#young entertainment
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Kaileen Chang wants to be a role model – to be creative in her work, compassionate to herself and others, and representative of her mixed (Latinx and Taiwanese) heritage. The young artist from Los Angeles, California is certainly on her way, currently starring as the half-human, half-vampire lead Carmie Henley in the aptly titled, I Woke Up a Vampire. The series, airing now on Family Channel, is expected to be released on Netflix later this year. 
What can you share about your background in the arts, and what inspired you to pursue film as a career?
I started off performing when I was young, specifically in dance and ice skating. Then I explored theater and later started acting. What inspired me the most was the ability to be creative and show the media and young kids a role model who is relatable and responsible.
Who and/or what were some early inspirations for you - such as actors you admired, favourite TV shows or films, and instructors or teachers in your own classes? What impact did they have on you?
I get inspired by a variety of women actors such as Florence Pugh, Angelina Jolie, Anne Hathaway, and many others. Their ability to be so creative and embody characters really is incredible. I also love 80's/90's films or inspired films because they are the right combination of serious drama and comedy.
How has your family supported you in your career?
My family has been more than just supportive, I would say they are my number one fans and the building blocks to this all. Without their encouragement and dedication, I would have not been where I am today.
Congratulations on I Woke Up a Vampire! As your first series lead, what can you tell us about your audition and casting process?
I did an audition like normal, but I never got called back until like almost a month later. Then I got told I was on hold, but I never did a callback. I waited for a solid two weeks before getting the call that I booked it, which I was surprised because I hadn't had any callbacks or contact. Next thing I know I was on a plane to Toronto.
Carmie Henley is a dynamic character with a unique life! What drew you to her, and how are you similar and different from Carmie (aside from the supernatural and superhuman powers)?
I think that the little aspects of Carmie are so similar to many teenage girls, and there are some little parts to her that are a part of me. Carmie is such a relatable character and she is inspiring for young girls. I am really drawn to the fact that she wasn't planned out or written specifically as a character but her story was, and they let Carmie grow and be built by her experiences and some of mine too.
Who are your favourite superheroes from the comics or screen, and why?
I really like Scarlet Witch, because she is just so misunderstood and I loved the WandaVision series lol.
Creator and showrunner Thomas (Tommy) Lynch has a great resume, including producer credits on recent teen, coming-of-age series Make It Pop and The Other Kingdom. What was it like working with Tommy and did you have conversations about your character and the story?
Working With Tommy was amazing, he and Ryan Lynch (his son) are just amazing collaborators. It's tough starting off on a big show and being really fresh and new to the business but they helped me along the way and were so incredibly supportive and protective. They also valued my opinions and creative decisions. We had a lot of fun shaping Carmie and making her a character with a lot of depth. Tommy is actually amazing and so great to work with. He really made it a lot of fun and we became close with the whole cast too, just one big family.
How did you prepare for this role? Is there anything special you did to get into character before your scenes?
I wanted Carmie to be as authentic as possible. I didn't want her personality to seem cheesy or unrealistic. I made sure that I had a lot of fun when doing scenes and just went with the flow. Music helped a lot and not thinking about the scene too much made it natural.
Carmie and Kev share a close and supportive friendship. Did you and Niko Ceci have a lot of fun together, and how was he as a scene partner?
Carmie and Kev are like Kaileen and Niko. It's really funny because me and Niko joke that we don't even have to act most of the time because we are just so close. I love doing scenes with him because they just come so naturally and flow well. We definitely have a very close relationship off-screen, we are best friends. We love Tommy because he basically united two halves into one, I and Niko are like the same person and we love that.
The show has a talented young cast, also including Aaliyah Cinello (Madison), Zebastin Borjeau (Dylan) and Ana Araujo (Leanna). Did it feel like summer camp, and was it nice to share this experience with cast members similar in age to yourself?  
I had so much fun being able to share the experience with young actors like me. It definitely felt like work but in the best way possible. We made sure to keep it professional and not goof around too much but had our fair share of giggles and fun off-screen. I loved working with each and every one of them and also developing close relationships as friends off set as well.
