#zack x marcus
What Babylon 5 Characters are doing in a 24/HR Diner
John and Delenn are playing footsies while sharing a milkshake in a far booth
Neroon and Zack are the two grandpas who always go out to get a “cuppa joe” on a weekly basis, and they complain about “frou-frou” coffees that younger generations indulge in
Ivanova and Talia are having brunch
Vir and Lennier are hoping for a quiet study session with a different ambiance than their usual meet-up spots
Assorted Customers:
Bester is threatening to leave a negative Yelp review and never return (he never follows through, he always returns)
Mr. Morden is there to try the diner’s “world famous” dishes and then immediately tells the staff if the dishes have any reason, in his opinion, to be classified as such
Sinclair is the parent traveling across the country with his children (Marcus, Garibaldi, G’Kar, and Londo) and hoping they’ll all fall asleep when they get back in the car… they won’t
Franklin is getting into discussions about nutrition with a server who Does Not Have Time For This
Lyta and Na’Toth are the servers who Do Not Have Time For This
Lochley is the manager, and she will make time for this because how anyone could be that stupid is just the tiniest bit beyond her, so if you would please explain-
Kosh owns the franchise and will be there on occasion. nobody knows what he qualifies as an occasion, though
Lorien owns the company, and Kosh’s quarterlies could be better, but the important thing is that everyone is having fun (they’re not)
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lab-trash · 29 days
Posting this bc I forget if I've posted this before, or updated it.
I take drawing and writing requests, but on top of that, just open conversation.
Ships I Enjoy/Appriciate-
Kaz x Chase
Marcus x Oliver
Owen x Adam
Tecton x Megahertz
Skylar x Jordan
Skylar x Stefanie
Stefanie x Jordan
Leo x Logan
AJ x Kyle
Douglas x Thomas (normal dude oc)
Feel free to ask questions about Thomas. I usually don't like OCs, especially if they're for shipping, and while he's a tiny exception, I don't put him in fics or posts often because I don't want to bother others with it.
Gender/Sexuality Headcannons I like-
Trans Chase
Trans Spin
Trans Tecton
Trans Kaz
Trans Marcus 
Oliver’s family is homophobic
Kaz's family is homophobic 
Bi Douglas
Donald is trying his best not to be homophobic 
Greysexual Demiromantic Oliver
Sapphic Skylar
Bi-Spec Bree (unlabelled/shifting labels)
Pan or Gay Kaz
Bi or Gay Chase
Trans Femme Experion (thanks for that @platonictaycus )
Sapphic Jordan
Other Headcannons I like-
Tecton is Spark’s dad (again, thanks for that @platonictaycus )
Tecton and Megahertz being Kaz’s dad figures
Tecton's civ name is Sam(uel) Alder, and Megahertz is Leslie 'Lez' Reyes
Past, toxic, Kazperion and Sebase
Things are kinda awkward between Kaz and Spark
Kaz cooks
Kaz and Skylar dated for a period of time, unbeknownst to Oliver
Kaz and Skylar friendship supremacy
Kaz and Bree friendship supermacy
Basically, Kaz is great at girl talk
Kaz is good with kids
ADHD Kaz, Autistic Chase, ADHD Oliver (but different from Kaz)
Kaz used to have a crush on Oliver (unrequited)
Oliver’s lowkey rich af
Kaz’s family is poor and religious
Very religious
Trent and Owen are brothers
Longer hair/Gender non-conforming Marcus
Shorter hair Skylar
Daniel looks like a blonde Dorenbash from Caldera
Non-LREF Universe Stuff I Like-
Best Friends Whenever
Barry x Renaldo
Shelby x Alex
Cyd x Daisy
Wizards of Waverly Place
Zeke x Justin
Harper x Juliet (maybe; still thinking about that)
Max x Zack (Suite Life on Deck)
Kickin It
Milton x Jack (Krewer)
Kim x Sloane
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alexandriathewolfyt · 2 years
Fandoms I will try writing for all x reader male female or non binary
Food wars
My hero Academia
Assassination Classroom
Black Butler
The disastrous life of Saiki K
Saiki K
Hunter x Hunter
Jujitsu Kaisen
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Lucifer M
Chloe D
Marcus Pierce
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yespolkadotkitty · 4 years
Make Your Move
Jesus. Okay, well....
Warnings: Smut. Threesome (m/m/f), but possibly the sweetest, most vanilla threesome you will ever read. A big long love letter to the best soft boy ever, Marcus Pike, with Zach thrown in because I love him.
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I dedicate this fic to @beccaplaying - thank you for the beta and the details about the US consulate. The idea was hers originally. Thankyou also to @songsformonkeys , @hopelessromanticspoonie , @just-the-hiddles and @lannister-slings-and-arrows for encouragement, screaming, advice and hand-holding.
“Plans tonight?”
You look up from your scintillating choice of fruit juice with a label in Mandarin or some unknown juice with a label in Mandarin (but the picture has a smiley face, which makes it seem better, perhaps?). Marcus Pike stood beside you, his hair damp with sweat, his US Consulate rugby team shirt stuck to his chest with perspiration, deep breaths drawing your attention to his broad chest. 
“Nothing really. Netflix and chill - alone.”
Marcus selects the juice with the happy face.
“What is that?” you ask.
“Hell if I know. It’s nice, though.”
You choose the fruit - better safe than sorry - and join him in the queue. The Western grocery store a block away has most things you recognise from home, along with a few random items like the happy face juice, to keep you on your toes. You also once brought a packet of “fish strips” home - never again. Your mouth had never felt so dry, but also so sour.
“You wanna hang out?” Marcus asks, one hand holding his juice, the other propped on his hip in his habitual “thinking” stance. You’ve seen it many times. Every time it makes you think about putting your own hand there. And other places on his body.
Marcus is the nicest guy you’ve ever known. Friendly, polite, fair to a fault. You’ve been friends for a year and you learned that he accepted this Consulate posting after a bad break-up. Who had jilted him, you didn’t know, but you’d like to punch her in the face for turning down someone like Marcus Pike - a pure ray of sunshine wrapped up in an earnest smile, a big heart, and all that tanned, golden skin.
“Sure,” you say as the line moves forward. Ahead of you, a bead of sweat runs down the back of Marcus’s neck and into the collar of his rugby shirt. He smells of his habitual vanilla and black pepper cologne and you inhale greedily.
“Oh, do you have a cold?” he asks.
Shit. “No… allergies.”
He narrows his eyes for a second. “Okay. So, a movie, maybe? I might see what Zach’s doing if that’s all right?”
Zach Wellison, an active duty Marine on the Consulate Rugby team. Why no one had ever thought of pitching the idea of a US Consulate Rugby team nude calendar, you had no clue. Golden-skinned like Marcus, with similar bottomless brown eyes, Zach was scruffier, a more sarcastic and prickly version of Marcus. You’d hung out a few times, usually with Marcus too, and he’s made you laugh until your sides hurt when he pokes holes in your favourite trashy TV shows. You reckon he secretly loves them too, especially The Great British Bake Off.
“‘Course. The more the merrier. I’ll ask some friends over, too?”
Marcus nods. “Seven? I’ll bring the pizza?”
“It’s a date,” you say automatically, then turn away to hide the ridiculous blush that creeps up your neck. Marcus is busy paying for his juice and doesn’t notice. He waves to you as he leaves the store and you take your turn at the counter.
The clerk grins at you. “He’s something, huh.”
“Sure is,” you agree, biting back the sadness that he isn’t your something, and he probably never will be. Yeah, he’s really nice to you, but nice is Marcus’ default setting. It means nothing.
You take your juice and go home to panic-clean before your visitors come over later.
You invite two of your girlfriends over from the Consulate admin and statistics team, but they’ve got other plans, so you’re alone when you open the door to Marcus and Zach. Marcus holds three giant pizza boxes and Zach carts a crate of beer.
Your brows wing up. “I did tell you that it was just me…?”
“Never too much pizza, though?” Marcus smiles, bending to kiss your cheek. He’s freshly showered, his hair curling damply, his cheeks smooth, and he wears a plain grey t-shirt over jeans that hug his ass beautifully.
“Or too much beer,” Zach chimes in, setting the mini crate on your coffee table. Marcus moves to do the same with the pizza and Zach bends to buss your cheek, his facial scruff tickling, his hair flopping into his eyes. He wears a plaid shirt, yellow and grey, over a navy t-shirt, and his jeans are looser than Marcus’.
“So, what are we watching?” you ask, flopping down on your sofa. All the Consulate apartments are identikit here but you’ve tried to make personal touches to yours, so it feels like home for the duration of your posting.
Perfectly at home in your place, Marcus scoops up the remote and scrolls to Netflix. “Hmmmm…. There is a game on though,” he says, and you see Zach perk up.
“If you want to watch sports,” you say as if Marcus had suggested watching cannibals discuss how to cook babies, “You can take your portion of pizza and leave.”
The men exchange a look and Zach shrugs. “Movie, then?” He settles down on the sofa next to you as Marcus scrolls.
“All right. It looks as if our choices are smash and grab heist movie, no-plot, no-problem action film, borderline porn, or subtitled arthouse flick.”
“Action,” you and Zach said at the same time, as Zach reaches for a slice of pizza. Your sofa is not big, and his thigh rests next to yours. Your thin dress means you feel the heat coming off his body.
“No arthouse? Marcus asks, fixing those big brown eyes on you.
You open the second pizza box to reveal a bbq meat feast - your favourite. “Impossible to eat pizza and read subtitles at the same time, Pike.”
“She has a point,” Zach agrees, speaking through a mouthful of stuffed crust.
“All right, all right.” Marcus throws up a hand in defeat and selects something called Crocodile Dundee 3: Croc Harder, which shows Dwayne Johnson riding the back of a giant crocodile on top of a volcano. “I tried to lift our average intelligence, just remember that later.”
Zach gestures at the coffee table littered with pizza and beer. “Um… read the room?”
