#yoko third wheeling>>>
vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
Some wenclair+ yoko brainrot because their friendship is suddenly everything to me id die for them
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blvsstar · 5 months
third wheeler core
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
Hey love I seen your request opened and I was wondering could I request a wenclair x reader where the reader is welcome into their relationship romantically and unfortunately the get hurt by one of the students at nevermore and they are being overprotective I really just wants some fluff and a small bit of Wednesday and enid getting mad if you don’t mind please have a great day and don’t forget to drink some water❤️❤️❤️
Oh could you tag me also when you make it thx💛
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wenclair x harpy!reader (poly)
warnings: gender neutral terms for reader, bullying, physical assault, (do not read if theme is triggering)
a/n: I hope this is to your liking lovie<3 @hadespleasesteponmyneck
There were many times you'd lay awake wishing you were different, a more subtle species. It wasn't a surprise normies had treated you badly since you were a kid, most outcasts can pretend to be normies to fit in.
But you could be spotted even in a mile away as an outcast with your big flappy wings attached to your arms, and your long talon nails.
You thanked god daily he hadn't gave you a beak at this point.
Arriving at Nevermore gave you bigger hopes then any other schools has before, a chance to finally fit in, to have friends amongst people who understood what it was like to be different.
What you didn't expect was to be made a joke for being an outcast, amongst outcasts.
It wasn't all bad, you'd tell yourself daily.
You were warmly welcomed by the infamous Enid Sinclair and her not so welcoming girlfriend,
You avoided them at first, keeping to yourself and the comfort of the library most of your time. Your roommate Yoko is rarely in your shared dorm, often sleeping in her girlfriend's dorm instead.
But Enid had took matters in her own hands, refusing to let you be alone. As much as you pretend not to care much about it, you were grateful for her and Wednesday. It was the first time you felt wanted.
"So, [name.]" Enid starts, waking by your side with her arm linked with yours. "Have you decided who your date to the Rave'n will be?" She asks, wiggling her brows at you.
You feel your face turns red before shaking your head. "Decide? I'll be lucky if someone even asks me."
Her grin slowly drops at your word and you see her turn her head at Wednesday. The two having an unspoken conversation with eachother.
You raise your eyebrows at them in question and Enid turns back to you. "Maybe you should go with us!" She suggests.
You turn silent in suprise. "Oh? oh-I mean I couldn't-"
"[Name], if you're worried you'd be third wheeling, I assure you that it won't be happening, our affections with eachother are as equal as is to you-" Enid curses and glares at her girlfriend, throwing both hands up in frustration.
"Wha- I- I'm not following.." You look at them in confusion before Enid sighs loudly.
"I thought you said we can tell them together!" She scolds Wednesday, who only shrugs. "Both of you were taking too long."
"Tell me what?" You ask again, this time finally getting their attention.
They turn to you and Enid takes a deep breath before she attempts to speak, being cut off by Wednesday again.
"We would like to invite you into our romantic relationship -"
"Jesus Wednesday-" "You take too long-"
"Invite you to our rela- What is this an interview?"
"Oh you'd rather I ask for their Snapchat then like you did to me-"
You take in her words as they argue.
"You want to be with me?" You try, your voice slowing down their banter as they both look back at you and Enid replies before anyone can interrupt her again. "Yes. Yes we do."
Why? was the first thing that came to mind.
Not realizing you've spoken the question out loud, You were met with a frown from the blond.
"What do you mean why? Because you're amazing, [name]. Look- You seriously can't tell that we've been pulling our asses off to get you to notice us?"
Wednesday snorts and interjects, "You've been pulling your ass off, I've already had their attention-" "Wednesday." Enid sighs, earning a rare smirk from the raven haired.
Your mind was swirling with all this new information. Unable to give any answer, you simply run away without looking back, hearing Enid call after you.
Your room was no longer your own. And it was a big discomfort to find your space intruded by not even your roommate, but someone who didn't even belong in your dorm.
