#~Cunning Smiles of the Familiar HC~
Hello my love, may i request a genya x kitsune hashira? Like the reader has a pet fox and fox-like breathing style? Thank you!
A/N: To @xoxothekitsunehashiraxoxo :) I hope I did your request justice, and thank you for requesting! Also, since it wasn’t specified, I made it into hcs. Hope you don’t mind! 🙃 
Warnings: a little bit of angst about Genya’s past, Genya being distrustful of the reader until a certain point, ooc Genya (he sounds like Bakugou again whyyy 😩) and I wrote the reader’s hair red. Idk if that’s ok? 
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When you first meet Genya, it’s in the infirmary of the butterfly mansion; he’s badly injured, just having barely survived a failed mission with an equally skewered conscience, and you- well, you’re searching for someone new to terrorize. 
He tells you to “Go bother someone else goddammit!” and he’s a bit… he’s a bit bothered when you smile instead, a wide, foxy grin he doesn’t like in the slightest. 
Where you’re initially intrigued by the mystery of his last name and the gap between him and his brother, Genya’s a little bit mystified by you; you with your mischievous grins and your coral-red hair and cunning mind like the very embodiment of the Kitsune Hashira and a pet fox you literally call Fox (“Genya-kun, this is Fox! Fox, this is Genya-kun.” “Hah? You literally call your fox Fox?!” cue the cursed thing jumping on him and he did not scream like a girl, shuddup!), and your status of Hashira that makes him sort of envious because, well, you can’t be much older than him, right? And yet you’re closer to Sanemi than he’ll ever be, probably earned his respect too, because you’re wonderful and perfect like that, and it’s everything he’s ever wanted. 
And from that day onwards, you sort of just… stick around, he guesses- a constant in his life if there ever was one, smiling at his blatant insults and finding loopholes through his words and constantly flustering him and touching his scars with a gentle hand, and smiling at him like you actually, really mean it, like you actually think he’s worth something, like he’s actually good. 
And at first it’s infuriating, because you’re just distracting him with your pretty words and prettier smiles and why does he find your words and your smiles pretty in the first place?! And he hates it, hates you. 
But you’re both persistent like the devil, and as patient as a Saint, and you’re insistent on becoming his friend, so you play the long game. 
And then slowly, slowly, your constant efforts whittles his anger away, and slowly, it becomes slight annoyance and then familiarity and your relationship becomes something  suspiciously like friendship and the promise of something more.
Genya finds you a steady presence by his side, and he begins to take a strange comfort in that- knowing that while the world may change, you’re the one thing in his life that will always stay constant. 
You remind him of the good that’s left in the world, of the family he lost, of why he became a slayer in the first place, and with you, Genya relearns what he had forgotten; that there was good left in the world, bonds strong enough not to be weathered by time and love true enough to withstand the weight of eternity. 
And with you, when he learns that you’re only there to help, when he learns not to push you away anymore, Genya learns to smile- albeit a tad roughly- around his scars, learns to laugh at your terrible jokes and pet Fox with an gentleness that’s unusual for him, and he learns how to appreciate the small things; like the way the sun catches in your red, red hair in a way that makes it halo around you like a crown of flames, the way your eyes shimmer with an galaxy of stars in the light, the laughter in your voice, and the sweet curve of your mouth that he’d like to kiss one day. 
(Under your care, he learns how to love again without the reminder of all the hurt and the pain, and this time, with you around, Genya’s determined not to forget it again.) 
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
24/25. This character was chosen by me.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, manipulation, clinginess, touchiness
Yandere Isshiki Satoshi Hc’s
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🍵At first glance, and admittedly second and third glance, Satoshi comes over as your typical smitten and loving boyfriend. He caters to his darling's need with utter adoration and showers them with love and affection. Maybe he tends to be a bit clingy, whether in private or in public, surely he always expresses some sort of affection with his s/o. It's a must for him though he holds himself back if his darling asks him to do so…probably. His benvolent and silly side tends to often lead others into forgetting that Isshiki is a serious and cunning person. Very much aware that his slack personality and his overall friendly attitude is a way to keep you by his side, not to mention that he is so very keen to care for you. He's not above using it against you because surely you can do him once in a while a favor after everything he did for you. Obviously he doesn't dote on you only to have an excuse to why you should do something for him too, he loves making you happy, but he uses the chance occasionally.
🍵Obsessive and even possessive. Little details about you are instantly remembered, friends of yours are coaxed into telling him the one or other thing about you since he's charming yet casual about it. Ususally wants to know where you're going when he isn't with you and whilst the messages and phone calls you receive aren't near spamming, he does it more than the average person. He considers his s/o the best thing that ever happened in his life. His friends and juniors already made him happy but the joy you spark inside of him is in another league. It's no secret that his clan pressured him and almost robbed him of his fun when it came to cooking if it wouldn't have been for Nene but his happiness reaches it's peak when with you. Satoshi is whipped, wants to be his best to give you everything so he can be the only one to give you the same joy you awake inside of him. Sounds maybe pure at first but he's quite selfish with his goal.
🍵He's most of the times such a chilled guy and isn't someone to get jealous. He isn't that petty even if he is possessive and one reason might be that he makes himself familiar with everyone in your social circle. Maybe it is just hard to notice whether he is jealous or not when his face never gives his feelings away. He doesn't tick the classic way though because he ignores it if someone insults him and claims that they're better, mainly because he never feels offended. He just starts growing more touchy and starts boasting about you, how great you are and that the other person should try harder to appeal to someone since it doesn't seem to work. Isshiki is fine with every admirer as long as you don't play an interest since he doesn't consider someone a rival unless you pay attention in which case he'll turn more serious himself.
🍵Insult him and he's nonchalant about it all but insult his darling and you have it coming. It's no secret that Satoshi turns instantly serious and very merciless when someone badmouths a person he cares about and that counts for his darling more than anything. The relaxed look on his face is instantly gone, it's like something just switched inside of him. The smile on his face is a intimidating one and the look in his cyan blue eyes feels like a icy gust in a blizzard. Extremely tenacious to force them to apologize and if the person is stubborn he might even go as far as to challenge them for a Shokugeki though question is if they'd accept since he is in the Elite Ten. Even if him and his darling aren't even in school anymore, the private talk he has with a person later on is scary itself. It's quite frightening to witness the anger of such a calm man.
🍵Surprisingly he has numerous talks with you about the future he wants to have with you. Not in a joking way but in a serious one which highlights the fact that it's quite important to him. Satoshi isn't one to pressure you though, in fact he fears that his clan will do that. It's worth mentioning that the male is a bit protective when it comes to you meeting his family since he worries they might reject you and hurt you with their words in which case Satoshi will be quite furious. Definitely wants his s/o with him though since they're his motivation and joy.
🍵Frankly spoken, if you are part of the Polar Star Dormitory he enjoys the possibilities this place gives him. Be it stalking you discreetly through the ceiling or listen to you talking with the help of the speakers connecting the rooms. He'd never admit that to you though for obvious reasons. The sort of Yandere who only wants to see you from his best side, he's careful how and when he exposes his more menacing side. Normally lacking ambition to strive higher, he changes that once you become the enbodiment of his joy and happiness, he's motivated to try harder and gain more independence from his clan. Looking on how he enjoys harvesting and planting, you two end up having a huge garden where both of you grow fruits and vegetables which he uses for his meals. He's a naturist so his darling has to either get used to it or die out of embarrassment every time he walks around with little clothes.
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
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faeryarchives · 2 years
So I was thinking... How about Ayato!reader × fish mafia trio! Especially Azul tho. Their mole, cunning personality, and more! Also, in a hc format. A big thanks!
AAAA OMG I REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME AYATO'S OFFICIAL DESIGN GOT RELEASE I WAS LIKE ??? looks familiar then i look at azul and a light bulb light up LMAOOO
octavinelle with a kamisato ayato-like gn!reader!
the young but highly accomplished head of the a known distinguished clan in their world. Cultured and polite, they are a person of many ways and means.
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: ̗̀➛ azul ashengrotto
i'm sure i've forgotten something... oh my? i am pretty sure this isn't the kamisato residence, can you kindly tell me where am i?"
azul's first thought is - oh my god am i looking at the mirror? is he my lost twin? he is just like me fr fr.
the octavinelle dorm leader couldn't help but to avoid you, after his senses telling him not to get tangled in your business but in the end you two become friends- close friends in fact
he just find it so amazing how you can give the sweetest and the most pleasant compliment anyone would want to hear to and also insult a person with a smiling face
at times you and the tweels would team up and pull some pranks on the octopus like taste testing some of your cookings 😨
"ne, ne azul. we got you some food~"
"oh? it is not my birthday today, but thank you very much." after taking a bite, jade came in with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"that was made by (name)-san by the way."
he banned you from entering the kitchen after that.
very interested about your nation's cuisine though, and would try to ask you specific ingredients but never lets you cook
despite your mischievous personality, azul would always count on your knowledge during the questionable and troubling times.
you are not really the type to take one side of the question immediately and sees the problem as a whole and at a third person point of view
"thank you for such a wonderful advice (name)."
"it's alright. trusting another person isn't easy, but you have placed your trust in me, and of course i will not let you down."
whenever he is having a bad day, you would never fail to cheer him up and take him out to buy boba to also refill you 'magical sleeve'
"the boba was delici- didn't you just finished drinking that?"
"huh? i have my refills in my sleeve." cue you grabbing another boba from your sleeves and handing it to azul. "here i really like this flavor."
"... did you just got that out of your sleeve?!"
azul is like the little brother you never had and you are so proud of the achievements he is making on his own and azul also feels the same - seeing you as his older sibling but please do not tease him too much 😭
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: ̗̀➛ jade leech
oh my? jade never met someone as matured and refined as you. and the moment he notice your striking physical similarities with azul he couldn't help but to be amused. like who wouldn't?
insane duo for real, because having you together with jade - no one can read through your smiles and expressions except for your closest friends
the vice dorm leader knows about your 'cooking' skills and once tried helping you but he regrets and learn the hard way not to let you in the kitchen
"so? how does it taste?"
"hmm... i have no words how to explain it, how about we make azul judge?"
the eel really appreciate how you often keep him in company especially talking about your family and duties as the head of a clan makes him admire you
like having such responsibility at the age where you could've have fun and make some friends at your age and yet you chose to manage your clan to protect your younger sister
"isn't it hard for you at that age?"
"it was hard, not being able to trust other people knowing that they are after my position and my family's power. but seeing my sister and close friend safe? it gave me strength and more motivation to keep going on."
jade is the type of person you will rarely caught off guard but with you grabbing stuff from your sleeves always made him lose his composure a little bit
"you know what? i wouldn't question it anymore."
why on eat do you have a milk-tea and dango in your sleeves? oh you are offering him to eat? sure why not he would like to try out your world's food of choice.
sometimes join you and floyd whenever you two decided to train, seeing your watery illusion is so fascinating to see and you swordsmanship too is also no joke.
overall jade is very glad because not only did he gain your trust but also a very wonderful friend. he will always have your back no matter what.
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: ̗̀➛ floyd leech
floyd really found it interesting, meeting a person very unpredictable and hard to understand that is why the eel intend to make friends with you.
whenever he is not in the mood, the eel would go look for you to ask some milk-tea and listen to your stories about a certain oni always fight
you are okay with beetle fights? fight with floyd rn! trying to follow your friend's recipe in cooking? let him help! going to prank people? gladly 😈
"burūmārin, what are you doing?"
"oh hi floyd! i was just about to nicely set ace and deuce lunch box hehe, do you want to join me?"
"hehe sure~ i have nothing to do anyway."
knowing how floyd loves to threaten people that he would squeeze them but to his shock - you always beat him in doing so!
always hugging him first whenever you two see each other + ruffling his hair making him light up like a christmas tree 🥺
sometimes you are the person he would drag whenever he would go buy new trendy shoes and you had lots of fun!
happy eel + happy prefect = enjoyable day 🥳
prefer to fight your water illusion 😡 why is the illusion just standing there looking through him huh round up!
"huh? floyd what are you doing?"
"having a staring contest with your illusion."
"..." then the illusion splash some water in his eyes before hiding behind you. "come back here you!"
despite the pranks and playful banter, the eel really looks up to you - not only for your skills but also the way you handle matters especially after knowing about your past.
and floyd really appreciates it when you would go out your way to ensure that he is feeling okay after walking out of the lounge
its feels like he gain a big brother that always dotes on him and spoil him. to return the favor, he vow to always look after you and will not hesitate to defend you from any harm.
I RECEIVE SOME OF THE REQUESTS UEUEUE ILL START DOING IT BY TOMORROW <33 and wieee i have been binge watching k drama for a while i am curious what kind of genre you guys look for when watching series 🥸 ???
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Darling getting an upper hand hcs - Liyue boys edition
Inspired by that one ask I got.