You laugh, chewing your slice of pizza, the bbq sauce tangy on your tongue. Zach cracks open a beer as Marcus drops down on the sofa on the other side of you, and now you’re sandwiched by two insanely good looking guys, one of whom you’ve been attracted to for well over a year now.
Marcus makes a mmm noise as he opens the third box of pizza, double pepperoni, and you watch his hands, wide palms, long fingers, as he peels off a slice.
On screen, Dwayne’s forgettably-named character checks the cartridge of a machine gun.
“He’d shoot himself in the face doing that,” Zach says after a swig of beer.
“For sure,” Marcus agrees. “Unsafe.”
You roll your eyes. 
Marcus notices and elbows you. “You both picked the action flick,” he mutters, but his tone is teasing and a smile ghosts around his lips.
The film continues with some explosions early on and a token geeky scientist character with a clipboard. You huff. “We do not carry clipboards everywhere.”
“Uh huh,” Zach and Marcus say in sync.
You sigh and eat more pizza.
An hour later, at least half of all the pizza Marcus brought over is gone. You’re three beers in, feeling pretty happy and relaxed. At some point you’ve leaned back against Zach and now your feet are in Marcus’ lap.
Zach groans. “Why the fuck didn’t he just ride the giant crocodile over the lava in the first place?” He sits up, adjusting you so you don’t topple backwards. “Be right back; bathroom break.”
You pause the film. Marcus smiles over at you. “You’re sweet to pause it like there’s an actual plot that he’ll miss a key point of.”
You snort, returning his smile. “Yeah, you’ve got a point there. Thanks for this. I was planning on spending the evening alone, but this is much nicer.” You go to pull your feet from his lap, but he wraps a hand around your ankle, squeezing gently. 
“Are you okay?”
You hesitate. You’ve dallied for a year about telling Marcus you think you love him, that your hand all too often hovers over his email address in your address book when you’re in work, that far too frequently, your mind wanders to him when you slide your fingers into your underwear at night. Now is hardly the time, with Zach using your bathroom just a door away.
“I’m fine.”
“Uh huh,” he drawls.
Marcus turns more fully to face you. “Sweetheart. Give me some credit. I’m divorced but it isn’t because I was one of those guys who accepted the I’m fine answer at face value.”
You sigh and this time you do draw your legs off his lap. “I think I’m drunk. I need some water.” You stand up and cross to the kitchenette, and Marcus follows you on socked feet. The water runs and you feel a bit woozy, stumbling when you reach up to get a glass.
He steadies you with a hand on your back as you retrieve the glass; fill it with bottled water, and return the bottle to the fridge under the counter. The silence in your apartment is suddenly deafening as you sip the water, then hold the glass to Marcus’ lips.
He sips, his gaze on yours, then takes the glass from you, setting it down.
“Should I not have invited Zach?” he whispers, bending slightly. He’s so close that you can see the amber edging the gorgeous chocolate brown of his irises. He smells of vanilla and black pepper, heady, sweet, intoxicating. 
His mouth brushes yours, butterfly-wings soft, and he tastes of pepperoni and just an edge of citrusy beer, and you open for him, sliding your hands up his chest, firm beneath his soft-worn t-shirt. He licks into your mouth, and you sigh, almost three hundred and sixty five days worth of want unfurling inside you, a surge of lust rising up your body like a tidal wave.
“So, I - oh, man. Sorry.”
You and Marcus jerk apart at the sight of Zach standing in the doorway. He rubs a hand over the back of his neck, looking sheepish. 
“I…. didn’t know you were together.”
“We weren’t,” Marcus says, aiming a hopeful smile at you.
“I….. shall we finish the film?”
The boys nod and you all troop back to the sofa. You glance at the leftover pizza and shut the box.
Marcus takes the right side of you this time, tugging you into him so you sit with your back to his shoulder. You fidget with your legs until Zach chuckles and sets his feet in your lap, and it’s very comfy. On screen, Dwayne fights a half-crocodile half-lava monster with a tree he tore from the ground. 
The beer you drank has begun to make you feel warm; languid. You want to kiss Marcus again. 
You feel Marcus shift beside you. His breath fans the back of your neck for a moment, making the little hairs there stand on end. You shiver a little, pressing your feet unintentionally into Zach’s lap. He doesn’t seem to notice.
Marcus starts pressing little kisses to the nape of your neck. Your stomach clenches at the feeling. You’d never dared to dream about being in this situation with gorgeous, kind, smart, funny Marcus Pike, and now you were - and another guy had come along for the ride.
When Marcus uses his teeth just a little, you curl your toes, involuntarily, and then stop breathing when you hear a little groan from Zach. You glance over and he’s watching Marcus nibbling on your neck, and you realise that the...topography of where you have your feet has changed.
“Oh, Zach-” you make to withdraw your feet, but Zach simply rubs circles on your bare ankles with his thumbs.
“You’re good,” he murmurs, and you think: oh.
On screen, Dwayne is hefting a bikini-clad woman in one hand and a crocodile in the other, yelling for confused passersby to get out of the way, but your attention is split between Zach’s gun-callused hands on your ankles and Marcus’ mouth on your neck. Zach has a little spiral tattoo on his left hand and you gaze at it as his hands massage you. How have you never noticed what great hands he has?
“Is this.. Okay?” Marcus whispers against your skin.
You don’t know what to say, but you only know that if either of them stop then it will be very bad, so you nod, wordlessly.
Marcus changes position so he’s caging you, your back to his front. He has easier access to your neck this way, and when his hands wrap around your waist you sigh and relax into him, sliding your hands over his, tangling your fingers. His palms are so warm through your dress and you sigh his name. 
Zach’s hand slides up your bare leg, and you sneak a glance at his face. He’s looking down at your feet in his lap. His jeans are very obviously moulded around an erection, but he looks blissed out, sort of surprised.
You think all three of you are sort of surprised by the turn of events, but there’s been plenty of beer and you’re pleasantly full, and you’ve never been this close to two guys this freaking hot.
Experimentally you stroke your toes over Zach’s lap and a low groan escapes his lips. He lets his head fall back, eyes drifting closed.
Marcus reaches out a hand and mutes the tv, then returns to cuddling you. His breaths stroke over your skin as one hand sweeps up your ribs to cup your breast. Only your dress and a flimsy lace bra separate his hand from your skin and your heart beats a ragged tattoo of want and need.
Breathing your name, Marcus’ busy fingers begin slipping the buttons of your sundress through their eyelets, one at a time, agonisingly slowly. His chin rests on your shoulder as he works diligently, knuckles brushing each inch of newly exposed skin.
“Dreamed of this,” he whispers into your neck.
Your heart skips a beat. “Really?”
“Most nights for the last six months, actually,” he murmurs, and you can hear the chagrin in his voice, the tiny chink of missing armour there.
“He’s not lying,” Zach mutters. “You’ve got it bad, man.”
You scoff, but your reply is cut off when Marcus flicks open the front clasp of your bra and his hand covers your naked flesh. His skin is just a little rough, his touch warm and tender, and you let your eyes close, surrendering to the bliss. 
Distantly you hear the sound of a zipper being lowered but you don’t open your eyes, caught in a soft, welcoming web of touch and warmth and syrupy desire. 
Marcus rubs his thumb across your nipple, over and over, and the little tingles shoot straight down to your core. At your back, he shifts, and you moan at the press of him, hot and heavy, against your butt. “Marcus.”
“I’m here, sweetheart,” he rasps in that deliciously husky-edged baritone.
“More,” you plead, and you lean forward so he can drop the parted material of the dress down your shoulders. As the fabric slides down your arms, you look over at Zach. His head rests back on the top of the sofa, eyes half closed as he watches you and Marcus, the position revealing the scruff hugging his jaw and the long line of his neck. His adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. With one hand he rubs those maddeningly soft circles on your ankle. His other hand rests in the open vee of the fly of his jeans, and you drink in the sight of his cock peeking out.
He sees you watching and smiles, a little shyly. You know he was a marine but the sight of this slight bashfulness endears you to him. Makes the thought of touching him add to the fire in your belly.
Zach’s gaze flicks to you, a question in his honey-bourbon eyes. This is the moment, you think, where you could send him away and turn into Marcus’ arms, lose yourself in him alone.
Or. Or.
“What do you want?” Zach asks huskily. 
Marcus looks up from where he’s kissing the curve where your neck and shoulder meet. “You’re calling the shots here, sweetheart.”
You hesitate, but Marcus’s hands and mouth feel so good on you and you really don’t want to stop looking at Zach almost-stroking himself.
“Stay,” you breathe. “Both of you.”
Maybe it’s the beer talking - well, let’s honest, some of it is certainly fuelled by the beer, but you want this. You’d trust Marcus with your life, and from what you know of Zach, he might’ve been in one of the most elite military units but he’d never use his strength or skills against you.
Marcus hmmmmms contentedly in his throat and resumes his gentle kisses along your skin, his lips soft and warm as his hands work your breasts. Your dress is pooled around your waist and you watch through half-lidded eyes as Zach uses one hand to caress your leg and the other to touch himself.
“I want...” you hear yourself say haltingly, “I want to touch one of you.” You’re suspended in the middle here, you can’t quite reach Zach, and Marcus is behind you.
Marcus lifts his head and you see him and Zach exchange some sort of silent message. Zach gently lifts your feet off his lap and spreads your legs so he can crawl between them, and you watch his handsome, tanned face as he arranges the three of you so his and Marcus’ legs have somewhere to go - they’re both so long-legged - and then he cups your face in one hand and kisses you, hot and urgent and impatient, so different from Marcus’ sweet gentleness, but a change of pace that has you moaning for more. You lick into Zach’s mouth and, bolder, slide a hand down his body to where he’s peeking out from his jeans.
