#you guys already know the jonah thing. the
it's very simple actually. i project my gender onto not!sasha. i project my sexuality onto helen distortion. i project my aromanticism onto jonah magnus. this is what you need to know
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imbored1201 · 6 months
Can you do a poly relationship with beth and viv just about y/n being the 3rd person to do their acl at arsenal and just them all looking after each other etc
ACL Buddies
Beth Mead x Vivianne Miedema x Reader
Word Count: 1,198
Warnings: Just mentions of r throwing up
The difference between how you tore your acl from how they tore theirs was; you tore yours during training. It was a rainy day, and one wrong move while trying to defend Katie sent you to the floor in pain. 
"Fuck," you muttered as you held your knee. "Katie," you said, now panicking as you were reaching for her hand as she kneeled beside you.
"Hey, calm down." She held your hand and tried to keep calm for you, but she was panicking; she had never seen you in so much pain. Usually, you try to be a tough guy and pretend nothing hurts.
"Katie, it really hurts; it popped." She nodded as she stroked your hair. The medics pushed her away a bit, but she and Leah remained close to watch you. Everyone else was watching from afar; they were already stressed over missing two of their superstars and couldn't afford to miss another.
"We need to do scans; she needs to go to the hospital." Leah sighed and muttered a few curse words as the medics sat you up. Your face was all red, and tears were still streaming down your face.
"I want Viv and Beth," you told them, "please, I need them." You started crying harder; everything was so painful and stressful. You were the one who had to take care of them.
Even though they were both able to walk without their crutches now, you still loved to help them out, even though they told you multiple times that they could finally do things on their own again. 
You looked up at Jen, and she scooped you into her arms. "It's so cold," you told them as you shook. "I know, you'll get all warm in the car; it's okay." Jen comforted as Leah and Katie followed behind. Leah was carrying all four of your guys bags while Katie was on the phone with who you presumed to be Viv and Beth.
Jen settled you in the car and quickly started it to put the heater on. Leah grabbed your sweater from your bag and put it over your head. Then she grabbed her jacket and put it around your shoulder. 
"No, she's not okay," Katie said as she sat beside you. You grabbed her hand and squeezed it a bit. "Yes, yes, we’re going to that hospital; please be quick; she really needs you guys." Like that, Katie hung up and hugged you close to warm you up more. 
Jen carried you again out of the car and into the hospital. Katie went to reception and spoke to them.
After a while, they took you away for the scans, and all three girls sat in the waiting room. At this point, they knew what it was. After a couple of minutes, Beth and Viv arrived. They both looked scared and worried. 
"She's getting scans done," Leah told them as the two girls rushed over to them. They both sighed and nodded as they sat down, holding each other's hands.
After a couple of minutes, the doctor came out. "It is a tore acl." All of the girls looked heartbroken at those words.
"She was in a lot of pain, so we gave her painkillers, so she'll probably be tired. You can go see her now." Beth and Viv followed the doctor to the room you were in. Leah called Jonah to tell him the news, while Katie texted all the girls. 
There you were, head buried in your hands as you cried over your results. "Darling," Beth said as she rushed to hold you. You cried into her neck, grasping onto her sweater, and reached out for Viv with your other hand. 
Viv hugged you from behind, so you were sandwiched between them. The medication the doctor gave you was starting to get to you; it was getting harder to keep your eyes open, and then cuddling you wasn't helping. 
The doctor came back in with crutches. You rested your head on Viv's shoulder as she sat down next to you. Beth spoke to the doctor about your surgery. You had zoned out, and the next thing you knew, you were being excused. 
"Come on, let's get you home so you can rest." You nodded at Beth’s words, and they helped you stand and gave you the crutches. 
When you came out, you were automatically crushed into a hug by Katie. “You know everyone is here for you,” she whispered into your ear. You nodded at her words. “Thanks girls” you told the three of them. 
“Anything for this cute face,” Leah pinched your cheeks to try and lighten up the mood. Beth scoffed, “This cute face also loves to get into trouble a lot.” You let out a little laugh, making the girls smile. After a day full of tears, they were happy to finally hear you laugh. 
The times were tough, especially after your surgery. You hadn't adjusted to your medication well, so you were stuck on the couch with a bucket next to you. 
Beth and Viv were starting to go to the training center a lot now, leaving you alone with your own thoughts. When they got home, they would help you with your rehabilitation. You weren't quite ready to go back to the place where you tore your ACL.
Viv would walk you through the workouts while Beth made sure you weren't trying to push yourself beyond your limit. 
While they were gone, you still loved to go around the house and clean. Even though you were risking possibly hurting yourself more, you didn't care. You loved everything being perfect and spotless. 
“Liefje, I told you I would fold the clothes when I got home,” she sighed as she saw all the clothes she was supposed to fold in the drawers. “I got bored,” you shrugged as you were lying down watching TV.
You still had that bucket next to you; thankfully, you hadn’t used it all day. You were so bored that you even organized the fridge again for the second time that week. 
“Why is there a bunch of chocolates?” Beth asked, and you smirked at her. “I said I got bored, and you guys were craving chocolate yesterday,” you shrugged. “You went to the store?” Viv asked. 
“Yeah, it’s not that far anyway, and a nice old lady walked me back, and she bought me a donut,” you said proudly. Viv sighed as Beth laughed. 
“Thanks for the chocolates, darling, but you can’t be going to the store on foot; I mean, you can’t even use your feet right now,” Beth said as she stuffed her face in the chocolates. 
“But I’m bored here Bethy, I can’t do anything but lay here all day and throw up." “You’ll be back on your feet soon, on the field again. We all will,” Viv said as she sat next to you and stroked your hair. 
You knew it was going to be a huge challenge, but the three of you had each other, and soon you would be watching proudly as Beth and Viv made their return while you got prepared with Leah to make yours. 
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neverevan · 1 month
Just curious because I'm always wondering about that.. If you think tommy picked up on their crazy close dynamic in such a short time, do you think the others have too? Or is that just buckandeddie to them and they don't think anything of it? Hen's "about time" comment made me wonder what she thinks, if she had eddie-suspicions over the years or if she just picked up on a general vibe from buck
I think it's a bit of both actually. because Buck and Eddie? they are absolutely cuckoo insane about each other, like genuinely not-normal.
it becomes the most obvious when other members of the team are in danger; Buck stays relatively calm no matter how worried he is, he makes a plan and tries to scheme to save them.
like in the crossover episode, he waited for hours and then tried to steal a truck when everyone was out or sleeping, even though Hen could've been long dead. and Buck loves Hen, like a lot, a lot, they are family!! and when the Jonah thing went down?? with Hen and Chim? he was on the tailend of it, worried and upset and when Albert got hurt in that car accident? when Bobby was trapped inside a burning building with an active shooter and Athena went in there after him?? these are all people Buck undoubtedly loves like family.
he was worried, but he kept it together every time.
when the well collapsed on top of Eddie, he tried to dig through 45 feet of loose mud to get to him by hand. when Eddie got shot and was in the hospital, Buck flipped out and broke down more than once, but most notably when telling Christopher about it after finding out that Eddie's gonna be okay.
similarly when the lightning hit Buck, Eddie ran up the ladder without a safety line and tried to pull him up by hand; Buck weighs like 200+ lbs plus the gear, there was no chance in hell he could've done that and Eddie isn't stupid, he knows that too. Bobby had to banish him to the driver's seat to make sure he wouldn't be in the way, then Eddie barely parked the ambulance when he was already on top of Buck, taking over CPR, then proceeded to spend the next couple of days by haunting the hospital's walls like a grieving widow.
when the truck fell on Buck's leg, Eddie wouldn't let go of his hand and when he coughed up blood, he looked more than just concerned for that split second we saw him. when he spotted Buck after the tsunami and thought that he lost Christopher? there wasn't an ounce of blame on his face.
in conclusion, they have been always just very unhinged about each other, but I think because they all work in close proximity with each other day in and day out, it's harder to differentiate these things because even in real life, firefighters are like a family; they eat, sleep and exercise together, their blood family is just as involved with each other as they are, because that's just how close you get when you have to put your life into each other's hands all the time.
but Eddie and Buck are (as pointed out above) are just taking it to a whole new level when you consider all the family stuff they do together and the will... I think at this point it's sort of a "well this is just Buck and Eddie, they might as well be married" thing for the 118.
I don't think it's something they actively consider to have romantic/sexual undertones, but they all understand that their bond is extremely strong, so they wouldn't be surprised if the relationship progressed into that direction.
in Buck's case specifically, I think Hen saw the signs before Eddie even joined the 118. especially since Buck admitted that he always checked out hot guys — I don't suppose that goes unnoticed when you spend half your life with the same group of people.
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starbabyg · 6 months
Swiss Pastries and Friendship Renewals | Nico Hischier
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For Demi from your Hockey girlies discord fic exchange bb 💞💞 @wyattjohnston I’m actually making you a mini series bc I love this idea so muchhh and I have this whole plot in place I hope you don’t mind!!
Plus as a bonus here’s a whole playlist for youuu!! 💗💗
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It was autumn in New Jersey, the weather had gone cold and the leaves were starting to turn auburn. Nico watched people through the shop windows as he walked home. Families shopping for the holidays. Couples laughing as they bonded over fondue and pumpkin spiced cocktails. He thought it was sweet seeing people happily living their lives. He came upon a small coffee shop, looking through the window and seeing someone he knew looked familiar. He could only see her side profile, but in his bones he knew he had seen the girl before. The oh so familiar girl leaned a bit over to grab something out of a bag perched on her shoulder, and Nico knew that it was who he thought it was. Nico made his way into the shop, a new sense of excitement flurrying through him.
“No freakin’ way, Demi?” He came up behind her, a large smile plastered on his face. It had been a while since he had seen anybody from up north, he had only spent a short while there but the memories were still fresh in his mind.
“Oh my god, Nico!” Demi immediately brought him in for a hug, remembering that soft face of his, that smile that he had always adorned. “I haven’t seen you since you left for the states!”
“It’s been a couple years now huh, this is the first time I’m seeing anybody from Halifax. God that group was wild. How is everybody?” Memories of that small Canadian town started to flood his senses. The little bits of nostalgia giving him a sense of glee.
“Yeah, our little group really was something, huh. Everybody is doing their own thing. Stacy and Jonah have a kid now. Yeah, they’re still together. Miles moved to Toronto. You know, everyone just in different places doing different things. I haven’t been that in touch with them either. The old times were good though,” she smiled as she reminisced.
Nico saw the look on Demi’s face, a tad bit somber as she was deep in thought. He felt a bit bad. “How bout we catch up over some coffee and pastries? It’s been a while and you were always my favorite.” Smelling the scent of coffee and what smelled of sweetly burnt sugar, Nico could not resist the temptation of a warm drink on that chilly day. The pastries encased in the display window were no help either.
“That is such a lie Hischier, we were not as close as you were with Evan. Or even Julia. Which, by the way, was that all about? I never got the full story,” she joked, scanning the menu although she already knew what she was going to order.
