#yes i made seven of these. grab your tissues and watch your knees
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hannibal nbc "fromage" x "mizumono" 1/7
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maybege · 3 years
... Stays In Quantico - FBI Part 2
Summary: Back in Quantico, you are reminded just how difficult your situation is. (Part 2 of the FBI Series)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 3.1k | Rating: T
Warnings: descriptions of an anxiety attack
Here we are! I am so excited to finally start sharing this story with you. Having binged through all 15 seasons, I just want to say now that (1) this story will be canon-divergent and (2) it will be a slow burn. It is my first longer story about Hotch and I hope I will do his character justice. As always, you can find the posting schedule linked in my masterlist.
Have fun reading and let me know what you think.
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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“I don’t know what to think.”
“This is not the kind of job where you don’t know what to think.”
“I know.”
“Hard to believe from someone who just told me she doesn’t know what to think.”
You shifted in your seat. The office you were in was colder than the bullpen of the BAU and you wished you had remembered to bring your cardigan with you. Now all you were wearing was your short-sleeved dress and heels.
To be fair, you had presumed this would just be a standard meeting with the in-house therapist. After the incident in Kansas City, it seemed like standard procedure and you were glad to have been offered this opportunity.
Now though, sitting in the way too soft armchair with the brunette older woman looking at you over her glasses, this felt more like an evaluation than anything else. And you absolutely hated it.
You looked at the still-life of a fruit bowl on the right wall, right next to a bookshelf full of framed certificates. A woman who was proud of her accomplishments.
The first and last time you had had an evaluation was when you had first started working at the FBI and back then you had been sure that you had failed it. You had been sure you had failed all of it.
Your grandmother always used to say that if you looked for flaws long enough you would find them.
Dr Johnson looked like she spent her life looking for flaws.
“Tell me again why you chose to work for the FBI – and the BAU specifically.”
You would not make it anyway. Fuck it.
“There is so much hurt in the world,” you started, watching her eyebrows rise over the frames of her glasses, “I would feel better knowing I am trying to do something against it. And as for the BAU,” you shrugged, “Chief Sector Strauss approached me about it and I thought I would be stupid not to take the opportunity.”
She hummed, looking down at her file. “You don’t have any official FBI training.”
“Any formal police training?”
“Gun training?”
You hid your smile at the thought of the recent debacle for the gun qualification.
“I took down an UnSub in Kansas City last week,” you reminded her, “That is why I am here.”
She did not react to it. “In fact,” she leafed through the papers in her hand, “You only recently finished college. How did that go for you?”
“Good,” you nodded, trying to keep your knee from bouncing, “It was good.”
“What did you major in?”
“English,” you replied and when you saw her raised eyebrow, tried to elaborate, “Um, English literature to be exact and I have a minor in law as well.”
“Why only a minor?”
“Pardon me?”
“Why did you only minor in law? Were you not good enough?”
To cover the unease from her question, you crossed your legs. “I had no interest in law,” you answered truthfully, “My passion was and is with literature.”
The full truth was, you simply did not like law students. That and the pressure they were under was, you were convinced, what brought many lawyers to an early grave. But she did not need to know that about you.
Ironic that you had ended up in the BAU after all this.
Totally not stressful.
She said your name, then, slowly, and leant forward. You tensed, knowing that look too well. Was this the moment she would tell you that you had failed the valuation? The moment Hotch would come into the office and hand you your resignation with that disappointed look in his eyes.
Maybe the way Kansas City had ended was just a way to disguise the true going-ons of your work here in Quantico?
“You have been here, what, seven months now, Agent?”
“Yes, eight months, coming February,” you replied, meeting her gaze and swallowing the dryness of your throat.
“Would you say you have adjusted to your life here in Virginia?”
You frowned, “What do you mean?”
Dr Johnson made a vague gesture as if encompassing everything and anything, “Do you have friends here? Family? How do you get on with your colleagues?”
Well, you certainly had not been expecting this kind of question.
“I live together with a friend,” you answered slowly, “My family lives in Idaho.”
“Idaho,” Johnson smiled, “A long way from home, no?”
“Look, Agent, I am not going to lie,” she sighed, putting her pen down on the notepad, “I am not sure if you are the right fit for the FBI.”
You’re not the only one, you thought with a grimace.
“I am sure you are a good person, that your motivations for working here are true,” she elaborated, “But your lack of training? Your lack of … experience,” she gave you a pitiful look, “I am simply not convinced you are cut out for the work we need here.”
You had always thought it but hearing someone else say it to your face hit deeper than you ever could have thought. Your fingers started to tremble and you clasped your hands together, squeezing them to somehow force yourself to remain with as much dignity as you could.
“Okay,” you nodded, taking a deep breath in the hopes that it would keep your tears at bay, “What – what does that mean?”
“As there are no reasons for a suspension based on your mental health, the next step would be that I get in contact with your supervisor,” she threw a look on her paper, “SSA Aaron Hotchner, is that correct?” you nodded and she continued, “A written evaluation of your role at the BAU will be requested and then we will go from there. Best case scenario is you won’t leave at all, worst case scenario …”, she trailed off.
Of course, she did not need to finish the sentence for you to know what she was saying.
Worst case scenario: You would leave the FBI.
Realization washed over you and you smiled tightly at her. “Thank you, Dr Johnson,” you stood up, reaching a polite hand out to her which she took, “If you will excuse me, I should get back to my desk while I still can.”
Dr Johnson smiled kindly at you which only made it worse. She was pitying you. She felt sorry for you. Sorry for your incompetence, sorry for you not belonging in this place.
You felt like you would throw up any minute.
“Of course, Agent,” she said softly, “I will inform your supervisor of my recommendation. You will receive a copy of the protocol within the next week.”
You nodded, not meeting her eyes as you hurried out of her office.
The staff washroom on the third floor was always empty.
You knew that from the fact that you had often used it as a refuge after nearly dissolving into tears in the bullpen. That and the fact that the third floor was far away enough for anyone of the BAU to search for you here made it the perfect place to come after your talk with Dr Johnson.
You threw a look on your watch.
Six minutes. You would give yourself six minutes and then you would go to your desk and work on those reports and show Dr Johnson that you loved your job and that you were capable of doing it. You would show her that you were not the anxious, incompetent student she saw in you but someone who could be an asset to the team.
I am not sure if you are the right fit for the FBI.
Tears shot into your eyes and you locked the little cabin behind you, sitting on the edge of the toilet as you rushed to grab a few pieces of toilet paper.
The first sob echoed in the tiled room and you pressed the tissues to your mouth, hoping it would muffle the sounds somewhat. Your skin felt too hot and too tight and you could already see how your makeup would be ruined by the tears no matter how hard you tried.
And you had left your backup mascara in your bag at your desk.
Great. Just great.
Anxiety filled you at the thought of having to prove yourself even more than before. After Kansas City and Hotch’s encouraging words, you had somehow hoped that the hard part was over now. That you could focus on delivering good work instead of questioning if everyone doubted your belonging in the unit.
But maybe they were and they were just too polite to mention it? Maybe Dr Johnson was finally saying what they all wanted to spare you from?
Tears were rolling freely over your cheeks now, dropping onto your dress and you cursed, trying to wipe it away and somehow keep your face dry. There were still quite a few hours left in the workday and although you hoped there would not be a case coming in today, you were working along with a team of profilers.
You were like an open book to them even if there was the agreement to not profile each other.
A look on your watch told you it was nearly time to go and you took a moment to listen if anybody was there before stepping out of the little cubicle. It was completely abandoned.
Much like you had expected, you looked an absolute mess and just seeing yourself in the mirror brought fresh tears into your eyes.
“Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity,” you echoed the motto, gripping the edge of the counter and taking deep breaths, “Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity.”
“Hey, kid, how did it go?”
You entered the chaotic bullpen, just barely avoiding crashing into Anderson before making your way to your desk. Reid was seated across from you which meant that no matter how much of a mess you left at the end of a day, it still looked comparably neat.
Now though, it was nearly empty.
“Hi Derek,” you smiled tightly, your eyes still irritated from your impromptu cry session as you sat down at your desk.
You had splashed cold water on your face in hopes of somehow feeling and looking better. Still, you immediately went for your bag, scrambling to find your emergency mascara and lipstick to sneak back into the washroom before anyone noticed.
Especially –
“Agent,” Hotch’s voice boomed through the office and you winced, feeling the heat of tears collecting in your eyes again. You stayed ducked over your bag, hoping that maybe he did not mean you. Maybe he wanted to talk to Derek or Emily or Reid or –
Cleanly polished shoes appeared in your field of vision and you swallowed.
“In my office. Now.”
“Yes, Sir,” you mumbled, hastily wiping your cheek of a stray tear before straightening and following him up the stairs. You ignored Derek’s worried look, instead choosing to straighten your shoulders and stoically look ahead.
This was but an extension of the interview with Dr Johnson. You could do this even if the man terrified and intrigued you more than he should.
You had barely stepped foot in his office when he sat down. “Close the door. Sit down.”
You did, feeling much smaller than you had in Dr Johnson’s office. His lips were tight and he looked incredibly displeased, even for Hotch’s standards. You must have majorly messed up.
His hands were clasped in front of him and your eyes fell to his fingers. You swallowed heavily, hands wringing in your lap as you waited for him to start talking.
“Dr Johnson just informed me that a written evaluation of your performance on this team is being requested.”
“Sir, I can explain, I –“
He raised a hand, effectively silencing you and your mouth snapped shut.
“You do not need to explain anything,” he said calmly, “Dr Johnson is only doing her job and after what happened last week, it might not be such a bad idea.”
You nodded, trying to not seem as nervous as you were.
“Do not worry yourself over it. I meant what I said in Kansas,” he stated, facial expression unreadable, “You are a valuable addition to this team and I look forward to seeing your contributions in the future.”
“Yes, Sir,” you looked down on your hands, trying to hide your nervousness, “Thank you, Sir.”
“Call me Hotch.”
“Yes, Si- Hotch,” you corrected yourself with a sheepish smile. He was sitting at his desk, hands folded on top of it as he looked at you. And fuck, it should be forbidden to look this good. You froze, licking your lips and hoping you would be able to blame it on the dryness of your lips instead of you imagining what it would be like to feel his mouth on yours.
Not the time, a rational part of your brain reminded you, So not the fucking time.
Shuffling through the crowded metro you pressed your phone to your ear.
“I promise, it is all right, mom,” you assured her, letting yourself fall into one of the free seats, keeping your bag pressed against your chest. An elderly woman threw you an offended look and shuffled away from you as if you had any interest in stealing her dog off her hands.
“I am just worried, honey,” your mom said on the other side of the phone, “We are all worried. It is a hard job, isn’t it? And why do they keep putting you up for evaluations? You haven’t even been there for a full year!”
“Mom –“
“Are you okay?” she interrupted you in that voice that only your mom had, “Truly okay?
Your head fell against the window of the wagon, the heaviness of the day washing over you. You took a shuddering breath, “No, Mom, I – I don’t think I am.”
There was a sigh on the other side of the line. She was disappointed and worried, you could hear it already and it did not help to calm the anxiety raging in your stomach. You could almost see her in front of you, the pity in her eyes and the little furrow between her brows.
“You can always come home, hon, you know that, right?” she asked carefully and you cringed at how quiet she was being, “We can still find somewhere else for you to work. A nice option. You can come back home and dad and I will help you. I know it can take some time to find a good position. But you had so much fun doing literature, why not go back to it? You don’t have to stick there if it doesn’t make you happy.”
“But it does make me happy, mom,” you protested, wincing at how desperate you sounded, before adding quietly, “Saving people is what I want to do. And I can do it.”
“I am not saying you can’t, sweetie,” she assured you, “But maybe it is not what you should do with your life, hm?”
You could see that the light was on in the living room when you entered the small hallway. The sounds of the TV washed over your ears and you smiled.
“I’m home!”
A non-committal grunt answered you and you grinned, knowing that he was probably too entranced in whatever crime show he was currently watching. You let your keys fall onto the little side table and made sure to lock the deadbolt before making your way to Josh.
Your heels made clicking sounds on the floor and you took care to be as quiet as possible. “Hi,” you grinned, waving at him.
Josh was tall and lanky. And despite being offended if you ever told him that – looked exactly like one would imagine a law student to look. He was always well dressed and took great care when it came to all things cultural. He drank the best wine, read all the important books, watched all the niche movies to impress people.
Sometimes you joked that of the two of you, he was the one who could be expected to work for a government institution.
“It’s late,” he commented, nodding to the screen, “You’re usually here by the second episode.”
“I wanted to get some reports done,” you explained, shrugging out of your coat, “Had a chat with my boss today again. I thought it might be better to not give any more opportunities to criticize me. How was your day?”
“Boring,” he replied, “Attended that one event about intellectual property and want to lunch with a few friends from uni. You should come with us sometime, you will like them.”
You nodded, already thinking ahead of a day when you would have enough free time to join him and his friends. Dr Jones’ words about having a strong social life to fall back to echoed in your mind and you decided to make more of an effort to make friends.
It would be all right.
There was some Chinese takeout in Josh’s lap and you spotted a few grocery bags in the small hallway to your room and the kitchen.
“Did you get me the bananas like I asked?” you asked, slipping out of your heels.
Josh kept munching on his noddle, making a vague gesture that led you into the kitchen. And there, on the tiny dining table were two green bananas.
“They are not even ripe yet,” you called into the living room, “And I asked for four bananas, not two.”
“What do you need them for anyway?”
“I wanted to bake banana bread,” you said, turning to get out some flour and chocolate chips, “It’s an easy breakfast to have in the metro.”
Josh sighed, walking into the kitchen and throwing himself onto the black dining chair. “You barely eat at home anyway, that’ll just go to waste.”
“Which is exactly why it is nice to have something ready to eat on the go,” you explained, wondering if he had overheard your words.
Cracking two eggs into a bowl, you hummed. “I could bring it into the office,” you mused, starting to mush up the bananas, “I think JJ mentioned she liked it once.”
“To the colleagues that despise you?”
You frowned, “They don’t despise me. They are very nice to me, Josh.”
Josh took the last bite of his noodles, setting down the little container “By the way, Greg is coming over tonight.
“But it’s almost midnight,” you stated, throwing a confused look towards the clock, just to make sure, “Didn’t you say you will leave for that Seattle trip tomorrow?”
“Yeah, if it gets too late he will just stay on the couch,” Josh replied, shrugging. You nodded, not saying anything but knowing deep down that George would occupy the bathroom that morning so you would have to get up even earlier than normal.
That would be a stressful day.
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forsworned · 3 years
[♥] modernau! thirsty. {gyomei himejima x reader}
Please do more Gyomei ✋🏻😭 -ao3 user
Genre: slight fluff, comedy
Warnings: none
Categories: f/m
Relationships: gyomei himejima/reader
Word Count: 1,021
a/n: maybe ooc? but honestly i always think gyomei has a cocky, teasing side to me especially if you have read the mangaaaaa anyways here ya gooo
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[name] had made it a point to herself to take herself out on those”self dates” at least once a week. It was mostly to destress herself from her hectic job. This time it was taking herself out to the new movie that had been all the rage, but as the film was winding down [name] became more and more bored. So much for a good movie.
As the credits stopped rolling, the lights came back on and she grabbed her empty popcorn container to make her way out. She pulled out her phone to text her friend not to watch it unless she her and her date wanted to fall asleep. The sound of someone sniffling perked her ears up as she shuffled to get out of her row.
She rotated her head to find a man who looked quite tall in his seat with a service dog and walking stick by his side. His knees were pushed up in an uncomfortable position and tears were running down his handsomely structured face. His eyes were cloudy indicating that he was, indeed, blind.
“Hey, are you alright?” [name] asked the burly man. He gazed at her for a moment seemingly knowing exactly where she was.
“Yes, the movie was just so powerful it brought me to tears.”
He had to be joking. That movie was awful…
“You sure about that?”
“I may be blind, but I can still hear.” His tone was sassy yet playful. This caused name to fluster in humiliation.
“I d-didnt mean it like that! I just meant the movie was super awful!” She exclaimed in full defensive mode.
He chucked in response as he dabbed away at his tears with pocket tissues he had pulled out of his breast pocket.
"I'm only teasing." He replied as he got up. He was now towering over her at what appeared to be over seven feet tall.
"So then why watch a movie?" [name] was pondering this pretty hard. She never once saw a blind person at the theaters up until now.
"I enjoy hearing the emotions behind one's voice. Truth be told, it's actually pretty easy to follow along."
[name] was in awe. Beauty and brains? That was really quite a turn on for her. And the more she gawked at him the more she noticed his astounding physique.
"So can you tell what my tone is conveying?" It was slightly flirty the way she voiced it, but it merely made the giant cock an eyebrow in interest. He pulled out a water bottle and handed it to her.
"You sound a little thirsty."
[name] was at a lost for words. She simply stood there with her mouth wide open as she oggled at him. What a comical response. He seemed to be very confident and pleased with himself at the joke he made because he began to laugh and walk away. To say she was embarrassed was an understatement.
She noticed that had left his walking stick behind and grabbed it as he stepped away from her.
"H-hey! Don't walk away from me!" She stammered as she stomped off after him.
"Why's that?" He inquired not stopping for her to catch up.
"Well, because--"
"You think you deserve my time?" He asked. This time stopping to look at her. His service dog halting his movements as well as he stared at him in confusion.
"Well, actually you left your walking stick behind." She handed him the item not able to look at him. Which in retrospect, was a bit odd because, well, he was blind.
Now he was the one who looked embarrassed and it was quite cute. To [name] it was satisfying to wipe that smirk off his face.
"I see, well thank you. I'm not sure how I forgot that." His cheeks now rosy as he took his walking stick from her. "We gotta be more careful, Nova."
The dog barked in response and he bent down to pet him, but as much as she would like to stay and chat she had other things to do.
"Mhm, you're welcome. You have a nice day now." She waved and began to tread to the exit.
"Hold on!"
A victorious smile on her face as she pivoted her body back to him now catching up to her.
His smile bright and handsome as jogged up to her.
"We should coffee some time." Bingo.
"And why should I say yes?" He was playing right into her fingers.
"Because I have a cute dog and you're definitely interested." He beamed in certainty.
She rolled her eyes and couldn't help the smile that was now plastered on her face. "Wow, nothing humbles you, does it?"
"Only, women who chase me down to give me my misplaced walking stick." She could tell that she had already set the tone for whatever relationship she was beginning to form.
"Ha-ha, very funny. But it's going to take a lot more than that to get me to go out with you." Her arms now folded with slight annoyance. He was quite full of himself.
"So, I'll see you at 3?"
"Tomorrow at Petey's Coffee? You look like a Hazelnut coffee kinda girl."
"Awesome. It's a date. I gotta run to my yoga class so I'll see you then." He handed you a piece of paper and began to speed walk with Nova along his side.
"Wait! I don't even know your name!" She called out to him since he was several yards away now. He stopped in his tracks and it was like the smile on his face never left his lips.
"It's Gyomei! And you?"
"Nice to meet you name! Don't forget about our date!"
And just like that he was off again and [name] just stood there looking absolutely shocked. She really couldn't believe the interaction she just had. She peered down at the piece of paper he had given her and in beatiful writing was his number with a smiley next to it. And something else right under it.
And, yes, I can write.
She scoffed out loud. Nothing phases this guy, does it?
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namjoonchronicles · 3 years
the money project | 3
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↳ pairing seokjin x you
↳ genre melodrama, angst, enemies-to-lover, fake marriage, intense pining on each other
↳ words 8k
↳ summary Seokjin spends the night and together, you both rediscover your dreams. From there on, it becomes clearer on the type of person Seokjin is. You both enter each other’s world, little by little. What will you do when his world catches on you?
↳ warning slightly strong languages, fluff
↳ song ‘roses’ by gashi, ‘’stupid deep’ by jon bellion
↳ chapters one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten completed!
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Have you ever walked past a stranger and wonder how their day went?
Sometimes it’s their expression that made you curious; the sullen faces, the heavy sighs, the long look out the window of a moving train. Are they having a tough day too? Are we all just enduring the pain in complete silence? Tolerating the demands of the world just to continue living? Wouldn’t it be lovely to never have to worry about these? About whether or not you have enough to pay the utilities this month? Never having to choose sleep over food so you could save more.
Seokjin leans on his palm, arms stretched as he watches the movie on mute. He brought out a bottle of beer, flipped the cap off and drank half of it. You sat with your legs folded beside him, gingerly reaching for an apple juice box. Sound of Metal is playing on the television. A friend recommended it to you. It was about a drummer slowly going deaf due to his occupational hazard. It is a heavy movie for you. You can never imagine having to go through something similar to that. To always have all your five senses and having to cope with the challenges of losing one. Seokjin was nudging your elbow with a bag of opened potato chips, offering you one. Unreadable expression on his face, he made no effort to start a meaningless conversation and of that, you’re grateful.
For those who are wondering how Seokjin ended up watching movies at your small apartment— fret not, the explanation will arrive shortly. Your father wanted to care for your mother for the night because you have an online class early in the morning tomorrow according to the schedule. Your father didn’t want you to spend the night alone in the apartment. Not when a broke-in burglary happened just two lots away. The knob on the main door is not secure at all— rusting at the base and rattling upon use, leaving reddish brown stain upon contact. Seokjin wipes his hand to the back of his trousers. Embarrassed, you grabbed a pack of wet tissue from the kitchen counter and handed them to him. Thankfully, he took them and didn’t make much comments over the mishap. The anti-rust liquid coming from the spray trailing down to the lower part of the door was your last effort to fix the knob. But to no avail, the damage is done. Seokjin is no stranger to the sorry state of your survival.
He brought pizzas and some chicken wings— quite well-prepared for a sudden appointment. To be honest, you wouldn’t be surprised if he rejected the offer. The fact that he didn’t, set your body on fire. You never have anyone over. Ever since your mother was hospitalized and your father unemployed, you didn’t have time to properly tidy up the house except the bare minimum. Seokjin notices an invitation on the kitchen table when he sets the pizza down. He asked about it and you just shove it into the bin. It was Ian’s and Suri’s second wedding invitation that they had sent to your home address. Such persistence. Although Seokjin caught the tiny hint of hostility, he didn’t dwell on it too much and you were secretly grateful for that. You would have to explain the reasons why and it will sound petty to another ear; that, you know. No one will understand your actions.
Sound of Metal is still playing on the television.
All of a sudden, you received a call.
“Yes, that’s me, how can I help you?” you cover your mouth over the phone and crawl on both knees before you stand up. Seokjin held the remote and turned the volume down. Seokjin watches your small back standing by the kitchen counter, hunched over like you were on the phone with your drug dealer. You folded your toes on the floor, twisting your ankle around as the call drags. Not long after the call, there’s some voices out the door and you reach out to the knob, yanking the door flaps open. You were inviting, and you turned all the lights on, surprising Seokjin. He crept beside you while you showed the stranger the rooms in the house.
“This room is rarely used, we use it to store medical things… so the light doesn’t work well,” you explained.
“And the master bedroom?” the person enquire politely, with a slide tilt of his head.
“Ah yes, it’s right next to it,” you motioned, “There's a bathroom and window. But it’s never opened.”
Seokjin locked eyes with the stranger, so he switched immediately to a smile.
“Oh, I am so sorry, I seem to be interrupting something with your boyfriend, I apologize,” the stranger bowed repeatedly at you and Seokjin.
“Husband,” Seokjin corrected him, “That’s quite alright, no problem.”
The stranger gests, “I would have come in the day if you say you couldn’t entertain me tonight.”
You clasped your hands together and forced out a straight line on your lips, speaking through a forced grin, “He wasn’t supposed to be here tonight, it was unplanned…” You side-eyed Seokjin. Your husband moves to see the stranger out. Once the person is gone, you head back to the movie, ushering Seokjin to rewind a bit because you missed some parts. A minute or so, Seokjin moved his attention to his lap, fumbling over his belt and mumbled, “Who was that?”
“Interested buyer,” you shot.
So you plan to sell this house.
“And where do you plan to stay after?”
“The campus dorm for a while until I could find a more affordable apartment,” you explained through heaved sigh, “For now we need the money to cover the hospital bills.”
That was it? No further explanations?
“And you decide this all without talking to me?” Seokjin swung his head in your direction, crossing his arms across his chest.
“I didn’t think-”
“Do you always make decisions on impulse? On intuition?” Seokjin raised his voice slightly, making you comically jump because you weren’t expecting such a tone.
“Excuse me…” you growled back, “How is this any of your concern? I told you I will figure it out, do not worry about it.”
“And where will your father stay?”
“At the hospital. With mom.”
“And your brother?”
“At the barracks where he trains!”
“And you?”
“I just told you, at the dorm!”
“How am I supposed to see you in the dorm? We are married!”
You moved the pizza box away, scoffing before you swung your head to face him.
“You’re taking this whole husband thing way too seriously now, I think we need to set boundaries over these blurred lines because I feel that you are terrorizing your rights at the moment,” you squeezed your eye at him.
Seokjin opens and closes his mouth, opens it and closes it again.
“You are going to be homeless, how are you so chill about this?!”
“Because I’ve gone through the worst things! Being homeless isn’t going to kill me.”
You are certainly pushing the limit of human survival. It is then you realize the severe differences you and Seokjin had. The sheer fear he wore on his handsome delectable face. His hands clammy and uncertain. He is gluing his eyes on the television screen but you know his mind is everywhere else but on the movie.
If I help you, you would refuse it, won’t you?
Seokjin swallowed a thick gulp down his throat.
“You’re unfamiliar with this, I get it,” you hugged your knees and rested your chin on them. Your eyes wander around the makings of your old apartment and take a deep breath in. This old ragged torn curtain on the window. The moldy ceiling walls. The chipped windows and bad lighting. A brown stain on the kitchen floor that won’t go no matter how hard you scrub or what you scrub it with. This is far from Seokjin’s private jets, personal helicopter and sports car. That night when he ridiculed your desperation, you didn’t even have the time to process the hurt because you were so busy thinking about all the money that you could have to provide for your family.
“I have no choice Seokjin…” your voice falls quiet.
“The money I pay you will come soon, will that help you keep this house?” Seokjin blinks away from the screen and straight at you. His voice is firm and unwavering. It has been awhile since you heard such stability. He felt like a safe place, a shoulder to rest your head on. When he says those words, your world lights up and the broken pieces put themselves back together again. The dewy look in his eyes, his lips— they all conspired to have you clutch on the little things. It was the first time you have ever felt looked at. It was frightening, harrowing even— to be seen and cared for. Even for just that moment.
You couldn’t find your voice so you nodded, slowly.
He held out his hand and you lifted yours to reach it. His palm is so inviting.
But he pushes it away, “Your phone, I meant.”
You lowered your gaze immediately and fished for your phone. Seokjin called the number and texted that the house is no longer for sale. He added that there was a change in thoughts and that the owner wishes to stay in the house and he regrets the inconvenience. He shoved the phone back to you.
“Next time, discuss with me. Be it financial, commodities, utilities, whatever. You talk to me first,” Seokjin sternly said, “As the person who pays you, I want to know where my money goes.”
The movie ended.
“Would you like to take a shower first before bed or— “ you drawled.
“Shower…” he shot dryly.
“Okay… you can have the bedroom, I’ll sleep on the couch outside. I’ll get some towels first,” you huddled to the cupboard to fetch said towel when Seokjin suddenly yelped from the living room.
You swung your head around and rushed over with a folded towel in your hand.
His jaw hung open, twitching as he pointed to the soda spilled all over the couch. The only couch in the house. You dragged your eyes up to Seokjin and proceeded to whine his full name out. Seokjin fetches tissues from the kitchen but heads to the drawer in the kitchen cabinet for cloth instead, after your commands. You were going off about how he behaves like a toddler, spilling things over the couch and how difficult it is to make sure the couch is completely dry now that sweet carbonated drink drenched over it. Sofa is ruined, and Seokjin’s ear gets pulled when you’re done. He screams.
“Where am I supposed to sleep now?”
“We can share the bed…” he rubs his neck, “There’s no other choice. You don’t want to wake up sore for class tomorrow…”
You let out a shaky exhale. He does have a point. What’s the worst that could happen?
There he goes again, screaming.
As you tidied the bedsheet and provided a blanket to each so you don’t have to share, you poke your head to the bathroom door frame, where Seokjin is hugging himself, standing on the toilet seat.
“C-c-cockroaches,” his fore finger trembling as it points out the culprit, sneaking underneath the sink with its antennas moving. You threw your head back and groaned. What a drama queen. It’s just roaches, for goodness sake.
You whack it with a slipper and crush it with your hand before flushing it down the toilet. Pests. Seokjin is still there squatting, quivering. You had to turn the water heater on because he doesn't know how to operate a manually dialed heater. The one he has was automated. The light is flickering while he showers so he called out for you, because he got spooked. When you say that it was nothing, he let you leave only to call you repeatedly.
“Man, for a 5 feet 10 something dude, you’re literally a baby…What is it now?” you grumbled to your chest as you marched into the bathroom and opened the door to see him in his baby suit. You turned away and covered your eyes immediately.
