#yoko is so confused
sxphr · 1 year
Enid and Wednesday walk past Yoko, Divina and Bianca.
Yoko: Honestly, between the two of them, I can never tell where they're wondering off to.
Yoko: Addams is always dressed like she's going to kill someone and then host their funeral right after and Enid always looks like she's going around, helping everyone and volunteering at local charity events.
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1driedpersimmon · 9 months
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Yu yu scribbles
You know how it is
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yokolesbianism · 2 years
Just a reminder for everyone about tagging your reader insert writing,
wednesday x reader = anyone in the show, wednesday is the name of the show so if you see several characters under this tag thats how its supposed to be
wednesday addams x reader = specifically the character wednesday! if you see other characters under this tag when its in no way relevant to wednesday addams then the person who posted it shouldnt have posted it under that tag
i know we all want our fics to reach as many people as possible, but mistagging your work will not get more people to read it! if i see tyler galpin x reader under the enid sinclair x reader tag, im not going to read it because its not what im looking for, instead people are just going to be annoyed at you :(!
Hope this helps people!! Ive seen a few people angry about characters who arent wednesday addams under the 'wednesday x reader' tag, which i get how it can be confusing, but its the name of the show so its the general tag for the show <3
[PS, tumblr isnt like other social medias, and liking a post is the exact same as if you were to bookmark it on twitter (meaning that gives it zero reach and doesnt help out the writer) so support the writers you love and reblog their posts and share them with your friends! <3]
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tumblingxelian · 9 months
When Wednesday met Divina & Yoko
Wednesday senses the presence of a siren in the back of her mind, a song echoing in the ether but un-sung. Their presence registering to her a moment too late to entirely stop a hand coming down on her shoulder.
Instinct and fond memories of practice send a silver punch dagger from her sleeve into her grasp, the silver is hot on her skin as she makes what should have been a warning jab at the intruders stomach. Instead her blade is caught in a scaled palm and she finally registers the sharp eyed, squared jawed interloper to her space. Eyes swimming with the darkness of the ocean but for a glinting light in the depth like an angler fish.
They hold her dagger for only a moment, just long enough to make it clear they are letting it go at the same time as they released Wednesday's shoulder. The silver sliding across scaled hand and drawing a thick line of blood as they come to a stop, eyes locked in the brickwork hallways.
"And you are," Wednesday says slowly, not entirely willing to seal the dagger away, not after that. She is not fearful, but its one of the boldest responses the otherwise mundane Nevermore had offered her so far.
She can see rows of sharp teeth as the brunette with slicked back hair says.
"Divina. and this is Yoko," She holds her bloodied hand up and a black haired vampire practically bleeds out of the shadows of the hallway. Eyes searing red even behind the black glasses and face drawn, ears long and inhuman, her forked tongue drags along Divina's palm, draining up the blood and sealing the cut.
The pair smile as Yoko's face returns to humanity as she leans on the Siren's shoulder and chuckles, "Our pup asked us to give you a warm welcome, and to show to the fencing hall."
"So Enid set you two upon me," Wednesday concluded, almost impressed as she had been when the girl had bared claw and fang rather than quail away as most did, even as the lack of fear rankled her pride.
"Oh no," The Siren intoned confidently, "She warned us about your hatred of any touch; I just underestimated it. My mistake, so I won't hold that sliver of silver against you."
Yoko's lips seemed to stretch back in a smile too deep, "So long as it doesn't find its way pointed at us again, I think we'll all get along fine."
"Shall we now..." Before Wednesday could conclude her thought, or even make a decision about what to do about the pair a chipper voice called out.
"I can't believe you guys left me to clean up the lab work, I was meant to introduce you to Wednesday!" Despite her annoyance, Enid practically skipped up to them and Wednesday once again wondered how a girl like this could even meet the gaze of an Addams.
"Yup, we made a great first impression," Divina chuckled.
Enid smiled but it was somehow off, as she answered, "Oh, that's why I smell blood on silver then?"
All three glanced at one another, but before anyone could speak Enid groaned.
"I leave you guys alone for a minute and there's an injury," She shakes her head as if despairing before smiling brightly.
"Well, at least no one's dead and the schools still standing so this went OK rather than bad. Fencing?"
The other girls nodded and Wednesday found herself following along as they casually chattered on their way to the dueling hall. One thought circling her head as they went.
'Nevermore isn't just a school, it is a home for creatures like her.
It is a placed filled with monsters.
I don't strictly mind the premise that most of the other students are so used to conducting themselves in 'normal' situations and the like that they would find Wednesday scary.
But I also think its a bit of a missed opportunity not to lean into the fact that for the first time more or less, Wednesday is dealing with other beings just like her, minus the presence of her family and that some might be able to keep up with her.
Also I maintain the reason Wednesday 'covered' for Enid in regards to the hospitality thing is cos she was surprised and a little flabbergasted Enid stood up to her when ever gorgons flee her gaze. She doesn't now quite how to feel about it, but she'll be damned if she's let's anyone think she didn't know what to do.
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writerswho · 2 years
Is Yoko Wednesday's cousin for real, or is this just something that someone said as a joke and everyone just decided to accept as truth? 
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focusssb · 3 months
Yoko: “Hey Enid, where’s that short goth at?”
Enid: “Hi Yoko, Wednesday was kidnapped like 1 hour ago so idk where she is.”
Enid: “Wednesday said if she ever gets kidnapped again just leave her to it she will easily escape.”
Enid: “no I don’t.”
Yoko shocked and confused: “WHY IS THAT?”
Enid with a grin on her face: “Look behind you.”
Yoko turns around to see Wednesday ominously standing behind her: “What are yo- FUCKING HELL! HOW DID YOU GET OUT?!”
Wednesday: “Amateurs tried to kidnap me. People who still use rope, it nearly made me laugh at least give me a slight challenge.”
Yoko walking away: “I’m too old for this.”
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sorcererofsolitude · 5 months
Wednesday has Enid taste two different jars of honey. Eugene raised the bees in Jar #1 and Wednesday did the same for Jar #2.
