#you over there working yourself to the BONE and still finding time to send me things? ;; i'm so flattered
Here’s a crossover fic idea, Pokémon reader gets sent to stardew valley by Arceus for some strange reason, causing them to take a job as a farmer with their Pokémon. However, the reader has to hide their Pokémon from the townsfolk since they don’t know how they would react to their pocket monsters. Though eventually certain townsfolk (the male bachelors and Krobus to be exact) will eventually learn the truth depending on how close they are to the reader. The reader’s Pokemon team consists of Herdier, Gogoat, Mudsdale, Vespiquen, Blaziken and Oinkolonge (the female form).
"Does thou understand thy task?"
"I-I still don't know why I'm even doing this. What's my purpose in coming here? Pokémon don't even exist-"
"Once more I shall reiterate: Achieve Perfection, and come to the Summit. You will find me waiting."
"I..don't know what "perfection" even is! Why did you send me to this place?! Why did you choose-"
The sound of a rooster's loud caw made your eyes snap open, realizing that you were having yet another bizarre dream.
You sighed, waking up and rubbing your eyes, before checking the time.
6:00 AM.
"Oh well..time to make breakfast and get to work." You muttered to yourself, stretching out your limbs before getting out of bed and starting the day.
No time to muddle over your dream.
But you knew for certain that your encounter with the mythical Arceus--the God of all Pokémon itself--was no dream the first time around, as it decided to send you to this strange new land..
A land called Stardew Valley.
You didn't think there was any special reason it chose you. You've just finished schooling in Paldea and had plans to travel the world with your Pokémon. Although apparently god itself decided to fling you into an entirely different world..not one where Ultra Beasts nor Giratina existed.
But rather a world where you quickly realized Pokémon didn't even exist.
It was just you and your team: Herdier, Gogoat, Mudsdale, Vespiquen, Oinkolonge, and Blazkien--your start who's been by your side since your Pokémon journey began back in Hoenn.
You were thankful Arceus sent them along with you, or else you probably would've lost your mind at this point..
The moment you were dropped down into a dilapidated farmland, you quickly realized that you had to make a new home for yourself here...and as you've gotten acquainted with the locals in the nearby town, you also learned how to make some good profits.
Farming wasn't something you expected to do in your journey, but what other option did you have?
Besides, your team adjusted rather well to the roles you've assigned them: such as Oinkolonge sniffing out truffles, Vespiquen and Gogoat ensuring your crops were growing well, Herdier digging up bones and artifacts for you to sell, donate, or gift, Mudsdale helping you get around town on horseback, and Blaziken aiding you with the physical labor and being your bodyguard in the mines.
When you've heard rumors of monsters dwelling there, you assumed Pokémon and became eager to catch some....only to discover that they weren't even Pokémon at all--but rather hostile creatures that had no types or weaknesses you could exploit.
Your Pokedex and pokeballs were basically null and void.
So again, you had to adapt. This time you needed to sharpen up your combat skills, even though Blaziken was able to take them down pretty easily without you ever lifting your sword.
That was one problem taken care of.
The other...involved the villagers who don't know what a "poke-man" is, the majority thinking you were insane for going to the mines. You've become close friends with a lot of the guys over the past year or so, and while they've seen you, Mudsdale, and Herdier together, you never told them you were a Pokémon trainer.
For all they knew, you were just someone from Zuzu City who owned a "unique" dog and horse. They didn't know you came from a world entirely different from theirs.
They were wary of anything new--including yourself--and were especially terrified of the monsters, hearing nothing but rumors and horrible things happening to people in the mines.
What would they think if they discovered you owned "monsters" of your own who had special powers? You had no idea if they'd be scared of you..and everything you've done to build up friendships with them would come crashing down.
But a few hours later, while you and your companions were preoccupied with their outdoor tasks, you failed to notice one of the guys was approaching the farmland.
And you had little time to react to their presence before they spotted one of your Pokémon...
He just wanted to see if you're up for playing gridball, and instead stumbles upon your Blaziken breaking apart a large stone with their kicks.
It was the most efficient way you could help them train, while at the same time gathering resources to store for later.
"Woah..what the heck are you?!"
Alex's shout scares you, and you throw down your watering can in a panic, running over to explain-
"Hey, hey..no need to freak out." He laughs. "Is this one of those "Pokémon" you were talking about? Why does it look like an oversized chicken?"
His face pales. "Did...it just talk to me??"
Seeing no other way to hide this, you eventually tell him more about Pokémon, trying your best to explain the concept of evolution to the jock.
At first it just...flies over his head, but once you draw it out for him, he gets the gist of it.
"So you're saying that..Blaziken started out as this weak and small Torchic, but got stronger through rigorous training?"
"Yep, pretty much."
"Hey, that sounds like me! I used to be a scrawny little kid, too, but look at me now! On the road to going pro!" Alex smiles at your starter. "Looks like you already achieved that yourself. Awesome job." He gives them a fist-bump, and is thrilled when they understand the gesture.
Learning how strong their kicks are inspires him to work on his own leg routine (which he admits to neglecting).
He absolutely wants to invite Blaziken to play gridball with him....as long as they don't get too excited and accidentally scorch the ball with their flames.
If you ever bring Herdier over to his grandparents', them and Dusty will become best buds real fast.
He randomly decided to stop by your farm to give you a gift--as a way of thanking you for helping him write a new song.
But at first, he doesn't notice anything wrong with your Oinkolonge playing with a truffle crab she dug up.
Until he sees you, pauses, looks back at her, and says "wait do pigs normally look like that?"
You thought he wouldn't notice since his head was in the clouds 99% of the time.....but right now it wasn't.
And ofc she's kinda tired to hiding all the time and walks right up to him.
Sam isn't sure where that floral scent came from, although after it began making him sneeze, you had to politely recall Oinkolonge and apologize.
He just looks so bewildered, and stares at your other Pokemon...yet he didn't freak out like you expected.
Maybe Oinkolonge's ability still made him calm, so you took this moment to explain your team to him, reassuring him they're harmless.
"What? Scared? Nah, I was just...they remind me of this one game Vincent started playing."
"Oh? And what's that?"
"Junimon. You basically collect these Junimos with different powers and fight other monsters, with some attacks being more effective than others! It's pretty rad."
"....that's literally how it is where I come from. But it's no video game. We coexist with them."
Sam's mind=blown.
He wants to tell Sebastian and Abigail about your Pokémon so SO badly...but your Vespiquen physically blocks him from running/skating away from your farm until he promises you he won't say a word.
He made sure to write it down, of course.
It's something he 100% doesn't wanna forget.
He overheard that Marnie recently sold you a blue baby chicken, and he wanted to come over and see how the little guy was doing in your coop.
However, upon arrival he stumbles across your chickens being surrounded by Blaziken, the blue one standing on their shoulder.
"Farmer where the fuck did you get a chicken like that?"
"Holy SHIT Shane I didn't know you were there!" You sprint over, seeing the wide-eyed look on his face.
"Please tell me I'm not hallucinating. I haven't even had a drink yet but-"
Before he could start going on a rant and/or leave, you encourage him to stay so you can explain everything about Blaziken and your Pokémon team.
Like Alex, he's not gonna understand a whole lot about it, but he gets the gist of it.
You debate on telling him that Pokémon eggs just "spawn" and walking is the only way to hatch them. No incubators needed.
He has some questions, obviously, but not the ones you expected.
"So Blaziken..just combines "blaze" and "chicken" together?"
"Uh yep. Pretty much."
"....are there other chicken-based Pokémon where you come from?"
Whenever he visits the farm thereon, he'd always check up on Blaziken and the chickens, impressed at how many they were able to raise.
During the winter, they're a personal heater for the babies--although sometimes Shane worries about them accidentally burning the barns/coops down.
He also might forget that your starter isn't 100% chicken, and the one time he tried feeding them hay instead of berries....they weren't impressed.
Your secret stays safe with him, even when he goes to drink.
He's definitely written some short stories and poems about the monsters in the mines/skull caverns you talked about, even creating new characters inspired by them!
Oftentimes he silently envies the thrilling adventures you've had and wonders if his life will ever become that exciting (without all the danger and peril of mining, ofc)
While hanging at the saloon, you maaaaaay have let it slip that you owned Pokémon, but you don't remember how much you shared.
Fortunately, it didn't negatively affect your friendship with Elliot, as he comes to your farm to see these creatures for himself.
"Oh my...!"
The first one he meets is Vespiquen, and you SPRINT over to him in a panic, clothes dirty and your face sweaty.
"Elliot! Don't scream! She's just a..uh...ah....a-a really big bee-!"
"Farmer, why would I ever scream in the presence of royalty?"
You stand there, utterly dumbfounded as the writer greets your fearsome bug type, treating her like a princess and admiring her growing collecting of honey and flower garden.
Vespiquen, being the haughty and prideful lass she is, eats up his praise...and continues to every time he's visited your farm since.
Okay, so you might've told him too much about your Pokémon team, but you're grateful he didn't get too scared.
Or think you were crazy.
But it's gonna be a bit of a problem when you need Vespiquen to focus on her tasks.
Even if you're visiting his beach house or hanging out in the library together, you could feel her pokeball shaking within your bag, eager to be let out.
Elliot joked that she was simply "buzzing" with excitement, and you just groaned.
The shadow monster always dreamed of the day humans and monsters could live in harmony, but fears that it'll only stay that way: as a mere dream.
Well...one winter night that changes when he visits your farm under the cover of darkness, and Blaziken instinctively comes out to protect your land.
The familiar screech of a Shadow Brute has you rushing out the door, sword drawn, only to instantly recognize Krobus--who was about to get Fire Punched into oblivion.
"Blaziken, stop! That's my friend!"
"...blaze?" They stare at you, still holding the poor little monster in their grasp.
"Please, trust me. Don't hurt him."
Krobus is bewildered and scared..yet amazed at the same time.
This human has tamed a monster and can speak to it??? Not to mention you have several of them once he visits your coop and barn.
After you've explained the concept of Pokémon, he grows to understand them better, and forgives Blaziken for attacking him.
Obviously you didn't wanna tell him you used them to fight his "friends" down in the mines.
Initially, he was horrified by the idea of pokeballs being used to "imprison" them, despite you reassuring him that they roam freely almost 24/7.
Although when you're down in the sewers one day, he proposes a rather humorous question.
"Is the inside of a pokeball comfortable for them?"
"It is. It's well-insulated but..wait, don't tell me..." You see the look on his face, the way his eyes went to the pokeballs on your belt. "Did you wanna try going inside one? Thought you despised the idea."
"I did, but..if they help your monsters get around town discreetly, maybe..they could help me. The crocus are blooming nicely this winter, and I've been wanting to pick them myself."
"Sorry Krobus, but they don't work."
"Why not?"
"...because you're not a Pokémon. It'll just bounce right off of you."
"But I am a monster, though???"
"That's...not really how it works-"
"Didn't you say they were discovering new ones all the time in your world?"
Eventually, you entertain the idea of catching Krobus--and he's disappointed when you're correct, as the pokeball bounces off his antenna and almost rolls into the sewer waters.
You get a good laugh out of it, and as embarrassed as he is..it was worth a try.
Another day, another argument with his family...another reason to get out of that house and be as far away from the mountains as possible.
There's no better place for Sebastian to retreat to than your farm.
You two have become close friends at this point, even though you have yet to actually tell him about your Pokémon.
While playing Solarian Chronicles with him, Sam, and Abigail, you'd play the role of a summoner (which was the closest thing to "trainer"), with some of your creatures being inspired by your main team.
Ngl Seb was impressed by your character sheet.
When he decides to come over one random day after that fight in his house, Gogoat is tilling the soil with their hooves--and you're too occupied planting seeds until he says something.
"Woah..I've never seen that kind of goat before."
You jump, rushing over to explain everything....only to see that he doesn't look freaked out by any means. Nor did he seem upset that you kept this a secret.
Then again, he regularly visited the mines and thinks the Skeletons are badass, so you weren't sure why you were freaking out.
In the end, he just has genuine questions about your Pokémon, and you answer them honestly.
In your pokedex, you show him some of the frog-based ones. And he immediately likes Politoed.
You introduce him to Blaziken, who tries gifting him a frozen tear you had stored in a chest, only to pout as it melts and evaporates instantly.
It makes Sebastian laugh a little--and you did a double take bc you've never heard this man laugh before in your life (and you don't deny that it made your heart skip a beat).
"I appreciate the gesture, Blaziken..thanks." He smiles, already feeling better.
As an apology, your starter lights his cigarette with a small flame, and he's stunned.
"Wow..what can't you do?"
Like any good town doctor, he just wanted to visit your farm to give you a checkup, knowing how hard you must work to keep things running smoothly.
At your last appointment, you mentioned having "helpers", and he was certain that meant the animals you purchased from Marnie's ranch...
Not "animals" that don't look anything like animals he's seen in the valley or in Zuzu City.
He almost screams at the sight of Vespiquen staring menacingly at him while she's guarding the beehouses, and you rush out of your house before the poor bachelor faints.
"Calm down, Harvey! She's..uh..t-totally harmless!"
"..hh..harmless..? She--it...wh-what exactly is she, [y/n]? What am I looking at right now???" He looks to you with the widest and most terrified eyes, begging for an explanation. "Is she some monster from the mines??"
Try as you might to explain your Pokémon to him (even as you calmly introduce him to the rest of your team), that first impression left his nerves shot for the longest time.
No matter where he goes, Harvey couldn't stop wondering why you owned such bizarre creatures--and even at work, Maru begins to see that he seems extra nervous when around you.
But she assumes he has a crush on you, which is partially true.
As time goes on, though, he starts to understand your team better and acknowledges that despite their looks, they are kind, reliable, and protective partners.
He won't reveal your secret unless you're ready to. But he's impressed you've managed to keep them underwraps for so long.
When he learns Vespiquen's Heal Order is the reason you return from the mines/skull caverns with nary a scratch, he apologizes to her personally for screaming.
As long as you don't tell him you were sent to this world by the Pokémon equivalent of Yoba, you're golden.
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greedbent · 7 months
If there was one thing the little girl actually admired (That's right) about the bro, it was his way with words. And so one day, seemingly out of nowhere... Itsuki just clears her throat gently, as she allows the following words to escape her as if it were her first Shakeaspearean recital (... whatever that is): "Uwaaaaa, such is the... FREH-GEE-LEE-TEA of life itself." There was a long, almost dramatic pause, before she whirls towards him with a smile, "... did ah use dat word right, bro? ouo"
@yukikorogashi || i'm squishing this snow child's cheeks in kaz's stead ;; <3
“Who let you on the floor?”
She'd barely even reached his side before the words crept through his teeth, and Kaz's ever-vigilant leer didn't falter from a sweep of the club surrounding them. Glasses clanked. Cards shuffled. Chips rattled. Wheels clicked. Nevertheless, Itsuki's voice still found a way to cut clear through the commotion. Try as Kaz did, he failed to fully ignore her.
At first, little more than a passing glance, a crack in his demeanor giving him away. But by the time Itsuki spun toward him with a beaming smile (What, expecting praise?), Kaz's focus had been pinned. He blinked slowly. A barely perceptible exhale skirted past his lips.
“Oh, now that depends,” he crooned, at that moment allowing the inklings of a smirk to cross his face. “Whose fragile life are we discussing? If it's that of a girl wandering places she shouldn't, then congratulations: you're absolutely right.”
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sabersandsnipers · 9 months
Drabbles: Caregiving
Featuring: Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Gortash
Inspiration courtesy of @creativepromptsforwriting
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To put it lightly, Astarion is a mess after killing Cazador. And who can blame him? After returning to camp, he simply sits and dissociates. His hands tremble. The only solace he finds is when you’re near. 
Still covered in blood, you ask his permission to clean him up. He simply nods, his eyes staring at nothing. You grab a damp cloth and begin gently wiping away the dried blood. He leans towards you, hoping your presence itself can protect him from the trauma that keeps surfacing in his mind. 
You notice his pants are still stained with blood as well. You gently cradle his face to get his attention. 
“Do you need help changing?” 
He doesn’t say anything but the look in his eyes is enough to assure he needs help. You lay him down and help him out of his soiled clothes. You quickly grab his night clothes, pulling his shirt over his head and helping him into new bottoms. 
After he’s settled, you turn to leave, but his hand shoots out to grab your arm. 
“Please stay.” His voice is strained. A deep ache blooms in you. 
You sit next to him on his bedroll, cradling him against your chest and whispering soothing thoughts to him for the rest of the night. 
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As skilled a wizard as Gale is, he can’t always prevent himself from getting sick. Confined to his tent, you took it upon yourself to care for him. 
As you brew some tea for him, he stretches out on his bedroll and watches you work. His heart warms at your worry for him. He really doesn’t deserve the care you’re giving him. He’s sure you have more important things to do. 
You pour the tea for him, crouching next to the bedroll. With barely enough energy to move, you have to help him lift his head to take a sip. You gently cradle the back of his head, bringing the warm liquid to his lips. 
He takes a small sip before laying his head down again. 
He licks the remaining liquid off his lips. “It’s good,” he says. The taste of it sends a comforting warmth through him, mildly numbing the ache settling in his bones. 
“I put a little something extra in there for you,” you tell him, winking. 
He lets out a breathy laugh. “Why am I not surprised?”
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Halsin is always the one who wants to care for you. You’ve insisted time and time again to let you pamper him sometime. He works so hard for you, protecting you and making sure you never go to sleep hungry or cold. 
After scrounging enough gold to get a room at a nearby inn, you finally force his hand. He’s bathing in the wash room, and you sneak in while he’s scrubbing at his skin. 
He looks at you, a smile coming to his face. “Did you want to join me?”
You shake your head. “I was hoping I could wash your hair,” you tell him. 
He raises an eyebrow. 
“Please?” you insist. “You must be tired.” 
His shoulders slouch and he ceases his scrubbing. “Get over here,” he grumbles.
You rush over to sit behind the tub, leaping at the chance to help Halsin relax. You make quick work of wetting his hair, pouring a cleansing mix onto his scalp. Your fingers tangle themselves in his hair, massaging slowly.
“Hmmm, that feels good,” he says, voice low.
You smile, watching as the tenseness leaves his body. “Good. You deserve it.”
He leans his head back, making it easier for you to work your fingers through his long hair. 
You can’t help yourself. You lean forward to press a kiss to his neck. He turns to  you, a warm smile on his lips. 
Your heart melts just like the first time you saw it.
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You straddle Lord Enver Gortash, his bare back laid before you. Your fingers dig into his tense muscles, earning moans from deep within him. He dearly needed a massage after an especially tiring day of ruling over Baldur’s Gate. The power of having him writhe beneath you is intoxicating. 
You lean down and start to press kisses to his lower back, slowly trailing upwards. He growls your name. A warning. You know if you continue to tease him he’s going to flip you onto your back. The thought thrills you. 
But you want to work out those big knots in his back first. He deserves to be taken care of before he takes care of you. You continue your work, rocking back and forth on your heels to gain momentum as you dig deep into his flesh. 
His moans rumble through your hands. You grin to yourself, looking forward to the moment where he gives you the pleasure you want in return. 
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skywalkerslvt · 11 days
Cockwarming Leon
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❥Pairing: Leon Kennedy x F!Reader
❥Summary: You cockwarm Leon while doing paperwork.
❥CW: 18+, smut, unprotected p in v, oral sex (leon receiving), cockwarming, sub!leon, degradation (reader calls leon slut/whore), praise, dacryphilia (crying), orgasm delay/denial, 1.5k words
❥a/n: Very rushed fic, not proofread, hope you enjoy! BTW my asks/requests are open so PLEASE send something in! I would love some new fic ideas <3
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After a long day at work, you trudged through the front door of your apartment, the weight of unfinished paperwork still lingering in your mind. Despite the exhaustion gnawing at your bones, the thought of spending time with Leon lifted your spirits. With a mischievous glint in your eye, you sought out your boyfriend, finding him lounging in the living room, eyes on the television. You approached him on the couch, returning the soft smile he gave you as you straddled his thighs and nuzzled into his neck. 
“Hey, you,” he sighed contentedly, wrapping his arms around you while arching his neck back, giving your searching lips more access. “How was work?” 
You hummed against his neck. “Long. Missed you,” you replied between kisses, teeth lightly scraping against his skin. You relished in the way his breathing hitched in response, hips rolling up slightly to gain friction against his quickly hardening cock. 
With a teasing smile, you stood, dragging Leon with you by the collar of his t-shirt, gently pushing him towards the desk chair. You kissed him softly, then knelt between his spread legs, running your hands up his tense thighs. You placed a kiss over the tent in his sweatpants, maintaining eye contact with him as he bit his lip in anticipation. 
You tugged at the waistband of his sweats and boxers, pulling them down his hips and letting them pool at his ankles, freeing his cock from its confines as it slapped against his lower abdomen. You licked a long stripe from the base to the tip before taking him fully into your mouth, swatting his hands away as he reached to place them on your head. Leon’s eyelids fluttered closed as he let out a strained moan, lost in the feeling of your warm, wet mouth around his pulsing dick. 
Your mouth was off him just as fast as it was on him, your hand replacing your mouth as you gave his wet cock a few pumps before getting up and reaching for your bag, pulling out your paperwork. A puzzled expression painted Leon’s flushed face as you placed your paperwork on the desk and began removing your pants. 
“What–What are you doing?” He panted out. Now naked from the waist down, you situated yourself onto his lap, taking his cock in your hands and guiding it to your dripping cunt, flashing him a coy smile over your shoulder. 
“I have to finish up some paperwork,” you replied sweetly, “But you can be a good boy and sit still while I do this, can’t you?”
With a playful glint in your eyes, you positioned yourself over his lap, guiding his throbbing cock to the entrance of your slick folds. Leon's breath hitched at the sensation, his hands instinctively reaching out to grasp your hips, but you shot him a warning look, halting his movements. "No touching, Leon," you admonished softly, your voice laced with authority. "You don't get to fuck me until I say so."
Leon whimpered, but placed his hands at his sides obediently, a shiver running down his spine at the commanding tone of your voice. With a teasing smirk, you sank down fully onto his cock, relishing in the way he filled you completely, stretching you deliciously with each inch. 
