#you are my king now cariad
Potentially hot takes:
I think the dagger sheath on Bree’s leg deserves more attention than it’s getting. It would have been very easy to NOT add it.
The red-eyed guy in the background is Erebus. Tracy is still not giving any answers to shipping questions and implied that they’re staying ‘even’ (with BM being more of a Sel book with minimal Nick and OB being more of a Nick book with presumably minimal Sel). She would NOT put Sel on the cover of two books in a row and have Nick on none of them. I don’t know why so many people are saying that.
I think it’s incredibly interesting that Bree still has her ancestral red root. That hasn’t changed. It’s only the Order aether that is gone/different-purple magic rather than blue-silver. Obviously purple is the color of royalty and Bree definitely lives up to that, but I’m so interested to see the actual canon explanation for the color change.
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fandoms46011 · 2 months
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gibgab-reads · 2 years
can’t stop thinking about selwyn kane
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assortedvillainvault · 8 months
Hii i wanted to ask if you only write scenarios or oneshots as well?
Aaand if you do what would you think about a horned king x wife reader oneshot?
Pretty pleeeaaassseee?? ^_^
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These are officially counted as 'requests so old they have their own moss', so THANK YOU for your patience I'm legit so sorry you've had to wait so long T-T
Married Life Headcannons: Horned King
HK as a husband would be attentive and yet also intuitive as a bag of rocks.
He’s a warlord, a king, a hunter, a necromancer and a villain. He’s very new to being a husband.
Don’t get me wrong – as his Consort you’re now a Royal, you’ll be given royal standards. Food, clothes, coffers, the better rooms of the castle and command over his servants. You have privileges now that you could only dream of before.
On the other hand…
He watches you. All the time. In the dark, from doorways and staircases. He’s not even hiding (why would he, in his own castle?), he just blends in so well with the shadows that unless he gets upset and his eyes glow you have no idea he’s there. Beyond the creepy feeling of being observed that is.
He’s also prone to saying whatever is on his mind and just. Leaving. Like, Sire, what the fuck-
I’m note sure if I like the idea of an arranged marriage more (in which he would be distant, cold, aloof and would take a long time to warm up to you when he’s not ignoring you entirely) or that of a genuine relationship become marriage (in which case your class prior was irrelevant, he wanted you so he got you – case closed and hell be damned). Either way it’s a learning curve for you both.
Though blessedly he values direct communication. Please tell him what you need, how you’re feeling, how what he's doing makes you feel. He’s not going to lash out. One thing it’s taken you a while to realise is that he needs time to parse through what you’ve told him and what his actions should be moving forward. He respects you more for being direct and is secretly relived that you’ve given him some direction, because he is lost.
(But do it reasonably. If you get shouty then his response is to get colder and double down. The way forward is to approach him like a child who was never socialised properly and add ‘my liege’ etc to your sentences.)
He feels as though his spouse is the equivalent of a fallen wishing star somehow residing in his castle. Something beautiful, unknowable, untenable. Something that could explode in his face at any moment if handled incorrectly. Hence his ‘not handling only observing’ approach at first.
As time goes by, however, and you both warm up...you realise this is a bag of surprisingly malleable putty in lich form.
He loves to sit together, both on your thrones and in private, reading or talking over a bottle of wine. He loves seeing you wear the gifts he has made for you: new furs, bone jewellery, custom weapons he painstakingly teaches you how to use if you don’t already know. He loves to pick your brain, talking on all manner of subjects deep into the night.
After seeing how much you love the gwythents, and realising that the two he owns are both male...he’s on a secret mission to procure an unhatched egg for your first anniversary. Baby dragon time for you, cariad.
*Cariad - Welsh for 'Love'.
Hope you enjoyed these rambles and again, so sorry for the wait!
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“Passed Alger Brook Road, I'm over the bridge.”
Remus never thought he’d be sitting on this train once more. In this moment, he’s 14 again. The hills roll by and if he closes his eyes, imagines just hard enough, he can still hear the clamouring and giggling that used to belong here. The train is empty, save for Remus, a special trip just for him. In the worst way, this is all too familiar. Like the trunk remembers the axe, Remus can’t help but feel he is gently travelling towards a terrible thing.
“A minute from home but I feel so far from it.”
Remus had lived in London for so long that the Welsh had been bleached out of his accent. Hope and Lyall were long gone, finally resting. And Remus was alone. Home had always been where his heart had lived. Never Wales though, never a place, always a person. Cariad. Cariad. Cariad. With every beat of his heart, Remus knows where home is. He thinks of James and Lily and Harry. He thinks of a home that once belonged to them.
“The death of my dog, the stretch of my skin.”
He thinks of a home that belongs to him, of a basement with a torn up mattress and a master bedroom with a leather jacket hanging on the back of the chair. Remus could never understand how people could one day lock a door and never open it again. Until he did. Slowly, the cottage grew to be too much, bore a weight so goddamn heavy that Remus shouldered it all. That house held the three people he loved, “love” his mind corrects him. He wonders whether in 11 years of solitude, that house too, would be reluctant to see him again.