“Oh? Julia? She was a nice girl, she just used to come off very strong. I didn’t really know how to let her down easy,” Nico scratched the back of his neck as he thought about each awkward encounter after the other.
“That’s Julia, always going after what she wants. I’m a little surprised you didn’t date her though, she was one of the prettiest girls in town.”
“I just liked another girl, that’s all. Julia wasn’t my type,” he shrugged as he walked up to the front counter, “what do you get from here? I’m not much of a coffee guy.”
“I got you,” Demi placed her hand on Nico’s shoulder as she turned towards the barista, “Can I get two caramel brûlée macchiato’s and two apple caramel strudels?” Demi began shuffling through her bag again, pulling out her card, as she attempted to hand it to the barista Nico swiftly snatched it out of her hand. Instead placing his card in the barista’s hand.
“Still fast as ever, huh Hischier,” Demi shook her head as she led Nico to a table in the corner. The coffee shop was tranquil, a good handful of customers murmers living up the joint as some soft holiday music played in the background. The lights were warm and cozy, a bright shade of copper that lit the couple’s faces up. Overall just a nice and homely vibe that Nico could get used to.
“You know me,” he chuckled, pulling her seat out for her to sit, “So what brought you to Jersey out of every state?”
Demi shrugged, “Just more opportunities. Close to New York City. Close to my folks who never left Halifax. I really don’t know if I’m going to be honest.” The question came as a bit of a shocker. Demi herself had never really asked herself why she came to Jersey. It had just happened.
“And how’s it going for you out here?”
Demi thought for a second. Career wise, it wasn’t where she wanted to be. She wanted to fib just a bit, just to make the situation sound a bit better for her, but it was Nico and she felt no reason to lie. “Honestly less than satisfactory. I’ve been doing freelance gigs for this company but I’m not passionate about my work. It’s just being an errand girl for people who aren’t the nicest. The pay is measly compared to cost of living. Lately it’s just work, eat, like thirty minutes of actually doing what I want to do, then sleep.”
“So what do you really want to do?”
Demi was taken aback just a bit, “It’s been a while since I’ve been asked that. I’ve always liked writing. Something in journalism perhaps. Maybe write a book or two. I just want the freedom to be creative with my work.”
“Makes sense, I remember you used to work on the school paper! I used to read your little opinion column!” Nico remembered and pointed his finger excitedly. He could still remember the little pieces, always marked by the ‘written by senior editor Demi’ in little letters under the title.
“No way you used to read my writing Hischier,” Demi felt a bit bashful, covering up her blushing cheeks. “I used to try to hide the paper from the group because I was too embarrassed for them to read it. You know how they got with teasing.”
“Don’t know why you were embarrassed. Your writing was really good, funny too.” Nico was a bit surprised by her reaction. Demi had never been one to be shy or even embarrassed. Always holding up a headstrong attitude even when the group was in major trouble.
“Awe, why thank you Hischier. I appreciate that. I wish I could write more now, but juggling these gigs and trying to solidify an actual career out here, it’s just impossible I wish there was something—”
“Order for Demi,” interrupted by the barista, Demi got up for their order. Nico watched as she got up and interacted with the barista, the two of them having a small conversation that ended with laughter. Somehow she was glowing underneath the tungsten lighting. Turning around with tray in her hand, Demi carefully made her way back, cautious as to not spill the two piping hot drinks.
“Okay, this spot has the best fall drinks and the most authentic Swiss pastries in Jersey. I remember you always came to school with a homemade apple strudel, so I had to see you try this one. It’s like fall in a pastry. Apple, caramel, with powdered sugar on top. It’s to dieeee for.”
Nico smiled as he listened to Demi describe the order. It was very thoughtful of her to remember his old favorite school snack all these years later. Watching her place the order down, an idea sparked in his head.
“So first you gotta try the strudel, savor it. Then after try it again and take a sip of your macchiato after.” Demi rested her chin in her hands, just a little too excited to see how her old friend would like the goods from her favorite coffee shop.
Nico did exactly as he was told, lifting the strudel up and taking an ample bite. His senses were then filled with the sweet tang of baked apples, his tongue coated with the spice of cinnamon. Demi nodded, gauging his reaction that she knew he would most definitely have. Nico couldn’t believe that a strudel this good could actually come from a small shop in Jersey. It had tasted just like home. He then grabbed his Macchiato, about to sip it before Demi’s hand jerked it away.
“Oh my gosh, be careful. That thing is piping hot,” she chuckled as she saw Nico’s eyes bulge up. He set the coffee cup down and leaned over to blow it gently. “I know it smells good but you gotta wait a couple minutes so it doesn’t leave your tongue burnt for the rest of the day.”
“You just saved me. I was being a bit hasty huh,” Nico shook his head as he felt a bit bashful. He watched as the cream swirled in the coffee every time he blew into it.
“I’m literally your savior Hischier,” Demi gave him a cheeky wink.
“That means you haven’t changed much from school. You saved everyone’s asses. Always got us out of trouble. Always saved us right before we coulda died. That’s why you were my favorite, you were always the coolest of the group,” he laughed. Now thinking of all the high school shenanigans, all of the times they were yelled at by adults. Caught trespassing. With every time Demi having to mediate and bargain with authority.
“Mmm, makes one of you,” Demi pursed her lips. Her mood shifted a bit as she took a long sip of her macchiato.
“Huh, what d’you mean?” Nico sat there clueless.
“You know everyone else in the group had their closer bonds. Everyone grew up with each other. And I had just moved from Australia the year before you came. They liked me cause I was different and it was a small town, but they didn’t bother to get close to me like they were with each other. And they were all kind of assholes if I’m being real,” Demi shrugged. “Which is why I’m working my ass off out here cause I refuse to go back. I don’t even care if I have to work all day as long as I don’t have to go back there.”
Nico got quiet, only murmuring a little ‘oh’ under his breath. He truly did not know what to say. Just watching Nico sit there in his thoughts, Demi placed her hands on the table. She hated an awkward moment. Couldn’t stand them.
“So how ‘bout some Brunsli cookies? They actually import chocolate from Switzerland and they taste sooo decadent. Just like the chocolate your mother brought you to school that one day. Speaking of your mother, how is she?”
“Oh, she’s fine. Moved back home so I don’t get to see her much except for the off season. She sends me stuff from back home all the time. Especially those chocolates. I can bring you some if you’d like.”
Demi’s eyes lit up, “Really? Those are literally the best chocolates I have ever tasted. You would be a godsend giving me some.” Her mouth started to water at the thought of those chocolates, how they just melt in your mouth. The rich flavor that was better than any American chocolate.
“Of course. You don’t know how many boxes I have in my apartment. My kitchen counter is covered with them. I barely have time to eat them let alone put them away,” Nico jokingly sighed as he pictured his kitchen counter that was literally covered in Läderach and mom- and - pop shop made chocolates.
“Ohhh let me come over to your place and those chocolates will be goneeee. But really, I can help you organize those chocolates and put them away— if you need some assistance.”
“I could use a lotttt of assistance. My life has been hectic for a while now and having those stacks of chocolates out of sight is one less thing to worry about. I’ll even give you all the chocolate from my stockpile that you want.” Nico just
“I mean, I’ll take the chocolates. But I would have done it anyway. You’re my friend. Why wouldn’t I help you out any way I can?” She smiled and took a bite of her pastry, crumbs falling down the sides of her mouth which Nico thought was adorable.
Nico couldn’t help but look at Demi with the admiration he used to look at her back when they were in secondary school. “Honestly people like you are very hard to come across. You surely are a rare breed out here Demi. Nobody is selfless like that anymore. Always asking what’s in it for them.” Demi was like a breath of fresh air to Nico.
“Well duh. It’s Jersey. Everybody out here has a bad attitude,” she rolled her eyes in a joking manner. Although she hoped no native New Jersians heard that because they would surely give her an earful.
“You aren’t wrong,” Nico chuckled and shook his head. He couldn’t help but think about the endless encounters he had faced with rude fans, people in public, and especially people in the industry. It had honestly started to take a toll on him.
“Well you sure are lucky to have found me again huh. The sweetest, kindest, most nicest person in the world,” Demi teased in a sing songy manner. She batted her eyes in the most obvious way. Nico thought she looked like a Disney princess.
Nico just looked at her with admiration, “Why don’t you be my assistant,” he absentmindedly said. “Er— only if you want to. It’s not like you need to—”
“Hischier, Hischier. Calm down. Let me hear you out before you get all anxious on me,” she placed a hand on Nico’s shoulder.
“I’m just saying. It could be beneficial for the both of us. My last assistant was crap. Didn’t help me out in any way but was getting paid handsomely by the Devils. You need a better job. And more time to do what you actually want to. We can help each other out!”
Demi just sat there thinking. ‘It would be a better job than my shithole job. I don’t know about the pay yet but more time to do what I actually want to will help out with my career moves. And it’s just Nico. He’s not that bad. He’d be a better boss than my current one.’
“Okay. I’ll take the job.” She took the leap. Maybe this would be good for her. The change in pace might be just what she needed to get to the next step in her life. Any change in scenery would be better than Demi’s current situation.
“I knew it. It’s fine. I was just suggesting–” Again Nico started with his anxious rambling. If Demi didn’t stop him he would have went on until the coffee shop closed.
“Um, Hischier. Did you not just hear me? I said I’ll take it,” Demi knew Nico wasn’t the best listener but sheesh. How much in his head was he at the moment?
Nico formed a smile, “Oh? I made an offer you couldn’t refuse huh,” he poked at her, speaking in his best east coast accent. It was terrible, but Demi could never tell him that.
“Honestly I could’ve heard a better job pitch from a child. But you’re my friend and you’re cooler than my current boss so why not. I think we could benefit from each other as well. As friends.” But she could tease him still.
“Friends with benefits??”
“Ew, gross. Don’t be gross like that Hischier.”
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bordysbae · 1 year
can u do a luca blurb where there’s like an argument and it’s like luca and his gf vs someone else and it’s the two like sticking up for each other? i hope that makes sense
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“a new side of you”
luca fantilli x f!reader
warning: profanity and underage drinking
despite the ending of frozen four not being what everyone was hoping, the boys still threw themselves a party as soon as they got back to michigan, just because of how far they had made it. it’s also a party to say their “formal” goodbyes to the seniors, and the boys who won’t be returning next year due to upcoming signings with the big league.
the party isn’t a rager, but it sure isn’t small either. there are people everywhere, but the only person you care to find is your boyfriend luca. you got caught up in a conversation with johnny while luca went to get another drink, not even realizing luca hadn’t come back in quite some time. you eventually find him in a conversation with one of his classmates. you’ve met the guy before but he’s nothing special. in your opinion he has a bland personality and thrives off of his daddy’s money, but since he’s friends with a few of the guys, you almost always see him at parties.
“jonah, hey!” you greet him, as luca wraps an arm around your shoulder.
“oh hey, y/n right?” jonah nods his head towards you as his form of addressing you.