"What the hell are you doing with my stuff?!" Your eyes widen at the sight of your small nest of blankets all over the room.
"Proving everyone that you're a freak.", There were three of them, and by their looks you knew they were fairies.
And despite harpies often being described as mythical monsters, it's the pointy eared creatures that have devils in them.
"Look at this shit, what is this, your nest? I told you, They're basically just a giant bird-"
"I'm not-"
Your trinkets and rock collection's were being thrown and smashed on walls. You scream and shove the red haired girl againts the wall, your talons scratching through her arms.
"You bird bitch." She snapped bitterly.
"They used their claws on me! Did you guys see that? You guys saw that right?" They all agreed againts you
She was stronger than you thought, or perhaps you weren't as strong as you wanted to be. She pushed you back and your back fell on the floor. Her two friends gripped your hands and held you from moving, you wings flapping againts the floor.
You struggle to against them as the red haired punched you in the face. It was a weak blow but a punch nonetheless .
"You're nothing but a monster, thorough, and thorough." She seethes at your face.
"Not so scary now though are you?"
The sounds of knocking on your door was muffled by your pillow againts your face.
When the banging fists became louder you pull away and manage to shout at the uninvited visitor to leave you alone.
Silence swallowed your room once more.
Burying your face back in the pillow, you continue your hour long breakdown.
You don't hear the door open at first, but when Enid's fast footsteps reach closer, you flinch and pull back to look behind you.
You couldn't tell what emotions coated their expressions, but what you did know that you're more embarrassed than upset now.
It was bad enough that everyone saw you as a freak, you didn't want the only two people you liked to see you like this.
You had no chance to come up with a story as Wednesday crosses the gap between the tow of you, her hands instantly holding up your face to her, eyes inspection the bruise.
"Who did this to you." She demanded. Her monotonous voice laced with a subtle but noticable anger.
You shook your head and started crying again before you could help it.
Enid wordlessly pulled you in her chest.
You were taken aback by the comfort of her warmth, you can't remember the last time you were held by anyone.
Still sobbing in her arms, Wednesday pulled your chin towards her and asked again, "I need names, dove."
"I-she didn't tell me-" Enid interjects your stuttering. "It's that fairy girl, Aliyah." You looked at her confused.
"It's the wolf scent thing, this room reeks of her fake dior." She explains,
Wednesday wordlessly walks to the door and Enid's arms release you as she runs to her.
"Wednesday no. We need to tell Weems about this, nothing more-"
"Nothing more? She assaulted [name]. You think whatever lame punishment Weems give them will make them stop? No. The stupid elf and whoever involved needs to know this will be the last time they even look at them."
Enid stared at her, mouth agape and then sighed.
"Fairy, not elf." She mumbled and shakes her head.
"Imbecile, is the right term. I won't have either of you in trouble with me. So you stay here and be there for them in ways I can't. I'll handle that wretched mushroom eater." Was the last words she speaks before slamming the door on Enid's face.
Enid groans and looks back at you, confused and sniffing. "She's not going to...kill her, is she?" You asks worriedly.
She walks towards you and crawls in the bed to your side, pulling you back to her. "She's not a murderer, but I can't say she doesn't have a penchant for inflicting pain."
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sxphr · 1 year
Wednesday, dragging a corpse through the quad:
Enid, watching her: She's beautiful
Enid, completely mesmerised: So beautiful
Bianca, pinching the bridge of her nose: I should've just third wheeled Yoko and Divina
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incorrect-wenclair · 2 years
Yoko: Sometimes it’s nice to stay behind and not feel like the third wheel with those two, you know?
Thing: You are the FOURTH wheel, I'm the third wheel!
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stealthnoodle · 3 months
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Come, Mothman! To the endgame!
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I wasn't sure exactly when Vengeance was going to lock me out of further sidequests, so I went after Shiva before approaching the throne. To my pleasant surprise, I got him on the second try, at level 89. Bussy can fuck shit UP with Omnipotent Succession.
