murphyblogs · 19 days
ZOTRIM: From Fat To Fit: My No-BS Review
Zotrim, The Clinically Proven Appetite Suppressant: Does This Herbal Supplement Really Work for Weight Loss?
In today's society, weight loss supplements have become increasingly popular as people strive to achieve their desired physique. With the market flooded with numerous options, it can be overwhelming to find a product that actually works. That's why I decided to give Zotrim, the herbal weight loss supplement, a try. After using it for a month, I am excited to share my experience with you all.
Zotrim is a herbal weight loss supplement that claims to help individuals lose weight by suppressing appetite, increasing energy levels, and promoting fat burning. It is made with a unique blend of natural ingredients, including yerba mate, guarana, damiana, and caffeine. The company also boasts a 100% natural formula without any artificial additives or preservatives.
After using Zotrim for a month, I can confidently say that it lives up to its claims. The most significant benefit I experienced was a decrease in my appetite. I no longer felt the need to snack mindlessly throughout the day, and I noticed a decrease in my overall calorie intake. This, coupled with the increase in energy levels, helped me stay active and motivated to exercise regularly.
One of the most appealing aspects of Zotrim is its natural formula. Upon researching the ingredients, I found that they have been used for centuries for their health and weight loss benefits. Yerba mate has been shown to boost metabolism and reduce hunger cravings, while guarana is known for its energy-boosting properties. Damiana, a traditional Mexican herb, has been linked to weight loss and improved digestion. Caffeine, a common ingredient in weight loss supplements, also aids in increasing energy levels and promoting fat burning.
I am pleased to report that I did not experience any adverse side effects while using Zotrim. This is because the product is made with natural ingredients and does not contain any harmful additives. However, it is worth mentioning that individuals who are sensitive to caffeine may experience jitters or restlessness, as Zotrim contains a small amount of caffeine.
Zotrim is priced at $59.99 for a month's supply, which may seem steep for some individuals. However, considering the effectiveness and natural formula of the product, I believe it is a reasonable price. Additionally, the company offers discounts for bulk purchases, making it more affordable for those looking to use the supplement long-term.
To ensure an unbiased review, I also looked into what other users had to say about Zotrim. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the majority of the reviews were positive, with many individuals reporting significant weight loss and an improved lifestyle. Users also praised the natural formula and lack of side effects, making it a popular choice among those looking for a safe and effective weight loss supplement.
In conclusion, after using Zotrim for a month and conducting thorough research, I can confidently say that it is one of the best herbal weight loss supplements on the market. Its natural formula, effectiveness, and lack of side effects make it a top choice for those looking to lose weight. While the price may be a bit higher than other supplements, the results and overall quality of the product make it worth the investment. I highly recommend Zotrim to anyone looking to achieve their weight loss goals in a safe and natural way.
ZOTRIM OFFICIAL WEBSITE has all the information you need!
Disclaimer: This review is based on my personal experience with Zotrim for a month and should not replace professional medical advice. Information on ingredients like Yerba Mate (scholarly article on yerba mate benefits) and Guarana (examine.com guarana) is referenced for their weight loss properties. While I did not experience side effects, caffeine sensitivity is a possibility (Mayo Clinic caffeine metabolism ON mayoclinic.org). User reviews were also considered to provide a well-rounded perspective. Overall, Zotrim's effectiveness, natural formula, and lack of side effects make it a strong contender in the herbal weight loss supplement market, justifying its price point.
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murphyblogs · 1 month
9 Underrated Weight Loss Appetite Tips
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Cider Vinegar Power Play: Start your meals with a tablespoon of diluted apple cider vinegar (ACV) 30 minutes before. Studies suggest it may increase satiety and regulate blood sugar, preventing hunger spikes.
Volume Eating Magic: Fill your plate with low-calorie, high-volume options like leafy greens, zucchini noodles, and broth-based soups for a satisfying feeling without excess calories. These satisfying options keep you feeling full without packing on the pounds.
Gut Feeling with Probiotics: Your gut bacteria may influence your appetite. Explore incorporating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kimchi, or sauerkraut into your diet.
Spice Up Your Water and Curb Cravings: Plain water is great, but sometimes a little flavor goes a long way. Infuse your water with fruits, vegetables, or herbs like cucumber, mint, or berries. It adds a refreshing twist and may help you ditch sugary drinks that can sabotage your weight loss goals.
Bean Power: Beans are a triple threat for weight management! They're packed with protein, fiber, and resistant starch, all of which promote feelings of fullness and regulate blood sugar. Explore different bean varieties to keep your meals interesting!
