#you wouldn't wish it on your friends so why this person you dont know on the internet
Small guide for internet drama
take a Fucking Step Back™
screenshots or it didn't happen
if screenshots, context or it isn't real 2.5. if screenshots, is it actually proof or no
if real proof, show dates or it isn't recent 3.5. if not recent, show recent examples or it isn't accurate
Is it actually an issue or just stupid internet dicourse
If it's real and recent, do you actually need to do anything about this
If you absolutly have to do something about it, dont make stuff up
that's it, that's all you have to do
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torchstelechos · 2 months
Do yall think about the ending of ISAT in any other characters POV? Cause I think about it so much, that must be buck fucking wild. Like, you get to Dormont after MONTHS of traveling with these people, you're feeling strong, you feel like you have a chance, so yall go separate directions to get everything done before the big day tomorrow and your buddy Siffrin goes to take a nap. You're like, ah! Classic Siffrin, so silly and nonchalant about everything, they never once thought we would lose. What a swell fella :). Then not even a full half a day later, more like a few hours later, he appears out of no where with a fucked up face and starts hitting you exactly where it hurts emotionally. No reason! You didn't do a fucking thing! They just fucking went for it! And now you're pissed cause that was a close friend of yours that you considered family, you're sad, you're mad, you dont understand what happened. You meet up with everyone at the clocktower early because apparently he did that to everyone! So good! Good! It's not just a you thing! You all talk it out and you all agree that maybe you should leave them behind tomorrow if they keep acting like this. Except. Except. They never came to the clocktower, they never came to talk to you about what happened and thats. Not acceptable. You need to understand what happened because after sleeping on it, why did he do that? They wouldn't ever do that to all of you, so something must have happened!
And then a Star appears.
And you learn exactly what has been happening behind the scenes but it doesnt make sense. But you know that your buddy just went to solo the house and you know they arent strong enough to do so, you know exactly what their level and strength and weaknesses are and the King is rock type! He's going to kill Siffrin if you dont go save them! So you start running through the house to go save them while the Star guides you, but the doors are all unlocked. There are ghosts everywhere. The hallways dont make sense. Something is broken, failing, and you are running out of time. so you climb up and up and up until finally you get to the final floor and then to the King's room expecting Siffrin to be a splat on the floor but. He's still alive, theres a chance! So you go and protect them from the King but uh, huh. The King is nearly dead? Siffrin almost solo'ed the King? A scissors type versus a rock type nearly won? And it was only a nearly and not a he won because Siffrin was frozen in time? What???? So you freeze the King, you save Siffrin, but they're injured and sick and have a fever so you try to take them to the head housemaiden to get healed but uh. Shes speaking nonsense??? Utter bullshit. Skipping, repeating, saying things out of order, and then she says you all can go home and everything falls apart around you.
Cause Siffrin? Yeah, your buddy who was being a tad bit of an asshole? And they just solo'ed the bad guy without you? Yeah, he's the last boss you need to beat actually. And they're huge! So big! You get ready for them to fight you, except he. Attacks himself. In front of all of you while crying. He's sad. They're hurting themself. You can not do anything but you start to connect the dots and you figure everything out. Then everything becomes normal again and they say what they wished for and hey! You wanted that too! So you hug them as he cries himself out and all of you are tired. That was a lot. They're craft tired and sick but they're okay. So you're happy and relax. They want to go back to Dormont, so you all go. Then THIS LITTLE ASSHOLE WALTZES OFF ONLY TO COME BACK INJURED TO HELL AND BACK???? He said he was going to go say thanks to that Star person, who you still aren't sure is a person but whatever, and then he comes back exhausted and clearly just used craft after being told not to?
Anyway I think about this a lot, it must have been a long and confusing two days from their POV
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fatuismooches · 4 months
i like to think that childe would show [name] (fragile!reader) how he fights. he's showing off a little, yes, but he really just wants some praise for once. so you're the first person he could think of near the palace. and you could also tell him about how you fought when you could back then, and he'd maybe try to do it. why you ask, well...
1, he can learn new fighting styles and stuff, and he always wants to be better (clearly)
2, he heard from pulcenelli that reliving old memories can help if you feel sad, in pain or stressed, so he thought it could help you a little, and get that emotion out yk.
3, you get a distraction from your illness, so maybe the pain doesnt feel as bad, if just for a little. which is always a plus.
oh and dont forget to tell dottore that he isnt trying to steal you away from him, he cant exactly hurt the other harbingers without consent, so the agents will have to be the stress relief for that (and i dont think sweets can calm down smt on that level)
-luv ya
Initially, after Dottore found out about Childe's unwelcome visits to your room, the Eleventh stayed away for a bit only because he feared getting on worse terms with the Second. He did feel bad about leaving you, but with lots of persistence, you were able to reinstate his visiting privileges! (Just don't let the segments interrupt you two. The atmosphere gets really stuffy...)
Childe didn't trust you at first, probably still has some reservations still considering you're with Dottore, but finds your personality and demeanor refreshing. You're quite open and honest with him which is a stark difference compared to his co-workers, just what he likes. So whenever you're nice to him, he knows you're being genuine, and well... he enjoys the company.
You're the one who probably told him the stories of how you fought back then in the Akademiya, how you used to protect Dottore from malfunctioning Ruin Machines to Treasure Hoarders alike. Needless to say Childe is fascinated and most definitely wants to fight you, but for obvious reasons neither of you can. He's also asked you if Dottore or his clones would be willing to duel with him. For his sake, you always decline.
Instead, he settles with showing you his moves, which is entertaining for both of you. In the beginning, you just give him lots of tips from your experience, but when he continues to stick around you can figure out he's trying to distract you from your illness pretty easily. You're grateful, the segments are jealous that some ginger is stealing your attention, but they can't do anything.
Of course, if Dottore had it his way, he would have it so that Tartaglia wouldn't appear six feet near you, but seeing how happy you are to see this... 'friend' of yours, well, at the end of the day he's secretly just a man who succumbs to your silly wishes despite his protesting.
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reikoknshii · 6 months
🎤 His Charming Smile 📰
Izaack Gauss x Fem! Reader
You're his camera woman, his sole attention was on the camera you're holding as he told the whole television his daily news.
There's something bugging you whenever you're working with him, His smile. His smile melt you on the spot you feel weak while holding the camera in your hands, then again you have to remind yourself that he's smiling not for you but for the television news.
You're aware, aware that he's above you. He's famous, handsome, he had everything yet he choose to live in a apartment. You go there occasionally to send in his news scripts to practice, and thats that..
"tough day?" the doorwoman asked as she stared at you as you got out of the metal door. "Yeah..yeah-" you said softly as you stared into her chocolate eyes.
"You're into him?"
"Who wouldn't"
"Well some has preferences" The doorwoman answered as she fixed some files and putting them in the folder.
"Maybe one day, Dont give up Y/n" she said looking at you through the glass window. "Thanks Ann" you thanked her as you went in your Van to go home.
It was 1 am in the morning your telephone was ringing repeatedly, you grudgingly stood up from your bed and picked it up. "Hello...its L/n you're calling at 1 am this better be important-"
"Y/nnnnn...." A familiar voice slurred through the telephone as you frozed for a minute.
"Mister gauss?" You asked to confirm. "Why are you calling at 1 am midnight? Did i forgot something to bring to yo-"
"I wanna saayyy...you look..dashingggg..~"
'Is...he drunk?'
"Mister gauss are you drunk?.." You asked abit flustered from the compliment you heard from the drunk man.
"Yeah you're drunk..." You said and sighed, he probably said those things because of alcohol. "Where are you? Ill pick you up mister gauss" you said through the phone leaving it on speaker as you get your coat. "Its...the bar near the apartment.."
"On it.."
"I....please be safe"
"Of course mister gauss"
You were leading out Izaack of the bar leaving his passed out friends on the bar counter, one of them are sober tho so they'll be fine.
"Had a fun night Mister gauss?" You asked as you guide him to your Van's front seat. "I..mm...yeah"
"Yeah seems like it..." You said softly as he sat on the front seat. You went in the driver's seat and started your Van.
