#yeah i'll continue the tournament in a few days
amber-tortoiseshell · 5 months
I saw your Norwegian Forest Cat poll post and was suddenly hit by emotions, because my childhood cats were both Norwegian Forest Cat / Maine Coon mixes from what we were told (they were sisters from the same litter). I am now using this ask as an excuse to share the picture / ramble.
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The one on the right was named Morwen (from Tolkien Sindarin "dark lady" because my parents were nerds) and the one on the left Idril ("bright one"...because she was an idiot). They've both been gone for a decade now, but sometimes I will be randomly hit with the memory of them. Anyways slightly more on topic I do think it is very interesting how completely different they look (I assume it's because their parents were similarly *very* different).
Hello! Seeing a bicolor cat with a huge white triangle on her face called "bright one" and then getting hit by "because she was an idiot" is the funniest thing i've read today, thank you 😸
Also while phenotypically they may look very different, they aren't that far away in genotype: the only differences are the agouti (tabby) and the white spotting genes. (In term of colors. I don't know much about other traits like body shape, facial characteristics and such - but i do know fur length also depends on a single gene.) Solid color and long hair are recessive, so their parents could have even look almost identical: two shorthaired black tabbies with white paws. But of course there are a lot possibilities beyond that.
I hope you'll enjoy my tournament, in a short while norwegian forest cats will take over my blog
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duhragonball · 6 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga Ch.100
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Yes, Cheelai, we have finally reached the end of the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog, but in particular, we've also finally reached the end of the seemingly endless manga adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie.
And yeah, this seems like an anticlimactic place to close out the year, but that's kind of how this entire liveblog has been, when you get down to it. I've had fun going through all this stuff, but there's a reason I'm referring to it all as "apocryphal". The Tournament of Power is a lot of fun, and the two DBS feature films are instant classics, but none of it really feels essential to Dragon Ball. From the OAVs to GT to Super, the main theme here is "Hey, remember Dragon Ball? Let's make more of that!" Everything ends up being a sequel or a callback or an easter-eggy kind of deal. And that's not the worst thing that can happen to a franchise, but it's probably fitting that we're closing out on the final chapter of a comic book adaptation of a movie that serves as a sequel to the Android arc that was a continuation of the Red Ribbon Army arc.
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Chapter 100 just retells the last several minutes of the Super Hero movie, and I already went over the film, so let's just concentrate on how the manga depicts it differently. We'll start with Gohan's right arm, which got some heat a few days ago when the previews came out.
I refuse to dogpile on Toyotaro, since he's a far better artist than I'll ever be, and I've genuinely enjoyed his art through this entire read-through, even when the writing has been bad. That said... yeah, Gohan's arm looks kind of weird. Maybe while Gohan was teaching himself the Special Beam Cannon, he learned how to do Piccolo's stretchy arm thing too.
I do think it's pretty dumb how chuds on Twitter will nitpick Toyotaro's art as though the original Dragon Ball manga was some kind of showcase of photorealistic anatomy. I've been a fan of this thing for a quarter-century now, and the key to loving Dragon Ball is to make peace with the fact that it's fundamentally goofy and stupid. Sometimes a guy's arm gets drawn longer than his other arm. Sometimes characters scream so loud that their jaws unhinge like when a snake swallows an egg whole. Bulma wasted a wish on the Dragon Balls to make her ass look hotter, because if she didn't, then Frieza would come back and use the wish to make himself taller. Goku grew his tail back by having a guy tug on his ass with a pair of pliers. This show was always a hot mess, so don't blame Toyotaro. It was like this when he got here.
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Anyway, Cell Max tries to block the Special Beam Cannon like he did in the movie, but Gohan has a harder time punching through, so in this version Goten and Trunks jump in to distract Cell and give Gohan a boost. In the movie, they were still Gotenks until after the fight ended, but in this version the battle must have taken a little longer, since they de-fused a little earlier.
Of course, this is just a way for Toyotaro to show off the Great Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 costumes one more time. It's kind of pointless, because all of the added Goten and Trunks scenes in this arc have been pointless. Also, Trunks' pose looks really awkward here. He looks like he got sawed in half, and both halves are still kind of flying forward in the same direction, but he's no longer connected.
I will say that I'm grateful for this final appearance of X-1 and X-2, because it gives me a chance to critique their outfits one last time. I hate the superhero undies they wear over their tights. They look baggy and puffy for some reason, which make it look like Goten and Trunks are wearing diapers. I'm pretty sure that's the exact opposite of what the boys were going for.
I mean, the outfits aren't that bad, but what irritates me is how Toyotaro keeps showing them off like this is the coolest thing going on in this story. The designs are presented like they somehow connect all these different things. Goten and Trunks were inspired by Cleangod, and they named their personas after Great Siayaman, and then Dr. Hedo saw them and supposedly based the Gammas' costumes off their look. Except X-1 and X-2 don't actually look anything like Great Saiyaman, or Cleangod, or the Gammas. It's just frustrating.
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Anyway, we get the same bit about cosmetic skin alteration from the movie, except Gotenks has already separated in this version, so Bulma can address Goten and Trunks separately.
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I also like this part after Pan shows off her flying ability. This segued into the credits of the movie, but here we see Gohan calling out for her to stay closer to the ground. It's pretty cute, since it kind of calls back to when Gohan was a timid child way back in the early days of DBZ. Now he's older and braver, but I bet when he sees Pan up so high in the air he thinks about how scared he was whenever he was up really high.
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Meanwhile, some Red Ribbon goons have survived the battle and appear to be slowly getting away. This is nice because I noticed these guys escorting Carmine to safety in one of the previous chapters, and I've always wondered if any of the Red Ribbon guys made it out of the base alive. Pan knocked Carmine out, so it seemed reasonable to assume that he was vaporized during the Cell Max battle. Actually, in the movie, it looked like the entire crater was flattened, but here it looks like the destruction stayed confined to that area.
Anyway, the implication is that Carmine will return to Red Pharmaceutical and try to figure out his next move, but it seems unlikely that he could be much of a threat. Magenta's dead, the base is destroyed, and a bunch of their soldiers either died or deserted in this battle. Remember, even with the base and all those soldiers, Magenta still wasn't ready to make a big move. Dr. Hedo's androids were supposed to be his game-changing weapon, and now Hedo's turned against the Red Ribbon, so what can Carmine possibly do from here?
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We get some additional material of the Goku/Vegeta fight in the movie. In the post-credits scene, they were practically moving in slow-motion and we only got to see the final blow. Here, we see Goku and Vegeta each land one last punch before the one that ends it all. These boys look all rowdy and badass and it's great.
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When Whis finally responds to Bulma's messages, we get this cute shot of everyone sleeping in the back of her aircraft. Gohan talks about taking her to the amusement park, which seems kind of random, but it occurred to me that this might be setting up some filler story for Chapter 101. Like Gohan and Pan go to the amusement park for the day, and Carmine tries to kill them or something to avenge the Red Ribbon Army. That probably wouldn't be a bad idea, although I really don't want that to happen, because it sounds similar to the "Hedo vs. Goten and Trunks" stuff we had in Chapters 88-90. Everyone thinks Toyotaro has been champing at the bit to get done with this arc so he can return to his Black Frieza business, but for all we know he's been enjoying this whole bit, and he'll blow the next six months on filler stories with Goten and Trunks goofing around with Sgt. Nutz.
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Anyway, this is the last page and this was the last little bit of the movie too, so Toyotaro has definitely run out of movie to adapt. Also, Bulma looks really cute on this page, so I wanted to add that to the record.
So that pretty much wraps things up, except for one minor detail. Where's the big twist?
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I ran across this last month when I was checking to see if Chapter 99 would wrap up the arc or not. CBR.com did an article entitled "Dragon Ball Super Chapter 100's 'Unbelievable' Twist to Lead to "'Crazy Developments'" The story stems from comments made by V-Jump editor Victory Uchida, who was hyping DBS chapters 99 and 100 while appearing in an unboxing video for some reason.
The video is in Japanese, so I can't just pull out direct quotes from the man, so maybe this was all some big misunderstanding. Maybe it was a mistranslation, maybe Uchida got confused and was referring to material that wouldn't see print until Chapter 101. Or maybe he was just doing a standard hype job for his publication without thinking about what was actually in the magazine. After all, how can Chapter 100 have an "unbelievable twist" when it's doing a shot-for-shot repeat of a year-old movie?
So I assumed this meant there would be some sort of epilogue scene in the final pages, designed to set up the next arc. Sort of like how the last chapter of the Tournament of Power arc had the scene where the Galactic Patrol kidnaps Majin Buu. But Chapter 100 had no such thing. No Black Frieza, no Cell Max suddenly turning the tables on Gohan to win the movie, no mysterious appearance from Purple Turles or Red Bojack. Not even a lousy cameo from Platinum Cooler.
Does this make Victory Uchida an unreliable source of information? Or has he simply been misunderstood? I feel like his ridiculous yellow wig/hat thing kind of holds the answer to that question.
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Anyway, the ultimate fate of Dragon Ball Super lies in Chapter 101 and beyond, but those stories will be printed in 2024, which means they fall outside the scope of this liveblog. So unless Toei or Shueisha has a new movie or anime coming out in the next eleven days, I'm done. This has been the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog. Good night, everybody!
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nuvoloso · 1 year
I'll be there.
Oikawa x masc reader (he/they)
Support is something I just know that silly little volleyball captain craves from a s/o. This is about somebody who tries their hardest to give him that, even if sometimes it's a swing and a miss.
This one's in first person, y/n is the soccer captain at seijoh, dating Oikawa, yeah yeah you get it. the little ~~ means change in view or time, it'll make sense as you read.
[Side note: I play soccer, so if I write in another sport, it's always gonna be that until somebody tells me to do something else so yeah slay]
Word Count: 4233
Spring was always a busy time for me, but especially so this year. The captain of the volleyball team, Oikawa Tōru, and I had (to the dismay of his many fans) started dating. Not only were they devastated because surprise! He's gay, but now he was also taken. I loved it though, they'd swarm him and I'd infiltrate their ranks, my lovely Tōru only embracing me, not giving those girls a second glance. Sometimes I'd play with them and flirt with him loudly, just to see how long before they got so jealous they had to leave. Honestly such a fun game to play.
Anyway, spring was crazy this year because Tōru had a ton of volleyball shit going on, and I had soccer tournaments too. We'd made each other promise when we got serious that we'd make it to each other's games whenever we had the chance. Of course we both understood the importance of keeping grades and appearances up since we both wanted to go into the athletic field post-grad. However, we also understood the importance of supporting each other, so we really did try our best.
Sometimes for me that meant if I knew I had a game the same day or I wouldn't be able to be there for whatever reason, I came to practices leading up to it or took him out to dinner afterwards.
When I could make it, despite not totally understanding everything, I cheered louder than anybody else when Tōru was up for serve or if he did something especially dazzling.
Today, he would be playing against Karasuno, which he was especially excited about. He had been telling me all about it yesterday, I guess there was this Kageyama kid that he went to junior high with that he'd be playing against for the first time. He said that during a practice match they'd had not long ago, Kageyama and some other kid had done some kind of super fast move that had upset a lot of players on the team. He was really looking forward to cracking down on them, it was almost scary.
"You'll be there today right?" He asked me, shutting the door to his locker. I was leaning up against the others next to his, thinking about my schedule today.
"I should be, unless something comes out of the blue. I'm not anticipating anything getting in the way though." He grinned at me, his smile infectiously making its way onto my face. "You better not be lame." I threatened, but he brushed it off and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the cafeteria so we could get lunch.
"I'm never lame, and this game is gonna be fast paced so even you will find it entertaining, I can almost promise it." His hand gripped mine tightly, like he always did when he was excited or determined.
I smiled at him as we made our way down the stairs, "Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it later."
As we got our food and looked around for a place to sit, a few others from the volleyball team were furiously waving us over to them. Tōru dragged me over to them, despite my wanting to sit with guys from my team.
"Y/n! Are you coming to the game tonight? Gonna watch us kick Karasuno's ass?" Iwaizumi asked, I guess Tōru wasn't the only one hyped for this game.
"I should be, I've got nothing on my schedule for later. Is everybody so excited for this thing? I thought Karasuno wasn't any good at volleyball anymore." The team all shook their heads, everyone started talking at once about different people on the team and what they could do, a lot of the conversation based around the freak duo.
The team continued to chatter away about the game and everything they were looking forward to, I just quietly listened, catching every third word. Tōru's games were always in the evening which was nice because it meant they were usually just after when I finished up at practice. But, it also meant I had to either shower and change in a massive hurry and bolt to the gym, or I had to just go in my soccer stuff, I did a healthy balance of both.
My mind had drifted to thinking about what drills we'd be doing today, hoping that it wasn't going to be a push day since I wanted to get cleaned up before the game later. I felt a hand on my shoulder, lightly shaking me which brought me back to the present.
"You in there somewhere, y/n?" Tōru asked, I cracked a smile and briefly apologized for spacing out. "Do you really find my favorite sport in the world so boring?" I couldn't immediately tell if he was joking or not, so I decided to play it safe and assume he was serious.
"Of course not, I was just thinking about the plan for practice today, I might try to convince coach to let us have a rest day so I can have time to clean up before I come watch. I'd never think volleyball was boring, you play it after all." He seemed to like that answer.
Soon enough, the bell had rang and we parted ways with the rest of his team and went back up to our classrooms. I walked with Tōru to his and lingered with him until I really needed to get to my own. He pouted as I left him, but I just laughed at the stupid look on his face and made my way out.
When I got to my own class I found a few of my teammates talking to each other, greeting me as I entered.
"Hey captain! Excited for later today?" One of them asked, I naturally nodded, assuming he was talking about the volleyball game later. It looked like he was going to say something else, but our teacher entered and they quickly dispersed getting back into their seats.
The later half of the day went by slowly, but eventually we were released. Alongside my few teammates that were in my class, we headed down to the school's main gym so we could get changed before getting out to the field. My team had an interesting energy today, it seemed like they were all pretty pumped for practice even though it was a regular day.
I didn't say anything though, and focused on getting changed and making sure all my stuff was good to go in case I needed to get out quickly to catch Tōru's game. Needless to say, I was very determined to make it to this one. I hadn't been able to make it to one of Tōru's real games in a while since they nearly always lined up with my own, or I had practice matches with other teams during them.
I knew Tōru was always a bit let down that I couldn't watch him play as often as he wanted me to, and I honestly couldn't blame him. I, of course, loved it when he came to my games to support me but never really affected me when he wasn't there, at least not as much as it did him. Since I couldn't honestly remember the last game I had made it to, I was absolutely going to make it to this one. Plus, Tōru was beyond excited for this match and I wanted him to enjoy it as much as he could.
When I made it out onto the field, the coach greeted me and I helped him finish setting up cones and getting the practice jerseys and water stations set up. Soon enough practice had started and things were pretty normal for the first half, it was when we were taking our larger break that I noticed something different.
The managers were handing out our official away uniforms, as if we were going to be playing a game. It was odd enough that we were getting our uniforms, but to be getting the away ones was even stranger. Generally, if we hosted a match or practice match, we got to wear our home jerseys, and the other team would compensate for that and wear whichever of theirs differed from ours the most.
It's not as if I didn't like our away jerseys, I liked them better than the normal teal and white ones for sure. The away's had to be decently different from the home's so they were mainly black with white and turquoise details.
As our manager handed me mine, I thought to ask her what we needed them for.
"I thought we weren't having any practice games today, why are you handing out the uniforms?" She gave me a weird look.
"You don't remember? Coach said that Date Tech would be coming over for a practice match today because it was the only day that worked for them. He sent out a mass email about it a few days ago, don't you check your emails?" God why? Of all the days they had to surprise me with a practice match it had to be today?
I sighed, "I guess I must've missed it, thank you though." She looked puzzled at my lack of excitement towards the match, but didn't ask about it. "Hey coach?" I called, getting up to meet him before I got changed.
"Yeah, what's up--is something wrong? You look a little distressed." I nervously wrung my jersey as if it wasn't already bone dry.
"I just, didn't realize we had a practice match today. How long do you think it'll go for?" Coach was surprised at my question, usually I wanted these matches to go on forever but asking when it was over was new.
"Well, it all depends on you guys. We'll start as soon as they get here, but we're going to do a full match. It's what? 16hr right now?" I checked my watch, nodding. "Ok so we'll probably be done right around 18hr, maybe earlier but it depends."
I pursed my lips, sighing quickly but thanking him for humoring my questions. Tōru's game starts at 17hr 30m, and he said they usually last about an hour. I might be able to catch the last half or so if I hurry.
I watched the Date Tech bus pull in, and silently begged them to just go faster. I had no time to waste, I needed this game to start as soon as possible.
Luckily with everyone's excitement surrounding the match, they wanted to get going too, and things started shortly after the visitors offloaded their bus. We greeted each other, and play began shortly after.
When half time rolled around it was just turning 17hr, which meant after our ten minute break, we really would be finishing right at 18hr. I pulled out my phone to shoot Tōru a text, though I was sure he wouldn't read it since he was likely getting ready for his match.
Y/n [hey I'm not going to be on time to the match, I got blindsided by a practice game. I might be able to see the later half or so of the match]
I was going to just put my phone away after I sent it, but I saw that he had read the message, and the dots that meant he was typing.
Tōru [hope you can make it <3]
That was all I got. And I could practically feel the tribulation on his end through the simple message. I threw my phone back into my bag and put my palms into my eyes for a few moments, until I could tell I was being watched.
"You ok y/n?" Someone asked, I moved my hands from my eyes and looked up towards the voice. It was our goalie, and he was offering me a hand up.
I groaned, "I was supposed to go to Tōru's match that starts in thirty minutes, but now I don't know if I'll make it. I promised him I'd be there too, but I had no clue we had a match today." He gave me a very knowing look.
"Ah, yeah I get it. My girl's on the tennis team and our schedules never line up. Maybe these clouds will start doing something interesting and we'll get released early." I looked up at the sky and noticed that he may be right. The clouds were dark and looked about ready to dump some rain on us, I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it earlier.
I loved playing in the rain, I thought it was fun and challenging but the coaches definitely didn't feel the same way, they saw it more as a danger since it made everything so slick. We had a tent set up so our stuff was never at risk of getting drenched, but soccer was an outdoor game and the weather was unpredictable.
Play resumed again, and as we went on I could feel droplets of water setting on my skin. Just a little downpour, please. Just enough to let me get outta here soon. As if the sky was listening to me, the droplets doubled in size and quantity and soon rain was coating the field and everyone on it.
"Alright everybody, we're gonna stop here for today and we'll pick this up again another day! Get your things and get inside to dry off!" The coaches were yelling, everybody running to the sidelines to get their shit and leave. I was probably the fastest, checking my watch it was 17hr 50m which meant Tōru had been playing for at least twenty minutes, and I was gonna make it before it ended.
I grabbed my things and about as quickly as I could, changed out of my cleats and into an old pair of sneakers I only ever wore outside because I didn't care how dirty they got. I threw on my jacket and ran to the street in front of Seijoh to try to get a taxi so I didn't have to try to run to the Sendai City Gym.
That, was where my luck ran out. The streets were empty, not a taxi in sight which meant I had to call for one and wait for it to show up. Thankfully there was one nearby and it didn't take too long to show up but I was losing time. The driver handed me a towel she had on hand and told me to dry myself off as well as I could because she didn't want water all over her cab. I apologized profusely as I did my best to dry myself off.
We arrived at the gym a handful of minutes later, the kind taxi driver giving me a disposable umbrella she had, telling me to not get drenched again. I thanked her over and over while I gave her some cash for the ride, and ran as fast as I could to the gym's entrance. When I got there I quickly changed out of my disgusting shoes, shoving them into my bag and pulling out a cleaner pair of hightops to wear. I ran into the bathroom to take a look at myself, running my hands through my hair a few times and dabbing off some residual rain and sweat that I'd missed while in the taxi.
When I deemed myself mostly presentable I jogged through the building until I heard the sounds of volleyball. There were a few different sections that had teams going, and to my luck Tōru's was the last one I checked. I ran up the stairs leading to the bleachers, but didn't bother to find a seat, I just got as close as I could to where Tōru was on the court.
I looked at the score, it was the third set, and about in the middle from what I knew about the volleyball score system. I looked around the court, recognizing a few players on the other team from what I had heard, and noting the positions of everyone on Tōru's team.
To my joy, he was going in to serve next. I tried calling out to him, but the crowd of Seijoh supporters drowned me out. Luckily I caught Iwaizumi's eye, a grin appearing on his face when he realized that I'd made it. I couldn't hear anything he was saying, but as the team was quickly transitioning he got Tōru's attention and pointed up at me.
When his eyes met mine, I could immediately see a change in his demeanor, his eyes lighting up with a vigor unlike anyone else. He made a small heart with his hands as he walked back behind the court line, I returned the gesture, and Tōru started his serving routine.
The rest of the game flew by, it really was one of the most captivating volleyball games I'd seen. Both teams fought viciously; any bystander could feel the hunger between the two teams, but our team's skill was just higher than the other's. The match ended with Seijoh on top, 33-31, and upon their win I ran down to the entrance to the gym so I could meet Tōru.
I had been beyond crestfallen when I'd gotten the text from y/n saying that they had a practice match. It had been ages since they'd come to one of my games, so I was really looking forward to having him here, but I should've known that something would come up.
Iwa thinks that's why we lost the second set, because I thought y/n would have arrived by then, but ultimately didn't show. If I'm being honest, I had given up on them showing up, I knew he wouldn't abandon his team or a practice match just to watch my game.
To say I was shocked when Iwa yelled at me to look in the stands, is a major understatement. When I saw them there, waving and smiling at me from the stands, nearly falling into the court from leaning so hard against the rail, I knew my heart skipped a beat or two. He looked a bit crazy, if I had to guess it was raining and he just sped from his game to here without changing. They looked fantastic in their soccer uniform, the jersey being a bit snug helped show off some of his great features, plus his skin glistened from the rain and probably sweat that coated his skin. That is, not to mention, the look on his face as they watched me, pride and love just emanating from his eyes and smile.
I felt a new energy run through me after I saw them, and we battled the shit out of Karasuno, but they held their ground. I was almost happy for Tobio, he played...better than he used to. I wouldn't say well or great, but he was improving if ever slowly.
When the match ended and we thanked the fans, I didn't see y/n up there anymore, but I wasn't worried. I knew where they'd be.
As we wrapped things up, I half-ran to the entrance of the gym and saw my lovely partner waiting for me. They nearly tackled me in a hug, telling me how proud they were and how incredible the game was. It felt amazing to hear that, and to know that they actually had seen me play rather than had just heard me tell him about it.
I kissed him when he had paused, and I could feel him smiling beneath my lips. He laced his fingers together and rested them on my lower back, keeping me closer to them while my hands were on his face. We stayed like that for a few minutes, trading kisses and just enjoying the moment we had together that came so rarely.
Eventually, y/n pulled their face away from mine and watched my eyes for a handful of seconds before he decided to say anything.
"I told you I'd be here." They said, a slight smirk emerging on their face.
I rolled my eyes, "You said that you'd be able to watch the whole thing! You only got to see the last half of the final set!" He pulled his hands off of my back and put them up in front of him defensively.
"Hey it's not my fault! I checked my email again and I didn't see anything from anybody about a match today! I really did think I had the day off from practice matches!" I sighed as dramatically as I could, and let the topic drop.
Though suddenly remembering what he'd looked like when they'd got here I asked, "Why did you look soaked when you got here? And you're still in your uniform and your hair is..." My eyes widened a bit, and y/n laughed, coming his hands through their wet hair a few times, catching a snag or two from whatever had gotten it so wet and frazzled.
"We were still playing our match when it started just dumping rain, and the coaches canceled the rest of it. Since it was just Date Tech and they're not too far away, they didn't feel bad about canceling the match rather than trying to move it inside." I hummed, that made enough sense. "I had to call a taxi to get here though, and that poor driver was so mad at me for getting in her car soaked through, so she tossed me a towel and a disposable umbrella and I tried to dry off before I got here." They gestured to the somewhat dryer parts of their uniform, but shook their head chuckling in defeat. "I guess I didn't do a great job."
"Yeah you're gross, and in desperate need of a shower and dry clothing." Y/n only aggressively nodded, but claimed that all of their stuff was either still in his locker at the school or super dirty and in his bag.
I was trying to think of something to do when Iwa joined us, laughing at y/n's state. They joked back and forth about how gross the other looked, when Iwa tossed me my duffle bag. "You left this in the gym, I thought maybe you'd forgotten it. And dude," He said shaking his head at y/n, "You seriously gotta do something, you smell like shit."
"Thank you so much Iwa I had no idea, your input is so appreciated and valued and will be thought about heavily throughout the rest of my life." Y/n loudly and sarcastically proclaimed.
"Damn right!" Iwa sneered back, their bickering finally coming to an end. Iwa excused himself to help pack up the team's things, and it was just me and y/n again.
Looking down at the bag Iwa had thrown to me, I had an idea. "Y/n," I said, gathering his attention from his previous interaction, "I've got a spare club t-shirt and a pair of sweats in here that you can wear after you rinse off. I'll just put my jacket on and wear my uniform on the way back."
He tried to protest, insisting that I get changed since I just finished a game, but I wouldn't have it. Y/n was almost shivering and I could tell he was trying to hide it, they were barely dry from the rain, and they'd worked hard during the practice match not that long ago. When he'd conceded, I showed them where the showers were and left my bag with him, deciding to just sit outside the room and wait for him.
I pulled out my phone, and found that there were a handful of notifications from different social apps and my messages. I checked my messages first, seeing that they were nearly all from y/n, he'd texted me what they thought of a play every time it happened. I smiled, that was one of their more adorable habits. The other notifications were mentions from pictures that y/n had added to their stories or had just posted of me and the team.