Actor and comedian Kris Siddiqi stars as The Collector. How was Kris to work with, and was it hard to stay in character without laughing? What did he teach you about performing?
Kris was THE FUNNIEST person ever. We all loved working with him because he was just so warm and welcoming every time we did a scene. It was definitely very funny when he started to improv at the end of a scene but we managed to keep it together. He was an amazing mentor and I loved being able to work with him.
Take us behind the scenes! What is your favourite memory from Season 1?
I had a blast filming this show. It's hard to pick just one memory. Also most of the things me and the cast find funny might not make sense to you guys. But I do remember filming episode five - we had to jump off the rooftop set onto a mat, me and Niko would fall onto the mat into a splat position on purpose so that whoever had to jump next would just start laughing and we would just fall onto the mat because we were laughing so much we lost our balance.
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Why would you encourage viewers to tune in to I Woke Up a Vampire? What can they expect to see and take away from the show?
I would love for young kids to watch this show because as the episodes go on we explore real topics, but it's still fun to watch because of the supernatural side to it. Carmie faces the hard reality of school and feels like she needs to fit in which is very relatable to many kids and it is comforting to know that other people are going through the same thing.
We know it’s early on, as the show hasn’t even premiered on Netflix yet, but are you aware of plans for future seasons? Would you like to explore Carmie’s story further?
I am actually not sure what the plans are for further seasons, Tommy loves to keep his ideas very very secret. I remember filming the early episodes and as we got closer to the later ones we would bombard him with questions and he would never tell us anything until the script came out. But I would love to explore Carmie's adventure and exploration towards more serious topics and her journey with self-love and acceptance.
You are an advocate for those with down syndrome, which is personal and meaningful to you and your family. Tell us about the importance of this work for you, and how you stay involved and informed.
My little sister has Down Syndrome, and I think it is very important for people to stay aware and understand that she may be different but she is just as capable. I am an advocate because she deserves equality and to be treated just how everyone else is. I love to bring awareness to the kids with Down Syndrome and their amazing talents.
You have multiple cultures, with both Latinx and Taiwanese heritage. Have you always been in touch with your identity and where you came from? Why are you proud to be Latinx and Taiwanese?
I am very proud of my mix, I think it makes me very unique and who I am. I have always embraced the different features I hold and love to spread my culture to those around me.
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Has your ethnicity impacted your career so far? Are you hopeful for more diversity in film (ethnic and minority creatives) in the near future, and being a part of that positive change?
I think one thing that really had me drawn to acting was the little diversity and awareness. I wanted to be able to be a role model for young girls because I remember watching TV when I was younger and the main character was always a pretty white girl who was a cheerleader, always looked perfect, and was a popular girl.
With Carmie, I wanted to show the viewers that they can have some comfort in this show knowing that some people can relate to Carmie in the sense that she isn't perfect, popular, and she's mixed. I was also really attracted to the fact that I could be a responsible and inspiring person to young people so that when they grow up, they can see someone who they can follow and look up to.
What inspired you to learn and become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL)?
I love inclusivity, and I think that it was important for me to learn ASL so that I could practice my beliefs of inclusivity. I grew up in a school that prioritized being inclusive and I want to carry that on with me as I go in the real world so learning ASL was a big accomplishment and milestone for me becoming a step further into the person I want to be.
Who are you listening to on your playlist? 
I love music, I personally get really shy when it comes to asking about my music taste. It's hard to narrow down my favorites when I have such a range of music tastes.
Our signature question: If you could be any ice cream flavour, which would you be and why?
I would be cotton candy because it's like two different colors and I have two very different sides to me that are completely opposite.
Thank you to Kaileen Chang for answering our questions! 
Follow her on Instagram to stay updated with what’s next for the rising star. New episodes of I Woke Up a Vampire air Fridays at 6:30 pm ET/PT on Family Channel. 