"Mmm...stranger...theres thisss one person who always care for me" Izaack drunkly slurred his eyes barely open as his face leaned on the closed window of the van.
You stayed silent trying to start your van and letting him talk. "She's so...Gorgeous..yet she doesn't see herself that way"
"I see.."
"I wish..Y/n knows....she's such a pretty lady and she's the reason i smile to the camera she's holdingg..." This brings shock to your face as you slowly turn to the drunk reporter, your face was blushing as the Van started. You saw the apartment building was locked, so you brought him to your house.
Your telephone was ringing when you dropped Izaack to your couch. You went to pick it up incase its something important.
"Ah y/n..i locked the apartment buildings there's uhm...cleaning services going so if Izaack is with you-"
"Yeah He's with me.."
"Great..thats great, can you do me a favor and just let him stay for tonight?"
"Y-yeah sure"
"Who knows what will happen~"
"Ann! I'm not that kind of person"
"Haha yeah i know bunbun, have a nice night"
You turned to Izaack and sighed, the memory of his drunk slurs in your van was repeating over and over as you cleaned him up and dragged him to your bed.
"Guess its the couch for tonight" you muttered to yourself as you tucked in the passed out reporter.
"I'm..the reason for his charming smile"  you muttered with a pink face as you lay on the couch, you smiled unknowingly and closed your eyes to sleep..
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polyamorousmood · 4 months
Hey there :)
So I have no problem with my bf dating other people, and recently hes started having sth with someone else. Good for them! Legit, no problem with that by itself
But.. now I'm being left on read a lot, like majority of the time it feels like, no matter the topic or time. I just feel.. forgotten, I think, or replaced idk. But it feels pretty bad.
I dont want them to think I'm jealous or mad, I just wish he would still show me the same attention/care as before. Ive talked about how left on read makes me very insecure, due to fake friends and person past experiences before so I dont want to bring it up again.. but it hurts. Idk what to do?
Bad news, babe. You're gonna have to say something again. The good news though is that you can productively procrastinate it, because there's some stuff I want you to do first.
But before I get into that, I let having a cool opening distract me from very important other things that need said: That sucks, and I'm really sorry, but you can make it through this.
Now then. Time to productively procrastinate a difficult conversation. Look, I'm procrastinating it more by making it a read more! (It, um, it is A Lot. I took "blogging platform" literally on this one😅)
It sucks. Believe me, it bothers me too when I can't hear from my partner📵📴 because they're with my meta. It has been A Problem I've had to work through, so I think I'm actually pretty qualified to give advice on this.
Some of what I have to say is going to smart (old-timey word for sting) a bit, so I want to make it clear that I understand where you're coming from, so you can trust the part that stings is necessary. I imagine its something like this:
You relationship with your boyfriend is great! So great, you're happy for him to have someone else to love! That's. That's so rare and incredible, its a love beyond what most will know. And then he takes that love and wads it up and throws it in the back seat to make room for this new schmuck. The love is still there, it's just... in the back seat. And you never thought that would happen, because the relationship is so good! And you already said something, so you worry you're being a nag, which you don't want, because you ARE happy for them, you're so happy for them... except when you're not because you can't be happy when he can't be bothered to text you back. Its not really so much to ask, and you EXPLAINED why its important to you, so why doesn't he seem to care? You communicated, you did your part, and it was hard and scary! Surely harder than texting you back would be! And you don't want to feel like this, but. There's this anxiety that... shouldn't he want to text you back? Isn't that how he would act if he really did still care about you just as much?
Any of that resonate? I don't know you, so maybe some of it was way off base🎯, I don't know. But I hope enough of it was close enough to right that you know I get it when I say:
This isn't just your boyfriend fucking it up. This is, in part, probably you asking something unreasonable. To give you the exact same level of time an energy as when it was just you too is a big ask. To be able to supercede his time with the other person any time you want is a big ask. If you're only okay with your boyfriend having someone else if it doesn't cut into your time at all, how okay with it are you actually?
So before you talk to him about it, you gotta step back. Its not that you're wrong for feeling sidelined. But a poly relationship just isn't going to be the exact same as a monogamous one. It it were, I wouldn't have bothered making a blog, and I wouldn't have needed to because I wouldn't have a trail of loving, wonderful, burnt to ashes monogamous relationships behind me. Let's take a deep breath together. Pause here if you need.
Now, there are some questions here that do affect what I think would be fair. For example, if you're living with your boyfriend, and he's taking you for granted, always texting the other person when he's with you, you don't have any special time with him anymore, and then when he goes out its radio silence. That's a very different situation from you being in a long distance relationship so texting is your main form of communication/bonding and now he's got a new person that lives near him so he's with them constantly and now, what are you, chopped liver? for example. I'm going to give a list of things you might be doing that's unfair, and I want you to take a minute and evaluate as honestly as you can where you fall on that. This is a self-reflection, not an accusation, so please resist any temptations to get defensive (if you even feel them). I recommend taking out a pad of paper and committing to an answer for each. Some you may not be doing at all! Some okay maybe a little. And some now that you think about it, yeah actually, you're doing a lot. That's okay. You not handling it perfectly is okay, and doesn't mean we can't ask the boyfriend for accommodations still.
Are you valuing 1:1 time with your boyfriend as much as you're valuing (negatively) the time he spends 1:1 (not texting you) with his partner? IE, are you more bothered by him not texting you than you are appreciative when he takes time for you?
Are you texting him compulsively out of anxiety instead of because you have something more important to discuss?
Are you accidentally infringing on his other partner's time?
Are you trying to infringe on his other partner's time to reassure yourself that you're important to him?
Are you texting him to "test" him?
When you communicated that you didn't like being left on read, did you properly convey how big of a problem it is for you and what your expectations were?
When you communicated, did you allow space for negotiation and to work on the problem, or was it more like a list of demands?
Are you misplacing your feelings somehow? Is there something else that's bothering you that you don't feel comfortable bringing up?
Are you letting your anxieties run you? Is there something you could be doing to address your feelings?
Are you forgetting to weigh other allocations or shows of love he's making or you?
Is there anything else internally you might be overlooking in regards to this?
Whew! Heavy stuff. But you made it!🎉 Now, we'll dig into how his actions are making you feel. That last set was about what you could be doing better, and this one will help determine he could be doing better. But just like we weren't making accusations about you, we aren't making accusations about him either. We are assuming good faith on your boyfriend's part. This is still ultimately about your feelings and what reasonable accommodations could be made for them.
Do you feel the time allocation for you vs his other partner is fair? Why?
Does he seem to text them back more than you?
Does it seem like he's not taking your concerns seriously enough?
Does this issue look like a larger pattern? If so, what? How will that look long-term?
Has he made specific promises he hasn't kept to you in regards to this? If so, what were they and how hasn't he lived up to them?
Do you feel he's made adequate time for you to discuss concerns, or do you feel like he tries to rush through them?
Do you think he gave you a reasonably clear expectation of what him dating someone else would look like (or did he make it seem "nothing will change")?
Has he not responded to something critical?
Is there anything else he's done in regards to this that doesn't sit right with you?
You did it! 🎉Now we can officially start working on problem-solving. I imagine that was a lot more than you bargained for, for such a simple problem as "I want a text back," but its important to get everything laid out. This helps in a lot of ways. It helps guard against striking on a "solution" that isn't actually sustainable. It makes sure you're starting a discussion in good faith. And hopefully, it will help minimize having to return to the issue.
For the sake of formatting, we're going to address the questions for you first, then the questions about him, then how to have the hard conversation, then workarounds that you may not have considered that aren't really your or his problem. I actually think that third group has some of the better "quick fixes", if you can find one that works.
