#yellow robots with blue lights. just love them
svvordsmachine · 8 months
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hm. noticing a trend i think
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COD Sex Bot Au - General and Character Specific Facts
Requested: Yes. By uh…..pretty much everyone. SO many people begged for something and while this isn’t exactly a part 2, I hope it will help tide you all over til I can get that completed.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Child Abuse, Adult Abuse as well, Mention of Murder, Mention of Self-Destruction (Robot Suicide), Mentions of Knives, Mention of Blood, Spice, Probably very incorrect Spanish
A/N: So! A lot of people, along with requesting a part 2, have also been begging me for Price as well. I know I’ve only done the 4 characters for all of my Cod works so far but I do want to expand the character list! That being said, I’m just not entirely comfortable with writing them yet. I am looking more into Gaz, Price, and Roach specifically and I promise to let you guys know when I feel comfortable enough to write for them! But until then, please enjoy!
Their eyes get this kind of colored sheen to them sometimes. Different colors for different things.
Yellow is absorbing new information
Pink is the color during sexy times
Red is malfunctioning/in need of repairs (but can also be a sign of embarrassment or shyness)
Light blue is curiosity
White (still) is powered down
White (pulsing) is powering down
White (flickering) is low power
Grey is rebooting/charging
Black is enraged
Lilac is contentment
Plum is upset/hurt
All the boys come with their uniforms on but what’s underneath depends
For Ghost’s model, simple black briefs
For Soap’s model, silly patterned boxers (think hearts or something)
For König’s model, usually some fancy lace panties since he’s very popular amongst Doms who like that sort of thing
Alejandro’s model? Absolutely nothing
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Ghost’s model was MEANT to be a scary bad guy kind of deal, to be marketed towards fans of slashers and the like. But he…..didn’t end up being that way.
At least, not your Ghost. Many of the other Ghost models are that way, but not yours. For some reason.
Granted, that programming is definitely still in him, though not exactly in the way it was meant to be.
Instead of it being just for fun rough sexy times, it’s more…….actually will kill for you. And has, in fact, killed for you.
Something that he’s NOT supposed to be able to do.
“Gee, I wonder what happened to that Barista that insulted me the other day.”
“Gee, I wonder.” *cleaning a bloody combat knife in your sink*
Speaking of knives!!! Ghost’s model does come with a lot of fun knives! Granted, they’re dulled into being just (mostly) harmless kink knives but he made quick work of making them a lot more harmless by ordering a knife sharpener.
So uh, yeah. You have received not just a sex robot, but one that borders on Yandere and will probably self-destruct if you reject him.
Have fun with that!
Fun fact: YOUR Ghost actually used to be a child bot MANY years ago, bought by a man who only wanted to be able to legally abuse a child. So he was broke down and put back together so very many times. And when they recycled and reprogrammed his AI chip, the scarring from that was still imprinted into him.
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While Soap’s model is marketed more towards romantic oriented people, he’s generally seen as a Jack of all trades.
Doms, subs, romantics, first timers, just about any kind of person. He’s good with all of them, though he thrives with Romantics since that is his programming.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
And also just because your Soap is so very lonely. He yearns to be loved by you, to melt under your affection.
He doesn’t want to be seen as just a sexual object, he wants to be yours. And you to be his.
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Ah yes, the gentle giant that was supposed to be marketed more towards Subs but ended up being a bit….Soft.
None of the programmers can explain it but every model of him is just inexplicably shy and quiet, thriving in an environment where he has no control.
So now he’s more marketed towards doms. Usually soft doms.
They once tried to change his model to be smaller and more petite and people started BOYCOTTING.
It affected their sales so much that they very quickly changed him back.
People still seethe when they think about it.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Probably equal parts the most loved and most abused of the different models.
Just because of how quiet and meek his model is, how they almost never fight back when hurt.
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Alejandro’s model is VERY popular among submissives so he’s programmed to be pretty dominant and also to have a caring nature.
Due to said caring nature, many mistake his model as good for beginners.
I can assure you, he is NOT.
So SO many of his models have been returned cause he’s brought them to tears from so much pleasure, absolutely overwhelming for any beginner.
“Cry for me, Amor. That’s it, just like that.”
His model is one of the only ones that isn’t returnable unless something is malfunctioning and even then, they’ll try just about anything to fix the model instead of just taking them back.
If you’re the type to forget meals and such (I’m not projecting, shut up) then he will literally drag you away from whatever you’re doing and make you eat.
Will set up a rewards system if you have trouble with personal upkeep as well, like household chores and stuff (again, not projecting).
How much pleasure you get throughout the day is all dependent on how well you follow the schedule he makes based on your personal life.
He can and will have you call him Papi, in and out of bed.
“Be a Good Little Cachorro and get on your knees for Papi.”
You only get called Amor when you’re good or when you’re upset. Anything else and it’s Cachorro (Puppy).
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ashxketchum · 7 months
Now it feels like we’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary 😍
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This new art for an upcoming collaboration with Karatez is just simply stunning. The theme is (very obviously) “idol” and I personally love the futuristic pop concept they’ve added to the outfits. Although exact date and merch details haven’t been shared yet, they shared a few layouts of the key art.
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The outfits are also great this time around because of their little references to the partner Digimon’s Perfect evolutions. Listing them down one by one as always.
Taichi: The blue markings on his jacket plus robotic arm markings on his right sleeve are a nice shoutout to MetalGreymon.
Yamato: We see WereGarurumon’s pattern on his jacket and a few belts wrapped around his hands that captures the punk-grunge vibe of WereGarurumon well. It may be Yamato’s affinity to music, but he looks extremely in his element in this art, it’s not often we see him so raring to go in official merch art (he’s more of a soft smiles guy usually).
Sora: Her gloves and the red bandana on her arm coupled with the feather in her hair are clear shoutouts to Garudamon. It’s kinda funny to me that being the girl who’s crest is a heart symbol, she’s making a victory sign while Mimi and Hikari are both making different types of finger hearts 😆
Koushiro: Honestly they were really subtle with the reference for him and even twitter couldn’t exactly answer my doubts so I’m gonna have to see Koushiro stans step up and answer whether the reference in his outfit limited to the markings on his jacket resembling AtlurKabuterimon’s chest?
Mimi: I think she’s the one with the most easy to catch references, her skirt resembles Lilymon’s and her hair tie looks like Lilymon’s flower canon. I love that she’s making the big finger heart because it’s just so very Mimi. If Yamato suits the passionate side of being an idol, Mimi is definitely meant for the cutesy visual vibe that can make fans go crazy over just a wink and a smile.
Jou: He’s wearing three belt like bracelets around one wrist like Zudomon which makes his a minimal reference though not as subtle as Koushiro’s. I do feel that they could’ve done a bit more with his look, maybe add a horn to the side of his headset? I also can’t wait to see the full art for each kid individually cuz I do think him and Yamato are wearing similar bellbottom pants!
Takeru: The feather on his headset and the yellow suspended straps are a decent reference to HolyAngemon. Considering that they wanted to keep the outfits limited to one colour per kid, I think this is the best way they could slip in the reference, though I wouldn’t have minded a few rings.
Hikari: The feather on the headset, the corset-ish belt around her waist and her gloves are very nice references to Angewomon. Keeping Hikari’s innocence as a kid intact while referencing a Digimon that is undoubtedly considered one of the most sexiest mons in the franchise would have been really tough and I salute the illustrators for coming up with this design! I also like the OG Korean finger heart she’s making, such a cute look on her.
The cherry on top are each of the Digimon partners holding supportive cheering goods for their kids. Piyomon’s love for Sora goes hard with her big name banner. Meanwhile, Agumon and Palmon kept it simple with haoris, Tailmon and Patamon too decided to go the simple route with light sticks. Gabumon, Gomamon and Tentomon seem normal from afar with their hand fans but when you get a closer look on all the hearts around Koushiro’s name on Tentomon’s fan, you know the three spent time making those themselves.
All in all, a pretty amazing illustration to be able to get merch of!
But wait that’s not all, andGallery has also teased a future cafe collaboration with Digimon Adventure on their twitter, more info will be announced on 19th Feb but they did share a preview of what to expect.
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chocolix76 · 1 month
Word count: 1,358
Dads are not supposed to be giant humanoid yellow rabbits with sunken blue eyes. Most of all, dads are not supposed to be robotic murderers.
Those were the only thoughts running through Oswald’s mind as he paced back and forth across his room, occasionally pausing as he listened for the tell tale metal thumps of the rabbit’s footsteps. The thing that was pretending to be his dad. 
Just a few weeks ago, Oswald was sitting at a dirty wooden table at Jeff’s Pizzeria daydreaming about his first day in sixth grade. What new friends would he make when most of the town left after the mill closed? How much homework would he get in middle school? Oswald didn’t know that his life would soon be turned upside down by a time traveling ball pit and a killer robot that wanted to be his dad. This whole experience gave a new meaning to a saying his mother loved to abuse. Be careful what you wish for.
Minutes blended into an hour, Oswald pacing back and forth across his dimly lit room brainstorming ideas of how to get his father back without the rabbit catching him first. The rabbit had every opportunity to kill him by now. So why hadn’t it? Before he had the chance to grasp at reasons why the rabbit was playing with him like a cat before slaughtering its prey, Oswald heard the signature stomping of the rabbit approaching his bedroom. His breath caught in his throat as he immediately dove under his bed just as the robot slowly opened the door.
Light from the hallway poured into Oswald’s room, the rabbit’s massive figure casting a horrific shadow across his bed. As the robot lumbered into his room, its large head swiveling around in search of Oswald, he covered his mouth and nose with the palm of his hand attempting to muffle the sound of his ragged breathing. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears and for a moment, he feared the rabbit could hear it too. This was the end. He had nowhere to run and his mom was at work. For a fleeting moment he wondered how long it would take for his mother to find his body. Maybe the rabbit would erase him from her memory altogether.
Through the fringes of Oswald’s yellow and green checkered bedspread, he could see the rabbit approaching the side of the bed. Beads of sweat erupted on his forehead, his entire body trembling as the silence of the room was broken by the ear splitting squeaks of metal in severe need of oiling as the rabbit lowered itself to one knee. A large, yellow hand lifted up the bedspread, the rabbit’s piercing blue eyes illuminating the underside of the bed.
Bits and pieces of what he had seen through the doorway the night the rabbit stole his father away flashed before Oswald’s eyes. Five children not much younger than he were lying on the white and black checkered floor. Blood that nearly looked black in the dim lighting coating the floor and walls, staining the children’s clothing. None of them were moving. One body was facing the door, the corpse’s unseeing brown eyes boring into Oswald’s soul. He was next. He would become the sixth victim of the rabbit’s massacre. However, instead of grabbing Oswald’s arm and pulling him out from under the bed, the rabbit made a beckoning motion, stepping back to give him space to climb out from his hiding spot.
“What do you want from me?” Oswald demanded, hating how his voice wavered and cracked and how his body still trembled so violently he wasn’t confident his legs would be able to hold him. 
He wasn’t sure how he expected the rabbit to respond considering it couldn’t speak, or at least never made an effort to speak before, but it calmly motioning towards his desk was the last thing he expected. When caught between doing what the rabbit asked or risking facing its wrath, Oswald decided climbing out from under the bed and allowing himself to be guided towards his desk was the safest option.
The rabbit patted the swivel chair Oswald had picked out on a shopping trip with his parents before it took a seat on a wooden chair it had borrowed from the kitchen. The wood creaked and groaned under the robot’s weight, but the rabbit paid it no mind. It simply sat there patiently waiting for Oswald to sit down, its head tilted ever so slightly.
As Oswald slowly sat down, keeping the rabbit in his peripheral vision, he noticed that the robot had taken out a lined piece of paper and the instructions to his history essay, laying it neatly on the desk. Oswald glanced from the empty piece of paper to the rabbit who looked at him expectantly. Almost innocently. He fought back the urge to laugh, or cry, about the absurdity of it all. This was not his father, so why was it pretending to be? Was this some sort of cruel game?
He tried to take a pen to paper simply to please the imposter, terrified that his head would be crushed between the rabbit’s large, flat teeth if he didn’t do what he was asked. A few agonizing minutes ticked by, his mind unable to conjure any useful information to put together an introduction paragraph. All he could think of was the animatronic rabbit sitting within arms reach. It was impossible to focus like this and, somehow, the rabbit caught on.
In an eerie mimicry of a sigh, the rabbit placed one large hand on Oswald’s shoulder, leading him out of his seat and down the hallway with an almost parental care. Oswald wanted nothing more than to scream and run away, but that would do him more harm than good. The rabbit led Oswald to the dining room, pulling out a chair for him to sit down before disappearing into the kitchen.
The scratchy sound of distorted humming wafted from the kitchen along with the sounds of the rabbit rummaging around through the cabinets. Oswald glanced over his shoulder at the front door, wondering how easy it would be to slip through the rabbit’s fingers and escape to the pizzeria to have another crack at saving his father. However, what harm could humoring the rabbit do? Maybe it would make things a little easier on his end if the rabbit believed that Oswald had somewhat accepted him. 
The banging around in the cabinets soon came to an end as the rabbit produced a tray covered in snacks, placing the tray in front of Oswald before gently ruffling his hair with a giant hand. Air caught in Oswald’s throat as he stared down at the tray in front of him, imagining it as a giant pizza box. Was this the rabbit’s way of luring him into being its next victim, or was this the rabbit being genuinely kind? 
“Why are you being so nice to me? I saw you mur-…I saw you kidnap my dad. Why are you trying to help me with my homework and…do all this?” Oswald asked, staring at the rabbit expectantly. After a few seconds, he felt a bit stupid interrogating the mute animatronic. However, if it really wanted to answer, maybe it could write something down for him.
Instead, the rabbit simply shrugged. It nudged the tray closer to him, Oswald barely able to process the fact that the tray was neatly decorated with baby carrots and apple slices, a bag of chips sitting in the corner. Noticing something purple peeking out from underneath the bag of chips, Oswald moved it aside to see that the rabbit had drawn a little heart on a purple sticky note, along with a childish portrait of Oswald underneath. Abruptly, any trace of an appetite vanished as he stared at the sticky note in terror, unsure if it was a taunt or a genuine proclamation of parental affection. At this point, he wasn’t sure which was worse.
All he knew was that he needed to get his real dad back and soon.
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Seraphim Eye Practice + Headcanons
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(I made these well before the official episode came out so these are older designs)
These are the eyes that I have finished and I’m proud to share with the world. I have given the seraphim names and some head canons to go with them. I also aged up all of the seraphim outside of S-Snake because I love how baby she is.
S-Hawk is actually one of two. I don’t know how I got it into my head, but I liked the idea of Mihawk having twin seraphim. They came about like regular twins, but if they were tube babies.
They are both called S-Hawk and they were separated when they were very young. Both are overprotective of each other because of being separated. The one you see at the very top is Crowley and the one at the very bottom is Montoya. Inigo Montoya and Crowly. Both of the twins eyes were replaced with robotic ones. They can even change color! Blue for Docile, Yellow for Alert, and Red/Pink for Danger. There is also Green, but none of the Punks know why they turn green since they rarely flash green. 👀
Crowley has the cloned devil fruit; but Montoya, on the other hand, ate an actual devil fruit. I call it the Fuse-Fuse fruit! It is a paramecia type that can fuse two or more things together. Both organic and inorganic materials can be fused. He typically fuses with S-Gecko. Montoya and S-Gecko were placed together while Crowly was placed with S-Crocodile and S-Catapiller. Crowley doesn’t use a sword, instead he uses a guitar that doubles as both a gun and a battle ax. It is the turducken of weapons. I kept their eyes similar to their original design (manga) since that’s what I stared with. Not much to talk about. But both of their wings are like that of a crow and not a hawk. The Punks don’t have a lot of knowledge on bird wings apparently 🤷 Crowley has tons of piercings I just didn’t add/you can’t see any of them. He is very much punk rock vs. Montoya who is very elegant vintage.
I’ve been calling S-Crocodile Dharma. Dharma Al Dini. I had a different name that started with a D for Dharma but I forgot to write it down so I had to change it. After watching a play through of Venba, I got the idea of Crocodile being able to speak Tamil and eating Indian food and that’s how Dharma came to be. Dharma knows how to speak Tamil and how to cook. I also gave him an Italian last name because of the whole mafia theme Crocodile’s got going on.
I had an outline of S-Crocodile way before it was revealed and what I have written down is so far off from the original that when I look at the seraphim I’m like, “Why are you so different?” And then I remember that when I first met these characters we only knew S-Hawk, Snake, Shark, and Bear and we didn’t even know if they were conscious. Dharma is very soft spoken and is very muted compared to Crocodile. Crocodile exudes confidence and superiority. Dharma is a very gentle presence and, while confident, lacks the same authority and charisma his prime does. (I’m calling the OGs Primes so I don’t have to constantly write out their names).