Enid, sampling Jar #2: This one definitely has a smokier flavor. It kinda reminds me of a burnt marshmallow, it's really good!
Wednesday, scribbling away on a note pad: So the mood of the bees does affect the flavor! I must write to Uncle Fester at once. He's been looking for a product to sell for his new pyramid scheme.
Enid, looking confused: ...what did you do?
Eugene: She infused the flavor of sadness into the honey by insulting the bees. She told them that there was no such thing as an insect afterlife and their mothers didn't love them.
Enid, tearing up: Oh god... I just ate bee depression! And I said it tasted good! I'm a monster!
Yoko: Hey Enid, ready to go to the movies?
Enid: I can't... I have to go down to the hives and make a lot of apologies.
AO3: SorcererOfSolitude
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
The Way I Love You. (x.t)
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: xavier and you are weird pair of "best friends" always reaching towards something more, but neither having the guts to talk about it so plainly, until now.
Warnings: best friends to lovers trope, enid and yoko being done with both of you, major fluff, doesn't follow exact storyline or timeline
a/n: exams in a couple days are destroying me, so this is probably the only thing i'll post for the next week sadly:(
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“Hey, babe? Are you almost done? If not I’m heading to breakfast without you,” Xavier yelled through the door as you stumbled to finish getting ready. 
“I won’t be done in time, I’ll meet you in the quad,” you shouted back realizing how late you were actually running. “Can you get me juice please!”
“Okay, I’ll see you down there,” he replied back.
Enid just stared at you with the widest eyes and a dropped jaw. You turned away from her gaze as it freaked you out a bit. “HE CALLED YOU BABE?!” 
“I think Enid is referring to the fact you and Xavier are repulsive,” Wednesday explained. 
“I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU GUYS AREN’T DATING?!” Enid kept yelling rushing over to you and helping get your bag so you three could leave the dorm soon. “YOU CAN’T KEEP HIM WAITING!!”
“Enid! Slow down!” she threw your blazer in your arms and pushed you out of the dorm as Wednesday followed beside both of you. “What are you even going on about?”
“Yeah, what about him?” you asked confused not understanding why she was making such a big deal over something.
“I can’t believe you two are dating!” Enid cheered excitedly as you walked down the halls.
“Enid, wait for a second,” you halted in your tracks and took a second to comprehend the girl’s words. “We’re not dating.”
“What,” Enid said dishearteningly. “I thought since he called you-”
“You thought wrong, we’re just best friends,” you cut her off as you three made the quad.
“I did not know best friends had pet names for each other,” Wednesday stated. "Odd."
“Because they’re in love with each other and won’t admit it,” Enid whined while you look around for Xavier.
You felt an arm drape around your shoulders and saw a hand holding out a bottle of orange juice in front of you, in which taking it happily and opening it to take a sip. “Won’t admit what?” 
“Nothing!” you choked out, glaring at Enid hoping she would get the hint to stop. 
“Just that-” She didn’t.
“Enid, let’s head to class, I rather pick out my eyes than watch this,” Wednesday said to Enid.
“Oh, okay, umm… Bye, Y/n! Bye, Xavier?” Enid called out as she trailed behind Wednesday as they headed to Ms. Thornhill’s class. 
“Bye, Enid,” you both tell her.
“What was she going on about?” Xavier asked while you both headed to fencing. 
“Just the usual things Enid loves to talk about,” you replied. “Gossip.”
“Of course,” he puffed out a laugh. “Who’s the poor souls?”
“Just a pair of friends that she thinks are dating,” you tried to say inconspicuously when you made it the locker rooms. 
“Enid has pretty good intuition with that kind of stuff, I wonder if they are?”
“Trust me, they’re not,” you gave him a small smile. “Wait for me?”
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You walked out of locker rooms tying your hair out of your face, and saw Xavier waiting to the side with his mask already on. He held his own foil (sword) in one hand while the other held an extra foil and mask. 
“M’lady,” he teasingly bowed handing you them as you approached him.
“Why, thank you, kind Sir,” you curtsied back letting out a small giggle.
“You’re paired with Yoko, this morning,” he told you making your way to the mats.
“Maybe if you whined less and praticed more, you wouldn’t suck,” you heard Bianca mocked Rowan as you and Xavier got closer to the class. “Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition? Anyone else want to challenge me?”
“I will,” you stated removing yourself from Xavier’s side and slid the mask over your face. 
“Are you sure? I don’t think Xavier would want his sweet Y/n to get hurt,” she gave you pout which only encouraged you more to beat her. 
“You sure do talk so much shit,” you replied to her and heard ‘ooh’s…’ around the room. “It kind of match’s your skill, don't you think?” 
“Rowan doesn’t need you to come to his defense. He’s not helpless,” Bianca snarked. “He’s just lazy.”
“Are we going to do this or not? Or are you too scared?” getting yourself in a stance ready to go against her.
“En garde!” someone called out.
Swords clashed and Bianca made the mistake of lifting her arm too high in an attempt to strike you, so you lowered yourself avoiding her sword while you were able to strike her side.
“Point to Y/n!” 
You both continued to duel, as the crowd around you guys grew. Bianca wasn’t able to tag you yet as you picked up the speed of your hits against her. So much anger at her for how she treated everyone at the school, and how she believed that she was automatically better than everyone else. The force of your strikes against her caught her off guard and her sword swayed to the left allowing you to tag her directly in her chest. 
“That’s my girl!” you heard Xavier call out from the sidelines and you were thankful you had the mask still on so no one would be able to see the blush on your cheeks.
“Winner, Y/n,” the coach announced and Bianca stalked off in anger.
You walked over to Xavier, and took off your mask in a swift motion as you noticed some time during the match against Bianca he had taken his off to see you better. He held out his arms for you and brought you in a tight hug. “I’m proud of you,” he murmured into your hair as you leaned your head against his chest.
