#you’re not advocating for that person to learn or whatever
skoolweirdo · 7 months
I just need you all to understand “doing research” does not and will never end in “looking at articles online”. You’re not researching, you’re looking something up.
These two actions do not hold the same weight and you should not be acting as if they do.
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Happy Disability Pride Month!!!
Remember Folks:
- Use your spoons sparingly! Here’s some spoons to go: 🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄
- Clean your mobility aids! (Seriously dude when was the last time you wiped that shit down with an antibacterial?)
- Accommodate yourself, as others will follow.
- Make goals within your reach and abilities
- Remember to stay hydrated and take your meds!
- For my fellow heat sensitive homies, stay cool this summer! A cold rag draped behind your neck, airy clothing, a small portable hand fan, keeping ice packs ready, cold water and expecially cold electrolyte drinks, all do wonders!
- For my fellow autistic folks, don’t be afraid wear earmuffs, stim, use chew charms, whatever it is that helps you regulate. You don’t have to mask if it’s something that isn’t benefitting to your life.
- POTS havin mofos like me, salt the ever loving fuck out of your food. Try different foods with salt, such as fruits and vegetables! I’m currently eating a salty tomato. Drink lots of water, I’ve been aiding gateraid packets to my water and it’s made a HUGE difference, especially as someone who hates drinking water.
- Those with PTSD for whatever reason, I wish you safety and support as you learn to cope and hopefully heal.
- I don’t know exactly what to say to others with H-EDS, as I’m still understanding this disorder other then BE CAREFUL WITH YOURSELF THIS PRIDE MONTH. I swear to god we are the most accident prone mother fuckers lmfao-
- If your immune system is all fucky like mine, keep clean and be sanitary, communicate with others that if they’re sick you can’t be around them, and wear a mask if you feel like that’s the right option for you. In my hometown I’ve gotten yelled at more than once for wearing a mask post-covid, however you can’t let someone else’s ignorance result in your own suffering.
- Don’t forget to move around and stretch! A little movement can do a lot for your body.
- Check in with your disabled friends! Try and see if there’s any way you can help one another, see where both of your strengths and weaknesses lie, and swap some spoons!!
- Be aware of what triggers your disorders. Whether if it’s caffeine triggering bipolar episodes, the weather causing fibro flares, big changes causing meltdowns, overexerting your hypermobility, whatever it is, it matters. Listen to your body and mind.
- Don’t be afraid to call out that doctor who isn’t listening, dismissing your symptoms and medically gaslighting you.
- While it may not seem like a big difference for some, trust me when I say your appetite is so important! Remember if it comes down to it, that it’s better to eat something, ANYTHING, than nothing at all. 
- To that person who might be hesitant, ashamed or might be questioning wether or not they should use a mobility aid, if it’s the difference between you being stuck at home vs going out and living some life… USE THAT MOBILITY AID!!! Same goes for braces and any other tool that may help you live a better quality of life.
- Be accepting towards those with disabilities different then your own- remember this month isn’t a competition about who’s struggling the most, rather to understand that people of physical, psychological, sensory, neurodivergence, and even undiagnosed disabilities all share one thing in common.. WHICH IS BEING DISABLED!
- Doesn’t matter who you are, how young or old, black or white, thick or thin - the disabled minority is one you can end up becoming a part of at any time, and likely will if you live long enough. Disability doesn’t discriminate, so EVERYONE should be advocating for disabled people’s rights.
- And of course, have pride in being disabled. This shit is fucking hard, but if you’re reading this, you’re doing it. Just being here today and doing what you can handle or manage, is doing your best, and that’s enough. You don’t have to push yourselves to impossible lengths to be proud of yourself.
Here, have the disability pride flag:
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novlr · 3 months
Hi I’m interested in writing, but idk how and where to start. Any advice?
Starting your writing adventure can seem daunting, but it’s actually the best time to have fun and discover what the craft means to you. And to get started with writing, I have a few basic concepts to consider.
Whether you’re writing poetry, a novel, short stories, nonfiction, or even screenwriting, the below concepts are versatile, and work as general steps on how to start.
Let’s dig in!
Start small, build a habit
The first thing to do to get started with writing is to actually start writing. Earth-shattering response, I know.
Start with finding a small routine that works best for your schedule and try it for about two weeks to gauge if changes are needed.
For example, you can spend five minutes during lunch every day to type whatever is on your mind. Then, once that becomes an instinctual habit, increase it to 10 minutes. You can also experiment with half-hour increments every other day, or, your routine becomes writing a few hours on the weekend because of your work schedule.
There’s no magical writing routine you should force yourself to do. Everyone has their own pace, and it’s up to you to find yours. There’s no wrong answer to this.
Experiment, adapt, and find your flow. Finding a routine can take a few tries, and that routine can also change after a significant life event (you can also have a different version of the routine for low energy days). So no need to be rigid with yourself. But once you find your flow, do it as consistently as possible.
As for what to write: write about your day, let out an emotion, tell a story from childhood, practice talking as a character; whatever fancies you at that moment. As long as you’re writing, whether it’s 5 or 5,000 words, you’re doing it right!
P.S. Looking for more on building a writing habit? Our course “Write to Play” helps you get started with writing and learn to enjoy it! Our Discord Community also hosts weekly writing sprints and other activities, so you can connect with fellow writers and work on goals together. Both are free to join.
Ask why you want to write
Writing may look like a glamorous career or hobby, but as with many things, it takes effort. And your level of writing effort depends on why you write in the first place.
Some people get started with writing because they think publishing something will make quick bucks. But it should never be about the money (although money is a nice bonus). Writing is about community and entertainment via the oldest form of connecting with others: storytelling.
We write because we love to tell stories. We write because we want to share a message with others through written expression. We write because we are natural creators of worlds and characters that weave adventures.
So ask yourself why you really want to write. Do you want to connect with others through your personal experiences? Is there a message you want to share with the world? Do you want to entertain the masses with meaningful adventure? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, great news! You’re on the right track.
If you need a “why” example, I’ll give you my reason for writing poetry and fiction. It’s to advocate mental health and self-worth.
After going through a personal journey of discovering self-acceptance, I want people to follow their hearts and core desires, and to love themselves for who they are. Because that’s true happiness–valuing your core identity.
Genre and theme
Genre and theme are two vital things you need to get started with writing.
Genre is fairly straightforward. Most aspiring writers already have one in mind. However, if you’re not sure where to start, think about the genres that your favorite books, movies, or TV shows are, and go from there.