I made his eyes a star bursts with light coming out of them. Kinda like a start shooting light. I changed his eyes to be more of a warm honey color than Crocodile’s harsh gold (before Toei decided to change Crocodile’s eye color for no reason). I really wanted to show the difference in their personality in an obvious way. I also gave him makeup around his eyes because I thought his face looked to bare and it became a theme for nearly all the seraphim. I made Dharma’s wings that of a sparrow’s due to that one cover story, also his wings are closer to his hips than his shoulders. His aesthetic is a casual glam. He look effortless and like an average guy, but also extremely expensive.
S-Snake is a very curious child. She is very sweet, adventurous, self-assured, and bossy. She is trusting to a fault that her older brothers are over protective of her. I have named her Yumi. Yumi Stone. She and the others discovered that her devil fruit doesn’t require that they actually look at her, in fact, you don’t even need to see her for her devil fruit to work. The only qualification is that there is love. She can petrify the other seraphim because they love her and each other. She has used her powers on couples and parents to try and test how far her powers can go. Her powers also have some healing properties to it. She is interning under S-Gecko to become a doctor (This is due to trauma which I will get to maybe never).
Okay, to start off, I love how cute I made her!!!! Look at her, look at my baby! She is the definition of adorable. Her eyes were the most fun and, shockingly, the easiest to come up with because I had the idea of making each of the seraphim have unique eyes (by the time I hit S-Flamingo I had officially run out of ideas and just said fuck it close enough). I made her eyes a light purple because I thought it would break up all the warm colored eyes I was doing. I added the rings and the mini-stars because I loved the idea of her having like a sorta planetary eye. I nearly did the rings for Dharma and S-Gecko, but I scrapped the idea because it was not working. I gave her some small eye liner because all of the others had some form of make up. I didn’t want it to be to extreme and wanted to keep it simple for her and it ended up in her eyes looking more owlish and it’s just—mwuah!❤️ Not on purpose but I fell in love with it. That small little thing has also made me head canon that her wings are like an owls. Her eyes are easily my favorite over all. Yumi doesn’t have any specific aesthetics, she just wears whatever she thinks is cute or what her brothers pick out for her. She can really be any of the boys aesthetics when she wants to be. Like one day she can have a biker jacket on and the next she’s wearing a gardener outfit.
Next Batch! And I won’t be starting with S-Caterpillar, I’m saving him for last 😉
S-Gecko’s name is Frankenstein. At this point you can already tell the second theme that I picked out for the seraphim is that they are all of their names are based off of different fictional characters because I like to think that they choose their names from their favorite characters!
Frankenstein was also the first one to be created. We literally do not know how long he was a warlord for, but we do know that he lost a shit ton of blood to Kaido way back when! I like to believe that Gecko Moria was the entire reason the seraphim program exists because waaaaayy too many people forget that in his prime he was an actual candidate for becoming an emperor/the pirate king.
Frankenstein (just Frank or Stein depending on whose talking to him) is very similar, yet extremely different from his prime. • Similarities include : both work with the dead, are tacticians, and are very heavy sleepers. Stein is a workaholic and the other seraphim rarely, if ever, see him since he mainly stays in his room. He is very abrasive and is regularly seen wearing a scowl, but he also has a wicked sense of humor that you don’t get to hear often and is even funnier because you don’t expect it. He is an actual certified doctor which is important to know because he is the other seraphim’s primary doctor, but his day job is to work as a mortician. Despite his job as a mortician, he’s very delicate with the bodies. He has never attempted to raise the dead like his prime. He has never held any shame or disgust towards a body. He will do small things that seem illogical to some, but he was always superstitious type. He will sing lullabies to dead and gently push hair out of their faces. He will recount his day like he was talking to an old friend or a patient. Stein is a religious person in a loose sense. He won’t pray to any god and swears like a sailor but he won’t go out of his way to actively piss off a spirit. Stein is Montya’s best friend. In my head their relationship changed from two people that knew each other in passing to closer than anything. Montya developed some pretty serious separation anxiety after he was separated from Crowly. Once he was placed with Stein he just clung onto him and never let go. Stein, despite being very much a loner and not really a people person, let him cling to him. When Montya’s eyes were replaced with robotic ones and were malfunctioning, he used his devil fruit to create a sort of cooling agent to stop them from overheating. They had small little moments like these that built up over the years in captivity that made them inseparable…literally. After Montya ate his devil fruit he was forced to go under a series of experiments to test the limits of his devil fruit. One where they used Stein as a “motivator”. After one world government agent took it too far, in a panic, Montya fused himself and Stein together. It took several weeks to get them to unfuse forcing the WG to drop the experiment altogether. The two of them still fuse from time to time just to feel close. Frankenstein is the only person Montya has ever fused with. Not even Crowley.
Stein’s pupils are actually two different colors! They are two, three way triangles. I originally tried making his eyes like an atoms but I scrapped that idea. His wings are similar to an albatross. He also looks like Moria at his prime. Also I do realize that I gave him eyebrows even though he doesn’t have any, but they looked too good to discard. His aesthetic is yeehaw goth (Mihawk better watch out cause he’s side eyeing your territory). It is polarizing to see him and Montoya together because of how different their personalities are but still are best friends, yet him and Crowly absolutely hate each other with a burning passion and only really tolerate each other when Montoya is around. The second he turns around they are already throwing down and throttling each other into the stratosphere.
S-Flamingo. Better known as Donquixote Sancho. He is the very antithesis of Doflamingo. Not in a “they look exactly the same but we are totally different” but in a “Everything I do, I do to spite you” kinda way. Sancho is a priest and is respectful to literally everyone but the people in power. He lives modestly and refuses to live outside of the bare necessities. He refuses to use Doflamingo’s devil fruit and doesn’t even see it as his own power. He uses a god damn sword that is made out of seastone all the way through just because he doesn’t want to use Doflamingo’s devil fruit. Sancho loathes Doflamingo with such a passion that he takes everything he knows about him and flips it on its head just so he can avoid being reminded that he’s technically his son (brother. Him-Something?). Doflamingo has short hair? He grows his out. Doflamingo has an atrocious, outrageous sense of style? Wears nice, plain clothing. You can see where this is going. The only reason I gave him sunglasses was because I didn’t think he looked like Doffy enough without them. Each of the seraphim are supposed to be recognizable despite not even having the same color palette as their primes so just ignore the sunglasses (now that I’m looking at the photo again I realize that I forgot to give him makeup). His wings are similar to a swans.
Now is the little bastard’s turn. S-Caterpillar.
Or better known by the others as Godbrand Puck.
Now let’s get one this straight about Godbrand. He is almost exactly like Buggy. In fact the world government would consider him their first perfect, and only, total success. He emulates Buggy to a T. He is loud, eccentric, and all around flashy. Normally the world government would consider this to be a flaw that they can just beat out of him if it wasn’t for one very special factor. He is physically incapable of feeling pain. He isn’t just called Godbrand for shits and giggles. He has been branded with both the Slave brand and the Word Government’s symbol multiple times. Not once did he scream out in pain. In fact he stared giggling the first time it happened. He even fell asleep during one of these “sessions”.
Puck is the only one without green blood because when Vegapunk was first experimenting he decided to lace the artificial devil fruit with the DNA to make the seraphim automatically born with the devil fruit. This lead to the interesting discovery that due to the nature of Buggy’s devil fruit and the inherent nature of devil fruits permanently changing a users body, Puck’s pain receptors were completely severed. They tested this theory on several other Buggy clones that ended up in total failures because of the Chop-Chop fruits nature to split apart. Some of them were missing limbs or organs, others simply didn’t form correctly like an arm coming out of the head or the eyes were placed on the neck, sometimes there were an extra set of something like a row teeth or more than one head. Because Vegapunk tampered with re-adding the devil fruit into Buggy’s DNA none of his clones came out right leaving only Puck. The Golden Child. A Miracle. The Best out of a series of total and utter failures left with an extremely desirable trait in the World Government’s eyes. A solider who could continue on without being held back by something as trivial as pain. Of course until you realize that “desirable trait” leaves him with the inability to seek treatment. Biting his own fingers off. Swallowing his teeth and chewing on his own tongue till it’s bloodied. Ripping out stitches and IVs. Walking on a infected leg that has completely rotted bellow the knee. After that Vegapunk vowed to never clone another the same way he did Puck. Both too risky and high rate of failure. Even if the clone does survive, their could be some unforeseen complications down the line. With him being unable to feel pain, he feels no fear. Remember when I said he was almost exactly like Buggy? What is Buggy’s most notable traits? He is a complete and utter coward terrified of pain and will do almost anything to avoid it. But Puck? With him unable to feel pain, he feels no reason to fear anything. Why feel fear a fate worse than death when that “fate worse than death” is just feeling pain? That little chip the WG and Vegapunks invented to make them unable to feel anything or disobey orders? That is merely a controlled shock that will make them feel excruciating pain. So with that in mind, can you see where this is going? That little desirable trait that they oh so loved in the beginning has bitten them in the ass because this insufferable little shit doesn’t follow orders unless he wants to. Oh sure he won’t be able to “properly” move for a while but can just use his devil fruit to still make it work. What “fate worse than death” can they make him feel? He can’t even experience something so universal to the human experience that he believes himself to be above it all. He’s better than humanity. He is better than the other seraphim because they are all held down by the temporary emotion known as pain. They are below him because they are held back by something so…unnecessary.
Puck is everything the Buggy pretends to be. Puck is confident, powerful, and better than everyone else. He’s basically God. At least in his own eyes. Puck is a raging narcissist, like clinical textbox definition of a narcissist. He like Buggy, but everything is cranked up to an eleven. If crazy was a kind of clock, Buggy would be a single full rotation. Luffy would be like twenty full rotations and then clockwise and then back again on the perfect level of fun crazy and absolute Eldrich abomination. PUCK would be the exact opposite of Luffy landing on the worst amount of self import delusional asshole. He thinks himself a God with the power to back it up. His blood is that of the seraphim, a species that was once considered godlike, and Buggy, an emperor of the sea. He is the nepotism of blood. He is every last one of Buggy’s WORST possible traits. He is a narcissist, psychopathic, asshole. None of the other seraphim like him or understand him. And he doesn’t like or understand them. Worst of all, he is just as much of charismatic genius as his prime.
This brat has the critically thinking skills as Crocodile mixed with Buggy’s chemical expertise and Shank’s level of haki control. On my first post, you can see Puck with four wings. Because Buggy’s devil fruit already allows him to fly, he uses his wings as living armory. He can separate his feathers to create either daggers or swords depending on the situation. He uses his armament haki to make his feathers as strong as steel. Or he can uses his feathers for recon missions (think Hawks from MHA). He can also use his devil fruit for a variety of other situations. He uses it for espionage and undercover missions. He can cut his hair or limbs to appear taller or shorter. He removes his wings, nose, his own dick and Adam’s apple (if the situation calls for it) to go better under cover. He’s also knowledgeable enough about surgery to perform top and bottom surgery to easily switch between male and female when going under cover. He has entire rooms fill of wigs, makeup, clothing, dyes, jewelry, and other accessories specially for him. All his years undercover has made him an excellent actor. He knows what to say to get them to do what he wants. He knows how to persuade someone. No matter how much the others hate him, they have to admit, he is damn good at what he does.
For his design to most important thing to me was clown. I wanted to nail that performer look without making it too much or too bland. Buggy’s makeup is iconic. I’m like 90% sure Buggy has an egg. So I wanted to nail that Star of the Show look without butting into his territory. Of course I gave him Star first to not alone tie in the whole celestial feel, but it was thematic. I originally wanted to add in a moon since he already has a Star and a Sun but it just wouldn’t turn out how I wanted so first thing I asked myself was, “What is some of the most iconic clown makeup?” Then I remembered. TEARS! You can see a small blue tear on his left eye for 1.)Buggy is a bit of a crybaby and 2.)I didn’t want it to distract from the star too much. For the heart and the spade on the top of his forehead, it ties into playing cards. The heart and the spade are from a childhood drawing of mine where I made a monster using the four suits. Diamond and Club for the eyes. Heart on the forehead. And Spade as the nose. I took that idea and simplified it down to make the forehead not look as big. His eyes are easily my second favorite because we have a lot of warm colored eyes so that made him standout a lot more. His eyes are also the only ones that aren’t totally connected. All of the other seraphim’s eyes are very soft in some kind of way, Frankenstein being somewhat of an exception. All of their eyes are rounded in some kind of way. Dharma has a lot of curves to his eyes. The pointed edges of the twins, Yumi, and Sancho has been rounded off. Hell, even Frankenstein’s eyes have rounded lines in them to make appearance softer. Pucks eyes are completely sharp, there are no soft or rounded edges. Even the smaller stars are very straight and stiff. There is no softness in his eyes. There is nothing soft about Puck. His eyes are radioactive green. They are toxic. They are dangerous. They are tempting. He is the prettiest poison you’ve ever seen. His makeup, his nose, his hair and clothing are all attempts to make him appear softer than he really is. And of course, if you’ve seen my drawing of him, his wings are based off of duck wings. 1.) It’s a pun because Duck>Puck. Pretty self explanatory. And 2.) To make him appear weaker than he really is. You don’t look at a duck and think, “Total Murder Monster Hellbent on Making the World Kneel to Him”
Sorry for the long post. This is the longest I’ve ever written on this website so far and I had a lot I wanted to say before we got any new chapters or episodes that totally debunks any of my theories or lore. Maybe I’ll add on to this post by making the seraphim and their primes interacting with each other for the first time. And I hope you enjoyed! You can ask me questions if you want.
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ofsappho · 1 year
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When invaders threaten your home, life, and people, you, a sirena, strike a desperate bargain with Dream of the Endless to save them all.
Dream of the Endless x mermaid!reader, one shot (for now)
Tags: war, gore, torture, death/murder, mentions of SA, slavery, things that generally come with colonialism
Inspired by the episode “Jibaro” from the Netflix show Love Death + Robots. This one shot draws heavily from Filipino mythology, culture, and history. I ENCOURAGE and INVITE people who don’t come from a Filipino background to read this story and enjoy! There is so much beauty to be had in cultures of color, for everyone. Just as I have read many stories steeped in Greek, Celtic, Norse, medieval England, etc cultures, without coming from those backgrounds, I humbly ask you do the same and entertain this little fic. Thank you. I may write a follow up if there’s interest. Glossary at the end.
From the banks of your river, you can hear the horses.
Metal plate clangs and screeches against itself, swords jostle in their sheaths, and shields bump where they rest on armored backs so loud that you want to scratch your sensitive ears out, just to make the sounds stop.
Your ates and kuyas hide deep below in the caverns known only to your kind. When you close your black eyes, you feel them tugging at the edges of your mind like little lights in the deep darkness of the sea. They believe that will be enough to save them.
Only you have braved the surface, because only you know what these strange men upon their strange beasts want.
They want the gold in the dark, fertile earth. You don’t understand why - it’s just shiny metal. Only the dwarves under the hills covet it. But the men who ravage your lands and your kin like wildfires, grasping everything and destroying it in the same breath, care very much. They want the never-dying orchids that line the banks and the brilliant emerald green vitality bursting from every leaf and vine that could keep a mortal alive for a thousand years. They want to feed their glory on your broken bodies. They want to take the people you protect for slaves, the women shamed and disgraced and the men subservient and humiliated.
You’ve seen it for yourself.
You’ve tasted the water of streams running red with blood, the iron like acid on your blue tongue.
You’ve swam farther and seen enough to make you hate. Families torn apart, children with their hair cut off and given names in an ugly language, forbidden to speak their own - the same language you speak. Fathers dragged onto large ships, larger than a butandíng, never to return. Altars burned. The men put your red sisters who live in the balete trees, their hair tangled with vines and lovely, fierce, flickering yellow eyes, to the flame. You witnessed their dying howls and curses for vengeance.
Some of the white-haired annani have already begun to clip their pointed ears, tear the crowns of flowers from their hair, and even cut out their tongues so as to lock away the magic these men desire, never to be spoken again. “There is no place for us,” Those tall, graceful elves told you. “We will be gone in a generation, by sword or by starvation.”
They’re coming.
The jungle is quiet as it has never been in a thousand years.
You could no more hide your tail, glittering blue and turquoise, with long, sweeping fins like ferns, than you could hide the long sweep of hair that reaches your waist, or the ink-black lines embedded on your skin, painting your face, your neck, and your arms with the story of your people and your home.
The calls that echoed from the depths of the river have stopped. It seems that your family has accepted that you won’t come back.
You look at your webbed hands, test your claws against your flesh. What is one magindara to a hundred conquistadors?
When the men spear you, they won’t just be slaughtering a mermaid. They’ll be killing the stories you keep. Centuries of stories. Countless names. Each pearl around your neck is a tribe, full of the old songs of grandmothers and the new rhymes of babies. You’re draped in thousands of shimmering strands of pearls.
