#yeah yeah he didnt get frozen to death what are you talking about? :)
sammjammin · 4 months
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Cryptor fans unite, I made a design for him
if he has one fan it's me, if he has no fans i'm dead
click for quality because tumblr murdered it
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superspoonie24 · 1 year
Anna: *is neglected and abandoned for majority of her life, starting at like age 5*
Anna: *runs into someone who actually sees Her and notices Her and doesn't act like she's invisible or a burden for the first time in over a decade*
Anna: hey sister I desperately want to notice me and will accept even the tiniest bit of attention from, here is a man I just met that is, *checks notes*, actually talking to me. I'm going to marry him.
Elsa: that's ridiculous! You just met him.
Anna: ~~yeah and in the few hours I've been with him he has talked to me more than you (or anyone else really) have in like 13 ish years~~ Oh haha yeah but like... I Know him and he's a prince!
Elsa: No. I don't approve.
Anna: ~~who the hell are you to approve??? You. Don't. Talk. To. Me.~~ Oh. Uh. Well can we talk about it? (Definitely is not desperate and terrified to lose the tiniest shred of a shred of a relationship she has with her sister) *Reaches out for the attention and affection she is so starved of*
Elsa: *freaks out, reveals giant secret, runs away*
Anna: holy *shit*... I gotta go make sure she's okay!! ~~I gotta make sure I don't lose her.~~
Anna: *goes after Elsa and gets shamed by another stranger for A going after her and B 'falling for a man she just met'*
Elsa: *rejects her more and tells Anna she is better off without her*
Anna: *heartbroken cause the last member of her family, the person she idolizes and so desperately wants love from, Keeps Rejecting Her.*
Anna: *leaves heart broken ~~and heart frozen~~ to go back to the only person this whole night who has shown her undivided 'love', attention, care, affection*
Hans: *is an asshole out of no where????*
Anna: *heartbroken AGAIN because she really can't trust anyone and maybe it's her own fault she's so unlovable.*
Elsa: *Is gonna be killed*
Anna: *is on the brink of literal death and when it comes to going after the stranger who is actually pretty nice and kind and likes her for her and treats her with respect vs the person who she has longed for her entire life even though she keeps pushing her away, she goes after her sister because despite it all she still wants Her love, hell just her Attention above anything else.*
The movie: This is true love 🥰
Me, definitely not projecting my own life onto this at twelve: Hold up this hurts a lot and I relate to these characters wait-
My sister: This movie is mine and only I get to sing and only I get to love it cause it's mine. But if you sing it perfectly and never mess up any of the words or notes I guess I'll let you watch with me.
Me: Really???? 😍🥺🥰🥺😍
Okay so this was going to be a critique about how Anna is seen as naive and dumb and it is used against her the entire movie without ever acknowledging *why* she's like that. And how a lot of fans don't see it either. But then it really just turned into me trauma dumping lmao.
But seriously. I feel like most of the neglect and abuse talk ends up being towards Elsa cause she visibly struggles more. And Anna hides it because she has to. Her parents were so worried about elsa that they didnt have time for her pain too. So it's hidden. But it is most definitely there. And it deserves to be mentioned and talked about.
Also this is a very common situation for emotionally neglected people to find themselves in. They cling onto someone showing the slightest bit of decency and believe it's good and amazing cause when you're starved, you'll eat poison if it might help for just a moment. Cause something is better than nothing. And when the something is bad and hurting, the pain of going back to nothing is worse. So you're stuck with a Hans believing it's what you deserve because of years of neglect and abuse.
But yeah. Anna is just dumb and naive. Definitely no trauma on her end.
Bottom line:
Anna deserves better. In canon and from fandom. And ESPECIALLY from Disney.
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bonnieisaway · 2 years
scissor seven season 3 spoilers
ok i just i was editing something real quick and i. god i NEED to talk about the art in season 3
so like the artstyle of this show very much evolves over the course of it WHICH IS A THING I LOVE because while season 1's artstyle had its charming parts i didnt enjoy it as much compared to the other seasons
like here you can see a clear difference in how they draw seven
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and this is one of the far less heavy detailed scenes but you can see it in mainly seven's hair and outfit and it's just. GOD i love it but the REASON i wanna talk about it is because of THE EXPRESISONS. THE EXPRESSIONS
and specifically thirteen's expression and how you can see what she's thinking in this moment AND ALSO HER BODYLANUGAGE GOD.
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i'll get into why this scene makes me mentally ill in a second but GOD just look at her compared to her first expression in season 1
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why was her hair black in her first appearance. like it's evident her hair didn't turn blue for animation reasons cus seven's stays consistently dark black it confuses me daily. also her swords used to have a beige handle?
ANYWAY I just. Would like to analyze the way they so excellently conveyed her absolute terror so quietly.
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Before the oracle even blacks out the sky, Thirteen is visibly worried. Somewhere between shocked and worried, I think, and she's in this pose where she's ready to attack or move at any second.
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And as he begins to black out the sky, the way her shoulders have moved it looks like she took a step back as she looked up, and she's stopped focusing on Seven and is trying to figure out what the FUCK is going on, and better yet, what to do.
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I can't really tell exactly what she's thinking here, but she's obviously stunned. Usually when Thirteen is trying to process what's going on or what to do, she jumps away from the person/danger and narrows her eyes trying to focus, presumably, sometimes overwhelmed. But there's nowhere for her to run here, she's just frozen.
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And then the prayer beads begin to fall, and she's horrified. She's realized what's about to come, and you can see her arms almost.. relaxed? I don't know if she was just so shocked that death was so imminent, or that her muscles instinctively relaxed when she knew there was nothing she could do, but god it's just so cool. Her expression isn't the normal fear we see on her in these situations, she's absolutely fucking terrified. Probably the most she's ever been, because unlike in other situations, it's coming so slowly she has time to react, but not enough to escape.
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And then in the closeup she turns to Seven, presumably because he caught her attention although i'd like to think she was either looking for comfort in him or trying to check his expression i have to admit it was most likely him turning around that caught her eye
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And you can see the shock on her face when she realizes what he's doing BEFORE WE EVEN KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING!! And it's so well illustrated because it's very clearly different from the fear she felt as the beads began to fall or as the oracle told her about the dark frost blade, but still VISIBLY shocked
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And like,,, the way you can see how hard Seven is straining to get to her? The way his mouth moves in this cutscene it almost looked like he said something as he ran to her (though unlikely, i would've died on all levels if he yelled her name as he ran to her)
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And this frame is visible for like a second tops but you can still see how surprised she is. She didn't think he would turn around to protect her.
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And of course you can't see her face as they hit the ground but you can still see she's absolutely frozen by the way her arm is placed, but also YOU CAN SEE HOW TIGHTLY HE'S HOLDING ON TO HER. GOD.
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Like yeah, this is a really tight timeframe and it's not like he'll spring up in seconds flat, but you can see how tightly he's clinging to her, and you can almost just,, tell how afraid he is? But it doesn't feel like he's afraid for himself, it's like he only cares that Thirteen is safe. And it's so fcking meaningful, because it's not that kind of "i broke the spell/curse because of the love" but it's "i love you so much that no matter how hard it is to fight it i will protect you" AND IT'S SO. FUCKING. GOD. AAAAAAAH. even the ORACLE couldn't understand
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and the surprise on her face once he pushes himself up, the way he's breathing and straining because he put EVERYTHING into saving her. He didn't fight it like at ALL until this moment. And the first time I laughed cause he was saying "get out, please," and she just Sat There but in reality it's just. she was so surprised she could barely even THINK
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and her face when she realizes THIS is what the blade is doing to him, and that he can barely even FUNCTION and just GOD i cant even fucking put it into WORDS. it doesn't need words it's just it's so beautifully illustrated and you can tell how much she means to him and the way she watches him run away to protect her, and the way that he only starts pushing through it and fighting it when she's around. and the fact that he used HIS SWORD, WHICH BACK IN SEASON TWO GREEN PHOENIX CALLS THE "ATTACK ONLY, THOUSAND DEMON DAGGERS."
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honestly the only thing the expressions and their bodylanguage is missing in this episode is i wish seven cried, before she showed up, because the coughs and wincing kept looking like he was crying to me and it fucked me up so hard
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and his sad smile thinking of chicken island,,
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and the way he smiles when he asks her to distract him from the pain. god. it hurts so much. you'd think in any other situation he'd be mad, or upset, and i think a little bit is because he understands, he knew it was always her mission to kill him. but it's also like dai bo said at the start of season 3 to xiao fei, "seven's dumb as a box of rocks, and i've lied to him a million times but he still trusts me as a friend."
he still trusts her. he still loves her. he doesn't care. he just asks her to help, and honestly i can't even tell if it's because he wants her there or if he wants her to stop feeling guilty, but i just. oh my god. god. i'm crying. i'm fr fucking crying. i'm crying over the silly little anime people.
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and the way he looks at her when she says "that person is dead." like obviously he doesn't know who, or what happpened, but he sees the pain in her eyes and the hurt in her voice and he stops to think, he's careful not to upset her or put salt in the wound,
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and instead of dwelling on it he jsut makes a joke he knows will make her blush. and he just sits back and falls asleep. and he tries to run first thing in the morning to keep her safe. fuck. god. damnit. hell. god. fuck. lord. fuck. Fuck
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Just go with it part 2
Musical beetlejuice x reader
You have to meet juno and pretend you and bj are getting married
Nsft sorta, mentions of activity
Part 1
"Y/n wake up, come on babes"
"Beej?" You mumble rubbing your eyes "what's wrong?" You say in a whisper.
He doesnt respond, you turn on the lamp by your bed and check your phone clock
You sigh, looking back at the demon, now being able to see him clearly, you freeze upon seeing that the demon was now completely purple, his hair, his beard, his tie, all deep purple.
"What's wrong?" You ask again, more fear in you voice then intended
"Okay y/n" he starts, using your name rather then a pet name was never a good sign "so you remember a few nights ago when that suit came by to see if I was lying about our relationship?"
"He's back?!" You sit up, more awake "wait... wasnt the repercussion to that not that bad? Just some extra work for you?"
Beetlejuice rubs his neck "yeah, thing about that, it's not him... my mother is here, to talk to you personally..." he trails off refusing to look at you
"Your mother...." you repeat feeling your stomach drop
"What's gonna happen if she finds us out?" You ask in a whisper
"...who knows with her" the demon spits before looking away.
The two of you remain in silence over the shit beetlejuice has gotten you into it.
Beetlejuice huffs out his nose as his focus goes back to you.
"So y/n, I mean honey~" the demon pulls you up from your bed and into a side hug "ready to meet mommy dearest?" Beetlejuice tried to smile, make light of the situation, but his hair betrayed him, remaining a deep purple, even though he tried his best to plaster a grin across his face for your sake.
You didnt know much about Beetlejuice's mother, other then she didnt exactly win mother of the year, beej only opened up about her a handful of times, long story short, you knew this was gonna be a rough experience for both of you, but mostly Beej.
Beetlejuice drops his jacket around your shoulders, pulling the same ring he gave you to fool the suit, the same tacky, pretty ring, the band was black and white, and resembled a snake, the gem was a brilliant green, your heart swelled at the sight of the ring.
The ghoul drops on one knee, and gently slides the ring onto your middle finger, pausing to kiss your hand before giving you wink, under different circumstances you would die from such a cheesy romantic gesture, but now was not that time, you did appreciate beetlejuice trying to lighten the mood.
"Alright honey, you remember the drill?"
"That's my future wife, let's not keep the bitch waiting" he smiles linking arms with you
Future wife...
You couldnt help but give the ghoul a soft smile at the thought.
Beetlejuice takes a deep breath, smoothing his hair back, wiping the purple away in favour of his default green.
The demon grabs your hand begins to lead you to your living room, you could barely focus over the sound of your heart pounding, who could blame you, you were about to come face to face with someone Beetlejuice was afraid of.
As the two of you head down the hall , she was finally in sight, you felt your stomach drop, in your recliner sat an old woman, dressed completely in red, she had a permanent scowl across her face, her whole presence give off a bad feeling.
"Lawrence, you took your sweet time fetching your fiance" she barked causing beetlejuice to flinch
"Ya know breathers, they like their sleep-" he forces a laugh, purple slowly creeping back into his hair
"Nonsense, it's nearly 6am, that's more then a reasonable time for breathers to wake and start their pointless routines" she waves off, beetlejuice frowns and leads you to the couch, where the both of you sit.
"Its been awhile huh Ma? Like I was saying earlier, it's nice to see you again and-" beetlejuice was babbling
"Zip it" was all she said and beetlejuice clamped his mouth shut and gazed down staring at his feet. "Lawrence, I didnt come here for pointless pleasantries" her eyes meet yours "y/n l/n I dont know what Lawrence has done to you or promised you, but I can assure you he doesnt care about you, and just wants freedom, further more Lawrence, do you honestly think this breather could love you? This game of yours needs to come to an end, there is alot of paper work tied up in this farce of yours"
You were taken back by her words, she really didn't beat around the bush.
"I dont-" you start, voice trembling
"Ma, y/n loves me and I love them, see~" beetlejuice grabs your hand to show his mother the ring, she eyes the ring for a moment, then goes bad to staring daggers into her son, her scowl never faltering.
"Tacky" she huffs, a simple response like that was enough to shut her son down, beetlejuice pulled away from you, pressing his back firm against the couch, lips pressed shut and hands clamped together in his lap.
"As I was saying, Lawrence is a natural born troublemaker, and youd be smart to back out of this farce before he gains life, knocks you up with a life ruining disappointment, and vanishes from your life" she droned as she lights a cigarette, taking a deep inhale, smoke shooting out from her neck.
You swallow hard.
"I would prefer if you didnt smoke in my house, ma'am"
Juno stares at you for a moment, then shakes her head as she puts out her cigarette on your coffee table.
"Ma'am I really do trust beetlejuice, and I love him, this isnt a farce-" you began, but your words were ignored
"If you want to throw yourself into a mess, I wont stop you, I'm not here to save you, but I have to applaud his efforts on tricking someone LEGAL this time for his little game. Even though this mess of yours is going to keep him out of my way for awhile, it doesn't cover the fact that Lawrence's efforts have caused my office nothing but work. And even if this "love" was real the boy ruins everything thing he touches, cant do anything right, having him around only causes headaches, you'll see soon enough y/n," Juno's hurtful words drone on, as if her son wasnt sitting across the table from her.
"Back to the matter, even if you do choose to marry this fool, I wanted to warn you about the mess your getting yourself into, giving him life would only cause you grief, and I dont want to hear it when you get to the netherworld after a suicide his actions caused"
You grit your teeth at that last remark, you knew juno thought poorly of beetlejuice, but did she honestly thing her son was so awful that youd kill yourself over his actions, you felt like you were going to be sick.
"Lawrence, why is your hair purple?"
You glance over to beetlejuice, who infact was completely purple, the deepest purple you've ever seen him wear.
Beetlejuice bites down on his lip, his hands clenched in fists as they sat on his thighs, he was frozen.
