#you wanna keep the mystery? write faster
bedoballoons · 7 months
I’m back
I’m not sure if you write wlw or nblw/gnlw or anything like that but hear me out
anyway I was thinking, imagine the (fem! Or gn!) mechanic reader (yes my genshin self insert is a mechanic and I’m delulu) with lyney or Furina, or any other characters you wanna add if you want (idk how this works). Where the characters keep breaking things on purpose just so that the reader can come over and fix it and so they get to see reader. The reader catches on and teases the character. (You can make it lead to nfsw or not if you want ;) )
also I’ll give myself an emoji so here’s mine
I do any forms of relationships as long as they aren't incest or pedophilia! I absolutely love this idea!! I think it's super cute so I hope you don't mind but I decided to make it fluffy!! Enjoy and thank you for requesting <3
P.s Can I call you the starstruck anon?
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~Just one more thing before you go~༺}
CW: Super sweet fluff! Reader works as a mechanic and the characters keep calling them up to fix things so they can spend time with them!
(Includes: Lyney, Navia, and Furina!)
Lyney kneeled down beside you, trying his best not to get in your way as you worked on the latest broken thing in his home...he just couldn't help it. Whenever he was near you it was like his heart decided to do its own performance, beating faster and skipping whenever your eyes landed on him...because of this sometimes the simple machinery he used in his home...would mysteriously end up not working, "So how goes the fixing hmm? My apologies for having to call you out here again, usually I'd just have Freminet take a look but he's currently busy"
"Seems to me like someone's intentionally sabotaging your heater...they even left the screwdriver inside of it." You turned to him with a sly smirk playing on your features, holding the screwdriver up to him so he could read Freminets name from it. The blush that followed was so adorable you couldn't help but tease him a little, "If you wanted me to spend time with you Lyney, you could have just asked~"
"I truly cannot thank you enough for coming to my rescue again. It seems every time you leave the Spina di Rosula has yet another problem to fix...of course it's not particularly a bad thing because I enjoy your company immensely." The beautiful blonde chuckled nervously, trying to get ahold of herself before she ended up confessing her feelings to you, she was honestly shocked she hadn't yet..
"I'm always here whenever you need me Navia, it's definitely not a bad thing for me. I get to hang out with a goregous woman and get VIP treatment from the Spina."
"You're always welcome to anything here at-...I'm sorry did you just call me goregous?"
"Well...I figured since you're always bringing me here to fix things you've clearly sabotaged, it's only fair a make a little advancement myself.~"
The poor girl's face heated up, you'd figured it out? How long had you known?! "I- oh my..."
"I truthfully have no idea how anyone expects a archon to live under such conditions, every time I go to use something it's no longer working. If I didn't have you'd I'd surely have left this place for something better by now." Furina talked away while you worked, trying to act as normally abnormal as ever...even though inside her emotions were on a rampage. If only you knew she wanted so desperately to play the part of your lover more than any other role, she'd even sabotaged her own residence so she could see you more often.
"I actually believe I've found a solution to keep things from breaking...if the archon so wished to hear it."
She went dead silent, unable to fathom how you could possibly stop anything in her house from breaking, "The archon wishes to, even someone with my divinity can't even think how a simple human could make something no longer able to break, I'd love to see what maniac idea you've come up with."
"Its actually very easy, all I have to do is ask if you'd like to go out sometime. Then we could spend time together without you needing to break things~"
"I-i what on earth are you talking about? I wouldn't break something just to spend time with someone, I am a archon with a busy life. I don't have the time for such nons-"
"Lady Furina..."
"You left your glove in the pipe."
"May I take you out on a date?"
"...yes you may..."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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astermath · 11 months
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pairing: robin buckley x fem!reader
summary: robin falls head over heels for the cool girl renting horror movies at family video. steve can’t believe her awkward shyness is actually landing her a date, but he’s happy for her nonetheless.
word count: idk kinda short lol under 1K
notes: just wanted to write a little blurb, then it turned into something else, so enjoy this short little meet cute with robin ♡
normal sized font below!
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Robin really is that love at first sight kinda girl.
She’s the type of girl to be busy sorting tapes at family video, when you walk in, all pretty femininity and mysterious aura around you. And suddenly she doesn’t know what to do with herself. She doesn’t know where she is, why she’s there, hell, she probably wouldn’t be able to tell you her name if she asked.
She doesn’t stop staring at you, not when you enter and not when you walk over to the horror section to pick something out. Only when Steve nudges her in her side, she snaps out of it, looking more flustered than ever.
“Dude, can you not?”
“Sorry man, it just— looked like you were falling asleep with your eyes open! What’s with you anyways?”
Robin doesn’t respond, simply averting her eyes to the cash register and hoping Steve doesn’t pry any further.
Which would have worked, if you weren’t talking to her right now.
“I’m sorry, can I—“
“Yes! Yes, absolutely, you can…” Robin trails off, realising she hasn’t even let you finish your request. Her own eagerness embarrasses her to no end, her face heating up and her cheeks now closely resembling the colour of a tomato.
To her surprise, you giggle. You’re not awkward about it at all, which somehow makes her fall for you even harder.
“I was gonna ask what the latest time would be when I’d be able to return this.” you smile, and the blonde girl is certain it’s the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.
“Oh! Yeah, totally, no problem! It’s uh— a great choice, by the way. I love friday the 13th, sooo good, all that horror stuff, a huge fan—“
“A week.” Steve interrupts her rambling.
“Huh?” Robin turns to her friend.
“To answer her question, since you’re too busy being head over heels over here.”
You chuckle again, and Robin genuinely thinks her head is going to explode. Not only is her best friend making fun of her in front of you, but you’re not even making her feel bad about it. It’s like you find it cute or something. How crazy is that?
“Cool, I’ll just uh,” you hold up the tape, “rent this one then.”
Robin rings you up, her hands moving faster than her mind, and she hopes you don’t notice the slight shakiness in them. It’s not every day the prettiest girl in the whole world shows up at her job, so she’s not exactly prepared.
“Thanks,” you take the tape from her along with the receipt, your fingers touching slightly when she slides them over. Now you’re the one who’s getting the butterflies.
“So, you said you were a fan of horror movies?”
Robin nods enthusiastically, while Steve has to bite his tongue to hold back from saying that that’s the biggest lie ever. Robin isn’t a coward, not at all, but she’s the worst at scary movies. She’s just saying all this to impress you. She doubts it’s working though.
“Well, I was gonna watch this alone, but…” you grab a pen off the counter and scribble down your number on the receipt. “If you feel like watching it together, give me a call…” you pause to read her name tag. “Robin.” You smile again. “Nice name.”
“T-Thanks! You uh, you too!”
“Thanks, even though I… Haven’t told you yet.” You write your name down next to the number. “Now you know.”
“Huh…” She reads it over, not being able to keep herself from smiling like she’s sunshine incarnate. “That is a really nice name though.”
You grin, grabbing the tape off the counter and stuffing it in your bag. “Well, Robin, I’m free this Friday, if you wanna take me up on the offer.” You start walking backwards and give her a quick wave. “See y’around.”
She waves back, although more hesitant. Frankly, she’s still processing the entire encounter, and the fact that you’re real. Someone as beautiful as you exists, talked to her, even gave her your number. She didn’t know a reality like that was possible.
“I can’t believe that worked.” Steve scoffs in disbelief, though he’s pretty stoked for Robin all in all. He wants his friend to find her special person as much as he does for himself.
“Yeah,” she stares as you walk off, “me too.”
The freckled girl groans loudly and drops her head into her hands. “Why the fuck did I say any of that? Why do I always just keep talking?”
“I don’t see the big deal Buckley,” her coworker leans against the counter, “you got your date, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but then what? Then what do I do? I might have been able to charm her with my awkward idiocy this time, but what if we watch the movie and she finds out I’m a huge wuss!” She gestures around wildly with her hands, earning a confused stare from one of the older customers.
“This is going to sound so stupid, and I can’t believe I’m saying this,” he runs his hand through his brown locks, “but just like, be yourself? She seems nice enough, I’m sure she won’t judge you for being a total scaredy cat.”
“Not helping, Harrington.” She gives him a defeated look.
“Sorry, you know what I mean.”
“But what if she does?”
“What if she does judge me? I mean jesus Steve, I wouldn’t blame her! She’s like— way out of my coolness league! She’s practically doing charity work watching a movie with me.”
Steve scoffs. “Don’t sell yourself short, Buckley, you’re plenty cool. Besides, if she does judge you, then clearly she’s not worth it. But again, I think you’ll be fine.”
“Yeah,” she sighs, already picturing her holding onto you in fear of a completely fictional serial killer. “I guess you’re right.” She goes quiet for a moment, before she’s back to daydreaming about the whole scenario. The two of you on your couch, shoulders touching, maybe an arm around her, hands brushing when you reach for the popcorn, all that sappy stuff…
Maybe you’d find it cute that she gets scared. Maybe you’d wanna protect her. She gets that vibe from you, that you’d keep her safe from all the Freddy Kruegers and Jason Voorhees of the world.
Steve snaps her out of her daydreaming, gesturing towards Keith who’s about to enter the store.
“You two organise those tapes like I asked you to?” Their manager isn’t even looking at them, struggling with putting away his car keys.
Robin swipes the tapes off the counter and stuffs them randomly into the two boxes. That’s a problem for later.
“Yup! All sorted! Good thing I love organising stuff!” She laughs awkwardly, and Steve is fighting for his life trying not to laugh.
She’s got bigger things to worry about right now. Like what to wear for her date with you. And what kind of snacks you like to eat with your movies. And how she’s going to explain that the scariest thing she can handle is Frankenweenie.
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comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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redheadspark · 5 months
Can you write that Druig x Fem!eternal!reader have a fighting training moment, he tease her little bit during that so...😏 just fluff
A/N - Hey! Sorry for taking so long, I had to finish my prompt session! This was amazing to write, thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Druig knows how to talk, but you know how to fight.
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Warnings - Some teasing and some fluff :)
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“Yes, do it again,”
You eyed him as he was making fists at his sides, his icy blue eyes were watching you like a predator who was eyeing his game.  To him, he probably thought this was a game, which made sense since he was the one who wanted to spar with you and learn how to fight.  Properly fight, in his words.  
But for him to ask you?  That threw you off since you knew you weren’t the best fighter amongst all the Eternals.  That was left to Thena, she made fighting look so easy and almost like a dance.  Even Gilgamesh was better at fighting than you were, with his brute strength he would knock a boulder back as if it were a flower petal.
Druig was no fighter, being the mind reader of you all he stayed out of the physical fights against the Deviants.  He could control a crowd of humans instantly with a simple gaze, so there was no real need for him to get his hands dirty.  
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But he was intrigued and wanted to learn, which is what brought him to you one afternoon on the Domo before you were going to go on patrol with Gilgamesh.
“You just wanna….learn?” You asked him, seeing him fold his hands behind his back and simply give you his signature smirk and a shrug.
“Better to prepare myself in case it’s needed,” He replied smoothly, you giving him a suspicious look.  Druig was always mysterious to those around him, whether he tried to be or not.  There was always something hidden within him that no one could pinpoint, and this was one of those instances.  You looked from him to Gilgamesh, who simply shrugged and chuckled as you looked back at Druig.
“Why me?” You asked, seeing him smirk at you as his eyes drilled into yours.
“I heard you’re an excellent teacher,” he smoothly replied.  Gilgamesh snickered behind you, and you felt the tips of your ears burning.  Something in your mind was telling you that he was playing games with you, wanting to get a rise out of you and make you sweat.  He was always like this with the others, with you, when it came to his own amusement.  Snide remarks, and jokes under the breath, but they were all harmless in a way.  Yet this time, just in the way he said it and in how he was observing you for your reaction, you didn’t feel like giving him the light of day.
“Fine,” You replied shortly, seeing him grin widely in return.  
“Fine,” he echoed.  But you were already thinking of a great way to teach him how to fight.
By breaking him.