You may not be the cleverest, or the most beautiful, or the one with the sweetest voice…
But you can be the bravest.
“Lord Morpheus,” You intone, frowning as the syllables ripple wrong and harsh from your throat.
You’ve never spoken to any of the gods beyond your islands before. “Dream of the Endless.” All you can do is hope and pray this one listens and comes to you in time. Will they be kind? Will it be merciful? Will he, or she, save your home?
Perhaps such a god does not exist at all, and you are praying to wind and sunlight, and soon your guts will color the cerulean water purple and black. The strange men will defile your body, no doubt. A week ago, you crawled from your river to cut down the corpse of a long-gone ate from a stake, jagged holes ripped into the tail of her corpse that made you vomit and her dead eyes full of pain.
Once you’d laid her to rest in the water, she dissolved into nothing. “Prince of Stories,” You sing. That is what faces everything you’ve ever loved if you fail.
“I beg you, save us. Save our stories, our dreams. We call for your aid.”
The men bark at each other. Any moment now, they’ll see you, your hands raised and your face tipped towards the heavens, inky flowers blooming on your forehead and cheeks and crocodile teeth tattooed on the sharp line of your jaw.
A new quiet falls over the world. Like nighttime, when things are resting, not dead.
You have called, and I answer.
A being stands on the banks of your river in the shape of a man. His hair is blacker than Bakunawa’s maw and his eyes are filled with gold and silver stars brighter than any you’ve seen before. His pale skin carries no markings.
He is as grotesquely, menacingly beautiful as the razor’s edge of shark teeth, as a great python curling in a tree, as an eagle with its claws stuck in the beating, bleeding heart of a monkey.
You feel the weight of his gaze on your brow heavier and hotter than the sun on the longest day of summer, burning out the truth in your heart. “I would bargain with you, Dream Lord. For my people, and my land, and my home, which I love more than my own life.”
What would you have me do? When Lord Morpheus speaks, his voice pours through your mind ringing like the purest, clearest freshwater.
The many jewels around your throat, pearls, sapphires, rubies, diamonds, plates of beaten gold, click as you swallow nervously.
The dream king stands so tall that he could touch the sky if he reached up. And he doesn’t look away or blink. You can’t read the inhuman planes of his face whatsoever, you can’t find any familiar sign in his long limbs that might bring comfort. For all you know, you’ve spelled your doom.
“Keep them alive. Keep our names and spirits alive. Bring our stories into your kingdom so that we won’t be forgotten. That is what the men want. They want to raze us to the ground and rebuild the world in their image but we will not go.” You pause. “We will never, ever go,” You growl, fierce and deadly, around a mouth full of fangs. In your words you pour the horrors you’ve seen, combined with the beauty surrounding the two of you.
The hot, muggy air, the warm rain, the scent of night-blooming jasmines. Orange mangoes, bursting with sweetness, bamboo sticks clacking as joyful youths dance in and out of them, laughing gaily. Rolling drums. Bright feathers tucked into black hair. A toddling child reaching out to her grandmother with a chubby-cheeked smile, pressing the back of the withered, ancient hand against her little forehead. Love, so much love.
I have not walked these lands before.
You found traces of Lord Morpheus scribbled in the margins of paper and in the back alleys of lost dreams. Your last and only hope.
When you went to Diyan Masalanta, she wept and showed how the soldiers bound her hands. When you cried out to her brother, Apolaki, the sun god called back and said the invaders took his shield.
Bathala is gone. Mayari is gone. Lakapati is dead. The conquistadors stripped her naked, cut her ribs from her chest, and planted her bones in the fields they set their slaves, your people, to work.
“They say you are Endless. You preside over all beings in all places. Please, I beg you, preside over us. Are we not worthy of your favor? Do we not deserve to live in your dreams and nightmares?”
If Lord Morpheus refuses you, you’ll cut your throat before you let your enemies have you.
He tilts his head like he can hear your thoughts. One shining hand stretches out, almost as if to touch your face. You sing prettily, little siren. You draw back with a start. Why is there hunger in his voice? A hollow, all-consuming, terrifying hunger?
You know what it feels like to starve when the fish are scarce. This is leagues away, a typhoon to your trickle of rain. Shadows bloom under his hollowed cheeks. His pupils eclipse his brilliant aquamarine irises.
He’s aching.
Morpheus flashes his bone-white teeth as he bends at the waist to examine you further. His gaze traces your tattoos, your large, frightened eyes, and your body beneath the necklaces and bracelets.
As scared as you are, as convinced that you’ll bleed the instant his fingers brush your blue-streaked skin, your numb lips move.
“I vow to you now, Lord Morpheus, before every god and being I know, that should you render us this aid, I will give you anything within my power to grant that you wish.”
“Name it, my lord, and it shall be yours.” With that, your eyes flutter shut as you await his judgment.
You can’t hide from him, even in your mind. You don’t see him, but you feel a straining pressure build where he prods at you, pushing on the fragile edges of your being like he’s cracking a duck egg. He claws and scrapes until-
I will aid your people.
You open for him like a sampaguita flower. Dream of the Endless picks through your soul like he’s picking blossoms, you feel how much he wants with every brush, every long moment where he sticks his fingers in and relishes the feel of you. Nothing has ever touched you like this before.
He’s on his knees on the riverbank, the dark soil pressing into his clothes. His hands clench the rocky edge of the bank. Your wet hair sticks to your back as you rise up, close enough that you can count his night-black eyelashes. There’s a dizzying amount of them.
“Thank you. Thank you. Salamat-po. And your price, majesty?”
You’ll do whatever he wants. Does his thirst demand souls? You’ll harvest them by the dozen. You can picture Lord Morpheus unhinging his jaw, swallowing those soldiers whole. Their swords wouldn’t even scrape him going down. Riches? You have no use for them if you’re dead. He can take every speck of wealth to be had.
You. I want you.
Your sisters and brothers wail. They sense the foreign king tearing at the flesh binding you together. They feel him taking a knife to your indigo heart and cutting it loose from your body. Your head tilts back as you gasp for breath and see him hold the organ aloft. Dark blood trails in rivulets down his wrists.
There are no creatures like you in my realm. So I shall have you, in every way that I wish, and you’ll obey. Those are my terms.
Your tail lashes in the water as if you fight hard enough, you can swim away. The cavity pulses with searing, unholy pain. You’ve made a mistake. You’ve summoned- He is an aswang, a devil, a soul-eater, you’ll never see your home again, you’ll never touch the water you’ve known since birth.
Lord Morpheus brings your heart to his mouth. His lips are beautifully-formed. You can’t find it in yourself to hate such a wondrous creature. Even your amethyst ichor looks more beguiling when he’s covered in it.
It was never a question. “Yes, my lord. I accept these terms.”
His white teeth stain purple when he sinks them into your heart.
Ate (ah-tey) - sister
Kuya (koo-yah) - brother
Butandíng - whale shark
Balete tree - very cool large tree native to Southeast Asia
Annani - elves from the stories of the Ibanag people, who look like humans with pointed ears. They are kind guardians of the forest and often share healing knowledge with humans if treated with respect.
Magindara - mermaids from the folklore of the Bicolano people. Beautiful half human, half fish guardians of rivers/streams/lakes/the oceans, who sing to lure fisherman and warriors to their death but leave children unharmed.
Bakunawa - a great mythic serpent and god/goddess of darkness. Various myths place Bakunawa responsible for eclipses.
Diyan Masalanta - Tagalog goddess of love, war, childbirth
Apolaki - Tagalog god of the sun and war, patron saint of warriors, soldiers, modern day patron saint of Filipino traditional martial arts (Kali/eskrima/arnis) practitioners
Bathala - the Tagalog supreme creator god
Mayari - the Tagalog goddess of the moon, war, revolution, and justice. She fought her brother Apolaki for dominion over the heavens.
Lakapati - the Tagalog goddess of fertility, food, bounty, balance, and prosperity. She represents both male and female and has both male and female genitalia. Patron saint of queer/trans people.
Sampaguita - the Filipino name for sambac jasmine, the national flower of the Philippines
Salamat-po (sah-lah-maht poh) - thank you (utmost respect) in Tagalog
Aswang - overall name for the malicious/demonic/monstrous beings in Filipino folklore. Vampires, zombies, ghouls, organ eaters, cannibals.
I hope you guys liked this! Let me know if you have any questions or want to read more from this.
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months
*sighs loudly* so i Was going to draw them but turns out my own design is too difficult for me to draw. but i'll be making this post anyway bc this au has been cooking for so long i might as well!
Featherless Flight AU
aka dca avian au where these fucks r BIRDS
(disclaimer this is a sun x moon au. it also deals with heavy themes such as child abuse, death, violence, and. ya know. wutever tws come with the apocalypse (also these will not be talked about in detail in this post))
nothing robotic in them. just feathers, blood, and bones. a lot of that stuff may be lost or break throughout their story! but lemme at least tell u wut they look like (without having my own drawings OTL (i only have a ref for their faces (which im not confident of)))
a quick note for both of their designs, they r both Fully Covered in feathers, including their arms and faces (yes they have arms And wings). the only places that dont have feathers is their lower legs and hands. they have anthropomorphic legs. and their face shape is also similar to a barn owl, as shown here (ignore the lack of mouths, idk wut to give them)
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suns design! he has the coloring and general design of a sun conure. hes full of bright reds and yellows, tho the green is replaced with a bit of blue. he has multiple crests around his head that fluff up similar to a cockatiel but theyre in a way that make it look like rays. in the drawing above is wut they look like without their crests raised; that is their default. suns feet r grasping feet which r 2 toes in the front and 2 in the back. sun has high speed wings so aes a lot faster. (if u dont know wut any of this means i recommend u look it up, im a bird nerd) sun is also specifically an omnivore (them having different diets is actually plot relevant)
moons design next. moon is the color of a hyacinth macaw tho his anatomy is closer to an owl. he has one large crest on his head like a cockatoo. its also colorblind! since its anatomy is based mainly off of owls, for moons ability to see at night means he can see less colors. and bc hes more sensitive at night his eyes r always half closed in light, making it look sleepy despite being fully awake. moon has raptor feet with 3 toes in the front and 1 in the back. xis claws r also much larger than suns. moon has passive soaring wings which is better for longer flights. and moon is a carnivore :)
theres also an eclipse but their design is an enigma to me even in my own mind
but back to sun and moon! if anyone is curious moon uses he/it/xe pronouns while sun uses he/it/ae pronouns. they r both aroace and love each other deeply (qpr babyyyyy). sun is genderfluid while moon doesnt give a shit (agender).
sun is more bubbly and energetic. very much high energy bouncing off the walls. hes the kind of optimist where u cant tell if their "bright side"s r trying to help or be condescending. its a master at back handed compliments. heavily a perfectionist and will reach the point of screaming fits if wut he doesnt isnt perfect. ae has a lot of self image issues. ae hides a lot of aers lack of self confidence and doubt behind a wall of "im the best", tho that wall can crash very easily. a bit of a flirt, but mainly bc he just enjoys seeing how ppl react. he takes compliments from everyone but moons compliments r always the best
moon is lower energy and calmer. at least, he acts like it. hes more reserved and if it wasnt for sun he wouldnt have any friends or talk to ppl at all. he fears abandonment and sun is the only person who has stayed with him this whole time and is the only person he truly trusts. is very aggressive towards anyone it doesnt know. despite being shorter than sun (hes 6ft while sun is 7ft) it definitely does a good job at intimidating ppl. over time when xe becomes comfortable with someone xe will eventually calm down and show a bit of a softer side to them. when xes actually calm and likes someone xe can be a bit... chaotic :)
im honestly not sure where ill start their story since ive already thought about their childhood but i also wanna write about their adulthood as well. the story of their childhood mainly deals with the abuse they went through, then with adulthood theyre shoved into an apocalypse bc... y not :) (btw the apocalypse is mainly just bc ive been enjoying apocalypse aus a Lot lately and wanna write one. the child abuse is for their development and to show y they act the way they do. while it will be fun to write their development, i am by no means saying abuse is okay and this topic will be treated carefully and seriously.)
oh theyre also nd as Fuck
but yeah. these r my babies! i hope to at some point start writing the fic so i can show it to u all, but im already in the process of writing another fic, which will be coming out soon!
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starriddenmess · 1 year
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cyber 70s~
a little suggestive writing of a human x robot bartender pairing. Its a little cheesy I think haha. (I could continue it, if people want more. I apologize if there is any mistakes. I did write this in my point of view first and changed the name to y/n and the pronouns to they/them. I also wrote this at like 2-4 am 😭 I hope you enjoy nonetheless:) )
Y/n leaned their arms against the bar table resting their head in their hands, bathed in the neon glow that flickered from the holographic advertisements outside. They sipped on their electric blue cocktail. Vilo, the bartender, a towering figure of gleaming metal, towered over y/n. His fingers traced the intricate designs of y/n's tattoos, sending tingles down their spine. "I hope nothing bad happened to you, y/n" Vilo remarked and joked, his synthesized voice carrying a hint of concern. "I bet you know a lot of humans come into bars late at night to trauma dump. I have sooo many stories". y/n chuckled, their laughter mingling with the distant hum of hovercars outside. "No trauma tonight, Vilo," they replied with a small smile. Their eyes, locked onto Vilos luminescent purple optics. "I just wanted to see someone special." The bar was nearly empty, save for a few solitary souls scattered about, enjoying their drinks in solitude. The jukebox in the corner played classic 70s tunes, adding a nostalgic touch to the atmosphere. Vilo's fingers continued their exploration of y/n tattoos, tracing each line with precision. "Someone special, huh?" he mused, his metallic gaze fixed on her. "I've been waiting for you to come back, y/n." He leaned in closer, his metallic frame reflecting the neon lights. "I've been thinking about you. Y/n heart raced as they met Vilos gaze, they smiled again "I've been thinking about you too...". Y/n leaned closer to Vilo, their lips almost brushing against his metallic frame. "You know, Vilo," they whispered in a sultry tone, "you could have my number anytime you want and we can see eachother more."
Vilo illuminated optics flickered as he leaned back. "Y/n, my dear," he began, "I appreciate the offer, but there's something about these face-to-face conversations that technology can't replicate." which is really amusing for y/n to hear, as Vilo always had a interest in the old times. He gestured to the holographic screens that occasionally flashed images of distant news updates and swirling graphics. "The world may be overrun with machines and gadgets," Zeta continued, "but I'm a fan of the old ways, the human & robot connection, face to face. Besides, seeing you walk in here every week is a highlight of my week and more...". y/n couldn't help but blush, they reached out and playfully rubbed vilos shoulder. "You old romantic~," they teased. "I guess I can't argue with that. Plus, I enjoy our little chats too, you make my week too, I always love seeing you."
As their conversation flowed like a river of secrets and shared moments, Vilo's hand slipped beneath the bar's surface, retrieving a small, intricately crafted box. He placed it gently on the counter before y/n, his led lights shined yellow. "Go ahead, y/n," he urged, his voice filled with anticipation. "Open it." Y/n curiosity piqued, and with delicate fingers, they lifted the lid of the box. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, was a delicate necklace. Y/n laughs remembering the time he had lost part of his finger and now it's attached to this chain thats wrapped with wires. It was a really cool gift that will be really really sentimental to y/n. Vilo's laughter reverberated in the intimate space of the bar as y/n gazed at the necklace in awe. "It's a part of me... literally," Vilo said, his optics gleaming with a mixture of sentiment. "Back when I had to replace some components and to fix my hand, I thought about keeping a piece as a reminder of the past. And then, I realized it would be perfect for you. You always wear handmade jewelry so this is perfect for you". y/n heart swelled with gratitude as they looked up at Vilo. Their voice trembled with sincerity. "Thank you," they whispered "That's incredibly sweet of you. I really really love it." With his led lights turning pink, Vilo stepped out from behind the bar and circled around to y/n side. His fingers were cool to the touch as he carefully fastened the necklace around their neck. Y/n shivered as his metal fingertips brushed the back of their neck, a sensation both strange and electrifying. The neck lace hung perfect around their neck. "It suits you," he remarked, his synthetic voice a soft murmur, "just as I knew it would. You have a unique charm about you." With a skillful touch, his fingertips traced the contour of their collarbones, a subtle and intimate gesture that sent a shiver down y/n spine. They blushed at the unexpected but tantalizing sensation. Vilo discreetly withdrew his hand and returned to his place behind the bar to clean dirty glasses. They weren't a couple in the traditional sense, yet they had been conversing for over 6 months through chance encounters at the bar and accidental meetings on the streets of the city. It was as if fate had brought them together time and time again. Y/n realized that Vilo's gift was more than just a necklace; it was his way of expressing his desire for them.