Sun Exposure for Overall Well-Being: Aim for short bursts of morning sunlight to regulate leptin production, which can influence feelings of fullness.
The Chickpea Water Wonder: Aquafaba, the leftover liquid from canned chickpeas, can be used in vegan baking or whipped into a meringue-like foam, adding volume and satisfaction to meals.
Chew on This: Chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after meals may increase satiety hormones and reduce cravings.
Power of Laughter: Laughter can decrease stress hormones linked to cravings. Watch a funny video or spend time with loved ones who make you laugh.
Remember, these tips can be helpful for managing appetite in various situations, not just weight loss. They can promote feelings of fullness throughout the day, which can benefit those with busy schedules or who tend to overeat due to stress or boredom.
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murphyblogs · 4 months
9 Effective Tips For Weight Loss
1. drink more WATER
2. eat only when HUNGRY
3. drink less SODA
4. control food PORTIONS
5. exercise MORE
6. keep food DAIRY
7. eat more VEGGIES
8. build MUSCLE
9. get enough SLEEP
Follow For Awesome Results.
Read Next: Scientists Discover A Hidden Root Cause Of Stubborn Belly Fat, And It Will Surprise You.
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murphyblogs · 11 months
Weight Loss Myths Vs. Reality
Wake Up To Reality!!!
What we think we need to do:
Eliminate all carbs
Fear the sugar in the fruits
Find a Perfect diet plan
Use fat burners and supplements
Spend hours working out
What we should actually do:
Create a calorie deficit
Eating more protein
Getting quality sleep
Drinking more water
Staying active
Before you leave: Learn the powerful formula that works rapidly to reduce appetite and control your cravings!
Stay consistent!
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murphyblogs · 1 year
Simple Things You Can Do To Lose Weight - 1
1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
2. Stand up and move around every hour if you have a desk job.
3. Eat slowly and savor each bite.
4. Pack your own healthy snacks when on-the-go.
5. Use spices and herbs to add flavor to your meals instead of high-calorie sauces and dressings.
6. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods.
7. Try new healthy recipes to keep things interesting.
8. Use a smaller spoon to eat ice cream or dessert.
9. Drink green tea for its metabolism-boosting properties.
10. Take regular breaks from technology and go for a walk or do some physical activity instead.
Read Next: Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight
Stay Consistent. You Got This.
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murphyblogs · 1 year
Reblog if:
- You support recovery.
- You support those in recovery.
- You support seeking help.
- You want  people to seek help.
- You think everyone is beautiful, regardless of their weight.
- Even if you yourself, aren’t seeking help or are in recovery, want others too.
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murphyblogs · 1 year
How To Maintain Weight Loss For Life
If you have worked hard to lose weight, you will want to enjoy your new healthy weight for the rest of your life. Here are ten tips for achieving lifelong weight maintenance:
1. Monitor Your Weight
Weigh yourself once a week (do not weigh yourself too often it is natural for your weight to fluctuate daily). Use your bathroom scales, or find a pair of pants that are comfortable at your goal weight and identify if they get significantly tighter or looser.
It is normal for your weight to fluctuate by 1-2 kilograms, but if you notice your weight increasing on two or more consecutive weeks try one (or a combination) of the following three actions:
1) Decrease your calorie intake 2) Increase the duration and / or frequency of your exercise sessions 3) Change any areas of your lifestyle, behaviour or environment that could be hindering your weight management efforts.
You should set an upper and a lower limit on your weight (a Dietitian can help you set appropriate limits). If you hit your upper or lower limit, seek professional help from a Dietitian as soon as possible. And do not procrastinate for too long - it is much easier to reverse a 1-2kg weight gain than it is to reverse a 5-7kg weight gain!
2. Monitor Your Eating Patterns
It is important that you maintain a consistent eating pattern for the rest of your life - do not change it too drastically on weekends or when you go away on holidays.
Documenting what you eat is a great habit. By keeping a food diary you can ensure that you are eating the right amounts of food from each of the five food groups and check that you are eating regularly (that means not skipping any meals).
3. Exercise
Hopefully you engaged in regular exercise while you were losing weight. To maintain your weight you need to exercise at a moderate intensity (a rate at which your heart rate is elevated but you can still carry out a conversation) for at least 150 minutes per week (1). A great way to achieve this is to walk for 30 minutes on five days of every week. For the fitter members of the audience, you can try vigorous cardiovascular exercise such as jogging for 20 minutes a day on three days of every week.
