#your guardian angel chapter 2
hazbinwhoree · 8 months
The Adam Masterlist
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A/N: Red = Smut
Constantly being updated
The Devil works hard but I work harder
Chapter Stories
Guardian Angel 1/3
Guardian Angel 2/3
Guardian Angel 3/3
Adam’s Sinner 1/3
Adam’s Sinner 2/3
Adam’s Sinner 3/3
Milk & Cookies 1/2
Milk & Cookies 2/2
The Third Wife 1/2
The Third Wife 2/2
Come Inside 1/2
Come Inside 2/2
Failed 3 For 3 1/2
Failed 3 For 3 2/2
Adam x F!Reader Smut
Jealousy, Jealousy
An Angel & An Overlord
Sensitive Wings
Fucking the Guitarist
Fallen Angel
Not Today
Shower Sex
Sharing (is Caring)
The Incident
Asmodeus’ Daughter
20 Years in Eternity
I Wanna Be Yours
Stay With Me
Hangout or Hookup?
Father Adam
Too Far
You Catch More Flies With Honey
My Bandmate’s Sister
I Was In A Band
Consent King
Father of the Year
Panties Thief
Peak Orgasm
Short Oneshots
Before It All Went Wrong
Made With Love
I Love You All The Same
Happy Birthday
Niceness Ploy
General Adam Headcanons
General Adam Headcanons pt.2
Adam’s Sensitive Wings
Adam Comforting Reader
Protective Adam
Adam x Insecure Reader
420 with Adam
Gay Panic
Adam Receiving a Gift
Domestic Life
Platonic!Adam w/ Child!Reader
Platonic!Adam w/ Teen!Reader
Adam x Seraphim Reader
Low Sex Drive
Toys pt.2
Period Sex
Adam x Elysia!Reader
Consent is Key, Kids
Adam x Reader w/ a Bad Period
Adam x Affectionate Reader
No Touching Challenge
Drunk Adam Headcanons
Male Reader
Adam x Cocky M!Reader
Adam x Exorcist M!Reader
Adam x Innocent M!Reader
Extermination & Mistakes
Cocky Bastard
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byoldervine · 9 months
How To Always Have Writing Ideas…
For A New Story:
1. Keep a list. Any time you have one of those sudden bursts of inspiration in the middle of writing a separate story, don’t quit your current WIP or pretend you’ll ‘just remember it’, put it into a separate list. You can always go back to this later on
2. Writing prompts. Look them up, use random word generators, pick a random object you can see, whatever helps you come up with any idea at all. Write a few paragraphs. Can it evolve from there?
3. People watch. Go to a public place and make up backstories for the strangers you come across. That man in the hat is using it to hide his elf ears. That woman with the bright pink hair didn’t dye it, she’s secretly the main character of an anime trying to dodge all the tropes and cliches. That toddler is actually a guardian angel reincarnated to watch over their new baby sibling. What brings them to this place? Where did they come from? Where are they going next?
To Continue An Existing Story:
1. Act it out. Say the words aloud, act out what your characters are doing, get props or people to act off of if you need to. See what feels like the most natural progression of the moment
2. Coffee shop AU, or other substitutional one-shot. Good for establishing dynamics between two or more characters, or even just working out a lone character’s day-to-day. Just write a few paragraphs about your characters entering a coffee shop or similar appropriate establishment/ordinary location. What do they do? What do they order to eat/drink? What do they say to each other? How do they treat the staff and other customers? If all else fails, write what they do after they leave, as if it were an ordinary day for them
3. Rubber duck it. This is something programmers use to work out where they went wrong in their code, but I’ve found it can work for figuring out story stuff as well. What you do is get a rubber duck, or any other object of focus, and start explaining your problem to it out loud. In this case you can read your chapter to the duck, or even give it the full run-down of the plot so far. Warning; side effects may include getting frustrated that the problem was right in front of you and subsequently throwing the duck
For Both:
1. Writing graveyards. I talked a bit about them in a previous post, but writing graveyards are basically just the folder you store your deleted scenes in instead of yeeting them into the void. Reread those, see if they have anything you can recontextualise or repurpose
2. Combine ideas. My WIP Byoldervine is a combination of two separate plots I had that I realised I’d be able to combine - twice. I first realised I could put together my ‘angel and demon heroes protecting humans from a war between heaven and hell’ story and my ‘quest through the fantasy realm to find the ingredients to a cure for a dying god’ story into the same universe as two sides of the same story as a duology. Then I realised I could just remove a few characters, tweak a few plot points and mash them completely together into one book. Combining them works wonders and minimises worldbuilding
3. Go out with friends or family. I guarantee that the one time you’ll be flooded with inspiration is when you don’t have an opportunity to write it down
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back2bluesidex · 8 months
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - Chapter 4 (18+)
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Pairing: Model, ex-boyfriend!Jungkook X Child psychologist, Fem!Reader X Lawyer, Single Dad!Hoseok. 
Summary: Jungkook stripped your emotions naked, left you bare in the chilly wind of despair and self-doubt with an unending heartache. You tried your hardest to move on from him, to live for yourself but failed miserably. Each night you had to come back to your empty home where memories and broken dreams were scattered all around the floor, until one day a little angel and her unbelievably beautiful father came into your life. Finally, when you find yourself healing, maybe falling too, Jungkook had to show up! Again!
Theme: Angst, pining, heartbreak, break-up, implied smut
Warnings: Mentions of school bullying, multiple pov changes, the budding tension is everything.
Word count: 3.2k
Taglist requests are closed.
Minors and karens are not allowed in this blog
A/N: sorry for being so late and still coming up with a shorter chapter. but we progressed a lot in this!!
Main Masterlist
Prologue/Masterpost || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 - Finale
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A wave of nausea hits your gut as soon as you step into the elevator. 
Your eyes are full to the brim but you are determined not to let a single tear slip, not for the man who invalidated you and your feelings by falling for someone else. So you laugh instead. 
A sarcastic, loud laugh escapes your throat as you realize you have spent the better part of your day trying not to run into him but you failed. Just like you failed the relationship and just like Jungkook failed your love. 
Shutting your eyes tight, you take in deep breaths.. One, two, three. 
You have a session, Y/N.You can’t let your personal issues unsettle you now. You tell yourself again and again until the elevator touches the ground. 
And then your eyes fall on him as soon as you exit the building. 
Hoseok looks beautiful today. He is sporting a purple floral shirt, which might have looked bizarre on anyone else, with baggy jeans and a cute bucket hat. He regards you with his signature heart shaped smile and a wave upon seeing you. 
Right then and there, you feel your heart being repaired. You feel as if your fresh wounds have been cleaned and stitched. 
Your heart thumps in your chest as you realize, all your distress just vanished with just one smile from Hoseok. One look at him and you completely overcame the negative feelings that you had been suffering from since coming across Jungkook. 
You also realize that Jung Hoseok is most definitely different from the other guardians of your counselees. He is more, much more than you are proud of admitting. 
“Hey” Hoseok chimes in. His eyes fall on yours and they gradually dip down to your collarbones and then to your cleavage. 
Heat settles on your face. You hope you are not appearing to be too flushed. 
“Hi.” you reply when you find his eyes locking into yours again. But he doesn’t smile this time, rather there is a tinge of darkness inside his brown orbs. The tension is palpable. So much so that you had to divert your eyes and look at the car. 
“Let’s go.” Hoseok murmurs, you nod. 
And then he places his hand on the small of your back, guiding you towards his car. Goosebumps travel all around your body. God! Were you always this sensitive? Or is it because you have been touched deprived for so long now? 
Or is it because of the man himself? 
You try not to show any difference in your posture. Walking steadily you reach the car and settle on the passenger seat. 
Sua breaks into a big smile seeing you and greets you with her usual cheery voice. When you greet her back and take her in you realize that this father-daughter duo is twinning.  
“Oh my- You guys look adorable!” you giggle reaching out to pat Sua’s head through the small-sized bucket hat she is wearing. 
“You are twinning too! Your dress has flowers just like ours!” Sua exclaims and her voice is a pure serotonin boost, you can’t help laughing out loud. 
“Well” you take a look at your dress, “I guess you are not wrong.” 
Feeling a pair of eyes on your figure again, you look up and you find Hoseok staring down at you again. Even though he diverts his eyes, you still feel the weight of his gaze on your chest. 
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“The audition though.. Is in the US” Jungkook sighs. His face finds the hollow space created by his palms. His shoulders drop and he feels as if his career is approaching an end. 
“And?” You place your question carefully. 
He sighs again, “You know, Y/N. I can’t afford flying all the way to the states!” 
“But we can.” there is a small smile lingering on your lips. 
“What do you-” 
“What I mean is, Jungkook, you pay as much as you can, I can take care of the rest.” leaning towards him, you place a sweet kiss on his cheek. 
“But, Y/N, I- I don’t wanna be a burden on you.” the words choke on his throat but his mind eases as he looks into your eyes. 
“Kook” you hold both of his hands with both of yours, “It’s okay to ask for help, especially from the people you love and who love you back. I am a part of your life now, we have a long way to go together, so you can pay me back anytime you want. Okay?” 
Jungkook’s heart soars and soars and soars in his chest. His emotions spill through his eyes and you wipe those ever so gently. 
When he locks his lips with yours, you taste like forever. 
He is such a traitor. He left the person who was with him through thick and thin. 
When you got three different offers from three different clinics, he only got rejected in auditions. When you started sending money to your parents every month, his agency got bankrupt. When you reached new heights everyday, jungkook only fell lower and lower. 
But you never once looked down on him, never once treated him like the inferior one he was. Rather you are the reason why he is at his current position. But he couldn’t pay you back. 
He failed. 
He fell.. For someone else. 
And it’s only justified for you to hate him but still the thought only stings him, it angers him, unsettles him. 
But more than everything… It hurts him. And he doesn’t know if he is brave enough to find out the reasons. 
“Jungkook! Jeon Jungkook! Are you even listening to me?” Jimin’s scream brings Jungkook back to reality. 
“Yes? Yes. Yes I am listening.” He tries to overview the situation, trying to find out what the elder has been talking about. 
“No you are not. This is the third time I have asked you if you want me to pack some kimchi or not.” Jimin fusses standing on the opposite side of the kitchen counter. His eyes suggest the fact that he has a very clear idea about what’s going on inside Jungkook’s head. “You are thinking of her, aren’t you?” 
“You should definitely pack some kimchi for me.” Jungkook ignores Jimin’s question, completely changes the topic. 
The elder only nods, deciding not to pry anymore. 
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Never in a million years you would have known that a bakery can be this fancy. 
But then… you met the Jung duo. 
The sweet aroma of buttery goodness envelops your senses as you step inside.  
The vanilla scent perfectly matches with the white interior of the bakery and you are forced to think if you're underdressed for a bakery session or not. 
Sua tugs at your hand when she sees you scanning the place with utmost attention. 
"Is it your first time here?" She asks sweetly. 
"Yes. Never thought bakeries could look this fancy." You giggle a little. 
When your eyes fall ahead, you find a young waitress guiding Hoseok towards your table. 
Maybe he had reserved a table earlier. 
The table is situated at a nice cozy corner of the bakery, which is good since you're here to counsel Sua and it's better to keep things within an invisible barrier. 
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Hoseok has been trying. 
He has been trying his hardest to keep his eyes away from you, to keep it on only your face when it’s needed but oh boy! 
It’s not his fault that you are looking so gorgeous today or the fact that your dress has a low neck or that it is fitting you like a glove emphasizing your body curves more than he can take in innocently. 
It’s not his fault that he caught your eyes shining when those fell onto his, or the way you smiled at him a little intimately today. He doesn’t know how his thoughts or observations make sense but here he is feeling like a giddy teenager getting to share a desk with his crush for the very first time. 
“Mr. Jung and baby Sua, how are you doing today?” It's the waitress who usually attends them during their visit. 
Hoseok smiles at her and she smiles back wider than needed. 
“We are doing fine, Ms. Shin, what about you?” he returns the courtesy. 
“Same here. You have got a friend today, I see.” she now regards you, taking a good look at you from head to toe. 
You smile at her kindly but refrain from saying anything. 
“Yeah we do. About the order please go as usual for me and Sua and” he looks at you and finds you captivating yet again, “what about you, Y/N?” 
“Just a cup of hot chocolate please with a side of marshmallows.” 
“Sure” the waitress notes down your order with another weird glance and you notice it this time. 
Sua starts giggling as soon as she leaves, when you two look at her she stifles her laugh with one of her tiny hands and says, “she thinks you are daddy’s girlfriend. She is offended. She thought she could flirt with him forever.” 
If Hoseok is seeing things right then you are blushing. Your cheeks and the tip of your ears turn red as Sua mentions you as Hoseok’s girlfriend. 
Honestly, he ain’t doing any better. Hoseok feels as if someone has uncaged ten million butterflies in his stomach. He can’t help staring at you yet again. 
“So shall we play a game till the food arrives?” You break the tension by finally starting with your session. 
“Game? Here? Right now?” Sua enquiries innocently. 
“Yeah. Let's play a word game. I will name a word and you will have to tell me the first thing or person that comes to mind. okay?” 
“Wow, that sounds fun!” Sua replies expectantly. 
“So, let’s start. I will go first and ask you five words, then you can do the same.” hoseok sees you preparing for a bit and then finally uttering the first word, “favorite” 
“Blueberry!” Sua answers immediately. 
You chuckle, “Oh! So blueberry is Sua’s favorite fruit, I see.” pausing for a bit you say, “happy” 
“Drawing” sua’s reply comes within an instant again. 
“Great. Love?” 