A low groan spilled from Leon’s lips as you fully seated yourself onto his cock, your velvety walls clenching around him in a tight, welcoming embrace. Leon's hands clenched into fists at his sides, his restraint palpable as he struggled to remain still, his cock throbbing with need.
You were seemingly uninterested, working diligently on your paperwork as Leon’s needy whimpers filled the room, his arousal mounting with the tightening of your walls around his dick. With a wicked grin, you deliberately clenched around him, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from his lips as he fought to maintain his composure.
“God, you really are just a needy slut, aren’t you?” you teased, giving him a mischievous smirk over your shoulder. “Be a good boy and wait just a little while longer, and then you’ll get your reward, yeah?”
Leon nodded frantically, his self-control hanging by a thread as he surrendered himself to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through his veins. He was being so good for you, and if you were being honest, you didn’t know how much longer you could hold out with the way his cock was filling you so well. 
As you turned back to your work and clenched down on him once more, every shred of self control Leon had was thrown out the window. It all just felt too good, and he couldn’t help but roll his hips up, his needy cock seeking the friction it needed. You let out a surprised gasp, unprepared for the intrusion of his thick head against that sweet spot deep inside your cunt. As you dropped your pen, Leon knew he was in trouble. 
He felt a sharp slap on his thigh, your eyes narrowing at him as you ridiculed his behaviour. “You greedy little whore. Are you that much of a desperate slut that you can’t listen to simple instructions?” 
Leon’s eyes drifted to the floor in shame, but you wouldn’t accept that. You grabbed a hold of his face, forcing his eyes back to yours. “I’ll let it slide this time, but if this happens again, you won’t get to fuck me. Understood?”
“Y-yes ma’am! I’m s-so sorry–won’t happen again. Just p-please let me fuck you.”
"Good boy." You gave him a teasing smile and shifted slightly in your chair, purposefully clenching around him. A choked whimper escaped his lips, and you felt a surge of satisfaction at the sight of him struggling to maintain control.
Turning your attention back to the paperwork, you picked up your pen and started to write. Each deliberate clench of your muscles around him elicited a new wave of shivers and gasps. You could feel his desperation growing, the tension in his body building with each passing second.
Minutes ticked by as you continued your work, only occasionally glancing down to see Leon's face contorted with need, tears spilling down from his eyes. He was doing his best to stay still, but you could tell he was on the verge of breaking.
Without warning, you clenched around him harder, making him cry out softly. His breaths were becoming more erratic, and his body trembled as he tried to hold back. "P-please," he begged, his voice a strained whisper. "I can't... I need to..."
You leaned down, your lips brushing against his ear. "Not yet, Leon. Be patient. I just have one more thing to do" You kissed his temple gently before returning to your paperwork, leaving him trembling beneath you.
Leon's breaths came out in ragged gasps, his body trembling with anticipation and need. Tears continued to streak down his cheeks as he fought to hold back his impending release, the desperation evident in every strained movement. He was completely at your mercy, his arousal and obedience to your commands intertwined in a tangled web of pleasure and restraint.
Finally, with a final flourish of your pen, you set aside your paperwork and turned your full attention back to Leon. His eyes were filled with a mix of desperation and longing, his entire being consumed by the need to release the tension coiled tightly within him.
You leaned in close, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered softly, "You've been such a good boy for me, Leon. You've earned your reward."
With that, you began to move, rolling your hips in slow, deliberate circles as you rode him with purpose and intent. Leon's breath caught in his throat, a choked sob escaping his lips as he surrendered himself to the overwhelming pleasure washing over him.
His hips thrusted upwards, meeting the rolling of your hips as he chased his pleasure. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on for very long, but in that moment all he cared about was cumming. 
As you felt his release approaching, you quickened the pace, your movements becoming more urgent as you chased your own climax. The tension in the air was palpable, the anticipation building to a fever pitch as you both hurtled towards the edge of bliss.
And then, with a final, desperate cry, Leon found release, his body convulsing with pleasure as he spilled himself inside you. The feeling of his hot seed filling you pushed you over the edge, your own orgasm crashing over you in a wave of ecstasy.
You collapsed against each other, spent and breathless, the only sound filling the room the echo of your racing hearts. With a gentle touch, you cupped his face, brushing away the tears that still lingered there.
"Are you okay?" you whispered, your voice filled with concern as you searched his eyes for any sign of discomfort.
Leon nodded weakly, a soft smile gracing his lips as he reached up to caress your cheek. "I'm more than okay," he murmured, his voice husky with emotion. "That was…amazing."
A warmth spread through your chest at his words, filling you with a sense of contentment unlike anything you'd ever known. Wrapping your arms around him, you held him close, relishing in the closeness you shared.
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seeingivy · 4 months
dinner party
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's (older brother) fic
previous part linked here
an: what is going on in the house of commons (I do not know) MAJOR CRINGE ALERT but it's part of the lore idgaf this was a long time coming
it’s four thirty in the morning when sukuna decides to pry you from your computer. 
he’s almost positive that he’s going to get pushed back, cued on by the combination of your sleep deprivation and the concerning amount of energy drinks he knows you must have consumed within the hour. 
but the tangled mess of your hair and your deep, dark eye bags, have bothered him long enough – and if anything – he’s given you tons of grace for letting it go on for four days. 
sukuna gets working hard. he just can’t stand by working yourself to the bone. 
he finds you hunched over on the kitchen island, head down on the counter as you scribble away on your notebook – a sizable amount of ink smeared on your hands, a few empty wrappers of protein bars at your side, and your eyes barely open. 
sukuna leans forward, resting his forearms on the counter, before reaching forward to push your computer shut. the sound that follows jolts you out of your concentration, to find an…almost irritated sukuna sleepily rubbing his eyes. 
“hey. did i wake you up? i dropped the glass earlier by accident.” you mumble. 
“you broke a glass?” sukuna asks. 
“yeah. most of it is in the corner over there, i’ll swear i’ll clean it up as soon as i’m done.” 
sukuna opens his eyes fully this time, to find the stacked pile of glass sitting in the little corner, sparing you a glare before reaching for the little bin. the guilt flares up in you as you watch him drag his tired body over to the side, carefully shuffling all of the little shards away into the bag,
“sukuna. you don’t have to do that. i was going to clean it up.” 
“well, fuck off now. more time for you to sleep if i do it for you.” he mumbles. 
you’re positive he meant to make that more domineering then it ended up being. 
and it’s horrible. it’s been days since you’ve slept next to him, always climbing in as he’s climbing out to go to work – pressing a consolation kiss to his cheek before you pass out into the sheets. and now he’s up in the middle of the night, cleaning your mess just to ensure you a few more minutes of rest. 
“i’m almost done with my personal statement, i just want to make sure it’s done before i send it out to-” 
“your personal shit will still be there tomorrow.” 
you sigh. the pulsating in your head throbs quietly, eyelids heavy and aching from the light of the screen, tiredness sagging in your bones – dragging your limbs down as you lean on one of your arms. 
you still have three paragraphs left to write. your activities section could be better. you need to upload your transcripts and make sure that the letters were uploaded to the portal properly. and- 
“i’m almost done, really. i was just going to come to bed and-” 
“perfect! come now.” 
sukuna switches sides, walking up behind you and replacing his fingers with yours on your head. he can feel the pulsating under his fingertips, noting the way you lean your head against his chest and lean back the second he starts massaging into your skin. 
“you’re starting to fucking piss me off.” sukuna mutters. 
that’s what he says. it sounds more like you’re starting to concern me. 
“i’m coming, sukuna. just give me a few more minutes, okay?” 
sukuna pulls the stool at your side, before looping both of his hands around your thighs and pulling you up into his lap. his hands are steady – holding you firmly at your sides – as he looks up at you and you dig your hands into the hardness of his collarbone. 
you loop your fingers through the silver chain around sukuna’s neck, tugging on the little dog tag charm at the end to pull him closer to you. it’s a chaste kiss that you press to his lips and you you can feel him staring after – big, brown eyes peering into yours – as he kneads his hands into your skin.
you scoff. 
“are you poking my butt?” you ask. 
“maybe a little.” sukuna responds. 
“you’re such a dog.” 
“you cop a feel almost everyday. god forbid i touch my girlfriend’s butt.” 
sukuna reaches forward, tucking one of the loose strands behind your ear. 
“we used to be a real country, y’know? people used to touch butts all the time.” 
you smile and sukuna reaches up to run his fingers over your lips, the softness mirrored on his face too. and you know that a lecture is going to follow, so you bury your hands into his messy bedhead. 
“you have to fucking stop this shit.” sukuna states. 
you sigh. 
“i know. it’s just that once i start, i find it hard to stop. i just want to finish it all in one go.” 
“you want to clean up animal shit that badly?” 
you groan. 
“you’re so mean, sukuna. it’s not cleaning up animal shit…” 
“yeah, yeah…i’ve heard your whole healing and love for the earth and animals shit before, i know.” 
you dig your hands into his scalp. 
“i…i just want to make sure that i only have to apply to veterinary school once.” 
“you’re being stubborn. so what if you have to try again? it’s not a big deal.” sukuna states. 
“s’not about that. i just can’t afford to do it again, sukuna. it costs thousands of dollars and i’ve been saving up for so long. i’d hate to see the overtime i worked go to waste when i don’t even get in.” you murmur. 
sukuna doesn’t think it through when he says it. he’s almost certain that if he had thought through it properly though, it would have been the same conclusion. 
“i’ll pay for it.” sukuna states. 
it’s a horrible sensation – like pins and needles in your chest. 
you knew that sukuna was rich. that his family was rich. 
and that in earnest, sukuna probably would pay for it without even batting an eye. it wouldn’t even be the first time that you would have taken a handout from his family – for rent, car loans, when you applied to college. 
mrs. itadori was too generous. it seeped into sukuna too. 
but you refuse to take handouts from your boyfriend. not when the debt you have to pay them back is already so high. 
“are you crazy? you can’t just offer to pay for my vet school applications if i don’t get in anywhere this time around.”  
“you know i have a job right?” sukuna responds. 
“i know you have a job. but you can’t just offer it up like that! you’re acting like it’s just a five dollar iced coffee or something. it costs thousands of dollars, sukuna.” 
sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“it’s like an investment. you can pay me back.” sukuna states. 
the same line mrs. itadori uses. it never feels that way when they’re the one quietly shuffling you money in envelopes when you have eviction notices on your door that you never pay back. 
“you would never take my money.” you state. 
sukuna grins, before leaning forward to press a kiss to your collarbone. 
“you know me so well, princess.” 
you frown. 
“and you expect me to take yours.” you mumble. 
sukuna runs his hands through the front of your hair, before angling your down up so that you’re looking at him. 
“you know i only have a stable income because of my parents, right? that’s…i had a leg up, sweetheart. didn’t have to worry about working during school – hell, i went fucking abroad just because i could.” 
you glare at him. 
“that’s…that’s such a copout. i can’t just take a handout from you because things are harder for me. i know that you may have had some things considerably easier but that doesn’t mean i can just…start taking your money.” 
he glares back. 
“considerably easier is the understatement of the year. and i have every intent to let you pay me back when you’re a cushy doctor. you’re going to buy me a new motorcycle with that money.” 
sukuna watches the thought rattle around in your head. 
“we’re in it for the long haul. not a big deal if i have to help you pay for vet school applications, which i won’t have to because you’ll get in, but what’s mine is yours. s’gonna be our future student loan.” he murmurs. 
there’s the ghost of a smile on your face. sukuna’s fingers continue to meld softly into the hardness of your hip bones, the sensation so soothing it almost makes you keel your head back. 
and you’re sure that’s part of it – the soft touch, the overexertion, the crippling fear that you’re about to graduate and not even sure what you’ll be doing next year, that you could fail and have to rely on him – that makes you start bursting into tears and stand up to wrap your arms around him.  
you delude yourself for a second into thinking that’s how it could be. that maybe for once you wouldn’t have to worry about this type of thing, because he would be there to help you. that he would let you pay him back, that it would be your money. 
“i can’t take your money, sukuna.” you whisper. 
sukuna smiles. 
“you would do it for me.” 
“i wouldn’t be able to do it for you. i-i would want to but…” 
sukuna frowns. 
“you know money doesn’t mean shit to me right?” 
you sigh. 
“but it does to me. we already owe you so much and…and this can’t be another thing on the list of stuff i have to pay back.” you state. 
sukuna hooks his hands under your knees, before tilting you over his back and marching his way back to the room. there’s angry grumbling under his breath, that’s fully intelligible to you and makes your breath hitch. 
“why are we having this stupid fucking conversation at four in the morning? i’m not about to get into the whole logistics of marriage and shared bank accounts when you can’t even stop giggling after i touch your thighs sometimes. just chill the fuck out.” 
you feel bad. but you can’t help but laugh at how stupid he sounds as he flops you flat onto the sheets – that he haphazardly mentioned marrying you – as he rummages through the closet for your pajamas. you can tell that he’s tabled it for now and you’re more than grateful as your eyelids start to heavy with sleep. 
“arms up.” 
you oblige as he reaches for your shirt – and lightly push him as he tangles it over your head for far too long – before pulling it straight off. there’s a wide smile on his face and you reach for his wrist to stop him. 
“what’s wrong?” 
not the time. 
“nothing! i just….nothing, sorry.” 
you take the shirt from his hands before slipping it over your head and switching into the shorts. sukuna’s always quick with things like this – closing his eyes and turning around – always waiting until you were done. 
besides your momentary lapse in awkwardness when you were able to take the bath with him, you hadn’t pushed anything farther. but it was pooling in the pit of your stomach – that want to be closer to him, moving in tandem with him for something…more intimate. 
you’d talk to him about it on the weekend. 
“are you…sitting at the kids table?” 
you look up to find a blonde girl standing against the back end of the wall, nursing a little glass of wine in her hands. you shoot the group of kids an apologetic smile before you push off the floor, rubbing the red spots in your knee from the carpet, before giving a polite smile. 
“ah. i kind of lost my boyfriend…and i can’t find my friends. they were also playing the entire game wrong and it was hurting my soul a little bit.” 
the girl laughs, pushing her hair behind her shoulder before extending her hand out to you. 
“valid. i’d do the same thing. i’m kisa.” she states. 
you swear you know her from somewhere. though the likelihood of that is probably ninety percent – there wasn’t anyone in this town who didn’t know each other. 
“i’m y/n.” 
“wait. y/n? are you sammy’s sister?”  
point proven. 
“that’s right. yeah, she’s here somewhere. our mom was invited, she’s really good friends with mrs. itadori.” you. 
she hums in response, as you watch people shuffle in and out of the room. there’s a highly doctored smell of perfume in the room – billowing black dresses and shiny pearls – as all of you mom’s friends amble around the foyer taking their pictures. 
mrs. itadori spent a decent amount of her time planning extravagant dinner parties. and once in a while, you had to drag yourself all the way out here to show your face with yuuji. it was hardly pleasant. 
yuuji’s dad would always make a shitty comment, sammy’s ass kissing would be at its peak, and the two of you would be left to fend for the wolves. 
sukuna, naturally, knew this. so he decided to attend to. 
you just didn’t realize he’d be so popular. neither did yuuji and it makes your skin itch that you don’t know where he is right now. or that you can’t resolve the tension that he must be feeling – especially when it’s about sukuna. 
“why are you here?” 
she grins. 
“i have this really hot ex-boyfriend. i was figuring he might be here tonight since he’s back in town.” 
“do tell.” 
“oh, he’s gorgeous. like, i don’t want to objectify men, but i literally do. he’s like attractive in a ‘i want to pour battery acid into my eyes every time he looks at me’ kind of way.” 
you laugh.
“the best kind of attractive.” you affirm. 
“you get me, bitch! it’s like…i don’t mean to be so crude…and i’ve already had three glasses of wine so i’m going to blame it on that…but i need to get dicked down. fuck, i’d even suck his dick if he let me. and i hate sucking dick!” 
you snort. 
weirdly enough, this is one of your favorite things about parties like these. or going to the bar. talking to random girls in the bathroom – finding out that it’s their bachelorette party or whatever boy problems they’re having. there’s a soft solace in other people like this – that talk so openly with strangers, with a quiet trust that you can’t really seem to place. 
“weird question. why do you hate it?” you ask. 
“not weird at all, honey. it’s just not very fun to do. but sometimes it is, when you can tell the person really likes it. like my ex-boyfriend, i’d suck his dick all the time just because i wanted to, just because i liked to make him feel good. and he really loved it. and some people are fucking into it, i don’t know, they love to suck dick and do that type of thing. s’all about your interests.” 
you nod, mulling over her answer in your head. 
“do you like sucking dick?....that sounds more crude when i say it but also i’ve been talking about it for the past twenty seconds so.” she asks. 
“no! no, it’s not rude. and i asked. um, i haven’t done it before. i mean, i have or…or at least tried to but i don’t count that for…other reasons and stuff. but no, i haven’t.” 
“do you want to? you’re pretty, you said you have a boyfriend right?” 
you smile. 
“yeah. yeah, i just…get nervous about that type of thing. we haven’t done anything yet but i feel like we might soon.” 
she narrows her eyes. 
“he doesn’t pressure you, right?” 
along with the quiet trust, there’s always a well of concern. 
“no! no, the opposite really.” 
“good shit. well, don’t think about it so hard. it’ll come to you naturally. plus, when you like someone a lot, that type of stuff kind of comes with it. like my ex-boyfriend? total fucking sweetie pie. he could be standing in front of me and i’d dick him down right now if he asked. just for old times sake.” 
you laugh. 
“i really hope you find him. and get dicked down for your own sake.”  
“he was just so fucking hot! i’ve never had a guy make me feel like that. it’s like…i couldn’t have really reached my prime at my highschool prom with a guy two years younger than me…that’s embarrassing.” 
you pale. and right at that moment, sukuna walks up to you, eyes wide as he glares at you. 
“what the fuck are you doing?” 
you pause, the awkwardness of his name falling out of your mouths at the same time confirming your suspicions. 
just your luck, her aforementioned, beautiful ex-boyfriend, is sukuna. 
“sukuna! i didn’t realize you were back.” 
you can feel your chest simmering. because now she’s batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair in response to him. sukuna doesn’t even spare her a second glance and instead uses it to shoot bullets at you with his eyes. 
“what are you doing?” 
“i didn’t know! how was i supposed to know?” you whisper.
“we all went to the same school, y/n.” 
“i don’t memorize what all your ex-girlfriends look like sukuna. i have a very small thread of self-confidence and i’m hell bent on keeping it for the time being.” you respond. 
sukuna doesn’t find your joke funny. 
“do you guys know each other or something?” kisa asks. 
“kisa. this is my girlfriend, y/n. she was best friends with yuuji, remember?” sukuna states. 
she pauses for a second, before jolting up. 
“ah. the little one who used to take the cheerleading pictures, right? frizzy hair, big glasses?” she asks. 
you pinch your lips into a straight line. 
“that would be me!” you state. 
“shut the fuck up.” sukuna responds, before yanking you by the elbow into the kitchen at the side. 
you spare her a last glance over your shoulder – confusion spreading over her face – followed by the seclusion to the quiet of the kitchen. 
sukuna leans back against the fridge, running his hands through his hair, giving tight-lipped polite smiles through the people passing through the rooms. 
“what did you talk about?” 
you dig your fingers into your palm. sukuna picks up on it. 
“nothing. just pleasantries and stuff. it wasn’t a big deal!” 
“tell me. i can tell whatever it was is making you feel like shit.” 
you take a deep breath. 
“i don’t feel like shit, i just-” 
“are you guys fighting about something?” 
your eyes widen as you turn to yuuji, leaning against the frame of the door with his arms crossed on his chest. you muster a peachy smile, shaking your head as you walk up to his side and loop your arm through his. 
“of course not. we never fight!” you state. 
yuuji raises his eyebrow. 
“you never fight? ever?” 
“no! no, of course we fight. all the time actually.” you state. 
you look over at sukuna, who starts gesturing to you with his hands – with an irritated look on his face. 
what the hell are you talking about? 
you gesture back, shrugging as yuuji shuffles the two of you over to the drinks, filling up the glasses. 
“well, that doesn’t sound very healthy.” 
you take a deep breath in. 
“we don’t fight an abnormal amount. we’re like normal couples. we fight and then make up. there’s nothing weird about us actually, we’re perfect! It’s-it’s like conflict resolution and-” 
yuuji laughs, before leaning closer to you and wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
“who are you trying to convince? me or yourself? you’re rambling so much.” 
you groan, burying your palms into your eye sockets – you’re already messing this up. royally. yuuji gives you a warm smile, one that you can see from the little gaps in between your fingers, as you cross your arms and lean against the counter. yuuji gives sukuna a small nod, as sukuna takes the spot at your side, and links his arm around your shoulder. 
it feels wrong to be so openly affectionate like that. for him to pull you closer to him when yuuji’s standing right there. 
you lift your shoulders slightly until he drops his hand and you shoot him a grateful smile. 
“so really. what happened?” 
“nothing. i was talking to kisa and didn’t realize it was kisa.” 
yuuji leans his head back. 
“which one is she again? the neighbor?” 
you can feel a wave of discomfort, of an unnecessary defense bubbling up in your chest. he wasn’t actually talking to the neighbor – she just wanted advice on whether or not she should break up with her boyfriend. 
and sukuna told her not to. 
“no. she’s the girl sukuna went to prom with.” you state, brushing down the pleats of your skirt. 
“ahh, that’s right. his first girlfriend.” 
yuuji circles the last sip of his drink in his cup before downing it and turning to both of you at his side. 
“so what the hell is he so pissed about? you can’t talk to people now?” 
“he wasn’t mad. we were just talking, yuuji.” 
“you looked pretty mad. and you were whispering in hushed tones.” yuuji states. 
sukuna clears his throat and you can tell that he’s simmering with irritation from the way his fists are clenched and curled at his side. the animosity in his eyes does little to help too. 
“i just wanted to know what they talked about and clear up anything that she might have said that might not be true. i don’t want her to get the wrong idea.” sukuna states. 
yuuji rolls his eyes. 
“she’s a grown woman. i think she can tell right from wrong by herself. and i’m positive that if she did say anything, it’s not anything that wouldn’t be true.” 
you shove yuuji in the side. 
“what’s your problem? you’re being so mean.” 
