#yes I'm still working on the MerMay thing
cod-z · 5 months
Every time I see or hear "Mermay AU 141"
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| One-shots |
Ghost: I've got a special power, that I'm not afraid to use *is sitting on a rock, twirling a small water orb in the air*
Soap:Every waking hour, I discover something new *cannonballs into water, changing into a merman*
Price: So come on this is my adventure. This is my fantasy~ *is sitting on a throne with a trident, pretending to be King of the Ocean (he's not)*
Gaz: It's all about living in the ocean *does a loopy-loop as a merman* Being wild and free~! *twirls and spreads his arms while smiling*
141: 'Cause I'm no ordinary soldier~! *is swimming in a line of 4, doing a loop before swimming further* We're from the deep blue underworld~
Land or sea *Gaz does the little mermaid thing on the rock*
The world's my oyster *shows a oyster* I'm the pearl *Oyster opening revealing Ghost on his hide, batting his eyelashes*
No ordinary soldier~🌸
Price: We gotta stick together *is invading eldritch Konig's tentacles while dragging Ghost, Gaz and Soap in his arms* 'Cause the best things come in three
Ghost: *is looking whimsical at the sunset horizon in his human form* I want it to last forever... *looks solemnly at the water's edge* All the magic and fun at sea...
Soap: So come on this is our adventure *is dragging Gaz in their merman form* There's no telling where we'll go~!
Gaz: But all I want is just to live amongst the h2o *swims further and hugs Soap*
141: 'Cause I'm no ordinary soldier! *bird's eye view, all four of them swimming on the ocean floor* We're from the deep blue underworld
Land or sea *all of them hanging out at their base in human form*
We've got the power if we just believe *crossfading between mermen 141, Shepherd and Graves in a standoff (yes, like those scenes hero vs villain)*
'Cause I'm no ordinary soldier~! *is swimming in a line of 4, doing a loop before swimming further* We're from the deep blue underworld~
Land or sea *Gaz does the little mermaid thing on the rock*
The world's my oyster *shows a oyster* I'm the pearl *Oyster opening revealing Ghost on his hide, batting his eyelashes*
No ordinary soldier~🌸
Ghost: Come along, it just gets better *gets body slammed into a bunch of coral*
Price: So much to do and just so little time *is hiding behind a ship being shot at*
Gaz: 'Cause it all depends on whether- *peaks from his cover to fire at the enemy*
Soap: -you want to leave the land above behind... *his shoulder is bleeding*
141, tired as fuck: 'Cause we're no ordinary soldier *walking into their base groggily* We're from the deep blue underworld...
Land or Sea *plops down to rest*
We've got the power... *Soap realises in shock before standing up*
Soap: If we just believe... *goes to their secret water entrance hidden in the base, and jumps in*
Price, Ghost and Gaz: *confused* 'Cause we're no ordinary soldier *follows Soap as they all transform* We're from the deep blue underworld
Land or Sea *exits the tunnel and is now in the ocean following Soap*
Soap: The world's our oyster, we're the pearl *is still swimming (just keep swimming, just keep swimming)* No ordinary soldier~🌸
*Soap continues to swim with Price, Ghost and Gaz following behind till they reach clear waters.*
'Cause we're no ordinary soldiers, we're from the deep blue underworld
Land or sea *they all transform back into their human form as they reach an island*
We've got the power if I just believe
'Cause we're no ordinary soldiers, we're from the deep blue underworld *they all built a secret house on that island, just for themselves to escape their work*
Land or Sea *something washes up on their shore*
The world's our oyster *they walk towards it* we're the pearl *uncovers it and reveals a person, not human or like them but wore a weird attire*
No ordinary soldiers~🌸
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lostonehero · 4 months
I'm late to mermay, but well, uh, no excuses have Siren! Martin doing such a great job in the archives.
Tim loved going to the ocean. He loved the water in general, and when Danny was still with him, he would try and fail to convince him to try to go with him during the winter. Danny always quoted old legends, but Tim didn't believe in them. Well, he does now, but that's besides the point.
The reason Tim believes is the 6ft5inch man in his apartment who is technically his husband or mate in his words. Of course, this happened years ago he's now a much more jaded man. He works for the insistute now trying to get answers for his brother, and somehow, his husband works there too. He really doesn't understand how he lied about everything on his CV.
"Tim?" A male voice pulls Tim out of his thoughts. "Should I wear this one or this one? We work together now in the archives, and you don't want me to match you."
"The blue one is fine, Martin." Tim smiles softly. Martin wasn't human, and he's honestly surprised nobody has figured it out. He's also grateful for the face that he's his husband, even if he keeps it secret.
"Are you sure? You want our mate bond to be kept secret. I don't know if they can smell it.... I should wear one from the dryer." Martin sighs.
Tim chuckles. "Just because I wore that to bed doesn't mean you can't wear it. We humans don't have the same abilities as you guys."
"Yeah, but I don't know if everyone there is human." Martin huffs.
They have this argument about once a week, which is fine. It's better than the raw meat debate. Tim smiles softly. "Alright, alright, won't wear your jumpers anymore."
Martin huffs. "I didn't say that! You always do this."
Tim chuckles. "Maybe I like seeing you riled up. Seriously though, it's fine as long as we don't arrive at the same time." They've been together years at this point, so they both know when they are joking.
"I know the drill, Tim." Martin sighs. "Can we share the same bed tonight?"
"I'm not sleeping in the tub with you again it took weeks for my skin to heal, and before you suggest it no I'm not going in the ocean either we were both incredibly late to work." Tim raised his brow and pauses. "Oh wait, you meant my bed."
Martin rolls his eyes. "Forget I asked."
"No, wait, yes." Tim moves closer to Martin. "Then I don't have to wear things that smell like you."
Martin smiles. "You're already my mate. You do not need to scent yourself of me."
"What if I want to?"
"I suppose that can be arranged."
Sasha rolled her chair closer to Tim. "So Jon totally has a crush on Martin. I was talking to his ex, and she totally agrees. How about a wager? I mean, Martin is totally into him. Have you seen how aggressive he is about taking care of Jon?"
Tim chokes on his tea. "W-what?" He wipes off the mess the best he could. "Sasha, he's that way to everyone."
"Not you, and nowhere near that way to me or anyone else in this building. Besides, the timing is perfect. We have that mandatory institute day out on the beach. Sure, we're picking up trash and sending flyers out about the institute, but there's also games and food. We can totally set them up." Sasha claps her hands together with a smile on her lips.
"No." Tim could feel that green eyed monster rear its ugly head. Danny always made fun of him because he insisted he felt nothing of their marriage. Danny was right, of course. He was about to out them, and he had to think of something. "No, I mean well, what are the stakes? Is Jon's ex going to be there?"
"Oooo, that could be even better." Sasha smirks. "She can help us, and she is bringing her girlfriend. Tim you're a genius."
Tim gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
Sasha pushed Martin and Jon together. "You two can start at one end, and Tim and I will start at the other. Then we'll meet up and get some American fair food they have."
Jon raised a brow. He was in a binder with a loose tank top above it and a pair of shorts. He was also in boots and long socks. "Ok? I don't understand why Elias has this to be mandatory."
Martin looked like he was about to growl and hiss. They were so close to the ocean that the instincts to take his mate to the ocean screamed at him. "Yeah, it's an odd choice."
Tim grits his teeth as Sasha pulls him away. He was still mostly human, well it was slowly changing but he was still mostly human but even he could feel the pull of the ocean he can't imagine how Martin feels.
Jon rubs his brow as he looks over to Martin, who is carrying about six full bags of trash without breaking a sweat. It was impressive and kind of depressing that there's that much trash. "Martin, we can stop and drop those off, we have a ways to go."
"Why?" Martin tilted his head in a way that Jon thought was adorable.
"Isn't it heavy?" Jon sighs he only had two half full bags since Martin keeps taking the full ones away from him.
"No, not really. Are you alright? Do you need more sunscreen? We are nearly done with our side." Martin puts the bags down and takes out a bottle of sunblock.
"I'm dark skinned Martin I don't need that much." Jon, let's out a noise of surprise since Martin already started to put on a fresh layer.