You feel Marcus’ gaze on you both as you palm Zach. He’s warm and smooth and the weight of him in your hands makes your internal muscles clench. He bites off a stifled moan of pleasure against your lips as you stroke him, pushing the waist of his jeans down so you can reach every bit of him. Feeling him pulse in your fingers sends a spear of wetness into your core. You murmur his name and he bucks into your hands.
Marcus makes a sound of strangled desire behind you and you feel his hand work its way down your body, under your parted dress and into your underwear. At the first touch of his fingers on your damp flesh, a rush of pleasure dizzies you.
You give yourself in to Zach’s kiss as Marcus finds a rhythm that makes you buck your hips into his fingers. Your body is aflame with sensation and you feel Marcus smile against your neck as he shifts positions, keeping his thumb on your clit and easing one, then two, fingers inside you.The noises his movements make are obscene, loud in the otherwise quiet room with the TV muted. 
Zach breaks the kiss for a moment to shove his jeans, underwear and socks off, and you reach out to push his plaid shirt off his shoulders and tug his t-shirt over his head. His hair is mussed and his eyes are soft, and he looks up at Marcus and says “lie down.”
It takes a moment for you all to shift, but your sofa manages to accommodate it. You lie back on Marcus, your back on his chest, and Zach settles down to cage you in, dipping his head to give your breasts some attention. His facial scruff tickles, adding layers of sensation. Between Marcus’ hand down your knickers and Zach’s mouth on you, you’re drowning, and you never want to come up for air. You squirm under the delicious attention. Marcus scrapes his teeth along a sensitive place on your neck just as Zach gently bites down on one nipple, and Marcus’ fingers curl up inside you and it’s a tidal wave of bliss, and you come with your heartbeat roaring in your ears.
As you come down from the high, your inner muscles trembling, you turn to kiss Marcus’ mouth, drinking in his taste. His lips are soft and sweet and he strokes you down from your orgasm until you stay his hand, quivering from over-sensitivity. 
“Not that we’re not both well accustomed to difficult terrain,” Zach murmurs against your skin, “but do you think we could move this party to the bed?”
“No pressure,” Marcus adds, and you know that if you say no right now, they’ll leave and there’ll be no hard feelings, because they’re good men.
“Bed,” you decide, and Zach grins and scoops you up in his arms. 
Marcus leads the way to your bedroom - he’s never been there before, but your apartment is a mirror of his - and you’re glad you took five minutes to turn the covers down, neaten it a little.
The only light comes from the gaps between the window blinds. The evening sunlight, still golden in the summer months, streams in, painting Zach’s naked body in dusky amber. He and Marcus undress you together, Marcus sliding your bra off and Zach kneeling to gather your dress and underwear, tossing them aside before both men glance at each other and again, in secret-military-bro-code agreement, carry you to the bed, Zach holding your legs, Marcus’ hands under your arms.
When they set you down, you tug Marcus in for another kiss, licking into his mouth, carding your fingers through his short, thick hair. “Too many clothes on you, Pike,” you murmur against his lips, pulling at the hem of his t-shirt. He chuckles and obliges you. On the other side of you, on the big bed, Zach seems content to lie on his side, head propped up on his elbow, lazily stroking himself.
You roll to sit up and start unbuckling Marcus’ belt, eager to see more of his smooth, golden skin. He pulls you in for another meltingly tender kiss as you ease the leather through the belt loops of his jeans, shove the denim down his thighs. He isn’t wearing boxers and you break the kiss to grin up at him. “I wouldn’t have taken you for a commando guy, Marcus.”
“No? Well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he teases.
“Don’t ask him about his band,” Zach deadpans from behind you.
Marcus rolls his eyes and bends to take off his pooled jeans and socks. You cup his chin when he finishes, push him back to standing. “Oh, don’t worry,” you say to Zach while holding Marcus’ steady brown gaze, “I have much better things to do with my mouth.”
And you settle one hand on Marcus’ hip and savour the little hiss of pleasure you draw from him when you take him into your mouth.
He immediately covers your hand with his, tangling your fingers. Marcus loves holding hands, you’re learning. You use your other hand to hold the thick base of him, tightening your grip and he moves his hips just a little, almost helplessly, and the unspoken power you now wield over him makes your heart bump and your cunt wetter.
Zach makes a noise behind you and a moment later you feel him settle at your back, and his hands are where Marcus’ were just minutes ago, exploring you, learning what makes your muscles clench, what makes you moan around Marcus’ cock.
“Just like that, baby,” Zach murmurs, brushing his facial scruff over your neck, and you shiver, your teeth scraping on Marcus a little, and he groans your name, exercising extreme restraint in not fucking your face.
You wiggle forward as Zack slips a finger inside you, your tongue lapping at Marcus and learning his flavour and texture. Zack is hard and ready against the small of your back, but he finger-fucks you unhurriedly, seeming to delight in your sighs and breathy gasps.
"Oh, fuck…." Marcus breathes out, jerking on your tongue, and you tighten your fist, tongue flat on the underside of the swollen head of him, using your hand to stroke him almost roughly.
Marcus growls your name, a warning, but you squeeze his fingers, telling him it's okay.
As he covers your tongue, Zach presses down hard on your clit and you see stars, your body a livewire between the two men.
You lick Marcus through the tremors of his orgasm and he cups your chin as he pulls out, bending to search your gaze, checking you’re okay. His own face is relaxed; blissed out, his soulful brown eyes dark and soft. 
He kisses you tenderly on the lips, and you think you could drown in him; his considerate kindness, his easy friendliness, his sheer beauty, inside and out. 
“Sweetheart,” he murmurs against your lips, and if you have anything to say about it, tonight will not be the last time you see him naked.
Zach nips at your earlobe and you turn to him. “Poor baby. We’ve been neglecting you.” You glance back at Marcus. “Haven’t we?”
“He’s been a trooper,” Marcus agrees. 
You capture Zach’s mouth in a kiss, and he eagerly licks into your mouth. You taste of Marcus, but he seems to like it. When your lips part, you ask, “what do you want?”
“I want to be inside you,” he says simply, his face earnest and open, and he looks at Marcus halfway through the sentence. Warmth curls around your heart at the way Zach knows you and Marcus have a thing; he doesn’t want to get in the way of that. 
You look between the two hottest guys you’ve ever been with and smile. “Marcus and I will have plenty of time. Right?”
“Right,” Marcus agrees happily, that blissed out look still stamped on his handsome face. He drops into the chair next to your bed. 
You turn in Zach’s embrace and he cuddles you close, kissing you deeply, his scruff tickling. He tucks you into his body and then rolls you across the bed. You land on your back and he cages you in, sliding between your legs, and you open eagerly. His body is lean, toned, and you smooth your palms over his broad back greedily, touching all that warm, tanned skin. “Fuck,” he mutters.
“Condom?” Marcus asks from the chair. He’s laying back, legs spread lazily, the amber evening light from the window kissing his physique, comfortable in his nakedness, and your gaze eats him up, knowing he’ll be yours for many nights after this. He reaches down into his jeans pocket, fishes out a little foil square and tosses it to Zach.
“Thanks, man.”
You nip it from Zach’s hand, push him on to his back. He arches his back as you roll the condom on slowly, enjoying the muscle ticking in his jaw.
Marcus’ gaze is dark and hot as you catch his eye from across the room, swinging a leg over Zach and slowly sheathing him. You both groan when he finally bottoms out, and he settles his hands on your hips.
“Beautiful, honey,” he mutters in that voice made for sin, and you brace your hands on his chest and set a lazy pace. Zach brings his legs up at the knees, changing the angle, hitting an absolutely fantastic spot inside you, and you move faster, chasing another high like the two he and Marcus have given you. You hold Zach’s dark amber gaze, watch him bite his lip as he bucks up into you, close to orgasm.
His left hand comes to play where your bodies are joined, and you watch the little tattoo on his skin flex as he touches you, pushing you over that sweet cliff edge. Your muscles flutter around him and his eyes close as he comes hard, your name falling from his lips like a prayer, or a supplication to whatever God is listening. You ride him through it, until his hips stutter and he holds you still, panting.
You check up on Marcus. He’s watching lazily, his brown eyes drinking you in, and you crook your finger in invitation. As he crosses the room, you roll off Zach. He drops a kiss on your lips and heads for the bathroom.
Marcus drops on to the bed and opens his arms. You snuggle in, breathing in his scent; black pepper and vanilla, and it’s heady. The room smells of sex, and you and him and Zach, and your body is relaxed and soft.
“That was… unexpected,” Marcus murmurs into your hair.
You snort. “Yeah. I guess we all had Netflix and chill, huh.”
Marcus coughs out a laugh.
Zach appears in the doorway, holding the clothes he retrieved from the sofa. “I think I’ll make a move. I had fun.” He looks happy, tired, the edges of his eyes crinkling, his hair mussed. “See you at work, Pike.”
You sit up and smile at him. You doubt you’ll ever kiss him again, but you’ll remember tonight as long as you live. “Take care, Zach. See you around.” You blow him a kiss; he catches it with a soft laugh.
You hear shuffling and then he calls out, “I’m taking one of the pizzas!” before your door bangs shut, and you and Marcus are alone.
You snuggle in tight. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” Marcus drawls, and oh, you could listen to his voice forever, that husky-edge baritone that has lived in your dreams for so long.
You smile against his skin; feel his heart beating under your ear. “I was thinking that…. This wasn’t how I’d planned to tell you that I really like you.”
“Oh you really like me, do you? I had an inkling around the time you started going down on me,” Marcus deadpans.
You laugh, mock-punch him. “Shut up, Pike.”
“Seriously though. That was hot as hell. Thank you,” he says softly, tilting your chin up for a kiss. 
“Will you stay?” you gaze into his soulful, bottomless chocolate brown eyes.
“I’d love that. Plus, we still have to find out what happened in that movie, right? And we’ve got leftover pizza. Can’t leave it.”
