#yeah im going with the layed on top of him option because i think its funnier
ev3rgreenxtrees · 8 months
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“Don’t Wait On Me”
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Summary: You find out your best friend, Matt, likes you, but you don’t want a relationship.
pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Fem!Reader (she/her)
warnings: cussing, rejection, sad :(
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Matt sighed, as he flopped down next to you on his bed.
“hm?” you asked, assuming something was up. matt has been acting ‘off’ all day, and you didnt know why.
“nothing,” matt grumbled, seemingly trying to shut the conversation down, but you knew better than that.
“Matt, whats wrong?” you demanded, matt looked at you and rolled his eyes.
“i said nothing,” he retorted, scoffing.
“matthew.” you glared at him, as he looked at you, his angry expression turned into a softer one
“im sorry, y/n.. im not sure whats been going on with me today.” he sighed, sitting up straight.
“hey, its okay. no need to apologize,” you assured him, gently placing your hand on his shoulder. “I’m here if you need to talk.” you nodded, your eyes locked on his.
“thank you.. it means a lot,” he started, looking down shortly, before looking back up. “can.. can we watch a movie?” he asked, to which you nodded.
You both picked a movie to watch, both laying down together under the covers of the boys bed. you have been friends for forever, so it was normal for you to cuddle, but this time it felt.. different. matts head was on your chest, his arms wrapped around your body, your arm wrapped over his shoulder.
You kept catching yourself glancing down at him, and eventually you gave in. you let your hand move to his hair, playing with it. he then moved his hand down by your thigh, and rested it there, rubbing it with his thumb. your breath hitched and your heart raced, but you didnt say a word.
“is this okay?” matt asked, not looking at you.
“yeah..” you spoke softly and quietly, as if you were embarrassed. But you weren’t. You were anything but embarrassed. You felt cared for.
You let out a sigh of content, and Matt flashed you a bright smile. It amazed you how Matt was so calm, as if you guys constantly laid like this.
“I love you, ya know that, right?” Matt asked, continuing to look you in the eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you tilted your head. You and Matt had told eachother a fair share of ‘i love you’s, but they weren’t extremely often. Matt saying it out of the blue was what confused you.
“Yeah.. of course I know that, Matt. I love you too.” You reassured him.
“Y/n?” Matt called out, as if you weren’t already practically on top of eachother.
“hm?” you hummed.
“I’m sorry for asking this, but… do you.. like Chris..?” He asked, the question catching you off guard. Is that why Matt was acting like that earlier? You spent most of the day with Chris yesterday, since Matt and Nick were shopping, and you fell asleep cuddling Chris. Matt slept alone that night, which he normally didn’t do when you were there.
“What..? Of course not, Matt.. Why would you think that..?” You asked, confused by the boy’s sudden intrigue.
“Yesterday.. You and Chris don’t talk much, but when Nick and I got home, you were sleeping with him..” Matt sighed, shaking his head. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes with his palms. “Fuck, i’m sorry.. that was a stupid question.. I don’t even know why I asked.. Sorry,” Matt apologized, beginning to stand up from the bed, leaving you alone.
“Wait, Matt, don’t go. Come here.. It’s okay. I don’t like him like that, Matt. I promise.” You reassured. Then it dawned on you. Why did Matt care if you liked Chris or not? One of two reasons.
One, he doesn’t want you dating Chris, because it might pull you two further away from eachother, because you’d begin to spend more time with Chris.
Or two, Matt likes you.
Matt, however, didn’t sit when you called him back to you. He just stood there, looking at you. He nervously fidgeted with his fingers, pulling at his nails. Thats when you realized, option two. Matt likes you.
“Matt..” You sighed, and he knows you know.
“I-I’m sorry- It’s stupid, i-i know.. Ill go stay w-with Nick tonight.. You can h-have space.. It’s too late for you t-to drive back home..” Matt stuttered, his eyes began to gloss over. He thought you were upset with him?
“No, no, no, no.. Matt. Come here.” You say, more sternly than the first time. Matt looked at you, worry and fear in his eyes.
“I-“ He started, before you cut him off.
“Matt. Come.” You demanded, and he finally listened. He didn’t lay how you were before, though. He laid besides you, his body barely against yours. “Look at me, please,” you ask, but he doesn’t. You can see his eyes begin to get red, as he’s fighting to hold back tears that were threatening to spill.
You sighed, before pulling yourself onto Matt’s lap. “Since you wont look at me, i’m not giving you a choice.” You shook your head, as you held Matt’s head gently in place, your hands on either side of his jaw. “Matt, please be honest with me..” you started. “do you like me?” you asked, and you could see a tear start to roll down his cheek.
He’s looked vulnerable in front of you before, but this was different. You wiped his tear with your thumb, and he slightly nodded. If you weren’t holding his head, you probably wouldn’t have even noticed the boy nodded.
“Matty..” You give him a sad smile. “Hey, please don’t cry..” you feel yourself start to tear up, and you curse at yourself. You like him. You really do, but you weren’t sure you’d be okay being in a relationship with him.
With Matt constantly filming, he has so many fans. He wouldn’t want dating rumors to start, so he’d probably try to stay away from you as much as possible, and you know it wouldn’t end well.
He looks at you, the tears now flowing out of his eyes.
“I… I’m sorry, Matt. I really am. I love you, you know that. I like you too, I just.. I don’t think I am ready to be in a relationship with you. Maybe in the future, but don’t wait on me. ‘Kay, Matty? Promise me you won’t hold yourself back for me?” You ask him, wiping the tears off.
“I-..” Matt choked on a sob. “I promise..” He cried. You’ve never seen him this broken. It broke your heart.
“Fuck, Matt..” You let out a small cry. You placed your head on his chest, crying into his shirt.
“Please.. Please can we still be friends..?” Matt begged, his voice cracking. “P-please.. I won’t make things a-awkward- I promise! I.. I cant loose y-you!” he wailed.
You sobbed, but tried to nod.
“As long as I don’t hold you back,” You whispered, your hands slipping off of his face. You wrapped them around his torso, pulling him into you. “God, damnit.. I love you too fucking much..” You struggled to say it, but you knew you had to.
You both laid there, sobbing in eachothers’ arms, before you both fell asleep. You knew continuing to be friends with Matt would only strengthen your guys’ feelings, but maybe that wasn’t the worse thing.
Loosing him for good would be.
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blonde-tori-spring555 · 7 months
as promised, here is one of my tori spring stories
(please tell me what u think, because idek if i like it)
“Charlie, I'm going to the shops soon. Do you need anything?” I yelled from the top of the stairs, “Tori, I know you're going on a date with Michael” Charlie replied from the living room, so calmly it confused me if it was actually a date. It isn't a date. I look at myself in the mirror in my room one last time, it feels strange, I feel…put together. What i mean is i spent at least 30 minutes trying to figure out what to wear, from what i've heard, what i've ‘been through’ to figure out what to wear, is ‘perfectly normal’, first i layed out around four options on what to wear, and when I couldn't decide I asked Charlie, which he responded with “where are you even going” and “i don’t know, why does it matter” so I kicked him out and took all my clothes out in panic, and threw them around the room, then I sat on my floor and cried, then told myself I was being an idiot, did my makeup, and put on some jeans, a white shirt, a black hoodie (which actually fitted me instead of being oversized and/or one of Michael) and some white converse, that I stole off Charlie a couple years ago, to be honest I look the same, but whatever.
I took the bus to the ice skating place Michael went to, he said we could skate together after he's done training, I'm not sure why I said yes, I don't even know how to skate, I haven't since I was a kid. This isn't a date.
I walk inside, he's still training, so I sit in the stands and wait. If this isn't a date, then why am I so nervous? Maybe this is a date, maybe Michael intends it to be a date. Shit this is a date isn't it, no surely not, Michael isn’t my boyfriend, he isn't, so this surely isn't a date.
“Tori!'' I look up and snap out of my thoughts, Michael smiling widely and waving at me from the rink, I smile back, “is that a smile I see Victoria '' he gasps dramatically, I roll my eyes and try not to laugh. I'm blushing. I walk down the stairs and meet with him, and he gleams at me and smiles largely making him look almost insane and cute at the same time, “what?” I ask, “nothing, nothing, you just-” he looks me up and down, not in a sexual way but in a way almost to fully look at me, if that makes sense, “oh my god u looks so cute!” he says in the loudly excitable way, like a child getting a new toy, he quickly takes off his skates and runs up to me and hugs me, almost lifting me off the ground, its probably because of our height difference, he’s alot taller, “i look the same” I reply bluntly, still being held, “yeah, but your… ughhhhh, your so fucking pretty” he nuzzles his face into my neck, gives it a quick kiss, then quickly walks away as if regretting, he opens his mouth to say something, probably to say sorry, but I quickly beat him to it by saying “so we gonna skate now or…?” he looks at me, closes his mouth, half forces a smile “yeah sure” he goes and grabs me some skates, hands them to me and sits down to put his own on, I sit next to him, “just so you know imma be shit at this” he looks and me and laughs softly “I thought so, that's why i’m here to help” I roll my eyes and laugh, he smirks back.
We’re now on the ice, well michael is, i’m standing at the entrance scared to death, “if I die this is all your fault” I glare at him “i’m sure you wont die” he laughs, “i’m fucking serious” I try not to laugh, he holds my hands as I walk onto the ice, to my surprise I dont immediately fall. I force him to hold onto me as we skate, or well he drags me. We laugh and smile and talk and fall, eventually we finish, and we're sore and tired and loki kinda wet, but it was fun. It's still not a date though.
“Are you just going home now or?” he looks at me, he seems understanding, “yeah probably, I told my parents I would be home soon so” i say not looking at him “ok” he nods understandingly “I don't ever really do though” I say still not looking at him, “what?” he asks confused, I realise im not making sense “sorry…ummm, if you don't want me to go now we can just hang around for a bit longer” he looks at me and smiles “if you want” I nod back, i’m blushing, i'm not sure why, he doesn't ask if my parents will be mad, he knows i don't care, anymore at least.
We just sorta sit and talk for a while, after a bit we fall into silence, it's a comfortable silence, it's never really awkward around him, after a minute or so I break it, “don’t you think it's strange that everyone thinks we're dating, just because they saw us kiss once” I look at him, he looks back “their just hopeless romantics'' he replies, “your starting to sound like me” I joke, he laughs back, “that kiss…” I say, we’ve talked about it before, we’ve decided it was a heat of the moment sorta thing, we’ve kissed a few times since. not in that way. He looks at me, for context when I bring it up its the only way my fucking autistic brain can ask for a kiss, he leans in and says “no ones here and no one cares” I put my hands on his face and kiss him, its a normal kiss, not a gross one were u taste eachothers mouths, its just normal, it doesnt last long, but it's long enough.
We part and he rests his forehead on mine, he's looking at me, I keep my eyes closed. I hate eye contact, it makes me wanna die. I finally open my eyes to look at his blue and green ones, he still hasn’t put his glasses back on, his blue eye isn't as bright as my blue eyes, he even jokes that when he doesn't have his glasses on, it's the main thing he can see on my face. For context he's like nearly blind in his blue eye and his eyesight is shit in general. He kisses my forehead. We stayed like that for a bit.
He walks me home, I chose not to take the bus, everytime i’m on one that isn't for school there is usually a random old man eyeing me. I hate men. We get to my house, I don't invite him in, I already know my mum is pissed at me, I'm an hour and 23 minutes late to what time I said I should be home, Michael doesn't need to see her yell, he’ll probably think she's crazy or some shit. I give him a kiss goodbye and walk into my house.
“Your late Victoria” I hear my mum say from the kitchen, she's not even looking at me, Charlie and Ollie both turn and look at me, their playing mario kart, Charlie nods at me then unpaused the game and they both continue to play, “so what were you and michael doing to make you an hour and a half late” my mum raises her eyebrow, my dads head shoots up, oh i'm in for a lovely talk, “victoria this is just unacceptable, the least you could do is call me and say that your going to be late, but here we are, worried sick” my mum guilt trips “yeah but even calling wouldn't of been enough would it” I say, it wasn’t aggressive just pointing out the obvious, “loose that tone” my mum snaps, “what tone” i scoff, “tori, me and your mum think it's inappropriate for you to be hanging out with a boy and coming home exceedingly late and in clothes that are very obviously his” my dad says trying to calm the situation, and for fucks sake that ain't happening, “first of all michael isn’t my boyfriend, second of all your talking about him like he’s in his 30s, and third of all why do you both even think im late” i sorta shout, but its still quiet so Charlie and Ollie can’t hear, “tori your too young to be having…hanky panky” my dad says, oh im in for a treat, in my head i plan to say something like ‘he’s not my boyfriend’ or ‘stop saying hanky panky’ but it comes out more like…”OH YOUR ONE TO FUCKING TALK!” don’t regret it though, if you don't know my parents had me barely a 2 years after they met and got together, my mum finished her english lit course only 2 months before I was born, she had to drop out of a lot but her parents were happy she at least finished the minimum, anyway she had me and my dad was still studying in uni so we went and lived in cambridge where my dad studied, when i was 4 months old my mum got pregnant again, with charlie, he was born like a month early, but so was i, we were both pretty much fine, my dad never wanted to rush into marriage, my mum didn't mind, but i think when you get your girlfriend pregnant twice it's kinda the deal. Ok sorry that just sounds weird. My parents got married when I was 3 and Charlie was 2. My dad looks at me, clearly unsure what to say, my mum is clearly trying not to say something she's gonna regret later, so i just walk away.
I’m not really sure how long it had been since that ‘argument’ but after a bit charlie knocked on my door, i let him in and we cuddled in my bed for a bit, “i heard what you said” he eventually says “did ollie?” i reply, “no, i don't think so” he responds, i nod, “the funny thing is your right” he chuckles, i laugh softly back, “its weird how people look at us and don't realise” i say, “i know right like i was casually talking about it to Sarah and she was in pure shock!” Charlie laughs, Sarah is Nick's mum, she's nice, i like her. We just laugh for a bit and at some point Charlie falls asleep in my arms and I start to drift off too. to be honest it's the best sleep I've had in a long time.
I don't really remember my childhood, it was normal i guess, the funny thing is that majority of the memories i have include charlie, which yeah like he’s my brother, but what i mean is their special, like my main happy memories, charlie and i have been through everything together, like when i got my first period when i was 9 my mum was at some baby appointment since she had just had ollie and i thought i was dying so for some reason instead of going to my dad i went to my little brother, obviously he didn't know what was happening to me so he just held me and cuddled me as i cried, my dad eventually found us and comforted me until my mum came home, and when he came out to us, he had blurted it out one dinner when he was 13 and run to his room before anyone could react, i ran after him and held him and talked to him and told him how proud i was and how much i loved him, and when i was like 6 i decided i wanted to run away, i don't remember why i just did, and my 5 year old little brother asked if he could come with me and so i said yes and we attempted to camp out on our trampoline we had growing up (our grandparents gave it to us or something) and eventually we got to cold and went inside and my parents said we could all stay up and watch a movie but im pretty sure we fell asleep in like 15 minutes. To be honest the list goes on and on, and now that I think about it I realise why people think we’re twins. I know it's total bullshit, but you know what I mean, like for a good 3 or 4 years growing up we were the same height. The thing is charlie will always be mine, he was mine first and biologically we will always be together, i would do anything for him, i would for either of my brothers, i would kill for them no questions asked, i would die for them, i would lie for them and i will always protect them. My parents used to always say that was my job as the older sibling, and it's funny because it’s true, but I could choose not to, but I want to, it's a habit, it's a need. For a long time i always thought i only felt that way about my brothers, that was until michael came into my life and nick really became part of our family, i mean it will always be a different kind of love, but i would still do anything for them. No questions asked.
I eventually actually fall asleep holding Charlie, as if it's a habit, I wake up at what has to be a decent hour for someone who has slept in, (it was around 10:30) I wake up still holding Charlie and ollie curled next to me like a kitten, they're both still asleep, but clearly about to wake up, I just lie there for a while longer, savoring it like it's the last time it will be this way, even if it probably isn't. The boys wake up around 5 minutes after I do. Nick and Michael come over, and we just sit and watch movies all day, and play Mario kart, and laugh until our stomachs hurt. I could get used to this, I love these boys, all in different ways, but yet the same, listen I am aware I probably sound like I'm reminiscing on my deathbed right now, but when you have lived a shit life like me and have seen things a person should never have to see, whether a child or a teenager, or even an adult, you treasure moments like this, my parents are still home, their just doing their own thing, them seem happy, they definitely talked about what I had said, I don't care, if they wanted to punish me they would’ve by now.
Right now high school musical is playing due to Nick and Michael learning ollie has never watched it and they apparently must educate him and their dancing and singing around the room together and me and charlie are sitting on the couch admiring it all. I kiss his cheek and he smiles at me. I love my boys.