“What do you want?” you groaned, positively annoyed and flustered over the view.
“Wanted to tell you that I’m done,” he ties the towel around his waist and walks beside you squeezing by the tiny door frame. His wet skin brushed over your blouse and he chuckles at you clenching your eyes shut.
“It’s not like you haven’t seen it all…” he clicked his tongue and spoke in a low voice.
“Yeah I thought we weren’t supposed to mention that…” you protested.
“If we showered together, we could have saved the water bill…” he narrows the distance between his face and yours. Taking the chance that you don’t see him, his eyes soften as he studies your features. Your fingernails, your baby hair sprouting out, your heaving chest and goosebumps forming over them. He remembered how your nipples erected over the blanket in the cruise when he left you there in bed, in the morning. How thoroughly tired you looked, with marks all over your neck and chest. He contemplated whether he should give you a kiss goodbye, but decided that it would only amount to more questionable things than he’d like to explain.
Suddenly, you moved your head in his direction, sniffing. Narrowly missing his lips.
You grabbed his chin roughly.
“Did you use my fucking shampoo?” Your eyes blasted open and he retracted.
“I might.”
After you showered, both of you crawled into bed. Seokjin his blanket over his chest and you pulled yours over your shoulder. You were laying on your side, with your back facing him while he faced the ceiling. Studying the cracks it had, How unfamiliar is this. The last time you shared a bed, it was barely big enough for one. This time it’s a queen sized bed but doesn’t allow much space to move. The mattress is springy and it makes noise at every motion made. Seokjin finally feel the alcohol kicking in now, but not enough for him to do stupid things. He just feels a little dizzy, a little on the cloud nine— if you may.
“I can’t sleep…” he darted.
No response from your side.
He leaned on one elbow and hooked his chin over your shoulder, “Are you sleeping?”
“Yes,” you shot, annoyed.
“Why would you answer if you were?” Seokjin slumps back into his space.
“Just close your God damn eyes and go the fuck to sleep, before I whack you unconscious with a broomstick…” you grumbled through gritted teeth, fisting your blanket tighter.
“I can’t sleep in an unfamiliar place…”
“Literally you’re the one who told my dad you wanted to be here…”
“Talk to me… Tell me a story. My nanny always tells me a story.”
“Seokjin you’re 29.” “Come on… Don’t bring age into this discussion. Tell me something you never told someone. Anything…”
“Jesus, like what?” You switched to face him. He bounces at your movements.
“Scars. Do you have a scar?”
You carefully thought about it, and, “Yeah I have scars. I have one over my left knee cap. I was playing on the bicycle and fell, grazing the tar road, right here,” you showed him.
“Hm, can’t really see it…” Seokjin hummed while carefully inspecting the said scar.
“That’s because my mom rubbed banana peels on it. Everyday, until it’s gone.”
“Nice… only one?”
“There’s another one under my chin… that’s why I like looking down. That way no one would notice it…”
Seokjin noticed it the first night you were in bed with him, but it didn’t register to him then that it was a scar, that used to be a wound.
“How did that one happened?”
“Mom and dad were in a fight, mom pushed me off the staircase when I tried to stop them. No hard feelings because now I know how frustrating men could be,” you shrugged and put your hand between your legs.
“What about you Seokjin? Do you have a scar?”
He shook his head. So you could deduce that he must have had a pampered childhood. Or a lonely one— you couldn’t decide. His face puffed as he thought of the next topic.
“What’s your dream?”
You try to come up with a quick answer to get it over with but— nothing comes out on your mind no matter how hard you try. Dreams? What is my dream?
“Um, my mom to be able to live her life the way it was. Have my dad live a debt-free life. And for my brother to graduate from his police school.”
Seokjin chuckles. He chuckles again now that he sees your confused face.
“Those are not dreams you want for yourself, it’s the dreams you want for others! I’m asking about your dream. What you want!”
You paused for a brief moment, “I never really thought about it, no one had ever asked me that,” more pauses and, “I want to be a scientist… get a job with higher pay so I could live better. That’s my easy answer. It’s the appropriate answer.”
“What’s your dream if money wasn’t an issue?” Seokjin laced his fingers and rested them on top of his stomach.
Money is always an issue. Seokjin questions were all questions you have never asked yourself. No one was ever interested in them, in the answers. All these while you are coping with live day-by-day. You have never truly thought about the future. You took science because you had potential, as your counselor suggested. You’re good at it, you don’t necessarily really love it. It was the next rational decision to bring your family out of poverty. A rational decision is not a dream. Up until this moment, your dreams were built around the chances and opportunities you have and the mountains you know you could climb; all these signifies one thing— safety. You never truly dreamt. You mold your existence, your goals and aspirations around the things you face and what is achievable.
“When I find out, I’ll let you know, how’s that?” you suggested, and poke your hand over the bridge of his nose, “I didn’t realize you have a mole there.”
Seokjin turns red.
“Don’t touch my face… I don’t like that,” he warned.
“Sorry…” you moved slightly away.
Seokjin shrugs and nodded, “Yeah I have mole here, you never paid attention to it…”
You gawked, “How am I supposed to pay attention to it if every time we meet all I want to do is shove my hand down your throat?!”
“I have one on my collarbone, remember that?” Seokjin hooks his finger over the brims of his neck hole and pulls it down to show you. Your eyes travelled everywhere but there.
“Yes, yes,” you repeated, shoving it off.
“You’re not really looking, look at it…” he followed your eyes.
“Why are we suddenly talking about moles!”
“You’re the one poking mine. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“How many moles do you have?”
You rolled your eyes. You sit up and pull your hair to one side. Then you point to one mole behind your left ear lobe. One on your left shoulder blade.
“That’s all.”
Seokjin stares at you quizzically as you lay back on the bed. Unconvinced that that was all. You didn’t want to ask him why he was staring but the way he was tutting his tongue annoyed you.
“I don’t think that is all. I specifically remembered one more at least, a very prominent one…” you heard him say.
“That’s probably from other girls Seokjin… You got yourself confused—” then you hitched your breathing when you felt a warm hand palming over your left knee, travelling up your thigh. You cursed yourself for wearing boxer shorts to bed. He sat up, pulled down your blankets and pushed your boxers brim up to see your left thigh.
“There,” he thumbed over the little mole, before he licked his lips then gazed up to meet your eyes, “I remember it because it was sticking out the blanket in the morning I left.” So sexy. Your thigh was out the blanket for him to see the mole clearly. After witnessing that, he kept thinking about you in slit dresses high enough for that mole to pop out. To be seen by everyone, but only his to touch.
Seokjin moves into his side of the bed again after a small goodnight wish. He lay his head in his palm, starting to feel hot all of a sudden but was unable to throw the blanket away because he had urgent matters to address in between his legs. He palms it down in a desperate attempt to calm the raging boner. How is he so vulnerable around you? Just a little contact, a little touch leaves his head riled up with indecent thoughts. Maybe he really did take this marriage thing seriously.
She doesn’t love you, man. Get your shit together.
Right next to him, you were rubbing your thighs together. Had you not reminded him that you had an early morning class tomorrow, would he have advanced to more than just a touch? A kiss perhaps? A full blown making out session? Maybe his dick half inside you instead of clenching over nothing? You are sweating profusely. He is just right there. But it feels so wrong. Why are you always horny at the worst time? You remember being better at controlling this. Why so desperate? From just a little brush of his finger? How embarrassing!
Please let the morning come quick.
You prayed.
“Babe, wake up. I think you have class…” Seokjin’s voice softly awakens you. When you peek through one eye, you see your lecturer and your classmates watching you. Seokjin is shirtless and was next to you in close proximity.
“Your boyfriend may join the lecture if he wants,” Dr. Mah invites.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you rubbed your eyes and pinch your nose bridge, sitting awake. The whole class gasped. Then is it your one night stand?
“Your sexual activity is none of my concern,” Dr. Mah reminds.
Realizing what that could signify, you hurried to correct yourself, “No, no it’s not like that. He’s my husband! I’m not having casual sex or anything that is not safe…” The seconds felt long when it registered to you what you have done. You yourself had announced to the world you know that you are now Kim Seokjin’s wife. You gulped as you caught Suri and Ian’s dejected face on the box before they switched off the video.
Seokjin smirks and lays his head on the headboard while checking his phone idly.
Moments before…
The alarms rang simultaneously with Zoom meeting calls. Seokjin frowns awake. You have your face plastered on his back, arms wrapped around his tiny waist. Your phone was charging on his side of the bed, so he pressed the receive call button out of habit. Seokjin had taken off his shirt mid through sleeping because it got really hot in the A.Ms. The video was on and his collarbone and the mole on it was on full display. He didn’t know who was the lecturer but he had the idea that perhaps the bald one fixing his glasses and clearing his throat might be the one. The older man called out your full name and Seokjin finally came out of his snooze to address the matter.
He shook your shoulder softly, nuzzling his nose tip over your shoulder calling you, “Baby, baby” repeatedly, “Baby, your lecturer is calling for you. You have class, remember?”
Some of your classmates covered their mouth, fetching their phone to text. Gaping over the scandalous view. The best student of the batch is in bed with a shirtless handsome man, and it was the same man that fetched her in a blue Lamborghini! The campus’s good girl is leading a double life! To Ian and Suri, it comes as a legit surprise, totally out of this world. You have never been on a date, now you’re married?! You didn’t even invite them to the wedding! They didn’t even know when! And let alone Kim Seokjin?! This was so sudden! And it all felt like a strange set up to them. Now, with the whole class as witness, there’s no other way to cover this up. You have officially lost your whole world to this pretense marriage.
“Keep the video on,” Seokjin mouthed at you behind the phone. You had to keep your face expressionless so you won’t draw attention to you again, after the chaos you have caused. Why were you so tired anyways? You normally have no problem waking up no matter how late you slept. You didn’t drift directly to sleep because you were fighting your hormone urges to literally jump on Seokjin and devour him whole. You weren’t asleep because you were busy rationalizing your head over the things that aren’t sex. And it was such a good sleep. It’s been awhile since you felt safe in bed. Knowing that you could trust this person with your life. Or else his father will come after his neck. He felt warm and strong, and his chest smelled so good, his hands, fingers. Saliva pools in your mouth when you visibly gulp at the object of your secret carnal desire is standing by the door with a Starbucks bought iced-Americano sent over by delivery. He hands you it after he took a mouthful sip of it, making sure he was in the camera frame and planting a kiss on your neck before he leaves.
He puts on his work attire, his dress shirt and slacks. You can’t help but catch his bulge slightly out for display over the curve of the slacks as he tuck his dress shirt in behind the camera. He directs his forefinger to you then back to the camera phone where your class is ongoing. You crossed your eyes at him and he shook his head.
“In the graph it’s clear that the Fick’s First Law of Diffusion centers around concentration. Concentration of what? Of the drug plasma concentration. And when we talk about rate, we are always referring to what? To the time…” Dr. Mah continues.
Then, Seokjin appears one more time in the camera frame of yours, hunched over to give you a kiss on the forehead, or two, or three times. Just to say he is going to work. You pushed him away because you got shy. So far, everyone is buying the facade. It better stayed that way. From the corner of your eyes, you saw Seokjin locking the main door behind him before he leaves, then he makes sure it stays locked after he shut them.
That was very thoughtful. And very un-Seokjin like.
A few minutes later, you heard his signature Lamborghini roar down the road, and a message chimes in.
[Seokjin]: Remember what you promised.
Your face flares up in heat at the words. Last night, before you drifted to silence so you could sleep, Seokjin asked for you to tell him your dreams, whatever it was, he wanted to know. After repeatedly telling him you couldn’t name one on the spot, he said, and he said this in such a coaxing way you couldn’t refuse,
“Start thinking about one each day, starting tomorrow…”
“That’s impossible,” you rolled your eyes with your back still turned towards him.
“I don’t care how you’re going to do it, I just want you to come up with a dream. Every single day, yours, not anyone else. It must be yours alone, it is about your wants, be as selfish as you can,” he stresses.
“I can’t be selfish— “ you protested.
“Start being. You have to. Or you’ll lose yourself trying to appease others,” he curls into a bowl, laying on his side, clutching on the tip of the pillow like his life depends on it.
Silence from your side.
“Text me one, each day…” he added.
“Sure whatever.”
Suddenly he stretched his hand out with a pinky boink out. His arm was long enough without you having to turn to your back. Blinking at it, you finally hooked your pinky with his, then unhooked it immediately.
“It’s not sealed if isn’t stamped,” he said.
That’s how the promise was sealed.
[Seokjin]: Remember what you promised.
[Seokjin]: ??
You dragged down the pop up message on top and tapped reply. Before you could word out your dream, you mauled over the thought. What is your dream if you only had you to think of?
Seokjin visits the housing site. He has built a village consisting of high-end sophisticated technologically-advanced villas. There are only 30 units built and there was a man-made lake in the middle. There is also a small fort that allows private-own sailing boats to sail the ocean. He plans to install only eco-friendly devices in the area under this housing and the project had been well supported by the shareholders after it was proposed about 2 years ago. His father never said a word about it, but that was his way of saying that it is a potential project. The only comment he ever got from Senior Kim was how pretentious it was. In his words the project only “concerns the top 1% of the country project while doing absolutely nothing for the economy of the nation,” which Seokjin tried to fix, by allowing foreign investors to chip in through an exclusive stockholders and potential buyers-only party that is arranged to happen in a few more weeks.
He is quite nervous about it; his driver stops at the second house around the lake and Seokjin steps outside of the company sedan with his hand in his pocket. The engineer is already at work, discussing with the contractor. Seokjin, easily the one at the top of the food chain when he steps in, gets dry greetings, suffice with the formality he brings. He shook his hand and smiled, “No, no, there’s no need for the bowings, I’m just here to watch how you guys are coping…” He gests. He thought that if he comes here, he becomes more informed with the situation his underlings are dealing with, then maybe, just maybe, his father would approve his efforts. He bore his heart and soul in this project, talked with designers and contractors and engineers alike, just to get the most appropriate information about the building from ground up. For the designs, each villa was unique to its own but still bore the similar traits that carries the prestige of the Kim Holdings. He designed them personally with the help of architects and engineers. He wasn’t kidding when he said it was his baby.
Seokjin personally babied the second house. On the outside it was already perfect to his eyes. The wide windows, the porch and small garden but on the inside, he felt like it was missing major domestic touches. Today, the contractors and interior designer are beginning to deduce a concept for the kitchen. Kitchen is of course the heart of the home. It also happens to be Seokjin’s favorite place. Seokjin carefully points out with his hand the things he wanted and where, the cabinets colors and where the counters should be. He gives clear and concise commands, the interior design immediately understood the image he was trying to create. He had a vivid image of the whole kitchen and it was nothing short of impressive. Only last night he billed a list of things he wanted installed to the project group and they all are working around the clock to make it happen.
Within an hour, the interior designer comes up with a whole design of the kitchen. With an approval nod and a big smile from Seokjin, the work began. About 2 hours ago, when Seokjin left his Lamborghini in the company CEO’s parking spot, you texted him an image and a caption,
[You]: *sends an image*
[You]: my dream kitchen. Bigger oven, bigger space to knead flours in.
Seokjin remembered your face as you ate the pizza he bought. You eat the bread part slowly, relishing in the taste. You told him that you knew how to make pizza and sold a few before you started university and if you had a chance you wanted to make more because your brother loves it, but you don’t have the space to make one because the place you rented is closed and now, demolished.
“I love cooking... but as you can see, that kitchen had nothing working and the university banned me from using their culinary faculty,” you shrugged, “They say it’s only for their culinary students. Which was fair,” The sparkles in your eyes completely disappear at the mention of culinary faculty. You would have been a great chef. Seokjin knows how much you love home cooking, and you always bring some at every visit to his father’s mansion. Be it spicy broiled potato stew, grilled mackerels or fried rice. Seokjin dares to vouch that your fried rice is the best one he has ever had. Although he will never vocally admit it.
“Make sure the oven is big and the counter, large,” Seokjin submits a final reminder, “But don’t make it look disproportionate.” He bought everyone lunch and returned to his office for paperwork, in case he needs to read over agreements and sign things. Also because he is terrified of his secretary. He sits in his chair, leafing over documents after documents, project proposals and adding comments here and there when his office phone chimes. He stabbed the ‘speaker’ button with the bottom of his Parker pen and darted, “Yup…”
“There is someone in the lobby who wants to drop something for you, she says it’s dinner and thank you for the pizza and wings last night,” Yoongi, Seokjin’s secretary drawls over the phone line. Then the said secretary turned to the side where Seokjin’s office was and squeezed his eyes suspiciously. Seokjin blinks over to Yoongi and fetches the phone handle saying, “That’s the wife… can you bring her up for me?”
Yoongi tutted his tongue and gave Seokjin a Cheshire cat smile through the glass mirror, “Sure thing, boss…” Seokjin slammed the phone down and pursed his lips in annoyance.
Several floors down,
“Um, miss? Mr. Seokjin asks you to deliver it yourself,” the kind lady on the front desk with a neat ballerina bun said. She also mentioned that she will personally show you the way. Security is no kidding in this building. You took your neatly tied bento and followed the tall lady. Scuffling behind her, you keep fixing your hair and neatening your blouse. You were clearly underdressed, far too casual for this visit— which you severely regret. Your plan was just to say thank you and bolt out, why did he have to send you up? The lady gracefully pointed you to the hall that leads to Seokjin’s personal office.
The whole interior screams crisp and extravagant nuance to it, furnished with only the finest cabinets and doors. The floors are marble and the walls are littered with artworks you remember Seokjin’s mother likes to collect. The benches are leather finish, and exude an aura of endless exorbitant materials. After you turned to the corner, you saw a men, in 3-piece suits bowing at you, and calling your honorary title, “Lady Kim,” the man greeted, placing his hand over his heart and bowing, “Min Yoongi, Mr. Kim’s personal secretary at your disposal. May I escort you?”
You bowed back and stammered, “S-sure, p-please. I don’t know the way… I might find my way to the next building if I’m not careful…” you chuckled nervously.
“Ah, that would be quite impossible considering you need to build a bridge first but I will propose the excellent idea towards the man of the house,” he jests. You cracked a more genuine smile when you somehow understood his dry sense of humor. He is quite hilarious and quite lovely. Years of working with Seokjin might have made him an excellent people reader. You wondered why such positive quality never really brushed off on Seokjin. Yoongi stands in front of the door and knocks twice. You heard a stern, full of authority, “Come in,” muffled through the door. The knob was turned and Yoongi allowed you in. Seokjin stood up and walked around the table to hold the door open until you stepped fully inside.
He chewed his lips behind you as you asked him where you could settle yourself with your eyes. He points to the small coffee table where several chairs were found. It was right in front of his desk— its surfaces were barely visible from the mountain of files stacked on top of it. Your eyes drifted to the wall clock he has on the opposing wall and then back to the stack of files. Looks like dinner wasn’t in the plan any time soon. When you turned to him, he was forcing out a smile.
“Why are you smiling? Stop smiling. It’s weird.”
“I can’t, I have to. Yoongi’s watching…”
“Close the shades then…”
“I can't, I don’t have the remote…”
“Who has the remote?”
“Yoongi does…”
“Holy mushrooms… is he terrorizing you? Blink twice if you need help.”
“It’s not like that, he is just worried I’ll cry while I work,” he rambles and darts his eyes up at you, and clears his throat, “It’s a long story.”
“You cried?”
“Let’s never talk about that, ever again,” he moves next to you and has you seated while you were still asking why he cried. He continues, “What did you bring for dinner?”
You suddenly zapped into the presence and the reason why you were here. Your hands proceed to untie the bento but stopped because it felt strange opening the things you prepared yourself. You pushed the bento over to him. His pretty long fingers untied the knot easily and you looked away as you figured the view of his hand were a little too aphrodisiac to handle at this distance. Seokjin saw the little teddy bear rice balls with seaweed eyes and inari cap and he couldn’t resist smiling. There is an egg sandwich on the side, some egg rolls that look like a motorcycle underneath the mickey mouse toothpick. There is also some gummy bear from the brands he liked, without orange gummy bear. Seokjin smiled at the thoughtful gesture. He doesn’t like orange gummy bears and always leaves it for you because it was too sour for him. You remembered that little known fact.
“I made some fried rice underneath just in case you’re still hungry. And there’s stir fried fish cake too… and toasted lavers,” you said, scrolling down idly on your phone. Seokjin took the chopstick and spoon, and devoured them. He offers a bite. You shook your head.
“Listen to me, Yoongi is the first person we need to convince. He might not look the part, but he will report everything to my father, so it’s best that we make it appear as genuine as it can,” he explains through gritted teeth and poses an angelic smile at you. You gingerly approach the wooden spoon with a mountain of rice and let him feed you.
“Good girl…” he says in a way that makes your stomach dipped.
You prayed he didn’t notice how flustered you become. You started coughing because one of the rice grains went to your airway and Seokjin was right about Yoongi always surveilling because he arrived with a cup of water for you and was standing inside Seokjin’s office. You didn’t notice when he even came in but he is here and he is handing you the water. Seokjin scooped another spoon for himself while you were choking. Typical Seokjin. He only handed you his handkerchief.
“Thank you, Yoongi…” Seokjin said instead of you. You only thanked him through your hair.
“You’re welcome…” Yoongi leaves.
Seokjin drank down the ginseng soup you brewed for him. It was piping hot when you packed it, now it's just nice to drink. He made a grunting sound right after.
“That’s a good ginseng. Dad sent it, right?”
“Y-yea,” you stuttered, still recovering from the coughing fit.
Seokjin cleaned the whole bento. Not a grain of rice was left. It was clear that he was starving and he was burping when he took the bentos away from you. You insisted that you could wash it when you return home, but he said it was the least he could do since you did all the cooking, and he let the door open so Yoongi could hear how nice he was as a husband. An A-grade acting skill. While you wait, you wipe the desk with a tissue. You have always been obsessed with keeping things clean and in order. As you threw the used tissue away, you were interrupted by Yoongi, knocking at the door with a toothbrush set.
“Looks like he forgot to bring his toothbrush over, he always brushes his teeth after meals… would you mind?” Yoongi pleads, and watching your hesitance he adds, “I have an international call to take, they put me on hold for now…”
You inhaled a small puff of air in through your mouth and took the toothbrush from Yoongi’s hand as he said, down the hall to the left, Seokjin’s personal bathroom.
“You have a tub in your bathroom??” your voice echoed through the marble walls and made Seokjin jump in his place, your bento almost flying out the sink. Seokjin groans and starts hissing, “Why are you here?”
You wiggled his toothbrush set in his face.
“Yoongi took it out knowing that you were coming upstairs, I knew it… that’s why he left his desk. And I thought it was to take a personal call from dad…” Seokjin grumbles accusatively, “Smart. You didn’t do anything suspicious like refusing to come into the baths right?”
You paused.
“Well I’m not really desperate to be raking you in the bathroom, so I was hesitating a bit, not sure if this was allowed in office settings, with all the staff here you know… I think it was an appropriate move coming from a lady such as myself…” you defended yourself, adding with a flick of your hair, “Besides, I’m a wife, not a hoe.”
Seokjin dries his hand with a cloth hanging by the mirror stand. Then he roughly grabs the toothbrush from you and squeezed the paste out the tube. While he does that, you screened the bathroom. The white gold finish, studded designs. Rows of bath bombs and scented candles of all fragrance available. The light behind the mirror and cabinet full of towels. He could practically live here. He could, but he wouldn’t. But you would.
“My cockroach infested bathroom is nothing compared with this…”
“Don’t forget flickering light bulbs…”
“Yeah, flickering bulbs. If I ever sell my house, can I stay here?”
“You’re not selling your damned house, no one would buy them.”
“The guy last night would. But you told him not to.”
“What kind of husband lets a wife stay in a toilet…? Sometimes when you talk, you don’t think and I don’t know how you live this long…”
“With a lot of patient people. And you, not being one.”
Walking back, Seokjin is hugging the bento and you follow him out. However, Yoongi isn’t around. His desktop is still on, signifying that he hasn’t left. But the look in Seokjin’s eyes suggested that it could be one of his shenanigans. Guard’s up.
“I have a few more files to look into, so you could just sit there and mind your own business,” Seokjin shooed you away with his hand.
“But I want to go home now, the last bus— “
“If you mention one more time about the last bus on whatever time, I will throw your transportation card out the fucking window and then you,” Seokjin leans in his chair, shifting papers and turning away from you, and, “You knew that if you come here, I will have to send you home.”
“I didn’t plan to come up, you told me to,” you shot back.
All you hear is him shifting the papers, and the sound of the paper scraping the fabric of his dress shirt then he said, “Would have it been more appropriate to send you away and paint myself as a bad husband while you play your good wife roles hm? Tell me, darling…” he said in a sing-song voice that shudders you. Seokjin knew exactly what he was doing. Rubbing your knees sitting restlessly, eyes travel wherever they please— you seem to find new things to look at and explore. Checking your emails from your phone, you decided that maybe you could start listing down assignments you need to do in accordance to their due date. And for that, you need a paper and a pen.
“Seokjinnie…” you whispered, “Seokjin— “
“Hm,” Seokjin replied.
“Do you have any small post-it notes I can write on?”
The chair spun around and not long after that, you heard a drawer being opened. He took a new stack of it from his drawer. You sprung to your feet and he shook his hand, insisting that he’ll come there instead. When the paper got to you, you shaped your hand into holding an imaginary pen and mouthed the word at him. He immediately gave you the pen he is currently using. You froze a little, not wanting him to give up the pen he needs. Understanding from that look alone, he said, “I have more.”
An hour passes by, it’s almost 10pm. Seokjin is reading earnestly and not showing signs that he’s leaving soon. He went from sitting down in the chair, to pacing left and right, to consulting Yoongi who was still outside taking calls at this hour. Don’t companies this big have a department specifically for taking international calls? Seokjin had unbuttoned the top two of his dress shirts by this time. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbow and his hair is a little disheveled. Two minutes after the call, Yoongi knocks on the door to Seokjin’s office.
“The contractor can’t do weekends. Maybe next week, the earliest…” Yoongi began, talking about something you weren’t aware of. You know better not to butt in matters that aren’t yours to figure.
Without looking up from the stock index he has in his hand, Seokjin leans on his table, crossing his ankles and shifts to the next paper while answering to Yoongi, “We can’t have anyone else do it, contractor Park has always been the one we called. Can’t he push back whatever else he had at the moment for old time’s sake?” It was disguised as a question but Yoongi worked long enough with this family to know that it isn’t. Yoongi stood there still, possibly trying to word a sentence that would make his boss understand that it was simply non-negotiable. Judging from his work ethics, he probably had mentioned that ‘old-time-sake’ excuse before Seokjin even suggested it. Noticing the silence being a bit harrowing, Seokjin finally lifts his gaze to Yoongi through the paper.
“It’s just one artwork,” Seokjin’s voice curls.
You widen your eyes at your paper, mouthing, “Maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to. Because it’s just one artwork. He rakes more money elsewhere, why would he waste time to hang just one artwork, makes perfect sense to me…”
Seokjin and Yoongi swung their head at you at the same time. Noticing the laser eyes on you, you slowly lift your head up.
“I was just saying…” you sandwiched your cheeks between two palms.
Yoongi begins to explain how Seokjin’s mother bought an artwork and wanted it to be hung in Seokjin’s penthouse. Contractor Park is the go-to person for that for many years, since he’s done a great job on all of them. Seokjin’s mother has, since then, promoted Jimin’s, Park Jimin’s handcrafts to all her wealthy art-loving friends; so when Jimin denied Seokjin’s request, it’s easy to see Seokjin’s reaction and how offended he was. ‘Old-times-sake’ is not just a reminder, it is a threat. But it seems that Jimin’s business has grown beyond that level and that he does not, any longer, fear the phrase. A corporation as big as Seokjin’s has the power to overturn small businesses at any time of the day so for Jimin to act rather rashly was not uncommon, it was unexpected. It looks like Seokjin already knew where Jimin could be occupied in, but he is not spilling a word as competing companies never mention each other; it’s office taboo.
All these situations sound dangerous for a mere artwork-hanging-agenda. Are these the things rich people are worried about? Influence? If it were up to you, you would hang it by yourself. But that’s just an emphasis on how different you are from the world Seokjin was born in. You’re a simpleton and his is complex— where even hiring a contractor could be a means of dispute.
“I’ll help you hang them…” you offered yourself.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I will not allow such a thing,” Seokjin scoffed.
“She’ll help, that’s a great idea,” Yoongi seconds you, “More time together.”
You beam at Yoongi and then Seokjin, before your smile immediately dissolves at the sight of sour Seokjin. He blinks back into the stock market analysis report sent by the accountancy department, his mind still lingering on the thought of taking you home with him for the first time. Revealing to you the space he had kept private all these years and trying to predict the situations that could happen.
Seokjin comes up with an arrangement all of a sudden and you were sure that he brought it up because you were pushing your way through his private space on purpose so he does it as a form of revenge of some sort.