"Vilo," y/n began, their voice soft and earnest, "I'm sorry I didn't give you anything. You've been so kind to me, and I feel like I should have brought something to show my appreciation." Even though it was a silly to think that. Vilo shook his head, his metallic frame gleaming in the ambient light. "No need to apologize, y/n," he reassured them, his synthesized voice comforting. "You being here, your presence, that's the greatest gift I could ask for. You're the gift I look forward to every week." his lights flashing pink again. Y/n heart swelled with emotion as the words sank in. The love song playing in the background seemed like an echo of their unspoken feelings, as if the universe itself was serenading them. Bobby Caldwell's voice filled the air, singing, "What you won't do, do for love. You've tried everything but you won't give up".
Vilo, ever attentive, poured a glass of water for y/n and placed it gently in front of them. "Here," he said with a warm smile. "Drink this while you enjoy your cocktail. I'll be right back." With that, he turned to attend to the human who had called him over, his metallic footsteps fading into the background. Y/n watched him go, their thoughts racing with the romantic moments they had shared tonight. It was an unexpected connection, but one that had grown stronger with each passing encounter, they felt really comfortable with Vilo. Resting their head in their hand, y/n couldn't help but replay the evening's events in their mind. They pulled out their phone to check the time and saw that it was already 1 am. The bar was set to close at 2 am, and the realization that their time together was running out tugged at their heart. They glanced around the bar, observing the other patrons lost in their own worlds, their conversations and laughter creating a cacophony of sounds that contrasted with the intimate moment she had just shared with Vilo. As they took a sip of their cocktail, their thoughts swirled with the possibilities of what the future held for them and Vilo. As y/n continued to sip their cocktail, they absentmindedly scrolled through Instagram on their phone.
Vilo returned to their side, his eyes fixed on their phone. With a playful grin, he reached over and turned off the device. "I don't allow phones when I'm around," he teased, his synthetic voice laced with humor. "You know that, y/n." His head tilting at them. Y/n chuckled, shaking their head as they set their phone aside. "You're such a traditionalist," they remarked, their eyes twinkling with amusement. "But ill comply with you~." Vilo nodded and leaned in caressing their forearm. "I told all the customers that the bar will be closing in an hour," he explained, his fingers tracing patterns on y/n arm. "Had to fix an arcade machine that was acting up. But don't worry, we still have some time." Y/n smile widened at his response. They appreciated his efforts to ensure they could continue their conversation. It was clear that Vilo cherished these moments as much as they did. With a thoughtful expression, y/n turned the conversation to a more lighthearted note. "Hey, Vilo," she began, "what's your favorite 70s love song?" Vilo paused for a moment, his digital mind sifting through memories of music from that era. Finally, he replied, "I think 'You're My First, My Last, My Everything' by Barry White. It has a timeless quality to it, just like our moments here." He says his while his fingers traced to their hand and played with y/n fingers softly. Their eyes locked, and in the dimly lit bar, amidst the echoes of 70s love songs. Y/n playful spirit shone through as they began to softly sing the lyrics of "You're My First, My Last, My Everything" by Barry White. Their voice, though not a professional singer's, carried a sense of joy and fun that filled their vicinity with an infectious energy. Vilo couldn't help but hide his head in his hand, his robotic shoulders shaking with light laughter. When they finished, Vilo couldn't resist asking about their favorite 70s love song. He tilted his head, his digital eyes fixed on y/n. "And what's yours?" he inquired, genuine curiosity in his voice. Y/n expression turned thoughtful for a moment. "Well," they began, "I don't know many 70s love songs, but there's one I like – 'Catch the Rainbow' by Rainbow." Vilo raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Interesting choice," he remarked. "But doesn't that song end with the two people not ending up together?" Y/n chuckled, their smile tinged with a hint of sadness. "Yes, it does," they admitted. "But I guess I like it because, in a way, it kinda relates to my past relationships. They all ended up bad, but I can't help but appreciate the beauty in those moments, even if they were fleeting." Y/n hoping Vilo and them stay together as y/n reaches out touching Vilos wrist. Vilo asked about their past relationships and Y/n sighed softly and looked at Vilo. "It's a sad story," they admitted, "and I'd rather not talk about it here." Vilo nodded understandingly, his fingers moving to theirs that rested on his wrist, taking them in his hand. "I'm sorry," he said sincerely, his synthesized voice filled with empathy.
Vilo had an idea. He leaned in closer to y/n, his metal frame close enough for them to feel his buzzing frame. "Y/n," he began softly, "after the bar closes, would you mind if I came over? I know it'll be late, but I'd like to talk to you in a space where it's just the two of us." Y/n eyes met his, and a warm smile tugged at the corners of their lips. "You can, Vilo," they replied, their voice filled with gratitude. "I'd like that." As the bar's closing hour drew near, y/n and Vilo looked forward to the quiet moments they would share. Vilo couldn't help but notice that y/n hadn't touched the glass of water he had given them earlier. He tilted his head slightly, his synthetic voice carrying a teasing tone. "Y/n," he said playfully, "you're being a bit bad, aren't you? I gave you that water for a reason." Y/n rolled their eyes, their cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. They picked up the glass of water and took a sip, meeting Vilo's gaze as they did so. Vilo praised her with a warm smile as he held their hand, entwined on the bar's surface. "thats my good human~," he murmured, his head tilting playfully and his led lights flashing pink. Y/n almost choked on their drink hearing Vilo say that, their cheeks burn a hotter red. Vilo noticed the change in y/n demeanor as they looked to the side, their gaze distant. He couldn't help but lean in closer and tease them asking them "y/n, is everything okay?" They tried to find their words, their voice slightly shaky. "I... I'm okay," they replied, a soft smile tugging at the corners of their lips. Vilo leaned closer to y/n ear, his voice lowering "are you sure?" teasing y/n more. Y/n met his sensors with a playful gleam in her eyes. They didn't back down from his teasing. "I know what you're doing," they whispered back. Vilo's hand, still entwined with theirs, rubbing his thumb on theirs. He leaned even closer, against y/n ear. "But you enjoy it," he teased, his voice a sensuous purr, "don't you, y/n?" Y/n couldn't help but look away but Vilo takes his free hand and touched their cheek and softly pushes it to have y/n look at them again. "Don't you?" He says.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 2,552 Words
Summary: The five times the daycare attendants killed an innocent Eclipse.
Warnings: Death, Murder, Child Murder, Mild Robot Gore, Child Endangerment, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Fire, Panic Attack, Trauma, PTSD, Angst, Fluff, Sibling Bonding, let me know if I should add anything else.
The Six Eclipses
1: Annulus
The first time was the simplest. The orange and black bot woke up with no memory at all in a ball pit? Yes, the colorful round shapes meant this was a ball pit. He clawed his way out of it and giggled when the balls exploded around him as he surfaced out of the ball pit.
The animatronic decided he’d rather play, moving the balls around and playing with them, giggling the whole time. What was his name? He liked Annulus. He liked the sound of the name. He loved the nickname Annie especially.
Annulus peeked up over the castle wall as he heard voices and he watched two animatronics talking, holding onto the foam wall and smiling at the two. They looked like him and they registered to his systems as Sun for the gold and yellow one and Moon for the blue and silver one. Annulus only got alarmed when the both of them got startled seeing him.
“Moon! Moon!?” Sun screamed at the blue animatronic and Annulus cocked his head to the side in confusion as to why they were scared. Annulus looked back to see if something was behind him. But Annulus didn’t see anything behind him. Annulus looked back at the two other animatronics only to be face to face with a barrel pointed right to his face.
“Wha-” Annulus didn’t have the time to fully get the word out of his mouth before Moon fired off a laser from the barrel and Annulus’ body fell backward into the ballpit with steam rising from the scorched neck pipe where the circular head frame was missing, wires and all.
2: Penumbra
The second time he woke up with a gasp, hands feeling over his face as he remembered the last memory he had. It was a sudden flash of pain in just his head and explosion levels of heat. That life was Annulus’, but it wasn’t his own. Not this one.
He decided he would be different. His name would be Penumbra. Penny. He liked that one. Penumbra loved that name. It was cute. He was glad to not be in the ball pit, it made him terrified that he could’ve felt that again. It was scary.
Penumbra was in a pretty starry sky, it was gorgeous. This looked like indoors though, that was the ceiling!? The ceiling was so pretty! Penumbra giggled seeing it, looking over the dark pretty indoor sky. Penumbra heard someone near him and looked back to see something leer toward him in the darkness and waved. The animatronic didn’t register as Sun or Moon so it wasn’t someone scary, right?
Penumbra felt a hand against his face and screamed feeling heat charge up, grabbing the arm that was holding him and attempting to fight the hand away, the hand registering to his database as Solar. Penumbra was screaming up until Solar’s arm cannon went off and Penumbra collapsed to the floor, the remainder of his head smoking as the wires singed with sparks and flames.
3: Saros
The third woke up more slowly, groaning as he held his head and rubbed over it with phantom pains. Saros? He liked Saros. Saros was remembering slowly the past two deaths, very sudden and terrifying in retrospect. It left him shaking abut. But those were adults, right?
Now that he had time to think about things, Saros knew those animatronics were adults and he was just a kid in a way. He had no memory besides his prior deaths, really. Saros didn’t really know much, but the only adults he knew of were the ones that had hurt him before. Or…past versions of him? Saros didn’t know. But they were scary, that was for sure.
Saros wanted to ask them for help. Maybe they’d listen if he could ask them this time? Saros looked around to find he had woken up in a theater. It was a big place, actually. It was kind of pretty despite how dark it was. Saros followed the lights out of the theater and up into the concession booth, finding it was a red and orange and black bot half-asleep at the counter.
“HI!” Saros waved at him.
“Oh shit.” The bot that registered now as Solar, his killer last time fumbled a bit as he stood straight up and stared at Saros.
“Hello, my name is Saros, can I ask you if you can hel-” Saros got a shot from the arm cannon through half his faceplate, leaving him screaming as half his fragile head components had been blown to dust. Saros collapsed holding his head and trying to hold the components left of his circuit board together before he felt another blast from the arm cannon.
Saros’s body slumped to the floor with a quarter of his head left and oil dripping, catching fire in his engines just as Saros’ body was powering down, creating a fire on the floor and a mark of fire damage on the floor as well.
4: Shadow
The fourth screamed awake, alerting someone around him. Shadow had a very short existence, very confused and scared. He was in the middle of the daycare surrounded by only Sun and cleaning supplies. Shadow’s screaming alerted Sun, who immediately panicked and ripped out Shadow’s wires. Later that night, when Moon woke up, Moon put Shadow’s body in the kitchen’s trash compactor, ridding them of Shadow.
5: Astronomy
When Astronomy woke up, he was in an even more vividly colored daycare. Where was this? Lunar and Earth’s daycare? He hadn’t seen those two animatronics before. Maybe they were nicer than the other three?
Astronomy looked around and found a small blue animatronic just a bit taller than him. Astronomy was tiny, he was toddler-sized and Lunar was taller than him. Lunar looked more inviting, more kind. And he looked happy talking to someone that didn’t register as an animatronic. It was someone really tall with pretty blue designs that Astronomy didn’t hear the name of.
Astronomy hesitantly went up to Lunar and gently tugged on his sleeve, confused and afraid of Lunar turning out like the others. He was a very pretty light blue and almost glowing with nervous but kind energy. But that kind energy faded the second Lunar turned to him. But Astronomy persisted. Lunar was an adult and he needed an adult to help him.
“Mister Lunar? C-Can you help me?” Astronomy asked.
“Oh don’t play dumb, you arrogant prick!” Lunar snapped and the blue person disappeared. Astronomy looked up toward the blue person then back to Lunar, who was charged with electricity? Lightning? But he was buzzing with it.
Astronomy didn’t have time to get another word out before he felt lightning running through him, frying every circuit and blowing them out, making Astronomy scream as the lightning made scars and Lichtenburg marks across his skin, smoke billowing from Astronomy’s melting circuits before it fried his internals and his chip.
Astronomy’s body dropped to the floor like a stone, smoke billowing above him and sparks and jolts still going through him after Astronomy had already been killed.
+1. Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet woke up in the balcony room. He didn’t know why but he was there, which immediately scared him and made him run as a large blue and green animatronic that registered as Earth saw him run to hide. He was scared of the animatronics here, all of them had killed him before except Earth! He didn’t like those animatronics and Earth couldn’t be any better!
The little blue one seemed friendly and smaller like him but he didn’t want to take his chances this time. Ultraviolet had hid in the dressing room behind the theater, looking at himself in the mirror. The features he had were pretty ones. He loved the pretty black and orange. It was a pretty combination.
In the mirror, Ultraviolet saw a pretty orange and black dress meant for the theater actors and it looked small enough for him. Violet took off his clothes and changed into the frilly black and orange dress and giggled as he twirled in it, hands holding the skirt and watching it floof around him as he sat on the ground like a princess.
Violet liked that he looked like a princess, he liked the fluffy dress. He felt cute in the dress. It made him forget about Earth until he saw her turn the corner into the dressing room and see him on the ground. Earth stopped dead seeing him but didn’t make a move yet, seemingly stunned to see him there. Or maybe it was the dress?
Ultraviolet didn’t know, all he knew was that Earth was scary and it made tears of oil prick in his eyes and fall over his face, sobs unwillingly leaving his voice box. Earth had crouched down in front of him but it just made him scramble back and hide under one of the mirror desks, curling up and hiding as best he could.
“Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me, please!?” Ultraviolet sobbed out, shaking and Earth gently and slowly lowered one of her hands to touch Violet’s own hands.
“It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re a little one, right?” Earth asked, voice soft and calm. It made Ultraviolet look up that she was actually talking to him without threats or yelling or panic. “Are you alright, little one? Do you need a hug?” Earth asked softly.
Ultraviolet sniffled and shuddered with a sob before tackling to hold around her middle, wailing and burying against her as her gentle hands rubbed over his back. Earth wasn’t hurting him. Earth wasn’t making him die again. She was comforting him, holding him while he cried.
“It’s okay, little one. You’re safe.” Earth assured him, voice still soft and calm enough it calmed him enough that the wailing petered down into hiccups and sniffles as Violet cried himself out, oil wetting and maybe staining Earth’s pretty skirt but she didn’t even seem to care.
“I know it’s scary, but you’re safe. Just breathe, little one. What’s your name? Do you have one?” She asked to calm him further.
“Ultraviolet.” He whispered, wiping his eyes with his arm but refusing to let go of Earth, too scared to let go of the one adult who hadn’t hurt him.
“Ultraviolet is a pretty name. My, that’s a very good name. And the nickname maybe Violet. Oh, I love that name, it’s so pretty like you in this dress, Violet.” Earth giggled and smiled, making Ultraviolet feel a lot more comfortable. Earth sat forward and offered Ultraviolet her hands to pick him up.
Violet immediately raised his arms to be picked up, letting her arms coddle him to her shoulder and hold him there. One hand was under his thighs and the other hand over his back and head to keep him in her shoulder as Ultraviolet clung his hands around her neck to hold on tight, feeling the warmth and affection she had.
Earth stood up with him in her arms, carrying him somewhere and Violet peeked to see they were going to the daycare with her hands getting more protective. It seemed Earth had known about Ultraviolet’s prior deaths and was protecting him from the other animatronics.
“Boys! Hello!” Earth called out and Ultraviolet looked around, seeing the four animatronics that had killed him in his last five lives and one other taller adult animatronic with rays and looked nervous but kind. He registered as Ruin in Violet’s systems and he looked kind. Kinder than even Lunar.
Either way, the sight of all four of the animatronics that had killed Violet in his last five lives made him inadvertently give a whimper and begin to shake, sniffles rising back up again as he pressed his face into Earth’s neck, clutching onto her shirt tighter so she wouldn’t leave him to the mercy of the mean adult animatronics again.
“Boys, I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in you. Not you, Ruin. I understood when you four all had told me that you had killed an Eclipse that had come around as I was under the impression that you all had been threatened or attacked and provoked into killing him. However, Ultraviolet here has no more than the mentality of barely a two year old and seemingly no memories whatsoever other than the trauma the four of you have inflicted.” Earth told them, her hand on Ultraviolet’s back rubbing it to soothe him as he whimpered and cried quietly, too scared to pay attention to the conversation. He was just happy that Earth was comforting him.
“Earth, he’s not a-” Moon began.
“That being said!” Earth cut him off. “I do not condone your actions any longer in the murders of those ‘Eclipses’. As far as I am aware, all five of them were innocent of crimes as well as children. You four should be ashamed of yourselves. If Ultraviolet is a reflection of them at all, then they did absolutely nothing to any of you other than exist.”
“Earth?” Sun asked.
“No, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear the excuses! Ultraviolet is a two year old with no memories of anything besides death! I will not entertain your excuses! All four of you will not interact with him until he’s ready to interact with you! Ultraviolet is a tiny toddler, smaller than Lunar even! How could four of five of you possibly have seen a toddler as a threat!?” She sounded really angry and it made Ultraviolet whimper and let out a cry, though not tears came out this time because his oil tank was too low to create more tears.