“Daddy” Hoseok’s heart fills at his daughter’s answer. He smiles on his own as his eyes become a little moist. 
“That’s so sweet” you coo at her. “Umm.. next is scared” 
Sua’s face dulls at this as she says “Jaemin” softly. 
“Are you scared of him because he pulls tricks on you?” you place the question carefully. Sua nods. 
“What does he do to you, Sua? Tell me so that I and Hoseok can help you.” You place a hand on top of Sua’s. 
Her head hangs even lower but she says, “he- he told the entire class that I am an illigimate child, that daddy is not my real dad and that is why I don’t have a mom. No one talks to me anymore. Not even my best friend Yoo Ri. They don’t play with me, call me an outskirt and laugh at me. Jaemin locked me in the room for a whole period and told me if I complained to the teachers he would tell them what I am and get me expelled from the school. I didn’t tell anyone. Not even daddy. I was afraid that whatever he said was true and dad is not my dad. He even threw my lunch out of the window and made me starve.” 
Hoseok sees red. 
His eyes are full of tears and he is ready to set the world on fire today. The way Sua could not even pronounce illegitimate properly yet she knew what it meant, is absolutely heartbreaking. 
He slaps the table out of anger and both of you and Sua jump out of surprise. 
You look at him, placing a hand on top of his, you whisper softly, “Calm down. I have got this. Don’t worry.” 
And he actually calms down. 
Is this what it feels like having a partner beside you through your high and low? 
Is this what it feels like having you as his partner? If yes then he would kill to have you, even if it’s unethical for him to even think of that. 
“Sua, do you trust me?” you ask the little one. 
She nods. 
“Then do you believe me if I say that you are not an illegitimate child and Hoseok is your real dad?” 
“Is that right, daddy?” Sua asks softly. 
Hoseok stands up from his table, kneels down in front of his girl, holds his little hands with his bigger ones and says “Yes baby. I am your dad. I swear you are my real daughter, I made you with my blood and flesh.”  
Sua breaks into a loud sob, as she hugs her dad tightly. 
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“Y/N, we still have a word left?” Sua speaks with a mouth full of blueberry cheesecake. 
“Oh right.” You sit straight again, taking a sip from your hot chocolate. Your red lips attach to the edge of the cup, looking perfectly pouty and kissable. 
Hoseok finds it tough to breathe all of a sudden. 
“So the next word is.. Hate.” 
“Mina aunty.” 
Fuck! Sua had to mention her out of everyone. 
“Who is Mina aunty?” you ask the kid.  
“She is actu-” hoseok tries to handle the situation but his daughter is faster than him apparently. 
“She is daddy’s friend. She often comes to our home whenever I am asleep. And she sleeps there! Does she not have a home or something? Oh I hate her.” 
“Oh I see.” you divert your eyes towards hoseok with a knowing look. His face reddens and he has to avoid looking into your eyes. 
“Now it’s your turn.” Sua chimes in and Hoseok feels relieved when you stop staring at him. 
“Yeah, let’s start.” you take another sip. 
“Jungko-” you pause. You seem to surprise yourself with the name you were about to take. 
“Oh? Why did you pause? Is that your boyfriend’s name?” Sua giggles. 
The tightness that Hoseok feels inside his chest is unjustified. 
You definitely have a boyfriend. Why did he even think he had a chance with someone as appealing as you. Why did he even start thinking there’s something cooking between you two? 
On the other hand, you seem to be quite uncomfortable with Sua’s question. 
“No. He is someone I used to know, someone I should not be taking the name of, anymore” you reply finally. 
Your expression turns somber and you start biting your lower lip. 
Maybe you are as broken as Hoseok is. 
And maybe.. Just maybe.. Hoseok has a chance to fix you. 
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The air inside the car is heavy with tension again. 
You wanted to avoid Hoseok. You wanted to avoid this fuzzy feeling you feel inside your chest whenever you come closer to him. 
He has a girlfriend after all (or maybe a friend with benefits, not that you are keen to know) and you are not totally over your ex-boyfriend. 
But hoseok and Sua insisted on dropping you, which brings you here to the passenger seat yet again. 
Sua is asleep, which makes things between you and Hoseok even more tense. So, you keep your eyes on the window the entire time and sigh out of relief when your apartment comes into view. 
Taking in a deep breath while unbuckling the seat belt you say, “We’ve overcome the toughest part today. Sua will be fine soon.” 
“Yeah- yeah. Thanks for today.” Hoseok fumbles with his words. 
“It’s my job. Anyway, good night. Drive safe.” and you are already climbing out of the seat and shutting the door. 
Another second in the car and you may just ask him who the fuck Mina is. 
Just when you are about to take steps towards the entrance, Hoseok calls you from behind. 
You stop in your tracks as Hoseok comes to stand right before you. 
“Y/N, I- I actually wanted to clear up that Mina is just my colleague and we, you know, take care of each other at times.” He reasons. 
That’s what you thought too but you don’t know why he is even explaining this to you. 
“That's fine, Hoseok. There is no need to explain your personal matters to me. I am Sua’s therapist only.” yes that’s what you are, just a therapist of his daughter, a temporary addition to his life. You can’t want more. You should never want more. 
“I know but I felt the need to explain this to you. I don’t know why.” Hoseok takes a step towards you and you take a step back. Your back hits the car. 
The look in his eyes is absolutely dangerous. Your heart can’t decipher it. You mind can’t read what the man wants from you or what you want from him. But it’s addictive. You want more of his eyes, more of him.. Fuck.. all of him. Even if it’s a little too early. 
You are free falling… again. 
“Are you okay? You seemed to be uncomfortable with Sua’s question earlier.” Hoseok speaks again. And this time his breath hits your face. 
“I am fine. I should be fine.” you reply avoiding his eyes. 
“Correct me if I am crossing any lines but is that your ex-boyfriend?” 
You nod. 
You usually don’t like messing up personal and professional boundaries but with Hoseok things are different. With Hoseok you feel different. 
“He broke up with me recently after three years of relationship. He-” your voice chokes at the thought of that day when Jungkook confessed things you never even dreamt of, “he fell in love with someone else.” 
Hoseok lets out a low chuckle. When you look up at him, his eyes pierce through yours. 
“How can anyone even fall out of love with you?” His voice reaches a few octaves lower than usual. 
“What- what do you mean?” you murmur. 
“I mean that it’s hardly possible to leave you. Anyone would kill to have you as theirs.” Hoseok’s eyes drop on your lips. Your eyes are fixed on the mole right above his lip. 
“Anyone? Really? You too?” your voice comes out confident, mouth runs before mind can comprehend. 
“Fuck.” hoseok comes even closer, “Yes.. Yes I would too.” 
Hoseok leans down and your heart beats out of your chest in the prospect of what’s gonna happen next. 
But before your fantasies can take shape, the car window slides down and Sua peeks out and says, “Daddy, are we home yet?” while rubbing her eyes. 
You push Hoseok away lightly, he stumbles back replying to his daughter that they are at your apartment right now. 
Everything feels fuzzy and light but.. 
You are completely unaware of the pair of eyes that are watching your every movement through a sheer layer of cigarette smoke. 
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@phenomenalgirl9 @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @sukunabitch @chimchimmarie @coffeedepressionsoup @meowstake @vonvi-blog @nochuel @xjoonchildx @justmewondering-recs @cuteipat @miakey98 @purpleanchorcrown @chimmisbae @ane102 @junniesoleilkth @terjeonbebas @kookssecret @appleh4ad @kayleeshinee @whoa-jo @definetlythinkimanalien @lovelgirl22 @agrika
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[fic rec mlist] ot8 x reader | multi x reader
main mlist | next (member-specific)
only general themes and tags are listed - please read through the author's specific tags and warnings
both sfw and nsfw fics are included. minors please dni with nsfw fics and respect the age restrictions put into place by the writers (suggestive, smut, and trigger warnings are highlighted in red)
🩶 favourites
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genre: alien!ateez, soulmate au, angst, fluff, smut, trigger warnings
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length: oneshot - 10.2k
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genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, heavy themes, trigger warnings
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pairing: ot8 x reader
genre: vigilante!au, action, angst, slight crack, heavy themes
length: 11/11 chapters + 10/10 podcast transcripts [completed] - 98.6k
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pairing: hongjoong x reader, wooyoung x reader
genre: pirate!au, fantasy, romance
length: 90/90 chapters [completed] - 251.8k
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this night together | @honeyhotteoks 🩶
pairing: yunho x mingi x reader, ft. seonghwa x san x wooyoung x reader
genre: a/b/o/omegaverse, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
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genre: fluff, established relationship to poly, smut
length: oneshot - 7.0k
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outlaw miniseries | @hongism
pairing: yunho x jongho x reader (part iii), san x wooyoung x reader (part vi - coming soon)
genre: outlaw!ateez, dystopian futurism, lore, angst, fluff, smut
length: 3/6 standalone parts [ongoing] - 14.8k
(part iii) ‘two for the price of one!’ the sign outside the shop had read, and well, you’ve never been one to pass up on a good deal.
(part vi) author synopsis coming soon
we ransacked the city | @tenelkadjowrites
pairing: hongjoong x seonghwa x reader
genre: richsnobs!hongjoong and seonghwa, badgirl!reader, angst, smut
length: 5/5 chapters [completed] - 31.4k
five years ago, torn between losing your wealth or remaining friends with hongjoong and seonghwa, you chose money. working on leaving your life of bad behaviour behind you, your days are now spent obeying your parents and playing the good girl in order to keep your inheritance. but when hongjoong and seonghwa suddenly return, everything is thrown upside down…and old habits die hard.
letters to a ruined king | @setsugekka (nb: links to ao3 as fic is no longer available on tumblr. author permission to share received)
pairing: hongjoong x reader, seonghwa x reader, yunho x reader, san x reader
genre: pirate!au, royalty!au, fantasy, romance, action, angst, smut
length: 20/20 chapters [completed] - 150.8k
if there’s one thing you remember as a mantra from growing up in a street thief guild, it’s ‘trust no one but your own, don’t get wrapped up with the wrong crowd.’ unfortunately, these seven pirates and their irate captain have left you with little choice.
as the world caves in (to eden) | @atzfilm (nb: links to ao3 as fic is no longer available on tumblr. author permission to share received)
pairing: hongjoong x reader, san x reader, wooyoung x reader, ? x reader
genre: apocalypse!au, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, trigger warnings
length: 11/? chapters [hiatus] - 55.2k
a mysterious virus has taken over the world, resulting in the undead and the new ‘eden race’ of humans. desperately trying to find your brother jongho with your friends, you stumble across another group in an abandoned hospital tent. strangely, they’re looking for him as well.
better than me? | @beahae
pairing: san x reader, ft. seonghwa x yunho x wooyoung x reader
genre: bf!san x reader x bf's best friends!seonghwa yunho wooyoung, smut
length: twoshot - 10.4k
it’s always been just a harmless game, flirting with your boyfriend, san’s, good friends. he’s even in on it. but one night, he starts pushing things further than ever before. 
last updated: 01 april 2024
1K notes · View notes
beautifulplaceofyouth · 5 months
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Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
When you keep bumping into your personal royal guard by accident not knowing he is your guardian angel
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook!fallen angel!royal guard! × fem!reader!virgin!princess 
Word count: 3k
Rating: 18+ smut
Genre + warnings: Fluff, smut, dirty talk, crying, tears of happiness, lap straddling, a lot of pussy fingering, biting, nipple play, Jungkook groans a lot, full nakedness, big dick!jk, a little bit of rough French, neck kissing, hard orgasms, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, guys :D) - she probably pregnant by the time he is done with her - upss - also mentions of marriage, paranormal romance, historical fanfiction, Kook being cold and mysterious, being his sexy self. Caring and possessive!jk! Really horny towards his princess, being a big seductive tease. A lot of swearing, cursing and a little bit of crying. The story isn’t real, just my imagination running wild so just enjoy reading!
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Still waiting in Jungkook’s chambers, you nervously fidgeted, your fingers picking up stray pieces of your dress whenever your leg bounced up and down, unable to calm yourself.
This couldn’t keep happening!
Everytime you think about what happened in the forest, it makes you tremble with fear. Your palms feel sweaty and your heart is beating loudly.
What if something happened to him?!
What if they caught him?! If anything were to happen to him...
You shook your head violently.
Stop thinking like this!
Taking a deep breath, you sat straight in the chair, crossing your legs and resting your hands on your lap, trying your best to control your breathing.
Just then, the door opened revealing a servant, the lovely octopus Moe, bringing in another tray of food.
“My lady, you need to eat something. You can’t go on like this,” he said softly, afraid that he overstepped his boundaries,” The king will be back soon, don’t worry.”
You smiled at him, “ Thanks but I’m not hungry,” trying to convince him otherwise, your stomach decided to complain with a grumbling sound loud enough for him to hear and you blush with embarrassment, not believing yourself for making those kind of sounds.
He tries to hide his surprise with a polite bow and leaves the room when he finishes setting up your late dinner since it was really late, the darkness outside having already started to cover the entire castle.
A couple minutes pass by when suddenly, the door opens with a bang which caused you to jump in your seat. A familiar man enters the room.
His whole armor was covered in blood, his wings torn in some places with dried blood on them. The sight makes you gasp when he steps into the room, the door closing behind him with a bang in the same way how it was opened.
Throwing the sword on the carpet, he doesn’t even notice you sitting there by the window when he removes his face mask, revealing his beautiful face full of bruises and wounds, the right eye already forming a blue bruise on his left cheek.
A sob escapes your mouth, tears streaming down your face as you stand from your seat and hurry to him.