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“Druig, I’m not gonna keep going if you’re on the verge of breaking an arm,” you advised him as he was souring off again, his feet planted on the ground and the adrenaline still seeping through his skin.  You could see it, his energy draining him with every round you two were doing.  It was making you want to ease and pull back a bit, but the other times you tried he was pushing you to not hold back with him.  From the very start, he wanted you to be hard with him, which surprised you when you both met up together in one of the smaller rooms in the Domo that was turned into a makeshift training room.
“I don’t want easy, understand?”
“You sure you wanna request that?”
“Yes. Don’t hold back with me,”
“I can do It,” he said to you, but even his voice sounded out of breath with his hair plastered to his head.  You rolled your shoulders, feeling some of the strain yourself since you both were sparring rather hard this day.  It was getting hard for you to find a good spot to pin him down, he was a faster learner and was picking up on questions and punches quickly.  Compared to the very beginning, you would be throwing him over your shoulder within two moves or knocking him off his feet with a swipe of your leg.  He wasn’t quick or light on his feet, he mostly had lead feet and slow hands.  
But if there was one thing Druig would never do, was quit.  
He took every beating and every defeat, his skin would be covered in bruises and his muscles would scream out in strain as the days rolled by.  But he would always show up, you think that he would fold after the first week or two.  Not that you had no faith in him, you did to a certain point.  But Druig was never a fighter by nature, and for him to go against his nature didn’t seem like him at all.  
“I’m not saying you can’t, I’m saying I won’t.” You changed your wording, though now he was giving you an inquisitive look while you placed your hands on your hips.
“Sounds like you’re going soft on me,” he teased to which you raised a brow.
“This coming from you who is about to collapse in exhaustion,” You countered back, though he cracked a big grin.  You knew this was part of his game, using his words as a weapon to try his opponent off.  He did it with Ikaris so many times, along with Sprite when those two would get in a spat.  But now he was trying it with you, and you were trying your best to not let it show.
“You would like to see that, wouldn’t you?” He hummed, maybe hoping that you would smile.  But it was only giving your more adrenaline, to wipe the smirk off his face and to make him eat his words.  He saw your fists at your sides getting tighter and tighter, your legs locking in, and your eyes training in on him.
“Fine, we’ll go one more round,” You replied shortly, Druig’s smirk getting a bit bigger.  Perhaps he thought he got the best rise out of you and was going to win this little game he liked to play. But then again, he must not have known the side of you that you rarely showed the others, only in the heat of battle.  
“You know, softness does look good on you,” He said lightly.  You felt the lick of adrenaline come back over you again from his words, which were trying to shoot you like darts and trying to penetrate you.  But all you wanted to do at this point was shut him up, to somewhat put him in his place with how he was treating you.  There was no doubt you two were friends, but he also knew how to use his words to make himself feel superior.  It worked on Ikaris, on Sprite, and now he was trying to work it on you.
No. Not gonna happen
You made it across the room in a few strides, dodging the first punch he threw out with ease, and threw one back.  The sparring was brutal now, both of you going swiftly and with ease as punches and kicks were being thrown left and right.  Neither one of you were holding back, some cheap shots to the jaw or to the ribs and you dodging everything he gave you.  You did the same with him, noticing how quick he was now and simply not just trying to avoid a punch. 
But he got you in a good enough hold with both of your arms, his own arms wrapped around yours tightly as he was pressed against your side.  You tried to shrug it off one or twice, but he had some strength against him now as he chuckled right against you, almost in your ear.  His body heat longing for yours, his sweat mingling with yours, and simply being this close was enough to make you almost forget the position you were in.  The kind of intimacy that you had with the others being on the ship for so long together, you all had a connection of family and of leaning on one another.  
But this, this was different, this felt like a different kind of intimacy that you never felt before. The kind to make your heart beat a bit faster, to make your head a bit lighter, and that sense of safety being close to him.  But it was odd since he was always there, from the moment you all came to Earth.  Yet now, it felt like a shift.
“I like seeing this side of you, you know,” he said against your ear, making you almost shiver as you were still trapped in his hold, “And to think I got you all soft too,”
You glared.  That did it.
Pivoting with your leg, you pushed it up to be parallel to your body, then pushed Druig a bit to have your foot hit him square in the head as a distract him.  It worked, his grip on your arms loosening slightly but enough to have you move.  Throwing your leg back down as he stumbled from being kicked between the eyes, you know him back with your body and turn to back him.  You knocked him off his feet with your leg within a millisecond, seeing him fall on his back and you perched over him.  Grabbing his arm to pin it down with one hand and the other hand on his neck, right on a pulse point where you knew was his weak spot.
It all happened so quickly, one minute he had you pinned against him and the next he was pinned beneath you on the ground.  But something inside of you snapped, something animalistic and that wanted to prove that you weren’t going to be swayed by him.  You knew your own strength, your own worth when it came to being in a fight, and your ability.  But the way Druig was looking up at you, pinned to the ground and having no way of getting out of it, you saw something in his eyes.  There wasn’t hate, nor was there rage that you won at his own game.
Shock?  Astonishment?  What was it?
“Am I soft now?” You asked, your hand on his neck still soft enough to let him breathe but there was still a grip to keep him in control.  He gulped, you feeling it along your fingers as his blue eyes were searching yours.  Now he was hard to read, which was bothering you now since you felt like you went too far in both kicking him in the head and slamming him to the ground.  But then again, he was keeping his eyes on you.  No longer was he looking at you like some prize, there was another way he was looking at you.  Yet you couldn’t pinpoint it.
“No,” He gasped, not in pain, but out of breath.  Slowly, you were moving your hand away from his neck, right where you were feeling his pulse dancing against his skin and along your fingers.  This was a new sense of intimacy neither of you ever experienced with one another before, and it was fresh and raw and new.  Something inside of you was frightened by this, but it also felt….right. 
You released his arm and his neck, moving quickly to go back up on your feet and holding your hand out for him to grasp.  He was still sprawled on the floor, frozen like he was stuck against the ground, and had his eyes still on you in amazement.  You surprised him plenty of times in sparring sessions, yet this didn’t look like a surprise.  It looked like he was….having an out-of-body movement.
“We’re done for the today, okay?” You asked gently, seeing him finally move his arm up to grasp your hand.  You hoisted him up, seeing him nod his head and still silent as you smiled.  The mood was still tense amongst the pair of you, but it was better than how it was a moment before when you two were tangled in each other’s arms.  
“Come on, let’s get some food,” You said to him, seeing him smile in return for the first time.  It made you feel better to see him smile, not to see him scowl or seem angry with how you handled him. But then again he did ask for you not to hold back, to not reserve your strength to him.  You walked on, thinking he was behind you as you were feeling rather flushed from what just occurred.
You didn’t realize that you left Druig there, speechless with one of his hands reaching up to touch his neck where your fingers were.  You didn’t realize that his mind was turning and wandering to new thoughts, and new feelings.  
You especially didn’t realize that he was suddenly enraptured with you.
The End.
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Tagging - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @virtueassassin @saradika @heartofwritiing @pemberlyy @heliosphere8 @reader6898
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ambcass · 9 months
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“I can’t stand him!” Y/N exclaimed, throwing a fit while walking with her best friend, Jaime Reyes. Her anger made her walk faster, making Jaime chase after her. It all started when Jaime noticed Y/N distancing herself from him and he asked why, she said it was nothing and just to mind his own business. During their gym class, Jaime noticed how violet Y/N was when playing a dodgeball match but he couldn’t help to notice how her arm was bruised. He also wondered how she was able to throw and dodge a ball like that. That bruise made him realize that it was the same spot where he hit a specific villain last night. The thought of his best friend being a villain hurts him. He tried removing the thought but it just came back every time he tried to shake it off. After school and on his way home, he spotted Y/N and decided to walk up to her. 
“I know you probably don’t wanna talk about your problems right now but ya’know I’m here for you…” Jaime suggested with a soft smile. Y/N turned to him with a dull expression and kept moving forward. Jaime once again followed up in front of her, “Can I at least walk with you? I do feel bad and I can’t stand to see you like this” Jaime pleaded, making Y/N give in. She nodded and the two started walking to the local 7-11 store. On their way, Y/N randomly blurted out “I can’t stand him!” and started marching towards the store angrily. Jaime followed up, hoping to hear more about this mystery guy. “Who? Who’s bothering you?” Jaime asked. Y/N scoffed as she opened the store door.
“You don’t know him…” She said, trying to keep her cool. She couldn’t expose herself to a guy who would most likely betray him to the heroes. “At least you can describe him. I’ll get a better idea of who the hell the guy is. If he is that much of a bother to you then I’ll make sure he gets it coming.” Y/N started chuckling, “And what the hell are you gonna do to this guy? But fine. He’s annoying, always on my ass, and doesn’t stop until he gets his way. Which annoys me because he went way too far yesterday.” Jaime stop to think too far? What does she mean too far? She was the one causing harm and trying to poison the water supply. Is it her? Please... Please… tell me that (villain name) isn’t you, Y/N. Jaime then felt Y/N nudge him. She mouthed you okay?  and Jaime nodded. They went inside the store and went to the chip aisle. When reaching for a bag of Takis, the sides of their hands touched each other. The two retracted immediately and looked away embarrassed.
“So…What did he do that was too far?” Jaime asked, trying to change the subject. Y/N grabbed that bag of Takis and walked off to a different aisle. “He- uh… I-I can’t say. Sorry.” Y/N tried to explain but she knew that Jaime wouldn’t believe her. Jaime gave a sympathetic nod. When the two finished paying for their food, they said goodbye and left. 
It was very late at night. Almost 4 AM. I had to wait for the perfect time to cause any harm to anyone. Two nights ago, stupid Blue Beetle roundhouse kicked the shit out of me. I thought to myself when I find this bug, I swear I’m going to fucking smash and kill it. As I aggressively put on my suit, a shadowy reflection flew past my window and they left a sticky note on the outside of my window saying “Meet me on top of the xxx building. Rooftop –BB.”  I rushed to my window, opened it, and snatched the sticky note. The writing was in all blue ink. I knew who this was. My heart started beating fast, I felt nauseous and anxious. How was he able to find where I live? Was one of the many questions racing in my mind. I crushed the paper and tossed it over my bed as I finished changing into my suit. I flew out the window and headed towards the address. As I was flying there, I tried to retract where I went wrong and how I blew my cover so easily. Nothing came to mind and while trying to come up with another explanation, I had already arrived. There was a figure lurking in the shadows, eyeing me down as I landed on the rooftop of the building. 
“Come out, Beetle. I see you in the shadows. Hey, if you were a Shadow then you wouldn’t even make it out of Santa Prisca alive. Your dumb blue armor gives you away” I teased, crossing my arms as Blue Beetle slowly came into the light. I glared into his eyes and stepped closer. Pulling out (some type of weapon) out and pointing towards him. “How did you find me? How did you find where I live?” Blue Beetle didn’t answer but he simply just stepped forward. “Y/n…” Beetle murmured. Y/n? What the fuck? How did he know? I stood there in silence. He walked closer, closer, and closer, but I didn’t move a muscle. Now he was in front of me. I looked down at the rooftop floor while feeling Blue Beetle’s hand reach for my arm. I looked up at him and snarled.“Don’t touch me.” He immediately let go and sighed. 
“Why Y/n? Why would you go through this path? You know better than this.”  He said, trying to get an answer from me. I knew better than to answer. After all, anything I say can and will go against me.  As I was still glaring into his eyes, his face armor started to retract back to his suit. I broke eye contact and turned my head away, refusing to lock eyes with him. No, no, no…not him. Not him!  My head started to get foggy and blank. I felt nauseous and took a few steps back. I couldn’t believe that the boy that I cared for, my best friend, Jaime Reyes, is a fucking traitor and gave me that awful beating two nights ago.  “Look Y/n, can we please talk about this? Please just hear me out.” I ignored his suggestion. Still not looking at him. I was angry, betrayed, and sad. Tears wanted to come out of my eyes but I held back. With a sour look on my face, I gazed into Jaime’s eyes and mouthed “I’m sorry”  He looked at me with confusion. “I’m sorry? Sorry for what?” he asked, looking at me like a pathetic pleasing bitch. I shook my head repetitively and walked towards the edge of the rooftop. I leaped off of it, disappearing and never to be seen again.