Photo credit to: Tommy Flanagan (portraits)
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toomanywatchers · 11 months
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cassiexjunex · 18 days
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Hoping you like shy brunettes in thigh highs…
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saw except jigsaw and his apprentices look like this
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mitchelljade · 6 months
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Am so wonderful and kind and I'm worth knowing. Could Hit Me Up🥰❤️
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themusicsweetly · 2 months
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"Ian and Claire and Jamie have come home," Roberts notes. "They've brought Jamie's cousin's body back home. And in season 3, when Jamie left Scotland, he made a promise that he would return one day and this is that return. He's bringing Claire with him, and obviously, Ian wants to go home and see his family as well. We packed the house. It's this big homecoming, and there might be some other special guests too." —Matthew B. Roberts for EW
—First look at Claire, Jamie, and Young Ian at Lallybroch in Outlander Season 7B
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
C seeing an academic rival flirting with MC and getting into an argument with MC after class jsjjhjjj
C’s eyes narrowed as they watched the scene unfold across the lecture hall. they were supposed to be focusing on the professor’s lecture on macroeconomic theory, but their attention was locked onto the sight of their chess rival from vanderbilt hall—riley calloway, of all people—leaning over your desk with that infuriatingly charming smile. the way they tilted their head slightly, the way you laughed at whatever they’d just said—it grated on C in a way they didn’t want to focus on too deeply.
when riley brushed their hand against yours, a flash of something hot and unpleasant surged in C’s chest. they clenched their fist around their pen, almost snapping it in half. the rest of the lecture passed in a blur of irritation, every whispered exchange between you and riley fueling the fire of their annoyance.
by the time class ended, C was practically vibrating with tension. they watched as you gathered your things, riley still lingering near the doorway of the lecture hall, clearly not in any hurry to leave. C shoved their notebook into their bag, barely waiting for the room to empty out before storming over to where you sat.
“you seem to be getting pretty cozy with calloway,” C said, the words sharp and accusing as they loomed over you.
you looked up at them, surprise flickering across your face before it morphed into something defensive. “what’s it to you?”
“what’s it to me?” C repeated, incredulous. “they’re a vanderbilt resident and our competition. you know that as well as i do. you’re giving them an advantage by—” they waved a hand vaguely in riley’s direction, as if the very sight of the redhead was offensive. “—by whatever it is you’re doing.”
you blinked, thrown off by the accusation laced in their tone. “we were just talking.”
“talking?” C echoed you, their voice laced with disdain. they shot a withering glance at riley, who, sensing the tension, had the good sense to step away from the doorway, though not without a smug smirk directed at C. “it looked like more than just talking.”
“so what if it was?” you shot back, your voice rising. “why do you care anyway, lacroix?”
C’s mouth opened and closed, caught off guard by your question. “i—” they faltered, the words they wanted to say tangled up with the ones they should say. “that’s not the point. the point is, you’re better than that. we’re not supposed to be fraternizing with our hall’s rivals.”
your lips pressed into a thin line, the defensive edge in your voice sharpening. “what gives you the right to decide that? just because we’re from the same hall doesn’t mean you get to dictate who i talk to. maybe i’m tired of seeing everyone as competition. not everything has to be a fucking game, lacroix.”
“but it is a game,” C shot back, their words laced with the kind of bitterness that comes from a life spent in a constant race to win. “and you’re playing right into their hands.”
“and you think you know what’s best for me?” you challenged, an eyebrow lifting up defiantly. “because from where i’m standing, it sounds more like jealousy than concern.”
the accusation hung in the air between you, heavy and charged. C stiffened, their chalcodeny green gaze locking with yours. “jealousy? you think i’m jealous of that peasant?”
you stand up, refusing to back down. “aren’t you, lacroix?”
C’s jaw tightened, their thoughts racing. the truth was, they didn’t have a name to put on what they felt. all they knew was that the sight of you and riley together had twisted something inside them, something ugly and filled with rage.
a heavy silence fell between you, the kind that made the very air feel oppressive. the dim afternoon light filtered in through the tall windows, casting the room in shades of gray, the shadows on C’s face making their expression even more severe and conflicted.
“you think you know everything, don’t you?” you finally said, your voice quieter now, almost tired. “but you don’t. you don’t know anything about what i want. you don’t even know me. you never tried to.”