"Bee?" You gently whisper as you slowly place a hand on his, the ghoul flinches at your touch, beetlejuice slowly takes your hand in his and gives it a light squeeze.
"Come on Ma, y/n my be dramatic, and get mad at me from time to time, but they'd never kill themselves over anything dumb I'd do, and hell we already talked it over, we dont want kids" the ghoul leans into you for support.
Juno scowls "to remind you both, I'm not here to stop you two, the only thing I'm here for is to warn this foolish breather, and double check to make sure YOU arent mucking about and blackmailing the living again, there is a lot of paper work involved in this little game of yours, and you still havent delt with the paper work of your failed marriage and death by the hands of that poor child you tricked" her eyes narrow down to beetlejuice, juno pauses, then sighs
"Lawrence just come clean, this little game of yours has gone on long enough, even if you didnt blackmail this poor soul into marrying you, do you honestly think they love you? You dont actually think this breather wants you around do you?"
"That's not true, I do-"
You werent able to finish that sentence, with a snap of juno's fingers your mouth is now cover with a strip of duct tape.
"You've honestly fooled yourself into thinking you could be loved didnt you? Pitiful, maybe this breather found you amusing now, but you dont think it's going to last do you?" Her questioning goes on, she was convinced her son was unlovable, you tug away at the duct tape but it refuses to budge, beetlejuice was too focused on his mother's words, to the point where he was starting to believe her, the purple slowly faded from him in favour of white, a color you've never seen on him.
"Lawrence you're little game is over, and you're going to clean up the mess you made, I have a decade's worth of paper work for you to fill out over this farce and every other little issue you caused, I knew from the start this was fake, no living person in their right mind would let you into their life willingly"
A decade's worth of paper work?! Was that so important that she was willing to manipulate her own son into thinking he was worthless?
"Lawrence you are such a screw up, the amount of work your little games keep giving me is coming to an end, you will never be alive, you will never be loved, let alone tolerated, and you are coming back to my office to straighten up ever little issue you have caused, if you think being invisible for a millennia is bad-" she raises her voice with each hateful word.
This duct tape wasnt going to budge, so you went with plan B, you roughly bump into the demon's side to get his attention, beetlejuice looking your way, your eyes grow wide at his expression, he was crying, black gooey tears. The two of you stare at each other what felt like an eternity, Juno's voice no longer reached him, beetlejuice snaps his fingers and the duct tape vanishes from your mouth.
You jump up from you position on the couch "I'm sorry ma'am  but bee- Lawrence isnt worthless, and yes, he can be an ass, and insensitive at times, but I love him and I really do want to marry him! And whatever stupid paper work that is tied up in this, can just fuck off..." your voice tweaks as the ghoulish women sitting across from you stands up, eyes dead set on you.
You werent great with confrontation, and beej knew this, but here you were talking back to his mother, you  his tiny sweet breather talking back to a literal monster. The white from Beetlejuice's hair quickly left in replacement to pink 'I really do want to marry him!' Those words from your lips could have made his heart start beating , tho that was shortly lived when he saw this mother stand, purple took hold of his form once again.
He couldnt let you fight his mistakes alone, though he found it hot that you could be his knight in shining armor.
No, beetlejuice is quick to jump up and link his arm with yours "see ma, this little breather stole my heart, and hell, we've been planning our little wedding for months" beetlejuice snaps his fingers and in a flash his and yours clothes change. Beetlejuice wore a red tux made with crushed velvet, with a lacy front, his whole outfit screamed tacky, but that was him. Looking down at your self, you stifle a laugh, here you were, 6:30am, dressed in a red puffy lacing monster of a dress, in all honesty this wouldnt be your first choice, but now was not that time. Beetlejuice pulls you close, you could swear he could hear how hard your heart was pounding, could you blame yourself? He looked so handsome all dressed up, even if this was fake.
"My, my Lawrence, doesnt that dress look familiar, isnt that the dress you forced that poor child to wear the last time you played this game?" his mother sneers
"Its called a call back, and y/n loves it" he sneers back you nodded in agreement, beetlejuice continues "we're still working on a venue, trying to find a band, believe me, planning a wedding is exhausting, and oh! dont be surprised if your invite gets lost in the mail ma" the demon gives a shit eating grin, you smile seeing beetlejuice has gained SOME confidence back.
"I have no interest in attending your little wedding Lawrence" she spat "it's clear you're not going to budge, and still refusing to take responsibility for your actions, you always were a slacker, and if that's the case, once you die again you will be returning to my office to deal with the mess you made" her focus turns to you "or I could end this little charade by killing your ticket to life"
Your heart stops at her words, she was a demon, Beetlejuice's grip tightens on you, the silence must have been hurting him as much as it did you.
"But I wont, itd be too much a hassle ending a life before it's time"
You sigh in relief, and beetlejuice loosens his grip.
"This will end poorly for the two of you, and I dont want to hear it" juno walks past the two of you, and with a gesture of her hand the livingroom wall opens up to reveal an office full of the dead.
"Lawrence before you join the living I need to deal with one last errand, so I will see you later, and you" Juno's boney finger points to you "you have no idea what you've signed up for" and with that she was gone, the wall closes up as if nothing happened, the two of you collapse on the floor
"Shes gone" you sigh, you've never been more scared in you entire life then you were talking to Juno
"So you like your future mother in law?" Beej jabs you side
"Oh yeah, a delight" you snort, "how long do you think we have before she notices we havent gotten married?" You tone shifts to a more serious note
"No clue, guess you'll actually need to marry me now" he pulls you into a side hug
"What?" You stammer, beetlejuice laughs at your response
"HA! Just pulling your chain there doll, theres no way in hell she's coming back to check, if I know that Bitch shes going to file away those papers for me, there's no way she'll let them just sit there for who knows how long, and this time next week she'll be harping about something else" beetlejuice stands up and pulls you up with him as he sees you struggling to move in that dress, as you raise to your feet you mumble a thanks.
"You know beej, you really do clean up good, I mean, you look very handsome all dressed up" you smile, now that that two of you were safe, you felt it was the right time to say it.
The purple in the ghoul's hair quickly vanishes at your kind words and is replaced with pink.
"Well you know doll, the tux suits me, but it looks even better on the floor, you'll see on our honeymoon~"
"Is that so?"
"Dont believe me? I'll show ya right now baby~" the ghoul pulls you close pressing his chest against yours, as fun as this little exchange was it came to a halt when you yawned.
"What a way to start a weekend, early and terrified, I think I'm gonna get a few more hours of sleep" you grumbled rubbing your eye "you mind helping me out of this dress?" Beetlejuice goes wide eyed at your question, in a flash his hands were groping for the zipper on your back.
"Naughty minx" he purrs before you swat his hands away
"I ment with magic" you breath out, you may be tired, but your genitals were now wide awake.
Beetlejuice grumbles as he snaps his fingers bringing you back into your pajamas and him in his suit.
"Thank you, I guess this wouldnt be good night, see you in a bit" you shrug as you head to your bedroom to get a few more hours of sleep, you glance back at beetlejuice, who was purple once again, you frown
"Beej do you want to sleep with me? I mean you dont need to sleep, I just thought maybe, you wouldnt want to be alone right now?" After seeing his mother maybe he could use some comfort.
There was a long silence as the demon only stares back at you, you panic
"I'm sorry, that was stupid, I'll just, uh, see you in-" you babble as you spin in your heels eager to get away from this embarrassing situation. Before you could hide away in your bedroom you feel the dicey grip if the demon's hand on your shoulder, and in a deep gravely voice he purrs
"Isn't it normal for a husband and wife to sleep together?~" 
you honestly felt a shiver run up your spine.
The ghoul, now only in a pair of boxers has now cuddled up to you  his legs intertwined with yours, his arms wrapped around your waist, hand rubbing up and down your back, and head nuzzled into your chest, the demon now pink, purred feeling your hands scratching his scalp, his mother was wrong, you did love him, truly and unconditionally, maybe not now, but soon, he will marry you.
It's been days since you met his mother, and it seems like beetlejuice has been back to stop caring about it, but sometimes you see him just staring off into space.
The ghoul had only one thing on his mind, replaying the memory over and over, of you shouting "I REALLY DO WANT TO MARRY HIM!"
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nukaghoul · 3 years
Explain Hancock lore to me pls I'm genuinely curious because I'm too impatient to pay attention to anything when I'm playing a game so in fallout I always just run around with my hot ghoul bf but I dont know anything about him because I skip all the dialogue
honestly respect, and okay so BASICALLY dont mind me im just gonna leave an entire Hancock-flavored essay here under the cut ->
im just gonna explain what he tells u in-game and u can find all this on the wiki, but i like saying it and i basically memorized it so ! u might actually know all this already but i v much appreciate u asking hdbsjdj
hancock was john mcdonough, a human and the brother of mayor mcdonough, and when the mayor kicked all the ghouls out of diamond city for No reason hancock couldnt bear to see all those people basically sentenced to death and he left. he managed to help some of them, but he was only one man, and a lot of them disappeared.
after that, he stumbled around as a drifter, literally just surviving. he wound up in the streets of goodneighbor, and the tyrannical mayor of the place at the time was being a fucking dick to everyone and killing drifters for no reason. a Source of Trauma for hancock was then, when he watched that mayor and his gang kill a drifter right in front of him. he describes that they "cracked him open like a can of cram on the pavement." heavy stuff. anyways hancock and the other drifters were frozen with fear, and i mean who wouldnt be, but hancock still feels guilty for not doing anything about it then.
so hancock, who is not quite hancock at this point, decides "god fucking damn i hate myself" and takes this experimental drug packed with radiation. he says he couldnt stand looking at who he was in the mirror anymore, and he knew that taking that drug would wipe that away. john mcdonough, wracked with guilt, takes a cleaver to his own life, becoming a ghoul and getting so goddamn high that he winds up knocked out in the basement of the old state house. (dont ask me how the hell he got in there or why he wasnt intercepted by one of the mayor's goons, cause ive got no fucking clue havdjhf)
anyways, when he wakes, he finds himself staring at the dusty old clothes of john hancock hanging there in the display case, still miraculously untouched after two hundred years. he says that "he mightve still been high but those clothes /spoke/ to him," and suddenly, he knows what he needs to do. he sets his metaphorical cleaver down as he puts on the clothes, transformation finished. he's carved out a new life for himself with that weapon, and he's done running away. from everything.
so, he rounds up all the drifters, gives them weapons, and hides up in the rafters while the mayor and his gang get wasted. they drop down, and they all immediately surrender. for their crimes, hancock's motley little crew kill them all anyways. ((from the man's own mouth: "we didnt have to fire a shot. we didn't /have/ to. but we sure fucking did {]>:) (thats his hat))
he says there wasnt even an official decision or anything, they just all looked to him and suddenly he was on that balcony of the old state house, still rushed with adrenaline and shouting out the first words that came to mind: "of the people, for the people." that was his 'inaugural address.' he says they didnt even feel like his words, that first time he said them, but they fit, and he didnt want to take them back.
with all the decorum that the post-apocalypse can muster, john hancock becomes the mayor of the second-largest city in the commonwealth. and john mcdonough might as well be dead to the world.
its never said exactly how long he's been mayor, or even how long it took him to become mayor after leaving diamond city. if i had to guess, seeing how he talks abt his former self, he was pretty young. maybe he left somewhere in his twenties, formed that little revolution anywhere from a month to a year afterwards, and has been mayor-ing since. he's pretty familiar with all of his friends and family in goodneighbor, so its safe to say he's been there for a good few years. fuck, its not even said how old hancock /is/ come to think of it hskdjfn i'd place him anywhere from 25 to 40, probably somewhere near the middle.
((also, extra fun fact that i cant find anywhere to place, hancock actually knows nick from his days in diamond city and if you walk into goodneighbor with nick at your side, they'll give a brief but familiar hello to each other. on the flip side, if you go to save nick with hancock at your hip and enter dialogue with hancock there, he says something to the effect of, "hey, dont worry. if anyone can find your boy, it's ol' Nick. assuming we get out of this pit alive, that is" (referring to the weird decrepit vault nick's stuck in.) i just think thats pretty neat))
so yeah, there you have it, all the Hot Ghoul Bf Lore off the top of my head !! its nice to type it all out for once instead of stumbling through saying it all at dinnertimes and family gatherings hsbajdjn
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
I have never wrote such sad content... ALSO IM FINALLY OUT OF SCHOOL HAHA!
Also I’m working on a Atsumu reader!! I’m excited for that one because it’s going to be a cute one.
" Why! Why! "  I cried
why did he leave...not me?
Iwaizumi got up with anger.
Iwaizumi try to hit Atsumu but I got in between.
" Y/N! GET OVER HERE NOW! " Suga yelled
" NO NO NO! NOT UNTIL THIS GETS RESOLVE! " I yell as tears stream down my face.
" Iwaizumi, please... DONT hit him. I have already seen enough...  "
My heart was aching from the pain... I can't bear to see anyone getting hurt right now even if they don't like us.
"You're lucky enough she stopped me you stupid pig! " Iwaizumi told Atsumu.
" Yeah well, she did- "
Atsumu was interrupted by a voice.
A demon with half black and silver hair shouted with anger.
" Kit- Kita.."
" This is how low you got... I'm disgusted. " Kita said in an angry tone.
" It's not what it sees-"
" It's defiantly what it seems. "
" And you. " Kita points at me , I decided to hide behind Iwaizumi.
"  Why have you come here knowing it was risky for what May happen to you... " he questioned.
" Uh well, I did it out of love... I loved Toru but I did-"
I'm starting to choke on my tears.
Kita stared at all three of us.
Suga was next to Iwaizumi also protecting me.
" Who else knows the King is dead.. "
" Just the ones who are currently at the scene right now Sir.. "
" Who's idea was killing her? " Kita asked firmly.
" Atsumu and Tendou's sir... " one of the guards said.
" and Angel what's your name? " he asked
" Uh, y/n sir.. "
" Does anyone on your side knew about this affair? "
" Only Suga did but others started to figure out... " I say
" We have to inform everyone about this," he says coldly.
" Guards pick up Oikawa we have to prep for the funeral. "
The guards did what Kita said, I stood there frozen as I process the love of my life gone...
Kita demanded the others to leave because he must figure out the punishment for what they did to Oikawa.
Now there were only 3 of us, I, Suga, and Iwaizumi stood there.
I once again collapse as I cried longing for Oikawa...
What if I go too.
Negative Thoughts ponder through my head until I feel a hug from behind.
It was Suga and Iwaizumi with both tears in their eyes. I guess it was self-fish of me thinking I was the only one in pain.
Of course, Iwaizumi was hurting he lost his best friend his wing man. As for Suga, he felt guilty too, just like me.
" Suga... Iwaizumi what are we going to do now... " I say with tears down my face.
" Princess all I know is I have to protect you because that's what Oikawa would want.  " Iwaizumi said wiping my tears away.
" And as for me, I'll stay by your side no matter what. " Suga said with a faint smile.
At that moment I was grateful for them... I know I couldn't do anything self-fish because Oikawa would want me to live my life and change the world as we promise one another.