Jaime’s POV:
I rushed after Y/N when I saw her leap off the edge of the rooftop but when I tried looking for her, she was nowhere to be seen. I attached my face armor back and flew back home. As I was flying back, I kept thinking to myself What does she mean when she said she’s sorry? What was she sorry for? Days went on and I haven’t seen Y/N attack since. Which is probably a good thing but she wasn’t at school either. It’s like she disappeared from the face of Earth. A few months went by and I still haven’t seen Y/N at all! I asked around at school such as Paco, Brenda, and the staff but they haven’t seen her. I talked to the principal but I didn’t get much from him. The only thing I got from him was that Y/N is no longer in their school system.
When I was dismissed from school, Brenda and Paco both offered to walk me home but I declined. Once I got home, I didn’t even think of patrolling for the night. I just wanted to rest. I can’t help the feeling but I miss Y/N. 
I woke up to a crowd outside of my house screaming and yelling but I couldn’t hear anything. My mom rushed into my room screaming into my ear but I couldn’t understand what she was saying for I was still half asleep. She dragged my arm into the living room and turned my attention to the TV. The news reporter was saying something but for some reason, I couldn’t understand what it was that he was saying until I started reading the words that were displayed on the screen. My face froze, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
Local High School Teenager Jaime Reyes Is the Superhero Blue Beetle.
Word count: 1,483
Character Count: 7,572
literally ty @miguelnation bc idk if this is even angst or not
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
May I request Jakurai, Doppo, and Rosho's s/o pegging and praising them?
Pegging + praising with Jakurai, Doppo, and Rosho
yes!! absolutely love to write about guys being bottoms..
femreader, begging (a little);;
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-It's even surprising how much he actually loves it.
-Jakurai is such a mysterious, charming man with everyone around him, and nurses at his work can't stop bubbling about what a gentleman he would be in a relationship, caring and, of course, dominating, with such height and strength..
-When actually he hurried up to get home, already imagining how you would help relieve his stress. He never admits this but sometimes your boyfriend gets a sudden erection while he's still in the car, after you send him some teasing text during work.
-Yet he still prefers to have some foreplay before the main act, as he loves to be teased by you.
-Touches of your hands relaxed his tensed muscles as Jakurai kissed you, breathing heavily. The bulge in his pants just gets bigger when your arms grasp his hips.
-Your boyfriend is always controlling and caring in his casual life. So of course he wants to feel himself weak and pampered sometimes too, and your praise is just what he needs.
-It's just so amusing - to see how he tries to calm himself down when it's clearly noticeable how much his hands trembling as he grasp sheets around him, how gasps keep breaking from his chest as you start sucking his neck, and how blush start covering his face, that usually so pale.
-I'm absolutely sure Jakurai have tried anal sex before, and really like it. It always helps him clear his mind as all he can't think about is your tight grip on his waist when you start with deep slow thrusts at gentle pace, slowly speeding up.
-"S/o.. Please, faster.." - he mumbled under his breath, lifting his hips more as your dildo hit just the right spot. - "Please.."
-"Of course, my dear.." - your sweet voice and hot breath on his skin makes him tremble even more. - "You are always so obedient and good just for me, how can I say no to such a pretty angel?"
-Jakurai absolutely doesn't mind saying or showing how good he feels, yet moaning? Too ashamed for this. His own loud groans sound too embarrassing for him, and only when you praise him and his deep voice, he would slowly try to be more vocal.
-"Come on.. I wanna hear how you sing for me with this beautiful voice, darling.." - you squeeze his thighs, slamming your hips to his one more roughly, making Jakurai gasp. - "It's just so cute when you sound like that, so just relax and free your emotions.."
-Well, he always ended up moaning loudly, calling your name again and again when you start stroking his twitching dick too.
-Jakurai does have great patience so he would try to hold himself as long as he can without cumming, just to prolong pleasure.
-But on some days, when he's especially romantic, sweet praise and some good pounding at his weak spot is enough for him to cum. Yes, without any touches to his dick.
-"Mm? Already? Without any touches?" - you cooed, enjoying his shameful groans. - "You're so sensitive today, my darling.. Maybe I should reward you with another round for being so passionate and obedient, mm?~"
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-Absolutely pathetic helpless bottom.
-I'm not sure this man was having sex before he met you, so it's absolutely understandable he has no experience in pegging.
-But who said he wouldn't like it? After a few sessions where you slowly lure him in, Doppo kinda gets addicted.
-You are pleasing him yet also praising?? He's ready to work his ass off for the whole evening just to get absolutely wrecked in bed while listening to what a good worker he is.
-So when you set the right mood and Doppo realizes why you call him in the bedroom, he gets so impatient. Sloppy quick kisses as he almost tears apart his shirt, trying to throw away all his clothes as fast as he can.
-You can already see his trembling dick hardening in tight pants as Doppo whines right in your lips, almost like a puppy in heat.
-He has kinda bad habit to get carried away in his mumbling so expect very much begs as he almost sobbing, asking to be fucked.
-"S/o.. I can't.. I can't wait any more.." - he whimpered while you caressing his hips, slowly taking off his pants. - "P..please.. i.."
-"Sh.. Doppo, I know you can be a good boy.. Wait a little and I will take care of you, okay?" - you smile softly, enjoying how quickly he lost himself even before everything started. - "You know I will not leave my precious Doppo without rewarding him for a good job, mm? You deserve to be spoiled today, my dear.."
-He's so obedient, wanting to hear more praise and get rewarded. With a soft sweet tone you can make him do anything, almost if your boyfriend gets hypnotized with your voice.
-He can't say that he doesn't like foreplay, just sometimes he wishes you two can jump right to the actual thing, as he is already too aroused. Well, but your skilled finger that stretched him wide also was so good..
-A fan of rough sex, absolutely enjoying how your strap-on pushes his tight walls, as it relieves all his stress and clears his mind. Doppo can get pretty wild in bed, grasping on sheets and almost tearing it as you pound him faster and faster, hitting sweet spots with every thrust.
-He can't help but quickly lose all control both over his body and voice, moaning loudly and asking for more and more. And it doesn't matter if anybody will hear him, as it's just too good to even try to calm down.
-Especially when you play with his dick like that, tickling his ear with your hot breath as you praise him more. Honestly he is almost on edge now, losing his ability to talk, as your aggressive pounding is mind shattering.
-It's amazing how long he can go now, cumming several times yet asking for more with needy eyes. When you just started, one round was enough for him, but it looks like you did a great job of training your boyfriend.
-Also, Doppo slept so well after this, absolutely drained..
-"That's it, Doppo, you are doing so well so far.." - you chuckled, kissing his hot temple, sending waves of goosebumps over his shaking body. - "Such a good, good Doppo, you deserve some more treats, my darling.."
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-Another ashamed man..
-He probably has some experience in sex yet this topic is kinda unclear for him, and he doesn't mind to try..
-Yet you need to prepare him long and well, not only physically, but also psychologically. Rosho is just so worried.
-Not about you hurting him or something, more about him being absolutely awkward in bed as it's so strange, to be dominated by someone.. yet it's so exciting.
-Your praise makes everything better as soonly your boyfriend gets used to this. He's still a little bit shy, but you can clearly tell that he enjoys that much more when trying to admit it.
-Rosho is really slow in such things, loving to get some passionate gentle foreplay before, as you share soft long kisses together. It helps him calm down his fast beating heart as he already can feel some tingling in his core.
-Especially after a long day in school, as he got home absolutely tired of loud kids and all this paperwork… Calm lights of your bedroom as he just lay down, relaxing under your touches and enjoying your quiet voice is like therapy.
-"You are always working so hard.. Dear, relax a little bit now, it's my turn to take care of you, okay? Just enjoy yourself.." - you smile a little, caressing the trembling hips of your boyfriend, as he spreads his legs apart, biting lip. - "Yes, like this.. I love when you are so obedient.."
-Long, sensitive thrust makes him lose his mind almost immediately. Despite Rosho always trying to be calm and collected, you make him whimper from the very beginning, as you just perfectly know what angle to thrust into him and push his weak spot.
-Rosho is kinda embarrassed by his moans but they are not that loud, more deep and husky as he breathes heavily, gasping for more air.
-He is both happy and shy about your praise. Well, he really wants to hear that but admit it? It's so hard for him, so he just mumble something, trying to hide a red blush on his hot cheeks after you start to coo at him for always being so calm and obedient. Well, but you don't need to hear anything from your boyfriend as you can see how his dick starts throbbing more, exuding more precum.. Rosho really enjoys every one of your words.
-"Mm? Your body is so honest with me, baby.. I'm glad to know you loved it that much.." - you purr, hands keep stroking his legs as you get closer to his twitching dick. - "There's no need to be so shy, I'm willing to please you as long as you want, you deserve such a treat.."
-That's it, you almost make him cum with your words and a few strokes, as your fingers are just too good at teasing his cock. And the way you play with his glans enough to send shivers down his spine as he whines, warning you that he's on edge now.
-"S/o.. I'm.. I'm cumming, please, I'm close.." - Rosho mumbled, moving his hips in one pace with you, drowning in pleasure. - "I'm so close.."
-"You're so cute, my dear, but it suits you very much.." - you chuckle, fucking him more faster, as your hands keep moving up and down on his hot trembling dick. - "It just makes me want to spoil you more today, darling.."
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
Bad End Night (Yandere Males) Chapter One
Summary: When your car breaks down, you find yourself staying overnight in a mysterious mansion. However, the inhabitants of the manor are clearly hiding dark secrets from you. There’s only so many ways this night can go. Can you find the happy end or are you heading for a bad end night?
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This story is based on the song “Bad ∞ End ∞ Night” by Hitoshizuku-P and Yama△, while the characters are based on a cover of the song on 高生紳士 YouTube channel. You don’t have to know anything about the song to enjoy this, but I totally recommend it as a song in general.
This story will contain graphic violence, swearing, bisexual men, and your general yandere themes. If any of those is a deal breaker, please leave instead of hating.
I have finished the entire story (except for the endings) at this point in time, so no real worries about me failing to finish this.
This reader was fun to write. Also, I picked each character’s name for a reason.
Previous Part/Beginning: Prologue
“Life is a highway! I wanna ride it all night long!” you belted out the lyrics along with the radio. You tapped the steering wheel to the beat, “If you're goin' my way, well, I wanna drive it all night long!”
The street lights flew by as you pressed the gas pedal a little harder. You held down the button that lowers the window and smiled as the cool wind hit your face, blowing your hair back in a wild fashion. The envelope on the passenger’s seat flew onto the floor, but you didn’t bother to pick it back up.
You pressed your foot down even harder. The street lights were getting farther apart as your car swapped the busy city road for a country one. The houses are farther apart, but bigger and more beautiful. You assume it’s a rich neighborhood, if the mansions and acres of land between each one are anything to go by.
You doubted there were cops in this area. Cops were stationed on busy roads, not country paths where cows and horses stood staring at your speeding car. You put the pedal to the metal, letting out a whoop as the wind became almost too much against your face. 
You felt free this way. No parent in the seat next to you, urging you to follow the “rules of the road”. Please, there aren’t even any speed markers. Who’s to say I’m not going the speed limit?
Then again, you doubted that any non-highway roads would let you go 80 miles per hour.
You almost didn’t want to arrive at college, because arriving meant rules again. Strict rules about keeping the dorm clean and in working condition and no candles and no noise after 9 and, and, and… 
You hated rules, but you followed them like the good little girl you were. A good little 22-year-old girl whose parents were so strict that you’d never tasted a drop of alcohol or left the house except to drive to necessary places.
And, since college was a “necessary place”, you were free to do what you want, taking back roads to make the ride even longer.