"Dark skin still burns." Martin is quick but thurough. "It's better to be safe."
Jon blushes a deep red. "I uh right, of course. Let us continue. We're almost done."
Sasha and Tim waved from the start of the stands. "Took you guys long enough!" Sasha laughs.
Jon frowns. "Martin insisted I drink some water and put on another layer of sunscreen. However, we did collect the most trash."
Martin nods. "Yes! We found a big pile someone buried under the sand. Also your health is important."
Tim looked between them, and something clicked. The green eyed beast was dead, and Martin was treating Jon like a pod member who couldn't care for themselves. He did this before with Danny when he was really into extreme sports. He felt the tension drain from his shoulders. "How about some weird American food? Heard double boss man got some cool stuff like pickled lemonade, and fried oreos."
"Good lord, that sounds like a heart attack." Jon scoffs.
"I would like to try that. Sounds like a perfect hangover cure." Sasha chuckles.
Martin somehow ended up on a cliffside. He loved watching the waves from this high up, Tim was behind him talking to Jon's ex, um Georgie was her name. It was very nice and he really wanted to jump.
"Pretty view." A old man was next to him. His white hair was wind swept back. "You can get lost in just how vast it is."
Martin nodded, not realizing he was moving forward until he was tumbling over the edge. Well, he wanted to do this anyway.
Tim did a double take before he started to run. "MARTIN!" He went over the edge as well, and he could swear he heard an old man laughing.
Georgie and Sasha ran to the edge. They saw Tim hanging on grabbing Martin on a ledge.
"Holy shit are you two ok?" Sasha stared down at them wide-eyed.
Tim huffs. "I know you're making that face. I'm not dropping you." He did not hear Sasha, but she can hear the two men.
"But Tim, the ocean! Pleaseeeee I wanna go with you." Martin huffs.
"No, Martin, you're going to out us!" Tim groans his grip was strong but not enough for their combined weight. "Grab onto a ledge! Use your damn claws."
"I will bite you." Martin holds his hand out and then slams it into the side of the cliff and lets go of Tim. "You owe me!"
"We can go swimming when it won't out us." Tim rolls his eyes and adjusts his grip with both hands. "Now focus, we need a way back up."
"I'm not helping you." Martin sticks his tongue out and climbs the clifside like he was a lizard and stops above Tim. "You're also banned until I see fit from taking my clothes."
"Seriously? We're literally hanging from a cliff." Tim huffs.
"You are. I am climbing." Martin kicks off his shoes then his socks. "Last chance."
Tim looks up at the two women staring at them, and of course, they see Martin sink his claws into stone. "Fine. Not because I want to, but because Sasha and Georgie already saw you sink your hands into the cliffside." He lets go of the cliffside and falls with his arms crossed.
Martin follows in a diving position.
Sasha and Georgie screamed.
"Now, Sasha, let's not be hasty." Elias hums, walking by the bottom of the cliffside. "You also said Martin pushed his hands into the cliffside."
"I'm sorry, Sasha, but he's right." Georgie frowns. "I believe in the weird, but that's like impossible, and to fall at that height."
"Well, I hope the supernatural exists." Jon mumbles. "They could survive the fall right?"
"Not likely, water becomes -" Elias is cut off by laughter.
"Martin! Bloody hell!" Tim said through laughter.
Martin was carrying Tim. They were walking out of the waves. "Oh, I love cliff diving. We should do that again!"
The four people stared at the two with jaws open.
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tennessoui · 4 months
may ko-fi: mer au part 3!!
ok so technically it is june now and officially no longer mermay but a girl was busy last night and watched challengers instead of writing mermaid sex and she's very sorry (disclaimer: there is no actual mermaid sex in this final part)
but i'm only a day late and i consider it a solid win!! the last part of the mer au fic has finally been posted on my ko-fi for monthly supporters to read and it puts the whole mer au at a completely unintentional 19k (that's not a special number i just thought the original fic would be like. 6k. so. whoops.)
here's a little snippet!:
“Yes,” Obi-Wan agrees. “For mers, usually when they’re courting, they—well. I suppose you know how mers court their intendeds.” Anakin blinks. “How would I know that?” Obi-Wan can feel his lips thin out for a moment, his eyes tighten. “You were the queen’s intended,” he reminds him carefully. “She must have courted you in the only way she knew how.” “Oh! Oh,” Anakin says. “Yeah, alright. She brought me things, yeah. Pearls and jewels and, uh. Fish at one point. So I gave her, like. A fork?” Obi-Wan closes his eyes for a moment and lets out a long breath through his nose. “She really liked the fork,” Anakin adds, defensive. “I’m sure,” Obi-Wan says, and the truth is he thinks she probably did love the human object. The queen has always been fascinated by the human world. Perhaps if she were born as any other mer, she would have tried, as Obi-Wan had tried, to live among them. Anakin looks over him critically. “You don’t have a fish, right?” he asks, sounding hesitant. “Only it was all bloody, and I’m not really…hungry. Right now.” “No, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says.
as a quick reminder to how these ko-fi fics work, every month i post at least one new ficlet (from 4k to apparently 19k) to ko-fi in the gallery section - each gallery post contains a link to a google doc in its image description, and you have to be a monthly supporter to access those image descriptions! there are quite a few at this point if you're interested but this is absolutely not at all something i expect or demand or any other hard action verbs from anyone who likes my writing (but im so so grateful and thankful for anyone who does ofc)!! im still posting fics on ao3 and on tumblr. it's just new and different fics up on ko-fi! they're all a bit silly, like superhero anakin x journalist (maybe villain?) obi-wan, jedi werewolf obi-wan and jedi anakin, divorce lawyer obi-wan x serial-groom anakin, etc etc
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rearranged-fanfic · 4 months
(Update 6/3)
Sit down a spell, weary traveler. Come and sit by my fire; bask in the warmth of the flame and rest your aching scrolling finger. You'll be sitting a while, for I have a tale to tell:
Okay, so I've had a Toshiba laptop for the better part of ten years. Maybe a little longer. That laptop has survived being struck by lightning, submerged in a bathtub, and literally having a whole bookcase topple down onto it. I thought it was immortal...
I was sadly mistaken.
About six months ago, I noticed that the typing was getting sluggish. I'd patter away at the keyboard and the letters would appear with a bit of lag. That's fine, since I use Dragon to talk-to-text for quite a bit of my writing. I really only use the keyboard for final assembly, editing, and doing quick rewrites. So, it really didn't bother me. Fastforward to April, which we will call The Great Depression. The time discrepancy between typing and having letters appear on screen became a whopping 40 seconds. Yes, I timed it.
But that was okay, because I could still use my Dragon headset.
Until I couldn't.
It would connect, but the words wouldn't appear on screen. I made sure that all of my programs were up-to-date, and that everything was working. The headset connected to my family's computers just fine. So that meant it was something wrong with mine.
Without being sure if it was the hardware or software at fault, I backed everything up to OneDrive and Google Docs.
I factory reset.
Twice. To no avail.
Over the next few days, my laptop stopped registering any keyboard input at all. It got to a point where I wasn't able to turn it on or off.
Taking it to an electronics store to get repaired didn't help, either. No luck. They said that it would be more cost effective to just buckle down and get a new one, since the age of the laptop meant that I would probably be constantly maintaining it.
My poor Toshiba died kicking and screaming, putting up a fight worthy of an epic ballad.
I saved up for a few weeks, got a new laptop, and went through the rigmarole of getting all of my programs back on it. My files are in order. My life is in shambles (but that's normal, LOL).
I DID do some story work without my computer, but... it's bad. Like, I'd die in shame if I posted anything that I thumbed in. So. Many. Spelling. Errors. How people write on their phone is beyond me. That's a talent I simply don't possess.
At this point, I'm thinking of renaming this story "HIATUS" lol. JK. But I'm seriously peeved that this happened after my last big break. Why couldn't the Depression and laptop breakdown coincide nicely? I guess that's too much to ask of the universe *Shakes fist at the sky*.
I'm creating a damn bingo card for every stupid thing that happens to me while I try to write. Because this is getting ridiculous. I broke my fingers, there was a total solar eclipse, I had a major-ish mental breakdown, and my computer bit the big one. With a free space, that's a bingo. Let's hope I don't get a blackout before the end of 2024.