Starring: Childe, Xiao, Zhongli
CW: Yandere, confinement, death mentions, unhealthy relationships, physical assault, poisons, emotional manipulation
Despite his well-known battle lust and fighting prowess, Childe is a very cunning and smart individual, able to read people like open books and convincingly wear thousands of thousand different facades.
However, he is also impatient, reckless and arrogant, so it’s not impossible to overpower or outsmart him.
You can lull him into lowering his guard, enough to strike him and temporarily incapacitate him. You will have to possess outstanding acting skills to successfully pull that off though.
You can also poison him. Tartaglia likes food, every kind of food there is and who is he to refuse a dish made by his beloved, even if it looks and smells a bit dubious?
You don’t even need to sneak in some dangerous substances, as poisons can be concocted from the common ingredients.
Potatoes contain solanine in the leaves, stems and eyes, a compound that causes nausea and hallucinations, seeds of apples, cherries, apricots and other fruits and berries produce a small amount of hydrogen cyanide when bruised, castor beans have ricin that inhibits protein synthesis, which in turn is an essential part for metabolism.
You would need a very good understanding of biology and chemistry to succeed in that, two fields of knowledge that aren’t very widespread across the Teyvat, coupled with the experience of handling dangerous substances to avoid poisoning yourself in the process.
Or you can sit around and wait for the highly unlikely opportunity of Childe falling sick or getting injured in the battle. He may be strong enough to crush small armies all by himself, he is still human enough to be affected by these things.
Whatever you choose, you should act quickly - Childe is hard to kill, even when you try and if you leave him alive, he will do his best to track you down.
He will have that horrifying tense smile the whole time he drags you back to your shared house, fingers leaving dark bruises on your squirming body.
Part of him is very hurt by your “betrayal” and attempts to kill hi,. yet another, the one that was twisted and deformed by the abyss will purr in sick form of satisfaction, pleased how desperate you are because of him.
Say goodbye to most of your freedoms. You won’t see them in a long time.
Xiao is an adeptus, a divine being that is immune to age, illnesses, who spent countless years fighting various terrifying monsters meaning that you can’t just overpower or poison him.
However he is not adept at social interactions and very, very lonely and desperate, a fact that makes him very easy to manipulate.
It might be hard to tell at first, as yaksha prefers to respond to almost every of your questions with an impassive face or annoyed huff, but you can pick up on it over time.
You should start small, as big changes in a short time period will raise his suspicions.
He will start lowering his guard around you more and more, eager to do all the favors that you ask him. You can beg for some amusing bauble, that is extremely hard to obtain and even harder to transport in one piece, a chore that will keep him occupied long enough to leave you alone for at least a day.
Once you escape the place Xiao kept you in, you should run for the borders - he’s well-familiar with the landscape of Liyue, having been guarding it for millennia, which cannot be said about the lands of other nations.
Xiao will switch into his “yaksha” mode once he learns that you tricked him, biting hurt temporarily forgotten as his mind focuses on a singular goal - getting you back.
Trying to fight him is useless and meaningless as he possesses experience of hundreds and hundreds of years spent in the visceral bloodshed. He will have you down in one two hits.
Xiao will use a chain instead of a rope to tie you down from now on.
He will also be very disappointed both in you and himself, but mostly himself - how could he be so foolish to believe that you love him? Abominations like him deserve no love.
You have completely lost his trust for the next two centuries.
Honestly I don't know how one can just outsmart or overpower Zhongli.
Unlike Xiao he spent countless years living among humans, acting as one, so he is good at discerning the hidden motives and agendas and playing nice with him won’t do anything.
He is also incredibly strong and immune to most of the perils, rendering physical assault and poisoning useless too.
Whatever you do, you need an incredibly complicated and elaborate plan, something that will go unnoticed by his attentive eyes.
If you escape before Zhongli retires, you can be sure that you have not only a six thousand year old being on your tail, but also his devoted servants.
Adepti will relentlessly search for you, leaving no stone unturned in their efforts.
Your recapture is inevitable, resistance is futile, whatever you do, you will end up with the geo bracers around your hands being led back into your “lovely estate”.
Unlike the other two, Zhongli won’t openly punish you for this - he is hurt, but he also expected it to come.
Humans need freedom and once they lose it they become reckless and desperate. Your little stunt was a typical human response and he doesn’t see any sense in depriving you because of that. Whatever privileges you had will stay if you behaved agreeable and obedient during your recapture.
Zhongli will still raise the level of security.
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P and S finding a normally aloof and lazy MC taking care and smiling affectionately while telling stories to a group of orphans to get them to sleep? I hc my MC to be extremely lazy and cunning but with a really soft spot for kids aa-
In an otherwise empty hallway, S walks with a curious gait as they come upon P, leaning on a wall situated next to a partially open door.
“What’cha--” S begins, before their mouth is closed forcefully by a scarred hand.
“Can’t you talk quietly for once, you damn loudmouth?” P hisses severely.
S steps away from the grip with a murmur of dissatisfaction before whispering several tones louder than normal, “What’cha loiterin’ for?”
P gives S a warning look as they return to their position beside the door. From inside, S can hear the subtle giggles and quiet yawns of young children, along with a softened voice of someone familiar.
S peeks inside, catching a momentary glimpse of MC’s profile before P shuts the door in their face, though the sight of a faint smile still stays in their vision. S looks up, giving P an incredulous look, “Why ain’t we goin’ in? Ya scared or somethin’?”
Their question is answered by a furrowed brow and hollowed voice, “The war’s hit those kids harder than most of us. Let them enjoy this moment as long as they can.”
S wipes a speck of dirt off the goggles hanging from their neck, “Didn’t take ya for the sentimental type.”
P shakes their head as they turn to leave, “You should know better than me. Some of your siblings are the same age, aren’t they?”
S watches as the redhead takes their leave. Their grip on their goggles tighten as they answer under their breath, “Why’d’ya think I’m here?”
Thank ya for the question, and I hope ya enjoyed the snippet haha
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
omggg tell us more ab erumike 🥺
ok, as you all know i'm a real erumike enthusiast™, but unfortunately it's a very underrated ship imo. so! here's my hc about them in that tattoo parlor/flower shop au
erwin and mike know each other for years. their shops are situated closely so they're familiar with each other
they're not really friends but whenever they bump into each other on their way home, they stop and talk for a while
erwin has it bad, though. very bad
mike is kind, funny, tall and muscular. also his strong jaw? those pretty eyes? that soft laughter? once erwin made mike laugh so hard he snorted. erwin was smiling for the rest of the day
mike has the biggest of crushes on erwin too. what's there not to like after all - his blonde hair? his bright blue eyes? his kind smile that lights up the whole room? his deep baritone that makes mike weak in the knees? his cunning intelligence and quick wit?
for the owner of tattoo parlor, erwin looks pretty normal
he doesn't have any tattoos except on his hands. they're covered with tattoos
but erwin usually wears buttons up with long sleeves so no one knows about his tattoos
but one day, the weather was too hot and he came to work in a t-shirt
mike saw his tattoo sleeves. almost fainted as a result
and then hange and levi come in
they see their superiors stare longingly at each other from across the street and it annoys them so much
couldn't they just talk? it's obvious they like each other!
levi and hange are the one to talk there lmao
hange got really tired of the expression of yearning on erwin's face and she decided to take matters in her own hands
she goes to the flower shop, approaches mike and asks him to "please, help us with moving the furniture"
mike's like "sure, everything for my neighbors"
(and the super hot blondie)
erwin is shocked to see mike entering his shop and he becomes even more shocked when mike says that he came to move the furniture
but he quickly comes up with some lame excuse and leads mike to the basement, where he needs to move the couch or something
erwin wants to help but mike waves him off
he wants to show off in front of his crush
erwin appreciates the view. a lot. mike's muscles are seen even beneath his shirt and yeah, erwin is totally gone
he asks mike out for a drink to say thanks and they spend the evening, complaining about their weird subordinates
mike and erwin become a bit closer, they start visiting each other's shops more often
if mike visits their shop, hange runs away to levi. if erwin goes to mike's, hange drags levi away
mike and erwin are sure that they're subordinates are in love. they leave the shop to give them some privacy. they do not know that hange and levi are doing the same
mike and erwin grow closer while trying to set up levi and hange, levi and hange are trying to set up mike and erwin
no one realises their feelings
it's a mess
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twistedintern · 4 years
Can I request hc of how the mirror-soul-placement, uh, thing went for cater, leona, vil, idia, malleus? Thanks
Cater Diamond
The Mirror spent several flabbergasted moments gathering its bearings after peering into Cater’s soul. Everything about it was just so... chaotic. So unpredictable. It seemed to flit about with a nervous electricity.
Cater smiled confidently while the Mirror tried desperately to grasp at his form. It eventually conceded that changeability was itself a trait of a tangible state. Chaos was a salient feature of one dorm: Heartslabyul.
It spoke thus: “Where direction is relative, and instability reigns and nothing is as it seems, there is a scarlet I do perceive. I deign this soul destined for the topsy-turvy Kingdom of Roses, where the absurd is absolute.”
Leona Kingscholar
The Mirror’s estimation of Leona’s condition was immediate. There was no hesitation in its gaze as it studied the confrontational, belligerent beastman.
With the selfish pride he radiated, there too existed scorn. It mingled and stewed, raw and primal. There was a rich, almost earthy quality to his color... as well as an urgent sense of entitlement. An usurper snarled beneath the surface.
It hence declared: “O’ royal son, deprived of your golden crown! You seek that which will ever be inherently denied. Come seek refuge in the grasslands of proud, dwelling in the den of cunning, Savanaclaw: where beasts of burden shall bow before your might.“
Vil Schoenheit
The Mirror was humbled before the unshakable will and cultivated beauty of Vil. It was reminded of its own past, briefly--the hyacinth glory days of yore, as well as its former master.
A deep purple elevated his spirit high above the rest; the Mirror both pondered and appreciated the venomous insincerity and frantic insecurities masked by the flawless and unforgiving bearing of the blonde who stood before him.
It decreed: “You who is fair, and ever so! Deserving only of praise, a fine castle, the unconditional affections of all people. Not unlike unlike nightshade or hemlock, you are the poison that shall corrode the indignant farce of the insipid and ignorant. Your kingdom is Pomefiore, where beauty makes right.”
Idia Shroud
The Mirror read Idia like a book. Undeserved tragedy pervaded his trembling figure, his senses overwhelmed by the undue attentions of his peers.
It spied within his oscillating form a ghastly blue of sorrows, the color of tears and soul light from beyond. Seclusion was Idia’s solace; there lingered an unspoken contempt for the vivacious, untroubled spirits of Night Raven. There was furthermore a suffocating obligation which shackled his free will.
It proclaimed: “Woe, child of eternal despair and lament! The world has shunned you, and you suffer the manifold consequences of damnable agency. You who is ever forsaken by spirits of the living. Seek not your realm in their midst. Reign over and embrace instead the will of departed and neglected: to the eaves of Ignihyde you shall take flight.”
Malleus Draconia
The Mirror flinched in Malleus’s quiet yet mighty presence. His noble aura was overwhelming.
His magical signature was disturbingly familiar, pulsing with the wicked green of hellfire and thorns. It prostrated itself before Malleus’s true shape--the regal, resplendent form of the terrible dragon--while it carefully chose its words.
Eventually, it issued its judgement as such: “He who shoulders the legacy o’ magics fierce and dreaded, brambles stay you, encompass you; a wreath of thorns decorate your main. All shall quake before you; a truth which is your inheritance. The lives of man are but a trifle like thread from a spindle. Thou art supreme in thine majesty: take the celebrated mantle of Diasomnia into your veritable hands and usher your followers into a new age!”
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venusxxlangdon · 5 years
Michael Langdon x reader x Roman Godfrey headcanons
warnings: polyamory, smut, double penetration, oral, edging, mentioning of blood and face fucking, cum eating, daddy kink, soft dominance 
words: 5.2k
A/N: thank you guys for 1.1k followers, here are some hcs for one of my favorite pairings. Some of y’all’s asks have been answered here as well. Honorable mention of @micheallangdons who plotted these hcs with me    
moodboard by @micheallangdons
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Before Roman met Michael and Y/N his life as a newly born upir had been nothing but an endless battle with his demonic nature. Days full of self-loathing and helpless attempts to tame his hunger had gone by before he gave up and quenched his thirst for blood, much to his mother’s triumph. She was so proud of him while he felt nothing but utter disgust and a deep abyss in his heart. Her praise seemed nothing but mockery. She could dance on his bones and still preach about her good intentions.
He did not want to admit that she had won the battle. Roman felt like he was falling deeper into the dark void. Was he going to spend the rest of his life like that? Abandoned and scared of hurting everyone he knew? These questions kept him wide awake in the middle of the silver nights and made him drown his sorrows in cognac and cigarette smoke.
