#yes it's a unus annus quote
cod-dump · 1 year
*playing rugby* Soap after getting slammed into the ground by Ghost: Like the old saying. It's never, uh, old dog- You can teach an old dog, uh- you can't, you can't teach- Can you? Gaz: Uh, hit your head a little too hard earlier, buddy? Need to go lay down? Roach: Damn it, Ghost! You stupidified him! Ghost: He was already like that, don't blame me
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iamdarthbader · 10 months
TBOSAS as Unus Annus quotes
Coryo: Hey Siri, call us Daddy.
Siri: I don't see a father in your contacts.
Coryo: Well about that...
Tigris: Have you ever wanted to kill someone?
Coryo: No.
*lie detector spikes*
Tigris: Have you ever hit an animal with your car?
Coryo: Yes.
Tigris: Do you look back on that day fondly?
Coryo: No.
Coryo: The hit was kind of satisfying.
Gaul: You know maybe that's something that we teach them: why bury the body when you can use your friend alive or dead as a resource?
Coryo: They won't know. We'll just be like, hey, we caught a deer.
Gaul: And it would be great for not only a meal but leftovers too. We could make sandiwiches out of it.
Coryo: We'll have a whole ceremony and then the next day "Woo meat! Bacon!"
Sejanus: Hey Coryo?
Coryo: Yeah, what's up man?
Sejanus: How do you saw?
Gaul: What you did to me what you put me through took me to hell and back Lucy Gray, and now it's time for you to pay the price.
*Lucy Gray grunts and easily breaks her wrist restraints*
Gaul: Tough isn't it? Tough!
Lucy Gray: I mean, I broke it.
Gaul: Al-already? You're completly out?
Lucy Gray: Yeah, I'm out.
Coryo: (singing) Digging our friend a grave! When the road gets tough ahead you can just dig a grave, throw your friend in instead. Oh, you'll dig a grave with me!
Sejanus: When was the last time that you said a nice thing about me?
Coryo: Just... I could count on one hand the last time, soon enough that it was.
Sejanus: I don't think that's enough. I think I give you praise fairly regularly.
Coryo: Ok, that's fair. I will give to all the critisism you could ever handle and tolerate.
Lucy Gray: Did you say critisism?
Sejanus: See, you can't even do it.
Coryo: If our president came up to you and was like "I need to have sex with you for the goodness of the nation" would you do it?
Sejanus: Is it Obama?
Coryo: Yeah, it's Obama.
Sejanus: Fuck yeah, dude. Obama can get it.
Coryo: I just go and I drag him out of bed and he's kicking but finally maybe I have a cable or something and I just wrap it around his neck and he can't escape. The more he struggles, the more darkness fades in and I finally drag him out to me vehicle and pop him in the front trunk.
Lucy Gray & Sejanus: You're kind. I can tell that about you. You're a kind person.
Coryo: I am kind.
Clemensia: Is this gonna culminate in you guys getting married and getting a house together?
Sejanus: We talked about that.
Coryo: No, YOU talked about that.
Sejanus: I talked about it.
Sejanus: Should we order food?
Coryo: SHUT UP!
Sejanus: What kind of foodd o you want?
Coryo: I'm gonna punch you in the face.
Sejanus: Coryo, your breathing is excellent. I don't think he can hear me. *through megaphone* Coryo, your breathing is excellent-
And I’ve beaten this joke into the ground but it’s still so funny to me
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possum-quesadilla · 30 days
Chapter 7 of Time’s Arrow, “I love everybody because I love you! // But I'm a chemical compound, You're just the gun in my mouth” is here!
Memento mori. Unus Annus. /ref
Details below! (Format is funky because I am on mobile rn. Will be fixed later!)
- The lyrics for this chapter’s title are from “Strawberry Blonde” by Mitski and “Gross” by Penelope Scott! The first part is for the majority of the chapter, as it reflects how happy and filled with love Beej is feeling. The other one is for the last scene. :)
- “I wanna remember this moment.” “Every detail. I don’t wanna forget a single one.” - this is inspired by a similar scene in “Parks and Rec”, one of my favorite shows!! Specifically the scene where Ben proposed to Leslie.
- “ “Hm?” Beetlejuice titled their head a little, then pursed their lips as the words processed in their slow, stuttering mind.” - Auditory processing disorder my beloathed. It takes a sec for the info to hit the brain!