Do you like epic fantasy and adventure? Try the action genre. Do you enjoy dystopian settings questioning the ethics of society? Society and worldview are great for getting deep and philosophical. Or do you love a character rising to the top with a successful career or sports tournament? Look into performance and status.
Theme takes a little more effort, but if you spend time on your “why,” that will help significantly! Because the theme you write about, from a poem to a novel, typically derives from your “why.”
Take my own “why” again as an example. Since it’s about mental health, I spend my days on themes of self-discovery, societal influence on “success,” inner demons, acceptance–the list goes on. But they all come from my overarching goal to show how valuing your true self brings real happiness.
Here’s another example: say you have a personal experience of winning a sports tournament because you pushed yourself, even though you wanted to give up. Perhaps that’s inspiration for a project with the message, “with effort comes reward.” That theme opens all kinds of opportunities, from looking at the best-suited genre to what kind of story and character to write about.
Which leads to my next concept! 
Characters and story basics
Genre and theme play right into your characters and story. This is where we dive into some mechanics of storytelling, starting with the concept of story and characters, and then how the theme and genre affect them to create a basic project outline.
To start, your story is the external sequence of obstacles your character faces, leading to learning the theme at the end. Your character is the one going through the story’s external events while internally processing them.
Your theme then determines the “what” in your story: what message the story shares to readers at the end, and what core events lead to the theme reveal. Meanwhile, the character(s) are the “who” being affected by the theme throughout the story.
With that, the theme determines the beginning and end of your story, as well as the path of growth for your character to experience. This is the bare minimum you need when writing a project, like a novel or short story. Even if you don’t use outlines.
For the end of the story, we already mentioned the theme reveal; and that’s typically portrayed through the character facing a final challenge–like a big boss fight. And through that challenge, the character grows from learning the theme. So the theme dictates the end of the story by what the final event and message are, and who the character becomes after growth (or lack of, for tragic ending). 
From there, we can move backwards to the beginning of the story. In storytelling, the ending is the opposite of the beginning. So, if the story’s end has a character learning the theme through a final challenge, then the story’s beginning introduces that character with a major flaw to overcome by learning the theme; while starting the sequence of obstacles that eventually leads to the theme reveal at the end.
Just like that, you have the theme crafting the basics of your story with a dynamic character!
But let’s dive further with genre. Genre helps plot the “how,” as in, how your story and character’s journey are told (i.e. action, romance, etc). Each genre has specific conventions for a story to follow, thus acting as a great template to plot lengthier projects like novels.
For example, romance genres start the story with two characters meeting as potential love interests (the meet cute), and typically end with them falling in love. Thus, if you choose romance as your genre, then you work your theme, story, and character(s) into those parameters.
Once you do that, you’ll notice you’ll have a basic outline for a project. Shall we go through an exercise to see the magic?
Let’s go back to the theme example of “with effort comes reward,” and combine it with a character, story, and genre.
Based on that theme, the character needs a major flaw at the story’s beginning, one to overcome by learning the lesson. Also, the beginning starts a sequence of obstacles that must lead to the character getting rewarded from effort.
So let’s create a character who believes everything comes easily to them–someone born into a rich family and had everything handed to them at a young age. That’s the flaw. And for the sequence of obstacles to start their growth, we’ll have the character lose their inheritance, forced to figure out how to live on their own.
These obstacles become the hardships of living without wealth. That way, by the end of the story, the character comes face to face with the theme, realizing if they want “reward” (or perhaps fulfillment), they must put effort into what they do. The story thus ends with the character growing and understanding it’s worth working toward something.
Now add the romance parameters mentioned above for genre. After the character loses their inheritance, they meet someone at a local store; one who becomes friends and helps tackle the character’s personal dilemma. This also helps the character realize genuine happiness as they also fall in love. Therefore, they find their path through their own efforts, without inherited wealth, and live happily ever after.
Tackle that mindset
There’s only one mindset every writer needs to have before they get started with writing, and that’s this phrase:
Perfection is failure.
Trust me, as a healing perfectionist, that sounds wild. But here’s something crazier.
Not even your published work will be perfect.
You will always reread your work and think a word needs tweaking, or a character needs different reactions in dialogue. Some published books still have typos, too.
With projects like novels, most writers never finish their first draft because they spend time and energy editing the story as they write. To perfect it as they go.
But you don’t know how the novel goes until you write to the end of it. 
Like creativity, your project will change and flow. Especially in the beginning, as your first draft is the discovery draft; the foundation of the project. That’s not the time for tweaking, but the time for building.
So allow your first draft to be messy. Get the whole concept out first. Then, you will have better knowledge on how to edit the entire project. Not just parts of it that might change anyway as you get closer to the end. Don’t waste your precious time and creativity like that.
This is the same for me with poetry. I always focus on the poem’s core message first, then I’ll play with pretty prose and rhyming.
So focus on the journey of writing the draft and getting the full idea down. Again, creativity is fluid. Allow your writing to be the same.
My favorite book coach discusses perfectionism with the analogy of baking a cake. You can’t put icing on a cake without letting it fully bake first. Finish baking your draft to the end, then add the icing edits.
And there you have it! Those are my five main concepts to remember to get started with writing. And those are merely the tip of the iceberg of what the craft has to offer you–but remember, this is the time to have fun and discover!
Are you ready to dive in and get started with writing? I can’t wait to see what you create.
Happy writing!
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I’m going to give myself some time sit on it and think more, maybe look for more perspectives and info on it but as of now, my gut reaction to pro paraphilia stuff is kinda “ummm idk about that” at the moment. To be clear y’all aren’t on my DNI list, I’m just iffy/nervous about it. Because my comfort and acceptance currently goes toward FICTIONAL taboos (hence my proship stance) but people who have attractions toward irl beings that can’t consent …. Yeah even if you’re anti contact I don’t know if it’s a good idea to advertise that you’re still supportive of them as people. But idk. Maybe “paraphilia” isn’t as scary as it sounds.
But recently a pro-para blog followed me (I won’t be saying names because they didn’t harm me and also backed off when I asked them to not interact with me) and told me straight up they were a map (I don’t even like that word, would rather just call them pedos to be honest) but were anti contact. Like okay, it’s great you’re not hurting anyone but to be honest I still don’t want pedos or people who are attracted to real animals anywhere near me.