“uh, yeah,” you say, annoyed by him already. you know he knows your name since you guys have met over five times, but he chooses to have a douche bag persona. “not like we haven’t met already” you mumble under your breath making luca chuckle.
“what’d you say?” jonah asks you, straightening his back. you look up from your cup at him, and chuckle at his new tough-boy stance.
“nothing, what were you guys talking about before i got here? i didn’t mean to interrupt,” you say in an attempt to change the topic.
“no, fucking tell me what you said,” jonah blurts out, startling both you and luca.
“dude relax. i didnt even say anything, chill out man,” you scoff.
“someone’s on their period. control your woman fantilli,” jonah jokes. your mouth falls agape at his statement.
“what did you just say to me? i’m on my what?”
“you heard me,” jonah chuckles before taking a sip of his drink.
“watch your fucking mouth douchebag. don’t fucking say that shit about my girlfriend! especially right in front of her or me,” luca starts up.
“oh it was a joke relax, you can’t even talk like you’re some big guy anyways! you warm the bench, and you guys lost in the frozen four. just chill out luca you’re not some hotshot,” jonah exclaims. your mouth falls agape, and lucas whole body tenses up.
before you can even think, your mouth just starts running, “oh you wanna talk about hot shots? you thrive on daddy’s money and think everyone is in love with you. newsflash, just because you never went d1 for hockey after high school, doesn’t mean being friends with the team makes you important. honestly, they all think you’re a dick. and so what if luca doesn’t get the absolute most playing time? he still went d1, unlike someone else in this conversation”
luca chuckles at your words, and this makes jonah even more pissed. “you think i’m gonna listen to you? don’t you have a fucking nail appointment to go to?”
“jonah you sound like an idiot. pulling out misogynistic ‘insults’ like that’s gonna do anything? just accept the fact you’re in the wrong, it’ll be the only good thing you ever did. notice how i’m the one in a relationship, and you can barely get a girl in your bed unless she’s intoxicated? which by the way is horrible in itself, but that’s a conversation for another time. just go home bud.” luca declares.
despite the topic of conversation, you can’t help yourself but be attracted to this side of luca. you’ve never seen him act out this way, and him defending you like this is only making the attraction worse. the heavily intoxicated jonah flips you both off and makes his way back into the pool of people, leaving you and luca alone in the kitchen.
“that was a new side of you. i liked that” you admit, making luca blush ever so slightly.
“oh yeah?” he laughs, and pulls you closer to his body so that you’re now against his chest looking up at him.
“i’m sorry about that, he’s an asshole.” luca says to you softly but loud enough for you to hear over the music.
“no i’m sorry. he said some rude things about you babe, don’t listen to him he’s just jealous”
“eh, i don’t mind. i get enough chirping from adam anyways,” luca chuckles and kisses the top of your head. you both embrace each other a little bit more before heading back to the swarm of people throughout the rest of the house. you guys went back to luca’s dorm afterwards and spent the rest of the night in each others arms, never forgetting the moment you two shared tonight.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
No, because the thing is, 911 has 3 established main couples, 2 we see them getting together, bathena and madney, and the other is introduced to us already established, henren are already married when we get introduced to Karen. But an interesting thing there for me, is that Karen is introduced to us while Hen does something that most people find unforgivable, cheating, which makes us sympathize with Karen even though Karen technically only exists to be Hen's wife, so even tho the audience is usually biased towards the main character, we end up caring about Karen more, which makes it so even though she only exists through Hen, we like her, we like them together. Madney and Bathena on the other hand work because they exist individually, we care about all four of them, the relationship is an extra point for the character, it's not why they're there, so it works because we are not heavily biased in any direction. And that's the thing that makes me question what's going on with the love interests for Buck and Eddie. Ali barely existed for us but there's a really heavy point against her with the whole not being able to deal with Buck's job. Taylor is right off the bat introduced to us as someone who will use anything to get on top, including wanting to capitalize on Bobby's addiction, so we always end up suspicious of her because she was willing to hurt a character we care about for her own gain, so she never really had a chance, she only exists through Buck, and she already hurt someone else, so most of us don't care that Buck cheated on her and we're not really surprised when she uses the Jonah thing, so no real chance there. Natalia is a little too excited about Buck's death at first, I personally can't get past the cool comment, that feels insensitive but maybe that's just me, but either way she learned more about Buck and she left, so right now, she only exists through Buck and we know she's capable of leaving at any inconveniences (I don't really think finding out the guy you're trying to date is a sperm donor and is gonna end up housing the mother is just an inconvenience but you get me) so we will be heavily biased towards Buck on any future conflict because Buck is the only one we care about there and she left him before. Imma add Lucy here because it's also interesting the way that Lucy is the one that has the best fighting chances here, Buck and Luck could work and be a fun couple to watch, Lucy is a firefighter so it would be easy to make her exist outside of Buck and make the relationship balanced but the whole kissing Buck while he's drunk and dating someone else makes it so most people will be biased against it, the same cheating thing that makes us root for Karen and despise Eva, ends up working here, even if it's very mild version because we don't really like Taylor. And like, Shannon, she was always written to be fridged, it is very clear that Eddie was always planned to be a single dad army vet widower, so she never had a fighting chance to begin with, but she left Christopher, abandoned Eddie to deal with it all, so most people would never root for her anyway, because even Eddie is shown as not sure of her. I kinda think Ana falls into the same category as Ali, I don't think we see enough of her to care about her, but the panic attacks really kill her chances even if she didn't have something wrong about her introduction. And, well, Marisol has 3 seconds of screen time, there's not enough information to do anything there. Also, I think Lena falls in the same category as Lucy, it could work if they really wanted (I don't think they did) but Lena was the person that took Eddie to the first fight so she has points against her.
So the thing is, the show knows how to build relationships, so what the fuck are they doing with Buck and Eddie considering they are making sure they work together and individually if there isn't some sort of plan to eventually get them together?
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shizucheese · 4 months
Hey guys! It me, "The Magnus Institute is a part of not just the Eye but the Web" girl, here with some thoughts and a new theory for the consideration of the Red String Comity. Come step into a curated (for your safety and sanity) corner of my mind as I walk you through my thought process: First, some further evidence that the Web was tied to the Magnus Institute in TMA all along: in MAG193, it's mentioned that Elias doesn't remember ever sending his CV to the Magnus Institute. Web. In Mag056, when Martin confesses he lied on his CV, he mentions that "for some reason" his lie about parapsychology got him an interview with Elias. Now, I always assumed that this was because Elias/ Jonah knew his secret and the Eye likes secrets, but like...How did Martin know to apply there in the first place? Why was that the only place where he got an interview?
Now I'd like to bring your attention to the below sticker. I have this same sticker on my laptop because as someone on the Ace spectrum John and Martin's relationship is everything to me. For anyone who needs a refresher, the quote is something John says to Martin in S5. Obviously the teacup represents Martin. But let's talk about that thing coming out of the teacup, hm? The thing that's supposed to represent John? I've always tried to rationalize it as "lol it's just some kind if Eye creature, that's not a spider..." but guys....that's totally a spider, right?
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Now here's why this is so huge: this isn't fanart someone turned into a sticker. This is a sticker from Rusty Quill's very own RedBubble shop.
It's official merch. Official merch "designed and sold by RustyQuill" represents John as a spider creature covered in eyes.
They've been telling us this the entire time guys! Now, I need to give @amanda-519 credit for setting my mind down this next path. These are the tags they used when they reblogged my previous post on this topic:
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Now, this got me thinking about all of the Avatars we met in TMA and like....
We know from Mag 102 that the Corruption can manifest as unhealthy relationships, which I would argue would include infatuation and obsession.
And like....was Jude's infatuation with Agnes really all that different? It's what drew her into The Desolation in the first place, so could we not argue that she was a mix of the Desolation and the Corruption? (Like....the destructiveness of infatuation? Corruption leading to Desolation?) And like I've always assumed the reason why Oliver became an Avatar of the End is because of his association with Graham and what happened to him resulting in Oliver being touched by The End, but like...does that actually make sense? They were already broken up and he had 0 involvement with Graham being taken by the Not Them. But like Graham's circumstances are also kinda weblike, no? The Web includes the fear of being forced to do something against one's own will, and Graham went through some pretty extreme measures to try and escape his powers. And then his efforts to escape ultimately lead to the events that turned him into a full fledged Avatar. Was Graham also a part of the web? Or were the circumstances of him becoming an Avatar of the End basically the result of him being the Web's victim?
And the whole concept of the Unknowing is pretty weird, huh? Like...I can't be the only one that looks at what happens to people who get trapped in the Unknowing and thinks that it feels awfully "Spiral-like" right? (or, for that matter, that The Desolation has some elements of the Stranger to it).
John Amherst was an Avatar of The Corruption, but unlike Jane, whose main interest seemed to be spreading and expanding the Flesh Hive, Amherst's form of Corruption seemed awfully End-flavored. When we first meet him in TMA, it's at a Nursing home where his spread of infection results in the death of all of the residents. In Mag68, Tale of a Field Hospital, the accounts about Amherst are all about him dying and then showing up again; in the second story, the people who end up in the bed Amherst is supposed to be in keep dying; the statement giver who gave the book to the Institute dies a few days later after, having cut himself on the pages of the book. The illness he spreads in the town where he ultimately dies kills the victims horrifically. The bug he is most affiliated with are flies, which are known to flock to dead bodies and are therefore associated with death. Okay now after all of that word vomit, here's the epiphany that I had and the actual point of this post:
For some reason my mind kept straying back to Jude and her infatuation with Agnes and how that might have made her part of the Corruption, and the different ways the Corruption might have been involved in other ways, and then I remembered that theory going around that in TMP the Fears are becoming Obsessions. This theory never sat well with me because in TMA, all of the Avatars were obsessed with something. Most of them were obsessed with their Entity and bringing it into the world. Jude, as previously mentioned, was obsessed with Agnes. Simon was obsessed with the sky. Mike was obsessed with freeing himself of the Spiral manifestation that'd been tormenting him since childhood. Oliver was obsessed with running away from his powers and John was obsessed with finding out what the fuck was going on. There were also plenty of non-avatar characters that were obsessed; The guy in Mag90: Body Builder was obsessed with his body and making it look how he wanted to. The guy from Mag102 Nesting Instinct and his petite scarabée. I could go on.
And then it clicked: Obsession is a form of Corruption. We know that the Corruption can manifest as unhealthy love and companionship. But what is "unhealthy love" if not a form of obsession? Obsession sinks its teeth into you and takes over your life and can lead you to your own destruction. In other words, its corrupts you. Which is exactly what happens in pretty much all of the statements we've gotten so far in TMP. The Corruption is up to something. Idk what or why, but I think that in the same way the Web's influence was all over TMA if you know to look for it, the Corruption is all over TMP. Is it just a season 1 thing? Is it going to be the Big Player in the whole series? Are the Avatars (?) we've encountered so far--Ink5oul, The Merchant, Movie Theater Man-- part of the Corruption as well as the more obvious Entities they serve-- The Flesh, The End/ The Slaughter, The Eye--or are they only servants of those respective Entities and the Corruption is swooping in later and poisoning things?