Suddenly, you lurched forward. You nearly hit your head on the steering wheel and a gasp left your mouth. You took your foot off the pedal, but your car continued to give little lurches until it came to a complete stop. 
Heart rate rising, you put your foot back down. The car sputtered, gave a tiny lurch forward, and died. 
“No, no, no…” you reached forward and turned the keys. No response. “Oh God…”
You climbed out of your car into the darkness. You felt little drops of water hitting your skin and turned your face up to the night sky. Great, it’s raining. Just my luck.
You opened up the hood and stared down at the engine. You stood there for a few moments before burying your face in your hands. You had no idea what to do or what was even wrong with the car. It was a hand-me-down from your aunt, so it wasn’t exactly brand new, but this was the first time it had broken down like this.
The drops of water were falling faster and hitting your head more insistently. You looked up again and got a drop of water in your eye. “Shit!”
You kicked the front tire of your car and pulled out your phone. If there was one good thing about your paranoid mother, it was that she had put the name of every mechanic in the state. You scrolled down to the most familiar one and tapped on it. 
No service.
“Fuck,” you muttered. You were far too away from any 24-hour mechanics or stores in general to walk. Not to mention, it was dark and now raining heavily, the water soaking through your shirt and wetting your hair.
You turned around reluctantly to the nearest house. You had broken down right in front of a driveway- the long stone pathway weaving its way to the wooden front door. 
“I don’t really have any other choice,” you murmured, locking your car door and, while trying to cover your head with your hands to escape the pouring rain, jogged up the driveway. The manor got larger and larger with each step closer. When you reached the entrance, you couldn’t help but admire just how big the building was, with its stained glass windows and flawless white paint. 
The door, however, was an eyesore. Parts of it were rotting away and splintered wood poked out here and there. Avoiding the sharp wooden splinters, you knocked on the door. 
Little did you know, you were setting in motion a nightmare that’s ending was all up to you.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 2 months
Look! Art! And 1,000+ Pages of Context! If you want it!
It's got artifacts because Glaze. I'm sorry.
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Glaze is working less-than-perfectly. It might be the style, something about those flat colours and the detailed gold edging/overlay. I haven't done what I need to get it to run on GPU, but that's just supposed to make it faster. I'm willing to put up with the artifacts for Tumblr and the site - I guess - but it's demotivating to have to make my art crappier so it won't be used for evil. I wanted to give all this stuff away to human beings, ya know?
Anyways, this took me forever, and I drew part of it on a boat! Mixter Poor-Fine-Motor-Skills draws just as well while rolling with the waves! Oh, I wanna live on a boat soooo bad right now. Of the housing options we can afford, that seems the most awesome. I will be back to tell you about my two nights on Fort Autism when I have more spoons for it.
That's clearly David Valentine in the purple coat, and that mysterious figure with the green hands is Erik with David on board - and a blond wig and a crap-ton of concealer so he can pass. Honestly, I think half of why it took me so long is how wrong Erik looks. He should look wrong - David doesn't belong there and he needs to GTFO - but it's freakin me out, man.
My ambition is to give every Invisible their own little halo, so you can tell them apart no matter who they're wearing. I'm so bad at keeping up with the illustrations and I get so easily frustrated that I don't know if I'll manage. (I have another eye appointment at the end of April. We'll see if I get help with how hard and painful it is for me to focus, or more "You're doing fine! Just keep doing what you're doing!")
Random Tumblrite, if you should stray across this, David and Erik hail from Tin Soldier and Soldier On, a web serial I write. It's in desperate need of readers and supporters. Tin Soldier is the first part, and it's pretty much complete, but lacking soooo many illustrations. Soldier On is in progress - slow, halting progress as my various issues allow. You'll find them here:
And there's a new instalment today!
But the above is an illustration for The Taming of the Twit. And I'm not doin these in order. There are A LOT of missing illustrations. I wish someone could do 'em for me, but I don't have the money for that many commissions. If you wanna partner up with me on spec (I guess I get about $15 CAD a month and you can have some of that??) for god's sake let me know!
I'll probably reblog this tomorrow, this is a bit of an odd time for me to blog things and it might get missed.
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transfemjoker · 1 year
I ❤️ ur Joker so much can I hear ur hcs for her? 😼 also maybe some batjokes hcs sprinkled in there heh
this FANTASTIC ask has been rotting in my inbox for months so here’s my current wealth of joker hcs. written on paper. in unintelligible handwriting
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im sooo normal and regular about her <3 (transcript below cut)
thinking soo hard about my au joker. he's consuming my every waking thought! he lives in my brain!
soo I talked about her a little already but he's intersex and uses he/she pronouns :) his gender doesn't really exist she just does what she wants (whatever's funniest)
anyways she looks predominantly physically male - flat-chested, long-limbed, laryngeal prominence, etc. - but his hormone balance isn't super testosterone-heavy. like she can't grow bodily or facial hair (he does have eyebrows/eyelashes and a full head of hair though) and i believe he has a set of ovaries (but he can't get pregnant lol. he's sterile and doesn't have a vagina so they're kind of just in there)
other biological quirks include faster cell growth - like wounds heal faster and hair + nail growth is sped up - she also has a VERY strong immune system and rarely ever gets sick, has weird reactions to fear toxin + ivy's pheromones (+ a lot of prescription drugs and medical anaesthetics don't really work on him), she has a ridiculously high pain tolerance but feels it really acutely (he can just deal with a lot of it), has a lot of chronic nerve pain like a constant crackling surface pain (stolen from that one LKOE dracze fic) and part of her masochistic streak relates to the fact that strong pain breaks up the nerve pain (that and marginally faulty wiring), and she for some reason has reflective retinas like an animal! which is real spooky
her bleached skin is really thin + pale and you can see a lot of veins under it so he looks like a deep sea creature → she's also incredibly emaciated and looks real skeletal - his body mass is super low + it's kind of a medical mystery that he doesn't have some kind of fatigue disorder. I think it's something to do with how his body processes and stores nutrients. idk
before her first outing as 'the joker', he used to stalk bruce around the city when he was on patrol. she did this for maybe a year, and bruce would sometimes see him stood in alleys, perched on rooftops, watching him. bruce spotted her maybe a total of 12-15 times, and kind of doubted that he wasn't just hallucinating; it would've been an eerie image - a figure, ghostly white, skeletal, dressed in a hospital gown + sporting dead eyes and a head of long, straggly green hair - and bruce had only been on the job for about 2 years so he wasn't quite as paranoid yet. when joker first came to prevalence that's when bruce realised it was her :) idk i just want him to haunt bruce in a way that he can't shake similarly to the memory of her fall at ACE
also! some details from canon that I'd like to insert: ↓
- the birthday gifts thing: I really liked that idea and think it's a very joker thing to do - she also celebrates anniversaries (eg. their first fight, bruce's first outing as batman, joker's first major crime, the incident at ACE, etc.) he's sentimental :) - his affection for crossdressing (it isn't really crossdressing in this context but. whatever the instances of it are canon) i think it's neat idk i like seeing her visibly gnc - I wanna keep the wide shapes of a lot of storylines like europa + snyder's stuff (the bench universe, dotf and endgame, etc.) + devil's advocate + joker's apprentice + maybe chunks of deadly duo + broken city + other things - might contain (while credited) some stuff from fit as well bc i'm a total loser ← currently writing fic (like two step and you're by excuse to travel by synthwave + maybe sucker for pain by transformatron + green the colour of greed by distortopia + something these angels wear and with my toes on the edge by cultivation + chunks from other stuff) idk it's kind of difficult to ascertain the speed at which i want their relationship to escalate. we'll see! i definitely want something to have happened during europa (and I'm treating that dracze fic set in the bench universe as canon) but like. they might just be trapped in perpetual hell like in the comics. thanks bruce's morality - i also want to note that in this au literally most everything else is the same as in canon. I'm gonna be drawn to include my headcanons for all the characters and whatever but the batfamily is still constructed the same + jace still dies and babs is still paralysed + the JL is still established + at its core it's still the same thing :) while i'm here i want say though that it's likely i'll take the telltale route with bruce's parents having mob ties because i think that throws a fun moral wrench in the works for him to deal with - much of my interpretation of the joker is based on a grant morrison's interpretation of him. morrison is such a majorly influential writer for me and their description of joker in the arkham asylum cut script notes was tbh my major inspiration for this version of joker :) like that thing they said: "pale and emaciated, he should look simply grotesque but standing there, hand on thrust-out hip, he projects an absolute confidence that confers upon him a bizarre kind of attractiveness and sexuality. it is the attraction of the perverse and the forbidden." - btw. i wanna make a point to include matches malone in my canon. bruce actively uses the matches persona :)
i wanted to detail her weird physical appearance mostly for the sake of the image of him in Arkham; no makeup, no costume, no way for her to dress himself up. he struggles a lot with her image + not feeling attractive or desirable (very 'if i gave up on being pretty i wouldn't know how to be alive') and arkham makes him very unstable because he has no way of controlling the way he's seen
he also has a prosthetic eye like in the comics :) i'd like to think she lost her eye in an altercation with bruce and it helps tie bruce's morality to the joker - whenever bruce sees him, it reminds him of how much harm he causes. lol! i LOVE torturing bruce he's such an interesting character giggles :)
btw for the record i'd also like to state that i consider bruce and joker's relationship to be inherently sadomasochistic in nature. considering joker's canonically a masochist and gets off on what bruce does to him + bruce recognises this and continues to pursue her just the same. they're SO interesting to me
i also believe the thing from the comics about joker's worldview; that she believes he and batman are the only real people in the whole universe. i think it provides such an interesting perspective on his actions - (in that context) he crucially doesn't see the people he kills as people, but rather like. tools. symbols. i think it really communicates the central conflict of his character idk i think it's interesting
on a less deep note, he has a thing for clothing and makeup. she has HEAPS of it stored in warehouses + stuff. he's really good at concealing her safehouses so a lot of it goes undiscovered. he gets his foundation from japanese theatre companies bc they're the only places that do it light enough lol. also important to note that he wears garters + sock suspenders + shirt stays + corseting + structured undergarments + heels + super complex layers of clothing. he prides herself on the craft of it :)
she really takes pride in her performance + the way she's seen - her whole life, his whole career is one big performance. there's very little underneath 'the joker'. he doesn't know who she is, he has no life before bruce, no name, no identity, nothing outside of her fixation on the batman. he was ther at ACE that night (she believes he is - or at least his negligence is - what made her) and joker really clings to batman as a point of stability and focus because, unlike bruce, he has nothing outside of his persona. the batman is bruce wayne (shocker) - he has a life, people he loves - but joker has nothing. that's part of the reason joker's so desperate to ignore that bruce has a 'real identity' and is so defensive of people discovering it; as well as meaning the destruction of batman, it would also remove joker of her ability to deny that there is a person behind batman. he wants so badly to believe that this is all bruce has - that HE is all bruce has - just as is true for him. beneath it all, she just wants to be loved. she just wants to not be alone.
sigh! that was a lot! i don't wanna make him just a deep, dark, brooding character that's BORING that's bruce's job lol. loser. anyways she can be silly too he has whimsy in her soul as well :) i believe soo intensely in DC's ability to be a silly universe because it's inherently so stupid as a concept so to me silly guy joker is real <3 they can have fun
joker getting roped in on justice league stuff is soo personal to me let her be helpful let him make fun of the JL and their stupid missions :)
btw. for future reference he is in no way attracted to women (sorry yuri joker) his relationship with harley (+ MAYBE punchline. strong maybe. only as his protégé) is PURELY manipulative and joker NEVER thought of or treated her sexually or romantically. there's still gonna be animosity there though lol because he still abused and manipulated harley and she still thought joker loved her, but the fact remains that he isn't even vaguely attracted to women so! idc punchline likers so somewhere else lol
another thing from canon (devil's advocate) i'd like to steal is the fact that joker sleeps with his henchmen :) it's real to me
she has a lot of silly pseudo-crushes on a lot of other characters (like lex luthor + bane + lobo + killer croc + superman + what have you. he's a slut what can i say) but none of them will EVER be bats! they know their place and it's NOT in murder-suicide love with her
kicks feet idk i have so many thoughts about joker even though i feel so cringe writing them down. idgaf this is important work
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Can you write about Estelle × Shuu please ?