“Thank you, Xav,” you lifted your head to give him a smile which returned his wide one. You stood on your tip toes, pecking his cheek and stood back allowing you to see the blush that spread across his face. “I’ll see you after!” you told him as Yoko called you over from the other side of the room. 
“Wait-“ Xavier was too late to respond as you hurriedly rushed to Yoko who seemed like she was going to burst from the questions she had for you. 
“WHAT WAS THAT?!” Yoko yelled which caught the attention of many of those around you including Xavier who was still staring at you from across the room. 
“Yoko, shh! I don’t know what you’re talking about…” you shushed the girl. 
“Don’t know,” she mockingly laughed, “He called you his girl!” she pointed out. 
“SHHHH!” you held a hand over her mouth in order to stop her from saying anything else. “NOT ANOTHER WORD.”
“Babe, you okay?” Xavier asked loudly from where he stood and a part of you was silently cursing him while the other part blushed profusely.
“Just peachy,” you uttered, glaring at Yoko who was dying of laughter at the hypocrisy of you two. You dragged her away to a more closed-off area to allow her to question you, but the bell saved you from the interrogation. 
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“Okay, that’s now Enid and Yoko acting weird around you. That only ever means one thing…” Xavier pointed out once you both were walking to his dorm for lunch after attending fencing and botany. 
Let’s just say Botany might have been even more irritating than fencing because you had Bianca staring at you the whole time after she saw you and Xavier walk into class together. The only problem with you and him walking in together was that he had his arm around your waist keeping you steady as you died of laughter over hearing Ajax complaining that he stoned himself the other day which led him to miss his date with Enid. You felt bad for laughing, but Ajax resembled a kicked puppy too much not to.
“One thing what?”
“There’s a guy,” he scoffed.
“Where?” you looked around to see no one around you both, so you gave a look of confusion not really understanding what he was insinuating. 
“Are you talking to somebody?” Xavier questioned. “Enid and Yoko only ever get that giddy if they’re talking about a guy, and if you are I don’t know why you didn’t feel the need to tell. Y/n, we’re— w-we’re… you know.”
“Xavier!” you tried to interrupt, but he ignored you as he continued to talk.
“I thought you felt the same way, but obviously not since you felt like you hide the fact you’re with someone right now. I just wish you told me before Enid and Yoko,” he rambled on looking down at the floor with a scrunched expression covering his face. 
“XAVIER!” you exclaimed.
“What?’ he softened looking back to you. 
“I’m talking to you aren’t I?” you tried to hint at him.
“Well, obviously you’re talking to me right now but I meant-”
“Xav, I am talking to you,” you restated once more. “No one else.”
“But-” you knew he was going to argue with what you were saying but you weren’t going to allow it.
“Enid and Yoko were talking about us,” you explained nonchalantly letting yourself into his dorm with him following behind you, shutting the door. 
“Wait what?” he took a step back allowing himself to process what you said. “What do you mean they were talking about us?”
“They were teasing about how we are with each other.” you looked down on your hand as you turned to face him.
“And how are we with each other?” he retorted back in question, walking closer to you.
“We both won’t admit it…” you trailed off as you felt heat rush to your cheeks as you tried to avoid his gaze. “But-”
“Admit what? That fact I’ve been in love with you since we met,” he noted. “I have loved you since I saw you wandering around the halls looking for your class, I love you every day when we meet in the morning to walk to class together, I love when you scrunch your nose when you're overthinking, I love the sound of your laugh when I tell a stupid joke that’s not even worth your laughter, I love that you hold my hand when you're anxious, I love you more than anything,” he confessed to you which brought you close to tears as you went to close the space between you and him.
You grabbed the collar of his uniform to help bring him down closer to your height and smash your lips against his, moving your hands to have one the back of his neck and the other on his cheek. He immediately responded to the kiss with the same amount of urgency. His hands landed onto your hips pulling you even more closer to him. 
It was a messy kiss but seemed perfect for you and him. Both of you pulled back to take in a breath of air, leaning your foreheads against one another. “I love you. I will never love someone the way I love you,” you whispered to him seeing a smile spread across his face as he went to pull you back in for another kiss.
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frogs00 · 7 months
Wednesday: Did it hurt?
Enid: Did what hurt?
Wednesday: When you fell from heaven?
Enid, smirking: No, but did it hurt when you crawl up from the pits of hell?
Proceeds to aggressively make out
Yoko: I’m so confused…
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mclennonlgbt · 26 days
What the fuck are they talking about
John and Paul discuss George leaving the band, but the conversation turns to the Lennon-McCartney relationship. I understand the beginning - John feels he has to give in to Paul, as does George, because Paul is so dominant - but it gets confusing from there.
I understand that John wanted Paul to assure him that he liked him. But I feel that there is more to it. Yoko probably knows it too, which is why she interrupts their conversation, asking them to go back to George. Does anyone have an idea how to interpret this strange conversation?
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achromatophoric · 16 days
Pre-Wenclair. Enid is looking for her roommate.
Enid: Hey Yoko, have you seen Willa around?
Yoko: Yeah, I just saw Horror the Explorer scurrying away from your brothers.
Enid: Oh gawd. What did they— are they okay?
Yoko: Don’t get your tail in a twist. They’re fine.
Enid: *relieved sigh* Thank the moon.
Yoko: Better than fine, in fact. I’m pretty sure they got paid.
Enid: What?
Yoko: Yup. They were counting this fat stack o’ cash. Being your bestie and all, I asked them about it, but they just muttered something about “emoted.”
Enid: *confused* Emoted?
Yoko: I think? Coulda just sounded like it. Sorry pup, they ran off before I could get more.
Enid: No, it’s okay Yoko. Thanks.
Enid: *mutters to herself* Emoted? Emo Ted? No… emo Ned? That’s not— wait.
Enid: *covers face* Emo-Nid! Aw, dangit! Those are so flipping embarrassing!
Yoko: Whuh?
Enid: Argh! Okay. *drops hands* Remember like, two years ago? My emo phase?