But Nick should probably stop encouraging ollie to dance on the coffee table before someone gets told off or hurt.
(Please tell me what u think, I also might change it slightly since it does include things that barley make sense, but I hope u enjoyed x)
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stinkygirl009 · 8 months
OKAY so, like rafe pampering you because you have your period, but seeing that you're suffering so much it's making him anxious, so he searches what he can to and he sees that sex calms cramps down, so he fingers the life outta you<3
Easy Solution ✩࿐࿔
Warnings: Fingering, ovulating, squ!rting, fem!reader
MDNI please!! But do what you want, It’s your responsibility not mine.
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Rafe knew you were on your period, he just didn’t know what to do. He saw you were in pain and wanted to help at least make you feel better. He’s just nervous if he searches up what to do it’s gonna say something false, and make himself like an idiot. So he texted Topper, the only option he felt like he had.
“Top, I need help with smth real quick.”
“Yeah what’s going on?”
“Do you know how to make a girl feel better on her period? Idk what to do, man.”
“I mean there’s a lot of things you could do, but I heard orgasm help but it hurts for them when you have sex but idk don’t have a lot experience with that stuff, sorry man.”
“Thanks top.”
Rafe looked up from his phone instantly looking at your exhausted form looking at your tv, playing a random movie you chose.
“You doing ok?” He asked softly stroking your hair gently.
You wanted to be honest to him. it barely got any better. the same pain you’ve felt all day but you didn’t want to lie and pretend you’re ok. Because quite obviously you weren’t so why lie about it?
You look up and give him a small smile, you shake your head no. “Still the same.” You say quietly, shifting closer to him. He didn’t know if he should wait tell you he might know a way to make you feel better. He sighed and rested his cheek on your head.
“I think I know how to help,” he said smiling a bit. “It’s ok rafe, you’ve already done so much-“
“I wanna try something out on you, if you don’t like it or it hurts to much we will stop.” Rafe said stopping you from talking. Your brain stalls for a second not fully processing his words. “Try something on me?” You question. “Ok” you say softly trusting him. He smiles, “ I gotta get something real quick, ok?” He gets up walking to your towel closet opening it and grabbing a medium sized black one and walked over to the room. Your face looks in curiosity. Walks over and gets on the bed, and shifts sits up on the bed leaning against the frame. He lays the towel down in front of him smoothing it out, and looks up at you with a small smile. “Lay on me,” he asks softly. You look at him and the towel and crawl over to him, moving to lay in between his legs, your back against his chest. “Sit up a little more f’me?” You sit up more against him
He gently caresses your body, moving slowly lower. Your breath hitches. “Rafe…”
“Shh, be a good girl f’me and relax? I’ll take care of you, I promise.” Your body melt’s against him, already feeling of pain easing away.
His hands trace under your shirt reaching up to your breast, Your breathing deepening quickly. His other hand finding its way into your pajama pants pressing against your lower stomach causing a sudden moan at the new sensation other than the stinging pain. He stops needing your breast, reaching down to help pull down your pants. You lift up your hips helping wiggle out of them now only leaving you in your underwear. The insecurity kicking in you try to stop him from continuing.
“Rafe, it’s gonna be messy and-“
Rafe smirks and puts his head on your shoulder turning his face to lay kisses your neck.
“I don’t mind a little blood, remember it’s fine there’s a towel under you. Now stop worrying.” He pulls own your underwear putting them aside. His other hand going back your breast while the other rubs your inner thigh. Moans slip out of you as you watch his hands move. “Tell me when it hurts. Ok, baby?” He softly says and starts kissing your neck, his hand finally moving to the top of your clit and pressed down. You let out a sharp sigh turning your head lean to the side. He started moving circles around your clit, you let out soft moans your hips trying to grind on his fingers. “Fuck there we go, good girl” he whispered in your ear making you clench around nothing. “Please..I need it in me” You slur out your words. He laughed. “What happened you being embarrassed? Now you want my fingers in you? You’re such a dirty slut.” You moan gripping his the bedsheets.
“Look at you, painting my fingers all red from touching your pretty little pussy. You want me to fuck you with my hands, huh?” Your mind was all over the place, to stimulated off of his fingers. He took his hand away from your breast pushing in 2 of his finger. A high moan escaping your lips immediately becomes a whine when he completely stops moving his rough fingers. “Answer my question, baby” he smirked enjoying teasing you. “I-I want you to fuck me with your fingers please, rafe!” You turned your head to face him with a begging look on your face.
He smiled and kissed your lips and quickly kissing him back, he started pumping his fingers out of you while rubbing your clit. Catching you off guard you let out a pornographic moan leaving your lips and leaning back into your kiss. Your arm wrapping his neck pulling him in closer. You spread your legs more apart your hips lifting. Wet sounds filling the air making you move a little faster against him. You both break away the kiss and tuck your head into his neck.
“Fu-fuck!…Ah oh god..” You trail off becoming dangerously close to coming. “You’re doing so good, baby. You look so fucking good with my fingers stuffed in you.” he smirks feeling you clenching around him. “P-please…faster..fuck please I’m so close, please rafey! Oh god fuck your making me feel so good…” your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He moans and increases the speed making you almost scream.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum…” you whine trying to finish.
“You’re such a good girl, almost there.” He moaned smirking. He adjusted his fingers to an angle.
“OH FUCK!! Right there..please..Oh god Rafe!!” Rafe kissed your neck “Cum for me, baby” he said looking at your face wanting to see your face as you finished. And you felt the bow untie inside your lower stomach and came. You let out one last moan gripped onto the bed sheets for dear life. You felt wetness trickling down your inner walls. Rafe catched your lips and kissed you gently moving his fingers gently riding out your high. After a few moments rafe leaned down head board and gently pulled out his fingers out of you, you let out a soft moan. Rafe laughed gently, “think you squirted, baby” you look up exhausted smiling. “I did?” You breathed out softly.
“Hmh” he hummed smiling and kissed your head. You turned your head to look at his fingers covered in dripping juice’s mixed with your period.
“Oh…that’s really messy.” You say now almost embarrassed looking in between your thighs seeing everything covered in your arousal“Nah, I like messy.” He says rubbing your stomach.
“It’s an easy fix after we clean you up, baby. Don’t worry, it’s ok.” You smile and turn your head back and Lean into his lips.
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A/n: I really enjoyed writing this lmao thank you for reading!!
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foolbo · 2 years
i just want to point out that in the panel before this barry is laying on the ground. so either hal dragged him up or just layed on top of him
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komoreangel · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐪
pairings: scaramouche, xiao x gn!reader (separate) 
scenario: a oneshot where they’re soft for you and you only
request:  can you do a xiao and scaramouche one shot(seperately) ? anything fluff will do, thanks :) 
genre: fluff all the way
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he doesn’t get mushy with you often
does he love you? 
yes absolutely you aren’t as annoying as the others
is he super super soft around you?
in private, yeah
but if he’s like traveling with you for fatui business
then he’ll keep you close to him, he’ll wrap his arm around your waist 
but he won’t be all soft like he is when you two are alone together
now when you two are alone
you’re getting hugged
like 24/7 365 days a year 
he’ll play with your hair as you two lie down in his tent or in a hotel room
and if you want to get up to go to the restroom or something he’ll tug on your arm 
“y/n, don’t you want to cuddle with me?” and like the little shit he is
he gets his way
he’ll sleep with you in his arms and just massage your temple with his fingertips 
thinking how he’s so grateful for you and how did someone like you come to love someone like him
if you beg he might even let you wear his hat
and he gets red in the face when you do
though he won’t let you see that ofc 
he would be in the middle of yelling at some fatui underlings and then you’d come over and like sit on his lap 
and he’d just go on yelling at them except he would wrap his arms around you
the fatui members would be like “uhm sir isnt it a bit unprofessiona-” and they’re either a) fired or b) recently deceased 
he tends to go for option a when you’re around because he doesn’t want you to have to see that 
on lazy days in bed he would probably just lay with you sleeping on top of him
if it were a day when he has to go out he’d come back with a souvenir from his journeys or some flowers 
he might even ask you what your favorite is and try to get you some of those no matter how rare or expensive
on your birthday he would definitely spoil the heck out of you
as a harbinger, he’s pretty loaded 
anything that had ever caught your attention for more than 5 secs, bOOM bought 
surprise shawtyy
and overall he would just appreciate you being there and you loving him
hugs and handholding (but in private) 
not big on public pda but if you are then he’ll tolerate it
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xiao adores you 
like really he does
similar to scaramouche he won’t be big on public affection
but he’ll hold your hand or let you bury your face in his chest or neck
but like kissing?? maybe on the cheek while you guys are out
if you were sick or sleepy he might let you rest on him and just watch over you as you slept 
when he’s soft (which is almost always) he holds your hands tightly and just admires you
it makes you kinda flustered but its because he loves you!! youre so precious to him ! 
if you go on an adventure or stay out for too long he might miss you a lot
and hug you every 10 minutes when you get back 
he’s clingy because he’s been touch starved for his whole life
so he’ll play with ur hair, he’ll hold your hands, kiss your forehead, hold you to his chest just to hear your heartbeat 
and when you ask him why he does this so often
he goes, “because i’ve got to cherish you for as long as i can”
which is the sad truth
that he’s going to live forever and someday, you are going to die
and he can’t help but think about it
so for your sake he tries to hold on to you as tightly as he can
he’ll take you on all the dates you want
walking around juyeun karst? done
a picnic on starsnatch cliff? yes maam
wanmin restaurant? ehhh theres people there which he doesnt like but sure
xiao would be soft for you almost every single day because you are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him
and when you two are at wangshu inn (which is where you hang out most of the time) he just stares at you in awe
and if you’re the one initiating pda then he enjoys it too
if you cup his face with your hands he’ll just lean into it
when you kiss his forehead while you two are laying down 
the times when you brush your fingers through his hair
it feels so soothing and he just gets really relaxed
and yeah maybe you two aren’t lovey dovey all the time
but when you are its great and you both enjoy it
for your birthday he would take you wherever you want to go
maybe he’s not extremely rich like a harbinger
but he’d go out and look for a present that held a lot of meaning to you 
maybe a hybrid of both of your favorite flowers if such a thing exists 
either way he would cherish you so much and you’d be extremely lucky to have him 
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a/n: did i post twice in one day? yes. did i kinda rush through this one? kinda. i’ve been in the scaramouche and xiao mood a lot lately so this one was very fun to write. and i haven’t seen a lot of scaramouche fics so im not sure if im looking in the right places or not. anyways enjoy!! and requests are currently open so go go go if theres something you want to see :D 
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takamikeiigos · 3 years
Okay I know made an ask already like 2 days ago🙄 but what if hawks s/o had to fake their death on a mission for like a month or 2😮‍💨 and when they come back the first thing they do is look for hawks even though they’re tired, beaten and look like complete shit😩😩 I’m just such a sucker for these kind of tropes !!!
Also how’s ur day been :))
ayo i got you fam!!!
this was legit all i could think of for like 3 days so i hope it's okay!!
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Title: "You Came Back to Me"
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (for now)
Relationships: Hawks x Reader
Tags: temporary character death, violence, drinking as a coping mechanism (minor on hawk's part), emesis
Word Count: 2.8k
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3
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You look up at the villain who currently has you pinned to the floor, your ragged breaths leaving your mouth with every rise and fall of your chest.
His vibrant green eyes are piercing as they stare down at you, his expression wicked and merciless as he presses his foot harder against your throat as a warning.
"Here are your options, darlin'," he pulls his foot away, instead opting to sit back on his haunches. He brushes your hair from your face and rests his hand on your cheek. It makes you flinch and your breath hitch.
"You either find a way to dissappear, or I'll track down that precious little birdy of yours and take his wings for myself."
○ ○ ○
- three weeks prior -
"Let me come with you. Please."
"Kei.." you say softly as you back the rest of your necessities in your bag, finally turning to look at him.
He's on edge, you can tell by his posture. His wings are drawn tight to his back, but his feathers are puffed out. It reminds you of how hair stands on end and goosebumps make them selves known under fear and stress.
"You know I can't.."
"This is too much for one person to handle." His arms are folded across his chest now as he leans against the doorframe of your shared bedroom.
"You don't think I can handle myself?" The words leave your mouth sounding offended, and he instantly deflates.
"That's not what I meant. If you didn't know what you were doing, you wouldn't be working for one of the top agencies in Japan." Keigo steps forward, now in your space, and you can see a faint trace of fear flicker across his face. "I just.. this man is very dangerous, y/n. And if anything happens.."
"Hey. It'll be okay. It'll only be a month and I'll be home before you know it. I won't let anything happen, I promise." Your hand falls against his cheek and he nuzzles into it, both of his hands coming to rest against your own.
"You promise?" he asks quietly, needing one more confirmation that you'll be home and safe in a couple weeks.
"I promise."
○ ○ ○
"Have you made your mind up, sweetheart?" Kimura, the man who has had the utmost pleasure in beating you within an inch of your life, asks. He slams you against the brick wall of the alleyway one more time for good measure, his hand wrapped firmly around your throat.
"Please.." you gasp out, your hands coming to wrap around his wrist, trying to relieve the pressure against your larynx. "P-please promise me you won't hurt him, that you w-wont lay a hand on him.."
He chuckles darkly, tossing you aside onto the cold, dirty floor of the alleyway.
Your vision is blurring, slowly darkening at the edges, but you manage to see him move a few feet away, bending down to pick something up off the ground. You blink sluggishly and suddenly he's in your space once more, holding the object, which you soon realize is your phone, in your face.
"Go ahead, songbird. Give him one last goodbye."
You cringe at the abuse of the nickname that you hold so dear, but weakly reach out and take your phone from his hand, Hawks' number already dialed.
All you had to do was hit send and that would be it.
You close your eyes and rest your head against the brick wall, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. You can feel tears burning as they make themselves known, clinging to your eyelashes and not yet falling to your cheeks. You blame it on the amount of pain you're in, but you know the true reason is because you're absolutely terrified.
You press send.
As it rings you notice Kimura bringing out his own phone, holding it up and aiming it in your direction.
What a sick bastard.
"Baby bird!" Keigo's voice comes cheerfully from the other line. Though it warms and calms your senses, it still makes you sad knowing that he's completely oblivious to what's about to come.
"H-Hey, Kei.." you try your best to keep your voice steady, but the damage from excessive force to your throat is unforgiving and the words leave your mouth sounding raspy and distant.
"Y/n, where are you?" Keigo's voice drops an octave and you can tell his worry has set in, which was exactly what you wanted to avoid.
"I'm okay, just uh," you pause mid-sentence, your throat tightening around the words as tears threaten to spill again, "just got knocked around a lil bit."
Your laugh comes out bitter. You hate the sound of it.
"Y/n. Tell. Me. Where. You. A-"
"Kei, listen. I need you to know how much I.." your voice betrays you and cracks, and you suddenly find that you can't fight the overwhelming fear and sadness coming over you. You weakly bring a hand up to wipe at your battered cheeks, tears continuing to fall and mix with the grime and blood that covers your skin.
You try again to steel yourself, another deep breath falling from your lips shakily, making your lungs rattle. It's becoming harder each second to keep your eyes open and your mind focused, but if you make it through this one phone call, you know you'll be able to rest easy.
"I need you t'know how much I love you. 'N that everything's g'nna be fine. That you'll be okay. And to not c-"
Suddenly a gunshot rings out and your whole world stands still for a split second, before turning completely sideways.
You register warmth blossoming over your abdomen, spreading and soaking your hero uniform. You can hear Keigo frantically yelling from where your phone slipped from your hand and landed on the concrete next to your head. And the last thing you see is Kimura holstering his gun with one hand, tapping away on his phone with the other.
"What a shitty ending for a hero, don't you think?" Kimura grins down at you.
Yeah. What a shitty ending for a hero.
○ ○ ○
The quiet trickle of water finds its way to your ears, and the feeling of something cold and damp against your forehead is a soothing contrast to how hot your body feels.
Opening your eyes feels as though it takes half of whatever strength you have left, and your vision swims. Suddenly hit with a wave a nausea, you lean over and vomit over the edge of the bed you're laying on. Luckily there's a bucket on the floor, and you assume it was placed there for a reason.
That someone placed it there.
In a panic you sit up, your wounds pulling tight and your body protesting. Your vision swims again and it takes you a few moments to ground yourself.
"Ma'am, please don't move too fast. You'll re-open your wounds and you're already in bad shape," a quiet voice projects throughout the room. You look up and notice an older man, probably in his sixties, sitting in a chair next to the bed you're currently occupying.
"Who are you? Where's Kimura?" You grit out, grabbing the edge of the blankets and tossing them off of you. The man in front of you is ready for your attempt at escape and he places steady hands on your shoulders, pushing you back onto the bed.