Yes, to be fair, not EVERYONE uses darkship or kinks as a coping mechanism but let’s be honest, a lot of us still do. I use darkship and lolicon stuff to vent and explore what I’ve been through as a teen. So seeing people in the proship community saying “well I still support people with harmful paraphilias, just not contact” STILL makes me very uncomfortable?? Scared?
And on a greater level even just beyond me, I also think it’s going to make it ten times harder to advocate for proshipping. I mean it’s already kinda hard to explain that pro/darkshipping is ultimately harmless and non-toxic, but yall advertising being “pro” for anything to do with irl attractions (harmful attractions, to be clear) MAKES IT EVEN HARDER AND FRUSTRATING WHEN CONVERSING WITH NORMIES/NONPROSHIPPERS.
Lastly, when it comes to people struggling with irl attractions that are dangerous or sexual disorders in that category, I don’t necessarily know if it’s our place? Like yeah we can debate and advocate all day long for expressing fiction freely and anti-censorship but most of us still aren’t mental health professionals and idk if we should be putting out a stance on shit like this. I mean. Irl people with dangerous, harmful attractions to irl potential victims.
I hope this post didn’t come across as mean or attacking anyone because I don’t want it to. I think I have a few propara moots following me (I’m only just now kinda learning what it is) so if y’all can educate me, the comments and reblogs are y’all’s place to do it. Maybe this whole propara thing isn’t even as big in the proship community as it looks or maybe “pro para” isn’t even as scary as I’m seeing it currently. Im open to opinions and education what not. But ofc personal attacks and stuff will be blocked!
Edit:to be clear—I still don’t want irl pedos or zoophiles to interact. But propara blogs in general may, as I’m not saying that automatically makes someone pedo/zoo/whatever else is harmful.
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mbta-unofficial · 9 months
So you want to fix ya City, do ya?
Local activism works better and faster than any other kind, because you don’t need to go as far to get results.
If you want to understand how to make change, here are some steps.
1. Pick a Lane
Your energy is finite. One issue that gets the lions share of it will make way more difference than a lot of blogging and not a lot else about everything. Whatever your lane is, try to pick it thoughtfully and stick with it. A local issue will be way more moveable than a remote one, but the internet can be used to raise money for anything so it doesn’t need to be next door.
You’re gonna worry about other stuff. That’s ok. Let someone else handle it.
2. Lay of the Land
You are not the first person to look at this problem. Organizations exist to take this on, and the knowledge they have is indispensable to your goals. Your first step should be to be to find them: you don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. If you have a local newspaper, read it. If you don’t, go to your city’s reddit page and see where they get their info.
All Cities have an MPO or Metropolitan Planning organization. These are non-profits (usually) who advise the government on a variety of issues. Sign up for their newsletter. Find out when their next meeting is. Go.
Your issue will probably have an activist council, such as the MBTA ROC for transit advocates. Sign up for their newsletter. Find out when their next meeting is. Go.
Your city will likely have public meetings on the subject you are interested in. Find out when they are. Go.
If these aren’t relevant to your issue, you can go find other sources of information but you should try to find
a) a place where you can be in a real room with real people, or at least a zoom room. Watching videos and posting doesn’t count. Twitch streams are borderline, more than 200 or so viewers is just noise.
b) A place with a variety of ages. Old folks know things. they’ve been around the block. Young people have fresh perspectives and lots of energy. A room with just one is unlikely to produce a good plan of action
c) A place with racial and gender diversity. Boys’ clubs are common in politics, as are white only conversations about politics. The city is for everyone, and if you don’t have a diverse movement you will inevitably cater to the interests of your most powerful ally instead of helping everyone.
If you can’t find a meeting that meets these criteria, see if you can change the meeting that exists before starting your own. Institutional weight is invaluable and starting from scratch is possible but a challenge.
When you are at these meetings, do not worry about not understanding technical language. Take notes (or don’t) and google later. You are there to see, and also to be seen, because if you consistently attend public meetings you will recognize the same people there, and they will recognize you. Ask questions if you are given the opportunity but remember that you don’t need to understand everything right away and you will learn more by listening than by guessing.
You are there to make friends and learn, because you can’t do it alone.
3. Planning an action
If you have an idea for something that would help your cause, write it down. Then find out if someone else has already done it. (They almost certainly have.)
Make a list of steps. Ask your new friends about the steps. Revise your list of steps based on that feedback. You should do this at least once, no first draft is perfect. Assess how feasible the steps are. Replace any step that is impossible with an possible alternative. Give yourself twice as much time, money, and help as you think you’ll need. Review your steps.
Start stepping.
Be prepared to throw the steps out, but know that if you do because you had to, you will still have the time, money, and support that you budgeted. If you have to throw the steps out, make new ones. Keep going.
4. Post-op
You did it! You made it to the end of your steps. Get your friends to assess your work for you, and weigh their answers seriously. The problem is probably not gone, but it should be better. More importantly, you have built a system of people capable of carrying out an action. You know more, you are better connected. Go back to step 2. There is always more to learn, and that’s beautiful.
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Can I just say something that has really been bothering me? I hate how Taylor has aligned herself with the NFL, I get that it’s good business but it is so full of misogyny. Did you see the kicker from KC’s teams college commencement speech? All about how women should stay home with kids instead of work and then gave a Taylor swift song quote!!! I get that she obviously likes Travis or whatever but I’m so over it. All I see on line are young new swifties that are obsessed and think it’s the dream relationship and I feel it sets such a bad example. I know Taylor is not responsible for setting an example like that but for someone who songs “the man” every night I just hate it. It also feels so money hungry for both her and Travis how they have been marketing themselves 😞
I did not know who Harrison Butker was until his graduation speech controversy occurred and I’m upset that I’ve had to learn about him. I will try to rid my brain of this unnecessary thorn.
For those who do not know, here is a a headline by billboard which sums up the issue:
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The most important takeaway is that it’s severely disturbing to hear an NFL player so proudly tell women to "stay in their lane," serve their man and make babies.
Not to mention comparing Pride month to a "deadly sin" and attacking the trans community.
It’s also important to mention that there seems to be a double standard present: Colin Kaepernick gets blacklisted from the NFL for advocating for black lives, but Harrison Butker can give a misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic speech without a peep from the NFL. All this lamenting and winging from the conservatives about how they are getting “cancelled” seems even more ridiculous now.
This is why it’s annoying to see Taylor associate herself so heavily with the NFL.