I doubted the fanfiction curse. I really did. But it's apparently real. And this writer's curse has teeth, people. It bites hard.
I have my MerMay two-shot pretty well done (because I was typing it during The Great Depression), but the next chapter for REARRANGED is still rough. Crimson Chapter 3 is halfway done, but who knows how long that'll take.
The bottom line is that I'm alive and still working on the stories. The next update on this blog will be the posting of several chapters for a few different works. Fingers crossed.
Also, I'm very, very slowly answering the comments in my AO3 inbox. Some of them were pretty lengthy, so it might take a bit. Oof.
If there ever comes a time that I drop this fanfiction or am unable to continue for whatever reason, either I or my husband will be posting the entirety of my outline, as well as anything that's been pre-written for you guys to enjoy. That way there are no questions left unanswered or mysteries unsolved.
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panic-flavored · 1 year
Mermay-Stobotinik ask!!
An agent or basically just another human starts getting handsy with a uncomfortable Robotinik. Then Stone dives out of tank and eats the other human before promptly marking Robotinik as his.
“You can't keep disemboweling every agent who gets a little too close to me, Stone!”
The badniks have already dealt with the body - or what was left of it - and Robotnik is pacing in front of Stone’s tank, rubbing a knuckle against his chin, torn between either delivering a furious reprimand or thanking Stone for disposing of a man who was entirely too touchy-feely with him to be considered work appropriate. Stone sits on the platform attached to his tank - Robotnik originally constructed it to make it easier to perform exams on Stone, but lately Stone enjoys using it just to get closer to the Doctor - watching Robotnik with an expression that can only be described as distracted. On edge, perhaps. His pelvic fins are still frilled in agitation. Robotnik has seen him like this before, usually after a kill, but today something seems different. 
“This is the third ‘misunderstanding’ in the last month, I'm starting to run out of excuses to tell the Commander! I don't enjoy having to occasionally work with humans either, but you're going to have to learn how to control yourself around them. Do you understand?”
Stone frowns. His fins have lost their threatening red stripes and have eased into the friendlier golden glowing spots, something he only displays for Robotnik. Stone repositions himself so he can use his hands to sign. 
He touched you.
“Yes, I know, I was there,” Robotnik groans. He can still feel the unwelcome hand on his hip, and can still hear the uncomfortably flirtatious tone in the agent’s voice. Why someone would ever attempt such a thing is completely beyond him. Robotnik is famously a horrible person to be around - a fact he’s very proud of, thank you - and should, by all accounts, scare everyone off without even trying. This was the persona he’d cultivated for himself, after all. The agent must have been after something, he thinks. There’s no other explanation. “I didn’t enjoy it, but I’m quite capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need you to rip out the throat of every human who looks at me funny. I’ll let you know when and if your service is required.”
Stone stares at him unblinkingly. He signs again. 
No one can touch you but me.
Any sane, rational person would take a step back after hearing something like that from a merman who has just pulled the intestines out of a man with his teeth, but Robotnik is neither sane nor rational. He takes a step forward.  “Oh ho, what’s this? A bold claim, if I do say so. I don’t remember ever agreeing to this.”
You don’t seem to mind when I touch you.
Robotnik’s eyes narrow. “Well, you’re different, I suppose. I’m researching you, sometimes physical contact is necessary.”
Stone’s eyes dilate sharply. That isn’t– He makes an irritated click from the back of his throat. It’s different.
“Enlighten me, then,” Robotnik challenges, taking another step closer to the merman. At this distance, he can see how wild Stone’s eyes look and how abnormally labored his breathing has become. Robotnik frowns. “...Stone? Perhaps you’d better get back in the water, you–”
A low growl rumbles in Stone’s throat, and before Robotnik can react he’s being tackled to the floor by a merman. Robotnik sputters a surprised curse, his fall softened by Stone’s arms around his head and shoulders to cushion the impact. Robotnik always knew getting killed by either his machines or his research subjects was a possibility - about .09%, actually - but it was unexpected, all the same. When a few seconds pass without the feeling of sharp teeth tearing into his flesh, however, Robotnik chances glancing up at his attacker. 
Stone leans over him, his chest heaving with harsh breaths, lips parted to reveal the barest hint of those terrifying teeth. His eyes are wide and wild, but again, something seems off. He doesn’t look hungry, he looks desperate. Emotional, perhaps. With his hands planted on either side of Robotnik’s head, he can’t sign what he’s thinking, but Robotnik isn’t certain he’s able to communicate anything in this state, anyway. 
Robotnik is wearing his control gloves. He can easily signal the badniks to end Stone’s life right here and now, but he doesn’t. Instead, he raises a hand to gently, experiementally touch the side of Stone’s face, fingertips trailing over Stone’s trembling jaw. 
“I think I understand,” Robotnik says softly. Stone’s eyes are dilating wildly, locked onto him with a longing that doesn’t need to be signed to be perfectly understood. “Alright, then. You’ve been a good boy all this time, haven’t you? You’ve done everything I’ve asked, and you’ve protected me as well as any of my machines. Whatever you need to do, go ahead.” 
Something flickers behind Stone’s eyes, something Robotnik has never seen there before. Stone leans down, opening his mouth wide and setting the tips of his teeth against the juncture between Robotnik’s neck and collarbone. Robotnik sucks in a breath just as those teeth sink into him, piercing through the thick material of his shirt like it’s nothing more than tissue paper. 
Robotnik hisses in pain, unable to stop himself from bringing his hands up to grab hold of Stone’s shoulders, not to pry him off, just for something to hold onto. He can feel his pulse throbbing frantically under Stone’s mouth, deafening in his own ears. Stone’s jaws are locked onto his shoulder like a vice but thankfully he doesn’t continue to bite down. He holds his position, his mouth impossibly hot against Robotnik’s newly punctured flesh. As Stone’s grip grows stronger his powerful tail moves to coil around Robotnik’s legs like a snake strangling its prey, holding the Doctor firmly in place.
Robotnik has never felt so helpless in all his life. He’s in pain, he’s immobilized, and he’s completely at Stone’s mercy. At any moment Stone could decide to rip his throat out and end it all, but inexplicably, Robotnik knows he won’t. He can’t explain how he knows, but if he had to try, he would say he just has a feeling. Robotnik is not a man of feeling, not usually, but it’s almost as though Stone’s intention is infectious, spreading to Robotnik’s conscious mind like a virus. Stone makes him feel safe. It’s bizarre to claim he feels safe with an apex predator digging his teeth into him, but there’s no other way to describe how he feels at present. 
If Robotnik is being honest with himself, he knows exactly what Stone is doing. He’s known for some time, ever since he sussed out the reason behind the luminescent spots appearing on Stone’s fins, or noticed how extremely overprotective Stone was over his wellbeing. Stone wants Robotnik to be his mate. And although it defies all logic and reason, Robotnik isn’t against the idea. 
It’s too late for regrets, even if he had them. The moment he’d given Stone consent to mark him he’d sealed the deal. Although it's a foreign concept to him, Robotnik relents, relaxing his body into Stone’s hold. Stone utters a soft, pleased growl, his tail curling around Robotnik all the more snugly.
“Good lord,” Robotnik mumbles, standing shirtless in front of one of his monitors, using his badnik’s camera to view his wounds. An almost perfectly symmetrical circle of teeth marks covers his neck and collarbone, still bleeding. He dabs the emerging blood with a cloth. “You’re lucky I like turtlenecks, Stone, because I’m going to be wearing one for the rest of my life to cover these up. I hope you’re happy.” Behind him, Stone ceases his contented, languid circles in his tank to come to the surface with a big, dopey grin on his face. His mood has done a complete one-eighty since being allowed to bite the Doctor, and Robotnik doesn’t know exactly how that makes him feel.
Don’t cover them when it’s just the two of us. I want to see them.
Robotnik scoffs, though he can’t ignore the way his face heats up. “Don’t think that just because I gave you a little bit of freedom you get to order me around,” he growls. “Now that you’ve gotten what you wanted, does this mean you’ll stop ripping agents to pieces if they stand less than five feet away from me?”