(I'm playing on Normal, but I also remember way more trouble out of this guy in the original SMTV on Normal, so.)
Next stop: third-wheeling Tao and Yoko's divorce arc.
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Bussy impressive, Bussy successive, give it a throne and Bussy oppressive
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Elusive Eclipse is one of my favorite Nahobino skills. This is like the fourth boss that has died by coming at Bussy and missing.
Genuinely was not expecting an Aogami reunion with such intensely romantic vibes? The subtext is just text now. Delightful. RIP Prime Minister of Japan, you had to die for the greater gay good.
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Anyway I just handed Mastema his ass (also with Elusive Eclipse), I am still free to roam, and I am assuming the next boss is the final FINAL one, so I'm going to collect more incense and Grimoires for Mothman, as a treat.
And I'm hoping Yoko and Tao love/hate-kiss just once on screen before the game ends, as a treat for ME
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rustyarcade · 1 year
None of you will ever understand Wednesday, Enid, and Bianca friend group like I do NONE OF YOU GRAHHHHH!!! (A reuploaded 🧵 from my twt)
They lay on the roof of Ophelia Hall and stare at the stars above them like once a week to talk about literally everything and nothing at the same time
They have the constellations memorized at this point and talk about them like they’re old friends
They talk about their moms a lot. And the night when Crackstone was revived. Or whatever other internal issue. It usually ends up with one of them crying. Almost always Enid. But there were times where Bianca cried. And Wednesday did once too. But no one likes mentioning it
It’s the one time a week where Bianca doesn’t have to keep her bossy, queen bee demeanor, Enid doesn’t have to keep her peppy, always happy attitude, and Wednesday doesn’t have to completely shut out the world around her
Sometimes when it’s a rainy night, they run into the forest and just chase each other for hours. When they get tired, the sit up against a tree and talk. But as soon as that energy returns, they go back to running and giggling
They consider each other closer than Yoko is with Enid, Divina is with Bianca, and Eugene is with Wednesday
They are each others biggest supporters no matter what and are willing to sacrifice themselves to make sure the others are happy
Their friendship isn’t loud to the world it’s more of a winky thing. Not that they’re hiding it, but there’s no need to announce it either. But at the same time it’s so obvious that they’re friends
They tease each other so much. It’s their love language. They’ll make comments to each other. They’ll pretend to throw each others’ stuff to make each other laugh
When fencing club is over they’ll talk for HOURS in the club room afterwards and even do some more spars if they’re up for it
Bianca was the third ever person Wednesday hugged (first being Enid, then Eugene) but it was after such a vulnerable moment that as much as she’d love to brag about it to everyone, Bianca will take it to the grave just for Wednesday
Enid loves buying them all subtle matching gifts. From plushes to bracelets to anything really, Enid will find one for each of them and theme them accordingly
She especially loves getting them powerpuff girl themed stuff. Bianca is Blossom, Enid is Bubbles, and Wednesday is Buttercup easy
If Yoko is wenclair nation president, Bianca is vice president. She loves their relationship and is honestly so happy for them. Both reached out to her for advice. She felt like a proud mother watching them realize their feelings right in front of her eyes.
Wednesday and Enid’s relationship isn’t overbearing in their friendship. Bianca is never treated like a third wheel and Wednesday and Enid have the absolute respect and comfortability being themselves around Bianca
They were the first people Bianca told about her being Poly and Pan. She was terrified and so nervous but they accepted her immediately and let her know that she could tell them anything
They’re the biggest biayokovina Stans as well
Everyone at school knows they’re the most powerful trio in the universe and they love each other so much UGH-
Ok thanks for reading goodnight feel free to add ur own ideas/headcanons abt them cuz I love them so much
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stars-and-birds · 2 years
I want to see Bianca just third wheeling in the background for Wenclair season two. I want to see her groaning in the background while they pine for each other. She already has to deal with yoko and divina and these bitches haven’t even kissed yet.