"If you're coming to my house to install my painting, then I'll have you bring me to that friends' wedding you tried so hard to hide from me, … deal?"
To be continued…
Copyright © May 11th, 2021 namjoonchronicles do not repost, and thank you for reading :)
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
You’re Here Now-Remus Lupin x Reader
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(GIF credit to @dailewis​)
Requested by @sociallyawkward-princess​: ‘Hi! could you do a Remus Lupin post where he comes back from a mission for the Order and you're ___ amount of months pregnant but he didn't know that yet. Also, if you're further along, could you include him getting upset with himself for not being there for your morning sickness and pain so you comfort him about it! thank you!’
Characters: Remus Lupin x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Pregnancy, morning sickness, keeping secrets (?), fluff fluff fluff
I hadn’t told him. I should have, but I couldn’t. He was going to be away for a month, maybe longer, it was an important mission. I was just lucky that I wasn’t called in. Although there was a weighing guilt on my mind as soon as he left, I also knew that Remus would have a clearer head if he didn’t know yet, otherwise his concentration would be effected; I couldn’t risk him getting hurt.
It was a cruel twist of fate. Unfortunately I had confirmed my suspicions the evening before Remus was to leave, battling with myself if I should tell him. But watching him pack his things, so focused on his things, looking over the details of the plan given to him, I had to make the hard decision. I just hoped that he didn’t hate me when he returned.
Remus and I had briefly spoken about children. We love each other dearly, I could talk about my love for him for twenty four hours, seven days a week, and it still wouldn’t express my full feelings, I just loved him too much. Both being a part of the Order made life dangerous, it wasn’t the type of job you could imagine bringing a child around. However, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It had been a dream of mine to have a family with Remus as soon as I knew my love for him was true. His caring demeanour would be perfect for raising a child, I could see him as a father figure, a dad that our child would look up to and adore. It warmed my heart just thinking about it.
Of course, being pregnant and alone had been scary at first. You instantly think of everything negative, anything bad that could happen to you. What should I be eating and drinking? Should I be doing certain activities anymore? What was good for the baby? What was bad for the baby? When should I get the supplies? The baby clothes? The cot? But after having a long bath to alleviate my stress, I began to think of all the good that would come of this. Remus and I had wanted a family, it was unexpected, but not unwanted. The images of us waking up to our child, watching their face light up as we lifted them out of the cot, heading to the kitchen to make them a bottle. Their first steps, first word, first day of school; standing back and always saying ‘they grow up so fast’. It made me smile, tenderly stroking my belly as I thought about my child growing inside of me.
The day of Remus’ return had arrived. I had received a letter confirming he was safe and on his way home. Although I was ecstatic to see him, to hold him, to kiss him, I was anxious about his reaction. I wasn’t too far along, the bump was hardly noticeable, but Remus would sense something was off. Clinging onto the hope that he wouldn’t be angry, my heart rate increased as I heard the door unlocking.
“(Y/N)?” he called out, the sound of his voice making me grin.
Rushing to him, I appeared in the hallway, both of us beaming at each other. I ran to him, throwing myself into his arms as he easily caught me, keeping me slightly lifted from the floor. Our grip was tight on one another, inhaling the smell we had grown accustom to, before he set me on my feet and slowly kissed me.
“I miss you more and more every time one of us leaves.” Remus said as we pulled away.
I pecked his lips again.“So do I. I’m just glad you’re back safe.”
“Are you alright? Weren’t too lonely without me?”
Nope, because there was technically two of us here whilst you were gone.
“Of course I was. But you know I’m fine, I have to share you with work.”
I took his hand in mine, leading him to the living room. Though I had given off a calm demeanour, I felt my breathing become shallow, mouth turning dry as I gestured for him to sit.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” he asked, hesitantly sitting. 
I placed my hand on his knee as I sat beside him.“Something...happened whilst you were gone. Well, not whilst you were gone, it happened just before actually...”
As I panicked, my stomach churned, my body alerting me that if I didn’t run to the toilet this instant, there would be a lot of mess in my front room. Leaping from the sofa, I bolted to the bathroom, falling to my knees at the toilet, clumsily opening the seat up as everything I had eaten projected out of me. The awful retching sounds echoed throughout the room, the smell making it all that much worse. I hadn’t heard Remus come after me, but I knew he was there, squeezing the hand he had placed on my shoulder. It didn’t take long for me to stop, slumping back against the bathtub as Remus stood, instructing me to stay put. I grabbed some tissue, wiping my mouth before throwing it in the toilet and flushing it. Remus returned with a glass of water, sitting on the floor beside me.
“(Y/N), what haven’t you told me?” he quietly said.
“I’m sorry. I mean...it’s pretty obvious what’s happening here.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
Looking him in the eyes, I took a deep breath to suppress the urge to cry.“I’m pregnant.”
His mouth slowly formed a smile, before he let out a breathy chuckle, soon laughing.“We...we’re going to have a baby?”
I nodded.“Yeah.”
“Oh my, I...I don’t really know what to say, I’m in shock, I’m too happy-wait. You said something about this happening before I left?”
“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just thought that with you going on a long, important mission, it’s all you would think about and-”
“And with good reason!”
“Are you angry at me?”
He stared at me for a second, though there was no angry look in his eyes. He sighed as he held my hand.“I understand why you did it. But I do wish you would have told me first. I just can’t stand the thought of you keeping something so big to yourself. Especially if you’ve been like this, I want to look after you.”
“I know. I do regret it slightly. But you’re here now. You’re alive, you’re well, and you’re back. Obviously we have a lot to talk about, but-”
“The serious stuff can come later. I want to lie down with you for a while, I want to talk about how you’ve been, how it’s felt to start growing our child.”
“Well, as you’ve just seen, it’s not all so sweet and nurturing.”
He kissed the back of my hand.“I’ll be here for every moment of it. We’re in this together, and we’re going to be the best parents.”
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jaehyunfirstlove · 4 years
Highway to Heaven - Ch. 3
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Your best friend Johnny wants to go on a road trip. The only catch? He wants to bring his roommate, Jeong Jaehyun, someone you just couldn’t stand.
Genre: e2l, fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
Warnings: alcohol use, shirtless Jaehyun ;)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2
A/N: There are some drunken shenanigans (but not the smutty kind) so if this makes you feel uncomfortable please do not read.
The next morning you did not feel well rested at all, courtesy of your bed mate who moved constantly in his sleep. You’d be woken with either a knee in the back or a hand in the face, and at one point he even mumbled in his sleep, and you thought he was actually talking to you so you spent a good minute trying to figure out what he was saying.
Naturally you were crabby and since it was your shift to drive, your first stop was at Starbucks for a good strong coffee. Your companions had the good sense to stay out of your way, and the rest of the drive was blessedly quiet. You didn’t even turn on any music, feeling a migraine from lack of sleep coming on. By the time you reached the beach at Santa Cruz your head was pounding and all you wanted to do was lie on the beach and rethink your life choices.
Johnny and Jaehyun, however, were like two kids who’d been let out on the last day of school. Once you’d put the car in park they jumped out and bolted towards the water, hollering the entire time, shedding shoes, socks, and shirts as they went. You mentally prayed that they would stop there and thankfully they did, splashing in the ocean in just their shorts. You trailed behind, dragging a beach blanket and umbrella.
“Come into the water, Y/N, it’s so refreshing!” Johnny beckoned.
“No thanks, I know by ‘refreshing’ you mean ‘cold’,” you countered, setting up the blanket and umbrella in the sand, “you guys have fun, I’m going to pass out.” You put your sunglasses on and sat on the blanket, sparing them a glance before you planned to nap. Except that the sight of a shirtless Jaehyun made you pause.
You’d seen Johnny shirtless before so you were immune to it by now, and Jaehyun wasn’t as built as Johnny but again there was something about him that pulled you in. His shoulders were broad, something you hadn’t really noticed when he was wearing clothes, his chest defined, and the clear lines of his abs were evident as he played around with Johnny in the water. You tried to swallow but your throat was dry, willing yourself to look away but you couldn’t. He looked your way and smiled, the setting sun forming a halo effect around him. It felt like time stopped at that moment, but you just blamed it on your migraine giving you hallucinations. You shook your head at the same time Johnny grabbed Jaehyun and dunked him in the water.
That night was camping on the beach, and you and Jaehyun started the campfire while Johnny set up the tents.
“You’re good at this,” Jaehyun commented, as you deftly lit the tinder and fanned the small flames into a roaring fire.
“Did I tell you Y/N’s a pyro?” Johnny chuckled, fighting with the tent poles.
You just shrugged. “I was always in charge of the campfires when I went camping with my family. I guess I had the steadiest hands and I wasn’t afraid of fire. Johnny is, though.” You side-eyed your friend.
“Hey, don’t give away all my secrets,” Johnny wagged a finger at you, “besides, it’s perfectly normal to be afraid of fire.”
“Mm,” Jaehyun nodded, “is that why you’re setting up your tent thirty feet away?”
“That is NOT the reason, I have a new sleeping bag that’s rated for very cold temperatures that I wanted to test.” Johnny huffed.
You snickered, “Well, I’m telling you now that I am definitely not sleeping with you tonight, I still have bruises from the one-sided boxing match you engaged in with me last night.” You rolled your neck and Jaehyun laughed.
“Guess it’s you and me tonight, John,” he winked at Johnny, who winked back at him and blew him a kiss.
You made vomiting noises as you watched them. “Get a room!”
“We have a tent!” They said together, collapsing into laughter.
You roasted hot dogs over the fire for dinner, and paired with a few beers you were starting to feel drowsy again. Johnny had already retired to his tent, and Jaehyun was quietly poking at the fire with a stick.
“Hey,” you started but just as soon stopped. Your tongue felt too big for your mouth, you were pretty sure you weren’t drunk, but sometimes when you looked over at Jaehyun there were two of him. That definitely would be trouble, you thought, then giggled.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, looking at you curiously.
“Oop! Was that out loud?” you were startled at the sound of your own voice, your eyes bulging, your hand clapping over your mouth. Jaehyun broke out into the widest smile you’d seen from him yet.
“Y/N, are you drunk?”
“Are you kidding?” you slurred, confused again as to why your voice sounded that way, “Absolutely not! And I am insulted that you would think that!” you went on. Your face felt hot, and it wasn’t from the fire.
“Sorry, you just sounded like it. And your face-” he began to point at you, his finger making a circle in the air around your face.
“Don’t!” you pointed right back at him, your blood boiling, “You don’t get to talk about my face! Who do you think you are anyway! Bad boy? Huh? Player!”
He flinched at your words, and even with your mind clouded you could feel the tension in the air. He went back to poking at the fire, and you were struck with the sudden urge to vomit.
“Jaehyun, I think I’m gonna throw up,” you managed to warn him, before you turned away and emptied the contents of your dinner into the sand. He jumped up from where he was sitting, cradling an arm around you and holding your hair back as you heaved. He held you like that until you were done, passing you some tissues and a bottle of water when you seemed to be better. You sat back, holding onto his arm to steady yourself.
“Are you okay?” he asked, concern clear in his eyes. When you nodded a strand of hair fell into your face, and he reached over and tucked it behind your ear. That simple gesture made your heart flip in your chest, but before you could do anything about it, your world went black.
“Should we bring her to the hospital?”
“Nah, she’ll be fine, I’ve seen this before. One time in college, she got drunk at a party and barfed all over this guy she had a crush on.” Johnny snickered at the memory, “She just needs to sleep it off.”
“I don’t know, Johnny, she was all pale and then she passed out. I carried her to her tent but I felt bad about leaving her alone in there.”
You were slowly starting to regain consciousness, forcing your eyes open you recognized you were in your tent. You could hear Johnny and Jaehyun talking outside.
“Owww,” you moaned, clutching your head as you propped yourself up on your elbows. That simple motion made your entire body ache.
“Y/N?” you heard the tent unzip, Jaehyun’s worried face appearing in the opening. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been run over by a freight train,” you croaked, coughing as your throat felt like sandpaper. Jaehyun handed you a bottle of water. You almost chugged it in one go but Jaehyun stopped you, urging you to slow down.
“Slowly,” he touched your arm lightly with his hand, and even though the contact was brief, you felt warmth spread throughout your body.
“Thanks,” you said sincerely, looking him in the eye. He tilted his head slightly at you before he smiled, that beautiful dimpled smile that was starting to bewitch you.
“You’re fine, Y/N, stop milking this already! Let’s get going, we’re losing sunlight here!” Johnny was bellowing from behind Jaehyun.
“Give her a minute, Johnny,” Jaehyun turned to him, putting out his hand in a calming gesture. Johnny just shrugged.
“Alright but don’t take too long, I want to get to that diner before it gets too busy.” He disappeared, presumably to pack up his tent.
“What time is it, anyway?” you asked Jaehyun, rubbing your eyes.
“Almost eleven,” he answered.
“In the morning?” you yawned. The corners of Jaehyun’s mouth twitched, he was trying not to smile.
“Yes. We let you sleep in. Well, I let you sleep in. Johnny wanted to wake you at seven.”
“Oh god, thank you so much,” you were starting to feel more awake, but your body still ached, “He’s right though, that diner gets crazy around noon. Let’s go.” You tried to stand up but your limbs wouldn’t obey you.
“Do you need help?” you could tell he wanted to, his arms were already outstretched, but he still waited for your consent. You wanted to say no, you hated feeling like you needed help, but nothing was going to happen if you remained stubborn. You mentally cursed yourself for drinking that one extra beer that you knew you shouldn’t have.
“Yeah, thanks,” you nodded, and he leaned down and lifted you gently. You hated yourself for thinking it, but his arms around you felt good. You could feel the strength in them, but also the gentleness and care with which he handled you. Once you were on your feet you nodded at him, thinking you were okay, so he let go. You almost crumpled to the ground but he caught you, his reflexes undeniably fast.
“Whoops,” he said, arms enclosing you, his face just inches from yours. You were so close to him you could smell the mintiness of his breath, could see the reflection of yourself in his irises, could feel the heat radiating from his body. It was only a split second though, before he righted you, not letting go this time. “Just hold onto me, if you need to.”
This time, you did, clutching his elbow as he walked you back to the car. Johnny ended up packing everything else up, shaking his head and clicking his tongue at you as he passed.
“No more beer for you!” he rebuked. You stuck out your tongue at him, but even that motion made you woozy. Jaehyun placed you carefully in the backseat, making sure you were comfortable before getting into the driver’s seat.
“Don’t drive too crazy, okay?” you pleaded weakly.
He looked at you in the rearview mirror and smiled. “Promise.”
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Illicit Affairs — Jin
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader (nicknamed Angel)
Wordcount: 8.4k
Genre: smut, pwp, fluff, established relationship, idol!AU
Rating: 18+
Hello my sugar gliders! Here we go with Jin’s Illicit Affairs. Sorry for postponing this but I was literally drained of energies. But on to more pleasing things. 
Plot: After Jin and Angel start exploring their kinkier side, Jin finds himself completely amused by even the smallest things that he is now allowed to do. This sudden revelation brings him to experiment more in the bedroom. And not only there
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Okay. Swearing. Masturbation (both male and female receiving), Oral sex (male and female receiving), spit play, power play (Master!Jin Sub!reader), cock worship, multiple orgasms, orgasm deprivation, overstimulation, sex toys (vibrating wand), breast slapping, cum play and cum swallowing, slight degradation, possessive sex, lowkey angry sex, marking, face fucking (male receiving), hair gripping/tugging (male receiving), unprotected sex within an established relationship (please, once more, be sure you and your partner(s) are safe before you choose to go bare). Oh, Seokjin is big so, belly bulge. And... carpet burns? Also: RIP to Angel’s blouse. 
Here is a very tiny playlist for these two (Spotify version only, sorry) 
Remember to check out my masterlist and keep an eye on the voting link, I’m opening it again very very soon. 
ALSO!!! Let me thank @joheun-saram​ for planning this out with me and for being the most supportive cute bubble in this whole galaxy 🥰
Enjoy! 💜✨
Seokjin had never felt that good in all of his life.
He always felt excited, eager, needy.
He wanted you all the time.
He wanted vanilla and spice.
He wanted to kiss you slow, explore your body, watch as you arched your back, as you panted and gasped, as you parted your lips and closed your eyes. He wanted to watch you get lost into pleasure.
And again.
And again.
He never thought he could wish for a quickie on the sofa on a Wednesday, after a whole day at the studio, practicing choreo. Still, he’d watched you bounce on his cock, pressing his face into your tits, he’d engorged your nipples in his mouth, he had watched you get your first orgasm and he’d gone for the second, teasing your clit with one hand and slapping your tits with another.
He had enjoyed every second and the more he looked at your mouth agape, eyes soft and imploring, the more he felt your nails dig into his shoulders, and the louder your skin smacked against his thighs, the more he felt the utter need to make it all escalate faster, harder, wilder.
He wanted to show you something new, something your ex had never given you, no matter the toys and threesomes and all of that kinky stuff you used to do with him.
He wanted to show you how wild you always got him. How much exploring he wanted to do with you.
And that was beside the riding crops and vibrators and nipple clamps, beside the list of things you liked and the things he wanted to do to you. He had a whole year worth of fantasies, of wet dreams he had never dared venture into. 
With erotic fury he moved you to the carpet, feeling the fibres beginning to burn his knees shortly after the sensation started diffusing through your ass and shoulders.
“Jin!” You called, trying to slow him down, though his mighty thrusts were literally driving you across the floor.
“Angel, I need—”
“It burns, Jinnie, please.” You said, with an apologetic smile.
He looked around with a furrowed brow. He was close. Again.
He could use a slow down.
“Hold onto me.” He said, making you wrap your legs around his ridiculously thin waist and your arms around his neck.
“Gonna move.” He said, refusing to pick you up and bring you to the bedroom. It would be unrealistic, he would most definitely slip out, walking would be uncomfortable and it would probably just edge you — which he had no intention doing.
He just wanted you to cum. And cum. And cum. Drain him. All he asked was to fill you up with his cum and watch it dribble down your thighs and cover his cock as he slipped out.
With an uncaring sweep of his forearm across the coffee table, he threw a bunch of video games and dvd cases, together with a box of tissues to the floor, the magazines falling open, making a mess of bent pages and the sound of a tear coming from somewhere.
“I hope that wasn’t the travel catalogue.”
“Don’t care. Need to fucking rail you,” he said, placing your back on the table, the angle now ideal to ram into you while he was kneeling and watching your tits shake at every single one of his thrusts.
“Jin, I love you so damn much,” you removed your hands from his shoulders while he caught your waist for leverage. You gripped the edge of the table and crossed your ankles behind his back. “Wreck me?”
He grinned. “I love you, you demon.” And with that he snapped. He held you tight, pistoning in and out of you aggressively, his hair, messy, sweaty and a bit too long, going in all directions. “Tell me how much you love this cock.”
“Too much.” You hiccuped, moving your hand to try and reach for his wrist.
“Put that hand back in place, Angel.” He growled.
You obeyed. Not like you had much choice. Rebelling would be counterproductive.
And the chances of him overthrowing you were far too high. He would ruin your orgasm and spill on your belly.
Too much damage, too much lost potential.
You let him ram into you, your neck arching up to spot the bulge he was causing on your lower belly.
“Angel.” He called, stern.
“Yes,” You replied, almost adding a ‘sir’ before remembering that his dark tone was due to desire, rather than dominance,
“Is this how you want it?” He asked, grunting before delivering another push.
He clenched his jaw and picked up his pace.
“Like that, Jin.” You said, praising him, noticing how much the effort was getting to him. “Best cock of my entire life, Jin. Swear to god.”
“You made me such a wicked man, uh?”
The pattern of his hips started faltering as he went harder, his spine freezing and burning up before he snapped forward. “You've made me become a filthy, dirty man, Angel, ” He growled and you started squeezing him tight, waiting for him to hit the right spot.
He did, just as his orgasm peaked and started subsiding.
“You're not an angel. You're a demon.” He murmured, collapsing onto you, fighting exhaustion to keep going until he heard your tiny squeal.
“You're my dirty angel and I love you.” He rasped against your ear. “My angel.”
You gasped and locked your muscles around his cock, squeezing him so violently he had to shut his eyes tight, small crinkles forming around them.
“Jin,” you called, holding him to your chest, keeping him close, looking for his reassurance.
He fixed your hair out of your face. “You've done great, my love.”
“I'm so tired.” You said, closing your eyes, so ready to fall asleep.
“We need to clean you up.” He reminded you. “Then you can fall asleep as fast as you want, sweetie.”
“Don't leave.” You said, feeling him pull out. “Just a minute,” you implored, murmuring.
“The more we stay here, the more we'll get sleepy.”
Of course he wanted to stay inside of you, but he was too tired to carry you to bed and he needed you on your feet.
“Okay.” You replied, without hiding a sad inclination* in your voice.
He touched your face, kissing you as he parted from your warmth. “I love you.” He said, trying to give you enough closeness to make the separation less traumatic.
“I love you,” You echoed, pecking him as he finally slipped out. “I'm dripping.” You said, worrying about the carpet.
He quickly grabbed some tissues from the nearby box and cleaned you up as well as he could.
“I've got you.” He said, keeping the tissues in one hand before he helped you up.
As you both walked down the corridor, headed for the master bathroom, he kept holding your hand, not letting his touch abandon you.
“Let me get ready for bed.” You murmured, kissing his shoulder.
He nodded and kissed your brow in return, your head slotting perfectly under his chin. “I’ll go fix the coffee table.” He said before heading out.
The moment he returned he headed for the bathroom briefly before sliding in behind you, under the covers. “I love you, Angel. You know that, right?”
“I know it. I love you too, Jinnie.”
He wrapped an arm around you. He wasn’t used to holding you in your sleep, since you both didn’t like feeling clingy, but an arm casually flung over your body? That he could handle.
He could handle it so fine he fell asleep in record time.
You followed right in his track.
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He was late. Very late. Awfully, reprehensible late.
He entered the conference room in a rush. Thank goodness the meeting with the creative team hadn’t started yet. “Morning everyone, sorry for being late. Tiny breakfast accident.”
Jeongguk and Hoseok looked at him with worried eyes that quickly filled with mirth.
Yoongi smirked and looked down, shaking his head.
Namjoon visibly stomped Jimin’s foot before the rascal could speak, his intentions already clear thanks to the devilish expression on his face.
Taehyung was mostly impassive, yawning before clicking his pen, slightly annoyed. “Can we start now?”
He hated seven am meetings. Especially when they set them that early to accommodate Jeongguk and Namjoon’s gym schedule. He still had to wrap his head around all the excitement about working out; but maybe that had to do with Lace being quite enthusiastic about his lithe body, soft in all the best ways and all the right places.
The crew got started, still the more they went on, the more Seokjin realised he was barely involved in the conversation, Namjoon and Taehyung and Yoongi being the most opinionated, with occasional interruptions by Jeongguk, who seemed to already have grasped his hyungs’ visions.
Hoseok listened quietly, ever observing. Jimin looked pretty. As usual. He was attentive and followed the conversation, still he kept most of his ideas and limited himself to approving or rejecting suggestions.
He seemed he had already found three pieces he wanted to put his hands on and he and some members of the recording crew had already started working on demos, recording vocals for Namjoon and Jeongguk to give words to.
Seokjin felt a bit too relaxed staying there, looking at the process, being addressed only a few times.
He was already okay with working on the song that would be left out, trusting his friends to choose what had most potential for them and hand him the piece he would tailor to his voice. It was their method and he loved it, it kept him from being indecisive. He hated feeling indecisive and he felt like that happened way too often for him.
And in the end he was glad he could let his body and soul disconnect from the moment and wander back to other visions. Of you warm and tender in your bed, resting serenely.
He had never seen you so peaceful in your sleep like after a rowdy fuck. Even during your vanilla life, he managed to give you pleasure — you had reassured him about that — but your sleep, though undisturbed and heavy, had never resembled the total black out that followed your wildest nights together.
He loved watching you sleep like that, knowing he had taken all you could give, knowing you were sated to the bone and — indulging a darker desire — basking in the possessive certainty that you had nothing left to give to someone else or to handle yourself.
He felt accomplished. Proud, even.
Nevertheless, his mind couldn’t stop wandering back to the image of you earlier that morning, a couple minutes before he realised he was late.
Your breasts were soft and warm from sleep, cheeks and lips puffy, your face the portrait of innocence and peacefulness. You were the Angel he had fallen in love with. Still he knew that, had he woken you up, you would have clung onto him until your skins would have melted together, his head shoved between your tits, while his cock was buried deep inside you. Or maybe you would have joined him in the shower, jerking him off, kissing between his shoulder blades and telling him you were still too ruined from the night before.
However, that morning, before he could kiss you, he spotted the alarm right behind your back, telling him he had a meeting in fifteen minutes.
All he could do was rush out, praying for his morning erection to calm down quick enough for him to rush through the most minimalistic morning routine without looking like a mechanic doll.
The more the talks went on, the more he realised he needed to see you.
By eleven am the meeting was adjourned, Namjoon and Jeongguk rushing out to their gym schedule, with a disappointed Taehyung staring at them in confusion.
Yoongi and Hoseok headed to their neighbouring studios quietly while Seokjin remained to his own thoughts.
He decided he could use a run on the treadmill and some light cardio. The first time he checked his phone was eleven thirty. He thought about calling you, but he changed his mind and moved on to another side of the gym, hopping on a stationary bike and starting his usual workout. His friends joined him shortly after. They exercised quietly, each of them breaking out in a fit of giggles with a comment or another.
As they entered the changing room, Jeongguk spoke. “So, Angel…” He said, with a tiny teasing vein in his voice.
“Yeah. Angel,” Seokjin said, thinking of you.
“Did it get better?” Namjoon asked, without malice.
Jin nodded. “Yes. Significantly.” He looked at his phone again. “Do we have meetings in the afternoon?”
Namjoon smirked. He empathised with his hyung. He knew the gleam in his eyes, the way Jin’s fingers ached to text you. “We have an online interview at five, so you’ll have to be here at two for makeup and a quick briefing.”
Jin nodded. “Great.”
“Fifteen minutes late is all they’ll allow you. And no marks.” Namjoon murmured softly, barely bearable as he stretched to Jin’s ear. “Go, Romeo.”
Jin changed his clothes in record time, texting you a very neutral “be home for lunch” as he ran home in record time.
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The moment you found the text you grew instantly worried, mostly because it was rare for Seokjin to send you such dry, neutral texts. And then he had never interfered with your schedule except once, when he had come home to tell you that your weekend getaway had to be annulled because of his job.
It was almost one pm when you heard the door open, signalled by the electronic beep of the lock. “Angel?” He called from the entryway.
“Yes!” You said, rushing through the corridor and finding him in the hall.
“You’re home.” He said plainly, looking at you as he dropped his bag.
“What happened?” You asked, staring at him.
He had those eyes. The dark, deep ones that you loved so much. You knew he wouldn’t give you bad news this time. And he wouldn’t be asking you out for lunch either.
He wanted something and you knew what it was.
“I’ve been thinking about you all morning.” He growled quietly.
“You left in a rush.” You found the hair tie at your wrist and collected your hair slowly, like you were in front of a wolf ready to attack you and you didn’t want to scare him. You kept looking in his eyes.
“I was forced to leave.” He said, mirroring your guarded stance. “Even though I had plans.”
“What kind of plans?” You asked, loosening a button of your blouse.
“How about I show you now?” He suggested, his hands gripping his belt and beginning to undo it. “Kneel.”
You grinned and lowered yourself to your knees, opening one more button of your blouse and looking up at him, opening your mouth and lolling out your tongue, sitting on your heels and placing your palms on your knees.
“Close your mouth, darling.” He said, slipping his hand inside his jeans, underneath the waistband of his boxers, and wrapping his fingers around his cock. “Don’t want your jaw to get tired before it’s due.”
He let his jeans slide down his thighs, the outline of him barely appearing under the white boxers, since his hand was tenting them, however the fabric stretched interestingly around his left hipbone, where the tip of his cock rested.
“Jin.” You whined, pleading. “Let me see you.”
He tried to take his time, waiting for his sex to be fully rigid, which he was sure was about to happen in record time, considering the way you were looking at him, with your wide, attentive gaze, drenched in curiosity and adoration.
“Hold on a second.” He said, moaning when he felt his length twitch on its own.
“Now, please. I want you in my mouth.” You keened, parting your lips and wetting them seductively. “You feel so good in my mouth.” You said, luring him in more and more. “I can’t wait to taste you.”
“In a second, Angel.” He said. “Show me that you deserve it.” He provoked you, taking a step closer.
You needed no further encouragement: with eager hands and eyes and mouth, you grabbed the back of his knees and dove for his thighs, keeping eye contact as you began to lick his soft, shaved skin.
“I love you so much.” You whined, nipping at his sensitive inner leg. “I love your soul, your brain, your personality, your morals. I love your body.” You said, feeling the back of his thighs with your nails, raking them gently and causing a shiver to run up his spine, making him close his eyes as the sensation diffused in his head.