Yoko: OH YEAH! Fun times!
Enid: Fun times? You mean CRINGE times! Oh my god, my chances with Willa are gonna be sunk.
Yoko: Hey hey, pup, I don’t think you have to anything to worry about.
Enid: *hopeful* Yeah? Why do you say that?
Yoko: When I said she was scurrying earlier, I meant it. It was like watching a goth Gollum fleeing with their Precious.
Enid: 😯
— In a secret room somewhere on school grounds. —
A certain seer huddles in a corner, curled protectively around a handful of photos.
Wednesday: My preciousssss…
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sxphr · 1 year
Wednesday, chasing Yoko with a stake: I'm gonna get you Tanaka.
Enid, sitting crocheting in an armchair:
Divina, watching tiktoks:
Bianca: What the actual fuck is going on.
Enid: Don't worry, they do this all the time.
Divina: They're bonding.
Bianca: Bonding.. yeah okay. Mhmm.
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poisonlove · 6 months
Beauty and the Beast | w.a
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Pairing: wednesday addams x reader
Words: 15k
Warning: reader unsure about her appearance
I felt lonely, so lonely.
But I couldn't risk anyone being scared by my appearance, I couldn't risk receiving mockery and laughter for what I hide beneath the mask. I had to protect myself and others from the horrible monster that I am.
Not even Eugenie, one of my few friends, knew my true face, and I don't think he'll find out anytime soon. Enid tried a couple of times, but after my umpteenth No she gave up, which I'm grateful for.
Why did it have to happen to me? Why do I have to feel scrutinized because of the mask I wear? Damn it, there are vampires, mermaids, and even people without mouths, and yet I'm the only strange one in Nevermore?
"Y/n, have you heard that a new student has arrived?" Eugenie smiles with all thirty-two teeth as he walks beside me, his eyes gleaming with happiness at the news. "Is it really important?" I ask timidly, biting my lower lip amused by his reaction.
"An extra girl is always welcome," he sighs dreamily. "Maybe she'll even like bees, don't you think?" He asks hopefully.
I tilt my head to the side and watch Eugenie smile widely, hope in his eyes. "I…" I start, feeling a  pressure in my chest from his enthusiasm, "I guess so?" I say, chuckling timidly, not wanting to spoil my friend's good mood.
"I mean, I adore you, really," Eugenie says, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "but having one more girl in our group would be cool!" He says, analyzing me carefully.
"It's just the two of us… We're not even a trio, and you're talking about a group?" I roll my eyes at his comment, and Eugenie gives me a friendly elbow on the side.
"There's no use rolling your eyes, you know I can see you, right? I mean… besides your mouth, and the other thing that can be seen under the mask," he says sing-song, looking at my mask reluctantly.
"And anyway! We're three!" The boy pouts adorably.
"Really?" I ask in surprise, and Eugenie nods. "Enid," he says, smiling in love at the mention of the blonde werewolf.
I open my mouth ready to retort, but I just ended up sighing loudly.
"Y/n," I turn towards the sound of the voice and see Enid gesturing for me to come closer to her. I raise an eyebrow with confusion and look at Eugenie shrugging indifferently. "Go on, I'll go check on my bees," he says, giving me a pat on the shoulder and walking towards his target, humming a tune.
I approach Enid, who smiles excitedly. "Hi Enid, everything okay?" I ask with a small smile on my lips.
"Y/n! I finally found you!" Enid exclaims, "I have some great news to tell you. You see, the new student is named Wednesday Addams and she'll be my new roommate!"
I feel a knot in my stomach at the thought of facing a new acquaintance, but I try to remain calm. "Wednesday Addams?" I repeat, trying to hide the anxiety that begins to creep up inside me.
"Exactly!" Enid confirms enthusiastically, "It would be fantastic if you two could become friends. I know you're a bit reserved, but I'm sure you'll get along well together!" The blonde smiled widely, her blue eyes looking at me attentively.
I try to mask my discomfort in front of Enid's enthusiasm, but inside, I feel a growing sense of unease. It's not fear, it's just a deep reluctance to interact with new people, especially when I have to hide my true identity behind a mask.
"Are you sure it's a good idea?" I ask uncertainly, the memory of Yoko staring at me strangely still vivid in my mind, sending shivers down my spine. I look at Enid curiously, seeking reassurance.
"With Yoko, it was just a small mishap," Enid replies, laughing nervously, able to read what I was thinking during my silence. "It's not your fault if you're so different."
"Right," I mumble to myself, still troubled by the memory of the episode with Yoko.
"I think it'll be different," continues Enid, placing her hand on my arm and starting to walk towards our dorms, "Wednesday has a… special character. You might like her," she adds with a broad smile.
"Are you telling me she's strange?" I ask, feeling offended by her description. Enid looks at me sideways, trying to reassure me.
"No, I didn't mean that," Enid clarifies, "just that she's also shy, and I think you two could get along," she concludes, smiling happily.
"But do we have to go now?" I ask with a worried tone, feeling the need to mentally prepare for the impending meeting. "Of course! I talked about you when she arrived, I think she's writing now," Enid babbles thoughtfully.
"She's writing?" I ask incredulously, a small smile threatening to spread across my lips. The thought of someone actually writing seems surreal to me.
"You see? You haven't even met yet and you already have something in common," Enid says, smiling kindly and looking at me with eyes overflowing with happiness.
As we head towards Ophelia Hall, nervousness grows inside me and my hands start to sweat. My heart beats faster and faster as the moment of meeting Wednesday approaches. I don't know what to expect, and the uncertainty makes me even more agitated.
Enid opens the door and my eyes immediately fall on the room divided in half by a black ribbon, separating two opposite worlds. Enid's side, bright and colorful, contrasts sharply with the darkness of the opposite side.
"The room is… Different," I say timidly, blinking in disbelief.
"Yeah, I was mad the first time too," Enid says with a reluctant sigh, evidently annoyed by the division of the room.
"Wednesday! I want to introduce you to someone," Enid announces, turning her gaze to her roommate on the other side of the ribbon.