If you want to change the shape of your body or strengthen your muscles, try resistance training. Resistance training is performing exercise against an opposing force such as water, free weights, weight machines, a theraband, a fit ball or even your own body weight. Resistance training offers many benefits: it increases the proportion of lean body tissue (muscle) in your body contributing to a higher metabolic rate. Plus it improves your posture, flexibility and strength. If you are interested in starting a resistance training program, it is best to have a program designed by an Exercise Physiologist or a personal trainer.
4. Continue to Set Goals
The goal of weight loss is change, whereas the goal of weight maintenance is no change. It can be harder to eat well and exercise when you do not see results for the effort you are putting in. To account for this, try setting other life goals that are better enjoyed at a lower weight (e.g. joining a community fun walk or going travelling).
5. Reward Yourself
When you were losing weight you were probably enjoying the associated rewards the complements from other people, the excitement of fitting into smaller clothes and the joy of jumping onto the scales and seeing a smaller number. So you will need a new set of rewards for maintaining your weight. Perhaps you can treat yourself to a massage, buy a book or have a manicure of pedicure at the end of every month. Continue these rewards for at least the first few years after weight loss.
6. Enlist Support
While you were losing weight you probably received encouragement from family, friends and health professionals. Weight maintenance can be just as difficult as weight loss at times - and it can be a more isolated process. But it does not have to be that way. Tell the important people in your life that maintaining your healthy weight is important to you, and that you would like their support and encouragement for the long term.
7. Remain Vigilant
It is easy to get complacent when you achieve your weight loss goal. People sometimes fall into the trap of thinking, "I can have that extra scoop of chocolate ice cream for dessert because I have lost a lot of weight and I am feeling really good". Just because you have lost weight it does not mean that extra calories do not add up anymore.
It is important to treat yourself from time to time, but it is also important to recognize when extra treats are creeping into your diet too often. By keeping a food diary (or just listing the extras you are having on a notepad) you can identify how frequently you are treating yourself. You should consume no more than 2-3 treats per week, and whenever you consume a treat limit yourself to a 200 Calorie portion.
8. Be Organized
It is hard to manage your weight when the rest of your life is in chaos. Leave plenty of time for relaxation, sleeping, shopping for healthy foods, preparing healthy meals and exercising.
9. Maintain your Self Esteem
Maintain a healthy level of self esteem - do not link how you feel about yourself to your weight. Be happy with you weight and proud of the weight loss that you have achieved.
10. Do Not Use Food to Stabilize Your Moods
If you are feeling stressed or upset, find a non-food related way of calming yourself - go for a walk, take a bath or call a friend.
Before leaving, Find out how much weight you’ll lose with this custom Simple Keto Meal Plan!
Lastly, do not forget that weight maintenance can be just as challenging as weight loss (if not more so in the first two years). But it gets easier with time, and by following our advice you will be well on your way to success.
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murphyblogs · 1 year
6 Weight Loss Tips With No Exercise Need To Be Done!
Please note that: You can lose weight with these easy steps.
Step 1: On the rocks.
Drinking cold water or any other drink providing that it does not contain any sweeteners will make your body burn more calories. Going for the cold option will allow you to burn up to 10 extra calories each day, adding that to a year you will lose half kilo or one pound of weight this way.
Step 2: Drink? Yes please!
Did you know that by drinking plenty of water will make your metabolism run faster compared to those who do not drink enough water during the day? Just 8 glasses of water will kick start your weight loss, and all you have to do is drink.
Step 3: Eat more often.
Having regular snacks will increase your metabolism in comparison to having three meals a day where you teach your metabolism to slow down. By having regular snacks every 3-4 hours will mean that you eat less during mealtimes too. Who thought that eating more would burn more calories? Genius!
Step 4: Spicy hot hot.
Spicy foods contain compounds that will kick start your metabolism into higher gear. To increase your metabolism rate by 23% eat one tablespoon of chopped red or green chilli pepper. It can last for short period of time but if you eat spicy food more often then the increased metabolism will benefit you greatly.
Step 5: Espresso to Go!
If you like coffee then this will be a treat for you because did you know that drinking black coffee will increase your metabolic rate and burning of 50 extra calories few hours after drinking the coffee. If you drink black coffee cold you will burn even more calories. But try not to add sugar or sweeteners and milk to the coffee as you will take in more calories than what you will burn.
Step 6: Cup of tea.