Starting with the questions about what you could be doing better, in order, skip any that don't apply:
Re: valuing 1:1 time -- Make active efforts to appreciate the time you do have more. Use this time as a guard against negative thoughts when he is unable to respond ("We spent all day together yesterday, a few hours today without hearing from him is fine")
Re: texting compulsively -- Be more vigilant about self-soothing. I find self-talk to be most effective for me. I cannot possibly cover everything here, but it sounds like it stirs up fears you're losing your partner. Since you cannot guarantee that will never happen, I find it most helpful to reassure myself I will be okay even if I do lose them. Another option is to make a reassurance bank, where you can store and see evidence of his affection without asking it from him. Your mileage may vary. If you really struggle with this, there's always therapy.
Re: accidental infringing -- Be more mindful of what you send. Save things that are non-urgent to discuss later, when you have his attention anyway.
Re: deliberate infringing -- Stop it. It will only strain things and make the outcomes you don't want more likely. See self-soothing. Find something else to distract you that you can put energy into.
Re: "testing" him -- See above. I know, its easier said than done. Do the hard work. That shit can ruin your life.
Re: didn't adequately express importance -- Well, its a good thing we're about to talk about it anyway! Really think through how you can explain how badly it makes you feel. We'll get into that more when we discuss How To Have the Conversation
Re: list of demands -- Well, its a good thing we're going to talk about it anyway! This time, see it as a negotiation. Ask him if that's feasible, or if its too much. But open to trying alternate solutions.
Re: misplaced feelings -- Take the advice on How To Have a Conversation and apply it to the thing that's actually the problem.
Re: managing anxieties -- Again, you'll have to find a way to self-soothe somewhat. That's not to say your partner shouldn't meet you halfway, but you do have to do your half.
Re: forgetting other expressions of love -- Literally make a list of all the things he's done/is doing for you. As many as you can think of. Add to it often. Pick a couple and do a deep dive on why that mattered so much to you and how you felt. Tell him, too. You gotta be grateful consciously, bro. This applies to all of life
Re: anything else -- Take that into account. Work on that, too, however you can. Be honest with him about your shortcomings when you address it.
A lot of these will require upkeep on your part (kind of mirrors🪞how texting you back consistently requires upkeep on his, huh?). Be prepared to discuss the changing you're going to make and have an actionable plan for them. Okay, his turn, same as before:
Re: fair time allocation -- does he need to make more time for you? Do he need to make protected time that is only for you? You said you feel forgotten, replaced, so maybe this is part of it.
Re: unequal texting -- first, consider why. If he lives with you, he's probably going to have to text the other person in front of you sometimes. If you still think its too much, again, protected time for you may be appropriate, he may need to do a better job keeping his New Relationship Energy (NRE) in check. Be prepared to discuss this, possibly including him defending himself!
Re: not taking concerns seriously -- Well, its a good thing we're discussing this again! Make sure you have an actionable, measurable metric he can do to show you progress here. (IE ❌"I need you to care more" ❌ but ✅"When you're unable to respond, I need you to say that you're busy so I know you thought of my needs" ✅)
Re: bigger patterns -- You will have to tell him you're concerned about those too. If it could become untenable for you, this will probably be a recurring discussion. Consider scheduling check-ins where you say one thing you think is going well and one thing you're worried about, for example.
Re: unkept promises -- here, you are super justified in being mad. Try not to be anyway. Try to be curious and interested in addressing the root problem. Ask him what got in his way, what middle ground he's confident he can manage. It is you and him vs the problem, even here, not you vs him.
Re: inadequate room to discuss -- Set expectations before the talk, and remind him of them if he forgets. (IE "I know this isn't nice to hear, but I need you to let me say my piece and talk through solutions, even if it takes awhile." and "I said I needed to talk through the solution. This sounds nice, but I'm concerned about X. How can we make sure that doesn't happen?") Consider reserving specific time to discuss it, consider reserving recurring time to discuss any problem, if you need it.
Re: didn't set expectations appropriately -- ask. Ask what this would ideally look like to him. If he's having trouble getting started, point out some differences you've already noticed, and ask if he thinks those are the new norm.
Re: didn't respond to something critical -- Establish a way he can see what is critical and what isn't. This might be texting something that can wait, but calling for something important, for example.
Re: anything else -- address that too. Give him a chance to explain himself. etc.
Okay, you've done everything up to this point alone. You're prepped. Now How Do You Have The Conversation?
For this type of stuff, I recommend the WIBS format. That is, "When [something happens], I feel [feelings] Because [explanation] So could you please [change]". But of course, it can't be that simple either. Critically you CANNOT say "you" before the "so could you please". The example I'm about to give is going to use the texting issue specifically, but if you've done the soul searching and found there's a bigger problem you want to address (which ngl, sounds like there might be something bigger based on what you sent), adjust accordingly! This is good general advice for any tough conversation. Anyway, here's what that might look like on the texting thing:
"When I am left on read, I feel anxious and betrayed, because I've had a lot of friendships completely fall apart, and that's always how it started. So could you please make a point to text me something when you read my message, even if its just 'lol' or you saying you want to discuss it later."
But wait a minute! That doesn't include any of the bullshit I just made you do. What the hell am I trying to pull? Okay okay, so we have to modify this a bit. Our new format is going to be something more like this: "When [something happens], I feel [feelings and impact], because [explanation]. I have tried [things you've tried], and I am still struggling because [reason why that hasn't helped, including what you could do better]. So I was hoping to look at some more solutions, like, would you be willing to try [change]." Which might in practice look something like
"When I am left on read, I feel so anxious and betrayed I start spiraling thinking the relationship is doomed, because I've had a lot of friendships completely fall apart, and that's always how it started. I have tried dropping some hints and self soothing, and I'm still struggling because this is a really bad anxiety that I didn't have to deal with before recently and even with the hints I'm not getting the response rate I would like. So I wanted to talk about it and see if you'd be willing to try making a point to text me something when you read my message, even if its just 'lol' or you saying you want to discuss it later."
And then! The discussion continues. Maybe he says "oh my god, yeah, I didn't realize it was bothering you that much, absolutely I can do that" and maybe he says "I'm with you all the time how is this still a problem?" or maybe its "actually, [other partner] gets really anxious when I text, which is why I don't respond unless its important. I figured I could talk to you about dinner plans any time" and whatever the case is, you keep talking until you've set on clear goalposts and have reassurance they feel okay to all parties. So in order, your responses might be something like "are you sure you can manage that? I was really worried by my hints not being picked up on that that was the reason", "I know its a problem. That's why I'm talking to you about it. If that's not a good solution to you, let's come up with something else, because the way things are is really hard on me," and "okay. I don't want to make [other partner] anxious either, but this isn't working for me, can we find something else to try?"
Allow him to explain, be prepared to explain more yourself, and be willing to try a variety of solutions. Acknowledge
Is this my longest post yet? Maybe! Wild. Let's top it off with something easier: The Hack Solutions🧑‍💻. Sometimes, anxiety isn't logical, and goofy workarounds can be super helpful! Here are some off the top of my head, but feel free to get creative, too! Not all of these may be feasible, not all of them may help. But a lot less work than some other solutions so worth mentioning!
You said being "left on read" is what bothers you. Can you just... turn off read receipts? Or switch to a messaging app that doesn't have them? Can he just not read your texts until he has the time to respond?
A lot of phones have a driving mode, that will send an automated reply to texts. Can he turn that on when he's with his other partner so you get a reply like "hey I'm busy rn, but I'll text back later!" and would that help?
If you just want to feel more involved, maybe it would help if he just like, took a picture of his pizza to send to you. Reminds you you're thought of, doesn't require conversation.
Something that I've done with friends is write like, a dozen short affirmations/reassurances, and have them keep them in a special spot. When they need to feel loved, they can take one out to read. This has worked PHENOMENALLY for them, and still protects your partner's time away while allowing you to get love direct from your partner WHENEVER you want.
Can he just kick it with you both concurrently?
Can you have a friendship with your meta where you text THEM like "tell [bf] to text me back real quick" and then your bf doesn't feel bad about texting in front of the other partner because they're telling him to do it?