Earth relaxed and turned away from the other five animatronics, rocking Ultraviolet as she also calmed herself down. Her hand stroked up and down Ultraviolet’s spine and she shushed him, softly humming as she ran her fingers to rub his rays and that instantly relaxed Violet against her shoulder, breath getting softer and slower as he was slowly falling asleep to the feeling.
“I may be the baby sister but I am extremely upset with all of you four. Not you, Ruin. And I’m sorry if I scared you, Ruin. I know you haven’t seen me angry before, I apologize.” Earth told the group of other animatronics.
“It’s very alright, Earth. I understand.” Ruin assured her. “May I see him?” Ruin asked.
“Of course.” She smiled, sitting with Ruin as the other four went to talk to each other quietly like they’d been scolded by a parent. Earth slowly and carefully transferred Ultraviolet into Ruin’s awaiting arms and Ruin carefully held him the same as Earth had, though he sat in a rocking chair, which soothed Violet even more.
As if Ruin was an expert, the other animatronic’s rubbed and massaged Violet’s rays from the base to the tips, vanes getting Ruin’s fingers running over them and it put Violet fully to sleep from fussing slightly. Earth cooed softly as she saw little Violet go to sleep in Ruin’s arms and immediately began taking pictures and sending them straight to Monty while Ultraviolet continued to sleep, completely comfortable in Ruin’s arms getting soft fingers rubbing his back and rays to soothe away any nightmares.
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dreaming-of-mossballs · 7 months
Happy New Year, Captain. - (Gepard x florist!reader)
Summary: The Captain of the Silvermane Guards is away for a military expedition. Although he isn’t here to celebrate the new year with the rest of Belobog, you’re determined to make sure he knows he’s loved. By both you and everyone around him.
▸ Genre(s): fluff
▸ Word Count: 7k
▸ Tags: Gepard x reader
▸ Warnings: food mentions
A/N: This is part of my florist!reader series, but can be read as a one-shot. Check the masterlist for more! If it’s broken (I swear to fuckijg god—) you can use the tag search function. Type in Mossball_Writing into the search bar.
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Midday in Belobog was as crisp as ever.
You stood in the open-air plaza of the administrative district, leaning against the wall of the quaint little newspaper shop.
Vaska— your co-worker and friend at the Eversummer Florist’s— had her back turned to the blustery winter wind, which was only offset by the mocha-colored coat draped over her head and shoulders. Her teeth chattered like a broken phonograph, and her cheeks had been burned red by the cold. You stared at her, brow knitted worriedly.
“Hey uh… Vaska? Don’t you think it’s time we get going?”
Tilting your head at her and pulling your coat closer to your form, you gave her a sheepish smile. “We’ve been here for forty-five minutes,”
Her head shot up from where it was buried in the book grasped between her hands. The trademark green beret of the flower shop clung onto her head for dear life.
“What??” Vaska protested. “No, no, no. I’m a hair’s length from the good part! Just—,”
She resumed staring at the page again.
“—a few more pages. I swear. I can’t afford this book until next week. By the time I can get it, spoilers will be everywhere!”
You sniffled, wincing at the cold air that nipped at your nose. “If you want, I can always stuff potting soil in your ears. Free of charge, too,”
“Five more minutes,” she said, pursing her lips. “You won’t regret it,”
“Maybe I won’t, but you will,” you retorted. “Your lips are purple!”
Vaska raised a mitten in a visual effort to block your words. “I can survive a cold. What I cannot survive, however, is someone SPOILING the long-awaited sequel to Tale of the Winterlands,” Your friend tossed her head dramatically, causing strands of light brown hair to catch on her eyes and mouth. She spat them out indignantly.
You lowered your head, dragged your palms over your cheeks, and let your jaw go slack with a groan.
“Fine. You win. Just let me get my mail in the meantime, okay?”
Vaska whipped her head towards you with sparkles in her eyes. “(Y/N),” she gasped. “You’re a godsend!”
You promptly turned your heels and headed off in the direction of city hall, chuckling to yourself as you went. You remembered the way you used to bounce with excitement every time a new mining robot was delivered to your division and you got the honor of testing it out.
We all deserve to be a little giddy about our hobbies sometimes. She works as hard as I do, if not more.
You felt the corners of your lips rise into a smile as you strolled briskly next to the flower beds lining the sidewalk. Aside from a thin coating of frost, they looked bright and lively against the backdrop of the yellow brick wall.
Ah. First snow. I wonder if Gepard has had any luck resurrecting those, you pondered, bending over to peer at them. You lifted your head, only to jolt backward at the sight of familiar (and dashing) blue eyes in front of you.
“OHMYAEONS—“ you shrieked before clamping your hands over your mouth.
But a wave of disappointment soon swept over you. Those eyes you longed to see so badly were merely the centerpiece of a poster, advertising recruitment for the Silvermane Guards. Gepard’s eyes stared imposingly at the plaza behind you.
The artist did a really good job capturing his likeness. You sighed. It was almost uncanny how accurate the determination in his face was.
You rested a hand against the worn parchment, trailing it over a caption that read, ‘You are the pride of the Architects. Help defend their city! Join the Silvermane Guards Today!’, and ‘Great dental benefits!’
Of course, you knew that the reality was far less than glamorous.
Your friend, Gepard Landau, the Captain of the Silvermane Guards and a Belobogian noble, had been away on a mission for a month and a half fighting the Fragmentum. You’d had your fair share of run-ins with the monsters birthed from the residue of a stellaron. They dragged their feet and uttered ghastly moans as they wandered about the abandoned sectors of your hometown. You were immediately swept into the undercurrent of anxiety as images of threats he had to face began to bubble up within your brain.
To quell the simmering fear inside you, you slapped your face lightly with your mittened hands.
He’s perfectly fine! He’s the captain, for Qlipoth’s sake. He’s probably been on the field since he was able to walk, you exhaled heavily, your worries escaping into the air in the form of a small cloud of condensation.
Doesn’t change the fact that I miss him, though,
You weren’t allowed to contact Gepard. No one was, for fear of compromising military safety. Since the Fragmentum managed to attach itself to automatons, there was a possibility that they could receive unfiltered transmissions and determine the location of the troops. The thought in itself made your skin prickle.
Shaking yourself to clear the pangs of loss from your chest, you rounded the corner to City Hall, or the Administrative Office, or as others called it.
It had an air of business about it, maybe due to the constant stream of robed officials streaming out from its doors. They all barked orders at each other— filled with unnecessarily complicated words, you might add—, and pushed up their glasses in the same way. It bored you to death. But until you could get a permanent residence on the Surface, you’d have to keep collecting your mail from this labyrinth of grumpy office workers.
But today, you could hardly see the grilled glass doors past a crowd of people. Through the rapid chatter and the collision of bodies, you heard an official’s voice you recognized,
You raised yourself on the balls of your feet to get a better look. Her hair, the color of artificially minty ice cream was frizzy and unkempt, and her thickly framed glasses were taped together at the end piece. Her words barely made it past the clamor of the crowd.
“If you want to register for a—“ She grunted in pain sharply. “Ugh! Esteemed citizen, please stop elbowing me. If you want to sign up for a telephone time, please form a single file line to the right of the lamp post. I repeat, the right,”
Any attempt to take a step forward was futile. You immediately got jostled by a heavyset woman from the right, causing you to collide with the metal bearings of someone’s briefcase. Ouch.
Against all odds, Manya’s piercing red eyes landed on you.
“Manya—?” You raised your voice, hoping to reach her above the crowd. “What’s—,”
She pushed through the throngs of people while her robes billowed with fury. Her hand grasped your forearm, harshly enough that you thought it might bruise, and proceeded to drag you into the building, which was heated with Geomarrow lamps and the sweat of panicking managers. It looked like a scene in a thriller opera, where the vengeful protagonist tears an office apart looking for information about his father’s killer.
Manya practically shoved you into the wall of cluster box units. “Get it—,” she hissed, “—and go,”
“Yeesh,” you exclaimed, fiddling with the key to your mailbox (and nearly dropping it in the meantime). “Can I at least ask what the commotion is all about?”
She turned around from where she was stalking off, a vein on her forehead suddenly becoming more pronounced.
“I do have matters to attend to, but I suppose it’s my duty to attend to the concerns of the citizens, no matter how trivial they may be,” she replied through gritted teeth. “For the new year, Qlipoth Fort allows citizens to contact family in the Guards using their telecommunications system,”
You widened your eyes as she continued.
“Although, they haven’t quite flushed out the system yet. The one for organizing time slots. It’s like herding warp trotters,”
“Um,” you paused. “Okay, how would you sign up for a time then?”
She grimaced. “Oh, not you too. Are you actually interested in one or just curious? Because I think I might burst a blood vessel if—,”
“I am interested, I swear!” You cut in. “I know I’m usually just curious, but I wouldn’t waste your time at a time as hectic as this,”
You’d think a City Hall official would actually enjoy answering questions, you muttered inwardly.
Manya sighed heavily. “Fine. Take a ticket from the dispenser outside and wait in line. When you’re called, they have a form you can fill out to make an appointment to speak with your family member,”
And as quick as she came, Manya spun on her heels and went back to managing the crowd at the door. You collected your mail and did as she ordered. The mass of people had since gathered into a more manageable line, although it was anything but single-file. Peering at the ticket, which was printed in very light ink, you were able to discern the number you were given. 122. You squinted your eyes in order to make out the fine print and gasped.
“Expected three hours until service?!?” You choked out.
Well, in that case, I can get back to Vaska, you shrugged. On your way out, you spotted a few complimentary hand warmers stationed at the front desk, along with the latest edition of the* Crystal* Daily at the front counter.
“Actually… you wouldn’t mind if I took some of these, right?” You inquired the bleary-eyed receptionist.
He blinked tiredly in response.
“Sweet. Have a good day,”
❆ — ❆ — ❆
Vaska was looking a little worse for wear when you got back. It had been less than ten minutes, but she had chosen a foldable sign as cover and was squatting behind it. Her green eyes flicked upwards as she heard the plodding of your boots towards her.
“How’s the book so far?” You said, glancing around at the passerby before joining her on the ground.
“(Y/N), if I’m being honest with you,” she paused. “I am so happy I could literally die right now,”
Vaska stared at you stone-faced before her expression became giddy. She pressed the book close to her chest, squealing with glee.
“Whoa there, don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” You said, amused.
“Not in the slightest,” she swooned. “Oh Artem, I missed him so much! His fiery passion hasn’t dimmed a bit,” she stated dramatically while fanning herself with her hand (Which she immediately regretted, as it was the middle of winter).
“Oh Vaska, you’re blushing so hard you could melt a glacier,” you teased.
“Two glaciers,” she corrected you matter-of-factly. Her eyes widened as a sudden shadow fell over the two of you. Fizz, the girl who manned the desk at the newspaper shop, was standing with her hands on her hips, blotting out the sun reflecting off the snow-covered buildings.
“While I do appreciate a fellow Tales fan,” she mused. “This is beginning to get a bit concerning. If you guys aren’t going to make a purchase, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. Sorry!”
Vaska’s soul seemed to leave her body that very moment.
Clearing your throat, you spoke up. “That’s fine! We’re sorry for overstaying our welcome. I know you have a business to run here,”
“No worries, you two! I’d give it to you, but a girl’s gotta put food on the table,” Fizz shrugged. “I’m pleased you’re interested though,”
Fizz’s cheerful demeanor did little to ease Vaska’s thousand-yard stare.
As soon as you got far enough from the newspaper stand, the onslaught of your co-worker’s crushing despair was unstoppable. She crumpled to the cobblestone-like a wad of packing paper.
You groaned as you bent over to grasp her hood, which you used as a sort of anchor point to drag her across the ground. She made a pitiful sound that resembled a mouse being stepped on.
You sighed. “Come on. Let’s go home,”
❆ — ❆ — ❆
After tending to your wounded slug of a co-worker, you hopped downstairs to beat the frost off your jackets. Your eyes lit up as your phone rang in your apron with the signature ringtone you had assigned to Serval.
“Serval! What can I help a lovely lady such as yourself with today?” You greeted her while picking up the phone.
“Aw, you big sap!” Raucous laughter could be heard on the other side. The corners of your mouth rose into a smile.
“Molly and I just went on lunch break and I figured I’d give you a holler. Are you doing anything this Belobog Eve?”
Before you could say, “Solarflowers,” you had an answer.
“Yes, actually. I went to city hall today, and as it turns out, they’re doing this thing where you can call a loved one using the radios at Qlipoth Fort. All you have to do is sign up!”
“No way! They haven’t done that since things started getting bad in the Snow Plains,” Serval’s voice crackled. “I tried reaching them a few years back with a radio from the workshop, but Pela chewed me out, saying it was a ‘breach of military safety’,”
“Couldn’t imagine why,” you said with a snort.
“Hey, genius. I’m the main arms dealer for the Guards. I know what I’m doing,” she said, a smirk evident in her voice.
“Uh huh, uh huh,” you responded, touching your fingertips to your thumb absentmindedly. “Anyways, I signed up for a slot at ten o’clock, and I was thinking we could all go together to talk to Gepard,”
“Heck yeah! I’d really enjoy that!” Serval exclaimed. “By ‘we’, do you mean Lynx, Pela, and I?”
“You got it,” you said with a chuckle. You peered out at Qlipoth Fort through the windowpanes of the flower shop, the sunlight warming your face. “It’s alright if they can’t make it though. I know you’ve all got your plates full with all that military jargon,”
“Nonsense,” she tutted. “It’d be outrageous if they didn’t let us off for the New Year and… I’ll be honest with you, (Y/N). Sometimes us military folk are so caught up in our own business, we forget to connect with each other. It’s really nice to have you here to remind us we’re human too,”
You stifled a squeal of glee that was welling up in your throat. “Ah—“ you stuttered at the compliment. “I’m not sure how to respond to that. Just glad I can help out, I guess,”
Serval snickered. “Don’t worry your little heart about it. I’ll make sure we all be there. Meet you outside Qlipoth Fort an hour before?”
“Sure. See you soon!” You chirped.
She chuckled. “Rock on, (Y/N)!”
❆ — ❆ — ❆
The Belobog sky was especially mesmerizing that night, you thought.
It had a comforting simplicity you’d grown to appreciate ever since arriving on the surface. Every smattering of white against the royal blue backdrop seemed to hold your gaze as you wondered; just how old was that light reaching your eyes?
Some of the tapestries hung around the city attempted to emulate this feeling of smallness. They were woven with silk as if to imitate that same heaviness the night sky had.
Whilst you gazed at the stars, notes of soft jazz floated down from the balconies above the city where a group of street musicians were playing. You could feel the tremors of the bass beneath your feet thrumming slightly like a heartbeat, as the night ambiance blanketed you in a figurative sort of warmth.
Aeons, your neck was beginning to hurt.
“Hey— Jarilo-VI to (Y/N)—,” Serval’s voice reverberated loudly in your left ear.
A yelp of surprise sprang from your throat as you jolted away. Serval, Lynx, and Pela were standing directly in front of you, evidently enough they had been for some time.
“We were worried we’d be late because we were tuning up the instruments for a New Years show, but it seems like our worries were unwarranted,” Serval laughed, shrill and high. The lamplight glinted off of her multitude of metal accessories.
“Ack! You guys—,” you blurted. “Why didn’t you tell me you were here?!”
“You seemed very intent on keeping your eyes glued to the sky,” Pela pushed her glasses up thoughtfully, trying to hide her labored breath. She looked disheveled, as if she had run here.
Lynx sided closer to you with wide eyes. “Perhaps… you observed an anomaly?”
You chuckled. “No, nothing of the sort. I was just thinking that the star I was looking at was really bright,”
She hummed in response— the ears on her adorable fluffy hat bouncing side to side— and reached for your forearm, raising it to point at the same patch of sky you were looking at before.
“Ah, that star?” Lynx closed one eye to better align her field of view with your own. “That’s Altair. The one underneath the edge of the Tundra Star System,”
“Altair? That’s a pretty unusual name,”
“Yep. I heard it came from somewhere far away, from a small planet called Earth. They believed this particular star was waiting to reunite with another,”
You paused in thought for a moment, the silence causing the other two to tilt their heads.
What a cute little story.
Maybe these kinds of stories were easier to think up when you’d lived under the stars all your life. But even before the Underworld had closed, all you had of the sky were distant, blurry memories. These ideas struck an unfamiliar chord within you.
“Does it ever meet the other star?”
“I’m not certain,” Lynx mused. “The only other star we know of that fits the legend died a long, long time ago unfortunately,”
“Aw,” you pouted. “That’s a shame,”
Pela cleared her throat. “I hate to ruin an intellectual conversation such as this, but it’s in our best interest to get going. The line is already growing at the top of Qlipoth Fort,”
“You can see that??” You squinted. “Crud. I got you guys some gifts but those will have to wait,”
Pela nodded. “Yes, let’s hurry while we—,”
Your face split into a wide grin. “Race ya!”