“i’m not being mean! it’s just a fact. you…you know how he can be. do you really think he just changed like that?” 
maybe it’s a mix of things. 
that sukuna’s ex-girlfriend just spent five minutes telling you about how much he apparently loves to get his dick sucked and you have yet to muster up the courage to do it. or that your hair’s been getting consecutively oily as the night goes on and sticking to your forehead or that yuuji tends to throw some hurdle into your relationship every chance he seems to get. 
or that you can’t pay for vet school so it’s time to cut back on iced coffee since you’re going to be taking a loan or that your mom’s walking around in fake pearls and someone most definitely will make a comment about it that’ll have her leaving the party crying. 
or that you can never seem to win. or do anything right. 
“you’re such an asshole sometimes. why do you always have to talk about him like that? do you think i’m so pathetic that he’s going to leave me for some girl he literally talked to six years ago? do you think i’m so pathetic that i’d date someone like that?” you mutter, before brushing past his shoulder and leaving the room. 
sukuna can feel that irritation festering up in him and makes his best efforts to swallow it down as he turns to yuuji. sukuna debates his options – following you or beating it out of yuuji. 
the second one seems more productive for the time being. 
he turns and can immediately clock that yuuji feels bad – his face drooping like it would whenever sukuna would beat him in a video game or leave their board game early to hang out with his friends. 
“what the hell is your problem?” sukuna asks. 
the drooping is replaced with anger, an irritability as yuuji scoffs before turning around. 
“what’s yours?” yuuji mutters. 
sukuna reaches for his collar, shaking him from filling up his glass again, before yuuji meets his eyes again. 
“no, seriously. what the fuck is your problem? why can’t you just be happy for her? we were getting along just fine before this until you decided to be a little bitch about it.” sukuna asks. 
yuuji rolls his eyes. he pulls back, tussling out of his grasp before leaning against the closed door of the fridge. 
“i didn’t have a problem with you. but you’re doing the same shit as before – being careless. and you’re doing it with my best friend.” 
sukuna wants to punch him in the face. 
“are you ever going to be satisfied with what you have? you just had to have her too? she was my friend first.” yuuji states.
sukuna doesn't know why it flares up in him - that possessiveness. you don't belong to him but you certainly don't belong to yuuji either. he doesn't get to stake a claim on you just because he knew you first.
“you sound like a pathetic child. you know you don’t own her, right? you can’t fathom that she could have someone else be special to her that isn’t you? that you can’t be a spoiled little kid and have to learn how to share?” 
sukuna’s hit a nerve, though he’s not entirely sure why. but now yuuji’s crying, shoving him hard into the counter, before his pounding footsteps reside as he runs up the stairs.
there’s an immediate guilt, coupled with a resounding headache. 
when sukuna makes it back to the apartment – after having dozed off for a decent amount of the train ride home – he’s thrown off when you push him against the wall the second you make it back into the house. and dig your hands under his shirt, dangerously lower than you ever have before. 
“jesus. what’s wrong with-” 
he can barely finish because you’re cutting him off by kissing him – almost aggressively – and latching your arms around his neck and jumping up onto his thighs. he’s quick to catch you, your legs locked around his waist as you pant into his mouth, kissing every spare patch of skin you can find. 
“what are you-” 
he can’t even get a sentence out. 
“doing, pretty girl?” 
it’s almost like you don’t hear him or something. there’s something insatiable burning in your eyes, nearly twitching with a fervor with something that he’s never really seen before. 
correction. something that he’s never seen in your eyes before. he’s seen it before – hundreds of times. in the shitty bathroom in the bar, from the girl he met on the dating app, and even kisa back in the day. but not with you.
he almost hates it.
sukuna pushes you back, resting your legs against the weight of the kitchen counter before letting go and trying to pull away. 
but it’s almost like you’re trying to entice him. grabbing him by his necklace and pulling him back into you, letting one hand roaming through his hair and the other underneath his shirt. 
there’s an insatiable fire pooling in his stomach. but it’s the wrong timing. and it’s almost too…tantalizing, too tempting that it felt wrong. 
this was not how he was going to do this with you – at least not the first time. 
he was no stranger to it – the intense, all consuming feeling that came with this. a part of him even wanted it. but he wanted the other side first, that aspect of it more. 
the part that he never had. the romance, the yearning, and the godawful ache. 
the love making. 
he had every intent to worship you the second he got, to drag it out for as long as he could. like he was a man starved, like he’d never get a chance to do it again. 
and there was no way he was going to bring that out, or be able to even do that, on the heels of his argument with yuuji, after whatever it was that kisa must have said that had you so worked up. 
sukuna doesn’t know what else to do. so he brings his hand up and takes a fist full of your hair – and uses it to yank you off of him. you’re panting hard, eyes nearly glazed over as you look at him and reach down this time. 
reaching for the buckle of his pants. sukuna reaches for your wrists and squeezes hard. 
“what are you doing?” he whispers. 
you pant, before shaking your head. 
“you know…” you respond, gesturing with your hands. 
“i don’t know. what are you doing?” he deadpans. 
you glare at him. 
“you know…we’ve been dating for some time now. and we love each other…it…it’s only right to do this type of thing. don’t you want to?” 
it’s that same meek look – that squirrely, almost timid way of talking. when he heard that godawful comparison for the first time, that filled him with an unappeasble rage. 
lipstick on a pig. 
it aggravates him to his core because he hasn’t heard it in months. that awkward, shy voice. he had gotten used to the real one – filled with a comfortable confidence. that cracked jokes and poked fun at him all the time. 
the part of you that saw him like a real person. 
“sure i do, princess. you know you drive me crazy, right?” 
you give him a grin, before reaching back for the buckle of his belt. and for a second time, he’s quick to pull on your wrists again, before leaning his forehead against yours, his breath tickling the tip of your nose. 
“no, seriously. what are you doing?” 
you bite into the hardness of your cheek, pinching your eyes shut. 
it’s not awkward. just say it. 
“i’m trying to…suck your dick.” 
sukuna takes a deep breath, using his pointer finger to angle your face back up by your chin, brown eyes overwhelmingly warm and soft as he looks at you. and it aggravates you. you know what he’s going to say. 
“you…you can’t stop me, you know? i’m ready to do this. i’ve..i’ve been thinking about it for a while.” 
sukuna raises his eyebrows, almost like he’s disbelieving of what you’re saying, before he talks. 
“okay, angel. can you just kiss me first?” 
you feel your cheeks burn. 
“i’m okay with it if you want to. i just want you to kiss me first.” 
you laugh, before cupping the side of his face and rubbing over the soft indent of his dimple. 
“are you being serious? you’re not like…copping me out right?” 
sukuna glares at you. 
“i just fucking asked you to kiss me. you just pounced on me like a fucking lion out of nowhere.” 
you bring your hands to his cheeks and can’t help but smile into his face. 
“why are you…so cute? you just want me to kiss you?” 
sukuna wrinkles his nose in disgust, before reaching forward to pinch the sensitive skin on your arm. 
“you fucking ruined it. now you’re never sucking my dick.” 
you snort. 
“well…technically i did kiss you. just really aggressively.” you mumble. 
sukuna’s laugh is soft, almost quiet as he leans forward to press a kiss to your hair. 
“kiss me properly. i’m not going anywhere. i…i want to savor it.” 
you swallow hard, as he takes over the open space in between your legs, and leans forward. his hair is tickling your forehead, your breaths slow as you cycle in tandem, and you loop your arms around his torso. 
there’s a small amount of desperation in the way that sukuna kisses you, a burning that ignites over your skin and makes your stomach drop to your core. but it’s almost like he’s slowing you down, curbing that feeling in your chest – by ubbing circles into your back, a contentment in his demeanor – that you’re cued into by the way he’s smiling into the kiss. 
that’s when you realize. 
“you’re not going to let me do it, are you?” you murmur, whispering against his lips. 
“perceptive.” sukuna mumbles back, before pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
you groan, which has the smallest of laughs bubbling out of him. it’s free of any teasing – that you’re positive of as he lifts your hands to his lips and presses a kiss on each of your knuckles. 
“i like the rings. wonder what your hands would look like around my…” 
“well, now you’re just being fucking annoying.” 
“i’m joking.” 
you sigh, leaning your cheek against his shoulder, as you blink hard. 
“why not?” 
as quickly as that quiet, squirrely voice came back, it’s almost like he decimated it in his hands with a few seconds. if this were months prior, it would have taken him weeks to convince you that he still liked you. 
you had stopped viewing his actions as swift rejections, as slights against you, and started taking them for what they were. 
sukuna was going to kill yuuji for trying to shit on your relationship later. you were meant to be together, that much was obvious. 
“yuuji and i kind of…fought. i want to be in the right mood when we do this.” 
you lean forward, cupping his cheeks in your hands. 
“you know, he’s starting to really make me mad. he should just leave us alone if it pisses him off that much and-” 
“i said more than he did. it’s my fault. i’ll apologize tomorrow.” 
you shake your head. and there’s an awkward silence, before sukuna asks. 
“so what did she say? i know that didn’t come out of nowhere, even if you were thinking about it before.” 
you groan, digging your face into his neck. 
it’s almost embarrassing now. 
“she was there to see you. wanted to get dicked down by you. and mentioned that apparently you really like having your dick sucked? i don’t know…i just…had a long week. vet school and my mom and yuuji and…and you. figured i’d at least relieve some tension and give you what you wanted. like two birds in one stone type of thing.” 
“please don’t refer to sex as a stone.” sukuna deadpans.
you laugh and it makes sukuna smile. 
“the only thing i want is you.” 
you sigh.
“ugh! i’m…i’m so annoyed because i actually know that. if you were going to get up and leave you would have done it by now because it’s been months but i just…felt so stupid or like undercooked or something because we haven’t done it yet that i just-” 
“do you feel like you have something to prove?” 
you bite your lip. 
“i guess. it’s about you but…but it’s about other stuff too. i want to be strong enough to do it. i don’t want to let bad experiences hold me back when you’re obviously a good guy and obviously good in bed but-” 
sukuna smirks. 
“you’re so annoying.” 
sukuna wraps his hands around your cheeks, before pulling you up to look at him. and practices the way he’s worded this in his head a hundred times, hoping that it comes out right. 
“about what you said. about other stuff.” 
it’s almost like you’re a kicked dog, trying to retreat after he mentioned it. 
“i don’t want to push you into telling me. and you don’t have to. i can…i can piece some of it together. but i just need to know what not to do. i’ll never forgive myself if i ever hurt you, especially if it’s something regarding this.” 
he leans his forehead against yours, his voice so quiet that it makes your chest ache, with overwhelming, sincere love of his consideration for you. 
“i’m sorry it happened to you. you don’t even have to tell me. write me a list or send me an email. i just need to know what’s off limits, anything that could possibly…remind you of anything that happened to you.” 
you angle your face back up, leaving a lingering kiss on his lips before pulling back. 
“are you tired?” you ask. 
he leans back, in confusion. 
“then, i’ll tell you right now.” 
sukuna’s eyes widen. 
“i’m not trying to pressure you.” 
you smile, before linking your hands into his. 
“i know. you’re not. i’ve been thinking about how to talk to you about it. and one of the biggest hurdles is…having to address that it happened? but if you already know…all i have to do is tell you now. and…” 
you sigh. 
“and it’s you. i feel safe enough to tell you about it but just…just don’t be weird about it?” 
sukuna reaches forward, crossing a little x shape onto your chest. you tilt your head to the side, in confusion. 
“what was that?” 
“crossing your heart. like the promise?” 
“you’re supposed to cross your own heart.” 
sukuna glares. 
“i’m not going to spell it out for you. you’re smart enough to figure it out.” 
it takes a few seconds, but you reach the conclusion. 
sukuna crossed your heart instead of his. he made the promise on yours, because yours was more important than his own – enough to make an oath on.
yours over his. 
it’s the only reason you’re able to muster enough courage to even tell him what happened in the first place.
next part linked here
an: ladies and gentleman, we cringe. (this was a long time coming but it's for plot purposes)
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreaderthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebunss @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @gyros-cum-sock @wishmeme l @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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toji-girl · 4 months
watch me | t. fushiguro
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synopsis: After a messy breakup, you require a new job which leads you to work for the biggest porn site in the industry but little did you know that it would lead to the one thing you didn't want.
wc: 8.4k
tags: 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + repost + porn star au + Toji stalks you and is very possessive and in love with you he's sick with it + you x other character + fingering + you get horny a lot + roleplay + spitting + Toji man handles you + consensual recording + praising + unprotected sex + sending nudes to Toji + sexting + phone/video sex + talks about sex work + blowjob + pussy eating + brief pussy job + breeding + lots of kissin' + snow balling + sensual sex + 69 position + hand job + teasing + nipple play + + feedback is appreciated + any missing tag lmk
for kinktober '23 | PLEASE do NOT use coconut oil as lube! this is written for fictitious purposes only!! also pls forgive me because I couldn't find much information on how to become a porn star so I made things up dfhztht
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You looked down at the boxes by your feet with a frown while your dad kept pulling them from your trunk with irritated huffs. “He couldn’t even help you? What a real piece of work. I knew that guy was not a good man.” He muttered picking up a bag with a grunt with you not wanting to correct him on the situation, you didn’t want him helping or coming over to your new place even though he offered.
With no choice, you followed after him holding a box to take in your new apartment after moving out and breaking up with Toji, and naturally, your father couldn’t stand to see his daughter so hurt over a man way older than you.
Not only did he break your heart but kicked you out and left you to fend for yourself, and no matter even if you did tell him, it was your decision, he would still blame him, he’s never liked the raven-haired man since you brought him over to dinner three years ago. 
There was no way you could sleep in the same bed without Toji. He etched himself deep inside you to the point that there were no takebacks, not that you’d want that anyway. You looked around your new barren living room trying to focus your thoughts on something positive like how should you decorate? 
“Will you be okay here by yourself? You weren’t any better off with him, but you know you’re welcome to come back home any time.” Your dad spoke in a soft tone but uttered him with such disgust you could almost taste it in the back of your throat. 
You looked over at him with a soft reassuring smile. “Yes Dad, don’t worry and I know but being twenty-seven and having to move back in with your parents is a little embarrassing thanks for the offer though.”
He stayed and helped as long as you allowed before pushing him out of the door telling him that you’ll lock the doors and windows. Two hours later you found yourself alone laying on your bare mattress on your phone scrolling through it, too tired from earlier to move. 
Your thumb stopped on a post that should’ve been deleted a long time ago on the account you shared with him, a video of you and Toji in bed naked and sweaty in the prone bone position, the audio was on and you could hear his hips slapping your ass with each harsh thrust. 
Instantly you reported the video and debated on texting him feeling an ache grow between your legs, anger bubbling like roiling water in your lower belly as you jabbed at the screen with a finger feeling your head throb with a headache that loomed like a heavy shadow pressing down. 
“Hello sweetheart,” his voice came over the other side in a purr when he answered, the video playing in your head while you chewed on your bottom lip as Toji waited for you to respond while he lounged on the couch, his hand stuck down his pants resting against his boxers listening to your rapid breathing, he cleared his throat and getting your attention.
You sighed and sat up putting him on speakerphone to begin making your bed in order to release some sort of tension. “You need to delete that video of us right now, I reported it immediately! We agreed on everything else going on the account but that one! Why now?”
He listened to you talk while spreading his legs wider wishing you were here instead. “I didn’t mean to upload it. Was scrollin’ through my gallery, the video popped up and I couldn’t resist not watching us. Did you watch it? You can’t tell me you don’t miss that.” Toji replied knowing he has you flustered and aroused thinking about him. 
Thankfully he couldn’t see you, your legs clenched together to relieve the throbbing that made your pussy weep like a maple tree; sticky and sweet oozing from between your pussylips creating a mess in your panties. “Stop! You’re a pervert, don’t do it again, we’re broken up.” You hissed and hung up with a huff. 
Your head rang like a bell causing a migraine to split at the base of your skull, you pushed past the pain and did everything in a haste trying your best not to think about him and his sinful traps to lure you back. It was a very messy breakup, to say the least. He was far too possessive and jealous and he didn't want to let you go so easily. 
Some part of you knew he was always going to be the one who you’d forever talk about no matter what even though he acted the way he did but it was a love story that ended early leaving you with no happy ending. 
After you trudged through your nightly routine you curled into the middle of the bed listening to your neighbor's thump around next door, the sound only made your head hurt worse until it felt like your skull was going to combust. 
Two hours later you managed to fall asleep in a light slumber, your blankets tangled up as you tossed and turned around on the mattress. It’s been two weeks since you’ve slept with Toji and it’s been rough after being with him for so long. 
Four years, two of them living together. Now you felt sad and empty trying to cauterize the gaping wound in your heart but knew it was for the best, too much arguing and not enough communication. There were a lot of physical aspects though to the relationship that weren’t so easily forgotten. 
Your dreams dipped in and out until you finally fully succumbed to a deep sleep, your brain played the memory of you and him earlier. From the beginning of the day of your first year anniversary all the way to the hotel room when night fell bringing out the predator of Toji who devoured you whole leaving nothing to spit out when he was done with you, that night he took your soul and melded it with his in a way that could never be undone. 
A moan slipped free from your lips as it progressed further until your body jerked you awake from a sudden boom on your bedroom wall shaking anything that was on it. You wanted to be mad but also thanked whoever it was that woke you up even though it was very early. 
Dreaming about your ex and having a wet dream is not something you want to relive and hauled yourself out of bed to start the day even though it was well before anyone woke up but it gave you time to check things out on your laptop before starting the day. 
Immediately you pulled up your email while waiting for a new job to write back when you saw a forwarded message from Toji titled Someone else likes your pretty pussy. With furrowed eyebrows, you opened the email and read it feeling your jaw drop to your chest. 
Dear sweetbites21. 
We came across a slew of your videos and we have to say we are impressed with the way you look on camera, then it came to our attention that there was a separation. If you're interested we’d love to have you on set, give us a call soon. 
It was from the biggest porn website that had the best reputation and content, your eyes followed the words all the way down to Toji’s message with a snort. He was clearly jealous that they just wanted you and not him like some package deal. 
You copied and pasted the number down and saved it in your phone intent on calling them later. To pass the time you spent the better part of your day unpacking and cleaning your apartment until everything was done before you rested. 
Every part of your body ached and again you found yourself wishing Toji was here to massage your muscles then you remembered the email and quickly grabbed your phone to rid yourself of those thoughts. 
When you dialed the number you sat back on the couch and tucked your legs under you waiting for someone to answer feeling your palms sweat. “Hello. This is Yui with Sex Simplified. How may I direct your call?” A voice soft and sweet spoke on the other side when the phone clicked. 
“Hi, I just got an email last night about someone…” You broke off feeling a lump form in your throat thinking about Toji knowing he helped get you here, you gave her your name and information along with the username then listened to her type fast and quickly. 
You waited a few minutes and looked down at your cushion rubbing along the material with your thumb. “I’m going to transfer you to our manager, have a good day.” Yui then switched the lines making the phone ring again for a minute. 
“This is Aina.” It was clearly another female this time, she sounded older and warmer welcoming you. “Yes, hi, I just spoke to Yui. My ex sent me an email you sent to our couple account email.” You told her getting directly to the point. 
She hummed softly and turned her computer on typing in the background. “You’re part of sweetbites21, right?  I’ve watched a few videos and I really am impressed, you’re perfect for the camera with the way you work your body.” 
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling your face flush with warmth at the praise. “Thank you so much, that means a lot and I am yes, we got that name the night for the very first video we uploaded with food play and we left bites all over each other.” The last part wasn’t necessary but just in case you explained it anyway. 
Aina snorted a little and finished typing. “Your ex has a monster cock that would get views for sure, but we’re interested in only female leads right now so would you like to set up an interview with us?” She asked leaning back in her seat hoping you’d say yes knowing how much money you would be bringing in and she also knew that their star male case lead would love you. 
The way she said monster cock made you burn with a mixture of things, longing to feel him inside you and jealously because she’s seen it, but so have other people and for a long time he was yours and you knew he was madly in love with you and had no eyes for anyone else. 
“Sure! I’ve never done anything like this before though.” You replied hesitantly, this was different than just recording you and Toji, this was the big league and you’d be filmed with someone else, not your ex who knows your body inside and out. This would be a huge break for you, however. 
“That’s what they always say, and I know you haven’t, just homemade videos with Monster Cock. Next Thursday can you be here around eight pm? We’ll conduct an interview then if everything goes well then you’ll meet our male lead, everyone loves him and you will too.” 
You blinked at how sure Aina was sure of herself and found yourself nodding even though she couldn’t see it. “Uh, yeah I assume you’ll send me the location and stuff via email?” You asked feeling your stomach roll and your shoulders hike already even though it was a week away now. 
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Tuesday evening you found yourself in the aisle of the grocery store under lights that flickered, something that reminded you of a horror movie. Even though you knew it wouldn’t happen you still waited for the zombie apocalypse to start when you heard a throat clear from behind followed by a memorizing voice. “I just need to grab those mini cakes if you don’t mind.” 
You turned around and looked at the person - no, it was more like a God. Tall and lanky with snow-white hair that framed a very pretty face with eyes that looked like water from the bluest glaciers, so bright and vibrant which only ended up distracting you from actually moving out of the stranger's way. “S-sorry, I was just lost in thought.” You explained with a sheepish smile. 
The man hummed with a knowing smile as he reached out with one long slender arm grabbing two cakes of different flavors, the scent of clean laundry along with the faintest hint of vanilla wafted off him invading your nostrils. He smelled heavenly. Your eyes almost fluttered shut and your mouth began to water at the sight of him and how good he looked in his shirt that molded to him so perfectly and how soft his hair looked even under the lights. You wanted him. 
You wondered why you were acting like a dog in heat wanting to all but hump the man's leg knowing who he is or what his name is, you just know that he’s intimidating and you like that. It’s been a month since you’ve been single and felt the touch of a human is what you chalked up the rush of hormones to be, all you wanted was to be loved and caressed again. 
He definitely has the fingers and hands for it, lewd thoughts popped into your head of him fingering you in your car before folding you in half. “Do you want a picture or something?” The man teased as he watched you eye fuck him right in the middle of the store like a desperate stay-at-home wife who was bored and lonely at home wanting to be ravaged by someone. 