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bellysoupset · 1 month
i DO have a crush on bella and PROUD. also somehow on vince and leo despite being a straight guy. they are up there with ryan reynolds
as for my request. this is the first time i request anyone anything but i was thinking any scenario where bell goes from hungry (or hangry) to stuffed :] if you don't want to write the hunger part because it's just not your thing that's fine honestly. i am a tummy noises enjoyer but it doesn't have to be hunger. that's preeetty much it. whatever context is fine as in if you want to take a break from whatever you have going at the moment and just write a casual meal between bella and luke or if you want to write it as a part of the main story either is cool with me
🍉 anon
AAAh I'm so happy over Vince making the roll of guys you have a crush on despite being straight!! My most special babe!! I'm definitely judging on Ryan Reynolds being up there tho. Ryan Reynolds?? 😵‍💫
This story might be a little too frankenstein, as it starts as Jonah and Leo part 4 and then goes into Bella/Luke.
...Hungry Bella to stuffed? Let's see what I can do about it:
“I told Jonah I didn’t want any of you men in my hospital tonight and what do I get?” Wendy huffed, with her hands on her hips and Luke let out an amused snort, as he sipped his can of diet coke. 
“Sorry…?” He sheepishly, then let his smile fade as he looked over to where Leo was lying down, with an IV hooked to his arm. 
“It looks more scary than it is,” Wendy reassured him, as if she could read his mind. She walked closer, reading Leo’s chart hanging off the stretcher bed and then circling the bed so she was near his head, “he’s just dehydrated, I’m gonna inject some antinausea medication in his IV and we’ll let him finish the whole bag, then reevaluate. How’s Jon?”
“In a rough shape,” Lucas answered truthfully, continuing to pace the small space around Leo’s secluded corner. He wasn’t in a poor enough condition that the hospital allowed him to take up a room, instead they were in the ER, with the curtains creating some semblance of privacy between beds, “Bell’s there with him.” 
Wendy looked away from Leo’s IV bag, which she was already injecting with medicine, “you think he’ll end up here as well?”
“Hopefully not…” Luke scratched at his cheek, then chugged the rest of his soda, “but I don’t know, I’ll call Bella in thirty minutes to check on them.”
“Alright,” Wendy nodded, then her whole face turned red as Lucas unabashedly let out a burp in his fist, wrinkling his nose as the bubbles tickled it. She cleared her throat, looking away, “keep me updated, will you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he frowned a little at Wendy’s red cheeks, but shrugged it off. Certain things he didn’t want to know or think about. Instead, all of Lucas’ attention was on Leo. He hated to see the blonde so down for the count, it had been a struggle to drive him to the hospital and not freak out as Leo continued to dry heave most of the trip. 
“Buzz the button or just holler if something changes, you know the drill,” Wendy patted his arm, before walking away to deal with the other thirty people who demanded her attention. 
Luke walked closer to the bed, pushing Leo’s hair back with a sigh. It was the longest it had ever been, around his cheekbones, “you really can’t do anything in halves, uh?” Luke mumbled, sitting on the comfy large chair that every stretcher had accompanying it. He bounced his leg nervously, taking his phone out of his hoodie’s pocket. 
It was so annoying that Vin was four hours away, when he could be there to keep him company and keep Luke from going out of his mind with anxiety. Instead, he had to settle for texting him. 
Vince: So?? HELLO? You stopped answering, are they ok?? 
Vince: I texted Wendy bc u suck and she said Leo’s fine. 🤘🤘🤘
Vince: did they get rid of the middle-finger emoji? Duck that. TEXT ME about Leo. 
Vince: Lucas Howard Atwood.
He snorted at the dramatics, then texted back an answer, updating Vince on the nitty gritty details. 
After a couple more reassurances that both their friends were fine, Vin changed the subject to that week’s game, inviting Luke to come over to watch it with him and then went on to rant about some field trip he’d have to take with his coworker from hell, the chemistry teacher. 
Lucas knew damn well what his best friend was doing, keeping him distracted from the hospital atmosphere, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t working. He was so sucked in the texting, that it took him a minute to realize Leo was awake and watching him. 
Luke jumped as he glanced up and met blue, bloodshot eyes. 
“Christ!” He exclaimed, heart racing at the dead, scary stare, “don’t do that, you look like a fucking corpse, Leo!” 
“Uhm,” was Leo’s grunt in response, “feel like it… My head hurts…”
“How much?” Luke typed a quick “gtg, Leo’s up” and then pocketed his phone away, “one to ten?”
“I don’t know…” Leo rubbed at his eyes, then glared at the IV needle sticking out of his arm, gulping down thickly, “I feel like crap.”
“You look it,” Lucas pointed out humorously, moving closer, “do you think you could stomach some water?”
Leo immediately grimaced, shaking his head, “no… My tummy feels really weird,” his eyes closed for a second, “where’s Jon?”
“Back in the apartment,” Luke reached in without thinking, rubbing Leo’s arm, “Bella’s with him, he’s alright.”
“I poisoned him,” Leo pouted, turning his head and pressing his cheek to the back of Luke’s hand, “the guy organizes me the best birthday ever and I fucking poison him.”
Luke snorted at that, moving his hand to pet his friend’s hair and grinning when Leo nearly melted under the touch, sliding lower on the bed, “I don’t think he’s holding it against you,” he promised, “maybe he’ll just prohibit any outside food.”
“Probably,” Leo mumbled sleepily, “can they do something about the headache?” 
“I’ll check,” Luke whispered, squeezing his shoulder and walking out of the privacy of the curtains in order to find a nurse. 
When he did come back, Lucas had a nurse following him and his phone was buzzing in his pocket. He was fully expecting it to be Vince, so his stomach dropped when he saw Bella’s face across his screen. 
“Is everything okay?” He asked stepping out of Leo’s earshot and watching as the nurse questioned him about the headache, “is Jonah-”
“Hi,” Jonah answered and in the far distance Luke could hear Bella saying something teasingly about him being a worried mother, which one of them she meant Luke wasn’t sure, “is Leo alright? Is he awake? Did Wendy check on him yet?”
“Hi Jonah,,” Luke sighed in relief, “yeah, he’s fine. How are you? Did you drink anything? Leo’s super dehydrated.”
“I’m okay-”
“He threw up the gatorade,” Bella ratted him out, “we’re trying the nausea meds again.” 
“Amazing,” Lucas scoffed, not one bit amused, “maybe you should bring him here, baby-”
“He is right here!” Jonah cried out, “and I’m really fine, I was just burping too much. I know better now.”
Another little scoff from Bell, her mumbling something that Luke couldn’t make sense of, but that made Jonah tell her to shut up.
“How’s Leo?” Jon asked once more, stronger this time, “can I talk with him? Is he coming back? Did Wendy check on him? Let me talk with her-”
“He’s got a headache so they’re giving him some painkillers on top of the nausea meds,” Luke explained, glancing at where Leo was curled up on the bed, “he’s probably gonna fall right back asleep. Wendy checked him, yeah- Hold on, let me see if he’s still awake…” 
He walked closer to the bed and Leo blinked sleepily at him, his eyes squinted because of the pain, “is Jon alright?” Even sick as he was, his guessing skills were still sharp. 
“He wants to talk with you,” Luke whispered, “are you up for it?”
Leo nodded, but didn’t move, so Luke held the phone against his ear and cheek. The blonde let out a raspy sigh, “hi angel,” he whispered, “I’m really sor-”
Luke couldn’t hear Jonah, but he knew the guy had just bitten Leo’s head off for daring to apologize. The blonde snapped his mouth shut, taking a deep sigh, then answered his fiance, “I’m fine, Jon, I swear. Sore, nauseous, but I’m fine. Sleepy. How are you?”
More silence and Leo nodding along, “okay… Alright, get some rest then- I love you. I’m going home soon.”
Luke pressed his lips in an amused way. Only three hours without seeing each other and they were acting as if it had been a whole week. He waited until Leo was done speaking, clearly too tired to go on, then pulled the phone back. 
“Let me talk with Bell?” He asked, since it was still Jonah holding the phone. There was some fumbling around, then his wife’s voice answered him.
“How is he? Really?” Lucas fell back down on the big chair, squeezing Leo’s arm as the blonde started to drift back asleep. 
“Still really nauseous,” Bella answered truthfully, “but he’s keeping the meds down and was keeping gatorade down earlier. So I’m hopeful…” 
“Okay,” Luke yawned, “we’re gonna be back in three more hours. Please text me if something changes, Bell.”
True to his word, it was another three hours before Wendy released Leo, the blonde sound asleep. Another half an hour as Luke struggled to manhandle his sleepy friend back into the car and then up the apartment once more. 
Jonah was passed out on the couch, with Bella sitting by his legs and going through her phone, scratching his thigh up and down without thinking since his legs were on her lap.
“Hey,” she looked up as Luke stumbled in with a half asleep Leo, “you need help?”
“Yeah,” Luke nodded, arm wrapped around the blonde’s waist and drunkenly guiding him down the hall, “get the blankets for me?”
Together they dragged both men to sleep in the bed, Lucas taking a minute longer, as he overdotted to his heart’s content, tucking his friends in and making sure they had water at reach and a bucket on each side. 
He left the door half open and walked out of the main suite. 
Bella was sitting in the living room, arms crossed over her stomach and a frown on her face, so Luke raised an eyebrow and walked closer, "what's wrong, baby?"
"I'm hungry," she sighed, "nothing to eat around here. I mean, nothing tasty."
Luke snorted, "didn't you bring groceries?"
"It's all for soup," Bella sighed dramatically, pressing her hands to her belly. It was empty enough that it was curving inwards slightly, a rare sight. While she was far from chubby, she was a bombshell and had the tummy to justify the amount of ass and tits. 
Luke circled the coffee table and sat down next to his wife, throwing his head back with a yawn and raising his arm so she could fall against his side, "order in?" he suggested, when Bella's stomach let out a loud growl. 
"It's past 11," Bella groaned, pressing her face to his chest and grabbing Luke's hand, moving it to rest on her stomach. He raised his eyebrows, he could feel the organ crying out for food, whining and growling, lightly vibrating under his hand, "there's no place open on iFood."
In times like these Bella hated their small, university town. Her tummy growled again, a snarling sound and she curled up, muffling a small empty-belly burp against Luke's chest, "I'm dying."
He snorted at that, pressing a kiss on top of her curls and his hand against her stomach. Lucas' hand was almost big enough to cover its expanse and the warmth and pressure helped a little. 
"I'll go get us dinner," he yawned and Bella looked up, feeling a pang of guilt. Lucas looked exhausted, after all the hauling Leo and Jonah around. Not only they were a heavy lift, but she knew damn well that hospitals always drained him, no matter how harmless the reason. 
"No, it's fine," she shook her head, "I'll get an apple or something, it's fine-"
"I'm hungry too," Luke reassured her, "how does pizza sound?" 