I loved having y/n here to watch my games, I loved having their support and their love during these important times of my life. It meant the world to me that they supported me through all of this, even if they couldn't watch the game live. I could only hope to return the favor the next game they had.
Y/n emerged from the washroom, now looking much more put together, and also looking quite well in my clothes. They were a bit small on them in a few places, but I knew they wouldn't mind, and I certainly didn't care either.
"I saw your messages, and the stuff you posted, all very cute!" I grinned, him smiling back at me and taking my free hand, helping me stand up.
"I've gotta let the world know how proud and lucky I am to be with you." I felt my face flush, and he took the opportunity to land a quick kiss on my lips before pulling me towards the exit of the building. "Come on sunshine, we can't keep everybody waiting, they'll start making up stories."
I knew he was right, and together we went back out to meet everyone else.
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Azul Ashengrotto of Royal Sword Academy || Chapter 4: What Lurks Beneath a Smile
Azul visits NRC and meets some of the people close to Jamil, who are understandably curious whether they’re dating or not.
In the middle of their hangout, Jamil learns of Azul’s burdens as an RSA student, as Rielle’s friend, and the dire danger that comes with them.
Word Count: 18, 487
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A few days later, Jamil is making a meal for himself in the school kitchen. Normally he’d be doing it at Scarabia, but some of the freshmen are currently using the kitchen there. He doesn’t mind, it’ll be good if more of his residents develop an interest in cooking; he’d have more help in preparing their meals.
Ruggie was already there when Jamil arrived, and they've been chatting for a while like they usually do whenever they run into each other here.
But Ruggie doesn't have his usual energy tonight, and it’s obvious that he doesn’t wanna return to Savanaclaw even though it’s getting late already.
Jamil has a pretty good idea why, but he’s not sure what to say, or if he should even say anything. Maybe Ruggie would prefer not to talk about it at all, especially since Jamil wasn’t even there when it happened. All his knowledge of it came from stories he heard floating around.
"You can go ahead, Jamil," Ruggie says when he sees that Jamil has finished cooking. "You can eat over there at the table, I'll clean up here."
"You sure?" Jamil asks, glancing down at the bandages on Ruggie's arm.
Jamil had an injury too, a few weeks back. Cut his own hand while cooking on a night just like this, only for him to find out that it had been Ruggie's Signature Spell to disable him before their interdorm Spelldrive tournament.
But even then, he healed up. In contrast, Ruggie's injury, whatever it was, continued to persist well past all other scrapes and bruises he got during the day of the tournament proper.
"Yeah, man," Ruggie says. "I got this. You can start eatin'. I'll join you in a bit."
Ruggie speaks with his usual light tone, but Jamil can see that he can't use his injured arm as well as the other one, and his eyes are a little glazed and distracted.
Jamil sighs. "As if I'd be comfortable eating while someone else is still doing the work. If you don't want me to sit and watch you, you might as well let me help. You can pay me back by giving me a portion of your food…" He squints at the ingredients. "What're you trying to make here?"
"A'right, fine," Ruggie says. "And I'm just making potato and leek soup." He glances at Jamil's dish. "What did you make?"
"Found some black sea bass from the freezer unit and cooked it with some radishes," he shrugs like it was no big deal. "Decided to try something new while the freshmen are busying themselves with Scarabia's kitchen. Meanwhile, how're the other Savanaclaws gonna survive without your cooking? Leaving your lil' cubs out to starve for the night?" he then teases.
"Jack volunteered," Ruggie says. "He said he'll ask the others to help, too. He and Yuu insisted that I take a break. That lil' Ramshackle runt can be persuasive, y'know? Hand me that spatula," he points to the utensils hanging on hooks.
Jamil did just that, also bringing in any other utensils he knows Ruggie would need for the soup.
As he does so, he hums. "Never thought I'd see the day when Ruggie of all people decides to take a break. Even when we were freshmen, you were already hopping on whatever gig or scheme you could lay your hands on for money's sake."
That was, until Leona came along and he and Ruggie promptly began a give-and-take dynamic. But he feels that it would be inappropriate to bring him up, if the recent rumors of what happened before the tournament were true.
"How have you been coping so far? As someone who had a whole year to adjust, it takes a while to get used to."
"It's been okay," Ruggie shrugs. "Even with my work at Savanaclaw, I still got time to get extra gigs here and there. Sweepin' the stables, weeding the gardens, stuff like that. Oh, by the way, I was looking for you the other day to ask about a recipe, but your Vice Prefect said you'd gone out to buy an outfit for the Autumn Dance. You were out for like the whole day, didja have trouble finding an affordable suit? I can hook you up to some of the clothing stores I know."
"... No need," Jamil coolly replies. "I already got what I was looking for and I doubt I'd need to buy a new set of clothes anytime soon. If I ever do, though, I'll let you know." Though he knows that such advice often comes with a price when it's from Ruggie. "So? What's the recipe you needed help with?"
"Do ya know how to make vegetable dishes tasty?" Ruggie asks. "We have a greenhouse and some gardens here so it's much cheaper to mix vegetables and meat in dishes, but the cubs at Savanaclaw are extremely picky and we always have leftovers that go bad if I try."
Ruggie puts his soup in a bowl and grabs a spoon. "C'mon," he jerks his head towards the table and walks over to it.
As they make their way over to the table, with the ghost chefs tilting their heads at them in greeting as they pass by, Jamil starts informing Ruggie about taking out the bitter taste in vegetables (that's most likely why many of the meat-loving Savanaclaws are averse to them) using the right seasoning, like salt or oil and avoiding cooking methods like boiling when he could roast or stir-fry them instead.
"And you can try mixing them with meat in a way where it's impossible for the others to completely take them out," Jamil cunningly smiles. "Like meatballs, omelettes, pies, cookies… The possibilities are endless. Plus, I'm sure once they've figured out the hidden veggies, they wouldn't complain on account of how tasty you'd make them."
Ruggie snickers. "I knew I could rely on ya. If you need anythin' just let me know!"
Jamil's phone on the table lights up from a text.
Ruggie's gaze falls on the name on the screen and he raises his eyebrow.
"Piano Man?" Ruggie says, downing a spoonful of soup. "Why's a piano guy texting you at this hour?"
Jamil gives Ruggie a small look of warning as he takes his phone. "Good news: I thought of how you're gonna pay me back for my advice. Forget you ever saw that."
Ruggie narrows his eyes in suspicion, then he snickers. "A'right, you can keep your mystery piano man a secret."
Jamil leans back in his seat and reads Azul's message.
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Jamil's eyes widen a little in surprise, then they soften.
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And with that, he turns his phone off and goes back to his meal, knowing that more time spent texting meant more time getting stared at by Ruggie.
"Anyway," he clears his throat. "What are your plans for the upcoming dance? Would attending it be considered part of your break, too?"
Ruggie stares at his reaction suspiciously for a few seconds, but luckily he lets it go.
"There's free food, Jamil, of course I'm going to the dance! I ain't got beef with RSA, anyway, like you and the others. Bet they got all types'a fancy food, and I don't have to prepare any of it!" Ruggie snickers. "I'm a lil' surprised you're attending, though. Never figured you for one who's into those fancy events."
"Fair enough," Jamil shrugs. "I don't have much beef with RSA either, save for that quiz bee, but that's water under the bridge. I figured it'd be a waste to skip out on a celebration when I intend to live my days here to the fullest however possible. Besides, I'm used to those parties so I'm not averse to them. It'd be interesting to see what an RSA party is like and how it compares to ours. I heard even Idia Shroud might be coming. If you're going to be surprised about anybody, be surprised about him."
"Whoa, Idia Shroud?" Ruggie's eyes widen. "Now that's a rare sight to see. I've been here two years and I think I've only seen him like three times. And hey, look at you bein' mature about that quiz bee! I still hear some guys being salty about it, grumblin' about how that Azul Whatshisface stole victory from us. As if they did any work," Ruggie scoffs.
"I know," Jamil smirks in amusement. "I pity them for not having better things to do with their time… What would you have done, if you had lost like I did?"
"Woulda eaten like two dozen donuts to make myself feel better," Ruggie says immediately. "What did you do? I was gonna ask you to hang out after the confetti but ya disappeared. Ya didn't sneak off and kill Azul, didja?" he snickers.
"Hm-hm, who knows?" was all Jamil replies with, slyly taking another bite from his meal. "Also, I wouldn't exactly call you mature, either, considering how you… yanno… " he gestures to his hand, where a faint scar can be seen. "... The lengths you were willing to go to keep me off the field 'cause you perceived me as a threat."
Ruggie's smirk melts off his face, and he looks down at his bowl that was almost empty.
"Yeah… Sorry about that…" he mutters. Then he looks up at Jamil again with a humorous smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I was a real asshole, wasn't I? Not gonna happen again."
He takes his bowl in both hands and downs the remaining soup in one gulp.
"I'm gonna clean up," Ruggie stands up and claps Jamil on the shoulder, then makes his way to the sink.
Jamil watches Ruggie rise and walk to the sink, quiet. He knew he had to get to the conversation somehow.
"... Will you be heading back to your dorm after this? Or do you have other places to sleep in for the night?"
Ruggie starts washing the dishes and takes his time answering.
"I dunno yet," he mumbles as the faucet runs. "I'll decide later."
Jamil finishes his food and moves to the sink.
If he and Ruggie are similar in nature, then Jamil knows Ruggie is going to hate this... but maybe not as much as he would believe.
Color him blasphemous but from recent experiences, talking things out haven't been as bad as he thought.
He settles on the space next to the hyena, voice quiet and sincere. "What happened? Back before the tournament began."
Ruggie purses his lips and doesn't look at him.
"What do you already know?" he asks quietly.
"Other than the fact that all the 'accidents' leading up to it had been a dorm-wide scheme, none," Jamil replies. "I've been hearing rumors but I don't like paying them much heed."
He glances at Ruggie and his arm. "... I can try to guess, though."
Ruggie casts a sideways glance at him, quietly waiting for him to continue.
"Out of all the rumors, one stayed too consistent to simply be baseless speculation." Jamil quietly explains. "Leona, he... The delinquent drove himself into an Overblot."
He gestures to Ruggie's injury. "I'm guessing he did something to you in the heat of the moment, something even harsher than a normal spell or attack, otherwise you'd have healed already."
Ruggie's lower lip trembles, but he bites down on it and nods.
"His…" his voice breaks and he clears his throat. "His Signature Spell. He can turn anything to sand. And when he was… Overblotting… the bastard started monologuing about how he didn't need me and shit, and, well… at some point he kinda tried to kill me," Ruggie lifts his injured arm. "So…"
Jamil winces. "Seriously? Bastard... as if he doesn't know who's been making his life easy around here..."
He looks closely at the bandages and frowns at a realization. Ruggie has never let injuries get the best of him before.
"Something tells me that the injury doesn't hurt you as much as what Leona said." He muses. "You wouldn't have avoided talking about him since then if it hadn't. After all, the other Savanaclaws were there when he Overblotted, but they're being as chummy with him as ever after it's all said and done."
Ruggie finishes washing the dishes and dries his hands on a towel. He leans against the sink and crosses his arms.
"I stayed until after I was sure he's recovered enough," Ruggie says quietly. "But after that… Well, an errand boy's always busy doing work around the campus. And Leona had never been good at starting conversations even when people aren't avoiding him…" Ruggie laughs bitterly. "So we're here. Well, I'm here. I don't care where he is…"
"And you don't have to. If he doesn't wanna talk, then he can have it his way." Jamil huffed. "... If you need a place to stay, we've got spare rooms in Scarabia. I know you don't want to seem like you're running away, but sometimes that distance is needed. You can take it from me."
Ruggie nods. "Thanks, Jamil. I… I think I wanna talk, though…" his voice fades so quietly that Jamil had to strain to hear it. Ruggie chuckles mirthlessly again. "Stupid, right? Guy almost disintegrates my arm and I still care so much about him…"
He takes a shaky breath, and continues speaking in a whisper. "He was in so much pain, Jamil… I don't ever wanna see him like that again. But I don't… I don't know how…" his voice breaks and he shuts his eyes tight.
Jamil's face becomes indecipherable as his brows furrow, then slowly and almost hesitantly, his arm reaches out to give Ruggie a side-hug, glancing around to make sure no one else is snooping in on them before looking back at the hyena.
"It's... good that you wanna talk to him after everything, but if he's not ready then it's not up to you to do everything for him. Give him time, and while you do that, go do some stuff for your sake. Sevens know you deserve it… Honestly, I didn't realize you guys had gotten so close. I was there when you first met him and man, you both looked like you were about to tear each other's throats out. I still remember how you freaked out when he first summoned you to his room."
In an attempt to lighten the mood, he makes an effort to mimic Ruggie's voice. "'He's gonna kill me, I just know it, Jamil. When I disappear from class the next day, you have to come looking for my corpse, okay!?'"
A small laugh bursts out of Ruggie, and he sniffles, opening his eyes again. "I can't believe you remember that." He sighs. "It feels like a lifetime ago."
Ruggie stays quiet for a few moments, then playfully elbows Jamil. "And I didn't realize that you were so down for dramatic talks. When did that happen?"
"I could ask the same about you," Jamil shoots back at him. "I was half-expecting you to put up a fight before admitting anything close to what you told me... Guess I found that those talks hadn't been so bad once the icky part of being all vulnerable is said and done."
Ruggie shrugs. "I guess I'd been wanting to talk about it to someone. And you're the one who asked so I figured it'll be your fault if I ever said anything you didn't wanna hear. Besides, if you blab about this to anyone, I can always get you back by telling everyone about your secret piano man text pal."
Jamil narrows his eyes at him. "Be careful. Spreading his presence might bring his wrath down upon you, not mine." He says this without malice, then chuckles as he shakes his head. "Your secret's safe with me. What're you feeling now?"
Ruggie sniffles and rubs his eyes, grinning. "I feel like I can sleep peacefully in Savanaclaw tonight. Thanks, Jamil, really. Enjoy the half day tomorrow."
Ruggie claps him on the back and starts to walk away.
"No prob, Rug. Enjoy the half day tomorrow yourself," Jamil smiles at him, then moves to finish his dishes by the sink.
The miracle of a talk is astounding, frankly.
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Jamil adjusts his backpack on his shoulders as he enters the Scarabia lounge. Classes had finished and he's on his way to his room, then a voice he never expected to hear in this place calls his name.
He turns around in time to get tackled by a lanky young girl.
Najma lets him go from the embrace and smiles cheekily at him. "Betcha didn't see that coming, huh?"
Jamil blinks wildly down at her before his jaw drops.
"N-Najma!? What the— What are you DOING here!?"
He puts his hands on her cheeks and inspects her from head to toe, wondering if it's a trick or a trap.
"Hey!" Najma playfully swats his hands away. "Our school has a field trip here today, one of the most prestigious colleges, y'know? I didn't tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise. So, surprise!"
Najma grins up at him.
"A fieldtrip?" Jamil asks, finding it almost hard to believe but there was no other explanation for why she could be here out of nowhere. "Then… what are you doing here away from your schoolmates?!"
"Relax!" Najma chides. "I asked our teacher for permission to swing by here! She knows you're my brother so she allowed me. I gotta get back to them now, though. But later we'll be given free reign as long as we won't be wandering alone! Catch you then?"
"I... suppose, though if you're expecting a tour guide around the school, you'll have to ask someone else. I'm heading out later to the town at the base of the mountain."
"Oh, why? Whatcha doing?"
"I'm gonna be meeting up with someone there." Jamil replies vaguely, already dreading having his little sister pry more information out of him.
Najma narrows her eyes at him and slowly nods. "Okay, okay, if you say so…"
Then she gives him a quick hug again. "See you later!" And she runs off.
Jamil, still awkward around physical affection (despite all his years growing up with Kalim), stood stiff as Najma hugged him.
He watches her leave, then checks his watch before texting Azul.
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His phone lights up about a minute later as he's making his way to his room.
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Nearing the cafeteria, he notices that the students suddenly hush around him.
He looks around curiously and sees that Azul is walking towards the entrance. He's wearing a light blue long-sleeved button up shirt and black slacks, but it seems like the students still recognize him even without his uniform.
People stare and conversations stop as he goes past. Azul doesn't seem to mind, though. He just keeps walking like he normally does, like he doesn't even notice the other students.
"Hey asshole!"
A sandwich flies through the air and hits Azul square in the chest, splattering meat and tomato sauce all over his white uniform.
He stops walking.
"You got the nerve to show your face here after what ya did?" The thrower steps up to Azul, and Jamil notices the Scarabia band around his arm.
He walks closer and recognizes it as his fellow Second Year, Orfeo, the one who's just barely passing his classes.
The other students seem to take a step back, but the crowd is beginning to thicken.
"I have the Headmage's permission for my visit," Azul says calmly with a polite smile.
Orfeo scoffs. "I don't give a damn if you got the Great Seven's permission. Ya don't belong here. The exit is that way," he points to the direction of the school gate.
"I'm afraid that I have some more business here," Azul says, unfazed. "You'll have to tolerate my presence for a little while longer."
Orfeo takes out his Magic Pen and points it threateningly at Azul's face. "Get out."
Faster than Jamil can react, Azul grabs Orfeo's wrist and twists his arm behind his back.
"I will," Azul continues in his calm tone, standing behind Orfeo. "Just give me a few minutes, my friend."
"Ohhhh…!" say a few of the students, some wincing at the smooth takedown while others watch in amazement.
Jamil sighs, walking forward and proceeding to separate the both of them.
He sharply turns to the fellow Scarabia before him. "What the hell do you think you're doing? RSA or not, assaulting a visitor that the Headmage himself acknowledged is grounds for suspension. What if the younger students from the Scalding Sands saw this behavior while they're in the middle of their tour?" He crosses his arms, stern. "Apologize."
His resident looks baffled at his remarks.
"B-But Prefect, this is the guy that stole your win, right? Why are you taking his side?"
"Because I'm not a petulant child who throws a tantrum over what's already happened," he replies, then remembers that he sorta did have a tantrum. But it at least didn't last very long. "Azul here is an honored guest by the Headmage, me, and Jade Leech. If you have a bone to pick with him, then you have a bone to pick with the three of us. Now, are you gonna run along or am I gonna have to report this to Crowley?"
Orfeo stammers for a bit, looking at him and Azul in turn, then runs away.
Jamil loses the scowl and turns to Azul, noticing the stain on his clothes. He clicks his tongue. "How unfortunate... What a waste of perfectly good food."
Azul raises his eyebrows. "Well, I'm glad you know your priorities."
He looks down at his shirt and a frown creases his forehead.
"I didn't bring a change of clothes," he mutters.
Jamil feigns surprise at seeing Azul. "Oh, it's you."
Then he playfully smiles. "Didn't seem like you needed anyone worrying about you. You looked like you could've gotten it all handled but... Couldn't let you get the entire spotlight now."
He takes out his pen and magics most of the mess away, leaving only a faint red stain.
"Here, so you don't have to run around looking like you just recovered from being shot in the chest." He muttered, taking off his grey blazer and passing it over to him.
Since he still had his hoodie on, he was well-dressed enough even without the extra layer so he didn't mind.
Azul looks surprised, but he takes the blazer and wears it, covering up the stain.
"Thank you," he gives Jamil a small smile, and looks around at the crowd of students still staring at them. More than a handful of them are wide-eyed at Jamil's gesture.
Azul hides it well but Jamil could see in the tension in his shoulders that he's uncomfortable with the attention.
Jamil's pretty tense with it as well, but he knows that no one would interfere with them at this point.
"Let's head somewhere else then, yes?" He tries to look relaxed as he puts his hands in his pockets. "Come on, let's get outta here."
Jamil leads Azul to the corridors outside, then his phone rings in his pocket.
He stops walking, giving Azul a signal to pause for a bit, then takes his phone to see who was contacting him.
Ruggie's name is flashing on the screen.
Jamil raises an eyebrow at this. He looks at Azul.
"Hold on, I have to take this."
He politely walks a few steps forward to answer the call and puts the phone to his ear. "Ruggie?"
"Hey," Ruggie's voice says. "I found your sister."
"Hey, Jamil~!" Najma's voice says from a bit further away.
"Apparently it's their free time now from the tour, and she stopped by the kitchens looking for you. Viper junior here says she wants to help me cook. Wanna hang with us?"
Jamil pauses, contemplating before he looks up at Azul. "A friend of mine's asking if I wanna go cook something with them in the school kitchens. We'll have to go back to the cafeteria to get there, though. Do you have anywhere else you need or wish to go first?"
Azul shakes his head. "No, I'm free for the rest of the day. And cooking with your friends does sound lovely. Is it alright if I help as well?" he smiles.
Jamil's glad Azul doesn't seem so miffed about the cafeteria incident anymore.
"Sure. Come on, then," And he begins to make his way back to the crowded dining area. "Do you cook often?"
“Not as often as I’d like,” Azul says. “If I had the time, I’d open some sort of cafe. But as things stand now, I’m always too busy for such things.”
They pass by the cafeteria again, and Jamil isn’t surprised that the students’ eyes are following them.
What does surprise him is the change in energy. The looks thrown in Azul’s way are less wary and suspicious and more like… fascinated? Some of the students actually smile to their friends when they catch sight of Azul, while others are whispering excitedly among themselves.
Jamil glances around the room, slightly unsettled by the attention. Whether it was positive or negative, he decides any attention still makes him uneasy, so he hurries along to the kitchen doors. As soon as they're inside, he lets out an exhale.
"Well..!" He mutters. "That was unexpected..."
"Indeed," Azul glances back with furrowed eyebrows in the direction they came from. "What was that about? Were they actually smiling?"
"That's what it looked like. But what they were smiling about, I'm not sure…“ He squints at Azul. "They seemed to be looking at you, though. Did you do something in the short time you were there somehow?"
"No," Azul looks even more confused. "After my meeting with Jade, I headed straight for the cafeteria. I never even spoke to anyone else. Perhaps it was you they were smiling at?"
"Eugh, I hope not," Jamil shudders at the thought. “This kind attention from his schoolmates could never lead to anything good. "Whatever. They're not bothering us anymore so that's all that matters in the end, I guess. Anyway..." He glances around the kitchen for any sign of Ruggie and Najma. "... This is the first I've heard of you wanting to own a café."
Azul shrugs. “It’s not like I’m actively working towards it. So there isn’t much to talk about.” He gives his usual polite smile, but Jamil detects the resignation in his tone.
Jamil spots them by one of the stoves. Ruggie seems to be cooking while Najma is sitting on the counter and chatting with him.
He falls quiet. As long as Najma and Ruggie haven't noticed them yet…
His voice dropping low into a quiet mutter, he asks Azul, "Why not? It's what you want to do, right?"
“It’s not that simple, I’m afraid,” Azul says, still maintaining the smile. “And why are we being quiet?” He asks and looks around, matching Jamil’s change in volume.
"But why can't it be that simple?" Jamil asks, bothered by this side of Azul.
"Oh! There he is!" Najma greets, noticing them and holding up her hand to wave. Then she pauses. "Huh? Hey, who's that?"
Ruggie looks over to them at Najma's question, and his eyes widen.
"No way," he turns off the stove and walks towards them, then points to Azul. "You're that RSA dude, right? Azul… Something?"
Azul smiles and holds up a hand to Ruggie. "Azul Ashengrotto. Pleased to meet you."
Ruggie looks surprised for a second before shaking Azul's hand. "Uh, yeah. Ruggie Bucchi."
"RSA?" Najma hops off the counter and walks over to them as well, eyeing Azul. Then she turns to Jamil. "Is that your blazer he's wearing?" 
"Someone threw food at him and tomato sauce tends to leave a stain, so…" Jamil answers, crossing his arms. "What have you two been getting up to? And Najma, since when did you know Ruggie of all people?"
“I was looking for you in the kitchen,” Najma replies. “But I found him instead. So I asked him if he knew you, and then he called you and here we are!”
“Wait wait,” Ruggie looks confused. “Since when do you two hang out?”
"Since Floyd forcibly roped me along into a merman reunion," Jamil smoothly replies. "He came here to meet up with Jade over something and now he's free and wanted to cook along. This is the least I could do to make up for one of my members chucking food at him. Any problem with that?"
“Chill out!” Ruggie says, holding his hands up. “I was just asking, dang.”
“Ooh, you’re a merman?” Najma says in fascination. “I’ve never met a merman before! Najma Viper, Mr. Azul, sir!” she sticks out her hand. “That grump over there is my brother,” she nods her head towards Jamil.
Azul chuckles and shakes Najma's hand. "Pleased to meet you, Miss Najma."
"Okay, now that introductions are done, let's go do what we came here to do." Ruggie waves them over to the stove and he continues to stir-fry vegetables.
“What your resident did was out of your control, you know,” Azul tells Jamil pointedly as they walk to join Ruggie. "There is nothing to make up for.”
“Yeah,” Najma looks at Jamil suspiciously. “Who knew you had such a kind soul, brother?”
Jamil seems to cringe at the word. "I wasn't being so kind as much as I was being responsible. I think anyone would do the same in my shoes."
Ruggie shrugs and does a seesaw motion with his hand. "I dunno about that, but sure."
"Speaking of responsible..." Jamil turns to fuss over his sister. "You're lucky it was Ruggie of all people you talked to. What have I told you about approaching random strangers, Najma? If anything bad were to happen to you…"
“It’s fine, Jamil,” Najma punches him playfully on the arm. “I saw Ruggie’s uniform so I knew he was a student and maybe he knew you. Besides, you taught me well on how to defend myself! You don’t need to worry so much.”
“Yeah, man,” Ruggie agrees. “If you’re the one who taught her to fight, then if anyone here chucks food at her, they’ll be no match.” He glances at Azul. "It's a good thing you got time to hang with us, Azul. You're not busy over there at RSA?"