I understand that it’s fantastic marketing that is mutually beneficial for both parties (i.e. the NFL and Taylor Swift) because they get exposed to each others audience which are demographics that haven’t been penetrated successfully in the past by either party. The concept of market saturation is important here. The NFL benefit heavily from being exposed to the Swiftie demographic. It’s been successful for Taylor Swift too. She has penetrated the NFL market demographic and we see that when (for example) boyfriends rock up with their girlfriends in Travis Kelce costumes.
You’re completely right. It does feel money hungry and you can always vent here, sweet anon.
But Taylor has been very honest about wanting money. This is why I always encourage people to closely and critically listen to the lyrics in The Man or even the things she says in her interviews when it comes to trying to understand her financial ambitions.
A person who owns eight mansions, a billion dollars, and a private jet is the type of person who is money hungry.
To leave on a more positive note, here is Gaston playing the role of Harrison Butker.
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jewishbarbies · 5 months
They can't get enough of you lol. It's not like you're purposefully tagging the Zionist posts with anti ts posts, they saw a jew and went actually ❤️ they don't know what they're talking about, i know better than them. JVP is good because it aligns with what I want to believe In.
Sad for the "many jewish friends that stand against Israel" though.
ah yes, another goy mad that a jew disagrees with them about what is and isn’t antisemitic like they have any leg to stand on. mentioning their token jewish friends is pretty typical.
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JVP believes all you have to do to be jewish is just start saying you’re jewish. AS A JEWISH PERSON, that is fucking wrong and antisemitic. ask any jewish person who was born jewish or actually converted and they will tell you the same fucking thing. has this bitch heard that they also don’t know the difference between arabs and egyptians? that’s pretty racist, no?
if some random goy wants to bitch and whine and label me a zionist (derogatory) because they don’t know what they’re talking about and want to seem like they have the moral high ground to all their other goy antisemite friends, i do not give a single flying fuck. I’m gonna keep doing what I’m doing. if anyone wants to actually learn about what’s going on, they can listen to actual jews and the palestinian people of gaza whose majority voted in favor of a two state solution. so, if you’re advocating for the destruction of israel bc “from the river to the sea”, you’re going against the wishes of the people in gaza who actually have to deal with the consequences of whatever america leftists decide to meddle with. if they can sleep at night knowing they’re not only fucking it up for jews, but also the palestinians they claim they love so much, then they’re no one i care about. palestine deserves freedom from hamas to make its own decisions. if you disagree, you’re not for a free palestine.
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things *not* to put in your script (from what i’ve learned so far)
A/n - do whatever you want lmao, just don’t say i didn’t warn you. also remember that scripts aren’t necessary to shift, your subconsciousness knows what you want <3
• don’t script that everyone likes you! there’s no rivalry, everyone will feel obligated to give you whatever you want, etc. it’s much more interesting to let people form their own opinions and see what happens. a better option would be to script that you’re a likable person, just not that EVERYONE likes you.
•don’t script that everyone is madly in love with you! these are real people. unless everyone is suddenly really chill with polyamory, you’re probably going to be absolutely crushing hearts and that’s not fun for anyone.
•don’t script that you “don’t have trauma” when you come back to your cr. you can’t script for your original reality, that’s not how this works. you will have trauma regardless of what you put in your script. a better option is to script that you don’t experience traumatic things in your dr!
•don’t script that everyone hates you! “but i’ll change them-“ unless you script/truly intend otherwise, hate is a very strong emotion. people will be nasty towards you and that’s not an environment you should want to be in at any moment. even if you do change them, you might end up hating THEM by the time you get them there.
•this should be obvious but don’t script that ppl die just because you don’t like them. they’re real, i don’t care how much you hate them. if anything, change their personality to be more likable.
•don’t take away aspects of your own humanity! so don’t script that you don’t feel emotions, or pain, or morality or stuff like that. while technically you can, it makes for a sad existence while you’re in that reality and once you come back you’re probably never gonna want to go back there.
•do NOT make your backstory too traumatic. for example, i saw someone script that they saw their parents die. you will have some of your past memories of your dr even though your consciousness wasn’t present for those events. you will REMEMBER WATCHING YOUR PARENTS DIE. i don’t care how much you want to be y/n, it can and will mess up your mental state. both in your dr, and when/if you come back.
•don’t script that anyone is OBSESSED with you. obsession is terrifying and an actual mental issue. you think it’s cute and then you’re not getting any sleep because someone’s watching you through the window, or constantly calling you, or whatever.
•don’t change your skin color. just. don’t. (unless you’re like an alien or na’vi or something like that. i mean don’t script that you’re korean when you’re white in your cr. that is fetishization.)
•don’t script yourself younger just to date minors. i am younger in my dr, but the purpose isn’t “so that it isn’t weird.” i didn’t even script a s/o. i want the childlike sense of wonder that the world brings. for example, if you’re 20-something in this cr shifting to MHA specifically for one of the kids, that’s pretty weird.
•i might get hate for this but don’t script that you’re a death eater/villain/etc. without setting careful parameters. like if you’re a death eater in a harry potter dr, then you’re a blood supremacist and basically the dr version of a cr white supremacist. or if you’re a villain, you’ve done morally reprehensible and unforgivable things. you can be a “villain” who doesn’t hurt people. you can be a “death eater,” but change the policies they advocate for and things that they’ve done.
•don’t push/pull people together or apart just to stir up drama or for fun. they’re not your little barbie dolls. they’re real people with thoughts and feelings and making them miserable is a horrible thing to do.
•don’t script that you can do like a million things perfectly. you’re going to bauxbatons? cool, speak french. you’re going to korea in your dr, cool, speak korean. or you’re going into the maze runner, script you’re healthy/a good runner. but don’t needlessly script you’re perfect at every little thing. if you’re good at everything immediately then things will probably get pretty boring tbh. you ever watch one punch man? saitama literally got bored with fighting because no matter what he could win with a single punch.
•don’t script for a dr where you get with your parents??? i saw someone shifting for their cr father and i’ve never been so horrified. or like if you’re shifting to hp and sirius is your dad, don’t have a second script where you’re trying to get with him during the marauders era. that’s weird imo.
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anthonybialy · 2 months
No Confusion Over Who Runs Biden White House
Divided sects are split under Joe Biden.  Making fractions even smaller is his specialty.  You already knew such if you’ve checked your bank account and grocery receipt.
