#arrow discussion
suguruslut · 3 months
Still think it's super fucked up that all the sexual assault scenes againat males in the DC universe (Nightwing, Green Arrow, etc.) are completely normalized in the comics. Like, imagine what kind of message that sent to young male readers (and even adult aged male readers) when they saw and continue to see male victims being blamed for their own assaults, writers shrugging off the assault/writing it as no big deal, the assailant getting away scotch free, never even being dubbed an assaulter because they're a woman. The male characters are never seen as victims, never asked if they're okay after being SA.
Idk, just something that always bothered me. Kinda sad even the modern comic writers never point it out or try to correct it...
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triglycercule · 3 months
hear me out: nightmare's base NOT being a castle but instead a prison facility. like a maximum security nasty and gross prison facility
dust killer and horror (or who else you consider bad sanses) living under nightmare as a prison warden. they're forced to sleep in cells next to the rest of nightmare's prisoners because they're just as stuck there as the people nightmare captures. sure they might be able to willfully leave the cells whenever they want but would they want to? maybe dust keeps himself locked up in his cell because he thinks this is what he deserves. maybe killer keeps himself locked up whenever he risks changing stages (1 or 3 doesn't really matter). being stuck in the cell is so dehumanizing and disrespectful but it's the only "safe space" they have in the prison. none of them are ever truly alone when they can yell and berate and shout at each other through the bars. nighttime is the worst because nightmare goes around and makes SURE that they can't unlock the cells. he keeps them trapped in their cages like animals and all of them HATE IT.
they're forced to shower together because it's demeaning and embarrassing and it causes fights amongst them. seeing another person naked is already bad but when it's another version of yourself when you already probably hate yourself and how you look doesn't make it any better. they have to do recreational activities together and of course that ends up in arguments. they have to work out and train together in the prison yard for nightmare's evil little missions and of course MORE arguments occur. they really cannot ever get along especially considering that they're stuck together 24/7 for more negativity (at least they bond a little bit during this. showering together's pretty intimate ngl even if you fucking hate each other)
they have to eat the prison food (or starve. the mtt probably do this more than eating) that nightmare (his servants maybe??? idk.) serves. maybe on a specific day that they do something good nightmare serves them better food. but horror still doesn't eat it. he'd rather starve than eat the normal prison slop but when he actually gets good edible food he hates himself for being so stubborn and not trying to get over his eating issues earlier so he could actually eat the good food without throwing up. dust doesn't wanna eat it. he's being rewarded good food like an animal all because he helped nightmare make someone feel like shit and suffer. he has too much guilt to eat it. but killer eats it wholeheartedly. nightmare gives him food to eat so he must want killer to eat the food so killer has to eat the food. even if its nasty prison slop. even if some days nightmare decides to change his food specifically to be worse than the regular slop
nightmare's the warden. he has control over all of the prison and doors and lights. he lives in his fancy and regal office bedroom library while the rest of his prisoners/workers stay in the cells. sometimes he likes to go down to the cells and be sure to keep everyone trapped inside just for funsies for unspecified amounts of time. sometimes he insults and mocks people through the bars while doing stuff to trigger them (whether this is someone he captured or one of the bad senses.) maybe during recreational time he'll force the trio to do things for his appeasement and their suffering like pretending to be children and having to act like babies. or maybe being chained up and lead around with leashes like animals (they're already being treated like animals in this prison anyways so is it really all that embarrassing?? nightmare doesn't think so.) he'll watch over the trio training and working out and force them to do it over and over and over until they pass out (or else he'll do something worse. he always finds something worse to do.)
nightmare loves to torment everyone stuck in his prison especially his workers. because out of everyone there, they're the ones that he finds most entertaining. all his other prisoners hate him but they have hope that they might escape one day, that maybe there's the salvation of death in this prison. but nightmare won't let any of his workers die (or not without replacing them.) he'll keep them alive and keep torturing them and treating them like shit just because it's fun and gives the negativity he needs :3
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Do you guys really believe that killing is the singular bad thing that cops do?
Or even that killing is the most frequent bad thing that cops do?
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Are you saying that if cops didn't kill, then they'd be the same as Batman? Because then you're suggesting that effectively Batman already is a cop, with the exception that he hasn't killed (just like the majority of U.S. cops, who have never once shot or killed anybody).
I'm a bit worried to see opinions suggesting that only killing is wrong—and that violence, stalking, and humiliation are okay. In real-life, police commit countless acts of those "little" abuses, terrorizing entire communities, before they murder anybody.
Invading people's privacy is wrong. Hurting people to the point of hospitalization is wrong. Forcibly drugging people is wrong. Putting people in cages is wrong. Torture and "enhanced interrogation" are wrong. Ambushing people in their homes and safe places is wrong. Keeping inexhaustible wealth is wrong.
Superhero comics are power fantasies. Not all fantasies need to reflect our ideology in reality. But once you apply your real-life values to fiction, once you decide that fiction showcases exemplary real-life ideology—then your praise for Batman's ideology does become a worrying reflection of your real-life understanding of social issues.