"Not today, no," Azul replies. "We have no classes today since most of us are attending to the Autumn Dance preparations, including the professors. And I've finished my committee duties and piano rehearsals this morning, fortunately.”
Ruggie’s ears perk up and he turns to face Azul. “You play the piano?”
Azul nods. “I was assigned to play a few songs at the dance; the rehearsals are part of my routine.”
“Huh!” Ruggie says exaggeratedly. “Interesting. And uh, has Jamil heard you play?”
“Once, the other day,” Azul smiles at the memory. “He caught me playing a simple song at the department store piano.”
“Huh,” Ruggie says again, subtly smirking at Jamil. No doubt remembering what Jamil said about going out to buy an outfit for the dance. “Cool, cool, good to know.”
Jamil rolls his eyes, aware of where Ruggie had been going with his line of questioning.
"What're you cooking now?" He eyes the vegetables, pretending he hadn't heard all that. "Are these for those cubs of yours?"
"Cubs?" Najma repeats, confused.
“I cook for the residents of my dorm, Savanaclaw,” Ruggie explains. “This dish ain’t for them, though.” he looks at Jamil. “I’m trying out some recipes following your advice the other night, mixing vegetables into meat. Right now I’m making tacos, just a small batch to see if I get the taste right. There’s enough for four people, though, so y’all can have some, too.”
Ruggie mixes in some cooked ground beef with the vegetables and turns to Azul. “You’re helping, right? Line up those taco shells on the tray over there.”
“Oh, of course,” Azul rolls up his sleeves and walks over to the sink a little farther from them to wash his hands.
Najma walks next to Jamil and whispers. “He’s pretty cute. What’s your deal with him?”
Jamil raises an eyebrow at Najma's before quietly gazing at Azul, whispering his own reply. "He's a friend. Why? Also if you're gonna lurk here, you should help out, too."
“I am helping!” Najma whispers. “I was the one who told Ruggie what spices to add in the ground beef. But more importantly, is Azul the friend you said you were meeting in town today?”
"... Well, I thought we'd be going to the town after his errand here but it seems like he's fine with seeing more of this place," Jamil explains. "What of it?"
“He’s wearing your blazer,” Najma says pointedly, as if it should be obvious what she’s talking about. “In all our lives, I have never seen you lend anyone any of your clothes. Ever. And he’s from RSA? As in the rival of your school? You always avoid any source of potential intrigue, and now here you are being besties with an RSA guy. Also you’ve been awfully defensive ever since Ruggie called you out for hanging out with him.”
"Yeah, well…" Jamil started, fumbling over his thoughts to think of something to say and coming up with none. "So?"
A smile appears on Najma's face, and her eyes are practically glowing. "So, he's not just a friend to you, is he? That is so cool!" she excitedly whispers, eyeing Azul who is now currently talking with Ruggie while he arranges the taco shells on a tray lined with wax paper.
"If you want, I can try to find out if he likes you back," Najma adds, leaning towards Jamil conspiratorially.
"What?!" Jamil quietly hisses, feeling warmth rush into his face. "No, you will not! Get back h—"
But Najma has already begun slinking to Azul's other side, pretending to be interested in his work.
“Do you like cooking, Mr. Azul?” Najma asks, standing next to him.
“I do,” Azul smiles. “I grew up watching my mother cook, and I’ve developed a fondness for it.”
“I grew up cooking with my brother! I enjoy it, too!” Najma smiles back. “The dance that you’re preparing for, will you be helping with the catering?”
“I’m part of the committee that decides on the menu, yes, but I won’t be helping with the actual cooking,” Azul says.
“What kinda food would be there?” Ruggie asks with interest. “Is it gonna be a buffet? I gotta prepare my plan of attack.”
“NRC’s invited! That’s great!” Najma says excitedly.
“Indeed,” Azul smiles. “And yes, it will be a buffet. Drinks and desserts included.”
“Aw heck yeah!” Ruggie says and pops a piece of beef into his mouth. “Oh this is almost done. We’ll have tacos in a minute, kids!”
“Looks like Mr. Ruggie’s pretty hyped about the dance. Maybe you should ask him to be your date,” she says jokingly to Azul, watching carefully for his reaction.
Azul chuckles. “Ah, well, your brother has already asked me that. I’m going to the dance with him.”
Najma gasps softly and her eyes widen.
Ruggie dissolves into a coughing fit, almost choking on the food that he had tasted again. He thumps his chest with his fist a few times.
“WHAT!?” He whips around to stare incredulously at Jamil.
Jamil has his hoodie up, finding the kitchen window extremely interesting to watch right now.
"Jamil?" Azul sounds concerned. "Are you all right? I'm sorry, I... I thought it was alright to mention..." his voice fades out uncertainly.
"It's fine," Jamil says, his small voice trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Wow, that windowsill is really clean. Whoever dusted that deserves a reward.
The pan sizzles.
"Oh crap," Ruggie says and turns off the stove. "A'right that's enough about Jamil's love life. Now I need y'all to see if this is good enough for vegetable-hating beastmen."
He quickly finishes preparing the tacos and carries the tray to one of the tables.
"Come along, kids."
Najma tugs Jamil by his shirt and they all follow Ruggie.
Jamil ends up sitting next to Najma and across from Azul. Ruggie is sitting next to Azul and across from Najma.
He hears the crunch of taco shells and looks up to see Ruggie and Najma eating already. He sneaks a glance at Azul.
The merman is doing his best to maintain a posture worthy of an RSA student, but his eyes are cast down on his taco that remains uneaten, his fingers tapping restlessly on the shell.
Jamil, still feeling mighty embarrassed, knew that people were eventually going to find out, anyway.
He was able to break the news to Rielle and Floyd, but that was because they phrased it as a platonic date.
Meanwhile, Najma and Ruggie are both operating under the assumption that he asked Azul out in a romantic way, which isn't the case.
And yet he didn't say so and explain himself. He probably should.
But a part of him doesn't want to because he knew it'd be fruitless to convince Najma and he'd just waste his energy.
... Is that really the reason, though?
After what his little sister said, his brain begins to review the moments and signs around him. Taking a step back and viewing it from an outsider's perspective, he has to admit that he can see where she's coming from.
But does he really like Azul that way?
He sighs, then takes off his hood and takes a bite of the taco, chewing slowly to properly taste the flavors.
"Oh I love it," Najma says, halfway through her food. "You have nothing to worry about your cubs now."
She turns to Azul. "What do you think, Mr. Azul?"
"Hm?" Azul looks distractedly at Najma. "Oh." He takes a bite of the taco and chews it carefully.
"You've done a good job incorporating the vegetables in," he says to Ruggie. "The texture and taste complement each other, and the cilantro makes it taste more refreshing and less greasy. Though if I may, if your goal is to persuade your dorm mates to eat anything, then presentation is a significant factor. You can plate this taco with some dipping sauce at the side, perhaps even fruit slices if they aren’t opposed to that. If the dish is visually appealing, it would immediately be appetizing at first look."
Ruggie nods. "Yeah, that makes sense. They teach fine dining classes at RSA or something?"
"They do," Azul replies. "Though I learned most of my food knowledge from my mother. She owns a restaurant and pays extra attention to food presentation."
"Ooh! Can we go there?" Najma asks excitedly.
"Ah, it's underwater, so you will need to take potions beforehand to be able to breathe and survive the pressure," Azul explains. "If you're ever willing to go through that trouble, I'm sure my mother would be happy to welcome you."
"Sounds like a good summer plan," Ruggie snickers.
Najma turns to Jamil and pokes his shoulder. "Hey. Can you speak now? You're okay, right?"
"Mm-hm," Jamil hums, though he finished his taco first before saying anything further. "Tasty as always, Ruggie. I'm not sure if the visuals are too necessary, considering who you're feeding it to. Make it too fancy and your members might find it a bit alienating… and then there are those who won't care either way. They're already familiar with how your food tastes, so it's not like they need visual bait to lure them in."
"Psh, you're just saying that 'cause your meals are always brown and boring," Najma huffs, turning to Ruggie as Jamil opens his mouth in offense. "Don't listen to him. Making food look as good as they taste will get you far, I just know it!"
"Then I declare this a success!" Ruggie says, doing a voice that reminded Jamil of Riddle. "Thanks, guys. Even though it's really just Azul who helped with the actual cooking. You got a good one there, Jamil. Don't let him go."
Najma nods vigorously, chewing on her food.
Azul clears his throat. "I think Jamil is becoming quite uncomfortable with the jokes for now. Perhaps we can pick another topic to discuss, such as Ruggie's exceptional talent in the kitchen. If you have any dish you would like to have at the buffet, let me know and I'll tell the rest of the committee. I'm confident we can trust your judgment."
"I'll hold you to that," Ruggie points at him.
"Does it make you uncomfortable, though, Mr. Azul?" Najma says, undeterred. "When we talk about you and Jamil being each other's date for the Autumn Dance?"
Azul looks caught off-guard by the question. He blinks, then opens his mouth to speak—
"Oh my word!" a familiar voice cuts him off, and Jamil looks up to see Crowley approaching their table. "If it isn't RSA's very own Azul Ashengrotto!"
Azul stands up and graciously holds out a hand, his standard polite smile on his face. "Sir Dire Crowley."
Crowley shakes his hand enthusiastically. "Oh how honored I am to be in the presence of a future member of the Coral Sea's royal court!"
Jamil notices that Azul tenses up at that.
"Huh?" Ruggie says. "Azul?"
"Why, yes!" Crowley turns Azul and holds him by the shoulders as if Crowley's presenting him to them. "You're looking at Prince Rielle Triton's royal advisor!"
Crowley lowers his voice to a conspiratorial mumble. "Because it's too early to say whether you'll be his king, hm?" he chuckles merrily, not waiting for Azul to respond. "But no matter! Whether you'll be king of the oceans or a trusted right-hand man, the important thing is you'll have a seat at the royal court! Isn't that right?" he grins expectantly under his mask.
"Yes, sir," Azul nods with a smile. But Jamil has seen his real smile plenty enough times to notice that this one is strained. His eyes are guarded, his jaw too tense.
Azul's posture is perfect, his back straight and his hands behind him. Jamil could just see from this angle that Azul is gripping his left wrist with his right hand, digging his fingernails in as he smiles in supposed agreement with Crowley.
The royal advisor? Future king?
Jamil recalls the brief conversation he had with Azul about his cafe and how hasty he was to drop it.
All of a sudden, pieces started to click together as he stares at the merman in surprise.
"Royal court?" Najma asks, innocently unaware of the hidden layer of tension. "There's a royal family in the bottom of the ocean?"
"Najma, we've been taught this," Jamil mumbles.
"We have..? Oh, right. I remember now. The Tritons! WAIT! You're associated with royalty, Mister Azul!?"
Ruggie lowly whistles. "Dang, welcome to the club."
Azul nods, his polite smile unwavering. "Yes, Prince Rielle is a childhood friend of mine."
"How wonderful, isn't it?" Crowley says. "Well, I shall leave you all to your meals now. Until next time, Mr. Ashengrotto!" he claps Azul on the back and walks away, his cape fluttering behind him.
"Can you point me to the nearest vending machine?" Azul says to no one in particular, looking around. "The taco was quite flavorful, and I should like a drink to wash it down," he gestures to his plate, and Jamil notices the blood on the tips of his fingernails.
Before Jamil could say anything, Ruggie casually gestures over to the hallway outside. "Oh, take a right as soon as you exit and then as long as you keep on walking, you'll eventually find it in a corner leading to the courtyard."
"Thank you," Azul says. "Oh, do any of you want anything from there? My treat, since you were gracious enough to feed me tacos."
"Ooh, I'd like some milk tea, please!" Najma happily chimed in.
Ruggie wrinkles his nose and waves a languid hand in the air. "Any drink's fine, s'long as I don't have to pay for it."
Jamil did not know what to say as he's still trying to figure out a strategy, so he just shakes his head. "M'good..."
Azul nods. "All right, I shall be right back." he turns and leaves the cafeteria.
"Why did you say 'welcome to the club' earlier to Azul?" Najma asks Ruggie. "Are you associated with royalty?"
Ruggie begins rambling about Leona, and Jamil notices that Ruggie doesn't seem to mind talking about him anymore, but he's too lost in his own thoughts to pay much attention.
At some point, Jamil realizes that their chatter has stopped, and he glances up to see them staring at him.
"Well?" Najma asks, lacing her hands under her chin.
"Well what?"
"Are you gonna go and chase after him?"
Jamil squints at her in suspicion. "And why would I do that?"
"Hello? He's set for marriage with a sea prince when YOU have been harboring feelings for him! Are you just gonna let him run away!? Go!"
Jamil scoffs, willing to spite his sister by staying rooted in his seat when he suddenly notices Ruggie's expression.
"You should talk to him," Ruggie gestures with a jerk of his head, looking serious as he taps his nose. "My nose never lies and I smelled metal on his hands when he left. You know something we don't, so go. I think he needs it."
Jamil stares at the hyena before making a nod and standing up to head over to Azul.
"Huh? Wait, what's going on?" Najma asks after she watches her brother leave the room entirely.
"Drama talk, lil' Viper, the hallmark of a true romance," Ruggie grins, slipping back to his easygoing nature.
"Drama talk? My brother!?" Najma remarks, incredulous, before standing up from her seat. "Have you met him, Mister Ruggie!?"
The hyena shrugs. "I know, I know, but take it from me, Jamil ain't that bad at it."
Najma slowly sits back down, looking genuinely doubtful. "Okay... But if they take too long, we're gonna go look for them, alright?"
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Jamil goes to the direction of the vending machine that Ruggie mentioned, hoping that Azul really did go there.
He sees him in front of it, hands in his pockets and staring at the machine with an expression too serious for someone who just wants to wash down a taco.
Jamil silently comes up to him, not bothering to hide his presence.
Azul doesn't notice. He's still staring at the glass of the vending machine but not making any movements to purchase anything.
Jamil takes a deep breath.
Then softly, he announces himself. "Hey, you."
Azul gets startled and looks at him. He blinks, and in an instant his posture is proper. That strained smile is plastered on his face again.
"Jamil. Have you changed your mind about the drink? Which one do you want?" Azul looks at the array of options.
"What do I want?"
Jamil leans against the vending machine, hands in his hoodie's pockets as he gives Azul a concerned look.
"I want to hear how you're doing. I can see when you're faking it, you know."
Azul looks conflicted for a moment, then he purses his lips and averts his eyes.
"I'm…" he sighs. "How are you so sure? This is only the fourth time we've even seen each other."
"I know what it's like to put on airs for other people," Jamil replies, then continues more quietly, "Besides, I've gotten to see for myself what a real smile looks like on your face. So…"
Azul meets his gaze, and for a moment there's a glimpse of that real smile.
"There it is," Jamil points out, feeling himself grin, too.
A small laugh bubbles out of Azul, and his shoulders relax. "I think… I just want some time to be… not what everyone expects me to be."
"Then let's do just that," Jamil says encouragingly. "If there's anything NRC's done for me, it's given me the space I needed to do what I wanted to do, so tell me, Azul... What do you desire the most at this very moment?"
Azul furrows his eyebrows in thought, chewing his bottom lip. "I'm not sure, exactly… That sounds bad, doesn't it?" he chuckles softly. "Um… Perhaps I should decide on which drink I want first. And I don't want to keep Ruggie and Najma waiting for theirs."
Jamil shrugs, content to have hopefully at least nudged him in the right direction.
He patiently waits next to the merman as he deals with the machine.
Azul straightens up with four drinks in his arms and hands one to Jamil.
He looks down at the bottle and sees that it's blond roast coffee.
"I remember that it's what you had at the cat café," Azul says. "I thought you might still like it."
"Indeed. My tastes haven't changed since then," Jamil quips. "Thanks. What did you get? Same drink as what you got in the café, too?"
Azul shakes his head. "No, just sparkling water. I don't wanna get something with a lot of calories. Shall we get back to the others?"
Jamil nods. "Let's."
But as soon as they round the corner, they run into Najma and Ruggie, who are trying to look as casual as possible.
"Oh, heeeeeeey, you two!" Najma greets. "We were… uh… just on our way to check up on you! You were taking a while!"
"Ah, my apologies for taking too long," Azul says, handing milk tea to Najma and fruit juice to Ruggie. "Shall we get back inside?"
Jamil squints at the both of them as they receive their drinks, then he relaxes, deciding to let it go for now.
"Actually, why don't we walk around?" he asks Azul and Najma. "Ruggie and I can show you a lot of NRC's facilities that no mere tour guide can provide. What do you two think?"
"That sounds lovely," Azul smiles.
"Oh sure," Najma turns to Ruggie. "He won't be a tour guide for me but when it's for Azul…" she shakes her head and gives Ruggie a look that says, "Can you believe this guy?"
"Ah, young love," Ruggie teases.
Jamil rolls his eyes, ignoring them to walk on ahead.
He leads them out of the main campus building, and as they walk along the steep steps to the lower cliff area, he turns to Azul. "Ah. By the way, what did you and Jade talk about?"
Azul adjusts his glasses. "Jade informed me that he remains the sole member of the Mountain Lovers Club, and he wants to promote it so that more of your schoolmates would be encouraged to join.
I suggested that he put up some sort of shop in Octavinelle, since it would be easier to manage if it's just in his dorm. He mentioned his fondness for mushrooms, and that he could pick them and other various plants when he goes hiking for his club activities. So I proposed that it might be good to cook those mushroom dishes for his dorm mates, perhaps even sell them eventually, and to other students as well if he has the time and manpower for it.
He seemed to like the idea so far, and he said he'd be interested to pursue it and ask for further consultation down the road. I asked him why he didn't just collaborate with his Prefect, especially if it would give funds to their dorm as well. Jade said that his Prefect is too… carefree for his liking."
"... Huh. Interesting," Jamil mutters. This is the first he's ever heard of Jade's own hobbies. It says a lot that he's willing to consult Azul about it of all people. "Guess he went to you for help then because of your business acumen."
Plus there was cooking once more. Azul really likes the idea of setting up a catering business, even if he seems to deny himself of that.
"Do you guys have any Masterchef programs back in RSA?" Jamil asks.
They've gone past the staircase and are now making their way to the windmills and hilly fields to the west of campus.
"We do," Azul replies. "I joined last year because the theme was baking, and it was something that I didn't have much experience with. It required significantly more precision compared to cooking, and it was quite the fun challenge to tackle. How about you? Have you joined any similar programs here?"
Jamil nods, before gesturing to Ruggie as well. "Both of us, though we joined on different themes. I was doing Seafood and Ruggie dealt with Eggs."
"The best part about those programs is the leftovers people make and leave behind," the hyena grins.
"Most of our ingredients are either locally cultivated," Jamil nods to the windmills and the chicken coop nearby. "Or bought from Mr. S's shop."
"Have you been inside Sam's joint, lil' Viper?" Ruggie asks, noticing how she's looking around the area. "Where did yer teacher even tour you around?"
"We went to Mr. S's, yeah," Najma nods. "And before that, our teacher showed us the different areas where club activities happen. We caught the Equestrian Club in their practice, it was so cool! I wanted to see the Board Game Club, too, but they weren't in their classroom earlier."
"Oh hey, I think they might be there now," Ruggie checks his phone for the time. "I was hanging out with Ortho earlier and he said that he had to get back to Idia because Board Game Club activities would be starting. Whaddaya say, fellow tour guide?" he turns to Jamil. "Should we take lil' Viper out to see the Board Game Club?"
Jamil shrugs. "Fine by me. It's Idia who I worry about. Dunno if his heart can take new strangers."
He leads them over straight to the club room, clearly unbothered by the prospect.
When they arrive, the club members are separated into small groups, playing different board games on tables placed around the classroom.
"Greetings!" Ortho zooms in front of them, hovering and waving his hand as a greeting. "I see we have new visitors!"
"Hey, Ortho," Ruggie gives him a high five. "This is Najma, Jamil's lil' sis. And this is Azul, Jamil's… I dunno."
"I have met Azul Ashengrotto, yes!" Ortho nods enthusiastically. "Hello again!"
"Hello again, Ortho Shroud," Azul smiles.
"Oh neat, you know each other," Ruggie says.
"Whoa, are you a robot?" Najma asks in fascination, looking at Ortho up and down.
"You may call me that, yes," Ortho says. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Najma Viper! Is there any board game you'd like to see?"
"Hmm, do you have mancala here?" Najma looks around.
"Searching the web for information about 'mancala'," Ortho stays still while a series of beeps could be heard somewhere from him. "Information acquired! We don't have that exact game, but we have materials we can use as a passable substitution. Shall we proceed?"
"Heck yeah!" Najma runs off with Ortho to one of the vacant tables.
Idia appears, looking down at his tablet. "Hey Ortho, have you seen the—"
He looks up and sees the three of them. "Eep!" he jumps back, putting up his tablet to hide his face. "It's Mr. Jamil and his handsome love interest from the rival school," he mutters. "Why am I in this scene?" He peeks above his tablet to look at Ruggie. "Why did you bring them here?" he says in distress.
"Showing Jamil's handsome love interest around," Ruggie replies. "Careful, Idia. I might think you're the one crushing on our guest here."
Idia shudders. "N-Not a chance. Sparkly guys and gloomy shut-ins like me don't mix. A-Anyway, now that you've seen the club for yourselves, you can go now, right?"
He looks around, spots Ortho and Najma playing, and groans. "You gotta be kidding me. You're staying, and who's THAT?!"
"My sister," Jamil replies. "Her school is conducting a fieldtrip here today."
Idia shrinks into a crouch so that he won't be seen. "A-Ah… I should've figured. You guys got similar-looking f-faces."
"No, we don't," Jamil frowns, confused. "Anyway, looks like we're gonna be here for a while. Hope you don't mind."
"And what if I do?" Idia stammers.
"We'll stay here longer," Ruggie snickers. "Might as well find ourselves something entertaining to do while we're here."
"Is that The Game of Life?" Azul says with interest, pointing to the open board game at a vacant table.
"Y-Yeah," Idia says. "Do you play that?" he asks in a small voice.
"I used to, but it's been a long time." Azul approaches the table. "May I?"
"Huh? Uh, s-sure," Idia says.
Azul picks up the dice and throws them on the board with a flick of his wrist. Each die lands with the six side facing up.
Azul's face brightens as he chuckles. "Still got it."
"Whoa!" Idia hurries towards Azul, forgetting his shyness for a second. "How'd you do that? That's gotta be luck, right?"
Azul just smiles and picks up the dice again. He throws them, and the sides with the six dots are facing up once more.
"NO WAY!" Idia picks up the dice and inspects them. "Did you rig these? What spell is that?"
Azul chuckles and shakes his head. "I used to play this, and there was a time when I practiced how to throw the dice so that they would land with my desired numbers facing up. It took a long time and a lot of math and wrist cramps, but I eventually figured it out," he says proudly.
Idia's jaw drops as he stares at Azul. "That's like, mega-obsessive geek behavior. You played this game a lot?"
Azul nods. "Indeed. Do you like this game as well? Perhaps we can play some time," he smiles at Idia.
Idia falls quiet, and his face goes red and he scurries away, hiding behind Ruggie with his tablet covering the lower half of his face.
"Th-th-there're other games here," he gestures to the other tables. "If you wanna check out any more," his voice fades out and he shrinks behind Ruggie's shoulder.
"Who do you play these dice games with?" Jamil asks Azul, quirking up an eyebrow. "They must feel like quite the unfortunate sap facing against you."
"Rielle," Azul says. "We discovered this game in our freshman year, and I didn't like that I had so little control over the outcome of the dice. He said that it really is up to chance, and I took that as a challenge," he said smugly.
"Like RSA Rielle?" Idia says in surprise, appearing behind Ruggie. "You just casually play board games with the mega-protagonist crown prince?"
"Not anymore," Azul shrugs. "A mega-protagonist crown prince does get busy with princely duties, and I haven't had much free time as well."
"Then consider this a good opportunity to let loose before it's back to busywork," says Ruggie. "Knowing that the chance and dice games can be rigged crosses them outta the list, what sort of board games do you like to play?"
"Hmm," Azul hums thoughtfully. "I like Clue. And Monopoly. Though both games take a long time to play. How about you two?" he looks at Ruggie and Jamil.
"Eh," Ruggie shrugs. "Board games don't really fill my pocket with pay so I don't really dabble on 'em. I heard some really old ones can fetch ya a pretty penny, though!" His eyes begin to roam the club's belongings with greedy interest.
"Ahem," Jamil gives the hyena a pointed look before glancing back at Azul. "Playing either sounds fine with me. Just so you know, I'm not gonna lose so easily."
A smile pulls at the corner of Azul's lips. "Good, it wouldn't be fun otherwise."
"Ugh," Ruggie makes a disgusted sound. "You two don't mind if I don't join you, right? I don't need to be around all this unresolved sexual tension," he gestures with his hands as if indicating something in the air.
"What are you gonna do, then?" Jamil asks. "Those games work better with more people."
Ruggie shrugs. "I dunno. I'll roam around and see if any game interests me."
He walks away and begins looking at the different games that the club members are playing.
"I've never played mancala before," Azul offers. "From what Najma and Ortho are doing, it looks like it only needs two people. Would you mind teaching me?"
"Oh. Well, sure, if that's what you want," Jamil replies. "Like Ortho said, we have to find some substitutes for it first."
And so they do, cobbling up "shells" with the use of dice and bowls after getting (reluctant) permission from Idia.
From there, Jamil lays down the ground rules and the objective of the game, teaching Azul with a calm demeanor and a small demonstration.
Azul understands the game well enough, and they start playing. As he's moving the makeshift shells around the board, his sleeve hikes up a little and reveals the crescent cuts on his wrist from his fingernails. He notices it—Jamil could tell from how he paused for the briefest second and his eyes widened—and smoothly switches the pieces to his right hand and continues his turn. But that only revealed his blood-tipped fingernails, though the amount of blood was little enough that he doesn't seem to know it was there.