Grabbing his wrist, you run your fingers lightly along the purple mark that now appeared on his skin.
“Why are you here so late? Did you get attacked? Who did that?!” You asked frantically, not knowing how he even got injured like this.
Do magic beings even heal faster like from the myths?
Jungkook looks at you in surprise for a second before his expression melts into concern when he notices your teary eyes.
“Darling, please don’t cry. Everything is fine.” He says reassuringly.
Relieved, you put both of your arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace, not caring whether or not you dirty your dress with his blood.
“I need to shower . You know I can’t stay with you smelling like blood,” he whispers, his warm breath hitting the side of your cheek as his chin rests on top of your head.
You nod, tightening your hold on him.
“Okay. But make sure to be careful. You can slip in there if it’s too slippery,” you warn him seriously and your words makes him smile at you, looking at you like you’re some wonder of the world.
“I will be extra careful and If I slip, I will call you,” he smirks with a teasing note in his promise to which you laugh and hit him gently.
“Stop making fun of me. I was worried about you when you went to fight vampires again. I thought that I will never see you again,” You said truthfully.
The corner of his eyes crinkled slightly in response, showing that he understood your meaning.
“Don’t forget who you belong to,” He says, caressing your cheeks with the tips of his fingers.
Then without saying another word, he walks to the wardrobe and takes out his clothes before leaving again.
Since he went to shower, you decided to clean yourself too since your dress had bloodstains. Taking the change of clothes, you went to the other bathroom , washing yourself as fast as possible.
Once you were done, you quickly dressed in your nightgown and walked to the bed where you lay down, staring into space, your thoughts still filled with worry.
The image of him fighting in the battlefield flashed through your mind again making you shiver uncontrollably. Why did you insist on going outside the castle if there’s danger?
With a tired sigh, you feel hot inside. Fanning yourself, you go to the big window with the balcony doors and open them wide, letting the fresh air enter the room, allowing your mind to be free of any doubts.
Trying to relax, you closed your eyes, trying to clear your mind. The last thing you wanted was to dwell on what happened earlier in the day.
After a while, you hear the bathroom door open and close softly. Not opening your eyes, your heart rate started to rise when you heard his footsteps approaching you.
He moved like a silent panther with soundless steps as it wasn’t him moving at all.
Feeling him behind you, Jungkook wraps his arms around you to nuzzle your neck.
“I missed you, princess,” he purrs, nuzzling your neck affectionately, pressing kisses against the spot between your shoulder and neck.
You hum softly in return, letting your eyes flutter shut and leaning into his embrace, enjoying the warmth radiating from his body and the smell of his cologne and fresh scent enveloping you.
“I heard that you were a bad girl for me while I was away,” he murmurs, nosing the shell of your ear, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. His breath sends chills down your spine but he didn’t seem to mind at all as his lips brushed against your earlobe gently.
"It's my duty as your future husband and your king to punish my princess whenever she does something wrong," he adds huskily.
You feel confused,” What are you talking about?”
You feel him smiling against your neck,” You didn’t eat anything , so your body needs time to recuperate. I ordered Moe to bring you some food and a glass of wine and you haven't touched it,” he explains softly, rubbing circles on your back with one hand, the other hand resting gently on your hip.
You flush in embarrassment as you realize that he caught you. "I'm sorry."
"Don’t apologise. It’s perfectly normal to miss someone while you’re away,” he replies, his thumb brushing across the curve of your waist.
Your eyes widen as you turn around in his arms, your face only inches from his.
His eyes are blazing when he looks at you and the longer he holds eye contact, the faster you let your own drop down at your feet, too shy to see his intense stare directed at you.
“Now,now. Don’t be shy now, darling. I don’t bite,” he coos softly.
There is irony in those words because you both know that you have been bitten by him before so this sentence was necessary.
When you look up again, you lock your gaze on his black eyes, seeing his pupils dilate and his eyebrows drawn together with a sexy smirk on his lips.
Suddenly, his hands are grabbing yours, pulling you closer, his hot breathe tickling your face, forcing you to tilt your head upwards so he could kiss you more deeply.
Your hands automatically move up to his hair, holding onto him securely as he deepens the kiss; his tongue slipping past your parted lips and exploring the inside of your mouth.
Suddenly, he breaks off the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, still not breaking your stare.
“Are you still sore?” he mumbles quietly and you shake your head, trying not to giggle at his question, you were more than eager to feel him in you again.
Your hands roam through the soft locks of hair on the back of his head, slowly pulling him down until he connects his lips with yours again, kissing you passionately, his tongue invading your senses. His hands roam the rest of your body, leaving heated trails everywhere they touch.
His lips trail down to your jawline, grazing his tongue over it teasingly before biting the delicate flesh there. Making you moan in pleasure, you grab handfuls of his hair, tugging playfully.
His mouth moves from your jaw to your collarbone, sucking hard as he bites your skin once again, licking the area tenderly before moving his mouth further, finding the perfect place to leave a wet hickey under your collarbone.
Panting, he lifts himself from your body, giving you no choice but to open your eyes to look at his beautiful face as your eyes traveled down to his bare chest.
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispers with a sad little smile as he looks straight into your eyes.
Your heart clenches painfully as you take in his state.
“What do you mean?” You ask confused.
He shakes his head,” I have blood on my hands and you still let me touch you. If I wouldn’t be the king or your guardian angel, we would never be this close. You would never have been mine in the first place,” He says brokenly.
Your eyes welled up with tears at his confession as you couldn’t believe what you just heard. You knew how he feels towards you and it kills you to see him like this because you love him.
Tears roll down from your cheeks as you wrap your arms around his neck, your eyes locked with his.
“But you are my king, my guardian angel, my guard, my everything. And as long as I have you, nothing else matters. That includes blood and death and being forced to watch you kill anybody who threatens us or our family. We need to protect them and knowing that you try to protect me despite facing danger, that’s enough reason to marry you,” you confess with a small sob, burying your face into his neck.
He lets out a chuckle in disbelief, pulling you even closer to him.
“I’m glad you see it that way because I can’t wait to make you mine and you to finally be mine forever,” he replies happily as he pulls your face back to look at him.
Lifting a finger to wipe away the tears rolling down your cheeks with such tender care, you smile at him.
“It’s me who doesn’t deserve you. You’re perfect man to be my husband,” you say lovingly.
Jungkook’s expression from warm to serious,” You make me do things to you if you keep saying these kind of sweet words , Y/N. How am I supposed to resist you now?”
You laugh at that and lean forward to press your lips to his as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer.
Before you can stop him, his hands lift you by the waist and he carries you onto the mattress, settling you in his lap, one of his hands traveling down to your leg while the other is holding you firmly around your waist.
Your eyes open wide in surprise at the sudden move and you feel him grinning at you wickedly before placing his lips against your neck again.
Your legs automatically wrapped themselves around his torso, pulling him closer to you.
Your eyes fall shut tightly, overwhelmed by his loving touches and his soft kisses on your skin. You couldn’t help but melt under his ministrations.
“My queen, look at me,” he says quietly as he kisses your neck again.
Slowly opening your eyes, you find him gazing right at you with love filled eyes,” Look at me when I speak to you. You belong only to me and nobody else. Only me,” he declares.
Tears form in your eyes as you blink at him, feeling overwhelmed by his passionate declaration. You nod silently with tears filling your eyes.
His lips brush against your cheek softly as he brushes his thumbs on your tears, “I’ll shower you with affection everyday if it means that you don’t cry anymore.”
You let out a small laugh,” It’s tears of joy that will make me cry. I won’t stop crying. Because I’ve already cried enough times tonight alone,” you tease him slightly.
“No. No more tears. Not after tonight. You won’t get rid of me that easily,” he states, raising an eyebrow playfully.
Leaning down, your gown’s right strap falls of your shoulder to reveal your pale flesh and even further when your breast is revealed completely. Your blush darkens and you bury your face in his neck.
His sharp breath makes you moan when he gets a clear sight of your bare nipple. Kissing your neck, his tongue hits your sensitive spot as he sucks your hardened tip lightly, making your knees weak and hands clutching on his hair.
You whimper softly, letting out small noises of pleasure as his lips travel lower down your body.
‘God, what is he doing?’ you think to yourself, your breathing growing heavier with every passing second.
Before you can question him, he slides your gown up your thighs till your bare pussy is exposed to his hungry eyes.
“Jungkook-!” you exclaim breathlessly, your whole body tensing up with nerves and anticipation, anticipating his next move.
“Shhh, don’t talk. I haven't stopped looking at you,” he murmurs huskily before lowering his face towards you.
Kissing you on the lips, he traces a path with his finger to your entrance. You let out a gasp and he immediately takes control, thrusting in two fingers. The burning sensation shoots straight to your clit making you arch your body upward, making him groan loudly against your ear.
“Breathe. Just breathe for me baby girl,” he breathes out harshly as he continues to finger fuck you slowly but steadily.
You can’t help but to whimper as his fingers are moving slowly inside of you, driving you crazy.
His tongue then slips inside your mouth, his fingers still moving inside you, causing you to let out another low moan as his mouth covers yours aggressively, thrusting inside of you relentlessly.
Bucking your hips against his lap, you felt his erection pulsing under your ass beneath that towel. Since he was in the shower, he didn’t put on any clothes on.
Moaning from the pleasure, you could only hold on, almost to the point of pain, not knowing how long will you last.
“Jungkook, Oh, Jungkook,” you pant against his lips and then your guard lost it, seeing you so close to orgasm.
Ripping the towel off his body, there was a second of silence, only your harsh breathing was heard in the room when he
enters you roughly. Your eyes flutter closed in shock before opening back up when you realize how deep he was.
The sound of air hitting your ears was the only thing you could hear as he began thrusting slowly into you, stretching you in all ways possible. The feeling of his thick muscles squeezing around your insides sent waves of arousal shooting through you and soon you were moaning into his lips as his thrusts became harder and harder.
You were coming apart at his touch. Your toes curled in pleasure as your body shook in his hold, your nails digging in to his shoulders as you came undone.
Jungkook moans loudly as he watched you come undone in front of him. His own orgasm was approaching quickly too.
Enveloping you with his wings, you see only darkness with his eyes glowing white,” Oh, my God! Oh, god, oh, god..! Yes! Fuck!” You scream out loud, feeling his hard cock hit the spot in you where you needed him most. As you start to tremble with pleasure once again, your eyes widen realizing that you couldn’t take a break,” Oh, yes, yes…” you don’t know how you even lived without this feeling before but you can’t stop thinking about him being here, now, with you, giving you pleasure like nothing you had ever experienced before.
Jungkook was beyond thrilled at the sight of you. Every time you came undone at him it was the best feeling in the world.
Taking your throat, he hits the spot deeper when your eyes roll back and you almost pass out.
“Fuck!” He growls, not even stopping when he finds his own realise.
There’s so much seed that you feel it spilling on both of you which causes your vision to blur for a moment. A small gasp escapes your throat as you come undone yet again, making you moan in pleasure.
After you finally finish your climax and your walls start feel sore, you slowly sit up on his lap, your hand on his chest.
Jungkook watches you intently, his gaze so hazy with lust and love, it’s almost scary to see him looking at you like that.
He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you tight against his chest.
“I will arrange a priest to come to the castle tomorrow,” he murmurs against your ear.
“For what?” you ask, not understanding his purpose.
“To marry you, of course. I want you to be mine forever,” he answers and his voice sounds rough and strained, like he has been running for miles.
From his words, your walls clench around his cock and he groans, burying his head in your neck,” You like that, baby? Knowing that you will be my wife,” he whispers in your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin.
Licking your wet skin, he lets his teeth nip softly at your exposed shoulder and you let out a soft moan as goosebumps cover your entire body.
“Yes.” You whisper in return, tightening your grip on his muscular shoulders and pressing yourself to him,” I would like that very much.”
“Then it's settled. We shall get married as soon as possible,” he mutters into your ear.
You smile happily before leaning closer and placing a quick kiss on his jaw,” Okay, husband.” But not before you bumped your nose against his.
Your guardian angel only smirked," We really need to stop bumping into each other."
Be continued…
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p.s. All images and gifs are not mine, some of the edits are mine edited but not every picture. All the credit goes to their rightful owners
If you like, please reblog or like the post so I can post the next chapters :)
🅒 All rights reserved
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seravphs · 1 year
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✧ modern intimacy | 200 fluff
Gojo watches you get ready for your anniversary date.
✧ all roads lead home | 600 fluff
Gojo “my girl is mad at me I hope I die” Satoru, companion piece to modern intimacy
✧ all the rumors are true | 450 fluff
He’s an idol. You’re a hairstylist.
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short/long fic:
✧ dinner plans | 1k fluff
Gojo's a brat.
✧ spoil | 1k fluff
Gojo Satoru likes his girls clingy. 
✧ sweetheart, psychopathic crush | 1.5k fluff and mild angst 
“What I want from the river is what I always want: / to be held by a stronger thing that, in the end, chooses mercy.” - Advantages of Being Evergreen by Oliver Baez Bendorf
✧ starboy | 1.6k fluff
Your job description entails taking care of one (1) astronaut on his way to Mars. It doesn’t say anything about falling in love with him. 
✧ arrive through obliteration | 3.5k smut
Gojo deserves a trophy for winning his fight against Sukuna. You’re happy to deliver.
✧ you get me closer to god | 3.7k fluff
Kneeling by your bed, rosary wrapped around your knuckles, lips pressed to the burnished rosewood, you pray. God, please send me another guardian angel. A blast of static from the TV behind you. The one you sent me- “Hey, how does the thing work?” Gojo says, accompanied by loud thumps. You cringe in silence. He’s strange.