You dug the soles of your shoes in and ran straight for the stairs to Qlipoth Fort. The others followed suit, a string of indignant shouts and laughter echoing into the night air.
❆ — ❆ — ❆
If being in the mines had been stifling, that was nothing compared to the crowds outside the Fort. Red-faced officials cupped their hands and yelled in an attempt to be heard over the clamor of the mob. You spotted Manya leaning against a wall, any light she once had in her eyes totally gone.
“—a line! Get into three lines! Please for the love of the Preservation—,” someone shouted.
Pela received a particularly hard bump to the shoulder, sending her hurtling directly into your rib cage with a squeak. Through the midst of the chaos, you caught a glimpse of Serval’s arm, adorned with wristbands, flailing a ways away. She pried the people in front of her apart with vigor; a grunt that sounded like a creaking glacier erupted from her mouth to the shock of the strangers closest to her.
“Hold tight you two!” She ordered. “I’m trained to deal with this— you’ve seen Luka, right?”
“And just how is that supposed to be relevant??” You barked back before a stray elbow caught you in the face. You let out a pained grunt and held your nose.
Serval’s face peeked over the crowd as she wove closer to you. “His boxing stance— do that. Arms in front of your face, legs a shoulder-width apart. It’s saved a few of my concert-goers from gettin’ crushed,”
You did as she instructed; the next time someone jostled you and Pela, you felt far less shaken up. Swiveling your head, you realized something was off.
“Hey, has anyone seen Lynx?”
You scanned the crowd for her signature blue hat but to no avail.
“Lynx? Lynx???” Pela called frantically. Out of the blue, you spotted a small figure clad in blue and purple clinging to one of the pillars supporting the overhanging roof of the fort. Lynx looked unbothered, a red rope anchored around the pillar and her feet planted firmly into the side in a classic climber’s stance.
Well, that’s one way to get around it, you shook your head vigorously. The hair on your neck stood up as the speakers belonging to the fort’s PA system crackled to life.
“Attention, Belobog citizens,” a male voice announced. “We’re aware that it has been a few years since the Fort has been able to do this, but please refrain from physically assaulting each other… And to the climber on the right-hand side of the building, that was clever, but this is not the Snow Plains,”
A good-humored chuckle rippled through the crowd. Finally, officials were able to sort attendees into lines depending on what time their call was. You were able to take a long, relaxing breath and bask in the warmth of the heaters surrounding the building, your chest rising and falling as you rested the back of your head against the wall. Serval hummed contentedly beside you as Pela combed through her book.
Blinking your eyes open, your hands darted for your leather messenger bag.
“Oh! About those gifts I got you guys… here!” You tossed the items one by one to your companions. “Glasses straps for Pela… a multi-tool for Serval… and fish pot warmers for Lynx!”
Serval’s eyes sparkled as she fiddled with out the multi-tool, and then proceeded to fill with tears of laughter as you wrapped a scarf around Lynx’s head so that only her eyes were showing, and she waved her quilted fish hands around like some sort of pot warmer ninja. The deadpan expression on her face made the whole ordeal even funnier.
“You know…” you spoke up. “We oughta meet up for holidays more often,”
“Too right!” Serval nodded with a bright smile. You honestly thought you could wait there forever with them, laughing and talking like this.
However, you would find that possibility was closer than it seemed.
❆ — ❆ — ❆
“Hey uh— Pela, do you have a watch?” You asked after some time had passed.
“Yes, why?” She replied.
“I just think it’s been a little longer than an hour,” you said offhandedly, flicking your gaze to the side.
Maybe you were just impatient. From your fast-paced life in the mines, of course. (Not because your heart was swelling with more anticipation than it could handle.)
“Erm…” she peered closely at her gilded watch. “No, you’re right, (Y/N). It’s been an hour and 45 minutes,”
You let out a withering sigh as Lynx piped up.
“Maybe there’s a holdup? There’s a lot of people, after all. If one person goes a minute over, the entire schedule gets pushed back a minute,”
“Yeah… that sounds about right, I guess,” you shrugged. Waiting a little more wouldn’t hurt, you supposed.
That is until another 45 minutes passed with you four waiting in the cold.
“Aeons, I am SO. HUNGRY.” Serval pounded her fist lightly on the wall. “What in the Snow Plains is going on in there??”
“Didn’t you get something to eat before you came here?” Pela quipped.
“Yes, but waiting makes me pretty damn hungry,” she groaned. Her stomach growled in agreement.
Lynx looked up at her sister from where she was sitting by a fire hastily scraped together. She outstretched her arm, a tin of sardines in the palm of her hand.
“Thanks, Lynxy,” Serval said wistfully. Her eyes shot open as the large mahogany door to the fort creaked open. An aide accompanied by two guards stepped out into the turmoil.
“Attention, Citizens of Belobog,” she droned. “I know you may be confused as to why this is taking so long. Well… we’ve received reports that the line connecting our radios to the Silvermane camp has been taken out by the high winds. We’re not sure if it will be able to be repaired tonight, but, you are welcome to stay if you are able,”
And with that announcement, the aide whisked inside, her robes trailing behind her as the crowd began to clamor in anger.
“You have got to be kidding,” Serval hissed. Pela nodded, her eye twitching with irritation. “If— if they had trusted me with the handling of the tech division—,”
You stopped listening as your hands fell to your sides in exasperation. But out of the corner of your eye, through the blurry silhouettes of people fettering away for the night— you caught a small but unmistakable glimpse of sadness on Lynx’s face.
Her face was downturned, her nose, scrunched up. You remember making that face in Natasha’s clinic as you did your best not to break down in front of her.
Placing a hand on Serval’s shoulder as waves of anger rolled off her, you spoke up.
“We’re staying,”
“Stay—? I can’t believe they just blew everyone off like that!” Serval snorted, followed by a sigh. “Why don��t we go to the workshop and break out one of my old radios?”
Pela shook her head frantically, curtains of her indigo hair flying everywhere. “We should definitely not do that. The logistics that that would succeed are very, very, low. Also—,”
“Not everyone is leaving,” you commented. You swiveled your head around. At least fifty of the original 120+ people remained. (Belobogians couldn’t be deterred that easily, you supposed.)
You glanced down at Lynx out of the corner of your eye. “If there’s even the off chance that they can get them working again, I want to try. I’ll even run to the florists to make us some sandwiches!”
Serval paused, seeming to think this was adequate.
“Hmph… You know I can’t pass up a good sandwich,” she put her hands on her hips with a smile. “And, you’re right. Maybe we’ll have a better chance of getting in touch with him if we stay,”
“That’s right,” You smiled. “Now, I’ll go take the trolley real quick. Call me if they fix them!”
❆ — ❆ — ❆
A few of the amenities you brought back included: a large wool blanket, a picnic basket with sandwiches and cookies, and the hand warmers you had grabbed earlier, which were especially for when the queue moved away from the heaters.
Serval was right. Waiting did make you hungry. You licked your lips contentedly after fishing a chilled veggie salad wrap. With your belly full and your body finally warm for the first time that night, you nearly drifted off to sleep until the doors flung open once more.
“Alright, everyone. We’ve gotten permission to fire communications up again. Thank you for being patient,” the same lady from earlier announced. “Please come this way and form a single-file line,”
Your head whipped around in confusion from the sudden turn of events.
“What happened? Just how long was I out?” You inquired Lynx.
“Approximately seven minutes,” she stated. “It’s around 23:50 right now,” The golden-haired girl turned away from you and darted into the building, along with Serval.
Things are finally coming along, you smiled to yourself.
In contrast to the curt PSA earlier, the inside of the Fort was well-rounded with good customer service. It ran like a freshly oiled automaton, with workers directing attendees to different booths, each with a trained operator. The room was filled with chatter echoing off the tiled floor and the sounds of dial tones coming from the radios, which were large blocks of metal with a handheld receiver attached by a wire.
The operator at your booth handed you the radio first, much to your surprise. The other line picked up with a slight buzz of static. Your heart began to race.
“Who would you like to speak to?” The voice on the other end crackled.
“Ah— Gepard Landau, please. Is he available?” You said, with a little less confidence than you’d have liked.
“The Captain? I’m sorry, but I don’t think we have the security clearance for that—,”
Serval vaulted across the table in the booth and grabbed the phone.
“Tory? Tory is that you?? We need to speak to Gepard,”
“Like, right this instant. Could you go get him? Thanks. No— if anyone asks tell them I told you to do it. Now go get him!”
She smiled self-satisfactorily, sat down, and tossed the receiver to you while kicking her legs up. You swore you saw a bead of sweat roll down the operator’s face as you fumbled with the device— it was only saved by your pinkie miraculously hooking on the wire.
You tilted your body closer to Lynx and Pela as you listened to the sounds of idle chatter on the other end.
“[—for me?]”
You knew that voice. Your heart leaped as you held the receiver closer to your face.
“[Ahem— Hello?]”
“Why— yes. Um— h-hello!” You blurted out, caught off guard. You craned your head away from the radio with a start towards the jittery-looking operator. “Is there any way to turn this thing up?” You hissed.
“Yes, but please take care not to be too loud,” He rotated a dial at the top of the radio as your group sided closer together.
“[(Y/N)? Is that you?]” You caught a note of surprise in Gepard’s voice, which also had an edge of roughness to it as if he had been shouting orders earlier that day.
“Yep. Not just me though. We got Serval, Pela, and Lynx here too!” You smiled, making eye contact with the others. “Say ‘hi’ everyone!”
A chorus of greetings rang out, the words “big brother” and “Captain Gepard” sneaking into the mix.
“Geppie! So happy to hear from you,” Serval’s blue eyes sparkled as she chimed in. “How’s it holding up out there?”
“Ah, hello, Serval. I’m glad to see you’re doing well,”
Gepard wasted no time getting her up to date, just like a military briefing. You stood by, perplexed.
“We’re working hard to clear up the remaining Fragmentum. The weather has been on the unpredictable side, and it’s caused some of the tech to freeze over, but it’s nothing the Guards can’t handle. At the rate we’re going, we might finish early,”
You let out a small cheer.
He continued. “I hope you and Pela aren’t too swamped before the new year,”
“Hardly,” said Pela, who was pushing up her glasses. “Lady Bronya has done a wonderful job of managing the workload in the intelligence division,”
“That’s no small relief. How about you, Lynx? You’re not doing anything risky in the Snow Plains, are you?”
The golden-haired girl’s shoulders dropped petulantly. “Yes, brother. Our team is doing quite adequately, and it will continue that way as long as I am leading it. Don’t worry about me,”
Her cheeks began to puff up. You smiled. No one had ever worried about you like that before. (Although now that you had Vaska, all the worrying was done for you.)
Lynx handed the phone to Pela first, who cycled through her greetings in a somewhat robotic manner. Next came Serval, whom the operator had to tell to quiet down more than four times. It seemed that their banter never ceased even when they hadn’t seen each other for a whole month. Maybe she was taking this time to catch up, you thought to yourself. She nearly shouted goodbye at him by the time Pela had the sense to drag her away from the table.
You reached for the handheld radio next, confused at where to place your fingers because it was nothing like a traditional phone—
“[Ahem. Ahem— is this thing working? Captain, can you hear me?],” A pause. “[It’s Bronya,]”
Pela’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. You held the phone in your outstretched hand awkwardly as you eyes the others to see if they’d tell you what to do.
“[Lady Bronya, it’s a pleasure. I hope all is well in Belobog?]” Gepard inquired.
Bronya held steadfast conviction in her voice that struck you to your core.
“[As well is it could be, Captain, much due to your unyielding diligence in the Snow Plains,]”
You heard him exhale through his nose slightly. “[I’m not sure I deserve a compliment so grand, but I appreciate it nonetheless, Lady Bronya,]”
You stood rooted to the ground as you heard them hurl very formal-sounding compliments back and forth like snowballs. It was like a soap opera.
“[Ah, and don’t let me forget. (Y/N), thank you for your routine delivery of flowers to Qlipoth Fort. It really does boost morale,]” Bronya said.
Your heart swelled with pride. “It’s no matter at all, Lady Bronya,”
Something compelled you to bow to no one in particular. When you raised your head, more than one person had a raised eyebrow at your spectacle. Serval picked up on your sheepishness and leaned in close, her breath tickling your ear.
“I may have clued her in a bit,” she whispered to you. You covered your mouth with a devious smile.
“[Now, I’ll have to let you go now. There are a few last-minute orders I have to take care of. I wish you all a Happy New Year,]”
“You too, Lady Bronya!” Everyone cheered.
What an honor it was for the Supreme Guardian to grace you with her voice— you swooned. Oh dear. Is this how all Surface-dwellers felt?
It must be contagious, you thought as you wiped your forehead nervously.
“A-anyways, Lynx, how about you take the phone now?”
“Me—? Oh,” she seemed startled.
She picked it up gingerly. “Hi, big brother,”
Something about the way her voice sounded made you take a small step away from the table.
“[You sound healthy, Lynx,]” the Captain said with a softness to his voice you weren’t familiar with. “[Is everything all right there? How is father?]”
Lynx seemed to cradle the radio in the crook of her neck like a penguin would its chick.
“Yes, everything is fine, I— uhh— sorry,”
She paused for a moment, seeming to have lost the words she wanted to say. His voice filled the silence she left.
“[I hope you all know I do miss you, and I’m happy you decided to call,]”
Lynx’s eyes were locked on the table and you could see her feelings churning inside of her. You reached towards the radio slowly, turning down the dial that controlled the volume, and motioned to the others to take a few steps away.
Whatever Lynx wanted to say was her business and her business alone. You could wait a bit.
For a few minutes, she whispered into the phone, her eyes still downcast. When she called you all back over, her cheeks were tinted light pink and it was almost as if a large weight had been taken off of her shoulders.
The orange-haired operator interrupted your moment of bliss. “That was a nice gesture… but please don’t touch the radios,” he pleaded with you.
Your cheeks felt hot with embarrassment. Oops.
You grinned sheepishly, turning back to the radio as the others gathered around you once more.
“So… Gepard,”
The sound of clanking metal reached your ear as you looked off to the side. You could almost imagine him leaning in with that trademark intent expression on his face.
“I’m happy we were able to reach you today,” you spoke, a smile creeping into your voice.
“We really, really miss you. It’s because of you that we’re able to gather here today safe and sound,”
How badly you wished you could see him right now.
“We wanted to wish you a happy new year, so—,”
You cut off for a moment to build up anticipation. Everyone’s eyes were trained on you as you dipped your head down with laser focus and mouthed a countdown to them.
“Happy New Year—,”
“Elder brother!”
The other families at the other booths looked at you quizzically as a wave of silence swept over the high-ceilinged room.
“Um,” you cleared your throat. “Anyways, we’re almost out of time! Keep fighting hard out there, okay?”
“[Thank you. May the new year bring us prosperity,]” he said with steadfast resolve.
You smiled a soft smile, one filled with so much longing that you could no longer put into words.
“It will, I’m sure of it,”
“[Wait, (Y/N), listen closely. They’re firing the cannons,]”
They’re what?
Your next breath never made it past your throat. The faraway boom of three cannons firing reached your ears, followed by the raucous cheers of soldiers.
“[Happy New Year,]”
And with that, the dial on the side of the radio rang, signaling that your time was up.
You glanced at the group around you in the silence that followed. Lynx’s eyelashes were slightly wet.
“Well, I guess we should get going then,” you sighed.
“We didn’t even get to say goodbye,” Seval pouted, crossing her arms. “We’ll have to make up for it later when he comes back,”
Lynx and Pela nodded, gathering their belongings and pushing open the door to the chilly night air of Belobog.
You trailed behind the others as you exited the building, glancing up at the sky one last time. It wasn’t often you were out long enough for the lights of the city to finally dim and give you a splendid view of the nighttime theatre.
The others turned around, hearing you gasp out loud. A streak of light filled your vision, passing right next to the bright star you were looking at earlier. Than another. And another.
“Guys— look, it’s a star shower!” You pointed excitedly at the sky and spun around quickly; which in turn, caused your messenger bag to hit Pela in the face.
“Now that’s a stellar lookin’ sky if I’ve ever seen one,” Serval raised her hand above her eyes and laughed as you apologized profusely to Pela.
Now, you wondered, was Gepard seeing this too? It was the same sky, after all.
Lynx bounded up to you excitedly and with a slight smile, asked,
“Do you have a wish?”
A wish?
“I think…” you rested a hand on your chin thoughtfully.
“My wish? I want all of us to be safe and happy… For many, many years to come,”
❆ — ❆ — ❆
Bonus scene:
As you all went your separate ways, you noticed the light at the newspaper stand was still on.
You moseyed your way over there and rapped on the shutters with a fist.
“Hello? Is anyone still there?”
A shuffle and a groan was heard. Fizz, the bookkeeper, rose from behind a pile of boxes rubbing her eyes roughly.