Classically condition yourself. Like, every time he leaves you on read, eat a chocolate. And then sometimes instead of it being "boyfriend won't text me :(((" it'll be "oooo! candy time!"
ai yai yai! That's all I have, though! Come back if you need help working through some specifics. I'm very happy to help however I can. Its not your fault you're struggling with this. Most polyam relationships have to deal with this to some extent, but with a little effort, you can make it through. Best of luck to you, friend. 💙💖🖤
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veren-cos · 20 days
Why Can't it be me?
Sebastian x reader who fell for Sam
Sebastian's Pov
Why couldn't it have been me? I've seen every step of you falling for him. I've been there the whole time. And yet I can't help but think, why not me?
Every single time I look at you I am captivated. In awe. How can one person be so extraordinary? You took my heart the moment we met. And yet...
It was 4 seasons ago.
"Hey Abigail? Do you think I should let him beat me?" I was playing pool when we first met. How I wish I could go back and try again.
"Nah, that wouldn't be any fun!" She looked up from her phone. "Oh hey, farmer!"
'Farmer?' I thought. When I finally saw who Abby was talking about, you were already next to me.
"Hey! Sebastian, right? You're like the only person I hadn't met yet. I'm the new farmer." And you smiled. Your smile shown so brightly it beamed through my gloomy head. You shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you!"
"Ah, finally met my buddy, yeah? He's stuck in his room all day so I guess you wouldn't have seen him yet. We come here every Friday! You should come join us sometime." Yhe two of you were already friends. And I could tell Sam was enamoured with you. I don't blame him.
And you did join us. Every Friday, you'd come play pool. Or if you had a rough day in the mines, you shit talk me and Sam with Abigail. You always teased Sam a little more though. I didn't notice for a while, but you seemed different with him. You put on a front.
Sometimes when I went to Abigail's, I could hear you and her practically squealing. I should have figured it was about Sam. At one point, I thought it was about me. I dont know how I convinced myself that.
Sam is just so perfect. He is outgoing. He is kind. Sam is social, and good looking. Of course you would like him over me. You two are perfect for each other. I could never come in between it. There was never space for me in the beginning.
I see the way you look at him. Stealing glances when he isn't watching. You have this dumb smile on your face. The dumb smile I wish was reserved just for me.
But now as I walk down to the beach, you are holding his hand. You look so happy. And you know he likes you back. His smile is even dumber than yours.
I see him grab your waist. I watch him lean in.
And he kisses you.
My best friend is kissing the person I fell in love with. He pulls you closer, running his fingers through your hair. You leaned back. You swing your arms around his shoulders.
And i still cant help but think, why cant it be me. Why can't it be me! It's terrible. I should be happy for him. I should be happy for you. Why cant I be happy for you?
I pretend I don't see it. That's what I'll do. I will keep walking. I won't cry. I'll keep walking, not crying. Yes. I am completely okay with this.
I made it to the beach by the time I get control of my breathing. But then I hear something.
"Oh hey sebastian!!" And you smile at me. Like it isn't breaking my heart.
"Hey, farmer." I look down at the ground. Why did you come out here?
"What, are you all grumpy? C'mon, it's a beautiful day! Live a little. Sam and I are going to go play pool. I know it's a day early, but would you want to come with?" You offer your hand out to me.
"I'm good." I practically swat your hand away. "I bet you'd absolutely love it for it to just be you and Sam, arent i right?" I drag the words out. All the hurt is leaking into to them. "Because you just absolutely love him. Don't you?"
"I do like Sam, but-"
I shout, "what kind of 'but' is there?! You don't like me. I get it. But I'm in love with you, farmer. I can't help it." I can't do this today. Not anymore. Not after I saw you kiss him.
I walk away but you come after me.
"Sebastian hey!!" You reach for my shoulder, but I shrug you off. "Sebastian, come on! You aren't even listening to me."
"And why should I? Huh? Leave me alone farmer. I'll see you when I see you."
And I leave. I don't look back. Maybe I should have just moved out of this damn valley. Gotten into the city.
Anything could be better than this rotten life.
Is it bad I'm having fun writing this???? Lol
There may or may not be a part 2 coming to this 🤭 (unsure as to when, and no promises)
It was also super weird writing in this POV. I'm not sure if I'll keep it for the next part.
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whywoulditho · 5 months
I'm glad, that DC writers are changing constantly and therefore the characters are protected from the Bat-family. The Bats are the cancer of DC comics. There wouln't be any independant characters anymore if they could gez their grubby hands on the other DC families
That's another way to look at it.. I agree that they're trying a bit too hard to connect every character to the bats' storyline. so you might have a point there. maybe it would create more bad than good if they let batfam authors interfere with the other storylines... but i still wouldn't call the bats the cancer of DC. I think if you took the bats out of DC, it would lose like half of its charm and quality.
with all that being said though, i still think the biggest problem of DC romances (or comic book romance in general) lies in each run having separate authors. think about why harley x ivy worked. it's because both of those characters already existed before they got together. both of them were loved villains and later anti-heroes, they both have their own story, their own past and their own redemption arcs. they're both INTERESTING. and when DC made the risky choice of making them a couple, it worked.
i'm not saying it would work with any other characters, or that they should make all their major characters date each other. but if you want to explore romance in your comics you have to give the readers an actual relationship, involving two realistically written and interesting people. not a major character and their accessory love interest. that's my issue with tim x bernard, or jon x jay. no one will get attached to, or even invested in, these relationships because we don't know anything about the love interests. they're just some random people. even if you try to give them personalities they will still not have a story outside of their relationship with the major character. bernard and jay were only created so tim and jon would have someone to kiss. it's hard to care about them, and therefore their relationship. they're just boring romance side plots.
you can introduce a character with the sole purpose of making them a couple with one of your major characters and still make it work, like batman and catwoman. you can create chemistry with a new character just as well as you can with already existing ones. but i think we need more of the first option. less last minute love interests and more people falling in love. i think what makes DC special is that they show us so many different versions of their major characters, we get to see them grow and change (take notes, marvel) so it wouldn't be off-brand to see already existing major characters, like superboy and robin, ending up together. not when it's DC. to be honest i think it would be like super iconic of them to do that. and i also think that DC fans would much rather have their favorite characters end up with the kind of person they went through hell and back with instead of like, a random citizen. tim and kon have so many parallels. they're both people who didn't have to be heroes at all, but still chose to do it. they both struggle with carrying a mantle too big and the fact that they were not chosen for it makes them even more insecure. they also have a past together, they're close friends, they would take a bullet for each other. so much potential. dont even get me started on damian and jon. those two are like, literal mirrors of their fathers. they have huge legacies on their shoulders and they're like quite literally the only people that could understand one another. again, so. much. potential. i'm not saying they have to be together, but if DC was gonna write romance for these characters I wish it could have been with each other.
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ceruark · 20 days
Hi ! Dont worry about not being as active, health and happiness comes first, and there is always someone whos willing to wait for you.
I just found the entwined au which i loved. I also had my theory for the follow up, that it was Robin who sabotaged Sunday. Because they have the same intentions but go about it differently. Probably she was the one who noticed Sundays obsesion the most and wanted to free you from that future.
As for Ratio, we are lucky he is on our side and cares for us, because, like you said, he isnt unwilling to use our trust to his benefit. Also Im guessing he was orphaned young but actually has royal blood? Probably his kingdoms court threw him out because they were corrupt? Those are my theories. Hopefully he doesnt find out or else we will be in trouble haha.
Also loved that Gepard was the best option among the suitors, is he not yandere? Hes like a puppy.
Finally the whole time i was imagining Himeko as my late mother but her dying would make me sad so Im wondering what the rest of the astral express is up to.
These were a few of my thoughts while reading! You wrote the scenes so well, when sunday won my heart dropped after all the tension. I was really hoping he would lose haha.
(entwined au masterlist)
Thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot to me :) <3
I'm so glad you like the Entwined AU! As for Robin, she's an interesting figure here, for sure. She cares deeply for both you and Sunday, her childhood friend and her dear brother, but even she can't turn a blind eye to Sunday's unhealthy obsession with you. She knows him better than anyone else, and she knows that his love is going to destroy the both of you if it goes unchecked. She loves her brother and wants to see him happy, but not at the cost of anyone else's prosperity and freedom.