It’s not just the country as a whole that’s feuding.  Fighting within a party is particularly amusing for the allegedly peace-loving one in question.  The inability to find consensus is one way to flaunt diversity.
Democrats argue amongst themselves about whether Joe Biden is too addled to pass their agenda.  Who wins?  The nation.  The only time the incumbent embarrassed himself more than during his present bout with clarity was when he was thinking at his fullest.
The Jill Biden/Barack Obama presidency seeks its first full faux term after their semi-victory.  If this seems shady, you’re familiar with their work.  Two all-time manipulators head a shady cast of bumbling interdictors who see the befuddled patriarch’s sad condition as an opportunity.  Remember: they’re the selfless ones.
The same signature-forgers who cornered Joe in the Oval Office early after his election want to selflessly serve as head of state while their addled potato holds the titled.  Their marionette skills have grown more blatant.  The strings become more visible as they get more practice.  Choosing between fibbing to conceal their intentions and being forced to admit their putzing schemes makes them perfect Democrats.
Trying to remove Biden because he wouldn’t be able to pass their agenda shows how much Democrats care.  It’s not about a person.  Telling everyone else what to do even though they’re demonstrably awful at it is their guiding passion.  Elder abuse isn’t a qualm nagging at designers of a new country and humanity who simply need office access.  Class warfare bullies figure heartless tycoons are just as amorally calculating.  The lack of empathy is thorough.
This presidency growing even faker would at least keeping them from inflicting more claptrap.  The political power his faction craves disappears alongside memories of what his name is.
What fortunes could escape squandering thanks to an executive who can’t muster authority on account of still wearing his bathrobe?  Without a quasi-coherent Biden, college enrollees might have to pay for what they use, which is the most important lesson they can learn.  Discovering billing for services is way more useful than whatever’s presented in sociology classes.
An uncivil civil war features lots of hair-pulling.  The cause is as funny as the action.  Conflict originated in debating if their leader is too torpid to screw up the economy more.  Intramural anger at least keeps them from focusing on their ultimate daft goal.
Facing a propped-up established failure seems like the easiest election to win.  But you underestimate the ability of Republicans to embarrass clowns with comparisons that go too far against relatively dignified circuses.  A foe that’s forgotten what conservatism is advocates for equality by not nominating someone who’d embarrass the incumbent with a certain win.  You must want a competitive election unless you loathe democracy.
Longterm benefits come accidentally when the two options fight to lose.  Republicans would end up in better shape than after another Trump presidency.  We just have to endure another term dedicated to a slightly different kind of suffering.  Anyone realistic enough to know that’s what life’s about is already braced for woe unlike liberals who inflict it unnecessarily and excessively by striving to eliminate it.
An unfathomable re-election would be like hurricane preparation for the nation.  Stormy conditions have been so constant that homeowners can put up plywood via muscle memory.  Wiser Supreme Court justices holding on through the gusts would prove their resilience on top of constitutional fidelity.  Liberty fans hate to make the same calculation about valuing people based on how useful they are politically.  But Democrats surely respect others playing their game.
Ditching Biden is a bipartisan dream.  Entrenched fossilization keeps everyone in the current era from happiness.  Saddling themselves with an extinct dodo is the closest Democrats come to restraining government.  Dodging implementation is based in their ineptness, so everything works out.
Anyone looking at the current president who says they want him serving into 2029 can’t credibly claim anything they believe works.  Biden’s minions are trying to commit insurance fraud regarding a policy they took out on America.  The grasshopper grifters of the sensei grow increasingly less convincing that they’re out to help.
Grandpa refusing to switch the locks shows the benefits of limiting how much of an influence people like him have in our lives.  His sole worthwhile contribution takes the form of a bad example, which doesn’t surprise anyone who heard him speak decades ago.
It took a tremendous amount of agony to learn why getting rich without working makes everyone poor.  Everyone promise to remember this time.  We’ve endured obvious scams for a couple centuries.  The present White House is limited by more than painful actuality.  
The promise of fecklessness from idiots is ironically their best chance of winning besides running against a Trump.  A Silver Alert for Biden while he’s standing right there shows the joy of absence.  I’d feel guilty if his friends and family cared.  Not having government invade your life to make it even worse is the upside of a president who no longer possesses the vigor to annoy.
Biden is a bad idea because of his bad ideas.  The crafty elder is limited by his inability to read sentences a sentient human wrote for him, much less form them on his own.  The presidential office is without the president, who is busy with his slot car tournament.  He’s the only entrant.  The best hope for everyone not competing is that he’s too feeble to ruin other races.  Refusing to let him sit on a porch and try to chase birds could save the republic.
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frostfall-matches · 5 months
[ matchmaking... ]
@imjustabeanie : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Jade Leech
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-> Jade is absolutely not daunted by your brutal honesty, often finding it amusing instead. He is much more about subtlety himself - not the type to lie, per se, but he does leave things rather vague, simply letting people make their own assumptions (whether good or bad). He doesn’t see anything wrong with someone naturally being more straightforward, though. Many people are afraid to truly speak their minds in social situations, preferring general politeness and not wanting to hurt feelings, so he finds types like you to be so refreshing and funny. Initially, when the two of you don’t know each other very well, he really likes seeing how you react to him. A lot of students are wary of him, if not flat out terrified, so a lot of them stutter and stammer through excuses or beating around the bush. Jade doesn’t get too fussed about it, but when you come around and say what’s really on your mind towards him, he can’t help but laugh. On the plus side, he does make an effort to be more upfront with you in return, out of appreciation.
-> He is not someone who you’d really be able to rile up. Ever calm with an easy smile, Jade simply doesn’t crack in the face of pressure, mocking, or insults. He doesn’t even seem bothered by them. And depending on the type of person, his cool-headedness and pleasant smile will just rile up the one trying to goad him. Jade doesn’t exactly come across as the competitive type to most, but he actually finds competition and challenges quite enjoyable and interesting. He’s perceptive enough to pick up on the fact that you’re the competitive type, even though you try to hide it. He’ll casually challenge you to something, making it seem like a low-stakes fun pastime, only to not go easy on you whatsoever. He always acts like he has the upper hand and just grins at whatever taunting or teasing you throw his way - and he loves taunting you back, his words intentionally timed for the maximum irritation. It’s like a form of flirting, for him.