He felt like an addict, storming from one bar into another, looking for hookers to feed on and then sending his people to hide the victims’ bodies. Eventually, it all turned into a regular routine and he mastered the art of draining every drop of blood from humans necks without even staining his always perfectly ironed shirts. He decided that if he turned into a stone-cold machine with no feelings and the slightest idea of attachment he would feel better. Having focused on his parents' empire, the Godfrey Institute, he became a business tycoon: ambitions, cunning, manipulating. Unfortunately, it was calm before the storm. His mother always knew what buttons to push to make him snap and lose the strings of control over his ruthless guise.
It was the night when everything went downhill. Blood was hammering in his temples, fingers gripped onto the sterling weel as he was driving to a familiar location, a bar where he was a frequent visitor. A passing car flashed the headlights, illuminating Roman’s jet black eyes. The usual forest green hues with bluish spots were swallowed up by the unbearable hunger. He could feel the roof of his mouth starting to itch, his heart beating faster.
Factitious self-control wafted around his tall figure when he entered the club. He looked out of place dressed in his black dress shirt and matching tailored slacks, the look on his face intense like an upcoming thunder, electrifying in the thick air. 
Something felt different at that time. His nostrils flared, breathing in the mix of expensive alcohol and smoke. He looked around scanning through the crowd of dancing bodies. It felt like hundreds of needles were piercing through the tips of his fingers; he gulped heavily, listening to the sound of crimson blood flowing through the people’s veins. There was something else. Something he could not quite catch. It was seeping through his fingers making it difficult for him to get a hold of it. He turned around on his heels, ignoring a confused look some girl shot at him and froze to his spot. What if his hunger caused these fantom feelings? The sensation became stronger. Godfrey turned his head in the direction of the far left corner of the spacious room. Something about it drew him closer to a big leather sofa where there was someone whom Roman had met before.
“Michael Langdon,” he breathed out, a bit too surprised. It was funny how he had not recognized his vibe immediately. They had met only once but it was something Godfrey would never forget. The blonde Antichrist had the most unique, alluring aura that would suffocate you if you did not know how to handle it. Even for Roman, who was only half-human, it was quite a challenge.
Michael was splayed out on the sofa with a glass of whiskey in his hand. Godfrey mentally rolled his eyes at the Antichrist’s outfit, ever so extravagant: a navy blue velvet dinner jacket paired with a white shirt, his neck adorned with a big burgundy bow made of the finest silk. Long, luscious locks flowed down his shoulders, curling slightly on its end. Two blue sapphires of his eyes were narrowed, studying Roman’s figure curiously. Godfrey would never admit it, but he felt very uncomfortable under Michael’s mischievous gaze. He instinctively wanted to straighten his back to look more confident, to show Langdon who was the boss. But the pretentious smirk ghosting over Michael’s lips indicated that the Antichrist could care less about the boy’s attempt to look powerful.
“Enjoying the evening, Mr. Godfrey?” He took a sip and swiped the tip of his pointed tongue over the corner of his mouth. Michael cocked his eyebrow at Roman, clearly being aware of the upir’s hunger.
“Quite a lot,” Roman sneered and moved his gaze at the girl sitting next to Langdon with her legs that were barely covered with a short dress hooked over his lap. She was looking at Roman through the thick fan of long dark lashes framing her eyes beautifully. There was something detached in the youthful beauty of her blush and a shy smile painting her lips. For some reason Godfrey found himself embarrassed and even looked away, meeting the mocking stare of Michael’s blue eyes.
“Care for a drink?” He asked, swirling the glass in his long fingers, the metal of his rings clicking against the cut. “You look...thirsty.”
Roman gritted his teeth, the sinew on his neck pulsing.
“How sweet that it’s the matter of your concern,” he muttered, still eyeing the girl from the corner of his eyes. She smiled and hid her face in the crook of Michael’s neck, her fingers grasping the fabric of his shirt. She braced one of her slender arms around his neck and brought her face to his ear.
“What was that, kitten?” Roman clicked his tongue disapprovingly at the pet name, suddenly feeling out of place. He looked around, searching for a new victim. He spotted a girl who was sitting alone at the bar and thought that she could be a nice option. Y/N’s voice drew him out of his thoughts.
“He’s the one,” she whispered in Michael’s ear, but it was audible enough for Roman’s hearing to catch it. He snapped his eyes back at her, noticing that she was looking at him again. Whatever she had meant, it was something that did not make Michael happy. He shifted in his seat and put the glass aside on the table.
“Are you sure, Y/N?” he asked, the threads of concern lacing into the tone of his voice. He gently took her chin between his thumb and index finger, slightly turning it to the side. “You can have anybody...think twice, sweetheart.”
Roman felt as if he had become an unwilling witness of something he could wish to have never seen. It all felt too intimate. He coughed and adjusted the cuffs of his shirt, wondering why he was still standing there. It seemed like the girl’s heavy gaze pinned him to the floor. Michael was frowning, tapping his fingers against the knee impatiently.
“Well, if you excuse me...” Godfrey started awkwardly and shoved his palms into the pockets of his slack, brushing his thumbs over the fabric. The girl was still whispering something into Michael’s ear. He looked so concentrated that for a second Roman thought that Langdon would not even notice if he left. God knew how long he had been standing there like a fool before Langdon finally spoke to him.
“Why don’t you join us, Roman?” He suddenly offered, and the girl giggled, playing with the blonde strand of Michael’s hair. Roman watched her twist the silky locks around her fingers and let them cascade down Langdon’s shoulders. He licked his lips nervously. “I believe I haven’t introduced you to the love of my love yet, and I’m dying to fix this little omission.”
The corners of Roman’s lips twitched in amusement.
“I’m a busy man, Mr. Langdon,” he shrugged, ignoring the fact that Michael had addressed him on the first-name basis. “Hence I’m afraid we won’t have time to discuss the latest gossips.” He noticed the way the girl’s face sulked and how she slightly pushed her bottom lip forward in a pitiful pout. For the reason unknown to him, his heart swelled and suddenly he wanted to do anything to erase the sad expression off her doll face. “But I’ll be more than glad to get introduced to a beautiful lady next to you.”
She smiled and extended her hand to him which he eagerly accepted, slightly squeezing her fingers. Her palm was soft, it felt like his large hands were wrapped in the finest, pearly silk. His whole body jolted up as soon as he touched her. A shiver ran down his spine, and he looked at her with wide eyes. By the devilish sparks in her eyes, he knew she had felt it too.
“Y/N,” She said, and her voice turned out to be much lower than he had expected. “Y/N, Y/L/N.”
He smiled back and bent forward at the waist to bring his face closer to her hand and leave a quick kiss on her delicate skin.
“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Y/L/N. I’m Roman Godfrey, a CEO of the Godfrey Institute,” he answered proudly.
It was the beginning of something bigger than him, bigger than all of them.
A quick conversation with Langdon and his little pet, that was how Roman referred to the girl in his head, had managed to distract him from his hunger only for a short time. Soon enough he found himself apologizing for having to leave so soon.
He did not waste any time when grabbing the girl he had spotted earlier by the elbow and dragging her out of the club. Luckily she was way too drunk to care. He flashed his best smile at her, and she followed him to the car, giggling every time she stumbled on her heels.
Roman did not pay any attention when she put her hands on his crotch and tried to rub him through the fabric of his slacks, his eyes focused on the road. He bit the inside of his cheek to suppress the sudden tremor in his body. He was seconds away from stopping the car and sinking his teeth into the girl’s neck. She smelled like vodka and a subtle hint of her fruity perfume. He turned his head at her and she whimpered at the animalistic gaze of his now onyx eyes.
“Oh my God,” she mumbled, and suddenly her face turned into sharp features of Michael Langdon. Roman almost instantly hit the brakes.
“You look thirsty,” Langdon mocked. Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty, thirsty echoed in Roman’s head, and as he pressed his head into the back of his seat, Michael’s face got distorted into a smirking grimace. What the fuck? Beads of sweat covered Godfrey’s forehead.
“Get out!” He yelled and shut his eyes. When he opened them again, he saw a confused face of the girl who had instantly sobered up from his cry. She was looking at him with her big eyes resembling a fish, and at that moment all he wanted her to do was to leave him alone.
“What?” She asked, adjusting the straps of her dress to let him see a full view of her cleavage. He rolled his eyes.
“You heard me,” he hissed. “Get. The fuck. Out.” He did not care if she had to walk alone in the dark.
Roman drove his way home in silence, hungry and frustrated. He slammed the door of his car shut and stormed into a big mansion. Numerous thoughts were buzzing in his head like a swarm of bees. He headed straight to the shower, hoping that it could help him clear his mind.
He was too tired and tense to care about anything but the burning ache in his bones. Roman let out an inhuman cry when the streams of hot water hit his shoulder blades. He wished they could wash every cell of his disgusting being off the face of the earth. He hugged himself and dug his fingers into his skin as if he was going to rip it off. His plump bottom lip was trembling as he let his anger unwind. He didn’t want any of this, any of this life. He hit the wall with the fist and rested his forehead against the cool tile, sobbing brokenly. Fucking hell.
When he finally crawled out of the shower and reached for the towel to wrap it around his hips, he suddenly got glued to the spot. His nostrils flared. The waves of very powerful energy waged over him bringing the feeling of deja vu. His stomach did a flip at the thought that he was not alone in his mansion and what was even worse — his intuition knew the names of the intruders. Roman did not even care to dress up before he left the bathroom and made his way into his bedroom. His heart skipped a beat when he heard two low voices behind the closed door. No, it could not be true. He wrapped his fingers around the knob and turned his wrist to the left, pushing the door open with his hip.
Frankly speaking, now when he thinks about what happened that night, Roman is thankful that he did not kill Langdon and Y/N the second he saw them sitting on his bed. He remembers the shock and confusion. He thought he was hallucinating.
Langdon took his time to explain why they were in his bedroom while Roman was standing before them with his eyes wide open and his whole body unable to move. Y/N had been having the same dream over and over again: she was saving a young man from something she could not explain. The only thing she knew was that they needed to find him. Michael had never been into charity but he was ready to indulge the wish of the love of his life. Little had he known thar eventually she’d come to him and say that the stranger should have become a part of their relationship. Well, that was too much.
Michael did not understand the urge. Possessive by nature, he was not going to share her with anyone. “I’m not a fucking saint,” he shouted in her face while she was looking at him with her eyes full of tears.”And I’m definitely not a fool.” 
They had spent days fighting over that matter until she won. Langdon did not know what exactly made him change his mind: the sadnesses that flooded his lover’s mind and became unbearable for him to handle or the unknown force within himself.
“Let’s see who’s the one needing our help first,” he said through gritted teeth, secretly hoping that Y/N would drop that idea soon enough.
To find out that it was Roman Godfrey being the one in need of help was similar to being punched in the face. When he and Y/N were following the upir on his way home, Langdon tried to do his best to talk her into choosing someone else.
“He’s in pain,” she begged, turning her head at him, “don’t you feel it, Michael? I know you’re aware of how torturous his hunger is.”
“And why should I care?”
“Because I do,” she protectively crossed her arms, “and you care about me. He’s special, Michael. He needs help.”
“Fuck, remind me to ask my father why he chose a fucking angel as my eternal partner,” Langdon rolled his eyes and sped up the car.
He did not believe that any of them would ever turn this into a relationship. He was sure that Y/N would drop the idea as soon as she would see how fucked up Godfrey was. He refused to admit that at that moment jealousy was boiling in every fiber of his body.
When Roman started spitting the curses out, and the subtle hint of doubt sparked in Y/N’s eyes, Michael was celebrating his triumph. However, his content didn’t last. Y/N had this weird talent of persuading people, and eventually, both men fell victims to her charm.
Neither of them knew how to act. Michael couldn’t overcome the feeling of disdain he felt toward the younger boy and he was determined to treat him as such until he would prove that he was worthy of his respect.
On the other hand, Roman didn’t understand why she had to “win” anyone’s trust when it was Langdon and Y/N who had broken into his house and decided to make him “a proud member of their relationship”.
“You two,” he pointed his finger at them, “are fucking insane.”
“Don’t act like you haven’t done anything worse than this,” Michael scoffed, “I’m sure impregnating Letha was far less moral”
Those words nearly brought the entire venture to its end.
Roman realized that he really needed help, Langdon’s help, when the Antichrist had soothed his thirst for blood. Using his magic, Michael subsided Godfrey’s desire to kill and for the first time in what it seemed like forever, the upir could breathe.
Y/N made him believe that his kindhearted human nature was still within him. Of course, it took her months to persuade Roman, but the result was worth it. He desperately wanted to be good. All those sleepless nights he had been punishing himself for his victims were gone, and finally, he found someone who could turn him to the light. Well, technically they had found him.