I miss writing abt DL x GoT au
fleeting, wandering, leaving (diabolik lovers x game of thrones au)
pairing: shuu sakamaki x estelle (this is @yourlocaltea's OC btw) feat. yuma
tw: mentions of violence and nsfw
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Shuu watched the first fall of snow in the North, faster at its own pace, melting in his fingertips the moment they made contact. It was gone too soon, like a memory of yesterday, of a woman who caught the first snow and gave him a genuine smile, wide toothy grin, beaming eyes, and laughter that echoed like church bells.
"Huh? Who's that?"
Shuu was out of his trance, blinking in surprise to see Yuma standing beside him, carrying piles of wood for their fireplace. "The children and the women of Castle Black should be able to maintain their health," he explained. "They can't survive the future days if they die because of something shitty like winter."
Shuu hummed in agreement. In just a few minutes, they'll struggle to keep up with the cold, and while the women of the castle have already prepared all the necessary blankets and food for everyone, the men must ensure these women and children will live to see it all. After all, they're the backbone of their operations.
"By the way, who's that person you mentioned again?" Yuma reverted back to the topic at hand. "Esther? Ella?"
"Estelle," Shuu corrected, his tone a bit harsh, making Yuma think this 'Estelle' person is so special the blonde prince got annoyed when he got her name wrong.
"Okay, so who's she?" the bigger man asked. "A friend of yours? Your sister?"
Shuu walked back to the castle, avoiding the topic of Estelle further. Whenever he was reminded of her, he would feel a void inside him, like someone ate a piece of his heart and left a hole so he would be trapped there forever and drown. That's why he got rid of everything that screamed of 'Estelle,' from flowers, handkerchiefs, blankets, gloves, pillows—basically everything.
Or so he did—
"Oi, lazyass!" Yuma called his attention, running up to him after dropping off the wood he chopped. He was still frustrated at Shuu for evading his questions about this Estelle woman and the mystery she holds. "I just wanna talk about that Estelle lady, you know. You've never mentioned anything about yourself here, then you go talking to melted snow about her."
Shuu sighed in frustration. This fucker can't get a hint. "Forget about it. It's stupid anyway."
Yuma snorted at that. Like please, what stupid? All men are stupid anyway, going to wars to fight and have money when they can just farm with their wives and children. That's why he went to the Wall and served along with Shuu so he can protect people instead of waging wars against noble houses.
"Look, I know our duty comes first before your romance, but you know we're in the Wall now," Yuma pointed out. "Maybe we can... uh... you know... find that Estelle or send her a letter and tell her to go here. That way, she's alive and well."
Shuu sighed again. But this time, it was more like he was tired than frustrated. "I appreciate the concern, but there's no need."
"Huh? Why?" And then Yuma realized something. "I-Is she dead?" He gasped a bit in horror, scratching the back of his head. "If that's the case, I'm so—"
"No." Shuu was hesitant. He has never told anyone about Estelle. Maybe this was the best time. "Estelle's not dead... or... at least according to my last memory."
"Huh? What the heck are you talking about?"
"Estelle..." A memory of the said woman flashed in his mind, her brave facade as she held the straps of her bag tightly. She smiled at him for the last time and said her last words. "She went somewhere far away before I went here."
Upon seeing Shuu's distant and confused expression, Yuma got a hint about Estelle and her effect on the blonde prince. He remembered countless rumors about one of Karlheinz's spawns being caught bedding a lowly whore, and the said whore was publicly shamed because of the forbidden act. At the time, Yuma thought of it as nothing but old women gossip since it can be quite common for nobles to sleep with whores. He just did not expect to find out it was Shuu, though.
"Is she your woman or something?" Yuma asked, possibly for clarification since it looked to him that Shuu still had feelings for her.
"Yes. Estelle is my woman," he responded. There was an eerie sense of longing in his words. "However..."
"... I am not her man."
The snow kept falling from the sky as silence filled the air. And there was a distant memory of the first snow, of Estelle, who ran outside the castle to catch it with her tongue, and how she wrapped her poorly knitted scarf around Shuu to protect him from the cold. The cloth was practically garbage, but Shuu kept it as a memento. An ode to something that is never meant to last. An affection he wasn't able to pursue.
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occultdaddy · 1 year
I kinda wanna write a fic about the Hermits being the Wild Hunt.
Xisuma as the defacto leader just because no one else wants that kind of responsibility and eyes upon themselves, but in return the other hermits (often Joe) all help with Wild Magic and all the heavy burdens that come with the leadership.
I have some thoughts about some of the hermits and wanna ramble on about it without spoiling a potential fic too much lmao.
I'm basing this Wild Hunt and the Faerie on my own work so ofc I wanna make Iskall and Keralis as both with jötunn blood, yet being different types of fae/vettir from eachother.
Joe Hills is one of the few, if not only, humans in the Wild Hunt. Yet he’s more other and have a stronger attunement to Wild Magic than most fae.
Cleo having the absolutely most terrifying reputation. All hunters heal faster than most fae, but she gets up from things that would 100% kill any other fae. Rumours say that even the Gan Ceann gave up on claiming her life, but that’s obviously ridiculous....
Cub and Scar was a part of the Vex Monarch’s court. They can still weild Vex magic, but what they actually are, their former positions, what went down before they joined the Hunt is kept mostly secret ;>
I also rlly wanna utilise the hivemind in one way or another.
They would probably eventually down the line become hunters, but I think I'd wanna keep Pearl and Gem as monarchs of their own courts. I would draw inspo from Gem’s Empire s2, but probably go more Lunar aesthetics for Pearl. OR have her court be like the biggest mystery ever (except for Grian) you only really meet her outside of it and she’s not consistant with the way she present herself or what she tells about her own court.
And thus I transition into mcyt crossover time.
Def taking some empires folks into this story as (mostly) monarchs and other courted fae. Probably a mix of s1 and s2? Joel will 100% be based on s1 and Lizzie can go either, but I'm leaning towards s1 for her because of Joel lol. Could also consider making her a jötunn. Ancient beings that are forces of nature and most of em are either gone or in deep slumber. It fits her s1 lol. Fwhip needs to be s2 obvs. Goblins are fae and the way you get goblin children was such a cool world building move I lowkey wanna steal the idea for my own.
I've thought a lot about about Empires being fae courts before and I tried making Pixlriffs as a court ruler work in many ways. And while the ideas I've had are good. None beat the idea of him being a human that's been in the Faerie for so long it has changed him a little. You often find him in ancient courts and ruins and he’s definitly the one you’d go for gossip news about the happenings in the Faerie. I would either give ZloyXP and Lyarrah the same treatment, or they vould be uncourted fae that befriended this odd human.
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triplesilverstar · 5 months
Bugs don't fight fair
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Canon-Typical Violence, Death, suspicion, Emotional Hurt, Medical Inaccuracies, Gunshot Wounds, Blood, Blood and Injury
Word count: Roughly 3.4K 
A/N: Chap 4 of A mysterious stranger and eaten, what a day. I still don’t feel as happy with this chapter as I should but it I’m not going back and re-writing it. 
Three days after the destruction of Jeneora Rock you decide you're done waiting for Vash to snap out of his pity party of one, planning when you stop for the day to take him aside. Too bad Meryl almost makes someone into roadkill first, and you realize that today might not be the best day for trying to find some alone time.
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As you fall, the screeching in your ear is making your head feel like it’s being split open, but one advantage you’ve always had in your life is that when something happens to you a second time your response is always faster. Hand reaching and killing the power to your right ear, blessed silence. Just in time to hit the bottom of whatever opening that you fell through leads too, landing on your back rolling just in time to avoid pointed fingers aiming for your chest. 
Using the motion you roll yourself up to your feet, unslinging your rifle as you turn, raising the butt to your shoulder, aiming right for the kids center of mass and firing. Watching the body turn into a flurry of worms, a single one falling to the ground split in half from your bullet. Well. That tactic isn’t going to work. Adjusting again you turn, left hand on the forstock. Right on the grip, so your rifle is reversed in your hands and you slam the butt plate into the kids face where he reappeared right behind you. A direct hit. That has the same result, a few falling worms but the body dissipating in a flurry.
You aren’t as fast the third time you turn, feeling the nails dig into the meat of your forearm dragging downwards from your elbow to your wrist, great slices digging into your flesh. Through the pain you respond, at least with fingers dug into your arm they can’t get away easily, and you cold clock the kid, making direct contact and sending them flying backwards. Hissing as their grip in your flesh disappears, along with a few chunks of you too. “Well, that’s gonna leave a mark.”  While the blood drips down from your torn skin you reposition yourself, keeping an eye on the child. “So you aren’t human. Wanna tell me what you are?” 
You watch as they stand, body movements too fluid for a human skeleton to make and narrow your eyes “Nah. I don’t think so.” Several of the smaller stinger-like worms are approaching you, so you sling your rifle and switch back to your baton. The little bastards are too nimble for you to hit with enough force using it, but just the right size for your baton. Enough force and the carapace of the creatures were split, dropping them to the ground. While you’re busy, dodging the worms, you miss the being dropping the chunks of your flesh into a container. “Besides, it’s been fun but I gotta run. Try not to get killed~” 
“What’d you do with Penny!” you scream after them, a downward swing cracking another worm in half. 
“Aw you wanna save her?” Another laugh from them, and you don’t see them anywhere again “maybe you should be more worried about yourself.” Senses high you swing around, left arm movings with a snap, if this child/being was human they would have dropped like a stone. A flurry of worms that you swing into, cracking a few more of them. “You are more interesting than you let on. But I do have other things to do right now, maybe you’ll find the other girl, maybe you won’t. Who knows~” All that remains is their laughter which fades away and you keep swinging at the worms left behind, a theory beginning to form in your head. 
After you end the last worm you sigh, dropping to a knee and looking at your forearm. “Shit” The gouge in your arm is nearly the full length from elbow to wrist, three jagged lines and if they’d been any deeper they would have hit one of your tendons, the artery they nicked already healed. At least your body knows what’s a priority to heal as you grab a bandage from your pants to wrap the injury and tie it off, once that’s done you roll the sleeves of your jacket down. No reason for anyone to see the injury and freak out. 
Glancing around you sigh, this place is even darker than the first few areas and moist, but in the low lighting you see the flashlight you’d given to Meryl. She might have dropped it earlier, but you’ll take it as a sign she might be closer than you think, pointing it around to see if the area you’re in can provide any more details on where you need to go. 
It seems the only direction you can go is forward, a passage deeper inside the worm the only opening you see. Pointing the flashlight upwards you swear, even the opening you’d drop through has been closed up. You shake your head before heading towards the open passage, hoping Meryl is alright. And that your plant man is doing ok, because this kind of thing would be something to set him on edge. 
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At the sudden silence through his ear after hearing a short yelp of pain, Vash is engaging his own communication device “You ok Snipes?” All he can hear is silence, a sense of dread filling him, he’s not even getting the same interference that you’d been. Making an assumption it’s the difference between his being in his earring, while yours was a permanent addition to your senses, something you’d told him that’d replaced one of your ear drums since you tended to fire from your right shoulder and the device blocked out noises above a certain decibel. 
“Come on Snipes, if you can hear me please answer, even if it’s two clicks because you can’t speak.” The silence continues in his ear, and he’s turning around back to the starting area. If you’ve gone silent, it means you and Meryl have run into something. 
Back at the start of the tunnels he hops out, in time to see the undertaker doing the same “I’m going down the tunnel the girls went down. Something isn’t right.” 