-> Jade loves your curiosity and the fact that you indulge in it freely and often. He is of the mindset that knowledge is a very powerful, useful tool, which seems to be in line with the way you view knowledge and learning. (He just has more nefarious uses for his knowledge, especially when it comes to other people that either he or the Mostro Lounge could make use of…) All that aside, your preferred area of interest leans a bit more towards space, but if you ever want to dig deeper into the sea, he’s happy to share some of his own insights with you considering the fact that he literally grew up in the Coral Sea. Any questions you might have, especially ones concerning the logistics of being an ocean dweller, he’ll answer to the best of his ability - and his answers tend to be quite thorough, wanting to sate your ever-present curiosity.
-> On a similar note, he’s a great conversation partner when it comes to debates or philosophical topics. Jade is never one to shame you for morbid curiosity or dubious ideas, and he’s happy to explore those topics with you. There’s a lot going on inside that head of his, hidden behind that smiling poker face. He’s smart and skilled, and won’t shy away from talking about difficult topics. These are really good opportunities for you to learn a bit more about him! You’re able to figure out what his stances are on certain topics (he’s pretty morally gray and self-interested… but also doesn’t mock ideas that keep the greater good in mind, either), as well as how he thinks and processes information. He’s good at playing devil’s advocate, so you’re able to really pick apart different ideas and concepts, trying to see things from as many different perspectives as possible.
-> Jade finds a kindred spirit in you, in the way that you encourage “bad ideas” and chaos. He hates “organized harmony” - finding such peace dull and boring. A core part of him wants life to be as entertaining and fun as possible, though his definition of entertaining is a bit loose and self-centered. He really likes planting poor choices in people’s heads and waiting for the inevitable chaos and fallout. He won’t participate in any reckless ideas himself (he’s just a touch too pragmatic for that), but he can usually convince someone else to do it. And knowing that you’re also the type to hype up your friends when it comes to their stupid, dangerous ideas? Well, that’s even better! He now has a partner in crime, the two of you watching from the sidelines as some poor fool you’ve encouraged goes and risks their pride and/or safety. You two are a pair of menaces in your friends’ eyes.
-> Moody? No problem! Jade is used to Floyd, so he doesn’t take it personally. If there’s something going on that’s troubling you specifically, he’s happy to suggest or even enact solutions on your behalf - just let him know if that’s something you’re interested in, because he won’t step in without you saying so. Otherwise, he’ll leave you be, figuring that you know how to manage your own emotions. That being said, he does like to leave a little gift for you on days that you’re really struggling. It’s often just one of your favorite snacks, but there are a few times he’ll leave you a nice bracelet or set of earrings. Nothing too crazy expensive or lavish! It tends to be either sea or spaced themed (a nod to your interests, but the sea themed jewelry he gets you are often from the Coral Sea. He hopes you consider them thoughtful, comforting gifts, and he really likes when he sees you wearing them!).
-> Baking becomes a hobby that the both of you indulge in. Besides the fact that Jade is overly competent in practically everything, he has a special fondness for cooking and baking. Even when he’s stuck working in the Mostro Lounge kitchen on a daily basis, he likes the freedom of cooking something that suits his own tastes… or experimenting with weird recipes. He likes going all-out on baking dates with you, and you each take turns picking the recipe. When you two first start baking together, he picks recipes that are more on the tame side, but then they progressively get more eccentric and unique. Other times he might just half-follow a recipe and then just start experimenting with the last half of it. At least you seem to be the type that’s willing to mess around and see if it’s something tasty or edible! All in all, he ends up truly enjoying the domesticity of spending this time with you, even though he’s not typically the type to fall too deeply into comforting, relaxed routines.
-> You two make a rather enigmatic couple. Both to outsiders, and to each other. It takes you a long time to open up, and you refuse to share your trauma or troubles even to those close to you. Jade likes to keep his cards close to his chest, never fully letting his guard down and being vulnerable. It may feel like a weird dynamic sometimes due to this perceived distance, but at the same time it can be rather comfortable. You both understand each other’s reluctance to bare your inner world and emotions, so there isn’t a strong pressure from either of you to do so. You can each take things at your own pace without feeling guilty. Sometimes the relationship may feel a bit stagnant because of this, since there’s this hesitance with emotional intimacy… but that makes those moments where one of you decides to take a step forward all the sweeter.
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doomalade · 2 years
I don’t like Taiyang Xiao Long.
I do not like the character of Tai.
I do not like the line of “Well I guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm” at 6 minutes in Volume 4 Episode 4.
I do not like having Tai be ableist towards his own daughter after a traumatic event.
You know what else I don’t like? Being told that I “interpreted the scene wrong” or that “Tai was just joking with Yang” or that “that’s normal dad and daughter behavior” or that “you’re overreacting” or “that’s not ableist” or that “why focus so much on this one part of the show when there are bigger things to critique about RT?” (Yes these are all real things that have been said by people in a Discord server I’m in.)
1) How the fuck do you incorrectly interpret a scene? If there’s commentary by the shows’ creators saying something other than how I saw it, then yeah sure, I was wrong. Until I see that, then all interpretations are relative and change from person to person. I see it as offensive and in poor taste and others might not bat an eye.
2)I think I’m missing the joke. Last time I checked, saying things like “ha you lost an arm” isn’t very funny. Or how about “ha you’re in a wheel chair and can’t move your legs ever again”. Or “ha you’re blind.” It seems like it’s Tai laughing at Yang’s expense. You know, his own daughter who had her arm cut off, doesn’t know where her little sister is, had her biological mother abandon her, her second mother figure possibly die, you as a father become distant and neglectful, her uncle struggles with alcoholism, one of her friends has been dragged to Atlas by her evil dad, and her other friend seemingly also abandoned her and this is all done in front of her former teachers. Of course why not try to have characters both be in serious mode and comedy haha funny moment when dealing with trauma, that certainly won’t come off as wanting to eat your cake and have it too.
3)If that’s how your dad normally behaved around you, I recommend you seek out a therapist to talk that out.
4) Maybe. Maybe having three different people come after you for saying “hey this scene came off as ableist to me” is over reacting but whatever.
5) Thanks for saying that making fun of someone losing a limb isn’t ableist, that sure isn’t ableist in itself. Not like RT has had a horrible record when it comes to ableism.
6) Maybe because RWBY is RT’s major show? Maybe it’s because I want to be critical of media I consume? Maybe it’s because how RWBY is handled reflects the nature of RT?