You sigh happily. Marcus is stroking your hair and you’re wrapped around him; you don’t want to move for anything. “In a little while. I’m so happy you asked if I wanted to hang out. For future reference; the answer is always yes.”
He cuddles you closer, if that’s possible. “I like to think I’d have made a move. Soon. It’s just….” He trails off, and you can hear the edge of hurt in his tone, the hint of uncertainty. Coming from a man like Marcus, who is everything right and good in the world, it is impossibly sad.
“I know,” you soothe. His bad break-up, when a fellow agent accepted his marriage proposal and then left him for another man, and before that, his divorce. “You’re worth waiting for, Marcus. You’re everything, and I intend to show you that as often as you’ll let me. For the record, I cannot understand why Teresa left you like that, but I should be shaking her hand. If not for her, I wouldn’t be here. And I am very, very happy right now.”
“Sweetheart,” Marcus sighs. He shuffles over, pulls the covers over you both, closes his eyes. 
“By the way….” you start.
“Hmmm?” His voice is slurred with the edge of slumber.
“What was your band called?”
But your only reply is a soft snore. You chuckled. Marcus is warm and solid and yours, and everything in you settles, content.
And you both sleep.
Tagging: @alldatalost​ @pajamasecrets​ @cryptkeepersoul​ @agirllovespasta​ @agentpike​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​ @abuttoncalledsmalls​ @summersong69​ @ly--canthrope​ @opheliaelysia​ @restingnurseface​ @littlemissthistle​ @apples-of-february​ @dinispunk​ @mrsparknuts​ @knittingqueen13​ @gamingaquarius​ @winters-buck @queenofheaven​ @dornish-queen​ @buckstaposition​ @starlight-starwrites​
Please ask to be added to or released from tags and I am sorry if I forgot you, I’m shit at tags but I love you all.
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eaglelarusso · 2 years
how do you feel about marcus and slade (anthony's other friends) marcus is the african american and slade is the asian one, do you care about them, do you ship them with anyone
idk about Slade but I kinda ship Marcus and Zack for for reason. But then again that "Sup Slade" that Zack did 👀They're pretty cool ig but Zack has more lines then the both of them so it's hard to have an opinion.
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Growing Pains (part 1)
Warning: mentions/suggested of anorexia cussing
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(rewinding to season one a bit I'm replacing Sherri with Avalon I'm also changeing the order making her reason 10 she'll being giving the tapes to clay. P.s. Sherri running over the stop sign doesn't happen Jeff is alive )
Flashback freshman yr.
"Seriously Hannah just drop it I'm fine" Avalon huffed biting her cheek.
"fine? Looking like a twig is not being fine Av seriously you know we I can literally ditch class and grab you food from the diner" xi" Hannah trailed off.
Fast forward.
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Avalon sighed pinching her skin . Before shakily putting the head phones into her ears and pressing play.
: Hey, it's Hannah, Hannah Baker. That's right. Don't adjust your... whatever device you're listening to this on. It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore. And this time absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in. 'Cause I'm about to tell you the story of my life..
Avalon blinked slightly confused but more disturbed why was she listening to a dead girl?pausing the tape chewing her lip.
"The rules here are pretty simple. There are only two. Rule number one: you listen. Number two: you pass it on. Hopefully, neither one will be easy. It's not supposed to be easy, or I would have emailed you an MP3. When you're done listening to all 13 sides, because there are 13 sides to every story, rewind the tapes, put them back in the box, and pass them on to the next person."
Avalon rolled her eyes "dramatic much Baker?" She scoffed frowning as she sucked in her lip biting down hard as if not to let herself cry.pressing play again.
"Oh, and the box of tapes should have included a map. I'll be mentioning several spots around our beloved city. I can't force you to visit them, but if you'd like a little more insight, head for the stars. Or, you know, just throw the map away and I'll never know. Or will I? You see, in case you're tempted to break the rules, understand I did make a copy of these tapes, and I left them with a trusted individual who, if this package doesn't make it through all of you, will release those copies in a very public manner. This was not a spur of the moment decision. Do not take me for granted. Not again."
"this is sick" Avalon whisphered pulling out the map and counting the tapes and continued to listen.
"See, I've heard so many stories about me now that I don't know which one is the most popular, but I do know which is the least popular. You all have a reason for being on here. The truth. See, the truth isn't always the most exciting version of things or the best or the worst. It's somewhere in between, but it deserves to be heard and remembered. The truth will out, like someone said once. It remains."
It'd been 3 days and 12 hours since Avalon started listening to the tapes. She couldn't do it in on day each time she tried listening again she felt sick and disgusted. Hand trembling she put in another tape her fingers pressed play.
"And now we come to reason 10. Little Miss prefect. Might want to sit down your in for a ride because you miss Avalon Frost have a whole tape to yourself. Isn't that nice. Well no no not really. Not nice for ethier of us.. are you ready . You see my brain say you don't belong on here but my hearts says you do. Now let go back to that one day. You know what I'm talking about the hallway incident. .
"you my dear dear Avalon may not have meant to start it but you lit the match and started the spiral. Your secerts aren't safe anymore and thank God they won't be maybe finally you'll stop the act, and while I wasn't able to save myself maybe I can save you.,"
Avalon pressed payse throwing the earphones off and the player on the bed.
She hastily threw in a jacket grabbed her key and wallet. Yelled out even tough she knew no one would answer "going out".
She rushed herself out the front door before long her feet and body found themselves a Rosie's. Once inside she said into a booth.
Smoothing out her hair she picked up a menu to hide her face from the crowd. She only looked up when she felt someone sliding into the booth with her.
"hi Zach" she said forcing a smile.
"don't take this the wrong way but you look like shit"Zach replied brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
"well you would to if "she started
"listened to the tapes?" Came a whisper as Jessica slid in on her other side.
",I haven't even gotten I just started mine" Avalon admitted voice shaking "I don't know if I can even finish it" she muttered.
Zach ran a hand up and down her tight comfortingly.
"Av I'm sorry if I'd known what you were going through I would've tried to help" Jess admitted.
Avalon sucked in a breath nodding "it's ok Jess" she moved her hand under the table lacing her fingers into Zach's hand hoping he wouldn't pull away "I didn't know it'd ever get that far ya know?" She shrugged feeling a slight squeeze against her fingers from Zach's hand she relaxed abit.
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luvrlou · 3 years
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Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
"Please cuddle me all day"
Summary: Your boyfriend Richie comes over to hang out with you but all you want to do is sleep.
Eddie Kaspbrak
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Reginald “Belch” Huggins
Victor Criss
Patrick Hockstetter
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Seaquest DSV
Lucas Wolenczak
Happy Couple
Summary: On Captain Bridger’s tour of the SeaQuest he meets Y/N and Lucas, the only teenagers, and the only ones who can sustain a healthy relationship.
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Newsies 1992
Jack Kelly
Spot Conlon
Surprises on Set (Gabriel Damon x Reader)
Summary: Max flys Y/N out to Universal Studios to visit her boyfriend, Gabriel Damon, who has been very moody lately.
David Jacobs
Racetrack Higgins
Kid Blink
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The Outsiders
Ponyboy Curtis
Dating Ponyboy Curtis Would Include:
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Johnny Cade
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
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Back to the Future
Marty McFly
George McFly
Lorraine Baines
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The Mighty Ducks
Charlie Conway
Spy Deal
Summary: Coach Orion has a little job for his younger sister
Adam Banks
Guy Germaine
Ken Wu
Luis Mendoza
Dean Portman
Fulton Reed
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Dream a Little Dream
Bobby Keller
Dinger Holfield
Dating him would include
What are my Flaws
Summary: After being invited to a party some truths come out after a silly drunken conversation.
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Mikey Walsh
Clarke “Mouth” Deveraux
Andy Carmichael
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Malcolm in the Middle
Malcolm Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson
Nail Polish
Summary: Y/N finds Reece's many bottles of nail polish and paints his nails.
Summary: A sworn enemy sparks a romance at a Halloween party?
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Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Nino Lahiffe
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Luca Couffaine
Chloe Bourgeois
They're Whipped
Summary: Head canons about some miraculous characters being whipped for you.
Félix Graham de Vanily
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The Black Phone
Vance Hopper
Finney Blake
Bruce Yamada
Robin Arellano
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Sidemen + Friends
What Happens in Mykonos Stays in Mykonos
Summary: After a drunken night of clubbing Harry and Y/N exchange some intoxicated words.
Drunk on Cam
Summary: Cal and his girlfriend have a bit too much fun helping Tobi film his video.
"Y/N and Cal being our favourites"
Summary: If a fan made a compilation of Cal and Y/N's best moments.
Stephen Tries
Summary: A little twitter thread
Harry Pinero
Yung Filly
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Ginny & Georgia
Matt press
Get Out Of Your Own Way
Summary: Matt Press can never seem to get out of his own way.
Marcus Baker
Abby Littman
Young Zion Miller
Young Joe
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Beta Squad
Niko Omilana
Cutie Patooties
Summary: Niko's day seems to lighten up incredibly after a certain guest is invited into the studio.
Aj Shabeel
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Childhood Crushes
Henry Hart
Out with the Old, In with the New?
Summary: When a certain supervillain returns to Swellview an old face pops back up.
Jasper Dunlop
Cody Martin
Zack Martin
Andre Harris
Jack Brewer
Milton Krupnik
Jerry Martinez
Hudson Gimble
Max Thunderman
Edmond Pevensie
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voidedtrisha · 4 years
Requests are open!
Hiya everybody! My Imagine/oneshot/preference requests are open!