For a couple of minutes, everything still felt surreal.
" Ok then... We have to fix this mess... " I say.
" How are we going to Princess? Kageyama told the others about Oikawa.. and now that he died for your sake it's going to cause an uproar. " Suga said concerned.
" Iwaizumi do you know what time or have any idea of when Kita will inform everyone?! " I ask
" No I don't but I will figure it out, on the other hand, you two should go back and try to figure out what's going on," he said in a firm voice.
" Ok then... " I say as I get up from the ground.
" And Suga promise me one thing! " Iwaizumi said as we both got up.
" yes? "
" Protect and keep y/n safe. "
" As if I would never! " Suga slightly chuckles.
" Ok we must get going we will meet up once Kita informs both sides. "
Then we were off, Iwaizumi went to go see what was happening as I and Suga went to go see too.
Once I and Suga arrived at our site, we see everyone standing there with suspicion.
" Wheres the demon y/n? " Dachi questioned in a harsh tone.
" Not here. " I say coldly
" What do you mean not here? "
" He is dead. All for stupid desires of selfish people. "
" You shouldn't be the one saying who is selfish when you were too. "
My heart started aching, even more, Dachi is right. I was selfish too for going back to see him. Maybe if I didn't see him, he would of still been alive.
" DACHI THAT'S ENOUGH! "  Suga yelled.
" Y/N I- "
" NO Dachi I'm done. You and the others clearly don't want to change. " I run right through them, I can hear Suga yelling my name but I couldn't handle the pain anymore. It should've been me not Oikawa, now I'm here all alone with this guilt.
I kept running as tears streamed down my face, at that moment I made up my mind on the decision I was doubtful of.
Once I get to the Palace I go in the training quarters, I grab a dagger.  
I'm hesitant about this, yes... but is it for the best I don't know.
My hands started to shake as I hold the dagger.
"It's fine in a count of one, two,th-"
" Y/N! " Suga ran towards me as he tackled me on the ground.
Once again my eyes were in tears, I can't do this anymore.
" Shhh Shhh " Suga hugged me as I weep on the ground.
" Come on let's go in your room. "
Suga dragged me to my room.
" I'm not going anywhere until you sleep. "
I was too weak to talk I just lay there in bed as my heart was broken into pieces.
My eyes got weaker and weaker until I open my eyes to only see I was in a garden.
I got up from the ground, the garden seemed familiar but I cannot remember where.
The garden was vivid, there were flowers, trees, and many more things. I walked around until I bumped into someone.
" OW watch whe- " said a male voice.
I think my eyes were fooling me, it was him... Oikawa Toru.
" Toru? " My eyes being to water, he was also shocked and came in for a hug.
Oikawa hugs me tighter. I can feel his presence it's really him.
" Hey DONT cry I'm here to say Princess! " he says as he wipes my tears.
" Promise.. "
" I promise, we have married after all ! " he chuckles.
Suga pov:
I woke up frantically, I fell asleep on accident.
I get up from the chair to check on y/n on the bed. She has fallen asleep with tears in her eyes. As I use my finger to wipe her tears, I noticed something.
She seemed pale...
" Hey, y/n wake-up... "
No movement or response...
" Hey, This isn't a time to joke around wake up.. "
My heart dropped... She can't be... How?! I was with her all night.
There her lifeless body on her bed...
I look around her room to only find an empty bottle of nightshade on the ground.
I stood there frozen...
She was gone.. .the pain really took her away.
Chapter 12 / Epilogue
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redcreekstudios · 3 years
Red Creek chapter 3: As i said
Warning: this story contains, violence, weapons, death, suicide, gore, horror aspects, and other forms of death and horror, talk of spirits religion and the underworld and things manifested in between. if not prepared do not read i wouldn't want anyone to get triggered
The man at the bar looked twords clark and laughed "long time ago i had met the man they called mountain man, it was an unlikely greet but shit it was better than getting lost as for the night well things changed" Clark rose his brow and narrowed his eyes "the legend whats the connection?" he asked just wanting answers and the old man smirked "as i said this town is more than a town...its history living" he said laughing "but as for the legend it uh jeez give me a moment oh oh yes i remember now a man had moved into this town when it was just a hotel a bar and a couple businesses strung on the road" he sipped from his shot glass and he looked at the wall "no one knew his name just a random stranger his wagon had holes and looked old and burned but was carrying his wife and two kids" Clark tapped the counter "and the point is?" the old man looked at him quickly "its a story give me a moment" he said as he looked around "now where was i? oh yes the man had dirty hands and cloths everyone was bothered by him he was eerie and as winter closed in it had taken the lives of his wife and two kids and well he wasn't happy, in a fit of grief the man came to this very bar and killed three men bam just like that and sat on one of these seats and was arrested drinking as the bodies layed at his feet so he was banished seeing how it would be cruel to leave a prisoner in a cold hard prison cell and he was in the woods never to be seen again people soon went missing by night and were found in...weird ways and i believe you saw him" Clark got up "i aint got time for this shit..." he said taking his hat and looked outside "you know son thats what i said and then i saw him again...take care now deputy and pray he dont find you astray off the road" he said laughing as the band played "sure thing" the old man huffed as victor looked at him "you didnt need to do that Otis" he said cleaning a glass "it has its meaning any who ya have a good one two vic see ya tomorrow its poker night!" he said laughing. down the road clark wandered to the edge of town where the sidewalk ends and he took a deep breath as he looked out seeing a lamppost the mist highlighted by the light as it shifted almost dancing under the light in a current like motion as he blinked for a moment and there stood a shadowy figure holding a lantern and hatchet with the yellow eyes and cloak and his old boots "what in the..." the man slowly shifted his way to him as with every blink he drew closer and closer and the words in his head would repeat "mountain man....mountain man" and as he got closer it got louder "mountain man! mountain man!" his blood would race as did his heart beat fast, his hands shaking as his hairs stood on end as the man stood at Clark's feet, he smelled of death and wet trees as he could vividly see a wooden mask with the yellow lights as his eyes and the man whispered "i...am...good" he said and took Clark's hand and left a burn mark on it "i...will...see...you...soon" the being said as Clark was frozen in fear feeling the burn of on his hand, he looked down at his hand as he listend to the man whisper, he could barely hear the mans raspy voice and looked back up and he was gone "what the hell" his vision blurred and he passed out on the side of the road.
he opened his eyes and he was in a clearing in the woods and there was a cabin with a dead tree standing next to it and he would look around as confused as he was he moved closer to the cabin slowly opening the door to a skeleton laid halfway on a table and chair with a knife in his hand as there was an old shelf oven and seats. the place smelled of moss and smoke as there was a hum in the other room as he walked closer the humming got louder his heart began to pace and his hairs would stand on end as the cryptic humming got louder and he made a stop as he put his hand on the doorknob and he waited and made his way to the room and walked in, there was no one there and he looked at his foot as a drop of blood fell from the ceiling and onto his boot, he held his breath hearing his heartbeat as something grabbed him snapped his neck. he woke up in his bed in a sweat breathing heavily looking around himself making sure he wasn't dead. he looked at his hand and there was a burn mark looked like a skull in a way and he wrapped his hand in bandages as he looked in the mirror seeing a shadow man and its eyes were cut out with light along with its big smile and he turned around fast seeing nothing and he looked back to the mirror and it wasn't there "what in the hell..." he spoke to himself and washed his face getting ready for work and went by the bar and looked around "oi deputy mornin how ya doin?" clark kept silent as he walked to the bar "victor you know any hunters or anyone that spends time out in the woods alot?" he seemed distressed as he clenched his bandaged hand, vic put his hand on his chin and looked at him "no sorry...oh wait wait Otis is always talking about this one guy, ahh his name his name.. oh yeah Marcus he can help ya dep" victor glanced at his hand and rose a brow "what happened there?" Clark wrote down the name and looked up fixing his hat "nothing just tired and had an accident" he said looking up at a framed newsletter and it said three dead in bar bar burns down after bodies not recovered, he focused his sight and he saw three shadow men again and they were moving close to him and Clark looked behind him "hey vic when...when did you get that" he said looking at the framed piece again not seeing the figures "oh that? Otis gave it to me yesterday after your little legend talk haha why do ya ask" he said smiling leaning on the counter "you dont buy it do ya?" he said laughing as Clark looked at victor and shook his head "no i, i dont i gotta go" he said leaving the building and walked to Otis's and knocked on the door "Otis its deputy henslin may i ask you a question?" he said putting the paper away as the door slowly opened and he smiled "oh hey dep whaddya need?" he said kindly as Clark took his sunglasses off and shook his head "vic told me you know a Marcus? guy knows the woods right basically spends all his time out there like hank?" Otis smiled and nodded "yeah me and Marcus knew hank all to well sad to hear he aint alive...but as for Marcus hes probably getting ready to leave you might catch him hes just down the lot here over in uh...oh C17" Clark smiled and nodded "thank you thank you thank you Otis your first drink is on me i gotta go" he said running back to his car and got in and drove to where it was and there was an old muscle car and the garage open as the man had a trucker hat and a vest he was young surprisingly any relation to Otis or hank it was hard to tell, Clark got out of the cruiser and walked onto the driveway "Marcus?" the man loading the trunk would stand up "yeah what...i have all the permits and my rent is in was it Martha she always complains" Clark put his hands in his pockets "no Marcus im deputy Henslin and i need you for a little investigation" Marcus rose a brow and closed the trunk "what for dep?" he ask leaning on the back of the car "well i heard there was a cabin in the woods somewhere im looking for it...might be connected to the hank situation i got going on and i know you two where close" Marcus looked off to the side and scoffed a bit "the trapper cabin? no sir
i aint going there" Clark took his glasses off and looked at Marcus in the eye "so youve seen it?" Marcus nodded as he crossed his arms "yeah i have, it aint fun place is creepy has the smell of death coming off it" he said as Clark nodded "i just need you to show me it thats all i need" Marcus thought for a moment and nodded "get in ill take ya" he said opening the door of the car and Clark got in the passenger seat, he started the car and slowly started off the way as he looked out the window "so tell me Marcus how long do you spend out here" Marcus turned the radio down a bit and took his shades and adjusted them "i spend enough time to know the layout and help lost people if thats what your asking" he said smiling a bit "but that cabin you wanna see it...its ominous place looks like its seen something bad" he continued driving down the road as Clark looked out the window. After a while they made it to a gate and pulled in on the side "this is where we go on foot deputy" he said getting out and opening the trunk and grabbed a shotgun as Clark watched him "nice piece" Marcus looked at him "it was hanks he gave it to me after our first hunt...guy was great" he said sounding down "alright lets go to this creepy ass cabin" he said walking through the woods. the trees towering them as the green clashed with the brown and grey rocks some weird trenches here and there but it was sure a sight to see from clarks angle as he slowly followed. the sun had itself center in the sky by the time the trees ended into grass "deputy eyes up we got your cabin" he said pointing and Clark rose up next to Marcus and looked forward and in his eyes the sky flashed a blood red like a static tv fighting for a station, he stood wide eyed watching the cabin as it went silent and it was almost like it was just him in the center of the universe
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worstloki · 4 years
Fic idea: Loki mermaid AU with literally any plot except merfolk are canonically genderfluid (inspired by this one post about genderfluid merfolk in trending tumblr wont let me link it)
I can’t find the post but I’m jumping on the gender-fluid merfolk bandwagon so thank you for that :D
- plot? what plot? 
- okay so instead of falling off the bifrost or whatever odin dumps both his male princes manly sons #patriarchy on earth to learn some lessons in humility/obedience but to avoid the two of them working together he’s left thor as a human on earth and dumped loki into the water as a half-fish (thanks, odin)
- thor bumps into jane and darcy and erik except when he can’t lift the hammer he’s decided to go reunite with loki (because loki always knows what to do - he’ll know what to do about the hammer and how to get father to accept them back!) and they help him set up an ID and stuff for himself after jane realizes the guy has very limited knowledge about the wormhole he fell through.
- thor struggles with getting a job and working hard to be able to work on-board a cruising agency. he learns to work hard for what he wants, he waits tables and makes beds and no one lets him near the cooking but he washes dishes and everything else on-board the R.D. Stark, while always keeping an eye on his map and which parts of the ocean they’ve gone over and not found loki on, because he totally believes loki would be trying to get to him and staying near the surface just like he is. 
- loki though? nope. not even trying to get back. he knows thor is out there and he believes odin will accept his heir back eventually, but himself? yeah he figured out what happened, its obvious he was either abandoned/stolen and actually a jotun, so as far as he’s concerned being stuck as a mermaid is an upgrade. not to mention mermaids don’t have gender roles so he can go around following his interests and doing whatever he wants (he’s considered a juvenile mermaid and gets adopted by the collective mermaid community) and he can switch genders freely and no one judges loki for it. he’s happy down here exploring and learning and the ocean is a huge place to explore and he’s got a knack for learning ocean magic (odin didnt remove his magic he removed his knowledge of magic so he cant use it without relearning everything) and he’s even got friends now (more on this later)
- The Avengers left as humans are Tony Thor and Clint, where Tony is still Tony, and Clint and him work for SHIELD and the real reason they hired Thor was because SHIELD has been keeping an eye on the guy claiming to be an alien deity since trying to lift the hammer... they get close to Thor and with the amount of tales this guy has to tell and the way his eyes water when he talks about his brother they’re starting to believe him... and now Stark is helping cover the areas on the maps they haven’t covered and he’s built sonars to pick up on ‘mermaid’ if they really are underwater somewhere...
- The Avengers left as mermaids are Steve (found frozen the mermaids found him and converted him with ocean magic), Natasha (Budapest mission with Clint gone wrong she drowned in the Denube...) and Bruce (a bullet didn’t work but surely the hulk couldn’t breathe underwater?... anyways now he’s a mermaid and into water calming meditation and stuff and the hulk is just him but green and doubled in size but he keeps the tail) and they’ve been a part of the mermaid community for a while but they’re barely passing as adults even steve at 100 because mermaids are long-lived oKay so they’re a group that goes exploring and fights capitalist sea monsters and stuff
- thor learns to show when he cares and to value lives of even lesser races like humans and fish creatures when his friends are in danger (tony and clint probably started drowning in the on-cruise pool or something smh) while loki learns self worth and that identity isnt based on material things like gender or what services you can offer another (probably after he profusely apologizes for not being perfect and preventing something in a fight?)
- the sound waves tony’s sonar has? yeah its messing with the beings that live deep underwater including the mermaids (ouchie ears hurtie) and some ancient sea monster they’ve waken up with tony’s powerful tech (cthulhu is that u??)
- anyways loki and co. turn up to fight the monster while its attacking thor and co. and then the day is saved through teamwork and mermaids singing (okay, steve and loki singing, because they’ve got good voices and nat can only sing in russian...) the monster to sleep by projecting their voices into tony’s sonar machine.