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stillunpainted · 2 months
Atlus was so brave for making the first half of smtv vengeance third wheeling with Tao and Yoko
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barb-l · 2 years
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I'm so disappointed in myself for not noticing Yoko calling Divina her "sea urchin" til I saw it in a twitter post. And I was watching with subtitles too 😭
Anyways, hilarious that there's a good number of fics and fanarts out there with Yoko being the suffering third wheel to Wenclair when in canon Enid's out here having the time of her life third wheeling Yokovina
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corujalesbica · 2 years
Why would you wear black to a wedding
A wenclair story!
Chapter 2 ➡️
Enid was absolutely and utterly fucked. Screwed. Really, at her worse moment. She looked out the window, her eyes glaring the falling rain. If she managed to pack her things fast enough, she thought, maybe she could run away when the rain ceased. Live in the mountains, away from everyone and everything. With only mother nature and sadness as her company. Forever forced to hide and...
"Tá la la lã" Her buzzing phone got her out of her family issues induced anxiety spiral. It was on her bed, the screen shinning in bright blue in the dark room.
Yoko, my beautiful bestie
Yo you guys wanna come over and watch a movie or smt
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Depends. I refuse to watch any more of enids sad ass homo rom coms
Upon reading that, Enid threw herself in her old bed, reaching for her phone.
Hey!!! My rom coms aren't sad!
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Yes they are. If I have to watch 1 more scene with kissing people in the rain Ill throw myself off a cliff.
Yoko, my beautiful bestie
It's fine babes, we can watch a horror movie.
How could Yoko betray her like that ? Where was the friends before partners unspoken rule ?
I AM NOT watching a freaking horror movie. I'll have nightmares for weeks!!!
Yoko, my beautiful bestie
We can watch the Fear street trilogy. It has gays in it and shit.
You're just taking Biancas side because she's ur gf that is soooooo unfair
Yoko , my beautiful bestie
No, I'm taking her side cause u made us watch crush with you 7 times and I liked it at first but now my experience is ruined because I know all the freaking lines
Gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Enid ?
OKAY THEN we'll watch fear street or whatvs
Enid sighted, letting go off her phone. It was nice to be back home, thought third wheeling wasn't exactly her favorite thing to do. She looked around, and some of her old plushies looked back. Being in San Francisco felt... Different, this time. Maybe it was because of her brothers wedding this summer. And just maybe, it was because she herself was a bit different.
One way or the other, she was happy to get a break from college, to be back from Colorado. Her room there was boring as fuck, with its gray walls and metal desk. This, was much better. Someone knocked on the door, and Enid suddenly remembered why her gray room in Colorado felt as freeing as it was ugly. Her mom stepped in without waiting for permission.
" Enid. Dear"
" Yes, mom ?" The girl reluctantly looked her mother's way, shifting position so they were facing each other.
" When will we met your lovely - totally real - partner ? It must be before your brothers and Daysis wedding. You know, dearest, a werewolf needs a partner! Someone to take care of you in full moon nights, and someone to protect when you're- "
" -when I'm old and alone and hated by humans. I know mom. I told you already, youll met her soon enought! She can't get here before Dave's wedding, she has finals... "
"Well, she must find a way! I will not settle for meeting such a person only at the wedding! And if you're lying to me Enid, you will regret it" she step closer, her browns furrowed, her mouth downward in an expression Enid knew all too well. She shrieked on instintic. "You have three days to bring her here or else you're dumping her and going to the ceremony with Samantha Diologious daughter, Celine. And that's final."
The older woman left then, and Enid held her breath until she couldn't hear her mother's steps anymore.