I am literally down for every type of request - except smut and adult x child pairings - so feel free to request!^^ Also don’t be afraid to ask me to do an imagine/preference/oneshot with a character or fandom I didn’t list!^^
Fandoms that I will write imagines about:
―The Lost Boys (1987):
Michael Emerson
Sam Emerson
Edgar Frog 
Alan Frog 
―Stand By Me (1986):
Chris Chambers
Gordie Lachance
Vern Tessio
Teddy Duchamp
John ‘Ace’ Merrill
Richard ‘Eyeball’ Chambers
Billy Tessio
Charlie Hogan
―Young Guns I-II (1988/1990):
Billy the Kid
Chavez y Chavez
Joshia Gordon ‘Doc’ Scurlock
Dick Brewer
Stave Stephers
Arkansas Dave Rudabaugh
―Footloose (1984):
Ren McCormack
Willard Hewitt
―Gravity Falls (2012-2016):
Mason ‘Dipper’ Pines
Mabel Pines
Wendy Corduroy
Robbie Valentino
Stanford Pines
Stanley Pines
―Class of 1999 (1990):
Cody Culp
Sonny Culp
―Stranger Things (2016- ):
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Robin Buckley
―Grease (1978):
Danny Zuko
Sandy Olsson
―IT (1990/2017/2019):
Bill Denbrough
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Richie Tozier
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Reginald ‘Belch’ Hugins
―Changeling (2008):
Sanford Clark
Gordon Northcott
―Bones (2005-2017):
Zack Addy
Lance Sweets
Seeley Booth
James Aubrey
Temperence Brennan
Jack Hodgins
Arastoo Vaziri
Wendell Bray
Finn Abernathy
Jared Booth
Vincent Nigel-Murray
―Z-O-M-B-I-E-S I-II (2018/2020):
Zed Necrodopolis
Eliza Zambini
Wyatt Lykensen
Wynter Barkowitz
Willa Lykensen
Bucky Buchanan
Addison Wells
―Jeepers Creepers I-II (2001/2003):
Darry Jenner
Izzy Bohen
Scott Braddock
Andy Bucky
The Creeper
Billy Taggart
―Descendants I-II-III(2015/2017/2019):
Carlos De Vil
Harry Hook
Ben Beast
―Teen Wolf (2011-2017):
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Theo Reaken
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
―Ed Edd n Eddy (1999-2008):
Double D
The Kanker sisters
―Five Nights at Freddy’s (2014- ):
Freddy Fazbear
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Funtime Freddy
Funtime Foxy
Circus Baby
―Big Mouth (2017- ):
Nick Birch
Andrew Glouberman
Jay Bilzerian
Jessi Glaser
Val Bilzerian
Kurt Bilzerian
Leah Birch
Judd Birch
―Harry Potter:
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Oliver Wood
Hermione Grager
Fred & George Weasley
Marcus Flint
Adrian Pucey
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Seamus Finnigan
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
drarreckyninja’s top 50 ships of Jan 2022 (as collected by downloads, Word, and online history) [part 4/5]
20. Luck
Larry 3000 x Buck Tuddrusell [Time Squad]
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19. Jemily
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau x Emily Prentiss [Criminal Minds]
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18. Talex
Thomas "Tom" Harris x Alexander "Alex" Rider [Alex Rider]
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17. Lockbell
Sherlock "Locke" Holmes x Marcus Bell [Elementary]
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16. Bertie
Bert x Ernie [Sesame Street]
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15. FAWNS (formerly FSWAN)
Colin Fisher x Zack Addy x Wendell Bray x Vincent Nigel-Murray x Lance Sweets [Bones]
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14. Hanhall
Thomas "Tom" Hanson x Douglas Penhall [21 Jump Street]
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13. Lawlight
L Lawliet x Light Yagami [Death Note]
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12. Ineffable Husbands
Aziraphale x Crowley [Good Omens]
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11. Brose
Patrick Brewer x David Rose [Schitt's Creek]
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lab-trash · 2 years
Here is yet another reminder that I take prompts
It will likely take me a while to write them, but I do take them, trust me. 
Anons are on, if that is something that you’re worried about. If you’d like, you can leave your AO3 username so I can dedicate the fic to you there.
Under the cut is ships and headcannons that I like
Ships I'll write for-
Kaz x Chase
Marcus x Oliver
Owen x Adam
Tecton x Megahertz
Skylar x Jordan
Skylar x Stefanie
Stefanie x Jordan
Jordan x Experion (girl experion)
Leo x Logan
AJ x Kyle
Douglas x Thomas (oc)
Gender/Sexuality Headcannons I like-
Trans Chase
Trans Spin
Trans Tecton
Trans Kaz
Trans Marcus 
Trans Owen, maybe
Oliver’s family is homophobic
Kaz's family is homophobic 
Bi Douglas
Donald is trying his best not to be homophobic 
Greysexual Demiromantic Oliver
Sapphic Skylar
Bi-Spec Bree (unlabelled/shifting labels)
Pan or Gay Kaz
Bi or Gay Chase
Trans Femme Experion (thanks for that @platonictaycus )
Sapphic Jordan
Queer Trent (internalised homophobia)
Other Headcannons I like-
Tecton is Spark’s dad (again, thanks for that @platonictaycus )
Tecton and Megahertz being Kaz’s dad figures
Past, toxic, Kazperion and Sebase
Things are kinda awkward between Kaz and Spark
Kaz cooks
Kaz and Skylar friendship supremacy
Kaz and Bree friendship supermacy
Basically Kaz is great at girl talk
Kaz is good with kids
ADHD Kaz, Autistic Chase, ADHD Oliver (but different from Kaz)
Kaz used to have a crush on Oliver (unrequited)
Oliver’s lowkey rich af
Kaz’s family is poor and religious (I mean, come on, he has 11 siblings)
Very religious
This isn’t a headcannon but I’d like to write Trent more; he’s awesome
Longer hair/Gender non-conforming Marcus
Shorter hair Skylar
Kaz isn’t gender non-conforming, but he does like to break the occasional gender norm.
Daniel looks like a blonde Dorenbash from Caldera
Non-LREF Universe Stuff I’ll write-
Best Friends Whenever
Barry x Renaldo
Shelby x Alex
Cyd x Daisy
Wizards of Waverly Place
Zeke x Justin
Harper x Juliet (maybe; still thinking about that)
Max x Zack (Suite Life on Deck)
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swanimagines · 3 years
What characters are you currently crushing on? (Or platonically if there aren't any) basically, who would make you happy for a one shot for your birthday?
AW???? I literally gasped and almost choked wtf???
(Also just a heads up if it isn’t too much to ask as I don’t know if you’re one of my moots/friends or someone who just wants to make my bday a little bit better, but if you usually write in first person, could you write in second or third person this one time? I hate first person in reader inserts and fiction in general to the extend that I'm too frustrated to read a piece written in first person and wouldn’t want you to write your oneshot in vain.)
I’m not crushing on anyone on this moment, romantically or platonically, as TMR Newt ended so abruptly OKAY SCRATCH THAT KAZ BREKKER HAS MY HEART NOW
I feel like Rupert Travis from Detroit: Become Human is slowly coming back but like DBH fandom is pretty much dying and almost nobody writes for him anyway so I don’t dare to ask him because I don’t know who you are and what characters do you know and the chances that you’d know my dearest birb boi are super small :D) but some of my all time faves I found years ago who still hold a place in my heart:
Heath Ledger’s Joker (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
James Kidd/Mary Read (Assassin’s Creed 4)
Rupert Travis (Detroit: Become Human)
If those won’t match by you, here’s all my crushes along the years in general (I’ll still be your happy girl if you write something with them)
Diaval (Maleficent)
James Kidd/Mary Read (Assassin’s Creed 4)
Wrench (Watch Dogs 2)
Cal Kestis (Star Wars)
Tennessee Kid Cooper (Sly Cooper)
John Murphy (The 100)
Rupert Travis (Detroit: Become Human)
Jerome Valeska (Gotham)
Sid (Gotham)
Ledger!Joker (The Dark Knight Trilogy)
Benny Watts (The Queen’s Gambit)
Kaz Brekker (Shadow and Bone)
Ralph (Detroit: Become Human)
Kurt Wagner (X-Men: Apocalypse)
Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
Zack Addy (Bones)
Cole (Dragon Age)
Newt (The Maze Runner)
But in case you still didn’t find anyone from those lists, you can pick one of these or a group, I’ll still be happy if you’ll write a fic with one of these!
Disney: Kida (from Atlantis), Nick Wilde (from Zootopia), Jasmine (from the new Aladdin) and Diaval (from Maleficent).
Watch Dogs: WD2 gang (Marcus, Sitara, Josh, Horatio, T-Bone and Wrench)!! Also Aiden is cool.
Stranger Things: Steve, Nancy, Robin, and (platonically) the kids.
Star Wars: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Anakin Skywalker, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, someone give Bodhi a hug, Rey Skywalker, Finn and Poe Dameron + the droids need hugs ♥
Titans: the main gang + Dawn and Donna
Gotham: Jerome Valeska
The Umbrella Academy: Hargreeves siblings + Lila Pitts
OUAT: Child Henry Mills, but I like a lot of characters in this show and can’t really say anyone from the main cast who I absolutely dislike??
The Maze Runner: The Gladers + Brenda.
MCU: I like pretty much everyone, but for example, I like Peter Parker, MJ, Carol Danvers and Rocket.
X-Men: (Young) Kurt Wagner, Peter Maximoff, (either version of) Storm and (young) Jean Grey.
The Witcher: Geralt, Jaskier, Yennefer and I want to give Ciri a big hug :(
Peaky Blinders: Still picking as to S1, but at the moment pretty much everyone.
Lucifer: Pretty much everyone from the main cast but if you need me to specify some anyway, then Lucifer Morningstar, Chloe Decker, Mazikeen Smith, Ella Lopez and Linda Martin.
Julie and the Phantoms: The boys + Julie Molina
(And always remember that you aren’t obliged to do anything and I’ll be super happy even from a little note which reads Happy Birthday or something!!)
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castiel-barnes · 2 years
I want to see a super fluffy one with full of complete 100% happiness as a sequel to A treat(Also served as the finale of Birthday cake trilogy), where taking 2 years after A treat, Missy and her family with her new twin brothers(Named Willy and Zack, Willy is the older twin and Zack is the younger twin) having a super happy(complete full of happy, fun times), fun vacation in Hawaii. ^^
Our vacation.