“Sorry.” You stammered and gripped your basket turning on your heel to walk away from him and the strange meeting, the feelings never dissipated even when you got out of the store after buying a few random items in haste before you ran into him again knowing you’d stare at him. 
The cool air made your skin break out in a wave of goosebumps as you walked to your car under the dark sky with a heavy sigh. Even with how beautiful it looked outside, the weight of everything has hollowed you out into nothing but a husk of your former self. The blue-eyed man was a loop that played in your head on the drive home followed by Toji who had a sixth sense. 
You looked down at your phone seeing his name and number glaring back at you when you pulled into the parking lot weighing your options on what to do, however, curiosity got the best of you. “Hello?” You answered and got out of your car grabbing your bags then made your way upstairs with quickened steps to the front door. 
“Heard you got the job working for SS, I’m not surprised. I told you we shoulda sent a video into them when we were together, you’re really going to let some other guy fuck you? I look forward to watching your new videos to see how you fake an orgasm for some cash.” He deadpanned clearly annoyed with the turn of events. 
Even though he couldn’t see you, you rolled your eyes and pushed the door open stepping inside to take your shoes off. “What I do is none of your concern anymore so don’t question what I’m doing. Is there anything else you need before I hang up?” You asked with an attitude. 
Toji chuckled making you shiver for a different reason now. “Have a good night princess, I’ll see you soon.” He declared giving you a warning before he hung up leaving you stunned as you stared down at your phone frustrated after the conversation. A hot bath was needed to douse this feeling that welled inside your core, a mix of burning rage and a need to be fucked hard. 
When you sank into the bubbly water you held your phone scrolling through the videos of you and him, your pussy throbbed desperate to get filled, with a lust-riddled brain full of nothing but wanting to get off you FaceTimed Toji angling the camera to face your soapy tits making sure your nipples were covered. 
His face popped up in the small box in the corner confused at first then you watched as his lips pulled back in a grin seeing you naked and wet making you want to lean in and kiss his scar. “That sure didn’t take long. Now look at ya calling me all desperate.” He crooned and followed your hands that moved away from your breasts hearing him grunt seeing your perky nipples. 
You should feel embarrassed and you are a little but not enough to stop you as he teased watching feeling his cock throb hot and heavy wanting to feel your soft skin under his hands, knowing how he’d give anything to be there right now. “Make me cum Toji…please, I want to so bad.” 
“Touch my pretty pussy for me since I can’t, spread yourself nice and open.” He commanded in a dark growl before cocking his head with a smirk. “Actually, why don’t you be a good girl and rinse off then get into bed so I can see you better?” You listened to him and ended in bed a minute later naked and mostly dried off, patches of water still stuck to the parts you didn’t get. 
When you got comfortable you spread your legs and angled your phone between them making sure he got a good view. “Aw look, she’s crying for me, I bet she just wants to be sucked and fucked. Poor thing, now swirl your finger around your clit.” Instantly you parted your pussylips and used your middle finger to rub the swollen bud with a soft whine arching for more. 
Your eyes fluttered shut and didn’t get to see Toji pulling his dick free spitting down on his open palm before wrapping his fingers around the base and jerking himself off to you thrusting two digits inside your soaked pussy and moaning his name so prettily and broken. “So wet ‘f me.” 
He watched you with low eyes. “I’m coming over, we’ll give our fans one more video. What do you say, princess? Want to sit on my cock?” His question pushed you over the edge thinking about him splitting you open around him, your cunt gushing around your fingers instead. 
You pulled your fingers out slowly when you came down a little huffing. “You are not coming over here. I can’t let that happen, this was a private moment between us, don’t ruin it. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but thank you for helping me out. Have a good night.” He chuckled before you hung up and shut your phone off for the night letting sleep take over and giving you a break from the stress even for a brief moment. 
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Thursday evening two hours before eight you stood in the shower scrubbing each inch of your body unsure what was going to happen, was it going to be an interview before having to show off your skills? Either way, you wanted to be prepared and brushed your teeth once you got out of the tub and dried off to get dressed. 
It was a dress that was suggestive but still modest. You’ve seen the casting couch videos before and picked out your outfit based on that, the company didn’t seem like that type though so you also kept it on the classy side. Once you checked everything over you got ready for the car outside. Aina said they’d send someone to come and pick you up at your apartment. 
True to their word a very sleek vehicle pulled up and an older gentleman got out to open the back door before he ushered you in then he got back in the driver's side and took off. The drive over to the studio was filled with the soft songs from the radio that kept you company until you arrived, just like when he picked you up he opened the door again, this time helping you out. 
Following the directions from the email you read again before getting picked up you walked inside the all-glass building, the windows so dark you couldn’t see the lights on inside which added fuel to the fire you felt growing inside. “Here we go.” You muttered and pushed the doors open to an all-modern waiting room, it was a subtle blend of yellows oranges, and reds. 
You didn’t feel as nervous anymore when you greeted the handsome male behind the desk in the middle of the room, he was warm like the room. “Hi, you want to take the elevator up to floor three. Room 204. Have a good evening.” With that, he handed you a key card and sent you on the way down the hall to the set of elevators. You stepped in the first one and went to the third floor. 
When you stepped into the hallway it was quiet as you read the door numbers feeling your stomach flip until you reached the correct one and knocked before using the key card to step inside, the same color scheme as downstairs, this time it was a small lounge with low lights and pulsing music, this time you were greeted by a very beautiful woman who wore a black leather corset and thigh-high boots, in her hand she held a whip with the same material as her outfit. 
“Hello, sorry you caught me during a shoot, but I’m ready if you are, and it’s finally nice to meet you.” She spoke as she faced you, her hair cascading like a waterfall. This was Aina? 
 “Yeah, you look….” You trailed off and felt your face flush as you sat on the couch she pointed to with a knowing grin, it threw you off guard a little to be her in her presence, her breasts all but spilled out of the tight top that pushed them together. “It’s nice to meet you too.” You ended up saying not sure what to say as she sat across from you crossing her legs with a laugh. 
She sat her whip next to her and leaned back. “So to start off with we do STD screenings on everyone, and at least ask if you can give us your past partners if applicable. I know you were with Monster Cock for a while if I remember correctly? We also have papers for you to fill out and sign if you want us to hire you.” Aina spoke, her cherry-red lips looked glossy. 
Anytime she says that you can’t help but feel a stirring between your legs. “I’m fine with that and yeah, I was with him for four years and it was only him.” You replied shifting your weight and looked at her with a soft smile and a nod. She mirrored your smile and grabbed the clipboard with a pen attached to the side of the table that separated you two and handed it over. 
You filled in the basic information at first then flipped the page reading the questions about your kinds, hard and soft limits. Aina watched until you were finished thirty minutes later, your wrist ached from writing for so long. “Good girl, you’re the perfect applicant and would fit in well with Gojo.” She said with a grin and put her hand in the air doing a come hither motion. 
A second later the door in the corner opened to reveal the man you stared at Tuesday, he looked different in this setting, a predatory smile showing off white pearly teeth. “Hi -” He stopped when he saw you, your eyes wide as sauces as you stared at him again with an open gaping mouth. “You two know each other already?” Aina asked interrupting the staring contest. 
“No, we just saw each other the other night for the first time…this is my new coworker?” You asked, your own voice sounded foreign. Talk about a small world, but you didn’t think it could actually be this small. Gojo sat down next to Aina confirming your answer, his long legs spread wide open and instantly you could envision yourself between them, his cock in your mouth. 
She smiled and nodded patting his knee. “Yes, and he is going to have to finish the interview, I have to finish something up. I’ll get a hold of you soon, thank you so much for coming out.” Aina told you with a wink before she disappeared through the door Gojo came out of leaving you two alone, the only sound in the room came from the clock in the corner with a plant and a painting. 
You shifted again in your seat and looked at him. “So how does this work? I filled the paperwork out and she said we’d be perfect together…” Your voice trailed off as you played with your fingers in your lap feeling naked as he stared at you intently, his head cocked to the side. Those blue eyes of his scanned your entire being from your feet to your eyes with a grin. “You’re hired.” 
“Okay, now what?” You asked again feeling your skin heat up as he leaned in, the smell of vanilla whirled around you like a cashmere sweater, after being with Toji you’d think you wouldn’t be so high-strung to be around someone so cocky and carefree but you were. His smile reminded you of someone who won the lottery. “We can get something to eat if you want?” 
You didn’t expect him to ask that. “I ate already, thanks though. Can I read up on what you like and stuff before I dip?” His white brows raised at the first part of your sentence before they dipped then furrowed at the end, he nodded anyway then stood up and walked to the door again leaving you alone for a moment to collect your thoughts. 
A few minutes later he emerged with a file stuffed with papers that he handed to you once he got close enough. “Aina will get a hold of you for everything else, and if you want you can stay and we can talk instead of reading each other's files, don’t you think in person is better?” He asked sitting back down on the couch manspreading while letting his long arms hang over the couch holding your gaze as you squeezed the papers tightly. 
His stare made you want to crawl out of your skin, it was heavy and he was intent on making you squirm a little. “I do yes, I assume I can get a ride back home then?” You countered getting a nod before setting his file back on the coffee table and leaning back to cross your legs. 
“What made you want to get into this type of work?” Gojo asked, his interest piqued. A fleeting memory of how it all started flashed behind your eyes when you closed them for a moment, it felt like so long ago when it did and now here you ended up; employed at a very secure job. 
You started to undo the straps of your high heels when he leaned in to do it for you instead, his long slender fingers hooked under the thin leather brushing against your skin adding to the raging fire that built between you two. He opened his mouth when your phone rang, piercing the sexual tension like a sharp knife, you jerked back at the sudden sound and snatched it. 
Toji’s contact information glowed against the darkened room. A taunting reminder that you couldn’t get any peace with him around, even though you two were broken up. “I’m so sorry, I need to answer or it will not stop ringing.” You told Gojo and picked your phone up to answer it. 
“Why not just shut your phone off? It’s not like you have to answer it, mhm?” He questioned pausing your movements to actually hit the green button. It was the truth, that’s all you had to do and ignore him, but why did you want to do the opposite and answer his every beck and call? 
You pressed the ignore button and shut your phone off setting it back on the table before you were in Gojo’s lap, each thigh on either side of his straddling him, your arms wrapped around his neck pressing yourself into him, your mouth found his in a deep kiss. He was the first one to part your lips massaging his tongue with yours, his hands traveled down to your ass slowly. 
With your dress bunched around your hips Aina stepped inside the room with Toji who looked irritated and a little smug knowing he ruined the moment between you two. “Oh my God! What are you doing here?” You huffed and scrambled off Gojo’s lap and glared at your ex-boyfriend. 
“Didn’t I say I’d see you, princess?” He asked with a smirk now as the other two bodies in the room migrated to the door again wanting to give you two alone time after an awkward moment, the room was tense and full of simmering anger as you and Toji looked at each other when the door clicked close. You grabbed your shoes and sat on the couch putting them on ignoring him until he was sitting next to you, his hands on your waist. 
Green eyes melted into yours, a silent conversation passing between you two as he fisted the soft fabric of your dress. You wanted to give in to the magnetic pull so bad, let him kiss you, and eventually fuck you on the couch until you’re a screaming mess. “Toji…you just ruined my interview.” You scolded him with a scoff as you pushed him back and pulled away. 
“I know, that was the whole point. I don’t know why you keep running when you know I’m going to catch you. Do you think I’m going to let you go so easily, princess, and let you do this? I love you.” He replied with a slight grin as he took hold of your wrist pulling out all the stops, his lips connected to the back of your hand with slow sensual kisses holding your gaze intensely. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked away from him and jerked your hand away from his hold. It wasn’t a lie, he does love you, the problem was he loves you too much and it sounds crazy when you don’t want to be with someone like that but it was a pressure you couldn’t handle anymore, all the questions and the smothering was the final straw. 
Toji let his hand rest on the small of your back waiting for a response. “You need to go, I’m serious. I can’t believe you followed me here! This is getting ridiculous I hope you know that.” You muttered and turned your head to feel his fingers curl around your jaw in a gentle hold. 
“Say it one more time and I’ll really go, but don’t expect me to answer your next phone call when you want to cum so bad.” He answered darkly and let go then moved you off his lap and stood looking down at you with an unreadable expression gracing his handsome face, his eyes clouded with a profound sadness waiting again for you to tell him it was finally over even though it tore you apart as well to let him go. 
You curled into yourself and looked away from him still afraid to meet his look. “Go.” It was all that could be mustered feeling unshed tears sting your eyes. He stared at you for a moment longer then finally left leaving you totally alone until Aina came back in to comfort you and balm the waterworks you let loose sobbing against her shoulder with fat rivers streaming down your face. 
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A little after two weeks the whole embarrassing ordeal of your interview and makeout session was ruined by Toji you didn’t hear from him, no text or call giving you the reality of what it’s like not to have him in your life, something you didn’t quite like, the hole inside your chest only grew deeper and wider. It was a Friday night you stood in the kitchen and rubbed your face as you sighed and read the email from Aina. 
The meetup for the first shoot was tomorrow night, a cliche roleplay video between a masseur and his lonely housewife of a client wanting to feel the touch of a man so bad she’s willing to cheat on her husband for an orgasm. Having Gojo’s fingers like that on you wasn’t bad, and thankfully he’s been talking to you via texting and sometimes FaceTime calls during the last few weeks to see how you’ve been doing and to make you more comfortable around him. 
You felt like you and he were meant to be friends nothing more and having sex with Gojo seemed strange in a way, and you knew that you pushed Toji away but his failing to see what he was doing was wrong is something that couldn’t be ignored. It was pathetic almost how much you missed your ex-boyfriend, however, you couldn’t give in to the weakness and his charms. 
Twenty-four hours later you found yourself on the massage table naked with a towel covering you, the scene was practiced for at least two hours before any shooting began. It was time to actually do it. “This is the fourth time you’ve visited me, Miss. Aki. Did you pull something again?” Gojo asked when he stepped onto the set with a bottle of oil in his hands and a grin. 
He was supposed to be clueless and let you come onto him and take what you wanted. “I did yes in yoga class I think it was, it’s sore and I can’t spread my legs.” You replied with a fake pout looking at him, your eyes heavily rimmed with mascara and lips a clear glitter and glossy. Gojo came closer to the side of the table and rested one hand on your forearm with a reassuring look. 
It was hard not to really think about the many cameras facing you two as you smiled at him and ran your hand up his bare arm. “Thank you,” You told him sultry and watched as he poured a generous amount of the warmed coconut oil into his palms rubbing them together before beginning on your upper left thigh, his hands gliding against your slick flesh pushing the towel. 
Your heart lurched at being touched like this, in your lower belly you felt a pull the more Gojo continued and moved to your right leg, his hands coming incredibly close to your bare pussy that begged to be touched. He made small conversation, mentally reading the script in his head. “Do you charge extra for more?” You asked holding his wrist and guided it to between your legs. 
Gojo couldn’t help the surprise that took over his features just at how soaked you really were, the tips of his fingers collected your wetness and found your clit rubbing it slowly. He leaned down to leave a trail of open-mouthed kisses on your bare chest until he finally reached your nipple drawing the bud into his warm mouth, his hips languidly and mindlessly humping the table. 
You arched your back forcing more of your tit into his mouth when he slid two fingers inside your drenched pussy at the same time you curled your fingers into his hair pulling him closer, the feeling of him inside you hitting all the right spots made your head spin. “Don’t stop!” It wasn’t fake the way you begged and moaned for Satoru to keep going until you came around his fingers. 
He abided and kissed his way down to the valley between your breasts over the soft hills of your stomach until he reached your clit, his tongue swirled against it, and the sweet coconut exploded on his tastebuds from the oil that was used for your massage that Satoru continued with his free hand until your ass cheek was in his large open palm. “Toji!” You moaned rolling your hips. 
Everyone stopped and the director called cut. Satoru froze with a frown and pulled his fingers out leaving you to feel empty. “Oh - I am so sorry!” When your brain caught up with what you mumbled, you looked flustered and apologetic, it was a total slip of the tongue that was embarrassing and it ruined the entire mood for the video. 
The white-haired man turned away for a second before he sat on the edge knowing aftercare is important and drew circles on your hip. You were still high from your orgasm as you huffed angry at yourself for even thinking about him. “I really am sorry, I have no idea why I even said that - ” He interrupted you with a head shake as he pulled his hand away and looked at you. 
“Because you still love him, it’s clear you do to anyone who has seen you two together, and he feels the same about you. I think maybe you two should do a video, there is a lot more chemistry.” Satoru murmured and looked back at Aina who stood perched on the edge and came forward when he got up and she took his place with a sympathetic look on her face. 
She pulled you against her once the towel covered your body again. “What do you want to do?” It was a question you didn’t have an answer to. Would Toji come if she called him? It was true what he said, but couldn’t stomach the fact that he seemed to be the one for you and the same goes for you as well, it was an unmistakable love that couldn’t be denied no matter what. 
An hour later Aina had you dressed in something comfortable after a shower and curled up on the couch in the room you first met her in. “I got him to agree to come in, are you sure you’re ready to face him and do a video?” She asked again and plopped down next to you with a heavy sigh waiting for Toji to show up. 
“Maybe not a video, I don’t know yet but I do want to talk to him alone first then if it ends up like that then yes, however, I think it will.” You spoke the truth, makeup sex was like a prayer in your relationship that fixed whatever bump appeared in the relationship. She nodded and opened her mouth to speak when the door swung open and Toji walked in leaving the door open for Aina in a silent way to tell her to leave, his presence demanded attention, at least from you anyway. 
You sat up and looked at him before bidding your new friend and boss goodbye and watched as she left leaving you and him alone. “Thanks for coming, I didn’t think you would but I'm really glad you did.” You murmured first breaking the tense silence and watched as he crossed the room to sit next to you in two strides, reminding you of the last time you both saw each other. 
His smell was all-potent male; a warm blend of tobacco and whiskey that made your pussy clench and throb, you wanted to lean and nuzzle your face in his shirt. “I love you too, and when we were filming I moaned your name when I came, and he was only fingering me…we would have better luck doing this together, you’re the one for me, I don’t want anyone but you anyway.” You whispered looking at him feeling your stomach curl as he stayed silent for a few minutes. 
Toji hummed at your admittance and leaned in until his lips brushed against yours then you were yanked into his lap, his mouth was onto yours in a claim and possessive kiss. “I hate that another man touched you like that and made your cute cunt cry out, I think we need to rectify that, huh?” He asked and kissed your jaw and neck leaving love bites behind, a mark of him. 
“I don’t know why you kept running away when I’m always going to find you sweetheart, it was pointless. I missed you.” He almost growled as Toji nuzzled his face into your neck, his hands becoming greedy and exploring your body pulling your shirt up to knead his fingers into your hips before he pulled away to tug the fabric off and toss it to the floor leaving you topless. 
You climbed off his lap and went to the corner turning the camera on and making sure it was facing the couch and shed the rest of your clothes on the way leaving a trail of discarded fabric before you got back on his lap finding solace in his cradle from being away for so long. 
With no bra on he focused on your peaked nipples that ached to be sucked on and pinched, one large hand came up and cupped one breast. “It was absurd to think I could, mhm?” You shot back with a grin as you threaded your fingers through his soft raven hair kissing him again, your tongue swirled with his until a bridge of spit connected your lips when you pulled away from him. 
His lips curled into a smile letting his hands continue to grope and feel up your body until you sat naked in his lap. “Get naked too, don’t let me be the only one here.” You told him with a pout and tugged on his soft gray shirt that hugged his muscular body. He chuckled, reached behind him, and pulled it off in one fluid motion. “You do the rest for me, princess,” Toji said with a smirk. 
You were quick and got on your knees and tugged off his sweatpants and boxers until he was naked before sitting up more to wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, the flesh warm and silky as you jerked your hand up and down using the pre-cum as a lube before you leaned in and sucked on the swollen head with a groan looking up at him before taking more of him in your mouth. 
Toji rested one hand on your head and followed the movement as you bobbed up and down letting the spit that gathered in the back of your throat to cover his throbbing dick until you gagged around him, your pussy fluttered wanting attention which he knew. “Sit that pretty pussy on my face and you can continue to suck my cock, sound good princess?” He asked huskily. 
“Yes, I missed doing that so much, only you can make me feel this good.” You praised and watched as he settled on his back before he helped you get situated, your thighs straddling his face at this advantageous point he could see the clear sticky stringy slick bridged from your pussylips creating a mess that he wanted to clean up, his tongue sucked on your clit once you sat fully down on his face. 
His hands massaged your ass as you went back down on him, the fat mushroom tip of his cock hit the back of your throat while your hips rolled against his face chasing your own high, it was lewd; the wet sounds of you sucking his cock like you were slurping a thick milkshake and him he acted like this was the last time he was going to be able to get anything to eat ever again. 
You’ve never felt so wet between your legs like this as you gripped his thighs intent on making him cum, your hand came down to cup his sack rolling it in your hand gently while fucking his face with no shame feeling the ball of pleasure tighten in your lower belly as he made out with your pussy slowly with tender kisses and licks spreading you open while bucking his hips up. 
Toji moaned against your wet cunt growing closer to his orgasm when you sucked his head and let go of one of your ass cheeks to hold your head down excited to feel your throat tighten around him like this again, this time he’s the lust-riddled one filling the back of your mouth with his warm cum. He tapped your ass and pulled away. “Don’t swallow just yet, cum for me.” 
He sat you back down on his face, his tongue swirled against your clit again as you struggled to keep his load that mixed with spit and trickled from the corner of your mouth, a moan threatened to slip free but you kept down and creamed on his tongue with a grunt experiencing the best orgasm you’ve ever had, your body went limp making it easy for Toji to tuck you into his lap. 
His hand held your cheeks and squeezed them watching his thick cum oozed from your swollen and shiny lips. “Such a pretty sight, so cute, you still taste like a delicacy.” Toji pushed into your mouth with his thumb and watched as you sucked on it before pulling away to kiss him transferring his own release into his mouth, it was vulgar the way he swallowed it all no issue. 
When you pulled away completely it was easy to melt into his warm naked embrace before you attempted to sit on his knees and rub the length of his leaky cock between the lips of your sticky pussy, his finger followed along the smooth ridge of himself gathering your slick lubing his cock up letting the tip catch on your soft hole. “This will always be my pussy, ya know that? I can’t believe you thought that guy could make you feel this good, huh? Nod if you know what I’m saying. Don’t tell me you’re already tapped out.” He chuckled and pinched your cheeks. 