✧ graveyard shift | 4.5k fluff | (not really a) mafia au
When you took the job, you knew working the night shift at your local convenience store would be boring. That’s fine; you’re here to make enough to pay rent, not to smile for strangers who don’t care anyways.The appearance of a stranger who seems to have a lot to hide is tantalizing bait to your boredom, but you can’t give in. That is, if you have a choice at all.
✧ the commutative property of relationships | 4.5k smut
Gojo and you have little to nothing in common besides a friend group and a shared crush on Nanami Kento. However, as befitting the sorcerer to end all sorcerers, of course Gojo has one up on you - he’s actually made a move on Nanami. If he offers to give you a taste through him, who are you to turn down such a golden opportunity?
✧ star power | 6.8k fluff
Gojo loves the untouchable. You’re an off limits rockstar who thinks he’s an idiot. The only thing he can do is take that as a challenge, right?
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✧ cruel summer 
✧ teen dad gojo 
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✧ let your hand become a blade so I may take it | royal au | 1/7 chapters
Updated knight! gojo x princess! reader
✧ the hand which holds the knife | royal au | 2 chapters 
OLD DRAFT of knight! gojo x princess! reader
✧ spring in hell and everything’s blooming | 2/5 chapters | estimated 12k 
There is before-Getou and after-Getou. In both spaces, Gojo exists.
✧ beating hearts promised to bared teeth | 1/2 chapters | estimated 20k
When a kind stranger offers you his home because your gambling addict of a father can’t pay rent, you’re left in charge of a shrine - with a catch. Once you arrive at your new home, you learn a crucial fact that he conveniently left out. You’re the new god in charge, and his familiar, who now belongs to you, does not like you. What’s a new god to do, especially when she finds herself slowly falling for the fox spirit?
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903 notes · View notes
neat-soda-enjoyer · 7 months
Looking Out For You
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Your childhood crush came back! Except he wears a red helmet and goes around either killing criminals or pulling some underground scheme you’ll hear about on the news. And he has beef with the Batman so why is he still adamant on looking out for you?
Please do not steal or repost any of my writing
Context: You, a secretary working for Detective Cash Tankinson’s Investigations, get mixed up in the kerfuffle between Red Hood and Batman. After a series of misunderstandings and mistakes, you find out that the criminal (?) is the Robin who had your preteen heart in a vice gripe years ago. That nice boy who you remembered that went out of his way to make you feel special, even if you never knew his true identity. You eventually moved on when he stopped showing up and Batman was paroling around with a new, younger sidekick. But now it seems that he remembers you, too, so now you have the Red Hood take up the unneeded position of your guardian angel.
Also, you’re an artist/sculptor whose projects centers around the subject of violence against women/girls because you’re an abuse survivor. Still, you decided to prioritize your day job wonder how that'll turn out
Trigger warnings: Past abuse/molestation (no rape) of reader, violence, drugs, trauma related to past abuse, Gotham being Gotham at its best (crimes being a normality), Jason’s torture and death, assault, attempted assault
No smut (yet), but ofc there’s gonna be mentions of sex and nudity
Side note: The fic does not take place in any canon timeline. Aside from following the main canon plots, everything else is going by my version (Reader’s timeline :] ).
Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with DC comics or its franchises.
Tag: #Looking Out For You in Gotham
୨ৎ . ׂ 𝒩𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑔𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 ִ 𓂃 ࣪ ⟡
Chapter 1: That Night (Not yet posted)
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
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Your Guardian Angel - Tokita Ohma Love Story ( Kengan Ashura ) ~ On Going
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Once, a great a fighter, yet unknown to the world, fell prey to his first defeat, and he lay on the ground, pitiful and broken, rained down and with ribbons of crimson leaving his body. A shy angel coming home found him and brought him to safety, mending his wounds and tending to his broken spirit, until he had regained consciousness. As he opened his eyes, and witnessed the first person to care for him, he made a vow to always protect her, with his fists, to repay her kindness. It was only then that Tokita Ohma's newfound hope was discovered, and he was ready to achieve his goal in life - To be the very best fighter there is.
Chapter 1 - The Healing Angel Chapter 2 - Debt Chapter 3 - Promise Of Reunion Chapter 4 - The Ashura and The Kitsune Chapter 5 - The Forbidden Technique Chapter 6 - Replacement Chapter 7 - I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES! Chapter 8 - The Betrayal Chapter 9 - Let The Show Begin! Chapter 10 - Strengthening Friendship Bonds Chapter 11 - Am I Wrong? Chapter 12 - Foxes Have Fangs And Rabies Chapter 13 - New Rules, New Moves Chapter 14 - Battle Of The Psychos Chapter 15 - Distress Chapter 16 - Unlikely Best Friend Chapter 17 - The Kitsune Chapter 18 - Le Petit Empereur Chapter 19 - The Return Of The Queen Chapter 20 - Ken Doll and Barbie the CEO Chapter 21 - 👑Kengan de Huángdi👑 Chapter 22 - Crimson Spider Lily Chapter 23 - The Connector  Chapter 24 - Wǒ Qīn'ài de Húxiān Huánghòu
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unboundprompts · 9 months
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Fantasy Writing Prompts
↳ a masterpost for fantasy writing prompts
↳ (#) is from my collection of random prompts, (list) contains multiple prompts.
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If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
I also have a Patreon! Become a member to gain access to a Member's Only Community where you can chat and message other members and myself. Also gain access to my personal writing, which includes completed short stories, chapters from novels in progress, as well as completed scenes.
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Royalty/Medieval Prompts:
The Merchant (#21)
You Had One Order - Prince and Knight (#71)
Princess x Guard (list)
Princess x Knight (list)
The Handmaiden in the Maze (#102)
Royal Painter x Knight (list)
Prince x Prince (list)
Thief x Princess (list)
Non-Human Character Angst Prompts:
No-Longer Human Character Reuniting with Friends and Family Part 1 (list)
No-Longer Human Character Reuniting with Friends and Family Part 2 (list)
No-Longer Human Character Regretting What They've Become (list)
Non-Human Character Revealing Themselves (list)
Doctor Finding an Injured Non-Human Character (list)
Betrayed Your Kind (#123)
Vampire Prompts:
Fangs (#47)
The Vampire and the Girl on Floor 3 (#110)
Werewolf Prompts:
Remnants of Humanity (#169)
Mermaid / Siren Prompts:
Get in the Water (#151)
Phantom of the Deep (#160)
Lungs Filled with Salt (#174)
Gods, Angels, Demons, & Deities Prompts:
Nothing to Do with Fate (#9)
Fallen Angel Dialogue (list)
Fallen Angel and Fallen God (list)
Apotheosis (#112)
Asking for Favors (#137)
Favor From an Old God (#157)
The Gods of August (#173)
Shapeshifter Prompts:
Anything You Want Me to Be (#91)
Shapeshifter x Human (list)
Witch Prompts:
Witch x Fairy (list)
Angry in the Tavern (#158)
Guardian of the Old Ways (#161)
Fantasy Character Description Prompts:
How to Describe a Character with Wings
How to Describe a Character with Bug Wings
The Dream Walker (#140)
Modern Fantasy Prompts:
The Bartender (#23)
Turning to Stone (#105)
Mind Reader on Campus (#134)
Pockets Filled with Shadows (#141)
The Brain Implant (#148)
The Boy in the Library (#162)
Ghost Revealing Themselves to a Mortal (list)
Magical Object Prompts:
Blank Pages (#85)
The Door to Other Places (#139)
Fantasy Setting Prompts:
The Town Engulfed by Flames (#67)
Zombie Apocalypse AU (list)
Ideas for Earning Money in a Fantasy World (list)
Music in The Dark Wood (#138)
The Sun Stopped Setting (#164)
The Portal to Realms Unknown (#168)
Problems that May Occur in a Dystopian/Apocalyptic World
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opertabry · 1 year
| notes; kang haerin [ smau ]
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| pairing; college student!haerin x college student!fem!reader
[ synopsis; there’s a cute girl that always sleeps in your intro pysch class. she just so happens to be ginger AND your dorm neighbor ]
[ genre; written and smau, non-idol au, gxg, classmates to friends to lovers, mutual pining ( a LOT ), lots of fluff, some angst (?), crack ]
[ warnings; kys/kms jokes, cursing, threats ( jokingly ), mention of knives, will add more if needed ]
[ featuring; lesserafim, new jeans, ive ( wonyoung and yujin ), may add more ]
[ status; completed ]
[ playlist;
[ PROFILES; y/n haters, the gingers ]
0. prologue ( fully written )
0.1 intro (1)
0.2 intro (2)
1. interaction?
2. ..simp
3. dropped notes..?
4. guardian angel
5. eunchae and hyein??
6. wonyoung living her dream
7. fake friends
8. close call ( fully written )
9. save danielle
10. eunchae’s nap
11. the mains
12. the privs
13. act surprised
14. #shedoesn’tdeservethis
15. netflix
16. scared.. and afraid
17. like me better
18. wonyoungification
19. you ok?
20. friend?
21. cookie
22. tinder
23. match
24. deal
25. stayc girls it’s going down
26. go haerin!
27. style
28. going crazy
29. yes i do
30. war is over
31. unexpected
32. soon
33. flowers?
34. yes? no? ( half written)
35. my gf
[ main masterlist ]
[taglist] @rd0265667 @kyaitosz @haerinkisser @sserajeans @limbforalimb @brocoliisscared
597 notes · View notes
Consequences || Noah Sebastian x Reader [Part 2]
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: Even though Y/N felt slightly guilty about the eventful night with Noah, she can't help but follow him to his room that night.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, mentions of previous sexual events, swearing, alcohol consumption, oral sex (male receiving), (pls let me know if i forgot something <3), metric system (if that counts as a warning lmao, i'm european i don’t know anything about feet and inches)
A/N: Soooo, here is part 2... I dont even know what to say except that i was absolutely flabberghasted with your reactions to part 1. Thank you all so much! For those who want to know, I listened to Miracle on repeat while writing this ;) I'm always open for suggestions! Pls let me know if you liked this chapter. Enjoy!
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When you woke up the next morning your head almost immediately started spinning. For the first few seconds you thought that maybe everything that had happened last night was just a dream but when you didn't feel any different after staring at the ceiling of your room for quite some time, you let out a frightened sigh.
Noah and you really hooked up last night. Noah really ate you out while watching your favorite movie. Noah and you really got intimate while your brother was celebrating his thirtieth birthday not even twenty meters away from you.
"Fuck..." you mumbled to yourself before you grabbed your phone to look what time it was. 10:23 AM. You didn't even sleep that long.
Slowly you got out of your bed and looked at yourself through the mirror that was hanging next to the dresser on the wall. The longer you looked the more guilt crept into your veins. You couldn't believe what happened. Even though you enjoyed every second of it, you couldn't wrap your head around how to go on from now on.
Would Noah and you continue as before? Were you now officially more than friends? Could you even go back from this? You had absolutely no idea...
After debating what to do, you decided to just go with the flow and went downstairs to be met with the mess the birthday party left behind. There were a lot of empty cups laying around and you felt the stickiness beneath your feet on the floor, causing you to shiver in disgust before tip toeing to a bar stool in the kitchen area to avoid as much floor contact as possible.
You weren't the first one to be awake since Jolly was sitting at said kitchen counter, eating a piece of Nick's birthday cake and mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.
"Good morning" you greeted him before grabbing a piece of cake for yourself.
"Are you okay?" You immediately tensed up and looked at Jolly who gave you a concerned glance. Is he talking about last night? Is he talking about why Noah and you just disappeared into thin air?
"I-… Uh… I threw up yesterday and Noah noticed I was gone and than he tried to make me feel a bit better." Tried to make me feel a bit better? Are you kidding me, Y/N, why don’t you just directly tell him Noah went down on you?
"Actually… just wanted to know why you looked so disgusted walking towards me." he began "But I’m glad you feel better now."
Internally you were this close to slamming your head repeatedly on the kitchen counter but on the outside you just forced a small smile onto your face "The floor is sticky. That’s why I looked so distraught." - "Thank god, I thought you decided you hated my face now."
"Jolly, you have long blown out hair and tattoos, if anything I would say I saw my fucking guardian angel." you joke and hug your friend from the said, who couldn’t help but gift you with the biggest smile you seen from him all week.
Right after you let go of Jolly, you heard steps behind you and were shortly met with Nick and Noah joining you in the kitchen.
"Good thing you took care of Y/N last night." Jolly spoke and making Noah and you stop in your tracks, while Nick just looked confused.
"Uh… Yeah… Thanks for taking care of me… Because you know… I threw up." You stumble not even daring to look your brother and his best friend in the eyes. "Oh right, yeah. She was totally wasted. She wasn’t even able to form clear sentences while we watched Spirited Away."
You immediately covered your cheeks since you noticed they were getting pretty warm while he grinned at you mischievously. He wasn’t wrong about you not being able to form clear sentences but for other reasons than Nick and Jolly thought.
"You really threw up? Holy! I always thought you could tolerate more alcohol than me, (Y/N/N)." - "Maybe, but yesterday was way different… Believe me."
You gave your brother an apologetic smile before quickly glancing at Noah who smirked a little while taking a sip from his water bottle. If he wouldn't have been so fucking pretty while doing that you would have slapped him in the face.
After Folio and Bryan had also found their way downstairs you began to clean the house.
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About two hours later you all found yourselves laying on the couch while One Piece was playing in the background but no one seemed to pay closer attention to it since everyone still dealt with the hangover from yesterday running through their systems.