I wouldn't say Robin is bold enough to cut the sash herself, but who's to say she wouldn't conspire against him? If beloved Princess Robin was seen talking in hushed whispers to Imperial Advisor Ratio before the dancing started, it's anyone's guess as to what they were discussing.
Yes, we're certainly in a lucky position when it comes to Veritas being on our side and being unknowing of his past— it'd be far too easy for him to seize your hand marriage if he knew the truth. You already trust him so easily, what reason would you have to deny him?
But yes, your guesses are correct: Veritas is a prince by blood, but was thrown out of his kingdom the moment he was born. His father had long since perished in a terrible war, and his mother perished in childbirth. It was far too easy for some corrupt advisors to get rid of him and say that the prince passed on with his mother. It was easy to hand the throne off to a different prominent family who promised them riches unfathomable if they managed to pull it off.
Queen Ruan Mei's advisory court are awfully nervous in your presence when it's Ratio at your side instead of Welt, though you and the queen herself cannot possibly imagine why.
Gepard is not yandere in this AU... I personally cannot imagine him being yandere in any capacity, so he is by default the best option of all the suitors. He's such a golden retriever, he'd treat you right and would protect you! Hopefully. Belobog's forces could stand against Penacony's... right?
I could never kill off Himeko, that would break my heart! I hadn't really thought about the other express members besides Welt, but now you've got me thinking... Maybe after the Entwined incident with Sunday, it's finally time for you to start gutting your advisory court and get rid of those who don't respect your wishes.
Welt is quick to recommend Himeko, a military strategist with a sharp mind and flawless record. After some more searching, you manage to also recruit March, a young but optimistic and sociable woman who's very in touch with the common people. You also recruit Dan Heng, a reserved but dependable political and economic analyst who plays the advisor role oddly well despite claiming to have no prior experience. (You'll have to look into those rumors about him having been a Xianzhou advisor. The last thing you need is Jing Yuan slithering his way into your business.)
It's so good to hear that you enjoyed the main story. I never could have imagined it would spawn into an entire world/AU like this! Your support means so much :)
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ilovemychunkycat · 1 year
Just got another nasty idea in my head. Now picture this: AFAB Wanderer hanging out with his friends, but he has a vibrator in him 🥰 Bonus: You’re constantly denying his orgasm.. (Ahem- but later on gets overstimulated, you’re very well aware that he wants you to touch him, but you just won’t budge 🙁 I am embarrassed of my imaginations. I decided to be bold and not turn on “Ask anonymously” though.. and I may have regrets.)
Warnings: SMUT, overstim, toys, orgasm denial..ish
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This was TORTURE for Wanderer.
Walking with a plug in his pussy was no big deal, but a vibrator?
That's where it crosses the line.
He was walking with Signora and Childe, Signora already having an idea why Wanderer was so hot and bothered, I mean.. knowing the person she is? And for Childe? Completely oblivious.
Wanderer was about to burst. The vibrator was a dull buzz, but after having it in your cunt for hours it makes you want to smash it between your fist.
But of course, it was his fault for being a brat to you, It's what he deserves.
Signora kept teasing Wanderer about it, whispering in his ear "Hows that vibrator Scara? I think I can almost hear it buzzing.." Of course, Childe would notice and try to listen in, but Signora was nice enough to not tell him!
Then came the time he was invited to a picnic with Nahida.
Thoughts pooled into his head, "What would Nahida think if her nephew had a vibrator in his pussy?" Though he swatted them away, thinking that Nahida wouldn't bother to care.
That's when you turned up the vibrator to 10.
Wanderer almost screamed. It shocked him so bad, he was about to cum just from that really, but he couldn't.
Wanderer was trying his best to hold back moans, only letting out slight whimpers and gasps.
That attracted Nahida's attention.
"Wanderer? Are you okay?" She questioned him, putting her hand on his forehead.
"I'm mmgh- fine! Just a little tired." He tried making an excuse, but it sounded pretty bad.
"Maybe you should go home. Let [Name] take care of you."
He only nodded in agreement, he needed to make things right with you.
"[Name]! Pleaseee! You have been neglecting me this ngh- whole day! Please.." Wanderer begged you, whining pretty loud.
"Hm, should I..? I guess you've been good this day. I'll let you slide, only this once." You sighed mockingly, pulling his shorts down and sliding your fingers down his cunt.
"thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Wanderer yelled, moaning as you shoved your fingers in his slit.
"Good manners you have, why is it only when your below me you thank me?" You pinched his clit, erupting a small whine from him.
You kneeled down and licked his clit making him jolt in pleasure. "[N-Name!] 's t'much- please-"
"Cmon.. you can take it." You licked a long stripe down his cunt, while fingering him with no mercy.
"Wait- 'm gonna cum- please no more!" He whimpered, tugging on your hair.
Releasing his juices onto your mouth, you grinned and kept pumping your fingers into him.
"I just came! Mph! Stop-" He threw his head back, clawing at the sheets.
"You were just begging earlier for me to keep going? Now you want me to stop? How disappointing." You pumped your fingers slowly as to tease him.
"Wait no! Please mmh- please keep going! Wanna cum again please.." He sobbed.
"Alright, as you wish." You kissed him, drowning all his moans away as you fingered his cunt with no remorse, putting lots of pressure on his prostate. He felt the coil in his stomach snap once more, cumming all over your fingers.
You pulled away from him, taking your fingers out with a shlick sound.
"I'll go clean this up, then I'll get you a bath, k?"
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~your court jester~ leo x daughter of zeus!reader !medieval AU!
(I did the chap!!)
You were a child of Zeus, king of Olympia who was married to Queen hera, which whom he had triplets with, Jason, Thalia and you, with you being the youngest 
Today was the day a ball was being held, where you could see your cousins and friends. You knew for certain that king posidon and qeen amphridite of atlantia would be there, along with his children; prince percy and tyson and king Hades and queen Persephone of Elysia and their children nico and hazel would be there too, but it wasn't them you were exited about.
Nor was it lady athena , the war-rstrategist with her children, and it wasn't lord Ares (war commander) or anyone else of the sort.
In fact, it wasn't even a noble person at all!
It was leo , the child of the palaces blacksmith. You felt a familiar flutter in your stomach as you thought of him, but you knew your mother and father would have your head on a platter if they ever knew.
They wanted you to marry a nobleman (or woman), or atleast someone in a position of power, not some pesant child of the palaces blacksmith! Alas, they found you weren't happy with any of the suitors they showed you, but hope was (unfortunately) not lost for them.
》I just don't understand it piper!《 you grunted as she pulled the corset strings tighter, the handmaiden child of Aphrodite,  the tailor for the royals hanging on your every word.
 》what is it that you don't understand, m'lady《 you blinked and pushed some of her styled hair out of her face
》no need to call me that and I just....I dont know why I'm not falling for any nobles! I mean, there's percy, who looks like a God, hazel who looks stunning, and even from the  people who aren't nobles who my parents would approve of, like lady annabeth, aren't that interesting!《 
》well, I know you've been looking at the court jester, leo, you do know he's a close friend of mine, Right?《
she finished adjusting your cosetband moved on to fixing your gown
》plus, prince nicholas-《
》He preffers to be called nico《 you interrupt
 》Prince nico is dating the local bard, William, and his parents seem to approve 《
You sigh as you push another strand of hair away from your [e/c] eyes 》well yes, but bard and jester are two different things! And Williams father is a well respected bard, Leo's dad is the blacksmith of the palace who is highly unliked for his looks, not that leo inherited any, of course! But Apollon the bard does have strong ties with King Hades, so of course nico dates him! Whereas my mother and father both hate hephastios the weaponmaker《 
Piper sighs, mildly exasperated with how dramatic you were 》well who are they going to introduce you to next, a guard?《 she makes an attempt at a joke, trying to lighten the mood
》not too far off, actually,  you know the soldier lityerses? The child of lady demeter?《 you sigh and try not to ruin your make-up by face-palming
》oooh, he's a catch! But I must say I prefer shel...《 Piper thought fondly of the village baker-girl, with whom she was absolutely smitten with
》ya know, sometimes I wish I was a commoner.....then it wouldn't matter who I'd married....《 
Piper looked at you with pity in her eyes, before subtly looking at the window, seeming to say I told you so to leo with her eyes, who was standing outside the window all along
☆le time Skippy because idk what else to put here☆
You tapped the heel of your shoe against the floor at random intervals while playing with with a strand of your hair, your cousins have already arrived, that's not what you were nervous about, but it was now time to "entertain" the royals , which means you would see leo, the favorited court jester 
》M-mother?-《 your tried to hide just how much your voice trembled, which your mother always found endearing
》w-when are the entertainers coming?《
》in a bit, my little peafowl, leodinaidas (i-i.....I butchered that, didn't I?) being the first to arrive 《
》o-okay....《 you sighed and looked out the window, seeing Piper laughing and cuddling with shel, and sighed wistfully You werent at all joking when you said you'd love to live a commoners life,  close to no responsibilities, not having to deal with potential suitors and being able to love who you wanted to love.
