#yellow carnation
awooterasu · 5 months
flowers are neat poetry inspiration, from the use of growth and various aspects of them for metaphors plus what you do to flowers being a good source of inspiration
it’s interesting how depending on the flowers, they can supplement, invert or bolster the meaning due to flower language
Yellow carnations express disappointment in someone else but when paired with purple hyacinths, the former’s meaning is inverted into “self-disappointment”, boosting the latter’s apology message
Blue hyacinths with white orchids, the former’s sincerity and loyalty message meshing latter’s peace and agreement message meld into a message for sincere amends to settle things
White tulips is another flower of apologies, able to be mixed with almost any other flowers, from peonies that mean shame because of a myth or irises for significant bonds of all sorts
Yes I am having a hyperfixaiton on this how can you tell
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artistmarchalius · 3 months
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Charlie: Well… yellow carnations mean hatred, but all the other flowers mean nice things… so maybe they also mean friendship like yellow roses???
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Tim with hannaki disease
spending his childhood choking on flowers
Barely able to breathe rejection after rejection
Jason is attacking him at the tower and he can’t stop coughing out flowers
when dick gives Damian Robin, Tim leaves the cave spitting out petals
imagine if he died of suffocation during the Bruce quest
Fuck. I love hanahaki disease.
Tw: death, blood, asphyxiation, fictional disease, dead body description, gore
For those of y'all unaware, it's a completely fictional disease where having unrequited love results in the person growing flowers in their chest. It's usually romantic, but I prefer the platonic versons (especially child-parent angst, holy fuck).
I've seen two types of hanahaki:
The love is actually unrequited
The person only perceives the love as being unrequited
Either way, the progression is as follows:
Person coughs up one petal
They start coughing up more and usually blood
They cough up an entire blossom
They die trying to cough up the entire flower (blossom and stem)
There are four outcomes to hanahaki disease, depending on what rules you are working with:
Love becomes requited
Person dies
They have a surgery to remove their ability to have feelings
They lose (voluntarily or not) their memories about their unrequited love
Some people play with flower meanings of the petals being coughed up. I fucking love those versions so much.
Let's get into the AU! The timeline is mine to fuck around with, so excuse any non-canon progressions.
Tim has chronic hanahaki disease from his parents. They visit often enough to quell the worst symptoms and mitigate the damage, but they don't stick around enough (or show enough constant attention) for the petals to go away.
Janet once asked Tim if he'd like to get the surgery. Tim said no. Janet respected that choice and never asked again even though Tim was like nine at the time. It also becomes a fear of his. He wakes up in cold sweat at the phantom idea of just not being able to love anyone. It terrifies him, even if the feeling of asphyxiation is the only other option.
When Janet dies and Tim becomes Robin, he does his best to hide his condition from Bruce. It worsens, from the way Tim adores and loves the Bats, but Tim manages.
It's a rough few years, but slowly, the ice begins to melt. The Waynes show Tim more and more affection. YJ also shower him in so much care to the point that Tim has days of uninterrupted breathing.
It's a novel but welcome feeling.
Jack waking up from the coma complicates shit. His condition worsens again, but it's manageable.
Until Tim's sixteenth birthday.
The teen will never admit, but that test nearly fucking killed him. Bruce never finds out how close he was to killing his Robin, but Tim knows. He'll never forget how thorns scraped along his throat at the idea that he can't trust anyone. He'll never rid himself of the intimate knowledge of how blossoms taste in his mouth and the sickly sweet smell of blood mixed with flower petals.
Tim has to quit Robin, for his safety, health, and as a "fuck you" to Bruce, but realizes he can't keep in contact with Dick, Alfred, or Barbara without it. He can't contact his team.
He has to go back, so he does.
Tim's not sure if it's better or worse that Bruce didn't know about the hanahaki. If the man did, would he still have done the test? Due to him never showing remorse or guilt for his actions, the teen doesn't know.