"Have you played this game a lot with your sister?" Azul asks casually.
Jamil goes to tear his gaze away from Azul's hand and musters an answer, voice a little tense.
"Right, um… We'd play every once in a while, but then she'd get fed up with losing all the time and find another game that I'd be unfamiliar with or come up with extra rules in the hopes of giving me a handicap."
From nearby, Najma can be heard yelling out in defeat. "I should've known better than to challenge a robot in a game of strategy!"
"Seriously, what is the appeal of this thing?" Ruggie says, sidling up to a pair of students who were engaging in a battle of chess. "I keep getting roped in to play this only to get my ass beat. Oh shit, your horse is vulnerable to that bishop over there."
"Hey! No backseating!" one of the chess players snarl.
"And it's a knight, not a horse!"
"It's a piece in the shape of a horse, what's it matter?" Ruggie scoffs.
Despite the lively atmosphere, Jamil feels tense as he plays the game with Azul at a quiet pace.
Then, as the merman's fingers cross over to Jamil's side in the middle of his turn, Jamil reaches out and gently takes Azul's hand, bringing his blood-tipped nails under close scrutiny.
His expression is contemplative, before he glances up to meet Azul's gaze and quietly asks, "How're you holding up now?"
Azul tenses up when he realizes what Jamil has been looking at on his fingernails.
He averts his eyes for a moment before meeting Jamil's again with a small smile. "Better now, thank you. I didn't realize I'd…" he nods to his fingernails. "I wasn't aware… Does everyone else know?" he asks quietly.
Jamil's thumb lightly brushes against Azul's knuckle. "Only Ruggie. Can't disguise the smell of blood against a beastman, after all… Are you worried he or I would tell anyone?"
Azul lightly shakes his head. "I’m not. It's just, apart from Rielle, no one has really seen me be… vulnerable like this. I'm not entirely sure how to act… Or how to feel."
"... What are you unsure about?" Jamil asks, trying to be careful in his questions as he lets go of Azul's hand to resume play. He looks around to make sure no one had noticed them pausing and whispering to each other.
Azul takes a breath and continues playing, speaking quietly. "If people's perception of me changed, if they think that I'm not as strong or put-together as they first thought… what then? Will their treatment of me change? And if it does, what do I do?" He sighs. "Anyway, we don't have to talk about it. I appreciate you listening.”
Jamil waits until Azul has finished his turn before starting his. "And... I'll be happy to keep listening. If everything on the other side of this island is becoming too much to bear, you can always find me here. But if you want my two cents on the matter, if people think negatively of you just because you want to be yourself, without the title of advisor or future king or RSA student…"
Jamil finishes the last move of his turn, steady and sure. "... Then those people are not worth keeping around."
Azul pauses and stares at him for a moment, then he nods and looks down at the game as he takes his turn.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Azul gets quiet for a few moments, then adds in a lighter tone, "You know, Jamil, it seems like you're always the one listening to my woes and offering to help. I'd feel more comfortable if I could do something for you in return. So if there's anything you need help with, just let me know," he meets Jamil's gaze.
Jamil tilts his head. "I think you've already been doing plenty of helping on your part. You listened to me just like this the previous times we hung out, so if anything, I'm just following your example. But hey…" He grins. "I'll keep your offer in mind. Here's an idea, if everyone keeps bothering you with expectations over there, just do what I did: go to NRC. Maybe it's not too late for a transfer."
Azul looks surprised, then he blinks at Jamil. "Hm, I'd never considered that before. Although," he smiles in amusement, "some of your schoolmates might be opposed to that idea. I'd only been here for less than a day and your spritely resident was already trying to kick me out."
"Buuuut let's not forget the way people reacted when we came back to the cafeteria," Jamil reminds him. "Whatever happened there, I have it on good assumption that they're not gonna try anything funny again for a while. Come on… You can set up your own catering lounge here and everything, give the cafeteria a run for its money."
Azul stares at Jamil, then he says playfully, "When we first came up on that stage and did the obligatory handshake at the start of the quiz, with your death grip and hardened expression, I never would have thought that you'll be persuading me to spend more time in your vicinity."
"What can I say? You're pretty good at changing minds, Ashengrotto," Jamil chuckles. "And if you can sway us stubborn fools here in NRC, maybe the same can be done for the rest of the people you surround yourself with."
Azul raises his eyebrows and lets out a laugh of disbelief. "And how ever did I change your mind? Did you like the beach cove that much?"
"It was during the cat café that I began to see you in a different light. It's true that you're more pleasant and nicer than the company I keep," Jamil gestures with his head to the situation behind Azul, where Ruggie's running from the chess players after popping a piece in his mouth out of spite, while Idia is crouching under a desk to hide and Ortho's ignoring the ruckus to play a luck-based game with Najma instead. "But I've begun to think that that may not be a bad thing."
He shoots Azul a playful narrowed glare. "Ah, but I still got a reputation to keep here, so they're free to think whatever they like about you and I hanging out together as long as you don't spill how sappy I get when talking with you."
Azul looks down and laughs, his cheeks becoming a bit pink. He clears his throat and looks at Jamil.
"And what reputation is that, Viper? Are you supposed to be an aloof and mysterious figure here?"
"Hah, pretty much. Also clever and capable and composed, but unfortunately, I feel like you've already seen past all of it," Jamil snickers, then glances down at the board, now emptied except for both far ends. "In the meantime, at least you haven't beaten me in this just yet."
"You are clever and capable and composed," Azul says, leaning back in his chair. "I don't think people would stop seeing you that way, no matter who you hang out with."
"But they also think I'm constantly ready to stab someone in the gut if they go so far as to look at me wrong, which I'm perfectly okay with, and yet…" Jamil leans back in his seat, too. "It's gonna be hard maintaining that reputation when your… energy is infectious. When you smile... really smile… how can I not smile along? Now I still haven't decided if it's a virus RSA students carry or… if it's just you bringing that out of me."
Surprise is evident in Azul's eyes, and he's blushing even brighter. He looks down and chuckles shyly. "So you… You really don't mind that people know about us… hanging out?" He looks at Jamil again, and Jamil senses in his tone that he was going to say something other than 'hanging out'.
Jamil's gaze softens. "I had to wrap my head around it for a bit when my own family member started joking around, but… No. No, I don't mind at all." 
"Sevens," Idia says in the distance, utterly baffled and muttering to himself. "They've been staring at each other several minutes after their game has already concluded… Can't be me, fr fr." 
Azul's posture relaxes and he smiles. "I'm glad you don't. Because… I've recently discovered that there is an aviary in town. And I was wondering… Perhaps you'd like to go there with me?"
Jamil blinks at him, shock blooming on his face.
"Huh? Is this… because of the bird thing I mentioned?"
"Yes," Azul smiles sheepishly. "You're not allowed to keep a pet bird here so I thought, perhaps we could go to them instead. But, it was just an idea, we don't have to, forget I said anything," he shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair.
"Hey, hey, let's do the forgetting once you've actually heard me reject you now," Jamil jokes, knowing full well he'd say the same thing in Azul's shoes. "And there's no rejections from me here. It's, well... I'm definitely looking forward to it." He smiles, both genuinely excited to see birds yet also embarrassed that Azul even bothered to remember and do something to make him happy.  "But first, what's your reason for continuing to hang out with me?"
Azul raises an eyebrow. "You don't hear me asking such questions. Even when you've been persuading me to move across the island just to be in the same school as you," he says jokingly.
"Whoa, I didn't say that just because I want to be with you. I was also suggesting it for your own personal interests," Jamil defends, only to realize a moment later that he had just admitted that he wants Azul to transfer to spend more time with him.
Jamil clears his throat. "Besides, I think I already told you that I enjoy your company, so going along with invites like these feels natural, doesn't it?"
"... It does," Azul holds his gaze. "And… I want to keep hanging out with you because…" he shrugs lightly. "You make me really happy. You say that you smile when I smile genuinely, but… you should know that just being with you is enough to make that happen. And I really like seeing your smile, too. It suits you."
Jamil tries to keep that steady reassured look on his face, but his darkening cheeks and his fingers itching for his hood gives much away.
"Okay, srsly, guys, no PDA allowed in the Board Game Clubroom. What are you trying to do? Rub it in our faces?" Idia groans, though he's still doing nothing to physically put an end to it. "Also can someone kick Sir Ruggie out already before he starts eating up our game pieces?"
"I'm on it, brother!" Ortho salutes, hovering up and pausing at Azul and Jamil's side. "Will you two be accompanying Mister Ruggie and Miss Najma in their departure?"
"Oh, we could, yes," Azul says. "We've completed our game, after all." He looks at Jamil. "Shall we go with them?"
Jamil nods and begins to stand. "All right, let's."
He glances out to the windows. "Are you needed back at RSA anytime soon?"
Azul shakes his head. "No. I have until 5 PM until I need to go back. How about you? Do you have any plans since today is a half day for you?"
"Nah," Jamil says. "My plans had been to meet up with you, which now evolved into me being an advanced tour guide."
As they exit the room, much to the club members' relief, he then turns to his companions and asks, "So, where do the visitors wanna go next?"
"Can we look at the horses again?" Najma asks excitedly.
"Club activities are prolly done now," Ruggie says. "But we can still go to the stables."
Najma turns to Jamil with a hopeful grin. "Do you think I can ride a horse?"
Jamil gives her a stern look but sighs. "I suppose… if the club leader is still there, then we can try to ask for permission, but no promises."
"You wanna ride horses, lil' Viper?" Ruggie asks, acting more like a friendlier big brother than Jamil does. "What about our RSA buddy over here?"
"I do have some training in horse-riding," Azul adjusts his glasses. "Though I am a tad concerned that I might not be wearing proper riding clothes."
"Don't sweat it, man," Ruggie says. "You're fine. Let's go!"
They continue to walk under the hot afternoon sun, passing by students having picnics, jogging, or making their way to club activities.
Ruggie turns to Jamil as they're nearing the field. "You gonna want a horse, Jamil?"
"I'm not really interested in riding horses," Jamil muttered. "But I can at least be on standby to babysit these two if I have to. How about you?"
"Nah, I'll just be hanging around. Oh look Riddle's here," Ruggie says when they reach the stables. "Hey, Riddle!"
Riddle turns around from brushing his horse. "Ruggie, Jamil. What brings you here?" he glances at their two friends.
"Azul Ashengrotto?" Riddle says in mild surprise, before turning to Najma. "And I'm guessing you are Jamil's relative? I must say you're quite the interesting group," he says to Jamil.
Jamil eyes Riddle, noting his calmer demeanor compared to how he normally had been until recently.
He had always wondered how that came to be. There were rumors about it, too, but... nothing concrete.
"Hello, Riddle," Jamil greeted. "My sister and Azul are here to visit and, well... I apologize for the trouble, but—"
Najma hops up the fence a little to take a closer look at the horses, starry-eyed. "Can I ride on one of these things, Mister Riddle?"
"I do have the authority to grant you permission, but…" he furrows his eyebrows in thought then looks at all of them. "Do you all want to ride a horse? Do any of you have any experience or training at all?"
"I ain't riding, don't worry," Ruggie says. "Just here to chaperone, sir."
"I've had some experience in Knight Class," Azul says.
"Night class?" Ruggie asks in confusion. "Your evening classes teach you horse-riding?"
"Not 'night' as in 'evening'," Riddle frowns in exasperation. "Royal Sword Academy has a class elective where they can train to be a knight." He turns to Jamil. "Do you and your sister have any sort of training?"
"I wouldn't go so far as to call it training, but I do have experience," Jamil replies. "I'm also here to chaperone, though. It's Najma who wants to try."
"I dunno how to ride horses just yet," the girl shakes her head. "But I can start learning! Can you teach me, Mister Riddle?"
Riddle raises an eyebrow, and there's something that almost looks like a smile on his face. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I can only teach you for no longer than 20 minutes, all right? I have other duties to attend to."
"Got it, Mister Riddle! Thank you!" Najma beams.
"And you, Azul? Would I be correct to assume you do not need any guidance?" Riddle asks him.
Azul smiles politely. "Indeed. I shall not be doing anything complex nor dangerous. I can assure you that I will keep the horse safe. And I would not want to take any time away from Najma's training."
Riddle nods. "Very well. If you do happen to need any guidance, perhaps you can ask Jamil, seeing as he has some knowledge of it as well."
Jamil notices how Riddle takes note of Azul's NRC blazer. Riddle looks at Jamil curiously, then turns to Najma.
"Miss Viper, if you'll follow me," Riddle leads her to one of the horses and explains that it's one of the calmest and most suited for beginners.
"Riddle's in a good mood today," Ruggie says. "Imma go ask him if he'll tip me if I clean up here and brush the horses," he jogs over to Riddle and Najma.
Jamil watches Ruggie trot away before glancing back at Azul.
"So… Knight classes, huh? Is that a mandatory part of the curriculum?"
"No," Azul shakes his head. "It's an elective, but I was expected to take it as one of Rielle's close friends. Those who surround him must be able to protect him and themselves to some degree."
Azul starts walking and looking at the horses. "Are you sure you won't be riding? What will you be doing in the meantime?"
"Watching you and Najma ride around. It's fine… Why? Do you want me to ride along?" Jamil asks, leaning against the fence.
"It’s up to you," Azul stops in front of a brown and white stallion. "I'm just not sure if I'm comfortable with the thought that I'm the one who asked you to hang out today and yet you'll merely be standing around and, in your own words, babysitting," Azul smiles at him. "I want you to have fun as well."
"Hmm… Would you show me some stuff you learned from Knight Class if I join in?"
Azul's looks caught off-guard. "It's not nearly as cool as you might think, I warn you. It might not be so different from what you've already learned as a retainer."
Jamil playfully sighs, glancing away. "Then it looks like I must continue to hone my retainer skills by keeping a watchful eye over you and Najma from here…"
"Oh come now, that's not what I meant," Azul says gently, stepping in front of Jamil. "I was just worried you'll get bored if I just prattle on about things you might already know."
Jamil looks at him once more. "Let me be the judge of that.” A part of him feels sure much of Azul's prattling wouldn't bore him, anyway. "Shall we get ourselves some horses, then?"
Azul smiles. "We shall."
After readying their horses, they mount them and begin at a trot across the hill.
Azul tells Jamil about the proper ways to hold the reins and about encouraging the horse to move or stop without hurting it or making it feel tense. Jamil already knows about most of it, as Azul had guessed, but it was a nice refresher, and nicer to listen to Azul explain it.
"Usually the basics end there," Azul says. "But in RSA, we must also learn to wield at least one weapon or shield while on a moving horse."
Azul lets go of the reins with one hand and raises his Magic Pen to demonstrate. "It's a little trickier to keep one's balance when holding something heavy–though we don't have anything like that right now so I'm just using my pen as a stand-in. A more advanced lesson is learning how to accurately shoot a bow and arrow from a moving horse. I never quite learned that one," Azul says in amusement.
"Interesting . . ." Jamil attempts to picture Azul wielding a weapon to battle. It's a strange image, but still rather intriguing. "Are people like Rielle also participating in this elective, too?"
Azul nods. "Our professors in that class have higher expectations from nobility, which is saying a lot considering their expectations for the rest of us already. Though I don't envy Rielle his more rigorous training, he does make for a rather formidable sparring partner. "
"It really does sound like training for knights," Jamil commented. "Have you guys ever been told what it was all for? If it were me, I'd suspect there to be something afoot."
"Rielle is a crown prince," Azul begins. "For people like him, it's to prepare him in case he would need to fight in actual battles for his kingdom. For people like me–those who are expected to always accompany nobility–it's so we would be able to defend them in case of an assassination attempt or any other attack. Then there are those who aspire to be knights in the future. If they receive good marks in that class, it would significantly help their applications after graduation."
To aspire for a job Jamil had been trying to get out of sounds absurd. If he ever finds those hopefuls, he'd tell them they could just swap positions. That way, everyone would be happy.
Now that he thinks about it, they remind him of that First Year, Sebek Zigvolt. Completely wild.
"So someone told you to take the elective because you were Rielle's friend?"
Azul averts his eyes and looks straight ahead. "More like they all assumed I would take it because I'm Rielle's closest friend. His father was looking forward to the both of us going to RSA, saying that the Knight Class there would be very useful to us. Most of our professors said the same thing in our first week at RSA."
Jamil gave him an unimpressed look. "... So you took it."
Azul smiles sadly, keeping his eyes on the horizon. "There is no need to sound so disappointed, Jamil. I know what I did." Then his smile changes into a friendlier one, and his voice sounds upbeat when he speaks. "Come on, I'll race you to the top of that hill. Hiyah!" he snaps the reins, digs his heels into the horse's sides, and it gallops away.
Jamil sighs and speeds along after him, taking in the breeze as he watches Azul ahead.
He supposes there's little he can do considering this is the life his friend chose.
But it's still frustrating watching him just accept it lying down.
He spurs his horse onward to keep a steady pace with Azul's, making sure not to lag too far behind but not close enough to make the other speed faster.
Upon reaching the top of the hill, Azul doesn't slow down. He turns his horse around and veers towards the obstacle course that the Equestrian Club uses for their activities.
His jaw is set and there's an intensity in his eyes as he glares ahead, leaning forward on his horse and speeding up.
Azul reaches the first hurdle, and the stallion clears it easily. They go through the course, Azul going for the more advanced hurdles, the horse leaping higher and farther, Azul ducking and dodging the wooden planks.
Jamil stays close by, briefly figuring that he doesn't want to risk the hurdles if he doesn't know how capable his horse is.
But then he manages to get a brief glance at Azul's expression, and wordlessly, he urges his steed to go for it. He's not going to let Azul take the win that easily.
Jamil's horse clears the hurdles, though the blinding glare of the sun proves to be a challenge at some points. Fortunately, the wind is refreshing enough that he can keep his focus.
As he catches up to Azul at the end of the course, he sees him clutching the reins so tightly that his knuckles have gone pale. His head is bowed down and his eyes are closed as he breathes heavily.
The horse is just standing now, but it keeps shifting on its hooves restlessly, as if sensing its rider's tension.
Jamil slows his horse down, eyeing both the rider and steed ahead of him to spot anything off. Are they injured?
"What's wrong?"
As he walks closer, he doesn't see any injuries on either of them, but Azul isn't responding, his forehead beaded with sweat.
Azul takes a sharp intake of breath and his eyes fly open, only for them to roll back in his head as his body slumps, and he begins to slide off the horse.
"Whoa!" Jamil hisses, dashing forth to catch him before he completely slid out. "Azul!?"
Jamil has one hand around Azul’s shoulders while he leans limply against Jamil’s chest, remaining seated on his own horse.
It's difficult having to calm both horses at once, but Jamil isn't a stranger to calming down animals.
Hooves sounded in the distance, and Jamil looks to see Riddle and Najma on horses quickly approaching them.
"What happened?" Riddle asks when they reach them, his eyes falling on Azul’s unconscious form against Jamil. "Let's set him on the ground, we can't risk him falling off and breaking his neck."
Riddle takes out his Magic Pen and gently levitates Azul and places him on the grass.
Ruggie runs up to them, holding the brush that he’s been using for the horses. "Whoa! What happened to him?"
"Is he injured?" Najma asks worriedly from her horse.
Jamil hops off his own horse and states, "Stand back" as he tries to figure out what's wrong.
Azul's pulse is racing, and his skin is feverish to the touch. At the very least, Jamil doesn't see any cuts or bruises.
Then Azul's eyes flutter open, and his face cringes as he puts a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun. "What happened?" he asks, his voice hoarse.
"A heat stroke, maybe," Jamil mutters, moving to shade Azul from the sun shining overhead. Despite his worry, he maintains a calm composure. "How're you feeling? Can you sit?"
"Were you not aware you were feeling unwell before you decided to ride a horse?" Riddle asks, frowning.
Azul sits up with a grunt. "I wasn't feeling unwell at all. Though perhaps it wasn't a good idea to exert myself so much on a hot day without wearing breathable clothing. Merfolk don't exactly thrive under the sun."
He glances up in confusion. "Isn't it raining, though? I thought I heard something… dripping…" he closes his eyes and shakes his head as if to clear it, then opens his eyes again. "Never mind. I must have imagined it."
Riddle tenses up at Azul's remark.
Ruggie suddenly kneels down next to Azul. "You haven't been using your magic just now, have you? Where's your Magic Pen?" he asks, almost in a panic.
Azul furrows his eyebrows and shows his pen to Ruggie. "I haven't been using my magic. Why?"
Ruggie inspects the magestone on Azul’s pen, then sighs in relief. He falls silent, shakes his head, and stands up again beside Riddle while averting his eyes.
Riddle gives Ruggie a curious look, his frown deepening. He turns to Azul.
"We should have you checked at the infirmary. As the person who gave you permission to get a horse and use this area for riding, this is my responsibility. I shall return Najma’s horse to the stables and then we shall head out.” Riddle is looking at Azul and Jamil imperatively, letting them know that there is no room for arguments.
Azul sighs. "All right," he stands up and brushes dirt from his clothes.
The Viper siblings throw each other a look of concern before Jamil helps Najma off her horse and they both follow.
"Can we come, too? I was the one who wanted to go horse-riding, after all. If I'd known…" Najma asks, nervously fiddling with the hem of her shirt.
"Oh, it's all right, Young Viper," Azul says with a kind smile, gently patting Najma on the head. "It was my decision to go horse-riding myself, and none of us could have predicted what happened."
"You may come along if you wish," Riddle says. “Just be certain not to get in the way."
Both Vipers nod and they quietly wait for Riddle and Ruggie to return the horses back to their stables before they head to the infirmary.
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While they’re all waiting outside for Azul as the nurse had instructed, Riddle approaches Jamil and Najma, looking at the latter.
"Najma, Azul would need to be sufficiently hydrated. Would you go to the vending machine out in the corridor and buy him two cold bottles of water? You may get whatever food or drink you want as well," he hands Najma some thaumarks.
Najma straightens up and accepts the money, nodding with a determined look on her face. "Yes, Mr. Riddle!" She runs off.
Riddle watches her disappear around the corner before turning to Jamil.
"What exactly happened before he fainted?" Riddle asks, looking troubled.
Jamil looks down the hall where his sister had run off, then he turns to Riddle. "He got really into his horse-riding, as far as I can tell. He just looks like he overexerted himself, though it was pretty sudden.” He notices the crease between Riddle’s eyebrows, the worried look on his normally composed features. “You know something, don't you?"
Riddle purses his lips. "Were you two talking about anything in particular before he started on the obstacle course? I saw that he had done even the advanced hurdles."
Jamil wonders if it was wise to divulge to others something so personal to Azul, so he decides to be vague. "If you want details, you may have to ask him, but… We did have a conversation about his… complicated feelings over his situation as an RSA student."
The frown on Riddle's face remains. He turns to Ruggie, who is leaning against the wall a little far from them, lost in thought.
Ruggie startles at Riddle's voice, then he walks over to them. "Yeah?"
Riddle looks at Ruggie, as if taking the time to weigh his words before saying them.  "Why did you ask Azul if he had been using his magic?"
Ruggie looks down and shifts on his feet. "I dunno…" he mumbles.
"You're suspecting the same thing, aren't you?" Riddle says, impatience coloring his voice.
Ruggie winces as if Riddle had shouted at him, even though the Prefect had maintained his calm volume.
"I could be wrong," Ruggie says uneasily. "It was just the first thing that came to mind, that's all. Guess I'm still a little paranoid…" he rubs the bandages on his arm.
Riddle sighs and shakes his head. "This isn't good at all," he mutters.
"What? What're you both on about?" Jamil asks, glancing back and forth between the two before eyeing Ruggie's injured arm. "Wait… You're not saying this is related to… There's no way."
Riddle raises an eyebrow at him. "'No way'? Let me remind you that Overblots are supposed to be extremely rare, and yet we've had two already happen in this school in less than three months. You're not a fool, Jamil; you must have heard the rumors and pieced them together. This mindset of 'there's no way' is what has left us all ill-prepared in the first place."
Riddle starts to pace the floor, muttering. "The Headmage really should be doing something more about this…"
Ruggie snorts. "Crowley? Yeah, good luck relying on that guy for anything."
Jamil stares at Riddle. "Then it's true. You went through an Overblot, too… Wait, but what makes you think Azul's in danger of the same thing?" he points out. "Did you or Leona have fainting episodes, too?"
Riddle stops pacing in front of Jamil. "Indeed, it's true," he says grimly. "But I don't know Azul Ashengrotto well enough to judge if he's about to go through the same thing. I didn't have fainting spells, but nearing my Overblot, there were moments when… I felt myself slipping away. And then the dripping sound…" Riddle looks away, his face strained from the memories.
"It was the same thing for Leona," Ruggie mumbles. "I dunno if he heard any dripping sound, but whenever he got too upset about having to defeat Malleus, it's like he turned into a different person. He's always been a pain in the ass and his snarls are practically a part of his personality, but leading up to his Overblot, sometimes it's like he lost control of himself. It wasn't loud or anything, and I don't think anyone else noticed. But he was… different." Ruggie shakes his head. "I can't explain it."
"It's the conflict," Riddle says, his voice quiet. "There were times when I could feel the darkness growing within me. I had to fight it with every ounce of my being, and as we all know, I didn't entirely succeed…" he looks down at his hand, a distant look in his eyes. He suddenly looks up at Jamil. "In the moments before he fainted, what was Azul like?"
Jamil furrows his eyebrows in thought. The sad smile, followed by the intense (frustrated?) look in Azul's eyes. "Azul's usually what you'd expect from an RSA student: pleasant, polite, competent... But for such a capable guy, he seems to carry a sense of... resignation when it comes to his future. People expect a lot out of him, most of which I suspect he doesn't wanna do at all, and he gets a bit more morose whenever he's reminded of it."