Wednesday, focused on the typewriter, emits a small grunt before turning towards us with a rigid and impenetrable posture.
Her dark hair is braided into two impeccable braids that fall on her shoulders with precision and order. Her face is pale, almost ethereal, but her eyes are intense, deep, and penetrating. Her posture is rigid, but she exudes a silent confidence, as if she is aware of her inner power. The air around her seems filled with mystery and fascination, and even though her gaze is cold and distant, there is something about her that attracts and fascinates. It's as if she's enveloped in an aura of darkness, yet at the same time of strength and determination.
Her black eyes scan my figure, and I feel the warmth rising to my cheeks with embarrassment. Thank goodness Wednesday can't see it. I breathe deeply, relieved.
"What is she?" Wednesday asks with sharp curiosity, analyzing me with her gaze.
"Wednesday! You need to be more polite," Enid scolds her, but Wednesday ignores her with indifference.
My heart begins to beat faster as Wednesday approaches me, nervousness growing with each step she takes. Her presence, even silent, seems to envelop me in an atmosphere of mystery and tension, making me feel as if I'm under her scrutinizing gaze.
"You're not a vampire, a werewolf… not even a mermaid…" she mutters softly, her eyes scrutinizing mine intensely.
Her gaze is piercing, full of determination and fascination. "What are you?" she repeats, her voice neutral but curiosity palpable in the air.
I feel cornered, a knot forming in my throat, tightening.
Spontaneously, Wednesday reaches out and places her hands on my face, the tips of her fingers delicately touching my mask.
"Don't," I say in a low but sharp voice, trying to dissuade her.
Wednesday tilts her head slightly, ignoring my request, and brushes her fingers against the mask, exploring its texture with curiosity. Her hand wraps around my mask, and the contact sends shivers down my spine.
My breath becomes irregular as Wednesday continues to examine my mask with care, as if she wants to unveil the secret hidden beneath it. The touch of her fingers on my skin makes me feel vulnerable, exposed to her penetrating gaze.
"Please, stop," I whisper again, trying to control the agitation in my voice.
Wednesday doesn't seem at all disturbed by my request, continuing to explore the mask with an almost scientific curiosity. Her impassive face betrays no emotion, but I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I feel increasingly exposed in front of her.
"Wednesday, stop," says Enid firmly but gently, approaching us. "Y/n has her reasons for wearing that mask, and it's not right for you to force her to reveal it if she doesn't want to."
Wednesday turns to Enid, her cold and distant gaze piercing through her. "I'm not forcing anything," she replies calmly, "I'm just trying to understand."
Enid stands between me and Wednesday, shielding me with her body. "I understand, Wednesday, but there are better ways to get the answers you seek," she retorts, trying to defuse the situation.
I feel relieved by Enid's support, but at the same time anxious about how the situation will unfold.
After a moment of tense silence, Wednesday turns her back and walks away, heading towards the desk with measured steps. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I sink into a nearby chair.
"What an embarrassing moment," I say with a nervous smile, trying to break the ice.
Enid approaches and places a hand on my shoulder with an expression of solidarity. "Don't worry, Y/n. Wednesday can be a bit… intense at times," she comments with a half-smile.
"You said it," I reply with a small smile, grateful for Enid's support.
On the other side of the room, the incessant ticking of Wednesday's typewriter continues unabated, creating a constant background to our conversation. Her silent presence seems to have added a new dimension to the room, making it even more charged with mystery and tension.
"What do you say we go for a walk outside?" Enid suggests, trying to distract my mind from tumultuous thoughts.
"That sounds like a good idea," I respond with a grateful smile, happy to escape from that tense atmosphere. We rise and leave the room, leaving behind the constant ticking of Wednesday's typewriter.
She seems like an interesting girl I thought to myself
but she really doesn't give up
Weeks have passed since that first tense encounter with Wednesday, yet her obsession with uncovering what lay beneath my mask showed no signs of abating. Occasionally, during classes or in moments of break, I catch her staring at me with her piercing gaze, as if she wanted to pierce through the fabric of my mask and read my deepest thoughts.
Wednesday doesn't give up easily. She made various attempts: sending anonymous messages, appearing out of nowhere at the most unexpected times, sending Things, and even trying to remove my mask with a sudden gesture. Her questions become more frequent and casual, as if she wanted to uncover my secret through the most mundane conversation.
During a break between classes, while I was sitting alone in a corner of the cafeteria, I felt a presence approaching. I looked up and saw Wednesday with her mysterious and aloof demeanor.
"May I sit here?" she asked calmly, indicating the seat across from me.
"Of course, go ahead," I replied, surprised by her sudden company.
Wednesday sat down with a fluid and silent movement, and for a moment we simply looked at each other, without saying a word. Then, without a smile or a greeting nod, she said, "How are you?"
"Quite well, thank you," I replied, trying to hide my surprise at finding her there.
That brief conversation remained imprinted in my mind for days, like an unsolved riddle. Yet, despite her seemingly insatiable interest in my mask, Wednesday did not seem at all frightened or disgusted by me. She was just… curious.
Flashback end
But then, without any warning, Wednesday stops altogether circling around me. She no longer approaches me with her questions or scrutinizing looks. I was left to wonder:
was I boring? Rude? Was I just being paranoid?
"It seems like she's gotten tired of you," Enid jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe she's finally realized that beneath that mask, it's just you, and nothing so terrifying."
Enid's joke made me smile, but it didn't completely dissipate the tension that had built up inside me. I was nervous about the various conjectures swirling in my head, and I literally asked myself too many questions that had no answer.
"Thank goodness you found something to laugh about," I remarked, trying to conceal my mood.
Enid looked at me with a sympathetic expression. "You know, Y/n, I think you're reading too much into things. Maybe Wednesday has just found something else to focus on, or maybe she's decided she doesn't want to make you uncomfortable."
I wanted to believe Enid's words, but doubt continued to nag at me. "Maybe you're right," I replied, trying to convince myself.