"Please! My name is Daichi Tanaka, I am a doctor! I found you in an alleyway near Higashiosaka. I would have taken you to a hospital but you begged me not to," the man pleads, his hands persistent on your shoulders.
You glare at him momentarily, before relaxing back onto the bed, still weary of his intentions.
"Kimura? Is that the name of the person who did this to you?" The man - Tanaka - asks hesitantly.
You ignore his question in favor for asking your own, "How long have I been out?"
Tanaka stares at at you, seeming to contemplate answering, but you figure he finally realizes you aren't taking any shit because his answer comes out with a sigh.
"A little over a week. You've been in and out, your fever finally broke this morning."
Over a week. You've been out for over a week and you don't know where you are, where Kimura went, and where Keigo-
It all comes crashing back to you and you lie back, your hands resting over your eyes.
Tanaka seems to have been reading your mind, because he pulls your phone from the nightstand next to you and passes it over.
"I wiped as much blood from it as I could. You have many new notifications and quite a few missed calls. I wasn't able to unlock it to call anyone, but it seems there are many people worried about you." Tanaka stands then, making his way toward the bedroom door.
"I will give you some privacy for now, but expect me to be back in twenty minutes to check up on you."
With that, Tanaka leaves, closing the door behind him with a soft click.
You stare down at your phone, the screen cracked and a few specs of blood and dirt tucked into its crevices. You type your pin in and pull your notifications up, Keigo's name amongst others filling the screen.
You don't realize you're crying until a small hiccup forces its way from your mouth, your cheeks wet with tears.
You notice a voice-mail from him, and though you know it's only going to make you more upset, you force yourself to open it to make sure he's okay.
His voice floods the room and it immediately breaks your heart at how wrecked he sounds. You can tell he's been crying by how gravelly his voice sounds as the message plays out.
"You know," Keigo laughs bitterly over the phone, "I punched Ryosetsu in the face for letting you go on this mission alone. Gave 'im a real nice shiner on your behalf."
The message goes quiet and you can hear what sounds like a glass bottle being opened in the background, Keigo's quiet sniffles also making themselves known.
"Fuck, y/n. They didnt even.. they didnt even find your body. What the fuck am I supposed to do with that, huh?
"They wouldn't even let me anywhere near the scene, I had to sit back at the office while they kept me informed. He said there was uh.." you assume Keigo pauses to take a swig of whatever he's drinking based off the tink of the glass bottle, "heh, he said there's a low chance you're even alive because there was so much blood. Fuck."
You grimace at how blunt he is with the statement and how distant his voice sounds. You can only hope that he hasn't been drinking as often as your thoughts are telling you.
"Please come back to me," he whimpers over the message, and a new wave of tears fall down your cheeks. "Please.. I can't do this without you."
○ ○ ○
A few days pass.
Tanaka refuses to take any of your shit.
He most definitely refuses to let you leave until you had one more solid meal in you, and one more day of rest.
You're still a little weak, bruises and abrasions littering your skin ( not to mention the nasty bullet wound Tanaka managed to sew up for you ) but you finally have enough strength to stand and walk on your own.
He pleads with you to stay one more day, just to ensure you're strong enough to be by yourself, but you shake your head and bow before him.
"Thank you, Mr. Tanaka, but I have to keep moving. It might be unsafe for you if I stay."
So instead he writes down his phone number on a crumpled piece of paper and hands it to you, patting your hand briefly.
"You're a strong one, just be sure to take care of yourself." He smiles kindly at you, and you nod before taking your leave.
○ ○ ○
Days go by as you hop around from town to town, only stopping for food and rest.
It's been a little over two weeks since you made the decision to distance yourself to ensure the safety of your friends and Keigo, and nearly two months since you were assigned the mission. While you knew faking your death was the only way to keep people from asking too many questions about why you suddenly disappeared, you weren't expecting to actually get shot and almost die.
You keep up with the recent events as best as you can, continuously watching news coverage and especially keeping tabs on Keigo's agency.
Your breath catches in your throat one day while you're moving through a rural seaside town, large red wings and a familiar hero uniform immediately catching your attention.
A flood of emotions run through you and it takes everything in you to not run up to him and hold him. But the fear of Kimura's prying eyes hold you back, and you steadily remind yourself that you're doing this to protect him.
You keep your distance and watch his every move. He's staring down at his phone for a while and after a few moments it rings. He brings it to his ear and though you can't hear what he's saying, it must be something important.
Because soon enough his wings are spread out and he's taking flight into the afternoon sky.
○ ○ ○
'Pro-Hero Hawks makes appearance in. Tanabe - finds lead on hero killer'
'Hanamatsu hero case still under investigation'
'Top Hero Agency in Japan pursuing hero killer - Kimura'
The news headlines on your phone cause your blood to run cold. How foolish of you to think Keigo would let this go so easily.
To think he wouldn't trace every piece of evidence and go to the ends of the earth to take down someone who hurt you.
○ ○ ○
You keep tabs on him as best you can. It begins to feel like you're stalking him, in a weird way, but you'll be damned if you did all of this just to put his safety on the line.
Keigo stays in Tanabe for the time being, the week passing by in a blur as you track his movements.
You figure Kimura went into hiding since his criminal activity fell flat after your encounter with him, but Keigo is as persistent as he's ever been, nitpicking every lead that comes his way.
A few days later word gets out that Kimura has been spotted in the village of Hidakagawa, just thirty minutes northwest of Tanabe.
You only hope you can get there before Keigo does.
○ ○ ○
Hidakagawa is exactly what you pictured, a perfect little town for a low-life criminal to live under the radar.
Its quiet and rural, its occupants living their lives happily tucked away from the bustling life of the city.
A few squad cars rush past you as you look at the map you have pulled up on your phone. It seems a little out of character for such a small town, so you push yourself forward and follow them.
○ ○ ○
When you finally catch up to the squad cars, the scene before you makes your hair stand on end.
Keigo has Kimura pinned to the ground, battered and bruised, his fist closed around a one of his feathers that he's currently wielding as a blade. A few dozen officers surround the scene, guns drawn and on edge.
Kimura smirks up at him and whatever he says is out of earshot, but its enough to piss Keigo off and send him into a frenzy.
"Kei, stop!" You find yourself yelling shakily. You finally manage to push through the barricade of officers and it's then that Keigo makes eye contact with you, his closed fist halted in the air.
Kimura takes the split second of distraction to knock the blade from Keigo's hand, flipping their position so the winged hero is pinned to the floor of the temple. He pulls out his gun and cocks it, pressing it to Keigo's forehead.
All the while Keigo keeps his eyes on you.
"I thought I told you to stay away, little one," Kimura grits out, wiping a trail of blood from his mouth, "Now it looks like your little hawk is about to lose his wings, all because someone can't listen."
You move on impulse when Kimura turns his attention back to Keigo, and you grab the handgun from the officer closest to you.
You waste no time in firing a bullet, hitting Kimura right in the temple. But as it strikes he squeezes the trigger of his own gun on impulse, which is still trained on Keigo, a second round going off.
- to be continued -
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tbh i was super nervous to post this bc im so new to the fandom but here we go!!
also i just made up random characters bc im not quite caught up with the manga, and also picked random spots in japan that i know absolutely nothing about
rip to my writing skills lmfao
♡ ky
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zaikaglow · 3 years
For @mikaberries 4k Celebration Collab
Pairing: Bertholdt Hoover x Reader
Content Warnings: Unprotected sex, dacryphilia, abandonment 
Summary: You feel your relationship has run its course but youre unable to get out and you feel trapped leaving you with only one option, but can you bring yourself to do it?
“You're really sure about this y/n”? Hitch asks, sitting in the driver's seat of her Subaru palms just grazing the wheel as she drums on it with her pink fingernails. Sitting in the passenger's seat you pull your knees to your chest and look out at the Starbucks parking lot. Your face is starting to heat up at the shame of what you just told her. “I just really don’t know how else to do it” you mutter, wishing that maybe you had just kept your little plan to yourself that you didn’t get your best friend Hitch involved. She turns to you this time before she speaks “I just really can’t believe you wanna do that to him, just leave totally ghost the poor guy after what? 4 years? Come on y/n be an adult”. 
You can tell she’s scowling at you now “Hitch what would you do if Marlo asked you to marry him?” she laughs “well I’d tell him no, I’m not ready for that and not just pack up all my shit in the middle of the night and ask my best friend to be my getaway driver”. You were trying to choke back tears of frustration when you weakly mutter “that wouldn't work on Bertholdt”. “Come on y/n you're being ridiculous what do you mean that wouldn't work” her eyebrows knit together as she looks at you with more concern than contempt now. “Remember when I told you I was going to break up with him last year”?
“Yeah but then you two went to dinner and talked it out and you decided to stay together”
“That’s not exactly what happened. I started trying to breakup with him but he started crying and saying how he didn’t even think he could imagine life without me and everyone started staring and I just told him we could work it out”
“Okay so just don’t do it in a public place again” she takes a sip of her iced coffee
“God dammit Hitch! I’m an adult don’t you think I thought of that? Every time I’ve tried to break up with him he just starts either smothering me telling me how much he loves me or starts crying and going on about how he doesn’t know how to go on living.” Getting more exasperated at trying to make her understand you place your head into your palms “I swear that's the whole reason he asked me to marry him”
Hitch sighs “Do you still love him?”
“I don't know anymore Hitch”
“Okay how about you make an actual attempt to end it tonight, I’ll still drive you and you can stay with me until you get stuff figured out but please don’t just disappear on him”
“Fine i'll make a last attempt but if it doesn’t work will you still come get me?”
“Sure what else are friends for y/n” 
It’s later in the evening when you make it back to your shared apartment and your heart is beating in your chest. You're going to do it, you're actually going to be an adult and tell Bertholdt that you're breaking up. You're not getting married and you don’t care about how much he’s crying or the way he wraps his big arms around your body and pulls you close and whispers “stay” over and over. But then you walk in and he’s there and the way his eyes light up when he sees you makes your heart swell and you start to wonder if you can really go through with this “y/n! I’m glad your home I made dinner it’s your favorite” he walks over to you and places his hands on your shoulder “Don’t worry i'm not trying to sway you, I told you that you can take your time to think about my proposal” he smiles “unless you want to say yes right now I’d be okay with that”. Oh god the swelling in your heart is gone and is now replaced with the feeling of being drowned by him, even his touch no longer feels like that of a lover but of a weird stranger. “Uh actually I think” you're interrupted by a kiss, as his hands slide up from your shoulders up the back of your neck into your hair. His lips move to your neck “I’m only joking baby, take your time”. God this is what he did. You could tell he knew what you were trying to do and he was going to try to seduce you into staying with him. His lips lose contact with your neck as he reaches down to pick you up and place you on the counter. He brushes the hair out of your face with one hand, the other resting on your cheek “you know I love you y/n”. You place your hand over his “I love you too” it wasn’t entirely a lie. You truly do think that you still love him in a way which is why what you were going to do was going to hurt. “Let’s go to the bedroom” at which he grins and picks you up again carrying you to the shared bedroom. And you hope to god he doesn’t see the suitcase stored under the bed.
His hips press into the space between your thighs right where he fits perfectly, as you two would joke. His hands go to start toying with the hemline of your shirt, when you look up into his soft blue eyes and push his bangs out of his face “hey, how about we try something” you practically whisper he ruts his cholted cock against you as he kisses that sensitive spot behind your ear reply “yeah what do you want to try” . You grab him by both sides of his jaw bringing him back up to meet your gaze “how about you fuck me like its the last time?” his lustful look is replaced with a mix of concern and a smile trying to hide it “I don’t know if I like that game y/n”. Moving your thumb in small circles against his cheek you smile “I mean just like as passionate as if this were our last time together” you can see his gaze soften at your reassurance. “Okay” ending his reply with a kiss. Large but soft hands run down your neck thumbs tracing your pulse point as he moves towards your breasts giving them a gentle squeeze before moving back to that hemline pushing it up so he can start planting kisses by your belly button making his was up your torso moving the shirt up along with his head until it reaches the bottom of your rib cage where you take the hem in your hand and remove the shirt and bra yourself. Bertholdt pinches your nipple between his top teeth and his bottom lip rolling it into his mouth and soothing the sting of his teeth with his tongue, as his other hand grips your other breast rolling the nipple with his thumb. Legs wrapped around him tightening as the overwhelming stimulation in your tits is causing you to start grinding against his hardened dick in his pants desperate for friction. He pulls away sitting up to pull off his own shirt “hey slow down if this is the last time im fucking you I’d rather make it last” he says with a small chuckle before going to work at your own pants as he slides them down your legs and then lays himself down between your legs. He starts with a wet kiss to the side of your right thigh before making his way down to your core fingers running over your clothed slit before grabbing the waist band and pulling them down. “That's my good girl” he sighs as you spread your legs further apart and grips the sheets at the sensation of his hot breath fanning over your now exposed cunt. A feather light kiss greats your clit before he starts to use the flat of his tongue to lick circles around it as he dips his long delicate fingers into your core and all you can do is grip his locks of dark hair. His fingers dragging against your swollen walls bringing you closer and closer until he switches to suctioning on your swollen bud pushing you over the edge. You squirm under his grip around your thighs as he keeps licking to help you ride out your high. You pull his head off of you, feeling his resistance and attempting to make contact with you again. His jeans already have a wet spot from the way he was rutting his hips into the mattress, so excited at the pleasure he was giving you. He takes off his jeans before sliding back over you, his weeping cock laying on your stomach. You pull his head down into a kiss as he takes his cock and rubs the wet head against your clit before sliding it into you. His hip movements are rhythmic, dragging out slowly and thrusting back in faster and you cant help but to blurt out “I love you, I love you, I love you” over and over at his thrusts; it's almost like a prayer, no, an absolution. The building of guilt at the betrayal to this man's love that you were about to perform, and when he says it back you can't help it and you feel tears start to streak down your face. Bertholdt shifts up and grabs your legs throwing them over his shoulder, head ever so slightly turning to the left to kiss your ankle “it’s okay sweetheart I’ve got you” he says before continuing his thrusting. The tears are still streaming down your face as your head throws back into the pillow at the new deeper angle. Legs still over his shoulder he brings his forehead down to meet yours and he’s so deep you can feel him start to brush against your cervix hurting in the best sort of way. His hips begin to stutter as you feel the warmth of his release into you, and you can feel it start to drip down your thighs as he pulls out of you and wraps you in his arms. “I love you y/n, I really do”
It’s been about 2 hours since you’ve settled down for bed, you're pretty sure he’s sound asleep by the strange way his body is contorted, and you think about how you’ll never wake up hitting the floor because your boyfriend accidentally pushed you out of bed with his crazy sleeping positions again and your chest hurts. “Berty, Berty are you up?” you mutter sweetly but the tall man just continues to slumber. You pull your suitcase out from under the bed, it's packed with all the essentials and you’d probably have to convince Hitch to come and collect the rest of your things for you, no way you could stand to face him after what you were about to do. God you felt like such a bitch you couldn’t have one hard conversation? You had to do it this way? It was so hard because you did love Bertholdt. You weren't lying earlier, you really did love him! But you know this won’t work so you'll continue to feel like something isn't quite right, not exactly whole. So this is the only way you can do it, the only way you can escape from this relationship without the love you feel for him pulling you back in.
You sit in the foyer of the apartment building on your stuffed suitcase and pull out your phone and call her “Hey Hitch” choking back a sob causes a cracking in your voice “can you come get me now”
“Of course, I’m sorry your talk must have been hard”
“We’ll we didn't have the talk per say”
“What do you mean?”
“Well we had sex and I just couldn’t do it Hitch it just has to be this way”
There's a long pause from the other end of the line
“You know y/n, I love you but right now I really don't like you”
You start to sob “I’m sorry I don’t know why I couldn’t, but I left a note”
Hitch sighs before replying “It’s okay we’ll talk more later, i'll be there in 15”
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bl597 · 4 years
Could you write a Fred Weasley imagine where he likes the reader but she’s Ron’ best friend along with Harry’s and Hermione. And he doesn’t want that because if there were to break up, he would have to pick a side. And he doesn’t want to pick between his brother and best friend.
hello, dear! 💞💞 of course i can!! hope you enjoy it and please forgive me for taking so long to post it!!
warnings: hell yes I finally finished it!! it's agnsty but a little fluffy I guess, fem!reader but nothing that could change the story (you can replace it with male/gender neutral pronouns), reader's the same age as the golden trio, not revised bc im lazy, english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes!! requests are closed for a while!
my masterlist ♡
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Ron had noticed it all before even you knew it; the way you and Fred looked at each other longer than friends should look at each other. Or how a blush painted both your faces whenever you were in the same room. Or how you always flirted. Or how you wouldn't shut up about each other for one bloody second. Or just how in love you seemed to be.