Pairing: Marcus M X Reader.
Wordcount: 387
Warnings: none but fluff.
A/N: This may not be up to standard this week as not been doing so hot. But I will try my best.
Tags: @neonmanatee @phoenixhalliwell
You was meant to be relaxing by the pool. The private traverna that Marcus had rented out for two weeks was a perfect place to relax.
But no. Your twins Willy and Zack weren't going down for their afternoon nap. Bouncing Zack softly in your arms, you were just getting to the point where Zack was just about to fall asleep, when he is older brother by five minutes started to cry again.
"oh no no babies. Come on. Willy I almost got your brother asleep." You moaned as you started the bouncing process again.
Marcus could hear the boys crying from inside and came to the rescue. Climbing out of the pool, Marcus turned back to Missy and Wendy for a moment.
"Missy play with your sister, whilst I help your mother." He spoke softly as Missy jumped in the pool next to Wendy.
Sensing your husband walking into your shared room, you turned and smiled tiredly at him. Watching him walk over to Willy, you looked as he gently picked one of his sons up.
"I've been doing this for the last half hour. I don't know why they won't fall asleep." You spoke quickly and quietly,
"hey, hey. Mi amor it's okay. I wouldn't expect you to get both 1 year olds down for a nap by yourself." Marcus replied softly kissing your temple. The two of you walked around the room, occasionally conversing quietly until you managed to get the twins down to sleep.
Keeping the baby monitor next to you, the two of you went back out to the pool. The Hawaiian sun beamed across the swimming pool, and over your two girls.
Sitting under the umbrellas you sighed and leant back crossing your arm over your eyes. You felt the presence of your husband next to you, and felt his warm hands gently take hold of yours.
"I just wanted to have our vacation without having to worry about the kids." You spoke quietly,
"I know, some day we'll come back amor. Just for ourselves okay?" Marcus replied kissing you.
You nodded and went back to sun bathing. You loved the kids, but caring for a set of twins and two girls was definitely difficult. As you laid there in the sun, you listened to your girls and husband giggle in the pool.
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mysteriesofmilo · 3 years
Milo Murphy's Law shipping tournament, round 2!!
Well, most of the results are now a lot closer than yesterday. At least one has a different winner. I'm feeling a little better. But, now it's time to announce the results:
Melissa x Amanda barely beat Joey x Laura Murphy 16-15 (51.6%)
Dakota x Cavendish surprised and disappointed me by beating Zack x Melissa 18-15 (54.5%)
Scott x Cynthia beat Cavendish x Hildegard 20-6 (76.9%)
Marcus x Eileen Underwood beat Zack x Milo 19-11 (63.3%)
Diogee x Pio the Poodle beat Milo x Melissa 19-7 (73.1%) (Sorry Mike)
Milo x Amanda beat Martin x Bridgette Murphy 20-10 (66.7%)
Neil x Sara beat Brick x Savannah 26-5 (83.9%)
Scott x Mildred beat Grandma x Grandpa Murphy 18-13 (58.1%)
Doof x Stephanie barely beat Dakota x Savannah 15-14 (51.7%)
The second round includes the following matchups:
Bradley x Carla vs Melissa x Amanda
Dakota x Cavendish vs Scott x Cynthia
Zack x Jackie vs Marcus x Eileen Underwood
Milo x Brulee twins vs Diogee x Pio
Milo x (Joni vs Amanda)
Bradley x Melissa vs Neal x Sara
Ms. Murawski x her desk vs Scott x Mildred (I can't believe I didn't think to include the ship between them)
Bradley x Lydia vs Doof x Stephanie
Vote here: https://forms.gle/3JKx3JsJ1uBxeaK27
View the updated bracket here: https://challonge.com/ikf6ugw9
And view the wiki here: Characters and Relationships
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Here you’ll find the fandoms + the characters I write for. For each fandom, I only listed the characters I’m more familiar with/that are more known, so keep in mind I might write for other characters within those fandoms as well.
I also might write for other fandoms and characters that aren’t listed, so in doubt just ask :)
In italics are my favorite characters/characters I’m most comfortable writing for. 
Remember to read the rules and happy requesting :) 
Fandoms + characters
Chronicles of Narnia
Lucy Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Susan Pevensie
Dark Knight Trilogy
Bruce Wayne / Batman
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Billy Batson
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Freddy Freeman
Steve Trevor
The Flash
Barry Allen / Flash
Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost
Cisco Ramon
Iris West-Allen
Wally West/Kid Flash
Gar Logan / Beast Boy
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Donna Troy / Wonder Girl
Jason Todd / Robin
Kory Anders / Starfire
Rachel Roth / Raven
Deadly Class
Marcus Arguello
Maria Salazar
Ander Muñoz
Guzmán Osuna
Nadia Shana
Samuel Domínguez
Valerio Montesinos
Final Fantasy VII (Remake)
Aerith Gainsborough
Cloud Strife
Reno Sinclair
Rufus Shinra
Tifa Lockhart
Vincent Valentine
Zack Fair
Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts
Bill Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Newt Scamander
Nymphadora Tonks
Ron Weasley
New Generation kids
La Casa de Papel / Money Heist
Sergio / Professor
Lord of the Rings / Hobbit
MCU (all movies)
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Lady Sif
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T’Challa / Black Panter
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Thor Odinson
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
X-Men (all movies)
Alex Summers / Havoc
Bobby Drake / Iceman
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Logan Howlett / Wolverine
Neena Thurman/Domino
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Netflix shows (all)
Elektra Natchios
Benjamin Poindexter 
Billy Russo / Jigsaw
Colleen Wing
Frank Castle / Punisher
Jessica Jones
Karen Page
Luke Cage
Matt Murdock / Daredevil
Agents of SHIELD
Al Mackenzie
Bobbi Morse
Daisy Johnson / Quake
Deke Shaw
Lance Hunter
Leo Fitz
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider
Yo-Yo Rodriguez
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter
Daniel Sousa
Jack Thompson
Fantastic Four (Susan and Johnny Storm)
Felicia Hardy / Black Cat
Gwen Stacy
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tobey Maguire)
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
Bonnie Gold
Finn Shelby
Grace Burgess
Isaiah Jesus
John Shelby
Lizzie Stark
Luca Changretta
May Carleton
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Tatiana Petrovna
Thomas Shelby
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Thalia Grace
Pirates of the Caribbean
Angelica Teach
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
Will Turner
Gideon Blackburn
James Stewart
Leith Bayard
Luc Narcisse
Mary Stuart
Sebastian de Poitiers
Stéphane Narcisse
Alec Lightwood
Clary Fairchild
Cristina Rosales
Diana Wrayburn
Diego Rosales
Emma Carstairs
Helen Blackthorn
Jaime Rosales
Jem Carstairs
Isabelle Lightwood
Julian Blackthorn
Gabriel & Gideon Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Maia Roberts
Mark Blackthorn
Simon Lewis
Raphael Santiago
Tessa Gray
Ty Blackthorn
Will Herondale
Chris P
Elias Bakkoush
Eliott (SKAM France)
Eskild Tryggvasson
Eva Mohn
Even Bech Næsheim
Isak Valtersen
Lucas (SKAM France)
Noora Amalie Sætre
Robbe (SKAM Belgium)
Sana Bakkoush
Sander (SKAM Belgium)
William Magnusson
Yousef Acar
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Armitage Hux
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
Din Djarin / Mandalorian
Cassian Andor
Han Solo
Jyn Erso
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Poe Dameron
Teen Wolf
Allison Argent
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
John Murphy
Monty Green
Raven Reyes
Octavia Blake
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
The Society
Allie Pressman
Becca Gelb
Grizz Visser
Harry Bingman
Kelly Aldrich
Sam Eliot
The Umbrella Academy
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Number Five
Vanya Hargreeves
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Katherine Pierce
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Stefan Salvatore
Rebekah Mikaelson
The Witcher
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
John Proudstar / Thunderbird (The Gifted)
Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
Robert Fischer (Inception)
Tyrone Johnson (Cloak & Dagger)
Other fandoms I might write for depending on the request/my inspiration:
10 Things I Hate About You
Black Lightning
Cloak & Dagger
Little Women
Now You See Me
Pride and Prejudice
The 5th Wave
The Gifted
The Maze Runner
24 notes · View notes
Character Masterlist
Harry Potter
Our Family [x] Pairing: Marauders Word Count: 2264 Rating: Teen
Castle On the Hill [x] Pairing: Marauders Word Count: 1300 Rating: Teen
Eraser [x] Pairing: Marauders Word Count: 220 Rating: Teen
Family Matters [x] Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader Word Count: 4000 [2 Parts] Rating: Gen
Better Mood [x] Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader  Word Count: 856 Rating: Mature
Sundays  [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count:1000 Rating: Gen
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count:500 Rating: Gen
Perfect [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 1000 Rating: Gen
I’m a Monster [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 5000 [4 Parts] Rating: Mature
Let’s Do It [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 5000 [2 Parts] Rating: Mature
She’s Got You [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count:3000 [2 Parts] Rating: Mature
The Grand Tour [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 2103 Rating: Gen
Dive [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 2300 Rating: Teen
Only the Good Die Young [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Character Word Count: 2300 Rating: Mature