You see, Enid needed a partner for her brothers Dave, wedding, and her love life wasn't exactly going well. Her last girlfriend dumped her after cheating, and broke her delicate heart in a million pieces. Since then she had gone on multiple dates with her mothers warnings in mind, but none of them wanted to go to a strangers wedding nor did they want to see her again after she asked.
She had even got as desperate as to ask Yoko to pretend a break up with Bianca and be her fake date but her girlfriend wasn't the fondest of that idea. With a sight Enid asked herself how the actual fuck she would get a date willing to go with her to the ceremony in three days. Because there was no way she was going with Celine Diologious. Celine was a self centered, cruel person who would always kiss Enid against her will when her mother forced her to go on dates with the girl. Enid protests and complains about harassment were useless, which of course had nothing to deal with the fact that the Diologious were rich, and prestigious among the werewolf community.
Maybe some miracle would happen and Enid would end up with a beautiful, nice girl in her arms just in time to not have to expose her lies to her mother, who had almost made her phone stop working with all the messages she sent before Enid invented this fake girl. Maybe everything would work out.
It was late at night, Bianca and Yoko asleep beside her, while Enid scrolled mindlessly through her Instagram. The movie wasn't as bad as she thought was gonna be, though she was sure that had more to do with the fact that she gat gotten used to the blood and the gore being a werewolf than with it not being scary.
She yawned, Yoko had a spare mattress in her room for nights like this, and at some point, she would have to wake up the cuddling girls beside her. The girl decided to get some water so she could take her medicine and be ready to sleep before waking her friends up. Yokos house was huge, but she was used to it. Her parents were probably out, always bloodthirsty vampires in the night. She respected that, thought it was easier dealing with Yoko, who got along with humans better for being a vegetarian.
There were piles and piles of books scattered around the house, when he wasn't sucking blood, her friends dad was a book worm. Even in the kitchen, books and notebooks full of Yokos moms notes filled the shelves you would usually see food in. As she filled a glass of water, Enid saw something shine in silver in the corner of her eye.
She kneeled beside it, a book with a black and silver cover thrown carelessly on the floor. She opened it, curiosity getting the best of her, and was met with words that started whispering to her, floating around her head and calling her name. The phrases told stories old and magical, and Enid lost track of time as she flipped through the pages. Countless spells were explained throughly, and she stopped as she found one that got her attention.
For the old and new, the sweet and bitter
To do the ritual, you have to be witter
Call the curse holder in desperate help
And in your aid, the witch will come
Enid had a terrible idea.
You see, Yokos parents weren't really gonna miss the book. They had thousands of them, including dozens and dozens of witchcraft books, just like this one. She would return it in a few days anyways, but her brothers wadding was a day and a half away, and she was far beyond desperate.
The circle she drew in her rooms floor was adorned by lit candles and black roses. In the center, all kinds of offerings Enid could think of rested in a bowl, from candy bars to dead mouses (ew), because she had no idea what the witch would like, and the book wasn't all that specific on the ritual.
Finally, she sat on the floor and closed her eyes. Usually, Enid had a hard time remembering the information she read, but for some reason, the words for the spell were stuck in her head, repeating over and over again. She said the verses out loud three times as the clock struck midnight, too late for anyone in the house to hear her. The canddles went out, leaving her in complete darkness. For a whole minute, Enid breathed hard in slight disappointment but sweet relief, thinking the ritual didn't work. But as opened her eyes a dark figure stood in front of her.
The person wore all black and irradiated a cruel energy. Two dark eyes stared at her from the very center of her circle, looking like they were able to see into her very soul. She got up, her legs shaking, turned her phones flashlight up and before her...
Before her stood a petite girl with black hair. She had a braid resting in each of her shoulders and a notebook in her hands. Her face was delicate, beautiful sharp angles, and an expression that berayed no emotion. Enid calmed down then, not quite knowing where to start her request for the witch.
" Hum... I... I mean-"
"You have summoned me." The girls before her said. " I will therefore fulfill your wishes of revenge and blood"
"I don't want-"
"However," the girl interrupted her. "You must give me something in exchange for my services. What are you willing to give up on for this, Ms ?