“It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again.”
In a way, only Remus could understand why James and Lily had to die. Unfortunately, there is always a greater good. There is always someone, ‘something’ his mind hisses, greater than him. The rage is dormant now. The war is over. Remus knows loss incredibly well, walks hand in hand with her most days. Instinctively, he tightens his grip on his thigh. It serves as a reminder. You survived the war. You lost everyone you love. You are real. You are neither punished nor the punisher. Not anymore.
“The things that I lost here, the people I knew.”
Remus takes a walk along the length of the train. Nostalgia’s sake and all that. The open compartment doors rattle gently and the seats are vacant. For some reason, Remus half expected to run into a brick wall at King’s Cross. He doesn’t know how to exist in this space again, how to walk the halls of the castle without feeling like a ghost instead. Mostly, Remus doesn’t know how he could look into James’ faces and Lily’s eyes again, and see them on someone else.
“They got me surrounded for a mile or two.”
Logically, he knows “No.” is as good an answer as any. He made sure that there were no more favours, no more secrets. Remus knows that from 11, the castle cared for him. He also knows that care and respect go hand in hand. He has no debt to the castle but he does have duty to fulfil. For every man who obeys his duty, there is another who cannot. A prison cell briefly flashes in his mind, then a cupboard under stairs, then a set of silver handcuffs.
“The car's in reverse, I'm grippin' the wheel.”
The train shudders and stops. The sky is dark. Remus’ eyes are closed. He inhales deeply and lets muscle memory take over. His steps now echo down the empty train carriages. He is just as tall as the last time he stood here. This time, he leaves behind four giggling boys. He leaves behind the weight of a head in his lap. The image is superimposed into his eyelids. Remus hopes that everything that ever existed still exists in moments, even though we don’t get them back. The doors slide open and he steps onto the platform.
“I'm back between villages and everything's still.”
For the second time in his life, Remus John Lupin has the sudden and crashing realisation that he is totally and utterly alone.
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delightfully-loud · 10 months
had i not been acquainted with will herondale's poetic welsh ass i would not have known what selwyn kane meant when he said "you are my king now, cariad" and everyday i thank will for that
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Ok, I'm sorry, but the heel-face-turn that Selwyn freaking Kane makes between "You have a silver tongue, mystery girl. I feel a sudden urge to tear it out" and "You are my king now, Cariad" is absofreakingloutely wild. And somehow it manages to feel earned, which is REALLY impressive given how many times Sel full-on tried to kill Bree.
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multifairyus · 1 year
Kane Coded Bingo Challenge Wrap-Up
It’s been a week since the official start of summer and the end of Gemini season, so I’d like to take some time to highlight the AMAZING Legendborn Cycle fandom curators, artists, and authors for their contributions to the Kane Coded Bingo Challenge!!!
I made this challenge because I really value the communal aspect of fandom. There’s so many unique ways to engage with amazing characters and worldbuilding Tracy gave us, and I'm so grateful to everyone who participated in giving us more to enjoy!
I would be remiss to not mention that nearly all of our Kane Coded submissions came from people who are in the Southern Chapter Legendborn Discord...there are some deep cuts y'all don't even KNOW about on there. C'mon in, the water's fine!
Without further ado, here are the Kane Coded Bingo Challenge submissions for our favorite Gemini classics major pansexual disaster, Selwyn Kane!
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@paigeagainstdamachine 🎶
@you-are-my-king-now-cariad 🎵
@migasm 🎼
(Playlists are best enjoyed in order without shuffling)
@medium-bloodcrafter-scion 🖼️
@migasm 🎨 📖 🎨
@leifysprout 🎉 🎨 😈 🎨
@justbrainrot 📗
@infiinnityverse 📘
@sweetestblacktea 📕
@you-are-my-king-now-cariad 📙
@Ember_Nights 📕 📗 📘 📙
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dqmens · 8 months
playlists I’ve made for characters & ships
sam and castiel
louis de pointe du lac (2022)
kevin day
bree and selwyn
jayce talis
reo mikage
sam winchester
satosugu, grindeldore, hideoemika, cherik
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justbrainrot · 1 year
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New chapter alert!
Natasia & Faye actually have a conversation in this one. I’m so excited, they are just the cutest.
I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Flipping GORGEOUS art by the lovely @gremlinddrawss
Lmk if you want to be added/removed from the tag list per usual: @multifairyus @ficnoire2 @medium-bloodcrafter-scion @mediumbloodcrafterscion @ashaligtwood @breestanaccount @paigeagainstdamachine @infiinnityverse @poisonousflora @blackdragonflies88 @you-are-my-king-now-cariad
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camiladune · 2 years
I don’t know if I will ever be over Sel saying "You are my king now, cariad." To Bree and learning that cariad is welsh for love 😩😩
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Ignore that I’m a complete ball of anxiety that can’t stop fidgeting, I BREATHED HER AIR.