It depends on how close they get.
“Stone!” Robotnik squeezes the bridge of his nose, exhaling a frustrated sigh. “I suppose you don’t want me to treat the wound either, despite how many diseases you just probably gave me.”
Stone leans on the edge of the tank. Come over here. Robotnik shoots him a suspicious glare. Please?
Robotnik rolls his eyes, stomping back over to the tank. Stone reaches out carefully, guiding Robotnik closer, and he pushes himself out of the tank just enough to brush his lips over the puncture wounds. For a moment Robotnik wonders if Stone is going to bite him again - maybe once wasn’t enough - but instead, Stone’s long, narrow tongue laps gently against his wounds, sending a chill flying up Robotnik’s spine.
“Wha– What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Despite his protests, Robotnik barely moves, allowing Stone to continue his ministrations. A musical trill sounds from Stone’s throat as his hands answer Robotnik’s inquiry. 
Helping you feel better. 
As difficult as it was to admit, it was working. The stinging pain was beginning to fade away, replaced with a pleasant, tingling warmth that spreads into his neck and down into his shoulder. 
“F-fascinating. Remind me to take another sample of your saliva later,” Robotnik says, biting his lower lip to prevent an unbecoming moan from spilling out. When Stone is satisfied with his work, he leans his arms on the edge of the tank, that grin still infuriatingly plastered onto his face. The spots on his fins are glowing so brightly Robotnik worries he’ll burn himself out. 
Feel better? Stone signs. 
Robotnik clears his throat, the heat in his face growing stronger. “The pain is irrelevant, it’s the scarring I’m worried about.”
Stone rests his chin in his palm, his eyes trailing from Robotnik’s face to the red-pink mark on his neck. Don’t be worried. My marks look beautiful on you.
Robotnik reaches out to grab Stone’s hands, desperate to make him stop talking. His words are doing something to Robotnik’s chest that he can’t explain, and for once, he’s in no hurry to figure it out.
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epickiya722 · 25 days
hey kiya :D whats your personal favourite fanfic/ og work youve ever written? i wanted to read something of yours but youve written so many i wasnt quite sure which to pick 😆
Ah, that's like... the majority of things I have written... by majority I mean, like all...
Okay, for OG works is definitely Shadows of Deckard and Jayce & River.
J & R actually has a horror sidestory I wrote for Halloween that I like, too.
Also, I have a MerMay series that currently have 4 stories that I like a lot.
For fanfics... okay, honestly every BurnBunny and Miruko-centric fic (working on a new one that I love already) I wrote. And yes, Beware of the Bunnies is also one of those fics.
There's also my Class Antics fics I wrote that I like!
There's also Emerald Kisses I Crave For that I really like. I still can't believe that got as much attention as it did.
I don't know if you're into JJK, but I just wanted to give some honorable mentions, too.
Of course, the Star's Rebirth AU that I'm currently indulged in.
Threw a Dragon at Him is an underrated fic I still think is funny.
The Craving That Paints Your Lips Red is also one of those underrated stories I like very much.
You Are My Special is another! Still surprises me that I got a lot of attention on that.
Okay, one more fic and that's Maybe Someday We'll Meet Again. Needed to write a Geto meets Yuji for the first time fic.
Note: Some of these are locked, but once in a while I do go and unlock them. (People who use AI for fics are a disgrace.)
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redandblackpoetry · 4 months
ur writing is top-tier so no worries there, and it's very writer of u to say u like to break characters and put them back together. fic writers are a different breed istg LMAO
eldritch monsters and their workings being left vague is actually v interesting to me bc what ppl don't know, they fear, so it's actually a good way to write horror stuff i feel like. however the good lil student in me who has taken kind of detailed biology lessons several years ago says that i am very much grateful for and on board with u giving them a nerf in the sense of needing nutrition bc FUCK IT i tried to explain and continue this sentence but after failing to get out what i wanted to say and deleting my words like 4 times, i've come to the conclusion that i'm too lazy to get into its details but. yeah it makes sense. anyway it's insane to read that cthulhu is ghost's nephew from a neutral point of view, i hope u know. i wanna learn more abt this where is my time machine i need to go to a point of time in which this fic is finished and all my questions are answered so that i can come back and bug u abt how much i loved reading it
also this fic made me google lovecraft a bit and. is it just me or does he look a bit like samuel roukin. am i crazy???? simon riley is canonically h. p. lovecraft confirmed????
for the remembering details stuff, idk abt other readers but i am abysmal at it. which is why i actually forgot u've mentioned roach before, i caught that detail at the time but i wait one day and my brain bluescreens so i was like will roach be here? that's why i reread ur entire fic from the start when there's an update so i don't miss anything. anyway 6-story-tall-but-somehow-still-smol!ghost is like actually one of my favorite things now bc considering what he is and how simon's body is like BUILT is hilarious to me. imagining him pulling the 'but i'm tiny' card on some situation and the rest of the 141 going 'the fuck did u say bitch???' is just amazing. also gaz going 'yes u are' and metaphorically squishing his cheeks would be insanely brilliant, so.
oh and simon and ghost are murder bfs btw. that's their duo name. u can thank me for it later. bUT HOLD THE FUCK UP TF DO U MEAN UR CONSIDERING WRITING THE ONE THING I TOLD U I WAS SCARED OF SEEING??? PLS NO (do it it'd be so funny) (by funny i mean i'd have a breakdown and start sobbing uncontrollably) (do it anyway, i wanna see the world burn)
monsterfucker simon is. i approve. i am physically grinning after reading that paragraph, i hope u know. he's like 'fucking monsters up since 2009' *sees ghost* 'my bad, let me correct myself: fucking monsters since 2009' anyway i am very pleased to have gotten u thinking abt naughty soap/ghost/simon bc. i am like !!!! at the idea of reading ur take on that dynamic v much!!!!!!!! pls soap would be so over his head i am. i'm Interested. (making that my motto these days thanks to u)
mermay roach!!!!!! he's!!!! baby!!!!! he deserves the spotlight!!!!!! yes pls!!!!!!!!! my inbox is open and also i am ready to spare my leftover one and a half neurons for this as it is a worthy cause, tyvm
but yeah venom is my hidden obsession. and now that u've mentioned it yeah that plot is v close to it and. i'm. i'll sob. i'll actually sob wait please venom au goes so hard with ur ghost????? i'll cry i can't believe this fic doesn't exist in this very second, i'll sit down and have a temper tantrum like a 5yo right this second bc all these ideas we've talked abt so far aren't existing in like a 100k+ fic form that i can read to sleep tonight bc that's a travesty, how dare the world inconvenience me like this?????
the length of these asks are making me feel like a poor, stranded wife in the 1900s sending letters to her soldier husband who is off to fight in a war btw. come back home mutual, i miss u <3
Fic writers truly are a different breed, its honestly fascinating how popular hurt/comfort fics are, tho I do understand it
I am constantly at war with myself over how much do I explain versus how much do I leave up to the mystery/horror of it. I'm glad you enjoyed my giving them nutrition! Would you believe I'm kinda terrible with biology and several of the squishy sciences? Because I absolutely am, history and literary analysis was always my stronger suits. And yeah its bonkers to say shit like Cthulhu is Ghost's nephew without any context, you're gonna love the next chapter because family tree shits gonna get crazy
If you invent a time machine can you let me know so I can also read my own fic and take notes?
And I did not realize they looked so similar before! Huh!
And you reread my fic when there's a new chapter??? Can you hear by brain bluescreen?
1,000% thats how it would go, Gaz would be like 'absolutely a tiny and adorable (giant) Ghost', Soap would be somewhere between turned on by the size different and baffled swearing about how hes a big motherfucker, Price would be like 'if Ghost is the small one how big are his kind usually?'