Nico and will were on your right, and were laughing at something,  will was nicos personal medic and bard, and they were dating which is parents did accept as will and his father were high in status.
He could date him without problems.
But you couldn't date leo
Speaking of-
You blushed hard the moment you saw leo enter the ballroom. 》my ladies,  lords and lieges! It is I, leodinaidas the court jester! But you can call me leo , and pretty people can call me love~《
zeus chuckled at that, while hera rolled her eyesYou blushed and quickly looked away, gods why is he like this...... he continued with his jester bit, making jokes and making fun of everything
Eventually,  his act died down and will started playing music for people to dance to, [I mean, they were in a ballroom] and you were just standing awkwardly on sidelines, watching your siblings and cousins dance with their partners.You sighed sadly and were deep in thought , only being pulled out when someone tapped your shoulder.
》huh?《 you looked behind you, not seeing anyone, before you felt someone take your hand in theirs 》hello gorgeous-《
 You looked infromt of you, and flushed red immediately Infront of you was, who else would it be, leo
》l-leo?!《 you breathed out
》Hi gorgeous~ would you indulge me , a humble jester, in a dance with a stunning woman like you?《 You smiled nervously and looked over to where your sister, Thalia, was standing, who was grinning and giving you a thumbs up, zeus smirking and rolling his eyes as he looks at the both of you
》y-yeah s-sure......《 you tripped over your own words
He smiled and led you out to the dance floor, putting one hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist, starting to dance a slow waltz with you
You smiled and let him lead your moves, smiling widely for the first time in a whileAfter a while of dancing, you tripped and almost fell down, if it weren't for leo catching you bending down to your level, his lips only inches from yours.You blushed and leaned closer into his lips, only a breath away from touching his lips, so close you could almost count every single freckle on his face.
》may I?-.....《 he breathes out
You nod and inched closer to him, feeling butterfly's in your stomach as his lips touch yours, him kissing you being the best feeling you've felt for a while After a minute that felt like far more than that, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours
》Pipes told me You had a crush on me.....and I thank whatever force is pulling us together because I never thought my feelings would be reciprocated.....I love you《
And without thinking of potential consequences and pushing any judgement from your parents , the words fell out of your mouth 》I love you too《
@bast-the-best26 @reyna4ever @deciduowl
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oxpogues4lifexo · 4 months
Drew Starkey smau fic
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Liked By bells_colls_ and 408,735 others
drewstarkey Happy birthday to my forever friend @bells_colls_ your gorgeous inside and out. The most genuine, kind-hearted human being l've ever met, your my biggest supporter and my personal cheerleader. I wouldn't be where I am today without your help and kind words. You never fail to make me laugh and your always up for the challenge of dealing with me, l'm sorry. Growing up with you has been my favourite thing and I wouldn't change it for anything. Seeing you from 15 going on 23 is insane and I'm so proud of you.
Love you Bee, have a wonderful day and I'll see you tonight 🌹
P.S. Can't believe I have to spend another year with you ❤️
bells_colls_ Love you Drewby, growing up with you has been the best experience you mean everything to me 🩷 Minus the back handed compliment but I’ll take it, your stuck with me haha 🖕🏼 Tonight you say?? 🤭
-> drewstarkey don’t wanna be stuck without you ❤️
-> bells_colls_ P.S. Drew Starkey that last photo isn’t helping the rumours!!!
-> drewstarkey what photo i don’t know what you mean?
-> bells_colls_ 🤦‍♀️
madelyncline You two are so cute! Happy birthday ‘Bee’ when can I see you again??
-> drewstarkey she’s mine back off
-> bells_colls_ Madi help me..
-> madelyncline on my way pretty girl 😘
mikeycollins This is disgusting
-> bells_colls_ your disgusting. Go cry to your girlfriend and leave me alone
-> pheebsxo haha this is hilarious. Love you Bella ❤️
drewsfanpage omg omg what?? First post in months and you drop this on us?
-> ellieb<3 They’re just friends supporting each other wdym?
-> drewsfanpage ‘friends’
emmacolls_ Joseph Andrew Starkey! Heard of the word surprise before? I’ll let it off, she’s still here because of you ❤️ watching you two grow up together has been wonderful that 6th photo brings me so many memories 🥰
-> bells_colls_ lmao imagine getting full named by my mum 🤭
-> drewstarkey 🖕🏼
mackayladavilla Happy birthday beautiful you deserve anything and everything! Thank you for making my brother the happiest man 🥰❤️
-> bells_colls_ Its been my absolute most pleasure!! Thank you Mack 🩷
-> drewstarkey debatable
-> mackayladavilla Or obvious more like
jodihutt Love you sweet girl you’ve always been part of the family and I’m happy to say that, happy birthday and I can’t wait to see you again x
-> bells_colls_ Love you so muchhhh 🥰🩷
-> drewsfanpage why is this melting my heart? 🥹
-> drewstarkey No she hasn’t don’t lie
-> bells_colls_ Drew be quiet let me have my moment
-> drewstarkey Want me to whisper it?
-> bells_colls_ You irritate me
daisymae12 them arguing in the comments is so cute
-> bells_colls_ he wants me for sure 😌
-> drewstarkey In your dreams Collins
-> bells_colls_ my* I know Drew it’s okay 🤭
ellieb<3 Happy birthday! This is adorable your both adorable I’m in love 😍
-> drewstarkeysgf no it’s not who even is she??
-> rafeswife he can do better wdym?
-> ellieb<3 they arent together and dont be horrible they’ve been friends since high school
drewstarkeynews Gorgeous girl! Happy birthday 🥳 are you two together??
-> bells_colls_ Thank you sweetheart! He wishes haha 😘
-> drewstarkey what if i do?
-> bells_colls_ haha no thanks 🥰
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Hope it makes sense! I’m so scared to post this for some reason, it’s not my forte 🫣
Just trying something new lmk if you want another part (may be fic writing) I’ve been thinking about this for a while x
Thank you for reading please let me know if you enjoyed 🌹❤️
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moonspirit · 4 months
Mr Leonhart opinions and Annie and his relationship post cannon headcannons?
(Ik u fic is dealing with him atm so u dont have to make it related of u don’t want to)
Like (if he lives long enough as my friend thinks he will die before this will happen) do u think he will be a good grandfather? Will Annie let her kid see him?
Will he walk Annie down the aisle or will someone else do it?!? I wish we got more on their relationship
Hi Hello!!
Annie and her dad huh. To be honest I never really felt much in either like or dislike towards Mr.Leonhardt, instead I always just went 😟😟 when we got Annie's backstory in full. He was a bad father, but then seeing a few takes on why he was a Trash Dad, I thought "Oh yeah that makes sense." I'm fully on board the Trash Dad Camp now.
In that regard, my personal take is that the relationship between Annie and her dad never really "goes" anywhere, post canon. There is too much abuse in her childhood, abuse that he inflicted on her for entirely selfish reasons. He didn't see an orphaned baby but a tool he could sharpen into a blade for himself. Annie's the way she is emotionally because of how he "raised her". So I find it very hard to see them having a very normal & cheerful father and daughter relationship, post canon.