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arrowpunk · 2 months
God I forgot how much I love some good good sibling angst in stories- the fraught relationship between Hawke and Carver? So good- I think Carver might actually be my favorite companion so far
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romanticatheartt · 5 days
Antis: "Feyre destroyed Spring Court and now its citizens are homeless, while she has five mansions and Velaris has slums to be fixed."
My honest reaction: Please leave her alone...
🎀she's just a girl🎀
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She's innocent your honor. Every girl deserve to destroy her ex's home once in her lifetime. IT'S HER RIGHT!!!!
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rmbunnie · 2 months
I am alone on this barren earth (Jason Todd liker and Mia Dearden liker who honestly thinks issues 69-72 of the 2001 Green Arrow run are fun and good and would really like to talk about them beyond "Jason Todd was ooc and irredeemable there because he was trauma-dumping on Mia but also everything he said was fake and made up and he was manipulating her to become his sidekick and he blew up her school in retaliation because she didn't so really we should ignore the whole comic as bad writing /or agree he should just be read as an sadistic sidekick killer" (None of which is true and over half of which is directly stated to be false in the comic's text) but all people ever have to say about the comic is weird wrong takes about the three pages in which the gym fight happens ripped out of the very interesting and fun surrounding context)
#i truly do wonder why we're always going the least interesting route interpretation-wise even when it directly contradicts canon#why have complex characters making complex points through off methods when we can have boring ones clearly labeled as good and evil#maybe if i wanted to talk about this i should have been alive in 2001 but like. we still talk about it today we just don't say anything fun#maybe. just maybe. there's a reason the panels go directly from jason letting go of mia and stepping back#to mia escaping and going “i escaped”#“unless ofc he let me go”#that is not jason making an attempt on her life (because this didn't happen we see him let go)#mia wasn't even his secondary goal he just took her to make a completely unrelated point and decided to have a convo while he was at it#jason having the capability to end it but letting mia go vs joker pretending to give jason an out and taking it away (locked door)#except in both jason ends up staying in the building#i know we don't like n52 rhato but the roy jason discussion in the Bruce-Ollie convo make me think they could have been done well#but that's not my point#i just feel like some of you guys are too quick to take an interesting comic and toss it out because one thing happens that you dont like#kinda throwing the baby out with the bathwater#i wish we saw more of mia dealing with the repercussions of their convo i want to know more of what she was thinking#green arrow 2001#jason todd#this isn't mainly about mia's character so i'm not gonna block her tag up with this
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fuckmeyer · 8 months
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hot tip: EXCLUSIVE behind-the-scenes content available to those who livechat my fic to me
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arrowmaker15 · 11 months
We all agree that Arrow S5 was one of the best seasons of Arrow, right? Okay...
Has anyone else ever thought about the fact that technically... Prometheus won, in the most minor way?
He had Dinah's partner (Vince) killed and broke her, after the explosion Diggle had nerve damage, Felicity wasn't the same (plus he tricked Oliver into killing her boyfriend), Samantha died, William learned his dad was not only Oliver Queen but also the Green Arrow, Lian Yu is gone, Adrian Chase convinced Oliver that he was something he wasn't..
Prometheus technically beat Green Arrow. While figuratively Oliver came out on top but literally... Adrian Chase won. He caused irreversible damage to *everyone*, emotionally or physically. He made Oliver feel like everyone he touched got hit or died, and his sins destroyed lives.
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hertwood · 5 months
im gonna be so mad if they drop logan before i can see him race in canada one month more minimum i beg
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wizardnaturalist · 2 years
I hate readings of eowyn that are "of course the only woman interested in battle and glory decides she actually just wants to be a wife at the end of the story 🙄" bcs congrats, you have spectacularly missed the point!
yeah, eowyn decides she no longer wants to be a warrior at the end of the series, but that is the overarching theme of Literally The Entire Story. lord of the rings is not, and has never been, about epic battles and great fighters and glory through combat. war is continuously framed as a horrifying consequence of the greed and selfishness of powerful people that ruins the lives of everyone involved
aragorn is not accepted as king of gondor because he won the battle of pelennor fields, he is accepted because of his skill and care in healing the wounded afterward. boromir's desire to use the ring as a weapon is what allowed it to corrupt him so easily, despite his noble intentions.
and yes, eowyn wanted to fight. she got to see firsthand the "glory" she sought. she got to see her uncle die in her arms, and herself and her best friend greviously injured and almost killed themselves. the whole point is that there was no glory. there was no great triumph on the battlefield. there was only struggle and horror and death.
and how could you see eowyn best one of sauron's top minions, someone even gandalf feared, and think the ultimate message was "obviously she belongs in the Home :)"
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sukibenders · 4 months
Suzanne Collins saying that she only writes/will only create a new Hunger Games book when she has something to say, now announcing the release of her new upcoming book AND its film release? Interesting.
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shipcestuous · 11 months
I have thoughts about the little sister x big brother's best friend trope that my brain is too burned out from real life to write down, but I will some time soon, but until then it boils down to "big brother proxy" and the point is made I think.