Riddle and Ruggie exchange worried glances.
"Damn," Ruggie says to no one in particular. "That sounds awfully familiar, don't it?"
"Jamil," Riddle says urgently. "Right before he fainted, did Azul seem uncharacteristically angry or frustrated? How was he in his last few seconds of consciousness?"
"It was hard to say since he was riding ahead of me, but in the few moments I did catch a glimpse of him, I suppose he did seem a little intense. I thought he was just determined to win." Jamil responds. "Then when I was heading over, he looked like he was concentrating on something, since he was tense and had his eyes closed. Then he gasped and fainted. Does that mean anything? I figured he was getting dizzy at the time."
"Tense and concentrating?" Ruggie looks at Riddle and Jamil in turn. "Like the conflict that Riddle mentioned?"
"He could just be getting dizzy," Riddle frowns, then shakes his head in defeat. "I don't know. It's extremely difficult to determine these things, given the unfortunate lack of research on the subject. It would be better if we could also speak to Leona about this, but I doubt he would be so inclined to discuss the subject."
Riddle looks at Jamil. "To be on the safe side, do what you can to see to it that Azul doesn't repress his negative feelings so much. He must be able to talk about them and accept them. Letting such feelings fester will not be good for him, regardless of an Overblot."
"Wait," Ruggie says. "Only powerful mages are in danger of Overblotting, right? Because of how much magic they can produce? Is Azul that powerful?" he asks Jamil.
Jamil frowns. Azul's smart and strong, but Jamil can't say he's seen much of his powers firsthand to conclude anything concrete.
"I think you're better off asking the Leech twins or Prince Rielle. They have known the guy much longer, and the twins told me that Azul had a magic contract business when they were younger."
The sound of footsteps approaches, and Najma appears, holding a bag of drinks.
"I used my money for the others, Mr. Riddle," she says as she hands bottled drinks to all of them and returns some change of thaumarks to Riddle. "How's Mr. Azul?"
The door to the infirmary opens. "Better now, thank you," Azul says with a small smile, closing the door behind him. "It seems like it really was just exhaustion and the heat. I hope I didn't worry you too much.”
Jamil searches Azul's face for any sort of fabrication. He doesn't seem like he's lying, though his eyes look tired.
Then Jamil glances at Riddle and Ruggie, gauging their reactions. Are they going to tell him?
"Hey, I'm glad you're okay, Azul!" Ruggie says. "Welp, hate to have to end it on this note, but I got some chores to do at Savanaclaw, so, see ya!" he waves at them and jogs away.
Riddle straightens up and smiles at Azul. "Indeed, I am glad to see that you are well. I must get back to my dorm now. It was nice to have made your acquaintance, Azul Ashengrotto. Najma has purchased drinks for you to stay hydrated," he gestures to Najma. "Until next time," he nods to Azul and turns to leave.
Azul nods and smiles back, and turns to Najma for the drink.
Riddle pulls Jamil aside. "He's your friend," he says quietly. "You decide what to tell him.” then he leaves without another word.
"Me?" Jamil mumbles in surprise. They were the ones who saw the signs to begin with. Why're they dumping the responsibility on his shoulders?
He huffs in troubled exasperation, before turning to Azul and Najma.
"... Are you sure you're feeling all right?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed.
Azul nods. "I am. I hope I didn't put too much of a damper on the hangout."
"Not at all!" Najma says reassuringly. "I need to go too, because my teacher is looking for me. One of my classmates just texted," she holds up her phone. "Are you really okay now, Mr. Azul?"
"Yes, Miss Najma. It was nice to have met you today." Azul says, smiling. "Take care in going back to your classmates."
Najma turns to Jamil. "Will you be okay?" she casts a sideways glance at Azul.
"Obviously," Jamil utters. "I'm your big brother, aren't I? I'd be setting a bad example otherwise. Now run along and don't get yourself into trouble."
"No promises," Najma grins and runs off.
"We still have some time," Azul says. "Any other places you wanna show me?" he smiles.
"I'm thinking we should inform one of your friends in RSA about what happened so that there's someone else there who can monitor you and do follow-ups, just to be safe," Jamil replies. "I'm surprised you still want to walk around after what happened."
Azul furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "It was just exhaustion, wasn't it? It was my fault for going through that obstacle course in such restricting clothing," he shakes his head. "Oh, speaking of which, perhaps you can direct me to your laundry room? I dirtied your blazer from when I was lying down on the grass.”
Jamil shakes his head. "There's no need. I can have that washed myself. More importantly, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to stuff like this. What if it's got something to do with your transition into a human? Or maybe you've been lacking in sleep or food or water. What's wrong with having a friend or two keep an eye on you to make sure no further symptoms occur?"
Azul looks caught off-guard by Jamil’s remarks. "All right, then perhaps we can find a place to just sit, and you can tell me what exactly happened? I'm still a little confused…"
"How much can you recall?" Jamil asks as he leads Azul to a bench by the courtyard.
"I remember leading my horse to the top of the hill," Azul says as they sit down. "Then going through the obstacle course…?" he frowns, as if suddenly uncertain. Then something else mixes with the confusion in his expression. Apprehension? Fear?
"Hey," Jamil softly calls out to him through what he can only imagine is the darkness in his head. He reaches out to brush his hand against the other boy's fingers, holding onto them. "Talk to me. It's okay."
Azul turns to him, his tense posture relaxing gradually.
He shakes his head in confusion and looks down. "I remember being upset… at our conversation about the Knight Class. And then I was… angry? I only remember bits and pieces of the obstacle course, I don't even entirely recall deciding to go there…" his voice fades out into a whisper.
He falls quiet for a moment, looking more and more troubled. "I'd never felt such anger before, the selfish kind that urged me to do whatever I wanted, without thought for anyone else. Normally I would have asked Riddle for permission before using the obstacle course. I could have hurt the horse, too." He looks at Jamil. "How did I get on the ground? Did I fall off?"
"I caught you before you could," Jamil mumbles. "Riddle used magic to set you down after.”
"Oh, thank you. I should have thanked Riddle as well," Azul says, glancing at the direction of the infirmary before turning back to Jamil.
“You looked feverish, like you were having a nightmare…” Jamil continues. “Do you know what or who you were angry towards?"
"I don't remember why I was angry… What do you think is happening? Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Azul's eyes are looking at him with worry.
Jamil has the sense that Azul is used to always understanding everything, and this unknown situation is scaring him.
He really wishes that the ones who actually went through the experience were here. They would have explained it much better than he can.
"I don't know myself, but Riddle and Ruggie seem to recognize the signs. They think you're accumulating Blot at an unexpected rate. Ruggie was wondering if you've been using a lot of magic recently, while Riddle thinks it's got something to do with your psyche." The images of sad smiles and nails dug into skin appear Jamil’s mind. "Azul... you're more upset about your situation than you let on, aren't you?"
Azul looks at him in confusion. "My situation? What do you mean? And Blot accumulation? We have our Magic Pens to control such things, right? An Overblot hasn't been heard of in centuries."
Jamil lets out a humorless laugh. "You can say that to Riddle and Ruggie's faces. I wasn't around when it happened but it occurred to Riddle himself while a friend of Ruggie's Overblotted a few weeks later. You have to take it seriously. Those injuries on Ruggie's arm hadn't just come from a random accident and so far we've been lucky there's been no casualties yet. We're not gonna start now."
"WHAT!?" Azul's eyes widen in shock. "Two Overblots in the span of mere weeks? What did Sir Crowley do?"
Jamil pauses before he shrugs. "I don't know. As far as I was concerned, those incidents had only been rumors until they confirmed it to me personally because they were worried about you."
Azul just stares at him in surprise. Then he blinks a few times. "I see. So they both think I might be having symptoms of an impending Overblot?" he chews his lower lip in worry. "Can you ask Riddle Rosehearts if I can have his contact information? I'd like to speak with him further about it in the future."
"All right," Jamil takes his phone out. It's funny; he's had Riddle’s number since they became fellow Prefects, but he's never found reason to use it until now. He texts the other Prefect for permission to forward his number to Azul. Then he glances up at the merman. "So… Do you think their worries hold any sort of merit, or..?"
"I'm not sure," Azul says. "I'd never known anyone who has Overblotted before, and I haven't done any research about it. It still baffles me that your Headmage hasn't seem to have done anything."
Azul frowns and lowers his voice. "Now that I think about it, he was the one who had started the anger I'd been feeling today." He looks at Jamil then hurriedly says, "Oh, I apologize! I didn't mean to speak ill of your Headmage. It's just that… I think I had started to feel the… darkness… after all the things he said at the cafeteria."
"Feel free to speak ill of him as much as you like," Jamil responds. "It's refreshing to see someone so innocent understand how our Headmage's actually like. More importantly, that's the thing, isn't it? He may have said all that and unknowingly upset you, but the fact that it upset you to begin with means that this is going back a long way. I'm willing to bet Crowley's not the first person to tell you those things and he probably won't be the last."
Azul averts his eyes. "Yes. But at present, I don't see what I can do about it." He looks at Jamil again. "Are you sure this is how you'd like for us to spend our time together? I don't want to burden you with my worries."
"I was the one who asked, right?" Jamil says, reclining into as comfortable a position as he can get. "Sometimes you just gotta vent it out, and I'm pretty sure you dealt with my burdens the past few times we were together."
For the first time in a long while, Azul smiles. It's a small one, but it's not sad or resigned, and it actually reaches his eyes. He sighs. "I'm not even sure where to begin, it feels like everyone has had these expectations from me for as long as I can remember. And I know it's likely just as hard for Rielle, that's why I do stay by his side whenever I can. Why I take the Knight Class, why I'm not entirely opposed to being his advisor in the future. Ever since we were children, we've been each other's breathing room. We always knew that the other would accept us for who we are no matter what everyone else expects. I don't want to just leave him alone to deal with all of that." Azul looks down.
Jamil listens, quiet. ".... Does that mean Rielle knows about your frustrations regarding this situation, too? Or did you keep that one secret because you wanted to spare his feelings?"
Azul is silent for a moment. "I don't know how to tell him," he mutters. "I don't want him to blame himself, he already has a lot to deal with. It's easier for me to get out of RSA and find somewhere else to breathe like today. He doesn't have such a luxury. He's even busier these days with the dance coming up next week."
"But he's your friend, isn't he? Wouldn't he want to know if he or his situation is causing you distress, too?" Jamil points out.
Azul looks at him curiously. "Are you always this emotionally mature? Then why do you claim that your schoolmates see you as someone who would stab a person in the gut for looking at you the wrong way?" he says playfully.
"Because I would," Jamil hums nonchalantly. It's unclear whether he means it or not. "If you want, I can start doing that to the next 'Crowley' that tries to tell you who you have to be. Sorcerer knows I already hear enough of that spiel from the grown-ups back home."
Azul chuckles. "I must say, no one has ever offered to stab anyone for me. And, interestingly, it's one of the nicest things that someone has ever said to me. You really are special, Jamil Viper," he gazes right into Jamil's eyes.
Jamil seems to flinch in surprise at the compliment before awkwardly looking away. "... We're getting off-track. What will you do now that you're aware of the danger?"
Azul sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "The first thing to do would be to speak to Rielle. Any decision I make would affect him." He glances at his watch. "And I must be getting back to RSA now."
He takes off Jamil’s blazer and hands it to him, smiling. "Thank you for today, Jamil. It didn't quite go as either of us expected but… I'm glad you don't mind."
Jamil shakes his head as he takes his blazer. "It's all right, I…"
I'm just worried about you.
"... I just hope you look after yourself better, even if it means being selfish. Don't be a stranger now. You can always hit me up with a text. When you do, we can make up for it next time."
"I look forward to it." Azul stands up. "After all, I still have to get my revenge on you at mancala," he smiles playfully.
"And you have to apologize to the horse you rode for fainting on him without warning." Jamil stands up in succession. "I'll see you to the gate, at least. Come on."
When they reach the gate, Azul turns to Jamil.
"I'll be busy this week because of the Autumn Dance preparations. The next time we'll be seeing each other would most likely be at the dance itself on Saturday. But if you wanna talk, you can always send me a message."
Jamil nods. "The same offer extends to you. It was nice seeing you, Azul..." he says, but he still has a worried look in his eyes. "Take care, all right? Don't let everyone else tell you who you are."
A smile pulls at the corner of Azul's lips, and he tilts his head curiously at Jamil. "How do you feel about hugs?"
Jamil tenses up. "I'm… not really used to physical affection. That's more Najma and Kalim's thing."
Azul nods and smiles in understanding. "I'll keep that in mind. See you at the Autumn Dance, Jamil."
He turns around and walks away.
Jamil watches his slowly retreating form, knowing there's a part of him that wants to tug Azul back and embrace him.
But he hesitates.
And then the moment is gone.
"... See you at the Autumn Dance."
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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who's been reading this lil' AU of ours! Feel free to let us know what you think in the comments! We'd love to hear your thoughts ^_^
<- Chapter 3
Chapter 5 ->
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Well, Mini sounds like an interesting character, so I will now use an old trend from asks on this blog to make you do more with him. Time to send him on the rest of the chain's adventures. (and I guess Archive too while we're at it).
You really are just gonna force me into fleshing these two out, aren't you? Alrighty then!
Skyward Sword: Mini has absolutely no interest in letting Ghirahim monologue and proceeds to try and decapitate him within ten seconds of their first meeting. This, of course, irreparably tanks their relationship, although since Ghirahim would have tried to kill him anyways Mini isn't too bother by this. Archive, meanwhile, somehow hacks into the Guardians in the Silent Realms, uploads them to the Mortal Realm, and then sics them on the Temple Bosses. What do you mean, that's cheating? It's in his skill-set!
Minish Cap: Mini spends the entire time exploring how his Hyrule has progressed since his time. Archive is a bit disappointed with the lack of apparent technology, but decides that the library makes up for it. Mini does disappear briefly, one day, when there's a festival in town, but since he was never all that social in the first place Archive just tells everyone that he's hiding somewhere quiet. Completely coincidentally, a short masked stranger beats up a cloaked purple stranger in the Festival Tournament and then vanishes with the key to the Chest before anyone can open it. Weird.
Four Swords: Well you see there was this complete coincidence a few hundred years or so ago and now everything is completely peaceful. Mini continues to explore how the kingdom is doing. Archive continues to raid the libraries and be disappointed by technological advancements. Also by complete coincidence, the bat-relocation business they run on the side is thriving
Ocarina of Time: Yeah this Ganondorf person is a hack, Mini's just gonna poison his drink or something and be done with it before it becomes a problem, mmkay? HIs condolences to the diplomatic envoy, or whatever. Archive decides not to touch that mess even with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot-pole and instead spends most of his time apologizing for... whatever political faux-pas Mini's done now. Except for that one time he mechanized the Temple of Time to defend against Ganondorf in case Mini didn't add enough poison but he can change it back he swears-
Majora's Mask: They collectively evaluate the Moon in silence for a moment. "...I'll build some flamethrowers," Archive sighs. Mini gives a firm nod. "I'll evacuate the town. Meet back here in twelve hours to torch that thing."
Twilight Princess: Mini now has very sharp teeth and a very big grudge. Please allot him a few hours to go maul Zant, he'll get back with you. Archive gets distracted by the Spinner, and may-or-may-not accidentally on purpose tinker with it until it starts shooting death lasers on command - which is so cool why didn't he do this sooner???
Four Swords Adventures: Well you see there was this complete coincidence a few thousand years ago or so. Couple of odd Dark World convergences popping up here and there, but that's easily solved!
Legend of Zelda: Mini's wasting no time, he takes just long enough to pinpoint where Ganon's hiding and then he cuts a swathe. Archive kickstarts the technological revolution a couple centuries early, because these people are living in caves??? When there's perfectly good architecture to be invented???
Link to the Past: Agahnim is talking but the only thing Mini hears is 'please punch me in the face'. He obliges. Archive spends the next five or so years apologizing profusely for Mini's assorted political blunders.
Oracle of Ages: Okay normally Mini's usual M.O. isn't a problem because the problem people aren't usually beloved royalty... surely someone else notices that Queen Ambi is suddenly prone to evil laughter, right? Archive won't let him duel Veran out of her, how is this supposed to get fixed?
Oracle of Seasons: Archive is one hundred percent in love with the Subrosians, they're so inventive! Literally everything has metalworking in it, he's in mechanical heaven...wait shoot where did Mini go? What do you mean he's making a reputation as a Dragon Tamer???
Link's Awakening: Neither of them are particularly musical but they can make this work... wait what.
Wind Waker: Mini sails them to the Forsaken Fortress, beelines for Ganondorf, and then proceeds to fight the man for two straight hours... which is coincidentally all the time Archive needs to reconfigure the cannons. There is an equally coincidental series of explosions.
Spirit Tracks: Okay Archive fully admits that he loves everything about this but have they considered moving past furnace power? He can totally offer some blueprints, here, he's got some notes on Divine spell sourcing. Mini starts up a new hobby of making Chancellor Cole's life miserable, but discreetly this time, because Archive is too distracted to make apologies for any political blunders.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 2 years
Dawn of a New Day
On a simple morning after the mission, Natasha mentioning going to pride causes a spiral that makes Maverick realise a few things about Goose and Carole.
Words: 3307
Demiboy Goose and Fanboy, Demigirl Carole. Fanboy uses he/they pronouns in this. Also mentions goose x slider.
Late morning had set in around the hangar. Most of the crew, both teams, were milling around either fixing things, staring at things or continuing their mario kart tournament from their last day off.
Phoenix rolled her eyes as Rooster beat Hangman for the fifth time in a row. Hangman collapsed against the sofa in mock anger, or real anger, they weren't sure. She raised her eyebrows and got up, announcing something to the group.
"Did you know San Diego Pride is next weekend?" She looked down at her phone again. "We could get the time off? I haven't been to pride in ages."
Bob, who'd managed to make himself invisible to the group again, said, "I've never been to pride," he placed his hands over his ears. "Too loud."
"We could go," she suggested. "All of us? With earplugs in."
The group pondered it, checked their calendars and began to plan. Bob seemed more up to the idea when Phoenix assured that she would stay at the sides with him for however long he wanted to. 
Mav emerged from his trailer with a fresh cup of coffee. They'd stayed up late educating him about video games. They all managed to still be up bright and early but his old bones needed a little time to recover.
"You kids have fun," he said, having overheard them.
Rooster placed down his controller and turned to Mav. He had the same look Goose would give him whenever he did something stupid. It gave him shivers.
"You're coming with us, you know that right?"
He placed down his coffee. They were all looking at him expectantly. But he didn't want to impede on their time to experience their lives. He'd had his youth and didn’t want to take up time they couldn't get back. However, that could also be his excuse for feeling apprehensive about having a family again.
"You don't want me there," he laughed.
"Yeah, we do," Phoenix said.
The room got hotter. He was never open about this kind of stuff, not with anyone but Goose, Carole, Ice and Slider. He knew he'd have to tell Penny eventually and he knew she’d be fully on board with his bisexuality. But his sentimental nature stayed true even when it came to his sexuality, the prejudice of the Navy in the eighties still clung to him like smoke.
"Even if you're just there as an ally, I've seen plenty of people there giving dad hugs to people whose parents didn't accept them," She said. "You really should come, Mav."
"What's an ally, again?"
The group laughed. Was he really that out of touch? When he was young there were two options, three at a stretch. Now there were so many words for things. He loved that, loved that people could find themselves and feel the warm embrace of validation. But he didn't even know where to start. Perhaps this was his chance.
"Someone who's not LGBT but is supportive,"
"Shouldn't that just be everyone?"
More laughter from the group. 
Hangman spoke up, "Yeah, but people don't like to hear that."
He hummed and took a sip of his coffee. Times had changed so much. He felt like a dinosaur.
"Okay, I'll go, but I'll need your educating before we do, I don't want to say the wrong thing and hurt someone,"
Their faces went soft. The group shuffled and collected around him. Their eyes bored into his head. He took a long sip of his coffee and settled his gaze between Phoenix and Rooster.
"What do you know?"
"Well, there's gay, when you like the same gender as you, there's lesbian, which is when a woman likes another woman," he stopped himself. "But I saw something about that being just not men liking women, so I'm not sure?"
No comments. That had to be a good sign.
"I know the term bisexual well, I would do, I've known I am bisexual since 1980." He looked at Rooster. "So did your parents."
He opened and closed his mouth. Mav knew Rooster had history with Hangman, and something with Phoenix. But given their long break from each other, he didn't feel it was right to ask about that department yet.
"I always knew mum liked Dolores O'Riordan from the Cranberries a little too much to just admire her singing," Rooster joked.
Mav continued, "I know that people can not identify as what they were given when they were born," he scanned the room. "And that's called transgender, right?"
Collective nods gave him a glowy feeling.
"But that's it." He added.
"Well, you know the iconic letters," Phoenix said. "But there's some things you missed."
She shuffled forward. Phoenix took the lead often. She had a calm atmosphere but was also stern when the time called for it.
She explained more terms to him, with others pitching in with their own takes or explaining more themselves. He found that Hangman was pansexual, that Halo was a lesbian, that Phoenix was asexual, and his suspicions about Rooster being bisexual were confirmed.
Mav had finished his coffee. The group lay around on the various rugs as he got his head around all the new information.
"And there's more than one gender?" 
More agreement. His head was spinning with all the new information but he wouldn't have it any other way. He saw how their faces lit up the more questions he asked, the more he understood and encouraged.
"Well, society makes man and woman so separate, it only makes sense that there's a lot of things in between," Fanboy explained. "Kind of like cheese."
Finally, their attention drew away from Maverick. Payback shuffled to Fanboy with a cocked eyebrow.
"Yeah, there's mozzarella on one end, and halloumi on the other but there's a load in between and some that aren't even between, they're their own thing and some are similar in flavour to halloumi but are also close to mozzarella in a different way, you know?"
Payback was the only one to reply, "Have I been hanging around you too much or did that make perfect sense?"
Phoenix laughed and collapsed backwards, leaning on Bob's legs, "No that does make sense."
"I would know, I think I'm the only person under the non binary spectrum here," 
"So that's what the in-between is called?"
Fanboy nodded, "Yeah, I identify as a demiboy."
"Yeah, I only partially identify as a guy, sometimes I feel like something else entirely," his voice went quiet. "It took me a while to figure it out but I got there."
Mav tried to listen but the sound of his pounding heart filled his ears. Everything went distant as he was transported thirty-seven years into the past. His head began to swim. They all sounded far away.
It was Rooster. He looked at him and saw Goose. His voice was so similar.
"Mav? You okay?"
He took a few deep breaths. They all looked so concerned.
"I didn't know there was a word for it," he mumbled.
Rooster approached him slowly, laying a hand on his shoulder with care, "Did we help you figure something out?"
He shook his head. He met Rooster's eyes but all he could see was Goose. Goose's quivering lip and tears, his uncomfort when Admirals told him to man up or at the culture of hyper-masculinity he was surrounded by at all times, the comfort he found in Carole's arms.
"Not me, your dad."
Rooster stepped back a few steps. His concern changed to shock. Should he be telling him this at all?
"There wasn't a word for it back then, I mean, we felt rare for all being bisexual," he looked at his lap. "I had some bad experiences just because of that, girls not wanting to be with me because I'd been with guys, guys not wanting to be with me because I'd been with girls,"
"But your dad, well apart from admitting he had a thing with Slider back in high school-"
Rooster was even more shocked. Someone spat out their drink, it was Bob.
"Wasn't he Admiral Kazansky's backseater?" Bob exclaimed.
"Uncle Slider?"
Mav scratched the back of his head. He seemed to be admitting too many things for one conversation.
"They both ran track in high school, both had their sights on being Naval Aviators, I think at one point he planned to be Slider's RIO, before they both became RIOs themselves." He decided to just admit everything, Bradley always wanted to know his dad, this was part of him. "They were horny teenagers in southern America in the seventies, they didn't have a lot of options and wanted to explore things."
He gulped, probably needing another coffee, or something stronger.
"Anyway, your dad had his own struggles he was dealing with," he then added. "Your mum too."
Rooster mouthed the words 'my mum' as Mav carried on. He sat down next to the sofa. They were all looking up at him like children wanting a story.
"I should do this properly, give me a second,"
He hurried off to where he kept all his memorabilia of the past. Deep in a box somewhere was a polaroid he was looking to find. And after a few minutes, he found it. 
Returning to his seat, he stroked their young faces. Carole wore one of Mav’s white t-shirts, his aviation jacket and sunglasses with his cocky grin on her face. Mav wore one of Goose's obnoxiously bright shirts with a fake moustache to boot. And Goose wore a red floral, strappy dress with white tennis shoes on, holding Bradley in a pumpkin outfit close to his chest. 
"It was Halloween, 1982, you were almost 4 months old," he said, looking at Bradley. "We managed to get the time off to visit your mum in Texas and decided to take you trick or treating, although with you still being breastfed, I don't know how much of the candy you could’ve actually eaten."
A laugh rippled through the small crowd.
"And we decided to go as each other, Carole was me, I was Goose, and Goose was your mother," 
He gave him the polaroid. For a moment, he took in his expression as he gazed at the faces he'd probably started to forget, he had and he hated it.
"Of course you were in the obligatory baby pumpkin outfit,"
Hangman snatched the photo from him, "Wow, you really pulled off that pumpkin well, Rooster, you still got it?"
Rooster gave him a deadpan laugh and yanked the photo out of his hand. He handed it to the rest of the group and looked at Mav to carry on.
"Anyway, your dad got some comments, with it being Texas in the eighties, people gave him looks and told him he was a guy and shouldn't be wearing a dress, of course he just said back that he wasn’t a guy," he gazed into the middle distance. "I guess I should've known it wasn't just a joke."