He hated it, honestly. You were his best friend and Fred was his brother, it was weird to even think about it. Besides, he didn't want it all to begin because if there is a break up, he would be forced to pick a side, and that was definitely not something he wanted to do.
The Yule Ball was a few months away and Fred had already tried to talk to Ron about asking you to go with him, and Ron always tried to find an excuse to avoid his brother. How was he supposed to say he wouldn't help him without looking like an idiot?
“You should tell him” he heard Hermione's voice as she entered the common room with you, both of you giggling.
“I think I'll just wait a little” you quietly said, sitting down in front of Harry and Ron. “Hi, boys”
“Hello” said Harry looking up from his Charms homework and smiling at you and Mione, who smiled back at the boy.
“Hi” Ron pushed the parchment and books aside with a loud groan, cursing Snape and Potions with all his heart and then turned to you two with furrowed brows. “What are you two talking about?”
Hermione giggled, wiggling her eyebrows at you with a small smirk while placing a book on top of the table and opening it. “(Y/n) is waiting for Freddie to ask her to the Yule Ball” she replied in a playful tone, which made you slap her armp lightly.
“What?!” Ron exclaimed, ears as red as his hair.
Everyone looked at him with a censorship look and his face became even redder as he apologized to the other people on the common room. He then looked at you again, eyes wide in surprise.
Okay, he did know you and Fred had feelings for each other, but he didn't think any of you would actually act on it. Hadn't Fred give up after all those miserable attempts to ask for Ron's opinion on how he should ask you out? Of course not, Fred doesn't give up so easily, Ron thought, mentally facepalming himself with a silent groan.
“Why Fred? There are a lot of other cool boys in the castle” he said in an almost accusing tone, which mad you frown. “I bet a lot of boys had asked you out already, you should go with one of them”
“I mean,” you shyly started, an almost invisible blush painting your cheeks “Finch-Fletchley had asked me to go to the Ball with him, but I said I needed to think about it and then I'd tell him.”
“Bullshit” Hermione added chuckling “You only said that because you were waiting for a certain redheaded Gryffindor to ask you out.”
You blushed a deep shade of red at her commentary, playfully rolling your eyes and she smirked. “Oh, hush, Granger”
“What are we doing?” Harry confusedly asked, almost running so he could catch Ron, who was going somewhere with heavy footsteps, ears red like their robes.
“Trying to find Fred” he replied and Harry almost didn't hear him, the noise in the corridors making it almost impossible to hear him.
Harry didn't ask anything else, deciding it would be better to just silently follow his best friend and see what he was up to. They didn't stop walking until they reached the Great Hall, where the twins and Lee Jordan were excitedly talking about a new prank.
“Fred Weasley!” he shouted, getting the attention of some other students that were calmly eating, now looking at him with furrowed brows. Harry quietly apologized to them before following Ron to were his brothers and Lee were.
“Hello, brother dearest. What do I own the honour of your visit?” Fred asked with a cheeky smile, drinking his pumpkin juice while looking at Ron, waiting for him to speak.
“You come with me. Now.” he said rather coldly, which made Fred get confused. They quietly left the Great Hall, leaving Harry, George and Lee curiously following them with their eyes as they disappeared from the Hall.
The two redheads kept walking around the castle's corridors, trying to find a place that wasn't occupied by the students. Ron stopped walking when he saw an empty corridor, and he quickly dragged Fred inside it with him, turning around to the older boy with arched brows and a I-know-all-your-sins look.
“I know what you're planning, and that won't happen” Ron finally said, crossing his arms over his chest “You won't ask (Y/n) to go to the Ball with you, okay?”
Then it all clicked on Fred's mind, a smirk immediately forming itself on his lips. “Awn, is Ickle Ronniekins jealous?” he mocked his younger brother, even though there was a hint of jealousy on his own voice.
“What? No!” Ron exclaimed, a blush painting his face and neck, the tip of his ears feeling and looking like it was on fire. “She's my best friend. And that's the problem”
“So, you want to ask her out?” Fred asked quietly whilst crossing his arms over his chest, proping up on the wall next to him. “You know I fancy her for a while, mate”
“Bloody hell! I do not want to ask her out!” Ron groaned, looking at Fred like it was the most obvious thing in the world “I just don't want you to do it, because then you two would start dating and I don't want that because if you two break up, I have to pick up a side, and I don't want to lose my brother or my best friend!”
Ron finally exploded, saying what was bothering him for the past months, and it felt like all the weight on his shoulders magically disappeared. He never felt so light like right now, it was a fantastic feeling. Fred was looking at him in shock, eyes wide open at his brother's words.
“Oh” was all Fred could say, his shoes suddenly being the most interesting thing he could lay his eyes on at the moment.
“Yeah” Ron replied quietly, an awkward silence between the two Weasleys, none of them knowing what to do or say right now. Ron then cleared his throat, getting Fred's attention. “I should go back now, Harry has lots of practice to do for the next task. Hm, see you around”
“You did what?!” Hermione incredulously asked, homework soon forgotten. You shushed her, trying to make her remember you were in the library. “Sorry, sorry. But why did you do that?” she finished her question, talking quieter than before.
“I said I'll go to the Ball with Justin” you shrugged as if it was nothing, turning your attention back to the piece of parchment in front of you, dipping the quill on the ink and continuing your essay about the Bezoar and its properties.
“But why? Weren't you planning on asking Fred?”
“Yeah, but the Ball is in two weeks and he already has a partner. Besides, Justin is cute, I should give him a chance, maybe” you simply replied, still focused on your essay.
She looked at you with furrowed brows, but decided not to say anything else and do her homework instead.
The night was fantastic, the Great Hall was decorated with beautiful winter ornaments, and a baby blue was painting the walls and tables. The students were gracefully dancing with their partners and even the teachers were dancing too. It all looked magical and like it just came straight from a fairytale.
“May I have this dance, Miss (Y/l/n)?” asked Justin playfully, extending his hand for you to take it and you gladly did with a smile.
“Yes, you may, Mr Finch-Fletchley” you replied, letting him lead you to the dance floor.
This song was slower than the last one, which meant you'd have to be closer to each other. He shyly placed his hand on your hip after asking if you were comfortable with that, taking your right hand in his as you placed your left one on his shoulder. You then started slow dancing to the song on the background, the other couples doing the same on the Hall.
It was nice to spend time with him, you two surprisingly had a lot of things in common and the silence between you two wasn't awkward or weird, it was actually nice and comfortable, but something was missing.
He didn't make fun remarks about professor Snape's I-was-forced-to-be-here face, or jokes about Ron awkwardly dancing with Padma Patil, or about anything else. He was amazing, but he wasn't Fred.
You felt bad for accepting going out with Justin as a 'second option', but it was not like you were using him.. right? Fred was going with someone else, so you found other person to go with. It's fair, right? Besides, it could happen anyways; not everything in life happens the way we all want to, or else it would be really boring. Shrugging those thoughts out of your head, you focused on your partner again, moving your body with his as you two danced the night away.
It was around midnight when the students started leaving the Great Hall, and you were one of those students. You were planning on going to your dorm and sleep like a baby until tomorrow, but decided against it and went to the courtyard, where a very few people were.
The night breeze was cold and the snow was adorning the ground and shrubs around the courtyard. The sky was dark and the stars were brightly shining on it, the moonlight illuminating all the place. It was a very lovely night.
You then caught sight of a small bench away from the kissing teenagers and headed to it, brushing the snow out of it before sitting down. You were just enjoying the fresh air after being at the Ball for the last hours. It's not like you didn't like it, it was the total opposite of it, you loved the night and the Ball was perfect, you just needed some time away from the crowd.
“Shouldn't you be at your dorm?” you heard a very familiar voice from behind you, which made you jump a little, quickly looking at the voice's owner with a smile.
It was Fred. He was still wearing the clothes he wore earlier, his hair was covering half of his face, but it was still clear he was with a silly smile on his lips. That made you smile too.
“Shoudn't you be at your dorm?” you replied with his own question, raising a brow at his with a small smirk.
“Now you got me” he joked, sitting down next to you on the bench. “Didn't feel like sleeping yet. You?”
“Same” you quietly said, looking at the night sky. “So, where's Angelina?”
“At the Gryffindor common room, I guess” he replied after a little while, turning to look at you. “And where's Finch-Fletchley?” his voice carried a bit of annoyance at the mention of the Hufflepuff boy's name.
“Dancing with a Beauxbatons girl” you giggled as you remembered Justin clumsily dancing with a girl who was taller than him “He really has lots of energy and I was tired of dancing, so he kind of found another partner”
He nodded quietly, still focused on you. You flushed red when you noticed he had been watching you for a few minutes, suddenly feeling your cheeks burning under his deep stare.
“You know, we learnt how to read the stars in Astronomy” Fred spoke with a serious expression, and you turned all your attention to him, eager to hear the rest. It was no surprise you always loved Astronomy and were more than excited to learn more and more about it. “And these starts are telling me something, something really important”
You gasped, eyes widened as you attentively listened to every word that left his mouth. “What is it, Freddie?”
He inched closer to you, to the point where your noses were almost touching and your breath hitched, anxiously awaiting for his answer while trying your hardest not to blush even more because of how close his lips were to yours.
“They say you should kiss me.” he said with a cheeky smile, watching in amusement as your face became redder than his hair. “The stars never lie”
With a confident smirk, you closed the gap between you two, softly placing your lips on his in a short peck that soon became an actual kiss, your mouths moving in sync with each other, tongues gracefully dancing together inside your mouths as your hands flew to his face, cupping his cheeks in order to deepen the kiss.
You pulled apart minutes later, gasping for air. Both your faces were a shade of dark pink, both from the kiss and from the freezing breeze assaulting your bodies. You could still feel the ghost of Fred's soft lips hovering over yours, and it was a deliciously confusing feeling. The kiss made you feel warm inside and it lit things up on you that made you feel happy and light.
But at the same time, it just felt so wrong to do it. It was like a guilty pleasure, even though you didn't exactly know why you felt guilty. Maybe it was because you two already had partners and it would be a little unfair of your parts to do it? Or maybe was it because deep down you knew it just felt wrong because kissed your best friend's brother? You couldn't really point out what was it, but it left a weird feeling inside your chest.
“I'm sorry” you said in a weak voice, barely over a whisper. What exactly you were apologizing for you didn't know, but it felt like the right thing to do at the moment.
“I wanted to ask you to go to the Ball with me” he quietly admitted and you frowned at him.
“Why didn't you do it then?”
“I promised Ron I wouldn't” you opened your mouth to ask why, but he continued speaking “He said that if we start dating and then break up, he would have to choose between you and me, and he doesn't want that. I felt like it would be a little selfish of me if I asked you out after he told me that, so I came with Angelina.”
Oh. So that was why Ron was acting weird when Hermione mentioned you going out with Fred. You couldn't blame him for it, I mean, you would feel the same if one of your best friends started dating your brother or sister. It was weird to feel like this.
But, wasn't it a little bit selfish of Ron? Like, okay, he doesn't want to pick a side, but doesn't he want you to be happy? What if the relationship lasts for a long time? What if you don't break up and actually be happy with each other? You wouldn't know, because Ron was afraid of the 'what if they break up' part. It actually angered you a little bit.
“What if it goes fine, Fred?” your question finally broke the silence, voice soft and weak as it left your mouth. His eyes turned to you, his warm brown eyes examining every detail of your face. “We wouldn't know because we didn't even try.”
“We could try” he said, a genuine small smile on his lips as he took your hands in his, squeezing them softly in a reassuring way.
“Let's talk about this tomorrow, okay? It's already late” you replied quietly, giving his cheek a kiss before getting up. “Good night, Freddie.”
And then you headed to inside the castle to go to your common room, leaving Fred sitting there alone. You felt bad for leaving right now, but you just needed to think about it and sleep. You could talk about it in the morning.
taglist ♡
@bwitchd @fific7 @iamak20 @msmimimerton @grierpilots @idontknowwhatthisisfam @imseeinggred @kashishwrites @tsuukichan @mischiefsemimanaged @just-a-dreamer23
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deniigi · 4 years
bro, work made me depressed that I literally left my seat to regain any resemblance of joy or something equivalent before breaking down again. Do you think you can provide a ficlet I involving Peter and Sam to cheer me up?
Title: Calibrating
Summary: Sam and Peter talk themselves towards a meaningful discussion.
Peter did this thing—this infuriating thing where he texted shit like ‘come over’ and then Sam had to bend over backwards to be flirty and coy.
It was imperative that he came across as flirty and coy.
Im-fucking-perative, regardless of what Leilani said or Matt’s annoyance at what he called the ‘jungle of depravity’ that overtook the group chat pretty much daily.
Sam didn’t care.
If Peter texted the group or sent any message that might be construed upside-down as something romantic or sexual, Sam not only had to catch it, but he had to volley it back.
This, he told Leilani, sealed their No-Homo contract.
She stared at him.
He decided to demonstrate.
“See, here, look, I’ll show you,” he said, dragging out his phone. “Exhibit A. There he is, see? Asking about the strength of PVC pipe in pounds per meter like a fuckin’ tease. Now I can’t just let him think that I saw that and didn’t think of it as a metaphor, alright? So I say—”
“Sam, why does he need to know the strength of PVC pipe?” Leilani interrupted.
It didn’t matter. That wasn’t the point of this discussion.
“I’m sending a winky-face,” Sam informed her as he did that very thing.
Leilani stared harder than before.
But look, skepticism was unrewarded. Peter texted a kiss right back and said ‘oh boo, you always know just want to say.’
How could she not see the No-Homo? Sam could do this all day. He could and there would be absolutely no problems and he wouldn’t want to suffocate himself in his pillow at the end of it all.
It was fine.
“Samuel,” Leilani said, “I’m going to tell you something and I want you to hear it with an open heart. Will you open your heart for me?”
Sam spun around in his chair and arranged his arms and legs so that they were as open as they could feasibly be without being obscene.
“I am more open than a boiled clam,” he informed her.
Leilani blinked slowly, then shook her head and checked over her shoulders. She waved him in closer. Then closer. And then close enough that he could smell her perfume on her neck.
“You’re the tease,” she said.
Then she left the backroom. And Sam could only stare after her, frozen in horror as his wide-open heart wrinkled in on itself, picking up mass and gravity until it was naught but a black hole.
“I’m the tease?” he whispered to himself in shock.
Oh no.
Matt dropped his collection of folders and swore, clutching at his chest.
“We have discussed volume, Sam,” he said, bending down to collect his paper children.
Sam took the opportunity to throw both arms around his neck from behind as a threat.
“Don’t lie,” he warned. “Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, amen.”
Matt stood up and Sam felt his toes leave the floor. He hadn’t planned this far ahead.
“Or what?” Matt asked, 110% unfazed.
Sam wished that his feet weren’t kicking around in air here. It really put a dent in his intimidation factor.
“Am I a tease?” he asked.
Matt faced front with heavy eyebrows. Sam couldn’t see his face from this angle, but he knew that aura of irritation.
“If you have to ask the question, then you already know the answer,” Matt said. “Does that help?”
“No, I hate you now, actually,” Sam told him.
Matt dropped him right on his ass.
 There had to be a way to attain proof. To determine once and for all that it was Sam who was in the wrong here, misinterpreting things like the genius that he was.
Thankfully, Sam’s experience of growing up as a non-only child for the last two decades had prepared him exactly for this type of conversation.
HC: yes
HC: next question
HC: my dear brother, the only options if something is not no-homo is for it to be no-no or homo-homo.
SC: Murder me
HC: gladly
SC: I’m in possible homo-homo with spiderman
HC: are you sure it’s not no-no?
HC: okay but like if it’s no-no then this is not a problem, right?
SC: If it’s no-no then I’ve read every sign wrong and I deserve to become a partially eaten tadpole awash in an indifferent boiling sea
HC: okay so we’re leaning INTO the drama today I gotcha. Alright but like, just for the sake of arguing, what if it was homo-homo?
SC: then I need you to bury my body somewhere no one will ever find it because my heart can’t stand requited love you know this about me.
HC: give me your login
SC: thank you I love you you’re the only person who matters
 BT: Spiderman.
SM: Blindspot. DMing? You okay?
BT: this is Hannah.
SM: hi Hannah are you okay? Did you need something?
BT: My brother never got tested for reading comprehension but would have failed anyways. Can you arbitrate an arbitrary argument for us?
SM: I’m positive that there is a link between those two ideas that I am missing, but sure?
BT: okay are you ready?
SM: my loins have been girded.
BT: gross. you two are made for each other. Okay: what are your opinions on 24yo Chinese dudes with bad vision who are 5’7” tall, with terrible hair and brains as big and gaseous as Jupiter?
SM: positive
BT: you’re so romantic spidey.