“I love your cock.” You said, sucking his tip through the fabric, feeling him give the tiniest of thrusts before placing his hand on top of your head and pushing your lips away.
“You don’t deserve it yet.” He tutted, finally taking his cock out.
You stared at it mesmerised. It was veiny. More than usual, maybe because of the hot weather.
“Please, I love it so much.” You begged. “It's mine. I want it.”
He smiled wickedly as he rubbed the tip, opening his eyes and looking down at you with mocking pity. “Is it yours, now?”
“Yes. Mine.” You said, biting his leg. “Mine.”
You were so hungry and he had never felt so desired. He rarely felt confident enough to feel sexy, but with you staring at him like that, he was ready to hit the stage shirtless.
Not that he would actually do that. His cock wasn't the only thing belonging to you exclusively.
“You love it so much?” He asked, drawing your lower lip with the pad of his thumb, smearing his precum over it.
As soon as you spotted the salty tang of it, you sucked his finger in your mouth, trying to capture his essence.
“You, hungry little angel.” He said, derision still woven in his voice. “You have a taste for wicked, naughty things, haven't you?” He snickered and pulled his hand away.
“It's not my fault you taste divine.” You said, sitting up and trying to wrap your lips around his tip.
He pushed you down by your shoulder. “No.” He scolded you. “Maybe you forgot who's in charge here. Sit down.” He took a step back, moving too far for you to reach him.
You obeyed. You already knew the smartest method was obedience and flattery.
“Hands behind your back, Angel.”
You followed his command.
“Keep quiet unless you want me to gag you. You know your mouth on me is just an accessory, right?” There it was. Degradation. You felt it like a slap on your face.
You looked down.
“Although I prefer to feel it on me.” He mused, moaning as he stroked himself once, deliberately, slowly and lasciviously. He was taunting you. “Promise me you will behave so that you can serve your Master correctly and fully.”
Master. That was new.
“Yes, Master. I promise, Master.” You replied, fulfilling his request.
“Excellent.” He mused. “I will dominate you, Angel. I will give you very precise instructions on how to worship my dick. I want you to follow those instructions without hesitation or doubt, nevertheless you are free to use your safe word whenever you need. Yellow will call for a slowdown, red for a stop. Green will mean you're safe to go. Our usual colour system, my Angel. Do you agree to my conditions?”
“Yes, Master.”
“That's my Angel.” He smiled, not an ounce of evil in his body. Fondness washed through him for a second before he realised how impatient and needy you were getting. He felt desired and sexy all over again.
You had a thin sheen of sweat covering your chest and your eyes had turned into endless pits of desire as dark as the first night of the universe before it exploded. Your breathing was shallow and you kept licking your lips, trying to wet them, trying to stop your mouth from feeling parched, completely overwhelmed by the excitement of having him in this mood.
He took a step toward you, bending his shaft to your lips, placing it there with the lightest touch. “Kiss it.” He ordered.
You gave it the most innocent peck, sucking just a bit of skin with too little pressure for Seokjin to deem it disobedience or teasing.
“Good. Now I want you to drool on it, Angel. Cover it in your spit.” He ordered with a dark and sweet timbre. “It’s yours, isn’t it? Then claim it.” He taunted.
Instinctively, you started sucking on your tongue, getting your mouth to water, the rusty scent of him making you salivate enough to gather some drool between your lips and let it slide down, drawing a line from base to tip.
“Again. More.” He commanded, watching in amusement as you repeated the gesture. Satisfied with the result, he started massaging himself, stroking his length with your saliva acting as a lubricant. “See, you did a good job for Master. An excellent job actually, Angel.”
He gave a few more strokes before he stopped, his brow furrowed deliciously, his plump lips curled in focus, his eyelids lifting slowly and lusciously.
“Tongue out.” He barked out, your body obeying without you even thinking.
Still focused in his lust, he pressed his slit against your tongue, milking his length so that you could taste his precum. He moaned when he felt the velvety tenderness of your tongue, dragging his sensitive glans against you.
“Goodness, Angel. You’re divine, darling. Can I get more, sweetness? Can I slide in your mouth?”
You nodded.
“Is it a green, Angel?” He asked just to be sure. He backed away for a second, letting you speak.
“Yes, Master. Please, Master.”
He took a deep breath and relaxed.
“Do you like my taste, Angel?” He asked, stroking himself again.
“No one tastes as sweet, Master. I want to have your taste on my mouth for the rest of my life.” You said, praising him, letting him know just how addicted you were to his taste.
He was close. His wrist watch told him he had only fifteen minutes left.
He couldn’t believe he had already spent so much time like this with you. Once, if he had had an hour he wouldn’t even had given it a try, now he was desperate and hungry enough to make even a fifteen minutes break worth the try.
“I have ten minutes until I have to leave, Angel. Make them worth it, lovely.”
Opening your mouth in a wide ‘o’, you let him slip his cock past your lips, the spongy texture of him making you want to squish him with the pressure of your cheeks.
You gave him a tentative squeeze, looking up at him with curious eyes.
Seokjin met your gaze with his sweet, raptured one. “Yes, my love. Do that. You’ve earned it.”
Closing your eyes and purring, you unleashed yourself over him, immediately starting to bob your head, feeling him reach past the back of your tongue, the first inch touching your throat.
“You deserve all of it, Angel.” He said, whining tentatively. As he felt you tap his thigh three times, he slid out, letting you breathe. “Okay, Angel. Okay. My adorable dirty Angel. Take your time, sweetness.” He said, letting his demeanour soften once he noticed your obedient behaviour. “Does it suit your needs, love?”
You nodded. “You always suit my needs, Master.”
He hummed in approval. “Adorable indeed. That’s what you are, my lovely naughty devil.” He had read on a BDSM forum that most subs who felt ashamed of their nature could become more confident through praise, often associating negative traits with positive adjectives. He had a whole list of words he could use specifically for this reason, but the ones he preferred often put together despicable traits with words of love and affirmation.
“Please, Master, I am ready for you.” You mewled, licking your lips and waiting for him to come to you. He was still in command, after all.
He fed you his cock with a proud smirk. You were behaving just as he wanted you to, without even needing to command you. “Here’s your reward, love.” He murmured, slipping past your lips. “Love your mouth, oh goodness, yes, suck it… Just like that, Angel, yes, ____.” He grinned. “So proud of you, love. Take it, yes.” He thrusted a few times, your eyes watering as you felt him reach deeper in your throat. His hand gripped his thigh and he pulled back, keeping his tip in your mouth.
You understood the situation when you noticed him milking his cock.
“You know the rules. No swallowing, little demon.” He growled, his breathing erratic, the pauses between inhale and exhale getting longer and longer until he turned completely silent, holding his breath for ten, twenty seconds and finally releasing a long moan, shortly anticipating his release hitting your tongue. Suddenly, all your focus went to keeping the hot, salty liquid in your mouth. He squeezed his base as he gave a tinier cry, dragging his tight fist up, to your lips, letting the last few drops dribble out before he parted from you.
“You. You, Angel, are one hell of a thing.” He said, shaking his head and chuckling ecstatically. His eyes opened with difficulty, bliss still weighing heavy on his features. “Show me your treasure, my pretty devil.” He taunted, bending down and wrapping his hand around your jaw, waiting for you to drop it.
As you did, he noticed the perlaceous liquid pooled on the dip of your tongue.
“That’s heaven, love. Isn’t it?”
You nodded, careful about not spilling.
“Good. You said my cock belongs to you.” He said, again cold and devilish.
Once more, you shook your head in approval.
“Then if my cock belongs to you, I should have the right to claim something too, shouldn’t I?”
You marvelled. Did you still have time for a quickie? Amazing.
He noticed your eyes spark up with joy and amusement and got even more delighted. Gently, he drew the line of buttons of your blouse with his fingers, before slipping his hands into the neckline.
Your eyes closed in pleasure. Suddenly you were very, awfully aware of how your panties were sticking to your skin with wetness.
And then you heard a rain of small clicks. Opening your eyes, you noticed a few buttons of your blouse running around you on the floor.
Kim Seokjin, the man of your dreams, your partner, your lover, your boyfriend, hopefully your future husband and the future father of your children had ripped your blouse open.
“Keep that mouth open, Angel.” He murmured, pointing his index finger and bringing it to your lips, into your mouth, on your tongue. Collecting his semen, he moved his hand to your chest, just above the line of your bra.
“Jin.” He grinned. “There. All mine.” He looked at you, still there with your jaw hanging open while he sucked at his pointer finger and released it with a pop. “Close your mouth and swallow, Angel.”
As if under a spell, you obeyed.
“Good girl, ____.” He kissed your lips chastely, still uncomfortably bent down to your height. “Love you.” He mouthed quietly. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, still dazed, his cum searing against your chest.
“Need anything?” He asked, apprehensive and dedicated as usual.
“Maybe your cock inside me?” You said, your brow furrowing.
He checked his watch. “Oh, sorry. No can do, lovely.” He said, feigning compassion.
Your frown deepened. “What do you mean, ‘no can do’?” You said, growing alarmed.
He closed his zipper and headed to the bathroom. “I must head back by two.”
You chased after him, swearing when a button got stuck under your foot. “What do you mean?”
“What I have just said, Angel. Can’t believe I fucked you stupid just like that.” He dried his hands and exited. “Oh, I think you should really sweep the floor. Those buttons could be dangerous.”
“Don’t go.” You cried out, “Stay here. Fuck me stupid for real.”
“Can’t do.” He said. “Interview.” He pouted mockingly.
“I can bet you’re making that up.”
“I wish, love.” He kissed your temple.
“Jin?” You whined.
“Tonight.” He replied, touching your face. “Oh, and about tonight, would you do me the favour of not touching yourself this afternoon? Thank you.”
You scoffed. “Are you for real?” You seethed, staring at him as he got ready to head out.
“Very.” He looked up at you and beamed up adorably.
You wanted to strangle him.
“I love you.”
“I’m gonna choke you with your own cock. I swear to god! Kim Seok—”
He closed the door unceremoniously, without even letting you finish your sentence.
You were even too furious to be horny anymore.
With frustration drowning your every cell, you took the broom and collected the buttons in the hall, an angry sneer obstinately painted on your face.
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The moment Seokjin came home that night, he knew he was potentially in trouble.
He had handled his afternoon schedule just fine, the two hours on the hair and makeup seat complimenting his postcoital bliss just perfectly.
His mates had wildly enjoyed his brilliant interactions during the interview, his mood so sparkly and bright that both Namjoon and Yoongi had knowingly shaken their heads in disapproval and amusement, and of course, not without a sliver of envy.
The first thing he noticed when he entered the apartment was that you weren’t in the kitchen, where he would normally find you, working on some basic receipt he had taught you.
You weren’t in the living room either.
A small part of him worried, while the rest of him tried to keep his composure, exploring the various rooms of the apartment.
He noticed a small light coming from the bedroom and he went for it, entering and finding you in a robe, laying in bed, with a box of takeaway laying on your stomach as you watched tv.
“Angel?” He asked.
You looked at him and stayed silent, moving your focus back to the television.
“Angel?” He called again, walking to the bed and crawling on top of it. “Are you okay, love?”
You stayed indifferent.
He panicked. “Why am I getting the silent treatment? What did I do wrong?”
You snorted and shook your head, filling your mouth as you tried not to talk to him.
“This is unfair, I said I would take care of you tonight.” He complained with his high pitched, whiny tone. “Come on, Angel, talk to me.”
You frowned and shook your head.
“Oh… Baby.” He sat beside your legs and kissed your knees. “You’re still grumpy about it?” He nuzzled against your skin. “You didn’t get yourself off when I left? That’s why you’re still grumpy?” He hoped for a response. None came. “You really followed my rule?” He asked, wide eyed, completely endeared and amused.
At that you had to speak. “I didn’t do that for your stupid rule but because I was fucking angry.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Angry at me?”
You nodded.
“Your favourite person in the world?” He asked, taunting you. “Scratch that. Your favourite person in the universe?” He went on teasing.
You refused to acknowledge that.
“The human attached to your favourite cock?” He whined, acting outraged. “Angry at me? Your Seokjinnie?”
“Don’t talk to me.” You replied with a growl.
He shook his head. “Oh no. I can’t have it like that.”
“You should have thought about that this afternoon.” You replied, your voice petty and snarky.
“Come on,” he said, kissing your calf. “I know you don’t want to leave it like this.”
His stomach rumbled at the smell of what you were eating. He had had a quick meal as he waited for his makeup, but dinner time had just passed and he hadn’t yet eaten. Still, food was his last worry.
You let him grovel a bit, his hand climbing from your ankle, to your knee, to your thigh, almost reaching your hip before you swatted at it. “You need better convincing.” You said, standing up and taking away the empty boxes of food.
Seokjin let himself fall against the mattress, thinking about your favourite things to do to get back in your good graces.
He sat up, suddenly struck by inspiration before he landed on the floor with a bounce, diving for your bedside table. He fumbled around a little before finding a sturdy vibrating wand.
He hummed in approval before plugging it in behind your drawer and hiding the toy under the bed.
When you returned, you found him casually lounging in bed, suspiciously calm, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.
Trying to act indifferent to his beautiful torso, his wide chest, his chiselled collarbones, you laid down next to him, acting a bit embarrassed now that there was this silent gap between the two of you.
He rolled onto his side and dove for your shoulder, still keeping some sort of distance between the two of you as he only touched you with his lips. “I’m sorry.” He spoke gently. “I should have told you about us having too little time.”
You softened, but still you had to keep your mask of indifference. “It changes nothing.”
He shook his head, rubbing his lips against your skin. For a second he hesitated. Maybe you wanted him gone. Hesitantly, he left a slightly more passionate kiss just below your ear, on the soft skin hiding just behind your earlobe.
He felt you shiver in the damp, hot summer night; and he also noticed the way your chest caved, a long exhale leaving your barely parted lips.
“I need your consent, Angel.” He said, kissing lower, reaching your jaw. “You know I can take all of that away.” He murmured, nibbling at the sift skin, but also at the hard edge of the bone underneath. His touch was so light, like he wasn’t really biting, but more like feeling you with his teeth and lips.
This. This was your undoing. When his dedicated, adoring side, met his needy, desperate one. After all, dedication and adoration had worked for more than a year — it was a reminder of that first, flawless time. Candles, flowers, champagne, you and him, laying on the bed naked in front of each other, kissing and kissing and doing nothing more. Just being in each other’s arms and kissing. You were literally drenched by the time he placed his hand between your legs. You had made love since the very first time, with fondness and attention and devotion.
And now here was your devoted — if slightly animalistic — boyfriend, best friend, partner in crime.
“Okay.” You said, coldly minimising your longing.
“Okay what?” He asked, finally adding just the tip of his tongue to his kisses.
“You say you want my consent and that you can take my grumpiness away. I say okay. Let’s see if you can do that.”
He blinked slowly, victory bringing a slow grin to his lips. “Can I kiss you?”
“Do your best, Jinnie.”
He smiled and got himself on all fours, caging you in before letting his lips hover over your mouth.
“Show me you want it, Angel.” He said, grazing your lips with his. “Take it, love.”
That, you refused. There was no way you would surrender, no way you would chase after him like a horny animal. After what he had done earlier that afternoon, you were tired of showing him how much he had you wrapped around his little finger. He should grovel a little. Maybe more than a little.
“You don’t want it?” He asked, closing his eyes, letting his plump lips linger over your cheek. “Guess you don’t after all.”
Silently, you pecked his mouth with indifference.
“Good. We can’t make this work if you don’t cooperate.” He murmured with a dark smile.
His hands reached the tie around your waist currently holding your robe close, pinching one end of the ribbon and pulling at it slowly. “I prefer this to buttons.” He commented quietly. “I feel like I’m unwrapping you. Like a gift.” With the tie undone, he lifted the front half on top, his eyes meeting nothing but naked, flawless skin.
“How come you’re grumpy and naked?”
“It’s hot.” You murmured unconvincingly.
He lifted the other half too and started lowering himself some more, meeting your left breast, wrapping his lips around your nipple and sucking at it delicately at first, his stare glued to your face before he started stimulating your sensitive skin with more powerful suction and small tugs, waiting for you to moan, to whimper, to exhale — he just wanted to get a rise out of you.
“You’re hot.” He said after releasing your left breast. He’d go on all night until he would finally make you moan his name. He blew over your wet skin and grinned when he managed to make you shiver.
When he returned to your right breast, he happily noticed the goosebumps covering your skin. He repeated his special treatment, this time sucking and tugging shamelessly, adding his teeth when he heard your breathing hitch.
“You’re still being uncooperative, love?” He asked, deciding it was time to bring his strongest weapon in the conversation.
You watched him stretch down and grin once he climbed up again and placed a long, thin box beside you.
“I think my baby deserves an extra reward. For being so patient with me.” He extracted the toy from its case and placed it on your stomach, letting you ponder over it. “Maybe this will help you loosen up, my Angel?”
You felt wetness ooze out of you. There was no way you could resist that without soaking the sheets. “Okay.”
He kissed your tummy feeling the soft baby hair there, drawing circles around your belly button, watching your belly get sucked in as you tried to avoid his tickling touch.
“Still not making a sound?” He raised an eyebrow, grabbing the wand and switching it on to the lowest setting. “Let’s do this easy, mh?” He teased, laying the very peak of the head against your skin, making you gasp as you felt the stimulation travel all across your skin and reach your most sensitive spot. It felt like every single sensation travelled back to your crotch, like you were nothing but a spiderweb and your pelvis was the very center of it all.
Your eyes closed just as your fingers reached the remote and switched the tv off. You didn’t need any sort of distraction as you felt your thighs quiver once Jin slipped his tongue between your folds and snaked it up, to your clit, drawing tantalising curves up and down.
You emitted one single purr, cutting it short once you realised your throat had betrayed you.
He parted from your cunt and looked up at you. “What was that, Angel? Didn’t hear you.” He called, his eyes widening in mild surprise.
You shook your head. “Nothing.”
“Nothing.” He said with a chuckle. “I want more of it.” He said, slipping two fingers into your dripping hole.
“You can act tough all you want, naughty demon, but your adorable little pussy right here is telling me you’re enjoying this a whole lot.��� He taunted you, feeling your g-spot with the pad of his fingers and pressing harder, making your flesh squelch with arousal. “Remember when you said you were ashamed of feeling dirty with me?”
Opening and closing your mouth, you nodded, the feeling a far memory now. Still, sometimes it haunted you, making you conceal some of your requests.
“I love you being dirty.” He murmured. “Knowing that you love me so much? That you find me sexy enough to forget shame and society? That you’re a boundless beast who only wants to jump my bones?” He shook his head, watching as he increased the vibrations of the wand and brought it to your chest. “It makes me feel so powerful.”
He slowed down the pattern of his fingers inside you, drawing wider, slower circles that stretched your inner walls in all directions. Then, he managed to identify the delicate, puffy ring of skin protecting your cervix.
With the softest of touches, he followed the pillowy circle, finding the small slit and parting from it, focusing on the spot that made your grip on the covers tighten.
“My adorable messy Angel.” He cooed, kissing your thighs, one side, then the other. “I feel so proud when I get you this wet. I love doing all the naughty things that make your cunt weep.”
He was wicked and unfair. He had never talked to you like this. Normally he was too quiet to properly venture into dirty talking, breaking his silence only with grunts and moans and accidental snarky comments.
But this? This was extraordinary.
Carefully, you lead the vibrator to your other breast, mewling once it met your nipple and outright moaning when it accidentally grazed the sensitive underside, the vibration ricocheting across your plush curve.
“Yes, Angel. Moan for me.” He praised you. “Tell me how good it feels. Show me, love.”
He collected your wetness with his tongue, licking all the way up before stroking your clit with the tip of his tongue.
“Seokjin. Please.” You said.
You were too worked up, too impatient, too desperate to resist even one more second. You swallowed your pride and surrendered.
“So good.” You whined, pushing your hips up, against his mouth.
He hummed in approval and kept up his work around your crotch, changing his method with the wand after he noticed you were more responsive to underboob stimulation.
“So close—” you managed to say before your high stole the oxygen from your lungs. It was sudden and powerful, all embracing. Your eyelids fluttered shut and your hands left the sheets, your fingers fluttering midair before you confusedly brought them to Jin’s head, not grabbing him but gently feeling the fluffiness of his locks, pressing him close to your skin without pushing. As soon as pleasure subsided, you let yourself emit a quiet, small whine, letting Jin know he had accomplished his task flawlessly.
The moment it started feeling uncomfortable, you looked down, staring at your boyfriend before his cheeks shot up and his eyes transformed into thin slits.
He was smiling, the damn rascal. Smiling and overstimulating you.
Your hands immediately clawed at his hair. “No, Jin, please, no.”
He parted from your clit and slid another finger into your hole. “You know your safewords, Angel.”
“Please—” You begged again, feeling the need to implore, to plead, to pray for his mercy but refusing to call for a safeword. You wanted the pleasure but you needed to lighten the pain and begging seemed to do just that, especially when Jin was so attentive to your needs.
He eased the stimulation on your clit and one upped the one inside you, against your g-spot. “Better?”
The sense of fullness felt divine.
“Yes, better.”
“You’re moaning so nice for me, Angel.” He murmured, praising you. “I want to hear you, my lovely demon. Let me hear you, sweetness.”
“I’m too close, again.” You said, your inner walls clenching repeatedly, so intensely you felt like you would come apart in a second.
All he needed to do was press his mouth to you, giving you the hard and velvety feel of his tongue muscles dragging your clit up, leading it into small circles just as you let out a squeal, your legs tightening around his head as he finally dropped the wand and used his hand to anchor your hips to the bed, pinning you down and submitting you to the hard lashes of his tongue.
The first thing you noticed when you came back to your senses was the clammy feel of Seokjin’s shoulders under the soles of your feet as you tried to use them to drag him away.
Immediately after that, you noticed that the sensation between your legs was significantly different.
“You with me, Angel?” He asked, checking in on you.
You nodded, gripping his wrist, now holding the wand between your legs, the setting almost all the way up. “Gimme just one more and then I promise you I’ll give you my cock. Just one more, Angel. Be my good little angel, please.” He said, watching as you started grinding again, sweaty and aroused and so, so lost in him.
“Jin. So good. Want you in now. In, please. I need your cock.” You sobbed, your breathing coming in short, loud gasps.
“Oh, you need it?” He cooed. “And it’s my cock now, you don’t want to own it anymore?”
“Seokjin. Give me your dick, please. I’ve been so good. Jin, it’s my cock. I want it. Give it to me.” You said, once more grumpy and impertinent.
“You said so.” He murmured, handing you the vibrator, the low buzzing filling the room as he removed his shorts and underwear and sat between your legs, his cock already fully arched and reaching his belly. “Straddle me.” He said, wrapping an arm around your waist as you got on your knees and hovered on top of him. “Do you think you can take it straight away?” He asked, kissing your stomach, right in front of his face. You nodded and lowered yourself, his right hand gripping his shaft and dragging it up and down your slit before he slid it into your entrance.
The feeling made you grunt and exhale, your hips descending lower and lower until you had taken him completely.
“Good job, Angel. Come on, it’s your cock now. Use it.” He encouraged you, kissing your neck. “Remember it feels better when you get dirty on it.” He murmured, nipping at the sensitive skin under your jaw. “Will you get dirty for me, my pretty Angel?”
You nodded and started riding him in earnest, basically bouncing on his lap, his hand stealing the wand from your grasp and deciding to use it himself, pushing to full power and feeling you whimper as the fullness from Seokjin’s sex moving in and out of you mixed with the artificial vibrations. “More.” You said, harsh and commanding, pushing him down, with his back to the mattress, finally riding him properly as you managed to slide even the final inch inside of you.
Noticing the struggle with following your movements, Jin’s attention went to the taut cord of the toy, just for a second, his body instinctively moving closer to the headboard, the movement accidentally causing him to ram into you a couple times, intensifying your bouncing on his cock.
“I’m gonna cum, Angel. Please, make it good for me.” He grunted, using his free hand to grab your tit mid-bounce, squeezing it and slapping it before he completely lost control of himself and grabbed your waist, his fingers sinking into your skin as he shoved his hips up, snapping into you.
With a groan you took control of the wand once more, Seokjin’s arm growing limp. You angled the toy to suit your needs perfectly while Jin clawed at your waistline, pulling you up and down, helping you ride him.
Losing your balance, you leaned forward, feeling his heartbeat thump like war drums under your palm.
“Just one more second, baby, I promise, it’s so good.” You said, fixing your stance, moving your hand behind you and leaning back, arching and arching until you felt him drag against your g-spot, his thick, long erection filling you so completely that the outline of it appeared on your lower belly.
Jin’s eyes had just opened when he spotted the bulge he was causing, the vibrator angled so perfectly that he had a clear visual of the scene.
“Keep going, Angel. Fuck me don’t stop, love.” He whined, as you squeezed him.
“Gonna cum.” You informed him. “So close.” You rambled on while he wrapped his forearm behind your back, trying to help you with one hand, while the other one pressed to your lower belly, avoiding the vibrator and simply pushing against your abdomen, making you feel his cock deeper, your insides completely rearranged once he managed to give a couple thrusts from below.
‘Yes!’ was all you managed to whimper before drowning in pleasure that embraced you and swallowed you, taking you deep, to its most delicious and dangerous pits before spitting you out, every muscle of your limbs spasming as you fell forward, Seokjin lost into bliss one more time, due to the delayed and intense stimulation.
When you came back to reality, you were both confused and hazy, your bodies exhausted, dripping in sweat.
“What the hell happened?” You asked, realising the vibrator was mercifully away from you. You found the strength to switch it off.
“I have no idea. But it was so damn good.” Seokjin replied, his breathing still haggar.
“You.” You said, nuzzling your face into his neck.
“We done being grumpy, my love?” He asked, moving your hair to the side and looking at you adoringly.
“I’m gonna be grumpy more often.” You said, twitching your nose as you thought about it.
He chuckled funnily. “Not too often. I’m getting old. I don’t know how long I can keep up like this.”
You smiled and bit the skin of his collarbone. “I’ll keep you so fucked out you’ll be young forever.”
He outright laughed at that. “You’re so damn dirty and lovely.” He kissed the top of your head. “Don’t you ever change, Angel.”
You smiled and hid into him, basking in your sweetness before whining. “We need to get up. Get washed.”
He also whined and shook his head gingerly. “Don’t want to.”
“Okay. Just a minute.” You conceded.
He beamed. “Just a little, tiny minute.”
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darthbabie · 3 years
Online Food Fight
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(not my gif)
Summary: You are in your online classes while Bucky and Sam are having a food fight, but the food fight carries on into your room and causes an unexpected interruption to your class. But Bucky feels bad and wants to make it up to you.
Warnings: FLUFF, some swear words, and Sam and Bucky bickering and fighting lol
Word Count:2023
Mainly Bucky Barnes x Reader
You were sitting on your couch scrolling through TikTok before class, you were just trying to ignore the world right outside your window. You were a student in school and unfortunately due to the virus you were quarantined. You at first thought that it was gonna be great to be quarantined at the Avengers Tower with all your friends.  But having virtual classes online was sometimes a struggle… especially with the Avengers always messing around or bickering about something. To say the least it was always a struggle for you and Peter. 
Your alarm went off on your phone telling you that it was time for you to stop scrolling through TikTok and join your class online. You groaned as you put your phone down on the desk you had your school work and computer set up on. “I wonder what they are gonna do to embarrass Peter and I this time” you thought to yourself. Before you start to turn your computer on you take a deep breath in and just allow yourself a moment as you look outside to see all the cars driving by on the wet asphalt. The window beside you slightly cracked so you can hear the patter of the rain and you can smell the earthy smell of the rain outside.
You pushed the power button on your laptop waiting for it to turn on. Once it finally did you typed your password in and signed into your class meeting. You sighed as you started to hear Sam and Bucky bickering about if pineapple belongs on pizza. Hoping that when you say “here” for attendance that their bickering doesn’t come through the mic, as they were only down the hall in the kitchen. 
“Pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, Bucky! It’s a disgrace to the pizza kind!!” 
“Yes it freaking does, it is the greatest thing that I have tried since I got out of Hydra!”
“Whoever introduced you to pineapple on pizza was an idiot and has no taste in food and neither of you has the right to say what goes on pizza”.
“To let you know I think PETER and I have exquisite taste in food”
The second you hear Peter’s name being said in this argument you see Peter turn his camera off and you hear him start to walk towards the two grown men fighting over if pineapple belongs on pizza. 
“Mr. Barnes and Mr. Falcon, did you guys call my name”? 
“Yes Peter, tell Sam that he is an imbecile because he says that pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza”
“Oh I’m the imbecile at least I can think for myself and haven’t had my brains put in a blender and became a cyborg”.
“At least I don’t need a whole bunch of technical gear to be useful to the team!”
“Mr. Barnes, Mr. Falcon calm down it's just pizza, let’s…”
“Just PIZZA?” Bucky and Sam interrupt  in unison looking at Peter with disbelief. 