Hell yeah murder boyfriends! (And you're in luck because I sometimes like burning the world)
I'm glad you approve of monsterfucker simon lol, glad I made you smile! Soap would definitely be in over his head, but he would definitely enjoy every minute of it, I think he would like being ruined in the best way possible (and I will accept that motto of yours gladly)
Darling, sweet roach! My problem is I love developing characters and worlds but plot, I suck at making a plot. I might consult your askbox in the future for wisdom
I am also upset that these ideas arent 100k fics and given time I'll roll up my sleeves and say if no one else will I'll do it myself, god I love the idea of a venom au
I will gladly accept your letters while I'm off in the War (different time zone), love hearing from you as always. I await your next letter, beloved mutual as I fight in the trenches of poly 141 ideas
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primo-plaxum · 7 years
I was tagged by @nyma-in-shadies to put my playlist on shuffle and put down the first ten songs, then tag ten people. I created a playlist of 50+ songs that combines all of my playlists. I wasted so much time. 1. Rather Be - Clean Bandit 2. Believer - Imagine Dragons 3. Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit 4. Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna 5. Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood 6. The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! at the Disco 7. Build God, Then We'll Talk - Panic! at the Disco 8. Colors - Halsey 9. Bulletproof - La Roux 10. Soy Yo - Bomba Estéreo I'll just tag anyone who follows me that wants to do this
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quasar-concept · 2 years
A Lot of Sand
MerAU written for the TAG MiniBang 2022 (@tagminibang2022 )
My recipient is @soniabigcheese, and I was really inspired by this gorgeous art she did during MerMay, and had to write something for it! 
While it is, obviously, no longer MerMay, I decided to ignore that this wouldn't be posted in May and instead embrace my roots as a kid who used to exclusively play "mermaids" both in and out of the water haha 
Despite some recent difficulties I hope you enjoy because I had a lot of fun writing this! 
Feel free to enjoy under the cut or on Ao3!
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PS I'm terribly sorry I've posted this so late, it's been an unexpectedly hectic few months
Going to the beach was probably a bad idea.
Gordon knew that Scott would be livid if he knew—it was out of love, Scott’s overprotectiveness, but Gordon thought it would do Scott some good  to loosen up from time to time. 
 On this particular occasion, Gordon had to give it to Scott. Hanging upside down on a trawler, his golden-scaled tail trussed up above him and quickly drying out, Gordon thought that, just maybe, Going to the beach was a bad idea.
Gordon, along with his four brothers and adopted sister Kayo, were typically the defenders of the ocean—or rather, they protected other merfolk from the ocean, and other incredibly stupid merfolk. On occasion there was trouble with the landfolk, but for the most part they were dealt with by one Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, an highly influential land dweller, and longtime family friend of the Tracy’s. 
There was a—very brief—time where Gordon had thought that Scott with his electric blue eyes and shiny shark-grey scales had a Thing going on with Penelope. This was, of course, before he realised how close John and Penelope were far closer that she and Scott, and had a brief heartbreak over that (also entirely nonexistent) relationship. 
Gordon was, admittedly, not paying attention to what the fishermen below were going on about. Probably looking to sell his tail or scales as some faux cure for some human illness. It wasn’t really important, though he was working on a time limit—his tail had already gone through enough trauma that drying it out was undoubtedly going to make swimming near-impossible. 
Though he would generally consider his brothers his best method of escape, there wasn’t a way to contact them now that he’d been hanging out of the water so long. Besides, he wasn’t particularly keen on getting any of them close to this trawler, especially not Alan.
Gordon... well, he had nothing. No ideas, no plan, and most certainly no backup. Penelope was easily his best shot at escape, but unless the fishermen were dumb enough to sail past the lighthouse, Gordon had no way of getting her attention either, since they seemed too dumb to sail the trawler anywhere (never mind that they caught him, he wasn't paying attention okay?) 
Waiting around for something to happen wouldn't get him anywhere. Gordon clenched his jaw and curled upwards towards where his tail was trapped and found (of course) that he didn't have enough momentum. With a quick glance below to make sure the fishers weren't paying attention to him, Gordon swung himself back and forth, and he missed his tail again, but now he was moving. He tried again and— yes! Though his tail was twinging in protest at the awkward angle, Gordon couldn't stop the grin that broke out on his face, his grip on the chains solid. He couldn't exactly break solid metal but maybe he could get enough of a gap to wiggle his tail free.
Even among merfolk, Gordon was a frightfully good swimmer, fast and deceptively powerful, which came in particularly handy during their rescues. Sure, he had lost a lot of his stamina after his accident, so he couldn't go particularly far on his own, but he was still quite easily one of the best swimmers anyone knew. 
Gordon tried to wedge his hand between the metal and his drying tail. The trawler shuddered, and he lost his grip, cursing quietly. An angry whir and the cackling of laughter drew his attention to the small group of fishers standing below him, the clank of chains as he was lowered—slowly but with little care, the chain jerking and twisting and stuttering all the way. 
"You we're quite the surprise, goldilocks." A woman with blonde hair stood over him, tail still hung mostly taut, his head rested against the foul-smelling deck, her face adorned with an ugly and self-satisfied smirk. "Didn't think we'd be bringing in an adult mer today, too."
Too? Who else had these barbarians captured? And it sounded to Gordon like they'd taken a child. He let the anger curl in his chest, and crushed it under a sunny smile. 
"Didn't think I'd be getting such a lovely tan, but you did such a wonderful job of making sure I didn't miss any spots!"
Someone laughed, but one glare from the lady in front of him and it stopped. 
"You try anything funny," she said. "And I'll make sure to rip your scales off one by one."
Unfortunately for her, Gordon thought, just that little bit of slack in the chain had given him the wiggle room he had needed before.
Gordon jerked his tail down, and with a thunderous shriek the chains fell to the deck.
Ignoring the bruises and cuts on his tail, Gordon launched at the woman and knocked her to the ground. Before any of the others could move out of their stunned stillness, Gordon pulled himself up the side of the boat.
"Well, I'll see you fellas later!" He said, and dropped into the cold ocean. 
The water on his skin, sliding over his scales, was bliss. He hummed to himself and let the calm seep into him. A moment of calm to connect back to himself before rescuing anyone else would do both him and the victim good.
Now that he was back in the water, Gordon could easily contact his brothers. In a way not unlike echolocation but also entirely different, they could communicate through the water with each other long-distances. 
"John, Thunderbird 5, come in." Gordon said, eye tracking the trawler's outline above.
"Gordon? Where have you been?"
"At the beach, but we have a situation."
Immediately, John's voice went smooth and controlled—unshakeable professionalism. "FAB, give me a sitrep."
"There is a child trapped on a trawler, but I don't know where exactly. I think the fishers intend to sell their tail as... something."
A beat. John sighed. "Gordon, this sounds like something for the GDF to handle, not an emergency.
Gordon pouted. "Then send Kayo and let Lady Penelope know so she can send the GDF to stop these guys!"
"I'm getting the kid off whether you think it's an emergency or not, so either send me some backup or don't but make sure Lady Penelope gets a message so she can put an end to this crew."
"FAB Gordon, I'll send Kayo to your location now, and alert Lady Penelope of the situation."
"Thanks John." Gordon grinned.
"Be careful."
"FAB Thunderbird 5, see you later."
Right. Now. First things first, Gordon needed to find out where exactly this kid was being held captive which, he thought, might prove a challenge. Staying clear of not only the whirring propellers of the engine but the nets they had cast over the sides would make casing the vessel harder, but Gordon was confident he could still get a good scan of the boat from a distance.
Gordon circled the boat, letting his breath bubble from his nose as he scanned. There weren't any people in the lower bowels of the trawler, just chains and crates full of ice and fish. No merfolk children, either. He'd need to get closer, once Kayo arrived.
"Gordon!" Kayo's voice floated up from the deep. Her tail rippled in the water, the iridescent red of her black scales shining, red dorsals dark in the blue of the water. 
"Good to see you, Kayo." Gordon smiled.
"I'm sure," she said. "You find the kid yet?"
Gordon shook his head. "I need to get closer, but they've got nets and harpoons hanging around."
"I'll distract them, you get closer for a scan and send me the details to give to Lady Penelope."
"FAB, Kayo," Gordon said. "Try not to get caught."
They sped in different directions, Kayo easily out-manoeuvring the screech of harpoons hitting the water, nets a non-issue for her speed and agility. Gordon swam straight up underneath the trawler. He ran his fingers across the mottled underbelly of the craft, and sent out a wave to scan the ship again.