"Sinclair. Enid Sinclair."
"Wednesday Addams"
They looked at each other, both a bit astonished.
"I gathered some stuff for you," Enid gestured awkwardly to her offerings. The girl looked her dead in the eyes and, without so much as blinking, caught a chocolate bar with gum flavored filling between the tip of her fingers. With the most disgust Enid had ever seen anyone show for anything, Wednesday put the candy bar in front of her face. " This ?"
"Yeah ?" The werewolf paused, not knowing what to do. "There's also some dead mouses if you'd like". The Addams girl sighed in exasperation, and rolled her eyes.
"I have been holding the family's curse for three years now, since turning eighteen. And not once in those 1095 days has such a moron summoned me. What do you want, disgustingly pink girl ?"
Enid wanted to be offended, she really did. She was whoever, wearing her most neon pajamas in that moment, pink panthers silly face painted with glitter in her shirt. Also, she was really, really desperate and not at all, wanting to have to deal with her mom.
"Look" she says, sitting down, too tired to care what the witch would think of her "I need a date for my brother's wedding. It is crucial I bring someone, and I was kinda hoping whoever I summoned could help me find a person my age to go with me. But, oh well, to my very surprise you are the one I summoned and also a person my age so maybe you could go with me? Do you want some of my blood in exchange for it ? Or maybe teeth ? I've heard if you mix dust made from a werewolf's teeth with fairy hair you can grow plants faster or something…" She shut up then, a finger on her tin and the knowledge she had been talking for way too long doing lops inside her head. Her eyelids were heavy, she just wanted to go to sleep.
"You want… A date ?" The Wednesday girl looked more than disgusted now, almost like she would prefer to wear Enid's pink panther pj's. She furrowed her brows, in an expression Enid thought she wouldn't be able to decipher even if she was fairly awake.
"Okay." The witch said. "I'll be your date to the wedding. This relationship is purely professional, however. And I have several ground rules. And I'll need you to-"
Before she could finish it, Enid had gotten up, wide eyed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She smiled, a weight she hadn't know she'd been caring suddenly lifted from her shoulders. "Oh my God, can I hug you ? Would that be OK? It's alright if it's not, but really, thank you!"
"You may not hug me" The girl took a step back "And I'll only attend the wedding on the condition you come with me to the Addams family reunion in two months. I need a partner for the blood ritual."
"Of course! Is that your only condition ?"
Wednesday took a second to think to herself. "Yes" she said carefully. "Do we have a deal ?" She extended her hand, and Enid shook it, delicate but strong fingers with black nails meeting her rough ones. " Yes we, do , Ms Addams" she said cheerfully.
This was supposed to be a one shot...
I'll link chapter 2 when it's up
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Dating Divina headcanons- GN!Reader
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● you and Divina had been crushing on each other for so long but neither of you would actually act on your feelings
● eventually Yoko had enough of your endless pining and was just like "Divina you like Y/N and Y/N you like Divina so go on a date already"
● and that's how you finally started dating
● spending so much time together down at the lake
● doing the dramatic emerging from underwater and flipping your hair back like you're in a movie to make each other laugh
● plenty of late night skinny dips without the rest of the nightshades…
● skipping class just because she wants to spend time with you
● she has perfect grades and never misses an assignment so skipping a lecture every once in a while is no big deal when it means she gets to be alone with you
● Kent always teases her for being so soft for you
● she's always been the more reserved twin
● but you really brought her out of her shell
● not to mention her mood will immediately change for the better the moment you do something as simple as hold her hand
● and she loves whenever you put your arm around her to hold her close
● Bianca ropes you into helping the sirens out during the poe cup
● did you want to sabotage the other teams? Not really but you'd do anything for Divina
● and that's without her even needing to use her siren compulsion
● Kent is your perpetual third wheel
● he accidentally crashes your dates all the time
● like you and Divina could be making out on one of the couches in the common area of the sirens hall and he just sits himself right in between you two
● "What's up guys, want to watch a movie?"