Hey, maybe I struggle separating art from the artist. Maybe I’m biased because I think that Burnie Burn’s yellow Tesla looks stupid. Maybe I should just shut up and consume media. How dare I question the fictional characters in a show made by a slimy corporation?
But fine, fine, I’ll play devil’s advocate and give RT the benefit of the doubt for once, which I have stopped doing because if you give an inch, they take Miles (pun intended).
Alright let’s assume that Tai normally makes jokes like this and Yang is used to it and she’s fine with it. Let’s assume that Tai is joking with Yang to lift her spirit.
We can now see where Yang learned to joke the fear and discomfort away from. Tai in his attempt to lift Yang’s spirits when she’s feeling down has taught Yang to joke and smile when she isn’t feeling good. He isn’t teaching Yang how to confront her emotions, accept them, and healthily work through them. We see Yang doing this in V8, which gets called out by Ren.
Does this make Tai a bad parent? Not quite. Tai gets a “ehhhh he’s not inherently bad” compared to a “yes he is bad”. Not a lot of improvement there.
So yes.
Tai is a bad character, and RT are ableist assholes.
Thanks for trying to shut me up Discord people, really make me feel so okay with myself that my ideas and views on media I enjoy watching is seen as wrong and I’m just an idiot. Why even try.
Now if you need me, I’m gonna keep pirating V9 and praying that RT collapses. You have fun consuming product and giving money to assholes.
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taohun · 2 years
@greyhoundai op of that post has me blocked lol so here:
it’s as simple as googling “Naxal civilian deaths” and then knowing bare minimum stuff about the way the Indian government works. Indians are afforded the fundamental right to information (RTI), which allows us to file inquiries to access government records. records on naxal death tolls are kept by the ministry of home affairs. simple google search leads you to articles about civilian deaths at the hands of Naxals which often state the name of the RTI activist who filed the request.
Here is just one pdf of a an RTI filing and the government’s response. You can find any of these by googling [person filling the report’s name] [inquiry] “mha” Other such enquirers also looked at demographics, and most civilians killed are usually people from scheduled tribes who are painted as “police informants”.
“I don’t believe the ministry of home affairs because it’s propaganda!” I don’t fucking know what to tell you like no other body is going to have access to this information at this scale. Yes, Naxals are used to gain political power, but the main reason that they are a talking point is because people in the red corridor fear for their lives and want safety.
People can imply all they want that I’m just a poor third worlder who hasn’t been deprogrammed :(( because I’m apparently “taking propaganda at face value” or whatever to which I say my opinion on Naxalism comes from personal experience alongside all the very obvious violations they commit. I’ve had family live in the red corridor and have their lives and livelihood threatened.
Naxals are also known for using the threat of violence to coerce civilians into joining their cause. Their actions cause direct harm to northeast India.
And it’s honestly really fucking western to assume that Indian bodies work the same as western ones. You cannot draw a one to one comparison from the Indian military to the American one, or the government, or just the way a system ought to run. We are a very young country ravaged by a lot of very complex geopolitical issues that I do not think westerners should feel comfortable weighing in on so confidently. I don’t think they understand partition, british raj, emergency, opening the markets, bangladesh, kashmir, naxalites, or any of the other very intense context required to have even some sort of coherent opinion on Indian politics. Sure, advocate for what you believe in, and support people when they stand up to our fascist government, but do not for a second think that you can make sweeping statements about the way the country works.
And if you really do want to be reblogging stuff like this, at least try to learn some of the structure of the countries you’re talking about. It’s not that hard to formulate a google search to find what you asked for. I appreciate your want to learn, but this just leaves such a sour taste in my mouth.
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artbykhuggs · 2 years
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Hi friends! It’s pretty rare for me to talk about personal things on public spaces like this, but I’m making an exception today to talk about an anxiety disorder that I live with. More under the cut to keep your dash going :)
This week is OCD Awareness Week. OCD is badly misrepresented in media as a cute/quirky personality trait when it’s actually a debilitating and isolating mental disorder that latches onto the things a person values the most.
OCD is a cycle of any scary intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that an individual tries to make go away by performing actions (compulsions). Compulsions can be physical or mental. At my worst, I was spending 8+ agonizing hours PER DAY performing compulsions.
OCD is not curable, but it is treatable. Thanks to proper treatment, I’m back to living a full life and have met some incredible and brave individuals through this experience.
If I could have done one thing differently, I wish I had looked for help sooner rather than suffering for years. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Please, please: whatever you’re struggling with, don’t wait until it gets horribly bad like I did. Advocate for yourself; you’re worth it.
If you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read! If you’re interested in learning more about OCD, the IOCDF website is a fantastic place to start.
With love, KHuggs
Original art and typesetting by me. This Latin phrase has been particularly inspirational to me in my recovery journey.
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ncityprincess · 2 years
hiii bestieeee, here are my placementsss.
Sagittarius Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Pisces Mars, Mercury, Pluto and Venus Sagittarius thank uuu
oh man!! the sag of it all! let’s get into it
IT’S GIVING BAD BITCH. like sag sun, scorpio moon, sag rising?!!!!! plus sag venus 😭😭
if you aren’t tapped into your bad bitch-ness yet imma need for you to start immediately. sagittarius is the sign of good luck and good fortune. everything always works in your favor. no matter how unprepared you are for that test, or if you walk into the club with no money, you will always be taken care of. if you aren’t aligned with that energy you need to start! the whole world is literally in your hands.
if you’re a shy sag you may have trouble speaking up and advocating for yourself. you may have a lot of anger stewing inside you because there’s a voice that desperately wants to be heard. baby. LET THAT VOICE BE HEARD!! you have the ability to command anyones attention. you have an aura that people would kill to have. [look past her recent fuck shit] but think about nicki minaj. she’s a sag herself. chrissy teigan too. yes these people are rowdy and annoying but what quality do they both possess? they say whatever the fuck they want and they don’t care who gets offended. take a little bit of that energy and carry it with you. flex that throat chakra. go for whatever you want because 10/10 it’s going to work for you. it’s literally in your dna. however, if you’re already this type of sag? remember to think before you speak. your words have the power to cut deeeeep. use them wisely 🥲
for your sag venus, you probably like partners that can keep you on your toes. you’re all about excitement and trying new things. you probably love trying new restaurants, visiting new cities, learning about different cultures. you have a zest for life and you want to explore every facet of it.