Drinking green tea or oolong tea which can be purchased in any Chinese or Asian foods store can make you burn calories. Drinking two cups of tea a day can result in extra 50 calories being burnt each day, that's a loss of 2.2kg or 5 pounds in a year!
Practicing these simple 6 steps every day will make you burn more calories in the day than what you have been burning before. Burning more calories will mean that you will lose weight. If you feel that you want to kick start your weight loss without exercising then use these 6 tips and consider choosing weight loss supplements which can help you lose weight as well.
Thank you, Reference: Bartosz Mosio
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murphyblogs · 1 year
Foods Highest in Fat-Burning Enzymes
Look at our top 8 fat-burning foods if you want to add more to your diet at home or on the move.
1) Coffee
I'm not going to rank the fat-burning items on this list. But I can say that coffee has always been at the top of my list. The truth that it may also help me maintain my current weight is icing on the cake. Caffeine, which is present in coffee, is a potent metabolic stimulant. Individuals who consumed 100 milligrams of coffee each day burnt 150 more calories than those who did not. This was the conclusion of a study conducted by researchers at the University of London.
2) Fish
It's important to seek fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, & tuna. Regular eating of certain fish species has been linked to less abdominal fat, according to research published in 2015 and available through The National Library of Medicine. Salmon also has a high selenium content. To burn fat effectively, this vitamin must be present in sufficient quantities for the thyroid to function properly.
3) Eggs
I'm an egg lover from head to toe, just as the advertising for the "Incredible, Edible Egg" promised. Eating eggs packed with protein is a great way to rev up your metabolism. Over 30% higher waist circumference loss was shown in the egg breakfast group. Compared to the bagel breakfast group, even though both groups consumed the same total number of calories. According to research published by the International Journal of Obesity. Previous research has shown those who have eggs first thing in the morning. Tend to consume fewer calories throughout the rest of the day.
4) Blueberries
If you're looking for fat-burning foods, blueberries could appear like the quiet accountant of the bunch. Contrary to appearances, blueberries are a fat-fighting superfood. Rats given a diet supplemented with blueberries lost a substantial amount of abdominal fat compared to controls. Blueberries have been shown to have high levels of the antioxidant catechin, according to a study conducted at the University of Michigan. Catechins activate a gene called adipose, which helps us lose weight.
5) Avocado
The avocado would surely be chosen as the most popular if this were a higher education institution (which, thankfully, it is not). The little emerald goddess not only complements any outfit but also helps you burn off extra fat. However, avocados are botanically classified as fruit. They are classified as fats for purposes of nutrition. This is because avocados are quite high in fat (almost 75% of their total calories). Nonetheless, the vast majority of the fat is the healthiest kind-monounsaturated. Eating avocados has been proven to increase levels of the hormone leptin, which suppresses hunger.
6) Dark Chocolate:
It's entrenched in our collective mind that if we want to lose weight, we have to abstain from sweets, especially the big C. However, it's time to reassess our connection with dark chocolate. Since it can help magically disappear some fat. In addition, consuming dark chocolate before bed had even more fat-burning benefits, according to research by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Monounsaturated fatty acids are abundant in dark chocolate. Have been shown to increase metabolic rate. Both the desire for sweets and the sense of fullness are diminished.
7) Broccoli
I feel bad for the poor broccoli. Despite being delicious and an effective fat-fighting ninja, it has a notoriously bad reputation. Broccoli is loaded with fiber, which burns fat even after eating. In addition, the calcium in broccoli aids our tree-shaped pals in burning even more fat, according to a study conducted by experts at the University of Tennessee.
8) Nuts
Almonds, in particular, are a member of the nut family that is very effective in burning fat. Overweight persons who included almonds in their diet lost 50% more fat than those who did not, according to research published by the International Journal of Obesity and Other Metabolic Disorders. The increased energy expenditure associated with digesting almonds is another benefit of eating them as a regular snack because they are healthy and nutritious food.
Thank you.
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murphyblogs · 2 years
This Can Help You Lose Weight!
8-10 glass of water each day
Give up on sugar & sweets
Give up on soda & alcohol
Give up on store-bought fruits juice
Give up on sodium (extra salt)
Give up, donuts, fast food
Go Green (Fruits & Veggies)
30 Min. Exercise/Walk/Jog.
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murphyblogs · 2 years
Healthy Habits To Lose Fat
Pick 1 Habit Each Week
Eat Protein At Every Meal
Limit Processed Foods To 1 Week
Switch To Complex Carbs
Eat 3 Servings of Veggies - Day
Eat 2 Servings of Fruits - Day
Drink 4 - 5 Litres of Water - Day
Eat 2 Servings Healthy Snacks - Day
Cut Down Table Sugar
Do 45 Minutes Workout
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murphyblogs · 2 years
Effective Tips For Weight Loss
Losing weight is not an easy task. What's more difficult is losing weight quickly. Going through crash diets is not a good option for your body. This article will help you with some helpful, good for your body, healthy tips on how to lose weight.