Because he cried and hugged her before she left, Annie was touched (and haha she was touched by the half iota of affection there because he deprived her of any at all lmao) and made it her life mission to reunite with him. But to me, that doesn't seem enough to repair a whole decade of abuse and how he used her. Initial relief and happiness aside (like the hug in Fort Salta), I don't see them being chummy. Her father knows nothing about her. What Annie likes or dislikes, food wise, people wise, anything wise. She made her first friends in the 104th, she trashed her mission for a boy, she went back to the battle for the alliance members she obviously cared for - this is Annie. This is the real Annie, not what her father knew in those 10 years when she likely didn't know herself either.
So, honestly and if anything, their relationship post canon is functional. Functional in the respect that they talk, they share meals, they spend some time together, but it never progresses beyond that. It doesn't heal. It isn't repaired. They don't get close. Instead it's something that exists, with some stability - and I think Annie needs that stability.
(anything more on that and I'll spoil VBEOW, sorry xD)
As for the headcanons you asked... For me they all work off the above perspective I have. Mr. Leonhardt being a good grandfather? I honestly like to think he wouldn't know the first thing about being a good parent, let alone a grandfather. Simply being remorseful of your past actions doesn't transform you into a radically different human being without any serious effort put in. We don't know how he "truly changed" (if at all) during the years Annie was away. He may not be an angry violent man anymore but it's still not enough to be a good parent figure. Caring for someone is a whole different thing, after all.
Will Annie let her child close to him? Sure. I think that's part of having a functional and stable relationship with her father, she won't ban her child from interaction. But there will not be any "closeness" or "warmth", and the child may not spend too much time with Mr. Leonhardt anyway.
Now, god, will he walk Annie down the aisle? Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm gonna be emotional and angry and say: his leg is probably much worse, so Annie has the luck of getting Jean or Reiner or Connie doing it instead. Much better.
Thank you for asking :3
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directdogman · 1 year
hello there dog!!! firstly, i just want too say im incredibly proud too see how far you have come, dialtown is so special too me, and for not only that game to be so loved, but also for you too be so involved in the community, is amazing keep up the great work! i do have a question, i am working on a theory pertaining to my favorite characters gingi/milton, and if i may, i have a couple questions about him specifically, if you don't mind of course :) 1. what made you come up with the design/personality of gingi?
2. what are your personal feelings/thoughts on gingi? are you satisficed with them as a character? or are there anything you wish you could change now? 3. this is a wierd one but, gingi generally does not really care what he looks like/what others think, so im really curious why hes so meticulous with making his phone/type head, and if he is so bent up about it, why not try to get someone like Oliver to make him a more proper one? instead of replacing the rotten flesh over and over
4. idk if you can answer this one, but i dont think it can hurt to try...was gingi around, before callum lost his mind?
if you cant answer this, then i have another, what flower would best represent gingi?
Milton question:
ok so....did Callum just straight up cheat on his Marla with Milt?...or am i mistaking something? what i read on the wiki says that milton and Callum had a romantic...fling?
2. did norm know milt? where they friends?
3. does mingus know at least some of the extent of miltons involvement with callum?
4. are there any plans with milton? he seems like such a cool character with crazy potential
that's my questions done, again thank you if you answer! and if not, thank you for making a truly special game, cant wait too see more gingi and dialtown in the future
1)Design for Gingi was primarily based on Frankenstein's aesthetic applied to a the chupacabra. Personality was largely ripped from quite a few unpublished stories/ideas I had before making DT. There's a few protagonists in other things I'd written as potential new game/story ideas that are eerily like Gingi.
2)I'm really really happy with Gingi as a character and I wouldn't change anything that I've established. I like how Gingi starts the game and changes by the end because it's pretty vast, but also not a complete change (and it happens very very gradually.)
TBH, outside of Gingi's interactions in DT, the fandom doesn't really know anything concrete about Gingi due to Gingi's poor memory. Until Gingi formed real human relationships, there was nothing to anchor to, just fragmented and barely remembered individual interactions. Honestly, the bigger picture is really interesting and I'm very happy with Gingi as a protagonist and I'd love to make sequels to DT as I've had concrete ideas for where the character would get up to in potential sequels for years now!
3)Gingi's flesh-head is a bit of a mystery. Gingi doesn't have the same adverse reaction to rotting things that most people do, but does have a general chip in its shoulder about being judged as lesser by others. Gingi (generally) does not make efforts to change its appearance to be seen as less repulsive by others, as we can plainly see from the fact Gingi often forgets (or refuses) to wear clothes.
4)I have all the main character date of births written down, so I could tell you Gingi's exact age... but it's more fun if I don't.
1)I'm not really sure why the wiki says that. There's no canon materials that state that Crown + Milt had an affair together. I think someone just read between the lines and stated their hunch as a fact.
2)Norm and Milt met but didn't know each other well. There was a cut mention of Milt in Norm's dialogue, but after a lot of head-scratching, felt the topic was too forced. Norm wouldn't have volunteered the information unless it was relevant to the scene and Gingi would not have asked.
3)Mingus knows about Milt, though not intimately. The only person alive during Mingus' lifetime who could've talked about Milt to her was her grandmother Marla, who was a husk of a person for Mingus' whole life (and in particular, talking about Milt would've hurt too much for her given their closeness.) Mingus knows about Milt from her obsessive study of her paw paw's presidency, but not much more than any historian/social studies teacher would. A lot of information I'd consider very important about Milt was never put to paper.
4)I'm not 100% sure why the fandom likes him as much as they do, given how little of him the fandom has seen (and how little information there is about him out there so far.) I just wanted a few references to him included in canon so I could potentially reveal more about him one day without fans wondering how this SUPER important character had never been mentioned. It's incredibly likely that I'll show more of Milt in future DT stuff due to how instrumental he was in Crown's decision-making + rise to power. There would be no practical way to expand on Crown without discussing Milt more.
There's a much bigger picture that the fandom hasn't seen much of that Milt is very important to, though it isn't often relevant to the modern day events of DT. Understanding Milt isn't important to understand DT itself, but is to understand both Crown and exactly how the world (and by extension, Dialtown itself) ended up exactly the way it did. And with time, I will discuss that some more.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Another entry. Firstly, Still With Me? Did JK release a new song that I didn’t know about? Secondly, I would rather speculate that a song is about someone then a hand gesture that a lot of people do.
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I saw them coming at us for paying attention to numbers and 11/08 even though that's way more real than whatever tf this is. Like... aren't they embarrassed????
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Anyway guys, I have an announcement to make.
Attention please!
Thank u ☺☺
Okay so I've been getting alot of frustrated asks mad at tkkrs and antis on twitter, right? Unfortunately I tend not to post them because I don't wanna bring too much negativity on this blog. Especially when some of those things are vile AF. Anyway, the point of this post is, My friends and I are in a Jikook discord and a few of us do this thing on twitter where we fight antis and shit especially when they come to Jikook spaces.
As we know recently a big Jikook account with 15k followers was attacked the other day for liking a post from an anti. But she had no idea that person was one. She just liked the post coz it was Jikook related. It's an easy mistake to make, really. She tried apologising and explaining she'd blocked the anti but these assholes didn't listen. They went though her profile and started commenting under all her regular, normal tweets that she was an anti and should be ashamed of herself or whatever. They were determined to give her no peace whatsoever.
When called out themselves, one account shamelessly said that they were antis and proud. That they didn't pretend that they don't hate Jimin. This really made me mad. It's not the first time they've been quite proud of the Jimin hate they partake in. Tkk accounts will gets thousand of likes on a post hating on Jimin and this ain't right. An anon sent in an ask venting about us being cowards and I agree. They attack Jikookers and these jkkrs end up deleting their Jikook posts. THIS SHIT AIN'T RIGHT!!! Its not.