It sounded heavenly and her mouth immediately watered at the thought. She didn't even need to say anything, it probably showed in her face, because he chuckled and cupped her cheeks, pressing a kiss on her mouth and saying, "be right back."
Bella busied herself getting them settled. There was no way they were going home without knowing Jonah and Leo were 100% OK and she knew that the couple wouldn't mind them taking the guest room — not that Lucas cared about imposing himself. 
She made sure the house wasn't a mess, something that didn't come naturally to Bella but she knew Jonah would appreciate, the neat freak that he was. JD was following her around, clearly confused about her presence, so after cleaning everything up and checking on the two sick men - they were cutely cuddling in bed, both passed out - Bella sat back down on the couch and the cat promptly climbed on her. 
She wasn't the pets type of girl, had killed all of her goldfishes as a kid, but JD was too cute to ignore. The cat rubbed her head against her stomach, eyes squeezing into little black lines, then jumped back as Bell's stomach growled. 
The ginger snorted, "sorry, kitty," Bella scratched JD behind her ears, sliding down on the couch and planting her feet on the coffee table, "you're real cute, you know that?"
The cat probably did know that, given how much Jonah and Leo spoiled her. She purred, snuggling up on Bella's lap and pushing her paws on the woman's stomach, trying to shut up the incessant snarling. 
Bella continued to scratch JD, while grimacing as her stomach squeezed with hunger. She had no energy to be hangry, but had it been a different occasion she’d definitely be. She curled up on the couch and the cat moved so she could snuggle right between her breasts. 
“Excuse me, I think the cat is on my spot,” Luke commented, entering the apartment and getting a glimpse of the scene. His voice had the kitten running to greet him and Bella rolled her eyes at his comment, stomach hurting from how hungry she was. 
“Gimme, gimme, gimme-” she got up in a flash, tip-toeing to grab the pizza box that her husband was holding high, as if JD was genuinely able to climb him in order to get it. 
Bella didn’t even bother taking it to the kitchen or the dining room, she opened the box right there, breaking a piece of the cheese filled crust out and almost moaning as she finally got it in her mouth. Her tummy let out an angry growl, a pang of hunger echoing through it and she squirmed. 
“One would think you didn’t eat all day,” Luke commented, retrieving the box from her and taking it to the kitchen, making her groan in a frustrated manner and follow him.
“I know, but it’s almost midnight Luke. Last we had any food it was lunch…” She squinted at him, as Lucas dug through Jonah and Leo’s drawers in search of a knife, “unless you ate at the hospital.”
He had the decency of blushing, “Leo was asleep! There was nothing for me to do!”
“I hate you,” Bella whined, then took the knife from him and cut herself a slice, genuinely having to stop herself from drooling over the pizza. 
They sat by the kitchen counter, barely talking at first since she was too busy devouring the pizza, but slowly becoming more human. By the third slice Bella let out a heavy sigh and leaned back, undoing the buttons of her jeans and causing Luke to let out an amused snort. 
“Uhm, maybe,” she leaned back, wiping her fingers on a paper napkin and ducking her head, letting out a burp. Besides her, Luke chuckled at the noise and reached for his third slice, since he was eating slower than her. 
Bella sipped her drink — Sprite, because Lucas knew it was her favorite — and gave up at the idea of another slice. She could handle it, but it would probably leave her feeling horrible and after seeing so much puking all day, Bella didn’t want to try her luck. 
“Weak,” Lucas grinned, leaning in to steal a kiss, “really thought you were gonna have it all.”
“Thought so too,” she leaned in, licking off the salty residue of his bottom lip, “I’m gonna go change into something more comfy and check on the guys while you finish it up.” 
“There’s some sweats in the guest bedroom, but they might be too big for you,” Lucas nodded, closing the pizza box to put the rest away, “I brought a spare shirt, if you don’t feel comfortable wearing those.”
“I’m comfortable,” Bella shrugged, looping an arm around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek, “you’re the sweetest, most thoughtful husband I’ve ever had.”
“As opposed to your other husbands,” Luke grinned, turning his head so he could kiss her again and Bella smiled against his mouth, pulling back. 
Like Lucas had said, there was a dresser in the guest room, with some folded track suits and old clothes. They looked ridiculous on her and Bella chuckled to herself as she put on the pants and pulled on the cords in order to keep them from falling to the ground. The leg length was too long and she had to fold it twice. It was too warm for the long sleeves, so instead she decided to keep her bra for now and put on one of the tank tops.
She tiptoed to the master suite, cracking the door open and squinting until her eyes settled with the darkness. Jonah was on the right side and he hadn’t moved at all. Still flat on his back, with the blankets tucked around him, peacefully asleep. On his left, Leo had rolled around until his face met Jon’s bicep and he was curled up on himself. 
Bella frowned at that, walking further inside and circling the bed, so she could get a closer look at the blonde. She lightly touched his forehead, half expecting to feel a fever, but instead only clammy skin met her palm. His bucket was untouched, thank God.
“What are you doing?” Leo whispered, jerking slightly as she pushed his hair back.
Bella grimaced, “sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. Are you feeling ok?”
“Better than before,” he moved on the bed, throwing an arm around Jonah’s waist and snuggling up with a yawn, “sore and tired.”
“Are you hungry? Can I get you anything?” Instinctively, she rubbed his back and Leo all but melted. He shook his head, yawning again. 
“No, just gonna go back to sleep…”
“Okay,” understanding she had just been dismissed, Bella leaned in to plant a kiss on his temple and got up, “Luke and I are in the guest room. Just shout if you need us.”
“Goodnight Bell…” Leo answered softly, falling right back asleep. 
Luke had already managed to clear up the kitchen and, unlike Bell, he hadn’t bothered changing into anything, just stripping down to his boxers and falling flat on top of the covers, pestering JD. The cat kept swatting him away like an annoying fly.
The guest bathroom had spare, never used toothbrushes, and finally Bella made her way to the bedroom. She hit the lights, but didn’t bother trying to get Luke to move, crawling over him on the mattress and falling against the pillows with a sigh. 
He stirred in the semi dark — the door was left half open, the hallway light was still on — then pressed his face to her stomach, planting a kiss there, “are they okay? Did you check on them?”
“They’re fine,” Bella’s hand moved to his hair and she combed through the messy waves. At this hour of the night Luke looked closely related to a mad scientist, “you’re gonna make me burp lying on my belly like that.”
“Uhm,” he shrugged, snuggling and sliding a hand under her oversized tank top in order to hug her closer. Lucas sighed heavily, exhausted and she moved her hand from his hair to the middle of his back, scooting up on the bed as his weight pushed up yet another burp, that she muffled on her fist. 
“Sleepy?” Bell whispered, grinning when she felt JD snuggling on her side as well. 
“Your stomach is lullabying me,” Lucas said with a huff, turning his face and pressing a kiss to her belly, “push me off if I get too heavy…” 
“Okay, baby,” she folded in the middle, kissing the top of his head, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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fave-fight · 11 months
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Utatane Piko:
“Wow a vocaloid with an actual last name what a shocker *AHEM* Was made by Sony (yes morbius-releasing Sony made a vocaloid), was unfortunately released RIGHT NEXT TO two other way more popular vocaloids, ended up becoming half-obscure and more people know about him now that he's been discontinued. Yippee 💥”
“literally the most pathetic a boy can get discontinued (he is literally already losing) stuck in v2 forever and has no eng voicebank still assigned meme by fandom silly another vocaloid was meant to be his counterpart but they got split due to their original company going bankrupt sony hates him (yes hes owned by sony) sony please revive our baby boy :[”
“Imagine if a discontinued computer program won, just imagine, that would b cool”
“He deserves to win because he sadly probably won't ever get a voice update, and the little babyman deserves at least something good to happen to him.”
“Discontinued robot man. Let him kill.”
“ROBOT SWAG!! very skrunkly, looks really fucking tired in his official v2 art, dicontinued please give them some justice he has a beautiful voice :(”
Jonathan Sims:
“It would be really funny if he and Jonah Magnus both got in so John could literally strange his boss to death. That would be so much fun. He should lose to everyone else tho bc he is doomed by the narrative to always take the L”
“Listen. Listen this is a fistfight, im not sure if his all knowing fear god bullshit powers will work here. If he can’t smite people. If he can’t Know things about them and scare them to death. If it’s just a fistfight of pure ability. He is going to get beat up so badly but I think he’ll live. Jon’s sturdy. He had a rib taken out. Was kidnapped and forcibly moisturised by an evil ringmaster puppet. He is… the fandom interpretation is that he’s skinny. Thin. His boyfriend is the strong one. Jonathan Sims would probably lose in a fistfight -he’s Just A Guy without the antichrist shit- but it would be so fucking funny. He might win. He might lose. It’s 2:18 AM here and I cannot sleep.”
“He has an endless supply of disdain and is so willing to use it Especially if there's Martin He HATES Martin Martin can do no good Let me tell you, that Martin... Wait, where'd you go?”
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meetmyothersouls · 7 months
When’s the update for BTY??
Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃
I love you 💜
Back to You
Jonah Hauer-King x first person reader
Warnings: Sexual situation, tension, not proof read
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Chapter 9
I'm getting better at reading Jonah's facial expressions, but the one he has on his face when he turns around is hard to read. He thanks the man that knocked on our door and slowly shuts it. He stays turned around for a few moments, a few too long because I'm automatically suspicious. Then he turns and I see his face. Maybe it' a mixture of anxiety, fear...disappointment? His eyes find mine.
"What's going on?" I ask, but it's so quiet, I'm not sure he can hear me.
He stares at me a moment longer and I not only see but feel his eyes on me. I watch them travel down my body, lingering on my chest, before they snap back up to mine. I pull my knees up to my chest because it's so fucking cold in here.
"Let's get you on the bed, y/n, you've been on the floor too long. It'll be warmer up there."
"Answer me," I say as he steps over to and grabs my hand. It takes nothing for him to pull me up. I was comfortable on the floor. "What's going on? What did that guy say?"
"Who Harold?"
"I guess? What did he say?" Jonah's pulling me to the bed, but I yank my hand from his. "If this is going to work, we need communication. I'm not sure how things worked before-" I point to my head "-this, but I need you to talk to me."
Jonah smiles, "This? You're saying there's a 'this'?"
"Jonah," I warn.
"There's been quite a snowstorm apparently." Jonah walks over to the window and pulls down the blinds to peek through. "Shit. I can't even see the car."
I join him by the window and he's right. The ground is covered in white as far as the eye can see. "So, we can't leave," I finish for him.
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
I turn to face him, but he's already beside me. I look up at him and I get that overwhelming urge again. The one my body...and maybe now my mind...can't seem to shake when I'm near him. "What are you apologizing for?"
"I wanted this to be special for you, even if you can't remember it. It's our anniversary tonight. I was hoping that maybe..."
"I know," I whisper back sympathetically.
"I miss you so much," Jonah says and my heart breaks for him. "And I know you're right here. And you are still the same beautiful, sweet girl I fell in love with but..."