There, in the front of the ship, below the helm. The shaking form of a child tied up in harsh ropes and whatever else. Gordon hoped their tail was still mostly undamaged but couldn't be sure. He had to get in there, somehow.
He surfaced near the front of the trawler. "Kayo, got the trawler's name," he said. "Tell Lady P that the Havoc Haven means trouble." Not a particularly subtle name, but Gordon had to admit it was, at least, catchy.
"FAB Gordon."
"I'm boarding now, just a few more minutes." Gordon hauled himself out of the water, Kayo's response cut off the moment his body was out of the water. Moving out of the water was always tricky, and Gordon's ability to shift to human legs was largely gone now, but he had tools to get both himself and the kid out of the ship without having to climb back up the stairs he was going to have to crawl down.
All the fishermen were conveniently preoccupied with Kayo at the stern, but Gordon was careful as he edged his way towards the hatch to the hold. The lady he'd smacked earlier was nowhere to be found, and he hoped she was somewhere out-cold because he wasn't sure he could fight her off and get the kid free at the same time.
Gordon made his way down the stairs, tail awkward in the cramped space. Right where he was expecting, there was the kid, shaking and green tail clearly dried out and starting to flake.
"Hey there, I'm Gordon with International Rescue," he said. "I'm gonna get you out of here." The kid sniffled. "Can you tell me your name?" Gordon moved closer to start cutting off the chorded ropes, careful of the hooks the were protruding into the kid's scales and skin, net tangled around their forked caudal tail.
"My name is Aara," they said. "It hurts."
"You're doing really well, Aara, you've been so brave and I promise it'll stop hurting soon, alright?" Gordon smiled at them.
They nodded.
"How'd you end up with this lot? They kind of suck." Gordon kept working gently but swiftly, pulling out hooks and untangling unforgiving lines of rope.
"I went to the beach." They said. "My older brother told me not to but... I didn't listen."
Gordon laughed. "I didn't listen to my big brother either." He smiled at Aara. "They're annoying but sometimes they might have a point."
Aara laughed wetly. "Not often."
"No," Gordon said lightly. "There we go, good job! That's all of them. We're getting out of here." Using a tool from his belt, Gordon melted a hole in the side of the ship. They were still above water level, so there was a drop beneath them, but the oceans below were clear of any nets or propellors.
"Aara, I'm gonna need you to hold onto me while we get back into the water, alrighty?"
They nodded, and wrapped their arms around Gordon's shoulders. "Alright, here we go!"
They hit the water, and Gordon heard Aara gasp behind him as the water seeped into their dry scales. They'd need to go to hospital, but they seemed otherwise uninjured. Gordon swam them deeper into the ocean, out of reach of the trawler. "Kayo, we're clear!"
"FAB Gordon, I'm breaking off and heading to brief Lady Penelope at the lighthouse."
Gordon's heart stuttered with disappointment that he wouldn't be going to see Lady Penelope, but he shook it off. Aara was more important than his pining (and he had plenty of time for it later.)
"FAB. Thanks for the help, Kayo, I'll see you at home. Gordon out."
To Aara, Gordon turned, smile on his face. "I'm going to swim you out to the hospital near the southernmost lighthouse to get you checked over and have your tail rehydrated. You'll be able to contact your family from there, and you'll be good as new!"
Aara smiled back at him, dark eyes glimmering with relief. "Thank you so much."
Gordon shrugged. "Nah, of course! Couldn't let those gross fishers take off with you, you're far too cool."
Aara laughed.
"Well, we'd better get going, if you're ready?"
Aara nodded. "Sure am, let's get going."
Gordon figured that Scott wouldn't be too mad if he made a new friend at the beach, so long as he left out the part about being held captive.
(Gordon was grounded, and didn't find it nearly as amusing as John and Kayo.)
The End! Thank you so much for reading <3
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Hi! Sorry if I bother you, but lately I have this idea for a little mermaid Yax and I was hoping to share it with someone (you dont have to write it, of course, I only want to share this idea and since you are one of my favorite animaniacs writters I thought it will be cool if I share it here, is kinda long one, so I divided it and you decides if you want to post it or not) (1)
“mytimetoread” also submitted:
Since we are in mermay I saw some really cool fanarts of the Warner siblings, and a few with implicated Yax…. But this is the thing: I really can't imagine Yakko being like Ariel you know? I mean, he loves his siblings and talking is his mechanism of defense, I really dont see him giving his voice in order to left his home for a new found crush. (2)
And this is when the idea bubbles to me: what if his transformation was without consent? What if someone stolen his voice and the transformation was a secondary effect of that? (3)
 Before I get more into this I want to clarify that I'm still not sure who will play the role of Ursula here… or if there will be an Ursula at all; the one who steal the voice of Yakko could be someone who isn't a mer-people (for a moment I thought in King Salazar, but I dont throw away the idea of using a Disney character here) (4)
Anyway, mer-people shouldn't be seen by surface people… but of course, the Warner siblings doesnt like to follow rules and sometimes makes little pranks to sailors and travel people (nothing too bad, they are just curious but they doesn't want to be caught either), but one night they saw a wrecking ship for a storm and decides to help the people gets safe. Is here when Yakko saw Max and (of course) fall in love with him. (5)
The thing here is that Yakko knows that this is a one-sided love since he cant reveal himself to Max, and also he discovers later that Max have a girlfriend (Roxanne), but he keeps watch him in the distance sometimes. What Yakko DOESNT know is that Max did remember being saved by a misteryous toon and he keeps thinking about it, convinced that wasnt a dream or allucination. (6)
Years passed (yes, you read right, YEARS) and is like any other normal day for the Warner siblings when a misterious shadow pass in the surface where they are and before they understand what is happening Yakko starts his transformation right there! (Wakko: holy Spielberg what is happening??? Dot: you think I know??? Wakko: he is drowning!) (7)
So Wakko and Dot had to act quick and save Yakko before he drown (what is incredibly confusing indeed) and they take him to the surface. When they are in the beach is when they notice that Yakko can't speak either and that is a nightmare for the poor guy who doesn't understand how that happen, and every time he tries to speak feels an horribly pain in his throat. (8)
Wakko and Dot tried their best to calm him down and decides that they need to found Scratchansniff and Nurse (yes, they are mer-people too here), to see if they could know how to help Yakko. But before they could do that they sense some people are comming and they had to hide and before Yakko could do that too (he is still learning how this legs things works) he is found by… the little princes Huey, Dewey and Louie. (9)
I saw the idea of Janetbrown711 where Mickey, Donald and Goofy are co-rulers of the kingdom and I LOVE this idea, so I decided to incorporate that here, so that makes the triplets and Max the princes of the land, wich, btw I'm very tempted to call it Fantasia or just Disney, but I think I like more the first one (10)
Hi! 💕
I like the idea! You can never go wrong with Mermay/Little Mermaid AUs (and of course I’m a massive sucker for Yax 😏) And I know what you mean, Yakko giving up his voice and leaving his siblings doesn’t feel right
Huey, Dewey and Louie finding Yakko is adorable, plus they’re a chaotic little trio as well! It really works 💕
Plus, Wakko and Dot singing Kiss The Girl? Anyone having a Poor Unfortunate Souls moment? Iconic 
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faithfulcat111 · 3 years
B M and O for fanfic ask 😊
B: Any of your stories based on personal experience?
Yes, my old college AU I wrote when I was back in the Sanders Sides Fandom was based on me and my roommates. I think they were usually inspired except for A Fully Unfunctional Human, in which the injuries and large parts of the dialogue as well as the background info for the characters mentioned were all exact to our current situation. It was a bad semester for us. Do not go read anything from my Sanders Sides writing days. It's all bad.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Oh boy, do I! Y'all know about my HP Time Travel fic I'm working on as well as the character focus one line of dialogue I'm doing for (my hc version of) the Gryffindor class of 1978. As well as I'm still working on my Nanny!Vanya AU.
But after that, I do have lots more ideas I would love to write. I do want to do another set of one line of dialogue character focus fics, this time on the Weasley children. I have a canon one-shot of Remadora's wedding I swear I want to have done for Remus's birthday (if I do, it will actually be the next thing you see from me). I would love to rewrite no loss is token, only change up which of the triad dies (I killed Lily last time, so I wanna try it with James or Remus dead next).