Toji nodded your head for you with a dark grin as he glided his cock in the seam of your cunt before he used his strength to manhandle you on your back spreading your legs obscenely wide which in turn parted your pretty pussylips coated with a beautiful shine of tangled slick. “‘S sexy, you’re fucking perfect for me.” He groaned and cupped your entire heat in his palm with a grin. 
He was sure the camera caught the angle of him having you spread out open on the couch, his arms keeping you pinned down knowing exactly what it was you craved the most; and he was the only one who could grant you the mercy of coming again until there you were laid spent. 
You looked up at him with a flushed face and glassy eyes, there was no way for you to go with his arm pressed against the back of your knees keeping you spread out open for him. “Nowhere to run, take my cock like you were meant to.” He muttered drunk on the need to feel you sucking him in even though there you murmured he was too big when Toji pushed past the soft muscle of your cunt slowly until he was bottomed out making sure you felt each ridge and vein of him. 
The both of you let out a collective gasp of pleasure as Toji moved his hips back and forth in a steady rhythm. His thrusts were slow and methodical showing you just how much he missed you, each roll of his hips brought you closer to the edge, with the way he positioned himself he considered himself one of the luckiest men ever to be able to see you take him so well. 
Toji pushed one of your legs further back pressing it against your ear almost as he planted one foot on the floor and slowed his pace savoring the feeling of how your pussy felt wrapped around him. He bent at the waist and leaned down to kiss you again, his tongue playing with yours in a passionate makeout session, his hot breath panting against your flushed skin. 
With him on top, it was impossible not to feel so full of him and at this angle, the tip of his cock hit the right spot with each thrust while his pelvis rubbed against your clit. “I love the way you look under me, so vulnerable and cute.” His lips left a trail of hot kisses down your neck and you felt your heart flutter. You moaned in pleasure as your body trembled in anticipation. 
His mouth found yours again in another sensual kiss feeling your orgasm erupt. Your cunt pulsated around him trying to milk him for everything he has. “Toji! Feels so good!” You moaned with a slack jaw, your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he drug you up and down the length of his cock, his hand brushed away your hair in a caring and gentle manner. 
“I know princess, you’re milking me ‘s good, should fuck a baby into you, would ya like that?” He grunted giving you some reprieve when he tossed your leg over his shoulder letting it dangle as he fucked you through your high, the idea of your belly swollen and round with his baby made Toji feral, his cock throbbed deep inside you as he stopped his movements pinching your cheeks again with another chuckle. 
Your eyes fluttered open as you stared at him with lust-blown pupils. He nodded your head then shook it side to side. “Did you understand me?” He asked repeating himself anyway before you got the chance to respond. You nodded your head of your own volition wanting it as well, it was something that you’d thought about before and you both have discussed marriage too. 
He grunted deep in his throat grinding himself against you, his orgasm hit him hard as he emptied himself inside your wet soft pussy until it leaked out around him despite him keeping you plugged up. Toji turned his head and pressed feather-light kisses to your ankle. “I really missed my princess, come home with me?” He asked and looked down at you. 
Your heart shuddered in your chest as you reached out to link your fingers with his. “I will stay the night with you, but I think I’m going to stay at my apartment, show me how serious you are first then we’ll go from there.” You told him, and even though he would like if you did move back in he agreed and made a vow to change his ways if that meant you’d come back to him fully. 
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Plead the Fifth (Riddle, Floyd, Azul, Jack, Lilia, and Ace x Yuu)
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Summer vacation is all fun and games until someone asks you to be honest with yourself. Unfortunately for Yuu, they got dragged to the beach by some "friends" and are getting a big old dose of heat stroke, just not from a source they want to confess to outside of a court.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, no spoilers for Lost in the Book with Stitch this is just about their summer outfits. Vague tsundere vibes from Yuu, Yuu is implied to be physically strong, Floyd knows he's hot and has a bone to pick from Portfest, also he's a red flag have I mentioned that before? Azul is only mildly possessive don't worry about it ♡. Mild suggestiveness all around, but I don't think it's too much. Feel free to check out my more serious work on my masterlist.
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"Seriously!" Riddle's cheeks are puffed in annoyance, and you have an uncomfortably close view. Not that you don't like looking at Riddle, quite the opposite, it's just hard to look at him... properly when he's fussing over your injured hand. "You would think that such a highly recommended resort would have better quality glasses." You don't know if you should be relieved or insulted Riddle believes it's cheap glass and not your raw strength responsible for the glass shards stuck in your hand. You flex it uncertainly, and he stares you into stillness. It's hard to focus with him so close, hard to breathe even. How Riddle hasn't noticed how beautiful he is normally is beyond you, but with how carefree he's been, staring out at the ocean and happily bringing you to see every unique shell he can identify, there is no way he can't at least sense how you look at him. It's just too much, and you find yourself pulling away worried he will find you disgusting.
But that's not what Riddle sees. He sees someone he cares for refusing to let him help. He certainly does not see someone who is nervously infatuated with him attempting to soothe their heart rate, otherwise he wouldn't have the nerve to continue being strict.
"Just where do you think you're going?" If he could collar you, he would, but instead he has to satisfy himself with yanking your shirt to keep you from struggling away. "Don't move, that's a direct order, prefect." You wheeze and Riddle decides to politely ignore your struggles, instead focusing on the weight of your hand in his with a smug sense of satisfaction. He is useful to you isn't he? So let him monopolize your attention for just a little longer.
"Oooh Little Shrimpy~" You want to die. You probably are going to, Floyd has never been so close to your face without pinning your back to a wall, you would be stupid not to see it as a threat to squeeze. "You better not be thinkin' about callin' me adorable that'd really piss me off." You swallow. Or at least try to, you are horribly painfully aware that he has chosen to pick this fight just off the boardwalk meaning everyone can see your little spat and how little you have been looking at his eyes. Floyd can too, it's been sending a vaguely exciting shudder up and down his spine all day. He knows every dip and curve along his chest your eyes have followed, every lingering stare at his flexing shoulders, it's like you want to eat him for a change. He found that electrifying.
Or at least he had, but this little dance was starting to get boring.
What sort of predator never makes a move after setting the mood? He had tried telling himself he should be patient, shrimps aren't predators. Maybe Yuu needed extra time to set up their attack, he could work with that, maybe leave a few openings. But he was starting to run out of buttons to undo on his shirt and he really didn't want to ditch the sunglasses or beads just yet. He had been such a good patient eel, so why weren't you jumping on him already?
"I don't think-" You force yourself to look up at Floyd's eyes instead of his chest and your brain immediately fries. "I mean that isn't to say-" He glares at you and you try to wrack your brain for what compliment he could possibly want out of you. There is no way Floyd Leech is going to these lengths to try and get you to call him cool.
"Y'know, it's really rude to not answer your seniors shrimpy." Floyd draws himself up to his full height, with an oddly solemn look. "You're usually such a well-behaved little shrimp, is somethin wrong? You know if somethings wrong you had probably better tell me or Azul's gonna have to call the Headmage."
"It's because you're too hot ok! I cant focus on what you're saying because I keep looking at your fucking chest! Happ-" You can't get your compliment out before he's squeezed you into his chest and started shaking you around like a rag doll, squealing something about how hunting isn't that hard and he knew you could do it.
There's no way you were ever the one on the prowl here.
This isn't a date. Nothing about this is meant to be romantic, you are having a "purely platonic at best but lets be real this is probably for business" drink with Azul at the tacky (his words not yours) poolside bar. "I wouldn't have thought about putting a water park next to a beach." He murmers to himself, carefully photographing every angle of his float before sitting down to drink it. "It just sounds redundant." You shrug, idly stirring your own drink.
"You'd be surprised. Some humans really don't like swimming in the ocean." You're the one saying it, so he has no real choice to belive it but it's hard to wrap his head around.
"How is one of these parks safer? They aren't nearly as clean." He thinks that if he ran a place like this, that would be the biggest problem, humans are messy creatures already, but the level of mess he has just casually observed while sitting here with you really makes him wonder just what the actual appeal of this place is. Well, at least just what the appeal was to paying customers, he knew why he wanted to bring you here. Usually, when Azul turns to look at you, you immediately look away from him. But as long as you've been on this little vacation, no matter how many times he's looked your gaze has remained exactly where it should be. He's puffing with pride, looking you over wondering exactly what angle he can press to get you to say what it is you actually are thinking and not whatever cheap jab you have prepared to protect yourself.
You remain none the wiser, stuck staring at Azul and his shirt simultaneously drowning in how attractive you find him and how much it reminds you of a man in his mid fifties who relies on his bank account to make up for his miserable personality.
"See something you like, prefect?" Azul is unbelievably happy, you are tempted to say smug but then he sort of always does. It's the glasses you think as you bite on your straw and hope he doesn't notice how hard it is for you to maintain eye contact. But he does, oh he does, taking advantage of your flustered state to move closer to your side.
"You- you..." Azul is stupidly attractive he has to know that, but you also know he is desperately insecure and don't want to send him into a spiral with your stupid tongue. "You look like a middle-aged dad on his third divorce on vacation trying to doge the tax man." You mutter, trying really hard to sound threatening. It doesn't work, Azul just gives his best put upon sigh as he clucks his tongue in disappointment.
To your great surprise, he moves his hand to tilt your head to look him directly in his bright blue eyes, a similar smile to the one he has while trying to sell you on something directly kicking your heart rate up. He is trying to sell you on himself, you realize...
"How insulting, my dear. You should know better than anyone that no one gets out of a contract with me so easily they'd be able to do it three times." ... and he doesn't intend to take no for an answer. Not that it was the answer you intended to give him in the first place, and oh how happy he is to know that.
"Honestly! You would think you'd know to be more careful by now." You might as well be talking to a brick wall, Jack's certainly solid enough to pass for one. He still seems to be under the impression that he's fine despite how much of his weight you are supporting. You think he is trying to talk, but the heat has him only babbling nonsense. Reluctantly, he lets you guide him over to a shady patch of trees close to a water fountain before he is well and truly gone.
"This is nothing. I handled the Savana I can take a stupid beach." He mutters as if he his extremely visible chest isn't heaving or rolling with droplets of sweat that other, lesser people have been watching drip from his abs with extreme disrespect.
Not you, though! No, your eyes have been firmly on the spicket on the fountain, determined to soak one of the smaller towels you brought and gently press it to Jack's forehead. Despite his insistence that he's fine, he leans desperately into your cooling touch, tension leaving his shoulders in one deep breath.
Just as all strength leaves yours as he decides to collapse into your lap.
"J-Jack!" You don't know what you want to ask next. Your back is pinned to one of the trees, Jack's head is resting firmly in your lap, but the arm that had been around your shoulder has decided to move around your waist. He growls (growls!) when you gently try to push him off you to try and get him set up in a more comfortable position. "Bad dog." It's all you can think to say and he doesn't seem fazed, if anything you swear he starts holding you closer. There is no way this could get any more embarrassing.
"Mommy, what is that guy doing to his partner? It looks like he's trying to eat them." Never mind yes it could. You make awkward eye contact with a very young mother as you try to silently plead with her that "no, this isn't what it looks like, I swear" as you desperately try to revive Jack with the damp cloth. The young woman looks at you then to her child, clearly trying to hold back her laughter and not doing it very well. She manages to usher him off before he can ask any more pointed questions and you glare down at Jack.
"You're setting such a bad example." You mutter and he lets go of your waist only to cross his arms over his chest and start to snore. Oh he is going to be so embarrassed when he wakes up, assuming he believes half of what you'll have to say.
Love and Lilia are old strangers. He knows he can feel it, no matter what ancient denials he might have made, but he finds no matter how long he lives he is no better at recognizing it, no better at knowing what to do with it. There's something ironic about how much of an outlier this chance meeting between you both that makes him feel something akin to apathy. He doesn't think that's quite the right word, but he struggles to better find an explanation for the little knots it ties itself in sometimes.
So Lilia may not know just what this emotion is no, but he knows he likes the way it looks on you.
"Well, prefect? It's rude to stare you know." He says that as if he is not trying to make you, winking just over his sunglasses and striking a pose Cater had shown him on magicam in just a silly enough way that he can pass it off as one of his usual jokes. Your usual denial flutters up on your face, but your heart seems to be beating your brain to your tongue today.
"You look very cute, Lilia." That strange pit is filling with nervous flutters again, but his brain beats his soul to his mouth.
"That's good! I was worried I'd have to spend this vacation in the shadows out of shame." He says, fully aware that you are both currently sat in the shade of a particularly large umbrella precisely because he can't be out in the sun for long, even if that's the purpose of a beach vacation. Speaking of which... "Why don't you go join the others out on the beach, prefect? You helped me with my little errand, you deserve to take a break." He says it much more gently than he'd intended, if it wasn't pointless, he'd keep you here and needle you for more cute reactions. Maybe he would ask you to try on his shirt and demand yours as payment. But that's not fair, that's not life, this connection is destined to be as fleeting as it is precious. The way disappointment and confusion mingle in your eyes tells him you know that too, on some level.
"Calling you cute isn't a chore, but sure, I guess." You tell him something about calling for you if he decides to go somewhere else, and he thinks he promises you only if you do the same, but he doesn't know. He's too focused on the way the sun takes you into it's embrace, taunting everyone but certainly him specifically with just how much you look like you belong out there in the daylight.
But the moon can still observe can't it? In a way that's all he knows how to do.
You really hate how low your standards are. Who the hell gets all jittery and flustered over a guy in a boater hat? You apparently, Ace has the worst dad on vacation fit you have ever seen, assuming you are politely ignoring Azul. Something that's unfortunately easy for you to do and has led to you paying just that much more attention to Ace.
Or at least that's what you've been trying to tell him while pointedly staring out at the shore. You wish he was too lazy to put things together, but as usual, when there is an inch to tease you over, Ace Trappola will take a mile.
"Admit it, you think I'm hot." He sounds so infuriatingly smug. It makes you want to kiss him but only to shut him up! Not because you like him!
"The only thing hot about you is how full you are of hot air! Seriously, what's up with that bunch of fruit on your shoulder? Why would I find that attractive?" You know it only sounds like you are asking yourself, begging more like, because you really do think he's attractive. It's written all over your face, you might as well scream it with just how flustered you become when finally you decide to look back at him.
"It's ok to admit. It might be self-centered to say, but I really am a catch. Really prefect how did you get so lucky?" Oh he is never going to let you live this down.
"Please, you look like a dead beat dad on his third divorce!" Your voice is unnaturally high, and Ace just laughs off your insult. "Who would be attracted to you!"
"You, duh." He takes your hand and pulls you back towards the beach. "Besides, if I convinced you to marry me twice, I can do it a third time." He winks at you over his shoulder and you stop dead in your tracks, so overwhelmed with annoyed affection and embarrassment it's all you can do to grasp for a come back.
"Was it Duece."
"What?" Ace is momentarily thrown, extremely confused by what he perceives as a change of subject.
"You said you could convince me to marry you a third time, but you're on your third divorce. So when did you leave me for Deuce ?"
"Wait I didn't- you know that's not what I meant!" And yes, technically, you do know that's not what he meant, but you refuse to be the only one embarrassed here. You hope he chokes.
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earlgreyflowers · 7 months
Hii! Can you do something with Redbull Seb and these 46, 49, 52, 95, 4, 75? You don't need to use all of them, I just put some of them so you could see my vision. Thank you <3
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First time writing Seb but the wheel of fics has spoken and so today is the day, praying this goes well
Translation: Biene = Bee in German
"I'm not going to touch you unless you beg," Seb hums in your ear, smirking at the groan of frustration that bubbles from your throat. "Come on Seb, I've been waiting all night, please just touch me." You whine, bucking your hips towards his face in impatience. His hands force your hips back down, "Good girl, that wasn't so hard was it?" He smiles, his fingers wiping through your folds. "So wet for me biene, do you want to cum?" He asks, running the tip of his finger over your clit, making your walls clench around nothing.
"Please Seb, want to cum for you so bad, please do something." You moan out, patience wearing even thinner as he takes his time exploring you with just one finger. "Maybe I'd rather take my time, let you wait for it even longer." He hums, clicking his tongue in disappointment at the way you roll your eyes in annoyance. When his fingers still don't slip inside you, you let out a groan of annoyance. You hoist yourself up onto your elbow, the other arm tugging on Seb's hair to force him to look up at you.
"Yes schatze? What can I do for you?" He asks, coy smile playing on his lips.
"Put that snarky mouth to work Sebastian or I swear to god I won't have sex with you for a month." You threaten, the tone of your voice making Seb's cock twitch in its confines. "Okay okay, jeez." He huffs, cheesy grin taking over his face at the way you let his hair go as you lie back down. He starts by placing kisses around your pussy, avoiding the one place you ache for him most. Once you dig your heels into his shoulder he gets the hint, enveloping your clit in his mouth. The warmth from his mouth makes you clench, your thighs tightening slightly around his head. His tongue flicks out as he sucks, sending vibrations through your body as his spit drips down your pussy. You moan out his name, this time threading your fingers in his hair to hold his heavenly tongue against you.
His tongue darts everywhere, tasting every inch of you. He sucks and nibbles at your clit, the movement of his jaw causing his chin to brush against your entrance. His hand joins his mouth, slipping a finger inside you. Your walls clamp around his finger as he groans at your wetness. His finger feels around your walls, pushing against the spongy spot located on the front wall, curling his finger as he continues to suck your clit. He feels the way you clench around him, your moans increasing in volume. Removing his head from you he requests, "Tell me when you're about to cum biene." You nod in response, urging his head to resume its original position.
It doesn't take long for the pit in your stomach to spread, warmth feeling your bones as you feel yourself getting closer to your peak. "Gonna cum Seb." You whine, tugging at his hair. He pulls back once more, removing his finger too this time. You look down at him in shock, his hair wild, pink lips swollen with your juices. "You're not allowed to cum without my permission." He tells you, crawling over the top of you to place a kiss on your lips. "Payback for being bossy." He whispers against your lips. You just groan, smashing your lips together and tasting yourself on his tongue.
Sebastian continues to kiss you as he slides two fingers inside you, scissoring them against your walls. You moan his name into his mouth, your nails scratching the back of his neck in pleasure as he plunges them deeper inside you. His fingers have always felt much better than yours, their length allowing them to reach places you could only dream of. He could read your body like a book, finding the moment he hooks his fingers against your g-spot, your breath hitching and stomach contracting. He continues to press his fingers against the spot, enjoying the way you squirm against him.
His mouth travels down your collarbone, reaching your breasts. Your pebbled nipples lean toward his mouth as your arch your back at his actions between your legs. He captures one in his mouth, swirling his tongue and enjoying the way your nipple seems to get impossibly harder. He will always love the way you react to him, the way he seems to be able to draw things out of you when anybody else would assume you have nothing left to give. Seb can feel the way you're tightening around his fingers and removes them once more, watching your hole clench around the emptiness.
"Don't cum yet." He murmurs as he guides himself inside you. The stretch of your walls around his cock making you mewl. You claw at his shoulders as he seats himself inside you, your walls pulsing around his thick cock. Sliding himself out he moans at the way your jaw drops when he slams himself back inside, whispering praises in your ear at the way you take him.
"Seb, please, I'm so close." You mewl, "I don't know if I can hold it any longer." Tears well in your ears at the pleasure beginning to overcome you, Seb's thumb wiping one away as it drips down your cheek. "You can cum whenever you'd like biene, been so good for me, want to feel it." He groans, his head dropping to your shoulder as he pounds into you. His words were all you needed, letting go and soaking his cock in your cum. He whimpers at the way your walls clamp around him, biting down onto your shoulder lightly as his orgasm hits him, hips stuttering against your own.
Seb manages to hold himself above you long enough to pull out before rolling over and collapsing next to you. He pulls you into his side, stroking your hair as your eyes start to close. "Did so good for me biene, want a bath now?" He questions, smiling as you nod into his neck. "Cuddle me for a bit longer first though, please." You whisper out, curling into his body further and enjoying the way his arms feel around you.
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janaispunk · 3 months
constellations in his eyes
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pairing: Dave York x f!reader
summary: Your fiancé stands you up on your birthday. Dave doesn’t.
word count: 736
tags/warnings: infidelity, shitty boyfriend, angst, fluff, kissing, able-bodied reader, reader has hair, no use of y/n
a/n: this is based on the song high infidelity by taylor swift and written for @beskarandblasters’s taylor swift drabble challenge. i love taylor and this song and dave, so this was very fun 🫶🏻 check out the whole challenge masterlist here!
follow @janaispunknotifs for fic updates and find my whole masterlist here :)
dividers by @saradika-graphics <3
(apologies to everyone who’s waiting for the next safe and sound chapter, i promise it’s almost done 🫠)
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It’s your birthday, April 29th.
Rain is soaking through your dress, the drenched fabric clinging to your skin, wet strands of your hair sticking to your forehead. Unfamiliar lips are pressed against yours. You don’t remember the last time you’ve felt this happy.
You’re supposed to meet your fiancé for dinner tonight. When you call him, you’re already seated at the table, waiting for him to meet you there.
“Give me a break,” he sighs at your demand for an explanation, “I’m sure you’ll find someone else to buy you dinner.”
“Excuse me?”
“You know what I mean. None of those guys from your office available tonight?”
“Fuck you.”
You slam the phone back onto the table, swallowing down the angry tears that are starting to well up in your eyes. You have been dealing with his unreasonable bouts of insecurity and jealousy because you’re working in a male-dominated field for way too long. You had hoped that he would get over it eventually, but it had rather gotten worse, mixed with remarks about how he made more money than you and how thankful you should be that he took care of you.
After staring down at the table for a few moments, you pick your phone back up again. If this is what he thinks of you any way, you might as well give him a reason to.
“Hey. Can you come and pick me up, please?”
Of course Dave could. You’re often assigned cases together, are often huddled up in the office when it’s already dark outside and your colleagues have gone home. You like working with him, like how quiet but straightforward he is, how he understands your way of thinking. You like him.
You’ve been out for drinks before, to celebrate successfully solved cases, but nothing more, no matter how many times he hinted at being interested in more. Because you’re not that kind of woman, despite what your fiancé apparently thinks.