now your scorpio moon. friend 🥲 your mom may not have always treated you the nicest. or she may have loved you so much that it was almost suffocating. either way, you experience emotions like no one else. you can feel the highest of highs, just for you to experience the lowest of lows 5 minutes later. you wanna know what your super power is? transformation. you can literally change your whole personality at any time. use that to your advantage. kill your old self and reinvent the new you any time you want. people will have to learn to like it, or kick em to the curb!
your pisces mars and mercury is what cools you down with those spicy placements 😭 pisces doesn’t like to be in mars, which is the planet of aggression, war, sex, etc. pisces likes to stay in dream land and keep the the peace. you may find yourself avoiding confrontation depending on how strong you identify with your pisces mars. however, pisces are extremely intuitive. listen to your gut!!! it never lies ❤️‍🔥
TLDR; be the bad bitch you were destined to be! thanks for sending this in love 🥰💓
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quinnfebrey · 1 month
hi Jas i need advice. my parents really want me to go to university but i really don’t want to. they’re still old school in sense that they think it’s not possible to be successful without university. helpppp
hi bestie!! i’m personally a big advocate for not going to college lol. idk if you knew already that and that’s why you’re here or if you just wanted general advice, but there are really only three reasons i’d suggest higher education at this point:
and oops this got long so putting a cut
1. you live in a country that makes it extremely accessible and therefore the cost/benefit shifts
2. you want to
3. you’re pursuing a career that requires a specific degree, like law school, med school, etc
other than that, the cost and investment for what you get out of it is just not worth it anymore in my opinion. degrees are not required for a LOT of jobs nowadays. if you’re good at networking, learning on your own, and have a good perception of navigating real life, i don’t think it’s essential
i skipped college accidentally (ie i didn’t mean to do it i just never ended up going lol) and it’s been the best unintentional decision. obviously this is just anecdotal, but to your parents saying that it’s impossible to be successful without higher ed, it’s just not true. i’ve been making 6 figures since i was 19 with NO college debt, i have built a ton of transferable skills, and i feel so prepared and immersed in “real life” vs my friends that have just entered the adult workforce
i honestly think college would have tanked my self esteem and set me back really far. i don’t know anything about you obviously but for me going off on my own made the most of my natural strengths while resigning myself to 4 more years of structured education would have amplified my natural weaknesses
if i were you and i needed my parents’ support for whatever reason, i would start doing research and put together a sort of 5 year plan for them. what you’ll be doing, how you’ll pay for it, what you need from them, what you’ll do yourself, what your plan is if there are any bumps in the road etc
good luck bestie!!
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douchebagbrainwaves · 2 months
Hype doesn't make satisfied users, at least in our tradition lawyers are advocates: they are trained to be able to phrase it in terms of its variation from the random expedients other languages adopted. In the capital cost of a long name is not just that it makes life more tolerable. By all means be optimistic about things you can't control. I knew it would feel better; what's surprising is how much better it feels to be working on something, you'd think it might be that starting a startup you need to do things they never anticipated, rather than trying to learn about an interesting theoretical result someone figured out forty years ago, fascinating and urgently needed work. Prestige is the opinion of the rest of your days, even if they weren't paid for it—even if they had to watch over a bunch of changes that will be good for writing server-based applications, and there was my program, written in the near future will be a flop and you're wasting your time although they probably won't say this directly. A lot of people need to search for components, and before Octopart there was no good way to trick yourself into noticing ideas is to become the sort of lock-in that would prevent users from choosing you, don't believe it till you get the first big chunk of angel money will usually be the happiest phase in a startup's life. If you want to understand startups is to look at the spams you miss, and figure out what will make them happy, and that's why so many people said character was more important than ability: I would rather cofound a startup with a friend matters. When you find the right sort of person who has them. Part of the reason people in big companies is that they won't take risks.
Even so I can usually catch them. Startups' valuations are supposed to rise over time. What there has to be a VC by convincing asset managers to trust you with hundreds of millions of people use it in ways you didn't intend, and this trend has decades left to run. There have to be the scripting language of a massively popular language because it is not dense enough. Startups win because they don't—because they take people so smart that they would in a big company be doing research, and set them to work as hard as they possibly could at drawing for the next twenty years will be server-based applications. But he wouldn't, so we were pretty excited when we figured out what seemed to be nothing more than a website. In retrospect, I wonder how large this group has to be good at it; you have to install before you use it. Could this be a big deal. And meanwhile the past year has seen a dramatic increase in a new type of investor: the super-angel, who operates like an angel, but using other people's money, like a well. I don't think you're going to fail makes you stop working, that practically guarantees you'll fail. Make Web sites for people who didn't want them, we could make, the thing people will pay most for? Blogger is a famous example of a startup that went through really low lows and survived.
We often emphasize how rarely startups win simply because they hit on some magic idea. This is an astounding number, because I wasn't looking for it. But they won't always have to be really good at tricking you. Programming language design will not be about whether to make your language strongly or weakly typed, or object oriented, or functional, or whatever, and then figure out a way to answer the question, how do you design a language programmers will love as it is, represents the most economical route to the sea. Hacker, Eric Raymond describes Lisp as something like Latin or Greek—a language you should learn as an intellectual exercise, even though you won't actually use it: Lisp is worth learning for the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it; that experience will make you a better programmer, if it was not a tenth as motivated as the startup. In that kind of problem. There are a lot of external evidence that benevolence works. This is an instance of a very important meta-trend, one that Y Combinator itself has been based on from the beginning. Being at the leading edge of some rapidly changing field live in the future and build what's missing. How do you do that in a language without an interactive toplevel, and I tend to conclude with a few vague questions and then drift off to get a cup of tea. Maybe for the first couple months a startup may completely redefine their idea. Plenty of famous founders have had some failures along the way.
If anyone at Yahoo considered the idea of loving one's work. On the other hand, startup investing is a very good profiler, rather than having brilliant flashes of strategic insight I was supposed to be studying for finals. In a job there is much more damping. And so interfaces tend not to give you money. I've read was not in a book, and something to hack. Notice, though, that even with all the fat trimmed off its market cap. But you have to choose between spending time on the software. The company felt prematurely old. By the end of the scale there are so many universities competing to attract students that the mere establishment of a discipline requires little more than the valuation of the company, intellectual property issues, and so, later, was Perl. Typically these rights include vetoes over major strategic decisions, protection against being squashed by VCs in future rounds. This really is kind of a bug. If you can attract the best hackers to work for the hot startup that's rapidly growing into one.
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