Sam then picks up a slice of cheese that was on the counter that he was gonna put on his sandwich, and throws it at Bucky’s face”
“Uhh I’m just gonna go…” says Peter to the Falcon and Winter Soldier, as Peter becomes scared for his life based on the look on Bucky’s face.
Bucky then walks over to the fruit basket that is setting on the counter and starts throwing fruits at Sam. His metal arm whirring everytime he blocks a random piece of food being thrown at him by Sam. They start to bicker back and forth with each other trying to yell louder than the other. Sam then starts to run down the hall towards where you are sitting at your desk taking class.
“Ms. Y/N can you tell me the answer to question three?” your teacher says to you as you see Peter start to laugh in his camera and you think to yourself oh no what's about to happen? 
“I believe that the reason why Bilbo decided to go on an adventure in the…” as you say this Sam barges in and runs up in front of you to hide from the Winter Soldier that is after him and what Sam believes that he is after his life and is out for blood… with food. You start to turn your head around and SMACK you become face to face with a pancake to your face. 
“Your cyborg brain malfunctioned and now you're in some deep shit” Sam says to Bucky while laughing his ass off.
“Oh my gosh doll I am so sorry” Bucky says to you running over to you. But before he can even get to you, you use your powers to remove the pancake from your face and throw it at Bucky's face. Causing even more laughter to erupt from Sam. You then realized your camera and mic were still on for your class. Your teacher and class besides Peter just sit there stunned while Peter is just laughing his butt off, as he is used to these types of things happening all the time around the tower. 
“Uhh, I am so sorry that you had to see that” you say to your teacher who still sits stunned. Bucky then walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. “Why are you talking to your computer, doll?” Sam starts erupting into even more laughter. “ You…” more laughing “didn’t know” even more laughing” that they take” starts pointing at Bucky and falls to his knees in laughter “there classes online on their computers and can talk to people” now Sam has tears in his eyes” You know for part of you being made of Vibranium and having a cyborg brain you really know nothing of technology” Sam continues dying of laughter. 
You try not to snicker at Sam’s comments, as you mute yourself and turn your camera off. You hear your teacher say to the class “well umm I suppose that is enough class today. I will see you guys uhh tomorrow, have a nice day.” And with that you gladly hang up your 3rd block class early, looking at the clock and noting you have 30 minutes till your next class. “Care to explain to me why I was greeted with a pancake to my FACE?” You say to Bucky frustrated as you pull his hands that were around your waist off of you and turn around to face him. “Y/N I am so sorry, Sam and I just got into an argument and…”
“Yes I know I could hear you morons yelling about if pineapple belongs on pizza from here” You say to Bucky and Sam as you cross your arms. “In my defence Sam started…” Bucky says but then gets interrupted by Sam. “Oh hell no I didn’t start shit” Sam says, starting them to bicker with one another again. “I DON'T CARE WHO STARTED IT, just STOP bickering and arguing for once in your lives.” 
“Doll I’m sorry let me make it up to you, meet me on the roof at 8 tonight after you are done with school and training” Bucky says as he puts his flesh hand to your check and rubs circles with his thumb on your cheek bone. “Fine, but Sam because you were a part of this go make me some chicken nuggets.” You say looking over to Sam. “Yes Ma’am”. He replies rushing out towards the kitchen. “I love you Doll, I’ll see you at eight” Bucky says to you leaning down and pressing his lips against yours passionately. Causing you to move closer to him and wrap your arms around his neck making him smile into the kiss and eventually slowly pulling away. “I love you too dork”. You say to Bucky as you boop his nose with your finger. He then smiles down at you and gives you a quick peck on your forehead and rushes to go do whatever he has in mind. 
Surprisingly eight comes pretty fast, you finished your last block without any interruptions then had lunch and trained with Nat for the rest of the day til around seven and went to your room and took a shower. The shower feels amazing as the water droplets race down your skin to the drain of your tub. Once you are done with your shower you put on some silk pajamas that hug your curves in all the right ways, but yet are super comfortable. Bucky didn’t say you needed to do anything special to yourself so you just decided to blow dry your hair and then it was pretty much time to meet Bucky on the roof.
As you are walking up the stairs to the roof of the tower Bucky stops you and hands you a blindfold. So you put it on for him without saying anything, you trusted Bucky with your life so you weren’t worried. He guided you outside on the roof and then slowly took your blindfold off. Your jaw dropped to the floor at the sight that was before your eyes. Bucky had taken some of the furniture that was already up on the roof and made it into a bed. He even had your favorite blankets and pillows all made up for you. Along with your favorite hoodie of his that you like to wear, some fuzzy socks and a couple of bags that looked like presents. He also made a little makeshift tent with blankets that he found in the tower and had fairy lights around the bed so there was light under the makeshift tent. He had made sure the furniture was facing the outdoor TV and even made sure to make the tent have an opening so you could both watch the TV. He had your favorite movie on the TV and had your favorite snacks on one of the outdoor tables inside the makeshift tent. You honestly were speechless at the sight before you and started to tear up as you ran into Bucky’s arms and hugged him. “Bubs, you didn’t have to do all of this for me.” you say to him mumbled because your face was buried into his shirt he had on. “It was just a pancake to my face” you say while busting out laughing looking up at him. He just smiled and lightly chuckled as he looked down at you. “Of course I had to doll, you're my best girl and you deserve all this and so much more.” he says as he kisses your nose. “Especially with all the shit Sam and I put your through”. Causing both of you to chuckle. 
Bucky then grabs your hand and starts to pull you over to the tent and he tells you to sit on the bed and hands you one of the bags, telling you to open it. You start to take the tissue paper off the top of the bag and reach down inside. As you do you feel something like a leather box. You then open the box from the bag and your mouth drops again. Inside the tiny box is a beautiful vintage promise ring.
“This is my promise to you that we will grow old together and one day get married once you have graduated school. I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N and I promise even through all my stupidity and everything else I’m with you till the end of the line.” Bucky says as he takes the box from you and places the ring on your finger and hands you the next bag. You're speechless to be honest so you just start to take the tissue paper out of the last gift. And you reach down into the bag and feel something soft and fluffy. You pull out a white stuffed bear that has a whole bunch of pink little hearts as a pattern all over it. You just start to cry tears of joy and hug it and look up at the love of  your life speechless, the memory of a pancake thrown to your face completely gone.
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lunarliza · 4 years
JJ Maybank Must Die | Chapter 1: Popsicles
fuckboy!JJ x Reader 
series masterlist
JJ Maybank is the island’s most infamous fuckboy- not that you ever cared. But when a group of tourist girls come to your surf shop crying to you about him, you agree to help them plot revenge. Sabotage is all fun and games, until you find that the playboy you were sworn to ruin happens to be falling head over heels for you.
Yes, this is based on John Tucker Must Die lol
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note: so this is my second JJ fic! I’m so excited for ya’ll to read it. it’ll be more light-hearted and shorter than DLS :) 
“Come on... come on! This one right here let’s go!” you yelped. The crowd behind you was practically chattering on their fingernails. 
The seven year old boy in the water paddled as hard as his lanky arms could take him towards the daunting wave. 
“Now Gavin now! Stand up!” you shrieked as the boy hurriedly went through your instructed steps, tucking his knee, and thrusting upwards as the wave got close. Then, before he even realized, he glided rigidly along the wave as the board carried him across the water. 
“Hooray! Awesome job Gavin!” The flock cheered and rushed to pat the boy on the back, his dad lifting him up in his arms. 
The child scuttled towards you and threw his arms around your neck. You chuckled delightedly. “Alright everyone! That’s it for our surf lesson today. Be sure to check out the gift shop on your way out!” 
You waved bye to the guests as they made way to return their boards to the hut, some handing you rolled up cash, with thankful smiles. 
Once the coast was clear, you jogged back to the hut only to find Sophia, your best friend and lazy co-worker, lounging with her legs stretched on the checkout counter of the tiny surf shack. She hung a lollipop in her mouth while her eyes glued to her phone screen. 
“You know, when you asked me to find you a job, I actually thought you meant one where you actually work.” 
Sophia popped out the sucker and threw you a glare. “I did work! See!” she pointed her hand at the sign hanging beside the door that read ‘OBX Surf and Sports’, “I put that sign up this morning.” 
“It’s crooked.” 
“Bleh, bleh, bleh,” she mocked, “Nothing I ever do is good enough.” You chuckled and shook your head at her. 
You peered out the giant window at the front of the store, surveying the empty beach. This was going to be the rest of your summer. At sixteen years old, you were one of the Outer Banks’ surfing all-stars and spent your days working as an instructor for the second year in a row. 
Customers loved you and your ability to work with all ages rendering you the title of ‘Top Instructor’ at the shack- which didn’t mean much seeing as 90% of the employees were amateur teenagers. 
Nevertheless, you were determined to keep that title, as whoever brought in the most satisfied customers by the end of the summer wins a $5,000 scholarship. And you needed that money bad in order to attend your dream school: UVA. 
Along the beach, you caught a glimpse of your competition, Cody, and instinctly groaned. 
On any other occasion, you really didn’t care about what people did with their lives, but something about your arrogant, sleazy, five-foot-seven co-worker grinded your gears. 
He was always man-splaining to you and the other girls at the shack or kissing ass to your boss. And you knew well he was after the scholarship too- your scholarship. 
“Look at him,” you sneered to Sophia as she joined you at the window to death-glare the boy. He was prepping his group on the sand for their session and looked absolutely despicable in his shorts that were inches away from exposing his little one. Emphasis on the little. 
“Ugh, he’s making them do jumping jacks again,” Sophia pointed out, crinkling her nose, “God that poor old lady. Can he be any more extra?” 
“I need to look away, I think I might vomit if he ever flashed me.” 
Your best friend snickered at your hatred as you waxed down your board for your next lesson. “Did the group of girls check in yet?” you asked. 
“Yeah, they’re sitting and waiting at Eye Sickles,” she informed, referring to the popsicle food-truck next door. “I can’t believe they really signed up for the month-long surfing program. I didn’t know people actually paid for that.” 
“You’d be surprised. These tourists will buy into anything, trust me,” you said before heading out the door. 
You walked up to three tourist girls lounging on the fold-out tables and chairs at the food-truck. They were mindlessly typing away on their phones, looking as bored as ever. 
“Alright, do I have Annalise, Maia, and Arabella?” you announced with your work-smile on. They peered up from their phones and nodded with blank faces.
“Awesome,” you continued, trying to maintain your enthusiasm, “I’m y/n, I’ll be your instructor! I see you guys signed up for the month-long pro-boarding program which is great. Have you guys ever surfed before?” 
“Nope,” a blonde girl replied, “Our parents found this online and said it’d be good for us to learn while we’re here. We’re from Richmond, Virginia.” 
“Oh cool!” you jeered, the fake zeal was oozing at that point. “Well, I’m happy to be spending the summer with you guys. I’m going to have you guys grab a board and we’ll head down to the sand to go over the basic motions.” 
The trio followed you into the hut and picked out a board from the beginners section. You noticed the blonde one giggling with Sophia at the stand for a bit before joining you on the sand. She had a leader-like quality to her while the two other remained quiet but friendly. 
“Alright so, just for formalities, who’s who? That way I can identify you better,” you asked as the girls situated their boards along the shore.  
Not shockingly, the blonde extended her hand to you first. “I’m Annalise,” she greeted a little sullenly. You shrugged off her attitude, attributing it to her being a bougie tourist. 
“I’m Maia,” a tall, jet-black haired girl said next. She had a very athletic body and came off as the quietest one of the group. 
“And I’m Arabella,” the last one chimed in. Her hair was a fiery orange and she had piercings run along her ears and nose. 
“Alright cool! So now, we’ll start off with the movements you’ll go through once you hit the water. You want to start off flat on your stomach and paddle towards the waves. Make sure you have full control of your board at all times,” you began as the girls copied your demonstration on their own boards. 
You heard sniffles come from the group, but ignored it to continue your spiel. You could hardly read any of their expressions through their giant, bug-eyed sunglasses. 
Just as you were about to explain the importance of balance- you favorite part of the lesson- you saw the blonde sit up on her board in irritation and start sobbing through her glasses. 
“Annalise come on, it’s not worth it,” the tall one, Maia, reasoned as the Annalise shook her head furiously. 
“I can’t do this right now,” she cried before bolting back towards the shack. 
You watched her in utter confusion. “Was it something I said?” you asked the remaining two. 
The orange one shook her head and gave you a sincere look through her glasses. “No, she’s just really upset about this guy,” she turned to her friend, “Come on, let’s go check on her.” 
At that point, you had no choice but to follow the group towards their distressed friend. This was definitely coming out of their session time. 
The three of you plowed up the sand to find the girl, Annalise, sprawled on Sophia’s shoulder at the tables as she cooed her like a baby. You wanted to cringe. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. He’s a piece of shit anyways! Trust me, he did the same to me too,” your best friend comforted and petted the stranger’s yellow hair. 
“What’s going on?” you questioned at the scene. Sophia glanced up at you with a pleading look. 
“It’s JJ.” 
Oh brother. This dude again. JJ Maybank was the Outer Bank’s most infamous fuck boy. Him and his friends threw parties all the time at the Boneyard- ones you have yet to attend- and he effortlessly earned his reputation by sleeping with any girl he could get his grubby hands on. 
By this point, he’s broken half the hearts on the island with girls moaning and groaning about him left and right- Sophia included. You remembered her wailing the day he ghosted her after they did the nasty. It wasn’t a pretty day... or week for the matter. 
You didn’t understand what the big deal was with the guy. You’d gone to school with him since the first grade and he’d always been that guy that rolls in the mud during playtime in elementary school. And he still was that guy to this day.
You heard all the cringey lines he’d pull on girls at school that would get them swooning and you swore he was running a voodoo business because no one in their right mind could fall for that. 
But everyone did. Except for you. 
“What? Did he ghost you too?” you gestured towards the wrecked weeping girl.
She nodded and blew her boogers into the tissues Sophia brought out. 
“I-I, well, we met him at a party this weekend and he took me to this little hideout on the beach. He told me that he never met anyone like me before and said all this other shit. Then we had sex there, which I never do in public, and he said he couldn’t wait to see me again. And he never called me after!” 
Though you thought her public display was a little too... public, you did feel sorry for her. The guy was a tool, and these tourist girls, especially, didn’t know any better. 
“Don’t worry,” Sophia assured, resting a hand atop hers, “he did it to me and everyone at school. We all fell for the trap.” 
Maia and Arabella joined the sitting girls in a piled group hug as the ones in the center sputtered in tears together. You couldn’t bear to watch, but for Sophia, you awkwardly joined in anyways. 
The rest of the surfing session consisted of the girls pulling up their own chairs and  bad-mouthing JJ, along with all other men, as everyone licked their popsicles. 
You sucked on your mango one, not minding the little break as it was the easiest $150 you ever made. The girls weren’t as hoity-toity as you first thought. They apologized for wasting your time and promised to leave five-star reviews about you. Even better. 
As evening rolled in, you found yourself laughing and joking around with your new-found friends. They told you wild stories of their private school shenanigans back in Richmond while you and Sophia filled them in on life at the OBX. 
“This day was incredible,” Annalise beamed, dazed after her fourth popsicle. “Can’t believe we all bonded like this over a guy,” she chuckled, “I just... gah, I wish we could get him back somehow. Make him feel how we feel!” 
“You should,” you agreed, “Why don’t one of you guys go to the parties and try to seduce him and then leave him hanging? The trick with men is to withhold sex from them and they’ll be helpless.” 
Everyone’s face lit up in excitement at your idea. “No, totally! We could definitely do that!” Sophia exclaimed with wide eyes. “So who will it be? Who’s our hamster?” 
“Not me,” Maia objected almost instantly, “I have a boyfriend back home so no seducing will be done on my part.” 
“Arabella then,” Annalise suggested, nudging the girl beside her. 
“Alright...” she agreed, fiddling with the string of her bathing suit, “I guess I could take one for the team.” 
“There we go!” you cheered, “You just march straight into that party, grind on him a bit to leave him hanging, then proceed to embarrass the shit out of him! Problem solved!” 
note: do not worry! more drama to come 
chapter 2
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Dead Weights
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Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader
You felt insecure about your recent acne breakout and worries what your boyfriend would think of it.
Tags : Hurt/Comfort, a little fluff and angst
Words: 1.5k
           You remembered that day vividly, the scene never forgetting to replay in your mind every single night, as it was very important, and was one of the most beautiful things to have ever happened to you. Last night, a burst of joy and warmth escalated as the memory unfolds again.
         You were nervous and fidgeting, not daring to look at the tall boy in front of you. You can hear his breathy, soft exhales in the silence of the moment. He hadn’t said anything, but you thought you knew what it was about.
          There was no one around.
          You’d left a piece of chocolate in his locker on Valentine’s Day, some weeks ago.      
           “(Y/n)…” he says, his voice low and as soft as a whisper. But there was a trembling vibrato in there. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, he was nervous. You caught it, but you didn’t know how to ease up the situation.
           “Do you want to go to prom with me?”
           The tense, icy atmosphere melted and the hallway was burning with heat. The moment was foreseen, but it still caught you off guard. Fictional sweats ran down your face and palms, you felt so hot you would’ve taken your clothes off, if it weren’t for Todoroki standing in front of you.
           The moment was thrilling for him, too. His arm trembled as he reach out to offer you a bouquet of flowers. “There’s chocolate in that too…”
           Your cheeks tingled, as you could not remember the last time you interacted with Todoroki. Ever since you left the chocolate in his locker, you’ve been avoiding him, picking the furthest seat away in the cafeteria and joining different groups for school projects. Mustering up all your courage, you tilted your face and looked him in the eye. When both of your eyes met, he wavered a little, pulling the boquet, glancing to the side for a second and then looked back at you.
           The details of how you replied to his request were a blur, perhaps from the tension of the moment. But you’d said yes, stuttering and stumbling over your words just to accept the request. When you made your point clear, he took a deep breath of relief.
           His lips formed a simper as he offered you the bouquet.
           “So do you want it or …”
           You sprang up and snatched the bouquet from his hands. “Oh! Um, yeah, sure!”
           A silence passed as neither of you knew what to say.
           Todoroki took a glance at his watch and said, “So, um, I’ll pick you up at … seven? Where’ll you be by then?”
           Your mind was at a blank for the moment, so it took you a while to process your calendar events.
           “Is seven okay?” Todoroki leaned down, thinking you couldn’t hear him clearly.
           “Seven’s … good. No, great! I promised Kirishima to help him force Bakugo into his suit. I’ll be by the dorms.”
           Todoroki grinned. “Don’t you think Bakugo would already be asleep by then?” he let out a chuckle as he turned around. “Seven, then.” You watched him walk away.
           The night of the prom was mesmerizing. You wished you could relive every single moment of it. The nervous-pouting you did in front of the mirror, wondering whether you look good or not. The moment you walked down the stairs, when you saw Todoroki in his grey-black suit, holding yet another bouquet. The hot-tense atmosphere, the loud party, the food, the drinks. It was all very memorable to you.
           “You look very beautiful,” were the words from his mouth that will stick with you forever.
             That’s why it was a shock to you when you woke up and saw that your reflection on the mirror had an acne breakout. It wasn’t that bad, but it’s not unnoticeable.
           A friend of yours had horrible acne, yet you always told her that it didn’t matter to you, that you’d still be friends with her no matter what. Those words were true, but they didn’t apply to how you feel about yourself.
           You felt gross. And really annoyed at yourself. You couldn’t stop touching your face, picking at the bumps on your face. You just wanted to scratch them all off, like picking fruit from a bush, until you were left with nothing but porcelain skin.
           But of course, that wasn’t how it worked. Acne medications need some time to work. No matter what you do, they weren’t going to disappear overnight. And people would certainly take notice of them. They looked like little red bumps on your forehead and cheeks. As you caressed your face, you felt them, like little rocks on a formerly smooth pavement.
           None of your classmate’s opinions would matter, but there was one person, just one person that you didn’t want to see you like this. The person that should be the one that knows you most. Your boyfriend, Shoto.
           Tears started to form under your eyes, so you grabbed a tissue to wipe them off. Looking at the mirror brought nothing but self-loathe. You averted your eyes to your phone, only to see a good morning message from Shoto.
           The visualization of how you would feel if Shoto looked at you right now and changed his whole perspective of you was too painful. You fear the rejection, the shame, the loss. The vulnerability you were in had he seen you like this made you uncomfortable, so you chose to close the door of possibilities and walk away, avoiding the encounter.
           You’ve avoided him before, a long time ago, before you were dating, and now you’re doing well at it, having remembered the strategy from memory. Ignoring his texts, sitting far away in class and the cafeteria, trying not to bring any attention to yourself. He tried walking up to you, but you turned away and stroke up a conversation with Mina, asking her to accompany you to the bathroom.
             Shoto, of course, felt bothered by your attitude, but he didn’t know if he’s done anything wrong. He tried asking you about it, but you’ve avoided him with expertise, as if you’d done it before. Did he miss an important thing? The thought grew like a burden on his mind, but like the cold-headed man he was, he stayed calm and thought of a solution.
             Night fell, and the clock hit 10. You’d been sitting on the lounge sofa, chatting with the girls. You’d confided in them about your problem, but they were kind and supportive, telling you that how your skin looks doesn’t ward off your beauty.
           Their words encouraged you a little bit, and you decided it was time for you to go to bed. But something stopped you before you entered your room.
           Shoto was sitting in the hallway, by your door. He looked like he’s been waiting for a long time, his head hunched over his knees, back slouching on the wall.
           You didn’t know how to get past him, surely the sound of the door creaking would have him bolt upright. But you didn’t even have the opportunity to test out that theory, because he lifted his head, making eye contact with you.
           You froze, not knowing what to say as he rose up from his hunched seat, slowly walking towards you. In a deep, raspy voice he confronts you.
           “What’s wrong?”
           Tears started to form in your eyes. You weren’t ready for his reaction, you never will be. And you’d thought to at least save yourself the embarrassment by breaking up with him, but you’d never want to break his heart like that. And it would hurt you more if he accepted it like it was nothing and hung out with another girl.
           Shoto rephrased his words. “…Is anything wrong?”
           “Look at my skin!” you said, almost a yell, your voice cracking as tears streamed down your eyes.
           He stepped forward to take a closer look, swiftly grabbing your hand so you couldn’t back away. He examined your face thoroughly, as there was a long pause before he said his next words.
           “…Is it the acne?”
           “See, even you notice it! That’s how big of a problem it is! I feel so fucking ugly.” You wiped away some of the tears, only for him to lift his hand and caress his finger across your cheek, sweeping off the ones that remained. You felt horrible as his finger brushed past the bumps on your skin, wishing it was smooth.
           “Don’t say that.”
           “But it’s true-” He grabbed and pulled you close, hugging you before you could finish your sentence.
           “No. It doesn’t matter. Not to me. You’re still very beautiful, you’re as gorgeous as when I first met you, you’re just as pretty as you were at prom.”
           Your body was pressed up so tightly against his that his soft voice sent vibrations throughout your bones. You could feel his heart beating in his chest, his breaths softly chilling the hairs on the back of your neck and shoulder.
           He continued,  
           “So don’t feel bad about how you look to yourself, baby.”
           You didn’t say anything, but you stopped sobbing. He tugged, pulling you away, and your eyes met again. He smiles and says,
           “If anything, I’m the one who should be angry, because you really thought I’d be that shallow to judge you based on how your skin looks? You’re still fucking beautiful.”
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle
And now the moment we’ve all been waiting for.
Like everything on board a ship, the boiler room was no bigger than it had to be and stuffed to the gills with pipes and cables, switches and dials and pieces of equipment.  There was only barely room to get the gurney through the door, and as they did, Peggy heard a siren start to blare.  In wartime that would have let the crew know they were under attack.  Now it could only be telling them that the body-snatching had been discovered.
Peggy left pushing the gurney to Kay, and ran ahead to open one of the boilers.  Even with the doors closed, it was sweltering hot in the room.  She could feel sweat trickling down her back under her heavy winter coat as she strained at the wheel.  Even if they didn’t manage to get Steve into the fire, she thought, at the very least this heat would start to thaw his tissues… once that happened they would begin to decompose, and Masters’ scientists might not be able to learn anything from them.
At first the wheel that held the door shut wouldn’t budge.  Peggy braced herself against a pipe and put her back into it, and it made a horrible metallic scrape as it began to move.  A few more cranks, and Peggy’s shoulders would be stiff for days, but the door sprang open.  A wall of heat rolled out into the room.  She ran back to grab the body under the shoulders, drop cloth and all.
“Wait!”  Kay grabbed Steve’s ankles as Peggy tried to drag him off the gurney.  “What are you doing?”
“I’m burning him!” she replied.  “What am I supposed to be doing?”
Kay was horrified.  “You can’t do that!”
“Well, what did you think we were bringing him down here for?” Peggy demanded.
“To thaw him out!” said Kay.
Peggy stared at her a moment.  Kay was the one who, a moment ago, had announced she was leading the way to the boiler room.  Why was she coming here, if not to destroy Steve’s body so that it could not be used for research?  Yes, thawing would make the body harder to study, but why settle for ‘harder’ when they could have ‘impossible’?
“We agreed we would burn him!” Peggy reminded her.
“You can’t,” Kay insisted.  Her eyes flicked to the left, then the right, then met Peggy’s  “He’s still alive!”
Peggy glanced down at the cloth draped over a cold, stiff body, then back at Kay.  Her first instinct was that this woman must be joking, but this was hardly the time or place for a jape.  Besides, Kay’s expression was utterly in earnest, her eyes wide and her hands tight on Steve’s ankles as if to pull him back against her.  Could it be she actually believed it?
“You’re mad!” said Peggy.
“Trust me!” Kay pleaded.
“Step away from the body!” a man ordered.
Peggy looked up, and Kay turned to see over her shoulder.  Two soldiers were standing in the doorway with guns.  More were behind them.  There was only one way in or out of the boiler room.  Peggy and Kay were trapped.
“Put your hands were I can see them,” said the soldier.
Kay reluctantly raised hers.  Peggy began to do likewise, then decided if she were going to be shot one way or the other, she may as well earn it.  She grabbed Steve’s body and hauled it off the gurney, but its limp weight was more than she’d expected, and she couldn’t move more than a couple of inches before the men were shouting at her, ordering her to stop.  Half a dozen of them squeezed into the room to grab Kay and drag her away from the gurney.  There wasn’t space for her to fight them off.
Instead, Kay started screaming.  “Steve!” she shouted at the body Peggy was still holding onto.  “Steve!  Wake up!  Wake up!”
“Shut up!” one of the soldiers told her, trying to get a hand over her mouth.
“Steve, please!” Kay begged.
And then Peggy felt something under the cloth move.
For a moment she thought it had to be her imagination, but then Peggy saw the drop cloth actually shift.  She jerked her hands away and watched in disbelief.  The whole room went suddenly silent as the body rolled over, right off the gurney and onto the metal floor, landing in a heap with the cloth tangled in limbs.  There it lay still, and Peggy once again almost told herself there was another explanation before Steve pushed himself shakily onto his hands and knees.
“I told you!” crowed Kay.  “I told you!”
Peggy knelt down to put her hands on Steve’s cheeks.  They were cold and wet, but there was a solid elasticity to them that no dead body could have.  His blue eyes opened and met hers.
Maybe she was hallucinating.  Maybe she’d fainted from cold and anxiety while dangling from the helicopter and this was all a dream.
“Peggy?” he asked weakly.
“Steve.  Oh my god,” she breathed, and pulled him in to hold his head against her chest.  He put trembling arms around her middle and leaned into her, heavy but not limp the way he’d been when she tried to pull him off the gurney.  She could feel him shivering as his body tried to warm itself… her hand on his back could feel it rising and falling with his breathing, feel his heart starting to slow from a frantic race to a more normal rhythm.
She wasn’t dreaming.  He was alive.
“Where am I?” he rasped.
“In the boiler room of the…”  Peggy looked around.  She hadn’t gotten the name of the ship.
After a brief pause, one of the soldiers offered, “the USS Valiant.”  He lowered his gun, stood up straight, and saluted.  “Lieutenant Junior Grade Phillip Harbottle, Sir.  You saved my life at the Battle of Anzio.”
The others around him, one by one, stowed their weapons and raised their hands to their brows.  As soon as Kay was free of their grasp, she wiggled her way in between the gurney and the pipes to kneel and put a hand on Steve’s back.
“How do you feel?” she asked him.
“Terrible,” Steve admitted.  “Who are you?”
For a moment, Peggy could have sworn she saw tears rising in Kay’s eyes, but the other woman quickly regained her composure.  “Katherine Lake.  I’m a friend of Peggy’s.”
“Not exactly,” said Peggy.  Even in this incredible moment, she wasn’t willing to give her that.
“There’s backstory,” said Kay.
Peggy looked up at the soldiers, who were still gathered around watching, not sure what to do.  “So are you lot just going to stand there?” she asked.  “Or does somebody want to do something useful and find this man a doctor?”