Bob handed the picture back to him. He looked back at Goose. There was a look of satisfaction on his face, like he was happy to have an excuse not to behave like the macho guy the Navy expected him to be. He should've realised sooner. So many what ifs.
"Then, a few days later, Goose had gone for a shower but it had been way too long, so Carole and I went to check up on him." He clutched the wrinkled photo tighter in his hand. "He'd been acting off for a few days, he almost didn't go to church, which he never did"
"And we walk in and he's holding the same dress he wore for Halloween in front of him, when he saw us he immediately dropped it like it was on fire, looked like we'd caught him with a dead body or something,"
He remembered the look of absolute shock on his face. Guilt flushed high on his cheeks. He hadn't been able to meet their eyes nor look at himself in the mirror.
"Carole made some joke, something like 'Halloween ended a few days ago', but immediately took it back when she saw how heartbroken he looked. She asked him what was wrong, comforting him and encouraging him to tell us but it was like there was a mental block stopping him,"
He could see how Carole caressed his arms and face now. Their love was so strong. It always broke his heart to think about.
"He started apologising, said it wouldn't happen again and that we should all forget about it but we both insisted he talk about it," he said. "We made sure he knew we weren't judging or hated him, we just wanted to understand"
"So he started to cry as he talked about how he realised he sometimes didn't feel like a guy but didn't want to be a woman either. He always put it down to growing up in the seventies where men had thick chest hair and low buttoned shirts and were really sexual when he had pale blond hair all over and liked his shirts buttoned up a lot more than all the big heart throbs did."
Fanboy had shuffled closer now. His eyes glimmered with understanding. They looked entranced by Goose's story, his face glowing but also slightly sad in a way that could only come from feeling the same feelings as Goose had.
"And then when that didn’t work, he said he explained it to himself as navy guys being all defined abs, strong jaws, high cheekbones, you were expected to be thick with muscle and have so much testosterone they could smell it on you,"
He scanned the room. How times had changed. Yes, most of them were muscular but there was less of a stigma now. And when his eyes landed on Phoenix, he smiled.
"But he met me, and Cougar and Merlin and so many others that also didn't fit the mold and he sorta ran out of excuses," 
That Halloween had been magical. They had a home together, at last, and were getting to do normal things together. It meant so much to Maverick. He couldn’t put it into words but those days with Goose and Carole had made him know what a home felt like. 
"We asked him what he meant, what he felt like if it wasn't just him being insecure with his masculinity," he looked at Fanboy again. "He said that some days he felt like a guy, but others he just didn't. He didn't feel strong or cold or durable or protective enough to be a guy."
Fanboy nodded, "I get what he was on about, sometimes things just feel soupy, like one day you're solid like ice, but there are days when you feel like water when everyone's telling you that there's only ice and water vapour, but there's no one there to explain it to."
Maverick smiled at him. He often wished Goose was here with him, even as a ghost. Because he knew he'd have that wonderful smile of his on his face upon hearing that what he felt was real.
"That does sound like what he was trying to say," he said. "By this point, things had calmed down, Goose felt a little bit less like talking down an anxious dog and more like having a normal conversation again.".
He closed his eyes, "If I remember correctly we'd sat down by this point, he was telling us how there were some days when naval life really grated on him. Every time he got told to man up or that he wasn’t manly enough or got called a pussy for not being hyper-masculine like he was expected to made him want to be sick and tear his skin off." He sighed. "I don't know how he survived it sometimes."
He opened his eyes again and turned his gaze to Carole. 
"Then your mum decided to surprise us too."
Rooster's face had settled into shock, he must have appreciated him mentioning it before. He didn't know how much he knew about his parents, how close he felt or how much he missed them. They'd fallen so out of touch that he sometimes felt that he didn't know him at all.
"She went all shy and bashful and started talking about how she felt the same but in terms of being a woman, how even when she was pregnant with you-" he met eyes with Rooster again. "She didn't feel entirely like a woman, she just didn't think about it a lot, thought it was insecurities but hearing what Goose said made her realise that she wasn't just kidding herself."
He could see Carole in Rooster's face. He may look like his dad but he behaved in a weird combination of himself and his mum. When he was irritated, his nose scrunched like hers. His eyes glimmered with her sparkle, he saw her in his smile and could feel her ghost in his hugs. She’d raised him so well.
"But from there, we were stumped, we had no idea if there was a word for what they were feeling." He gestured vaguely outwards. "I think they were just glad to know they weren't making it up."
Just as Fanboy went to speak up, Mav thought of something else from that night. He felt sick when he realised his memories were fading. He was glad that Goose and Carole took so many photos when they were alive.
"But then Goose says that the only way he could put it into words was 'I feel more goose than guy', so that's what we went with, more goose than guy, more goose than gal," he said.
His smile returned, "I know it sounds stupid but it worked, because Goose couldn't be open about those feelings ok deployments and Carole knew the dangers living in Texas brought."
The group laughed too. He looked at Fanboy again. They were the only one with the same heartbroken understanding that Carole had when Goose opened up about his feelings to her. Maverick always tried to but knew he couldn't understand the intricacies of gender that they had.
"Well, it sounds like Carole was a demigirl," Fanboy said. "But you can't really say because-"
"We can't ask them."
The mood soured again. Maverick sighed. There was so much he wanted Goose and Carole to know about. 
"But they'd be happy to know it’s a thing," he mulled. "I'll have to tell them next time I'm in Texas."
He bowed his head. The others rustled around him. The conversation felt over, it had been harder than he thought it would be, but Fanboy spoke up again.
"Well, there's been non binary people for centuries," he shifted his gaze between Rooster and Maverick. "They're not alone, never were."
Rooster breathed a thank you. His eyes were full of tears.
"They would've liked you," Maverick said to Fanboy.
He scanned the room, noticing their forlorn faces, "They would've liked all of you."
He held back a sob. In moments like this, not the quiet ones in the middle of the night, but the warm ones, he truly felt the ache of their loss. He could live without them, he’d had to, but he still wanted them back. Sometimes he wished he could see ghosts.
Snapping out of his trance, he noticed Rooster approaching him. He jiggled him by the shoulder.
"Come on, old man, enough sadness," he let himself be pulled to the sofa. "You're playing against me in this mario kart tournament."
Maverick chuckled and dropped the pictures he held in his hand. Yet, Goose and Carole's faces stayed eternally happy. Both happy in the comfort of truly being able to express who they were.
I've had this idea for a while and am so glad to get it finished. I hope I portrayed demigenders right, I did do some research beforehand but am not a demigender. I really liked the line "clung to him like smoke". I hope you enjoyed this!
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nexuschampion · 1 year
There was a lot about his life that had changed for good and bad. But by far his absolute favorite part about it all was being able to put his time instead of his money at his chosen charities for kids.
Since things had somewhat settled into a new way of life, he made sure to spend at least a few hours a week, sometimes every day, just hanging out with the children who were stuck in the system, waiting for a home or resigned to never getting one, in and out of different families lives, just trying to live as normal a life as possible.
He related. He loved their energy. Their brutal honesty. Their openness, and especially their vulnerability.
He had no purpose in visiting them other than to do exactly whatever it was the kids wanted. Sometimes it was a specific game like hide and seek. Sometimes a Smash Brother's tournament. They might want to hear him tell stories or read a book. Once they even begged him to show them how to bake cookies. He always obliged them and no one tried to interfere as long as he kept it tame.
Today this particular group, a younger set, wanted to play. Ride the turtle was a favorite, as was tag. Currently they were on a break and he was sitting against the modest little swingset, a couple of kids sitting by (or on) him.
"How does it feel, with like, your skin?"
"A lot like your I imagine. What's yours feel like to you?"
"Smooth. I need lotion sometimes though."
"Hmm. Maybe I'll try that. You know, my skin is pretty rough." He held out his hand for the kid to feel, who grabbed it immediately.
"Whoa! Does it bother you? It bothers me when my skin is dry. It itches."
"Na, not really. Kinda a reptile thing. It's more like scales, you know?"
"I have some lotion by my bed, if you want to try some."
Mikey smiled at the girl. "That's so nice of you Abbey. I'm good though. And if you need some just let me know because I have found some of the nicest smelling lotion but I don't really use it, so you can have it if you want."
The girl brightened. Another kid curled up in his lap.
"You're comfy."
"So I've been told. Tired?"
"Not sleeping great?"
"I've been there. You know if you try to think about something you really, really like when you're going to sleep it makes it a bit easier sometimes."
"I usually think about school. Or having to move somewhere. Sometimes I just think about food."
He chuckled. "I used to do that too. When I was your age a lot of the time I didn't even know when I'd get another meal. You know you're good here though, right? If you ever feel like you need something you can tell me."
The boy shook his head. "They are nice here and they told me some relatives are coming this weekend."
"I better make sure you have my phone number so you can call then. I want to hear all about them."
Mikey surveyed all the kids on the playground. So many came and went so quickly he barely got a chance to know them. Many cycled in and out as they got moved from home to home so much that he coudn't keep track.
He loved it, but it also stung knowing just how many there were. So many that were entirely alone, so many that had families too bad for them to stay with. Before he'd been able to fight for them from the shadows, but now he had to play by the rules. People knew him, what he was capable of, and that he had no sympathy for any abusers unfortunate enough to stumble into his path.
He sighed just as a boy with wild bright red hair ran up to him and begged them to continue the games.
The boy in his lap jumped right up, leaving Mikey to watch them all with a slight smile until he could no longer ignore their pleas.
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loveforalexzverev · 12 days
🎤 QF on-court interview after Alexander's win over De Minaur:
Interviewer: Sascha, congratulations. One more night, it seems like you are the night session guy. But you've been fighting so hard, back-to-back five-sets matches. Today against De Minaur, unbelievable player. But this is... you don't win here, you don't win this tournament or these matches these last few days, you win this through many years of working, work ethic. Can you explain it, please? Because this is unreal, what you've been doing. Good job, Sascha Zverev (Sascha smiles, the crowd cheers).
Sascha: Yeah. Everybody, you know, everybody in the press and everybody keeps on asking me what do I do for recovery. And my answer is always very simple: you don't recover after matches, you recover in the off-season and you do the work in the off-season. Then tennis becomes easy, and I think, for me, I have a mindset that you have to work harder than everyone else to be the best player. And the best players are all doing that.
And, for me, I like to work to my absolute limit, and if I do that, then playing five sets all of a sudden is not that difficult. And, yeah, I mean, I've been doing that over many, many years now, and, you know, I'm happy that it's paying off, still paying off. And, yeah, happy to be in another semi-final, hopefully I can win one (laughs).
Interviewer: Long rallies, difficult to win points. But there was one, a specific one in the second set tie-break. You were down 4-0, then you came back, and at 5-all, you played one of the longest rallies of the whole tournament. Can you take us to that moment, how your heart was beating, and how your legs were burning? Because we're sitting outside, and it's quite easy to say, "oh, run a little bit more". But are you exhausted at that point? Are you about to die? Or you still feel -
Sascha: (Laughs) No, I mean, luckily I have a coach who is my father, who couldn't care less how I feel on the practice court. So since I'm three years old, it was always, "okay, run, then run here, run there, run for four hours straight". And he sometimes forgets that I'm 2m tall and I can hit a serve 230 km/h.
But he definitely taught me the Spanish way, you know? Running for everything, putting the balls back in the court, and, you know, sometimes it pays off. I wish I would be more aggressive sometimes, but if I'm winning, I'm happy. And I'm in the semi-finals, and that's all that matters (smiles).
Interviewer: But your work ethic is a real example for every single player on the tour. And now you're here, as you said, again in the semi-finals. You have the experience, you're enjoying being here in Paris, we see you smiling. This is unbelievable, Sascha, because you're bringing so many good things to this sport. Because when you see people, like, fighting like you and De Minaur here tonight, I think it's very good to show that this is not just about tennis, it's also about heart.
Sascha: Yeah, for sure. I mean, look, I've said it many times, this sport has given me everything. And it has given me the life that I have, it's given me my first love, it's given me heartbreak, it's given me the biggest, joyful moments, it's given me, you know, the most painful moments.
And if I can give back to the sport in any way, and if I can give back to, you know, to the people watching, and have a little bit of joy on their faces, I'm happy about that. And I hope I can continue doing that, and as long as I do, I'll keep playing, and that's the most important thing (smiles).
Interviewer: We wish you the best for the semi-finals. I hope the best man can win. Sascha, Casper, Jannik, Carlitos, good luck to all of you.
Sascha: Thank you, thank you.
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branvashippers · 2 years
Chapter 4 - Takoyaki(!) Date(💖)
Author's note: Takoyaki guy will finally be making an appearance!!!(He's kinda sorta my fave character) He is going to be called takoyaki guy from here on because we were not creative enough to figure out what to name him(sorry not that sorry). Plus, isn't it more mysterious to that we don't know his name(yet)??? You saw that yet correctly~~~That's right, we may only have like 3 braincells left putting this show together, but I have hope that takoyaki guy may have a name...eventually!!! Or you could help us out by putting suggestions in the comments(please do this!!!) for a name~if there is a really good name(or even a decent one) we'll probably(most definitely) use it (because our braincells really can't think of anything else to be honest)!! OK then~~onto the story now!!!
Hey, do you want to prep together tomorrow?
- Brandon, a few seconds ago
She jumped on her bed, screaming happily at the top of her lungs. Brandon texted me! He wants to hang out!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!! MY LIFE SO FAR HASN'T BEEN WASTED... Be cool Iva... Be cool.
Yeah sure! Meet you at my house at 9 tmrw morning? :D
- Iva, now
See you there.
- Brandon, now
The next day, Iva snuck into her mother's bathroom and put on whatever was in the makeup bag- a container with gold trimmings, a long tube that said MAYBELLINE BROW GEL™ and layers of lip gloss. She modeled clothes and jewelry, waiting for the clock to turn to 9 o' clock.
Ding Dong. "Hey Iva, I'm here to prep." said Brandon. Iva had forgotten that he was here to prep and was now standing there in a plaid skirt and a full face of makeup. Her face turned red and she stuttered. "Oh hi." Just then, her mother walked past.
"你和可爱的男孩在做什么?" (What are you doing with cute boy?) She said
"Mom! I mean-ugh, we were just going to prep for our upcoming tournament."
"Well, are you going to invite me in or not?" Brandon smirked.
"Of course. Come on in." She said, flustered
"Well, this is my room!" The door opened, letting streams of light down the hallway. Everything was nicely organized, and outside the windows the birds harmonized as a breeze blew by. Next to her desk, she had even set up a makeshift area for Brandon. She desperately wanted to make a good impression on him.
"Got it. Should we start with the NC3 aff?" he started. "Hello? Iva?" She snapped out of her trance. She was daydreaming about kissing him.
"Yeah. Yeah let's start on the CJR aff."
"We're doing CJR?"
"No, no no, the childcare topic. Oh wait no it's civil rights one right?"
"Wait we're doing the last topic? I thought we were doing the NC3 aff? We discussed it last night. I asked Mr. Wheeler for a strat he thought was good."
"Oh yeah totally we're doing the NC3 thing." She tried to act cool. Be cool Iva. Be cool.
But despite her efforts, her mind continued to wander. What if they married? What would their children look like?
"Ok!! That's a wrap." Brandon said triumphantly. "Want to get takoyaki? It's my favorite food. There's one just downtown."
"Sure, sure."
"There it is! It's the one to the left." He said. They took empty seats on the bar.
"Hi welcome to Takoyaki Place (a/n: we are not Japanese so uh, please don't mind the odd naming skills, we thought this would at least be better than Mitsuwa.)"
"Hi, I'll get the 8 Ball special with a side of soy milk."
"Sure thing, would you like the lovers special? We have a discount today." the takoyaki guy asked.
"A-ah no, we aren't-" Iva sputtered, blushing hard.
"Hold hold hold HOLD ON. You said discount? How much?" Brandon interrupted.
"30%" takoyaki guy said, nonchalantly, smirking at Iva.
"B-but, we're not dating!" Iva squeaked out.
"Ah, my bad," the takoyaki guy grinned, not sounding apologetic at all. "You two just had such great chemistry going on, I thought-"
"No. No, we're dating; sorry, we just started dating, my girlfriend is just a little shy." Brandon interrupted again, shooting Iva an i'll-explain-it-later-just-go-along-with-it look.
She blushed hard and stuttered, unable to say anything
"Ah, I see...don't worry I'll give you two the discount and something else special..." his smile widened as he took the menus off the table. He shouted something in Japanese.
"What was that about?!" Iva whisper-yelled. Did...did he truly think of her like that?
"Ah sorry about that, the discount is too good to pass up though," Brandon whispered back. "Would you mind just going along with it for today?"
"Mm. This is one of the best takoyakis I've ever had!!!- plus it's the love-" stuck her hand over her mouth. "LIEST- with the loveliest study buddy."
"Yeah." Brandon blushed. Iva didn't see it and continued to tend to the love worn embers in her heart.
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elstreem · 2 years
A Night in Vegas
Just a little BediGuda fluff fic inspired by the All In! event revival in F/GO. I say little but I somehow got 2k words on it, that's where BediGuda brain rot will lead you...
Oh yeah, I usually do BediGudako content with comics and such, so I decided to write this one with Gudao.
Oh yeah, this fic has BediGuda as an established relationship before the event, okaaaay go-
A Night in Vegas
The glittering city of Vegas was not one to go quiet in the hours of the night - if anything, more people were out in the streets, enjoying the cooler air and admiring the dazzling displays of the many casinos.
Around 9 pm, the Chaldea crew was also thinking up plans to unwind after a dazzling day of gambling and sword fighting. They still had to resolve the Singularity and whatever was going on with the Swimsuit Swordmaster tournament…but it was fairly laid back and there was time to enjoy the Singularity at leisure between the battles (the Summerfest, enjoyable as it was, was full of frantic cramming that left some hands cramping well after the event.)
Oei and Musashi - er, Iori, were excitedly thinking of food places to try, Mash wanted to wander about the city with Fou in tow, Siegfried was planning on a quiet evening inside with a few books on hand, and the Master of Chaldea, Fujimaru Ritsuka…
…was talking with Fuuma Kotarou about a little request.
"I'm heading out tonight, but I'll be back around…2, maybe 3 am? You don't have to tail me, Kotarou, I'll be with Bedivere," Ritsuka said.
"Are you sure, Master? Hmm…does this have to do with the note you received earlier?" Kotarou asked - earlier in the day, Bedivere had passed along a written message that got everyone curious.
"Um, yes, it is," Ritsuka said with a little laugh.
"Does it have to do with the Swimsuit Swordmasters?" Oei asked, overhearing the conversation.
"Or something about the Casino Camelot?" Siegfried asked. 
A blush graced Ritsuka's cheeks as he shook his head. Mash suddenly got an idea of what Ritsuka's plan was about and stifled a giggle.
"No, we're just…okay. It's a date, putting it bluntly," Ritsuka said, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh. Ahhhh!?" Oei exclaimed, the words sinking in.
"Oh. Oh! Um. Yes Master, I'll be sure to give you some privacy," Kotarou said, bowing in apology.
"Ha ha! Well, let's not keep you then, you go on, Master of Chaldea!" Iori said with a hearty laugh.
"Yes, do go on, Senpai. Take care and have fun!" Mash said with a wave. Fou also raised a paw in farewell, and with a few more laughs around the Master left the hotel room and went on his way.
Ritsuka went down the hotel steps, unable to stop a grin growing on his face, nervous excitement making his nerves flutter. It had been a while since he had some time to spend with Bedivere…
As he came into the street, he saw the Knight standing calm and collected, silver hair glowing with different tints from the lights around him. 
"Bedi!" Ritsuka called, and the Knight of the Round Table turned, a smile gracing his face on seeing his Master approach.
"Ritsuka," Bedivere called warmly, opening his arms. With full trust, Ritsuka ran up to him and jumped, laughing with delight as Bedivere easily caught him. The Knight wasn't wearing his armor, just his plain clothes beneath, so Ritsuka could come close without having to be uncomfortably pressed against metal.
"How are you, Master? Not tired, I hope?" Bedivere asked as he wrapped his arms around Ritsuka. 
"No, I'm fine. I had some sleep late in the afternoon," Ritsuka said, looking up at Bedivere's face. The Master had a slight frown of concern, raising his right hand to touch Bedivere's cheek.
"And you? You've been working all day at the Casino Camelot, right? Have you taken a rest?" Ritsuka asked.
"And don't try to use being a Servant as an excuse, Bedi, you should still have some rest," Ritsuka continued with a knowing look.
Bedivere gave a small chuckle at that, touched by Ritsuka's concern.
"I most solemnly swear, I have been looking after myself, Master. We close the place for the night, remember? I've had some time to myself," Bedivere said.
"Good to hear," Ritsuka said, hugging Bedivere and indulgently pressing his face to Bedivere's chest.
Bedivere laughed again, putting a hand on top of his Master's head and brushing his tufted hair in little back and forth motions.
"Is there anywhere you wish to visit tonight?" Bedivere asked.
"Mm…somewhere quiet would be nice. We've been having too much excitement racking up QP during the day…" Ritsuka said.
"Somewhere quiet sounds good. Oh, I know, shall we go to the edge of the city? I think I saw some places to sit there…" Bedivere said.
Ritsuka finally found the willpower to draw back from Bedivere and did so to smile.
"Okay, lead the way!"
"Let's go, then," Bedivere said, offering his hand, and Ritsuka gladly took it as they walked off into the night.
They sat at the edge of the city, looking out onto the waters that surrounded it. The noise of the streets was muted and it was actually quite calm and soothing, a slight breeze making waves that lapped at the city.
"Even after the previous summer's trip to…Luluhawa, wasn't it? I'm still not used to the idea of a calm sea," Bedivere said.
"What's your idea of a good vacation, then?" Ritsuka asked curiously.
Bedivere closed his eyes in thought.
"Anywhere quiet is fine. And even better, if I'm with you," the Knight answered, looking intently at Ritsuka's face.
Ritsuka felt heat flare in his cheeks, and he wondered if Bedivere could see his blush in the dim light.
"I don't think I'll ever want to go back to the desert, but I suppose this one isn't so bad," Bedivere said with a laugh.
"Ha ha, yeah, this is quite cozy for a desert isn't it?" Ritsuka laughed along.
"How about you, Ritsuka? Where would you like to go for a vacation?" Bedivere asked.
"Hmm…" Ritsuka tipped his head back in thought. He had visited a lot of places through Singularities, some in rather implausible environments (like an actual magical girl realm)…but even through all those fantastical experiences…
"Hmm…this sounds like I'm copying you, but…any place with you, sounds great, Bedi," Ritsuka said, turning to look at Bedivere.
A cool breeze blew by, ruffling Ritsuka's hair, and the Master shivered a little, still clad in his summer clothes.
Almost instantly, Bedivere summoned his cape and wrapped it around Ritsuka.
"Ah, yes, deserts get cold at night…" Bedivere said in concern.
"Oh! Thanks, Bedi," Ritsuka said, clutching the cape edges with his hands.
"Do you need extra warmth, Master?" Bedivere asked.
"Um, it's a little chilly, but I'm fine -" Ritsuka said, when Bedivere put an arm around his shoulders and drew him close.
"Is that better?" Bedivere asked.
So much better, Ritsuka wanted to answer, but he got tongue-tied and could simply nod. After a few seconds of thinking, the Master decided to let himself fully enjoy the moment and snuggled up to Bedivere's chest with a little sigh of happiness.
"I should have thought of bringing some warm drinks…" Bedivere mused, and was about to ask if Ritsuka wanted some, but seeing him comfortable, Bedivere decided it could wait.
They so very rarely had time and the privacy to be close together…
The hours pleasantly passed by in a quiet murmur of talk, enjoying the warmth of contact and taking in the soothing vista of water in the moonlight. But it had to end sometime, and seeing Ritsuka yawn a few times in a row, Bedivere spoke.
"We should head back. Don't worry I will get some rest. I promise," Bedivere said, raising Ritsuka's hand to his lips.
Ritsuka sighed, the sweet gesture not quite making up for the knowledge that they had to part.
"I promise to get some sleep, too. Don't worry, I can afford to wake a little late," Ritsuka said, mustering a smile at Bedivere's words. Knowing that the Knight was actively making an effort to take care of himself always felt like a victory.
"If I can, I'll see you again another night, my Ritsuka," Bedivere said.
"I'll look forward to it," Ritsuka said, and they stood up together.
Again they linked hands and walked back, taking their time on the way. Too soon for Ritsuka's taste, they ended back at the Gildalay Hotel.
"Here we are," Bedivere said, turning to Ritsuka. Though the Knight did his best to keep his voice calm, Ritsuka could hear a note of wistfulness in it. 
The Master gave Bedivere's hand a squeeze and looked up, lips about to frame a request when he felt the cool touch of a silver hand on his chin. The fingers came to cup his cheek, thumb brushing carefully across his lips in a question.
Ritsuka closed his eyes in answer, tilting his head, barely breathing, waiting for -
Bedivere brushed his lips across Ritsuka's, a fleeting, light touch, just the merest suggestion of warmth. Shy and modest, much like the Knight who gave it, but afire with love and adoration all the same.
Ritsuka pressed back, slightly clumsy but filled with feeling, and Bedivere obliged to deepen the kiss. What followed was a moment like a fragment of eternity, suspended among the lights of an unreal city of hopes and passions.
No matter how long the kiss, the sort of which left Ritsuka panting for breath after, it was still too short a time to spend together. Every snatched moment was bittersweet with that knowledge, knowing that their time together would always be limited, not just because of Ritsuka's ongoing mission, but just the fact that existing as Servant was always going to be temporary.
Once the world was restored, for good, hopefully…that was the day they will have to part as well.