Funny, how salvation came from the Antichrist and his lover. They moved from Roman treating the affair among the three of them as just sex to a deep, serious commitment.
It took Roman a lot of time to realize that he wasn’t alone anymore. The three of them took care of each other.
The turning point happened when Roman had another breakdown. He had been dealing with his hunger relatively good thanks to Michael and Y/N’s influence, but then he went on a business trip and just snapped. 
He rested his head in his hands, trying to keep breathing, but it felt like the air had suddenly got thicker. He rushed to a small fridge in his hotel room, looking for a bag of blood that he had stored in case of emergency, but the shelves were empty. He growled in frustration, his senses becoming more acute. His thirst, an obsession with blood, always put him in a weird, dizzy state where he could barely control himself. He didn’t feel like himself anymore. A white fog covered his eyes and enveloped his brain like a thick blanket. He couldn’t think straight.
“Heeeeelp!!” A loud, animalistic scream of a man he was holding in his arms, pulled him out of the trance. Godfrey opened his eyes and faced the dreadful look on the poor man’s face. He had no idea who it was and how he ended up there, in a dark alley far from anyone’s eyes. He tossed the man’s body aside like a useless puppet and looked at his hands covered in blood.
“What are you?” He snapped his head at the man who was on his hands and knees, looking terrified. Roman inhaled sharply, his body trembling as if he had a fever.
“You better fucking run,” he managed to bark. Panic rose inside of him like a tsunami, flooding his mind with a bitter aftertaste of fear and despair. He was scared of himself. He instinctively reached for the phone in the back pocket of his jeans and pressed one button of a speed dial. Please, pick up the phone, please, pick up the-
“Yes?” A familiar soothing baritone responded.
“Langdon, please...” Godfrey sobbed, feeling ashamed of his weakness. He fell to his knees against the dirty stone wall and squeezed his eyes tightly, but it didn’t prevent a couple of crystal tears from falling down his sharp cheekbones. “Help me, I’m begging you, Langdon.”
Michael did not need any explanation.
“Think of the place where you are at now,” when he spoke his voice was ringing with ice and calmness. Roman let out a sigh of relief. “I’ll come get you.”
“Okay,” he whispered and concentrated on the scenery he needed Michael to see.
Langdon was there in no time.
Something about Y/N kept Roman glued to her. Maybe this nagging feeling in his chest was aroused by the radiant warmth that surrounded her like a halo. “How does she even handle you, Langdon?” He once teased Michael.
The dynamic between her and the Antichrist was amusing as well. Roman did not like to admit it but he had been fascinated by Michael’s protectiveness over her since that time when he met them at the club. He thought that such a delicate flower as Y/N deserved nothing but the most careful guidance.
“Is she your little girl?” He asked, folding his hands over his chest and watching Y/N make her way toward Langdon and taking her seat on his lap, wrapping her arms around Michael’s shoulder.
“She’s my girl,” the blonde man answered, his palm cupping her bum and gently squeezing through a flimsy fabric of her dress, “but she’s not little. She does need me to take control when we’re intimate, but it’s never about age regression.”
Dominant by nature, Roman wanted to take care of the gorgeous girl, sitting on Michael’s lap, too. He missed the moment when he had started dreaming about her calling him daddy and letting him touch her wherever he wanted. He desired to learn every inch of her body because Michael seemed to had known where to touch, pet, and lick in order to turn her into a pliant mess.
She looked angelic in her pink and white set, her body splayed out on the expensive sheets, hair tossed around her head as Michael worked his tongue between her parted thighs (her panties were pulled aside), making her tug on his blonde locks and moan his name out loud.
“You need to earn the privilege to make her feel this good, puppy,” Langdon said, using the back of his palm to wipe Y/N’s cum off his full, glistening lips, looking extremely pleased with himself.
And Roman did. He was a bit rougher than Michael at times due to his impatience and youthful maximalism which worked perfectly in tandem with Langdon’s soft dominance. Secretly, he thrived off of bossing Roman around and telling him what to do. He loved holding the younger boy by his neck and burying his face between Y/N’s legs, making him feast on her pussy.
“Good boy,” Michael mused, letting go off of his grip. Roman was panting heavily when he pulled away from her throbbing core. He inhaled sharply and his body jolted forward back to her center when Langdon slid his hands down the younger boy’s torso, encouraging him to continue.
Godfrey found himself addicted to this romance. The obvious competition for Y/N’s attention was making his blood boil but it was different from what his hunger had been making him feel. Ardor electrified every sense in his body and made him feel alive.
She indulged his panty kink like nobody else. Y/N always wore the pretties undergarments, and to pull her panties down and off her legs with his teeth was Roman’s favorite thing to do. He loved dragging the lacy piece down while looking her in the eyes, making her watch his every move. She looked the prettiest when lying against Michael’s chest, while the blonde man was playing with her nipples, caressing them with featherlight touches.
Roman often found himself in a reverse position: blindfolded and gagged with her lacy thong. “Keep riding him, doll,” he moaned at Michael’s command and the increased pace of Y/N’s hips moving in sync with his hammering heartbeat.  
Thanks to Michael and his training, Roman became more patient and grew to enjoy edging their girl for hours. He and Michael would have her on her back, hands and legs bound to the bed and with a vibrator pressed against her clit. She looked ethereal, all desperate for his and Langdon’s cocks. The delicious stretch that both cocks made her feel was indescribable. She felt so, so full and worked up, but most importantly — she felt safe and taken care of.
Sometimes, as a part of her punishment, they would not let her cum for days. Prohibited to touch herself, she was suffering from the overwhelming arousal flooding her body. She’d try to clench her thighs, to rub herself against the armrests of Michael’s chair, to hump her pillow, but it seemed like the two men always knew what she was up to. They were always there to hush her and remind that if she continued “acting like a bratty slut” they’d have to extend the period of punishment. Godfrey and Langdon knew what buttons to push. One day when she was on her third day of edging, Roman came up to her when she was washing the dishes and slowly started peppering her neck with kisses. Being impossibly horny, she instantly leaned into his touch, hoping that her punishment was over. He fingered her until she turned into a whimpering, pleading mess, begging his to free his cock that she could feel against her ass from the confines of his slacks and fuck her right there on the kitchen counter. But the upir only laughed and pulled his hand out of her panties, leaving her on the verge of tears, wanting more.
Langdon loved eating her from behind while she was on her knees before Roman and sucking his cock, letting the mix of his precum and her saliva drip down her chin and breasts. She would cup the two mounds in her palms and smear the liquid all over her nipples, twisting and rolling them between her fingers. She could feel Michael’s hair brushing over her thighs every time he brought his mouth to her center to bury his tongue into her heat.
The men loved spoiling their girl. Her closet was full of the most beautiful designer dresses and the prettiest underwear. Roman adored when she put on a little show for them every time they’d buy something for her.
“Sit back and enjoy, daddies,” she’d tell them, and Michael and Roman would wait for her to come out of the bathroom in the new see-through set adorned with ruffles and pearls that matched her angelic personality but also showed off her spicy, devilish side. They nearly choked on their whiskey when she took a couple of elegant strides toward them and bent over to demonstrate how deliciously the sheer fabric of the panties hugged her bum, a purple jewel of a butt plug poking through the lace.
Michael’s blood ritual was something Roman always looked forward to. The first time he witnessed it, the younger boy thought he was going to lose his mind from how erotic it looked. That was when he tasted Langdon’s blood. His silver tongue glided over the Antichrist’s smooth, porcelain skin, leaving burning imprints in its wake. Michael’s chanting in Latin was mixing with the sound of Y/N’s moans and the obscene slapping of  Langdon’s flesh against her thighs. The men’s eyes were as dark as cosmos, illuminated by the light radiating from the candles that were put in a circle around their entwined bodies. There were no green and blue, only dark, deep emptiness of the supernatural creatures.
Michael know what big stress the ritual was for Y/N, thus he always made sure to take care of her afterwards, and Roman was always there to help. They’d carry her upstairs and run her a bath.
Speaking of bathing together, Godfrey loved when she rode him and Michael in the tub. The used a water-based lube, so it would not be uncomfortable for all of them. Plus, doing anal in the tub where everything was nice and clean was a lot easier. Roman adored the view of her breasts bouncing before his face as she kept moving on his length up and down, her wet hair clinging to her face.
Aftercare was the most important thing after making Y/N cum, of course. Especially if sex was rougher than usual. Sometimes the mood would strike for forceful face fucking, slaps across her tender cheeks and a cum shot all over her pretty face, but Roman and Michael always made sure to tell her how good she was for them.
“We’re so proud of you,” Langdon whispered against her cum-stained lips, and she smiled so wide, feeling happy and satisfied with how she had taken him and Roman. Every inch of her body was sore, muscles burned from overstimulation, but the pleasure that had come beforehand was worth it. She could still feel the mix of Michael’s and Roman’s cum seeping out of her, so she indulged the temptation to snake her hand between her legs to collect the pearly essence and lick it all clean.
When it was getting darker the following scene was very common for their mansion: Y/N was curled up on Roman’s lap while he was absentmindedly playing with her hair, threading his fingers through the soft strands. Michael usually worked till his eyes would get tired, so after a while, Godfrey and Y/N came up with an idea of how to get the Antichrist’s attention. Roman wouldn’t take his eyes off the tv as he slowly dragged his palm down her body and rested it on her thigh, his fingers barely swiping over the hem of her pj shorts. She looked up at him and shifted a bit, pressing her body against his torso. Roman toyed with a little bow on her waistband and slightly pulled the ribbon to untie it and slip his fingers under it, frowning when he touched the fabric of her panties. He looked down at her and mouthed “Why are you wearing them?” She shrugged and smiled, her breath was already uneven and heavy. She had to bite her knuckles to suppress a needy whimper threatening to fall from her lips. She wriggled her bum and parted her legs, letting Roman properly touch her. He cupped her pussy in his palm, outstretching the fabric of her already wet panties and shorts, starting to massaging her clit in slow, lazy circles.
“And what do you think you’re doing?” Michael said in a sing-song tone, making Y/N nearly jump out of her skin. She looked at him with her eyes wide open and instinctively covered Godfrey’s hand between her thighs with her palm.
“Get back to work, Michael,” Roman mewled, ignoring Y/N’s attempts to close her legs. He smeared her arousal all over her folds, earning a loud gasp from her.
“It’s hard to concentrate when I can fucking smell her,” Michael drawled, gripping on the pen with such force that he nearly broke it.
So yeah, Roman’s plan always worked.
They loved traveling together. Eating fresh croissants in France, tasting every sort of pizza in Italy, buying the best vine in Spain, and walking down the narrow street in Monaco. Even though Roman and Michael were busy they always found time to take their girl, who looked good in white summer dresses, with her skin glowing and lips dripping with juices of ripe fruits, somewhere nice. 
tagging those who expressed their interest in this pairing: @divinelangdon @littledemondani @ms-mead @emmyrosee @mega-combusken @lvngdvns @wroteclassicaly @michaelsrighthand @hecohansen31 @1-800-bitchcraft @saturngirlz @desidia-1 @langdonsdemon @kaigitana @peachesandfern @livanka @lovelylangdonx
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harveywritings92 · 4 years
You realize you love them/they realize they love you : Shay, Jacob, Connor
Jacob (Disraeli's Maid! Reader): He thought he'd seen everything London had to offer, boy was he wrong! Jacob also never believed in love at first sight that was until he met Y/n... it was after he was asked to rescue Mrs. Disraeli's dog she was just so thankful to have her puppy back that she ask Jacob over for lunch as gratitude, the male Frye twin was initially nervous when he arrived at the states man's estate not sure what to expect, as he knocked on the door and was greeted by what he believed to be an angel.
She was around his age was y/ht/wt with pretty y/ec eyes that regarded him curiously and her y/hl/hc was put up in a proper bun. "Can I help you sir?" she asked her voice soft and calming. "Erm... *ahem* Mrs. Disraeli is expecting me, Jacob Frye?" the Assassin said trying not to stutter "Ah, yes she was just telling me about you..."The y/nat said moving aside to let him in "Good things I hope?" Jacob's heart sped up as he followed the woman who he finally noticed was a maid and was a little concerned when she didn't answer him right away.
"Well, she said you were...spirited." Jacob wanted to know what else was said about him just to just hear the young lady's voice. but they'd arrived at the sitting room. "A Mister Frye to see you ma'am" the maid said as Mrs. Disraeli got up from her seat. "Mr. Frye so good see you again! Thank you Y/n dear." the y/nat woman bowed and left them noticing Jacob's eyes following her.
 "So, her name's Y/n..." he hummed getting the viscountess's attention who smirked seeing the love sick expression on the young man's face. "She's single just to let you know Mr. Frye." that caused him snap out of his little bubble. "I'm not sure what you're talking about ma'am." Jacob said ears pink from the realization that the older woman onto to him, while at the same time he was trying to figure out how someone like Y/n wasn't already spoken for?         
