#yeah thats me for today come ask about any questions or just to chat!
1ddotdhq · 4 years
❄️Tues 27 Oct ‘20🐖
Ho ho ho! Liam is (alongside all of his spooky content) also giving us Christmas realness and releasing a Christmas song called Naughty List on Friday. There’s clearly a woman’s voice on the song, but he hasn’t credited his mystery collab. There is some speculation that it’s Dixie D’Amelio, but I guess we’ll have to wait for Friday to find out. Liam’s current constant companion Conor has been making back to back appearances in his Tik Toks, lending credibility to my theory that they are roomies right now. Or maybe they just can’t get enough of each other! Harry has stepped up on twitter to retweet one of Joe Biden’s ads and say, “If I could vote in America, I’d vote with kindness”. HSHQ has released Golden merch, including a cute Italian themed hoodie - proving that they CAN make good merch when they WANT TO, but they they don’t want to very often, as they also came out with a T-Shirt that could have been completely ripped off of a tumblr shitpost that made fun of their terrible T-Shirts. They also tweeted a mock-up picture of the new Co-Op live stadium, which looks cool, but shows no signs of being pandemic friendly. 
Louis liked a tweet about his promo, which is one of the rare times he’s chimed in on the discourse. 1075 The River (a radio sation) tweeted, “ugh @/Louis_Tomlinson has my heart”, and @/LTxPromo said, “does your station have @/Louis_Tomlinson music to spin as well?”. Ever the sassmaster, Louis liked the second tweet! Louis made headlines for his support of with Marcus Rashford, and iHeartRadio posted his (warning?) selfie, captioning it, “We get so lost in @/Louis_Tomlinson’s eyes”. Hey what a coincidence - I know someone you can talk to about that! And, speaking of radio promo, Niall (who spent all of yesterday in a studio, making MORE MUSIC we won’t get to hear for a while) went around doing more radio interviews to promote his upcoming concert, even saying about One Direction, “we were just kids when we started, and now there’s kids...kids everywhere!” He didn’t mention any names, but went on to reassure the interviewer (Lorraine) that HE would not be adding to the brood of children any time soon: “I’m comfortable with where I’m at, at the moment”. 
Before we get into the next bit, can we just spend one more gleeful second with the Italian sun shining on our faces and the scent of Christmas pudding? Okay, well. On we go with the “never ending cycle of media speculation”, and our favorite pub dwelling pigs.
Celebtm published part two of their article on Briana and Micheal Straus and it is...a mess. As are, by the way, the instagram comments under that post, but we’ll get there. The article itself is riddled with contradictions: is Louis an involved father who loves his son or is Briana a single mother who is struggling to provide for him? After making a few claims about how involved Louis was with Freddie, Straus went on to say that he himself “wanted to step up and be the man in Freddie’s life” and that “whether or not [Louis is] an absentee father isn’t for me to say”. That is to say, it’s all bullshit. Including, by the way, the initial claim that he was scammed out of his money, as he goes on to say that he told Briana not to worry about paying him back! We often make jokes about these people, but let's be frank: Michael Straus is vile, and the reason that he is suing Briana is because he’s upset he never got to look at her new breasts. That - however ridiculous - is the premise of the case. And if that wasn't messy enough, guess who works for celebtm and is getting in on the action: BOOPSY! Yes, our old pal Boopsy-the-celeb-stalker is also in that mess of a comments section in her official work capacity, letting it be known that she's looking for inside dirt on Briana.
But now let’s dive into what Celebtm had to say about the whole thing, because they have taken a sharp U-turn since part 1 of this article. Hmmm...wonder why? The site remained confused on what their position on Freddie’s parentage was: they leaned heavily on Michael’s quote that said, “he is 100% Louis and Briana’s son”, but also they quoted fans who said that he wasn’t, and then!! They claimed (in the comments section of the instagram post) to have offered to pay for a paternity test for Louis. Well, hey I know a ton of people that would start a gofundme and pay for it themselves (not that we’d need to, uh, I think Louis’ got it covered)! They then claim that LTHQ declined their offer because, “the deal he made with Briana saves him millions. We know she only receives less than 60k a year and the money meant for Freddie goes to … self upkeep for Briana”. This is even funnier today, when Louis’ net worth was calculated at 47 million pounds. 
So here’s where the research gets verbose, but I’m going to attempt to present it as simply and concisely as I can. As far as I can tell, there are two ways for an unmarried man to claim paternity in California: the first is to sign a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity upon the child’s birth, at which point your name goes on the birth certificate (this fits with the birth certificate we’ve seen), and you have full parental rights and obligations (custody and child support included) without a necessary DNA test. The second way is to arrange a court hearing and establish paternity through the courts, which does require a DNA test. If you have signed a VDP and then wish to change your mind, you can either fill out a rescission form (which must be done within 60 days of signing the original VDP but only needs one party’s signature) or you can go to court. Celebtm is claiming that Louis has no rights, and is voluntarily paying 60k a year in order to MAINTAIN this Schroedenger’s Baby situation rather than take a test and end the speculation. Even odder, this claim makes it seem like even LOUIS doesn’t know if Freddie is his or not, and he’s just. Paying this random family for a child that might or might not be his, but he’s not involved. But all of this makes perfect sense if he DID sign a VDP, then immediately rescinded it, and is now paying for something other than child support. 
TLDR: this all looks like a mess that doesn't add up but it all makes sense if he did sign this one document, took it back, and is now paying for something other than child support - let’s call it secrecy rather than silence, because if there’s one thing we know about this family, it’s that they can’t shut up.
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1akira-b · 2 years
May I please ask a Hanma Shuji x fem reader (gn also allowed!) where Hanma just reassures a very insecure reader and tells the reader that he loves them for who they are, and that he hugs them super tight cause it makes reader safe? i just got backstabbed by my gf so....yeah i need this rn
Im so so sorry to hear that lovely unfortunately there are people in this world that will hurt us, it's part of life. That doesn't mean it hurts us any less I'm sorry you had to experience it :(
On a more positive note I am totally happy to write this for you, Hanma is my favorite! That being said I have not watched or read TR for a whileee so please excuse anything that may seem out of character :/
If you need anything else, such as another request or even just someone to talk to I'm always here! :)
Much needed comfort (Hanma Shuji with a insecure Fem S/O)
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Hanma Shuji. The name was infamous. Most would would run away at the very mention of the name. Bat shit crazy thats what he was. To any rival this man was nothing short of terrifying but you, you never needed to worry about anything like that. Hanma may be bat shit crazy but he was a pretty decent boyfriend.
Sure he has his quirks (a lot of them) but you love him and he loves you too, you entertain him. He may not be the most normal boyfriend nor do you two have the most conventional relationship but it works. Unfortunately even if you two love eachother there are still a few problems but that's normal! Small fights may occur but they always end the same way a late night bike ride or snack run at the nearest convenience store. The fights were never what bugged you, how could they when you both know they are pointless and you still love eachother?
What got to you was the way people talked or stared. They had you doubting yourself and your worth. Hanma hated this he wished you would just ignore them, does he get all butthurt when people call him crazy? No he doesn't give a shit so why can't you be the same way?? He's come to terms with the fact that you just don't think that way though and he doesn't want the one he loves to be sad so he guesses he can comfort you if you need (he definitely lives for the fact that he gives you comfort, he loves it)
Coming home with bloody knuckles was nothing new to Hanma and you had adjusted to it too. Coming home to see you sitting on the couch looking all pouty on the other hand was something he never wants to get used to. "The fuck you moping about?" He hears you groan in response and he heads over to sit next to you. Sighing he pulls you into his side and wraps a protective arm around your shoulder "What's up any one I need to have a little chat with?" He feels you shake your head which is buried in his side he decides to wait till you speak up.
"Shuji why are you with someone like me?" Though this question is nothing new it catches him off gaurd every time. How could you not know?? Rolling his eyes he looks down at you "told you a thousand times I love ya, keep me on my toes and you're easy on the eyes" he smiles when you look up in his eyes.
"But-" "Uh uh no buts Doll" he wags his finger at you shushing your rebuttal. "Said I love ya, y'mean the world to me ya know?? So quit yer pout'n making me all bummed n' shit." The small smile that graces your lips let's him know he's done a good enough job for today. Lifting you into his lap he squeezes you tight.
When you hug back he decides it's time to cheer you up with something fun. "Better hold on (name)" he quickly stands up and holds you tight while you lock your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck "Shu what're we doing?" He tuts "Dont worry bout it sweetheart we going somewhere to have some fun~" the tone in his voice was always one that indicated he was up to something. Sighing you silently pray it isn't something too illegal as you place a quick kiss on his shoulder making him chuckle.
Hanma Shuji may be an absolute menace but hes you're menace and neither of you would trade that for the world.
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technowoah · 3 years
i just really want jack manifold fluff if you’re taking requests like the reader joins jack for laugh and the stream ends idk you can do what you feel is best :]
Free Content Darling
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Jack manifold my beloved ♥
Im so behind on requests yall forgive me 😪
Literally sorry in advance-
Jack Manifold x gen neutral! reader (established) blurb imagine
⚠︎ slight swearing, petnames, and a lot of fluff, a little bit of writers block from me :( I didn't proofread LMAONSK HELP-
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"Darling! C'mere!" You heard Jack yell from his recording room. You were currently curled up on the couch scrolling through twitter. The trending page had "JACK" and "TRY NOT TO LAUGH" on the top. The tweets under the trending topics was filled with comments about Jack's stream and other streams happening.
You had heard him laughing and yelling in his recording room before. To be completely honest you dont know why he invited you over his house in the first place. You showed up at his house wanting to just relax and have a fun time with Jack, but after a couple minutes he had told you he had a stream already scheduled today and left to you to your own devices.
Thats how ended up on the couch looking at tweets that talked about your boyfriends stream.
You lazily rolled off the couch and onto your feet. You had the fluffy socks Jack had gotton you as a small gift. You both ended up getting the same socks and slipped around the house because of the hardwood floor. It was a fun activity until you were both mimicking ballroom dancing untill you both slipped and fell on the hardwood floor. It was a small moment but then after you both were more careful around his house.
Opening the door to his recording office you peaked your head inside now knowing if he wanted you completely inside or just wanted to quickly tell you something. The door was in frame when he streams so you couldn't be discreet.
"Hey! Y/N! Guys it's Y/N!" Jack exclaimed showing you off to the stream. "Come over here love." He waved you over while rolling his identical gaming chair for you to sit on.
You smiled and made your way over to sit beside him in the broken chair.
"Why'd you give me the broken chair this time?" You smiled as you questioned him.
"I mean they are identical, no one would've noticed."
"We'll you told everyone who sat in it that it was broken." You said matter of factly.
"Do you want to sit in this one?" Jack asked pointing to the chair underneath him.
"Yeah I do." You said while putting your hands together in a prayer position. "You wanna switch with me?"
"No, not really Im quite comfortable in my own chair love." Jack said with a smirk leaning back in his chair.
"You sure?"
"Yeah pretty much." Jack's smile widened as he saw your frustration grow.
"Dickhead." You said under your breath.
Jack started to laugh. "What did you say?" He swiveled his chair to face you.
"Nothing. You're hearing things." You smirked.
Meanwhile the chat was freaking out about your interactions. You werent a stranger to Jack's fanbase. A year ago you were just Jack's roommate, but then he slowly introduced you as his significant other. He started flirting with you on stream and on twitter, then after a couple months of that he titled a stream "MEET MY S/O!!!". It was weird for you to be on stream for the first time, but you became accustomed to it.
"What did you want me to do again?" You asked. Jack probably forgot the reason he called you in there in the first place.
"Oh yeah! I wanted to do a stream with you! A you laugh the stream ends type thing. Also the chat was asking for you, they missed you apparently."
"Oh of course they did, I think they love me more than you."
"Yeah I think so! And its not right!" Jack exclaimed and you laughed along with him.
"I think we already lost the challenge, cause we've been laughing for a while haven't we?" You brought up.
"Well the challenge hasn't started. And if we laugh you have to get bonked in the bead with this pillow." Jack had gotton up and walked around the room searching for something to become a punishment. "We have 3 lives each and if we use up all of our lives the stream ends."
"And I have you all to myself?" You asked slightly serious. You still were irked because of tbe fact he invited you over and left you, I mean you are here now next to him, but you wanted time without a camera and monitors in your face.
"Yeah love, of course. But you have to laugh!" Jack exclaimed.
Thinking about the situation, you wanted to laugh and lose all your lives on purpose so you two could have alone time together.
"Fine let's go!"
"Alright then!"
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"You suck at this game dont ya?" Jack laughed as mutiple short videos from fans kept popping up on the screen. "You have one more life and I only have two."
It was 30 minutes into the stream and youve been hit with the pillow on Jack's lap more times than you could count, at least that what it felt like. You were on your last life and actually trying to stay in the game after realizing how much fun this was. Maybe you were being selfish, because you were right next to him doing things that you two were going to do alone.
"You have no sense of humor babe." You replied back.
"I do have a sense of humor! I could say my sense of humor is broken even."
"Well mine is too when we compare how many lives we have left."
"Good point."
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"YOU LAUGHED!" You stood up confronting him trying to pry the pillow out of his hands to hit him with.
"NO! I did not! Let go!" Jack said still sitting down struggling to keep a good grip on the pillow. You successfully took the pillow out of his hands and started repeatedly hitting him with it as he tried to shield himself.
"Augh! Stop!"
"He laughed! He laughed, you guys saw that right?" You bent down into frame reading the chat while they spammed "YES" and "HIT HIM"
"See, they agree with me Manifold." You said confidently.
"They're just want to see me lose. I'm too powerful." He shrugged.
"Anways! 1 to 1! Loser!" You hit him with the pillow again.
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The stream continued on and the both of you were begging eachother to keep your one lives that you both had left. Everytime you snickered a bit Jack would catch it and vice versa. The stream went on longer than Jack planned, but it seemed like he was having fun. Finally after an hour of streaming and bickering between you both You ended up laughing at this stupid vine from long ago.
"YOU LAUGHED I WON!" Jack threw his hands up in victory. "Holy shit we can end the stream, this took forever."
"You wanna end the stream?" You asked after calming down.
"Well we could just chill and talk to chat, but I would've thought you wanted to chill without.." Jack gestured to the monitors on his stream. "All that."
"How'd you know I wanted to do that?" You asked with a small smile.
Jack shrugged. "Well I kind of left you here in my flat and went to go stream for a while. That was a dick move."
"Well thats what I wanted at first but then you called me in here. I was trying to get all of my lives down, but then I realized how much fun I was having." You explained. For a second you forgot that he was still live until you saw flashing text across a screen out of the corner of your eye.
"It was selfish of me-"
"It wasnt selfish bub! I feel that was valid, but you could've told me." Jack said reassuringly grabbing your hand.
"It was fun though! I wouldn't have it any other way Manifold." You smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Me either."
Jack ended up ending his stream and both of you said your goodbyes to the people watching his stream. He closed everything off of his computer and leaned back in his chair immediately relaxing when the camera was turned off.
"Thanks for inviting me Manifold." You said as he got up to put the pillow back in it's place.
"Of course love." He pressed a kiss to your forehead as we walked away for a second.
"Hey! Why did you invite me anyways?" You asked.
He walked back over to where you were standing and pecked your lips and winked at you. "Free content darling."
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Red lily and kirishima?
Alrighty! I am SO SORRY for taking so long but here is Red Lily (Passion) and Kirishima! And as always!
Warnings: oral! (fem & male receiving), use of recording equipment, "sir", drinking, Denki/Jirou and Baku/Deku, uhhhh i think thats it.
Cam!BoyKiri & Fem!Reader
W/C - 5.7K
“Ahhh ahhhh, mmfff.” Covering your mouth with your hand you try your best to muffle the sounds of your moans however, your partner does not approve.
His large calloused hand grabs your wrist and pins it to your side, slapping your thigh to get your attention. As you drag your blurry eyes to the man between your legs you are once again captivated by the sight. How could you not be, when such a gorgeous giant man is tongue fucking you dumb.
He lifts his head up for a moment, licking cum from his lips and not sounding the least bit winded even though he has been shoving his face in your pussy for what feels like an hour.
“I told you princess,” he slowly dips three fingers into your cunt “how can anyone learn when you aren’t telling them what feels good?” he raises a scarred eyebrow and winks at you before dropping his head back down and resuming his feast.
“Mmmm o-okay Red Ri- Riot.”
When you hear the front door to your apartment slam you know your time has come.
“Y/N! Get your ass out here now!”
As much as you want to avoid this fight you know that if you ignore your roommate Jirou she will just use that ridiculously expensive sound system she has and point it right at your door. You groan as you get up and trudge to your door, easing it open and peeking around it to see her standing at the edge of the hallway. “Nice to see you back babes.” You pull the door open all the way and step out of your room but not any closer “How was your night?”
“How was my night? HOW WAS MY NIGHT?!”
You flinch at the sheer volume of her voice and slide a wry smile on your face. “Was Denki not as good as you thought he would be?”
Jirou throws her hands up and scoffs. “Ya know, I would be a lot less upset if I didn’t have to wake up at THREE IN THE MORNING when Mineta came back to their apartment SOBBING!”
You try to hold in your laugh, unsuccessfully, so while you clutch your chest to try and calm the wheezing Jirous face gets red with anger. “I’m - I’m sorry but he fucking cried? Please tell me you got a picture, or a video.”
“Of course I fucking did but that is beside the point!” You see a hint of a smile on her face but it quickly disappears. “I thought you were gonna handle him for me until today?”
“Did you not get your nut? I gave you five hours ya prude.”
“Of course we had sex you inconsiderate butt munch. But it was quickly overshadowed when Mineta busted into the room without knocking and got a bloody nose when he saw me in bed with Denki.” She pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes. “It was disgusting, the little freak couldn’t decide whether to drool over me or cry over what you said to him, so he did both.”
You’re hunched over laughing with your hands on your knees but one look at your friend's face sobers you up and you walk over to hug her. “I’m sorry, that must have been really uncomfortable.”
She wraps her arms around you and nods. “It really fuckin was, but Denki got up and threw him out of the room so that was satisfying to watch.”
“Was Denki satisfying to fuck?”
Jirou tenses up and pulls away from you. “Changing the subject isn’t gonna make me forgive you.”
“I know, but telling me about the amazing sex you had will make you forget about it.” She glares at the shit eating grin on your face then huffs out a laugh.
“Fine, but you're buying breakfast.”
“Deal! Now,” you wrap an arm around her shoulder and lead her to the living room, “please tell me he started out with foreplay.”
“The idiot got a fuckin nosebleed?”
Denki nods his head, wincing as a large hand claps his back.
“That’s such a bummer dude!” Kirishima looks at him in pity, “but at least you finally got together with Jirou right? You guys gonna hang out again?”
“I wouldn’t want to.” Bakugou laughs over his very large glass of orange juice.
Denki drops his head on the table in defeat while Kirishima looks over at Bakugou with disappointment. “Dude, if you're not gonna say anything nice then don’t say anything at all.”
Bakugou slams his cup back on the table, the juice sloshing in the cup but not spilling over the edge. “When have I ever said anything nice?!”
Kirishima sighs heavily and shakes his head before turning back to his sullen friend. “Why was Mineta crying in the first place?”
Denki's voice is muffled by the table. “Apparently Jirous' friend Y/N said something really mean to him.”
Bakugou laughs, “Wish I could have been there to see it.”
You had been at the club for almost an hour already, still sipping on the same drink and watching Jirou from the corner of your eye. You knew this was a good place to suggest a casual meet up with the guy she liked.
A two story building with a bar on the first floor and a lounge on the second. The second floor lounge was sparsely decorated and boasted a large open fireplace in the middle and various couches and chairs scattered throughout the rest of the space.
As you sit with your back to the bar you radiate a sense of aloof boredom, just enough of a resting bitch face to keep people from being too chummy but not enough for people to outright avoid you.
She looks like she's having fun, that’s all that matters.
“So how long have you and Jirou known each other?”
Shit, I forgot he was next to me.
You put on your customer service smile and turn to the man next to you, Denki’s friend Mineta. “We’ve known each other since grade school, our parents both work in the music industry.”
“So you’ve known each other through like, high school and stuff?” You try your best to ignore the creepy glint in his eyes and cover your cup with your hand.
“Like I said, we’ve known each other since grade school so yes. We went to high school together.”
“So have you like…. Seen each other naked?”
You cringe when the creepy little brat looks up at you. “Excuse me?”
“Well you know, I’ve heard that umm statistically speaking women have seen other women naked more times than men.”
“Mhm, yeah we did.” You down the rest of your drink and before you set the glass on the bar top another one is being slid over to you by the bartender. You roll your eyes at the pity on their face and tip them. “Thanks Midoriya.”
“Anything for my favorite patron.”
“Only cause I tip well.”
He laughs, his emerald eyes shining. “That and your invigorating conversational skills.” Before you can throw a witty retort back Mineta is asking another thinly veiled offensive question and you are back to entertaining him.
Jirou and Denki leave the bar around ten thirty so he can show her his ‘book collection’ . You laugh, telling Jirou to use protection when reading.
For the next couple of hours you take Mineta to a couple of more bars downtown, ones where you know all the bartenders. He continued asking inappropriate questions that were always followed by an excuse as to why they were actually harmless.
You had just arrived at your favorite billiard bar when you decided to ask your own.
“So you’ve had sex right?”
Mineta chokes on his vodka and redbull, “Fuck yeah I have, lots of sex. You look like you have too.” You ignore the last comment and casually sip your water.
“What do you do for foreplay?”
He laughs and you raise an eyebrow. “Foreplay? I just put it in, pussys get wet eventually and if not, that’s what lube’s for.”
You’re silent for a minute, not fully believing that he just actually said that. “I’m sorry?”
“Foreplay takes too long, I satisfy plenty without it.” He smirks at you, placing one of his hands on your thigh. Taking a deep breath you slap his hand off you and put your chin in your hand, glaring at him.
“Have you asked your partners if they were satisfied?” You hold one hand up, signaling air quotations around the word partners.
Taking a minute to have another drink of water you turn to him fully. “Then I doubt you have satisfied them at all. Foreplay takes too long? This is why people need to take a class on how to please their partner. You don’t look like you could satisfy yourself with your own hand much less satisfy another human being.” You wave goodbye to the bartender, and grab your purse. “The only satisfying thing about you is that you are as stupid as you look. Don’t worry about your drink, I put it on my tab. Do me a favor and search ‘how to sexually please a woman’ on wikihow, maybe you’ll learn something.”
Somehow you are invited to hangout when Jirou meets up with Denki again.
They are meeting at the same lounge but he is bringing two of his friends so you are tagging along. You made Jirou swear on her sound board that Mineta was not one of those friends.
You both get to the bar first, grabbing a spot with two couches. Midoriya brings your usual and takes Jirous' order, winking when you hand him your card to start a tab.
You’re drinking and chatting when Denki walks in, excitedly waving to you both and walking over to give Jirou a hug. “Hey ladies! These are my buddies,” He turns to the side to introduce them and you choke.
“Looks like someone already knows me.” The tall beefy redhead has a sideways smile and your face goes red. “I go by Kirishima when I’m not working,” he holds out a hand to Jirou to shake and leans down to kiss the back of yours. “But feel free to call me Red if it pleases you.”
The other friend scoffs at you both and walks off to the bar, a sadistic smile on his face when Midoriya looks at him with wide eyes. “The angry one is Bakugo, don’t mind him.”
Denki is trying his best to hold in his laughter while whispering to Jirou, you can guess what he is telling her by the way her mouth drops open and she whips her head over to you.
The guys head to the bar and you try your best to be one with the couch when your friend sits next to you with a smile on her face. “So that’s what you're doing on Saturday nights.”
“Please just kill me now.”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this one babe.”
“I’m fucking lonely okay?”
She puts her hands up. “Hey I’m not judging, it’s perfectly natural to watch camboys.”
“And like I say at the end of every stream,” Kirishima walks up and sits on the armrest of the couch next to you. “I always appreciate your patronage.”
“I have never been more embarrassed in my life.” You finish your drink and try to signal Midoriya for another but he is talking to Bakugou, a flirty smile on his face and a hand on his forearm.
“They’ve known each other for a while.” You look up at the man next to you, Denki and Jirou caught up in their own flirty banter.
“Midoriya and your friend? I’ve never seen him here though.”
“They both are convinced the other doesn’t like them.”
You look back over at the two talking. “Are they fucking blind?”
Kirishima laughs, it’s a deep rumble that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and a shiver go up your spine. “Yeah, they are. Denki and I tried to talk to Bakugou about it once but he’s a little hard headed.”
You giggle when Kirishima knocks on his head with his fist. “Yeah he looks like the stubborn type.”
Your companions have moved to the other couch so Kirishima moves to sit next to you. “Hey uh,” he looks down at his drink, a shy look on his face and a hand rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
You hurriedly wave your hands in front of you, “Oh no! Please don’t worry about it.” clearing your throat you fidget with the hem of your shirt. “I was just a little flustered, never imagined I would meet you in person.”
He laughs again, and you decide that the sound is more attractive than any you have heard during his streams. “Disappointed?”
“I wouldn’t say that.” You smile when he looks back at you. “Why? You worried Mr. Red Riot?”
He smiles, the sharp points of his teeth looking much more dangerous in real life, you wonder what it would take to get him to bite you. “I wouldn’t say that.”
Hours passed by in a blur, you and Kirishima talked about everything and anything. Denki and Jirou would sometimes join in on your conversation or vice versa. Even the grumpy one came back when Midoriya had to help customers. Eventually Jirou and Denki left together, Bakugou went back to the bar and stayed saying something about ‘stupid Deku’.
When you were both alone you and Kirishima sat in companionable silence for a bit before he offered to take you home. Since you both had been drinking he orders a ride service and while you both wait you check your phone. “Well that’s just rude.”
“Something wrong?”
Shoving your phone back in your purse, you sigh. “The love birds went to my apartment to avoid the pervert.”
Kirishima chuckles, “You talkin about Mineta?”
“Ugh, yeah.”
“I heard you made him cry.”