You were scrolling through Instagram when you let your mind wonder. You looked to your right and your gaze instantly landed on Noah. The last two hours everything seemed normal. You chatted as normal, he even helped you again to put the 'Happy Birthday' sign down. It seemed like nothing had ever happened between you and you didn't know if you liked that or not.
For you, even thinking about yesterday made you blush and you started to feel that weird feeling in your stomach but it seemed like Noah wasn't even bothered in the slightest by his previous actions.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Folio threw a pillow into your face. "What?" you asked aggressively, throwing the pillow back to him, while the others chuckled. "What were you thinking about, Y/N?" Jolly asked teasingly but you just rolled your eyes. "What do you want, Folio?" - "I was asking if you wanted Pizza or Chinese Take Out for dinner?" Noah would be nice. You cleared your throat. "Fried Rice sounds really nice actually."
After the food was ordered, Nick threw a blanket over your lap, being the caring big brother he was. Before you could even process what was happening, Noah was also slipping under the blanket your brother just gave you.
"Would you all be down to do a small second celebration for Nick since we all got split up so bad yesterday?" Jolly asked and not even an hour later you were all sitting in a circle around the couch table and were playing stupid party games while eating your food.
"Oh! I know something. Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong number." Folio stated and your brother and Bryan drank a sip from their beers. "Two each other?" Noah joked and everyone laughed at that. "That would have been intentional." Bryan smirked and winked at your brother who blew him a kiss before they laughed again.
"Never have I ever had dirty thoughts about a friend." Noah, Bryan, Jolly and you drank a sip. You could nearly feel Noah's gaze burn into you but you decided to not return it to avoid any suspicion.
"Never have I ever dumped someone over text." Noah and Nick drank a sip. "They learned that from each other" you joked and made the others chuckle a little.
"Never have I ever kissed or hooked up with a friends sibling or a siblings friend." Nick said and looked into the round. You also let your gaze wander over the others, but no one raised their drink to their lips except Noah and you.
Bryan howled teasingly while Jolly pointed at you two while smirking. You realised how your cheeks grew a lot hotter but before Noah or you could say anything, Folio came to your rescue without even knowing it. "Come on, guys. Everyone and their mothers know that Noah and Y/N were making out at that one party when they were seventeen. You know... They were drunk as hell, I think Davis was even filming it and even Nick knows that." Your brother began to nod. "I mean, it wasn’t the nicest thing to be woken up with Davis showing his phone under my nose but…" He chuckled awkwardly.
Meanwhile you took a deep breath and looked at Noah who smirked knowingly. Yes, you made out at that party but no one til this day knew that this was the day you lost your virginity to your brother’s best friend. Also no one knew that this little thing didn’t seem to be a one time thing.
Jolly seeing how nervous you got just went on with asking questions. Your mind still wandered through events happening almost ten years ago when you noticed a hand coming to rest on your thigh and than slighty squeezing it. You immediately tensed up and looked almost unnoticeable to your right. Noah wasn't even looking at you, seemingly paying close attention to the conversation your friends were having.
Slowly but surely his hand made its way up your thigh while drawing small circles on it. Were you hallucinating?
You took a big sip out of your beer when his hand landed on your clothed core and he suddenly started massaging you threw your panties. You immediately placed your beer bottle on the table before pulling the blanket closer to you and looking at Noah. His gaze was still on his friends and nothing on his face made it even slightly clear that he was almost fingering you under the blanket.
What was this supposed to become? Something made you mad about this. You knew this was wrong. You knew you needed to talk this out before anyone would get hurt. And than suddenly an idea popped into your head. If he wanted to play games, you sure as hell could take part in it.
Your hand started wandering as well and landed on his left thigh. Even though he tried his best not to look nervous, him suddenly biting his lip gave it right away.
The other boys were still full on discussing something about a video game when your hand landed right between his legs. He took a deep breath which made you grin while you slightly stroked him through his sweatpants.
His movements on you came to a hold, him being too surprised by your action and trying to contain himself, when your hand slipped through the waistband of his pants.
You gave him only a few strokes before he cleared this throat and started to shift, making you remove your hand from him. Guilt crept up your neck when Noah excused himself from the group, saying he was tired.
You looked at him while he stood up and adjusted his clothes. You shot him an apologetic glance when he started walking towards the stairs but you weren’t met with the emotion you thought you would.
Noah signaled you to come after him.
Does that mean-…? Does he want to-…?
Approximately five minutes after Noah you also wished the boys a good night before making your way upstairs and firstly going into the bathroom. You looked at yourself through the mirror and started to think about what was going to happen when you would enter Noah's bedroom.
You weren’t able to form a single straight thought in your head so you just splashed a few drops of water on your face in an attempt to cool you down at least a little before quietly making your way to Noah's room.
You again paused while looking at the door, feeling your heart race so fast you weren’t quite sure if you just had a heart attack. Your mouth went dry when you quietly knocked on the door.
Everything seemed to go a bit slower when you heard him shuffle and than open the door for you, staring directly into your eyes. You didn't even know what to say when you made your way into his room and you definitely didn't know how to go back from this when he closed the door and you slightly pushed him against it.
"What are we doing?" Noah asked quietly while bringing his hands up to your face while your arms wrapped around his torso. "I don't know, Noah. You tell me" You whisper, goose bumps forming on your arms when you noticed you could feel his breath on your face.
"Fuck... I just can't stop." he whispered before kissing you hard. A slight moan escaped your mouth.
Without thinking twice you worked your way to get him out of his pants, before he helped you out of your shirt. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and walked to his bed, while you kissed, your tongues fighting for dominance.
You signaled him to lay down to which he obeyed before he pulled you with him, but you swore to yourself that this time was payback. You helped him out of his shirt, before instantly attacking his neck with kisses. His hands found their way to your hair while he quietly whimpered under you.
"You don't even know what you do to me, Y/N." Noah almost cried out while you kissed your way down to his waistband.
"Than tell me." you demanded while slowly pulling his underwear down to expose his cock. You heard him quietly swear while grabbing the sheets under him. For a moment you were surprised you had this effect on him, before you continued your mission.
"Tell me, Noah." you whisper while taking him in your hand. "Tell me what I do to you." You pressed a kiss to his tip, causing him to buckle his hips up.
"Every time I see you, I want you all to myself." he let out under his breath before you took him into your mouth. "I just can't stop thinking about you."
If you didn't know any better, you would say butterflies filled your stomach because of his statement. You took him as deep as you can while his hips started to move in your favor. One of his hands tangled in your hair and the mix of him quietly cursing out your name and holding you in place while you pleassured him sparked a fire in your core.
"Fuck, Y/N." he curses, careful not to be to loud, "I'm so fucking close..." A moan escaped his mouth and he cupped your cheek with his other hand while you were going up and down his shaft in a steady tempo. "Can I-... Can I cum in your mouth?"
Almost moaning at his request, you nodded and hummed around him. When Noah released into your mouth with a groan it sent shivers down your spine. He slightly twitched as you worked him through his high, hands letting go of your face before pulling you up to his face while you swallow.
"I-..." He started but than there was a knock on the door that let you both freeze in your place.
With widened eyes you stared at each other before you heard the voice of non other than your brother at the other side of the door. "Noah, are you still awake? Can I come in?"
Before you could even think you rolled yourself off of and under this bed, while he dressed himself as fast as he could. "One second." He almost cried out before stumbling to the door and throwing your shirt under the bed in the process, that you quickly pull to yourself before holding your breath.
You felt like you were a fucking teenager hiding from the parents of your person of interest in an attempt to not get embarrassed.
So when Nick came into Noah's room, wanting to talk about something tour related you couldn't help but feel like this all was just some confusing fucking dream.
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sycamorelibrary754 · 10 months
Guardian Angel
Chapter 2: My Guardian Angel
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Summary: Your first day back at work after recovering from your sprained ankle was normal, until it wasn’t. It turns out your first encounter with Wanda wasn’t your last.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: This is the last purely fluffy chapter for a bit. Angst and adversity is on the way.
Guardian Angel Masterlist
Once your doctor confirmed the sprain, you found yourself hobbling around your apartment for the rest of the week, with a small ice bag or a heat pack wrapped around your swollen ankle. Being cooped up inside your apartment was not your cup of tea, and you grew restless with each passing day. You tried to distract yourself by streaming every movie you could think of, but the boredom persisted. Finally, when you were able to walk more comfortably with the help of an Ace bandage, you felt a sense of relief. By the following Monday, you were eager to get back to work and resume your normal routine.
After graduating from college, you decided to open up The Candy Bar, an old-fashioned sweet shop that seemed like a dream come true. Your shop sold every kind of candy you could imagine, various ice creams, and had a soda fountain on site. In addition, you also made a handful of homemade treats inspired by candy recipes passed down from your great-grandfather, such as caramel-covered chocolate turtles, peanut brittle, and fudge.
"Would you like to tell me what happened again?" Your friend and business partner Harper asked you with a gentle tone while restocking the ice cream bins. The dark-haired girl with freckles had been your closest friend since college.
“I walked up to the counter to get my coffee, and suddenly, these two boys crashed into me. Before I knew it, a redhead rushed up and started talking non-stop. Honestly, I have no recollection of what she said. I think they were words. She was so beautiful that I blacked out.”
“This could only happen to you,” Harper teased.
“She helped me back to my apartment, got me some ice, and left. Then I sat there speechless for the next ten minutes.”
“She’s like your guardian angel! Like those stories you hear about mysterious strangers showing up in your hour of need and then disappearing as quickly as they came.”
You always admired Harper's optimism and belief in fate, even if you didn't believe it yourself.
“It doesn’t count if the guardian angel’s kids initiate your hour of need,” you replied.
Throughout the day, you diligently tended to your quaint little shop as a steady stream of customers flowed in and out, filling the air with the irresistible aroma of chocolate and sugar. The vibrant interior was a feast for the eyes, with a mesmerizing display of candy in every color of the rainbow, swirling and twirling around the store. As you looked down, the black and white tiled floor seemed to beckon visitors, guiding them like a yellow brick road toward the front counter. Here, an impressive arrangement of fudge and peanut brittle awaited, flanked by the refreshing soda fountain to the right and the tempting ice cream display freezers to the left. Finally, your customers' eyes would inevitably fall upon the charming vintage sweets display, which sat proudly on the back wall just beneath the menu.
In the late afternoon, the rush subsided, and you started preparing the homemade soda syrup for the soda fountain. Although it was a tedious process, it was still one of your favorite activities. While in the back kitchen, you heard the bell ring above the entrance.
“I’ll be right with you!” you shouted.
You wipe your hands off on a towel and walk back to the front of the shop.
“Welcome to The Candy Bar! How can I—”
As you turned around, your eyes fell upon the customer, who instantly caught your attention. She stood there wearing a pair of sleek black leather Chelsea boots that hugged her feet, complementing her light wash jeans and a white cable knit sweater. The long brown heather overcoat draped over her shoulders added a touch of sophistication to her ensemble. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her back, framing her face perfectly. The sight was nothing short of mesmerizing.
“Help you,” you trailed off softly. “Wanda?”
“Y/N? Oh my gosh, what are you doing here? I thought about you all week! Are you okay? How is your ankle?” She rambled. It's so adorable that you want to squeeze her.
"This is my shop," you said proudly. "Thanks to your help, my ankle is much better now. I can't thank you enough for your assistance the other day," you added with a self-assured tone. Despite feeling a bit nervous, you managed to express yourself clearly and coherently.
“It's amazing!” Wanda exclaimed. “It reminds me of the candy stores from old TV shows.”
“As a child, I loved watching TV shows that featured charming, sweet shops where the characters would gather for root beer floats and candy.”
Wanda slowly turned around, admiring every inch of the decor as she exclaimed, "I love it!"
"Thank you. How may I assist you today?" you said with a professional tone and a raised eyebrow.
“I am searching for a sweet treat for my boys' birthday,” Wanda said
“Ah, the junior middle linebackers,” you joked. “How are they doing?”
They're good," she giggled. "I think they're finally starting to feel comfortable here.
“You just moved to New York?” you inquired.
“Actually, we just moved back to New York from a small town in New Jersey," Wanda said hesitantly. "I used to live here for work, but this is a new experience for Billy and Tommy. It's been challenging for us all to adjust to the change.”
You thought to yourself, 'The three of them.' You decided to file that information away for later.
“Well, welcome back!” you declared. What business are you in?”
“Public service,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.
“I'm not surprised! You've come to the right place, Wanda. Let's find something special for the birthday boys,” you said, rubbing your hands together. “How old will they be turning?”
"Eleven, I can't believe it," she said while running her hands gently through her hair.
“Let me think for a moment," you said, scanning the shop before guiding her towards the candy displays at the front. Your gaze moved over the colorful containers of candy, and you relished this part of your job. You picked out an assortment of sweets that you thought Billy and Tommy would like, including malted milk balls, jelly beans, peanut butter cups, chocolate-covered gummy bears, whirly pops, and some of your homemade fudge. As you began to package the candy, you offered a few pieces to Wanda to try.
“These are delicious, Y/N. I’ll have to stop them from eating it all in one sitting.”
"Wow, that's the best compliment you could give me," you said with a wink.
Wanda observed you working and couldn't help but smile. You were fully engaged in the deceptively simple task with unwavering focus, exuding the unmistakable radiance of someone who loves their job. It was magnetic.
You eagerly revealed your surprise with a broad smile by exclaiming, "Tada!" Wanda's eyes lit up with excitement as she saw the two beautifully crafted gift bags you held out to her. The bags were adorned with bold red and white stripes, and each one was elegantly personalized with the names of Wanda's boys written in a stunning gold calligraphic font.