But having resolved to love each other as best as they could…
"Good night, my Ritsuka. I hope you sleep is filled with sweet dreams," Bedivere murmured, holding Ritsuka close for one last embrace. The Master hugged him fiercely back, savoring the tender moment.
"With a night like this, I will have the sweetest dreams," Ritsuka said. Bedivere smiled at that - and one more moment holding hands, then letting go. Ritsuka walked back up the hotel steps, turning for one last look and a wave.
Bedivere waved back, and pressed a hand to his chest. With one last look at the building, he quietly made his way back to the Casino Camelot for his own rest, some hours before it opened again for business.
Mash drew a blanket over Ritsuka, who was deeply asleep soon after coming back, a slight smile on his face as if dreaming of something good.
"Seems like Master had a good night," Siegfried said quietly to Mash.
"I'm glad he did. I hope they had a good time," Mash whispered back.
"Fou?" Fou asked, waving his tail.
"I won't ask, Fou! We'll know if Senpai tells us. If not, we let him be," Mash scolded. 
Fou gave her a look as if pointing out she was quite curious too.
"Come on, Fou. Go to sleep," Mash chided.
"Fou…fou fou fo fo," Fou grumbled, but curled up into a ball. 
Bedivere…did not receive the same consideration. He sighed and put his hand to his forehead as Gawain, Lancelot and Tristan crowded around him with questions.
"My fellow Knights, no, I am not going to talk about our time together," Bedivere said with a sigh.
"Aww, why not? Shouldn't you celebrate it with us?" Gawain asked.
"Ha ha ha no, I'm not telling. Go away," Bedivere said with a pleasant smile.
"Was it that bad?" Lancelot asked.
"Knowing Sir Bedivere, if anything, it was very successful, wasn't it? Ah, how delightful," Tristan said with a knowing smirk.
"Speculate all you want. I'm going to get some sleep, as promised," Bedivere said with a roll of his eyes. He made a hasty retreat to his room, locked the door, and sighed, finally unable to repress the blush creeping over his face. More than anything, the memory of Ritsuka contentedly nestled close was something he was going to treasure for a long time.
He let out a little sigh - here in this strange Singularity, he got to see his King having some fun and actually smiling most of the time, and perhaps there was not just one, but many other chances of a good date with his Ritsuka. If only his comrades weren't acting a little…kooky from being Aloha Knights he could enjoy himself fully.
Bedivere gave a little laugh to himself - he wasn't gambling anything, but somehow he was winning all his heart's desires. Manifesting as Servant truly was a miraculous thing…and with that thought in mind he went to bed for some promised rest.
If you read to the end, thanks much! I wasn't planning on making this, but while playing the event (and totally destroying all the normal enemies with my Ruler Artoria with MLB Attack Up CE) I was just thinking, hey, it's a fairly laidback event and there's some time for Ritsuka to hang out with a partner of their choice...and with me that means Bedi lol.
I am actually aro-ace so if anything about the dialogue or actions are cringey you know why, I don't actually have romance experience lol. I just wanted this two to have some quiet time together.
I am very nervous posting fanfics, so all the 64 other BediGuda fics I have on my phone are probably going to be taken to the grave lol. This one is on my Gdocs which might be easier to read, but asdfghkkh why would anyone even want to https://docs.google.com/document/d/18W7SzpkRr1x9hpgTfb7eBENe5ZtyCoRRmuqso_GfmGE/edit?usp=sharing/
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We Met Within This Screen (chapt. 2)
[Donnie x fem reader]
Sfw, part 1 here
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Intellectually, Donnie was the best matchup for their leader as today was sparring day. He'd gone against his oldest brother many times, sometimes even coming out the victor himself, but today was just not his day.
He held his staff with that iron grip of his and waited for Leo to come at him. Donnie was more on the defensive than any of his brothers; he had to be. Out of all he was weakest physically but superior in calculations, but he was missing range in this matchup. Leo had a hard time disarming him as his katana could sometimes get lodged in the solid wood staff, giving Donnie leverage to perform the finisher in the short time it took him to dislodge his sword. He thought this time would be how that would happen.
"You're slow today, Donnie," Leo said as he lunged at his brother with a swing of his katana, forcing Donnie to step back. He was too focused on blocking Leo's rapid succession of attacks to respond.
Leo reeled back to swing his blade again but Donnie parried and struck his arm with his staff, shoving it aside. For a split second, Leo actually thought he was fixing to go down by this move if Donnie could hit him again quick enough. But his brother hesitated in thought, and without any reluctance himself, he used his other katana to put him in a compromising position. The match was over and Donnie was forced to stand down.
"Why did you hesitate?" Leo questioned him, lowering his blade. Raph watched from the sidelines with Mikey as they prepared to go up next. Since Leo was the winner, it was Raph's turn next to spar in his younger brother's place.
Donnie huffed and dropped his stance, putting his staff away. "It's just an off day," he replied. Splinter wasn't there to dictate today's training session and tournament, so Donnie was already on his way out to go to his lab by the time Raph stepped up to spar. But Leo sheathed his sword and put a hand on Donnie's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.
"You've been pretty eager to run back to your lab lately," Leo said matter-of-factly. He was wondering what was going on, why Donnie seemed weirdly distant the last couple of weeks. He had gone through a very withdrawn phase in earlier times upon entering his teenage years, but now, he was legitimately making everyone guess. He didn't snap at his brothers, and he wasn't any more impatient than usual. But something was different. He'd been spending a lot more time holed up in his lab, which everyone began to notice. Leo wanted to know what was wrong.
Donnie shifted and shrugged, "Like I said, I've been busy with some projects. Also, it's not like I have much to do out here beside training and patrol."
Leo opened his mouth to speak, but Mikey jumped on between them. "You missed game night last week! You never miss it," he butted in. Both Donnie and Leo gave him a look as if to say really? and he added in, "Well, uh...not usually."
Gently moving Mikey aside, Leo wanted to continue, but he saw Donnie staring at him expecting a follow-up when he didn't really have one. Whatever this was, Leo knew that coming at Donnie with questions was not the way to go about it. So he stepped back and gave his brother some space.
"We all have off days," Leo said finally after an awkward moment of silence. "Just work on your speed, Don."
"Got it."
With that, Donnie turned to leave, and Raph entered the ring to go against Leo in the last match of the night.
Once Donnie was gone, Leo got ready to spar with Raph. As they got into position, he contemplated bringing this recent development up with the other two, but decided against it in the end. He didn't want to incriminate Donnie, especially with Raph's assertive approach to handling things. Donnie could be somewhat flighty at times when it came to resolving matters of emotion, at times a little too introspective, but Leo couldn't fault him—he had his own struggles with that very thing, too.
Done, finally, Donnie thought as he skirted into his lab and started up the game. He was late to the party quite literally; training lasted longer than he'd thought, and he was disappointed to see that his newest friend was online, but not responding to his invite. Did everyone get together and play without him? After a few minutes, he almost decided on giving up. The instance made him contemplate whether he even wanted to continue this. Perhaps he'd been too eager.
He sighed. And then the menu pinged, and he was there reading the message in an instant.
Hey, sorry I partied up without you, I just didn't know if you were gonna be on or not :/
Without even thinking, he licked his lips typed back, repeatedly deleting and retyping his message to make sure it was casual but not too casual, apologetic but not desperate—
It's okay, don't worry about it
Likewise sorry it took me so long to get here.
That would do. He'd be lying to say he wasn't feeling that flutter in his stomach; the excitement of something new got to him in a way that only a discovery in his research did, or how he felt when he mastered a new technique in his training.
Let's get started then :)
They started the game, and this time he kept the mic on, as she did. They talked back and forth as they fought creatures and enemies and looted things, eventually coming to learn that she herself was in New York City. He was surprised; suddenly, the world felt a lot smaller, and he couldn't concentrate on just playing after that. The time they spent became more of an opportunity to converse than to play a mundane game for hours on end.
At some point, she switched the topic to his whereabouts. Donnie's breath hitched.
"I'm...not anywhere near. So it doesn't really matter," he told her, cringing. If the guys found out—if Splinter found out—he would be in such trouble.
"Oh," she paused for a moment, trying to find something to say. "That's alright, I don't want you to feel like you have to tell me, you know?"
He'd muted his mic to release a deep breath. He got lost in thought thinking about how in that moment, he wanted to be human. If he weren't a giant mutant turtle, he could actually form a connection with someone. It was a very "Mikey" thing to think, he reckoned, but at times he wanted friends just like his brother did.
"Yeah, sorry, I just…"
"It's really no problem, dude."
He felt as though he could hear the smile in her voice. What did she look like, he wondered. He wanted to see her, but he couldn't ask for that when he could never do the same. If he could get her name, he'd be in the clear to do some preliminary lookups on this person, but so far, she'd been dodgy about sharing info about herself as well. He couldn't blame her. They were two strangers online, one with a huge secret and the other completely in the dark about who he truly was. For all she knew, he could have been a creep, looking to stalk her online and perhaps do even worse. The thought made him feel almost nauseous, how she could be considering that about him as a possibility as they spoke. But she seemed comfortable enough. Unlike him, who was still slightly skeptical of the entire thing, because after spending his whole life in practical isolation, he was at a loss as to what to say or do after a certain point. The conversation died off and both of them thought simultaneously about how weird the sudden silence between them felt.
She hummed, as if searching for something to bring up. When she spoke, he was taken aback—"Hey, I'm gonna be honest, I really like talking to you but this game is getting boring. Do you wanna chat somewhere else?"
"Uh…" he trailed off, mind shooting blanks. Oh, was it just a horrible idea. He couldn't keep the jig up forever; the truth was bound to get revealed somewhere down the line. He was fixing to reject the proposition, tell her that he didn't want to take it that far. She could be anyone. The likelihood of it being a clever ruse on account of the Foot Clan was slim, but the paranoia still worked ambiently in the background noise of his mind. But his other doubt stopped him—when would he ever have a chance at this again? He wanted to have the strength to say no and leave it at that. The loneliness that crept up on him from time to time had something else to say.
"Yeah," he answered after a terribly long pause of mumbling, fighting with himself all the way as she told him where to add her. He could have kicked himself had it not been for the fact that he knew how to encrypt data, and that as long as he didn't leak a word about his inner circle or life, it would be okay. It didn't feel okay, though.
"Nice! I'll text you, see you later, Bo. I had a lot of fun tonight," she chirped.
Before he could respond, she was gone from the party, and the mic went silent. It happened so fast. He was barely caught up with the fact that he was now receiving messages and prompts to talk, but he couldn't bring himself to answer right away. He had to refocus his logic; how could this be used by the enemy as a way to get to them? Could they have somehow anticipated he'd download this game and find this random on there? The more the thought about it, the more glaringly obvious it was that it was not the case. It was just too improbable.
"The probability of the Foot being able to simulate such a specific scenario in order to get intel on us is so slim, it is practically non-existent," he told himself as he finally pulled up the messages. He read through them. "Approximately a zero-point-zero-zero-zero..."
My name is (Y/N), by the way :)
Well, that was easier than expected. He figured that somehow, the name suited you—a fitting name for such a personality. But it also gave him a glimmer of hope. It made him want to ask why you appeared to trust him, as he could be anyone on the Earth over the screen, not his benevolent self. Which she had no way of proving, technically. But he soon came to realize the screen painted him in a whole new light that it casted on him. It hit then that he could be anyone. He didn't have to be himself; not necessarily. She'd never have to know, as he could wear a human mask and she'd be none the wiser. Problem was, the lying made him feel guilty, and slowly would develop to be the thorn in his side.
Donnie thoughtfully stared at the screen. Now that he was here, some of his anxiety began to fade. He found himself actually able to talk, someone to listen to his tangents and even build upon them. They spent hours texting back and forth about anything and everything until it was almost time for him to put the phone down to leave for patrol. He felt giddy, like a kid, all over again.
Had you ever been able to talk to someone this easily?
You asked yourself that question as you exchanged with the faceless and nameless stranger over your screen, chatting from afternoon to night. Time flew by in an instant, with him, and you loved every minute. He was someone intellectual, but funny and so easy to talk to that it was as though the conversation carried itself. After some time he came out about his age after you revealed yours. Oftentimes, he'd just present to you a random question when the subject tapered off and run with it, like now:
What do you think of reptiles?
Puzzled, you took a second to reply. Odd question.
Why do you ask? Do you have one?
I was just curious
What do you think of them?
The chat indicator flip-flopped between "typing" and "idle" a few times before a message finally popped up, and you smiled. You'd learned over this short time that he was a dork in a cute way.
Well...I think they're pretty cool.
They've got natural armor and you would be surprised to know just how fast a turtle can be
You laughed a little to yourself. It was such a random thing to bring up, yet you were endeared. Deciding you'd go along with it, you asked him what else he knew about turtles.
Donnie was wondering what he was talking about just as much as she probably was. Stupid, he thought, facepalming. His first time really speaking with a human as an equal and he starts talking about turtles. Of course he knew a lot about them, he was one himself—but for some reason he found himself wanting to dispel myths and misunderstandings about turtles as if they reflected on him, when as far as she knew, he was just a human guy like herself.
He groaned lightly and typed, thinking up a fact that wasn't too conspicuous.
Red eared sliders are semi-aquatic.
As he typed the next part, he caught himself writing "we" instead of "they", to his dismay. He quickly fixed the error and continued, feeling weirdly exposed as it was almost as though in sharing this information, he was putting himself under a microscope for her to inspect.
They can hold their breath for up to thirty minutes, usually
Holding his breath was something he'd tested numerous times before. He and his brothers had actually made a game out of it on a few occasions, with Leo leading at thirty-three minutes, Donnie in second at thirty-one. Raph broke at twenty-nine minutes and Mikey followed behind in last at just twenty-seven. The ability could be trained, nonetheless.
That's interesting, I wonder what it's like to be able to go underwater so long?
It's kind of cool, you should try sometime
Shit. He promptly replied:
No—not like I can hold my breath that long, I just mean you should try to see sometime I guess
I tested it just for the fun of it.
Looking up how long humans could hold their breath on average (between thirty seconds and two minutes), he bumped the number up a little bit and added:
Personally, I'm at two minutes and forty-five seconds
He was embarrassed, partially covering his face as he waited for a response. Such a foolish slip-up; he couldn't afford to say anything cryptic. But he still was fairly sure that he had recovered that alright. He couldn't help but think about how awkward or weird he seemed to her. Who talked about this?
I don't think I could hold my breath for more than a minute, kudos to you haha
Anyway, sorry to switch gears all of a sudden but if you don't mind me asking, what's up with your family? You have any siblings?
He told her no. He would not bring his brothers into this, lest it be the slim chance of a ploy, after all. He said his family situation was unconventional and left it at that.
With that, he said to her goodnight and put his phone away, getting up to go get geared for patrol. It was only then he noticed the figure leaning against the doorway.
Chapter 3
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dreamerhideout · 3 years
over and over again
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part 1 of “the enhypen love playlist” series
jungwon | heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | ni-ki
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summary: it’s the end of another long day and your long-term boyfriend, sunghoon has just returned home from work. little did you know that coming home to your shared apartment was his favorite part of the day.
genre: fluff, non-idol!AU (sunghoon's a national figure skater here), aged-up!AU
characters: sunghoon x reader
warnings: none
word count: 673
a/n: this all started from me checking my romance playlist and realizing that this song fits sunghoon to an absolute T (i might make one-shots for all the enhypen boys if i don’t get lazy hahah), enjoy!
edit: i think i'll be making this a one-shot series so,, wish me luck
more under the cut!
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“i’m back.”
the door clicks open as the sound of footsteps enters the doorway of your apartment. you turn to peer over your shoulder, holding a ladle over a bubbling pot of stew. after taking off his shoes, sunghoon brushes some hair out of his face before setting his duffel bag by the door, then taking off his coat to place on the hanger.
“welcome back,” you call out in response. he walks over towards the water dispenser, grabbing himself a glass.
“what’s for dinner?” he fills the glass up before taking a few sips. he then wipes at his lips with his sleeve, craning his head so he can peek at the contents inside the pot.
“beef stew,” you stir some more; it looks like it's almost ready. “i got off work a little early today, so i decided to cook tonight. i was starting to get sick of take-out, honestly.” a small giggle escapes your lips, “how was today?”
sunghoon shrugs as he leans on the kitchen counter, “the usual, i guess. coach told me to modify my training routine, probably in preparation for the tournament coming up in a few weeks.”
you nod knowingly; your boyfriend is a national-level figure skater who joins competitions left and right. with how busy he is, you sometimes wonder how he has time to come home. “i see.” you turn off the stove, “well, dinner’s ready. maybe you’d like to go shower first?”
“i will.” sunghoon sets his glass down, then turning to you who’s busy pulling bowls and spoons out of the hanging cabinet. he knows how busy you’ve been these past few weeks too; there was an opportunity for a promotion at your workplace this week and your manager has been nagging at you more often. sometimes he’d notice that you’d come home with wrinkled creases on your forehead as a shaky, tired sigh escapes your lips, but you’d always put on a smile for him.
he pauses, searching for the right words before continuing, “don’t you get tired from cooking?”
you set some utensils on the counter near him, then turning to face him. “well, i did tell you i was getting tired of take-out. and besides, junk food isn’t the best choice of meal for an athlete like you, y’know?"
despite how burned-out you were these past few days, coming home to your boyfriend is your daily de-stressor; fewer things feel like a chore whenever he’s around. “i really don’t mind cooking, hoonie, don’t worry about it.” you give him a smile.
there is a beat before sunghoon wraps his arms around you, bringing you in for a hug. slightly taken aback by the sudden show of affection, you slowly lace your arms around his torso, basking in his warmth. he places a soft kiss on the crown of your head before whispering, “thank you for everything you do, (y/n).”
you peer up from his chest, a content smile dancing on your lips, “you’re welcome, hoonie.” he cups your cheek with a free hand, leaning in for a soft, blissful kiss. sunghoon himself wasn’t one for kisses often, so every single one he gives is as meaningful as the rest.
“sometimes, i don’t know where i’d be without you,” he says softly.
“likewise.” you run a hand through his hair, “i’m just glad we have each other.”
he untangles himself from you before you begin setting the table. “what’s gotten into you, though? did something bad happen at work?” your brows slightly crease as you look at him still leaning on the counter.
“nah, nothing happened. i just felt like thanking you, that’s all.” he stretched a bit before yawning, “i should really go shower now.”
“mhm, you should. you know that you stink, right?” you tease, focusing your attention back on setting the table.
he chuckles as he makes his way to the bathroom, “yeah right...” and you let out a laugh.
nights like this are the reason he falls in love with you all over again.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #897: Black Friday Shopping (King of Fighters)
6:34 p.m. at Southtown's Local Mall......
Shingo: (Looking Over his Notepad While Carrying a few Shopping Bags in his Arms and Walking Alongside With K') Okay.....I managed to get the Hello Kitty Phone Case and Premium Headphones for Naomi, Air Pods and a few work ties for Tsubaki, and a brand new pair of motorcycle gloves for Chizuru-Senpai. (Smiles Brightly) All I need to do is find a gift for my mom and I'll be golden. (Turns to K') What do you got on your end, K'?
K': A large Hawaiian shirt for Maxima, a whip and shoes polish for Seirah, a new cap for Clark, some guide book on how to be more expressive for Leona, and a gift card to Pao Pao Cafe for Ralf.
Shingo: Wait. You actually got gifts for the Ikari Warriors this year?
K': ('Sigh') Yep. Ever since we started working together, Seirah and Kula insisted that we try and get each other something for the holidays. (Starts Rolling His Eyes) I forgot to give The Loudmouth a gift last year, so I have to make it up to him.....
Shingo: Cool. So who's next on your list?
K': Kula. The only thing I need to get for her is a plushie of some blue penguin name Pablo.
Shingo: Wait....Pablo? (Stops Walking For a Second Before Gasping And Widening his Eyes at the Sudden Realization) You mean Pablo from the Backyardigans!?
K': (Stops Walking While Turning to Shingo with a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) Uhh...Yeah. That's him. You watched the show or something?
Shingo: When me and Naomi were kids! It was so fun to watch. Naomi's favorites were Uniqua and Austin, but I was more of a Tyrone fan myself. I didn't know you guys watch it too.
K': ('Tch') (Rolls his Eyes Once More as He and Shingo Continues Walking) Not by choice.....Kula always made me watch it with free on my free time. It's annoying....
Shingo: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly While Shrugging) Maybe it's just her way of wanting to spend more time with you.
K': Kid, we live in the same apartment together. We spent enough time together as it is.
Shingo: Yeah. But....at least you enjoy her company from time-to time, right?
K': ('Sighs a Bit in Defeat') Yeah.....She's can be a real pain in the neck half the time, but.....(Shrugs) I still love her.
Shingo: Awwwwwwwww!~ You DO have a soft side!~
K': (Starts Blushing for a Brief Second Before Quickly Turning Away) ('Tch') In your dreams.....I was only speaking from my perspective. And besides, I'd rather be in the same room with her than that Kusanagi asshole any day of the year.
Shingo: Yeeesh.....First Kula and now you? He really irritated you guys that badly, huh?
K': Constantly. And I don't know if it's because of his flames or how much of a punchable face he has. But considering how much of an annoying pest he is, I'm seconds away from choosing the latter.
Shingo: (Starts Snickering a Little) Yeah. I...kinda don't blame for it either. He can be a real jerk sometimes.
K': (Stops Walking Yet Again to Stare at Shingo) Huh.
Shingo: (Stops Walking as Well Giving K a Confused Look on His Face) Hm? Why did you stop walking all of a sudden?
K': I've been thinking....
Shingo: About?
K': How you acted whenever we shit talk about Kyo. You don't usually defend him as much as you used to in the past. What gives?
Shingo: Oh. Well, uhh.....(Smiles Sheepishly While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Y-You see, it's not that much of a big deal or anything, but....for a while now, I.....stopped idolzing him for a while now.
K' : (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Seriously?
Shingo: Yeah....B-But don't get me wrong! I still think he's amazing fighter and I will never forget the fact that he was the first person that ever got me into the King the Fighters tournament to begin with. I just......well, after everything I've been through to try to impressive him or....even giving him any attention, I.... started not to look up to him as much as I used to, you know? (Chuckles Lightly) If anything, I started to admire Saisyu Sensei and Chizuru Senpai a lot more nowadays in comparison. But....yeah. That's kind of the jiz of it. You.... understand where I'm coming from in all of this, right?
K': (Stares at Shingo For a Brief Second Before Shrugging Again) I get it. (Turns Around and Starts Walking) You look up to whoever you wanna look to. It's no big deal.
Shingo: Y-Yeah. (Follows K') You're right.
The duo starts walking together again before K' suddenly stops doing so one last time.
K': Hey, kid.
Shingo: (Stops Walking Once Again as Well Before Turning Back to K') Hm?
K': Even if you won't be able to create fire anytime soon.....(Looks up to Shingo With A Simple Nodded) I still think you have what it takes to be a good enough fighter one of theses days, maybe even the best around. It just takes time, ya know?
Shingo: (Stares at K For a Few Seconds Before Smiling Brightly) Right. Thanks, K'.
K': Whatever. (Continues Walking)
Happy Black Friday
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Drawn Hearts
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I stood carefully cleaning and organizing the house as my boss had told me too. He had some people over to play poker tonight but I didn't pay much attention. I just focused on my work. I could hear the noise of them laughing and joking about the stench of whiskey, beer and cigarette smoke coming from the poker room. I could hear some gentle music in there too, likely on the record player or jukebox, but I forced it all out of my mind and continued working.
"Y/N!" I heard my boss yell so I went peeking my head around the door, it was a dark room filled with smoke and junk, the large round table sat in the centre with many chairs around it one light above the table illuminating the cards, money and drinks sat there. The jukebox playing in the corner and the other things in the room hidden by the dark. My boss sat at the head on the table a tall muscular man I had only known as sir as he didn't like people knowing anymore they that about hit, he said in his suit clearly by his pile of money he was doing pretty well, some other faces around the table I recognized from usual poker nights one especially so.
He sat across from my boss, his thick leather coat in the back of the chair almost reaching the floor, his hat there too revealing his blonde and brown almost dirty hair to the harsh light above him, his face a picture of concentration unreadable and he knew it. The speckle of hair above his lip and on his chin glinted a little in the harsh light much like his hair did, his brown eyes focused intently in his cards, in the other players and on the mile of money and other such things in the centre. He seemed to know on the inside of his mouth or perhaps his bottom lip perhaps he was thinking, his chains hung down to his chest contrasting to his black shirt, his tight jeans hugged his skinny body his belt done right with his knife long gone on the table to the side with some other things, his cards on the table face down he knew they he didn't have to keep hold of them this way knowone else at the table could read them, his fingers fiddled with his ring contemplating one move or another.
I knew about him, Benny watts. He had been coming to see my boss for poker nights as long as I worked here and I had to admit I admired him somewhat. He was smart but not oblivious as smart people so often are, he was nervous at times and could be a little tactless but he was smart and he knew how to use it.