- “ “Like, worse than ‘Spiral’.” Beetlejuice gasped, placing a hand on his chest. … “Okay. Now I gotta know. What’s worse than ‘Spiral’?” ” - “Spiral” is the worst of the Saw movies. I will die on this hill. Beetlejuice saw this as the high insult it is.
- “.. I know I’m regaining some weight, but-” - THE RETURN OF THE KING.
- “I’ll have to go back to school. No more online-only.” - Ash straight up lied to the school and said she went with her parents and sister to Massachusetts so she could do all her schooling online.
- “… wanna watch ‘Renfield’?” - “Renfield” is spectacular. Amazing. Showstopping. But someone in Beej’s particular situation should not be watching it for reasons that would be spoilers for that wonderful movie. Go watch it!!!
- The whole dinner cheek kiss thing was planned by Barbara and Adam! They made sure Beetlejuice was okay with telling others first, but he wasn’t sure how to, so they took matters into their own hands!
- “ “I always wondered about you three,” he heard Charles say. He almost thought he heard a twinge of fondness to his voice, but he was certain he must be imagining things. “Good for you all.” ” - Poly ally. He saw their slow burn romance from a million miles away and decided to let them all sort it out on their own. And yes it WAS FONDNESS. Beetlejuice just won’t accept it yet.
- Delia is trying to figure out what prescription glasses to get Beetlejuice on her own, with the help of the Internet! It’s very tough when he doesn’t cooperate.
- “We’ve read two books together now.” … “Or do I just have ‘The Great Gatsby’ and ‘Frankenstein’ memorized?” - Beetlejuice read “Frankenstein”, like Lydia suggested! They loved it.
- Yes that is an actual passage from “The Great Gatsby”. No I am not sorry. Yes it is extremely thematically relevant.
- “They reached up to scratch at an itch on their scalp, clacking their teeth.” - they scratched it like a dog does. They always do!
- The second passage Beetlejuice quotes is from “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”. It is one of his (and my own, I almost named myself Gawain) favorite old tales. He has referenced it before, and it comes up quite a few times again! Even later in this chapter. ;) (And yes it is extremely thematically relevant. Sorry not sorry I am hiding the foreshadowing and themes in other stories..)
- “ Delia grinned wide, exchanging some sort of glance with Barbara. “It’s not too much?” The demon lightly shook their head. “Splendid!” ” - I wonder what this is about?
- “I say it’s too bold of a departure, if you ask me.” - This is a reference to Beetlejuice’s first line in the musical! Also a jab at myself. LoopJuice is perhaps too bold a departure from the original source material…
- “Images of kisses pressed to their temple, their cheek, their jaw, memories of sweet words, gentle little pleads and promises flashed through their mind. Pink rose in their chest, warmth burned in their cheeks. They inevitably gave in, of course.” - EASILY WON OVER BY KISSES AND PETS. What a fool! /hj
- “They think perhaps this is the closest they’ve ever felt to being happy. Not just slightly sardonic or glibly nihilistic, but happy. Like real people do.” - Part of this is a reference to the last scene in “BoJack Horseman”, since that show influenced how I write quite a bit. And the last part is a reference to “Like Real People Do” by Hozier, which is on my Beetlands playlist!
- “No, perhaps this was normal, he decided.” - It is not. There are two reasons! 1. Beej’s permanent frostbite damage making him more susceptible to cold 2. Cyrus is straight up lurking here. He is nearby and watching him.
- “It scratched at the back of his mind like a wild hound begging to be let in the house, asking for shelter from the storm. Only to savage the home’s inhabitants. Where had it come from? What storm was it hiding from? Fuck. Where the hell is my head right now?” - Self roast. Sometimes I go too crazy with the poetic descriptions…
- “Beetlejuice briefly wondered if the cold could drive a demon mad. He thought maybe he’d read about it happening to breathers before.” - This is a real thing! He’s specifically thinking about the Donner Party.
- “Less and less of you will be left each day, slowly siphoning out until you are empty.” - sorry not sorry, another “The Fall of the House of Usher” show reference. Mike Flanagan is my bestie.
- “ “Your time.” Beetlejuice clenched their jaw as his words rippled through their mind. Darling, I only want your time. They gasped in shuddering breaths, their ears going back. Give me your time. Fuck.” - took him a while, but he finally caught the obvious loophole! Far too late, unfortunately.