She and Kay helped Steve back onto the gurney, and this time they were not pursued but escorted as they wheeled him into the infirmary.  The scientists and nurses the women had beaten up were already in there, having cuts sewn up and bruises iced.  A couple of these jumped to their feet when Peggy and Kay entered, whether to protest or to run it was impossible to say.
“Out of the way!” one of the soldiers ordered.  “Captain America is alive!”
The man Peggy had beaten in the head with an instrument tray stood, still holding a bag of ice against his bruised scalp.  “So you were…” he pointed at Peggy.  “Why didn’t you say so?” he asked.
“Because you would have thought we were mad,” Peggy informed him.
The man sat down again.
Doctors hurried over to start treating Steve, bringing him proper blankets and listening to his heart and lungs.  One nurse made warm compresses to put on his chest and forehead, and another boiled water to make him a hot drink.  Peggy wanted to remain by his side, but knew she would only be in the way, so she backed off to let them work.
“What’s the last thing you remember, Captain Rogers?” a doctor asked, holding Steve’s eyes open to look inside them.
“I… the cockpit filled with water from behind,” he replied.  “I think I hit my head on the window frame.”
“Can you tell me how old you are?” another said, testing his memory.
“Twenty-seven,” Steve said immediately.
That wasn’t right, Peggy thought… Steve had been born in 1918.  He’d turn thirty in July of this year.  He had no idea how long he’d been in the ice, she realized.  As far as he knew it had been only moments.  What would he think when they told him it had been almost three years?
Three years.  Long enough for the war to end, for Peggy to move on and be planning to marry somebody else.  Daniel hadn’t officially asked her yet, but that was only because they wanted to get this matter with Dottie sorted out before they scheduled a wedding and honeymoon.  Both of them were taking for granted that it would happen.  They’d talked about buying a house.  How was she going to explain that to Steve?
What was Daniel going to think when Peggy came back with a living Steve instead of a dead one?  Would he expect her to just run off with him?  She’d always told Daniel he didn’t need to compete, but that was easy enough to hear – and to say – when the man he would have been competing with was dead.  What would she…
A fuss at the door interrupted her train of thought, and alerted her to the arrival of the men in charge.  Captain Lewis came striding in and then stopped cold, unable to believe what he was seeing.
“Captain Rogers?”  A nurse held out a mug to him.  “It’s cocoa.  It’ll warm you up.”
“Thanks,” said Steve.  He accepted the drink and wrapped his hands around it, letting the warmth soak into his fingers.
Behind Captain Lewis was Masters, who was just as surprised but recovered from it faster.  He rallied and straightened up, and came forward to offer Steve his hand.
“Captain Rogers?  Vernon Masters,” he said.  “I don’t know if you remember me…”
“No, I do,” Steve replied.  His voice was less hoarse now.  He was recovering quickly, just as he had from every other injury he’d ever suffered.  “You work for the SSR.”
“I’m running for senate in New York now,” said Masters.  “It’s good to have you back, son.  We’ve missed you.”
Peggy pursed her lips.  Masters would doubtless be re-evaluating all his future plans right now, but she knew exactly what he would end up doing.  “Well, this will make your campaign, won’t it, Mr. Masters?” she asked.  “The man who brought home Captain America!  It certainly sounds better than being the man who vivisected him, doesn’t it?”
Masters frowned at her.  “You knew the whole time.”
Under the circumstances, Peggy was happy to let him think so.  “Forgive me for not saying something earlier.  Knowing you’re already suspicious of my motives, I figured you wouldn’t believe me.  Captain Lewis,” she added.  “May I use the radio?  I need to tell my friend in Resolute to go and get Howard Stark.  If I’m not to be taken back to the brig, that is.”
Lewis looked at Masters, but Masters just turned away to watch Steve drink his cocoa.
“Of course,” said Lewis.  “Radio room.  Up by the lower chart room, just below the flight deck.”
“Thank you,” said Peggy.  She returned to Steve’s bedside and bent to kiss him on the cheek.  “I’ll be right back,” she promised.
Steve caught her wrist.  “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” he said under his breath.
“A lot of things are wrong.  I’ll explain when you’re feeling better.”  She would have to think about what she was going to say… where would she even begin?
Peggy managed to hold herself together as she climbed the stairs to the lower chart room.  Her voice even wavered only slightly as she made her call to Jason in the Skytrain at Resolute.  “This is the USS Valiant calling Ice Seeker.  Over,” she said into the microphone.
There was a clattering sound on the channel.  “Valiant, this is Ice Seeker,” said Jason’s voice.  “Peggy, are you okay?  Over.
“Yes, I’m fine,” Peggy lied.  “You need to go get Howard.  Over.”
“The Stark Industries people already brought him back an hour ago,” Jason said.  “He said the army came and took the Captain away, killed the dogs, and you and Lake took off hanging onto the helicopters.  What happened?”  There was a pause before he remembered he was on the radio.  “Over.”
“It’s a long story,” Peggy said.  “I don’t want to tell it on the air – I think somebody already overheard your message to the company.  Do you think you can meet us in Nome?”  There was an airfield there which would have to be a stepping stone on their route back to the mainland US.  Masters would want to get Steve home and on display as quickly as possible.  “Over.”
“Definitely.  I’ll let Howard know right away,” Jason promised.  “Are you sure you’re all right?”
“I’ll tell you when we arrive,” Peggy repeated.
She said goodbye and shut down the radio, and then took a deep breath.  Now she could do something with the emotions roiling inside her.  She would just have to find a private place, because no matter what had happened, Peggy Carter was not about to sit and cry where anyone could see her.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
The Suicide Queen (part four)
[Ice skater AU]
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 
TW: Implied CSA
When the blades first touched the ice, a memory sparked inside of Bessie’s head.
She was seven, maybe eight, and she was on ice. Not a frozen body of water, but a rink that you had to pay to get into. She was spinning around, giggling, and imagining she was an ice princess doing a magical dance to imaginary winter animals. After pulling off a successful twirl, she turned her beaming expression to the stands, where her mother was sitting, gazing down at her phone.
  “Mama!” She shouted.
Catherine’s shoulder twitched, signaling that she had heard her, but she didn’t look up.
  “Mama!” Bessie tried again, this time louder.
Still nothing. She thought her mother was grinding her teeth, but she couldn’t be sure. She glided over to the railing.
  “What?” Catherine hissed, whipping her head up so fast it made Bessie flinch. “What do you want?”
  “Did you see my spin?” Bessie asked eagerly.
  “No. I didn’t see your spin, Elizabeth.” Catherine answered dryly.
  “Oh… I can do it again!”
  “No, Elizabeth.” Catherine growled. “I don’t want to see it.”
  “But Mama--”
  “You won’t impress me,” Catherine had told her bluntly. “You’ll never be as good as them.” She nodded at a group of skaters that were moving with practiced professionalism. “I don’t know why you’re even trying.”
The memory faded with a rush of frosty air and Bessie shivered. Her mother’s words never seemed to leave her, no matter how much she tried to block them out. They were always there, reminding her how awful and untalented she was.
Bessie shook her head and placed the other ice skate on the ice, only to nearly get flung backwards when she slipped. She threw out her arms, waving them as if they were wings as she attempted to get her balance again. Slowly, the sense of vertigo faded and she drifted to the center of the pond.
Instead of going home to her dorm, Bessie had gone to Catalina’s house. Catalina was a family friend that owned a small farm on the outskirts of the city. Right next to the house was a small pond, which Bessie decided to use as her training ground.
Gently pushing one of her feet against the ice, Bessie slid forward unsteadily. She was trying to bring back the ability to skate from her childhood, but it seemed all the muscle memory for the act was completely gone from her body. She felt for all the world like Bambi, knees wobbling and arms flying everywhere when she tried to catch herself before she could fall.
Bessie (very badly) skated in slow circles around the perimeter of the pond. She couldn’t tell if she was just weak or the ice skates were actually really heavy, but it felt like she had two bladed anchors attached to her feet. Her knees shook treacherously each time she lifted a leg, threatening to buckle beneath the weight.
  “What are you doing this for?” Asked The Beast. It was there again, reflected across the ice like a ghastly silhouette. 
Bessie ignored it.
  “Is it to impress that woman?”
One step at a time. She skated shakily around the pond.
  “She isn’t going to love you just because you learned to ice skate.”
She let the blades slice through something that wasn’t her own flesh for once.
  “If anything, she’ll think you’re creepy for suddenly learning just because she said you looked like a skater.”
That threw Bessie off.
The left skate slashed forward too quickly and Bessie was flung to the ice. She landed hard, groaning softly as her back ached from the fall. She rolled over, and The Beast appeared beneath the surface, slamming against the ice in a jump scare that nearly sent Bessie’s heart into her throat, its face so close to her own.
  “She will never love you.”
Bessie jerked away with a short scream, scrambling backwards on her hands. She used the chill against her bare palms to ground her, curling her nails into the thin layer of frost across the surface. She closed her eyes and took five deep breaths, and when she opened them again, The Beast was no longer there. 
She breathed out a sigh of relief and got back to her feet, only to slip on the blood on her skates.
Bessie stared down in horror at the redness dripping from the blades of her ice skates. She rubbed her eyes, but it was still there when she looked again. Blood was starting to soak through her pants and shirt, too, but she didn’t know why and she was starting to panic and it hurt and she couldn’t breathe--
There was a cracking sound from behind. Bessie turned around slowly to watch as The Beast broke through the ice and began to crawl out of the pond. Sharp sheets and shards of ice ripping open deep, meaty gashed across its back, spilling out blood everywhere, but it didn’t stop. It reached its massive claws out to Bessie, smirking sadistically.
  “Only I will ever love you, darling.”
A scream surfaced in Bessie’s throat. She scrambled backwards, kicking out her bladed, bloodied feet as if she thought they could protect her. And they did. She struck The Beast in the jaw with one of her skates as its huge body was leaning over her, making it recoil backwards with a snarl of pain. Bessie took that chance to flee, but her arms gave in to her panic once she reached the bay and curled up in the freezing cold snow, unable to move any longer because of the force of the attack she was beginning to have.
  “You can’t run from me, darling,” The Beast purred. It seemed to be getting bigger and bigger the more it wiggled out of the hole in the pond. Without the blackness shrouding its frame, it was huge, with the grotesque face of an insane man, the claws of a demon, and a body that seemed to be made of two people lying together, fused by muscular, bulging bloodied flesh that was riddled with throbbing purple-red veins. Its hands were bigger than her head and they grasped at her desperately. “I told you.”
Bessie kicked her legs again, nailing one of its hands. The Beast let out a ghastly roar of pain. Its arched, slab-like hump of a back twitched and heaved as the larger figure underneath the skin thrust mercilessly into the one below it, a piteous, feebly-struggling thing that was barely distinguishable from the mattress of tissue that they both sunk into. Bessie felt ill and dizzy looking at it.
  “No… No…” Bessie whimpered meekly, tears falling rapidly from her eyes. “No, no, no-- Please, no! No!”
The Beast laughed deeply. Its claws left grooves across the ice as it emerged fully, gigantic and horrifying. It crawled on its knees, unnaturally long tongue lolling out of its mouth, hunger in its eyes.
  “No… No, Henry, please--” A huge, clawed hand grabbed her by the thigh tightly. “NO, DON’T!!”
Bessie’s eyes popped open wide and she gasped. She looked up slowly, whimpering, and saw Catalina kneeling there beside her, concern written all over her face.
Catalina had always been an angel in Bessie’s mind. Her dark skin seemed to glow in the light, as if her ethereal body was constantly being lit up in its grace. Her kinky brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, meaning she had been cooking, and her honey-colored eyes were filled with so much love and worry. One of her hands was on Bessie’s leg, then her face, cradling her head off of the cold snow.
  “Elizabeth,” Catalina said again, noticing that she was aware of her presence. “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
For a moment, all Bessie could do was stare up at her with impossibly wide eyes. Then, she was jerking up so fast her head spun and looking around wildly in a panic.
But there was no Beast.
There was no hole in the ice.
There wasn’t even any blood on her skates or clothes.
There was nothing except some deep grooves in the ice from her scramble and a few judgemental animal heads poking out from the fencing around the nearby barn.
  “Easy,” Catalina said, carefully setting a hand on her shoulder. “Easy, honey… It’s okay. Nothing is here. Nobody is going to hurt you.”
Bessie looked up at Catalina, her mouth hanging open, but she couldn’t say anything. The words were caught in her throat.
  “I know,” Catalina seemed to understand the unspoken comments anyway. “I know, baby. It’s okay.”
Bessie whimpered and more tears streamed free from her eyes. She realized only then how badly she was shivering. The snow had bitten through her clothing and now she was wet and cold and even more miserable.
  “Can you stand up?” Catalina asked softly.
Bessie nodded, only to remember that she had ice skates on when she attempted to get up. Catalina frowned and helped her take them off and put on her boots before trying to stand again.
Bessie couldn’t stop looking back at the pond as Catalina led her away. On her third glance, The Beast was there, smirking from beneath the ice. She flinched and pressed closer to Catalina, shaking even harder.
Upon arriving at the house, Catalina instantly took Bessie to the guest bedroom, which was basically her bedroom. They had to walk past Catalina’s wife, Jane, who looked equally concerned, and it just made the bubbling guilt inside of Bessie grow worse.
  “Here,” Catalina picked out some fluffy pajamas with a bear on the shirt for her. “Dry off and get changed out of those wet clothes. I don’t want you to catch a cold.”
Bessie nodded silently, still unable to speak. Catalina frowned at her, then kissed her forehead gently.
  “Come out when you’re done. Dinner is done.”
Another nod. Catalina watched her for a moment longer before walking out.
Bessie’s arms and legs felt like lead as she peeled off her wet clothes and got dressed into the pajamas. Her head seemed to be stuffed with cotton, but the fog was slowly starting to recede.
It was scary how realistic her attacks were becoming.
Catalina and Jane both stopped whispering to each other in the kitchen when Bessie stepped out of the guest room. She knew they were talking about her. Everyone seemed to be.
  “Come take your medicine, then get some food,” Catalina said.
Bessie wrinkled her nose. “Medicine?” 
  “Yes, sweetie,” Catalina said patiently. “It’ll help you.”
Bessie didn’t want to make Catalina mad, so she obliged and swallowed the thick orange pill she gave her. Afterwards, she grabbed a loaf of toast and poured herself a bowl of potato soup, then sat down at the dinner table. She swore she could even see The Beast’s reflections in her fucking food.
  “So,” Jane spoke up, “what got you into ice skating?”
Bessie remembered being scared of Jane when they first met four years ago. Despite the woman’s soft features, her steel grey eyes looked sharp and dangerous, like she was constantly daring people to fuck with her. She looked like she could easily verbally pummel someone and not feel guilty about it afterwards.
  “Oh, umm,” Bessie shifted slightly. She took a quick bite of toast before saying, “Th-there was this, umm-- this girl…”
Both Jane and Catalina’s eyes lit up.
  “A girl?” Aragon echoed eagerly.
  “Does little Elizabeth have a crush?” Jane teased playfully.
Bessie blushed bright pink and looked away. “W-we’re just friends!”
  “That’s what Lina said about me,” Jane chuckled. “And look at us now.”
Oh god, she was right. Does that mean that she and Anna could possibly…? 
Bessie’s blush darkened.
  “Aww,” Catalina cooed. “You are so cute.”
  “J-just friends,” Bessie said again.
  “With benefits,” Jane said while taking a sip of wine.
  “J-Jane!!” Bessie squealed.
  “I’m joking, I’m joking,” Jane said with a light chuckle. “You know, I had a friend who used to be a ice skating trainer. If you want to impress your ‘female friend’, maybe you should ask her for advice on how to skate.”
Bessie perked up. “Do you think she’d help me?”
  “I’m sure she would! Here, let me write you down her address. You can pay her a little visit tomorrow. Just say that Jane Seymour sent you.”
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Good Ole Dacre Montgomery. 
Chapter 9: Call Me Friend But Keep Me Closer.
Songs for this chapter:
All I Wanna Say- Lontalius
You Were Good To Me- Jeremy Zucker
Consequences. - Camila Cabello
When The Party is Over. -Billie Eilish
_____________________________________________________________ Thank you to everyone who sent kind words during my rough patch but we’re back and there is only one chapter left!
@speedmetalqueen _________________________________________________
The crowd echoed through the large empty mall while large crates were carried in and cameras were put into place.
"Battle time?" Paisley glanced to Joe. "Battle time!" He nodded, he was covered in fake dried blood and wearing a dirty Scoops uniform. "I can't get over how great those shorts look on you!" she pinched his rear causing him to jump a little.
They erupted with laughter, when the mall doors swung open and in walked Liv with a large smile splattered across her face. "Hi everyone!" She rang.
"I didn't know she would be here." Paisley spoke up. "Neither did I." Myra mumbled flipping through her notes. She glanced around the court looking for Dacre but he was nowhere to be seen.
The others began filing in, decked out in their 80s wear. "Everyone get together we need to get started as soon as possible." The director yelled finding his position behind the camera. Myra took a seat in her usual chair and Paisley joined her side.
"Hi ladies! Are you excited for this?" Liv joined them in the seat beside Paisley.
"Oh yes super excited!" Paisley spoke in the most fake high pitched voice. Max,Will and El stood by the door waiting for their next directions. Myra kept herself focused on the paperwork. Sylvia quickly took her seat before the director yelled, "Quiet on set! And Action!" He shouted, the three kids took off running down an empty hallway. Mike and Max both had arm around their shoulders and they were trying their best to carry El. The lights sporadically flickered throughout the vacant hallway.
"In here,in here!" Mike spoke as they turned another corner. "Okay come on, come on, come on." He repeated, smashing the buttons on the elevator. A door at the opposite end swung open and there stood Dacre. He wore a white tank top and jeans, his entire body was covered in makeup and his hair was a sweaty mess hanging all around his face. Max turned to face her set brother as he limped his way down the hallway with an evil expression.
"Billy. Billy, you don't have to do this."
"Billy. Your name's Billy. Billy Hargrove." Max spoke in a fear filled voice. Dacre only moved closer stomping his feet with every step.
"You live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy, please, I'm Max, I'm your-" Before Max was able to finish her sentence Dacre's hand swiftly shot across her face dropping her to the ground. A loud scream came from El who coward behind Mike. Mike then charged forward trying to push Dacre away, Mike's body was then flung against some old pipes while Dacre went for El, the person he had came for. El reached her hand up but Dacre was quicker he grabbed her wrist and twisted it backwards,shoving the palm of his hand against her face banging her head off the wall behind them, he then pushed her to the floor and towered over her body.
El laid unconscious, while Dacre grabbed her arm fling her over his shoulder. He charged down the hallway, he took multiple turns before reaching the back door of Scoops Ahoy, he kicked his foot threw the door, stomped through the ice cream parlor and reached for the gate ripping it up.
They now stood in the center court of the mall, every neon light around them flickered intensely. Dacre lowered El to the floor leaning in close to her ear. "Don't be afraid. It'll be over soon." He whispered. "Just try and stay...very still."
The snarling of a large creature came from the roof of the mall, El's eyes turned in that location. Her vision somewhat hazy. large legs began entering, a loud echoing bang with each one.
From the actors and crews point of view it was nothing but a large beach ball but to the viewers it would be a large monster made of flesh and blood of all the flayed people.
El whimpered trying to back away from the creature, while Dacre stood still watching it's controller move towards them.
A large bang lit up the sky causing Dacre to curl over in pain, the large monster let out a screech.
"Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas shouted from the top floor of the center court, tossing another firework in the direction of the monster. Johnathan and Nancy then joined along hurdling large fireworks over the edge.
"Hey asshole, over here!" Steve shouted throwing one in the monster's direction as well. Dacre yelled,arching forward in pain with each explosive thrown. He dropped to the ground flailing his body around, El noticed his pain and tried to quickly get away. Dacre noticed and snatched her ankle yanking her back to the place she was resting before.
"We're almost out!" Will yelled to Lucas.
"I know!" Lucas replied to him tossing over the last couple fireworks.
"Dustin! We're out of time!"
Max flickered her eyes she was now waking up. An unconscious Mike laid across the room from her. "Mike,Mike! Get up. Mike, can you hear me?"
Mike came to, looking up to Max. "Hey, come on." She took his hand, helping him stand.
"You okay?" Max asked him as he looked aimlessly around the room. "Where's El?"
El laid under Dacre, his hands holding her shoulders down. With every explosion he winced,pain and anger across his face.
"Seven...feet." El spoke out with a gasp. "You told her the wave was seven feet. You ran to her, on the beach." Both of them now had tear filled eyes. "There was seagulls. She wore a hat..with a blue ribbon. A long dress with a blue and red flower. Yell-yellow sandals," She chocked on her words. "Covered in sand."
"She was pretty." Dacre's lower lip quivered listening to El describe his mother, he closed his eyes imagining the moment.
"She was really pretty," El spoke threw the tears pouring down her face. "And you, you were happy.
"We're out!" Will now yelled to his friend holding up the empty basket.
"Damn it!" Lucas spat,looking over the balcony to the creature.
The large monster now turned it's focus back on Eleven, Dacre stood to its command, now staring face to face with it. Mike and Max ran around the corner to see their girlfriend and stepbrother standing in reach of the creature. Dacre's face showed nothing but fear as a large arm reaching out for Eleven, Dacre caught it in his grasp stopping it.
"No!" Dacre yelled, Eleven pushed herself backwards in shock. Dacre screamed even louder pushing the creature away. Two other hands came out piercing into the side of him. He began screaming even more this time in agonizing pain. Dacre dropped to his knees, black sludge now leaving his mouth. One final arm reached out slamming into his chest.
"Billy!" Max screamed, watching her step brother drop to the floor lifeless.
Mike rushed over to Eleven's side. "El!" He spoke rapping his arms around her. Max walked right past time to standing beside Dacre.
"Billy?" She spoke down to him. He choked on the fluids leaving his body.
"Billy, get up please. Billy, get up, please,please."
"I'm sorry." He forced out, before taking a deep inhale.
"Billy, wake up. Billy, get up. Please, Billy." She roughly shook his shoulders. She began sniffling trying to help him gain consciousness again.
"I'm sorry!" Eleven spoke to her cradling her friend in her arms.
"It's okay. It's ok." She patted her back trying to calm her.
"Cut!" The director yelled, the room fell silent, everyone was in shock. Paisley looked to see Myra's reaction and she was a mess. She had about 9 tissues scattered across her lap and her face was now swollen and scattered with tears.
"That was amazing!" Liv took off from her seat running to Dacre's side. She sat down beside him, took his hand in hers and placed a big kiss on his lips. "You did so amazing babe!"
"Did Paisley know? Did she know Billy was going to die? She seems completely unfazed. While on the other hand Myra is sitting over here in a ball of tears." Sylvia sat forward in her chair stretching her back.
Paisley shrugged, she wasn't even sure that Joe knew about it.
Myra wanted nothing more than to run over to Dacre wrap her arms around him and give him the biggest hug, but his arms were currently occupied with someone else.
"Wasn't that amazing guys?" Liv held Dacre's hand pulling him over to the others. Paisley rolled her eyes at Liv's overuse of the word.
"Yes that was great. You did a great job." Myra gathered herself, trying to hide the evidence of her crying.
Dacre gave a soft smile to Myra.
"Thank you!" His face was still covered in filth and sludge dripped from his smile but it was still heart felt.
"Well what about me? I didn't die but I threw one hell of a firework huh?" Joe walked down the steps, coming up behind Paisley placing a kiss on her cheek.
"You did great too babe!" She wrapped her arm around him.
"Yes! Everyone did amazing!" Liv giggled, still holding a tight grip on Dacre's hand.
"Hopefully none of you forgot the dinner tonight!" Sylvia broke the silence that started to grow over the group. "I made my famous homemade macaroni and cheese!"
"Of course we didn't forget! I'm starving!" Joe chimed in, looking over to Paisley. "I'm going to go shower and change, you coming with me?" He raised a brow.
"Actually I was going to help Myra, I can meet you at the diner hall!" She returned the kiss to his cheek.
Liv was eye locked with Dacre, mumbling something about how nice he looked. Myra just sighed and gathered her bag.
"I will be there Sylvia, don't worry. I wouldn't miss out on your home cooking!" Myra walked away from them Paisley in tow.
"You feeling ok?" Paisley nudged her elbow against Myra.
"I'm ok. It's just hard. I want to be the one to congratulate him and be all affectionate with him in public but I obviously can't."
"I'm sorry MJ, just remember he likes you, she's just contracted to like him." Paisley held the large stage door open for the both of them and they made their way to Myra's trailer again.
"That's the problem, Pais. I think she actually likes him, maybe the whole Jake thing is a ploy to get jobs or what not."
Paisley stopped in her track and glanced to Myra. "You think someone would actually do that?" She shrugged, reaching for her keys.
"It's possible. I guess. Who knows it might just be the jealousy speaking."
The entered into the trailer and Myra headed straight to the bathroom, splashing cold water into her face. Paisley dug through her bags searching for something to wear. She ended up choosing a lose fitting white top and dark navy jeans. Myra spent about 20 minutes deciding on something, and finally with help she was able to find something perfect. A short light pink dress with a small cut out in the back.
"We're running late, so you better hurry." Paisley yelled into the bedroom, pacing the front door.
"I'm ready, I'm ready let's go." Myra left the room throwing her phone into her small hand bag.
The dining hall was completely different now. The tables had all been joined together to make one large buffet area. The lighting was low with twinkle lights scattered all over. Large groups sat together at the tables, Paisley searched for Joe. He had been seated towards the end of the table and of course in front of him sat Dacre and Liv fingers intertwined exactly how they were when Myra left them earlier.
"You look gorgeous!" Joe reached out for Paisley's hand, pulling out her chair for her.
"Thank you! You look very handsome yourself!" She took a seat, placing a hand on his leg. Myra looked for an empty seat and the only one available was one directly in front of Dacre. She sighed pulling her seat out and joining the others.
"Myra, I love that dress on you!" Liv spoke in her high pitched voice. She reached out with her free hand taking ahold of her wine glass.
"Thank you! You look beautiful as well, liv!" Myra clenched her jaw, hoping the evening would not be as awkward as it was already starting off. Appetizers were brought around to everyone along with a beverage cart. Joe and Paisley both ordered a glass of wine but Myra need something stronger.
"I'll take a jack and coke!" She smiled to the waitress. Myra took her drink and quickly gulped down the first half of it. Paisley kept an eye on Myra hoping she wouldn't make a fool of herself. She had a tough time handling her liquor. Liv had about 6 more glasses of wine, before the entrees had even been handed out. Her hands were all over Dacre, and since Myra was seated in front of him she had the worst seat in the building.
"Why don't you two get a room?" Mary yelled down the table noticing Liv smother Dacre with affection. The table roared in laughter, causing Dacre to intensely blush.
"I wouldn't mind that." Liv slurred a little, running her hands under his shirt.
Paisley tried multiple times to change the subject, none of them were successful until she brought up college.
"I can't believe you only have one more week left here MJ!" Dacre looked to her a little shocked. "Only one more week?"
"Aw Dacre's upset about losing his assistant! Poor babe! I could always help you!" Liv ran her hand through his hair and down his back.
Myra nodded taking another drink trying to ignore Liv's reply. "Yeah, only one more week. Then it's back to our dorms to finish out the last month of college." Joe put on a fake pout looking to Paisley. "Why can't you just stay here? It'll be much more fun."
"I wish I could but I have things to finish up if I want to graduate." Paisley giggled a little at his pout. "After graduation though I am all yours!" She placed a kiss to his nose. Myra was happy for them but she couldn't help but feel jealous.
"What about you Myra? What's in store for you after graduation?" Dacre glanced over at her, she was distracted by the straw inside her cup.
"Oh uh me? I was hoping maybe something in film. Maybe some place would be willing to hire me. Not saying I don't love this place but to actually get paid doing something I love would be a dream come true." The directors walked back checking on everyone making sure they were enjoying their food.
The next hour was the slowest hour in Myra's life. The drink cart ran it's final trip around the table, while the dessert plates were being taken away.
"You wanna take me home?" Liv looked up at Dacre placing a kiss on his shoulder.
"Sure!" He nodded placing a kiss on her forehead. "I think it is time for us to turn in guys. It was nice seeing all of you. I will see you guys in the morning." Dacre waved goodbye to the group, wrapping his arm around Liv's waist.
"I have to be honest, Myra. That was the most awkward thing!" Joe took a swig from his glass. Myra and Paisley laughed at his comment.
"That is what we have been saying all along." Paisley finished off her glass and checked her phone. "We should head back too! This wine is making me light headed!" She smirked at him, trying to lead him on.
"Oh right, lightheaded." He laughed, wiggling his brow at her.
"You gonna be ok alone,MJ?" Paisley asked worrying about her friend. Myra stood from the table pushing her chair in.
"I'll be just fine, I'm taking a shower then heading straight to bed." Myra hugged Paisley goodbye, before her phone vibrated in her back pocket.
Dacre: Meet me at the pool? :)
Myra shoved her phone back into her pocket and wrapped her jacket around her, walking to the trailers.