How you realized you love him: At the wee start of their relationship Jacob started to blow Y/n off to be with this older well off woman by the name of Pearl Attaway,  much to maid's distress. 
The Rooks told her not to worry it was strictly professional, Y/n wanted to believe that! She even forgave him the first time he stood her up and the second, but when he didn't bother to seek her out when he left her stranded the other times it was then that Y/n got the message that she was just a fling! 
Jacob used to sneak up and sit on her window sill to talk to her some nights, now she's lucky if she even sees him at all, and when she does all he talks about is Pearl! 
It shouldn't have bothered Y/n this much but it did, Jacob was the first man to break her walls, she let him in and showed him an energetic and mischievous side of herself she rarely shows to others...
 Y/n's heart throbbed painfully as she brought a hand to her chest as she came to a startling conclusion that she was in love Jacob! But what was the point? he certainly didn't love her! 
Y/n usually composed face dropped into sadness as the dam finally broke as tears fell down her face, she sobbed into her pillow she heard her window click open she looked up to see Jacob standing halfway in her room.
"Come to tell me about how bloody great Pearl is?" she spat through sobs while getting off her bed as the hazel eyed man tried to say something but noting came out, it was then Y/n noticed his dejected look. 
"Oh did she dumped you? Oh poor Jacob Frye, thrown away like yesterdays newspaper!" she jeered jabbing her finger in his chest as Jacob just stood there not reacting at all he knows he deserves this, what he certainly doesn't deserve was Y/n... 
How many times did he leave her out and alone, in favor of acting like Pearl's lapdog? "Well?! let's hear it!?" Y/n voice snapped him out of his trance. "I'm sorry." Was all he said seemly upsetting her farther "Get out." Y/n hissed Jacob didn't budge "I said get out!" the maid to tried shove him which was futile, "I'm Sorry." He repeated the y/nat woman's shoves were getting weaker. 
Jacob wrapped his arms around her. "I'm Sorry...Y/n you'll never know how how regretful I am about this whole mess." He kissed her hair as she quietly whimpered deciding now wasn't the time to think about love and unrequited feelings, as Jacob kept apologizing promising that he won't push her aside like that again... 
Shay: To be honest he hadn't thought that he would see Y/n again after the first time they met, but he kept catching glances or accidentally running into the y/ht woman around New York that slowly found himself becoming increasingly attached to her.
Often thinking of her while on high risk missions, looking at trinkets or flowers on his down time wondering if she'd like that sort of thing? He still had to thank her for hiding him from those bounty hunters. "You're thinking about her again." Gist stated pulling Shay from his thoughts the Irishman looked at him bemused.
"Thinking about who?" 
"That girl back in New York, Y/n?"
"What about her?"
"Don't play coy I know what's going on."
Shay brows furrowed obviously frustrated of being left out of the loop. "What's going on? what are you on about?" Gist's smirk dropped they were silent for a moment as Gist awkwardly laughed thinking Shay messing with him, when he realized the Irishman wasn't laughing, the surveyor's eyes bugged out of his skull. "Y'mean you two aren't lovers?" Gist blurted out stunned while Shay face went fifty shades of red as he form a sentence. "No! She's not.......we're no--" then it hit him like a cannonball "Cac.*shit*" he was in love.
How you realized you love him: Y/n was exploring New York in a way she never thought possible from the rooftops, she picked up enough watching Shay monkey around the walls and figured if he can do it so can she! The y/nat woman was careful avoiding guards and curiously watching out for any gang members as she hopped roof to roof before spying a familiar black and red coat down in the streets, Shay and Gist were training down below and Y/n decided to take a break as she watched them curiously. 
Y/n was spellbound as she watched the two men spar, She's never seen the Irishman in a fight before, Shay told her he was a mercenary that's why he called out a lot it always intrigued her or rather Shay always intrigued her, He was mysterious,cunning strong and clever... and wasn't  half bad to look at...her heart started speeding up as she watched Shay smile as he helped Gist to his feet after knocking him on his ass, 
*He's got a pretty smile...I wonder if he's marr-* Y/n mentally slapped herself for thinking that sort of thing, while she was distracted by the men Y/n hadn't noticed the guard on the neighboring roof who noticed her legs hanging off the side. "Get DOWN!" he snarled scaring the woman half to death as her weight shifted causing Y/n to fall of the roof! she squeaked closing her eyes waiting for the impact. 
Only to hear a grunt as someone caught her, Y/n was shaking as who caught tightened their arms around her. "Yer alright lass I got ya..." a familiar voice soothed causing her to open her eyes to see Shay looking at her concerned. 
He then slowly looked up from where she fell from and narrow his eyes at the guard above who just sneered before returning to his rounds. "Um, Shay could you put me down now?" Y/n asked trying to keep her heart steady as the Irishman looked unsure as he set her down.
Y/n's legs felt like jelly as she tried to stand, Shay's arm was back around her in seconds before finding herself on the Irishman's back, Y/n's face was aflame as all those thoughts she had about Shay returned with reckoning...as she kept asking her self why? Why did she have to be in love with Shay? All while he carried her back to her home unaware of her inner turmoil.  
Connor [Albino! Native reader]: It was two years into his assassin training... He thought he was sick at first, everytime he was near Otis'tsa his heart would speed up, his knees would shake and his stomach would do flops, it would only go away when she was out of sight... 
It got so bad that he finally went to Achilles for help, he having tea with Catherine and Diana, when Connor awkwardly walked in and just told the old man what was wrong with him, the women aww'd and giggled at him confusing the boy farther, as Achilles got this distant nostalgic look on his face. "Ah...I know what's going on, Nothing wrong with ya boy." he sighed as he looked out the window.
"Sometimes I look back... I can still feel that moment when saw her back then, her smile always seem to warm me up on the coldest days, Her laughter *sigh* That was something to write songs about, She was the morning to my night... She still is." he smiled as Catherine and Diana were both crying excusing themselves to go find their husbands, while misty eyed Connor wiped a rogue tear away. "Old man... that was beautiful" the teen croaked trying not to sob.
"Love is, but it's also painful..." Achilles hummed before excusing himself Leaving Connor to come to terms with this revelation just as Otis'tsa walked in "I'm home!" she called then noticed her friend sitting at the dining room table. 
"Oh Ratonhnhaké:ton  I-" her brow furrowed as she noticed his red eyes and runny nose "...Have you been crying?" she asked baffled the color drained from the native boy's face "No, it's just dusty in here!" he said before the native girl could blink, Connor ran upstairs to his room leaving Otis'tsa confused.
How you realized you love him : Otis'tsa was upset leaving the tavern, Jamie followed her as he was the only who noticed she left, he caught to the livid albino. "Are you alight miss Y/n?" he asked the y/ht woman looked at him as angry tears welled her eyes "I'm fine!" She huffed the bearded man wasn't sold. "You certainly don't sound it." he said handing her a handkerchief.
The native woman wiped her eyes mumbled something in Kanienʼkéha before giving Jamie back his handkerchief. He let her unload what had transpired in the tavern how she heard Connor talking to Dobby and the subject of marriage and 'settling down' came up at first it seemed harmless Connor told her that he wasn't really thinking about that sort of commitment at the moment, then the Irishwoman dropped this little gem.
"Well then, when this is all over give me the first crack." which the native man happily agreed to! in seconds of hearing that Otis'sa's chest felt tight and she had the suddenly felt like she needed to get out of there. "I don't understand it Jamie, he's my best friend!" She hand a hand through her white hair "I should be happy, he's thinking of something beside assassin work!" she sighed staring morosely at some kids playing in the street.
"Have you ever consider that maybe your feelings for Connor have change to something more then just friendship?" Jamie asked awkwardly rubbing the back of his head and like that the world seem to come to a screeching halt as Otis'tsa's mind slowly replayed what Jamie had said the native woman started realizing that he may be right... 
She hadn't even heard said recruit calling her while snapping his fingers. "Miss Y/n? Miss Y/n are you in there?" he called snapping her out f her trance. "huh?" she squeaked as her red eyes locked on to him. "We should get you back to the tavern-" the albino recoiled at the thought of seeing Connor right now.
"No!" Jamie looked at her surprised. "I-I mean no thanks I'm heading back to the Aquila I'm tired, I'm really tired." She said running off before Jamie could saying anything. Otisa'tsa face felt hot she knew it was red and pulled her hood up to hide it, as she got to the harbor Faulkner asked where Connor was? She kept her head down and stuttered something about him still being in the tavern before going to bed heart racing wondering how she was ever going to look Connor in the eye again?
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doctorgerth · 5 years
Heyyy !! Can I request relationship hc for Hawkins, Killer, Kid and Bonney please ?
You sure can! I went ahead and did 20 hcs for these peeps too. I have already done Killer here (i LOVE that we’re seeing more of him in requests) so I have Hawkins, Kid, and Bonney for you!Please forgive me for the utter trash that is Bonney’s part, I just couldn’t think too much for her! Hopefully we’ll learn lots more about her soon so I can do her justice lol 
I hope you enjoy regardless, anon! Thanks for your request! x 
Relationship HCs: Hawkins, Kid, Bonney 
(i really find it interesting to write for him, I hope i portray him ok)
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- it takes a lot of self sacrifice for him to commit to a person romantically as he is a bit selfish and more driven by his own personal endeavors
- he’s not too familiar with the selflessness and commitment that is required in romantic relationships as he hasn’t had much experience in that area
- but it goes a bit deeper than that, he’s actually terrified of giving his all to another person as there’s just so many things that could go wrong
- so he prefers to keep himself distant, save himself from pain; Hawkins doesn’t like to make himself vulnerable to others so he sure won’t set himself up for that kind of failure if he can avoid it  
- when he enters a relationship, he is initially very hesitant; he definitely prefers to learn about his potential s/o before he ever tries to bring romance into the picture, he’s not one to just dive headfirst into unfamiliar territory
- Hawkins is a bit awkward as this type of relationship is very new to him, so he asks that his partner be very patient with him because he is genuinely trying
- he wouldn’t enter a relationship just to waste each other’s time, so when he pursues someone there’s meaning to it, he sees potential in that relationship (or his cards are literally telling him to trust them)
- due to his awkwardness he has a bad habit of blushing when his partner does/says something endearing
- he honestly hates this about himself, as it breaks his stoic nature, so he tries desperately to hide his flushed face from everyone and he’ll just kind of awkwardly walk away to avoid any teasing comments
- reserved when it comes to affections; on the outside it might seem like he and his s/o are simply comrades as he doesn’t really like to display his affectionate side in public nor does he publicly acknowledge them as his s/o (this is to protect them of course)
- he’s not a very touchy man even behind closed doors and he doesn’t want a very touchy/clingy partner either; he cherishes his independence and alone time, so he expects his partner to respect that and take time to enjoy themselves as well
- it’s not like he’s completely opposed to affection, he just thinks there is a certain time and place for these actions and he prefers to limit them, since superfluous affection loses meaning in his mind
- he believes romantic/affectionate moments between him and his lover are not meant for a show, they are private moments that he wishes to share and treasure with them alone
- some of his favorite ways of displaying affection are squeezing his partner’s hand in his or leaning his forehead against theirs, it really calms his anxiety
- it takes a lot to crack those lips of his into a smile, but he’s not opposed to a partner who can make his lips turn upward every now and then; only his s/o gets his kind, genuine smile; but they must remember that he hates jokes, so trying to crack a joke to make him smile will pretty much never work 
- easy ways to get him to smile are genuine compliments, thank you’s, or simple words of adoration, nothing too excessive or cheesy 
- doesn’t realize just how protective he is until something happens to them the first time; it could be something as simple as them tripping over their own feet that triggers this protective streak that courses through him and he realizes he was created to protect them with his life
- so after that he tends to keep a close eye on them, ready to jump at their aide when needed, regardless if they can protect themselves or not
- despite his enigmatic nature, he’s actually great about discussing feelings; he hates confrontation/useless arguing, so he prefers to communicate rather than fight when they are at a disagreement; he’s a very understanding guy, and is really great at compromising
- Hawkins is very mature and desires an equally mature partner; he’s a bit reclusive at the beginning of a new relationship, but give him time and he becomes a truly compassionate s/o!
(my asshole husband)
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- he is honestly shit at pursuing someone tbh; he’s a major flirt but at the same time in complete denial when actually facing his feelings for someone
- Kid doesn’t just fall in love, what kind of spell are they putting him under?; he straight up avoids his crush for as long as possible, praying that the feelings will just go away on their own
- and when they don’t he is pissed; he doesn’t have the time to be pursuing someone right now! how dare they make him feel this way about them?