- “Ah, what was that wonderful phrase from the inane little story you enjoyed so much said?” Cyrus’ grin widened impossibly. “One year hence.” - He is referencing “The Green Knight”! This is what the Green Knight says to Gawain to let him know his fate is sealed. Also, note the difference between Barbara showing interest in one of his favorite stories, while Cyrus belittles it.
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7renpocalypse7 · 2 years
Incorrect quote
Rain lying next to the lake: Aether I’m tired! I’m tired! I don’t wanna play soccer anymore, I want otter pop. Papa didn’t bring any otter pops. He always uses the excuse of like “Oh when I was a kid we were too poor for otter pops” Yeah but you’re rich now, get otter pops, fucking idiot.
(Yes it’s unus annus lol)
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Dear Unus Annus:
Hi. It's been a while huh. Another year, another 365 days have passed, another chance to remember you. Because today you have a whole community at your feet dressed up in black and white, remembering what it once was. Today we cry, we mourn, we laugh, we tell stories of stupidly insane videos, we come together once again as the family we used to be, because today we don't forget. We will never forget. How could we? Pee sauna (god why Evan), the dance of Italy, three mile mark, meaty claws, scp amy, camp unus annus, the grip was loose, heehoo, and so on so forth.
Yeah, we wouldn't even dare to forget those memories, because at the end of the day that's what matters. I hate to bring the cliche phrase we Unus Annus fans are tired of quoting but, it's right: "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened". Of course we're allowed to feel like shit because yeah, it hurts. Every last bit of it, hurts. The good, the bad, the funny bits, the sad bits, everything. But like Mark said... that is the beauty of it. It was just a Youtube channel trying to send a message to the world, and my God the world replied back. It managed to impact us all, to cut through us, to give us a new perspective on life, to help us on our darkest times- and is all because a couple of friends wanted to say something. Something worth remembering. Something that years down the line, people would still talk about. Something so powerful, yet so simple.
Memento mori. Remember you will die.
... so don't waste any second of it. Yes, not every moment can be this huge life-changing, meaningful thing, there are gonna be some things that simply are just that, a breeze that flies by, unimportant. But I think those are the most impactful, the type you do not really appreciate until you lose. The small details that make everything worth it, that gives life a purpose, meaning. We have to make the most of what we have with what we can, because one day it will be all gone, one day you'll wake up and realize you have lost it all. And when that happens. Well.
Smile because it happened. What really, truly matters isn't the fact that is gone... Is that it once was. We once were.
And as for me? There is so much I want to tell you, so much that has changed. I have changed. Evolved. Turned into what I hope a better person. Because this year was the worst one of my life, and I wish I were exaggerating. Anxiety crisis after anxiety crisis after anxiety crisis, countless panic and anxiety attacks, physical symptoms that could freeze even the strongest of men- palpitations that wouldn't stop, numbness on my face and fingers, a feeling like I couldn't talk without messing languages up, and above all... A constant feeling that I was going to die.
Every night I went to bed thinking "this is it, I won't open my eyes tomorrow". Every day I woke up with my heart pounding in my ears and my limbs frozen in fear for a threat that didn't even exist. And the pressure on my chest, God, that fucking pressure... I never felt such an anguish as that before. It was debilitating, exhausting, frustrating. I felt terrified, I simply could not live. Locked once again on my house, but also in my own mind- the worst prison a person could have. I stoped everything.
That until I realized what was going on: I needed to let it all out. And so I spoke with the people I needed to talk, started medication, worked on myself after 18 years of life... And I began to live again. To feel alive. I found my own voice, my burning flame inside that drives me to heal, to become a better human being each day, to never give up. Hell, before i hated going out, now you won't see me in my home. I hanged out with friends more, I talked through every single issue I had, I grew.
Now see me here, Unus Annus. Two years after you left us, after I ran away from my abusive household, one year after I started with my anxiety crisis and the start -even if I didn't knew at the moment- of my healing journey. I am a new person, I grew in every way, shape and form you can imagine, I died. I died so the new me could be reborn from the ashes, I died so my inner child could let go, I died so the anguish could be left in the past were it belongs. I died to face death itself. Look her in the eyes and say "I accept you". I'm not going to say I still don't fear it, but I know it is not my time yet. I know when the time comes, I'll be ready. I know death, death makes everything worth it. The fun times with my friends and the activities as a camp counselor at my school and the fireplace we hang around after putting the kids to sleep with the rest of my co-counselors and the laying down with my best friend forgetting about our problems for a bit and the laughs and the pain and the tears and the everything, the nothing, the joy of being alive. The same joy Unus Annus taught me.