As for different things not based on my previous works, I want to write a one-shot what-if for the Hatchetfield world as if Paul was the one in the other car during Jane's crash (so much angst potential). I am in a fest to write a one-shot based on the Next Gen HP kids that is just fun board game night chaos. I want to write some pieces of Five and Claire, cause that is one of my favourite fanfic dynamics in Umbrella Academy. Also, I want to write a Tedromeda-focus story about their last year of Hogwarts and what came after.
I have a few other premises I'm also toying around with in my phone notes as I have thoughts on Cygnus Black III and his relationship to his daughters and how things could have gone and also I just really love the Remus/James/Lily ship, so many bits of those scattered through my notes. (I'm in HP hell, if you can't tell. Sorry, that was really long, but you gave me a chance to info dump several ideas I have rattling around. Thank you, Rit!
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
Characters usually. I want to dive into a character or delve into a dynamic and the story goes from there. Anytime it comes from a plot bunny, it is always 'How would these characters react here?' I think one of my few exceptions was my Mermay fic last year, which I started developing a plot until the characters took over.
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sleepykalena · 5 years
I know you're busy with other things, but it's MerMay and I'm lowkey hoping for a small drawing or ficlet for the Mermaid AU this month.
Uh…*stares at the calendar nervously*
So i left this in my inbox and tried to find the time to write the bonus chapter for Part of Her World (which is likely going to posted seperately with its own title), but 6-day (late night) work weeks are kinda killing me at the moment, so I was only able to start writing it sometime late last week? here’s a snippet as an apology:
“I was told that visitors were allowed now that you’ve had the night to rest,” she said instead, keeping her posture straight and her tone professional.
“Ah, yes, well, thank you. I hope to fully recover soon. Can’t afford to burden you,” he replied, but his eyes soon widened at his word choice, and he quickly added, “or the rest of the crew.”
She was never one to smile politely while acting as Captain, but she did respond with a curt, but warm nod.
The formalities were killing her. Jyn so badly wanted to tell Cassian that she knew who he really was, where he was from, how she knew he was present in so many chapters of her life. And maybe, just maybe, she could have the courage to tell him that what started out as a mild infatuation to his appearance slowly became a steady attraction, and that she wanted to get to know him even more.
But before that- more importantly- she wanted to thank him for saving her life.
...and apologize for that spur-of-the-moment kiss.
“I’ve had much bigger burdens,” she said with a subtle smirk. It seemed to reassure him, and his shoulders relaxed.
“I’m not sure I want to know what they were,” he chuckled, and lowered his head slightly to move some stray hair aside.
Jyn suppressed her curiosity when she started to wonder if his hair was as soft as he made it look.
“Well,” she began to recount. “I’ve shot dead many a traitor, and you’ve already seen the men I’ve thrown overboard.”
Cassian shrugged. “That’s what happens when they think princesses can’t also be sailors.”
“They forget that death sentences are still by order of the throne.”
“A princess with a dark side,” he teased.
His sense of humor caught her so off-guard that her jaw slackened in surprise. So this was how he spoke when he was relaxed, was it?
Her shock must have been obvious, because Cassian clammed back up, straightened himself on the bed, and cleared his throat. “My apologies, Captain, that was rude of me.”
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chenziee · 6 years
Do you have any ereri fic recommandation? I read the 6th ward yesterday (and I'm still slowly moving on, it was so sad ;-; but in a weird way it made me accept Sasha's death in the manga more easily, and it's all good), so preferably a long one please. Thank you for being awesome!
Aaahh, thank you ;__;
Hmm, I have a few fic recs but I’m not sure what you have and haven’t read so I’ll just throw in whatever has stuck with me through all these years and I can think of off the top of my head meaning these might be fics that have been recced a million times over already because they are good. If you want more/something else, let me know :)(On that note, I’d like to direct you to @fuckyeahererifanfic who have a large and beautifully categorized database of ereri fic to fit any specific needs
I’m only going to link COMPLETED fics, because I tend to only read those AND I have a particular track record of fics being abandonded after I pick them up and now have trust issues but if you want some in-progress fics, I can rec some too.
The Little Titan Cafe by @pocketsizedtitan (66k words): Modern, coffee shop AU and the cutest thing.
Just another cliche AU in which Eren works as a barista in his mother’s café, specializing in latte art. And then there’s Levi, who’s not exactly your typical patron, because, well, he’s blunt and rude (which Eren supposes isn’t that much different from regular customers) but mostly he just confuses Eren’s poor little homosexual heart. 
Nuthatch (31k words) and the sequel Sparrow (116k words) by @sugarplum-senpai Canonverse. Pining and slow burn at it’s finest. All I’m going to say about it.
After the war has ended, Levi finds himself thrown into coerced retirement. With nothing but time on his hands, he buys an old house, and throws himself into renovation work to fulfill himself an old, almost forgotten dream: opening a tea shop. If only he could forget about expressive, green eyes and a smile like sunshine. Luckily, he’s still got Hanji.
[Prequel to “Sparrow”]
After the war has ended, Eren’s life is finally good. He’s seen the ocean, is back at HQ where he trains the new Scouts, and he has dinner with Levi every single night. So yes. Things are just as well.
[Sequel to Nuthatch | can be read as stand-alone work]
The Old Boat House by @oppa86oppa (102k words): Modern/fantasy AU, Levi is a merman (fitting to read during mermay no?) Has some andgst and some fluff, a bit of everything, really.
One night after Eren and his friends share a bottle of whisky, two bottles of whatever Annie brought and a couple of ghost stories, they walk the path along the gravel road, through the wheat field and past the small forest and stumble upon the old boat house. Inside they find something that’s sleeping on the bottom of the lake, someone clearly not human. One of them comes up with the idea they should catch it, probably fucking Jean, and in their surprise they actually succeed. However, in mere seconds the situation is suddenly turned completely upside down.
Eren doesn’t fall into the water, he doesn’t jump, he’s pulled down.
Art of War by catsonfire(53k words): Modern AU, fluff and comedy
Noisy neighbors, nursling dinosaurs, satanic box cutters, shitty convenience store management, the word ‘fuck’, hereditary (but not really) homosexuality, beer and ramen, pennies, truckstops, strippers, closets, semi-public defacing, rings, house parties, “recreational” drug use, accidental rendezvous, toxic stew (don’t eat the stew), nice abs, housewives–batteries not included, over-educational movie sessions, copious domesticity, kittens named after landlords, a shit joke at participating locations, and many, many happy endings.A modern AU in which Eren moves into the apartment directly above Levi’s.
Do you want me or do you want me dead? by fmaloser (82k words): Modern not-your-typical-high-school AU. A personal favourite of mine and the amount of kudos is a sacrilage. Although yes, it’s dark. There is blood and gore. The relationship they have is not healthy. Lots of angst. Boys are both broken and break other peoples’ bones, but I love them for it. (Read the tags before reading the fic.)
It’s decided that the school douchebag, Levi, needs a tutor to help get his grades back up. It’s also decided that high school senior, Eren, is perfect for the job.At first, the two hate each other. But after their pasts come back to bite them in the ass, they realize that maybe that’s not the case.
An Unlikely Alliance by @monsoondownpour (117k words) Arranged Marriage Between Waring Kingdoms AU. Everything you want from a good fic.
When Scouting Legions main trading partner, Wall Maria, is experiencing economic strain from constant attacks by the neighboring kingdom Titan, the leaders of the two nations come to an agreement: Scouting Legion will provide military protection in exchange for land and financial aid for the still growing nation.Their new alliance will be sealed with the union of King Jaegar’s son Eren to the Scouting legions strongest soldier, Lance Corporal Levi. But how will the cold, impassive soldier warm to his new husband, who is far from the weak, spoiled princess he was expecting?
Witch’s Vein and Bloodstains by @monsoondownpour (38k words) Fantasy AU. Not that long but so beautifully written it’s unreal. The atmosphere and how it’s delivered is honestly something I aspire to.
In a land of sentient forests and unpredictable magic, it is never wise to venture far without a witch.  