Until now. It’s your birthday and you’re gonna spend it with someone who actually likes being around you.
When you walk out of the restaurant, he’s waiting for you, his brow furrowed in concern, immediately asking if you’re alright. You nod, mumbling something about a change of plans, nothing to worry about. You can tell that he doesn’t buy it.
He’s walking you down the block to his car, one hand at the small of your back. You feel yourself melting into him and his calming presence beside you, into the self-assured way he’s taking charge.
Neither of you had expected the sudden downpour, soaking the both of you to the bone within seconds. You stop in your tracks, staring at him in surprise for a second, before you burst out laughing.
You stumble over your own feet as you try to keep walking and instinctively grab his arm. He turns in your direction and steadies you, an amused smirk on his face, his hands a heavy weight on your hips, his touch burning into you.
You lean in and kiss him before your mind catches up with your actions. He stills for only one moment before his lips start moving against yours with a caressing urgency that makes your heart clench with longing.
Your hands cling to him, to his shirt underneath your fingers that’s just as drenched as your clothes, to the broadness of his shoulders that’s sending a rush of excitement through you. The absurdity of the whole situation makes you giggle against his mouth and you feel the rumble of his own laugh more than you hear it while his arms are wrapping tighter around your waist.
You don’t care that you’re in the middle of the sidewalk, that rain is still pouring down on you, that this is not the man that you’ve agreed to marry.
Because when you open your eyes, he’s already looking at you, the lights of the city reflecting in his dark pupils, like constellations that you want to get lost in. For the first time in forever, you feel seen. Your fingers burrow into his hair and you pull him closer again, connecting your lips with his once more.
When you reach his car, he opens the door for you and asks if he can take you home with him. You say yes.
None of it feels real, but you feel more alive than you’ve felt in a long time.
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thank you for reading! if you liked this, please consider reblogging, commenting, sending an ask or interacting in any way. it’s really what keeps writers going <3
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
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PAIRING: Nikto x F!Reader (Soulmate AU)
WARNINGS: Angst, mentions of stalking & stalking behavior, creepy men, talks of death, weapons, toxic modeling standards, food issues, dead animals, blood, talks about gore, etc. (Series 18+)
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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You wondered what the doves had felt when they had gotten ripped apart. Were they already dead by the time the fingers had torn into them, breaking their hollow bones, or had they been alive—past the burning; past the evisceration of their intestines? You don’t want to think about it, but thinking is the only thing you can do. Think, think, think one horrible thought after another until you’re sinking in a pool of gore.
Your Mom shakes your shoulder and you startle back to the scene of her office.
Eyes widening, you clear your throat quickly and speak above the palpitations of your heart. “Yeah?”
The woman’s wrinkles tighten. 
“I asked if you wanted any water, Beauty.”
Stop calling me that.
“Please.” A cup is held in front of your face, and you slowly take it as the box on the other side of the room is stuck in the sides of your vision. Two investigators mull over it, muttering to themselves and sending glances over their shoulders. 
Yaromir and Galina. Both are tall and dressed in dark jackets—a patch on their left arm. The inky ties contrast with a pale button-up seen under the collar. 
You haven’t even spoken to them.
Taking a long drag from your cup, you focus on taking down the liquid through your tight throat. There’s a certain point where shock overtakes the ability to think properly—you don’t know how to act except to respond to issues as they arise. 
You were supposed to go home right after AMA, but your mom had gotten a call from the Operational Officers. It seemed Nikto had been in touch, and they had given the order to come here for as much information as you could give, which, admittingly, was little. 
Everything you’d given was still the same as it had been after the explosion. 
“Nikto?” Your lips are cold.
The man blinks from the corner of the room, slightly shifting his head your way from where he watches the scene quietly. Your eyes lock and after a moment you raise the glass. 
“Do you need anything?” 
His chest slightly raises in a sigh. 
“... Negative. I am,” the Russian pauses, the fingers behind his back twitching. “Adequate.” 
You hum and pretend you heard what he said above the ringing in your ears. This was how you acted right after the scene in the bakery as well. Like a walking corpse. 
“They already called into AMA,” your mom side-eyes Nikto, her eyebrows pulling in tightly before they slide back to you and lessen. In her face is the sheen of hidden concern. “The CEO was told he can’t keep you in the building if there’s an immediate threat to your life or the lives around you—it’s all up to you until the investigation is over if you want to go back.” 
“Okay,” your response is short and swift. You set the glass to your lips and take back the last few droplets, wishing it was wine instead. Even like this, you knew that you would still drag yourself through the front doors of your work—you needed the job. You can’t do anything else properly. 
Mom sighs, the jewelry at her wrists jingling as her hands come up to rub at her temple. 
“This might offer us something—fingerprints, DNA. It’s better than incinerated pieces, at the very least.” You put your cup on the desk, hands coming back to wrap around your middle with shaking fingers finding purchase in your jacket fabric.
“Has Dad written?” Her slate body freezes like stone. 
It’s a long time before she speaks, and when she does, it’s a firm utterance that comes from her throat. The investigators are still speaking to one another, and Nikto’s dead eyes are stuck on the two of you in interest. His chin minutely tilts down.
You don’t know if that’s the answer, or if it’s a command for you to stop the road you’re going down. Either way, you flatten your lips and say no more, your knee jumping with nerves.
“Ma’am,” Galina speaks louder, addressing you. Your head pivots, breath sounding heavy as you lick your lips. The woman’s long, dark, hair is tied back in a ponytail, tight to her skull. Doe-like eyes don’t stray from yours. “I will need to be in contact with your manager.”
“Alright,” she continued to stare, face bland. Your heart jerks. “Do…do you need his number?”
“It would be swifter than having to gain it from elsewhere.”
You nod, face heating. 
“Sorry,” your lips mutter, hand delving into your pocket to pull out your device and unlock it, swiping through contacts before finding the correct one and listing off the numbers slowly. Galina writes them down on a piece of paper from her notebook and says little more before she turns back around to her partner and addresses him. 
“Explain it to them, I have to make a call.”
Yaromir huffs, standing up and grimacing down at the ‘gift’ with his clean-cut face. The woman walks out the door with steady steps, Nikto paying close attention to how her eyes slide to him, how they narrow, and how her lips twist at his mask—gaze icy. 
There was no question as to whether these two disliked his involvement in this case, and how they had to listen to his input as a former member of the Russian forces with far more knowledge than they could ever possess. Perhaps Nikto’s lips quirked at that, chest stuck with a pleased grunt as Galina stalked away and closed the door behind her.
But there was time for his arrogant nature later. Yaromir speaks with his light accent. 
“There will be more patrols around your penthouse,” Nikto was always surprised by the lack of action in civilian life—if it was his choice, the stalker would have already had a bullet through his chest before he had the chance to bomb that bakery. But at the very least, he knew that his mind was not one to rely on. 
You shift in his peripheral view, and he knows you’re afraid. Nikto’s feet shift from under him.
“Our resources are not infinite, but if we can’t pull anything from this,” a vague hand gesture to the mutilated animals. “There may be a need too…” Yaromir pauses.
Your mother speaks before you can.
“Too what?”
“He is saying he will need more,” Nikto’s voice is a harsh crunch of cords, of black ice. 
You tilt your head to implore him of his meaning, and he does so while not looking away from you. You were his charge after all. 
“More gifts.”
Yaromir is swift with his response. “I-I do not mean…that is only if we can get nothing out of the box—”
“What?” Your face is twisted up with disgust and shock, sputtering out as your head snaps back to the officer. “No!” 
“It is imperative that we avenge the lives of our three countrymen.” He shakes his head, raising an arm as your mother sits in silence, her lungs taking down a deep breath. “You must see our stance on this.”
Your face falls. 
Nikto doesn’t know why, or maybe he does, but the sentence makes his hands tighten like no other, a rage breeding in his chest. 
“You’re saying that I,” you stutter, and the soldier can see the way your neck pulses with the speed of blood. “You expect me to try and accept more of them? More presents from a man that’s intent on getting to me and doing God knows what?” 
In your brain, you know the truth.
They’re more concerned about the lives they deem important, and you don’t fit into that graph.
“Nothing will harm you,” Nikto growls. “Not while I’m here.”
He’s given a firm stare.
“You agree with this?”
“I have never said that,” he grunts, voice stiff as a board. “Simply stating my mission.”
For the first time working with you, he sees your face go tight with distrust and his eyelids twitch slightly lower. 
“Beauty,” you’re shaking your head, hands raising up and waving back and forth as you stand up swiftly. 
“Are you going to defend this?” Your mom’s eyes dart away before wafting back. 
“It’s all that they can do,” you scoff wetly. “And that’s only if they don’t find anything. You need to think about this logically.”
“Nothing about this involves logic,” you snap, immediately feeling bad about the taken-aback expression on the Consul’s face. 
Steadying yourself on the back of the chair, you miss Nikto taking a firm step forward, his hands at his sides in case you were to trip or fall. He had gotten good at noticing when your feet might get tangled and had taken to silent protection without delay. 
“What the hell?” You move away and run a hand down your jacket, trying to push off the panic in your flesh as best you’re able before you make a fool of yourself. Your body shivers and seeps tension, but you make it to the door relatively alright. 
You’re down the hallway and clenching your eyes tight, turning a corner and smacking your arm into it with a stifled inhale. 
Walking, you hear the steady thump of Nikto’s boots behind you, trailing after as his shadow joins the mass of black and gray in your vision. He says nothing until you push open the door and exit the Consulate building entirely, your pupils tiny and mind running. 
“You are going to—” Your heels twist from under you, and your mouth releases a squeak before Nikto’s arm jerks out and loops around your waist, steadying you easily before your face can meet the ground.
His hand presses into your side, harsh fingers sitting there as he slightly leans over you. The open street is mostly empty today, so what embarrassment you can glean from this is limited to your stoic guard.
Nikto grunts, making sure you’re not about to do it again, and he pulls you up. He waits until you’re steady to release you, head moving to spear you open with an exasperated tweak of his invisible brow. 
You open your mouth to speak but find you have no words to say into the cold air. Turning your head away and walking to the car by yourself, your body is hunched in and bearing the weight of mountains, moments and memories flashing back and forth. 
Aly had been blowing up your phone, text after text—call after call asking if you were okay. All you’d managed was a short, ‘I’m okay. At Mom’s work.’
That had stopped the calls, at least, but not the texts.
Nikto unlocked the car just as your hand looped the handle, and you got inside the back seat. The Russian watches from behind on the sidewalk, keys in one hand and the other open to the air. Thinking. He moves his neck from one end of the street to another, face under his mask tense and hard as he breathes slowly. Like some wolf, he only clicks his tongue before loping to the driver’s side. 
As you stare hard into your lap, he barks out to you.
“We are taking you to store. Will get good food to make. Proper food.” Your spine straightens itself as the engine groans to life. 
“We,” your face goes confused, voice small. Three burnt bodies. Ripped feathers. “We can’t do that…what if…?” 
“You will be safe with me. I said this, did I not, Whelp?” Dead eyes move from the reflection of the mirror, glancing at yours. “We are going.” 
And that was how you two ended up standing in the black and white grocery store, Nikto causing people to splinter off and regard you both with concerned glances. But some of those stares are your fault as well. 
You pass a newspaper as you carry your basket, the picture of a fiery bakery on the front cover—your form clearly desirable. Your body halts at that, blankly watching before a hand settles over your spine. 
“Move. I have list.”
“I know you do,” you say weakly, stomach rolling nearly to an alarming level. “Let’s just…do this quick, alright?” Nikto scoffs lightly, but seems to agree with that as he carefully prods you along. 
The store was close to your penthouse, expensive, but close. You had told him he could do the shopping. Clearing your throat, you try to distract yourself from staring at every face turned your way—every hidden expression. 
What if he knows I’m here? He doesn’t. But how do you know that he doesn’t? He found you at the bakery—he waited for you to show up at work to deliver the box. He knows. He’s watching me. He’s right behind my back, waiting to drag me off somewhere and—
“What are we getting, Nikto?” Your shaking tone leaves you clenching your teeth, blinking away the panic. 
You’re fine.
“I tried to understand what you were saying in the kitchen, but my Russian is…bad, to put it lightly.”
“We know.” He’s not looking at you, but instead at the rows of cut meat he had brought you to. Your attention moves from one point on the wall to another, mouth salivating at the thought of good food. With it comes a sliver of guilt. “Many things,” Nikto responds to your previous question. 
“Many?” Your brows furrow, turning back. “How many?”
“Many.” You dryly stare at the back of his head as he moves forward, picking up what he wants and disposing of it into your basket. 
He carts you around like a pet, hand stuck to the back of your shoulder and fingers an inch away from holding on if you were to knock into something. You don’t know if he knows, but being able to lean into his firm grip made walking that much easier without having to put a hand on the wall. 
Perhaps he did know, with how he looks down at you every so often. Your heart warms at that, no matter how much it still fights to break out of your ribcage. 
“Where did you learn to cook, then,” you ease out slowly. You need a distraction. “On a military base?”
A single, sharp bark of a laugh makes your head snap up to Nikto and many people down the way startle. It was like a hyena, but in a way, you didn’t expect anything else to come from the man. You don’t know why, but your lips quirk at that, tight hold on your basket lessening.
It was…charming. In a deadly, cold way.
“Нет, Woman. No, no.” His mask meets you. “You do not know what base is like, hm?”
“I can’t say I do,” your attention turns to the hulking form, paranoia sitting in the backseat. But he was speaking to you, and you liked it when he did. “Explain it to me?”
Pale eyes blink at you, head tilting as silence settles.
“Ладно.” He takes a slight breath and you see his vest rise and fall, the strength of his chest pushing it out. “They are strict—tight, yes?” 
You listen intently, not looking away. He seems less of a nail in the wall while he’s here, able to focus on what meals he’ll make and how to pair something nicely. That head of his moves back and forth like a bird.
“Not allowed in the военный продовольственный магазин. We only eat when we are told—least,” Nikto hitches a shoulder, blinking at a head of cabbage that he takes and places into a bag before handing it to you. “That is what military base is like. KorTac is different, only PMC. Non-affiliated.” 
“I know a little about that part,” you relay, taking the gray lump from him and carefully placing it into the basket. “What made you want to leave the forces, then? The official ones?” Your nose puffs softly. “Was it the food?” 
You feel more than see the tension fill his body, and it’s not a second later that his hand pulls from your shoulder and you blink at the back of his head as he leaves you there. Stuck on the tile below your heels, your face is open with innocent confusion. 
“Nikto…?” You call after, hiking the basket farther in your grip. But he doesn’t turn around, and soon he takes a sharp left and you’re left alone. It was like a flip had been switched inside of him, such a sudden and dangerous dismissal. 
Throat making a small noise, you frown, lips pulling down like a bent cord. 
“...Okay,” your voice whispers, and you shake your head to yourself before turning around to walk to the front. 
It didn’t take more than two steps before a man pushed past you, bumping into your shoulder as you stumbled at the sharp slam of flesh and bone. Your eyes go wide before you have to slap a hand to the metal of the nearby aisle shelves to stop gravity. Dropping the basket with a loud clatter, you call out a heavy, “Hey!”
Half on the floor, you hurriedly straighten yourself, a hand on the back of your sleeve helping. 
“I apologize, Sir, but you really need to look where you’re walking when you’re so close to someone else.” Standing, you take a deep breath and re-situate your purse quickly, pulling on the strap so you don’t lose it. “Lord, that could have been bad.”
What would have happened if you hit your head? 
The scar on the back of your skull burns.
“Seraph?” You blink, before your head swivels—the fingers letting go of your sleeve quickly. 
You’re surprised by who you see. 
The Baker’s Boy had his dark eyes boring into you—his mess of curls looking better than they had been when you’d gone to visit him and sitting under a ball cap. There was the white glare of bandages along his cheeks and neck.
Your spine is tight. 
“Hi,” your voice is light and airy. “I didn’t,” you stutter in shock, hand moving down to grab the handles of the basket delicately. “I didn’t expect to see you here. How…how are you doing?” 
Sergi doesn’t speak. 
A small tone of uncomfortableness seeps into your chest at the intensity of those black voids. Your vision dips to the dark hoodie and pants—the way he sticks his hands into his pockets and backs up a step. 
You hadn’t noticed how large Sergi actually was. Tall, biceps built from the strain of working in the bakery every day. At his dead stare, the sides of your eyes train in, fingers tightening over the handle of your belongings in confused hesitance. 
Your gaze darts to where Nikto had disappeared and you mirror Sergi’s prior move and back up yourself—a strange game of chess. Your free hand comes to itch at your temple. 
“It’s good to see you walking.” Testing an obviously fake laugh, your arms start shaking, the painful pinch of nerves stuck under your skin. “Is the bakery going to be alright?”
Sergi’s phone goes off in his pocket, and his hand snaps to it like lightning. You flinch, heart palpitating though you don’t know why—this man couldn’t be your stalker…he…he couldn’t be. 
Then why did your hair stand on end when he looked at you like that?
Before Sergi sets the device to his ear, he turns and says in his broken English—stiffly, worriedly, “Go home, Girl. Take the man with you.” 
“Man?” You ask to air before the Baker’s Boy turns and hurries back the way he came. The thought comes slowly and in a moment of chilled air and you place one foot forward after him as your eyes go wide. “...How do you know about Nikto?”
He’s already gone. 
People walk past you on their own business, one even clipping your right shoulder again, but you don’t notice above the ringing in your ears when shadows slink past. Your chest is tight, and your lungs are held in the grip of ruthless fingers. 
Dead doves. Burnt bodies. Half a man. 
You place your free hand over your mouth, fast breath being forced from your throat. 
What does it feel like to burn?
“Why are you here?” Nikto’s angry voice is in your head just as his hand grabs onto your arm. You get pulled to face him, face devoid of blood. “Why did you not follow?”
He continues to speak, and you stare blankly into his chest as he does. Nikto’s words grow tight on his tongue, cutting out swiftly as he clocks the expression on your face. 
The soldier instantly grows taller, a great void looming as his head scans the aisle. He reaches for the grip of his Beretta, resting his expansive palm there as what annoyance can be gleaned dries instantly. 
Only a wolf is left behind. 
“Explain,” is what he numbly asks, and you push out on a quick breath.
“Baker’s boy—Sergi. Dark hair and eyes, tall; muscular.” 
A growl. “What did he do?”
“Nothing,” you gasp and Nikto doesn’t seem to believe you. “He didn’t do anything. I just had a strange feeling, and I-I can’t place it. He knew you were here with me.”
The hand on your arm tightens, squeezing. You pull what little safety you can from it and swaddle yourself like a child in the blanket of his aura. That packaging of brutality like tissue paper. 
“I’m gonna be sick,” you huff, body slanting forward. There was so much stress on you—taking you down with it. Days, and weeks, and months. Never getting answers, never thinking it would go this far. 
You were a model, for Christ’s sake. You starred in pictures because people said you were pretty. You don’t feel pretty. You feel violated. 
“Enough,” the man grunts, moving his grip to your shoulder to push your spine back up. He knows that the individual you speak of is gone, and his teeth grind in on themselves. “No, you are not.” 
Saliva pools in your mouth, and you stare at his shoes without saying anything in return. 
Hard fingers loop under your chin, and your gaze is forced forward—so much so like he was about to slather mascara on your lashes in the clutter of your room. Panting, you find your nose nearly brushing his as he bends his neck down into you.
“Focus, Woman.” 
Focus? Focus on what? 
You stare into the paleness of his eyes, finding the layered flecks that shift like a cursed kaleidoscope with glass bits and a broken lens. They aren’t kind eyes, you know. They’re dead and buried, already six feet under and layered with packed dirt—pounded by the path of rushing feet charging into gunfire. 
Oh, but they were beautiful. 
Forcing oxygen to come back to you, your lids flutter at the heat of his fingers under your chin, intoxicating as his thumb finds your pulse point and presses in; feeling, studying—analyzing with those cold orbs.
And so you do, even unknowingly—you focus on the raw presence of a man already long gone. On a man with cruelty laced into his DNA, seeping from his stone heart. 
Why do you feel like this? What had he done to make your face burn at the way his gaze was locked with yours? Nothing was the answer, he had done nothing. 
Then why? Why had you chosen him? The answer felt like it was on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t quite swallow it down. Damnit, your head was hurting. 
Did Nikto have a soulmate?
All at once as the word comes back in a slow crash of cold waves, the hand on your chin disappears, and you blink rapidly. 
The Russian bear grunts as you take a long breath and quickly look away from his direct gaze. Nikto’s covered face tilts, sliding over the color of your eyes and clenching his jaw before he rips his attention away. 
Your scent was in his nostrils.
“We are leaving. Немедленно.” Nikto barks, and you've checked out before you can tell him you were going to pay, the man handing over a wad of rubles from his wallet and slapping it to the front. 
He shoves past and snatches the bags, lugging all of the ingredients back to the car in one hand as his other rarely strays from his weapon. You have your arms wrapped around your waist as you hurry after, loathed to be separated from him again as your body moves to look along the open area. But no Sergi. 
Your shoulders pull in, and somehow, that doesn’t make you feel any better. 
Would he really destroy his family's bakery? Kill three people? He had never seemed the type when you had gone into that quaint building—he had been kind. Something wasn’t adding up, but at the same time…there was no mistaking that feeling in your gut. Was it all a coincidence? 
You shouldn’t have to think like this.
The drive back to your penthouse is quiet, and you desperately wish to ask what Nikto plans to do about this. The answer is apparent when the elevator door opens and he slinks off without a word—pulling his phone from his pocket and dialing up a number before he enters the downstairs storage room. 
Your eyes close in a moment of forced calm, and you grab the bags and lug them inside with a grimace on your face and a strain in your muscles. Glancing at your mounted deer head, you frown at it. 
“He wasn’t lying about ‘many’, was he?” You ask it quietly, and its gray form offers no answer as its adornments glint like stars. For the first time, the stale air makes your chest tighten.
You had everything put away by the time Nikto came back out—a long and growled call that you could hear but not understand beyond a few barks of Sergi’s name. He had sounded angry, and you’d heard his feet pacing. 
The man didn’t like interference with his charge; the officers needed to get better at their jobs.