You grimace, “All I did was tell him some harsh truths, not my fault he can’t take criticism. Besides,” you put your hands on your hips and look up at the man with a scowl on your face. “He deserved it, every bit of it.”
The car arrives and he opens the door for you, “I’m gonna need to hear that story, want to go to my place? Bakugou said he was…. sleeping, somewhere else tonight.”
You hesitate to answer for a moment, not wanting him to assume anything was gonna happen but from the look on his face and the tone of his voice you knew he wasn’t expecting anything. “I would love to.”
The ride to his apartment is quiet, not wanting to inadvertently offend the driver with your story you save it for later. When you arrive Kirishima helps you out of the car and thanks the driver before placing his large hand on the small of your back, guiding you to the front door. You almost stumble, very aware of the size of his hand compared to your body.
It’s so warm
He unlocks the door and you head inside, Kirishima turning on lights while calling back to you. “Feel free to make yourself at home. If you want, I can start heating up water for tea.”
You take off your shoes and place your purse on the table next to the door, grabbing your phone and following his voice. “That sounds good to me, could you tell me where the-”
“Restroom is the second door on the right, Bakugou is a neat freak so it’s spotless, don't worry.”
You head to the restroom, controlling the urge to open the other doors on your way. After taking care of yourself you shoot a quick text to your roommate letting her know where you are and to text you when her and Denki are done ‘reading’.
You get to the kitchen and sit at the table, telling Kirishima about your interaction with Mineta. By the time you are done the tea is steeping in front of you both and he is wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.
“Ya know, I was gonna make it a point to beat that idiot for what he said but your response was so perfect I would just be kicking a man while he’s down.”
You stand up, giggling and bow a couple of times. “Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week.”
When you sit back down, Kirishima has his hand on his chin, a look of contemplation on his face. “A class on how to please their partners huh?”
“I don’t know, I’ve been with quite a few guys who had the same mentality as that idiot. Would be nice if someone could teach them what foreplay is.”
“Like a lecture? Or do you mean a live example?”
You shrug your shoulders. “What would a textbook do? Might as well have someone record a tutorial, the recipient would just need to say what feels good out loud.”
“That’s a good idea, most of those people watch porn anyway, might as well make it informative.”
You look over at Kirishima and blush at his smoldering gaze. “Umm, yeah that’s what I was thinking too.”
“Mind if I ask you a personal question?”
Your heartbeat picks up, “Go ahead.”
The smile that appears on his face is down right predatorial. “How vocal are you with your partners?”
You were nervous sure, but so fucking ready. Kirishima had set all of his recording stuff up in his room, after making sure you were 100% comfortable with it, and made sure to let you know that you can stop at any point in time.
“I’m not doing this live stream. Don’t want you caring about what my viewers are thinking if you wanna stop.”
You’re standing off to the side with your arms wrapped around yourself, chewing your lips. “Thank you, that actually makes me feel a lot better.”
After moving stuff around, Kirishima looks over at you in concern. “Are you really okay with this?”
“I’m fine.” he raises a scarred eyebrow, “I promise! I think I'll be less nervous once we get started.”
Kirishima raises both eyebrows and slowly smiles. “Eager are we?”
“Are you kidding me? If you were to grab me by the throat, force my mouth open and spit in it I would say thank you sir.” your face goes red when you realize what you just said. “I-I mean you’re fuckin hot and….. Easy to talk to, and….”
He walks up to you, rubbing his hands up and down your arms. “It’s alright! Not like I haven't had someone tell me that before.” You huff out a laugh. “I mean not to my face but it was cute coming from you.”
You groan in embarrassment, then Kirishima grabs your hand and guides you towards a chair in view of the camera and your heartbeat picks up. He gently grabs your chin and tilts your face up, moving closer till you can feel his breath on your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
He closes the distance, pressing his lips softly against yours as you lay your hands on his chest. The kiss is sweet until you feel his tongue swipe against the seam of your lips and whimper. He growls, sitting down on the chair and pulling you on top of him before cupping your face and kissing you again, biting your bottom lip and thrusting his tongue into your mouth when you gasp at the sweet pain.
Pulling back Kirishima coos at the look on your face. “Did you like when I bit you?”
“Mhm” you nod your head, licking your bottom lip. “Do it more… please.”
“Of course princess.”
You shiver at the name. “Oh god please keep calling me that too.”
Placing his hands on your hips, Kirishima kisses your lips again, biting your lip then kissing down your jaw to your ear. “Anything else princess?”
“T-touch me.”
“Where would you like me to touch you?”
You moan as he kisses down your neck, biting just hard enough to not break the skin. “Anywhere… everywhere.”
He chuckles darkly, slowly dragging his hands from your hips up your sides. You squirm in his lap and drape your arms on his shoulders.
“You’re so soft.” he nips then licks your shoulder. “I would never get tired of touching you.”
Huffing with impatience you grab his wrists and bring his hands up to your breasts. He stops just shy of palming them. “You know, if you wanted me to touch you here you should have been more specific.”
You arch your back pushing your breasts out. Your nipples are hard, visible through the thin material of your top. “Don’t be gentle, I like it rough.”
Kirishima answers by grabbing your breasts softly while lowering his head to bite your nipples. Your hands drag up the back of his neck to grab his hair as you cry out in broken mewls.
He alternates between biting and sucking on your nipples rolling and pinching the other one between his fingers. When he pulls away you take your shirt off, he reaches behind you and unclasps your bra, which follows your shirt to the floor.
You sit up a bit on his lap and help him remove his shirt before you cup his face and kiss him. It’s messy and ravenous, you whimper when his teeth scrape against your lips.
When he pulls away again he goes right back to playing with your nipples.
He feels you buck in his lap and looks up at you. “You gonna cum princess? Just from me playing with your nipples?”
You nod your head. “Yes, please don’t stop. M’so close.”
Kirishima grins, pushing both of your breasts together and managing to get both nipples in his mouth. Lathing his tongue over both before nibbling on them, paying attention to your breathing and the shallow rocking of your hips. When your breathing gets quicker and your hips stutter he sucks them hard and you cum moaning loudly.
He massages your breast while you come down from your high, kissing along your collarbone.
“Can we lay down?”
“Of course. Hold on to me.” Kirishima kisses the tops of your breasts and picks you up walking over to the bed and gently laying you down atop it. “I wanna see all of you,” he grabs the waist of your pants, “I’m gonna take these off okay?”
“Only if I can see you too.” you answer with a smirk.
“You will, but I have a woman to satisfy first.” He pulls your pants off, taking your panties with them and pushes your thighs apart.
He lays down between your legs and slides them over his shoulders, you clutch the sheets in your fists. When you make eye contact you think you might cum that second, seeing a man you had touched yourself to countless times in between your legs was driving you crazy. Kirishima winks, then looks down at your already soaked pussy. “Thank you for the meal.”
He goes straight for your clit, swirling his tongue around it and moaning at the taste. When you cross your legs behind his head and press him harder against your cunt he ruts into the mattress.
“Oh - oh god….m’gonna cum.” Your eyes roll back. “I-I don’t wanna cum yet….. Please.”
Kirishima takes his mouth off your clit as soon as the words are out of your mouth. Kissing the insides of your thighs when you uncross your legs. “I’m sorry princess, was that too much?”
You struggle to get the words out, panting from trying to hold back your orgasm. “A little yeah….It felt amazing but I like….. too amazing.” You look down at him again, “Maybe a little slower? Feel free to use your fingers too.”
“Want me to tell you when you can cum?”
You groan, the heat in your core getting hotter just from his words. “Fuck….. yes please.”
He chuckles, giving one of your thighs a playful bite before moving one of his hands up and sticking one of his fingers in his mouth. You can’t help but shiver when he pulls it out and it’s glistening with spit.
He brings it to your pussy, dragging the tip through your moist folds. “I was taught to never play with my food...” he slowly pushes his thick rough finger into your hole, “but for you I can make an exception.”
“You’re gonna kill me.”
By the time he is done sucking out your soul he lets you cum only 3 times. You had gone from actively voicing your pleasure to tiredly trying to hold them in until he argued against it.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy.” Kirishima sits up, not bothering to wipe his face of your slick. When you wince while stretching your sore legs out he starts rubbing them down.
You moan at the feeling of his large warm hands working out the tense muscles. “Holy shit, I might cum just from you massaging me. Feels so goooooood.” After a few minutes of basking in the orgasmic afterglow you sit up, placing your hands on his chest and kiss him softly. “You’re turn big guy.”
“I thought this was about you princess.” He smiles at you, all teeth and shiny lips.
You push him till he steps off the bed, “This is about satisfying ‘partners’. You are also my partner so you also need to be satisfied.” You slide off the bed and get on your knees in front of him. “Would you like to give me commands?” You see his cock throb in his pants.
“As fun as that sounds, I want to see what you do without them.”
Your smile is feline, lifting your hands to his stomach and dragging them back down by your nails. He moans and throws his head back. “F-fuck.”
You lick your lips as you unbutton his pants, not one for being patient you tug them off as soon as the zipper is down. Your mouth starts watering at the sight of his cock, the sound of it hitting his stomach echoing in your brain. You cup his balls, weighing them in your hand and kissing each one.
Kirishima thinks his heart might stop in his chest. Dragging a finger from his shaft to the head, you watch mesmerized as it twitches at the small movement. You smear the drop of pre resting on the head of his dick, then lick it off. Humming at the taste you swirl your tongue around, softly squeezing his balls while you do so.
When you close your lips around him and suck, Kirishima shivers and places one of his hands on your head. You lift up with a pop and look up at him through your lashes. “Feel free to be rough with me, pull my hair or hold my head if you want.” His lashes flutter at your words. “What did you say to me earlier?” You mockingly tap his cock in contemplation. “Oh yes! Thank you for the meal.”
Sticking out your tongue you flatten it against him and lick every inch of his cock, all 7 of them. You’re gonna need every advantage to fully deep throat him and with his girth a sore jaw is the least of your worries. When you're done, saliva has coated your lips and Kirishima has an almost too tight grip on your hair.
You waste no time, going down on him little by little; giving your throat time to relax and take all of his cock. By the time you manage to get far enough to feel his groomed pubic hair on your nose both of you are breathing heavily.
You can feel his thighs tensing under your hand, his balls moving with every breath. You are tempted to touch yourself but refrain, although you can feel the slick dripping down your thighs; this is about him.
You keep your head still for a moment, enjoying the feel of him in your throat. When you hum, the vibrations caress his cock and he pushes your head impossibly closer to him until you push back. Although you were enjoying yourself, you can’t help but gag and cough a little when you pull your mouth off of him.
“As much as I enjoy this sight,” Kirishima lets go of your hair and reaches down to pick you up, pleasing you on the bed again. “I want to fuck you so bad…”
Your mouth drops open, you can’t help it. When have you ever experienced a man, a very attractive inside and out man, expressing his desire to you.
“Is that a no?” Kirishima Backs up a step, worried that he had crossed a line.
“Oh no! I’m sorry….I just..” you grab his hands and pull him closer to you. “I never imagined I’d hear someone say that without assuming I would say yes.”
You sit up, getting on your knees at the edge of the bed and grabbing his face, pulling him into a kiss. As you slowly back up he crawls on the bed to follow you, never breaking the kiss until finally you are laying down with him over you.
You whimper as you feel the head of his cock drag through your wet folds a few times before pushing into you. He goes slowly, almost cumming at the feeling of your gummy walls squeezing his cock with every inch.
You both moan when he is fully seated inside, his heavy balls resting on your ass and pelvis pressed against yours. His cock twitches inside you, the head pressing against your deepest parts and you come undone. Kirishima breaks the kiss and looks down at you with a slight smug look on his handsome face. “That good huh?”
“Oh shut up and fuck me already.” You look at him with blurry eyes and a smile on your face.”
He pulls out halfway then ruts back into you, pulling another moan out of your mouth. “Like that?” He pulls out again, this time slowly until just the head is inside before slowly pushing back in. “Or is that better?”
“Either, both just please keep going.” You drag your nails down his back and he starts moving inside you, starting out with shallow thrusts.
“Fuck, you feel so good princess.”
You mewl in pleasure, coming undone again at his words.
“That’s it baby, cum on my cock.” Kirishima picks up his pace, drunk on the face and noises you make when cumming. When he grabs one of your legs and pushes it into your chest your mouth opens in a silent scream, your body running towards that cliff one more time.
“Ah, ah, ah, hold that one in.”
Your eyes snap open, Kirishima lifts his head up from the side of your face and looks at you. “Don’t cum again till I say so.”
You whimper but nod your head, using all of your willpower to deny your orgasm. “Yes, Sir.” You said the words as a joke but Kirishima's hips stutter and he groans.
“Say it again.”
You have just enough left over energy to smirk. “I said, yes. Sir.”
He swears, changing the angle of his hips and pounding into you with reckless abandon. You're seeing stars and losing your mental grip on holding your orgasm back. Both Kirishima and you don’t know how much longer you can last. Not wanting to wait any longer you decide to make him give in first.
“Please Sir, can I cum?” tears are slowly dripping from your eyes, the pleasure building dangerously but at your words you can feel his cock twitch inside you. “I wanna cum on your cock, please sir. Cum with me, wanna feel it.”
You are both at your wits end. “Your princess wants to cum with you sir please!”
Kirishima cums first, moaning with every hot rope of cum that coats your insides. The twitching of his cock and broken moans that fall from his mouth tip you over the edge soon after.
Kirishima just barely manages to catch himself before collapsing on top of you, slowly pulling out and flopping over to the side.
You both lay there in silence, catching your breath. You finally realize that cum is leaking out and manage to sit up and walk to the bathroom. After cleaning yourself up and going back to the bedroom you see that Kirishima has put some sweatpants on and is turning off his recording equipment.
“Well shit.”
He looks up at you in confusion.
You laugh awkwardly while a slight blush dusts your cheeks. “I… kinda forgot we were recording that.”
Many years later…..
“I can’t believe Scarlet is in high school already.” Eijirou, your husband, walks out of the bathroom, freshly showered.
You're sitting on a bench in front of the window, reading a book. Already dressed since you had to take your daughter to school for her first day. “I hope it's not too terrible, I hated high school.”
“Aww babe,” He walks up to you kissing the top of your head. “It can’t be that terrible.”
You huff out a laugh and look at him incredulously. “Are you kidding me? Kids are fucking terrible, teenagers are worse. They try their best to find anything to make fun of you.”
Later that day
The front door to your home opens and slams shut and the sound of someone running up the stairs follows. You walk out of the kitchen confused, looking toward where your daughter has run to her room then at the front door when your husband walks in. His face is beet red, eyes watering just slightly.
“What the hell happened?”
“I HATE BOTH OF YOU!” Scarlet screams down the stairs then slams her bedroom door shut, muffled sounds of crying worrying you further.
“Turns out teenagers are very horrible…. And so are we.” Eijirous face is filled with guilt and you walk over to cup his face.
“What happened honey?”
He turns his face away from you and sighs heavily. “Turns out some of the fathers recognized you when you dropped her off at school.”
“And some of the moms recognized me when I picked her up.”
“Oh god.”
“One of them called me Red Riot.”
@eyebagsbutglam @doinmybesthere @patchworkpuzzle @sendhelpimstupid
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beyondspaceandstars · 4 years
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: N/A, just fluffy! Summary: While away on a mission, Bucky finally decides to learn what Skype is. A/N: i know this account started with star wars writing but i do also write marvel stuff (if you’ve ever checked out my ao3 thats super obvious lmao) so yeah i’m gonna incorporate that work onto here because why not? i write for a few fandoms here and there and enjoy it all very much! this was originally posted on an older blog but i’m working to transfer stuff here!
You adjusted your laptop screen and glances back at the little clock in the corner. It was almost 2 AM for you, but Bucky assured you it was morning by him. You didn’t really know where him and the team were (sometimes stuff was just too sensitive of information and you, the resident nurse for the team, didn’t have approval for it) but it didn’t really matter, as long as you could finally see your loving, smiling boyfriend’s face.
Days, almost weeks, passed since you last saw him and while texting and phone calls were adequate, there was just something so special about getting to face him to talk about your days.
However, convincing Bucky to actually use Skype was a challenge all in its own. He had just began to understand the "moving pictures" (Gifs. Gifs they were gifs) you liked to send him so conducting a video chat felt out of his wheel house.
But once you promised him it was safe and the rest of the team offered to help with any technical difficulties, he agreed to give it a try.
"If I don’t like it you’re just going to have to stick to sending those — oh, what are those called? Selfies?" Bucky had told you after linking your Skype accounts.
"Selfies, yeah," You chuckled. "You’re such an old man."
Your stomach fluttered at the memory remembering how certain he was to show you he was anything but an old man after saying that.
The familiar dinging of the Skype ringtone brought you out of your scandalous daydream. Your heart jumped — he had actually figured it out (or, at least someone with him had).
Excitedly, you clicked ‘accept’ and within seconds you were greeted by a very scruffy, tired looking Bucky. His hair was an absolute mess and bags were starting to form under his eyes, but nevertheless he had the biggest smile when he saw you.
"Hey, doll," He greeted you with a little wave, as if not really believing you could see him.
"Bucky!" You exclaimed, unable to hold back the wide smile creeping on your lips. Bucky blushed ever so slightly at your excitement. "How are you? How’s everything going?"
"We got some intel today, but stuff’s moving slowly," he explained in the most boring way possible. You learned to get used to this when talking about any mission. He liked to say so little yet so much at once. "You can really see me on this? This is odd."
You chuckled, "I don’t know why you’re so amazed, you guys use video chat all the time."
"Well, yeah," Bucky shrugged. "On super fancy military-grade devices. Didn’t know a civilian laptop had all this power."
You couldn’t help but let a laugh out at that one. The terms and silliness of his statement  was just too adorable for you to take him seriously. Watching a hundred something year old in a young adults body maneuver life was something else.
"Were you able to get it working okay?" You asked. Bucky immediately started shaking his head before you finished the question, which made you shake your head, smiling.
"No way," He said. "Steve helped. Somehow that punk knows way more about computers than me."
"We’re gonna have to pay him for lessons," you joked, trying to suppress your laughing but failing miserably. Bucky just playfully rolled his eyes as your antics.
"If you’re done bullying me about my lack of technological skills, I would like to hear how your day way,"
You readjusted on the bed, getting comfy under the duvet you two usually shared. You were occupying his side of the bed currently, something you did without realization when he was gone.
"It’s not much work when you guys are gone," you said, trying not to show any longing in your voice. Maybe phone calls were better — when facing you, Bucky could always pick up on any little thing wrong with your demeanor. "I caught up on some paperwork and continued my research. Never realized the number of species this universe could have."
As the resident nurse, you took it upon yourself to learn about any and all species that may roam out there just because you never quite knew what the team could come back with. One day you could be patching up a secret agent and the next it could be a god. You liked your brain to be ready for anything.
Bucky scoffed, "You’re telling me! Feel like it’s something new everyday."
You gave him your warmest, understanding smile. "You know, it is just really good to see you."
"It’s great to see you too, doll," he said, softer than normal. "You know I’ll be home soon, right? Gonna be waiting to patch me up?"
You sighed, knowing the super soldier was reading you once again. Sometimes you hated how he could recognize everything that was wrong and this was one of those times. You didn’t want this to be sappy — in fact, you though this could be less depressing than texting — but really seeing him there and not in bed with you made your heart sigh.
"Of course," you nodded. "Always going to be there for you."
As Bucky was about to make another comment, a yawn you had been trying to suppress made itself known.
"Someone getting sleepy?" Bucky chuckled as you scooted down in the bed, engulfing yourself in more duvet and pillows.
"Me?" You asked, yawning again. "I’ll be up for hours."
Your boyfriend shook his head, a sly smirk resting on his lips. He shook his head, "You should get to bed, honey."
"No," you protested. "We just got on!"
"I can call you later, honey," he assured you. "We have some work to get to anyways."
You groaned, not wanting to go back to the reality that you’re alone in a normally shared bed, gripping his pillow and side of the duvet as if your life depended on it. It was almost pathetic, but you couldn’t help yourself. You missed him dearly and every mission there was a chance he may not… No, you stopped your brain, you weren’t thinking about it. You would go to bed thinking about what you two would talk about in the morning.
"Okay, babe," you sighed. "I love you. I can’t wait for you to be back in this bed."
He chuckled and nodded, "Trust me, there’s nothing more than I want to be holding you tight. I love you too, doll."
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Some unspoken thing
Karl Jacobs x Reader 
requested: no
Trigger warnings: mentions of covid, mild descriptions of a panic attack
premise: You and Karl have been friends, for years now, and now even your friends are starting to see that unspoken thing between you
“---” talking
‘---’ talking through a call
(y/s/n) -  your screen name
You’d known Karl since you were at least 10, and you both agreed that you’d been together forever, through thick and thin it was always you and Karl against the world. You and your unspoken thing.
When he’d first spoken of moving away from Portland you weren’t too sure, mostly because of college, but still, you found yourself here, sprawled across a couch, exhausted from hauling boxes up to your apartment. 
“Why did we bring so much stuff?” You groaned as Karl picked up your legs long enough to sit down, then letting them drop into his lap. 
He sighed, “Don’t quote me on this, but it was you who couldn’t pack your stuff into less than 20 boxes.” 
“Yah okay Mr. ‘I can’t be bothered to even clean this laundry before I pack it up to leave’.” You scoffed.  
“That's not true! I washed most of it...” Karl trailed off pulling out his phone, “Pizza?” 
Soon the pizza arrived and as Karl went to the door to grab it, you went and grabbed two monsters from the fridge, sitting back down in front of the couch as Karl came back with the pizza. 
“Ey I gotta pizza here!” He exclaimed, setting it down. 
“Eyyyyyyy!” You handed him one of the monsters, opening your own as he sat down, already starting to pull up an old episode of survivor. 
Once the pizza had been finished, and the left overs put away you ended up half cuddled together on the couch, your fingers softly carding through his hair. 
“Hey! I’m back!” You called, looking around the seemingly empty apartment, confused, “Karl?” 
It had been a few months since, you’d moved out to North Carolina, and so far online school hadn’t been too bad even when corona hit, not with Karl and streaming to distract you from the reality of the world around you.
You went back to looking around for your friend, calling, “Hey, Karl where’d you go?” 
Sighing you followed the soft, muffled sobs to Karl’s room, knocking on the door softly, “Honey, are you in there?” 
There was silence, then a muffled, “un uh.” 
You pushed open the door gently, blinking into the mild darkness and turning to see Karl sitting on his bed, half curled into the wall and wrapped in a sweater he’d stolen from your closest a few weeks ago. 
Immediately  you crossed the room, climbing onto the bed next to him and pulling him into your arms, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” 
His arms drifted around your waist, burying his into your chest, “They all hate me.” He murmured. 
“Who do you think hates you?” You cooed. 
“Dream and Sapnap and everyone.”
“They don’t hate you, no one on the smp hates you.” You pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “What happened?” 
“I said somethin stupid, (y/n), I messed everything up.” 
You knew not to push any further, instead just doing your best to hold him closer, whispering, “They don’t hate you, they’d never hate you okay? It’ll all blow over and everything will be okay. I promise.” 
“What if it doesn’t (y/n)? What if I messed it up forever?” 
“You didn’t baby, you didn’t. It’s gonna be alright, I promise.” 
“Ahhhhhh leave me alone!” You half shrieked, running away from Sapnap and Quackity on the dream SMP. 
‘Imposter! Imposter!’ They chanted. 
“I’m just supposed to be babysitting the chat!” You yelled, “I didn’t sign up to bully on a twitch stream! If I wanted that I would’ve been on my own stream!”
Sapnap laughed, ‘Oof! That's sad.’ 
“I know,” You said dramatically, “No one has any respect for (y/s/n), not you, not my chat, not even Karl!” 
‘We all know thats not true.’ Quackity scoffed. 
You half turned, giggling as Karl, came back into the room, “Debatable.” 
“What’s uh, whats going on?” He asked. 
“I’m being bullied, that's what's going on,” The chat started to fill with hearts and ‘(y/s/n) support.’, “Also I’ve decided since your chat likes me more than mine, so this is my stream now, I’m taking over.” 
Karl just half sighed, grabbing the chair from your desk on the other side of the office, and wheeling it over, sitting down next to you, propping his legs in your lap. 
‘(y/n) the world wants to know, how does it feel to now fill the void where Karl Jacobs once sat?’ Quackity asked, through a voice filter. 
“Well, since my dear friend Karl died,” 
“I’m not dead!” He interjected.
You sniffed, “Sometimes I can still hear his voice.”
“Dear friend?” Sapnap scoffed, “Al- Quackity look at the stream and tell me if they look like ‘dear friends’.” 
You face started to grow red, as both Nick and Alex began to catcall at you two, Karl, clearly getting confused as you ducked your head, face entirely red. 
“Whats the matter (y/n)? You got a crush?” Nick teased. 
Half covering your mouth you muttered, “Just some unspoken thing.” 
“If I were to tell you that I kinda sorta didn’t listen to you, and forgot to buy more cereal, what would you say?” Karl asked, shrugging off his backpack as he came into the apartment. 
When he got no real response, he started to look around, finding you a minute later, laying on his bed, “Did’ja hear me?” 
“ehhhh... I don’t really care.” 
His brow furrowed upon hearing your monotonous, “You okay? What’s up?” 
You were still staring up at the ceiling “Grey, ‘s all grey.”
Sighing he came and sat down on the bed next to you, taking one of your hands in his, “Grey?” 
“Sad brain makes everything grey.” 
Karl fiddled with your fingers a moment, before raising them to his lips and softly pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “I’ll go make you tea.” 
He headed out of the room, leaving you to sit up and stare at the ceiling wondering what you’d done to deserve someone like him. 
He headed out of the room, leaving you to sit up and stare at the ceiling wondering what you’d done to deserve someone like him. 
A few minuets later he came back with a mug, handing it to you before he sat down behind you, wrapping his arms around you, “Is there a reason for sad brain today?” 
“Everything's just- blah. I’m just tired.” 
He didn’t need to ask to understand you didn’t mean physically, so instead he just pulled you gently to lean against his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to the edge of your jaw, “Okay?”