I would love to hear your detailed thoughts, but I agree with what it boils down to.
There's a reason why it's a common trope in bro/sis fiction. It just seems to make sense.
Most fun example is Thea Queen crushing hard on Tommy Merlyn, her big brother's best friend, only for Tommy to turn out to also be her half-brother.
Axl and Sue from The Middle are also a great example. Sue had a crush on one of Axl's best friends, went on to date one of his other best friends, and then swung back around to the first one, and then married him, if I recall correctly. I'm pretty sure it started out as being mostly about Axl.
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All the cool people in my family are whumpers btw
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Really funny how More Fun Comics #73 introduced two of DC's most popular superheroes, both of whom had wildly different Golden Age origins than any other origin since, and yet both origins are on completely different axis of 'would be cool if they were an Elseworld story someday'.
To whit, Aquaman's Golden Age origin sees his father as an undersea explorer who discovers the ruin of Atlantis, and uses their advanced technology to grant his infant son the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with sea-life. I'd be really interested in a modern take on this idea - I did see a fanart a few years back that reimagined Golden Age Aquaman as a tech hero, old-school divers suit and all, and hell it would even be cool to have an Aquaman story not focused on Atlantis, but instead on Aquaman as Protector of the Seas.
On the other hand, Golden Age Oliver Queen is a white guy who has... ahem, ""gathered"" a huge collection of Native American* artifacts and cultural relics, which he keeps for himself and used to train himself in archery and the like, before all of the artifacts are destroyed when criminals burn his house down. Oliver seeks out a secret, long-lost Native American* city and runs into Roy Harper when his plane crashes. Roy has been on the island the city is buried under for years, with his only companion being Quoag, his Native American* ""manservant"" who talks like every racist Asian caricature from the Golden Age because I guess the writers were too used to writing WWII propaganda to be creative in their racism. Anyway, thieves show up, Quoag dies and is immediately forgotten, they force in some really painful references to Green Arrow and Speedy (like, if you thought the reasoning for Speedy's name in Arrow being 'Oliver's sister does drugs' was painfully forced...) and eventually Oliver and Roy find the Native American* city, which is made out of solid gold because... reasons. Rather than tell anyone about it, Oliver and Roy decide to dismantle the city, sell it brick by brick, and use the money to become wealthy, and also fund their superhero exploits because apparently they decided that was a good idea.
If DC ever brings back Golden Age Oliver Queen under any circumstances and the story doesn't end with Modern Ollie and Roy teaming up to shank him and redistribute his wealth, I'm going to kill someone.
*I say 'Native American' knowing that it's incredibly broad, but the comic doesn't offer a specific group. It also... doesn't call them Native Americans, which I'm pretty sure you can guess.
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delicatetaysversion · 2 years
okay who am i to say all korean men look the same to me
a dumbass
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reineyday · 2 years
"how laughable that the head of the soul reapers would awaken the dead" ok wait but. theyre already dead? i thought the whole point of soul society/hueco mundo was that dead souls go there, and yet ur telling me dead souls can get even deader and yet still remain alive enough to be "awakened". is that what ur saying.
#rei rambles#bleach#bleach spoilers#bleach tybw spoilers#i know that the kazui chapter that dropped mentions that all souls that get killed get sent to hell#is there a way u can really truly die in bleach lol#i suppise getting eaten by a hollow...? but then it's like. youre still *technically* a part of that hollow even if ur not in control#obliterated by quincy arrow??? i suppose thatd be it. u just turn into nothing...?#god but that pipeline that is human > soul society > (death by yamjii's sword??) > real actual hell???????#wild#bleach is so wild. it's so great.#also love how most of this episode is literally yamajii explaining how op he is#it's been a thousand years and here are all the cardinal directions of reasons why my fire bankai is terrifying ✌️✨️#like ok old man#kubo just continues making stuff up about the afterlife and it has all these potentially interesting philosophical implications#and then literally none of it gets discussed. they just sword fight.#(and im here for it and support it.)#he also says a lot of things about war and nature that dont really get addressed lol#hollows dont get a choice in eating other souls. they get abandoned and then turned and they cant stop it.#quincies and shinigami need to defend themselves and living humans so killing hollows makes sense there#but then unilaterally deciding to exterminate all hollows? just cuz thats apparently what quincies are supposed to do? not cool.#soul reapers disagreeing w thqt for the balance of the world? makes sense.#soul reapers ALSO unilaterally deciding to mass murder (but it's the *quincies* this time) in defense of that balance? not cool at all.#quincies being afraid of/angry at shinigami? understandable. all this politicking and war :/#but then there are the hollows who yes wreak havoc but they literally dont have a choice like the other two factions do#and then they get taken advantage of by aizen and afterward get invaded and murdered by the quincies???#it's interesting cuz the hollows are initially set up as the 'bad guys' since ichi's the one having to save human souls from them#but they are arguably as a whole the most innocent of the afterlife groups of people#aside from like. the normal konsou'd souls that end up in the seireitei's rukongai.#like *those* souls and hollows are just participating in what the world forced them to take and then all this politics... ugh.
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