The question pesters him even when his dad finds out about Robin.
It plagues him through Steph becoming Robin and dying.
It festers into his bones when, while wearing those same damn colors, he hears his father die.
That is one or many reasons "Uncle Eddie" was created.
Tim can't quite trust Bruce, but he finds himself still loving the father-like figure in his life. He finds himself forgiving him. He leans into the hair ruffles, shoulder pats, and gruff words of affection. He lets himself be loved.
Then, an undead asshole in a gleaming red bucket comes to kick Tim's ass. The teen can't help but laugh at the way his life bounces between breathing and dying at the drop of a hat.
He's just barely able to hide the flowers from both Red Hood and the Titans.
A little assassin appears, and each attack brings a petal.
Each new death hampers Tim's ability to breathe. Tim tries, but it's so fucking hard. How is he supposed to live without them?
With the ticklish scrape of petals, Tim doesn't think he's supposed to.
Bruce isn't dead. Tim knows, with every fiber of his being, that Bruce can't be dead. Tim won't survive if he is.
Even if Tim loses everything, even if these damn fucking flowers consume him, at least his death will have a purpose.
That's what he tells himself as he lies in a pool of blood beneath the stars. The sand at his back is soft in comparison to the stem piercing his throat and tongue. The sound of his choking is joined by the bubbling wheezing of Pru.
Ra's peers down at the body already set with rigor mortis. Tim's jaw is pried apart by a bouquet of yellow carnations dripping in blood.
The demon head hums at the sight, a dangerous gleam to his eyes. With the flick of a hand, two assassins grab the young detective's corpse. The other three bodies are taken as well.
Tim's eyes fling open as the teen gasps for air.
It's wrong. It's wrong. It's all wrong. He's empty.
He's surrounded in green.
Oh fuck.
For awhile, Tim just soaks in the soft expansion of his lungs. He marvels at their capability.
He can't remember a time when he's been able to breathe so easily. It's enchanting and allots the teen a giddy sort of relief.
Through the destruction of both the Spiders and the LoA, he finds himself taking small moments to just breathe. It's a simple joy he can't help but partake in.
Tim logically knows there's a price. His breaths cost him, though he doesn't know their price. He should be dead and buried within the flowers.
He is neither.
He is alive. He is free (from the petals. It takes him a little bit to become free of Ra's).
Tim brushes aside these valid and alarming concerns to focus on his goals: escape, take down Ra's, and derail whatever retaliation occurs.
So that's what Tim does. He ignores the insistent sense of wrongness and focuses on the task at hand. He coordinates his friends and family. He faces down Ra's. He gets kicked out of a window.
With a grim smile, his body goes lax and his eyes flutter shut
He's done.
When Tim springs up from unconsciousness, Steph's voice reassures him he's safe. She tells him he's in the batcave.
The tension to bleeds from his body as Damian mutters a demand. Tim's eyes dart from Robin to Batgirl to Batman (Dick) to Alfred.
That sinking feeling of wrongness returns.
Dick's eyes are trained on the teen as he asks Tim, "How did you know I'll be there to save you?"
It's obvious the man is worried. It's obvious he's so fucking glad he caught his younger brother.
The lie falls from Tim's lips as smooth as any truth, "You're my brother, Dick. You'll always be there for me."
Dick's face brightens with fond relief.
Tim watches. He observes the reactions of his older brother. He catalogs the effect of his words on the man he's admired and loved for thirteen years.
He notes all of this.
And he feels nothing.