Before we start If you want to know the best way to lose weight in 2022 you should visit my profile once.
All weight loss programs focus on one thing to get you to a calorie deficit. Eat less than what you burn. But you need to be able to achieve this on a daily basis. This step is the most basic step for weight loss.
The 2nd step is to work out more. This is very important to let go of those extra pounds. You don't have to go to the lengths of going to the gym and do exercises that you don't like. You can take up fun things like cycling, swimming, or any physical activity that you think is fun. Our main aim is to get the heart rate up.
This is the most important point. As much as point 1 and 2 are true, the most important is to have a balance of the 2 to achieve your target weight. Have a balanced diet and do your work outs to achieve this. You should start by counting your calorie intake based on your age, weight and height.
Healthy food should be your new best friend. Make sure to read the labels to know how many calories you will be consuming. Below is a list of things that are important for a healthy diet:
Water: You should be drinking at least 60 ounces of water each day which is roughly 8 cups of water. Yes, drinking water throughout the day continuously is difficult but it is really effective. Water flushes and cleans your system out. This flushing of the system helps in weight loss. You can make drinking water easier by adding some sort of flavour to it.
Diet: You should not have traditional 3 meals a day type of diet anymore. Go for smaller meals throughout the day, these small meals keep you fuller and keeps your cravings at bay. Eating 5 to 6 meals per day should help you achieve weight loss faster. Following this diet makes waiting for the next meal difficult but in the end it will all be worth it. Just make sure these meals are healthy and not the junk food that you might be craving.
Eat lots of fiber: Fiber helps you regulate in removing food that is not good for your body. Fiber also helps in keeping you fuller for longer period of time which helps in losing weight faster.
Thank you, Be fit and happy!
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murphyblogs · 2 years
Top Tips To Lose Belly Fat
1. Green Tea
2. Say No to Sugary Drinks
3. Drink Water
4. Balanced diet with lots of fruits and veggies
5. Take small meals
6. No afternoon naps
7. Little bit of abs workout
8. Sleep 7-8 Hours
Thank you, Be fit and happy!
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murphyblogs · 2 years
5 Intermittent Fasting Schedules - Popular One’s
1. 16/18 Fasting Method
Eat within a period of up to 8 hours and fast for 16 hours. For example, Eat breakfast at noon and eat dinner before 8 PM.
2. 20:4 Fasting Method
Eat within a 4-hour eating window followed by a 20-hour fast. For example, start your fast after dinner and wait 20 hours until you eat again. Or eat one large meal a day.
3. 5:2 Fasting Diet
Eat normally for five days of the week. But on two non-consecutive days, consume about 500 calories.
4. 24-Hour Fast
Fast for 24 hours once or twice a week. For example, fast from lunch on day one until lunch on day two. You still eat each day, but only once during that day.
5. 36-Hour Fast
Fast for an entire day and night, about 36 hours altogether. For example, fast after dinner on day one, fast during day 2, and break your fast on the morning of day three.
Ivy League Scientists Finally Discover the Root Cause of Belly Fat and Unexplained Weight Gain… Click Here To Discover!!! - MUST CHECK ONCE!
Thank you, Be fit and happy!
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murphyblogs · 2 years
"Make time for it. Just get it done. Nobody ever got strong or got in shape by thinking about it. They did it."
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murphyblogs · 2 years
"Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym with a dumb bell; it starts in your head with a decision."
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murphyblogs · 2 years
1 - Workout before breakfast to burn 20% more fat than after breakfast
2 - Take a 300mg-500mg pill of green tea extract before the workout to burn an extra 17%-25% more fat
3 - Make it a HIIT workout to burn 3 times more fat than an aerobic exercise
4 - Drink a Green smoothie for breakfast to cut 250 breakfast calories and lose up to 10 pounds in 4 weeks
5 - Drink 2 liters of water to cut more than 300 calories, increase weight loss by 44% and lose up to 8 pounds the first week
6 - Replace processed food with whole food to cut up to 500 calories and lose up to 12 pounds in 4 weeks
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