- then you’ve got the reunion and thor learns loki never intended to go back to asgard because he thinks he has nothing there... the mermaids are staying on the cruise pool because Clint and Nat need to have a talk too because Clint was blaming himself for her death and maybe there’s some emotions there (they’re friends but also clint doesnt have a family in this AU) ? nat has learnt to be more expressive and clint is so so happy for her... thor does NOT want to leave his brother he doesnt care if he’s jotun he just wants to be with his brother... tony meets steve and is like ‘woah ur the guy my dad had the hots for’ and they get along and tony’s kinda curious about underwater tech? tony mentions the winter soldier and suddenly steve loved living underwater but he doesnt care if the world has moved on he has to go see bucky--  but, oh? what’s this? Tony is offering to bring his parent’s killer to steve? he understands the brainwashing doesnt leave the man responsible? Tony has learnt to be down to earth? by spending time making genuine friends for the sake of making friends? he’s gotten emotionally attached? he’s learnt empathy through watching thor;s love for his brother and watching clint melt at seeing nat alive? 
- anyways thor and clint decide to stick with their respective merfolk (thor doesnt care if it means giving up asgard’s throne he just wants his brother to be happy and if that means changing genders and living underwater and being appreciated for magic thor would happily trade the throne for that) (all clint had was shield anyways and nat? she was a friend he’d trade the world for even years later) steve wants to turn human and go to bucky but tony brings bucky to him with a hit on the noggin and after some time in wakanada™. OH I didn’t mention that Tony absolutely freaks out when he finds out BRUCE BANNER the legend himself is underwater too... Tony totally gets VIP membership and can switch between human and merman now... because he helped ‘unite many broken souls’ or something... hmm... Stark Industries Underwater Division sounds nice....hmm........
- everyone lives happily ever after and odin chokes on his mead when he tries to check on thor’s progress and finds him and loki happily together adventuring actually getting along 
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shouta-aizawow · 4 years
1) Hope u are ok, i will let you this one here. Bakugou coming out as asexual-aromanitc, and having to explain to everyone what is it. (And if you want angst, people not believing him, that he's not grown enough to know, all that bullshit) Sorry is a little bit of proyection.
I’m doing well, thank you!!! And dw, I project HARDCORE and I also LOVE aroace Katsuki so it’s all good!! (i’m actually gonna project a bit in this one lol)
When the other kids were busy talking about crushes and who they were dating, Katsuki was focused on becoming a hero.
He had no time for romance, especially that sappy type he always sees on tv.
No, Katsuki was gonna become the greatest hero, and he would do that alone.
He never thought much of it. It didn’t seem unusual to him that he never had an interest in anyone else, that he couldn’t join in on conversations where the topic was romantic love or sexual attraction.
In fact, he felt smug when all the other extras were held down by girlfriends and boyfriends and datemates while he was forging on ahead. Seeing the confusion and awe on their faces when he told them that he had never been attracted to anyone was enough to erase the slight embarrassment he felt at not being able to relate to them.
Katsuki was invincible, unaffected by the curse that is romantic and sexual attraction, and he needs to let everybody know it.
(A few years later, at the tender age of 13, Katsuki finds he isn’t a superior being, he’s just aroace...
Well... okay then.)
He is aroace and still unaffected by the curse that is romantic and sexual attraction!
He didn’t really have friends to share his epiphany with, and the extras that followed him around were too dense to know what he was talking about to care. Besides, they’d probably just hear that he wasn’t attracted to girls and throw a fit.
Anyway, it’s not like he really wants to share this. No, this information is for Katsuki and Katsuki only.
But when he gets into UA, starts building a, admittedly reluctant at first, relationship with his classmates, the desire to tell them something he’s kept locked away grows.
It all comes to a head one night at the dorms. It’s a rare night of him hanging out in the common room with most of his other classmates.
Katsuki doesn’t know how the conversation steers this way, but the topic is now crushes. Some people are coming out, some people are just observing. Katsuki is becoming bored, and just as he gets up to leave, he’s noticed and asked, “Who do you have a crush on?”
He’s tempted to ignore the question, but surrounded by this open group of people that showed their support whenever someone revealed themself to be gay or bisexual or pan, he has the urge to let them know this part of him as well.
So he replies. “I don’t have one.”
“So who did you have a crush on?”
“Never had one either, Earjacks.”
Everyone becomes interested now.
Jirou looks skeptical, “It’s not weak to have a crush, yknow. If you don’t wanna tell us, fine, but to lie—”
“I ain’t lying, I’m aroace.”
There’s silent confusion, and Katsuki’s heartbeat thunders in his chest.
Someone asks what that is and, huffing, Katsuki tells them, “It means I don’t experience romantic, aro, or sexual, ace, attraction.”
They ignore his muttered “dumbasses” in favor of questioning him with a “You don’t, or you haven’t?”
“I just said I don’t. What are you on about?”
Kaminari then decides to speak up. “Dude, just give it time! You don’t know who you’re gonna meet that’ll knock you right off those stubborn feet of yours.” And he punctuates it with a wink.
Katsuki is getting annoyed.
“Okay, whatever. If that happens, that happens, but right now, it hasn’t. Therefore, I’m choosing the label aroace.”
Momo, with a finger on her chin and a contemplative expression on her face decides to voice, “But aren’t you acting a little hasty, Bakugou-kun? You shouldn’t use such a definitive label when you’re so young.”
Some people are voicing their agreement, and Katsuki feels like screaming, but he’s too busy being frozen in shock, looking at Momo with with the most incredulous look he could muster.
“What the actual fuck? How is me calling myself aroace any more ‘definitive’ than y’all calling yourself gay?” He can’t help the crack in his voice as he continues, “I’m genuinely confused.”
Before they could reply, Katsuki asks his own question with the most deadpan look he could offer:
“Do you ever wanna date a cat?”
There are exclamations of “No” and looks of bewilderment, but Katsuki continues, crossing his arms.
“Well I don’t think you should act so certain. I mean, maybe you haven’t met the right cat, yet.”
They’re telling him that that’s different, shouldn’t be used as an argument.
But then Kirishima perks up, and Katsuki feels dread consume him.
“Love, or don’t love I guess, who you... don’t... love, bro!”
And Katsuki feels hope bloom in his chest.
Only to have it crushed with his best friend’s next words.
“But we’re just trying to help you! We don’t want you to feel like you’re moving too fa—“
“Not only did I not ask for any help, but how is any of this helping me?!” Katsuki throws his arms in the air. “I came out to you guys, something we’ve been doing all evening, and you have the audacity to tell me I’m wrong?!”
He’s pacing now.
“Why the hell are you acting like I’m signing a death wish with my identity! You guys are the biggest fucking hypocrites, holy hell.”
Katsuki shakes his head and storms off, unwilling to be in that toxic situation any longer.
The next few days are met with guilt-ridden eyes from his classmates and the cold shoulder from him.
They don’t try to approach him, and for that, Katsuki is grateful, because he doesn’t know what he’d do if the people that rejected who he is tried to act like they did nothing wrong.
Yeah, maybe they weren’t being malicious, maybe it was just ignorance, but Katsuki is by no means obligated to forgive nor teach them. Until they pull their heads out of their asses and realize there’s a plus after LGBTQ for a reason, he’s perfectly fine with the distance.
1) The class that was there does their research and apologizes and are forgiven and whatnot (happy ending)
2) The class doesn’t do their research and just assumes that Katsuki doesn’t want to have sex or kiss anyone. They apologize, but the relationship is still tense with their ignorant comments and jokes. Katsuki is still hurt, especially when they start dating each other or other students, and he’s left to be the only one that values a strong friendship over romance. He feels left behind. (Angsty ending)
3) The class doesn’t apologize or do their research, because they think Katsuki was making a big deal out of nothing. After those few weeks of the silent treatment, they try to approach him and act like everything is great.
Katsuki is angry and hurt, but eventually he finds comfort and very close friendships with Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shinsou, and Shoji. Not all of them are aroace, but they’re on the spectrum for one or both (bittersweet ending)
IM DONE!!! This honestly didn’t go the way I was thinking it would go, but I ain’t upset so it’s all good.
So ofc I projected with the being annoyed when people act like my sexuality isn’t a real thing (which is lots of ppl online and the classmates I told when they asked)
Also, that part about telling people that you’ve never had a crush and being smug when they’re like :0? Yeah, I used to do that until I was 13 when my older sib was like “yeah, you’re aroace” and I was like :0 “i saw that term in one fanfiction years back but i genuinely didn’t think abt it when i looked up to see what ‘ace’ meant but it fits perfectly”
So anyway, my sib also told me that what I was is Agender (which I knew abt but thought “that’s not me,,, right?” wrong) and I realized when they asked me if they could tell their friend my gender identity. I was confused like sure?? and then they said i was agender and their friend asked for my pronouns and i said i didn’t care
like,, i thought i was nb, but i wasn’t sure exactly what “type”(?) idk, but after that, i looked at the definition for agender that i didn’t understand before and was like :0 yep that’s me
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cosmosrival · 4 years
just a quick vent post i wanted to make since i got a shitty lil experience on twitter and also found out about some things!! its just me talking about my take on kama and sakura fans (the Bad ones)
just needed to let it out <3
there’s this person on reddit whose content i genuinely despise since he babifies kama who is a character who Absolutely Should Not be babified and is one of the reasons why i wish kama’s first ascension didnt exist. but unfortunately: fgo. i usually have no problems with ppl’s headcanons since i can’t control their minds u know? same goes for ships, just do whatever u want (and if its gross keep it away from me lol). but the AMOUNT of traction this man gets on his fucking posts where kama is parvati and emiya’s daughter is so insanely repulsive to me ??? LIKE... I GET IT. YOURE PROJECTING ON EMIYA. URE A SAKURA FAN. U LIKE SHIROU AND SAKURA TOGETHER BUT THINK SHIROU IS A LOSER SO U SHIP PARVATI AND EMIYA INSTEAD. OKAY. THATS FINE. just PLEASE for the love of GOD, leave kama out of it and dont turn them into this clueless baby because thats NOT what they are.
for a while i was just stuck in this position since i’m petrified that the ENG fandom only sees kama as the Haha Baby Nugget ! baby Sakuraface ! servant and then look away. when all they took from sakura is her body and negative personality traits (BUT EVEN THEN. kamadeva had their own grudge and negative feelings about shiva so sakura’s just amplified those and didnt create anything new) meanwhile their backstory is so RICH and their trauma with shiva leaves so much room for growth and there’s so much in indian mythology that’s about kama and their death/the whole Becoming the Universe/galaxy godly state frozen when they reached the Throne thing too.
but im afraid. i’m going to be honest. i’m afraid of their NA release. because of the traction this degenerate got on his posts amongst the english fandom. i know everyone hates reddit but its still a popular website :/
but then the greatest thing happened and a mutual of mine dmed me and told me that he’s actually a p*dophile who made porn in that 3d japanese porn game of emiya and first ascension kama fucking and i felt like a weight got off my chest. SO HE’S A FREAK ! HE’S ACTUALLY JUST A FREAK!!! he then told me that he’s also extremely hated on 4chan which is... the website i didn’t expect to be on the same side with ???? but you know what, i’ll take it.
this isnt even a battle or anything... since the main reason why people will roll for kama anyways is that they’re a sakuraface, and i’m fine with that. do whatever u want!! love em however u want.
what im scared of is that ppl will literally forget their third ascension exists????? and that more disgusting content of kama’s first ascension will end up coming out because of dudes like him getting popular because they’re good at photoshop and sprite editing. and that kama will end up being babified ONCE AGAIN meanwhile they’re an ethereal god and are older than the world itself.
being a fan of the god is suffering but i’m glad there seems to be a large portion of the fandom thinking the same way i do fjdnfndjdfgfgdgft
im glad kama got sakura physical traits bc sakura is a pretty girl !! and they turned out really gorgeous thanks to redrop. but sometimes i wish they werent a sakuraface.
this kinda got messy and i wont be checking this for mistakes since its really just me venting but... yeah. i like exploring kama as being this mess of a servant, god, demon and half human ? the ooku event added a lot to their character and i think the sakura side shouldnt be ignored even if i personally believe that its like. 15% of them. the rest is kamadeva and mara. its still interesting to explore !!
but then weirdos like these exist and i suddenly log off <3 i could very well ignore these comics no problem, if they WERENT ALL AROUND THE INTERNET EVERYTIME I TYPE KAMA IN THE SEARCH BAR its tiring. 
though, mutuals coming forward and followers as well, coming to tell me that i made them like kama since my take on kama is so detached from sakura and the whole dark sakura theme and that they see kama in a new positive light thanks to me, gives me strength and makes me want to continue posting my headcanons. 
if u made it this far and still choose to support me, thank u so much !! i think that kamadeva is a genuinely interesting god and that fgo’s take on his revenge is very fun to explore and i wanna keep going in that direction and learn more about them !!
tho if ure a hardcore sakura-only fan and decide to unfollow me because of this rant, no problem. i never watched heavens feel, i dont want to watch it and im more of a rin fan to be quite honest !! my fate/stay night knowledge is enough for me to get by im jus here for fgo historical lore fellas !!! Peace !!
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
Adventure Time Reviewed: Season 1 part 1
As promised, I’m going through the Adventure Time series. I’m going to write brief reviews for each of the eps as I watch them, in groups. 
Slumber Party Panic to Prisoners of Love
S1E01: Slumber Party Panic
This made an outstanding choice for a first episode, even if it wasn’t the intended premiere, because SPP shows you a brief package of what themes the show would keep through its run, rather than just a brief adventure.  It’s really funny that the first appearance of Princess Bubblegum in the series is her raising the dead, it being a big mistake, and her lying to the candy people to protect them and describing them as ignorant, then making a 12 year old keep a royal promise.  This ep shows Finn’s early season character - an amped up, anxious kid who wants to keep everyone happy but sometimes can’t. And it has Jake trying to pry the information from him, because from Jake’s perspective it is out of character for Finn to keep secrets, and he is also messed up after finding Dead Mr Creampuff’s sock with Finn. (Mr Creampuff and Manfried are both in this ep, and they will continue to be the funniest retcons of all time to me)    What was absolutely retconned after this ep was the brokenness of the Gumball Guardians. It’s hilarious that Bubblegum programmed them to go apeshit if someone breaks a promise to her. If only they could have frozen time during the final battle against GOLB. I liked the part in ETDBIDK where you have to answer a maths question while dodging their attacks, even if it went on a bit too long.   The ep also subverts its message. Bubblegum asks Finn if he learned about the consequences of breaking promises, but Finn says that if he breaks promises he can go on AWESOME ADVENTURES and REVERSE DEATH ITSELF, and PB goes whatever, youre too cute to yell at.  
The music in SPP is surreal. Seriously, listen to this ep. The tension it creates when Finn is told to make a royal promise because the zombies will explode, and how the music so naturally swings with the mood of the ep. Excellent score!
As Jake said,“This is messed up, but cute!”  
S1E02: Trouble in Lumpy Space
This is the introduction to LSP and to Lumpy Space. Lumpy space is a beautiful if rather barren environment. I do think more could have been done with it in AT, because there are not many episodes that take place in space.  One design choice I found SUPER COOL in this ep is the sun has a green halo around it. I can’t actually find the sun again, I even looked on the wiki but there are no images, so it must have appeared for a brief instance. But it looked great!  