The Survey Corps is in dire need of a replacement after a tragic accident took Ilse’s life in a quest gone horribly wrong. Eren might not be what anyone expected, but he has raw talent and curious allure that even Captain Levi can’t deny. When circumstances conspire to pit the squad against the same adversary that took Ilse barely a year ago, will they be able to handle the challenge a second time round?
Fallen Star @monsoondownpour (31k words) Modern AU. Lots of angst. Actually it’s mostly angst because even the ridiculously fluffy parts hurt. (But spoiler: happy ending, yay!)
Detective Levi Ackerman had his life in order; a steady job he enjoyed, a close circle of friends, and a spitfire little sister who was all the family he could ever want or need. His world was a simple one until ballet prodigy Eren Jaeger stumbled into it.Someone like Eren didn’t belong in his world.Now he wasn’t sure how he would live without him.
Lists by Trick_Fantasy (72k words) College AU. Can be highly triggering for anxiety, there is emotional manipulation, and VERY toxic friendships. It’s about learning to get past all of that. Read at own risk. But it’s an amazing fic and will forever be one of my favourites.
The story of Levi (“Why bother trying to make friends when you can learn to control people instead?”) and Eren (“Because you can control people better when they think that they’re your friends. They don’t even know they’re being manipulated.”) coping with social interaction at college in their own different ways.
Augenfresser by @foxicology (75k words) Modern/Fantasy AU. Horror/Thriller. Deals with heavy stuff, the ending is up for interpretation and known to fuck people up. Be warned.
Monsters did not like to hide under beds, as his father had told him. No; he found the monster hiding in his closet.
Love.exe by @cofferi (70k words) Modern AU. Finishing off with more fluff/comedy so I don’t seem like such a psycho. Definitely a fun read.
All Levi wants to do is drink tea, run his goddamn convenience store, and not have to deal with this kid who keeps coming in to leech his wifi bringing down high-end corporations.
Also literally anything by @sciencefictioness is a sure bet. Just saying.
Also going to take the oppotunity to throw in my own AO3 because why the hell not (although it’s mostly oneshots).
I’m very sure I’m missing some amazing fics and authors but this is what I could think off at 1AM and not make it a mile long post. I hope you find something you haven’t read and that you enjoy these gems anon :)
Also I can’t help but throw this fic in:
Tinsel Town by TheWonderYears (33k words) Modern AU. Psychotic-murder-boyfriends AU. Seriously. It’s very graphic. Blood, gore, torture, all the fun stuff. I love it. My ultimate fave, always and forever.
There’s Definitely Something In The Water.
Aaaand there goes my ‘I’m not a psycho’ claim.
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yuuana · 2 years
Throwback Thursday Tracks #1: ATEEZ - Pirate King release: October 2018 genre: Kpop cw: some flashing effects, camera jitter
DID SOMEONE SAY PIRATES? No, ATEEZ are not my ults. Yes, I'm going to keep writing about them as if they were anyway. You try being ATINY in MerMay and see what happens. XD Welcome to Throwback Thursday Tracks, in which I will witter on about older releases. Ideally, it'll happen once a week, but this is me, so it'll happen when I have the spoons to make it happen. ;)
Once upon a time, this little-known label called KQ Entertainment decided to put together their first boy group. They gathered up a group of eight young men, most of whom had previous idol trainee experience in other companies, and got to work. And did they ever work - there was an interview earlier this year, I believe, (or maybe it was last fall; time is an illusion I cannot grasp even with two fists) in which they were asked how many albums they've released and you could see their eyes glazing over as they tried (and mostly failed) to remember how many releases they've had in the last three years. Spoiler: it's a lot (16 singles, EPs, and albums, if we exclude the digital-only singles Rocky (Boxers Ver) and Utopia (Japanese Ver), and the half-collab A Little Space with Pentatonix, and a whopping SIX were released in 2021, a year in which they gave up sleep to meet work commitments because they're that ridiculously driven).
Going back to 2018... The idea of a group having a semi-static concept or theme (the girl group whose releases are always playful and light, for example) is and was hardly uncommon. Same with using music videos or even a couple of them strung together to tell a story, to the point that some fans have since conflated having a narrative music video with having a lore ... which is only a problem insofar as it muddies the conversation - the former is far more common than the latter even now. During pre-debut, KQ Fellas (as the group was originally known) were a group with a youthful, energetic concept and that's something ATEEZ has continued. ATEEZ's concept is the freedom of youth, where youth is not a numerical construct, but a mental state, while their lore didn't start until their debut with Pirate King, which reintroduces the group as a band of rowdy (land?) pirates under Captain Hongjoong. What are they after? Treasure, of course, but we'll get into that more next time. ;)
One of the things that made ATEEZ stand out even when they were still KQ Fellas was their focus on being not just singers, but a performance group - their official KQ profiles list all the 99z1 as Performers, not [Main | Lead | Sub]2 Dancers - so their debut single's MV being specifically a Performance Video over a narrative music video makes sense. And given they debuted in late October, perhaps no surprise there's not only a Zombie Version, but also a Christmas Version (jumps to the actual "practice"). Plus, of course, a relay version. And then, as if that wasn't enough, a continuous take performance video, too. And more music show performances than you can shake a stick at, cuz they were at it all of November, so I'm not even going to try. With Pirate King, ATEEZ charged out of the debut gate at full steam and they haven't slowed down since.
1. 99z = the '99 line, aka those born in 1999: Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung 2. Idols' positions in groups are often cited broadly as, for example, Visual, Vocalist, Dancer, and/or Rapper. These are then refined by Main (primary), Lead (secondary), and Sub (tertiary). It's worth noting that, other than Jongho as Main Vocalist, KQ does not use these subdivisions, though other media refer to Yunho, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung as the group's Main Dancers, with Yunho as leader of the dance line. Want to sponsor a song selection? You sweet angel! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. DW | Twitter | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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wyrm-wolf · 7 years
Lately, I have been neglecting to post things on Tumblr, because of my laziness X3. I DO APOLOGIZE ON MY PART!!
So, I rounded up all the previous fics that I’ve posted lately, and here they are!! TADA!!
Κέφι (kefi) This is a rare pair shipping of Kaecilius/Lee Fallon, I’m working on with @snowywinterwolf It’s pretty much a weird au of what happens after the Doctor Strange movie, and yes there’s lots of sex in it.
Heart of the Sea A fic dedicated towards MerMay, with Hannibal being a man who studies cryptids, and comes to a small snowy town, filled with seals, a murderer, and a strange man with blue eyes. Sad and angsty but with a happy ending
The Devil Wears Black - Another rare pair fic with Le Chiffre/Buddy Wittenborn, after watching the movie The Devil Wears Prada (And having a lot of contemplation on whether to do this ship or Hannigram) I wanted to do a small fic for the ship.
Shepard of the Lamb - A Children of the Corn Hannigram base au, featuring Jack and Claric going to a strange town and meeting the town’s hermit, Will. Hannibal is still a cannibal obsessed with Will, the town is still creepy, murder and manipulation.
Hawk and Little Pup -A work I did for Trishad Fest, featuring a centaur Western au. Where Tristan is a centaur, and Galahad is an Indian, and their both highwaymen. Warning!! If you’re not ok with men getting fucked by centaurs please don’t read!!
An Eyeful of Sex Another rare pair with Comte de Rochefort/Will Graham, (I know, I know, you probably wanted it to be Rochefort/d’Artagnan, sorry) Where Will is a thief who constantly pesters Rochefort, and its in d’Artagnan’s POV, from the movie Mads played in, where he catches the two fucking XD
Viper Hanging Around Your Neck A long fic I’ve been working on by myself, a gift for @postmortemdesign who got me stuck in One Path hell with him. Basically it’s a Cal Roberts/One-Eye fic, where Cal rescues One-Eye from a dog fight rink, and they form a bond. Warning!! Gore, violence, murder happen, also torture, and hallucinations of a talking snake.
And there will be more to post soon!! I do hope you enjoy, also I’m still open to taking prompts!! (Only Hannigram and other rare pairs please) If you want to drop by and send me some!! Also a big thank you to @vulcanplomeeksoup who helped me with the links!!
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