You knew Karl had a hard time with words sometimes, and you had long since learned how to listen for the meanings between simple phrases, and especially the weight of certain words, “Okay.” 
‘So what is with you and Karl?’ Niki asked. 
You sighed, “I do not even know where to begin to answer that question.”
You were sitting in a discord call with her, originally trying to plan a joint stream but the conversation had switched.
‘I mean, if you don’t mind me saying so, it seems like your dating.’ 
“Well...” You considered it for a moment, you knew that your feelings for Karl were more than platonic, and had been for a long time, to you, it almost seemed like a fact of the world, the sky is blue, the earth is round, you loved Karl. 
“We've never talked about it, but- I suppose we- uhhh, you know what we’ll just say a little bit.” You quickly changed what you were going to say to be more ambiguous as Karl entered the room yelling, “Hi Niki!” 
‘I know you can’t hear me but hi Karl!’ She yelled back. 
You laughed, turning in your chair, “Niki says hi!” 
Karl grinned, leaning on the back of your chair, “Oh, yeah, dinners ready.”  and Niki raised her eyebrows, smirking at you.
“Don’t look at me like that.” You laughed, feeling Karl’s chin coming to rest on the top of your head. 
‘I’m not looking at anything.’ she insisted, ‘you would be a cute couple.’
Your face started to turn red, “Shut up!” 
‘It was a compliment!’ Niki laughed. 
“I know!” 
Karl’s face grew confused, “What?”
“It’s nothing. Niki I’ve gotta go, we’ll see about the stream tomorrow, okay?” 
‘yeah, bye!’ 
You disconnected from the call, “Dinner?” 
“Yeah! I managed not to burn the chicken!” 
You couldn’t help but grin, “Awesome!” 
“I swear- either there both oblivious or there just really good at keeping it just hidden enough!” Dream exclaimed. 
“I mean if we don’t find out for another two weeks, I get a hundred dollars, so by all means let it drag out.” Quackity laughed. 
Sapnap groaned, “Actually its more like three hundred now, Hbomb, Skeppy and Wilbur all put in more money.” 
“Well I asked the other day,” Niki began, “and they only said, ‘a little bit’, What does that even mean?” 
“Maybe they are dating and that's (y/n)s way of dismissing it.” Tubbo said. 
You were listening to the discord call, trying not to laugh, as Tommy suggested, “Well it’s possible they are dating but like, haven’t realized it?” 
Everyone began to laugh, “Wait- wait hear me out! Hear me out! Like- you know when on like romcoms and shit where two bestfriends end up like there dating even when they technically aren’t and then they accidently kiss!” 
George scoffed, “That's not a thing.” 
“Well still!” Tommy tried to argue. 
“Not even in movies though.” Niki said. 
“Your right,” You laughed, unmuting, “We haven’t kissed yet, so it must not be a thing.” 
The vc went deadly silent as Tommy began to laugh hysterically, “Were you here the whole time?” 
“Maybe.” You laughed. 
“Wait- so are you and Karl together or not?” Dream questioned. 
“Uhhh, let you know when I find out? Do I get the money if I figure it out?” 
“Oh my god (y/n).” Tubbo was trying not to laugh himself as Tommy continued to lose his shit. 
“Yeah,” You looked over to where Karl was half asleep, leaning against you, “I’ve said it before, and I guess I’ll say it again, it’s just some unspoken thing.” 
Music filled the apartment when you entered, some old song by Sinatra, and Karl was dancing around the living room as you pulled off your coat and mask. 
“Are you listening to Sinatra?” You questioned, setting the rest of your things down. 
“Come dance with me!” He giggled. 
You rolled your eyes, still smiling as you grabbed his hand, letting the other come to rest on his shoulder, “God, it’s been so long since I’ve dance.” 
“Come on, you remember don’t you?” 
You chuckled, “Back, side, forward, back. Technically this isn’t a waltzing song though.” 
“You can waltz to anything if you try hard enough,” Karl insisted, “Ready, and- one two three, one two three...” 
You fell into step, quietly humming along to the song as you moved in a slow arc around the room.
“..And- spin out...” Karl murmured, gently spinning you out to the side, and you paused for a a moment before he tugged on you arm, causing you to spin back in, finding yourself, face to face with him. 
You laughed nervously, suddenly blushing at the feeling of his arms around you. 
“What are we?” Karl asked softly, “Like, what is- this?” 
“Some unspoken thing.” Your voice was just as low, suddenly the weight of the hand resting on your lower back seeming to double.
He looked at your lips, then back at your eyes, and you nodded softly, leaning in and pressing your lips together. 
Your arms drifted around his waist as he pulled you closer, before you separated, smiling. 
“Does that mean it’s spoken now?” Karl asked. 
You grinned, “Course.” 
Later, after spending the rest of the night like any other you were cuddled up together on the couch, watching the newest episode of survivor, and you pretended not to notice as he gushed to someone through text. 
Your phone began to buzz with  venmo notifications, and Karl looked at you confused, “(y/n), why is everyone paying you?” 
You chuckled, “Reaping the benefits of our friends conspiring in a discord call that was left open.” 
After the kiss you had sent one text to a group chat; ‘I figured it out: pay up bitches.’
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Sapnap- face cam
Wc- 1987
Warnings- none (I think)  I've been up for almost 30 hours mainly because I was doing college homework all of last night and because my boyfriend Sapnap was streaming and being very loud which kept me up in the first place which was why I did my homework anyway. I love Sapnap to death but sometime he can be a little annoying but I put up with it.
Sapnap only got into bed at 4am and he's still asleep now at 11pm meanwhile since then I've finished a big essay, cleaned the apartment, done another essay and then made breakfast for myself which I'm eating now. I wish I could be this productive when I've had sleep but somehow it never works like that.
Eventually Sapnap came downstairs sauntering because he was still sleepy, some of us wish. He walked right over giving me a hug from behind as I washed some dishes and gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Morning babe you alright?" He asked
"Yeah I'm good a little tired but I'll live" I replied
"Just to let you know I'll be streaming later" he said
He always tells me when he's streaming because his fans don't know about us and he doesn't want to accidentally reveal anything to protect me which is cute but it gets hard when he streams for hours on end and I need help with something. Sapnap is good about to it though if I really need help I either text him or message him on discord and he'll help but he sometimes doesn't read his messages.
I gave him some of what I made for breakfast and he sat down to eat it while I talked at him about college work that he pretends to care about. He's very supportive of all my college work and he'll let me get on with things if I have to but he will also talk about things with me if I want to. Thats one of the best things about Sapnap is his ability to adapt to how I'm feeling at any given moment and I like to think I'm at least ok at doing the same for him.
After breakfast Sapnap cleaned the rest of the dishes and let me take a shower which was nice and relaxing and woke me up a little bit as the cold water at the start hit my back, usually I would not be under the water as it warmed up but today I felt like I needed a shock to my system to get it going for another day. I had more homework and a lecture to do today so there was no chance for a nap until the evening when it's kind of pointless anyway.
After my shower I got dressed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt because it was comfy for sitting down all day in. Sapnap had got my laptop ready for me and had got me a glass for water which was sweet of him. My lecture was in about 2 minutes so I logged onto the class ready for it to start, when it did I put my headphones on so that Sapnap didn't have to listen to my teacher going on about whatever we were doing today, he always says he doesn't care but even I don't want to listen to it sometimes so there is no way he does.
As I tapped away making notes Sapnap put his hand on my knee rubbing his thumb in circles comfortingly. He does this all the time whether its sat on the sofa like right now or while we're driving somewhere but its safe to say that I love it, it lets me know he's there in a weird way it's like he's acknowledging my presence. At one point he got up and went to the kitchen and when he came back he had my favourite snack which he put between us so that we could share. What a lovely boyfriend he's being today, I'm starting to wonder what he thinks he's done that's he's trying to make up for.
My lecture finally finished after what seemed like and age so I went to get straight on with my last essay that needed submitting by the end of the month but Sapnap shut my laptop before I could get the document open, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the sofa and towards the door.
"Come on were going out for a walk" he said
"Why, I have an essay to work on" I whined
"You'll never leave the house if I don't drag you out so come on" he said handing me my shoes
I put them on and grabbed a jacket because according to the weather it was meant to be a little bit chilly out today, Sapnap grabbed the house keys and pushed me out the door onto the street. We don't often go out on walks because neither of us like leaving the house that much if we were to go out it would most likely be in the car to just go for a drive.
The two of us walked down the street holding hands and swinging them back and forth as we took steps forwards. Sapnap clearly had a good idea of where he wanted to go because he was making turns all over the place. Eventually we ended up at the target not that far from our place and we went in looking at everything like you do in target and we topped up on some snacks for a movie night soon.
We left with our snacks and Sapnap dragged me to the nearest park so we could sit outside and get a bit more fresh air. The nearest park is actually the one that we went to on one of our first dates so we have good memories there, on one of the benches by the duck pond is where we had our first kiss and many more after that.
I always love going back to that park with Sapnap because each time we reminisce on the past and talk about the future which seems to change each time we come here. We walked to the exact bench that we had our first kiss on and sat down looking at the scenery. It had changed quite a bit since the first time we were here, there used to be a little play park for kids in the distance but now thats gone and is replaced with a small flower garden instead.
The first time we came here and we talked about the future all we wanted was to still be together after we left for college which of course happened, then the next time we wanted to move in together which we did and now. I'm not really sure what the future holds for us but I'm sure it will be interesting.
"Wow its been so long since we came here we have changed so much and achieved everything that we wanted to" he said
"I know its so weird to think that our last goal was to move in together and now we have been living together for 5 months where do you think we will end up in the future?" I asked
"On man I have no idea but I would love to still be living together and maybe in a bigger place and maybe even be engaged" he said
This shocked me I never expected him to say that but I guess that is the next logical step for us to take in our relationship.
"I like the sound of that" I said  
We went back home and Sapnap went to stream while I worked on my essay he didn't tell me how long he was going to stream for but it will probably be about 3 hours. So I sat down and got on with writing the last 15 pages of my essay which would probably take me the entire time he was streaming maybe longer.
My essay took me almost exactly 4 hours to do but when I tried to submit it it wouldn't upload which happens from time to time. I looked at the upload speed of the WiFi since Sapnap taught me how to do it and it was fine but I assumed that it was being used for something else. This problem has happened before when Sapnap is uploading a video so I assumed that was the issue.
It got up and walked to Sapnap’s streaming room waiting outside for a moment to double check that he wasn't still streaming, I waited a couple minutes and heard nothing so I knocked and went in.
As soon as I went in I saw that Sapnap was still streaming and his face cam was on which meant that I was now on his stream in front of however many people. I've never made such a stupid mistake especially one that outs my entire relationship, I just stood in shock not being able to move and get out of the shot. Sapnap had the exact same reaction his face was filled with shock and fear at the same time.
Nothing prepares you for the moment that you expose yourself live in front of probably 100,000 people or more who will record anything that happens. Nothing prepares you for the chaos that will ensue when you do the before mentioned thing and definitely nothing prepares you for the guilt you feel doing so.
"Um hi y/n" He said trying to make things less awkward
"Hey" I replied shyly
He motioned for me to come over because there was no point trying to hide this anymore since no one will believe anything we say now. I stood next to Sapnap luckily being short enough that I still fit in frame but he had obviously given up caring at this point because he pulled me down into his lap to sit while we talked to his chat. Again he did the thing where he rubs his thumb in a circle on my leg and this time it really was for comfort.
"Well chat this is y/n and shes my... girlfriend" he said
"Hi everyone" I said shyly
"Now chat I'm going to need you to be nice to her or I'll be angry because she is very precious to me" he said
His chat were going insane telling others to clip this and people getting way to excited about all of this and some were asking questions. The whole chat was going so incredibly fast that it was hard to read all the messages.
We answered some of the basic questions like how long we have been together and other things, people also asked if George and Dream knew which of course they did and they have made jokes about Sapnap having a girlfriend but no one ever took it too seriously. At one point dream joined the call and started mocking us for being stupid and exposing ourselves and he told some stories that he knew we wouldn't mind him saying which the chat enjoyed.
I started yawning more and more as I stayed on the stream because I wasn't keeping my mind busy my tiredness was taking over. I leant back into Sapnap to rest my head on his shoulder, he out his hand on my head running it through my hair which is very relaxing.
"Are you tired?" He asked
"No I'm fine I can stay awake" I said
"I don't want to hear it I know you've been awake for over 24 hours so you are going to sleep" he almost demanded
He put his arms around my waist and pulled me into a comfortable position where I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost right away forgetting that Sapnap was still streaming but it doesn't matter.
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swtki · 4 years
Anonymous said:
Heyy! Can you do a Cedricxfem!reader smut? Where the reader get stood up at the Yule ball and Cedric heart breaks since he has been in love with the reader for quite some time. And then they do the nasty you know thank you
A/N: Okay so basically...I am a stupid fucking Cedric simp,,,,and since I got home today, and my course work is fairly light for this week (no promises) my requests are open and I will try to get as much out as I can this week before my birthday! Jan 24th and you will get an about me post. ALSO, thanks for 700 (now 710 no brag) followers! I love you guys! Ok onto the fic!.
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(Y/N) stood in front of her full length mirror in her dormitory room, admiring the fabric hugging her hips. Very rarely did she ever get to see herself like this, never mind other people. Her hand reached up to move a stray strand of hair back into place, a minor detail that although she doubt mattered, she could not refrain from. It was the night of the Yule ball, a night that the girls in her year wanted perfection more than ever, (Y/n) not excluded. 
It would not be unheard of, however it would be rather embarrassing to show up un-courted. Nobody to dance with, nobody to share a moment in the moonlight with. That’s why when Miles Dane asked her to the ball, she did not hesitate to say yes. 
To be quite honest, the two seventh years had never really talked. Though, they did have potions together. Surely, she would get to know him while sharing a dance, and she had to admit that he was quite charming and handsome. A tall Ravenclaw boy, lankly in the most perfect way, his skin a medium tone that glowed in the sunlight, so the carriages weren’t out of the question either. 
The clock on the wall read six fifty, there was no sign of Miles, only (Y/N) and her twiddling thumbs. She wanted to scream, to cry, to hurt him even, but above all, she wanted to believe he was coming. Everything was going to be perfect. It should all be perfect.
Inside the hall, Cedric Diggory, the Golden Boy of Hogwarts, was pretending to be interested. The mundane conversation between Cho, his date who he now was sure didn’t even remember who she came with, and another seventh year girl droned on. Despite the banging of the loud music into his ear, Cedrics head was silent. Bored. Without saying anything, he slipped away from the table, creeping into the corridor for a breath of fresh air. 
The cold December air hit Cedrics face with a refreshing feeling, the pressures of being a Tri-Wizard champion melted off of his shoulders. Though, he didn’t like to admit it, he sometimes questioned if this path was right for him. Would it have been better if he had stayed put, never scratched his name upon the parchment? He knew that he couldn’t change the past, no matter how much he wanted to. Cedrics tall, lean body slumped against the stone wall. All was quiet around him, a welcomed environment. Then, he heard the faintest gasp, causing the hairs on his neck to stand up.
“Fuck,” (Y/N) sighed out, wiping the small bead of sorrow that had escaped from her eye. She knew Miles was not coming. A dark figure leaning over her crouched body interrupted her racing mind. Instinctually, she looked up from her knees.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?”  Cedric said in a soft voice.
“Nothing..nothing is wrong Diggory.” She avoided eye contact. Cedric and (Y/N) had been friends in years prior, particularly in third year. But as time drew on, their paths separated, effectively making them strangers to one another. He had gone on to be a hearthrob who was wanted by every girl, while she had focused on her studies and the go-to for casual sex.
“You know, we may not have sat together for three years, but don’t you think I can tell when you’re lying?” He squatted on the cement next to her, becoming eye level. “Now, what are you doing out here? You look so gorgeous, I’m sure your bloke in there is missing you.” His hand gestured behind him to the large archway leaking a bright tune. 
“Yeah, thats the thing,” she drew a sharp breath in, tilting her head up, “My bloke never fucking showed up. Look at me, all dressed up and no one to dance with.” Her eyes closed, painting a small smile in an attempt to conceal her pain.
“Oh...I see.” Cedric stood up and offered his hand to the girl below him. “Well, let me fix that for you.” She rolled her eyes, but happily accepted.
Opting to stay where they were, the two swayed in each others arms. The warmth of Cedrics arms comforted the girl, soothing her in a way Cedric had not soothed her in years. 
“Didn’t you come with a date?” she asked, her head on his chest.
“Yeah, shes inside. She lost interest with me I’m afraid.” Cedric made a small chuckle that made her bite her lip. “You know...I’ve heard about your reputation. I’m a little surprised, I thought you would always hate boys. Cooties was it?” He teased, resting his chin on her head.
“Oh fuck off. For the record, I did like boys. I liked you, Cedric. I still do.” He pulled away from her figure slightly, his eyes searching over her face. Then without any hesitation, he collided his lips to hers.
Shocked at first, she froze. But within a second, her hands were cradling his face. The kiss was deep, full of years worth of emotion. His grip tightened on her waist. Time stood still for the pair, it felt like hours before Cedric pulled away.
“Do you want to go to my dorm?” He said, panting. 
“Won’t people notice if you run off?? You’re like a celebrity around here, Ced.” She grinned up at him. Cedrics face took a more serious appearance, but his manor became relaxed.  
“Fuck ‘em.” His large hand grasped hers, leading the way to his dormitory.
(Y/N) sat on the soft mattress, her body stiff and unsure. Cedric fumbled around, locking the door, playing suave. He stood a mere three feet from her, wondering how he got so lucky. 
“Did you want to just chat because...Cedric, I can do far more than chat with you.” She gave him a seductive look, making the boy swallow hard.
“Well I... I mean trust me, the way you look sitting on my bed is amazing, and I’m all for it. But the question is, are you - I mean do you want to? With me?” A rose blush creeped upon the Hufflepuff boys face, making (Y/N) giggle.
“Come here, Ced.” She beckoned him over to her with her finger. He happily obliged, walking over to sit next to her. But before he could sit, she put a hand on his chest, stopping him in his place. “Stand...I want you to stand while I sit. Is it okay if I..?” she gestured to the growing errection inside his trousers. 
“Fuck...please darling.” She bit her lip and started undoing his pants, enjoying the sight before her eyes. She stroked his cock, admiring the way his eyes scrunched up when she ran her thumb over the tip. Smiling, she leaned over and put it in her mouth. His soft moans filled the room as he ran his slender fingers through her soft hair. All of the sudden, he yanked her off, pushing her on her back.
“My turn, love.” Cedrics mouth started leaving sloppy kisses around her mouth, trailing down to her neck while his left hand massaged her tit over her dress. Her elbows pressed into the bed, pushing her up.
“Wait, lets get these off, yeah?” Cedric kissed her, then unzipped her dress, fumbling to strip himself as quickly as he could. Once she was left in just her knickers, he continued where he had left off. He traveled until he got to her covered pussy, looking up at her to see if he could continue. She nodded, her eyes filled with need.
Cedrics left hand pushed apart her legs, letting him get a proper look at how she felt about him. His other hand yanked off her knickers, little did Y/N know how mental simple white cotton undies made Cedric. Without hesitation, his mouth started attacking her sensitive clit. The pleasure was unlike anything she had ever felt with her previous fucks, because this pleasure was dedicated with love. Her eyes rolled back into her head, a wanton moan escaping from her throat. This encouraged him to suck on her clit, and then to Y/Ns delight, inserted two fingers. Filthy moans filled the room as her cunt felt so pleasured in a way she had never felt. 
“Fuck thats so fucking...oh my god Ced.” He moved his fingers at a faster speed, attacking her clit simultaneously. Eyes rolling back into her head, a pure groan of pleasure filled Cedrics ears as she bucked her hips, reaching a climax unlike any other. 
Cedric stood, climbed on the bed, then looked at her. 
“Do you want to..keep going or?” He ran his thumb over her lips.
“yes but..I wanna be on top” His heart beat faster, his erection becoming somehow even harder.  He laid down on his bed, allowing her to swing a leg over his hips. Y/N grabbed his member and ran it through her folds, watching as his face contorted in pleasure. Then she sunk her body onto his, both of them in seventh heaven. 
Her hips started rocking against his, making his cock hit all the right parts inside her. Cedric was in love with the sight before him, his eyes looking at her like she was a goddess. Her hand reached down, rubbing her clit, maximizing her pleasure. It wasn't long until her next orgasm washed over her, making Cedric even more eager to put himself to use. When she was back off her high, he  brought her down to him, chest to chest. Thrusting up into her was the best feeling he could have imagined, it went on for minutes, both of them feeling amazing. 
Y/N leaned over into his ear to whisper,
“Please cum inside me, Ced. Please, I want you to use me and leave my body stained with your cum.” Cedric, finding out that now he had a thing for cumming inside her, sped up. His hips clashed with her arse as his climax grew closer and closer. 
Cedrics eyes rolled into his head, his body releasing his cum into hers. His legs shook a bit, he had just had the best orgasm he had ever had. The girl on top of him rolled over, now laying beside him. Both of them sat in silence, trying to catch their breath.
“I love you so fucking much, Y/N”
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thetriggeredhappy · 3 years
can I request sniper and scout planning a little secret symbolic wedding for themselves? its just self indulgent, since they wanna have this connection so they do a tiny intimate thing for the two of them but then all the two teams show up, ms pauling, sniper's parents and scout's family to celebrate too, and they all have a happy day
i dunno if this one will be coherent or and i dont have a joke for ya so thats where we’re at today
(no warnings)
He notices Scout looking at things just a little longer. Scout was a man of motion, of emotion, of elation, so seeing him pause, ever, for any length of time, was enough to pique Sniper’s interest. It had to be a big deal, of Scout was looking at it, and he prided himself on being observant.
So seeing the things he paused in front of—jewelry stores, boutiques, flower shops, at first it confused him, but then he saw what Scout was looking at in them. The flower shops had pretty arrangements right in front, labeled vaguely in some with phrases like ‘arrangements for your special day!’ and less vaguely in others as ‘wedding arrangements available’. The boutiques often with white dresses towards the front, and pictures of smiling couples nearby.
Little cards in the display of the jewelry store window proclaiming ‘engagement rings’.
It didn’t take long to piece together.
A number of issues were present. The concept of legal marriage alone was a big one. First because they were two men, one of whom was shaky in terms of immigration and two of whom were shaky in terms of being legally defined as criminals of the highest degree, potentially legally dead in some ways, and certainly smart enough to not walk into a courthouse. Besides that, the paperwork involved, the idea of getting either of their families around when Scout’s family was constantly on the wind in at least one corner and his own hardly on speaking terms with him, the heartbreak—
But Scout paused when he looked at the engagement rings.
Sniper was increasingly exasperated and helpless against the little voice in his head that seemed to watch out for Scout’s well-being, that said, well, couldn’t he at least try and figure something else out?
So it took some thinking. Some rehearsing his words in his own head. Some justifications being made, torn down, analyzed and readdressed with a clearer mind. And he came to a decision.
And when he next got the chance, he called his mum and had a talk with her about a lot of things, so many of them at least a decade and a half in the making. And she didn’t understand, not at all, not on that first phone call, not on the second. But on the third she took care to assure him that she would try, she really would, she really would, and finally gave him permission to use the old family heirloom engagement ring.
And it was subtle and sudden when Sniper proposed. Scout was sat on the steps of the camper, using Sniper’s pocket knife to pick mud out of the soles of his shoes, and Sniper took a seat next to him, plonked a pair of bottles between them. Scout leaned over to bump their shoulders together, grinning at him, and Sniper smiled too, started drinking his own.
Out clear on the horizon line, most of the clouds hadn’t quite blown far enough to obscure the sun. It would be setting soon, and then Scout would be off to eat with the rest of the team and Sniper would get to his own routine. It was a nice night, though.
Finally Scout flicked the knife closed, tucked it into his pocket best he could, reached for the bottle still sitting next to him, popped it and started drinking before it could foam over (he didn’t know how it always did that, he just had awful luck, apparently).
Sniper finished his own drink before Scout could get very far into his own. Stared out across the desert.
“You good?” Scout finally asked, picking idly at the label. “You seem, uh... I dunno. Sad, maybe. One’a those?”
“No, er... just...” Sniper tried, cleared his throat. Now Scout’s eyebrows were raised. “Nervous, is all.”
“Oh, one’a those,” Scout said, and frowned when Sniper shook his head again, drawing a hand down his face, taking a deep breath. “Is... is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Sniper nodded, took another deep breath. “Yeah. Just...”
He paused for a long few moments. Reached to fish through the pocket of his vest, held his closed fist out to Scout. Scout freed up a hand to hold a hand out, palm-up, still frowning, and pulled it back to look at the item Sniper had dropped in his palm.
Blinked. Blinked. Sniper gulped, wishing he had a drink still, something to help with how dry his mouth had gone all of a sudden, watching Scout’s expression carefully.
“Oh,” Scout whispered. Barked a laugh, like shock more than humor, the volume abrupt. “Oh.”
Sniper gulped hard again, looked away, looked back. Scout’s expression didn’t change in the time he wasn’t watching it. “You seem, er... surprised,” Sniper said carefully.
“Well, yeah, duh, yeah, I didn’t—“ Scout said all in a stumbling rush, and took a breath, and seemed to hold it. His eyes hadn’t moved from the ring since he first saw it. He blinked a few times, barked that laugh again. “I didn’t think you’d want...”
“I do,” Sniper said, voice tight, and Scout looked up at him for the first time in a while, and his eyes widened in even more surprise.
“Oh, shit,” he said quickly, seeming to finally register the nervousness, the fear, the worry, and he surged forward, hands on Sniper’s shoulders, one wrapped in half a fist around the ring. “I, yeah, yes, I, yes to the—yes! I’m—“
And then he kissed Sniper, hard, almost bruising, and it didn’t get particularly far before it was broken by another huff of air against Sniper’s lips, and when he pulled back Scout’s grin was a little weak.
“Just never thought you’d ask me, not in a million years,” he admitted.