The Way We Were [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Character Word Count: 21,444 [11 Parts] Rating: Mature
A War Wedding [x] Pairing: Fred Weasley x Original Character Word Count: 2103 Rating: Gen
Shape of You [x] Pairing: Fred Weasley x Original Character Word Count: 1800 Rating: Teen
Come With Me [x] Pairing: Dean Thomas  x Reader Word Count: 5000 Rating: Teen
Stuck In the Middle [x] Word Count: 12,000 [7 Parts] Rating: Teen
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Blue Ain’t Your Colour [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 1417 Rating: Teen
Family Traditions [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader  Word Count: 1450 Rating: Explicit
100 Kisses [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader  Word Count: 2250 Rating: Explicit
Worth It [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader  Word Count: 3372 Rating: Explicit
Prettiest Girl [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Black Reader Word Count: 1453 Rating: Mature
Trying [x] Pairing: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 2600 Rating: Teen
Let Me Show You [x] Pairing: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 2711 Rating: Explicit
It’s Not Easy Being Steve [x] Pairing: Pre Serum Steve Rogers x Original Character Word Count: 2192 Rating: Explicit
You’re My Best Girl [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2565 Rating: Gen
Distraction [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1545 Rating: Explicit
Because I Want To [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 3207 Rating: Explicit
Get Some Sleep [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader  Word Count: 2683 Rating: Explicit
Say It First [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1900 Rating: Teen
Priorities [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1133 Rating: Mature
Complicated [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Original Character  Word Count: 4173 Rating: Teen
Keep Quiet [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1668 Rating: Explicit
Give The Kid A Break [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader  Word Count: 1306 Rating: Gen
Glad You’re Here [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 2100 Rating: Mature
Take a Break [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader  Word Count: 2936 Rating: Explicit
For Tony [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 3000 Rating: Mature
Empty Promises [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader  Word Count: 1200 Rating: Mature
Supermarket Flowers [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x N/A Word Count: 1403 Rating: Teen 
My Girls [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 757 Rating: Gen
Round Two? [x] Pairing: Thor x Reader  Word Count: 1853 Rating: Explicit
Mr Goody-Two-Shoes [x] Pairing: Bruce Banner x Reader  Word Count: 1443 Rating: Explicit
Well Played [x] Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader  Word Count: 2076 Rating: Explicit
Make Me [x] Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader  Word Count: 2457 Rating: Explicit 
Truth or Dare [x] Pairing: Loki x Reader Word Count:572 Rating: Mature
You’ve Got Us [x] Pairing: Cullen Reader x Marvel Gang Word Count: 1047 Rating: General
Grey’s Anatomy 
36 Weeks [x] Pairing: Mark Sloan x Reader  Word Count: 2150 Rating: Mature
Anna Parsons [x] Pairing: Lexie Grey x Reader  Word Count: 2100 Rating: Mature
Navy Dresses [x] Pairing: Lexie Grey x Reader  Word Count: 1500 Rating: Gen
How To Make Friends [x] Pairing: Lexie Grey x Reader  Word Count: 1600 Rating: Gen
No Boys Allowed [x] Pairing: Jesse Katsopolis x Reader Word Count: 1750 Rating: Gen
Not One of Us [x] Pairing: Cullen x Teen Wolf Word Count: 2300 Rating: Teen
Saviour [x] Pairing: Reader Stilinski  Word Count: 2600 Rating: Gen
How Would You Feel? [x] Pairing: 11th Doctor x Reader  Word Count: 1000 Rating: Gen
I Love You, Yasmin Khan Pairing: 13th Doctor x Yasmin Khan  Word Count: 1582 Rating: Teen
Say It [x] Pairing: John Winchester x Reader Word Count: 500 Rating: General
Captain Peralta & His Lieutenant [x] Pairing: Jake Peralta x Original Character Word Count: 1340 Rating: Explicit
Come on Over Tonight [x] Pairing: Steven Hyde x Reader  Word Count: 870 Rating: Teen
Zack’s Worst Scheme [x] Pairing: Zack Morris/Original Character/Kelly Kapowski Word Count: 5700 Rating: Teen 
Moving On [x] Pairing: Frank Delfino x Reader  Word Count: 1030 Rating: Teen 
You’re A Selfish Bastard [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Character Word Count: 2772 Rating: Explicit
Damn Dog [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2772 Rating: Mature
Farmer’s Daughter [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Character Word Count: 2772 Rating: Explicit
The Way Out [x]  Pairing: Don Flack x Original Character Word Count: 1142 Rating: Mature
Asexual Scripps [x] Paring: Donald Scripps Word Count: 2000 Rating: Teen
Your Beautiful Song [x] Paring: David Posner Word Count: 1000 Rating: Mature
What Do I Know? [x] Paring: Donald Scripps, David Posner Word Count: 500 Rating: Gen
Go On Mate [x] Pairing: Stuart Dakin x Male Reader  Word Count: 2050 Rating: Mature
Bad Days [x] Pairing: Peter Krasinsky x Reader Word Count: 1550  Rating: Gen 
La Tua Cantante [x] Pairing: Marcus Volturi x Original Character x Spencer Reid Word Count: 5140 Rating: Teen
38 notes · View notes
tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Reina Imelda
Netflix ha renovado The Crown por una quinta y última temporada
Netflix ha renovado La casa de papel por una quinta y sexta temporada
Netflix ha renovado Sintonia por una segunda temporada
Epix ha renovado Perpetual Grace, LTD por una segunda y última temporada
Netflix ha cancelado Soundtrack tras su primera temporada
Noticias cortas
El reparto de Élite cambiará tras la tercera temporada.
Anthony Okungbowa (Kofu) y Bayo Akinfemi (Goodwin) serán regulares en la segunda temporada de Bob Hearts Abishola.
Se confirma que Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter, Pride) protagonizará la quinta y última temporada de The Crown.
Owen Wilson (The Royal Tenenbaums, Midnight in Paris) se une a Loki. Se desconocen detalles.
Marcia Gay Harden (The Newsroom, Damages) será la madre de Gary (James Roday) en A Million Little Things.
David Krumholtz (The Deuce, Numb3rs) será Bob Arum, adversario y posteriormente mejor amigo de Evel Knievel, en Evel.
Sarah Shahi (Person of Interest, City on a Hill) protagonizará Sex/Life. Será Billie Connelly, una madre de los suburbios que sale en busca de la chica sexy y soltera que era hace diez años.
Paget Brewster (Criminal Minds, Community) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Blood & Treasure como la hermana Lisa, una monja de Roma.
Kelli Berglund (Lab Rats, Now Apocalypse) será Crystal, una valet (acompañante del luchador) de veinte años que desea competir como luchadora, en Heels.
Dulé Hill (Psych, Suits) y June Diane Raphael (Grace and Frankie, New Girl) se unen como recurrentes a la segunda temporada de Black Monday. Serán Marcus Wainwright III, presidente del fondo de becas afroamericano; y Corky Harris, esposa del congresista Harris (Tuc Watkins).
Mitchell Hoog (Hariet, The Devil Made Me Do It) y Belmont Cameli (My Evil Stepdad) serán Mac, el hijo de Zack Morris (Mark-Paul Gosselaar); y Jamie, el hijo de Jessie (Elizabeth Berkley); en el revival de Saved By the Bell. Haskiri Velazquez (The Birch) y Alycia Pascual-Pena (Moxie) también participan.
Harry Richardson (Poldark), Thomas Cocquerel (Escape Room 2) y Jack Gilpin (Billions) se unen como regulares a The Gilded Age. Serán Larry Russell, recientemente graduado en Harvard; Tom Raikes, un joven abogado de Doylestown, Pensilvania; y Church, el mayordomo de la familia Russell. 
Jenny Gago (StartUp, Soutland) será recurrente en Deputy como Anjelica Reyes, madre de Paula (Yara Martinez).
Sarah Yarkin (Single Parents, Foursome) será recurrente en Motherland: Fort Salem como Libba Swythe, una ambiciosa joven de clase alta con un viejo rencor hacia Abigail (Ashley Nicole Williams).
Tireni Oyenusi se une como regular a Americanah. Será Dike, el hijo de Aunty Uju (Uzo Aduba).
Enrique Murciano (Bloodline, Without a Trace), Camron Jones (The Purge, Elephant Department) y Jessica Sula (Skins, Scream) sustituyen a Will Chase, Kevin Alves y Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut en los papeles del sheriff Kean, Bishop y Natalie en Panic. Kerri Medders (Alexa & Katie, SEAL Team), Bonnie Bedelia (Parenthood, Designated Survivor), Moira Kelly (One Tree Hill, The West Wing), Nancy McKeon (The Facts of Life, The Division), Rachel Bay Jones (Dear Evan Hansen, God Friended Me) y Bryce Cass (13 Reasons Why) serán recurrentes como Ruby Anne McDonough, amiga de Sarah y hermana de Riley; Anne, viuda que le da un trabajo a Heather (Olivia Welch) en su granja; Laura Kean, esposa del sheriff Kean; Jessica Mason, madre soltera de Dodge (Mike Faist); Sherri Nill; madre soltera de Heather; y Adam Lyons, amigo de Ray (Ray Nicholson).
Mather Zickel (Masters of Sex, Better Things) será recurrente en The Crew como Frank, el novio de Beth (Sarah Stiles).
Chance Kelly (Generation Kill, Aquarius) será recurrente en For Life como Cyrus Hunt, el poderoso e imponente alcaide de la prisión.
Kaley Ronayne (Gotham, Quarry) será recurrente en The Right Stuff como Dee O'Hara, enfermera de los Mercury Seven.
Sarah Minnich (Better Call Saul) será recurrente en Briarpatch como Ginger Galanti, reportera de campo para Channel 8 en San Bonifacio, Texas.
Rachel Boston (Witches of East End, Kidding) y Tim Chiou (iZombie, Living with Models) serán recurrentes en la tercera temporada de SEAL Team como Hannah, la mejor amiga de la infancia de Sonny (AJ Buckley); y Michael 'Dirty Mike' Chen, agente del equipo.
Jen Tullock y Zach Cherry (You, Living with Yourself) protagonizarán Severance junto a Patricia Arquette, Adam Scott y Britt Lower. Serán Devon, hermana de Mark (Scott); y Dylan, empleado de Mark.