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oifaaa · 1 year
There should be a flower that means “you’re a little b!tch” so that Jason can really express himself
Okay so I googled it and the first thing that came up was a old tumblr post so this may be completely wrong but here we go
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infizero-draws · 1 year
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i'm not really feeling like myself today
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fleur-aesthetic · 11 months
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instagram | goodneighborfloral
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mjlor-chan · 10 months
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saradika-graphics · 3 months
I am absolutely in love with your dividers, especially the florals!! By any chance, do you have any carnation dividers, or could possibly make some? Much thanks in advance and please know that your dividers are literally the cutest things ever! <3
ahh thank you so much! I always love working on flower and floral ones! and yes of course, here are some carnations for you! 🌷💕
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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robbie-verse · 1 year
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he hanged the stars - anthony j. crowley
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msmimundo · 6 months
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Last but not least THE Moomintroll himself!!
pink carnation- love, gratitude, fondness
peach rose- sincerity, genuineness, appreciation, gratitude
yellow rose- friendship, joy, warmth, delight, gladness, caring, affection
pink tulip- affection, caring, good wishes, fist love
hydrangea- heartfelt emotion, gratitude, grace, beauty, abundance, understanding, unity, togetherness, apology
forget-me-not- true love, devotion, loyalty, memory, resilience, connection, affection
flower of hope- resilience, optimism, overcome adversity, hope, healing
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tsunael · 6 months
If there's anyone out there that cares about flower language and symbolism like I do, I made an informal write-up some time ago about the in-game flowers (that you can put in your house) and the different symbolism that they can mean.
I only included the symbolism for the in-game colors and also their general meaning.
Also as a disclaimer these could be incorrect, have contrasting meanings, or have different meanings in different real-world cultures. White chrysanthemums (kiku) are usually a funeral flower in Japan for instance. (My Japanese professor once said they were a faux pas for her to receive in a bouquet!) So your mileage may vary!
Now with added sunflower.
This was simply a fun personal project I made for myself that I thought other people might enjoy as well! So here's a question to answer in the tags:
What flowers would your WoL have in their residence?
Arums (calla lily) 🔷magnificent beauty, feminine modesty
Brightlilies (easter lily) 🔷purity, refined beauty 🔷White: virginity, purity, majesty 🔷Pink: wealth and prosperity 🔷Red: warmth, desire 🔷Yellow: gaiety, falsehood, "I’m walking on air" 🔷Orange: hatred
Campanulas (bellflower) 🔷humility, constancy
Chrysanthemum   🔷cheerfulness, "You’re a wonderful friend" 🔷Red: I love you 🔷White: truth 🔷Yellow: slighted love
Cosmos 🔷harmony, peace, modesty, "the joys that love and life can bring", beautiful
Dahlias 🔷dignity, elegance
Daisies 🔷innocence, beauty
Lilies of the Valley 🔷return of happiness, sweetness, humility, purity
Oldrose 🔷Red: I love you, love, beauty, passion, romance 🔷Blue: mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight 🔷White: innocence and purity, "I am worthy of you", reverence 🔷Yellow: decrease of love, jealousy, friendship
Shroud Cherries (cherry blossom) 🔷spiritual beauty, a good education
Tulips 🔷perfect lover, fame 🔷Red: declaration of love, true love, eternal love, romantic love, "believe me" 🔷Yellow: hopeless love, unrequited love, brightness, sunshine 🔷White: ask for forgiveness, purity 🔷Purple: royalty
Hyacinths 🔷sports, games, rashness 🔷Purple: I am sorry, sorrow, "please forgive me" 🔷Red: play 🔷White: loveliness, "I’ll pray for you" 🔷Blue: constancy, sincerity 🔷Yellow: jealousy
Hydrangeas 🔷heartlessness, boastfulness, "You are cold"
Morning Glories 🔷love in vain, affection
Violas (violets) 🔷modesty, faithfulness 🔷Purple: daydreaming, "You occupy my thoughts" 🔷Blue: watchfulness, love 🔷White: candor, innocence 🔷Yellow: rural happiness
Byregotia (begonia?) 🔷Beware
Carnation 🔷fascination, love, distinction 🔷Red: "My heart aches for you", deep love, admiration 🔷White: sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love 🔷Yellow: "You have disappointed me", rejection, disdain 🔷Purple: capriciousness, changeable
Moth Orchid 🔷love, beauty, refinement, beautiful lady
Sweet Pea 🔷departure, good-bye, delicate pleasure, tender memory, blissful pleasure
Triteleia 🔷 They're a North American wildflower also called 'triplet lilies' or 'Ithuriel's spear' which is a reference to John Milton's epic English poem, Paradise Lost. It's about an angel sent by Gabriel to find Satan in the Garden of Eden. Satan, in the form of a toad, is introducing evil suggestions into the ear of Eve when Ithuriel pokes him with a spear. Satan then returns to his true form, "... for no falsehood can endure Touch of Celestial temper, but returns Of force to its own likeness."