If I am here standing today is because two people decided to start a channel that would have a begining, a middle, and an end. And that end, that moment where the Livestream cut off and a million people were left to stare at the void of a black screen, that is the lesson I take from it. That is the moment that saved me. That is the moment that taught me that nothing is temporary, so you better make the most out of it. Enjoy, enjoy for all those times you couldn't, never waste a single opportunity to say what you think and do what you feel is right and risk it all for that crazy idea you have and live. Live because life is a beautiful thing l, and after 18 years on this Earth I can finally see that. Live like there's no tomorrow because fuck, there might not be one. Live because no one will give you back the seconds you missed out. Live. Love because you deserve. Live because there is no because, just for the sake of living.
Live, live remembering you will die. The end will come, and when it does... Go out with a goddamn bang. Go knowing it was all worth it.
Life was worth it.
Unus Annus was worth it.
So thank you. I know each time I do one of these memorial letters I say the same thing but, I don't care. Thank you Mark, thank you Ethan, thank you Amy, thank you Evan, thank you Lixian, thank you Marcus, thank you Rachel, thank you Vincent, thank every single person that had a role to play so that the insane ass project of this channel could be made into a Thing. Thank you for creating such an impactful message that has affected me in the best of ways. Thank you for saving my life, being there for me when all I needed was a reason to keep going, and knowing that another Unus Annus video would come tomorrow and that I had to be there for the ending pushed me through one of my darkest times. Thank you for never giving up even with a FUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC in the way. Thank you for taking the time to remember this channel in each anniversary. Thank you for being a friend, a counselor, a distraction in the middle of pain, a father, a brother, a safe space to be in. Thank you for creating such a wonderful community, I met some of my best friends here. Thank you for inspiring me to push my work out there, to never give up on my projects, to pursue my dreams even if they are absurd- because who knows, that crazy idea everyone is telling you is imposible could be the best decision. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for everything.
I miss you, and I will continue to miss you every day of my life, but I promise I will always smile when I do. You were and always will be a legend, like it or not. You'll always be in my heart, always, until the day we can meet again in whatever weird way death works.
Thank you @crankgameplays, thank you @markiplier. Thank you for the adventure of my life.
Memento mori, until the next year,
Unus Annus.
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barrenclan · 2 years
Based on your main account, you were aware of this piece of history when it happened, so...
What Unus Annus quotes are the PATFW characters?
This is a very charming ask, yes I was a big fan of Unus Annus who watched from the very start to the very end. And yes, the pinned post on my main account is from my second favorite video (judge me how you will).
Pinepaw: "How... confident are you, in your, ability to... tell me whether I'm, telling you, two truths and 1 lie."
Asphodelpaw: "I can barely move it, but I'm strong because I'm an Annus!"
Daffodilpaw: "Were pirates real?" (my favorite part of that quote is that it's followed by the facial expression equivalent of :(( )
Cormorantpaw: "Don't touch me."
Slugpelt: "Every day seems like a normal day until it's the last one."
Rainhaze: "Are you chill with dying?"
Deepdark: "When the road gets, rough ahead, you can just dig a grave throw your friend in instead!" 🎵
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aikaikdelete · 1 year
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An assortment of stuff including Jordan and my boyfriend @bigmayun ‘s character Exhaust. Yes, those are Unus Annus quotes
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jacks-art-dump · 1 year
List of quotes on my wall:
Disco Elysium (light blue is intellect, purple is psyche, magenta is physique, yellow is motorics, and black is characters):
I need you. You can keep me on this earth. Be vigilant. I love you.
If an assault were launched on this building right now--if the windows came crashing down and the whole world descended upon you--this man would hurl himself in death's way to save you. You are sure of this--but why?
-Esprit de Corps (upon meeting Kim)
-What this boils down to is this *reality* thing is stupid. Blow this joint, grab a bottle and drain that shit right down your throat.
-Yes, and perform auto-erotic asphyxiation on yourself with your funny neck tie. Out in the open somewhere!
-Electrochemistry & Horrific Necktie
-It was real. I'd seen it. I'd seen it *in reality*.
-Seen *what*?
-The mask of humanity fall from capital. It has to take it off to kill everyone-everything you love, all the hope and tenderness in the world. It has to take it off, just for one second. To do the deed. And then you see it. As it strangles and beats your friends to death...the sweetest, most courageous people in the world. You see the fear and power and its eyes. Then you *know*.