“Wow, this is amazing! How much do I owe you?” she asked, reaching for her purse.
You waved your hand dismissively and said, "It's on the house.
“Oh no, that's very kind of you, but I couldn't,” Wanda said.
“I made one for you, too, as a way of returning the favor for helping me last week,” you said, placing a third bag in front of her.
You could feel your heart beating rapidly against your ribcage as you extended your hand towards her with the small gift. She looked up at you with a grateful expression, her warm touch on your hand making you feel appreciated. "This is so generous, y/n," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you so much. I won't forget this." Despite your nervousness, you managed to smile back at her, hoping she couldn't hear the sound of your heart pounding inside your chest. The moment was etched in your memory, a testament to the power of a kind gesture.
It's my pleasure," you smiled. "Please tell the boys I said happy birthday.
"I will," Wanda assured, locking her gaze with yours. Her beautiful green eyes caught your attention once again.
I hope… I hope I see you again soon,” you stammered.
“I hope so, too,” Wanda smiled. Your eyes lingered on her as she picked up the three candy bags and left your shop.
For the second time in two weeks, you watched the woman leave. A few moments later, Harper joined you at the front counter.
“Who was that?” she asked.
“My guardian angel.”
*Chapter 3 coming soon*
Tag: @automaticdinosaurtaco
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nexysworld · 1 year
Guardian Angel 🖤 Part 1 🖤
Read on AO3 - Requests are Open - Masterlist
Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | 4.1 | 4.2| 4.3
Summary: Leon was your regular friendly neighbor, always helping you out. He’s just a nice friendly guy. Simple as that… or so you thought. As his obsession with you increases you'll soon learn just what type of man your seemingly friendly neighbor truly is.
🖤Pairing: Yandere!Leon/Fem!Reader 
🖤Tags (not all apply to all chapters): NSFW, Masturbation, Dubcon, Sex, Gaslighting, canon typical horror and gore descriptions, probably eventual kidnapping or kidnapping like behavior, use of pet names like bunny. Will add more tags as the story goes on
@hxllfiredoll Gave me Yandere!Leon brainrot, so here we go! I picture at least RE4R Leon in this. Let’s a gooooooo! 
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Leon had changed since the events of Raccoon City. He was no longer the bright eyed rookie cop who had the whole world ahead of him. Now he was in a much darker place, he’d seen the worst the world had to offer and he was not impressed. This world was no place for someone as perfect as you.
He felt like you were his flower trapped in a glass à la Beauty and the Beast, and without him there the glass would be removed by the world, each petal plucked from you until soon there’d be nothing left of his flower. You needed him obviously. What would you do without him? 
You didn’t know much about Leon, he was your neighbor and kept to himself mostly. You knew he worked for the government, but didn’t know what that entailed. You knew he was beyond handsome, but awkward as hell, at least from what you observed. You remembered coming up the stairs to your shared apartment building and the girl from apartment 202 had cornered him. Despite her best efforts and subtly hitting on him, she was met with a solid, “ok.” You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone escape behind a door faster than watching his honey blonde hair bounce with the speed of his movements. The next time you saw him you ran straight into him because you weren’t paying attention, dropping all of your grocery bags.. “Oh god I’m so sorry.” You said, reeling from how knocking into him was like hitting a wall with how built he was. “Hey, it's ok, I should’ve been watching where I was going.” He said. “Here let me help you with that.” Effortlessly he managed to pick up all of your bags and carry them to your apartment for you. “Thanks Leon.” “Don’t worry about it.” He gave you a quick smile before leaving. Really you thought Leon was just a naturally caring guy. I mean not all guys who are ridiculously good looking are assholes, right? That’s just a stereotype, and Leon would prove that to you often. It seemed like Leon was always somehow there to help you, with friendly neighborly gestures. Out of sugar? Sure you can borrow his. Laptop not working? Don’t worry he’s good with electronics. Furniture needs moving? Well it’s a good thing he’s strong. Really Leon was one of the nicest guys you’ve ever met. He just exudes a sense of friendly trustworthiness that you couldn’t explain. Maybe it was his soothing voice, or those steely blue eyes that you tried not to get lost in when you’d speak with him. Sometimes you’d find yourself inventing problems in order to speak with him and ask for help. You chalked it up to a little crush, nothing more than that. You wouldn’t allow it to be so, you had a boyfriend already, plans for the future. You weren’t the type of girl who’d throw that all away for some hot guy. Besides, Leon didn’t like you like that anyway, if he did you're sure you would know. He’s just a nice friendly guy. Simple as that. 
Leon thought about you a lot. When you’d leave he’d work his brain to remember the lingering scent of your floral perfume, the way you shyly tucked your hair out of your face when you talked with him. Most importantly that adorably sweet voice that ran like honey through his ears. He couldn’t believe such a little bunny like you lived right next to him. So sweet. So cute. So needy. Always knocking on his door for one thing or another. Under normal circumstances he would find himself irritated with the outside intrusion. When Leon wasn’t at work he liked to disassociate from life, what else was the point? Fight the bad guys. Go home. More pop up. Repeat. The world wasn’t kind, it wasn't fair. There was no point in anything else. But then you moved in. The girl next door. You became the point, the pinnacle of his future. His salvation. His new purpose. 
Slowly Leon began to notice that you needed his help more than you even realized. How did you even survive before meeting him? He began to follow you home from work, just to make sure you were safe of course. You were just a little hazard to yourself honestly. You didn’t look both ways before crossing the empty roads. You kept your social security card in your purse (don’t ask how he knows that.) You were too much of a people pleaser to avoid the strangers who’d stop to talk to you. Too dumb to know better than to wear such short little skirts out in public. 
Even worse was your home defense, I mean it took almost nothing for Leon to get into your apartment while you were away, and you certainly didn’t notice the little changes he made. Like the tiny cameras seated within your potted plants, the eye of the teddy bear you kept on your nightstand. You left your laptop open right on the kitchen counter! He didn’t even need to use his government equipment to get into your stuff. One hour of his time and all of a sudden all your texts and emails were popping up on his own secondary phone, your social media, everything.
 Stupid, stupid little bunny. The only thing worse than your ability to protect yourself was that hoity-toity upperclass hipster you called a boyfriend. Leon simply couldn’t fathom how some saucy fuck boy like that could work his way into your pure heart. He’d spent hours going through all your DM’s and texts with this man. He simply could not see the appeal. He treated you like you were too stupid to understand his profound pretentious thoughts and opinions. You were too good for scum like him. You needed a real man, you deserved a real man. 
Luckily for you, Leon was a real man. And now he found his new purpose in life was to keep you safe, keep your petals attached. You were so lucky Leon found you, he was going to give you everything you’d ever need. You’d never have to worry or think again. 
Leon had intended to do things the right way too, take things slowly. Really he did. He didn’t want you afraid of him, no he was going to be your prince, your knight in shining armor. He spent countless nights thinking of all the ways he could rid your boyfriend from existence so he could slip inside your heart and clean up the mess that was left. 
He thought of your gorgeous face, the cute little blushes you try to hide when you’re around him, how red your face would be if he finally took the plunge and asked you out. Or maybe he’d be more dramatic, going directly in for a kiss, running his tongue over your bottom lip, teasing you. Oh how precious his little bunny was.
Despite it taking every ounce of self control, Leon was determined to take things slowly, well he was trying anyway, you weren’t making this very easy, especially with the noises he was hearing from his computer. He lifted the laptop up so he could set it on the nightstand next to him. He clicked on the thumbnail of your room to blow up the image, and there you were splayed out putting on a show just for him - not that you knew that of course. 
There you were in all your glory, back arched into the mattress as you worked the toy in and out of your sopping hole with one hand while the other danced around your clit at a steady pace. Your face was flushed, lip bitten and eyes closed as you generated your pleasure. You looked so serene and ethereal, like a goddess of pleasure that he could worship. Leon felt his cock harden in his boxers, he pulled himself out and lazily stroked himself while he watched you. This was nothing new, something he’d done many times…that was until he heard your voice. “Nnng Leon…” He blinked at the screen for a moment, frozen as you softly chanted his name like a prayer. That, that was new. He knew you liked him, but he’d never seen you get off to him before. You were always such a good little girl, devoted to your future ex-boyfriend. The sound caught him so off guard he almost finished by your voice alone. He released his cock from his hand so he could grab the pair of panties of yours he kept in his nightstand, he wrapped them around his cock and continued to jerk himself while he watched you, jerking himself in rhythm with the way you toyed with yourself. He sped up when it looked like you were close, aiming to finish when you did. The second you let out a final scream of his name he felt the pleasure burst from his cock as hot ropes of cum spilled onto the laptop screen and his leg. “Don’t worry baby.” He said to the screen. “I won’t make you wait much longer for the real thing. My sweet little bunny shouldn’t have to work so hard to feel good.”
With that little scene before him, his resolve crumbled. Clearly going slow was a mistake, you needed him so badly in more ways than one. He was going to show you just how safe you are with him, how good he’ll be able to make you feel.
“Hey Derek, are you okay?” You asked as your boyfriend doubled over in the middle of the alleyway. “Yeah, just drank too much I think.” He said as the rest of his dinner came up along with what looked like blood. Under the dim lamplight you noticed that his skin was shining with sweat and there were spiderwebs of veins that looked pure black as they creeped along his skin. “D-derek…I really think we should get you to a hospital.” You said worriedly, putting your hand on his back. He spun around in a fury. “Don’t fucking touch me, I said I’m fine!” His eyes were a deep red and almost looked like they were glowing in the night. You backed away a few steps nervously. This was like a scene from a horror movie, surely it wasn’t real right? Maybe it was a prank? You gently reached out with a shaky arm to him. “H-hey, it’s gonna be alright.” He grabbed your wrist and yanked you harder than you thought possible before slamming you against the brick wall of the alley. He snarled in a way you’d never seen a human do before. “Stop, this isn’t funny.” You pleaded with him, but they fell on deaf ears. Desperately you fished around in your pocket until you found the pocket knife you kept in there. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll have to use it.” You threatened as your hand shook with tremors. The black veins had reached all over his face now, he snarled again leaning in with an open mouth indicating his intention to bite the flesh from your skin. In a scared panic you jammed the knife directly into his neck, he dropped to the ground and you ran to the end of the alley, tears welling in your eyes.
You stood staring at his body as it layed there on the ground twitching. You fished for your phone to call 911, but remembered you had forgotten it at home before your date. Fuck. You thought to yourself as you tried to ponder your next steps. Your thoughts were cut short though when you heard a disgusting sound, like flesh being torn apart, bones breaking. You looked over and saw something beginning to protrude from his face and neck. Worms? Tentacles? You weren’t sure. Surely you must be hallucinating right now, having a psychotic break. There was no other explanation for this.
You took one step forward, then another, and another until you were back in front of his body. Within seconds your face was splattered with blood as whatever it was bursted out entirely from his neck. You could see all the deformed features of his face while they danced in a mix of tentacles that were waving before you. You felt sick. You felt frozen. A gunshot rang out, and your boyfriend’s body slumped back to the ground, tentacles and all. The world became dizzy, the alley turning upside down, a voice you couldn’t make out. Someone stood over you, but you couldn’t see who as your head rattled. The next thing you knew you were out, slipping into the black void of unconsciousness. 
Leon had worked out the fastest plan to get rid of your future ex-boyfriend. It wasn’t hard for him to get a sample of the Plagas virus that the lab had been storing and it was even less difficult to inject it into the man. Of course the cleanup was a bit of a pain, blaming a DSO researcher who lived nearby, framing it on them. But when you want something done right, you gotta put a little effort in, ya know? Anything for his little bunny. Leon kept a close eye on you, closer than usual. His goal was only to frighten his little rabbit, not let her get killed or hurt more than was required. He saw the virus taking effect instantly, and noticed the odd ticks that would occur during your dinner date. Your own future ex-boyfriend and you didn’t even notice a change in his behavior until it became so obvious. He trailed you to the alleyway, hiding behind the dumpster as the scene played out. It hurt him to see you so scared. Truly it did, but you needed this. He couldn’t believe you actually walked back over to the body. See little bunny? That’s exactly why you needed Leon. The second Derek’s corpse was back on his feet, Leon drew his gun before sending a single, and final, lethal shot sending the Plagas back to the ground. He walked forward and caught you just as your body went slack. “Don’t worry sweetheart. I got you.” He said tossing you over his shoulder and into his car. His timing was perfect. He’d arrived back at the apartments just in time for the outside lights to be turned off both in the parking garage and external hallways. Carrying you to your apartment without being seen was a cakewalk. You made it even easier by staying unconscious the whole time Leon washed you up and tucked you into bed. He made sure to hide all evidence of your bloodied clothes, and of your now dead ex-boyfriend. Of course the DSO wouldn’t want the public to know that any kind of outbreak occurred, no matter how small, which meant that Derek had to disappear entirely. The government would take care of his family and friends, but you, you were all Leon’s to handle. He was nothing if not thorough to be sure, deleting any social media post, text, call log, anything at all that involved the man you once knew. Before he left your apartment, he leaned over and placed a small kiss on your forehead before slipping back over to his own apartment before the crack of dawn. Leon waited patiently for hours. Excruciating hours while you remained in your unconscious state. He knew you were about to wake though when he saw your face scrunch up on the camera, beads of sweat rolling down your forehead. 