So, I can't find any symbolism for this one. Would make a possibly good Halone/Ishgard reference if you wanted to read into it, though.
Sunflower 🔷 Haughtiness, respect, passionate love, adoration, radiance.
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citrusdownn · 4 months
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whispers of freedom and love spoken to flowers
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lxvenderjewel · 6 months
my dear, my perfect darling my love, my one and only my yellow tulip. i have picked up a small case, watson.
what is it?
i’m buying you some diphylleia. something trivial, nothing to interest you. i’ll be going out to look at some flowers.
what for, holmes?
i hold you in my deepest mauve carnations. i believe i will find some clues there.
why haven’t i heard of this case?
it doesn’t exist i am lying i am making you a a mulberry i didn’t think it would interest you, watson.
hmm. well, you must tell me about it later.
i cannot you would hate me i cannot bear that a daffodil. of course.
what particularly about flowers?
shit shit shit shit a purple hyacinth. flower language.
he knows he knows he cannot know how would he clovenlip toadflax. mm. i will see you.
don’t be late for dinner.
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ramestice · 7 months
Rodent Brainrot
Okay so Dead Plate Canon Divergence AU—probably OOC because there's no murder involved— Vincent does not turn Manon into a gourmet meal, he just tells her he's not interested and they part ways. The rest of the game goes on normally; Vincent is still obsessively fixated on Rody while Rody's hung up over Manon. And GET THIS,,,Manon eventually calls Rody back after he keeps insistently calling her every night, and straight up tells him to stop. She tells him to please focus on himself for once, and to stop trying to contact her. She doesn't want to get back together again, she's seriously exhausted by how self-destructive he is. The phone call ends and,,,Rody starts coughing. He spits out the strange lump in his throat and there, in his palm, sits a yellow carnation.
This is where everything falls apart. So he decides that, hey, maybe quitting such a well-paying job after a week just for the sake of winning back his ex was NOT a good idea. So he stays. He sneaks in bundles of yellow whenever he has to take out the trash in his shifts, fixes up his apartment, and he tries to be,,,better. But still holding onto the hope that one day Manon will come back. He ignores the way the mere thought of her makes his lungs feel heavier.
And all the while? Vincent is right there, still uncomfortably observing his every move. But one day, he invites him over to his place. No dinner party to cater, just two cups of tea. Rody remarks at how surprising it is to see his boss drinking anything that isn't red wine or black coffee, but then Vincent says he made the blend himself. Curious, he tries a sip and,,,it's incredible. A light, floral feel and then a citrus-y aftertaste—Vincent did say he liked lemons. He's never been a fan of tea, but there's just something so sincere about it that soothes all of his worries. When was the last time he just sat down with someone, a mug warming both his hands and heart? No worries about how he's acting, what next big thing he must attempt to keep the affection of those around him—of her. So he looks at Vincent and tells him,
"It tastes like love."
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loud-whistling-yes · 1 year
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This ring around my finger's like a chain around my throat // And if I were not myself, would this be easier?
Alternatively, I thought about galaxy duo and the fool in her wedding gown for a little too long
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fleur-aesthetic · 1 year
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instagram | cakeatelieramsterdam
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