“Feel like you need to be the knight in shining armor or something? They’re fine.” Vash is wary of the answer but shrugs his shoulders, heading down the tunnel. He’s hopeful that all you did was turn your earpiece off, the static too loud in your ears again. Those hopes are soundly dashed when after a while he finds a worm splattered against the wall, and nothing else, you’d been in a tussle and there were no other signs of fighting ahead. Just a bit beyond, he doesn’t even see the signs of where you and Meryl would have been crawlings, something isn’t right and based on the loss of tracks, this tunnel isn’t going to provide anymore clues as to your whereabouts. 
“Well, I got nothing there’s no trace of em.” Dropping back down this time, noticing the pile of burnt out cigarettes around the undertaker's feet. The man is clearly not interested in looking for the kid, or either of the girls. 
“Nothing here either” At least Roberto is still safe, that’s a good sign. 
“I say we call it, if we don’t figure a way out of here soon we’re dead too.” In his head, all Vash can think is he should have been paying more attention to what Snipes was trying to tell him. He’s missed something and his lady might have been able to fill in the blanks, a twisting of his stomach and he’s hoping her and Meryl are alright. 
“Come on, nobodies dead ok. Snipes is too stubborn to let a worm do her in. Soon as we find them we’ll go” it’s an attempt at placating the undertaker into helping him keep looking. Because if there is one thing Vash knows, you don't kick the bucket all that easily.  While the undertaker is berating him, he wants to keep his face neutral but everything he’s saying minus the survival part is something Snipes has told him in the past. Releasing the worm that had been thrown to him from his grasp. 
“Slow your roll stampede. They always take the first bite to get your guard down Then lace the rest with poison before passing it to you, the target. Text book assassination technique. I’m a reporter after all, and though our agencies not much to write home about, we get decent intel.” Roberto is stepping closer to him and the undertaker, almost like he’s trying to make a barrier between the two of them. “I heard something the other day, something about folks who can control the worms around here, and something tells me, however the controlling is done, that’s been what’s screwing with our sniper. It’s a little suspicious that the second most dangerous person in our little rag tag group has gone missing.” 
Vash has to admit, he’s been on the receiving end of that technique before, his most recent encounter with it had resulted in Snipes spending the night up with him while his body expelled the toxins. Hearing that Roberto has also figured out she’s missing has him worried, while the two males continue their little verbal battle. He’ll never forgive himself if this is what does Snipes in, there’s a lot they need to talk about, and the most pressing, at least for him is the need to apologize for his actions the last few days for a start. Noticing the escalations of the conversation around him he finally steps in “were all friends here. Aren’t we?” 
“Just trust me with this one, Snipes would say the same, this guys the type of killer that does his work with a smile.” That does draw a smile to his face, wistful.
“Nah. I think I've gotta disagree with you there.” And not just because hearing Roberto say Snipes would agree with him has his heart clenching. His lady, while blunt, has better insights than he does.
“What makes you so sure?” The doubt in his voice is clear, but Vash knows people, it’s the one thing he’s learned to truly read in his long life. 
“Those are the eyes of a good guy. Just like Snipes.” He doesn’t know why he tacks on that last part, but watches as the undertakers eyes widen just a bit more before he states he’ll take it as a compliment. “Good guy see” turning back to Roberto, he finds his face falling rather quickly. The older reporter is gone, swallowing he calls for him, and just like with Snipes, the resounding silence is his answer. 
Convincing the undertaker to help him look Vash finds himself wandering around different passages inside the worm, voice calling out each of their names in time. He’s doing the best he can to keep his voice neutral as he calls out, thinking back to before they ended up inside the grand worm inside the diner. Had you been trying to tell him something before the others had come in for the body and he was too busy wallowing in his own sorrow to notice? 
“It’s pointless. They’re long digested by now.” The undertaker is clearly trying to get him to give up on this hunt, and Vash knows why. Everything that has happened since they arrived in the worm was to separate him from the others, which means this guy works for Knives. He might not know to what capacity but all the signs and his gut are leading him to that line of thought. 
“I dunno, this place is covered in all sorts of remains. Worms might not be the speedest digesters. Plus no reporter or sniper shaped skeletons.” 
“All that to say?” The annoyance is clear in the man’s tone but Vash doesn’t care, keeping up his cheerful demeanor. 
“That it’s way too early to throw in the old towel” he’ll stay in the worm forever if he has to, but he’s going to find the two reporters and his bounty hunter. 
“So what’s the deal with you and the bounty hunter? I didn’t think people would willingly hang around someone that draws that much unwanted attention. Even if she does look like  a sweet piece of meat.” That gets a squeak out of Vash as an answer, have they been doing a bad job of hiding what they are to one another? Or has it just been him blowing it himself with his actions? Taking a calming breath he starts with the first part he takes issues with. 
“Please don’t call her a piece of meat. She’s a person. As to our deal, she’s a friend, a close friend that I'm pretty fond of.” Fond. That’s pretty tame when compared to how he actually feels about you. Neither one of you is willing to show it much outside of the privacy of a closed door or in the middle of nowhere, but he loves you and that fiery disposition that comes with it. 
“You’re willing to die for someone you’re fond of?” his tone is one of disbelief like he can’t believe what Vash has to say about you. Vash knows the easy answer to that one. 
“No, not die. But I'll protect her, just like I know she protects me. Everyone, no matter who they are have something or someone they wanna protect in this life. I’m sure you do too” Vash glances at him, a wide smile painted across his face, seeing nothing but disbelief looking back at him. “Believe me, once you find that something, you’ll do anything to protect it.” And today, has been a stark reminder to him that he hasn’t been doing the best protecting side of things, and maybe now that you have a bounty of your own. It’s time to stop caring if anyone sees the two of you making out in an alley. 
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You aren’t sure how long you’ve been wandering down this tunnel, eyes scanning through the beam of light your flashlight is giving off. One thing you do know for certain, you haven’t been alone for a while now. “So, we going for round two or not?” 
“I already have what I need so I don’t see the point.” Glancing to your right you see the child sitting there, legs crossed over one another just high enough to be out of your reach. “Besides, maybe I just want to talk to another being that isn’t a human or a plant for a while.” 
You pause in your walking, turning up to look at them “What makes you think I’m not human?” You watch them almost fall over from fake laughter. 
“Of course you aren’t. Regular old humans can’t hear my network and you certainly can. And unlike most humans, you’re suspicious of just about everything that seems out of place. Most assume when they see a kid with dead adults they must be a family” at this a finger is pointed at you almost like a gun “but you? You see that and right away you start to question it. You seem to have a knack for knowing when things aren’t what they seem. Can’t say I’ve met many humans like that before.” 
“Network huh? So are you a Hive mind, or a collection of minds?” You watch their eyes narrow as they look down at you, and you tense ready for the fight they say they didn’t want. 
“You really are smarter than they give you credit for” the serious look on their face is replaced with a shrug, almost as if they no longer care. “How do you know what a hive mind is? Right now it’s just adding to my list of non-human traits about you.” 
This time it’s you who shrugs “met a hive mind before. And let me tell you, they were a son of a bitch to kill. Listen you got a name? I’d like something to call you other than kid slash creepy being in my head.” 
A round of roaring laughter leaves them this time “Oh I am starting to like you.” They pause almost contemplative before answering “You. May call me Zazie. Zazie the beast, the same as Millions Knives does.” Zazie makes a grand sweeping gesture as they say their name, and almost one of contempt at the mention of your lover’s twin. “Which leads me to a question, miss Ghost Sniper. What do you know about the twins?” A maniacal grin is on their face now, and you know this has nothing to do with either plant now. Zazie knows something you might not. 
“Guess that depends on what you know about them” this gets another laugh from Zazie who agrees with your comeback.
“So you know they’re not human too. I guess any details after that don’t really matter. So my non-human friend, who do you think I should let live on this planet with me. Humans or Plants?” You roll your eyes at being called a non-human, sure you don’t know about all your parts but you know your DNA is still human. At least you think so. 
“Both, they just need to figure out a way to do that without killing one another.” It’s an honest answer, because you’ve seen enough death in your life, enough genocide from one species to another and in the end the winner is left empty. 
“That’s a rather naive response. I figured you’d be more inclined to give an answer, given your unique history with one of the twins.” 
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” you find your eyes narrowed once more, and sneer on your face as you stare at Zazie. Nothing but a playful grin reflected back at you, he knows something and like the cheshire cat, he’s going to keep it close to his chest.
“Let’s just say, I think monsters like us need to stick together. Never know when the plant you share a bed with might be the reason you almost get killed. Besides, I'm the whole planet Mayfly , I know just how close you and your so called partner really are. In fact I’ve been following the two of you for a while, and I have to say I am intrigued by you.” That has you swallowing hard, if Zazie knows, and they’ve made it very clear they are on at least working terms with Knives then Knives knows all about your relationship. And it might fill in the blank as to who decided to throw a bounty on your head. It takes care of two birds with one stone, you can’t make money and it puts you in the cross hairs of every bounty hunter and outlaw in Noman’s Land. 
“How much does Knives know about the two of us? And what exactly was your plan here today all about?” You try to keep the anger from your voice, and to keep your questions from sounding like commands. You need answers if you want to make sure you and Vash go up against Knives with all the information at your disposal. 
“He knows enough to know you’d make great bait for his twin. But not so many more of the intimate details of what happens behind closed doors. After all, you do hate sand in your parts.” That is one shit eating grin that’s planted across their face as they look down at you. “As for today. I was told to cause some drama. Nothing more, nothing less.” 
Well, now you’re flushed a deep crimson glad for the dim lighting and lack of other people around. From now on, you are only having sex with Vash behind a closed door. “What about Meryl? If you were just sent to cause drama will you let me have Meryl back?” 
“You can have both reporters. You’re almost to them now anyway. This has been a fun little chat.” Standing up they send you another shit eating grin “I think you should consider my offer of sticking together. But for now, I need to go rile up your boyfriend, who’d have thought he’d be that willing to come back for you after being fired out a grand worms nose!” 
“Wait, I have more” you find your voice fading away as Zazie does the bug thing again, disappearing from sight “questions.” You have so many more questions, doubting Zazie’s words, worried about what had happened since he said both reporters. Letting the hand you hadn’t realized you raised drop down to your side.
A lead weight dropping in your stomach just as quickly. 
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Omg I just found your blog yesterday and I’m obsessed. I’m so happy you write for sf9! Not many ppl do! I was wondering if I could request smut #9 with Dawon??
Hey, I'm glad you like here! Thank you for requesting~ ♡
Dawon (SF9) | Giggly smut | 0.9k
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His hands slide up your sides, fingers strumming across your ribcage. You shift in his lap, smile on your lips as they meet his. He smiles too, drunk on the way the candlelight dances across your skin, how your eyes sparkle as if they held galaxies. He’s drunk on you and your sweet taste, and the feeling of your warm walls clenching around him. He pulls you closer, making you sigh as he grinds deeper into you.
“I love you,” you sing-song, brushing your nose against his as your hands play with his hair. You bounce on his cock a little, making him giggle into the kiss.
“I love you too,” Sanghyuk coos sweetly, “And I'm happy I get to hold you like this.”
You slow down your movements, watching his eyelids flutter and lips stretch in another smile. You laugh, tracing his jaw with your finger. He's handsome like this, the shadows accenting some of his features and hiding others, giving him a mysterious vibe. You pick up the pace again, just to see him furrow his brows and glare at you as you chase your high, pushing him towards his as well. His hands find their place on your hips, guiding you to fuck yourself better and faster on his cock. You whimper, clenching around him and he's twitching inside you, both your orgasms in sight.
And so you slow down again. You lower yourself into his lap and still for a second, feeling his tip push against a spot inside you that makes your toes curl. It drives you crazy. Him too, his breathing stuttering. You lazily grind together, just the barest of movements. It keeps you on edge, but it's not enough. It makes you feel like you're floating, euphoric and mad for each other.
Your gazes lock and you both laugh a whiny but satisfied kind of laugh, leaning closer again and kissing. His tongue explores your mouth and you let him take control, willingly submitting to him until he lets you pull away.
"Your hands are so warm," you giggle against his mouth, not going anywhere far.