“Don’t tell me you’re going to cry,” Sniper teased, entire body awash with a sense of relief.
“Oh, fuck off, you’re the one with the watery eyes here,” Scout scoffed, and kissed him again.
And they both made sure to note that they knew there were more conversations to be had, but those could wait until both of them had a clearer head again, which took damn near a week and a half, both so much more giddy than they’d expected to be, then another week when Sniper next saw the ring, hung on a little chain usually tucked beneath Scout’s shirt, worn around his neck apparently since the day he got it.
He liked the word fiancée more than he’d expected to, and he’d expected to like it a lot, and even then, Scout seemed to like it even more.
And Scout admitted half his surprise up front had been because he himself had no real idea how this was going to work, it was just that the idea of being married made him really really happy. He liked weddings, loved weddings, loved the idea of... of settling into something. That really, marriage was the only kind of settling down that he’d ever liked the idea of. And even if it was just... just something quiet, just the two of them, that was fine by him.
And Sniper had nodded, and there had been a pause, but then suddenly Scout spoke up again with a ‘but, I mean, my Ma is always going on about wanting to see me get married, so I kinda have to invite her to whatever we do’.
That was a good start for the plans they had. No particular pressure on it, really, considering they decided not to tell anyone at first. Sniper started trying to figure out where might be a good place to hold... something, maybe not a whole ceremony, but something. Scout started trying to figure out where to get a suit, and where Sniper could get his own tailored, but they weren’t in a rush, and a few months passed without making much progress at all, nothing even feeling like it had changed except that now Sniper would catch Scout fidgeting with the chain he kept the ring on and grinning.
The first real change came when someone else noticed too.
Pyro, stood in-between matches and pointing at the chain around Scout’s neck as he switched into a less charred shirt and mumbling a question, made Scout stammer. Scout stammering made most of the team turn to look. Then more of them saw the chain there, saw the ring there, and some of the more perceptive ones pieced together a few things rather quickly. It was Demo who first said something, outright asking ‘is that an engagement ring?’.
A beat of silence where all were frozen, then the voice over the intercom rang out telling them they had ten seconds until battle, and Scout was off like a shot towards the gate.
In his absence, eyes turned to Sniper instead, who proved to be even less helpful in that he stuttered his way through all ten of those seconds and the team had no choice but to follow Scout’s lead and leave it for later.
Sniper was hoping that he’d be able to escape the team’s questions after battle if he could make it through the Resupply room before everyone else did. But he realized very quickly that would also mean throwing Scout to the proverbial wolves, and besides that, he couldn’t run from this forever. So instead he kicked around the Resupply for a few minutes waiting for the team to come back from chasing down the other team in the humiliation round, and wasn’t entirely surprised when Scout was one of the first back, expression tight with nerves up until the exact moment that Demo and Soldier came wandering in, elbowing at each other and chatting at well above speaking volume.
Neither of them, apparently, had much to say, besides Demo clapping Sniper hard on the shoulder and proclaiming that it took them long enough, and Soldier brushing off their ‘fraternizing nonsense’ in favor of continuing his argument with Demo. Pyro was in the room next, talking and gesturing enthusiastically, and while Scout was trying to translate to Sniper the Engineer came in and shoo’d Pyro along, telling them to mind their business, albiet with what Sniper would almost refer to as a proud smile aimed in Scout’s direction. Medic and Heavy were in the room next, and all that Heavy seemed to be confused about was the legality surrounding marriage between anyone besides a man and a woman in the United States, with Medic attempting to explain but also largely clueless to the actual logistics of the thing. Spy only stuck around long enough to quip that it was a little ridiculous for any of them to worry about legality of all things, which Sniper wasn’t entirely sure how to interpret.
Demo, across the room, in the middle of trying to unstick his jacket from himself with all the mud coating one side of it, quipped that he’d better be invited, and asked what he had to do to get the best man position. From there, a series of what Sniper interpreted as mostly jokes followed, the team chiming in about their attendance, including a number of them laughing that they weren’t exactly allowed in any churches and Pyro insisting that they wanted to be the one throwing the flowers (and no they would not in fact set any on fire) and Heavy saying that if they couldn’t find a good glass to stomp on then Medic had plenty of spare beakers that he wasn’t using for anything, much to the doctor’s protest.
This became the team running joke for a while, was everyone constantly bringing up the wedding. When Spy stomped into the room fuming because of another perfectly good shirt ruined by the base’s washing machine, the Engineer quipped that oh no, what would he wear to the wedding now? When Soldier got into an argument with Pyro, Demo referred to it as a spat between groomsmen. When Sniper was acting particularly cranky one day (not his fault, the base’s coffee machine was awful and they really needed to replace it one of these days), Spy muttered into his tea that it was a shame Scout had to put up with such a bridezilla, a joke Medic chortled about well into the afternoon.
It might have gotten out of hand around the time that poor Pauling had to hear about it, just trying her best to oversee delivering a set of brand new weapons and explaining their assorted bells and whistles, accosted through her entire explanation by jokes that this was a bit extravagant for a wedding gift, that hopefully she’d at least get time off to attend the reception, that competition for maid of honor wasn’t exactly steep but she’d probably be winning anyways, until finally she snapped that if Sniper and Scout were actually going to get married then they needed to note that on their upcoming contract renewals but to otherwise stop talking to her about it so damn much.
This, Scout said, is when he started feeling bad for not talking to his Ma about it yet. Miss Pauling knowing he was getting married before his own mother felt wrong, he said, and so he spent the afternoon steeling himself to make the phone call.
From the combination of relief and vague dismay on Scout’s face when he came back, Sniper could tell something was up, and it was with a number of pauses in the middle of speaking that Scout explained that he’d barely gotten through the news before Ma had started calling over various brothers to tell them the news too, each taking a turn on the phone to get halfway through some kind of third degree that they needed to pass along to Sniper before actually congratulating him, each asking when they’d need to get down there for the wedding in turn. Apparently he’d accidentally called when some of his brothers were over for dinner, and so he explained to Sniper that word was as good as out, because as much as he loved his brothers, not a single one of them could keep their mouths shut to each other.
And so they both sat down with a calendar and had to pick an actual date for a wedding.
Altogether, the date they picked was a little over a year since Sniper proposed, which felt appropriate, and only a few months from then, just long enough for Scout’s brothers to get time off of work. They decided against a whole entire proper ceremony with a priest and vows and all, mostly because legality being an issue, they didn’t have much a reason to stick to tradition. A few things would end up sticking, though. They’d have seating, because Sniper’s mum wasn’t up for standing around for long periods of time anymore and one of Scout’s brothers had that bad leg and cane from his time in the army. They’d dress up for it, because Scout was truly looking forward to that part, to looking nice on the actual day. Vows weren’t necessarily going to be on-script, but they’d both take a moment to say something to each other, and there would be a kiss, and then they’d have a bit of time set aside for if either of their families brought up any traditions they truly wanted to do. And, of course, there’d be some kind of party afterwards, because they both knew that the team would make there be a party afterwards either way.
What they didn’t expect was how quickly the team jumped to help as soon as they mentioned they’d set an actual date in stone to some degree. The Engineer was quick to offer to help with setting up chairs and tables, carting things around if they needed it, having a truck and all. Soldier was happy to offer suggestions for if they wanted catering, having eaten at and subsequently been banned from every eatery in the county, and Pyro started baking at an until then unprecedented clip as they tried to find the exact right recipe for a good wedding cake because they had to have a wedding cake and it had to be perfect. Heavy, to his credit, pointed out a few logistical issues with having the wedding, namely that it couldn’t be anywhere on the base and that they weren’t allowed in the town of Teufort, and Demo was so kind as to offer up his own house and property, given that it had so much space and he knew his mother wouldn’t mind it and besides that, it was a very pretty place.
And then Spy found in the mail the magazines Sniper was looking through when trying to pick out something suit-adjacent, and he could tell Spy was gearing up to really lay into him about it before Sniper pointed out that Spy should really just stop snooping through other people’s mail, and by the next day he found a pair of order forms in his camper on the table, almost entirely filled out except for a few of the fields regarding things like the color of the suits and payment information.
And then he and Scout were trying on suits, and figuring out which hotels were close enough for Scout and Sniper’s families to stay in, and looking at flowers, and figuring out how many days they should schedule off of work and whether the team would be doing the same—
—and then it was the week before, and one night Sniper found himself standing in the camper with Scout, late at night, half-exhausted and stressed out and more terrified than he’d expected to be, arms tight around Scout’s waist. And Scout held on just as tight, and inhaled, and exhaled, shifting with that breath in Sniper’s grip. And Sniper found himself breathing out apologies, so quiet they didn’t quite catch against the grit in his voice, for causing such a fuss about all this, for things getting so out of hand. And Scout had laughed, had squeezed him tight in arms usually used for hurting people to instead give him so much comfort in that moment, and said that he wouldn’t want it any other way. Anything else and it wouldn’t exactly feel like them.
And the two days before the wedding stretched out infinitely, a mix of terror and impatience lacing his every move, and then the day of the wedding itself felt like it took no time at all.
The sun didn’t quite beat down upon them, a blessing even with them wearing simple vests as opposed to full suits, a scattering of cloud cover making the heat bearable and throwing the sunshine out away from them. And the grass around the DeGroot residence was slippery in the morning, slick under their shoes, and Sniper watched nervously across towards his mum and dad as his dad squinted suspiciously around at things and his mum patted him consolingly about only god knew what. And one of Scout’s brothers had brought a camera and was dashing around taking pictures, and most of the team had managed to dig up assorted formal wear, and the Engineer bustled trying to make sure everything was set up just right as Soldier helped Pyro with carrying the frankly ludicrous cake towards the table somewhere. And on one side was Scout’s family, all rowdy, and on the other was the team, even rowdier, his parents squashed between and being vaguely protected from the team by the more generally responsible ones (namely Heavy, who Sniper’s father clearly approved of in some way for being so imposing, and Spy, who Sniper’s mother approved of on the basis of him being entirely polite). And Miss Pauling was there much to Sniper’s surprise, claiming that she was meant to oversee off-base activities (although he suspected she just wanted the time off and was glad to watch the final nail go into the coffin of Scout’s long-gone infatuation with her). And Medic was so kind as to let Sniper know the other team had left a present at the base for them that morning—assuring him, at his alarmed look, that it was merely a prank dummy bomb set to tick as loudly as possible within the packaging, and a note thanking them for the free time off. That was as much a relief as the cloud cover.
And then the ceremony itself happened, so long before Sniper was ready, as if he could ever truly be ready. And he’d seen Scout’s vest already, but not worn, not standing across from him with a glitter in his eyes and a watery smile and hands fidgeting nervously with grip tape that wasn’t there, face red. And Sniper’s hands were sweaty and clammy, and his voice cracked from the very first word of what he had been rehearsing in his head over and over since he proposed, but the way Scout’s expression shone with pride and love had made so much of that nervousness disappear, and he couldn’t find it in him to be nervous, to worry about the team.
He didn’t have it written down, felt that note cards would make this feel stiff, and he wasn’t all that good at writing down his thoughts regardless. But Scout was sniffling by the end of it, and his own voice had gone rough as he just barely kept it together, so he at least knew he was doing something right. 
And Scout didn’t have anything written down either, and when his turn to speak came, there were a few long moments where Sniper worried he’d blanked, forgotten what he wanted to say. But Scout got there, voice surprisingly steady, surprisingly level. And he didn’t remember all of it, but he remembered some in the middle.
“I still can’t believe you love me, that you wanna stay with me for as long as we can, that you trust me and care about me,” Scout said, “but I’m gonna try, I’m gonna try so hard, and I’m gonna do whatever I gotta do to make sure you know I love you too, every single day, and to earn it. I promise. That’s what this is, is me promising. I promise.” 
And that’s when Sniper broke, the first tears falling, needing to wipe at his face gingerly with his sleeve and accompanied by a general ‘aww’ and chuckles from the crowd of loved ones gathered there, and Scout smiled all the wider.
And Sniper did end up stomping on a glass (not one of Medic’s beakers), and both of them were all but showered in assorted confetti by the family they’d somehow gathered over the years, and there was eating, and dancing, and drinking, and dancing, and by the time the sun started to set down beyond the horizon line he found himself stood there with Scout in the middle of it all, kissing him over, and over, and over again, each and every one a promise that he very much intended to keep, come what may.
“I love you,” he said, again, again, and Scout never once stopped smiling.
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hotpinkrathian · 3 years
20 Years Ago Pt 1
Kya stood back with a grin. She did it. Despite her mother's doubts she had successfully pulled off the perfect highschool reunion. People were chatting, dancing and congratulating her.
"Well Kya, you did it." Her bother said, standing beside her with a glass of punch.
"Don't drink that," she said, "it's spiked."
"How do you even know that?" He asked  looking into the cup.
"Waterbenders intuition." She lied. Truthfully, she had been the one to spike it.
"Look," Tenzin said, gesturing to the door."
"Hmmm?" She turned her head, her brows furrowing.  Lin Beifong.
"What is she doing here?" Kya asked, she knew for a fact she didn't invite her.
"I asked her to come," Tenzin explained, "she doesn't get out a lot and well, I thought it'd be nice for you two to see each other." Kya rolled her eyes. She had no business with Lin, and the idea her brother thought otherwise was stupid.
"I have nothing to say to her." Kya stated, taking his cup and downing it.
"It seems like you do." Tenzin replied, letting his sister walk away.
Kya huffed, sitting down at her table, two cups of punch in her hands, both of which were for her. It seemed everyone here was having a good time, except her. She couldn't help it, Lin's prescence set her off.
"How am I supposed to enjoy myself when she's lurking around?" She spoke to herself, taking a drink from the left cup.
"Still talking to yourself, I see." Lin said, sitting next to her.
"Still condescending, I see." Kya mocked, finishing one of her drinks. Lin reached a hand over, grabbing the other one.
"Thats mine." Kya said. Lin raised an eyebrow, keeping eye contact with the older woman.
"Then take it." Kya looked at her quizzically, Lin had a sadistic grin on her face, like she was enjoying Kya's anger.
"No." Kya replied, "you have it. On me." Lin smirked, placing her lips to the cup and downing the whole thing  her face unraveling in a look of disgust.
"Thats so sweet." The metalbender groaned.
"Some people like sweet things." Kya retorted. Lin sighed, glancing to the stage.
"You know, we're kind of old to be doing this." Lin said.
"I think I know how long to hold a grudge." Kya replied, refusing to look her in the eyes.
"Raava, Kya do you even remember what you hate me for?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."
"Then enlighten me."
"It was my senior year, you promised to come with me to prom, we had it planned and everything.  Then someone started dating my brother and ditched me to give a blow job behind the bleachers. I had no other friends Lin, everyone hated me for... well, you know, and you just... you left me alone. To be ridiculed by my entire grade. I had to leave out the back door because by the end of the night I was covered in punch and didn't want to be seen by the cameras."
"Okay, wow. First of all, it wasn't a blow job." Lin started, "second of all, I didn't mean to leave you. I just didn't know how long it would take."
"Oh my God, Lin, do you not hear yourself?" Kya asked, "you left me alone on my night to fuck my brother. Dick move, by the way."
"I wasnt fucking your brother!"
"Right so he let everyone believe that you and him fucked for the rest of the year?"
"Really? You think I'm that stupid?"
"Kya, ask Tenzin. We didn't do anything that night, I didn't have the guts too. I never intended for he and I to do anything but he got ahead of himself and told all his friends so I told him not to worry about it." Kya looked away in disbelief.
"If that was true, why didn't you tell me?"
"I tried, you were so upset and 'banned me from the island. I asked that idiot arrowhead to talk to you but I guess he never did." Kya stared at her, unsure of what to make of this. Lin had lied before, but she seemed so sincere... stop. Remember how you felt.
"I'm not listening to this. I have a speech to give." Lin slammed a fist on the table and let Kya go. The watsrbender made her way to the stage, motioning for the crows to gather.
"I just want to say how happy I am everyone could make it today." She began, "it's been a long time since we've seen each other and I have to say I'm absolutely thrilled with the people you have all become."
"I'd like to say something!" Kya looked down at the speaker, he had a hat on, a jersey for some pro bending team and awfully greasy shorts. Roy Cavanaugh. The idiot who had splattered her with punch on prom night.
"Well I'm not really-"
"Roy! Roy! Roy!" The crowd chanted.
"Fine," Kya caved, "come here." He climbed onto the stage, taking the mic from her and holding it a little to close to his mouth.
"Can I just say," he started, "had I known you were gonna look like that when you were older I would've been nicer to you." Kya pursed her lips.
"Thats enough-"
"With that being said, are you still a dyke? Because I'd like to show you my-" Kya took the mic from him, staring at him angrily. Laughter mixed with awkward silence. She stared into the crowd, their familiar beady eyes focusing on her. Passing their judgment and she realized then and there she didn't want this reunion to see people, she wanted closure.
"Roy," she said, "you're an idiot. You always will be. Maru," she directed to his wife, "he cheated on you. Multiple times with Christine. Blonde hair, two girls down. Yeah that one." Roy looked at her, his eyes begging her to stop.
"Also," she said, "we all know it was you who shit on the floor during gym class. Everyone did. Just some of us were decent enough human beings to spare you that guilt. Now get out of my party." He jumped off the stage, his friends no longer sticking beside him, his wife ignoring his call.
"Oh to answer your question," Kya called before he left, "I am still a dyke. And that's not going to change for any of you." She smiled, satisfied with herself. She caught a glimpse of Lin who had a look on her face that resembled a smile. She dropped the mic, marching down the stage steps with gusto when she fell backward and collided with the steps.
"Kya. Kya. Kya, wake up." Kya's eyes batted open, pushing past the pulsing sensation in her head.
"Where am I?"
"The school gym."
"You slipped. Hit your head pretty bad." Lin said, pushing her down when she tried to sit up.
"Wheres Tenzin?"
"Jinora got sick, he went home. He sat here with you though, for an hour."
"How long was I out?"
"Three hours."
"Three hours?!" Kya tried to sit up, but her head refused her.
"Stop moving so much, just lay on this." Lin took off her coat, bundling it up and placing it under her head.
"Where is everyone" Kya asked.
"They went home. After your speech and... trip, I guess they decided they didn't deserve to be here." Kya snorted, taking the water Lin offered her and holding the freezing ice to her head.
"That works too," Lin said, moving beside her.
"Why did you stay?" Kya asked, moving her eyes to Lin.
"I am a police officer, it wouldn't look good if I left an injured person here."
"Oh." Kya said, trying not to sound disappointed.
"But also... I wasn't done talking earlier."
"You? Lin Beifong had more to say. I'll be damned." Lin laughed slightly before taking a deep inhale.
"I'm sorry, for everything." She said, "what I did to you that night, it wasnt fair." Kya smiled  reaching her free hand to Lin's and holding her leg.
"Can I be completely honest with you?" Kya inquired.
"Of course."
"I think I over reacted, just a bit."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, now shush. I... I had feelings for you, back then." Kya admitted. She felt herself blush, and immediately regretted everything she had said.
"Kya, I know you won't forget that night and the trauma it caused you, but you shouldn't know I never meant to hurt you. I didn't go because I was scared. I made these other plans because I didn't want people to see me with you and-"
"You were embarrassed of me?"
"What? No, God no... Kya I didn't want people to see me with you and talk because I knew that if we danced, or shared a drink, I'd have to confront the part of myself that liked you, too. And if that was true then what other rumors were?" Kya looked at Lin in disbelief. All this time, all this hatred she had kept for Lin when the true enemy was fear. She pushed herself up, leaning against the wall and putting the ice next to her.
"Lin," she spoke softly," I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to feel that way. If I pressured you or-" before she could finish, Lin's lips met hers. She was taken aback by how soft Lin's lips her. The Beifong kissed with so much emphasis and emotion Kya had to pull away for a moment.
"Lin..." she whispered, "you have no idea how many times I thought of this moment."
"I think I do," Lin replied, "I thought of it everyday for the last 20 years." Kya grinned, pressing her forhead against Lin's before wincing in pain.
"You're in pain." Lin said, pulling away.
"No I'm fine just a little headache." She winced again and Lin moved to her knees, standing up and offering her hand.
"Come on." Lin said.
"This unnecessary really Lin-"
"You can't stand, can you?" Kya shook her head.  Lin side, bending down and reaching one hand under her shoulders and the other under her hips. She pushed, taking Kya in her arms with a grunt.  Kya blushed when Lin met her gaze, doing her best to keep her head up.
"Are you going to carry me all the way back to the island?" Kya asked.
"Maybe. I was going to put you in the back seat of my satomobile."
"That works." Kya replied. Lin carried the Waterbender out of the highschool gym, Kya stifled a chuckle at the disaster her party had turned into. At least she'd missed most of it.
Kya had fallen asleep on the drive over to the docks, waking up briefly to get on the ferry before passing out again on the railing. Lin must've carried her all the way to the temple because when she finally came too, she was on the couch in her childhood home.
"Well, she might not remember that part." Kya blinked her eyes open, seeing her mother and Lin sharing tea over the coffee table.
"Good morning." Katara said, getting up and putting a hand to her daughters head.
"What time is it?"
"In the morning?" Kya exclaimed. As if on cue Lin opened the blinds, revealing the sun as it peaked over the horizon.
"Lin caught me up, dear," Katara said, "you had a minor concussion, nothing I couldn't fix. But please take it easy okay?"
"Yeah, thanks, Mom." Kya pushed herself up, accepting the cup of tea Lin handed her.
"So, how big of a fool did I make of myself?" Kya asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Eh, I've seen worse. If they didn't remember you before, they do now." Kya sighed, taking a sip of the tea.
"Well it is what it is." She whispered. They sat in silence for a moment before Lin stood up.
"Where are you going?" Kya asked, motioning to follow her.
"Relax," Lin said, pushing her back onto the sofa, "I'm just going to bathroom."
"Was the whole night not enough time to catch up?" Lin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well no, I was passed out for most of it." Lin chuckled slightly and Kya blushed again.
"Then I'll be right back."
"Okay." Kya watched her go with a longing look in her eye. She looked back to her mother who shook her head with a dumb grin.
"Oh stop." Kya scolded.
"I didn't say anything."
"You didn't have to."
"She stayed awake the whole night you know." Katara said.
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Whatever you say, dear." Kya pursed her lips, looking back in the direction Lin had disappeared to.
Well shit.
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
Ok but like imagine a 6’8 black girl walking into karasuno gym while the in practice.
a/n: oooh alr this gonna be a headcannon
lets get it!
Tumblr media
okay so ms girl you have some backstory.... some LORE
you used to be apart of the third year gang before you had to transfer schools
the boys + kiyoko really missed you yk?
so today you finally came back to karasuno
esp asahi bc you were his home girl
you already knew your way around and saw some of your old classmates from year one
now baby you are a tall girl
like taller than asahi girl
ya legs were lookin real beautiful
now you were on your way to suprise your babies
you knocked on that gym door and suga peeks his head out like
“hello? who is i— MY BABYLOVE!”
this nigga screamed that shit so loud the third years were ALERTED
there’s only one babylove and thats YOU honey
suga damn near jumps you
like he hasnt seen you in so LONG
“i missed you suga! im back for good now!”
sugamama’s out and he got your ear.
now kiyoko heard ya voice and that girl was zooming
suga and kiyoko pull you into the gym
second years and first years went
asahi ran over there and tackled you in a big ass hug
now there’s a doggy pile of third years
and the rest have never been so confused
they havent even gotten a good look at you bc you got JUMPED by the third years
they deadass dropped their shit to get to you
“babylove its been so long!!” - kiyoko
this alr made nishi and tanaka go like 🤨🕶🤏🏽
like “whom?”
how you managed to avoid them is beyond me but girl you got your ways even tho yous a big bitch
kageyama deadass dont really care that much bc volleyball why tf this rando just bust up in here and take the third years....
n e ways
eventually they pull you up
they’re like DAMNNNNN again
like you can actually give asahi a forehead kiss
(which you have bc aint no damn way if i was in the third year gang i wouldnt give them affection poor baby prolly touch starved)
nishinoya and tanaka’s simp reflexes have kicked in they are def about to say some lightskin ass shit
daichi’s alr on defense
“ahnt ahnt let me introduce her. COACH UKAI can we take a min to introduce her?”
“...fine whatever just dont take too long”
“alr bet”
(i hc daichi, tanaka, and asahi got that negro in em so if you dont like that then suck my dick and you may think bc i am a woman i dont have one but i have a pink di—)
they introduce you
“this is l/n y/n. she was a first year manager with kiyoko until she had to transfer but now she’s back!” goodlooks suga
“any questions?”
“how are you so tall?” hinata
“ask another dumb question like that and i swear to GOD hinata.” sugamama
“can you play volleyball?” kageyama
“yeah i can. i play with ushijima”
“what 😀” asahi
“can SHE PLAY WITH US????” - hinata
tsukishima cant even talk shit bc you really could rock his ass
he gotta look up at you he dont want no smoke lmaoaoao
they were just hounding you with questions now and suga a lil peeved bc damn yall cant pay attention in class and ask all these questions but as soon as our babylove comes in yall suddenly got shit to say? 🚶🏽‍♂️
“she’s hot, tall and plays volleyball? i mean shit l/n senpai...” - nishinoya’s thirsty ass
“ahnt I THINK THE FUCK NOT?” - daichi
during this kiyoko just pulls you to the bench so you can just chat with da girlz
aka her and yachi
yachi fumbling and stumbling
like mamas you lookin real scrum-dilly-ious
“i-im yachi hitoka! nice to meet you senpai”
you’ve already adopted her
“i love you now. kiyoko can i take her in”
“she isnt a stray animal babylove.”
yachi’s a lil like???? yall got a poly thang happenin? is this whats going on?
you saw the confusion in her eyes
“they call me babylove since i used to act like like a lovin mother to em and i had a baby face”
(i suffer from baby face syndrome and istg if someone says i look like a lil kid one more time i’m gonna pop off like the fourth of july fym i look like a lil kid bitCH GET OUTTA MY FA— lemme stop being so aggressive in these)
now we all know nishinoya is DOWN with the melanin.... and you sittin with the gorls lookin all... tasteful and melaninated.
is melaninated a word? i dont know but i will continue to use it even if it isnt
now he suddenly sitting beside you
“hey mamas”
excuse me? i beg your pardon?