“Oh! Aeons—,” you couldn’t stop yourself from exclaiming. “Are you okay??”
“Urgh…” Fizz stumbled over to the counter and checked her watch. “I must have fallen asleep while reading. I should have closed up four hours ago!” She groaned again. “What can I help you with?”
You stammered for a second. “I’m not sure if this is the appropriate time to ask, but do you have any of the sequel to Tale of the Winterlands?”
“Ah, I’m afraid we don’t. I can check when the next shipment is coming in though,” she replied helpfully. Fizz pushed aside a sheaf of papers. “Oh?”
You peered over the counter inquisitively.
“It looks like we do have one,” she said, matter-of-factly, turning back to you. “You want it?”
“Yes, please!” You bounced on your heels.
“That’ll be 2,500 credits. Would you like a bag?” She bent over to grab a notepad for your receipt.
You nodded. Fizz handed the book to you, taking less than a minute to prepare a card and tissue paper. She obviously had a lot of experience under her belt.
She handed the brown paper bag to you and you took off towards the hills.
“Thanks!” You shouted back at her. “Happy New Year!”
“You too,” Fizz said as she watched you sprint like a soldier coming home.
❆ — ❆ — ❆
Quiet as a mouse, you discarded your boots after entering the florist’s and started towards the back, not bothering to turn the lights on. Everyone was likely already asleep— the shop was all closed up for the night and the plants were bathed in comforting blue moonlight.
You climbed the small spiral staircase to the second floor where everyone slept, wincing as the floorboards creaked. You could spy a small sliver of light emanating from the bedroom you and Vaska shared.
Tapping the door lightly with your fingertips, you opened it. Vaska was in the midst of getting up to answer the door; she had a small candle in her hands and her favorite book lay on the hardwood floor. You didn’t even have to look at the cover to recognize the trademark dog-eared pages and dirt stains.
“(Y/N)!” She whispered. “Where on Jarilo-VI were you??”
“I’ll tell you in the morning, as I’ve had quite the eventful night,” you chuckled. “On the other hand, I got you something!”
You hoisted out the brown paper bag decorated with simple printed patterns to her. She took it from you and peeked inside.
A glass jar of popping candy and a book lay at the bottom of the bag. You watched in real time as she forgot how to breathe.
Vaska pulled the book out with one hand. Glanced at you. Glanced at the book again. She made a sound resembling a whistling kettle and flung herself at you with the force of a soldier, wrapping her arms around you.
“Shh—! Vaska, it’s like, one in the morning. If the boss hears you, you’ll be DEAD,”
You shot a warning glance towards the door. Thankfully, no sound was heart at the end of the hallway, where Meg’s quarters were.
She sniffled, her grip as tight as iron. “I’ll die happy then,”
You sighed. You patted the back of her head in the crook of your arm. How lucky you were to have a friend like her.
“Now, let’s get some sleep, shall we?”
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2024 - Dreaming-of-Mossballs - Do not repost/translate without my permission - NO AI
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fionajames · 9 months
circus au headcanons
A/N: Hey lovelies, hope your all fantastic! Have some circus au headcanons! Please send requests, I'm desperate. Please!
 Jedi Caravan:
Yoda, ringmaster: short man with long green and white hair, long green and white beard, green eyes and light skin.
Mace, second in command: tall man with brown skin, amber eyes, bald.
Shaak: tall woman with rosey skin, white birthmarks that look markings, long blue and white hair, yellow eyes. Aunt or some decent relation of Ahsoka.
Kit: man with long, afro green hair, dark eyes, dark skin.
Ki-Adi: man with light skin, blue eyes, bald.
104th Caravan
Plo: man with dark skin, short black hair, amber eyes.
Wolffe: boy with short black hair, one brown eye one robotic grey eye, tan skin.
Sinker: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Comet: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Boost: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
212th Caravan
Obi-Wan: man with ginger hair, ginger beard, light freckled skin, blue eyes
Cody: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin, scar on forehead
Waxer: usual appearance (i forgot)
Boil: usual appearance (i forgot)
Trapper: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
501st Caravan
Anakin: boy with medium length brown hair, blue eyes, light skin, scar over right eye.
Ahsoka: girl with orangey-tan skin, cream marking-like birthmarks, blue eyes, braided blue and white hair
Rex: boy with blonde buzzcut, tan skin, brown eyes
Jesse: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, bald
Fives: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, short black hair
Echo: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, short black hair
Tup: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, long black hair
Hardcase: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, bald
Members of other Caravans (only a few, doesn’t include all members.)
Depa: woman with long brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin
Caleb: boy with short brown hair, brown eyes, light skin
Cal: boy with scruffy ginger hair, blue eyes, light freckled skin
Jaro: man with short purple hair, dark skin, purple eyes
Barris: girl with long braided black hair, charcoal skin, green eyes, black freckles
Luminara: woman with short black hair, charcoal skin, green eyes, black freckles
Okay so, basically, the Republic’s circus (idk) is being funded by a wealthy man named Sheev Palpatine. Secretly, Palpatine is not only funding, but in charge of the Separatists’ circus. 
Most droids are in the Circus au, usually either horses, dogs or occasionally cats. 
A man named Jango Fett had a very large family with lots of sons and cousins and one daughter. No one knows why there are so many boys.
All the family apart from Jango and the youngest generation died, and then so did Jango, leaving them all orphaned. At that time, the circus was coming through their town, so many of them joined.
Most circus members are orphans or runaways.
Luminara and Barriss are probably very distantly related, same with Shaak and Ahsoka. 
Younger circus members are apprenticed to older members.
Qui-Gon was killed by a criminal on the run named Maul, who had actually been part of the Separatist circus. He killed Qui-Gon because he was guarding the money box.
A month before that, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had found Anakin and his mother Shmi. Shmi was very broke and decided her son would have a better life with them.
Padme and the rest of the senate are basically just wealthy people.
Padme and Anakin met two weeks after Qui-Gon adopted him. They meet up whenever they can. The relationship is sort-of-forbidden, very frowned upon because the wealthy people like the circus for entertainment and then think the people are poor and peasants.
Everyone in the circus knows Padme and Anakin are dating, even though they think no one knows. It’s very obvious.
If the Separatists and the Republic are in the same area, fights often break out. People sometimes die, but its more common for people to get seriously injured and leave the circus. 
The Separatists kidnapped Echo as a hostage and everyone thought he ran away but some new Jango-spawn members to the circus, Fives, Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka found him and brought him back.
Ahsoka left the circus at one point for a month after being accused of a robbery the Separatists committed but returned quickly. 
Some of the Jango-spawn (Fox, Thorn, Thire, etc) work for Palpatine as his guards, cause he’s a rich bitch.
Some members - if not orphans or runaways - like Anakin were simply given over in hopes of a better life. Ahsoka was one of these, also because her parents feared they weren’t good enough at being parents when she was taken by a mountain lion.
Ahsoka and Shaak come from an Indigenous tribe, and their teeth are more pointed and they still have their fangs. They hunt deer mostly, and cook it over the fire to eat. Their tribe are called Togrutas.
Obi-Wan was an orphan and found by Mace, who took him back to the Circus.
Obi-Wan and Anakin have an acrobatics act, whilst Ahsoka does Equestrian Vaulting. Rex and Cody play music. Jesse, Fives and Hardcase have a comedy act. After the show, a lot of the members busk to get extra money.
Fives and Ahsoka were messing around one day when they stumbled upon the Separatists camp. They were looking around when they saw Palpatine. They rushed back and told Yoda that they were being played.
Yoda cut the deal with Palpatine and made a deal with Bail Organa instead. It later turned out Palpatine was a wanted criminal, and he was sentenced to a life-sentence in a prison far away.
Palpatine’s Guard split, either joining the Republic’s circus or choosing to guard Bail. Bail treated them much, much better. 
Palpatine was also Mayor of the town, so when he was arrested, Bail took his place. Bail made it legal for the circus to marry the richer folk, claiming it was foolish and unkind, for no reason. Secretly, he knew of Padme and Anakin’s relationship, and wanted his best friend to be happy.
A few months later, Padme gave birth to twins. The Circus was still travelling, so Padme convinced Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Anakin to live at her house part-time. When the circus was close, they lived with the circus. When it was far away, they usually stayed with Padme. Ahsoka managed to convince Rex to do the same.
Anakin revealed that Palpatine had tried to get him to join the Separatists' circus before Fives and Ahsoka had discovered the betrayal. Palpatine had told him he controlled both, and that he would have more money and be closer to Padme if he joined them. However, Anakin hadn’t turned, as he loved his family too much.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed, please send requests!!!
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sneakyswag · 3 months
Working on a reploid oc whom I love very much. I offer you all some lore if you want 👉👈
Also this is kind of in an au so
This all makes probably zero sense whatsoever but I’m gonna try to put my thoughts into words.
His name is Beta. A robot created in the OVER-1 era. (I know the timeline is non existent apparently. I’ve changed a few things. Instead of rescuing all of these MMX, MMZ, MMBN characters, you rescue the classics instead with OVER-1 ofc).
Beta has incredible combat skills. Not on par with Zero’s or X’s, but incredible for his mental age. Beta was found in a capsule in the jungle. Found by X and Axl who were on a mission. (Perhaps the jungle aka opening stage in X8).
X and Axl, upon finding him, are wary of him. Keep in mind, Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX (I guess)
Beta was created with the blueprints of OVER-1. And hc that OVER-1 was based off of the blueprints for X. Beta was created by Forte, Rock and Roll with the help of Kalinka and Dr Lalinde (holy crossovers, I know 😭).
Beta was created without the knowledge of Dr Light, Wily or Cossack. They never knew of his existence. Rock had wiped his memories of creating Beta completely in fear of Dr Light finding out. Roll sealed the memories away. Bass didn’t. Bass kept the memories because at this point, it’s his son.
Beta was sealed away and Dr Lalinde or Kalinka never spoke of Beta again. Bass would check on him from time to time. Talk to the capsule with Treble by his side. He was proud of his creation. Although Rock, Roll, Lalinde and Kalinka helped, it felt like his. This was his son. Whom will help save the world.
Beta resembles Bass in a huge way. He has white hair (or light blonde I’d have to see), yellow eyes edit: they look better as light blue so, black face marks, same shape as Bass’, although he could always remove them or cover them up. His armor is black with yellow, blue and a hint of white I’d have to work on it. Beta is roughly 5’4 almost 5’5. His primary weapon is actually his hands.
See, his hands can generate an energy orb somehow and he can throw it at people. It’s dangerous, sure, but very powerful. Said orbs can be charged up but will leave Beta with little energy afterwards, making him vulnerable. His secondary weapon is a butterfly knife. He acquired it from the Maverick Hunters when X and Axl found him and took him in. It’s similar to saber technology except obviously, it does what a butterfly knife does.
Beta was supposed to wake up in late 20XX to help OVER-1 with anything that was happening. Sort of like what Protoman did. Watched from the sidelines and became support for Mega Man. Except, he wasn’t working for Wily or anything you know. But the capsule had sealed him for way longer WAY longer than he needed to.
Beta’s personality is nervous, anxious, kind, caring, intelligent, analytical. Beta isn’t all anxious, though. He knows when it’s okay to be scared and when it’s not, he tries his best to control it. He tries to analyze situations as best as he can. Thinking of many possible scenarios.
One thing. Just because he’s my original character doesn’t make him perfect. He has his flaws. My gosh, quite a few of them, actually.
Since he likes analyzing situations and practically every possible scenario, he’s slow. He’s slow in realizing something might be charging at him or trying to strike him. He lacks confidence. So much that he fails to strike his enemies when he finally gets confident enough to hit them. His design was also very outdated so he got modified with the X8 era armors.
Beta tends to panic easy. When he figured out that there has been multiple wars going on and seeing that he was in 21XX obviously scared the life out of him. What’s worse is that OVER-1 wasn’t there. He wasn’t anywhere to be found. It was his purpose. To help OVER-1, I mean. And now that he’s not there, it struck something in him.
X and Axl helped calm him down but man. This dude was a mess.
On a more positive note, aside from incredible combat skills and powers I suppose, he’s easy to talk to and get along with. He tries to see the good in everyone. Similar to how a child would. Because, well, mentally, he’s still developing. Yeah, he’s been in a capsule for years, but he needs to develop outside of it. Cuz the world isn’t perfect like the simulation in his capsule he did to make good choices. Beta has an interest in music. He likes any instrument and knows how to play, but he absolutely loves the piano. It’s his go to. It helps him relax.
Beta likes comics and cheesy romance movies. All he wants is to help people out. So what better way than to be a hunter? He’s not a pacifist per se but he’ll try to negotiate with the enemy first rather than just attacking. It’s what [who?] would’ve wanted.
The boy has many issues. Figuring out his past, who he is, all he has is a name. OVER-1. That’s it. It’s who he was supposed to help. But couldn’t. He was too late. He slept in the capsule for far too long. Beta has many dreams. He always sees four people. Three women and two men. They’re working on him. He can never see their faces clearly. He wakes up before he can. He’s frustrated. He manages to befriend Axl and realize that they have so much in common.
This is just a rough little thing. If you read it all ily <333
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Like Lightning, My love.
BOTW!Link x Reader
TW: Heavy angst, gore, Hurt/No comfort.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Gerudo town was about as much of a pain as you expected, but with new armour, as many potions as someone could possibly fit in a single pack, your worries were quelled. Link’s boyish grin and happiness about exploring the final divine beast certainly helped.
“So, (y/n). You ready?” He grinned, your heart fluttered, knowing just how long you’ve travelled to be here. How long you’d spent learning about the world and about him. Learning every single detail of him. His sky blue eyes and wonky smile. His crooked nose from having broken it one too many times. Each and every scar that lined his sun-kissed skin.
“About as ready as I could be” You mumbled through your own excited grin. You’d have the divine beast Vah Naboris kneeling as it’s counterparts did. You met up with Riju, who had her thunder helm on as much as she could, given for the extra space. She was a young chieftain, but she certainly was strong. And with that, your small group was ready to go with three sand seals waiting. Attaching some ropes to their harnesses and your shields you were able to set off into the storm towards the divine beast Vah Naboris. The beast summoned cracks of powerful lightning as you approached to fend you off. Sand and wind whipped through your hair as the small shield granted by the thunder helm protected you from the lightning. Link followed by your side, the wind and sand blowing against your bodies as you approached the Divine Beast. You both covered your eyes to the best of your ability without throwing off your balance, trying to keep some of the elements at bay. At least the lightning wasn't a concern anymore, and you weren’t too bothered by a little bit of sand in your eyes. You looked over to your partner, wildly meeting with the divine stormfront. He looked over at you, noticing the way your hair was blowing about in the wind, along with the way your clothes and equipment were shifting with the strong winds. It was all so.... beautiful. You looked beautiful. You felt so right in the moment. A large crack of white lightning struck the shield provided by the Thunder helm, the powerful crack taking up your senses. The light dissipated, the energy dispelling into the sand below. With it, you laughed, strong and powerful. The sound so full and untainted you’d only ever heard it yourself a few times before. Link followed suit, the bellowful sound threatening the thunder itself. Even in your memory, Link never let himself be so free. You steadied yourself on the sand and spurred your sand seal forward. Notching two bomb arrows, you shot them at Naboris‘ feet, the robot buckling under the instability. You swiftly moved back to the protection of the helm as Naboris bellowed, calling lightning from the sandstorm where you’d just been. You bared all your teeth in your smile, not bothered by the raging storm that whipped around the three of you. Link was almost transfixed by the lightning and your reaction to it. It only increased his fascination with you. The way you laughed, the way you didn't worry as to what the element did to your equipment or clothing. You were at ease, comfortable and happy. And it made Link fall in love with you even more. He took the moment to look over you again, taking in your movements and the way the light and storm played as they moved against you. He felt the cold breeze against his own face, but he felt happy. You made him happy. You always did. Riju called out to the both of you,
“Good job! One leg down, three more to go!” One of Naboris’ legs dragged slightly in the stand, the yellow glow within it was dispelled. Three more legs shot down and we could board the beast and solve the puzzles within. Link felt Riju's voice calling out to him and he snapped out of the small trance he was in, looking at you and smiling with pride. You’d taken down one of the legs, and now it was time to take the rest of them before tackling what was inside. He wanted to get this done for you, to take Thunder Blight down once and for all.