"Are they?" he responds in just as fucked out manner. He slides them up your body until they're cupping your breasts and squeezing slightly. You make a noise between a chuckle and whine. The additional stimulation does not make you think any more clearly. He laughs at you, finding you so cute, but also his self control is hanging by a thread as you're clenching around him probably without even noticing. 
"Y-Yeah," you swallow, giggling as he squeezes again, "Feels so good."
"Hmmm, all I ever want is to make you feel good," Sanghyuk chuckles right back. His thumbs circle around your nipples, further turning your brain into a mush. He’s not any better, his mind is hazy and he could swear all of his ability to feel is concentrated in his dick.
“Wanna make you feel good too,” you murmur, leaning down to kiss him. This time he allows you to stick your tongue down his throat. You feel him smile, he feels you smile, it feels like you’re floating on a cloud nine together, far away from the world.
“You’re making me feel so good baby, so very good,” he grins against your lips. He thrusts his hips upwards, making you call out his name and sink your names into his shoulders. You feel yourself soaking his cock and the sheets.
“Feel how hard you make me?” he gives you another hard thrusts and you see stars, “Feel me leaking inside you? That’s how good you feel.” His lips attack your neck, stretched into a smirk as he kisses a path down to your collarbones. You follow his lead, slamming your hips down to meet his thrusts. Giggle bubbles out of your throat as tears well up in your eyes. You’re getting close again and this time you know you’ll both reach your high and it makes you so happy you can’t contain the feeling. Neither can he, his own excited giggles vibrating against your skin. 
The room is loud with the sounds of skin slapping and your mingling laughter and giggles and kisses. You can’t keep your eyes open anymore, feeling the pleasure coiling low in your belly and overwhelming all your senses. If you weren’t holding onto him you swear you’d fall. He grounds you as much as he rocks your world. It’s so wet it’s almost embarrassing, but it lubes so good his moves are fluid and feel better than anything you’ve ever felt. His hips slam into yours at perfect speed and when he takes your nipple into his mouth, you’re a goner.
You bite down on his shoulder to muffle the scream, which pushes him over the edge too along with your pussy milking him dry. He slows down but rides his orgasm as your releases spill around his dick and drip into the sheets. He watches for only a fraction of a second before he has to look away. The sight is enough to make him consider another round despite how drained you both are.
He feels you slump against him, sinking on his cock instead of allowing him to pull out and he chuckles, patting your head.
“You alright, baby?” Sanghyuk asks softly, caressing your back and arms.
“So warm, so nice,” you purr with a smile, nuzzling into the crook of his neck, “Can we stay like this?” He kisses your temple in response.
“Of course,” he coos, “You also feel warm and nice. I’m really happy right now.” He whispers the last sentence, a smile blooming on his lips. His cheeks begin to hurt from all the smiling.
“Me too, baby. I love you.”
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berlinini · 2 years
🚨🚨🚨 new ask game alert 🚨🚨🚨
drop your favorite lyric from each fitf song and let us see if you have taste or not!
and tag whoever you want to do the same!
Thanks anon and thanks @louis-in-red and @polaroidplanets for tagging me!
I'm tagging @bbrox @ellabellami @otb-mp3 @random-hot-mess @quetzal28 @icarusfallsforwalls @pianolouis @chewsdays @biggerthanmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Answers below the cut :)
The Greatest
Your face reminded me of a love you cannot hide
When we're finished saying nothing
SAYING. NOTHING. !!!!!! He's a genius
Bigger Than Me
I didn't read the signs Walkin' different lines I know I took a left Tryna make it right
I love the play of words with left and right. It's clever!
Lucky Again
You give and give until it's gone away
Face The Music
I don't wanna face the music, but I still wanna dance with you
Explanation here.
Just because it didn't work doesn't mean it's meaningless to me It just wasn't meant to be
This is so simple, so direct, so hearbreaking. I love the repetitive use of the negative. He could've said "it didn't work but it was meaningful to me". But he said it wasn't meaningless. It had meaning even if it didn't work. Chicago has so many layers and interpretations, it's driving me insane. But I'm happy with the mystery. But it's so fkg sad :(.
All This Time
It's late now I'm tryna find the words to say for ages Just have patience It's not how you spend the time, it's if you waste it
Love the reference to Defenceless and the image of wasting time when thinking about the theme of change on the album.
And I keep on building mountains hoping that they'll turn to gold
I have no idea what this line means but it's beautiful.
Out Of My System
Slowly, I never wanna go slowly I only wanna go faster Towards disaster every time With me, I know you wanna come with me Take anything you can carry And leave everythin' else behind
Sometimes, I wake up and I hear you through the silence
Someone needs to make a compilation of Louis writing about silence and not finding the words to express himself
I'm gazin' at the floor Somebody's got your trainers on The ones that you wore When you walked out the door
I'm starin' at the door Somebody's got your trainers on The ones that you wore But you're not here anymore
I LOVE the repetition of this verse with the changes. I think it's some of my favourite lyrics of the album because it's so simple but relatable. He uses a simple object to bring up the image of the break up (walking out the door) and then uses that word again in the moment (starin' at the door) and conjuring the image of absence (you're not here anymore). You're not here anymore and you will never be here again. All of this from a stupid pair of SHOES he's insane. (And if I say: 'And all that's left of us is a cupboard full of clothes').
Silver Tongues
You said grass was a dirty drug You like to preach with a vodka in your mug
Louis writing this and Alex Turner writing 'Whilst wondering if your mother ever think of me' are the best things that happened to the world of lyrics in 2022. Kings of shade.
Surrounded by light, surrounded by light
TBHC I don't know any of the lyrics to this song, I'm just no thought just vibes! And this part has the greatest vibes!
Common People
I came from a good home A house full of terrace dreams That was enough for me
Angels Fly
I'm on my way with some time to borrow
Holding On To Heartache
I still have dreams about it The moments as they came The moments never shown to us Because we faded into darkness
I can still hear your silence I can still hear a clock that's tickin'
Nothing's ever easy To be honest, I'm not easy on myself
That's The Way Love Goes
Remember when you told me I should give it time? Well, here's the chance for you to take your own advice
The reference to Miss You!
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crazylilad · 1 year
Red- Chapter 14
AN: Just an Fyi, this is a TWD fanfiction, meaning there are a lot of TWs, including loads of violence (of all kinds)
No smut!
Please make sure to reblog, like, or whatever you wanna do! That helps me want to continue writing these kinds of stories and to figure out what people want
I ran through the woods, Matthew right behind me. 
My breaths came in harsh and my legs were screaming in protest. Just a bit farther. I promised myself. 
Matthew stumbled out of the underbrush and doubled over, his cheeks red and mouth open as he huffed for a breath. I moved his arm around my shoulder and kept going. 
I flinched as a bullet ricocheted off a tree to my left. It was too close. They were too close. 
But this was only the start 
If you'd like to be tagged or removed, please let me know!
@fromsamsdiningtable @thefemininemystiquee @infectedbydaryl @ellablossom @azanoni @shadylilac @fuseburner
Chapter 14
“It needs to be stitched, or at least cleaned up.” Rossary said for the umpteenth time. I placed the last pack of food into the car before stomping over to the passenger side. We had just barely started packing the car up before Rossary had noticed the gunshot wound on my shoulder. 
She kept pestering about cleaning it up before it got worse. She was right. Now, especially without any adrenaline pumping through my veins, I could tell just how badly the bullet had grazed me. 
“Let’s get outta here first. Find a place to stop for the night.” I mumbled. 
Rossary was looking toward the house, her hands clenching the door handle to the passenger side. I wasn’t entirely sure she was in the right mindset to drive right now even if she had insisted. I watched as a walker stumbled toward us. Rossary touched her hunting knife before she shook her head and got in. I drove away before it was near us. 
My arm stung, but it was no longer bleeding. I wanted to get as far away from that place as possible. I could wait a while longer.
Rossary on the other hand…
She rubbed the bridge of her nose. “At least let me look at it?” 
“Will you keep your worrying to yourself after?” My words came out harsh and I clenched my teeth as tight as I could to keep from saying anything else. I was such an asshole. The more I looked at her the more I could see just how worked up this group had her. Based on what those two men were saying, I could only imagine. And yet here I was, unreasonable grumpy because she was worrying over me.
Rossary didn’t say anything, hurt shining in her eyes. “Sorry,” she murmured.
I was going to kill william. Daryl was snoring next to me, his body tense. 
It had taken only an hour before he finally agreed to let me drive. His shoulder still wasn’t stitched up, but it wasn’t bleeding and with some pain medicine we had found, it didn’t seem to bother him anymore.
I had urged him to go to sleep as soon as I had the chance, hoping he’d agree. Thankfully, he was exhausted and did as I said, telling me to wake him if I needed something. 
The sun would set soon meaning I wouldn’t be able to follow William’s car tracks anymore. I needed to go faster before I lost this chance. My fingers clenched the steering wheel, my jaw set in determination. I would know exactly where William’s group was staying.
A satisfying smirk rested on my face as I remembered back to when Matthew and I left the group. We had gone through the old school buildings toward the back exit, making sure no one saw us. Before we had left though, I managed to detour to the kitchen where the gas stoves were. 
With very little convincing, Matthew and I turned the gas part of the stove on. We didn’t stay much longer, but from afar we had seen the black smoke that filled the early morning sky. I knew William was smarter than to stay at the school still. The black smoke was like a flag for any group that wanted to hurt them. 
Where they now resided was a mystery for me. Well, not for long that is.
Daryl stirred next to me, his hand leaving the console to wipe the tiredness in his eyes. “Where are we?” Daryl asked, looking at a sign we just passed. 
I clenched my jaw, not knowing what to say. 
We passed another sign, this one saying something about how close we were to some city. Daryl sat up, now fully awake.
“The hell?” He turned to me. “Where are we?” 
“I have to kill him.” I said firmly, revenge being the only thing on my mind. There was nothing going through my head but the promise I made a long time ago to destroy him.
Daryl seemed to understand and he turned toward me. “Stop the car.”
I ignored him. 
“Stop. The. Car.” he growled, more demanding this time. “Rossary!” I weighed my options. From the corner of my eye Daryl’s hands slowly reached over, as if to get ahold of the wheel.
He wouldn’t. This was a scare tactic. It had to be. He had to understand. 
I was drowning in a thousand different possibilities of what would happen if I ignored the redneck beside me. If I didn’t stop I would find William and make him pay. There would be nothing in my way. I could know exactly where he slept. But if I kept going, I would be putting Daryl in more danger than I already had.
Guilt ate at my stomach. It was my fault he was shot. My fault he had to help me kill people he had no quarrels with.
I slowed the car down in the middle of the road. I bit my lower lip, still processing all of my options. My boots touched the gravel road and I slammed the door behind me.
“God! Are you serious!” I yelled at him, not caring about how loud I was. I was angry. 
Daryl took a step toward me. “What were you gonna do?! Follow your boy back and kill 'em all? There ain’t no way to know what kind of weaponry they got!”
I scoffed. “I was there! I know the way they fight. I would’ve been fine-”
“You would’a been fine? You just panicked in the woods ‘cuz of them assholes! How you gonna act around them all?”
I closed my mouth and calmed myself, a walker coming out the woods far ahead of us. I hated myself. I hated how willing I was to sacrifice others just to get what I wanted. 
My voice hardened. I couldn’t calm down. I just wanted to run and hide away from the world.“You have no idea what they did to me. And now they get to get away with it scot-free.”
Daryl looked at me, his eyes softening ever so slightly. He spoke with a calmer voice than I had.  “Then tell me.” 
I looked away. I couldn’t remember some things, I was too drugged when they happened, and the rest of the time I was trapped, wondering what day would be my last. I shook my head and wiped the sweat off my upper lip. I was better than this.
“William used to parade me around like a dog. Like I was some animal. I wasn’t a person to him or his group, I was a toy they could play with. And- and the day I got out was the day they were planning on doing worse-” My voice broke. “For everyone to watch. So yeah, I want revenge, and I don’t give a damn what it takes.”