"I promise that if there's anything to worry about, I'll let you know," Enid said sincerely, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I felt somewhat relieved by her promise, but I knew that until I had answers to my questions, my mind would continue to race incessantly. It was frustrating not knowing what was going through Wednesday's mind, but I had to find a way to stop tormenting myself with suppositions and hypotheses.
That afternoon, I found myself in Enid's room, determined to clear things up with Wednesday. The tension in the air was palpable as I tried to gather the courage to confront the situation.
"Wednesday, can I talk to you?" I asked, trying to stay calm despite my pounding heart.
The girl looked up from the book she was reading and glanced at me with detachment. "Sure," she replied simply, showing no sign of interest. Her eyes returned to the pages of the book she was reading.
"Why aren't you talking to me anymore?" I asked, feeling my voice tremble slightly with emotion.
Wednesday didn't even look up from her book. "I can't be friends with a girl who doesn't show her face," she said coldly, as if it were obvious.
Those words hit me like a punch to the gut. "You can't really think like that," I replied, trying to control my growing frustration. "I'm not just my mask, Wednesday. There's much more beneath it."
Wednesday remained impassive, and her indifference deeply hurt me. "You don't even listen to me," I whispered, feeling my heart breaking.
The girl didn't respond, continuing to read as if I were invisible. Frustration and anger welled up inside me, but in the end, I gave up.
With a sigh, I realized I had to accept the situation for what it was. "Maybe you're right," I admitted softly. "But you can't judge without knowing the truth." Wednesday looked up from her book, looking at me with a certain curiosity. "And what would the truth be?" she asked, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"The truth… I'm afraid," I replied, feeling a lump in my throat as my hands trembled slightly. With determination, I placed them on the mask, ready to reveal what I had hidden for so long.
Damn feelings I developed for you, persistent Goth I thought bitterly.
Wednesday watched carefully, her black eyes scrutinizing my face with intense curiosity. My heart pounded in my chest, silently praying that she would accept what she was about to see.
With a deep breath, I slowly removed the mask, revealing my true face. Behind it, a hideous scar extended from my eyebrow to my cheek, thankfully sparing my eye. It was a wound I had carried for years, a witness to a painful past that I had never shared with anyone.
Wednesday remained still, her eyes fixed on my scar. Her expression was inscrutable, but I could see surprise in her eyes.
The scar was large and deep, and I couldn't help but feel vulnerable as Wednesday examined it. But there was no more room to hide the truth, and I had to accept her judgment, whatever it may be.
Wednesday closed the book and approached me slowly, her gaze still fixed on the scar adorning my face. Her expression was a mixture of curiosity and shyness, as if she were unsure of what to do or say.
"Can I touch it?" she asked in a barely audible voice, and I nodded weakly, feeling my cheeks flush at her question.
With cautious movements, Wednesday came even closer, her fingers delicately touching my scarred skin. A shiver ran down my spine at the contact, but it wasn't disgust or fear. It was a feeling of calm and acceptance, as if that gesture meant something deeper than just physical contact.
I looked at her face as she examined the scar. Her eyes were full of empathy and understanding, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. It was as if I had finally found someone who truly understood me, without judging or condemning.
It was hard to believe that all this had happened because I had fallen in love with her. But now, looking at her up close like this, I realized that maybe it was worth risking my heart for someone who made me feel so alive and accepted.
"How did you get it?" Wednesday asked timidly, slightly clenching her jaw as she continued to observe the scar on my face.
My voice trembled slightly. "It was done by my father," I confessed, feeling the lump in my throat tighten. "He was drunk and one night he lost control."
My voice broke slightly as I remembered those painful moments, the fear and despair I had felt. But I knew I had to share the truth with Wednesday, even if it hurt to revisit those memories.
Wednesday gently caressed my cheek, the touch of her fingers on my scarred skin sending a slight shiver down my spine. "Why did you keep it hidden?" she asked with curiosity, her gaze still full of compassion.
"It's horrible…" I replied softly, feeling the weight of my words. "When everyone looked at me strangely or laughed, I decided to cover it up."
Wednesday's finger brushed against the scar on my eyebrow and a shiver ran down my spine. It was as if that simple gesture was breaking down the barriers I had built around me for years.
"It makes you strong," said Wednesday, tilting her head to the side as she looked at me intently. "And you're… Beautiful all the same."
Her words struck me deeply, and I felt my cheeks blush slightly at her unexpected compliment. It was hard to believe that someone could find beauty in that ugly scar, but with Wednesday beside me, I began to see myself with different eyes.
"Thank you," I replied sincerely, my heart filled with gratitude for her kindness. It was a moment of intimacy and sharing that I would never forget.
"Does Enid know?" Wednesday asked with curiosity, and I shook my head.
"No," I replied, feeling a shiver of nervousness run through my body.
"Are you afraid of her reaction?" she asked timidly, and I nodded slowly.
"If she says something, I'll kill her," said Wednesday with a serious tone, and I couldn't help but smile, feeling for the first time confident and beautiful for myself.
And beautiful for Wednesday.
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cuervom · 11 months
(It hears a thunder)
Enid: (Whines)
Wednesday: Are you scared of the storm?
Enid: (Nods)
Wednesday: (Sighs) Well...I have the solution.
Enid: (Surprised) Really?
Wednesday: (Nods and pats on her bed) Come here.
Enid: (Confused, sits beside Wednesday on the edge of her bed)
(They look at each other in silence. Suddenly, it hears another thunder and before Enid can whine again Wednesday kisses her. Enid, very surprised, can hardly breathe)
[A few seconds later]
(Another thunder. Another kiss)
[Twenty minutes later]
Enid: Is it over? The storm?
Wednesday: (Gets up from the bed and watchs through the half-colored window) Yes
Enid: (Hitting the mattress) Damn it!!
Wednesday: (With a malicious smile and whispering) Nailed it.
[A few days later. At the quad]
Enid: Do you think it will be a storm today?