C’s eyes darkened, their anger momentarily faltering, replaced by something almost vulnerable, almost desperate.
“i did. more than you’d ever know,” they said, but the words were softer, as if they were unsure of them.
you blinked in shock, mouth opening to utter a question following their admission before closing them again.
“why do you care so much, C?” you asked quietly, deciding on not poking their previous statement. “and please be honest this time.”
“because…” they hesitated, searching for the right words. “because i don’t want to see you get hurt. and i don’t want them, or anyone, to have any part of you that i haven’t earned.”
the vulnerability in C’s voice took you by surprise, the sincerity in them almost gut-wrenching. the rivalry, the hate, the constant push and pull—it was all still there, but beneath it, something new was wrapping its roots. something that neither of you were ready to confront yet.
without another word, C turned and walked away, the echo of their footsteps the only sound in the now-empty lecture hall. but as they left, the weight of your gaze lingered on their back, and you couldn’t help but realise that this might’ve been the first time—as far as you know—they’d gazed at you with as much tenderness as their pale green eyes were capable of.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
something something one of those those "Jango falls for Courtesan/Stripper/NightclubSinger/TrophyWife!Obi-Wan" AUs...
But instead Obi-Wan actually being a sex worker, he's undercover and still a Jedi, and either:
They split ways and run into each other a few months later with Obi-Wan in full Prude Beige Knight mode OR
The situation goes pear-shaped while they're still flirting and Obi-Wan has to break cover to grab a senator and jump out a window and suddenly this half-dressed glittery Person is batting away shots with a lightsaber and there's a bratty twelve-year-old who ALSO has a lightsaber threatening people with I Will Eat Your Liver if they keep staring at his dad's ass just because the sequined sheathe dress tore in a sexy place
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realjdobypr · 7 months
Editor and SEO Researcher Dr. Jerry Doby Releases Book for Digital Journalists and Newsrooms
Excited to have released my first book...would love to know your thoughts! SEO Essentials: A Journalist's Handbook is as up to date as it gets!
For his first published book ever, editor and published SEO researcher Dr. Jerry Doby just released SEO Essentials for Online Magazines: A Journalist’s Handbook on MagCloud. This book is based on his published research paper SEO-optimized Writing: Removing the Mystery, featured in the Cognitionis Scientific Journal (2023) and sponsored by Logos University International (UNILOGOS).SEO Essentials…
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gale-force-storm · 3 months
Ok, new headcanon I've been playing around with for a bit, and I like it so I figured I'd share. The gist is this:
Morena Dekarios: Bard
Gale's always felt like he has some theatre kid energy to me. He's dramatic, grandiose, expressive, he quotes Shakespeare, he writes poetry, he loves telling stories, he comes up with a little rhyme on the spot if you cheat at that chess puzzle, he's just got That Vibe. Now, he could have come by this energy naturally. Some people are just Like That. However, please join me in imagining little Gale, listening with rapt attention as his mother performs a ballad, or tells a story with such skill that the entire room is enthralled. Imagine her trying to keep baby Gale entertained with some dancing lights, only for him to swiftly pick up the spell himself. Maybe one of the reasons he likens magic to art is because, well, that's what it was to him, when he was young.
Maybe Morena was an up-and-coming bard, travelling around the Sword Coast. Maybe she started a fling, as bards often do, with some handsome adventurer, and they traveled together for a bit. Maybe they found out she'd accidentally become pregnant, and after some discussion her partner agreed to return to Waterdeep with her, because, Morena insisted, the road was no place to raise a child, and she'd rather have her family nearby for support. So they went and found a house to settle in, and things were ok for a time. A bit bumpy, but they made it work, her partner taking odd jobs around the city and her taking gigs in taverns and inns and feast halls for as long as she was able. Even the first year or two of Gale's life things went relatively smoothly. But then his magic tendencies started really manifesting, and while Morena was initially excited, the chaos that quickly followed threw her relationship even further onto the rocks. They kept trying for a few years, but eventually, when Gale was 4 or 5, the partner decided enough was enough. He never wanted a kid to begin with, and all this? It was too much. He was out, and Morena and Gale never heard from him again.