Daryl chewed his cheek and looked down at me before nodding slowly. “You’ll get your revenge, but now ain’t the time. Not with the Governor still alive and not when we’re barely hangin’ on. We’ll get ‘em. All of ‘em. But not ain’t the time.”
“When’s the right time? We will always be fighting.” I felt humiliated when I realized just how I was acting. I would’ve gotten us killed.
He stepped forward. “When all this shit is done with, I’ll kill ‘em all personally, ya just gotta give me time.”
I bit my lip and looked down at the road, the walker getting closer. My hand touched my knife. He would help me, I realized. He would come along and kill them all himself if that was what I wanted. 
We just needed time. I nodded.
Daryl took a few more hesitant steps forward and pulled me closer to him. I buried my head into his chest, his head resting on mine. He smelt of cigarettes and the outdoors. My shoulder fell as I took in this moment. I wish I could stay in this moment forever.
 “You don’t gotta worry about them finding ya.” He murmured. “Yer safe.”
Those words comforted me more than any hug ever could.
My hands stayed perfectly still as I pulled the needle through Daryl’s skin. I moved his jacket out of the way once more, pretending to not see his flinch when his back became slightly more visible. I wasn’t going to hide the fact that I was curious as to why he flinched, but also I wouldn’t ask.
There was a new understanding between us after I told him a bit about what happened to me and we hadn’t said much to one another on the drive to a shed we found while driving back toward the prison. I didn’t regret telling him. He wasn’t pushy in the details and seemed to understand my anger even when I felt stupid for acting out.
“We can stay the night here then take off in the morning.” I said. Daryl let out a grunt, nodding slightly. 
I bit my lip. “I’ve killed twenty of their people.” He sucked in a breath. I nodded. There was a candle lighting up the small area. Neither of us enjoyed the dark.  “That’s not even my total kill count.” 
“Why are you tellin’ me?” Daryl asked, his gruff voice coming out colder than intended. “Sorry,” he whispered out. 
I shook it off, knowing his tone of voice wasn’t something he could always control. I took a breath in. “If you think there's even a sliver of a chance that I’m a threat… then I want you to leave me tomorrow and go back to the prison by yourself. Tell them a lie if you have to.”
I wrapped his shoulder in gauze, staying quiet as I let him think through what I just told him. I could survive out here by myself, but Matthew needed people, he needed a family. I didn’t need people around me to keep me sane, but he did. He wouldn’t survive another trip on the road. 
Daryl shook his head before turning to give me a determined look. “You ain’t a threat.”
I bit my tongue. He had no idea what I was capable of, even I didn’t. “How do you know?”
“I’ve seen the way you are with Matthew, with Maggie and Beth… you care for all of ‘em…” I chewed the inside of my cheek, watching my hands as he continued to speak. “Ya wouldn’t hurt anyone unless you needed to. I know ya.” 
He was so certain. But there were some things he would never be able to know, things I had done that weren’t forgivable. That no one should be able to get away with. I stared at him. Every unnecessary kill, every taunt and threat I had made played through my head. 
Daryl cleared his throat before moving to sit on the dirt floor. It was a cramped shed that wasn’t completed, but it was safe enough for both of us to sleep. I sat in front of him, my back pin straight as I leaned against the wall. 
“How’d ya learn to fight?” Daryl asked. He picked at his fingers.
I shrug. “I had to. Nothing is permanent out here; I knew fighting was the only way I’d survive so I started practicing. William was actually the one who taught me most of what I know. But, I learned a lot about knives as a kid. I just kind of became interested in that kind of thing… One day I began begging my dad to pay for classes. And when that didn’t work, I taught myself.” I snorted. “Taught myself how to throw knives at night when my parents were asleep…” 
I paused, smiling. It was something I was proud of. 
“What happened?” Daryl was staring at me, his gaze intense. 
I shrug. “My parents found out. God, they were pissed… I got grounded for months, and wasn't allowed to do anything but school work. It was awful.” I cleared my throat, smiling softly when I thought about everything that once was normal. “I hated them for it, but I learned to get over it.”
“You forgave ‘em?” he asked. I nodded. Daryl scoffed. He had a sort of proud glint in his eyes and a crooked smile on his face. “So what? You just decided ya wanted to learn?” I could hear the suspicion clearly.
I nodded. “What about you? Any cool stories to tell?”
He snorted and shook his head. “Nah, Merle and I… we weren’t exactly into school so I got no stories about that, and my old man wasn’t the best.”
There wasn’t much I could do to comfort him, or to change what his past was like no matter how much I wanted to, so I clicked my tongue. “That sucks. I’m sorry,” 
He shrugged. I didn’t look away from him, hoping I would come up with something to say but nothing came to mind. Instead, I clicked my flashlight on and rummaged through a pile of junk that was next to me. 
Daryl crouched next to me and pulled a few hats out of the way. I looked down at the AC/DC CD before raising a brow at Daryl. I wasn’t too big of a fan but they had good songs.
He snorted as I unzipped my bag and placed it next to the letter. “What’s that?” Daryl gestured to the letter.
“Oh, it was in one of the rooms. It’s some letter telling the girl’s parents of her success and dreams.” I spoke in a false posh accent, remembering the school letter.
He scoffed. “And you kept it?”
I frowned, somewhat embarrassed he had seen it. I honestly don’t know why I kept it.  “Um…”
“I just didn’t realize you were a hoarder.” Daryl snorted. 
I scoff. “It’s cool to find these sorts of things. She obviously didn’t want her parents to know and- I don’t know- I was just searching her room when I found it…” I smiled sheepishly. Daryl laughed. I let out a snort. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
He pulled out a folder filled with papers and held it out to me, “You wanna keep this also?”
“Stop,” I grumbled.
We continued to look through the piles of junk occasionally finding something worth taking. 
“Do you regret any of it?” he suddenly asked. My brows furrowed. Daryl looked up “Everything you’ve done, hurting the people you’ve hurt.”
“I regret not regretting it.” I say. Sometimes I find myself up at night wondering if I’m some sort of monster for that, but it was easy for me to admit after saying it to myself so many times. “What about you? Did you do anything you regret?”
Daryl shrugged, obviously uncomfortable. I leaned back, my elbows resting on my knees as I waited for a response. “I regret letting you stay back with Jim.”
My mouth went dry.
Rossary sat on the counter, her elbows on her knees. She watched Rick intently. After we got back, Rossary and I were told Andrea had come back and offered them a chance at peace. Now, we were supposed to meet up with the one-eyed dictator tomorrow. We had made it back to the prison early afternoon and had gone immediately to find Rick. Now, we were sitting in the prison generator room, telling Rick of William’s group and all that we had encountered.
“Two got away the last time?” Rick asked. He was pacing the room, his eyes on Rossary.
Rosary nodded. “And one this time.”
He stared at her, his face hard and calculating. “Tell me about them.” 
Rossary sighed. We had been in the room for over an hour now. “They’re a large group. Maybe twenty, thirty men-”
“And the women?” Rick asked.
Rossary flinched. “Not a lot, I don’t know…” She bit her lip. “The women and kids don’t leave the compound, no one does unless they have permission…” Rossary gestured towards me. “They go out looking for men. Men as strong as the ones here, but who are submissive. And they kill the ones who aren’t.”
I stare at her. She was hard to read. Her body language was nothing short of composed. Her nails dug into her hands, letting me know she was anything but.
“If they had found Daryl… They’d have killed him.”
Rick and I stared at her, taking in her words. Rossary shook her head. “they're worse than The Governor.” 
Rick stayed quiet. After a minute, he nodded. “Alright. We let the other’s know to keep an eye out. We prepare to fight this group as well.” Rossary opened her mouth. “Even if they won’t mess with us, it’s better to be prepared.”
Rossary left before either of us could say anything else. I watched her leave, listening to her footsteps depart before I spoke. “It’s good we have her with us.” And, while I didn’t like him all that much, I added, “Matthew too.”
“Me too,” Rick said. He rubbed between his eyes with his fingers. He looked more rested since coming back from that run with Michonne and Carl, like there was a weight off his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here with us.”
I didn’t know how to respond to his words. I nod. “Me too.”
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 years
1 & 8 for the most recent ask game <3
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Angst with a happy ending (mostly. I'd say 79% happy, 21% bittersweet and 1% it gets worse). As I said in the other ask I like to expand on canon, mostly taking the end as my first point. That's how I start, at least, then after I spend some time in the fandom, who knows, lol.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I'm going to dig into Royai here obviously 😝
I wanna keep it short this time, so this is from one of my current WIPs, a fic that was supposed to be short crack and is now delving into a multichapter... You guessed it, angst fest. Context : this is roughly 10 years after Promised Day. Roy got everything he worked for, including being trialled and sent to prison (but Hawkeye was not, he made sure of it). But he's set free a lot faster than he'd expected (as I'd he expected to be set free at all) and now... What ? Well, someone has plans for him. And Hawkeye.
Anyway, I found I like to write Chris, and I love to write people bullying Roy (nicely)(isn't it the favourite activity of this fandom really ?)
(also bad Roy here has been eavesdropping on Chris, who was on the phone with a mystery person, talking about a mystery guy, who's been dumb. Lots of mystery, here.)(it seems I love to write stupid Roy too)
Chris entered the kitchen, eyebrows raised. Her eyes fell on the tin box.
"Didn't picture you as a verbena tea guy." She walked past him, and touched his hair as she did when he was young - taking her hand away when he couldn't help but tense.
"Goes with the grey hair, I guess."
"Hawkeye says it suits me." He grunted, unable to stop himself.
" 'course she does."
I don't know if I'm proud but it makes me smile. It's a fun little bit between less fun stuff.
Thanks for sending this ask !! 😊
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we-are-madd · 3 months
had a dream that was the beginning of a video game that sadly doesn't exist so i'm going to share it here so i don't forget about it and perhaps even write more later
so this is a little bit in the future but not too far so not too much has changed right. the character you play as is this kind of doomsday kind of guy who's paranoid about The Government and WW3 and stuff. so he builds a super secure secret bunker in his basement Just In Case(TM)
uh oh! dinosaurs! jurassic park type situation happens near the town and. well. Problems! also these dinos are multiplying Fast. like faster than an animal should be able to multiply.
so The Government(TM) is like hm we have to do something about these dinos. i know. spray gas over the town that dissolves organic matter down to the bone. no need to warn the residents.
so your guy sees helicopters start spraying shit over the town and runs over and starts knocking on doors (risking his life to do this btw. there's still Dinosaurs Everywhere) and is like hey uhhh the government is spraying something on us i have a bunker if you wanna not die. and everyones like dude you're overreacting it probably won't even affect humans just reptiles. so youre like ok have fun dying to Mystery Mist. go back to the bunker and hide for a few days until you're tired of eating nothing but canned soup (you did not plan that far ahead for The Apocalypse in terms of food). go outside with a gas mask and gloves and shit and. everything is dead. all the plants and stuff. cautiously make your way toward the town. see a dino skeleton. yay the dinos are dead. keep going. see a human skeleton. Oh Fuck(TM). knock on doors and break some down. Everyone Is Dead.
have the saddest possible I Told You So moment then open your phone. no signal. anywhere. well that's an issue. go home and contemplate life. but a little bit later your phone starts ringing and it won't even say the number it's calling from. immediately pick up (yay signs of life!) and a seemingly recorded message says "come to the center of the city". try to ask why but it just hangs up. well you have no better option. get in the car and Start Driving. note that your house is on the edge of the town so it's A Big Drive to the center of the city. as you're driving you see more and more wreckage. crashed cars with nothing but bones inside. massive dino skeletons still in the positions they died in (i remember vividly one moment where there's a t-rex skeleton fighting a giant spidery thing where the trex is on the ground and the spidery thing is on a bridge on the highway and it looked really cool okay. i know spiders don't have bones but shh). you have to kind of dodge crashed cars as you're trying to make your way through
and that's where the dream ended :(
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