Blake Harrison (A Very English Scandal, World on Fire) y Barbara Flynn (Death in Paradise, The Durrells) se unen a Kate & Koji, antes conocida como Kate and Kolo. Serán Medium, sobrino de Kate (Brenda Blethyn); y Councillor Bone, eterna archienemiga de Kate.
Zahra Bentham (Spinning Out) y Mouna Traoré (Condor, American Gods) serán recurrentes en Madam C.J. Walker como Nettie, esposa de Ransom (Kevin Carroll); y Esther, una joven artista que trabaja en la línea de productos de Sarah (Octavia Spencer).
John Douglas Thompson (The Bourne Legacy, A Most Violent Year), Patrick Murney (Seven Seconds, Public Morals), Ben Miles (The Crown, The Capture), James McArdle (Mary Queen of Scots, New Bloods), Sosie Bacon (13 Reasons Why, Here and Now), Joe Tippett (The Morning Show, Rise) y Neal Huff (Falling Water, Show Me a Hero) se unen a Mare of Easttown. Serán Carter, el jefe de Mare (Kate Winslet) en el departamento de policía de Easttown; Kenny McMenamin, el padre de Erin (Cailee Spaeny); Richard Ryan, profesor de escritura creativa; el díacono Mark Burton,  Carrie Layden, madre soltera y exnovia de Kevin (Cody Kostro); John Ross, marido de Lori (Julianne Nicholson); y el padre Dan Hastings, un primo de Mare.
Austin Crute (Daybreak, Booksmart), Nik Dodani (Atypical), Andrew Jacobs (Paranormal Activity: The Marked One) y Chloë Levine (The OA) se unen a la segunda y última temporada de Trinkets. Serán Marquise, nuevo amigo de Tabitha (Quintessa Swindell); Chase, rival intelectual de Moe (Kiana Madeira); Ben, el hermano mayor de Moe; y Jillian, nueva amiga de Elodie (Brianna Hildebrand).
Olivia Scriven (Degrassi: The Next Generation) será recurrente en Mrs. America como Liza Schlafly, la hija de Phyllis (Cate Blanchett).
Jim Klock (Cloak & Dagger, Green Book) será recurrente en The Underground Railroad como Tom Hardman, agente local de Indiana.
    Nuevas series
FX encarga Redeemer, drama creado por Nic Pizzolatto (True Detective) e inspirado en 'The Churchgoer' (2019), novela de Patrick Coleman en la que el pasado y el presente de un antiguo pastor convertido en guardia de seguridad (Matthew McConaughey; True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club) colisionan mientras busca a una mujer desaparecida en Texas y descubre una conspiración criminal. Producida por Nic Pizzolatto (True Detective) y Matthew McConaughey (True Detective).
Netflix ha encargado diez episodios de una serie de acción real adaptación del anime One Piece. Creada y escrita por Steven Maeda (Lost, The X-Files).
Netflix desarrolla la primera serie creada por Daniel Sánchez Arévalo (Primos, Diecisiete), una emocionante historia de amistad y superación.
Netflix encarga Jaguar, ambientada en los años 60 y centrada en Isabel Garrido (Blanca Suárez; Las chicas del cable, El internado), una joven española que logró sobrevivir al campo de exterminio de Mauthausen y se une a un grupo de agentes en busca de justicia usando Jaguar como alias y destapando a cientos de nazis refugiados en España, entre ellos Skorzeny, conocido como el hombre más peligroso de Europa.
Apple TV+ encarga Physical, dramedia ambientada en los años 80 en una comunidad costera en el sur de California que sigue a una mujer (Rose Byrne; Damages, Bridesmaids) que sufre por su condición de ama de casa y encuentra el camino hacia el poder a través del mundo del aeróbic. Escrita y producida por Annie Weisman (Desperate Housewives, Suburgatory).
Apple TV+ encarga una comedia musical protagonizada y producida por Cecily Strong (Saturday Night Live) que sigue a una pareja de mochileros que quieren revitalizar su relación y descubren la ciudad mágica de Schmigadoon, donde todos actúan como si estuvieran en un musical de los años 40, y que no pueden irse hasta que encuentren el verdadero amor. Escrita y producida por Cinco Paul y Ken Daurio, guionistas de Despicable Me y The Secret Life of Pets. Producida por Lorne Michaels (Saturday Night Live, The Other Two).
Amazon encarga The Hospital, comedia de animación sobre dos doctoras alienígenas especializadas en enfermedades raras de ciencia ficción. Una de ellas desafía el protocolo y contrae una enfermedad de otra dimensión y deberán encontrar la cura antes de que el universo sea destruido. Escrita y producida por Cirocco Dunlap (Man Seeking Woman, Russian Doll). Producida por Natasha Lyonne (Russian Doll) y Maya Rudolph (Forever).
Amazon encarga dos temporadas de Fairfax, comedia de animación para adultos sobre cuatro amigos de instituto que buscan la relevancia social. Creada y producida por Matt Hausfater (Undateable), Aaron Buchsbaum y Teddy Riley.
Showtime desarrolla Memory, drama basado en la serie coreana sobre un abogado al que le diagnostican Alzheimer y se ve obligado a enfrentarse a sus errores pasados y a su peligroso futuro mientras intenta sacar a la luz una conspiración farmacéutica que podría salvar su vida y su carrera. Escrita y producida por Michael Saltzman (Sneaky Pete, Murphy Brown). Producida por Aaron Kaplan (Santa Clarita Diet, The Mysteries of Laura).
Movistar+ desarrolla una serie sobre la vida de Miguel Bosé. El cantante colabora con los guionistas mientras escribe su autobiografía, que será complementaria a la serie. La idea es tener tres temporadas de ocho episodios cada una. La primera se centraría en su niñez, la segunda contaría su crecimiento artístico y personal en Londres, Nueva York, Francia, Italia o México, la parte más desconocida, y la tercera mostraría su éxito como artista y el cumplimiento de sus sueños.
Netflix encarga ocho episodios de In From the Cold, thriller de espionaje internacional con un toque sobrenatural en el que una madre soltera americana (Margarita Levieva; Revenge, The Deuce), durante sus vacaciones en Europa con su hija, es obligada por la CIA a enfrentarse a su pasado como espía rusa y producto de un experimento de la KGB que le dio habilidades especiales. Escrito y producido por Adam Glass (Supernatural, The Chi).
Luz verde directa en ABC a The Big Sky, protagonizada por la detective privada Cassie Dewell y la antigua agente de policía Jenny Hoyt, que buscan a dos hermanas secuestradas por un camionero en una autopista de Montana pero descubren que no son las únicas chicas desaparecidas en la zona y trabajan contrarreloj para evitar otro secuestro. Escrita y producida por David E. Kelley (Big Little Lies, Ally McBeal). Basada en 'The Highway' (2013), libro de la saga de C.J. Box.
ITV encarga cinco episodios de Viewpoint, drama que sigue un procedimiento de vigilancia policial en Manchester y explora si es posible observar las vidas ajenas con verdadera objetividad. El detective Martin Young, con sus propios traumas y sentimientos de culpa, ha de vigilar al principal sospechoso de la desaparición de una maestra de escuela, su novio, pero teme estar proyectando su soledad y su remordimiento. Creada por Ed Whitmore (Silent Witness, Manhunt) y Harry Bradbeer, director de Fleabag o Killing Eve.
Netflix encarga diez episodios de Country Comfort, comedia multicámara en la que una joven sureña aspirante a cantante de country (Katharine McPhee; Smash, Scorpion) pierde el control de su vida personal y toma un trabajo de niñera de los cinco hijos de un tosco vaquero (Eddie Cibrian; Take Two, CSI: Miami). Ricardo Hurtado (School of Rock, Malibu Rescue), Jamie Martin Mann, Pyper Braun, Shiloh Verrico (Lingua Franca, Crown Vic) y Griffin McIntyre (Return of the Mac) interpretarán a los niños. Creada por Caryn Lucas (The Nanny, Miss Congeniality).
Netflix y Canal + Francia encargan doce episodios de On The Verge, dramedia escrita, producida y protagonizada por Julie Delpy (Before Sunrise, 2 Days in Paris) que se centra en cuatro madres de Los Ángeles que se enfrentan a retos con sus matrimonios, carreras, familias e identidades y fijan este punto de su vida como una oportunidad de reinvención. Producida por Nick Hall (Looking, Enlightened).
Starz ha encargado ocho episodios de Run the World, comedia creada y escrita por Leigh Davenport (Boomerang) y Yvette Lee Bowser (Dear White People) que sigue a un grupo de amigas negras que viven y trabajan en Harlem y luchan por dominar el mundo. Protagonizada por Amber Stevens West (The Carmichael Show, Greek), Andrea Bordeaux (NCIS: LA), Bresha Webb (Marlon, Grey's Anatomy), Corbin Reid (How to Get Away with Murder, Valor) y Stephen Bishop (Imposters, Being Mary Jane).
Hulu encarga Tender Is The Night, limited series adaptación de la novela de F. Scott Fitzgerald (1934), que cuenta la historia de un joven psiquiatra que tiene un problema con el alcohol y las chicas jóvenes. Escrita por Nina Raine.
La séptima temporada de Endeavour se estrena en ITV el 9 de febrero
The Pale Horse se estrena en BBC One el 9 de febrero
The End se estrena en Sky Atlantic el 10 de febrero
La segunda temporada de The Split se estrena en BBC One el 11 de febrero
La cuarta temporada de Man With a Plan se estrena en CBS el 2 de abril
Broke se estrena en CBS el 2 de abril
El estreno de The Baker and the Beauty en ABC se retrasa del 6 al 13 de abril
Tráilers y promos
Better Call Saul - Temporada 5
The Plot Against America
Home - Temporada 2
Narcos: Mexico - Temporada 2
Las chicas del cable - Temporada 5a
L'amica geniale - Temporada 2
Good Girls - Temporada 3
The Split - Temporada 2
La línea invisible
Endeavour - Temporada 7
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