SM: I know
BT: I’m going to tell him now
BT: byeeeeeee
 Sam was going to have a heart attack. He couldn’t look at his phone. He was just going to lay here until he wasted away into a fossil.
Mm, yes, what a wonderful way to escape any and all feelings. That was—
His phone chirped and he nearly fell out of his chair in a hurry to answer it.
 HC: [image] [image]
HC: you owe me your bones
SC: AFASDFADFAS:FJaf’asdfjahsdlfihasdl’fas
HC: if you fuck spiderman you have to get pregnant and demand alimony for your beautiful mixed babies Samuel
SC: Darling sister, we’ve talked about this. it isn’t going to happen I still have yet to steal a womb
HC: try harder
HC: ttyl
 Okay, this was fine.
Everything was fine.
Spidey liked Sam back, it was no big deal. Spidey liked everyone back. Even the teases.
Fuck, Sam had to move.
 Foggy caught him biting his nails to pieces over the copy machine and asked him if he was okay. He was not. Foggy could read this off him. He didn’t ask again, but he did say that if Sam was feeling particularly anxious about something he was welcome to go have his breakdown upstairs in Kirsten’s kitchen instead of downstairs among the files.
Sam appreciated his offer. He hiked up the stairs, and halfway up, his phone chirped.
His heart stopped.
It chirped again, and then again. By the time he got to the top of the stairs, it was chirping every couple of seconds with messages being typed and sent at mach speed.
He kicked off his shoes and went to go stand over Kirsten’s sink to open the first one.
  PP: Sam it’s peter hey listen your sister messaged me
PP: and was asking some pretty invasive questions and I replied to her. I don’t know if you saw them but I just wanted to say that if that makes you uncomfortable in any way know that I absolutely don’t mind and I’ll stop
PP: you can tell me to fuck off if that crossed your boundaries. I shouldn’t have even messaged her back without asking you
PP: and obviously in future I won’t talk to her until I’ve cleared it with you I just wasn’t thinking I’m never thinking it’s a little hard to think sometimes
PP: especially when you message me back and I get caught up in the games and the emojis and stuff and like I’m sure that sometimes I overstep but I don’t mean to and you can tell me at any point if you want me to stop
PP: I guess I just really like to talk to you sometimes and it’s fun to have someone to banter with who actually banters back like not in a mean way but in a really nice and funny way. you’re an easy guy to talk to is what I’m saying
PP: which I’m sure you get a lot. I don’t mean that I want to like tell you all my problems I swear it’s not that it’s just more of a AHHHHH I don’t even know what I’m saying I think it’s sorry???
PP: I’m sorry??? I don’t mean to imply anything that isn’t there and I don’t want to make you feel like you have to either. Ar e you mad? Please don’t be mad okay wait no I’ve sent like seven fucking messages I’m being a creep oh my god IM SORRY ILL SHUT UP NOW OKAY SORRY BYE
  Oh nooooo.
The panic-induced infodump was not only familiar but horrendously endearing.
Sam had to explode now.
Man. Bummer.
  SC: it’s okay Peter
PP: is it tho??? Are you sure?
SC: I have positive feelings towards people like you too
  Sam’s heart pounded. He almost locked his phone and threw it in the sink, but another text came in just as that thought finished crossing his mind.
  PP: you do?
SC: yes of course I do
PP: oh nice
SC: yeah
  Annnnnnnd cue mutual nerd awkwardness. Great. Well done, Sam, you’ve done it again.
He sighed and turned away from the sink and sunk down onto the floor with his back against it.
Such a loser, Chung. So painfully awkward. Would it kill you to, just for once, slow down and chill for a minute?
  PP: hey sam?
  No, Sam just wanted to sit on this floor and wallow.
  PP: hello? Are you still there?
Sam let his head fall back against the sink. He closed his eyes.
His phone rang in his hand and he nearly had a heart attack. His fingers scrabbled over its face and the caller ID read ‘Peter Parker.’
Oh god.
Oh no.
Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.
“Hello?” he answered to the scratchy phone silence on the other side of the line.
He frowned.
“Hello?” he tried again, a smidge less desperate.
There he was.
“Hey,” Sam said. “Sorry, just got awkward.”
Peter laughed through the line.
“Me too,” he said. “That was awkward.”
A long pause.
“I’m doing it again,” Sam moaned into his hand.
“No, no. Hey, you’re good,” Peter said. “I was just uh. Calling because.” He trailed off.
Sam waited.
“Sam? You still there?”
He startled and cleared his throat.
“Yeah, I’m here,” he said. “Sorry, zoning out a little bit. You know, busy day.”
“Yeah,” Peter said.  “Yeah, I know.”
Sam breathed as quietly as he could. He could almost hear Peter doing the same on his end.
“Sorry, I’ve gotta g—” Sam started.
“Hey, do you like me?”
“No?” Sam answered and then punched himself in the leg. “Sorry. Uh. I didn’t—I mean, uh. Yes. Of course I like you. You’re a really good person. I admire you a lot.”
Hannah, oh Hannah, where is thine shovel? Sam needed it to dig this grave deeper, please.
“Oh. Okay, I just—I guess I uh, have a hard time reading the tone of your texts sometimes,” Peter said.
“It’s okay, I get that a lot,” Sam said. “I’ll try harder to be more direct.”
“No,” Peter said. “No, no, you don’t have to change anything.”
“Oh? Okay, well. Maybe I still will, though,” Sam said.
If Peter wouldn’t have heard him, he would have started to try to fit his whole fist in his mouth.
Five minutes of conversation and they were still saying nothing.
He swallowed.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Next time you’re in the city, would you, uh, maybe want to go out somewhere? With me?”
Out? What like, to a movie or something?
“Yeah, just like that,” Peter said. “’Cause I uh. Would like to. Do that, I mean. With you.”
“With me?” Sam asked. “Oh right, and your other friends, uh, names—sorry, I’m bad with names. N-ned?”
“No,” Peter said oddly abruptly. “Well, I mean—I don’t mean it like that. I just—just with you. For now. That’s what I mean.”
“Oh. Uh. Kinda like a date?” Sam asked through the forcefield of self-hatred that felt like it spanned the entire continental US.
There was a pause. Sam held his breath.
“Yeah,” Peter said. “Exactly like a date. If you don’t mind—you know, doing that with me.”
“Are you trying to lure me to a secondary location, Mr. Parker?” Sam asked seriously.
The laugh that met him made all the muscles in his shoulders relax.
“Maybe if the bit at the first location goes well,” Peter said. Then added hurriedly, “If you’re down for that.”
Sam was down for it right now.
Actually, maybe not in Kirsten’s kitchen. But like, right now in a different location.
“If it’s a movie date, we can do it through Netflix Party,” he pointed out faux-lightly. “It wouldn’t be the same, but we could do it this weekend, even. Saturday—I’m off Saturday.”
Peter said nothing for a long time.
“Okay. Saturday,” he finally agreed, “I can do Saturday. Kinda hard to hold your hand through a screen, but I can give it my best shot?”
“Oh, I bet you will,” Sam nearly choked.
“You’re really cute, Sam.”
“I wanted to kiss you last time you were here, but I was too, uh. Shy. Embarrassed. One of them.”
Sam was going to puke, but in like, the happiest kind of way.
“I like you a lot too, Peter,” he whispered.
“Are you crying?”
“What? No.”
“Shut up, I’m not. I—the old man’s downstairs, his ears aren’t as good through ceilings, but I just want to make sure—”
“Uh-huh,” Peter said. “I’m sure that’s what it is. So I’ll see you Saturday? Maybe Facetime or something?”
“Yeah, Saturday,” Sam said. “I’ll send you a time when I know. I’ve gotta go. Meltdown-alloted-breaktime is over.”
Peter laughed.
“Alright, man, I’ll talk to you later. Bye now.”
“Bye,” Sam said lamely.
He hung up the phone. He did not scream. But he did fist pump and then fall onto his side.
Here’s to hoping things get easier for you anon!!
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brelione · 4 years
Just Me? (Kelce,Rafe,TopperXReader)
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Warnings:Not proof read,mentions of eating disorders,not proof read,hehehehehe yall arent ready <3
The Best Boys   Marvel Movies   Action Figures     Bird
You couldnt stop thinking about what had happened with Rafe.You had tried everything to get it off your mind.You tried going for a swim,wrapping your banadage over with plastic wrap like Kelce had told you but that just made you think of how much more fun it would be to play volleyball in the pool with the boys.
You tried watching tv,doing the dishes and baking but you had baked brownies.Who’s favorite food in the whole world is brownies?Rafe.Rafe fucking loves brownies.You couldnt even understand why Rafe would kiss you.He had literally seen you with tears in your eyes and vomit all over your face.That’s gross.You sat in your kitchen for a while,walking in circles on top of the kitchen table,debating on whether or not to call Kelce.
You couldnt talk to Rafe about it,that was just both awkward and ridiculous.Kelce would probably insist on inviting Rafe over to have a group discussion about the importance of communication and understanding.That left Topper.You huffed,deciding to get off your table and grab a diet coke from the fridge before calling him.
“Did your cut reopen?”He asked anxiously,not even bothering to say hello.He held the football that was previously being thrown back and forth to his chest,holding up a finger to Kelce as he listened to you. “An emotional one.Can you come over?”You asked,tapping your fingers against your marble countertop.
He frowned,looking at the dull sky through his dark sunglasses,letting out a small sigh. “Yeah,sure.So whats going on?Is it the type of emotional reopen that you need McDonalds and coffee or is it a tissue and Criminal Minds situation?”He asked,guessing it was probably the second one.
 “Neither.Are you alone?”You asked,intriguing him. “You want me to come over?Like just me?”He asked. “Are-are you with the others?”You asked,waiting anxiously for his answer.He stared back at a confused Kelce,humming. “Im with Kelce.Would you be okay if I brought him?”He asked you quietly.
 “No-do not bring Kelce.I dont know,just tell him that you have to clean your fishtank or that your uncle died or something.”You exclaimed quickly,not wanting to hurt Kelce’s feelings.Topper’s jaw dropped. “Dont fucking manifest my uncle dyint-just give me twenty minutes,alright?”He asked.You smacked yourself in the face with your palm,groaning. “Yeah,okay.”You answered,hanging up.
You spent those twenty minutes pacing around your house,jogging up and down your stairs until you were painting,tug at your shirt to cool yourself off.You got annoyed with the material,ripping it off your head and throwing it. 
“FUCK!”You shouted for no reason in particular.Everything was beginning to stress you out,walking down the stairs and fighting the urge to scream as the moment ran through your head once more.You always knew Rafe would drive you crazy.Your door opened,Topper standing there with a frozen coffee topped with whipped cream.
He looked over to you,surprised that you werent laying on your couch as usual.He glanced down at your chest for a split second before staring down at the floor,feeling guilty.He held out the coffee to you,eyebrows furrowing when you placed it on the table opposed to eating the whipped cream off. “What’s going on?”He asked,reaching out to grab your shoulders and make you look at him.
 “Im sorry,im really fucking stressed and I have a stomach ache and im going insane and you’re the only person I cant think to talk too.Did you tell Kelce you were comeing here?”You asked.He grabbed your wrist gently,pulling you onto the couch and looking at you with concern evident on his face.
 “I told Kelce that I left my oven on so I had to leave.Rafe is out on the boat with Sarah,Ward,Rose and Wheezie for the day.Can you tell me what’s going on?”He asked,dragging the coffee across the table so it was in front of you.You sighed,bringing your knee to your chest and wrapping your arms around it.
 “I just-god,shitting fuck.”You cursed,getting quiet as you pinched the bridge of your nose.Topper was getting more and more worried as the seconds passed,reaching out a hand to rub your thigh in attempts to comfort you.
He let out a small gasp when you gripped his wrist tightly,shaking it back and forth with slight aggression. “Literally dont tell anyone what im about to tell you,got it?Not Rafe,not Kelce,not Nemo,not your mom,not your uncle not anyone.Do you understand?”You asked,trying your best not to sound completely insane but not succeeding at all.
He nodded quickly,anticipating building up within him. “Yeah,I totally wont.I promise.Now tell me what the fuck is happening!”He exclaimed. “Rafe kissed me.”You answered,feeling your hands shake a little as Topper went silent.He didnt know what to think.He was mroe mad at Rafe than anything.They had all agreed to just stay friends with you and not to fuck anything up.
He felt jealous that he wasn't the one to kiss you but also felt more worried about how you felt about the whole situation.Clearly you didn't feel great about it otherwise he wouldn't be sitting on your couch.He was shocked that you had chose to talk to him over Kelce.You had always picked Kelce to speak to about your emotional problems.That only made Topper think more.
Why wouldn't you want Kelce to know? “God,topper.Can you please say something?You’re stressing me the fuck out.”You huffed.He licked his lips upon realizing that his jaw had dropped. “So he just kissed you?Like,it just happened?”He asked.You nodded,looking over to the coffee and the foamy white mess that had once been a beautiful swirly mountain.
 “So...how do you feel about it?Do you like him like that?”Topper asked,trying to keep himself from freaking out.You bit your tongue,looking over to your tv and deciding that this whole house was too awkward and too quiet.You reached for the remote,putting on some cartoons. “I don't even know.I don't know what to think or how to feel and I havent talked to Rafe since then and now I feel like shit.What do I even do?i cant call him or anything cause I have nothing to say.”You thought out loud,kind of wishing that Kelce was here to go through all of the possibilities to help you figure out your best option.
But he wasn't. “Thats okay.You don't really need to know right this second but if you want to keep things from getting awkward then-well,hear me out.I think its a good idea for you to talk to Rafe about this or just talk to Rafe.Right now things are awkward because you’re not talking to him.Just think about it,you’re avoiding each other which makes you both too uncomfortable to start a conversation which will make things worse.”He explained as if he had been through this type of thing before.
You bit the inside of your cheek,forcing your eyes to look at the tv where a rerun of The Loud House was playing. “You really think its a good idea for me to talk to him?”You asked.You saw him nod from the corner of your eye,hearing your stomach rumble right after. “Yeah,I do.You should call him and ask him to hang out or something.I can invite Kelce over too so its not awkward and you two can either talk about it or not.Just being around him in that setting will probably make you less nervous.”He handed you the frozen coffee and a straw,wanting you to drink it.
 “How stressed have you been?”He asked,relieved when you took a sip of the coffee.You pulled away from the straw,sighing. “Why?Do I seem overly stressed?”You asked,trying to figure out how he could tell you were anxious.On top of being friends with you for over five years he also watched Criminal Minds.He probably knew shit about your anxiousness.
He shrugged,looking around to see where you had thrown your shirt. “Your house smells like brownies.You used to bake so you’d feel closer to food and you stress bake sometimes.When was the last time you ate?”He asked,making your eyes widen and your heart thump.Shit.You hadnt eaten since the last time you saw Rafe,three days ago. 
“Yeah,its been a while,hasn't it?”He asked,knowing that he had caught you. “Did you do this on purpose?”He asked,tracing figure eights on your kneecap. “No,i've just been really stressed.”You answered.He nodded,telling you to drink your coffee while he went to make you something.You sat on the couch,stirring the coffee and thinking again.The thought of him kissing you invaded your mind as you thought back to everything that had led up to it.
You had wrapped your legs around his waist but that wasnt something uncommon for you to do.You’d wrap your legs around him and your arms around his shoulders and make him carry you around like a toddler.Something told you it was just the way the situation was,he was really close to you and no one else was around so why the fuck not?That was probably all it was but your brain kept going back to the way your stomach felt and the way your heart sped up.
It was something that you hadnt felt before and your brain was probably just trying to recreate the feeling by forcing you to think about it for 72 hours straight.Yeah,that made perfect sense.Your phone dinged,causing your heart to drop into your ass.Fuck.You picked it up,not daring to look at the screen as you built up the courage to look at it.
Three….two...one.You looked at the screen,eyes widening when you saw who it was.It was your uncle,one that you hadnt spoken too since your fourteenth birthday.That was the first red flag before you even read the message. “Your mother’s with me.She’s not coming back.”Was all it said.He was in Italy which meant that your mother was too.She had no reason to be in Italy.This had to be some sort of sick joke.Maybe your Uncle’s wife had took his phone and texted that to you just to get you on edge.
Deep down you knew that it wasnt true,that you mother really wasnt coming back.Your eyes began to water,a few tears rolling down your cheeks.What the fuck were you gonna do?There was no knowing if she would pay the bills from Italy or if you would lose your house and everything you owned because of her.You let out a muffled sob,covering your mouth with your hand.Topper heard,running out of the kitchen.