You shot up in a panic. “Derek? Derek!” You shouted as your head pounded, your heart beat was so loud it resounded in your ears. You were more confused when your bedroom came into view and someone was sitting on the end of your bed. . . Leon? “What the —” “Hey sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said softly, moving towards you arm out like he was approaching a scared animal. “I heard you screaming and you didn’t answer the door so I let myself in just to make sure you were okay.” It took a few moments to process his words before you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Oh god, I’m sorry if I woke you up. I was just having a bad dream.” “Sounds like it.” He said softly, and there they were those endless blue eyes, instantly instilling comfort in you. “You sure you’re okay?” “Yeah I just…it was a nightmare that Derek died and…” She shuddered again. “Derek? Who’s that?” Leon asked, tilting his head. “A family member?” You gave him a confused look. Leon knew who your boyfriend was, they’d even met in passing once when he dropped you off at home. “No, Derek, you know him, my boyfriend?” “Derek? I don’t know anyone by that name, I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend.” He said with a soft laugh. Your eyebrows knitted together in a v-shape, more confused than ever. Maybe Leon just forgot? Maybe he was just joking with you? You reached over and grabbed your phone from the nightstand. You thought maybe giving him a call would help ease your mind, and maybe showcase to Leon you did in fact have a boyfriend. You swiped through your messages but didn’t see the text thread. You tried your snapchat, nothing. Instagram DMs, nothing. None of your threads or his accounts showed up at all. “What the fuck.” You said to yourself, hands beginning to tremble. “Is everything okay?” Leon asked softly. “Yeah I just…” You furiously swiped through your contacts and Derek wasn’t there. You tried calling his number. “Sorry the number you are trying to reach has been disconnected or no longer in service.” Something felt very wrong. You launched out of bed to your closet and dug through your old shoe boxes like a madwoman, ripping the lid off to dig through your polaroids that you had. Every single one with Derek, gone. You turned to face Leon, new tears streaming down your face. “What the fuck is going on.” You asked mostly to yourself. Leon walked over to you and ran a thumb over your cheek soothingly. “Hey, hey, calm down. Calm down. What’s wrong?” He asked softly. “What do you mean what’s wrong? Derek’s gone, everything is gone!? I was with him in the street and he died and now…now he’s just gone the pictures are gone…” You weren’t making a lot of sense trying to explain to Leon what you were talking about. Were you having a psychotic break? No way, the memories you had were real, how can you just imagine a decade of memories!?
His plan was working. Not even moments after you woke up you were already connecting your thoughts and memories to a person who no longer existed. He knew the more you pushed about this, the more lost you’d become. He wasn’t usually one for gaslighting, but he’d use any tool at his disposal for you. Don’t worry little bunny, the pain wouldn’t last long. Leon was here for you. He walked over and wrapped his strong arms around you in the tightest hug he could give you. He shushed you and rubbed your back while you sobbed. “Hey, hey it’ll be okay. It will be okay, why don’t we get you back to bed.”
He led you back to the mattress, running his fingers through your hair while you laid down. “Shhhh. Shhh.” He cooed, tucking you in tightly. When he turned to leave your arm shot out to his. “W-wait. If you don’t mind, can you stay the night? I just.. Something feels wrong. I don't want to be alone.” Of course he would stay the night with you. He nodded and sunk down on the bed next to you, above the blanket, not wanting to push his affections too far just yet. He played with your hair while you fell asleep again. Don’t worry little bunny, you were safe with him. You’ll always be safe with him. 
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mellybouboulove · 4 months
My guardian angel🤍𓆩♡𓆪☁️
Chapter 1
Hey guys, this is my first fanfic :) I'm already working on the upcoming chapters, it's gonna be pretty long.
This is a Drug Dealer Ellie Williams X OFC fic, it's out of universe and takes place in college, it's set in the 2000s.
Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapitre 5, Chapter 6, Chapitre 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
Tags: #wlw #sapphic #drugdealer!ellie #modern!ellie #tlou #slowburn #smut #fluff #tlouau #au #modernau
Here's the first chapter <3
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First Chapter
It’s October 31st and I have yet to find my Halloween costume for the upcoming party. I was never too fond of parties but my friends have been begging me to join them. I started feeling guilty for not engaging more with the social part of uni, am l wasting my life ?
9pm: My whole wardrobe was covering the floor of my bedroom. I was contemplating each piece I had to find anything that could work as a costume when I started to question if I should even attend. After a couple minutes, I decided to put on a red top and red thighs topped with a blue dress in a desperate attempt to recreate Wendy Torrance’s look in The Shining. By the time I got ready, Emily and Jonathan were here to pick me up. I was already feeling so tired from all the noise. Maybe wasting my life is not that bad after all.
As we parked I could already hear everyone screaming like raging animals. When we entered the house Victoria, one of Emily’s soccer teammates, greeted us and took Emily and Jonathan apart. I felt out of place and decided to head towards the bar to grab a drink. Everyone around me was dancing and smoking. I struggled to breathe and looked around me, spotting the backdoor to the garden. I paved myself a way in the crowd; as I reached the outdoors. I sat and took a deep breath of fresh air watching the sky thinking about my bed.
I started relaxing when I noticed a presence in the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw a girl smoking a cigarette leaning against the wall. She glanced at me and we stayed in an awkward silence for a couple seconds until she finally started talking. 
- Hey, do you mind if I sit here? - Not at all, go ahead. 
As she sits next to me I take a better look at her, I can’t help but notice her attractiveness. She has a cute button nose and small freckles on her cheeks, light green eyes and strands of hair falling in her face. She’s really pretty. She looked up to me and I quickly looked away in embarrassment. She smiled at my reaction.
- What’s your name ? I don’t think we’ve met before. - My name’s Maya Reeves, you ? I asked. - Ellie Williams. What are you doing here all alone? 
- I just needed some fresh air, I lost my friends and the music is so loud. Her face enlightened, then she confessed to me that she didn’t like these parties either.
- What are you dressed as ? I continued.  - What? - It’s Halloween, are you not wearing a costume? - Ohh no no, I hate this kind of stuff.. Are you wearing a costume ?
I got up and turned around to show off my outfit. 
- Duh?! Do you think this is how I normally dress ?? l said.
She chuckled and looked at me up and down admitting something was off. She continued.
- What are you dressed as ? -Wendy Terrance from The Shining. -Ohh cool.. I didn’t see it but you look good. -What!! you really should see it! -I'll keep it in mind, I'll think about you when I do. 
She smiled at me, put out her cigarette in the ash and got up to leave. On her way back, she greeted Jonathan who was coming out of the house. He looked at me surprised. 
-Did you get drug?  -No why? I asked surprised.  -She only ever talks to her clients. -What are you talking about?  -She’s my plug, she’s at every party just to do business.  -Ohh.
I guess she must’ve only talked to me to try to sell me drugs, I’m kinda disappointed, she seemed sweet. Emily noticed how bored and sad I looked and offered me to drink to get in the mood. After a couple drinks I felt better and managed to enjoy the rest of the night. 
Eventually, it was time to go home. Emily and Jonathan were both way too drunk so I took the driver’s seat. The road was dark and my hands a little shaky, my eyes started to close until l suddenly saw two big lights coming right at us and heard loud noises. l realized we just collided with a car.
------------------- To Be Continued..
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Excuse me for spelling the chapter number wrong, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to change it.
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14 (End)
When you keep bumping into your personal royal guard by accident not knowing he is your guardian angel
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook!fallen angel!royal guard! × fem!reader!virgin!princess 
Word count: 2.4k
Rating: 18+
Genre + warnings: Fluff, smut, angst, paranormal romance, historical fanfiction, Kook being cold and mysterious, and just being his sexy self. Possessive over his princess. Happily ever after with a fluffy and spicy scene involved. They have one more person in the family. Just a happy emotional ending. The story isn’t real, just my imagination running wild so just enjoy reading!
a/n: The long waited epilogue is here. I hope it's not too sloppy. I know it's pretty short, sorry. \: Haven't have time to publish it earlier because of health issues but I wanted to end the series finally so you don't need to wait longer! Enjoy .
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Jungkook POV
Leaning back in the chair, he felt exhausted from the paperwork which needed to be done because of his kingdom's new adjustments and changes since his wife started living with him so if he wanted this place to be peaceful for her health, he needed to get it sorted out.
It meant better security around the castle and banning all the people who wanted him gone from the throne. It was hard work for several months but it was time to be able to breathe better once he finishes everything.
Massaging his neck, he felt stiff after working so much in the office all day. He already missed his wife and the little sunshine.
He smiled at the thought.
She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and he was grateful for her giving him such a gift. He had his wife's blue eyes, father's nose but already growing small wings which was surprising considering the fact his wife is just a human. He at least inherited something from his world too and he was glad that the baby boy will have freedom to fly like his father can.
His love for her was so strong that he even rejected his position as guardian angel from heavens above.
It was not a hard decision. He already knew he will have Y/n by his side for eternity but the high angel council was disappointed in him to lose his powers because of a human. Months later they started to see that they can't do anything to change his mind so they allowed him to live on earth and still have his wings at least for protection.
Now he had people to depend on. A beautiful family by his side and he couldn't be happier.
The link with his wife allowed him to feel her emotions and as he sat there, thinking about her, the distress was getting stronger than usual. He didn't understand why.
Mindlinking her, he sent her his thoughts.
"Are you awake, my love?"
His question was left unanswered so it meant that she is sleeping because it was late at night already.
Immediately standing up, he took his cloak as well as his sword and headed out of the door. He needed to find out what's wrong with her.
His royal adviser Minho, the fallen angel was already waiting by his chambers when he bowed to his king," Your Majesty."
"My wife. Is she inside?"
"Uh, yes. She hasn't been outside for several hours so I assume the young prince also is inside."
He furrowed his eyebrows," And you are informing me only now?" he glared at him, his eyes blazing with emotions.
Minho bowed again, trembling in fear," I'm sorry, Your Majesty. It will not happen again."
"You better. Now leave," dismissing him, he went inside his chambers.
Leaving the cloak and the sword on a small wooden bench by the door, he went further inside, only just to stop in his tracks.
His wife was sleeping on a rocking chair, holding their baby boy, both were dreaming about something but the look on his wife's face worried him.
Is she ill? She was sweating.
Silently approaching them, he took his son in his arms when she blinked her tired eyes open," Jungkook?"
"Hey, love," he softly whispered and leaned down to kiss her forehead, feeling her face burning," Do you have a fever?" His concern was obvious.
She shook her head and just closed her eyes. That alarmed him.
Taking his son to the nursery room, he put him inside the crib to sleep, kissing his the crown of his head," Goodnight, Fin. I will go take care of mommy so sleep well my sweet boy," in response, the the baby boy just murmured something in his sleep.
Smiling, he went back to the living quarters to see Y/n in the same position as before.
He gently picked her up as soon as he reached the bed, putting her on the middle pillow where she usually slept in. It was strange that she wasn't moving at all. He could feel that she was burning, distressed about something.
Completely undressing from his attire, she didn't even resist when he pulled all of her clothes off so she isn't hot under the covers.
"Sweetheart, darling, are you sick?" His worried hushed tone made her whimper when she burrowed herself in his arms, suddenly shivering like she was cold.
This won't do.
Lifting her up in his arms again, he carried her towards the big bathroom where the biggest bath was located in their private space that they used for whenever they were together or for times when one of them has a headache. There was also a special medicine cabinet in case either of them have an emergency.
When he entered the bathroom, he quickly placed her inside the huge tub. Turning the tap for warm water, he let it run into the tub filling it up until it was nearly at the top. Then he turned off the water and added some smelling herbs for her to heal the body faster and possibly temperature will drop to normal again.
Taking the medicine for the headache and fever in the small bowl, he put it beside the tub for easier access.
Sliding behind her, he pulled her naked body between his legs, hugging her to his chest, her hair already wet and sticky against her skin. Gathering it together, he tucked her hair in front of her over her left shoulder so they doesn't tickle his nose that much.
Kissing her neck slowly, he takes one medicine pill and gently tips her head up with his hand beneath her chin, his fingers resting against her throat in a gentle hold," Open your mouth, baby."
Her tired eyes open with little strength as she obediently opens her mouth. Smiling at her, he slips the pill between her lips," Suck it gently. It's has a sweet taste to swallow better," he explains.
He watches her tongue wrap around the pill as she starts to suck it and he felt proud that she managed to keep it inside of her mouth so long before finally swallowing.
"Good girl," he coos, running his fingers through her long, silky hair and massaging the soft scalp.
She snuggled closer to him, nuzzling against him making him chuckle at her cuteness," Are you sleepy yet? You've probably been tired of nursing our son all the time and I haven't even checked your health. I'm sorry for failing you," he dropped his head against her shoulder in guilt.
Like a good wife she always is, Y/n lifts her hand over his head, massaging his hair gently," It's okay, Jungkook. I'm fine now because of you."
"No, it's not. You deserve more," he said as she moved away slightly and looked at him with sad blue orbs.
His heart clenched as he noticed how pale she was and how thin she has gotten over the past few months. "I promise I will spend time with you and our son more often now. It's just my duties require so much work that I..."
"It's okay, Jungkook. I know. You're the best husband and king in the world. To me you're perfect in every aspect. Times can get rough sometimes but that's why we are here for each other to support and help in the times of need. Being parents are not easy but I'm glad to be here with you, with our baby living the best life every woman could ask for. You've given me the world and I love you for that," her eyes are full of love for him and he can't help but feel tears forming in his eyes. It was hard to breathe for a moment.
He still couldn't believe that she belongs to him. This beautiful woman was his forever. And so is the son she gave birth to.
Taking her cheek, he seals his mouth over her inviting rosy lips, the tears escaping his eyes in silent waterfall. His emotions were too strong, too overwhelming.
The link between them showed him that she is really telling the truth. She loved him unconditionally and always would.