It was dark and the smell of cigarettes lingered in the air. A few stragglers walked through the streets, going home from the dinner as well. Myra had forgotten to leave a light on so searching around for her keys was a struggle. After finally locating them she opened her door and went inside. She also decided to reply to Dacre.
Myra: The pool? What about Liv?
Dacre was extremely fast to reply.
Dacre: Liv passed out as soon as we got back to the trailer. I'd like to spend some time with you. So the pool? :)
Myra: Give me 20 minutes and I will be there. :)
Myra had packed a bathing suit luckily, it wasn't her prettiest but it was dark outside and it would be fine for tonight. She changed into it while throwing her dress back on over top. She shoved a towel and her keys into her bag and took off walking to the pool.
Dacre was already there by the time she had arrived, he was out in the middle of the pool floating on his back. Myra pushed open the gate,closing it behind her. She walked over to an empty chair setting her things down.
"How's the water feel?" She removed her dress stepping over to the edge of the pool.
"Guess you'll have to get in to find out." Dacre swam closer to her. Myra rolled her eyes, sitting her toes into the surprising warm water. "Are you getting in or do I have to throw you in?" Dacre yelled up to her. Without warning Myra jumped in beside him, splashing him.
She came up from the water pushing her hair back. "Well? How's it feel?" Dacre laughed wiping the water from his face.
"It feels amazing!" She spoke in a mocking voice. Dacre pulled her in close to him wrapping his arms around her. It was nice to have his warmth against her.
"Were you crying earlier?" He rested his chin on the top of her head.
"Of course I was crying, Billy died. That was so sad seeing you like that." Myra sobbed a little thinking about it.
Dacre brushed his thumb across her cheek. "It was sweet, I can't tell you how badly I wanted to kiss you." Paisley's comment earlier echoed in her head even louder then before.
"What's going to happen next week when I have to leave?" Myra stepped back from him, wondering his answer.
"What's going to happen with what? Us?" Dacre pushed back his damp hair, his accent going heavy. "I don't know,M. I want to say everything will be perfect and we'll be madly in love somewhere together. But I can't, and I don't know what's going to happen to us."
Myra nodded, knowing this would be his answer, but she knew, she knew where they would be a week from now. She would be working towards graduating and Dacre and Liv would be at some fancy party or beach madly in love. She didn't want to think about that right now, she wanted to just enjoy this moment and worry about next week when it came.
"Dacre?" A familiar high pitched voice rang through the parking lot. "Dacre? Where are you?"
Dacre quickly got out of the water going to Liv's side. "Liv? What're you doing? I thought you were asleep." He grabbed onto her intoxicated body stumbling through the gate.
"I was s-sleeping." She slurred. "I woke up to find you and you were gone I thought maybe you went to Joe's trailer but here you are!" She looked over to the pool still not noticing Myra floating inside.
"Swimming? How come you didn't invite me." She fumbled around with her top trying to pull it off. "I wanna swim!" She slurred even more.
"Liv, honey. Why don't we just go back to bed? I'll put a movie on." Dacre pushed her shirt back down.
"A movie! Awesome!" She wrapped both arms around Dacre's neck.
"Take a seat here let me get my things." Dacre sat her down on an empty lawn chair and grabbed his shoes and shirt from the side of the pool. He looked down at a confused Myra waiting in the water.
"I know what'll happen next week," She spoke softly to him. "We'll be strangers. It'll be like we never met. Until then we will just be friends. Thank you so much for everything Dacre." She gave a sincere smile and waited in the pool for them to leave.
"No," Dacre stopped her. "I don't want that,Myra. I don't want to be strangers." Liv called out to him, "I have to go, Myra please just let me tell you tomorrow ok?" Myra nodded watching the two of them walk away.
After a few more laps in the pool Myra gathered her clothes,wrapped her body in the towel and left the pool area.
Her trailer was still dark and quiet when she returned. She took a quick shower and then put herself to bed. "Goodnight." She mumbled to herself quickly falling asleep.
The next morning Myra woke up early, she went and spoke to Jake and discussed her next week her on set. She filled out some paperwork and then headed off to the cafeteria to get herself a cup of coffee. She sat at an empty table and scrolled through social media on her phone. It had been a while since she had checked everything but there was nothing important she had missed.
"Mornin' M." Paisley sweetly spoke joining her at the table. "Mornin' Pais. How was your night?"
"It was great! How about you?" Paisley intertwined her fingers around her cup looking over to her. "Did you do anything fun or just go to bed?"
"Just bed for me, I was too tired for anything else." Myra lied,taking in another drink from her cup.
Paisley knew something was wrong, Myra was not acting herself.
"I should head back to the trailer, I have a lot of laundry to get done." Myra stood up, throwing away her still half full cup.
"You need some help?" Paisley questioned her. Myra only shook her head and walked off to her temporary home.
It was so hard for Myra to lie to Paisley but she didn't want to involve her anymore. Paisley was happy and had a good life she didn't need to stress over Myra's nonsense.
Dacre searched the set and cafeteria but was unable to find Myra. Luckily he did find Paisley leaving the dining area. "Hey you seen Myra today?" He stopped her, hoping she had seen her friend.
"Yeah she was headed to do some laundry, she must be sick or something. She wasn't acting like herself." Paisley looked concerned, considering following Myra to her trailer.
"Well I am needed on set but if you run into her could you have her come by and see me, I wanna talk about last night." Dacre adjusted the buttons on his shirt, before turning away from her.
"Last night? Myra said she went to bed last night." Paisley instantly knew her friend was lying and rushed to her trailer.
"Myra James!" She loudly banged on the door. "Myra James!" She yelled again before the door was swung open.
"What's wrong?"
"So now we're lying to each other huh?"
Myra sat Paisley down and explained everything to her, everything from the very beginning. She didn't want to hurt Paisley and she believed she deserved to know.
"M..I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" Paisley held tightly onto her friend's hand.
"I don't know, I'm sorry. It's all going to change I promise." They both exchanged a meaningful hug and Myra returned to her room going through her laundry.
The evening had come and Dacre had left set on a break, he made his way over to Myra's trailer hoping they could finally talk. Paisley answered the door, Joe standing behind her.
"Hey where is Myra? I'd really like to talk to her now." Dacre stepped up the first couple steps.
"Myra's not here." Paisley spoke sadly.
"Not here? Is she still in the laundry room?" Dacre leaned against the step railing.
"No, Dacre. Myra went home."
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melonkooky · 4 years
kiss the sun [kim taehyung]
not requested
word count: 4228
genre: taehyung x reader, mainly fluff, with an angsty scene
warnings: mentions of depression, little mention of blood
author’s note: i thought of or discovered the term ‘kiss the sun’ and i was dying to write something about it, so i did. at first it was with hobi, because hobi, but then i changed it to taehyung because the more i wrote, i was like, “this is more like taehyung”. before you read, i’m sorry for any mistakes and inconsistencies 😂😂
please do not copy my work. but please like and reblog it. thank you!!!!
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you always enjoyed the sun more than the moon. sure, at night, the moon was beautiful, and you could actually look and admire it without your eyes melting out of their sockets. but the sun. it was ethereal. the sun brought you warmth and comfort. the moon never gave you a sense of security or warmth, instead you felt cold and empty. the sun was your only way of reassuring yourself that you were still alive, that you weren’t numb to everything.
your eyes were closed. you could see the light from the star on the other side of your eyelids, and the warmth you felt made you smile slightly. you felt at peace, content even, that was until something knocked into the side of your face. you were stunned for a moment as pain immediately erupted in your nose and face.
finally, you had the courage to open your eyes, enough to see a young male with wide, fearful eyes running towards you. he was a little blurry in your vision, or perhaps that was because you’d just been knocked in the head by something. “miss? miss? are you okay?” he asked.
you simply stared at him, as if you were incapable of forming words. your head ached terribly, and you couldn’t necessarily think. “hm?” you managed to reply.
then the male was in front of your face, as clear as day. your own eyes widened, but not in fear. it was surprising how hot and handsome he looked. his skin was so clear, sun-kissed, radiant, as the sun shined in front of him. he had removed his sunglasses long ago and was now squinting. his brown eyes found yours before seeming to go to your nose. “i feel so stupid.”
your eyebrows knitted, leading to you to wince when the action made your nose scrunch slightly. the male looked at you with apologetic eyes as he searched for something. “what? why?” you finally managed to say to him, bringing a hang up to your head.
the stranger looked at you, concerned, but also wondering if you were joking or not. he laughed, “miss, i just hit you with a soccer ball.”
you stared at him, “what?”
then he pointed to your nose. “that’s why your nose is bleeding.”
finally you registered everything. “o-oh.” you laughed shyly.
he smiled at you and you blushed slightly.
“do you have any tissues?”
you thought for a second before fishing into your small bag, pulling out a pack of tissues. “i got it.” you said, taking one and placing it underneath your nose.
the young and handsome male remained, sitting in front of you. he turned around after some time, giving his friends a thumbs up. they grinned, sending one back. they had retrieved the soccer ball at some point, passing it around again.
“i’m really sorry.” the male spoke, breaking the semi-awkward silence between you.
“it’s okay.” you said, checking to see if you were still bleeding. you were, but not as severely as before.
“no, i was trying to show off, i kicked as hard as i could and didn’t realize you were directly in my path.”
you chuckled, your laugh sounding nasally. “i was just laying down in the grass, i should’ve been paying attention.”
he laughed. his gaze was on the grass underneath him. he was tugging on the blades of grass.
“you can go back to your friends. i’m okay.”
he met your eyes finally. the way he looked at you made your insides turn, you were blushing again. you laughed nervously. “are you sure?” he asked.
you nodded, which caused your head to throb slightly, but you still smiled. “it’s all good.”
the male flashed a bright, relieved smile on your face. “perhaps you should baske in the sun somewhere else, just in case i try to show off again.”
you laughed with him. you agreed, but you wondered if you shouldn’t. this man was cute, and you found yourself staring at him. you felt as if you wanted to get closer to him. however, at the thought of you actually voicing said feelings to him, you felt embarrassed. you flashed him a smile as the handsome male stood up from his spot in front of you and left. you watched him walk away with a heavy weight in your heart. you couldn’t help but think that you passed up on your chance of getting a boyfriend.
you’ve always felt that way, at least since middle school. you were always the friend that was a second choice, and even then you often found that your then friends enjoyed hanging out with each other, leaving you out. you’ve felt lonely, as in no one would ever choose you. the feeling of emptiness and loneliness had become your closest friend for a while. now you had a few close friends, some that were enough to lift you out from your dark pit, but they couldn’t lift you high enough. sometimes your dark and anxious thoughts got the best of you. nevertheless, they tried to be there for you.
you sighed, the warmth of the sun reminding you that no matter where you were, you were never alone. it was like a hug, only, at this point you were sweating and thirsty.
after sitting for a few seconds, you removed the now dry tissue from your nose. after a few more safety-measuring dabs, you came to the conclusion that your nose was no longer bleeding. you were thankful that it wasn’t broken. how scary would that be… and even though your head still ached, you were alright.
you glanced over in the direction of the kind and attractive male, finding him now joking and laughing with his group of friends. there were seven on them in total, how you wished you had that many friends. all of them were of equal attractiveness, but your eyes kept getting drawn to the one that had accidentally kicked at you. you blushed again at the memory.
finally, you heaved yourself up to your feet, grabbing your bag. you’ve had enough sunshine, now it was getting hot.
you came back to the same park the next day, this time it was to do some work. you were an aspiring writer, specifically wanting to go into young adult fiction. you enjoyed actually writing things in a notebook, and if you liked it, you’d type it. you put in some earphones and picked a summery playlist to listen to.
a few minutes into your little work session, something tapped against your knee. you took out an earphone as you noticed that it was a soccer ball. immediately, your heart began to beat faster and your stomach twisted. could it be?
you looked up finding him again. he was alone, and seemed to have intentionally kicked the ball towards you, only this time much, much softer. your eyes widened as you realized he had waved and was now walking over to you.
you hurriedly put everything down and took out your earphones. he was already sitting down when you brushed your shirt with your hands and adjusted your hair. sweet laughter filled your ears, causing you to turn your head and finally look at him.
“good morning.” he said.
his voice was soft, like the blanket you were sitting on.
you blushed, smiling slightly. “good morning. what a coincidence finding you here.”
“is it really a coincidence?”
you looked at him while he flickered his eyebrows up and down. you grinned, shaking your head. “you came alone today.”
he shrugged. “yeah, i didn’t tell my friends where i was going.”
it was his turn to laugh this time. “yeah.”
you studied him, his side profile. you could see the side of his eyes underneath his sunglasses. his prominent cheekbones seemed to reflect the sun as they shined. his jawline looked extremely...kissable? you were going to say sharp but your thoughts just had to trail down that road.
“so what’s your name?”
you nearly choked on air. “my name? it’s y/n.”
“y/n.” he repeated quietly, nodding his head. “i’m kim  taehyung.”
he laughed a deep laugh. his voice was unexpectedly deep, you noticed this when he first spoke to you yesterday. he was surreal.
“nothing, nothing.”
taehyung asked, “how’s your nose and head doing?”
“fine.” you replied, “my head still kind hurts but my nose is swell.”
you both shared a laugh. “is it anything that ice cream won’t help?”
you looked at him. “are you asking me as a date?”
he had seemed to confident before. but after asking him that, taehyung’s back slouched as he sat up. before he had been resting back on his hands, his legs kicked out in front of him. now his legs were crossed underneath him while he seemed to anxiously rub the back of his neck. his cheeks mimicked your red blanket.
“is that a yes?”
“does it change your answer?” he asked you, nervously looking over at you.
you anxiously chewed on your lower lip. after pausing slightly, wanting to tease him, you finally replied, “no.”
taehyung blew out a relieved breath. “fine. perhaps it’s a date.”
you grinned, cheeks aching from your smile. “ice cream sounds great.”
minutes later you were back at your spot, sitting on your blanket. you had your favorite ice cream in a small cup while taehyung had a cone. you and him ate silently, that was until taehyung asked you, “what were you doing?”
“what do you mean?”
“that notebook you had in your lap, before i walked over.”
“oh, it was just...stuff. i like to write. ”
“oh cool. that’s fascinating.”
you blushed. “yeah.”
taehyung flashed you a box-shaped smile, and it drew your eyes to his lips. he was so handsome, cute even.
“do you come to this park a lot?” you decided to ask him, with the intention of getting to know him better.
taehyung licked his ice cream, shrugging slightly. “actually, our first time was yesterday. we usually go to another one, but one of my friends moved to a new apartment nearby so we decided to check it out. it’s a nice park. what about you?”
you were a little insecure about your answer because you weren’t sure what he’d think if he learned your came everyday, if the weather was nice. after a little contemplation, you realized he was waiting for a reply. so you decided to go for it. “uh, i come here almost everyday actually.”
“oh, really?” his smile seemed to grow. “so hypothetically if i came back here tomorrow, you would be here?”
you looked at him, quite surprised. just yesterday, you were thinking of the encounter, and thinking that you’d never talk to him again, much less see him. and yet here he was, having asked you on an ice cream date, and asking if he’d see you tomorrow. your heart was close to beating out of your chest.
“i mean, yeah, yeah,” you laughed, “i’ll be here.”
he grinned, cheeks and smile reflecting the sun once more.
just as he said he would, taehyung found you in the same spot at the park. this time you had spent majority of the morning cooking. you thought you and him could have a picnic, if he actually came. luckily he did. your heart would be broken if he didn’t.
you and him ate your food. he often complimented you. taehyung was genuine. you could tell he wasn’t joking or lying so that it didn’t hurt you. he genuinely enjoyed your cooking. hearing those words made your heart pound, and your confidence to skyrocket.
you and taehyung also talked a lot, getting to know each other. he liked to make you laugh by being goofy and making jokes. and when he successfully made you laugh, you wouldn’t catch him smiling fondly and staring at you.
after two hours, taehyung complained that he was roasting. you could see little droplets of sweat race down his cheeks by his ears. you couldn’t meet his eyes for some reason.
“how can you stand it?” he said while fanning himself.
you pulled apart a small bite from your bread, only you didn’t eat it.
“i like the sun.”
taehyung, noticing your change in tone, looked at you with concern (and worry, worried he might’ve said something wrong that made you upset). he didn’t say anything. instead, taehyung waited for you.
“i like the sun because it reminds me that even when i’m in my darkest moments, there’s always light, that i’m not as alone as i feel.”
taehyung felt his heart crack. to learn that you sometimes weren’t mentally healthy broke him. he’s had moments like that himself, and he could remember the feeling of wanting someone there.
taehyung looked away from your eyes. he looked down at your hands, how you were turning that little piece of bread over and over with no intention of eating it. he felt the urge to hold it, to caress it, to kiss it and tell you that it was okay. that he was there now. but it was only the third day. it was too early for that.
taehyung would wait for you.
you suddenly laughed. “sorry, i didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”
taehyung shook his head. “no no, it’s totally okay. i didn’t mean to upset you or anything.”
“anyway, i just like the warmth of the sun. it’s comforting. i know it gets hot but some times i don’t even think about it.
“do you get sunburnt at all?”
you met his eyes, laughing as you nodded. “sometimes i forget the sunscreen.”
he laughed alongside you.
for two months, this continued. you and taehyung would often meet at the park, but he also took you to places. lots of dates happened at restaurants, stores, the city, one happened at an aquarium, one happened at an amusement park.
you and taehyung were in love.
he was becoming the sun in your life.
unfortunately, just as things in your life were moving in the right direction, just when you thought you were healing, you woke up in your bed, not wanting to move. you felt like weights were holding you down.
you thought you were doing better. you had been hanging out with taehyung so much, and then on a day when you and him didn’t plan on meeting, you felt tired, socially and emotionally drained. why was is it that you felt this heavy weight of loneliness and depression when you’ve been seeing taehyung? how did that work?
perhaps it was a thought, a thought that came so quickly yet hit you so hard. what if you and taehyung don’t last forever? what if this is just a quick fling for him, when to you it felt like a forever kind of love? you were so in love of him, head over heels. the thought of him not talking to you hurt you. you didn’t want to think about, him leaving you behind, but that’s all that seemed to occupy your mind.
you felt warm tears prick your eyes. this always happened. you feel better, happy, as if you were climbing out of the dark hole all by yourself. but you slip, or maybe intentionally let go, and fall into the darkness again.
you wondered if you should head to the park. the sun would be there, that’s for sure. but you weren’t even in the mood for the sun. that was unusual. you didn’t have the energy to leave your apartment, much less your bed.
you glanced out of your window. you hadn’t closed it all the way last night so a tiny sliver of sun showed through, casting onto your bed. you reached your hand out to feel it’s warmth. it was something, somewhat comforting. but it wasn’t enough.
just then, your phone began to ring. you considered ignoring it. it was still relatively early in the morning, they could think you’re still asleep. but your gut told you that it would do you good, that you needed to answer.
you reached over for your phone, unplugging it from its charger. it was taehyung. you wiped away any remaining tears, taking a deep breath to calm your beating heart. you cleared your throat before answering, bringing your phone up to your ear. “hello?”
“y/n!” he exclaimed excitedly.
you were a little shocked that he was calling you.
the corners of your mouth twitched, tempted to smile at how excited he sounded, but how long would that last with you?
and there the tears were again. you tried to hold them back. taehyung didn’t need to know. they were just silly insecurities.
but he must’ve heard your breathing, the little whimper in the back of your throat.
“y/n?” he called your name in a gently and concerned tone.
“are you okay?”
you could hear how worried he’d become. he had been happy one second, and now he was serious. his tone of voice, his deep, comforting voice, caused your stomach to twist. he had asked the very question you were hoping he wouldn’t ask, because you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop.
“no.” you finally admitted, your voice barely audible through the phone.
you heard taehyung move around, seeming to grab some keys. “what’s wrong?” he asked. “do you want me to come over? i’m coming over.”
you shook your head. “you don’t need to. it’s fine.”
“it’s not. please don’t hide from me.”
your heart cracked, aching in your chest.
“please don’t push me away.”
his tone of voice, he was practically begging, and it was causing you to hurt even more.
taehyung kept you on the phone until he arrived at your apartment. he knocked three times. you didn’t feel like getting out of bed but taehyung didn’t have a key to your apartment to let himself in. it had only been two months after all.
you hauled your body up, sighing as you left the comforting warmth of your sheets and bed. you walked to your front door and opened it.
taehyung was panting on the other side. you recalled him running while talking to you.
then, unexpectedly, with no warning or greeting, he pulled you into a tight hug. and you broke down. “i’m sorry.” your voice was muffled.
taehyung lightly pushed you forward into the apartment, kicking the door shut with his foot. he never let go. “don’t be sorry.”
his warmth was soothing. it was like the sun was hugging you, only this time, it was an actual human being, with skin and bones with warmth. it wasn’t just some star millions miles away. this was kim taehyung.
after a few minutes, you had calmed down and pulled away, wandering into your bedroom. it was slightly a mess but after crying in front of taehyung, that was the least of your concern. you plopped down onto it, you face feeling puffy.
you sighed.
taehyung was a little nervous being in your bedroom but he was worried about you. he climbed on top of your covers and laid down next to you, watching you. “do you want to talk about it?”
you hesitated. “i’m scared.” you began. “i’ve always been the second or last choice for someone. i’ve never been the best friend. i’ve been the one that gets pushed out or left behind. i’ve been the one that everyone said, ‘ew. not her.’ taehyung, i’m scared that with you i’m going to be forgotten, left behind, unloved. i can't help but think that this isn’t going to last, and it scares me. i hate it.”
taehyung didn’t say anything as you turned onto your side and curled into a ball. he stared at your form, wondering what he should say. however, instead of speaking with words, taehyung scooted closer and wove his arms through yours, wrapping them around your torso. other than hugging, this was the most intimate you’ve been with him, and to say the least, it was taking your mind off of things. the young male cuddled into your back, conveying that he wasn’t going to forget you or leave you behind. the way he held you seemed to push away most of your negative thoughts and feelings. it was as if he’d place a blanket of relief over your shoulders.
you didn’t want to cry again, but you felt the waterworks. taehyung lifted his head up, “y/n.”
you laughed, music to taehyung’s ears.
you turned around in his arms, facing him. he was blushing just as much as he was at the close proximity of your faces. you placed your hands under your head as cushions as you stared at him. “i’m not crying because i’m sad. i’m just thankful that you’re here for me.”
taehyung grinned. he felt relieved that he was doing a good job. “what do you say we get out of the house?”
you quirked an eyebrow up to him. “and go where?”
“hmm, the park?”
you rolled your eyes, but smiled widely.
moments later, taehyung waited in your living room while you changed into other clothes in your bedroom. taehyung was patient with you, something you really admired. and when you stepped out, he stared at you and smiled, “you look beautiful.”
you hadn’t even tried, but taehyung’s compliment sparked a little blush in your cheeks. you presented a shy smile to him as you crossed the room. “shall we go?”
you and taehyung walked alongside each other towards the park. however, a few minutes into the walk, you had the courage to hold him hand, the type where you lace your fingers with his. couples do that, right?
the surprised yet flustered look taehyung tried to hide from you caused you to laugh.
finally, you picked a spot underneath the sun. taehyung didn’t complain, although he did eyeball a good spot underneath a tree. you sighed contently as you felt the sun’s warmth on your skin. you needed this, taehyung knew you needed this. he knew you liked the sun, he just hoped he could make you as happy as the sun did.
you and taehyung hadn’t let go of each other’s hands. you and him sat down together with them interlocked. sure, it was growing hotter and both of your hands were becoming clammy, but that didn’t bother you or him.
taehyung decided to lay back, pulling you down with him. there was something different about laying underneath the sun, compared to sitting underneath it.
no words had to be said between you. the moment was comfortable, light, warming even. you turned your head, leaves and grass crinkling and rustling underneath your hair as you did so. you admired his side profile. his eyes were closed, his skin radiant and golden in the sunlight. he was shining like the sun, absolutely stunning.
“are you staring at me?” he asked, opening an eye.
you blushed and looked away. “perhaps.”
taehyung grinned, laughing slightly. then he turned and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “you’re adorable.”
you gasped and blushed at the action, and taehyung simply proudly smiled. he seemed unfazed, as if you had simply imagined that he’d kissed your cheek. it had happened fast.
you wondered if you get him back. so after a few minutes of doing nothing, hoping that he wasn’t expecting you to retaliate, you practically turn your entire body and press a kiss to his cheek, your lips smacking in the process.
taehyung flinched but grinned. he was scared by how fast you moved. you laughed loudly, proud of yourself for getting him back.
“is that how it’s going to be?” he inquired.
you knitted your eyebrows in confusion. “what do you mean?”
then taehyung sat up, keeping an elbow for support on the ground. you didn’t know what he was doing until his free hand gently held your face, the skin by your ear and jawline burning underneath his warm, soft skin. your eyes were wide when he pressed his plump lips to yours, but you quickly melted into it.
the rather intimate kiss was slow. taehyung must’ve been taking his time, trying to taste you, to feel you. you had forgotten you were in the middle of a park, a children friendly park. it didn’t matter, not with the intensity of this kiss, the heat and love and passion that erupted from it. but taehyung pulled away, lingering slightly. “do you know how long i’ve been wanting to do that?”
you blushed, looking straight into his dark eyes. “for a while?”
he pursed his lips, nodding.
“not gonna lie,” you said, smirking, “i felt like i was kissing the sun.”
taehyung smiled down at you, caressing your cheek bone with his thumb. “good.” was all he said.
the man above you did not hesitate to kiss you again, this time a lot more harshly. you couldn’t get enough of him. you finally felt complete with him. taehyung’s lips conveyed all the right messages to you, that he was just as in love with you as you were with him, that he was going to be by your side as long as you want him to be, that he was going to love you until the ends of the earth.
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justcallmehitgirl · 5 years
Good Woman Part 5 (Peter Parker x Female Reader Smut)
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Summary: Things between you and Peter get more intense.
Word Count: 4000
Warnings: smut, suit!porn, language, fluff, and some angst
A/N: Please let me know what you think! Enjoy!
(4/22/20): I fixed some typos, grammar mistakes, character inconsistencies, etc. from my original posting. I also made some stylistic changes.
“And then I said, freeze mothereffers! It was insane, you should’ve seen the look on their faces!” Peter laughs, placing a hand on his belly, his mask folded up to his nose.
You’re both sitting cross-legged on your bed, sharing details about your day. He had listened to you talk about the middle schoolers you were tutoring and their hate of algebra. You had listened to him talk about fighting crime and saving the day. Although Peter couldn’t get enough of your intimate encounters, he craved moments like this.
“Wow, I can only imagine,” you smile, your eyes sparkling with awe.
“Yeah and then they started shooting at me but you should’ve seen me dodging their bullets. Total ninja moves,” he says, making a karate chop motion with his hands.
Your body stiffens as your mouth slightly parts. “Shooting at you?” You furrow your brows, placing a hand over his and squeezing gently. “You could’ve gotten really hurt.”
“I know, but it’s an assumption of risk,” he says, stroking your hand with his thumb.
“Do you ever get scared?”
Peter chews on his bottom lip. “Sometimes.”
You look away. “I worry about you a lot when you’re out there. On the nights that I don’t see you, I just can’t help but imagine the worst scenarios.” 
“Hey,” he places a hand on your chin. “You don’t need to worry about me.”
“I can’t help it.”
He strokes your chin. “I know it’s hard, but it’ll drive you crazy. I’m a superhero, I’m constantly putting myself in harm’s way. But trust me, I can handle it. I don’t want to be a burden.”
“You’re not a burden, you could never be! I just. . . I care about you so much that the thought of you not being here with me terrifies me. I’m scared that one day you’ll stop showing up.”
He presses his forehead against yours. “I’m not going anywhere, Y/N. No matter what happens, I’ll always find my way back to you.”
“I promise.” 
He kisses you, stroking the side of your face before continuing, “How was your Calc test by the way? I know you were worried about it last time I was by.”
You smile sheepishly. “I got an A.”
He claps, “See, I knew you would ace it! My girl is a genius.”
“I thought I did terrible.”
“That’s hard to believe.”
You lick your lips. “Well, do I get a reward?”
“Of course,” he leans in, placing a kiss on your lips.
“Hmm, that was nice, but I had something else in mind,” you purr.
Peter smirks. “Oh yeah? What was that?”
You purse your lips. “Guess.”
He places a glove-covered finger on your bottom lip, your lips parting as he strokes your lip. He drop his hand, replacing it with his lips. He pushes his tongue inside to meet yours, his movements filled with need.
You pull away and pant, “Good guess, but not quite it.”
Peter’s cock starts to harden, his face flushed as his body buzzes with excitement. He covers your body with his, his hand gripping the back of your neck as he smashes his lips against yours. He runs his other hand down your hip, hitching your leg around his waist as he starts to grind his body against yours. He pulls away, his mouth hovering near your ear. “Is that what you had in mind?”
“Take off the suit and find out.”
You nod eagerly, reaching over to your nightstand to retrieve it. You hand it to him and he gently wraps it over your eyes. You giggle as the soft fabric tickles your skin. 