- the whole “becoming official” thing is literally just him professing his feelings through rather rough displays of affection; he’ll randomly go up to them, grab them by the face, and just plant a deep kiss on their lips, looking to confirm whether they want to be his or not
- if they return his kiss, then he just sorta expects them to know that they are his now; he’s not good with words when it comes to emotional feelings, much preferring to show what he’s feeling as that’s all he’s ever known, and this doesn’t change in the least bit during the course of the relationship
- he needs a partner that is okay with him randomly approaching them, sometimes during inappropriate times, and just hugging them tightly or pressing a hard kiss on their lips, which sometimes lead to a rather steamy make out session in front of, well, everybody
- Kid could care less about how improper PDA is, he loves his s/o and he’s a very touchy guy, so he’s gonna express his affection anywhere and everywhere when he’s in the mood; he’s a fucking pirate captain, so he challenges anyone to say a thing about it to his face
- and honestly, if his s/o gets super flustered about PDA, that only drives him to do it more; he loves to get reactions out of people, his s/o specifically being his main target
-  so which goes without saying that Kid is a bit relentless in teasing his partner, whether it’s snide comments, sneaky little groping, or pranks, Kid just loves to keep his partner on their toes, and life with him is truly never ever boring
- he’s an insanely competitive guy that turns literally anything into a competition with his s/o, whether it be who can finish dinner the quickest, who can chug more beers before throwing up, or silly things like who can profess their love the loudest, he’s gonna go big and prove his superiority at all costs
- definitely the type to never go easy/let his partner win anything, Kid always has to be the winner and will constantly brag about it lol
- now life with Kid isn’t always fun and games, it takes a very special someone to put up with his antics; he’s a bit selfish at times, definitely a dickhead, and his temper tantrums are always a bit unpredictable, so his s/o needs to be aware and prepared
- once Kid gets truly angry, it’s damn near impossible to talk sense into him, therefore, I feel he needs someone patient and understanding; he needs someone who lets him fume during alone time, but also remains close by so as to keep him from doing anything reckless
-  arguing with Kid can be a bit tiring as he’s very vocal about his feelings, even if they don’t make sense sometimes, and he tends to yell a lot; he’s a bit childish during arguments, but it’s only because he lets his anger get the best of him
- once he calms down, he can offer a sincere apology and mature communication; he’s a bit hesitant to apologize as that goes against his pride, but with an s/o he truly loves, I feel as if he’s more inclined to admit when he’s wrong
- although a rough man, Kid really treasures gentle touches; soft hands rubbing away pain or anger or sadness from his body really help soothe him; he’s a sucker for gentle lovers, but also intrigued by people who aren’t scared to put him in his place when he’s being ridiculous
- besides physical affection, another way Kid likes to demonstrate his adoration is through gifts; he likes to make little trinkets or jewelry for his s/o, but he’s pretty shy about it, so they have to be quick in complimenting the gift
- if there’s any hint of hesitation, he’ll angrily throw it overboard and run back into his shop to make something better for them
- 100% protective and 100000% the jealous type; if you so much as look at his s/o the wrong way, you’re already dead before you can look away
- Kid goes all out in everything he does, and that makes relationships no exception; whether it’s fighting, sex, gift-making, teasing, cuddle time, or whatever, he truly puts his all into the relationship and feels no shame about it; when he loves someone, he truly loves them; they’re his forever and no one can change that
(i luv this gif of her she’s so cute uwu)
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- I feel as if Bonney can be a bit tsundere once she realizes she has romantic feelings for someone; she’ll be a bit harsh to them for making her feel so silly
- she’s a pirate, tough as nails, cunning as a fox, bends for no one…how could a simple person make her feel so vulnerable and desperate for their attention?
- like Kid, she will avoid them at all costs, disgusted by the butterflies they produce in her tummy, so she’ll overeat even more to stuff those butterflies down
- this doesn’t work however, as anytime she sees her crush she just melts, suddenly feeling a bit ill as her stomach can’t hold the food she eats anymore
- when she realizes she needs to confess, this is the brief time that she stops eating *as much* just because her nerves are all over the place
- the confession part is hella awkward, and she’s a bit brutish about it, simply blurting out her feelings and demanding their answer on the spot
- if they take too long she’ll get frustrated (note: scared) and will desperately try to run away after, determined to forget anything ever happened
- if they admit to liking her back however, she’s completely elated but even more nervous?? like what the hell do they do now?
- for a while, she’ll let her s/o take control of the relationship, guide her through the dates and other romantic gestures as she really has no clue?
- restaurant dates are always a go to, though they never go quite as planned because restaurants are never really prepared for Bonney’s appetite; plus they usually get kicked out cause of her table manners
- Bonney has pretty bad manners, so her s/o has to tolerate that, she doesn’t plan on changing for anybody so a partner who berates her for her attitude is instantly a turn off
- it’s honestly quite demanding for her partner if they can cook anything; the moment they cook something delicious for Bonney, she’s going to fall deeper for them yes, but she’s also gonna practically beg them to cook that thing for her like all the time now lol
- other than restaurant dates, she doesn’t really require fancy dates or gestures from her partner
- she’s a really simple girl and doesn’t typically enjoy being treated as if she were a princess or someone deserving to be spoiled; treat her like an equal and that’s all she could ever ask for
- she loathes people who act like she needs them to take care of her or try to treat her gently just because she is a woman; she can easily take care of herself, so she needs a partner who can see that and respects it
- if her s/o has an appetite like hers it’s both a blessing and a curse; a blessing because she finds it hella attractive for someone to love food as much as she does but also a curse because they are definitely going to fight over that last slice of pizza…
- PDA isn’t really her thing, so don’t expect her to be very touchy with her lover, she saves that for private time
- Bonney doesn’t like anyone too serious, but they need to have common sense; someone reckless will constantly stress her out, so she doesn’t really go for the wild type
- but she still loves to have fun with her s/o! she just doesn’t want to continuously worry about their safety
- going out on adventures together or kicking some ass together, she likes someone who keeps her life interesting, a partner who sticks by her side enjoying the same things in life that she does
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can i ask for fluffy hcs of phantom blood dio?
Of course! I’m very sorry it took his long to get to.
Fluffy Dio Brando (part 1):
- Dio, though much more harsh and intense in the past than he becomes in the future, only loves that much more intensely.
- As his s/o, Dio puts great pride in you as he does himself. He buys you high quality clothing and always lets you hold his arm when out in public, holding his head high.
- If anybody directs any sort of insult towards you, they will regret it when he comes up just close enough to them that only they can hear the threats that come silkily from his lips.
- He’s not above showing you off to Jonathan, subtly bragging about what an amazing s/o he’s found. But instead of the jealousy he’s hoping to garner, he instead gets a big smile, because Jonathan’s just so darn happy that his cunning brother managed to find someone to love.
- He enjoys lounging with you by the fireplace in the winter, reading some heavy literature aloud to you while you give him loving snuggles. It makes him feel warm inside.
- Sometimes, Dio places his arm around your waist and whisks you close to give you a kiss. He always had a flair for the dramatics.
- One night though, the Joestar mansion burns down, and he seemingly disappears, JoJo simply, sadly telling you that he died in the fire, staying with you and helping you grieve (whilst sparing you the details of his poisoning their father and turning into a vampire so you can keep good memories of him).
- Some time after he turns, and heals himself of his burn scars, you’re woken up one night by a strange, small man with slicked back hair muttering to himself, breaking in through your window, but before you can even scream, he delivers a chop to your neck, causing you to pass out.
- When you wake up, you’re alone in a room with a familiar, ghostly pale figure gazing solemnly out the window. When you tentatively speak his name and he turns around, a smile you know all too well crossing his lips, that’s when you get the distinct feeling it isn’t a dream.
- Dio holds you while you cry, comforting you, assuring you that he’s more alive than he’s ever been, and with an explanation from your lover, you finally learn that he’s become a vampire.
- “I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you until now. Until recently I’ve been... unsightly.” He apologises, kissing away your tears. I’ve missed you greatly, my dear y/n.”
- In the following days, Dio helps you feel at ease in his new home, making up for all the time you’ve spent apart from each other.
- Naturally, you get to share his cozy, plush bedroom. Dio’s amassed servants will procure anything you could possibly ever need or want.
- Aside from his vampirism, Dio is also noticeably more aggressive. Which isn’t to say he’s lost that loving demeanor he always used to treat you with, that is still very much present. But he’s now far more forward, and violent if anybody speaks negatively of you.
- When sleeping, he holds you close to his broad chest with all the care as if he were cradling the greatest treasure the world could offer.
-You’re woken every night with a tender kiss, pale, cool fingers running through your hair.
- When he hears from his servants of his brother drawing nearer, he’ll pull you aside to ask you, with an almost pleading look in his eyes, if you’ll allow him to turn you into a vampire and join him.
- You’ve always been his beloved, worthy of his love. He wants the very best for you, and for you to be safe, so naturally, you should be offered the choice to rise above humanity as well, and simultaneously, be given greater ability to survive if somehow, something goes wrong. Dio though thoroughly confident in himself, intends to plan for any eventuality.
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honghuas · 5 years
thoughts on 211-216 . it’s a super long post because i was pretty behind ! 
“Wait!” Shi Qing Xuan called out, “Hua Chengzhu says you tell those usel… those martial gods to hide themselves and heal on their own; you’d be seeking your own deaths if you try to break out under Jun Wu’s hands.”
ADGSG SQX ALMOST SAYING VERBATIM ‘USELESS GODS’ oh HC you really hate them hahahahaha
Shi Qing Xuan replied, “Uuhh, umm, that San Lang of yours looks really scary right now…
h- i’m slightly spooked that xl is crawling in this underground tunnel and notices he’s not alone no wonder hc is reaaaally concerned fdhhdh
No wonder RuoYe couldn’t fight back; it was scared of being tied into a dead knot the most. In the past, before it wised up it liked to wrap itself around mindlessly to play, and as it played it’d pile itself into a mess of dead knots, and it was Xie Lian who’d exasperatedly untie him every time. Later, it learned to be good, smarter, and had never knotted itself dead again.
oh..... 😔 haha when ur suici.de cloth is afraid of deathknots....i’m emo
Jun Wu continued, “You’ve come from a renowned household, an orthodox clan that never traversed the path of evil, raised and grew up in the sect, and was influenced since young that to ascend was the ultimate goal in life. A pursuit such as this is very difficult to give up. To fall to the ghost realm could only said to be a forced situation, an act borne of helplessness. Of course you’re not able to say you’re satisfied with the current position in the ghost realm, because it wasn’t what you wanted in the first place.” 
Indeed Yin Yu didn’t have enough confidence, and said weakly, “Chengzhu has shown me grace, he saved me…” 
“I know.” Jun Wu said, “He even helped you pacify and send off the resentful spirit of Jian Yu who died during banishment, am I right?” 
“...Yes.” Yin Yu said, “So whether I’m satisfied with the current position, it’s all…”
aaaaaaaaaa the lore but yy bbaby don’t be tricked !!!! 
Then, Yin Yu continued, “...BUT… But I only… I only wanted to just hate him, it doesn’t mean I have to hurt him. What’s that “should’ve been mine”? Other than natural talent, there is nothing that belonged to anyone from birth. OTHER PEOPLE’S POSSESSIONS, I DON’T WANT THEM!!”
Xie Lian’s eyes lit up and shouted, “WELL SAID!” 
Yin Yu continued, “I do want to return to the heavens, I do want to be ranked in the top ten! BUT! If I didn’t manage all that on my own then it’s completely meaningless! I’m unlucky, I accept it! If I’m not as powerful as him, then at the very least I can admit I’m not as powerful as him!”
oh god yy we don’t deserve you and you don’t deserve this 😔😔😔😔😔
“But… in the end, I… still think… it’s so unfair.” Yin Yu sobbed, “If I was already destined to be no one remarkable, then at the very least, I… wanted to be a kind and perfect person. But… I couldn’t even do that. It’s really… so unfair. And truth to be told, even in this moment, just thinking that I’m dying for Yi Zhen, this little dummy, I still can’t get over it. I can’t even let go and die with a heart with no resentment and no regrets, what is that.” 
Xie Lian comforted softly, “Your highness, you’ve already worked really hard. And, you’ve done very well. You’re already much, much better than most people.”
Yin Yu finally gave a small chuckle arduously, “Better than most people, huh?”
After he stopped, he sighed, and the sound of his last regret passed along with his soul as he mumbled, “But, I wanted to be a god…”
Xie Lian bowed his head deeply, “But, your highness Yin Yu, there is actually no god in this world…”
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that shit hit different ,,,
He was gasping harshly, subconsciously covering his own neck and feeling that cursed shackle. A touch, and other than the cursed shackle, Xie Lian also felt something else.
It was a very thin, silver chain. It used to be cold, but because he’s worn it for so long, his body had already warmed it through. Hanging on the silver chain was a crystal clear ring.