LSP as a character was always incredibly selfish, but she also has this vibe of being a teenager who dwells far too much on teenager feelings. She NEVER takes anything seriously, unless it’s teen drama. And you can see that in full effect here.  I love LSP. I love how much of an asshole she is, yet she has this sort of charm, because she’s so spiteful but in the teenage idiot kind of way rather than in a genuinely malicious way. It’s like she doesn’t understand right and wrong and is driven by pure instinct. And she’s voiced by Pen Ward! His LSP voice is the best. 
I love Finn and Jake getting lumpified. There is some great voice acting on behalf of Jeremy Shada to pull this off. 
Favourite joke: When Jake talks about how he might get lumpified, and if it happens Finn says he’ll bury him next to the treehouse, but Jake is alarmed and says he just wanted to be accepted, what did Finn think he was going to say? LMAO  
Other good one: “We were drawn back by your directionless fury. Here! PCHOO! Get your girl back!” “Yeah there’s no girl.”  
Finn in this ep is having some issues communicating. He ends up having an outburst at LSP, even though it wasn’t entirely her fault that the smooth posers took away the orb, it was theirs too. Finn was having a bad day. 
I wish Jellybeans Have Power started with PB and SP bouncing on marshmallows like in this episode rather than having tea in her room. That would’ve been a nice callback. 
Anyway, Trouble in Lumpy Space is great. These two eps are really good introductions to the series. 
S1E03: Prisoners of Love
I love the joke with the snow golem’s cat head. There is an immediate callback to the Pilot, with Finn and Jake having fun in the snow. I always liked how fun these scenes looked, they are very very rare later in the series.  There’s even a homage to penguin surfing, but the penguins are surfing on Jake this time.  Finn and Jake act like jerks to the Ice King for like no reason. “Do you know what Ice King means?” “A big nerd!” “Oh, holy cow!”  *fistbump*  
“There’s a big sleepy lava man in our front yard, and he is SO hot.” “Mmmhmm....” “Nonono I take it - I mean, not like SEXY hot--” “No, no you DO mean sexy hot!”  “NO! I mean---”  Oh Adventure Time. Gay jokes on episode 3, and these would continue throughout the show. But as soon as you imply two of your main girl characters are or were in love, suddenly the network hounds onto you like dogs :/ Rebecca Sugar herself said that it’s much more likely you’ll get gay content in if it’s presented as a joke, or Wrong somehow, like Jake and Ice King getting married later in the season. 
“Now now, I brought you a baby! And a PUPPY!” In his twisted way, Ice King thought the princesses would want to have Finn and Jake there. It’s also a good thing Finn and Jake got kidnapped because otherwise they wouldn’t have discovered Ice King locked up a bunch of princesses. 
Ice King himself is a fun character already. He’s not shown as doing outright evil stuff to Finn and Jake for the sake of it. He seems heavily misguided, and idiotic, trying in his weird way to make friends. Then again.... “IceKing - let the girls go! They don’t want to be here.” “Of course they do! I’d have killed them already if they didn’t want to be here! Right ladies?” Ice King I’m increasingly certain the only reason you haven’t been dissected on Bubblegum’s lab table is because of your connection to Marceline, but that is some late series lore. As for the early seasons, wtf dude!  
The flute song Finn plays in this ep is very similar to the one he plays in Lemonhope part 2. The Lemonhope version is more complete. “You broke it when we tried picking the lock to that sad ogre’s heart!” Oh my god that is such an AT line, you can imagine an entire emotional adventure based on that. 
Ice King has a drawing of Bubblegum on his keyboard... 
I love how the princesses are clearly quite traumatized by this affair, having been held for weeks, but the most Ice King did was ask them about their favourite sports, while threatening to kill them if they didnt play the keyboard..... it’s like a parody of a twisted serial killer. AT’s dark humor is my favourite.  
Finn is a hot headed kid. He knows that the Ice King needs some kind of help but doesn’t know where to start. He knows he’s probably too young to understand. But Jake hasn’t got the patience to help. 
Cosmic Owl’s first appearance!!!!!
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Hai 🪐
May I please get Citizen Z (from Z nation) x reader? Like reader stumbles upon his compost (the one where he was the only human). Reader is freezing cold and passes out and Citizen takes care of them pleaseee ? Thanks heheheheehhe
Yes of course, here you go! 🖤 thanks for requesting!! So I’m on Season 2 I think so I’ll be writing from in between seasons 1 and 2. But still I hope you like it! ❤️
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You’ve been trying to survive in this freaking cold place you had forgotten how you ended up there. You were in service for America. You have been in the military since you were 18. Luckily coming from a good background with the knowledge of guns and survival you were, in a way, prepared for the apocalypse. You just were prepared for the apocalypse on Antarctica.
You were bundled up in a giant coat. You had a handful of layers of clothes. You had just enough on to keep you warm from the freezing temperatures, but not enough to restrict you from being able to move quickly, if needed.
You were tired and hungry. You had ran out of food and water about four days ago. You knew you needed food and water. Your instincts were telling you to find shelter, find food and water. But everywhere you looked there was nothing but snow, Frozen snow. And it was way too windy to build a fire, even if it wasn’t windy you didnt even have the things to build a fire.
You were just about to lose hope when you came across something that was moving right quickly. At first you thought it was just a zombie, but knew a zombie couldn’t be moving that fast. You tried to call out, but your voice came out scratchy and broken from not talking for awhile.
You followed behind whoever it was to some type of military base. This is what you had been looking for. But by the time you had reached the doors the man pulled out a gun aiming it at you as you fell to you knees  exhausted.
The man looked at you holding his gun and asked, “Who are you?!” Looking up at the man with your glove covered hands held up in a surrender, you showed the man you were not a danger to him. You looked at him and begged with a scratchy voice, “Please, I have been wondering for days. I need help.”
The man looked at you with squinted eyes. Debating on believing you or not. We’re you just a made up person in his head? We’re you real?
“What’s your name? And what’re you doing out here?” You looked at him as you spoke, “My name is Y/n L/n, I’m in the marines, well was in the marines. I was sent here on a mission. I was to help whoever was left here. I had a group but our plane crashed. I was the only surviver. The rest died and were turned.” The man nodded as he lowers his gun, nodding he walks over to you. Grabbing your gloves hand with his and helping you up.
“My name is Simon Cruller, I go by citizen Z. I’m gonna help you.” You nodded and smiled. You would’ve cried if you were so dehydrated. “Thank you.” You spoke and just as you said thank you, you started passing out.
You opened your eyes and felt warmth surrounding you, and the smell of steak. You sat up from what seems to be a pull out sofa bed to see a glass of water beside you. You lunged at the water, drinking it as fast as you could without getting sick.
“How long have you been out there?” You looked up seeing citizen z with a plate with three freshly cooked steaks. “Uhh, since about (random date).” Citizen z gawked at you. Surprised you had made it a month out there alone.
“Really?! I can’t believe it. I mean not that I don’t think you can handle yourself out there. I mean your beautiful and all I don’t- I need to stop talking.” You giggled as you looked up at him. “I-I uh. I fixed steak I hope you like it.” He smiled putting an extra plate he had in front of you and putting the steak on it. He put his in front of his. Then he moved around a desk with a giant computer monitored and put the last steak in a silver bowl.
You looked at him confused wondering why he out a steak in a silver bowl on the ground so you questioned him. “Do you have a dog or something?” Citizen z looked up at you and nodded. “Yeah, I have a dog he was around here somewhere. He likes to run around. I call him pup.” You nodded as you practically drooled at the smell of the streak. (If your a vegan or Vegetarian, I apologize. Lol)
“How long have you been alone here?” You asked him while cutting your steak and eating it.
“For a couple months now. I’ve had pup go keep me sane. But looks like now have a humans company now.” He answered with a smile on his face. You honestly didn’t know if it was because you hadn’t seen a human for a month or if he had practically saved you, you really thought he was cute. So hopefully you can get to know this, Citizen z.
“Yeah, well I’ll stay here as long as you keep me.” You said with a smile. Citizen z nodded as he ate his steak. “Thank you for taking me in. It must’ve been weird to see a stranger around here.” Citizen z laughed and nodded. “It’s no problem.”
The two of had been staying together in the base keeping each other company for the past year when the two of you were eating lunch together. You had fixed some of your famous pasta when your first time meeting came into topic.
“You know I still am thankful you took me in. If not I would’ve froze to death.”
Z nodded while he looked up at you and said “Yeah, Me too. When I first seen you I thought you were practically frozen. I wasn’t really sure if you had froze to death or not. But I just did it because I felt like it was the right thing to do. I mean it would be stupid not to. I mean a cute girl like you shouldn’t freeze to death.” He blushed at his own words. Sighing thinking he was pushing younaway. But You blushed looking at the man shyly. Placing her warm hands on top of his warm ones. “Don’t worry, I think your cute to.” The two didn’t know who kissed who first. But one way or another their lips landed on the others. There had been a connection between the to for the past few months. They would shyly flirt, but this was the first time someone had made a move. Hopefully there would be something more than a friendship between the two.
Something short in fluffy. Hope you like it! ❤️😘
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rainingspellforlove · 3 years
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he never knew there will be someone who changes his life completely. someone who makes him feel loved. and someone who finally makes him fall in love. 
so from now on, don't let go of this hand when I'm with you, all my worries disappears, my life has changed, I will change your life too so that your beautiful image can last forever
Super Junior D&E - Change
sometimes when life gets too hard, you will not care at all about love. your priority will change. solving life problems first then love is the last. lee hyukjae never experienced how to love and being loved by someone. he’s always alone and had like few friends. he didnt care. he went to college and always sits alone. he enjoys his self more than to care about other people. 
he did his best for studying and made money. hyukjae’s mom is sick and needs to stay at hospital for few months. that requires a lot of money of course, so he must do a part time to pay all the bills. hyukjae’s sister and dad already said that he shouldnt work too much, just focus on the college, they can help the bills. but he insited to make money too, so they’re just letting him do it. he just lives his life to prioritize his family. 
hyukjae had this daily routine days, first he went to college at the morning until 3pm, then he went to hongdae to do something like street dance with some groups there. sometimes he joined a group of street dancers but sometimes he did it alone. hyukjae had this speciality, it’s dancing. he loves it so much. dancing is like half of his life. he wants to join an academy but he always thinks that too much money is needed so he just buried his dream deeply. fortunately, there’s like a group of street dancers that allows anyone to enter without joining an academy. hyukjae decides to join because at least they can make money from it. it’s like a charity performances but it’s okay he loves it. hyukjae learned dancing while watching the youtube alone, and he mastered it quickly. even the street dancers group amazed by him. so they sometimes makes a solo performance for him and he can take all the money from his performance. since then everyday he went there for dancing. 
after hongdae, sometimes he went to minimarket as a part timer, but  he had night shift for just 3 days in a week. because sometimes, the street dancing lasted longer than usual. it depends of how people attracted for them. his days always got pretty busy, but he did it for his mom. 
in the college, he always seems to be alone and not seen. he always wears black outfits from head to toe and he had like long black hair almost mullet style. actually he’s pretty attractive, but he just choose to stay away from people. also, no one knew he’s a street dancer because he always wears a hat to cover while dancing.  he will stay unnoticed. he just loves to be alone. he also had like 3-4 piercing holes in his both ears. he didnt wear those piercings while going on college but he wears it when he went to hongdae to dance. 
maybe people around them didnt notice him being there in the class because of that dark aura of him. and no one dares to be curious. but, there’s this one guy always been curious about hyukjae. and turned out he knew that hyukjae is a street dancer!  
This guy always quietly watches hyukjae since they got in the same class for this semester. actually, he never went to the same class as hyukjae. apparently in this semester, there was like a special joint class for some of the faculties. he decides to take this because he must to get a better grade for this semester and he should take another addition class. he loves his hobby so much until he forgets that his grade is falling. basketball is his life, so he joined the club in the university and did his best for basketball. the team he’s in often gets a win but he didnt realize his grade faces a downfall. so here he is, attending the class. the number one basketballer, lee donghae finally makes a move to fix his grades. 
at first donghae didnt notice this fairy (he said it himself for the first time he saw him)  at the class for like almost 2 weeks and this sudden realization hits him so hard. 
once upon a time, after finishing his basketball practice, he and his teammates went to hongdae for hanging out and eating snacks. then he went separated from his teammates and got attracted to a crowd. 
“wow, what is this crowds”
then he walked closely and watched, turned out it’s a street dance. he’s stunned by the performances.  drowning in their skillful and amazing dance performances. he’s amazed especially by this one skinny guy. his moves are perfect. beautiful. strong but delicate. his dancing skills are crazy. he is stunned and frozen by this amazing dancer. he was too focused on him. he even clapped so hard after their performances ended and gave them bunch of money. this was too lit af and deserved more audiences. but he’s too curious of this one dancer. his face cant be seen because of his bucket hat. he wears an all black outfit and his hair is a bit longer. he had 3  piercings in his right ear, and one of the is long piercing. and suddenly, this dancer guy opened his hat and bows to everyone to thank for their performances... that time he almost dropped his coffee, good thing he was quickly back to his sense. 
“what the fuck i dont know that fairy exists in the world” said donghae to himself
he’s definitely beyond stunned... and speechless. donghae is awed like hell. he must find a way to get to know him no matter what. he ‘s in love for the first sight definitely.
days after that, he always went to hongdae for watching his fairy everytime he had time after practicing. he loves to see him so much while dancing. but he’s still didnt get a chance to get his name because he always dissappears quickly after the performance. maybe later he will get that chance. 
and that sudden chance comes to donghae like a lightning struck in his head but not in hongdae, it happened in his class.
that day after the class ends, donghae was about to run to his basketball practice, but he crashed into someone. and that someone’s books was scattered on the floor.
“oh God sorry sorry im in a rush lemme help you” donghae said and puts this someone’s books from the floor
“ah no it’s okay, it’s my fault too i didnt look at the way clearly” said this guy softly
donghae quickly takes the books in his hands and gives the books to this guy. at first, donghae didnt look at this guy’s face before he stands up. he looks at the books and found a name on it.
“so lee hyukjae,  im sorry for crashing into you, here’s your books-” then he feels the time stopped. he’s standing still there stunned at the presence he saw right now. 
donghae who’s still in dazed was suddenly back to his sense after this lee hyukjae called him
“ehm- hey? thank you but hey are you okay?” hyukjae said 
“oh-o-oh im yeah. im-im- youre welcome. y-yeah im- totally fine.”
“good, my books?”
“books, oh yeah,yeah ofcourse your books. here”
“thanks. ehm whats your name?”
“donghae, im lee donghae”
“thanks donghae and sorry for crashing into you. good bye”
then hyukjae walks away after that and donghae still didint believe what he saw.
his fairy. his beautiful fairy is actually at the same class with him. and he didnt know??? then days after that, he always takes a look of him everyday like every single day. he’s so curious about lee hyukjae. why he always alone and why everyone didnt notice there is a beautiful guy here in his class. donghae admits that hyukjae seems like a so much outsider and stays away from people. donghae wonders why he’s like that. but he didnt care, he must get to know him more.
so he got himself prepared and tried to talk to him after his dancing performances. he actualy runs to catch him to talk. 