"But I'm not," I finish for him again. God, I want to be. I snake my arms around his waist and pull myself into him. "I'm so sorry." His arms find their way around me and he holds me tightly. His body pressed against mine feels so amazing. My heart and stomach flip like they normally do when I'm falling for someone.
"What are you apologizing for?" He asks now.
It's still dark and the sun doesn't look like it'll be making an appearance today. I look up at him again. "I feel bad...I feel empty." I drop my grip from around Jonah's waist and I climb onto to the bed. It's not much warmer up here, but it's better than the floor. Jonah stands by the window still, looking over at me with his shoulder against the wall. He crosses his arms, and he's fucking beautiful there. It takes everything out of me not to beg him to crawl on top of me and fuck me until I remember him, but I can't. Not yet.
"You've nothing to feel bad about, y/n. None of this is your fault."
"I feel bad because there should be no questions. There shouldn't be any reason that I don't just listen to you talk about our past, nod my head and be your wife again. It just feels so empty without all those memories. It feels like I need to do it all over again."
Jonah nods and walks over to the bed; he sits on the side and the mattress dips with his weight. God, I want that weight on me.
"Then let's do it all over again."
"Let's do it all over again. We've got the rest of the month until you make your decision on whether or not you want to go back to the States." Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. "By the way when you have an update on that I'd love to hear it." He winks.
I roll my eyes, but don't say anything.
"But for now, I think we should focus on staying warm, hmm?"
By night fall I'm miserable. No matter what I do I can't get warm. The radiator in the room is frozen solid...with actual ice. There's no power, so no lights, but Harold was nice enough to bring us about 25 candles to light the room. Jonah left the room to request more blankets before we go to bed for the night, which leaves me alone and frozen.
A phone rings from across the room. Mine died a few hours ago and the room phone doesn't work, so it has to be Jonah's. I let it ring. On the sixth ring I realize it might not be a bad idea to answer it, maybe someone is looking for him or us and doesn't know we're stuck here. I hop off of the bed, but by the time I make it to Jonah's bag it stops. A second later a notification chimes. It's a voicemail from Jorge.
I open it and put the phone to my ear. Jorge is with Haven after all, I justify to myself.
Hey, fucker, It's Jorge. Just wondering when you're going to get arse over here. Or have you decided to keep her all to yourself? You know that's not fuckin' fair, mate. You know she should have a choice.
The message clicks shut and I'm more confused than ever. What the fuck does that even mean?
Jonah walks in and I don't even pretend that I wasn't on his phone. He looks over at the bed and doesn't see me and immediately scans the room. His eyes find my quickly. "Got the blankets," he says, not even caring that I have his phone.
"You got a phone call."
"Oh? Who was it? What'd they say?" Jonah asks as he's spreading out the blankets on the bed.
"It was Jorge. He left a voicemail."
Jonah spins around, worry etched into his face. "What did he have to say?"
I had him the phone and he listens to the voicemail.
"Did you listen to it?" He asks when it finishes playing.
"Yes." No point in lying.
"Jonah what is going on? 'Keeping her to yourself'? What am I some sort of game to you?"
"What? No! Let me explain."
"Just when I was starting to feel safe around you and trust and you and...fucking fall for you...Is this a game to you?"
"Y/n, please there's a logical explanation for it all! If you'd just let me-"
"No. I'm not interested in anything you have to say or your stupid little game you've got going on with Jorge. I'm going to bed. Please don't talk to me. Don't touch me."
I crawl into the bed because I'm damn sure not sleeping on the floor tonight. The blankets Jonah brought in offer little help, but it's better than nothing. I was really looking forward to cuddling against him, kissing him, touching him, but he ruined it. He ruined all the progress we made.
"Where do you want me to sleep?" He asks softly.
"I don't care."
He pulls a pillow from the bed, and a single blanket from the stack that he brought in and lays on the floor. I turn over, because if I look at him for even a second, I'll beg him to get on the bed with me. It's so fucking cold I almost ask him for my own selfishness. I curl my knees up to my chest and attempt to sleep.
I must doze off for at least a few hours because when I wake up the candles have burned out and I'm shivering something fierce. Jonah's up and he's looking outside. He turns and walks toward the bed...toward me. His hand goes to my face, and before I pull away, set on not having him touch me. He's scooting me over on the bed.
"Y/n, you're ice cold. Your skin is frozen. Your teeth are chattering so badly, I'm shocked you haven't broken one. You can hate me if you want, shit you can get on a plane tomorrow and leave if that's what you want to do. But tonight, I'm getting in this bed with you and I'm keeping you warm."
I groan and scoot over. Before he crawls in, he slides his shirt off and his sweatpants. Before I have a chance to say anything at all he's on his side and he grabs me, pulling me so close to him I can feel every outline on his body.
"Before you say anything, you'll be warmer faster with the less clothes you have on."
I'd love to argue with his logic, but I'm immediately relaxed due to his warmth. Reluctantly, I drape my arm over his side. I hike my leg up over his and pull myself even closer.
"I'm still pissed at you...but god, you're so warm," I down right moan.
"If you're not wanting to feel even more of me...you're going to have to stop that."
"Stop what?" I can't help it.
"...Moaning like that."
For a moment, I slip out of his grasp. He looks at me, puzzled, but when I peel off my shirt and my shorts, his eyes go wide.
"You are killing me."
"You said we'd be even warmer with no clothes on."
"I know but I didn't think-"
I lay back into him and he puts his arms around me. One of my legs go between his so my panties are resting just on his leg, and his leg is pressing right up against me. He doesn't say anything else as I get comfortable. I hear him swallow. His fingers lightly tracing my back.
I let out a small moan again.
"Tell me what that voicemail was about."
"The voicemail. You said there was an explanation. I'd like to hear it."
"Right now?"
"Yes, Jonah, right now."
He sighs, and scoots back a little so he can look at me. "You and Jorge had a...a fling once. It was before we were together. But, Jorge and I went to New York in 2015. That's where we met you and Haven. Funnily enough, you and Jorge hit it off immediately. You didn't care for me too much."
Wow. I'm stunned.
"The fling between you and Jorge...well that's all it was, was a fling. I'm not sure if you slept together, I never cared to ask, but he was still hung up on you and you didn't want to be with him anymore. The day before we left back to London, I asked you out to dinner, and you said yes...though at the time I think it was just to make Jorge jealous, but by the end of the night...you liked me." Jonah smiles and looks at me like I'm his most favorite memory. "We slept together that night...I missed my flight the next day and stayed two more weeks with you, which was just enough time for you to book a flight back with me. We haven't been apart since then."
I'm so pissed. So pissed that I can't remember any of that. He could be lying to my face for all I know, but he tells the story so seamlessly it has to be true.
"So," Jonah continues, "when Jorge found out you lost your memory...well, I guess he's using it as a means of getting you back."
I think back to when I found Jorge and Jonah whispering to each other in the library in Jonah's house.
"Which I mean...if you want to hang out with Jorge some to see if maybe you'd rather be with him then I guess I have to let you but-"
I cut him off. I'm such a fucking bitch, I can't believe this man even still loves me. I crash my lips into his and Jonah groans into my mouth. My tongue quickly finds his and they swirl against each other, fighting for dominance. Jonah wins, and that's fine. I want him to.
"I'm sorry," I whisper against his mouth when we break for air.
"Don't be," Jonah responds quickly pulling me back to his mouth.
I'm painfully aware of Jonah's thigh pressed against my pussy, and how wet he's making me. It's taking everything out of me not to use him for pleasure.
"Go on..." Jonah whispers, as if reading my mind.
"I feel you, go on."
"I don't know-"
Jonah smirks at me, and it's so fucking hot I lean in to kiss him again. He kisses me back for just a second before speaking. "I know you want to make yourself feel good. I'm right here." He kisses me quickly. "Use me," he whispers.
"Jonah," I moan.
His lips go to my neck and he kisses me so gently it makes me weak. He slides a hand down my back, down my side and it lands on my hip. He moves it for me, and my wet center slides against his thigh. I moan softly. The friction from my panties partnered with his leg is just...heaven right now.
"Such a pretty sound..." Jonah whispers against my neck. "God I've missed that sound...do it again for me."
Shamelessly, I grind against his thigh and moan again for him. It feels so good. His voice...his praising. Good lord that alone might be enough to bring me to my knees for him.
"Good girl," Jonah purrs. "Such a good girl."
"Ahhh," I shudder.
"See that's another thing, darling," Jonah says before kissing me passionately. He breaks the kiss when he feels me shudder against his leg. I moan, softly but it's long and drawn out as I come against his leg. "I know everything that turns you on. All your tells, all your sounds. I know how to get you going without even trying."
I'm not cold anymore as I pull away from Jonah's thigh. I'm sweating.
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @waqndamaximoffbae @twinkledinkleg-blog @justagirlwholovedtoread @nonsensical-nonsence @paramorelvrr @thedonswife13 @miniemonie2001 1 1 @jonahhauer-kingg @crazyyynyyyy
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gaiahypothesims · 18 days
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Evelyn- This is nice.
Jake- Is it? Is it more nice because you won. <smirk>
Evelyn- Hey, once in a while its nice to win. I don't have a lot of wins going on in my life.
Jake- That's not what I meant. <frowns> Do you think you have a bad life?
Evelyn- <exhales> That's not what I meant. I just have a lot going on, and with this whole Harris Lane thing.
Jake- <raises eyebrow> Harris Lane? From that band?
Evelyn- I'm not supposed to say anything, this is between you and me. He's a whole other pain in the ass. Like, another pain in the ass like the other pains in the ass I already have going.
Jake- <smiles> That's a lot of ass pain.
Evelyn- Yeah, and none of it pleasurable. Just a whole lot of hemorrhoids and no prostate massage.
Jake- <laughs> You don't have a prostate.
Evelyn- Well, whatever the lady version of a prostate is then.
Jake- Sounds fun.
Evelyn- Do you like the guy? The band?
Jake- <shrugs> They're fine. I heard he's a diva.
Evelyn- <rolls her eyes> They're all diva's. Jonah, Ashley, Raj, Lex, every man I know is a diva.
Jake- <snorts> Am I a diva?
Evelyn- No. That's why you're the exception. They're all assholes.
Jakes- 'Comes a time when you start looking around on your life and if everyone around you is an asshole....
Evelyn- What?! That I'M the common denominator? I'M the asshole?
Jake- <laughing> No! That's not what I meant!
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Evelyn- <scoffs> Yeah, sure. Whatever buddy.... I'm starting to think you're an asshole too. Which makes me an asshole magnet, because I sure as hell know that I'm NOT the asshole.
Jake- <smiles> You are NOT the asshole. I'm just saying, maybe you need to re-evaluate what you're allowing in your life.
Evelyn- You know what I'm allowing? I dip in the pool, with no baby to worry about and no MAN that I need to babysit. Don't you have a massage booked?
Jake- Just think about it.
Evelyn- Oh I'll think about it. I'll think about it alright. I'll think about a world with no men, a drama free world.
Jake- You do that.