After having felt it, Xie Lian’s shoulders immediately stiffened, and he gripped that ring tight. For some reason, his heart was pounding faster and faster, as if he had learned an incredible secret.
oh no did he figure out those are hc’s ashes ??? and right in front of the villain, what a dangerous situation... 😔
After two incense time later, before the Great Martial Hall, several figures finally appeared. They saw a lady cultivator in verdant robes riding a burly black ox, a sacred sword hanging on her waist, approaching languidly with several farmers following behind, each varying in sizes.
It was actually the Rain Master who had come!
Hua Cheng hadn’t even walked over before Xie Lian had already forcefully glomped over.
This was a powerful glomp, and Hua Cheng actually wasn’t pushed back for a few steps by the force, not even a wobble. He only placed his hands on Xie Lian’s back, chuckling lightly without speaking.
DBFGMHM !? GLOMPED ????? ARE YOU FIVE ??? ;;; he’s just happy to see his mans after all this shit !
As they went, Hua Cheng’s vambraces shimmered silver, transforming into silver butterflies, and they gradually lost colour, hiding into the air. There were probably hundreds of thousands of wraith butterflies by now that were dispersed throughout the Heavenly Capital. Along the way, they’d suddenly go up or go down, abruptly hide or appear, perfectly dodging every patrolling guard.
ugh. kingue. perfection. you. UGH.
A short while later, Xie Lian dropped onto the edge of an eave and abruptly stopped, looking back at Hua Cheng seeming to be pensive. Seeing him stilled, Hua Cheng also stopped, “What is it? Have you noticed something?” 
Xie Lian frowned slightly and nodded, and said pensively, “No. It’s just, it feels like this scene had played somewhere else before…”
“Okay, you can now give me an order.”
Hua Cheng’s right hand was holding his left elbow while his left hand supported his chin, and he looked at Xie Lian, seeming to be thinking very seriously for a moment before he said, “Then, ge ge, my order is--”
A moment later came the anticipated command. Hua Cheng smiled happily, “--Let’s borrow some spiritual powers.” 
Of course Xie Lian understood what he meant by “Borrow spiritual powers” and his head almost smoked. He quickly took off the robe and said, “It’s, it’s not this one!” 
“Ah, what a shame. It’s not this one.” Hua Cheng lamented.
Xie Lian schooled his expression, “San Lang, you… this isn’t right. You have to be more serious, don’t give orders like these.” 
LKHSAKJAJFSA I can’t believe hc is using the brocade immortal to get his dose of kisses out of xl LMAOOOOO
Then, he handed Xie Lian another set of robes. Xie Lian swiftly put it on and looked up again at Hua Cheng. Hua Cheng watched him for a moment, “Ge ge…”
A short moment later, he smiled widely, “Don’t borrow spiritual powers from me.” 
He’s been careless! How could Hua Cheng do this!
Xie Lian hastily removed that robe, “OKAY! It’s not this one eith…” But Hua Cheng stopped him, “Wait, ge ge, who says it’s not this one? You haven’t proven it yet.” 
“Don’t borrow spiritual powers from me” was Hua Cheng’s order. If Xie Lian was to prove the robe he was wearing right now wasn’t the Brocade Immortal then he must not obey Hua Cheng’s order. Which meant, he had to do the opposite thing -- “Borrow spiritual powers from Hua Cheng”.
Going around in circles and they came back to the same starting point! Xie Lian was shaken while staring at Hua Cheng’s serious face, “...That’s, you’re too cunning, you can’t do that.”
DALHJAKFGHSGKFKA ??!? WHA T A BRAT  SHGSJGKS hc really, you’re in a hostile situation and trying to get attention--
Xie Lian didn’t know what to say to retaliate at all, and he raised his finger to point at him for a moment, “You... you, ah, I can’t win with you, stop playing around!” Then without any delay, he rushed up and “chu”-ed. Even though he knew there was clearly no one around, but after he’d done the deed he still looked around, as if cautious of anyone who might be peeping.
-ah!!! xl is so easily won over GOD SGSGSdfs soooo cute tho
Jun Wu could establish a ward within the Heavenly Capital, isolating everyone within the ward from the outside world, then naturally Hua Cheng could also create an even smaller ward, sealing the spiritual powers of those within and prevent them from communicating spiritually. A small ward within a larger war, in this moment, this side chamber had become a chest within a chest.
a dream, with a dream, within a -
“You had a chance to remove those cursed shackles.” Hua Cheng said, “Why did you keep those things to bind you?” 
Xie Lian hadn’t expected he’d ask that question and was taken aback, “Maybe… it was to remind myself of some things.” He then said, “San Lang, don’t… don’t change the subject. What kind of bad habit is this? The situation just now, it’d be fine if you’d just hold me own, why did you have to take the blow yourself?” 
However, Hua Cheng replied, “Ge ge, you knew this is a bad habit too? When it comes to taking a beating, you have no right to lecture me, you know.” 
oh goodness this scene , though playful ,really hurts knowing hc is referencing all the shit xl went through in book 4 including being stabbed 100 times but xl thinks he’s referring to something more recent and purely theoretical 😔😔 xl really has no clue he is wuming....
whew, that was a LOT to get through and i’m terribly depressed now but at least there was some cute moments with hualian being stronger together and sillier too 😔😔😔
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
Honestly, this would be Aro and his sister Ayaka when they were younger. Their parents would always break them up super fast if they ever started to fight, so they’d just opt to grab onto each other and scream instead.
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Any iwadai yakuza au hcs?
well i have a mafia au that I haven’t developed much yet... does that count? :v i’ve talked about it somewhere before but i’ll reiterate what i said + added info:
background info: So in this au, there’s four gangs in control of the Miyagi district and each head of the gangs meet up any time there is a disturbance in peace. From strongest to least its: Shiratorizawa, Seijou, Datekou, and Karasuno. Karasuno has been the weakest for two generations, so they’re kind of seen as pushovers by the other gangs. But Daichi becomes the new head of the Karasuno and things start to change. The current heads of the other gangs are: Ushiwaka, Oikawa, Moniwa. They decide to invite Daichi to their meetings and get to know him (to see if he can be trusted to not disrupt the balance in Miyagi). He’s friendly different than the previous head, but they could tell Daichi was smart and cunning and if they weren’t careful they’d get the rugs swept off under them. In each of these meetings, the heads of each gang are allowed to bring one bodyguard (generally the strongest/right hand man) and this is how Iwa and Daichi meet.
Oikawa is interested in making an alliance with Karasuno after meeting Daichi (different than the 4 gang alliance). They don’t fully trust each other but because they’re both pretty straight forward about what they want, they have trust in that. So they visit each other’s houses frequently. Since Iwa is always accompanying Oiks, he gets close with Daichi (because who could resist his amicable personality and bright smile ;v;).
When they start dating, its a secret from everybody so they have a lot of late night rendezvous =u=
There will come a time where Iwa will feel insecure because of the difference in status. There are also times where Iwa feels like he’s more in love with Daichi than the latter because Daichi never looks bothered or nervous when they’re in the same room together with other people. He looks too composed and he wonders if maybe Daichi might just be using him or just playing with him. But Daichi is just very good at hiding his feelings.
Much much later, Iwa will have to decide who to save: his leader and childhood friend, Oiks, or his lover and rival, Daichi. (still not sure if i want to do this scene because its so angsty ;;o;;)
Iwadai also have matching tattoos. Iwa has his somewhere generally hidden like on his lower back near his hip (?). Daichi has his over his heart. Oiks sees in tattoo when Iwa is gravely injured and is being treated by their underground doctor. He realizes its familiar and connects it to Daichi. Oiks probably confronts Iwa about it. He’s not mad, he just warns Iwa to be cautious and aware of the possibility that Daichi could stab him in the back.
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undercovermcdfan · 7 years
dashes and tallies | Vylance, Hatch Marks AU
prompt: Red tallies appear for every person you’ve loved, black for every person you’ve loved that has died, and a white tally for when you meet your soulmate
a/n: so this takes place in the same universe of hatch marks, except I’m focused on Vylance this time! Don’t worry—if I can finally drag myself from this rut, I wanna make a part 2 to Hatch marks. Also BIG shout out to @crybabytime for not only drawing a fantastic comic based off the first fic (I’m in tears) HERE but being the MVP friend and helping me sort much of the HCs put into this fic??? LIKE??? ur da best & really so amazing thank you
warning(s): mention of other relationships (garrance), alcohol consumption, adult themes, again me crying because this au is so cheesy??
“H-hello? Hello? Uh… um, Vylad? This is Laurance!”
Part of Vylad, a part deep deep deep down wished he hung up the phone the moment he heard the desperate voice that wasn’t his brother on the other end. A part overruled by common courtesy to stay on the line despite the panic setting in and his heart still for but a moment.
Garroth always been a good brother—not the outstanding sort but he wasn’t cruel like their third brother, the middle one, Zane. Simply just a guy who saw life without much worry. And though he loved the elder brother dearly, sometimes…
Garroth’s antics led to situations like this and Vylad questioning why he went out of his way to help.
You know why, his thoughts shot back, his subconscious pushing back as the memory of Laurance’s thankful when Vylad agree that yes, he’ll fetch his drunken brother from causing more havoc at Dante’s birthday bash, floated into mind. Leaning his head against the cool glass of the uber car’s window, he watched as the quiet residential streets of where his apartment build bled to the lively heart of the city, bright lights and all.
Frankly, there’s a special hell for people like him but he didn’t have the luxury of waiting from his own passing, no, whatever gracious being that watched over him from above must’ve thought his suffering was amusing.
To find attraction in another person was a natural occurrence—and for the longest, Vylad thought he must’ve been one of the lucky individuals who didn’t have to go through it romantically. He seen the trouble love could cause, and as the years went, his skin went unblemished with a marking. Acquaintances never crossed the threshold into friendship, and because his life enveloped by the overprotective mother and embarrassed step-father, he never sought out opportunity to find any meaningful connections.
All this, living in apartment without Garte’s heavy breathing down his neck or his mother’s insistence he kept close, with Garroth who went from a distant brother that would appear every now and again between extracurricular activities to being as much of best friend a sibling could be… this was new.
They met Laurance through Cadenza, the heiress to the Zvahl corporation—a new competition that even made Garte sweat in nervousness. From Joh’s innovative and charming persona that wooed many sponsors away from the Ro’meaves Inc. to the brilliant, outspoken daughter who already gracing business magazine covers to… the mysterious adopted son who kept out of the spot light and rumored buzzed among the old money elites his family surrounded themselves with. Cadenza was bright-eyed, beautiful girl, but Garte muttered under his breath, “Watch yourselves. She’s a cunning one.” She worked the party, occasionally returning to them with a gleaming smile and checking in, sweet compliments rolling off the tongue.
The third work around, she brought him.
Fiddling with his cufflinks and before they stepped into ear shot, Vylad could tell the two were in a heated discussion. To this day, he wondered: did he share a distain for his family? Did he hate the outfit he wore? Or the party in general? The mystery man Cadenza brought looked out of place, uncomfortable.
And it’s when he felt that heart racing, tied-tongue feeling.
“Hello.” A bright smile not unlike Cadenza’s, though more forced, as he offered an outreach hand to Garroth, who was just as much swept up in the man’s grace, “I’m Laurance.”
His hand was warm, firmly shaking Vylad’s after Garroth and a simple nod towards Zane when his apathetic brother opts to grunted a “hello” rather than taking his hand.
After the greeting, a brief formal chat, Laurance was eventually lead away by his oldest brother. It’s then when Vylad realized there was an almost pull… a small flicker of jealousy of wishing he stepped up first and did so. But that was out of character, he was the quiet, well behaved step-child of Garte who held nothing in power but his name, not the privileged heir that was Garroth.
Vylad sighed.
A few days after that fancy dinner, Garroth pulled him aside, “Hey, Vylad could you clear out for an afternoon? I’m inviting Laurance over and…”
To his credit, Laurance and Garroth have been dating for months now and apart from a few run ins here and there, once in their apartment lobby and once after Laurance dropping off Garroth off, the two sharing a parting kiss before they said their goodbyes, Vylad steered clear of Laurance.
In person.
Sadly, online, it was a different story. He never really found much use with keeping up with any of his accounts but after the dinner and a moment of weakness, he accepted Laurance’s obligatory friend request.
Some days he thought, his actions might border strange—he’d never like a photo or post Laurance made, but would linger for a thoughtful moment or two. Eyes lit up when the other mentioned a show he enjoyed, or funny pictures he taken, or the more candid pictures he retweeted from his friends and…
“Garroth has rather good taste, doesn’t he?” Zianna, his mother, exclaimed excitedly once to him as she scrolled through Laurance’s profile. She claimed it was her ‘motherly’ duty to just see what kind of men her precious eldest got involved with but Vylad knew it was her being nosy without directly pestering his brother.