Morena still did her best after that, of course. She was still proud of her brilliant son, despite the chaos and what anyone else might say, his father included. He was with her constantly, including often sitting by and watching her performances when no one else was able or willing to watch him. Luckily he always loved watching her play and sing and tell stories, so he caused relatively little trouble when he came along. She even started teaching him to cook, and to play a few instruments, which he picked up as quickly as everything else, though the piano seemed to be his favorite. She considered getting him into bard college in the future, following in her footsteps, but then Elminster came along. And while she'd been doing her best to help Gale with his magic, it was a bit of a relief to have someone so skilled, so practiced and renowned, be willing to help. A relief too, to have someone who saw Gale like she did (or so she thought): as a gift. Someone special, rather than a nuisance or possible danger. She adored Gale, doted on him, taught him as much as she could, but she could admit that she was a bit out of her depth with him.
By the time she started questioning the wisdom of having him go to Blackstaff at such a young age, started questioning the messages he might be getting, Gale was old enough and had inherited enough of her willfulness that there was no stopping him from diving headfirst into whatever he wanted to do, including more formal wizard training. She was still proud, of course, but she did worry about him. She was glad that he at least had Tara around to keep an eye on him, and that Tara was willing to report back to her. As long as Gale was happy, Morena resolved, that's what mattered. Her little storm. Her darling son with the mind of a wizard and the heart of a poet. A heart like her own.
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trans-pilled · 5 months
which financial consultant told watcher they’re popular enough to completely pull out of youtube and onto a paid streaming site lmao
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plumeriacosmos · 3 months
colin really thought that without eloise, he can finally monopolize pen for himself, but hon hon hon,,,, little does he know, hyacinth is there to mess up his plans lmao.
show! pen may not have felicity, but she has a hyacinth who’ll adore her for the both of them uwu
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batty-for-batfam · 4 months
Since Dick and Tim would both be known as Rob I can just imagine the confusion, but not how you would think.
Like Wally calls out Rob to Tim, meanwhile Tim ignores it because he knows that Dick is Wally’s Rob but like for once Wally actually wants Tim.
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Let me ride in your cock ❤️🍆
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cassiexjunex · 24 days
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back shots later?
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wyvernity · 6 months
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sss day my favorite national holiday WOOOOHHHH
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#pokemon#trainer lyra#rival silver#soulsilvershipping#timeskip tag#bao beis#i had so much more planned. but alas. college.#ANYWAY. sss my everything. ohh. always thinking abt them.#this is very obviously lyra's room! all the pink! massive bed to fit all her pokemon! the champion paycheck gets you that much at least#and plants!!! no. 1 horticulturist in johto#she's living somewhere around the base of mt silver... decently close to the league and her hometown#so i like to imagine her with a huge greenhouse so she can take care of plants even in the harsher climate#meanwhile silver has one of those decrepit malelivingspace flats in viridian. he's making it work.#i can only see sss properly moving in together liiiike in their late 20s#after they get to enjoy young adult independence for a while#but before they permanently settle down they should go on silly adventures again... just once. or twice. or#as much as i like to entertain the thought of them being homebodies i think they'd rather spend their lives travelling haha#since silver never got to fully experience it as a kid on the run#being a wanted man and all#and lyra is itching for the getaway#they deserve to be in nature and responsibility-free and *frothing at the mouth*#BTW i put my whole wyvussy into that wall decor#lisia signed poster... rosa's resemblance as mei(!!!) in the totoro one... bell tower + whirl island pics //#pokemon constellations... and those gen 4 mail templates that no one actually used. probably from dawn. champion penpals :]#i debated doing a lance poster because celebrity idol funny but nah she'd bin that immediately after moving out#oh yeah the drawover was um. inspired by the nonebinary neochamp fit. so happy for my son.#i'm glad i managed to finish the big piece in time otherwise i would've just posted that LOL can you imagine#okey bye happy sss day
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