cerezaumbran · 7 months
Gerne: Fluff
Warnings ⚠️: none
Summary: Pictures you would post on your Instagram.
[Y/N username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 745,490,143 others
Y/n: .5 photos are crazy
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[Bffs user]: he looks scary 😭
Beyonce: he's so silly
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 745,490,143 others
Y/n: bro thought he was cool 😎
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noahbeck: aren't those your glasses?
shawnmendes: bros majestic
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 950,423,876 others
Y/n: Quick coffee run 🥰🥰
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dojacat: bro how do you get him like this is so unfair 😤😭
ravon: he's so spoiled like gurl 🙄
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 989,734,132 others
Y/n: he was taking pictures on my phone again 🤭🤭
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larray: how many times do i have to tell you CHANGE YOUR PHONE PASSWORD!!
arianagrande: you need to zip up your jacket vinnie 😭😭
[Y/n username]
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Liked by vinniehacker and 589,236,629 others
Y/n: just him being a dork 🥰😍
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vinniehacker: hey but i'm your dork 🤗😘🥰
zendaya: Y/n now your just making us jealous 😭😭💀💀
I gave you guys more 😌
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