Yoko: (Raises her head and sees a clear blue sky throuh her glasses) I don’t think so.
Enid: (Growls)
Wednesday: (Appears in that moment beside them)
Yoko: (Scared) What did you do to her??
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lorelaiblair · 10 months
“enid falls first, wednesday falls harder”
no, nope
wednesday falls for enid insanely fast (not that addams aren’t usually insane), the moment they met enid respected wednesday’s boundaries yet stayed true to herself, enid proved herself to be kind and bubbly yet dangerous, enid believed wednesday when nobody else did, enid came back when thing was hurt and firmly set her own boundaries. she accepted and cared about wednesday in a way nobody else could, in a way nobody else had ever tried to before. how could wednesday not fall absolutely in love with her?
for enid it takes a little longer, not to fall in love but to realize that she had fallen in love. wednesday is rough, she’s mean, she’s stubborn, enid can’t help but care about her all the same, she finds it endearing even. enid writes it off though, she’s a good friend, she’s a good roommate, her feelings for wednesday aren’t any different than her feelings for any of her other friends.
she had never thought about running her hands through yoko’s hair before, she had never craved holding divina’s hand, she had never dreamed about kissing bianca.
it’s confusing, her feelings for wednesday are confusing.
and then she realizes that she wants to kiss wednesday more than she wants to kiss her own boyfriend.
and then wednesday tricks enid into going to the gates house, that betrayal breaks her heart more than it should. she put so much effort into her relationship with wednesday, maybe more than she should.
and then they forgive eachother, learn to accept their differences, it feels so good.
and then wednesday is in trouble, she’s alone and in trouble and surely scared. enid rushes into the woods, defenseless as far as she knows and unable to take on whatever they might face.
she shifts for wednesday, it confirms something for her.
wednesday is in her arms, wednesday is alive wednesday is safe, wednesday is in her arms, wednesday is in her arms. she knows that she could never let go.
wednesday falls first, enid a little while after, but they are equally as in love, equally as devoted.
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
Could you write Xavier X FemReader in which the reader is Wednesday’s family member (sister, cousin, etc) and her and Xavier we starting to get close then all of a sudden her starts acting cold/rude so she thinks she did something wrong and he hates her when in reality Xavier has started being mean is because he’s been in love with her since he saw her but she’s been getting really close with Tyler so she confronts him and he does an angry love confession????
it's you I think of
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xavier thorpe x reader
summary: xavier tries to win the heart of the other addams sister, but she just doesn't seem to get the message.
warnings: bit angst but mostly fluff
A/N: Thanks for requesting anon! hope you like this!
"So, is your name based on weekdays too or?" The long haired boy started as he stands beside you, observing your position as you shoot your arrow and misses again.
You sigh and he steps closer with your back to his chest as he guides your hand with the arrow. "Here, like this."
You feel your heart speeds up but says nothing as you watch him take the lead and hits the arrow straight to the aim.
He slowly steps aside and smiles at you. You give a small smile and gives him your name.
He fakes gasp, "Oh she speaks?" When you roll your eyes and drop your smile he immediately makes it clear he was just joking.
"I know, I'm not easily offended, there's been worse things said to me." You state, picking up another arrow to practice.
"So, do I have to assume you are as terrifying as your sister?" He asks with a teasing grin.
"Oh no, I'm afraid she has already claimed the title of homicidal psychopath in our family, truly the pride and joy of the Addams name. As for me, You'll learn soon enough." You explain, this time your arrow hits straight to the aim, You lower your bow in pride.
"So you mean to say we might end up close enough for me to learn about you myself?"
he had too many questions.
You shook your head and thank him for his lessons before walking away to your dorm room.
Despite being roommates with Yoko, she has not made a single effort to befriend you, as glad as you are for the peace, you could tell it's because of the growing closeness between you and Xavier, the girls were ignoring you in solidarity to Bianca.
You were thankful for that.
It wasn't that you asked Xavier to befriend you, but he was persistent in knowing you, and he seems to respect your boundaries enough to not push you or cross the line, so you accepted his friendship, it was nice to share the quietness with someone else sometimes.
He has even let you sit in the corner of his shed to watch him paint and sketch.
That was probably your favourite activity these days, the comfortable silence and watching him fully concentrate on his artworks.
Today was one of the days you'd get to watch him work, he had sat beside someone else during their classes together that afternoon, but you assumed their routine still remained.
Walking towards the shed, you notice chains around the handles of the door. It was definitely locked as you try to pull it off.
This was confusing, if he wasn't coming today then why wouldn't he tell you?
Bumping into Bianca as you're walking back to your dorm, you gave it a chance and asked her if she knew where Xavier was.
Her scoff and smile was mocking. "Aw, did he finally decide drop your deadweight of an ass?"
You raise your eyebrows at her challenged.
"That's weird, last time I checked, it was you that got dumped." Indulging in her baffled expression, You walk past her to continue looking for your friend.
He wasn't in the library or any of the classes. The last place there was to check was his room, a place you don't think you're allowed to.
The next day was busy as everyone prepared for the rave'n dance. You weren't much of a partier, but you had hoped to ask a certain someone, so you made an effort to search for a decent enough dress.
You snatched the first dress that caught your attention, not liking the whole experience you had force yourself to go through. It was emerald coloured dress, giving in to the assigned flora and fauna theme this year.
Stepping into the local coffee shop, you were met with Tyler as he prepared you your usual.
"You look burnt out, went hiking or something?" He questions.
You chuckled. "Dress shopping." He raises his eyebrows and grin.
"Oh you're going to Rave'n then? Didn't seem like the type that would, got a date?"
Your smile slowly drops as you shook your head.
He nods understanding. "Well, I mean, if you're looking for one, I'm always free this Saturday." He winks and you bite your cheeks.
His attention snaps to the door as the bell rings.
and a customer enter. You turn around and widen your eyes in suprise to see Xavier.
His too as he takes your appearance in.
He walks closer, turning to look at Tyler, then back at you.