Peter rises from the bed, quickly removing his suit. He looks over at you waiting patiently and he tingles in anticipation as he returns to the bed. 
You immediately reach out for him, running your hands over his chiseled body. “God, I can only imagine how you hot you look without that suit on.”
Peter chuckles, kissing your shoulder. “You think I’m hot?” You bite your lip, giving him a half-shrug. He runs a finger gently down your nose as he breathes, “I think you’re pretty hot as well.”
You grin. “You do?”
“Yeah,” he grabs your hips and pulls you toward him as you let a soft squeal. 
“You’re brain is hot, your kindness is hot. . . everything about you is hot.” He lifts your chin to kiss you, his hands pawing at the hem of your shirt to drag it up your body. He briefly pulls his lips away to pull it off you, leaving you in just a pair of panties.
Peter’s mouth waters as he traces a finger down your bare chest, your stomach tensing from his light, whispery touch. You suck in a little breath as his finger continues down the warm, dark hollow of your navel. He places his mouth on your neck, sucks gently as he nips at your skin. 
His hand finds its way to your pussy, your panties damp with your arousal. He starts to push his fingers through the thin fabric, making your body jolt. He applies more pressure, rubbing his fingers over your covered folds. 
He drags his lips down to your breasts, his mouth encircling your hardened nipples as he eagerly sucks. You gasp, your back arching as you run your hand down his back, your nails scratching at him. 
Peter closes his eyes, letting out a throaty groan, the taste of your skin making him feel dizzy. He pulls away suddenly, breathing heavily against your cheek, “Can I try something?”
“What is it?”
“Do you trust me?”
You nod in response.
“Good. You’re going to have to help me though, okay?” 
You nod again, and he kisses your neck, making his way down your body. He slips off the bed, tugging your body down so your legs are dangling off the bed. He sinks to his knees, spreading your legs open so his face is leveled with your pussy.
He tugs your legs down so your legs are dangling off the bed. He sinks to his knees and spreads your legs wide. He squeezes your inner thigh, and you can’t help but jolt a little. He takes a deep breath and blows on your lace-covered slit, making you shiver. 
“Is this okay?” 
“Y-yes,” you choke out.
Peter traces the outside of your pussy with his finger, placing a kiss on the inside of your thigh. He pushes aside your soaked underwear, running his finger up and down your slit before pushing it inside you. Your hands fist your sheets, twisting them as your pussy tightens around his finger.
“Please,” you pant.
He pushes another finger in, pushing them in and out as you bite your lip to stifle your moans. He removes his fingers and tugs the fabric down your legs, placing them neatly on the bed. He tentatively kisses your slit, his eyes fixed on your face as you gasp.
“I’ve never done this before,” you blurt.
“Me neither, but we’ll do it together.”
He starts running his tongue up and down your folds, experimenting with direction and pressure as your wetness coats his mouth. You let out a sound so soft and sweet that makes Peter go weak in the knees. “Does this feel good?” he breathes against you.
You make a strangled noise in response. He pulls your legs over his shoulders, pulling you closer to him as he flicks his tongue against your hardened clit. He wraps his lips around it, sucking on it gently. You place a hand on the back of his head, your back arching as you pant, “I’m going to cum.”
Your words egg Peter on as he starts lapping up your clit even faster. You cover your mouth with your hand to quiet your cries as your legs start to tremble. Peter feels the rush of your arousal coat his tongue as you cum. Peter holds onto your thighs to keep your body steady as you ride out your orgasm. 
Once you finally come down, your body goes limp as you place a hand on your forehead, trying to regain your breath. He gently lets go of your legs, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before flopping down next to you on the bed. 
“That was intense,” you say dreamily.
“Is that a good thing?”
“Yeah! How did you learn how to do that?” 
“The internet,” he responds sheepishly.
You smile, “God bless the internet.”
He chuckles, reaching over to entwine his fingers with yours. He plays with your hand, just like you had done that first night together.
“How do they look?”
“Like they fit perfectly.”
He leans over and kisses your lips, your taste lingering in his mouth. He lifts you up, sitting upright as he sets you on top of his lap, his mouth never leaving yours. Your hands roam over his form as he grasps your hips. You drag your hand down his chest towards his groin, you take in a sharp breath as your fingers brush against his hardened length.
You pull your mouth from his. “Do you. . .”
“Yes,” he answers quickly. 
You giggle as you wrap your hand around him and begin to pump him slowly, his precum helping your movements. He kisses your neck, sucking on your pulse point. You know that there’s going to be a mark in the morning, but you don’t care. At this moment you just wanted to get your boyfriend off like he did for you.
You slide your hand up and down his shaft, his cock getting harder with each movement. His cock was pulsing and you wanted nothing more than for him to feel release. His cock was so hard it hurt, straining at the wetness you rubbed against it. He bucks his hips, pushing himself into your hand even more.
“I think I’m gonna come,” he breathes.
You increase your movements, jerking him off faster and applying more pressure.
“Oh shit, oh Y/N,” he grunts, his body jerking as he starts to cum. He looks down, watching as his warm cum spurts from the tip of his cock and covers your hand. He closes his eyes, his cock pulsating as your grip loosens around him. 
“Wow,” Peter relaxes on his back, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. After a few moments, he blinks to see you straddling his thighs, your hand hovering over his cock as you chew on your bottom lip.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry,” he winces, quickly reaching over to grab a tissue from your nightstand. He grabs your hands in his, wiping away his stickiness. 
After he discards the used tissue, he guides you down so your body is curled up against him. You nuzzle into him, placing your head on his chest as he wraps an arm around you. 
“Was that good?”
His mouth curves into a smile as he rubs your shoulder. “More than good. Was I good when I. . . um. . . went down on you?”
You nod enthusiastically as you beam, “You were amazing, it was like mind-blowing. I'm so glad you were the first to do that.”
“I’m glad I could be the first.”
You bite your lip, your mind imaging other potential firsts that you could share. You’ve had Sex Ed, you’ve read about it online and in magazines, but apart of you aches to know what it’s like in real life. You were the only virgin left in your friend group and while you normally weren’t one for peer pressure, you also had a burgeoning sex drive. Spider-Man was just the catalyst. At seventeen, your body burned with desire with every sexual experience. You were discovering a part of yourself, and you were loving every moment of it.
“I want to sleep with you,” you add, your voice soft.
Peter hums, “Sure, I can stay for a bit until you fall asleep.”
You shake your head. “No, that’s not what I mean. I want to sleep with you. . . I want you to be my first.”
Peter’s eyes widen, his jaw going slack as you continue, “I don’t know when I’ll be ready, but all I know is that I want it to be with you.”
Peter is elated at your words. He had thought about it ever since this tryst started. He craves every part of you, and not only your body. He craves the conversations you have, the bashful smiles, and the feeling of your body pressed against his. He lies awake at night just thinking about you. Mr. Stark would say that he’s become “distracted.” But he would say he’s just growing up. His whole life he’s just been Peter Parker and for the first time since he became Spider-Man, he’s become the man he always dreamed of being.
But Peter also knows that he’s being unfair to you. He knows that you deserve someone who takes you out on dates, holds your hand at school, and kisses you in the daylight. He knows you deserve someone who isn’t lying to your face everyday. He knows he should’ve told you who he was the moment he came into your room that first night. He should’ve been completely honest with you and maybe things would be different.
Suddenly Peter feels hollow. You were practically offering yourself up to him, yet he couldn’t even reveal his identity to you. Would you two be doing this forever? Peter feels his heart drop in his chest thinking about the day when it won’t be enough for you anymore. When you will realize that you deserve better. He also thinks about the day that he might have to be the one to let you go.
He furrows his brows, his voice low, “But. . . you don’t even know my name.”
“Are you kidding me? You’re my brown eyed boy,” you grin.
He rubs his forehead. “I’m being serious, Y/N. You don’t even know what I look like.”
“I can imagine it.”
“Losing your virginity is a big step, Y/N. You should do it with someone you know, someone special.”
“But you’re special to me.”
“It should be with someone you love.”
You take in a deep breath as silence blankets the room.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’m feel so stupid,” you whisper, your face twisting as your eyes water.
“Hey, don’t say that. Believe me, I want it too. I want to do it so bad with you, but I don’t want your first time to be with a blindfold on. I just don’t want you to regret it. I care way too much about you, Y/N.”
He starts to stroke your hair, as he continues, “Remember, you’re my girl, Y/N.”
You sniffle in response.
“You want me to sing, huh?” He hums the beat, tapping his finger against your shoulder as he sings, “My girl, my girl, my girl, talking bout my girl.”
He peers down, watching as the corner of your mouth lifts up.
“Can you tell me a story please?”
“Of course,” he smiles, “Hmm. . . well, there was this one time I went to Germany and fought Captain America. . .”
“Y/N? Y/N?” Peter gently nudges your shoulder.
You turn your head, your eyes blinking at him as he gives you a lopsided grin. Your eyes dart around as realization dawns on your face that everyone in the auditorium is staring at you. Your cheeks redden as you straighten in your seat.
“Oh right,” you glance up at Ned and MJ who are looking at you expectantly as you shuffle through your stack of index cards. “Umm. . . alright, who introduced the theory of punctuated equilibrium?”
Ned raises his hand and you nod.
“It was. . . umm. . . Stephen Jay Gould and. . .ummm. . .”
You smile at him encouragingly as he scratches his head, forehead creasing. “Umm,” he continues.
“We don’t have all day!” Flash shouts, his eyes rolling.
Your jaw clenches as you press your lips together, your attention still fixed on Ned. “It’s okay, Ned. Do you need help?”
“Yeah,” he bashfully responds.
“Niles Eldredge.”
He snaps his fingers. “Oh shoot, I knew that.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it next time.”
Peter eyes you carefully as you rub your temples, your brows knitting. “Peter, can you ask the next question please?”
“Yeah, of course.” He looks down at his flashcards. “Umm. . . according to the modern synthesis, a change in allele frequencies in a population is called what?”
MJ raises her hand and Peter bobs his head as she answers, “Easy, it’s gene flow.”
“Yep, right again.”
Peter looks over at the clock hung on the wall and turns to you, whispering, “Hey, I think we’re done for the day, Y/N.”
"Oh right,” you rub your eyes before standing up, your hands smoothing down your dress. “Okay everyone, I think that’s good for today,” you announce, noise immediately echoes in the auditorium as the group starts to disperse. You add, raising your voice, “Just keep reviewing the practice questions I sent and we should be in good shape for the competition next week!”
Peter slowly rises to his feet, peering over as you mechanically shove your belongings in your backpack, your head bowed and eyes slightly glazed over.
Flash walks over and smirks, “So, who’s your boyfriend, Y/N?”
You snort, “What’re you talking about, Flash?”
“You know, the guy that gave you that thing on your neck,” he points, looming closer.
Peter’s eyes widen as you slap your hand over it, your face paling as you stammer, “It’s n-nothing.”
“Really? Cause it sure looks like a hickey to me,” Flash says, voice raised which catches the attention of Ned and MJ who start to observe the scene.
“Flash, just leave her alone,” Peter huffs.
Flash holds up his palms. “It’s chill, I’m just curious. We’re a team, right? Shouldn’t we keep track of our teammates?”
You sigh heavily, “Fine, it’s from this guy I’m seeing.”
“Who is it?”
“He doesn’t go to Midtown so you probably don’t know him.”
“I have friends outside of this school.”
“Okay, it still doesn’t mean you know him.”
"Is he your boyfriend then?”
“You haven’t had a boyfriend in a year,” MJ interrupts. As everyone turns to MJ, she quickly scowls. “What? It’s common knowledge, I’m not keeping track or anything,” she waves dismissively before beelining towards the exit. 
“Wait up, MJ! You still have my notebook!” Ned hollers, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “See you in a few, Peter,” he shouts as he scurries after MJ.
“Yeah, I guess,” you continue.
“When do we get to meet him?”
You give a half-shrug. “I don’t know, he works a lot. Not all of us can be trust fund babies.”
“So he’s not taking you to Homecoming? What sleaze-ball doesn’t take his girlfriend to Homecoming?” He sneers.
You frown, “I wasn’t planning on going to Homecoming anyways.”
“Some boyfriend,” Flash scoffs. “He sounds like a bum.”
Peter’s nostrils flare as he snaps, “Shut up, Flash!”
Flash jerks his head toward Peter. “Was I talking to you, Penis Parker?”
Peter clenches his fist, his jaw tightening as he steps forward, but you place a hand on his chest. You raise your chin, “He’s selfless, caring and genuine, and I don’t need to prove that to you or anyone.”
Peter tries to bite back his smile as Flash’s face scrunches before rolling his eyes. “Fine, whatever. But if he turns out to be a total dud, you know I’m always around,” he gestures with a thumb before strolling away.
You shake your head before turning towards Peter. “Thanks for sticking up for me. You really didn’t have to.”
“It’s no problem, it’s no one else’s business.”
“I appreciate that,” you smile, continuing to pack up your belongings. 
Peter chews on his bottom hip, shifting from one foot to the other before blurting, “Hey, Y/N?”
You look up, your eyebrows raised as you zip your bag close. “Yeah, Peter?”
“Are you happy? With your boyfriend, I mean.”
You tilt your head, your forehead creasing as you give him a quizzical look, “What do you mean?” 
Peter licks his lips and continues, “I mean, you said that he works a lot so I just wanted to know if that makes you unhappy.”
You sigh heavily, folding your arms. You glance up at the ceiling and respond, “Our relationship is a little. . . umm. . . unorthodox so it’s definitely hard sometimes. I don’t get to see him everyday because of. . . his work. You see, he has a big role at his job, which gives him a lot of power, but also a lot of responsibility. So yeah, it’s tough because I’m seventeen and I just want to be with my boyfriend all the time. But, it is what it is.”
Peter frowns, “But is it worth it?”
“Yeah, it is. It sucks hard that I don’t see him as much I want to, but I love the time that we do have together. Because it’s like everything else disappears. We are in our own world where I’m not saddled with all of my own responsibilities of being the perfect student or the perfect daughter or whatever. It feels like the world fades away for a bit, and I can just be me."
“That sounds really nice.”
You crinkle your nose and laugh, “Sorry, for the long-winded answer.”
“Don’t apologize, I’m glad we can be open like that.”
You smile. “Yeah, me too. But anyways, the short answer is yes, I am happy. He makes me happy. I just hope I make him happy too.” You bite your lip, your eyes sizing him up before you add, “And do you want to know something else?”
Peter nods as you inch forward, lowering your voice as if exchanging secrets, “I think I love him.” You lean back, your eyes twinkling as your body rocks back and forth.
Peter’s mouth falls open, his eyes going round as his mind races with a singular thought: “Y/N loves you.” He wants to pump his fist in the air and jump up and down. He wants to grab you and kiss you, spinning you around in his arms. 
“Wow, that lame, huh?” You chuckle uneasily, shaking your head. Peter blinks as he cocks his head. “Your face said it all,” you add, pointing at his expression.
Peter clears his throat, his voice cracking as he blurts, “No, what you said was not lame at all. I was just caught off guard. That’s a pretty serious step.”
“I know, I can’t help it. I’m fool in love,” you beam.
“I’m sure he loves you too,” Peter blurts, his voice hushed. Peter face immediately reddens as he continues, “I mean, you’re an amazing person, Y/N. He’d be an idiot not to fall for you, and you are way too smart to be with an idiot.”
"Thanks, Peter,” you blush as the corner of your mouth lifts. 
“Anytime,” he says, tugging his backpack over his shoulder. “So I guess I’ll. . . uh. . . see you tomorrow?”
You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and nod, “See you tomorrow, Peter.”
Peter forces a smile as he turns to make his way outside the auditorium. He draws his lower lip between his teeth, glancing up at the ceiling as he silently curses himself, his mind blaring: “You said she doesn’t date idiots, Parker. So stop being an idiot right now.”
He quickly halts his movements, whirling around to see you a few steps behind him. “I actually need to tell you something,” he blurts.
You stop in front of him, tilting your head as you clutch the straps of your backpack. “Sure, what’s up?”
He fidgets with his hands. “I. . . I don’t know how to start this.”
"That’s okay,” you shrug.
He rubs the back of his neck. “It’s just that. . . it’s complicated.”
“I understand,” you smile. Peter pauses, nibbling on his bottom hip with his eyebrows drawn together so you continue, “But maybe it just sounds more complicated in your head. Maybe just break it down to the first thing that pops up in your mind. You know, the one thing that you really want to get off your chest and then you go from there.”
“Right.” He steps forward, rubbing his hands together and breathing in deeply as his eyes bore into yours. “Y/N, I’m. . .”
“Peter! Peter!”
Peter jerks his head, his eyes glaring as his eyes land on Ned standing by the doorway, frantically waving his arms. Peter licks his lips and shouts, “Hold on, Ned!”
“But we’re going to miss our bus!”
“I’m kind of in the middle of something,” Peter responds, his voice tense.
“Seriously, Peter!”
“I just need a few minutes, Ned!”
You place a hand on Peter’s arm. “It’s okay, Peter. This conversation sounds pretty important to you and I don’t want you to have to rush through it. You go ahead with Ned. We’ll raincheck this conversation, okay? Just text me.”
Peter opens his mouth, but he immediately closes it shut, his shoulders sag as he stiffly nods. 
You smile as you gently squeeze his arm. “We’ll talk soon, okay?”
“Okay,” Peter croaks.
You walk past him, bounding out of the auditorium as Peter’s expression hardens, feeling the loss of opportunity. He turns around, watching as you wave to Ned before disappearing round the corner. 
“Dude, let’s go!” Ned shouts impatiently.
Peter’s eyes narrow as he groans, “Ned, I’m going to kill you.”
Tag List: @thatpeterparkerfan / @professionalphangirluniverse / @julimelodi / @sighharrington / @merelymarianne / @soloseb / @superspideyy / @babyjesuscat / @stardust-ghost / @oh-annaa / @iloveyouironman / @nyeddleblog / @bloominess / @itsjust-evalyn / @shawnmendes-thewriter / @cotton-octopus / @ghostofdrfluke / @imofficiallyobsessed / @charismas-world / @f1zzy-izzy / @kissykissykissykissykissy / @thepeterfuckinparker / @ahajalen1 / @vhgirlforever / @sargentjamesbarnes / @icecoldghost / @space-princesssss / @undiadeestos / @teenageeggsneckpasta / @ lindabanri02222 / @franbway / @5sosuperntaural / @spookyanairwin / @spideyluke / @writing-panda-uwu / @yanderepeterparker / @tomshufflepuff / @slutforbuckybarnes / @mindset-jupiter / @mutuallynotmutual / @maybemona / @marveley / @caroline-condie / @ that-80s-chick / @fashionablepenguin07 / @alwayswritingsworld / @phluffyphantom / @spideyflicker / @chillinjules / @tommiboy96 / @harleyquinn1498 / @rinthehufflepuff / @damnsmutbroh / @spideyyeet / @earthsavengers / @lousimusician
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bssaz97 · 4 years
I have to ask how did Qrow and Juanes family react to the kids in Missing for a Year
Missing For A Year Part 3
Ruby: “Miss Goodwitch, thank you so much!” *Large Anime Tears fall down her face*
Glynda: “You’re welcome Miss Rose, although I do recommend keeping a closer watch of your children while at events in the future.”
Both Ruby and Jaune nodded rapidly to her sound advice, who will make sure to take the advice to heart.
Ruby/Jaune: “We promise we will!”
Glynda: “Good. Now.” *lifts up her riding crop directly at the ice block*
The ice prison around the two newlyweds had been broken apart, freeing them so that the two can freely move again. Much to the joy of the two leaders and displeasure of a disgruntled ice queen.
Qrow: *approaching* “Well I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Does it kiddo.”
Ruby: “Uncle Qrow!” *petal bursts out of the ice cube and launches herself at him*
Qrow: “Oof!” *catches her while laughing* “Geez pipsqueak! I’m not as young as I use to be, you could be a little gentler...”
Ruby: “Sorry I’m just so excited to see you again!”
Qrow: *hugs her tightly* “Yeah me too.”
Ruby: “I’m sorry it took so long.” *hangs head in shame*
Qrow: “Hey none of that alright. What’s happened has happened, no use in crying over spilled milk. Just seeing that you’re alive and well is all I need.”
Ruby: “You too. I know we’ve been gone for awhile but we missed you all so very much and I wished we could’ve come back sooner to you all.”
Qrow: “Well maybe remember to stamp your letters next time.” *he jokes*
Ruby: “It was a honest mistake!”
Qrow: *laughs and ruffles her hair* “Whatever you say kiddo.”
Ruby: “Meanie...to think I almost named one of my children after you.”
Qrow: “Probably a good call that you didn’t. Don’t need to have a kid named after me until I’m at least in the grave.”
Ruby: “Oh ha-ha.”
Jaune finished swiping of all the ice residue on his person then rubs his hands together rapidly to warm them up. Being trapped in a large ice cube wasn’t very comfortable in the least. His mother helps her son by removing her scarf and wrapping it around his hands.
June: “Are you alright sweetie?”
Jaune: “Yeah just a bit frosty.”
Yang: “...Did he?”
Taiyang: “I think he just did.”
Jaune: “What? I can make puns too. You all didn’t originate them.”
Taiyang: “Ok fair enough.”
Jaune: “Oh yeah by the way...are we cool?” *gestures between himself and his father-in-law*
Taiyang: “Well considering that you pretty much married my daughter behind our family’s back, I should be furious. But since you’ve already made me a grandfather I can’t really stay mad at you.”
Jaune: “Really?”
Taiyang: “No.”
Jaune: “Figured.”
Taiyang: *laughs* “Relax kid, I’m just messing with you. Glad to have you in the family.”
Jaune: “Thanks.” *smiles*
June: “Speaking of grandchildren...YOINK!” *takes an infant Rowan/Summer from Taiyang and Yang*
Taiyang/Yang: “Hey!”
June: “Hello my little darlings~ I’m so happy to meet you two. Look at how big you two are already. I’m your Granny June and I love you both so much! Oh you’re both so cute~” *she coos as she cradled the two infants rocking them to and fro*
Jaune: “Uh mom, I know you’re excited about your new grandchildren but you should really-.”
June: “Oh come now Jaune I’ve raised eight kids including you so I think have this under-!”
Summer: *gurgling noises with her face turning green*
June: “...oh no.” *face paled*
What Jaune tried to warn his mother about was that Summer was unfortunately cursed with his inherited motion sickness. As such Summer did not like to be rocked otherwise it would lead to her spit up all over said person’s shirt.
June: “....oh dear.” *looks down at her ruined dress*
Ruby: *gasp!* “Mrs. Arc I’m so sorry!” *grabs a tissue and tries to clean it off*
Jaune: “I tried to warn you.”
June: “That’s ok, this isn’t something I haven’t gone through before. Although I would be more than grateful if you could take back these two while I get cleaned up.” *handing their babies back to them*
Ruby: “Are you sure you don’t want me to help? I feel really bad.”
June: “It’s alright dear. I’ve raised eight children after all, so there’s nothing to worry about. Jaune, be a dear and introduce your children to the rest of the family before your sisters complain about not seeing their new niece and nephew, ok?”
Jaune: “Sure.”
As June Arc was making her leave most, of not all of Jaune’s sisters swarmed them just as she said they would.
Rouge: “Oh my goodness look at you two!”
Saphron: “You’re so small and look so cute!”
Vert: “What’s their names little bro?”
Jaune: “Uh, This is Rowan and Summer.” *points at each of his children*
Bleu: “Do they have all their necessary shots?” *adjusts her glasses*
Jaune: “What? No, they’re barely three months old!”
Noir: “Why didn’t you tell us you two eloped?”
Blanc: “And how did you get pregnant so fast?”
Ruby: “W-Well we wanted to marry after the war so that’s what we did.”
Violet: “How can you tell which is a boy and girl?”
Arc Siblings/Ruby: .....
Violet: “What? It’s a legitimate question.” *shrinks in embarrassment*
Nicholas: “Girls.”
At the sound of his voice all the Arc women made way for the patriarch of their family. He walked towards the brand new couple/parents, his towering figure nearly encompassing them in shadow.
Nicholas: “Son.”
Jaune: “Hey Dad...long time no see. Heh”
Arc Sisters: *winces*
Terra: *facepalms*
Ruby: *whispering* “Really?”
Jaune: “Uhhh. So! ...How are you?”
Saphron: *mouthing ‘NO!’*
Jaune: “I mean. What I mean to say is-!”
Nicholas: “Stop.” *raises his palm*
Jaune: 0x0
Nicholas: “What’s done is done. There’s no use to bringing up the past.”
Jaune: “Right...”
Nicholas: “But I am very happy to see you alive.....and apparently with a wife and children.” *rests his raised hand on Jaune’s shoulder*
Jaune: “...Thanks Dad.”
Nicholas: *nods then removes his hand* “So if I heard correctly, this one is Rowan and this one is Summer right?” *gestures to the two infants*
Ruby: “Yessir. My tiny little blessings.”
Nicholas: “...heh. I see you’ve adopted June’s nicknaming habit.”
Ruby: “Yep.”
Nicholas: “Mm. Looks like you have a keeper my son.”
Jaune: “I’m lucky to have her.” *one arm hugged Ruby*
Ruby: *smiles*
Nicholas: “Good. Don’t do anything stupid to mess it up. You hear me boy.”
Jaune: “Wouldn’t dream of it sir.”
Rowan/Summer: “Ahh!” *make curious baby noises*
Nicholas looks down to see both Rowan and Summer then bends his knees, lowering his large frame to look into the little ones. They looked at the older Arc curiously, looking at his aged but still strong facial features and Summer was brave enough to reach out touch the older man’s beard. This caused Summer to giggle as the hair tickled her tiny fingers, causing Nicholas to laugh softly at the child’s pure laughter. Rowan followed soon after Summer and he giggled as well once he felt Nicholas’ beard.
Nicholas: “Hello little ones, I am your grandpa. I am pleased to meet you.” *he said with what could be called a genuine smile*
Ruby: “ohhhh” *she watches the display in amazement* <3
Qrow: “WOW Nicky, I think you just made a genuine smile on your face.”
Nicholas: “Qrow...”
Qrow: “Hey don’t scare the babies now! They’re impressionable.” *while smirking*
Ruby: “Qrow be nice.” *she chides her honorary uncle/mentor*
Qrow: *raises his hands in mock surrender*
Ruby: “Hey Rowan, look this my Uncle Qrow. Isn’t he cool?”
Rowan: *head tilts* “Ah?”
Ruby: “Yes he’s the coolest uncle ever. You want him to hold you?”
Qrow: “Uh Ruby I don’t-.”
Ruby: “Here you go.” *moves Rowan into his arms*
Qrow: “Wait Ruby don’t-! Ok here we go. Uh hey there kid. Nice to...meet you.”
Rowan: ....
Ruby: “It’s ok Qrow, he’s only a baby. He won’t bite.”
Qrow: “Right. Um, heh, You look a lot like your mom. Kinda surprised that your supposed to be the boy.”
Rowan: .... *hrk!* *BLEGH!*
Qrow eyes widen but it was already too late, all he could do was look down and see that Rowan had just spit up all over his new shirt. Both parents gave nervous looks but also tried not to laugh at Qrow’s expense. Taiyang, Yang, Nicholas, and the seven Arc sisters, however, did not follow their example, laughing their guts out.
Rowan: *giggles and points at Qrow*
Qrow: “Oh now you find me funny. Don’t ya, you lil’ gremlin.” *eye twitches*
Ruby: “Hey I’m sure he didn’t mean to do that!”
Yang: “Hahahaha! I don’t know Ruby, he seemed pretty determined to puke all over Qrow!” *covering her mouth*
Qrow: “Well at least I know you’re your Mother’s kid. You’re a brat through and through.”
Ruby: “Hey!”
June: “Ok I’m back what did I-...Oh dear. Apparently both children have motion sickness.”
Nicholas: “No dear, it’s just the boy knows how to get back at others.” *he smiles in pride of his progeny*
A/N: Boy did this one take me awhile to get done. I had a lot of ideas for how this were to go and tried to fit them all in so hope I met your expectations. Thanks again for your support! 😊
P.S. I did my best to make names for the remaining Arc sisters and I decided to simplify and translate the names of the girls in accordance to their color from the portrait we saw in Volume 6 in Saphron’s house. Also keep in mind I have no idea what the age difference is just know I did my best and this will be my head canon until proven otherwise.
Rouge = Eldest (Red w/ Short Hair)
Saphron = Second (Orange that was Upside down. Her name is closer to orange so yeah)
Vert = Third (Green)
Blanc/Noir = Twins (Ok so they had blue bows but the also look to be wearing black and white so I went with that to avoid confusion)
Bleu = Sixth (Blue w/ Glasses)
Violet = Neña (Violet, no brainer)
Jaune = Youngest (Yellow. Ok so he appears to be the youngest from the photo as most of the time the most recent child is at the center of most family pictures. But again I could be wrong but I stand by what I said until CRWBY says otherwise...probably)
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