 “Hey,whats wrong?Is it about Rafe?”He asked,kneeling in front of you and grabbing you a paper towel to blow your nose.You shook your head,watching as he picked up your phone and read the message across the screen. “Its gonna be okay,I promise,okay?”He began to rub your back,wishing the Rafe or Kelce was here since he wasnt the best at comforting you.Rafe was best at cuddling and Kelce was best at talking and Topper preferred to just be emotional support. “No-no she’s not coming back and im gonna lose the house and im fucked!”You sobbed,his arms wrapping tight around you. “No,no you’re not.We’ll figure it out.”He answered,making the decision to call Rafe and Kelce to come and help with the situation.
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
9:15 pm choosing baby names with Lee Taeyong (M)
It has been years since you kissed Taeyong for a stupid dare, not knowing who he is and not knowing he’s a famous idol in his country. You were clueless, simple as that. Little did you know that kiss will literally change your life.
One thing led to another, and Taeyong just keeps coming back to you and you welcome him with open arms. Its funny how dating Taeyong over the years made your life complicated and exciting at the same time. You figured, maybe it’s because you’re crazy with each other that’s why.
Now you’re sitting on the tub, enjoying the warm water while you wait for Taeyong to come join you. He came into the bathroom with his favorite scented candle already lit making the bathroom smell like apple and vanilla.
He turned off the bathroom lights before joining you, sitting behind you making you in between his long legs. He pulls you to lay on his chest and gently massage your fingers tired from working.
“What do you think about, Jade?” You feel the vibrations from his chest against your back when he answers you, “Not bad. But lets have other options” you hum longer than before, staring at the marble wall of your bathroom while drawing circles on Taeyong’s lap underwater. “Elie Ruby? We could call her Elie instead?” Your new suggestion made him laugh, and you smiled because he sounds so amused.
“Were not naming our baby after my dog. I love her but, my love for our baby is different” this time Taeyong is the one humming, wetting your hair and putting bubbles on top of your head. “How about I ask the boys tomorrow? Besides we don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy” You turned your back to face him with a smile.
“You’re finally going to tell them?” splashing some water out of of excitement.
“Yes. Now go back to your last position, I want you to relax” and so you did, still smiling like a fool you feel Taeyong caressing your tummy underwater humming a song you’re not familiar with. Maybe he wrote a song for the baby. That was fast, you’re only 2 weeks pregnant and Taeyong already has a song.
“Im sorry for not marrying you first” ah marriage, you thought. Since Taeyong is still in his prime for being an idol, you both planned not to get married yet even though you’re dying to say “I do” already.
You felt his hands creep up to your boobs his fingertips feels good against your nipples. “Close your eyes” he whispered and tingles spread across your body in an instant making your lips part and let out an involuntary moan.
Hearing just the sounds of his sweet kisses on your neck slowly travelling on your shoulders. What he’s doing now is indeed relaxing.
Still kissing your body, Taeyong whispers sweet promises that makes your heart at ease. “I will make you happy. Every second of the day” embracing you from behind, admiring how you fit perfectly between his legs. “Just have more patience baby. We will have a happy marriage”
You don’t know how exactly to react with everything he’s doing right now. Taeyong is providing you calm with his presence but making you horny with his hands around your body. When you finally opened your eyes, you turned your back facing him again. Now its your turn to kiss him and show him love.
While kissing him slowly with lust and adoration, you grab his hard cock underwater and stroke it up and down. Closing his eyes shut he pulls away from the kiss to let out a soft airy moan and relaxes his head on the cold marble wall. “Baby” he gulps, “Dont stop” taking this opportunity to kiss his exposed neck, you’re careful not to leave marks. His moans got louder when he said he’s near, and in a matter of seconds you see the tip of his cock underwater let out white fluids. “You’re always making me feel good, do you know that? I was really exhausted from practice today”
After washing up and having a proper bath, Taeyong was the one putting on lotion around your body. Spreading the Shea Butter scented lotion he gave to you and putting some on his body. Not bothering to put on some clothes, Taeyong brings you to your bed and kissed every inch of you. “Do you wanna have sex tonight?” He asked, lips all over your body and his fingers playing with your wet folds.
“Just make me cum then lets sleep. Were both tired from work baby. You need rest. Lots of rest” you heard him say a soft ‘okay’ before you feel his lips against your pussy. And without any warning, he insert a digit while he licks at your pussy from the bottom to your clit slowly. Making you close your legs but his freehand is quick to grab one of your leg and puts it right above his shoulders, giving him a better angle. Licking you in an animalistic pace, you cum on his face your pussy earning a good kiss from him. That made you smile.
When he finally lay beside you, you dried your juices on his face using a tissue from your bedside. “I thought you’re tired. That was good” you said still panting. He hums and you see his eyelids closing already. Yeah he’s tired. You pull up your soft covers making him comfortable hoping he will get a good night sleep.
After closing the lamp light and making yourself comfortable beside Taeyong, he murmurs a sweet “I love you and our angel” before pulling you closer to him and finally sleeping.
“We love you too.”
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Full fic for this time stamp :)  - On and Off
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nokiawrites · 4 years
ʙᴜɴɴʏ ʙᴜɴᴄʜᴇꜱ(ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ x reader)
(Boss-Intern/Hybrid AU)
Warnings: Smut, Cat Hybrid!Female!Reader, Bunny Hybrid!Izuku, (Everyone is pretty much hybrids) Im also rlly bad at warnings
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Summary: Your new bunny Intern with the silvery voice has caught your attention once again, but who knows if this time you can get to him first.
    The quick pitter patter of my feet as I walk through the parking lot to the elevator are drowned out by my thoughts.  
         My every waking thoughts constantly running rampant of that that green haired ball of energy. So sickeningly sweet yet enticing. Our newest Intern, Izuku Midoriya. The bunny hybrid who held the whole world in their eyes. Just the same as the last time you saw him.
 You slowly enter the elevator and press the button for your floor number, tail swaying from side to side slowly. Standing there idly humming to yourself as the lift slowly rose to your floor. ‘PING’ the loud sound of the lift arriving snaps you out of your daze. The doors slowly open and you step out and begin making your way to your office. 
Besides the soft hums of conversations and typing it is rather peaceful in the cubicles. “Hey (y/n)!”. Well shit. You turn to where the voice came from and lo and behold the man whose been on your mind, standing there in all his glory. He smiles brightly at you, ears on the top of his head at full height. You look at him blank faced. 
“Please stop calling me by my first name during work hours, people will think we are friends.” You spit at him in a hushed tone. You turn away and begin walking away. He follows behind you closely, he begins giggles. “I mean of course were friends dummy.” He says to you in full confidence. “Well im sorry to burst your fucking bubble, were far from friends, you work for me and thats all.” 
You make it to your office and kicking your heels off. His ears drooped some. “Well its ok (l/n), No need to be a bitch about it.” He huffs at you also walking into your office closing the door and plopping down on the sofa. “Me?! A Bitch?!” Your head does a perfect 180 and you scowl at him.“Yea, you.” He plops a gummy bear into his mouth. “Where the hell did you get gummy bears from?! You know what, doesnt matter, stop eating in my office. I have work to do.” 
You shuffle over to your desk  and plop down in your seat, pulling out your papers and beginning to work. Your ears sit upright. You can hear loud Chewing. Ignoring it was not even an option. You can hear it over your on thoughts at this point. You look up with a huff and there izuku is. “You chewing to loud dipshit.” For a bunny hybrid he is loud as hell. 
Your becoming irritated. A knock on your door turns your attention away from the green haired male laying on your sofa. “Come in” you mumble. Your assistant Tsuyu walks in. “ Ms(l/n), Mr Todoroki wants to know if your meet for later today is still on?” She shuffles through papers in her hands. You take a minute to think, ‘do I really want to have to deal with Enji’s shit today? nah’. “ Tell him i would like to reschedule for next week, and Tsuyu, take a rest of the day off I got it today.” She nods her head and walks out quietly shutting the door behind her.
A couple of minutes goes past uneventfully. “You know you cant always be mad at me.” The human bunny hybrid speaks. You chuckle at him “Thats a good one.” You continue doing what you were doing. Izuku sits up from his lying down position. “Im serious, listen we both made mistakes. So we have to let go to help ourselves grow as people.” You sit your pen down and you look at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? We both made mistakes? You fucking cheated on me, and WE made mistakes? You must be out of your rabbit ass mind!”
 You jolt upwards, now standing making your way around the desk to the sofa. “Hey I said sorry, okay.” He says as you stalk closer to him. “ Do you think sorry is going to fix the fucking pain i felt?” Your ears are completely pined against your head as you his at him. “well what do want me to do?” You take the tights off of your legs and ball it up, throwing it. You begin to slide you panties off. griping them in your hand tightly. “If your really fucking sorry you’ll make mommy feel good.” Izuku turned pink. 
“You know I cant do that, you know im dating Ochaco.” You shake your head. “Do you really think I give a fuck about that home wrecking bitch, do what your told unless you want you darling little Ochaco to know that her boyfriends boss is his ex girlfriend and that you dick still gets hard to the thought of my cunt on your face?” He freezes. “Your probably fucking hard right now aren’t you. You sick fucking shit. Getting off of calling me mommy” Before he can react you stuff your underwear in his mouth. “go ahead, can you taste mommy on it?” He says something unintelligible and nods. 
“Good because that is the last time you will ever fucking taste it.” He reaches to take the panties out of his mouth. You slap him with force before he can. You can tell he’s gonna bruise later. His phone rings. its Ochaco. He looks up at your form questioningly. You nod. “Pick it up” He does just that. As he talks you begin to unzip his pant. His breath hitches. keep talking, you mouth to him. You pull out his hard length. He twitches in your hand. gracious amounts of precum falls onto your hand. His tip red with a purple hue. You flatten you tongue and run it from base to tip and stopping to suck on his mushroomed head. 
He chokes on his spit “uh yeah im fine Ochaco I just choked on my spit, but i have to go, yeah ill t-talk to you later bye.” He rushed to hang up his phone up. You stood back up, taking in the view of him. He looked so perverted with his dick out leaking and pulsing. But he looked so innocent with his flustered face. You wanted to corrupt him. He reaches out and cups your naked core. Massaging your folds. You lean into him, beginning to straddle him. He rubs his fingers against your wet entrance, slightly teasing you. He pushes his two fingers into you breaching your warm walls. You reach both of your hands around to his back. Your hand grabs his shoulder. The other one slowly going down his back. You grip his tail. 
“(y-y/n) you know my tail is sensitive.” He removes his fingers from you and grips your hips with both hands. You smirk against his neck. “I know.” You snatch his cotton ball of a tail with your hand. His hips thrust up into yours. His dick ruts against your wet core. The humping motion causing his dick to stimulate your clit. Your feeling hot, you can feel your heart beat in your pussy. “Come on baby, fuck mommys tight pussy. You have my permission. He whines out starting to rut harder against you. You lift yourself lining izuku’s meat rod to your dripping core. You begin to slowly go down, Not used to the feeling of him inside of you yet. Izuku grabs you hips and slams you down onto him before you could intervene. 
Izuku begins to get into position, he braces his feet on the floor and grips you with both arms, beginning to thrust up into you. You can barley keep your eyes open. His curved dick keeps beating at your walls. You reach down to you clit and begin to rub it trying to satisfy that building pressure in your abdomen. You gush out on him, he humps you through it all. You push off of him with a huff. “Mommy?” He whines out at the loss of your heated walls. walking over to your desk you sit on the edge and spread you legs giving him a good view of your box. “Come on baby, come get what you want.” He practically jumps out of his seat and rushes to you, lining back up with you and pushing straight back into your depths. you wrap your legs around him. He starts fucking into you like he was out for revenge. 
You throw your head back moaning out as his tip hits your g spot. Your tail raps around his leg. “Say you love me more than Ochaco.” You breath out. No answer. He keeps fucking into with the speed of a jack rabbit. You santch his hair pulling his head back. He moans out as he gets closer. You grab his face between your fingers and pushing your foot into his hips causing him to stop thrusting. "Tell me you love me more than her, fucking say it. your tail begins flicking the more agitated you get. Looking at you doe eyed he stumbles over his words "You know i cant say that, i love both you and Ochaco the same." You scoff looking away in disgust. "If that was fucking true you wouldnt be balls deep in me while your girlfriend is at home waiting for you." 
You look back at him in disgust for the second time today. Pushing him off of you. Causing his dick to fall out with a wet sound. He whimpered at the loss of your heat. "kneel" you bark at him. Ears pined to the top of your head. Midoriya drops to his knees his ears lifeless against his head. "Know show mommy that your sorry for being a shitty boyfriend who cant even keep his dick in his fucking pants." "m'sorry" he mumbled. 
" Stop being a little fucking bitch and actually apologize!!" You yell at him. He just stares up at you. Hissing you hop off of the desk pulling your skirt down and snatching him up by the collar of his shirt, " If you dont want to be here get the fuck out, go the fuck home. Why are you still here if your in love with her?" You begin to push im towards your office door, eyes filling with tears.  “ill have you transferred to another buliding." You begin putting yourself back together and getting dressed. "N-no, im sorry." He squeaks out after almost a eternity of silence. You wipe the tears out of your eyes, putting a stern face on. 
“well i have no other choice, your fired.”
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
I Remember (Bokuto x Reader)
A/N: Bokuto is my absolute favorite in Haikyuu so this physically pained me to write. But I personally love this one its my favorite and its told entirely from Akaashi's point of view. Also this one ended up being the longest one so there's that.
WARNINGS: ANGST. Hospital is mentioned so mentions of needles. There's fluffy moments scattered in but do not be fooled it is angst.
Date: Sunday October 25th, 2020
Details: 7 pages 2,518 words
Theme: Hanahaki Disease- The victim begins to have flowers grow in their lungs leading to them coughing up flowers petals this continues getting worse until it causes their death. There's a surgery option to get rid of the flowers but it comes at the price of never feeling love again.
Angst Masterlist
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I was twenty three years old when the first petal appeared. It was a pure white rose petal as it sat in my palm. That was the same day I told my best friend Akaashi.
I answered the phone holding it to my ear and before I could say anything Y/n’s voice came through. “Keiji I’m panicking I don’t know what to do and I’m scared-,” I interrupted her talking trying to understand what was happening. “Y/n slow down what’s wrong?” She took a deep shuttering breath as she responded “…I’ve got Hanahaki Disease Keiji,”
I was twenty four years old when I had to be rushed to the hospital during a MSBY game. I was hooked up to machines Akaashi by my side. He held my hand when I cried and admitted the cause of the flowers.
“Keiji I really love him…And I don’t know what to do…,” I sighed looking at her before I spoke “You two have been friends for years im sure you’ll be okay no matter what,” She shook her head eyes wide in fear “Keiji…loving him is different I can’t tell him!”
Bokuto was the reason for those snow white rose petals.
I was twenty four when the first petal appeared. It was a f/f petal clutched in my palm. That was the same day I told my friend Kuroo. 
“Kuroo I’ve got something to tell you,” Kuroo heard Bokuto’s voice over the phone speaking as soon as Kuroo had answered the phone. “Aw are you about to express your undying love for me?” He snickered at his own joke but Bokuto didn’t laugh with him “I’ve got Hanahaki Disease...,” Kuroo took a sharp inhale of breath when Bokuto told him what was wrong. “Oh fuck,”
That same age I was rushed to the hospital during my match. I was hooked up to machines with Kuroo by my side. He sat next to me when I admitted the cause of the flowers.
“Kuroo it hurts. Why does it hurt so much?” Bokuto’s hand was pressed against his heart a fresh trail of blood on his face and trashcan overflowing with f/f petals. “Bokuto…,”Kuroo said staring at his friend feeling sad just watching him. “I love her Kuroo so why does it hurt?” Bokuto looked up then locking eyes with Kuroo and Kuroo gasped as for the first time he saw Bokuto’s normally bright gold eyes were now dull and lifeless.
Y/n was the reason for those f/f petals.
They fell in love with each other at different times. She fell slowly not willing to jeopardize everything they’d have for years. 
“Keiji I can’t tell him! It’d ruin everything even if he felt the same,” She was nervous as I spoke her eyes looking everywhere but my face. “It wouldn’t ruin everything Y/n,” I soothed her rubbing gentle circles in her hand “I can’t risk everyone’s friendships for this,” she whispered finally looking me in the eyes. Her eyes had lost their normal spark and I knew she was missing him.
He fell fast but unwilling to put their relationship on the line.
“Kuroo I’m not telling her,” Bokuto’s arms were crossed over his chest his iv needle jostled slightly causing him to hiss in pain. “Bokuto nothing will change!” Kuroo mirrored the arms crossed position as he looked at Bokuto. “Everything would change!” He threw his hands up trying to emphasize his point.
It was a funny thing though back in high school everyone always assumed they were dating.