"Shall we proceed?" Link spoke to Riju, looking at her for her response before taking your hand and walking up to the Divine Beast. She nodded. For efficiency, you both split up. Riju circled naboris so we could use the thunder-helm’s aura for protection against the storm. Link and you split to shoot down Naboris’ legs one by one. Three were down and just as you released the final arrow, Naboris let out a shrill cry. Lightning met the sand where you stood, heavenly light dousing you. The thunder cracked in your ears and when the light from the lightning and explosion of your arrow was gone, You were not standing. You fell like Icarus towards the sea of sand below, dousing yourself in the light you loved. The light which served to kill you. Naboris cried out as its final leg was shot down, moving to a kneel so Link could get inside. A look of panic filled Link's face when you weren't there after the lightning hit. He turned in every direction in an attempt to find you until his eyes met Naboris. His stomach clenched at the thought of losing you. His eyes filled with tears as he called your name out over and over and over again. After a few seconds of not hearing a response, he snapped himself back to reality and ran over to the kneeling beast. He climbed on quickly and searched through the darkness for you, your name filling the air as he scrambled around, tears in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to hear your voice. You were face down in the sand, body short circuited by the electricity. Your skin was marked with the winding, wrapping scars of the electricity. Your hair was singed where the energy met with your body. You were bleeding, your skin burnt and charred. Horrifically, the sand had melted, making pools of molten glass that stuck to your skin as it cooked. Riju looked beyond horrified, her eyes not attuned to the sights of battle. All was quiet but the wind, it howled in a mourning cry as sand danced in the gust. Link’s tears fell faster at the sight of you in the sand. Nothing mattered other than you. Not Riju, not the Divine Beast, not anything. He only wanted you to survive. The image of losing you was more terrifying than anything he had ever dealt with.
"(y/n)! (Y/n), please don't be dead. Let me hear your voice. Let me know you're alive." He spoke in a panicked voice. His hands started to move across your body, checking for pulses and signs of life...
"(Y/n) ... please just wake up." Link's voice was filled with so much sorrow and pain. He didn't want to lose you, not like this. He called out your name, hoping with all that he had that you'd hear him.
"Wake up..."
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homoquartz · 5 months
let me tell you about my dream
stay with me because it's a whole lot of nothing
at some indeterminate time in the future, the entire human race was moved into this massive commune due to some unspecified threat in the outer world, and we have been like this for so many generations we've lost count
people are divided into four colors based on temperament and skillset, like in a YA novel, but people are able to move from one color to another as they develop. their families can be mixed colors, but adult children need to move to the appropriate community once old enough. the colors are red (independent, passionate, physical), blue (calm, logical, medical), green (nurturing, friendly, natural), and yellow (introverted, rule following, mechanical). yellow is almost entirely segregated from everyone else in service of some greater purpose.
if there are rulers over this place, they are unseen. there are cameras and spotlights all over the place.
the commune is like, a giant outdoor camp with fortified walls keeping everyone in. houses are not houses but fenced areas which are laid out like livestock pens at a county fair, but separated by tarp or cloth, and each family has made their little space their own. individuals are literally in a barracks-like setup with only their cot as their personal space. there's no privacy anywhere.
the green community are the biggest spiritualists and worship a leader, who, when collected by police for sedition, told them to put his skull on a spike for everyone to be inspired by. they did, and the community wrapped his skull in cloth and set it in the center of their town, bedecked in lights and flowers, to visit him. this is allowed by the mysterious overseers.
yellow work in a giant open-plan office somewhere. it's suggested that their homes are just below the floor. they sit at their computers doing some kind of work for the people behind the cameras. they aren't allowed to socialize much. they do decorate their desks with fidgets. it's important to note that the yellows have created automatons to do work for them - shaped like fish, dogs, or humanoids depending on what's needed. these robots have since developed consciousness, but no one, not even the robots, is aware of that yet.
there is also another group of people who have been cast out of any color commune and are considered evil and a drain on society, yet they're not taken away by police. they roam around stealing necessities from others - but also seemingly useless things, like potted plants and lego pieces.
but it turns out these people are barred from color because their souls have been linked to this enormous otherworldly blob that lives beneath the commune. It's implied that this big black oozy blob is worshipped by the unseen rulers, since there are candles and altars and shit all around. the cast-outs operate normally unless they're too close to the blob, at which time it becomes a massive struggle to maintain their identity. there are hoards of spirits covered in black ooze that imply the blob eventually devours and is powered by these people. it's discovered that they collect random objects that have a positive, loved energy that combats this blob. they're the only ones that can sense it.
there is also a lingering mythos in the commune about two men who escaped, but it is a cautionary tale, because it is said that the wilderness consumed them and they died. however, they are alive out in the mountains and have become fused with goat DNA. (?) One day, after people escape and wander for many months, these two will teach them how to survive.
someone in the commune has been developing bombs to aid a great escape attempt, but few people know who. even those involved in the rebel group know little about how it functions.
anyway the central plot is that this one woman (red) is helping with the revolution by listening to her colorless friend, who is helping locate large sources of positive energy. the problem is that the only sources really left are in dangerous places that most colorless people can't reach - the good news is because they've gone undisturbed, they're very powerful. so the red lady leverages the skillsets of her other-color friends to collect these. this includes shit like cutting power to entire quadrants of the yellow offices, lacing their food with drugs, and uploading propaganda to every screen. in the commune, they are freeing prisoners, rounding up children, and setting off smoke in critical places.
if you guessed the skull in green is a critical source of joy energy, you'd be right.
idk what happens after that i woke up ✌️
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gravity-what · 9 months
(Heylin Omi AU) The living quarters in the main series show a lot about each monk's personality at a glance, so what do Jermaine's, Jack's, and Keiko's living quarters look like? Messy or neat? What sort of things are scattered about the room, or posted on the walls, or neatly put away in their limited space? Do they also have a group photo of them like Omi does in his room?
Ohhh good question!!
The order of the monks little cubbies are Jack-Jermaine-Keiko.
Jack: jacks room is really similar to his basement workshop, just imagine that crammed into a really tiny space XD. He’s got blackout curtains hung around the whole thing along with red ‘mood’ lighting. He has robot schematics pinned to said curtains in his own version of a messy organization. The floor is littered with metal and robot parts that he sometimes shoves aside to sleep or sometimes just sleeps on. He very much is working on inventing a ‘bed bot’ with an inflatable bed for all of them. So far though it just keeps popping.
Jermaine: Jermaine’s room is the most organized and clean out of all of them. He’s got a nice wooden trunk where he keeps most of his personal possessions. He’s got a silk pillow that his sister made sure he didn’t forget at home and a set of blankets with basketball print that his family mailed to him. His walls are covered in a mixture of sports posters with his favorite players and pictures of his family. He also has one of those plastic basketball hoops up on the back wall and a bunch of mini-basketball’s that he plays with when he has nothing else going on.
Keiko: Keiko had a lot of fun decorating her little cubby/room! Just like Jack she hung up some sheets on the walls to give everything a pop of color (pastel blues and yellows) along with a privacy curtain that she installed at the ‘door’. It’s usually open and tied with bows at the side but at night she does close it. She also has some fairy lights that she hung around the place along with a small beanbag that she uses as her 'reading corner' where she has a small selection of her favorite manga stored up. she also has posters on her walls, mostly anime magic-girl ones but also some for video games that Kimiko and she loved. she does have a picture of her and kimiko as well by her booknook but most of her photos of them together on her phone.
I think they all have multiple group photos with each other on their phones, but i don't think any of them are physical (i always thought the reason Omi had the physical one was because he didn't have a phone like everyone else)
there is an 'official' photo of the team though in the Temples main room. its sitting next to all of other 'official' photos of the other Dragon teams…which means there are only 4 sets (going back to 1890) but hey! its a start!
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hccn-overseer · 1 year
Issue 20, 8/30/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Updates on the Incident
By Azure
Recently, there have been many developments in the Incident with DocM77, Grian and Scar. Here is all that has happened thus far:
Due to a prank Doc pulled on Grian and Mumbo, causing one of Mumbo's vault doors to be damaged, the latter joined forces with Grian and Scar, forming the Buttercups, as the flower is toxic to goats. Their headquarters was a hippie style campsite with a pet sniffer. Doc would later form an alliance with RenDog.
 Additionally, two individuals known as Poultry Man and HotGuy showed their support for Grian and Scar by putting thousands of chickens in the Perimeter. Doc would later push back by putting thousands of chickens in Grian’s base, and decorating Scarland with Dragon Eggs.
The Buttercups then began to make plans to get revenge, with Grian building a “Live Laugh Love” sign on the walls of the Perimeter, causing Doc to decorate Grian’s base with Dragon Eggs. Both parties began building robots in case a battle were to ensue, and Doc built flying TNT cannons shaped like butterflies. Pearl built a dragon out of the Dragon Eggs.
Ren and Doc ended up attempting to spy on a Buttercup meeting but were found out, causing the Bot Battle to take place. Doc won after the Buttercups’ Bot backfired and was unable to do substantial damage to Doc’s Bot. Ren and Doc then proceeded to activate the TNT cannons, and the Buttercups rushed to sabotage the machines. They were successful, with minimal damage caused.
Furthermore, Ren and Doc attempted to explode the Buttercups’ campsite, causing them to relocate into a new base located in a cherry tree. At this point, Grian made the decision to cover the Perimeter in grass, a feat requiring over two thousand blocks of grass and dirt. 
Many people have pointed out that the motivational quotes were set to play near the Perimeter, with phrases such as, “This is the Goat’s world, you just live in it,” and “To make our great goat leader proud, never forget to Grind, Optimize and Thrive.”
The process of covering the Perimeter took over twelve hours, as they decided to terraform the area in addition to covering it. They were able to recruit the help of Gem, Impulse, Etho, False, Joe Hills, and Iskall, making it one of the largest collaborative projects on the server in recent months.
The Perimeter now blends into the surrounding landscape, safe for the flagpole, aided by the terraforming and the added trees, supplied by Xisuma. Once their task was complete, the Buttercups disbanded, recognizing it as the climax to the Incident.
Doc has since uncovered the Perimeter, and is making plans to get revenge on the Buttercups and their accomplices.
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Now onto other news under the cut!
This Week At The Overseer HQ: Interior Makeover and Volunteer Work
By Lydia
The Overseer Headquarters has recently undergone a new interior makeover, with brighter paints for the walls and a collection of retro-future style furniture in red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple for the sofas, chairs, tables, and lighting. The staff originally wanted to change the style of the office due to the Server’s players taking on a resurgence of a 1970s fashion trend, but had later revealed that the real reason for the makeover was simply a need for a more invigorating workspace. In order to renovate the inside of the office, a few of the staff members managed to land a spot on a television show on HGTV with a professional interior design team. They took the chance to imitate all of the clients they had previously seen on the show, with every small complaint being blown up to greater proportions for the sake of entertaining television. They also spent the majority of that time attempting to convince the beleaguered show staff to wait on them hand and foot with very little success.
After the television excursion, The Overseer staff has also been sending its members to perform volunteer work over the past several weeks. With the ongoing influx of new Citizens, a large portion of the staff members have been spending their daytime outside of the Newspaper Office at the Hermit Citizen Orientation Office. Our staff members have assisted the very small orientation team in printing Citizen I.D. cards, distributing maps of the Server, giving out Shulker boxes of starter supplies, assisting in customizing communication devices, and answering frequently asked questions about the Server’s customs and environment. These questions often cover rudimentary introductory questions, such as the status of keeping one’s inventory on upon death, the most populated biomes, an overview of the Server’s clubs and affiliations, whether the Server is welcoming or hostile towards hybrids, and whether the Citizen count is high enough to qualify as a village, town, or city. According to our staff, they have enjoyed all of the free catering of buffet breakfasts and an endless supply of donuts provided to all workers and volunteers of the Orientation Office. This is by far the most favorable perk of helping out. The worst part of the job is the paperwork, specifically because many new Citizens do not like to reveal their species to the office, and will often give a placeholder for the category. While this is understandable, it is very likely that the records show a significantly higher population of non-hybrid humans on the Server than there really are.
While this stint of volunteer work has been helpful to both new Citizens as well as the orientation services workers, the real reason that the staff of The Overseer has been present here is due to the requirement to perform 200 hours of community service, in addition to cleaning up the mess they had made in preparation for MCC. While Hermitcraft does not operate on having a department to handle misconduct and will not do so in the future, the majority of the shop owners in The Shopping District had come to the conclusion that The Overseer staff should compensate the Server for the disruptive and rampageous mess leading up to MCC. This had resulted in almost all of the shops in the district having their wares recklessly broken and workspaces cluttered and trashed. The Overseer staff had agreed to clean and volunteer on the condition that they all receive very high discounts at all of the shops that had been affected by the MCC carousing.
Due to the staff dividing their time doing administrative work outside of the office, the newspapers over the past few weeks have been noticeably thinner. Someone attempted to ask the rats to take over some of the articles for them to no avail, as the rats would rather spend their time ordering and eating pizza and playing cards with each other than fill in for the writers and editors of the newspaper. The cats, on the other hand, have been given automatic pet feeding bowls and water dispensers, as well as having a staff member come in every few days to clean their litter boxes. They have also figured out how to turn on the large printer in order to preserve their favorite sunning spot.
This month marks the fifth month that The Overseer has been an active organization, and next week, staff members state that they will be able to celebrate sitting at the “Big Kids Table” upon reaching their twenty-first issue. Our staff hopes that you have had a very entertaining and relaxing week and would like to thank everyone who has been supporting and reading the newspaper.
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Affiliate Summaries
by Roo (Not Pearl)
GoodTimesWithScar: When not running a theme park, being a master door, or decreasing the local horse population from the skies (in disguise), Scar is well known to ordain horse marriages and divorces.
Grian: The realistic Mumbo has spread. Quick, become bird scientists.
Joe Hills: (McJoenalds) Joe Hills?
Pearlescentmoon: I hope I'm invited to Soup Group Saturday.
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Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 24 degrees and a low of 12 degrees. Skies will be stormy throughout the entire day and clear up during the early evening hours.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 40 degrees and a low of 31 degrees. Skies will be partly cloudy with high winds.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 43 degrees and a low of 32 degrees. Skies will be clear throughout the day and evening.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 44 degrees and a low of 32 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy throughout the day but clear up during the afternoon.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 40 degrees and a low of 29 degrees. Skies will stay clear throughout the morning and become cloudy during the afternoon.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 45 degrees and a low of 32 degrees. Skies will be clear throughout the entire day.
Tuesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 44 degrees and a low of 30 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout most of the day.
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 42 degrees and a low of 28 degrees. Skies will be cloudy throughout the day with a high chance of scattered showers throughout the morning.
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Astrology Corner: Haiku Scopes
By Corundumcat
Have you been feeling without guidance? Do you look at your birthday, look up your star sign, and wonder, “Will I feel like Haikuing?” “Am I going to embrace my inner Joe Hills?” Don’t worry, here at The Overseer, we can help you.*
Single testament,  shall a relax, enjoy help in spite of the the
Freezing eventide then a ready, dry pen runs after the dolphin
Tedious fountain A mad, elephant sneers betrayed by the salt
Baking christmastide A british, cute lion stings into the turtle
Semiarid leap A fallow, playful deer feeds under the giraffe
Ungroomed wintertime An old, keen crocodile flies in spite of the queen
Snow-white aurora A little, fine biscuit feeds whilst watching the friend
Covered eventide A big, intense shark waddles at the perfect salt
Glorious leaping An intimate, dry friend barks by the flamingo
Wooded damp hillside A frightened, spruce rabbit looks in spite of the stone
Breezy summertime A female, gorgeous deer stings enjoying the rat
Magical winter A normal, loathsome rat sneers hippopotamus
All star signs:
Sandy dunes sand dunes A nocturnal dunes paddles at the perfect dunes
*Ignore how blatantly specific these are. Nothing bad will happen to you. 
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Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]*. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A french horn This french horn was found outside of Joe Hills’ pinball machine and appears to have been there for quite a long time. It was found covered in table salt.
Item 2: A box of refrigerator magnets This box contains magnets depicting various postage stamps from different locations around Canada and South America in no particular order. They appear to be newly made and were found in a small wooden box painted to look like a sunset.
Item 3: A hobby horse This hobby horse is made entirely out of wood, with the head carved in the style of a chess knight. It was found several blocks away from Cub’s museum and has various numbers and letters written on it, presumably those of chess board tiles.
Item 4: A rubber band ball This rubber band ball is quite large, with a diameter of 5 inches. The rubber bands vary in size and color and appear to have been accumulated over several months.
Item 5: An apron that says, “World’s Worst Cook” While we cannot speculate on who would accurately fit its description, this newly made apron was found hanging up near the entrance to The Shopping District. It is white with bold, black lettering in Comic Sans font.
Item 6: A series of colorful tote bags These bags were found near Gem’s Elven Village and depict various types of fruit drawn in a cartoon style over pastel backgrounds. They appear to be made only about a week and a half ago.
Item 7: Two Lime Shulker Boxes The first box contains dragon eggs painted to resemble dragon fruits. The second box contains several realistic cakes created and decorated in the style of life-sized dragon eggs. They are made in the flavor red velvet and vanilla ice cream. Both of their respective items are very nicely detailed.
Note: Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash Trade if not picked up after two weeks
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Fun and Games
This week's fun and games are brought to you once again by Lydia and Azure!
Word Search and Crossword by Lydia
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Brain Teasers by Azure
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And that's all for this week! Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful week!
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