● or you'll go into town thinking you successfully made it without Kent following
● but then he pops up behind you in line for coffee
● "wow I can't believe you guys left without me I was calling your name and everything its like you didn't hear me or something"
● "yeah or something…"
● or you'll be hanging out in her dorm and Kent invites himself in
● "guys I got pizza!"
● "Kent, you seriously need to learn to knock!"
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elendsessor · 3 months
don’t forget yoko is third wheeling during the chaos ending
yes this is the doomed yuri
yes this is yokotao
yes this is angsty
have fun
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bianca x yoko hcs:
• bianca calls her 'honey' usually, 'babe' when she's up to something not good (aka teaming up with Wednesday) and 'baby' when she wants cuddles/in the privacy of either of their rooms.
• yoko calls her love.
• yoko smirks whenever her girl is competing with Addams (bonus if Enid gets competitive as well)
• bianca fell first (but had to go through a lot of denial before admitting) but yoko realized and was like 'shit now I'm like Enid who likes girls who wants to kill them'
• Enid is number 1 shipper and third wheel and Wednesday is just looking smugly at the side.
• Enid and Yoko have competitions on whose girlfriend is better and sometimes it ends in laughs or the two of them bringing up twilight ('edward got the girl' 'yeah cause he fucking sparkled')
• bianca and wednesday just wait until they're done before *sighs* their girlfriends come whining again.
• bianca likes to show yoko off both verbally and physically (? idk she's just clingy). yoko is showy but like, in a subtle manner.
• bianca once tried to lure some poor girl who tried to flirt with Yoko to a cliff (Enid stopped her, Wednesday encouraged her with the surprising offer of helping her make the supposed to be fall even deadlier).
• yoko smiles through her way when people gush about Bianca but there's a bit of insecurity sometimes
• bianca assures her every time.
• they are both sick of their friends oblivious cat and golden retriever (Enid hates mice)
• bianca confesses first (in a fit of jealousy or accidentally *cough wednesday reluctant wing woman cough*).
That's all I can think about. Feel free to add some of your own, this ship caught my attention before the show released.
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oh are people still expecting a post from me?
Anyways, my hot-ish take is that, while I fully understand that things Paul and John have said concerning their relationship and their own orientation has led to speculation regarding the nature of their relationship, I think it does a disservice to all parties to try and force a romantic narrative on the break-up of the Beatles.
That isn't to say the theories are wrong or that romantic feelings – whether reciprocated or unreciprocated – played absolutely no role in their falling-out, I just think applying them to the break-up specifically often seems to leave out details in order to tell a more straightforward story of a lover scorned (John) and a jealous third wheel (Paul).*
*Whatever the nature of their relationship, I think it would be disingenuous to boil it all down to romance. I'm NOT saying that romantic relationships are inherently less complex or something silly like that, I'm saying that I have literally seen people say things to the effect of "They were in love with each other and couldn't handle it. End of story."
The reality is that John and Paul were both going through A LOT in 1968/9. They were grappling with Brian's death and dealing with a business they didn't know how to run; they had lost the rights to their songs; John upended his life and more or less abandoned his family from one day to the next – a family Paul cared about as well, mind you; Paul himself got out of a five-year relationship; John entered into a relationship, which seriously infringed upon quality time, which had once been reserved for Paul and the rest of the band; John began heavily using heroin, greatly affecting him as well as everyone around him; John dealt with Yoko being hospitalized due to a miscarriage just after painful divorce hearings; Paul slowly had to realize he was not in control of any of this.
I don't see how them being in love would somehow make all the above circumstances trivial in comparison. Nevertheless, more often than not, I see the two (and more Paul than John, to be frank) being framed as responding "irrationally" to the other – and here "irrationally" seems to be equated with "in love" in a strangely direct way.