“uh hello?”
stage 1 complete he’s now your simp lmao
“you’re beautiful”
“nishinoya if you dont get yo clown ass the FUCK up over here” daichi’s black ass and sugamama
yeah they missed you and you def played volleyball
they made the mistake of letting you play on the team with daichi, suga, and asahi
you bodied they asses
even coach ukai had to hold in that snicker
you damn near beheaded hinata with that spike
that boy hit a note so high ms. ariana grande was given a run for her money
the slangs are out and kageyama has never been so confused
static? bum ass bitch? tf that shit mean
(ny slang be confusing me too homie its alright)
yall right after they lost
but yeah eventually the first years warmed up to you
as soon as you affectionately patted kageyama’s head he was done for
that boy is ✨t o u c h s t a r v e d ✨
you fussed over yama and tsukki and they were sold
yama bc you were really sweet
tsuki? same reason but he aint telling you he said “im taking that shit to the fucking GRAVE”
das all bc baby im blanking out and i’m doing stupid like kaminari after he short circuits
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fan-fantasies · 4 years
Partners? (Namjoon smut)
Pairing?: Namjoon x virgin!reader (college! au)
Warnings?: SMUT, fingering, oral, bit of a daddy kink, virgin reader, swearing (i think thats it?)
Word count?:a little over 8k
A/N: Hey guys! Its been a bit, kinda crazy that its now that i wanna write. So just a life update, i’m back at college, we are doing in person classes so I’m not sure how busy i’ll be. Though on a better note i’ve been writing a lot for some reason and am only now feeling inspired to do so. Anyways, someone needs to stop me from writing smut, I suck so bad at it but here I am continuing to write. Anyways, i hope you guys enjoy. Maybe i’ll post something else later in the week or by the weekend, who knows. Thanks for all the love and support you give me and Heather, we really appreciate it! <3 ~Breezy
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In the three years, you had been at your university you had honestly believed that college dorm sex was the worst kind of sex to have. Not only did you have to be slightly quieter as to not allude the other students around you of what you were doing, but you had to make sure that you timed it just right so your roommate wouldn’t walk in on you. The number of times you had walked in on your roommate and her boyfriend finishing up was honestly insanely high. 
You and your roommate had been rooming together since your first year, you had moved into her room after your first roommate decided she wanted to party all the damn time. The two of you just seemed to click right away, you two had enough in common that you would stay up all night just chatting away. Usually talking about weird things and just end up going to bed without another word. 
Today was another day, your writing workshop had seemed to take its toll on you seeing as though you were dragging your feet on the pavement, how you hadn’t tripped yet was beyond your logic. You let out a rather loud yawn as you trudged towards your dorm building which seemed to be much farther away then you remember. 
“Hey!”A voice called from behind you, it took you a moment to realize that someone was talking to you. Stopping in your tracks, you turn and see a tall figure jogging towards you. You instantly recognize him by his blonde hair, he usually sits next to you in your workshop class. Namjoon was his name.
When he finally caught up to you, he stopped to catch his breath, “Damn, I’m out of shape,” he pants before standing back up fully. He was tall, practically towering over you. 
“Sorry to just run up to you,” he begins, “but I know we will be having a group project soon and I enjoy your writing so I was wondering if you would want to work with me?” He says looking at you, there was a small smile on his face. 
You had done proofreading on his work before, it was honestly amazing but you weren’t sure what he saw in your work. 
“Y-Yeah! Sure, I would like to work with you,” you smile, “I enjoy your work too!” You follow up as you watch his smile grow and small dimples appear. 
“Awesome!”He exclaims, “Can I have your number? So we can talk about times to meet up or maybe throw ideas at each other.”
You’re too mesmerized by his cute smile to say words, so you simply nod at his question. Both of you exchange numbers before you both go into different directions. 
You were lucky that Namjoon had stopped you to talk because if he hadn’t, you likely would have walked in on your roommate and her boyfriend having their sexy time. Unlocking the door, you enter, seeing the two of them in bed just kinda chatting but you knew they were likely naked under those blankets. You kept your eyes from looking in that direction as you walk towards your side of the room. 
Your roommate had greeted you, which you happily reply with a simple greeting. You knew the two of them would go back to chatting until they either fell asleep or he would get dressed and leave. You put your earbuds into your ears and began to read over the assignment that was given for another class and began to work on it. Engrossed in the music, your head thinking about nothing but the assignment until you felt someone tap your shoulder. 
“It’s time for dinner, wanna go to the cafe?” Your roommate asked, typically you both went together or ate in the room.
“Yeah just give me a second,” you answer as you get yourself to a good stopping point before grabbing all the things you needed for dinner. 
The walk with filled with chaotic chatter as usual, though she did apologize for you nearly walking in on them again. 
“Me and him just have awful timing,” she admits, “and we can’t do anything in his room cause his roommate is literally always around,” she explains with a shrug. 
You nod, “Yes well, please for the love of all things, just text me when you think you’re gonna start anything.” You plead, “Then at least I can wait an hour or something so I don’t have to see any more than I already do.” You both laughed for a few moments before entering the building that seemed rather quiet for the time of day. 
After grabbing your plate of food and finding an empty table you both sat together enjoying each other company more than the food. 
“Hey (y/n),”
You glance behind you, surprised to see Namjoon standing behind you. “Oh hey Namjoon,” he was smiling,
“Do you mind if I join you two? I wanted to run something by you for the project,” you glance over to your roommate who was clearing giving signs to let this poor man sit. 
“Sure take a seat,”you tell him, “Oh Namjoon, this is my roommate,” you introduce both of them. Your roommate seemed more interested in trying to leave you two alone to talk then actually making a friend. She stood up, grabbing all her things, before leaving she whispers in your ear,
“He’s cute! You better be getting some of that,” she giggles before walking off not giving you a chance to explain that it was nothing like that.
“Sorry about her, she can be a little weird,” you apologize to him, he only laughed a little before you both began talking about your project.
“I don’t know about you, but I find myself writing more romance style novels then I do anything,” he laughs nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
You sat there thinking about it, “I’ve never really written a romance style thing before,” you trail, you were more into writing horror and fantasy then you were anything. 
“I enjoy horror and fantasy,” you explain looking down at your hands. You weren’t exactly expecting the reaction you had gotten.
“That's wonderful!,” He began to jot notes down in his book, “Why don’t we try to write the most obscure story? Some sort of romance horror story,”  he suggests. 
There were a few moments of silence while you thought it over, a horror romance novel? That seemed a bit out there but then again, your writing wasn’t too far off from being “out there”.
“That sounds kind of fun~,” you tell him. His beautiful bright smile appeared on his face causing a blush to appear on your cheeks. What a truly interesting project this would be.
You hadn’t even noticed that people were slowly leaving the dining room area, the both of you too engrossed on trying to come up with the perfect idea. It wasn’t until the staff came over and told you it was nearly closing time that you realized how long you had been sitting at the same table. In that period, you had brainstormed five potential ideas. Honestly, you didn’t believe that you could be so productive with anyone.
“Namjoon, your some sort of genius,” you say as the two of you walk back towards the dorm buildings,
He laughs and shakes his head, “Well I wouldn’t say I’m a genius,” he began, “We can work really well together which is just a good thing,” he tries to explain, you figured he didn’t know how to word his statement but you understood what he meant. It was a relief to think someone so great had wanted to be your partner, since you last partner did none of the work and royally screwed you over. 
“Do you want to meet up tomorrow?” He asks, “To brainstorm some more,” he quickly adds . You thought for a moment only to remember tomorrow was the worst day of the week. 
“I won’t be able to till pretty late. My last class gets out around seven,” you sigh glancing up at him,
He just gave you a nod, “Why don’t we meet up tomorrow after your class for a little bit? I don’t mind staying up a little later,” he suggests,
You weren’t sure if your body could carry you that long, “I don’t know Joon~,” you trail, “I’m not sure I’ll be able to function after such a long day,” you try to reason, 
It was clear he understood but he seemed a bit taken back, “Joon?” He questioned, your eyes went wide with shock, 
“O-Oh, I’m sorry… I tend to give people nicknames and I don’t ever ask if its okay,” you blurt out in hopes you didn’t actually offend him. 
He just laughed, “No it’s alright, I like that a lot,” he answer causing a huge weight to lift from your chest. 
“How about this? We meet up tomorrow, a friend of mine works at a small diner right down the street. He would give us a place in the back if we wanted to work and we can get something to eat,” he says, “if the time comes and your tired then we won’t go,” he concludes. You decided to just tell him yes, not like it was a hard choice. 
You both said your goodbyes before entering your building and heading towards your room. Your roommate was sitting on her bed, laptop on her lap as she scrolled through Facebook. Her face lit up when she saw you, 
“Spill it!” She squealed looking at you hoping for some juicy details of a ‘hook up’. 
You raised your eyebrow, “There is nothing to spill,” you tell her, “We sat and talked about our project,”
She groaned loudly, for some reason she was always trying to convince you to sleep with someone. “Come on girl!” She shrieks, “You need to get some of him!” She put her laptop onto her bed and turned to face you. “He’s super cute and I’m pretty sure he likes you,” 
You knew she was happy for you but she honestly tended to be a little over the top about it. 
“Just forget about it, he’s my project partner,” you didn’t say anything else, you got your bag ready for you long day of classes. 
You knew you were asleep, but this dream felt so real to you. The library was quiet, you really enjoyed studying on the second floor of the library cause no one typically ventured down this far. It almost felt like a secret spot to you. 
“You like this spot too?” A voice asked, you knew it was Namjoon, you didn’t even have to look up from your book. 
“Its quiet and no one can distract me,” you explain continuing to let your eyes scan the book in front of you. 
“Can I join you?” You gave him a nod before he pulled a chair up next to you. The both of you studying in silence for what seemed like forever, it was peaceful and calming. That was until you felt his large hand on your knee. 
You froze at the sudden contact, finally glancing up from your book only to see him reading his as if nothing was happening. 
“N-Namjoon?” You stammer trying to keep yourself calm and to not over think it. He glanced over from his book, only to send you a wink before going back to his reading. What in the world was happening? 
You went back to your reading only to feel his hand creep higher up your leg, now reaching your mid thigh. You felt you stomach twist, not in disgust but in excitement. You tried so desperately to focus on your reading. Though his hand just kept creeping higher until reaching the apex of your thigh. You bit your lip, gently squeezing your legs together. His hand squeezed your thigh, he clicked his tongue in displeasure. Using his strength he pried your legs apart, though you didn’t try to fight back, it was easy to say you weren’t apposed to this happening. 
Once again looking up from your book, you finally saw him looking at you. His eyes blown with lust, it took your breath away. 
“Joon?” You whisper softly as he sets his book down. 
He chuckles, “Keep reading babygirl, and remember keep quiet,” he mumbles, “this is a library,” 
You aren’t sure what his plan is until you feel his hand creep up and begin to unbutton you jeans. You cheeks begin to heat up but you don’t protest, it almost turned you on more. You continue to try to focus on your book as he shimmy you jeans down your legs. Eventually his hand found its way between your thighs, his long fingers gently rubbing over your clothed core. You held back a moan, you had never been touched like this by anyone. 
He felt you tense up and could clearly see the wet spot starting to appear on your underwear, 
“Someones excited,” he chuckles glancing up at you, “Have you thought about this, me touching you like this?” He whispers now expecting an answer, 
You nod your head, “Y-Yes,” you whimper out, you wanted more, you NEEDED more. 
“Now be a good girl and start reading to me, don’t miss a word or I’ll stop,” you couldn’t believe your ears, he wanted you to read? You felt him move your underwear aside, his fingers dipping down through your wet folds. You whimper softly, 
“You heard me baby, start reading,” he growls lowly causing a shiver to run down your spine. Slowly you begin to read where you left off, reading something about the Egyptian gods and how the society revolved around them. You had honestly stoped paying attention up until this point. 
As you continued to read, his fingers ran through your folds collecting you wetness before gently making circles on your clit. The low moan that left you lips was unintentional and not something you had hoped would come from you but you continued to read. 
“You’re so wet baby,” Namjoon mumbles as he kisses your inner thigh, his fingers now trailing towards your entrance before he slowly interested a finger into you. 
You couldn’t help but stop reading, you knew if you continued the moan that would have escaped your lips would have alerted the who library. Just like he said, he stoped when you didn’t continue reading.
“What did I tell you babygirl?” He huskily asks, you began to pant unsure if you can answer. 
“P-Please daddy,” you whine, “just give me a minute, i-i’ll keep reading~ I promise,” the fact that you had just uttered those words even surprised you seeing as though you didn’t think that was something you were that into. 
He gave you a curt nod, “You better beautiful, or I won’t move,” you tried desperately to catch your breath but it took a few moments until you found yourself reading again. Once you began to read, Namjoon slowly began to pump his finger in and out of you. It took every inch of you to not stop or to stumble on your words. 
It wasn’t until he added a second finger where things started to go down hill. You began to stutter, soft moans began to leave your lips.
“P-Please, can I stop reading?” You beg hoping to get an answer you liked. 
He just chuckled as he stopped his motion, “Why should I let you stop baby?” He teased looking up at you, you didn’t have an answer to his question. 
“You gotta study babygirl,” he teases as he slowly pumps his finger in and out of you. 
“P-Please daddy, I wanna watch you,” you whine causing him to stop, 
“You like this?” He begins to move his fingers faster, you put your book down. “If you aren’t gonna read you’re gonna look right at me,” he says looking you directly in the eyes. You gave him a nod locking eyes with him. While keeping eye contact, slowly he leans forward leaving a single kitten like on your clit, almost testing the waters. You bit your tongue to hold back the moan that would have escaped. 
Without warning he went straight in, sucking your clit between his lips.
“o-oh fuck,” you whimper as you try to keep eye contact with him, the feeling of his lips harshly sucking on you, while pumping his fingers into you. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. When he finally inserted a third finger, your head rolled back a moan finally leaving your lips. You felt him gently slap your thigh to gain your attention, 
“Eyes on me babygirl, I wanna see your beautiful face when you cum on my fingers,” you felt yourself get closer to your release, 
“Fuck, are you gonna cum babygirl? I feel you tightening around my fingers.” He groans, “You like doing this in public don’t you? You like the idea of getting caught, don’t you?” He taunts, you moan not able to form words, 
“Answer me,” he growls against your clit as he gently nibbles on it, 
“Yes daddy, I like it,” you whines out softly, he chuckled sending vibrations straight to your core. 
“I knew you did you slut,” his words only pushing you closer to the edge, 
“I’m so close,” you moan, “Please daddy, let me cum,” you beg, he groans at the sound of you begging. 
“Go on babygirl, cum for daddy,” he groaned out move his fingers faster. The look in his eyes was enough to throw you over the edge, your legs began to shake as you finally reached your climax. He helped you through your high, working his fingers slowly in and out of you until you finally came down. 
“What a good girl~”
Your eyes snapped open, you could feel the wetness pooling between your legs, you hated wet dreams…. You grumbled to yourself as you looked at your phone and saw that it was seven o’clock, thirty minutes before your alarm as to go off. 
“God damn it,” you mumble under your breath as you get out of bed, deciding to take a shower to start the day and maybe you might be able to deal with the aching between your legs. 
Your day had honestly started off alright considering waking up earlier than intended.  Your first three classes went by rather well, though you had two more to go. Between walking from building to building you stopped into the cafeteria to grab a quick snack seeing as though you wouldn’t be eating until eight o’clock tonight when you met with Joon.
In your rush to get in and out quickly, you ran into something solid, 
“(Y/n)? You alight?” A concerned voice asked, you nodded before looking up, 
“Yeah, I’m alright Hobi,” you say, “I’m sorry for running into you, I’m in a bit of a rush,” you explain to him, he smiled his bright smile before speaking, 
“No harm done! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the club meeting!” He say as you rush off. Hobi was president of a dance club that you had been apart of since your freshmen year, but it wasn’t until Hobi came around that you guys ever did anything. You were finally doing shows and competitions, it was honestly the most amazing thing. The both of you bonded over a duet you did together that would be considered pretty risky for just friends to do. Ever since then you two were honestly the best of friends. 
Rushing towards your next class you munched on a piece of toast, you weren’t running late but if you walked slow enough you would be. You just kept telling yourself that you were almost done and soon you would be meeting with your cute new friend. 
Seven o’clock came around and you were trying your best to keep yourself awake, you last class had a quiz that you had completely forgot about and it honestly took everything out of you. 
“Hey (y/n),” Namjoon says as he meets you outside of the school building. 
You yawn and smile, “Hi Joon,” he frowns, he can clearly see that you were tired. 
“Let me take you to your room,” he says with his usual smile, you looked at him in confusion,
“N-No, Joon lets go do our project,” you yawn as you begin to walk, he stops you by gently grabbing your hand,
“Why don’t we go to your room, we can work there if you want,” he says, you nodded sleepily. You must have been that sleepy to invite the boy your roommate shipped you with back to your room. This was a disaster waiting to happen. 
Namjoon walked with you into your room, your roommate was no where in sight. Weird, she must have been at her boyfriends room…
“Make yourself at home,’ you yawn as you set you bag down by your desk and promptly take a seat on your bed. 
“Fuck~” Namjoon mutters as he checks his phone, 
“Whats wrong?” You ask sleepily, you kinda cuddling into your bed. 
“My roommates girlfriend is over, meaning I need to find a place to crash tonight,” he mumbles clearly not happy about the predicament. 
Without thinking you spoke up, “Stay here,” he seems to freeze in his place, “I don’t mind,” you yawn again now laying down in the bed. 
“A-Are you sure (y/n)? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he reasons with you. You pat the empty space next to you, honestly not caring what he did. 
He must have realized no work was getting done tonight, because the lights went out and you felt him lay behind you. You could tell he was trying to keep his distance like a gentleman but you weren’t a fan of personal space. 
A soft yawn escaped your lips  as you cuddled closer to his chest, you had always liked being warm when you slept and he was practically radiating heat. Namjoon tensed up behind you, unsure of what to do mainly because he didn’t want to overstep his boundaries. Though he felt himself slowly drift to sleep, his arm gently draping over your waist gently. He could help but feel butterflies in his stomach, it was true he found you cute and that he may have gained a crush on you in the small amount of time you knew each other. Though he wasn’t going to complain about what was happening, no way in hell but he just hoped when you both woke up you things wouldn’t be too awkward. 
You heard the door slowly open, at what you assumed was, early that next morning. You didn’t pay much mind to it seeing as though you were so comfortable and warm in your bed. The soft giggles of your roommate were faint as you slowly began to wake up from your peaceful sleep. You had begun to realize that you pillow was a bit harder then usual…You eyes fluttered open only to find that your pillow was, in fact, the hard chest that belonged to none other then Namjoon. You knew nothing had happened last night, and that this was nothing more. 
“What time is it?” You groan quietly to your roommate, 
“A little after seven,” she says just as quietly, “I see you had a fun night,” she teased, 
You stuck your tongue out at her, “No, he came over to work on our project and I fell asleep, his roommate had his girlfriend over and needed a place to crash.” You tell her as quietly as you could without waking the gentle giant. Your roommate still giggled and went to her side of the room, you assumed to get ready for the class she had today. 
You took this moment to look up at Joons sleeping face, his hair was slightly disheveled and his lips slight agape. Every so often he would softly snore and shift a little. You honestly wished you could have this view all the time. You watched for as he slowly began to wake up, his eyes fluttered open. 
A small smile formed on his lips, “Morning,” he mumbled lowly in his deep morning voice. 
“Morning Joon,” you say just as softly as you slowly try to sit up, instead he slowly pulls you back, 
“Stay for a bit longer,” he groans as he seems to close his eyes again. You honestly didn’t fight him, though you knew your roommate wasn’t gonna let you live it down. It wasn’t much longer until your eyes fluttered shut again and you fell asleep. 
You woke up again, this time to a tickling feeling against your neck. It didn’t take you long to realize that it was Namjoon’s breath against your neck. His face was buried into your neck, his lips ridiculously close to touching your skin. You tried so hard to control your breathing, to ignore the feeling of arousal starting to pool between your legs. Just the idea of his lips on your neck was enough to cause said aching between your legs. 
Namjoon groans in his sleep, shifting closer to you, his lips now brushing gently against the nape of your neck. You bit your lip in order to hold back the whimper that was rising from your throat. This man had no idea what he was doing to you. You continued to feel his lips lightly brush against your neck for a few moment, holding back was becoming incredibly hard. You wanted to move but his arm was securely wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him, maybe he was aware of what he did to you…
You tried to push that thought away from you there was no way he knew, well that’s what you thought. Not seconds later did his lips press against your neck, not roughly but just enough that a the whimper you had been holding back finally made an appearance. His lips didn’t move, it was clear that he was still asleep. 
“J-Joon,” you whisper out in hopes that maybe he would wake up, He just groaned in his sleep, his lips continuing to graze your neck. 
“Namjoon,” you breath out, trying to hide your embarrassment, you honestly couldn’t believe that something this simple was turning you on. Slowly he began to shift, his lips moving away from you now as his eyes opened. 
“(Y/N)?” He groans as he slowly wakes up, you sat there trying to catch your breath. You heart was still pounding in your chest, 
“Are you okay?” He asked, clear concern laced in his voice. 
You nod your head, “Y-Yeah, just woke up from a weird dream,” you stammer out trying to keep yourself calm. He sits up looking at you, he was worried about you clearly. 
“I’m alright, I promise,” you say, “do you have class today? We can do some of our project today.” You say trying to change the subject. He rubs his eyes, before shaking his head, 
“I have a club meeting tonight but that’s about it,” he replies, he keeps an arm wrapped around you as you chatted,
“You’re in a club?” You question, you assumed he was in some sort of ‘smart person’ club but you wouldn’t actually admit that out loud. 
“A childhood friend wanted me to join a club with him,” he says with a nod, 
“Who’s your friend? If you don’t mind me asking,” you ask honestly kinda curious to see if you know them.
“His names Hoseok,” he says with a shrug, 
You sat there shocked for a second, “Wait, Jung Hoseok?” You ask, when he nodded you nearly had a heart attack, “You’re joining the dance club?” You blurted, you really hoped he didn’t take offense to that. 
He laughed and nodded, “Yes, I know it’s a bit strange. He roped a bunch of our friends together to do some sort of dance together,” he laughed, “He even managed to ask our friend Seokjin and Yoongi to come back to join it,” He explained, now you were interested, 
“Wait, Min Yoongi?” You ask, “The music production major, who on the last day literally cussed out the professor?” You squack, causing the both of you to laugh. His laugh was honestly adorable to say the least. 
“Yes that Yoongi,” he confirmed, “We all became friends at a young age and we all just kinda stayed together I guess.” He chuckled, you smiled hearing that. You didn’t have many friends growing up, and the ones you did lost contact and you all just kinda faded away. Not like you really cared seeing as though you never really liked having friends anyways. 
“I didn’t realize he would be someone to be into dancing,” you mutter causing Namjoon to chuckle, there were no other words spoken for a few moments. 
Eventually, the both of you began to work on your project. You both of you throwing ideas back and forth of the strangest thing. 
“Hear me out,” you begin with a giggle, “What about these two friends live together, and one of them becomes possessed by a demon,” you explain, “the demon sees that the friend it’s possessing is madly in love with the other. So it spends all its time trying to get them together,” you conclude looking at his face for any sort of thought. 
A bright smile spread across his face, “Thats amazing! It’s perfect!” He says happily, jotting it all down in his notes. The both of you continued to work for most of the day, it seemed like both of your minds just joined together as one. 
Before you realized it, it was nearly time for you to head to club. 
He began to pack up his things, “So I’ll see you there?” He asked with a happy smile, you gave him a happy nod before saying goodbye. Once he left, you threw on your more dance worthy clothing before grabbing your water bottle and keys, before locking your door and leaving. 
You were one of the first to arrive after Hobi, he was quick to run to you and engulf you into the tightest hug imaginable. 
You were happy to give him an even bigger hug, “Hobi!” You squeal happily, his cute laugh filled the room as you both just stood embracing each other. Though it honestly hadn’t been that long since you had seen him, you both often greeted each other this way. 
It was honestly the one thing you looked forward to. If it weren’t for Hobi, you wouldn’t be the person you were today. As you waited for the rest of the club, the both of you stretched and spoke together about the things you had done over your summer or just random things that you both had been up to. 
Eventually a few stragglers came in before the large group of boys that you were kind of familiar with. The three you recognized was, of course, Namjoon who walked beside Yoongi. You had only seen him a few times, Yoongi was pretty quiet when he wasn’t with his friends. You had nearly worked a project with him, a singer was needed, you had auditioned but the day you were asked to go in they had turned everyone away. He had decided to do something different. 
The last person you recognized was Jimin, you had met him through the club. He was a true sweetheart and was honestly a dance god. You honestly envied his talent, he was an amazing dancer with so much passion. You had both danced together once, you had nearly won a competition his first time doing the club. 
Hoseok’s voice filled the room as he greeted his friends from where he was standing, you could tell he was extremely happy to see that they had actually decided to show up. He waved you over with a wide smile, you cautiously walk over not exactly sure how this would go over. 
“Guys! This is (Y/N), she’s another good friend of mine!” He introduces, you gave an awkward smile and wave as they all introduced themselves. Jimin greeted you with a sweet hug as the others just kinda waved. 
“I’m just so glad you guys are here!” He cheers with a giggle, each person broke into a pretty wide smile. This years club was going to be an interesting one, you could tell. 
A few months had gone by, Namjoon and yourself had gotten closer than ever. If you squinted you would honestly think you were an actual couple, well most people believed that you were anyways. You were always together, either working on your project or just hanging out together.  Hobi had noticed the two of you getting close, so he decided to make you dance partners. It was honestly the most amazing thing to happen, it only brought you two closer together. 
So close that your roommate just wouldn’t stop teasing you, asking when you were finally gonna take things to the next step. You obviously told her that you both weren’t in that kind of relationship, she would just roll her eyes and continue to tease you. 