When Niko’s gruff voice calls to you, your head shifts easily to the side from where you lay on the couch—scrolling through the texts you’d gotten from Aly and your newsfeed. 
“I am making пирожки́, Pirozhki.” Your brows pull in. Was…he not going to talk about what just happened? You potentially just got a lead on your tormenter. “You will watch, yes? Learn. Eat.” 
“Who did you call?” Your voice carries over the space as you stand. “What did they say?”
“Lead investigator,” is the stiff answer as ingredients are gathered, gloves taken off, and folded neatly before being placed on the counter. “The boy has already been cleared.”
You nearly trip before as ease yourself down into the island seat, mouth going slack as you stutter. “What? Even after this? Did you tell them that he knew about you—?”
“Their logic says that since he was in explosion, he can not be the cause.” A look is tossed over his shoulder as he washes his hands. “I told them to look again, but I am only a hired gun, Girl. No standing with them beyond prior work for military.”
His accent grows deeper and deeper with his anger, and you have a hard time understanding the last portion—nonetheless, you get the point.
“He wasn’t acting right,” you mutter to yourself, fingers intertwined on the countertop. “Maybe I was wrong, but…” Your voice trails and a cutting board is clattered to the area in front of you; you startle and look at Nikto in surprise.
Pale eyes boar.
“A feeling is all you need. Do not mistake them, they will keep you alive.”
“Little bit morbid,” you nervously chuckle, face twisting. 
His hidden throat jerks in a baritone scoff. “It is life.”
Mushrooms and potatoes are organized—minced meat separated from the head of cabbage. A bowl is produced, and water, yeast, and sugar are added in to proof. Through these quick and efficient actions, you try to get rid of the growing hunger in your stomach, or at least quell it with a glass of wine you get for yourself. 
 But you can see Nikto’s bare hands as they level out a knife and send it down into the cabbage, you lock onto the deep scars that peel over his hands as he pulls the food into two pieces. 
You restrain a small gasp, clearly able to understand what they are as the paleness of his complexion grows even lighter in those areas. Expansive—can see where the sutures had gone in; tiny dots in the flesh that pull and flex. Nikto’s brutish fingers are not saved from those marks either, and you hadn’t noticed before, but on his left hand, his index finger was shorter than the others. You can find the jagged pieces of gray skin that curl over where the last third of his digit should be.
Struggling to open your mouth and speak, you look away swiftly before a slow realization blooms in your chest.
Maybe there was a darker reason he never took off his mask. Those marks weren’t made from any kind hand.
Struggling to add this to your catalog of full files, you bring your wine glass to your lips and take a small sip, enjoying the feeling as it settles in your stomach. After a long minute of his silent work, you begin the next round of questioning, choosing not to comment.
“What do you think about all of this?” His chopping pauses but he doesn’t glance at you before he gets back into it. “And be honest, please.”
“I am always honest,” Nikto grunts, pushing away the cabbage and getting to the mushrooms with his decimated hand. A harsh sigh. “I would have this ended in a day. Pointless hoops and politics. They do not care about you, you know this?”
“Yeah, I think that’s pretty obvious,” you agree lowly, cradling your glass as you continue. “But the gifts, and all of that—do you think there’s any hope for DNA?”
“Нет. We do not.” Your heart drops. “If this individual was smart enough to fashion an explosive with that much firepower; a detonator, then there will be no remnants of him on box.” 
“The…” Your face is locked with his, and he blinks slowly like a cat. “The contents don’t worry you? The thought of more like that?” Dead doves. Dead animals. Dead people. Who was to say this creep wouldn’t kill someone else and send you their body parts next?
“I have seen worse things, Whelp,” Nikto states slowly, though not unkindly. “The problem is if you insist on it yourself.”
Your face heats at the eye contact he levels with you, and you grow somewhat sheepish, even if the conversation makes your expression serious. 
The air is hot here, and your button-up shifts as you reach to bring your drink back to you as flour is added to the yeast mixture. Nikto’s form looked funny, mixing in the white stain of the ingredient in such a regular-sized bowl. 
The man waits for your answer as he works, and he stops inadvertently when you do with a small utterance and a tense twitch of your lips.  
“I just don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me, y’know?” Nikto flickers his eyes to stare, but he says nothing until he returns to his job a long, heated, minute later, his hand flexing over the handle of his whisk. You hear the small vibration of a grunt. The smell of yeast is in the air, mixing and swelling when the meat is added to a pan with the cabbage, mushrooms, and potatoes that had been brought to a boil prior. 
It made your stomach roll like a lava field—and you pushed out through a tight throat, “How many calories are in this?”
“Not important,” Nikto says, turning on the oven. “You will eat.”
Your tongue licks your lips, trying to taste the food in the air like a snake would; head shaking. God, that smelled good.
“It’s…not that simple, Big Guy.” Nikto scoffs. 
“You will like it. Easy dish.” You roll your eyes and let yourself acknowledge how tired you feel and it isn’t even that late into the afternoon. 
Nikto stirs the food, and you watch him break a piece of meat and check the color to see if it’s ready—you’re just about to tell him about the food thermometer in the drawer, but the words fizzle away. 
The man hums in approval and takes the pan off the heat. 
Yet the grand revelation of his ability to see in more than black and white was hurriedly cut short by the buzzing of your phone in your pants, and your slackened face is snapped away at least for a moment, though your mind runs. You peel the device out with an unsteady hand, flipping it over to stare at the text from your mother through tight revelation.
‘The investigators couldn’t find any fingerprints. They said they need more. Galina relayed that your manager wasn’t in his office when the package showed up. No one knows where it came from or who could have gotten in without being noticed by the cameras. They’ll both call you in the morning to explain.’
Your disappointments keep stacking up and up, and this just takes the cake. 
“You were right,” you tell Nikto as he folds dough and stuffs the filling in. He glances over with a twinkle in his eye. “No fingerprints.” 
“Nothing out of the ordinary. I’m getting a call in the morning.” The soldier clicks his tongue at that, moving back to grab an oven-safe vessel. You think about mentioning his ability to see color, but with how he was freely speaking to you, you thought it wrong to potentially make him shut down as he had in the elevator and at the store. 
Nikto was intent on being a brick wall.
“Loops, Girl.” He snarls. “There was none of this in my employment. We were told to shoot, we shoot.”
“I think there would be a bigger problem if you went on a killing spree, Nikto,” you half-heartedly tease, feeling worn out. “But I guess I agree with you on that.”
“Perfect. You see sense, finally.” Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but you swear you saw his eyes flicker with amusement. 
“Don’t let your head get too big,” you grumble, finishing off the last of your drink and swirling the remnants of its dark color at the bottom of your glass. “I can barely take your attitude as it is.”
“Our pride is good trait.” He lets the food cook, walking over and putting his humongous hands on the counter, either side of the cutting board from prior. Nikto looks down at you as you stare up, wanting to peel back his brain and see what is under there—a monster? Or a scarred man? 
If there was a harsh mixture of both, you’re sure that would be the answer. 
“Makes us strong.”
“Headstrong, yes,” you smirk, pointing at his chest. He scoffs, head pulling back for a moment in a rare animated display as his eyes narrow. 
“You are certainly not from Russia, Woman.” 
You raise your empty glass in your joking toast, heart beating just the tiniest bit more calm. 
“Certainly not.” Nikto barks that hyena chuckle and flicks the item with a finger, making it ping for a moment as you chuckle before setting it down to the side and sliding it away. 
“Thank you for cooking, I haven’t had a good meal in a while.”
The man hums, looking away as if not able to comprehend a kind expression freely given to him. Your heart swoons. “You have not eaten it yet,” he reminds. 
“That doesn’t mean it isn’t good.” You smile honestly at him. “I bet it’s fantastic.”
Nikto’s fingers flicker over the counter, twitching back in for a moment. But he does meet your stare, inspecting every piece of your face for a long, pulse-pounding moment. Electricity is in the air, and you don’t know if you’re the only one to feel it or not. 
You hope you’re not.
You said you wouldn’t get involved, you remind yourself, but the inner voice is tiny now. He’s not Yefim, you placate it for now with a honied vision of fake domestically with a wolf.
Nikto was the complete opposite of Yefim. 
An angel to a devil, a saint to a sinner. These men were taking over your thoughts in a ravaging war of memory and duty. Yet now…now you might have an answer as to why.
Nikto’s eyes narrow on you slowly, horribly scarred digit tapping the material under it before he clears his throat raggedly. You like his scars. 
“It will be done soon.” 
The man turns and begins cleaning up, and you ease out with a small laugh, “Are you sure you don’t want an apron?”
His annoyed growl returns, and you find you haven’t thought of Sergi or his strange behavior in a good while. 
When the food is ready, you take a single fluffy bun and put it on your plate while Nikto takes six. You have to appreciate his appetite, at least, hearing him sigh low at the small of his creation. But before he leaves to take off his mask and eat by himself, he motions a stiff hand.
You laugh, “Nikto, come on.” He isn’t laughing; isn’t blinking. Your throat bobs with a swallow, suddenly nervous. Your head moves to what you would have to cut back on later today as the scent of fresh bread and filling fills your senses.
You wanted to eat this, but you felt guilty about it. 
One bite, you tell yourself. One bite isn’t bad. 
The lack of food, and yet the temptation of it, infected your blood as Nikto watched you pick the Pirozhki up and bring it to your lips, teeth biting down into ashy cushioning before the salt of the meat and the other ingredients coated your mouth. 
Your stomach sinks. 
It was damn near heavenly.
You chew quickly as if your body is fighting itself to have you swallow it down. “It's good,” you lick your lips, hand already moving to bring it back up before you stop yourself with tension in your bones. 
“It’s,” you say again, shifting your feet from under you as you stand near the oven. “It’s very good, Nikto. Just like I thought it would be.” 
Those pale eyes, unblinking, flick down to the bun in your hand. 
“...Hearty meal,” he explains, picking up his plate. “Eat as many as you wish, yes?”
He disappears up to his room, and you hear the door shut moments later. You watch the stairs blankly, unconsciously bringing the food to your lips and nibbling on the corner of your bite.
He was a good cook—this could end up being a problem. You already had a hard time looking at yourself in the mirror; add in meals that hold higher numbers? Your esophagus was already closing in on itself. It wasn’t just as simple as telling someone to eat, especially as a model. 
You did eat, but it all was leveled and stacked. There was a limit you needed to keep. 
But, hell, this was truly delicious.
In the time you spend in the kitchen, gorging yourself with half a mind to stop and the other egging you to keep going, you think. And you wonder.
Nikto had found his soulmate. 
Could that be the reason for your attraction? For your wandering thoughts? It had to be, you reason. No one had ever caught your eye like him—the way you had become so comfortable and felt so safe around him despite his appearance and attitude. It had to be. 
Your face stills.
So why hadn’t he told you?
You mull over your racing brain, your heart skipping beats. The two of you are oblivious in opposite corners of your penthouse; your minds on the other.
Downstairs, having been sneakily placed inside your jacket pocket hours before, lays the paper envelope of a hand-written letter. 
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@anna-banana27, @random-thot-generator, @midwesternwitchery, @pumpkinwitchcrusade, @halfmoth-halfman, @alpineswinter, @blingblong55, @cryingnotcrying, @lxne20, @not-eclipse, @theecoffeebean, @phoenixhalliwell, @h3ll-guttz, @tiinkerbell, @genjilvr, @azush4rp, @escapefromrealitysm, @neelehksttr, @aeneanc, @finnigansxz, @cowboybaby2, @delaynew, @doggydale, @zapphir, @littlemisstrouble, @xxtmoe, @grizzersmamma, @andreas-river, @blogdddxx, @jade-jax, @emthegrace, @lovebugmsyd, @makariaspresence, @noisyprofessorhoundsalad-blog, @scythebot, @blueoorchid, @kra-rino4ka, @caramlizedtomatoes, @strawberymilk,@frazie99, @homicidal-slvt, @develised, @crispyhusband, @cathnoneofyourbusiness, @ghostslittlegf, @generalcloudtraveler, @azsteris, @rvjaa, @creminemisinthehizzyforshizzboy, @comsyki
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redskull199987 · 8 months
i have two so I'll probably send them separately, but at the same time I feel like that would be a lot of notifications (also fem reader please); #1 is giving mike schmidt head under his desk while he's at work and stuff , #2 is like playing with mike's hair and stuff to help him sleep and cuddling with him , and #3 is mike bending reader over his desk and going to down because he's had a pretty bad shift and needs to relieve stress. you can just do one or all, it's up to you
First of all, this is only one of these three requsts, the second one to be precise. The others will follow of course, don't worry. Until then, I hope that you enjoy this one. I had lots of fun writing this:D
So hear my Voice, remind you not to bleed
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader Request Word Count:1.3k Warnings:tooth rotting fluff,kissing and hugging, that’s all, slight movie spoilers Summary:You knew that your Boyfriend had trouble falling asleep, so you did everything you could to help him find his way into sweet sweet dreamland…
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You felt like shit. At least, that was the short version. And the longer one wasn't even that much longer. To put it simply, you had an awfully long week. And that was probably an underestimation. 
You fought murderous animatronics, a creepy dude in a bunny costume, a feral cupcake and after all that shit, you barely escaped with your life. And while you were fortunate and had only obtained a few minor scratches and bruises here and there, Mike had a few life threatening flesh wounds and Vannesa was lucky to be alive at all, after her father had stabbed her.
Your Bones ached and your head was pounding, as you finally made your way home. Unfortunately, you couldn’t just ask your Boss to give you a few days off because you had several Animatronic-induced wounds scattered over your body. Heck, you were happy you didn’t just lose your job after not showing up for three days in a row. 
All you could do was tell them that you got involved in a car accident and that you and your boyfriend had been in the hospital for a few days. Much to your favor, they believed you and the fact that Vanessa was still in the Hospital only backed up your little lie.
Your Mind was still racing, as you reached your little Home. It was already dark outside, as you stepped into the comfort of your Apartment. You saw Lights coming from the Living Room and the Sound of the TV slowly made its way into your Brain and pushed away the gruesome memories of the Pizza-Plex.
“Mike?”, You shouted into the darkness,”Abby? I’m Home.”
You didn’t receive an answer, so you quickly discarded your shoes and Jacket and walked into the Living Room. Only now, you noticed Abby sitting in front of the Sofa, drawing with her Crayons and listening to the sound of the TV.
“Hey Abbs.”, You smiled and leaned down to greet the little Girl. She practically beamed at you and gave you a small hug.
“Have You eaten yet? Where’s Mike?”, You quickly asked again as you rose back to your feet.
“Yes, we had Spaghetti with meatballs.”, Abby stated happily,”And Mike said he was tired and went to sleep already. He told me I could stay up for a little bit longer:”
“Okay then.”, You mumbled, gently running a hand through Abby’s Hair,”I’ll go join your Brother in Bed. Don’t stay up too late, okay Love?”
Abby nodded at you profusely before turning her focus back on the Half finished Drawing in front of her. You looked at her once more, before deciding to finally go see your Boyfriend in your shared bedroom. You knew that he was always tired. Even before you started dating. You knew what you were getting yourself into.
 But after recent events, his insomnia seemed to get severely worse. He could barely fall asleep anymore and even if he did, he’d be awake again a few hours later, jumping up with heavy breaths and a sweaty forehead. You always tried to comfort him and be there for him, but you still felt like you weren’t doing enough. Like, you should do more. But you didn’t know how.
With a sigh, You slowly pushed your bedroom door open. You were surprised as you realized that the lights were still on and Mike was sitting in the middle of the Bed, still fully dressed.
“Mike?”, You asked with furrowed brows,”Are You okay, my Love?”
He didn’t answer you at first. Only as you got closer and sat down next to him, he looked at you.
“S-Sorry, must’ve been lost in my thoughts again. I didn’t notice you coming in.”, Mike explained. His voice was raspy and tired. With a soft smile, you grabbed his hand, squeezing it lightly:”It’s okay, don’t worry. You wanna go to sleep?”
Mike only gave you a nod and got up to change into his sleeping attire,which consisted of a Shirt and some sweatpants. You quickly followed him over to the wardrobe and before he could pull off his hoodie, you carefully hugged him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I love You.”, you uttered against his skin. You could see how the hair on the back of his neck stood on end and the shiver that went down his spine.
“I love you too.”, Mike answered, taking a hold of your hands and turning around in your embrace. For the first time today he gave you a smile. A lazy one, but you saw that it was genuine. You quickly leaned forward, planting a kiss on his cheek, before you connected your lips with his in a tender kiss. You felt his hands wander to your waist and he pulled you closer. Warmth radiated off of his Body, while his lips worked against your own in passion.
As you finally parted due to the lack of oxygen, both Mike and you were panting against each other's lips. It was quiet for a few minutes and no one said anything, while the two of you just enjoyed each other's company.
But then you reached for the hem of his hoodie and as Mike realized what your plan was, he obediently raised his arms, so that you could pull the hoodie off of his body. After you let the Hoodie fall to the Floor, Mike grabbed the Hem of your sweater and the two of you repeated the whole action, but with your roles reversed this time. 
It didn’t take long, until you were both in your sleeping attires after you lazily helped changing each other.
With a drowsy smile, You grabbed Mike’s hand and pulled him back towards the bed. You had of course noticed that his expression wasn’t really the happiest, as he was afraid of having nightmares again. He had told you about them. It was always the same. He saw Abby, Vanessa or You getting stabbed by William Afton and there was nothing he could do. He couldn’t move or scream. He just had to witness it.
“Come here.”, You mumbled and held out your hand as you saw that Mike was hesitating to lay down. His gaze wandered from the sheets to your face and it seemed like the soft smile you gave him did the trick on him. He gently grabbed your hand and let himself be pulled down by you. As his head was laying comfortably in the crook of your neck and your hands were slowly brushing through his hair, Mike let out a deep sigh.
“It’s okay. I’m here with you, Mike.”, You mumbled into his ear. You felt how his arms slung around your waist, pulling you closer.
“I know.”, Mike muttered under his breath,”You’re here.”
He took a deep breath in again, before you finally felt his body relax against yours. You quickly grabbed the blanket, pulling it over the two of you.
“Just concentrate on my voice.”, you said, soothingly rubbing his back with one hand, while the other still brushed through his hair to calm him down,“Listen to my voice. You’re not alone. I’m here with you.”,
“You’re here with me.”, Mike repeated quietly. You only nodded and continued to mumble sweet nothings into his ear. And within Minutes, you felt his grip on you loosen ever so slightly, while his breath became more even.
With a soft smile, You kissed the crown of his head once more, before also letting your eyes fall shut. If Mike could sleep, you could sleep too. And if he woke up, You would wake up too, no matter what.
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jeannineee · 11 months
Intertwined (Ⅱ)
Batboys x Reader
a/n: part two is heeeeere!! Hope you guys enjoy!! Part one can be found in my masterlist. This was quickly proofread, sorry for any errors.
Side note: my requests are still open, I have 2 smut fics in the works for Azriel. Working on part 3!!
warnings: canon-typical shit, misogynistic Illyrians, sexual suggestiveness
You gawked like a fish at the three men in front of you, where you still stood in Rhys’s foyer.
That…feeling had subsided slightly. But it was still there. A pulling sensation, in your chest.
No, deeper than that. In your soul. In your very being.
You didn’t dare consider what it was. Couldn’t bring yourself to—
“Y/n?” Azriel called to you, brows furrowed with worry. Cassian and Rhysand shared the same look on their own faces.
“You checked out, for a minute there,” Cassian said, smiling sheepishly. “Everything okay?”
Rhysand studied you, as though he were trying to piece together what just happened. “You sure you’re okay?” he asked, taking a tentative step towards you.
You inwardly checked your mental shields—not that Rhys would intrude, but you checked anyway.
You stepped back, clearing your throat awkwardly. “I’m fine. ‘M gonna head back to the house. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day, so…”
They knew something was wrong. Did they feel it, too? They didn’t act like it.
“Well, let one of us fly you,” Rhys offered. There was nervousness in his voice, now.
“No,” you said, the word coming out harsher than intended, judging by the way all three of them flinched. “I just mean—I can winnow. I’ll winnow myself.”
You didn’t give them the chance to reply before you followed through, finding yourself back at the House of Wind within seconds. You went straight to your bedroom, ignoring the growling of your stomach as you readied yourself for bed.
You were sure any food you ate would taste like ash in your mouth, anyway.
The next morning, you woke early, dressing yourself in fleece-lined Illyrian leathers.
You didn’t dare go downstairs. Not yet.
You sat on the edge of your bed, burying your face in your hands as you allowed yourself to ponder on what happened, yesterday. You knew what you felt. Knew what that snap was.
The mating bond.
Or was it? Was it even possible to have three mates? You’d heard stories of two…but three?
An insistent knocking at your door jolted you from your thoughts, sending you to your feet.
“Up and at ‘em, sweetheart!”
You took a deep breath, wiping the sweat from your palms onto your pants, before opening your door.
Cassian stood there, in his leathers, red siphons gleaming. He looked down at you, a lopsided grin plastered to his face. You interrupted him before he could speak.
“The next time you pound on my door, you lose your kneecaps,” you told the general, silently praying to the Mother that he couldn’t hear the way your heart was racing.
“Mean,” Cassian said, daring to dip his head even more. His warm breath tickled your face.
“You haven’t begun to see ‘mean,’ Cas.”
His grin widened. “Gonna show me?”
Your face reddened. Cassian smirked, his body almost flush against yours, now.
“Don’t back out now, sweetheart,” he murmured, tracing a calloused hand down your side. “Show me that attitude again.”
Your leathers were far too tight.
Mor’s voice echoing downstairs snapped you both out of the moment. “Get your sorry asses down here!”
Cassian moved from your doorway, allowing you through. But once you reached the top of the staircase, he grabbed your arm, his mouth brushing against the shell of your ear. “This isn’t over, y/n.”
Mother save you.
Saying the Illyrian Steppes were cold was an understatement.
Icy. Frigid. Bone-chilling.
You couldn’t think of a word that would do justice to the way it felt.
The shivering, teeth-chattering cold, despite being in Azriel’s arms as you flew to Windhaven. He was warm. So warm. But even that wasn’t enough against this frozen hellhole.
Azriel’s bridal-style hold on you tightened, his hazel eyes scanning over your form.