“Y/n!” She turned in her spot her eyes catching Bokuto’s “Kota!” she cheered as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up in a hug “Aw they’re so cute together,” A first year said while everyone nearby stopped to watch. “There goes Fukurodani’s power couple,” Konoha said from next to me with a chuckle. “I wish I had a relationship like theirs,” Another third year girl said. “We aren’t dating!” Y/n claimed still holding on to Bokuto. Its not like he helped though “Yeah!” He yelled pouting as he rested his chin on top of her head. “Yeah right,” A second year whispered nearby.
Those last few days in the hospital though…Those would stick with them forever.
I walked her to Bokuto’s room she had finally cracked and decided to tell him her feelings. We walked in her holding onto me and she held onto the pole holding her I.V bag. She looked at him he was sitting up in the bed looking no better than she did. 
Both of them looked so tired. With eye bags and skin discoloration everywhere. They both bruised so easily now and were malnourished and dehydrated. Both had been unable to really eat or drink anything since they often threw up flower petals.
Bokuto’s hair was down and messy and I shivered at the depressing aura in the room. She moved forward and nudged his feet to get him to move them. Both of them seemed aware of the other’s fragile states being very soft in their touches. It however was very obvious both of them wanted to hold each other.
She sat when he moved his legs and Kuroo went to stand by me. I noticed he was taking pictures and he smiled when I noticed. “So they remember how dumb they are,” he whispered. She reached forward and took his hands holding them lightly “Bokuto please listen I love you,” He pointed at me then and offered her a shaky smile. “No...You love him Y/n,” he was trying to convince himself she didn’t and she knew that.
“No Kota I love you,” his eyes widened then knowing she was telling him the truth. She never lied to him when she used his nickname. He would have been able to tell if she was lying anyway. For once his gold eyes returned to their normal brightness as he leaned forward.
I remember how they hugged sobs falling past their lips and tears running down their faces.
“Kota I’m so sorry!” her head was buried in his chest as she cried arms wrapped around him. “It’s okay I’m here…and I’m sorry too,” He placed a kiss on top of her head as he whispered his response. I didn’t know why they were apologizing to each other but then again. I didn’t need to know they were happy and that’s what mattered.
I remember how they kissed hushed I love yous falling past their lips and their tears mixing together everytime they kissed.
“I love you so much Y/n,” Bokuto said pressing soft kisses to her face and multiple against her lips. “I love you too Kota…so so much,” she had replied back in-between the kisses. Her hands were in his hair running her fingers through the silver and black strands. “I feel like we shouldn’t be here,” Kuroo whispered to me as we looked at them.
His hand was holding tightly to her hospital gown the other hand was on her hip rubbing small circles into it as she sat on his lap. Their foreheads rested together at this point both of them closed their eyes basking in silence and finally being able to hold eachother.
“Maybe…But they deserve this Kuroo-san,”
I remember her sitting between his legs as they talked about the future. They talked about their future son.
“His name is gonna be Keiji Tetsuro Bokuto!” Bokuto had exclaimed Y/n was leaned back against his chest. His arms around her waist and she was holding his hands. Bokuto would occasionally press kisses to her neck and shoulder blade but it never seemed to bother her.
“Wait wait wait! Why is my name the middle name?” Kuroo asked looking at the pair. “Because Keiji is mine and Bokuto’s best friend,” Y/n responded with a smirk. “So will they be a middle blocker since Y/n chose his first name?” Kuroo asked wanting something besides a middle name. 
“I think he’d make a good setter,” I voiced smirking at Kuroo while he glared at me. “You’re both wrong! He’s gonna be a wing spiker like his father!” Bokuto exclaimed looking at us with a proud smile.
I remember how all four of us argued and how they described how their son would look.
“He’s gonna be 6’1 and just as cheerful as me!” Bokuto said with a smile gold eyes bright as he talked. “I hope he has s/c skin like me,” Y/n said leaning back against Bokuto’s shoulder while he hummed looking at her. “I think he’ll have shiny h/c hair like you!” Bokuto suddenly said looking at Y/n with a bright smile. “Well Kota I think he’ll have big golden eyes just like you,” She said as she turned back to look at him.
A hand hit my shoulder causing me to flinch as I looked away from the paper I was writing. Kuroo stood their a small smile on his face. “Ready to go Akaashi?” He was wearing a dress that barely reached his knees unlike myself where I was in a suit. Normally we didn’t dress up on weekends but this weekend was special.
I remember how Bokuto proposed on his hospital bed a thin silver ring placed on her finger when she accepted.
Bokuto was laying down now Y/n pulled on top of him. His arms were still around her and the sun was setting. Kuroo and I had assumed by the soft breathing that the two of them had fallen asleep. Until Bokuto spoke up breaking the peaceful atmosphere 
“Hey Y/n marry me?” He whispered. She lifted her head up and looked at him her eyes were wide in shock as she spoke.“W-what?” “I want you to marry me,” He said again looking at her with so much affection in his eyes.“Kota I…Of course I’ll marry you,” She whispered kissing him he reached beside him and put a small silver ring on her finger. Sakusa had brought it for him earlier when he asked.
“Can we get married in the spring? The cherry blossoms always look so pretty then,” She requested as she placed her head back on his chest. “Anything for you Y/n,” He whispered burying his nose into her hair.
We reached the hill that the two of them had met on. I always remembered that day too unaware that in a few years we’d be back for a different reason.
“Bokuto-san slow down!” I called watching him run towards a hill. He turned to face me now running backwards his school tie fluttered out behind him and a wide grin was on his face. “I can’t Akaashi! I’ve been sitting still ALL DAY,” He shouted back towards me. I saw behind him a girl with h/c hair walking by seemingly unaware of her surroundings. 
“Bokuto-san watch out!”I called pointing behind him with wide eyes. He turned suddenly but couldn’t slow down in time “Wha-?” He ran into the girl knocking them both down. I winced as I got closer hearing a groan from them. Bokuto sat up suddenly looking at the h/c girl “Ah! I’m so sorry!” He shouted helping her back up. The girl rubbed her head and waved a hand at the apology before speaking. “No um it’s okay really!” 
“Hey what’s your name?” Bokuto had a curious look on his face head tilted to the side. He was staring at the girl with wide gold eyes and yet she didn’t seem bothered by it in the slightest. “Me? Oh I’m L/n Y/n!” She chirped smiling and holding a hand out. “I’m Bokuto Koutarou!” He said matching her smile before he shook her hand. “Nice to meet you Bokuto,”
I sighed as I got there looking at the cherry blossom petals that fell down around us. “Today’s the day huh Bokuto-san and Y/n to of course,” Kuroo came up next to me.
I remembered them talking about the wedding wide smiles on their faces and holding onto each other tightly.
“I think we should have a dog bring the rings!” Bokuto stated throwing his hands up from where the rested on Y/n's back. She scrunched her nose at that. “No Kota the dogs should be the flower girls!” She said back her voice clearly indicating she was tired. Bokuto hummed in thought it must have been pleasant as she burrowed closer to his chest.
“I like that! Can Kuroo be the ring bearer?” Bokuto asked putting his hands back and tracing soft circles into her skin. She sighed in content at the action while Kuroo scoffed. “Wait why me? Why not Akaashi?” He stated with arms crossed “Im Bokuto’s best man that’s why,” I answered the question for them as the fatigue was beginning to wear on them both.
“Yeah and Yukie is my maid of honor! So you can be the ring bearer,” Y/n mumbled from her position. “Can I be a bridesmaid instead? I’ll even wear a dress,” Kuroo called. “Fine but only if you find a replacement ring bearer,” She whispered and I stood “Good night you two,” I said looking at Bokuto and Y/n.
Kuroo got up as well as Bokuto and Y/n whispered a good night. “See you tomorrow,” Bokuto mumbled nuzzling closer to Y/n his eyes barely open as he looked at us. “See you tomorrow,” Kuroo called back. Bokuto’s eyes closed then and he sighed. The last thing we heard before walking out were Bokuto and Y/n talking to each other quietly.
“I love you Kota,” “I love you too Y/n,”
“Sorry we were late there was some traffic!” I turned seeing my old volleyball team and the MSBY team everyone in suits or dresses. Sakusa had a pair of rings in his hand after he was made the ring bearer. Iwaizumi had brought Oikawa, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki. Each of them had a dog with a basket of flowers. “Well let’s get this started then,” Kuroo said as he took his place on Y/n’s side while I moved to Bokuto’s side. 
Two hours later all of us were leaving to go a restaurant. I sighed as we left Bokuto and Y/n behind their rings sparkled in the sunlight. We left them with a bouquet of white roses on Y/n’s side and f/f on Bokuto’s side. I stood for a minute facing the two grey slabs of marble side by side like they deserved and let my final memories of them go as I stared at the photo of them Kuroo had left.
It was of them holding each other with tears running down their cheeks and smiles on their faces. 
I remember how they admitted their love for each other when it was too late to save them. 
I remember them at twenty four leaving the world curled up in each other’s arms unaware that they wouldn’t wake up again but they left knowing one thing.
They knew they loved eachother.
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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Hurt S/o! | Shikamaru + Kiba + Shino | ANGST + Fluff | HC’s
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Request: This is my first request so please forgive and correct me if I do something wrong. I was wondering if you could maybe do an angsty headcanons for Shikimaru, Kiba, and Shino from Naruto’s reaction to their S/O getting seriously injured protecting them. If the S/O recovers or dies and the enemy is all up to you, I’ve just noticed a real lack in content for them and I’m craving it hard. Please and thank you!
Word Count: 1953 words
Page Count: 5.5 pages
A/N: i got so caught up in writing this it became way too long lmao. im sorry i forgot about naruto :( but i hope you do enjoy the rest! i made sure to end everything well. i have a shit ton of angst requests so i thought id leave this on a happier note :)
Tags: @bipolartryingtosurvive
Shikamaru Nara
- I could see this being during the Hidan fight.
- Hes set the plan in motion at that point.
- And you’re to make sure Hidan is distracted for the time being .
- Hidan may be an ass, but he isn’t dumb.
- He notices how you are keeping him from Shikamaru.
- Fucking LIVID
- You notice how hes shifting your fight closer to Shikamaru until he gets to the point where he definitely can get a deep slash into the Nara.
- You knew he was trying to get to him.
- You were fast, one of the fastest in the village, but that was because you were fairly weak when it came to strength.
- You tried to zip around, gaining speed and momentum, and within seconds- right when Hidan was going to bring his scythe down on Shikamarus neck, you slammed your body to his side.
- Shikamaru flew away as Hidan managed to get a large and deep slash into your body; you felt it start from under the right side of your ribs, curving across your stomach, and finally finished above your left knee.
- You didn’t feel it until you fell to the ground- shock really is a bitch.
- And then you felt the dull sting grow and blood dripped from the wound.
- The stinging grew into a pulsing and unbearable ache, and you knew for a fact he cut through each muscle in the way of his scythe, but your organs were nipped ( at best ) in the process.
- You couldn’t hear what was going on.
- You heard your heart beat in your ears, it was deafening, but you focused on your breathing and trying to keep calm.
- You trained for this- having a close friend beat your ass near death so you could focus on remaining in a state where you could prolong the inevitable.
- Yeah you thought of the most wild scenarios, and managed to prepare for them- turns out it worked out well.
- Once Hidan is buried Shikamaru went straight to you, managing to help out with Ino and Choji, stopping some of the bleeding while getting you to the village.
- You’re passed out at that point, so Ino cauterizes the wounds ends, the part under your ribs and the entire thigh.
- Shikamaru starts freaking at this point, he almost passes out, and Choji has to get his ass back together.   
- Once you get back to the village Tsunade is ready to go, with Sakura by her side your ass isn’t ending up on that stone.
- It takes about four hours to get you all settled, and into a private room, out of critical.
- He’d stay by your bedside, your hand in his till you woke up.
- “Shika…?”
- “Oh my gods, [ Y/n ]!”
- “Hi”
- Your soft giggles helped ease this poor boys heart.
- “You look awful.”
- “Don’t look too hot yourself.”
- “Wow. Okay.”
- “Get up here, you need some sleep. And don’t even deny it.”
- He took off the bulky clothes, only in his pants and tank top, climbing in next to you as you settled your head on his chest.
- “Thank you for taking care of me,”
- “Thank you for not dying.”
Kiba Inuzuka
- Being in Anbu had its ups and downs.
- But mostly downs.
- Okay. Only downs.
- But you managed to find your light, in a childhood friend and now lover.
- Though- he managed to act more like a puppy than a boyfriend at times.
- You didn’t mind though, and you lived your life peacefully after having to leave Anbu due to an injury that limited your eyesight greatly and it hindered all sight starting at arms length.
- Though, when in Anbu, its always- ALWAYS expected to have an old rival or two come back for more, even when one is retired.
- And here you were, walking through the forest with Kiba and Akamaru, talking about his past mission with Hinata and Shino.
- He got so excited to tell you that he didn’t notice the shift in scents in the air, and you couldn’t see ahead or through your peripheral.
- It happened so fast.
- Too fast.
- One second you were smiling with his arms around your waist, his chin on your head as you both laughed with Akamaru yipping.
- The next you were slipping from his arms, and blood was pooled at his arms, the slash at your neck was gruesome.
- Your hands went to your neck as Kiba yelled, Akamaru going after the person who came from the shadows.
- “No. No. No. No. No. No. [ Y/n ], NO!” He was panicking, picking you up quickly as a hand wrapped around your throat, gripping it so tightly you almost couldn’t breathe.
- Almost.
- You learned to stay calm in situations like this, and with Kiba’s harsh grip you didn’t have to waste any energy to help with the bleeding, so you focused on breathing and not getting your heart to pump too fast.
- “Tsunade! Fuck- get a medical nin! Now!”
- He yelled, running into the village again, where many were coming to help you out.
- Akamaru had come back by then, his mouth bloodied as well, but nothing else- indicating he got a good bite on the fucker.
- You made it to the hospital before you lost consciousness, making Kiba worry even more, because THAT was never a good sign.
- He had to be the one to lay you down on the table and his grip never wavered, getting into a sterile room and waiting for some instruction.
- He was freaking out inside, he wanted to cry and let go, just hold you- but you would die if any of that were to happen.
- He had to stay calm for you.
- He wasn’t going to let you die.
- The tell him to let go quickly and all hands go to your neck, working quickly to stop the bleeding, while a nurse came to get Kiba cleaned up and situated.
- His mom even came to help the boy, who looked dead while staring at your room, not even wanting to go in.
- “Boy." 
- Oh did she go off, telling him to go to his girlfriend and be a man.
- He did want to go, but he couldn’t help but feel so… helpless.
- "Helpless? Helpless! Boy, you do understand you just saved your girls life? That if you weren’t there she’d be laying there dead?”
- Kinda rocked his shit, but thanks mom.
- He went into your room alone first, your neck was bandaged and you looked pale, with blood and other IV fluids being attached to your arms.
- He noticed the especially dark bruise on your neck.
- It could have been either from his hand or the surgery, but he still felt bad.
- His mom came in and sat with him on the other side of you.
- They both held your hands and visited you till you woke up.
- “I lived bitch.”
Shino Aburame
- I honestly can’t see his S/o getting hurt so bad.
- Because when you think about it his bug control is OP AF.
- Like he can essentially control you with a bug.
- I would go with someone would be after him, but since they can’t get to Shino- you would be the best option.
- Get hurt him physically so lets do it mentally and emotionally :)
- Poor boy
- I could see this being when your both adults, and teaching the younger generations, including your kids :)
- And you’re chilling on your house rooftop, that you’ve decorated with couches and tables and such, even hanging lights around.
- You had Shino build a retractable sliding glass on top in case it rains.
- If you’re having trouble imagining this- think Fast and Furious ending where everyone is eating dinner together.
- Yeah that’s ya’ll with the rest of the group :)
- You’re relaxing, reading a book and curled into the couch and drinking some tea or coffee or hot cocoa ( THEY’RE ALL VALID ) 
- You had gotten up a second to go to the large chest you had near one of the tables, to pick out a fluffy blanket.
- You never noticed how someone had mixed a poison into your drink, because they were gone before you could even decide on a blanket.
- Your kids would have been home soon, and they knew you liked to hang out up here, especially Shino since he kept the bees up here.
- You settled down and read some more, before taking sips of your drink.
- You noticed it tasted weird, and you had gotten up to check it out you felt your head get light, and your throat was stinging- making you cough horribly.
- You honestly felt like death was coming for you, and you knew something was wrong, but by the time you had gotten to the door you fell down and struggled to breathe.
- “Hey mom, Aponi kicked me-”
- “Shut up! Adonis don’t be- Mom!”
- “Mom?!”
- Your kids started freaking out, with your little girl noticing how strange you looked and saw the cup that was broken at your side.
- “Addy! Get dad! Mom drank something!”
- “Alright! Stay there- I’ll be back!”