“hey wait” donghae runs
then hyukjae stops and looks back. he’s surprised at donghae’s presence right now.
“o-oh h-hey. lee donghae how-”
“you know i always watch you almost everyday but i never knew that you’re one of my classmates....”
“thankyou for watching. but it’s kinda embarassing to know that my classmates knows me in this state”
“why? you looked so damn amazing... youre stunning”
“w-well thank you for the compliment.. it’s nice hearing someone directly compliments me like this. it’s just too rare for me hearing this”
“i mean it you’re really amazing. i love your beautiful moves.”
actually, hyukjae already knew that donghae always watched him almost everyday and he knew too that he is his classmates! so thats why he always quickly runs away from donghae. he’s afraid he knew him after he’s in the same class with him.  it’s just too embarrassing. but that crashing moment happened and hyukjae realized that it seems donghae realized it too that he’s in the street dancers in hongdae... that time he knew he’s fucked up. he cant hide this anymore.. 
“s-stop complimenting me it’s nothing kdsdjksjdf”
hyukjae’s ears got so red and he’s blushing to death
donghae just chuckled looking his reactions
“the fuck are you so cute for....” he ruffles hyukjae’s hair without he even realized. 
hyukjae’s heart beats so fast after donghae did that. 
“i didnt know that you’re this cute actually, it’s different when you’re dancing..”
“uhm y-yeah i dont know it’s just naturally done.. b-but no i-im not that cute you know”
“do you have time after this?”
“just going home maybe, why?”
“lets take a walk a little and let me take you home. is that okay for you?”
“w-why do you want to take me home? ”
“i dont know. it feels like i must make a first move by taking you home?”
hyukjae didnt know that donghae is this bold. he’s flustered and cant say anything
“come on lets take a little walk here..” then donghae just pulled hyukjae’s hand ready to walk around hongdae.. 
they walk around hongdae street, talk about everything, and donghae found out that hyukjae is fun. he even reacts to donghae’s lamest jokes. and donghae managed to know why hyukjae loves to dance and why he did this street dance.. donghae feels sorry but when he didnt offers help because hyukjae already told him that he can do this alone and he didnt need anyhelp. because he loves it too dancing. donghae always wonders why he loves to be alone but he didnt talk about it, maybe next time. hyukjae seems like he’s comfortable with donghae’s presence because hyukjae keeps laughing and responding to anything donghae said. 
“i have told you why i love dancing,, so what do you love donghae-ssi?”
“basketball, you didnt know that im in the uni team?”
“uhm yep i dont know, sorry i didnt know at all about our uni and stuffs, im just coming for the grades and graduates quickly thats it”
“yeah well it’s obvious of you hmm yeah so if thats the case, you must watch me on the basketball competition 2 weeks later”
“ huh.. why should i?”
“so you can get to know me better”
“it’s not even a reason”
“i watched almost all your performances you must pay back”
“but i didnt ask you to watch it anyway”
“then should i tell everyone that youre doing street dance?”
“NO PLEASE DONT. okay i’ll watch”
“why youre so annoying”
“because it seems you already take my heart away”
“sksjfdksjf stop saying something like that. we just knew each other for like few hours”
“i dont care, youre cute”
after hanging out for a while, they decide to go home. donghae gives hyukjae a ride to home. in the car, they both actually have the same music tastes so they sing along together along the way home. 
“thank you, i admit it today is fun even you’re kinda annoying. but you know it’s weird to see you the famous guy hanging around with me the emo and lonely guy in the class, it’s okay if you shouldnt hang out with-”
“hey lee hyukjae, dont you just realized that i flirted my ass off for you this entire night? i fuckin like you so dont you dare to push me away, because i’ll come for you no matter what happens, okay got it?”
“no buts or i’ll kiss you right now”
“f-fine f-fine, o-kay then see you tomorrow on class, i guess?”
“see you- oh i forget to tell you something”
“what is it?”
“come closer quick”
donghae suddenly takes off his seat belt and kisses hyukjae’s head quick. 
“good night”
“h-hey w-what-”
“see you tomorrow dancing fairy”
hyukjae will never knew that his life will change completely after this day.  
after that day, donghae who’s always sits on the back and near the exit door, suddenly sits on the middle near the window where hyukjae always sits. 
“good morning, from now i’ll sit here for the whole semester”
“what even?” 
and people slowly started whispering to each other when this happened. what is happening when this hottest basketball player of the uni suddenly sits beside this emo guy. and people keeps wondering through the 2 hours class because donghae cant keep his hands down off hyukjae. 
sometimes he plays with his hair like curling it and carressing it. 
“what now”
“you should show your face more even your hair is this long, like this”
donghae slips hyukjae’s hair slowly behind his ears and make it like his face be more seen. 
“pretty. i think you should cut your bangs a little” 
and ofcourse hyukjae is blushing to death again
“s-stop playing , listen to the professor”
“yea yea yea” 
hyukjae definitely realized this sudden attention and he’s nervous af. he hates attention (except for his dancing). 
class ends and hyukjae wants to go home right now. hyukjae quicks cleans his table and ready to go home.
“dont you need to go to hongdae?”
“im tired so i ask them for a day off.”
“oh, then can you watch me practice for a bit?”
“why... should i....”
“pleasseeeee please please please”
donghae cant stop whining and people start staring at them..
“fine fine fine please shut up”
“then lets go”
they arrived at the indoor field and his teammates are wondering who he brought at the field..
“wait here, it takes 30 minutes then i’ll take you home”
“why is it so fast?”
“because this time i just need to coach the juniors and my other teammates will take care for the rest of it.”
“ah right, you’re the captain. cool”
“you will know that im cooler than you think.”
“prove it”
donghae smiled to hyukjae and take the challenge “of course i will prove it”
donghae starts to coach the juniors, he’s so different while on the field. he becomes all serious and dicipline towards the juniors. he showed them the moves and how to play properly. and he really proved it that he’s cool when he did basketball. his moves is quick and he had like his clever strategy to trick the opponents. he looks amazing while doing the shots. he scored many points. he’s definitely the ace of the team. 
“he’s just showing off, but i admit he’s cool” 
then suddenly some of his teammates comes to where hyukjae sits in the side of the field.
“hey who are you? donghae’s friend?”
“y-yeah kinda” hyukjae looks a bit nervous always
“but how come i never find a cute guy like you in this uni, weird, are you from other uni?”
“no-no im in the same class as donghae”
“oh, are you interested in him or -” when one if his teammates didnt even finish his sentence suddenly a ball thrown at his head. 
“dont you dare to touch my property” donghae who throws the basketball quickly runs to hyukjae
“eish you prick, we just try to get to know him, whats the problem”
donghae starts to pull hyukjae behind his back, and holds his hand tightly
“he’s mine get away from him even youre all my teammates dont you dare to go near him or i’ll kill you”
“look! look! he’s that scary.... come on lets go guys hahaha”
“he’s like an angry puppy... our captain is indeed scary” 
then they go away..
“i start to regret to bring you here, are you okay”
“im finee nothing to worry”
“but you looked hella nervous”
“HAHAHA youre right but you know i cant stay calm in front of new people”
“right... sorry..”
“it’s okay really you fool. by the way, i admit that youre cool. i love your quick moves”
“right? im indeed the coolest in basketball”
“pfft showing off. here drink it” hyukjae gives donghae a water
“you looked so exhausted, dont you need a rest?” hyukjae takes a towel from the bench and wipes donghae’s forehead while he’s drinking
“look you’re drenched in sweat..”
this time donghae who’s flustered, drops his drink on the floor. fortunately the bottle already empty. 
“hey whats wrong you drop your bottle. oh wait- fuck youre- blushing?!?”
then donghae nods slowly
“arghhhh take your towel, now im flustered more” hyukjae just throws the towel to donghae and runs away. and donghae quick grabs his hand.
“lets stop this and lets go home..”
donghae starts to say goodbye to everyone and go home with hyukjae
donghae didnt even realized he still grabs hyukjae’s hands until they got into his car. donghae’s tightens his holds without saying anything. and hyukjae still got his ears red while holding hands with him. then donghae suddenly said, 
“two weeks from today, i have a match..”
“then maybe i cant visit you often at night.. but i will still visit you”
“it’s okay though you dont need to come often-”
“no but i love to come. and if i win-”
silence for a moment
“go on a date with me”
“and if i lose, i will go back to my original seat”
“s-sure it’s up to you”
“do you know that i want to kiss you so bad on your pretty lips but i resisted it because i need to win first”
“youre crazy”
“i know. for you” 
donghae is indeed a love fool. he’s challenging himself to win and he decides it himself too. hyukjae cant understand donghae’s mind at all. he just met him for like maybe 2 weeks? lately donghae just keeps wandering around him like a puppy. since he sat beside hyukjae in the class, he keeps following hyukjae around. donghae is a clingy puppy.  sometimes he takes hyukjae home or even picks him up in the morning. hyukjae is totally okay with that and he feels that donghae is not a total nuisance for him. he likes his presence actually. hyukjae admits donghae is such a gentleman, kind, and funny person. at least he’s trying to be a funny one. 
“stop trying to be funny. your joke is a total failure”
“at least im trying!” donghae looks upset and it’s cute
“aigu, eung eung aiguu” hyukjae unconsciously ruffles his hair
hyukjae suddenly realized his actions and he’s completely frozen. he’s about to lower his hand but it’s too late. donghae grabs it fast.
“dont” he takes hyukjae’s hand and place it into his cheek softly.
“h-hey..” hyukjae slowly starts to speak
donghae slowly closed his eyes and still grabs hyukjae’s pretty fingers in his cheek..
 “i love your hands. it’s delicate and softer than mine.” hyukjae cant say a word. he’s about to explode
“youre really driving me crazy”  he finally opened his eyes and brings hyukjae’s hand closer to his lips. slowly, he kissed that pretty hand softly
“im definitely gonna make you fall in love with me”  
hyukjae’s ears are so burning like tomato. he’s speechless. he’s never been loved by someone boldly like this. donghae is a whole new one. 
day by day passed and it’s time for donghae’s basketball match. hyukjae promised him to come but he had a sudden calls from his street dancers mates that they have a sudden meeting that day. he didnt have time and he’s in rush. he’s late for like 15 minutes. he ran like crazy to the university stadium. 
“oh man i cant be late. i promise him”
while in the stadium, donghae seems like looking around the whole seats in the stadium from the basketball field. hyukjae isnt there.. he’s a little bit upset.. 
“didnt he want a date with me.... did he hate me.. but he kinda likes me. or am i just delusional...”
then the match begins.
hyukjae still on the bus and keeps looking on his phone. 
he’s finally arrived at the stadium and he’s 20 minutes late. hyukjae breaths heavily as he arrived at the stadium seats. fortunately there’s an empty seat at the front. 
“thank god i didnt miss the whole match” hyukjae sighed
the score right now is tie and keep chasing each other. hyukjae is freaking anxious. he’s already sweating even he didnt play the game. he’s nervous too.  the 3rd quarter is already finished. and there’s a break for like 5 minutes. donghae is sweating real hard.. his jersey is all wet and hyukjae knew he’s tired.  donghae pants heavily and his looks are all serious. donghae looks around to the audiences and he’s smiled brightly after that. of course he’s looking on his fallen angel who looks extraordinary beautiful today. turned out hyukjae wears bright outifts and donghae looks stunned. the crowds screamed when donghae smiled brightly like that. he definitely had fans actually. who’s not gonna love him when he is such a perfect guy. and the crowds in the stadium seats already knew that donghae just smiled like that for hyukjae. hyukjae who’s flustered like hell keep lowering his head because of embarrassment. all the attentions on him really makes him nerrvous and flustered. then he looked slowly on donghae who’s still looking at him from the field. 
“fighting!” hyukjae finally mouthing those words slowly
donghae nods slowly “i will” 
the last quarter starts. the game is playing again. the score gaps still in a slight different. sometimes our uni leads , sometime the opponent leads. donghae still plays in a pretty good state even it’s the last quarter. he’s really working hard on this. he scores well too. he’s indeed a pro hyukjae thinks. 5 minutes left and hyukjae couldnt be more nervous than now. he keeps moving his feet anxiously. 
“come on donghae-ya, you can do this come on” 
3 minutes left and the score is tied
2 minutes left....
1 minute left..... 
30 seconds left... suddenly donghae takes the ball and he runs. 
and the plot twisted! he did the buzzer beater and scores 2 points! the uni team won!!
hyukjae screams and claps happily with the crowds to celebrate the winning team. donghae runs and hugs the team to celebrate it also. then donghae looks  to the audiences and searched for hyukjae. he smiled to hyukjae and runs to the audiences seat. hyukjae is flustered and he’s like ready to run but the crowds are just too crowded for him to run. he cant move from his seat because too many people there. donghae who runs there and of course making the crowds even wilder. 
finally, donghae faces hyukjae. hyukjae stands slowly and face donghae who’s all wet in sweats.  
“c-congrats you won” hyukjae said
“of course im a man with words”
“hum sure sure” 
“so, a date with me?”
“sure mr. lee, just decide the time and place.”
“this weekend? are you free?”
“im free”
“your street dance schedule?”
“i can make my schedule off for you”
“wah im very honored”
they just laughs after that  .. donghae suddenly places his hand softly into hyukjae’s cheek and said
“you looked beautiful today.”
that time when he did that, the crowds screams wilder because of that sudden scene. seems like the girls love them being together too. 
“uu-uh thanks....” said hyukjae nervously
“i-i mean you look beautiful everyday but today you’re extra lovely”
“sorry i cant help myself. thank you for coming. seeing you like this on the audiences makes me more competitive haha”
“but sorry im late earlier. there’s-”
“no no it’s okay even you came for the last 10 minutes i’ll be glad”
“uhm, i will have a dinner with my team, so..... i’ll text you later?”
“of course you can go then”
“i really dont wanna leave you like this but-”
“eish you just won, you must celebrate it you brat” 
“but i want to be with you....”
“dont be like a kid. just go”
“fine.... dont forget this weekend okay? i’ll pick you up”
“eung eung i promise.... okay? just gooo quickk” hyukjae pushes him slowly
“okay fine, but before i go-” 
“what now....”
donghae moves one step closer and kisses hyukjae’s forehead rightaway... hyukjae is dazed again for the nth time because of this man.
“see you on weekend” donghae said softly and leaves him in shock. 
the crowds keep screaming excitedly looking at the scene... donghae is indeed a crazy and bold if it comes to love. he’s like the type of “what he wants, he always gets.”
the d-day.
after his 22 years of living, it’s the first time of him going on a date with a guy. he never admits he’s gay or straight because he never knew how to fall in love before. but dang there’s that guy,  that very guy who came to his life like a bomb, a love bomb.  he doesnt have any idea at all, what to wear and what should he do later. 