Today was like any other day, except today you stayed in his room. The both of you sat in his bed watching a random movie that played on his computer. You two often did this on the weekends, it was a way for you to de-stress and just spend time away from everyone. 
Though something was different, Namjoon seemed nervous. He arm was slung over your shoulder, you wanted so desperately to cuddle into his side. 
Recently the stresses of college had really gotten to you, all the work and projects you had to get done where starting to take its tole. You hadn’t been sleeping well, you hadn’t been eating well and honestly you had gone a week or so without interacting with anyone, that included going to your favorite club. 
“Are you okay?” Joon questions snapping you out of your thoughts. You didn’t speak for a few seconds, the only sound to be heard was the sound of the tv. 
“I’m alright,” you finally answer, “I’m just glad to be finally having a break from everything.” You whisper softly, he gave a small nod before pulling you closer to his side. The faint smell of his cologne fulled your nose instantly calming you down. 
“Thanks Joonie,” you mumble snuggling into him more, if that’s even possible. You heard him chuckle a little. You glanced up to him, much to your surprise he was looking at you, his dimpled smile showing. You found yourself glancing down at his lips a few times, honestly wondering if they were a soft as they looked. He seemed to notice you gaze rather quickly, he was always a little slow when it came to the signs but he could see that this was something you might have wanted. He slowly leans towards you, his lips now extremely close to yours. 
“N-Namjoon,” you whisper, looking into his dark eyes. Concern filled them for a second, afraid he had done something wrong. “Kiss me, please,” you tell him, not wanting to wait another second. He seems frozen at your request, so you took the leap of faith. Gently you connected your lips together, it was clear that the both of you were nervous. 
The kiss lasted only a few seconds, before he pulled away slowly, you heart was beating out of your chest. Before you knew it, his hands gently grabbed your waist, pulling you onto his lap you legs straddling him. One of his hands sat gently on your side while the other caressed the back of your neck. He pulls you back in for another kiss, this one passionate and showed all the feelings he had. His hand held you close as his tongue gently snaked his way into your mouth. Was this was really happening?
You couldn’t help but involuntarily rolling your hips against his causing the both of you to moan into each others mouths. You finger tangled in his hair holding him as close as you could get him. Was this actually happening? You’d never done this with anyone before but you weren’t going to stop, this felt way too right. 
You pulled away from his lips, both of you trying to catch your breath. Cautiously his lips trailed down your neck, leaving feather light kisses everywhere that he could. You let out a soft sign, the feeling foreign but pleasant. As he became more confident in himself, his lips pressed harder onto your neck occasionally sucking and nipping at the skin cause soft moans to slip past you lips. His hands began to wander cautiously, giving you an opportunity to stop him at any time. You hadn’t planed to stop him, even after his hands began to wander under your shirt touching your bare waist. He pulled away from your neck, looking you in the eyes asking for permission. You simply nodded, you didn’t have to say words the both of you could practically feel each others energies. 
His lips connected to yours again, you grabbed the edge of your shirt, slowly pulling it up and off of you. The kiss continued for a few moments before he too shed his shirt. Your hands began to trail his toned stomach, he was so well built… 
A groan escaped his lips as a hands began to trail up towards your chest, his hands cupping your cloth covered breasts gently almost testing the waters. Once again his lips trailed down your neck heading towards your semi-exposed chest. Taking this chance, you reach behind to unclasp your bra letting it fall from your chest. He doesn’t hesitate to let his lips wander further down until his lips attached to one of your nipples. You couldn’t stop the moan that trembled from your lips causing him to glance up at you and pull away, 
“You gotta be quiet, we don’t need everyone hearing,” he chuckled with a small smirk causing wetness to pool between your legs. He left a few kitten likes against your nipple before seeing your reaction, “Unless you want everyone to know.” This caused another moan to surface giving him the answer he was looking for. He used his strength to lay you down on your back, him hovering above you. His lips continuing to assault your breasts, leaving small love bites and soft kisses as he worked his way down towards you stomach. 
“Joon, please,” you whine softly trying to keep your voice down. He left light kisses near your navel as he slowly began to pull down your sweatpants. Lifting your hips off the bed to help get your pants off. He wasted no time, leaving light kisses against you thighs leaving your body shaking with anticipation. He silently drank in your form before leaning down kissing near the waistband of your panties, he glances up at you almost silently asking for permission which you happily gave him. He pulled them down your legs carefully, you hear him audibly groan at the sight of you. 
“You’re so wet baby,” he groans as he begins to kiss your thighs again making his way higher and higher. He parts your legs, placing them on his shoulders as he dives in. His tongue automatically finding your clit, you bit your lip silencing the cry that the whole building would likely had heard. Your fingers tangled in his hair, holding on for dear life, his mouth felt amazing. 
“H-Holy shit, that feels so good,” you moan softly, you felt him smile against you, occasionally groaning as he continued to eat you out. The closer you to to your high, which was a lot faster than you would hope, the harder it became to hold back your moans. 
“Joon, I’m so close, please,” you beg trying to keep your voice down as low as you could, your grip in his hair tightened causing him to groan. You hips bucked up against his face, trying to chase your orgasm. He flattens his hands against your stomach, pinning you down so you couldn’t move. This only brought you closer, after a few moments of chasing your much needed orgasm he growls against you, 
“Cum for me, baby,” That was all it took before you were thrown over the edge, the idea of him being able to bring you to an orgasm with just his tongue only seemed to intensify it. 
“Joon,” you whine as you came down from your high but his ministrations didn’t stop. You tried to push him away but he held you down. It was only a moment before he from between your legs, crawling up your body and kissing you lustfully. You could still taste yourself on his tongue as you fought for dominance. His fingers gently touched your sensitive clit causing you to gasp against his lips, he pulls away slightly,
“Relax baby,” he whispers, “I have to prep you for me,” he nips at your neck, as his fingers trail down towards your entrance you grab his hand. 
A faint blush crept on your cheeks, now feeling embarrassed, his eyes softened. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked genuinely concerned about this, you covered your face in embarrassment. 
“I-I’m a virgin,” you mumble, gently he moved your hands from your face. He looks directly into your eyes, you could only see love in his eyes. 
“It’s alright,” he kisses your cheek sweetly, “If you want to stop we can, I don’t wanna rush you,” he begins, “If not, I will be really gentle alright? I would never hurt you,” he whispers, you felt tears well up in your eyes. You couldn’t believe he actually cared that much for you…. 
“Please keep going,” you whisper, “I trust you,” you watch as his smile grew wider, the love in his eyes only grew brighter. 
“Then I will be really gentle, you just have to tell me if I’m hurting you,” he says; you give him a nod of understanding before he continued. His lips connected to yours once more in a quick kiss before he gently laid his forehead against yours, his finger circling your entrance. You gave him a small nod while looking into his eyes. He took the first step, slowly inserting a finger into you. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling to start with, kinda uncomfortable but the longer you adjusted. You knew this was just the beginning though. 
Slowly he began to move his finger, testing the water to see how you were feeling, the moan that escaped your lips seemed to egg him on. His pace slowly quickened, before slowly entering a second finger into the mix. He halted his motions for a few moments, 
“You’re doing so well beautiful,” he whispered in your ear, along with a few other encouraging words that seemed to shoot a tingling sensation right down to your core.  
“M-Move, please,” you whine not wanting him to hold back any more. He took that as his cue, starting a slow almost teasing pace that drove you crazy. Though the slow pace didn’t exactly last too long, it began to pick up. His eyes never left yours, watching as your face would contort in please just by the flex of his fingers. 
“J-Joon,” you moan, “I want you,” he didn’t need to be told twice. He pushed himself off the bed, finding a condom not in his desk but his roommates. This made you giggle, 
“he won’t notice, the guy goes through them like candy,” he grumbles as he pulls down his sweatpants and boxers. His hard cock hits his stomach, the tip already leaking pre-cum as he put the condom on and hovered above you. 
“This will hurt a little, alright? But just for a minute,” he advices as he lined up with your entrance. Once he slowly began to sink into you, holding back tears you pulled him closer to you burying you face into the crook of his neck. He whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you laid together adjusting to his size, the pain slowly turned into a dull ache and eventually nearly nothing. 
“Y-You can move,” you tell him as he pecks your lips. Slowly he pulls himself out and back in, setting a slow pace just to start out. Soft moans continued to flow from your lips, trying so hard to keep quiet but it was proving a harder task than you thought. 
He kept the slow pace for a few minutes, the he began to speed up until he was nearly pounding into you. All you could do was moan his name as you were, once again, building up towards your orgasm. Namjoon left soft kisses against your neck, leaving love bites in his wake, 
“Are you gonna cum, baby?” He growls against your neck, 
You hold back the loud moan you were threatening to let out, “yes,” you moan, “Yes daddy,” you whimper, you felt his tense slightly at the name he was just called. A blush crept up your neck and to your cheeks, you honestly believed you had screwed up. 
“Call me that again,” he groans into your ear as he began to snap his hips forward thrusting deeper than before.
“Daddy,” you whine, “I’m so close please,” you sob trying to keep your cries to a dull roar but you were ultimately failing. He continues to thrust, now rougher than ever but you could tell that the name was really getting to him. You could feel the knot in your stomach endlessly tightening but it wasn’t enough, you needed something else. Almost as if he read your mind, his hand snuck down between your bodies, his finger tips drawing tight circles on your clit. 
“Come on baby,” he groans, “Cum for daddy,” he growls while making eye contact with you. You felt the knot snap, you pull Namjoon down into a suffocating kiss, muting the loud moan that escaped as you found your release. Namjoon followed behind, as he felt your walls tighten around him his thrust got sloppy, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. 
“Shit, fuck,” he groans into your neck as he released into the condom. His thrusts continued until he nearly collapsed on top of you. The both of you panting, trying to catch your breath. Before he got to comfy he tied the condom off and threw it in the trash. He pulled the blankets over the both of you, and pulled you towards his chest, his heart was still racing. 
“That was amazing,” you say softly, cuddling into his chest. He only nodded in agreement, taking a few minutes to figure out what he wanted to say. That was until the sound of his door unlocking brought you both out of your daze. 
You weren’t prepared for who walked in. 
“Woah, what the fuck…” a familiar voice said, the both of you glanced over only to see your roommate and her boyfriend walk in. 
“No fucking way!” Your roommate squeals in, honest to god, joy. You buried your face into Namjoon’s chest to hide the deep red blush that appeared. 
“Can you guys like, leave?” Namjoon asked, hoping that they wouldn’t over stay their welcome. The both of them laughed, his roommate grabbing a few things before heading back towards the door, 
“So this is what it feels like to be walked in on?” He mumbled causing you and Joon to laugh. When the two of them left, leaving you two alone did he finally speak. 
“I want to take you out,” he mumbles, “Please… I kind of did this in the wrong order,” he rubbed the back of his neck. You giggled at him, his nervousness was honestly the cutest thing. 
“I would love to go out Joonie,” you say kissing his cheek, “Now can we take a nap?” You ask with a giggle. He gave a wide smile before nodding. 
“Of course beautiful,” he whispers as the both of you lay down, he pulls you into his warm chest before the both of you fall asleep.
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technowoah · 3 years
Hi! If you do tommyinnit x reader (romantic), I would like one where reader is tubbo's sister perhaps? She would have the feature reader has still not tubbos. Maybe they meet when tubbo and tommy meet up and he just kinda starts to like her? If not that's ok! -paw <3
Prepare For Trouble Make it Double
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I hope this suffices 😋
Tommyinnit x Tubbo's sister!reader (blurb?)
⚠︎ its tommy so it'll be slight swearing-
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It wasn't a secret that Tubbo had siblings, he had Lani of course, but what people didn't know that he had another sister closer to his age.
You tended to stay out of the spotlight, for reasons. Streaming was interesting but not your fortè. You usually tended to stay behind the camera when Tubbo was streaming or off to the side quietly talking to him as he did his own lore or sitting on Lani's bed doing your own thing listening to her talking to her viewers.
Your siblings never tried to convince you to go out of your comfort zone and appear on streams, only once in a blue moon you would talk to Lani out of frame. Lani of course would respond, the chat would freak out asking if you were a friend, finally the moment was gone as fast as it came.
Thats how days go in their household. Tending to hover around eachother and whatever they were doing at the moment. But it was this one particular moment when Tubbo was streaming and he suddenly decided to bring you on to show his 700k viewers that he had another sister.
He had pulled up a brown folding chair next to him and patted it beckoning you to sit down in frame.
Tubbo was currently streaming on the Dream SMP, you didnt think he was doing lore today so you hesitated a little bit. Other days you wouldn't have budged out of your spot out of sight, but he looked so excited in his yellow jumper you had bought for him whe going to out to the shops.
In a unrelated note You remember saying that "yellow is your color" and he ended up buying it, and his stans loved the jumper. So a win win.
"C'mon Y/N!" He yelled as continued to pat the folding chair next to him.
You ended up shuffling over to the seat next to him and smiling at the camera. Over in the corner of your eye you saw the chat which was going 1 million miles an hour. You saw some comments that were basically copypastas of other comments in the chat. It was basically nonsense, now the only thought in your mind is that you're going to make an uproar on twitter.
"This is my sister chat!" Tubbo said while shaking you around by the shoulders making the both of you laugh.
"Yes chat! I have more siblings" he continued while rocking back and forth in his gamer chair.
He continued to answer more questions and ask you some too, wanting to include you in the stream.
"Lani isn't the only one! My big sister is just shy."
"I just chose not to be on their streams! I was in the background of Lani's streams though."
"Out of frame. Dosent count." Tubbo said bluntly while still walking around SnowChester in the Dream Smp not looking your way.
You could still see the chat in the corner and you couldnt tear your eyes off of it. It was slight glare from the lights and the sun shining in his gaming room. He always had the lights bright in his room. The chat was spamming purple hearts and either still freaking out that Tubbo had a sister. It was getting old to you, so you decided to lean into Tubbo's space focusing on his screen as he quickly hopped around the map.
He continued talking to chat about anything else, but your presence. He continued to talk about gathering supplies and what he needed to bring back to SnowChester. You knew a lot about the Dream Smp lore because you weren't in it. Spending time on Twitter interacting with people and their theories and also making theories and showing them to Tubbo and him debunking them, or accepting them in some way.
"So we need some more lapis." Tubbo said suddenly after being quiet for a while.
"I can help you!" You said wanting to be apart of the stream.
You might as well, you're already here.
"I dont think you can help, 'cause you're not on your account. Plus it'll be awkward with your laptop." Tubbo said while speeding through his water transportation system.
"Well I can just point it out to you." You said while leaning back into your seat.
"Talk to the chat while I go mine for lapis."
"Fine then." You smirked as you turned your attention to the speeding words in the chat.
"Is there a slow mode on this?!" You laughed.
Tubbo laughed as well. "This is on slow mode!"
You both screamed in fake agony and then turned your attention back to the chat where the you caught a few questions. You were about to answer until the chat stopped for a quick second and you saw one comment out of all for a quick second.
After that comment the whole chatt was just spamming the word 'TOMMY' or 'TOMMY IS IN CHAT'. That confused you even more than that comment.
When you did know about the Dream Smp you also knew a little bit about who Tubbo hangs out with. You knew about the time Tubbo had met up with Wilbur Soot, Philza, and Tommy. And that prompted you to look up their individual accounts and get into their content.
You knew about Tommy and his character and channel, you enjoyed his content a lot as well, but you wanted to play around a little bit. Hopefully Tubbo will play along.
"Why is the chat spamming Tommy?"
"Tommy? You know Tommy don't you?" Tubbo asked with a small bit of shock in his voice.
"No I dont, who's Tommy?" You asked again, acting oblivious.
"Oh. Oh well then, Tommy is like my best friend, we're actually meeting up soon!" Tubbo said with excitement.
He continued. "You hear that chat! You get Tommy and Tubbo content!
You had lost interest in Tubbo talking with his chat about hanging out in Brighton with Tommy again. Your eyes drifted towards the chat again and saw Tommy comment in the chat again.
"Well Tommy I dont have an account so, sorry I cant get you views whoever you are." You said responding to Tommy with a smirk.
"Woke up and chose violence huh?" Tubbo laughed and you joined in as well.
"Tommy chose violence today too."
"You both are violent you will be nice together." Tubbo said with his focus still in his screen.
"Together?!" You exclaimed.
"Yeah together!" Tubbo said matching your energy.
You rolled you eyes and continued answering other comments instead of thinking about Tubbo's answer.
After that whole, incredibly longer than you thought, stream Tubbo decides to invite you along to their little meeting. Which you didnt know how you found yourself walking along Brighton's rocky shore in old Crocs. You were walking along the shoreline letting the cold water come up and hit your feet every so often.
He was waiting for Tommy at the moment, but you wanted to walk for a bit, he let you ho on by yourself while he waited for Tommy by himself.
You were quite a long way from where Tubbo seated himself on the rocks, you were doing your own thing looking at people who stared back at you for temporarily blocking their line of view of the shore, and little kids who decide to run away from their parents who weren't paying attention. Your peaceful walk got interrupted by your thoughts because you were quite a long way from Tubbo's resting place.
You started to head back, following back the way you came, but this time picking up the pace a bit to reach your destination. As you came upon Tubbo you saw a taller figure approach Tubbo and they seemed to greet eachother, it was hard to see where you were standing. Of course it was Tommy so the two of them started talking about who knows what, until Tubbo pointed your way.
As you kept walking, Tubbo continued to wave you over enthusiastically. You waved back with the same energy, finally making your way over to the both of them.
"What's up?" You asked the two of them with a smirk.
"Nothing much! Apparently you two haven't met before! So Tommy this is Y/N! Y/N thjs is Tommy!" Tubbo user hand gestures to introduce eachother.
You held your hand for Tommy to shake it, "Hey Tommy! Im a big fan."
"Big fan?! I thought you said you didn't know me?" Tommy exclaimed.
He was a lot less shouty in real life, than online. He was still loud, but to a lesser extent.
"Yeah I lied back then." You sent him a huge grin.
Tommy scoffed and groaned a little, "I cant belive you fuckers lied to me."
"Im actually a big fan. Well not big, but a fan at least." You laughed.
Apparently you and Tommy were the only ones standing while Tubbo typed on his phone while sitting back on the rocks not paying attention and letting you both talk amongst yourselves.
"Oh! That's an honor that Tubbo's big sister like my videos." Tommy's eyes widened slightly as he talked to you.
"Big sister only by 1 year! It's close!" Tubbo complanied, looking up from his phone.
"It still count big man." Tommy said to his friend.
"Thanks Tommy!" You thanked the tall man standing next to you.
"It's only a year! It dosent count! We're the same age!" Your brother continued to complain.
After the laughter and joking around calmed down you and Tommy stood there awkwardly until he spoke up again.
"Well good thing I know what I have to deal with. I cant deal with one of you, now I have to deal with two." Tommy joked around taking a seat next to Tubbo.
The exact moment when Tommy took a seat next to Tubbo, Tubbo shot up from his spot on the ground.
"Do you think we can do Uber Eats here?" Tubbo asked as he stood up.
You say down next to Tommy. "Yeah maybe if you go to a certain place and not say "the beach".
"I'll go to the pizza place and order there. What do you both want?" Tubbo asked, ready to put in any order.
"Just get McDonald's really." You sighed leaning back on the rocks.
"Im not hungry." Tommy said bluntly.
Tubbo nodded and walked away from you both leaving you two to sit in silence for a while with the small waves crashing, and kids having their own fun. It was a comfortable silence to you, but Tommy kept figeting over where he sat criss-crossed.
Tommy finally spoke up. "Im actually fucking starving ya know?
"No I don't! You should've asked for food!" You laughed in disbelief.
Tommy sighed. "Do you want to get some food and ditch Tubbo for now?"
Your eyes widened, not opposed to the idea, but was this his plan the whole time?
He continued on, "We could go sit at that pizza place and order some food there. Just the two of us until Tubbo freaks out."
You opened your mouth to protest leaving your brother in the dark, but he beat you to it.
"Dont worry about Tubbo! Stuff rolls off his back easy."
"No it dosent-"
"Yeah it does! You wanna just go out with me now?!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Are you getting annoyed?" You asked amused at his words.
"No I am not I just-"
"Yeah I want to go to the pizza place now. I would love to Tommyinnit." You smiled at him and he smiled back.
Both of you got up and made your way over to that small pizza diner close to the beach. You only could hope this goes as well as you wanted it to
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dork-empress · 3 years
Singing in the Dead of Night Pt 3
Lucy and Damian visit Metropolis.
Past chapters are under my tag 'lucy quinzel' and the whole fic is on my AO3 (url in my description). Please reblog and leave comments.
Flock of Robins
Timtiminey:Guys. Guys. Guess what???
Jason: I thought I deleted this chat.
Timtiminey: Ha funny you think I’d allow you to do that
Timtiminey: And you didn’t guess.
Dickbutt: Tim I’m on a mission.
Timtiminey: You’re still not guessing.
Dick Grayson’s name was changed to DickiestButtiest
Stephaluffagus: Whatever Is It, Tim?
Jason: Why is Stephanie even on here?
Stephaluffagus: I was a Robin!
Timtiminey: And she asks the questions. Well, you SEE
Stephaluffagus: WHAAAA?!:?HSLHFADSKLJFKL?????
Dick Grayson’s name was changed to DatAssTho
DatAssTho: Awwwww, that’s so cute!!!
DatAssTho: Our little hellion is growing up
DatAssTho: It’s like it was just yesterday he was threatening to stab us all
Jason: That was last week at dinner.
Jason: Who the hell said yes to go out with him?
Timtiminey: That’s the best part! The old man set them up.
DatAssTho: Well thats just not fair. He never set up me on a date.
Jason: He put you on the Titans.
DatAssTho: Watch it, Todd
DatAssTho: Also, you type like an old man
Jason: With proper punctuation?
Stephaluffagus: Guys, we’re straying from the topic: Who is it??
Timtiminey: Harley’s niece, she’s got some like, clown ballerina thing going
Jason: QUINN?!?!?!
DatAssTho: Dude, they broke up ages ago
Stephaluffagus: Yeah, she’s basically more hero than you are
Jason: You really want to go down THAT route Brown?
Timtiminey: OOOOHKAYYY
Timtiminey: Rest assured, the old man vetted the girl. She’s…..unique? I’ve only seen her file, or part of it anyway
DatAssTho: Bruce has secret files doesn’t he
Timtiminey: I think I made it through the first encryption, but I’m working on the next between other cases.
Timtiminey: After all, we have to make sure she’s alright for our little Dami-kins
Stephaluffagus: Isn’t he on this chat?
Timtiminey: He’s had this muted for ages
Timtiminey: I mean, YOU can’t. I will turn it off for you
Jason: …….
Jason: Well you know it’d be a shame if I
Jason: @DamianWayne
Timtiminey: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
Damian: You’re dead Drake
DatAssTho: RIP
Stephaluffagus: He will be remembered
Jason: Prick.
“Get on already,” Damian said, exuding as much disinterested and grumpy energy as his body could manage.
Lucy skipped over to him, and looked at the seating arrangement on the Robin Cycle. “Hmm”, she said, “I don’t know if I’ll fit.” She climbed up to the back of the cycle only for her tutu to spring her backwards.
“What the hell is in that thing?” Damian asked, scowling. whatever had hit him was way more solid than fabric.
“Oh all sorts of things!” she said, “It’s my utilitutu!”
Damian really should have been used to this by now. “Your what.”
“Utility Tutu. I’ve got my balloon animals, my gas bouquet, my tamborine…”
“Well get rid of it or something,” Damian said, and was somehow surprised she did as was asked. Left in just a leotard, she hooked the tutu around her arm and jumped up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.
Luckily, he was wearing his helmet, so no one could see him blush.
He revved up the motorcycle to try and drown out his thoughts. They’d been particularly loud ever since Tim said what he said...and, maybe since Lucy said what she said.
Were they dating? Is that what was happening? Lucy had called it a date, but Lucy was weird. It wasn’t like Damian understood how these things were supposed to work. This was super not in the training regime for the League of Assassins.
Did he...want it to be a date? He was even less sure. Lucy was...odd, but she had grown on him. She was the exact opposite of him, cheery where he was brooding, she was peaceful, he was violent. She was...kind and funny and playful. He was super not. they were both smart, but that seemed to be where the similarities ended.
And yet, it kinda worked. She was pretty, in a girly way, or at least thats what he could tell from under her makeup. He’d never been...really interested in girls or anyone. He didn’t know what it was supposed to feel like. If this was how it was supposed to feel like.
Well, he wasn’t going to be forced to be in a relationship with anyone. If she tried anything, he would tell her no, in no uncertain terms. Then he could get Tim and the others to shut up.
Once the decision was made, of course, he was left to ruminate for the remainder of the ride. He might have welcomed some of Lucy’s chatter, just to get his mind off things. Damn Bruce, not letting him use the batmobile…
Finally, a blur appeared beside him. “Need a lift?” Jon asked, rushing along beside him. Damian couldn’t help a smirk as he followed him through the city.
They came to a stop in an alleyway, though it didn’t hide much. “Whoa,” Jon said, eyebrows raised, “Hello, who’s this?”
Lucy stood on the top of the motorcycle, slipping her tutu back on and giving a deep curtsy, “Greetings! I am Commedia, The Dancing Delight, Columbina of Gotham and--”
“She’s Harley Quinn’s niece,” Damian said, cutting her off, “Lucy, Superboy, Superboy, Lucy.”
Lucy jumped down, eyebrow raised, “Now, come on. Surely you boys know how hard it is being defined by those who came before you.”
“Yeah, Robin,” Superboy said, holding out his hand for her to shake, “Honestly, no manners. Nice to meet you, Comme...Colum..um.”
“Lucy’s fine,” she said, “Aunt Harley said it’d be good for me to go and see some of Metropolis, maybe get some shopping done.”
Jon smiled, “Well, there’s plenty to do around here, and you picked the perfect tour guide! Come on, Mom and Dad are working today. I’ll show you around.”