Evelyn- It will be pure bliss. Hey, I have to go by the house later to grab some 'things' for tonight, so make sure your massage doesn't come with a happy ending, I have plans for later.
Jake- The only 'happy ending' I want is one with you.
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cheese-wizard · 5 months
Hi, Hello, don't mind me, I just want to get my thoughts an theories for the Magnus Protocol out there. I haven't engaged much in discourse yet so perhaps some parts will be repetitive but there will be spoilers for tma.
I don't think we can apply Smirke's 14/15 to the world of protocol since it just doesn't make sense for Jonny and Alex to use the same system again but I have a feeling there is going to be a way to classify them and I have quite a feeling that it has to do with the alchemical symbols.
I only briefly skimmed the Wikipedia page for some of them but one thing I thought about was that the Symbol for Salt and Mercury are on the crest of the OIAR (and some in the background) and just like with the last cover, I am not going to dismiss any of this for stylistic choices.
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I saw a post a few days ago talking about how salt stands for the human body and by extension flesh related horrors/body horror/etc etc and from what I've gathered, mercury stands for Spirit or mind or whatever and each of the main elements in alchemy corresponds with planets. (Do I smell a potential system for fear classification there, or do I need to do some further reading into the symbolism? 👀 Maybe both.)
So like Mercury is the Roman god of a lot of things but a lot of the time he is referenced for traveling and communication which leads me to associate him with technology and the internet as well since, interconnectivity, information travels fast bla bla bla.
I don't have any clue if the speed up arrow thingys in the crest mean anything alchemically but if it means something about combining technology and the human body/mind and we already have Norris and Chester who once were human and are now uploaded to the miracle box that is Windows NT. As much as I like the idea of JMJ error referring to Jon Martin and Jonah, I am not sure about the Jonah part because it could also very well be the case that some guy Alice mentioned from the people that "have gone weird" before, just somehow ended up part of the computer and it might happen to our beloved office staff too. (Perhaps not exactly since Alice would probably recognize their voices but maybe it's like the not them getting to you. I just noticed a hole in my theory and am trying to keep it afloat lol)
Let me know what you think and if you have more knowledge on alchemical symbolism
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inkdemonapologist · 3 months
Ok. A hypothetical scenario if you'll indulge me. You are a casting director on the movie. You are familiar with the material and you are asked to present some actors to the crew- *besides JK Simmons who everybody thinks should play Joey I guess?* who do you suggest and for what role?
I don't know any actors other than The Guy With The Cool Lips Who Played Scarecrow That One Time, so setting me up as casting director would be a questionable decision! I feel like the very tiny amount we know about this movie also makes this difficult; like, am I casting Sammy in 1932, Sammy in 1946, Ink Sammy, all three?
So, rather than picking specific famous people, some broader thoughts on what elements to prioritise?? as hypothetical casting director. For sake of this exercise we're going to take this all very seriously and pretend that the writing for this movie is already great lmao.
Joey: Ironically for the first BatIM character to get a canon human appearance, I think Joey's acting chops are more important than his looks; as long as makeup can do a decent moustache and the voice is good, the energy is what will really sell him. Joey Drew is both VERY important to get right and also the most complex character in the Bendy Franchise, but he's also really really easy to turn into a stereotype, and I feel like this implication of "obviously he should be played by the guy who played J Jonah Jameson" kinda speaks to how easy it is to see just one side of him. Joey is simultaneously ruthless but also disarmingly charming, likeable but also punchable, confident but also pathetically insecure, genuine but also manipulative -- it seems like a tricky energy to nail. If he doesn't have a sharpness to him, that Curiosity Where Empathy Should Be element, you've erased a really important part of the man behind so many nightmares; if he's a cartoon evil capitalist, then everyone who believes in his dreams looks stupid for falling for something so obvious. Whoever plays him has to be able to get in his head AND ALSO convey that nuance. But if you have the luxury of nitpicking appearance after that, I think it's worth noting that Joey doesn't look the way he's trying to look. I keep saying I'm obsessed with his overbite in BatDR, but like:
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See? Henry's the one with that aggressive strong jaw facial structure. Compared to him, even this less-aged Joey has facial structure more like mine, with a weaker chin that gives the impression of an overbite and a shorter face (which, to be clear, are attractive traits, but they are definitely not the Stereotypical Energy for this character archetype) -- he just knows how to carry himself to give off that j jonah jameson energy. I think attention to that kind of detail would also help him be his own fascinating character instead of just shoving him into an existing archetype.
Henry: If it's Ink Henry, his vibes are the most important. This character is famously non-emotive, often to an inappropriate extent, and frankly I think whoever plays him should keep that as part of his character. Henry strikes me as someone who wants to be kind but he's so, so tired, and just looking at this guy needs to sell that because Henry's actual behaviour and dialogue won't.
If it's Actually Worked In The Studio Henry, then I think his voice and appearance need to be SPOT. ON. so that they can play him a little differently and it still works rather than just not feeling like Henry. If he sounds like a perfect Henry but he has more energy, he's still quiet but he's more confident, he's not the follower Joey tried to sell him as... that would be such a neat thing to leave as an implied reveal for fans -- that the Henry we know is either a dishonest representation, or changed by his experiences, and is actually a bit different from the man Joey worked with.
Susie: they won't do this because they're cowards, but I personally think Susie would be such a good candidate for protagonist of a Bendy movie..... anyway if human Susie is in it, she doesn't have a canon appearance so you have a lot of freedom here. Most important thing is that She Has The Range; she needs to be able to be both believably naive and starry-eyed in a likeable way rather than coming across as desperate or annoying, and she ALSO needs to have a ruthless energy in her so that her later Womens Wrongs don't come out of nowhere. If Twisted Alice AND Susie both make appearances, I'm torn on whether they should be played by the same person... it could be cool if they were, since then you could see a lot of Susie in Alice even when she's behaving VERY DIFFERENTLY, which I think would humanise Alice in a good way (and also humanise Susie as more than just a Sweet Naive Girl Who Was Tricked)
Either way Twisted Alice NEEDS TO BE HOT. IM NOT JOKING I THINK THIS IS THE PRIORITY. Yes yes half her face is melting, but her vibes are UNIRONICALLY "hot and evil and wants to vivisect someone." Like, it would also be nice to get someone who can play her with dimension, with an implication that she has reason to be a cartoon evil sexy person who flies into a shrieking rage beyond just women be crazy (which is kind of what she is in the games), but also, she IS a cartoon evil sexy person and you CAN'T lose that; she needs to be able to pull off EVIL AND HOT with half her face gone without it feeling like a parody. Lesbians in the audience need to fan themselves. ITS VERY IMPORTANT.
I don't have a ton of thoughts about Allison. We have a pretty specific physical description of her human self. She needs to have enough ethereal poise to justify the lovesick way she is described in every novel lmao. Allison Angel, though, is where I would put a priority of Needs A Character Actor i think; she's a fairly major character but it's so hard to get a good handle on what she actually like..... wants or feels beyond Helping The Protagonist and Being A Good Person, but if she could really sell the bits and pieces so well you believe it, so that she really seems like she's been harshened by the brutal world she lives in but genuinely values a hope she won't let go of, it could make the character really good.
Sammy.............. Well, it's hard to not be biased. But human Sammy has no canon appearance, so I think you can't go wrong there as long as you pick someone who could conceivably be described as "pointy", and I PERSONALLY think based on the little crumbs of description we've gotten that a human Sammy should be fairly distinctive and intense, attractive in a Strange way - but I think the really really important thing for Sammy (ink or human) is his vocal performance. This is a character who took off in popularity in large part because of a couple of really compellingly delivered monologues; Sammy's voice NEEDS to be right, especially when he's speaking quietly. I think physicality in the sense of How He Moves is ALSO really important for him; Sammy's wiggle-fingers in game and constantly odd descriptions in the novels and complete lack of personal space in both all imply that he moves Strangely, and I do think he should have an unsettling Renfield energy, but it's also so easy for Character Who Is Losing His Mind to get portrayed so over-the-top that it becomes goofy or unbelievable or weird for the sake of being "creepy". Sammy's energy shouldn't be Insane Batman Villain, it should be Doomed Guy In A Lovecraft Story -- it's just that nobody but him is in a lovecraft story.
there are other characters but I think these are all the ones i have thoughts on
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hiddleswiftt · 10 months
invisible string. (inspired by the taylor swift song “invisible string”)!
mo (jonah hauer-king character) x fem reader!
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you had finally moved into your apartment that you were living in with him. your friend mo. you’ve known mo since forever, but you finished college about three years ago with him, your other friends tiff and maia, and you thought that you should move out of your parents house.
good for you, you already had a job, and now somewhere to live and some company, which was mo. mo was and has always been good to you, all for the good reasons. you both always have had a soft spot for each other. tiff thought you two were seeing each other or hooking up at one point, she thought that was the reason why you wanted to move in with him.
“yes and no”, you thought, as you moved in the last thing into the apartment with mo, continuously thinking about what tiff said. you did love him, but you probably thought he would be seeing other people.
it was nice being in mo’s company. he was slightly messy and you were neat but you didn’t mind it. whenever tiff would come over to talk about her breakup with her ex boyfriend justin, she’d always pick at mo’s messiness and compliment you for your tidiness. you’d laugh at this and nudge his arm. he’d smile at you widely with his dimples always showing. you loved his dimples. it was one of your favourite things about mo.
there was one day that you were both sitting on the sofa together, not quite snuggled up to each other yet, but you would usually do after a few glasses of wine you would.
one day in particular this happened but you both seemed more sober after the same amount of glasses of wine. you both were sitting on the sofa as you would usually, cuddled up together watching something, with his hand around your waist. that was a new addition to the whole pattern, which you liked and didn’t stop him from doing it.
you felt comfortable. you felt loved.
you needed to get up, just to process what happened. “want another glass, mo?” you ask, moving to get up. he nods but instead he gets up, getting the drink and one for himself for you.
you sat on the sofa as jonah gets another glass of wine, covering your mouth with excitement. your mind goes blank. so when mo walks back in, he just spots you staring blankly at the wall.
“you okay, y/n?” he asks you, holding the glasses of wine. you both know you’re both probably going to get a little drunk tonight. you nod, turning back to him, admiring his gaze. “yeah. yeah, im fine!” you say, excitedly.
mo is just about to sit down with you again. he sits a little away from you at this point, he was about to say something but you end up saying something before him. “mo?” you ask, admiring his face lovingly, “can we talk?”
he looks at you, “are you okay, y/n?” he asks you, making sure you’re okay. he holds your arms for protection. you look at him. you think about blurting out what you’re gonna say but mo ends up saying it first: “i know.”
you look surprised. does he know what you’re thinking? “i love you too, y/n” mo says, now holding your cheeks lovingly. all of a sudden your heart starts racing and your cheeks heat up.
all you can say is: “really?”. but all mo does is lean in to kiss you. you take his hands off your cheeks and you put your hands on his cheeks instead, embracing him in a long and passionate kiss, where in the end both of you end up laying on top of each other and then in each other’s arms.
you sat back up, admiring his face. “you know, i think i fancy my flatmate?” you say, playing with his hair as he lay next to you on the sofa, now examining your face as you did for his. “do you know him?” you continued, smirking at him, “he’s a cool guy…”
he laughed and smiled at you. yet again, his dimples were showing. “is that so?” he asked you. all you could do is nod and laugh. “very..” you answered him, giving him a small peck on the lips.