“eish what am i thinking too much. it’s just a date?! calm lee hyukjae. lets be calm first okay. lets wear the usual outfit”
hyukjae is ready to go with his best outfit, a denim jacket with a grey tshirt inside it and a long pants with same colour. then he goes to the meet up point at starbucks near his street dance place. 
actually donghae arrived early and he’s already with his ice americano. he sits beside the window while looking on his phone. hyukjae who came after ordering an ice chocolate (he’s a literal non coffee person) approached donghae slowly. 
“h-hey sorry im a bit late” 
then donghae looked up and “oh hyunkjae no it’s o-”
before he finished his words.. he’s stunned again for the nth time right now. hyukjae always makes his heart explodes... today he looked outstanding. wonderful. beautiful. his fallen angel.... donghae is falling from head to toe.
“you looked beautiful..  oh my god. are you real??”
“eish. stop it you’re just exaggerating. you look good too today.”
“im just wearing all black here, and youre looking super good and how can i deserve you my angel......”
hyukjae cant stand this cringe man in front of him and punch him on his chest. and he just arrgh-ed
“stop with this nonsense and lets go okay you cringe weirdo”
“okay okay hahaha”
 they walked out from the cafe and finally go somewhere. 
“what are we going to do today?” 
“lets watch a movie?”
they go to the nearby cinema and watch avengers. both of them are in love with marvel so they had fun watching it. it’s not even a romance movie but donghae quietly slipped his hand to hyukjae’s hand beside him and holding it tight. he’s still focusing on the movie without looking on his hand which automatically in tangled with hyukjae’s. hyukjae feels his heart almost jumped at this state. hyukjae already experienced these kind of actions donghae gave him. but he’s still not used to these... it still gives him an explosion in his mind. hyukjae tryin to be calm as ever while enjoying the movie. 
the movie ended and they’re so happy because it comes with a happy ending. they walked out from the cinema still holding hands. donghae seems didnt want to let go, so does hyukjae. 
“do you like it?”
“of course, ive been wanting to watch it since it came out”
“glad then we’re the same. lets go strolling this street and find place to eat.”
they take a stroll to the street. walking around while watching some of the street performers. they buy some snacks and share it together. hyukjae bought an ice cream cone and he enjoys it so much. while he enjoys the vanilla ice cream slowly (still holding hands with donghae) donghae suddenly comes to his face closer and licks the ice cream too. so they just few inch apart with their forheads attached from one another. 
“hmm it’s good”
hyukjae who’s startled by his actions (again) just continue with his ice cream and nods. donghae who always looks like an innocent boy after doing all of these sudden actions, smiles happily. 
hyukjae finally done with the ice cream and he said 
“dont you want to buy any snacks here? there are many delicious snacks here”
“hmmm let me think”
donghae slower his walks and thinks but suddenly looks up on hyukjae “whats wrong?” hyukjae asks
“there’s-” donghae just wiped the leftover of the ice cream in hyukjae’s lips corner and licks it for himself. 
“okay clean” 
again... for the infinite time already... lets just calm down heart. said hyukjae in his mind
then they watched some street performers there. there are some bands performing so they decided to watch them. 
“wah they’re so good. i love his voice. it’s soothing” 
the band apparently sings baekhyun’s song UN Village. and it sounds good with the band performance. 
“hm yeah it’s good i love it too.” donghae finally said. they’re still holding hands in quiet while enjoying the performances.. after few minutes donghae lets go of his hand and moves from the side to hyukjae’s back. suddenly donghae slips his both hands circling hyukjae’s waist. donghae is backhugging him. he places his head in hyukjae’s shoulder and quietly whispers something
“you know, im still tired from yesterday’s match... but i really want to have a date with you quickly.  lets stay like this for another one song they perform”
they stay like that for a while.. hyukjae carresses donghae’s hands in his waist softly while enjoying the performance... hyukjae slowly leaned his head to donghae’s in his shoulder... 
“you did great... lee donghae im so proud.. promise me after this date, you will rest okay?”
“ehmm, thank you.. okay i promise..” said donghae while closing his eyes and hugging him even tighter..
the atmosphere there really fits them right now, the music, the lights, and the environment there... hyukjae slowly carresses donghae’s hair slowly... donghae feels so comfortable, hugging hyukjae warms his body. he loves it too much
the song ends and donghae still doesnt want to let go.
“the song ends.. come on we must eat...”
“lets just walk like this then”
“weirdo i would never do that of course. come on eish youre like a koala lets go eat okay?”
“fine....” finally donghae lets go his hugs and starts to holds hyukjae’s hand again
“good boy. i have my favourite restaurant around here. lets go there, you’ll love it”
they finally go to hyukjae’s favourite restaurant nearby. it’s a korean dish restaurant. they served good meats and many more. 
they arrive and sit near the window. the place is cozy and not too many people there. because it’s already night and got a few hours left open. they already ordered some things to eat and wait for them to come.
“i had fun today. you know that i never been in a date before. and it turned out today is great. it’s because of you. thank you i love it so much”
“you know, maybe im the luckiest person here because i can make you go on a date with me”
“not again please oh my”
“seriously, my basketball friends always asked many things about you, but i never answered any of them because you’re gonna be mine. and mine only” said donghae proudly
“cringey stop it”
“but it’s really true like how not to fall in love with you when you’re looking like a fallen angel”
“s-so do you fall in love with me?”
“of course i do?!? it’s obvious though..”
“i know.”
“perhaps... you dont like me?”
“no of course not you dumb”
“ so you like me??”
then the food comes... 
“lets eat first hahahahah” 
“aaarghhh lee hyukjae the cliffhanger”
they finally eat together happily... and donghae keeps giving hyukjae food and feeding him. 
“stop feeding me, i can eat by myself..”
“you’re too thin you must eat a lot!!”
“i know i know i eat a lot actually but i dont know my body looks so small i guess”
they finished their dinner and walked out from the restaurant. 
“it’s already late, do you want to do something at this hour or lets just go home?”
“lets just go home, you need to rest too. i know you havent rest well since the match right?”
“h-hmm yeah but-”
“lets just go home okay. it’s enough, i love this date and im so happy okay?”
“fine lets go home then”
“good, you also need to rest quickly”
they have a ride in donghae’s car to hyukjae’s apartment. they talk about anything in the car like how does it feel winning the match, and something about donghae and his love for basketball. 
“you’re really pro basketballer even you’re not that tall hahaha”
“eish, not just tall people who’s becoming a pro. this not too tall people like me can be one too!”
“okay okay, but i admit you’re really good. you’re really great at sport. am i right?”
“yeah you can say so. i love working out my body though hahaha”
“i know it’s too obvious with your big stature. it’s good actually” 
“good for what?”
“this is embarrassing to say but i love your hugs it’s comfy and warm....”
silence for a bit....
 “oh my god what did i just say just forget it”
donghae just smiled and said “i can give you more hugs in the future too”
“just stop it kasdjksad this is embarrassing”
they finally arrived on hyukjae’s apartment.. but it seems hyukjae seems to think about something.. 
he hesitates at first but he finally gathers his courage to say this.
“lee donghae”
“hm yes?”
“y-you can come if y-you want” said hyukjae slowly
donghae looked a bit startled but he nods anyway 
they walked out from the car quietly and donghae slowly grabs hyukjae’s hand. they walk slowly to the hyukjae’s room. without a single speech they entered the room.. still holding hands. hyukjae can feel his heart about to explode anytime. hyukjae’s room looked clean and neat.. donghae looks around for a lil bit and he still follows hyukjae where to go. they finally sit together in the side of the bed.. after a moment of silence..
“your house is nice”
then hyukjae said again “do you want a drink or something-”
“i want you.”
the moment donghae said that, hyukjae’s heart really beats so fast. 
“you know i cant resist you and you just bring me here... so what do you expect me to do?”
“I-I-feel like wanna to invite you-” hyukjae flustered he cant think of anything
“i really want to kiss you right now.. can i?”
hyukjae cant think of anything and he just nods.....
donghae moves closer and kisses him slowly... the kiss feels so warm and delicate.. hyukjae loves how donghae kisses him... he completely melts into his lips. his mind goes blank.. he just thinks of this man here kissing him passionately without any hesitation.. after few moments, donghae pulls back..
“so what’s your answer? do you like me too?”
hyukjae nods slowly with his ears already becomes red as tomato.. 
“i-i like you... a lot” 
“i love you too my angel.”
donghae smiled softly and moves closer again to press a kiss again to hyukjae. donghae finally kisses him longer and makes hyukjae slowly leans into his own bed while donghae kisses him from above. donghae takes off hyukjae’s denim jacket slowly while continue kissing him delicately.. slowly one by one, donghae unbuttons his shirt and takes it off and hyukjae too. donghae who takes hyukjae’s shirt off. donghae loves every hyukjae’s feature. his white and soft skin against his lips. he kisses every spots in hyukjae.. donghae always wants this. he wants all of him. he wants hyukjae from head to toe. donghae gives many lil kisses to hyukjae’s body until he shivers by those. hyukjae’s mind went blank. there’s just donghae, donghae, and donghae. donghae’s lips in every space of his milky skin... he even left some red purplish marks there.. hyukjae cant say anything he loves it too. donghae who finally faces hyukjae’s eyes again said 
“i would never let you go, i love you too much what should i do...”
“i wont go from you i promise... stay with me until tomorrow..” hyukjae slips his hands into donghae’s neck
“sure my love” donghae continues kissing hyukjae’s lips again.. the cold but warm feeling while having bare body pressed like this. they melt into each other... 
after having those marks everywhere, they fiinally go to sleep for real. donghae who had his arm around hyukjae tightly while hyukjae hugs him back.. 
“you can rest here with me until tomorrow... just sleep well” hyukjae said softly
“of course. thank you for loving me back”
“no..... it’s me who’s feeling so thankful right now. you know i never been in love.. and then you came and made me feel so loved.. and i realized i fell for you too”
“lets just thankful for each other for having this mutual feelings for each other. finally i can say to the world that lee hyukjae my fallen angel is finally mine”
“eish stop blabbering lets just sleep”
“sure sure good night” donghae tightens his hugs and kisses hyukjae’s forhead for the last time.
hyukjae never knew he will have these kind of stories in his life. lee donghae changed his whole lonely life. he finally feels how it is to be loved. and how to love. he loves this man so much. he madly, severely, hardly in love for the first time in his life. and it’s because of lee donghae. 
- fin
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theanimesideblog · 5 years
The bakugou, sero, denki, todoroki and midoriya with someone who doesn’t cry except when they watch movies like the iron giant, coco, train to busan
Bakugou, Sero, Denki, Todoroki, Midoryia x GN!Reader: Big Baby
Warnings: mentions of death canon to the movies, cursing
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Bakugou sees you as a tough person
You always have nerves of steel, even when the others are freaking out
Imagine his surprise when you two are watching a zombie movie and you start sobbing
“She doesn’t have any parents!!!”
“You didn’t cry when all those people were killed and injuried, but you’re crying because the little girl lost her dad?”
He’s high key shook
He doesn’t know what to do???
You’re the one who calms others down
“Stop being a big baby!”
*you start sobbing harder*
He just kind of gently hugs you until you feel better
“No more movies were someone loses a parent.”
“Ok, how about Coco?”
“Do you even KNOW what happens in Coco?!”
“Ok, we’re not watching it. You’ll cry.”
He fights anyone who makes fun of you for crying
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You asked him to pick a movie from your Netflix list
He thought Coco would be fun!
The bright colors drew him in and he needed something to distract him from all the stress of school 
He is kind of sad when he looks over to you
There’s tears slipping from your eyes
He is freaking out 
You NEVER cry
“Are you ok?? Is something wrong??”
“How will he get home now?” 
“Hey, hey, hey! It’s ok! It’s a Disney movie! It’ll be ok!”
He gets you tissues and comforts you as you sob
He doesn’t mind that you cry! Not at all! He finds it sad too
If you seem like you need a good cry, he finds a movie that will give you it
“How could you do this to me?”
“You’ll thank me later.”
You do, because he picks amazing movies and you feel better after crying
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You two picked out Frozen since the second one came out and you two still hadn't seen the first one
You started to sob when Hans turned his back on Anna
He teases you a little, but he mostly calls you cute 
He loves when you cuddle up to him and he can comfort you
You always take care of him when he goes overboard, so he’s happy he can return the favor
Movie nights now include lots of sweets to numb the pain, tissues, and cuddles
He puts on movies like these so you cuddle closer to him and he has an excuse to do the same.
He wouldn’t tell YOU that though....
He doesn’t want to put on movies like these when you're sad
He tries to keep you upbeat and puts on funny movies
You can easily convince him to do otherwise
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You two are just chilling with a movie night after a long week, watching Rise of the Guardians 
Since Todoroki wasn’t allowed to be a kid, you thought you would show him somethings he missed out on
Cut to you later crying over it
He’s shook??
You two are the level headed ones of the group and you're crying??
He has never cried over a movie (thanks, endeavor) so he is just???
He doesn't know what to do
He awkwardly pats your back and tries to soothe you 
Offers you his snacks and tells you it’s ok to cry sometimes 
He gets you some tissues
“Sorry, I get emotional over movies-”
“It’s ok. It’s sweet to see that you care so much about others. You’ll be a great hero one day.”
He notices when you're about to cry when watching movies now
Caring boyfriend mod: engaged  
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You two are cuddling, watching the Iron Giant 
You insisted watching this movie from your childhood
You couldn’t remember what happened, but you knew you loved it as a kid
Now, you cried
He sobs like a huge baby 
You two are clinging to each other and sobbing 
After he gets over the sad fact, he realizes that you actually CRIED??
You never cried
He makes a note of this and makes sure to have tissues with him when you two pick movies
He would never make fun of you!!
He has no room to talk, anyway 
Watching movies together with him is so wholesome tbh 
You can cry, get mad, scream, it’s all good because he’s doing the same
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Director’s Commentary- Lovesick Side Effects, Lance recites his poem in public
My commentary is in bold italics!
With each poet who went up, Lance felt his limbs get weaker and weaker. Part of him wondered if he was going to pass out if he even tried to stand. Lol, honestly me projecting what it feels like to me every time I sign up to perform something. 
“Love, are you okay?” Keith whispered in his ear. “Do you want to leave?” 
“No, no I’m okay. I’m just… taking it all in.” 
Keith nodded and wrapped his arm around Lance’s torso to pull him in and rest his head on his shoulder. I just like gentle touches… also it was a struggle to keep Keith oblivious without making him look like a total dumbass for not catching on so I banked heavily on him thinking the poetry readings were just making Lance upset. 
After a few more performers, the host for the night went up to the microphone. “Alright, how’s everybody feeling?” The crowd responded with a cheer. “That’s what I like to hear! Okay, our next poet is new to the Spider House, so I want everyone to please give a big warm welcome to Lance McClain!” so spider house is real!!! It's in austin and I actually went there. Not for a poetry reading but they do those too. But yeah, this wasn't a huge reveal, I mean all the readers know what's happening. Originally I really wanted it to be as much of a surprise for readers as it was for Keith but so many of you guessed what would happen that I just embraced it. I do think it's better that you all got to join Lance on that experience. 