Damian followed the pair of them around at a pace where you could just barely tell he was part of the same group. He was in his black outfit again, with sunglasses so that Lucy couldn’t tell who he was, and all of Metropolis wouldn’t know Robin wasn’t in Gotham.
Jon took them on the full tourist tour, going to see the many wonders of Metropolis. Though, a few stops Damian was pretty sure weren’t on the main route, like when they went to the top of the Daily Planet building. Other than that, though, it was a lot of pretty buildings, old buildings, the Superman memorial/dedication (they just left it up when Superman came back) and other sites that were considered important.
Damian sulked, having seen all these before and not finding them any more impressive than the first time or any time after that. What did surprise him was that Lucy didn’t seem any more impressed than him. He would have thought she’d go Gaga over the tourist trappings, considering she react to abandoned (allegedly) mines like a family at Disney World.
But she looked at each one, nodded in appreciation, and went onto the next thing.
Jon was kinda weirded out by it too, Damian could tell, not that Jon was ever subtle. He kept looking to Damian as if to try and explain her behavior, not that he was ever going to be doing that.
“Ok,” Jon said, as they sat outside the capitol, “Is there anything you WANT to see?”
Lucy shrugged, “To be honest, buildings don’t really interest me that much. But I’m glad to have gone with you, of course.”
“For fuck’s sake,” Damian said, “What’s the point of going around like this if you don’t even like it? We went around all damn day for YOU!”
Lucy tilted her head, “We went so that Superboy could show us things and we could get to know him.” She smiled at him, “You clearly admire Superman a lot, and you’re clearly like him. I’m glad you get along with your dad so well.”
Jon smiled, confused, but appreciative, “Thanks?” Damian grumbled. “But, I’d like to get to know YOU better as well. So if there’s something you like, the city has everything.”
Lucy hummed, “I honestly mostly just like to people watch in my free time.”
Jon beamed, “Oh man, I have the perfect place then.”
With a hop, skip, and a kryptonian-powered jump, the three of them were in the rafters of the Metropolis Subway station, looking down at everything and everyone as they went by. Damian was just glad they were inside, and being underground had him feeling a bit more at home.
Lucy practically sparkled, leaning way too far over to look at everyone. “What are they saying? Can you hear them?”
“Uh, which ones?” Jon said. She pointed aggressively. “Well, that one’s a family on vacation, the dad there is going over the itinerary, he’s got it printed out. The daughter there is trying to get him to skip the museums so they can get to the aquarium faster.”
“Ohh, what’s at the aquarium?” Lucy asked, kicking her feet like a child.
“Some fish, jelly fish are cool...Oh, they got a new shark there, I think.”
Damian groaned again, “Ugh, who CARES? If you wanted to go to the aquarium, then lets go to the aquarium! Instead of just watching someone TALK about it! These are all just normal people!”
“Robin, dude,” Jon said, “If it’s what she wants, why not? We are here for HER after all.”
That in of itself would have been enough to shame Damian, but Lucy was staring at him. She stared unblinking, and unsmiling. It was actually creepy. Like she was staring through him.
“Nobody’s normal.” She said, very seriously, her voice no longer taking on the cheery affectation. “Not a single one that I’ve ever met. Many of them TRY to be normal, but it is an illusion. A moving target, an ideal that doesn’t exist and people are shamed for not attempting to achieve.”
Damian could feel himself resist leaning away from her. “Uh, Lucy?” Jon said, “Something you want to talk about?”
Lucy blinked like she was remembering she was supposed to. “I suppose it is personal to me,” she said, “My…mother was always a little scared of Aunt Harley. First scared of her success, then scared of her villainous career. She always wanted to be normal. She wanted…me to be normal. She was scared of what I’d be. Who I’d be like.” She smiled, an echo of her previous smile, “It’s not quite the same as being a disciple for a great hero like Superman or Batman.”
Jon was suddenly looking very awkward. “Well,” He said, “I mean, having Harley Quinn as your aunt isn’t that bad. And you’re good anyway! So, no need to worry.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Lucy said, “It doesn’t matter if I was good or bad. It just matters that I was strange.” She tilts her head, looking down at the mass of people rushing back and forth. “Ever since I was little, people didn’t feel…real. They’re just. Stories. I couldn’t relate to my peers, as my teachers would say. I don’t know how to explain it. The only time I tried, my mom was so scared she sent me to a camp. One of those meant for bad kids to help them behave.” She tilted her head, “But they weren’t bad. They all had different stories. I realized there were no normal people. Just people with stories.”
Damian couldn’t have spoken if it was to yell for help. He stared at Lucy, trying to decide if he should be concerned or sympathetic.
Jon cleared his throat. “Well, I think you’re nice. And that’s what’s important. No problem with learning more about people and helping them.”
Lucy smiled, “Thank you.”
Jon’s head whipped to the side. “Ah, shoot, Dad’s calling me. I’ll be right back.” Lucy’s cheery attitude was back and she nodded, as Jon took off.
Lucy looked over at Damian for a moment. Damian felt he should say something. Apologize, maybe? He wasn’t sure what would be appropriate, and if it was appropriate, would Lucy want it. She worked on a whole other level, that was clear.
Lucy went back to watching people below her.
“My mom,” Damian started, not sure where he was going to end his sentence. Rule one of being in his family was to not reveal details about himself. But it was Lucy and she…she was his friend. “She was a…she’s a villain. I was supposed to be too. Maybe would have been if I didn’t go to live with Batman.”
Lucy nodded, “That sounds like a very interesting story,” Lucy said, “Thank you for telling me.” She tilted her head towards him. “Hey Robin, there’s this comedy place here in Metropolis I looked up. I was hoping maybe we could go tonight? I’m kind of a comedy nerd, and it’s always good to support people at an open mic. Maybe you’d even laugh once.”
Damian braced himself. This was a date. She was asking him on a date. He had prepared himself for this. “I can’t,” Damian said, the words practiced, “I don’t think of you that way. We can hang out and…be friends, but no.” There. No question about it.
Lucy looked at him, and tilted her head, thinking. “Ok,” She said, simply. Didn’t seem too heartbroken. It was a relief. “Hey Superboy,” She said, voice raise just slightly on the sounds of trains, “Do you want to go on a date to a comedy club tonight with me?”
There was a brief pause, then with a burst of wind, Jon jumped up back to the rafters. “Yeah, that sounds good,” and they shared smiles, “Robin, I can get her back to Gotham if you want to head home.”
Damian blinked, trying to process what exactly was happening. “I–,” technically, he wasn’t supposed to leave Lucy, for reasons Batman hadn’t been overly clear about. But if something was going to happen, she’d be plenty safe with Jon. Still, he wanted to argue this, even though he had nothing, and he knew he had nothing. “Sure, that sounds fine.”
Jon held out his hand to help him down, but he could easily get out by himself. And so, alone, he went home. And he didn’t understand the strange feeling in his gut.
Bruce stretched his neck coming down to the batcave, seeing Tim on the computer. “Commissioner Gordon has kindly invited Batman and Robin to the Wayne charity Christmas Party on my behalf,” he said, “I’ve got Dick coming down to wear the Batsuit for me. I’m going to work to have Damian as Robin, but would you and Steph take on patrols that night? At least some of us should actually be doing work.”
Tim didn’t answer. He stared blankly into the computer. Bruce sighed, most likely he didn’t hear him. “How long have you been down here? You’re going to ruin your–”
“Are you planning on telling Damian?” Tim asked.
Bruce paused and looked at what Tim was staring at. It was medical records of Delia Quinzel, specifically of her pregnancy.
Specifically the fake pregnancy records that Bruce had made. “What are you talking about?” Bruce asked.
“Please don’t insult me,” Tim said, face stoic, “You really think I can’t recognize your digital fingerprint all over these files?”
Bruce took a few deep breaths. “Have you told anyone?”
“Hell no,” Tim said, finally looking up, “And I cleaned up your mess. But I don’t know if anyone else has looked into this before now.” Tim glared at Bruce, “So I ask again, are you planning on telling Damian that you’ve put him in charge of protecting Joker’s biological daughter from her own father?”
Bruce came over and looked at the corrected records. They were, in fact, cleaner. Bruce’s were too normal. Tim added in complications that could have happened, just enough to make people think they’d already found what was wrong. “We don’t know what Joker knows.”
“Oh, and he just happened to escape Arkham and disappear at around the same time a teen starts hanging around his ex-girlfriend.” Tim said, dryly.
“If he does know,” Bruce said, “Then its our job to stop him. If he doesn’t, then we still stop him. But Lucy has a target on her back one way or another.”
“Which is why you put Damian in front of it?” Tim said.
“I trust Damien,” Bruce said, “To protect her. But I don’t want him to be biased against her because of her parents.”
“So, you’re putting him at risk, so that he can make friends?” Tim demanded, arms crossed.
Bruce took a deep sigh. “One day,” he said, “Lucy is going to have to confront where she’s come from. And the rest of us are too. I’m trying to give us all the best chance.” Bruce said, “Besides, Damian needs more friends other than Jon.”
Tim screwed up his face, then snorted. “Alright, old man,” he said, “I’ll go with your plan for now. But if something goes belly up, I reserve the right to at least one ‘I told you so.’”
“A fair compromise,” Bruce said, “What have you found about Joker’s movements?”
“He’s going quiet right now, which isn’t much like him,” Tim said, “But I think I’ve tied him to this fancy surgical robot that’s gone missing from Gotham Hospital.”
“Well, I’m sure there’s nothing mind-breakingly awful he can do with that,” Bruce said, sarcastically. “Let’s take it to the streets.”
Tim jumped up and followed him to the batmobile.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch-Part 11
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
You know... just a trip to the aquarium... what could possibly go wrong?
First < Previous > Next
“Don't you think we should wake him up?” Adrien asks, looking towards Nino’s door.
“Absolutely not,” Marion picks through his sugary cereal, “You may not understand, as a natural morning person, but waking us up is a death sentence,”
“We’re going to be late,” Adrien seems nervous stirring his cereal, Marion tries not to snort, only someone who has their life planned to the minute would think so.
“Then he’ll rush to get ready and be out the door in five minutes,” Marion bites done, trying not to cringe at the sweetness, speaking through his mouthful, “Like any non-morning person does,”
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just get up early?”
“I have no idea how to explain just how wrong you are,”
Marion pushes the bowl away, why Adrien insisted on trying it he had no idea. He goes to double check his bag. He was carrying the miracle box today. It’s compartment taking up half his satchel. Something Klakki seemed annoyed by while Plagg was happy to curl up, like any cat would.
As it got closer to time to leave Adrien keeps glancing at Nino’s door then back to Marion. Marion tries not to smile as he brainstormed names and researched birds. He had found one called Sabine's Gull, tempting but not enough to risk his Maman's life, even if the chances were slim. Adrein keeps reminding Marion of the time, down to the last seven minutes before the bus is meant to leave.
“And three, two,” Marion caught Adrien's attention, “one,”
“I”m Late!” Nino yells from his room, followed by a yelp and some crashing.
Marion chuckles, ignoring Adrien’s ‘I told you so look,’. That was quickly replaced by Marion's one as in only four minutes fifty six seconds Nino was dressed, fed and out the door. They race downstairs, reaching the ground floor to see a crowd outside the building. Marion frowns, they were blocking the way out, and he could see the bus over their heads. Most people held cameras and a few with microphones. They walk outside, trying to push their way to the bus, when Marion spots Marinette in the middle of the crowd.
“Whats going on?” He interrupts Marinette talking with someone rudely shoving a microphone in her face, which filled with relief at seeing him.
“I’ve been trying to explain to these people that-”
“Excuse me but what's your relationship to Bruce Wayne?” A... reporter? cuts Marinette off.
“Bruce Wayne?” Marion casts a confused look to Marinette, “I hardly know him,”
“So he hasn't been a very involved Father?” The reporter asks, and Marion’s does a double take.
“Wh-what?” Marion looks to Marinette who only sighs, “He’s not my Father,”
“Did he tell you to say that?” Another reporter butts in.
“Yes, people who aren’t my Papa usually do,” Marion says sarcastically, pushing the microphone away from his face.
“So he did tell you to say that?” The reporter asks, a glint in their eye that he was most familiar with Alya having when asking Chat Noir questions(when Ladybug wasn't available of course).
“Do you not recognise sarcasm?” He turns to Marinette, “Do they not know sarcasm?”
“No, they also don’t know the term, ‘He’s not my Father,” Marinette chastises, looking at the surrounding crowd like they were three year olds, “and, ‘I already have a Papa’,”
“But you were adopted,” Someone calls out, making Marion reel back and Marinette flinch. Ok. things that are not ok for strangers to talk about; that.
“First of all, it’s creepy that you know that,” Marion snaps, “Second it’s rude to bring that up to a stranger, if at all, and third that doesn't mean that of all people Bruce Wayne is our Father,”
“You heard it here first folks,” A reporter to the side announces, “Confirmation of the Wayne twins,”
“How was that confirmation! Did our english tutor skew us over!?” Marion yells, spinning to Marinette.
“Mari, let’s just go,” Marinette tries to pull him away only to be blocked by multiple reporters all talking-yelling over each other to ask invasive questions.
They were used to reporters as Ladybug and Chat Noir even MDC and MCD, but no one knew anything personal about them. Well mostly. This was not the same. They had apparently done their research as they were shouting out specific questions about their lives. Someone mentioned Chloe asking if the Wayne's were friends with the Mayor of Paris. Marion doubts that, the Wayne's charity work did not line up with the Mayor’s self-serving nature.
They try to ignore any more questions and side step the crowd, slowly making their way to the bus. To their horror the bus pulls away as they reach the curb. Watching the rear window Lila’s smug face is smirking back at their stupor. Neither even have enough sense to reach for their phones before a motorbike pulls up in front of them. The reporters scramble to get out of the way, or get run over.
“Saw the news, thought you could use some rescuing,” Jason pulls off his helmet gesturing to the bike, and the twins hop on, the press snapping pictures like crazy, “Where to?”
“Aquarium, the bus left without us,” Marinette answers, holding onto Marion as they speed away.
Marion can hear Jason mutter unsavoury curses under his breath about the class, and can’t help but agree. They see the bus and Jason speeds up, riding alongside it. No one looks over until Jason practically punches the side. The loud clang making even Marion jump. When their classmates look out to see the twins waving. Marion watches as Kagami starts yelling and the bus signals to pull over. Jason slows down to trail behind the bus as it does. The second the doors open their friends rush out, as the twins get off the bike.
“I’m so sorry,” Adrien frets, “We tried to hold them off,”
“Little miss liar decided that it would be a waste of time waiting for you,” Chloe scoffs, Marion bats her hands away trying to tame his hair himself.
“She convinced everyone you could get your own ride,” Kagami looks like she was planning to throw Lila into traffic.
“We sorta did,” Marion laughs, turning to Jason, “Thanks for that,”
“No problem, didn’t want Bruce picking you up, he’d probably drive you straight to the nearest adoption agency,” Jason pulls his helmet back on, mounting his bike, “Have fun,”
“Thank you,” Marinette calls, and they both wave goodbye.
“Marinette, Marion, please get on the bus we are already very late,” Madam Bustier reprimands, looking out the bus door.
They shuffle back onto the bus, the entire class, minus Max, looking annoyed, if not angry. They bus starts up again, tempting Marion to just walk. Instead he holds onto the bar, Marinette next to him, letting the others take back their seats. The one next to Adrien noticeably empty.
“Was that really necessary?” Alya speaks first, passive aggressive, leaning into the aggressive.
“Well, the bus left, so yeah?” Marion asks, He would be confused why they were angry when they should be upset. But he knew exactly what happened; Lila.
“Only because you stopped to chat with the reporters,” Rose says not unkindly, she has a reassuring look as if there was no ill intentions. There probably wasn't, from her, the rest of the class was hit or miss, mostly hit.
“We weren't trying-”
“It was quite inconsiderate,” Lila cuts Marinette off, “I get hounded by reporters day in, day out but I always do my best to make sure they never come near or disrupt the class,”
Marion could almost snort at that, Lila giving herself away without even knowing it. No reporter would stop trying to corner her if anything she says were really true. Lila bats her eyelashes and gets agreements from the class, Which as per usual spurs her on.
“I mean it’s one thing to spread that awful lie , but to actually call the press to sabotage our trip?” Lila fakes a sniffle at the end. Marion can’t help but suspect she had more to do with this morning than he realised.
“We didn’t do anything, and we certainly didn’t call them,” Marinette says defensively, calmly but visibly restraining her anger. And it Marinette was angry Marion was livid.
“Right and every time your with the Waynes there just happen to be cameras around?" Sabrina sneers, arms crossed Marion glowers down at her. He holds his hand out to Kagami who stands to argue, she sits down begrudgingly.
"Not to mention you've never even mentioned the Waynes before, while Lila has known them for years," Nathaniel mutters, not meeting Marion's gaze as it snaps to him.
"If you want to say something just say it," Marion addresses the whole class, opening the flood gates.
“You’re just looking for attention!” Kim stands up, slamming his hands onto the seat in front of him, startling Mylene.
“Attention?!” Marion rears back, he can feel the anger radiating from his friends behind him.
“Yeah! your jealous of Lila knowing the Waynes so your trying to ruin the trip for her!" Kim points at Marion, although he suspected he meant both of them.
"We know your just trying to distract everyone from the charity she set up in Gotham, so she doesn't get any recognition!" Mylene accuses, genuine rage and hurt behind it.
"The Mayor of Gotham even cancelled the celebration for Lila because you two are causing so much trouble," Rose cries, voice quivering.
"She was going to invite the whole class! Even you two!" Sabrina spits, yeah right.
"You're filling the news up with Tabloid lies!" Alya joins, yelling over Madame Bustiers meek protests.
“What the?!" Marion re orientates himself from the barrage, "Those are all lies! how can you not see that?"
“Don’t start this again, I thought you were over the whole liar thing?" Alya half demands, half mutters.
“We’d be ‘over it’ is she stopped lying!" Marion's eyes follow where his finger points, smug grin churning his stomach uneasily.
“Thats rich coming from you," Kim scoffs, bitter tone so unlike his usual default rage or cheer.
“ What,"  Marion turns to him, but only gets a glare back.
“You two are always lying to get out of class and school events," Ivan answers for him. Well that was true but they couldn’t admit it.
“Thats not-
“Save it we know you can’t stand to be around us," Juleka cuts off Marinette, her sour tone practically screaming compared to her normal volume. Also true but probably for different reasons then they think.
“If you spread this whole rumour as a way to get out of the trip, fine, do that, but don’t keep disrupting out trip for your five minutes of fame," Alix startles Marion by cutting in. She usually didn't speak to anyone anymore, let alone Lila.
“Five minutes of fame?- spread the rumour? Do you honestly think we wanted this?” Marinette doesn't expect an answer.
“Yes,” It came from Alya, cold and bitter. With one look at Marinette he could tell exactly what his sister was remembering.
Alya has pretty much migrated to Lila after plans being cancelled with Marinette one to many times. After which marintte tried to organise another plan but Alya told her in the nicest way possible(Still pretty crushing) that she would perfer to hang out wwiht lie la and that she and Mari had drifted apart. Mari does point out that this isn’t fair but Alya says she deserves better than a secondary plan, Mari points out that Alya had done that plenty of times. Alya agrees, apologies and lists it as another reason they should renounce their friendship. The rest of the class:
Marinette bounces up to her best friend. She finally had a weekend off, so concerts, no urgent commissions and her manager promised to keep it that way. The only thing that could interrupt this weekend was Hawkmoth himself. Marion even offered to take her earrings.
"Hey Alya are you free-"
"No," It's a single word, but spoken with such resentment and conviction it couldn't be missed,
"I didn’t-" Marinette's face scrunches, was dark Cupid on a rampage again?
"No Marinette I’m done, done with making plans, getting excited only to be cancelled or stood up, I’m done,” The aspiring reporter sounds so strangely defeated, completely unlike herself.
“Alya I’m so sorry about last week-” Marinette apologises again, gut twisting at the though she hurt her best friend this badly.
“It’s not just last week, its the one before and the one before that and every other week, I’m sick of it!” Alya spits, meeting Marinette's eyes for the first time, seeing nothing but rage and hurt.
“Alya I'm really sorry, I’ve had a lot going on and-” Marinette frets, gesturing wildly.
“I know Marinette, you’ve been busy in the bakery and with your designs and every other excuse you've given me, I deserve better,”
“Of course you do Alya, I promise I-”
“No, Marinette its fine,” Alya sounds tired, stepping away from Marinette's outstretched hand, “We’ve been drifting apart for a long time now and I’m tired of acting like nothings changed, I can’t keep putting more effort into this friendship, more time than you, I have friends who are actually there for me, like Lila,”
At that Marinette saw red. Of course it was Lila who put her up to this, whispering in her ear, turning Alya against Marinette.
“That’s not fair! Your not even giving me a chance!” Marinette snaps, her jaw tenses as Alya glares.
“I’ve given you plenty of chances,” Alya glowers.
“Why is this the first I’m hearing of it,” Marinette crosses her arms.
“I shouldn’t have to threaten to end our friendship for you to show up!” Alya shouts, taking a step forward as Marinette stumbles back.
"What did Lila say?!" There was no way Alya would say this, would do this, they were meant to stick together through thick and thin, "Is she making you do this?!"
"So help me- yes Lila talked to me!" Alya throws her hands up, "But not because she's out to get you, like your so convinced, but because she's a good friend who cares when I come crying over getting stood up by you!"
“You’ve cancelled on me plenty of times!” Marinette defends, she had her blog and Marinette was always understanding.
“I know and I’m sorry,” Alya takes a deep breath, “I don’t think either of us are being fair to each other, it’s better to just renounce our friendship before it all comes crashing down,”
“Alya please," Marinette begs, reaching out, tears pricking her eyes.
“I’m sorry Marinette but this is the right decision for me,” Alya walks away, not looking back at the tears streaming down her former friends face, “and I hope in time you’ll realise it was the right thing for you too,”
Marion remembers that day so well. Marinette coming home crying, the Akuma. Bunnix jumping into their room followed by the adult version of them, with miraculous holders he didn’t recognise. They battle with an akumatized Ladybug was tough, even with the extra help. The Akuma was cleansed and the rest of Paris had their memories wiped, leaving Marion the only one in their time who remembers. He never brought it up to Marinette and he never will.
“Well your wrong, we worked hard to get this trip and why would we want to ruin it?" Marion answers, Marinette remaining silent.
“Please we all know you stole Lila’s work," Sabrina rolls her eyes, Marion catches Chloe scowling at her.
“Wh-what!” Marinette splutters, Marion tries to keep his mouth shut.
“I’m sorry, I accidentally let slip that I wrote up the essay to get us this trip,” Lila bats her eyes, curling in on herself as if they're going to attack her for it. Marion just might.
“You don’t have to apologise for anything Lila," Alya places a comforting hand on her shoulder, "They stole the essay you worked so hard, one that you managed to write even when setting up a charity!"
“I wasn't doing to impress everyone, I just wanted everyone to get to go on this amazing trip, so when you two said you weren’t going to make a submission because it was so much work, I just had to, but at least you sent it in, I couldn't do that since I’m not class president,
“Maybe she should be," Marion doesn't care who muttered it, it doesn't matter.
“That's it,” The entire class freezes, at his tone or expression, doesn't matter, they don't matter, “Marinette worked hard day and night trying to get that submitted on time, she had to research and find all the information and evidence to what this class has done because none of you would talk to her and give all the details, you refused to help out in even the most minuscule ways, No not even! you all actively made it harder!”
“Thats not-
“Enough!” Marion hones in on Lila who falls quite for once, “You lie and scheme and take credit for whats not yours, you treat the class like a bunch of mindless sheep and you know what? I’m starting to see why,”
“Marion,” Madame Bustier reprimands, finally being heard in the following silence “That is quite enough thats no example for your friends-”
“They aren’t my friends,” Marion sends a cold look over the bus, “None of them are,”
The class goes silent. Marion wouldn’t be surprised if that came as a shock to most of them. Despite them not ever talking or spending time together. It was true that the only person who had truly cut them out was Alya, probably because Marinette kept trying even after they had long since stopped with their class. Mostly he was sure they were shocked that he was the one breaking it off, not even giving them a say. They didn’t deserve one. Not that they weren't going to try.
“Fine then! I don’t want anything to do with you anyway!”
“Yeah! You act like a complete jerk then have the gall to say that?”
“We haven't been friends for a long time anyway!”
“You’re nothing but mean to Lila and think we want to be friends?!”
“Don't go forgetting you said that when your all alone!"
He sits down and resolutely stares out the window. More insults are hurled out, Marion paying no mind to the source. Madame Busiter tries to reprimand him for saying 'such hurtful things;. Lila is sobbing and everyone is offering her pointless comfort. Marion doesn't listen but is vaguely aware of Kagami and Chloe arguing with the teacher. He lets the hushed whispers fall behind him. He feels a push against his thigh where his bag rests, knowing it’s Plagg. The small comfort doing nothing.
He notices the bus is driving faster than strictly allowed. He looks over to the bus driver and feels bad for the clearly uncomfortable man stuck right in the middle of their teenage angst.
They arrive at the aquarium. Marion doesn't even try to hide his anger. Let Lila revel in his reaction. His friends try to calm him down, or rather Adrien does, Chloe and Kagami are still glaring daggers. Luckily Marinette convinces Adrien to stop before Marion snaps at him.
He catches a group near them whispering and pointing with their phones held up. Marion sends his deadliest glare and they immediately back off, scuttling off to some other area of the aquarium.
He is left alone after that. Adrien has redirected his attention to cheering Marinette up, the two pointing out fish. Seeing them smiling together Marion feels some anger slip through his grasp. Only to be promptly returned when he accidentally looks over at Lila’s gaggle, whispering and glaring. Marion glares right back making a few of them flinch. He turns and storms off to another part of the aquarium, away from the rest of the class.
“Hey kid you alright?” A fair distance away Plagg whispers from his bag.
“No! Obviously not!” Marion whisper-shouts, not looking down.
“Want to get out of here?” Now Marion does look down at Plagg grinning.