“i love you, y/n” mo tells you, smiling at you as you lay back into his arms. he put his arm back around you.
you smiled at his words and snuggled back into his side again, finally happy that you finally convinced yourself to share your feelings for mo. “i love you too, mo..”
you always knew there was an “invisible string”between you two. but here it was. tying you to him.
please don’t copy my work! <3
(let me know what you think of this fic by giving this post a like, follow and a comment!)
— h4uerkings
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miscreantahead · 4 months
Back on Tuesday when episode 4 dropped I had some thoughts about how the "fears" are going to work in this universe. Personally I'm operating under the belief that these are the same entities that could have been destroyed in the TMA universe and got pulled into this new one, but as many have already stated, that doesn't mean they have to be (and at this point I'm thinking definitely are not) the "fears" as we know them.
Something I keep coming back to is Leitner's talk of an eye a hand and a boot attacking an anthill and the ants not perceiving that it was all attacked to one larger assailant. This was about the avatars, but considering we have so little confirmed about what the entities we used to call the fears actually are, and considering the eyepocolypse couldn't happen without all of them coming through... what if this time, it's all one big horrible thing? Or, more accurately, to some degree, always has been? Obviously they can't be one individual as we perceive the concept of a singular individual otherwise the Web wouldn't have defected and there wouldn't have been a power structure with the eye, but off the hand I think of like organs in a single body, like the eye became the brain and the Web's shenanigans was liver failure.
Part of what supports that for me is the guy who gave the narrator the violin. The violin itself has obvious slaughter vibes. The man who gave it to him felt very beholding. And he also had a bag of various artifacts that could have done things that we'd associate with certain fears the way we knew them in TMA. Sure, he could just be a Leitner/Salesa, collecting various artifacts related to the powers, but the thing that sets this guy apart of from those two is that they never handed them out. So far, like the post I just reblogged before typing this one said, the cases don't come off like there's much fear involved, or at least they don't end in a place of fear. My sort of whackadoo theory right now is that what happened in the TMA universe has educated these entities (or possibly entity) in some way on what needs to be done in order for them to cross the threshold and take over their new reality like they did previously. Assuming they're capable of learning that is, and I know some things in TMA sort of seemed to imply they're not (but in my mind it's more like huge portions of their existence aren't perceivable to us and likewise much of ours fly under their radar and so I think they could have gathered something, just not anything that would have been perceptible enough for any of us or the characters to understand.) I mean, if you think about how fumbling the attempts for them to cross through were, and the way someone who was essentially human had to be the one to figure it all out (and took thousands of years to do so and let's face it got REALLY lucky that everything finally went his way like if you think about all of the things that could have gone wrong for Jonah, how many times Jon could have died, how many times the next 100 Jons would have to be put in a situation where they could die. The chances of him actually winning were so fucking slim, it was a tough order and he delivered and who's to say anyone would be able to again) and open the right door you'd think they'd be inclined to overhaul their methods. I think the entities still feed on fear, but I think they want the same thing it had before, it's done settling for scraps. I think when it was defeated and sent to live on the outskirts again it got a little pissed off, and I think it's going for a different approach to try and make that happen again. Obviously I might be humanizing the Things too much, I probably am, but I'm also kind of like... if they have manifested in a completely different way in this universe made up of the same meat sacks as the last one, like not just different "categorizations" and "presentations" but different motivations and focuses... it seems like it could be due to it learning from experience. Which is nice and terrifying :-). Another thing I think a lot about is how the fuck would any other power winning have worked in the TMA universe? The eye worked because it wanted to see everyone's suffering, it let the other fears do their dirty work because it wanted to watch. If any other fear had taken the lead, how would the others have functioned? The end probably would have accelerated the death of all of them just like Oli's s5 musings went on about, and the rest would have done some crazy shit making no room for anyone else's priorities because they have no reason to. There's a reason the brain has to be in charge, maybe Jonah Magnus even knew that and it's why he settled on beholding?
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
Hi, hi, hello, I am here once again to sound absolutely insane while arguing something buddie, this time from Buck's side because I haven't done one on him in a while. I think this is a Buck needs to choose defense, but who knows really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Okay, I've talked about this before, but Oliver is a really big guy, he's taller than the rest of the cast so we don't see Buck looking up a whole lot. In conversations where Buck would be in a more vulnerable position, they put all of the involved sitting down so they are on the same eye level, when he tells Abby about the catfish guy, when he talks to Maddie after the bombing, when he talks to Maddie after Red dies, when he finds out about Daniel, when he talks to Maddie after the thing with Jonah, when he talks to Bobby after the lightning.
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Or they're both standing up, when he talks to Bobby before he quits before the tsunami, when he talks to Bobby after the lawsuit, when he tells Bobby he is one of the most important people in his life, when he tells Eddie about the fight with his parents, when he talks to Bobby after the crane, when he’s helping Eddie fix the walls (as I was typing this I noticed the trend of having him sitting down with Maddie and standing up with Bobby, which makes sense considering how much shorter than Oliver Jennifer is and how Oliver and Peter are just a few inches apart).
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Or they have Buck being the only one standing up, or just at a higher level, so that he has the high ground in sense, when he tells the 118 about the thing with Daniel, when he yells at his parents, when he talks to Maddie after he messes up with Red, when he breaks up with Taylor, but it is a trend to not have him look up at people. (All of these have more examples, I just didn't feel like screenshotting every major Buck scene lol)
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People he does look up to in vulnerable moments, moments actually end up leading to a fight? Ali and Taylor. He looks up at Ali when she's talking about not understanding what the job means and when he tells Taylor he kissed someone else. So he looks up at his love interests. Before a fight, but still looking up. Ali is the most intense example I could find in my quick skimming of the scenes I could think of, but since Taylor is standing up and he's sitting down, it counts.
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This does nothing for my point but I do want to point it out. He looks up at Eddie before the confrontation at the gym lol. Sure that ends with Buck towering over Eddie, but it starts with him looking up at him and fits the trend (or actually starts it? Considering this happens before Ali or Taylor lol).
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I could be wrong here, maybe there are other moments where he's looking up and I just can't think of them right now, but Eddie is pretty much the only person he consistently looks up to, when he clears with Bobby for Chris to stay at the station (not about him but he's looking up), the Hildy incident (this one is just funny but it happens), when he tells Eddie it would’ve been better if he had been shot, after Chim leaves to look for Maddie, after he dies. And it's interesting to have those last two scenes because he's going to Eddie for advice and they decided to literally have him look up at Eddie. 
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Conversations with Eddie fit all types of categories when it comes to the two of them because they are best friends, just focus on these ones tho (you can read this for thoughts on framing in multiple scenes tho)
"But Anna you've said this before in at least 3 different posts already" I know, I know, and I have a point, I promise. 
I like taking season 6 knowledge and recontextualizing the previous seasons. What does Buck want in season 6? Answers. From the dude at the happiness convention to “I’m the guy with the answers, I kinda like that”. But it’s not crazy to say that Buck has been looking for whatever this answer is his whole life, but the main thing is that Buck keeps looking for answers outside of what he already has, the choice he makes is to look for something else to make things make sense and for someone else to tell him so he can pretend he's not responsible for the consequences. There’s a whole other discussion here and I was talking about this yesterday, but Buck doesn’t really make choices in his life (bisexual king 🫶), he fell into firefighting, he tripped into every relationship he had, he didn’t pick his apartment, he still hasn’t picked a couch. 
Okay, but why does that relate to the whole looking-up thing? I don’t know if this makes sense, but I think in a way he expects Eddie to have the answers in a way that’s a bit, not excessive, but like, bordering on too much? Like, for example, the way he takes what Eddie tells him before the tsunami and runs with it, the whole just move on thing that he is still doing (I’m kinda fascinated about the way that the end of the cemetery conversation gives the same message that Eddie tried to push onto him there and we all know how that ended for Eddie), the whole “somehow we manage to just suck it up, why can’t you?” and “a lot of I’s in there” and “you’re making it about you? again?” that does make Buck act as if having feelings about traumatic events means he’s making it about himself, makes him selfish, that makes him act as if he needs just to push through. He keeps following Eddie’s lead at all times. And I think that is something that needs to be addressed in some way before they can have a relationship. I do think post-lawsuit Eddie is trying, post-therapy Eddie is trying even harder to not lead them wrong or dismiss Buck’s feelings, and if Eddie asked Buck out, chances are he would say yes, but it would leave the question of whether he’s just following Eddie’s lead. Because Buck keeps tripping into relationships. We don't see him ask anyone out, we don't see Buck make the decision. The only way to fight this is to have Buck be the one to march to Eddie and go “I want this, do you want me?” and hope he’s doing the right thing while knowing he is the one who went for it. 
And like, I don’t really think Eddie would ask Buck, not for lack of wanting, but because he runs from fights he’s not sure he can win, dude retreats back to safety like no one else, and taking a leap with Buck is not safe. But, hey, we’re supposed to believe Buck is the one who keeps running into unsafe situations, so sure, have Buck do it. 
And I think the cemetery can be used as a start for that, because Buck keeps trying to get Eddie to tell him what to do, he keeps looking at Eddie and waiting for him to just give him the answers, but Eddie already retreated from the fight, he’s all “whatever you say, bud” so Buck thinks he’s doing something Eddie agrees on, but what Eddie wants is the opposite, the shift in the way Eddie is handling that conversation is really obvious and to have Buck go against it could be used in an interesting way. 
And the cemetery scene itself opposes the whole looking-up thing because Eddie refuses to keep looking at Buck while Buck keeps poking him to get him to look. Buck is all “*tugging on his sleeve* tell me I'm right tell me I'm right tell me I’m right” and Eddie is all “you’re right buddy *narrators voice* he doesn’t think he’s right at all”.
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And Eddie is locked out of making changes in the relationship in a sense, because Buck basically told him “this woman is the one” so why would he risk the friendship when Buck has made it clear what he wants? In Eddie's head, it's a fight that's already lost, so why would he jeopardize the part of the relationship he does have for something he thinks is hopeless?
But Buck doesn’t have that, I think right now, the power is in Buck’s hands, Buck needs to realize he has it and Buck needs to make the choice to use it. 
Mr. Human Calculator I Have The Answers Now needs to accept that life has a level of unpredictability and go for it anyway. Start fighting the current he put himself in and getting the things he does wants not the things he thinks he should want.
Random rant about the cemetery if you feel like reading my thoughts on that.
Random post about Buck, water, and the way he just goes with it forever and ever.
Shorter post about why Buck needs to choose.
My tag for metas if you liked my brand of crazy. 🫶🫶🫶
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