When I was a little kid I lived in a mishmash of a neighborhood
The houses were all different, some were immaculately clean and decorated with a catalogue like eye, others were empty, newlyweds who had not yet discovered their compromises and filled their spaces with well meaning gifts from relatives with questionable tastes
My favorite homes were the ones filled with an odd, eclectic beauty
Filled with figurines collected through childhood, tapered candles, cat toys, and sprawling spider plants and vines
There was a sense of love that filled the spaces along with the Hallmark stationary
A love that did not care what anyone else said, it was a refuge for the owner
A space that simultaneously was a secret hidden in the walls and wore a beating heart on its shutters
This love is what I feel when I see you,
When I look into your eyes I see a house that isn’t quite cookie cutter but isn’t quite custom,
I see a home that may not have started out as mine but I would do anything to keep,
I see an heirloom of a place that generations of emotions have passed through, anger, sadness, and joy all stemming from the passion written in the faded wallpaper,
I see a refuge,
I see novelty rabbits and olive print dishes like my great grandmother’s,
In you I see a place that the neighborhood kids can see love for the very first time
-grayson h
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I am sitting behind you in the church and you are the coolest person I know. I watch you sit perfectly still as I fidget with the hem of my dress; it doesn’t fall low enough. I wish I was like you, the model grandson, in the pews dressed in your nice shirt and pants. I like it when we are told we could be twins, even though I know it’s not true. We’re pen pals, but I dream about moving closer because we are the best of friends.
I am sitting in front of you. You look me in the eyes and say the one thing I wish you wouldn’t. One sentence leaves your mouth and I start to grab at my jeans, they’re too tight, they are beginning to hug my body in a way that I’m supposed to like. I am angry beyond words, so I don’t say anything. I just stare at you as you walk away. I don’t understand how you can be so heartless when all I’ve ever wanted was to be like you. I no longer want anything to do with you.
He’s dead. We sit next to each other during the service, a silent olive branch. I fidget with the cuff of my suit jacket as you stay a still as possible. I feel oddly comfortable sitting in the pews despite the circumstances, but it’s as though if you move everyone will see that you are more like me than you know. We haven’t spoken in six years, I doubt we will for at least a couple more. Neither of us let go of more than a tear or two, we are men after all.
-grayson h
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“No command strips”
I never wanted this.
My walls are empty and I feel 14 all over again.
The people I love have slowly stopped replying.
I can’t tell if it’s out of their own fear of loss, or if they’ve simply forgotten me, caught up with new memories, building back a community they’re naturally losing.
I can’t let go, I’ve never been able to let go.
A boy I know told me to cut off the one person I think I can’t.
I begin to yearn for L.A. again.
I think I’m too old for this running away shit, but if everyone else can do it, maybe I should run just like I’ve been expected to.
-grayson h
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My name is Grayson, I’m a queer, transmasc, Midwestern, college boy, poet! This account is meant for me to share poems and emotions that I have no one to share in irl.
In person, I am a loud, energetic punk kid, and as a masc presenting person, it’s hard for me to express my emotions without feeling dysphoric and out of place, so I decided to do something about it. That’s all! Thank you all for reading. :)
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Sun-Bleached and Dying
The cicadas freeze in their shells in the boil of early July.
They stick to the dying tree in my dad’s backyard, a house that is not longer my address.
In his little gray suit, my cat lounges next to the sun-bleached swing that waits to fall when the tree finally gives in.
A decade ago I sat frozen in my room.
Paralyzed in fear I repeated the same prayers my grandfather told my dad, learned from his dad.
I bided my time until I would move away from it all.
In one month and twelve days I will be 45 minutes away from here, frozen, hanging.
I wonder if the cicadas still sing at night in Lawrence.
There is only one way to know.
-grayson h
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Stuff my throat with apples
Coat my ribs in fire
Strike my face with cold metal
Make my body one I wish to stay in
Make my voice one that I can bear
Match my brain and soul
Catch my physique up to my heart
-grayson h
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Why am I so afraid that you don’t love me?
Maybe my shivering brain needs something that your burning one cannot give;
I refuse to cave.
I will not ask you to fix me,
I will affix to you
Give me whatever love you can and I will transform it into what I need,
If I can be by myself I can be with you at your worst.
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Grad present
I’m bored, I tell a colorfully dull room.
This is a lie that my untouched instruments and college deadlines bore into my soul.
Moving from the mattress is impossible as it contorts to swallow me in a warm, pillowy heap.
Lethargically my eyes open and close, staring at nothing in particular.
I was so excited to be free that I forgot what freedom does to me.
I had forgotten that I cannot be alone.
In four hours I will reluctantly move in the same cautious manner as yesterday, and attend another celebration where people expect high energy,
That is my present to them, I decide, they will get who they invited
-grayson h
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Flowers with dye that stays longer than scars
A trade between a bite of a brownie and a sip of a drink
Walking through the mudslide lot just to say good bye
An unnecessary apology, understood before said
Talking when I can’t figure out how
-grayson h
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Found in a boy with hair colored with mud from the summer rain
Found in an evening that rings with snorting laughter that is not concerned
Found in the roaring current that flows between two imperceivable bodies
Found in the mind of a boy who, in this moment, feels as though he could reach out and run his fingers over unconditional love
-grayson h
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Blond mane drips down a delicate neck;
A body trembling in fear with a mind on the brink,
Inside a mind with a prey’s reflex;
Amidst it all,
A beating heart,
Unwaveringly even,
Confidence strong as a Pride;
The boy is a lionheart,
His crown, a halo made of sun rays, a wild warning of the wars waged and won
-grayson h
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Your kiss lingers
I’m unable to go on with my night when all I can feel is your teeth
I’m hungry but I don’t want to lose the taste of you in my mouth
You’re the best I’ve ever had
I love your aftertaste
I miss your too fleeting touch
-grayson h
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Doe in Disguise
I am in familiar company
This is a group that I am not new in and yet I feel like a stumbling doe
My legs are gentle and might break under the slightest pressure
But I appear a stag
I have learned how to fabricate my figure
But at nightfall I am returned to reality
A stag without his horns, in a room of other does
No matter how much I attempt to run
My body still curves in a manner that as I sleep,
It is hard to
-grayson h
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I am in the eye of the hurricane
It’s calm and peaceful,
There is an underlying sense that maybe the storm is half way over,
But that’s not quite true
The storm will renew again and I will once again be trapped under drywall and cement
Every time I believe I am through the storm grows another head,
A hydra with spider like eyes
I am in an eye in this hurricane
There is quiet for this moment at least
-grayson h
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These days we are one in the same
When you are absent I am the one they ask
I always know
I am the first to know
You are closer than my blood borne family
We share a heart
We share lungs
If we were separated
There would only be half as many stars
-grayson h
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On your arm there are three freckles
They fall in a triangular pattern
Though I nearly failed math
I perfectly understood how they fit together
You always loved math
It seems to love you back
That is something I can agree with math on
-grayson h
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Whenever you’re around I want to breathe you in
And I crave your touch and the smell of your skin
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