They do this thing where they move in balk. My friends and I tried to back this account up. Encouraged her not to let them get to her. But it dont matter that 5 people are on your side if 30 people are telling you to kill yourself its just... /sigh/
This account is still running. But they had to unfollow everyone they follow and start from scratch. This ain't right guys. Its just not fair no matter how u look at it. I think we need to start giving tkkrs the same energy they give us.
Simply ignoring them is NOT working. We don't go to them, they come to us. I think its time Jikookers fought fire with fire. Which is why I'm making this post. A few of us had the idea to create a Jikook fighting discord.
If you are reading this and are tired of taking shit lying down. If you have wanted to fight these people but you were worried that you are just one person and won't make a difference. If you see the Jimin hate and wish there was something you could do about it, I come with an offer. Fuck tkkrs. Fuck antis. Fuck solos and fuck ot7 accounts that call out the vermin but then delete their tweets when they start to loose followers. Fuck all these people. Lets do something about this, ourselves.
Tkkrs are the ones causing chain reactions. If they didn't attack Jimin, Jimin solos wouldn't attack V and JK. (Yesterday I saw an art of JK with a dirty diaper and I just...🤮) If they shipped in peace and didn't attack Jimin literally all this shit wouldn't be happening.
I say we give them a taste of their own medicine. So if you see this post and you agree that enough is enough, then come join us here.
If you can't join then spread the word. Time to defend Kookmin and Koominers. Fuck this shit. The vermin have ran rampant for long enough. Photoshopping Jimin getting blown by band pd wasn't enough. Now they're editing him into porn. Guys, they've go10 too comfortable. Let's do something!
1) Create a separate twitter account before you join us. Safer not to use your main
2) ONLY Jikookers allowed in this discord. If you are not one of us we will know.
See you soon. I hope some of you consider. This shit has to stop. Kookminers assemble!!
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Bless 💜
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lizzyaka · 8 days
I hadn't seen your blog since ages!!! And I really do love your takes because they are so different from others (and sometimes me too)
I did make a post about that Bunny wasn't sad about the farmer dying. It is how I interpreted it from the book. I do think Bunny was gonna eventually tell the police about it. I just don't necessarily think it was because he felt bad for the farmer's death. It was HIS friends who killed the farmer and that's what made him feel so guilty and go down the spiral.
If he was in the bacchanal with them and they had all accidentally killed the farmer, Bunny's not the type of person to turn himself in. He WOULD have done the same. He would have tried to save himself. He wouldn't have minded then if the farmer had died because he himself was involved in it
Even if this a hypothetical situation as you said, we don't know how Bunny will react to it.
It is clear he is more human than all the others and more capable of feeling remorse and empathy. But that doesn't mean in a situation where he is going to jail, he won't try to cover it up.
He will definitely feel more guilty than all the others did
They just went "oh well, what can we do"
Bunny would have eventually spilled the beans because of the humanity in him. Maybe to his gf or friends or anyone. Like he told Richard.
Bunny is STILL NOT morally superior in my eyes just because he wasn't directly involved in murder. It is because he wasn't involved that it makes it so much more grey.
We don't know a lot about Bunny in general.
What if he was involved in the death? Wouldn't he be in the same plane as them?
In this case they wouldn't kill Bunny, and they all would be in the same situation. Henry didn't kill Bunny cuz he was a sociopath.
They seem worse than him because they killed him but if they didn't, we won't consider them worse.
He would have done the same as they did but with more guilt and remorse.
To me it seemed like Bunny wasn't upset the farmer died but he was upset that his friends killed him, lied to him and hid their crime, that made him feel an intense amount of guilt on behalf of them.
That's all I want to say.
(I don't agree with all your opinions on TSH but I don't mean to hate on it 😭😭😭😭. I saw the post of you calling me out and felt I needed to explain myself. Again, I just wanted to give my opinions on Bunny, I know he is more hated than the rest and it's BAD. It's just we see so little of Bunny being good that you can't blame people for not liking him. My opinions of him have softened each time I re-read the book and he definitely didn't deserve to die as some people say)
Sorry for the long ask lol, I just had a lot of emotions 🤧🤧🤧
Im so sorry for the late reply really ive been suuuper drained and ive been waiting until i get my energy back to reply but days have passed and im still mentally and physically worn out and i just feel rude at this point😭 i really wish i could give a longggg reply bc i love yapping about tsh but theres a stopper in my brain that prevents the thoughts from flowing so ill leave this post here where i talk in length about this topic and why i dont think bunny could have ever been involved in the murder.
Anddd i dont blame people for not liking bunny!!! I think thats a very valid opinion. I dont think hes a good person but i love his character
And tysm for what u said abt my blog! I loveeee hearing opinions that differ from mine so pls feel free to debate me on my takes i find it really enjoyable <3 my interpretation of the book is after all just an interpretation and i love hearing how other people come to different conclusions based on the same text
And wdym by the post i called u out on? Im kinda confused on that bc i dont remember having called anyone out on my blog 😭 but sorry if u somehow felt attacked by one of my posts, it def wasnt my intention
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ylvaisawolf · 11 months
Messy thoughts on Fred (and Tubbo?)
This is really disjointed. This was just me typing everything that popped into my head down.
I have opinions on Fred (and everything around him atm)
Like everyone saying he is evil. Fred himself knows he did wrong things 
He knows he isn't a saint he just has a single person hae loves and cares about [Tubbo]
Fred told Tubbo he did wrong things and yes he did not specify what (From what I recall) but he told Tubbo and he said he didn't care (Tubbo said he would be a villain if Fred is sooo…)
Is it very cruel to tell someone you wish they would get tortured again? Yes! Hell yeah it is. 
Quackity has his reasons for hating the Feds no shit but he threatened Tubbo which is why Fred said that.
(Also I am biased towards Tubbo. I am Foolish/Jaiden in spirit aka I side with the characters I like more over my irl morals)
Like I do think he cares because he has to for the other workers but they are not friends, they are his underlings or bodyguards so you have to be nice there (Or you would hope. Even if manipulative)
Like I would be an idiot to not acknowledge him taking notes on Aypeirre’s torture or again his very cruel comment to Quackity
Fred acts different ways with different people. Like he is definitely more nice with Tubbo for example when he said he was a bad penpal for not responding much and “I genuinely felt like a stalker and that it wasn't morally correct what i was doing…”  (Day 195) of which Tubbo responded in his letter back with “ I don't think you should worry about the morality of trying to find them as kidnapping itself is very immoral.” 
Which is true but still.
Fred also said on the day of the movie date he has done bad stuff to Tubbo. (“You don’t understand, I’ve done bad stuff.” … or something similar as I am not watching the vods.)
So to me I am wondering where some people have been?
Fred is deny deny till he cant then bites back when out of options 
He is seemingly questioning himself and the Feds but atm he is following them along still
Back to Tubbo for a sec I have to mention that he said something along the lines of It seems everyone but the morning crew likes him so it wouldn't be hard for him to be a villain.
I keep bring that up whoops but like Tubbo is really protective of Fred warning him to stay away from Aypierre and that he will gladly listen to anything that worries Fred
Tubbo and Fred really love and trust one another.
Fred wrote on October 8th “I must admit… I don't know what my morals are or trust for the Federation is..” 
Man knows he is messed up <3 
(Also Tubbo just told him it is ok to question your morals)
Fred not trusting the Feds doesn't mean he doesnt follow what they want like torture btw. I am not ignoring that dont worry 
He still is doing his job. He acts like he doesn't like it but he is still doing it.
Also Fred at one point told Philza he loves snitching. Yes, kinda sassy but he did say that. (I think October 4th or 5th)
If it isn't obvious I Adore Fred even if he turns out evil. I find him to be a very interesting character.
Also I am not touching him leading Tubbo, Roier, & Slimecicle to the Maze. I have no idea what the deal is there.
Yeah this post is a mess but I don't normally post my own thoughts or do essays (this isn't even an essay). If I wanted to put more effort in I could but me typing my thoughts down and semi looking for direct quotes is all this post is getting haha.
I don't care if Fred gets better or worse as long as he is a fun and interesting character the whole time .
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