Klakki is off to the one side of the bag, looking up but not interrupting. He and the Kwami are close but they all knew he and Plagg were two halves of a whole. So the other Kwami let him handle it.
“Can’t exactly go running around Gotham right now,” Marion comes to stand in the typical tunnel that you see in aquariums, surrounded on both sides by colourful fish and a few larger creatures like stingrays and sharks.
“We can go back to Paris,” Plagg offers, he glances down at the bag to see Klakki nod.
The Kwami usually didn’t like their miraculous being used for anything but heroics. Still he got a sure nod from Klakki. Marion takes a deep breath, looking out to the fish swimming around the tank, darting in and out of coral. He forced down his anger in the same way he would in Paris. He usually didn’t let himself stay angry that long, or Marinette would help him calm down sooner.
“It’s fine,” Marion sighs, pushing the anger, or rather, his class out of mind, “I’m fine,”
Plagg doesn't comment on his obvious lie, all too used to it. He sees Plagg dart into his pocket out the corner of his eye. Marion smiles, zipping his bag back up with a smile at Klakki who gives a curt nod. He stuff his hands into his hoodie’s pocket and feels the small Kwami inside. Marion lets a small smile settle on his face. Looking out at the fish as he is pulled along by the conveyor belt as he pets Plagg purring from his pocket.
His smile only fades when he notices the rest of the class enter the tunnel, looking from the other side of the glass. He makes no move to join them, even when his friends do a minute later. He turns to look at the other side of the tunnel, doing his best to avoid them.
This becomes the least of his problems when gunshots ring. He ducks down on the non moving part of the sidewalk. Screams can be heard  and he looks up through the tank where the class is still in view. Marinette is looking around for him and he curses himself, not being able to change into costume without her. Voices get closer and Marinette starts herding the class further down the tunnel, Marion losing sight of them behind coral. He moves to meet to her when two men each in a gas mask and carrying guns enter the tunnel.
“Where are the Wayne twins!” One yells, another shot making those near scream.
“You know, I’m starting to think Aunt Selina doesn't have this handled,” Marion mutters to Plagg, staying where he is to keep the thugs in sight.
“Forget about that, this won’t end well,” Klakki scolds, Marion watches as the thugs start walking in opposite directions.
“Tell me about, Lila’s going to have a field day,” Marion pulls his hood up, losing sight of the goon going towards the class, focusing now on the one heading his way.
“Not the point,” Klakki sighs, Marion zips up the bag realising he also has the Miracle box.
He throws the satchel on his back tightening the strap across his chest. Plagg was complaining, but Marion only ignores him watching the oncoming goon. He was pointing his gun at some people but wasn’t looking at their faces. Probably clothes then, there were probably plenty of pictures of what they were wearing today. Perfect.
Marion takes off his Jacket followed by his hoodie. He debates keeping his staff for a split second but quickly stuffs it in his satchel followed by his gloves. Turing both his hoodie and Jacket inside out to matching black, he ties the hoodie around his waist and shrugs on the jacket.
He lies down on the moving sidewalk slowly moving him towards the thug. Marion hugs his bag and covers his face. He tenses at the heavy footsteps going by as he slowly moves past. The goon doesn't even stop and he makes a mental note to thank Marinette. He feels the turn of a corner and rolls up onto the unmoving part to the side. Keeping his head below the glass, he crouches down running as fast as he can while refastening his satchel around his chest.
“Found one!” Marion hears a yell just as he reaches the entrance.
He ducks to the side just as all eyes in the room snap to where he was. Marion shrinks into the shadow of a fish tank just outside the entrance, ducking down and covering his head. If anyone actually saw him in his now all black outfit they could easily shrug it off as just missing him the first time.
Marion doesn't look up as people go past, no one noticing him in the shadows. He waits for a few cautious seconds for any more footsteps to go by before scanning the room. There's many civilians huddled around, the nearest security exit being covered by another thug in a gas mask, a trend it seems.
Alright plan time, Marinette can handle herself for a few minutes. Presumably these guys are working for Scarecrow if the gas masks are any indication. Scarecrow was probably with Marinette in the tunnel. If he clears an exit quietly here then he can get the civilians closest to the fight out of danger. It could also provide an entrance to whoever comes to save them.
There's no other thugs in the room so he moves silently, sticking to the shadows to get close to the emergency exit. Luckily the goon is distracted by an octopus in a nearby tank so Marion stays out of his line of sight. He gets up behind the goon, not breathing, and pounces. One hand unlatches the gas mask and covers his mouth and the other grabbing the hand holding the gun. He digs his fingers hard enough into his hand to make the wrist bleed and the gun is dropped. Marion catches it with one foot, balancing as much as possible with the man thrashing in his grip. He gently lowers the gun to the ground so it doesn't clatter. Letting go of his wrist, nails bloody Marion brings his arm around his neck. Squeezing for a minute until the goon passed out. Marion gently lowers him to the ground.
“Quietly,” He hisses to the room.
They do get up quietly. Parents with children covering their mouths as they exit. Marion makes sure they're all a good ways down the hall before tracking back to the tunnel. He can see them through the glass and as he predicted there was Scarecrow, in a very familiar monologue stance. A glimpse at Marinette's expression was all the confirmation he needed. He heads in the same direction as the moving walkway, knowing he’ll be in a blind spot.
“Still not answering,” Marion catches Scarecrow say, stopping as soon as he can hear them, “I think it’s time you screamed so he knows this is serious,”
“Going to show me the rest of your wardrobe?”
Marion's smirk quickly fades with the tell tale snap of a bone breaking. He sprints down the tunnel. Marinette groans. Marion rounds the corner. His sister holding her arm, bending at an unnatural angle. The rest of the class are huddled to the sides with various degrees of horror.
Marion doesn't give Scarecrow enough time to consider trying anything else before he attacks the nearest goon. They shout out and Marion blindly throws quick punches at whoever gets to close. The belt is moving along, Marion now being surrounded by his classmates. Kim cheers as he sends a particularly brutal punch into one guy's face. Marion hears the hiss of a guns release, looking up to see Scarecrow pointing a gun at the now very quiet Kim. Marion anticipates the shot, diving in the bullets path before it can reach its target.
There's a gasp from somewhere, someone. He feels a burst not of pain, but fear. It’s something he's used to Akuma doing, dragging up all his anxieties from the recesses of his mind. Marion shuts his eyes tight, visions dancing across the darkness. He takes a practiced slow breath. He had learnt long ago that letting fear take hold in battle would only lead to fantasy becoming reality.
Marion cracks open his eyes, focusing on where he was. They were still on the belt moving slowly. Everything around him was warped from a few seconds ago but he was still standing in the narrow-too narrow tunnel.
Alright then what is reality. Giant sharks jumping out at him? No, there’s glass. Swarm of purple butterflies? No this is Gotham they probably don’t have flowers. The past Akuma? Just regular people. Marinette covered in blood? She only broke her arm. His parents dead on the floor? They are in Paris. Lila with devil horns cackling? Probably reality.
He takes another calming breath, nothing but the images of Akuma mattered here. But there were dozens more than there had been people a minute ago so some were fake. He could still work with this. Marion takes a deep breath straightening up. The Hawkmoth in front of him looks surprised, he had to guess that was his stand in for Scarecrow right now.
He stumbles a step forward. The akumatized versions of his classmates jeer, most yelling things he had heard that day. The first Akuma leaps out at him, Marion decks him, the weight under his fist feels real and the Akuma goes right down. Focusing his fear on the fight part of fight of flight, he goes to punch the second Akuma with as much force. The blow goes right through the image and Marion stumbles forward. Alright so there were definitely fakes. Marion tousles with any Akuma that comes after him, sometimes landing hits on empty air. It’s typically the more difficult Akuma that are real, so Marion almost scoffs when Mr Pigeon comes at him. He doesn't even block the blow to his ribs. Big mistake, he is kicked back with a burst of pain and a sickening crack.
‘Alright so that was real’ Marion thinks to himself, back connecting with the glass behind him. He falls forward, right on his chest. Marion groans into the metal below, losing focus, letting images of Akumas flying into his ring play on loop. Marion can feel pressure at his back but is far too focused on trying to heave air back into his lungs to care. The weight lifts and Marion watches Marinette's akumatized form crash in front of him, punching what looks like Viperion. Not sure if it's a memory or not he shudders a breath as she knocks out Viperion and leans over Marion.
“Good job C, I’ve got it from here,” Marinette words come out sickeningly sinister, blood running out her eyes and mouth. A great contrast to how she gently pushes him onto his side, making it somewhat easier to breathe.
Marion watches as the twisted version of his sister attacks what looks like civilians. Part of him itches to get up to stop her. Marinette's arm hangs limply at her side. He focuses on that. an Akuma's arm wouldn’t be broken. Civilians wouldn’t have guns. Marinette dodges the bullets instead of deflecting them. Bullets wouldn’t just go through sharks with more rows of teeth than possible. Water doesn't look like blood.
Marion takes a deep breath, his chest burst with pain. It’s fine he can handle that. And with that Marion notices his body bending at an odd angle. He looks down ignoring the corpses of his family laying around him. His legs are still propped up on the unmoving part of the sidewalk. With a grunt Marion pulls them onto the moving part, still not comfortable on top of the shifting plates.
Marion hears screaming, more grounded than the shrieks that have been playing in his head so far. Looking back to Marinette she looked like herself again, yay. But now Hawkmoth was pointing a gun at their friends, oh no. Why would Hawk Moth have a gun? Oh right, fear toxin. Marinette surrenders, letting Mayura come up behind and hold her.
“You have been a pain,” Hawkmoth drawls, Marion hisses, drawing his attention, “Well, it’s not like we need both of you alive,”
The gun points at him, Marinette is shouting but it sounds under water. Marion's visions clear slightly, focusing in on the slow press of the trigger. At the last second the gun jerks to the side, the sound of glass breaking followed by a stream of water landing on Marion. He looks up to see Chloe has tackled Hawkmoth and Kagami is after Mayura.
Fighting breaks out again, he tries to refocus. He closes his eyes, he can hear the same echoing shrieks and cries for help, accusations and insults.  Cold water beats down on his side and slowly moves down his leg. He tries to take a deep breath, only to inhale water. Marion's eyes snap open to what looks like a pool of blood as he is cast into a coughing fit, his chest screaming in protest.
“Are you ok!” Kagami yells, Marion looks up to where they were only for the space to be empty. He looks back down the tunnel where they are now fighting, streams of water jetting out from the walls in all directions.
Marion keeps coughing, trolling onto his back to get away from the water. When he's done he takes short shallow breaths, chest still throbbing with pain. He looks back up and is now a fair way from the fight, about to go around the corner.
“Don’t worry I’ll be back in five minutes!” he shouts, hair dripping water in his eyes. That doesn't stop him from seeing Marinette's clearly deadpan face, that cant even be hidden by all the blood.
He lies back, looking up at the ceiling. Or rather Jaws' source of envy grinning down at him. Well at least that's better- oh nope that's his family floating dead in the water. He just sighs ignoring his chest protest, staring right back into the sharks beady black eyes. He remember the good old days where he would tease Marinette over her demented nightmare version of Adrien, who now that he though of also appeared in the water, banging on the glass shouting for help. Marion sticks his tongue out at him.
The minutes drag on Marion trying to be more fascinated than terrified with whatever his mind conjured. It was easier to calm down when the scene wasn't changing every ten seconds.
“Are you ok?” Batman is looming over him, Marion stares unimpressed at the blood dripping from his sharp teeth. A vampire? Really? His nightmares could be so uncreative.
“I’m fine,” Marion keeps his face straight at the nightmare before him, “Go ahead I’ll catch up,”
“You should stay here,” Batman reprimands, voice sounding like a growled threat, probably was.
“Don’t really have much choice,” Marion dismisses, trying not to cringe at the ‘blood’ dripping onto his face.
Marion leans back slightly to watch Batman join Robin running down the tunnel. Marion hears more gunshots seconds later. He hums to himself stubbornly ignoring his chest.
“Dude are you ok?” Nino is now leaning over him, hollowed out eyes and shadows behind him shouting about Marion's insecurities.
“Leave me demon,” Marion watches him reel back, he would probably look confused if Marion could actually read his face.
“We need to move you-”
“Do not,” Marion cuts him off, glaring down at Kim or at least a demon that looked like him trying to pick him up, “My ribs are very much broken and moving would hurt very much right now, thank you,”
“But you’re heading right for the villain!” Mylene shouts, voice sounding hollow, drowned out by echoing screams.
“Then I hope they don’t step on me, good day,” Marion focuses back on the shark which is somehow easier to deal with than his class.
“Everyone we need to go,” Lila's voice sounds normal, and that's probably the worst thing he's heard today, “Batman said-”
“We’re not just going to leave him here!” Kim shouts. Actually shouts. At Lila. Marion can’t keep the smile off his face.
“Kim, just go get an ambulance or something, right now you’re all freaking me out,” Marion says honestly, tired of sugar coating his words. Lila gives them enough sugar to get diabetes as is.
“A-are you sure?” Max asks, or a strange mix between him and Markov.
“Yes floating head I’m sure, now go,”
“... stay safe,” Nino hesitantly stands.
“Don’t really have a choice in the matter,” Marion doesn't bother watching them go.
He hears the last of their footsteps retreat and glances up at the shark. A petty part of him categories that as the second time they’ve left him today. Then again he was staring up at his personal hell so his thought process wasn’t exactly un hindered.
Marion keeps humming, noticing a knocked out thug to his side, followed by another.
“Why did you come back?” Robin snarls from above him, horns sprouting from his head.
“I didn’t by choice,” Marion says calmly as Robin throws a knife he doesn't care to keep track of, “Moving sidewalk brought me,”
“Why didn’t you get off?” Robin talks down to him like an idiot child, punching an approaching goon.
“Oh yeah, my ribs are broken,” Marion tries to shrug, lying on his back it’s hard.
“What!?” Robin thunders, the sound sending warning flares off in his paranoid state.
“Oh look at that,” Marion says, idly watching a man come up behind Robin, who apparently isn't an apparition because Robin attacks him, “Well, see ya,”
Marion is carried away, leaving the two behind.
He flinches back when Batman steps over him, attacking Scarecrow on his other side.
“What are you doing?” He growls, Marion can’t be sure if that's the fear toxin or how he usually speaks.
“Thought you could use the moral support,” Marion gives a lazy cheer as Batman punches Scarecrow. Getting a glare from Batman he had become quite accustomed to the night before. This Batman looked demented but there was the same lingering satisfaction of annoying him.
“Hey Mari,” Marinette crouches down next to him, covered in blood he can’t be sure isn’t real, but at least she's not dead in a fish tank, “How’re you holding up,”
“You’re covered in blood,” Marion blurts as she starts bleeding more.
“No I’m not, don’t worry I’m fine, just wait a second,” Marion runs over to Batman, distracting him from stopping Scarecrow from standing. Batman looks over at him before handing Marinette a needle.
“Oh sure use needles, one of the most common fears, to fix fear, what a grand idea,” Marion mutters, glaring back at Batman as Scarecrow attacks with a knife.
“Ah ha, stop complaining,” Marinette sticks the needle right in his arm without warning, Marion gasps visions fading into darkness.
“That…. was rude,” He weakly curses, feeling his conscious fade.
“You’ll forgive me,” Marinette promises sitting by his side as his eyes droop, “Get some rest, I’ll watch out for you,”
“Always do, Bug,” Marion slurs, Marinette's bright smile contrasts the darkness that follows.
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hannybkpop · 3 years
Dancing Dreams
Chapter 1
(I would love some feedback especially since i decided to start writing again, I will also be working on re-writing My Han Fanfiction and making it better, Thank you)
Synopsis ..... As a 20yr old born and raised in Busan South korea, you finally moved forward in your life and managed to Join The Best Dance company out there. You make Friends you could never forget and so many memories you will cherish in your life. Your love Life will blossom and the sturggles of life will finally reach its peak. Will you manage to get through it or get overwhelmed by evrything and everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an early Monday morning, the sun rays were shinning through the cracks in your curtains perfectly lighting your face. "its too early for any of this" you groan and turn over to the other side where the sun dont shine. "Y/N get up youre going to be late!" your mom yelled at you from the kitchen. You turn back around and sluggishly sit up right, criss-cross apple sauce still half asleep and slouching forward. "Thats right" you thought to yourself, "Todays the first day of my dance class" you check your phone and time reads 7:34am. You get up and start making your way to the bathroom still dragging your feet, but you couldnt help but feel butterflies in your stomach. you make your way to the bathroom and brush your teeth, then your face and you apply lotion " you cant forget to take care of your face" you say as you laugh. You walk towards your closet wondering what to wear. your closet was full of black and white, not really any other color because brights just wasnt your thing. you decide to go with some black sweats, a white crop top and some white Filas. you decide to keep your hair down, kinda wavy and grab a hair tie for later. you head down stair and you can hear the sizzling of possibly bacon or sausage and the smell of toast. Your mom had breakfast ready for you, two eggs over easy just the way yiu love em, two strips bacon and some white toast. " Thank you, if you wouldnt have made me breakfast i would have gone on coffee for the whole day" you say wiith a moutful of toast. You tend to live off of coffee, not a day goes by without it. once you finished eating, you grab your keys and head out "Bye mom, ill see you later" you say as you turn around and wave good-bye.
You hop in your car, plug in your phone and start listening to some of your favorite tunes. The first song that plays is Enhypens Given-taken "Wake up in day one, cheonnare achim jomyeongin bichweo taeyange nunbit" you sing, using your vocal chords to their full extent. Next played Aespas- Next level which lead to ITZYs Mafia. You pull up to a starbucks and lower your music, "Hello welcome to starbucks, what can i get started for you today?" The employee asks cheerfully this morning. "Hello can i get a Venti Iced caramel macchiato with 2 extra shots of espresso and extra caramel" It was your go to drink, just the perfect amount of espresso and caramel mixed together. "Of course, is that going to be all for today?" she asked, "Yes ma'am, thank you" she tells you the price and you pull up the window, you grab your drink and head off straight for the dance studio. A couple more songs played through, you jammed out to Nct, Exo, A.C.E, Oneus and so many other groups and then you finally arrived. Your heartbeat accelarated slightly just at the thought that you finally get to start your dance classes.
When you were just ten years old you found k-pop, it was music you had never listened to but your curiosity got the best of you. From finding TVXQ you were slowly dragged down the K-pop hole but it was possibly the best thing that had ever happened to you. From then on 3yrs went by, you were finally 13 and you thought to yourself that you wanted to be a dancer and that someday you would be a back up dancer or a choreographer for the idols you look up to. You asked your mom to sign you up for dance classes , she agreed and signed you up for modern dancing, from then on you moved on to hip-hop, contemporate and breakdancing which was honestly possibly the hardest to learn, who knew breakdancing could make you feel like you could break yourself in a heart beat. And thats how you got here, you auditioned to join Dream Team dance studio, one of the hardest to pass and yet you managed to make it through, but the price for this dance class was pretty high so you also planned on getting a part time job.
You finally turned off your car and started heading towards the building, since you were still new here you had to follow sign procedures and which classes you would be available for and suited for. You headed towards what seemed to be the front desk but didnt see anyone there. "Hello?" you called out, and then a girl peeked her head out the corner of her office "Hello sorry i didnt hear you walk in" she said very sweetly " what can i do for you today?". You open your bag and pull out the paperwork you had to fill out Prior to your first day "Oh, i am new here and today is going to be my first day starting my dance classes" you hand her the papers and she goes through, she tells you to give her a quick minute and she walks back to the office, she comes back with a lanyard and keycard attached " Welcome to DT, Heres your badge" she hands the item over to you and you seemed kinda confused " oh, sorry let me explain. So we do get certain people who come thorugh to practice at times and we use this badge so that any unwanted personal dont just barge through wihtout permission. we really do want our dancers to feel safe and comfortable in this enviroment" its like she read your expression. So many questions came to mind of who could possibly come to this studio, Idols seems to cross your mind but you just push it away because it only happens ever so rarely. "Thank you so much, ill make sure not to lose this", you start to head towards the doors and turn around because it totally slipped your mind to ask what room your class was in. “im sorry, but what room will i be heading to?” you ask. “ oh, right i guess we forgot, you will be headed to  floor 7 room c” - she chuckles. You start to make your way back to the double doors then you hear her say " if you lose the badge, its a $100 fee to replace it", You grab the badge tighter knowing that thats alot of money just to replace it. You excitedly scan your badge and make your way through the double doors, as soon as you walk through you see a cafeteria  to your right and a mini market to your left. You walk towards the cafeteria and see that they also have a cafe in the corner. “oh hell yeah, i can grab myself some coffee anytime i want now’” you think to yourself as you sip on your starbucks.   You turn around and starts making your way to the elevators, as you walk back you overhear a group of girls chatting about floor 7, you stop in your tracts to listen in a little more, you werent trying to eavesdrop but you were still new here and wanted to know what they had to say about the floor your class is in.  They started talking about how the rumor about idols showing up at the dance studio was true but the only floor they ever go to was floor 7, since floor 7 was were the best choreographers were located. You start to walk away slowly picking up your pace because in your head that was impossible, you werent notified exactly of who the special personal was. You thought maybe you should have asked more in depth questions, but you didnt because you were so excited. You finally make a stop at the elevator doors almost running straight into them,you push the up arrow button and the doors open. When you head inside you push level 7 but on the mini screen it says Please scan badge. You grab your  badge slightly shaking and scan, you get approved and the doors close.  The  elevator starts to go up and you are so deep in your thoughts you start thinking out loud. You start pacing back in forth asking yourself if what the girls were saying  was true. The last thing you needed was for an artist to show up and make a fool out of yourself, at this point you have your arms up in the air and you dont notice that the elevator stopped on floor 3. As you turn around you see three different males standing infront of the levator staring at you, all three were in black masks and some sort of hat making it hard to notice their faces. You make eye contact with one and the realise your arms are still up in the air. “oh my god, i am so sorry” you say as you are still panicking. The one on the left giggles to himself, the one on the right is unphased but the one in the center kept eye contact with you. You  could barely utter another word, but you manged to scoot over and make room for the three of them. You are so embarassed you face away and place your head against one of the elevator walls. You see that one of them goes to push floor 7 as well but they realise that floor number 7 is already chosen. They look over and notice that you also have a badge that lets you in the top floor but they leave it at that. The ride from floor 3 to floor 7 seemed like it was taking forever, and you couldnt believe that on your first day you managed to make a fool out of yourself. You finally reach floor 7 and the elevator doors open. You make your way out first   and walk as fast you can to room C, the  boys follow behind. With your mind still racing you walk straight passed room C  unknowingly that you almost run into a window at the end of the hall.  As soon as you come to a stop you hear, “ You do know thats a window, and not a door right?” he says with a mocking tone. “ oh yeah, i knew that, i just wanted to take in some sun” you say as you turn back around and go straight for room C.  “Hyunjin, youre going to be late for our dance class” han says  after opening the door to room A, “Sorry, i just wanted to take in some sun” he giggles to himself.
You have eyes looking at you from running in and closing the door shut, your face lights up red "I'm sorry". You continue to walk in and the dance room catches your eye, its so spacious, the walls painted an oxford blue, and a set of two clear window that reach from top to bottom on the left. "First time here i see" one of the girls calls out to you, "oh yeah, this dance room is nice" you are in complete awe. "i was the same way the first time i walked in this room, by the way if you dont mind me asking, what was that all about earlier?" she cocked her head to the left. "oh that~, so i made a complete fool of myself infront of these guys who were on the elevator with me, i guess i was so nervous that i also almost walked into the window at the end of the hall until one of them called out to them" you say with a slight laugh as you look down on the floor. "Oh geex, i would have probably done the same. So whats your name?", "my name is Y/N, whats yours? you ask, "Oh my name is Elizabeth but you can call me Eli, i hope we can be good friends from now on". As soon as she finished the doord behind us opened, "Hello, it seems like everyone here seems aquianted, well lets get started from where we left off. Hello you must be y/n, i have heard alot about you from our scouts who were at the auditions." She says with a very curious tone, you can feel all eyes on you. "He-hello" you tense up slightly just at the thought the teacher knows who you are. The class officially starts and everyone seems to have gone to their places, you make your way towards the back of the class to watch the dance everyone one learned last semester. You watched them practice a couple times before you joined in. After going through the dance a couple more times Eli looks at you in awe "I can see why you were accepted into classes in the 7th floor, youre really good"
  Classes proceeded for the rest of the day that time went by so fast, it was already 7pm and it was time to go home. "So i believe i will be seeing you tomrrow?" Eli asked, "Definitely, i had so much fun today and im so excited for the rest to come. I might stick around to practice just a little more" You say with enthusiasm in your voice. Eli leaves while waving back and youre the only one left in the room. You walk up to the radio and plug in your phone through the aux chord, you scroll through your playlist you are debating between Enhypen- given taken, TXT- Puma and Starykids latest release Thunderous. You decide to go with thunderous since you just had decided to change the end because you crouched down and walked foward by yourself it would look funny. You finally finished making the end and finally remmebering it so you decide to finally run through the whole dance. After dancing Thunderous a couple times you finaly drop down tired, you hear the door open behind you and turn around to see who could possibly still be here and to your suprise its the 3 mysterious men from earlier. "You're really good, did you make the ending for Thunderous?" asks the one with the medium length black hair, his voice sounds so familiar but you cant seem to remember who it could be. "Oh uhm, yes i did. i kinda figured if i danced it alone i would look stupid" You giggled to yourself "Like imagine crouching down and doing this?" you start to do the ending of the dance, "Youre right, haha it would look kinda funny" Says the one on the left, and again his voice also sounds very familiar but you really cant remember. " I guess we should introduce our selves, My name is Changbin, Seo Changbin" Your eyes widen, "Hi My name is Jisung, Han Jisung. But don't tell anyone you saw us" He shoots a wink. "Well i guess it my turn, My name is Hwan hyunjin, and if you ever feel like Getting some sunshine again Make sure not to try to run out the window" He laughs to himself. Youre face flushes red, You barely manage to even Speak. Did i really just make a full of myself infront of STRAYKIDS?!?! Is the only thought running through your head.
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