"I love you," his breath shuddered in fear to lose her, afraid to look away from her beautiful, soulful blue eyes.
As if reading his mind, she cupped his face between her hands, caressing his cheeks lovingly with her thumbs. Her eyes filled with joy and warmth which brought him happiness as well as relief.
A soft smile appeared on her lips," I love you too."
He never cried. Never. The life before made him grow up with nerves of steel but now the thought of something happening to her and his son, the thought of losing them scared him beyond belief.
But this time it happened. Everything came crashing down in a matter of seconds and he couldn't hold it in anymore. Not when she told him that she loves him. Forgives him for not caring enough about her feelings or health issues.
He was shaking uncontrollably as he held her tighter. His eyes shut tightly while he sobbed uncontrollably in her embrace.
She was ill so he didn't wanted to burden her with worry for him but she just held him tightly back, slowly straddling his lap, kissing him with all of her last energy from how tired she was but it was like she doesn't care. The only important thought was reassuring him, to show him how much she loves him.
Pulling slightly back, his eyes were blurry from the crying, probably red when he rested his forehead against hers," You're my whole world, Y/n. You and Fin are the most precious souls in my heart right now. I'm so happy that you chose me," his smile is brighter and this time his wife is holding her tears back but failing miserably when she starts crying and laughing.
When she calms down, she looks at him," We are such sappy fools."
He chuckles at that," You're right. We are a mess. But only with you," he says in a low voice and suddenly realizes their position when her clit slides against his hardness.
"Fuck," the feel of her wet slit against his throbbing cock makes him drop his head back on the edge of the tub.
"Baby...If you don't want me to fuck you right here, I suggest you to leave the tub. I'm really hard because of you," he whispers in husky voice, watching her carefully for her reaction.
She still blushes even after all these months together, even after giving birth, she always seem shy when he talks to her dirty.
"Sweetheart," his plead was enough to make her lift her hips in encouragement as she hid her face in his shoulder.
"All right," she breathes and that's what it took to grab her hips and push his length inside of her, sinking deep enough to feel her walls contracting against his length. He groans at the feeling that they're connected by nothing but skin and his arm wrapped tightly around her waist keeping her close to himself as he pulls out only a tiny bit then thrust back in with a strong thrust before taking her again.
"Jungkook ah," she whines in pain as he moves fast and harder.
Not able to take any more, he grabs her ass as he leans forward, lifting her body up high above the surface of the tub, spreading her legs enough to split her in two, causing both of them to moan loudly at their new position.
'Fucking hell! I can't stop myself. She feels amazing. Too good to be true. So beautiful.
"I'm so sorry, love. I can't help myself," he chokes out while pulling out to come deep inside of her once more.
Y/n throws her head back, screaming his name.
With an angry grunt, Jungkook pushes harder into her, grunting again in pleasure at the feeling of being filled, filling her until his balls hurt but he can't find any ounce of self control because of her and her smell, her taste.
He couldn't help the loud, guttural noises as his cock jerks against her, pumping so powerfully inside of her and he knows it's coming soon.
He knew that Fin is sleeping two rooms away but fuck, she felt incredibly good and he had to make sure this moment stays between them until they reach heaven and the end of their journey.
Pushing himself deeper inside of her, he holds her tighter to him, his body trembling with ecstasy. His eyes closed tight and he grunts louder, almost moaning," Come for me, Y/n..."
His thrusts became harsher, his grib beneath her ass leaving bruises but her moans only intensified as he comes faster and deeper into her, feeling how she clenches around him and the way his seed bursts inside her with one powerful thrust.
Silencing her last scream with his mouth, his tongue diving between her hot lips, he felt almost feverish as she when they both began to feel tired from the powerful orgasm. His thick forearms held her in the air till he slipped out of her, both of their cum dripping out in the water.
Lowering her back into his lap, she clings to him tightly, breathing heavily against his ear.
"You're incredible," he kisses her neck.
"And you're insane," she giggles softly, still out of breath," I feel like Fin will wake up after this because of us."
"Well, not my fault that my cock feels so good that you scream and beg for it more," teasing her, she only blushed but with a smile on her face.
Closing his eyes, he hugs her to him again before they go to the bed.
Not soon after there was crying heard outside and his beautiful wife pokes him in the ribs," Told you."
He rolls his eyes but chuckles," Yeah, yeah, yeah but this time you go to bed. I will take care of him, okay?"
She looks worried," But,-"
The stern look shuts her up when he kisses her temple," No, you need to rest. End of discussion."
"Fine. But come to bed after, will you? I miss your warmth," she pouts.
Kissing her one more time, Jungkook promises her," Always, Ms. Jeon. My queen.”
Since he was born, his duty was to protect Y/n and now he was glad that she has chosen him.
He will always love her and that will never change.
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p.s. All images and gifs are not mine, some of the edits are mine edited but not every picture. All the credit goes to their rightful owners
Taglist: @lepau123 @the-princess-of-mischief-1998@11thenightwemet11 @khadeeeeej @almosttoopizza@jiminismine4ever (If you want to be tagged, please message me)
🅒 All rights reserved
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Behold, a bracket!
Text form below the cut because trying to copy all the 256 into the alt text sounded.... horrifying. Warning for 128 matchups, seriously, this list is long, and so I've avoided adding the artists until the polls.
a note: the pinned post has started misbehaving, so only open polls will be directly linked. closed polls instead have the results page linked in the set header, all the polls are linked from there
Set 1
The Lament for Icarus (Miao He) vs The Lament for Icarus (Herbert Draper)
The angel came to me in a fever hallucination, perched upon my bed as I returned from the bathroom. vs Sweet Brown Snail
Figures vs A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery
Happy Shoppers vs Hubble Deep Field
Lovers Painting vs Bath Curtain
Dr. Helen Taussig vs Une Martyre
Orangoutang étranglant un sauvage de Bornéo (Orangutan strangling a Borneo savage) vs Can’t Help Myself
Rape vs Technicolor Hiroshima
Set 2
A Walk at Dusk vs Based on “Autoportrait with the Model” by Maria-Rayevska Ivanova
Diary Page vs Les Jours Gigantesques (The Titanic Days)
Dead of Night vs You Won't
Christina's World vs Bobby
Untitled (I’m Turning Into A Specter Before Your Very Eyes And I’m Going To Haunt You) vs Two Sisters (On the Terrace)
Sharecropper vs Lustmord
The Parca and the Angel of Death vs Untitled (Zdzisław Beksiński)
Stress vs The Fallen Angel
Set 3
Device to Root Out Evil vs Travelling Light
Diana vs Fifty Days at Iliam: The Fire that Consumes All before It
The Plains, from Memory vs Exotic Bodies
Doubting Thomas vs Self-Portrait in the Bathroom Mirror
Empty Nest vs Somebody Fell From Aloft
Anguish vs If I Died
Cat in Obsolete Bath vs You're Not Boring Anymore
Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) vs Untitled (billboard of an empty unmade bed)
Set 4
There Will Be No Miracles Here vs Symphony of the Sixth Blast Furnace
Fox Hunt vs Tarpaulin
Khajuraho Group of Monuments vs Ranakpur Jain Temple
ปราสาทสัจธรรม (The Sanctuary of Truth) vs Grande Panorama de Lisboa
Heroic Head of Pierre de Wissant, One of the Burghers of Calais vs The Weather
The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit vs If this is art
Statue of Vincent and Theo van Gogh vs Jeanne d’Arc écoutant les voix (Joan of Arc listening to the Voices)
Fountain vs Judith Slaying Holofernes
Set 5
Cueva de las Manos (Cave of Hands) vs Cave of El Castillo
Chauvet Cave Bear vs Uffington White Horse
Laocoön and His Sons vs Winged Victory of Samothrace
Crouching Aphrodite vs Statue of Taweret
Guardian Figure vs Kūya-Shonin (Saint Kuya)
Ancient Greek doll vs Arena #7 (Bears)
Enbu (炎舞) (Dancing in the Flames) vs Yearning Shadows
Belfast to Byzantium vs Freedom
Set 6
The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayan vs Portraits
The Blood Mirror vs Nighthawks
Electric Fan (Feel it Motherfuckers): Only Unclaimed Item from the Stephen Earabino Estate vs "Untitled" (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)
Lady Agnew of Lochnaw vs Forgotten Dreams
Saint Bride vs Pixeles (a group of 9 works)
War Pieta vs The Sunset
The Handmaidens of Sivawara Preparing the Sacred Bull at Tanjore for a Festival vs Ajax and Cassandra
Nāve (Death) vs Abstraction
Set 7
Yes vs Meeting on the Turret Stair
Hacked to Death II vs Stańczyk
Closeness Lines Over Time vs Voice of Fire
The Maple Trees at Mama, the Tekona Shrine and Tsugihashi Bridge vs Portrait of Sir Thomas More
Survival Series: In a Dream You Saw a Way vs Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre
Death blowing bubbles vs The Kitchen Table Series
Painting 1946 vs In the Grip of Winter
Untitled (Black and Gray) vs NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt
Set 8
Blue Plate Special vs Red Cedar
Palace of Fine Arts vs Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba
Le Château des Pyrénées (The Castle of the Pyrenees) vs Susanna and the Elders, Restored - X-Ray
Moby Dick vs Viva la Vida, Watermelons
Venus Envy Chapter One (Of the First Holy Communion Moments Before the End) vs how to look at art
St. Sebastian vs Untitled #12
Carroña vs The invincible one
Untitled (Two Dogs) vs The Dog
Set 9
David (Donatello) vs David (Michelangelo)
The Other Side vs The Temptation of St. Jerome
Seated Woman with Bent Knees vs Starry Night
Headdress - Shadae vs Untitled for the Image Flow's Queer Conscience exhibit
Woman with Dead Child (Frau mit totem Kind) vs Les Amants (The Lovers)
Siroče na majčinom grobu (Orphan on Mother's Grave) vs You Make My World a Better Place to Find
Fighting Against SARS Memorial Architectural Scene (弘揚抗疫精神建築景觀) vs Fallingwater
Resting vs The Hull
Set 10
Olive Trees vs Worship
Glow vs Wheatfield with Crows
Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X vs Untitled (He Plays Very Badly)
D.I.Y. by John Wiswell vs The Tragedy
Judith and the Head of Holofernes vs Beethovenfries (Beethoven Frieze)
The Memory of Me (How Could I Forget) vs oh god i had a really big epiphany about love and personhood but i’m too drunk for words
I am happy because everyone loves me vs 瀕危形態 (Endangered Forms)
Three Scaffolders vs Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan
Set 11
San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk vs Water-Lilies, Reflection of a Weeping Willow
The Grief of the Pasha vs Monolith in Vigeland Sculpture Park
Passion vs Space Diner
Hamlet and Ophelia vs Two Earthlings
Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth vs Seer Bonnets
Photograph from "SNAP OSAKA" Collection vs Clytemnestra after the Murder
“Untitled” (Perfect Lovers) vs The Lovers (TIE)
Kedai Ubat Jenun vs Orange Store Front
Set 12
The Apotheosis of War vs Portrait of the Dancer Aleksandr Sakharov
Julie Manet vs Mouth
The Icebergs vs Kaleidoscope Cats III
Maman vs Caza Nocturna (Night Hunt)
The Book of Kells Folio 188r: Luke carpet page vs Ardagh Chalice
Yusuf and Zulaikha vs Dome of the Rock mosaics
Rowan Leaves and Hole vs Untitled (prisonhannibal)
Le Désespéré (The Desperate Man) vs The Dedication
Set 13
Deimos vs Dog and Bridge
The Mocking of Christ vs Prudence
The Broken Column vs Siberian Ice Maiden shoulder tattoo
Transi de René de Chalon (Cadaver Tomb of René of Chalon) vs Head of Christ
The Day vs Spirit of Haida Gwaii
Eleanor Boathouse at Park 571 vs Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban জাতীয় সংসদ ভবন (National Parliament House)
Juventud de Baco (Bacchus Youth) vs Barges on the Seine
Oath of the Horattii closeup vs Visit hos Excentrisk Dam (Visit to an eccentric lady)
Set 14
Christ Crucified (With Donor) vs St. Francis
Thunder Raining Poison vs Piazza d'Italia
The Grove vs Among the Waves
Pintura Mural de Alarcón vs Sagrada Família stained-glass windows
Noonday Heat vs La Dame à la licorne (The Lady and The Unicorn)
Matroser i Gröna Lund (Sailors in Gröna Lund) vs Gielda Plakatu
Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks vs The Garden of Earthly Delights
Kuoleman puutarha (The Garden of Death) vs Haavoittunut enkeli (The Wounded Angel)
Set 15
i've wasted a lifetime pretending to be me vs da oracle
minus #37 vs Panel from Fun Home
Excerpt from illustrated edition of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner vs La Mort de Marat (The Death of Marat)
The Veil vs Düsseldorf 4 (Museum Kunst Palast)
Capriccio vs Zodiac calendar for La Plume
The official imperial portrait of empress dowager Cixi vs José y Maria
Blooming Lilacs vs Lágrimas De Sangre (Tears of Blood)
An Interlude vs Boy Staring at an Apparition
Set 16
Mermer Waiskeder: Stories of the Moving Tide vs The Gran Hotel Ciudad de México Art Nouveau interior
Unfinished Painting vs To Arms!
Memorial to a Marriage vs The Island
Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn vs A Few Small Nips
Saturn Devouring His Son vs Guernica
Fairy Princesses vs Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Mummy with An Inserted Panel Portrait of a Youth vs Little Girl Looking Downstairs at Christmas Party
Agnus vs The Cup Of His Murders Is Flowing Over And In His Coat Shall Be Many Curses
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