Lance gulped and stood up before he could think about it too much. He walked toward the stage as the host guided him to the stairs with a smile. “All yours,” she said, gesturing to the mic stand. 
“Thanks,” he said nervously. He walked up to the microphone, taking in all the people looking at him. Keith was frozen in the booth, staring at the stage in shock while Hunk and Pidge were both biting their nails. So, yeah, Hunk and Pidge knew. But they're still super nervous FOR Lance! It's a big deal and well Keith is still catching up. He isnt familiar with the version of Lance who goes on stage to read his poetry, especially since he was being so secretive about the poems. Of course. This is Lance, and Lance loves big gestures. “Hi everyone,” he said into the mic. “Uh… It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a stage and… recited anything, so I’m so nervous I think my legs are visibly shaking.” my legs did this once it was awful, so oof He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair. The movement made his cologne waft toward him and he took another deep breath to root himself. The cologne wafting was supposed to be a callback to Allura. To the idea of having her there still, and having that security of knowing he can let them both exist and be loved in his heart without taking it from the other if that makes sense. I really tried adding as many "signs" as I could without making it cheesy or unrealistic aha. “This is new shit-” 
A chorus of people yelling back, “New shit!” interrupted him. This shit happens and it's glorious. It shows how interactive slam poetry or just recited poetry can be. It was familiar and encouraging and it made him smile. 
He dug into his pocket and pulled out a copy of the poem he’d revised time and time again. “I think I’ve got it memorized, but… like I said, it’s been a while, so….” plus anxiety can get the best of you. A cheer from the back made him smile again as he shut his eyes. Poetry crowds are SUPER supportive even when it's a complete stranger. Like the whole room understands and respects what it is to put poetry, this personal thing created by someone, out in the open to everyone and so everyone is super respectful and reactive and that was a big thing here for Lance especially when his poem gets harder to push through. 
“There was a time when, my mouth gave way to words as easily as, my lungs breathed. I imagine this with a certain beat or rhythm. People reciting poetry tend to move and speak a certain way that makes it kind of like a rap, it's hard to explain. I wrote about my aunt’s curly hair callback to the poem veronica mentioned way back! and my first crush, I wrote about the confusing cracks in my voice and the strange way my sister got angry at everything. Puberty. Just to show how the biggest and smallest things gave him a reason to write. Then I wrote about a girl, so beautiful she redefined existing.” okay so this line hit me as I was writing. Because I didnt want to make a typical comparison of beauty. While experiences can be universal, some things require uniqueness and I really needed his affection for Allura to show that. The phrase "redefined existing" just hit me as I was typing and it felt right. It felt perfect. It's not just living that gets affected, shes not beautiful like a rose shes just… so beautiful it made Lance have to redefine what it was to exist. To exist with her as a friend, as a lover. To exist without her. The idea of someone being so beautiful as to redefine existing, i think, lets the beauty remain ambiguous while at the same time pinpointing it to this one person in an emotional sense. Lance paused and took a shaky breath, preparing himself for the next line, for bringing the memory out for everyone else to feel. vulnerability. we know this concept well by now, huh? “The day I lost her I lost, my words- I tried to fit my grief my sorrow into pages, too thin to hold them. Also came up with that line on a whim and I was really proud of it. I liked the imagery of pain and sorrow so heavy that it weighs pages down. The concept of tears soaking through pages and making them fragile. The idea that all of his feeling just couldnt fit into a poem or a page. My words tasted….” Lance gulped and clenched his fist pressing it to his chest. The fist is because when I imagined him talking, I imagine him using his hands. Up to his mouth, spread out as if touching pages, bringing them down to demonstrate the weight I mentioned before. And before he can bring up his fist to pantomime the dirt in the next line, hes overwhelmed and well, he uses his heartbeat as well as the cologne scent on his wrist as a tether by touching his fist to his chest.
A few scattered claps encouraged him. He heard Hunk call out, “You got this, Lance!” at this point everyone knows how vulnerable and sensitive this is. And they know he needs support. Seriously, watch slam poetry videos the way crowds react is beautiful. 
He took a breath again and swallowed. “My words tasted like the dirt that slipped, from my fingers and into her grave.” His words began to shake, and he knew he couldn’t stop it, so he just tried to keep going. “They tasted like the last kiss, I shared with her, they tasted like, the goodbye I-" He broke off and cursed under his breath. He grabbed the microphone with the hand holding the poem and bowed his head. A stronger round of claps filled the break until he was able to pick his head back up and speak into the mic. “Like, the goodbye I never got to give her. They tw-twisted inside of me, clogged my throat until, I suffocated, they turned loss into, my own death. Here I imagined him twisting his hands, pantomiming a claw at his throat, pressing his hands against his chest harshly. I became an unrecognizable, shadow of myself, with a dimmed soul and a muted heart.” callback to his conversation with his mom when he told her about Keith! He opened his eyes, ignoring the tears that managed to slide down his cheeks, a small smile on his face. And here comes the transition. I really wanted to be careful with how much of the poem I gave Allura because she deserved more than a couplet, but I also didnt want the poem to be split in half. In the end this is a love poem to Keith. And they both know, hey Allura is gonna be part of this, and yes her presence may fluctuate, but I know what I feel for you and I'm not guilty and it's not a shadow or an echo. But this is who she was for me and while she taught me what it is to love, you taught me to love again. Kind of parallel to when he tells Keith that Allura made poetry easy but Keith brought it back into his life. I also wanted the transition to be tasteful not just BUT ANYWAY THEN WE FUCKED. Like. It's not that he just got over her it's that he genuinely felt the change and let it happen let that light back. “Then you walked into my life. It wasn’t a fairytale start- with longing gazes, across a cafe, or shoulders brushing, as we rushed to class, love at first sight…. It wasn't conventional, you could say haha. It was the bass beating under my feet,(music) at a stranger’s house, and barley breath (beer) note the repeated "b" sounds heh, literary devices yall.  forming a question that turned, my universe inside out- it was you. Our beginning wasn’t easy, I can’t really tell you when it began- was it that night your lips first touched mine or, was it the night you shared a piece, of the pain that built the walls around your heart?(roland, aka when Keith's attitude changed too) It was you, this new discovery, note the line break here. "This new discovery" while the full phrase is "this new discovery of me" the beauty of written poetry is finding the hidden lines and double meanings in line breaks that might say more or something different than the full phrase. In this case, the new discovery of feeling that way about a boy, the desire he felt, while at the same new discovery of a part of his identity and then it continues to: of me and what my heart could, hold. It was you, brushing the dust from, my heart and breathing life, back into it with every nose-scrunched smile, holding it in leather-clad hands until, it began to beat again, again, the line break here serves to emphasize the important part "it (my heart) began to beat again" When written that would be isolated and a focal point until I became the opposite of a shadow- you made me light both in terms of weight and luminescence the heavy feeling of loss became less, but hes also "not dim anymore"…. You made me warm…. Your kisses brought poetry back, to my tongue, made the words bloom in my chest until, they burst from my mouth, they taste like hot chocolate, dandelions and firsts and prayers. You taught me that, my heart could love two people, and you loved me for it. You showed me the, magic in small moments. You taught me… that, a boy could give a boy flowers, without the world exploding. You showed me a new side of resilience. Keiths resilience is something Lance really fell for and I think he mentions that in the chapter where they stay at Keith's and run in the rain and share a bath and all that fluff  You taught me, not to live in the past not to live for the future, but to exist, now with you… in a universe we’ve created and let that, be enough I hope I can be, again, line break! "Be enough I hope I can be" is kind of Lance's internal dialogue despite the line being half part of the previous phrase and half part of the following. Hes telling himself to be enough and that he hopes he can be but it's also of course part of the whole. enough for you.” He let his eyes fall to the booth where Keith was standing by the table with a hand at his mouth. Keith was absolutely standing for several reasons. He had half a mind to run up to the stage and kiss him. He had a lot of energy from the shock. When lance started to cry, he got up because he wanted to him. Hes anxious to touch him. Hes completely enraptured by Lance. He gets wrapped up in him when he recites poems, now hes performing it and it's meant for him and…. Yeah. Keith is aching to hold Lance. “Our beginning, wasn’t easy- wasn’t a fairytale. But I promise, there won't be an end I promise, you forever after I promise, again. Line breaks. There wont be an end I promise. (It's) You forever after I promise. Small pieces that are whole while also being parts of a whole. Poetryyyyy. Half the work is in the line breaks and it affe ts how one might read it aloud too! poems that will find new ways, to remind you, I love you.” how could I not end with I love you? 
Lance smiled and sniffed, keeping his eyes on Keith. “Surprise, mi vida.” okay. So I had no idea how I was supposed to bring him back from ALL OF THAT and… I mean yeah. Surprise, Keith. That was all for you. Lance did say he needed to find a new way to make it a surprise for you. 
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dbzebra · 4 years
☕️ OH YKNOW WHAT AT THAT NOTE? Talk about that dbs broly movie cuz yknow. That’s a hot topic of the ages that folk feel particularly really strongly about
ooooh ive been waiting for this one. We watched this together on discord so you know my general feelings but Im happy i got this ask lol.
putting this under read more cause it gets long 
The new movie that everyone seems to love and adore.... that I dont. It was a pretty middle of the ground, meh overrated af movie. Not bad, just nothing special. I enjoyed watching it sure, but not something I have an inkling to return to anytime soon if ever. It was just ‘there’ for me. 
First, I’ll say the good stuff. The visuals looked really pretty. Nobody was THAT out of character of the existing cast (save for the ending), which i feel weird to have to even mention it as a positive, but nothing really stood out to me as a defining moment for the little cast we had besides Goku’s “youre not a bad guy, i can tell” or w/e. SUPER SAIYAN 1 IS STILL GOAT. It looked soooo good in this movie i wish we couldve kept it the whole time instead of Blue. But i will say, Blue looked much better in this movie than the series. The darker-blue with the lighter blue eyes was a nice change from instead of the ugly bluish-green the series did. Also the aura looked better. Backgrounds like the ice area and even Planet Vegeta were amazing. Action was great too. little Bulla was cute. The OST i liked (the chanting really grew on me) and Blizzard is a banger i love that song. Oh and the aritisic license they took for the fusion scene with the reds and blues spiraling together was great
Anyway thats all the positives I have lmaoo
This film includes Minus and I already went in depth on why I hate Minus with a passion and why it’s the worst thing to come out of modern Dragon so yeah moving on. But the fact that they devoted screentime to Gokus backstory which ultimately served no purpose to the story of the film and couldve been used more valuably elsewhere. 
I said the action was good, and it was, but it almost too good. At times it was so fast to tell that was going on and really lessened the impact for me. Like when they went into the other dimension or whatever, Gogeta went blue and Broly went LSSJ (idc if the name is different name, itll always be legendary SSJ to me lmao) so ast it was a blink and you miss it moment. like what? those moments shouldve been given even a little bit of focus. 
Next the cast. Goku and Vegeta. AGAIN. snorefest. no Gohan, Piccolo is just there to show them the fusion, Goten and Trunks are still kids and look like babies (and Pilaf gang is with them which is another can of worms), no Android 17, who the series established as one of the top 4 fighters on Earth. 
Do we get any of that? Nope. Just the two Blue and Bluer fucking again and again I. dont. care. anymore. Their dynamic is so boring and played out id rather watch paint dry. It was fun in Buu Saga, hell it was even fun in GT, but DBS constantly forcing this dynamic and Vegeta as the second Main Character needs to fucking STOOOP. Toei and Toriyama has no idea how to further Vegeta’s character because theyre stuck in this infinite loop. 
Vegeta doesnt want to help Goku, he mentions Bulma and/or Trunks, Vegeta blushes, and then he decides to help. THAT HAPPENED LIKE SIX TIMES IN DBS ALONE. It happened in Buu saga as well, but it organically worked cause it was the first time but Bulma and Trunks were ALREADY DEAD/ABSORBED. The look on his face wasnt blushy or pouting for a gag, dude was legit shocked. I rag on Vegeta but he had some legit great moments in the early arcs and later parts of Buu Saga. Anyway im off track. They repeat that same exact character moment OVER AND OVER. cant tell you how many times we had “my Bulma, my bulla, my Trunks, my cabba” in the Tournament of Power alone, and this movie is no different.
Then we have Broly. ohhhhhh boooy Broly. if you can even call this version of him Broly. His backstory is kinda the same as original movie 8/Broly LSSJ, but its more tragic becuase according to most fans, if youre background is a sobstory, that equals better character. NO. sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. On the first point, Broly is a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. So that one moment of peace is “ruined” by Goku in a sense cause he subconsciously associates that with Goku. On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET and then being frozen for seven years will fuck anyone up in the head. Z Broly in the original movie was sadistic af and he had a lot of memorable moments and lines that werent just screaming Kakarot, that Second Coming made him infamous for. 
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo and then once the fighting starts he doesnt say a single word but yell. SOUND FAMILIAR?? But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? fuck off. New Broly is boring. Im tired of trying to make the Saiyans into ThEyRe noT aLl BaD sEe The SaIyAns ArE AcTuAlLy GoOd!!!11111 ugh i hate it. keep Broly a psycho and keep Bardock a prick. even that guy that went with Buzz Lightyear I mean Paragus was a sweet guy who couldnt fight because of course he was. At least they kept Paragus being a prick when he killed him. Tho his death was lame. 
Cheelai’s overrated af. Shes just green bulma lmao. and the fact that they included the “big soft-spoken man gets mad and saves girl from drunk lowkey-rapey pervert” trope just had me roll my eyes like dude stop. Lemo was fine? Nothing against him but didnt do much for me either.
FUCK. FREEZA. i went over this one before too so ill be quick with this as well. I hate hate hate the fact that they brought him back not once but twice in DBS, but even worse that they left him alive to do whatever tf he wants including going back to mass murdering people and expanding his army again. Goku and Vegeta just LET HIM LIVE. Why tf did they go all out and attack Broly, but not Freeza? when one of them was fighting Broly th other easily could have taken out freeza but nope we need a token villain like Joker or Skeletor cause unoriginality. Even at the end, Gogeta does a full power blast to wipe Broly tf out, but when Freeza tries to kill Cheelai and Lemo (two innocent people, feelings on them aside) Gogeta basically just shakes his finger like nuh-uh! dont do that! and then he flies off. Just let this mfer die already im sick of seeing his ass. FUCK I HATE IT SO MUCH GFGFFGFGFGF
Lastly this movie is legitimately Dragon Ball Fanservice The Movie. 
Gogeta vs Broly, which the games have been doing since fucking 2003, is the main point of this film. Theres no originality whatsoever. Minus is discount Father of Goku special, and then its a mashup of Broly LSSJ and Fusion Reborn (both of which are superior movies imo). This creatively banrkupt shell of a franchise cant think of anything new, so they legit remake an old movie, through in fusions because that sells like hotcakes, and make the animation pretty because thats all that matters.
Imo, this movie, like 99% of Super, is all flash and flair but no substance at all. At least this movie looked nice. unlike the show. 
ok thats all i got lmao
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