#xe/xer pronouns
Neopronoun users:
Im curious as to what made you decide to use your set of pronouns. What was different about them? What made them click? Are they linked to a specific type of feeling?
Ill go first,
My neopronouns are xe/xer
I chose them because personally for myself i do not like themed pronouns or any that are linked to a specific thing like noun pronouns are for example. Xe/xer just felt right. I found that i tend to use it more on days where i might feel more agender. Also i wanted pronouns that encapsulate vith the male and female part or me.
The set always felt red to me, the xe reminded me of he and the xer reminded me of her (i know xe pronouns are usually xe/xyr or xe/xem but i dont like the strong r sound and xem feels too muh like them and i hate they/them for myself)
Ze/zir also has the same sound but idk, felt really yellow and also i just didn't like the shape of it, didn't work. The X just felt like a placeholder or a blank space, kinda like how my gender felt sometimes.
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candy8448 · 2 months
Had to wait all day until i was sure my family wouldnt be coming around my room for a while
Recorded a video so might be posting that soon
Of course here is the binder:
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And then there is this really sweet message on the back of this thank you card
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I also got an email from wonababi telling me how to wash my binder and take care of it
I talked about it a bit in the video but its a lot more comfy than i thought it would be, and it feels different to how i thought as well, interesting.
But wonababi was super good. The website was a bit clunky, and the postal service they used was too, but they are super cheap, comfortable, good quality, and they made sure i knew what was going on every single step of the way
Also shoutout to Kegan at Wonababi, they were the best and the person that was making sure everything was okay
Anyways a before and after:
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This is so cool!
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Be aware that the zipper can curve if you're slouching a bit and will make a lump shape soooo
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A xe/xer pronoun flag with someone in mind! 💙💚
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"Welcome to the world of girl love! It's slippery when wet!"
Happy birthday (11/27) to the party rocker!
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theploymaker · 10 months
Pronouns aren't just things you can apply to yourself as you please. They are given by the National Pronoun Gacha system and if you get an ultra rare pronoun you can turn it in for gender points and the person with the highest gender level is gay president.
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medicalmechanicas · 11 months
soft launching new pronouns to discord and groupchats
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ursie · 9 months
People who call their “male” favs she/her are cowards I need to see what their favs insane neopronouns would be
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ballwizard · 2 years
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ok i drew and named xer :-)
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pronoun-checks · 11 months
could i have a check with the name circuit , using pronouns xe / xem / xer / xers / xemself as well as it / its ? some of my interests include marine biology , gardening , and cooking :]
Sure thing!
Oh, hey! I think I see Circuit over there! Xe’s the one sitting by xemself with xer headphones on. I wonder what xe’s listening to? You know Circuit, right? I was telling you about xem the other day. I said I liked xer name. I’ve only spoken with xem a few times, but xe seems nice. It likes marine biology, gardening, and cooking! It didn’t say if it had a garden of its own, though. I’ll have to ask it the next time I talk with it. I think you and Circuit would get along nicely. Do you want to go say hi to it now? It’s looking this way. Come on, let’s go say hi!
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eternaspacic · 1 year
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xe/xer pronoun flag!
please credit me if you use!
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bacchanal-if · 2 years
Last Line Meme
Write the last line of your writing. Tagged by @adoriels-tears-if !
"Come now dearest," $mc_object orders,"off the bed!" This is more like the Francis you know. You obediently comply just as you did as a child, and the act brings with it some amount of comfort. You stand as $mc_subject opens your wardrobe.
I don't have anyone to tag that hasn't already done this
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WOW the effort i had through go to in order to change my xe/xir pronoun pin into my actual pronouns is CRAZY
And the thing is im not even gonna be able to wear this until at least a few years till i move out 😭
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But i painted over with white paint. Waited for it to dry, firgot for a few days, and then tried writing the xer but it kept smudging, let it dry and forgot for another few days and then remember it again,
Its too smudged to make out so today i paint over it again, dry for ages, write the xer, it smudges so easily, i try again, same thing, so instead of putting a top coat of nailpolish at the end, i painted it, dry, a top coat, dry, write xer, dry, top coat again, dry.
This took me all day, and i had to hide it so i hid it in a drawer so it took even longer to dry and i finally have it!
(My pronouns are she/he/xe/xer btw)
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candy8448 · 3 months
Pinkie Fic
New longfic!!!
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Act 1 is out!
This is a fic to challenge myself to write longer things and actually finish an LU longfic for once.
A deaged legend fic
A child locked in a box in the depths of an old cave is something Wild had never expected to come across, but a child with strawberry pink hair is just what he finds in there. The unexpected kid is an addition to their party and what can the Links do but continue where their quest takes them? After all, they can use this time to help recover Pinkie's identity and how xe ended up in that box in the first place.
Chapter 1: The chain figure out what to do with the kid and Wild has a dream
Wild hopped down another ledge into the cave, sword in hand. Something was calling him further in and Wild was very, very curious. He walked past soaked floor and into an opening in the cave.
It was an open space, smoothed and rounded out. Water covered the ground but only covering his feet and there was a mound of moss and dirt that looked very deliberately placed to hide something. Wild crept up to it, sweeping off everything with his arms until what stood before him was a big, square wooden box. Unlike most chests that were unlocked, this one had a massive lock on it and was incredibly airtight. The champion brought his blade to the lock breaking it open and it took some effort to snap the lid off until it swung open.
Wild stiffled a gasp.
Inside the box there was a child, the body of a child. They seemed very young. The child was curled in on themselves in a foetal position and their mouth was agape and still, half submerged in water. Wild could see bruising and massive scars all along the tiny body. Their fingers were bloody with torn off skin and nails as if they had been clawing at something, they were also barefooted and skin on the feet were sore. They were dressed in a red dress with a dark green belt that was torn up and they had pastel pink hair. The child, the dead child, had tears along their face, paralised in fear. Wild wanted to weep, why was this child trapped down here in a half flooded box in the depths of a freezing and dangerous cave? His thoughts ran while he figured out what to do, but that was decided when the child suddenly started to tense and their eyes flew open, darting around until they focused on him and wimpered in fear. Though they tried to scramble away, their arms and legs weren't co-opperating and the box was too small to move anywhere.
Wild threw his hands up, "hey hey there, calm down, it's alright, i won't hurt you," The child's breaths started to slow down, "my name is Wild, let me get you out of here." He reached down and scooped the child up, careful not to injure them further. They were small and malnurished and shivering in his arms, clothes and hair waterlogged and heavy, "hey kid, it's alright, ill get you somewhere safe. Could you tell me your name?"
The child's eyes closed as they went limp in his arms, "im.... so cold..." they whispered, Wild's heart broke. The child's heartbeat was practically non-existent, Wild almost couldn't feel it when he placed his fingers to their neck. He had to get them to the others.
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Hi, can you make a she/he/xe/xer flag please
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Here's what I came up with! 💙💚
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lesbian, transfem genderqueer, and he/xe/ne flayn icons
like/reblog if you use and credit me
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readytospock · 2 years
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