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fandoms46011 · 4 months
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Ch. 61 of Cariad is here! Took me all week but there's a little treat at the end ;)
snippet and links below (oh, and the chapter is appropriately titled "Treat")
“What’s the point of having Dad in charge if we can’t have fun?” Hope complained.
“Gran’s right,” Teddy said, making Hope scowl. “Dad’s still a werewolf. Not everybody likes werewolves.”
“I know, but—”
“—no, Hope. If we get Dad into trouble he could lose his job. You can’t do anything stupid when you go to school.”
“No one’s going to sack Dad because of us,” Hope said defiantly.
“He’s been sacked before, loads of times.” Teddy leaned forward and dropped his voice to a whisper. “You don’t know what it’s like for him, okay? I remember the toy store from when I was little. You’ve got to be good, okay?”
“Since when do you know everything?” Hope crossed her arms over her chest and glared.
Teddy glared right back, his hair flaring red. “I’m the oldest and I know more than you.” 
“So what?” Hope argued back. “That doesn’t make you the king of anything.”
“Mum and Dad told me I’m responsible for you three,” Teddy said smugly. “I’m older than you and I came first. I know loads of things you don’t.”
“Like what?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Teddy stuck his tongue out. “Besides, it’s my birthday.”
“You’re being a stupid knob—”
“Hope Andromeda Lupin,” Gran scolded. “What gives you the right to use that language?”
“But Teddy’s being—”
“It’s Teddy’s birthday, not yours. Now behave yourself. I don’t want to hear another naughty word out of your mouth.” 
She set down plates of food as Teddy smirked victoriously. Hope wanted to hit him, but she couldn’t do it here at the Leaky Cauldron, and definitely not in front of Gran.
read from beginning // chapter 61
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merlinisnotover · 11 months
Whumptober Day 31 tw: major character death
Merlin was no stranger to death. He had watched men die of illness, wounds, and self-sacrifice. He’d seen innocents put to death that he couldn’t save. He’d seen knights fall in battle, baring their teeth against the pain. He’d seen Lancelot give his life gladly for Camelot, despite Merlin’s protests. He’d laid his king to rest and the tears had not stopped for weeks. He’d returned to Camelot to find Gwaine gone as well and been inconsolable.
But this?
He couldn’t do this.
Hunith lay on her bed, only a trace of the strong woman he was raised by. She had been sick for months and Merlin had moved back to Ealdor to care for her.
His magic had been useless, even with all of Gaius’ books at his disposal, Court Physician in his own right now, and it soon became apparent that it was only a matter of time.
“Merlin,” Hunith whispered, and he fell to his knees at her side in an instant.
“You’re a good boy,” she said. “I’m proud of you.”
Merlin’s eyes began to tear again and he blinked them away. He was so tired of crying.
Hunith coughed suddenly, and Merlin rolled her to her side to help clear her airways.
“I’m not ready to say goodbye,” Merlin whispered when she had recovered.
“I know, cariad. None of us ever are.” She patted his hand on the mattress, papery skin over boney fingers. “It’s time though. You can’t fight time.”
“I want to try,” Merlin admitted. “I wish you’d let me move you to Camelot. We could find something to help —.”
“I know,” Hunith said again. “But this is my home. I belong here.”
Merlin nodded glumly, not wanting to waste time having this argument again. “I know.”
She lifted her hand and cupped it around his cheek instead. “You’ll be fine. You’re a strong boy.”
Merlin laughed wetly, the tears pressing at his eyes again. “I don’t feel very strong. I feel like a small child again.”
Hunith patted his cheek. “And you’ll always be my small boy, my magical boy. All grown up and Court Physician like my uncle. I’m so, so proud of you.”
“I love you,” Merlin whimpered, clutching at her hand.
“I love you, too, cariad. More than I can ever say. But I have to go.”
“Not yet,” Merlin begged.
“Merlin, I know you can feel it, too.” Hunith looked up at him with sunken eyes.
“Yes,” he whispered. “You should rest.”
Hunith smiled again, her dry lips cracking.
Merlin pulled the blankets up over her too-thin chest and stoked the fire to make sure she was warm, then settled into the chair beside the bed to keep watch.
The rattle of her chest began sometime past midnight, startling Merlin from his thoughts.
“Mum?” he knelt beside her again, taking her hand, but she didn’t stir. It would be soon, then. The dying always knew.
He sat with her for hours, her breathing become more and more shallow as the night dragged on. Just as the dawn was beginning to break over the village, she took a breath in, out, and did not draw another.
Merlin turned her hand and felt for the pulse at her wrist, but none came. She was gone.
Falling back onto the floor, Merlin sobbed until he couldn’t breathe. His eyes ached as they produced more tears than he thought possible. And his heart constricted around the empty space his mother left there.
Merlin was alone.
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sofiasnflwr · 2 years
You are my king now, cariad.
the sentence that change my life completely
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