Some part of me found that rather attractive, that and he's always in the paper or the tv for his championship here, winning his competition there I liked him but I never even spoke to him before. "Awww there she is" my boss smirked "grab me another whiskey y/n, as your up and all" 
"Yes sir" I nodded 
"Anyone else?" He asks 
A few murmurs of no or head shakes came from people and I was about to leave 
"Grab me a beer, if you're going sugar" Benny asked me looking up from the table to give me a tiny hint of a smile I nodded heading out making a whiskey and getting a bottle of beer the cold glass almost freezing my hand as I walked I had to stop just outside the door a moment as my hand felt like ice seeing the cold of the beer inside making the print from my hand begin to disappear, I giggled drawing a little heart on the bottle before picking it up and going inside putting the beer beside Benny's cards and handing the whiskey to my bosses expecting hand 
"Here you are sir" I said 
"Thank you y/n" he smiled to me 
"Thanks sugar" Benny nodded to me as I went to leave 
"Your welcome Mr Watts" I smiled 
"Benny please, you make me sound like a fucking dickward" he laughs I laughed and headed out the room going back to my work I didn't have much else to do anyway I was just finishing up packing my things away when 
"Y/n!" Was called from the poker room so I headed back sheepishly my boss didn't look very happy his pile had gone down must have started loosing I noticed Benny not at the table he was slipping on his long jacket and grabbing his knife 
"Yes sir?" I asked 
"Would you please escort Mr Watts out, he's done for the night" he said 
"Yes sir, I was just heading out myself"
"Alright see you tomorrow" he says I nodded leading Benny out the room and thought the house 
"I assume you have somewhere to go tomorrow," I smiled
"Hu?" He asked a little puzzled 
"Your leaving earlier then you usually do, I assume your off somewhere tomorrow" 
"Oh no, he kicked me out" he laughs
"Why?" I asked shutting the front door and heading down the pathway
"He always kicks me out when I'm winning" he laughs "why do you ask?"
"I was just curious, I like reading about your… uhh chess tournaments and stuff" I blushed 
"Do you? I'll have to take you with me sometime" he smiled as we arrived at the gate I opened it and closed it behind us 
"That uhh that's sweet of you but I couldn't get the time off work" I blushed "well it was nice seeing you" 
"Hey, you wanna ride home? Come on I'm not gonna let you walk home in the dark sugar" he says 
"That would be very kind Mr Watts" I blushed 
"For the last time sugar called me Benny" he laughs as he leads me to his car. I sat rather quietly as he drove only speaking to give directions. "So I'm off to Texas for a tournament next month, you fancy tagging along?" He asks "maybe you could…" he began before I felt his hand rest on my leg "be my little good luck charm?" 
"Ooh ahh I don't know, work and all" I blushed 
"Just skip he's a dick anyway" he laughs his hand returning to the wheel as he needed it to drive 
"I uhh I don't know, I don't wanna lose my job" 
"Alright, maybe I'll have a word with him sugar" he winked as we pulled up at my apartment block "so? This is you then?"
"Yeah, thank you so much for the ride Benny"
"No trouble It was in my way home save you from Walking home this time of night" he says "guess I'll see you around then sugar"
"Yeah, see you around" I smiled going to get out the car
"Uhh y/n, here" he says handing me something it was paper or atleast felt like it I went to look but he stopped me "oi, look later alright" he warns so I nodded getting out and shutting the door waving a little as he drove off I went inside the building and up to my little flat shutting my door and looking at what he had given me, it was a fifty dollar note with a little bit of paper the paper had a little drawn heart next to the words 'to you too X Benny Watts' I blushed a little he must have seen the little heart I drew in the condensation on his beer bottle I giggled putting the note by my bed and hiding the money away somewhere safe. 
I stood cleaning and organizing as usual knowing my boss had planned another poker night tonight, I heard the doorbell and almost instantly
"Y/n! Can you get that dear!" He yelled so I went and got the door seeing Benny stood much the same as last I saw him 
"Hey sugar" he smiled 
"Hello Benny" I smiled 
"Am I the first one here by any chance?' he asked and I nodded Letting him in and leading him though to the poker room him sitting in his usual seat "good I rather hoped I was" he smiled "sit down a moment"
"I should really get back to work-"
"Come on sugar, just sit with me a minute" he smiled so I giggled and sat in the chair beside him resting my arm on the table we chatted about this and that what had been happening since I last saw him the whole time we talked his fingers playfully drew little hearts in my skin it always made me blush doing it back on his arm every so often which always made him smirk "hey sugar is about tonight after the games all over? How about I take you home again?" He offered
"Well that would be very kind of you Benny" I smiled
"And… maybe this time I can come up for a cup of coffee before I go" he suggested 
"Ohh I don't think I have any coffee at my flat I don't drink it you see" I blushed 
"Good, neither do I" He smirked 
"Oohh Benny I uhhh" I stuttered
"What's wrong? After all you're the one who started drawing me little hearts sugar" he smirked "so? Your place or my place after this?" 
"What's going on here?" My boss asked opening the door 
"Nothing sir, I was just asking Mr Watts if he would like a drink before the others arrived" I said getting quickly up from the chair 
"Ohh well do me a double whiskey as your going" he says 
"Yes sir" I nodded 
"Bring me a beer sugar if it's not too much trouble" Benny winked to me. I nodded going and making their drinks while the others arrived going back and giving everyone their drinks making sure I drew a little heart on the bottle for Benny leaving them all to their poker.
I continued with my work very nearly finished my work for the day, when I suddenly heard my boss call again
So I headed into the poker room seeing the air thick with smoke 
"Yes sir? Did you need more drinks?" I asked 
"Not quite y/n" he smirked "come here" 
"Yes sir" I nodded going over to the table 
"So? You think you can take me Benny?"
"Yeah I do," Benny smirked pushing everything he had into the centre 
"You think that's enough…"
"Fine what do you want?"
"Everything, you have" he says "your winnings, your flat, I'll take everything" he smirked
"Fine" Benny smirked making some notes  on some paper and throwing it into the pile "but I think I need something off you too" 
"Fine, what do you want Benny?"
"Y/n" Benny smirked 
"Agreed I'll see you" he smirked grabbing my wrist and forcing me to put my hand into the centre of the pile 
"Sir I uhh" I stuttered
"Quiet y/n" he warned 
"Don't talk to her like that" Benny warned 
"She's not yours Benny, and you know what she never will be" he smirked putting down his cards 
"Actually she will" Benny smirked putting down his cards and he had actually beaten my boss 
"Ohh fuck, Benny I uhh I was just kidding around" he says 
"No you weren't, come on sugar" Benny smirked I giggled a little as he pulled everything he won over to his side of the table much to my bosses annoyance, I smiled going over to stand with him and Benny smirked pulling me to sit on his lap making me giggle even more as he smirked drawing a little heart on my leg 
"So should we uhh play again?" My boss asks
"No thanks I think I'm going to head home with my winnings" Benny smirked "get your things sugar" Benny smirked pushing me off his lap and slapping my butt before starting to gather his winnings and his coat I gather my things up and headed out with him to the car 
"Did you know you were going to beat him?" I asked 
"Course I did" he smirked grabbing something out his pocket "I may have had an… upper hand" he smirked showing off a handful of aces from his pocket
"You cheated?" 
"I just wanted to make sure I won what I wanted" he winked, "we're off to my place as I won you sugar" 
"What are you talking about?"
"Well I woke you, so I get to do whatever I want to you" he smirked as he parked up and grabbed my hand pulling me out the car "come on sugar" he smirked pulling me to kiss him I smiled happily kissing him back and pulling him inside the building.
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justgayangelthingz · 4 years
The Parent Trap AU
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This absolutely WONDERFUL art is done by @sanderssidestrash27 Thank for making this I love it so much!!!!!
Summary: Almost twelve years later, separated at birth twins Roman and Remus both end up at the same Camp Sanders. What chaos will ensue those short eight weeks? And where will it lead the twins when their time together ends?
     "And, once again, we have a winner! Presenting Mr. Napa California, Remus Parker!" The crowd of boys watching the tournament let out an uproar of applause and shouting as Gavin held Remus's hand up above his head in victory. Remus grinned, whooping along with all of the boys and swooping his arm in a righteous bow. "Now, do we have any other competitors?" Gavin asked. 
     Remus walked over to the group of onlookers to them all high fives, grinning and laughing at their words of praise. Even he couldn't deny it (not that he ever would), he *was* pretty good at fencing. Great, even. 
     "Oh come on now, boys!" Gavin said as he surveyed the nearby campers. "Someone here has got to be able to beat this champion, let's give it a go!" 
     "I'll try!" Roman declared as we walked up to the scene. He had a soccer ball tucked under his arm and had two other boys trailing behind him. They all looked like they just walked off of the soccer field, still sweaty and hot of breath. 
     "Alright, epic, let's go!" Gavin scribbled down *Roman James* next to *Remus Parker* on his clipboard. Above that sat rows upon rows of *Remus Parker*s next to previous opponents, all of their names crossed out and a star besides his every time. 
     Roman walked over to the pile of equipment while Remus talked with his friends. 
     "You're gonna win this one again, man," one of them said. 
     "Yeah, you're gonna whoop his ass, dude!" Another boy exclaimed. Everyone gasped at the foul language before laughing. "Besides, look at him. He's whooped from his soccer game, he wouldn't be able to win even if he tried." Remus grinned before turning to look at his new challenger, who was already suited up. 
     "Good luck, Re!" Camden said as Remus grabbed his sabre. 
     "Thanks, Cammy. But, I don't need luck." He tossed his blade into the air, catching it in and landing in a fighting stance. He pointed the protected tip of the weapon only an inch from Camden's chest. Who immediately flinched back. Remus smirked, proud of the reaction he was given. "I'm Remus Parker. AKA the best fencer in the whole country, AKA the one who's about to beat this poor boy's ass." The boys burst into laughter and playful applause as Remus made yet another ceremonious bow. Janus *did* always tell Remus to be confident in himself and his abilities, though he always made a point to assure Remus that he got his confidence from his other father, whomever that may be. Janus usually left that part out. Well, whoever it was, Remus had to thank them one day. Without them, he wouldn't be able to wack other people with long swords. The thought made him giggle quietly to himself. 
     "Alright boys, are we ready?" Gavin asked. Remus turned back around sliding his protective mask over his face. 
     "Yup," he stated, getting into position.
     "You know it," Roman said. Remus didn't know who this boy was, but he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud at his clear British accent. What British dude would want to come to a camp like this when he could be enjoying a cup of tea with the Queen or something? Remus almost laughed out loud.
     "En garde." Gavin said, crouching down to get a better view. The two boys touched their blades together, tense and ready for battle. Most of the campers held their breaths, a few of them letting out words of praise for the player they were rooting for. Things like *let's go Roman* and *you got this Roman* rang out amongst the crowd. Anticipation hung in the air like a rope, swinging back and forth between the opposing teams. The noise dropped as silence filled the air for a few frightful seconds before Gavin declared the magic word:
     With that one, little word, Remus smirked under his gear. His attitude reeked of confidence as he swung his sabre back and forth towards Roman. Roman arched his back, avoiding every blow with surprising ease. Shocked, Remus almost lost his footwork, barely avoided the tip of Roman's blade. He regained his thoughts and ran by Roman to the nearest tree. He jumped with as much grace as he could muster, kicking his foot off the tree and propelling himself in Roman's direction. Roman, however, was able to jump back and duck, moving out of the way and missing all four of Remus's attacks. Roman, catching on to Remus's style quickly, decided that it was his turn to strike. So he jumped forward and launched his sabre at Remus. Remus was able to block Roman, causing them to run backwards into the grass. Remus, having to run backwards, lost his footing and rolled onto the ground on his back. The air was knocked out of him and he clutched the dark grass with his free hand, gasping for air. A chunk of the dewy plant was ripped from the Earth as his hand flew up to his chest. When he was finally able to regain his composure, he lifted the hand up to his eyes to block out the obnoxious rays of sun and view his determined opponent. He saw Roman lurking above him. He looked like he was trying to be dramatic, waiting until the very last second to strike. *What an idiot* Remus thought, rolling his eyes. *Two can play at that game.* Remus played there, pretending to be beat. The crowd of boys had quickly caught up with the two and were now shouting at each opponent. Some called for Remus to get up, while others cheered Roman on to finish his work. Roman, being the over-the-top and confident that he was, flexed his muscles in show. Remus almost chortled at his dumb this boy was, but instead kept up his act. Finally, done with his dramatics, Roman brought his blade up above his arms, lowering it to stab directly in the middle of his chest. That's when Remus rolled away, jumping to his feet and letting out a battle cry as he ran sword-first at Roman. The 6drown let out an uproar of yells while Roman shrieked out of pure terror. He ran away from Remus and up the stairs of the outdoor dining hall with Remus following only steps behind. Remus was able to run ahead of the other and hopped onto the seat if the bench. The boys continued to fence and he shimmied down the bench and Roman along the wooden deck. Until, that is, Remus got to the end of the bench and also the end of the deck, which if course, with Remus's luck, lacked a railing. And as he turned back around to find a route of escape, Roman decided to make his final strike. Where was his dramatics when Remus needed them? As the tip of his blade collided with Remus's chest above his rapidly beating heart, the force caused Remus to stumble and tip backwards, before eventually falling off of the deck…
     And into a trough of water. 
     Oh. *There* were his dramatics. Great timing. 
     As Remus hit the water back-first, the now large crowd of onlookers all gasped and fell still. Droplets of water splashed through the air and hit the warm grass, a few campers getting wet in the process. Still, they sat there, tense and unmoving. Finally, Remus was the first to move as he slowly turned his head towards Roman. He lifted his arms, watching as water pooled off of him and back into the trough. Turning back to Roman with his arms still extended, he growled. 
     "Really?" He snarled, his strained voice muffled by his mask but clearly seeping with rage. Roman had one of his hands up to his mask to cover his mouth in shock. He shook his head in an attempt to regain his thoughts before quickly dropping his sabre. 
     "Oh my God, I'm so so sorry! Here, let me help," he said as he extended his hand towards Remus. Remus peered up at Roman, smirking. He went to match onto to Roman's hand, but before Roman could even think of pulling him onto the dock, Remus yanked his arm as hard as he could. 
With a small, high-pitched shriek, Roman went falling butt-first into the container of water. Even as Remus was hit with the spray of water and even more soaked, he couldn't help but burst into a loud fit of laughter. As he continued to laugh hysterically, Roman looked down at himself. He let out a choked, offended scoff before shoving Remus back into the water, causing him to both stop his laughter and get even more wet. When he resurfaced, he saw Roman laughing just as he had been before and huffed, clocking Roman in the face. What could he say, his dad always did teach him to stand up for himself. And if that meant punching some random dude in the face (or even shoving someone down the steps, something that apparently his father found funny but told him to stop doing after the fourth time. Sorry, Billy, but that was MY Thomas the Train.) then so be it. 
     When Roman came down from the initial shock of being punched, he turned to Remus and decked him the same way he had, right square in the face. Now *that's* when things got bad. 
     The two boys went full out brawl mode, rolling around in the water, kicking, cursing, punching, and everything in between. Both boys found the other to be surprisingly around the same strength as himself, along with very similar fighting techniques. Punches right to the face and bites on the arm seemed to be both of their go-to's, apparently. Finally, after fighting for what felt like ages, they both felt Paris of strong arms wrap around their middles in an attempt to untangle them. They continued to go at each other's throats until the second they were dropped a feet apart in the grass, soaked and furious. 
     "Boys! That is enough!" Gavin said as he stood by Roman's side. 
     "There is absolutely no fighting at this camp, do you hear me? We work through our differences with words and nonviolent activities only. Is that understood?" Leo asked, hands held on his hips as he looked between the two boys. 
     "Yes, sir," Roman and Remus muttered in unison, their muffled responses dripping with annoyance and little guilt. Their minds were elsewhere, both secretly hoping that their masks were enough to protect them from the other's blows. Neither of them had been prepared for the other's strength, their egos to big to think that they would be beat. If not, they'd both walk out of the situation with black eyes and bloodied lips, not to mention a crap ton of red scratches. A cool story in Remus's opinion, but to Roman, who had never been in a legitimate fight before, he would be horrified. People might think he was a fighter, something he kept solely for playing and daily activities, up until now. His dad would kill him, his grandfather scold him, and his butler worry over him endlessly. A part of him found this new endeavor cool, secretly hoping to keep a few small marks for a while. But longer lasting ones that would stay after the eight week camp were not worth worth any of that. 
     Sure, Remus's dad would be mad, and his nanny worried sick, but they were used to this kind if behavior from Remus. Many days he'd come home from school beaten or bruised, either from his adventures or his schoolmate differences. Janus had to even go to his schools sometimes to pick him up or clear things up with his principal and teachers. He was always really good at convincing people of things. Remus felt bad when his father had to come get him or patch him up, but he always tried to be better for him. He knew he wasn't easy to handle all the time, especially with only his dad and nanny there to take care of him. But, like usual, he would definitely be given more chores and a scolding. Not to mention, black eyes hurt. A whole lot. If he did have any, however, he was lucky that his nanny had been teaching him how to use makeup lately now that he was getting older. Some ice and concealer would do the trick.
"Boys! That is enough!" Gavin said as he stood by Roman's side. 
     "There is absolutely no fighting at this camp, do you hear me? We work through our differences with words and nonviolent activities only. Is that understood?" Leo asked, hands held on his hips as he looked between the two boys. 
     "Yes, sir," Roman and Remus muttered in unison, their muffled responses dripping with annoyance and little guilt. Their minds were elsewhere, both secretly hoping that their masks were enough to protect them from the other's blows. Neither of them had been prepared for the other's strength, their egos to big to think that they would be beat. If not, they'd both walk out of the situation with black eyes and bloodied lips, not to mention a crap ton of red scratches. A cool story in Remus's opinion, but to Roman, who had never been in a legitimate fight before, he would be horrified. People might think he was a fighter, something he kept solely for playing and daily activities, up until now. His dad would kill him, his grandfather scold him, and his butler worry over him endlessly. A part of him found this new endeavor cool, secretly hoping to keep a few small marks for a while. But longer lasting ones that would stay after the eight week camp were not worth worth any of that. 
     Sure, Remus's dad would be mad, and his nanny worried sick, but they were used to this kind if behavior from Remus. Many days he'd come home from school beaten or bruised, either from his adventures or his schoolmate differences. Janus had to even go to his schools sometimes to pick him up or clear things up with his principal and teachers. He was always really good at convincing people of things. Remus felt bad when his father had to come get him or patch him up, but he always tried to be better for him. He knew he wasn't easy to handle all the time, especially with only his dad and nanny there to take care of him. But, like usual, he would definitely be given more chores and a scolding. Not to mention, black eyes hurt. A whole lot. If he did have any, however, he was lucky that his nanny had been teaching him how to use makeup lately now that he was getting older. Some ice and concealer would do the trick. 
     "Boys!" Leo said, snapping his fingers. "Up here!" Both of the boys shook their heads and left their thoughts behind to linger on their own in favor of listening to the counselor. "Now I want you two to apologize to each other. And take off your protective gear, it must be soaking wet by now." 
     The two boys huffed and turned to face each other. In unison, the two reached up for their masks, dipping their heads downwards and sliding them off. As their arms fell to their sides, they lifted their heads, and immediately locked eyes. They both gasped at what they were met with. 
     Light brown eyes met the same pair of light brown eyes in return. They scanned each other's face, taking in their similarities. Scattered freckles splayed like the night stars, fluffy light brown hair, only partially wet as the summer sun quickly worked to dry it. Unfortunately, they both had obvious scratches and bruises along their faces, most noticeably on their cheeks and noses. It was as if both boys had the same thought process as the other. So, not only did they *look* alike, but they *thought* alike. Strange. 
     "Well, boys?" Leo asked after a few silent seconds. The boys looked over to him, confused. 
     "Sorry?" They asked in unison, the man's speech only seconds ago now long forgotten. 
     Leo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll take it. Now please, get to your respective cabins and clean up before dinner in the mess. If you require any assistance, the medic cabin is that way. Now go, shoo. And please, no more trouble." Flapping his hands,bhe ushered the boys along. They stared at each other, not breaking eye contact as they walked towards their cabins. Once they hit a fork in the road between their two cabins, Gavin ran up to them. 
"Wow, it's like you two are twins or something! That's so weird!" He said before running off. 
     The boys looked back at each other, sparing one last glance before they glared and stomped off. 
     This was war. 
Taglist: @sanderssidestrash27 @dew-drop-of-honey @ab-artist @iinyxtello @safesandersides @yep-another-fander @savetheupholstery
I hope you guys liked it!!!!!
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airaaachaaan · 4 years
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I'm always having a hard time making friends. Not because of me being picky with them. I've always been thinking about my flaws, and I can say that I'm very low tempered. It's not that everyday you'll see, or pass by someone weird, right? I have a visual disability, right eye closed, And surely, if you'll pass by me, at the road, at school, or everywhere. You'll probably look at me, look away, then look again. I know many people do that, a quick glance, or, sometimes they overlook, and it kinda creeps me out. It's not that I don't really have friends, Ofcourse I have some. I can say that I'm the cheerful one, the extrovert, approachable, so I can easily have friends. I also play volleyball, so I became a part of the school's volleyball team. My name's Ayaka. Matsumoto Ayaka. 【松本彩花】My name means, colorful flower. I think it really suits me.
I've been on the volleyball team for so long, 5 years to be exact. Being around in a big group of people is quite fun, you'll get to share your thoughts to many people, and if you're talking, its kinda overwhelming to get everyone to listen to you! But to be honest, I still don't know who to trust with these guys. It sucks. I always have a feeling like, "Do they talk about me when I'm not with them?" "Are my jokes really that funny?" "Do they like me? Or they just do that because we're teammates?" I overthink a lot but, hey! It really does make sense, right?
I never really planned on joining Volleyball, I mean, it was never been my dream when I was a kid. But when the school directress saw me, she signed me up. So through the years of playing, I'm kinda getting in the hang of it, kinda intense, an absolute torture to your body, but it's fun! Specially when we have tournaments. We have this Regional Tournament yearly, it's my favorite league by the way. We got to train everyday, instead of just every other day. And we get to go to other places and stay there for a month! Ya'know, get to know your teammates more, and even get to be with the boys' team! (Internal screaming) The boys' team are from the other campus. There was a guy that I like, ofcourse. His name is Kousuke. Ishikawa Kousuke. 【石川康介】 He's not really that cute, I mean, he's not the kind of guy that will catch your attention but, guess what? He got mine!
February 2017:
It was a hot afternoon at the place we're staying, a school at a province, few stores, less highways. I was watching Anime at one corner that time, I got lazy to get my earphones at my luggage so I just boosted up the volume of my phone. I was already in the climax of the thing that I was watching, when I suddenly felt, breathing by my left ear. It was Kousuke. He was watching too! I really don't know how to respond with that, I was internally screaming, I was shaking and I didn't get to catch up with the best part of the series! Well, actually maybe the best part was, his face being that near to my face. He continued watching, then he left, and at last I got to breathe! (Sigh) But he came back with his own chair, placed beside me and we finished the show together. I didn't really know where to look? I really wanted to take a glance at his face but it's kinda awkward, right? My arms turned quite numb trying to place my phone where he can see it clearly, until that thing that we're watching, ended. And ofcourse here's the awkward part, getting up into a conversation with your crush.
"That anime is always a cliffhanger."
He said with a disappointed look on his face.
"O-Oh--yep, I t-totally agree haha"
I ended up stuttering, with a nervous laugh.
"Say, do you still have more Anime saved on your phone?"
He said while trying to peek at my phone screen. He grabbed my phone from my hand and he saw the design of multiple anime characters at the back of my phone.
"I didn't know you also liked that series eh.."
"O-Ofcourse! We just met!"
I answered him with a squint on my face.
"Well yeah, you can't put all your favorite characters on the back of your phone 'cause you'll prolly be blocking your camera lense... Haha."
So that's where the conversation started. I didn't know we actually have the same vibe! Well, I thought he's a shy type, he's always have this mysterious aura, or he always has this serious face. It's like we've been friends already for a very long time. The whole month of our stay at that school, it's always been me and Kousuke chilling, talking about nonsense things, and ofcourse, watching anime. We've been buddies the whole month. I was already expecting that my teammates would tease me, and yes, ofcourse they did. I was so scared that he might know that I liked him, I mean, I guess he already knew, but he never told me about it.
It was the last day of the month, we both brought home the bacon. Both teams, boys and girls. Ofcourse it was a very blissful moment for us, I had a good game, and I'll be seeing my mom again, but quite sad too. Like, who wouldn't be missing these guys if you've been with them for one whole month? And ofcourse, I'll be missing Kousuke. I hope we'd still be talking at our social media accounts. And also, we already exchanged numbers and emails! I hope he message me soon!
I just arrived at home, fixed my stuff, took a shower, then went to bed. I was scrolling at my gallery, just staring at all of our pictures, including the picture of me and Kousuke. Then suddenly, my phone vibrates. It was Kousuke. I didn't really expect him to message me!
-"Matsumoto-san, I hope you went home safe! I just got home and I was so tired so I thought I should message you before I go to sleep. I had a fun time with you! See you at our training!"
I was so surprised! I actually don't know how to reply him. My hands were shaking, I was so startled!
"Ah! Ishikawa-san! Glad that you messaged me!"
"I mean"
"I'm glad that you got home safe!"
"I had so much fun with you too!! See you soon!"
"Ahhh-- what am I doing? "Glad that you messaged me!"?! What was that?! How did I even mess up with this? So stupid." I said to myself while banging my head at my pillow.
"Haha. It looks like you don't have anyone to talk to usually, huh."
"Ah, yes! That's why I'm glad you messaged me. Hehe."
Our conversation was until 11pm and I didn't even noticed. So did Kousuke. I think. Is he already sleepy? Should I tell him that I need to sleep even if I still don't want to? Ah, this sucks.
"Matsumoto-san, I planned to sleep once I got home but here I am, talking to you. Haha."
"Oh, I actually thought of the same thing haha."
See? I screwed up! Maybe I was telling to much stories, I didn't even noticed that he wanted to sleep! How dumb.
"I'm sorry, Ishikawa-san! We should sleep now! Sorry for bothering you!"
"No, it's okay! We could talk tomorrow! I'm just really tired, it's not that you bothered me. I enjoyed talking to you tho, don't worry."
"Goodnight, Matsumoto-san."
"Okay! Goodnight!"
I turned off my phone, I couldn't help but scream at my pillow! This has been one of the greatest year for me!
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