“Won’t be much longer,” he said, attempting to sound reassuring. “They’ll have a cabin ready for all of us. A fire, warm food.”
“You’re teasing me,” you replied as you pressed your face against his chest, greedily absorbing his body heat.
Azriel’s voice was calm and quiet as he said, “This isn’t teasing, trust me.”
‘Trust me.’
You tried not to let your mind wander towards the ways the Shadowsinger could really tease you as you descended upon Windhaven.
Rhys landed next, and then Cassian, with Mor in his arms.
Lord Devlon already waited, a couple of Illyrian grunts on either side of him. He didn’t spare you, or Mor a single glance as he acknowledged Rhys.
“We’ll need accommodations,” Rhys said, sounding almost bored.
“Already done,” Devlon replied.
You tried to ignore the way the men around the camp eyed you and Mor, like prized mares. Rhysand caught on, a low growl leaving his throat as he spoke again to Devlon.
“Tell your men that if they value their hands, they won’t touch y/n or Morrigan. If they value their eyes, they won’t look at them for too long, either.”
Devlon looked inclined to protest, but thought better of it as he nodded. “You have my word.”
You doubted his word meant much as your group was escorted to the cabin.
Mor stole the warm bath first, leaving you, Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel to pile around the fireplace.
Those three tethers that snapped into place yesterday roared in their presence. Even more so as Rhys spoke in your mind.
There are other ways to warm up, besides a bath, you know.
So go find an Illyrian woman to warm your bed, you quipped back.
There’s only one woman I want in my bed.
Rhys looked at you pointedly.
Poor baby.
You swore he chuckled faintly in your mind.
“So, are we going to discuss what happened yesterday?” Rhys questioned you aloud.
Cassian and Azriel both perked up at that, waiting for your response.
“After the meeting tomorrow,” you finally said. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
Rhys hummed. “Leaving us in suspense, darling?”
Cassian snickered at that, and even Azriel’s lips twitched up. Rhysand’s violet eyes gave you a painfully-slow once-over, the gesture sending heat pooling between your legs.
“Tomorrow, then.”
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vanillacreambunny · 4 months
dottore x reader
genre: fluff
words: 604
warnings: none
notes: the cold weather inspired me to write this. Just something short and sweet. As always, I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors that may have gone unnoticed. Thank you to those who take the time to read and comment on my work; it’s greatly appreciated ♥
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One would assume you’d grown accustomed to the harsh Snezhnayan winters by now, and yet you find yourself woefully unprepared as you step out into the cold, which seeps beneath your layers and into your bones. Each breath burns your lungs, and by the time you reach your destination your hands and legs are numb, and your nose is running, snow dusting your shoulders and catching in your hair. 
Lord Pantalone, with that sickeningly sweet smile on his face, places a handkerchief in your hands as he passes you, exiting through the door you came through. He disappears before you can utter your gratitude, and the next moment, the Doctor himself is wrenching the handkerchief from your grasp, wiping your nose himself despite your protests, his expression unreadable. 
“I expect better of you,” he drawls, tossing the handkerchief into the fire crackling in the hearth; you watch it succumb to the heat of the flames, wondering how much Mora burns before you.  
The thought is fleeting, however, as you bask in their warmth, snowflakes melting on your wind-chapped cheeks. You slip your gloves off, shoving them into your pockets—not before Dottore gives a disappointed click of his tongue at the sight of the threadbare material, the palms worn, and the seams coming undone, his disapproval palpable. 
He takes your hands in his own, turning them over in silent scrutiny. “Good. You’re still of use to me. No signs of frostbite,” he hums, every brush of his fingers against your skin sending your heart rate higher. “Consider yourself lucky, though remember that your foolishness will catch up to you one day if you are not careful.” 
“Yes, my—” 
His hands close around yours, rubbing warmth into your fingers, and causing your breath to hitch in your throat. Heat rushes through your body from his touch, and all you can do is pray he believes your trembling is a result of the lingering cold—nothing more. You notice how large his hands are in comparison, his fingers rough and calloused after years of working with them, your eyes tracing the pale scars that run like rivers through the valleys of his knuckles. 
Goosebumps run up your arms and down your neck when he purses his lips and blows, so close to kissing the tips of your fingers. Your gaze flickers from his mouth to his masked face, and although you cannot see his eyes, you feel them on you. He smirks, giving you a glimpse of pointed teeth as he chuckles, low and infectious. You can’t help but smile in return, regarding him with a tilt of your head and a kind expression. 
“About time, assistant,” comes a gruff voice, the door slamming open with enough force to rattle the hinges.  
You pull your hand away, taking a step back and bumping into Dottore, or at least one of his many segments, his red eyes narrowed in your direction and hands on his hips. “You know I don’t take kindly to such insolence. Perhaps I should experiment on you today as punishment.” 
“Please,” Dottore scoffs. “You and I both know you wouldn’t dare. Besides, I can vouch for her tardiness, lest you forget your place.” 
The segment frowns, huffing in indignance, and turns around without a second glance. “Come along then. We’ve wasted enough time.”  
You nod, following after your master, but first, you turn to Dottore once more.   
“Thank you,” you whisper—your voice loud in the quiet of his study—before slipping out of his sight, that grin of his etched into your memory and keeping you warm the remainder of the day. 
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whatthefishh · 1 year
So... I've been having some thots about this Miguel fanart I'd like to share...
You straddle his waist, the sudden weight of you in his lap making him jolt awake. His hands fall to your hips as he sits up, the book across his face falling to the floor. He's on surprised, but relaxes once his eyes meet yours in the dim light, his fingers twisting in the loose fabric of your t-shirt as he pulls you closer. You lean in, smiling softly as you wrap your arms around his neck.
His mouth meets yours, tongue swiping against the seam of your lips. You part them, humming as he licks inside, his kiss hungry. He rolls his hips, grinding his half-hard cock against you, pulling you so close your chest is pressed against his. He swallows your moans as he grinds up against your cunt, the friction sending little jolts of pleasure through your body.
When he drags his mouth down your neck, your fingers find their way into his hair, weaving themselves through the soft, dark strands. You whine when he nips at your neck, the sharp sting of his fangs making you shiver. He guides your hips as he continues to grind against you, softly whispering his praises into your skin.
When you come, your fingers clench in his hair, your hips stuttering against his. Your fingernails bite into his scalp and he groans, pressing his face into the crook of your neck. He holds you as you come down, pressing kisses into your skin as the last traces of your orgasm fade away.
He's still hard beneath you, and when you tell him to fuck you, he wastes no time--taking out his cock, pulling your soaked panties to the side, and thrusting up into your wet heat. His groan is a little strangled as you clench around him, your tight cunt doing it's best to adjust to the sudden intrusion. You moan as the fucks up into you, his cock so deep like this you feel it in your belly. When he comes, it's with a growl, his mouth latching onto the side of your neck as he spills himself inside you.
(I wrote this on my phone at work so apologies if this is terrible and/or littered with spelling/grammatical errors lol)
Would be interested to know your thots on this fanart too btw...if you'd also like to share 🤭👀
Girl. Girl!! Killing me here!!
My thots are this:
A) I usually don’t care for abs but that man’s torso looks so fucking comfortable nobody can convince me otherwise. I want to sit.
B) the book on his face is giving I’m smarter than I ought to be with this body and this face and this ass and frankly it’s pissing me off??
C) lemme just—
Watching his spend leak out of your cunt like that only had him hardening again within minutes. Your body lay against his chest with a sheen of sweat, despite him doing most of the work from the bottom. Miguel hummed while swiping at the corners of your still stretched out hole, the white liquid coming off on his thumb before he stuck it in your mouth, pressing down on your tongue.
Wrapping your lips lazily around his finger, you look up at him lovesick, lids low and mouth pliant. You were so sated, Miguel could swear you were purring against him. In fact, when you shifted the slightest to tuck yourself against him again, his girth also shifted inside your warmth, pressing up against something that caused you to moan.
So you weren’t completely done for the night…
Grabbing your hips to adjust you the slightest bit again, Miguel groans obscenely, yours and his combined slick making your core so hot and easy for him, he could bet you could take him anywhere tonight. He wonders if you’d let him.
Eyes locking on the dark spot on your neck from where he had marked you earlier, Miguel feels inclined to spread them, to litter marks everywhere from the delicate skin between your collar bones to the softness of your inner thighs. His mind immediately jumps to images of you on your back with his hand holding you down, barely there bruises forming all over your pretty breasts. Maybe another time when he’s got you on his bed, not on the floor where he had fallen asleep before you found him and had your way with him.
Picking the book back up, he shoves it in your hands and tells you to read to him, finish what you interrupted and even though technically he’s wrong, he was fast asleep before you even laid eyes on his tempting body, you comply with shaky hands and an even shakier voice. Your eyes are blinking rapidly, trying to focus on the words coming out of your mouth but it’s kind of hard when Miguel’s hands are gripping your hips so tight and he feels so sweet inside of you it tastes bitter.
You barely get through the paragraph before he starts shallowly thrusting up into you, waiting to see how long it takes before you give up trying to think with how heavy his cock feels inside your dripping core, your walls fluttering as you approach orgasm. As you come, the book falls from your hands to the floor, forgotten in the moment as he chases his own relief again and spills into you, again, pushing it back in, again and again and again.
It will never be enough for him, he’ll never have his fill of leaving you full of him.
Sorry does this even make sense it’s just a horny mess 😂😭🥲🫣 👁️🫦👁️
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bountycancelled · 5 months
dirty secret
coriolanus snow x reader
tip me on kofi
requested: nope, I pulled this out of my ass, but if you want more coryo stuff lemme know 😜
warnings: suggestive content, coriolanus snow (derogatory), speaking of derogatory, snow has a degrading kink in this so yeah, mentions of cockstepping, faceslapping, just... be prepared
content: im p sure i dont mention readers gender but pls correct me if you catch anything, hella ooc snow (like, this dude would never act like this but I'm a writer which means I can make him do whatever I want), readers a bitch but snow likes it, sub!coryo, lowercase intended because fuck grammar, unedited
smut under the cut♡
a/n: give me more submissive coriolanus you cowards (I'm kidding ur not cowards but pretty please write this man begging for mommy to let him cum or whatever, not for me, I swear.) also, this is my first time writing full smut like ever so, idek what came over and I wanna apologise😭😭
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here me out, academic rival!coryo with a little secret...
the two of share a friend, for lack of a more fitting term, in clemesia, and find yourselves in each others presence often as a result of the fact. and this would be good and well, if the two of you didn't despise each other down to the bone.
besides the fact that the two of you felt the need to prove yourselves due to differing circumstances, you both also shared an insatiable need for power, the kind that could only be obtained by being the very best at the academy.
it was almost comical how much you wanted to beat each other, and this rivalry bled into your non academic interactions, making them just as sour.
coriolanus found genuine enjoyment in getting under your skin, and you retaliating only made him want to poke at you more, which led to you retaliating once again, and so on and so forth.
as time passed, you'd somehow found yourself tolerating snow, even going as far as to enjoy your occasional back and forths with each other when you were the only two in the library, sitting at same desk even though you didn't need to (coriolanus insisted on planting himself directly across from you just to be a nuisance, and it worked.)
your banter turned more and more friendly, confusing your peers as you walked side by side, your arm linked with his as you bragged about receiving a higher score than him on a test, to which he just responded that you had gotten lucky and that it wouldn't happen again.
you didn't turn completely soft though, your insults were still as sharp as ever, even though you now said them with a playful smirk. they were cruel, and always seemed to send coriolanus into a spiral as he attempted to get the last word in, which he never did, always waving the white flag at the end.
you had always held that over his head, the fact that you could always best him in a verbal battle, on top of beating him in assignments and the like. but what you didn't know was that you were mistaken.
coriolanus didn't always relent because you were better at verbal lashings (which you were, but that's besides the point), he always stopped egging you on before your words escalated because if he let you degrade him any further, he wouldn't be able to hide how much he liked it.
he was almost shameless, as if he wanted you to know just how much you turned him on during you spats with him. like today for example, where you had been particularly harsh to him, even going as far as calling him useless. it wasn't his fault, someone had pissed you off before you had met up with him in the library and you were more agitated than usual.
he excused himself to the bathroom shortly after, and you found yourself wondering if what you said had affected him so heavily that he needed to get away from you.
oh, it affected him alright. he thanked the universe that 1) something had happened to make you as harsh as you were and 2) that the bathroom he entered was completely empty because he knew that he would have a bit of trouble keeping himself quiet.
he had barely made it to a stall and closed the door before palming himself through his pants, shudders moving through his whole body as his hips canted to meet his hand.
a whine tore through his throat as he imagined you catching him like this, and he quickly unbuckled his belt and slipped his hand in his underwear, stroking his dick firmly at the image.
you would probably laugh at him, dishing out every degrading name you could think of, calling him a dirty slut, saying that he was disgusting pervert for being so turned on at you being mean to him. and he would nod his head vigorously, because he was a slut, only for you.
maybe you would slap him across the face, leaving him with red cheeks, or maybe you would step on his poor weeping cock until he came on your shoe. would you make him clean it off? god, help him if you did.
his hips stuttered at the thought of eating his own cum, it was just so dirty and the fact that a simple look from you could turn him into such a depraved shell of the image that he excuded in his day to day was enough to send him over the edge.
he came with a groan, his hips not ceasing their thrusting into his fist until every last drop was out. as he cleaned himself up, fixing his uniform in the mirror, he wondered if maybe, just maybe, you knew what you were doing to him. and if the look you gave him when he came back, timidly taking his seat, it seemed that you had some idea.
"you know, I think you need to punished for what you just did, coryo. for what you've been doing. do you like the sound of that, hmm?"
and if the way the cock pulsed in his pants, already hard again was any indication, he loved the sound of that.
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dre6ming · 1 month
Wedding plans -TDBR
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Warnings: none, fluff, a little crying
Plot: making wedding plans with Austin is so wholesome
Word count: ~1.9k
TDBR series
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A/n: this was a request and I apologize it took me so long to fulfill it. Request are still open but keep in mind I’m very slow when it comes to posting, but feel free to send them
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Thinking back to 9 years ago when you met Austin, you never thought you'd end up here, drowning in tulle and chiffon, laughing with your best friends, tripping over lace veils. "What do you think of this?" You make a little pirouette to show the ample skirt, feeling like a princess head to toe. "It's cute." Taylor says, drinking some lemonade, brushing her bangs back. "Yeah, it's nice" Roxanne adds clearly not loving the dress as well. "So it's not it!" You say dropping your arms at your sides, sighing heavily. "Maybe the next one?!" Timothee sounds hopeful, but part of you feels that is only because, this is the 10th time you all dedicate a day for dress shopping. "Ok I'll go try it!" You say a bit defeated, lifting the front of the dress so you don't trip. You take one more look at yourself in the mirror as you walk away, you liked this one, but to be fair you liked every single one before this one as well, they are all so different and unique, but they are simply not your dress.
The next dress you put on, gives you shivers. It's made of silk, with pleats and boning, accentuating your waist perfectly and the dropped shoulders make you look angelic and sexy at the same time. This is it. "I found it!" You squeal, coming out of the dressing room in a heist, giggling and kicking your feet happily.
"OH my god this is it!"
"You look wonderful!"
"I'm going to cry!"
"Please don't cry mom!" You giggle, blinking back tears, as you turn around to take a look in the big mirrors. The dress hugs your waist, the silhouette complimenting you so beautifully, your breasts look amazing in it too and magically it's your size, so no alterations will be needed. "I can't believe it! I finally found it!" You say, your voice breaking as you still try very hard not to cry. Taylor comes up from behind you, hugging your shoulders and resting her chin on your shoulder, her eyes watch you through the mirror and you notice her glossy blue eyes, tears in them as well. "I can, because it was meant to be!" She sniffs, kissing your cheek before sticking a veil in you hair. You take a better look at it in the mirror, immediately panicking when you recognize the piece, starting to take it out of your hair, but Taylor stops you before you can.
"Taylor I can't, this is..."
"Your something borrowed!" She assures, smiling bright. The veil somehow works perfectly with the dress, like it was meant to be. Looking at it you remember as clear as now the day you saw Taylor in a boutique not much different from this one, find her dress and her veil. She got married to Joe wearing this, the memories of one of her best days are tied to this piece of material. "Ok ok..." you breathe out, smoothing your dress. "What about gloves? I know Taylor already gave you the veil, but mom insisted I give you these?" Timothee says, handing you a pair of silk gloves. "Thanks Timmy!" You say hugging him tight as you put them on. The look seems now complete and you feel complete.
You walk through the dark apartment, tip toeing, trying not to make too much noise, knowing Austin is probably asleep. He was away filming some projects for the past week and you were supposed to be here when he got home, but he insisted that you don't rush your day with the girls and Timmy. "Y/n?" You hear Austin's groggy voice and it stops you right in your tracks. "Baby?" You feel his arms circle your waist in the dark and your body turns to slime. He places a kiss on top of your head, inhaling your scent. "I missed you!" Austin tells you honestly, squeezing you so tight you think you might burst at the seams, but you love feeling like this, engulfed in him. "I missed you too!" You sigh into him , happy to feel him on you, rubbing your cheek on the soft hairs on his chest. "I found the dress." You announce , biting your lip excited for his reaction.
"The dress? You mean THE dress?" Austin takes a step back looking at your face, trying to see if you're lying. "The dress!" You nod, smiling at him. He grabs your face and smashes his lips onto yours. You let him take control, while his mouth dominates you, his tongue explores your mouth and your heart flutters in your chest. "Can I see?" He asks breathless, "No! It's bad luck!" You chuckle, shaking your head, threading your hands in his soft hair. "Hmm ok, then show me everything else you got done while I was gone?" He arches a brow, smirking at you. "Oh yes yes, come on!" You say jovially, grabbing his hand, dragging him to your shared bedroom to get your wedding binder.
"Ok so I got done with the sitting chart, I might have done it a little risky, but, it'll work." You open the glitter decorated binder and show him the sketch you made. "So we sit, Katy and Orlando at the same table as Tom and Daya, ok" Austin says, reading closely over the guests , seeing where your brain has decided that they each should sit. "And I thought we could get away with having Baz sit with your dad and sister, I mean it would be a family table, right?"
"Mhm, yes , it works, honestly this looks fine to me. But what about your mom and dad?" Austin asks, not being able to make full sense of the chart. "We'll have a long table, we sit in the middle, my bridesmaids of my side your groomsmen of yours, for dad I'm saving a seat at the table with Baz and your dad, he hasn't RSVP ed yet" you explain and he nods following your chain of thought. "Ok it sounds like a plan, I think it would work, but I think Ash wants to bring Robbie, would that be fine?" He asks, referring to his nephew. "Hm sure, then I'll have Baz and Cathrine as the table with Pedro, move around Roxy and Joshua, then Ashley and Robbie and Zac can sit with Joe" You try and Austin seems to consider it for a minute, even if he know he'll agree anyway. "Good thinking baby!" He admits and you move on to showing him the flowers you picked "No purple star flowers?" He asks, looking at the white gardenia bouquets, thinking how you left out your favorite flower. "I have a theme, ok? It's white and creams and stuff." You defend.
"But honey, I think we could play with the colors a bit, don't you?" Austin suggests and you swipe on the next doc, titled: back up flowers. "Are you sure they look fine, tho?" You question, fearing the white and purple bouquets would be too much or too out of theme. "There's my girl!" He says, kissing your cheek. "They look like something that should be at our wedding, don't they? The purple star flowers, the sunflowers and you even put my favorite in, the pink magnolias" Austin can be so over the top sometimes, but he's an actor, so that's so in character. "I wanted to have something from the both of us."
"Well I think it look so beautiful way better then the white boring ones you had as a first option" he argues. "Oh ok miss I know everything about flower arrangements" you joke, kissing him, throwing the binder to the side, turning to face him and straddling his hips. "I want it to be perfect!" You whisper, playing with the baby hairs around his forehead. Austin grins and pulls you closer, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. "It's you I'm marrying, it's already perfect." His hands squeez your hips and you sigh, inhaling the smell of him. "I know, I can't believe it's happening!" You admit absentmindedly, drawing circles with the tip of your finger on his shoulder. Austin sighs and kisses your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin, leaving goosebumps down your spine. "Me neither." He admits, laying back on the pillow, with you on top of him, head resting on his heart. You enjoy the soft beat of it, as your cheek absorbs the heat of his skin. "I cried yesterday, in the shower." You tell him and he tenses underneath you. One of his hands moving from your waist to your chin, forcing you to look as him, his blue eyes wonder over your face, looking over every freckle, curve and shadow. "Why?"
Austin is a bit scared to ask, he fears you might get cold feet and put an end to all of this, which to be fair he wouldn't mind, he loved you ten years without you being he wife, he'd love you a thousand more just the same. "I'm scared, I - my parents made it sound like marriage ruined them. I don't want it to ruin us." Tears prickle your eyes as you speak, and his thumb caresses you cheek catching a falling tear. "It won't, we are not them, we love each other too much. Y/n I want you to marry me because I can't see a life without you, but I want you to know, if you even feel like this isn't what you want, I'll love you just as much for as long as I live." Austin confesses and you can't even find a speckle of doubt that he means every syllable spoken. "I want it, I want to have your name, I want to be your wife, I'm just defrosting my girlhood heart, cause I used to love weddings." You tell him, pulling closer to his face and connecting your lips to his soft ones, time standing still, as your bodies stay intertwined. "I know baby, take your time!" Austin says rubbing you back and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, yawning, which makes him chuckle. "Sleep mrs Butler, I'm home now!" Austin lulls you, pulling the duvet over the both of you, as you fall asleep on his chest, snoring softly.
"Have you written your vows?" You ask halfway asleep, which makes Austin laugh, knowing that no matter how tired you are you'll always make sure to have everything checked for the day, before letting your mind disconnect. "Oh my Virgo baby, ever so organized. I have!" He tells you in a low voice, barely above a whisper, hoping you'll finally let yourself sleep. "Hmm, can I hear them?" You ask, blabbering, Austin grins knowing your having the fight of your life to stay awake right now. "Yes, in a month on august 13th." You groan and wrap your arms around his neck, falling asleep without another word, and Austin does the same as he massages your back, the soft brush of your breath against his neck and the comforting weight of you on him, being his favorite sleep medicine.
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