- They managed to get their dad and Uncle Kiba, with Aponi looking to the cup- having some of her bugs recognize what was in it.
- “Dad! Its Saifu Ants! Someone poisoned mom with Saifu ants!”
- Shino had gotten some for himself and used their toxins to create an antidote.
- You were currently at the hospital, and declining rapidly, stressing out everyone around you.
- Even Naruto came and the dude is Hokage and is busy as hell.
- “You should all be prepared for the worst.”
- Everyone’s hearts dropped, and Shino couldn’t be there- he was helping making the antidote.
- It took about 20 more minutes until Shino came rushing in with it.
- Everyone made their way to your room and god.
- You were so pale, you honestly looked dead. Your kids only knew you were alive due to the heart monitor and your weak chalkra signature, your breathing was supported by a machine and even then your lungs sounded horrible.
- God Shino worked as hard as he could so fast.
- He felt like his heart stopped, that everything was moving too fast for him and he was going to pass out.
- Thank god his eyes were covered cause he had tears in them the entire time.
- He felt his soul ripping apart, what would he do if you left him so soon? The kids?
- You had gotten the antidote in time- but not before the poison had it’s time with you.
- Your lungs were destroyed and your heart was weak, your muscle was torn down.
- But you made it back to them.
- Everyone held a sigh of relief.
- You were a little off at first- still sleepy and slurring.
- After a few month you were able to leave- with everyone visiting you in the meantime with what had been going on in the village.
- Once you made it home you collapsed on your bed with Shino, easing his heart just a bit.
- Your kids jumped in too, snuggling up to both of you, with Aponi on your chest and Adonis on your stomach.
- “You scared us. Please, don’t do that again.”
- “It’s okay. I told you. You can’t get rid of me that easy.”
- “Like I’d want to.”
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TW for eating disorders but i have one and i was making a lot of progress to being healthy, but then the quarantine happened and everything has kind of tanked and i'm a lil upset with myself. if its not too much i was wondering if u could write a prompt with peter having one. like tony and stephen try so hard to get their bb to eat. and then if he does he gets extra rewards. just a lil bit of hurt and a lot of comfort because im struggling rn and ur my favorite acc. i go to u for smiles 🥺
aww im so sorry to hear this quarantine is messing up all your progress sksk that really sucks🥺🥺 i hope you manage to get on top of it all and find that peaceful balance again💓💓
Daddy Tony, Daddy Stephen, 18+ Little Peter, eating distorders, conflict, fluff, comfort, 1k
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“What would you like to eat, Petey?”
“That’s not an option, mister. Come look in the kitchen and see what we have.”
With a dramatic huff, Peter takes his shark stuffie named Jaws with him and drags his feet to the kitchen. He stops by the kitchen island, but he doesn’t sit.
“We got grapes, yogurt, cereal... I can make you grilled cheese if you want.” Tony offers when none of Peter’s favourite foods that he listed at first seemed to interest him.
“But, I’m not hungry, Daddy. Promise.” Peter tries and fiddles with Jaws’ fin.
“Even if you aren’t hungry, you still need some food, baby. Remember what the doctor said, okay? Three meals a day, no matter if you are hungry or not.”
The mention of the doctor makes Peter whine and clutch Jaws tighter where he twists his torso from side to side, like he is shaking his head, but his whole body instead.
“Don’t like the doctuh... Want Dada.” Peter whines again, meaning he wants Stephen. Although Stephen is a doctor too, he doesn’t specialise in eating disorders like Peter’s current doctor does. Besides, it wouldn’t be ethical for Stephen to treat his own Little like that, although he does check on him from time to time.
“You don’t like Christine? I think she’d be sad to hear that, cause I know she likes you tons.” Tony says as he gets the ingredients for the grilled cheese.
“Don’t care!” Peter shouts all of a sudden, triggered by all the food on the counter. Before Tony can respond, he runs up to his room and slams his room shut. Down in the kitchen, Tony huffs out a breath, but continues to make the grilled cheese, determined to have Peter eat it.
“What’s up?” Stephen with the laundry basket in his arms while he stops in one of the two doorways to the kitchen. Tony is currently grilling the sandwich on the pan, and looks over his shoulder at his partner. “I heard Peter getting mad.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t wanna eat. Can you-”
“On it.”
It’s past 10 am already and Stephen knows Peter has been up for some time already, so breakfast is necessary before midday. It is part of Christine’s plan for Peter, but it is also very much in the interests of the Daddies as well. They both hate seeing Peter worsen and needing hospital treatment with feeding tubes. There has been three hospital admission like that in the past, but Peter has been doing better lately. Still, some days are harder than others, but they can be managed with some coaxing.
“Hi, love bug.” Stephen coos cheerfully and enters Peter’s room after knocking. The boy in question is laying on his bed on his front and with Jaws under one arm.
“Am not a bug...”
“Love bug.” Stephen specifies, seeing the pet name as an endaring pet name. But, Peter doesn’t always agree. “How are your feelings today, bud? Is there a lot of traffic up there?” The doctor asks and brushes back Peter’s hair. The boy sags a bit and relaxes where he lays, but he won’t turn his head to face Stephen yet.
“Lodda traffic...”
“Hmm, lots of cars? Are there any trucks? Buses?” Stephen asks. The vehicles refer to the amount of thoughts and feelings Peter is experiencing in his mind. It is a meditation technique, which is part of Peter’s treatment plan. They usually do a meditation session with their boy in the afternoon to check on his emotional well being.
“Lodda cars. Some trucks too.” Peter specifies with a mumble.
“What colour are the trucks?”
“Hmm... Red.”
“Red? That’s cool.”
Peter nods and turns his head towards Stephen, huffing a bit.
“Don’t wanna eat... Daddy, please.” Peter begs and lifts a finger to feel Stephen’s black jeans.
“I know you don’t, and I know that you often feel that way. It must be hard. I can see that it is. You’re looking all mopey.” Stephen continues gently, brushing back the curls from Peter’s eyes. The validation seems to work as the boy inches closer to Stephen, so the doctor continues. “How about we make a deal?”
“Yeah, a deal. You get something, and Daddy and I get something. Sounds fair?” Peter nods. “Okay, you’ll have the grilled cheese Daddy’s making, and after that we can play whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?” It’s Stephen’s turn to nod now. “Purple sand!”
“Okay, then we’ll play with the kinetic sand.” Stephen allows with a big smile and picks Peter up, giving his cheek a smooch. “I know this is hard, baby, but you’re being so brave.” He adds before bringing the boy downstairs again.
Tony has just finished the grilled cheese, and he has placed it on one of Peter’s ’Finding Nemo’ plates along with three cherry tomatoes. Next to the plate, Tony’s put a sippy cup of milk. Setting Peter down on his seat, Stephen gives him another kiss.
“Take the time you need, baby.” He encourages before joining Tony by the dishwasher to help empty and fill it.
Both the Daddies know how Peter prefers to not have people watch him while he eats, and this set up works perfectly for them both. Peter gets some peace, and the Daddies are close enough to keep an eye on him still. Surprisingly, just 10 minutes later, Peter lets his Daddies know he is done and asks for the kinetic sand.
“Of course, baby. But, say thank you to Daddy for your yummy meal.” Stephen points out and gestures to Tony.
“Thank you, Da.” Peter blushes a bit. “It was good.” He adds, making both Daddies smile widely. “Now, purple sand!”
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Saving Grace - Part 10
Summary: Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
A/N- This was meant to be more of a filler part but then ended up at 2000+ words! 😂😂 im not even sure how i feel about this part but here we go! Enjoy 💕
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The Wednesday before Bucky and I were planning to head to the cabin, he was called in for a mission that required the whole team so it must have been pretty bad. He promised he would do his best to get back in time so we could still go up there, but i knew we'd just have to let things play out and see what happened.
It was now Friday evening and he still wasn't home, i hadn't heard from him since the Wednesday evening and i just wanted to know he was okay.
At around 10pm i decided to head to bed to try and get some sleep, at least then i wouldn't be constantly worrying about Bucky and the team. Grace was fast asleep in her bassinet beside the bed and Harrison was star-fished on Bucky's side of the bed snoring slightly....I couldn't help but smile at the sight. When I heard a noise from downstairs I shot up in the bed suddenly alert.
"Buck?" I called out quietly so i didnt wake the kids, i knew he'd still hear me even with how quiet i was. When i got no response i made my way out to the hallway looking down over the staircase railing. My heart started racing when i saw two dark figures moving around down there. I turned and silently rushed back to the bedroom locking the door behind me. I grabbed my cell phone from the bedside cabinet and called 911 as i rushed to my wardrobe to pull out the lockbox that held our guns.
"911 whats your emergency?" A woman answered my call, i quietly told her what was happening and gave her the address. She advised she would get someone over ASAP. I hung up and dialled the compounds private number hoping someone would answer, maybe they could get here quicker!
"Hello?" A man answered on the third ring, i didn't recognise who it was.
"Hi, this is Y/N Y/L/N...."
"Oh hi Y/N its Roy, the night guard"
"Shit.... Roy is their anyone there you can send to my house now!?? there's men breaking in.... are any of the team or any SHIELD agents around?"
"Oh.... erm I'm not sure. Stay on the line and i will check real quick".
It felt like he was gone forever when it was only a few seconds.
"Steve??! Oh thank god! There's men breaking in!!"
"Two of them that i saw. Ive locked myself in the bedroom with the kids"
"Im on my way sweetheart just stay where you are. You have your gun?"
"Yeah, please hurry!" I said hanging up.
I carried Grace's bassinet into the ensuite bathroom and then went and got Harrison and took him in there too.
"Mama what you doing?" He asked sleepily rubbing at his eyes.
"Shhhh baby, i need you to stay in here with Grace and be very quiet okay?"
"Okay" he nodded and sat on the floor beside Grace's bassinet.
"Remember to stay very quiet, and dont come out until i say so" i closed the door and took the time to check my gun over. Oh god, what i would give to have Bucky home right now, he would have taken them out already without breaking a sweat! It had been years since i had retired from the Avenging life, the day i found out i was pregnant with Harrison was my last day on the job. All i was worried about was my kids getting hurt, what if i was too out of practise to defend myself against these intruders..... my internal panic was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I heard one of the doors open, the guest bedroom probably as that was closest to the stairs..... then the bathroom, Harrison's bedroom and then they stopped outside my room. The door handle jiggled as they tried to open it "over here!" I heard a man say before a loud thump on the door where he was obviously trying to bust the door open.
I stood to the side of the door gun aimed ready to fire when they made it through, because lets face it they would get through eventually!! I clicked off the safety and took some deep breaths trying to calm myself down. Suddenly the door gave way and the first figure stumbled into the dark room looking around, i aimed my gun at his leg and fired.... he yelled and fell to the floor as the bullet hit him in the thigh. The second figure dived at me pushing my arms up so my shot missed him. He knocked the gun from my hands and punched me hard in the face sending me to the floor.
"You okay?" He asked turning to his friend who was  laying on the floor holding his leg.
While he was distracted i turned to try and crawl to the where my gun had landed only for him to grab my ankle and pull me away. He reached down trying to grab me by the hair but i twisted round and kicked him away. He stumbled back crashing into the dresser looking surprised that i was fighting back. I rolled to my feet again as he tried to rush me, i dodged him easily suddenly remembering my days training with Nat and Steve. I got a few good hits in before he got a hold of me and threw me into my vanity table where i crashed into the mirror landing in the broken shards of the mirror. The man walked over looking proud of himself and he looked down at me.
"You put up a good fight i give you that" he laughed wiping blood from his split lip "I'm gonna enjoy this"
"Please stop..... why are you doing this?" I asked, Grace started crying in the bathroom and i could hear Harrison shh'n her.
"Well well well, what do we have here huh?" He grinned and started to walk towards the bathroom.
"No!!!!" I screamed and launched myself off the floor diving onto the man "you leave them alone!!" i tried to fight but i could feel the shards of broken mirror digging in various parts of my body. He tossed me aside again giving me a hard punch to the gut winding me and sending me to my knees.
"Get away from them!!" i yelled as he carried on towards the bathroom.
Another figure suddenly charged into the room crashing into the man and sending him flying into the wall so hard he was out cold on impact! I breathed a sigh of relief realising Steve had arrived.
"Y/N!" He fell to his knee's beside me "are you okay?"
"There's another guy, i shot him in the leg...."
"Looks like he bled out sweetheart"
"Check on the kids" i said pointing at the bathroom hearing Grace screaming "i dont want Harrison seeing me like this...."
"Okay" he nodded and walked over to the bathroom opening the door.
"Hey pal" i heard Steve say to Harrison "you doing okay in here?"
"Where's mama...."
"Im okay baby, just stay in there with your dad for me for a minute okay?"
"Hi sweet girl, your okay.... sshhh" i could hear Steve as he cradled Grace.
"Police department!" I suddenly heard someone yell from downstairs......great timing!!
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"I still think you should have gone to the hospital Y/N or at least to the compound. See Dr Cho" Steve said as he pulled another piece of broken mirror from my back. The police had taken the body of the man i shot and arrested the surviving intruder, i had refused to go to the hospital though.... id had worse than this before.
"Im okay, its not serious. Looks worse than it is" i said holding a towel full of ice to my face.
"Some of these are pretty deep, their gonna need stitches...."
"Then stitch them up!" I snapped at him "god Steve, its not like it would be the first time!"
"Your right it wouldn't, but we were in the field with no option but for me to stitch you up! Now we can get you proper medical care!"
I dropped my face into my hands as i began to cry, i couldn't hold it in any more. The adrenaline was wearing off and now the shock was setting in.
"I just want Bucky" i sobbed, i felt Steve tense up at the mention of Bucky's name before he carefully wrapped his arms around me.
"I know sweetheart, i've tried calling him and the rest of the team. I left a message"
"Where are the kids?"
"In Harrisons room, Grace is sleeping and Harrison was watching cartoons"
"I dont know what i would have done if they had been hurt!.... if you hadnt of showed up when you did Steve...."
"Dont think about that, i did show up and they are fine!" He said with a smile wiping my tears away with his thumbs.
"Thank you Steve, i mean it"
"You dont need to thank me sweetheart"
"Y/N!!!" I heard Bucky's frantic voice yell before his thundering footsteps on the stairs.
"Bucky" i sighed in relief. Within seconds he was in the room and pulling me into his arms, Wanda and Sam appearing seconds behind him.
"Ow Buck careful" i said wincing as his arm pressed into one of the shards still in my back.
"Doll why aren't you at the hospital!?"
"She refused to let me take her, you know how stubborn she can be" Steve rolled his eyes.
"Id be fine if you'd stop bitching and just stitch me up!"
"Okay come on, let me take a look. Wanda, can you check on the kids please?"
"Their fine Buck i made sure...." Steve started to say but she turned and went anyway.
"You wanna fill me in on what happened here?" Sam said to Steve looking pissed.
Once in the bathroom Bucky carefully removed my tank top to get a better look at my wounds.
"Baby some of these are really bad...."
Bucky said as his fingers gently traced over my back.
"Just do it Buck, I'm not going to the hospital! I can take it"
"Okay" he sighed pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder. Bucky spent the next 15 minutes or so pulling shards of mirror from my back and some in my left arm. He stitched one pretty deep wound, the rest he just cleaned and covered with bandages. Once he was done he wrapped me in his arms holding me close.
"I was so scared Buck" i mumbled against his chest "i just wanted you. I knew if you were here we'd be fine"
"I know doll, me too. When i got that message from Steve...." he shook his head "i could have lost you today, you and the kids.... i could have lost my family"
"You didn't though, we're fine"
"Your not fine! look at what that son of a bitch did to you!"
"It could have been a lot worse, i got lucky. I never thought id be so happy to see Steve again..... the guy was going for the kids Bucky and i couldn't stop him.....Steve just came out of nowhere"
"Im sure you did everything you could baby"
"I tried, but the truth is I'm out of practice. I haven't been in a fight or even picked up a gun since i found out i was pregnant with Harrison"
"You did good!" Bucky smiled leaning down and gently kissing me, i hissed slightly feeling the sting of the split lip from the punch id received and he quickly apologised.
"Guess this puts a stop to our weekend at the cabin huh? I cant even kiss you!" I moaned.
"We'll go as soon as you feel better i promise, we've waited this long right?"
"I guess so, i was just really looking forward to it"
"Oh me too! But i can wait".
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Saving Grace tags: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam
@captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us @lets--be-honest
@ms-betsy-fangirl @damnaged-princess
@farfromtommy @disneylovingal @lbuck121
@billweasleey @rynabarnesrogers
@heathens-takeitsl0w @lacontroller1991
@supervengerslock @barnesandrogersworld
@mariswritingforfun @perpetually-tuned-out
@thummbelina @marvelousstyles @broco8
@ineffableg-irl @ilovesupersoldiers
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