-That the bourgeois are not human.
-Dros, the Deserter
Dios mio! (draw a cross) A LIBERAL!
-Communist dialog option when meeting Joyce
Communist quotes (red):
At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality.
-Che Guevara
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary. -Karl Marx, 1850
Perseus wore a magic cap so that the monsters he hunted may not see him. We draw the magic cap down over our own eyes and ears so as to deny that there are any monsters. -Marx, Capital, 1867
Unus Annus (Black and white):
-You get a buncha' meat, right?
-Uh huh
-You wanna put it in your body in a...better way! What do you do? You put it in a weird SOCK. Alright? You put it in a weird sock and cook it up on a skrittle, skittle?
-No, no you were right, yeah. Skittle.
-Skrittle? No that's not it, hold on. Griddle? Griddle! No wait, what's the other one? What's the one that starts with an 'S'?
-You're gonna get there, I believe in you.
-Uhg, this is painful
-Are you serious right now?
-I'm super serious (giggle)
-This is really bad
-I'm not gonna help you
-A skih-
-A skrittle
-A skim
-A skeer
-A skib?
-A skibble? No!
-What is it? Tell me
-You can do this
-A skittle!
-You keep going in circles
-A scratch! A scr-
-No this isn't a hint!
-(Mutual laughter)
-A SKITTLE! Wait....
-Skyr, skih-, skirtle
-Oh my god...
-god... I'm gettin' there!
-You're not!
-What happens when you level up, and you need to put your points into your...
-Skill tree!
-Skill turtl.?
-You CAN'T be for real right now!
-I'm one hundred percent!...Oh my god! A hundred...
-Skill tree
-Oh my god.....
-There you go.
-Oh my god. That wasn't a joke. God damnit! Let's go.
-Jesus christ
-Unus and Annus, 2019
Cut once, measure nonce
Music Lyrics (green):
You can choose a ready guide/
In some celestial voice/
If you choose not to decide/
You still have made a choice/
You can choose from phantom fears/
And kindness that can kill/
I will choose a path that’s clear/
I will choose free will.
-Rush, Permenant Waves, "Freewill"
All the world's indeed a stage/
We are merely players/
Performers and portrayers/
Each another's audience outside the gilded cage.
-Rush, Moving Pictures, "Limelight"
I looked in the eyes of the Indian/
That lay on the federal building steps/
And through the rangefinder over the hill/
I saw the frontline boys popping their pills/
Sick of the mess they find/
On their desert stage/
And the bravery of being out of range/
Yeah the question is vexed/
Old man what the hell you gonna kill next/
Old timer who you gonna kill next.
-Roger Waters, Amused to Death, "The Bravery of Being Out of Range"
Misc (color in parenthesis):
-Can you give us some of your political beliefs?
-Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat shit! Filth are my politics, filth is my life!
-Divine, 1972, "Pink Flamingos" (red)
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biluata · 3 years
Bucky: Alright do you want to be top or bottom, Sam?
Sam: I’m top—
Bucky: No, I’m top. Alright? You’re bottom.
Sam: No, I’m top.
Bucky: No, I’m top.
Sam: I’m top.
Bucky: Nope, I’m top.
Sam: I’m top.
Bucky: Nope, I am top.
Sam: I am top.
Bucky, grabbing the front of Sam’s shirt: Listen here, I’m fucking top, alright? Ok? I’m fucking top, alright?!
Sam, nonchalant: Get on the bottom, you basic bitch.
Bucky: Alright fine :) I’m the bottom.
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escape-from-arcadia · 3 years
Annusly Honestly this [REDACTED] quote pretty much sums up the TOA fandom post ROTT:
'Don't cry because it's over. Cry because it happened.'
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dreamonminecraft · 4 years
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and that's mark and ethan for ya
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Rick: We haven't told you why we're doing this, and uh, it's because it cost $50 and no one stopped us
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quoteiplier · 3 years
Thinking about them...
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Logan, trapped in a tower - MY LIFE IS IN THE HANDS OF AN IDIOT
Roman as Remus starts to spider crawl up the tower wall - No, No! Two Idiots!
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blunicornia · 4 years
Sorry I've been inactive. I've been busy with school, crying over Unus Annus going bye bye, and hypnotizing my parents into buying me last minute Memento Mori merch.
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