Tyler uncomfortably backs away from leaning at the counter to you and clears his throat.
"Uh, want a coffee?" He asks Xavier slowly.
He nods carefully, before taking a seat next to you, watching Tyler move to the espresso machine.
"Didn't know you two are friends." He starts.
You let out an annoyed laugh and glares at him.
"Really?" He blinks, not understanding what you mean.
"You don't answer my texts, didn't tell me you weren't going to be at the shed, and now you're talking to me like you haven't been ignoring me?" You snapped.
"Wha- I've been busy, I forgot-"
"You've been busy, you forgot, which one is it?" You Interrogate.
"Both! Look, I'm sorry alright, I should've let you know, I forgot." He explains as Tyler brings you both your coffee.
Xavier's eyes wanders to the paperbag in your hand. "Is that a dress? You're going to the rave'n?" He asks suspiciously.
"Why shouldn't I?" You ask defensively.
"I didn't say you shouldn't, I just- I mean, do you have a date?"
You instinctively nodded. "I'm... going with Tyler! Right, Tyler?" You immediately turn to him, silently begging him to agree.
Tyler, playing along, nods and confirms.
Xavier's expression changed, and the guilt in his eyes turns blank as he processes what you said.
"Oh." Disappointment laced his voice for some reason. He snatch his coffee and stand to leave. "I'll uh, see you later then." He says briefly before leaving.
you feel the pit of your stomach churn as you thank Tyler.
The Rave'n dance was unspeakably boring. You'd rather be in your room and read with Chopin playing in the background.
Instead you're stuck here awkwardly eating your cake with Tyler by your side.
You spot Xavier by Bianca's side as they walk in together, his eyes meet yours and the betrayal you feel was deep. He had gone back to her.
You excuse yourself to the bathroom, feeling Xavier's gaze burning through your back as you walk away.
You pull back tears and touched up your lipstick after repeating the breathing exercise Kinbott has taught you.
Feeling less upset and more out together aftet successfully preventing a breakdown, you walk out towards your date.
Only to find him on the dancefloor with your sister, Wednesday.
Of course, he had only asked you to get close to her. No one ever wanted you for you.
You were glad you didn't really like him and disappointedlu went to grab a drink. You scan the room and notice Bianca dancing with Yoko, It was then that you notice Xavier wasn't anywhere to be seen. You frown and walked out while no one notice. The idea of knocking on his door was halted as you remember you weren't allowed there, If you were caught, it wasn't the punishment you were scared of but rather the embarrassment.
There was only one option left.
Climbing through windows and walls, you pull out a small screwdriver, unlocking the window next to his bedside, before pushing it open and jumping in.
As your feet lands on his bed, you hear him yelp and swear loudly. There he was in all his glory, in front of the bathroom door.
"[name]?!, What the fuck? Did you seriously just climbed through my window-"
"You weren't at the shed today, and you stopped sitting next to me in class. In fact if I'm remembering it right, you didn't even want me in the shed with you last week too." He turns quiet, eyes not meeting yours.
"You're avoiding me, why?" You ask, making him scoff and turn away from you as he walks towards Rowan's old bed.
You walk to him, pulling him by his hands to look at you.
"Did I do something? Have I offend you?" You go straight to the point.
He frowns. "Offend me? God are you clueless or something."
Saying that you were confused would be an understatement.
"Let's say that I am, spell it out for me then."
He shook his head and pushed your hand away. "I'm not- I'm not offended, okay? Just leave, okay? Go back to your date, and not by the windo-"
"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." You insist and he sighs.
you two stood like that for a few seconds, refusing to grant eachother's request.
You broke the silence first, unable to take it anymore.
"Xavier, you are my first friend ever, besides my old pet tarantula spider that was accidental killed in our washing machine." He makes a face of disgust.
"I- What I mean is, If I had done anything to hurt you, it was probably accidental, I am not the best when it comes to making friends, let alone, keeping then." You notice his body relaxing as his gaze softens.
"I would understand if you no longer want to associate with me, but I would be very grateful if you could tell me why." You pleaded, heart breaking.
You didn't think you could ever feel this upset.
People had always assumed you were as heartless as your sister, given your awkward and introverted personality.
But the truth was you used your antisocial personality as a wall againts human interaction because you were sensitive. Your heart was the opposite of Wednesday's.
Xavier sighs and closes his eyes briefly before looking at you firmly.
"You didn't offend me, well- not really, it's just-"
"Its- I avoided you, because I thought you didn't feel the same way I did." His confession did not clear anything up for you.
You scrunch your face confused.
"Feel? Feel what?"
His lips became a thin line as he rolls his eyes.
"[name], I like you"
"I like you too, I just told you that-
"No, I-" He sighs loudly again.
"I like you, more than a friend, should. And I thought I've been dropping multiple hints since we met but it seems you've gotten none of them, I thought you just weren't interested in me like that, or else you would've seen them, wouldn't you?"
Your eyes widen as understanding fills you.
The brief silence scared him as he tells you to forget about it and leave.
"Wha- No, no Xavier, I do like you." You immediately tells him before you could stop yourself.
He freezes and his yes scan you for any lies or deceit.
"Right, and you're definitely not saying this because I'm your only friend and you feel bad."
You shook your head but he still looks unconvinced.
"You went out with Tyler. Fucking Tyler. How does anything you do backs up what you're saying?" Tyler's name sounds like a curse coming from his tongue, And you have to admit, it makes you like him more.
"It does make sense what you're saying, but if Im only saying this because I'm lonely, would I do this?" You challenge him.
"Do what?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed.
You answer him by pulling him down by his vest and meeting your lips with his.
Automatically he reciprocates it and his arms move to wrap around your waist.
You smile againts his mouth and you feel him copy it.
Breaking the kiss to catch a breath, he grins at you, all his sulking seemingly gone.
"So just to be clear, you're not doing this because you feel bad or anything right? I don't know, maybe you should convince me again, just to be sure."
Your face breaks into a smile as you grant his wish.
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