Though—if they were talking from an aesthetically pleasing point of view, Vylad readily agreed Laurance did look good. He struck as a natural at posing in his candid picture and the sort of smile that warm, easy, infectious if you saw him in real life. The kind of smile Vylad liked to see more in person, if… he ever worked the courage.
Well, unless I commit to this plan of getting in and getting out as fast as possible… this could be my chance to talk to him. He fiddled with his scarf, readjusting it to properly cover his neck. I should stop thinking like this. Laurance… is Garroth’s… We aren’t high school rivals, no need to boyfriend steal.
Even if I saw him first. Even if he might be my…  
He paused.
I can’–
“Sir,” the gruff voice of the driver impatiently grunted, “your destination. Sir.”
Vylad sighed, reaching into his wallet.
“VYLAD,” Dante managed to startled him despite the loud pulsating music that filled the small space of Dante’s apartment. With glasses that lit up in the dark, a skewed birthday hat and stripped down to a tank top and… swimming shorts? the extroverted blue haired man all but threw himself at Vylad the moment he saw him, “DUDE I THOUGHT YOU WEREN’T GOING TO MAKE IT.”
Vylad grimaced and glanced around. Not many familiar faces—Lucinda, a popular fashion guru who slung an arm around a pretty redhead girl, a woman named Katelyn who he remembered seeing in Zane’s office (never happily) sulking on a couch and… he sighed when he saw a familiar Zenix and Sasha dart through the crowd, a third person hot on their tail as the two laugh obnoxiously.
Not exactly my scene. “I wasn’t planning to. I’m here to pick up my brother—have you seen him?”
Dante furrowed his brow, “WHAT?”
“My brother. Garroth? You know, MY BRO— “
Dante held up a hand, cutting him off as he shook his head, “You don’t need to yell, I—okay, sorry. Forgot, bad sense of humor,” he rolled his eyes, just as Vylad’s stare held its scowl, “You can find Garroth… um. Actually, last I saw him, he was hanging in the hot tub with Aphmau but… okay wait, follow me!”
This was tiring.
This was terrible.
Following Dante through the crowd, he continued find words to describe how this party, disco lights reflecting pretty colors and the room felt almost suffocating with the strange smell in the air—
Oh. Well there goes for avoiding Laurance.
Dante tapped Laurance’s shoulder, throwing an arm around him for side hug as he leaned in to whisper something in his ear. Beside him, a white-haired man almost as tall as Laurance’s lanky stature fidgeted with a red cup for a moment before sharing a look with Laurance and striding off in direction of Katelyn on the couch.
“Vylad, this is Lau— “
Laurance, shoving Dante’s face away, and turning enough to properly see Vylad, he gives a bright smile, more genuine than the one when they first met. “We already met. Now scram, dude—I heard K.C. was looking for you.”
“Ehhh,” Dante hung off Laurance’s shoulder, pouting, “Why do you treat me like this? Before Travis and Garroth, I use to be your main man!”
“And you still are. Just need you to be less clingy,” he managed to detached from Dante’s grasp and with a defeated look, the birthday boy conceded his defeat.
Not without the dramatics though, “Whatever. You still owe me an after-Birthday hangover breakfast tomorrow morning. I’m getting that breakfast burrito supreme!” And like a bumbling gazelle, Dante was gone.
In that moment, Vylad was acutely aware of a few things. His heart loud beats could drown out the music. Laurance was just as tall as his memory serves him. And the tongue-tied feeling wasn’t a one-time thing.
“Vylad, I’m so sorry for this short notice,” Laurance started, digging his pocket to pull out a familiar black smart phone, “Garroth… is somewhere. He told me something a hot tub and kind of handed me this and his wallet.”
Dropping the phone and case in his hands, Vylad pocketed them immediately, before shrugging, “It’s no issue. It’s better if I take him home before he really does something stupid…” Vylad paused, noticing the look in Laurance’s eyes, “…What did my brother do?”
“A lot of things. I have things to explain and apologize for to my sister and her girlfriend type things,” Laurance shook his head, massaging his temple before giving a sheepish smile, “No offense. To your brother, I mean. Garroth is usually such a… great guy. I guess alcohol is his vice.”
Vylad frowned, concerned for what his brother might’ve done rivaled concerned what his brother might’ve done to Laurance. Or said. Or whatever reason that caused this sour expression. “I apologize. He’s never was one to handle his drink.” Vylad couldn’t handle holding contact with Laurance for so long, his gaze connected for a moment with those baby blues before scanning the crowd.
“Or bottle, for the matter.” Laurance muttered, voice muffled by the music.
He waved his hand, before resting it on his shoulder, “Never mind me. I’m a bit on the tipsy side of things but… I think it’s time for us to find that heir and drag him home before he breaks something else.”
“Break something else?” Vylad tilted his head suspiciously and in worry, looking up at Laurance.
Laurance, on the other hand, cracked a wide smile, teeth and all before pressing his lips together with his pointer finger, “Shh. I left some cash in Dante’s room for what Garroth broke—not even Dante know it’s broken yet,” his blue eyes sparkled with mischief, “I’m trusting you to keep my secret.” Because he lowered his voice, Laurance had to lean closer and Vylad could only jerk his head up and down, nodding Yes, not trusting his words.
Satisfied with the answer, Laurance grabbed his hand, pulling him deeper into the crowd— “Usually it would be faster to separate and find him but Dante sometimes invite shady people. Or Zenix might pick you as a pickpocket victim. Either way, just stay close.”—and again, Vylad could only nod yes, stumbling in after him.
“B-But, Laurance,” Garroth whined, his arms looped around him in a similar manner Dante did to Laurance before. Yet Laurance looked unbothered. “Please. Don’t… do that.” Garroth poked at Laurance’s cheek for his frown.
“Garroth, I—okay, fine,” Laurance said defeated, as he combed through his boyfriend’s blond hair, “This’ll be a conversation for tomorrow.”
“Yes. My win.”
Vylad stopped watching in the mirror as the two proceed to share another kiss, sinking lower in his front seat. He questioned whether letting Laurance ride back to the apartment was a good idea—but one look, the kind that conveyed ‘I’m tired of this’ coupled with Garroth’s clinginess, Vylad conceded quickly.
Watching the street lights go by, he could only think of one thing: fuck.  
The sight was strange, seeing Laurance standing there, squinting at the bottle in hand.
But what made Vylad hesitate from going back into his room and instead take a brave step forward was because at that moment, even with his drunken brother sleeping not so quietly on the couch… Laurance looked… lonely?
“Um…” Vylad licked his lips, gesturing to the bottle in the other’s hand, “I thought you said you drank enough for tonight.”
Laurance laughed, a soft one, settling on the floor and patting the space beside him. “Nope. I’m sure I said I was tipsy… but our little search party for the prince in distress kind of sobered me up,” he paused, leaning against the couch with his expression falling into something more complicated, “And after tonight…? I need it.”
Vylad settled beside him, eyeing the bottle still. It wasn’t one of their finer ones, and it wouldn’t be a reason to pry the bottle away from Laurance but he felt off. Yet, he didn’t speak up as Laurance cracked it open and took a small swig.
Silence settled between them, Vylad sneaking glancing at Laurance and Laurance staring blankly ahead. It was only broken when he suddenly offered Vylad a sip with “a penny for your thoughts?”
“Oh, um,” Vylad quickly shook his head, “No, no. I only drink when I have to. For, um, business dinner stuff.”
“Smart boy,” Laurance grinned at him, lifting the bottle again and squinted it, “this taste fine, but I understand why, after seeing what happens to your brother.”
“What happened at Dante’s was nothing to what I heard he done in college,” Vylad shrugged leaning his cheek against the couch as he stared at his resting brother that occasionally tossed and turned, “The frats would throw wild parties and… Garroth is a little too gullible at times.”
Laurance snorted, before taking another swig effortlessly, “After tonight, I believe you completely.”
“And you’re right.”
He gave Vylad a raised brow. “You were right because Garroth is probably the reason why I… don’t casually drink.”
Seeing the genuine smile, then the laughter that followed warmed him in a way he couldn’t described, and he was right; Laurance’s smile was infectious. He could feel the corners of his lips lifting, then chuckling.
“Aw man! I mean,” Laurance as he started to calm down, he shot him an amused look, “sometimes the most fun drunks are the serious ones, you know. And if not, if you had his carefree dancing skills…” Laurance whistled, raising the bottle, “Man, you’d be the life of the party.”
“Really?” Vylad with a deadpanned look.
“Okay,” Laurance had a playful smile, lowered the bottle and turning more towards him, “my sense of ‘life of the party’ might be a little skewed.”
He continued with the look.
“Okay…” Laurance raised his hands in defeat, “I mean, at least he had fun at the end of the day.” Vylad nodded, content with his win and soon, he finds conversation flowed easily between them.
The two traded facts about each other, as their conversation turned from Garroth to each other, and Laurance admitting his curiosity.
“You barely use your accounts, nor ever online.”
“It’s mostly for my freelance work and how people can easily contact me.”
“Freelance? Don’t work for your dad?”
“Yes and no— “
And their discussions continued like for a long while.
Vylad grown a little confident as Laurance put away the bottle, and find himself scooting closer and closer. Their voices grew soft, cushioned by the need of sleep but their want to talk. It wasn’t long until the two were within each other’s space rather than starting off with him by Garroth and Vylad by the end of the couch.
The only noise now that disturbed the air was Garroth’s snore. While minutes ago, Vylad felt a second away from sleep, now sat attentive and hands balled in his lap as Laurance, eyes half lidded, continue to lean close.
So close.
What are you doing? He thinks to himself, as Vylad tilted his face up, almost entranced by how Laurance looked and suppressed the chill that ran down his back as a finger trailed down his jaw, cupping his chin.
Vylad wasn’t well versed in social cues but he knew when a kiss was coming. The way their bodies shifted closer, the way weight Vylad didn’t know existed lifted from his shoulder, and he wondered if Laurance could hear his thundering heart.
He closed his eyes and he started to lean in.
What are you doing?
“W-wait,” a hand stops his moving in, and Vylad’s eyes fly open, cheeks flushed red flushed even redder. “I… I can’t do this, Vylad. Your brother. He’s right there.”
“…” Vylad recoiled even more, unable now to meet with Laurance’s eyes but the other still attempted to touch his hand.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t m-mean to lead you on. I just,” Laurance then touched his cheek in a gesture to look up but Vylad away further, rising to his feet, “This is my fault. I’m so—wait, Vylad, wait!”
He always prided himself of his quickness and while he felt nothing but shame at this moment, Vylad was already in his room by the time a slightly swaying Laurance could get to his feet.
“Vylad, I’m sorry!” was the last he heard before he locked the door.
Leans against it, almost straining to hear the other side of the dense door. No movement. Not a peep.
His hands lifted to his neck, before tearing off the scarf his wore over it. Vylad walked over to his mirror and craning it slightly, he checked the tally on it.
He wondered if it was normal for it to feel like it’s tingling, the pull to Laurance was still there. He felt… regretful more than angry. And because of that, he felt more shame with how he regretted not going in for the kiss, to kiss his brother’s boyfriend, without a shed of remorse.
He squeezed his eyes shut, settling on his bed before flopping back.
“Well I guess avoiding him has gotten way easier,” he mumbled to himself, while Vylad didn’t see Laurance’s face, he’d imagine something close to guilt and heartbreak for Garroth’s sake, that he almost…
He squeezed his eyes tighter.
What was I thinking?
Laurance leaned his forehead against the door, his hand on the handle.
The moment it slammed shut and the audible click of the locking mechanism… Laurance felt the plead die at his throat.
Vylad looked… almost in pain the moment his eyes opened and realized what they were about to do. Humiliation. It was a gut reaction, for the last second before they could press their lips together, he remembered Garroth.
His… well, his soon to be ex, boyfriend. After tonight.
During the night, since the moment Garroth admitted the reason why he hadn’t shown Laurance his tallies was because… he didn’t have a white one to match Laurance’s white. He never directly lied to Laurance’s face, saying he did have a red one, to match Laurance’s red but.
That would explain so much.
He remembered his father once described, finding your soulmate, there was a natural pull to each other.
And Laurance was fond of Garroth, given different circumstances, he’d even say he’d grow to love the blond. But as he returned to the couch, he cask a look the resting blond as he sorts through his thoughts.
He felt connected to Vylad within a few hours versus the months he spent time with Garroth.
A pull.
He would even come to say, the pleasure of getting to know the quiet Ro’meave felt more fun than he had at the party. And the near kiss…
Laurance touched his own lips, frowning. They looked really soft. I wonder if they feel the same.
He glanced towards the hallway Vylad ran down, still frowning. I’m so screwed. What have I done?
Laurance didn’t know for sure.
But he wanted to know; the night of the dinner, he only gotten two new tallies. A red and a white.
If Garroth wasn’t the white…
“I hope I’m not wrong.”
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