Is it really that unreasonable for Paul to be distraught at so much changing about how his best friend is interacting with him and the people around him (on top of all the other shit currently happening around him)? Sometimes I feel like people are being willfully obtuse by framing these changes as "John just brought his girlfriend to the studio why does Paul care??"
And while I have a harder time defending John's actions as "measured", per se, I don't for one second believe that every single one of them were solely motivated by capital L Love. He was a vulnerable man struggling with severe mental illness, who was often acting in ways he felt would lessen his suffering, which had many origins, not only Paul not reciprocating or committing enough to him or what have you.
There's also this pattern where the fact they didn't always treat Cyn/Jane well is somehow evidence of their feelings for each other rather than a reflection of their own shortcomings as partners (to put it very nicely).
So yeah, I think my point is, while I understand theorizing about these men, I think it's odd how much people will flatten a convoluted tragic sequence of events to make it fit more neatly into a preconceived narrative.
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healeroflightanddark · 5 months
Sea of Love, Chapter 2: Taken In
Yoko was absolutely delighted to have a heap of Yuyas in her care. She was very stubborn, insisting to her husband that they simply had to take Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri in. Yusho, however, was concerned about space.
“We only have one guest bedroom,” he pointed out. “If we take all three of them in, where will they sleep?”
“I’ll share a bed with Yugo, and Yuto can share a bed with Yuya,” Yuri suggested. Yusho blinked in surprise at the suggestion. Normally he would strongly object to anyone sharing a bed with his son, especially since he really didn’t know Yuto too well. But Yuya often talked about Yuto, speaking very highly about his counterpart and Yusho knew from how his son spoke of him that Yuto was incredibly protective of Yuya. Yusho sighed. “Alright, but only until we can get a bigger place.”
Yoko’s face lit up. She’d been wanting a bigger place for all the strays she kept taking in, but she’d known that there was no real reason to get a bigger place since the pets didn’t take up very much space. Now that they were taking in Yuya’s counterparts, this was the perfect reason to move to a bigger house!
“Now we have another problem,” Yusho sighed again. “Our car only fits five people. There are six of us altogether now.”
“I can ride my D-Wheel around,” Yugo said. Yusho frowned. “I’m talking about right now. We can’t all take the car home from here. We’ll have to take two trips.”
“We can walk,” Yuto suggested. “We know the way.” Yuri nodded in agreement, “Yeah, I wanna stretch my legs a bit. It’s been a while since I had my own body back!”
“Yeah, we can walk,” Yugo said. Yusho and Yoko looked at Yuya to see if he wanted to walk too. Yuya nodded, “Yeah, it’s not really that far. And with how traffic gets after tournaments, we’ll probably be home before you!”
Yusho and Yoko looked at each other, then Yusho sighed a third time. “Alright. Just be careful. And if you do make it home before we do, let us know.”
“We will!” Yuya said. He hugged his parents, then the four boys started heading home. They had only been walking for about half a minute before Yuto suddenly picked Yuya up bridal-style. Yuya squeaked in surprise, then immediately relaxed and snuggled into Yuto’s chest, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s shoulders.
Yuri pouted, draping an arm around Yugo’s shoulders. “I wanna be carried too! You should carry me, Yugo!~” Yugo looked at him for a moment, then smirked. Without warning he picked Yuri up and tossed him on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Yuri shrieked. “Not like this! Yugo!”
“You didn’t say how to carry you!” Yugo snickered. Yuri squirmed, trying to get free, but Yugo was a lot stronger than he was. “I meant like how Yuto’s carrying Yuya! You KNOW that!”
“Too late, this is how I’m gonna carry you!” Yugo said, giggling. Yuri whined, kicking his feet furiously. Yuya giggled as he watched. Hearing Yuya’s giggling, Yuri stopped resisting and just pouted with his arms crossed as Yugo carried him over his shoulder.
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